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COVID CURE-ALL OR SMOKESCREEN? Se IN KOREA INSIDE THE HOMEGROWN BR aoe 0a ASC ~NEW AURCRAPT 2 NEW PARTNERS 2 ve OL CLASSES CAN'MIDDLEEAST'S BIG3 GENUS FLYING AGAIN? ae 7708061563525 eae) Bol Tee Rl eee te ale) | Published four times a year and for over 50 years. is the leading magazine for keeping the industry informed of the most significant international developments and technological innovations. Editorial insight, delivered across print, digital and online platforms, includes the major areas of airport investment, airside in the terminal and land side, as well as regulatory issues, environmental and sustainability challenges and global trends Registering is quick and easy. In just five minutes you could be registered to receive the world's number one airport magazine UO 5S LY fey EE eli " sTepublher sees the rightoefise naplzation © fora fee copy ifthe completed registration does not comply with the publisher terms of contro, ‘Non qualifying readers Vist arntemational comvapi corcall +440) 1780480 408 i ye cee Luring the pandemic, television has been an unexpected source of ‘comfort for many of us. Here in the UK, one of the most unlikely highights cof lockdown tely has been The Repair Shop, featuring craftspersons ‘mending ~ with the utmost skill and dedication ~ cherished heilooms placed in their care by members ofthe publ. Just as the seemingly never-ending parade of teddy bears, toys and rocking horses has been buffed up, tweaked and sent back ut for a further stint, 80 have many of the aircraft ‘now gracing today's skies, whether in the miltary fr the commercial worlds, ‘Within a mitary context, for nstance, alot of fuss has always been made about new designs, be they rotary oF fed wing, fighter or bomber, However, across all domains, piatforms are having their service Ines extended and it snot uncommon for atonal decades to be added to a design that many once Considered best consigned tothe annals of historic aviaton. This i particularly the case for platforms not al the fast jt fontine, which have been spared, for the most part, ftom the ciical glare searching out ‘weaknesses in racer cross-sections. Sometimes a design s sil good enough to do a jb, with scarce resources deemed best spent elsewhere Russia is one such country that has had to push ‘many ofits Cold War-era logistes platforms wel into the 2tst century. Key among these isthe lyushin 1176 (see page 58) which a couple of months back Completed 50 years in service. The latest version, designated the yustin I-TEMD-Q0A, is already several years old and has yet to enter service in force, ts development hampered by delivery delays, a lack of industial capabilty and sustainment issues, not ‘to mention budgetary considerations. ‘COVER IMAGE: Emirates ke it fellow East hig thre’ ines ie tackling COMD-19 Compare the financial tightrope on which Fssa is. ‘balancing withthe resource-rich world of Sauck Avabia, which fs busy ying to bull a place for self in the {global defence market. To this end it has created the ‘Saul Vsion 2030 benchmark, by which date 50% of its miltary equipment requirements will be provided by incigenus industrial capabilites, Saudi Arabian Mitary Industries (see page 24) is a key etement of this endeavour and is eyeing a spot inthe top 25 of {global defence companies by the end of the decade. In commercial aviation, itis not age but COVID-19 that has forced a revamp of trusty old warriors. On age 66 we examine the large-scale repurposing of ‘passenger jets for use inthe burgeoning cargo sector to transport medication, vaccines and PPE. Of course i's not ust a case of new aircraft. On [page 52 we take an in-depth look at how the Midce East's ‘big three’ anes are hauling themselves out of the pandemic doldrums by means of new routes, new partnerships and new codeshares, as well as new ki. ‘And the good news doesn't end there. Turn to page £82 for Bouncing Back, a look at postive developments in commercial aviation, ror the resumption of many “amibtious arport expansion projects to the plethora of ‘brand-new airines taking tothe skies. ‘We hope you enioy this issue of AUR international and look forward to bringing you news of other optimistic developments within aviation as 2021 progresses. Tara Craig Associate Editor, AIR Intemational tllnges head-on tue Daum ABOVE: A maltinationl ‘efor has seen EDA members pool resources inorder to provide an aera eueing capably ‘ith he Mt ole Tanker ‘Transport programme ‘See page 36 ‘Sen an Fl aren | 06 COMMERCIAL NEWS JetBlue Airways’ plans to fly from London to New York {JFK Airport win UK Civil Aviation Authority approval, Lilium announces that it will be developing a regional air mobility retwork in Bavaria, and Stratolaunch's ‘Rc reaches 14,0008 over the Mojave Desert, 410 MILITARY NEWS ‘Sweden's Defence Materiel Administration signs a contract with Germany's Grob Aircraft SE for a new training system, wile the US Air Force Special Operations Command's 55st ‘Squadron completes traning on the AC-130W Stinger I. 14 UAV FOCUS ‘Skydweller Aero repurposes Solar Impulse 2 as a HALE Unmanned system, the DLR develops a high-altitude platform that will ultimately be capable of reaching 65,000, and German developer Wingcopter unvells a UAV that can deliver to three locations during one fight. 16 ROTARY FOCUS Hill Helicopters blends cutting-edge avionics and display ‘technologies in its new digital cockpit, three new Leonardo helicopters are heading to the Empire Test Plots School at MOD Boscombe Down, and Airbus announces trials of new onboard equipment including a two-axis camera. 18 BUSINESS FOCUS ‘Textron hands over ts 1,000th Cessna S60XL Citation airframe, Gulfstream fies the first G700 large business jet outfitted with representative production cabin furnishings, hile VistaJet Matta takes delivery of its frst pair of Bombardier Global 7500s, 4) anez0et ontents 20 TECHNOLOGY FOCUS LLaHanis Technologies and Bye Aerospace have signed an agreement to develop an all-electric multi-mission aircraft ‘Meanwile, UK-based ZeroAvia suffers a setback i its hhydrogen fuel cell: powered aircraft development programme. 22 RUSSIAN REVIEW In March, the I-112V light miltary transport alreraft under the Command of Nikolai Kuimov made its second test fightin ‘Voronezh, which lasted about 30 minutes and was deemed a success ~ with reservations ~ as Piotr Butowsk! reports. 24 SERVING SAUDI AMBITIONS ‘As Saudi Arabla reorganises its industries in a bid to increase local business, Alan Warnes talks to Saudi Arabia Miltary Industries (SAM) CEO Walid Abukhaled and His Excellency ‘Anmed Al-Ohai, the governor of General Authority for Miltary Industries (GAM, about their work to date, 30 THE FLYING FORTRESS Itmay be the world’s most famous aircraft, but how much do we really know about Air Force One? Tom Batchelor reveals. some ofthe finer details, 36 DUTCH MATT ‘Sven van Rojj speaks to the Netherlands’ Col Jurgen van der BBiezen, multinational MATT unit commander, about its three new A330 MATT aircraft, two of which are practicing from its ‘forward operating base in Germany. 42 PHOENIXES OF ESTEREL Babak Taghvaee reports onthe recent changes for the Arne de 'Airet de Espace’s Transport Squadron 3/60 Estére!' and its plans to conver three A390s nto Phoenix ‘ype mutt-role tanker transports by 2023 44 SERBIAN FIRES gor Sainger recently braved guns as well as the weather to report on Exercise Response 2021, Serbia's largest miltary exercise this yea, invohing both troops and aviation assets going into “bate 46 ORANGE ORIGINS Joining any start-up isa leap of fath, not least a new ain. Tony Anderson tells Thomas Haynes about his days as the fledgling easyJet's third employee. 50 CONCEPT INSIGHT: KAI KF-21 BORAMAE Khnalem Chapman explores Korea Aerospace Industries KF-21 Boramae, an indigenously developed mult-role fighter that wil ransform the Republic of Korea Air Force by the end ofthis decade. 52 MIDDLE EAST MAJORS [GOVER'STORY! ‘Mark Broadbent takes an in-depth look at how the Middle East ‘big three’ ~ Emirates, Qatar Aways and Etihad Ainways are proposing to weather the COVID-19 storm. 58 UNRESERVED REBIRTH The llyushin I-76 has become an iconic aircraft after half a century of Russian transport aviation history. Piotr Butowski reveals the story of the famous aircraft's renaissance in the 2000s after its apparent death in the 1990s, 66 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE [Nigel Pittaway looks into the growing trend for aifines to ibscription to ou offers great s ‘convert their redundant passenger alroraft for use as freigntes, 72 REACHING NEW HEIGHTS: Italy's 4th Army Aviation Regiment fies 'AB-205 helicopters for mountain missions, Daniele Faccioli and Giovanni Colla report on the regiment that aiso forms part ofthe Joint Rapid Reaction Force and the European Battle Group. Deo 78 DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY Human rights infringement ora fast route back to tying? ‘Tom Batchelor reports on the latest digital passports fon the market and asks whether they will gain widespread ‘approval fora potential role in post-pandemic aviation. ‘82 BOUNCING BACK ‘The mainstream media would have us believe that there is scarcely a plane in the sky atthe present time. Not so, says. “Mark Broadbent, who looks at some of the lesser-reported ews stories in commercial aviation. 88 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS twill take more than a pandemic to stop work on Western ‘Sydney international Airport. CEO Simon Hickey updates ‘Tara Craig on progress, route opportunities and the wider ‘economic importance of the new airport 94 MIXING IT UP IN MARINER ‘A major exercise held in the Mediterranean last year, Dynamic Mariner helped prepare the French Aero-Naval Rapid Reaction Force for command of NATO's Martie Component for 2021, as Babak Taghvace reports, sanez02t | 5 COMMERCIAL me f = hd Tid iy fh | i IN Towards travel reopening Reopening rave connections i 3 key iste eto Ud BELOW: Malaysia Aitioas oes nat pln to resume operations with the A380, whieh it ineoduced 3 reco 26 2012 Wouters THE UK's easing of lockdown is focusing attention on where and wien people wil be able to ty again, but airports ané airines have cricsed the UK government ver plans to make travellers take coronavirus tests even when they have been uly vaccinated Wing in The Daly Telegraph on May 6, the chet executives of British Aways, Heathrow Aiport, easyJet, Manchester Aiport Group and Jet sald itis “logical” to require fully vaccinated British holidaymakers to take a PCR test, nen returning rom a country onthe UK's safe ‘gren’ Ist. On May 7 the government published its ‘traffic ight system, rating counties 2 ‘ren, amber or ‘red’ based on vaccination levels, intction rates, variants ofthe virus and access to reliable lente data, Twelve countries and teriories were add tothe green is. ‘The CEOs wrote “instead of aking advantage ofthe success ofthe vacrne ropramme the government risks closing the UK off rom the rest ofthe word. We want tobe able o support a sae EVEN FEWER Atos A3605 wl etn to servic as the spar junbo's presen in ‘ir transport continues to dinsh due to ain estuctung. Malas Anes’ parent company, Malaysia ‘nian Group, anounced near May hat plans odlspose of al sic ofits ‘examples, storage since the COVID-19 pandemic began, while Ethad Aways has conti it wil ot ten sen examples to seni, instead focusing on smal wieboces. reopening, but i we are not prepared to accop any sk then travel wil never restart, and we wil not beable to support ‘Uc travel and tourism businesses." “Transport ministers trom the UK, US, ‘Canada, France, Germany, tly, Japan, and the European Commission met iu early in May to “identity common ‘goals and principles that wil help develop lobaly recognised travel standards for wien international travel reopens” Including best practice for sharing scent data and travel cevticates A380s axed Lufansa and Catar Aways do not isa hing the A380 agi, and Thai Awas Internati sto sel two ois Si ABD. lr France and Mi have already psd i out There wl sti be A380 operas. Eis ty conte to the type vl ito he 20806; thas 117 nits et an ve more Cvs ave ritsh Aways (12s, SSgapore Anes (12), datas Aways (2 Koren i fan, Astra China Souther ‘Aine ve) and ll Nppon Aways (vee) ae te only ater ports. ‘BOEING WILL open two conversion lines in 2022 fr its 737-8008CF DELTA AR Lines is intr its Premium Solect seats on mare acrat The carey began fitng is Bosing 767-300s wth the saat in May ard vt ‘begin equipping ts A outlets and memory-foam cushions. 6) aner0o bus AB30s as pat of wider cabin refesh that vi alo introduce new lavatores, LED cabin ighng, expanded personal power (Boeing Converted Freighter) in Alajuela, Costa Rica, operated with local ‘maintenance, repair and overhaul provider Cooperativa Autogestionaria de Servicios Aeroindustrales. Boeing forecasts 30% of future standard- body treighter conversions willbe from North and Latin America. THE UNUE Statolunch art coleted 1s second fight rom Naja, Calfoia on ol 2, strip frst ver wo years ‘fection kaon asthe ‘Bc thet flew or te hus and 14 mints ov the Noa Desert, reacting 14000 natu. Delp Statlanch si th taht caved the ara’ performance ana handing characteristics, demonstrated ts lat capably an vats laring ‘er, pressrsaton ang saay system \WHEN THE coviD-19 pandemie started ‘sweeping the word in spring 2020, ‘many aitines rapidly epurposed the cabin oftheir passenger aircraft to carry urgent required cargo, including ‘modical supplies. Certication agencies worked with ‘manufacturer to issue supplementary ‘ype caticats (STCs)enabing artines to cay freight inthe cabin by loading t onthe seas, caryng it inside overhead bin and sometimes complete removing seats to create capacty. ‘ne operator, Emirates SkyCargo, sat that since the pandemic began thas ‘operated more than 3100 ght with ‘argo on seats and inthe overhead bins and carried 1,000 tonnes of vital equipment, equivalent to cargo {ransported on 800,000 aircraft eats, ‘Although vacenation programmes aro underway in several countries, the ‘COVID-19 pandemic continues ofrmly ‘rp many oters. Emirates SkyCargo enbanceants that have been mad Sh is frst ttn A 20, ‘8 8K, the wingspan she west ever evened, Origa designed to aaunch reusable rocket ponered eles inthe upper mosphere that woud ten clo space, the oes sited afte an crnertip change in 2019 ae he estaba of Satoanch ith iestrent or Carbars Capt. The aim roo us oe to alaunchhyperaic vehicles and make "esng and petting in sai it “continues to witness significant ‘demand forthe transportation of PPE and other cargo inside the alcratt cabin. ‘cording tothe carer: “PPE and other ‘medical supplies tend tobe the most ‘comman cargo transported on arratt seats and inside the bins, The nature ot ‘those items allows for smaller navidad boxes acitatng easier handing and loading inside the arrat. Other general ‘arg including garments and clothing, dry food, dental supplies and sporting goods has also been transported on seats.” Recent iteration Air Transport Association statistics show just how arge role cargo now plays inthe industry. Global demand, measured in cargo tonne- kilometres, increased by 4.4% compared to March 2019 and 0.4% rom February 2021. Capacity, measured in avaiable ‘argo tonne-kilometres, was up 5.6% rom {he previous month. International capacity from dedicated freighters rose 20.6% in March 2021, compared tothe though bely-cargo capacity of passenger aircraft rapped by 38.4%, hypersonic enone outa attrib Is st hic is he Tac, a fy sable, _lonmous, uid ok vere Mach 6 cass system hats Zt long, has a 4 wingspan and 6 500 laurch weg. ‘Mie laure, te Talon “wl provide more than 60 seconds of hypersonic igh test cantons and gide back oan autonomous landing on @conentonalunnay, sais Satlanch The inial est aril is nw in roducton ahead fe 2022 planed launch. ‘Stratolsunch’s 0st ‘wingspan is wider han the Antonov n-225 ‘2a0n span Sean iat is among the Carrere to have repurpored passenger cabins Eiaios sme mont in 2019, (GROUND SUPPORT i requited to mount Vigin Ort’s LauncherOne on the wing of s Boalng 747-400 carr arcrat. Vigin Orbit has signed an ‘agreement with Adied Valve Solutions UK to buld the transportable ground ‘operating syst forleunches ram Speceport Coral schecuied fo begin in 2022, another stop forward for space launches farm UK sol LUFTHANSA WILL become a Boeing 787 operator after signing an ‘agreement to receive five 787-8. ts intial example will arrive in winter 2021 and the remainder in early 2022. Lufthansa has also ordered five ‘more Airbus A350-800s for delivery in 2027/28. The purchases are