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Animal, Plant & Soil Science

The Swine Industry

Diseases of Pigs

Scott P. Terrell, DVM, Diplomate ACVP

Veterinary Pathologist, Disney’s Animal Programs

Instructor in Wildlife Pathology, UF CVM
Management of Pig Health

John J. McGlone, Ph.D.

Pork Industry Institute
Texas Tech University
Kegunaan Babi
The United States was the leading exporter of
pork in 2009 with a 33% share of the market,
followed by the EU, Canada and Brazil.

Produk penting dari babi selain sumber

protein : insulin, valves for human heart
surgery, suede, and gelatin for food uses.
Pigs also generate important byproducts that
can be used in manufacturing insulation,
rubber, antifreeze, plastics and fertilizer.
What are the proper terms used in
describing swine, and what are the parts
of a swine animal?
• Knowing basic swine terminology is important.
• A. The following are common names and terms used in
describing swine.
– 1. A mature swine animal is a hog.
– 2. A mature male is a boar.
– 3. A mature female is a sow.
– 4. A young male is a shoat or young boar.
– 5. A young female is a gilt.
– 6. A castrated male is a barrow.
– 7. A newborn is a pig or piglet.
– 8. Farrowing is the process of a sow giving birth.
– 9. A group of swine is a drove or herd.
What are the proper terms used in
describing swine, and what are the parts
of a swine animal?
What are the common breeds of
swine, and how do they differ?
• There are many different breeds of swine.
– Seven of the most common breeds of hog in the
United States are
• Duroc
• Hampshire
• Yorkshire
• Berkshire
• Poland China
• Landrace
• Chester White
What are the common breeds of
swine, and how do they differ?
• A. The Duroc breed originated in the
eastern United States from red hogs raised
before 1865.
– Originally, Duroc hogs were known as
Duroc-Jersey hogs, but the Jersey has been
removed from the name.
– All Duroc hogs are red, although the color can vary from very light to
– They have ears that droop forward over the eyes.
– The breed is popular because of good mothering ability, efficient feed
conversion, fast growth rate, and prolificacy.
– Prolificacy is the ability to produce large numbers of offspring.
– The Duroc is known as a meat-type hog.
What are the common breeds of
swine, and how do they differ?
• B. The Hampshire breed originated in England
and was brought to the United
States between 1825 and 1835.
– The Hampshire is a black hog with a white belt that encircles the
forepart of the body, starting behind the head and neck.
– It has ears that stand erect.
– Some of the characteristics for which the breed is known are foraging
ability, leanness of carcass, and muscling.
– Hampshire hogs are commonly used as show animals and in various
crossbreeding programs.
What are the common breeds of
swine, and how do they differ?
• H. Landrace hogs are native
to Denmark.
– They were brought to America in
– The first Landrace hogs in this country were mainly
used for crossbreeding.
– The American Landrace hog is white, with a long body, 16 or 17 pairs of
ribs, an arched back, and a long, narrow head.
– The ears are droopy and large and carried close to the face.
– The Landrace is a meaty hog that performs well on carcass.
– Landrace sows are prolific, average mothers.
– Milking ability of sows is of high quality.
Ages of pigs are important
• Neonates 0-3 weeks
• <4 kg
• Weanlings/nursery 3-10 weeks
• 4-25 kg
• Growers/finisher 10-26 weeks
• 25-120 kg
• Breeders/adults >6-8 months
• >120 kg
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of swine production?
• 4. Returns on hogs can be seen
within 10 months.
– Hogs are ready for market at
155 days, on average, allowing a
producer to see a return on investment within a
short period.
• 5. The swine industry provides many jobs.
– Examples of jobs are producers, truckers,
processors, researchers, veterinarians, and feed
Penyakit Bakterial pada Babi

“mencegah lebih baik dari pada

mengobati “
Causes of Swine Diseases
• Bacterial
• Viral
• Nutritional
• Genetic
• Unknown
Penyakit Infeksius
• Anthrax
• Streptococcusis
• Colibacillosis
• Brucellosis
• Botulism
• AR
• Diamond skin Disease
Bacterial Diseases of Pigs

