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Transforming airspace management

Resource guide
For further support on how to get the most from this resource kit, please contact your local aviation safety
advisor on 131 757 or [email protected]
For more detailed advice on CNS/ATM or to provide any general feedback regarding this resource kit,
please contact a CNS specialist on ph: 131 757 | [email protected]
© 2017 Civil Aviation Safety Authority. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material
(retaining this notice), provided acknowledgement is referenced for 3rd party material listed at the end
of each chapter.
ISBN 978-1-921475-46-7
For additional copies, visit CASA’s online store
Notice: The information contained in this document was correct at the time of publishing and is subject
to change without notice. It has been prepared by CASA Aviation Safety Promotion for education
purposes only. This guide outlines foundational material—it should never be used as a replacement for
official manuals or procedures. Reference should be made to the appropriate procedures at all times
prior to the use of this information.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority is responsible for the safety regulation of Australia’s civil aviation
operators and for the regulation of Australian-registered aircraft outside Australian territory.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

CNS/ATM Resource guide

This Resource guide and Workbook have been developed by CASA as
a guide to operating in Australian airspace, with particular emphasis on
satellite-based navigation and surveillance. They are part of a kit designed
for both self- and class-based instruction, providing a foundation level of
knowledge for the aviation community.

Who should use this resource kit?

This kit is designed for:
• flying training organisations
• all pilots—civilian and military
• remotely piloted aircraft (drone) operators
• air traffic controllers
• licensed aviation maintenance engineers
• avionics engineers
• aviation management
• human factors specialists.

How to use this resource guide

This guide is part of a resource kit that also includes:
• a practical workbook
• a DVD featuring aviation safety videos on a range of CNS/ATM topics
• electronic copies of this guide, workbook and videos are available from
We encourage members of the aviation community to use the kit as part
of their individual professional development. Organisations are encouraged
to use it to develop training packages or self-contained sessions.

Additional resources and information

Please visit the CNS/ATM section of the CASA website
cnsatm or email [email protected]

Chapter 1 Chapter 4
Overview of CNS/ATM 5 Surveillance and ADS-B 43

CNS: Don’t be nervous about the What is ADS-B?____________________ 44

acronyms__________________________ 6 Benefits of ADS-B__________________ 47
Benefits of CNS/ATM_________________ 6 Using ADS-B_______________________ 48
Components of CNS/ATM_____________ 8 ADS-B phraseology_________________ 53
Communication____________________ 10 Operations________________________ 55
Managing airspace safely Aircraft equipment__________________ 57
and effectively______________________ 12
CNS and human factors_____________ 13 Key points 58
The rules _________________________ 14 Resources 59

Key points 14 Chapter 5

Resources 15 Aircraft equipment 61

Chapter 2 Receiver standards_________________ 62

Communication 17 Safety first with avionics_____________ 63
Navigational data___________________ 64
Voice and data communication_______ 18
Equipment failures__________________ 65
Operations with controller-pilot
data link communications (CPDLC)____ 19 Pre-flight requirements checklist______ 66
SATCOM voice_____________________ 19 Key points 67
Key points 20 Resources 67
Resources 21
Chapter 6
Chapter 3 Performance-based navigation 69
Global navigation satellite systems 23 What is PBN?______________________ 70
How does GNSS work?______________ 24 What does performance mean?_______ 70
Augmentation systems______________ 26 Specifications______________________ 70
ABAS_____________________________ 27 Benefits of PBN____________________ 72
SBAS_____________________________ 30 How PBN provides more flexibility
than conventional navigation_________ 75
GBAS_____________________________ 31
Instrument approaches______________ 75
En route radio navigation____________ 33
Enabling legislation_________________ 77
Finding position using GNSS_________ 34
GNSS performance: accuracy, Key points 78
availability, integrity and continuity_____ 36 Resources 79
Navigation databases_______________ 39

Key points 40
Resources 41

Chapter 7 Chapter 9
Flight planning 81 Instrument flight rules operations 105

Eight phases of flight________________ 82 Transition to performance-based

Electronic flight bags________________ 82 navigation________________________ 106

GNSS operations and requirements___ 84 IFR RNAV________________________ 108

RAIM prediction and NOTAMs________ 87 RNAV (GNSS) non-precision

approach_________________________ 109
Alternate routes____________________ 88
Oceanic RNAV____________________ 113
Key points 90
Key points 114
Resources 91
Resources 115
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Human factors 93
Visual flight rules operations 117
Don’t be led astray__________________ 94
Visual navigation __________________ 118
Influences on people________________ 94
Night VFR________________________ 119
Situational awareness_______________ 98
VFR qualifications_________________ 120
Cockpit ergonomics_______________ 100
Airmanship tips____________________ 101 Key points 120
Resources 121
Key points 102
Resources 103 Appendices
Abbreviations_____________________ 124
Definitions________________________ 126
Rules and information______________ 128
CNS/ATM describes a new approach to integrated air
traffic management (ATM) in the satellite age.

It brings together voice, satellite and digital

Communications, performance-based Navigation
(PBN) and automatic dependent Surveillance
broadcast (ADS-B), as well as ground-based systems
such as radar and fixed navaids.

This chapter provides an introduction to CNS/ATM,

explores its benefits and components and outlines the
relevant rules and regulations.
Overview of CNS/ATM

• CNS: Don’t be nervous about the acronyms 6

• Benefits of CNS/ATM 6
• Components of CNS/ATM 8
• Communication 10
• Managing airspace safely and effectively 12
• CNS and human factors 13
• The rules 14
• Key points 14
• Resources 15
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

CNS: Don’t be nervous about the acronyms

In the medical world, CNS is the acronym for central nervous system, vital to
sustaining life. And so, in a sense, it is in aviation.
Clear Communication, accurate Navigation and Surveillance-based control
and guidance have long been important for safe and efficient flying, but as
skies become more crowded, any one of them can become a limiting factor in
airspace capacity.
As the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) puts it, CNS/ATM is:

Communications, navigation and surveillance systems,

employing digital technologies, including satellite navigation
systems together with various levels of automation, applied in
support of a seamless global air traffic management system

Many of these digital technologies have been around for some time. For
example, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers have been in
Australian civil aviation use since 1995.
What is new, however, is thinking of these technologies as an integrated system
of air traffic management.
In Australia, regulations mandate the fitting of CNS equipment such as
Mode S transponders and automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B)
to instrument flight rules (IFR)-operated aircraft. These are used in combination
to implement performance-based navigation (PBN).

