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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

Division Oil Seals Industry

Lead Center SI Customized Solutions
Engineering Services (ES)
Hoehnerweg 2-4
69469 Weinheim, Germany

Dynamic oil compatibility tests for Freudenberg radial shaft

seals to release the usage in FLENDER-gear units
applications (Table T 7300)
FS PLM 111 0008


1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Approval ............................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Oil ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Information........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2.2 Volume ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Seal ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3.1 Material properties ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.3.2 Seal properties.................................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Shaft ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Dynamic oil compatibility test ........................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Test setup ............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Test procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Tolerances ............................................................................................................................................ 6
3.4 Number of seals .................................................................................................................................... 7
4 Seal analysis................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Procedure ............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Visual seal rating ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Measurement of functional values ......................................................................................................... 8
5 Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Outlier detection and treatment ............................................................................................................. 9
5.2 Input value ............................................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Limits for NBR seals............................................................................................................................ 10
5.4 Limits for FKM seals............................................................................................................................ 11
5.5 Test result ........................................................................................................................................... 12
5.6 Report and approval ............................................................................................................................ 12
6 Appendix..................................................................................................................................... 13
6.1 Contacts ............................................................................................................................................. 13
6.2 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 13
6.3 Shaft ................................................................................................................................................... 14

Freudenberg Specification
FS PLM 111 0008
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Date: 2020-03-06

1 Introduction
Depending on the application FLENDER-gear units use NBR- or FKM-compounds as sealing material for the
Simmerrings (radial-shaft-seals). While in use, Simmerrings are affected by different ageing- and wearing processes
of the tribological system (seal, shaft, lubricant and operation conditions) which essentially influence the lifetime of
the seal and therefore of the FLENDER-gear unit. Furthermore, the seal material properties, such as hardness,
density, volume, tensile strength and elongation at break are changed by the influence of the temperature and

To ensure the reliability and lifetime expectations of the sealing system (tribological system) and therefore of the
FLENDER-gear units it’s mandatory to know the influence of the lubricant on the Simmerring. Hence lubricants have
to pass the dynamic compatibility tests with NBR- and FKM-compounds of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
according the FLENDER specification to be approved for the usage in FLENDER-gear units.

2 Requirements

2.1 Approval
In order to complete the full dynamic oil compatibility test the following original FST seals and seal materials have to
be used:

Table 1 Required tests for FLENDER approval depending on oil type

Type Item no. Material Mineral oil Mineral oil PAO PG/PAG syn. Ester
Dimension (API 1 & 2) (API 3) (API 4) (API 5) (API 5)
49408254 72 NBR 902 A A A A A
BAU3X2 49435125 75 FKM 585 A A A A
35-52-7 49435127 75 FKM 260466 A A A A
49435124 75 FKM 170055 B B B B B
Caption 1 A = required, B = by agreement, x = not necessary

2.2 Oil
2.2.1 Information
It is mandatory that the oil sample containers and material safety data sheet (MSDS) are labeled accordingly, which

· Oil designation, name or sample code

· Nominal ISO VG viscosity information (at 40 °C) or SAE classification
· Base oil type (mineral, poly-α-olefin, poly-glycole or synthetic ester)
· API classification
· Purchase number and test conditions

In general each “single” viscosity has to be approved. To approve a homologous series of oils with different viscosity
grades, preferably the viscosity grade ISO VG 320 or closest to VG 320 has to be tested.

Please ensure to provide a German MSDS for evaluation in advance of sending the oil sample and attached to the
shipment. To guaranty a distinct assignment between oil sample and MSDS the oil name or code on the MSDS has
to be identical to the one on the oil container.

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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Date: 2020-03-06

2.2.2 Volume
Table 2 contains the required oil volume for each test depending on the number of seals used for the test (Table 10).

Table 2 Oil volume

Seals Oil volume (liter)
3 4
6 8

2.3 Seal
The material and seal properties are measured and documented for each seal batch.
2.3.1 Material properties
The material properties are measured by using standard test sheets (2 mm, acc. to DIN) produced out of the same
material batch as the test seals. The seal material properties listed in Table 3 are measured according the
specification named in the corresponding row.