part Of fleet renewal announced by the carier last year. nec |7 ‘Arta serees wile GERIEA URBAN ar mabiy deeper Liu, ‘peated from Munich jens working ana winged ‘port Liu ako and acing je, has umes plans crete what ital “eon amt ter in Baar Flight operations at London LONDON CITY Alport (LCY) snow using ‘ty are now controled remote digital ar traffic control tower _romSwanvick Tie yo anage acral operons, wth sway. sing te new dtl sakes and landings rected by ir towertorsencHy AFP tte controllers located ata tatic ‘management agency NATS' ir trafic control centre in Swanwick in Hampsi 70 miles tothe southwest. GTLK EUROPE has ordered four A221POF (Passenger to Freighter) conversions from Eibe Fligzeugwerke (EFM), the ST Engineering/ Arbus {ont venture. Three will undergo conversion this yee, folowed bythe fourth | 2002. This is another reflection of the strong demand for air cargo, with EFWs CEO Andreas Sper reporting “significant” interest its conversion in the past year 8) ane202 Facies wibe se up at Murch and Nurenoerg ports floning green in Denil wth sport operators and etensive reparatary work incuig seta Imlemestaton and airspace itgation. LCY isthe worst alport with significant daly commercial operations to usearemate tower. Saab Digital Ar ‘raffle Solutions has provided the system following eartr tials at small regional airports inctuding Cranfield in Bedfordshire and Ornekbdsvik and Sundsval, Sweden, 'NATS operations director Julet Kennedy sad: "Digtal tower technology tears ‘up abluoprint that's remained largely ‘unchanged for 100 years, allowing us to safely manage aircraft from almost anyurere, while providing our controls with valuable new tools that would be Impossible in a traditional contol tower” ‘Sixtgon HD cameras and sensors ‘mounted onthe mast capture ave 360° iow ofthe airfield transite through secutesuperast fre connections to [NATS Swanwick, tis displayed on 14 HO soreens inthe contro oom there to provide a panoramic moving image ‘and has a dedicated team of controllers using the footage in conjunction with Alive audio fed fom the ara’ and Lun’ pnered ao wl rane ic pasenps between detains and he Barn ha wl low er ped usin Not ine Wes nde. Passoger fits panned fom 2004 ws ada information to rect movements Calsign,attude and speed ofa arrat, weather readings andthe ability to rack moving objects can be included inthe single visual espay. Pn-tt-200m cameras ean magnify images upto 30 times for close inspection, and digital data ‘can be overlaid to provide an enhanced realy view. According to LOY, the digital technology “3gntcantiy improves controls’ situational amareness, enabling quck and informed decisions to improve safety and operational ficiency” Saab UK chairman and president ‘Magnus Lewis-Olsson seid the use of the company’s technology ata major arport with dense trafic in complex arspaco" | an important milestone’ LOY’ cial tower was completed in 2019 and underwent extensive testing before becoming fully operational. The aiport's previous tower wil be repurposed as part ofthe “Our Future Skies” madernisation programme, ‘AUS Feira! Aviation Adminstration alwearthiness drectve for Boog 737 MAX operators relates to the CFM LEAP- 1B e ingress rom long-tem or-wing storage" can cause decal shoring and ne. The AD says “moisture ‘eroncous ekctrnic engine contol pressure sensor signa. Altines must ‘mentor mantenance messages railed to pressure taneducers and replace any afected unt COMMERCIAL ISRAEL AEROSPACE Industries (A) and GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS) have passed the planned halfway point in ‘thelr work to obtain a supplemental ype certificate for thee Boeing 77-300ERSF converted freighter, ich Greener, SVP and manage of GECAS Cargo, explained: “We've begun executing onthe dedicated freighter ‘esign developed by the Al and GECAS Cargo team towards manufacturing the kits, andthe actual conversion phase under icensing from Boeing” Marketed as the Bg Twin Freighter, the 777-200ERSF isthe intial passengerto-eghterP2F cameron Kata Arwilecee the taonng—tAreenty anounced. geement The itl Bong fora 77?-2008R. Th tet toundergo cavern andthe 77-SO0ERSF beng wth neon ntoatnl Apart and 77 SDERo ney modfeston bys the 20S-inage granted ST, whic plane for 202, Sharp Teles ta estabish 777 Pak PBF Sowers yA SBTC em 2279), when was Hodeatan wat oes staling conan stein Sau, capa ot eevee Prevost with Erato as A-EB8,——_ama-eck carn doy, rior Comering sci pr year rom 2028. per a Ap Thiers ndergog what ring window pg, a made ‘company statement si at \AUGEEAS statment eserbod as Crow compartment ora estnting mor cameron faces “we-conversonpeparatan” bw ‘useage, nallne thr swoctue, wae is necesary mea the phys comersin workstartson 2 a9Grildearpo al anda powered expected sen domand fo wie Une nA aA acy. cargo bang system, ther aca A\ SPace OVE the Atlantic JETBLUE AIRWAYS’ plans to fly transatlantic ne ‘saves trom Naw York JFK Alps 0 London have been eporoved by the UK Chil ‘vation Authrty, although start date the porto be served ad schedule inforration remain undscose. The carr rcanty eceied the test ‘ous AB2ILR art hat wil use for ‘hose servos, N4022U (NSN 10903), at Its JFK Tern 5 one folowing assebly ‘at Hamu, Thi ste nial example of 13 ASZTLRS the car wil cee, Be says evra’ 4000 range, ate pss the rece ue capt ‘rm ee aaioral ete ul rks, wil eat taro new ong haul mats at vere ro prety apessb’ Th ar as opts Ins A321 ordbook to comet moe esing desta the rg ange A221 vas, ang all art and erponomcsdewalsceatng premium cain of 28 uly eat private utes JetBlue Is aunchapeator ateady covered 3 0ampls' the XLR ha ext persoral space. witha sid reson. The aber forte Arps cat or ang) as wal asthe 1, Jetue-cusiomiodentancomens ince -—TH4seats aren econo cas, Coe, which Soe on te ALR dete's ASL the fist sl backitceling panels trowh te ene cab incudes “bull. youronn ding concept” MN anata tise Arbus ts to have the manufacturers and LED mod tg, otatng wha the carr provided by food brand ig, Al passengers Arspace cabin, which the manufacturer clams cals. a“bouiqle-se sein for vansaanic wll have nme ree finh-speed wand hav he gest overhead bins ona snle- routes. Te fem nas fest ts Mint seatback entertainment into ie TV AIRLINES CONTRIBUTED to the major ari campaign to fly medical EMBRAER HAS once again delayed the service entry ofthe E175-E2, the ‘supplies including PPE and oxygen canisters into Inala in response to __smailast vant of Is E Jets E2 regional et fami: Originally schodlied for surging COVID-19 rates. Aircraft contributing included a Volga-Dnepr delivery in 2020, the launch date forthe E175+E2 has been pushed back Airlines Antonov An-124, three Qatar Airways Cargo Bosing 777FS, bya year. The arcrat wil not be delivered unt 2024, although at present ‘8 British Airways 777-200ER, an Uzbekistan Airlines 777-200ER and the Braalan aerospace conglomerate doe8 no! have any E175-E2 orders ‘2 CMA CGM Air Cargo Airbus A330-200. in ts backiog. nex | 9 ‘The 6th KE-190 forthe US Marine Corps, 170037 "BH-057 (on 82-5909), eparting tom Marit, (Georgia, on March 31 UShaylactoet Marin LOCKHEED MARTIN has delivered the 60th Lockheed Martin KC-1204 Hercules tothe US Marne Corps (USMC). Tho milestone achloverent was ‘announced on Api 29 by US Naval Air ‘Systems Command, although the delivery had taken place on March 31 On that ate, the sreatt, 170037 'BH-037" (c/n 362-5909), departed from the Lockheed Martin factory in Marietta, Geora, bound for Marine Aerial Retueler Transport ‘Squadron 252 (VIMGR-252) ‘Heavy Hauler’ at Marine Corps Air Station (Cherry Point, North Carolina. The USMC willbe receiving the remaining 26 alcratt Eielson squadron welcomes first F-35s IGT One of theft ‘wo F-35A Lighting tis to be assigned to the 365th Fighter Squadron, serial ‘umber 1-5836 AK ‘taxis in ater arciving st lon A Fore 8280, ‘ask, on Api 25, Us Sf Saye Dubs THE SECOND of two combat-coded US Alc Fore F354 Lightning i squadrons at Gilson Ar Force Base, Alaska, has received its ft two ara The fst F-35As for he 355th Fghter Squaron (FS) ‘Fighting Falcons were elvered to Ellson onthe evening ot ‘Apt 20 om the Factory Fort Werth, Texas. They comprised 19-5634 ‘AK (cin AT-15, originally alocatd 18-0015 on order over the net fve years to reach thei acquisition programme of record of 86 KC-13048, This KC-1204 Hercules incorporatas ‘numberof capability improvements, providing better navigational performance, a modernised cockpit and other key upgrade. The Tactical Ait Program Office (PMA-207) accepted livery ofthe aircraft outfitted with the Block 8.1 updated cockpit and AN/ ‘AAO-26 DoW large aircraft infrared countermeasures (DON LAIRCM). These upgrades address obsolescence issues and improve survivability. for Turkay and 19-5596 AK" (c/n AT-17, gnaly located 18-0017 fr Tukey). The aircrat were being manufactured forte Turkish A Force and had already been on te production tno wen the US government canceled the Turkish F-35 Contract in 2018, folowing which they were re-allocaed forthe USAF. The 355th FS had been reactivated at Eogon on December 18, 2020, a8 the ‘The Block 8.1 cockpit upgrade includes ‘anew fight management system tht complies with communications, navigation, surveilanee and a trate management ‘mandates also features enhanced GPS. capabilites, improved communications systems and improvements tothe Ke-190J' tiend-r-fe identiteation tectnology. The adtion of DoW LAIRCM, laser-based sll-protection system that has been designed to defend the arcrat against surface-to-air infrared missle ‘threats, increases survivability ofthe areca and aircrew inthe event of an airborne attack. sovand F-35A squadron withthe 954 Fighter Wing. Iwas previously an F-*6C/0 unit at Naval Ar Staton Fort Wort Joint Aesarve Base, but had boon deactivated two days eater. However, the sauatron has previously been based at Eeeon, ating the A-10A Thundebot but ceased operation withthe type when the last three A-OAS flew out of the base on August 15,2007, TWO PLATUS PO-24 Super Versatile ets have been ordered by the Qatar Emi Ai Force, which wa uso the type for traning and VIP transport. The erder as revealed whan the Swiss manufacturer publshied ts Annual por for 2020 on Apnl 22. The contract had been sired in November 2020, but not Previous made pubic. The deal includes five-year support contrac. 10 aune20o KENYA HAS taken delivery of the fist of three US Air Force surplus PZL ‘Mielec C-145A Combat Coyote (M-28 Skytruck) light transport aircrat. ‘The first ofthese, KAF2001, was formally commissioned into Kenya Air Force service on Apri 20 at Mol Air Base, Eastleigh. The acquisition would enable phasing out of the Harbin Y-12 Il Turbo Pandas. Six B-52Hs deploy to Al Udeid Sc eee ic rn poet eee) Ce ere ane) os ee ane ee eer Pe eens approval fram Defense Secretary Loyd Ney ae Pee eet) Cerrar) Pec rn peers Coen ee) reer) Perec eee eee Coe Le ss SWEDEN FORSVARETS Mati FAV Sheds Defence Metre Adistaory as Spe acnac wth Gob Ara SE InGemany oder anew tang aca se the amed foes. “Thee, armounced on May bythe Fi ncaa son eb 120 aera sinuates, comers traning (CN) Sweden orders G120TP an ht sty eames, meteanoe of te aa and snes. The ora carta ators or ‘ioral ara, sas, CBT sts and ober exurent Te ara il be cpr ty he ‘SrenstaPypvgnat Sued A Frc) and il each cure 60 Saad 105 base waning erat Te Svedsh gvemmert nad aubotsed arson o rents raring raft on March 26, 2020, The Go wl be csrated he ‘Sta0n Swed sre. il be opera the Fons Fight Sch) Grundigeande Fgura (GUase Fring Tang) unit a Linking Maen, The fst raft deere FM or ‘esting, il tak place Bay 2022. They wil begin be phased inte Ar Farce droge fst uaa o 2023, wen he ‘lt sto! incr wi ao begin (eto gins wt th syste so ey wl be "uy sta tring new GFL stein the sume of 2024, AMI F-35As begin Baltic Air Po FFTH-GENERATION FIGHTERS are undertaking ne ofthe fur ain Air Fore F-358Lghning is, M7360 32-10 rom 2" Stoma/t3" Gruppo at Amendla-Foggi ir Base, alongside Geman ‘Ni Force Eurfghter ‘30478 at Amar Ai Bas, Eston, om ly 41410, the BAP miso, al pres operas a ‘he Bac Ar Poh (BAP isn forte fst tin foloing the ara of ur Aeronautica Mare iena (AMI alan A Fre) F-358 hing at Amarr Base, stoi, The fou ANIF-35As arid at Ama AB on Ao 300 bog a fourth assign BAP rl reac Geman i Face Eos tat eos uncon te missin fer he steht rund, TheF-354s hare been ceed am 32" Smo Wind/3" Guspo Gato at Ameri Fei ir Base, ‘ough aly has oped several tines fo Inve Euxofite Typheons andi i ony the seond tne it has operated from Aa, her it reviews ceplyed in Janay 2018. The AU's most eent BAP depart had been o Saul, Labuan, in Septerre 2020, bute msi ended on Ap 29,202, THE FIRST production Skorky MH-608 fo the Inca Navy, Sra number N74, has maak ts maiden fight. The alcopter took to the a fo tho fst tine from Lockfeed Martin Shorsky’s Rotary and Mision Systems facity (Owego, New Yor, on Aan 20. is one of 24 on orc through a government (goverment agreement signed between hc andthe US on Fabry’ 26, 2020, KOREA AEROSPACE Industries (KAI) has rolled out the fist prototype ofits KF-X mult-ole fighter, which has been offcaly designated as the KF-21 Boramae. The frst KF-21 ~ serial number 001 -was unveiled on ‘Apri'9 at KA'sfacityin Sacheon. The maiden fight is planned for 2022. ‘See also Concept insight on pS0-51. USA Foe €-1304 Morel 72-1674, sti in full Montana A National Guard elours beng unloaded at Bosque, ‘hl, on Ap 22 ustmaty Sao ‘BELOW: USAF AC-1300 Stinger 90-108, ted by member ofthe Stet Special Operations Squadron, tases in after 1 last waning ht at ‘aon Air Force Base, New eric, on Api 28 sirshan ELBIT SYSTEMS has been awarded a $1.65 billion contract to estabish and operate the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) Intemational Fight Training US donates two C-130Hs to Chile ‘TWO US Al Force C-180H Hercules are being transfered tothe Fuerza Adroa e Chile (FAC, Chilean Ac Force, to supplement its transport fet. ‘Tho first ofthese, 78-1674 (c/n 382- 4691), arived in Gil at Base Aérea EL Bosque, Santiago, on Apri 2. It was stilin the fll markings ofits previous operator, the Montana Ar National {uard/20th Ait Wing's 186t Att ‘Squadron 'Vigientes from Great Falls ‘National Guard Base, Gceat Falls International ror, Montana. brought vith ita cargo of donated COVID-19 rei ‘supplies, comprising 87,000 personal protection tems. The aera is due to take up FAC serial 993 previously worn by along-since retired ©1308). The craft are being supplied fre ot charg by the US government, trough the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) programme. ‘Authorisation to supply the aircraft as EDAwas granted on May 3, 2019. The second aircraft wil flow within the next few months. The oi six other FAC Hercules (one C-1908, two C-80Hs and ‘thre KC-190Rs) operated by Grupo de ‘viacién 10 at Base Aérea Pusahuel, Santiago/Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez Intemational Airport Farewell flight for 551st Special Ops AC-130W ‘AS PART ol the eranonn of US Ar Farce Speil Operatons Coneand’s(AFSOC') SIs ‘Spica Operation Squacon ($0) at Canon Centre. The deal, which was announced on Apri 18, wil include the ‘supply offen Leonardo M346 advanced lead-in fighter trainer aircraft ‘by Ebi, which will maintain the entre HAF training let fora period of ‘approximately 20 years. 