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Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven

Version 0.4.1

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This guide will do it’s upmost to make sure your journey through the
game is as painless as possible. I aim to give you the best decisions
for each variable and let you make your own wherever possible.

Warning! – This game has adult content, please make

sure you are of legal age in your country.

Stat Points

[CharacterName/Af] Affection Points gained/lost per character.

[CharacterName/Dom] Dominance Points gained/lost per character.
[CharacterName/Sub] Submission Points gained/lost per character.
[Event Trigger] Triggers that affect dialogues, scenes and choices.
Note: I will be using the variables Sis and SF as listed in the script as to not confuse
myself. Default names will otherwise be used.
Note 1: When I say If and then follow it with something it means if obtained it or NOT.
Note 2: When I say Then it will be followed by what you receive.
Note 3: When I say Else it’s what you got if you didn’t meet those conditions.

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
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Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Note: If you are going for a specific path, keep your choices consistent.

IMPORTANT: Please read the stats section for the guide, I had to use a LOT of shorthand I
don’t like to use because of the sheer number of variables in this game, you will probably get
lost if you don’t read it. See Beginning of Day 4 for variables you will need for Paths.


1. A) Help her. [Ep1SisHelped]

B) She can go fuck herself. [Ep1SisNoHelp] {Go to #5}

2. A) Beer. [Ep1Beer]
B) Vodka. [Ep1Vodka]
C) Wine. [Ep1Wine]

3. A) Let’s be a gentleman. [Ep1SfRide] {Go to #6}

B) I’m sure she enjoys walking. [Ep1SfWalked]

Note: If [Ep1SfRide] & [Ep1Beer], then [SisAf+1]; if [Ep1Wine], then [SfAf+1].

If [Ep1SfWalked] & [Ep1Beer], then [SisAf+1].

4. She does not seem so mean when she sleeps (Your Choice)

No Booze

5. A) I won’t betray you. But I won’t cover for you… [Ep1Vodka]

B) Maybe I will. If you piss me off. [SisSub+1] [Ep1Vodka]
C) Come on, Princess I won’t betray you. [SisAf+1] [Ep1BoozeAdv] [Ep1Vodka]

Living Room

6. It suits you. (Your Choice Same Pts) [SfAf+1]


7. A) I guess we’re not taking about love here… [Ep1Romantic]

B) You do know that your right hand is not…

8. A) You are disgusting. [Ep1Disgusted]

B) Why would you fuck your own sister?

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1


9. A) Yes. For safety reasons, of course… [Ep1SisSpied]

Choice Set 1
 I heard a noise and…
 It’s not what you think…
Choice Set 2
 She’s not.
 I’ll have to admit she is. [SfAf+1] [Ep1BrHonest]
o Well… none of you is prettier. [SfAf+1]
o I think you still have the…
Choice Set 3
 No.
 No!
 She’s like a sister to me. [SfAf+1]
Choice Set 4
 No! Why would I…
 No, thank you.
 It’s tempting but I’ll have to decline. [SfAf+1]
B) No, it would be totally inappropriate.


10. A) I should help her find a bed [SfAf+2] [Ep1McSofaSleep]

B) I’m sure she can manage. She’s a big girl.


11. A) I prefer Cassie.

B) I prefer Eve.
C) Can’t I have both?
 Then I’ll do Cassie first…
 Then I’ll do Eve first…

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1


12. A) That’s not what I’m used to, but it will do just…
B) My favorite breakfast. That will be perfect. [SfAf+1]

13. A) Check her ass. [SfAf-1] [Ep2SfChecked]

Choice Set 1
 I was. Sorry about that.
o I’m sorry I looked at your ass…
o For having been caught, of course.
o A bit of both. [SfAf+1]
 No, I wasn’t… [SfAf-1]
Choice Set 2
 Look at her boobs. [SfAf-1] [Ep2SfAngry=Light] [Ep2SfKnowsSteve]
 It’s your fault. [SfAf-1] [Ep2SfAngry=Hard]
 I’m sorry I have not excuse. [Ep2SfAngry=Light]
B) Don’t. [SfAf+1]

14. A) They intended to rape her. I’m going to kill… [SfAf+2] [Ep2BrutalBreakfast]
Choice Set 1
 I’m confident in my Kung Fu… (Your Choice)
Choice Set 2
 She’s like a sister to me and I don’t hate… [SfAf+1]
 She’s a bitch, but I don’t hate her. [SfAf-1]
B) Why would they drug her? [SfAf-1]

15. A) Thank you, Cassie. [Ep2SfGoneInstead] Important {Go to #17}

B) No. I’ll go.

