Non-Homogeneous Hydrologic Series

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V. Yevjevich and R. I. Jeng

April 1969

Several departments at Colorado State University have substantial research
and graduate programs oriented to hydrology. These Hydrology Papers are
intended to communicate in a fast way the current results of this research to
the specialists interested in thes e activities. The papers will supply most
of the background research data and results. Shorter versions will usually
be published in the appropriate scientific and professional journals, or
presented at national or international scientific and professional meetings
and published in the proceedings of these meetings.

The investigations leading to this paper are part of a research project

supported by the U. S. National Science Foundation, Grant No. GK-1661.
The research was conducted at Colorado State University, Civil Engineering
Department, Fort Collins , Colorado .

Dr. Arthur T. Corey, Professor, Agricultural Engineering Department
Dr. Robert E. Oils, Professor, College of Forestry and Natural Resources
Dr. Vujica Yevjevich, Professor, Civil Engineering Department


V. Yevjevich
R. I . Jeng


April 1969 No. 32

Abstract viii
I Introduction 1
l. Definition of inconsistency and non-homogeneity 1
2. Practical significance and examples of inconsistency
and non-homogeneity. 2
3. Two examples of inconsistency and non-homogeneity in
data. 3
4. Subject 5
5. Hypotheses for investigations s
6. Research program 6

II Effect of a Constant Jump 7

1. Definition of the change introduced by a constant jump. 7
2. Effect on a probability density 'f unction 7
3. Criterion for one-peak or two-peak distributions . 8
4. Relevance of above analysis to hydrology 11
5. Effect of constant jump non-homogeneity on the mean. 12
6. Effect on variance. 12
7. Effect on skewness. 12
8. Effect on kurtosis. 13
9. Effect on serial correlation coefficients 13

III Effects of a Combination of Constant Jumps . 16

1. Definition of change by constant jumps 16
2. Effect on probability densities 16
3. Effect on the mean 16
4. Effect on the variance 16
5. Effect on the skewness 16
6. Effect on kurtosis. 16
7. Effects on serial correlation coefficients. 17

IV Effect of Linear Jumps. 18

1. Definition of the change introduced by a linear jump 18
2. Effect on probability density function 18
3. Effect of a linear jump of a non-homogeneous series
on the moan 18
4. Effect on the variance 18
5. Effect on the skewness 19
6. Effect on kurtosis. 19
7. Effects on serial correlation ~oefficients. 19
8. Definition of a combination of linear jumps 20
9. Effects of the combination of linear jumps on a
probability density curve of this non-homogeneous
series, and on its parameters 20
v Effects of Linear and Non-Linear Trends 21
1. Definition of linear and non-linear trends. 21
2. Effects on the probabi lity density function 21
3. Eff·ects on the mean 21
4. Effects on the variance 22
5. Effect on the skewness 23
6. Effects on kurtosis . 23
7. Effects on serial correlation coefficients. 23
VI Examples of Effects of Non-Homogeneity 25
1. Types of examples . 25
2. Computations. 25
3. Results of the first example 25
4. Results of the second example 27
5. Results of the third example 29
6. Results of the fourth example 29
7. Conclusions . 30

VII Uiscussion of Results and Conclusions . 32

1. Main i mpli cation of resul ts i n previous chapters on

hydrologic information 32
2. Conclusions . 33

References 33


1 Fluctuations of annual f low of the River Nile as an example of

inconsistency in data of the time series. 2

2 The Colorado River annual flows at Lee Ferry, Arizona 4

3 The relation of the man-made flow depletion i n the Upper Colorado River at
Lee's Ferry Station, Arizona, to the annual virgin flow. 4

4 A scheme of the constant jump introduced into an i ndependent homogeneous

series , ti 7
5 The two regions ( 1) and (2) indicating the values of q n/ N and 6
(constant jump) and designating if the probability density function of a
non-homogeneous s.eries, f (x), has one or two peaks 8

6 Probabil ity density functions for various values of 6 with & = 0,

OE = 1.0 and q = 0 . 5 9

7 The critical value, q , as related to, 5 (constant jump), for determining

0 0
whether the new probability density function will have one or two peaks 10
8 The positions m and m of peaks in the probability density function for
1 3
various values of q and 6, with m = 6 - m . 10
3 1
9 The position, m2 , of the minimum of f(x) between t he two peaks in the
probability density function of a non-homogeneous series for various
values of q and o 11

10 . The absolute difference, D, between the probability densities of peaks in

a two-peak distribution f or various values of q and 6 11

11 A periodic movement (1) may be approximated by a constant jump scheme (2) ,

with o1 + 62 = 5 11

12 The ratio of variances of a non-homogeneous and a homogeneous series ,

created by a constant jump 12

13 The criterion, ac' versus q for various values of c 13

14 The relationship of rk/a 2 , with a 6/sx , versus ;l. = k/N, for various
values of q = n/N, and for the case of a constant jump, 6 14

15 The ratio of variances between a non-homogeneous and homogeneous series

in the form of a linear jump 19

16 Probabi l ity density functions of t he linear trend for the independent

normal function . 22

17 Probability density functions of t he linear trend for ·the independent

lognormal variable . 22

18 Correlograms of the linear trend series , xt =a + bt + tt 24

19 Frequency distribution of three variables i n the Probability-Cartesian

scales for the first and third examples, derived from a sample of
N = 1000 26

20 Correlograms of the two series of t he first example for N 1000 of t he

weak non-homogeneiti es 26

21 Correl ograms of the t wo series of the f i rst example for five samples of
N = 200 of the weak non-homogeneous series . 26


22 Frequency distributions of three variables in the Probability-

Cartesian scales for the second and fourth examples, derived from
a sample of N = 1000 . 28

23 Correlograms of the two series of the second example of the strong

homogeneities 28

24 Correlograms of the two series of the second example for five samples
of N = 200 of the strong non-homogeneous series . 28

25 Correlograms for the third example of N = 1000 of the weak nan-

homogeneities in a dependent stationary normal variable 29

26 Correlograms for the third example for . five samples of N 200 of

the weak non-homogeneities in a dependent stationary normal variable 29

27 Correlograms for the fourthexample of N = 1000, of the strong

non- homogeneities i~ a dependent normal variable 31

28 Correlograms for the fourth example for five sampl es of N = 200 of the
strong non-homogeneity in a dependent normal variable . 31


1 Critical values of 6 for various values of q, so that two peaks

occur in a density £unction if 6 > 6 for given q 0 9

2 Parameters of the first example of non-homogeneity effects 27

3 Parameters of the second example of non- homogeneity effects. 27

4 Parameters of the third example of non-homogeneity effects 30

5 Parameters of the fourth example of non-homogeneity effects 30


The effects of inconsistency (systematic errors) and non-homogeneity of data

(created ei thor by man-made or natural changes in the environment) on hydrolog.ic

variables and time series are investigated. It is assumed that both the incon-

~ency and the non-homogeneity are in the form of constant and linear jumps, of
linear and polynomial trends, and of their subsequent combinations.
The independent sequences and the first order Markov linear dependent sequences

are used in this study. The known jumps and trends are superposed on the stationary
series. Changes in the probability density functions, including mean, variance,
skewness, excess, and serial correlation are analytically determined for various
cases of jumps and trends assumed in advance as the known non-homogeneity and/or

Inconsistency and non-homogeneity introduce the dependence into the independent
series, and increase the dependence of the first order Markov linear models. Usually,

the first serial correlation coefficient becomes either positive and increased or
only increased, respectively. Some forms of inconsistency and non-homogeneity may
transf orm the one-peak probability density functions into two-peak or multi-peak
density functions. Conseque~tly, the statistical parameters of a series, with
inconsistent and non-homogeneous data, become significantly different from those
of the original series. As the hydrologic time series are often subject to incon-
sistency and non-homogeneity, a portion of the positive dependence and tho higher
variance in such a series comes from these two factors, apart from other basic

physical processes in nature.



V. Yevjevich** and R. 1 . Jeng***

Chapter I

1. Definition of inconsistency and non-homogeneity. 1trends or jumps are added as described above, they in-
The inconsistency in data is defined in this study as crease the non-stationarity . To separate these two
being systematic errors in measurements and compilations. types, the first one is called non-stationarity and the
Existing systematic fluctuations make a difference be- latter, non-homogeneity.
t ween the figures produced by observation or computa-
tions and those produced by true values. Inconsistency
is introduced by systematic errors in the series which If one begins a successful cloud seeding operation,
change from time to time or from place to place. the precipitation series experiences a jump (slippage)
in its mean and also in its variance and other parame-
If discharge is observed only once or twice daily ters. Changes of river basin factors which affect run-
at a cross section of a river which has daily periodic off-rainfall relationships introduce the non-homogeneity
fluctuations, and the values are then estimated, the in data, usually in the form of jumps and trends. The
systematic errors in daily flows may be inevitable. 1
natural changes such as forest fires and later forest
When the measuring technique is changed to a recording growth, landslides into the river valleys creating tem-
instrument, and the dai ly flows are more accurately porary l akes, erosion or rock dissolution processes,
determined, the two periods combined in a time series biological cycles or replacements in species in nature,
have an inconsistency in the amount of systematic errors and other similar changes produce the non-homogeneity
for the previous period. If a rain gauge is installed of various types. Man-made changes are becoming more
in an area with a small amount of vegetation and with and moreimportant factors of non-homogeneity. The man-
no surrounding buildings, and if the vegetation matures produced release of heat, the dischar ge of various
in time and buildings are constructed, the catch of the gases (which change the natural composition of the air)
gauge may change slowly or suddenly due to a change of and fine particles into the ~ir by industrial and other
aerodynamic patterns during the storm periods. A sys- activities, are assumed to be slowly affecting the tem-
tematic difference exists between the observed values perature, precipitation, and evaporation. These re-
and the true rainfall values in the form of a trend or leases are expected to be the causative factors of
a jump. ~1any similar examples may be given for various present and future very slow climatic changes. However,
sources of inconsistencies in hydrologic data. in order to be meaningful, the changes must be proven
significant by statistical tests of data. The increased
The non-homogeneity in data is defined in this text water consumption through additional evaporation and
as being the changes in a hydrologic series which result evapotranspiration which is caused by man's measpres
from a substantial transformation in environment which and structures in river basins such as irrigation,
are ei ther man-made or are natural. Differences be- diversions, pond construction, man-made lakes and res-
t ween the virgin values (values produced i n observa- ervoirs, trans-mountain diversions, intentional change
tions if the causative factors remain unchanged with of vegetation cover, etc. is the main source of non-
time) and the true values are called in this t ext the homogeneity in a hydrologic series . The mean discharge
non-homogeneity to distinguish them from the classical of the Colorado River at the Lee Ferry gauging stat ion
concept of non-stationarity, although non-homogeneity between the Upper and Lower River was about 15 percent
remains a part . In a series of monthly values of pre- smaller by 1960 than it was around 1900, mainly because
cipitation or runoff, the annual periodic component is of various man- made water depletion measures and struc-
part of the non-stationarity concept. However, if tures.

*A small version of this study is published under the name of "effects of Inconsistency and Non-homogeneity
on llydrologic Time Series, " Proceedings of Fort Collins International Hydrology Symposium, September 1967.
Vol . I, pages 451-4 58, (Colorado State University, Engineering Research Center, Fort Collins, Coloradcl ,(6 j .
**Professor of Civi l Engineering and Professor-in-Charge of Hydrology Program, Colorado State University, Fort
Collins, Colorado.

• *"Former Ph.D . Graduate of Colorado State University, Civil Engineering Department L Fort Collins , Colorado, now
Assistant Professor, C~lifornia State College, Department of Civi l Englneering, os Angeles, California.
The schematic definition of inconsistency and non- {Y(t)} • {(l+ I)X(t)} represents the linear jump where
homogeneity is: "I" is a constant value greater or smaller than minus
one, or minus one excluded. The exampie of this non-
Trpe of variable homogeneity occurs in the model a diversion from one
values Effect on series river basin to another happens to be proportional to
the flow of the first river at a given gauging station .
1. Observed values with systematic Another example is the case of weather modification
errors in part of the series when the artificial attainments in precipitation or
} + Differences: Inconsistency runoff are proportional to the natural precipitation
or runoff.
2 . True values in nature with
changes in causative factors The other type of inconsistency and non- homogeneity
in the part of the series is the trend. When the difference between the histori-
} + Differences :Non-homogeneity cal and virgin values continuously change with time,
it is called the trend. If these differences are a
3. Virgin (time invariant) values linear function of time, then the non-homogeneity and
inconsistency are in the form of a linear trend. It
The first concept is a clearly man-made difference can be represented as {Y(t)} = {X(t) } + at + b , where
between nature and the data. The second is related to a and b are constant values which define the linear
induced changes in nature . Because non-homogeneity is trend. It is called a polynomial trend if the differ-
a more important problem in water resource activities, ences follow a polynomial function of time, or (Y(t) } =
both concepts are often encompassed under the term {X(t)} + a + a t + a2t2 + . . . + amtm , where coef-
0 1
"non-homogeneity" in this t ext. ficients {a.) are constant values for a finite time
In the present study, inconsistency and non-
homogeneity in the form of jumps and trends are treate~ 2. Practical significance and examples of incon-
If the differences between the historical true values sistency and non-homogeneity. The planning, design,
and the virgin values are constant, it is called con- oper ation, and maintenance of water resource develop-
stant jump. If a constant discharge is diverted con- ments require statistical information in the form of
tinuously from one river to another, the first has a various hydrologic series. A thorough understanding
constant but negative jump in its mean and the second of the structure of hydrologic time series is a pre-
has the opposite, or a constant but posi tive jump . requisite for any reliable input data in the planning
This is a classical case of a slippage problem in and operation of water r esouce projects. Apart from
statistics and stochastic processes . If {Y(t) } is the the stochastic variation of hydrologic quantities with
stochastic process or a time series of historical time, diverse sources of i nconsistency and non-homoge-
values, then {Y(t) } = (X(t) } + 6 where {X(t)} is the neity superpose their changes to the stationary sto-
time series of virgin values, and 6 is the constant chastic and non-stationary determinist ic variations
jump which can be either a positive or a negative value. (cyclic movements) . Therefore, a hydrologic series
This constant jump must be introduced in a series be- observed for a sufficiently long time cannot generally
tween 0 and N (for a discrete series) or between 0 and be considered the sample from only one population.
T (for a continuous series); 0, N, and T being excluded Inconsistency and non-homogeneity are often encountered
in order that a series becomes non-homogeneous. in hydrology. Many hydrologic observations have a
higher or lower degree of non-homogeneity or inconsist-
Another kind of jump is the linear jump. If the ency. Therefore, the study of the effects of non-
difference between the historical and the virgin val- homogeneity and inconsistency of data on the properties
ues shows a linear relation , the quantity of change of a hydrologic time series is a very important subject
is also lineariy dependent on the virgin value. Then for practical application.