Benefits of CNS/ATM
For pilots and operators, CNS/ATM offers significant efficiencies and
improvement in safety, particularly (but not only) for those operating under IFR.
For those involved in airspace management, such as air traffic controllers,
it means being able to process more aircraft more efficiently and safely.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

The need for change: limitations of legacy technologies

Previous technologies have a number of limitations and effects.

Limitation Effect
Radar and VHF Over oceans, aircraft are out of radar range and
have limited range use unreliable and inefficient HF radio for voice
Transmit limited Legacy technologies can be insufficient for automated
amount of systems to operate effectively.
Expensive Legacy technologies require large and costly
infrastructure structures on the ground, each one of which serves
only a limited area.

Advantages of modern CNS/ATM technologies

The advantages and benefits of this new system are shown in the following

Benefit Effect
Global Many operators and pilots are now using a worldwide
satellite network.
High bandwidth The ability to transmit and receive large volumes
of digital data allows position reports and weather
forecasts to be transmitted automatically and
frequently, rather than relying on the limited information
of a voice transmission.
Accurate Global navigation satellite systems, such as GPS,
the Chinese BeiDou, the Russian GLONASS, and the
European Union’s Galileo have accuracies of single
metres or less when augmentation systems are used.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

Components of CNS/ATM
The relationship between the various components of communication,
navigation, surveillance and air traffic management systems can be
seen in the following diagram.

Navigation satellites





Air Traffic Management

CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

Communication satellite


CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

Voice communication using very high frequency (VHF) radio remains an
essential part of routine and emergency air to ground (and air to air)
communication. In emergency operations, voice tone and nuance provide
valuable information. Many pilots have spoken of the reassuring effect of hearing
a calm controller’s voice. However, VHF can transmit information only as fast
as a person can speak coherently, and it cannot handle multiple transmissions
on the same frequency. Technology such as controller-pilot data link
communications (CPDLC) can significantly reduce the demand for bandwidth
and time. Increasingly, routine air traffic management (ATM) air–ground
communication services will use data communications, with voice for real-time,
critical communication.
Aircraft can reply to ATC with a standard format message or in free text.
Messages from a controller normally follow a standard format, with response
required to most messages. CPDLC’s advantages include:
• reduced congestion of voice channels
• fewer communication errors
• lower workload for pilots and controllers.
Communication is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2 of this guide.

Performance-based navigation (PBN) is the ‘N’ in CNS. PBN standards require
a particular level of navigation accuracy. Required navigation performance
(RNP) equipment must have on-board performance monitoring and alerting
systems to provide assurance the system is working properly. As with all CNS
standards, there is no specified technology. However in Australia, GNSS such
as GPS is the only practical means of performing en route, terminal and
approach operations.
PBN’s accuracy and cost advantages make it hard to justify maintaining an
extensive network of old-technology navaids, such as VHF omnidirectional
range (VORs) and non-directional beacons (NDBs). About half of these were
decommissioned in 2016, but Airservices Australia is maintaining some as a
backup navigation network (BNN). Read more about PBN and its practical
applications in Chapter 6.

The S in CNS stands for surveillance, such as automatic dependent
surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B). This technology uses GNSS equipment and
a transponder-like broadcaster to determine the aircraft’s height, position and
speed, and broadcasts this, along with its identity, twice per second.
Australia has had an operational ADS-B network since 2009. It uses a network
of ground stations to ‘listen’ to these aircraft broadcasts and transmit
information to ATC and to aircraft with ADS-B IN equipment. Aircraft fitted with
ADS-B IN can also receive aircraft transmissions and display them to the pilot
for situational awareness. ADS-B is seamless between countries.
In some parts of Australia, a system known as multilateration (MLAT) uses
existing aircraft transponders and a network of ground receivers as an
alternative to radar and/or ADS-B.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

Air traffic management

The main air traffic management benefit of CNS is reduced aircraft separation
in controlled airspace. Aircraft can now be operated closer together with no
compromise to safety. Separation standards in oceanic airspace have reduced
from 180 nm to 50 nm and then to 30 nm, with the prospect of satellite-based
ADS-B systems allowing minimums of less than 15 nm.

Transforming airspace management: the Cold War to hot technology

1960s Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) had their roots in the
Cold War when the United States and Soviet Union launched the
first systems. Designed for military applications, including missile
guidance, the first-generation technology was crude.
1970s The US launched its global positioning system (GPS), and the
Soviets, GLONASS. Before long, the technology was being used
in just about every aspect of civilian life, including aviation.
1994 CASA’s predecessor, the Civil Aviation Authority, approved the
use of GPS as a supplemental IFR en route navigation aid, putting
Australia at the forefront of regulation of GNSS technology.
1998 The development of GPS non-precision approaches (NPAs) began
when a non-precision approach (NPA) for Goulburn Airport, near
Canberra, was given the green light. Fuelled by the low cost of
GNSS and safety enhancement of straight-in approaches, NPAs
proliferated and many Australian airports now have them. The first
approvals for GPS approaches were based on technical standard
order (TSO) C129 equipment, but that technology had reached its
limits by the turn of the century.
2000s Superseded by units delivering gains in accuracy, integrity and
continuity of service, the TSO C145, C146 and C196 receivers
enabled general aviation pilots to spend more time utilising data from
satellites 20,000 km above the Earth’s surface. GNSS equipment
with augmentation was designed to allow precision approaches and
automatic landing.
2002 The US introduced the first satellite-based augmentation system
(SBAS) and authorised localiser performance with vertical guidance
(LPV) approaches with decision altitudes similar to ILS Cat 1.
2004 ICAO set the global direction for PBN, establishing area navigation
(RNAV) and required navigation performance (RNP) specifications.
2007 ADS-B avionics were first used for in flight operations in Australia,
with non-complying ADS-B units disabled.
2009 Australia submitted a PBN implementation plan to ICAO and tabled
a 2010–2016 timetable for implementation of approaches with
vertical guidance.
2012 Australian rules for ICAO-standard PBN specifications published.
Australia-specific navigation specifications withdrawn from use.
2016 Mandate requiring all Australian-registered aircraft operating under
IFR to be fitted with GNSS avionics came into effect. Airservices
Australia turned off around 180 ground-based navigation aids as
part of the transition to GNSS-based navigation.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

The main benefits of CNS/ATM are:
• increased aircraft capacity, especially in congested airspace
• increased schedule flexibility
• better flight path efficiency
• less disruption due to delays and diversions
• increased efficiency from reduced separation minimum.

