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Divine Emperor of Death
Fantasy, Harem, Action, Comedy, Romance, Adventure

Generated by Lightnovel Crawler
Divine Emperor of Death Chapter 1-100
1. Volume 1
1. Chapter -3
2. Chapter -2
3. Chapter -1
4. Chapter 1
5. Chapter 2
6. Chapter 3
7. Chapter 4
8. Chapter 5
9. Chapter 6
10. Chapter 7
11. Chapter 8
12. Chapter 9
13. Chapter 10
14. Chapter 11
15. Chapter 12
16. Chapter 13
17. Chapter 14
18. Chapter 15
19. Chapter 16
20. Chapter 17
21. Chapter 18
22. Chapter 19
23. Chapter 20
24. Chapter 21
25. Chapter 22
26. Chapter 23
27. Chapter 24
28. Chapter 25
29. Chapter 26
30. Chapter 27
31. Chapter 28
32. Chapter 29
33. Chapter 30
34. Chapter 31
35. Chapter 32
36. Chapter 33
37. Chapter 34
38. Chapter 35
39. Chapter 36
40. Chapter 37
41. Chapter 38
42. Chapter 39
43. Chapter 40
44. Chapter 41
45. Chapter 42
46. Chapter 43
47. Chapter 44
48. Chapter 45
49. Chapter 46
50. Chapter 47
51. Chapter 48
52. Chapter 49
53. Chapter 50
54. Chapter 51
55. Chapter 52
56. Chapter 53
57. Chapter 54
58. Chapter 55
59. Chapter 56
60. Chapter 57
61. Chapter 58
62. Chapter 59
63. Chapter 60
64. Chapter 61
65. Chapter 62
66. Chapter 63
67. Chapter 64
68. Chapter 65
69. Chapter 66
70. Chapter 67
71. Chapter 68
72. Chapter 69
73. Chapter 70
74. Chapter 71
75. Chapter 72
76. Chapter 73
77. Chapter 74
78. Chapter 75
79. Chapter 76
80. Chapter 77
81. Chapter 78
82. Chapter 79
83. Chapter 80
84. Chapter 81
85. Chapter 82
86. Chapter 83
87. Chapter 84
88. Chapter 85
89. Chapter 86
90. Chapter 87
91. Chapter 88
92. Chapter 89
93. Chapter 90
94. Chapter 91
95. Chapter 92
96. Chapter 93
97. Chapter 94
98. Chapter 95
99. Chapter 96
100. Chapter 97
Chapter -3
Chapter -3


Tian Long was born an orphan . He led his life in misery while out of
nowhere, he chanced upon a Death Note, killing his only enemy who was
the cause for his misery . After a series of planning and action, he managed
to cross worlds together with his Death Note .

He has no attachments regarding Earth . He has no grand sense of justice,

he just follows his heart and does whatever he thinks is right . Join Tian
Long in his journey to become the Divine Emperor of Death in the
Cultivation World .


1 Silver Coin = 100 Copper Coins

1 Gold Coin = 100 Silver Coins

1 Platinum Coin = 100 Gold Coins

1 Purple Coin = 100 Platinum Coins


Mortal Realm:

Body Tempering Cultivation: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Copper Stage
Bronze Stage

Iron Stage

Silver Stage

Gold Stage

Essence Gathering Cultivation: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Meridian Refinement Stage

Energy Condensation Stage

Revolving Core Stage

Body Transformation Stage

Law Seed Stage

Soul Tempering Cultivation: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Nascent Soul Stage

Infant Soul Stage

Young Soul Stage

Adult Soul Stage

Mature Soul Stage

Cultivation Technique Grades: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Level
Earth Level

Sky Level

Pill Grades (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Level

Earth Level

Sky Level

Herb Grades (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Level

Earth Level

Sky Level

Treasures include Weapons, Artifacts, Equipments and many more

Treasure Grades (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Level

Earth Level

Sky Level

Magical Beasts Cultivation (Low-Mid-High-Peak) Mortal Beast Stage

Earth Beast Stage

Sky Beast Stage

Spirit Beast Stage

Grand Beast Stage

Battle Technique Grades (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Grade

Earth Grade

Sky Grade

Sects Ranks: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Grade

Earth Grade

Sky Grade
Clan Ranks: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Grade

Earth Grade

Sky Grade

Empire Ranks: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Grade
Earth Grade

Sky Grade

Organization Ranks: (Low-Mid-High-Peak)

Mortal Grade

Earth Grade

Sky Grade
Chapter -2
Chapter -2

Davis Loret (around 3 years old)

He is 36 inches tall, has fair skin, has a pair of blue eyes that look adorable,
while his face looked emaciated . His short blonde hair is messy . Has a tiny
frame that is normal for 3-year-old children .

(around 11 years old)

He is 1 . 5m tall, has a fair skin, has a pair of ocean blue eyes and a sharp
nose . His long blonde hair reached until his waists . He wears black imperial
robes which has golden dragons etched onto it . His wide sleeve cuffs were
embroidered with golden threads .

Claire Loret

She is 5' 5" tall, her skin is fair, has almond royal purple eyes that are like
two drops of wine . Her wavy, long-length blonde hair is as gorgeous as ever
. Her face is warm and graceful like a caring mother . She has a body that is
perfectly refined with curves at its right place .

Logan Loret

He is 5' 9" tall, his skin is fair, has royal sapphire eyes that emits a regal aura
. His wavy, long-length black hair is as lush as ever . Has a short beard . Has
broad shoulders with quite a muscle that fits a ruler of an empire .


A guy with muscles and brain, Royal Advisor

Ray Nolan

Easy going, yet prudent . Trusted by everyone in his clan . Protected Davis
for the first three years anonymously with a fake identity of Grey .

Head Prison Guard


Commander . An old man with a great disposition, he is covered in a dark

blue armor .

Evan Cauldon

A handsome middle-aged man with sharp features . He had green hair that
was neck length long . He is the head of the Cauldon Family .

John Nolan

A handsome middle-aged man with calm features . He had red hair that was
waist length long . He is the head of the Nolan Family .


the Sect Leader of Ruthless Sword Sect


the Sect Leader of Piercing Dragon Sect

Mike Raven

Emperor of Raven Empire . Looks like a fat middle-aged man .

Ken Tritor

Emperor of Tritor Empire . Looks like a thin and cunning man .

Chapter -1
Chapter -1

I apologise!
I apologise for the year-long break I took .

Everyone has their real-life problems, and mine is more or less the same
except there had been many deaths this year . . .

So, I really took a long time before deciding to start writing again last month

Did a lot of editing to the best of my ability and wrote a few chapters . I even
read my own story, refreshing my memory on it to gather more details

I wrote numerous plots before and had to discard it because I couldn't decide
on one . . . because everything felt . . . a little bland . This is also the reason
why I stopped writing for a long while .

Then a month ago, I noticed few people started reading my novel for no
reason, and I was like, 'There are people still reading this?

Even two weeks ago, a comment was made asking me to post more
chapters .

For some reason, I felt happy and decided to type again .

Anyway, thank you all for waiting, and if you all forgot the plot, I typed a
quick yet simple summary which might help you remember the events of
Vol 1 and Vol 2 .

Now, let's move on to Vol 3!!

So far,

Volume 1

Chapter 1 to 67 has been edited and posted on 2nd October 2019

Volume 2


Volume 3
From 14th October onwards

Warning!!! Spoiler ahead!

If you're not an old reader of DEOD, don't read the content below!!!

Warning!!! Spoiler ahead!

Chapter 1-10

Tian Long transmigrated to another world through a temple located in

China . He used something known as transmigration stone, and a spatial
formation to transmigrate .

He arrived at the new world and took possession of a 3-year-old child .

The one who took care of him, Ray Nolan safely delivered him to his home

Tian Long came to know that his home was the Royal Castle and that he was
a part of the Royal Family . He came to know that he was the First Prince .

Having met his father and mother, Logan and Claire, he came to somewhat
accept his identity that was until he spent three months with his mother .

Her motherly love had melted his cold heart and he was able to forgive
himself for indirectly killing her child and wholeheartedly accept his new
identity .

At that moment, he had made a breakthrough in Soul Forging Cultivation

and reached Low-Level Nascent Soul Stage .

From this point onwards, he lied that he was reincarnated and made his
parents accept for who he was rather than lying to them that he was their real
child .

Still, they slowly accepted and welcomed him into their family .

A year later, his little sister, Clara was born .

Chapter 11 - 50

-Logan realised that his family was more important than his revenge,
realising a breakthrough into the Adult Soul Stage .

-Claire got conceived again and Davis decided to increase his Soul
Cultivation using the Redemption Tower .

-Davis faced his past again and met the person he didn't want to, Twizer .

-Breaking through the evil will of his heart demon, he successfully advanced
to the next level in Soul Cultivation, Mid-Level Nascent Soul Stage

-Davis practised Body Tempering Cultivation and Essence Gathering

Cultivation .

-During cultivating Essence Gathering Cultivation, he absorbed Fallen

Extinction Lightning which is a Lightning Elemental which increased his
Essence Gathering Cultivation battle prowess but also helped him to reach
Peak-Level Nascent Soul Stage .

-Wanting to know about the uses and limitations of the Death Note, Davis
went to experiment with the Death Note in the Prison .

-During this time, the Loret Empire capital was invaded and the were too
many undercurrents causing havoc .

-Faced with a million sized army from two opposing empires namely Tritor
Empire and Raven Empire, Davis had no choice but to kill all of them by
using the Death Note .

-Davis then pushed the action of the massacre to his non-existent master,
which then later became a legend, causing all other empires to be wary of
Loret Empire .
-All the neutral Emperors gathered and discussed about that mysterious
senior .

-During this summit, Davis got engaged to Shirley, and later, he found out
that he was engaged to Evelynn even before he was born .

-In his eighth birthday, he had been given a maid because it was custom to
have a personal maid in a prince's life according to the Royal Family . The
maid's name was Ellia .

-He went out to roam, but instead, met with his first fiance, Evelynn .

-After making Ellia his friend, he taught her cultivation, battle techniques .
-There was slight friction between Ellia and his little sister Clara, which he
solved by making them friends .

-He went out to meet with Evelynn during the night, but he was followed by
two people who were the ones to escape the rebellion massacre . After
successfully killing one of them and taking control of the other, he left to
find an Assassin Organisation .

-Joining the Dark Earth Organisation, he performed assassination of targets

that he deemed evil .

-He met with Evelynn during the day and let her know his thoughts about
her . He favours her and gifts her a Core Expansion Pill, but hidden in the
container was a message for them to meet alone .

Chapter 50 - 100

-Davis's acts as an assassin made him a local legend known as Dead End
after he had killed Harman and numerous experts .

-With absorbing the soul essence of numerous experts, he reached Young

Soul Stage .

-He secretly met with Evelynn and conveyed his favour to her but
unknowingly angered her .
-After three weeks, his father came back and Davis staged a farce, making
his father get rid of the two traitors he had subdued .

-Davis then came under the tutelage of Alchemist Highwood and started
learning Alchemy .

-His mother exposed his liking towards Ellia but he denied it, after that, he
met with Evelynn and told her not to cultivate to the third stage while
Evelynn promised that she will be his if she can't beat him in the Grand Sea
Continent Meet .

-He then reached Low-Level Silver Stage mainly because of his tolerance to
bearing pain .

-He then travelled to the Grand Sea Continent Meet and arrived at the Gote
Island .

-A dispute occurred because Emperor Tritor targeted Ellia but Davis solved
it by striking the guy who came to give trouble .

-Realising her weak fate, Ellia and Davis to teach her more .

-In the first round of the preliminaries, Ellia killed six pursuers for targeting
her life . After that, she fainted and only woke up a day later . At this time,
Davis had no idea that something was taking root and growing in her soul,
instead, he took it as something that happened because it was the first time
she killed people .

-After that, he met Evelynn and battled her . The result was that he won, but
Evelynn duped him by saying that although her heart and soul were his, her
body wasn't . Davis wasn't worried and left, but then her team which had
been with her made her realise her own feelings deep down .

-In the second round, they had to hunt Magical Beasts .

-Davis did something which tarnished the reputation of Tritor Emperor, and
in turn, Tritor Emperor planned to assassinate him but it backfired .

-Davis used the Death Note to kill Emperor Tritor and Emperor Raven at the
same time after the second round ended .
-He cancelled the marriage with Shirley with her consent .

-The finals began and he utterly dominated Shirley since she had provoked
him into proving his arrogance .

-The emperors then gathered and explained the significance of the

competition .

Chapter 101 - 160

-Davis returned and absorbed the two souls he got from killing the two
emperors . Subsequently, he broke through to Adult Soul Stage .

-His Death Note became able to talk and articulate its thoughts into words .
It already had consciousness but wasn't able to display it because its powers
had been sealed .

-Using the powers of his Death Note, he removed the seal from his mother .

-Gets to know about the First Layer from his mother .

-Trains in Alchemy for a period of five months .

-His mother explains the reason she told him to stop cultivating Essence
Gathering Cultivation and also explained about variation in cores .

-He was then invited to Shirley's birthday along with Evelynn .

-Davis realises that Ellia was acting weird but he chalked it up to her
growing up, being in a rebellious phase .

-He brought Evelynn into the Royal Castle and an accident happened, Ellia
had been possessed by her previous incarnation and wrecked part of the
Royal Castle .

-Davis was unreconciled as he didn't want to kill Ellia, but neither did he
want to kill Ellia's previous incarnation because it might harm Ellia . Instead,
with a positive attitude, he thought of somehow befriending Ellia's previous
incarnation but still couldn't help feel hatred for her .
-He was again sad that he had totally forgotten about Evelynn and felt like
shit . To make it up to her, he used Shirley's birthday to travel to the Ashton
Empire with her .

-After they arrived at Ashton Royal Capital, they were welcomed by

Emperor Ashton and Shirley .

-They then stayed at Sign Lento's Inn where the situation has developed into
an ambiguous air . From that moment, they crossed the second hurdle and
kissed each other passionately .

-Suddenly, he got a letter from a scrawny man which pointed out that it was
from Shirley, telling him to meet her alone at the Bright Star Royal Palace .
He decided and left .

-Getting involved in Trivial Undercurrents, he saved Shirley from a sinister

aphrodisiac .

-Learning that she was not the one who sent him the letter, he instantly
dashed away through a secret entrance in the Bright Star Royal Palace .

-When he returned to the inn, he managed to save Evelynn in the nick of

time and killed two women who were responsible for severing her arm .

-Returning to the Loret Empire's Royal Capital, he broke his marriage

agreement with Evelynn when he learned that the Cauldon Family Elders
were plotting, instead, he personally proposed to her as an individual .
-Going back to the Royal Castle, he met with his new step-brother and step-
mother .

-Dealing with the problems and convincing Evelynn to make her wait for
him, he finally left to the secret entrance .

-In that place, he once again met with Shirley but eventually left after a
situation had occurred .

-Killing all the geniuses with the Death Note, he made it to the other side!
Chapter 1
Chapter 1

"Yes! I finally managed to obtain it!" A person with a hoarse voice

exclaimed full of exhaustion .

He looked haggard with a face full of wrinkles yet young at the same time
like a youth who has aged much . His hair was white while his nose sharp
and his lips dried .

'It's been 10 years since I, Tian Long managed to obtain the Death Note, I
have only used it to kill my one and only enemy back then and I haven't used
it since then . ' he sighed feeling the passage of time .

Walking out of the cave, he proceeded to get off the mountains to go to the
airport .

'It's time to go back to my homeland to pull off this crazy idea that has been
gnawing at my heart since 8 years ago!'

After arriving at the airport, Tian Long boarded the airplane and returned to
China .

After going to his home, he started having second thoughts about his plan at
the last minute .

'Eyyy, it's do or die . I don't have much of a choice . '

'Hmm, I don't have much time to live in this world anyways . ' Tian Long
comforted himself .

He packed his things and went out of the house .

"Alright, it's time to leave this world . " Silently muttering that, Tian Long
left for the place ancient temple that has many rumours including that it's
connected to another world .
'Honestly, my chances of crossing over are pretty low, way low . '

'I only thought of this idea because having only few more years left to live
makes me feel useless and empty, I want to live more . '

After arriving at the ancient temple, he searched the whole day for any
unusual signs .

"This place is pretty abandoned yet it's kept clean, why is that?" Tian Long
muttered .

After seeing that he hasn't found anything for today, Tian Long decided to
sleep .

Just as he was sleeping in his tent, a sound startled him awake .

"Who's there!?" Tian Long shouted .

"Whoa! Don't startle me old man" The young man exclaimed .

Hearing that he was called old man, Tian Long's eyes started twitching .

"Who are you little man?" Tian Long asked even though he knew the answer

"Me? I'm Xiao Yi"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm hired by the nearby temple to clean this place every week and patrol
once in a while"

Hearing that, Tian Long was astonished .

"Wasn't this place abandoned?"

"Yeah, it was but it's now the property of the nearby temple . They bought it
a month ago . "

"Oh, I See . " Tian Long said .

"Now that you understand that it's a private property, shouldn't you be
leaving?" Xiao Yi asked .

"Uhh, yeah once it's dawn I'll leave, It's pretty late right now"

"Reasonable, I don't want you camping out here tomorrow old man, just


Then Xiao Yi left the ancient temple .

'Still, what is he doing here at night? Does he have a rendezvous with a

woman or something?' Tian Long chuckled .

'Looks like I don't have any time left to sleep, this old body of mine can't
take this anymore!' shouting in his mind Tian Long started searching the
place again .

Switching on the torch light, Tian Long started looking around for any kind
of unusual signs in the place he hasn't searched yet .

An hour has passed since he continued his search .

Moving around Tian Long entered a room, he came in front of a wall and
started tapping around .

*tok tok*

*tok tok*

*tok tok* A muffled kind of sound echoed across the room .

"Yes! found it"

He pushed that certain part of the wall which created the muffled sound .

An underground door opened in the room which made Tian Long check it
immediately, he checked for some traps for some time . He couldn't find any
which made him feel a bit better .

Tian Long started moving down the underground door . He climbed down a
lot of stairs and arrived in front of a iron door .
Tian Long stared at the switch right beside the iron door and pulled it down

The iron door opened up and Tian Long entered the underground area .

Tian Long gasped in astonishment as he saw the unknown formation . The

outer circle was spherical in shape while the inner circle was oval in shape
with an eye in it .

"Oh, this must be the formation which makes this place unusual"

Tian Long walked towards the formation and arrived at the centre of the
formation .

"That's a creepy looking eye alright, I should probably be in the centre of

this formation to increase my chances . "

Tian Long took out a stone which emitted a faint green and purplish light .

"The transmigration stone" Tian Long's eyes shone brightly .

"If the nearby temple people knew if that I had the stone would they become
mad?" Tian Long laughed loudly .

Tian Long then walked to the stone which looked like a podium . "Hehe, an
obvious place to keep the switch to activate the formation, I like it"

The switch was half-spherical in shape and it kept glowing .

"Does this mean they have charged this formation already? Perfect!" Tian
Long exclaimed .

The formation takes at least 2 years to charge which Tian Long didn't know
about, if he knew he certainly wouldn't have approached this place .

"But, why did they charge this formation? It can't be that they are warmly
welcoming me? is it?" Tian Long was deeply in doubt and couldn't help but
joke .

"Hmph, thinking about this is useless, after I activate this formation, either I
die or live in another world" Tian Long stopped wasting time thinking about
it .

Tian Long took out the Death Note as he sighed .

"It's time"

Tian Long took out a pen and wrote in the Death Note .

'Tian Long

Death by heart attack

Tian Long activates the formation and during the space time travel his soul
jolted out from his body, his soul then enters the Transmigration stone .
After the space time travel ends his soul possesses a body that is weak below
20 years of age using the Transmigration stone and after 5 minutes dies of
heart attack . '

*hisss* Tian Long drew a cold breath .

"The Death Note can control and kill people to certain extent meaning that it
is capable of attacking the soul, since it can control people, it should be able
to control the soul to an extent"

"It's fine, I will be tying the Transmigration stone behind my head, there's
not much distance between my soul and the stone, so it shouldn't be a
problem for the Death Note to succeed"

"If only my theory is correct"

"Damn! Stop getting cold feet already, I've done it now, there's no going
back" Tian Long made a determined face and started the formation .

As the underground area trembled, space-time fluctuations appeared, the

formation had activated a space-time passage . Tian Long went to the centre
of the formation immediately and left his fate to luck .

"Goodbye, Earth"

Tian Long was absorbed into the space time tunnel and suffered a fate
extremely bad than people getting crushed by a huge rock . He was
pressured by the spatial tunnel . He felt like his body was being grinded by
thousands of blades .

'Ahhhhhhh! Why isn't this spatial tunnel not stable? I'm doomed'

Tian Long saw his hand being disintegrated by the spatial turbulence .

"Haha, It's over"

Just when his shoulder started to disintegrate, Tian Long's soul jolted out of
his body and entered the Transmigration stone .

Tian Long didn't notice that his Death Note being shredded to dust . A black
book spirit flew out from it and entered the Transmigration stone .

Tian Long then saw his body being disintegrated into nothingness which
made him nauseous and puke but he couldn't as he was in his soul form .

The Transmigration stone then flew in the space tunnel and made it to the
other side of the tunnel . Tian Long couldn't count how much time has
passed, he was listless through the whole journey mourning the loss of his
body and the Death Note .

The Transmigration stone flew out of the spatial tunnel, Tian Long arrived to
a brand new world .

Meanwhile on Earth

"Who activated the formation?!!" The head priest of the nearby temple flew
into an anger fit and started breaking the nearby furniture .

"Check the abandoned temple immediately!" The head priest shouted out
loud .

Many people ran away to check the abandoned temple quickly .

The head priest then calmed down after a minute and then harrumphed .

"Hmph, I don't know who activated the formation but travelling in it is

useless, countless experiments has been made and we don't even know if a
person has managed to reach the other side . Sometimes the body
disintegrates even before one enters that incomplete and unstable formation .
It is totally useless . "

"What do you mean by useless?" A voice could be heard coming out of a

bald man who appeared out of nowhere .

"We have confirmed that it is indeed connected to another world through

various means . If only we had the Transmigration stone which can hold a
soul, we might be able to reach the other side . " The bald man sighed .

"Hmph! What use is there to have the stone? If you can't move the soul to
the stone it is still useless . "

'Heh, you may not have a method to move your soul but I do' The bald man
sneered .

"Too bad, the Transmigration stone appears every thousand years and it
should have appeared by now considering the last appearance of it . Quick,
search for it"

"I know" The head priest replied .

A man came running quickly .

"Head priest, we found Xiao Yi outside the temple and he . . " The man

"He what?" The Head Priest was impatient .

"He . . " The man's face was full of black lines .

"Quick, tell!"

"He was fucking a woman under the tree nearby the abandoned temple and
escaped once he saw us!"

The Head Priest was stunned while the bald man started laughing out loud .

"Kill both of them and feed them to the dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Hea . . Head Priest!"


"That your ille . . Illegitimate daughter"

The Head Priest sprayed a mouthful of blood and fainted while the bald man
laughed out loud madly .
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

The Transmigration stone disintegrated which caused the green purplish

glow to wrap around Tian Long's soul . The glow then travelled somewhere
faster than the speed of light .

At a place few km's away from the stone which appeared in the air few
moments ago .

"Not good, he's not going to make it" A middle aged man sighed full of
sadness .

That middle aged man was wearing a blue armour with a tiger imprinted on
it . It was quite damaged .

"He's been in coma ever since you found him, is it even worth to care that
much for a child you don't have relations with, Grey?" Another middle aged
man with the same blue armour asked .

"I picked him up, then I should be the one to take care of him, shut your
mouth Mel" Grey snapped back at him . He had an irritated expression .

"That's it . Enough of your bullshit Grey . You don't even do the things
captain commanded properly, all you do is take care of that child . Is that
child your illegitimate son?" Mel couldn't help but find trouble with Grey .

"I know you have some enmity with me Mel . Stop finding fault with me
time and time again . If you have the guts, let's fight" Grey unsheathed his
sword out of his scabbard .

"You think I am afraid of you . I'll show you who's after the captain in this
Blue Tiger Mercenaries" Mel also unsheathed his sword and took a pose to
fight .

Hearing that he indirectly accepted the fight, Grey shot out with an
unbelievable speed for his cultivation base . He created a blinding light with
his sword which covered the whole area with brightness .

'What!? A battle technique?' Mel almost peed his pants when he saw this .
He didn't move since he couldn't see as his eye was blinded by the light .

And at this moment a glow which was dimmed by the brightness emitted,
shot to the child who stopped breathing just now . Both of them didn't notice
it .

Mel opened his eyes only to see a sword in front of his neck . He could feel
his life slipping out of his hands . He started shivering out of fear .

"I think I had enough of you moron" Grey said . Just when he was going to
slice his head off, a voice could be heard .


"Tch, It's the captain" Grey muttered and backed off .

Tian Long started feeling warm .

'Is the Transmigration stone healing this body?' Tian Long thought still not
accepting the fact that this is his own body from now on .
"Haha, I'm saved! I'm saved! Captain, Grey was going kill me for real . Kill
him, he's a traitor" Mel exclaimed full of happiness and framed him .

"Is that so?" The captain walked to where Mel was standing .

Just when Mel thought that he could get his revenge, a punch appeared in
front of his face . The captain hit him with force . He flew 2 metres away
from where he was standing and crashed on the wall .


"Why!?" Mel muttered dumbfounded .

"You think I don't know your ploys . How many times have I told you not to
mess with Grey?"

"Grey, please forgive my nephew Mel, he won't do this again, and I will
personally handle the punishment for him . "

Grey nodded his head and didn't say anything, he could only accept his
hardships out here .

"By the way, did you see anything glowing around here?"

"Hmm, the only thing glowing here was my sword"

"Not tha . . Alright" The captain stopped giving information . He thought he

had found a treasure and wasn't willing to share with anyone .

Tian Long who possessed his new body started sweating when he heard
this . Not because he heard the captain mention about the glow but because
he couldn't understand anything they said .

'Is my fate so worse? Of all the weak people out there, why a child? I
couldn't even take care of myself in this state, I'm doomed . ' Tian Long had
a listless expression on his face .

Tian Long looked upwards the cloudy sky which looked like his own fate,
gloomy as ever . He quickly made a determined face to keep on living in this
world which was quite cute in itself .

Grey turned around and returned to where Tian Long was lying down . He
was astonished to see that the child was awake .

"Kid! Can you hear me? Are you fine?" Grey shouted in excitement .

"Calm down Grey, he's just a kid who was in coma since the time you found
him, do you expect him to talk?" The captain chuckled .

"Ah right, I just lost myself in happiness, sorry . "

"Alright, take care of the kid, I got things to do" The captain bid farewell .

'What the hell are these guys talking about? I can't understand, what
language is that?' Tian Long thought .

Suddenly Tian Long's glabella started throbbing painfully .


"Kid! What's wrong? Oh no!" Grey started to get worried again .

'What is this black thing in front of my eyes?' Tian Long kept holding his
head until he fainted of pain .

Grey checked his pulse and sighed . "He's just fainted, thankfully . "

'This child sure does like to keep me hanging on a thread . ' Grey laughed
ruefully .

'It's almost this child's 3rd birthday, good thing he woke up before that or
else I would have had my head sliced off'

Then Grey carried Tian Long to his room and made him sleep in his bed .
Grey then sat before the table and wrote a letter . He then stood beside the
window and whistled .

A pigeon flew through the window and stood on Grey's hands . He then tied
the letter to the pigeon's leg . The pigeon then flew away from him to its
destination .

"That's about it, my mission is finally going to be over soon I guess if

everything goes smoothly"

"It's been almost 3 years since I left the empire, hopefully the tide has
crossed over, and if it hasn't then we'll both die . " Grey laughed ruefully and
then slept on the floor .

Chapter 3
Chapter 3

After three days had passed, Tian Long still hasn't woken up . He suffers
from headaches time to time which almost looks like he was suffering from
a nightmare .

"What happened to this kid? Is he suffering from something? But the

physician I hired told he was perfectly healthy for his age which is unusual
in itself because he's been in coma from the time he was born . "

"Is the heavens helping us?"

Grey found it difficult to understand this situation .

'Whatever, I'll just report it to the higher ups . "

Grey opened the door and left the room .

After a few moments of silence in the room .

A child opened his eyes . He looked clean considering the situation he was
in, probably cleaned by the physician or someone who took care of him .

'Where am I? What is this place? Why aren't I dead?' Tian Long had a lot of
doubts but the most he worried about was .

'What the hell is this black thing in my soul?'

'Ehh.. .wait, I can sense my soul?' Tian Long was utterly confused .

"Alright, calm down me, if I think calmly, I will be able to make sense of
this situation" Tian Long whispered to himself .

Tian Long took a deep breath to calm himself down . He started connecting
the dots .

'The Death Note was destroyed in that spatial tunnel so I can no longer use
it, but the black thing in my soul looks like a book, is it the Death Note? .
But if it followed me into this world then it should've been able to kill me
after exiting the spatial tunnel . If it didn't kill me then I was right . The
Death Note is restricted by the laws of universe . "

'This universe probably needs time to detect the arrival of an unknown

object, so the Death Note was able to fulfil the condition of me being able to
obtain a weak body below 20 years old . But it wasn't able to kill me after 5
minutes meaning the Death Note either should've been destroyed or reset
according to the laws of this universe . '
'But if this black thing is the Death Note, how was it able to infuse into my
soul? Is it because I am the owner?'

"Yup, this should've been the case, it somewhat makes sense of the
situation . "

Even though Tian Long had many doubts, he was able to make sense of this
situation .

Tian Long got out of the bed and just when he tried to walk, he fell down .


He tried to stand up but he couldn't so he crawled his way to the mirror in

the corner of the room .

He looked around 36 inches, has fair skin, has a pair of blue eyes that looks
adorable, while his face looked emaciated . His short blonde hair was
messy . Has a tiny frame that is normal for 3 year old children .

'A 2 or 3 year child? An orphan? I guess it's alright since I can perfectly
blend into this environment'

'I don't know who you are but sorry for possessing your body, I'm not going
to make any excuses since I indirectly killed you'

Tian Long didn't know that this child was in coma from the time he was born
and was going to die 3 days ago .

'I swear that I will live your part as well . ' Tian Long had complex feelings
about killing an innocent child .

After Grey left the room, he headed for the Captain's room .


"Come in" A voice could be heard from inside .

"Oh, Grey, what's the matter?"

"Captain, it's time I left the mercenaries . "

There was a moment of silence in the room .

"Sigh, did the 3 year period come to an end already? Time sure flies fast"

"Yes, I thank you for taking care of me in the mercenaries, the reward will
be given once the people from the empire comes to pick me up . "

"Taking care of you? Protecting a man with a cultivation base higher than
mine? You must be jesting . Is it the child?" The captain chuckled .

"You've already figured it out?"

"I have been together with you for almost 3 years, yes . If I can't even figure
that out I should just retire from being a mercenary . "

"Good thing you told me this just now, if it were a month ago, I would've
been forced to kill you . "

"Is it an order?"

"Yes . "

"The Loret Empire sure is scary, considering that it managed to survive and
execute the noble families which participated in the rebellion"

"What? The Loret family has managed to quell the rebels?"

"Yes, I just received this news 2 days ago"

Grey stood shivering from excitement .

'From this, both of us have survived' Grey heaved a sigh of relief .

"Then I'll return to my quarters, Captain"


Ray heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the child was still there albeit
trying to do something .


Tian Long immediately started putting on an act with a cute face .

'Considering that I was sleeping in a bed, this guy should've been the one
taking care of me and it's not farfetched for a 3 year old orphan to not know
how to talk'

Ray immediately walked towards the child and carried him up .

"Huh, will I get beheaded for the prince not knowing how to talk?" Ray got
scared a little .

"Probably not . "

Tian Long had no idea what this guy was talking about because he still
couldn't understand any of it .

'Dude, please talk in a language I know' Tian Long wished lamentably .

"Child, it's almost time for you to return to the empire and there you can start
learning the language of the world . " Ray started lecturing the child even
though he knows that the child can't understand it because his life depended
on it . The lecture continued for 10 minutes which almost exhausted Tian
Long .
Chapter 4
Chapter 4

After an hour had passed by, outside the Blue Tiger Mercenary Headquarters

"Oye, look at the sky!" A random person exclaimed .

"Where?" Another person questioned .

In the sky, a big silhouette can be seen above the clouds .

"It . . it's a Dragon!!" Another person exclaimed .

"The Dragon's going to destroy the town, everyone run" That random person
exclaimed in fear upon seeing such a silhouette .

"Idiot, that's a Wyvern" Another knowledgeable person commented after

seeing the silhouette come down from above the clouds .

The Wyvern was 12m long, long faced with a razor sharp teeth . On its back
was a 30-year old man dressed in shiny red armour . His face was valiant
with vigour, he excluded an aura that is capable of supressing almost all the
people down there .

He scanned the area and spotted the Blue Tiger Mercenary sign on a
building . He headed to that direction . The Wyvern then landed in front of
the Blue Tiger Mercenary Headquarters .

"The captain of the royal guards, Renard, commands the captain of the Blue
Tiger Mercenaries to come out!" That man then shouted out loud which
shocked many people because he belonged to the royal guard .

"Oh my god, what is the royal guard doing out here?" Many people started
whispering to others .

The members of the Blue Tiger Mercenaries didn't dare to lash back at him .
They could only wait in silence .

The captain then came out of the building and hurriedly bowed to Renard .

"Noel of the Blue Tiger Mercenaries, at your service" Noel thought to

himself 'Wow, the empire sure is establishing their authority all over the
country . '

"Hmm, Is Grey he . . " Before Renard can finish his sentence, he saw Grey
coming out of the building with a child on his back .

Renard glanced at Noel and uttered "Good, you will surely be rewarded with
riches . "

"It's been a long time, Ray" Renard smiled .

Hearing that a smile crept upon Ray's face as well .

"Yes, brother . "

Then the both of them bear hugged lightly and laughed .

"Is the Royal Prince fine?"

"Yes, as you can see . "

"Alright, let's leave this place then . "

"Please do, I'm sick of this lifestyle . " Ray laughed loudly .

Ray then turned his head back .

"If you encounter any trouble, head to the Nolan family and drop my name,
Ray Nolan . "

"See you later, Noel . " Ray bid farewell .

Noel just stood there dumbfounded by this revelation . He thought to himself

'All of them are big guys, I've struck it rich . '

When both of the brothers got on the Wyvern, Noel shouted "Don't forget
your words Grey, no, Ray . "
"I won't . " Ray smirked . He had an amiable relationship with Noel .

The Wyvern then flew to the skies heading to the Royal Capital .

6 hours later .

A huge wall could be seen in the distance .

"Finally, we reached the capital with the help of this speedy Wyvern . " Ray
spoke joyfully .

The two had a lot to talk about so they chatted the whole way .

Meanwhile Tian Long couldn't understand what they were saying, so he just
gave up and enjoyed his first flight on the Wyvern .

'Ahh, the air is so fresh in this world . The sceneries are so beautiful . Am I
on a vacation trip already?'

Tian Long felt that his choice to come to this world was the best one he ever
made .

The Wyvern passed above the walls and headed to the Royal Castle . It then
landed below the main entrance of the Royal Castle .

The trio then entered the Royal Castle without any obstructions, as if they
were the masters of this Royal Castle .

They arrived in front of the throne hall in a short time . Just as they were
going to request the audience of the emperor . The door opened and a young
woman of extraordinary bearings came out with a worried face .

Tian Long was shocked when he saw this kingdom toppling beauty with rich
bearings .

She was 5' 5" tall, her skin was fair, has almond royal purple eyes that are
like two drops of wine . Her wavy, long-length blonde hair was gorgeous as
ever . Her face is warm and graceful like a caring mother . She has a body
that is perfectly refined with curves at it's right place .
She looked toward the child who was in middle, clasped hands with both the
brothers . She slowly started running towards the child and hurriedly hugged
him with all her might .

"You're safe, you're safe, thank goodness, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that Mother
wasn't be able to be with you all this time" The young woman started
shedding tears of joy .

Tian Long was dumbfounded being hugged by this woman . Even though he
couldn't understand what she was saying, he could feel the warmth from the
hug which he never got to experience in his previous life .

'Is this woman, the mother of this child?'

Hearing the ravings from the mother of this child, he was again encroached
by complex feelings of guilt and sadness . He almost couldn't hold his tears
from dropping .

A young man, who was full of joy can be seen behind the young woman
who is currently hugging Tian Long .

He was 5' 9" tall, his skin was fair, has royal sapphire eyes that emits a regal
aura . His wavy, long-length black hair was lush as ever . Has a short beard .
Has broad shoulders with quite a muscle that fits a ruler of an empire .

"Finally, my son has returned safely . " That young man said .

The two brothers immediately got down on their knees . "We pay our
respects to the Emperor and the Empress . " They shouted in unison .

"Good, stand up, follow me to the throne" The young man chose not to
interfere with the mother and son reunion .

The Emperor then sat down on the throne .

All of those who were in the throne hall bowed to show respect to the
Emperor .

"Lift your heads! Ray, you've done a very great job of protecting my son in
the time of chaos . I'll award you with the Title of Duke, a Duchy and 1000
Platinum Coins . "
"It's my honour, your Majesty"

"Renard, you did a great job of escorting them back safely . "

"It's a given, your Majesty . "

At this time, the Empress walked into the throne hall carrying her child .

Seeing the Empress, the Emperor nodded .

"Alright, Ray, explain the events that took place when you were protecting
my son . "

"Yes, your Majesty . " Ray obeyed and explained the events that took place
during his secret mission without hiding anything .

After 20 minutes .

"And that's all, your Majesty . " Ray concluded his report .

"So... you are saying that my son just woke up 3 days ago?"

Hearing this question, beads of sweat started to form on Ray's face as he

gulped .

Chapter 5
Chapter 5

"Thi . . this, I swear on my noble name, what I've said is the truth, your
Majesty . " Ray declared .

There was a moment of silence in the throne hall which made the people
fidgety .

"This matter concerns my son, you won't blame me if I conduct

investigations right?" The Emperor asked .

"I wouldn't dare, it is only your right to check the health and environment
your son lived in, your majesty . " Ray tactfully said .
"Good, you're pardoned . " Ray let out a sigh of relief when he was released
from this harmless pressure .
"Tonight, arrange a banquet, we're celebrating the return of my son, the
Royal Prince . "

"Yes, your Majesty" The people shouted in unison .

The Emperor and Empress left the Throne Hall and made their way to their
private quarters .

In the private quarters .

"Logan, I don't mind if the investigation is conducted or not since it is

advantageous to us that our son wasn't influenced by any weird or evil
characters" The empress was fine as long as her son was well and healthy .

"Yes, but there are lot of questions left to be answered, such as how our son
who was in fatal danger 3 days ago managed to recover healthily . Is it a
miracle? or an unknown expert decided to save our son with unknown
motives . "

"Hmph, if it was an unknown expert with good intention, I'll be surely

thankful to him even in death . On the other hand, you sent our son to an
unknown place that I don't even know about and you won't even tell me
about it . "

"Claire, I had no other choice but to do that, it is for the absolute safety of
our son, even I didn't know where I sent him, not until that messenger
pigeon arrived from Ray . " Logan told the truth .

"What?" Claire received a shock .

"All this time you were saying that you knew where you sent our son and
that he is safe? You . . you did this all to assure me?" Claire had tears in her
eyes .

"Yes, my love" Logan cupped her face .

They looked into each other eyes and slowly engaged in a passionate kiss .
A minute passed .

"Gar . . sae . . niii . " Tian Long couldn't stand it anymore, after all he was
still a virgin .

The both of them were startled, then looked at their son and burst laughing .
After laughing till they were content, they hugged each other .

"I'm sorry" Claire whispered .

"Its fine, I know your sufferings . " Logan comforted her .

"But I was stupid, heartless, all this time I ignored you, I know I was doing
wrong, you didn't even look at other women but I stopped paying heed to
you . " Tears started dropping out of Claire's eyes .

"It's my fault, any mother would be angry if her son or daughter were taken
away from her . " Logan said .

Claire felt guilty because she blamed everything that happened to her on
Logan and ignored him almost for 3 years .

After 5 minutes of warmth, the both of them then distanced from each other
awkwardly . Obviously them reacting to their reaction of their lower part of
their bodies and their son's gaze .

"Haha" Logan awkwardly laughed .

Claire's face was red as she smiled, enchanting her with a bewitching smile .
Logan was in a trance seeing her beautiful blushed face . He would've
already jumped on her if it weren't for Tian Long kept gazing at them
curiously .

'I feel sorry, but I won't let you guys do anything in front of me, can you
guys please do it somewhere else . ' Tian Long didn't have any weird fetishes

*cough* *cough*

"Our child must be educated in the ways of the royalty, I'll arrange it now . "
Logan took another approach .
"No! I'll be the one to teach our child . "

"Huh? N . . "

"I won't take no for an answer, 3 years, I wasn't with my child for 3 years .
We missed the bonding period, I'm not sure if the child will wholeheartedly
even accept us as his parents . Therefore, I will be with him until he finishes
his education . "

Logan was dumbfounded . He realised that he fell into his own machinations
. He buried himself with his own plan . He didn't know whether to laugh or
cry .

Claire and Logan readied Tian Long with a royal outfit . They didn't require
the help of servants because this was the first time they were dressing Tian
Long, their son .

Tian Long felt embarrassed when Claire removed his pants but he then
realised that he was still a child . It made him even more embarrassed for
having dirty thoughts . He then kept reminding himself that she is his mother
which he still hasn't come to terms with yet . Logan laughed when he saw
him blushing obviously misunderstanding with something else .

Tian Long had complex feelings about being taken care of by a mother
figure which he never experienced in his previous life . He felt warm and
cozy .

They then picked him up and went to the Banquet Hall .

"We welcome his Majesty . " When people saw him coming into the
Banquet Hall, they stood up, bowed and shouted in unison .

"At ease, my subjects" Logan acknowledged .

Everyone then took their seats .

"This banquet is to celebrate the return of my son and the start of our
prosperous Empire, glory to the Loret Empire!" Logan lifted his drink and
drank commemorating the start of the banquet himself .

"Glory to the Loret Empire" The subjects also drank their drinks .
Everyone enjoyed the banquet and after a period of time .
"Your Majesty, isn't this the best time for that" The Royal Advisor,
Hendrickson commented .

"I guess it is" Logan muttered .

"Everyone, it is time for the main event of this banquet . "

The people in the banquet were silent .

Logan looked at Claire who was seated by his side, the both of them nodded
together .

"I, the Emperor of Loret Empire, Logan Loret, hereby declare that the name
of the first prince, my son, to be, Davis Loret . "

"Ahhh, Glory to the Empire, Long live Davis Loret . " A person exclaimed .

Everyone looked at Tian Long and started chanting his name loudly which
made the banquet end in high spirits . Today was also his third birthday .

From that moment, Tian Long knew that his name was Davis Loret .
Chapter 6
Chapter 6

The next day . 7 am .

Tian Long was very tired yesterday, he slept in his room, after that, his
mother left him . He knew where she went and was very happy about it, he
started shipping them from yesterday after all .

The door opened and he could see a middle aged woman dressed in maid
clothes entering . She entered and brought him to the bath, undressed him
and cleaned him .

Tian Long was stiff the whole time . He didn't even dare to glance at the
maid for a long time . After he was dressed up . The maid carried him up and
made her way to the study .

In the study, Claire was waiting for him to show up .


The door opened and the maid let go of Tian Long . From inside, his mother
smiled when she saw this "Davis, come to Mommy . "

Tian Long was astonished to see her act cute like this . He quickly hid his
astonishment and kept his appearance . He watched her curiously . Claire
then repeated what she said with a gesture .

Tian Long then carefully and slowly approached like how a baby learnt to
walk for the first time . He was not acting but it was really hard to move his
body which hasn't moved from birth . He didn't know that but chalked it up
as his soul synchronizing with his body .

Claire opened her arms ready for a hug . Tian Long made his way to her and
got enclosed by that warm feeling again . She hugged him tightly and wished
that he will never disappear from her sight again .
The door was closed and the maid left the study .
After a minute .
"Davis, your mother will take care of you and your education from now on,
let's start from the alphabets... . "
Claire started teaching him the language of the world .

A week has passed and he was already able to run and play, Tian Long could
now understand simple conversations . The maids will deliver him food
thrice a day and a bed has been set up in the study . He realized that he was
absorbing knowledge quite fast, he chalked it up as his soul being powerful .
His guess was correct this time . His soul was strengthened by the
Transmigration Stone .

Tian Long started to like his mother very much . She cared for him very
much and played with him whenever he completed his assignment . He
enjoyed playing with her, maybe it was because of the body but he felt like a
child when he was with her .

"Davis, finish this assignment and then we can play . "

"Yes, Mother!"

'This is going smoother than we expected, my son is able to quickly learn

everything I say . He is a genius!' Claire smiled proudly, she was able to
approximately measure Tian Long's talent .

Another week passed .

Tian Long started to grew fond of his mother . He was now fluently able to
talk . His knowledge of the language increased . But somewhere in his heart,
he started having guilty feelings of being this close with dead Davis's mother
. His inner self whispered to him .

'You killed her son, why are you laughing together with her . '

'Is it fun? Playing with the mother of the child you killed . '

'You think she is your mother? No! You are just possessing her son's body . '

"Stop it!!!"

"Davis?" Claire had a worried face .

Tian Long snapped out it and remembered what had happened . Claire had
just joked about how she would have felt if he had died out there .

"Are you fine?" Claire asked worriedly .

"Yes, It's nothing . " Tian Long evaded her gaze and said .

Another week had passed .

Tian Long gradually started distancing himself from Claire . He won't play
that much with her anymore . He just finished her assignments and increased
his knowledge of the language .

Claire grew increasingly worried about her son not being that much
responsive anymore .

'What's wrong? Why did he start distancing himself from me? Did I do
something wrong? It can't be because of how I joked about him dying, could
it?' Claire thought that she had done something wrong, later she felt that he
will eventually be his old self again .

It was the 4th week .

Tian Long didn't know how to face his mother anymore . He started blaming
himself when he saw Claire being overly worried . On one hand he felt that
he didn't deserve this heart-warming mother, on the other hand he felt that he
should make his mother happy . These conflicting emotions had his heart
tearing apart .

Near the study .

"Davis . " A voice full of longing was heard .

"Mother . " Tian Long glanced at her and turned his head back .

"Look at me, Davis . " Claire pleaded .

Tian Long slowly turned to look back at her .

"Did Mom do something wrong? Why aren't you speaking to Mom

anymore?" Claire bit her lips .

Tian Long remained silent .

"Is the place not good? Did Mom treat you wrongly? Is it because Mom
joked about your death?" Claire had tears in her eyes .

Tian Long still remained silent .

"After I lost you, I thought I will never see you anymore, I had no wish in
this world other than for you to return safely . Every day without you was
hell on Earth . I thought I will never see you again, but you returned! My
child returned to me, studied with me, played with me and now why are...
why are you not speaking to your Mother anymore!?" Claire cried .

Tian Long was overwhelmed with guilt after hearing that .

Claire hugged Tian Long forcefully . He tried to distance himself from her .

"Davis! Don't go! Please talk to Mother! I want my Davis back! Please give
my Davis back! I can't take it anymore!" Claire cried, hugging him with all
her strength .

"Mother!!" Tian Long felt his heart break and hugged his Mother tightly .

"Your Davis is here, Mother, your Davis didn't go anywhere, I am still here .
" Tian Long started crying .

At that moment Tian Long accepted his whole new identity, Davis .

Light started swirling around Davis's glabella, his soul started shaping itself
to spherical form .

Claire couldn't believe her eyes . "Davis.. .he achieved Nas . . Nascent Soul
Stage . " She dumbfoundedly muttered .
Chapter 7
Chapter 7

After 5 minutes . Davis opened his eyes, he couldn't fathom what had
happened just now . He felt that his soul started growing and attained a
shape all of a sudden .

Claire wiped off Davis's tears and smiled proudly .

"You've made Mom proud, Davis"

"Mo... Mom what happened to me just now?" Davis decided to ask since he
couldn't understand what had happened just now . "

"Davis, you just advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage!" Claire exclaimed .

"Nascent Soul Stage? What is that?" Davis had some idea about it but
decided to ask anyway .

"Silly, for this you need to know about the Cultivation System . Let me
explain it to you slowly . "

Davis got excited .

"There are 3 types of Cultivation Systems . First, Essence Gathering

Cultivation . Second, Body Tempering Cultivation . Third, Soul Tempering
Cultivation . "

"What you achieved is the first step of Soul Tempering Cultivation, Nascent
Soul Stage . What you've done is quite unbelievable Davis, usually only
people who reached the third step of Essence Gathering System, Revolving
Core Stage, will be able to advance in their Soul Cultivation because a
human's soul is rather weak, you can't sense it, not until you reach the
Revolving Core Stage . "

In fact, Davis was only able to reach Nascent Soul Stage because of two
things, his powerful soul and he managed to conquer his Heart Demon .
Davis took a moment to understand what she said .

"Davis" Claire called out to her son with a solemn expression .


"Did you awaken your previous life's memories?"

Davis looked like a cat that had its tail stepped on, he immediately took a
step back .

Claire immediately hugged him again, not letting him go .

"It's fine, Davis, you don't have to say anything, you're still my son . This
doesn't change anything . " Claire comforted him hurriedly .

"Mother, I'm sorry" Davis started crying again . He can only let her
misunderstand the situation .

Seeing that Davis was crying, Claire smiled, she was reassured that it was
still her son and not some Old Demon of ancient times .

After a few moments of Mother-Son bonding . Davis decided to be

wholeheartedly her son, both in body and soul .

"Davis, let's call your father here and explain ourselves to him, shall we?"
Claire wanted to respect his privacy .

"Mother, is it fine? Won't father get angry?" Davis had his misgivings .

Davis's father, Logan, had visited him a few times, to play with him . Albeit
he was stricter because he wanted his son to be headstrong while facing
hardships .

"He will get angry only if you don't tell him, if you come out with it, he will
start believing and trust you to a certain extent . If you don't tell him, it is
possible that he will entirely distrust you because you simply have no way to
hide your cultivation for now . " Claire explained .

"I'll obey mother . " Davis said sadly with a cute face .
"Lovely . " Claire pinched his face, she couldn't get enough of that cute
expression .

Claire then contacted her husband through a fist sized crystal telling him that
she wants to see him immediately .

"Mother, what is that?"

"This? This is a transmission crystal . This is used to contact whoever owns

the other half . There are many types of crystals, I'll explain about them later
to you . "

Davis nodded his head .

"Hahaha, what is it? My love? What is so important that you made me hurry
here alone?" Logan opened the door to the study and closed it .

Logan then looked astonished . "Nascent Soul Stage?"

Davis and Claire looked at each other . They nodded to each other .

Logan immediately noticed the solemn atmosphere in the room .

"Logan, I and Davis have something important to tell you . " Claire informed

"Hmm? You and Davis? Let me hear it then" He then setup a barrier
knowing that it's important .

Claire then explained the series of events that happened few minutes ago .

"So you are saying that Davis has gained his previous life's memories?"
Logan had a weird expression on his face .

"Basically, yes" Claire had a helpless expression .

There was a moment of silence, albeit heavily awkward .

Logan took a deep breath, he then looked at Davis but his gaze wasn't one of
looking at a son anymore . He released a horrifying pressure .
Davis trembled, his father's gaze was sharp and his aura pressured him
heavily .

"Logan!" Claire defended her child .

"Stay quiet! I only want to question him for now . "

"Who are you?" Logan questioned .

"Davis" Davis replied .

"Lies! What are you after?"

"Father, I'm not after anything!" Davis had tears in his eyes . He really was
not after anything after all .

"Don't call me father"

"Father, please . "

Davis had an aggrieved expression on his face . He couldn't take this

anymore .

"Logan! You've gone too far . " Claire shouted with an angry expression on
her face .

Logan sighed . He took back his aura and retracted his gaze . He looked at
him again . His gaze was back to like what one would look at a son .

"At least tell me if you were a Mortal or Immortal?"

"I'm a Mortal" After a moment of silence, Davis chose to reply without

averting his gaze . His gaze was pure with no evil intentions .

Logan could feel Davis's soul fluctuations . If he lied then he would know
about it . There were no unusual fluctuations in his soul so he could at least
verify that his son wasn't lying .

Logan heaved a sigh of relief .

Logan carried his son and whispered . "I'm sorry . "

"I could only do this for the safety of our family . "

Davis nodded his head not taking it to heart . He knew that his father took
action based on family security, and also must be very worried about his
son .

The family then hugged each other, not feeling good about their insecurities .
The hug was heart-warming and it was the best comfort for them now .

"Husband, you really took your prank too far . " Claire teased Logan .

"I know, I'm sorry . " Logan chose to end the embarrassing topic right there

"Hahaha" The three of them then laughed together .

Claire suddenly had a change of expression . She hurriedly went to the

restroom .

"Mom!" "Claire" Both of them shouted

Sounds of vomiting could be heard . After a period of time .

Claire came out shyly and said . "Looks like I'm pregnant . "

Chapter 8
Chapter 8

"Good!" Logan was trembling in excitement .

'Ah, does this mean I'll be getting a brother or sister?' Davis never had any
siblings . He was dumbfounded but he was extremely happy when he heard
it .

Claire approached them while coming out of the restroom, suddenly she
collapsed .

"Mother!" "Claire!" Logan moved quickly and stopped her from falling .
"I . . I'm fine, I just feel dizzy . " Claire explained .

"Enough, you need some rest Claire . Davis, your mother needs some rest" "I

understand . " Davis nodded .

"No need to worry Davis, mother will soon come back to you . " Claire
comforted him . Claire's love for him is boundless .

"I'll be waiting, mother . " Davis nodded again .

Davis's parents then left the study . He watched their backs as they left him
alone .

Davis vaguely laughed "Hah, Haha, Hah"

'I gained loving parents in this world and on top of that I get a sibling too?'

'It's something I can't get even if I wished for . I can only hope that I won't
do something stupid and disrupt this family . ' Davis sighed

'Hmm? What's this?' Davis felt that he could now access that black book that
delves in his soul .

'Should I? No, I shouldn't do anything suspicious while still in the Royal

Castle . Father did setup some kind of barrier here, so people should be able
to monitor this place . '

What Davis didn't know was that the study already had a barrier setup
normally . It's just that Logan had setup a stronger barrier than that . Other
than that, there are always hidden experts protecting him in secret .

[In the private quarters of the Empress]

Logan made Claire rest in her bed . He looked at her with a gentle gaze .

Claire also looked at him with love .

Logan and Claire had gone through life and situations together when they
were young and during the rebel .

Even though Claire had ignored Logan for 3 years, he didn't fancy any
woman other than her . He was totally smitten and deeply in love with her .
With his status as the Emperor, if he wished so, he could have hundreds of
concubines . But he chose not to do it, he also went far as publically
announcing that anyone who tries to talk with him about making him marry
another woman would be dealt with severely, and there were such cases as
well .

"Logan, Davis is our son . " Claire said worriedly .

"I know" Logan sighed . "No matter what, reincarnated or not, he is still our
son, I won't do anything to him . "

"Then why did you . . "

"What if he was an evil person in his previous life?"

"He's not, there's no way my son will be evil even in his previous life . "

"That's why I wanted to make sure . " Logan calmly explained

The Loret Family highly values peace and honour and wouldn't stoop to do
evil and low things .

Loret Empire was the only Empire in the Grand Sea Continent who didn't
war with other Empires . It's adjacent Empires were in a state of war, and
that's why it didn't get attacked by other Empires during it's internal unrest .
Although it's peaceful times has caused certain backstabbers to rise up in
rebellion, it had remained still powerful as ever . But it had let it guard down

The cause of the rebellion was like more of an opportunity . The death of the
previous Emperor, Logan's father, proved to be a timely opportunity to
assassinate the Royal family . Except Logan and Claire, almost all the
members of the Royal family who were in the capital got assassinated .

That's why Logan took immediate measures to send away his son . Only two
noble families didn't take part in the rebellion, while the other six noble
families joined forces to eliminate the Royal family .

The two noble families then joined the Royal family to help quell the rebel .
The Nolan family and Cauldon family . Of course, at the end of the
rebellion, the six noble families were either entirely annihilated by the Loret
Empire Army or locked up in prison after the higher ups of the six families
were killed .

Only the heads of 2 noble families, Farnwen family and Hawkwood family
managed to escape with severe injuries .

Then Logan left Claire to rest and went to the Throne Hall to announce
about the pregnancy matter . His subjects congratulated him and praised him
. He felt awkward .

Even though he was the Emperor, he had not received teachings on how to
be an Emperor, because he was the Fifth Prince . He liked to be free and
unrestrained but had no choice other than to be an Emperor . He could only
take this position because his family in the capital was annihilated . Only his
Seventh and Eight Brother were alive and somewhere out adventuring .

Logan had lost too much in this war, and he utterly hated the six noble
families for it . He wished he could find and kill the 2 heads who escaped .
His only support was his love, Claire . Now he distanced himself from his
son . Things have grown awkward between the three of them . He felt
ridiculous for it .

Somewhere in his heart, he felt that he should make this right . So, at night
after much deliberation, he decided to visit Davis .

Davis was in the study . He was still in the mood to learn about this world .
He had his determination after all . Or you could say that he directed his
focus on other matters rather than to think about the earlier event .

*knock* "Davis" A voice could be heard from the other side of the door .

"Hmm? Father?" Davis turned back and stood up .

Logan opened the door and entered .

"You are still studying at this time?" Logan found a topic that he could start
on .

"Hmm" Davis nodded .

"I see, are you fine?" Logan asked .

"Hmm" Davis again nodded .

Seeing that the conversation isn't going anywhere, Logan decided to be

direct .

"Davis, about the matter earli... . "

"Can I speak?" Davis suddenly asked .

Logan passed for a moment before nodding . "Go ahead" .

Davis took a deep breath .

"Father, it's true that I am my own self, but it still will not change the fact
that I am your son . In my previous life I didn't have any parents nor
siblings, I was just an orphan . "

"I lived my whole life alone without any familial love . I didn't even have
anyone to accompany in my life, I lived alone in soltitude . If you want me
to go, then I will immediately leave this place . " Davis had tears in his eyes

"But it's jus... it's just that, can I also be a part of this family?" Tears fell out
of Davis's eyes while he had a gaze full of longing .

Logan kneeled down and held Davis's shoulders . "You are a part of this
family . " He strongly replied, his eyes full of resolution .
Chapter 9
Chapter 9

[Next day]


"Davis!" Claire had her face full of love . She thought she wouldn't be able
to see him for a while .

Davis got permission from his father to go meet his mother . Although
things are fine now, it is still difficult for his father to accept immediately .
As for when he will wholeheartedly, only time will tell .

"Mom! How are you?" Seeing that Claire was happy seeing him, he knew it
was fine for him to be a kid again .

"Davis, you don't know how I missed you! Come here let me give you a kiss
. " Claire beckoned .

Davis came closer to Claire and he got a peck on his forehead .

After that, Davis talked to Claire about what happened with Dad .

"It's good that you and father had a talk, Davis, Mom will only be
accompanying you for a few months . Let me give you an amulet . " "What's
this?" The amulet was purple in colour .

"It's an Artifact that is capable of hiding your cultivation, have it worn on

you always . " Claire said with a serious expression .

Davis was extremely touched and a moment later he realised that he was
duped by his mother yesterday . He decided to play a little joke on her .

"Hehe, Mom, am I getting a little monster?"

"Little monster? Eh?" Claire was momentarily confused .

"You! You dare to say that your little sibling is a monster?" Claire made a
face full of fake anger while smiling .

Davis immediately started floating . "Whoa! What? Mom?!" He struggled in

the air .

"Now that I remember that I haven't given you any punishments since you
always seem to complete assignments way before time, hehe, this is a good
opportunity for me to teach you a lesson . " Claire said teasingly .

Davis made a cute face which immediately made Claire reluctant to give any
punishments .

Claire made Davis come closer as she opened her arms to hug him . Davis
immediately thought that it worked .

When Davis came closer, Claire made him bend around .

"Eh? Mom?"


"Argh!" Davis cried out in pain .

"You think you can get out of this just by playing innocent . " Claire sneered

*Slap* *Slap* *Slap*

Davis got his butt slapped so hard that it turned red .

"Arghhh" Those slaps were truly painful .

'Damn, I stepped on a land mine!' Davis thought, now he knew how much
she truly loved her kids .

"Mom! I'm sorry!" Davis cried out .

"Good, you should have said this earlier . " Claire smiled .
"Looks like I have to teach you manners as well, you naughty child . " Claire
laughed .

"I hear and obey, your majesty" Davis said while making a cute face .

"You only know how to joke . " Claire tried to hit Davis again .

"You can't catch me!" Davis immediately ran away from her .

"Come back!"

[3 months passed]

Every day was filled with joy for Claire and Davis . She taught him more
about this world . They played together as well as studied together for 3
whole months .

Then various Tutors were assigned to Davis, who taught him . Claire was
ordered to rest for the whole remaining 6 months . Of course, whenever he
had time, he went to visit his mother almost every day .

Davis had to act like a child in front of everyone except his mother and
father . His father and mother gave him permission to do that . In fact, they
laughed behind him . They had to admit that his acting skills were very good

[6 months passed]

Logan was walking to and fro with a stiff face . Although nothing will
happen to Claire, he was not sure anymore after a monster like Davis was
born . He started thinking about all possible worst case scenarios .

"Dad!" Davis who was beside him shouted .

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to Mom . " Davis was quite composed
compared to his father .
"Hmm . " Logan nodded his head but he still couldn't get his nervousness out
of his head .

"Nnnhhhh! Ahh! Ah!" A shout of agony with heavy breathings, followed by

loud crying of a baby was heard .

"Claire!" Logan hurriedly went inside the Empress's room . Davis also
followed him . No one dared to follow after them .

Inside the room, Claire was holding a new born baby while smiling
resplendently . She looked like an angel, her smile lit the whole room with
brightness . Logan was stunned while Davis had his attention on the
newcomer .

Logan went beside her and shifted his attention to the little baby .

"It's a girl" Claire said . Claire knew that she will get a girl baby but she kept
it a secret .

"Davis, you're a big brother now"

"My.. .my sister?" Davis was dumbfounded at the prospect of his sister's
birth even though he knew this would happen eventually .

Logan took hold of the baby from Claire . He stared at her full of love .

"Claire, she looks just like you, an angel . "

"Didn't we decide if the baby was a girl that I'd get to name her" Claire
asked, she giggled .

"Yes, even though I wanted to, damn . " Logan had a face full of
dissatisfaction .

"Our little princess will be named, Clara Loret . "

"Clara Loret, a good name . " Logan was happy with this name as it sounds
similar to Claire .

While Davis kept mumbling the name in his mind .

[Another year passed]

Davis started learn about cultivation during this time . He was waiting for
another year to pass so that he could start cultivating . Children start
cultivating from the time when they were 5 years old .

"Davis . " Claire called out to him .

"Hmm? Mother!" Davis was in the Castle Library reading books about
cultivation .

"Davis, I don't have to say it myself but you yourself, a genius, should know
that no one has got Soul Cultivation before they reach the Revolving Core
Stage . "

"Yes, you mentioned about it to me before mother . "

"You are quite lucky because we are the only Royal Family in this continent
who specialize in Soul Cultivation . "


"Other sects, clans, various families also have Soul Cultivation techniques
but they don't compare to us . "

"That's really cool" Davis had a happy expression on his face .

"Then that means that I can advance in Soul Cultivation faster and earlier
than anyone else my age in this world . "

"Don't celebrate too soon, out of the three Cultivation Systems, Soul
Cultivation is the hardest . You have achieved Nascent Soul Stage before
reaching Revolving Core Stage . The Soul Cultivation Techniques in our
continent can only be cultivated after reaching Revolving Core Stage,
because at that stage, you can sense the changes in Heaven and Earth which
is required for Soul Cultivation . "

"If you can't cultivate your soul after a year with our Soul Cultivation
Techniques, then you will have to reach Revolving Core Stage before
training in it again which makes your speed the same as any Royal Family
children . " Claire decided to put down his ego first .

'What the fuck?' Davis looked speechless . There goes his genius history
down the drain .
Chapter 10
Chapter 10

"I'm sorry Davis, but you will have to rely on your comprehension to learn
how to cultivate your soul without reaching Revolving Core Realm . " Claire
said with a helpless expression .

"I understand Mom . " Davis understood that it is impossible for almost all
people to sense the soul without any cultivation .

"Mom, I want Nascent Soul Stage Soul Cultivation Techniques of our family
now" Davis had an idea .

"Davis, you aren't allowed to cultivate until you're 5 years old . " Claire
warned .

"I know Mom, I just want to learn it to find a way to cultivate without
reaching the Revolving Core Stage, I promise that I won't cultivate until I'm
5 years old . "

"Sigh, I'll talk to Dad about it . " Claire agreed .

"Then, I'll come play with Clara afterwards . " Davis said excitedly .

"Of course, Clara likes you more than me, what tricks did you play on her . "
Claire asked with an expression full of fake anger .

"Secret . " Davis smirked and ran away .

[6 months later]

After gaining permission from his Dad, to learn about Soul Cultivation
Techniques . Davis worked hard to find a way to cultivate the soul . Logan
personally started to teach him about all 3 types of cultivation . After 6
months, he firmly grasped on how to cultivate normally when one reaches
Revolving Core Stage . But he couldn't fathom on how to cultivate without
reaching it . In fact, it was a miracle that he achieved Nascent Soul Stage
without cultivating in a certain Soul Tempering Technique .

Since Davis couldn't find a way to cultivate, he tried asking various persons
in a roundabout way .

"Good day, Prince . " The Librarian greeted Davis .

"Good day, Mister Oxford . "

Mister Oxford was the Librarian of the Royal Castle . He was almost 6 feet
tall, with a suave and gentlemanly face . But he was quite old around 50
years .

"Our Prince is so studious, our Empire will surely be stable and powerful in
the years to come . " Oxford complimented .

"Thank you, Mister Oxford, can I ask you a question?"

"The Prince has a question for me? I will try to answer my best . "

"What stage are you in cultivation?" He asked with curious expression in his
face .