1.0 -I 0.10
02 '--- - 3 4 years - --+-- - -- - 52 years - - - - ----i
0.0 "()
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6570 75 80 85

1869-1903 ~
$:21st Period 2nd Period 1903- 1955 I{)
~~ en en
Fig . Fl uctuations of annual flow of the River Nile as an example of
inconsistency in data of the time series

The essential practice in the water resource world do not show long-range persistence
f~eld is to use_the statistical data of past observa- or per10d1c1ty, the probabil i ty that it exists in . the
tlons, make an 1nference about the population of a Nile River should be very small indeed . Therefore, one
h~Jrol?gic variable, and expect that the basic proper- s~o~ld postulate a hypothesis for this example . Spe-
tles w11l hold true in future samples. However, if Clflcally, the assumption is that the factors in
the past_da~a sh?w an inconsistency and non-homogeneity, ~he combination of stochastic variation, inconsistency
the stat1st1cal 1nference about a unique population may 1n data, and non-homogeneity in annual river flows
not correspond to fut~re samples . Future samples may produce the graph of Fig . 1. The planners of the New
not have non-homogene1ty or they may experience another Aswan Dam were, therefore, very wise in using the data
type. Two examples, the Nile River and the Colorado of the period after 1903 for various water resource
River, are discussed here for a better illustration of problems involving the reservoir and the Nile River
inconsistency and non-homogeneity in order to show water allocation, and particularly for their estimation
both their importance and ways of treating them. of properties of inflows into the new reservoir.

. ~· Two examples of inconsistency and non-homoge- . Another in:tructive example is the non-homogeneity
nelty 1n data. The case of the River Nile at Aswan Dam 1n the annual r1ver flow of the Colorado River at Lee 's
Fig. l, is given here as an example of inconsistency (l i. Ferry St ation , between the Upper and Lower river basins
Before the construction of Aswan Dam (1903), observa- as given in Fig . 2. Figure 2 shows the virgin and' '
tions were made by using stage gauge downstream of the measured (historical) annual flows at this station
presen~ dam-site . From 1903-1939 , discharges were Until 194 7, the information came from House Docume·~t
determ1ned accurately enough by relating sluice measure- No. 364, Washington, D. C., 1954 [3) : Colorado River
men~s to the gauge-stages downstream . The subsequent
Storage Project; and for years 1948-1959 the data were
rat1ng curve was then applied in order to determine the obtained from the U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau
discharges before 1903,from 1869 to 1902. o~ Reclamation, Regional Office, Region 4, Salt Lake
C1ty, Utah. The following information and t est of the
After the dam was put into operation the down- example on non-homogeneity is mainl y from a publication
stream degradation through the remo.v al of ~ediment on the Colorado River Basin (4]. ·
islands and through bank erosion must have changed the
rating curve which exist ed before the dam was built. . It might be that some inconsistency exists in data
The results [2} show that the mean discharge for 34 pr1or to 1914. In the reference [3}, page 141, it is
years before 1903 (1869-1902) was 3380 m3/s or 1.15 in stated: "Although inaccuracies are risked with the
modular coefficie.nts, Fig. 1. The mean dis~harge for extension of records prior to 1914 , the Bureau of
52 years after 1903 (1903-1955) was 2650 m3/s, or 0.90 Reclamation made extensions to include t he 1896-1947
in modular coefficients , Fig. 1. The four-year period period at Lee Ferry ... . " In determining the depletion
prior to the operation of the reservoir from 1899-1902, of the water yield, the same reference on page 143
shows a mean flow close to the mean of the second period, states: "Stream depletions from upper basin ·development,
1903-1955. One wonders if this was associated with the therefore, have been estimated only at sites of use,
backwater regime above the darn due to its construction and aggregate depletions so determined are considered
.and consequent deposition of coarse sediment upstream ' representative of the depletion at Lee Ferry, " and on
of the dam, or if the degradation of sediment, banks, the same page, "This includes depletions from all
and sediment islands downstream of the dam, was not causes, such as irrigation and uses incident to irriga-
really started in 1899 instead of 1903. Though the tion, water exports to areas outside of the drainage
man-made reservoir increased the losses by evaporation basins, domestic and industrial uses , and evaporation
and eventual!~ by seepage, the difference in the mean from storage r eservoirs. The esti mat e allows credits
flow of 730 m / s between the two periods cannot be for water importations and channel salvage ."
chiefly explained in this manner . Four factors might
have combined to show a 25% difference in means of the For the Lee' s Ferry Station, Fig. 3 gives t he
two periods: relationships of three variables: (1) annual depletion,
D, in 106 acre-feet; (2) annual virgin flow, V, in 106
(a) The natural stochastic variation may have acr e-feet; and (3) time .(as parameter) . It is clearly
been so that the 34-year period (1869- 1902) was much shown that the depletion has fast increased fro·m the
wetter than t he 52-year period (1903-1955) . However, turn of the century until the end of Worl d War I , then
the difference of the two means of 0 . 25 in modular stayed approximatel y constant for the period, 1920-
coefficients (25% of the mean for the 86-year period, 1930, slowly increased from 1930-1950, then increased
1869-1955) has onl y a 0 .01% chance to be produced by a faster from 1954-1957 . In t his case , the historical
natural stochastic fluctuation. If the time- intervals annual flow at Lee's Ferry Station is an evolutive
are divided into 29-year (1869-1898) and 57-year periods time series (and not a stationary time series) . To
(1899-1955), then this difference would be stil l greate~ make a series homogeneous (to compensat e for depletions~
and the probability of its occurrence would be smaller · the annual virgin flows which have been approximated
than 0 .01%. give an insight as to what would be the flow if the
hydrologic factors of Upper Colorado River Basin would
(b) Inconsistency in data was brought about by remain unchanged by man 's acti vi ties . Although the
the use of a rating curve which was produced after 1903 approximated depletions have errors (because they de-
and appl ied to river gauging st ages before 1903 . pend on many factors such as rough and approximate
evaluations of net consumptive water uses and on net
(c) Non-homogeneity in data was produced by the evaporation from the new water surfaces) , and although
reservoir in the form of increased evaporation and per- the computed virgin flows are less accurate than in
colation into the river banks, rocks and soils. the case where they coincide with historical (measured)
flows, they nevertheless show a measure of man-made
(d) Non-homogeneity in data was produced by an non-honogeneity i n the hydrologic r ecords of th.e
increase in upstream water consumption, by larger lake Colorado River Basin.
evaporation and by irrigations .
The following model is defined as the relation of
~nnual depletion to annual virgin flow for a given
. One might be tempted to assume a long-range per-
Sl stence or periodicity in the annual f low of the Nile 1nterval of years, or for a s ingle year. They are
River·. Due to the fact t hat a preponderant number of approximated by straight lines (Fig . 3) because a

Flow fPost Depletion
Historic Homogeneous 1896-1959 Average Homogeneous
Flow :: -Flow Reduced Average Virgin Flow
Annual Flow, Reduced
24- To 1954-1957 6 1896- 1959 For Depletion on t he
2 2- STREAMFlOW IN ~xiO oc"~feet Average Historical Period 1954-1957
MILLION ACRE- 6 12 89xl0 ocre-feel
20· FEET PER YEAR 13.53xl0 acre-feet

16- \ 1-
:: :\ :
2 ·:

1896 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 193 0 1935 I9 4 0 1945 1950 195 1959

Fig. 2 The Colorado River annual flows at Lee Ferry, Arizona






o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Virgin flow, v, 10 acre - feet

Fig. 3 The r elation of the man-made annual flow depletion in t he Upper

Colorado River at Lee's Ferry Station, Arizona, to the annual
virgin flow (historical flow plus depletion) for given time
intervals or years, for the period 1896-1957 .

complex model would not be justified in view of the By extrapolating the depletion model D • A + B V
errors which are inherent in the determination of ~r any other more complex mode ~ in the future by com-
depl etions. For the period 1954-1957, the depletion puting A and B as f unctions of time, it is possible to
model is reduce the virgin f low sample, 1896-1959, to any future
date. Whi l e planning the Upper Colorado River Basin
development, it should be possible to project t he deple-
0 = 1.26 + 0.0673 V (1) tion model, if not in function of time, than at least in
function of future projects, and even in function of
population growth. In this case, the new variate V ,
Figure 3 shows that both coefficients A and B in the annual flows at Lee's Ferry Station for a given t
equation D = A + B V increase with time. This increase date is
of A and B means a greater average depletion per year (2)
1~ith time. An increase of B means that. the depletion
fluctuates more in function of the absolute value of
virgin flow with time than in earlier depletions. The where At and Bt are parameters of depletion model
increase of B also means that the number of factors
which affect the depletion, but are proportional to the Dt = At + BtV' at the date t. Assuming that At(t) and
virgin flow, increase with time ~hen more water is Bt(t ) are , given, then Vt(V , t) would also be given. With
diverted to irrigation inside the basin, or when more
water is diverted out of the basin during wet years, the probability distribution of V, as well as the char-
or when more evaporation occurs from reservoirs be- acteristics of sequence patterns of V given in ana lyti-
cause of a greater mean free surface area in wet years cal form, both probability distribution and sequence
than in dry years , and similar factors ). model for Vt can be derived as a function oft. This
approach enables the computations of average hydrologic
The historical annual flow of the Lee's Ferry characteristics during a depreciation time for a water
Station is considered to be a non-homogeneous (non- resource development project.
stationary) time series. In statistical words, the
information from 64 years of annual flows at Lee's The above analysis leads to the conclusion that
Ferry Station is derived from a mixture of populations. the computation of effects of man-made structures and
Theoretically speaking, that mixture of populations measures in river basins has an import ant bearing on
and samples may be treated statistically or probabilis- the reliability of hydrologic data used for further
tically if the law of change intime from one population water resource developments and water project opera-
to the next is known . Due to the fact that most of tions. The studies and calculations aimed to make
the changes are introduced by man's activity, and that hydrologic sampl es homogeneous (and also consistent
the laws of change in time for runoff are complex and by removing the eventual inconsistency in data) through
unpredictable, the approach of treating the mixture of computation and analysis of depletion models (or system-
populations in annual runoff is not feasible. This is atic errors), is a new and important task of hydrol ogic
the reason why the techniques of changing the non- activities.
homogeneous samples i nto homogeneous samples are intro-
duced and practiced currentl y. It would be extremely 4. Subjec t. Changes introduced into a stationary
difficult .-to project the depletion of annual runoff in time series by inconsistency and non-homogeneity of
amount and in time at the Lee's Ferry Station for the data in the. form of jumps (changes suddenly introduced
next three to five decades with sufficient accuracy. inside a series) and trends arc the subject of this
This means that all future storage reservoirs, diversion paper. The various models of jumps and trends may be
projects, and irrigation schemes would have to be pre- superposed in a variety of ways. However, the usual
dicted exactly in runoff amount and in time for the case in many applied sciences is to search for changes
next 30-50 years. If that very approximate depletion which are introduced into the series as unknown jumps
projection would be acceptable for economic and engi- and trends . In this study, t he approach is opposite.
neering studies, it would be possible, at least theo- The second order stationary (time-invariant ) series
retically, to treat future projected samples of runoff with known properties is subjected to known changes
starting with the mixture of populations. (jumps and trends) and the impact of these changes is
investigated. The main attempt of this study is to
The computation of virgin flows for Lee's Ferry determine the changes in the properties of various
Station from 1896 to 1959 is also a procedure to parameters and in the distributions which occur as a
det ermine a homogeneous sample . In other words, the result of given types of jumps and trends so that a
comput ed virgin flow sample is drawn from the population comparison with the observed series of unknown jumps
that existed prior to any depletion, under the circum- and trends may be made. Specifically, the changes in
stances of a large number of natural causes which affoct density functions, in mean, variance, skewness , kurto~
the runoff. Practical problems require however, that and serial correlation coefficients are studied. The
compu~ations in engineering and economics be carried objective is to find the statistical properties of the
out with homogeneous samples, or one population is in- series when the kno~~ inconsistency and non-homogeneity
ferred from these samples (valid for the moment of are introduced, and to show how these factors affect
comput ation, or for the time interval a project would the original homogeneous series .
normally serv~. For the period of 1954-1957, applying
the depletion model of eq . (1) to the virgin f l ows of 5 . HyPotheses for investigations . The general
the sample, 1896-1959, a new homogeneous sample valid structure of a hydrologic time series usually has three
only for the period 1954- 1957 is obtained . Assuming main parts: trend and/or jump and periodic as well as
that small changes in depletion have taken place from stochastic components. For the purpose of this study,
1958-1960 in comparison with the period from 1954- it is assumed that the periodic component is absent,
1957 , the new homogeneous sample can be considered or the cyclic component can be detected and removed
the same as if drawn from the population of annual from the original time series . The former case is
runoffs at Lee ' s Ferry Station,valid for the late well approximated by an annual runoff or annual precipi-
fifties. The homogeneous sample reduced to the period, tation series, or a series of similar variables of
1954-1957, is also given in Fig. 2 . annual values. The procedure for detecting and