Table 3 Material properties

Material Physical Values Specification
72 NBR 902 properties
Density 1.43 ± 0.02 g/cm³ DIN EN ISO 1183-1, 23 °C
Hardness 75 ± 5 Shore A DIN ISO 7619-1, 23 °C
Modulus 6±2 MPa 100 %, DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Tensile strength > 10 MPa DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Elongation at break > 300 % DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Compression set < 40 % DIN ISO 815, 22 h, 100 °C
75 FKM 585 Density 2.05 ± 0.03 g/cm³ DIN EN ISO 1183-1, 23 °C
Hardness 75 ± 5 Shore A DIN ISO 7619-1, 23 °C
Modulus 6±2 MPa 100 %, DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Tensile strength > 10 MPa DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Elongation at break > 175 % DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Compression set < 40 % DIN ISO 815, 22 h, 175 °C, 25 %
75 FKM 260466 Density 2.08 ± 0.03 g/cm³ DIN EN ISO 1183-1, 23 °C
Hardness 75 ± 5 Shore A DIN ISO 7619-1, 23 °C
Modulus 10 ± 3 MPa 100 %, DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Tensile strength > 15 MPa DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Elongation at break > 140 % DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Compression set < 40 % DIN ISO 815, 22 h, 175 °C, 25 %
75 FKM 170055 Density 2.05 ± 0.03 g/cm³ DIN EN ISO 1183-1, 23 °C
Hardness 75 ± 5 Shore A DIN ISO 7619-1, 23 °C
Modulus 6±2 MPa 100 %, DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Tensile strength > 10 MPa DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Elongation at break > 175 % DIN 53504, S2, 23 °C
Compression set < 40 % DIN ISO 815, 22 h, 175 °C, 25 %

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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2.3.2 Seal properties

The seal properties need to be measured at the seal itself. For the radial load and interference 20-30 seals from each
batch are measured and compared to the limits. Hardness and density are measured at one seal each (triple
Table 4 Seal properties
Seal Material Seal properties Values Specification
72 NBR 902 Radial load with spring 19 ± 4 N
Radial load w/o spring 13 ± 3 N

DIN 3761
Sealing lip diameter with spring 33.70 ± 0.25 mm
Sealing lip diameter w/o spring 33.95 ± 0.20 mm
Density 1.43 ± 0.02 g/cm³
Hardness 72 ± 5 IRHD
75 FKM 585 Radial load with spring 19 ± 4 N
Radial load w/o spring 10.5 ±3 N

DIN 3761
Sealing lip diameter with spring 33.70 ± 0.25 mm
Sealing lip diameter w/o spring 33.95 ± 0.20 mm
BAU3X2 35-52-7

Density 2.05 ± 0.03 g/cm³

Hardness 75 ± 5 IRHD
75 FKM 260466 Radial load with spring 19 ± 4 N
Radial load w/o spring 10.5 ± 3 N

DIN 3761
Sealing lip diameter with spring 33.70 ± 0.25 mm
Sealing lip diameter w/o spring 33.95 ± 0.20 mm
Density 2.08 ± 0.03 g/cm³
Hardness 74 ± 5 IRHD
75 FKM 170055 Radial load with spring 14.5 ± 4 N
Radial load w/o spring 11.5 ± 3 N

DIN 3761
Sealing lip diameter with spring 33.40 ± 0.25 mm
Sealing lip diameter w/o spring 33.60 ± 0.20 mm
Density 2.05 ± 0.03 g/cm³
Hardness 75 ± 5 IRHD

2.4 Shaft
The dynamic oil compatibility test uses special FLENDER shafts. The shafts must fulfill the following requirements:

Table 5 Shaft specification

Characteristic Specification
Material 18CrNiMo7-6
Machining process plunge ground with rotating grinding disc
Hardness 55 + 7 HRC
Roughness Ra = 0.5 ± 0.3 µm
Rz = 3 ± 2 µm
Rmax ≤ 6.3 µm
Diameter Ø 35 h11 mm
Roundness IT 8
Shaft lead No shaft lead allowed

More details as well as an exemplary drawing are in chapter 6.3.