Managing airspace safely and effectively

Improvements in air traffic management can help reduce aviation fuel burn
and as a result, reduce the levels of aircraft engine emissions. This can be
achieved by:
• establishing more direct routes
• reducing use of holding patterns
• improving access to optimal cruising levels and constant descent
approaches where engines can be throttled back for a steady near-glide to
the threshold.
The seamless integration to which ICAO refers is ‘rapid and reliable transmission
between ground and airborne system elements’. The promise is that more
accurate and reliable navigation systems will also allow aircraft to navigate in
all types of airspace and operate closer together with the same or better safety
than under current separation standards.
The figure opposite shows the reduction in distance and elevation between
aircraft over a 25-year period.

Reduced separation minimums over time

Separation standards refer to the minimum vertical and horizontal distance
that aircraft operating in controlled airspace and at airports with an operational
control tower must observe. Different separation standards apply to aircraft
operating under instrument flight rules (IFR) and visual flight rules (VFR).
Satellite navigation allows an aircraft to navigate to any location using optimum
flight paths. It opens up short cuts in the sky and sets aircraft free of the fixed
routes required with ground-based navigation aids.

How close can they go—IFR aircraft

In Australia, aircraft flying under IFR in controlled airspace up to flight level
(FL)290 must be separated by 1000 ft vertically, unless they are separated
horizontally. Above FL290, the vertical separation increases to 2000 ft, except
in airspace where reduced vertical separation minimums (RVSM) is applied.
When aircraft are separated vertically, horizontal separation can be reduced
without compromising safety.
In controlled en route airspace, the horizontal separation standard between
aircraft flying at the same altitude is 5 nm. In terminal area airspace, the
minimum separation is 3 nm.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

Reduction in distance and elevation

Pre -1995 Present day NextGEN & SESAR

proposals 2020+

10 minutes 5 minutes 105 seconds

500 ft
1000 ft

2000 ft

In-trail separation
Vertical separation
Reduced vertical separation minimums (RVSM)
above 29,000 ft = (FL290)

Within the confines of an airport control zone, the separation can be as close as
practicable as long as the aircraft remain separated. In airspace not monitored
by radar or other satellite-based navigation services, aircraft separation is
achieved by the use of procedural rules including time and estimated position.

How close can they go—VFR aircraft

Visual separation depends on where aircraft are flying. For example, over
Sydney Harbour, sightseeing helicopters use ‘see and avoid’ principles,
where pilots maintain their own separation. For general aviation aircraft
outside controlled airspace, separation can be as close as 500 ft vertically
and horizontally.

Loss of separation occurrences

A loss of separation assurance (LOSA) occurs when there has not been a clear
application of a separation standard. This can happen for a number of reasons
and does not necessarily mean there has been an infringement of separation.

CNS and human factors

Human factors research seeks the best possible fit between people and the
systems in which they operate by applying knowledge of human capabilities and
limitations. In aviation, human factors are the social and personal skills, such as
communication and decision making, which complement technical skills, and
which are important for safe and efficient operations.
The ICAO addressed the importance of human factors considerations in the
design of CNS/ATM systems as long ago as 1994 when it looked at the
impact of automation and advanced technology on the human operator. ICAO
stated that automation must meet the needs and constraints of designers,
purchasers and users of the system. Chapter 8 examines GNSS-related human
factors issues.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

The rules
CASA is moving towards a complete set of operating rules for private
operations, and will supplement the rules applicable to corporate/business,
air experience, aerial work and air transport operations.
For an updated list of applicable rules see the CASA website at:

Key points
• CNS brings together satellite and digital communications,
performance-based navigation (PBN) and automatic dependent
surveillance broadcast (ADS-B). The advantages of modern CNS
technologies are that they are global, high bandwidth and accurate.
• The use of satellite navigation systems where the user performs
on-board position determination from satellite information has been
adopted as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS).
• The chief air traffic management benefit of CNS is reduced aircraft
separation in IFR. Aircraft can now be operated closer together, with
no compromise to safety.
• Controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC), used in Australia
since 1998, is a means of communication between air traffic control
(ATC) and pilot, using a data link instead of voice. Its three main
advantages include reduced congestion of voice channels, fewer
communication errors and reduced workload for pilots and controllers.
• Required navigation performance (RNP) equipment must have
on-board performance monitoring and alerting systems to provide
assurance the system is working properly.
• ADS-B uses a network of ground stations to ‘listen’ to these aircraft
broadcasts and transmit information to ATC twice per second and, if
they have ADS-B IN equipment, to the aircraft.

When you are ready, please turn to page 6

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 1 Overview of CNS/ATM

Further reading
CASA (2014). SMS for Aviation—A Practical Guide (2nd edition). Canberra.
CASA (2016). Communications, navigation, surveillance/air traffic
management. Retrieved April 2017 from:
ICAO (2012). Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Manual.
Doc 9849 AN/457. Retrieved April 2017 from:

Airservices Australia (2015). Separation standards. Retrieved April 2017
CASA (2016). Bringing it all together: CNS/ATM. Flight Safety
Australia, January−February. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2016). CASR Part 91 General operating and flight rules.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2006). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 179A-1(1).
Navigation using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Canberra.
CASA (2015). Meet the experts: CNS/ATM. Flight Safety Australia,
January−February. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2006). Overview. Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Canberra.
CASA (2017). Rules and regulations. Retrieved January 2017 from:
CASA (2014). Stress and the human factor. Flight Safety Australia,
July−August. Retrieved April 2017 from:
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) (1994). Human factors
digest no 11. Human Factors in CNS/ATM systems. Circular 249-AN/149.
Montreal, Canada.
The communications element of communication,
navigation, and surveillance in air traffic management
(CNS/ATM) is evolving with technology. Although
emerging communication technology means more
use is being made of data link communications, most
operations will still use very high frequency (VHF) and
high frequency (HF) voice communication.

This chapter will look at emerging trends in

communication, en route radio navigation, controller-
pilot data link communications (CPDLC), satellite
communications (SATCOM) voice and operations in
North Atlantic high level airspace.

