How To Deal With Rejected Ads On Pinterest

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How To Deal With Rejected

Ads On Pinterest
On Pinterest you will not get your ad account banned if your ads are against Policy, like
Facebook has. Pinterest will just reject your ads.

And the question is what we can do to have our ads approved.

As the first step, read Pinterest's Advertising Policy.

And you will know from the source, what you can do and what not with your creatives, with
your copy and landing pages.


1. A good quality creative. Is it an image or video, it should look good, eye catching,
easy to read. More about Pinterest creatives you can find in this SOP, also in this
guide from Pinterest.

2. Content you use in your creative. Do not use before and after imageries, naked parts
of the body, the butt of a woman, and any other sexual parts of the body as the main
plan in the video or on image.

3. Verbiage you use in your creative. Do not use any claims, or promises, like lose
weight fast, results in just 3 days, etc. Some examples below of not approved copy.
Use words that describe the product and some of its benefits with a call to action at
the end.

4. The copy you use for your Pin headlines and description. Here you also can’t use
any claims and big promises, as with the copy in your creatives.
5. The content on the landing page. If you did all of the above correctly but your ads are
still rejected, check the content on your landing page. On the landing page you also
can’t have any big claims and promises, before and after images. The same thing as
with your creatives.The content in the creatives is the most important, but sometimes
the problem with rejected ads can be also on your landing page.

What if your ads are rejected again and again?

You did everything correctly with your creatives, with your landing page but the ads are
rejected no matter what. Well, Pinterest's bots are not always perfect, and the only thing we
can do is to try again.

Publish your creatives again and again until you will get approved them all or at least a part
of them. Often for our weight loss product we had to publish creatives 5+ times until a part
was approved. Create many variants of you creative by adding different 3-5 seconds at the
beginning of the video, publish them many at once (20-40 creatives) and there is a chance to
get a part of them approved.

From my experience, on weekends Pinterest more often approves creatives than if I was
publishing the same creatives during the week and they all the time get rejected. Try this too
and see how it will work for you .

At the end of the day, what matters most is to be compliant and play by the rules. Know the
rules and stick to them.

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