12] une2021 ‘i Frc Base, Naw Mario, the unt ha ended tango the AC-1N Singer gustip. heft, wth A130 90-1058, ok Queen Elizabeth on exercise in Scottish waters OVAL NAVY act cao HS Queen ‘Babe (08) has et sal rom Her Majesty's Naval Basa Portsmouth, Hanoi, topartpate nthe ta weok Execs tre Wari of nortest and The sip departed on May 1 for ‘hs ral et of ts Carer Ske Group (C36) tee contin wit isso 2-woek magen deployment, C502 ‘arity embarking saven Matin HDs (nung thee Crowsnest variants) ‘rom 820 Nava Ar Squctan (NAS) on ‘Api 27 wb sin por, one at a itwas ned by he restos avition camplenent his incuted antl nin US Marin Corps F358 Lighting Is fom Marine Fier Btack Squaton 2 (A211) ‘Wake and Avengers! of plano fn, ne having been unservoeale, pus ett fom the RAFs 617 Squacion, Four 15 NAS Wat HMA2s also joined theca, wile thee ‘845 NASB ligt MerinHC4s fw ct to anata ofthe suport sis inthe OS, ‘he Aur Ofer Replenisterent ship RFA Fort Veto 4387) ‘Queen Eade ats task ro wil salto tbe Madtaraneen, dan Ocean and AsiaPac visting 40 nao ing ln, apa, the Republi of korea and ‘Sngapre ina deyment coming 26.000 sical ils and unre are than Toengagenens sts, a exces nd pera. On May 3, he Misr of Dene alo conte that UK F-3585 ‘pea rom te care wl en Operation ‘Sade rune Dash operations, ceri ‘out mésions in tq and Syria pce on Ap 29, marking the ent of ison ‘nication vaning a te 551s 08, The unt Is being oily deactratd on June 15, 2021. ‘The squadron, a gngapicaly separa unit the 482n8 Speci Operations Wing a urbut Fito, Fria, pas been a Carmen sine July 24,2000, flowing reactaten. Ses then thas provided are traning on he AC-1200 ata wide ary abst. ‘As the AC-13Mis going toe tring nthe ret couple years, there no further nee for acon rang on the ype. The USAF had 12 ‘AC-1300s, bt he st has recon reed 88-1005 having been flown on Febru 4, 20240 Onis-Mrthan Ar Fre Base, ‘Aznar storage wit the S0Sth Aerospace antonance and Regeneration Group. ANOTHER US Amy un that has begun conversion from the AH-64D Apache tothe new AH-64E's the rd Squadron, 17th Gavaty Ragement, Sd Combat ‘Aviation Brigade, Sd infanty Divison. The unt confimed on Api 12 that pilots assigned to the regiment are being rained at Hunter Army Ai, ‘Savannah, Georgia, by the Program Executive Office for Aviation Apache project afce's New Equipment Trang (NET) tam. < a MILITARY ae ~ ey DELIVERY OF the frst two Royal Danish ir type. ASsigned tothe United States Air Lockheed Martin's F-35 final assembly ‘Royal Danish Ar Frce(ROAF) Force F-35A Lighting Ils to Luke AirForce Force's $08 Fighter Squadron Emerald line nFort Worth, Texas ~ the arraft FSSA ghtning I L-001 ‘ase, Arizona, hasbeen completed. Knights these two ROAF F-25A8 having eater made its maiden tight on ‘The arcraft~ serial numbers L-001 (cin will eventual be joined by five more March 8 (see First Danish F-35A flown, ‘01, USAF/90-5530) and -002 (ofn examples, which wil also be used to ‘Al Intomational, May, p12). The frst notin ose ve 'AP-02,USAF/90-5521) were delivered support the tring progremme. Danish F-35As wil arrive in-country from to the airbase on April 13,in preparation Denmark afc received is frst 2023, withthe inital examples being for te raining of Danish los onthe F-35A on Apel, during a ceremony at based at Fyvestation Skrydstrup. DASSAULT AVATIONcorfnedinan th secont-agest opr of thypein far yan fat woud be epaidexs to Caron. 21, 2015, rt to 24h ameunceventon May 4tat 0 ales the wart aftehe Fens Armée dear atenyear pend The EAFhad signed 2 andthe nal oe aie in uly 209, hag bean oe yt Ean Ar Facet Espace coc ris 24 afalescomersng_Aough he spit between sgl and (EAA to suplemt te 24 reins yp’ Deen Mish a maunosd TG two-Seat Ree OM and et snge- two-seat th ew or as at ‘ete, assure tat orc al 4 the dal he cay before he Dasa seat ata’ EM) on Febnary 16,2018. smmaunoat, is rare to comprise 18 haw been dered, he EAE wilbecome onan, sayy at wa be Theil of arate dered Ral ES ard 12 fl is LUSSSTATE Department approval as been System Joint Tactical Radio Systems S infrared (EO/I) MX-20HD sensors; AN? ‘ranted fora possible Foreign Miltary -_(MIDS-JTRS'5) 42 ANIAAR-S4 Missile -—_AAO-2(V) acoustic system; ARES-1000 Sale to Indaof six Boeing P81 maritime Warning Sensors; and 16 LN-251 with ‘commercial variant electronic suppoct patrol craft and related equipment at an Embeded Global Positioning Systems measures; ANAPR-390 radar warning estimated cost of $242 blion, (GeS)inertialNavigations Systems (Gls). recever and AWALE-7 counter measures ‘The approval was announced onApri'30 Also included ae electro-optical and Aspensing system bythe US Defense Security Cooperation vomcy an cars bere yh nn ey corn mtn ages is Eo posses Devaney ey ‘The indian Navy has previously ordered 12 Bl, of which nine hae been elvered In June 201, ina gave approval for purchase often more, but budget constraints later reduced this to six, for which a Letter of Request was [issued othe US government in July 2020, ‘The purchase request also includes eight ‘Multunetiona information Distbuton ‘become M2, at Basing Fe, Sent, Washington, ‘on Apri 20. sual, te ert s devoid of any fies or oter markings apart rom he nn ‘oundel and has asm "Experimenta sticker by ‘the main eabin door see Waker [BOEING HAS been awarded a contract to integrate the AGM-158C "AN ADDITONAL contract fo fulrate producton ofan unspectiod number ‘Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) onto the US Navy's P-8A Of AH.64E Apaches has been awarded to Booing. The $436.69m deal, Poseidon. The $73.95m deal, awarded on April 21 by US Naval Air awarded by US Army Contracting Command on Aon! 20, is @ moaication to ‘Systems Command, provides for design, development and test of. «a previously awarded contact. Estimated completon date forthe contract is software and ancilary hardware necessary for LRASM integration. February 28, 2025. Francing is being provided tram Fiscal Year 2021 Contract completion is expected in October 2024. US Army procurement tuning. shne02 13 STARTUP Shyer Aer as competed ts _computng and communatons systems into ‘ist demonstration fight rom Abel, Spin, the rafter wtatasatmentdestibed —arafts endure as eelps its igh-atude long endurance as rigorous sofware design nstalitin and pads incu (HALE) unmanned item (yound testing’. plot was atoud the Rol rely, 46/56, daight ll ma “Te depen pater the former dao fight prove ese syste’ ecacy ideo, sleom and medina Tad Solr Inpuse 2 hich in 2015716 was the for ute unmanned operators, syste) ‘wil enhance co fist solar powered arate crcummavigate The petted “mull oper-oop ‘ernment teeconmunicaten, gen Ear, Skyler Aa has install its ‘stem ienizaton nuts andcolected motorola and emergeny propia cont, actuation ens, Cea eo) roe (ata on te aca’ ight cheractestes. efforts round he wor THE GERMAN Aaaspace Cant, the DLA (Deutsches Zerruns fr Ltt ud Raut producing a hig-alitudepatorm (8P) ‘cabling space satelite persistence wth an icra’ est With @ 27m wingspan ard elgg jst 364g, the grisations HAP ‘Aa designed to reach 65,000 caving 54g pays. Seventeen DLA asons sparing anronautis, space and secu ae roduc the Agha under econ fom the raunctuelg based nt of Fight Stes, As wel the acral, he DLR is ag researching the moble ground conta staonco-rdnaing the aca missions, eta reepton, procedures and payloads Acie design eviews cure tang lace ahead of component production and ‘craft assembly geting underway Fist lots taroeted ty the end of 20 nay in owas atthe Nair Expeimental Test Cane for Unmanned ‘erat Stems in Cost, Garman, Test altudes wil then be raul neased to 6500, GENERAL ATOMICS-Aeronautical Systems’ MQ-9B SkyGuardian has ‘dropped a sonobuoy, corelated its identification system with aP-8 Poseidon and MH-GOR Seahawk, exchanged Link 16 data and provided ‘ver the-horizon targeting to anavy destroyer during the Unmanned ‘Systems Intograted Battlo Problom 21 exorcise, San Diego, California. 14 aune20o THE FIRST of tree Noto Grumman Block 80 RQ-48 Global Hawi forthe Japan Ar Set Defense Force few rom Palmdale, Califor in Apr Northrop Grumman Defense Senices has received a contact to estabish in-country support and logistics at Misawa Ai Base, which is du to enter service n 2022. Japan wl recive the AO. JAV FOCUS Kaman introduces the K-MAX Titan KAMAN AIR Vehicles has launched the K-MAX Titan, a new unmanned version of its K-MAX utility helicopter. With its conra-atating twin rotors, the distinctive K-MAX fist lew in 1991 ana folowing its introduction three years latr carved a niche carving out heavy- Iftandexteral-It operations incuding cargo delivery in demanding situations and challenging hot and high environments, eadquartered in Bloomild, Comectct, Kaman ropors the Titan is the ist heawy- It unmanned hlcoper developed for cv applications and cai it wil redefine the helicopter external market by increasing ‘uture mission capabitis in ay locaton and any typeof weather" Designed for repetitive external load operations, the Tian wil be abe to carry 6,000 payloads in ot and high femvronments. As well asa production Going beyond line of sight THE UK Ci Aiton Autry (CA) recent ss ofthe est beyond sal ne of ont (BVL0S) atria for operations is a stnitcat repuatery stop forward forthe UK toe industry. ‘Slap dlp of comand and carta sts Ses ala BYLOS concept ofopsatons at te noniated ses. Pre arson fr ach tt i ra rene, though ie igs ae rested to TSOt ran afttude a etal an observe leo communicate weh terrae it wl bein val ne of sight hte art ‘CAR statement si: testing te concept in industri evonments or Inspection, motoring and maintenance Purposes, Ss. ins opr te safety of is sytem wth hs context ina, foe extending it to adessnreasnoy chaleging missions etna “Two done sence vies, er rone and Siy-Futus, wl use sess BVLOS salto inthe al End-fanis inca Sangha, Skanska Costin STRABAG for HS2, Slt, ocr, Lancair re and Rese Sere, Network allan ks. “al data wl be used to erate whether the rik and hazard assessments are sual fo cover nai risks beyond he tastes an thereby enable beyond vita lng fight operatons more widely. alrratt, the variant wil be avalable as a retrofit for exstingK-MAX helicopters aman is adlionaly working with 1 US Marne Corps (USMC) to upgrade ‘the two K-MAX thatthe USMC used for unmanned argo resupply misions in ‘Aghanistan back n 201-14, during aman has developed which they completed 1,000 missions and tha KA Tan for ci olvered 2.2 ition klograms of cargo swoon to trons. ‘Under a US Nava ir Systems Command Inativ, these helicopters wil ecaive ‘nen “sensor-based autonomy suite” rmanufacturod by Near Earth Auton. Flight testing bogan in May Last year, Pittsburgh, Pennsyvania-based Near Earth ‘Autonomy released a video showing a February 2020 test fight ofan autonomy suite-equlpped K-MAX, with onboard cameras and LIDAR idettying obstacles and evaluating landing sites. Multiple deliveries with the Wingcopter GERMAN DEVELOPER Wngeope’s atest smal UAV candle tree pacages to ferent bcatons during oe lt, tanks 10s "tiple roo’ mechanism, “The nay amounced Wigcope 198 can cary 69 payloads over 754m on single éharge or 11k wes payed. can Cele te packages mull destntons er fot, atomatoy two medium sed packages or oe age package. ‘ested copa goes in hardcto- reach locations such a sands, raurtanous areas or ofshore patos the 198s 80K top speed enables on-demand express elvis, Wingcone sadn a staterent, Satlite-bsed 5s the man communicators between areal and erator, the company reported, wi he syst tact and aad stare combing ‘a information caisan avidance remote Wingeopte it al ‘ecto Wentification tectnlogy and sual albarne der in Japan Wn til inetigence to enable accurate Clery, preson acing and obstacle ‘uolance. The conta software enables 2 single operator taf the 198 fom anyee inthe werd are conta up ttn stems simutaneausy Wincor roves clow-ased ison amin and an authorised partner programe ‘tering uacaon and cerieaton fr done service providers, dstrauos ant dealers to operate, promote, stb and support the camoary'tecnogy. “he developers so coloring wth ANA Holdngs, ll Nopon Alay’ pret company, to arcolrate pharmaceutical and consuer products delivery by cone tnd to lunch ‘lv serve in Japan 2022. THE SCHIEBEL CAMCOPTER S-100 is supporting the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board in martime surveillance of the Batic Soa. ‘The European Maritime Safety Agency is delivering the service, with information collected by the 5-100 shared with Latvia and Sweden. EMSA will be extending the service to the Finnish Border Guard. ‘A HEROTECH®, described by Neuron Innovations as a ‘hone in a box, elvered COMD-19 test hts from the quays at Stands Montrose Port onto a pilots vesselin the harbour Sam Golden, sales and marketing ead at ‘specials insurer lock, said the trial paves the wey for widespread use of tones for ship to shore diver shne02 |15 Rotary renewal ‘The Gino ETPS AWT39 THREE NEW Leonardo helicopters, an hasbeen registered aiv130 and two A109 GrandNews, wil jon GETPP Caio the QintO-operated Empire Test Plots ‘Schoo! (ETFS) at MOD Boscombe Down, ‘ue to achieve intial operating ‘apabiity in summer 2021, these comprise two Agusta A109S Grands anda Leonard AW139 ite with an integrated lctr-optical and infrared camera turret and a moder, complex avionics suite. According to inet, the trio The Hi Digital cockit a eects A STRING gt dack onan sang vat econ proves congo reir fh plts nd passengers rat win ther tra” acoring tts develope, the UKs up Ht Helo The HE ital Cock 00) tends cat cig eis ad day robes it he gare and sesgn ay of mogem perio aomotve gta dep, caine tw corey xian ane tt pling apps wl comet sais wth te orbs ht maragement at ETPS: “will further exton the feat of aircraft availabe to ETPS and trials customers, and give talented pilots, engineers and alcrew access to the mast advanced ‘and systoms-rich helicopters of any test plat school." ined says it has invested more than £100m in new capabilities over the past throe years, citing “considerable benefits forthe Defence Seience and Technolgy Laboratory and its commercial partners. ‘st, GS an aso i an Pa. This irate pt tac wil vie a "an simple and iu presen irrational” ty ein radorl gauges ana cpa presentation The cunpary expat "Paer tana bern aay gues, butions and cn ou dg coctot eno you wha ‘lean, spl ae car ska enitenment” Siar areucatons il replace atonal wang ht grove “nthe itermaton Marine Corps Surion THE REPUBLIC of Keres Warnes Corps (ROKNG) to receive an indge attack hefeoper. Suh Koren news agency Yenhap reported thatthe dence prot aon carte has appeoed the row oat as part of wider detenco sequin programe at wl als se2 he purchasing of upraed transport ‘ect and submares, Te oly attack neopter kly jobe based onan NUH Mineo, the naive the KUH-1 Sion uty hacer. Casting 1. ion Kaean won (614 blo, te programme wa run from his year nt 208, Yona sai Hill Helicopters’ new cockpit concept rete sis nated and alertng pis 0 ‘changing or unt candor This em il ao conic preps measures forthe pl ofan “a mare ta ‘ns panic oor reacon acting to HL Fearvard ad daa facing cara ves, We nares, sete vl, we an atic ets, and cal ad popu roe futher stuional arenes api eack wl ee fort las te tr ner arturo eres recap he coche reste lien ‘ts pve is se apoio opera ree ressance an brary feecack trough be ‘jk and colecteconos The cow ard aps Ace Seley Nerageert sen wile ‘ana, sarin it safer orc meragenee tte zt, ers, ot stags, ha and en oar pol arf, ety ang, mertarg end suger. ME woking on eft dock wth wehotny levers itvar, wich manus cgtal stood, ntament stems and ade wr eae for aor tans uch as “Together we have creda tay bespoke wer exerece fr ou pose thee serge thats worthy of cur round breaking Pope” Ht conc, DEVELOPMENTAL TESTING has concluded on the Sikorsky HH-60W solly Groen Il combat search and rescue helicopter by the 413th Fight Test Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida, which accumulated more than 1,100 hours. Test work will next move tothe Combat Search and Rescue Combined Test Force at Nels AFB, Nevada in 2022. 