substracting periodic components from the time series The types of non-homogeneity introduced int o an
are beyond the scope of the present study . Ther efore, i ndependent stationary time series i n this study are:
the general model of a hydrologic time series is given
by (a) Constant jump for a part of a series ,
(b) Combination of constant j umps along a series,
(c) Linear jump for a part of a series,
wi th Rt the jump or trend component, and et the (d) Combination of linear jumps along a series,
stochast ic (dependent or independent) component, and (e) Linear trend, and
Xt is the resulting series . For the sake of simplicity,
(f) Polynomial trend.
the Et-component in this study is assumed to be a
sequence of mutually independent random variabl es of a The effects of non-homogeneity are studied on
second order stationarity. The trend and/or jump com- these properties of variables:
ponent is assumed to be a known mathematical function
of time. (a) Probability density functions,
(b) Expec~ed values (means),
6. Research program. The independent stochastic
time ser ies is used for the investigation, and the (c) Variances,
inconsi stency and non-homogeneity of various types are (d) Skewness coefficients,
introduced into the series to produce the non-homogeneous
series . In terms of stochastic processes, the virgin (e) Kurtosis coefficients, and
(stationary) values of an independent hydrologic ser i es (f) Serial correlation coefficients.
are assumed to be mutually independent and stationary
random variables for the following investigations. In The f irst •Case of the constant jump in the series
the same terms, these variables are identically distri- introduced at any place between its begi nning and its
buted along a t i me series with the known probability end is given in detail in Chapter II in order to better
density function. illustrate the method of investigation and consequent
results. The other cases of non-homogeneity in other
Two independent stationary time series, one with chapters are presented as final results to strengthen
the normal and the other with the lognormal probability the conclusions of Chapter II and to show the differences
density function are used . It is not considered very in effects of v~rious types of non-homogeneity.
important to use the dependent stationary series for The majority of non-homogeneity and inconsistency
further investi gation because it is expected that it types i n hydrology are :in the f orm of jumps and trends
will s how results similar to the effect of inconsistency and their various combinations. The cases studied
and non-homogeneity as in the case of an independent provide a sufficient general picture of the effects of
stationary series . non-homogeneity on the properties of a hydrologic time

Chapter II


1.Definition of the change introduced by a con-
s tant jump. A constant change , 6 , is introduced into f(x) = p g(x) + q g(x-6) . (S)
a ser ies of size N at the position m from the
beginning of the series and n from the end of the
series, with N m + n, so that The probability density function, g(t), usually is
assumed to be a known function . Normal and log- normal
for t < m probability density functions are studied for this
constant jump. For tt ' an independent normal function
with the mean of c and the variance of o2 , the proba-
bility density functi on of non-homogeneous series xt
where xt is the historical value of a non-homogeneous
hydrologic time series , e:t is the virgin value of an
independent stationary series, and 6 is the constant f(x)
jump being positive or negative throughout the l ast
part, n, of the series. This is graphi cally repre-
sented in Fig. 4.
because the constant jump does not change the variance
o2 in each part.
For e:t, an independent log-normal function, a
similar equation is obtained with some modification as

- (lnx-fnJ212o2n -( ln(x-6) -E"n ]2/2o2n

f(x)= P e + e
xl2ii" on (x-6)&.

for x > 6 , and

0 0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0.8 1.0
q -(lnx- e ) 2 /2o2 (7)
f (x) • _ __.p.._-ee 0 n
Fig . 4 A scheme of the constant -jump introduced into a x,/2;
an independent homogeneous series , e:i

for 0 ~ x ~ 6
This case may simulate a constant annual diversion,
6, of water from one river basin to another, with a
change 6 or - 6 . It is cl ear that xt values in the
where €n is the mean of ln c , and a~ is the variance
second part are biased in comparison with the first of ln t. As t he value xt can be less than 6 , but only
part or the converse . The position, m, corresponds to
the time when the annual diversion begins . The ratios in part m of the series, f (x) must be separately
p = m/N and q = n/N, with p+q = 1 are used in this text represented for values above and below o.
as the dimensionless measures of the relative position
of the constant jump in the series. For the non- It is characteristic that eq . (6) gives either a
homogeneity to be present in a series, it must be shown two-peak or one-peak new probability density function.
that Q < p < 1 and 0 < q < 1. In other words, t he con- If the h~drologic variables are standardized, with
stant jump should not be at the beginning or the end of £ = 0, o& • 1, or N(O,l), and a positive constant
the series. In order to measure the importance of the jump 6 is introduced in the second part of the series,
constant jump on the series, the relative values 6/x then eq. (6) becomes:
or 6/ ax may be used where X and ox are the mean and
the standard deviation of the series of a variable x. f(x) • _£_ e-x2/2 + _s_ e-(x-6)2/2 (8)
2. Effect on a probability density function. It
l2:rr l2:rr
is assumed that &t is an independent and stationary
random series which has g(t), a given probability den- The first derivation of f(x) with respect t o x
sity function. Then in the part of the series x • t
t t'
and in the part of the series, xt = tt + 6, both have
f'(x) = - 1-
e -x /2 [ p(-x) + q e 6 (x-6/2) (6-x) • J (9)
g(·) as their probability density functions. Further- l2n
more, the density function of xt is det ermined by
g1v1ng the weights m and n to the densit ies of Position x, for the maximum and t he minimun of f(x) ,
are roots of f'(x) m 0, or
tt and t t+6, respectivel y, or

q e 6 (x- 6/ 2 )( 6-x) - p X = 0 (10)

because exp(-x 2 /2YI2irr is a non- zero quantity. The

solution of eq . (10) is found on the digit al computer
by using the trial -and-error method. The r esults show
that the number of roots in eq. (10) is either one or
three, depending on the values q and o. Whenever there
is only one solution in eq. (10) , the probability den-
~ity function has one maximum (peak) . When there are
three roots , there are two maxima (peaks) and one
minimum in the probability density function.
It is cl ear that the probability density function
of a non-homogeneous series f(x) is composed of two
normal density functions with two different means,
zero and o, respectively, but each with the same
variance of unity. Intuitively, one can expect that
there are two peaks in the probability density function
of a non-homogeneous series f(x) , one around zero and
the ot.her around 6 , i f 6 is large enough and q is
close to 0.5. The exact positions of peaks for a given
6, depend entirely on the value of q . Obviously, the
value Qf q indicates which of the two normal density
functions has more weight. Smal l values of q mean
that the standard normal density function has more
weight, whereas large val ues of q mean that the normal
density function with the mean of 6 has a greater q
weight. The closer the value q i s to 0.5, and the
greater value of 6 , the more distinguished are the Fig. 5 The two regions (1) and (2) i ndicating the
two peaks i n the density function f (x) . In the oppo- va lues of q = n/N and 6 (constant jump) and
site case, the new probability density f unction is a designating if the probability density f unction
one-peak distr ibution. of a non-homogeneous series, f(x), has one or
two peaks: (1) One-peak region, (2) two-peak
3 . Criterion for one-peak or two-peak distri- region
butions. The criterion for having one or two peaks
in the probability density function of non-homogeneous
series f (x) is obtained from t he r esults of computa- it i s the maximum or minimum of f(x) , the second
tions on the digital computer. Equation (10) is solved deviation of f(x) is
for var ious values of q and 6. The results toll at
what val ue 6 the function f(x) begins to be two-
peak distribution for a given value of q. For values
of q far away from 0.5 , 6 must be very l arge to
sufficiently separate the two normal probabil ity
densit y functions in order to obtain the two peaks .
When q is close to 0.5 , the two normal probability
density functions with means zero and 6 , respectively , (12)
are almost equally weighted. In that case, even a
comparatively small value of 6 will be sufficient to and
create the two-peak probability density cu.r ves.
Figure 5 shows the regions (1) and (2) necessary
for dis tributions to have one and two peaks in terms (13)
of critical values q and 6 , respectively. The
0 0
line separating the two regions is obtained by connect-
ing the 12 computed points.of (q , 6 ) of eq . (10). This It is obvious that for 6 = 2, the second derivative
0 0
of f(x) is equal to zero at x = o/2 . For 16 ! > 2 , the
division will be discussed in details further in the second derivatives are positive. For !o! < 2, the
text. Figure 5 will be replotted on different' coor- second derivatives are negative. This analysis tells
dinate scales and an empirical equation of q0 • ~ (6 0) that the probability density function of a non-homoge-
will be deve loped. For q = 0, or q = 1, a two-peak neous series for q = 0 . 5 has both its maximum and its
0 0 points of inflection at x = l for 6 .. 2. Therefore,
probability density function will never occur for any it has only one peak which is very flat . For !o l > 2,
value of 6 . For q0 = 0.5, the critical values 60 the probability density function has its minimum at
can be obtained analytically . 6/2 , which implies that it has two peaks. For I 61 < 2,
the probability density function of a non-homogeneous
For q = 0. 5, eq. (10) becomes series has its maximum at o/2 which implies that it has
only one peak. Therefore, the critical value of 6
necessary for the probability density function to have
e 6 (X- 6/ 2)(6-X) -X= 0 • (11) one or two peaks is 6 = 2 for the case q = 0 . 5.
0 0

By inspection, x 6/2 is one of the roots of Both the probabil ity density at x for the maximum
eq. (1 1). Therefore, f(x) will be either the maximum and for !61 < 2, and the probability density at x for
or the minimum at x m o/2 . In order t o detect whether the minimum and for 161 > 2 ' in the case q = 0. 5 , arc
equal to

TABLE 1 Critical values of 6 for various values of
(14) 0
q, so that two peaks occur in a density func-
tion i f 6 > o for given q
0 0
It is obvious for q = 0.5 that the normal curve
of eq. (14) is the locus of the above maxima or minima
of the probability density of a non-homogeneous series qo
for various values of o. For q • 0.5 and the four 0

values of 6(6 = 0.0, 6 = 1.00, 6 = 2.0 and 6 = 3.0), 0.01

the four probability density functions are given in 4.09
Fig . 6. 0.03 3.76
For the values of q different from 0.5, the 0.05
solutions of eq. (10) for x cannot be obtained in 3.59
the explicit form. As was discussed earlier in this Cl.10
text, the trial-and-error method is used to find the 0.90 3.32
solutions. The critical value of 6 for a given q 0 . 15
0 0
is the maximum value of 6 giving only one solution 0 .85
in eq. (10). Eleven values of 6 and the correspond- 0.20 2.99
a 0.80
ing symmetrical values of q are listed in Table 1. 0.25
They are plotted in Fig . 7 in logarithmic-probability o. 75
scales in such a way that q = 0.5 corresponds to 0.30 2.72
percentage zero, q0 =0 corresponds to percentage 100, 0.35 2.59
and 60 is plotted on the logarithmic scale. Then 0.65
q0 = ~(6 ) as a straight line in this paper. The 2.44
0 0.60
mathematical representation of q in terms of 6 is 0.45 2 . 28
then o o } 0.55
0.50 2.00
1 ~ lnl60 l
q =- 1- f
-(lnl60 l-1.047) 2 /2(0 .174) 2
0 2
0 . 0.174/iiT
peak, otherwise it has two peaks. It should be noted
Constants 1.047 and 0.174 are estimated from Fig. 7. that the new density function has only one peak for
If q > q > 1 - q , the distribution has only one any value of q i f IoI ~ 2.
0 0

f (X)




-4 -3 -2 -I 0 2 3 4 5
Fig . 6 Probability density functions for various values of o with ~ • 0, a~ = 1.0 and q 0.5


0.6 .___..__.___ _.____._ _.____.___._ _.___._ __.___ _.L.__...J
0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 o.3 0.4 o.5 0.6 o.7 o.e 09 095 .98

Fig. 7 The critical value, q , as related to, 6

0 0
(constant jump), for determining whether the
new probability density function will have one
or two peaks

The value of 6 indicates the distance between

two different weighted probability density functions.
Therefore, the positive and negative signs of 6 in~
dicate the relative position of these two probability
density functions. The two-peak density function de-
pends on the value of 6 regardlessif it is positive
or negative. Based on this explanation, the absolute
value of o is used in eq . (15) for the general case.
To find the critical value 6 for a given value q
0 0
from eq. (15), a trial-and-error procedure is necessary.
If the resulting frequency curve has two peaks and a
minimum of f(x) between them, the x-values are desig-
nated by m1 (first peak) , m2 (minimum) , and m (second
pea~) . For a one-peak density function, the mode is
des1gnated by m.

