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Quiz #2 d.

7. _________ is the acquisition, coordination, and
1. Well implemented just-in-time production and assembly of resources to produce a product or
purchasing techniques deliver a service.
a. result in large stockpiles of inventory to a. Research and Development
keep production running b. Customer Services
b. strengthen a company’s ability to c. Production
compete in the marketplace d. Marketing
c. increase a reliance on long-term 8. _________ is an operational factor that directly
consumer forecasts affects the economic viability of the
d. reduce a company’s competitive organization.
advantage a. Customer focus
2. computer-integrated manufacturing plants allow b. A key success factor
management to do all except c. Continuous improvement
a. create brand recognition d. Supply chain
b. diagnose the reason for a defect 9. Customers are demanding improved
c. access timely and accurate information performance related to
reading production costs a. reduced costs

er as
d. respond faster to changes in customer b. both reduced costs and increased quality

c. lower costs, improved quality and

eH w
3. ___________ is/are when a firm compares itself improved customer service
with the best practice of competitors or other d. lower costs, improved quality, improved

comparable organizations.
a. Value Chain rs e customer service, and innovative
ou urc
products and services
b. Supply Chain 10. The sequence of activities that creates a good or
c. Key Success Factors service is:
d. Benchmarking

a. an organization
4. R&D, production and customer service are
aC s

b. a value chain
business functions that are all included as part of
vi y re

c. a customer chain
a. the value chain d. an information system
b. benchmarking 11. There are four broad classes of activities in the
c. marketing value chain. Research and development would
ed d

d. the supply chain be in which class?

ar stu

5. The value chain is the sequence of business a. activities relating to getting ready to
function in which make the product
a. value is deducted from the products or b. activities related to making the product

services of an organization c. activities related to dealing with the

b. value is proportionately added to the customer

products or services of an organization d. other activities that support the first

c. products and services are evaluated with three activities
respect to their value to the supply chain 12. There are four broad classes of activities in the

d. usefulness is added to the products or value chain. Storing work in process would be in
services of an organization which class?
6. _________ is the generation of, and a. activities relating to getting ready to
experimentation with, ideas related to new make the product
products, services, or processes. b. activities related to making the product
a. Research and Development c. activities related to dealing with the
b. Design of products, services and customer
c. Production
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d. other activities that support the first 19. Philosophy that activities are undertaken only as
three activities needed or demanded.
13. There are four broad classes of activities in the a. Reengineering
value chain. Billing activities would be in which b. TQM
class? c. ABC
a. activities relating to getting ready to d. JIT
make the product 20. Techniques in which management develops
b. activities related to making the product policies and practices to ensure that the firm’s
c. activities related to dealing with the products and services exceed customer’s
customer expectations.
d. other activities that support the first a. Reengineering
three activities b. TQM
14. There are four broad classes of activities in the c. ABC
value chain. Accounting activities would be in d. JIT
which class? 21. Develop a detailed description of the specific
a. activities relating to getting ready to activities performed in the operation of the firm.
make the product a. Reengineering
b. activities related to making the product b. TQM

er as
c. activities related to dealing with the c. ABC

customer d. JIT

eH w
d. other activities that support the first 22. A sequential process of identifying and
three activities removing constraints in a system

rs e
Which of the following activities is value- a. TOC
ou urc
added? b. Target Costing
a. Processing c. Life Cycle Costing
b. moving d. Balance Scorecard

c. storing 23. Determination of the desired cost of a product or

aC s

d. inspecting the basis of a given competitive price so that the

vi y re

16. Which of the following four general steps to product will earn a desired profit.
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of an a. TOC
organization’s activities would be performed b. Target Costing
first? c. Life Cycle Costing
ed d

a. identify what is now being done d. Balance Scorecard

ar stu

b. measure current performance 24. Management technique to identify and monitor

c. analysis the costs of a product throughout its life cycle.
d. improve a. TOC

17. Which of the following would not happen when b. Target Costing
quality is bad? c. Life Cycle Costing

a. Rework d. Balance Scorecard

b. Scrap 25. Accounting report that includes the firm’s
c. Zero-defects critical success factors in four areas.

d. an increase in the cost of good units a. TOC

18. It is the process of creating competitive b. Target Costing
advantage through reorganization of operating c. Life Cycle Costing
and management functions d. Balance Scorecard
a. Reengineering
b. TQM
c. ABC
d. JIT
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