• Voice and data communication 18

• Operations with controller-pilot
data link communications (CPDLC) 19
• SATCOM voice 19
• Key points 20
• Resources 21
CNS/ATM | Chapter 2 Communication

Voice and data communication

Airborne radio has been used in Australia for nearly 100 years, and voice
communication on VHF and HF remains a vital part of air-to-ground and air-to-air
communication. UHF voice is used by the military.
However, there is an increasing emphasis in both civil and military on the transfer
of messages via digital codes. These screen-based messages use services
such as the controller-pilot data link communication (CPDLC), a technology
which emerged in the late 1990s.
As Australian aviation transitions from ground- to satellite-based navigation,
communication and surveillance will be transformed by the introduction of four
dimensional (4D) trajectories. When fully implemented, air traffic controllers
(ATCs) will be able to plot the precise flight path an aircraft will take before an
aircraft takes off. This will allow them to map out the projected trajectories of all
flights in Australian airspace.

OneSKY Australia program

By 2021, Australia is aiming to provide air traffic control

services using one of the most advanced and integrated air
traffic control systems in the world. In collaboration with the
Department of Defence, Airservices Australia aims to provide
a single flight information region for Australian skies under an
intergrated air traffic management system. The current civilian
system, known as The Australian Advanced Air Traffic System
(TAAATS) built in the 1990s and commissioned in 2000, will
be retired.
One of the key operational and safety benefits from the
new system is that an air traffic controller (ATC) at any of
the 200 consoles across Australia will be able to access the
same flight information simultaneously, reducing the risk of
sharing incorrect information. It will place Airservices and the
Department of Defence in a position to manage the forecast
growth of air traffic movement in Australia.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 2 Communication

Operations with controller-pilot data link

communications (CPDLC)
CPDLC has been used in Australia since 1998. It uses a two-way data link,
instead of voice, to transmit non-urgent information between air traffic control
(ATC) and pilots. CPDLC can be used to issue clearances, such as weather
deviations, altitude clearances, amended route clearances, speed instructions,
as well as secondary surveillance radar (SSR) codes and frequency transfers.
CPDLC is used in a range of operations, including:
• oceanic airspace—instead of the unreliable and interference-prone high
frequency (HF) radio
• other airspace at the discretion of the controller.
CPDLC functionality is integrated with the flight data record (FDR). When a
CPDLC clearance is uplinked to an aircraft, the FDR is updated on receipt of
the ‘will comply’ (WILCO) response from the flight crew. The controller accesses
CPDLC message elements via the CPDLC editor.

SATCOM voice
In the 1990s, ICAO determined that future primary long-range communications
with aircraft would be by HF or SATCOM data link, and at the time made
no provision for satellite voice (SATVOICE). Under ICAO Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARPs), SATVOICE is not recognised as an
acceptable means of communication for air traffic services (ATS) purposes.
However, the transition to data link communications has not happened as
envisioned, and HF voice communication remains a primary means of long-
range communication.
Some countries have allowed SATVOICE to be used in lieu of a second HF
communications system, providing the aircraft installation and ground segments
of the system meet performance standards.

Status in Australia
SATVOICE is not authorised for ATS use in Australia because the Airservices
Australia communications infrastructure does not support SATVOICE operations.
However, SATVOICE in North Atlantic high level airspace (NAT HLA) is permitted
when authorised by CASA. About 3000 aircraft fly across the North Atlantic
airspace daily, with approvals to operate in the ICAO NAT region airspace based
on ICAO NAT DOC 007.
For unrestricted operations in the NAT region, operators must have fully
functioning HF communications equipment. While SATVOICE and datalink
communications are gradually being introduced into NAT operations, operators
may still need HF datalink as back-up.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 2 Communication

Operators who can demonstrate compliance with the ICAO satellite voice
guidance material (SVGM) requirements may be authorised by CASA to use
SATVOICE in the NAT HLA region. Aircraft must meet installation requirements
and operational procedures must be appropriate.
In transitioning to performance-based navigation (PBN) requirements in this
airspace by 30 January 2020, North Atlantic minimum navigation performance
specification (NAT MNPS) was redesignated as the North Atlantic high level
airspace (NAT HLA).

Aircraft operating in North Atlantic high level airspace require a CASA issued
navigation authorisation until 30 January 2020, to coincide with the transition
to PBN.

Key points
• Communication and surveillance are being transformed by the
introduction of four dimensional trajectories which allow air traffic
controllers (ATCs) to plot the precise flight path an aircraft will take
before an aircraft takes off, allowing them to map out the projected
trajectories of all flights in Australian airspace.
• CPDLC, used in Australia since 1998, is a means of communication
between ATC and pilot, using a data link instead of voice. Its main
advantages include reduced congestion of voice channels, fewer
communication errors and reduced workload for pilots and controllers.
• Aircraft operating in North Atlantic high level airspace require a CASA
issued navigation authorisation until 30 January 2020, to coincide with
the transition to PBN.

When you are ready, please turn to page 9

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 2 Communication

Further reading
Airservices Australia (2016). OneSKY Australia program. Retrieved April
2017 from:

Airservices Australia (2013). The Importance of Accurate Position
Estimates. Safety Bulletin, 12 March. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2016). North Atlantic high level airspace operations. Retrieved
April 2017 from:
CASA (2016). SATCOM voice. Retrieved April 2017 from:
ICAO (2013). Review of ADS-C/CPDLC Operations. The 2nd Meeting of
the Future Air Navigation Systems Interoperability Team-Asia (FIT-Asia/2).
28-29 March. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Skybrary (2016). Navigation by Radio Aids. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Australians have been early adopters of satellite
navigation, using it for many activities and applications
including aviation. The global nature of the technology
is suited to Australia’s large land mass and low
population density.

Many charter operators operating under visual flight

rules (VFR), especially in remote areas, use panel-
mounted or portable GNSS units.

Satellite-guided tracking and approach guidance

are commonplace in instrument flight rules (IFR)

This chapter will look at how GNSS works, what

augmentation systems are in place and how to use
these systems in aircraft operations.

It’s important to remember that the use of GNSS is no

substitute for thorough flight planning—you can read
up on this in Chapter 7.
Global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS)

• How does GNSS work? 24

• Augmentation systems 26
• ABAS 27
• SBAS 30
• GBAS 31
• En route radio navigation 33
• Finding position using GNSS 34
• GNSS performance: accuracy, availability,
integrity and continuity 36
• Navigation databases 39
• Key points 40
• Resources 41
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

How does GNSS work?

