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The Power of Faith by Kottarathil Sankunni

Aithihyamala, first published in 1909 in Malayalam, is a collection of folk stories prevalent in

the nineteenth century Kerala. These stories were recorded by Kottarathil Sankunni and
published in Malayala Manorama newspaper and its literary journal Bhashaposhini.
Sankunni’s real name was Vasudevan. The book was translated as Lore and Legends of
Kerala by T.C. Narayan. The stories in Aithihyamala serve as social documentation of the
cultural life in Kerala during those times.

The story “The Power of Faith” is a very popular tale from Aithihyamala. It was originally
titled Viddhi Kushmandam (Idiot Gourd). The story is about a poor man who climbs up
ladders of success with his faith, innocence and devotion.

The protagonist of the story is a poor man named Kochuraman. He wanted to learn the skill
of anti-venom treatment (visha vaidyam) for earning his livelihood. Kochuraman learns from
others that he can learn the skill only from one of the existing practitioners in the field by
offering a fee or some precious gift. In return, he would be taught a mantra or magic verse. If
he repeats the verse with devotion as many hundred thousand times as it had letters after
pouring ashes or sacred water over the injured spot, the wound would be healed.

Hence, Kochuraman approaches a famous anti-venom practitioner who has been earning a lot
of money and gifts through his treatment. As an offering, poor Kochuraman brings a few
gourds from his garden. He could not afford anything other than that. But the teacher was not
happy with this gesture and insults him by asking him a Viddhi ( Hey Idiot! ) Kushmandam
endina ( Why Idiot Gourd?). Kochuraman hears only the first two words and he
misunderstands this insult as the mantra or magic verse. He returns home happily.

Kochuraman became a famous vaidyan over time with his humility and devotion. He visited
those in need in their own homes to offer them remedy unlike the other famous practitioners
who would never visit the patient’s house. Instead, people had to go to the other vaidyans’
houses and make good offerings to get treated. Kochuraman became very wealthy with the
high success rate he achieved in curing the patients.

One day, the then ruler of Kozhikode fell ill and many famous anti-venom practitioners,
including the vaidyan who called Kochuraman an idiot were invited to cure His Highness, but
to no avail. As a last resort, the relatives of the ruler approached Kochuraman after much
deliberations. Kochuraman who was confident about his success asked the chief cook to
prepare some food for His Highness when he wakes up. Others looked at Kochuraman in
amazement. Kochuraman recited the verse Viddhi Kushmandam , took some water and
sprinkled it over i the ruler and the ruler opened his eyes immediately . He repeated the
gesture twice and the ruler sat up and asked for food. All others who were present on the
occasion including the guru who had insulted Kochuraman were taken aback. Kochuraman
was honoured, praised and rewarded by the ruler.

On seeing his guru there, Kochuraman approached him with utmost respect and thanked him
for teaching him the sacred verse. The guru was surprised and told him he had no idea about
the verse that Kochuraman was talking about. In fact, the guru wanted to know about the
verse with which Kochuraman could told cure the ruler.Then Kochuraman told him that it
was the verse Viddhi Kushmandam that made him a successful practitioner as he recited this
verse while sprinkling water over the patients. The guru sat there bewildered.

The story teaches us about the power of strong faith, innocence, devotion and humility in a
humorous manner. Kochuraman was ignorant, but he was an innocent man who could
succeed with his humility, devotion and strong faith.

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