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Journal of Hydrology 476 (2013) 426–432

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A memory model of sedimentation in water reservoirs

Michele Caputo a,b, José M. Carcione c,⇑
Department of Physics, University ‘‘La Sapienza’’, Rome, Italy
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Borgo Grotta Gigante 42c, 34010 Sgonico, Trieste, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: We consider a one-dimensional model of water reservoir, where the sediment is diffusing according to
Received 9 April 2012 the Fourier law modified with the introduction of a derivative of fractional distributed orders as memory
Received in revised form 7 August 2012 formalism. The fractional order is equivalent to a time-varying diffusivity and the distributed orders rep-
Accepted 6 November 2012
resent a variety of memory mechanisms to model a sediment with a varied distribution of grain sizes.
Available online 15 November 2012
This manuscript was handled by Corrado
Using the Laplace transform (LT), we find the solution in the case when the flux is constant at the source
Corradini, Editor-in-Chief, with the and is arbitrarily given at the output. Then, the time-domain solution is obtained by means of a numerical
assistance of Rao S. Govindaraju, Associate Fourier transform. We apply a one-dimensional simplified model, with the diffusion governed by two
Editor parameters, to the Quarto Nuovo (Italy) reservoir, where the flux of sediment at the output is obtained
from observed data. It is found that the flux increases when one of the parameters defining the diffusion
Keywords: model, the pseudo-diffusivity, is increasing or when the other parameter defining the diffusion, the order
Reservoir of fractional differentiation, is decreasing. When the latter parameter is nil, one obtains the classic diffu-
Sediment sion with maximum flux.
Flux Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fractional derivatives

1. Introduction shape and volume of the reservoirs occurring at the same time of
the deposit of the sediment, whose fate is influenced by the force
1.1. Foreword on water reservoirs and sediment diffusion of gravity and by the velocity of the water.
In recent times, we have been gratified by several studies con-
Due to the shortage of fresh water the artificial water reservoirs cerning the estimate of the flux of sediment versus time and at dif-
are of ever increasing importance. They are mostly contained by ferent locations along the water reservoirs. To quote the works
dams made of earth or concrete. Both types of reservoirs, however, which may seem more pertinent, we begin with that of Zyryanov
are doomed to inefficiency because of the phenomenon of the dif- (1973) reporting on the silting of the Uch-Kurgansk hydroelectric
fusion of sediments filling the reservoirs. For instance, in the Italian station and on the silt control. Bodulski and Górski (2007) studied
Alps, the lifetime of the water reservoirs lies between 50 and the silting of the Cedzyna water reservoir in Poland in the period
100 years depending on the sediments contained in their tributary 1972–2003, finding that the volume had decreased by 113,000 m3.
streams, on their geometry and on the use which set serious con- Rãdoane and Rãdoane (2005) analyzed the data of 138 reser-
straints on their economic convenience. voirs with relatively large volume affected by the phenomenon of
Monitoring the deposits of sediment in the water reservoir in silting and found that it is very serious for 11% of them and serious
the first few years after the construction is generally sufficient to for 22%. Sharma and Dubey (2001) discussed the remote monitor-
have an approximate estimate of its future efficiency which con- ing of the silting in water reservoirs for estimating the silting deliv-
cern its investors and managers. ery rate. Cogollo and Villela (1988) provided means of estimating
The phenomenon of sediment diffusion and deposit in the water the sediment distribution in time and space inside a reservoir.
reservoirs is extremely complex. Most important is the varied den- Chen et al. (1978) produced a model for the prediction of the
sity distribution function of the sediment relative to its size and deposit of sediment in reservoirs. The river is modeled by a single
weight, but are also important the seasonal variation in river flow, channel assuming that the one-dimensional flow phenomena are
the reservoir operation scheduling and the irregular and varying dominant, whereas a compound stream model approach is used
to simulate the main river and the flood plains of the reservoir.
Their jet theory is incorporated in a mathematical model by Lopez
⇑ Corresponding author. (1978) and the resulting flow field, computed with the scheme of
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Carcione). finite differences, is used to route the sediment through the

