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Cash Flow – Theories

1. An increase in inventory balance would be reported in a statement of cash flows using the
indirect method (reconciliation method) as a(n)
a. addition to net income in arriving at net cash flow from operating activities.
b. deduction from net income in arriving at net cash flow from operating activities.
c. cash outflow from investing activities.
d. cash outflow from financing activities.

2. When preparing a statement of cash flows, the following are used for which method in
determining cash flows from operating activities?
Gross Accounts Receivable Net Accounts Receivable
a. Indirect Direct
b. Direct Indirect

er as
c. Direct Direct
d. Neither Indirect

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3. Ocean Company follows IFRS for its external financial reporting. Which of the following methods
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of reporting are acceptable under IFRS for the items shown?
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Interest received Dividends received
a. Operating Investing
b. Investing Financing

c. Financing Investing
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d. Operating Financing
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4. Which of the following statements are true?

The primary purpose of the statement of cash flows is to provide cash-basis information about
the company’s operating, investing, and financing activities.
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The statement of cash flows provides information to help investors and creditors assess the cash
and noncash investing and financing transactions during the period.

Companies classify some cash flows relating to investing or financing activities as operating


a. 1,2 and 3
b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 3 only
d. None of the above.

5. Cash flows arising from trading securities are

a. Classified as operating activity.
b. Classified as investing activity.
c. Classified as financing activity
d. Not reported in the cash flow statement.

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