"Oh me? I'm in the Revolving Core Stage . It doesn't compare to your genius
father who has achieved Law Seed Stage recently just before the rebellion
ended . "

"Really? Father has achieved Law Seed Stage!?" Davis was astonished .

Davis finished reading about the basics of cultivation, so he knew a thing or

two about Cultivation Stages .


The Law Seed Stage was the fifth step in Essence Gathering Cultivation . It
is difficult to attain it without resources and comprehension . Only the top
powers of the continent have a powerhouse of the Law Seed Stage . Logan's
father was originally a Law Seed Stage expert but he died, triggering the
start of the rebellion .

"Then what about my father's Soul Cultivation?"

"Oh oh, aren't you in a hurry to learn about your father . "

"Your father is at the peak of the Young Soul Stage, the third step of Soul
Cultivation . Meanwhile I am only at the peak of Nascent Soul Stage . "
Oxford sighed .

"Only the third step? And Mister Oxford only reached the peak of the first
step?" Davis was shocked at their slow speed in Soul Cultivation . The
Young Soul Stage is the third step of Soul Cultivation .

"Oh oh, it isn't easy to cultivate the soul, you need plenty of resources that
tempers and refines your soul . Without them you can only slowly progress
at a snail's pace . Training in soul? It is very difficult . " Oxford lamented
that he couldn't cultivate his soul quickly .

"I see, then I'll see you around . " Davis kept nodding his head and took his
leave .

Davis walked absentmindedly, thinking of a solution to the problem that he

is currently facing . No matter how he thought, he couldn't think of a
solution with his current knowledge .

'Forget it, I'll eventually find a way to temper my soul . ' Davis gave up
temporarily and went to play with his mother and sister .

Clara is now able to form 3 to 4 words of sentences . Davis always plays

with his sister and finally makes her cry accidentally which makes Claire, to
slap his butt out of this world .

[8 months later]

Davis reached his 5th birthday and finally earned the right to cultivate . He
learned more about all 3 Cultivation Systems and got the Cultivation
Techniques of all 3 of them 6 months before . The 3 Cultivation Techniques
he got are all of Sky Grade manuals . Sky Grade manuals are reserved only
for the Royal Family and those who achieve top accomplishments . Sky
Grade Cultivation Techniques aren't easily available in this continent . No
mid-level auctions even dare to sell one in their place, at most only the
higher tier powers will dare to sell them .

The Cultivation Techniques he chose with the help of his Father and Mother,
were named, Tyrant Body Secrets, Extinction Lightning Judgement and
Sacred Luminance Mist .

Tyrant Body Secrets is a Mid Level Sky Grade Manual, it is a Body

Tempering Cultivation Technique . It has 5 Layers in it .

Extinction Lightning Judgement is also a Mid Level Sky Grade Manual, it is

an Essence Gathering Cultivation Technique . It also has 5 Layers .

Sacred Luminance Mist is a Mid Level Sky Grade Manual, it is a Soul

Tempering Cultivation Technique, and it also has 5 Layers in it .

No top power in this continent has a Sky Grade Soul Cultivation Technique
publically, only the Loret Empire holds monopoly over it . Loret Empire has
3 Sky Grade Soul Cultivation Techniques, two Low Level and one Mid
Level Techniques .

Each Layer in the Cultivation Technique can be unlocked only by advancing

to the next stage of cultivation .

After getting the Cultivation Techniques, his father tutored him about all 3
Cultivation Techniques, increasing his knowledge up to second stage of all 3
Cultivation Systems .

"Father, I still haven't gotten an idea on how to cultivate the soul sooner . "
Davis was depressed .

"Don't sweat it, you still are a 5 year old child, you have plenty of
opportunities to try some ideas in the future . "

"But . . " "No buts, you can concentrate on the other two Cultivation
Systems for now . " Hmm?" Logan noticed something and started leaving .

"Eh? Father? Where are you going?"

"It's time for me to breakthrough!" Logan said excitedly .
Chapter 11
Chapter 11

[Three hours later]

"Davis" Claire arrived outside the Emperor's room .

Davis was standing outside the Emperor's room clearly waiting for his Dad
to come out . He thought he will be able to see his Dad breakthrough but his
Dad entered closed door cultivation since it concerns the advancing of the
soul . Advancing in Soul Cultivation requires absolute silence with peace
and serenity, but it is still possible to breakthrough in the midst of a battle
only under certain conditions, emotions play a huge role in Soul Cultivation
after all .

"Mom, Dad is currently..."

"I heard, what's the situation now?" Claire had a worried face .

"Everything is fine for now, we can only wait for Dad to come out . " Davis
said .

The two stayed silent after that and waited for 10 minutes .

"Alright Davis, you can go do whatev."

Suddenly a majestic aura spread with luminance brightening the entire room
that Logan stayed in . It overflowed outside before quietly subsiding .

After a minute, Logan came out with a ragged face . He can be seen walking
out dejectedly .

Claire immediately went to hold his hand with a worried face seeing that he
walked out sadly .

"I failed . " Logan muttered softly .

A bright luminance surrounded Logan which subtly started healing his
wounded soul . Claire emitted that luminance as she also trained in Sacred
Luminance Mist . Sacred Soul Healing is the Third Layer ability of it .

"Don't worry, dear, you can definitely succeed the next time . " Claire
comforted .

"It's useless . " Logan muttered again, he had his head down .

"Why?" Claire asked

"Heart Demon . " Logan looked at her and uttered .

Claire was not surprised, Logan lost his family and hadn't freed himself from
it's clutches yet, he still hasn't fulfilled his vengeance because of those two
heads who ran away . It has been weighing down on his heart ever since then
. She knew that he wouldn't show his worry out, just to keep others from
worrying for him .

Claire immediately felt extremely guilty that she didn't accompany him
during those three year rebellion period . She just embraced and didn't say
anything . Davis just left, giving them the time for them to talk alone .

[Three days later]

Davis got ready to cultivate his Body Tempering Cultivation . The first two
stages in Body Tempering Cultivation is extremely easy for the Royal family
to cultivate, they had plenty of resources after all . In fact, it also became
easier for them to cultivate the third stage easily because of the loot gained
from the rebellion .

Davis went to meet his father to consult whether he should make his first
breakthrough in Body Tempering Cultivation so soon, after all he was just 5
years old .

"Father, is it okay for me to cultivate in Body Tempering Cultivation now?"

Logan thought for a moment before replying . "Most children only start to
cultivate Body Tempering Cultivation only when they are 10 years old, after
all, Body Tempering Cultivation involves extreme pain when cultivating it .
It requires extreme resilience . I won't stop you from cultivating it but . . are
you up to the task?" Logan asked with a sharp voice .

"My previous life was filled with pain, both mentally and physically, I am
sure that I am up for the task, Dad . " Davis said with determination .

"Good, that's my son . " Logan said, and suddenly out of nowhere kicked
Davis which sent him flying .

"Garghh" Davis flew out and rolled on the floor miserably . He spat out a
mouthful of blood .

Davis tried to stand up but couldn't no matter how he tried . Painful, it was
extremely painful for him .

'Yes, I almost forgot this body isn't used to pain . ' Davis thought .

"What? That's it? You couldn't take a single hit? You should give up Body
Cultivation!" Logan shouted furiously .

'I should not be doing this, but it seems that he relies on his previous
experience in this world . That won't work, I have to teach him the ways of
this world . '

"No! I can stand up!" Davis cried automatically upon receiving such an
injury for the first time .

Davis struggled to stand up . After two tries he managed to stand up .

"Come!" Davis shouted .

"Good, I'm not going to stop till you give up . "

The one-sided beatings went on for about 10 minutes . Every part of Davis's
body received injuries except his life jewels . The floor was full of blood .

"It's fine if you give up now, Davis . "

"No! Ple . . please continue . " Davis thought he had to show more resilience
and determination, so that his dad will approve of him to cultivate sooner .

'Please give up, if you get any more beatings, I'm not sure that I will be able
to escape Claire's wrath . ' Logan made a wry face secretly .

This continued for about 5 more minutes .

"It's enough Davis, you can now give up . " Logan had enough of Davis's
determination, anymore and he was sure that he'll be ignored by Claire again
for who knows how long if he doesn't give up .

"N . . no, ple . . . . con . . continue . " Davis face was injured fully, he had
lost more than three teeth . His arms and legs were trembling, but he still had
determination on his face . He couldn't see what was in front of him
anymore, he was feeling dizzy .

Logan dropped his posture and made a wry face . "Why do you try so hard?"

Davis tried to make his feet stable . He looked at his father blurred face . "I
jus . . want to . . protect . . every . . one I love . I . . " he panted . "I want to
protect Mom, protecc . . Clara, and even . . you Dad, for that I need . .
strength as soon as possib . . . " Just when he was about to finish his saying
his heartfelt emotions, he collapsed .

Logan made a dumbfounded face and muttered . "Protect our family? Even
protect me? A 5 year old child protecting me?"

Logan started laughing out loud .

'I am so ashamed of myself . '

'I am so lost in hatred and arrogance that I forgot about my family's safety!

'The regret I had for letting those two escaped has caged me in, I'm so stupid
to focus my mind on those two!'

The instant Logan realised that, he started releasing a majestic aura filled
with sacred luminance . He instantly made a breakthrough to the Adult Soul
Stage .

"Thank you, Davis, I was able to realize what's more important to me,
because of you . " Logan smiled . He finally had his last wall of caution
against his son break .
Chapter 12
Chapter 12

[On the same day]

Claire noticed the commotion . She heard from Logan that he has managed
to breakthrough to Adult Soul Stage and she was so ecstatic that she wanted
to tell Davis about it . But when she saw the fainted and injured Davis, she
grew so angry that she slapped him heavily and didn't speak to him
afterwards .

Claire thought Logan injured Davis because of that event before . Logan
immediately explained to Claire about what had happened . She only
listened . Her expression relaxed, understanding that it was just a
misunderstanding again and didn't bother replying to him . She immediately
started to feed and apply medicine on Davis .

The Royal family has treasures capable of instant recovery but that is too
strong for Davis, Claire would have immediately fed him that but his body
would've burst apart without any powerful external help . Claire would've
done it herself as she was powerful enough but Logan wanted to make him
slowly heal so as not to leave any sequela behind in his body .

Of course, Claire only listened to him when he said that Davis wanted to
train in Body Tempering Techniques, otherwise she would've immediately
fed him medicines capable of instant recovery .

Logan knew that this would happen and comforted himself by thinking that
this is only a matter of time before she gives up ignoring him .

[The next day] In the study .

Davis woke up and immediately felt both warm and painful .

"My wounds are healing quickly . " Davis sensed that most of his bruises
had disappeared and his teeth had started growing again .

Davis can use Soul Sense from the time he made a breakthrough, but at his
level, he can only use it to sense his whole body . His Soul Sense wasn't still
able to leave his body .

"Davis!" Claire who was seated beside him happily echoed .

"Are you fine?" Claire asked .

"Yes mom, although it hurts a little bit . " Davis said truthfully .

"That scoundrel, he went too far again!" Claire said hatefully .

"Mom, no! I was the one who asked him to beat me up! So it's no way Dad's
fault! Don't fight with Dad because of it . " Davis didn't want to create a rift
between his new family members .

Claire looked at his clear eyes and sighed . "Alright, I won't hold this against
your dad . I know that he isn't in the wrong, it's just . . how dare he beats you
up" Claire fumed with a wronged expression on her face .

Just at that moment, Logan entered the room without knocking .

Logan had a wry smile on his face . Claire saw him entering and
immediately harrumphed in dissatisfaction .

"Claire, listen to me . "

Claire had a sudden change of expression and immediately ran away to the
restroom . Vomiting sounds could be heard .

Davis and Logan were dumbfounded . They had this extreme sense of Déja
vu to this bizarre situation . They looked at each other, one smiled lewdly
while the other had a straight face .

Claire came out walking shyly .

"Are you two, rabbits?" Davis smirked and laughed lewdly .

Claire blushed heavily and didn't dare to say anything . She was extremely
reserved to any topic concerning procreation .

Meanwhile the one who had the straight face coughed and said shamelessly .
"Of course, as the Emperor of the Loret Empire, I have the responsibility to
produce more offspring so as not to make our Empire meet it's end . " Logan
looked at her with a profound expression on his face when he said that .

The two of them then looked at each other and laughed while Claire had her
face even more buried down due to extreme embarrassment . "I'm going to
kill you all . " She shouted .

The two of them immediately ran away from the study while laughing .

[A week later . ]

Davis trained his body lightly in the meantime . He improved his physique
little by little .

One of the immediate solutions to cultivate his soul was that to sense the
Heaven and Earth . But he was unable to do that since he was only at the
Low Level Nascent Soul Stage . His Soul Sense was unable to go out of his
body .

Davis heard from his mother on how his father managed to breakthrough by
conquering his heart demon just like how he was able to do it .

Davis then learned more about heart demons from the library and confirmed
that the only way to have breakthrough in his Soul Cultivation is to conquer
his heart demons . He was sure that he had no Heart Demons for now .

A Heart Demon is not exactly a demon, it's just an inner thought that is
capable of corroding one's mind and soul . In fact, Heart Demons are the
cause for most people's cultivation, to stagnate . If one cannot let go of it or
manage to conquer it, then one's cultivation will be potentially locked for the
rest of their life .

After learning about it, Davis had no way to implement this method as he
thinks that doesn't have a heart demon .
Claire was resting in her room .

"Mother, I don't think I have any heart demons now? How can I then
increase my Soul Cultivation?" Davis said lamentably .

Claire was dumbfounded and laughed .

"Davis, only peak experts are able to find whether they have heart demons or
not . Do you think yourself to be a peak expert? Not even your father is
considered a peak expert in this world . "

Hearing that, Davis realised that he was getting full of himself . He was
immediately embarrassed .

"Davis, conquering a heart demon manually is no easy process . It is

hundreds of times harder than naturally conquering it through
enlightenment . If you failed to manually conquer it, you will easily receive
various backlashes and the worst case scenario may even change your
personality to be more twisted . " Claire shook her head and explained to
him seriously .

Seeing Davis's depressed face, she said half-heartedly . "Davis, do you want
to confront your heart demon?"

"Yes!" Davis had a determined expression on his face .

"No, Mom won't allow you!" Claire said seriously .

"Then I'll go ask father about it . " Davis stood up .

"You! You're not allowed to . . "

Davis immediately started walking away . He opened the door .

"Fine! You win, come back!" Claire sighed .

Davis returned back with an obedient face .

"You're not going to reconsider? Your future is long and plentiful . " Claire
asked .
"No . "

"This is not a game, one wrong move and you're done . " Claire said
seriously .

Davis's heart skipped a beat but he still had a determined expression on his
face .

Claire sighed . "Have you heard about the Redemption Tower? The one that
is nearby the Prison and mostly used by prisoners who are redeemable . "
Chapter 13
Chapter 13

"I have heard about it before . Isn't it used to free prisoners or criminals who
had a change of heart? Isn't that why it is named Redemption Tower?" Davis
said .

"You're right, but the truth is very different from the facts . " Claire shook
her head lightly .

"First, there are 3 levels to clear the Redemption Tower . Many prisoners
will give anything up to have a chance at the Redemption Tower . Skipping
on the first two levels, what you need to know is about the third level, the
last level, The Redemption Level . That is where the prisoners face their
heart demons and cleanse their soul of impurities . If a prisoner clears the
last level, then they even have a chance of being recruited by the Royal
family . All of this is part true and part lies . " Claire sighed .

"The truth is that no prisoner is able to clear the level as it would use up the
treasure that is placed up in the formation . It only induces the arousal of the
heart demon with the help of the formation . While the prisoner is busy
taking care of the heart demon, another formation will act . Once the
prisoner manages to 'clear' the last level, the other formation placed there
will imprint a slave seal on their souls . The Royal family then takes them
and assigns them to a certain squad or place them openly in the army . The
slave has no choice but to obey the Royal family"

"This is the ugly truth and it is certainly a part of this Empire . " Claire
looked at Davis's dumbfounded expression .

"What? Did you get disgusted by this Empire?" Claire asked smiling
weakly .

There was a moment of silence .

"Yes, because being a slave, I've experienced it once and it sucks a lot . "
Davis laughed ruefully .

Claire was shocked at his revelation .

"But, if they were used to protect you and father during the rebellion, then all
is worth it . I don't care as long as they live their lives protecting Mom and
Dad . "

"Woah! You have some twisted views over there, but protecting Mom and
Dad instead of the Empire... I like it . " Claire smirked .

"But, you are sharp, they were used as meat shields for us to protect us from
the rebels . I did feel some pity for them at first but after learning that they
did some evil crimes, I stopped caring about it . " Claire explained her
experiences .

"Davis, remember, we as the Royal family won't hesitate to sacrifice the

lives of others as long as we can protect our family!"

Davis nodded his head giving her a sign that he understood the meaning
behind it .

"I'll ask dear to disable the first two levels and place the full, complete
formation, to help one in conquering heart demons in the third level .
Normally unless in an emergency, we won't use the treasure but since you
are a genius in Soul Cultivation, more importantly since you are my son, we
can't miss this opportunity either . "

"Thank you Mother!" Hearing that, Davis was ecstatic .

The next day . Outside the Redemption Tower .

Davis wore a black robe and a mask which covered his whole features .

"You sure are lucky, only less than 10% of the efficacy of the treasure is left
which is more than enough for your stage or else if the efficacy was more
than 50%, I would've used it to breakthrough long ago . " Logan sighed .
Claire didn't come, Davis was accompanied by his father anonymously .
"But, are you sure that you are up to the task?"
Davis nodded his head and didn't say anything . Logan knew that he couldn't
change his child's mind .

Davis started walking in the direction of the Redemption Tower .

"Then go straight to the third level which is in the third floor of the
Redemption Tower . Make sure you conquer your heart demon... from your
previous life . "

Davis passed for a moment before starting to walk ahead again . His smile
was hidden behind the robe .

In the Redemption Tower, third floor .

A silhouette can be seen coming out of the entrance to the third level .

Davis removed his hood and investigated the room . The surrounding were
brightly glowing like some sacred place . There was an altar in the centre
which stood tall .

The room was lit with candles around the bright altar . In the centre of the
altar, there was a mat which made it obvious for him to know .

He moved straight to the mat and sat on it .

When he sat on it, the room vibrated and covered him in a spherical glow of
light . Davis knew that the formation had started, so he started cultivating
Sacred Luminance Mist . He realised that he was slowly starting to get
dizzy . It felt like something was trying to get hold of his heart, like a pull of
tug that could take his emotions away . He immediately concentrated on it .

Before Davis realised, he was transported to a different place .

"This? Where am I?" Davis was startled .

"This place seems oddly familiar" He checked his surroundings .

"It's.. .It's my old cag... home" Davis was shocked . He started trembling .
'Calm down, me . This isn't reality, remember, remember, yes, this is just my
heart demon . '

Davis had a stiff face as he muttered . "I didn't want come back to this place
ever again, the formation pretty much helped me screw me over . "

Suddenly, a cry resounded out .

"Mister, arghhh! Please don't hit me . " A 10 year old child cried miserably .
His teeth were broken, body full of bruises . A middle aged man can be seen
stepping on the child .

"Ouchh!! Mister, please let me leave . "


The child was sent flying, kicked by the middle aged man .

"Call me father, my pet . " The middle aged man had a twisted expression on
his face, clearly enjoying beating the child up .

"What was your name again? Ah, Tian Long? right? . Hahaha . From now
on, you belong to me, you are my slave . From now on you are just a dog .
Let me a give you a dog's name but wait, I guess you don't deserve a name,
let me just call you mutt . Hahaha!" The middle aged man laughed evilly .

Davis who was watching, had an angry expression on his face that showed
that he was ready to kill this bastard again . He ran towards the middle aged
man and delivered a full power blow to his face .

*zzz* The middle aged man's face distorted letting his punch go through him

Davis stood behind the middle aged man, his face had a dumbfounded
expression .

"I . . can't . . touch him . "

Chapter 14
Chapter 14

Davis had an ugly expression on his face .

He turned over, only to see Tian Long, his past self, getting beaten up again
with a belt . Davis tried attacking again and again, but it was of no use .

"Stop beating!" Davis shouted with an angry face . He stood in front of Tian
Long and shielded him, but it was of no use again . The belt passed through
him and made contact with Tian Long's face .

"Arghhh! Help! Please help me! Anyone!" Tian Long begged loudly .

"You're pretty funny, this is my private mansion, and no one dares to come
in without my permission . Oh? The guards at the gate . They'll pretty much
turn a blind eye to whatever is happening here, after all, they have their petty
lives to live . Hahahaha . " He lauged again clearly enjoying the feeling of
cornering a child .

"I am called Twizer, but you can only call me father . Hoho, people call me
this because they think I'm wise and twisted . "

"Mister, please leave me alone... . " Tian Long begged again in a feeble
tone .


"Call me Father . "

The beatings kept increasing while Tian Long refused to give up . As an

orphan who grew up in the slums, he had never seen his father and mother .
He had a special place for his father and mother in his heart . As a child, he
had wished many times that his father and mother would come pick him up
from the slums .

One day, he was confronted by a middle aged man who claimed to know his
parents . Being excited at the prospect of finding his parents, he followed the
middle aged man back to a private mansion, only to be terrorized and
tortured .

After 15 minutes, which seemed like a long period of time to both Tian Long
and Davis . Tian Long gave up and started calling that middle aged man
'Father' .

To Davis, it was all familiar, what is going to happen, what he tried to

forget, it was all shown in front of him . His hatred soared looking at
Twizer . He couldn't wait to kill him once more . This man was once a scar
in his life .

"Good! Hoho, and you're a dog right? There's something you are missing...
hmm . "

"Ah yes, the collar, wait obediently, this room is your cage, I'll go get the
collar . " Twizer went out of the room .

Davis's hatred once again soared hearing that even though he knew what
kind of torture would follow after this day . He could only watch what was
happening helplessly .

Davis tried to follow Twizer out of the room while Tian Long was bruised
with injuries lying down with lifeless eyes .

Just when Davis was 10 metres away from Tian Long, a force kept him from
leaving him . From this, Davis knew he had to stay with Tian Long, but for
who knows how long .

Twizer came back with a collar in his hands . He had a degenerated smile on
his face .

"Come here, mutt, let me make you wear this . "

Tian Long didn't move .

"If you don't crawl up to daddy right now, you'll be receiving my love even
more . "

Tian Long shuddered . He mindlessly crawled in front of Twizer and put his
head down .

"Haha, very good, that's my boy" Tian Long had a collar on his neck .

"Bastard!! I'll kill you!" Davis could no longer control his emotions and
attacked Twizer again but it was of no use .

A year passed .

In the beginning, Davis still had no way of making contact with someone in
this world . Tian Long was shut inside the mansion, he had no way to leave .
Every week he would be tortured till he was left half alive .

At first Tian Long was only pleading not to beat or torture him . After a
month, he started enduring it without shouting but that just made Twizer
more excited, so he had no choice but to shout miserably to appease him . It
was hell for him .

Thoughts of escape swirled inside Tian Long's head, but he had no way as he
was collared . The collar's rope was long, tied to the centre of the room . He
had no way even to jump out of the window .

Davis's heart was in pain every time he watched himself get tortured . It
eventually turned into indifference . He kept reminding himself that this was
just an illusion .

After 5 months, Tian Long had enough of it . Thoughts of killing Twizer

filled his mind . He started attacking Twizer by himself . But Twizer was
excited when he saw his own pet filled with killing intent trying to kill him .
The result was Tian Long was again full of injuries . Twizer was very strong
Davis knew what was going to happen as he was Tian Long before . He was
full of hatred for Twizer . The only thing he can be thankful for was that, he
knew, Tian Long wasn't going to be sexually abused . This madman Twizer,
was just a maniac who will get excited just by hitting people .

After that period of year ended, Twizer knew that Tian Long wasn't going to
last long if he keeps this up . As a distraction, Twizer bought him various
toys, books, even a PC . And it worked, Tian Long was absorbed in those or
else he knew that he was going to break .

After a year

Tian Long even had thoughts of contacting someone from the Internet to
save him . But he dropped that idea as soon as he remembered Twizer saying
something like with a smile that was not a smile .

"If you tried to contact someone through anything, then just remember that it
won't take long for you and that someone to die . "

Tian Long knew that he wasn't kidding and didn't dare to try contacting
someone ever again .

3 years passed .

Tian Long was now 15 years old . He became pretty detached from this
world . He had an indifferent expression on his face . His body was full of
scars except his face .

Tian Long gained various knowledge from the Internet, he started watching
anything that is concerned with entertainment, fantasy . Something that can
keep him feel alive .

Davis was still here experiencing the whole thing again . After some time, he
and Tian Long started to form a connection . Every time Tian Long felt pain,
he would feel it too .

Chapter 15
Chapter 15

Twizer was no longer satisfied with keeping him tied up . He removed the
collar and provoked Tian Long to escape .

Each time Tian Long tried to escape, he was beaten up miserably and
brought back . Twizer pretty much enjoyed it like a hunt . In fact, he would
encourage Tian Long to escape .

After multiple tries of failed attempts to escape . Tian Long realised it was
just all lies and traps .

4 years passed .

Tian Long was sitting beside the PC .

"Mutt, it's time" A voice could be heard outside the door .

Twizer came into the room and started beating him up again .

'How come this idiot never gets tired of beating me up? Is it like
masturbation for him?' Tian Long thought nonchalantly, he was getting
beaten up, he couldn't give a fuck anymore, getting beaten up is just pretty
much normal for him now .

Davis was now connected more with Tian Long's emotions, not just pain . It
encroached on him and little by little . He gradually forgot what he came
here for . He felt what Tian Long felt . In his eyes there was only killing
intent . Just like, Tian Long he started hating this world, he blamed every
person in this world .

After beating him up, Twizer glanced at the PC .

"Hahaha, Xianxia? You got addicted to those fantasies?"

Tian Long just kept quiet .

Twizer suddenly got an idea .

"Do you want to go to a fantasy world?" Twizer asked mysteriously .

There was finally a movement in Tian Long's eyes . He looked back at

Twizer . He wanted to get out of this hell after all .

Twizer knew that he got his attention . He quickly said .

"Let me tell you something good . " Twizer was sure that his plan would
work .

"Have you heard about the Transmigration Stone? Hehe, you probably
haven't . I have used my sources to discover about this just recently . "

Davis had a sudden look of confusion, he thought he forgot something but

chose not to dwell on it .

Twizer took out a World Map which marked two places .

"Hehe, see those marks? One is the Transmigration Stone while the other is
the formation which connects to another world . " Twizer had a profound
smile on his face .

Tian Long looked at him dubiously .

"Oh come on, when have I ever lied to you?"

True, he hasn't lied a single time except for that time he claimed to know his
parents .

"All you have to do is gather the Transmigration Stone and make your way
to the formation which is secretly protected by a Temple . "

"I'll even give up this opportunity to you . But you think you can get away
from me?"

Tian Long acted like he had profound thoughts . He knew he'd be courting
death if he goes out .

Twizer thought he had successfully riled up Tian Long into escaping . He

stopped escaping a long time ago after all .

After 6 months .

Tian Long showed no signs of escaping . This made Twizer very angry that
he started thrashing him around . Tian Long was even more made to endure
severe beatings, the killing intent in his eyes overflowed . Twizer could see
that and it even excited him up more .

6 months passed again .

At Dawn .

Tian Long was staring outside the window . He wished he could just escape
this hell .

Just as Tian Long was staring outside, he saw a note falling down from the
sky . He couldn't believe his eyes . He was sure that he was hallucinating .
He shook his head, rubbed his eyes, but he could still see it . The book came
falling from the sky and fell down behind a tree that was just nearby, not far
from the window .

Tian Long was pretty sure that he was hallucinating but since it fell behind
the tree from his viewpoint, he had no way to confirm other than going there
himself . He felt a strong sense of curiosity, his instincts were telling him to
go check it out . This was the only mysterious event in his boring life that
piqued his curiosity to high levels .

'What's the worst thing that's going to happen if I get found by the guards?
Just beatings and Twizer knowing about this . ' Tian Long comforted himself

Tian Long jumped out of the window and climbed down . Fortunately, no
guard saw him jumping out of the mansion .

Tian Long hadn't tried escaping for a long time which made the guards
relax . The only guards who were active at this time were at the gates .
Actually, Twizer removed the guards who were monitoring Tian Long's
window so that he might try to escape one day .

Tian Long moved swiftly and quietly to the tree . When he came behind the
tree, he was really shocked to see a note lying down there .

"Death Note?" Tian Long immediately picked it up and hid it in his shirt .
He swiftly returned back to his room . He knew his movements at the
window were recorded by the CCTV, but he didn't care . Everyone will just
think he gave up and went back .

In his room, Tian Long checked the note, the note was scribbled with a
bunch of rules, and he felt it was pretty interesting . He decided to try it out
on Twizer when he came back . In fact, he was hoping it would work .

Davis who was watching all this as he wished to kill Twizer, slowly
disintegrated .

After 3 days .

He could hear those hateful steps approaching him outside the door .

He immediately wrote Twizer's name in the note, and hid it somewhere

behind his PC, he started counting .


The door opened and Twizer came walking in .

'"Hey mutt, I heard that you tried to escape but gave up?"

Tian Long just smiled .


"You admit? Very well, I'll just make this punishment light . " Cracking
sounds came from Twizer's fist .


Twizer started beating him up . Tian Long just kept smiling at him which
made Twizer feel uncomfortable .

'Did this kid break down?'

"Forty . . Forty two.. .Forty four" Tian Long suddenly started chanting .

"What the hell are you counting? The number of punches?" The chant made
Twizer even more uncomfortable .

"Forty five! Die bastard!"

Twizer's heart skipped a beat . He was shocked by his outburst .

After a moment of silence, he regained his bearings .

"Die? And how are you going to make me die? Mutt?"

Chapter 16
Chapter 16

Twizer cruelly beat down Tian Long .

'It didn't work' Tian Long had changed to his lifeless self again . He felt like
he no longer had a chance to escape from the clutches of Twizer . He put all
his hopes into that note, he had expected too much from it . He had fallen
into despair again . In this 10 years, he didn't know how many times he fell
into despair only to dream of hope again .

"Hmph, don't get full of yourself Mutt! Stay obedient . " Twizer thought
Tian Long was going to bomb him, but on second thought he realised that
Tian Long had no means to secure a bomb .

Twizer didn't want to stay anymore, he left swiftly .

Tian Long was lying down, he kept staring outside the window . His eyes
looked lifeless . Suddenly, he focused his eyes only to see a monstrosity
with long wings that appeared outside the window . He kept staring at it
silently with a shocked face . He couldn't believe his own eyes . He
wondered what happened to him in this week .

After a moment of silence .

"Who are you?" Tian Long asked, his voice trembling .

"Are you the human who picked up my Note?"

"Note?" Tian Long had a momentary lapse of his memory, he quickly

remembered the Death Note he picked up 3 days ago .

"Yes, yes . I was the one who picked up the Death Note . Quickly help me
kill that bastard Twizer, I wrote his name in the Death Note but he just won't
die! Are you the one who's going to kill him?"

"Hey, wait a moment . My name is . . , leave it, you can just call me the
Death God Overlord . "

"Death God Overlord?" Tian Long gulped of hearing such a grand title .

"Yes, are you sure you wrote the real name of the person you want to die?"
The Overlord looked at him with a condescending gaze .

"Real name?" Tian Long muttered .

"It's his fake name . " Tian Long immediately remembered when Twizer
introduced himself, he said people called him Twizer .

Actually, Tian Long was with Twizer for over 10 years . He wasn't at fault
when he thought that Twizer was his real name . After all, that name was
plaguing him for over 10 years .

"Then . . then help me kill him, Overlord . "

"I can't, even though you are now the owner of this Death Note, I will not
help you kill someone . If you want to kill that person then you have to find
his real name . "

"How? I have no idea and he doesn't leave any traces either . "

"Boy, I have a deal which can make you find his real name . But for that you
will hav..."


"Quick answer! But let me finish . "

"This will deal will require half of your remaining life span, in return you
will get the Death God Eyes which can inspect a person's real name and
lifespan . Consider carefully . "

"Deal, there isn't anything to consider . " Tian Long said determinedly . He
thought that it's better to live a year freely than live 2 years in hell .

"Alright . "
A week later .

*Creak* The door silently opened .

"Yo, Mutt, I see you are obedient . "

'Mo Wuming, huh . ' Tian Long sneered .

"You disobedient dog! Let's see how you laugh again . "

Mo Wuming immediately started beating him up again . Tian Long endured

it as he always does, albeit he was a little excited .

Mo Wuming felt a little uncomfortable and shouted . "Aren't you going to

kill me? You mutt!" He suddenly lost the excitement to beat him up and so
he left the room .

Tian Long immediately stood up and went to jot down his name in the Death
Note .

[Mo Wuming]

"Finally, finally, Hahaahahaha"

Tian Long then laughed hysterically . After 30 seconds, he dashed out of his
door in full speed . He caught upto Mo Wuming in 10 seconds, who was
walking on the corridor . There was a distance of 10 metres between them .

"You Mutt! You dare to come out?" Mo Wuming slowly approached Tian
Long .


"Mutt, what is that note in your hands?"

"Four!" He showed the note to him .

"Death Note? What's that? An artifact?"

"What the fuck are you counting this time around?"

"Two!" Tian Long had an evil smile on his face .

"'Fess up, mutt . " Mo Wuming got hold of his collar .

"One! Die!"


Mo Wuming immediately clutched at his chest . He had a shocked

expression on his face filled with pain .

"You!" Mo Wuming pointed at Tian Long and fell on his shoulders . He lost
his life permanently .

Tian Long pushed him away and laughed hysterically . Mo Wuming's corpse
fell on the floor with a thud .

After laughing for who knows how long? A voice can be heard in the
corridor .

"Papa?" A 6 year old girl can be seen standing 5 metres away from him .

She moved closer to the corpse and stood beside it .

"Papa, wake up . " She gave a tug to the corpse .

After seeing her father not wake up, she started crying .

Tian Long stared at her and smiled evilly . "Oh? Mo Wuming had a
daughter? Unexpected . " He used his Death God eyes and saw that her
name was Mo HuanHuan .

"For all the mistakes he'd done, looks like I can vent myself on his daughter .
" Tian Long smirked, his eyes were red due to the Death God Eyes which
made him look pure evil .

Tian Long kicked the little girl away from her father .

"Iiyahh" She growled in pain .

"All is your father's fault!"

"Papa! Help me!" She cried miserably .

Tian Long then started stomping on her little face . She had her hands
blocking her face from his kicks .

She tried to crawl back to her dad . She kept muttering 'Papa, Papa . '

"You know how many times your father trampled on me! You know how
many times your father made me crawl! This doesn't even compare to one-
tenth of what your father did to me!" Tian Long let her crawl back to her
father while he kept kicking her .

She got hold of her father's shirt and didn't let go .

"Oh, what's this?" Tian Long found a knife on Mo Wuming's body .

"Maybe I can make my heart be at peace if I cut you piece by piece . " Tian
Long smiled evilly and made a slash at her face .

"Nooo!!! Help!!! Papa!!" She screamed miserably while crying .


A punch came out from nowhere, sending Tian Long flying through the
corridor . He suddenly disintegrated .

"I remember I immediately ran away miserably after seeing this girl cry her
heart out sadly for her Dad . The 10 years I spent in this hell doesn't even
compare to the guilt when I saw this child cry . If it weren't for this child, I
truly would have turned evil . "

A sigh escaped from a person who stood beside the child .

"Still, to play such an evil role with my body, did you think you can change
my heart? My Heart Demon?" Davis had a smug face when questioning
himself .
Chapter 17
Chapter 17

In the Redemption Tower, third floor .

Davis who was subconsciously cultivating the Sacred Luminance Mist,

shuddered .

Golden bright light surrounded him as he made a breakthrough to Mid Level

Nascent Soul Stage . His cultivation climbed higher until his foundation was
incredibly stable in that stage .

He opened his eyes, his soul could feel that only 6 hours had passed while he
spent 10 years in that hell .

'What a scary Heart Demon! It had me in it's palm for over 10 years . Little
by little connecting me with my past self . First, pain . Second, emotions .
Third, a state where I could only watch mindlessly . If I hadn't realized at the
last moment, if I had managed to torture and kill the girl, would I be the one
to return here?' Thinking about this, Davis shuddered . He realised that this
question should be left unanswered .

He quickly stood up and exited the tower .

When he came out of the tower, he could see a figure run to him extremely
fast . That figure hugged him which gave him pure warmth . He smiled .

"I'm back, Mom . "

"You silly . " Claire released him as she looked at him .

Davis realised that her eyes were red, she looked like she cried for a long
time .

Logan came closer walking slowly . He stared angrily at Davis but he was
happy inside .

"What happened? Why is mom's eyes so red?" Davis was the one who was
angry this time around .

"Davis, you idiot! The Heart Demon session doesn't even last over an hour,
you have been there for over six hours! Just look at how your mother was
worried sick about you, hmph! If you hadn't come out, I would've killed you
myself!" Logan explained with an angry face .

"After you entered the tower for more than an hour, your mother couldn't
help but leave the castle, she waited for two more hours worriedly, then she
cried for about an hour and fainted . She just woke up just now, you are such
a disgrace! What if something had happened to her and the baby in her
womb!?" After seeing that his son was fine, Logan really wanted to scold his
son severely .

"Mom, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry for making you worry . I promise that I'll
never make yo..." Davis realised his fault and hurriedly apologized .

"Silly, you can't make that promise . You are meant to fly in the future . No
matter where you go, mom can't stop worrying about you . " Claire knew
that her son would soar higher than anyone else in the future . That is the
confidence that she had for her son .

"Alright, let's return to the Royal Castle . " Logan said .

"Hmm" Both of them nodded .

At the Emperor's quarters .

"So? You did make a breakthrough, right?" Logan asked .

"Yes, I've advanced to the Mid Level Nascent Soul Stage . " Davis replied .

"Good . " Logan nodded in satisfaction .

"Davis, use your Soul Sense . " Claire said .

Davis used his Soul Sense, a transparent form of energy tinged with light
golden luminance spread around 50 metres of him . In this space, he could
perceive everything that is in his range . It was a weird feeling . He lost
himself in a trance, perceiving his surroundings .

Logan and Claire had their jaws drop . "I know that his soul is powerful, but
not this powerful" Claire muttered .

Davis was confused, what part of did it make them say that his soul is very
powerful . He then immediately realised .

"An average person with a Mid Level Nascent Soul Stage cultivation can
only extend his Soul Sense for about 10 metres while on the other hand, you
can extend upto 50 metres . This clearly denotes that your soul is 5 times
more powerful than an average person . " Claire explained .

"But then, why can't I extend my Soul Sense upto 5 metres when I was in
Low Level Nascent Soul Stage?" Davis expressed his doubts .

"Silly . " Claire giggled . "It simply doesn't work that way, average
cultivators of the Low Level Nascent Soul Stage can only make their soul
escape once their body is destroyed . They are simply unable to use Soul
Sense at that level and stage . Only people with powerful souls are able to
use their Soul Sense to scan their body two or three times at once when in
Low Level Nascent Soul Stage, like your father" Claire explained patiently

Logan had a proud face when he heard her say that but once he thought
about how his own son had beat him, his face deflated .

"Davis, you should have unlocked the first layer of Sacred Luminance Mist
by now . Display it for Mom . "

"The first layer? Okay . " Davis nodded and circulated his soul to perform
according to the First Layer of Sacred Luminance Mist .

Layers of a Cultivation Technique can be easily comprehended unlike Battle

Techniques which requires deep comprehension . The only prerequisite is
that you reach the required stage . Of course, if one is stupid and talentless,
then even that one will find it to comprehend the Layers of a Cultivation
Technique even if they reach the required cultivation stage .

A bright golden force field spread 10 metres from Davis . Davis felt like
nothing could damage his soul in this space .

"The Sacred Soul Shield you formed is powerful as well . " The both of them
weren't surprised this time .

"Even Peak Level Nascent Soul Stage cultivators will find it very difficult to
break that . " Logan sighed in submission . He didn't even realise that he was
competing with his son .

"That's it?" Davis expected more .

*cough* *cough*

"Hah, if this is the end, then it won't be any different than other Soul
Cultivation manuals which provides a Soul Shield . " Claire confidently
said .

"Try shrinking it till you cover your entire body with it . " Claire said .

Davis nodded his head and tried to shrink the golden force field .

The golden force field shrank till it only covered his body .

Logan and Claire looked at how his soul is not only powerful but pure as
well .

"Thi . . this, wouldn't even Infant Soul Stage cultivators find it hard to break
this Sacred Soul Shield of his?" Logan muttered, Claire was dumbfounded as
well . She uttered "Yes . "

Davis was kind of happy but at the same time disappointed thinking that his
shield was not useful against Young Soul Stage cultivators . What he didn't
know was that his parents were comparing him subconsciously with other
cultivators who cultivated in other Sky Grade Soul Cultivation Manuals .
Chapter 18
Chapter 18

"Davis, since you have a powerful soul, it's also a must for you to become an
Alchemist or else it will be just a waste of talent . " Claire urged her son .

"Eh?" Davis had a stupid and crying expression on his face .

'Oh, that process where people make pills from a cauldron? It looks really
easy to read in a novel but is it really easy to do here?'

"What? Do you even know what alchemy is? Do you know how easy it is to
cultivate with pills in your arsenal? Do you how much respect the alchemists
command in our continent?"

"Alright, alright, Mom doesn't have to explain all this . Just let father teach
me alright . " Davis replied as he already knew what kind of bullshit respect
those alchemists have, those misers .

Claire immediately glared at Logan while he just looked around and started
whistling as if he hadn't heard anything .

Claire then said to Davis with a not so smiling face . "Davis, your father was
the fifth in line for the throne, and wasn't interested in anything other than
woman and cultivation . He was pretty arrogant, so he didn't train in
Alchemy at all and as a result, you see a failure of a father who can't teach
you Alchemy . "

"Claire!!" Logan's face was red in embarrassment . This was a dark history
that he didn't want anyone to know about . If his people knew that he, as an
Emperor, didn't know shit about Alchemy, they would laugh till they die .

Davis gulped, he realised that his Mom's sharp words can kill people
sometimes . 'Screw the Death Note, I should have the Mom Note!'

"He stopped flirting with other woman when he started loving me . At least,
your dad is very upright in this regard . "

Logan regained his bearings as he gained some face with that statement .

"No worries, even though many Alchemists command respect, they can't
compare to an Emperor of a Sky Grade Empire and your talent is very high
which even makes me jealous . Alchemists would probably flock to have
you as a Direct Disciple if they know how powerful your soul is!" Logan
explained with a proud face .

"But the problem is, it is not a good thing to reveal your talent in front of the
public . We have just recently survived a disaster and our overall power has
dropped, even though we are a powerhouse, we must be careful enough to
not fall into the plot of others, such as assassinations . "

Claire pondered and said . "Then we should just invite a high tiered trustable
alchemist to teach Davis in the Royal Castle, we can secretly invite him
using various proxies so that even if the invite failed, he will not be able to
trace back to us . "

"That's doable . " Logan nodded .

"Does that mean that I am not allowed to roam the Royal Capital?" Davis
didn't want to bring out the Death Note here, as his parents may know about
it . As for why he didn't bring it out in the Redemption Tower, he thought
that place was monitored as well .

"Obviously, you're not getting one step outside the Royal Castle without
your Mom and Dad accompanying you . It is too dangerous . " Claire scoffed

"Even though the Royal Capital is our home field?" Davis expressed his
doubts .

"On the surface, the Royal Capital may look calm, but there are maybe many
serious undercurrents lurking without us knowing . " Logan explained

"Ever since the rebellion, we have severely weakened which made the other
empires send their spies, assassins and what not . There's no telling that a
random person with a powerful hidden cultivation, might approach you from
somewhere, only to kill you and die himself . "

Davis audibly gulped . 'I've underestimated this world too much . ' Even
though he already knew that he was constantly under protection, he just
thought it was a royalty thing .

"And I will still know where you are as I have placed a soul mark on you . "

"Where?" Davis panicked and immediately checked his soul for any foreign
entities .

A bright golden talisman shot out from Logan's soul to Davis's soul .

"Here . " Logan said smugly . Claire laughed .

Davis knew that he was played the fool right now . He glared at his dad and
swore secretly that he will take revenge for this .

"Davis, let Mom also mark you, so that I can immediately react to any
emergencies . " Claire sweetly said .

"Go ahead, Mom . "

"Hehe, silly . " Claire was very happy that Davis didn't put any restrictions in
front of her . She also gave him a Sky Grade Protective Treasure, it was a
locket .

"Dad, I now want to train in Body Tempering Cultivation . " Davis declared
seriously .

"No, first, you should stabilize your Soul Cultivation first . "

"My Soul Cultivation is already stable . " Davis quickly answered .

"Then you have to wait for your body to get used to pain . "

"Father, I am used to pain . " Davis smiled .

Logan's eyes twitched . 'At this rate, won't he punch a hole through the
heavens and ascend quickly?' He sighed .

"Alright, let me get you a tutor for Body Cultivation first, Claire will arrange
you the resources that you need to achieve a breakthrough . "

"Won't you teach me dad?" Davis asked sincerely .

"I'm sorry, Davis, I don't have time for everything . " Logan had a difficult
expression on his face .

"I understand" Davis knew that his father, as the Emperor, must have a
shitload of work to do .

"Dad, what about the Esse..."

"I know, once you complete your Body Cultivation, Claire will see to your
Essence Gathering Cultivation . " Logan clearly had enough of his bullshit .

"Or should I just assign you anoth."

"No thanks . " Davis was more than happy to be with his mother together .

"Haha, alright, it's getting busy for me, you and Claire should rest for today .
Don't make Claire teach you too much a day, let her rest for a more period of
time . "

"I know dad, at that time, I will be either with Clara or in the Library, no
need to worry . I will take care of mother!"

Logan and Claire both smiled satisfied by his reply .

Logan then left, princess carrying Claire to her room .

Davis smiled . He also left the room and headed to the Study .

'Phew, looks like I can't even sneak out of the castle . Then I will just have to
get even stronger! For father and mother to acknowledge me!' Davis had fire
emitting out from his eyes . He wanted to explore this world, atleast the
neighbouring streets for now .
Chapter 19
Chapter 19

[The next day]

Davis went to the royal training grounds that was in the Royal Castle . Only
the Emperor's direct descendants were allowed to train there .

When Davis reached the entrance, he saw a middle aged man about 30 years
old . That middle aged man who was looked sideway, shifted his head to see
Davis approaching him .

'Hendrickson huh? Isn't this guy the Royal Advisor? He is my Tutor now?'
Davis used his Death God's eyes to inspect him when he turned sideways .
He was not sure whether if it would work on him, but it worked .

"Welcome Prince, I am Hendrickson, the Royal Advisor and also act as a

Military Advisor at times of need . From now on I'll be your Tutor in Body
Tempering Cultivation . " Hendrickson bowed lightly and introduced
himself .

"Hello Mister Hendrickson, I'll be in your care from now on . " Davis acted
cutely as if he was really excited to have him as his Tutor .

"Oh, my Prince, please drop the honorifics, Hendrickson is fine . "

Hendrickson didn't dare to act arrogantly . The Royal Family might have
many plots when they have too many members, but he can sure see that
there are no schemes in this small royal family . He knows that they are
incredibly protective of one and another .

"Okay, Mis . . Hendrickson . " Davis purposefully made a mistake .

"Haha . " Hendrickson laughed weakly . 'Still, why did the Emperor ask me
to train a 5 year old child, isn't it too soon? Even though I rejected, he won't
take no for an answer . ' He sighed .

"Prince Davis, I heard from the Emperor that you have already trained your
body to some extent . Let me check your body . " Hendrickson released his
soul sense and checked Davis' body, he noticed the Sky Grade Treasure
Amulet and Locket, and he can deduce the locket's property but didn't know
the amulet's property .

"Hmm? You have trained your body well, follow me, the Empress is waiting
in the Body Tempering Chamber . " Hendrickson started walking .

"Hmm? Mother? Okay!" Davis followed .

"Mis . . Hendrickson, what is your current cultivation in all Cultivation

Systems?" Davis had an excited face when he asked that .

"Ohoh, My Prince, it isn't anything great . Out of the three Cultivation

Systems, I specialize in Body Tempering Cultivation System . I've reached
Peak Level Silver Stage, Mid Level Body Transformation Stage, and Peak
Level Young Soul Stage . " Hendrickson explained calmly even though he
was secretly proud .

'What? My Death God's Eyes were able to inspect a Young Soul Stage
cultivator?' Davis was secretly astonished . He didn't dare to use it on his
Mother and Father . He didn't even dare to use it on the maids and servants
afraid that they might be secretly experts assigned to protect him . He was
afraid that if they were to know him inspecting them then he would have to
explain himself which he didn't want to . The Death Note is the only secret
which he shouldn't reveal .

"Oh, that is wonderful! Mis . . Hendrickson . "

Hendrickson had black lines on his face . He can only hear Davis calling
him 'Miss Hendrickson', he could only suffer this humiliation silently .

'Should I try using The Death Note, no no, that would mean killing him,
killing him is no good but I don't know if it will even work on him . Will the
Death Note even work on cultivators who are way stronger than me?'

'Humans back on Earth were all equal in soul level, so the Death Note was
able to work on them, even so it was full of limitations . Here, I don't think
the rules are the same . There must be different kinds of limitations . ' Davis
had a huge headache, he would have to experiment on people to find out it's
powers .

'Then that would mean, I can only use it on people who deserve to die . The
prison would be a good place to experiment . ' Thinking this, Davis smirked

They soon arrived to a place . The chamber was filled with various kinds
training equipment . Davis saw his mother patiently waiting there for him .
He saw her smile and he immediately ran to her .

"Mom arranged this for you, so your body's foundation and strength might
be even stronger than other cultivators on the same level . " Claire smiled .
She then pointed at a bathtub .

"Woahh!" Davis had to act like a kid in front of others .

"In that bathtub, a Low Level Sky Grade Tyrant Body Pill is diluted in that
water . Your body isn't powerful enough to eat the whole pill, your body will
explode . "

"Empress, may I?"

"Go ahead, Royal Advisor . " Claire said .

"Isn't it too soon for the Prince to be Body Cultivating? What if he

undergoes a trauma and is unable to cultivate because of it . " Hendrickson
was clearly worried that if Davis were to be in danger, he would be blamed
for it .

"No need to worry, Royal Advisor, we have utmost trust in our child, he will
be able do it . " Claire declared confidently .

Hendrickson was baffled, he looked at Davis's childlike pure innocent face .

'Where do they even get the confidence from?'

"Alright then, Prince, get inside the bathtub and start cultivating the Tyrant
Body Secrets . You could have diluted the pill and drank it but we want your
body to endure less pain . We want to have your body get used to the pain . "
Hendrickson said .
Davis smiled innocently and nodded . He got inside the bath tub . He
suddenly felt pain all over his body except his head . Davis eye's shot wide
and he now knew that Body Tempering Cultivation was no joke .

Davis immediately started cultivating Tyrant Body Secrets and endured the
extreme pain for two hours, gradually he got adjusted to it .

Claire came closer him and fed the diluted pill essence more powerful than
the water in the bathtub . If his pores were open, then he could have
absorbed the diluted pill essence but it had now gone to waste .

Davis felt like his internal organs were burning, he continued to cultivate
Tyrant Body Secrets . This pain lasted for 2 more hours until a sound could
be heard from his body .


Davis emitted a little reddish brown aura from his body . He could feel his
strength soar . He felt like he could now lift a car single handedly if he tried

Claire beamed, she could see that he achieved Copper Stage while
Hendrickson was astonished that he could withstand the excruciating
process .
Chapter 20
Chapter 20

"Mom, I've did it!" Davis animatedly exclaimed .

"You've made mom gratified, Davis . " Claire smiled proudly .

"Congratulations, Prince Davis, you have taken the first step to cultivation,
earlier than anyone else I've known . " Hendrickson nodded in
acknowledgment . He didn't expect this naive looking child's tenacity to be
this high .

"Thank you, Hendrickson . "

Hendrickson nodded even more appreciatively . He didn't call him 'Miss' this
time .

Davis got out of the bathtub . He then excitedly stretched his limbs . He can
feel that his body was filled with overflowing power that he never
experienced in his life before .

Hendrickson commented . "Good, unlike the other two Cultivation Systems

where you accumulate energy and advance slowly, cultivating in Body
Tempering Cultivation, you only need resources and resolve to advance, but
It only gets harder and difficult as you advance . " He shook his head
lamenting the fact that he still finds it difficult to break into Gold Stage .

"Davis, there's a strength gauging equipment over there . Go punch it . "

Claire said .

Davis moved to that equipment and punched it normally .

*Bang* '532 kg'

Davis then punched with all his strength .

'1021 kg'

'Woah! Goddamn, this is so awesome' Davis was excited inwardly .

"Davis, perform the First Layer technique of Tyrant Body Secrets . " Claire
looked forward to his performance .

Davis nodded, he started gathering power in his right fist, reddish brown
aura suddenly covered his right arm and he punched forward with all his
might .

'5164 kg'

"Good, with the Tyrant Aura Amplification, you could even rival Low Level
Bronze Stage cultivators in power . For those who cultivate in an Earth
Grade Body Cultivating Manual, you could rival a High Level Copper Stage
cultivator in power . " Hendrickson commented

"But, if I were to face a Low Level Copper Stage cultivator who cultivates in
a Sky Grade Body Cultivating Manual, won't we be evenly matched?"

"Yes, but that also depends on the Manual that the other person is cultivating
in, even Sky Grade Manuals have levels . "

"Of course, it even includes your individual battle prowess too . "
Hendrickson added .

Davis sighed . 'Looks like I'm only powerful in Soul Cultivation . '

"But by the time you reach Gold Stage gradually, you would have developed
a Tyrant Physique which even increases your strength and defense double
the times . "

"At that time, no one in Gold Stage will be your opponent . That's why it's
named as Tyrant . "

"Hmm? Can't I achieve the Tyrant Physique now?" Davis asked curiously
with a confused expression .

"The Loret Empire doesn't have that kind of resources, well, it had before,
but for now, there are no whereabouts of the Mystic Tyrant Fruit . I will
inform your father if we find one . "

Davis eye's shone brightly . 'Looks like I still have hope . '

"Alright, you just have to cultivate like this till you reach the Peak Level . If
you find yourself in stumped in front of any bottlenecks, you can visit me in
this Chamber, in the morning . At other times, I won't be available . "
Hendrickson informed .

"Okay!" Davis nodded .

"Davis, let's go . " Claire held Davis .

"Hmm . "

They both then left .

In the Empress's quarters .

"Brother!" A baby jumped excitedly in it's cradle .

She was one and a half years old and 30 inches tall . Her face was chubby
and extremely cute . Her cute purple eyes glowed mystically as if it could
see through lies . Her short blonde hair was silky smooth .

"Clara! Your Brother is here!" Davis hurriedly ran towards her, pinched her
cheeks and tickled her .

"Haaha . . no . haha" Clara laughed .

Davis lifted her up and held her . He then turned to Claire .

"Mom, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have jinxed it . " Davis was extremely
regretful .

"It's fine . Atleast . . it's a good thing . " Claire sighed .

Clara had a set of unique eyes from her birth . After one year, they
discovered that her eyes were glowing . The three of them panicked and later
when they researched about it, they calmed down .

Clara had the Transcendent Truth Eyes . It could see through lies and deceit .
If she manages to perfect that power then no one could lie in front of her .

"The only problem now us that her eyes lit up randomly . She's just a baby,
she couldn't possibly control it . " Claire couldn't help but worrying .

"It will be fine Mom, when she grows up, she should be able to control it .
After all, the records mentioned that those who possesses Transcendent
Truth Eyes are natural born rulers . " Davis stated proudly .

"Hmm, you're right . " Claire nodded but her face showed otherwise . Such
is the fate of a mother .

"Mother, you can rest today, I'll start cultivating Essence Gathering
Cultivation tomorrow . "

"If you say so . " She smiled .

"But in exchange, you have to tell me about that treasure, you said that we
have it in our Treasury . " Davis asked excitedly, the name itself seems
grand .

"Alright . " Claire couldn't help but laugh, her son seems to be extremely
interested in Treasures .

"The Fallen Extinction Lightning was captured by our previous Emperor,

your grandfather . He went singlehandedly and captured it from the
Lightning Fall Mountains that is very far from our Empire . But during the
battle, sadly, he underestimated the Fallen Extinction Lightning, he was
grievously wounded but he still managed to capture the Sky Grade
Lightning Elemental . "

"So, my grandfather, the previous Emperor died from injuries? How can it
be? He was so powerful, more powerful than father!" Davis couldn't believe
that a mere injury could make his grandfather succumb to death . His
grandfather was in the fifth step of all the cultivation systems after all .

"Unfortunately, the Fallen Extinction Lightning possesses corrosive and

annihilation properties . He succumbed to the corrosive injuries that the
Fallen Lightning Star left behind in his body . " Claire sighed .

"Since grandfather went to hunt it down then he should've known the

properties behind the Fallen Extinction Lightning . I don't believe that
grandfather didn't investigate before . " Davis shook his head .

Claire sighed . "In fact, he did, but the information was outdated . He
originally went to hunt a Peak Level Earth Grade Silent Extinction
Lightning for the First Prince's son, but by the time he discovered that, it had
already evolved to a Sky Grade Fallen Extinction Lightning . Everything
was for naught . " She shook her head sadly .
Chapter 21
Chapter 21

Clara was placed in her cradle as she got tired of their banter . She slept
peacefully .

"Fortunately, your grandfather managed to erase it's consciousness before

dying . The previous First Prince's Son got assassinated, so it is now ripe for
the taking . " Claire grinned .

"If you use that Lightning Elemental to cultivate your Essence Gathering
Cultivation, then you will surely be more powerful than cultivators who
cultivate in other Sky Grade Essence Gathering Techniques . " Claire smiled
resplendently at the thought that her son will only get more powerful steadily
as time passes by .

Children only concentrate on one Cultivation System at a time . Only

geniuses cultivate in two Cultivation Systems at the same time while Davis
happens to cultivate all 3 at the same time .

[The next day]

At the Study .

Davis was sitting crossed leg, studying the Meridian Refinement Stage .

'Apparently, looks like I have to refine the meridians in my body, and since I
would cultivate with a lightning attributed manual, I should make lightning
pass through my meridians, a Sky Grade one at that . I'm definitely done for!
This is obviously shock treatment! Isn't this even crueller than Body
Tempering Cultivation?' His mind floated with images of people getting
fried by lightning .

"Davis, are you ready?" The door suddenly opened and Claire walked in .
"Eh? Ah? Yes, I'm ready . " Davis gulped .

They then proceeded to a place that is designed for closed door cultivations

"Relax! Dad and Mom are here to help you supress the Sky Grade Lightning
Elemental, don't fret over it . " Claire comforted him, she can obviously see
his nervousness when she suddenly walked in .

Davis nodded . He didn't say anything . Then they made their way to a room
in this area . There were more than 10 rooms in this place .

Claire opened the door and walked inside, he followed her .

Inside there was a formation that was capable of supressing the power of
lightning elemental to a certain extent .

Logan was seated at the side, obviously waiting for these two to come . Even
though it's just easier for all 3 of them to send Soul Transmissions, they
didn't communicate through that way . They didn't want to reveal Davis's
Soul Cultivation under any circumstance .

"Dad, let's start . " Davis didn't want show weakness in front of his Dad .

"Aren't you hasty?" Logan commented and walked forwards .

"Let's begin then . " Logan looked at Claire and they both nodded their heads

"Davis, sit inside the formation's heart, and refine your meridians in
accordance with the Extinction Lightning Punishment, we will help you in
supressing the lightning elemental . "

Davis nodded, he took a deep breath before sitting in the middle of the
formation .

He began refining his meridians . The formation housed the Fallen

Extinction Lightning, It works as a supressing formation . His parents began
sending the lightning energy to Davis with utmost caution .
Davis's meridians were already strengthened already because of Tyrant Body
Secrets . He circulated the lightning attributed energy in his body, slowly .
He felt a tingling sensation at the start followed by a burning feeling . It felt
as if he was electrocuted and corroded at the same time . It's effects were
negligible since it's being supressed by both his parents and the formation .

'So this is the Fallen Extinction Lightning, really powerful . '

'It's not bad, I don't feel much pain'

'Good thing, Mom and Dad are here, if not, I would have to cultivate from
the bottom of food chain if I were really an orphan . '

His thoughts ran astray, he felt confident enough to cultivate even without
the utmost concentration .

He slowly repeated the process again and again, till he refined his meridians
to the low level .

The process lasted for about 5 hours . He advanced to the Meridian

Refinement Stage .

Just when he was about to shout out in excitement . A voice ran on his mind

"Don't lose your concentration, we'll help you absorb the Fallen Extinction
Lightning . Immediately focus your soul on absorbing it now!"

Davis could feel his soul being invaded by the lightning elemental . He
began absorbing it into his soul .

"Arghhhhh!!!" Pain, he was filled with extreme pain .

It felt like his thoughts were going haywire . He almost lost concentration
but continued to grit his teeth . He knew he wouldn't be able to last longer,
so he concentrated again using his whole consciousness this time to succeed
without caring for any repercussions .

The process lasted for 5 minutes before he fainted of exhaustion which felt
like an eternity to him .
Logan and Claire both heaved a sigh of relief . They knew he succeeded in
absorbing the Fallen Star Lightning and it was only possible thanks to his
powerful soul .

After a period of time, Davis woke up .

He checked his soul and saw a pentagram shaped black lightning residing
within . It maintained a certain distance from the Death Note . Seeing that
both didn't interfere with each other, he heaved a sigh of relief .
He then checked his surroundings, he was still in the same room . He saw his
parent's passionately... kissing each other?

They were so into it that they didn't notice Davis waking up . Even a slight
movement should be able to alert them .

Logan locked his lips with Claire's . He held her waist and she held his
head . Her eyes seemed sad for some reason, and at the same time, her lips
were savouring his taste as if it didn't want to let go . It didn't seem like they
were doing it for excitement .

Davis didn't make a sound . He stayed silent for a period of time before they
separated from each other's lips . He didn't hear them talking, he imagined
that they must have used Soul Transmission to speak with each other .

After a few seconds, Davis trembled as if waking up just now .

They immediately separated from each other's embrace .

Claire's face was red while Logan's lower wear had a tent . Davis chose to
ignore it altogether, he closed his eyes and acted as if he was checking his
state . That gave them enough time to be normal again .

'Something must have happened . ' He thought . 'It wasn't normal for them to
act like that in front of me . '

'Wait, something seems to be wrong in my soul?' Davis was startled . He

immediately released his Soul Sense, it extended upto 500 metres . "This . .

this . . I reached Peak Level Nascent Soul Stage?" Logan and Claire smiled .

Davis forgot that lightning can temper his soul, much less a Sky Grade

Lightning Elemental .
Chapter 22
Chapter 22

Logan and Claire were both ecstatic that their son was able to achieve this
feat of cultivating all 3 Cultivation Systems at the same time . They were
even more extremely proud when they realized he was just 5 years old .

Davis was able to use his First Layer of Extinction Lightning Judgement .
The First Layer provided the ability to amplify his body with lightning . He
can amplify his legs to move faster, clad his arms in lightning to paralyze
and corrode his opponents . He can even use it on his own brain to increase
his thought process and analytical ability, but that requires an extremely
high control over his lightning or else he would just fry his own brain .

The Fallen Extinction Lightning, with its property, increased the

effectiveness of his powers and battle prowess . After all, it adds an
annihilative and corrosive effect to the lightning he uses .

Since Davis has achieved basic proficiency in all 3 Cultivation Systems, he

wanted to test the limitations of his Death Note as soon as possible . He
didn't even know if it worked the same way or not anymore .

[Half a year passed]

Logan, Claire and Hendrickson taught him more about Cultivation during
this half year period . But they only taught him for an hour everyday . They
seemed like they were busy with something .

He didn't get any chances to use his Death Note . He felt like he was always
being monitored . His parents were acting even more strange . It was
especially the case in this half a year .

He knew that something fishy was going on here, but since his parents
wouldn't tell him, then he wouldn't ask .
Davis went to ask his parents if he could practice his powers on live targets
. His parents thought for a moment before they refused .

Davis was adamant on it and proposed an idea to them .

"Dad, if you don't let me practice on live targets, how can I be an expert?"

"Enough Davis, how can you be adamant like this . You are just 5 years old,
there's no need for you to fight people . "

"Alright Dad, how about I take a step back and try my powers on restricted
opponents who are in the Prison . "

"Huh? Why don't you take me on then?"

"But Dad, I won't even be able to beat you, you are too powerful . "

Claire who was beside looked at both of them and laughed . She sent a Soul
Transmission to Logan .

Logan's face changed . He then sighed and gave permission for him to go to
the Prison .

"Only this time will I be yielding to you, there's no next time! You hear
me?!" Logan made a face full of anger and berated him .

"Yes! Thanks Dad" Davis beamed .

"Let's go!" Logan then walked in the direction of the Prison .

"Okay" Davis followed . He put on a black robe to cover himself .

On the way, for some reason, the palace guards and maids acted like they
didn't see him . They only greeted the Emperor and the atmosphere seemed
tense . He could feel that a Soul Technique was activated on him . He then
knew that he was being cloaked .

'Is it so bad for a kid of a royalty to go to the Prison? Is that the reason?'
Davis thought . He couldn't understand the intricacies of the Royal Family .

They then arrived in front of the Prison . Logan stopped there while the
Prison guards went on their knees and greeted him .

The guards looked at the Emperor with awe and ecstasy .

The Leader of Prison Guard stepped up and bowed again .

Only his face could be seen which was pale . He was wearing a Blue
Armour tinted with yellow at the sides .

"You are?"

"Reporting to the Emperor! My name is Bowen . "

The previous Leader of the Prison Guards colluded with the rebels .
Fortunately, Logan, who found his betrayal, managed to kill him before he
released all the prisoners .

"Bowen, I see . "

The two of them then stayed silent, it can be seen that they are
communicating through Soul Transmission .

Bowen had a confused face, then nodded his head vehemently .

Then all 3 of them entered the Prison .

Logan stopped cloaking Davis at this point .

"You understand, right?" Logan asked him with a ruthless glare .

