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Online Final Examination Spring 2021

Student ID: _______________ Date: 4th June 2021

Course Title: Sociology Course Code: SSC - 122

Program: ADP – II Teacher: Syed Ali Raza

Semester: Spring 2021 Marks: 40

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Question # 01: (15 marks)

Case Study

Kart Limited was established in 1965 as a joint venture between the Hussain Group of Pakistan
and Atlas & Ryan* of USA to manufacture and market construction material products. In 1964
the Group received a proposition from Atlas & Ryan to buy products from them and sell it in the
local market. Sheikh Suleman Hussain, the founder of the Hussain Group, sent his son Sheikh
Zahid Hussain, future CEO of Kart Limited, for a meeting with the management of Atlas & Ryan
to convince them to set up a joint venture in Pakistan instead. Thus, Kart Limited was established
as one of the joint ventures in Pakistan, with the Hussain Group owning 75% equity in the
business, and Atlas & Ryan owning 25%. The USA partner provided the human resource in the
company’s initial years and trained local managers. In 1968, the family realized that they could
not rely on buying raw material from local market for their requirements because of its poor
quality so an on-site raw material processing unit was established. This gave Kart a competitive
advantage, because it was able to customize its products according to the local market needs,
whereas others were buying what was available in the market.
Currently, Kart employs over 2000 people and is the only integrated construction material
products company in Pakistan offering a complete range of building and construction products.
As of 2006, Kart Limited was worth more than Rs. 1.5 billion. Sheikh Akbar Hussain, son of
Sheikh Zahid Hussain, started learning the ropes of his father’s business from an early age. From
childhood, he was exposed to the business environment; most of his holidays, summer or
otherwise, were spent at Kart. He used to visit different departments but his interaction with
others, especially in the production and design department helped him cultivate skillfulness in
the production systems and processing functions. He used to interact with the employees, talk to
them, dine with them, and learn from them. When eating at home, Sheikh Zahid Hussain would
encourage Akbar and his daughter Sana to participate in conversation with guests. Akbar and
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Sana used to talk to executives of other companies, three times their age, and ask them what they
did and how their businesses were doing. Thus Akbar’s training started very early and it was
done in such a way that he didn’t feel he was being trained. Attending lunches and dinners and
mingling with CEOs and asking them all sorts of questions was a fun activity for him. Akbar
completed his O’ Levels in 1974 and then he went on to do his A’ Levels from Aitchison
College, Lahore, in 1976. In 1978 he was sent to UK for further studies and by 1982 he had
completed his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the University of Manchester.
The idea was to make him technically strong so that he wouldn’t have to rely on anyone for
technical advice because in manufacturing, technical know-how is of utmost importance. During
the holidays of his university years, his visits to Pakistan enabled him to work at Kart limited and
gain additional business experience. To further enhance his expertise in the area of Tiles
manufacturing, Akbar went on to do a Master of Science in Industrial Technology from the
Institute of Industrial Engineering in Wisconsin, which he completed in 1984.
He opted to start out his career as a Research Engineer in the Production department of an
American tiles manufacturing company called Master Tiles. He worked there for four years and
then moved on to a Management Trainee position in Atlas & Ryan in Houston, USA where he
worked for two years. In Atlas & Ryan he worked in the Production Department in the first year,
and in the Sales and Marketing Department in the second year. His employment experience
abroad became a solid learning and developmental ground for him because in a foreign company
he was treated like every other employee. Upon returning to Pakistan in July 1990, he started
working as a Management Trainee in Kart and gained experience in various departments
including production, marketing, operations, finance, etc. The decision to join Kart was entirely
his own since he thought it would not have made sense to work elsewhere after having gained
qualifications as well as experience in the tiles industry. A year later in 1991 he was made
Project Manager of the Kart factory. Under his management, the department developed a unique
process to produce high quality glazed tiles, which gave the company an edge over its
competitors. From 1991 till 2005 he worked as Director and Manager Projects and reported
directly to the CEO, his father. During this time he was also involved in setting up a plant for
recycling the old tiles for Kart limited. This was a challenging assignment because it was a new
venture. The risks were high and the proposed investment amounted to Rs. 50 million. That
quantum of investment had not been made before in aggregate amount since the inception of
Kart. As a result the professional management was skeptical but Sheikh Zahid Hussain trusted
his son’s entrepreneurial skills and the plant was set up in 1995. The success of this project gave
Sheikh Akbar Hussain much confidence and he became aggressive on the investment side and
between 1990 and 2002 a total of Rs. 140 million was invested in Kart production technology.

In order to develop his son’s leadership abilities and to expose him to different aspects of a
business, Sheikh Zahid Hussain made Akbar a board member of different companies owned by
the Hussain family. In 1995, he became the Managing Director for Hussain Leasing Company
(HLC), the family’s financial arm, on whose board he had already been. In HLC he not only
acquired knowledge of the financial sector, but also became aware of the workings of other
companies within the group. In 2000, Akbar went to Harvard Business School to attend a
Program for Management Development. Currently, he is the Managing Director of Kart and is
also the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Business Strategy Committee at Kart. He
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has full leadership responsibility where his father still guides him as an adviser, but he is mostly
at home. He acts as a good listener and supports his son and has sought to instill in him the core
values of integrity, decency, and hard work. Kart Ltd. has no formal procedures or written
documents for developing future successors. There is also no family board or family council;
however, there exists a corporate board and every six months it gets together to discuss new
opportunities and business ventures.
a) What is socialization? Discuss the steps taken in the above case study for socialization
and business development.
SOCIALIZATION: People learn the values and customs of a society through
socialisation, which is a lifetime process. This process assists individuals in
functioning successfully in society, which in turn aids the smooth operation of
society. In a person's socialization, family members, teachers, religious leaders, and
peers all play a part.


