B2 Activity Review

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A Read the articles about natural disasters.

Forces of nature
1 3
Hurricane Charley Hits Hard Earthquake Brings Tragedy to Haiti
Hurricane Charley started as a small storm over the On January 12, 2010, a very big earthquake hit the
eastern Caribbean Sea on August 9, 2004. Two days Island of Haiti in the Caribbean. It’s almost impossible to
later it struck the island of Jamaica and destroyed imagine the number of people who died, were injured or
some parts of the island. By August 13, it had reached lost their homes. According to official estimates, over
Port Charlotte, Florida where it did some of its worst 220,000 people died and over 300,000 people were
damage. Most of its destruction was caused by its reported injured. Some of the deaths were caused by a
very strong winds, which reached more than 240 tsunami in the Petit Paradis area of the island. Other
kilometres per hour, and not by heavy rainfall. By the tsunamis were reported but they did not cause any loss
time it travelled north and reached Cape Cod, of life. The loss of property was also shocking. It is
Massachusetts on August 15, it had destroyed 14 billion estimated that almost 100,000 houses were destroyed
US dollars worth of property and caused 15 deaths. and about 200,000 were damaged leaving hundreds of
thousands of people homeless.
Tsunami Strikes Indian Ocean 4
In December 2004, a very powerful earthquake, with a The Mumbai Floods of 2005
magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale, struck near the July 26, 2005 is the day when everything stopped in the
west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Within Indian city of Mumbai because of flash flooding. The
hours a tsunami formed. It hit the coastline of 11 water levels rose so quickly in just a few hours that
Indian Ocean countries. Countless people were thousands of people were stuck on the roads. Thousands
carried out to sea; they had no chance against the of schoolchildren were stranded by the flood and were
huge waves. Many others lost their lives in their not able to get home to their families for over 24 hours.
homes, on the beaches or wherever they happened Many people on the coast died in the disaster and many
to be. Thousands of homes and other buildings were more lost their homes. All ground floor flats were
destroyed by heavy floods all around the Indian underwater; the people lost everything. The floods were
Ocean, from Africa to Thailand. caused by the biggest rainfall recorded in many years.
Over 65 inches of rain fell in 12 hours. The heavy floods
caused a huge loss of about 100 million US dollars for
Mumbai and its residents.

B Complete the Exam Task.

Exam Task
Read the articles. For questions 1 – 5, choose the best answer (a, b, c or d).
1 Which articles state the number of lives lost in the natural disaster?
a 1 and 2 b 1 and 3 c 2 and 3 d 2 and 4
2 Which articles mention both an earthquake and a tsunami?
a 1 and 2 b 3 and 4 c 2 and 4 d 2 and 3
3 Which article states strong winds as the main reason for the destructiveness of the natural disaster?
a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
4 Which article states exactly how strong the earthquake was?
a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
5 Which articles describe the damage caused by the heavy flooding?
( / 10 marks)
a 1 and 2 b 2 and 3 c 2 and 4 d 3 and 4

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Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these prepositions.
back by down from in on out with

1 The publisher’s secretary asked me to ring back .

2 Natalie is doing some research on natural disasters.
3 Make sure you tune in to Our News tonight!
4 The temperature dropped by 10˚C overnight.
5 There were so many magazines, I couldn’t pick out one to buy.
6 How does your new mobile phone differ from the old one?
7 Lava flowed down the mountain and destroyed everything in its path.
8 After the eruption, everything was covered with ash. ( / 8 marks)

B Match the words in bold in the sentences 1-8 with their meanings a-h.
1 There is a very interesting article in today’s paper. f a lack of food
2 The country suffered from a three-year famine. a b newspaper writer
3 My uncle is a well-known columnist. b c shop which sells newspapers, magazines etc
4 I didn’t know that the eye of a hurricane is very calm. g d period of time when there is no rain
5 Surprisingly, there was only one casualty of the flood. h e violent storm with very strong winds
6 Many animals died because of the drought. d f piece of writing about a particular subject
7 I stopped at the newsagent’s on my way home. c g centre
8 The hurricane left the area in ruins. e h injured person ( / 8 marks)

C Circle the correct words.