Eve’s Bedroom

16. A) Enter [SisAf-1] [Ep2SisSuprised]

 Be a moron. [SisAf-1] [SisSub+1] [Ep2SisSurprisedStay]
 Get out.
B) Knock again.
 I want to apologize to you. [SisAf+5] [Ep2ApologizedToSis] Important
o Go for her ass.
o I like your smell. [SisAf+2] [Ep2SisSmelled]
 I forgive you. [SisAf-1] [Ep2FailedApologize]

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1


17. A) Do it. [Ep2ShowerFap]

 Think of Eva (Your Choice)
B) Don’t.

Note: #18 is only for those who obtained [Ep2SisSuprised].

18. A) Show her the goods. [SisSub+5] [Ep2GoodsExposed]
B) Apologize.

Else, if you obtained [Ep2ApologizedToSis] you will obtain [SisAf+1].


Note: #19 is only for those who obtained [Ep2SfGoneInstead].

19. A) You can’t be serious. [SisAf-2] [SfAf-2] [Ep2FlowerFail]
{Go to #24}
B) He may be. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]

Else, if you did NOT obtain [Ep2SfGoneInstead]:

If you obtained [Ep2ApologizedToSis], then [SisAf+1].


20. A) Your ass is amazing. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [SisSub+2] [Ep2AssMagnificent]

B) I like it. [SisAf+2] [SfAf+1] [Ep2AssLike]
C) It’s fine, I guess.

21. A) You don’t have to ask me just take it. [SfAf+1]

Note: If [Ep2ApologizedToSis], then [SisAf+2], else [SisAf+1]
B) You know you’re not supposed to…
C) What will you give me for my silence? [SisSub+2] [Ep2SisFavor]

22. A) Oh yes, you will. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [SisSub+2] [Ep2WorkPlanned]

B) I hope so.

23. A) You can keep them. [SisAf+2] [SfAf+2] [Ep2GlassedOffered]

B) I can buy you some if you want. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1


24. A) Come on I’m not a pervert.

If [Ep2GlassedOffered] you will see sub-choices.
 She told me I don’t have to gift her anything.
 Let’s find some shades for the princess. [Ep2ShadesOrdered]
Note: If you did NOT obtain [Ep2SfGoneInstead]
B) Sniff it. [Ep2PantiesSniffed]
If [Ep2GlassedOffered] you will see sub-choices.
 She told me I don’t have to gift her anything.
 Let’s find some shades for the princess. [Ep2ShadesOrdered]
Note: If you obtained [Ep2SfGoneInstead]
B) Sniff it. [Ep2PantiesSniffed]
 Nope
If [Ep2GlassedOffered] you will see sub-choices.
o She told me I don’t have to gift her anything.
o Let’s find some shades for the… [Ep2ShadesOrdered]
 No one will ever know. [Ep2PanitesTaken]
o That’s so wrong.
o Fuck yes! [Ep2CameraSet]


Note: #25 is only for those who obtained [Ep2FlowerFail].

25. A) Apologize. [SisAf+1] [Ep2FlowerSorry]
B) Don’t apologize.

Note: If [Ep2FlowerSorry] you will get an additional [SisAf+1].

Note: #26 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Ep2FlowerFail].
26. A) No, I didn’t. [SisAf+1]
B) No, I didn’t. For now. [SisAf+1] [SisSub+2]

Living Room

27. A) Kiss her.

Note: If NOT [Ep2SfGoneInstead] & [SfAf] > 13, then [SfAf+5], [SisAf+2] & [Ep2KissedSf]
Else [SfAf+1] & [Ep2SfKissFail]
B) Would you like a foot massage? [SisAf+1] [SfAf+2] [SisSub+1] [Ep2FootMassage]
C) Thank you.


28. A) You’ll do better next time.

B) I don’t know what you’re talking about. [SisAf+2] [SfAf+2] [Ep2MealEated]

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Living Room

29. A) Star Wars.

B) Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift.
C) Drink.

30. A) Not once (Lie). [SisAf-1] [SfAf-1]

B) A couple times (Truth). [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]
C) Drink. [SisAf+1]

31. A) I am (Truth). [SisAf+2] [SfAf+2]

B) I am not (Lie). [SisAf-2] [SfAf-2] [SisSub+2] [Ep2VirginLie]
 Sandy, during the last school trip… [SisAf-1] [SfAf-1]
 Do I really have to answer that? [Ep2DrinkingGame+1]

32. A) One or two times a week (Lie).

B) 4 to 5 times a week maybe (Truth). [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [SisSub+1] [Ep2MasturbateTruth]
C) Drink.

Note: #33 is only for those who obtained [Ep2GoodsExposed].

33. A) I should leave her alone before she notices me. [Ep2SisMasturbate] {Go to Day 3}
B) Go to her. {Go to Sub Road)
Note: B will only show if [SisSub] >10.

Note: #34 is only for those who obtained [Ep2ApologizedToSis], you will obtain [Ep2SisMovieNight].
34. A) I should leave her alone. {Go to #Day 3}
B) I should join her. {Go to Love Road}

Else you will obtain [Ep2SisSleepingMovie].