It is obvious that the position m of the peak

in the one-peak probability density funct i on is closer
to either ~ or £ + 6, which depends only on values
q and 6 . From eq. (6) it follows that the smaller 4 5
the q, the closer m is to ~ and the converse, and
the larger the q, the closer m is to ~ + 6 . For
the two-peak density function, m1 and m are around Fig. 8 The positions m and m of peaks in the
1 3
& and & + 6 , respectively . The positions of m probability density function for various values
1 of q and 6, with m = 6 - m
and m obtained on digital computer are plotted in 3 1
Fig. 8 versus 6 by using q as parameter. The dis-
tances between the positions of one peak and the mean
of zero and the second peak and + 6 , are equal in a
symmetrical probability density function. For q = 0.5 The position of the minimum, m2, in two-peak
and 6 < 2, the position m has a l inear relationship
1 distributions increases as 6 increases. The value
with 6 , or m = 6/2. The position m (or m ) linearly m , is equal to 6/2 for q = 0.5. For q ' 0.5, m2 is
1 1 3 2
increases with 6 up to 6 • 2. For the other values calculated on a digital computer and is shown in Fig. 9.
of q and for q = 0 . 5 but in the region of 6 > 2, the The family of curves of m is symmetrical about the
positions of m or m3 are non-linear relationships to q • 0 .5 for q > 0.5. For smal l 6, m deviates signifi-
6 . Therefore, 1the values m1 and m3 depend on 6, as 2
shown in Fig. 8. They will increase as 6 increases cantly from the value 6/2 when the minimum exists.
until they reach a maximum, then they decrease as 6 For large 6 the deviation of m2 from 6/2 as
further increases. It is evident from Fig . 8 that for (m - 6/2) is a constant. This constant increases as
the standardized variable c(c = 0, ac = 1) and for 2
lq ~ o.sol increases.
6 > 4, the posi tions m and m are approximately at
1 3
0 and 6 , respectively. For non-s t andardized variables The absolute difference between the probability
and 6 > 4 a , these positions are approximately £ densities of peaks, in two-peak distributions , is
£ •
and ~ + 6 . For one-peak density curves and 6 > 4,
the position m is approximately either at 0 (for 2
small q) and at 6 (for large q). From practical view 0 -1- le-o /2 (2q-l) + (l-2q)). (16)
/'[; 0
point and 6 > 4 (or 6 > 4 oc) the values q and 6
barely affect the positions m , m , and m.
1 3

03 - - - -- -- - -- - ---q•OI
0 .9


q•O.I ----------------------------03
0.2 01
-------------------------04 Q6
0 '-----:----:2~--~3----'4---5.1...-----'6----8___;7 q•Q:I

Fig. 10 The absolute difference, D, between the proba-
bility densities of peaks in a two-peak dis-
tribution fqr various values of q and 6 .

The U-curve may have the same effect on x-density f unc-

tion as a random variable with aU-shape density curve.
The stochastic components are mainly bell-shaped or
J-shaped distributions. The combination of a U-shaped
and a bell-shaped distribution often produces a two-
peak density function. A combination of a periodic
component (with U-type the f irst derivative of its
dur ation curve) and a random component (with a bel l -
shaped probability density function) produces, under
2 4 5 certain particular conditions, a two-peak densit y func-
8 tion of the variable x . Therefore, whenever hydrologic
variabl es are composed of clear within- the-year or
Fig. 9 The position, m2 , of the minimum of f(x) between within-the-day periodic components and a stochast i c
the two peaks in the probability density func- component and t r eated as a univariate (instead of
tion of a non-homogeneous series for various multivariates), then i t is expected that some variables
values of q and 6 . might exhibit two-peak probability density functions.
Indeed, this fact has been observed quite frequently.
-.s2;2 Thus, a constant jump, as an equival ent of the periodic
For l arge 6 , e will converge fast to unity, and component, is shown in Fig . 11 , which may be interpreted
then the difference, 0, depends only on q . This is as a periodic component. Therefore, it is expected to
shown in Fig. 10, on which the family of 0 curves ver- produce two-peak density functions for particular values
sus 6 are plotted with q as parameter. Practically, of q and 6 .
curves become horizontal lines f or 6 > 4 for all values
of q. Various explanations for t wo-peak density curves
in hydrology may be encountered if one scans the litera-
4. h drolo ture . The first explanation is that two distinct
monthly lows, climatic regimes exist in river basins, when either
hourly, daily or monthly precipitation, and so forth) precipitation or runoff phenomena and their daily or
exhibit two-peak probability density curves under
particular conditions . In most cases, the t ime series
of these variables are composed of a periodic (of day
or year) and a stochastic component. The periodic
component is mainly pr esent in the means and standard
deviations of t hese variables. The coefficient of X
variation, the skewness coefficient and t he covariances
of the remaining stochastic component (obtained by
removing the periodic movement in the mean and in the
standard deviation) show relatively small or no peri-
odic movement. If ~ and a are the mean and
standard deviation at any hour of the day, or any day,
or any month of the year, then ci • (xi -~,)/cr, is
considered as a stochastic component, with xi the
original variable, and ~T and a, t he periodic func-
tions, wi th periods of either a day or a year.
0 0 .2 0 .4 qo.G 0 .8
If the periodic component of ~, and cr, are
transformed to a duration curve, and the first deriva- Fig. 11 A periodic movement (1) may be approximated by
tive is determined, the shape of this new curve will a constant jump s cheme (2) , with 6 + 6 = o
be similar to a U-probability density funct ion. 1 2

monthly variable values are considered, and the total Non-homogeneity will introduce the change in the
effect of these two regimes produces two-peak density variance with quantity of (1- q) qo 2 . S1nce 0 < q < 1,
curves (or four inflection point distribution curves) . (1 -q) qo2 is always a positive quantity regardless of
The second explanation is that the river flows at a o positive or negative . Equation (18) proves, there-
station below the confluence of two tributaries with fore, that the variance of a non-homogeneous series is
different flow regimes may have two-peak density curves always greater on the average t han the variance of an
(two-peak histograms) if these two regimes are suffi- original homogeneous series . . The variance of a series
ciently distinct . The third explanation is that the is always increased by introducing the inconsistency
two peaks and the minimum between them are simply a or non-homogeneity into dat~ . This increase has a
sampling product, and if observations are continued maximum value for q = 0 . 50, for a given value of cr~
the frequency density curves will slowly converge to
one-peak curves. and o, or for a given dimensionless parameter ~ = 6/cr
as shown in FiR. 12. .E
The first alternative is right only if there are
two very distinct regimes of precipitation, one regime
producing small amounts part of the year and nearly G'x
nothing the remaining time, and the other regime pro- o:2
ducing l arge amounts during the period that the f irst E
regime does not produce, and then producing nothing or. 8
very little in other periods. In other words, a large
periodicity inside the year is created.

It is easy to contest the second explanation.

Assume that the two tributaries, with river flows x
and y, respectively, have each a bell-shaped frequency
density curve. Then the sum x+y also shows a similar
curve. If the skewness coefficients of x and y
are approximately equal, the variable 'x+y is less
skewed but is also bell-shaped distributed. Only when
the conditions of the first alternative are met by
the two distinct and different tributary regimes in
time, the two-peak f requency density curves may occur
as the result of periodicity within the year.
The third case is one of sampling errors, with
two or more peaks in histograms occurring by the pure
chance. It can be shown that in the cases of a com-
posite series (periodic and stochastic components)
the differences between peaks, between frequency den- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
sities of peaks, and between the frequency density of q
the minimum and frequencies of the two peaks, are
statistically significant, even for medium size
samples. Fig. 12 The ratio of variances of a non-homogeneous
and a homogeneous series, created by a con-
5. Effect of constant jump non-homogeneity on stant j ump, versus q for various values of
the mean. The mean of the distribution of a constant a, with Cl ,; o/cr 2
jump non-homogeneous series i s

7. Effect on skewness . The skewness coefficient

of a constant jump non-homogeneous series is
E(x) J xf(x)dx J x(l -q)g(x)dx + Jx q g(x-o)dx
+oo 0
13 ....!. J(x-i) 3 f(x) dx = (_£) 3 13£ + (2q-l) (q-1) qa 3 (19)
cr3 _.. ax
= (1-q) £ + q& + qo ; t + qo, (17)
where 13£ is the skewness of the original homogeneous
because J xg(x)dx & and f g(x-o)dx 1. series, and a = o/crt. When q < 0.50 but 6 are nega-
tive, or q > 0.50 but o are positive, the quantity
(2q-l)(q-l)qa3 is negative . In these cases cr:e < o:l3~
It is obvious from a simple analysis that the change
in the mean produced by t his type of non-homogeneity As ax > a£ , ~·n these cases ..,a is definitely smaller
is qo. The absolute change of mean increases with than 13t.
q and I o I .
A genera 1 method to determine which of the two,
6. Effect on variance. The variance of a constant 6 or 6 is larger can be developed. If the
t ' '
jump non-homogeneous series is
difference between the skewness of a non-homogeneous
series and an original homogeneous series is denoted by
f (x-x) 2f(x)dx (18) 66, then

6a a - aC = -l3 { aE (o3E - a3)
+ (2q-l) (q-l)q63} . 2

Since o~ is always a positive quantity, 6B is posi-

tive only when

ae:(o~ -a~) + (2q-l)(q-l) q6 3 > 0 . (20)

From eq . (20) it follows that the criti cal value

ec of Be is

(2q-l)(q-l) q 63 (21)
a3 - a3
X &

The skewness of a non-homogeneous series will then

equal that of the original series if Be: = Be Then -2 ~------------~~------------~
0 0 .50 1.00
a> a E: i f ac < ac, and a < ae: i f ae: > ac . q
This holds true particularly for the symmetrical
probability distribution ·such as the normal distri- Fig . 13 The criterion, Be' versus q for various
bution Be: = 0, and wh.en the skewness is not changed (] 3
values of c Wlth c = a3/(~ -1)
by non-homogeneity only if q = 0.5. If q > 0.50 and 03
6 is negative, or q < 0.50 and 6 is positive, the e:
skewness coefficient B is positive. If q > 0.50
and 6 is positive, or q < 0.50 and 6 negative,
the skewness coefficient 13 is negative. These prop-
erties are shown in Fig. 13.
8. Effect on kurtosis. The kurtosis, y, of a
constant jump non-homogeneous series is
+oo (24)
y f (x-x) f(x) dx

When ye: = yc , then ny is zero , or y = ye: . If

- q64 (q-1) (3q2-3q+l)} (22)
y < y , then y > y ; and if y > y , then y < ye:
& c e: e: c
For the normal probability density function ye: 3,
and the kurtosis of a non-homogeneous series ye: is
where is the kurtosis of the original homogeneous
3 if q = (1±11/3)/2, for all values of 6 . For any
series, and all other symbols are defined as stated.
. b etween 2 - 13 and 0 , or
The difference of the kurtosis of the two series value o f 6 , 1"f· q lS 6
(after and before the non-homogeneity is introduced)
denoted by ny, is 2 + 613 and
1, the effect of non-homogeneity increases
1 13 1 13
the kurtosis. If q "is between 2- 6 and 2 + 6 ,
6y the non-homogeneity in data decreases the kurtosis.
9. Effect on serial correlation coefficients.
Expected values of the sample serial correlation
Because o4 is a positive quantity, 6y is a positive coefficients of a homogeneous independent random series
value only when are zero (except of r = 1), because the series is
assumed to be sequentially independent . However, in
the parts p and q of non-homogeneous series, the
values are still mutually independent, but for the
total series , the expected sample serial correlation
coefficients are not zero because the computed mean is
From eq. (23) it follows that the critical value of not zero. The variance is not o2 and the expected
y& i s covariances are not zeros .

The computational mathematical expression f or t he If n < k < m, then r(x.1 -X) (x 1+
. k-x) ~ (N-k)q2a2 - nq62.
sample serial correlation coefficients used in this
study is If the value of k i s gr eater than the larger value
of m and n, but of course i s less than the value of
N, then E(x.-X)(x.
1 1+
k-x) = -q62(N-k)(l-q). From these
N-k results, the expected values of the sample serial
~i~l (xi-x)(xi+k-x) correlation coefficients are various function o f the
lag k, according to the val ue of k and the position
of the jump, rn . In summary_,

where a2 ~
cr2€: + (l-q)qcr 2 is assumed ~o be a constant rk a2[q2+ q (l-2q)-pAJ
l->. , f or N'1" .::._"' <
parameter. The expected value of E(xi -x)(xi+k-x) can
be found either according to k or to the relative
value k/N. The region of k/N is assumed to be l ess rk pa 2 cs.:.l - q) for p .::._A < q
1- A
than the smaller value of q and 1-q, so that
N-k rk a2q2 (A->. 1) for q .::._ A < p
(x . -X)(x. -x) ~ (N-k)q 2 o 2 + (n-k)o2 - qo2 (2n-k)
~ ~+k
i =l
= -pqet2 for max(p,q) .::._A < 1
because E(ei - E)(ei+k-~) ~ 0 fork f 0, and
where a = 6/ax , p = n/N, q n/N and A = k/N are
E(xi - ~) = E(xi+k - E) = 0, and n the part of N
dimensionless parameters.
between the position of constant jump o and the end
of the ser ies. In the r egion m < k < n, where m is The correlograms of eq. (26) are shown in Fig. 14
the part of N between t he beginning of the series for vari ous val ues of q. It should be noted that the
and t he position of constant jump, correlograms are identical for the values q and 1-q .
Whenever k is greater than m and n (whichever is
l ar ger ), the expected sample serial correlation coef-
ficients are constants and are independent of k but


q=O.I or 0 .9

0.2 or 0.8

- 0 _2 0.3 or 0.7
0.4 or 0 .6
q=0 .5

0 .2 0.4 0 .6 0.8 1.0

Fi g . 14 The relationship of rk/et 2 , with a= 6/sx , versus A = k/N, f or various values of q = n/N, and for t he
case ofaconstant jump, o, introduced into a homogeneous series at the position p = m/N or q = n/N.

depend on q, 6, and a . As shown by eq. (26), the q = 1/2for a given value a . The maximum val ue of
expected serial correlation coefficients of the non-
homogeneous series always have values different from rk/cx 2 is tci=~A ) in t he region ~ < >.. < ~lin (p,q),
the expedted coefficients of a homogeneous series. As and (- ;}J in the region ~lax(p, q) < A < 1.
the hydrologic series is often subject to inconsistency
and non-homogeneity, a portion of the positive depend- The correlogram of a non-homogeneous series has
ence at the initial parts of the cor rel ograms (see Fig. the property that the serial correlation coefficients
14) al so comes from these two factors, apart from the are constant negative values for the lag greater than
effect of other basic physical processes of nature . a certain val ue . This property may provide a simpl e
way for detecting the non-homogeneity in a time series .
If rk/a 2 is differentiated wit h . respect to q If the analysis of a hydrologic time series shows that
the serial correlation coefficients f ollow approximately
and set -up equal to zero, one solution can be found in a negative constant value after the lag, k, is larger
both regions, ~ < A < Min(p,q) and ~lax(p ,q) ~A ~ 1. than a certain value, the hypothesis that there may be
non-homogeneity present in the series is attra ctive f or
Therefore, rk/a 2 will have the maximum value when
further investigation.

