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1. What is Workday Reporting? What are the types of workday reports?

A. Workday reporting is a tool to gain information on data which is stored in workday.
This information can be in table format, chart format etc.
There are 3 types of Workday Reports. Custom report, Standard Reports and
Xpresso Reports.
a. Xpresso Reports:
These reports are delivered reports. User cannot edit these reports. User can
only run reports for which S/he have access to.
b. Standard Reports:
These reports are delivered reports. User can not directly edit these reports.
User have to copy these reports and then user can edit that report.
c. Custom reports:
These are the custom reports created by user using report writer tool. The task
to create custom report is “Create custom report”.
The person who create the report is owner of that report. He can share the
report with specified people or security groups so that those people can access
that report.
Also, ownership can be transfer to other people if needed.
Custom reports are of 8 types as below.
I. Simple
II. Advanced : Most used type of reports(~ 95 %)
III. Matrix : 2nd most used type of reports(~4% )
IV. Composite
V. Search
VI. Transposed
VII. nBox
VIII. Trending

2. What are the steps to create a report?

1) Choose Report type and Data Source
2) Select Objects and Fields
3) Order Columns
4) Sort Output
5) Define Filter Criteria

Note: Following questions will be based on Advance reports only

3. What are Advance reports:
A. Advanced reports enable you to perform many actions on your data from primary and
related business objects, including: Counting, Grouping, Summarizing, Totalling.
Output format of these reports can be table and charts.

4. What will execute first? Filter or sub filter?

A. Sub filter will execute first. Because sub filters are applied on related business object,
so it will filter most of the data using sub filters and then remaining data using filters.
5. What is RAAS?
A. RAAS is a normal report which is web service enabled. Making a report as web
service enable will help to call that report in EIB, studio Integrations and BIRT.
Otherwise, we cannot call that report in EIB, Studio or BIRT.

6. How to make report as web service enable?

A. There are 2 ways to make a report as web service enable.
a. While creating an advance report, you can find a checkbox to make report as
web service enable.
b. After creating a report, you can also go to advance tab and select web service
enable checkbox. This way you can also disable report as web service, so it
cannot be used in EIB, Studio and BIRT.

7. What is difference between advance reports and simple reports?

A. Simple reports will not have option to sub filter, prompts and will have less
functionality, wherein advance reports will have these features.
Also, simple reports cannot be used as web service.

8. The Tab on the Report definition allows you to control the order in which data
will be presented and grouped is
A. Sort

9. Which Report cannot publish Web service?

A. Simple

10. What is the task to convert a report from simple to advanced?

A. Related action -> custom report -> Change to Advanced Report type

1. What is EIB and what are the types of EIB?
A. EIB is Enterprise interface builder tool which is used to build simple inbound and
outbound Integrations to connect workday with external endpoints.
a. Inbound
b. Outbound

2. What are Inbound EIB?

A. Inbound EIB Integration is used to upload data into Workday from external endpoints
or from spreadsheets.
E.g. Uploading personal information of workers, uploading cost centers details in
We can upload data to workday using spreadsheet attachment or external file from
SFTP/FTP/EMAIL locations.
It has 3 components.
a. Get data – For inbound EIBs, this will be external source from which we will
upload file. External source can be spreadsheet or a SFTP location where file
is stored.
b. Transform – This component converts attached file into workday
understandable format.
c. Delivery – This component will specify from where workday will import file.
SFTP/FTP/Email address.

