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Multiple Choice

1. A box-and-whisker plot does not show the

a) mean c) third quartile
b) first quartile d) median

2. The number of patients treated in a dental office on Mondays was recorded for 11 weeks. What are the
mean, median, and mode for this set of data?
5, 17, 28, 28, 28, 15, 13, 18, 10, 16, 20
a) mean 17, median 18, mode 28 c) mean 16.5, median 18, mode 28
b) mean 18, median 17, mode 28 d) mean 28, median 17, mode 18

3. The numbers of monitors sold by a computer store on 11 consecutive business days are listed below. What
are the mean, median, and mode for this set of data?
4, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10, 13, 30, 12, 20, 24

a) mean 14, median 11, mode 10 c) mean 17, median 14, mode 10
b) mean 10, median 11, mode 14 d) mean 11, median 14, mode 10

4. Which set of data would probably show a strong negative linear correlation?
a) resale values of computers and their ages
b) heights volleyball players can jump and the strength of their leg muscles
c) numbers of people at a water park and the air temperature
d) scores on a mathematics test and the number of hours spent studying for it


5. In how many ways can a 12-member jury be chosen from a pool of 22 citizens?
a) 2640 c) 3 628 800
b) 646 646 d) 479 001 600

6. How many ways can five blue pennants, four green pennants, and three red pennants be strung on a line?
a) 60 c) 27 720
b) 720 d) 3 326 400

7. What is the value of the constant term in the expansion of ?

a) 4 c) 64
b) 16 d) 256

8. Two standard dice are rolled. What is the probability that the total of the two dice is less than 6?
a. c.

b. d.

9. What is the probability of drawing a red face card from a standard deck of playing cards?
a. c.

b. d.

10. If the probability of rain tomorrow is 65%, what is the probability that it will not rain tomorrow?
a. 0.65 c. 0.45
b. 0.55 d. 0.35

11. A bag contains 26 tiles, each marked with a different letter of the alphabet. What is the probability of being
able to spell the word math with four randomly selected tiles that are taken from the bag all at the same
a) b) c) d)

12. What is the probability of rolling a total of 7 in two rolls of a standard die if you get an even number on the
first roll?
a) b) c) d)

13. What is the probability of randomly selecting either a club or a non-face card from a standard deck of
a) b) c) d)

14. Which of the following is a continuous random variable?
a) number of times you catch a ball in a baseball game
b) number of red cars on the highway
c) volume of water in a tank
d) number of candies in a box


1. The probability that Jacqueline will be elected to the students’ council is 0.6, and the probability that she
will be selected to represent her school in a public-speaking contest is 0.75. The probability of Jacqueline
achieving both of these goals is 0.5.
a) Are these two goals mutually exclusive? Explain your answer.
b) What is the probability that Jacqueline is either elected to the students’ council or picked for the public-
speaking contest?
c) What is the probability that she fails to be selected for either the students’ council or the public-speaking

a) The two goals cannot be mutually exclusive since the probability of achieving both is 0.5.
b) 0.85

2. Participants in marathons are often given numbers to wear, so that race officials can identify individual
runners more easily. If the numbers are assigned randomly, what is the probability that the eight fastest
runners will finish in the order of their assigned numbers, assuming that there are no ties?

3. How many six-digit even numbers less than 200 000 can be formed using all the digits 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, and 5?

4. A Chinese restaurant features a lunch special with a choice of wonton soup or spring roll to start, sweet and
sour chicken balls, pork, or beef for the main dish, and steamed or fried rice as a side dish. Create a tree
diagram to show all the possible lunch specials at this restaurant. How many different possibilities are

ANS: There are 12 possible meals at this Chinese restaurant.

5. For a calculus quiz, the teacher will choose 11 questions from the 15 in a set of review exercises. How
many different sets of questions could the teacher choose?

