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Kimberly Gilles

Technical Communications BS310

Dr. Janice Spangenburg
 Technical writing is the presentation of information that helps
the reader to solve a particular problem.
 Technical writing is used in proposals, manuals, web pages,
lab reports, newsletters, and many other kinds of professional
 Technical writing is used to communicate information to
management, employees, and other businesses.
 Technical writing can be considered the conduit between
people who know technology and those who use it.

Kimberly Gilles
Technical Communications BS310
Dr. Janice Spangenburg
 Technical writing requires transparency of expression
and therefore a straightforward use of language.
 Technical writing requires the recognition of the overall
goal prior to beginning a document.
 Writers must have knowledge of the intended audience.
 Documents must include certain key concepts so the
information can be easily understood by the intended
 Technical writing is solution based.

Kimberly Gilles
Technical Communications BS310
Dr. Janice Spangenburg
 Know the intended audience.
 Understand the goal of the
 Follow the Pyramid Method
of Writing.
 Use an active voice when
 Use clear and concise
 Use illustrations to help
clarify meaning.
 Prepare a draft and then a
final copy.

Kimberly Gilles
Technical Communications BS310
Dr. Janice Spangenburg
When a writer knows their
audience they are better positioned
to suggest and implement solutions,
by using appropriate language and

Readers will fall into 1 of 4

categories: experts, technicians,
business, and lay-people

What are the readers' positions

and responsibilities?

What will the

reader be expecting
from the document?

How will the information be used?

What questions will likely be


Kimberly Gilles
Technical Communications BS310
Dr. Janice Spangenburg
 A summary is
considered the most
important information. It
Summary tells the readers what
will be discussed.
 Background
information answers the
Background who, where, when, and
 The discussion depicts
each item or topic and
Discussion identifies any actions
 The outcome is a
Details/Action general statement of
results and any
 Depending on the type
Outcome/Action of document there may
be additional levels of
necessary information.

Kimberly Gilles
Technical Communications BS310
Dr. Janice Spangenburg
•Tone is created by the language the writer chooses for the

•Tone is used to be persuasive

•Tone needs to be suitable for the subject
Tone •An active voice sets a decisive tone

•Language should be specific to the goal or situation of the


•Language needs to be concise & well-defined

•Use language that will be understood by the intended audience
Language •Use narrative language minimally

Kimberly Gilles
Technical Communications BS310
Dr. Janice Spangenburg
 Illustrations include:
 Charts
 Graphs
 Tables
 Pictures
 Diagrams
 Illustrations provide
clarification for readers
 Graphs illustrate concepts
 Illustrations make a
document more visually
 Graphs need to be simple
and cluttered
 Illustrations should only
depict one main point
 Illustrations should be
clearly labeled

Kimberly Gilles

Graphs & Illustrations Technical Communications BS 310

Dr. Janice Spangenburg
Drafts & Final Copy
 Research your topic
 Research your audience
 Know the layout of the
 Begin with the thesis
 Fill in all pertinent
information with correct
tone and language
 Use illustrations when
 When finished – walk
 Proofread the document
for grammatical errors,
sentence structure, and
effective transitions

Kimberly Gilles
Technical Communications BS310
Dr. Janice Spangenburg

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