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Chapter 3


This chapter present the method of research used, research design, population and

sample size, description of the respondents, data gathering procedures and research

instrument. It also includes the statistical treatment that used by the researchers to

interpret the gathered.

Method of Research Used

The researchers used the descriptive method of research. According to Calderon

(2008), descriptive method is also known as statistical research which describes data and

characteristic about the population or phenomenon being studied. The characteristic of

this method were used as a tool to determine if the marketing strategies of the three (3)

fast food chains in the affect the satisfaction level of the customers. This method is used

to gather information in order to answer the questions of the study.

Population and Sample Size

The sample was drawn from 214 grade 12 students of San Jose del Monte

National High School on academic year 2018-2019. The Slovin’s formula was used to

compute for the sample and stratified sampling technique was employed in selecting the

students who became the respondents of the study. The computed sample is 139 from the

population of 214.

Slovin’s Formula

1+ N e 2

n = sample size

N = population size

e = margin of error

1+ N e 2

1+(214) ¿ ¿


Computation for sample per class

Percent (%) =

= 214

Percent (%) = .6495 or 64.95%

Table 1
Population and Sample Size

Section Total Percent (%) Sample

12-ABM A 22 64.95 14.28/14

12-ABM B 19 64.95 12.34/12

12-HUMSS A 21 64.95 13.63/14

12-HUMSS B 24 64.95 15.59/16

12-GAS 25 64.95 16.24/16

12-ICT-TD 19 64.95 12.34/12

12-ICT-CP 24 64.95 15.59/16

12-FBS 31 64.95 20.13/20

12-BPP 29 64.95 18.84/19

TOTAL 214 139

Description of Respondents

The respondents of the study are the grade 12 students of San Jose Del Monte

National High School including both Academic (Accountancy, Business and

Management, Humanities and Social Sciences and General Academic Strand) and

Technical Vocational Track (Information and Communication-Computer Programming,

Information and Communication -Technical Drafting, Food and Beverage Service and

Bread and Pastry Production). Since, the respondents of the study are students the

researchers asked for their monthly allowance as part of the questionnaire. The

respondents in each class will be chosen through stratified sampling technique using fish


Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers made a permission letter for the principal to conduct the survey

within the campus. The questionnaires were distributed among the grade 12 students of

San Jose Del Monte National High School including the Academic (Accountancy,

Business and Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, General Academic Strand)

and Technical Vocational Track (Information and Communication-Computer

Programming, Information and Communication -Technical Drafting, Food and Beverage

Service and Bread and Pastry Production). This amount of the given questionnaires is

enough to determine the views of the students regarding the topic.

The researchers used Stratified sampling technique. It is a probability sampling

technique wherein the researchers divide the entire population into different subgroups or

strata, then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the different strata.

Stratified sampling technique using fish bowl was adopted so that each individual had an

equal chance of being selected. Each students’ name was written of a piece of paper and

placed inside a container. The container was thoroughly shaken and slips of paper were

selected until the number of desired respondents was reached.

Research Instrument

The researchers used survey questionnaires as the research instrument. The survey

questionnaire was modified from customer satisfaction survey downloaded from

QuestionPro. It has two (2) parts. The first part contains the questions about the

demographic profile of the respondents like their age, gender, monthly allowance and

also it included the frequency of visiting the fast food chain within month. And the last

part contains questions that measure the satisfaction level of the respondents in buying

products or using services from the three fast food chains. The respondents rated their

satisfaction level on the fast food chains using Likert-scale with five (5) as the highest

and one (1) as the lowest.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered were tallied, tabulated and statistically treated for analysis and

interpretation. The response to the questionnaire was treated using the statistical tools

which are the frequency distribution, percentage distribution, weighted mean, Likert

Scale and Chi-square. These are the formula used in the study:

1. Percentage Distribution – data were presented in percentage to show the

actual distribution of respondents in terms of their age, gender and monthly



P= x 100


P = percentage (%)

f = frequency

n = number of respondents

2. Frequency Distribution – data were presented in frequency to show the

actual distribution of the respondents in terms of their ratings in 7 P’s

marketing strategy of Fast Food Chain A, Fast Food Chain B and Fast Food

Chain C.

3. Weighted Mean – data were presented to show the average of the response of

the respondents in terms of the 7 P’s marketing strategy of Fast Food Chain A,

Fast Food Chain B and Fast Food Chain C.


∑ fx
x = n


∑fx = summation of fx

f = frequency

x = ratings

n = number of respondents

4. Five-Point Likert Scale – this was the scale assigned in a scale value of the

five (5) responses. (Alston and Miller, 2002: Moohammad et al., 2014)

Level Scale Description

5 -------------- 4.50 – 5.00 ------------- Extremely Satisfied

4 -------------- 3. 50 – 4.49 ------------- Very Satisfied

3 -------------- 2.50 – 3.49 ------------- Satisfied

2 -------------- 1.50 – 2.49 ------------- Poorly Satisfied

1 -------------- 1.00 – 1.49 ------------- Not Satisfied

5. Chi-square – used to test the independence of gender and satisfaction level of

the respondents on marketing strategies of fast food chains

x 2= ∑ ¿ ¿ ¿


Ei = expected frequency

O i= observed frequency


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