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※ please read this manual book before use

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TEC air conditioning user manual

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... ....................................... 4
1.1. Preface ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2. Product introduction............................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Working principle.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Up to notch................................................................................................. ............................................... 5
2. Product features........................................................................................................................ ....................... ....... 5
2.1. Inside fan control ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Outside fan control............................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. refrigeration..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Heating .................................................................................. .................................................................. 5
2.5. hydrogen discharging............................................................................................................................... 6
2.6. TEC Refrigeration piece of hot and cold switching protection function................... 6
2.7. Timing function for hydrogen.............................................................................................................. 6
2.8. memory function when power off........................................................................................................ 7
2.9. Voltage protection............................................................................................................................... 7
3. Product parameters....................................................................................................................... ........................... 7
3.1. Product technical parameters........................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Size of product....................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Package diagram............................................................................................................................................................ 8

5. Product installation................................................... .............................................................................................. 9

5.1. Hole size...................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2. Installation map...................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3. Prepare......................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4. Machinery installation................................................ ........................................................................ 11
5.5. Electrical installation........................................................................................................................ 11
5.6. Precautions................................................................................................................................................. 11

6. Products running.......................................... ............................................................................................................... 12

6.1. Product check before operation........................................................................................................ 12
6.2. Products running........................................................................................................................................ 12
6.3. monitor........................................................................................................................................................... 12
7. Fault analysis and processin.............................................................................................................................. 12
7.1. fault alarm............................................................ ...................................................................................... 12
7.2. Light alarm................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.3. Fault and processing.............................................................................................................................. 15
8. Maintenance.......... ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
8.1. Regular inspection.................................................................................................................................... 16
8.2. keep................................................................................................................................................................. 16

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TEC air conditioning user manual

9. After-sales service and warranty................................................................................................................. 16

9.1. warranty.................................................................................................................................................. 16
9.2. Free maintenance range................................................................................................................... 16
9.3. remark...................................................................................................................................................... 16
10. packing.................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Electrical wiring diagram1........................................................................................................................................... 17

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TEC air conditioning user manual

1. Introduction
1.1. Preface
This manual book will introduce main trait、technical specifications 、configuration、working
principle、installation and debugging 、operations and daily maintenance. The manual book fit
for installation and use man. Please read before work , and pay attention to warning , please
safekeeping the manual book .
1.2. Product introduction
TEC is mainly made of Semiconductor refrigeration piece、Heat sinks、fans、panel. TEC is
small 、light、easy to install 、No refrigerant、no pollution to the environment、Cooling and
heating functions can interchangeable、Can be connect an external emergency fan and hydrogen
fan ,can remote monitoring though RS485 .
1.3. Working principle
When the DC flow through the circuit, which is formed by different conductor connection in
nodes produces endothermic or exothermic phenomenon,this phenomenon called peltier effect .
TEC use in this peltier effect . When TEC power on , one side cooling through the fan and the
heat sink to absorb heat, contained in the other side of the heating through the fan and heat
sink get heat away.

TEC Working principle

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TEC air conditioning user manual
1.4. Up to notch
GB/T2423.38-1990 Basic environmental test procedures _ test electrical and electronic
products R:Test method for water
GB/T 2423.1-2001 Electrical and electronic products environmental test
Part 2: test method for testing A: low temperature
GB/T 2423.2-2001 Electrical and electronic products environmental test
Part 2: test method for testing B: high temperature
GB4208-2008 Enclosure protection class
GJB150-86 Military equipment environment test method;
GB/T17626.8-1998 Electromagnetic compatibility test and measurement technology power frequency
magnetic field immunity test.
GB9254-1998 Information technology equipment of radio disturbance limits and measurement
2. Product features
2.1. Inside fan control
Operate by inside fan with the highest speed , don’t adjust speed .

Default parameter By inside fan(RPM)

With the highest speed by inside fan 3600

2.2. Outside fan control

TEC module and outside fan share synchronization mechanism , outside fan can adjust speed. The
outside fan will linear adjust speed between start temperature and last temperature. The fan will be the
highest speed when heating start.
Default parameter Cabinet Speed of
return air outside
Start adjust(low speed ) 30 1800

End adjust(highest speed) 32 3600


when the temperature is higher than refrigeration open points then operate refrigetation. When the
temperature is lower than refrigeration open points then stop. When set the temperature , stop
temperature should lower than start temperature.
Refrigeration parameter Settings

parameter Default scope unit set point to describe

Sensitivity of [1~5] ℃ Refrigeration operation to
refrigeration 2 stop back to the poor

Start point of [15~60] ℃ Refrigeration operation

refrigeration 30 start temperature point

2.4. Heating
when the temperature is lower than heating point then start heating,when the temperature is higher than heating point then
stop. The start temperature should lower than stop temperature.
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TEC air conditioning user manual