GNSS units receive signals generated from constellations of satellites, and have
been guiding Australian pilots for more than two decades. The first approvals
for GNSS approaches were based on technical standard order (TSO) C129 in
the 1990s.
GNSS satellites orbit the Earth in several included planes. The orbital planes,
and the spacing of the satellites within them, are optimised to provide a wide
coverage of the globe. Signals from at least four satellites are required to
determine a position, one for each of the three spatial dimensions, and one for
accurate time. Australia has particularly good coverage: GNSS receivers can
normally ‘see’ more than eight satellites at any given time.
The satellites complete one revolution, from west to east when viewed from the
Earth, about twice a day. On-board thrusters are used to correct wobbles in
their orbits caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, variation in the
Earth’s gravitational field and the pounding of solar radiation.
Timing is everything in GNSS, and each satellite has up to four atomic clocks
with accuracies measured in the order of thousandths of millionths of a second.
Master control stations and monitoring stations around the world, track and
manage the satellites, relaying critical correctional data to them.
The GNSS signals are transmitted on multiple frequencies. For example, the
US GPS transmits the civil signal on the L1 frequency (1,575.42 MHz), just
above the distance measuring equipment (DME) band. Military and authorised
users can get more accurate measurements on the encrypted ‘L2’ frequency
(1127.60 MHz).
The L5 frequency (1176.45 MHz) band is reserved for aviation safety services.
It features higher power, greater bandwidth and an advanced signal
design which reduces errors caused by passage of the GPS signal through
the ionosphere—a layer of charged particles up to 1000 km above the
Earth’s surface.

GNSS constellations
There are four major GNSS constellations:
• the USA’s NavStar Global Positioning System (GPS)
• the Russian Federation’s GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
• the European Union’s Galileo GNSS
• China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.
Up to now ICAO standards have been published for GPS and GLONASS.
Each system comprises a constellation of orbiting satellites supported
by ground stations and aircraft receivers. These orbiting systems need to
be complemented or ‘augmented’ by additional systems to produce the
performance required by certain operations.
Developments in satellite technology and its use for aircraft navigation suggest
that new satellite navigation systems will evolve in the future, each with unique
characteristics. The four major GNSS constellations are outlined in the
following table.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

GNSS Global Positioning BeiDou Navigation

System Satellite System
Operational 30+ 20+
Owner/operator United States Government China National Space
system operated by the Administration
Department of Defense
Service The two levels of service The service aims to provide
provided are known as the global coverage with
standard positioning service positioning, navigation and
(SPS) and the precise timing services, including
positioning service (PPS). an open and authorised
SPS is available to all users service. The open service
and provides horizontal provides free location,
positioning accuracy of velocity and timing data,
36 metres or less, with a with positioning accuracy
probability of 95 per cent. of 10 metres, velocity
PPS is more accurate than accuracy of 0.2 metres/
SPS, but is available only second and timing accuracy
to the US military and a of 10 nanoseconds.
limited number of other The authorised service
authorised users. provides a more secure
position, velocity, timing,
communications services
and level of integrity.
Operational 11+ 24+
Owner/operator European Union Russian Federation’s
MOD and managed by the
Russian Space Forces
Service The constellation is planned GLONASS shares the
to have a bigger footprint same principles of
than GPS, with 30 satellites. data transmission and
Galileo’s observed dual- positioning methods that
frequency positioning are used in GPS and is also
accuracy is an average based on a constellation
8 metres horizontal and of orbiting satellites and
9 metres vertical, 95 per a ground control segment.
cent of the time. At peak efficiency, the
standard-precision signal
offers horizontal positioning
accuracy within 5–10 metres
and vertical positioning
within 15 metres.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Augmentation systems
Having a way of alerting users that GNSS is underperforming is critical to the
safety of the system. GNSS avionics have software to protect integrity—the
measure of trust in the information supplied by the total system.
Integrity includes the ability of a system to provide timely warnings to the user
when the system cannot be used for the intended operation.
Aircraft based, satellite-based and ground-based augmentation systems can
ensure integrity. A number of augmentation systems can be used to improve the
navigational performance provided by the GNSS constellations.

ICAO recognised augmentation systems used in


Type of augmentation Benefits

ABAS Aircraft-based Resolves integrity deficiencies.
SBAS Satellite-based Provides third-party monitoring of GNSS
augmentation ranging signals and broadcasts corrections
system over a wide area from a communications
satellite, with a moderate improvement
in accuracy.
GBAS Ground-based Provides third-party monitoring of GNSS
augmentation ranging signals and broadcasts corrections
system over a local area from a ground station.
GBAS provides a large improvement in
accuracy and clears the way for GNSS
precision approach and landing.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Aircraft-based augmentation systems (ABAS) use on-board equipment
designed to overcome performance limitations of the GNSS constellations.
Current ABAS stand-alone receivers are designed to resolve integrity
deficiencies. Highly integrated systems may use other aids such as inertial
The two ABAS currently in use are receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
(RAIM) and the aircraft autonomous integrity monitor (AAIM).

RAIM ensures that:
• an erroneous ranging signal from a satellite will not adversely affect the
accurate navigation of the aircraft
• the constellation geometry is good enough to provide an accurate position—
that is, the satellites are spread evenly across the sky
• if an error is detected within the constellation, pilots are notified that they
cannot rely on GNSS for navigation.
RAIM calculates the worst error that might exist in the satellite that is most
difficult to detect it in. GNSS avionics compare the navigation solutions from at
least six satellites with the solution using all satellites except one. If there is a
substantial difference between the two solutions, it is reasonable to assume an
error in one satellite.
Upon detection of an error, some avionics can continue to operate by removing
the erroneous satellite from the navigation solution—this is called fault detection
and exclusion (FDE). However, if a second satellite is detected with a faulty
ranging signal, the avionics will notify the pilot that GNSS cannot be relied upon
for navigation. If the avionics cannot remove the satellite, it has fault detection
(FD) only.
All TSO-C145, TSO-C146, and TSO-C196 GNSS receivers have FDE.
Some TSO-C129 GNSS receivers have FDE, while others have FD only.
The effect of constellation geometry depends on the phase of flight. As long as
the horizontal protection level (HPL)—the measure of how good the geometry
is—remains less than the required navigation performance (RNP) value for the
phase of flight, the operation can continue. Some examples of RNP values for
different phases of flight are:
• en route: RNP 2 (2 NM)
• terminal: RNP 1 (1 NM)
• approach: RNP 0.3 (0.3 NM)
• missed approach: RNP 1 (1 NM).
If GNSS avionics cannot provide a navigation solution with RAIM, they usually
have two other modes of operation:
• 2D or 3D navigation solution without RAIM, or
• dead reckoning (DR), or loss of navigation solution.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Aircraft-based augmentation system positioning with six satellites to

support fault detection and exclusion

FDE needs six satellites in view

Requirements for ground-based navaids with different types of GNSS

receivers (ref: AIP-GEN 1.5)

