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A threat is an expression of intent to harm someone that may be spoken, written, or gestured. An expression of intent to harm someone is
considered a threat regardless of whether it is communicated to an actual or prospective victim and regardless of whether the actual or prospective
victim is aware thereof, existing in any fashion, whether orally, visually, in writing, or electronically. This protocol does NOT address threats to
damage property, threats made by non-students, fights with no threat, or language such as slurs, insults, or verbal abuse that does not constitute a
threat. The integral question to threat assessment inquiry is whether a student poses a threat, not whether a student made a threat.
WHEN IN DOUBT, treat the expression as a threat.
Student threats shall be reported to the school administrator (principal, assistant principal, or principal designee). Criteria for reporting threats should
include age of the child, and the context of the threat or remark.
The administrator makes a preliminary determination of the seriousness of the threat. If the threat has not been resolved, and the administrator
determines it is potentially serious, then the Threat Assessment and Response Summary Protocol should be completed by the school threat
assessment team, also known as the School Safety Team*.
The student, recipients of threat, and other witnesses shall be interviewed to obtain a specific account of threat in context using the Threat Assessment
and Response Summary Protocol.
Student Interview Witness Interview
• Do you know why I wanted to talk with you? • What exactly happened when you were [place of incident]?
• What happened when you were [place of incident]? • What exactly did [student] say or do?
• What exactly did you say? And what exactly did you do? • What do you think he/she meant when saying that?
• What did you mean when you said or did that? • How do you feel about what he/she said or did?
• How do you think he/she feels about what you said or did? • Why did he/she say or do that?
• What was the reason you said or did that?
• What are you going to do now that you have made this threat?


Transient Threat Substantive Threat
A transient threat meets one or more of A substantive threat meets one or more of the following:
the following:
• Specific, plausible details such as a specific victim, time, place, and method
• Non-genuine expression
• Threat has been repeated over time or related to multiple persons
• Non-sustainable intent to harm
• Threat is reported as a plan or planning has taken place
• Temporary feelings of anger
• Recruitment of accomplices or invitation for an audience
• Tactic in argument
• Physical evidence of intent to carry out threat (e.g., lists, drawings, written plan)
• Intended as joke or figure of speech
• Resolved on scene or office (time-limited) Factors to consider in which substantive threats are more likely:
• Conflict is resolved and ends with Age of student Credibility of account Documented history of aggression
• WHEN IN DOUBT, consider threat as
substantive and assess further Threat to kill, rape, or inflict severe injury or
A threat to
assault involves the use of weapons


Abbreviated examples include: Abbreviated examples include: Abbreviated examples include:
Contact student's parents if necessary Mobilize threat assessment team Mobilize district threat assessment team
Notify intended victim's parents if members as needed · Notify student's parents
necessary Notify student's parents Protect and notify intended victim and
Consult with safety and security Protect and notify intended victim and parents of victim
specialist/SRO if necessary parents of victim Notify cluster assistant superintendent or
Refer for conflict mediation or counseling, Caution the student about the designee
to resolve problem if appropriate consequences of carrying out the threat Caution the student about the
Follow discipline procedures in SSBIH Provide direct supervision of student consequences of carrying out the threat
Provide direct supervision of student
School teams collaborate to create a safety and case management plan completed by the Mental Health Counselor within the Threat Assessment and
Response Protocol. Team members should include assistant principals, principals, counselors, psychologists, SRO. Teams may include community
members, coaches, athletic director, teachers, support staff, parents, or other relevant parties.
Plan responses should be appropriate for risk level and provide specific timelines for follow-up, staff responsible, and attempt to address the root causes
of the threat.
*Note: If the student of concern is being provided services under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), a representative
from the team that developed or manages that student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) also should be brought onto the threat
assessment team as an ad hoc member for the inquiry regarding this particular student. A manifestation determination must be conducted any
time a student identified with a disability makes a threat.
The school safety team completes the following threat assessment tool to determine threat level and intervention plan.
Name: Unknown ID #:

Affiliation: Administrator Teacher Staff Student Parent/Guardian Status: Current Former Prospective

Contractor Other:_______________________________  None/Unknown Grade:_______________(if student)

School: Building/Program:

Home Phone:

Date Day of Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Time: _________  AM
Occurred: Friday Saturday Sunday  PM
Location: School Property [In School Building  School Grounds] School Bus School Sponsored Activity Other:

Address: City: State:

Threat Assault [Physical Sexual) Threat Suspicious Stalking Suicidal/Self-Harm Bomb threat
Unusual Communication Vandalism Disruptive Harassment Involuntary MH hold Other:

Mode: In Person Phone Text Email Letter Social Media Internet Other :  Multiple Modes

Target(s) injured: Yes No Unknown Target(s) require medical attention? Yes No Unknown

Weapon involved: Yes No Unknown Type of Weapon: Firearm [ Rifle/Shotgun Pistol] Edged Bomb Other:

Details of the incident or threat. Where threats were communicated, quote where possible, use quotation marks to indicated direct quotes. Attach original
communications if available.
SUBJECT (1) Engaging in threatening, aberrant or concerning behavior:
Name: Unknown ID #:

Affiliation: Administrator Teacher Staff Student Parent/Guardian Status: Current Former Prospective

Contractor Other:_______________________________  None/Unknown Grade:_______________(if student)

School: Building/Program:

Emergency Relationship:

Home Phone:

Student Interview questions:

Do you know why I wanted to talk with you?

What happened when you were [place of incident]?

What exactly did you say? And what exactly did you do?

What did you mean when you said or did that?

How do you think he/she feels about what you said or did?

What was the reason you said or did that?

What are you going to do now that you have made this threat?

Additional notes:

Note: If more than one subject(s) of concern in this incident, attach additional copies of this page with subject’s information.
TARGET (1): Potential Victim (if identified)
Name: Unknown ID #:

Affiliation: Administrator Teacher Staff Student Parent/Guardian Status: Current Former Prospective
Grade:_______________(if student)
Contractor Other:_______________________________  None/Unknown

School: Building/Program:

Emergency Relationship:

Home Phone:

TARGET (2): Potential School/Site/Group (if identified)

Name: Unknown ID #:

Affiliation: Administrator Teacher Staff Student Parent/Guardian Status: Current Former Prospective
Grade:_______________(if student)
Contractor Other:_______________________________  None/Unknown

School: Building/Program:

Emergency Relationship:

Home Phone:

Name: Unknown ID #:

Affiliation: Administrator Teacher Staff Student Parent/Guardian Status: Current Former Prospective
Grade:_______________(if student)
Contractor Other:_______________________________  None/Unknown

School: Building/Program:

Emergency Relationship:

Home Phone:
Witness Interview
What exactly happened when you were [place of incident]?

What exactly did [student] say or do?

What do you think he/she meant when saying that?

How do you feel about what he/she said or did?

Why did he/she say or do that?

Note: If more than one witness(s) of in this incident, attach additional copies of this page with subject’s information
Complete the checklist and answer the questions that follow to review the threat.
Identified grievances / motives for violence Yes No Unknown
Identification with other perpetrators, grievances, or violent acts Yes No Unknown
Communicated violent ideation or intent Yes No Unknown
Planning taken to support violence intent Yes No Unknown
Acquiring means, methods, opportunity or proximity toward violence Yes No Unknown
Prior violence / disruptive behaviors Yes No Unknown
Significant behavioral changes: e.g., paranoia, substance abuse, isolation Yes No Unknown
Despondency and/or suicidality Yes No Unknown
Diminished alternatives or ability to manage stressors Yes No Unknown
Use/mention Weapon in the threat Yes No Unknown
Repeat the threat over time Yes No Unknown
Have the ability to develop and carry out the threat Yes No Unknown
Have or seek accomplices? Yes No Unknown
Write plan or a list Yes No Unknown
Recurrent pattern(s) of disruptive/concerning behavior(s) Yes No Unknown
Stalking / unwanted contact, communication or pursuit Yes No Unknown
Report the threat as a specific plan Yes No Unknown
Other: Yes No Unknown