Heating parameter Settings

parameter Default scope unit set point to describe


Start point 5 [-10~15] ℃ start temperature

Stop point 15 [-5~25] ℃ Stop temperature

2.5. hydrogen discharging

The controller can hydrogen discharging , default every 24hours discharge 5 minutes.
2.6.TEC Refrigeration piece of hot and cold switching protection function
The current time must be longer than switch delay time when hot and cold switching , you can
set , the default time is 5min.
2.7. Timing function for hydrogen
The controller can timing function for hydrogen , the default time is 5min every 24hours.
2.8. memory function when power off
The controller can memory the current state , can start when the power outages
2.9. Voltage protection
Controller fault protection start when the input voltage is smaller than under-voltage alarm or
larger than the over-voltage alarm;
Voltage recovery is between under-voltage and over-voltage , the controller will normal operate .
3.0.Remote monitoring and alarm function
TEC can connect with computer by RS485 , user can check system state by monitor background
( including fan , TEC , sensor) and change parameter.
Communication parameters: Baud rate 9600 BPS( can set ):
Data bits:eight;
Stop bits:one;

3. Product parameters

3.1. Product technical parameters

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TEC air conditioning user manual
Dc voltage VDC -58 - -44

power W 460

Cooling capacity W 300

Heating capacity W 450

installation / Door

Working temperature range ℃ -40 - +55

Ambient humidity RH 5% - 95%

Protection grade / IP 55

Noise (dB) dB(A) 63

weight Kg 10

3.2. Size of product

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TEC air conditioning user manual

4. Package diagram

5. Product installation

5.1. Hole size

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TEC air conditioning user manual

5.2. Installation map

sink Net cover


Door plank

PS :Please pay attention to the direction when install , the controller panel is
under the fan. Please reference the installation map ,but should be consider the
environment to install。

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TEC air conditioning user manual
5.3. Prepare

TOOLS :wrench、Line pressing pliers、The screwdriver、pliers、A tape measure、multimeter ,ets

5.4. Machinery installation

open the cabinet door , put the TEC from outside to inside of the cabinet hole
( reference hole map) , match the flange of TEC to the cabinet ( it’s the Inner loop
that has controller panel);
install eight cross screw on the flange.
check , if OK , next step electrical installation
5.5. Electrical installation

PS:All electrical connections must comply with national and local electrical code
requirements,Disconnect the power of TEC before installation,choose appropriate cables
and power basis on technology parameters of TEC。
Electrical installation include :DC power、alarm output、communication cable、hydrogen
fan line connection,connection port as below:
DC input port :

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TEC air conditioning user manual

DC input port description

1 NO(Alarm)

2 com(Alarm)

3 485B(-)

4 485A(+)

5 hydrogen0V(-)

6 hydrogen+48V(+)

7 -(power)

8 +(power)

Steps of wiring operation :

immobilise 8 pin terminal to the place :
connect the cable to 7 and 8 port :
connect the fault alarm line to 1 and 2 port ,
connect RS485 to 3 and 4 port.
connect Hydrogen fan line to 5 and 6 port.
5.6. Precautions
 please operate by manual book,impertinent installation will lead to leaking、 electric
shock、fire、Loose or fall off of the unit ets ;
 don’t add extension cord in the middle of the power cable, Ban on weight、heating、pull
the power cable;
 the frequency and voltage of the power must Comply with the regulations of the use of
this product
  must connect ground wire well,the ground wire mustn’t connect with Gas canisters,

Water pipe, the lightning rod.

 mustn’t touch TEC with wet hand .
 when clean remove or repair,please cut the power first .
  All electrical connections must comply with national and local electrical code

requirements,Disconnect the power of TEC before installation,choose appropriate

cables and power basis on technology parameters of TEC
 that should not install the TEC when have combustible gas、Corrosive gas、Oil mist、
electrical conductivity dust ets
 When occurs exception (smoking、abnormal sound、Boot after long time without
refrigeration ets)
,should be power cut right now ,stop operate,and should be
repaired by professionals.
 should adjustments the position if the inlet or outlet was blocked
 be sure that around TEC ventilate well, and should keep wind side at 300mm length
, or will cause return short circuit , the refrigeration effect decline ets.
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TEC air conditioning user manual

6. Products running

6.1. Product check before operation

After install ,please check one by one;
it’s the below side that have control panel and connect well with the cabinet , well
 Power voltage and working voltage are consistent.
 the line must be connect well and consistent with manual book.
 Inner and outer loops and into the outlet without stop;
 Inside and outside the fan rotation freely。

6.2. Products running

Turn on the power,TEC start to self-inspection。Then ,TEC Through temperature detection

inside the cabinets ,According to control the operation of the logic control TEC air

6.3. monitor

TEC connect with computer though RS485, user can check system state by monitor background
( including fan , TEC , sensor) and change parameter.