16 | ano20o EIGHT MORE Arbus H225Ms have been us ion Ganrale de ’Amement (GA). These tha Di procurement agen ‘craft wil be operated by the Armée de VA etd Espace (AAE) om replacing ts againg Pumas. The AE wi by th French defence 2024, 0 receive an unmanned VSF7O0 VIOL system, ardered forthe Adronaval French naval aviation). ROTARY FOCUS ‘The shadow of NASH'S Ingenaty above the Marian surface ti Va SPLCARENASA NASA'S INGENUITY, the plonesrng [and] greser use of ingenuity aerial- statement by NASA explained: "The hoicopter current exploring the surface observation capabilities." haicpter can use these opportunities of Mars, nas undertaken an inital With the Perseverance undertaking its to perform aria observations of over Dhase of brief test fights flowing the ‘fist science work prospecting fr rocks science targets, potential rover routes and Persaverance rovers atva on thered inthe Jezero Cato, NASA said Ingenuity inaccessible features, white aso capturing Planet on February 18. ‘may adtionaly “execute Might tht lané stereo images for digital elevation map. Plans are now underway for an ambitious near the rove's current location or ts next The lessons learned from these efforts operations demonstration exploring how _antipated parking spot.” wil provide significant benefit to future ‘aerial scouting could help the exploration Ingenuity wil fy about once every two’ mission planers” of Mars. Ingenuy's fourth and ith forays three weeks to avoiding intertering with Ingenuity is carrying a postage stamp Into Martian skis will see the rotorcret Perseverance activites. The operations. sized swatch af fabri taken from a wing collect aerial imager of potential new will conclude by August, giving time to of the Wright Brothers Fyer 1, wich landing zone and fly tothe site. ANASA complete current science actives before made the frst succosstulheaver-than-air statement explained that subsequent communications ae blocked by the solar ight on Earth in 1903, making a unique BELOW: Abus Ue, operations from the new location all, conjunction n mi-ctober, when Mars connection Between ploneering fights on subs tht as involve *more precision manoeuvring and Earth are on opposite sides ofthe Sun. _iferent words, a ‘he Vertex project As [AIRBUS WILL test pew anboad equpment nro yy ke sytem and an advanced on ts 130 Fight heicgtr designed to hurannachine interface consisting of @ facitate navigation and route preparation, touchscreen and “head wom dsl” automat ak fs nd tangs and ert wi assess how thee new technologies folowing a predeined gt path right soy mison management rice The Vertex projec wl test a wo-ads lt wotoad an reas safety, as wal as camera, narod camera ané LDAR ata contrib to future ban a mebity senso, ang with algorithms forstustonal and autonomous iit projets, avareoess and ebstacle detection, an “he ul dois planed fr 2023 LEONARDO HAS rebranded the Kopter SH09 light helicopter as the (CHINESE DEVELOPER EHlang fs working ona long range passenger VOL “Leonardo AWO8, a year after acquiring the single-engine rotorcraf's_aycraf. The ystems nown as the VT20, EHang founder Hy Huazh said developer, Swiss company Kopter Group. The first AHO9 prototype (P1) during the frm ful-yea” earings report t wi be a hybrid VFOL. and fre ‘ew in October 2020. Two more aircraft (P2/PS) subsequently took fight wing system with a 200km range. Tha gh" open areas in northwest and another pair (P4/P5) wil join the test programme later this year. China’ are planned in the near tre," Haz sais, sdure2021 17 VistaJet’s Global 7500s arrive, Challenger 350s to follow ‘Bombardier Goat 7500, ‘H-VB takes th salute rom ther crows at atta Itermationa Apert ‘on March 20 The cabin ofthe Gutsteam 6700, aking forward, nstalled inthe sixth arraft to ln the Aight est programme ‘CHARTER PROVIDER Vistaet Matta has taken delivery ofits rst two Bombardir ‘Global 75005 Global 7500 94-18 (cn ‘70045, ex C-G1HV) landed at Malta Internationa Airport atthe end ofits etivery ight fom Doral n Montreal, ‘Canada on March 20 and was gretod by a “water salute’ rom the local fire crews. was jlned by the second alcatt OH-MIC, ‘fn 70058, ex C-GNLY) on Api 2. Vista ‘and Bombardier announced thatthe rst ‘wo Global 7500s had been delivered ‘on Api. Up o 12 ofthe large cabin business aircraft are expected to join the company’s let within the next two years. ‘The recent deliveries are nt the ist Global 7500 operated by Vstaet from ‘Mata betweon March and October 2020 H-MS (fn 70024, ex C-GOAZ) was based ‘onthe sland to enable the company's pilots to convert tothe new type. later Joined the VistaJet USA fet as N75846, } Attough the fm owns its US-based } aircraft, they are operated ty local carer, unke the two new delves. stadt aiso revealed on Api 6 thatit had placed the order fr ten Bombardier Challenger 350s n December 2020, ‘one ofthe largest fst commitments ofthe year. Most ofthe super-midsized alrraf are due tobe delved in 2022. Vista stated that the order wil nlp it cater fr *growing and urgent demand” In the super-midseed segment from the corporate and executive markets According to Thomas Fo, the founder ‘and chairman of Viste, the company has noted @ 28% year-on-year arowth Inthe numberof hours sold and a 90% increase in programme mambers during the ist quarter of 202, helped by the launch fits corporate membership scheme in October 2020, After delivery of both lets VistaJet wil operate more than 90 business arrat providing acess to 187 counties. The charter provider is also upgrating its existing aircraft, with work to improve the connectivity inthe cabins of its Challenger {6056 and 850s with Ku-band technology ‘de tobe completed this year. Around 95% af its Global 6000s wil have the ‘same upgrade, plus an impraved interior, Installed bythe end ofthis yar Gutsbean Rrspone Do you hold a passionate opinion about ‘a civil or military aviation issue or a view on AIR International's content? We are listening, Particularly in such ‘extraordinary times, we enjoy a lively dialogue with you through our news, features and analysis. Get touch [email protected] and sat he subject ne vith Chectng Built in Cannes, and more ... In Greeting connections (Api 2021), you ‘mentored inmarsat GXI-G4 being Boaing (ex-Hughes) 702HP sataites. GXS, [am pleased to point out, i a French Aérospatile ow Thales 18 | ne200 GULFSTREAM HAS foun te fist 6 lange business att win eresetathe poactoncabintuishings. Te arcratt (70660, cn 8700) te sch 6700 on ‘wing sponse fo perfomance ad system testi rd alton wine igh test et. he st GOO made sae ig on At 1 fom the company ait n Sarna Georg, eating aare fr 3s 36 mis, 1 4300 and a speed of to Mac The reat wit be used eva mae ‘Alenia Space) Spacebus 400082 buitin Cannes. Canada's HelUet, featured in the May issue of ‘AIR Internationa, isnot the longest operating helicopter airine. Hél Air Monaco, for example, thas been using AS 3508s on Céte a'Azur ights since 1980, with 2A-\MAG registerod (on January 17, 1980, Philippe Jung, Grasse Not a fan of hydrogen 1 am net enthusiastic about hycrogen as akerat ‘uel, and having read “Together in Electric ‘Dreams’ March 2027, I want to explain why. Firstly hyorogen must be cared either as 98 at very high pressure ori qu form. As 2 stucont of automotive enginoadng, {had the ‘opportunity to drive a fuel cel-powered Ford van. The hydrogen used as fuel was carried in ne cercain programme, he eater exaries ‘ng teh ts own a asm ate than 15,00 test pots ine atin to ensure camfrtan eb rie tte 6700 ering serie tues a gal describe ty he 95 an ‘raga’ — wh 3.05 of ‘une Space an rata stone fora, ican crew space, sn entrainment and aon ate, si peson conference and hig ta areata com with a fu-engh varie, New eatues ice an utah erin econ gig gjton, The G700 son schedule tere ser ret year, Te ht st programme bepan on February 14,2020, whan theft G700 fw, properly designed cylinders at 6,000 pounds per square inch (psf. There was talk at that time of pressures as high as 10,000 psi to pack in enough hycrogen to provide sufficient range, ‘Such pressures make me nervous. ‘Ground vehicles or areratt coud cary qua -ycrogen, as in the case of rocket launch vehicles. Here, we run into another prablem: Ligue hycrogen must be Kept at -423°F (255°C) This requires heaviy insulated vessols with iow surface-to-valume rato. t's unikely one could carry hydrogen fue wthin an airplanes wings. ‘hydrogen has a higher gravimetric energy density than Jat-A, Unfortunatly is volumetric ‘energy density is much lower, even in quel frm. There are other problems with hyckogen. Most of the hycrogen usec commercial is derive trom ‘natural gas (NG). So if we use natural gas-Oerived Grand TEXTRON RECORDED a ‘ara miostone in is Cessna S60XL Caton mide business et programme when thane ovr the 100004 tirame. The manufoture snrourced an Mach 31 thatthe aera, aaton LS, was diced a cusomerin the rarteastern United States, The business et vile maraged and opecoa by Pat 125, ‘peraor Custom Jet Parnes, wich os from Pam Beach iteration in Fla and Westchester County n Now York “he SOOKL as anounced in 1984 ard fest fu on Febnary 20,1996. Production has encompassed toe greats ofthe sare basic arrae, the Cations Ee, MLS and XLS, of which 308,220 ad up SEOXL tothe 1.000) 362 have boan but. Since recdlving Federal vation Aamnisraton type Corticaton in Api 1998 he in-service feet as accumulated mare than ve ion ight hours and, according to Lane 0 Banion, Textron ition’ sonic vice-president ot tal sales and ight operations, oe othe sic takes fr ands every to ts. “The SOK. sassenbed at the companys fait at Weta, Kansas, Otaton XLS are also assem ty the Cossa-AVIC iret Fight inspection Cente ofthe Chi Aton ET ESS FOCUS Citation (Zhuta Co in Cina, using components rove tram the US fecty, Tho Chiase Join vente schedued to hand ots 800th YLS+ ater ths yar, wt at acraft ‘ue wo baca the sit (gh othe aintraon of Chin ation XS 560 aly becomes the fur nomi ‘The 5804 fay becomes he orth “seen does bins tt reach te 100th daly rilstor, alongs the GorbarirCalengee 600 sei, Cessna 550 Caton WE and ane 750/900 (Be 125) aes. ‘atin tay D Hat FURTHER EVIDENCE of improvement inthe market for ight business aca was pied on Api 27 aon Embraer annaurcod fst quater davis fo tis yar. By the end of March Eda had shipped 3 business aca, four mace than dung the same erin 2020 athe stat ofthe pandemic, when the etic of shut dns and deferrals ban to make First quarter rise for Embraer deliveries ‘The company’s best selina Phenom 300 contned to top te It of coterie, ith nna handed one ding the quar, up rom te in 2020, Omer art cvres in202t consisted ose Phenom 10D, us two Praetr 600s and one Praeir $00, compared io none, tree and oe fast yar The company aso deed the first omversion ofa Lagcy 450 toa Pastor S00 forthe ther markon he indus Canadian rational aunerstip compar AiSpent Pirate ation dng the curt; a second iar ued will be undertaken or the operator tris yea. Ebr’ aga handed over fur mae commercial icra in the rst quarter than the fe delivered in ‘the same period in 2020, The company ecard a ooreae ints total backlog — from US$15.9bn to US$14.20n— on Apri 27, reflecting the reduction in orders places during the pando CJ8 deliveries reach 600 ‘AN UNDISCLOSED customer in North ‘Ameria recent took delivery ofthe {500th Cessna 5258 Citation C33 from Textron Aviation. The ght business et — an example ofthe current 63+ production ‘model - was handed over on Api’ from the company's facilty at Witt, Kansas. ‘total of 616 62s were produced prior tothe introduction in mid-2014 of the 34, whlch tered from the earlier version by having Garmin 63000 avionics. In place ofthe original Rockwell Colins ProLine 21 suite. The C3 entered service in December 2004 and Cessna delivered 100th aircraft in August 2006, with ‘the 400th roled-out in late March 2013. By the end of 2020 total of 595 CuB/3+s had been handed ove, indicating that te ational areratthave been delivered to customers ths year s fa. -rydrogen as fuel for ground vehicles or ara, Lunes fue ets are the prime mover woutd make ‘more senso toute natural gas lect. Uke hydrogen, NG requires storage at elevated pressure Less liguifled. The pressure requiod to gain sufficient range, howere, Slower, fone prefers ut naturel gas, the required temperature isnot as Io as guid hycrogen:-260'F rathor than ~423". icogen enthusiasts often refer to obtaining +2 fom water va elects, with the electric power coming trom renewable sources such as windsor solr cals. we demand that all our ‘round vehicles and averat be battay-lecic or Iydrogen powered trom renewable sources, wo vil ‘end up th more winds, biagerwindmils, and winds ult ever-fartheroffshare. {don think this is inthe best itorest of our planetary ecobgy. Wie need to think of our total energy production- consumption system, not just isolated parts. For the aircraftaiine industry, | think renewable JotA-equivalent fuels the best bet for now. ‘Alex Kovnat, West Boomiad Tovmship, USA Is the J-20 a real threat? You asked whether the J-20 should be considered a veal teat 0 the F-39 and other US fth- generation fighters belive it needs to be treated as a ral treat, as does the SU.57. The improvement in the Communist Chinese mitary in the last 20 years is nothing ‘but spectacular In th case of ho SU-57 the Aussians have alg history of producing very competive areref, andi lage quanttes We rely don't know how good the F-95 is as 4 doghgher. There are very mixed reports on this in aviation journals. The F-2, on the other ‘BELOW The 600k member ofthe C3313 fay, etivered ary Apt Teton ‘nvataddtiey © Hever hans probably th Best c-o-a ahirin ho ete eet eel top ts proccon a under 200 uni, based on Gist Ore words what to coat save woud! eee eter tho ongna 700+ numbers. One shoud never aera Robert © walker) onal Strictly sub-orbital Regering your oon Vii Galactic’ row “Spocesh nth latest sso ofA hora ae tak of cappotaeg FihardBraroos trees coud ut pin ota one of tac vos as rw each ov. Te tractors, as win te USHS Wt atonat 60 yours ega wil bo sty sub oti tan MeBaln, by eral shnec02} 19 arris-Bye electric #=22s<: -mission aircraft secs Anartats imps AGRSMENT hasbeen sone betnen fr ones an una msn meson coats Les die eiye son (Sirs oomger nde Renae eat. recon nosy steered og ae BR, wamgeresuratines gop ana-eerti, mresen ec amonesd eset oyer tks wn ceafes won deep amas Sroatiomevcomolgoc,suvearce S00 arc wi ees a 7ON) worl pet at cotta Snsecmassance (SR capes (ODI See eg, when ey fet stmt Poseidon RFCM prototype test od ito testing tok just vera yer Maritime Patol and Recooalsance Art rogram (fie 290 (PMA-200 set out to fn sokton to potential teat rom surtacet-air radio frequency mises. Outnng to neods ana umig lead onthe projet, PHA-280 brought Inthe Advanced Tactical lat Protection ‘Systems Program Ofee PMA272, te Rapid Prototyping Experimentation & Demonstaton(RPED team and the NAWCAD The new pod-mounted ‘Acraft rtetype Systems Dison (APSO) 0 ‘ountermessueseytem ‘boing inetd 09 VE-20 the bal roling| 8A Poseidon 167955 ‘The RPEDtoam supported APSO in ‘959 at Noval A Station ‘esiging the RFCM pod, which integrated Patuxent ver, Maryan, fon Maren 12 US in) the proven AN/ALE-5 Flore Optic Towed Decoy from PMA-272into a shel. The [AUS Nary Air Test and Erauation March 12. Following the trl the pod went team developed the shell design based ‘Squadron 20 (VX-20) P-8APoseidon has to Naval A Weapons Station China Lake, on the cerited AGM-88 Harpoon missle ‘successfully completed an airworthiness California, where it successful completed and thn incorporated unique tracks and testofapod-mounted radia frequency _efecivenes testing from March 21-26. It housing to fit and deploy the decoy. Countermeasure (RFCM) protetype atthe will aw continue tobe tested ata system —_PMA-290 and NAWCAD contracted Naval Ai Warfare Center Aircraft Division lve eaing to platform intgration ;BAE Systems to develop the RFOM pod's (UAWCAD) Aantic Test Ranges. Detais trough planed capably lelding phases. addtional internal equipment suite ‘wore revealed by US Naval Ar Systems The frs-os-knd rai frequency detence _APSD and BAE made use of the aready ‘Command on Apri, although the event decoy could alow the -BAto thwart enemy established ANALE-S5 electrical design to had taken lace the previous mont on radio equency mie atlacks. Getng te accommodate the suites instalation ZeroAvia suffers setoac UGBASED ZEROAMA as sffoot a sebackinishycogan CrafldAeport, Beste. On Apt 29, made an oft estng sagen. The ara anded may on ts fue ce-powered arf devaopment programe follwing afellandng ina field jst outside the ae paneer wheels ina ft grass fd and sost came to tp, bat an acide with research ard development R&D) uring a route pate et ih. as damaged asthe port main undecarage and wing siamo, The ara, modfed Px PA-46-350P albu Prog dtl ofthe incident on May, the company wee sragoedin the unewn tran athe endo the els [Mrage G-HYZA, operates ro he companys RAD base at said twas Zerofva Test 86 andthe sith gt inthis at kw speed, Thee were ins, at he part wig 20) nex! TECHNOLOGY FOCUS INIA’ TEAAS Light Combat Aeraft has ed the it-goneration Pytion-5 airto- ar missle (AAM) tots weapons capability it fst esting on Ap 27 ‘als were also aimed at validating the enhanced capability ofthe already Integrated Derby beyond visual range (BR) AAM onthe Teas. The test fring in Goa completed a series of missile trials to study its performance under extromely challenging scenarios. The Derby missile =saseses India’s DRDO fires “rane: Python-5 Successfully ‘Bengaluru to assess integration of the missle with alcraft systoms on boaré rms ata Banshee target was carted out. The mistilos were fed ftom the Tejas HAL operated Indian ‘he Teas, incuting avionics fe-contol__—Pyton-5 missle ve fring was conducted —_sicratt owned by the Aeronautical ‘Al Force Limited Sees ‘radar, the missile weapon delivery system to validate target engagement from all, ‘Development Agency (ADA) and flown by {aren covedea ge fect andthe fight control system. At Goa, after aspects, a well as beyond visual ranges. In Indian Ar Fore (AF) test pits fram the (LSP-A7, canis use rt successful separation ve lunch ofthe _alcases, the missile it the aerial target, National light Test Centre NFTC). ‘27 oa ran A KF-16 upgrade underway at Edwards epi of Kor ie Fore Web 904008 fos ovr he rection Imes ange re at Edwards AFB, Calf, ‘ort est ropa {20.9 sna ameter tomb on Feta 25 (serch taper REPUBLIC OF Kr A Farce ROA) Imogen. ls wearhg USAF Wes and ROKAFS F160 lk 1525 athe 160 Bock 52 92-4046 bang ised avrg whe ts nde USAF cont aranoad 160 cotiguatin. The pages asa as ara at Eonar Ar Fore Basen On Ap th S12 Test Wing amawees ince arb etna came ray