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1. Which of the following is NOT true about the Arithmetic and Logic Unit? A. can perform all types of an arithmetic
operation B. can perform all logical reasoning C. can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division D. can
store data and instructions
2. The following options contain the distinct states that processing goes through in order to produce meaningful output
for any program except A. fetch B. decode C. execute D. fetch back
3. The devices you use to feed data to the computer such as a keyboard etc. A. input units B. output units C. memory D.
central processing unit
4. The following are uses of computer in timing and control except A. traffic control B. airport control C. weather control
D. airplane control
5. The basic technique that processed data immediately is A. demand processing B. batch processing C. real time
processing D. time sharing
6. The following options are the disadvantages of using computer for data processing except A. it is expensive B. it
requires trained personnel C. computer systems can store a huge amount of data D. it is costly to maintain
7. The following options are the advantages of using computer for data processing except A. speed B. exchange of
information C. overall security can be raised due to less human intervention D. inefficiency can be raised
8. The devices for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control
A. mechanical B. electrical C. electronic D. analogue
9. The following are examples of early counting devices except A. stones B. pebbles C. fingers D. ship
10.The general term used to describe computer programs is A. stored program B. peripheral C. software D. hardware
11.A worldwide system of linked computer networks is known as A. internet B. intranet C. extranet D. telnet
12.The following options are examples of internet browser except A. Microsoft Edge B. Mozilla Firefox C. Google Chrome
D. Microsoft Publisher
13.An email message has the following features except A. the address of the sender B. the address of the receiver C. the
host of the message D. the content of the message
14.Listening to the latest news, read magazines, download music, play games and even watch films on the internet is
called A. e-movie B. e-entertainment C. e-commerce D. research
15.Buying and selling on the internet is called A. e-learning B. e-entertainment C. teleconferencing D. e-commerce
16.A collection of web pages linked to one another to form a global web of information A. webpage B. website C. file
transfer protocol D. email
17._____ allows easy transfer of files between host computers A. telnet B. webpage C. file transfer protocol D. gopher
18.For someone to send or receive electronic mails, one must keep an e-mail account with a/an ______ A. network
administrator B. mail administrator C. google searcher D. internet service provider
19.The software installed on a personal computer used for accessing and viewing any information on the web A. internet
browser B. internet C. google D. yahoo
20.Every user and recipient of a message through the internet must have a unique address. This unique address is called A.
webpage B. website C. email address D. email server
21.The interconnection of two or more computers to the same resource is known as A. data processing B. computer
architecture C. computer networking D. computer engineering
22.The ____ is used to broadcast voice information to people who are in different geographical locations A. fax B. radio C.
telephone D. television
23.Resolving errors in a program is known as A. debugging B. refixing C. error checking D. problem solving
24.Which of the following is not a high-level programming language? A. Assembly B. C++ C. Java D. Python
25.The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) does which of the following? I. Perform Arithmetic operations II. Stores data III.
Performs comparison IV. Communicates with input devices A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. I and III only
26.The C drive in a micro-computer represents A. CD-ROM B. Disk drive C. Hard disk D. 5 diskette
27.CMYK colour systems are used specifically for ______ design work A. graphic B. web C. print D. cell phone
28.The Zoom tool is used for ______ objects A. magnifying B. cropping C. marquee selecting D. embedding
29.What is the default paper type/size when you open Corel draw windows? A. A4 B. B2 C. Postcard D. Letter
30.The two broad categories of software are A. disk operating software and word-perfect B. system and application C.
transaction and application D. windows and mac OS
31.Which of these professional bodies can a computer professional belong to in Nigeria? A. Institute of Chartered
Computer Experts B. Microsoft Institute of Management Information System C. Nigeria Computer Society D. Oracle
Technology Association of Nigeria
32.The super computers are mainly useful for A. data retrieval operations B. input output intensive processing C.
manipulation of records D. running multiple processes simultaneously
33.Which of these packages is appropriate for presentation of text and graphic to audience? A. Corel draw B. Microsoft
access C. Microsoft PowerPoint D. word perfect
34.Which of these commands is used to erase the screen of the computer during the execution of a BASIC program? A. CLS
35.The keyboard shortcut to copy in Corel draw is A. CTRL + S B. CTRL + O C. CTRL + C D. CTRL + P
36.The keyboard shortcut to print your Corel draw file is A. CTRL + S B. CTRL + O C. CTRL + C D. CTRL + P
37.A visual representation of worksheet data A. column B. data C. chart D. legend
38.When calculating cells what does a colon allow you to do? A. find the mean median and mode of a series of numbers B.
calculate multiple cells by typing them in C. calculate multiple cells by highlighting them D. produce conditional
statements like if and or not
39.The “formula” in excel is ______ A. a tab you see at the bottom of your workbook file B. a combination of numbers and
symbols used to express a calculation C. to enter text or numbers at the position of the cursor or cell pointer D. the
lines on your worksheet that separate the columns and rows
40.Convert 1410 to base 2 A. 10002 B. 11102 C. 10102 D. 11012
41.Which of the following has a negative impact on ICT in the society? A. E-commerce B. Education C. Fraud D.
42.A database management system allows the user to arrange data in the following useful formats except A. form B. label
C. report D. table
43.Which of the following is not found in central processing unit A. arithmetic and logic unit B. control unit C. Hard disk D.
memory unit
44.Convert 4078 to decimal number A. 26310 B. 27410 C. 28010 D. 29110
45.Which of the following does not use a spreadsheet package? A. balance sheet B. daily sales C. examination result D.
complementary card
46.The various types of computer mouse include the following except A. cordless B. optical C. virtual D. touch pad
47.Processed data can be retrieved from a computer through the following means except A. microphone B. monitor C.
printer D. projector
48.The ____ bar in Corel Draw displays information about selected objects such as colour, fill type and outline A. property
B. standard C. status D. tool
49.Mr. Ejiro’s daily duties include typing documents, connecting and printing documents. Mr. Ejiro is therefore a computer
________ A. programmer B. engineer C. analyst D. operator
50.Microsoft Word is not suitable for _____ A. creating assignments and articles B. creating resumes C. creating worldwide
web pages D. preparing payrolls


A. List three advantages and two disadvantages of using computers for data processing
B. What is a device and mention three classes of devices

A. Explain the following concept
i. Internet ii. WWW iii. E-mail iv. Website
B. Give the full meaning of the following acronym
i. .com ii. .gov iii. .edu iv. .net v. .mil

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