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Topic or Lesson: How to store Baked Products

Objectives: Store bakery products according to established standards and procedure

Select packaging appropriate for the preservation of product freshness and
eating characteristics. TLE_HEBP9-12PP-ll-6

How to Store Baked Products

Storing Bakery products is one of the most important activities after preparation.
Bakery products are to be kept properly to avoid spoilage.

Proper storage of perishable food is necessary to ensure safe food and reduce shrink.
Consider Baked products when storing including product rotation, freezer and cooler
storage, and dry goods storage.

1. The best way to keep bread and rolls is to store ideally at room temp. 75 F to 85 F in
adequate space to prevent crushing, Relatively
you must dry it in a place well above floor
level, in a unit cleaned daily, it should away
from strong odors particularly fish, onions,
cabbage specially paints and cigarettes smoke,
stable bread and rolls cannot be refreshed it will
just consumed two to three days.

2. Soft Crushed Breads, Rolls, sweet rolls to store it place in original wrappers(moisture
and vapor proof)to prevent drying,
Refrigerate to prevent mold growth and store
in freezer, Thaw as rapidly as possible or in
oven at 325 F for 20 minutes and leave
wrapper on for room temperature thawing.
3. Hard crushed breads and rolls unwrapped it,
store in areas with dry air, it has a short shelf life,
can be stored in freezer after to refresh re crisp by
heating uncovered in a 400 F oven for about 5
minutes and served immediately.

4. Cupcakes and muffins to store covered or boxed to prevent drying out, store in a dry
and cleaned place above floor level, away from strong odors, particularly fish, onions,
cabbages, paints and cigarettes, to refresh thaw frozen, wrapped at room temperature use
within two days for best quality.

5. Crisp Cookies to store covered boxed and place

loosely in a covered container, may be frozen, to
refresh thaw at room temp. heat in open shallow
pan in 300 F oven for 3 to 5 minutes.

6. Soft, chewy cookies to store covered tightly, place

airtight metal container in cool place and thaw at room
temp. heat in open shallow pan in 300 F oven for 3 to 5

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Reference: Bread and Patry-Technical-Livelihood Track Manual First Edition 2016
Topic or Lesson: Freezer Storage Chart
Objectives: Store bakery products according to established standards and procedure
Select packaging appropriate for the preservation of product freshness and
eating characteristics. TLE_HEBP9-12PP-ll-6

Freezing Baked Goods

It's a great idea to have a pie, cookies, or cake stored in the freezer for your family or
unexpected guests. Many baked goods freeze and thaw beautifully. The key to success is
to follow recommended procedures.

* The freezer temperature should be 0 degrees Fahrenheit or less.

* Use moisture-proof, vapor-proof wraps or containers such as plastic containers with

tight-fitting lids, heavy duty foil and freezer-weight plastic bags and wraps.

* Cool baked goods completely before preparing for the freezer. This will prevent

moisture condensation from warm food which could make it soggy after thawing.

* Be sure that there is enough room for expansion when filling containers. Press the air

out and seal tightly before freezing.

* Following these guidelines will help to ensure that your baked goods retain flavor and
freshness in the freezer:
Bread and Patry-Technical-Livelihood Track Manual First Edition 2016
YEAST Cool to room temp. Wrap in Up to 6 Thaw in wrappings at room temp.
BREAD moisture-vapor-proof months or removed fr. Wrappings, reheat
baked material,seal. in 300◦F oven 25 to 30 minutes

Unbaked Put into pan. Wrap in moisture- Thaw in wrappings on refrigerator

vapor proof material, seal 1-2 overnight. Let rise in warm, moist
weeks place until doubled. Baked as
BISCUITS, Preapre and bake as usual. Cool Thaw in wrappings in 250◦F oven
BAKE to room temp. Wrap in 2-3 about 20 minutes or thaw,
moisture-vapor-proof months wrapped at room temp 1 hr.,in
material,seal. 300◦F oven, about 10mins.

Unbaked Mix, roll and cut, Freeze without Thaw unwrapped about 1 hour.
wrapping( 2 to 4 hours). Wrap in 3-4 Bake as usual or bake unwrapped
moisture-vapor proof material, weeks in 425◦F oven 20 to 25mins.
place piece of wrapping material
between biscuits
Muffins, Cool to room temp. Wrap in Thaw in wrappings at room temp.
Baked moisture-vapor-proof 3-4 or remove from wrappings, reheat
material,seal months in 300 ◦F oven 25 to 30 minutes.