C129 Other C145, Other

receiver requirements C146 or requirements
Night VFR 1 Nil 1 Nil
IFR 1 • ADF or VOR 1 Nil
airwork • If alternate
and required, there
private must be ground-
operations based en-route
IFR RPT 1 navigation to it. 1 1 ADF or VOR
and Ground-based
approach navaid 2 Nil
with a suitable
required unless
the alternate is
suitable for an
approach in VMC.
* or a later version
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

RAIM outages
RAIM outages, or holes, are times when there are too few satellites with the
appropriate spacing for integrity monitoring. This can be anticipated with RAIM
predictions from Airservices Australia at

Do not use your receiver’s prediction for flight planning, as it lacks

some of the data forming the basis of the Airservices prediction.

The figure below is an example of RAIM outages (holes) across Australia.

The holes move in time and space, so you need a new prediction each time
you fly.

Example of RAIM outage map of Australia

RAIM hole outage duration in minutes

1-10 11-20 21-30 31-45 45-60 61-75 76-90 91+

CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Aircraft autonomous integrity monitor (AAIM) uses the redundancy of position
estimates from multiple sensors, including GNSS, to provide integrity
performance that is at least equivalent to RAIM. AAIM uses inertial navigation
solutions as an integrity check of the GPS solution when RAIM is unavailable,
but GPS positioning information continues to be valid.

Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) support wide-area or regional
augmentation by using additional satellite-broadcast messages—ranging,
integrity and tracking signals.
Geostationary satellites about 40,000 km above the globe are in orbits timed
with the Earth’s rotation. As the name suggests, they appear stationary with
respect to a point on the ground. These geostationary satellites are owned and
operated independently of the GNSS constellations.

Satellite-based augmentation system transmitting integrity


Integrity data and

corrections downlinked
to aircraft

Integrity data and

corrections uplinked Signals from
GPS satellites

Uplink station Master control station

Remote satellite
measurement unit
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

The SBAS system comprises:

• a network of ground reference stations that monitor satellite signals
• master stations that collect and process reference station data and generate
SBAS messages
• uplink stations that send the messages to geostationary satellites
• transponders on these satellites that broadcast the SBAS messages.
By providing differential corrections, extra ranging signals via geostationary
satellites and integrity information for individual constellation satellites, SBAS
delivers a much higher availability of service than the core satellite constellations
with RAIM alone.
The GPS signal can also be checked at monitoring stations on the ground, with
the resulting corrections and integrity data sent up to geostationary satellites for
transmission down to aircraft receivers.
Operational SBAS and their launch dates include:
• FAA’s wide area augmentation system (WAAS) in 2003
• Japanese multi-function transport satellite (MTSAT) satellite-based
augmentation system (MSAS) in 2007
• European geostationary navigation overlay service (EGNOS) in 2009
• Indian global positioning system (GPS) aided geostationary Earth orbit
(GEO) augmented navigation (GAGAN) in 2016
• Russian Federation’s System for Differential Corrections and Monitoring
(SDCM) is under development
• the Chinese Satellite Navigation Augmentation System (SNAS) is expected
to be operational by 2020.
Other SBAS are being developed in South Korea and Africa.

Ground-based augmentation systems (GBAS) provide GPS integrity monitoring
through data obtained from the ground. They also boost the accuracy of satellite
navigation, clearing the way for GNSS precision approach and landing.
An airport ground station transmits locally relevant corrections, integrity data and
approach data to aircraft in the terminal area in the VHF band.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Ground-based augmentation

Integrity data and

corrections downlinked
to aircraft

Integrity data and

corrections to aircraft
on VHF link
Signals from
GPS satellites
Signal received

A system meeting ICAO’s GBAS requirements provides two services:

• precision approach service
• GBAS positioning service.
The precision approach service provides deviation guidance for GNSS
landing system (GLS) approaches. A GBAS installation will typically provide
GNSS corrections that support precision approaches to multiple runways at a
single airport.
A GBAS positioning service could provide horizontal position, velocity and
time information to support area navigation (RNAV) operations in terminal areas,
though no such services are currently in use.
GBAS infrastructure includes electronic equipment which can be installed in
any suitable airport building, and antennas for both the data broadcast and to
receive the GNSS satellite signals. The cost and flexibility of GBAS has resulted
in more runway ends having electronic precision approach guidance, resulting
in significant safety and efficiency benefits.
GBAS can also provide multiple approaches to the same runway end with
different touchdown points (during runway threshold repairs) and different glide
path angles (reduce noise under the flight path).
See Chapter 9 for information about the use of GNSS in IFR operations, and
Chapter 10 for its use in VFR and night VFR.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

En route radio navigation

The AIP specifies that ‘aircraft must be navigated by the most precise means
of track guidance with which the aircraft is equipped and the pilot is qualified
to use. The order of precision is localiser (LLZ), GNSS, VOR, then NDB’.

Ground-based systems
Navigation by radio aids includes navigation mainly by reference to indications
of bearing and distance indicated on VHF omnidirectional ranges (VOR),
distance measuring equipment (DME) and automatic direction finding (ADF)
equipment located on the aircraft. This information is derived from ground
radio beacons (VOR, DME and non-directional beacons [NDBs]) or broadcast
stations in the AM band.
Radio navigation aids and systems can be used by pilots to:
• determine aircraft position fix solely with reference to navigation aids
and systems
• intercept tracks to and from navigation aids and systems
• maintain tracks within specified tolerances
• record, assess and revise timings as required
• recognise station passage
• undertake instrument approaches.