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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3 Dynamic oil compatibility test

3.1 Test setup

The test procedure and parameters are mostly chosen in accordance to DIN 3761 part 10 and part 11 but also to be
as closely as possible to the running conditions of FLENDER-gear unit applications. For the dynamic oil compatibility
test original components from Freudenberg have to be used.

For the dynamic tests specifically designed test rigs (Figure 1) are used.

Oil level indicator


Oil chamber

Bore plate




Figure 1 Test rig schema, left: basic test rig setup, right: detail of the oil chamber

The minimum oil volume must be 0.75 liter and the oil level must reach the shaft center line (measured in non-
operating condition).

Each test starts with a new position (1-3) of the sealing lip on the shaft surface (see Figure 2), where the new position
on the shaft has not been in contact with any other lubricant during testing before.

Figure 2 Sealing lip position

This procedure avoids that possible tribological coatings on the shaft surface could influence the test results. Each
shaft can be used three times at most.

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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3.2 Test procedure

The test procedure is defined according to Table 6 (NBR) and Table 7 (FKM):

Table 6 Test procedure - NBR material

Step Time Acceleration Shaft speed Sliding speed Temperature /
(h) (1/min/s) (1/min) (m/s) (°C) (mm)
Step 1 20 1000 2000 ~ 3.7 Table 8
0.05 / 0.05
Step 2 4 0 0 passive cooling down
Test procedure: 32 repetitions of step 1 and 2 = total time 32 days (768 h)

Table 7 Test procedure - FKM material

Step Time Acceleration Shaft speed Sliding speed Temperature /
(h) (1/min/s) (1/min) (m/s) (°C) (mm)
Step 1 20 1000 3000 ~ 5.5 Table 8
0.05 / 0.05
Step 2 4 0 0 passive cooling down
Test procedure: 42 repetitions of step 1 and 2 = total time 42 days (1008 h)

The test temperature (oil sump temperature) depends on the used lubricant type and elastomer material (Table 8).

Table 8 Oil sump temperature

Material Time Mineral oil Mineral oil PAO PG/PAG syn. Ester
(h) (API 1 & 2) (API 3) (API 4) (API 5) (API 5)

NBR 768 80 80 80 80 80
FKM 1008 90 100 100 110 90

3.3 Tolerances
Table 9 Test procedure tolerances
Feature Tolerance Specification
Shaft speed ±3% ISO 6194-4 3rd Edition 2009-03-15
Temperature =
+ 5, < 2ℎ ISO 6194-4 3rd Edition, 2009-03-15
± 3, ≥ 2ℎ DIN 3761 Part 10, January 1984
for each repetition of step 1
± 0.015 mm (DRO ± 0.03 mm) ISO 6194-4 3rd Edition 2009-03-15
± 0.015 mm (STBM ± 0.03 mm) ISO 6194-4 3rd Edition 2009-03-15
Oil level − 3.5 mm DIN 3761 Part 10, January 1984

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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3.4 Number of seals

The necessary number of seals for the dynamic oil compatibility test depends on the lubricant type and elastomer
material (Table 10).

Table 10 Number of seals

Material Time Mineral oil Mineral oil PAO PG/PAG syn. Ester
(h) (API 1 & 2) (API 3) (API 4) (API 5) (API 5)

NBR 768 3 3 3 3 3
FKM 1008 3 3 6! 3 3

Furthermore it is possible to run all tests with 6 seals instead of 3 seals. In this case it is possible to discard an outlier
result (see chapter 5.1). However, this is only possible if the set of 6 seals are part of one test. It is not possible to
combine two separate tests of 3 seals.

4 Seal analysis

4.1 Procedure
The post-test seal analysis is performed according to the following order:

1. Visual seal analysis

2. Measurement of the functional seal values

4.2 Visual seal rating

The visual seal rating consists of the evaluation of the following characteristics of the sealing lip:

· Discoloration
· Grooving
· Hardening
· Cracking
· Blistering
· Softening
· Soft deposits
· Hard deposits

For the visual seal rating a numeric system is used to quantify the seal condition for each visual characteristic. With
increasing level, from 1 to 5, the appearance intensity of the visual characteristic is increasing (see Table 11).