0022-1694/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Caputo, J.M. Carcione / Journal of Hydrology 476 (2013) 426–432 427

reservoir. The simulated bed profiles generated by the mathemat- interface using fractional calculus and Freed and Diethelm (2008)
ical model compare well with measured data. applied the fractional derivatives in viscoelasticity for a non-linear
Some of the difficulties in modeling the diffusion could be ten- finite-deformation theory of tissue.
tatively overcome by introducing appropriate linear phenomeno- The derivatives of fractional order are often used to model bio-
logical equations at the price to loose some of the intuitive logical phenomena, as for instance the diffusion of fluids in organic
properties of the classic equations. On the other hand, the phenom- and inorganic substances. For instance, Cesarone et al. (2005) and
enological equations may allow to find different points of view on Caputo and Cametti (2008, 2009) introduced a fractional derivative
the evolution of the phenomenon of diffusion and, possibly, new in the diffusion equation to model the profile concentration of dif-
concepts. fusing solutes inside cell membranes. The latter authors compared
There are many generalizations of the original diffusion equa- their model predictions with experimental results concerning the
tion for use in various fields of science. A relevant case for aniso- permeation of piroxicam, an anti-inflammatory drug, and of 4-
tropic media is the substitution of the scalar parameter of cyanophenol through human skin in vivo, obtaining a good fit.
diffusion with a tensor. Another relevant case is the Fokker–Planck Caputo and Carcione (2011a,b) used fractional derivatives of
equation describing the time evolution of the probability density distributed order to model fatigue criteria and wave simulation,
function of the position of the diffusing particles. respectively, while Caputo et al. (2011) applied fractional deriva-
The diffusion equation has been generalized with the introduc- tives to the propagation of waves in biological dissipative media.
tion of memory formalisms represented by fractional order deriv- In seismology, Carcione et al. (2002) and Carcione (2009) de-
atives (Wyss, 1986; Mainardi, 1993). In this work, concerning the scribed the anelastic behavior of general materials over wide fre-
diffusion of sediment in water reservoirs, the diffusion equation quency ranges by using fractional derivatives, in particular
is generalized by introducing a distributed order fractional deriva- considering propagation with constant-Q characteristics.
tive to represent the effect of the various density distribution func- In finance, the fractional derivative represents the effect of
tions of the sizes and weights of the particles forming the memory on the economic operators concerning their action in
sediment. The scope is then to present a mathematical model the markets. Scalas et al. (2000) developed a theory which fully
based on a memory formalism for the diffusion of sediment in a takes into account the non-Markovian and non-local character of
one-dimensional water reservoir. The more general model of sedi- financial time series and Mainardi et al. (2000) pointed out the
mentation in the water reservoirs introduced here, when adequate consistency of the results of Scalas et al. (2000).
data is available, would give the flux of sediment along the reser- In physics, Laskin (2000, 2002) applied the fractional derivative
voirs and may possibly estimate the evolution of their efficiency in quantum mechanics, particularly to the equation of Schrödinger
and improve the capability of forecast of their lifetime. It may also discussing the difference with the original equation. Závada (2002)
be of help in selecting the sites of future reservoirs in connection studied relativistic wave equations involving fractional derivatives,
with the estimate of sediments in the tributary streams. Raspini (2000) studied the Dirac equation with a fractional deriva-
tive of order 2/3, Magin et al. (2009) solved the Bloch equation,
1.2. The use of the mathematical memory formalism which relates a macroscopic model of magnetization to applied
radiofrequency, in gradient and static magnetic fields, in order to
The basic notion of memory functions is widely recognized in detect and characterize neurodegenerative, malignant and ische-
science in general and, in particular, in the fields of mathematical mic diseases.
physics, engineering and biology. Numerous applications of math- In information theory, Frederico and Torres (2008) studied the
ematical memory formalisms to the description of physical phe- optimal control in the sense of the fractional Noether theorem.
nomena have been published. We try here to recall some Introducing this derivative in the stress strain relation of elasticity
contributions being sure that some work will be unintentionally is possible to model the phenomenon of dissipation of the elastic
omitted. energy; that dissipation which renders harmless an earthquake
Using fractional derivatives as memory formalisms Baleanu and at sufficiently large distances from the epicenter.
Agraval (2006) studied the Hamilton formalism. Baleanu and All the equations generalizing the Fourier equation, and used in
Trujillo (2010) studied the Euler–Lagrange equations and Baleanu the works previously mentioned, are called phenomenological,
et al. (2009) studied the Newtonian law with memory. Körnig since they are not obtained from first principles only. The reputa-
and Müller (1989) used a rheological model based on fractional tion of this type of equations has been confirmed for their impor-
calculus to estimate the anelastic properties of the crust of the tant contribution given in various forms to the rapid
Earth. Iaffaldano et al. (2006) and Di Giuseppe et al. (2010) developments of the superconductive materials. These phenome-
modeled the flux of water through different types of sand using nological equations, when adequately verified with experimental
diffusion equations modified with the introduction of fractional data, represent a step forward with respect to the usual empirical
derivatives and Schumer et al. (2009) modeled transport on the equations which are still very useful in many branches of applied
Earth’s surface with a fractional advection diffusion equation. science and technology.
Zhang et al. (2007) studied the impact of boundaries on the The fractional calculus is used here to describe a one-
fractional advection–dispersion equation for solute transport in dimensional model of water reservoir, where the sediment is dif-
soil defining the fractional dispersive flux with the fractional deriv- fusing according to the Fourier law. The model is applied to the
atives. Murio and Mejia (2008) studied the generalized time in- Quarto Nuovo reservoir. A list of symbols is given in Appendix A.
verse heat convection problems with fractional derivatives.
Bagley and Torvik (2000a,b) discussed the problem of the existence
of the order domain and the solution of distributed-order differen- 2. The Quarto Nuovo reservoir
tial equations. Mainardi et al. (2008) generalized the partial differ-
ential equation of Gaussian diffusion by using the time-fractional The ITCOLD is the Italian research group supervising the man-
derivative of distributed order between 0 and 1, in both the Rie- agement of the water reservoirs and of the operations of removal
mann–Liouville and the Caputo sense. of their sediment according to an Italian law issued in 2006. This
The fractional derivative was also used in medicine: El-Shahed group studied the Quarto Nuovo reservoir which was built be-
(2003) made a fractional calculus model of heart valve vibrations, tween 1923 and 1925 in the Italian province of Forli, along the
Magin and Ovadia (2008) modeled the cardiac tissue electrode State Road 71 from Cesena to Bagno di Romagna, at the elevation
428 M. Caputo, J.M. Carcione / Journal of Hydrology 476 (2013) 426–432