6. Find the number of colors needed to color each of the maps so that no two adjacent regions have the
same color.

8. The following chart shows measurements obtained from ten adults.

Hand Span, x
23 20 17 26 21 18 19 22 17 19
Height, y (cm) 182 176 172 188 177 173 176 182 174 178

a) Calculate the correlation coefficient for these data using the formula

b) Calculate the correlation coefficient using a graphing calculator, a spreadsheet

c) Compare the correlation-coefficient values that you calculated in parts a) and b).
d) Describe the correlation between hand span and height for this sample.


b) A calculator or software will give a value of 0.959 29....

c) The two methods give the same result. Note that this correlation coefficient is not accurate beyond three
decimal places because the data have only two or three significant digits.
d) There is a strong positive correlation between hand span and height for this sample of adults.

9. Given a set A={a, b, c, d} list all 2-combinations of the set (all combinations of length

10. How many possibilities are there for the win, place, and show (first, second, and third) in a horse race
with 12 horses if all orders of finish are possible?

11. A club has 15 members.

How many ways are there to choose four members of the club to serve on an executive committee?
How many ways are there to choose a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer for the club, if
no member can fill more than one position at a time?

12. Len just wrote a multiple-choice test with 15 questions, each having four choices. Len is sure that he got
exactly 9 of the first 12 questions correct, but he guessed randomly on the last 3 questions. What is the
probability that he will get at least 80% on the test?

A score of 80% requires getting 12 out of the 15 questions right. If Len answered 9 out of the first 12
questions correctly, he can score 80% only if he guessed all 3 of the remaining questions correctly.

Therefore Len has only about a 1.6% chance of getting 80% on the test.

13.A spinner has three equally-sized sectors, numbered 1 through 3.

a) What is the probability that the arrow on the spinner will stop on an even number?
b) What is the expected outcome?


a) The only even number on the spinner is 2, so the probability is .


14. a) Calculate the probability distribution for getting doubles within the first seven rolls of a pair of standard
b) Use these probabilities to estimate the expected number of rolls before getting doubles. How accurate is
this estimate?
a) Calculate the probabilities using the formula P(x) = qxp. Here and .

Waiting time, x Probability, P(x)

0 0.166 66…
1 0.138 88…
2 0.115 74…
3 0.096 45…
4 0.080 37…
5 0.066 97…
6 0.055 81…

b) E(X)  0 0.1667 + 1 0.1389 + 2 0.1157 + 3 0.0965 + 4 0.0804

+ 5 0.0670 + 6 0.0558
= 1.651

The sum of the first seven terms of this geometric distribution does not give a good estimate of its

15. In a class of 27 students, 4 are bilingual. If the class is randomly divided into nine project teams,
a) what is the probability that a team has fewer than 2 bilingual students?
b) what is the expected number of bilingual students on a team?




… and more exercises

1. How many different signals are possible with a set of four distinct flags if a minimum of two flags is
used for each signal?
2. Solve for n,
 72
(n  2)!
3. In how many different orders can eight nominees for the students’ council give their speech at the
4. A soccer team ended a season with 16 wins, 3 losses and 1 tie. In how many orders could these results
have happened?
5. Given a set A = {a, b, c, d} list all 3-permutations of the set.
6. Given a set A = {a, b, c, d} list all 3-combinations of the set.
7. How many poker hands are there with three aces and two kings?
8. Solve for n,
 n  1
P ( n,4)  60 
 3 
9. Prove that
 n n  r 1 n 
    
r r  r  1
10. How many positive integers between 1 and 1000 are divisible by 5 and 9?
11. Expand ( a  b) 7
12. Write the fourth term in the expansion of ( x  y )12 .
13. Find the coefficient of the term in the expansion of ( 2 x  7 y ) 9 that contains the factor y 3 .
14. Use the Binomial Theorem to prove
 n n  n n  n
   2   4   8   ...  2 n    3 n
 0 1  2  3  n