"Yes, your majesty!" Bowen replied meekly, he understood that, at this

point, he shouldn't do anything the Emperor dislikes .

Logan then left Davis there .


"Prince, let me show you around the Prison first . "

"Okay!" He cheerfully replied .

Bowen then took him around the Prison . While walking in the corridor, he
informed Davis about the prisoners . There were cells on both sides of the
corridor, which held the prisoners . While he explained, he just told about
their crimes while leaving the gory part behind .

After Davis heard about what he said, he couldn't help but cringe . Their
crimes were devoid of humanity . But he didn't stop listening to him nor did
he command him to stop .

Davis looked at the prisoners, all of them looked ruthless with no hint of
humanity, while some seemed to act as if they are innocent, and then there
are prisoners who looked at him with lascivious eyes .

Davis's eyes turned red . He glared at those prisoners one by one . He

thought for a moment before questioning Bowen .

"Bowen . " He suddenly interrupted him .

"Yes, Prince?" Bowen looked at him .

"Why aren't these prisoners put to death?" He glared at Bowen .

"It's not like that, Prince . The Royal Capital holds a public execution each
month . They are put to death one by one, it also acts as a deterrent to other
criminals . Until then, they stay here waiting for their deaths . " Bowen

"Hmm . . . Do you have a list of the prisoners held in here?"

"I do, but what for Prince?" Bowen was confused, but he still handed over
the list from his Space Ring .

Davis took the list and saw the name of the prisoner who was going to be
executed this month .

"Wagner? I saw him before, lead me to him . " Davis didn't reply to Bowen,
he just commanded him .

"Yes" Bowen didn't refuse though he was confused . 'What is a 5 year old
child going to do meeting a prisoner? Make him change his ways? Heck, I'll
be damned!'
Chapter 23
Chapter 23

Davis and Bowen made their way to the cell where Wagner was kept in .

The formation in that cell was active, that prevented Wagner from being able
to use his power . It also made him unable to see what was going on outside .

Davis then saw a circle switch near the cell . He pressed it .

Wagner turned around his face . He saw a small kid with a Prison Guard .

"Heh, don't tell me you brought a brat for me to enjoy?" He viewed Davis
with lascivious eyes .

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Davis only asked a question . He
already made up his mind but he still wanted an impetus .

"Heh, of course, it's to brutally murder and **** you . " Wagner's breathing
hastened .

He was likely thinking of doing that . Davis was disgusted . Wagner didn't
care for anything as he was fated to die this month . It didn't matter whether
he offended a big person or not, much less a child .

"I understand . " Davis replied calmly . He then switched off the mechanism

'You understand?' Bowen was utterly dumbfounded . He couldn't understand

where this conversation was headed to .

"Bowen, leave the Prison!" Davis commanded .

"I can't do that, my Prince . " Bowen was stunned before he replied calmly .

"You won't listen to my command?" Davis narrowed his eyes .

"I was told by the Emperor to protect you no matter what happens . " Bowen
shook his head .

"I see, then I will have no choice but to say to my father that you molested
me in the Prison . "

"W . . What!?" Bowen couldn't believe his ear . 'What kind of words did this
5 year old child utter?' His mind momentarily stopped working .
"I said that I will have no choice but to say that you raped me in the Prison . "

'That is totally different then what you said before!!' Bowen started sweating
heavily .

'Could it be that all the Royal Family members are like this?'

"This . . Prince . . don't make this difficult for me, I was only tasked to
protect you in this Prison . "

"Do you think my father won't act against you? Do you think he will believe
your words or mine?" Davis asked profoundly as if there's an underlying
meaning in it .

'What did I do to deserve this? This child is a demon in human form!'

Bowen was on the verge of tears, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry .

"How about this, you're only tasked to protect me right? Go stand guard near
the entrance of the Prison . With this you can both protect me and do what I
told you right? You think these prisoners who are suppressed by the
formation can harm me?"

"This . . . Alright . " Bowen considered a moment before yielding .

"Good, and you're not allowed to use your senses on me, you're not allowed
to peek either . I will come to you to get food every 4 hours, by this, you

can verify my safety every now and then . "

"Eh? This . . . I understand . "

What else could he reply? He already accepted his conditions once and it did
seem that he was able to protect him through this method . He atleast had the
confidence that no matter what happened, he would be able to protect him in
the Prison . Only he couldn't understand that why the Prince forbid him from
using his soul sense on him . He imagined that it must have to do something
with the Royal Family's secret, so he didn't dare to ask .

Bowen then left that part of the corridor and made his way to the entrance of
the Prison .

Davis checked his surroundings before summoning his Death Note .

Black aura surrounded him as it changed into a hazy appearance .

A note appeared on his hand . It was pure black in colour at both sides of the
note . There wasn't anything written on the cover . He opened the note and
turned the pages . It was pure white, without a single speckle of dust .

He pressed the switch again, only to see Wagner moving his right hand up
and down .

"Honestly, there's no redemption for a bastard like you . " Davis wrote his
name while he felt disgusted . He'll be sure to give him a worse death .

[3 days later]

Davis was still in the Prison, experimenting the Death Note .

In the Royal Castle, Throne Hall .

Logan was seated in his throne while Claire sat beside him, both of their
face, looked grave .

The whole Throne room was crowded even though it was 100m long and
wide . People were assembled here, ranging from Middle Class positions to
High Class position holders in the Royal Palace and the Army .

The atmosphere here was tense . No one dared to utter a word, afraid that
they might be cast out or outright killed .

A sound made from opening the door of the throne hall, was heard . The
people shuddered as if it was a crack from the hell .

An old man with a great disposition walked in with great strides . He was
covered in a dark blue armor, he held his helmet in his arms . He walked
forwards until he was in line with 5 other men who were clad in different
wardrobes . He kneeled down with one leg on the floor and clasped his
hands .

"Reporting to the Emperor . . " He took a deep breath .

"The Albert Kingdom which is under our jurisdiction has been conquered by
invading forces two days ago . . " Beads of sweat formed on his face .

"We . . we were unable to defend against the invasion of the combined

alliance of the Raven Empire and Tritor Empire!"

He kowtowed "We were made to retreat in the face of the giant threat, and I
cowardly made the decision for the army to retreat to the Royal Capital .
Please let this coward to die a thousand times for this mistake! Your
majesty!" He immediately drew his sword and proceeded to stab it into his
heart .

in exchange for your own reputation . "

1Bang* A powerful energy came out from nowhere and made the sword fell
out of his hand . He stared blankly not knowing who did it .

"It's fine, this Majesty forgives you, Randal . " Logan replied calmly .

"Instead of making our army die a cruel and meaningless death, you made
the right choice by giving the order to tactically retreat to our Royal Capital
Chapter 24
Chapter 24

Randal had tears in his eyes . He hardened his heart and made a great
sacrifice by ruining his own reputation, he cared for his subordinates so he
couldn't let them die a meaningless death . He didn't think anyone or even
the new Emperor would understand him . So when he came to the Royal
Palace, he was prepared to die by taking his own life in return for his
mistake .

Logan knew that Randal was a loyal Commander in the Army . His father
would praise him a lot for his bravery and courage, but he also mentioned
how he was compassionate and loyal . Logan also knew that Randal's
subordinates loved and obeyed him, so losing him would mean a great loss
to the already weakened Empire, as the army morale would be all time low .

Logan should've in all right beheaded Randal for his mistakes by himself to
establish his authority in the Throne Hall . But doing so was foolish, as it
would only lead to dissatisfaction and chaos among his men . In fact, he had
already doubted whether there were any people planning to desert from this
Empire .

"How dare you show your face in front of the Emperor after that miserable
defeat? Immediately get out by yourself . "

A handsome middle aged man with sharp features berated Randal . He had
green hair that was neck length long . He was the head of the Cauldon
Family .

"Now now, Duke Evan Cauldon, there's no need for that, our Majesty has
already forgiven him . "

Another middle aged man with a calm face replied . He had red hair that was
waist length long . He was the head of the Nolan Family .

"Hmph, you are in support of a coward in the midst of a war? Duke John
Nolan!" Duke Cauldon questioned .
"There's no need to fight among ourselves now, and show some restraint,
you're in front of the Emperor, Duke Cauldon . " Hendrickson calmly
interjected as if he was tired of this farce .

Duke Cauldon harrumphed and said nothing more . He was not that afraid of
an Emperor that was just a little more powerful than him . What he didn't
know was that Logan had already broken through to Adult Soul Stage . If he
knew, then he would've not dared to be this disrespectful to the Emperor

The other two were silent as if this had nothing to do with them . They were
the leaders of the Ruthless Sword Sect and Piercing Dragon Sect . Both of
the Sects were Sky Grade Sects .

The destruction of an Empire has nothing to do with them, but since they
have connections to the Royal Family previously, there will probably be a
chance for them to get eliminated by the invading Empires . They were here
to decide whether to help the Empire cross over this calamity or not .

"Enough!" Logan echoed, his voice influenced everyone here visibly .

"Adult Soul Stage!" The five of them were astonished .

They then replied in unison . "Congratulations to the Emperor on breaking

through to Adult Soul Stage . " The crowd in the back echoed as well .

Logan nodded his head .

"Randal, when will they invade the Royal Capital?" Logan questioned .

"Reporting to the Emperor! The invading Empires will march here in a day .
" Randal replied to the best of his knowledge .

There was a momentary silence in the Throne Hall .

"This is bad!"

"There's no way we will be able to survive . "

"Should we run?"
Various whispers and Soul Transmissions were swirling around the Throne
Hall simultaneously .

"Silence!" Hendrickson bellowed .

The crowd was horrified and shut their mouths .

Logan knew that this was hopeless . Most likely the probable situation is that
they would have to escape and reclaim the Empire later .

Logan was stuck in a mire now . On one hand, he felt like he had to protect
his family no matter what . On the other hand if he escaped, he felt like he
was acting opposite to whatever he learned in his life and that he would have
no face to meet his Loret Family ancestors after death . The Loret Family
heavily values morals and victory . From an early age, Logan was influenced
by these values . To run and leave his Empire to be pillaged, isn't that just
the opposite to it's teachings?

Suddenly, a war horn sounded out outside the Capital .

Everyone was suddenly petrified . A random guard came inside the Throne
Room with hurried strides and reported . "Your Majesty! This is bad, the
invaders are behind our Northern gates . "

Logan had an ugly face . He immediately looked at Claire . His heart was
almost convinced to escape when . .

"Your Majesty, do you plan to escape?" The two Sect Leaders asked in
unison with a cold face .

Logan was startled, he shot down a glare at those two Sect Leaders, trying to
gain something out of their face . He could vaguely see that they were not
afraid of the consequences of betraying him . He knew that if he tried to
escape, these two could betray him any time they see fit . They would
probably hand over his head to appease the invading Empires .

A hand grabbed Logan's palm, he turned back to see Claire smiling

beautifully .

Her smile made him remember the vow they took together when they
married .
'We live together and die together!'

Logan tightly grabbed her hand and nodded at her . He then turned around to
them and majestically said .

"Escape? Are you two so afraid of death that you would support the prospect
of me escaping so that you could escape yourselves with face?"

The two Sect Leaders face turned immediately red and just when they were
about to counter attack .

"I'm going to war, if you have the guts, follow me or else scram the hell out
of my Empire!" He shouted with fervour and made his way out of the
Throne Room while heading towards the North Gate of the Royal Capital,
Claire also followed behind .

The two Sect Leaders were left with no choice but to follow . The other four
of them also followed behind the Emperor as he walked with a great
disposition . Seeing that the Emperor himself was leading them, the crowd
automatically followed them .

Logan immediately sent a Soul Transmission to Hendrickson .

"Escape with Davis and Clara . "

Chapter 25
Chapter 25

Hendrickson made a slight pause in his steps but kept walking immediately

"Clara is in the Empress's quarters while Davis is in the prison, adventuring .

Find a chance to slip out and immediately secure them . " Logan then
immediately told Hendrickson on how to deactivate the formation guarding
the Empress's quarters . As for what that formation was for, one could guess
easily .
Logan then turned around his head, as if checking who were all currently
following behind him .

Hendrickson slightly nodded his head so anyone didn't notice . Logan's Soul
Cultivation was too powerful for them to detect his Soul Transmission .

They then continued to travel towards the North Gate . Not even halfway
there, Hendrickson suddenly echoed . "Your Majesty! Your subordinate has
forgot his weapon in the Royal Castle, without that I would not be able to
use my full strength . Your subordinate will quickly return once I retrieve my
weapon back . "

"What? Are you scared? Are you trying to escape? Logan shot a glare at him

"I wouldn't dare! My Emperor! If you command me to die then I will quickly
kill myself to prove my innocence!" Hendrickson trembled as if his plan was
seen through .

The other five of them thought that it was weird . They heard that
Hendrickson was brave and courageous, as well as a loyal man . They didn't
expect him to back out at this last moment .

"Kill yourself then!" Logan commanded with a cold hearted tone .

"Yes!" Hendrickson severely trembled .

He took out a normal sword from his spatial ring and stabbed at his heart .

*Puchi* *Bang*

Just when his sword was already halfway to his heart after piercing the body,
an energy rebounded the sword from his hands .

"I now know your loyalty, you can go and quickly comeback . We need your
strength in this war . " Logan replied, his face still cold .

"Yes, your Majesty . " Hendrickson then left to the Royal Castle while
healing the wound in his chest .

"Does anyone here would like to get their weapons back?" Logan asked with
an indifferent face . He was emitting dense killing intent that made the other
five shut their mouths .

Logan then continued to travel while the others followed behind .

'Wasn't that a lame reason to use? But thanks to his act, I was able to
successfully send him out without much suspicion . ' Logan slightly grinned
while he started flying, Revolving Core Stage experts were able to fly, after
all .

"Let's make haste . " He commanded and sped off to the North Gate .

[10 minutes later]

Hendrickson made his way to the Royal Castle and went to his room before
sneaking out stealthily . He arrived in front of the Empress's quarters and
knocked out the hidden guards and maids . He went inside and took Clara .
Clara was sleeping, so she didn't notice and cry . He covered her with a black
sheet then made his way out . Just when he headed out, he saw a flash of
light .

A blinding light slashed at his head, Hendrickson immediately ducked
down . He immediately retreated back and saw the attacker's clothes .


"Eh? Nice dodge . Brother, are you here to abduct that baby as well?"

"Yes . " Hendrickson replied with a hoarse voice .

"Hehe, you sure are kind . Only knocking out those guards . "

Clara who was in his hands was startled awake, she immediately cried upon
seeing strange people .

"Brother, just leave the baby, I won't make this difficult for you . "

'Tch, a trash trying to waste my time . '

Hendrickson immediately took out his sword . He released his Peak Level
Silver Stage Aura .
"Ah! Brother, it's a misunderstanding, you can have the baby and we'll have


Hendrickson immediately covered the distance between him and slashed .

He then made his way out the palace to the prison hurriedly .

'Did they find out where the First Prince is? This is bad!' "Logan Loret! Get
out here now and face our Emperor!"

"Logan Loret, you coward, get the fuck here now!"

"Cowardly Logan, show yourself!"

Various degenerating shouts were heard behind the northern gates of the
Royal Capital . The soldiers of the two invading Empires were throwing out
various provocations . They weren't afraid as there were two Emperors
standing behind them .

"Hahaha, it seems like we will be able to win this war . " An hearty laugh
sounded out .

"Surely, didn't we ally for this endeavour? Jejeje" An eerie laugh sounded
out, it almost sounded depraved .

The man who heartily laughed looked fat . He had two beauties on his thighs
. He was holding their waists while flirting with them and commenting about
the war . He was the Emperor of Raven Empire .

The other man who laughed eerily looked thin and cunning . He just
provided these two beauties to the fat man, either enriching his relationship
with the fat man or plotting something . He was the Emperor of Tritor
Empire .

"Two bastards who dared to invade my Loret Empire! Come out!" A voice
could be heard shouting out loud that it resounded through the whole army .

"Ah . . He is here . " A middle aged man beside the Emperor Raven voiced .

"Tch, how can I enjoy these beauties now? His timing cannot be any more
perfect!" Emperor Raven had dissatisfaction on his face .

"Emperor Raven can enjoy these beauties later, I'm sure these gifts will be
worth your time . " A voluptuous woman who was wearing revealing clothes
chimed in with an alluring voice . She was beside Emperor Tritor .

"Haha, you are right, my daughter in law . " Emperor Raven laughed .

The 4 of them flew out and stared at Logan and his subordinates .

"Hahaha, little Emperor, you sure are powerful . "

"Adult Soul Stage around 30 years old! Jejeje"

Both of the Emperors cackled eerily .

"Greetings, allow me to formally introduce myself, I am the Emperor of

Raven Empire, Mike Raven . " Emperor Raven introduced himself to the
crowd .

"Ken Tritor, Emperor of Tritor Empire . "

"Aren't you ashamed of yourselves, teaming up to beat an Empire which has
already lost it's strength during the rebellion?" Logan questioned coldly

"Shame? Can you eat it? Can you change it to cultivation resources? Heh,
stop your nonsense Little Emperor . " Emperor Raven laughed .

"Jeje, we do have shame but do you think that we are supposed to attack
when you are strong, naive! This is the world of the strong, weak ones can
only beg . " Emperor Tritor grinned deviously .

"Oh, you think you can defeat us with this line-up, don't think you will be
safe enough to leave in one piece!"

"Haha, you are right . Everyone, I, Mike Raven will not destroy anyone who
does not help the Loret Emperor . In fact, I will award you with the
plundered riches . How about it? Those behind him?" Emperor Raven shot a
greedy look to the people behind him .

Logan was waiting for this exact moment as well . He wants to see who and
all will chose to desert him in this hopeless war .

But right at this moment, He and Claire felt the soul marks they left on Davis
being erased .

Chapter 26
Chapter 26

Logan and Claire looked at each other with worry in their eyes . They could
only hope that Hendrickson had rescued Davis in time .

There was a moment of silence before a voice sounded out .

"Do you promise not to touch the Ruthless Sword Sect and Piercing Dragon
Sect?" The two Sect Leaders came forward together .

"Of course, I have heard of your famous names across the continent, Sect
Leader Heian and Sect Leader Pedro . "
"Good, then we'll sit this one out . " Heian, the Sect Leader of Ruthless
Sword Sect accepted .

"Your Majesty, this isn't considered betrayal as we are just going to watch
from the side-lines . The result doesn't concern us as we are staying out of
this mess . " Pedro, the Sect Leader of Piercing Dragon Sect gave out some
trivial reasons .

Logan didn't even glance at them and was just looking at the two Emperors
coldly .

"Anyone else? Our promise still stands, we don't attack anyone who stays
out of this war . " Emperor Raven still expected some people to defect as he
can see some hesitation in the two Noble Family heads .

Those two Noble Family heads were in deep contemplation . After a few
moments, they raised their heads and declared . "We will stand by the Loret
Empire, nothing will stand in our way to protect our Empire . "

"Hmm?" Not expecting the two Noble Family heads to reject, Emperor
Raven frowned .

"Hahaha!" Logan laughed heartily .

"Emperor Raven, do you think that those who have crossed the rebellion
with me can betray me that easily? If they wanted to betray, they would've
done it long ago during the rebellion . " Logan nonchalantly said .

"So what? I've still got a proposal . Oh Little Emperor, we both know that we
don't have to harm each other . If we fight, we cannot say who might win
this battle . " Emperor Tritor suddenly said .

"Heh . . What is this? Are you backing out?" Logan sneered .

"It isn't we who needs to back out, but you!" Emperor Raven shot a look at
Claire who was beside Logan .

"Hmm? What's this? Isn't the Empress pregnant? What a joyous affair! Do
you want to see your wife brutally murdered and raped before you die?"
Emperor Tritor shouted out . His voice echoed throughout the battlefield .
"You dare!?" Logan immediately tried to rush out but received a Soul
Transmission .

"Dear! Don't go! They're provoking you!" Claire shouted in his mind . Her
stomach was a little bloated .

Logan stopped, but shot a glance filled with hatred towards those two
Emperors . He could only swallow down this humiliation . If he went out to
fight, one would hold him back while the other might possibly do something
worse to Claire .

"That's why I've got an idea . Why don't we play a game? We make our
armies fight each other . If your side wins, then we will immediately back
out of this Empire . But if we win, hand over the Loret Empire to us . You
see, we don't want to pillage this beautiful Capital filled with beautiful
women . " Emperor Tritor laughed deviously .

"Isn't the result already out? You bastards will surely win! What is this game
for? Further humiliation?" Logan grit his teeth and shouted in anger .

"Are you up for this game or not?" The two Emperors further laughed,
clearly wanting to humiliate him before enjoying the riches .

Logan grit his teeth so hard that blood was coming out his mouth . His eyes
spewed flames of anger and hatred . If he made a move then he can say
goodbye to Claire, but if he doesn't make a move then his army will be
decimated .

'I have thought I would be able to die proudly defending my Empire! Naive,
I was too naive! I couldn't give my family up! I'm a failure of an Emperor . '
His palms were bleeding, he put so much pressure with his fingers tightly
clenching his fists .

At this time, he received a sound transmission from Hendrickson . His face

immediately turned ugly .

"What did you do to my son!?"

"Oh? Did the assassins succeed? No worries, I will release your son if you
accept the game and win . "
"Nooo!!" Claire cried miserably hearing the conversation between them .

'No!!! Am I going to lose him again? I don't want to lose him again!! This
isn't happening, no!' She started having a mental breakdown .

Logan wished that he kill and slice them to pieces . He wished that he could
subject them to every available torture method in this world .

"Your Majesty, allow me and my subordinates to leave our lives for the
Empire . " A voice could be heard behind him . He checked behind to see
Commander Randal kneeling in front of him .

"You all will die . " Logan replied, his voice sad .

"I know, I just ask Majesty to give us a chance to prove ourselves in the
battlefield, that we aren't cowards who would run without facing our
enemies . Please let us get back the honour we lost in the Alfred Kingdom . "
Randal kowtowed .

Logan turned back to those two Emperors and said unwaveringly .

"I agree!"

"Good, let's sit back and enjoy this show to our heart's content . " Emperor
Tritor laughed .

An army of 2,500,000 soldiers marched outside the Royal Capital . Raven

Empire had 1,000,000 soldiers while the Tritor Empire had about 1,500,000
soldiers . Most of them were at the first step while some of them are at the
second step, very few were in third step .

They probably conducted a mass recruiting in their Empires to invade this

Empire . But no one know if it were true or not .

The soldiers of the Raven Empire were clad in black armor while the
soldiers of the Tritor Empire were clad in grey armor .

An army of 1,000,000 soldiers came out of the gates of the Royal Capital .
They were the soldiers of the Loret Empire . They were clad in blue armor .
Most of them were at the first step while some of them are at the second
step, very few were in third step .
"Hoho, this is pretty pitiable, why don't we add some fun?" Emperor Raven
shook his head and laughed .

"You are right, jejeje . Little Emperor, you can call people from the Royal
Capital, to fight for you . Anyone below the 3rd step is welcome . " Emperor
Tritor added fuel to the flames .

Logan had an ugly face . He could see that this battle was utterly hopeless .
Chapter 27
Chapter 27

The respective armies of the three Empires assembled themselves in various

formations that were used for war .

The Loret Army fortified themselves on the walls of the northern gate .
Ground troops were placed in front of the gate as well .

The Raven Army took the West side of the North Gate while the Tritor
Army took the East side of the North Gate . This formation was clearly to
attack the Loret Empire from both sides . They could flank them from both
sides if the Loret Army were to be caught off-guard .

There were also many experts atop the Royal Capital who were observing
the war with their senses .

The drums started to echo throughout the battlefield signalling the start of
the war .

Each Commander of the respective armies took charge and led the soldiers
into war .

On top of the North Gate, a silhouette of a person with a black robe could be
seen . He was there for about some time listening to the conversation of
these people above in the air .

His eyes were scarlet red, he scanned around the battlefield . He said to
himself . 'You're the ones who came to invade, don't expect any mercy from

He looked at the hopeless battlefield and uttered .


A big heartbeat sound, akin to a resounding loud thunderclap was heard in
the battlefield .

Various screams of agony echoed across the battlefield, it was more than 2
million soldiers who clutched their chest and fell down to their knees . A
second later, everyone collapsed like a pillar that had lost it's foundation .

There was absolute silence in the battlefield, no one dared to talk . It felt like
their souls had fallen into hell for a brief moment . This scene was so
unbelievable, that they couldn't fathom what had happened .

The two Emperors were trembling in fear, their eyes wide and pale with
fear . They could see that they could not detect anything as their army was
executed in the blink of an eye .

Logan was trembling with excitement . He couldn't believe his eyes . He

could see that his Army was not targeted for some reason .

Logan clasped his hands and bowed down in the air .

"Senior! This lowly Emperor is very thankful of your help! Do I have the
honour to invite you to our Royal Castle of my Loret Empire?"

Silence again! Absolute silence!

A few minutes later

No voice could still be heard .

The two Emperors heaved a sigh of relief while Logan smiled as if a burden
has been taken away from his heart .

"Sect Leaders of the Ruthless Sword Sect and Piercing Sword Sect, are you
still going to watch by the side-lines? " Logan asked coldly .

The two of them immediately came behind him and hurriedly relayed .

"Emperor, we didn't betray you, we only acted with the safety of our sects in
our mind . "
"Yes, yes! We didn't have any thoughts of betrayal, we only sat this one out
instead of joining the other side . "

Logan watched them with comical eyes and harrumphed . He then turned
around and viewed the two Emperor with a sarcastic expression .

"Huh? Why are you two bastards still staying here? Aren't your armies
utterly decimated? Hurry up and scram!" Logan laughed heartily, he felt like
still killing them, but he knew what was important for him .

"Don't you dare to be haughty in front of us! We will readdress this

humiliation at a later date!"

"Oh? You're saying that you're going to pick a fight with... Senior?"

Emperor Raven and Emperor Tritor's face changed .

They didn't dare say anything and the four of them immediately left in the
direction of their respective Empires . They left immediately because they
didn't even know if that Senior was still in the Loret Empire . Their losses
were immense, they've lost their military prowess and are now vulnerable to
all other Empires, and if they don't return to their respective Empires, then
they will suffer the same fate as once Loret Empire did, being invaded by
other Empires .

Claire looked at Logan with a wronged face . Logan then immediately

remembered that his son was abducted by those two Empires . His face
turned ugly .

'Shit! I was so immersed with defeating them! I forgot about Davis!' Regret!
Extreme regret!

He felt like utter shit right now for getting complacent with his victory over
the two Empires .

Claire knew that he had forgot temporarily . Even so, she did not blame
him . She thought this was what being an Emperor meant .

"Don't worry, I'll get him! I swear I'll return with him! If I can't, then take
care of Clara!" Logan immediately left chasing those two Emperors who had
gone atleast 1000 metres away from him .
"Don't go! I don't want to lose you too!" Claire cried out and tried to follow
after him .

He hardened his heart and didn't look back or reply to her .

The Sect Leaders and the others who were there, immediately stopped Claire
from following him . They received a Soul Transmission from Logan so they
could only hold her back and try to protect her .

Just when he was halfway there, he got a Crystal Transmission from

Hendrickson .

[A few minutes earlier]

While Hendrickson had just secured Clara .

In the Prison .

Davis was still experimenting on the prisoners when unbeknownst to him, a

silhouette in black robes entered the Prison . There was no one standing
guard in the entrance .

The silhouette entered and started searching . He went through various

corridors when suddenly a voice sounded out .

"I'll avenge my comrades!" *Slash*

The silhouette easily dodged and commented . "Oye, if you're going to sneak
attack, atleast do it sneakily . "

"You wretched assassin, die!"

Bowen slashed his sword furiously at the assassin . He felt intense regret
seeing his comrades die one by one from inside the Prison through special
means .
The silhouette kept dodging his furious slashes . The assassin suddenly saw
an opening and kicked Bowen in his stomach .

Bowen felt his stomach rumbling . He realised that the assassin was way
more powerful than him .

Davis heard the commotion and came to check .

"Eh?" Davis had no idea what was going on here but soon as he saw the
silhouette in black robes, he had an idea .

"Oh, the kid is here, lucky, hehe!" The silhouette laughed .

"Who are you? Mister?" Davis asked with an innocent face .

"Prince Davis, run!" Bowen had lost all hope in being able to protect him .
Chapter 28
Chapter 28

"You, shut up!" The assassin kicked Bowen's head rendering him
unconscious .

"Eh? Why did you beat him?" Davis asked with a frightened face .

"Haha, Prince Davis, no need to worry, I've been tasked by your father to
rescue you and this won't guard just won't let me take you away from here .
My name is Tyke . " The assassin removed his hood . He had a handsome
face that made him very easy to approach .

"Is it true? But why does my father need to rescue me? Davis questioned .

"You don't know Prince? The war between our Empire and two other
Empires is going on for more than a year . "

"Really? Will father be able to win?" Davis asked worriedly . He was

astonished, he finally knew what has been plaguing his parents for so long .

"There is no way our Emperor will be able to win against two Empires, that's
why we are going to escape . " Tyke explained .

"Uh? Okay, so father did really send you to rescue me, yay!" Davis made an
expression that said that he totally believed him

"Yes, my Prince, let's go" Tyke was sneering inside his head, he felt good to
trap a Prince with cheap lies .

"Okay!" Davis smiled .

They happily walked holding each other's hand .

Just when they were at the entrance, Tyke suddenly uttered . "Ah! Prince! I
just remembered that I was sent by the invading Empire and not your
"Eh? You're lying!" Davis made a surprised sound .

Tyke slowly turned around, his face was filled with scars and looked evil,
not looking handsome anymore . He wanted to see the terror on the little
kid's face, so that he can proceed to knock him out and abduct him .

Davis had a mocking expression on his face .


Tyke was astonished to realize that the Prince didn't seem to be terrorized .

"Why don't we make this farce end? Mister Casper . " Davis questioned
calmly .

Tyke immediately felt that something was wrong and jumped back . His
eyes wide open and turned soulless, he then started spilling out any
information he knew and died .

Davis removed his space ring and binded it as his own . He then erased the
soul marks of his father and mother using his Death Note . During the
experiments, he noticed that the Death Note emits Dark and Evil Energy
which is especially useful to corrode and exterminate souls . He then wore
the Sky Grade black robe which conceals a person's aura deeply, he then
stored Casper's corpse and made his way to the North Gate .

A few minutes later, after he left, Hendrickson reached the prison . He was
angry to see all the guards assassinated . He went inside furiously, only to
see Bowen unconscious and Davis missing,

He then woke Bowen up and managed to learn that Davis had been abducted
. He then took out his crystal and reported it to Logan .

After arriving at the North Gate, Davis saw his mother get humiliated by
them, he thought he will immediately give them cruel deaths but then
realized that there soul was more powerful than him by one stage .

Davis had reached Low Level Infant Soul Stage while he was in the prison .
He had found that his Death Note absorbs the souls that it kills, and refines it
to increase his Soul Energy . He was already on the verge of breaking
through earlier, this ability had helped him a lot .
They then talked about their armies fighting each other . Davis silently
waited for his opportunity to massacre them .

He used his Death God Sense to write the names of all the soldiers and
commanders of the enemy army .

The Death God Sense was the ability he gained after attaining the Infant
Soul Stage during his stay in the Prison . He used the Death Note in tune
with his Soul Sense to use the Death God Sense . Using it, he could see the
names and lifespan of all the people that were in his Soul Sense .

After massacring them . He didn't opt to absorb their deceased souls lest he
gets caught . He then immediately left the North Gate slowly when no one
dared to speak or probe around with their senses .

He then swiftly returned back to the prison and saw that no one was there
currently . He suddenly had an idea .

He went into an isolated cell that was with a living prisoner and entered it .

Davis then used the Death Note to write the Prisoner's name to make him his
puppet .

He then retrieved Casper's corpse, a dagger and a sword from the space ring,
unbinded it and placed it on the corpse . He then gave the sword and the
dagger to the prisoner . The prisoner stabbed the sword at the heart of the
corpse . The sword stayed right there, pierced into Casper's heart .

Davis then made his soul aura blindly fluctuate 2000 metres of his
surrounding and made himself faint beside the corpse . This caused a slight
damage to his soul but was negligible .

The prisoner who saw that, bit his fingers and wrote on the wall of the prison
. Then stabbed himself in the heart using the dagger .

Hendrickson who was wildly escaping with Clara and Bowen, immediately
noticed the soul fluctuation .

"It's coming from the direction of the prison!" Both exclaimed

simultaneously .
Hendrickson looked at Clara and gritted his teeth, he then gave Bowen a
transmission crystal and ordered .

"Bowen, immediately check what's happening in the Prison!"

Bowen accepted and quickly went to check inside the Prison, only to find
Davis fainted beside the Assassin's Corpse and a Prisoner's Corpse . He then
saw some words written on the wall that looked like a dying message .

"I hope that with this, the Empire will forgive my sins . "

He immediately reported it to Hendrickson, who then relayed it to Logan .

"Emperor! We've found the Prince fainted in the Prison along with two
corpses! One seems to be a Prisoner while the other seems to be the Assassin

"What!?" Hearing that, Logan was so ecstatic that he couldn't believe his
ears . He after all, thought that Davis was abducted .

"Yes! What I've said is true! I am at the South Gate of the Royal Capital
with Clara . Bowen made his way to secure Davis and escape!"

"No need! We won the war! Return to the Royal Castle as quickly as
possible with Bowen and Davis!" Logan commanded excitedly .

"What!? We won the war? Yes!!" Hendrickson immediately changed his

course and headed back to the Royal Castle while informing Bowen to return
to the Royal Castle with Davis hurriedly .
Logan hastily returned back to Claire who was still trying to get away from
their encirclement .

When Logan saw her, he immediately sent a Soul Transmission to her .

"Claire! Davis is safe!"

"What!? Are you lying? How?" Claire had an angry expression on her face
lit with hope . She thought that Logan was lying, just to make her calm down

"Really! Hendrickson and Bowen managed to find Davis inside the Prison
fainted, let's go back to the Royal Castle and meet them . " Logan excitedly
explained .

Claire was so ecstatic that she immediately left in the direction of the Royal
Castle before Logan could catch up with her .

Claire reached the Royal Castle and just when she entered, she immediately
saw Davis, who was being carried by Bowen .


Claire immediately got Davis and hugged him tightly shedding tears of joy .

Logan also arrived and smiled when he saw the spectacle . He heaved a sigh
of relief .
Chapter 29
Chapter 29

[A month passed]

Davis managed to explain that he and a prisoner teamed up to kill the

assassin . He explained it in a way that said that he knew the prisoner before
the assassination attempt .

He said that the assassin and the prisoner managed to stab each other when
he attacked the soul of the assassin, which made the assassin easier to target

Although his parents had their suspicions, no one would doubt that Davis
and that senior was the same person, not even his Father and Mother . After
all, that was a feet only capable of powers unknown to them .

They were even thankful for this miraculous event and wouldn't doubt it one
bit .

The Loret Empire gradually managed to gain peace while the Raven Empire
and Tritor Empire were caught up in the flames of war, invaded by other
Empires .

Logan managed to establish his authority once again, no one would dare to
test his authority anymore, not even the two Sky Grade Sect Leaders who
were in the Loret Empire .

Claire felt eternally grateful to the senior who had managed to make them
cross this calamity . She would soon give birth to a child, and was looking
forward to it .

Rumours spread about the powerful senior . At that point, no one was sure if
he was related to the Loret Empire or not by any chance . No one dared to
test it either .

All the surrounding Empires announced that they would soon visit Loret
Empire, except the Raven Empire and Tritor Empire . After all, they can't be
sure if they would face their deaths after arriving at the Loret Empire .

Davis walked into the study . He sighed a lot these days .

Davis had a lot to think after that massacre he performed . He never killed
that much people, he was feeling down for a whole month but eventually
came out of it . He eventually understood that in this world, he would have
to kill, kill a lot of people to climb up the hierarchy ladder .

'Seriously! This world is the same shit as Earth, only thing was that I have
lived in peaceful times . '

'There's no use thinking! I would have to kill a lot of people or let them kill
me, this world follows the rule of the survival of the fittest, more than any
other world . '

After the war, Davis learned many things . The casualties of the people in his
Empire were so high, higher than the people he killed during the last battle .
He then knew that people's lives were of no value to the powerful . Even
though morals exist, people would have to uphold it, but in the world of the
strong, only fists speak .

People would kill at the slightest dissatisfaction, scheme when they dislike,
backstab at the sight of a little opportunity .

The war and the visit to the Prison taught him the cruel side of this world .

"I swear I won't use my powers wrongly, atleast I definitely won't harm the
innocents . " Davis sweared to himself to not follow the path of depravity .

He lost himself in his thoughts, staring at the ceiling .

"Davis, you should get ready . People from other Empires should be arriving
any moment now . "

Logan came inside at that moment . He was clothed in a luxurious blue

imperial robe, decorated with dragon patterns .
Today is the day where people from other Empires would show up at the
Royal Castle . But everyone knew they were paying respects to the senior
behind the Loret Empire . They weren't sure if the senior is here, but making
good relations with the Loret Empire was advantageous to them as well .

"Hmm? Yes, I'll be ready in a minute . "

Davis readied himself . He wore a blue imperial robe of his size, adorned
with blue crystals on his shoulders that glowed like a sapphire gem .

Davis nodded and they both headed to the throne room .

They reached the throne room and sat on their seats . Logan was seated on
the throne while Davis sat beside him . Claire was nowhere to be seen .

Claire chose to stay in her quarters since she is seven months pregnant .
There was no need for her to attend as well . Clara was with Claire, it was
unknown whether if she was either sleeping peacefully with a cute face or
playing with all her strength .

"Davis, let me get you a heads up . Other than those two Empires who
invaded us, there are five more Empires in this continent . " Logan
explained, afraid that he didn't know who and all were visiting .

"That and all I know father, I've read the continental map before . " Davis
grinned .

"Oh? Good, then explain what the other four Empires are in our continent?"
Logan tested him .

"Yes . Hmm . . Although, there are many low grade Empires between us in
this Grand Sea Continent . The Ruth Empire is on the South, while the
Ashton Empire is at the North West . West of us is the Ross Empire, and in
the East is the Claymore Empire . " Davis explained .

"Yes, you are right . The Ruth Empire's royalty has the Dragon Bloodline .
Legend has it that a Flood Dragon had been buried there a long time ago, and
it has formed as an inheritance for the Royalty of that Empire . " Logan
continued .

"The Ashton Empire is adapt at destruction, they use fire based Cultivation
Techniques . The Ross Empire uses water based Cultivation Techniques .
And for that reason they are at each other's throats whenever they have the
chance . " Logan smiled .

"The Claymore Empire uses swords as their main weapons . They are highly
skilled at swords and have even reached the realm of Sword Intent . " He
sighed as he continued .

"The Raven Empire has the bloodline of the Black Raven, it is equal in
power to the Flood Dragon . It is in the North and are currently warring with
the Ashton Empire . " He had a gleeful face as he said that .

"The Tritor Empire specialises in Dark Energy, in other words, Evil

Cultivation . They have all kinds of Cultivation Techniques that leans on the
Dark side . Ones that absorbs blood from others, ones that plunder energy
from others, ones that even supplement yang by plundering yin and vice
versa . They are North East of us . Hehe, they are also currently in war with
the Claymore Empire . "

"Serves those both Empires right!"

Anger surfaced on his face at the mention of those two wretched Empires .

'I will have my revenge, Raven Emperor and Tritor Emperor, you bastards
just wait for it!'

Logan's eyes were full of hatred .

"Don't worry father, you will have your revenge soon, I know it!" Davis
smiled comfortingly .

Chapter 30
Chapter 30

"I know, Davis . Father won't forget the most important thing . I might be a
failure of an Emperor but I'll definitely protect you guys at the cost of my
life!" Logan declared determinedly .

Davis was content that his father thought this way . He didn't want a father
who was spouting all Emperor nonsense anyway .

Few minutes passed before a guard announced the arrival of the various
Empires one by one .

The first to show up was the Ruth Empire, followed by, Ashton Empire,
Ross Empire and finally the Claymore Empire .

The ones to show up were the Emperors of each Empire, not the
Ambassadors . They gave respect to the rumoured senior behind the Empire,
not the current Emperor of the Loret Empire .

They greeted each other and sat in their designated seats respectively .

A banquet was setup way before they arrived on the venue . Each of them
enjoyed great delicacies consisting of Peak Level Sky Beast Stage Magical
Beasts . Sky Beast Stage Beasts were equal to the 3rd step of the Human
Cultivation .

"Emperor Loret, this Blazing Tiger meat is delicious and nourishing as well .
. This should've cost severely, are you sure that's it's not going to lessen your
Empire's Treasury?" Emperor Alex Claymore curiously questioned . His face
looked sharp, his eyes emitting Sword Intent that was capable of killing with
a look . He looked fit, his body draped with luxurious sword patterned robe .

Alex Claymore couldn't fathom how they were still rich even after facing
two calamities .
'Damn, his looks can kill, literally!' Davis's thoughts were swirling around
his mind . He kept an innocent face looking left and right .

"Haha, how can I hold back when I heard that the Emperors were going to
pay my Empire a visit? Naturally, if I can do this, then it is within my
means . " Logan grinned .

"Haha, the Loret Empire sure is rich!" Emperor Van Ross laughed . His face
looked amiable, his eyes blue . He looked a little fat, but that doesn't warrant
to be looked down upon . He wore a lavish imperial robe with beautiful
droplet patterns .

'Looks can be quite deceiving...'

"Long years of peace must have filled their pockets immeasurably, maybe
the Loret Empire is even rich compared to the 4 of us combined . " Emperor
Louis Ashton smirked . His face looked handsomely evil, he wore dark red
imperial robes with azure flame patterns .

'God, this guy looks so evil.'

"Haha, surely you jest, Emperor Ashton . " Logan sneered .

"Now now, there is no use fighting, let's enjoy the banquet a little more
gentleman . " Empress Isabella Ruth commented with a beautiful smile on
her face .

She was a beauty who would quench a man's desire, she looked mesmerising
with her laidback personality . Her waist long hair, with puff and wavy
bangs . She had fair skin, her body ample with assets that would make a man
drool . She wore an azure royal robe which accentuated her beauty tenfold .

Davis gulped silently . 'Perfect!'

Fortunately no one looked at him .

"Yes, yes" All three Emperors simultaneously echoed and laughed .

Even Logan shook his head . Her beauty was able to mesmerise everybody
in this hall .

All the other 3 Emperors were more than 200 years old .

Everybody would think that she was a woman who lived for more than 100
years, but the truth was that her age was even lower than that of Logan .
Nobody in this hall dared to underestimate this women . Rumours had it that
she was a power hungry women who had chanced upon an incredible lucky
chance and had managed to make it to the throne of her Empire .

"So, Emperor Loret, we all know what we are here for, since none of you are
going to be straightforward about it, I might as well as start . " Isabela Ruth
sighed .

"The question is... does the rumoured senior even exist?" She hesitated for a
moment but gritted her teeth in apprehension and asked away .
There was a moment of silence in the hall . Everybody was tensed except
Davis, he acted as if he didn't know what these people were talking about .

"Haha, Empress Ruth, the senior truly does exist but the thing is, he doesn't
want to speak to me either . " Logan smiled confidently and bullshitted .

Everyone gasped .

"Can we possibly meet this senior?" Emperor Ross timidly asked, albeit
everyone knew that it was an act .

"How is it possible? Senior would be very busy and probably wouldn't want
to meet us lowly Emperors in the first place . If senior doesn't want to meet
us, then we can't possibly force him either . " Logan answered calmly .

"Then do you know the place where senior is currently in seclusion?"

Emperor Ashton asked .

"Who knows? I have no idea . " Logan grinned, his hands spread wide . He
made it look like he knew the place but wouldn't tell them even if they asked

'Damn, father, you sure are good at bullshitting!' Davis grinned .

The discussion went on for about 5 minutes . Seeing that the conversation
isn't going anywhere, Emperor Ross decided to change the topic as he sighed

"Ah . . leave it . I've already come this far, might as well make good relations
with you Emperor Loret . "

Saying that, he presented a small treasure chest to Logan .

"It's my pleasure, Emperor Ross . " Logan nodded and accepted the gift
graciously .

He opened it and was astonished to see a fruit in it . It was the Mystic Tyrant
Fruit .

'Excellent! This could help Davis attain the Tyrant Physique!' Logan was
truly pleased .
"I'm glad to see that you are glad with it, Emperor Loret . " Emperor Ross
said .

After that, Emperor Claymore and Empress Ruth gave their gifts, but they
were lower in quality to the Mystic Tyrant Fruit . From this, it can be seen
the Ross Empire was atleast sincere in their motive to make friends with the
Loret Empire .

"Hoho? What's wrong Emperor Ashton? Why are you still not giving your
gift? Don't tell me you forgot to bring one?" Emperor Ross sneered .

Emperor Aston narrowed his eyes . One could tell that Emperor Ross was
spot on . He was a selfish person . He didn't think that Emperor Ross would
give out a valuable gift, he didn't want to offer a valuable gift either, nor
could he afford to lose in front of his fated enemy . He thought for a while
and smiled at Logan .

"Emperor Logan, we all know that you only have one wife! Isn't that right?"
Emperor Ashton smiled .

'Eh? I don't like where this conversation is going . ' Logan had a bad feeling
about this .
Chapter 31
Chapter 31

"Hmm, everyone knows that I love her deeply . " Logan nodded . There was
nothing to hide, half of the whole Empire knew of his deep love anyway .

"Wonderful! It is beautiful to see you love your wife deeply but as an

Emperor, you have your duty to fulfil, Emperor Loret . How about you take
my 36th daughter, Shirley Ashton as your concubine, her talent is no less
than yours, in fact, she can even be said to be the gem of my Empire . "
Emperor Ashton boasted proudly .

"This..." Logan had a difficult expression on his face . He was tempted by

this offer, but he knew the consequences of accepting this offer .

"What? If it's the age, she is only 16 years old, the perfect age to get
married . If you don't like that, you can wait for a few years to take her as
your concubine!" Emperor Ashton was determined to beat his rival, he
possibly wouldn't back out after coming this far .

"Your offer is tempting, Emperor Ashton . But I would have to gracefully

decline your offer or else I wouldn't even know how I died . " Logan shook
his head sadly .

"Huh? Hehe, I see Emperor Loret is either henpecked or blackmailed . How

about this . . I wouldn't mind marrying her to Prince Davis, he can take her
as his first wife after he turned 16 . " Emperor Ashton compromised, but he
thought that this was also a good proposition to settle too .

"This can be accepted!"


"Eh?" Davis made a sound of incomprehension . The change of proposition

was so quick that he couldn't fathom what had happened . He was just
enjoying the show, seeing his father placed in a difficult position was fun,
and then out of nowhere, he got engaged .
"Hehe, looks like the little prince is pretty happy . Don't worry Prince Davis,
I will surely protect your bride from harm's way until you grow up!"
Emperor Ashton declared proudly .

Davis nodded his head absentmindedly . His brain couldn't catch up to the
conversation that is taking place right now .

After a few moments, he came out of his reverie . Realisation dawned upon
him .

'Bastard! He set me up!' Davis felt angry . His father didn't even get his
permission . It was one thing if he were truly a 5 year old child, but he was
not . How can he possibly accept this?

He stayed silent . He should not use Soul Transmission . He couldn't

possibly lash out and start throwing a tantrum, could he?

Discussion went on . .

After a few hours .

"Alright then, we'll take our leave . If an opportunity presents itself, we shall
meet again . " Emperor Claymore bid farewell .

"Haha, hope my gift satisfied you . Then I'll also take my leave . " Emperor
Ross left swiftly .

"I would relay the matter about the engagement to Shirley, there's no need to
worry if she will back out of this, as I would take care of it . " Emperor
Ashton comforted and left .

Empress Ruth who was about to leave, noticed Davis's gaze on her . She
smiled and walked to Davis elegantly .

Davis turned nervous immediately . He could see her peaks sway left and
right .

She arrived in front of Davis, bent down and pinched his cheeks .

He froze, his eyes hadn't moved away from her cleavage .

"What a cute child!" Empress Ruth could see that Davis was intently gazing
at her peaks . She smirked, she didn't take it to heart as he was only 5 years
old . She thought it was his curiosity which led him to view her proud assets

'A naughty one at that . ' She thought to herself .

"Then I will also bid farewell, Emperor Loret . "

After that she left .

Davis was still frozen . She was too beautiful . Her clothes couldn't hide her
assets . Even though he had seen a lot in his previous life, he never had this
much of a close contact . He thought that it was exhilarating . His heart kept
pounding . Finally, after a few moments he shook his head .

'I fucked up!' He thought ruefully . He was feeling sad that he didn't manage
to leave a good impression on her for some reason .

He found his father leaving the hall stealthily . He ran to him quickly .

"Father! What is the meaning of this?" Davis caught his sleeves and asked
angrily .

Logan smiled sheepishly and left without saying anything .

"Damn you!" Davis shouted, he couldn't care less anymore .

Laughter sounds echoed across the hall . Everyone in the Royal Castle knew
that their relationship was amiable, so they didn't think deep about it .

Davis headed to the study to complain to his mother .

He indignantly walked with sturdy steps . He reached the Empress's quarters

and opened it . No one obstructed him .

"Mom! That... Father, he..." Davis was just about to report his grievance .

"Hahaha! Davis, I just now heard about it . " Claire said .

"Ahh! He! How could he? He didn't even ask for my approval . How can he
do this to me?" Davis was clearly feeling not good . He had his own plans
for his future soul mate .

"Sorry Davis, He has no choice but to sacrifice you in this kind of

proposition . " Claire said sadly .

"You possibly couldn't want your father to marry again, could you?" Claire
had tears in her eyes when she asked that .

"No mom! It's just tha . . "

"Enough Davis, you would do well to see through this marriage!" Claire
declared .

"But mom! I have no feelings for the other party!" Davis wasn't giving up
either .

"Feelings can be developed over time, Davis! This engagement is already set
in motion . If you back out now, wouldn't the women you're engaged to
receive a severe backlash to her dignity? How could she marry again? Think
about what she will feel?"

Davis was tongue tied . He couldn't counter that . He gave up powerlessly .

"Don't worry Davis . Mom won't bicker if you get more women to marry . "

"But. mom? Aren't you against the idea of polygamy?" Davis couldn't
understand .

"No, it's not like that, it's just that I'm extremely selfish and won't hand over
my husband to any other women . " She declared with an unwavering face .

"Anyway, aren't you lucky? You have two wives already set in stone for

"Eh? Two?" He was seriously dumbfounded this time .

"Oh, I thought that we should bring this matter up when you are 8 years old,
so nobody told you . You were already engaged to the Cauldon Family's
Young Mistress even before you were born . "
"What!? But how?"

"Uhh, during the rebellion . We had to gather many allies as we can . I

couldn't possibly have Logan marry a concubine from the Cauldon Family .
So, I reluctantly agreed to engage you to their family's Young Mistress . "

Davis had black lines on his face . He now knew why his mother supported
his father, because he was screwed over by the both of them .
Chapter 32
Chapter 32

Time passed slowly, gradually a year passed .

Davis continued to cultivate in all 3 Cultivation Systems . He pushed himself

overboard and was determined to work hard . After experiencing the sight of
war, he again learned that life and death can be determined in a single instant
. Even he was able to end lives with the help of the Death Note in an instant,
much less the powerful people who were above the 5th step with unknown
means .

He heard from his father and mother that their continent was isolated and it
was difficult for people above the 5th step to enter into it so that senior, who
had arrived during the war must have been way more powerful . If he hadn't
heard that, then he would've still been complacent with his Empire's power
and position, although he knew that such a senior doesn't exist .

During this time, he achieved Peak Level Bronze Stage, Peak Level
Meridian Refinement Stage and Mid Level Infant Soul Stage .

Davis made progress in Body Cultivation System the most . He was a bit
regretful that he didn't manage to absorb the soul energy from more than the
2 million people he massacred . Otherwise, he would have possibly broken
straight through the Young Soul Stage . Even so, he was only 7 years old and
soon going to be 8 years old . This was an achievement that no one in this
continent was able to achieve .

Logan took charge as the Emperor seriously and cleared the capital of any
insurgents and spies . He executed all of them in public so people would
have to think twice about being a spy again .

Claire gave birth to another girl baby, the Second Princess, Diana Loret .
Diana was born normally, there were no mysteries concerning her, unlike

Davis and Clara . She was thankful for that as well . She was pretty much
content that she got a normal child .

Clara was able to speak smoothly considering her age, and she mimicked her
brother very much . She picked up the habit of reading and quickly learnt the
language of the world . Davis was so astonished to see that, he didn't think a
baby would be able to grasp thoughts and concepts so quickly . If word
spread, then everyone would think that she is a monster, but Davis still could
not care about that as he cared for her so much, so much that it was reaching
the levels of siscon .

"Brother! I don't want to play! I want to read!" A 3-year-old girl shouted

angrily but no matter who saw that they would melt in sweetness .

She was 37 inches tall . Her face was chubby and extremely cute . Her cute
purple eyes were like two amethyst gems . Her neck-length blonde hair was
silky smooth and wavy .

"Don't be like that Clara, what is your age? You should be playing instead of
studying!" Davis shouted .

"Then what about you, brother? You're already way ahead of me!! And
you're only 7 years old!!" Her cute face puffed up in anger . She felt like her
brother left her in the dust . She only recently learned about her brother's
achievements in cultivation, so she no longer felt like playing anymore .

"Hmph! You only say that because you want to play with me! Why are you
using my age as an excuse?"

Not one time, not a single time has he managed to win against her in an
argument . She could always see through his lies and was also extremely
intelligent for her age . Maybe it was because of that eyes, she was quickly
picking up anything she was taught .
Davis now felt like that there was no advantage in being reincarnated or
transmigrated in front of other characters like her .

"Alright, you can read but not cultivate! If you want to cultivate, you can
only do it after you get permission from father and mother . " Davis sighed
helplessly, the days where he would even forsake his cultivation to play with
his sister was over .

But Davis was having none of it...

He waited for her eyes to stop glowing . Clara's eyes would glow from time
to time randomly, for now, she had no control over it .

"Fine! You don't want to play anymore? Then I won't talk to you anymore .
Hmph! I'm going to see my sweet little sister Diana who's way cuter than
someone else . " Davis gave a side glance and left .

"Huh? Don . . . " Clara wanted to say it but the words won't come out . She
held her hands in front of her chest and looked sad .

'No . . . Brother is already so strong, if I am still like before then I won't be

able to be with him . ' Clara's thoughts were pure without blemish . She
solely wished to follow her brother .

As intelligent as she was, she realised that she was capable of complex
thoughts, for her age . She was only able to be herself when she was in front
of her parents and her brother . She could feel the gaze of fear and doubt in
other people's eyes when they looked at her when she was behaving
normally . Even her parents were kind of awkward when she showed her
intelligence, but her brother accepted her everything .

Clara could tell this because of her eyes that could see through deceit and
lies . She could even see that most people acted in front of her and that was
quite a scary experience for her . She had a cold character in front of her
parents and others . Only in front of her brother would she be a bit playful
and warm .

Only her brother was true in front of her . She could tell that although he lied
from time to time, there was only care in it and he would immediately
explain himself .

"Hmph! Keep up the act brother!" Clara fumed with a red face and left .
Although her eyes were not active, she would know if her brother lied or not
just by her intuition . She even formed a habit of being able to tell truth from
lies by using her intuition .

Little did she know that she was little by little gaining control over her eyes
by practising this habit .
Chapter 33
Chapter 33

4 months passed in the blink of an eye .

In this time, Davis managed to breakthrough to the Energy Condensation

Stage . Furthermore, he started training in some Battle Techniques as well .

He also managed to attain the Tyrant Physique, making him invulnerable to

people who were still in the Bronze Stage . If he tried, he could also barely
fight with Low Level Silver Stage Cultivators for a few seconds .

But he didn't feel happy about that, he missed playing with Clara . He would
go see her sometimes, but she would quickly send him back . He was feeling
sad for playing that prank on her . He thought that she started to hate him, so
he stopped bothering her for some time as well .

He never had a sister before, so he didn't know how he should treat her in
this kind of situation .

Today was his 8th birthday . He was feeling fidgety for some reason,
because he knew that today was the day he was going to get his personal
maid . They brought her a month ago but he didn't get a single chance to
meet her either . She was likely trained by the castle maids during this month

As an Earthling who had no choice but keep himself entertained, he sure had
a lot of fantasies about maids . But when he knew that he was actually going
to experience that, he was not sure of what to feel anymore .

He heard that she was bought from an auction and her story went like this,
she was an orphan abandoned on the streets, picked up by people who train
personal servants . She was brought up in life only to serve the people who
bought her, so it didn't actually matter if the buyer was a degenerate or not .

Was he feeling happy? Sad? Even he didn't know that . He couldn't help feel
sad for their fates . Atleast he got to break free from that prison of slavery .


There was a knock on the door, immediately followed by a girlish voice .

Davis was in the study, sitting on his bed . At that moment he suddenly got
nervous for some reason . He calmed himself down before he answered .

"Come in . "

The door opened and a girl at the age of 8 appeared .

She was around 50 inches tall, around the same height as Davis . Her neck
length hair was pure black . She was dressed in a royal maid outfit . She
looked beautiful with her almond shaped raven black eyes .

She nervously walked in and bowed in front of Davis .

"Master, from now on I am your Personal Maid, you can ask me of

anything!" She muttered softly and shouted and the end .

"Haha" Davis hollowly laughed . He forgot his nervousness after seeing her
being nervous .

"For starters, you could have told me your name"

She cutely stuttered "So...Sorry. Master . I am called Ellia . "

"Right, Miss Ellia, could you please stop saying 'Master? Call me Davis,
atleast when we are alone . " Davis wryly smiled . He felt uncomfortable
placed on a high pedestal by someone his own age .

"Mi . . miss Ellia? Your lowly servant doesn't require that much of an
honorific. my Prince . " She blushed .

Davis glared at her .

"Prince Davis" She corrected herself .

Davis sighed . 'Looks like I should get used to my Status too . '
He realised that he cannot change her mentality so soon .

'One step at a time . '

"Alright, you said that I can order you around?"

"Yes, Prince Davis . "

"Hmm, let's play a game then . "

"A game? What kind of game?"

"I'll say something and you'll have to repeat that fast enough . If you can
keep up with me, then I'll reward you fairly . "

"As you command . "

"Alright, let's start then . " Davis glared at her .

"...Alright, let's start then . " She quickly grasped the meaning of the glare
and responded .

"Very good . Just like that keep up with me!" Davis nodded

" . . Very good . Just like that keep up with me!"

"Easy right? Now let's play this seriously!"

"... . Easy right? Now let's play this seriously!"

Their childish game went on about for 5 minutes . She grasped the game
quickly and naively played with him like a child . She had a smile on her
face, which atleast told Davis that she wasn't broken, like he was once .

"Man, I wish these bastards would stop ordering me around . "

" . . Man, I wish these bastards would stop ordering me around . "
She replied almost as fast as him . He can see that she was really getting into
it .

"They're nothing but idiots who are placed on a high pedestal who deserve to
die . "

"... . They're nothing but idiots who are placed on a high pedestal who
deserve to die . "

"Especially that Emperor Loret, he is a fucking pig!"

". . Especially that Emperor Loret, he is a. fucking pig?" She got really
confused but chose to end the sentence . Then she realised to her horror that
the words she muttered, was really blasphemous .

She dropped to the ground with a blank face .

"You! You dare to say that my Dad, Emperor Loret, is a fucking pig?" Davis
asked in disbelief .

Ellia had tears in her eyes "No! But, my Prince, you are the one who asked
me to repeat what you said . " Her senses came back to her and she wasn't
the one to give up silently .

"When did I ever say that? Look at this" He took out a crystal from his side

"Eh? An Imagery Crystal?" Ellia recognized the crystal right away .

He injected his energy into the crystal, it then projected a video into the air .
Davis and Ellia could be seen playing and the audio could be heard as well .
Just when Davis had said 'Okay, let's stop the game', she could also be seen
to say the same sentence . After that it was just her continuously talking .
The crystal was behind Davis, so only his back and her front can be seen .

"But... . no.. .no way" She cried and shook her head in disbelief . She started
to think that she had hallucinated mid-way during the game .

"This . . . I have to immediately report this to my Dad . " Davis scrambled to

get out of the Study .

"No! Prince Davis, please don't, please forgive this lowly servant!" She
knew that she will lose her life if word of this gets out .
"Anything but that! I'll accept any punishments, please punish this lowly one
. " She bit her lips and wasn't sure of her fate anymore . She thought that her
life was going to be miserable starting from now .

"Hmm. Will you listen to my words then?" Davis asked .

"Of course, Prince" She replied as fast as she can, still tear faced .

"Then call me Davis . " He said with a smile on his face

"Prince?" Ellia was dumbfounded at this point, she thought that she will
receive some humiliating punishment from her Master .

"Alright, I'm going to report . "

"Davis!" In a moment of haste, she shouted his name loudly and blanked
out .

She then fainted after realising what she had done .

Davis laughed .

Actually he only moved his lips and sent her a Soul Transmission during the
end of the game . So it seemed like he was still talking but he wasn't . Poor
Ellia who had experienced the Soul Transmission for the first time, couldn't
differentiate between the two communication methods while she was so
absorbed in the game .

'A solid step indeed . '

Chapter 34
Chapter 34

The next day .

Davis finally got permission from Claire and Logan to roam the Royal
Capital . They agreed only on one condition . That was, he must
accompanied by the Royal Guard at all times, at least close by .
Renard and two guards who were at the third step were assigned to him . The
two guards were basically at the Iron Stage and Revolving Core Stage . Only
Renard was at the Peak Level Iron Stage, High Level Revolving Core Stage
and Mid Level Nascent Soul Stage .

Davis was excited to have the chance to roam around the Royal capital . He
felt like a child who was going to experience a field trip . Of course, he
didn't know what that feeling was since he didn't get to experience one .

Davis, Ellia and the Royal Guards had just exited the Royal Castle . He was
still wearing the royal outfit, while the Royal Guards wore shiny Red
Armor .

They went inside a carriage that reeked of the word 'Royalty' . It had royal
blue patterns all over it's body, indicating that it was from the Royal Family

After being seated, the carriage took off . They were all silent .

Davis felt like he had to say something .

"I've waited for this so long, Renard . "

"Yes, Prince . I've heard that you've been cooped up all year in the Royal
Castle . "

"Hmm, that was pretty sad . " Davis replied sadly and suddenly he
remembered .

"Oh yeah, I've never got to thank you for rescuing me from that place .
Thank you, Mister Renard . "

"No need to thank me, Prince . It was my duty after all . " Renard said it with
an indifferent face .

"Hehe . . Don't be so stiff, I want to make friends too . " Davis narrowed his
eyes .

"Friends? But my status doesn't al..."

"If I say I wanna make friends, then I want to make friends, you got
something to say about it?" Davis shot a glare, using his identity as a child to
throw a tantrum .

"." Eliia and the others .

"Prince, you can't be like this . You have your position and status as a Prince
. Please don't make it difficult for us . " Renard smiled wryly .

If word gets out that he made friends with the Prince, then he will be
suspected of taking advantage of the Prince's kindness .

" . . Alright . " Davis then realised that his kindness can also be fatal
sometimes .

Davis then looked outside the carriage . The scenery was beautiful with
buildings built in many different styles . On one side he could see an Old
Japanese styled Manor, and on the other side, he could see an old Chinese
styled Manor . Seeing that, Davis was shocked .

"What is this? Why is the buildings a mixture of so many cultures?"

"Cultures? Oh! The Prince means the architecture of the building? There are
many types of architectures available from the Ancient Era . This is the

New Age Era, so we don't differentiate between cultures anymore, we just

take them as a type of architecture . " Renard explained .

'New Age Era! I've read about it . Looks like the Ancient Era had many
people from Earth visiting this world . Looks like I'm not the only one . '
Davis thought

"Legend has it that the Sky Word Emperor sacrificed his life to bring the end
of the Ancient Era . He was a man with a great ambition . He managed to use
his power to grant a new language to all the living beings in the universe .
This led to people and beasts communicating much better and creation of a
New Era, the New Age Era . "

"Oh, now I know why it is being called the Sky Word Language or the
Language of the World . " Ellia commented .
Davis kept looking at the window . He could see people walking to and fro,
sometimes staring at the carriage with awe . He could see the City Guards in
every street they went, they were at least at the second stage in either the
Body Cultivation System or the Essence Gathering System .

Just as the carriage was passing by, he saw a building that was 4 storeys high
. There was a big board in front of the building, 'Cauldon Emporium' was
etched into that .

"Stop the carriage . "

"What is it Prince?"

"I want to visit that Emporium, stand guard here . "

"As you command, Prince Davis . If there are any emergencies, immediately
contact me . " Renard handed him a crystal .

"I got it . " Davis took the crystal and placed it in his Storage Ring .
Yesterday, he got a Earth Grade Storage Ring as his birthday present from
his father .

They got out of the carriage, Davis and Ellia arrived in front of the Cauldon
Emporium while the Royal Guards stood near the Carriage .

A person immediately arrived from the Cauldon Emporium . He was dressed

wealthy, his body decorated with all kinds of jewelries . He had short green
hair . He was plump and ran with dragged steps .

"This . . please forgive me for arriving late to pick you up, my Prince . " "It's
fine, I never said that I was going to visit this place earlier . " "I thank the
Prince for his understanding . My name is George Cauldon, I'm currently the
manager of this Emporium . Let's go inside, shall we?"

Davis nodded his head looking coolly .

They then started walking inside the Emporium . He could see a lot of sellers
with boards in their respective stalls, some even possessed a shop . "So what
is this place for?"

"My Prince, this place is our Cauldon family's Emporium, we sell various
kind of items here . It also acts as a marketplace . A lot of vagabonds and
merchants also come here to setup their shops here since we also provide
high security for their merchandise . "

"Oh? You mean that I can also setup a shop here?"

"Hoho, the Prince sure can joke . "

"No, I'm serious . "

"This . . the prince can also setup a shop but no one would dare to compete
with you leading to less income for us . "

"Haha, you are straightforward, I like it . "

They chatted for a few minutes as they walked . Just when they passed by
the Cauldon Pill Store, Davis paused and looked at it .

"Oh, that is our Pill Store, we sell various pills of great quality in there . "
George explained briefly .