of 320 m above the sea level. The reservoir has a surface of about The operator Dm describes the perturbation of the local concen-
85,000 m2 with an elongated form (it is about 1000 m long) and tration of homogeneous sediment due to the previous transit of
collects the waters of the rivers Para and Savio. water. It represents the perturbation due to inhomogeneous sedi-
Soon after the construction, it was noted the formation of a rel- ment formed with particles of varied shape, weight and size. The
evant deposit of sediment on the bottom in the reservoir and, be- mathematical formalism defined by Eq. (4) is constructed with a
cause of this phenomenon, the variation of the actual volume of weighted mean of the first-order derivative p,s(x, s) in the time
water of the reservoir was monitored almost regularly and numer- interval [0,t], which is a sort of feedback system, i.e., the values
ically (Piro et al., 2007). These data inspired us to make a simple of p,s(x, s) at time s far apart from t are given smaller weight than
analytic model of the diffusion of sediment in the reservoir, assum- those at times s closer to t. Hence, the weights are increasingly
ing that the yearly introduction of the sediment at the source is smaller with increasing time separation from the time t to imply
constant and that the fraction of the sediment eliminated at the that the effect of the past is fading with increasing time. Impor-
output is similar to that implied by the data supplied in the report tantly, the weights multiplying the first-order derivative of p(x, s)
of Piro et al. (2007). inside the integral appearing in Eq. (4) can be chosen in many
One is forced to severe simplifications, due to the lack of data on ways. The definition adopted in Eq. (4) is appropriate because is
the geometry of the reservoir, to produce a simple mathematical algebraically simple, allows easy solutions, and has been com-
model of the sediment diffusion. We will assume here a one- monly applied in the previously cited scientific studies (Podlubny,
dimensional model of the reservoir with length h displayed along 1999; Mainardi, 2010; Diethelm, 2010).
the x axis and with the water entering the reservoir at the origin A simple example of diffusion with memory experimentally
x = 0. We also assume that the input of sediment has a constant verified is the flux of water through sand which causes a rotation
yearly rate A and that, at the output, x = h, the flux of sediment is of its grains and thus generates a matrix with porosity variable
given. In short, the reservoir is a simple one-dimensional input– in time (Iaffaldano et al., 2006; Di Giuseppe et al., 2010). The var-
output system. iation of the porosity is then function of the quantity of water
From the data available on the reservoir (Piro et al., 2007), one which went through the matrix which in turn has a memory of this
obtains the rate of sediment filling it. We assume that the flux of quantity. In our case, the memory is materialized in the exposure
sediment at the input and output of the reservoir are of the particles forming the sediment to the gravity force, namely,
the duration of this exposure combined with the velocity of the
qð0; tÞ ¼ A; water. The distributed-order fractional equation expressed by
Bc ð1Þ Eqs. (2) and (3) aims to model the difference of the memory of
qðh; tÞ ¼ kðtÞ ¼ ½expðtÞ  expðctÞ;
c the sediments with varied shape, weight and size.
Eq. (2) has to be considered with the continuity equation
respectively, where t is the time, A, B and c are constants to be
determined from the data and t  1 and   c, where  is a non- q;x þ p;t ¼ 0: ð5Þ
physical parameter to avoid the singularity in the inverse Fourier
The LT domain of Eqs. (2) and (5) are
transform (see below). Asymptotically (t ? 1), the flux at the
mouth will be the same as at the source if B = A. sb  sa
Q ¼ cþ d P;x ;
ln s ð6Þ
3. The one-dimensional analytical model of diffusion Q ;x þ sP ¼ 0;