From ground- to satellite-based navigation

Airservices Australia has implemented the Navigation Rationalisation
Project (NRP) in conjunction with CASA’s Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 20.18.
This requires that all aircraft operating under IFR must be equipped with a
TSO-C129, C145, C146 or C196 GNSS receiver.
The GNSS mandate of 4 February 2016 enabled Airservices Australia
to implement the NRP. The project involved decommissioning about
180 ground-based aids, including NDBs, VORs and DMEs. For more
information, go to:
This means that GNSS is now the primary means of navigation for all IFR
aircraft. The backup navigation network (BNN) serves as a contingency
in the case of failure in the GNSS constellation or in the aircraft receiver.
However, because of the limited number and wide geographical spacing
of remaining navaids, the BNN alone may not be capable of sustaining
navigation services to flight-planned destinations.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Finding position using GNSS

Getting a fix
GPS satellites broadcast two codes—the coarse/acquisition (C/A) code which
is unique to the satellite and the navigation data message.
The codes contain information the receiver needs to determine latitude,
longitude and altitude, and to synchronise its quartz clock with GPS time used
through the GPS system. The information includes almanac data—the predicted
orbital parameters of the satellites beamed up to each satellite from the ground
stations—and the more accurate ‘ephemeris’ tracking data from each satellite.
The C/A code is transmitted in binary form—a series of zeros and ones—and is
superimposed on the carrier wave through a method called phase modulation.
The GNSS receiver computes its distance from a satellite from the time it takes
the signal from each satellite, travelling at 300,000 km/sec—the speed of
light—to reach it. The computer deduces the value for time from the degree to
which the pattern of zeros and ones in the C/A code is out of sync with the same
pattern retrieved from its own memory and replayed at the same time.
The distance to the receiver is the product of velocity (300,000 km/sec), and
time, and the unit’s computer plugs these values into equations, which it solves
simultaneously to get the navigation solution.

GPS navigation solution

Four pseudo-range (R1) values


X1, Y1, Z1 X2, Y2, Z2 X3, Y3, Z3 X4, Y4, Z4

z R1 R2 R3 R4

CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

The GPS unit displays the coordinates as latitude and longitude, or as bearing
and distance information relative to a known point. Current approvals for the
use of GPS equipment in IFR operations require GPS-derived data to be in the
WGS-84 coordinate system, or worldwide geodetic datum standard 84.

A GPS unit display

Getting the timing right

The principles underlying GNSS are simple, but the system is very complex in
practice. The main problem is timing errors.
The main source of error is the delay in the transmission as the signal passes
through the ionosphere. The waves are slowed down as they pass through this
electrical whirlpool of ions—atoms stripped of their outer electrons by solar
radiation. The rate to which they are slowed down depends on the thickness of
the ionosphere, which changes continuously and cannot be predicted by the
Water vapour in the atmosphere also slows the signal down. And sometimes the
satellites’ atomic clocks go haywire, while the receivers’ quartz crystal clocks
always carry significant uncertainties.
Multipath error, caused when obstacles near the GPS receiver reflect the radio
waves, could throw the navigation solution out by as much as 10 metres.
Another error was, until 2000, deliberately introduced into the system. A legacy
of the Cold War, selective availability (SA), which skewed the satellite clock
and ephemeris data, was designed to prevent hostile forces using the publicly-
available GPS system against the US.
This is important for aircraft fitted with C129 receivers, because these receivers
assume SA is still switched on. This limits the availability, but not the accuracy, of
GNSS. The newer C145/C146/C196 units, however, check to see if SA is off, or
assume it is.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

It takes data from four satellites—and four equations—to get position

coordinates. The fourth satellite is needed to obtain the timing error, or user
clock bias, in the receiver clock.
GPS measures time with an accuracy in the order of a few tens of thousandths
of millionths of a second, and for this reason is used as a timepiece in fields
ranging from telecommunications, through physics experiments, to electricity
generation. The Australian radar systems rely on GPS for a precise readout of
time, critical to integrating radar displays when tracking aircraft within multiple
radar coverage.

GNSS performance: accuracy, availability, integrity

and continuity
GNSS performance may be measured in a number of ways. While accuracy
is the most obvious quality of a navigation system, other measures, such as
system availability, data integrity and continuity of service, are also important.
How accurate is GPS?
It is impossible to put a single figure on the accuracy of GPS as it depends on
several constantly changing factors, many of which affect the ionosphere—the
largest single source of error. Common causes of reduced accuracy include:

Ephemeris software calculates the position of planets and

their satellites, asteroids or comets. Although the satellite
orbits are extremely stable and predictable, they can be
disturbed by gravitational effects of the Earth and Moon, and
the pressure of solar radiation. This can generate errors of
up to 3 metres.

Clock (timing) errors due to inaccuracies in both the satellite

and receiver clocks, as well as relativity effects, can result in
position errors of up to 3 metres.

Receiver—pseudo-random noise codes are at a lower

level than the receiver ambient noise, due to the low signal
strength of GNSS transmissions. This results in a fuzzy
correlation of receiver code to the satellite code, and
produces some uncertainty in the relationship of one code
to another. The position error that results from this effect is
about 1.5 metres.

Ionosphere error is one of the most significant—up to

10 metres—with pseudo-range calculations from the
passage of the satellite signal through the Earth’s
ionosphere. It varies depending on the time of day, solar
activity and a range of other factors. Ionospheric delays
can be predicted and an average correction applied to
the GPS position, although there will still be some errors
introduced by this phenomenon.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Multipath produces an error in the pseudo-range

measurement of up to 3 metres, resulting from the reflection
and refraction of the satellite signal by objects such as
buildings and terrain near the receiver. Distortion of FM radio
signals is an example of multipath effect. Because GNSS is a
three-dimensional navigation system, the errors do not all lie
along a line and therefore should not be added arithmetically.
Total system range error is calculated by the root-sum-square
method, where the total is the square root of the sum of the
squares of the individual errors.

Geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) is an effect that

degrades the accuracy of a position fix because of the
number and relative geometry of satellites in view at the
time of calculation. The value given is the factor by which
the system range errors are multiplied to give a total system
error. Position dilution of precision (PDOP) is a subset of
GDOP that affects latitude, longitude and altitude. Many
GPS receivers are able to provide an estimate of PDOP,
which can be up to 3 metres.

ICAO standards and recommended practices (SARPS) specify the accuracy

requirements for various phases of flight. Current technology can use the GNSS
constellations to meet the IFR accuracy requirements for oceanic and domestic
en route use, as well as for terminal area and non-precision (dive) approaches.
Precision (glide) approaches require some form of GNSS augmentation to
overcome the known limitations of the constellation systems.