Calon, a part ofthe engig Korea that as parofis set ft, te aa (AES ada, a mdr mission cont F-10 Use Prarie acai out te sucsst dap test fa rsrctonromatn dito ten ‘tor moseatens were conus by (8009 sna-dameterbonb on Fina 26, jotta ra tm (MOS-JTS, Jnt Loca Marte aft has been le ying oer he recs pact ange Hane etd Cuig Stu I HNC temprry assigned 0th USA Felt Area at ved AUALE-SM ated adr wig recier Test Ving 160 Fig Test Squoten ‘AS1.2 lon contactas been avared _uppade, ANAPY126 conned tera ‘Sule esas eens oe ROKAF —toLokead Narn tev 130 fearon anda cent pedestal a. asta of The company sad a srr egy of ydogen am ean anks, Aster om) an commerce! Fhe 2 programe retng Zero tes es marines rou endear se “Ts Rie andthe ering nestaten 10-20 see aera oo gente deepen Seuetce an there wee no nrended haogen ae wil needy np sisea yFyer eonstaton prone target 50+ set aa” lect eleases and of. Aer elanrg, cle proyanme whch vas caning anda floning ae ako aoa parers wh 8A tere eae |were able to safeguard the battery and safely release weeks, However, we do nat expect any negative impact ‘powered aircraft, Air Intemational, February, p20) wane | 24 RUSSIAN REVIEW Russian aviation journalist and photographer Piotr Butowski reports on the latest aerospace news and technology & developments from the Russian Federation Ilyushin: a weighty problem ‘1 March 80, 2021, the I-12 ight ritary transport airoraft piloted by a three-man crew Under the command of Nikolai Kuimov made its second test fight in Voronezh. According to the official announcement: “The fight lasted about 30 minutes and has passed as usual” But why did this second fight arouse our interest? Usually only the maiden fight of a new aircrafts a milestone; the second is already routine. This time, however, a significant time had elaped between the first and second fights ofthe 1-112, during which the aircraft had been substantially ‘modified to reduce structural weight, The IF112V took off forthe fist time exactly two years earlier, ‘on March 30, 2019. Further fights were then suspended “for a few months’, officially due tothe renovation of the runway in Voronezh. tthe beginning of 2020, the airfield was ready, but the resumption ofthe I-112V tests was postponed by another month. In October 2019, Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu doclared that the -112 would fy again inthe first quarter of 2020." In February 2020, the then CEO of lyushin, Yuri Grudn, ‘announced the resumption of the I112V tests “one year after the fist fight” ~ that i, in March-April 2020. He was out by a year. The actual reason for the discontinuation of the I-112V tests ‘was the significant excess ofthe aircraft's weight. The problems with keeping the weight within given limits were, of course, no surprise. It had been known about them much earlier and they had resulted in weakening of the requirements for the project in. 2014, Russia's MoD ordered the development of the I112 (on Apri 8, 2003, after more than 10 years of concept work (the I-12 mode! was publicly debuted at Le Bourget in 1995). The aircraft had to be able to carry 6,000kg of cargo over 3,000km and was to enter service in 2008, In-May 2010, when the money allocated to the programme was exhausted and there was stil no result, the MoD terminated the Contract. According to a widespread rumour, the then Russian Defence Minister, Anatoly Serdyukoy, said: “I don't need an aircraft which will ony fy the generats for fishing and hunting” (On November 14, 2074, the new appointees to the Ministry of Defence under Sergey Shoygu resumed the I-112V project, and Ilyushin was awarded another contract. According to this, the aircraft was to begin tests inthe fist half of 2017, with serial production planned for 2019, Furthermore, the requirements for the aircraft were significantly reduced: now I-112V had to be able 10 deliver 5,000kg of cargo over a aistance of 1,200km. Itturned out, however, thatthe buit prototype did not meet even these weaker requirements and stil needed to be significantly simmed down. A simpler solution, such as increasing the maximum take-off weight ofthe aircraft, was impossible, because this was limited by the power of the Klimov TVi-117ST engines. They are the most powerful turboprop engines available in Russia and the purchase of foreign engines for a Russian military airrat is mpossibe. ‘The actual characteristics of tis aircraft are stil a mystery Aiter the frst fight, the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) announced that "the weight ofthe fist aircraft will be reduced by one tonne" before it proceeded with further trials. According to Russian stato television — not necessarily a trustworthy source = the aircraft "dropped two hundred unnecessary kilograms." ‘Among the changes, according to the report, were slimmed landing gear legs, reworked cargo hatch doors and improved aerodynamics. Previously it was announced, among other things, that it would also receive a new fairing connecting the wing with the fuselage. Comparing the photos ofthe aircraft before and, after the conversion did not clarify much ~ there were no visible differences, except that the aircraft had been painted. ‘The construction weight of the next prototype was to be reduced even further, by up to 2,500kg, UAC reported in July 2019, That's quite a lt for an aircraft weighing 21,000kg at take-off. It was planned to use lighter materials, opimise the systems and incorporate lighter equipment. However, tis hard to believe that replacing the metal in the secondary elements with composites and replacing the cabing would resuit in such a significant weight reduction. Undoubtedly it would also be necessary to give up some of the equipment, 'iyushin managing clrector Sergei Varkovoy declared in March 2021 that “preparation of serial production of up to 12 aircraft per year is underway. Ths wil satisfy the needs of the Ministry of Defence for miltary transport alrcraft ofthis class and ensure a steady load forthe enterprise.” If you look at the IH112V without bias, such a significant excess of structural weight combined with the lack of more powerful engines means the Russians wil be struggling with this project for along time. RUSSIAN REVIEW ll-103 fuses Hungary and Russia Match 17, 2021, lyushin signed a contract with the Hungarian company Aviation Engineering Zr, a subsidiary of Magnus Aircraft Zt, onthe joint development and ‘manufacture in Hungary of an improved version ofthe I-108 light multipurpose arora. llyushin said “the agreernent is the evidence that Russian aviation technologies and developments are in ‘demand in the foreign market’, and that Russia wil gain access to the European market. The aircraft would be built at a facility ‘at Pogany airport inthe city of Pécs in the south of Hungary. In, the message from the Hungarian side, the emphasis is slightly different, undertning that Aviation Engineering bought the ‘@xclusive production and worldwide sales rights of the 1-103. Moreover, the agreement ‘paves the way for the export of the Fusion model family and composite elements manufactured in Pécs to Russia” Magnus Aircraft offers all-composite Fusion 212 ‘and 218 two-seaters for fight training and recreational pilots, Two aspects of this deal raise questions. Fist, a near identical ‘message was announced on August 24, 2019, during the MAKS air show. Back then, Russia had “transferred the manufacturing and sales rights of the i103 aircraft fo Magnus Aircra” while the Hungarian company was to receive Russian orders for the Fusion 213. is nat clear if that deal was ever implemented ‘Second, the I-103 hasn't got a great reputation. its prototype took off for the first time on May 17, 1994, as a ‘no-tils'four- seater powered by a single Teledyne Continental IO-360ES piston engine rated at 210hp (157.6kW), with a Hartzell two- blade varable-pitch propeller. It has fixed landing gear and reaches 225km/h cruise speed. With full fue, the Ir103 has a range of 1,070km. Despite a spacious cabin with very good visibilty and ease of pioting, the engine is weak and the propeller inadequate, while ergonomics and avionics require an ‘upgrade. The facility in Lukhovitsy near Moscow, belonging to SK MiG, produced 66 aitcraft (28 of them for South Korea), of ‘hich few or none remain in operation. Upgraded Blackjack moves to Zhukovsky ne next step has been taken in the development ful Russian combat aircraft, the IM strategic bomber. On March 5, 2021, the first ~ and so far the only - Tu-160M ‘lew from Kazan to Zhukovsky near Moscow. It will continue its advanced fight tests at the Tupolev fight test base, the only place with the necessary infrastructure for testing, “The Tu-160M made Is fst fight following an upgrade made ‘more than a year earl, on February 2, 2020, in Kazan. This was sin 4-05, withthe name Igor Sikorsky. I took off with NK-32-02 fengines fitted on Novernber 3, 2020, but the aircraft is still not complete - most critically, the Redut-70M self-defence system is Currently in the form of a mock-up. While remaining a priority of the Russian Aerospace Foroes, the Tu-160M programme is stil ongoing. In March this year, a hearing was held by the Ministry of Defence, which is demanding ‘compensation from the Tupolev company to the amount of 5 billon roubles (259 milion) regarding the strategic bomber However, further details about the nature of the legal action are Unknown as species of the case have The crew ofthe Tu-6OM gor Sikorsky’ strategie bomber boing wolcomod at ‘hukowsy, ner Mascon, on March 8, 2024 Lic ured audi Arabia wants to buidits own defence industry. Over the past 60 years it has spent bilions on defending the desert kingdom. Most of that money flowed out of the country, but now the infrastructure is being put in place to build domestic industries to serve the country, Defence is an important part of that goal SAMI Hamessing the requirements of both the {government and the miitary is down to Saudi Arabian Miltary Industries (SAM). Created in May 2017, SAMI serves the objectives of Saud’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman's blueprint forthe future, ‘Saud Vision 2030, ‘One of its priorities is localsing at ‘50% of the datonce business. That's a ‘considerable increase on the current 3-5%, and wil employ around 40,000 Saudi nationals by 2030. ‘SAMI's CEO, Walid Abukhaled, has ‘a huge tack ahead of him, but his background would suggest there isn't fa better man in Saudi Arabia to take on the challenge. He has worked in senior management roles for internat ‘companies such as Northrop General Bectrc and BAE Systems, will know what lies ahead of him, ‘LooKWse FROM LEF: IWalSolom Arf Inustes seventy aequted by ‘SAMY ten the overhaul of Royal Saud A Force €-130 eras wit becomes responsi ines SAMs CEO, Walid Abukhaled, has a huge ask shea of in ‘oud Arabia wants more rom the kes of BAE ‘Systems and Boeing. BAE has sod hundreds of ‘Typhaon and Tornados tothe desert kingdom, ile Boeing has recived bios of dors fom F-16 Egle sles Saud Arabia wants to ul its own ‘ightes withthe ealsbortion a these companies ‘a8 part ofthe Saual ison 2080 anes 'We have never had a defence champion in the Kingdom, and that is what SAMI willbe," said Abukhaled, “Other industria Countries have theirs, but Saudi never has, even though we are the third-biggost purchaser in miltary equipment” ‘SAMI doesn't just cater for aerospace, italso covers naval and land equipment, yeapone and missiles, as well as ‘emerging technologies, Saud's Public investment Fund (PIF) owns a 100% share in the business, just as it does in Aramco, a pubic petroleum and natural g Company and the sixth-largest revenue ‘earner in the world, ‘Athough we are 100% owned by the ‘government, we work towards the sami Serving Saudi goals as any other commercial company: to make a profit. So, ifit doesn't make commercial sense, we wil nat pursue the business.” said Abukhaled, With one of the largest defence budgets in the word, Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly an attractive propostion for ary OEM. In turn, SAMI wants to form partnerships with the best of them. “We have already established strategic joint ventures with some global players, which were announced at the recent International Defence Exhibition (DEX) in Abu Dhabi during February” Abukhaled stated, “[There] has to be a government-to-government decision over Tempest, and not one leftto me. Butanything like that will make good sense to SAMI. We would definitely consider it” Walid Abukhaled, CEO, Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI) SAMI) a Three key stratogic partnership agreements were signed at the event ‘These comprised a joint venture agreament with Lockheed Martin to develop capabilties in manufacturing and software technologies and systems integration, as well as the production, maintenance and repair of rotary and {fixed-wing aircraft, missile defence systems and naval and land systems. ‘Another major coup for SAMMI was the ‘announcement of a tearing arrangement with NIM, a major component of the the UAE's EDGE organisation. The jot ‘co-operation on armoured miitary and ‘socurty vehicles is a fst-ofits-kind mitary industry agreement between Saudi and Emirati companies in the Kingdom. Final, there was an agreement with General Authority for Miltary Industries (GAM) to be a strategic partner in the Upcoming World Defense Show 2022. AL IDEX, one of the ony miltary ‘exhibitions to take place since the COMID: 19 pandemic broke in March 2020, SAMI showcased is mitary products, systems ‘and technologies, spread across its Land Systems, Aeronautics, Defence Electonics, Weapons and Missies and Emerging Technologies divisions during the show. ‘The company's affilates, Advanced Electronics Company (AEC, a wholly. ‘owned subsiciary), Accessories and ‘Components Gampany (ACC), ‘SAMINavanta (a joint venture with Navantia SA), SAMILSHarrs a joint venture with LaHarris Technologies) and .SAMICMI (a joint venture with CMI Group) ‘also put their innovative solutions and services on show at the exhibition ‘Commenting on its involvement at IDEX 2021, Abukhaled said: "We at SAMI are pleased that our participation was able to lead to new milestones in Saudi Arabia's ‘evolution as a leading global manufacturer (of miltary systems. The extibition offered us and our afilate companies ‘an excellent platform to showcase ‘our locally developed innovations and ‘gain meaningful insights into new and ‘emerging trends in the world of defence "The strategic agreements we signed at the show will support PIF's efforts through SAMI in ocalsing cutting-edge technology and knowiedge, as well as building strategic economic partnerships. ‘These agreements wil provide SAMI with the platform to deliver its Vision 2030 commitment to localise 60% of the miltary spend.” Most international defence companies by ow understand how SAMI wil unlock the {gate to being part ofthe huge defence business in Saudi Arabia. Abukhaled has, ‘a ten-year strategic plan in place up to 2030, covering the requirements from ‘each partner to deliver key needs. He revealed that most ofthe joint vertures ‘and acquisitions they need to reach their Vision 2030 objectives will be in place by the end of 2023, (On March 30, 2018, SAMI signed a memorandum of agreement with Boeing that proposes a joint venture, aimed at localising more than 55% of the MRO services for fixed and rotary-wing military aircraft in Saudi Arabia. While the deal is not yet finalised, itis successful = when matched alongside a similar Lockheed Martin agreement -it wil mean ‘SAMI MRO would cover the bulk of the ‘operational helicopters, because most of them serving the miltary are American, Of BAE Systems, Abukhaled confirmed that discussions were ongoing: “The relationship is very strategic to the Kingdom. Tthey have been here for ‘round 60 years and there is interest from both partes to find the right opportunity to take our relationship to a new lovel” ‘When asked if Sauai Arabia would be joining BAE Systems on the Ukied ‘Tempest Future Combat Air System (FOAS), Abukheled responded: “That has to be a government-to-government {decision over Tempest, and not one left to me. | will alvays look to our leadership for direction. But anything tice that wil make good sense to SAMI. We would definitely consider it” ‘The strategic partnerships will evolve from the needs and acquisitions of the are202 | 25 Saudi mitary. Abukhaled said: “Once it knows what it wants to procure, we will ‘work with the companies on seeing how ‘we can transfer the right capability to the Kingdom, start putting it into our facies ‘and feed our subsidiaries” In late December last year, SAMI showed