where s is the LT variable, and the LT pair tm M C(1  m)sm1 and
The mathematical formalism used to model the diffusion of sed- R m
s dm ¼ sm = ln s þ C, where C is a constant, have been used. Elimi-
iments in a reservoir consists of the Fourier equation modified with
nating P(x, s) in Eq. (6), one obtains
the application of a memory formalism, in the form of a fractional
derivative of distributed order of the concentration gradient. This  1
sb  sa
derivative is used to model the complexity of the time evolution Q ;xx ðx; sÞ ¼ c þ d sQ ð7Þ
ln s
of the local distribution of sediment due to the previous transit
of fluid. Then, the flux of sediment can be expressed as (Caputo, 1995). The boundary conditions are given in Eq. (1). The
Laplace-domain solution of Eq. (7) is given in Appendix B,
qðx; tÞ ¼ cp;x ðx; tÞ  d D½a;b p;x ðx; tÞ; ð2Þ
Qðx; sÞ ¼ KðsÞFðx; sÞ  ðA=sÞFðx  h; sÞ; ð8Þ
where p(x, t) represents the concentration of sediment in a section where
at distance x from the input, c and d are constants (whose dimen-
sions are given in Appendix A), and the subindex ‘‘,x’’ denotes a par- sinhðaxÞ
Fðx; sÞ ¼ ð9Þ
tial derivative with respect to the variable x. In Eq. (2), D[a,b] is the sinhðahÞ
operator of fractional differentiation of distributed order introduced
by Caputo (1967, 1995), used in Caputo (2001) and Caputo and
Carcione (2011b) and extensively reported in Jiao et al. (2012):  1=2
pffiffi sb  sa
a¼ s cþ d : ð10Þ
b ln s
½a;b m
D pðtÞ ¼ D pðtÞdm; ð3Þ
a The time-domain solution is calculated by recasting this solution in
the Fourier domain and performing an inverse transform using the
where fast-Fourier transform (FFT) (see Appendix B).
1 t
p;s ðx; sÞ 1 1
Dm pðx; tÞ ¼ ds ¼ p  ð4Þ 4. Application to the Quarto-Nuovo water reservoir
Cð1  mÞ 1 ðt  sÞm Cð1  mÞ ;t tm

is the so-called Caputo fractional derivative of order m 2 [0, 1] We now apply the model to the flux of sediment in the Quarto-
(Podlubny, 1999; Carcione et al., 2002; Diethelm, 2010), where Nuovo water reservoir. The data of Piro et al. (2007) on the evolu-
‘‘⁄’’ denotes time convolution. tion of the capacity of the reservoir allow only six values of the
M. Caputo, J.M. Carcione / Journal of Hydrology 476 (2013) 426–432 429