35. A) I should leave her alone. {Go to #Day 3}
B) I should get closer. {Go to Creepy Road}
Note: B will only show if [SisAf] <5 or [Ep2CameraSet].

Sub Road

Note: You will obtain [Ep2SisFingered] by default.

36. A) You did great. [SisSub+3]

B) So… Did you like it? [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1]

{Go to #Day 3}

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Love Road

Note: You will obtain [Ep2SisMovie] by default, if [SisAf] >13, then [Ep2SisMovieHug]
If [Ep2KissedSF] {Go to #37}, else [SisAf+1] {Go to #Day 3}

37. A) Kiss her. [SisAf+5] [Ep2SisMovieKiss]

B) Reject her. [SisAf-5] [Ep2SisRejected]

{Go to #Day 3}

Creepy Road

38. A) Let her sleep.

B) Play with her. [Ep2SisAbused]
Note: Will only show if [Ep2CameraSet].

Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Note: If you obtained [Ep2CameraSet], then [Ep3BreakfastFailed].


Note: #39 is only for those who obtained [Ep3BreakfastFailed].

39. A) Hey. I did my best ok? [SisAf-1] [SfAf-1] [SisSub-1]
B) Maybe, can you do better? [Ep3SisChallenged]
C) Sorry. I’m really bad at this. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]

Note: If [Ep3BreakfastFailed], then [SisAf-5] [SfAf-5] [SisSub-5] [Ep3CaughFapping]. {Go to #60}

Note: #40 is only for those who obtained [Ep3BreakfastFailed].

40. A) I should try at least. [Ep3SisLoveOk]
B) I should forget about it.


Note: #41-42 is only for those who obtained [Ep3BreakfastFailed].

41. A) I was browsing the web for some Kittens. [SfAf+1]
B) What can I do for you?

42. A) Well, I’m not sure about carrying your bags… [SfAf+1]
B) I’m sorry but I have something else to do. [SfAf-1]
C) Shopping is not really my thing, I think I’ll… [SfDom+1]


Note: #43 is only for those who obtained [Ep2SisMovieKiss] OR [Ep3SisLoveOK] & [Ep2KissedSf].
43. A) Cassie {Go to #46}
B) Eve {Go to #50}

Note: #44 is only for those who obtained [Ep2KissedSf].

44. A) Go talk to her. {Go to #46}
B) Don’t.

Note: #45 is only for those who obtained [Ep2SisFingered] & [Ep2FootMassage].
45. A) I’m on my way. {Go to #52}
B) I’m sorry I have something else going on.
 You’re no lady. [SfAf-5] [Ep3SfDomRejected]
 I can only hope for your forgiveness.

{Go to #53}

Note: If you ONLY obtained [Ep2SisFingered]. {Go to #54}

Note: If you ONLY obtained [Ep2FootMassage], then [SfDom+1]. {Go to #52}

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Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Cassie Love

Note: You will obtain [Ep3SfShopTalk] by default.

Note: #46-48 are only for those who obtained [SisAf] >13, you will also obtain [Ep3SfSisLoveChat].
{No} {Go to #50}
46. A) I’ve been, yes, undeniably. [SfAf+1]
B) It wasn’t totally my fault you know… [SfAf-1]

47. A) Please stop. [SfAf+2]

B) It was a while ago. [SfAf-1]

48. A) I don’t want to hurt her anymore. [SfAf+2]

B) Ok so what? [SfAf-4]

Note: #49 is only for those who did NOT obtain [SisAf] >13.
49. A) I can understand that. [SfAf+1]
B) I don’t understand. [SfAf-1]

{Go to Coffee Shop}

Eva Love

Note: #50 is only for those who obtained [Ep2SisMovieKiss].

50. A) Hey is something wrong? [SisAf+3] [Ep3SisLoveSpeech]
B) I liked it. [Ep3SisLoveJoke]

Note: If you did NOT obtain [Ep2SisMovieKiss] you will obtain [Ep3SisRejectedSpeech] & [SisAf+2].

51. A) Do you want me to buy something for you? [SisAf+1]

 That doesn’t matter anyway. [SisAf+3] [Ep3SisLoveDebt]
 Will you be able to replay me back? [SisAf-2] [Ep3SisLoveDebtFail]
B) Cassie doesn’t seem to have that kind…

{Go to Coffee Shop}

Cassie Dom

Note: #52 is for those who obtained [Ep2KissedSf] only, and chose “Go talk to her”.
52. A) I’ll be honest with you. [SfAf+1] [Ep3MassageHonesty]
B) Yes! Yes of course! [SfDom+1]

53. A) Well I’m ready to try. [SfDom+2] [Ep3SfDomRelation]

B) Excuse me Cassie, I’m a little bit confused.
 I do, yes. [SfDom+1]
 The way you talk about it is a little bit… [Ep3FLingereShow]
o Of course, I’m all yours.
o I don’t know how to say that… [Ep3SfDomRejected]

{Go to Coffee Shop}

11 | P a g e
Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Eva Sub

54. A) Holy shit! [SisSub-5] [Ep3SisWalkinFail]

B) Hello, princess. [SisSub+2] [Ep3SisWalkinSucess]
 Touch her. [SisSub+3] [Ep3SisWalkinTouched]
Note: Will only show if [SisSub] >15.
 Don’t.