that it meant business when it announced the purchase of Advanced Electronics Company (AEC, considered by many to be the ‘crown jewel’ of Saudis military industries. "Acquiring AEC is a prime example of how we wil work. It has 2,200, employees, seven factories and seven production lines, and is undoubtedly the best defence electronics compary in the region.” Abukhaled said. ‘Abukhaled is excited about AEC and has plans to transform what he calls a great company into an even greater one with the helo of strategic partners, by transferring knowledge and knowhow into AEC. By feeding them projects and business that SAMI and its partners win, AEC will not only deliver capabilty to the Kingdom's miltary but "become a global company within our strategic partners! re aes ‘More Saudi companies are coming Under the SAMI spotight. Negotiations and discussions to acquie AlSalam, the Booing offset company, with its MRO ‘aciltes have been ongoing for a whit, "We are progressing through the due cligence and, once completed, we will make a decision. MRO is a definite requirement by our customers and they are keen to have such a capabilly.” ‘Abukhaled said \With so many rotorerat being operated by all the militaries and civilan companies in Saudi Arabia, there is now an urgent ‘need for hebcopter MROs and the deal with Lockheed Martin, and possibly Boeing, wil lead the way. “I's part ofthe SAMI strategy to bring that capabilty to the Kingdom, so i's progressing and we will make it happen s00n,” Abukhaled said, “ASalam also owns the Saud Rotorcraft Support Company, so if we do {90 ahead and acquire AlSalam we would ‘own the SSC." ‘Another company is Taqnia, also now ‘owned by the PIF, which had huge aspirations to build UH-60s in the future. “t's a sistor company, and my Understanding is that they are spinning off their defence business to focus on investments. So we are in discussions to secure the capabilties they builtin the defence sector,” Abuknaled said. Not too surprisingly, Saudi wants 10 eventually bid its ov helicopters, probably under license from Lockheed Martin or Bosing. “We have to cater for the needs of the and forces, ai force, rational guard and so forth, which have huge requirements,” Abukhaled said, "We are in discussions with several companies, such as Airbus and Leonard, to set up production facies 26) une2021 In country. But we have to be realistic and MROs is the best place to start, then we will move towards getting into helicopter design and production” Regarding UAVs, Abukhaled appreciates they are the future of military aviation and that new-generation fighters are Ekely to ‘be unmanned, so he says SAMI need to be invovled. He concluded: “These are very exciting times forthe next {generation of Saudi youngsters, both ‘male and female, who want to be a part of advanced technologies, because we will con have an outlet for their skis" GAMI ‘The General Authorty for Miltary Industries (GAM) was formed in mig-2018, just a fow ‘months aftor SAM, to regulate, enable and license Saud Arabia's miltary industry. GAM! has big ambitions and the ist of requirements fs extensve, but the top prioty is Boosting the domestic military Industry sector and ensuring it becomes ‘a key component in the economy. The authority ims to support investors and facilitate ther enry into the Saudi itary and securty industries market, ‘making them a part ofits strategy for the ‘Saudi Vision 2080 objective of localising ‘over 60% ofthe military equipment spending by 2030. Five national priorities are to be served: increase miltary readiness, enhance strategic autonomy, enhance Interoperabilty within and across entities, develop a local miftary industries sector ‘and increase transparency and efficiency (of expenditure Unsurprisingly, one ofthe frst questions for GAM's governor, His Excellency ‘Ahmed Al-Ohal, was how it was all progressing, "We have so far bult GAMI's Internal infrastructures and we are now in ‘operational rode," Al-Ohal responded. {As the industry reguiator, GAM is a public organisation overseeing the industry ‘as well as research and development ‘Al-Ohali stated: “We are now looking to Create thousands of small and medium: CLOCKWISE FROM RIT is Exclleney Ahmed A-Ohall i the {aM govern aiming to regulate itary businesses across Saul Arabia ‘An agreement with Locked Marin that was signed at Abu Dha'sIDEX in Februar will see SAM ake onthe maintenance and repair of hlleapers such asthe UH-6M Az es ulin an indigenous UAY industry with iis kay abvanced toctnologes is another ‘oa of oth SAMI and GAM es sized businesses in Saudi Arabia, in the private or goverment sectors” ‘Al-Ohali pointed out that GAM! will [provide the guidance, the icencing and the reguiatons that allow a company to ‘set up shop, as well as provide some kind ‘of market share within Saud Arabia, then hhopetuily be able to provide expert advice in the futur, “We are working with some very dynamic sectors: miltary operators, security services and ministries in Sauct ‘Arabia,” AL-Ohal sai. “Then there are the foreign governments with ther armament ‘and technologies, and the OEMs, both internationaly and local, that already ‘co-operate or ae interested parties in working with GAML We are in the middle ofl that.” Many local companies attending the ‘Sau Intemational Airshow in 2019 wanted to bing more work in country, such as ‘overhauling miltary helicopters and setting up fying training centres in Sauck Arabia When asked how that was progressing, ‘Al-Ohal responded: “Back then, we identifed 11 platforms in the industry that were crilcal to Saudi Arabia from a security and industry support point of view. Fxed wing MRO is one of them, as we work on establishing an industry that could 'be worth more than 30 bili ryals over the next decade. "We have established a clear programme (on ocalsing each segment of these platforms over the next ten years. There is massive potential in what we are trying to build. We are looking to employ 40,000 people directly and another 60,000 indirect, i's a big market and will be a huge contribution to our GDP by 2030" Included among the 11 sectors ae fixed ‘wing airraft, helicopters and UAVs that wil all requir for example electronics, maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) {acilties. A-Ohall beleves UAVs are a key advanced technology requiring mechanical pats, electronics and possibly a radar in addition to a payload. He wants to develop al these needs and build an indigenous UAV business. =What we want within the mandate of GAM! is toprovide corwentional and advanced miltary industies, but they cannot be sustained without the proper technology transfer, IP rights and human ceoita ‘AL-Ohal said "Wtnout these thes elements, the industry cannot be sustained.” Clearly many challenges lie ahead for the enterprise with a new mandate, bt this will undoubtedly create many ‘opportunites for GAMI:“nteroperaity between various Saudi defence and research institutes is a must, asis creating a supply chan within Saudi Arabia and, at the same time, buiking relationships with other Counties and international OEMS to aocass technologies and transfer of production ccapabiltes. The biggest challenge was putting allthis together and bullng a stong lan atthe sare time. “The 11 sectors identifed as strategic are the most crtcal as GAM! looks to the next decade, We have seen several countries in “Once we purchased equipment from the likes of BAE Systems and Boeing, but now | think itneeds to include the exchange of IP and innovation, as wellas investments across the country. That will be a win-win situation for all of us” His Excellency Ahmed Al-Ohali, GAMI governor the past seven or eight decades build up their mitary aerospace businesses, but ‘our pans are more ambitious, The 11 sectors that Al-Ohal alluded to include: defence electronic, conventional ammunition, guided ammunition, missiles ‘and launchers, xed wing platforms’ MRO, UAV manufacturing and MRO activites, land systems manufacturing and MRO sctiitles, navy manufacturing and MRO, ‘and cyber-wartar. ‘SAMI willbe one of the industry ‘champions, established to kick-start military industry in Saudi Arabia. It's one (of 70 companies in Saud Arabia to receive attrading icense. Being funded by the kingdom's Public Investment Fund, itis @ manufacturing company, beensed by (GAM and being supported with contracts. ‘But how do key stakeholders and long term partners such as BAE Systems and Booing ft into Al-Onal's GAM! stratogy? “We have strong relationships with these ‘companies because they have been in ‘Saud doing great business for fve pls ‘decades,’ he responded, “But now is the time fora better exchange of benefits betwen these OEMs and Saudi Arabia, (Once we purchased equipment rom the tikes of BAE Systems and Boeing, but now | think it needs to include the exchange of IP and innovation, as well as investments ‘across the country. That wl be a win-win situation for al of us "We have established a very good industrial participation programme. We have bul itin a way that OEMs can transfer technologies and operations to local companies, which allows OEMs to have better access to the Saudi market.” Late lat year, GAMI launched the World Detense Show (WDS), set to take place in Riyadh from March 6-9, 2022. The main ‘rtria of ths exhibition wil be to foster new relations with businesses for the future, as well as fo promote GAMIs bright new word. AAL-Ohali beloves the WDS is coming atthe right time both forthe Kingdom ‘and the global industry (with COVIO-19 hopefuly overcome). “Saudi Arabia is one (ofthe largest purchasers of armaments in the werld, tis also one of the G20 ‘economies and Stated inthe centre of three continents," he said. “Coupled with its need to establish a presence in the miltary industry, WS wil be a global platform for our aspirations. "t's an opportunity for the OEMs and foreign governments to showease their producs or industries, while our local businesses can display their interest or their local capabilities. | think it's going to ‘open @ great opportunity for both sides.” (Clearly both Saul Arabia and the international miltary aerospace community will beneft from WDS, which could end up ‘competing with the United Arab Emirate's Dubai Ar Show as the premier miltary ‘event in the Midcle East. ‘An air show will be one ofthe key features of Saud’s new showcase, which should acoslerate Saudi Arabia's localised industrial ambitions, Al are2c2l | 27 Tag iy. aE I'S J-20 VSF-35 wo) WVara\ ) ¢ NEVER miss an issue 6 ALL PRINT eevee yer le Te offers for subscribers VA eit ire 1780 480404 Offer closes 34 August 2021 emai aoe oan Moto k-Mue=a-inTe.V plane, but little is known about it. Pawal=\ VAS Oe0 ania lla AUN clicy access to the inner workings. of Air Force One changes that. Tom Batchelor spoke to professional pilot and filmmaker Scott Bateman to learn more ene ead Demo e s err Ir Foroe One is an aeroplane of superatives. The most secure, the best maintained, the ‘most recognisable ‘And with a US85.30n price tag and current running costs exceeding US$250,000 an hur it demands the most generous of presidential budgets to keep it inthe al. Technically speaking, Air Force One is the callsign used for any US Air Force (USAF) arcraft that is carrying the ‘commanderin-chiet the president — athough the term is widely used to refer to the two customised Boeing 747-2008 ~ offcialy Boeing VO-25s regardless of whether or not the president is on board, ‘Ar Foros One is a powerful symbol of the US presidency ~ a fying White House designed to operate in the most die of situations, including a nuclear attack, It also projects the miltary, political and cultural might ofthe United States, with its baby bive and white paintwork instantly recognisable throughout the wort ‘So when the USAF announced that the two current examples were coming to the end of their ives, a national siscussion was ignited over what the replacements should and could look lke. As that project gathers pace, a new documentary has ited the id on the 32) ane20o! fascinating story behind the jet's 21st century upgrade. Produced for National Geographic by ‘Scott Bateman, a former Boeing 747 pilot, the hour-long programme provides unprecedented access to the secretive ‘World of the Presidential Aiift Group, including never-before-seen footage. AIR Intemational caught up with Bateman as the documentary, The New Air Force (One: Fying Fortress, launched, to find out what the ageing aircraft are really like to fly on, what makes the mult-bilion dollar replacement programme so necessary and how likely its that Donald Trump's favoured Iwery will adorn the new. jets Securing access Making a fim about an aeroplane shrouded in as much secrecy as Ar Force One wast easy, explained Bateman (@scottebateman), who wes approached after having writen a book ‘bout jumbo jes. “People have done documentaries on Air Force One betore, but theyve never had access ike thi." Alli, the show 100k almost thee and a half years to produce, from is inception {ois premiere in January 202'. Securing ‘access took two years alone Wie previous camera crews have managed to fim trom the hangar at Joint Base Andrews, giring permission fo put UONITED STATES OF AWENMCK LOoKWNSE FROM LEFE The fll crew captured the enormous logistical effort required to matin the Met it an ‘cot ateman i fair with fying commercial variants ofthe Booing 747s Sc fsensn ‘in June 2018, i Fore Oe landed at Landon Stansted Airport spat ofan oficial tte visit by President Trump Ucn Sure Arpot as Tho caren 747 ots have boon in servi fr more than thee decades St Beran ‘cameras on board for a fight, including in the cockpit, presented unique challenges, "Reasonably, anyone can access Air Force (One when the president is not on board and it's in the hangar. That's not cificut. itis challenging, but mary peopie have done that. The challenge comes when you ay, ‘Wel, actually, we want to fy withthe president on board, and we want to go fim in parts of the aeroplane that have never ‘been filmed before. And we want to fim in the hangar and show parts that have never bbeen seen before. And we want to go and fy this aeroplane two or three times to get ‘some amazing airborne shots from inside the cockpit’ That's when you stat to get into trouble, because those are things that hhave never been done. They said yes, but it took along time" ‘Accompanied by a minder, Bateman ‘and other members ofthe fim crew spent a week at the military facility in Maryland where the Air Force One jets are stored and maintained when they are not carrying the president. He also visited the new 747-8 which is undergoing ‘a conversion to become the new presidental air transport ‘Al ofthe footage fimed by the crew was retained by the Department of Defense, who pored over it for any classified materia, ‘Screening the hours of footage took ime, and portions were either cut out or biured before they were returned. Despite the high level of security, Bateman says the team were stil granted “unfettered access’ including to Hangar 18, where the two presidential 747s are kept. "Its a highly secure place. I've been in the miltary for 18 yoars, Ive beon in secure facts, and nothing comes close to this, There are about four oF fv layers of secu before you even get to the hangar door.” ‘An overdue retirement? ‘The overall consensus view is thatthe 31-year-old aeroplanes need to be replaced. Despita the seemingly impressive rol-call of fcities, the 1990 vintages have ‘outved thei usefulness", as Bateman pets it" think 20 yoars is about right for fan aeroplane. Although it doesn't do a lot ofhous, itis a high cycle aeroplane, If we go back tothe jumbo jets ofthe past, [this i) always the issue, For example, the 1985] Japan Airines accident that blew the tal off was due to high cyetes, It ‘was a very low-hour aeroplane but with high pressuristion cycles. These aircraft do las of short hops, but as a long-haul, ‘widebody, they were never realy designed ‘Additional, one issue that typically arises with an aitcraft of that age Is the maintenance bill The lack of spare parts can also present challenges. “if something goes wrong, they either have to liberate a part from a parked aeroplane somewhere and then get that reconditioned, or they actually have one manufactured," said Bateman "As soon as you start taking about ‘manufacturing one-off parts, you're into lots of money. Nonetheless, the replacements are ‘due to enter service in 2024 and offer a ‘chance for the biggest overhaul of the presidential et for more than 30 years, They promise massive advantages not oniy in fuel savings but operational performance, onboard comfort and ‘enhanced