Chapter III


1. Definition of change by constant jumps . The In this case, the change in the mean because of non-
current hydrologic practice shows that changes occur homogeneity in the form of several constant jumps is
in a sequence which may be composed of const ant jumps h
at several positions in a series. In this case, sev- As may be positive or negative, it
eral positive or negative constant changes , oi' occur h
can happen that the mean is unchanged if E q.6. = 0 ,
along the series at various positions qi = ni/N, where i=l 1 l
n. = l ength of the series after the j ump 6 . and be- or it can al so indicate ther e i s no change i n the total
l h 1 h balance of water in a river basin for the sampl e s i ze
foro the jump 61+1, so that E qi = 1, or E n = N, N. It is often encountered in practice by the concept
i =l i =l 1 of wat er replacement or interchange , without changing
with h = total number of subseries , the fir st l ength t he water balance of adjacent river basins . However,
included. This case would correspond to many constant the other properties of river regimes may be highly
diver sions of water in or out of a r iver basin wi t h affected even in this case of unchanged mean.
varying values of o1 and qi.
4. Effect on the variance. The var iance of a
2.Effect on probability densi t i es. The pr oba- non-homogeneous series is
bility density function of a non-homogeneous series xt
of constant- jumps is determined by giving the weights ·~ h h
qi to probability densities of (ct - 6i) respectively, f (x-x)2f(x)dx • o2 +E q.6. 2 -( E qi6i) 2 • (31)
_,. £ i=l l ]. i=l
It is obvious that the second term in eq. (31) is
f(x) • t qi g(x-6i) (27) always greater than the third term. Hence the vari-
i=l ance of series is increased by the non- homogeneity of
constant jumps 6i. If the mean is unchanged, as
where g(·) is the basic probability density function of
~- lf g(·) is the normal probability density function, shown in the above discussion, the variance can still
then be significantly increased.
5. Effect on the skewness. Simil arly, as in the
h qi previous text , the skewness coefficient B of a multi-
f(x) • E ---e (28) ple constant-jump non-homogeneity is
i=l 0

linen g(.·) the l ognormal probability densi t y fun ction,

f(x) = E where sums in eq . (32) are all from i = 1 to i = h.
i•l o (x-6.) lfi If c is a normal variable with B = 0, the skewness
n 1 of the non-homogeneous series willcbe either positive
(B > 0) or negative (B < 0) depending on the values
qi and 61 . If S£ ~ 0, the ske~ness coefficient, S,
may be greater or smaller than St. In other word s,
the combination of constant jumps and their positions
qi do not work only in one direction, such as is the case
f(x) r ----=---e (29) with the variance (the second central moment).
i<v o (x-6 .)/fi'
n 1 6 . Effect on kurtosis . The kurtosis coefficient
is also well affected by the non-homogeneity in the
where v is the subset of i for which o. ].
is less form of multiple constant jumps, so that
than x. The probability density function f(x) may be
multimodal (several peaks) which depends on values qi
and o. .

3. Effect on the mean . The mean of the new series

+ ( l:q . 6 . ) ( 6 (E q. 6
11 ll
~) 11 11
(I: q . 6. ) - 4 I:q. o + I:q. 6 }
~ ( 33)

E( x) •x J xf(x) dx "E + q. 0 . .
l ].
(30) with all sums in eq. (33) from i = 1 to i h. The

non-homogeneity may cause the kurtosis to increase or Many hydrologic processes may be exposed to shif ts
decrease which will depend on values qi and oi. How- (slippages) in the form of changing systematic errors
ever, an anlysis of eq . ( 33) shows that on the average, of constant j umps. A similar case occurs with water
withdrawal s to or from a river, especially in complex
the value, y , would be mainly greater than y , or the water resource developments and operation schemes .
distribution of x should tend to have a flatter
central part than the variable, c . Therefore, an independent series (say approxi mate the
series of annual precipitation) becomes a time depend-
7. Effects on serial correlation coefficients. ent variable by a combination of various constant
The expected values of sample serial . correl ation coef- jumps along t he series. Or, if a series is already
dependent, the non- homogeneity of this type increases
ficients are given here only for the parameter A = k/N t he dependence, on the average . This statement "on
which is l ess than the minimum value of qi (k < ~in N,
the average" needs f ur ther explanation .
which is k < nmin') or
A sample from an independent normal variable may
h- 1 h h
shmv a time dependence (though not significant). By
N-lk j k[ E (6.- '
j+l J i =l
1 1
)(6. l
q. 0.) J
l 1
adding a constant jump to this sample, it may occur
by pure chance that the dependence of the non - homoge-
neous sample becomes smaller than in the homogeneous
sample. However, if the same procedure is ap,p lied to
many sampl es, the ave r age result will show that the
h dependence is produced by constant jumps . If depend-
+ !: (n. -k)(o. - (34) ence already exists in the homogeneous series, it will
j=l J J increase in the large majority of samples .

An independent variable e will become a depend-

ent variable x by a sequence of the constant-jump
where k < mi n (n , n , . . . ,nh). source of non-homogeneity.
1 2

Chapter IV


1. Definition of the change introduced by a - '20'TI[ln x-'f"n j2
linear jump . A non-homogeneity is introduced at posi- t
f(x) e +
tions t bet ween m and N of the series i n the form X .f2TI
of n

xt (l+I)tt' form !.. t < N -~(ln x-r -ln(l+I))2

2o n
(35} + e n (38)
for 0 < t !._ m , 0
n X .f2TI

or al ong t he part n , with I = constant. In ot her for 0 < X < 00 and I > -1 .
words, xt i s proportional to ct. by a constant differ~
from unity along t he second part of the ser ies, where When g( · ) is the normal probabil i t y density func-
tion of zero mean and variance o2, f(x) is composed
xt is the historical value of a non-homogeneous series, t

whil e £ is the virgin value of an independent station- of two normal density functions both with the mean
zero but different variances, o 2 and (1+1)2 o2,
ary series. t £
respectively. In this case, regardless of values q
This case may simulate a diversion of river flows and "I," the probability density function of a non-
which are proportionalto discharges at a river gauging homogeneous series is always one peak function located
station. In other words, if a partition of river dis- at x = 0 and symmetrical about it. For I < 0 , and
charge is made by a simple r ule of propor~ionality , particularl y for q l arge, the variance of a non-
the change in the river from which water is diverted is homogeneous series is less than o2 of a homogeneous
equal t o a negative linear jump . If the evaporation series . I f I < 0 , t he variance of (l+ I)tt will be
from a reservoir is approximately pr oporti onal t o t he
annual inflow (higher rese·r voir levels and the corres- smaller than the variance of t t' and for a large
ponding larger evaporation surfaces may be linearly value of q, the probability density function with a
related to annual infl ows), then the loss of water small variance is more weighted than the unchanged part
from the initiation of reservoir operation may be of series , so that it results in the variance of non-
closely described by a linear jump . If systematic homogeneous series being smaller, or o2 < o2 .
errors are proportional to the values of a hydr ologic X t
variable, the linear jump of eq. (35) may well describe 3. Effect of a linear jump of a non-homogeneous
this inconsistency in data from beginning to end. series on the mean. The expected value of the new
series of xt is


E(x) x= J xf(x)dx • (l+ql)E". (39)

f(x) =p g(x) + q g(l~I) (36) The change of mean because of non-homogeneity in the
form of a linear jump is qiE" . The change depends not
with g( · ) the probability density function of the only on the properties of the non-homogeneity of q
homogeneous series. and I, but also on the mean, t. If t = 0, the mean
i = 0 also.
lf it is assumed that the homogeneous series, ct'
4. Effect on the variance . The variance of the
follows the normal distribution with mean -E and non-homogeneous series is
vari ance o~ , then


-[x- (l+I)£} 2/2(l+I) 2o2
+ ---"--- e E. (37)
(l+I) o I2Ti This relationship of eq. (40) is shown in Fig. 15.
The negative value of "I" means that the second part
values (or the biased part of the series) have a
lf the basic probability density function g(·~ is lo~­ smaller mean and a smaller variance than the first
normal with the mean '[n of ln t and the vanance on part. Therefor e, the variation created by non-homo-
of l n t then geneity is cancelled by the smaller variance in the

where '1 = o£/E i s the coefficient of variation of
the homogeneous series ti . Because q is a quantity
which is always positive and less than the unity, then
6 the inequality (44) can only occur when the coefficient
of variation is smaller than the unity, or when the
standard deviation is smaller than the mean.
A conclusion can be determined from t he above
analysis . When '1 < 1 for the homogeneous s eries,
q < 1 - '12 and I • -2/(l+(l - q) t2 /a2£ ], then t he
variances of the homogeneous and non-homogeneous series
are equal. The non-homogeneity in this particul ar case
does not affect the variance . I f I< -2/[ 1+ (1 -q)/'1 2 ] ,
the variance· of the non-homogeneous series is smaller
than for the homogeneous series. Only for
I > -2/[1+(1-q)/nZJ does the non-homogeneity increase
the variance .
5 . Effect on the skewness. The skewness of the
non-homogeneous series of a linear jump is

1 . ...
B - f
a3 _..,
(x-i)3 f(x)dx = _.!.{B
a3 r:

• 3pq12fo~ 3 3 3
(2• 1) • p I f } (45)

where p = 1-q .
The s kewness , B, of the probability density func-
Fig. 15 The ratio of variances between a non-homogene- tion of a non-homogeneous s eries will now be different
ous and homogeneous series in the form of a from Br: of the homogeneous series. In general, r
l i near jump for various values of I and
in this case will play an important role whe ther or
(~ )2: (1) (t:/o£ )2 = 10 (2) (E"/o£) 2 = 1 not the effect wil l be a positive or a negative skew-
t ness of a non-homogeneous ser ies . The degree of change
(3) {1:/o ) 2
=0 mostly depends on q.
6. Effect on kurtosis. The kurtosis of a non-
biased part, rather than in the original homogeneous homogeneous series is
series . In this case, the variance of the non-homo-
geneous series is not necessary always greater than
for homogeneous series. This property of a non-homo- y = _.!. { (l•4qi+6qi2 + 4ql 3 +
geneous series formed by a. linear jump is different CJ~
from a non-homogeneous series formed by a constant X
If the change in variance produced by the non-
homogeneity of a linear jump is denoted by 6a2X , then
( 46)

(41 ) + 6ql(l+I)3 e:2o2 + ('E-x)~ + qif"[ (4+61+41 2 +13)£3


When the variances of homogeneous and non-homogeneous

series are equal, and 6a2 = 0, then eq. (41) gives - 4( 3•31•1 2 ) 2 2 < • 6 (2•I )f • ' - 4< 3 )} .

I ., _ _ _ -.o:-2- -- (42) Kurtosis of a non-homogeneous series is usually l ess

1 + (l-q)1: 2/o 2 than for a homogeneous series. In other words, the
probability density function of a non-homogeneous
series has a relatively flat-topped peak when a linear
Since "1" cannot be l ess than minus one, therefore, jump is introduced into a homogeneous series .
(1-q)£ 2 must be greater than o~ , then
0 7. Effects on serial correlation coefficients.
1 - q > (_£) TJ2 (43) Based on the same argument as in the case of a con-
c stant jump, the expect ed values of the sample serial
correlation coefficients of a non-homogeneous series
The inequality (43) gives in the form of linear jump are obtained by a similar
(44) procedure which gives :
q < 1 - '1 2 '

a2 [ q2+ q (l-2q) - pA ], for N
rk 1-A < A < Min [p,q] (a) Effects on probability density function.

pa2 (~ - q) f(x) (SO)

rk for p ~A <q
(4 7)
a2q2 Cx:rl (b) Effect on the mean.
rk for q ~A <p
E(x) = x = (1 + l.: qili)E o (51)
rk - pqa2 Max [p,q] < A < 1 i=l
(c) Effect on the variance.
where a = !1/ox , p = m/N , q = n/N, and A = k/N. The
expressions for the serial correlation coefficients of
a non-homogeneous series of the linear jump given in (52)
eq . (47). and of the constant jump given in eq. (26),
are identical except for the differences in definition
of a . It should be noted that the expected value of with all sums of e·q. (52) and following eqs . (53) and
the mean and the expected values of the sample serial (54) being ·between i = 1 and i = t.
correl ation coefficients are not affected by the linear
jump when theoriginal homogeneous series has a mean (d) Effect on the skewness.
equal to zero. In other words, if the original series
has zero mean and the linear jump is introduced into
the series, the non-homogeneous series also has the
expected mean of zero and the expected serial correla-
tion coefficients of zero . This last statement means
that the linear change of positive and negative values
&i around ~ = 0 by a multiplier (1 +I). even with + 3(E-x)o2 [1+2l.:qoi. + l.:q . I. 2 ] + 3Ea2 [l.:q.I.(l+I.)2 ]+
& 11 11 & 11 l
-1 <I< 0 and for a part of series (O < q < 1), will
not affect the serial correlation coefficients when
passing from &-series to x-series. In other words,
the covariances are changed by the same proportion as
t.he variances . However, as most hydrologic series are
positively-values variables with € > 0, the linear (e) Effect o·n the kurtosis 0

jump will affect both the mean and serial correlation

coefficients, so that x r T and rk(x) 1 rk(t:).
8. Definition of a combination of linear jumps. Y = _!_{y
a'+ E:
a 4 [l.:(l+i.) 4 qo]+4(&-x)
E: 1 1
e a3[l.:(l+I.)3 q.]
E: E: 1 1
The combination of linear jumps is defined as

xt e:t (1+11) for 0 < t < n

- - 1

xt e:t (1+12) for n < t < n + n2

1 - 1

i-1 i (48)
xt t:t (l+Ii) for l.: n. < t < l.: no
j=l J j=l J

.2.- 1 t
xt t: t (l+It) for l.: n. < t < E n.
j=l J j =l J

This is equivalent to many discrete changes along the (f) Effects on the serial correlation coeffi-
series during the observations in the samples of size cients.
N. It is then aossumed that
t 1 t t-1
l: no N (49) + N-k [ol.: no!~ 1 -k ( l.: I.2)
j =1 J J =2 J J- i =l 1

with t = number of linear jumps. R.