Coffee Shop

55. A) It’s delicious. [SfAf+1] [Ep3IcedCoffeeLiked]

B) I’m not crazy about it. [SisAf+1]

56. A) Shake his hand.

 A pleasure to meet you. [Ep3HandShaked]
 So, you’re the guy from Saturday night…[SisAf+3] [SfAf+3] [SisSub+3] [Ep3FaceBroken]
Note: Will only show if you obtained [Ep2BrutalBreakfast].
B) Don’t shake it. [SisAf+4] [SfAf+4] [SisSub+4] [Ep3ScaredLuke]


Note: #57 is only for those who obtained [Ep2FaceBroken].

57. A) I can’t believe it myself. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]
B) What can I say. [SisAf-1] [SfAf-1]


58. A) Wait. Next time? [Ep3StevePicsOk]

B) I certainly hope not.

59. A) I don’t think I am. [Ep3YoloRoad]

B) You may be right.

{Go to #65}

Living Room

60. A) I’m sorry, Princess. [Ep3TextScore+1]

B) Hey, Princess.

61. A) I didn’t’ think that pantie thing would upset…

B) What I did was wrong, I know it. [Ep3TextScore+1]

62. A) I don’t know what’s gotten into me. [Ep3TextScore+1]

B) I won’t do it again, I promise.

63. A) I really hope we can get along better.

B) You’re probably right, I’m a perv… [Ep3TextScore+1]

64. A) I’m truly sorry. [Ep3TextScore+1]

B) Can we make peace.

12 | P a g e
Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Note: If [Ep3TextScore] >3, then you will obtain [SisAf+5] & [Ep3SisForgive]
Else [Ep3SisHatred]

Important: If you obtained [Ep2Cameraset] OR [Ep2SisSleepingMovie] & [Ep3HandShaked]

Else if you did NOT obtain [Ep2Cameraset], but obtained the other two triggers you will obtain
[Ep3SisLuked] (This is an important variable as it will put you on the Hate Path).

Note: #65-#66 If NOT obtained [Ep2Cameraset] OR [Ep2SisSleepingMovie] & [Ep3HandShaked].

65. A) I’m sorry Kelly. I have a girlfriend. [Ep3KfGfTold]
Note: Will only show it if [Ep3SfDomRelation] OR [Ep3ShopTalk] & NOT [Ep3SfShopAnger].
 I’m the one being sorry, Kelly. [Ep3KfGfRejected]
 Well… I guess it won’t hurt anymore... [Ep3KfGfMeetAcepted]
B) Well, I’ll be glad to meet you [Ep3KfGfMeetAcepted]
C) I’m sorry Kelly, I’m not interested. [Ep3KfRejected]

66. A) I don’t understand.

B) You forgave her? For real? Are you crazy? [SisAf-1] [SfAf-1]

Note: #67 If obtained [Ep3HandShaked].

67. A) Ok, next time I see him I’ll punch first and talk later.[SFAf-3] [SfDom-3] [Ep3CowardSacasm]
B) I’m sorry about that. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [Ep3CowardSorry]


68. A) Don’t worry about that. [SisAf-5] [SfAf-5] [Ep3CowardSorry]

B) Turn yourself. [SFAf+3] [SfDom+3]

Note: If [SisAf] > 25 & [Ep2KissedSF] OR [Ep3ShopTalk] & NOT [Ep3ShopAnger] & [Ep3HandShake].
{Got to #69}
Note: #69 is only for those who obtained [Ep2VirginLie].
69. A) I lied. [SFAf+2]
B) I mean… I’m not… very experienced… [SfAf-3] [Ep3SfAngryLove]

Note: If you did NOT obtain [Ep3SfDomRelation], then [Ep3LeftPool] {Got to #}

Living Room

Note: #70-71 is only for those who obtained [Ep3SfDomRelation].

70. A) You want me to take off my shorts. [SfDom-1] [Ep3DomQuestion1]
B) Sure. [SfDom+1]

71. A) You want me to masturbate? [SfDom-2] [Ep3DomQuestion2]

Note: A will only show if [Ep3DomQuestion1].
B) As you wish my lady. [SfDom+2]

Note: If [Ep3Handshaked], then [Ep3BallCrushed], else [Ep3GoodBoy].