Unbaked Mix as usual. Fill paper baking Thaw unwrapped at room temp.
cups 2/3 full. Freeze 2 to 4 3-4 for about 1 hour. Bake as usual
hours. Wrap in moisture-vapor- weeks
proof materials,seal

Storing Techniques

1. Wrapping – to draw, fold and cover a bakery product.

2. Packaging Material – used to package bakery products like box, plastic, container.
3. Cold Storage – the process of preventing perishable food on a large scale at a low
temperature or above the freezing point ( 0◦C or 32◦ F ).
4. Chilling- method in which raw or processed food is cooled to a temperature between
( 0◦C - 5◦C).
5. Freezing- subjecting food to temperature below freezing point ( 0◦C or 32◦F ).
6. Refrigerator – an appliance to make or keep something, especially food or drink, cold
so that it stays fresh usually in a fridge.

Topic or Lesson: Select Packaging Materials, Packaging Bakery Materials

Objectives: Store bakery products according to established standards and procedure
Select packaging appropriate for the preservation of product freshness and
eating characteristics. TLE_HEBP9-12PP-ll-6

The lesson describes the skills and knowledge required to package and label prepared bakery
products for storage and transportation. It requires the ability to check the quality of food and
select correct packaging materials.

Food Packaging
Enclosing the food in a material for a physical, chemical, biological protection and
tampering resistance. It provides nutrition information on the food being consumed.

The aims of packaging are to keep the food in good condition until it is sold and consumed, and
to encourage customers to purchase the product. Correct packaging is essential to achieve these

Packaging should provide the correct environmental conditions for food starting from time food
is packed until the time of consumption.
A gopersuade the consumers to purchase the food package should therefore perform the
following functions:

a. Provide a barrier against dirt and other contaminants thus keeping the product clean.
b. Prevent losses. For example, packages should be securely closed prevent leakage.
c. Protect food against physical and chemical damage, such as, the harmful effects of air,
light, insects, and rodents. Each product has its own needs.
d. Help the consumers to identify the food and instruct them how to use it correctly.
e. Persuade the consumers to purchase the food.
f. Cluster or group together small items in one package for efficiency.
g. Marketing. The packaging and labels can be used by marketers to encourage potential
buyers to purchase the product.
h. Correct packaging prevents any wastage which may occur during transportation and

Types of Packaging Materials


In many developing countries the most commonly used food packaging materials include:

Wood- Wooden shipping containers have traditionally been

used for a wide range of solid and liquid foods including
fruits, vegetables, tea and beer. Wood offers good protection,
good stacking characteristics and strength.

Plastic containers, however, have a lower cost and have

largely replaced wood in applications.

Paper- is an expensive packaging material. It is however highly

absorptive, and is fairly easily torn.

Glass- has many properties, Able to

withstand heat teartments such as pasteurization and sterilization.
- It does not react with food.
- It protects the food from crushing and brushing.
- It is resist to moisture, gases, odors and microorganisms.
- It is re-usable, re-sealable and recyclable.

Preparation of Glass Containers

- inspection

- washing
- rinsing
- sterilization
- sealing and capping
- cooling

Plastic- are extremely useful as they can be made either soft or

hard forms, as sheets or containers, and with different
thickness, light resistance, and flexibility.

Flexible films are the most common form of plastic used to pack
products, and have following properties

- Its cost is relatively

- It has good barrier properties against moisture and gases.
- It has heat wet and dry strength.
- It is easy to handle.
- It adds little weight to the product.
- It fits closely to the shape of the product.

Methods of Food Packaging

Food Packaging is packaging for food. A package provides protection, tampering resistance,
and special physical, chemical, or biological needs. It may bear nutrition facts label and other
information about food being offered for sale.

Home Canned Foods – One of the oldest and most common methods of food packaging in homes
is the use of home canning.

Canned Foods – Canning foods as a method of food processing

have been around; foods that are canned commercially are cooked
prior to being placed in the can in order to prevent E. coli
contamination. Canned foods come in a wide variety, ranging from
meat to vegetables to fruit.

Foil Packaging – One of the innovative methods of

commercial food packaging is foil wrapping. Foil wraps are
often pouches that are filled and then the bottom and top of
the pouch is sealed similar to those used with commercial
frozen packaging. Foil packaging allows the method to be
sealed in the package without losing any residual moisture
that may still be in the food. The recommended types of
food to package in this manner are usually dried fruits,
baked goods or grain products.

What Must Appear on the Label?

- Name under which the product is sold

- List of ingredients
- Quality of certain ingredients
- Net quantity
- Date of minimum durability
- Any special storage instruction nor conditions of use
- Name or business name and address of the manufacturer or packager
- Place of origin of the food stuff if its absence might mislead the consumer to a material
- Instruction for use where necessary

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