yearly rate of sediment distributed in the time window from the 5. Results
year 1924 through the year 2006. They are shown in Fig. 1.
We assume that the memory is represented by a single mathe- The fitting of Eq. (15) to the data of the Quarto-Nuovo reservoir
matical memory formalism, re-writing Eq. (2) as gives c = 0.1/yr. The normalized data and the fitting are shown in
m Fig. 1.
q ¼ cp;x  dD p;x : ð11Þ
Bridge (2003) reports values of d between 1000 m2/yr and
In this case, combining Eqs. (5) and (11) yields 10 m2/yr. Firstly, as an example, we chose to present the flux at

m x = 0.9h = 2.7 km, with h = 3 km, d = 104 m2 yrm1 (Fig. 2a) and
q;t ¼ ðc þ dD Þq;xx : ð12Þ d = 105 m2 yrm1 (Figure 2b) in the cases m = 0, m = 0.3 and m = 0.6,
In the LT domain, with c = 0.1/yr. The algorithm uses  = 0.5  104/yr, while the
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi FFT length is 221 with a time step of 0.5 yr. The flux is normalized
s to the final value observed and the time is normalized to the time
Q ;xx ¼ a2 Q; with a ¼ m: ð13Þ
c þ ds of last observation when the reservoir was practically full of sedi-
We also assume that the flux of sediment at x = 0 be A = con- ment. We note that the flux is increasing when d increases and de-
stant and, as in the case of the Quarto-Nuovo reservoir, and that creases when m increase. Obviously the case m = 0 is the classic one
the flux at x = h be approximated by Eq. (1), whose LT is which, in absence of memory, gives the largest flux for all values of
Bc Next, we consider two different values of c defining the flux at
KðsÞ ¼ ; ð14Þ
ðs þ Þðs þ cÞ the output of the reservoir (x = h). Fig. 3 shows the normalized
where  is small and is required to perform the numerical inverse yearly flux at x = 2.7 km, where m = 0.3 and d = 104 m2 yrm1. The in-
transform to the time domain. crease of c implies an increase of the flux rate of sediment at the
It is reasonable to assume that the phenomenon of diffusion output of the reservoir.
with memory affects all the sediment. In this case, we may assume The flux at different locations is displayed in Fig. 4, correspond-
that c = 0 in Eq. (11). The flux is defined by the parameter d, with ing to c = 0.1/yr, m = 0.3 and d = 104 m2 yrm1. The flux decreases
dimension Tm1L2, which we call pseudo-diffusivity, which together with decreasing x and at a given location x0 increases and ap-
with the order m of fractional differentiation, are new parameters proaches the value at x = 0, i.e., q/A = 1. Fig. 5 shows the flux as a
defining the diffusion. We note then that the diffusion is character- function of x at 20 yr, where x0  1592 m.
ized by two parameters and not by a single one as in the classic
Moreover, it seems rational to assume that, asymptotically, the
flux at x = h be the same as that at the source, that is, Eq. (1) with
B=A (a)
qðh; tÞ ¼ kðtÞ ¼ ½expðtÞ  expðctÞ: ð15Þ
In this case, the solution (8) becomes
A c
Q ðx; sÞ ¼ Fðx; sÞ þ Fðh  x; sÞ ; ð16Þ
sþ sþc
a¼ : ð17Þ


Fig. 1. Normalized yearly flux of sediment at the output of the Quarto Nuovo water Fig. 2. Normalized yearly flux of sediment at x = 2.7 km for c = 0.1/yr, various
reservoir. The squares are the data and the solid line is the fit. values of m and d = 104 m2 yrm1 (a) and d = 105 m2 yrm1 (b).
430 M. Caputo, J.M. Carcione / Journal of Hydrology 476 (2013) 426–432

Fig. 3. Normalized yearly flux of sediment at x = 2.7 km for c = 0.1/yr and c = 0.6/yr, Fig. 6. Normalized yearly flux of sediment at x = 2.7 km for c = 0.1/yr, c = 0,
m = 0.3 and d = 104 m2 yrm1. d = 104 m2 yrm1 and m = 0.3 compared to cases of distributed order fractional