Note: #72 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Ep3Handshaked].
72. A) Do it. [SfDom+3]
B) Propose alternative. [SfDom-1] [Ep3DomQuestion3]
Note: B will only show if [Ep3DomQuestion2].

13 | P a g e
Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Note 1: If [Ep2SisFingered] & [SisSub] >15. {Go to #73}

Note 2: If [Ep2SisMovieHug] & [SisAf] >20 {Go to #78}
Else {Go to Day 4}

Note: If [Ep3HandShaked], then [Ep3SisSubRejected] {Go to Day 4}

Note: You will obtain [SisSub+3] by default.
73. A) You’re thirsty for my cum. Admit it. [SisAf-2] [SisSub-2] [Ep3SisSubRejected2]
{Go to Day 4}
B) I bet you can’t think of anything else. [SisSub+3]
Note: Will only show if [SisSub] >20.

74. A) I’m going to lick your pussy. [SisSub+2]

B) I know that I’ve hurt you. That I’ve… [SisAf+3] [SisSub+3] [Ep3Subtrust]

75. A) No one will know.

B) It will be our secret. [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1] [Ep3SubSecret]
Note: B will only show if [Ep3Subtrust].

76. A) Stop here. [SisSub+1] [Ep3SisSoloOrgasm]

B) Continue. [SisAf+1] [SisSub+5] [Ep3SisDoubleOrg]

77. A) Tell her. [SisAf+1] [SisSub+3] [Ep3SubPerfect]

B) Don’t tell her. [SisAf-1] [SisSub-1] [Ep3SubDork]


78. A) As I said, you can come to me, anytime… [SisAf+1]

B) You’re the toughest girl I know.

Note: If [SisAf] <25. {Go to Day 4}

79. A) Are you sure you don’t need anything? [SisAf+2]

B) Wait… [SisAf+2] [Ep3SisStayed]

80. A) I don’t know. {Go to Day 4}

B) I can’t be sure but… [SisAf+2]

81. A) Think like what? [SisAf-1]

B) I didn’t have to think about it. [SisAf+1]

82. A) But you know better, do you? {Go to Day 4}

B) I’m as confused as you are. [SisAf+3]

83. A) Seriously? [SisAf+5] [Ep3SisLove]

B) What’s this? [Ep3SisLoveRejected]

14 | P a g e
Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Path Definitions:
*If you obtained [Ep3SfLove] & did NOT obtain [Ep3FAngryLove]:
Then you will obtain [SfLovePath].
*If you obtained [Ep3SisLove]:
Then you will obtain [SisLovePath].
*If you obtained [Ep3SfDomRelation]:
Then you will obtain [SfDomPath].
*If you obtained [Ep3SisSoloOrgasm] OR [Ep3SisDoubleOrgasm]:
Then you will obtain [SisSubPath].
*If you obtained [Ep3PerfectSub]:
Then you will obtain [SisSubLovePath].
*If you obtained [Ed3SisLuked]:
Then you will obtain [SisHatePath]
*If you did NOT obtain [SfLovePath], [SisLovePath], [SfDomPath], [SisSubPath] & [SisHatePath]:
Then you will obtain [FullNeutralPath].

Note: If you obtained [Ep3SisStayed] & did NOT obtain [Ep3SisLoveRejected] {Go to #82}
Else {Go to #88}

Morning In Bed

Note: #84-86 is only for those who obtain [Ep3SisLove].

84. A) Kiss her spine. [SisAf+1]
B) Hold her tighter. [SisAf+1]

85. A) I don’t know where this is going. [SisAf+1]

B) Everything is going to be alright. [Ep4UnrealPromise]

86. A) I’m sorry, but I zoned out a bit. [Ep4RunAwayMention+1]

B) I love you. [SisAf+1]

Note: #87 - is only for those who obtain [Ep3FLove] & NOT [Ep3SfAngryLove].
87. A) Tell her. [SisAf+1] [Ep4SisMorningTold]
 I have to tell her it’s over. [SisAf+1] [Ep4McWantItOver]
 I don’t’ know. [Ep4McDontKnow]
B) Don’t tell her.

Else if [Ep3SfAngryLove] & NOT [Ep3SfLove] OR if [Ep3SfDomRelation]

Then [SisAf+1].

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Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Note: #88 is only for those who obtained [Ep3KfGfMeetAccepted] OR [Ep3KfMeetAccepted].

88. A) Should I text her to cancel? [Ep4ShowerCancelQ]
B) That doesn’t change anything. [Ep4ShowerMtgWill]
 Eve.
Note: Will only show it [SisLoveP] OR [SisSubP]
 Cassie.
Note: Will only show it [SfLoveP] OR [SFDomP]
 …The girls.
Note: Will only show it [SfLoveP] OR [SFDomP] & [SisLoveP] OR [SisSubP].