He unhurriedly walked into the store . A young lady came forward and
greeted them gracefully .

"Hurry, the prince is here . Get the Young Mistress here to greet the Prince .
" George hurriedly sent a Soul Transmission to her .


She was utterly dumbfounded, then hurriedly nodded her head and went
inside .
Chapter 35
Chapter 35

The young lady was a staff member of the Illustrious Cauldon Pill Store .
She held her head high up, looking down on other people with ordinary
statuses . But she dared not to pull her weight around the Prince of an
Empire or the Manager . Both were people who she couldn't offend .

She hurriedly ran and stood in front of a door .

"Young Mistress, the Prince is here, the manager has called you to go greet
him . " She anxiously shouted .

After a moment of silence, a voice can be heard .

"You can go now, our Young Mistress will be ready in a moment . "

"Yes!" She quickly left .

Inside the room .

"Miss, the Prince is here it seems . " A young girl said . She had a servant
like attitude that clearly explained that she served under this Young Mistress

"The Prince? Isn't he only 8 years old? What is he doing here Maisy?" A
young lady, around 18 years old questioned with a surprised tone .

She was 5'3" tall . She had sharp black eyes . Her nose were small with her
lips upturned in a smile . Her long green hair reached till her waist, and had
her side hair tied up in a bun behind her head . Her breasts were bountiful
while her buttocks were perky . She wore a black cheongsam with red stripes
over its edges . She looked quite matured for her age .

"Perhaps the Prince could no longer wait to meet his fiancée, hehe . " Maisy
joked .
"Haha, he is only 8 years old, surely he isn't here for me . Even if he was
here for me, I am merely designated to be his concubine . My fate is sealed
for all we know . " She shook her head wryly .

"Maybe Miss should just escape from this place and go somewhere else . "
Maisy understood her Mistress's plight, she couldn't help but support her .

"Go where Maisy? If I escaped then I would be a sinner of the Cauldon

family . Let's go see him, but there would not be much to expect from an 8
year old boy . " She regained her bearings and left the room with Maisy .

"Look at this Prince, these are all our top most pills . This is a Peak Earth
Grade Three Revolutions Pill, it helps one break through the Silver
Stage... . . "

George kept explaining all the top tier pills they had in stock, Davis was
listening to him patiently while taking in the new found knowledge .
Learning all of this, he suddenly had some interest in Alchemy .

'How good would it be if I am able to make these by myself?' Davis sighed .

He became determined to get a good teacher for his Alchemy training . All
this war and it's after effects caused the Loret Empire to be unstable .
Without the rumoured senior's fake presence, the Loret Empire could have
suffered another calamity . So with this situation, Davis's parents didn't
invite any outsiders over .

Faint footsteps could be heard by his side . He turned his head to see a
beautiful women accompanied by another women behind her who seemed to
be a servant . Watching that beautiful women, his eyes lit up in appreciation .

She walked with an elegance that won't be found in ordinary women . She
was beautiful as well as sexy in a mature sense .

"Haha, Prince, let me introduce her, she is our family's Young Mistress,
Evelynn Cauldon . "

"What a beautiful name . " Davis commented while watching her coming
towards him . He was truly captivated by her elegance .
"Wait! What? Your family's Young Mistress?" Davis's eyes was wide open .

"Yes, she is your fiancée, Prince Davis . " George nodded proudly .

'That women is my fiancée?' Davis looked at her and lost his composure . He
suddenly felt that his Mother did an excellent job by tying him with this
women .

Evelynn came forward and introduced herself as she bowed lightly .

"A good day to you, Prince Davis . My name is Evelynn Cauldon . "

Davis gulped, even her voice sounded coquettish capable of melting his
sanity .

'Fuck! Is she a succubus?'

"A good day to you too, Miss Evelynn . " Davis clasped his hand and greeted
her as well . He felt like he should leave a good impression on her .

"I am heartened to see you, Prince Davis . By any chance, did you come here
to visit me?" Evelynn probed, she wanted to know why he came here .

Davis contemplated a moment before answering . If he lied then he would

have to make a river of lies again to follow up .

"Ah . . The truth is I had no idea that you were here, Miss Evelynn . This is
the first day I have been out of the Royal Castle, I was just roaming around
while I caught the sight of your Cauldon Emporium . I wished to check
things out, so I came in . I honestly didn't expect to see Miss Evelynn here .
It is pretty much my luck, to see your beautiful self here . "

Davis who still looked like a kid, still kept his bearings and answered
truthfully . But the sight of it was pretty comical to Evelynn .

She giggled . "Evelynn thanks the Prince for his compliment . " She now had
a good impression of him . If this was her fate, then she was determined to
make a person like him care for her . If not, then she thought of backing out .

Now Davis was feeling not sure about this engagement . He sure did like her
but didn't want to force her either .
"Miss Evelynn, by any chance are you against this engagement? If you are
then I can ask my Father Emperor to cancel the engagement . "

This time, even Evelynn and the other people eyes shot wide open .

She very much wanted to decline this engagement when she first heard about
it, but as a member of the family, she had little say in her marriage unless she
showed a talent that a genius should possess . After directly meeting him in
person, she had a good impression of him . So she was now a little hesitative
whether to drop this engagement or not .

Age was of little concern in this world . After one turned 16, it didn't matter
if he or she married a 200 year old person .

Davis was just 8 years old but the marriage will be held only after he turned
16, until then she would have plenty of time to decide .

"This... Prince . . shouldn't say it like this, the engagement has already been

Davis glared at George and that shut him up from saying any more bullshit .

"As you know, I have again been engaged to the 36th princess of the Ashton
Empire . This means, you are fated to be a concubine of mine even if you
marry me . I know that you are indignant about this and hence I want you to
make a choice . " Davis elaborated his thoughts .

Chapter 36
Chapter 36

Davis could see that she didn't immediately answer and was currently
hesitating on her decision . Else, she would have openly said that she didn't
like this engagement or that she would willingly marry him .

'Looks like she is forced too . Oh, but I'm not opposed to this anymore
either . So it's not 'too' anymore' Davis sighed .

"There is no need to decide so soon, Miss Evelynn . I can see some

hesitation in your eyes . But the sooner you make your decision, the better it
is for your reputation . " Davis calmly said .

Evelynn couldn't believe her ears . This little boy didn't take a liking to her
and decided to let the engagement go just like that? Or did he consider her
feelings and said that? She couldn't guess which one was it .

"Then I bid you farewell, Miss Evelynn . " Davis had no choice but to leave
after creating this awkward atmosphere . He wanted to escape from further
embarrassment as soon as possible .

Ellia watched followed him closely while she watched him in admiration .
She didn't forget the 'experience' she had with him yesterday . It turned her
view of the world upside down . She could even get into a grave trouble by
playing a game with him?

'What else has the Prince has in store for me?' She very much looked forward
to it .

She wasn't the one to give up easily . But if this was her fate, to live as a
maid till she dies, then she will her life to the fullest as a maid rather than try
to break free from it, only to die early by betraying the Royal Family .

After the Prince left . Evelynn had a complex feeling in her heart .

"Interesting" She muttered with a wide smile on her lips . If Davis had saw
that then he would've probably kidnapped her to make her his first wife .

"Young Mistress, the Prince is just a little kid for now . So what he says will
have no effect on the marriage . Please give up any thoughts of backing out .
" George said warily . He had to report this to the Cauldon Family Head as
quickly as possible .

"Miss! Wasn't that your chance?" Maisy muttered over Evelynn's ears .
Evelynn stayed silent .

Evelynn felt mildly confused, she felt like she couldn't make a decision
anymore . She didn't have any lovers or such people in her life . Since she
was engaged to the Prince, no one dared to woo her openly either . So she
didn't have much experience interacting with the opposite sex .
Davis was deep in thought after getting into the carriage .

'Still, what is this feeling? I feel like I just gave her amnesty, pardoned her
from her fate with a single sentence of mine . Is this how people at the top of
the power hierarchy feel? No wonder they are so hungry for more power and
authority . Even I feel like I can get drunk on it . ' He shook his head sighed .

He thought that he had enough of his first day out in the Royal Capital . The
moment he met Evelynn, he was satisfied for the day . So he ordered the
carriage driver to return to the Royal Castle .

He talked with Renard for some time till they arrived at the Royal Castle .
After that, he straight away went into the Study .

After making himself comfortable, he thought that he should continue to

develop Eliia's personality as well . After yesterday she was a little open to
him . Now is a perfect moment to break her shell since the effects of
yesterday were still there .

"So Ellia, what do you think about Miss Evelynn?" Davis asked .

"Me? I think she is very beautiful and is perfectly matches with the Prince .
Truly a match made in heaven . " Ellia shook her head and sighed in
admiration .

He glared at her . "Tell your true thoughts . "

"Erm . . She is too much of an independent and proud women, I don't think
that she will agree to be your concubine . " Ellia puffed and replied .

"That's what I thought too . "

Suddenly, Davis stood in front of her face . Ellia froze realizing that their
heads were too close .

Davis looked into her eyes deeply .

'What? What is this? Is he going to do it now?'

*Badump* *Badump*
Ellia's heart beat like a young maiden . She could feel his deep gaze, and it
felt like her heart was going to explode . She couldn't bear his gaze, so she
closed her eyes and waited for it to end .

She waited and waited for what it felt like a long time but nothing happened .
She slowly opened her eyes only to see Davis seated on his bed, looking a
little disappointed .

'Why is the Prince disappointed, was it because I didn't k... kiss him?' Ellia
thought .

"Ellia . " Davis's voice was tranquil .

"Y . . Yes?" Ellia was truly nervous .

"Why didn't you push me back?" Davis asked a stupid question .

"Push? How can I? There's no way I can do that, I am your maid, Master! In
other words, your slave!" She let out her angry emotions . What did he even
expect from his servant?

There was a moment of silence

"Did I buy you?" Davis asked calmly .

" . . No" She thought and answered .

"Did I ever say that you were my slave?" He stood up .

"No . " He never did call her that .

"Did I ever say that you were my maid?" Davis walked towards her .

" . . No . " Thinking of it, he never even treated her like that .

"Then why are you degrading yourself?" He stood in front of Ellia .

"I..She couldn't think clearly anymore . Her thoughts were jumbled .

Suddenly she felt warm arms envelop her body in an embrace . She didn't
know why but she felt warm and secure in that embrace .
"Become my friend!" Davis suddenly asked .

"I . . I can't" She had tears in her eyes . Something felt like breaking in her
head .

"Call me Davis!"

"No." Ellia felt like something was stuck in her throat, she tried to get it out .

"Call me Davis . " Davis repeated, he was not giving up after coming this far

"Davis!" She finally had her inferiority complex break .

"Again!" Davis smiled, he happily said .

"Davis!" "Again!"

"Davis! Davis! Davis!" Tears were running down her eyes while she had a
smile on her face .

'Yes, why am I degrading myself when the person I serve, doesn't even look
at me like a servant . Am I looking down on myself? Have I truly given up?
Have I lost something?"

"You, Ellia, have unofficially become my friend . " Davis let go of her and
happily said with a grin on his face . He didn' think that he would be able to
change her mentality so soon .

'She must be a very strong minded girl . ' He thought .

"Hmm . . " She bit her lips and nodded her head .

At that moment, a thought sprouted in her head which made her heart flutter
Chapter 37
Chapter 37


The voice pulled her back from her thoughts, making her blush .

"Hmm. We have become friends, so it's fine to call me Davis when we are
alone from now on . For your safety, don't call me Davis in front of others .
Things will go worse for you if you say my name in front of someone else,
but even if it came down to that, I will take care of that . So, you don't have
to worry too much about it . "

"I got it . . Davis . " Glancing at the side, she said shyly .

"So Ellia, why didn't you push me back? I think you can answer me now . . "
Davis laughed meaningfully .

Ellia's face went blank . She held her hands in front of her chest and
mumbled .

"Tha . . that is... as a maid in training, we are made to learn about nightly
services, so I was pretty much . . ready for it . " By the time she finished, her
face was so red that it looked like an apple .

Hearing that, Davis was dumfounded .

"What? Did those bastards do something to you? I will definitely get

revenge for you!" Davis fumed with anger . What are they doing with little
girls? This is definitely a crime .

"Ah, no no . We are only made to learn from books. and . . " She hurriedly
said, afraid that he might misunderstand but went silent .

"And what?" Davis had a blank face .

"And we are made to view from that crystal you took yesterday . . and"
'What the hell? Porno exists here too?'

"...And?" He gulped .

"We are then made to practice with vegetables!" She shouted and ducked,
holding her legs as she went silent in shame .

"Hahahaha" Davis laughed rolling on the floor literally . He hadn't had a

laugh like this in his whole life . He laughed so hard that a little drop of tear
rolled out from his eyes .

Hearing that laughter, Ellia felt like that she could die from shame .

Stopping his laughter, Davis realised that he had awoken to the pleasures of
bullying his new friend .

'Ah, this is gonna be so fun . '

"Alright" He lifted her up .

"Ellia, if you want to break out from this status you have, then you need
strength . Strength is the basic form of power and if you have it, no one
would dare to look down upon you regardless of status . " Davis said
seriously .

She regained composure and nodded her head .

"I'll teach you cultivation, so don't worry . "

"Thank you, Davis . "

"Stop that, there's no need for thanks between friends!" Davis hurriedly
shook his hand .

"Look at that, you are already at High Level Meridian Refinement Stage . "

"Hehe, they said that I have some talent for cultivation . I heard that, that's
why they sold me so expensively that only the Royal Family could afford for
a single slave like me . "

"I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that fact, but I guess your
talent is good, considering the stage you achieved at your age without much
resources . " Davis said while guessing how high her talent was .

'Oh, but I am pretty happy about that fact . After all, I was able to meet you .
" Thinking like that, she smiled in her heart .

"Whatever, let's go meet my Mother . I want to introduce you to her as well .


"Oh, If it's the Empress, I have already met her once . She only gave me a
single mission, and that was to take care of you well . "

Hearing that, Davis had a smile on his face . His mother still cares for him
deeply .

"Alright then, I guess there's no need to introduce you then . You stay here, I
shall go visit her . "

In the Empress's quarters .

A child wailing incessantly can be heard .

"Now now, don't cry Diana, Mom is here" Claire tried to placate Diana but it
was of no use .

After a few moments, she suddenly stopped crying and slept peacefully .

Diana had two pure sappire eyes . She was chubby and incredibly cute . Her
black hair was short . If she grew up, she would totally look like her mother
combined with her father's eyes and hair .

Davis opened the door and went inside the Empress's quarters .

"Oh Davis! Come here, come here . If Diana hadn't stopped crying, I
would've gone looking for you . "

"Hehe, Mom, today I saw Evelynn Cauldon . " Davis grinned .

"Oh . . What do you think about her?" Claire's eyes shot up . She probed him

"She is truly beautiful, I think I've taken a liking towards her as well . "

"Haha, Davis . Just like your father, you two easily fall for women with
beauty . " Hearing that, she was finally able to relax .

"I guess that this marriage is now pretty much confirmed . "

"Not so soon Mom!"


He explained the events that took place when he was in the Cauldon
Emporium .

"And that's it, I don't think she likes the marriage arrangement and if she
doesn't like me, then just let her go . " Davis spread his hands wide .

"But judging by the events, looks like she isn't totally against the marriage as
well . " Claire deduced after hearing his story .

"Then we'll have to see how it goes . If by any chance she doesn't want to be
with me, then we will cancel the marriage! Agreed?"

"This... I can't decide that, you should ask your father . " Claire had a
difficult expression on her face while saying that .

'There it is, the legendary diversion technique he heard about, used by

almost all the parents in his previous world . '

Davis sighed . "Atleast, you can't force her, okay?"

"Alright" Claire gave in .

"So what about your new personal maid, satisfied?" Claire winked at him .

"Very satisfied!" He winked back at her .

"Wonderful! Mother pulled some strings to get her for you . She was so
expensive though . " She pouted .
"Just for facts . How much did she actually cost?" Davis let his curiosity get
the better of him .

"One Purple Coin . " Claire calmly stated .

"_100.000.000.000 Copper Coins!!!!?" Davis had a dumfounded face .

So expensive?

"By the way. Mom. where is Clara cooped up?"

"Clara huh?" Claire heavily sighed .

"That child isn't the same as she used to be . For some reason. she is
avoiding us father and mother as well . " She said sadly .

"What did I do wrong? Did I wrong her in anyway? Your father is afraid to
deal with her since she can think for herself as a girl . She only talks to you
and won't talk much to us . I can feel that she maintains some distance from
us . " Claire bit her lips .

"Honestly. you two are so much different than a normal child that we
hesitate to even make the slightest wrong choice while having a conversation
. I know about you Davis. but she just won't open up to us . All that she does
is give a short reply or nod her head . "

'Things were this serious?' Davis eye's twitched .

Chapter 38
Chapter 38

"Don't worry mom, this must be a misunderstanding on her part . Remember

Mom, even though she can process complex thoughts like an adult, she is
still a child, both in body and soul unlike me . It would take some time for
her to understand her own feelings . " He paused before grinning .

"If she can't then I will just have to make her realize . "

"I knew I can count on you, Davis . You're the best . " She quickly embraced
him .


After spending some time with his Mom, he returned back to the Study . He
had nothing to do except cultivating, so he thought that he will use this
chance to teach Ellia about cultivation .

"Ellia, I said before that I will teach you cultivation . " Davis walked up to
her .

"Hmm" Ellia nodded her head . It would be a lie if she said she wasn't
interested in it .

"Before that, what do you know about cultivation so far?" Davis wanted to
know her current knowledge .

"Erm . . . I only know about Meridian Refinement Stage, I haven't been

taught any more than that . " Ellia shyly said .

"Then try explaining that to me . " Davis said .

She gathered her thoughts before explaining . "Meridian Refinement Stage is

where we refine our meridians by absorbing heaven and earth energy from
the air . It is almost impossible to absorb without an Essence Gathering
Cultivation Technique . The heaven and earth energy in the air is also
impure making it difficult for us cultivate by that method . So we have no
choice but to rely on refined pills to make it through this stage quickly,
otherwise we can only advance slowly by absorbing this impure heaven and
earth energy . Later, we refine all the meridians in our body till we are able
to start storing energy in our meridians for the next stage . "

"Right, you have a good grasp of the Meridian Refinement Stage . " He
nodded his head in approval .

"Hehe" She smiled innocently, happy at being complimented by him .

"Let me explain to you about the next stage, Energy Condensation Stage . As
the name implies, we start gathering energy and store it in our meridians .
This causes our meridians to undergo a qualitative change depending on the
element of the energy we absorb . The pureness of the stored energy depends
on the Essence Gathering Cultivation Technique we cultivate . The more
pure it is, the more powerful we will be . Our meridians become more
powerful, capable of storing more energy when we break through the next
level in that stage . "

"Oh . " She could understand his simple explanation . She thought it was
way easier to understand his explanation than reading through books which
really like it to make cultivation mysterious enough that she couldn't
understand one bit of it .

He explained it's concepts to her for some time before moving on to the
Body Cultivation System .

"Let's move on to the Body Cultivation System . It isn't anything difficult to

understand and doesn't require much comprehension, but requires more
resources than the other two Cultivation Systems . We just have to absorb
the energy from those certain resources and circulate it into our body,
meridians, bones, tendons, inner muscles, outer muscles and organs, making
our entire body stronger in the process . Body Cultivation System in the
early stages is organized by the aura we emit after cultivating it . After we
keep cultivating and strengthen our entire body continuously, the aura we
emit changes in colour, indicating that we have broken through the next
stage . "

"In the Copper Stage, we emit a reddish brown aura that envelops our body
when we use the Body Cultivation System . In the Bronze Stage, we emit a
pure brown aura, and so on and so forth for the next stages . "

Ellia kept nodding her head .

After that, he explained on how to circulate the energies from the absorbed
resources into the body efficiently . He also explained about the dangers of
cultivating in Body Cultivation System .

"One wrong move, and the worst is that you end up crippled or even dead!"

Ellia gulped, but now she felt like she could now confidently cultivate with
his help .

"Leaving at that, I guess I could explain Soul Cultivation to you later . You
are not ready for that . "

"Okay . " She was taking in all that he said previously, so any more
knowledge is useless since she will get confused .

'Oh man! How do I explain Soul Cultivation to her? It is the most mysterious
and involves a lot of complex intricacies out of the 3 Cultivation Systems . '
Davis had a headache . He was no teacher material, and he couldn't teach her
what he didn't understand perfectly .

In the Cauldon Family Manor at the Royal Capital .

"What? The Prince said that he will cancel the marriage between him and
my daughter?" Evan Cauldon who was in his room suddenly went wide eyed
at the news .

"No, It's not like that Family Head" George came to report about the
previous event .

"Then what?"

"The Prince only told that Evelynn has her choice to make and that he won't
force her to become his concubine . If she doesn't want to marry him, then he
said that he will cancel the marriage with the help of his father . " George
said .
"Hmph, the Loret family won't go back on their word . We helped them
cross the rebellion and also the war . The marriage will happen as planned . "

"Even if they don't go back on their word, what if Evelynn refuses? Then
they will stop the marriage from happening on having a good reason on their
part . "

"This... did Evelynn say anything?" Evan anxiously asked .

"She didn't say anything and also didn't back out from the marriage . "

"Hmm?" Evan couldn't believe his ears . He knew his daughter best but for
the betterment of his family, he had no choice but to sacrifice her .

"It looked like she was hesitating for some reason . This is also a good
news . " George happily smiled .

"Hmm? Did she fall for that little brat? No way! She was adamant about
revoking this marriage arrangement when she was a child and even
yesterday! What had happened?"

"Even if you ask me." George had a wry smile on his face .
Chapter 39
Chapter 39

One whole year passed .

Davis was 9 years old now . He grew up to 4 feet 9 inches tall . His face
began to shape like his father who also looked like a lady killer . Combined
with his mother's looks, he will certainly be popular among women in the
future .

Davis wholly spent most of his time cultivating . He finally reached Mid
Level Iron Stage, High Level Infant Soul Stage, High Level Energy
Condensation Stage .

During this year, he didn't get a chance to meet Evelynn or rather one should
say that he put that matter on the back of his head . He was still waiting for
her reply but none came even now .

He also made Ellia train in Body Tempering Cultivation and Essence

Gathering Cultivation . He made her train in the same Cultivation
Techniques he cultivated in . Her talent was great as well, but not to the
point of being a genius . He managed to pull some strings with some random
excuses to get the resources for her cultivation . Of course, if his father and
mother found about it, even he doesn't know what will happen .

Ellia achieved Peak Level Copper Body Stage and Peak Level Meridian
Refinement Stage during this time .

Logan and Claire also worked 'hard' and birthed a baby boy during this year .
Davis was so happy that he finally got a little brother . Anymore little sisters
and he will probably get diabetes .

Logan mostly worked his butt off to see to the affairs of the Empire . He
only had enough time to meet Claire and he didn't worry about Davis while
he had no idea on what to do about Clara .

Clara was now 5 years old . She started cultivating normally as one would
do when they reach this age . But she also made sure to make quick progress
in cultivation . She reached Low Level Meridian Refinement Stage and was
already on the verge of breaking through to the Mid Level of Meridian
Refinement Stage .

A day before, she was even more gutsy than Davis and had tried cultivating
Body Tempering Cultivation System, only to fail miserably . She couldn't
bear the pain and fainted . The remaining energy in her body went berserk
and considerably damaged her body, fortunately it was not fatal as Logan
was beside her at that time .

Logan who had allowed her to cultivate Body Cultivation System got severe
beatings from Claire . Of course, it had been all in Claire's room or he would
have lost his face big time . He didn't say anything as he also felt guilty
about Clara .

Davis who had heard this stayed with her in her room from yesterday . She
still didn't wake up .

Davis looked at her face warmly, he held her hands . She also tightly held
his hands, it was unknown whether she did it consciously or subconsciously

"Why are you trying so hard Clara?" Davis muttered . He sighed again .

He didn't know how many times he sighed like an old man from yesterday .
He blamed himself for this accident .

'If only I had watched her properly . '

'If only I had paid attention to her from that time . '

'After all I said that to Mom about taking care of her, talk about pathetic . '

Thoughts like these were swirling around his head making him severely
depressed . Just as he was wallowing in his depression . Clara's hand slightly
moved .

It woke Davis up from his depression and he anxiously shouted .


Clara, who was lying in her bed, opened her eyes slowly .

Seeing that she was fine, Davis heaved a sigh of relief, much different to the
previous depressive sighs .

"Brother?" She weakly smiled at him .

Seeing that weak smile, Davis lost himself in immense guilt . He felt like
something was stabbing his heart .

"Clara, I'm sorry, it's all brother's fault . I shouldn't have left you alone at
that time no matter what . I've caused you meaningless sufferings, I'm so
sorry, even though you worked so hard, I've closed my eyes t . . . "

Clara placed her finger on his lip as she weakly smiled .

"It isn't brother's fault . "

A single sentence .

That single sentence was like a spear that pierced through the walls as he felt
his guilt dissolve into boundless love .

Tears fell out of his eyes as he stayed silent and bit his lips .

"Why? Why do you try so hard?" Davis feebly asked .

"Because I want to stay with brother forever . " Clara tightly embraced her
brother as if she wouldn't let him go no matter what .

This time, she didn't try to hide anything as what she had gotten into has
equally harmed her brother .

Davis stood there stunned . He could feel her pure emotions of wanting to
stay with him .

"Why? Why me?"

"Only you were there for me . "

"Me? What about Father and Mother?"

"Mother and Father both... lie to me from time to time as if they practiced
it... beforehand . Even other people in the royal castle lie and deceive, it
makes me very scared . Only brother didn't lie to me . Being with you makes
me comfortable . "

"Mother and Father lied? It can't be!"

"I'm telling the truth, my eyes have said so . "

"You truly think so?"

"I believe my eyes . "

"Then brother will verify it for you!"


Before she can even reply, Davis sent a crystal transmission to Logan and
Claire that Clara had woken up and was immediately requesting their
presence .

"It's fine, brother will protect you . " Davis strongly replied .

"Hmm . " She nodded her head nervously .

'Lies? What possible lies? This is getting rather out of hand . Even I have no
way to tell if they are lying or not . Guess I'll just have to ask them directly
in front of Clara . Indirectly confronting them can possibly lead to Clara
losing trust in me . No matter what, I just want to avoid that as much as
possible . ' He thought .

Not even a minute passed before both of them simultaneously showed up in

Clara's room . It could be seen that they were truly anxious .

"Clara! Are you fine?" Both of them asked simultaneously . Worry could be
seen in their eyes . They also maintained some distance from Clara afraid
that she might possibly show rejection to them .

Clara nodded head but didn't dare to look in their eyes as she thought that
she will get into trouble soon .

If she had looked into their eyes then she would've noticed the worry and
care in their eyes .

Seeing that she kept her head down, both of them looked at Davis with a
questioning gaze .


"Mom and Dad, Clara and I want to talk to you about something . "

Clara visibly trembled lightly .

"Talk? Is it a serious matter?" Logan asked .

".. .Depends . "

"Perfect, I have something to talk about too . " Claire replied .

"I think what mom wants to talk about and what we want to talk is about the
same . "

"Hmm?" Claire had a puzzled expression .

"Now, I have a question to ask of you and you both must answer honestly .
" Davis face went serious . He changed his attitude towards them for the
sake of his sister .
Chapter 40
Chapter 40

One could see that Logan and Claire had question marks all over their face .
They both didn't know why he got serious all of a sudden .

"Both of you should know that lying to Clara is forbidden as she possesses
the Transcendent Truth Eyes . Have you both ever lied to Clara before?"
Davis asked with a solemn tone .

After thinking for a few seconds, Claire answered .

"I don't think I ever lied to Clara . "

"Me neither . " Logan shrugged with an innocent face .

Davis turned his head only to see Clara being stunned . Her eyes were
glowing indicating that her eyes were active .

"How is it Clara? Are they telling the truth?"

"My eyes seems to say that they are telling the truth . . . " With a stunned
expression, she said .

Davis seemed to visibly relax .

Clara had a confused expression on her face . " . . . But... how? My eyes had
also said to me way before that they have lied to me . "

"Clara, believe me! We have never lied to you before . " Claire said, stepping
forward .

"A misunderstanding?" Davis muttered softly .

'Not a lie? If it is not a lie. could it possibly be deceit?' Davis though

"Clara, what did Mom say when your eye said that she lied to you?" Davis
narrowed his eyes .
Clara got out from her bed and stood beside Davis .

"There are many instances of Mom and Dad lying to me . " She said with
some grievance in her heart .

"Many?" All three of them were visibly dumbfounded .

Clara gathered her courage and said with a determined face .

"One such instance is when mom said that she was going to the bathroom
when I was around three years old . Mom only came to me after more than
an hour . When I asked what was she doing there for so long? She said that
she was enjoying the bath, and so that it had took her long to come out . "

Seeing that the three of them with furrowed brows and a confused
expression, she grit her teeth and continued .

"Another instance was when dad was playing with me, he rarely plays with
me and even so he says that he is really busy . One day when dad was
playing with me, I accidentally slept off, and when I woke up... what I saw
was dad beating mom from behind her, he even hit her back . They then
quickly separated when they saw me wake up . I saw it, don't you try to deny
it dad! Mom's face was red, she must have been really in pain . " Clara cried
so hard .

"An. . And when I asked. dad about it. he said that he was just playing with
her . Lies. all lies, Waaah . . . "

Clara cried and sniffed. .

"And. when I ask . . asked mom about it, she also said that she was playing
with him . Waa, brother! They're just lying to me all the time." "Anoth. . "
"Alright stop! Clara, it's enough, I've already understood . " Davis embraced
and comforted her .

Clara kept crying, pouring her emotions over to her brother . After a few
moments, she stopped crying .

Davis then let her out of his embrace . He then turned around and glared at
them .
They both put their head down in shame .

"Alright Mom and Dad, care to explain yourselves to Clara?"

They both stayed silent, still hanging their heads low .

"Brother? Does this mean that they admit that they have lied to me?" Clara
innocently asked .

"Sigh, Clara they didn't lie to you . "


"They deceived you . "

"Deceive? Me? But why?"

"Why don't you ask them yourselves, Clara, go ahead, brother is here, they
will answer you . " Davis smiled . Inside his heart, he was laughing his ass
off . He didn't want to let them go easily after they had created this mess .

Clara nodded . She then turned around and asked .

"Mom! Why did you deceive me?"

There was no answer .

Davis could see their eyes darting around . He could faintly guess that they
were having a conversation using Soul Transmission .

"Dad! Why did you deceive me?" Clara wasn't giving up . Tears had again
formed on her eyes .

Clara and Logan looked at each other's face and sighed .

"Clara, it's too soon for you to know . " Logan said .

Davis narrowed his eyes . Seems like they're not ready to admit it yet?

"Clara, when you said that father was beating mother, he was just using his
peepee to ........"
"Alright, alright, I'll tell, you shut up Davis . " Logan shouted out of shame .

"Then tell fast, I and Clara don't have all day, we're busy with cultivation . "
Davis smirked .

Clara looked at Davis in admiration, astonished at the fact that he can even
talk back to their dad at his age .

Logan visibly raged while Claire just stayed silent . When she heard 'his
peepee', she froze .

"Fine . " Logan calmed down .

"Clara, I and mom was just procreating at the time when we deceived you .
In your age, you shouldn't know all these things . "

Clara could tell that they were saying the truth but she couldn't understand
why they would deceive her .

"Why? Isn't it just an act of sticking a male's reproductive organ into a

female's one? What's so special about that you deceive me to hide it from

"You!" Logan and Claire were totally shocked at what their daughter was
saying .

Davis sighed . He understood what the hell was going on now .

"You two!" Davis shouted .

It immediately grabbed everyone's attention .

"Both of you are just forgetting that Clara is just a child capable of complex
thoughts and emotions, not an adult capable of complex thoughts and
emotions . Even if a child utters the word 'sex', that child will only think of
gender while adults will surely think of procreation . "

"What she said is purely from her knowledge without any in depth meaning
to it . "

He paused a moment before sneering . "Unlike you two with impure

thoughts all day long . "

Logan's veins popped up in his head while he clenched his fists while Claire
put her head down in shame .

But they understood why they were wrong . They subconsciously treated
Clara as a second Davis . Davis was an adult and Clara was a child in terms
of mentality . They were wrong to treat them the same .

"Clara, father and mother meant no harm . It was all for your sake . " Davis
tried to convince her .

"Hmm, I believe in brother . "

"Glad to hear that, so it's all ok now, right?" He asked doubtfully .

"Yes, I guess all the problems were with my eye . When will I be able to
master it?" She muttered regretfully .

"Don't worry, believe in yourself and also don't let a person's lie affect your
mentality . Always be warm to your family, got it?"

"Hmm!" Clara replied brightly

Chapter 41
Chapter 41

After that, Claire and Logan apologized to Clara for their irresponsible
actions . They promised that they would never lie or deceive her again .

Davis also watched this comical sight as he thought that it served them right

'This horny couple . ' Davis shook his head, in fact he was just jealous .

After this ended, he bid farewell to Clara .

He then made his way to his study and just when he was halfway there, he
got blocked by two angry silhouettes . He suddenly got a bad feeling about
this .

"Hmm? Why are you two here for?"

Logan cracked his fists . "Claire, I think there's one kid over here who
doesn't understand his position . "

"That brat, how brave of him to insult the Emperor and the Empress?" Claire
piped in .

Davis took a step back .

"What do you think we should do about this brat who thinks that he is so

"I am thinking of..." Just before Claire can answer .

Davis tried to run before Logan captured him over his neck .

"Claire, can I. . " Logan grinned .

"Permission granted!"

"Oh shit!" Davis shouted .

Davis knew that his life was over .

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*


After some time, Davis can be seen carried by Ellia to his study with severe
external injuries .

Rumours spread about that one night in the Royal Castle, about how a lonely
ghost screaming miserably can be heard at that time .

A week passed slowly, Davis's injuries healed slowly . Today, he healed

completely .
His parents didn't let him heal quickly and grounded him for a week, they
also made it as his punishment .

"One day, I'll teach that horny couple what it means to suffer . " Davis
muttered quietly . He didn't quite think that they would really seriously
injure him . Claire just watched with a determined gaze while Logan gave all
the beatings .

Of course, he didn't mean what he said either .

"Davis, since you are fully healed now, why don't we stroll around the Royal
Castle . " Ellia said with a sweet voice .

She pretty much knew how he got injured but she only laughed when he
heard his plight .

"Seems like a good idea . " Davis stretched and exercised his body .

He stayed in the Study recuperating his injuries and didn't go anywhere out
as he was grounded .

"Okay, let's go . " Davis then dragged her out of the Study .

He then made his way to the library with her . He wanted to get her some
Battle Techniques which might suit her .

Just when they arrived in front of the Library, he saw Librarian Oxford .

They both greeted each other and just when he passed by, he was stopped by
Oxford .

"Prince, bringing a maid into the Castle Library is forbidden . " Oxford said

"Even if it is your personal maid . " He added .

Davis narrowed his eyes . He had a good impression of the Librarian before

"You are just a maid, don't bite off more than you can chew . " Oxford
berated Ellia .
"Y...Yes, I'll just wait here, Prince Davis . " Ellia answered, a little scared .

'Just a maid?' Davis closed his eyes, he was full of anger . He didn't think the
Librarian would be this type of person . He reasoned that he was just doing
his job, but the last sentence he uttered to Ellia went overboard .

"Oxford!" Davis shouted .

"Prince?" Oxford trembled when he heard that shout . He had a vague

feeling that his soul was suppressed at that moment when Davis shouted .

"I'll say the same, don't bite more than you can chew . Since when did you
get the authority to lecture my personal maid?" "But...Pri . . "

"Where is your answer?"

"I dare not anymore . "

"This shall be your last warning . "

"Ellia, let's go . "

"But, my Prince! The rules say... . "

Davis shot a look at Oxford which ultimately shut him up .

They then walked inside and searched for some Battle Techniques suitable
for Ellia .

"Prince, there was no need for that, I could have stayed outside and not cause
you any trouble . " Ellia said sadly . She was happy that he helped her, but
knew that he will ultimately get into trouble for this event .

'He was just punished by the Emperor, how can he be so protective of me?'
She thought .

"There's no need to worry about me Ellia, worry about yourself . " Davis
smiled back at her .

Ellia smiled back and nodded .

Davis thought that he moved a little too soon . He was too protective of her .
If word gets out then then trouble will soon follow her naturally .

'Whatever, at that time, I'll just protect her again . ' He thought .

"Ellia, since you just cultivate the same Cultivation Techniques as me, I'll
find a suitable version for you as well . "

"Hmm . "

Davis then went, brought out some books from the shelves and returned after
a few minutes . "

"First of all, these are the copies of all the Battle Techniques I train in . In
fact, I have already finished training in all these . "

He pointed at each one of these books and explained slowly .

"This is the Devastating Lightning Palm, a Low Level Sky Grade Battle
Technique . It can cause a devastating effect if you manage to hit the
opponent's body with your palm with this technique . They will be in a sorry
state as their internal organs will be fried . "

She nodded her head .

"And this one over here is the *cough* Silent Erupting Finger, also a Low
Level Sky Grade Battle Technique . This technique is a little difficult to train
in, other than that, it is a powerful technique which concentrates all your
Body Cultivation strength in your finger to erupt with an incredible piercing
power . This technique is useful for killing someone silently . "

Hearing that, Ellia's face went pale . She imagined her finger piercing into a
person's chest . She refrained from vomiting right there and somehow
calmed herself down .

Davis could see that something was wrong with her, but he continued
anyways . He needed his friend, Ellia to become a strong person .

"This is the final one, known as Thunder Cloud Movement . This is the
fastest movement technique which our Empire has currently, it's a Mid Level
Sky Grade Technique . It creates a little sound that echoes like a thunder
when used . The first step you take is an explosive step which you can even
use to attack other people . "

"So powerful!" Ellia gasped .

"When used in accordance with the First Layer of Extinction Lightning

Judgement, it shows an ability that's on par with a Peak Level Sky Grade
Technique, or so I heard . " Davis said indifferently .

Chapter 42
Chapter 42

Davis learned a few Battle Techniques before, that uses his Soul
Cultivation . They were known as Dark Concealing Shroud Art, Soul
Suppression Art, Sacred Mark Art, and Unholy Brand Art .

Dark Concealing Shroud Art is a Low Level Sky Grade Battle Technique . It
is used to conceal a person's presence, energy and soul aura using soul
energy . It's power exhaustion is minimum, especially in the night . Davis
would have been only able to use this Battle Technique if he had cultivated
in a dark attributed Soul Cultivation method, and fortunately, he had his
Death Note which emits dark and evil energy .

Soul Suppression Art, is a Peak Level Earth Grade Technique . It suppresses

the target's soul . If the target is weaker than the user, then the target will not
be able to move at all . If the target is stronger than the user, then it will
provide a suppression effect depending on the target's cultivation level .

When Davis found these two Battle Techniques, the Sacred Mark Art and
the Unholy Brand Art, he was shocked . This was a technique that can be
used to brand a person's soul, making that person into a Soul Slave .

Even though the name Sacred Mark Art sounds righteous, it was no different
than Unholy Brand Art . These two Battle Techniques needs a person to
cultivate either light attributed or dark attributed Soul Cultivation Technique
respectively .
Davis decided to train in both since he has both the light and dark attributes

"There are many other Battle Techniques as well, but once you learn all
these by yourself, even if you learn other techniques, it may not be much

useful . " "So what you are doing when you are in my study is, secretly
practice it . Now memorize these techniques . I'll stay here looking around . "

"Is it truly ok? If I get caught, you will be the one facing trouble.. .while I
might possibly die . "

"It's really fine . Even if someone got a complaint, it will have to go through
my father . My father is the only problem though . Well, I'll handle it at that
time . " Davis casually replied .

'Is he thinking that he is above everyone else in the Empire?' Though she
was really happy and thankful towards Davis, she couldn't help but think that
if he is an idiot .

Davis would vomit blood if he knew what she was thinking right now .

They stayed at the Library for a few hours .

Davis saw many miscellaneous Battle Techniques . He took liking to some

of them and memorized for training in them later . For example, the Family
Disabling Palm, which is aimed at one's kidney . It immediately ruins a
person's ability to use his ding dong and renders it useless .

Another one is Meridian Crippling Palm, which cripples the Essence

Gathering Cultivation of the target if one is able to successfully sever the
meridians .

Davis got really interested as he thought of using the Family Disabling Palm
on his father, but after a moment of contemplation, he thought that it was too
cruel to his mother so he let go his evil idea .

But still, he decided to learn this techniques as it might be quite useful in this
world .
As he just finished memorizing those Battle Techniques, he went to look for
Ellia .

Just as he saw Ellia, he was surprised .

"Davis told you learn here you say?" A little kid about 5 years old with a
cold gaze questioned .

"Yes, Prince Davis told me to learn Battle Techniques which he

recommended personally . " Ellia looked left and right, waiting for the
arrival of Davis .

Once she caught sight of him, she shouted .

"Prince Davis!" "Brother!"

They then both looked at each other .

"Haha, Clara, I was just about to visit you . "

"Hmph, you didn't visit me for a week . "

"How could I? Didn't mother take you to tour around the Royal Capital for a

"Yes!" Clara's face brightened up .

After that event, the relationship between Clara and her parents got normal
again . The true reason they brought her out was to not let Clara find out
about Davis's punishment or else things would rather turn awkward between
them again .

Davis also didn't tell about that to Clara as he had a tacit understanding with
his mother . He didn't want to create problems either .

"Good! Come, let me introduce you to my personal maid, Ellia . " Davis
patted her head .

"Ellia, this is the First Princess, Clara Loret, my little sister . "
"Ellia pays her respects to the First Princess . " She bowed down gracefully
and smiled .

"Personal Maid? No wonder she would say that you told her to learn here . "
Clara nodded her head in understanding .

"But that doesn't warrant a maid learning our Sky Grade Battle Techniques,
let alone stepping into the Castle Library . And the way she calls you Prince
Davis, it's almost as if she is acting . " Clara narrowed her eyes and gazed at
Ellia like a hawk eyeing it's prey .

Ellia's smile froze and looked at Davis for help .

'Such accuracy! Scary!' Davis thought . She only heard a single time but
managed to see the deceit in it .

"Haha, that's my sister, honestly you have the potential to become a detective
but I won't talk about that right now . You see, Ellia is my friend and she
calls me Davis . "

"A friend? Not a maid?"


"What!? Which is first?" Clara looked at Ellia and asked with anger .

"Huh. I am a maid, then a friend . " Ellia answered truthfully . She had no
idea but thought that she should not lie to this person .
"Brother! She seduced you!" Clara shouted, stood in front of Davis and
blocked him from Ellia .

'Eh? Isn't that the opposite?' Ellia cried mentally .

Davis facepalmed .

'This is gonna be an headache . '

"Erm. Clara, it was I who told Ellia to call me Davis . I wanted her to
become my friend you see."
"How can a royalty lower oneself to be friends with a maid? Brother, this is
atrocious and disgraceful!" Clara looked at Davis and shouted furiously .

Ellia put her head down in shame . Her official identity still was a maid .

'Ah my life as a personal maid is going to end, probably even my life . ' Ellia
thought ruefully and was a little scared of separating away from Davis
Chapter 43
Chapter 43

Davis couldn't get angry from her shouting, because it just seemed totally
cute and reasonable .

Well, he couldn't blame her as she just accompanied her mother as she
toured around the Royal Capital loftily, probably looking down on the
commoners .

'*Sigh* Looks like I have a lot to teach her in the future . '

"Clara!" He shouted to get her attention .

"How are you going to explain yourself brother?"Clara asked with an angry
face .

"You say that a royalty shouldn't make friends with a maid? Then what do
you think royalty is?" Davis calmly asked .

"Don't question me back . " Clara frowned .

"Just answer!" Davis glared at her into submission .

"Uh... Royalty are of high blood and immense power, commoners and
nobles are way below us in status and power . " Clara softly replied . She
never saw this side of her brother before .

"Hmm, so you think of yourself to be high and arrogant than any other
person without our kind of status?"

She stayed silent before nodding her head meekly .

"Then let me teach you a lesson . " Davis nodded his head .

"You feel that it is beneath your dignity to make a friend of lower status?"

She nodded her head again .

"*Sigh* Clara, what if I say that there are more than a billion people who are
way stronger than us, have a powerful bloodline than us, but are still counted
as commoners . "

"What!?" This time, both Clara and Ellia were astonished .

"How do you know that brother?"

He paused before thinking . 'There's no way I can say that this is the normal
template of a Xianxia Novel, can I?'

"There's always a person above a person, an heaven above an heaven . "

Davis replied profoundly .

"Our continent is sealed as far as we know . So even though we have much

resources, it is the same as trash in the outside world . "

Ellia and Clara made an 'O' shape with their mouth indicating that they were
really dumbfounded .

"So Clara, do you still feel yourself to be of royalty? Even after knowing
that there are billions of common cultivators who are stronger than us?"
Davis looked at her with a sharp gaze .

Clara shook her head hurriedly .

"So what do you think is the criteria of choosing a friend?"

"If the compatibility between us is higher, then we can be friends . "

"You remember what I thought, very good . Then Ellia and I have a good
compatibility, do you now think that we can be friends even though I am of
royalty and she is of a common status . "

Clara looked at Ellia and Davis . She then nodded her head .

Ellia was astonished, she thought that he somehow managed to brainwash

her .

"Perfect! Then you can be friends with Ellia too!"

"Huh? Friends? My very first friend?" Clara asked curiously .

"Yes, be friends with her and we'll have the same first friend we had made!"
Davis shouted happily .

'Same first friend!' Clara's eyes glowed . She returned to her cool self and
asked .

"Let us be friends, Ellia . "

'Wait a minute, somehow this feels different . I feel like I'm tricking a kid!
I'm no Lolicon!' Davis shouted in his mind .

Ellia had a helpless expression on her face . She looked at Davis for help .

Davis just winked and nodded his head .

Ellia got the meaning and sighed .

"Erm...Yes. Clara" Ellia reluctantly smiled .

"How dare you say my name!?"

Davis facepalmed while Ellia froze again .

'Not again!'

Somehow Davis managed to explain the stuff between friends. it took a

whole lot of time to finally make them friends . It was finally night .

He got tired and decided to return to his room .

After a few minutes .


Claire's voice could be heard outside the room .

"Mom? Come in mom!"

Claire opened the door and came inside .

"What is it mom? Are you finally here to comfort me?"

"*Sigh* I am indeed sorry for letting him beat you but you deserved it!"

"Waah!" Davis got his heart pierced by a spear .

"Though that isn't really the reason I am here . "

"Hmph, I'm not listening anymore . " Davis pouted .

"Alright, alright, mom is really sorry! Very much sorry!" She embraced and
kissed him in the cheeks .

Davis smiled . "Now, I'll listen,"

"Your father is going out of the Royal Capital for some work in a few days .
I heard it was for the crowning of a new King in the Alfred Kingdom . "

"Normally, an Emperor doesn't have to go out for a mere Kingdom, but

since it was under our jurisdiction and we let them down during the war, he
has to show them at least some sincerity . "

"I see... how many days will father be out?"

"It might range from a month to 3 months for all I know . " Claire shrugged

'This! This might be the perfect chance for me to sneak out of the Royal
Castle!' Davis thought excitedly but he had a calm face outside .

"Hmm . . " He nodded his head .

"Anything else?" Davis added .

She thought a moment before replying .

"Thanks to you, everything is now fine between us and Clara . Honestly I

didn't expect the problem was that... . " She paused and realised what she
was about to say .
"I know mom, I know, I'm not ready to take another beating!" Davis
exclaimed and hurriedly shook his hand .

"Scoundrel!" Claire blushed, she shouted and ran away from Davis .

'She gets embarrassed so easily . ' Davis laughed .

Good thing that Ellia was in the bath .

For the next few days, he used this chance to breakthrough to the next level
in Soul Cultivation . He luckily achieved Peak Level Infant Soul Stage .

Davis looked for a Disguise Art in the Library . He successfully found one .
It was a Peak Earth Grade Disguise Technique, which pretty much conceals
his appearance and physique .

He didn't want anyone to know who he was in the first place .

His actions were pretty weird these few days, he checked left and right
almost every minute .

Luckily, no one saw him acting suspiciously during these few days .

Davis somehow managed to convince Ellia to follow up . She had no choice

but to reluctantly agree .

He gave her instructions on how to make it look like that he was always
sleeping during the night . He planned to sneak out every night and roam
openly during the day .

He then with his family, sent off Logan on the final day .
Chapter 44
Chapter 44

"Finally, I never thought there will be a day where that idiot will leave the
Royal Castle!"

"Who is that Idiot?" Ellia asked doubtfully .

"Hmm. The Emperor of course . " Davis grinned and laughed .

"You! You know no fear!" Ellia pouted, she couldn't imagine how he could
spout this nonsense .

These two returned to the Study after sending off the Emperor in the evening

"Listen, I'll sneak out this night . "

"Mmhh... Don't ask me if I get caught . " Ellia said .

"Alright, at that time, you can just that I sneaked out without you even
knowing, or you can even just say that I knocked you out and went
somewhere . But if Clara is the one doing the questioning, don't answer, just
faint . "

"Eh? Why?"

"Simple, lies don't work on her, that's all . "

"If you say so." Ellia had her doubts but chose to do as he says .

Meanwhile, he went to visit everyone and played with Claire, Clara, and
Diana while Edward Loret, the second prince who was still a toddler, was
sleeping peacefully .

This went on till he bid farewell to everyone and returned to the Study in the
night .
In the Study .

He put on a Peak Earth Grade Black Robe which helps him to conceal his
aura, but he only wore it as a second layer protection to conceal his true
appearance when using the Dark Concealing Shroud Art and Disguise Art
together .

"Alright Ellia, I'll be going now, remember to take care . " Davis prepared to
sneak out .

"Hmm, take care..." Ellia said worriedly .

Davis nodded and left .

He was silent as possible when he made his way out, though such secrecy
wasn't required when he was using his Dark Concealing Shroud Art which
was way effective in the night .

He remembered the guards patrol routine during these few days, so he was
able to avoid people on his way out . He didn't jump out of the Royal Castle
because he feared that he might possibly trigger an alarm formation .

Davis finally reached the entrance of the castle and exited the Royal Castle
smoothly .

"Yes, I made it out!"

He walked on the streets, he didn't dare run across on top of the building
afraid that he might trigger a formation, though he really wanted to do that
since every fantasy character he read did that at least once .

'Such hindrance, I might've been able to do that in a starting village . ' Davis
thought .

There were a lot of people walking around the streets . Even in the night
people were pretty active as cultivators didn't require much sleep at all in the
first place . Sleep was just a luxury to the cultivators .

'Should I visit Evelynn? It's been already a year . No, no, no... Maybe I
should visit her secretly . "
Somehow he felt like he was having an affair in the lonely night .

Davis shook his head and thought .

'Yes . It is just difficult to talk with her in public . If I don't talk to her alone,
then it will be quite difficult to get a true answer from her . ' Reasoning it
like that, he left the streets and made his way towards the Cauldon family
manor as he knew that he would not find her in the Cauldon Pill Store at this
time .

Even if he made his way to the Cauldon Pill Store, he would get caught as he
would trigger a formation or possibly get caught by an expert when he enters
the Cauldon Emporium sneakily .

He arrived at the Cauldon family manor and maintained a certain distance

from it . It was a Chinese styled manor . He knew that it would be like this
since Evelynn wore a Cheongsam .

'I did come, but now, how do I possibly let her know that I'm here?'

He had no idea so he circled around the manor, hoping to spot her through a
window or something .

He circled around and waited for a long time, but still couldn't find which
room she was in .

Davis sighed and left the place . Just when he left, a beautiful lonely
silhouette could be seen glancing out of the window, that glance was towards
the towering Royal Castle .

A sigh escaped from that silhouette as it closed the window .

Davis walked around the streets and entered into an alley .

"Alright, you bastards, care to come out?"

He had a vague feeling that he was being followed right after he left the
Royal Castle, but he then took it as just his insecurity during the night acting
up . But the feeling just kept getting stronger when he was circling around
the Cauldon family manor .
After a moment of silence, an eerie laughter sounded out .

"You sure are perceptive, how did you get out of the Royal Palace without
triggering any formations brother? Are you an expert assassin?"

Two silhouette appeared in the alley, both dressed in black robes .

"Maybe... Who are you people?"

Davis used his Death Soul Sense on them, he was shocked .

"Hmm? I didn't notice at first but your voice is pretty young now that I hear
it again . "

"Haha, you can't be like that, you shouldn't probe fellow assassins like us .
If we do that then we will not be able to survive in this field . "

They openly took out their weapons .

"Now brother, we can let this matter go if you promise to give us the method
to bypass the Royal Castle's formation . What do you say? Good deal,

Davis knew why they would ask this, because they were. .

"Stop bullshitting, Case Farnwen and Cooper Hawkwood . You want to get

'Ah, I just wanted to say that . '

The two silhouettes went silent, they were dumbfounded right now . These
two were precisely the two family heads who led the rebels and somehow
managed to escape .

"Brat, I don't know how you managed to discover our identity . Hmph, we'll
take our leave now . " Case Farnwen backed out as he thought it wasn't wise
to go against this guy who could see through them even when they wore a
disguise .

"And where do you think you shits are going?"

"Don't go too far!" They both shouted .

Davis removed his hood while deactivating his Dark Concealing Shroud
Art . He grinned while looking down on them condescendingly .

"You! You are the First Prince? How can it be?" Case Farnwen exclaimed .

"I never expected the First Prince to be this powerful at his age!" Cooper
Hawkwood had his eye wide .

"Luckily, he was stupid enough to get himself killed this early!"

"Hahaha!" They both then laughed madly .

Chapter 45
Chapter 45

They immediately surrounded him from both sides .

"Surrender if you know what's good for you . " Case shouted .

"Or else you can say goodbye to your life . " Cooper threatened .

"Trash spouting nonsense! If you've got guts, go slay my father!" Davis

laughed .

"Oh, we'll do that in time! Unfortunately for you, he just left the Royal
Capital today . " Case grinned .

"And you are the perfect bait for that, hehe . " Cooper laughed hideously .

"Now now, don't be in a hurry . We have all the time in the world to talk . "
Davis had a stiff face when he said that .

"Hmph, trying to delay for reinforcements? Won't work on us brat!"

"No really, I just wanted to know who the mastermind behind your betrayal
was . . . "

They went silent all of a sudden .

"I knew it, there really was someone behind you people!" Davis exclaimed .

"So what? We don't even care if you find out . " Case said with a indifferent
expression .

"What good is it if you even find out? You won't even be able to escape
from us . " Cooper shouted .

As he said that, he made his move .

Cooper who was behind Davis rushed at him with an incredible speed .
Davis didn't move at all, he only glanced at the back calmly .

"Hmph, weak and slow! Only useful for leeching off resources!" Cooper
thought that Davis was frozen in fear .

Just as he was going to injure Davis with his weapon severely, he collapsed
and fell behind Davis crashing and rolling on the ground .

[Cooper Hawkwood

Dies immediately]
He used his soul to write almost instantly just as he saw Cooper make his
move .

"Uwaah, I'm just really glad that I managed to breakthrough Peak Infant
Soul Stage, or it would be quite problematic for me to kill you two . " Davis
sighed .

"You! Who are you? You are not the First Prince!" Case dropped his
weapon in fear .

Hearing that, Davis sneered . "Idiot!"

"Now then, will you spit out the truth? Or . . "

Case turned back and immediately tried to escape without answering .

"Tch, coward!"

Davis still wanted to try out his newly trained powers on him even though he
can't win with it .

[Case Farnwen

Immediately turns into my mindless slave, and dies when he hears my voice
give the command 'Die, Case']

Just as Case tried to fly away, he stopped mid-air . His eyes turned soulless .
He turned back and dropped to the ground on all fours .

"Case Farnwen greets his Master . "

'Looks like no one can escape the Death's Note grasp as long as it's within
my limits . ' Davis thought . Although he had no idea on how long the Death
Note will keep him alive, if it reached the limit then it will immediately kill
him anyway, so he wasn't worried .

"Who was the mastermind behind the rebellion?"

"It was Emperor Tritor . "

"Ah, so it was that vermin, now the war actually makes sense . Why did he
target our Empire though?"

"The Loret Empire is filled with riches with it's peaceful disposition . No
matter who sees it, it will be a piece of the pie to the empires in the continent

"What made you all defect to him?" Davis narrowed his eyes .

"He promised us that either we or the Hawkwood Family will succeed as the
Royal Family of this Empire with his backing once we have successfully
killed all of the Royal Family members . The other noble families were
tricked by us into rebellion with various other reasons . "

All of his replies were like an automated voice .

'Certainly mindless . . '

Davis sighed as he thought . 'Killing Emperor Tritor should be father's job .

'Sadly, I have no use this for this guy anymore...'

'Hmm_ wait a minute . Didn't he say something about assassin or


"You became an assassin?"

"Yes, I have become an assassin . "

"Why and when?"

"After we lost the rebellion, we lost support from Emperor Tritor . So I had
no choice but to become an assassin to have my revenge against the both
Emperor Tritor and Emperor Loret . "

"Oh? What ambition! And then, how did you two become an assassin?" "We

joined the Dark Earth Organization to become an assassin . "

'Tch... Can't this guy just answer detailedly? Ah right I forgot, he is mindless
. Wait! Being an assassin? Isn't this a perfect opportunity for me to collect
souls to refine? Hehe' Davis's eyes glowed .

"What is the Dark Earth Organization and how does one join it?"

"The Dark Organization is the strongest assassin organization in this

Continent . It's headquarters is rumoured to be situated in the Tritor Empire .
It has branches all over the continent . One can approach a branch to register
for being an assassin . One has to complete a mission from the branch to be a
member . "

"Oh, has branches all over the continent . Is there one here?" He calmly
continued questioning .

"There is a branch here . "

"Where is it?"

"Behind Violet Joy House, there is an entrance underground . That is where

the branch of the Dark Earth Organization is situated in . "

'Joy House? Isn't that a brothel!?' Davis eyes wide shot open .

'But makes sense, hiding behind a skirt is a means of camouflage as well . '

"Does my father know about this?"

"He knows . "

"Eh? Right . " Davis was dumbfounded but it made sense .

'Guess offending an assassin organization is a dumb thing to do . '

'The question is... Should I kill this person right now?'

He contemplated for a moment before deciding against to kill him . He didn't

want to alert Logan into coming home nor did he want to have their corpses
in his Space Ring lest someone finds out by any chance .

"Store his corpse in your space ring and stay in a normal hotel for a month
near the Violet Joy House . "

"Yes . " Case proceeded to store the corpse .

"And oh, where is the Violet Joy House again?" Davis had a peculiar
expression when he asked that .

Case explained that and left .

Davis made his way to the Red-Light District . This time he disguised
himself as a short old man while activating his Dark Concealing Shroud Art

Words couldn't describe how he felt while after finally arriving at the Red
Light District .

Davis gulped . He could see many women with transparent and loose
clothing . Various types of women with different types of revealing clothes .
They were all beautiful to a certain extent without any blemishes or pimples
in their face .

Davis was cloaked or else he would've been called out by an elder women to
enter their brothel already .

'Do they train in some beauty technique?' Davis thought while staring at
those women .

He then thought that it was a good thing that he still hasn't hit puberty or else
he would have a certain problem currently in the lower part of his body
Chapter 46
Chapter 46

Ignoring the debaucherous atmosphere, Davis followed the instructions of

Case to arrive at the Violet Joy House .

When he arrived at that place, he felt immensely awkward at being out of

place . He pushed aside those emotions and circled around the Violet Joy
House .

While he circled around the Violet Joy House, he could not hear any sounds
that should've been normally heard in these kind of places .

'Soundproofing formation huh? How convenient . '

While thinking about what other feature this place has, he arrived behind
Violet Joy House .

There was a dilapidated door that was half open . One would normally think
that this place is where they would procure the new women slaves .

Davis moved closer to the half broken down door as he checked for any
formations that might possibly alert some people .

Seeing that there was no formation, he relaxed and went inside .

'No formation? But that makes sense as well, it would only increase people's
suspicion and curiosity if there was one right at the entrance . '

As he walked inside slowly while still bring cloaked, he found a tunnel that
lead to an underground cellar .

In the underground cellar, Davis could see a black robed man was seated
there in a chair .

He went slightly closer to him and checked around for any possible routes .

Unfortunately, he didn't find any routes but only found a formation . He then
closed his eyes in contemplation .

'There's no more route... only a sentry is put over incharge at this

checkpoint... guess I could only go through him then . ' Davis sighed .

Having decided that, he spoke in a hoarse voice while still being cloaked .

"Are you the one who's in charge of recruiting new recruits for the Dark
Earth Organization?"


The black robed man who heard that fell from his chair from being spooked
by Davis .

Davis then stopped using his Dark Concealing Shroud Art which made him
visible .

The black robed man was now able to see the sudden appearance of a short
old man who was clad in a black robe .

"Such concealment! Senior, you are surely an expert which our Dark Earth
Organization needs . " The black robed man clasped his hands and bowed
slightly .

"So what's the procedure to join?"

Hearing that, the black robed man was immensely joyful . He hurriedly
explained the procedure for one to join the Dark Earth Organization .

"For one to join the Dark Earth Organization, that person must be able to
complete a assassination mission handed over by a certain person and for
this place, that certain person is me . "

Saying that, he took out 3 scrolls and gave it to Davis .

"Normally, I would give out only one scroll for a new recruit to complete a
mission, but since senior is so powerful, I gave out 3 scrolls . Senior can
choose any one from it and hand over the remaining two scrolls . Actually,
this process in itself is unnecessary for you as you will definitely be able to
rank at least as a Peak Earth Grade Assassin, but rules are rules . Without
those rules, the higher ups definitely will not be able to run this organization
for much longer . " The black robed man explained as he was afraid that the
senior would misunderstand on giving such a low level mission out .

"Wait, I never said that I wanted to join this Dark Earth Organization . "

The black robed man's eyes went wide in confusion .

"What are the restrictions your organization's imposes on it's members?"

Hearing that, the black robed man now understood and chuckled .

"Haha, there's no need to worry about that senior, our organization doesn't
impose any restriction on it's Earth Grade members and above, only Mortal
Grade members are confined in our branches until they are able to achieve
Earth Grade Rank . With senior's strength, the organization wouldn't restrict
your movements and whereabouts at all . "

"In fact, our members only register themselves with nicknames, so their real
identity is even hidden from the Dark Earth Organization as well unless they
are stupid enough to reveal it . "

'Nice, with this I will be able to increase my power quickly while

assassinating people . ' Davis thought .

"Alright . " Saying that, Davis turned to look at the 3 scrolls . He opened the
first one .

[Mission: Assassinate Mark

Type: Assassination

Grade: Low Level Mortal Grade Mission

Requirement: -

Description: A person who runs an orphanage near the Kyle Restaurant in

the Royal Capital . His cultivation is at Peak Level Energy Condensing Stage
. *The person's image was attached*

Reward: Low Level Mortal Grade Dark Organization's Badge

Mission Issuer: Anonymous]

Reading that, Davis furrowed his brows .

'A person who runs an orphanage? An innocent?'

He immediately closed it and saw the next one . His brows furrowed even
further, it still concerned killing an innocent .

'Leave it, let's see the next one . '

He opened the last scroll and read it .

[Mission: Assassinate Grimes

Type: Assassination

Grade: Low Level Grade Mission

Requirement: -

Description: A greedy pig who rapes innocent young girls purely for fun . I
was one of the victims . He lives near the slums of the Royal Capital and is a
local thug leader . His cultivation is around Peak Level Energy Condensing
Stage . *The person's image was attached*

Reward: Low Level Mortal Grade Dark Organization's Badge

Mission Issuer: Anonymous]

Davis harrumphed in disgustion . He handed over the last scroll to the black
robed man .

"I choose this"

He then gave back the other two scrolls .

"I see, guess senior doesn't like killing the innocent, that's fine as well . " The
black robed nodded while looking at the mission contents .

Davis narrowed his eyes .

"You're determining my personality?"

"It's not like that. but yes . For future references when I could possibly
recommend some missions to you . " The black robed man shook his hands

"Don't bullshit with me! Spit out the truth . " Davis used his soul to pressure
the black robed man . He was in the Peak Level Infant Soul Stage with his
soul being five times as powerful . It would even work against a High Level
Young Soul Stage expert, much less this black robed man .

"Sorry senior! It's a part of the recruitment . We have to see at least what
kind of an assassin you are . . " The black robed man blurted out in fear .

"Then what kind am I?" Davis hideously grinned .

"I . . I . . I think senior is someone who upholds the moral values..." The
black robed man gulped .

"Hmph!" Davis then retracted his soul from pressuring the black robed man
and turned back to leave .

'Next time, I should be careful of people probing me . ' He frowned while

thinking .

"Senior! Don't worry, when you return, I will keep some Peak Earth Grade
missions which are in accordance with your preferences so that you can

climb up higher in rank!" The black robed man shouted .

Davis ignored him and walked away while activating the Dark Concealing
Shroud Art again .
Chapter 47
Chapter 47

On the way outside, he saw two black robed silhouettes come closer .

He gazed at them as he walked past them . The two black robed people
minded their own business as they walked past Davis . It looked like they
couldn't feel Davis's presence .

'Assassins? They look considerably strong too! What are they here for?'

Davis contemplated for a moment before deciding to check it out later .

He went outside to complete the mission and come back as soon as possible
before the night ends .

He quickly went outside the Red Light District and asked a random person
on the street for directions . That random person was seemingly disgusted
that an old man asked had asked him about the slums, he quickly told the
way to get rid of the old man as soon as possible .

After arriving at the slums, he tipped a random battered kid for information .
That kid who received a silver coin happily told Davis the whereabouts of
Grimes .

The slums existed even in the Illustrious Royal Capital, mostly used as a
base for underground operations that couldn't see the light of the day . The
buildings were run down and dilapidated, like no one cared for them in years
. Mostly thieves and criminals existed there . Common people who had lost
hope, also live their lives in utter waste as they existed there .

After knowing the where Grimes was, he headed in a certain direction by

jumping on the dilapidated buildings .