Table 11 Legend for the evaluation levels of visual seal assessment

Level Legend
1 without
2 little
3 medium / moderate
4 high
5 very high / severe

The visual assessment of the sealing lip is done by using a microscope and a preferred magnification of 16x and
25x. If not available deviating magnifications can be used but must be as close as possible to the specified and must
be documented.

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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Table 12 Microscope magnification

Magnification Legend
16x Uncleaned seal
25x Cleaned seal

For the visual seal assessment it is fundamental to have a wide-range of experience and deep knowledge base about
the sealing and tribological mechanisms of radial-shaft-seal systems.

4.3 Measurement of functional values

The functional values which must be measured and documented are:

Table 13 Functional values

Functional value Unit
Leakage ml
Wear band width min mm
Shaft wear depth µm
Radial-load with spring pre-test N
w/o spring pre-test
Interference with spring pre-test mm
w/o spring pre-test
Radial-load change with spring %
w/o spring
Interference change with spring
w/o spring

The measurements are done according to DIN 3761. The radial-load and interference change is the relative change
between the pre- and post-test values of the radial-load and interference. For the calculation of the relative change
the radial-load and sealing lip diameter have to be measured first, with and without spring as well as pre- and
post-test. The interference ∆ is defined as:

∆ = ( )

The wear band width of the sealing lip is measured with a microscope or another appropriate measuring system. For
each seal the maximum (max) and minimum (min) wear band width around the circumference has to be documented.
The shaft wear depth (or shaft run-in) has to be measured with a contacting or non-contacting surface measuring

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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Date: 2020-03-06

5 Evaluation

5.1 Outlier detection and treatment

The outlier detection and treatment is only valid for tests with = 6 seals. The purpose is, to find and exclude a
single seal from the evaluation which shows a noticeable difference in

· Leakage,
· Shaft wear depth or
· Grooving

compared to the other seals of the same test. Therefore, if the measurements leakage and shaft wear depth as well
as the visual characteristic grooving from one or more seals are exceeding the limits (Table 15, Table 16, Table 17
and Table 18),
≥ {limit}1

and the absolute difference between the individual value and the median is greater than the median absolute
deviation (MAD)

| − | > MAD
MAD = +
=| − |

the seal is defined as outlier. If one seal meets the outlier definition in one or up to all listed categories (leakage, shaft
wear depth and grooving), this seal is removed from the evaluation and the process continues with = 5 seals. But
if more than one seal meets the outlier criteria none is considered as outlier and the process continues with all = 6

5.2 Input value

The limits and resulting points are defined for 16 measurements and visual characteristics. The input value which
is compared against the limits is the mean value for each measurement and characteristic:


The decimal places of the mean values need to be rounded according to Table 14:

Table 14 Decimal places of the mean value

Functional value Decimal places
Leakage 1
Wear band width 2
Shaft wear depth 1
Radial-load change 1
Interference change 1

All visual characteristics are rounded to the nearest integer with ⌊ + 0,5⌋. The input value for each measurement
and visual characteristic will then be compared to the limits to obtain the resulting points. Chapter 5.3 and 5.4 contain
the limits and resulting points for the mean value for each measurement and visual characteristic.

The maximum limit {limit} is listed in Table 14, Table 15, Table 16 and Table 17 and defines the limits which lead to zero

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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5.3 Limits for NBR seals

Table 15 Measurements: limits and points for NBR seals

Functional value Limit Points
Leakage ml =0 2
0< ≤2 1
>2 0
Wear band width2 mm ≤ 0.5 2
> 0.5 0
Shaft wear depth µm ≤5 2

5 < ≤ 10 1
> 10 0
Radial-load change with spring % −45 ≤ ≤ +10 2
< −45 or > +10 0
Radial-load change w/o spring % −50 ≤ ≤ +15 2
< −50 or > +15 0
Interference change with spring % ≥ −45 2
< −45 0
Interference change w/o spring % ≥ −70 2
< −70 0