Identified targets (person/proxy, place, program, process, philosophy) Yes No Unknown
Fearful of harm Yes No Unknown
Responding as if subject poses a safety concern Yes No Unknown
Engaging in protective actions Yes No Unknown
Previously been threatened by the subject Yes No Unknown
Prior conflict with subject Yes No Unknown
Other: Yes No Unknown

Organizational climate concerns: e.g., bullying, bias, poor conflict mgmt.. Yes No Unknown
Chaotic or inconsistent structure Yes No Unknown
Lack of support, guidance or resources Yes No Unknown
High rates of violence, harassment, disruption, injury or harm Yes No Unknown
High perceived stress Yes No Unknown
Disproportionate rate/severity of concerns Yes No Unknown
Other: Yes No Unknown

1. What are the subject’s motives, grievances, goals and intent in their behavior?
2. Have there been any communications suggesting ideas, intent, planning or preparation for violence?

3. Has the subject shown inappropriate interest in/identification with: If yes, describe:
Incidents or perpetrators of targeted/mass violence
Grievances of perpetrators
Weapons/tactics of perpetrators
Notoriety or fame of perpetrators

4. Does the subject have (or are they developing) the capacity and will to carry out an act If yes, describe:
of targeted violence?
Expressed ideas to engage in violence
Made plans for violence
Preparing for violence (means, method, opportunity, access)
Surveillance, stalking or rehearsal
5. Is the subject experiencing or expressing hopelessness, desperation, and/or despair?

6. Does the subject have a positive, trusting, sustained relationship with at least one responsible person?

7. Does the subject see violence as an acceptable, desirable – or the only – way to solve a problem?

8. Are the subject’s conversation and “story” consistent with his or her actions?

9. Are other people concerned about the subject’s potential for violence?

10. What circumstances might affect the likelihood of escalation to violence?

Other Relevant Information:

Identify threat level by checking the box below. Use the guide below and information in Part III to make a
determination of the threat level. Once identified, determine interventions and responses in Part V.

Transient Threat Serious Substantive Threat Critical Substantive Threat

The threat assessment is designed to identify and assess risks in a deliberate and thorough manner. In determining response
strategies to mitigate the risk and to provide assistance, as needed, it is helpful to classify threats by level. Based on the
information collected, the threat assessment team may classify threats using the following basic criteria:

Transient (Low risk threat)* individual/situation does not appear to pose a threat of violence or serious harm to self/others,
and any exhibited issues/concerns can be resolved easily. Key components of this threat level include:
• Non-genuine expression
• Non-sustainable intent to harm
• Temporary feelings of anger
• Tactic in argument
• Intended as joke or figure of speech
• Resolved on scene or office (time-limited)
• Conflict is resolved and ends with apology, retraction, or clarification
*WHEN IN DOUBT, consider threat as substantive and assess further

Serious Substantive (Moderate risk)** threat person/situation does not appear to pose a threat of violence, or serious
harm to self/others, at this time; but exhibits behaviors that indicate a continuing intent and potential for future violence or
serious harm to self/others; and/or exhibits other concerning behavior that requires intervention. This type may also
involve instances of threats to assault. Key components of a this threat level include:
• Specific, plausible details such as a specific victim, time, place, and method
• Threat has been repeated over time or related to multiple persons
• Threat is reported as a plan or planning has taken place
• Recruitment of accomplices or invitation for an audience
• Physical evidence of intent to carry out threat (e.g., lists, drawings, written plan)
• Involves a threat to assault
**Factors to consider in which substantive threats are more likely: Age of student, credibility of account, or
documented history of aggression