+ (E-x)(2 E niri-l- ki 1 _1 )
9. Effects of the combinat i on of linear jumps i=l
on a probability density curve of this non-homogeneous
/'~i =l
series, and on its parameters. These effects are 2
given in condensed form for various properties of the +k I. I. 1 )
1 1+
1} , for 1 < k < Min (n 0) •
resulting non-homogeneous series:

Chapter V


1. Definition of linear and non-l inear trends .
The linear trend is defined as
where ~(y) is the standard normal dist ribution function
which is a random variable t t superposed by a linear with y given either as y = (Nb+~+a-x)/o , or
trend a+ bt. Y = (&+a-x) /o . E
A non- l inear trend in this study is of a pol yno- Figure 16 gives four pr obabi lity density f unc t ions
mial type where of eq . (60 ) with e = Nb , e: = 0, '\ = 1, independent with
E(rk) • 0, k ~ 0 , and wi th the l i near trend s ymmet rical
(5 7)
for t he series (the trend passes through the me an £ = 0,
at t he center of series at N/2).
which is a random variable , tt ' super posed by a non-
If the distribution of Et i s l ognormal, and t he
linear function of an unknown equation but developed
in t he power series form . In bot h case s when 0 ~ t ~ N, variable is independent,A(£ , o2 , 0) , or t he mean of
n n
a , b , and a , a , ... , am ar e coefficients of t he ln E is r:n, and the variance of l n E is o 2 , with
0 1 n
trend, respectively, for linear and non -linear type . E(rk) • 0, except for k = 0 for ct variable, t he trend
The trends are very common features of hydrologic a+bt then produces the probability density fun ction
non- homogeneity and inconsistency . An irrigation proj-
ect does not enter into full devel opment when the
irrigation starts, so the depletion of water by evapo-
transpiration occurs slowly over a period of time until f(x) ,. ~b J
\4>[ ln(x-a)-t
n , for a ~ x ~ (a + bN), and
the full implementation of the project . The same pro-
cedure happens with the return flow. The systematic
errors (say the slow change of environment ar ound a
precipi t ation gauge) may be shown to be a trend . The
change of water quality is usually of a slow trend
f ( x) • m} {4> [-1n_c-::-:n--a_)--£_n]
type. Examples include the effects of r i ver basin
conservation or anti-conser vat i on activity on sediment
transport, or of the effects of temperature pollution for x > a + bN . (61)
when there is a sl ow i ncrease of the use of wat er for
cool ing purposes , etc .
If b is negative ,
The fact that many t echniques ar e developed i n a
time series anal ysis for the det ection and stati stical
inference of various trends, testifies of the impor-
t ance of this subject to many discipl i nes incl uding

2. Effects on the probabil ity densit y function. and (62)

The distributions of a series with linear and non-
linear trends are, respectively,

1 N
f(x) Nf g(x- a-bt)dt (58)
Figure 17 gives four probability density functions
and of eqs. (61) - (62) with e= Nb, £ = 0 , var e:t ,. 1 ,
independent E with E(rk) = 0 except for k = 0 , and with
t he linear trend a+bt symmetrical for the series of
size N.
where N is the length of t he series, and g ( ·) is the
original probability density funct ion of a homogeneous 3 . Effects on the mean . The linear trend ~ives
t he mean
ct -series .
lf E is normal , N(c, o2) , and the time i ndependent
t E
E (x) = X: =a + } bN + t . (tJ 3)
variable , t hen the linear trend a+bt produces a new
pr oba bi l ity densit y f unction In the case of a symmetrical linear trend , wi th

f (x)

-4 -3 -2 ·I 0 2 3 4 5

Fig. 16 Probability density functions or the linear trend, xt a + bt + ~t' with Et the independent standard
normal function N(O, l, 0), for four values of 9 = Nb

2 4 5

Fig. 17 Probability density functions of the linear trend, xt a+ bt + et, with et the independent
lognormal variable, for four values of 9 = Nb

a = - bN/2, eq. (63) becomes X = E, so that the trend For the start of the trend at a
= €, then a
in eq.
does not change the mean . However, if the trend
(64) shoul d be replaced by £ .
st arts at N = 0, then a = 0 , eq. (63) becomes
x = €" + bN/2 . 4. Effects on the variance. The linear trend
The pol ynomial trend-has the mean always increases the variance, so that


= ;; + (64) and for the polynomial trend, the variance is

1 1 1
m m ~-+j Ni+j J - (i+l)(j+k+t+l) - {j+l)(i+k+t+l ) + (i+l)(j+l)( k+t+1)
a2 = a2 + I: I: aiaJ. - (i+l)(j+l) =
X e: i =l j=l
1 1 + 1
- (k+l)(i+j+R.+l)+(i+l)(k+l)(j+R.+l) (~j+~l~)~(~k-+1M)~(~i-+~R.+~l)

I: aiaj N
ij ]
<66) + 1
izl j=1 - (t+l){i+j+k+l) (i+l)(t+l)(k+j+l)
It can be shown from eq . (66) that a2 > o2 regardl ess
X e:
of the type of polynomial and its various coefficients + 1 1
ai, aj . ln other wor ds, any trend of the type of eqs . (j +l ) ( H 1) ( i +k+1) + . .-(R.-+"""1,...)-.(.,..k+.:...,1~}.....
( ,-.+-j+-1~)
(56) and (57) increases the variance of a non-homoge-

(j+l~(k+l) ~ )J
neous series xt in comparison with e:t series.
5. Effect on the skewness . The linear trend (Hl) +1
changes the skewness so that

7 . Effects on serial corr elation coefficients .

(67) The linear trend produces a time dependence in xt-series
even if e:t-series is independent, so t hat in this case
or for B • 0, also B • 0. The linear ' trend super- rk(x) is
posed on ~ series of independent normal variable does
not introduce the skewness. However, as a2 > o2 , then
X C 2
the linear trend decr eases t he skewness of the depend- = b {3N(N-2k)+4N+2k(k-2)+1} , for k > 1 but k«N .
ent skewed variable c , because IB I < Ia I in that case, 4o 2
t e: X
regardless whether or not Be is positive or negative. (71)

For the polynomial trend, the skewness of xt-

series is Figure 18 gives the expected correlogram of a
series composed of an independent normal variable t t
and a linear trend a + bN , for a sample size N = 100,
and for four values of the parameter~ • (oc /b) 2 being
1, 100, 500, and 1000. Tho correlogram shows a highly
dependent non- homogeneous series if b is sufficiently
large in comparison with oE . The value~ • 1 corres-
1 1
ponds to ot • 1 (standardized ct variable) and a trend
(i+l) (j+k+l) ""'(..,..j+...,l""')..,.(.;.i+-;k-+-:-1"<") - ..,.,(k:-+-:'1~)7
(1..,...,+""'j-+""1) + of 45°. Even a trend of the slope 1:1000 , for oc = 1,
gives the first serial correlation coefficients of the
order rk = 0.4 .
It is l ikely that the time dependence of many
Whether or not e > Be or a < Be' depends then on the series of annual precipitation is part ly or f ully
type of polynomial trend. If Be = 0, eq. (68) shows produced by a trend in data, which is due to an in-
consistency in data .
that B can be either positive or negative, which de-
depends on the coefficients of eq . (57) . The expected serial correlation coefficients of a
variable xt produced by an independent variable tt
6 . Effects on kurtosis. For the linear trend, the (0 , 1, 0), and a polynomial trend is
kurtos1.s of the is

y = .!_ { y o4 +.!. (bN) 2 o2 + 801 (bN) 4} (69)

E(r ) = ....!.
k o2
j[ ~l ~
i ..1.+1
Ni]2- _1_[ ( ~ ~i Ni)( ~ ~i (N-k) i +l)
N-k i=ll.+l i • ll.+l
0~ e: e: 2 c X

while the kurtosis of a series with a polynomial trend


y l: a.a.Ni+j ij l
l J (i+l) (j +i) (i+j+l ) +
j =l

m m m m
+ l: l: - l: l:
i=1 k=1 j=1 k=1

Equation (72) shows that E(rk) of xt ar e not zeros producers of time dependence if a homogeneous series
for k > 0, as is the case for E(rk) for ct. is independent. They increase the dependence, on the
average, if a series to which trends are applied are
The linear and non-linear trends are, therefore, already time dependent.

N =100
0 .2

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fig. 18 Correlograms of the l1near trend series, xt = a+ bt + t t' with t t the 1noependent variable for the
sample size, N = 100, and for four values of the parameter, $ = CoeJb) 2



1. Types of examples . The hypothetical cases were types of weak and s trong non- homogeneity , to produce
selected in order to i nvestigate the effects of non - yi -variables.
homoge nei ty t hat are introduced i nt o an independent
stationary stochastic series . In two cases, thi s varia- Each of the 200 samples of all four examples ,
ble is normal and independent, with the mean zero and is changed by the corresponding five non-homogeneities
t he variance unity, N(O ,l,O). In the other t wo cases, in the 40 member subsamples, so that the non-homo-
the variable is normal and dependent, N(O,l,p), of the geneous samples of 200 values of xi or yi are produced.
first order Markov linear model, In each case, five
sampl es of 200 random independent normal number s are In this way, five samples of xi and f ive sampl es of yi
generated . Practically , 1000 numbers, ~ .• ar e gener- are obtained for each of the four examples : (a) a weak
ated , and each divided into five samples~ non-homogeneity approach of the first type , as xi- and
For each sample of N = 200, the non-homogeneity yi -variabl es; and (b) a strong non-homogeneity of the
is introduced in f ive parts or subsamples (0-40, 41 - 80, second type, also as xi- and yi -variables.
81-120, 121-160 , and 161-200). The first and third
examples have the fo llowing non-homogeneities: 2 . Computations . For all four types of varia-
bles, Ei ' xi, ni and yi , and for each of t he sampl es
( 1) For i = 1-40, a small l inear trend is intro-
duced in the form, x 1 = ~ i - 0.10 + 0.005i; of N = 200, t he fol lowi ng parameters are computed:
the mean, t he standard deviation, the variance , t he
ske~~es s coefficient, t he excess coeffi cient, a nd the
(2) For i 41-80, no change is made ;
first fifty serial correlat ion coefficients . The
(3) For i 81- 120, a slippage (jump) of 6 0.25 average values of five 200-value long samples are then
computed for these parameters.
is added, so that xi = ei + 6;
(4) For i = 121- 160 , another linear t r end i s For the same variables, Ei ' xi' ni and yi' and for
introduced in the form, xj = E. + 0.12 - 0.006j, with the samples of N = 1000 that are composed as the se-
J quence of five samples of N = 200 , the same parameters
j = 1 for i = 121, and j = 40 for i = 160; and
as previously sho~~ are computed . Frequency distri-
( 5 ) For i 161-200, a linear jump is introduced butions are also determined.
i n thu form , xi 0.85 € . .
~ 3. Result s of t he first example . Thi s example
The second and fourth exampl es made all of these is the seri es of Ei' independent stationary normal
changes stronger , and under (2) another slippage vari able, with the ~·eak type of non-homogenei ty intro-
(constant jump) is added, so that the second and fourth duced in each of t he f ive subsamples of 40 values, for
examples have: every sampl e of N = 200 that produces the non-homo-
geneous variable, xi .
( 1) For i 1-40, a l i near trend, xi €. - 0 . 30 ...
Figure 19 , das hed l ine ( 1), gives the frequency
+ 0 .020i ; distribution of 1000 val ues of Ei i n t he Probability-
(2) For i = 41 - 80, a slippage of o = 0.50 is i n- Cartesian scales . It is wel l fi tted by a st raight l ine
troduced, so that, at any position, i = 81-120, the (or the generated numbers follow t he normal distribu-
values xi = Ei + 0.50; tion). The same figure, soli d line (2), shows the
frequency distribution of 1000 values of xi of the first
(3) For i = 81- 120, another slippage of 6 -0 . 40 example . It departs somewhat from the distribut ion of
is added, so that xi = ~ i - 0. 40; ei' but still i t is approximately normally dis tributed.