Site Disease Organism

Bacillus anthracis

Streptococcus pyogenes

Salmonella typhimurium

Pasteurella multocida
Hemorrhagic septicemia
Pasteurella haemolytica

Liver Enzootic pneumonia hyopneumoniae

Pasteurella multocida
Type A and D

Lung Pneumonia
Bordatella bronchiseptica

Haemophilus suis

Clostridium botulinum
Intestine Botulism
Botulism Clostridium botulinum

Dysentery Vibrio coli

Salmonella typhimurium

Enteritis Salmonella cholerae-suis

Salmonella anatum

Edema disease Escherichia coli

Ulcers necrophorus
Respiratory diseases

• Atrophic rhinitis
• Swine influenza
• Mycoplasma pneumoniae
• Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
• Pasteurella
• Verminous pneumonia
Reproductive disease

• Parvovirus
• Leptospirosis
• Cystitis / pyelonephritis
• Brucellosis
Multisystemic diseases

• Erysipelas (Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae)

• Glasser’s disease (Haemophilus parasuis)
• Salmonella
• PRRS (arterivirus)
• PWMWS (circovirus)
• Pseudorabies virus (herpes virus)
• Vitamin E / selenium deficiency
Streptococcus suis
is an important pathogen causing economic
problems in the pig industry. Moreover, it is a
zoonotic agent causing severe infections to
people in close contact with infected pigs or
pork-derived products.
Although considered sporadic in the past,
human S. suis infections have been reported
during the last 45 years, with two large
outbreaks recorded in China. In fact, the
number of reported human cases has
significantly increased in recent years
Streptococcus suis

• Streptococcal meningitis
• 3-12 weeks of age
• Clinical signs
• fever, anorexia, depression
• tremors, blindness, ataxia, convulsions
• Diagnosis
• Necropsy - suppurative meningitis
• Culture of CSF or meningeal swab
Strep suis cont...

• Treatment
• penicillin, tetracyclines
• must be quick!
• Control
• minimize stress
• prophylactic antibiotics
• Can be zoonotic - meningitis, headaches
Streptococcal meningitis
Atrophic rhinitis

• Bordatella bronchiseptica
• Pasteurella multocida
• High ammonia
• Clinical signs
• sneezing, sniffling
• twisted snouts
• excessive lacrimation
• epistaxis
Atrophic rhinitis cont...