'Finally I got enjoy the thrill of running above the rooftops!' Davis was
feeling happy .
He suddenly stopped in a certain building, from there he could see a naked
bald man sleeping with a naked young girl in his shoulders through a
window . The young girl kept sobbing as she had been violated by the bald
man a few hours ago .

'Tch, guess I should've come a little sooner . ' Davis clicked his tongue in
anger .

"Shut yer yappin ya bitch!" Grimes suddenly woke up and kicked her .

"Ahh!" The young girl was sent flying, she hit the door as she cried
miserably .

"Boss? Has anything happened?" A sound came from behind the door .

"Hmm? Nothin! What the hell are ya doing here? Didn't I tell ya to scram
away when I am enjoying a women!" Grimes shouted angrily

"Y . . Yes Boss!"

Grimes didn't want anyone to interfere with his hobby of raping women . So
he pretty much made them stand guard in the entrance of the building . But
these underlings of him always come to peek on what he is doing which
makes his mood ruined .

"Hehe, don't try to act innocent, bitch"

The young girl glared at Grimes with hate as he came closer to her .

"Let's start round two shall we?" Grimes was getting turned on by her
glaring eyes .

"I hope you die a gruesome death!" The young girl spat out coldly .

"This is what i just exactly wanted! That hate!" Grimes shouted and tried to
jump on her .

*Slash* Grimes went wide eyed as he glared at the young girl who was
astonished .

Grimes looked down only to see blood flowing down in copious amounts
down his body . He touched his neck only to feel that his throat had been slit
as he collapsed .
Davis held a crude dagger in his hand which he found in this room . He
undid his concealment once he killed him .

"Here, take it and survive out there . " Davis said as he placed a sack
containing 100 gold coins on the floor and covered her with a black robe .

Seeing that the young girl didn't reply to him, he left .

After some time, the young girl came out from her reverie and kept
muttering two words while sobbing .

"Thank you!'

Davis was on his way back to the Dark Earth Organization Branch . He felt
quite disgusted by Grimes, so he even killed his underlings who were
equally degenerated as him . Actually, he just wanted that young girl to be
able to live without being chased by this gang, so he downright killed
everyone who were in the building .

As he reached that underground cellar, he saw that black robed man again .

"I've completed the mission . " A calm voice echoed out in the underground
cellar .


The black robed man was again spooked as he fell from his chair .

"Oh senior! Could you please stop scaring the hell out of me?" He pleaded .

"I'll try . " Davis appeared silently .

The black robed man shook his head in frustration .

"Here, senior" He handed a triangular dark red badge which had a dagger
symbol on it .

Davis took it and asked . "Aren't you going to confirm my kill?" He had the
dagger and Grimes's blood on it which might serve as a proof .

"Oh that, I am sure that senior wouldn't cheat with this inferior mission and
besides we have our sources and informants . "

"I see . "

"Welcome to our Dark Earth Organization's Branch, this way please . " The
black robed man activated a formation and a certain wall of the underground
cellar disappeared magically .

"An illusion formation?" Davis commented on the wall which disappeared

as he looked at the narrow passageway .

"Yes, not only that, but the passageway is filled with formations as well . "
The black robed man replied proudly .

"*cough* By the way, my nickname is Yellow Bird Nine, senior can call me
Yellow . "

"Senior should soon decide a nickname to register as well . "

Davis nodded his head while thinking about a nickname .

'How about pussydestroyersixtynine?' He thought as he smiled and shook his

head .

As they made their way through the narrow passage, they finally arrived in
front of a door which can even defend upto attacks of Third Stage Experts .
Naturally, it won't hold for a long time in front of those experts .

Yellow opened the door with a key that was triangular in shape . They then
went inside .

Inside was a hall big enough to accomodate 100 people . There was a
reception counter, as well as a huge number of posters in every side of the
wall . These posters were missions ranked according to their difficulty .

All of these missions were only Earth Grade and Mortal Grade as not a
single Sky Grade mission was found .
Davis scanned around the room with his eyes and saw a bunch of people all
dressed in black robes, wearing different types of mask, hood and all kinds
of equipments which conceals their identities . He also saw those two
silhouettes he met at the entrance earlier as they wore a peculiar mask and
clearly have more presence than any other people here .
Chapter 48
Chapter 48

As he gazed around, the others also gazed at him . Those two black robed
people with peculiar masks only glanced at him before minding their own
business .

Davis and Yellow came in front of the reception . Yellow greeted the
receptionist and told him about the new recruit .

The receptionist nodded and took out a jade crystal .

"Please record your nickname so that the headquarters can also get a copy of
this jade crystal, other procedures such as updating your rank will be taken
care of by us . "

Davis nodded and recorded his nickname in the jade crystal and gave it back

"You are now officially a member of the Dark Organization, Dead End . "
The receptionist greeted .

"Oh, senior is now Dead End, such a cool name that denotes when one
meets Dead End, their life ends up being ended . " Yellow bootlicked like a
obedient dog .

"You sure can bullshit . " Davis rolled his eyes as he thought about the
future .

'But that will be true soon enough . '

"I'll come to the point, I want to take a Sky Grade mission" Davis hoarse
voice echoed out .

The surroundings went silent all of a sudden . After a seconds, there was full
of murmurs and noise in the hall as they minded their own business as if
nothing happened .
"This . . . Dead End, you can only take those missions if you are a Peak
Earth Grade Assassin . " Yellow muttered while giving an apologizing look

"Then give me a Peak Earth Grade mission . " Davis said calmly .

"This.. .*sigh* Fine, We will make an exception in respect to your strength,

Dead End . " Yellow took a chance at gaining a promotion while making it
seem like he suffered a huge loss .

Every member who is not an assassin has a slot here . If the person one
recommended successfully completed the mission, then one might possibly
be rewarded or promoted . But if the person one recommended failed, then
that one will lose credibility and receive a punishment .

"Then please choose a mission that is on that wall" The receptionist pointed
at a direction .

Davis then approached that wall which was gold plated . Various posters
could be seen . He used his Soul Sense to scan all of them and excluded
anything related to killing innocents .

After a moment of contemplation, he chose all the Peak Earth Grade

missions that involves people who deserve to die .

There was a total of 5 missions he chose . From that he picked one and
handed it over to the receptionist .

[Mission: Assassinate Harman

Type: Assassination

Grade: Peak Level Earth Grade Mission

Requirement: High Level Earth Grade Assassin and above .

Description: A person who massacred an whole village near Alfred

Kingdom 40 years ago, I don't know why he did it, but it looked like fun for
him . I worked my whole life for issuing this mission, for someone to find
and kill this person . Whereabouts unknown, last seen in Alfred Kingdom .
His cultivation is at Peak Level Revolving Core Stage, Peak Level Iron
Stage, Mid Level Infant Soul Stage . *The person's image was attached*

Reward: Peak Level Earth Grade Dark Organization's Badge, 1000 Platinum
Coins .

Mission Issuer: Anonymous]

Receiving the mission poster, the receptionist went wide eyed while Yellow
hurriedly explained .

"This mission... it's not possible to complete it in a few years . We have no

clue on where the target is even with our intelligence network . Besides, the
target trains in all 3 Cultivation System which makes it all the more harder
to kill him . "

"Disregarding the current whereabouts of the target, this target is even hard
for our Sky Grade Assassins to kill as he knows so many escape arts . *sigh*
For that reason, this mission is still not yet completed even though it was
posted more than 10 years ago . "

Davis didn't reply while the receptionist kept looking at Davis .

"Then I'll assign you to this mission . There are already 3 Sky Grade
Assassins, 7 Peak Level Earth Grade Assassins and 2 High Level Earth
Grade Assassins working on this mission currently . "

"Oh, can't I take multiple missions?"

"You can take multiple Mortal Grade missions but not Earth Grade Missions
. For that you need the to be a Earth Grade Assassin . " The receptionist
explained calmly .

'I knew it . . ' Davis frowned and walked away with Yellow .

"So who are those two assassins? Davis pointed discreetly at those two
whom he met at the entrance today .

"Ah, they're Sky Grade Assassins, probably assigned to a Sky Grade

Mission . " Yellow glanced at them and answered .

'Sky Grade Assassins deployed here? Guess it must probably have to do

with assassinating a powerful person . ' Davis guessed .

Seeing Davis deep in thought, Yellow consoled .

"Don't worry Dead End, you'll be able to do Sky Grade Missions once you
complete your current mission . "

"Hehe" Davis chuckled and nodded his head .

He then left .

"Well aren't you in deep trouble now, Yellow? He will not be able to
complete this mission so soon, leaving you hanging in anxiety all year long,
hahaha . " The receptionist who was calm suddenly changed his tone and
spoke in a teasing tone .

"*sigh* There's no way I can take it back, leave me alone alright, I'll just
have to hope that he'll complete the mission at least before 10 years . "
Yellow said sadly .

"Yeah, keep dreaming Yellow . " The receptionist laughed .

Davis wasn't worried about finding Harman, because Harman would come
to Davis with a single move .

All Davis had to do was write his name in the Death Note, and he'll be dead
in no time .

Davis only needed to know the name and face of a person to kill him using
the Death Note, albeit it has some limitations .

While returning to the Royal Castle, he thought of a plan and executed it

immediately .


A sudden thought compels him to show up stealthily near the South Gate of
the Royal Capital in the Loret Empire within 10 days . He stays in that place
searching for clues on what compelled him to show up at this place . If he
hears the words 'You will be paralyzed', then he will be paralyzed . He waits
there till a certain person shows up to end his life . ]

It was almost dawn . He returned to the Royal Castle and safely entered to
his study without any hassle .

"Ellia, I've returned, has anything happened?"

Davis suddenly appeared in the study, startling Ellia . She leaped in shock
and hit her head on the ceiling .

'Eh?? Looks like I have to stop scaring people . ' Davis shook his head
ruefully .
Chapter 49
Chapter 49

"Waa! Davis, you dummy......" Ellia pouted and made a crying face .

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time . So? Did anything happen?" Davis
chuckled . He was not at all feeling sorry but enjoyed bullying her .

"Other than you scaring the life out of me, nothing important happened . "
Ellia glared .

"I see, keep up the good work . " Davis patted her head .

Ellia evaded his gaze while still pouting .

"Right, practice those Battle Techniques now and also whenever you have
the time . "

"Hmm . . "

The following three days, Davis stayed at the Royal Castle to avoid
suspicion during the day and went to the South Gate to spot Harman at
night . Unfortunately, Harman still didn't come .

Davis guessed that he was probably on his way, so he wasn't impatient .

Today was the fourth day . He planned to visit Evelynn few days ago, so he
sent word to the Cauldon Family two days ago .

This time, he was accompanied by Ellia and the same elite royal guards who
accompanied him last time .

Davis arrived at the Cauldon Family Manor which he tried to infiltrate four
days ago . His goal was to make contact with Evelynn and somehow tell her
to meet him at night . He knew that he and Evelynn will not be able to talk to
heart's content when surrounded by people, so he wanted her to meet him
alone .

He got off the carriage only to be greeted by a whole crowd of people who
shouted .

"We warmly welcome and pay our respects to the Prince!" The whole crowd
bowed .

Davis was flabbergasted . He was again reminded that he was a person of

high status .

"Raise your heads . " Davis said with a calm face, he felt a little awkward
but didn't let it show on his face .

"Such bearings... . "

"Truly a son of heaven . . . "

"So cute . . . "

Various murmurs echoed around, but it only made Davis want to hide in a
hole .

'I only just acted.' He thought ruefully .

"Welcome Prince Davis, my name is Henry Cauldon, an Elder of the family

. Let me show you around the Cauldon Family Manor . "

"Alright . " Hands behind his back, holding his head straight, Davis replied .

He then followed Henry while Ellia and Renard followed him .

They arrived at a hall where many people were gathered . Many had looks of
excitement while some were gazing at him calmly .

Davis didn't take heed to any of the reactions, he just sat down on a chair
without greeting anybody here . Ellia and Renard stood behind him .
Some people narrowed their eyes, yet they couldn't possibly question the
Prince, can they?

"Let me get to the point, I announced two days ago that I will personally
visit Cauldon Family, but my purpose here was to meet Miss Evelynn . So,
where is she?" Davis scanned around and adopted an arrogant young master
attitude .

Hearing that, some people were overjoyed while some others frowned .

The people who were happy were all Elders . They thought that the Prince
was finally smitten with the beauty of their Young Mistress . They were
afraid since a year ago when the prince said it was fine for her to back out of
the marriage, especially after a year passed with no news of the royal family
saying anything about it . But, it now looked like there was no need to think
like that .

All who frowned were young . They didn't seem to like the tone of the
haughty prince . Even though their family were using Evelynn like a tradable
item, she was still immensely beautiful . So some of them were obviously
jealous about giving her to him as a concubine even though they don't have a
chance to be with the Young Mistress of their family to begin with .

"Haha, the Prince is sure eager to meet our Young Mistress . " A random
elder shook his head .

"She will be here soon, no need to fret, Prince Davis" An old woman added,
who was also an elder .

Davis nodded his head . He thought that he needed to look forceful and
arrogant, otherwise people wouldn't seriously consider his words, especially
looking at his age .

A group of people suddenly clamored . Everyone turned around their head to

see a beautiful women walking towards them followed by a maidservant .

Davis's jaw almost dropped . 'Damn! What a vixen!'

Evelynn looked like an enchantress with her seductive figure, she wore
bright purple sleeveless cheongsam which accentuated her curves . Her
cleavage was slightly visible as a triangular shaped cut was present in her
dress . Her long green hair reached till her waist, and had her side hair tied
up in a small bun behind her head .

Davis stood up and arrived in front of her to greet her .

"I hope you've been well, Miss Evelynn" He clasped his hands .

"Prince Davis is too caring, I've been well from the time you left after seeing
me . " Bowing her head slightly, Evelynn responded with an indifferent
voice .

"Haha, I see . " Davis chucked awkwardly .

'Hmm?The way she said it, there seems to be a hidden meaning behind it' He
thought .

After that everyone took their seats on a dining table respectively .

Davis and Evelynn were seated opposite to each other on the same table .
There was a huge feast prepared for everyone to munch on .

"Miss Evelynn, today I came here to see you especially . " Seeing that it was
silent, he started the conversation .

"See me? You flatter me Prince Davis . " She replied indifferently .

"Yes, truth be told . I thought of you many times after that day we last met .
" Davis told the truth as he did think about her from time to time .

'Those peaks *cough*, that beautiful face and her seductive voice... . '

"Haha, the prince sure can joke around . " Evelynn rolled her eyes as she
said indifferently .

Davis made a wry face . His probing was done . He now knew that he
somehow made this woman angry . Time passed as these two finished eating
in this awkward atmosphere . No one disturbed them but they were just
listening to their conversation silently .
'Eh . . ? Even an idiot can tell that she is angry with something . Did I offend
her? When did I do that?' Davis thought ruefully .
Chapter 50
Chapter 50

"Miss Evelynn, I can see that you are angry for some reason . If I had
offended you for some reason, then I apologize . Let's forgot about our status
and talk equally for once, shall we?"

Evelynn widened her eyes in disbelief, she didn't think that this little kid
would have the capacity to behave like a gentleman .

'At least he has the capacity to think like an adult in this age, guess for that
itself I should be thankful . That's right Evelynn, why are you throwing a
tantrum in front of a child? Are you an idiot?' She asked herself as she
blushed in shame . She felt that she didn't even have the level of mentality
that Davis possessed .

When she saw Davis at the hall, at that moment she thought that she should
release all her frustrations on him which will make him cancel their
engagement . Now all that frustration which made her suffer seemed like her
own delusions after he apologized .

She somehow managed to regain her bearings as she finally smiled .

"I'm also sorry for making the prince worry for my sake just now . "

Davis who saw that smile was mesmerised .

"Prince Davis?" Evelynn saw that Davis suddenly froze while gazing at her .
She asked in worry as she had slightly taken a liking to Davis . She thought
that she might have somehow offended him slightly now .

Davis woke up from his reverie as he decided on something . He placed his

elbow on the table, interlocked his fingers, rested his chin on it as he smiled

"You're too beautiful, Miss Evelynn . "

Her heart skipped a beat as she froze for a second before feeling happy for
some reason .

"I've got a gift that I wanted to present you, Miss Evelynn . " He took a chest
out of his space ring as he said that .

They both stood up, he came close to her and opened the chest . Inside the
chest was a Peak Earth Grade Pill which emitted a unique fragrance .

"This... Isn't it the Core Expansion Pill . " A knowledgeable person nearby
shouted once he saw the pill .

"Core Expansion Pill? The one that is said to be difficult to refine because of
scarce materials?" Another person asked in confusion .

"Yes, this is the Core Expansion Pill which is used for one to advance a level
in Revolving Core Stage regardless of which level you are in . It can even
increase the chances of one reaching the Body Transformation Stage, hence
the scarcity and rarity . " Davis replied with a slight grin on his face .

"Woahhh!!" The surroundings clamored and was in awe of the Royal Family
. They could produce Peak Earth Grade pills too, but not gift them as easily
as the Royal Family .

Evelynn looked flabbergasted .

'What did I do deserve this gift? Could it be that he has taken a liking to me?'
Evelynn thought but didn't move to take the gift .

"I insist . " Davis said softly .

Seeing that Evelynn still didn't take the chest from her, he pushed it on to her
as he closed in on her and whispered in her ear .

"In the chest, look below the pill holder after you're alone . "

Feeling his hot breath, Evelynn's eye widened as she blushed visibly .

Davis moved back and smiled at her .

"Since the prince insists, then I won't refuse . I thank the prince for his
present . " Evelynn bowed slightly as she held the chest, her blush still didn't
disappear but she wasn't flustered, she only looked more beautiful . She then
put that chest into her space ring .

Seeing that the chest disappeared, many people who were in the Revolving
Core Stage were extremely jealous . But they couldn't do anything about it .

"Then I bid farewell to you, Miss Evelynn . " Then he turned around and
said . "I thank the Cauldon Family for the sumptuous feast, it was delicious .
I'll take my leave now . "

Davis then left with Ellia and Renard, they joined up with him as he left .

Henry who was an elder and a few others, accompanied Davis until he
reached the carriage .

They spoke some pleasantries while trying to make a good impression on

Davis .

Davis then bid farewell again and left the manor .

After some time .

Cauldon Family's Manor, in Evelynn's room .

"Miss, why didn't you reject the gift? If you did, then I think that you would
have made him so angry that he would have decided to cancel this marriage
with you . "

"Maisy, you sure can imagine . I don't think that level headed child will fall
for that trick . Besides..." Evelynn said as she blushed but stopped midway
"Anyway Miss, please take out the Core something pill for me to see quickly
. " Maisy acted spoiled in front of Evelynn . Their relationship was amiable
and good since they were together since childhood .

Hearing that, she suddenly remembered the word Davis whispered to her .
Thinking of that action of his made her blush a little again .

She nodded and took out the chest from her space ring . She immediately
opened it was suddenly anxious to see what was underneath the pill .

"Woah! This pill has a good scent . One sniff and I can tell that this
enhances my Energy Condensation cultivation . " Maisy took in deep sniffs
as she felt intoxicated by the unique fragrance .

Evelynn handed her over the pill and warned her . "Don't you dare eat it! I
need it too . "

"I know, I know, hehe" Maisy laughed and took the pill from her hands as
she returned to being intoxicated .

Using this chance, Evelynn removed the pill holder in the chest and saw a
letter and a jade crystal .

'A letter? And a jade crystal which breaks when the other one is broken?'

She took out the letter and read it .

[ I want to talk to you alone, Miss Evelynn . Possibly, during the night when
no one is around and able to interfere with our decisions about the marriage .
I know that you'll be watched during the night if you go out, so I want you to
stay in the Cauldon Pill Store these few days so as to avoid suspicion . I'll
somehow sneak out and come to the Cauldon Pill Store in these few days to
meet you . I'll break the jade crystal signalling that I am in the Cauldon Pill
Store so I hope you will be there as well at that time . ]

'He . . . he wants to meet me in the night? And alone?' Indecent thoughts

swirled around her head as she considered various possibilities . But as soon
as she saw it was about the marriage, she calmed down .

She contemplated for a moment before ordering .

"Maisy, prepare a few things, we'll be staying in the Cauldon Pill Store for a
week . Also inform my father about it as well . "

"Eh? Okay" Maisy glanced at Evelynn for a moment before continuing to

sniff and circulating her Cultivation Technique .

"One week, I'll wait for you for a week, Prince Davis . " Evelynn muttered
softly as she stored the letter in her hands .
It was unknown what she had decided just now .
Chapter 51
Chapter 51

Davis who had returned to the Royal Castle couldn't wait to see Evelynn
alone as he now liked her very much .

In the Study .

"Davis, what happened?" Ellia asked Davis with a weird face .

"Hmm? Nothing happened . "

"No matter how I see it, you're smiling creepily from the time you entered
the Study . Don't tell me you have been seduced by that vix... your future
concubine?" Ellia almost screamed but held back at the last second .


Davis now then realised that he was smiling like a fool after checking his
face .

'Have I been seduced? Or did I fall for her by myself? No way could she
have seduced me! My soul is powerful than hers!' Davis thought .

"It's not like that but I think I have started to like her . " Davis replied
sheepishly .

"You! Didn't you say that you will release her from this marriage if she
doesn't like you?"

"I did say that, but now, if she said that she didn't like me, then I will just
have to make her like me . "

"You're going to use unscrupulous means?" Ellia had her eyes widened .

"Hey! I never said that!" Davis hit her head lightly while Ellia pouted .
"I won't do that, she's not taken as far as I know . I'll try my best to win her
heart . "

She glared at him as she asked "What if you can't?"

"Only time will tell . " Davis said with a profound expression on his face .

'What time will tell? You'll only bully her just like you bullied me!' Ellia
thought hatefully .

Night came as the day passed by .

Davis sneaked out smoothly as he was pretty used to this now . He made his
way to the South Gate hoping to spot Harmon again .

He used his Soul Sense to scan the area around .

"Fuck!" He blurted out loudly as he could see many people fuck in their
rooms, bath in their restrooms . His sense was mostly concentrated on
women though .

He quickly pulled back his Soul Sense .

"Ah my soul!" He held his glabella .

'What the hell? Why didn't these people setup stronger formations around
themselves . I can see them fucking around like dogs! Arghh . . Why didn't
the novels I read mention this before?' Davis had every cell of his brain turn
hostile to the authors of the ReadReadNovelFulls he read .

He took a deep breath to calm himself down .

This time, he used his soul sense to avoid the places where he last saw
people acting indecently .

His soul can extend upto extended up to 15 km . Normal Peak Level Infant
Soul Cultivators can only extend their Soul Sense upto 3 km . This again
proves that Davis had a very powerful soul .
Since he was in the Infant Soul Stage, he can summon his soul out of his
body . He tried to summon his soul when he when he was in the Mid Level
Infant Soul Stage, and as a matter of fact he was able to summon it smoothly
. When he summoned his soul out of his body, he then to his horror, realised
that he couldn't control his body . He was horrified for a second before
calming down because it made sense that he was unable to control his body
with his soul being outside . He then thought that he will be able to control
his body after reaching a higher stage in Soul Cultivation

He then tried performing some techniques in the soul form . Body

Tempering Cultivation and it's related techniques were totally useless in that
form . He could only unleash his Soul Cultivation and a bit of Essence
Gathering Cultivation .

Just when a few seconds passed, Davis's eyes lit up .

'He finally arrived!' Davis was jubilant cause he wouldn't have to waste his
time anymore on this target .

There was a shady silhouette in the alley a few kms away from the South
Gate . That silhouette looked like it was looking for something or inspecting
something .

Davis knew that the silhouette was his target because his Soul Sense could
penetrate the silhouette's concealment and disguise without even alerting it .

Harman would only find if Davis's probing was deep, like inspecting his
body for a few seconds, otherwise he wouldn't feel a thing . This applies to
all cultivators, that's why powerful Soul Cultivators were feared . Who
would want their privacy to be invaded?

Davis casually moved and headed to the alley where Harman was .

After a few minutes, he arrived at that place silently .

"What are you searching for?"

Harman who was minding his own business was startled, he quickly
stretched his Soul Sense out . To his astonishment he couldn't find anyone
with his High Level Infant Soul Stage Cultivation even after probing .

Suddenly he felt his senses telling him to dodge . He quickly dodged

sideways .


Blood gushed out of Harman's neck in the side as he felt his neck corrode
and burn . He immediately tried to suppress the rampaging energy but to his
surprise, he found out that he couldn't stop it even though the energy going
berserk inside him was of Energy Condensation Stage .

"What is this? Who are you?" Harman shouted fearfully as he totally lost
calm . He could tell that his foe had a powerful Soul Cultivation .

Davis deactivated his Dark Concealing Shroud Art . He still had his disguise
on .

"Tch... What is a vermin doing sneaking around the Royal Capital?"

"Senior? Are you one of the cultivators from the Royal Family? I guess we
are fated, there is no need to fight . " Suddenly Harma's eyes glowed .

'What the hell is this person saying?' Davis was confused but still had an
indifferent expression .

"Senior may not believe me but I received word from the heavens to come to
this place and wait for something . . Maybe someone . Since senior is here,
then it must be related to you . " Harman hurriedly explained .

"Ahh!" Davis finally understood .

'As I expected, looks like the Death Note can even really whisper into one's
soul and deceive them . Or did he believe himself to be a chosen one and got

Since things were like this, Davis decided to play a little with his delusions
before killing him for good .
Chapter 52
Chapter 52

"Haha, this was just a test . If you had failed, then the heavens had
commanded me to kill you!" Davis laughed in a hoarse voice .

"Then . . Did I pass?" Harman asked doubtfully .

"What do you think?" Davis approached closer to him .

"Since I was chosen and have successfully dodged your move, then I can say
that I have at least passed . " Harman deduced but still took a step back
seeing Davis near him . He was still a little fearful of the pain .
"Yes, you have successfully passed!" Davis smiled . He was now in front of
Harman .

"Really? Yes!" Harman clenched his fists in elation . He felt that his strength
was going to leap soon in a short amount of time starting from now

"But I don't think the heaven requires your help anymore, so could you
please die by killing yourself?" Davis tried to see how far the effect of the
Death Note can influence him .

"Eh?" Harman who heard that felt that he was thrown into a pit of despair .
He couldn't believe his ears . This lasted just for a moment before he tried to
escape .

'I see, it doesn't affect his personality if I don't write about that specifically
huh?' Davis thought .

"Harman, sadly . . You cannot defy the will of the heavens . You will be
paralyzed . "

Harman who tried to fly away with his Revolving Core Stage Cultivation,
plummeted down the alley as he crashed .
"What? What have you done to me?" He tried to shout but only
incomprehensible words came out of his mouth . Then he sent him a Soul
Transmission .

"Oh that, I said that you cannot defy the will of the heaven . So you will
obviously have to die . " Davis casually replied .

"Spare . . Spare me!"

Davis stood in front of him and lifted him up .

"Huh? Spare you? Why didn't you do that when you massacred a whole
village? When you massacred a dozen of villages? They should have said
the same . . "

"No way, even If I massacred, the heavens chose me so how could I die!?"
Harman shouted with rage .

'Ahh, now I get it . This person is twisted and probably broken somewhere .
That kind of explains his massacring hobby . ' Davis thought .

But hearing his self confident delusional statement, Davis snapped .

"I don't know how trash like you can think of the heavens helping you! Even
if the heavens are neutral, they surely won't side with a scum like you who
kills for no reason!"


Davis used the Silent Erupting Finger once more in conjunction with the
First Layer of Extinction Lightning Jugement, Lightning Amplification .

His finger pierced into Harman's chest before exploding with the power of
Extinction Lightning . The Extinction Lightning started to corrode and burn
his heart as well as all his internal organs . His body convulsed on being
electrocuted .

"Ahhhhh!!!" Harman shouted in pain, but wasn't able to move . He tried to

escape using his soul but before he could do that, a bright lance stabbed at
his soul .
"Your fate is sealed . " Davis said as he held him up .

That bright lance was the technique he had gotten from the Second Layer of
Sacred Luminance Mist, the Piercing Sacred Lance . It even has the power
to exorcise ghosts effectively .

Harman's eye went wide and froze . He died . Davis then absorbed his
deceased soul and refined it using the Death Note .

He felt his soul being rejuvenated .

'This amount... Two more Peak Level Infant Soul Stage souls and I could
probably break into Young Soul Stage quickly . ' His face had a look of
excitement before he calmed down .

Davis then stored his corpse casually with a calm and indifferent face .

He activated the Dark Concealing Shroud Art and made his way out of the
alley .

Just when he was traversing the streets, he suddenly detected two more
presences heading to the place where he was before .

Davis narrowed his eyes .

'These two. aren't they the two Sky Grade Assassins from before? Why are
they here?'

'Could it be that they're going to kill a target in that direction or are they
leaving the Royal Capital through the South Gate?' Davis was curious so he
followed them stealthily .

But after following those two, he saw that they stopped at the alley where he
was before, investigated for a time before returning in the direction of the
Dark Earth Organization Branch .

Davis contemplated for a moment, he had a vague doubt on his Death Note
'Could it be because I wrote 'He waits there till a certain person shows up to
end his life' in the Death Note? So even if I hadn't made a move, he
would've already died from getting killed by some other person? So in this
case, the Death Note somehow attracted those two assassins to get him
killed? If that is so then the Death Note is truly interesting . ' Davis grinned
at the thought but quickly calmed down .

'Then I will have to be extra careful on what I write in the Death Note, lest I
bring trouble to myself . ' He sighed, thinking that this Death Note can even
act as a double edged sword .

Davis then left the area, heading towards the Dark Earth Organization
Branch .

Once he reached that place, he deactivated the Dark Concealing Shroud Art

He used the Dark Organization Badge to temporarily deactivate the Illusion

formation in the underground cellar . He then used the badge again to open
the door to the Hall .

In the Dark Earth Organization Branch, Main Hall .

Yellow who was wallowing in sadness suddenly saw Davis . He suddenly

had a look of fear .

"Senior Dead End!" He shouted and hurriedly ran to him .

Davis heard that and headed towards him calmly with hands behind his back

"Is senior here to withdraw from the mission? It might take a long time to
find and kill him but there is no need to withdraw for that reason is there? I
can wait for a long time for senior to complete the mission, I can even wait...
. " Afraid that Davis might withdraw from this mission, Yellow tried to
come up with various kinds of reason to not make him withdraw, but before
he could bullshit, Davis stopped him .

"Senior, please. If you backout then I will be punished as a result . " Yellow
anxiously pleaded .

"I have completed the mission . " Davis said calmly .

"Senior, please don't withdraw from this mission, my life depends on it . "
Yellow looked like he was going to cry soon .

Davis snapped his fingers, it made Yellow come out of his reverie and
consequently turn the attention of the crowd towards him .

"I said that I have completed the Peak Level Earth Grade mission . " This
time, Davis said it slowly .

Chapter 53
Chapter 53

Yellow's eyes went wide . He felt what Davis had said was
incomprehensible .

The surrounding crowd were startled as well . They then looked at him as if
he was an idiot .

Seeing the looks of incomprehension on the people, Davis waved his hand .

A corpse flew out and crashed into Yellow .

"Warghh!" Yellow yelped and saw the corpse's face . His face was one of
horror before gradually turning into elation .

"This... this is Harman!!" Yellow shouted out like an idiot . It was as if he

obtained some treasure .

"Then?" A voice startled Yellow . It was Davis .

"Yes, yes . You have successfully completed the mission, I'll just formally
inform the receptionist, that's all . I'll get your badge and the reward soon . "
Yellow excitedly said and ran off .

Davis waited there for a while receiving looks of awe, astonishment,

jealousy and even other emotions .

He then noticed that some people were approaching him .

The two people were the two black robed people from before .

Davis entered a state of caution but didn't show it outside .

"Fellow Assassin, are you the one who battled near the South Gate?" The
black robed person asked . That voice made it difficult to determine the
gender .
Davis just stared at him before questioning them .

"Who are you two?"

"Oh, it was not good of us to not introduce ourselves . I am Left Sky and he
is Right Sky . " The other black robed person replied . The gender of this
voice was difficult to determine too .

"Way to go brother, you just revealed our gender!" Right Sky complained .

"And now he knows that we are siblings! How many times have I told you to
call me by my nickname during work" Left Sky rebutted .

"But he could've just striked that us of as good friends! He would've never

known that we were twins!" Right Sky shouted in anger .

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Davis shouted in confusion to stop them .

'Didn't these two just act cool before? Now why are they revealing their
traits one by one or is it just an act?'

His shouting attracted those two and they turned immediately embarrassed
but didn't show it outside .

"What business do you have with me?" Davis asked calmly .

"That is... seeing that you have completed a mission that is quite difficult to
complete, we decided to invite you to this Sky Grade mission . " Left Sky
replied and took out a jade crystal . It was the type to hold information .

Just before he gave out that jade crystal, a voice could be heard .

"Senior Dead End! Here is your Peak Earth Grade Dark Earth Organization's
Badge!" Yellow came running like a 4 year old child . It could be seen that
he was really happy .

He arrived in front of Davis as handed the badge and the reward .

Davis collected both the badge and the reward as he stored them in his space
ring .
"Senior! You are now officially a Peak Earth Grade Assassin!"

"Hmm" Davis nodded his head indifferently as he turned to face Left Sky .

Left Sky then gave out the scroll to Davis .

Davis then opened the scroll . His expression was one of astonishment, then
turned into an ironic smile .

[Mission: Abduct Davis Loret

Type: Abduction

Grade: Low Level Sky Grade Mission

Requirement: Peak Level Earth Grade Assassin and above .

Description: First Prince of the Loret Empire, aged 9 . Known to be

protected by elite guards of the empire at all times . His cultivation should be
around the First Stage of Body Tempering Cultivation and Essence
Gathering Cultivation . His guards cultivation should be around that of third
stage in both the Body Tempering Cultivation and Essence Gathering
Cultivation . Sometimes he is under even the protection of his father, the
Loret Emperor . This month is the only chance to complete this mission
without much difficulty .

*The person's image was attached*

Reward: Low Level Sky Grade Dark Organization's Badge, 4000 Purple
Coins .

Mission Issuer: Anonymous]

'What the actual fuck? Did these two just invite me to abduct myself?' Davis
rolled his eyes . He would have laughed out loud if it were not for his calm
headedness .

"So Dead End? Will you work with us? Or move alone?"

"So far what kind of information have you gathered about this mission?"
"All normal ones . If you ask our informants they will tell you . "

Davis took a moment to decide before answering .

"I'm not doing this mission . "

"What? Why?" Left Sky and Right Sky were both dumbfounded .

Just when Davis tried to give some reason for his rejection, Yellow who was
on the side hurriedly explained .

"Two seniors! It isn't that Senior Dead End rejected your request, it's just
that Senior Dead End doesn't like this kind of job . " Yellow sadly said .

'Nice job, Yellow' Davis gave a thumbs up to Yellow mentally .

Davis chose safety and being incognito over having fun . He was sure if he
had joined that mission, then he would have to kill those two and possibly
others which would have made him suspicious if he had been the only one to
remain alive . So he decided to kill them without accepting the mission as he
can remain from any suspicion that might be possibly targeted at him after
he had killed them . At the most, he would've been able to have fun if he had
joined that mission by seeing the incredulous looks of the dying assassins
when they finally know that they had been killed by the target whom they
were planning to abduct .

"Oh? Personal preference? Then leave it then . . " Saying that, the twin
assassins left dejectedly .

"Right, leave that mission . We have other Sky Grade missions that might
possibly fit senior's criteria . Let's go meet the receptionist for more
information . " Yellow said as he went off in a direction .

Davis followed him and arrived in front of the reception .

"Congratulations on becoming a Peak Level Earth grade Assassin, Dead End

. " The receptionist's tone was now favourable .

"Let me take a look at all the Sky Grade missions that you have . " Davis
said rather indifferently .
"With your rank, you can only see upto Low Level Sky Grade missions,
Dead End . "


The receptionist then pulled out a few jade crystals which obviously had
information on Low Level Sky Grade missions .
Chapter 54
Chapter 54

Davis then probed the jade crystal with his Soul Sense . His expression
changed into one of anger before he hid it quickly .

In the jade crystals, there were also missions to abduct Clara, Diana and even
the newly born Edward .

He had the urge to crush those jade crystals but stopped himself from doing
that . He could laugh it off when he saw his name in a mission, but he
couldn't take it when he saw his siblings being targeted .

'Makes sense, if I am a target then they are too . Tch, wait! These are just
Low-Level Sky Grade Missions, maybe even Dad and Mom are listed in the
higher grade missions . Just who is the mission issuer? It might possibly be
that Emperor Tritor or that Emperor Raven for all I know, damn it!'

Davis felt helpless right now . If he had known who was targeting them, then
it will make it easier for him to kill whoever it was .

He was not wary of famous people, he was only wary of people who hide
their identities .

With the Death Note, he could easily kill off famous people who were within
his limits but cannot do the same to people who hide their identities as he
would have to discover their identities first which makes it a little difficult
for him to kill them .

He took a few seconds to calm himself down before probing into the jade
crystals once again .

He found some suitable missions for himself . If he was able to kill those
targets then he will be able to reach even the Mid-Level Young Soul Stage
sooner .

After accepting multiple missions, he then left the Dark Earth Organization
Branch and headed off to kill a target .

This target was a powerful merchant of the Loret Empire who engages in
shady business secretly . His age was over 200 years old and his soul
cultivation was that of Low-Level Young Soul Stage .

After Davis had used the Death Note to bait and kill him, it was almost dawn

He absorbed his deceased soul and refined it .

He felt his soul energy increase rapidly as he absorbed the refined soul
energy and after a few minutes, he felt his soul energy fill reaching its limit

Just when he tried to break through, he encountered a bottleneck .

'Things won't be that simple, will it?' Davis sighed .

Seeing that it was late, he made his way to the Royal Castle .

He decided that he would turn in the mission later tonight or tomorrow .

Three days passed in the blink of an eye .

In these few days, Davis concentrated on his efforts to breakthrough into the
Young Soul Stage .

He turned in his target's corpse on the first day and got the Low-Level Sky
Grade Dark Earth Organization's Badge and 1000 Purple Coins as his reward

After this, he thought of visiting Evelynn before deciding to concentrate on

his Soul Cultivation first .

He felt confident in breaking through, so he stayed in seclusion in the Royal

Castle as three days passed .

In the evening .
Davis who was in seclusion finally achieved Low-Level Young Soul Stage .

He could now feel his soul residing in his soul sea weirdly palpitate in
resonance with the Death Note .

He felt that his Death Note probably gained a new ability but he wasn't in a
hurry to find out, so he put the matter aside .

He kind of felt immensely proud of himself for breaking through the

bottleneck in 3 days before his thoughts quickly moved onto someone else .

'Yes! Today night, I will finally visit Evelynn no matter what!'

Just as he made his way into the Study, he saw Ellia cultivating there with a
peaceful expression on her face . She sat in a lotus position while focusing
but it just made her look cute .

It almost made him want to pinch her face but decided not to, since her
cultivation might go berserk if he had disturbed her .

He just sat and watched her face with a smile on his face .

He couldn't help but think her off as a cute animal, it even all the more made
him want to pat her head .

He hurriedly shook his head . 'This isn't right, I'm acting too close to her .
It's almost as if we are siblings . ' He thought, a little disoriented .

Davis unknowingly moved closer to her .

He then looked at her face again, his face was at arm's length away from her
face . This time his eyes involuntarily stopped at her lips .

He couldn't help but feel an unknown emotion in his heart .

Ellia who was cultivating suddenly opened her eyes . She caught him staring
at her lips as she felt her face burn up .

"Ah" Davis had seen her open her eyes so he involuntarily made a sound .

'Damn, I got caught . . . ' Davis had a calm face outside but his heart was
beating slightly faster .

He stood up and walked back whistling as if nothing happened . He then

calmly left the Study and headed to the Library .

Ellia who was seated there clenched her fists in embarrassment . Her face
still didn't stop burning up .

'What was that? What was he doing so close to my face? Why did he keep
staring at me?' Thoughts swirled around her head as she entered her own
world of delusions .

After that, she couldn't get into the mood to cultivate no matter how she

Davis who was on his way to the library chanted in his head .

'I'm not a Lolicon, I'm not a Lolicon, I'm not a Lolicon, I'm not a Lolicon . '
He kept chanting it as he noticed a slight problem in the lower part of his
body .

'I've hit puberty . . . ' He thought wryly .

He would've been happier at the fact that he had hit puberty but the situation
that he had found out in, wanted to made him hide in a hole .

He felt weird since morning, but as he was cultivating his soul, he put the
matter at the back of his head which now led to his embarrassment .

'Anyway, this is bad, and just when I am going to meet Evelynn... . I hope I
don't make stupid decisions at her place . ' He felt that someone was playing

with his life .

He was determined to not let his lower part of the body influence his
thoughts .

Davis then arrived at the library to pass his time .

He read some information on how to use his soul effectively and read about
some miscellaneous information which could possibly be useful one day .
Chapter 55
Chapter 55

Night finally arrived .

For the first time, Davis felt that he had never waited so much in his life .

He left the Royal Castle and made his way to the Cauldon Emporium .

The Cauldon Emporium was still open . Cultivator stores are normally open
during the night as well as they don't require much sleep but are keen on
their profits .

Davis wore a black robe as he activated his Dark Concealing Shroud Art to
conceal his aura, but not his presence .

He then entered the Cauldon Emporium casually . The staff saw him come
inside but they didn't go disturb him since he was dressed in a black robe .
Black robed people usually conceal their identity and don't want to be
disturbed unless they require some help, so they didn't opt to go near him .

He then made his way to the Cauldon Pill Store straight away without taking
any detour .

Just when he entered the Cauldon Pill Store, he was greeted by the same
young lady he met last time .

"Dear customer, how may I help you?"

Davis had a headache . He didn't want to reveal his voice or his disguised
voice either .

He just pointed at the pills kept in a shelf randomly .

"Oh, What kind of pill do you like senior?"

He ignored her went to grab the catalogue that was place on the desk near
the entrance .

The young lady got mad and started to ignore him as well as she went
minding her own business . She only approached Davis to get acquainted
and earn a sum from the commision if he bought something .

Meanwhile he used his soul to probe around the Cauldon Pill Store . He was
confident that with his Soul Cultivation, no one could detect his probing here
unless they had an Adult Soul Stage expert hidden here .

He got sight of Evelynn's location, so he broke the jade crystal silently when
no one was looking .

Evelynn who was cultivating with all her mind in a room was just about to
swallow the pill which Davis gave, in her mouth .

"Hmm?" She felt something break in her space ring .

She got it out and it was the pieces of the jade crystal .

'He's here!' Evelynn's eyes went wide .

'He really came! But how? With all those guards assigned to him, he
managed to sneak out? Or did he come with some other people?'

Evelynn had her doubts but she quickly got up and headed to the hall of the
Cauldon Pill Store , but she suddenly stopped right at the door of her room

'No, If I go receive him personally, then people will suspect us . ' She
thought .

"Miss, where are you going?" Maisy asked .

"Maisy, go invite a certain person who is in the hall of our Cauldon Pill
Store to my room . "

"But Miss... Who exactly should I invite?" Maisy asked in confusion .

Evelynn contemplated for a moment before answering .

"You just stand there in the main hall, that certain person will probably come
to you . "

"This. Okay . . " Maisy replied in confusion before heading out herself .

Davis who was waiting there, was browsing the catalogue as if he won't
accept anyone's help, finally saw a young girl coming from a certain
direction .

He recognized her as Evelynn's servant . He then saw her being fidgety and
looking around for some reason .

'Is she possibly searching for me?' Davis thought .

He closed the catalogue and then approached her .

It didn't take long for him to stand in front of her .

Maisy who saw the black robed person asked nervously .

"Are you. . "

Davis just nodded his head .

He thought she was going to ask if she was Prince Davis, so he quickly
nodded his head . He didn't know that she was just going to ask if he was the
person her Young Miss wanted to invite .

Maisy then nodded and said, "My Young Miss invited you to her room,
please follow me . "

She then left in a certain direction .

Davis then followed her . He knew where she was going but he couldn't just
go alone .
After a few minutes, they arrived in front of a door .

She opened it while he went in . She then followed him inside .

Suddenly, Davis and Evelynn who saw each other, started giggling together
for no reason .

'Eh? Eh!??' Maisy who saw this couldn't understand . She could tell from the
laughing voice that the other party was a male .

Davis who saw Evelynn smiling did not waste time and got to the point as he
doesn't know how long he could stay here .

"Miss Evelynn, I've come to propose to you officially . "

Evelynn was startled . It was just as she thought, he liked her for some
reason now .

"No!! Young Miss is already engaged, you can't propose to her!" Maisy
defended as she stood in front Evelynn .

They both no were startled . Davis looked at Evelynn only to see her laugh
gently .

"You finally came, my love! . " Evelynn said teasingly and winked at Davis

He got the underlying meaning in her wink .

'This woman really has guts and can keep her calm . She even dares to make
misunderstandings, and is a little playful? . ' Davis thought .

"Oh my Evelynn, how long has it been till I last saw you . " He extended his
hand, playing along .

"It has been too long, my love . " She took his hand betting on the fact that
he won't do anything to her .

"Miss! You are having an affair? No way!" Maisy who saw this got really
confused that she started pulling at her hair .
They both then laughed together, seeing that she was tricked .

Maisy got even more confused, so Davis finally stopped his act and removed
his hood .

"You! . . You are that br . . . Prince Davis . " Maisy almost blurted out but
she quickly held her tongue .

'Did this girl just call me a brat?' Davis's eye twitched .

Evelynn just smiled at the sight . Davis who also saw that was thankful to
Maisy for creating a good atmosphere . He didn't know how to create an
atmosphere for her to comfortably talk with him after all .
Chapter 56
Chapter 56

"Do you now get it? Maisy" Evelynn asked her calmly .

"Yes . " Maisy was embarrassed for her misunderstanding .

"Prince Davis, do you have another black robe?" Evelynn asked .

"I do have, but for what?"

She didn't answer him but spoke to Maisy .

"Maisy wear that black robe and wander around our Cauldon Emporium for
some time . Here, wear this too . "

Evelynn removed her amulet and gave it to Maisy . It had the power to
conceal one's aura . Davis also took an unused black robe and gave it to her
now that he had understood her plan . It was to act as him for a while .

Maisy wore it and went out from the room . She now knew that they were
meeting secretly .

"Now Prince Davis, as you requested, we are all alone . " Evelynn smiled .

"Alone, seems like it..Davis probed around with his Soul Sense so he knew .

"But there was no need to send her out too? No?"

"Maisy is talkative, so she will definitely interfere with our conversation

which might possibly anger you, Prince . "

"Then you have my thanks . " Davis said .

"It's my pleasure, please sit down . "

She then sat at a table . Davis also took his seat .

"Now that we are alone, are you not afraid that I will do anything to you?"
Davis grinned as he asked . Since she seemed like a playful type, he teased
her .

"Hmm? What can the Prince possibly do to harm me? Maybe you have your
guards outside the Cauldon Emporium? No?"

'Oh, this woman thinks that I got here with an entourage . Well, I'm not
going to correct her either . '

"Haha, Miss Evelynn sure is perceptive . "

"This is only normal . " Evelynn said as she poured a cup of tea for Davis .

Davis took the tea and probed it . Seeing that there were nothing harmful in
it, he drank . It doesn't hurt him to be cautious after all .

"Why?" She asked suddenly .

*spat* Davis spat out the tea at the side . He thought that she found out his
probing of the tea .

"Why did you say that?" Evelynn had a complex face when she asked that .
She didn't mind that action of his .

Now Davis knew what she had asked .


"Miss Evelynn, I started liking you, so I am a little serious about this

marriage . " Davis replied truthfully .

"Leaving aside why, I'll ask when . . . When did you start liking me?"
Evelynn had her eyes narrowed, her gaze sharp .

"From the moment I met you . " He said calmly .

"You lie . " She sighed .

"No, that is the truth!" He strongly replied .

'Why does this feel like an interrogation?' Davis had a vague doubt .
"Then why did you ask me to consider our marriage when we first met?"
She made a sound of dissatisfaction as she asked .

Davis then said seriously .

"At that time, I felt that you were clearly against this marriage, so I spoke up

"And now?" She questioned again .

"Now I realised that I like you very much . So will you accept this
proposal?" Davis asked with a glint in his eyes .

"Isn't that selfish?" Evelynn laughed sarcastically .

"Yes, it is . I want you for myself" Davis replied shamelessly .

"You! What if I refuse?" She narrowed her eyes again .

"Then I can only work hard to change your mind . I am sure that I will
somehow make you like me" He grinned as he said .

After a few moments of tension and silence . Evelynn unknowingly, visibly

relaxed .

'This woman! She's acting tough! Is she treating me as an adult? No, she is
treating me as her future! Makes sense that she is this serious about it . '
Davis was watching her every expression to find out what she was thinking
and he could only rely on his perception to do so .

'If only Clara were here, it would be way easy to hold an advantage in a
conversation . ' Davis sighed .

'But in this case, I can see her ruining this marriage hundred percent...' He
laughed to himself .

"*cough* So, what is your answer? Miss Evelynn . "

"There's no way I can give it so soon, not without knowing much about you .
" Evelynn glared at his shamelessness, but somehow she liked it .
'Maybe because he is cute?' She thought .

"You have a point, I wish to know more about you as well . If we have the
opportunity, then we'll tour around the Royal Capital one day . "

"Hmm . " She never expected him to invite her to take her out, so it was kind
of a surprise for her as she fell silent .

The room again got silent and awkward .

"Haha, I wonder what cultivation level has Miss Evelynn reached?" Davis
randomly asked a question .

"Nothing that can catch your eye . " Suddenly, her voice changed to a icy
tone .

'Oye, it's not like I asked your weight!' Davis's eye twitched .

Seeing that he chanced upon a bad topic, he tried to say something . He

quickly then glanced around to search for a topic and said to her .

"I guess I disturbed Miss Evelynn's Cultivation session, it's no wonder that
you are angry with me for asking about your cultivation . " Davis said with
an all knowing tone . But he then later panicked as he realised that this was
also a topic concerning to her cultivation .

'What perception!' Evelynn thought, her eyes wide .

But he already knew that she was cultivating when he probed around with
his soul sense when he first came here .

But hearing his tone, something in Evelynn finally snapped .

"You just want to know my cultivation don't you? In fact, you already know
it right? You want to make fun of me as well? Alright, I have only reached
Peak Level Copper Stage, Peak Level Energy Condensation Stage!
Miserable, right? At my age, with my status, I should've at least reached the
third stage in both by now! Go ahead and laugh! Laugh all you want!"

She had tears in her eyes . She waved her hands as she said .
"What Young Mistress of the Cauldon Family? What I am blessed to be
married to the Prince? Does my opinion even matter in my family? I am just
outright being sold off to you!" Tears dropped like a fountain from her eyes
as she looked at him in grievance .

Davis was extremely dumbfounded .

One moment she acted mischievous, another moment she acted tough, and
another moment she cried . He couldn't say if it was act or not but seeing her
cry, he felt sad for some reason .

He didn't have a deep relationship with her . He felt that any consolation at
this point would just feel like formality .

Davis looked at her with a complex expression and said comfortingly .

"You've worked hard . "

Evelynn froze

He just left her with that sentence as remaining here shamelessly would
make her even more embarrassed .

All those years, she tried so hard to cultivate, even though her talent was
subpar at best . She would cultivate day and night, sometimes even without
resting for a month .

Compared to many geniuses, her talent was trash . If she wasn't' the Family
Head's daughter, then she would not even be a respected member of her
family . With her looks, at best she would've been sold off to someone in the
name of marriage .

No one! No one had acknowledged her hard work other than Maisy . Almost
everyone looked at her like an object, an object to increase the status of their
family .

At that moment, she truly felt content and acknowledged as she cried out her
grievances .
Chapter 57
Chapter 57

On the way to the Royal Castle, Davis was feeling truly bad .

He felt like he made her cry . He felt like he shouldn't have acted selfish and
like a dick . He didn't knew that her cultivation was her sore spot . If he had
knew, then he wouldn't have dared to ask .

Now he knew that woman was putting up a front in front of everybody, all
the while she bears a huge burden in her heart . He even could tell that she
had an inferiority complex about her talent and cultivation .

'Is it too bad to be a little forceful?' He thought as he shook his head .

But what he didn't know was that sentence he uttered had helped him
increase his impression on her to the next level .

Midway, he suddenly stopped .

'Damn it, I don't feel good . ' He got angry and took out a jade crystal .

'Sorry, looks like your death date is moved to today . ' He thought coldly as
he headed to assassinate the target . Originally he planned to kill them from
tomorrow but decided to take his anger out on them today .

Davis, like before, baited and killed the target while also getting some
fighting experience . He also implemented a failsafe plan in case his target
tried to escape just like before .

After he had successfully assassinated the target and absorbed the deceased
soul . He felt getting one step closer to the next level in Soul Cultivation .

He felt like he can make his Soul Cultivation experience leaps and bounds as
long as he had the Death Note and the appropriate souls .

He then made his way back to the Royal Castle as it was almost dawn .
Days passed as he went on killing his targets one by one . He almost became
a legend in the Dark Earth Organization for his efficiency and credibility for
killing his targets .

He felt like he couldn't talk with Evelynn, because he felt awkward when
seeing her . But still, he wanted to talk once after that, but he just couldn't
find her because she went back to her manor .

Twenty days passed as he killed off 8 Low Level Sky Grade Mission
targets . Almost 4 of them had Low Level Young Soul Stage Cultivation
while the others had Peak Level infant Soul Stage Cultivation .

During these twenty days, he found no one targeting him or his siblings all
the night as a assassin, so he failed to finish off any Sky Grade Cultivators
who might possibly come for them .

He felt that this was weird, since this was the perfect opportunity to target
him and his siblings since Logan was out of the Royal Capital .

He had also tried to find out what was the new ability of the Death Note, but
he couldn't find it to no avail . He almost doubted whether if his Death Note
had been granted a new ability or not, also whether if it had stopped evolving
or not .

Regardless, he successfully achieved Mid Level Young Soul Stage after the
execution that he had performed . Then increased his cultivation to Peak
Level Iron Stage and Peak Level Energy Condensation Stage .

From this, he understood that he needed the soul of at least 5 Mid Level
Young Soul Stage experts to advance to the next stage . Fortunately, his
Death Note was extremely helpful in that regard .

The Royal Capital was in panic as powerful people kept dying one by one .
But those powerful people were the targets Davis had killed without any

mercy .

So he was not in fear at all but that can't be said to be same of other people .

Davis understood that his actions were of tantamount to declaring war

against evil people and organisations, but he did it anyway as no one would
be able to find his identity unless they were to bring in some Adult Soul
Stage Cultivators .

He also understood that his actions attracted his father indirectly, as his
father was the Emperor . This made his father leave a little sooner from the
Alfred Kingdom .

Logan was on his way to the Royal Capital after he had heard about a
powerful assassin known as Dead End, who always kills his target without
fail .

But he was not anxious because he knew that his targets were all scums and
degenerates and definitely wouldn't be his family, so Logan was worried but
not anxious .

He was worried that the strength of the Royal Capital would further decline
as powerful cultivators would leave, fearing the assassin, regardless if they
were degenerates or not . So he left a little sooner to put a stop to this
assassin known as Dead End even though he felt a little thankful to him for
clearing the Royal Capital of vermin .

It was Dawn .

Davis who had just returned from his hunt, knew that he wouldn't be able to
sneak out anymore due to his father coming home sometime today .

He headed to the Study to finally take some rest, even sleep . He felt kind of
exhausted for not sleeping for more than twenty days . He went to hunt,
cultivated all three Cultivation System which took a huge toll on his body .
He wanted to improve as much as possible before his father returned .

Cultivators don't need that much sleep, but it is still a process that one
enjoys, so even cultivators have the habit of sleeping from time to time .

'Ahh, damn, I'm so exhausted . A good sleep will rejuvenate me . ' Even
though it is almost morning, cultivators didn't care for the time they slept .
Just as he opened the door to the Study, he saw Ellia .

Lightning cracked as sparks of electric currents swirled around Ellia . She

was seated in a lotus position with a serious expression on her face .

Davis had a happy expression on his face .

"She's... breaking through to the next stage, very good!"

A few minutes passed before the lightning which sparkled around her
subsided and her face returned to a calm expression .

Then when she checked her cultivation, her expression was one of elation .

Davis smiled as he said .

"Ellia, congrats on breaking through the Energy Condensation Stage . "

"Hmm!" She nodded her head, still in elation .

Suddenly, a powerful Soul Sense probed the Royal Castle .

"Oh? Looks like Dad is back!" Davis was startled before he recognized the
Soul Sense's aura .

Even though Davis was just in Mid Level Young Soul Stage, he could detect
being probed by a Low Level Adult Soul Stage cultivator . He could even
probably detect probing from a Mid Level Adult Soul Stage Cultivator since
his soul is so powerful .

Davis was sure that he can fight his Dad equally if they just fought with their
Soul Cultivation .

"The Emperor is?" Ellia widened her eyes .

Davis rubbed his chin as he spoke . "Yes, and it looks like that we . . . got

Ellia's face turned pale .

Chapter 58
Chapter 58

Logan, who returned with his entourage, floated above the Royal Castle .

The first thing he did was not return but extended his Soul Sense to scan
around the Royal Castle for any abnormalities .

He saw Claire together with Diana and Edward in her room, Clara
cultivating alone in her room and Davis in his Study with Ellia .

Seeing that there were no abnormalities, he removed his Soul Sense and
relaxed but frowned .

"Hmm? The Cultivation Technique that Davis's maid trains in resembles the
Extinction Lightning Judgement . *sigh* What on earth is he thinking?" But
he soon sighed .

Then he entered the Royal Castle through the entrance as many greeted him
as he walked past them like an Emperor .

He straight away headed for the Throne Hall as the master of ceremonies
announced the return of the Emperor . It echoed throughout the Royal Castle
like thunder .

Claire, Clara, Davis and all who heard that, headed to the Throne Hall .

Seeing that his family and his subordinates all came to pay respects to him,
he nodded his head .

The Royal family can be cosy all they want in an informal occasion, but in a
formal occasion such as this, they have to give their respects and be formal
to their Emperor .

Logan exchanged a few pleasantries with his subordinates as few minutes

passed by . Suddenly, a guard came running in the Throne Hall with hurried
steps .
The guard then hurriedly reported .

"Emperor! A black-robed man with unknown origins claims to know where

the traitors of the rebellion are! He currently is in front of the entrance of our
Royal Castle awaiting your majesty's permission!"

"Hmm? Let him in!" Logan's eyes glowed . He couldn't wait to finish off
those two bastards .

"Yes!" The guard hurriedly relayed to the people below .

After a few minutes, a black-robed man walked into the throne room with
calm steps, he then bowed .

"Who are you? And do you know the whereabouts of those two traitors?"
Hendrickson asked the black-robed man with an interrogative expression .

The black robed man didn't say anything but just waved his hand .


A corpse with a hole in its chest suddenly fell on the floor of the Royal
Castle .

Immediately, everyone was alarmed and extended their perception to the

corpse .

Logan also extended his perception over to the corpse but refrained from
probing the black-robed man as it would be considered rude .

"This . . this is Cooper Hawkwood!" Hendrickson shouted . Everyone's eyes

went wide including Logan .

Hendrickson was just about to ask a few questions when suddenly Davis
approached the black-robed man .

Seeing Davis approach the black-robed man, he immediately probed the

black-robed man with his Soul Sense as he couldn't care less about being
rude anymore .

Just when he probed, the black-robed man suddenly moved and rushed to
where Davis was .

Davis who saw that quickly moved back as guards near him hurriedly rushed
to defend him .

"Case! You bastard! You dare?" Logan's eyes went wide as he shouted in
fury and hurriedly cast a soul attack .

Swirling currents of bright ocean quickly submerged Case as he shouted in

agony . His soul was ground by swirling currents of sharp needles as he
collapsed . It didn't even take a few seconds for him to die .

What Logan used was the Fourth Layer Technique of the Sacred Luminance
Mist, Celestial Needle Ocean . It is a highly destructive technique which can
even pierce through soul defences to attack the soul of a person . It is also
used as an area of effect attack, used to attack multiple opponents at the
same time .

But it was slower than the Second Layer Technique of the Sacred Luminance
Mist, Sacred Piercing Lance .

Although it was slow, Logan wasn't sure if his Sacred Piercing Lance can
kill him in one hit, so he used the Celestial Needle Ocean for a sure hit kill .
And fortunately, it was successful since the distance between the two of
them was small .

Logan heaved a sigh of relief .

"I can't believe that he used his own comrade as a means to delay our
reaction as he planned to abduct or kill Davis . " Claire who was beside
Davis said with a serious expression . She felt as if she had failed her duties
to protect her children .

"Fortunately, he failed . " Logan sighed .

"Davis, why did you go closer to him? Didn't you think that it could be
dangerous?" Logan asked with a questioning gaze .

"Hmm? I felt his gaze on me after he took out the corpse, so I moved closer
to investigate him . He suddenly attacked me but don't worry, I was cautious
the whole time, that's why I quickly pulled back . "

"I know, don't try to do something so stupid later!" Claire said as she berated
Davis .

"Alright, Mom . "

Logan and Claire then moved to take care of the matter of those two
corpses .

Clara who was there, couldn't detect any lies from her brother, so she gazed
at those two corpses curiously .

Davis who was alone slowly looked down and grinned secretly .

'Just as planned!'

This whole scenario was orchestrated by him but he didn't think it would go
this well .

Before Davis returned to the Royal Castle, he instructed Case to do as he

said and it worked without a hitch . He ordered him to come to the Royal
Castle seeking an audience with the Emperor using a certain information
when he notices the Emperor return to the Royal Castle .

Case Farnwen, who was on the lookout the whole time, noticed the
commotion in the Royal Castle and made his move . He then did what Davis
instructed him to do one by one .

When arriving at the entrance of the Royal Castle, he was ordered to say that
he had information on those two traitors and request an audience with the
Emperor . Then he was ordered to wait for the permission of the

Emperor to go inside the Royal Castle . Next, when he was in the Throne
Room, he was ordered to throw out Cooper's corpse and gaze at a little boy
when someone asked him a question . Finally, he was then ordered to attack
the little boy when he sees one approaching him, which ultimately led to his
death .

Davis did all this because he wanted his father to be the one to avenge his
deceased family so that his father could let go of a burden in his heart .
Chapter 59
Chapter 59

A day passed after that incident .

Logan felt a burden in his heart taken away from him .

He took care of the matter of those two traitors . He saw that Cooper had a
hole in his chest so he didn't suspect anything at all . That hole was created
by Case's power, so he wasn't suspicious . Davis did order Case to put a hole
in Cooper's chest way before he entered the Royal Castle yesterday .

After taking care of these matters, Logan probed the whole Royal Capital
with his senses, but he couldn't find Dead End at all . All he found was a few
assassins lurking near the Royal Castle as he killed them later .

The assassins he killed included those two assassins who were named Left
Sky and Right Sky . But Davis didn't know that at all . If he knew, then that
would have removed a headache for him .

"Ellia? Are you ready?" Davis asked as he touched .

" . . . Yes . . " Ellia replied with a soft voice, her petite body was trembling .

"I'm entering now . . " Davis said with a confident expression on his face .


Davis opened the door to the Emperor's quarters as he went inside with Ellia

"Father, as you requested, I came with Ellia . "

"Hmm . " Logan who was seated near his desk nodded his head .

Yesterday, after the incident, Davis was asked by his father to visit his room
as he wanted to talk with him about something . He was also then told to
bring Ellia along with him .

"Davis, demonstrate your cultivation for me . . . " Logan said that as he

rested his chin on his hands

Davis nodded his head and demonstrated his cultivation for him to see .

Black lightning sparkled around Davis as he emitted his energy from his
body .

Then his body emitted a grey aura, as the pressure from his body that was
being generated increased .

"Very good! You have reached Peak Level Iron Stage and Peak Level
Energy Condensation Stage!" Logan's expression was one of proudness .

To have reached Peak Level Iron Stage in a few months from Mid Level
Iron Stage, Davis really worked hard during the day to cultivate his body .
He had the required resources, so he concentrated on quickly increasing his
Body Cultivation these few months .

Davis didn't show his Soul Cultivation since Ellia was here as well . Logan
didn't ask him to demonstrate it either . It was a tacit understanding between
them .

Logan then turned his head towards Ellia . Ellia, who saw that immediately
started trembling again . She clenched her fists as she tried to calm down but
to no avail, she couldn't .

"Ellia? Was it?"

" . . Y . . . Yes!"

"Demonstrate your cultivation too . "

Ellia gulped as she stayed silent .

"What's wrong? As the Prince's maid, you also have the duty to protect his
life and take care of his needs . I heard that your talent was good, so I
wanted to see what kind of cultivation level you have reached . "

She looked at Davis only to see him nod his head gently with a smile on his
face . Seeing that she also nodded a little and demonstrated her cultivation
with determination .

Lightning sparkled around Ellia as she emitted energy from her body . It was
a normal lightning tinged with a small extinction attribute as she didn't have
a Lightning Elemental like Davis .

After that, her body's aura emitted brown-red colour, as the pressure from
her body radiated a tyrant kind of strength .

Logan nodded his head and commented .

"Not bad for a maid, but do you understand now that you are even more
indebted to the Royal Family?"

" . . . Yes!" She looked at the Emperor and replied with a brave front .

"Good! You can leave now . I want to talk with my son alone . "
Ellia bowed and silently withdrew as she quickly walked away from the
room .

After she went out, there were a few moments of silence before Davis asked

"Aren't you going to ask me about it, father?"

Logan said with a calm face . "Why? I believe that you have your own
reasoning to train her out with our monopolized techniques . I trust your
decision . "

"Father..." Davis was moved, he thought he would have a big fight with his
father just now, but he didn't expect that he would let them off this easily .

"Don't give me that look . If the deceased Royal Family was still alive, you
would've been executed for handing our secret techniques to a mere maid .
But since I'm the Emperor now, I get to decide the rules . And since you're
my son, you get a lot of leeway at that . " Logan grinned with a profound
expression on his face .

"Just make sure that those techniques don't get leaked for some reason . "
Logan frowned .

Davis chuckled . "I will, that goes without saying . "

Logan then nodded his head, satisfied with the answer his son gave .