( 4) For i = 121 - 160 , t he l i near trend is intro- Table 2 shows, for the first example, the pa-
duced , so that x . Ej + 0 .45 - 0.30j , wher e j = l for rameter s of ei- and xi-variables for five samples of
i = 121, and j = 40 for i = 160 ; and N = 200, their averages, and the sample of N = 1000
(composed of f i ve successi ve samples of N = 200) .
(5) For i = 161-200, a linear jump is produced by Only the first three serial correl ation coefficients
xi 1.25 Ei . are given . By comparing the average parameters of
five samples of N = 200 between E . - and x. - vari abl es,
The third and fourth exampl es of non-homogeneity or the parameters of samples of N~= lOOO tor these
are applied to the dependent stati onary variable, variables , it i s clear that some changes have occurreu
'li = P '\- l + e:i ' with p = 0.20. The non-homogeneous in nearl y all paramet ers, though in a small way .
variables thus obtained are yi. Figure 20 shows, for the fir st example, t he correlo-
gr ams of Ei and xi ' as rk(ei) and rk(xi), graph l i nes
Altogether, there are two times two examples:
(1) and (2), r espectively, for the sampl e of N = 1000.
the i ndependent variable , ei' with two types of non- The line (3) gi ves their differences, 6r k = r k(xi )-
homogeneity, weak and strong, which produce xi -variables;
-rk(ei) . It is clear that these differences, though
and the dependent variable , ~i' wi th these two same

E;, X;,Y;
3.00 r
... .•»
2.00 ® .....·········~
..·"- ~··

- 1.00

- 2.00

- 3.00

Figure 19 Frequency distributions of three variables in the Probability-Cartesian scales for the first and third
examples, derived from a sample of N = 1000: (1) distribution of ti' standard normal independent
variable; (2) distribution of the non-homogeneous variable, xi' obtained by a superposition of weak
non-homogeneitie$ to the variable, ti; and (3) distribution of the non-homogeneous variable, yi'
obtained by a superposition of weak non-homogeneities, to the variable ni = 0.20 ni-l + ti


Figure 20 Correlograms of the two series of the firs t example : (1) the series, ti' for t he sample of N = 1000 ;
(2) the non-homogeneous series, xi' of the weak non-homogeneities introduced to ti' for N = 1000; and
(3) the difference, 8rk = rk(xi) - r k(Ei)

· 0.10

Figure 21 Correlograms of the two series in the firs t example: (1) the average values of rk(ci) for five
samples of N = 200 of the s eries, Ei; (2) the average values of rk(xi) f or five samples of N = 200 of
the non-homogeneous series, xi, and the weak non-homogeneities introduced to t i; (3) the differences ,
6rk = r k (xi) - rk (t i )



1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5 th Averaa• S111ple l st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Average Sample
Symbol s Sample Sample Sample Sample ~amp~~o ~~;, S of 5am?1e Sample Samp~~n Sample Sample of S of
N = 200 N • • 200 N • ~ 2 00 N • 200 • 1 •• N a l Onn N • ' ?nn "' •· ?nn "' • "' • • ?nn "' .~ ?nn S•mnl~~ N• IOOO
Mean u 0.01521 0.04903 0.05537 0 .00078 0 . 09615 0.04331 0.04300 0.06963 0.09519 0.10692 0.04860 0.14169 0 . 09261 0.09241
Standard 0 0.97843 1.01045 1.00894 1.04976 0.94196 0.99791 0 .99713 0.96926 1.00115 0.98771 1.0)899 0.92571 0.98056 0. 97964

Skewness B 0.00993 -0.08289 -0.10741 0.00365 0.03778 -0.02779 -0.03542 0 . 04527 -0.05367 0 . 02727 0.03864 0.02856 0.01721 0.01133

excess y -0.11946 - 0. 13518 0.35190 -0 .50856 -0. 42035 -0.16633 - 0.1733 -0.17014 0.00382 o. 70525 -0.39298 -0 . 34803 -0.04042 -0.04553
Correlation PI 0 . 02625 - 0.04969 0 .13300 -0. 02098 • 0 . 06916 0.03155 0.0290< 0 . 04927 -0. 01372 0.15516 - 0.01761 0 . 09988 0 . 06091 0.05191
2- Serial
Correlat ion p2 - 0.05116 0 . 00677 -0.09097 - 0.01286 -0.03928 -0.03750 -0.0317~ - 0.02677 0.03659 -0.09490 -0 . 00329 -0.01462 -0.02810 -0.01 546
Corre14tion p3 - 0.01017 0.03291 0.02451 -0.14829 - 0.14682 -0.04957 -0.05241 0.00818 0.06693 0.03954 - 0.15003 -0.09978 -0 . 03695 -0.02961

1st 2nd 3rd 4tll >til Averaae Surp1e 1st 2nd ~r<l 4tl\ :>th Average :>up1e
Syabo1s Surpl c Surp1e Surp1e Sup1e Suplc of 5 of Surplc Sup1o Sa~~p1e Sample Sup1e of S of
N • 200 N • 200 N • 200 N ~ 200 N = 200 Saaolcs 11•1000 N = 200 N • 200 N • 200 N • 200 N • 200 Saaples N•IOOO
Mean ~ 0 . 01521 0 .04!X)3 0 . 05537 0 .00078. 0.09615 0.04331 0 .04300 0 . 01667 0.06425 0.06161 0.00909 0.11242 O.OS282 0.05281

0.97843 1.01045 1.00894 1.04976 0.94196 0.99791 0 . 99713 1.08614 1.15429 1.10232 1.18249 1.07575 1.12020 1.11934

Skewness 0 .00993 -0.08289 - 0.10741 0.00365 0.03778 -0. 02779 - 0.03542 0. 08705 - 0.09990 0.09407 - 0.03639 0.1171 5 - 0.00242 - 0.01130

Excess r - 1.19459 - 0.13518 0.35190 -0' .50856 - 0.42035 - 0.16633 - 0.17332 - 0.18548 -0.11599 0.84655 - 0.31934 -0.19447 0.00625 -0.01252
! -Ser ial
Corrc 1ation 0.02625 - 0.04969 0.13300 - 0 . 02098 0.06916 0.03155 0.02900 0.10253 0.08933 0.18431 0.07463 0 . 1814 1 0.13275 0.12341
Coeffici ent
Correlation -0.05116 0.00677 - 0.09097 -0.01286 -0.03928 - 0.03750 -0.03176 0 . 03529 0.13870 0.02754 0.06545 0 .09368 0.06463 0.07728
3- Scria1
Correlation -0.01017 0.03291 0 . 02451 - 0 .14529 -0.14682 - 0.04957 - 0.05248 0.07185 0.14232 0.09825 - 0.05309 -0.03619 0.03471 0 . 03964

they are relatively small, are positive up to about Cartesian scales. The solid line (2) gives the fre -
k • 40 of the order ~rk = 0.02 - 0.03 . quency distribution of 1000 values of xi, a strongly
non-homogeneous variable. Though these graphs do not
Figure 21 shows the correlograms of ti and xi of permit the investigation of detailed differences be-
the first example, similar as in Fig. 20, but in this tween t i- and xi-distributions, xi-distribution is
case, rk(ci) and rk(xi) are the averages of five values, approximately symmetrical with a greater slope (larger
each obtained for one sample of N • 200 . The patterns standard deviation) than ci , as a r esult of strong
are similar as for Fig. 20 , and the differences, ~rk' non-homogeneity.
given as line (3), arc positive up to k = 40 .
Table 3 gives parameters of ci- and xi-variables
This first example of each non-homogeneity shows for five samples of N = 200, t heir averages, and the
that the effects arc small but are not negligible sample of N = 1000. This table is anal ogous to Table
when it comes to the crucial differences of a dependent 2. Only the first three serial correlation coef-
or independent series . ficients are given. The table shows differences in
parameters, especially in the standard deviation and
4. Results of the second example. This example in the serial correlation coefficients .
is the series of ci, independent stationary normal
variable, wit h the strong type of non-homogeneity in- Figure 23 shows, for the second example, the
troduced in the five subsamples of 40 values, for cor relograms of Ei and xi' as rk (ci ) and rk(xi), graph
every sample of N = 200 that produces the non-homo- lines (l ) and (2), respectively, for the sample of
geneous variable, xi. N = 1000. The line (3) gives their differences
~rk = rk(xi) - rk (t i) . It is clear that these differ-
Figure 22, dashed line (1), gives the frequency
distribution of 1000 values of £i in the Probability- ences are significant and posit ive up to k = 35, and

Ei, xi> Y;


F( E; ), f( x, ), f(yi )
0. 1 90 95 98 99 99.9




Figure 22 Frequency distributions of three variables in the Probability-Cartesian scales for the second and
fourth examples, derived from a s~ple of N = 1000: (I) distribution of Ei , standard normal independent
variable; (2) distribution of the non-homogeneous variable, xi , obtained by a superposition of s trong non-
homogeneities to the variable, Ei; ~d (3) distribution of the non-homogeneous variable, yi' ob~ained
by a superposition of strong non-homogeneities to the variable, ~ i = 0.20 ~i-l + t i


Figure 23 Correlograms of the two series of the second example: (1) for the series, ci, of the sample of N
1000; (2) the non-homogeneous series, xi ' of the strong non-homogeneities introduced to ci, for
N = 1000; and (3) the differences, 6rk = rk(xi) - rk(ci)


I ~
0 I '< 50
'I I

' ' II


Figure 24 Correlograms of the two series of the second example : (1) the average values, Fk(ci), for five
samples of N = 200 of the series, ci; (2) t he average values of rk(xi)' for five samples of N 200
of the non-homogeneous series , xi, and t he strong non-homogeneities introduced to ci; and (3) the
differences, nrk = rk(xi) - rk(ti)
then negative beyond. The differences decrease from
Figure 25 s hows the correlograms of the third
r 1 (xi) = 0.10, on. example of weak non-homogeneity, for the sample of
Figure 24 shows the correlograms of ei and xi N = 1000 of the y . -variable. Line (1) shows rk(y 1.) ,
J_ k k
of the second example, similar as for Fig. 23 , but line (2) the expected correlogram pk = p = 0 . 2~ , and
in this case, rk(ei) and rk(xi) are the averages of l ine (3) their differences, Ark = rk(yi) - 0.20 . Only
five values, each obtained for one sampl e of N = 200. for k = 1 is there a small positive difference, Ar 1
The patterns are nearly identical as for Fig . 23 and 0.038.
the differences, Ark' are positive and decrease from
Figure 26 shows the correlograms of the third
about Ar1 = 0. 10 for k =1 to zero , approximately example , similar to Fig. 25, but in this case , Yk(yi)
k = 35. are the averages of the five values of rk' each obtained
This second example of strong non-homogenei ties for one sample of N = 200. The patterns are similar to
shows that the affect s of non-homogeneity are signifi- those of Fig. 25.
cant and cannot be neglected in the analysis of prop-
erties of a hydrologic time series.

5 . Results of the third example. This example is

the series of ni = 0.2 ni-l + ei' a dependent s tation-
ary normal variable of the first order Markov l inear 0. 30
model, with the weak non-homogeneities introduced in
the five subsamples of 40 values each, for every sample \
of N = 200 that produces the non-homogeneous variable , \
yi. 0.20 \

Figure 19, line (3) shows the distribution of

variabl e, yi . The variance of ni is then var ni = '\~
= vare./(1-p 2 ) = var e./0 .96 = 1.042 var e 1 = 1.042, 0.10 \
l l \
for var ei = 1, so that the variance of distributi on of \

yi has both the affect of var ni > 1. 00 and the affects

of non-homogeneity .
Table 4 shows the parameters of the yi-variable of
the third example, both for the averages of five samples - 0.10
of N = 200 and for the unique sample of N = 1000.

Figure 26 Correlograms for the third example: (1) for

the variable, y.,
as the average value, Y.k (y.1 ),
for five samples of N = 200, for the weak non-
homogeneities superposed to the variable, ni =
= 0 . 20 n. 1 +e.; (2) the expected correlogram of
\ 1-R l k .
\ 2 n.; pk = P = 0.20 ; and ( 3) d1fferences ,
\ l - k

Ark = rk(yi) - 0 . 20

The third example of weak non-homogeneities super-

posed to a dependent normal variable, with p = 0.20
of the first order Markov l i near model , shows a rela-
tively small change in comparison with the original
0~----~--~~~~-=~~--~--~~ dependent variable, ni.
k 6. Results of the fourth example. This example
is the series o£ ni = 0.20 ni-l + ei , a dependent
3 stationary normal variable of the first order Markov
-0 I 0 linear model, wi th the strong non-homogeneities intro-
duced in the f ive subsamples of 40 values each, for
every sample of N = 200 that produces the non-homo-
Figure 25 Correlograms for the third example: (1) for geneous variable, yi .
the variable, yi' as rk(yi) of N = 1000, in the c~
the weak non-homogeneities are introduced to the Figure 22, l i ne (3), gives the distribution of
dependent stationary and normal variable, t~e y:i:"variable . Part of the increased standard devia-
n~ = 0. 20 n --l + c.; (2) the expected correlogram tlon 1s due to the l arger variance (1.042) of n. i n
... 1. l k l
of n.; pk = pk = 0.20 ; and (3) differences, comparison to t he variance (1.000) of ci, whil e the
l k
Ark = rk (yi) - 0 . 20 other part is due to a strong non-homogeneity effect.

