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In consideration of being allowed to participate in the activities and programs offered by AMRAP
Plus One, LLC, and to use its programs and training, in addition to the payment of any fee or charge,
I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge and hold harmless AMRAP Plus One, LLC and
its consultants, officers, agents, and employees from any and all responsibility, liability, cost and
expenses, including injuries or damages, resulting from my participation in any activities, or my use of
any programs designed by AMRAP Plus One, LLC. I do also hereby release AMRAP Plus One, LLC its
consultants, officers, agents and employees from any responsibility or liability for any injury, damage or
disorder (physical, metabolic, or otherwise) to myself, or in any way arising out of or connected with my
participation in any activities with AMRAP Plus One.

I understand and am aware that strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment
are a potentially hazardous activity. I also understand that fitness activities involve a risk of injury
and even death, and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment and
machinery with knowledge of the dangers involved. I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any
and all risks of injury or death related to said fitness activities. In addition, I certify that I am 18 years of
age or older.

I do hereby further declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment,
disease, infirmity or other illness that would affect nutrient metabolism or prevent my participation or
use of equipment or machinery except as hereinafter stated. I do hereby acknowledge that AMRAP
Plus One, LLC has recommended to me that I obtain a physician’s approval for my participation in an
exercise/fitness activity or in the use of exercise equipment and machinery. I also acknowledge that
AMRAP Plus One, LLC has recommended that I have a yearly or more frequent physical examination
and consultation with my physician as to physical activity, exercise and use of exercise and training
equipment so that I might have his/ her recommendations concerning these fitness activities and
equipment use. I acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination and been given my
physician’s permission to participate, or that I have decided to participate in activity and use of
equipment, machinery, and programs designed by AMRAP Plus One, LLC without the approval of my
physician and do hereby assume all responsibility for my participation and activities, and utilization of
equipment and machinery in my activities. AMRAP Plus One diet/training programs are not meant to
treat or manage any health condition. Always consult with your healthcare provider prior to adjusting
your current style of eating or beginning any new diet and/or training plan.

In addition, I hereby represent and warrant that I am currently covered by an accident and health
insurance policy. With my purchase of the AMRAP Plus One Training Programs or any other template
purchase, I understand that I am not purchasing individual consultation services, and I neither expect
nor presume any requirement on the part of the AMRAP Plus One, LLC staff to answer specific, direct
questions about the templates nor their modification procedures. I understand that by purchasing any of
AMRAP Plus One Training Programs I am bound to this entire agreement. I also agree that the templates
are not a guaranteed guide to results of any sort and agree not to hold AMRAP Plus One, LLC staff liable
for any outcomes or a lack thereof.

Start breathing fire with our new cardio focused training program! Our new and improved
cardio program runs for 3 months at 3-4 times per week. Add this to your existing training
regimen as a supplement for best results. This training program includes running; rowing;
assault bike and ski-erg! (If ski-erg is unavailable substitute row)

Increase your cardio endurance to be able to train longer and with more efficiency. Program
includes testing and re-testing weeks to be able to measure your performance. Below is an
excerpt of a day of training in the “Breathing Fire” series.

– Row 500m @ 2:10-2:15 pace, rest 1 minute, Row 500m @ 2:05-2:10 pace, rest 1
minute, Row 500m @ 2:00-2:05 pace, rest 1 minute, Row 500m @ 1:55-2:00 pace, rest 1
minute, Row 500m as fast as possible

Our goal is to see you grow as an athlete. When you see your
results, we want to know! Tag us on any of the social media
platforms @amrapplusone with your success stories! Enjoy!

Breathing Fire Vol. 1

**when there is an “on/off” rep scheme for the bike, stay on the bike for the “off” and
pedal very slowly

**when there is an “on/off” rep scheme for the rower, the off should be a true “off” and no
rowing should be taking place

Week #1: Testing Week

• Monday – 1 mile Time Trial

• Wednesday – For time: 100 Assault Bike Calories
• Friday – Row 1K Time Trial

Week #2: 4 Days

• Monday - OT4M for 5 RDS: 400m Sprints (85+% effort)

• Tuesday – 10 RDS: 1:00 on/1:00 Row Sprints (85+% effort)
• Thursday – OT6M for 4 RDS: 800m Run (75-80% effort)
• Friday – 3 RDS: Bike 1 Mile, rest 2 minutes (85+ effort)

Week #3: 3 Days

• Monday – Row 500m @ 2:10-2:15 pace, rest 1 minute, Row 500m @ 2:05-2:10 pace,
rest 1 minute, Row 500m @ 2:00-2:05 pace, rest 1 minute, Row 500m @ 1:55-2:00 pace,
rest 1 minute, Row 500m as fast as possible
• Wednesday – 20 RDS: 30s on/30s off Assault Bike Sprints (should be as consistent
as possible all the way through, 80+% effort)
• Friday – Aerobic Recovery: Row 2K (60-70% effort)

Week #4: 4 Days

• Monday – Bike Cals (work = rest): 50-40-30-20-10-20-30-40-50

• Tuesday – OT3M for 6 RDS: 200m Sprints
• Thursday – Bike Sprints: OTM for 15 RDS – 15s on/45s off
• Friday – OTM for 12: Min 1 – 15/12 Row Cals, Min 2 – full minute of Ski Erg/or 5-10-
15 shuttle run