In 1965, the Hussain Group of Pakistan and Atlas & Ryan formed Kart Limited as a
joint venture. As a result, the Hussain Group of Pakistan received a proposal from
Atlas & Ryan to buy their products and resell them in the local market.
 The first step is that they think that they couldn't rely on buying raw material
from the local market for their needs due to its low quality, they established an
on-site raw material processing unit.
 Sheikh Akbar Hussain, the son of Sheikh Zahid Hussain, has been around
business since he was a child. Another step they take for their company is to
begin learning the ropes. He used to go to various departments, but his
interactions with others, particularly in the production and design departments,
helped him develop skillfulness in production systems and processing
 Sheikh Akbar Hussain also graduated from the University of Manchester with
a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. The goal was to make him
technically strong so that he wouldn't have to rely on others for technical
advice, which is critical in the manufacturing industry.
 Sheikh Akbar Hussain was made Project Manager of the Kart factory. Under
his management, the department developed a unique process to produce high
quality glazed tiles, which gave the company an edge over its competitors.

b) Siblings are the agents of socialization with respect to the succession of Akbar and
Sana together. Discuss in detail.

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Within the dynamics of the family network, siblings operate as consumer socialization
agents. The function of siblings in the consumer socialization process has the potential to
have significant ramifications for children's comprehension of the process and where/how
they get product information.

Akbar and Sana was given challenging ventures, and provided

with involvement of overseeing non-related trade unit inside the family businesses.
Regular input, mentoring and coaching from non-family individuals were present, and the
father kept up a proficient relationship within the trade environment. The
successor begun working within the family commerce as a administration learner like every
other worker. The father persistently given openings to his child to develop business
and individual systems inside and out side the commerce. Common part adjustment started
as the successor picked up more information of the trade and its operations whilst the
father took the part of adviser

Akbar and Sana used to talk to executives from different companies, some of whom were
three times their age, and ask them about their jobs and how their firms were going. Thus
Akbar’s training started very early and it was done in such a way that he didn’t feel he was
being trained. Attending lunches and dinners and mingling with CEOs and asking them all
sorts of questions was a fun activity for him. Akbar’s vacation to Pakistan throughout his
university years allowed him to work at Kart Limited and obtain extra business expertise. To
broaden his knowledge in the field of tile manufacturing,

c) Summarize the above case in detail, in your own words.


Kart Restricted was set up in 1965 as a joint wander between the Hussain Bunch of Pakistan
and Chart book & Ryan* of USA to fabricate and advertise development fabric items. In
1964 the Bunch gotten a recommendation from Chart book & Ryan to purchase items from
them and offer it within the nearby advertise. Sheikh Suleman Hussain, the originator of the
Hussain Group, sent his child Sheikh Zahid Hussain, future CEO of Kart Limited, for
a assembly with the administration of Atlas & Ryan to persuade them to set up a
joint venture in Pakistan instead. Hence, Kart Constrained was set up as one of the
joint wanders in Pakistan, with the Hussain Group owning 75% value within the trade,
and Atlas & Ryan owning 25%. The USA accomplice given the human asset within
the company’s starting a long time and prepared local managers.

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The introduction of the family commerce environment and related language through encounter as a
summer assistant conjointly through CEO dinners at domestic. There was solid emphasis on
higher instruction inside and outside Pakistan; capabilities significant to the family business
were moreover encouraged. There was moreover solid slant towards working outside the
family trade, inside comparable, driving multinational organizations in the world. The father-son
relationship was less individual and more professional, the son was allowed no special treatment.
There were few arrangements or documentations related to progression and
successor advancement

They expressed high support for the transfer of both equity (shares) and corporate leadership from
the parent to the successor. While the father acted as a consultant, the successor established
himself as the company's leader. Despite the fact that his father owned some stock in the company,
the majority of it had been passed to successors.

In arrange to create his son’s authority capacities and to uncover him to distinctive angles of

a trade, Sheikh Zahid Hussain made Akbar a board part of diverse companies claimed by the Hussain
family. In 1995, he got to be the Overseeing Chief for Hussain Renting Company (HLC), the
family’s budgetary arm, on whose board he had as of now been. In HLC he not as it
were obtained information of the money related division, but too got to be mindful of the workings
of other companies inside the gather. In 2000, Akbar went to Harvard Commerce School to go to a
Program for Administration Improvement. As of now, he is the Overseeing Executive of Kart and is
additionally the Chairman of the Official Committee and the Commerce Methodology Committee at
Kart. He has full administration duty where his father still guides him as an consultant, but he
is generally at domestic. He acts as a great audience and bolsters his child and has looked for to
instill in him the center values of astuteness, tolerability, and difficult work. Kart Ltd. has no formal

Question # 02: (06 marks)

a) What is a social change? How many types of Norms are there? Give at least two
examples of each norm.
b) Discuss in detail why 3 Cs of team Players are important?

Question # 03: (06 marks)

a) Suppose you are a manger of a bureaucratic organization so what are the six
characteristics which you must consider to run your organization properly? Elaborate
them briefly.

b) Define the deviance and the social control. Also discuss the types of social control in

Question # 04: (06 marks)

Search and identify the five current affairs internationally and compare them on the basis of
Norms and Values.
Question # 05: (07 marks)
a) What is Social Mobility? Also define the four forms of social mobility.

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b) “Illiteracy and Terrorism are interlinked with each other which creates barriers in the
progress of Pakistan”. Discuss the given statement in detail and also suggest the possible
solutions to solve both the problems.

************GOOD LUCK************

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