Eva’s Room

Note: #89 is only if [Ep4SfLoveP], [Ep4SisLovePath], & [Ep4SisMorningtold].

89. A) Get closer [SisAf+1] [Ep4SistalKiss]
B) Stay where you are.


90. A) Do you need any help? [Ep4BreakfastHelp]

B) Do you have any idea what you are doing?

91. A) Just don’t burn the bacon please.

B) I wasn’t mocking you. [SisAf+1]

Note: #92-93 is only if you obtained [SfLoveP].

92. A) Give her a quick kiss.
B) Give her a proper kiss. [SfAf+1]

93. A) I’m sorry. [SfAf+2] [Ep4MorningSorry]

 You keep saying that. [SfAf+2] [Ep4SfControlLove]
 If you say so…
B) So how was the shower?

Note: #94 is only if you obtained [Ep3SisLuked].

94. A) You’re asking me to lick the floor under…
B) I’m not the only one to blame for our shitty… [SfDom+2]

Note: #95 is only if you obtained [SfDomP] & NOT [Ep3BallCrushed].

95. A) I’m glad you acknowledge my merits.
B) I only crave to please you, my lady. [SfAf+2] [SfDom+2]

Note: #96 is only if you obtained [SfDomP].

96. A) I…
B) You…

Note: #97 is only if you obtained [Ep3SfAngry].

97. A) Wait.
B) I understand. [SfAf+1]

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Version 0.4.1

98. A) You did that all by yourself? [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]

B) Holy shit, Princess. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [SisSub+1]
Note: B will only show if [SisLoveP], or [SisDomP]
C) I must admit defeat.
Note: C will only show if [Ep3SisLuked]

99. A) That was fantastic. [SisAf+2] [SfAf+2]

Note: B will only show if [SisLoveP], or [SisDomP]
B) Best breakfast, ever. [SisSub+1] [SfDom+1]
C) Well that was good.

Talk About Kelly

Note: #100- 102 is only if you obtained [Ep3KfGfTold], [Ep3KfMeetAccepted] OR [Ep3KfRejected.

100. A) Keep it a secret. [Ep4MorningKfSecret]
B) Tell them. [Ep4MorningKfTold]
 Something strange happened to me… [Ep4MorningSpooky]
 Hey something funny happened… [Ep4MorningFun]

101. A) Don’t let it being you down, ok? [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]

B) I promise you everything will be alright… [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1] [SfDom+1]

102. A) I told her I wasn’t interested.

Note: If [Ep3KfMeetAccepted] OR [Ep3KfGfMeetAccepted], then [Ep3MorningLie].
B) I told her I would meet her. [Ep4KfMeetTold]
Note: Will only show if [Ep3KfMeetAccepted] OR [Ep3KfGfMeetAccepted]


Note: #103 If [Ep4MorningKfSecret], [Ep3KfMeetAccepted] OR [Ep3KfGfMeedAccepted.

103. A) Why the fuck am I doing that? [Ep4KfMeetingOk]
B) I have lost interest in dating her. [Ep4KfMeetingCancelGentle]

Note: If you obtained [FullNeutralP], then [Ep4KfMeetingOk] & [KfAf+5].

Note: #104 If [Ep4MorningKfTold], [Ep3KfMeetAccepted] OR [Ep3KfGfMeedAccepted.

104. A) I should be careful with what I say. [Ep4KfMeetingCancelGentle]
B) Let’ be as clear as possible to this… [Ep4KfMeetingCancelAsshole]
C) Wait a minute. [KfAf+5] [Ep4KfMeetingOk]

Note: You will obtain [Ep4KfKnown] by default.

Note: #105-106 is only if you obtained [SisHateP].

105. A) Why wouldn’t I be? [Ep4SisCarGoodAnswer]
B) I’m fine.

106. A) Yeah, Yeah. Take it. [SisAf-1]

B) Sure. [SisAf+1]
Note: B will only show if [Ep4SisCarGoodAnswer]

{Go to #112}

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Note: If [Ep4KfMeetingOk] & NOT [SisHateP] {Go to #111}

Else you will obtain [Ep4GoneWGirls].

With the Girls

Note: #107 is only if you obtained [SFLoveP] & [SisLoveP].

107. A) But I still think we need to simply tell her.
B) This morning was very difficult to handle. [Ep4ChooseOne]

Note: #108 is only if you obtained [SisSubP], [Ep3SisSubRejected], OR [Ep3SisSubRejected2].

108. A) It doesn’t change anything for you or me.
Note: If [Ep3SisSubRejected] OR [Ep3SisSubRejected2], then [Ep4SubBadFail]
Else [SisSub+1]
B) I should have told you list night. [SisAf+2] [SisSub+2] [Ep4SubGentleTalk]
Note: B will only show if [Ep4SisSubLoveP]

Note: #109 is only if you obtained [SisLoveP].