"And what was it that you said that you wanted to talk to me before?" Davis
then asked, curious as to why his father called him here .

"Yes, that was the main reason I called you here," Logan replied as he took a
deep breath .

"Do you know how I met your mother? Do you know how we fell in love
with each other"

"My mother? Father, did you just call me here to talk about your love
story?" Davis chuckled .

"Haven't you ever thought about your mother's parents? Haven't you ever
thought about why your mother doesn't talk about her origins?"

"Huh . . . Maybe because my mother's parents are dead?" He more or less

assumed it like this .

Logan shook his head .

Davis got a bad feeling about this . "Why are you now suddenly asking

"You met the Ruth Empire's Empress, right?" Logan didn't answer but asked
a question instead .

"Hmm, I remember, Empress Isabella Ruth . " Davis nodded his head . His
mind couldn't help but trail off to a glamorous world .
'Why is he bringing her up now? It can't be that she is my mother's sister or
something like that, right?' He thought incredulously .
Chapter 60
Chapter 60

"Rumor has it that she reached the fabled sixth stage and successfully left the
continent! . " Logan suddenly dropped an explosive news that ringed like a
bell in Davis's ears .

"Impossible! Isn't our continent sealed by a barrier which makes it hard for
people above the fifth stage to enter? Maybe if you see it from the outside
world's perspective, our continent is almost like a secret realm!" Davis
shouted in disbelief .
"It seems like the barrier only restricts outsiders and not the ones who are
born on this continent . "

"Even so, how did she reach the sixth stage which is really difficult to reach

"I told you right? That she got an inheritance . It must have been really
powerful . "

Davis finally nodded his head in understanding . "It's no wonder that she
could reach the throne so soon at her age even when her predecessors are
still alive . "

"It looks like her ambitions are much higher than conquering a lousy
continent, good for us though . . . " Logan commented, a little jealous of her
strength .

"And what does that have to do with my mother?" Davis looked at him and
questioned as he vaguely understood but wasn't sure of it .

Logan said in a solemn tone . "Your mother is not of our continent . "

Davis widened his eyes and clenched his fists .

Because he knew that if the Grand Sea Continent were to know about it, then
she would be targeted from all the Empires!

"You know that every 15 years, is the opening of our realm for the outsiders,
right?" Logan held Davis's shoulders .

"Yes . . "

During the opening of the realm, various fifth stage and lower cultivators
swarm like bees to invade the continent but luckily, all the forces of the
continent join hands every 15 years temporarily to stop their invasion .

Fifth Stage experts of the continent are very few and less nowadays . That's
why they don't take part in wars and instead, defend the continent from the
outsiders .

"The next opening of our realm is . . " He continued .

"In 2 years, right? So you met mother 13 years ago?" Davis interjected .

"Very perceptive, yes . 13 years ago was when our realm last opened to the
outsiders . " Logan nodded . He then smiled .

"She and I were originally enemies, but fate played us together . But I am
very thankful for the heavens for that as well . "

"I won't go detailed into our past, but your mother forbids herself from
returning to her homeland, severing her martial career . She made a cruel
choice on herself to stay with me . That's why I want you to be just like
Empress Isabella Ruth, who carves a path for herself! . " By the time he
finished the sentence, Logan held Davis's shoulder tightly .

"Make yourself strong, stronger than me, stronger than everybody, so that
you would make your mom immensely proud!"

"I will!" Davis answered with fervour and determination .

"Then once you are high above, return to our continent, and prove that your
mom's decision at that time was not wrong!"

"Yes!!" Davis's blood boiled as he clenched his fists .

Logan calmed down before saying .

"In a year, the Grand Sea Continent Meet will take place . I want you to join
it just like I joined and got the first place before . "

"Hmm? Wasn't Empress Isabella Ruth stronger than you?" Davis asked in
confusion .

"She was probably receiving her inheritance at that time, so she didn't show
up for the competition . " Logan grinned and said .

"Oh! What's so great about the competition for me to participate in it?"

Davis wanted to know why he should participate in a competition that he
wasn't interested at all .

"There is another entrance . " Logan suddenly said .

"What? Another?" Davis's eyes went wide .

"Yes, and it only allows people below 30 of bone age to pass through that
entrance," Logan said, his tone was one of disappointment .

"So, the competition is for choosing the young heroes to stop the invasion of
the outsiders in that entrance?"

"Yes, spots will be handed out for the Top 200 geniuses to enter that
entrance . "

"Ah, so the powerful people are monopolizing the loot they get from the
invaders? I understand . " Davis laughed sarcastically as he understood .

"Yes, this is how the world works but it won't be so easy to kill a genius
from the outsiders as they have escape talismans, while we don't . . . " Logan
said in a grave tone .

"I see . . " Davis shrugged because it didn't matter if they had escape
talismans or not, he can kill them in an instant after all .

"Even if they have looted, it'll only be the worth of Mid Level Sky Grade
and lower but not higher . "
"Wait, then why don't you guys just soul search their minds for their
cultivation techniques and information about their homeland?"

"We tried, but all their souls have been sealed by higher powers from
leaking information, they can't even divulge even if they wanted to share
their information . "

"Even Mom?" Davis asked as he clenched his fists .

"Yes, that's why I wanted you to get stronger since you have a powerful soul
. If it's you, then I can be assured that you can remove the seal from her soul
sooner, and I believe that you can grow stronger than anyone else in a short
period of time . " Logan said as if he had blind confidence in his son .

"Why do you say so?" Davis narrowed his eyes as he felt it be fishy .

"Your soul has grown much stronger and that amulet isn't powerful enough
to block my probing, so I obviously know that you have at least reached the
Young Soul Stage . " Logan looked smugly at Davis as if he won a battle
against him .

"Haha, looks like I got caught! I thought I would give you a surprise during
the competition . " Davis said, a little glad .

He failed to consider the amulet's power for blocking people from probing .

'Looks like it couldn't block an Adult Soul Stage's Soul Sense . '

"Don't be stupid, If I didn't know, then I wouldn't send you to the

competition at all in the first place . Your safety is the most important after
all . " Logan berated him .

"And above all else, you are only 9 years old . . . " Logan said with a grin .

Davis and Logan then looked at each other with an underlying meaning in it
Davis was thankful that his father didn't ask about how he managed to
increase his Soul Cultivation quickly . Logan obviously understood faintly,
that even if he asked Davis, he wouldn't answer this question . So Logan
didn't ask about it or else it would have made things awkward between them
Chapter 61
Chapter 61

A week passed by .

News spread as the Royal Family of the Loret Empire, announced the
participation of the First Prince in the Grand Sea Continent Meet .

The news brought shame and disappointment to the citizens of the Loret
Empire as they were mocked by others for not having a genius cultivator,
but have no choice but to rely on a 9-year-old kid to represent them in the
Grand Sea Continent Meet .

"Is our Emperor sane? Why is our Emperor sending a 9-year-old kid to
participate in that competition?"

"It's not like they have a choice, the Royal Family was almost decimated
after all . "

"Last time, it was our Emperor who managed to grab the first place in the
Grand Sea Continent Meet . So our Emperor surely has a plan to make that
9-year-old kid get into the Top 200! Right?"

Conversations like this were heard throughout the Empire .

Logan didn't care one bit to explain as he knew that his son would ace the
tournament with almost no effort . Instead, he looked forward to the amusing
reactions of many people in the tournament a year from now .

But the other Empires didn't think the same, they all thought that Emperor
Loret was at his wit's end, so he had no choice but to send his first son to be
a laughing stock .

The Grand Sea Continent Meet was also a Competition to show off the
strength of their Sky Grade Empires, Sects, and Organizations . They would
take it very seriously as this matter contains their honour and pride .
Here, the young elites take this stage very seriously as their fates could
change if they were to rank in the Top 200 .

Especially the young elites of the various Sky Grade Empires, took this
competition very seriously as it holds a greater meaning and honour for their
empires . What they aim for is not the Top 200 but the Top 3 .

Logan didn't need to worry about his Empire's safety anymore as the Grand
Sea Continent Meet is approaching . Nobody would dare to attack other
empires at this time, as they all ceased any conflicts between them till the
closing of the continent for the outsiders .

So Logan arranged a Sky Grade Alchemist to teach Davis about Alchemy

openly . With Davis's Soul Cultivation, he was positive that Davis wouldn't
need much time to learn about Alchemy .

As one's Soul Cultivation increases, the amount of information that they can
take in and recall will increase as well . In Davis's case, even if he read a
million books, he could still remember it clearly .

And finally, today was the day when that Sky Grade Alchemist would arrive
at the Royal Castle .

Davis was anxiously waiting for his new teacher as he wasn't confident
about his coo... alchemy skills . He didn't have one neither did he read about
one . This was totally a new subject to him . Even in his previous life, his
cooking skills were subpar at best .

Even though he was encouraged by his parents now, he was still feeling
worried but not nervous .

Davis headed to the throne hall with calm steps . When he got to the throne
hall, he saw a middle-aged man greeting his father .

Except for his father and that middle-aged man, no one was there currently
in the Throne Hall .
The middle-aged man was almost 6 feet tall, his black hair cascaded down
like a waterfall, his face was amiable with calm features which made him
easily approachable as he kept a smiling appearance . He wore a normal
alchemist robe .

"Hahaha, drop the formalities, Alchemist Highwood . I am very honoured to

invite your esteemed self to teach my ignorant son about Alchemy . "

"I'm not even one of the members of Alchemist Association . How could I
dare to drop formalities when meeting an Emperor of a Sky Grade Empire?"
Alchemist Highwood replied with an indifferent tone .

Logan laughed as he said . "You surely jest, Alchemist Highwood .

Everyone knows that you are only second compared to the head of the
Alchemist Association . "

"I'm sure you had your own reasons for not joining the Alchemist
Association," Logan added .

"That is not a big secret . Everyone knows that the current Alchemist
Association is corrupt to its bones . If I entered that, I wouldn't even know
where my corpse would be even buried . " Alchemist Highwood replied with
a disgusted expression on his eyes .

Alchemist Highwood disdained the ways of the Alchemist Association, their

ways were one of tyranny and high handedness .

"Of course, and that's why I don't want my child to be taught by those
hypocritical people!" Logan replied in scorn .

" . . . This, Emperor, is it true? About what you said?" Suddenly Alchemist
Highwood asked nervously . He didn't dare to believe what Logan said to
him when he got invited . To make sure of it, he came in haste .

"It's abs . . . Oh! Looks like my son is here, why don't you ask him yourself,
Alchemist Highwood . " Logan laughed figuratively .

"Hmm?" Alchemist Highwood turned his head to see a kid who was almost
5 feet tall approach him . He widened his eyes in shock .
"Mi . . . Mid Level Young Soul Stage!!" Alchemist Highwood stood there
like a sculpted statue as he muttered silently .

Davis made no effort to hide his cultivation, so Alchemist Highwood was

easily able to see his cultivation .

Alchemist Highwood stayed rooted for a short period of time before his face
widened in utter delight .

"The First Prince Davis Loret, was it? I can now see why Emperor Loret
decided to make you participate in the Grand Sea Continent Meet!"

Alchemist Highwood sighed, "First, it was Empress Ruth and now you?
Young talents are leaving us in the dust like it's none of their business, and
that makes me feel so old . . . "

"Prince Davis Loret, please allow me to be your Alchemy teacher!"

Alchemist Highwood said as he bowed his head .

Davis who was watching this thought wryly . 'Isn't it supposed to be the

"Teacher, there's no need to do that when I'm the one learning from you, this
is bad . " Davis awkwardly said .

"That would be the case if I were your Master, but I'm your teacher . In fact,
a talent such as you, I'm ashamed to take you in as my direct disciple, I'm
not worthy . "

"But teacher, It isn't li . . " Davis saw that Alchemist Highwood wasn't
arrogant and instead placed himself below him which made him feel bad .

"You would soon soar the alchemy path like a breeze, so there is no need to
call me Master . " Alchemist Highwood smiled and replied as if he didn't
mind the seniority .
Chapter 62
Chapter 62

"Alright . . . Teacher, how long you think I would take to learn your
Alchemy skills?" Davis asked in doubt as he really wanted to learn Alchemy
as quickly as possible .

Alchemist Highwood thought for a moment before answering his question,

"One year! One year would all you need to surpass me if your talent is high
in alchemy . If not, then five years at best . "

"Haha, I'm glad that my son is recognized by your esteemed self, Alchemist
Highwood . " Logan laughed and joined in the conversation .

"If I handed over such a talent to the Alchemist Association, that would be
such a sin!" Alchemist Highwood said calmly, but he was glad to have Davis
for himself .

"Certainly!" Logan agreed with him .

"Prince Davis, let us get to the basics immediately . First, before practical, is
theoretical . I want you to memorize all this as soon as possible before we
try our hand in Alchemy . " Alchemist Highwood suddenly uttered as he
took out a space ring from his space ring .

Davis saw the space ring and thought . 'Looks like he is eager to teach me
too . "

He then took the space ring and quickly probed it with his Soul Sense .


The contents of the space ring were books, all books . Ranging from books
recording information of herbs, pills and treasures .

There were also a lot of books on Herb Encyclopedia, Pill Creation Process
and Techniques .

The Herb Encyclopedia included information on the types of herbs, their

characteristics, their variants and even their general location . It also
included on how to pluck the herbs without damaging it, and the other
features one would have to know if they were aiming to be an alchemist .

The Pill Creation Process explained the process of creating pills with the
herbs and treasures, while the Pill Creation Techniques explained how to
create a pill using the certain technique .

There were more than a hundred thousand books that contained a lot of
information . If a mortal were to complete reading these books, it was
unknown how long would it take for them to complete it .

Seeing the huge amount of books in the space ring, Davis's eye twitched .

'I thought so, I have to absorb a lot of basic information about herbs and pill
making . '

Davis had originally planned on reaching the Fourth Stage in Body

Tempering Cultivation, and the Third Stage in Essence Gathering
Cultivation in a year, but it seemed like he would not be able to achieve it
now without much hard work .

"I thank the Teacher for his guidance . " Davis bowed .

"Don't fret it . These are all just the information on Herbs and Pills which are
of Mortal and Earth Grade, once you're finished with that, come to me . I'll
test you . If you pass, then I'll hand over my entire inheritance to you!"
Alchemist Highwood replied with fervour . He was actually honoured to
have Davis as his student because Davis would reach greater heights than
him soon enough .

"Thank you, Teacher Highwood!" Davis said with gratitude .

"Haha, that's just my Alchemist title . Don't call me that, my name is Kevin
Wood . " Alchemist Highwood laughed .
"Alright, Teacher Kevin . " Davis smiled but was a little irritated by the
number of books that he would have to read .

"Haha, don't disappoint your teacher, Davis . Make sure to learn properly . "
Logan then left him with a mocking smile on his face .

"And where do you think you're going, my Emperor?" Suddenly a female

voice could be heard, but as it was familiar to Davis and Logan, they quickly
recognized it .

Davis had a gloating expression while Logan's face went pale .

"Alchemist Highwood, I hope that you also teach our Emperor about
Alchemy . The Royal Family will then be indebted to you . " Claire clasped
her hands and bowed .

"Hmm? Emperor Loret doesn't know Alchemy?" Kevin Wood turned to face
Logan in shock .

Logan had an embarrassed expression on his face .

"Don't worry Empress, what is one more student to me? I'll easily make the
Emperor learn about Alchemy . " Kevin Wood said as he looked at Logan
with a weird expression .

"I thank Alchemist Highwood for his understanding . I bid farewell then . "
Claire said as she left while glaring at Logan .

Davis and Kevin Wood then looked at Logan with pity in their eyes .

"*Cough* Well then, it looks like I am also one of your students, Teacher
Kevin," Logan said as he accepted Kevin Wood as his teacher indirectly .

"Hahaha, call me senior brother, daddy!" Davis couldn't hold his laughter in

"Scram!!" Logan shouted in embarrassment .

" . . . . " Kevin Wood was speechless

After that, Davis went to visit his Mom .

"Mom, how have you been?" Davis asked . In this week, he went to meet her
a lot of times .

"What is this? You come here almost every day now . Why are you suddenly
worried about me?" Claire was surprised before noticing that he was acting
strangely nowadays .

"Ah . . . that . . . " Davis mumbled .

"*Sigh* Did your Father tell you?" Claire's expression looked forlorn .

Davis avoided her eyes before saying . " . . . Yes"

"Do you now hate me?" Claire asked wryly as she looked at her son moving
his gaze away .

"Impossible! I would never hate you!" Davis screamed at her as felt sad in
his heart .

"Mom! So what if you're an outsider? Even I am like a part outsider! You

are my mother for all I care! That doesn't matter at all! I promise that I will
remove that lousy seal from your soul! Just you wait!" Davis yelled as he
told his heartfelt emotions .

"My child! I'm so proud of you!" Claire hugged Davis as she felt warm in
her heart .

She abandoned returning to her place just for Logan . She abandoned her
marital career just for him . She abandoned everything and followed her love
. She didn't regret her decision until Logan hid her only child away for 3
years . Every day without him was hell for her . Her cultivation stagnated,
thoughts went into disarray as she almost started hating Logan .

And then her son returned . That moment when she saw a scrawny kid in the
Royal Castle, she almost immediately knew that he was her son . At that
moment, all her regrets and dissatisfaction flew away from her like a kite
with its string cut .
She showered him with love and care, even pampered him a lot . And now
she felt that he has grown up so much that she can now finally rely on him .
She was feeling totally content with her life now .

Her only regret was her martial career and her close ones who were on the
other side . But for her love and family, she now felt that everything she did
before was worth it .
Chapter 63
Chapter 63

'No matter what! I would protect her at all costs!" Davis vowed to himself .
"Sorry Davis, it's just that . . . Mom has just lost too many things and not in
one way would I want to lose you too . " Claire smiled . Her smile was like
an autumn breeze to him .

Davis said softly, "It's okay, mom . I'll always be your ally . "

"*sigh* Anything that is related to that entrance and my home, I will not be
able to say it . " She felt sad for not being able to help her son . She knew
that he was going to participate in the Grand Sea Continent Meet as Logan
came to convince her beforehand .

"I know, dad told . " Davis shook his head indicating that she shouldn't
bother about it .

Claire nodded her head as she felt gratified once again .

"Then should mom help you get together with that woman you like . . .
Evelynn, was it?" Claire then teased her son .

"Mom! How did you know?" Davis was dumbfounded before yelling in
embarrassment .

"It was Ellia, wasn't it?" Davis said as he grit his teeth .

Seeing that his mom didn't refute it, he got even more annoyed . He then
realised that, since she was bought by his mother, then she must have been
made to report about him to his mother once in a while .

'Ohh! Looks like I have to bully here even more . . . ' Davis thought as he
smiled sadistically in his mind .

"You like her too, don't you?" Claire smilingly asked .

Hearing that, Davis was startled before he remembered the scene when he
got so close to Ellia's face while she was cultivating . His face involuntarily
turned slightly red .

"Looks like I was right!" Claire laughed gently as she pinched her son's
cheeks .

"Mom, cut it out . . . " Davis said that as he was really embarrassed .

"You didn't think I would know? You are my son, how could I not know
what you are thinking! The way you treat her, it is so obvious . . . "

"Of course, I treat her like my friend!" Davis said with a straight face as he
tried to hide his embarrassment .

Claire giggled, "Yeah, a friend . . . "

"That said, I want you to concentrate on your alchemy for now . It will
incredibly be helpful in your future . " Claire's tone changed as she spoke
seriously .

"Hmm" Davis nodded as he knew that she was talking about his venture into
the outside world in the near future .

"And also, don't cultivate to the third stage of Essence Gathering

Cultivation, don't ask me anything, just trust your mom!"

"This . . . Alright" Davis said as he couldn't understand why his mom

forbids him from cultivating to the third stage, but since it was his mother
who told him, he chose to trust her .

Suddenly a cute voice sounded out, "Uhg . . . Brother . . . ? .........Hug . . . .


Davis and Claire looked towards Diana who was just sleeping before .
Beside her was Edward, who was sleeping as well .

"Looks like she woke up . . . " Claire said as she smiled .

"Aww . . . come here, you sweet girl . . . " Davis said as he lifted her up and
held in his arms .
Diana was just two years old . She looked chubby and cute .

Diana who just woke up went to sleep right after using her brother's
shoulder as her pillow .

After that, Claire and Davis engaged in some small talk as time passed by
before he left sometime later .

3 months passed .

Dead End disappeared from the Dark Earth Organization, everyone either
thought that he was killed or escaped from the clutches of the Emperor .

Davis mostly concentrated on building his alchemy knowledge during this

time . He almost finished 70% of the books he was told to learn .

He was this fast because his soul was 5 times as powerful . When Kevin
Wood measured him he didn't know how powerful his soul was as he could
only tell his actual cultivation .

Now, for a few days, he couldn't concentrate no matter how he tried . His
mind was worried about the matter of Evelynn, so he made up his mind to
visit her today .

He tried to visit her before, but she stayed in her manor for a long time,
rendering him incapable of visiting her .

Now, she was currently in the Cauldon Pill Store, so he knew that this was
his chance .

He knew all this because he had his sources as a prince of an empire . Many
people would fall at his feet and get in his good books if it meant that they
could rise in rank and position .

He arrived at the Cauldon Emporium with his entourage during the day .

He went inside the Cauldon Pill Store with Ellia and notified Evelynn about
his entry using the manager .
Manager George Cauldon was with him too as Davis openly came to the
Cauldon Emporium . He had no choice but to accompany him as his status
was way above him .

Evelynn entered the hall and met Davis . She smiled as she knew that he
will clearly come to visit her once she returned to this place .

"Haha, I see that the Prince specifically came to visit our Young Mistress . "
George Cauldon laughed .

"If you see that then why are you still here Manager George?" Davis gave a
side glance as he spoke .

"Haha, then I shall not disturb the young ones . I will take my leave then . "
George Cauldon didn't get offended as he clearly knew his position and was
a business minded person . He clearly knew how to deal with certain people

He then left .

"Let's not talk here, follow me . . . " Evelynn said as she turned around and
started walking to her room .

"Okay . . . " Davis said as he followed her . His eyes stuck to her swaying
butt which was perky .

Evelynn walked seductively as she smiled, she could feel his gaze .
Unknowingly, she felt good teasing him .

When they arrived at her room, he and she went inside while Ellia and
Maisy stood outside .

"Hmph! That swaying seductive movements of her! No matter how you see
it, she is clearly seducing him!"

Ellia's expression was one of indifference but she was boiling with anger
and jealousy inside . She wished that she could save Davis from that vixen
and chop her to pieces .

She thought that as she looked down at her non-existent chest .

'It will grow as big as that, won't it?' Her face was one of worry!
Chapter 64
Chapter 64

"Nothing could be said about last time, it was totally my fault, I am sorry for
throwing a tantrum when you put in all that effort to meet me last time . "
Evelynn suddenly said as she turned her head back to look at him and bowed

Davis was astonished to see a woman apologize for her mistake . He heard
that woman don't apologize for their mistakes in his previous life .

'I knew it, looks like that it was a deception painted by the people who lurk
on the internet . ' He thought

"But you were also in the wrong for hitting my weak spot . . . " Evelynn said
as she pouted .

'Alright! Looks like the internet people were right!'

"Haha, as you said . I was also in the wrong to carelessly speak about a topic
which you don't clearly like, Miss Evelynn . I apologize as well . " Davis
said as he clasped his hands .

They were now both happy that they were able to talk freely with one and
another . After that, they exchanged some pleasantries as they sat at a table .

"I heard that your family announced that you would participate in the Grand
Sea Continent Meet?" Evelynn was interested in that topic as she clearly
wanted to know why he would participate in it with his measly cultivation of
the First Stage in both Cultivation Systems .

'Could it be that he has achieved the Second Stage in both Cultivation

Systems?' She thought

"Hehe, Miss Evelynn . It was my father who made me participate in it . As

for whether I will be able to get into Top 200, we will see it at that time . "
Davis grinned as he spoke vaguely .
"You've sure got guts, looks like I should hasten my cultivation as well . I
haven't made any improvements since then, but I can feel that I am close to
reaching the Revolving Core Stage . " She clenched her fists as she said that

"*sigh* That said, it was own incompetence which made me a failure in

cultivation . " Evelynn couldn't help but think that her talent was average or
even subpar at sometimes which makes her sad .

Davis narrowed eyes and said, "Please don't take that to heart, you will
eventually be able . . . "

As he said that, his thoughts moved to what his mom said . He suddenly
thought of an idea to curb her from cultivating in a moment of desperation,
which might ultimately lead to cultivation deviation .

"This . . . I don't know if it's what I think it is, so please don't start cultivating
to reach the Revolving Core Stage . " Davis said as he tried to choose his
words carefully .

"What!?" Evelynn felt like she didn't understand his words clearly .

'He asked me to not cultivate?' She suddenly felt that he was mocking her
again before immediately pushing that thought away .

'The way he said it, doesn't seem to be the case . . . ' Then calmed down after
she thought that .

"Why?" Evelynn asked .

Davis was thinking the right words to make his message clear but couldn't,
since he wasn't himself sure of what told his mom tried to convey exactly at
that time .

Then he thought if he couldn't use the right words then he should use the
right actions to make her not cultivate for the time being .

'Eyy! Anyway, she is going to be my wife, why hesitate?' Davis thought

shamelessly as he held her hands suddenly while he stood up .
"Don't be surprised, Miss Evelynn . " He warned her almost immediately .

Evelynn was surprised totally as she felt her hands being held by him, and
went bright red as she heard him warning her .

Her thoughts went into disarray as she hurriedly thought of multiple

possibilities, but stopped as she felt a slight tingling sensation in her hands .

'This . . . this is the energy of Peak-Level Energy Condensation Stage!!'

Evelynn was totally shocked as she stood up . Her eyes went wide at him .
She looked at him like she was looking at a ghost .

"Yes, it's just as you think . This is the reason for my father's confidence in

Evelynn nodded, still looking at him with a dumbfounded expression .

"What does that have to do with me not cultivating to the Revolving Core
Stage?" She asked in doubt .

"For some reason, my mother forbid me from cultivating to the Revolving

Core Stage . She is my mother and I know that she wishes the best for me in
everything . That's why I chose to believe her and stop cultivating to the
Revolving Core Stage .

"You mean, that . . " She said it with an incredulous expression on her face .

Davis nodded his head solemnly and said, "It is possible that the Revolving
Core Stage in our continent is either incomplete or there are still some more
enhancements to it . "

In Evelynn's ears, what he said echoed as rumbling thunder to her .

"You . . . Why are you saying this to me? What if I leak this information to
my family? Are you not afraid of it?" She asked unbelievingly .

'Which prince would tell his family secrets like to even his lover?'

"Then I can only blame myself for treating you like a trusted person . Let me
just tell you that I like you so much, not love you . "
"If I get my trust betrayed, then the best case would be that I would leave
you for good, the worst case would be that I would kill you and my feelings
for you in my heart as well," Davis said that with a hurt expression his face

"The worst for me would be that I would carry some heart demons, but even
so I won't hesitate to do what I said!" A determined expression appeared on
his face .

Her heart palpitated as a weird feeling came over her heart . She didn't feel
offended as she knew what consequences there would be for betraying the
trust of a person . Even she couldn't handle it if someone betrayed her .

Evelynn asked as her eyes glazed . "You trust me?"

"I do . " Davis looked at her eyes and replied solemnly .

She bit her lips, "Do you love me?"

"I want to! but I believe we are not in that stage yet . " He shook his head .

"I see . . . " Her face went into contemplation as she pulled her hand back . It
was unknown whether she was happy or sad .

"I've decided to guard your trust, and I've come to a decision!"

"What is it?" Davis asked in anticipation .

"I've decided to participate in the Grand Sea Continent Meet as well . If you
can beat me, then I will become yours in both heart and soul!" Evelynn said
with a determined face .

Davis's eyes went wide in astonishment, "You . . . really mean that?"

"I won't go back on my word!"

Chapter 65
Chapter 65

Davis clenched his hands in excitement as his face shone with enthusiasm .

The matter of this marriage was pretty much a done deal now, or so he
thought .

Poor Evelynn didn't know that he also Body Cultivated to the peak of the
Third Stage . If she knew, then she would've vomited blood .

She thought that since he achieved Peak-Level Energy Condensation Stage,

then he wouldn't have had the time to cultivate in Body Tempering
Cultivation . Even if he had time, he couldn't have possibly reached the
Second Stage in Body Tempering Cultivation .

Since it involves immense pain, children won't have the fortitude to cultivate
Body Tempering Cultivation . This was common sense among the people of
this continent . There were a few exceptions, but they were all children with
beast bloodlines .

She planned to cultivate to the Third Stage of the Body Tempering

Cultivation in the remaining few months as she had the confidence and
resources to do that . She determined herself to withstand the pain which she
might obviously experience . So she boldly proposed the deal to him with
guts .

'Even, if I lose, it's not like I'm losing anything, heh' She thought as she
sneered inside .

"Alright, you can go out now!" Evelynn shouted as she grinned .

"Eh?" Davis was dumbfounded at her change .

"Aren't you the one who said we should talk equally, putting aside our
statuses . Besides, we are competing now!"
Davis now understood as he clapped once, "Good! I'll go to the Grand Sea
Continent Meet and get myself an Evelynn!"

"You! . . . " Evelynn's face went red as a beet .

"What? You're the one who accepted us as being equals and competitors . "
Laughing out loudly, Davis left with grand strides .

After a few moments of silence, Evelynn's face was still red as she blushed
so hard at his declaration .

'How did I pledge myself to this shameless prince!?' This was a question
which she wanted to know the answer for herself .

6 months passed .

Davis successfully learned Alchemy during this period . In terms of

knowledge, he is currently even on par with Mid-Level Sky Grade
Alchemists .

Even his Teacher Kevin Wood acknowledged him for his ability to recall the
things he has learnt .

Kevin Wood was completely gratified with his student .

Unfortunately for his practical lessons, like creating a pill, Davis had no time
or luxuries for that . So he wasn't able to teach and Davis wouldn't be able to
make a single pill even if he tried his hand without prior experience .

He decided that he will come back from the Grand Sea Continent Meet to
learn to make pills .

During this time, he successfully entered the Fourth Stage of the Body
Tempering Cultivation, Silver Stage .

Even without his Soul Forging Cultivation, he felt that he could crush his
competitors with his Body Tempering Cultivation .

He improved his fighting skills with Hendrickson during the last month . He
is now able to use a spear proficiently . Although his skill isn't that great, he
is able to harness a power of hundred thousand kilogram strength to crush
his opponents and that's only with his normal strength .

Since he has the Tyrant Physique, he can harness two hundred thousand
kilogram strength which can easily suppress Low-Level Silver Stage
Cultivators and go toe to toe with a Mid-Level Silver Stage Cultivator .

It was now time for him to leave the Royal Capital and head towards the
Grand Sea Continent Meet which was being held at the centre of the
continent .

Davis and Logan bid farewell to their family and journeyed to the centre of
the continent . Actually, Loret Empire was the closest to the centre of the
continent, so they were the ones to journey later than anyone else .

The centre of the continent was a Sea and it was named, The Grand Sea, so
the continent was named after it as well as no one conquered the continent
from ancient times .

The Grand Sea was 100,000 km long, filled with sea beasts that are at the
Third Stage . Even Fourth Stage and Fifth Stage beasts reside there, but are
wary of humans and won't generally attack during this time because, after a
beast enters the Fourth Stage, Spirit Beast Stage, they gain sentience .

Some Beasts even have the ability to gain human form when they reach the
Spirit Beast Stage, but sadly, this continent hadn't seen one yet .

There are a lot of Islands in the Grand Sea . The competition will be held in
any one of the Islands in the Grand Sea .

Logan, Davis and a lot of others who were going to participate in the Grand
Sea Continent Meet, departed in a Sky Grade Ship which was impervious to
the attacks of Third Stage Sea Beasts .

The ship was 2 km long and 10 storeys tall, it was able to house a million
people for the voyage .

It wasn't luxurious as it was quite crowded . People shared their rooms

together, but the people of high statuses had their own rooms assigned to
them . Though it was impervious, it was quite slow as well .

"Wow! So many people!!!" Davis shouted at the sight of it . He was standing

near the deck .

He had his own room as well . He stayed there with Ellia . Ellia was also
participating in the Grand Sea Continent Meet as she was encouraged by
Davis to do so .

This ship housed a million youths from the whole of Loret Empire as they
were going to participate in the Grand Sea Continent Meet .

Sometimes there are a few itinerant cultivators who are able to earn a spot in
the Top 200 . So with hope in their minds, millions of youths travel from
every Empire to the Grand Sea Continent Meet .

Even if they can't get into the Top 200, there wasn't a problem for them at all
. As long as they enter the Top 100,000, their lives would be pretty much
settled as various powers would invite them as honorary members or elders

"Haha, this is always a sight to see . Actually, when I went to participate in

the Grand Sea Continent Meet last time, there were more people than this .
" Logan frowned .

"Maybe it's because they think that we will lose face during this Grand Sea
Continent Meet, no?" Davis asked .

"Might be . . . But alas, they will miss the legend of an era!" Logan grinned
as he said .

They both then looked at each other as they laughed together .

Chapter 66
Chapter 66

"It will only be a legend here though . . . The world is huge after all . " Davis
commented after finishing his laugh .
Logan contemplated his words before he said, "Hmm . . . That's a
pessimistic view but you're right . We shouldn't be narrow-minded and set
our sights here, instead, we should set our sights on the outside world . "

"Speaking of the outside world . . . I wonder how huge it is?" Davis thought
as he looked at the sky .

"Who knows . . . It could be a world smaller than our continent for all we
know . " Logan grinned as he joked .

"Haha, our continent itself is massive, to say much less of the outside
world!" Davis laughed .

"I wonder how big our continent is?" Ellia, who was standing behind,
questioned to herself as she heard their conversation .

Davis who heard that looked at her and smiled as he said .

"Our Continent is around 600,000 km long, including the Grand Sea which
is almost 100,000 km long . "

"That huge!??" Ellia was visibly dumbfounded . She never left the Royal
Capital and her knowledge of the continent was very less compared to the
Royal Family .

Davis nodded his head, "Yes . Most of the territories are occupied by the
Sky Grade Empires such as ourselves . "

"For example . our Loret Empire has many powers under its jurisdiction,
such as the Alfred Kingdom, Maxwell Kingdom and many other powers .

"I don't understand . . . " Ellia had a confused expression on her face .

Davis sighed as he said, "Look, a Sky Grade Empire has various powers
under its authority . Ours is an Empire, so we have many Kingdoms under
our territory which have subordinated themselves to us, like the Alfred
Kingdom . Not only that, Sects, Organizations, Families are all under our
subordination as well . Only other Sky Grade powers such as Sky Grade
Sects and Organization can escape from our grasp if they stay in our
territory, like the Piercing Dragon Sect and Ruthless Sword Sect . "
"Oh! I get it . . " Her expression was one of understanding as she nodded her
head like a rabbit .

"Good, are you prepared to compete in the Grand Sea Continent Meet?"
Davis laughed and questioned .

"I am!" A determined expression appeared on her face as she said that .

"Alright then, let's make your cultivation breakthrough to the Iron Stage!"
Davis held her shoulders as he said that .

"Yes!" Ellia nodded her head with renewed resolution .

'I want to be with you no matter what!' She thought as her determination
grew .

2 months passed as they voyaged through the Grand Sea to arrive at an

Island known as Gathering of the Elites, also known as Gote Island .

"Finally, we arrived after a long journey!" Ellia said as she stretched her
small body .

"The heaven and earth energy here is dense!" Davis commented as he tried
to absorb the energy greedily .

"Of course, this is a formation set up by the Guardian Alliance, its effects are
as great as it could be . " Logan who was on the side commented . But his
face immediately turned solemn at the mention of the Guardian Alliance

All 3 of them were standing on the deck as they enjoyed the scenery of the
Island .

The Guardian Alliance is the one who hosts this competition . They were the
ones who mostly protect the continent from the invasion of the outsiders

One could join the Guardian Alliance if one can successfully breakthrough
to the Fifth Stage, at least in any one of the Cultivation Systems .
Usually, on the surface, the Guardian Alliance doesn't interfere with the
affairs of the Continental struggle .

If they move, then they will move secretly in the shadows to maintain their
upright and moral image on the surface . So no one dares to offend the
Guardian Alliance, afraid that they might be targeted secretly .

Actually, even if someone wants to destroy or give trouble to them, then

they can't, because it is the strongest Alliance in the continent, albeit, the
alliance doesn't work together before the event . The Guardian Alliance only
starts moving five years before the invasion . Until then, their members will
be on standby .

Logan's father was also a top member of the Guardian Alliance but sadly, he
died, leaving the Loret Empire without any standing in the Guardian
Alliance .

This placed Logan on a tough position as he couldn't do as he please during

this visit . He had no backing here, after all .

The other emperors were a part of the Guardian Alliance . They feared the
Loret Empire because of the unknown senior, but here, they could team up
and strut around their might .

Logan was worried about that as he still hasn't joined the Guardian Alliance,
neither did he have the chance to do so .

Because other than having a Fifth Stage Cultivation, one is required to have
achievements in killing the outsiders during the invasion .

Only after this upcoming invasion would he have the rights to join the
Guardian Alliance .

"Guardian Alliance eh? A group of hypocrites . . . " Davis sneered .

"It is only their right . . . The strong grow stronger while the weak grow
weaker . " Logan shook his head .

"Father has a point," Davis replied as he looked at the Gote Island . He

scanned the surrounding of the Island with his naked eyes .
There were a lot of ships carrying the symbol of each empire, docked in the
middle of the ocean, near the Island . Each ship was the same as their Sky
Grade Ship .

"Looks like they arrived long ago . . . " Davis muttered as he narrowed his
eyes .

"Of course, some would have even arrived half a year early . " Logan
scoffed .

"What? Why would they?" Ellia yelled as she clearly couldn't understand
why some empires would arrive half a year earlier .

"Because of the dense heaven and earth energy!" Davis replied .

"Ahh, I see! How stupid of me . . . " Ellia put her head down in shame .

"It's alright, you don't know much about the outside world . No need to be
ashamed of yourself if you can't figure out something yourself that is so
simple for now . Remember Ellia, one step at a time . " Davis said as he
lectured her like a tutor .

Logan who was one the side looked at the two of them weirdly . 'Is he the

prince? Or is she the princess?' He thought amusingly .

Chapter 67
Chapter 67

After they docked the ship near the Island, some made their way to the Gote
Island . They were all either powerful or people with high statuses .

The Gote Island has a restriction that only people with high statuses or
people with cultivation on the Fourth Stage are allowed inside .

So the other youths who couldn't enter stayed in the ship till the start of the
tournament .

There were other Islands near the Gote Island, but they were used for the
preliminaries . So, it was off limits to land near it .

The Gote island was quite small as there was only an arena in the middle of
the Island . The Island was only 5 km long, while the arena in the middle
was 2 km long .

Davis and the others made their way to the Gote Island in a small flying boat

"So this where the final competition will be held?" Davis asked as he put a
calm and indifferent face .

"That's right, the preliminaries will be held in other Islands," Logan said as
he nodded his head, "But you don't need to participate in the preliminaries
since you're from a Sky Grade Empire . "

Logan glanced at Ellia and said in a frown, "Though your maid, Ellia, needs
to participate in the preliminaries . "

Hearing that, Davis frowned .

As they talked, they arrived near the entrance of the arena .

They got down from the boat as they were greeted by certain people of high
stature .

After they exchanged some pleasantries, Logan and the others made their
way inside the arena .

When Davis got out of the entrance, he saw a massive field which contained
3 combat stages, each 500 m long . The 3 combat stages were surrounded by
a huge bunch of audience who came to view the battle between the young
elites .

In the north end of the elevated audience area, was the VIP area where all
the people of high statuses were seated .

Logan looked at the north end and made his way there coolly as Davis and
Ellia followed him .

"Haha, long time no see, Emperor Loret, I am sure you've done your best to
uphold the honour of your Empire . "

As he finally got there, Logan was greeted sarcastically by a middle-aged

man who looked quite fat .

"Yes, this 15 year period was quite a hurdle for my Loret Empire, Emperor
Ross . " Logan sneered inside but didn't let it show on his face as he said
indifferently .

He clasped his hands as he said, "I hope you had been all well during this
time Emperor Ross, Emperor Ashton, Emperor Claymore and Emperor Ruth

His eyes scanned past the other two Emperors who looked at him coldly as
he sat in his seat . He was burning with rage but chose not to do anything
here .

There were seven marvellous seats at the top of the arena . All the emperors
arrived there and sat as they chatted with each other . Davis and Ellia sat
near them but not too close . They sat with other heaven chosen elites of the
various empires .

Logan chose to ignore Emperor Tritor and Emperor Raven altogether as the
other party did the same .

"Hmph! You kid, you have the guts to say I had been well? Look at that
daughter of mine! Too arrogant!! She didn't even spare me a glance and took
away my position as if it were a roadside vegetable which was ripe for the

Hearing that, all the other Emperors laughed including Davis . But the other
elites didn't dare to laugh at his statement .

The one who spoke was Emperor Mark Ruth . He was the Emperor until
Isabella Ruth took the throne away from him for her own empowerment .

"My condolences Emperor Ruth, you had it hard . . . " Logan perfunctorily
replied but he was laughing inside .

"*sigh* Leave it, you had it harder than me! This 15 year period was a
calamity to your Empire, you have my condolences as well . " Emperor Ruth
said as he shook his head .

Logan nodded his head and didn't say anything .

"Could it be . . . then the rumours were true?" Emperor Claymore asked

incredulously as he narrowed his eyes .

"Yes, that little girl is in her own world, not listening to anyone's advice .
She left on her own to the outside world . That girl, I hope she stays alive . . .
" Emperor Ruth said as his face turned grim .

Even though she does not listen to his words, he still dotted on her as she
was his daughter and his pride .

Various gasps could be seen in the place where the young elites of each
empire sat . Their faces looked like they had been given a huge blow but

even so, some still stayed haughty and arrogant as they considered
themselves to be of the junior generation .

Even the emperors sighed in admiration to her extraordinary feat . Some

were even extremely jealous .
"In the outside world, there are probably many powers which are extremely
powerful than us, so I hope that something doesn't happen to your daughter
that can be considered, brutal . . . " An eerie voice quipped from the side .

Everyone turned to look at him, it was Emperor Tritor who uttered those
words .

"Those words, what exactly do you mean?" Emperor Ruth asked as his aura
flared .

Some were happy to see the spectacle while few others frowned in
displeasure .

"I meant exactly as I said . I hope that nothing happens to your daughter,
Emperor Ruth . " Emperor Tritor grinned hideously as he said those words .

His words might sound appropriate, but everyone knew that he was wishing
the opposite of what he said .

Emperor Ruth gnashed his teeth in anger . Just when he going to do

something, a voice echoed out .

"Leave it, Emperor Ruth . Some people just couldn't bear to see others
climbing atop of their heads . " Logan uttered as he said those words
indifferently .

"Haha, nicely said, Emperor Loret!" Hearing that, Emperor Ruth laughed as
he started to like this new emperor .

Emperor Tritor narrowed his eyes and laughed suddenly .

"Bringing two kids to the VIP seats, even if they are of royal status, their
cultivation is probably low that they don't deserve to be seated here . In fact,
they do not even deserve to directly participate in the final competition . "

Emperor Loret and Emperor Tritor glared at each other, a tense atmosphere
started to whirl around the VIP seats .
Chapter 68
Chapter 68

"So what if they don't have enough cultivation level, as long as I'm here, if
they want to directly participate, then they will be able to!" Logan said
overbearingly with an indifferent face .

"What gall! Are you disrespecting the Guardian Alliance?" Emperor Raven
raised his voice with a sneering tone .

The other emperors didn't say anything as they knew that these three have a
personal vendetta .

"Oh, who is that little girl near Prince Davis? I remember that your daughter
should be only 5 or 6 years old . " Emperor Tritor asked with a questioning
tone . In fact, with his intelligence network, he already knew who this girl
was .

Ellia who heard that shuddered . She wore a purple robe and her hair was
tied up in a bun . But no matter who saw this, they quickly knew that her
bearing was not one a royal family member .

"Hmph! That is my son's maid, just so you know, she will participate in the
preliminaries . " Logan replied in dissatisfaction .

"Then she has no business here . . . Lean, throw her out . " Emperor Tritor
sneered as he said indifferently . The other youths were also displeased about
a maid sitting together with them . Which of them didn't have their own

"Yes!" A youth, who supposedly belonged to the Tritor Family stood up and
looked at Ellia with teasing eyes . He looked lean and his eyes were sunken
as if he indulged in sexual pleasures all day long .

Logan glared at him like a hawk eyeing its prey .

Lean Tritor went speedily, not caring a little about the glaring eyes of
Emperor Loret as he had his backing near him .

"Haha, little girl, it's not safe for you here . Let me take you outside, and
there . . . " He stopped his words suddenly as he saw a little boy standing in
front him, blocking his way to that little girl . That little boy wore black-
robed clothes which might have made him look dashing in appearance if he
was some years older, but now, it just made him look cute .

He laughed and said, "Little Prince Davis, I don't want to hurt you, could you
please move aside . "

Davis raised his face above as he looked at Lean and uttered a single word .


Laughing sounds echoed from all sides . The young elites who were seated
had a good laugh after hearing the words of Davis .

"He said scram! scram haha . . . "

"Oh, my heavens! What a loss of face for Lean Tritor! I wouldn't stay here
anymore if I were him . "

"Does that kid even knows who he's dealing with?"

Some mocked Davis while some mocked Lean .

Lean's face turned green from hearing the mocking comments .

"Brat! I'll give you one last chance, move aside!" Lean's face burned from
being embarrassed as he shouted in fury . But he didn't dare to attack before
giving a warning .

"Fool! I'll say it again, S-c-r-a-m . " As Davis said those words slowly, even
more, laughing sounds erupted from the sides .

"Brat! Don't blame me for being ruthless . " Lean clenched his fists and
punched at Davis's face .

Davis calmly looked at the incoming fist, that he thought was so slow . He
thought that he could have dodged at least ten times during this period .
Just when Lean's punch neared Davis's face, Davis moved his face slightly to
the side as he dodged his punch with incredible timing .

Looking at Davis, everybody was stunned .

Davis wasn't afraid that his Body Tempering Cultivation would be found out
because he knows that as long as he doesn't reveal his body's aura, there is
no way that they can figure it out . He knew that they could only try to guess
or probe .

"You!" Just when Lean finished receiving his fist back, he felt himself flying
through the audience seats as he fell down on the arena .

Davis's fist was so fast that Lean didn't see it coming .

Lean struggled to stand up as he tried his best . He felt as if his innards were
coming out . Just when he stood up, he spat a mouthful of blood as he glared
hatefully at Davis .

"I'll kill you!!" Just when he lost his mind, he suddenly received a Soul
Transmission from Emperor Tritor which made him get back to his senses .

"Looks like your son is the one who doesn't deserve to be in this place,
Emperor Tritor . " Emperor Ashton suddenly piped in as his eyes glowed .
After all, seeing his son-in-law being highly talented, he thought that he
should help him no matter what .

"Hmph, my son might be somewhat lacking compared to this 10-year old

genius but that maid still doesn't still deserve her place here . " Emperor
Tritor said in displeasure, he felt that he had lost some face because of his
son's incompetence .

Suddenly a stomping sound could be heard as all heads turned to look at the
little boy .

Davis was the one who stomped his legs to garner attention . He clasped his
hands and said, "Emperors and young elites, I am Prince Davis and this is
my maid, Ellia . Targeting her is the same as targeting me, you should be
beware of the consequences that might come around to your doorstep one
day . That said, I and Ellia are going to participate in the preliminaries to
broaden our horizons even if you hadn't said anything, Emperor Tritor . So
this whole time, I am very sorry to waste your nas . . . breath on us!" Davis
said as he grinned, he had a mocking expression on his face .

"Insolent!" Emperor Tritor's face went red in fury as he stood up . When had
he, an Emperor of high stature, had been reprimanded and mocked by a 10-
year old child? This was courting death .

Many youths froze in horror and some looked at the sight in admiration .
They all thought, 'Truly a newborn calf doesn't know the fear of the tiger . '

Emperor Loret and Emperor Ashton hurriedly moved in front of Davis .

"What is the meaning of this, Emperor Ashton?" Emperor Tritor asked in

annoyance .

"Huh, there's no way I'm going to let you harm my son-in-law just because
your opinion was not accepted by anyone . "

"All right, all right, there's no need to start a dispute just because of one maid
. " Emperor Ruth stood and said .

"Prince Davis, could I ask you to go to the preliminaries then, we will be

starting the preliminaries tomorrow . So go gather at the east side of the
Island for now . "

Davis nodded his head as he could clearly see Emperor Ruth giving him a
way out of this mess, and naturally, he wouldn't decline this offer as he didn't
want to deal with a person who he can't currently handle without using his
Death Note .

His impression of Emperor Ashton also grew, but not much as he knew that
it was a result of showing off his talent in the public .

Chapter 69
Chapter 69

"Then I will take my leave everyone!" Davis clasped his hands as he bowed
perfunctorily . The pressure he was facing was offset by the two emperors
who shielded him from Emperor Tritor .

"Hmph, thinking of running right after you picked a fight with me?
Coward!" Emperor Tritor wasn't ready to take this lying down .

"I wonder who was it that honestly got scared and turned tail after blatantly
coming to destroy our Empire?" Davis asked as he questioned mockingly .

"You!" Just when Emperor Tritor was going to make a move . A majestic
aura spread as it surrounded the arena .

"Emperor Tritor, are you not going to show me some face? I've already said
to stop, and you're still not stopping?" Emperor Ruth said as he released his
majestic aura . He was dressed in golden imperial robes which had flood
dragon patterns .

"Hmph!" Emperor Tritor said nothing as he sat down, he felt like torturing
Davis for what he had done .

One thing he couldn't understand was why Emperor Ruth would help the
little kid .

"Let's go," Davis said as he left the arena with Ellia .

A lone girl with fiery red robes sat in exactly 6m away from Davis . Her face
was covered by a veil but her eyes were fiery hot as she blinked, Her long
hair was blazing red as she tied it up in a ponytail, the left half of her face
was covered by bangs as she blew it upwards with her mouth . From the
moment she saw him, she was analyzing him with scrutinizing eyes .

'What guts! Doesn't he understand that he will get killed silently somewhere
down the road?"

Some youths were looking at her weirdly . She felt as if their looks were
asking, 'Is that kid your future husband?'

"What are you looking at? Scram!" Shirley shouted as she felt embarrassed
by Davis . The other youths hurriedly turned their heads as they were
somewhat afraid of her .
"Alright lads, you should learn from him . Look at his disposition, even
daring go toe to toe with an emperor . A person of such calibre said that he is
going to broaden his horizons . What are you all doing? Go participate in the
preliminaries!" Emperor Ashton sent a Soul Transmission to all who came
with him to participate in the tournament .

"Ehh . . . that's a drag"

"No way, we are not going!"

"It will be a massacre if we go!"

"Those plebians won't even be able to stand before us! Hmph!"

The replies he got almost burst his head .

'These kids!' He thought as he sighed .

Shifting his Soul Transmission to a lone girl who wore fiery red robes, he
said, "Shirley, what do you think of him?"

"What broaden his horizons? Won't he get killed before even he reaches his
adulthood!?" Shirley Ashton said as she fumed .

"Emperor Loret was with him, but Prince's Davis confidence doesn't clearly
come from him . . . " Emperor Ashton said as his face changed . He thought
of a certain possibility but didn't dare to make sure of it .

"Isn't he a little too overbearing for his age?" She asked in confusion .

"I think he has the power to back it up, although I'm not sure of it . . . "

"Then we will see it when the competition ends!" Shirley said as she looked
forward to it . She was confident that she will get the first place during this
Grand Sea Continent Meet .

Her temper is fiery when she speaks but when she contemplates, her
personality changes to a calm disposition .

You could say that she just couldn't control her mouth, but could control her
thoughts to a certain degree .
After this, the emperors chatted as they spent their time leisurely .

The young elites exchanged some pleasantries and then went back to being
silent as if it were none of their business . But there were some youths who
actively went around greeting and making acquaintances with everyone .

This arena was full of people with Sky Grade powers on the north side .
Even various Sect Masters, Organisation Heads were present but they chose
not to interfere with the emperors . Instead, they either talked or argued with
the people as same as them .

A silhouette was running to the east of the Island in a relaxed manner, albeit
that silhouette was extremely fast .

"Davis! Wait for me!" A girlish silhouette, which was frantically running
with all it got, shouted atop of its lungs .

Hearing that, the silhouette, who was Davis, slowed down and maintained a
pace which matched Ellia .

"Why do you run so fast! Don't leave me behind!"

"Haha, sorry . This place is so fun to run freely, I couldn't help but loosen my
constraints . "

These two were currently going through a forest . It was greenish with its
calm and peaceful scenery which was filled with life .

"What if something happens? Then I won't be able to report to the Emperor .

Don't go running without me!" Ellia said as she tried to berate him .

Davis who was running in front of her, turned his body towards her as he
kept moving behind, "Yes, my queen!" He said as he bowed with one hand
on his chest .

Ellia who heard that was stunned as her face blushed .

He pretended to not notice her blush and turned front . He felt good to bully
her but didn't know that he was acting shamelessly, as a result, which only
made Ellia like him even more and more .

After a moment passed, she calmed herself down and asked Davis as she was
curious about that matter .

"Why didn't you let me fight that person . Even though I was kinda scared, I
was sure that with my cultivation level that I could've taken him down . "

"You could've taken him down but the consequences would have been
different as that Emperor Tritor would've straight away killed you without
giving any reason, as your status isn't high . So I had no choice but to make a
move as he can't kill me that easily . "

Hearing that, her face went pale but she quickly calmed down as she shouted
at him .

"I swear that I'll get reliable like you . . . So please just help me grow
stronger Davis!"

Davis smiled and nodded at her . This was the first time she asked anything
of herself to him .

Chapter 70
Chapter 70

In the east end of the Gote Island .

There were a huge amount of people, amounting to more than a million .

There were also a large number of queues, in which the young cultivators
lined up to get their tokens .

"Seriously, I have never seen a queue this big before!" A young man who
looked quite naive, uttered in an annoyed tone .

"Me neither . " A young girl who was behind the young man replied .

"Heh, you don't know but it would have been more of a humongous queue if
everyone came to get their tokens at the same time . " Suddenly a random
young cultivator piped in, trying to show off his knowledge to the young
woman .

"Brother, you mean?" Another young man, who looked scrawny joined in on
the conversation .

"Yes, there are already more than five million contestants who have already
got their own tokens . " That random young cultivator replied .

"Yeah, right . The other empires have already arrived here earlier after all . "
That scrawny young man nodded his head in understanding .

Davis and Ellia, who were passing over the people who lined up in the
queues, heard a lot of conversations like this, which made it easier for them
to understand what was going on .

"Ellia, did you hear that?"

Ellia replied as she digested the information she heard, "Hmm! Looks like
there are twelve Islands in which the preliminaries will take place . Not only
that, but the Island in which we will be assigned to will be decided by the
tokens we draw it seems . . . "

"So there's a chance that we will be separated, huh?" Realization dawned on

her face as she went sad .

"Seems like it . " Davis carelessly muttered and looked at sad her face .

Seeing her sad expression, he comforted her, "Haha, don't be disheartened,

it's not like we're going to separate forever . "

He then added, "Besides, we don't know if we are even going to be separated

absolutely, so don't lose heart . "

"Hmm! I hope that we are always together!" Ellia smiled and replied
innocently without any ulterior meaning .

Davis who heard that, froze .

Her smile was bright and pure, combined with her words, she looked like an
angel to Davis .
He then hurriedly looked away as if he hadn't minded what she had said, but
deep in his heart, it pretty much had a high impact on him .

They both then lined up to queue for getting a token for the two of them, as
they conversed . The two of them received weird looks from the start as they
seemed like two kids who were going on an excursion .

Davis didn't pay any heed to their weird expressions, but Ellia was visibly
discomforted by their unwanted attention .

"Don't pay any heed to others Ellia, as a child who came to attend the Grand
Sea Continent Meet, you should be proud of yourself . "

Ellia nodded her head as she put up a proud front .

Davis laughed at her proud expression which made her instantly embarrassed

After getting their two tokens, it was already night . They were almost the
last participants to get their tokens .

"Hmm? Why isn't there a writing on the token? How am I supposed to know
which Island to go to?" Davis, who saw the token couldn't help but question .

"Maybe the letters would appear magically?" Ellia replied in a joking tone .

Suddenly, a solemn voice sounded out to the whole Island from nowhere .
The voice even sounded out a few more kilometres .

"As I have already said before, the letters on the token will reveal itself on
the day of the preliminaries . We have decided to host the preliminaries
tomorrow, so those who did not manage to get a token by today will be
automatically disqualified!"

Hearing that, many youths who were in the ships or somewhere around the
Island, hurriedly went to the east of the Island to get their tokens .

'A powerful voice amplification formation? No doesn't look like that . It

probably is an additional feature of another formation . ' Davis thought as he
couldn't figure out where the voice came from .
Time passed by as morning finally came . No one bothered Davis and Ellia,
as they all thought that these kids came from some powerful family to
broaden their horizons .

Again that solemn voice echoed in fervour .

"The time period for collecting your tokens is over, anyone who failed to
procure one will be disqualified automatically!"

Hearing that, the many youths who ran to get their tokens yesterday night
like their lives depended on it, heaved a sigh of relief .

"Now, the letters in the token will reveal themselves in any moment now . "

Suddenly, Davis could sense an energy wave coming from a formation

somewhere . He managed to pinpoint it as the formation's energy came from
the centre of the Island .

Various transparent lights shot above from the middle of the Island which
was invisible to almost 99% of the youths who came to participate in the
preliminaries .

Davis also saw those transparent lights as it came close to him at an extreme
speed and collided with his token .

This kind of situation happened to all the young cultivators who held a token
in their hands . No matter if they were on a ship or somewhere far away from
the Island, those transparent lights successfully hit the tokens in their hands .

Davis saw the transparent light transform into some words in the token .

[ Fifth Island ]

But for some reason, the token in his hands which was originally white in
colour suddenly converted to a red colour .

"Ellia, which Island did you get?"Davis then asked Ellia .

"Fifth Island!"

Davis heaved a sigh of relief and said, "We are on the same Island,
thankfully . "

"Really!?"Ellia clenched her fists in excitement as she almost jumped on him

to hug, but chose not to as it would be considered rude .

"Yes, hehe . " Davis laughed in a relieved tone . Actually, he was the one
who was most afraid of separating from Ellia as there were many dangers
here in the preliminaries .

After all, It wasn't too difficult for a person to kill another person in this
place .
Chapter 71
Chapter 71

Somewhere on the Island, a black-robed silhouette held a token in its hand

which glowed red as it thought .

'Fifth Island? Why is it red now?'

That silhouette then looked into the sky and thought .

'I wonder if he is in the arena? Hmph! I'll surely pass through this
preliminaries and meet him there!'

It then returned to its teammates who were some few hundred metres away .

That solemn voice then echoed again .

"Now for those of you got the First to Third Island tokens, head to the north
end of the Gote Island and board the ship which carries you to your
designated Island . "

"Next, for those of you got the Fourth to Sixth Island tokens, head to the east
end of the Gote Island and board the ship which carries you to your
designated Island . "

"Then, for those of you got the Seventh to Ninth Island tokens, head to the
west end of the Gote Island and board the ship which carries you to your
designated Island . "

"Finally, for those of you got the Tenth to Twelfth Island tokens, head to the
south end of the Gote Island and board the ship which carries you to your
designated Island . "

"The rules will be explained once you reach your designated Islands!"
The whole Island was silent for a moment before some people scrambled to
get to their destination .

Davis who was already on the east end of the Island, laughed wryly while
looking at the incoming ships .

The ships docked on the shore as the participants began to board the ship in a
hurried manner .

Davis and Ellia also casually boarded a ship which was designated to go to
the Fifth Island .

Sometime later, that silhouette also boarded the same ship .

The ships hosted about a million youths each, which then set sail to their
designated Islands after a period of time .

It was already noon by that time .

The ships then reached their destination when it was almost night .

It was starting to get dark when Davis and Ellia arrived at the Fifth Island .

The solemn voice echoed again to all the twelve Islands .

"I shall explain the rules now, the tokens you have carries each one point .
Some of you may have a red, blue, or green token . These tokens contain a
hundred, fifty and ten points respectively . These tokens are distributed
randomly and the one who possesses these tokens may have a headstart from
all of you . But it may also be a disadvantage if a weak cultivator possesses it

"The preliminaries will go on for ten days, earn as many points as you can
and distinguish yourself from the other cultivators!"

"The Top 100,000 on the eleventh day will be qualified to participate in the
second round of the Grand Sea Continent Meet!"

"The preliminaries will officially start in the midnight, so scatter throughout

the Island for the time being . "
"Young cultivators of all the empires, the stage has been set for you to
achieve your glory . The strong will advance while the weak will lag
behind . Your fate depends on your prowess . So if you don't want to lag
behind the others, give it your all even if you have to die for it!"

As the voice echoed, all the youths were filled with renewed vigour .

Davis who heard that couldn't give a shit about it while Ellia couldn't help
but get nervous .

"So, this is the Fifth Island?" Ellia muttered as she looked at the eerie forest
from the shore .

"Stay with me, don't get lost though . . . " Davis casually said as he yawned .
He almost got bored by this tiring trip .

They then headed into the forest, so did the other young cultivators .

Many followed after them as people thought that two kids were easy targets

But Davis and Ellia managed to easily leave them behind with their speed .
But some managed to follow them, but only by managing to use their full
speed .

Those people who followed them were astonished by the fact that these two
kids were faster than them .

"That's right, Ellia . If someone wants to take something away from you,
don't let them get away with that . Just plunder them back!"

"If they want your life! Then take away their life! Don't leave anyone behind
as that might come to be fatal one day . "

Ellia kept nodding her head as she learnt how to survive from him .

"There are about 8 people who are following us . When midnight starts, you
will face them . "

Ellia who heard that was astonished .

She asked, "You are not coming?"

"I will be near you but I won't help you . Since it's your first fight, depend on
yourself . Win with your own power . "

"Alright, I will do as you say . . . " She narrowed her eyes as she said . Faint
fighting intent emitted from her eyes as she clenched her little fists .

Davis had already measured their pursuers strength, so he was confident that
she should be able to handle it .

Davis nodded his head in satisfaction . If she threw a tantrum right now then
he will have no choice but to give in as he couldn't force her to do something
that she doesn't want .
Time passed as the chase continued through the forest . Davis even identified
many Mortal Grade herbs as he thought wryly, 'As I thought, looks like the
high-grade herbs had already been cleared a long time ago . . . '

Just when it was about to become midnight, that solemn voice echoed again

"Now young participants, whether you rob or kill, work hard to accumulate
your points as your fate depends on it . I hereby declare the start of the

"It's time!" Davis said as he disappeared from Ellia's view .

'How did he do that!?' Ellia widened her eyebrows at his disappearance . She
hurriedly stopped at a place and climbed above a tree and stood upon its
branch .

The eight youths arrived at that place and looked like they were searching
for something .

"Shit, where did that little boy go!?"

"Haha, little missus . It will be better if you hand over your token . We don't
want to hurt you after all . "
"Look, even your friend who was with you got scared shitless and escaped . "
"Yes, it would be better if you hand over your token . Then we'll be on our
way . . . "

These 8 people teamed up to advance in the rankings and coincidentally, also

noticed Davis having a red token, which was why they decided to follow
them .
Chapter 72
Chapter 72

Ellia, who heard that managed to calm down as their intent wasn't to kill her
but only rob .

The eight youths were clad in different armours and had different weapons
which made them look like a group of ragtag .

Ellia narrowed her eyes and shouted in a brave voice as she steadied herself,
"If you want it, then come and take it from me!"
"Haha, I admire your courage but it wouldn't be wise to let go of our offer . "

"Leave it, everyone, who participates here have their own backbone . You
can't just expect them to hand it over . "

"Then, I'll take care of her . . . "

A youth with a spear on his back approached Ellia .

'I can do this!' Ellia thought as she readied herself .

"Bullying a little kid isn't my hobby, but we are fighting with our lives on
the line here . You can only blame yourself for stepping on this land!" That
youth who had a spear charged at her with open fists . It seemed like he had
cultivation but no fist skills as he was clearly clumsy with his fists .

'A spear user? He went easy on me?' Ellia thought as she jumped out of the
branch . She aimed her fists at him and collided with each other .


"Argh!" That youth was sent flying as he felt his bones crack in his arms .

"H . . Hand over your token . . . now that you have been defeated . !" Ellia
threatened in a not so threatening tone .
"Heh, little miss, did you forget that there were 7 of us left?" A voice echoed
at the back of her head which startled her greatly .

She ducked her head down as suddenly a black sword cut the top of her hair
a little while she hurriedly moved away from her position .

Ellia who was almost killed was greatly angered as she looked at the
scrawny youth who sneak attacked her .

"Hawk, what are you doing?" A youth with a sword shouted .

"She's just a little girl, why are you aiming to kill her for?" Even the guy
who had his fists broken shouted at him .

"Hmph! You guys should just give up and go back to the ship . If you don't
have enough resolve, just go back to your hometown!" That scrawny youth
who was called Hawk sneered in derision .

A short handling of the little girl led to a confusion in the newly formed
random team . They exchanged back arguments as they decided what to do
with her .

After all, every team here was either formed way before or after this
preliminary started .

"He's right! If you don't have enough resolve then you guys should just hand
over your tokens and leave!"

"That's right! . . . "

The situation went out of hand as an internal fight broke out among them
while they argued whether to kill her or not .

Out of the eight individuals who pursued them, it was only that youth who
had a sword and the youth who had a spear outright denied to kill her .

Ellia who watched that felt an emotion wash over her as she laughed at
herself in derision as she thought .

'How lamentable! They're fighting over whether to kill me or not as if I am a

savage beast . So this is what Davis, my prince, meant by that he is weak,
even when he is so strong . '
'Heh, this is why he told me to make myself stronger, so that there will be
none who could control my fate by then!'


" . . . . You!" The scrawny youth who argued with the youth with the sword
suddenly had his heart pierced as electricity ran through him like a snake that
was bent on devouring the innards of its prey .