Table 16 Visual characteristics: limits and points for NBR seals

Average rating level
Characteristic 1 2 3 4 5
Discoloration 2 1
Visual characteristic

Grooving 2 0
Hardening 2 1 0
Cracking 2 1 0

Blistering 2 1 0
Softening 2 1 0
Soft deposits 2 1
Hard deposits 2 1 0
Deposits shaft 2 0

The mean ̅of the wear band width is calculated by using the maximum (max) and minimum (min) values from all seals of the

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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5.4 Limits for FKM seals

Table 17 Measurements: limits and points for FKM seals

Functional value Limit Points
Leakage ml =0 2
0< ≤2 1
>2 0
Wear band width3 mm ≤ 0.4 2
> 0.4 0
Shaft wear depth µm ≤ 10 2

10 < ≤ 15 1
> 15 0
Radial-load change with spring % −35 ≤ ≤ +10 2
< −35 or > +10 0
Radial-load change w/o spring % −40 ≤ ≤ +15 2
< −40 or > +15 0
Interference change with spring % ≥ −40 2
< −40 0
Interference change w/o spring % ≥ −60 2
< −60 0

Table 18 Visual characteristics: limits and points for FKM seals

Average rating level
Characteristic 1 2 3 4 5
Discoloration 2 1
Visual characteristic

Grooving 2 1 0
Hardening 2 1 0
Cracking 2 1 0

Blistering 2 1 0
Softening 2 1 0
Soft deposits 2 1
Hard deposits 2 1 0
Deposits shaft 2 0

The mean ̅of the wear band width is calculated by using the maximum (max) and minimum (min) values from all seals of the

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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5.5 Test result

The final test result depends on the achieved total points = ∑ . Each measurement and visual
characteristics are within the limits or not. Therefore, for each of the 16 measurements and visual characteristics an
rating of 2, 1 or 0 points is possible (see Table 15 to Table 18).

Table 19 Final result

Total points Test result Information
= 32 2 Approved All results within the limits

= ( ) = 31 1 Borderline One result is slightly exceeding the limits

< 31 0 Failed One or more limits exceeding the limits

If all 16 results are within the limits each of them gets rated with 2 points and a maximum of 32 total points is
achieved. Once a result exceeds slightly a limit it gets rated with 1 point but as long as only one limit is affected,
the total sum will be 31 points the oil is approved as borderline. Is more than one result rated with 1 point or at least
one result with 0 points the total will be less than 31 points and therefore the oil fails the FLENDER test. Table 19
summarizes the procedure to receive the final result.

5.6 Report and approval

The test result, the single measurement values of each seal as well as a photo of each seal in cleaned and uncleaned
condition after test has to be documented in the report along with the test conditions.

The final evaluation of the results and therefore the final approval is made by FLENDER after submitting the
application for approval of the oil. For a release by FLENDER, a minimum of 1 point in the final test result
(“Borderline”) of all tests is required.

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
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6 Appendix

6.1 Contacts

Company Contact
Flender GmbH Dr. Alexander Furtmann
Flender GmbH
Alfred-Flender-Str. 77
46395 Bocholt, Germany
Tel.: +49 2871 92-2387
Mobile: +49 174 6926919
Email: [email protected]

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Christian Wilbs

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Höhnerweg 2-4
69465 Weinheim, Germany
Tel.: +49 6201 80 3467
Email: [email protected]

6.2 Glossary

Term Definition
∆ Sealing lip interference
Absolute difference to median
Shaft diameter
Sealing lip diameter
Dynamic shaft eccentricity to simulate dynamic (shaft) run-out (DRO)
Static bore eccentricity to simulate shaft to bore misalignment (STBM)
MAD Median absolute deviation
MSDS Material safety data sheet
Number of seals
Time in h
Oil sump temperature
Total points
Test result
Average value of visual characteristic or measurement

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,
Freudenberg Specification
FS PLM 111 0008
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Date: 2020-03-06

6.3 Shaft

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Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Hoehnerweg 2-4, 69465 Weinheim, Germany,

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