109. A) Unless we run away. [SisAf+1] [Ep4RunAwayMention+1]
B) It’s exciting don’t you think? [SisAf+2] [SisSub+2]

Note: If [Ep3SisSubRejected], OR [Ep3SisSubRejected2], then [Ep4SubGoodFail].

Note: #110 is only if you obtained [SisSubP].

110. A) Soon I’ll fuck you pussy. [SisSub+2]
B) I know there at things you’re not ready… [SisAf+2] [SisSub+2] [Ep4SubGentleTalk]

{Go to #120}

Note: You will obtain [Ep4GoneToKf], and [KfAf+5].


111. A) But she deserves this. [Ep4KfNoComp]

B) No one deserves this. [Ep4KfComp]

Note: If [SisLoveP], then [SisAf+1].

Note: If [SisSubP], then [SisSub+1]

{Go to #120}

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Version 0.4.1

Home Alone

Note: You will obtain [Ep4MCHomeAlone] by default.

Note: I will give forced choices for those who want the points in the text message section, if you do
not want the points choose “This is completely crazy” and you will obtain [Ep4LukePhone].

112. I’ll try to be nice to her. [Ep4NiceAsshole]

113. Hey Princess, how are you doing?
114. I just wanted to know. [SisAf+1]
115. I know I can be an asshole… sometimes. [SisAf+1]
116. I just… don’t want to completely lose you. [SisAf+1]
117. I may be a cunt, but I love you. [SisAf+2] [Ep4TextLove]
118. Being nice isn’t so hard though.

119. A) I’m interested in human psychology

B) I want to fuck her to. [Ep4LukePhoneSuccess]


Note: #120 is only if you obtained [Ep4MCHomeAlone].

120. A) I’m just trying to be nice and friendly. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]
B) Well, maybe I’m not the asshole you think… [SisSub+2]

{Go to #124}

Note: #121- is only if you did NOT obtain [Ep4MCHomeAlone].

121. A) Absolutely [SfAf+1] [SisSub+1] [SfDom+1]
B) Absolutely not. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]

122. A) I’ll be honest. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [SfDom+1] [Ep4RunningHonesty]

B) Hey! I can run! [SisAf+3] [SfAf+3] [Ep4RunningJoke]

Living Room

Note: #123 is only if you obtained [Ep4KfMeetingOK].

123. A) Tell them. [Ep4KfLateTold]
 I believe she’s sincere. [Ep4KfSincerity]
 I don’t know.
B) They won’t understand. [Ep4KfSecret]

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Version 0.4.1


Note: You will obtain [Ep4SobCome] by default.

124. A) Shake his hand. [Ep4HandShaked] [Ep4DomContractVoid]

Note: A will only show if [Ep4LukePhoneSuccess]
B) Don’t shake his hand. [Ep4DecisiveTry]
Note: If [Ep4LukePhoneSuccess], then [Ep4SoBetrayed]

125. A) I’m sorry. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [Ep4Dsc+1] [Ep4Dst1]

B) Don’t go with him, please.

126. A) I’ve failed to property apologize to you…. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [Ep4Dsc+1] [Ep4Dst2]
Note: Will only show if [Ep4Dst1]
B) Don’t make that mistake.

127. A) What you’ll do is yours to decide. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [Ep4Dsc+1]

B) You can still walk back from that. [Ep4Dsc+1]

128. A) Tomorrow, I may very well be an… [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [Ep4Dsc+3] [Ep4DstLove]
Note: Will only show if [Ep4Dst1], [Ep4Dst2] & [Ep4TextLove]
B) Please, Eve. [Ep4Dsc-1]

Note: If [Ep4Dsc] >2 & [SisAf+1], then [Ep4DecisiveSuccess], else [Ep4DecisiveFail]

Note: If [Ep4HandShaked] {Go to Dispatch}


Note: #129 is only if [SisAf] > 15, [SfAf] >15 & NOT [Ep3SisLuked].
129. A) She’ll be there. [Ep4StudyHard]
Note: If [SisSubLove] [SisAf+1], else [SfAf+1] [SisSub+1] [SfDom+1]
 English literature. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+2]
 Spanish. [SisAf+2] [SisSub+2] [Ep4StudyHardReward]
If [SisSubLove], then [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1] [SfDom+1]
If [SisSub], then [SisSub+2] [SfDom+1]
Else [SisSub+1] [SfDom+1]
B) She can do it. [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1] [Ep4StudyTrust]
 Thinking about it… [SisAf+4] [SfAf+4] [SisSub+4]
 I can actually speak a bit of Spanish… [SisAf+1] [SfAf+1]

Movie Night

130. A) Casablanca. [SisAf+2] [SfAf+2]

B) Lost in Translation. [SfAf+2] [SfDom+2]
C) Big Trouble in Little China [SisSub+2]

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Official Summer Scent Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.4.1

Note: Go to the Movie you Chose. “Sorry you get nothing for BTILC, which is a shame!”

