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Colegiul Tehnic ,, Danubiana,, , Roman


CLASA IX- AN SCOLAR 2020 -2021

A. Choose the correct answer: (10 points)

1. I….. in Warsaw all my life.
A. live B. am living C. was living D. have lived
2. When I was younger I ……. long hair.
A. would have B. would have had C. used to have D. use to have
3. My wallet ….. in the shopping center last week.
A. was stolen B. is stolen C. has been stolen D. had been stolen
4. ……. the film on Channel 21 last night?
A. Have you watched B. watched you C. Did you watch D. do you watch
5. We …very long. Only ten minutes.
A. are not waiting B. haven’t been waiting C. waited D. have been waiting
6. The students …… go to this school are all very clever.
A. which B. where C. what D. who
7. If I … won the lottery, I would have given the money to charity.
A. have B. having C. will have D. had
8. You …. eat these mushrooms. They might be poisonous
A. don’t B. should C. shouldn’t D. must
9. Jane …… her hair cut yesterday.
A. made B. did C. had D. was
10. If I’m not too tired, I… out tonight.
A. may to go B. might to go C. am go D. might go
B. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same: (20 points)
1. I’m sure it wasn’t Jim who phoned. It can’t……..
2. January was the last time I saw him. I haven’t……
3. The book was so difficult that I couldn’t understand it. The book was too….
4. I didn’t make a shopping list and I forgot to buy milk. If I…..
5. “I’ll do the washing up”, said Tom. Tom said….
6. I have done most of the work. Most of…..
7. We will call a plumber to fix our pipes tomorrow. We will have….
8. She was wrong to study so late. She shouldn’t…..
9. The last time Dan came here was in 1999. Dan hasn’t….
10. Did you manage to stop him? Were…?
C. Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order to form a
new word that fits suitably in the blank space: (10 points)
1. Your behavior is rather….., don’t you think? CHILD
2. The parents find this sport ……for their children. RISK
3. Mother measured the ….. of the curtains. LONG
4. This ….tries to save endangered species. ORGANISE
5. Her mother is a very…. person. TALK
6. They announced their ….yesterday. ENGAGE
7. Her …… did not surprise anybody. REACT
8. You know you can always count on my ….. FRIEND
9. I put all the papers in the….of my desk. DRAW
10. She had no… translating the letter. DIFFICULT
D. Fill each of the following gaps with one suitable word: (10 points)
After driving 1 ______ two more hours along the country, we suddenly saw the village 2_____ the
distance and soon we 3________ in the narrow streets. The only problem 4_____that we couldn’t find
anywhere to 5______. At the hotel they said 6______ were no rooms vacant, but when they 7_____
the children waiting in the car, they offered us 8____ small room which was 9______ occupied by
staff. The two children 10_____ to sleep in camp beds but they enjoyed the adventure.
E. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense: (10 points)
“Look! There’s Kate. She (see) 1._____ us now and she (wave) 2._____to us. Maybe she (have)3.
______news from her brother, Sam.
Last March , he (decide) 4. ______ that he (have) 5. _________enough of working in a bank and that
he (ride) 6._______ around the world on a bicycle. He (leave) 7. ___________ England two weeks
later with his bike, a rucksack and a tent. He (be) 8. _________away for six months now and nobody
(know) 9. ________if he (return) 10. ___________ or not.
F. Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each sentence: (10 points)
1. I can’t drink this tea. It’s boiling/ warm.
2. There are enough apples for each/ every one.
3. I really can’t stand/ afford to travel by plane.
4. Yesterday I lost/ have lost my wallet.
5. Thank you for the offer but I decided/ have decided not to accept.
6. His offer sounded too/ so good to be true.
7. There are so few/ so little good programmes on TV that I rarely watch it.
8. An old man, who/ which was carrying a suitcase, knocked at the door.
9. If I had known/ would know it was your birthday I would have sent you a present.
10. The news is/ are on in a few minutes.
Varianta 3 KEY
A. (10 points)
1.D 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D

B. (20 points)
1. It can’t have been Jim who phoned.
2. I haven’t seen him since January.
3. The book was too difficult for me to read.
4. If I had made a shopping list, I wouldn’t have forgotten to buy milk.
5. Tom said he would do the washing up.
6. Most of the work has been done by me.
7. We will have our pipes fixed tomorrow.
8. She shouldn’t have studied so late.
9. Dan hasn’t come here since 1999.
10. Were you able to stop him?

C. (10 points)

D. (10 points)
1. for 2. in 3. got 4. was 5. stay 6. there 7. saw 8. a 9. being 10. had

E. (10 points)
1. sees 2. is waving 3. has 4. decided 5. had had 6. would ride 7. left 8. has been 9. knows
10. will return

F.(10 points)
1. warm 2. every 3. afford 4. lost 5. have decided 6. too 7. so few 8. who
9. had known 10. is

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