• Diagnosis
• Necropsy - cut snout at 2nd premolar
• Nasal culture for either organism
• Treatment
• tetracyclines in the feed
• LA200 to neonates
• Control and prevention
• all in all out, reduce stress, clean air
• vaccinate sows
Atrophic Rhinitis (AR)
• Penyebab : Bordetella bronchiseptica; gram -,
cocobacilus mampu berkolonisasi pd cavum
nasalis dan menyebabkan kerusakan pd tulang
• Mix infeksi dg: P. multocida
• Penularan : udara, droplets
• Angka mortalitas : rendah
• Berpengaruh nyata pada growth rate dan
efisiensi pakan kerugian ekonomi
• Gejala klinis pd anak babi : bersin-2, dan
adanya discharges dari mata dan hidung
• Faktor yg berpengaruh : umur ; 12 minggu
• Dx : kultur pd Mac Conkey agar + 1%
• Pemeriksaan serulogis Netralisasi test,
Atrophic Rhinitis
Atrophic Rhinitis
AR Pencegahan dan Pengobatan
• Vaksinasi
• Induk babi perlu divaksin utk melindungi anak babi
yg akan dilahirkan
• Menggunakan SPF (Specific Pathogen Free)
khususnya breeder
• Preparat Sulfa sangat efektif utk pengobatan
• Dicampur pakan: sulfamethazin 100g/ton
• Injeksi Trimetroprim 2,5 mg/kg BB 3 -5hr
E. Coli : white scours
• Terutama menyerang anak babi : 3 bentuk : baru
lahir, menyusui dan lepas sapih : white scours
atau bakterial enteritis
• E. coli mrpk penyebab penyakit yg bersifat
sangat menular n mempny beberapa strain
patogen ETEC, ETEEC
• Angka mortalitas tinggi (20 - 30%), TGE
• Usaha pencegahan : snitasi, pakan vaksinasi
E. Coli continued
• Dx : gejala klinis, histopatologi, kultur
• Terapy : perlu uji sensitifitas utk mengetahui
tingkat resistensi dan pemilihan AB yg tepat.
Terapy per oral masih menjadi pilihan AB :
Sulfa: trimethoprim, gentamycin, Amikasin,
• Disebut juga “gut edema” atau E. coli
• Umumnya terjadi pada saat menjelang disapih
• Kematian mendadak , gejala yg mengiringi
kelopak mata membengkak dan konvulsi
Swine Dysentery
• Diare berdarah, penyebab : Treponema
• Menyerang babi umur 8-14 mgg
• Sangat kontagius
• Mortalitas (30%)
• Dampak : penurunan semua performa :
• Belum ada vaksin
• Terapy : antibiotika
• Carbadox (Mecadox) dan Lincomycin drugs
of choice
• Penyebab :Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
• Bentuk : acute, ringan, kronis
• Sub akut septicemia, kronik lesi proliferatif
• Kerugian sangat besar di Asia, Amerika,
australis dan Eropa
• Penularan : makanan, air, luka pada kulit
• Brucella suis.
• Penularan dan penyebaran : ingesty
• Menyebabkan : abortus dan penurunan
fertilitas pada induk babi
• Belum ada vaksin yg potensial
• No effective treatment
• Pencegahan : free breeding stock
Brucella suis
• Five biovars
– 1 and 3: Worldwide in swine
– 1: Cattle in Brazil and Columbia
– 2: Wild hares, boars in Europe
– 4: Arctic region (N. America, Russia)
– 5: Former USSR
• Eradicated from domestic pigs
– U.S., Canada, much of Europe
• Persistent problem in feral swine
– U.S., Europe, parts of Australia

Center for Food Security and Public Health,

Iowa State University, 2012
• Disebabkan oleh 5 spesies :
• L. pomona
• L. grippotyphosa
• L. canicola
• L. icterohemorragiae
• L. harjo
• L. bratislava
• Mengakibatkan abortus , lahir mati dan
kematian setelah lahir
• Pencegahan : vaksinasi pada induk babi
setiap 6 bulan
• Penyebab arthritis dan pneumonia pd babi fase
pertumbuhan dan dewasa
• Penyebab arthritis : Mycoplasma hyorhinis dan
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae
• Pneumonia : Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
• Hampir sebagian besar induk babi ditemukan
Mycoplasma continued
• Pencegahan : Vaksinasi meskipun
efektifitasnya sangat beragam
• Terapy : Lincomycin masih merupakan pilihan
• SPF stock
Porcine Pleuropneumonia
• Haemophilus pleuropneumonia (HPP)
• Penyebab : Actinobacillus plesropneumoniae.
• Sering fatal terutama bila menyerang babi
• Treat with an antibiotic/Prevent: AIAO
Pig management
• Backyard herds
• All in / all out
• Segregrated early weaning
• Depop / repop
Pig medicine
• Blood collection
– Jugular vein / anterior vena cava
• IV injection
– Auricular vein
– Rubberband

• Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
• Gram positive rod
• Environmental contaminant
• most herds have carriers
• Septicemia
• diamond skin, arthritis, endocarditis, necrosis
Skin/joint problems, esp. Erysipelas
• Erysipelas, diamond skin disease, caused by a
bacteria Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae; fever,
followed by skin lesions, and then joint
• Vaccines available for Erysipelas
• Other bacteria can cause skin and/or joint
inflammation: Streptococci, Staphylococci
Diamond skin
Valvular endocarditis
Erysipelas cont...