3. What are outbound EIB?

A. Outbound EIBs are used to export data from workday. We can also send this exported
data to any external endpoints such as SFTP/FTP etc.
E.g. Send worker data to ADP from workday, export data from workday to send it
regularly to concern people on a scheduled basis.
The file format can be CSV, XML, JSON, google data, etc.
It also has 3 components.
a. Get data - For inbound EIBs, this will be a web service or a workday report.
b. Transform – This component will convert data retrieved from workday to a
format which external endpoint can understand.
c. Delivery – Here we will specify where to send the transformed data. We can
also download it as attachment if we don’t want to send data to any third-party

4. What are the types of transformation what we can use with EIB.
A. We can use 3 types of transformation with EIB as below.
a. Custom report Transformation
This type is inbuilt transformation of EIB and have limited functionality.
b. Custom transformation.
In this we have to attach XSLT with EIB and supports XSLT functionality.
So, this has more features than Custom report Transformation.
c. Document Transformation
This is type of connector that we can connect with EIB and will supports all
functionality of Document transformation such as XTT and ETV.

5. Can we use all advance reports as a data source in EIB?

A. No, we cannot use all advance reports in EIB. We can use only those reports which
are web service enabled.

6. Can we use simple reports as a data source in EIB?

A. No

7. What are the limitations of EIB?

a. Only one data source can be used.
b. And only one destination point can be configured for one tenant.
c. Can’t define output tag in EIB.

8. While doing inbound EIB load what should we do to avoid get pending actions in
inbox? BP/task should get complete without any approvals
A. While filling the Inbound template (Spreadsheet template), we need to select
“Automatic processing” on first tab.
For example, while loading compensation change, we use request compensation
change template and it will start “Request Compensation change” BP. So, to avoid
this, we need to select automatic processing option on 1st tab of spreadsheet.

9. Which web service you have used for inbound EIB Load?
A. Here you can name a few web services names and their use.
a. Request comp change: requesting of a compensation change for an employee
via the Request Compensation Change business process.
b. Change job: Perform a job change on an employee or contingent worker.
Uses the Change Job business process. The types of changes include transfer,
promotion, demotion, lateral moves and any other change of data on the job.
c. Change organization assignments: Assigns company, cost center, region,
fund, grant, business unit, program, gift and custom organizations configured
for staffing usage to a filled position or position restriction. Uses the Change
Organization Assignments for Worker business process.
d. Request one-time payment: This operation allows the requesting of a one-
time payment for an employee via the Request One-Time Payment business
e. Put Override Balance: This operation will add or update a new Time Off
Plan Override Balance record for a given Employee and Time Off Plan.
f. Edit position: Edits a filled position. Uses the Edit Position business process.

1. What are the connectors and type of connectors?
A. Workday connectors are the type of Integration by which we can send or receive data
from external endpoints.
These workday connectors are available for below modules.
HCM, Benefits, Workday Payroll, third party payroll, student and financials.

Main categorization can be done as Delivered connectors and core connectors.

Delivered Connectors – Also called as package connectors. This are the integration
which are designed for specific vendors. So, no additional coding required. Still we
have to do some basic configuration.
Core Connectors – These are more generic templates which we can use with any
third-party vendor. Here we have to do coding to meet vendor specific requirements
like file format etc. So, here more configuration is required than delivered connectors.

2. Explain the process of creating a core connector.

A. Search for task “Create integration system”. Enter name for integration and select
template for integration. Here we selected “core connector worker” which gives
demographic data for workers.

Select the services as per requirement.

You will get an error stating “Page Error - There are Integration Attributes enabled for this Integration
System that are marked as "Required for Launch", but do not have a Value assigned to them. Please use the
Related Menu Item (Integration System > Configure Integration Attributes) to complete the configuration. ”

This means you have to assign values to integration attributes.

To do this, go to related actions->Integration System->Configure Integration Attributes

Assign the values to attributes as per requirement. There are some mandatory attributes which will be
shown as “Required for launch”.
You can define eligibility condition under configure integration field override. Eligibility condition will
evaluate which workers are eligible for this integration. You need to select Boolean field under “Override
external field”.

Then as per the requirement you can select fields which vendor wants in output through configure
integration field attributes.

If vendor wants any extra fields which are not available under field attributes then you can use field
override service to add those extra fields.

3. How we can add extra fields in Connectors? What is field override?

A. Field override service is used to add extra fields such as calculated fields in output
because these fields are not available under any service.
To configure Field override service, go to related actions of integration then select
configure integration services. Click on create and select field override service.
Give name to service and select business object on which you want the fields. Also add the alias
for the fields that you want to use. Click ok.