Parameters of the third example of non-homogeneity effects

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Average Sample
Symbols Sampl e Sample Sample Sample Sample of 5 of
N = 200 N = 200 N = 200 N = 200 N = 200 Samoles N = 1000
Mean II 0.14630 0.19507 0.22843 0.09085 0.31099 0.19433 0.10192
Standard a 1.38389 1.41894 1 .41994 1.44768 1.30907 1.39590 1. 00387
Skewness e - 0 . 10501 -0 . 20179 -0.23315 -0.09598 -0.34152 -0.19349 0.03029

Excess y -1.55378 -1.50082 -1.10470 -1.71004 -1.45899 -1.46567 -0.00807

Correlation pl 0 . 23280 0 . 19129 0. 32119 0 .17196 0.26919 0 . 24947 0. 23792
Correlation Pz 0.01574 0.07832 -0.01894 -0.01016 0 . 02155 0.01168 0.02227
Correlation p3 0.01110 0.06900 0.03675 -0 .16036 -0.09556 -0.03520 -0.02576

Parameters of the fourth example of non-homogeneity effects
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Average Sample
Symbols Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample of 5 of
N = 200 N = 200 N = 200 N = 200 N = 200 Samples N = 1000
Mean II 0.03753 0 .13493 0.13751 0 .01219 0.25446 0.11532 0.06252
Deviation 0 1.55001 1. 64179 1.58459 1. 68233 1.52871 1. 59749 1.14284

Skewness e -0.07528 - 0.14923 -0.07463 -0.04949 -0.16553 -0.10283 0 . 01523

Excess y -1.57910 - 1.60560 -1.09944 - 1.70492 -1.49496 -1.49680 -0.01086
Correlation pl 0.26498 0.27287 0.34320 0.24343 0. 33289 0.31802 0.29097
Correla<tion Pz 0.06424 0.17542 0.07981 0.06200 0.11245 0 . 11171 0 . 10393
3- Serial
Correlation p3 0.06261 0.14935 0.10137 - 0.06675 -0.04364 0.04753 0.04043

Table 5 shows the parameter s of the yi-variable are the averages of the five values of rk, each ob-
in the fourth example, both for the averages of five tained for one sample of N = 200. The patterns ar e
samples of N = 200 , and for the unique sample of N = similar to these of Fig. 27.
1000 .
The fourth example of strong non-homogeneities
Figure 27 shows, for the fourth example, the cor- superposed to a dependent normal variable, with p =
relograms of strong non-homogeneity, for the sample of 0. 20 of the first order ~farkov linear model, shows a
N = 1000 of y . -variable . - Line (1) shows rk(y.), line significant change in comparison wi th the original
l k k l dependent variable, ni.
(2) the expected correlogram pk = P = 0.20 , and line
(3) their differences. It shows a significant increase 7. Conclusions. All four-hypothetical examples
in the time dependence by non-homogeneity. show that the non-homogeneity affects the properties
of the stationary time series . The degrees of these
Figure 28 gives the correlograms for the fourth changes are functions of types and degrees of non-
example, similar to Fig. 27, but in this case, Fk(yi) homogeneity.

rk ( y) "?k ( y,)

0.30 0.30 \


0 20 0.20

\ ..... 3
0 . 10 0. 10 .....
---- ---
0 0
2 3 4 5 k 2 3 4 5 k

- 0.10 ·0.10

Figure 27 Correlograms for the fourth example : (1) Figure 28 Correlograms for the fourth exampl e: (1) for
for the variable, y1 , as rk(yi) of N = 1000, in the the variable , yi' as the averages, rk (yi)' fo r five
case the strong non-homogeneities are introduced to samples of N = 200, for the strong non-homogeneity
the dependent and normal variable, 11 . = 0 . 20 11 . + superposed to the variable,n. = 0 . 20 n. 1 + E. ;
1 1-1 1 1- k 1 k
+ t.; (2) the expected correlogram· of 11. ; pk = (2) the expected correlogram of ni; pk = p = 020
= p~ = 0.20 k ; and (3) their difference~, and (3) their differences, 6rk = r k (y ) - 0.20k
6rk = rk(yi) - 0.20R

Chapter VII


1. Main implication of results in previous chap- of non-homogeneity and inconsistency. If it could be
ters on hydrologic information . The types of basic possible to remove all sources of inconsistency in the
homogeneous series were simple in the analysis of pre- data, the above values r = 0.028 and r = 0.055 would
1 1
vious chapters, such as independent normal and log- be further reduced. This analysis leads to the state-
normal random variables. Simplified and generalized ment that annual precipitation is very close to being
cases of non-homogeneity and inconsisteney were treated. an independent hydrologic random variable.
Regardless of these two factors, the relatively small
changes introduced into a time series have often shown The hydrologic information is therefore very often
significant changes i n variable properties. The impli- biased by the pr esence of either a neglected or uni-
cat ion is that the data of many hydrologic random vari&- dentifiable non-homogeneity and inconsistency in a time
bles contain unknown amounts of non-homogeneity and series. In some cases, this bias may even show a sig-
inconsistency. This in turn makes a difference in nificant effect on water resource decision making . The
variable properties in comparison with the underlyi ng bias in the mean results in an incorrect prediction of
homogeneous series. water resources available . The bias in the standard
deviation and the first serial correlation coefficient
A typical example is the analysis of the first to the upper side,also means a greater storage require:
serial correlation coefficient of the annual precipi- ment, all other factors being the same.
tation series for a large number of gauging stations
in Western North America [5). The series of annual The detection and removal of inconsistency and
precipitation are divided in two groups: (a) homoge- non-homogeneity in hydrologic data is an important part
nous or consistent with no significant change in sta- of processing the data and of extracting the maximum
tion position or environment, a total of 1141 stations , information from a given amount of data.
and (b) non-homogeneous or inconsistent with a signifi-
cant change of the vertical or horizontal position of 2. Conclusions. The previous six chapters show
stations during the period of observation (or with that many types of sources of non-homogeneity and incon-
other changes which occurred during that time), a sistency have impacts on properties of hydrologic ran-
total of 473 stations . For the period of observation dom var iables, l eading to the following conclusions:
of 30 years, 1931- 1960, the first group of the series
produced the average first ser ial co=el.ation coeffi- (1) On the average, a constant jump or a combina-
cient of rl = 0.028, while the second group of the non- tion of constant jumps change all properties of a
homogeneous series produced rl = 0.053. The total
records available gives an average length of 54 years (2) On the average, a linear jump or a combina-
for homogeneous series , and of 57 years for non-homo- tion of linear j umps produce in a sample of positively
geneous series. The average first serial correlation valued variables a change in all properties of a time
coefficients are r 1 • 0.055 and r 1 = 0 .071, respec- series .
tively. The non-homogeneous series always gave on the (3) A linear or polynomial trend al so affects
ave:age a higher value of '1:'" than did the homogeneous all properties of a sample.
ser1es . 1
(4) In the majority of cases , the non-homogeneity
As one could assume, the many series included and inconsistency in a time series alters the variance
here in the group of homogeneous series may contain the of a variable.
unidentified non-homogeneity or inconsistency. This
is an attractive assertion to make, namely that the (S) In nearly all cases, any type of non-homo-
values r a 0.028 and F • 0.055 for the homogeneous geneity and inconsistency in a time series produces
1 1
series and for the record of 30 and 54 years, respec- the correlograms which show an increase in autocorre-
tively, may have been in part determined by inconsist- lation coefficients to positive values, at least in
ency in the data. One should take into account that , its initial part.
through the averaging used by a large number of station
series (1141), any non-homogeneity increases the first (6) The study of the effect of various types,
serial co=elation coefficient. Therefore, even the amounts, and sources of inconsistency and non-homoge-
first group of station series may be considered as neity, the investigation of methods for identification
quasi- stationary (or quasi-homogeneous) because of by statistical inference and physical analyses, the
difficulties in detecting the relatively small amounts procedures for their removal and prediction, and simi-
lar works are important subjects of modern hydrology.


1. V. Yevjevich , Fluctuations of We t and Dr y Years , 4. V. Yevjevich, Some General Aspects of Fluctuations

Part I , Research Data Assembly and Mathematical of Annual Runoff in the Upper Colorado River Basin .
Models. Colorado State University Hydr ology Colorado State University Publication, October 1961,
Paper No . 1, July 1963, Fort Col l ins, Colorado . Fort Coll ins, Colorado.
2. Hurst, Black, Simaika , The Nile Basin, Vol. 7, 5. V. Yevjevich , Fluctuations of Wet and Dry Year s ,
The Future Conservation of the Nile: S.O.P. Press , Part II, Analysis by Serial Correlation. Colorado
Cairo, Egypt, 1946. State University, Hydrology Paper No. 4 , June 1964,
Fort Col lins, Colorado .
3. 83rd U.S. Congress, 2nd Session, House Document
No. 364, Colorado River Stor age Project, Chapter 6. V. Yevjevich and R.I. Jeng, Effects of I nconsistency
IV, p. 141-155 . U.S. Government Printing Office , and Non-Homogeneity on Hydrologic Time Series .
Washington, D.C. 1954. Proceedings of the Fort Col lins International
Hydrology Symposium, Vol . I, pages 45!'-458.

Key words: hydrology , tUoe series, non-homogeneity, trends, jumps in series Key ~~rds: hydrology, t ime series, non-homogenei t y, trends, jUQps in series
Abstract: The affect of inconsistency (systematic errors) ~nd non-homogeneity Abstract: The affect of inconsistency (systematic errors) and non-homogeneity
in data (created either by man-made or natural changes in the envirolllllent') on in data (created eit her by man-made or natural changes i.n the environment) on
hydrologic variables and t i me series are investigated . It is assumed that i n- hydrologic var iables ru1d time series are investigated. l t is assumed that in-
consistency and non-homogeneity are in the form of constant and linear jumps, consis t ency and non-homogeneity are in the form of constant and linear j umps,
linear and polynomial trends, and their subsequent combinations. The independent linear and pol ynomial trends, and their subsequent combinat ions. The independent
variables are used with superposed jumps and trends. Changes in the probability var iables are used with superposed jumps and trends. Changes in the probability
density fWlction, including mean , variance, skewness, excess , and serial correla- density function , including mean , variance, skewness, excess, and ser ial correla-
tion coefficients are determined for various cases of jumps and trends . Incon- tion coefficients are detel'llined for various cases of jumps and trends. Incon-
sistency and non-homogeneity introduce the dependence into the independent t i - sistency and non-h0110geneity introduce tho dependence into the independent t iJDe
series, with the first serial correlation coefficient becoaing aainly positive. series, with the first seri a l correlation coefficient beco•ing mainly positive.
As the hydrologic time series are often subject t o inconsis tency and non- As the hydrologic time seri es are often subject to inconsistency and non-
homogeneity, a porti on of the positive dependence in such a series also comes homogeneity, a portion of the positive dependence in such a series a l so comes
from these two f actors, apart from other basic physical processes in nature. from these t wo factors, apart from other basic physical processes i n nature .
Reference: V. Yevjevich and R.I. Jcng, Colorado State University, Hydrology Reference : V. Yevjevich and R.I. Jeng, Colorado State University, Hydr ology
Paper No. 32 (April 1969), "Properties of Non-Homogeneous Hydrologic Paper No. 32 (April 1969), "Properties of Non-Homogeneous Hydro l ogic
Time Series. " Time Series . "

Key words: hydrology, t ime series, non-homogeneity, trends, jumps in series Key words : hydrology, t ime series , non-homogeneity, trends, jumps in series
Abstract: The affect of inconsistency (syst~atic errors) and non-hoaogeneity Abstract: The affect of incons istency (systematic errors) 4nd nnn-homogeneity
in data (created either by man-aade or natural changes in the environm:nt) on in data (created either by man-made or natural changes in the environment) on
hydrologic variables and t ime series are investigated. It is assumed that in- hydrologic variables and time series are investigated, It is ass~ed t hat in-
consistency and non-homogeneity are in the form of constant and linear jumps, consistency and non-homogeneity are in the form of constant and linear jumps,
linear and polynomial trends, and their subsequent combinations. The independent linear and polynomial trends, and their subsequent combinations. The independent
variables arc used with superposed jumps and trends. Changes in the probability variables are used with superposed jumps and trends. Changes in the probability
density fWlction, i ncluding mean, variance, skewness , excess, and serial correla- density functi on, i ncluding mean, variance, skewness, excess, and serial correla-
tion coefficients arc determined for various cases of jumps and trends. Incon- tion coeffi cients are determined for various cases of jumps and trends . Incon-
sistency and non-homogeneity introduce the dependence into the independent ti11e sistency and non-hoW~ogeneity introduce the dependence into the independent time
series, with the f irs t serial correlation coefficient becoming cainly positive . series, with the first serial correlation coefficient becoGing mainly positive .
As the hydrologic time series are often subject t o inconsistency and non- As the hydr ologic time series are often subject to inconsistency and non-
homogeneit y, a portion of the positive dependence in such a series also comes homogeneity, a portion of the positive dependence in such a series also comes
from these two factors, apart from other basic physical processes in nature. from these two factors, apart f rOD other basic physical processes in nature.
Reference: V. Yevjevich and R.I. Jeng, Colorado State University, Hydro logy Refer ence: V. Yevjevich and R.I. Jeng, Colorado State University, liydrol ogy
Paper No. 32 (April 1969) , "Properties of Non-Homogeneous Hydrologic Paper No. 32 (April 1969), "Properties of Non-Homogeneous Hydrologic
Time Series. " Time Series . "

Colorado St ate University Hydrology Papers

No. 23 "An Objective Approach to Definit ions and Inves tigations of

Conti nental Hydrologic Droughts ," by Vujica Yevjevich, August 1967.
No . 24 "Application of Cross-Spectral Analysis to Hydrol ogic Time Series,"
by Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe, September 1967.
No. 25 "An Experi mental Rainfall-Runoff Facility," by W. T. Dickinson,
M. E. Holland and G. L. Smith, Sept ember 1967.

No. 26 "The Investigation of Rel ationship Between Hydrologic Time Series

and Sun Spot Nwnbers," by Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe and Vujica
Yevjevich, Apri l 1968.
No . 27 "Diffusion of Entrapped Gas From Porous Media," by Kenneth M. Adam
and Arthur T. Corey, Apr i l 1968.
No. 28 "Sampling Bacteria in a Mountain Stream," by Samuel H. Kunkle and
James R. Meiman, March 1968 .
No. 29 "Estimating Design Floods from Extreme Rainfall," by Frederick C.
Bell , July 1968.

No. 30 "Conservation of Ground Water by Grave l Mul ches," by A. T. Corey

and W. D. Kemper, May 1968.
No. 31 "Effects of Truncation on Dependence in Hydrologic Time Series,"
by Rezaul Karim Bhuiya and Vujica Yevjevich, November 1968 .

Colorado State Universit y Fluid Mechanics Papers

No. 4 "Experiment on Wind Generated Waves on t!he Water Surface of a
Laborat ory Channel," by E. J. Plate and C. S. Yang, February 1966.
No. 5 "Investigations of the Thermally Stratified Boundary Layer," by
E. J. Plate and C. W. Lin, February 1966.
No. 6 "Atmospheric Diff usion in the Earth' s Boundary Layer--Diffusion in
the Vertical Direction and Effects of the Thermal. Stratification, "
by Shozo Ito, February 1966.

Col orado State University Hydraulics Papers

No. 1 "Design of Conveyance Channel s in Alluvial Mat erial s, " by D. B.
Simons, March 1966 .

No . 2 "Diffusionof Sl ot Jets with Finite Orifice Length-Width Ratios,"

by V. Yevjevich , March 1966.
No. 3 "Dispersion of Mass in Open-Channel Flow," by William W. Sayre ,
February 1968 .

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