Ellia looked up at him in indifference as she thought of him as an ant .

That scrawny youth's eyes went red as he collapsed while his heart corroded
as it let out a charred smell .

"Kill her!!" The two youths who supported her froze, while the other five
youths who were clad in different armours surrounded as they charged at her
in all directions .

Ellia looked at her surrounding calmly as if she weren't the one who was
targeted anymore . She looked like a bystander who was calmly watching an
ongoing battle . Her eyes looked indifferent to her surroundings as she cast a
technique .

"Lightning Storm . . " She lightly muttered to herself as she looked at those
two youths who shielded in a different light .

Suddenly . thick lines of lightning tinged with a light black colour erupted
from her body as it flew to the youths who charged at her in a zig-zag
motion .

"Hurry dodge!" A youth shouted in horror as he saw that lightning approach

him like a snake .

But alas, the lightning discharged by Ellia was faster than them, resulting in
the black lightning hitting them with a crackling sound .

Lightning covered them as they were burnt like a pig while a charred smell
wafted in the air .
The two youths who supported Ellia, froze in fear as if they saw a ghost,
their face pale as snow .

"Hand over the tokens and leave . . . "

Those two youths who heard that threw over their tokens hurriedly and ran
away with their lives pathetically as if they were granted an amnesty for a
great crime they had committed before .

"Davis! I won! Look!" Ellia shouted as she turned jubilant while she
collected the tokens from their tokens as if nothing of importance happened
a moment ago .

Just when she collected the last of the eight tokens, she collapsed on the
grass as if she was exhausted .

But just when she was going to fall on the grass, a hand extended around her
waist and supported her from falling .

A few minutes ago .

Davis looked at the confrontation in utter concentration as he couldn't let

Ellia die in front of him so easily, no matter what .

'Eight youths, let's see how she would handle this . . . ' Davis thought .

He was on the branch were Ellia had supposedly stood on before, watching
the battle below with eyes wide open . He used his Dark Concealing Shroud
Art to make himself invisible to the people below .

In fact, even all the people in this preliminary couldn't see through his
cloaking . Even if he stood beside them and acted like a clown, they wouldn't
be able to notice .
Chapter 73
Chapter 73

Davis saw Ellia send a youth flying, with her fists .

'Oh, looks like that youth is a bit okay as he is not aiming for Ellia's life .
Guess I could spare him . . . '

Just when Davis thought like that, suddenly he noticed a scrawny youth get
behind Ellia as he lifted a dagger and slashed at her .

Davis almost immediately launched himself at him if it weren't for the stupid
mistake the scrawny youth made when he arrived behind Ellia .

'That idiot! I thank the heavens that he isn't an assassin!" Davis's heart, felt at
ease when he looked at that scrawny youth speak before slashed at her .

He was at least sure that Ellia would've been able to dodge that with her
skills as he had sparred with her before .

Then he saw Ellia dodge that slash as she hurriedly retreated when suddenly
an internal fight broke out in the enemy team .

'What the hell!?'

Davis almost couldn't almost hold his laughter but his impression of those
two youths who shielded Ellia turned good .

Suddenly he could see Ellia laugh weirdly as she moved to the scrawny
youth in a second .

Davis's eyes went wide as he saw her stab that scrawny youth's heart with
her finger while she had a calm and indifferent expression on her face .

He gulped as he thought that was scary . He never saw this expression before

'Had she killed a person before?' He thought as he shook his head .

He then saw those five youth who were ready to kill her, surround her in a
bid to end her .

Davis narrowed his eyes as he thought of making his move . He thought that
Ellia will panic as she had no battle experience before, but the sight before
him made him stay his hand .

He saw Ellia cast the Second Layer Technique of the Extinction Lightning
Judgement with a calm face as she fried her opponents to crisp without any
reaction .

Davis's heart almost leapt out of his chest as he couldn't believe this scene .
He thought that she turned into a person that he doesn't know of .

'Since when did she start killing people like cutting cabbages?' He had this
thought and hurriedly moved to spare those two youths who had supported
her .

He then saw Ellia sparing those two youths which then made him heave a
sigh of relief .

He thought as he ruefully smiled . 'Haha, guess I jumped to conclusions . It

was my fault, I brainwashed her too much about survival that she didn't even
blink to kill her opponent . '

Davis then saw her call out to him as she collected the tokens one by one .

Just when he was going to reveal himself, he saw her suddenly collapsing
while he quickly moved to support her .

'Fuck! As I thought! Which human could possibly not be exhausted and

pained mentally when they kill another living being for the first time . ' He
thought as he felt guilt in his heart but quickly assured himself that it was a
necessary process for her to stay alive even if anything happens to him later
on .

After all, he couldn't be there for her every single time when something bad
happens .
A day passed while the participants either killed or robbed to get their hands
on the tokens .

At a place, where there was a multitude of flora and a vibrant grassland filled
with countless trees, two silhouettes could be seen as one was sleeping on
the other one, who was sitting .

These two silhouettes were Davis and Ellia .

'What is this? Why is she still not waking up?' Davis thought as he looked at
her worriedly .

It had been a day and still, there was no sign of Ellia waking up .

Just when he thought of scouting his surroundings, he saw her eyelids gently
tremble .

Ellia opened her eyes as she looked at Davis who was looking at her
intently . She then realised that she was given a lap pillow by Davis while
she blushed visibly .

"Good Morning, Ellia . Although it is night, hehe," said Davis as he greeted

her in a warm tone .

Ellia quickly stood up while she involuntarily remembered about the event
that took place earlier as she started to breathe heavily .

"Calm down, Ellia . What you did was correct, there's no need to be hard on
yourself! It was for survival and there was no helping it!" Davis couldn't
help but comfort her, seeing this sight . He originally thought that he
shouldn't pry on this topic as it might remind her of something unpleasant
but since she remembered, then he had no choice but to comfort her .

Ellia who heard that was visibly comforted but she shook her head as if that
wasn't the case .

"Hmm?" Davis couldn't get what she was trying to say .

She then shook her head again and looked at him sadly as she bit her lips .

"It's nothing, I was just too scared . . . "

Davis replied, "Anyone will be scared after their first experience of killing .
No need to worry over that . "

'In this world, we will probably get used to it . ' He thought to himself
ruefully but didn't say it to her as he thought that she should understand this
herself .

Ellia nodded as she stayed silent .

A few moments passed awkwardly before Davis suddenly remembered

something he had to say to Ellia .

"Ellia, just when the first day ended, that solemn voice made its entry again .
It said that we will be able to see our ranks in our tokens, as well as the
number of points we hold . "

While saying that, he took out his token as he inserted his energy into it .

[Fifth Island

Name: ---

Position: 9,046,970

Points: 50]

"Oh, it also said that we could insert our names or alias into it . " Davis then
added .

"Ellia, check your token now . "

Ellia nodded while she took out her token as she inserted her energy into it .

[Fifth Island

Name: --

Position: 11,446,330

Points: 1]

"It says that I have only one point?" Ellia muttered in confusion .
"Of course, you haven't still absorbed their tokens, have you?"

"Uh, yes . . . " Ellia uttered as she gave the tokens she collected to Davis .

"Hey! Increase your points! Didn't you defeat them!?" Davis refused it as
she was the one who defeated them .

"Okay!" She muttered as she absorbed those eight tokens . The eight tokens
then disintegrated as if they didn't exist in the first place .

Out of the eight tokens, two tokens were green, one token was blue, while
the other tokens were white .

[Fifth Island

Name: --

Position: 8,636,767

Points: 76]

Chapter 74
Chapter 74

"Now my points have increased to 76," said Ellia as she looked at her token
and had a sudden doubt .

"But the name slot is . . . empty?"

"Oh, that voice also said that we can use our energy to input our names or
alias," Davis said as he looked at her in a meaningful way .

" . . . What?"

"Hehe, I'm going to use an alias!" Flicking his sleeves, Davis gave off an
impeccable air which seemed to imply that he had a grand alias in store for
himself .

Ellia looked at him weirdly as she knew whenever he posed like this, there
wouldn't be one good thing that would happen . She then ignored him and
replied as she used her energy to input her name into the token, "Oh, I'll just
use my name . "

[Fifth Island

Name: Ellia

Position: 8,636,767

Points: 76]

She looked at the token in satisfaction and felt a little good as though she
managed to carve and leave her name in a monument .

"So, what alias did you pick?" Even though Ellia was not even the least bit
looking forward to it, she was still a little curious .

"Heh, not telling!" Davis laughed .

Days passed as Davis and Ellia actively hunted for tokens .

They killed whoever wanted to kill them and robbed whoever only wanted to
get their tokens .

They did as they pleased and spared no one even under any circumstance .
As long as they felt some killing intent from their enemies, they won't hold
back either .

Davis made Ellia do all the fighting and as a result, her battle experience
increased, furthermore she never got to be in a disadvantage during a battle,
as she dual cultivated both Body Tempering and Essence Gathering
Systems .

Ellia faced more than a 100 battles and she collected more than 3000 points .
Meanwhile, Davis ran off to hunt whenever she had taken a break from her
exhaustion from battling .

He had also managed to gather 2000 points as he made his way into the Top
10,000 .

People who had lost their tokens had no way to participate unless they rob a
token from a participant and start from the beginning .

So it doesn't matter how many points one collect, it was important to protect
their own token as well . Once a person lost it, all the points that the person
had collected will disappear, but it won't add to the one who absorbed the
token .

The one who absorbed will just get the point of the token that they have
absorbed .

It was the fifth day of the preliminaries .

A black-robed silhouette, along with 5 young people ran across the forest .

They looked pretty happy as they checked their tokens .

"Hey, look at this, my ranking is in the Top 1000's" The youth who said that
had a lush green hair tied up behind his neck . He looked suave and had a
dashing presence around him .

"Hmm, not bad . . . " The voice sounded out with a tone that can melt one's
state of mind .

"Haha, Young Mistress, it still doesn't compare to your ranking of getting

into the Top 100 . "

"Stop that, all the tokens that I absorbed were from the hard work of us all .
Honestly, all of this should have gone to you, Kent . "

The six of them were none other than the Cauldon Family youths who were
sent to participate in the Grand Sea Continent Meet . There were two women
and four young men in this group .

"It doesn't matter if my ranking is in the top 10 or top 100 in this

preliminaries . This ranking will be of help to you when you marry into the
Loret Family so that others won't look down on you, Evelynn . " Kent
Cauldon smiled and said .
"Thank you, thank you all . . . " Evelynn telt touched and replied in a
heartfelt tone .

She was wearing black robes to cover her identity from someone .

Kent was a close cousin of Evelynn's . He was next in line to inherit the
Family Head position since Evelynn was born as a girl .

The other candidates don't quite measure up to him in cultivation, so they

were no threat to him at all .

The only threat to him was Evelynn . If someone had married her and got
into the family, then he would lose his Family Head position .

But to his luck, Evelynn got engaged to the prince and she will marry him
into the Loret Family which clears the line for him to become the next head
of the Cauldon Family .

This made him feel content, so he had no calms in helping Evelynn, who
was his cousin, achieve a greater glory in the Grand Sea Continent Meet .

The Cauldon Family team was quite powerful that each of them could hold
their own against a motley team of youths who were only out for the Top
100,000 positions .

Evelynn who had a pretty low cultivation rode on their coattails as she didn't
deem it necessary to use her own powers in this preliminaries .

They chatted as they randomly went in a direction to encounter a team to

battle and casually collect some tokens while they were at it .

Suddenly Evelynn froze as her team encountered two kids who were lone
without any reinforcement .

Her team also froze because they have seen this two kids before .

"Well, isn't this a coincidence? my dear Evelynn . " An astonished voice

drifted, breaking the silent atmosphere in this place .

Davis was surprised to see her in this Island . There were other eleven
Islands which made his chances of meeting her were very low as well .
Evelynn was dumbfounded to hear that he had found out her identity with
just a glance . She felt that all that concealing her identity and strength had
gone to waste .

She removed her hood and replied calmly, "My Evelynn? I don't remember
becoming yours?"

"Oh, you will, hehe . That matter? Are you up for it now?" Davis asked with
a playful tone .

"You sure you want to take me on?" She said as she released a greyish aura
from her body .

"This . . . She has reached the Iron Stage!?" Kent and the others who saw
Evelynn was visibly astonished at her cultivation .
Chapter 75
Chapter 75

Evelynn said nothing as she revealed her cultivation proudly, expecting

Davis to be astonished at this sight .

*Clap Clap*

Davis clapped as he was genuinely happy for Evelynn, but he still said in a
playful tone while he walked closer to her, "Congratulations on breaking
through the Iron Stage, I'll happily take you on right now!"

'Hmm? Don't tell me his Body Cultivation reached the third stage?' Evelynn
frowned as she saw his playful expression .

Still, she walked forward as she readied herself for a battle . She couldn't
possibly back out even if she now knew that he was in the Iron Stage .

"Make your move, Miss Evelynn . . . " Davis said as he stood calmly not
bothering to pose for a battle at all .

Evelynn who saw that, sneered as she thought, 'Heh, what was I worried for?
He is still a kid . . . '

"Then, here I come!" Evelynn shouted as she used a technique to muddle a

person's thoughts with her aura .

That shout travelled as it reached Davis's ears that made him look a little
disoriented .

Evelynn hurriedly moved forward with elegant steps to hit him as soon as
possible . She closed in on him and used her delicate palms to attack .

Davis who looked befuddled, suddenly dodged her palms as he caught her
dainty wrists which were soft with his small hands .

He then playfully smiled at her as he freed her wrists and moved back calmly

Kent who saw that, whistled in approval while Evelynn's face went red .

She now knew that she was cheated as he wasn't affected at all by her sonic
technique .

"Again!" This time, she didn't use those support attacks and charged at him
with her full speed and power .

They then both exchanged fists as the battle intensely erupted between
them . But it was intense only for the onlookers and Evelynn as she was
fighting with her full strength while Davis was visibly relaxed .

A few moments passed by, Evelynn was visibly shaken as she felt herself
tiring down with her fast-paced movements .

But what made her truly shaken and tired was that Davis still didn't release
his Body Cultivation Aura and was still fighting solely with his own bodily
strength .

The Cauldon Family youths were visibly horrified at the sight of it .

'He is only 10 years old and has such strength!?'

'Does he have a beast bloodline!?'

'He will surely be able to rank in the top 10 of the grand Sea Continent

When such thoughts were running around the Cauldon Family youths, Davis
suddenly backed out and smiled wryly at her .

"Miss Evelynn, can you give up?"

"Why? You won't dare to attack a woman!?" Evelynn shouted at him as she
knew that he was defending the whole time and hadn't made any moves on
her at all . She now knew that she was no match for him but still, she felt
frustrated at the thought of giving up, so she continued attacking to save
herself some face .
She felt that she could give up if she was beaten up badly, but giving up
before that made her think that it will be a stain on her life and ungraceful .

"Haha, Miss Evelynn, it's not like I don't dare to hurt women, it's just that I
don't dare to harm my future wife!"
"You! Shameless!" Evelynn blushed as she felt her face burn but felt an
unknown emotion in her heart .

"Hmph! You tricked me, but I will keep my word!" Evelynn said as she
gritted her teeth in frustration .

'Yes!' Davis howled mentally in his mind as if he had achieved a big dream .

"I know that my future wife isn't a sore loser . Hehe, I can always trust my
instincts!" Davis replied as he waved his sleeves .

Suddenly, she calmed down and smiled as if she was the one who achieved
victory . "Whatever, keep bragging . Though I lost, it won't end here!"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Davis narrowed his eyes as he continued, "Are
you going to go back on your words? Miss Evelynn . "

"No, I did say that I will give my heart and soul to you," She grinned
playfully as she added, "But I never said that I will give my body to you!"

Davis widened his eyes in astonishment as he thought wryly, 'This woman!

She played with her words'

He suddenly laughed holding his stomach .

Everyone thought he went insane including Evelynn and Ellia .

Evelynn suddenly felt that she bullied this kid too much and was just going
to comfort him when suddenly, the Davis in her vision blurred and appeared
right in front of her in an instant .

Davis held her chin as his face went closer to her ear while she momentarily
froze as he whispered .

"As long as your heart is with me, it's enough . . . "

Evelynn dumbfoundedly watched as he mystically disappeared along with
Ellia, while the whole Cauldon Family was horrified at the fact that they lost
sight of two kids who were not half the age of them .

The whole Cauldon family team looked at Evelynn with envy and jealousy,
especially the other woman who was in the team . She went almost went
insane as she thought why she didn't get to be born as the Young Mistress?
Why didn't she get to marry this monstrous Prince?

'Such a delicious deal! Who wouldn't want that!?'

These kinds of thoughts ran through the Cauldon family youths .

Kent Cauldon suddenly had a weird thought that if he were to be born as a

woman, then he would do all in his power to fight with Evelynn .

"Evelynn . . . looks like you did a great deed in your previous life to be able
to be blessed with this kind of opportunity . I hope you have a great life .
And don't forget about us too . " Kent Cauldon said with a congratulating
tone .

The whole affair happened in front of everyone, so they were able to form
their own theories about the 'matter' both were talking about .

Everyone congratulated her while Evelynn was dazed . She nodded her head
absentmindedly to their compliments and praise . Her head was still buzzing
with those sweet words he whispered .

Abruptly, she came out of her reverie and said in a calm tone, "I'm

Chapter 76
Chapter 76

"What!?" The whole team were dumbfounded as they all thought doubtfully,
'Shouldn't she work hard to gain the favour of the Prince by giving it her all
in the Grand Sea Continent Meet?'
They couldn't understand why she was acting arrogantly in front of the
Prince .

"This . . . Young Mistress, isn't this a little too hasty to withdraw from the

"Yeah, this is only the preliminaries, with your power, you could score more
in the second round of the Grand Sea Continent Meet . "

Evelynn calmly said, "I have finished my business in this place, so I'm
withdrawing," She then whipped out her red token and stretched out her
hand to Kent, "Take this, it's of no use to me now . "

Kent looked at that token weirdly and backed off, then he slowly said,
"Evelynn, I have no idea what business you had here, but shouldn't you at
least make an effort to be worthy of the prince . I thought about this before
as well, but you are too arrogant . "

Evelynn who heard that was visibly shocked at his thoughts .

"I am arrogant!?" Her eyes went wide as she asked them . But her tone was
one of questioning herself .

"I meant no offence, but what makes you think that you are worthy of Prince
Davis? Comparing your measly talent with his talent, combined with the age
difference, what exactly makes you think that you are worthy of him? If it
weren't for the risky decision of our family during the rebellion, which as a
result, made the Royal Family indebted to us, do you think that you would be
able to enjoy its benefits?"

Evelynn was visibly shaken while each word hit her deeply as she was
dragged down to reality .

"It's not like I wanted this marriage, he was the one who had taken a liking
towards me!" She shouted back in frustration .

Kent narrowed his eyes as he continued, "The prince had miraculously

somehow taken a liking to you, probably because he had just reached
puberty . If I guessed it correctly, then he was probably enamoured by your
charms and figure which could drive a man crazy . If it weren't for that, how
could he, a person of high stature, possibly take a liking towards you who at
best possesses only an average talent?"

"Don't you think that one day when he grows up that he will just get tired of
your figure and realises that he should no longer try to please you since you
are so arrogant and not worthy of his time?"

"No! Stop! I didn't want this! It was our family who forced me to marry
him!" Evelynn shouted as she couldn't bear to face her reality anymore .

"Hmph, what had you done for the Cauldon Family other than wasting
resources? Do you think that you can be so free that you can do anything you
want just because you were born as the daughter of the Family Head? As the
Young Mistress of our family, you have a responsibility to satisfy the family
whether you like it or not!"

A few moments of silence passed by as the atmosphere turned rather tense .

Kent harrumphed and said, "So you don't want him, huh? Fine! Look at
Zara! She looks like she couldn't wait to steal the Prince from you, so why
don't you rather gift the Young Mistress status to her if you don't want this
marriage! Simple, right?"

Evelynn looked at Kent in disbelief and Zara Cauldon, who was the only
other woman in this group, suddenly looked startled as she had no idea why
she was brought into this conversation .

"Zara, don't you want to marry the prince? Weren't you keen on her
marriage? Evelynn says that she would gladly give her status to you if you
want to do so . . . "

Zara was shocked again as her secret motives which she hadn't acted on,
were revealed in front of everyone . She hurriedly bit the bullet and said,
"Yes! I would gladly take the Young Mistress's position and marry the
Prince if Young Mistress doesn't want it!"

"There you have it! Zara says that she would like to marry the Prince! Your
problem is solved right!? I know you just want a peaceful life in the family .
Zara, with your position as the future Young Mistress, isn't this a piece of
cake for you?" Kent grinned as he feined his voice to a serious tone .
"Yes, if our Evelynn wants to live peacefully, then it is within my powers to
do it! In fact, I can agree with her future demands as well!" Zara spoke
seriously while she hid her excitement at the prospect of climbing the
hierarchical ladder .

As a talented member of a family, she had envied the Young Mistress

position of Evelynn . She felt that Evelynn didn't deserve to be the Young
Mistress just because she was the daughter of the family head .

In the Cauldon Family, it was difficult for one to keep their positions if they
haven't achieved anything . If it weren't for Evan Cauldon, Evelynn's father,
who had secretly protected her from every problem, then Evelynn would
probably be dead or sold to some powerful characters even before she
reached 15 .

As a father, Evan Cauldon had wished the best for his daughter in
everything, and to him, marrying her off to the Prince seemed like a deal
from heaven which couldn't be any better .

Silence reigned down on the place as everyone looked at Evelynn for her
answer .

" . . . I . . . I " Evelynn stuttered as she trembled .

Visible anger filled her face violently when suddenly, she felt reality
drowning upon her .

Abruptly, she lost her bearings and went crazy as reality hit her hard, "Shut
up! Who do you think you are!? I won't hand over my position! Neither will
I hand over my fated one! He is mine!"

Utter silence reigned once again as everyone looked at her lose her mind
while Kent, who was the only one, who was calm, grinned in satisfaction as
he nodded as he thought, 'Provoking always works on someone who thinks
that they're high and mighty . '

Evelynn looked at others bewilderedly . It was not that she couldn't believe
what they had said, it was because she was dumbfounded at her own words
Various thoughts raced through her head as she realized her own deep
wishes .
Chapter 77
Chapter 77

Time passed as it was almost the end of the preliminaries .

Davis was in a good mood these four days . He felt ecstatic as he thought
that he managed to leave an impression on her . But most importantly, he felt
that their relationship would move forward a little as well .

After that, he thought that seizing the first position was a drag, so he and
Ellia stopped hunting for tokens altogether .

It didn't take them long to realize that their positions stayed stable as all the
weak opponents had been eliminated from the preliminaries so far .

So they explored the Island and enjoyed the scenery as if they were on a
vacation . It was a refresher as they didn't have to see blood and kill people .
And of course, during this time, they encountered a little stronger opponents
than the usual teams, but they still didn't opt to fight them but instead, chose
to steer away .

"Brave youths of the Grand Sea Continent Meet, I hereby announce the end
of the preliminaries . The Top 100,000 positions will move on to the next
round . The others will have to return to their designated ships if they are
alive . "

A solemn voice echoed throughout the Island as it marked the 10 day period
of the preliminaries come to an end .

It continued, "Those who have passed the preliminaries will move onto a
ship that holds the flag of the Guardian Alliance and hand over your tokens .

The Guardian Alliance Ship flag was yellow in colour with a shield of
different colours in the centre . It sailed from the First Island to the Twelfth

Island picking up the contestants who were in the Top 100,000 .

It was pretty quick as everyone knew their own rankings, and the ship
released a signal, indicating its position to the participants, making it easier
for them to head over to the ship .

They then handed over their tokens to the staff on the ship as they went to
their designated rooms .

The ship was big as the first ship they came in, so there was plenty of space
to accommodate the remaining Top 100,000 participants . They were all
satisfied as this was a luxurious ship with plenty of delicacies and services .

The youths who were in the ship started to imagine their glorious future as
the ship sailed to a new Island .

"I wonder what the second round entails?"

"Hey look at that, she's hot, go talk to her . "

"No way man, she's way out of my league!"

Various conversations ran through the ship as everyone started to either give
up and enjoy the ride or get nervous and stayed in their room, preparing to
compete for the Top 1000 positions . Only a few who had faith in their
abilities were carefree as they knew that they would advance into the Top
1000 positions .

Suddenly, a voice echoed in the ship solemnly .

"Victors of the preliminaries, I will now explain the second round of the
Grand Sea Continent Meet!"

"The second round is to hunt magical beasts!"


"Magical Beasts! I knew it!"

"Whatever, it is better than killing people . . . "

Everyone had different reactions when they heard that they have to hunt
Magical Beasts .
But most people felt happy as they didn't have to needlessly kill anymore
due to survival .

Somewhere in the ship, in a certain room .

"Isn't that good?" Davis asked

"Yes! But a beast? I've never fought them before . . . " Ellia replied meekly,
totally different from the way she used to behave during a battle .

"Don't worry, I haven't fought them before as well . We'll stick together as
we try to kill them one by one!"

That solemn voice which waited for the youngsters to digest its words,
echoed again as if mocking Davis's words, "I will explain what exactly the
second round involves . Each of you will hunt for the magical beasts
individually, so if anyone of you is found hunting a magical beast with
another participant, you will be immediately disqualified without any delay .
Robbing is also forbidden as this round only depends on your ability to hunt
magical beasts!"

A clamour broke out in the ship as everyone who tried to get lucky through
their teamwork felt dejected . But no one can change the rules, so they
continued listening .

"After you arrive on the island, each of you will be given a spatial bag, in
which you will store the cores of the Magical Beasts you personally hunt!"

"The cores of the magical beasts also contain fixed points . A Low-Level
Mortal Beast Stage Core will give you 5 points . "

"A Mid-Level Mortal Beast Stage Core will give you 10 points . "

"A High-Level Mortal Beast Stage Core will give you 20 points . "

"A Peak-Level Mortal Beast Stage Core will give you 50 points . "

"A Low-Level Earth Beast Stage Core will give you 100 points . "

"A Mid-Level Earth Beast Stage Core will give you 200 points . "
"A High-Level Earth Beast Stage Core will give you 300 points . "

"A Peak-Level Earth Beast Stage Core will give you 500 points . "

"A Low-Level Sky Beast Stage Core will give you 1500 points . "

"A Mid-Level Sky Beast Stage Core will give you 3000 points . "

"A High-Level Sky Beast Stage Core will give you 5000 points . "

"A Peak-Level Sky Beast Stage Core will give you 10000 points . "
"A Low . . *cough* That island doesn't have a 4th Stage Beast so you can
relax . "

Everybody had black lines on their face as they heard the voice continued
speaking even more after a Peak-Level Sky Beast Stage Magical Beast . But
after they heard the voice comforting them, they couldn't help but laugh and
relax .

'That voice made their nervousness go away in an instant' Davis thought as

he sensed the atmosphere in the ship visibly relax .

A Sky Beast Stage Magical Beast can possibly kill them even when they
work together as a team . So what is the possible result when they confront
one individually? It is almost certain death . This made them nervous and
sent them panicking before the voice made them relax again .

Magical Beasts are inherently stronger than humans!

Unless one trains in at least two of the Cultivation Systems, one cannot hope
to fight equally with them unless their battle prowess is higher than the norm

Chapter 78
Chapter 78

"Young Geniuses, as the Top 100,000 Cultivators, you are the future of our
continent . If you sense that your life is in danger, please do back out and go
to the east end of the island . There are already more than 5 million deaths in
the preliminaries . Each of them was promising in their own right, but
ultimately it still led them to die in the process of gaining glory . "

Everyone was shocked to see the death toll but quickly returned to normal as
this was expected . This also happened in every other previous Grand Sea
Continent Meet, so nobody cared . But they cast looks of gratitude towards
the voice as it told them to retreat when danger closes on them .

However, Davis sneered, 'Huh! What please do back out? You guys only
want to recruit them and get them under your control, strengthening your
respective empires in the process . "

The voice then continued, "However, if you are caught cheating, instead of
you youngsters getting yourselves killed by the magical beasts, you will be
executed by us!"

The Top 100,000 participants who had thoughts of cheating, immediately

wiped away such thoughts .

"Also, the spatial bag contains your token, and it works in tandem with a
formation . So the number of points you obtain will be updated in the
scoreboard which is on the deck of the ship . In fact, you youngsters should
also try to work hard, because another scoreboard is also in the Main Arena,
so your ranking will be displayed in front of the Great Emperors!"

The youths clenched their fists in agitation, dreaming to arrive at the top
position, so they can distinguish themselves from the others . They were all
thinking that once they reach the Top 10, they can enjoy all forms of luxury
for the rest of their life .

The ship then continued to sail to the island where the second round will take
place .

Time passed by as the twelfth day arrived .

In the distance, a huge volcano could be seen on an Island .

Davis and Ellia, who were on the deck, looked at it in awe . But what they
were admiring was not the volcano, but the island which was divided into
two by a river .

The whole island was elevated while one end had a volcano while the other
end looked like a glacial mountain .

"An Ice volcano . . . " Davis muttered as he looked at it in awe . He never

saw an ice volcano before, this was a new sight to him .

"Young Geniuses, we have arrived at the designated island! Now is the time
to prove yourselves in front of everyone and make it to the finals! Move on
to the island!"

"The second round will last for a total of five days! Collect as many cores as
you can! I hereby declare the start of the second round of the Grand Sea
Continent Meet!

Just when everyone was going to jump out of the ship, that voice kindly
echoed again .
"Uh . . . Don't forget to collect your spatial bag from the exit of the ship . . . "

The contestants had black lines on their faces as they forgot about it or either
thought that it will be handed over once they reach the island .

Suddenly a youth ran in front of the exit and inserted his hand into a big
chest . He took his hand out, collecting a spatial bag in the process . He then
made his way out as he went to the island .

Looking at that, all the youths understood one by one as they made their way
to take their spatial bags that were in the chests . They all understood that it
was a formation but couldn't figure out which type of formation it was .

'An identification type formation?' Davis thought while he looked at it . He

had more knowledge than these people concerning formations . He had read
about it in the library, after all, he had almost spent two years there, only
reading books .

"Why do they take a random spatial bag from the chest? Didn't that voice say
that our tokens are also in a spatial bag?" Ellia asked in confusion . Although
she was in the Royal Castle, she wasn't allowed entry to the Library after all .
Davis explained as he shifted his look to her, "What the formation does is
identify your energy imprint . Everyone has their own unique aura, energy
and soul . So what the formation does is match your energy with the token
and bring it out . "

"So what I take out is mine?"

"Yes, you can say that . " Even though Davis wasn't totally sure, but he
assumed that this was the case .

Ellia nodded as she understood, but she also lamented at her ignorance . She
secretly vowed that once she had reached enough strength, she will achieve
something and get permission from the Emperor himself to gain entry into
the library .

Just when he was watching the exit of the ship, he saw Evelynn and her team
approaching the exit .

'Hmm? Why is she still participating? Didn't she only come here to battle
with me?' Davis thought as he looked at her in confusion .

'Maybe I was secondary and she came to achieve a position for herself in this
competition?' Davis laughed at himself but felt a little sad for some

reason .

'Well, I'll keep an eye on her too . In case if anything happens . . . '

Suddenly, his face was pushed aside . He turned to look back at Ellia, who
was the culprit who pushed his face .

"Uh . . . Ellia? Is something wrong?" He asked in incredulity as this had

never happened before .

Rather than being angry at her, he felt happy that she pushed his face aside
because she never had the courage to touch him herself, not even once .

Ellia just pouted without saying anything, as she moved towards the chest at
the exit of the ship .

'Ahhh . . . What did I do? Why would I do that? It's that, it must be that!'
Ellia panicked internally and had no idea why she did that . Sadly, she could
only guess .

"Wait! I'm also coming!" Davis had no idea what had happened, but he
happily rushed forward as he caught up and walked aside her, jubilantly .

They collected their spatial bags and then reached the Island .
Chapter 79
Chapter 79

The island was almost 500 km long, and it was unquestionably a unique
zone in the Grand Sea .

Fog eternally perpetuated in this place, as the conflict between the two
conflicting temperatures endlessly clashed from the time people found this
island .

The left end of the island had seabeds which were extended by the erupting
volcano every decade . There were also hidden reefs and molten caves which
were used as a hideout or as a home for the magical beasts .

The right end of the island was covered in ice, and the land was frozen
widely with small hills that looked like it was encased in ice magma .

Davis walked hand in hand with Ellia to the left side of the island . It was
perpetually hot in this place, and their field of vision was quite limited, but
Davis had a unique soul which made him sense his surroundings with
clarity, so he couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of this island .

Furthermore, he also sensed a bizarre bug flying around him .

'A monitoring bug?' He thought as he guessed . It was all over the island, but
the bugs were quite small and almost invisible to the naked eyes, but he
could sense them as he had a powerful soul which also made him sensitive to
his surroundings .

That said, he confidently walked together with her because he knew that he
was not violating the rules of the second round .

The rules only said that the participants were not to hunt a magical beast
together . But the rules never stated that the participants cannot travel
together .

This was a loophole which was realized by some of the smarter participants,
which led them to also travel again with their previous team .

"I never thought that I would get to see the Firzen Island which had been
stated in a certain book of the royal library . " Davis nodded in appreciation .
He could see unique plants and herbs which were growing on this island .
Most of them were fire attributed herbs which were very useful in alchemy .
He collected some herbs and tore those apart as if they were roadside weeds

These kind of herbs were quite ordinary to him, and he wanted to get a
realistic feeling on the internal structure of the herbs .

Ellia followed beside him and curiously looked at his serious expression that
was on his face . She personally felt that it was cute .

Then Ellia had a confused expression on her face just when she had realised
something .

"Davis, aren't we supposed to be hunting for magical beasts? What are you
doing there?"

"I'm just looking into the internal structure of the herbs so I can learn about
it's working and essence when used in alchemy . " Davis continued his
research and didn't look at her .

"But . . . don't you think that something is wrong? We are already in the
outer zone, but we haven't encountered any magical beasts! This is kinda
weird . . . " Ellia said in worry as she believed that they should've
encountered a magical beast by now .

Davis suddenly froze as he looked at Ellia in horror while pointing behind

her .

"Look . . . A Great Serpent!"

"!!!" Ellia felt alarmed, "Ahhh!" She then immediately screamed as ran
behind Davis while cowering her head .

Few moments passed by as nothing happened .

Ellia then opened her eyes and looked at Davis, only to see him having a
'can't hold my laughter' expression on his face .

Her face went red as she embarrassedly screamed, "Stop playing around!
Don't scare me like that!"

"Calm down, Ellia . Honestly, you have a good sense and perception . Just
relax and maintain your vigilance at the same time . I know that it is
difficult, but this is something that you should master if you were to become
a pro magical beast hunter . "

A magical beast hunter is just the name that the people have given to people,
who mainly hunt beasts for their survival, it isn't an official occupation or
anything .

Ellia then discerned that she was stressed out the whole time, even though
she acted calmly on the outside . This was a new experience for her, and as a
maid, she had seen the scary carcasses of magical beasts which had made her
not want to see them alive, walking around .

Davis had his senses and perception heightened thanks to his soul
cultivation, so he could maintain his vigilance without being stressed out .

"What you said has a point . But the concept you forgot was that we came to
this island openly . We, the 100,000 people who are currently hostiles to the
natives of this island . Do you think that those magical beasts will just get
slaughtered by us? Even though they can't think or speak like us, they do
have sharp instincts . So the magical beasts you were talking about must've
run to the inner zone of this side . "

Suddenly, he grinned as he walked to a tree that looked charred .

"Except some brave magical beasts which are looking to have their own
delicious victim!"

A burst of light passed through the tree vertically, as the tree slowly split
into two trunks that fell on each side .

A brown snake slid off the tree as blood washed over the ground gradually .
It was 3m in length, but its thickness was quite small . Its scales were brown
as if they were burned, though it was not the case as it was a natural scale
colour for it .

"A Charred Boa, a High-Level Earth Beast Stage Magical Beast," Davis
mentioned its name calmly as he collected the core of the snake by cleaving
up its head with the spear he used to kill it .

He then smiled at her as he said, "I wasn't kidding around when I said that
there was a great serpent . . . "

Ellia who was flabbergasted by his method of teaching, nodded her head in
appreciation and apology, "Sorry . . . "

Davis smiled . "No need for that, I'm just trying to teach you the best I can . .

Ellia stared at him blankly and wondered, 'Is this the difference between a
royal and a commoner? I feel as though I can never reach that place . . . '

No matter how she saw it, he was always ahead of her, even when they are
of the same age . Though she thought that this was because of their
difference in status, she didn't attribute to it and felt that wasn't the case .

Suddenly, she discerned something and had a mocking smile on her face,
'How ugly am I? Without even realising it, I was taking advantage of his
kindness to improve myself? Heh, it was too arrogant of me to even think of
always staying by his side, much less berate him . '
Chapter 80
Chapter 80

When Ellia had realised that she had started treating Davis like a friend, she
started feeling happy and almost at the same time, she felt fear as well .

She felt happy that she was able to live a good life but felt fear because she
was afraid of being abandoned . Adding to the thought that she had about
Davis, this was almost like heaven for her . But one wrong move and she felt
that she could end up in hell .

To her, even though she also treated Davis like a friend, it just didn't feel
natural . With the binding of a slave servant on her fate, she always had a
subconscious limiter in her memory that kept her reminding about her status
and position, which made it truly difficult to make friends with Davis .

"You are so kind . . . " Ellia muttered as tears involuntarily dripped down her
face .

"Eh!?", Davis's face changed to an awkward expression as he thought that

his method of teaching went too far .

Ellia then started wiping away her tears with her wrists while her face went
red again from the embarrassment . She felt that she had made herself a
laughing stock .

"Haha, hey . . st . . haha . . hahaha", Suddenly, Ellia was shocked as she felt
ticklish on her waist which made her suddenly laugh like an idiot .

Ten fingers were simultaneously stimulating her waist, giving her a ticklish
and pleasurable feeling which made her want to die as she laughed like an
idiot .

"Haahhahha . . . sto . . . Dav . . . haha . . . enoug . . hnngg!" Ellia lost her

footing as she fell back when . . .

Davis stopped and held her by the waist by twisting his arms around her
back for support .

Ellia's breath was heavy as she gasped for air . She had a smile on her face
with a heavy blush on her cheeks .

"That's right, you only need to have a smile on your face . Please don't make
such a sad face in front of me . . . ", It was Davis who was embarrassed this
time as he turned his face sideways as he continued, "Actually, don't be sad
even when not in front of me, I will always protect you no matter what kind
of a person you are . . . "

Tears erupted again from her eyes like a flood which she had no way to stop,
but this time, she was smiling as she was crying . She was shedding tears of
contentedness .

Davis smiled wryly . He only wanted to comfort her and make her stop
crying .

During the time he spent with her in the preliminaries, he felt that she had
changed a little bit as her character and her actions were a little off . He only
felt that a little bit and couldn't put his hand on it, which in turn, led him to
believe that she was facing some kind of internal conflict which he didn't
know .

All he felt like was like shit, not knowing what was going on in her mind .
Without knowing it, he could only offer some comfortable words with his
non-existent social capabilities .

Davis sighed, "It was all my fault, it was too soon for you to experience all
these things . . . mm"

A delicate finger was placed on his lip which made him unable to open his
mouth .

"As you said before, this is the only way for me to increase my standing and
status . " She paused for a moment as she thought before continuing, 'And if
I could be with you', "I wouldn't stop halfway! Besides, what do you mean
that it was too soon for me to experience these things? Aren't you the same
age as me? Prince Davis!"
Her tone was more of a mocking one rather than a berating one .

Davis had a wry smile on his face and didn't answer this question of hers .
There was no way he would tell about his origin or their relationship
wouldn't be the same anymore .

"And when exactly are you going to release me?" There was a faint shy tone
to her voice, which made her sound like a cute fairy .

Laughing slightly, he made her regain her balance as he removed his arms
from her waist .

An awkward moment of silence emanated in the surroundings .

Suddenly, Ellia spoke, "Let's go hunt, and this time I won't be afraid or fall
back . "

Her face was calm, but her eyes were clear as if she had resolved her inner
conflict .

Davis looked at her and smiled, "Good!" But suddenly thought of something
and continued, "You will have to hunt by yourself, don't forget that!"

Ellia looked taken back but quickly formed a smile on her face as she
remembered the rule, 'That's right, I can't keep depending on him . . . '

"Guide me then . . . ", Ellia uttered as she started walking in a direction .

"Sure, no problem," Davis spoke as they walked together .

The direction they were heading to was the inner zone of the volcanic
mountain .

Four days had passed since the start of the second round .

In the Gote Island, Main Arena .

People were bustling with activity as conversations of the second round of

the competition were being discussed on .

People remained here as they talked about the various happenings as they
never seem to run out of topic .

The main reason that they were able to be free of boredom was that because
of the profound formation which projected the situation and the events of the
Firzen Island through the bugs which were monitoring the whole island

"Oh, look at that blue robed youngster take down a Crimson Ape with pure
strength! He must've purely trained in the Body Cultivation System and
reached at least Low-Level Iron Stage!"

"I know this person! Isn't he the Young Master of the Nolan family from the
Loret Empire?"
"Young Master of the Nolan family? I think he was called Kevin Nolan . . . "

They then checked the scoreboard, which had his name in the 13th position,
with a score of 14500 points .

Not only the Cauldon family but all famous and noble families from all the
empires had also participated in the Grand Sea Continent Meet . After all, It
is an opportunity for them to increase their strength and fame .

Various conversations of the famous youths like him could be heard

throughout the arena .

Even the emperors and the royal family geniuses watched them with some
interest in their eyes .

But no matter what, all their eyes were concentrated on a certain someone .

Emperor Tritor had a smiling expression on his face the whole time . He then
suddenly commented with a mocking tone, "It's been four days since the start
of the second round but your son seems to only have killed a PeakLevel
Earth Stage Beast which gained him 500 points . Even his maid had killed a
lot of beasts . He mainly seems to be following and instructing her . At this
rate, wouldn't he be a failure to the position of a royal heir?"
Chapter 81
Chapter 81

Hearing that jeering remark, Logan sighed while all the other emperors had
turned their attention to over their conversation .

'Does this bastard even have a life?' Logan thought .

"And what does that have to do with you?" Emperor Ashton asked in
displeasure . He had enough of Emperor Tritor's bullshit these few days,
which were filled with cynical remarks .

"It has nothing to do with me, but it sure looks like that it has everything do
to with you!" Emperor Tritor sneered .

"What do you mean?" Emperor Ashton's voice turned solemn as he

narrowed his eyes .

"Isn't it obvious? That lowly servant is in the 5th position . Looks like he is
entirely seduced by his maid that he doesn't even have the time to hunt his
own beasts . He might be stronger but still doesn't have the brain to control
his desire!"

"And what does that have to do with me?" Emperor Aston asked again with
a sneering tone .

"I heard that you gifted one of your daughters to him . So I guess that makes
her status even lower than a maid! Jejeje . " Emperor Tritor laughed in a
mocking tone .

Shirley who heard that couldn't help but frown in displeasure .

"You!" Emperor Ashton almost lashed out when . . .

"Hey! Don't blame me, besides you were the one who had asked what that
has to do with you . If you're going to blame, you might as well as blame the
Loret Emperor . " Emperor Tritor sneered .
Emperor Ashton harrumphed in displeasure and looked at Logan for an
answer, but he didn't ask anything as just stared at him .

Logan stayed silent and calm as if hadn't got anything to do with this
situation .

A few moments passed silently, while everyone looked at Logan for an

answer .

As the expected answer wasn't heard, Emperor Tritor sneered while Emperor
Ashton ran out of patience as he asked, "What do you have to say? Emperor
Loret . "

"Nothing" Logan uttered calmly as he slowly looked at Emperor Ashton . He

then continued, "I have nothing to say to you or that old fox . The decisions
my son take aren't decided by me . If you have any problem with it, go ask
him yourself . And if you feel that this isn't fair, then by all means, please
feel free to take back your daughter . We wouldn't say a word about it . "

'He has full control over his actions?' Emperor Ashton, as well as all the
emperors and the geniuses, were taken aback as they thought .

But Emperor Ashton's expression quickly changed which made him believe
the hypothesis he had made earlier .

"Haha, I know . In fact, we all know that Emperor Tritor wants to see the
world burn . I was just asking for fun . " Emperor Ashton suddenly laughed
as he cleared away the tension .

Logan was astonished, he had no idea why this greedy fox would suddenly
decide to placate the situation .

"Tch!" Emperor Tritor clicked his tongue as they got out of the flow he
created . But he still wouldn't back down just because of a failure .

He looked below and said, "Princess Shirley Ashton, I feel very sorry for
you . Even if you married Davis as his first wife, your real status will always
that of a concubine if this keeps on . "

"You!" Emperor Ashton suddenly flared as his aura spread out .

Shirley's face went pale as she was publically humiliated . She had no way to
berate an emperor even if her temper was ten times greater .

Not everyone is like Davis . All of them understood their own status and
position as well as their rightful place .

Who is Emperor Tritor? He is the one who stands above all in the Tritor
Empire! He is one of the seven powerful beings in the Grand Sea Continent!

Even if she had ten times the guts, she wouldn't really rebuke him .

Emperor Tritor didn't pay any heed to Emperor Ashton as he continued,

"Alright, leave the maid . I heard that Prince Davis has another fiancee who
belongs to the Cauldon family . Jeje, even if the maid isn't there in the
picture, you still are fated to be a concubine!"

Shirley's went face even paler . She held her fists tightly as she violently
murdered Emperor Tritor in her mind . Hunger filled her soul as she could
feel the desire for more power .

Just before Emperor Ashton could shout out, Emperor Ruth stepped out and
said overbearingly .

"Emperor Tritor! You have gone too far! Publically humiliating a pure
maiden is not something an Emperor should do! You would do well to
refrain from using such words from now on!"

Emperor Tritor narrowed his eyes . Seeing that there were three emperors
ready to fight out with him, he looked at Emperor Raven only to see him
eating delicacies while having a beaming face as if enjoying the show .

He then snorted and stayed silent as the odds were against him . He wasn't
that stupid as he knew when to back out .

After a few moments of silence, the tension subsided .

Emperor Ashton sent a Soul Transmission to Shirley as he consoled her .

Shirley's face regained colour bit by bit as she was consoled by her father .
Then she suddenly realised something as her face exploded in fury, 'It's all
because of that brat and his maid . If it weren't for the two of them, I
wouldn't have been humiliated to this degree!'

Since she couldn't focus her hatred on Emperor Tritor, her mind
subconsciously directed her hatred on to the two, who were the reason for
her humiliation .

Later, she then calmed down as her reason returned and felt that it was a
little childish of her to focus her hatred on the two of them .

But still, as a woman, she felt hatred against that maid who would possibly
steal her future husband from her .

'A lowly maid thinks of stealing my fiancee? She must be dreaming!'

She then relaxed and returned to her haughty personality .

Suddenly, waves of clamour erupted around the arena as the audience

viewed a single projection which contained a kid confronting a single beast

"This . . . this . . . What is he doing!?" Shirley suddenly stood up as she

shouted incredulously . She couldn't believe her eyes and couldn't help but
worry about him . She had already started liking his personality when he
confronted Emperor Tritor earlier .

"Hahaha! Challenging a Peak-Grade Sky Grade Beast? Your son is very

brave, Loret Emperor!" Emperor Claymore laughed in satisfaction as he
looked at the projection .

Some laughed while some nodded their heads, though everyone thought that
it was a last minute attempt by Davis to gain some points to increase his
ranking to the Top 1000 .
Chapter 82
Chapter 82

Standing nine meters tall, a Crimson Ape that had reached Peak-Level Sky
Beast Stage, looked condescendingly at a little child who dared to confront it

Its muscle veins looked spread with a red glow, its eyes, deep red as though
it was ferocious . Its body was full of crimson fur .

"Woah! So tall!" Davis looked at it awe as though he was enjoying a scenery

. He never saw beasts like this so it was truly an eye-opener for him

Just looking at it made him look forward to his future discoveries .

If someone were to see him acting like this, they would think that he was
truly an innocent child . Just like a newly born calf that doesn't fear the tiger

But no one would've thought that he was looking at the beast

condescendingly, just like it looked at him .

Not even the beast imagined that it was being looked down upon .

While Davis was admiring the beast, the beast got tired of him and moved its
giant paws to slap him .

Davis dodged the incoming palm with a clumsy movement as he exclaimed,

"Woah, aren't you a hasty one?"

The Crimson Ape was now incomparably furious as it thought that a mere
ant has managed to dodge its palm .

The Crimson Ape was incredibly dumbfounded as it saw the ant, spit on it .

Davis then ran away as he left in a certain direction .

The Crimson Ape pounded its chest, screaming loudly and with a dash, it
followed him crazily .

Seeing that the Crimson Ape was following him, Davis grinned .

'That's right! Follow me, hehe . ' "What's this? Why is he running away?
Emperor Claymore asked in confusion .

Just before Logan can answer, a creepy voice intercepted the conversation .

"Isn't that because he realized that he is lacking? Jejeje" Emperor Tritor

laughed as he taunted Logan .

"My son must have a certain kind of plan . . . " Logan thought a moment
before he replied, totally ignoring the taunt of Emperor Tritor .

"I see, it makes sense . . . " Emperor Claymore nodded his head, although he
was a little disappointed as he thought that Davis had resorted to tricks to kill
it .

Emperor Tritor was naturally displeased of being ignored, but he just

shrugged it off as if it was a daily occurrence .

Most of the Emperors here were not fond of him, neither were they fond of
giving sarcastic remarks all the time .

They watched the projection calmly, but it was not entertaining enough as
there was no audio .

After a few moments passed, they saw Davis confronting a creature in

addition to being chased by the Crimson Ape .

"Is he going to provoke that beast as well?" Emperor Ashton asked in doubt

Everyone had the same doubt as they looked at Logan because the beast
Davis was provoking was another Peak- Level Sky Beast Stage Magical
Beast, a Volcanic Rhinoceros .

Logan thought for a moment before replying as he held his chin .

"Maybe my son is trying to get the two of the beasts to fight, while he later
steals all the spoils for himself?"

"Makes sense . . . " Few of the emperors nodded while the others viewed at
the projection with doubt .

Just as the Emperor Tritor was going to make a sarcastic comment on Davis,
he was interrupted by a startled voice .

"Why is he spitting on it again!?" Emperor Ashton stood up as he could not

believe his eyes .

What would others think that if his son-in-law provoked some beasts that he
couldn't afford to offend and died pathetically in the process?

Emperor Ashton couldn't help but think of it as a chill flashed on his back .
He hurriedly shook his head as he removed this thought from his head .

He then looked at Emperor Loret while the others did the same . Their gazes
were unquestionably weird .

Logan maintained a calm appearance but inside he was embarrassed to the

point of burying himself in the ground .

'What the hell is he doing? And you all! Why are you all looking at me? I
have no idea as well!' Logan didn't know whether to laugh or cry .

But still, Logan knew that Davis could kill the beasts if he wanted, so he said
confidently, "Can't you guess? He is going to kill the two beasts at the same

This time, the emperors were a little skeptic, but they still nodded their heads

'Damn you son! I don't care what you do! Just kill the beasts and save some
face for your father!' Amidst those weird gazes, Logan shouted in his head .

"Uh, Emperor Loret? Why is your son running again?" Emperor Claymore
asked, a little disappointed .

This time, Logan didn't reply as he just watched calmly . He saw Davis
running away from the beast . He had no idea what his son wanted to do, so
he kept staring at the projection intently .

Soon, everyone saw Davis provoking a third Peak-Level Sky Beast Stage
Magical Beast, with the same despicable method, spitting on the face of the
Magical Beast .

Everyone's face involuntarily turned to Emperor Loret, who was watching

the projection intently .

Logan who was watching the projection coughed and leaned back on his seat
. His face started to burn up but he quickly managed to hide it .

In the next second their faces turned to the projection, only to see the figure
in it run away the next instant .

The atmosphere turned incredibly awkward as sneers and mocking sound

could be heard in the arena .

This continued until they saw the figure inside the projection provoke a
fourth and fifth Peak-Level Sky Beast Stage Magical Beasts, then getting
chased by them .

By this time, the entire arena was filled with muffled waves of laughter .

Emperor Tritor also laughed out creepily . He was incomparably happy to

see Emperor Loret's son make a fool out of himself .

Logan kept his face calm, without any signs of awkwardness . He continued
watching the projection calmly as if he couldn't care less about his son, who
was being chased by five Peak-Level Sky Beast Stage Magical Beasts . But
inside of his heart, he was screaming, 'Please kill me! I can't take this
humiliation anymore!'

When had he received this much embarrassment? He hoped that this event
would not continue to plague him one day .
Chapter 83
Chapter 83

Innumerable heads turned to the projection as they watched Davis get

surrounded by five Magical Beasts which were all of Peak-Level Sky Beast
Stage .

"This . . . " Emperor Claymore uttered as he looked at the sight . He then

turned his head to check Emperor Loret's reaction but was confused as he
saw him appear calm . He couldn't see through his expression, so he
continued watching the projection .

The other emperors also had the same reaction as Emperor Claymore .

Davis looked at the five mighty magical beasts which chased him to an open
space . The field was marshy, surrounded by a dried up river with little water
left over the field .

He stopped and let the five Magical Beasts surround him .

The five Magical Beasts didn't attack him but suddenly started shouting at
each other as if they were declaring that the ant they chased was their prey .

Davis laughed suddenly witnessing the comical sight . He had no idea that it
would turn into this kind of situation . He just thought that they would
crazily attack him because of his shameless actions, but was surprised to see
those beasts acting rationally .

"Stop fighting by yourselves, don't say I didn't warn you . Scram while you
can!" Davis's face turned incomparably solemn as he exclaimed .

The magical beasts suddenly looked at the ant, then looked at each other, as
if confirming that if the ant was the one who spoke just know .

They knew it had spoken something but couldn't understand any of it .

"Ah, you beasts couldn't understand any of it . So does that makes me an
unreasonable killer? Whatever, I don't need any justifications for killing a
person or a beast . All I need is justifications for my heart to remain
untainted . " Davis said solemnly, while he took his spear out from his space
ring .

Those words were said to himself as if he were trying to understand his own
thoughts .

Suddenly the beasts saw him disappear from their sight . A second had just
passed when they saw the Crimson Ape's head getting severed from its head
as blood splashed like a fountain through the open marshy fields .

The Magical Beasts were alarmed as they looked at the human which had
suddenly emanated an imposing silvery aura with its little body .

"Sorry, but all of you are fated to death!" Davis uttered as stood on the
severed head of the Crimson Ape . He waved his spear as he dashed to the
remaining beasts .

"Lightning Storm!"

A few minutes ago .

"Jejeje, finally! Your idiot son got surrounded by five Peak-Level Sky Beast
Stage . No reaction huh, aren't you heartless? Emperor Loret . "

Logan just yawned as he finally noticed that Davis was going to make his
move . He didn't say anything and just smiled mockingly at Emperor Tritor

"Hmph, we'll see how you laugh when your son dies miserably!" Emperor
Tritor harrumphed .

A few emperors glared at him for making an inauspicious remark, as if they

were warning him to close his mouth already .

Emperor Tritor naturally wasn't a fool . He was just blinded by the reception
that these people were giving him . They all ignored what he said which
made him irritated to the point of not holding back some words that shouldn't
be said .

Emperor Tritor always had his way in his Empire . Who dared to not
bootlick him? He would do as he wished and if someone had complaints
they could only stay silent or be executed later for false charges . This is how
he lived as an Emperor .

And here, it was just the opposite . No one was even paying any heed to him,
which made him annoyed enough to not care about his remarks anymore .

They then turned their heads back to see the projection, only to notice the
head of the Crimson Ape getting severed in an instant .

Silence reigned in the main arena as they watched him stand on top of the
severed head .

They then saw him activating Lightning Storm Technique which didn't harm
the beasts but paralyzed them a little .

By the time those beasts had the strength to move, two heads were severed
again in an incomparably gruesome manner .

As they watched the projection in disbelief, the remaining two heads of the
beasts were severed in the next ten seconds as if it were an incomparably
easy feat for the spear user .

The geniuses had their jaw drop while the emperors and other heads looked
at the projection in great disbelief .

A few moments of silence passed as Shirley muttered in an unconvincing

manner as she shook her head, " . . . Silver Stage!?"

'Silver Stage and only 10 years old?' The other emperors also had the same
thought as they looked at Davis .

Emperor Tritor narrowed his eyes as fear started crawling upon him as he
felt a chill in his back .
'I must kill this kid before he grows up!' His eyes grew cold as he watched
Davis collect the cores of the magical beasts .

But even though this was unbelievable, facts were facts .

Emperor Ruth stood up and clasped his hands, "Congratulation to the Loret
Emperor for giving birth to a prodigy, it looks like we will see the birth of
another figure such as my daughter . "

"A dashing figure indeed!" Emperor Claymore also commented as he

nodded in approval .

"No wonder he dared to bicker with Emperor Tritor! He isn't far from
reaching our level!" Emperor Ross also nodded but suddenly felt a little
disoriented as he didn't compete with Emperor Ashton before to betroth one
of his daughters to Davis .

"Hahahahahah! Good! Good! Good!" Emperor Ashton laughed jubilantly as

he was incomparably happy .

"Emperor Tritor! The reason why he had tagged along and guided his maid
was because of this! He had confidence in his abilities to even battle a Fourth
Stage Beast!" Logan said majestically as he mockingly gazed at Emperor
Tritor .

Emperor Tritor had an unsightly expression on his face .

Suddenly, Lean Tritor, who was seated below them, pointed at the
scoreboard, his finger trembling in anger, "Royal Father! Look!"

Emperor Tritor and the others who heard that looked at the scoreboard as
they lifted their heads up .

Emperor Tritor stood up in incomparable anger as his face turned ugly .

[Position: 1st; Name: Your Granddaddy is here, Tritor!; Points: 50500]

Chapter 84
Chapter 84

Boisterous laughter erupted in the main arena as everyone lost their

bearings .

"Hahaha!" Emperor Ashton loudly laughed as he bent down, hugging his

stomach .

Logan also couldn't take it as he laughed in satisfaction while he thought,

'All that humiliation I experienced earlier was worth it! Good! Good!'

The other emperors also couldn't hold their laughter as they looked at Tritor
and laughed .

The geniuses looked like they were suffering from constipation as their face
looked flushed . They tried to hold their laughter through various means .
Some tried to hide their faces, while some buried their faces as they held
their stomach .

Emperor Tritor's face went pale from anger . When had he ever faced a
humiliation like this?

His arms were trembling as he gritted his fingers tightly while blood was
dripping out of his palms, dirtying the ground .

"What is meaning of this!? Logan Loret!" His tone was incomparably cold as
it induced a bone-chilling effect on whoever heard it .

"Heh, weren't you the one who sent him to the preliminaries, doubting about
his abilities? Look, isn't he nice? He didn't even forget to send you his
regards . . . " Logan said in an earnest tone . His face looked as if he was
incomparably sincere in explaining .

"You . . . !"

"No matter, how can you lose your bearing over the tantrum of a child .
Remember that you are an emperor!" Emperor Raven reminded him .

Emperor Tritor gritted his teeth as he looked at the projection in hatred only
to rage again .

"You are courting death!!!"

The projection showed the ground around Davis were filled with letters of
blood .

[I hope you had liked my present, Grandson!]

Not only that but Davis could be seen waving at them in a carefree manner .

Another round of continuous laughter erupted in the arena as the geniuses

really couldn't stop themselves from laughing anymore .

Suddenly, Emperor Tritor regained his bearings and calmly sat on his seat .
He then lazily uttered, "Reasoning with you people is useless, no haste . I'll
wait for your cute son to come here . "

As he thought about the humiliation he received, his eyes flashed with

killing intent . The reason why he was able to calm down was that he had
already started concocting a plan for killing Davis . A plan that was well
deserved and humiliating for Davis .

Logan, Emperor Ashton and Emperor Ruth narrowed their eyes . The other
emperors could also see the killing intent in Emperor Tritor's eyes, but they
remained silent as it wasn't related to them .

"Emperor Loret, if he makes a move on your son, know that this emperor
will aid you in helping your son escape . " Emperor Ruth sent a Soul
Transmission to Logan .

"Yes, this is serious . It would be fine if he did this in our home, but
disrespecting an emperor is the same as disrespecting us as well . So it will
be quite difficult for us to protect him . That said, I won't watch him take it
too far with my son . If he wants to kill my son, then he should be prepared
to die!" Logan said as his eyes turned cold .

Logan also received a Soul Transmission from Emperor Ashton . Now he

felt relieved as two emperors were supporting him .

'I bet that stick man is pissed off if he had watched what I'd done . '

After waving his hands to the monitoring bug, Davis took off in some other
direction .

Of course, the direction in which he headed to, was where Ellia was .

He felt so good, doing that stunt which was childish .

He knew that he was needlessly provoking Emperor Tritor, but he knew that
one shouldn't let their enemies live long . So he took a leap of risk in
provoking him .
The impression Davis had about Tritor was that 'A person who would adopt
any means to kill off his enemies . '

As he made his way to the place where Ellia was, he saw a lot of participants
still hunting for some beasts .

Suddenly, he stopped because he caught sight of Evelynn who was battling a

Peak-Level Earth Beast Stage Magical Beast .

The beast looked haggard as it went an intense battle against Evelynn . Its
fur was red in colour and back was razor sharp . One of its eyes were
slashed, while one of its two tails were cut off .

"A Two-Tailed Red Tiger . . . " Davis muttered as he looked at the almost
dead beast .

Evelynn held a sword in her hands which was dyed red from the beast
blood .

"Die beast!"

She cast her sonic technique which added on to the damage already she had
already inflicted on the tiger .
*Rawwrrr* The beast roared as it felt its head ache while simultaneously it
closed its only working eye .


The beast's head was severed as the head flew and landed near Davis .

"Davis?" Evelynn saw a familiar silhouette and called out doubtfully .

Davis walked inside her range of sight . After all, there was fog perpetually
all over the place .

Seeing Davis showing himself in front of her, her heart relaxed . After all,
she was all alone in this place, hunting a beast . If she saw a vague silhouette
that looked like a kid, then she would've been spooked if she didn't know
that a kid like Davis was participating in the second round .

"That was a good kill . . . " Davis commented as he approached her .

"Oh, that, I couldn't fight it in close quarters so I used that technique which
was ineffective against you to overcome the gap . And effectively I was able
to sever a . . . lot of its body parts . . . " When Evelynn caught sight of him,
she turned pretty nervous . So to hide that, she tried to explain what she had
done .

'Hmm? Something wrong with her? Why is she turning nervous? This makes
no sense!' Davis thought as he saw her getting fidgety .

He wryly laughed and asked as he changed the topic, "The second round is
almost ending, why don't we travel together?"

"Sss . . . Sure . " Evelynn said as she hastily went near the beast to take out
its core . But she then remembered something as she continued, "My team is
nearby as well, we should move together then . "

" . . . Alright" Davis had no objections, although he felt like he had lost
something in that instant .

He then realized it a second later as he felt intense regret, 'Fuck! I lost my

time to be alone with Evelynn together!'
Chapter 85
Chapter 85

A few km away from Evelynn and Davis, near a natural hot spring, a little
tent could be seen . Inside that tent was the Cauldon family youths .

"Damn, this roasted meat of the Crimson Ape sure is delicious!" One of the
youths exclaimed .

"Too bad, we didn't bring any seasoning . . . " Another youth sadly muttered

For some reason . the atmosphere was quite awkward because of a certain
someone .

"Haha, come on Zara, cheer up, competing over a Prince is quite normal . No
one is going to look down on you! To each their own! After all, you have to
depend on yourself to carve a path for your future!" Kent Cauldon looked at
the disappointed and sad Zara who wasn't herself for the remaining days,
except for hunting beasts, which was her only stress relief .

Zara lifted her face as she heard that, she then narrowed her eyes and glared
at Kent with a grieving expression, "If it weren't for you, would I have even
acted on my thoughts? I originally didn't have any plans for offending her,
but with your intervention, I am now a hindrance to her . In fact, you must
have even totally squashed our non-existing relationship as well . "

Kent laughed dryly, "Well if you're worried that Evelynn will make a move
on you then you don't need to worry about it . As far as I know, she isn't that
kind of a person . "

Zara smiled at him sarcastically, "As far as you know huh? Meaning, that
you are not sure . "

Kent's mouth closed up as he thought, 'Well, how am I supposed to

understand you, women? One moment, you are all kind, and the next you
decide to go bonkers!'

"No, no, you really don't need to worry . I can assure you!"

"Assure what?" A calm voice echoed inside the tent which alarmed everyone
. But they soon calmed down as they recognized this voice .

"Evelynn, you're back!" Kent Cauldon stood up and exited the tent as the
others followed suit .

"Hmm, I hunted down a Peak-Level Earth Beast Stage Magical Beast . My

rank is now 32nd . "

"Eh?" Kent and the others were astonished . Not at her rank, but the little kid
beside her .

"Prince Davis, what a coincidence for us to meet again! You must be really
fated to be with Evelynn!" Kent, as shrewd as he was, didn't forget to heat
things up between them .

Davis's face which was calm, lit up with a smile while Evelynn blushed as
she thought about her involuntary confession during the preliminaries .

Even though he could guess what kind of person Kent was, he couldn't help
but smile when he heard that .


"That conversation should be spoken only after I reach adulthood . This is

too soon . " Davis coughed and casually replied . He gave an image as if he
was reserved .

"Of course, your highness," Kent replied with a polite tone .

"Right, get ready . We're leaving the Island," Evelynn said as she walked
into the tent .

"Alright, wait for me here, I'll go get Ellia," Davis said as he dashed off in a
direction .
The youths then entered the tent as they got to ask the details of their
encounter . Evelynn also explained it to them as there wasn't anything to
hide .

Besides that encounter, that whole short journey was silent as they didn't
converse during that time .

"Well, that's that . What are you guys staying here for? Go prepare
yourselves!" Evelynn said as she looked at Zara . Everyone noticed it and
went out of the tent promptly .

A moment of silence passed by as Zara started sweating a little . She had her
head down and didn't dare to look at Evelynn .

"Look at me, Zara . " Evelynn calmly said .