If “Casablanca”.
131. A) That wasn’t my kind of movie.
B) I liked it very much. [SisAf+2]

If “Lost in Translation”.
132. A) It was so strange…
B) I think I liked it… [SfAf+2]

Note: #133 is only if you obtained [SisLoveP].

133. A) I had no intention of doing such a thing… [SisAf+2] [Ep4NeverWould]
B) It is. [SisAf+1] [Ep4MCUnderstood]

Note: #134 is only if you obtained [SisSubP].

134. A) I won’t fuck her [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1]
B) Don’t worry, Princess. [SisSub+2]


If you obtained [SfLoveP] {Go to Cassie Love}
If you obtained [SfDomP] & NOT [Ep4DomContractVoid] {Go to Cassie Dom}
If you obtained [SisLoveP] {Go to Eve Love}
If you obtained [SisSubP] {Go to Eve Sub}
If you obtained [Ep3SisLuked] {Go to Hate}
If you obtained [FullNeutralP] {Go to Neutral}

Cassie Love

135. A) Except maybe cuddling a bit and having a… [SfAf+5] [Ep4SfLoveTalked]

Note: Will only show if [Ep4SfControlLove] & [SfAf] >44
B) Except maybe a kiss or two. [SisAf+3] (Bug?) [Ep4SfLovedLicked]

136. A) Lick her butthole. [SfAf+1] [SfDom+1] [Ep4Buttholelicked]

B) Lick her pussy. [SfAf+2] [Ep4SfPussyLicked]

{Go to End Day 4}

Cassie Dom

137. A) I’m sorry Cassie, I don’t want to continue. [Ep4DomPathEnded]

B) I want to continue, my lady. [SfDom+5]

Note: #138-140 is only if you obtained [Ep4KfMeetTold] OR [Ep4KfLateTold].

138. A) I’m sorry, my lady.
B) I have no excuses. [SfDom+2]

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Version 0.4.1

139. A) She is. [SfDom+2]

B) She is not.

140. A) Yes. I believe her. [Ep4KfDomBelieved]

B) I don’t trust her. [SfDom-2]

Note: You will obtain [Ep4MCassFucked].

141. A) No fucking way. [Ep4ReluctantSodom]

B) Fuck it. Perhaps I’ll enjoy it. [SfDom+5] [Ep4WillingSodom]
Note: B will only show if [SfDom+5] >14

{Go to End Day 4}

Eve Love

Note: #142 is only if you obtained [Ep4SfLoveTalked] & [SfLoveP]/you will obtain [SisAf+5].
142. A) If you hadn’t come to me last night. [SisAf+1]
B) I don’t accept it. [SisAf+1] [Ep4NightChosenNone]

{Go to End Day 4}

Note: #143- is only if you NOT obtain [SfLoveP].

143. A) Princess… [SisAf+2]
B) Holy mother of god. [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1]

144. A) Princess, your pussy is my new favorite… [SisAf+2]

B) Did I make you come, Princess? [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1]

145. A) I know. [SisAf+2]

B) There’s nothing wrong with sucking… [Ep4EpicDickJoke]

146. A) I sure hope so, but… [SisAf+3]

Note: A will only show if [Ep4EpicDickJoke]
B) I don’t expect anything. [SisAf+2]

{Go to End Day 4}

Eve Sub

147. A) You should come in. [SisSub+2]

B) I’m waiting for you, Princess. [SisAf+2] [SisSub+2]
Note: B will only show if [SisSubP]

148. A) I want to fuck you. [SisSub+3]

B) You can’t be more wrong. [SisAf+3] [SisSub+3]
Note: B will only show if [SisSubP]

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Version 0.4.1

Note: #149- is only if you obtain [SfLoveP].

149. A) Yes, I would.
B) I would choose you. [SisAf+2] [SisSub+2] [Ep4SubChoice]

150. A) Princess… [SisSub+2]

B) You are magical. [SisAf+2] [SisSub+1]

151. A) You like it, don’t you? [SisSub+2]

B) You are the most beautiful think I’ve… [SisAf+2] [SisSub+1]

152. A) Give her the choice. [SisAf+5] [SisSub+5]

Note: A will only show if [SisSubLoveP] & [SisAf] >34
B) Don’t give her the choice. [SisSub+7]

{Go to End Day 4}


Note: #153 is only if you obtain [Ep4HandShaked].

153. A) I would like to fuck her… [Ep4HateRegrets]
B) That bitch doesn’t give shit about me. [Ep4HateMotivation]

Note: #154 is only if you obtain [Ep4DecisiveSuccess].

154. A) Ok. Let’s see that sandwich. [SisAf+2]
B) That sandwich better be good. [SisAf+1] [SisSub+1]

{Go to End Day 4}


No Choices.

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