communications, miltary ‘specifications and other capabilites Those improvements ae even more ‘evident in the technical specications of the new 747-81 named with a nod tothe Boeing 787, from which it borrows many ofits new design features, predominantly the engine and wing technology. The US aerospace giant broke with naming conventions forthe latest iteration of the jumbo, skipping the -600, -600 and -700, variants and shortening ito just -B to honour ts twin-engined, Dreamliner cousin. Talking technology “Ive sat wit the design team and ‘engineers who designed this 747 kom scratch, When they started, the plan was to have the 787 wing and just make t bigger, and for so many reasons that cda't work, so they decided to redesign the buik of the wing but keep the 77 tps I's an aluminium wing with composite ends. Then they decided they were going to use the General Electic ‘GEnx, which is the same engine that’s on the 787, with strakes atthe back which are designed by NASA to reduce the noise from the engine by about 30%.” Improvements tothe new jats go beyond a simple reduction in noise. Enhanced performance versus the current -200 ‘equipment means the incoming airoratt can fy further, bur less fuel and operate to rere aiports than ever belore. “The short-feld performance with the naw wing is amazing” ‘explained Bateman, The 747-8's wng design includes a sngle slotted fap that produces: ‘more lt than oder types managed with mere traditional high ft devices. The development teams are also upgrading the engines to have larger ‘generators to produce more power. The ew aircraft wil have two ausliary power units ~ something that most commercial aircraft do not have ~ in order to produce ‘enough power for the air conaitioning and ‘communication systerns when the jt is (on the ground. The new 747 will have a higher cruise ‘speed (855 Mach versus 64 Mach) and a maximum take-off weight of 987,0001b, ‘an increase of 184,0001b. it also offers 1,000sq ft (20%) of extra floor space, Is ‘tt longer and its wingspan has grown, by 298. “The biggest difference in all of this is size ~ it's @ phenomenal amount of extra floor space,” noted Bateman, ‘When it comes to the current fleet, Range: crows 0 Passengers n Introduction date: Date deplyet President ar transport ‘Boag Ariane Co Fur Gaeral hectic F6-20C28 jt ngs 587000, ech engine 2a 70.7) eit sat'n (183m) Wingspan: 195t 8 86m) Spood: mph ac 0.90) Cotig: 4500 (137460) Maximum takeot weight: 853,000 (374,850) 7.800 mls (12,5508m) ‘ec 8, 1980 (hn 28000; De 23, 880 No. 28000) ‘Sep, 1990 No, 2800 Mar 26,1861 No 28000) sll Bowing 707, VO-37Cs, 26000 and 27000 saw active service botwoen 1962 and 10023 ‘The proposed Ivar ofthe next generation of Al Fore One is dlplyeddrng 2 meting between then President Dona Trump and Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau in dune 2048 ex Wit raes ‘The two Bong VE-25As tat cary the president on ofc busines Foren GaySMC President Joe Bion waves rom ir Force One Betore departing tom Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on March 1, 202112? via Gt rat took two yar forthe documentary team to rece th equed pemisans to make the programme Ss itisrt just cramped Kitchens causing headaches for members ofthe Presidential Ailft Group; Air Force One is also restricted by its navigational abity "There's now a huge reliance on GPS landing] approaches al over the wort, ‘and although the old aircraft does have ‘a GPS RNAV capabily, 's not as good as they would lke. It is an add-on. I's ‘not something that the aeroplane was designed to be used for. Also, it does not have a full CAT IB autoland capabilty whereas the new version will have essentially zero visibity autoland, ifthe airfield is equipped” ‘The current aircraft have a navigator ation at the rear ofthe figt deck, wich integrates some of the modern navigation equipment that wasn't around when the 2008 were built, That wil ll go with the 747-8, although the navigator may stay (on in a systems operator rote to manage miltary systems, The new jets wil also do away with the refueling probe, partly because the two jumbos were already built when the US government bought them. Other than for pl training to keep Currency in air-to-air refueling, the feature never been used in 31 years. “The range Improves massively on the new aeroplane ‘anyway ~ they get about an extra 1,000 ries. That's not just transatlantic, it's almost a global reach aitraft. I's got the Capability to stay in the air for 17 hours.” “The current VC-25s" boast of ‘unlimited range! might sound impressive, but the design team concluded that this was no longer necessary. “They've never really needed refueling capability, so wy spend a phenomenal amount of money to have this retrofitted?” queried Bateman ‘Communication problems with the existing feet are also placing limits on how effective the president can be when (on board, Bateman's crew were the fist filmmakers to be given access to the comms station while the aicraft was airbome and with the systems running. “The new jets will be able to transmit ive television — something that was identified during the September 11 tertr attacks as being an issue. In ateriic scoop, George W Bush reveais in the documentary that hhe was unable to address the nation tram the et “Ar Force One was not properly equipped to be able to deal with the crisis," the former president said during {an interview for the programme. “There were phones, but | could find people. There wore meetings, but it was dificult {o.get in. The equipment just wasn't as {good as it could have been.” “The decision to switch the two existing airframes, which cary the tall codes 28000 and 2000 was made more than ‘a decade ago. When Trump took office, he threatened to cancel the projact in response to “out of control” costs of more than USS4bn, The Trump administration claimed the new deal would save taxpayers more than US$!.4bn, However, the price tag has since climbed above US$Sbn. In a bid to save money, the two jumbos ‘that wil become the next Air Force One were already fully built when they were acquired by the US government in 2017. Originally ordered in 2018 forthe now- defunct Russian carrier Transaero Airlines, the jets wore never delivered to the Moscow-based company and sat empty for a time in the Mojave Desert, Buying pre-built aircraft presented challenges to the team tasked with ‘making them ft for a president the ‘wiring needed to be stripped out and sections of the fuselage replaced. "When ‘you're building something lke Air Force (One from scratch, it's so unique that constructing itn the factory as a one-off, cor two-off in this case, [would have been] far easiar than trying to convert it,” said Bateman, “All the wiring in that ain ‘one milion feet of wing ~ is useless. You've got to take it all out and replace It with shielded wire," Big doors also needed to be cut to make way for the airstars, “f you're bulding those as you 190, you don't have to worry about the frame twisting” The current jets have electrical systems capable of withstanding an electromagnetic pulse as well as ula secure communications equipment enabling them to function as a mobile Oval Office. These elements wil not change with the new fleet, but deals about any upgrades to the defence systems being installed are understandably kept top secret. (One thing the jets, both old and new, didn't have and won't have is a presidential escape pod. “That's fantasy, 1m afraid” revealed Bateman, The aircraft might have three decks and seemingly ‘acres of space in which to fit one, but there is a lot else to squeeze in, from set loading baggage loaders to maintenance ‘equipment, and even spare tyres, ‘As forthe aircraft's defence capabilites, the documentary suggests that lasers might form part ofthe arsenel, and previous reports have surmised that the jets are capable of foling air-to-air and ‘Ground-to-air missile attacks, Chaff and flares dispensers to divert both radar. ‘Quided and heat-seeking projectiles are ‘among the miltary-grade fortifications suggested by various exper. ‘The New Air Force One: Flying Fortress spent my time in the military, 80 know exactly what's fitted to the aeroplanes, but 'm not allowed to discuss that.” explained Bateman. ‘All ‘wore alowed to say is that the president is well protected on this aeroplane, and he will be exceptionally well protected on the next aeroplane.” Current projections forthe total cost of the project stand at US$, including a fixed outlay of US$3,.90n for the airrames, A series of extras with hefty price tags - from maintenance manuals to specially built hangars — account for the difference between the two figures, though insiders beleve the timate ‘expenditure could exceed US$6bn. I's a staggering sum, but one that will secure Air Force One's place as the world's most famous ~ and mast secure ~ WP aircraft for decades to come. Al (ol Jurgen van der Biezen gazes at his unit ‘om inside his office, the former building of the Royal Netherlands Ar Force (RNLAF) 334 and 336 transport squadrons. Not far away isthe largest maintenance hangar on the base, and inside it, the third and newest Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker ‘Transport (MATN). "We have three brand-new ASSO MATT aircraft here at our main operating base (MOB) ofthe multinational MATT unit (MMU). Two of them are practising from ur forward operating base (FOB) n Cologne-Wahn, Germany. [The] third has 96) une2021 just been dolivred to us by Arbus and is standing in the shed,” he said, referring to the aircraft in the maintenance hangar However, it took 30 yoars of guts and ‘irto-air refueling (AAR) experience {0 get ths far. The signing of a letter Cf intent in November 2012 made the Netherlands the lead nation in a European effort to solve a strategic shortcoming in AAR. The goal was to ‘guarantee transportation and an AAR- Capacity with lower costs in the future However, the story of how the RNLAF achieved all this began much earlier = 25 years eater in fact. In the early 1980s, prompted by a serious shortage Cf military transport and AAR aircraft, the Dutch parliament decided to end the Netherlands’ dependen States Air Force (USAF). ‘on the United Self-sufficient That led to the conversion of two MeDonnell Douglas DC-10s into KDC- 410 military tanker transport aircraft for the RNLAF. The im was to cut noise pollution around the RNLAF's main ‘operating bases by providing AAR, for its Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, reducing the need to land to refuel. Butit was not a long-term solution; the changing international operational situation after the fall ofthe Bein wall saw the demand for tankers and strategic air transport increase. In the preliminary phase of the process Qing Splitting that led to the KDC-10, the Dutch cabinet investigated the options for purchasing the Boeing KO-135 Stratotanker, but this was seen as outdated. The Lockheed KC-180 was also under consideration but was cancelled when the USAF discarded a modification programme to convert F-16As and F-16Bs with a configuration for refueling via a probe- and-drogue system. Eventually, on ‘August 29, 1991, the then Dutch State Secretary Berend-Jan Van Voorst tot \Voorst concluded that only two aircraft met the needs of RNLAF, Conversion of a Unique Type “The two types concemed were a fectory- new KMD-11 and the KOC-10, both the MR ‘of which stil had to be developed or ‘converted for the AAR function. Upon investigation, only the conversion of two 1DC-10s into the KDC-10 platform turned ‘out to ft the estimated budget. On June 80, 1992, Van Voorst tot Voorst and the then Dutch airine Martinair CEO, Martin ‘Schroder, signed a sales agreement for ‘two DC-10-30CFs (Convertible Freighter) for the RNLAF. The sale value was US896.4m (166m Dutch guilders), ‘Martinair continued to use the aircraft through a lease contract untl they were formally transferred to the RNLAF for ‘conversion to the KDC-10 platform. However, on December 21, 1992, four months after signing the contract, one of the aircraft crashed at Faro Airport, Portugal. The accident, caused by a high rate of descent and extreme lateral displacement due to a wind shear, left 56 dead and more than 100 injured. Martina delivered its third DO-10- OCF to the RNLAF as a replacement aircraft, a younger example, The technical {department of KLM Royal Dutch Airines. ‘was commissioned by McDonnell Douglas to convert the cargo aircraft into the KDC-10 type. Spiralling costs Conversion ofthe fist Martinair DC-10 stated at Schighol Airport in October 1904, wt the second following in February, 1995. However, opening the rear fuselage and pacing a boom ‘he Rol Neerland A Force wil rua phase out ts KDC-10 a-ring ara, with he capably ‘replaced through buying into Eropean etence Agency's ASO Mutnationall-Role Tanke Wansport Sinan a bill Royal Netherlands Air Force Col Jurgen van der Biezen explains to Sven van Roij how the Multinational Multi Role Tanker Transport unit came to be aren 7 ‘operator station in the tal of the KDC-10 proved costly. It was decided to instal a remote aerial refueling ‘operator (RARO) sation ust behind the KDC-10s cockpit. In the RARO- station, the boom operator is able to see the receivers approaching on five screens and the operator retains situational awareness through special 3D glasses, During the corwersion, it tuned cut that McDonnell Douglas had underestimated the comands of the large, Unique project during Its preliminary study of 1992, with the result thatthe total ‘modification costs increased by USSEM. Further rises ‘were avoided following ‘a negotiation agreement during the purchase of 30 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters for the RNLAF, which were stil being ‘manufactured by MeDannell Douglas. More delays in the programme ‘occurred when McDonell Douglas divered the madification kits lat, stopping KLM's technical department from completing its work on schedule, @ Meee” BD Eventual, the first KDC-10, registered 7-264,’ made its maiden fight departing ‘Schiphol on July 31, 1996. After some vibrations in the tal boom, it was decided to cancel the test fight. Two days later a second successful test fight was flown, “The official handover of the aircraft took place on September 29, 1995 BAP ancit was named 'ZKH. Prins MEER! Bornhard, after a Dutch prince. Sor “The arrival of the world's only KDC-10s was a game- ‘changer for the RNLAF. No 334 squadron at Eindhoven Ar Base suddenly had a strategic ar transport aircraft atts disposal In the same period, the squadron received two Lockheed 0-130H-30 transport aircraft. Uni then the squadron had used the Fokker F-27 which could transport up to 3,000kg (6,6001b) over relatively short distances. ‘Compare that to the KDC-10s' capacity Of up to 65,000kg (143,0001b) on ten standard air freight pallets over intercontinental distances. Otten, the ene eae ae Pear ra eet ete eed Serra ey oe a et re eter eee tet] eaten eee 38) une2021 “One of the aircraft will always be available in the ‘Intensive MEDEVAC’ configuration in Cologne. The MMF'sfirst MRTT was converted to the MEDEVAC conversion in mid-February. Having an aircraft continuously ready in MEDEVAC Configuration will not delay the conversion ofan aircraft when itis unexpectedly called for...” Multinational Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) Unit commander Col Van der Biezen aircraft wore deployed in the combination Configuration of half passengers (165 people) and haf cargo, ‘With the arrival ofthis much larger aircraft, the KDC-10, crews had to be trained. The frst intial fight training took place at Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina from September 1992 onwards ‘The fst trained Dutch KDC-10 crews returned from the US at the end of 1994 having been unable to practise with their KDC-10 in the Dutch theatre dus to the delay in the conversion of ther arora. {As a temporary solution, the USAF sent a KO-10A for a three-day visit from March AFB, California From the first operational yea onwards, full use was made of th scarce KDC-10 capacity. To make the KDC-10s more availabe for their AAR task, a third DO-10 was purchased in 2004. The 1978-buit DC-10-30OF was Givested by United Airlines and had been in storage in the Arizona desert for three years. Instead of corwerting the arorat to the KDC-10, it was bought to the high demand for strategic transport Capacity, The total investment costs for the third DC-10, registered T-255' ‘estimated at €41.5m. The thed arcraft was radically renovated between 2004 and 2011, The renovation Included the replacement and installation (ofthe fight management system, the addition of miltary