Now go to integrations system -> configure integration field override and click on the service that
you created.
Select the fields that you want as extra under override external fields section.
These fields will come under additional section in xml output file of integration.
4. How to select field for output of integration?
A. First you need to select the service related to which you want field. For ex. If you
want compensation related fields in output, then select checkbox against “Core
Connector: Worker / Worker Compensation Data Section Fields”

Then go to “Configure Integration field attributes” and select the fields that you find in output.
5. Can we send notifications if Integration fails/completes etc.?
A. Yes, we can send notification on Integration failure or completion etc.
To configure notifications in integration, go to Integration system -> Integration
Select when do you want to send notification like if status is aborted, failed,
completed etc.

Select the recipients. You can add direct email ID’s or select the recipient in selection
menu. Also, you can select a particular security groups like integration admin to send
notification to whole group.
Write the message content so that it will be easy to understand to recipient.

6. How can we give custom name to output file as per vendor requirement?
A. We can achieve this using sequence generator.
To configure this go to Integration system->Configure integration sequence generators.
We have to specify the values under Sequence definition as per requirements.

In above example, Increment by denotes the sequence number of file which will increase by 1. In
format/syntax we have to specify the actual syntax of file name. [seq] denotes sequence, [yyyy]
denotes year in 4 digits etc. Output for above example will be “output120181104.xml”

7. What transactions we can select to include in output file? Can we select all?
A. Yes, we can select all transaction or business processes to include in output.
We can achieve this using Configure Integration transaction log option under integration system.
However, first we have to select the transaction log service while selecting services.
Select the checkbox for Override default values to do modifications.
To select all transactions, select subscribe to al transaction types.
To select specific transactions, enter the transaction name sin subscribe to specific transaction types.

8. What is mapping and how to map fields in integration?

A. Mapping is used to map workday fields to external values. For ex. For gender male
and female external vendor want M and F and for remaining values, vendor wants O.
So, in below example, Male is mapped to M, female is mapped to F and default value
is kept as O. So, all remaining values will appear as O in output file.
This M, F, O values will appear in output file in gender column for Male, Female and
other respectively.

9. How to send output files to external endpoints and what are the available options
in that?
A. We can deliver output files to external endpoints such as SFTP/FTP using delivery
service which is workday provided. We have to add delivery through business process
step. So once integration is successful and document is generated, next step will run
through BP which will be document delivery.
To configure delivery:
Select business process->create, copy or link definition.

Add a new step ‘c’, select the type as “service” and in specify select “document
delivery”. Click ok.

You will get an error that the delivery endpoint is not configured. Click on “configure
document delivery” to configure endpoint.
Select the transport type from the list. Enter the credentials. Click Ok.

10. What are the launch parameters for Core connector worker?
A. There are 4 date launch parameters as below:
As of entry moment: this is the transaction end date up to integration will pick the
records. This date cannot be future dates.
Effective date: this is transaction effective date up to which integration will pick records.
Last successful as of entry moment: This is start date from which integration will pick
Last successful effective date: this is transaction effective date from which it will start
looking for transaction.

In the below example, first it will check changes completed from last successful as of
entry moment to as of entry moment i.e. 11/01/2018 to 11/08/2018. Then it will check for
effective dates. So out of above transactions all transaction which are effective in
11/01/2018 to 11/08/2018, will come in final output.
There are 3 more launch parameters:
Workers: Here you can select the specific workers for which you want to look for
transactions. This is optional.
Restrict results by orgs: Here you can enter organization for which you want to look for
transactions. This is optional.
Full File: If you select this option then it will not look for changes and it will give all
values as of integration run date. If you don’t select this option, then it will only find
changes and only include those records in output who have changes in one or more output
fields. By default this option is not selected.

