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(FME 3)


I. Analysis and Interpretation. Analyze and interpret the following research problems and
A.) State the type of data analysis.

 Comparative Analysis

B.) State the null hypothesis

 There is no significant difference in the effectiveness of MR.X teaching, Mathematics to

Grade 5 pupils using Method 1 and Method 2.

C.) Give the appropriate statistical tool.

 Mean, variance and t-Test

D.) Compute the results with the use of computer. Show the steps.

Step 1: Switch on the computer.

Step 2: Wait until Start menu appears
Step 3: Hold the mouse. Click Start menu. Click Programs. Click Microsoft Excel.
Step 4: Wait until after the computer displays Microsoft Excel Program.
Step 5: Type the data as follows:

Cell A B
1 90 87
2 88 85
3 82 78
4 80 75
5 91 88
6 85 80
7 81 76
8 89 86
9 83 79
10 84 78

Step 6: Highlight the data. Click Tools menu. Click Data Analysis
Step 7: Wait until the computer displays Analysis tools. Click T-test: Paired Two Sample- for
means. Click ok.
Step 8: The computer displays lnput. Type in Variable 1 Range: $A1: $A10 and in Variable 2
Range: $B1: $B10
Step 9: Type in the alpha, 0.01. Click Ok.
Step 10: Computer Displays as follows:

E.) Look for degrees of freedom

df= N-1 N=10

df= 10-1

F.) Find the tabular value of at 0.01 level of confidence.

 Tabular value of 0.01 is 3.249836 (can be obtain using t-table)

G.) Interpret the results

 The computed t-value obtained is 11.78126 which is significant because it is greater than
the t-critical or tabular of 3.249836 with df 9 at 0.01 level of confidence, This means that the
effectiveness of teaching Mathematics by Mr. X. using,Method 1 and Method 2 to Grade 5
pupils really differ from each other because Method 1 is more effective in teaching
Mathematics. ln other words, Method 1 is better than Method 2. Hence, the null hypothesis
is rejected.

H.) Which Methods is better? Why?

 Method 1 got a higher mean value and has a lower variance than Method 2 and we’ve use
the comparative analysis and statistical tool of mean, variance and T-test therefore we can
conclude Method 1 is better than Method 2.
I.) Do you accept/reject the null hypothesis? Why?

 We stated in my null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the two
methods but as we calculated using comparative data analysis and using our statistical tool
Variance, means and T-test we obtain and analyze that there is significant difference
between the two Methods in which Method 1 is better than Method 2 therefore null
hypothesis is rejected.


9- Like extremely 7- Like moderately

8- Like very much 6- Like slightly
A.) Give the type of data analysis

 Cost effective Analysis

B.) State the null hypothesis

 There is no significant difference in the acceptability of ice cream made from ube, young
coconut and seaweed.

C.) Give the appropriate statistical tool

 Weighted mean

D.) Compute the results with the use of computer, show the steps.

Step 1: Switch on the computer.

Step 2: Wait until Start menu appears
Step 3: Hold the mouse. Click Start menu. Click Programs. Click Microsoft Excel.
Step 4: Wait until after the computer displays Microsoft Excel Program.
Step 5: Type the data as follows:

Cell A B C
1 7 8 9
2 8 8 9
3 7 8 8
4 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
6 7 8 8
7 8 8 9
8 7 8 8
9 7 8 9
10 8 8 9

Step 6: Highlight the data. Click Tools menu. Click Data Analysis. The computer displays Analysis
tools. Click descriptive statistics.

Step 7: Click ok.

Step 8: The computer displays input. Type in the input Range: $A1: $A10: $B1: $B10: $C1:$C10.

Step 9: Click Ok.

Step 10: Computer Displays as follows:

E.) Find the degrees of freedom for panelist and samples

df for panelist df for samples

N=10 N=3
df= N-1 df=N-1
df= 10-1 df=3-1
df=9 df=2

F.) Look for the tabular value of panelist and samples at 0.01 level of significance

 Tabular value of 0.01 is 3.25 for panelist with df=9(can be obtain using t-table)
 Tabular value of 0.01 is 9.925 for samples with df=2 (can be obtain using t-table)
G.) Interpret the Results
Ice Cream Mean ( x̅ ) Interpretation
Ube 7.1 Like moderately
Young coconut 7.8 Like moderately
Seaweed 8.5 Like very much

H.) Which product is the most acceptable and least acceptable? Why?

 Seaweed is the most acceptable.

 Ube and Young coconut is least acceptable.

Base on their weighted mean the seaweed got the higher value of weighted mean than the
two samples which is Ube and Young coconut.

I.) Do you accept/reject the null hypothesis? Why?

 Seaweed is the most significance in the acceptability of ice cream therefore null
hypothesis is rejected.
A.) State the type of data analysis
 Bivariate Analysis

B.) State the null Hypothesis

 There is no significant difference between the job performance of private and public
school teachers in Metro Manila.
C.) Give the appropriate statistical tool
 Z-test between means
D.) Compute the results with the use of computer. Show the steps.

Step 1: Switch on the computer

Step 2: Wait until start menu appears
Step 3: Hold the mouse. Click the start menu, Programs, then Microsoft excel program.
Step 4: Wait until after the computer displays Microsoft Excel Program.
Step 5: Type the data as follows:

Job performance

Private School Teachers Public School Teachers

10 8
8 6
10 8
8 6
8 6
8 6
8 6
8 6
8 8
10 8
8 6
8 6
8 6
8 6
10 8

Step 6: Highlight the data. Click tools menu. Click data analysis.
Step 7: The computer displays Analysis tools. Click z-Test: Two sample for means
Step 8: The computer displays z-test: Two-Sample for Means, Type in the input Variable 1 Range:
$A1: $ A15; lnput Variable 2: Range: $B1: $B15; Hypothesized Mean Difference: 0;
Variable 1 Variance (known):0.306667; Variable 2 Variance (known): 0.76;.and Alpha 0.01.
Step 9: Click OK.
Step 10: The computer displays as follows.

E.) Find the tabular value at 0.01 level of significance

df=N-1 N=15

 Tabular value of 0.01 is 2.977 with df=14(can be obtain using t-table)

F.) Interpret the results
Job Performance

Private School teachers Public School teachers

Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

8.53 Very Satisfactory 6.67 Satisfactory
6.99999890625026 Significant

 The mean job performance of private school teachers is 8.53, very satisfactory, while
the mean job performance of public school teachers is 6.67, satisfactory. The
computed z-test value is 6.99999 which is greater than the z-tabular value of 2.58.
This means that the job performance of private and public school teachers really
differ from each other because job performance of private school teachers is much
higher than the public school teachers. In other words, private school teachers are
more efficient than the public teachers, hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.

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