Extending the range of the order of differentiation increases the

The use of this model to estimate the diffusion of the sediment
filling the water reservoir is limited by the lack of knowledge of the
two parameters d and m which characterize the flux across the res-
ervoir. To obtain the values of these parameters, that is, to obtain a
model of the flux of sediment in the reservoir, is then necessary to
observe the flux in few locations of the reservoir and at different
Moreover, the model with the fractional derivative of distrib-
uted order, as in Eq. (2), would represent a variety of memory
mechanisms and would be more adequate to deal with a non-
homogeneous sediment. It would then allow to represent the case
when, as often occurs, it is present a sediment with a varied den-
sity distribution of sizes and weight of grains which in some sands
may vary a few orders of magnitude i.e., in the range [0.075,
Fig. 4. Normalized yearly flux of sediment at x = 3 km, x = 300 m and x = 0 m, for 10] mm (Di Giuseppe et al., 2010) or in the range [2–2.8] mm
c = 0.1/yr, m = 0.3 and d = 104 m2 yrm1. (Iaffaldano et al., 2006) or in urban drainage in the range
[0.4–500] lm (Maione and Moisello, 1993; Piro et al., 2007).

6. Conclusions

In order to model the diffusion of sediment in a one-dimen-

sional model of water reservoir, the Fourier diffusion equation is
modified with the introduction of a memory formalism repre-
sented by a derivative of fractional order. This model describes
the diffusion with two parameters instead of the classic one, i.e.,
the pseudo-diffusivity d and the order of fractional differentiation
When adequate data on the diffusion of sediments in the reser-
voir is available, the model seems capable to represent the flux of
sediment occurring along the reservoirs. The parameter d is
increasing with increasing flux. It is also seen that m increases with
decreasing flux and, when m is nil, one obtains the classic diffusion
with maximum flux. The flux increases also with decreasing 1/c,
i.e., with the decay time of the sediment accumulation.
Fig. 5. Normalized flux versus x at t = 20 yr, for c = 0.1/yr, m = 0.3 and The knowledge of the two parameters, d and m, allows to de-
d = 104 m2 yrm1. scribe the flux of sediment along the reservoir. This type of model
with two parameters could help in understanding better the evolu-
tion of the deposit of the sediment and implies a more detailed
Finally, we illustrate the more general case of distributed orders
description of the phenomenon of sediment deposit. It may also
of differentiation by comparing the single order m = 0.3 to the cases
throw some light on the differences between the various types of
[a, b] = [0.2, 0.4] and [0.1, 0.5]. The normalized flux is displayed in
water reservoirs and be of help in estimating the possible perfor-
Fig. 6 for c = 0, c = 0.1/yr and d = 104 m2 yrm1 at x = 0.9h = 2.7 km.
mance of perspective reservoirs.
M. Caputo, J.M. Carcione / Journal of Hydrology 476 (2013) 426–432 431

The model with the more general operator based on the frac- It is readily verified in Eq. (20) that q(h, t) = k(t) and that q(0,t) = A.
tional derivative of distributed order, describing a variety of mem- Because a(s = 0) = 0, F(x,0) = x/h and F(x  h, 0) = x/h  1. Then,
ory mechanisms, would be more adequate to deal with a non- invoking the final value theorem, limt?1q(x, t) = lims?0s Q(s), we
homogeneous sediment, having a distribution of sizes and weight obtain
of grains which in some sands may vary a few orders of magnitude.
 x  xkð1Þ
One practical use of the model is to reduce the cost of estimat-
qðx; 1Þ ¼ A 1  þ ; ð22Þ
ing the diffusion and accumulation of sediments by calculating h h
them instead of monitoring them with instruments. This process
can readily be made since the solutions are given with simple which is k(1) at x = h and A at x = 0.
closed-form formulae. In order to compute the time-domain solution, we perform a
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi inverse Fourier transform. Hence, we take s = ix, where
Acknowledgements i ¼ 1 and x is the angular frequency. Then, we use the fast Fou-
rier transform (FFT). To avoid numerical errors, such as ringing at
The inverse Fourier transforms have been computed with For- early times, the length of the FFT has to be chosen long enough
tran. We thank Fabio Cavallini for cross-checking the calculations and the time sampling small. The solution is valid for times satis-
with the software Mathematica. fying t  1.

Appendix A. List of symbols and dimensions


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