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Delineation of CBD and core-frame Concept

In sirs’ terms, delineation is the distribution of business in a specific

region. Here we will discuss the delineation in city. In cities, the
businesses are agglomerated, in simple terms mixed with residential
areas. Specially in 3rd world countries where residential areas are mixed
up with business areas. For example, a building a reconstructed via real
estate agents (real estate business in residential zones), areas like
Dhanmondi and Gulshan are examples of business zones entering and
mixing up with residential zones (according to a 2017 report,
Dhanmondi has 107 educational institutes. This intervention, at such an
extent “107”, is not derived from the need of educational institute rather
it is done with commercial purpose in mind). These kinds of structure
are mainly seen in developing nations but not in the developed nations.
Residential areas in developed nations are purely residential. This mix
up causes hazards like traffic, fire hazards etc.
Characteristics of CBD
CBD exhibits following distinctive businesses/ CBD functions:
a) Financial institutions – banks insurance companies etc. - Motijheel
b) Government and local authority offices – Rail and transports offices,
police stations etc.
c) Entertainment
d) Hotels, cafes and restaurants
e) A great range of specialized shops
f) Major department and variety stores
g) Head offices and branch offices of large commercial organizations
h) Ancillary services, such as insurance, accounting, legal works, etc. –
associated business bodies (here these bodies help other businesses) like
firms, accounting agencies, insurance agencies etc.
Delineation of CBD (traditional measurements for identifying CBD,
remember these stuffs for exam especially last 2)
CBD can be delineated by the following index (following western
a) Pedestrian Movement (very traditional, 8-10am, 1-2pm, 6-10pm –
wherever in the city we find High pedestrian movement/traffic in these
peak hours in a CBD, western CBDs have restrictions of private
vehicles in CBDs like Manhattan.)
b) Building Height (Height zoning is used to control population density.
Dhanmondi in 70s had a restriction like this – 5-acre land can at max be
2 storied. But in CBDs the rent is high so the height restriction is low.
Therefore, the CBDs buildings tend to be taller than usual.)
c) Population Distribution and Related Functions (at day time population
density in a CBD is high but this also depends on related functions for
example – if the business needs high raised builds/more human power,
then the population there will be dense)
d) Traffic Flow and Pedestrian Count (Pedestrian Count is kind of the
same as (a). Periphery to CBD – this traffic flow is more when the
day starts and the reverse in the evening)
e) Land Value Data (CBDs will have highest land value)
f) Per-Capita Parking Value (CBDs will have higher parking charge)
g) Central Business Height Index (CBHI)
h) Central Business Intensity Index (CBII)
CBD can be delineated by the following index:
Central Business Height Index (CBHI)
CBHI=Total Floor Area of all CBD Functions/Total Floor Area
Height index max value is 1.
Central Business Intensity Index (CBII)
CBII=Total Floor Area of all CBD Functions/Total Floor Area x 100
Height index max value is 100%.
Matching this with Core-periphery in CBD core frame model:

Core has 2 parts: core and frame. Core the main part of CBD where land
value is highest, has 2 sub divisions
3 zones in color. Inner core is also called peak land value intersection
(.75-1 or 75%-100% means inner core area. 0.5-0.74 is outer core. 0.25-
0.49 is frame. Below 0.25 is CBD development zone.)
2 extra zones: i) Discard zone – Previously intense but now decreasing/
this area is being abandoned CBD functions will decrease here. ii)
Assimilation zone – Previously not that intense but now developing
rapidly to become core.
For mapping, we first we to delineate with the previously mentioned
indexes. And then divided into zones. Zones don’t necessarily have to be
concentric. They can be in any shape. Mainly depends of the
geographical structures of that region.

Another way of explaining the same thing. Depending on buisness

functions. (uporer ta o same)
A written documentation of all activitives in the zones described till
PLVI – Departmental stores, specialist shops, high rise offices,
commercial offices – banks.
Outter core – Specialist shops, offices – insurance, solicitors, public
adminstration, treatres, cinema, multi storey development, high
buildings, low residential population, high density of pedestrians – zones
of maximum accessibility, often pedestrianised, Concentration of banks,
absense of manufacturing industries, chain shops – shoe shops and
Concentration of departmental stores
Frame – Shops requiring large ares of land, some derelict land,
warehouses and limited manufacturing, wholesale services – trade
outlets to the public, car parking, transport terminals, small and low
grade shops, education, car sales/servicing, social services. Limited light
manufacturing, shops requiring large areas, office area, multi-let
residences, often old houses, theaters, council offices.

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