• Treatment
• Penicillin
• Tetracyclins
• Prevention and control
• Sanitation
• Vaccinate at weaning and then q6 months
Glasser’s disease (polyserositis)

• Haemophilus parasuis
• Gram negative coccobacillus
• Endemic, initiated by stress
• Polyserositis, septicemia (fibrinous)
• Pleuritis
• Pericarditis
• Peritonitis
• Meningitis!!!
Glasser’s disease
Glasser’s cont...

• Diagnosis
• Culture is difficult (but try it)
• Go with suspicion from gross lesions
• Treatment
• Penicillins
• Tetracyclins
• Prevention and control
• Reduce stress
• Vaccine at weaning then again 3-4 weeks later
Salmonella sp.

• Salmonella cholerasuis
• Salmonella typhimurium
• Zoonotic
• Low-level endemnicity, carriers
• Septicemia
• pyrexia, anorexia
• purple discoloration of the ears (infarction)
• Small or large intestinal diarrhea (button ulcers)
• Pneumonia
• Rectal strictures
Salmonella cont...

• Diagnosis
• Aerobic culture
• Treatment
• Neomycin in the feed/water for whole group
• Naxcel (ceftiofur) for individual
• Prevention and control
• Sanitation
• All in - all out operation
• Various vaccines (live avirulent)
• Brucella suis
• Clinical signs
• abortion at any time in gestation
• infertility - many sows coming back into heat
• infected sows recover and deliver normally
• Lesions
• mild endometritis
• arthritis
• orchitis
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

• Enzootic pneumonia
• Most common cause of chronic pneumonia
• Chronic, non-productive cough
• Low mortality
• Secondary bacterial complication
Mycoplasma cont...

• Diagnosis
• Necropsy - “plum colored”or pale cranio-ventral
• Culture to rule out secondary bacteria
• Fluorescent antibody test
on lung
Mycoplasma cont...

• Treatment - Lincomycin in feed

• Prevention - improve management

Mycoplasmal arthritis
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia

• Intensive swine operations

• Inapparent carriers
• Peracute, acute, and chronic forms
• Clinical signs
• severe respiratory distress
• death
Contagious pleuropneumonia
Pasteurella multocida

• Most common bacterial isolate from pig lungs

• opportunistic pathogen
• mycoplasma, influenza, actinobacillus, stress
• clinical signs
• moist productive cough
• dyspnea
• some die
Pasteurella pneumonia

• E. coli
• Most impt cause of diarrhea in piglets <5 days
• Clinical signs
• clear watery to pasty brown feces
• dehydration and depression
• death losses higher in younger pigs
Colibacillosis cont...

• Diagnosis
• ph of feces (>8)
• culture of organism (large number)
• necropsy - dilated gas filled small intestine
• Treatment
• Ampicillin, tetracyclin, gentamicin, fluids
• Control
• sanitation, vaccination of sow
Clostridial enteritis

• Clostridium perfringens type C

• sudden death in 1-2 day old piglets
• Clinical signs
• Diagnosis
• Necropsy - blood in jejunum with flecks of mucosa,
necrosis of small intestine
• Clinical signs
• Histopathology - large gram positive rods
Clostridial enteritis
Clostridial enteritis cont....

• Treatment
• usually die too quickly
• type C antitoxin
• Control
• Sanitation
• Type C antitoxin within minutes of birth
• Vaccination of sow
• Prophylactic bacitracin or penicillin to piglets
Brucellosis cont...
• Diagnosis
• Serology - card test
• Culture
• Treatment and control
– Test and slaughter
– Zoonotic
This is an uncommon disease of pigs in most parts of the
world. Care however should always be taken in handling
diseased pigs or carcasses because anthrax is
communicable to people. Effective vaccines are available
in some countries for both pigs and people.

All Pigs Acute illness.
Bloody faeces.
Haemorrhage from the nose.
Respiratory distress.
Sudden death.
Swollen discoloured neck.
Blue skin.
Unusual in piglets
Dont forget Salmonella
• Salmonella typhimurium
• Salmonella cholerasuis
• Fibrinonecrotic enteritis or colitis at
• Rectal strictures
• Culture of organism

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