11. What are the output files and audit files for core connector worker?
A. There are 2 audit files as below:
For each worker, displays the Integration Field Override Service name, field name,
current and prior field values, and worker transactions for each field included on the
integration output file.
If you enabled the “Suppress Audit Files” integration attribute, Workday doesn't
generate this audit file. For this reason, suppression isn't the automatically populated
For each worker, displays each worker transaction that the integration detected during
the date range covered by the integration event.
If you enabled the Suppress Audit Files integration attribute, Workday doesn't
generate this audit file.

This is the real output file which can be sent to vendor. We can also apply
transformation on this to change the output file format or data in it according to
requirements. This file will have by default “deliverable” tag which specifies that this
file is deliverable to vendor if delivery is configured.

12. If I want employees which got hired in last 7 days, what should I do?
A. Create a core connector worker with transaction log set as hire BP only. This way it
will look only for hiring transaction that is as per our requirement.
Next, you will have to use launch parameters as below.
As of entry moment: this will be current date and time.
Effective date: this will be todays date as I want to check till today
Last successful as of entry moment: this will be a date field which will have value
(today – 7) days.
Last effective date: This will be again (today – 7) days.

This way integration will look for employees hired in last 7 days.

Document Transformation:
1. What is document transformation and why it is used?
A. Document transformation (DT) if type of connectors. DT is used to apply
transformation on output files of Integration/reports. We attach XSLT document in
DT. This XSLT doc will have code to transform/process the output document of
main/parent integration. Once DT is created you need to attach it to parent integration.
So, when parent integration runs, output file of parent integration will come to DT as
input and then XSLT will apply on that input then you will get final output file which
will be sent to end user(vendor).
While using DT, keep the output format of parent integration as XML as DT needs
XML file as input.

2. Where we can apply DT?

A. We can apply DT on following.
a. EIB
b. Reports
c. Connectors

3. How many DTs we can apply on one Integration?

A. There is no limit for this. However, workday suggest using maximum 6 DTs in one
Integration for better functioning of Integration. This way the performance of
integration will not get affected.

4. How many XSLTs we can attach in one DT?

A. We can attach only 1 XSLT in 1 DT.

5. What are the steps in creating DT?

A. Search for task “Create Integration system”. Give the name to Integration. Select the
template as “Document transformation”. Click OK.

We will get the below Error to attach XSLT document as this is mandatory to upload
XSLT doc in DT.

To load XSLT document, click on integration system and then “configure integration
attachment service”.
Click on “create integration service attachment”.

Upload the XSLT document. Click OK.

Now you have to attach this DT to your main integration.

6. How to connect DT with parent integration?

A. First create parent integration and then create DT separately.
Now go to business process of parent integration like we saw in configuring delivery.
We need to attach DT here.
Add a step and give the order to that step. And in type select Integration.

To configure, click on configure.

Select the already created DT here. Optionally you can give name to request.
Once this step is completed your parent integration is ready to run.

1. Vendor wants changes only data. Transformation is needed, and output should
go to SFTP location. Which type of integration you will create?
A. Core Connector.
Reason is in core connector we can send changes only data easily. Also, we can apply
transformation using Document transformation connector and we can send output file
to SFTP location using delivery service.

2. Need to send only hire transactions in above scenario. What changes will need.
A. Enable Integration transaction log service and select hire BP only.

3. Which integration we should create to send all employees all information to

For this scenario we can create EIB or core connector worker (with full mode).
However, EIB will be easy. So, the first choice will be EIB.

4. How to migrate Integrations, CF, reports etc. from one tenant to another?
A. For migration we can use “Object Transporter”.
To migrate, go to related actions -> select instance -> Migrate
Then click on “launch object transporter”. It will show source tenant and target
tenant. Select the target tenant and way to login to that tenant (with user id/password
or SSO).
It will show differences on next screen. If there are no differences, you can move
forward. If there are differences between source and target tenant still you can move
forward but there are chances that the process will not complete properly. Some fields
might miss. You will get confirmation message.

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