Zara lifted up her head and looked at her with a puzzled expression on her
face . She was puzzled because she didn't detect any anger coming from that
voice .

Evelynn sighed as she asked, "Do you love him?"

Zara was startled but shook her head, "No . "

"Then why are you after him?" Evelynn asked

"I . . . Because I can increase my standing and strength with the Prince by
my side . " Zara thought for a moment before answering truthfully .

Though she was quiet, she was quite short-tempered as well . Even though
she eyed Evelynn's position, it still didn't make her a wicked person .

"With that kind of thought, you should stop pursuing him . Even though he is
a child, I can say that he is as sharp as a hawk . "

" . . . Even if what you are saying is true, didn't he still fall for your figure?
What makes you think that I won't have a chance with him?" Zara looked at
Evelynn as she pointed at herself .

She was in only a level inferior to Evelynn in body shape, but in terms of
beauty, she wouldn't lose to Evelynn either .

Evelynn sighed, "I see, you still won't give up?"

"How can I back down? Not after Kent revealed my thoughts which I haven't
acted upon!" Zara shook her head slightly .

"Why? Don't you think that you should love a person before you spend your
life with them?" Evelynn asked as she could not grasp her thoughts .

"There's no need to think like that! Love can be nurtured after marriage as
well . In fact, this is how people flow, and you are the one who is thinking
out of the box . What? Are you afraid that I will steal him from you?"

Evelynn froze when she heard the sentence "Love can be nurtured after
marriage . ", she then realised something and laughed as she replied . "It's
not like I am afraid of you stealing him from me . After all, he will have
many concubines with him in the future as a Prince . The reason I hesitated
to marry him was also for this reason . "

She then stopped laughing as her eyes turned sad, "Is it wrong to have him
all for myself? I did decide to annul the marriage, but I don't know now . My
heart can't decide, it doesn't accept marrying him, neither does it accept
giving him up . . . . I am a mess now . "

Zara grinned as she said, "Isn't this a sign that you have already started to
like him to a great degree? Isn't that why that you're all the more reluctant to
share him with others or me?"

Evelynn thought for a moment before she recognised, " . . . That may
probably be so . "

Chapter 86
Chapter 86

Evelynn sighed, "Anyway, I won't stop you from pursuing him, but if he
doesn't want your company, then obediently back off . That is my bottom
line . " She then stood up and left the tent .

Zara felt a hostile intent in her voice, 'What bottom line? No matter how I
see it, you don't want me to go near him, hmph!' She then frowned as her
intuition told her that she should stop while she can .

'What she said also has a point . . . In the event that I get to marry him, but
didn't manage to receive his attention, then my life will be basically ruined .
The results don't match the risk . ' She contemplated for a moment before
making a decision .

In the far west end of the Firzen Island, a Black Viper swam out of the ocean
as it hissed . It was 8m long, but it looked a tad bit harmless . It then looked
above as it spotted a bird flying above a certain spot of the Island and
slithered to its direction .

In the Main Arena .

'Jeje, let's see how you stop this one', Emperor Tritor laughed as he thought

When Evelynn walked out of the tent, Davis arrived a few minutes later with
Ellia .

"Gather around," Evelynn commanded as she looked at those two .

The Cauldon family youths gathered behind her and greeted Davis, but
ignored Ellia .

"Alright, let's move out," Davis said calmly and no one ignored his
command as they all moved out . They headed in the direction of the ship
they arrived in .

The competition was almost going to end, and they were as good as selected
for the final round, so they had no calms about their ranks being surpassed at
this point by a rank or two .

As they moved in the direction of the ship, they engaged in idle chatter .

Suddenly Kent proudly revealed his ranking in front of everyone .

"I'm in the 15th position, what about you people?"

"As expected of the next heir of the Cauldon family . " Davis calmly nodded
his head .

"Thank you, Prince . May I know what rank you have achieved?" Kent asked
. He was really curious as he couldn't classify Davis's cultivation .

"Haha, that's a secret . "

"I understand, that's a little disappointing . " Kent made a sad face . The
others also looked a little disappointed .

"Eh? Aren't you going to hunt? Prince Davis?" Ellia asked incredulously .
"Hmm? What do you mean?" Evelynn looked at Ellia as she asked . Davis
grinned as he said, "I already finished hunting and that's more than enough
for me . "

"It can't be . The time your highness hunted for was too short . Only a few
hours had passed . " Ellia said as she shook her head in worry .

From Ellia's point of view, Davis was helping her hunt the whole time by
guiding her and he had just taken off to hunt magical beasts for a few hours

"We still have some time, we can hunt for a few hours," Kent said as he
narrowed his eyes .

'Ohh Ellia . . . Just when I wanted to impress Evelynn, why do you do this?'
Davis cried as the thought .

"No need, by the way, I have already hunted five magical beasts and am
currently in the Top 1000," Davis said as he sighed .

"It's all my fault, if the prince didn't guide me in hunting magical beasts, he
would have surely gotten the first place," Ellia said sadly as her eyes turned
moist .

'What? He helped guide her in hunting magical beasts?'

They ignored the part where he would get the first place and instead focused
on the part where he guided Ellia .

"You dared to waste the Prince's valuable time?" A youth shouted as he

looked at Ellia .

"You should have just quit if you don't have the skill to hunt the magical
beasts by yourself?" Another youth berated her as he used this opportunity to
get in the good side of the prince .

Ellia dropped her head down as she was feeling ashamed . She felt sad as all
that time has been wasted on her .

Just when Kent was going to comment on it . . .

"You two! Shut the hell up!" A solemn voice startled the two youths .

"You two combined wouldn't be able to defeat her . So stop your nonsense,
no one asked you two to reprimand Ellia . " Faint killing intent emanated in
Davis's eyes as he gave his warning which made the two youths hold their
breaths .

"Ellia, tell them what your rank is!" Davis commanded in a proud tone .

Rather than using a proud tone, Ellia said sadly, "5th Rank . "

"What!?" Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief .

It was one thing if a child of a Sky Rank Empire managed to achieve this
feat . But what they witnessed was a lowly maid of a Sky Rank Empire
achieving this feat, which utterly dumbfounded them!
Evelynn looked at Ellia and felt a sudden flux of inferiority . She clenched
her fists and gazed intently at her . Her gaze was that of no longer of how
one views an ordinary girl . Instead, it changed to how one sees a rival!

Davis made a smug face, viewing their expressions with satisfaction as he

thought, 'That's right, she isn't a mere maid! She's my friend!'

"This . . . how?" Kent incredulously asked as he couldn't fathom what

amount of resources the royal family would have used on her .

"You want to know how? Because she is my friend and I used some
resources to train her . What? You have a problem?" Davis didn't hide
anything as this was a fact to him and something to be proud of even though
it looked unfair for some others .

"I don't dare! I didn't know she was the prince's friend!" Kent shook his head
. He felt good to have not stepped on a landmine before .

"Then . . . Why is she your maid?" Then Evelynn asked the question
everyone was wondering .

Davis narrowed his eyes, "She was originally recruited as my maid . Later, I
made friends with her . Is there a problem?"

" . . No . . . No problem!" Kent said as he smiled wryly and thought .

'Problem my ass! This is a matter of public execution for the maid!'

Chapter 87
Chapter 87

Observing Kent's wry face, Davis understood what he was thinking and said,
"If you're worried if she will face punishment, then you don't need to worry
about that! If someone wants to punish her, then they have to go through me!
Besides, if you're talking about cultivation talent, then it even compares to
my father . So the matter of her receiving the resources is perfectly

The others couldn't help but nod, because her talent was unquestionably
astonishing .

Everyone's attitude towards Ellia changed, but they still had a superiority
complex which restrained them from communicating with her .

They were halfway to the ship which was docked in the south end of the
Island, when suddenly,

A black light flashed from the distance as it shot towards Ellia in a blinding
speed .

"Watch out!" Evelynn shouted in horror when she by happenstance noticed

the flashing dark light .

When Ellia noticed it, she was already near the range of the dark light . Her
reaction to the incoming danger was rather calm instead of panic .

Just when the dark black light was going to pierce through her, her hand was
caught by Davis as he jumped out of the way with her .

The dark light flew past them and landed in a direction where there were
many bushes and weeds .

"What is that!?" Kent and the others went on alert . None of them could
sense the blinding light . If it weren't for Evelynn's timely warning, they
thought that they could have lost their lives .
The bushes were shaking as if something were slithering through it .

Davis had already seen what the dark light looked like even though the
others were only able to get a glimpse of the black light .

'A Mid-Level Spirit Beast Stage Magical Beast! No way, a magical beast
such as this shouldn't be here!' Davis shouted in his head .


Davis gave a command instantly as he narrowed his eyes . When he used his
Soul Sense to investigate the source of danger, he identified it as the Inverted
Harmless Viper . An existence that was observed to have two personalities .
A tame and a violent personality .

It was obedient to its master and violent to its enemies . Due to this exact
nature, it was popular among the nobles of a certain Empire .

No matter how he thought, he couldn't find a reason for a magical beast such
as this to exist on this island .

'If that is the case, then it must've belonged to that Tritor bastard . Heh, I
didn't expect retaliation to come too soon . ' Davis smiled as he thought .
However, his smile was one of which reeked of coldness .

Ellia and the others who were frozen silly, hurriedly withdrew as they felt
the pressure from the magical beast attacking them .

The Inverted Harmless Viper hissed and threw itself against a certain person

"Ellia! Move out of the way!" Davis shouted in anger . He couldn't catch up
to her as the viper was faster than him .

Ellia who heard that didn't look behind her as she frantically dodged,
horizontally dashing from her position .

"Ahh!" Ellia shouted in pain! The Inverted Harmless Viper bit a piece of
flesh from Ellia's calf as it whistled past her .

Davis took out his spear as his eyes shot wide while his heart went cold .
"Berserk Change!"

Davis's silvery aura abruptly erupted to a pure blinding form, while the
pureness of his aura, increased vastly to a tremendous volume . His spear
glowed with a dazzling silvery aura as he imbued it with the Tyrant Aura
Amplification .

"Die! You vile Viper!" Davis intercepted it while his speed increased from
using the Berserk Change Technique .

The Berserk Change Technique was the ability of the Fourth Layer
Technique of the Tyrant Body Secrets . It purely changes the aura of the
body to a berserk state which increases the pureness and volume of the aura,
resulting in an improved combat prowess for a short period of time .

*Slash* *Pierce*

He brandished his spear multiple times at the Inverted Harmless Viper to his
anger and injured it to a great degree .

The Viper hissed in pain as it looked at Davis violently, its diamond-shaped

eyes glowed, lustrous and violent at the same time .

It opened its mouth and spit venom from the long end of its tongue .

Davis dodged the incoming attack while it fell on the bushes and
disintegrated them .

Davis noticed it, his eyes widened as he started to sweat .

Fortunately, the direction he dodged helped him get near the Inverted
Harmless Viper . He swiftly pierced his spear into its head . Blood splashed
and dripped on the ground as its body froze .

Davis deactivated his technique as he started gulping for air . Although

Berserk Change Technique increases his combat prowess, it also puts some
strain on his body as well .

Blood dropped pitter-patter on the ground, as a frail body held its arm in
pain, while also trying to tolerate the pain without making any sound .
Davis immediately rushed to Ellia and hurriedly fed a Peak Level Earth
Grade Pill, a Quick Rejuvenation Pill .

Ellia gulped and swallowed the pill in haste while wincing in pain .

A few moments passed before the part of flesh that was bitten, started
healing in moments . Though the rate of recovery was visible, it was very
slow .

Ellia looked a little disoriented as her eyes dropped due to the blood loss and
experiencing a serious injury for the first time .

An injury to this degree dampened her ardour, making her feel like a frail
girl .

"Thankfully, it didn't poison you, or else . . . " On a second thought, he

realised that he possessed some antidotes as well but quickly denied it .

'I don't know if these antidotes will work on the poison from a Spirit Stage
Beast . '

Davis used his soul sense to investigate his surroundings during the battle .
He noticed that there were no monitoring bugs in the vicinity . He also
noticed a strange bird in the sky, hunting down the monitoring bugs far away
from him as it flew away .

He then became even more sure that it was Emperor Tritor who set them up
Evelynn and the others quickly came back as they noticed the pressure from
the beast disappear .

They noticed Davis treating Ellia with care as he comforted her . But they
ignored it and looked at the corpse, with a spear pierced into its head .

They then looked at Davis, their eyes were full of respect and awe .
Chapter 88
Chapter 88

Davis sat beside Ellia as he comforted her with encouraging words . He felt
immense regret as he wasn't able to protect her, even though she was that
close to him in proximity .

He felt that it was his fault for not quickly engaging the beast when he
noticed that it was a Spirit Beast Stage Magical Beast .

"Curse it! If I only knew that its target was Ellia in the first place!' He felt
angry at himself as he clenched his fists .

He felt this angry because the reason he was cultivating to become stronger
was to protect his loved ones . He only had one aim to fulfil and he failed in
that .

He thought that if he couldn't even protect his loved ones, then why should
he even cultivate?

Thinking about all this induced hatred in his heart .

Evelynn looked at Davis and Ellia, she suddenly felt irritated for a reason .
She narrowed her eyes and continued to monitor them through her observant
eyes, silently .

In the Main Arena .

"Hmm? Why did that screen disappear suddenly?" A person noticed as he

asked doubtfully .

"I don't know, maybe you should ask the hosts about it . " Another person,
who sat next to him, replied nonchalantly .

"Haha, leave it . It's just a projection . " That person could care less .
Few moments passed before all of them started noticing some projections
disappear from the arena .

"What is happening?" Emperor Claymore asked in doubt .

"This is definitely strange, I think we should send someone to investigate it,"

Logan replied . The projection where his son was projected also
disappeared .

"It could be just some birds who came to hunt some bugs, look, only a part
of an area is not visible . " Emperor Raven laughed .

"The second round will end soon . Why should we send someone to check
things out? Besides, if we send someone and they manage to save some
participants, won't that be unfair to the participants who died until now?"
Emperor Tritor piped in .
Everyone looked at him weirdly, They all thought, 'A thoughtful comment
from him? This is getting even weirder . '

Logan narrowed his eyes . He knew that Emperor Tritor was up to

something, but he just couldn't put his hand on it .

The other emperors all accepted his opinion since the second round was
going to end soon .

Emperor Tritor clenched his fists silently, satisfied . ' Let's see how you
endure the predicament I sent towards you! Brat!'

"My Inverted Harmless Viper is used to assassinate some specific people, so

no one knows that its mine! It has a 50% chance to kill him while
exterminating all who is together with him . After all, its poison is as deadly
as me! Jejeje . '
Emperor Tritor mentally laughed in twisted satisfaction while he kept
grinning .

Little did he know that the Inverted Harmless Viper was killed before it can
even unleash its poison .

Fortunately, the Inverted Harmless Viper was foolishly confident in itself

and deemed to use its poison in the later stages of battling them, which led to
its quick death .

Of course, Davis increasing his power also contributed in killing that

Inverted Harmless Viper quickly . If it weren't for that, it would've been able
to poison Ellia to death .

Emperor Tritor didn't form a mental connection with the Inverted Harmless
Viper as he knew that people would find out about his pet when they
investigate . So he wasn't able to realize that it was already dead .

Meanwhile, the bird he was contracted with took off after teaching the viper
of the position of the target as it cleared the monitoring bugs in the vicinity .

Emperor Tritor was all smiles . He kept grinning like an idiot while eagerly
waiting to see the corpse or the miserable face of the brat .

After Ellia wounds were 50% healed, the group made their way to the ship .
This time, there were no disturbances as they reached the ship safely .

Davis was calm the whole time, except there was a seething anger that was
about to erupt in his mind, but he kept a rein on it without losing his mind to
anger .

His presence of mind was totally focused on Emperor Tritor, while he only
thought about how he should kill him .

He unconsciously ignored Evelynn's presence who was behind him the

whole time .

In fact, even if he noticed her, he would only nod at her and wouldn't have
the time to care about her mindset .

Evelynn was visibly upset at being ignored, but she could only stay quiet as
Davis was also silent the whole time . Besides, she also noticed that he was
too calm, considering his precious Ellia was injured badly just now .

Evelynn had already subconsciously acknowledged Ellia as her competitor

somewhere in her heart, but she still couldn't realize that and accept it in her
mind .

People of higher status always look down on people with lower standings .

No matter what, in this world, they were heaven chosen children who had
their own pride and superiority complex . It isn't easy for them to
acknowledge someone who is lower than them .

They won't yield unless their pride had been smashed altogether .

A few hours passed like this, and the second round finally came to an end as
the solemn voice once again echoed throughout the Island .

"Those who are in the Top 1000, congratulations! For you have successfully
advanced to the final competition, where you will face intense battles and
have a chance to battle with the top elites of the various empires . "

"Immediately return to the ship in half a day's time . We will return to Gote
Island . "

Davis and the others, boarded the ship after they heard the announcement,
followed by several people showing up in the distance .

In the Main Arena .

'Hmm . . . Looks like that kid's luck is greater than I thought! He managed to
survive my Inverted Harmless Viper!' Emperor Tritor who saw the
scoreboard noticed that Davis's score didn't go dim after the end of the
second round .

If Davis died, then his name that is lit up would dim .

'But surely, whoever is travelling with him will have met a fatal end .
Especially this time's main target, that maid called Ellia . She would have
been ripped to pieces . Sigh, it would have certainly been a sight!'

Emperor Tritor knew that it would be difficult to kill Davis, so the main
objective was to give the rising genius, some despair . In fact, he even
wanted that hot-headed genius to find the culprit, himself, so as he could
have a valid reason to finish him off before he grows up .

All he had to do was deny that he was the one who sent the Inverted
Harmless Viper, and frame Davis with something else to finish him off
openly .

Emperor Tritor giggled as he thought about the despairing face of the brat .
Chapter 89
Chapter 89

The ship waited for half a day for the participants before it left with the Top
1000 cultivators .

The other participants who were still alive were made to go in another ship
that was practically as big as the previous ship .

The cultivators who didn't make it into the Top 1000 felt remorse as their
dreams were shattered, especially for those who were close to the Top
1000th position .

But still, they held their heads high, not at all ashamed as they eventually
managed to reach this position .

When they return to their clans or wander around the world, they would be
recognized and praised no matter where they go . Only people with higher
statuses would have the right to ignore them .

What did this mean? It meant that over 95% of the Grand Sea Continent's
population would have to bow their heads to them . Their lives were
practically smooth sailing right now unless they meet a higher mountain .

The ship sailed for another half a day before it finally arrived at the coast of
Gote Island .

When a thousand cultivators got down the ship, they walked by the green
meadows while they were greeted by many clans, organisations and families,
which astonished them to a great extent .

Davis ignored them, his face incredibly cold . At this point, he would just
walk past anyone who called out to him . Normally, he wouldn't mind
chatting with some people, but a certain someone has been on his mind for
an entire day now, and all he could think of was getting rid of that vermin .

Ellia followed him silently . She guessed the reason for his anger was her,
but she had no idea that it was not because of her injury and incompetence,
but because of a vermin who tried to take her life .
This silence that was from Davis was just too unsettling for her . She
remembered how cheerful he was when he was with her .

Moreover, rather than affection, what she had for him were feelings of awe,
admiration, respect and a hint of possessiveness . Furthermore, adding the
way he took care of her during these two years, caused a huge impact on her
mind . She couldn't take this silence as this just kept hurting her heart even
more .

Just when they were all alone, she bit her lips and gathered the courage to
raise a question, "Davis, please talk to me . . . " But unbeknownst to her,
what came out of her mouth was not a question, but a plea .

Davis looked at her, his eyes wide .

Ellia froze, realizing the mistake in the words she had made .

Davis smiled . He slowly raised his palm to touch her right cheek while he
brought his face closer to her, "Don't worry, I'll kill the guy who harmed you
. " He whispered in her ears .

Ellia who was happy that Davis had returned back to normal, froze again .
"What do you mean?"

"It was Emperor Tritor who attempted to murder you with a Spirit Beast
Stage Magical Beast," Davis said solemnly .

Ellia's face paled, "How do you know? What makes you say that?"

Davis replied, "From what I've seen and heard, I could guess about more
than 90% that he is the culprit . As for the specifics . . . " He then explained
about the monitoring bugs, the strange bird and that Inverted Harmless
Viper, which was popular in the Tritor Empire .
Ellia's face turned ghastly . She never even thought one day, that she would
be targeted by an Emperor . Tears of fear had formed in her eyes, making
those two pearls moist .

"Ellia, being with me has its benefits and risks . What you are facing now is
one of the risks . For me, don't forget that you are always my friend, not a
maid . As such, remember that you can have your freedom if you wish so . . .
" Davis held her hands as he spoke, he made sure to set up a sound barrier
with his soul from the start .

Although he said that, even he himself felt that he would feel depressed if
she were to leave him one day .

Ellia looked at his eyes, which held a longingness to them . She thought that
he unquestionably treated her like a genuine friend, so much that she started
tearing up like a frail little girl .

'Really? Why? Why are you so good to me?' She really couldn't still
understand why a prince like him would treat her like a genuine friend . She,
a person of lower status, being treated like an equal by a person of a higher
status honestly made her feel afraid . She couldn't help but imagine the
future where she lost his favour and eventually face abandonment .

A certain conversation with Davis flashed through her mind . She wiped
away her tears and made a determined face, "I want my freedom . "

Davis widened his eyes, his hands trembled . He looked at her, closed his
eyes and said after he took a deep breath, "Then I grant you freedom, you
have my word . " His heart felt like it had fallen into an abyss while he felt
his breath go heavy .

He kept in mind that he was dealing with a child, it was no wonder she was
scared of a powerful cultivator . But still, it pained his heart to see her leave
him .

After all, she was with him for a period of two years .
Davis attributed all these events to the work of Emperor Tritor, so the hatred
he had for him deepened .
"Do I have my freedom now?" Ellia curiously asked .

"Yes, you are free to leave anytime . If anyone has a problem with it, then
they can take it with me!"

"Am I no longer your maid?" She continued .

Davis paused a moment before hiding his sadness, "Yes . "

"Good, let's go!" Ellia smiled, she had found her new-found resolve .

"Where?" Davis was astonished before realising, 'Shouldn't she return to the
ship? Wait . . . On second thought, being with me is safe too . " He smiled
wryly, thinking that she was using him as a shield .

"Where? Hehe, now that I lost my servant status and am now a free person,
all that I have left is a friend, and now I am following that friend of my own
will, not bound by any servitude . " Ellia said and smiled resplendently as
she thought, 'This way, I would be able to be his friend without any of those
negative thoughts restricting me from being with him . '
Chapter 90
Chapter 90

"You!" Davis was taken aback as he never thought that Ellia would play a
cruel joke on him .

To him, it might be a cruel joke, but to her, it was about changing her way of
life .

Instead of clinging to him like a leech and acting like a fake friend, why
shouldn't she take the initiative to strive forward and be equal with him, was
her thought .

Davis hid his face with his palms while he felt embarrassed for assuming
that she was a girl like every other greedy girl .

'I should've known better . ' He was initially testing her when he said that he
would grant her freedom . He wanted to know that if it was okay for him to
support her . Though it was unfair to her, he felt insecure about his bond
with her . Now, he was sure that he would wholeheartedly be able to support
her, without any second thoughts .
He then clapped, "Alright, I have a gift for you, let's go to the Main Arena . "

"Gift?" Ellia eyes widened with glee .

"Yes, it's there . You will like it very much . Also, it will make you feel
relaxed . " Davis nodded his head as he grinned .

They then approached the Main Arena with energetic steps .

"This had been a long wait! Seems like the ship had arrived on the Island .
It's about time we start the final round . " Emperor Ashton raised his voice
for everyone to hear .

The audience clamoured with fervour as they could see the final competition
that would be packed with heroic elites, battling each other intensely .
The geniuses, who were waiting for the final competition felt fired up as it
was finally their time to shine .

"Oh, looks like the participants who passed the second round are entering the
arena . " A random person shouted upon noticing a few people dressed in
different types of clothes, enter the arena .

Everyone turned to look at them, nodding their heads in satisfaction . Each

and one of those contestants looked like a battle-hardened veteran, with
sufficient bearings of an elite .

While some looked easy-going, one could say that their outer appearances
were deceiving .

Time passed slowly as the participants entered the arena, looking around the
arena with a passionate light in their eyes .

Emperor Tritor, who was calmly observing the participants, was almost sure
that his Inverted Harmless Viper had killed those two brats who didn't even
deserve to hold his shoes .

Just when he was confident about his guess, he widened his eyes in
disbelief .

Davis and Ellia entered the arena, their smiles, as well as their facial
expressions, expressed no fear nor any dismay .

Ellia, being the child she was, ignored the threat, that is Emperor Tritor
while looking forward to the gift that Davis had prepared for her .

'They managed to escape?' Emperor Tritor thought as his face turned ugly
but quickly turned calm since he was prepared for this scenario as well .

'No matter, after this competition ends, I'll be sure to end you myself!'
Emperor Tritor thought as he smirked .

Davis and Ellia headed to the place where the geniuses sat . As they walked
towards them, some of them frowned while some of them smiled .

Davis didn't take any heed to them and sat on a seat while Ellia hesitated for
a moment before she sat beside him as well .
Just because that she decided that she was no longer going to be a maid,
doesn't mean that she can break out of that mentality that quickly .

The arrogant geniuses shrugged it off as she was powerful enough to be

placed 5th in the second round .

As such, Ellia was able to sit there without any repercussions this time .
"Haha, son-in-law . Don't just sit there, come above . " Emperor Ashton
laughed .

Davis looked at Ellia . She nodded her head, indicating that it would be fine

He then walked above to the place where the emperors sat . His small eyes
viewed Emperor Tritor for a moment before looking in the direction of
Emperor Ashton .

"Excellent manoeuvre you have shown in using your skills, but you should
also work on your spear skills!"

"Spear skills? Oh, I was just waving and thrusting the spear with my power,
nothing else . " Davis replied perfunctorily .

Everyone's eyes twitched from hearing that response . They thought he

looked somewhat cool but thought, 'Shouldn't one accept their mistakes and
rectify it when an elder corrected them?'

Emperor Ashton held his abdomen, "Haha, that's right . There's no need to
stand on ceremonies with me!"

Davis nodded his head . To this man who looked straightforward and jovial,
he had a good impression .

"Since you're already here, why not meet my darling daughter?" Emperor
Ashton grinned as he continued, "After all, last time you missed the chance
to be acquainted with her because of a particular someone, finding issues
with you out of nowhere . "

Davis laughed in response, his laughter was genuine, because the person
who Emperor Ashton indirectly pointed to was Emperor Tritor .

Emperor Tritor's face had no changes as if he didn't hear anything at all .

"Shirley, come on up!" Emperor Ashton lovingly called out .

A figure stood up from the seating, blazing red hair cascaded down till her
waist .

Slowly turning around, her face was covered with a red transparent veil .
Bangs covered the left side of her face as it reached beside her petite nose .

She wore fiery red robes which wrapped her entire body till it accentuated
her S-shaped curves . The part from her shoulder to her elbow was the only
visible spot where one could see her jade-white skin .

She elegantly moved her legs in the direction of her father and stepped on
the air .

Davis widened his eyes, "Peak-Level Revolving Core Stage!"

Her legs danced in the air while her skirt fluttered in the wind as she made
her way to their place .

Looking at her figure coming closer, Davis sighed, 'Why are their so many
beauties in this world?' He felt that he should try to gain max resistance to
beauties and be able to resist their charms once he grew up .

Or else, he could only imagine what kind of tragedy or calamity would befall
him in the future . Naturally, this confidence came from the killer looks of
his face .

Shirley leapt from the air and stood beside her father, her eyes involuntarily
looked at Davis for a moment before she clasped hands to her father and the
other emperors as she greeted .

"It's already time for the final competition, so quickly get to know
yourselves!" Emperor Ashton said jubilantly, his eyes gleamed .
Chapter 91
Chapter 91

"Congratulations on obtaining the first place in the second round, Prince

Davis . " Shirley clasped her hands and said, her tone was rather bold, not
soft at all . It did not sound grating, but sounded, attractive to the one who
was listening to it .

"Thank you, Princess Shirley . I also did not expect that you would reach
Peak-Level Revolving Core Stage, only a step away from reaching the Body
Transformation Stage . " Davis replied, not at all fazed by her attractiveness .

There were two reasons for it . One, there was Evelynn, who was a vixen
herself . Second, there was a person right next to him who he was itching to
kill .

"Though it seems that the Body Transformation Stage is near my grasp, it

will take some years for me to reach that stage," Shirley replied, quite proud
of herself . She knew that there was no need to compare herself with this
little monster, an anomaly, as doing so would only curb her confidence .

Body Transformation Stage is the Fourth Stage in the Essence Gathering

Cultivation System . Even though its name may denote that it was from the
Body Tempering Cultivation System, it surely does not .

Body Transformation Stage is no joke because one would have to use the
accumulated energy in the previous level to temper their dantian, compress
their revolving core in each level until it starts to take the shape of a seed in
the dantian .

Doing so would inevitably induce changes in one's body, where the

meridians will be capable of storing more energy, and controlling the flow of
energy will be even smoother . Not only that, but the compression of the
revolving core increases the quality of the energy stored in it as well .

Furthermore, one would be able to sense faint laws from the heavens to form
a suitable seed for the subsequent stage .
During the process of compressing the revolving core, one requires utter
concentration in doing so, or else, failure to do so may result in cultivation
deviation or possibly even resulting in the explosion of the revolving core,
leading to certain death unless one had cultivated to a certain degree in Soul
Forging Cultivation or Body Tempering Cultivation .

In a remote region of the arena, a figure stood there along with some people,
watching the spectacle that unfolded on the place where the emperors sat .

Evelynn looked at the place, with a longing and an admiring gaze in her eyes
. At the same time, she felt jealous and inferior to the woman who was clad
in red robes .

"That's right Evelynn . Your fiancee is out of your reach, and your father
arranged a marriage that was out of his authority . It's fate that you will have
to cross some hurdles to get to him . " Seeing that Evelynn had a complex
light in her eyes, Kent explained .

"Are my thoughts that easy to guess?" Evelynn looked at him .

Kent hid nothing, "Yes . After you have revealed your intentions, it has
become easier to guess your thoughts . "

Evelynn smiled, "I am not afraid, from what I've seen, I know that he won't
leave me if I agree to marry him . "

"Then what are you worrying about?" Kent asked, confused .

Evelynn sighed, "My only worry is that I am not worthy of him, he will soon
soar the skies with his talent while I get left behind . No matter how I see it,
my future is bleak . "

Kent just stayed silent as he couldn't do anything about it .

Suddenly she laughed, "Isn't it laughable that I'm treating a kid as my


Kent didn't laugh but replied solemnly, "It doesn't matter if he's a kid . It's
only a matter of time before he grows up, and by that time, it will only be
harder to gain his favour . Remember that once a man sets his ambition high,
the things around him will fade away as he will only concentrate to climb
higher on his path to supremacy . Only when he realises that he has no future
in cultivation will he wholly concentrate on his women and heirs, just like
your father, our family head . "

Evelynn didn't reply anymore as she continued to watch them .

Davis and Shirley exchanged some pleasantries and chattered as they got to
know each other .

"I heard that there is another woman you are engaged to, Prince Davis . "
Shirley suddenly changed the topic .

"Well, that is true, haha . " Davis laughed, a little awkward .

He didn't feel polygamy was wrong because he was never a part of a society
in his previous life . Besides, the shows he watched and the novels he read,
all had multiple women, chasing the protagonist . It's just that he liked the
concept of 'One Life, One Love' which was why he was indecisive when he
learned that he was already engaged to two women .

"Well, I don't mind my prince having a concubine or two . "

"Oh really?" He was astonished because he assumed that this proud princess
will demand him to annul the marriage between him and Evelynn . Besides,
he couldn't give a shit about the main wife and concubines concept . To him,
as long someone was his women, then they were all equal to him .

"Yes, it's just that I hope you choose your concubines to be with a high
status, or it won't reflect your image well to the masses," Shirley replied, her
face was indifferent .

"What do you mean?" Now Davis was truly confused .

Shirley sighed as she thought before her eyes widened, 'Is he acting or . . .
could it be that he was possibly seduced?'

After all, masters, being enamoured with their servants was a common
matter in this world .

"Don't you realise that you have been seduced by your maid?" She asked
with a questioning gaze while raising her hands .

"Me?" Davis pointed at himself .

'Me? Wait! Is this Deja Vu?' He remembered the time when Clara
confronted Ellia .

"When exactly!? What's your basis?" He laughed, remembering that scene

while he asked a question .

"No master would go that far to defend their servants from a powerful
adversary," Shirley replied calmly, her tone still bold .

"You certainly don't mince your words!" Davis liked that because she called
Emperor Tritor an adversary in front of him, without mincing her words .
Her meaning was made clear, that Emperor Tritor was their enemy .

"Don't change the argument, besides, why don't we have her come up and let
her speak for herself?" Shirley grinned, her beautiful smile was not at all
visible as it was hidden under her veil .
Chapter 92
Chapter 92

Hearing Ellia's words, Davis frowned .

He couldn't decide whether to call Ellia here or not, because thinking

positively, it might be a good experience for her, but as a result, she might
experience getting bullied .

From the seats below, a little girl stood up and walked above .

"Oh?" Davis turned his head and was astonished to see the sight .

Ellia headed to the place where the emperors sat, by herself, without
anyone's encouragement .

She held her head straight as she kept staring at Shirley while walking with
bold steps .

Once she reached that place, she trembled a moment before those powerful
emperors before calming down herself as she took a deep breath .

She then clasped her hands and greeted the emperors as she bowed slightly,
"Ellia greets all the emperors!"

"Hmph!" Emperor Tritor harrumphed while many others frowned .

According to ethics and hierarchy, a servant should bow down on all fours .
What Ellia did was showing them little respect, it could be even said that she
no respect .

"Little girl, aren't you overstepping your bounds?" Emperor Ruth asked .

Ellia just shook her head with a calm facade . Since she decided to come
here, she decided that she will give her best till the end so that she can

prove herself to be worthy to be his friend .

"Oh . . . ?" Emperor Ruth rubbed his chin as he smiled, he wondered what
confidence this girl had to be this impertinent in front of them .

"You, a servant, regardless of your age, tried to seduce the prince! Do you
know what kind of offence is that and what kind of punishment it leads to!?"
Shirley was almost sure that this little girl used her innocent facade to seduce
Davis . After all, in her eyes, all she saw was that this little girl could even
stand in front of the emperors while still disrespecting them .

Hearing that, Ellia sighed . 'As expected, it always comes to that . . . '

"As of today, I'm no longer a servant of Prince Davis," Ellia said solemnly,
each word echoed in Davis's ears as he smiled .

Logan was puzzled, 'When did this happen?'

"Emperor Loret, is that true?" Emperor Ashton asked as he had to support

his daughter .

Logan didn't reply but looked at Davis . Seeing that Davis didn't have any
problem with her response, he understood that it was true .

Logan nodded his head, "It certainly is . . . "

"I knew it! The Sky Grade Cultivation Techniques she uses are from your
Loret Empire . " Emperor Aston shouted .

Just before Davis opened his mouth to explain that,

"I am now an independent common cultivator and also a friend of Prince

Davis . As of now, I'm a free person . Furthermore, I promise to work under
Prince Davis as a subordinate to repay the favour he had shown me my
whole life . " Ellia said as she tightened her fists'

"Heh, is that any different from being a servant?" Shirley sneered .

Ellia replied, her headstrong will pushed her forward, "It is, my life is no
longer in the hands of others . "

"You're wrong, that is your delusion . Your fate is still decided by the strong
cultivators, like me . All I need is a single hit to end your puny life . "
Shirley extended her hands as she pointed towards Ellia's forehead . She had
a half inch long nail on her fingers .

Suddenly, a voice erupted from her side, as if continuing her sentence .

"And try to make a single scratch on her, let me see if you're still alive the
next second!"

"You!" Shirley pointed her finger at Davis as she trembled in anger .

A moment later, she believed what he said was untrue, but his cold eyes
seemed to say otherwise . She obviously didn't expect him to go this far .

"Jejejeje! This kind of hilarious spectacle is the first I've ever seen from the
Prince of an Empire . Emperor Loret, can't you see that your son is
disgracing himself for the sake of a lowly slave . I guess it wasn't a mistake
to believe that the Loret Empire has fallen with the fall of your late father,
jeje!" Emperor Tritor, who was silent this whole time finally saw an
opportunity to annul this marriage alliance between the Loret Empire and the
Ashton Empire .

Logan stood up as his aura flared up, he couldn't stand it when someone
disrespected his father .

Davis narrowed his eyes . He finally had enough of this person who always
seemed to piss him off .

"And you! Why the hell are you spouting nonsense!? Weren't you the one
who sent this overgrown Inverted Harmless Viper to hunt me down?
Emperor Tri-shit!" Davis snapped as he took out the corpse from his space
ring .

"What!? Is it true!? Logan and Emperor Ashton simultaneously shouted,

seeing the Inverted Harmless Viper corpse .

"Insolence! You dare to frame me! Do you know the punishment for a false
charge against an Emperor as well as disrespecting an Emperor!?" Emperor
Tritor's heart skipped a beat, but he still feigned an angry facade as he
shouted . His facial expression denoted that he was falsely accused .

"Hmph! Everyone would know whether if I'm framing you or not!" Davis
grinned before continuing, "Everyone, do you know the time when a certain
part of the Firzen Island's projection went down?"

"Yes, how do you know that?" Emperor Ruth questioned, quite inquisitive .

"I know that because I saw some strange bird hunt down the monitoring
bugs around us at that time . In the next moment, the Inverted Harmless
Viper attacked us the moment these monitoring bugs were devoured . "

"If I remember correctly, wasn't the tamed beast of Emperor Tritor, a bird?"

"Yes, it's the Vicious Eye Hawk . " Emperor Ashton nodded his head .

"No matter how I see it, it doesn't seem like a coincidence!" Davis said
calmly, but there was a faint killing intent in his eyes .

"Jeje, so what? I was the one who sent it to kill you, what are you going to
do about it?"Emperor Tritor sneered . He didn't bother hiding anymore as he
got caught red-handed . Because if he struggled pathetically, it would totally
ruin his name and it would only be a matter of time before they investigate
and find out which will ruin his reputation .

"Emperor Tritor, you've gone overboard this time!"Logan stepped up with a

solemn expression . This time he was really pissed off as Emperor Tritor
played with something he shouldn't have played with .

Chapter 93
Chapter 93

Just when Logan took out his sword from the space ring, Davis stood in
front of him and obstructed .

"Leave it to me, Dad," Davis uttered in a reliant tone .

'Davis?' Logan thought before he stepped back .

Even though Logan had no idea about why his son was confident in handling
Emperor Tritor, he knew that his son wouldn't act without confidence .

'Besides, if anything untoward happens, then I can strike him out without
any mercy . " Or so Logan thought as his hands were itching to get revenge

If it weren't for the upcoming invasion of the outsiders, he would've already

attacked him by now .

"Jejeje, everyone knows that we are itching to kill each other right now,
Emperor Loret . Even your disgraceful son wants to take me down? Jejeje,
naive! But did you forget that we are to cease any conflict by the decree of
the Guardian Alliance?"

"In case you didn't know, I am still not part of the Guardian Alliance . "
Logan smiled, not backing down at all .

"So what? That is the case formally . . . Informally, you are still part of the
Guardian Alliance . If you dare to harm me during these times, then by the
rules of the Guardian Alliance, all the emperors will hunt you down . "
Emperor Tritor sneered in derision . Twisting the rules to his advantage was
child's play to him .

Davis was astonished, he didn't think a rule would interfere with his plans
right now . Logan stayed silent because he knew that there was such a rule in
the Guardian Alliance .

"You think you can get away with plotting to kill my son? If the Guardian
Alliance supports you, then this is absurd . " Logan snapped back, not
mincing his words . He looked at the other emperors, waiting for their
opinion .

"Emperor Loret, I can understand your anger, but we need you to calm your
anger, and understand our predicament towards the invasion of the
outsiders . So we must ask of you to not instigate any conflict among us . "
Emperor Raven acted as if he was mediating and stepped in to support
Emperor Tritor .
"What is this? Emperor Tritor is the one who first instigated discord between
us! Is no one going to take action upon him?" Emperor Ashton shouted in
fury, clearly siding with Emperor Loret .

The other emperors clearly wanted no part of this mess . Exchanges spewed
back and forth until Emperor Ruth stepped in to mediate the two parties .

"Alright, the Guardia . . . " Just when he tried to arbitrate, a dense aura of
killing intent erupted from his side . He instantly turned to look at the source
of the killing intent and was shocked for a moment as he felt a chill spread
across his spine, which unconsciously made him shut his mouth . This was
the same for other emperors as well as Logan .

Shirley and Ellia, who were quiet all this time, trembled from that sheer
killing intent .

"Can we end this farce?" Davis asked calmly as if he were tired of their
bullshit .

In his hand, he held two white sheets of paper which looked like a paper
talisman . It looked like any kind of common paper talisman that was being
sold in the streets of their various empires .

'A talisman?' This was the kind of thought that ran through everyone's head

Emperor Raven and Emperor Tritor went on alert, but suddenly they
glimpsed that there was something written on the two white sheets of paper
talisman .

[Ken Tritor]

[Mike Raven]

"Brat! Why are our names written there?" Emperor Raven shouted while
Emperor Tritor suddenly felt a chill on his back .
Emperor Tritor froze for a second but heaved a sigh of relief the next
moment .
He felt like death was upon him when he saw the paper talisman having his
name, but he quickly dismissed it as his imagination . After all, the entire
scene was odd in the first place .

In fact, even Emperor Raven felt the same, but he quickly dismissed it even
before Emperor Tritor did .

"Oh, shortly in a moment you two will know . The reason why I wrote your
names in this paper talismans was that because, ultimately, you two are total
scumbags, who wasted innocent lives even when they had nothing to do with
you two . This act of ruthlessness has cost the lives of millions of people and
the heavens couldn't keep watching your . . . Alright, enough bullshit . In the
next ten seconds, you two will die . " Davis ended his sentence as he
electrocuted the paper talismans to ashes . The ashes spread to a direction as
the wind blew hard enough to be heard audibly at that moment . Combined
with that utter silence after Davis's words, all of them were tricked into
believing that these two emperors will die for a second .

An instant later, Emperor Raven came out of his reverie while laughing out
loud . Emperor Tritor did the same . But if one viewed them closely, one
could see that their backs were drenched with sweat .

"Young lad, you are a naughty fellow . Anyway, that helped me curb the
problem that troubled us right now . " Emperor Ruth smiled and nodded his
head in approval . Right now, he totally had the impression that Davis
seemed to joke at this time, only to get the situation from worsening to an
unrecoverable state . But he couldn't understand why Davis was still
emitting that killing intent .

'Perhaps he really holds a grudge, but is magnanimous enough to leave it be

due to the upcoming invasion? What a wise lad!' Or so he thought .

"Ah, there's only three seconds left . " Davis hollered as he acted startled .
However, his eyes were still radiating killing intent as he calmly watched
those two clowns .

Hearing that, everyone frowned . 'Why is he still continuing with that act . '

Emperor Ashton had a confused expression on his face, he then abruptly

thought, 'Could it be!?'

Suddenly, Emperor Tritor and Emperor Raven trembled, their eyes went
wide as they shuddered in horror . Their seven orifices bled as the energy in
their body abruptly went berserk, which ultimately led them to have
convulsions as they dropped to the ground .

Their dantians instantly erupted unstably and exploded, causing a mini

explosion in their body, which sequentially destroyed all the organs in their
bodies, resulting in an excruciating death .

Everyone eyes glazed over in horror as they saw those two Emperors lie
down in a pool of blood .

"What!?" Emperor Ruth shouted out as his eyes widened while he fell down
on his back, not at all believing his eyes .
Chapter 94
Chapter 94

Everyone froze in utter terror . The sheer sight of the gruesome scene was
unimaginable to them . The atmosphere remained chaotically tranquil while
their eyes remained wide open as they couldn't process what had transpired

Fear made their hearts weak as it palpitated at a faster rate . They couldn't
utter a single word that was capable of conveying their emotions . The scene
itself looked odd while at the same time, also felt surreal .

They could only look at Davis, seeking for answers . Although, some of
them didn't even dare to look at him, afraid that they will be targeted next for
no specific reason .

Logan, Ellia and Shirley were utterly dumbfounded, not able to figure the
reason why these two emperors had their cultivation destroyed suddenly,
resulting in their deaths .

Although all of them guessed that it had to do something with those paper
talismans, nobody was sure of it .

Davis had a faint smile on his face . He waited for fear to root itself in their
hearts before carrying on to confuse them with his words . The silence was
prevalent in the eerie atmosphere which made the people heavily sweat as no
one spoke .

A few moments continued to pass when finally, someone couldn't take it

anymore . A voice sounded out in the clouded atmosphere .

"Pr . . . Prince Davis! What exactly is happening here?" Emperor Claymore

asked, his tone was respectful, unknown to him .

"I just killed Emperor Tritor and Emperor Raven, and I think it isn't any
different from killing Mortal Stage Magical Beasts," Davis replied in a
casual tone as if he had done something which wasn't a big matter .

'No different than killing Mortal Stage Magical Beasts?' Everyone's eyes
twitched while the fear inside their hearts also grew a little .

"What . . . are those paper talismans?" Emperor Ruth asked in disbelief as he

gulped .

"Ohh . . . So you people noticed? Do you want to know what it is?" Davis
acted as if he had just noticed their findings and asked them in a teasing
manner .

"Yes!" Emperor Ashton replied, his tone was one of excitement . He was
starting to believe that his speculations were 99% accurate at this moment .

"This . . . I am not sure if I should say this . . . but since you are all my elders
and seniors, it would be bad if I kept this as a secret at this point . " Davis
rubbed his chin as if he was contemplating on whether to tell them the truth .

He walked forward as he contemplated, he stepped on the filthy pool of

blood and removed the two space rings from the corpses .

Everyone read the lines in between and knew what Davis indirectly meant .
They understood that he was asking for compensation, and the payment was
exactly those two space rings .

In fact, they knew that they had no say in it, and it was just as they thought .
To Davis, it didn't matter if they gave him the space rings of their own will
or not as he was determined to take away those wealthy space rings . He just
needed them to accept that outcome, lest trouble comes after him from
nowhere .

Davis continued, "These two paper talismans was personally handed over to
me by my master . He instructed me to use it if anyone way powerful than
me, aimed for my life . "


Clamour erupted in the area as the long forgotten short legend of the
Revered Senior who once saved the Loret Empire sprang forth .
"These paper talismans are sure powerful! But I don't know why my master
gave me seven of these paper talismans!" Davis sighed as he said .

"Seven paper talismans?" The emperors' eyes twitched for some reason .
They then realised to their horror that it was equal to the number of Sky
Grade Empires on this continent .

"I'm sure my master is disappointed that I used two of those paper talismans
to kill instead of using my own power . " He held his head as he lamented .

"Yes! Yes, one must always use their own powers instead of relying on
external powers, I'm sure that your master will also forgive you since those
two vile demons were aiming for your life . After all, one's life takes
precedence over the way of how one chooses to use their power . " Emperor
Ross hurriedly comforted Davis when he looked sad . At the same time, he
thought that he curbed Davis from using those powerful paper talismans
anymore .

"You're right, Emperor Ross . Thanks for the advice!" Davis smiled as if he
was truly comforted by his words .

The four emperors heaved a sigh of relief, but everyone knew that Emperor
Ross also used this opportunity to gain favour .
Everyone looked at Emperor Ross in jealousy thinking that he managed to
achieve his aim .

Without question, everyone started to believe in Davis's words . Otherwise,

the event that took place wouldn't make sense . Even Logan believed in
Davis's words that he felt that it was improper to ask questions about his
master .

An utmost being such as the mysterious senior has a disciple? Who in their
right mind wouldn't want to befriend him?

Emperor Ashton suddenly had an idea, "Haha, son-in-law, that's right, there's
no need to fret over it . Furthermore, we can even try to speak to your
revered master and explain that you were not in the wrong . "

Hearing that, Davis was astonished, 'I didn't expect him to use this
opportunity to meet my non-existent master, instead of sucking up to me .
Ah, it makes sense, he already treats me like a son-in-law even when I didn't
marry his daughter in the first place . He must be quite the opportunist . '

"I'm afraid that is quite impossible, Emperor Ashton . My master is

withdrawn from worldly affairs and will refuse to meet any person other
than me . What I'm saying is the truth because when I asked him to meet my
parents, my master completely didn't even bother to reply . " Davis sadly
said as if he was disappointed in his master for it .

Davis's acting was so genuine that even Logan started to believe his words .

"Not only that, but my master forbids me to speak about him unless asked
specifically," Davis added as he shook his head .

"It's certainly a pity . It would be my lifetime's glory to meet your revered

master, but If we can't meet him, then so be it . " Emperor Ruth said . He too
wanted to meet this mysterious senior .

Logan now abandoned any newfound hopes of meeting his son's master,
after all, he can't incur the wrath of that godly person and possibly worsen
the master-disciple relationship between his son and that senior .

Seeing that his act was successful, Davis secretly heaved a sigh of relief as
he thought, 'If a powerful person acted, then people would have no choice
but to believe that person . Deceiving Clara is a million times difficult,
fortunately, she isn't here . '

If Clara was here, then his act and lies would have been easily seen through
without any question .
Chapter 95
Chapter 95

The atmosphere turned incredibly jubilant as people recounted the tales of

the revered senior in a respectful manner . The two corpses in the pool of
blood remained abandoned as no one cared . Some thought that these two
deserved it, while the others stayed silent as their strength was inadequate .

Some of them who gritted their teeth and stayed silent were the descendants
of Emperor Tritor and Emperor Raven . They didn't dare to lash out and
could only watch with bottled-up hatred which they didn't dare to unleash .
They didn't even possess the courage to speak up for their emperors' demise

The final competition was totally forgotten as many took this chance to be
acquainted with Davis .

David received many greetings and best wishes from random strangers but
still managed to reply politely, as far as he could .

Some of them even tried to offer their daughters to him . Funnily, Emperor
Ross was one of them .

David awkwardly denied every good deal that came his way . Even he felt
frustrated by declining the extravagant life that he was assured upon .

'What a waste . ' Such were his thoughts, but he knew better .

In the distance, Evelynn looked at the figure that was surrounded by an

innumerable number of people .

She smiled as if she was mocking herself .

"Hey Kent, does that person look like someone I can match up to?" Evelynn
asked in a weird tone .


There was only silence in that place as no reply could be heard from Kent
Cauldon . He was standing beside her and had a complex look on his face .

Evelynn bit her lips, 'Isn't this cruel? Why did father have to engage me with
someone like him?'

As she was in the distance, all she could see was that Davis was surrounded
by people and most of them were women .

She could see them looking at Davis with sparkling eyes .

She walked forward, heading to the place where Davis was .

"Is she going . . . ?" Zara asked in a pitiful manner .

Kent replied, "Obviously, the pressure on her must be unimaginably high . "

Just as Davis finished declining a person's 'goodwill', a bold voice sounded

out beside him .

"Prince Davis!"

David turned to look at the source of the voice, "Princess Shirley, what can I
do for you?"

There was a slight hesitation that was visible on her face . Davis noticed that
and thought, 'Is she also going to chalk up to me?'

She sighed for a moment, then said, "I now realise my wrongs . I was
mistaken to berate your maid when I said that she wasn't worthy of you,
indirectly . "

Hearing that, Davis laughed in his mind but replied as he wanted to know
her sudden change of mind, "What makes you say that?"
He then saw her twirling her bangs in frustration .

"What makes me say that you say? Its because I realised that I am also not
worthy of you . Therefore, you can annul the marriage with me!"

"What?" Emperor Ashton shouted in fury as well as confusion .

Davis was stunned, he stood there looking at Shirley, not understanding her
thought process . She was declining a marriage with him just when everyone
was impatient to betroth their daughters to him?
Evelynn, who just neared them, stood stunned as she mocked herself, 'Even
she doesn't think that she's worthy of him . '

"What do you mean!? What and who made you decide this!?" Emperor
Ashton shouted, he felt miserable . All that hard work he pulled off was
being ruined by his own daughter .

Shirley revealed her thoughts, "Royal Father, it was solely I who decided
this matter . Initially, I thought that he wasn't far away from me in terms of
cultivation, and it was true . But now that I know that his master is a truly
powerful figure, won't I drag him down if he were to marry me? Won't he
journey to the world where his master came from?"

Emperor Ashton narrowed his eyes, "That is the case if he only loved you!
What makes you think that he will stay with you? Why are you thinking so
far ahead? Just listen to your royal father!"

"See, even you, royal father, thinks that he won't live with me . Therefore, it
is foolish for me to be with him . I'd rather marry a man who loves me, not
just marry me and leave me to rot!" Shirley argued back .

"Who knows? Maybe he will truly love you and leave a child with you!"
Emperor Aston's tongue slipped in fury .

Shirley was angered, "Look! You just care about power! While I care about
how I live my life! Marrying a powerful person doesn't equal a happy life .
Hmph! I know plenty of cases in our family who aren't happy with their
"Shut up, you have no say in this!" Emperor Ashton narrowed his eyes as he
pressured Shirley with his aura .

Shirley glared at her father with incomparable determination as if she

wouldn't yield .

Davis' eyes twitched as he saw these two father and daughter quarrel with
each other .

'Leave a child with her? Do they think that I'm a breeding horse?' He
clenched his fists as he smiled .

But he sighed, 'Leave it, what she says aligns with my thoughts too . I too
wouldn't want to live with someone who wouldn't love me either . '

"Princess Shirley, I respect your decision . If that is the case, then let this
marriage be annulled!" Davis declared in a bold tone as if his opinion was
the final verdict .

"Yes!!!" Shirley screamed in ecstasy . It wasn't that she didn't want to marry
him, but she felt no love for him in the first place . She had her own dreams
and felt that by marrying him, she wouldn't be able to enjoy her life .

"Noo!!! You can't do that! Elders have the final say in your marriage!"
Emperor Ashton didn't want to give up . He looked at Logan for help .

Logan shrugged, "I already told you, he has full authority on how he lives .
This matter is for him to decide . I have no say in this . Maybe you should
try talking to his master who had been not keen on interfering with Davis's
personal life so far . "

Hearing that, Emperor Ashton's face paled .

"Emperor Ashton, it isn't good for you to force us into a relationship with
each other . Let nature take its course . Our Loret Empire will definitely be
an ally of the Ashton Empire . " Davis comforted the tired man as he felt
pity for him .

'To be wrecked by his own daughter, how much anguish is he in?' Davis
thought as he shook his head .

But he later grinned as he thought, 'She is unquestionably unique . '

Chapter 96
Chapter 96

"Besides, when I said let nature take its course, I meant it for everyone . No
more matrimony discussions, please . " Davis said with a polite tone .

Davis and Shirley looked at each other and smiled . One felt that the other
was amusing, while the other felt that the other one was domineering .

"Princess Shirley, let me introduce you to my wife, Evelynn Cauldon,"

Davis said as he waved his hands to a direction .

Wind converged as it pushed the people aside, revealing a certain ravishing

figure .

Evelynn froze there, stunned by his introduction .

Just when she had gathered the courage to step in and talk to Davis, she was
caught off-guard by his speech .

Davis smiled, how could he not notice her approaching him hesitantly? He
even used this opportunity to shamelessly and indirectly express his desire
for her .

Clamour erupted in the arena as the whole crowd's attention was on Evelynn
. Gazes of envy, jealousy, greed, and lust were gathered on her .

Evelynn felt incredibly awkward on having the whole crowd's attention to

her .

Shirley glanced at the voluptuous figure in front of her and admired those
twin peaks, "Hmm, not bad!"

"I know right?" Davis laughed .

Evelynn blushed hard . Her face turned bright red as she thought,
'Scoundrel! Why is he teasing me in front of everyone!?'
"Aren't you happy that you managed to keep him for yourself, Miss
Evelynn?" Shirley asked, testing the waters .

"I . . . I d-don't know . " Evelynn replied nervously, her voice meek . "Hmm?
What was that? I couldn't hear you?" Shirley placed her palm beside her ears

Evelynn increased her voice as she shut her eyes, "I . . . just don't know!"

"That decides it! Prince Davis, she clearly likes you and possibly is in love
with you . I don't know how you managed to do that, but congratulations!"

Davis was stunned, "How . . . What makes you say that!?"

Evelynn was also stunned as her thoughts were revealed . All she wanted to
do was find her resolve and convey it to Davis . But questioned by Shirley
and teased by Davis, she nearly forgot what she came here for .

Shirley grinned, "Heh! I'm the thirty-sixth Princess of the Ashton Empire
and I have some sisters who are married to their love . The kind of reaction
she gives, it is clear that she likes you, Prince Davis . "

Davis was utterly dumbfounded . All he heard was 'I don't know' and from
that, she was able to garner a lot of information?

'What the actual fuck? Women are scary!' Davis gulped as he thought, but
his gaze unconsciously turned affectionate while looking at Evelynn .

"Our Royal Father dotes on us a lot . Even though he is greedy, he is truly a

good father and an emperor . Otherwise, he wouldn't let me off this easily . "
Shirley smiled and said .

"You were born to a good family!" Davis nodded his head, quite happy for
her .

"Isn't your family the same?" She asked as she grinned .

"Yes, though that wouldn't be the case if the rebellion didn't happen" Davis
smirked .
"Haha, aren't you straightforward?! Just the way I like it!" She laughed out
loud . Then sighed, "A pity, you are way out of my league . "

Davis fell silent, if she felt like that then he couldn't do anything about it .
She wasn't his responsibility anyway and towards her, all he felt was a
friendship kind of feeling, like the one he had with Ellia .

"Don't you feel the same, Miss Evelynn?"

Suddenly Evelynn's demeanour changed as she replied, "Feel the same? I
have been stabbed by this feeling from the moment I saw him . "

Since her feelings had been found out, she felt that there was no use to being
shy anymore . She felt that she should be bolder .

"So your decision to love him was after that?" Shirley asked as he pointed at
Davis .

Evelynn hurriedly denied, "After that? No! Initially, I was just like you and
someway, perhaps, at some point, I started thinking about him . "

Shirley giggled, "Even though he is still a kid?"

Evelynn was amused, she then chuckled, "He certainly doesn't act like one . .

"Well, that's true . " Shirley looked at the two corpses near her .

"By the way, you have my gratitude for killing that bastard . He was just
way too much!" Shirley thanked Davis as she felt that the humiliation she
received earlier was avenged by him .

Davis smiled, "No problem . "

"Then, I'll take my leave . Goodbye Prince Davis, Miss Evelynn . " Shirley
clasped her hands and walked away .

Just as she walked, she suddenly stopped and turned back, "Goodbye . . .
Ellia, was it?"

Ellia who was silent the entire time was astonished . "Princess is
acknowledging me?" She asked in incredulity .

Shirley giggled, "Well you could say that . Your friend here has made me
understand that there are always powerful people above you and it is not
good to act arrogant all the time . "

Shirley, Ellia and Evelynn once again turned to look at those two corpses of
the emperors who were just alive an hour ago . They were once again
reminded that Davis was just 10 years old, a disciple of a powerful being,
and didn't even take him a minute to take down the two emperors who were
part of the continent's strongest seven .

Shirley laughed as she left, "Next time I see, you might even be stronger
than me, hehe . "

"No . . . that . . . " Ellia tried to deny it, but no words came out of her mouth
as she clenched her fists .

Davis smiled . He could see that her resolve to get stronger didn't let her
degrade herself .

He turned his face and saw Shirley's back . He felt a little sad that he didn't
get to see her face .

Suddenly, he noticed something and turned aside, only to see Evelynn

running away .

He laughed and shook his head, 'It's not like I'm going to eat her, she must've
been so embarrassed to be running away from me . '

"Don't you need to follow her?" Ellia asked as she pointed at the escaping
Evelynn .

"Leave it, there's no need to be forceful . Let it be . " Davis replied, his heart
was full of satisfaction right now .

"Aren't you afraid that someone will steal her away from you?" Ellia asked
teasingly .

"Ohh . . . Then they will be courting death!" Davis replied with a slight grin,
but his face turned weird, "When did you learn to tease? Who taught you

"From a certain person who always bullies me," Ellia replied with a proud
grin on her face . Now that she felt true to be his friend, she felt that she
could now tease him as well .

Davis chuckled and shouted a moment later as he laughed, "Let's get on with
the final competition!"
Chapter 97
Chapter 97

From there onwards, the final competition proceeded as planned albeit, a

little delayed .

The geniuses who were already seated in the arena and the Top 1000 who
passed the second round were entitled to participate in the final competition

Totally, there were 1,280 participants in the final competition .

The final competition consisted of three rounds .

The first round involved group elimination, where only 16 people will be
able to pass out of the 256 people who were pitted against each other in the
arena .

This made Davis remember the Battle Royale Games in his previous life .
During the match, he stood like a statue and no one even came near him .
They were avoiding him like he was a plague which made him annoyed .

Out of the 1,280 participants, 80 participants managed to secure victory, and

as expected, more than 90% of the participants who secured victory were the
elite geniuses of the various empires .

Unfortunately, Evelynn was defeated in this round which made her

unqualified to participate in the next round .

The next round took place the next day . They used the same method to
eliminate the participants .

This time, only 16 participants were pitted against each other as they battled
out for supremacy .

Ellia lost this round, and it was quite expected . Compared to other geniuses,
the time she cultivated was too little .

16 participants emerged victorious in this round as the general Top 16 were

determined .

Then the Top 16 participant was made to do one on one battles, which
increased the valiant and heroic atmosphere of the arena .

In the arena, three matches simultaneously took place in the three battle
stages .

The audience clamoured and discussed in fervour as the matches between

the geniuses exploded into magnificent battles, except for an anomaly .

During the whole process, Davis didn't even have to open his mouth as the
geniuses automatically surrendered of their own will .

The number of participants dropped from sixteen to eight . Then eight to

four, and four turned to two .

In the largest battle stage, two silhouettes were staring at each other with odd
expressions .

"I knew I would finally face you, Princess Shirley . " Davis smiled .

He stood at one end of the stage, with his arms folded . A slight grin was
visible on his face .

Shirley smirked, "Just so you know, I'm not gonna throw in the towel like
the others . I'm gonna battle you to my heart's content!"

Davis was astonished, "Even though you know that you will lose?"

His mentality took a turn for the worse when all the participants who were
matched up with him conceded before he can even come up on the stage . He
thought that Shirley would be one step higher and let him get to the stage
before surrendering herself .

"Yes, this is how I play and I don't need your concern . Come at me with all
you've got!" Shirley took out her red blazing sword with intricate carvings .
It looked magnificent while the blade was sharp enough to slice a Low-
Level Sky Beast Stage Magical Beasts to pieces . It was a Low-Level Sky
Grade Weapon that comparable with Davis's spear .

'Looks like I went full retard and got arrogant . ' Davis sighed, no matter how
he tried to not underestimate anyone, he got full of himself after being
praised by hundreds of people .

'I should know better, Tch!' Davis cursed himself and took a decision .
"Thanks for reminding me something important," Davis said as he was
thankful to her .

Shirley grinned as she teased, "What? Have you fallen for me now that you
have seen my courage?"

"Haha, no . It's just that I was reminded of how I once told myself to not
underestimate people, lest I be killed in an instant without even knowing
how . "

Shirley was taken aback, "Oh, you mean like those two emperors who were
killed by you in an instant?"

Davis nodded his head, "You could say that . "

Shirley sighed, "Arrogance! I can see that in your eyes even though you act a
little humble! Let me tell you something . You don't need to act humble at
all, only if you act arrogantly will people know that you are someone who
holds power . Power is the ultimate requirement that you need to have in this
world! Without that, you will be shunned and oppressed without end . I tell
you, without your master, you would be targeted by all the people in this
place except your father! So prove yourself that you have the right to be
arrogant in front of everyone!" By the time she finished speaking, her aura
and energy erupted out like a large wave that suppressed the people in the
audience seat .

Shirley, who is 18 years old, has cultivated in all three Cultivation System .
Her cultivation reached Peak-Level Iron Stage, Peak-Level Revolving Core
Stage and High-Level Nascent Soul Stage . She had the confidence that she
will be at least be able to battle him to a standstill .

'Prove myself?' Davis looked at her in incredulity . Her words echoed in his
ears that triggered explosions in his mind .

He was surrounded by that greyish aura tinged with red energy flowing all
around the place . Her aura didn't intimidate him at all but combined with
her words, he got goosebumps .

Davis slowly lifted his hand as he pointed at her, "You're right . . . I got to
show these people that I have the right to be arrogant!"

Incredible waves of soul energy emanated from Davis as it exploded out .

"Soul Suppression Art!"

Fearsome waves of soul pressure descended upon Shirley which instantly

made her feel like that she had been placed in the depths of a tightly
compressed cave which had trapped her viciously .

Shirley froze as her powers dissipated and realized that she was not able to
move . She fell down to her knees as she stared at Davis in fear .

'Young Soul Stage!!!' Shirley's mind was filled with disbelief as she saw him
make his way towards her .

Uncontrollable fear erupted in her eyes when she saw him approaching her .

"Y-You . . . D-Don't come near me!" She hysterically shouted in her mind
but was only able to say it out softly with her mouth . She now regretted
provoking him into revealing his power .

Davis stood in front of her as he looked down at her . He erected an opaque

barrier with his soul that shone with bright light and covered the two of them

Davis bent down and stretched his hands towards her face .

"No! D-Don't!" Seeing that his hands were stretched towards her, she got
scared while her body involuntarily trembled as her courage was whittled
down .

Davis swiped his hands as Shirley was dumbfounded as she blinked .

"Tell me! Do I now have the right to be arrogant?"

Misty eyes looked at him, a sharp petite nose, combined with lascivious lips
that were enough to captivate a man was visible to his eyes .

"Y-You do . . . "

At this moment, she knew that she got utterly dominated by him in this
match .

Grey opened the door to his room and stepped in, he almost got a heart
attack .

"Where is the child?" Grey unsheathed his sword and quickly rushed in .

At the corner of the room Tian Long hurriedly turned back his head and saw
Grey rushing into the room .

'Ray Nolan, that's his name huh . '

'Seems like I still possess the Death God's Eyes, then that means that I still
have the Death Note with me . '


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