Critical Substantive (High risk threat)*** A high risk threat is one in which the person/situation appears to pose a threat of
violence, exhibiting behaviors that indicate both a continuing intent to harm and efforts to acquire the capacity to carry out
the plan; and may also exhibit other concerning behavior that require intervention. This would include threats to kill, rape,
or inflict severe injury or involves the use of weapons. Key components of a this threat level include:
• Specific, plausible details such as a specific victim, time, place, and method
• Threat has been repeated over time or related to multiple persons
• Threat is reported as a plan or planning has taken place
• Recruitment of accomplices or invitation for an audience
• Physical evidence of intent to carry out threat (e.g., lists, drawings, written plan)
• Threat to kill, rape, or inflict severe injury or involves the use of weapons
***Factors to consider in which substantive threats are more likely: Age of student, credibility of account, or
documented history of aggression
Complete the checklist and corresponding intervention template to develop a specific safety, intervention, and case
management plan for the threat.
Transient Threat
Required Responses:
Contact student’s parents
Administer due process if applicable
See that threat is resolved through explanation, apology, or making amends
Follow discipline procedures outlined in SSBIH

Caution the subject about the consequences of carrying out the threat

Consult School Threat Assessment Team / Maintain threat assessment protocol documentation if applicable If ECE, Review BIP and FBA
If ECE, Review BIP and FBA
If ECE, Schedule ARC as necessary
Notify JCPS Bullying Prevention if applicable
Document event in IC
Allegations of sex and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence and/or retaliation must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator

Optional Responses:

Develop safety/behavior intervention plan

Conduct Behavior Screener Assessment
Determine appropriateness of Restorative Conference

Notify Student Relations Office if applicable

Refer for counseling
Notify superintendent or designee if applicable

Serious Threat
Required Responses
Administer due process if applicable
Mobilize threat assessment team
Provide direct supervision of subject

Document event in IC
Follow discipline procedures outlined in the SSBIH
If ECE, Review BIP and FBA

If ECE, Schedule ARC as necessary

Develop re-entry plan for student return
Develop safety plan for student (i.e. schedule changes or random searches)

Notify subject & parents of requirements for re-admission to school

Notify JCPS Transportation Office if applicable
Maintain threat assessment protocol documentation
Assign team member to monitor subject and intervention/safety plan.
Notify JCPS Bullying Prevention if applicable
Caution the subject about the consequences of carrying out the threat
If warranted by findings of mental health assessment, develop/monitor safety plan
Protect and notify intended victim(s) and parents / guardians of victim(s)
Notify subject/threat actor student’s parents and/or guardians
Allegations of sex and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence and/or retaliation must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator
Optional Responses:
Refer subject for mental health assessment or counseling
Determine appropriateness of Restorative Conference

Notify JCPS Communications (principal approval)

Notify superintendent or designee if applicable
Monitor social media

Call JCPS Communication regarding Notification of School Community (parents, etc.) with direction from assistant superintendent
Notify JCPS Security and Investigations and complete Threat Assessment Matrix
Refer to BCBA or BEST Team Member

Conduct Behavior Screener Assessment

Notify JCPS Student Relations Office if applicable

Critical Threat
Required Responses:
Mobilize threat assessment team
Notify subject/threat actor & parents and/or guardians
Provide direct supervision of subject until parents, law enforcement and/or guardians assume control
Caution the subject about the consequences of carrying out the threat
If enrolled at treatment facility or juvenile facility, attempt to identify release date
Monitor social media
Develop contingency plan if student is absent from school
If ECE, Review BIP and FBA
If ECE, Schedule ARC as necessary

Document event in IC
Notify JCPS Student Relations
Notify JCPS Security and Investigations

Protect and notify intended victim(s) & parents / guardians of victim(s)

Administer due process if applicable
Notify superintendent or designee if applicable