encrypted satelite navigation, a Link-16 dataink and voice ‘communication encryption. ‘The aircraft also received a cockpit ‘Upgrade which was carried out later on the two KDO-10s already in service. Due to cuts in the defence budget, the most ‘modern and best maintained 00-10 in the world was decommissioned three years after joining service. ‘The RNLAF could not find a suitable buyer and so the aircraft was flown to Newauay in Apil 2014 where it was stripped of usable parts and dismantled, Today the Netherlands is a member state ofthe 12-nation Strategic Airft Capability SAC}, which has a Boeing C47 Globemaster Il fleet. The three C-178 are sed to meat the RNLAF's demand for stratogic air transport. The SAC received its first Globemaster Il in mid-July 2009, ‘The European Air Transport Command (EATO), established at Eindhoven Air base in 2010 and whose members are European Union states, allowing for a helpful distribution of air assets. ‘The arrival of the KDC-10s in the 19908 ~ the largest aircraft ever in RNLAF history was a welcome but risky bet by the Dutch parliament. The costs of converting the aircraft to military tankers and the resulting operating expenses turned out to be extremely high, especialy for a MMU alorat at the RNLAF's MOB. After the signing ofthe 2012 letter of intent, in December 2014, the Eurepean Defence ‘Agency (EDA) announced it would initiate ‘sole source process with Airbus for the ‘acquisition of tankers, the Arbus ASO MRTT. Van der Biezen continuect: ‘Other types were aso considered inthe tender, but the AZ20MFIT was deliberately chosen folowing the commercial bidcing. For ‘example, the Boring KC-46 Pegasus and Embraer C-290 Millennium can delver less capacity" Accorting to Van der Biezen, ‘other platforms aready operational in Europe were examined, France and the UK had already opted for the A330 and so choosing the MRT made ‘collaboration in the future easier including the exchange of parts and traning. The ‘Aitous A330 MATT matches the cv Arbus ‘A320-200. The wings, however, originate from the four-ongine Airbus A340, The MMU fleet (MMF) arcreft are equipped vith two Rolls-Royce Trent 7728 turbofan ‘engines that provide up to 72,0001 thrust (320 kioNewtons) each alowing _armaximum take-off weight of up to 233 Biezen explained: "These operators are part ‘of our crews. Therefore, tis a good adciton for crew resource management to have the ‘ARO in the fight deck" ‘The A390 MATT is a so-called miltary off the shel (MOTS). The aircraft manufacturer bulds an existing ci craft and makes the miltary adaltions based on the wishes ofthe ‘customer. AI MOTS system was desberately ‘chosen by the EDA member states. This to prevent unexpectedly high costs and delays ‘during the conversion of a possiay non MOTS gystom, such as atthe time ofthe purchase ofthe KOO-10s, To a very mite ‘extent, adtonal development ofthe MATT ‘was necessary to make the aircraft suitable for macical evacuation (MEDEVAC) “The RNLAF wal use the aircraft primal ‘asa tanker and as transportation for up to 287 passengers —for example, a ‘detachment forthe deployment of fighters, “One ofthe aircraft wil alvays be avalable inthe intensive MEDEVAC configuration in Cologne,” Van der Biezen said, “The MMF's fst MITT was converted tothe ‘The new Aus A330 Mul Role Tanker Transport has 2 versatlea-o-arefeling capably withthe Cobham SE probe-and-ropue sytem - mounted atthe relatively smal air force. To reduce costs, part ofthe tanker capacity was sold to other countries. Since the two KDC-108 originated in 1976 and 1978, essential spare parts had become scarcer on the international market. With a small fleet of only two aircraft, the capability could oniy be deployed 60-60% Of the time. These problems became painfully clear when in June 2019 a KDC: 10 broke down potentially stopping the arival of two Dutch Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning lls to the Ar Force Days airshow at the RNLAF Vokel air base. Looking back, Van der Biazen explained: ‘Our MATT feet isa lot more reliable, ‘The KDC-10 has in recent years, partly because its such an old system, had many problems with maintenance due to corrosion and leaks, The aircraft requires alot of maintenance to fy" ‘The solution to these problems was the location ofthe two non-existent outboard motors - andthe advanced Airs Delense and Space Ail Refueling Boom System on the tall i 0 tonnes, The A330 can accommodate 267 passengers and 45 tonnes of cargo, The Cobham 905E probe-and-drogue ‘system can be mounted relatively easily al the MRTT's two non-existent outboard motors and provide simutaneous relueling at an offload rate of 1,300kg (2,866) per minuto, The tall of the MRTT is equipped with the Arbus Defence and Space aerial refueling boom system, which offers a fuel iow rate of up to 3{600kg per minut, with recipients withdrawing fuel from the wing's fuel tanks. Compared to the KDC-10, the ‘A330 MITT has a higher speed and due to the lower fuel consumption, a higher range. ‘Aditional internal fuel tanks are not necessary leaving more space to cary passengers or cargo. The AAR-systems are ‘controled by the air refuel operator ARO} ‘rom the fuel operator console which is positioned inside the cackpit. The ARO is mirrored from the fight direction. Van der MEDEVAG conversion in mid-February Ihis year. Having an aircraft continuously ready in MEDEVAG configuration will not delay the conversion of an airraft when it is Unexpectedty called for.” The aircraft, registration number T-056, 's equipped with six intensive care uns, 21 medical seats and 16 stretchers for ‘ransportng the wounded. In addon, it has the capacity to take another 90 able bodied passengers, ‘Acdisadvantage with a MOTS-system is that major modtfications to certified aircraft are expensive. "We deliberately decided not to install a large cargo door to transport outsize cargo, which the convertible freighter version of the Dutch KDC-10s are equipped with. With such a conversion of the MATT-sircrat the entire floor has t be adapted,” said Van ‘dex Biezen. The Aibus factory in Toulouse supplies the A330s tothe miliary sircrat are22 | 99 Nee meget Sere aed Ce eR ms Cee rey eae me ea RO emt re ee Pree nae er eee can Ce reese Cr ene ecole Cee wet eres eter el ena eenet e ee ee ape eee eee tenet Ce Gre tong Perea Ree ete eee eect cr) aera atts disposal forthe fst ime. ee ec) Cee are eer eT ee ul sis Mee esate eee ea ee once) Dr Eee ree eer od ence ta Cee teak) put the aircraft on the commercial market for er ee thinks Omega may be bound by less strict cet err tety the KDC-10 commercially atracve eae ery Cee Tete nea er een asd empresa Eee rerilapaeieny Perper cecrneel betephe meer rers eoeenenceariet eneenet icine ee Benross Peeearlpellltiymelleaieate pespeereirertopeaer pernta Brsnerrtereront wart Tenet rite 08 piel ieryeiencia peta erisen eee eer) ier ener eae Pertierra weer (ears tsrereaee repeal Peas Paine ete Fetreheacretets pent) Seer i een preening Enero oe sects ereriooreerny eatery Crema el See Cadet eae Perec inet ena era he aia ett eo Prey Rete eee hours remain the property ofthe MMF Dee Rall Re eee acer iat ‘an appicaton to the EATC, which selects the most usable arraft. ee) Perna tata ere eee eo Cee aie TIN S08 PCr euit i taxmas Race ee ae mg Pee ene ns etre em) Netherlands has a fight hour share of Ee aC etd ee eae hours, it wil use about 300 for Co ees) Prete) Dee nil ‘maintenance costs are divided according Peco ieee ay moe ced Dee FRogular maintenance is done at Eindhoven air base, with major work outsourced by the NATO Support and Procurement eee erties ee out tal average, Compared to the KDC-10 costs, Tee ere ett eae eee eee eer ers cee tanker aircraft, Three MMF taining batches have been fully completed ang ec cn ae) eee acca now been trained trom the three batches. The fourth was briefly interrupted due to Pee Pa en em ee ge Prema aE iy Ee aca) See ego “The eight members of the first batch Seeger nee Pn cH = gon neff LEHI CeO nS Oma hopes the MMU will achieve initial eect easy oes) ec Ren ener rec rey Cer eee oe a] arn aea eer a Re ea eh eas eee eee ect Cee Peli iacee mat Ree) required capacity. We may also operate from other locations in the world since we Peete tia the fleet” There s stil an option with Arbus ae eer a eas Po eset. Peg Ce eee aT eee ee a ta) See eee rs) ences ee eed een iene id rie oe ee) Cet eee) ere ny Se oor ee eres eee ei ‘he air-to-air refueling systems are conte by eter er een crease coated coerce Agee eae eens ee ane er Po ea Cy rae en aces ee reer ar Popeater me eerene rarer rr nce pronto ee ce eg eet ere peeeet eras eco end Se aoe ee ee There is change in the air for the French Air and Space Force Transport Squadron 3/60 ‘Estérel, Babak Taghvaee reports on recent developments and future plans wo ofthe three Airbus ‘A330 aircraft ordered for ‘€200m by the French, ‘government are now ‘operational with the third due to arrive in 2022. The Ina pair forthe French Ar and Space Force's (AAE) Transport ‘Squadron 3/60 ‘Estée have been in ‘operation since December. The third ‘A330 is a new production aircrat. The air force's aim is to convert the tree 330s into its rmut-role tanker transport (MRTT) ‘Phoenix’ types to complement the fleet of 12 MATTs that are expected tobe in place by 2023. The order by the General Directorate of Armaments (OGA), announced on June 9, 2020, is part of a wider plan by the French government to support the nation’s aerospace industry during the pandemic ~ a decision welcomed by Florence Pay, French Minister of the ‘Armed Forces, on August 25, 2020. ‘The DGA's intention was that the frst two examples would be delivered to the Estérel squadron by the end of 2020, 42) ane20e! a target that has boon met. The frst of the A330s was received on November 26, transported to Paris/Charles de Gauile (CDG) by a crew from France's miitary air expertise centre (Cenize dexpertse ‘aérienne militaire, CEAM). On Decemiber 416, 2020, the second A330 was delivered to the French ar force, again at CDG by CEAM, These two Airbus A390-243 models are ‘considered key equipment by the French armed forces for transportation of their {oops across the word; they connect the French mainland to the country's ‘overseas territories, Aer the third A330 is delivered in 2022, all three aircraft wil be converted into the ‘Airbus MRTT platform during their next ‘mean time before falure overhaul “The two A3S0s delvered, F-UJOS and F-UJCT, had been in civiian service since 2015 and are replacements for two older Arbus AS40-211 examples. These 3/60 squadron A340s, F-RAJA and F-RAJB, have been for sale since their retirement on December 28, 2020. They were based at Paris/Charles de Gaulle Airport and were subsequently flown to Istres, southern France, where they were in storage before being sold Both were on sale at an auction on December 22 last year with a starting price of €80,000 each. F-RAJA, which has the construction number 75, made its fst fight, powered by four MTU Aero Engines CFMS6-4C turbofan engines, on February 2, 1996, At the time ofits retirement on December 29 last year It had logged 70,800 flight. hours. Is final fight was three days earlier ‘on December 26 when it flew to Niamey, Niger at 08:22GMT and retumed at 20:35GMT on the same day. Construction number 81, F-RAJB has four MTU CFMS6-5C2 turbofans and ‘made its fst fight on February 7, 1996. F-RAJB has logged 68,400 fight hours and its last fight was from Pars to Humberto Delgado Airport, Lisbon on December 21, 2020, While the A340s were being retired, their former aircrews began thei raining on the two newly delivered A330 aircraft from November 29, 2020. Most ofthe training fights took place at Nice and Bordeaux in France and in Shannon, Irland. The aircrews practised navigation fights to common destinations, where they conducted approaches and landing, Flight training continued into this year and during January two more sets of Crews began ther training, ‘Operations for the A390 began in December, and comprised stratagic transport missions that had previously bbeen provided by the A840s. The first such mission was a fight from CDG to Cayenne in French Guiana, undertaken by Phoen, es Ine tere! F.WJCS on Decamber 5, while the other ‘A390, F-LUCT, operated a fight to ‘Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on January 8, 2021 ‘The two A830 were purchased from Synergy Aerospace Leasing. They were bul in 2016 and the fuel consumption of these A3308, construction numbers 1608 and 1657, is 5,600kg per one-hour fight. This compares favourably with the A340s' fuel consumption of 6,400kg per hour. This was a drawback with the latter and presented a reason to retire thar, Multi-role benefits ‘As the MRTT platform can provide transport as well as tanker services, the three aircraft are also replacing the Estérel squadron's three Airbus ‘AS10-904 widebody passenger aircraft F-RADA, F-RADB and F-RADC. AAS with two of the A330 replacements, the A310 examples had seen previous service with ciulian aiines. F-RADA, serial number 421, was manufactured in 1987 and had served Royal Jordanian Airines until November 499, at which point it was sold to France's DGA. It was retired from the AE on ‘August 29, 2019, and was flown that day to Tatbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées Airport, vwihere it was later scrapped, Another A310, F-RADC, with the construction number 418, entered service withthe French air force on January 7, 2001. It had flown forthe fist time on July 22, 1986, registered as FWWCL, and ‘was delvered to Wardair Canada where it served as C-FSWO. Meanwhile, A310 F-RADB, construction number 422, was also delivered to the ‘AAE in November 1998, F-RADB had flown for the fst time on March 3, 1987, ‘as FAWWCO, and was delivered to Royal Jordanian Airines on Apri 28, 1987. While F-RADA has been scrapped, F-RADB and F-RADC, powered by MTU (CF6-B0C2A2 turbofans, wil continue to fy for @/60 squadron unti the delivery of the third A330 in 2022, Itrepresents a change of focus for France's airforce. At one time, the AE had aircraft that were solely dedicated as transports, Now, the conversion of passenger-oniy examples to the MATT platiorm wil bring new tanker capabilties that in turn wil ve rise to a more flexible air force able to meet the many needs of long-range strategic missions. A (On February 5,202, te Abus A390 Mule Tanker Transport F-RADC withthe call-sign T1082 fiw to Al Alama Internationa pot Enypt atk Tae A Dassault Rata of Fighter Squadron 3/30 “Lorin armed with four ICA-EM and alto isis, escorts the Aus AI3O-289, F-WS, during photoshoot prir tothe AROS ‘avery on November 25,2020, Fre Ara Space Fore The Fronch Ar and Space Force Arbus ASI-304, F-RADA, can be son hore at Pari/Charlos o Gaulle ‘por ine day I was flown tthe Pyrénées tobe serappod on August 20, 2010 Frch Sp Foce ‘Te Fron rand Space Force transport squadron ETP Arbus ASO-243, F-UJS, with CTO call-in soon here dparting Pai/Ohales do Gaul prt for Niamey, Mgr on anwar 26,2021 atk Tage The Abus A310-304, registry F-RADB, with {rii103 callsign, canbe seen departing Cares de aul pot for four-hour training fight to Lyon, France on Fabruary 5, 2021 Sk Tafa arec2| 43 ST ce cE eu Ce weed Eee tay Pree d Teo ee eet ese Forces Brigades’ Special Operations eee ene a Lae Le SoS re LL aay COE ecm OunES Ca ae eur) Cre eee ans ST oes Penn scene) aie ct eens Leer eee ee ‘Apalr of 358s from the Sat viton Brigae's 714 Squadron ‘Shadows’ stated targets with ther $8 80m unguided rockets nd chin mounted 8-23 2am cannons TT 9 Sn A Fert edn! mn Co ay feta essed espn re oc erienirienrnt ae ttn 5 fo Sa peers etcer eee eo eee ete edcer emt nio tod afc, reeeen neers peeerinneieinian eee eet ict Re siirioeieaer an iets pera Orange Joining a start-up is generally a risky career move, especially when the (oro)injer=(amar=10)e= aS mCon e.-M-\A- (11|0)- eT ea T= 01 '-1, about the time he made the leap from his job at Thomas Cook to employee number three at a fledgling carrier called easyJet Cen necas with easyJet began in 1995 Pee) Phere ie ng Soa Ce ete Cee ent os Re eae Con ies Fe eee ek cca ‘of marketing, becoming only the third Cee 46) ne2021 eee ee Reco Lae t Se eu eee cuss Sere enero ee Lara een eras ES naa Colour choice ec a nay Se ee oa Rea ean eee nis Cee St toy Peer n etre eee cr tary Pee nae) ener ert et et ee eer eae Pantone reference, and is known ee Oren Reach oes Fee Ree eee) fact, it could have been called something entirely diferent. “Originally, the working Cece ett ee iy ce eat er eats eee) shipping company, and Stelinvest, which Coen eos ‘Anderson said Stelios had bigger Pea rune erat

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