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No Bid Key Milestones

1 submission date October 23, 2020
2 clarification date October 13, 2020
3 format of submission PDF
4 Mode of submission email
5 whom to submit [email protected]
Sl. No RFP section number Statement clarification questions
section number Section heading
Section A Qualification




Section B Description of Software Solution

Description of Software Solution

Section C Implementation Approach

Exhibit I: Cost Proposal Form

Question Response to contain
Cover Letter
Include a statement of understanding of this project that describes the respondent’s understanding of
the project. Include any unique qualifiers, collaborative approaches and/or innovative thinking the firm
would bring to the project.

Team Introduction and Qualifications

At a minimum, this section should include:
a. Description of the respondent’s firm, including years in existence, structure and composition.
b. Explanation of partnerships, if any, that have been or will need to be made in order to complete the
c. Organization chart, illustrating Project Manager, task leads, and specific individuals who will be
assigned to the work. Include their office location, primary role(s), and estimated percentage of time
available for this project.
d. Resumes for Project Manager and key project team members detailing expertise and experience in
assigned roles

Relevant Experience
A minimum of five (5) projects detailing completed, similar or relevant project experience that the
respondent has completed in the last five (5) years, preferably for similarly sized municipalities.
Respondents are encouraged to include projects that involved members of the proposed project team
and were performed for similar municipal or other governmental clients. Relevant experience must
include software implementation, system integrations, data migration and training services.

Provide a minimum of three (3) client references of similar size (population of 40,000 - 75,000) and scope
completed within the past three (3) years. Reference name, title, phone number and email must be
included as well as a description of services provided.

Software Information
Clearly and succinctly describe the functionality, features, and capabilities of the proposed CMMS/EAM
solution in narrative format with graphical elements. This is also meant to provide an understanding of
the overall solution, architecture and framework.
The Software Information section should not exceed ten (10) pages in length.

Exhibit F (functional req.)

Exhibit G (functional req.)
Exhibit H (functional req.)
A detailed description of the proposed work and methods to be used, including any variances due to
COVID-19. The implementation approach should include tasks to be performed and associated
deliverables and City participation requirements as described in Section II – Scope of Work. Please
include any information your firm will require from the City of Burlington to address the requirements of
this RFP.
A proposed implementation schedule with key milestones should be provided.
The Implementation Approach section should not exceed ten (10) pages in length.

Transmittal letter
Cost proposal
owner completion date
sl. No section number section description compliance(Y/N)

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