7. Fault analysis and processing

7.1. fault alarm

TEC Provide the following alarm information

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TEC air conditioning user manual
Parameter trigger
Error duratio phenomenon reset remark
Code conditions

temperature 1 Output alarm

E01 Any time when automatic
sensor 1 Error second
error, TEC and
temperature 1
E02 Any time outside fan automatic
sensor 2 Error second stopped

High 5
temperature E03 Any time Out put alarm automatic reset when Cool 2 ℃
alarm second

Low temperature 5 reset when heat up 2

E04 Any time Output alarm automatic
alarm second ℃

5 Reset when turn on

Smoking sensor
E05 Any time Output closed manual the power or
alarm second set prohibited

Output alarm,
1 Reset when voltage
Low voltage TEC module
E09 Any time automatic is larger than
alarm second and outside fan
setting .

Output alarm,
1 Reset when voltage
Over pressure TEC module
E10 Any time automatic is smaller than
alarm second and outside fan
setting .

Open Output alarm,

Inside fan 30 TEC module
E11 Inside manual
failure second and outside fan
fan stopped

Output alarm,
Outside fan 30 TEC module
E12 outside manual
failure second and outside fan

Output alarm,
reset automatically
TEC module
TEC module 5 every 3min . If fail
E13 Open TEC topped,inside automatic
failure second will power off and
and outside fan
reset manually.
still hold

PS:When alarm,red alarm light will flashing and general alarm will output.

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TEC air conditioning user manual

7.2. Light alarm

LED label color status definition

The controller have

connected power
Power light power green
Go out The controller have not
connected power

flash communicating
communication communic
(1) yellow
s light ations
Go out Not communicating

light Error
Alarm light alarm red
Go out No alarm

light Controller has operate

Operate light operate green
Go out Controller has not

light TEC working

TEC light TEC yellow
Go out TEC not work

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TEC air conditioning user manual

7.3.Fault and processing

fault Analysis solve

1.environment temperature is 1. Add shadow or improve

too high; the environment of air;

2. Add high heating unit in 2. Reassess calorific value

the cabinet; and reset TEC ;

3. Check control panel

3. temperature sensor error in
and change temperature
the cabinet;

4. Air circulation inside ark, 4. Adjust the outlet air

local overheating; flow channel of inner loop
High temperature alarm
inside cabinet 5. inlet or outlet has blocked 5. Clean the inlet and outlet of
of outer loop outer loop

6. inlet or outlet has short 6. isolate inlet or outlet

circuit of outer loop of outer loop

7. Outside heat sinks dirt led 7. Clean heat sinks;

to the decrease of the cooling
heat sink

8.inside fan error ; 8.change;

9.outside fan error; 9.change;

1. have no power in; 1.connect power again;

2. Start heating temperature

point set is not reasonable;
Low temperature alarm
3.Adjust the outlet air
3. Air circulation inside ark,
flow channel of inner
partial low temperature;

4. Inside fan error; 4.change;

1.terminals of sensor are 1.Connect the sensor

Temperature sensor loosed; terminals strong;
2.sensor error; 2.change;

1.terminals of fan are 1.Connect the sensor fan

loosed; strong

Inside or outside error 2.Adjust the fan fixed

2.Fan stuck;
position; error; 3.change;

1.Input power interface is

1.reconnect to strong;
TEC error
2.The power supply reverse; 2.reconnect;

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TEC air conditioning user manual
3.control panel error。 3.change control panel。

8. Maintenance
8.1. Regular inspection
 Inspect DC,alarm line ,connect line;
 Check whether the TEC operate normally;

 Check whether has block from outer circulating air inlet ;


 Suggested that regular inspection 4 times a year。

8.2. Keep

TEC are used in the outdoor environment for long-time,there will be dust on outer circulating
air inlet type and extruded aluminum radiator ,should clean and maintenance 。
9. After-sales service and warranty

9.1. warranty

The warranty period depends on the contract within normal use。

9.2.Free maintenance range

During warranty period, any problems caused by the product itself will be repaired for free.
Customers are required to provide product model,but,below disclaimer range:
 Disclaimer range;
 Cannot provide the product serial number(see nameplate attached to the product);
 Damage caused by the user’s replacing parts or disassembly, or damage caused for disassembly by non-
authorized service;
 error not from TEC ,such as the fault from user's device, users of software
 Physical damage caused during shipment, installation and other improper use (such as the air conditioner
cannot be inverted etc.;
 Not in accordance with the specification requirements for installation or maintenance or damage caused
by force majeure。
9.3. remark

If the user has other special requests, besides the items of this usage instruction, it should also
include other items and notes listed in the signed technical agreement by both parties. If such usage
instruction conflicts with signed technical agreement, the technical agreement shall prevail.
10. packing

No. description quantity remark

1 TEC 1

2 8P power terminal 1

3 Certificate of approval 1

4 user manual 1

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TEC air conditioning user manual

Electrical wiring diagram1

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