15. Find the sum of all multiples of 3 between 100 and 1000000.
16. Find the sum of all powers of 3 between 100 and 1000000.
17. Three dice are thrown. What is the probability of throwing
a) a triple (3 dice are the same)
b) a total of 6
c) exactly one 3
d) at least one three
18. A group of 12 people is going out of the town . The group will take three cars with four people in each
car. If they distribute themselves randomly , what is the probability that Rafael and Chantal will be in
the same car?
19. It is estimated that 85% of the population enjoys an alcoholic beverage at least once a week; 35% of
the population smokes at least one cigarette a day; and 25% of the population indulges in both habits.
What is the probability that a person chosen at random either smokes or drinks alcohol?
20. What is the probability of rolling a sum greater than 7 with 2 dice if it is known that the first die rolled
is a 3?
21. The 13 spades in a deck of cards are removed and shuffled. If you draw one of the cards, what is the
probability that
a) it is an ace?
b) it is an ace given it is not a face card?
22. Two single-digit random numbers (0 to 9 inclusive) are selected independently. Find the probability
that their sum is 7.
23. A small town has 115 streets, all containing approximately the same number of residents. If a
canvasser randomly selects 20 people from the phone book to promote a product, what is the
probability that at least two of the people live on the same street?
24. A woman has triplets.
a) What is the probability that the triplets are all girls?
b) What is the probability that at least on of the triplets is a girl?
c) What are the odds in favor of there being at least one child of different sex?
27.Going into a football game, a field goal kicker had been successful on 28 of 35 field goal attempts.
During the game, the player successfully kicked field goals in five attempts
a) Based on his performance before the game, what was the probability of his being successful on all 5
kicks in this game?
b)What was the most likely number of successes for the kicker, based on his previous performance?

28. It was claimed that 1 out of 5 cardiologists takes an aspirin a day. If 15 cardiologists are selected at
random, let X be the number who take an aspirin a day.
a) How is X distributed?
b)Find the E[X].
c) Determine the probability that X is less than 5

29. A box contains five dozen heads of lettuce. There are 8 spoiled heads in the box. A person chooses a
dozen heads at random. What is the probability that he did not choose any of the spoiled heads? What is
expected number of spoiled heads?

30. A production produces components of which 3% are defective.

a) What is the expected number of components made up to first defective one.
b) What is the probability that the first defective component will occur within the first 4 components?

31. On a school volleyball team of 12 women, 4 of the women measure over 1.7m in height. What is the
probability that at least 3 players over 1.7m tall will be in the starting line-up if the 6 are randomly chosen?

32.Three friendly jet fighters and eight enemy planes are engaged in combat in close proximity to each
other. Four SAM’s (surface-to-air missiles) are launched. Each missile seeks and destroys at random one of
the planes. What is the probability that the SAM’s do not destroy any of the friendly aircraft?

33.A certain surgical operation on the knee is succesful 95% of the time. Twelve people have this
a) What is the probability that the operation will be successful in all 12 cases?
b) What is the probability of at least one of the operations being unsuccessful?

34. Twenty tickets numbered 1 to 20 are placed in a hat. The winning ticket is drawn from the hat. What is
the probability that a ticket with a particular number from 1 to 20 on it will win?
35. The board members of a provincial organization receive a car allowance for travel to meetings. Here
are the distances that the board logged last year (in kilometers).
44 18 125 80 63 42 35 68 52 75 260 96

a) Determine the mean, standard deviation, and variance for these data.
b) Determine the median, upper quartile and lower quartile.
37. a) Find P(Z.5) if Z ~ N(0,1).
b) Find P(X21) if X ~ N(15,5).
c) Find P(170X) if X ~ N(175,10)
d) Find  if X ~ N(18, ) and P(X22)=0.10
38. The heights of 16-month old oak seedlings are normally distributed with a mean of 31.5 cm and a
standard deviation of 10 cm. What is the height above which 75% of the seedlings have grown?
39. A new drug has been tested and is found to have a cure rate of 80%. This drug is given to a random
sample of 100 patients in a further test. Find the probability that:
a) exactly 80 patients will be cured
b) at least 90 of the patients will be cured

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