Follow discipline procedures outlined in the SSBIH

Determine appropriateness of Restorative Conference
Develop safety plan for student (i.e. schedule changes or random searches)
Develop re-entry plan for student return
Notify subject & parents of requirements for re-admission to school
Call JCPS Communication regarding Notification of School Community (parents, etc.) with direction from assistant superintendent

Assign a team member to monitor subject and status of intervention, as appropriate

Notify JCPS Transportation if applicable
Maintain threat assessment protocol documentation
Notify JCPS Bullying Prevention if applicable
If warranted by findings of mental health assessment, develop/monitor safety plan
Conduct Behavior Screener Assessment
Allegations of sex and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence and/or retaliation must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator

Optional Responses:
Notify law enforcement

If needed, refer subject for mental health assessment or counseling

Refer for school- or community-based services, as appropriate
Refer to BCBA or BEST Team Member


Subject Interventions:

Target/Victim Interventions:

Environment Interventions (i.e. scheduling, transportation, etc.)


The following members were involved in conducting this Threat Assessment Response Protocol:

Name: ______________________________________________ Role:__________________________

Name: ______________________________________________ Role:__________________________

Name: ______________________________________________ Role:__________________________

Name: ______________________________________________ Role:__________________________

Name: ______________________________________________ Role:__________________________

Name: ______________________________________________ Role:__________________________

Name: ______________________________________________ Role:__________________________

This threat assessment protocol was completed by the following

Print name of Team Leader: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Signature of Team Leader: _______________________________________________________________

(Signature indicates agreement with identified level of threat and the above actions have been taken.)

PART VI. THREAT ASSESSMENT UPDATE (to be updated regularly while case is active)
This section should be completed by the Team Leader, or others, as appropriate.

Actions with potential target(s) of the threat or students impacted by the threat:

Designated Case Manager / Point of Contact:

Offered supportive counseling? Yes No Provided brief supportive counseling? Provided Declined

Communicated with targets(s) and parent(s) / guardian(s)? Yes No

Altered schedule to minimize contact with subject who made the threat? Yes No

Advised targets(s) and/or parent(s) or guardian(s) of their right to contact police? Yes No

Name of staff member who provided this information: Date and Time:

Staff available to monitor target at regular intervals? Yes No

Name of staff member who will monitor target: Date and Time:

Informed target(s) and parent(s) or guardian(s) of updated/changes to plan? Yes No N/A

Name of staff member who contacted parents: Date and Time:

Additional Comments:
Actions with Subject making the threat:

Case Manager / Point of Contact Name:

Disciplinary action(s) taken:

Subject suspended? Yes No

Subject recommended for further disciplinary action and/or consideration? Yes No

List any additional behaviors that have occurred since the original threat:

Special Education? If yes:

Recommendation to reconvene IEP team for ARC? Yes No

Develop/Update Functional Behavioral Assessment and/or Behavior Intervention Plan for IEP? Yes No

If yes, when will this be scheduled and who will coordinate?

Date of meeting:______________________ Person Responsible:______________________________

Alter schedule to minimize contact with threatened target? Yes No

Staff available to monitor at regular intervals? Yes No

Name of staff member who will monitor subject:

School-based/ supportive counseling offered? Yes No

Name/position of staff member who will provide counseling to student:

Referral for private or community-based mental health services? Yes No

Consult with any other agency? Yes No

Agency and Name of Contact:

Informed target(s) and parent(s) or guardian(s) of updated/changes to plan? Yes No N/A Date and Time:

List additional changes or recommendations to the original threat assessment response and intervention plan:
Print name of Team Leader: ____________________________________ Date: __________________

Signature of Team Leader: _______________________________________________________________

(Signature indicates agreement with identified level of threat and the above actions have been taken.)


This case has been resolved and necessary actions have been taken to provide support or assistance to the subject who made the threat
and to any impacted persons. All procedures outlined in the JCPS Threat Assessment Guidelines and Procedures have been followed.

Signature of case manager (if appropriate): ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Signature of administrator: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

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