Week #5: 3 Days

• Monday – 8 RDS: 200m run, 30s walk (run should be 70-80% effort)
• Wednesday – OT3M for 3 RDS: Row Cals, Bike Cals, Ski Erg Cals (sub 400m for Ski Erg
and the remainder of that 3-min interval is rest)
• Friday – For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Row Cals, 20 ab mat sit-ups after each round (end
with sit-ups)

Week #6: 4 Days

• Monday – OT4M for 6 RDS: 400m Sprint (85+% effort)

• Tuesday – 3 RDS: 1K Row, 3 minutes rest (perform at 5-10s slower than Week #1s 1K
• Thursday – For time: Run 1200m, rest 3 minutes, Run 800m, rest 2 minutes, Run 600m,
rest 1 minute, 400m Run
• Friday: Aerobic Recovery (60-70% effort) – 3 RDS: 5 minutes assault bike, 2 minutes ski
erg (or 2 minutes row)

Week #7: 3 Days

• Monday – 15 min AMRAP: 400m Run, 100m Walk

• Wednesday - Row 5K (not a time trial, but a moderate+ pace around 80% effort)
• Friday – Bike Sprints: 15 RDS 45s on/45s off

Week #8: 4 Days

• Monday – For time: 3 RDS 30 Bike Cals, 30 KBS (53/35#), 1:00 rest
• Tuesday – Row, 10 RDS: 30s on/1:00 off
• Thursday – Until you reach 200/150 Bike cals, 15s on/25s off
• Friday – For time, 3 RDS: 800m run, 15 burpees

Week #9: 3 Days

• Monday – 5 RDS: 20/15 Ski Erg or Row Cals, 1:00 elbow plank, 30s rest
• Wednesday – For time: Bike 3 miles, rest 2 minutes, Bike 2 miles, rest 1 minute, Bike 1
• Friday – For time: 800m run, rest 3 minutes, 600m run, rest 2 minute, 400m run, rest 1
minute, 200m run, rest 30s, 400m run, rest 1 minute, 600m run, rest 2 minutes, 800m run

Week #10: 4 Days

• Monday – Row 750m @ 2:10-2:15 pace, rest 1 minute, Row 750m @ 2:05-2:10 pace,
rest 1 minute, Row 750m @ 2:00-2:05 pace, rest 1 minute, Row 750m @ 1:55-2:00 pace,
rest 1 minute, Row 750m as fast as possible
• Tuesday – Bike Sprints, 8 RDS: 1:00 on/1:00 off
• Thursday – 5 RDS: 300m Sprint on Ski Erg or Rower, 1 minute rest in between RDS
• Friday – 25 min aerobic recovery run

Week #11: 3 Days

• Monday – For time: 50 bike cals, rest 2 minutes, 50 bike cals

• Wednesday – 3x800m Run, rest 2 minutes in between RDS (5-10s faster than Week
1’s mile pace)
• Friday – OT4M for 4 RDS: 500m Row Sprint

Week #12: Re-Test Week

• Monday - 1 Mile Time Trial

• Wednesday - For time: 100 Bike Cals
• Friday – 1K Row Time Trial

Congrats! You have finished!
We want to hear about your results! Make sure you tag us @amrapplusone on all social
media platforms so we can check out and maybe feature some of your progress!

To see some more of our programs, click here.

Glossary with Videos
In Alphabetical Order

Alt = alternating

AMRAP = as many rounds/reps as possible

Buy-in = exercise/movement(s) performed one time through BEFORE the workout

Buy-out = exercise/movement(s) performed one time AFTER the workout

BW = BodyWeight

Cash-out = see “buy-out”

C & J = Clean and Jerk =

CTB = Chest To Bar = C2B =

DB(s) = DumbBell(s)

DBL = Double

DL = Deadlifts =

DU(s) = Double Under(s) =

EMOM = each minute on the minute

ERG = Ergometer (aka the part of the rower the seat slides on)

G2OH = ground to overhead (aka snatch, power snatch, clean and jerk, etc) =

GHD = Glute-Ham Developer

HPC = Hang Power Clean =

HPS = Hang Power Snatch =

HSPU = Hand Stand Push Ups =

I.T.R = Individually Timed Round

K2E = Knees To Elbow =

KBS = Kettle Bell Swing =

RKBS = Russian Kettle Bell Swing =

MONO-STRUCTURAL = single form of metabolic conditioning such as biking, rowing,running, etc.

MU = Muscle Ups =

N2W = Nose To Wall, as in “N2W facing handstand” OH = OverHead

OHS = Over Head Squat = head+squat

ON/OFF = x amount of seconds of work, y amount of seconds of rest

OTM = On The Minute

OTxM = on the seconds/minutes where “x” can be any amount of time

RD(s) = Round(s)

ROM: Range Of Motion

Ring Dips =

RR: Ring Row =

S2OH = Shoulder To Overhead =

SUITCASE DL = with dumbbells or kettlebells held on the outside of the leg, one in each hand =

SU(s) = Single Under(s) =

TIME TRIAL = typically near a 100% effort of a mono-structural distance

TTB = Toes To Bar = T2B =

TOWEL OVER RIG = small towel looped over a bar on the rig to drill grip strength for rope

TUCK-SIT = core movement where you lie prone, then tuck up onto the tail bone, upper and lower
body moving to both positions simultaneously =

V-SIT = see above, except legs are locked out and straight

WB = Wall Balls =

Weight designations = i.e. (55/35) = 55lbs for men, 35lbs for women

YGIG = You Go I Go (partner style workout)


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