1 Tina’s smiling face was like a ray of freedom / sunshine for the injured people.
2 The newspaper correspondent / host sends his stories to the main office.
3 Have you heard? They are going to ring / bring out a new magazine.
4 Ever since the assistant editor resigned, I’ve been snowed up / under with work.
5 The newspaper has published the latest sales figures / media.
6 The earthquake was a 5.0 on the Richter measurement / scale.
7 The hail balls / stones were so big that they caused quite a lot of damage.
8 Bob really has his head in the clouds / earth if he thinks publishing a newspaper is easy. ( / 8 marks)

D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

1 I’m not interested in reading political articles in the newspaper. POLITICS
2 Peter is a famous photographer. He works for an international magazine. PHOTO
3 Michael has wanted to be a ever since he was in primary school. JOURNALISM
4 I don’t think you should get too close to photograph the volcano. It’s too . RISK
5 Valerie must be a very adventurous woman. She travels all around the world to report ADVENTURE
the news.
6 There wasn’t any time to think about what we should do. We had to take action ACT

( / 6 marks)

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Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
A Circle the correct words.
1 Larry admitted to steal / stealing my report.
2 We can help / to help the people who lost their homes in the flood.
3 Our teacher spends a lot of time to read / reading us newspaper articles.
4 Rescuers made everybody to evacuate / evacuate the area.
5 My parents would rather to watch / watch the news on TV than listen to it on the radio.
6 I decided to give / giving some money to the Red Cross.
7 It’s no good just to talk / talking about what we could do to help the situation.
8 The magazine’s publication can’t be cancelled / can’t have cancelled, can it? ( / 8 marks)

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb in brackets.
1 The Age is one of the oldest (old) running newspapers in Australia.
2 Floods happen more frequently (frequently) in the spring than in autumn.
3 Magazines are quite cheap but they aren´t as cheap (not cheap) as newspapers.
4 A hurricane is more dangerous (dangerous) than a thunderstorm.
5 Alexander is the best (good) cameraman in the film-making industry.
6 This is the most interesting (interesting) documentary I have ever seen!
7 The longer than (long) you wait, the more dangerous it will be for you to leave.
8 A snowstorm is worst (bad) than a rainstorm. ( / 8 marks)

C Complete the sentences with enough, so, such or too. You will have to use some words more than once.
1 The earthquake was so strong that it caused a lot of damage.
2 It was too dangerous for the rescue team to continue the search.
3 It was so big a forest fire that we had to evacuate our homes.
4 There were such high temperatures that we had to stay indoors.
5 It was such an interesting article that I read it twice.
6 Do I have enough time to make a coffee before the news? ( / 6 marks)

D Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the passive voice.

1 Peter wrote an article about the earthquake.

An article was written by Peter .
2 They say that what we hear on the news is not all true.
It is said that what we hear on the news is not all true .
3 My dad likes us to give him magazines.
My dad likes to be given magazines by us .
4 They will refund my subscription soon.
My subscription will be refunded soon .
5 I must pay the staff by the end of the month.
The staff must be paid by the end of the month .
6 They will make a decision about the publishing date by next Monday.
A decision about the publishing date will be make by the next monday .
7 They print books on recycled paper these days.
Books are printed on recycled paper these days .
8 Many people say that the average temperature on Earth is rising.
The average temperature on Earth is said to be rising .

( / 8 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning.

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.
Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
Read the advert from welovetheworld.com.
Write a review about somewhere you have recently visited. (140–190 words).

We want to hear from you!

Our readers are always looking for new places to visit,

so why not give them a helping hand.
Is there somewhere that no one should ever go again?
Or is there somewhere that isn't getting enough attention?
Post a review and tell us!

I am going to recommend my favorite place of all the places I have visited, and it is San
Miguel de Allende, it is a town / city with a very particular design of houses and buildings
as well as harmonious, everything looks so beautiful that it seems another world. In this
place is one of the most beautiful churches in the country with a style similar to the Gothic
and with a large size that can be seen from afar. It is a great place to visit, eat, and see
beautiful landscapes.

( / 10 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning.

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

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