Availability is defined as the percentage of time the services of a navigation
system are accessible. It’s a function of both the physical characteristics of the
environment and the technical capabilities of the transmitter facilities.
GNSS availability is the system’s capacity to provide the number of satellites
required for position fixing within the specified coverage area. Theoretically,
at least three satellites need to be in view to determine a two-dimensional
(2D) position. In practice, four are required to establish an accurate three-
dimensional (3D) position.
As mentioned on page 35, selective availability (SA) was, until 2000, used by the
US Department of Defense to limit the accuracy of GPS to other than approved
users. It artificially created a significant clock or ephemeris error. Many early GPS
receivers were ‘hard-wired’ for SA in the expectation that civil use would need to
assume that SA was active.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

For receivers that cannot take advantage of SA being discontinued, average

receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM)—fault detection (FD)—
availability is 99.7 per cent for non-precision approach operations for a
24-satellite GPS constellation.
By contrast, receivers that can take advantage of SA having been discontinued
have 99.99 per cent availability of RAIM (FD) for non-precision approaches.
These percentages will vary depending on which satellites are out of service
at any given time. Currently, the US maintains the constellation in a 27-satellite
configuration, further improving availability.

Integrity is the ability of a system to provide timely warnings to the user when
the equipment is unreliable for navigation purposes. The concept of integrity
includes both a failure to alarm and a false alarm.
In Australia, conventional ground-based navigation aids incorporate monitoring
equipment at the ground site. Should the equipment detect an out-of-tolerance
condition, the transmitter is shut down, and the user alerted by means of a flag
or loss of aural identification.
GNSS integrity relates to the trust that can be placed in the accuracy of the
information supplied by the total system. This includes the ability of the system
to notify the pilot if a satellite is transmitting erroneous signals.
Individual GNSS satellites are not continuously monitored, and several hours
can elapse between the onset of a failure and its detection and correction.
Without some additional integrity monitoring, a clock or ephemeris error, for
example, can have a significant effect on any navigation system using that
RAIM is the most common form of integrity monitoring and is discussed in
more detail earlier in this chapter. Many non-aviation and non-TSO GPS
receivers do not monitor integrity and will continue to display a navigation
solution based on erroneous data.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Continuity is the probability that the performance of a system, comprising all
elements needed to maintain an aircraft’s position within a defined area), will be
maintained from the beginning to the end of an operation.
How many GNSS satellites does your aircraft receiver need to ‘see’ for
various operations?

Number of Type of Comments

satellites navigation
1-3 Nil Not sufficient for navigation
4 3D Position solution but no integrity monitoring
5 3D + RAIM Can detect faulty satellite data (integrity) and
will stop providing navigation solution
6 or more 3D + fault Capable of detecting and excluding faulty
detection satellite data, and continuing to supply valid
and exclusion navigation solution. (TSO 145, 146 and 196
receivers only)

Navigation databases
RNP approaches require the use of a valid and current database.
The data on the GNSS approach extracted from the database includes other
parameters for the approach, not just the waypoint positions. This information
is used by the receiver to alter the course deviation indicator (CDI) scaling and
change the RAIM protection limits.
The approaches are coded as a series of waypoints which the receiver can
retrieve and automatically sequence during an approach. Included with the
waypoint coordinates in the database is information about the waypoint type.
This information includes whether the waypoint is a fly-over point, or a fly-by
point, and whether it is an initial, intermediate, final or missed approach point.
Under the requirements of CAO 20.91:
• the database must be valid for the current aeronautical information
regulation and control (AIRAC) cycle
• all terminal routes­—standard instrument departures (SIDs), standard
terminal arrival routes (STARs) and approaches—must be loaded from
the database and may not be modified by the pilot except as provided for
in the CAO.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Key points
• The four major GNSS constellations are the USA’s NavStar Global
Positioning System (GPS), the Russian Federation’s GLObal NAvigation
Satellite System (GLONASS), European Union’s Galileo GNSS and
China’s BeiDou navigation satellite system.
• GNSS antennas on aircraft pick up signals generated from
constellations of satellites. It is expected that about 120 satellites will be
available once all four major systems are fully deployed by 2020.
• GNSS uses the difference in the time of travel of radio waves from at
least four satellites to fix the position of the receiver and get an accurate
value for time.
• Aviation GNSS units have software to protect integrity—the measure
of trust you can place in the information supplied by the total system.
Integrity includes the ability of a system to provide timely warnings to the
user when the system must not be used for the intended operation.
• RAIM outages, or holes, are times when there are too few satellites with
the appropriate spacing for integrity monitoring. The holes move in time
and space, so you need a new prediction from Airservices Australia
each time you fly.
• GNSS is now the primary means of navigation for all instrument flight
rules aircraft, and is supported by the backup navigation network (BNN).

When you are ready, please turn to page 10

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems

Airservices Australia (2016). Navigation Rationalisation Project.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
Beidou Navigation Satellite System (2016). Service target.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2006). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 179A-1(1). Navigation
using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Canberra.
CASA (2006). Overview. Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Canberra.
CASA (2014). Performance-based Navigation. Canberra.
CASA (2016). Performance-based Navigation in Australian airspace.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
European GNSS Service Centre (2016). Constellation Information. Retrieved
April 2017 from:
European Space Agency (2014). Beidou General Introduction. Retrieved
April 2017 from:
Federal Aviation Administration (2014). Global SBAS Status. Retrieved April
2017 from:
Federal Space Agency Information-Analytical Centre (2016). GLONASS
Constellation Status. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Li, Zhang, Ren, Fritche, Wickert and Schuh (2015). Precise positioning
with current multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems:
GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou. Retrieved April 2017 from:
National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation,
and Timing (2015). New Civil Signals. Retrieved April 2017 from:
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (2015). Current GPS Satellite Data,
April. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Skybray (2016). Non-precision approach. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Skybray (2016). Precision approach. Retrieved from April 2017 from:
The surveillance component of CNS/ATM, GNSS-
based automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast
(ADS-B) has evolved from radar.

ADS-B offers a substantial increase in the areas

covered by surveillance.

This chapter will introduce ADS-B, discuss airspace

changes and cover installation and operation of
equipment. Human factors in ADS-B is covered in
Chapter 8.
Surveillance and ADS-B

• What is ADS-B? 44
• Benefits of ADS-B 47
• Using ADS-B 48
• ADS-B phraseology 53
• Operations 55
• Aircraft equipment 57
• Key points 58
• Resources 59
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

What is ADS-B?
ADS-B is a broadcast surveillance system in which an aircraft automatically
transmits to a ground station and other air traffic its identity, precise location,
altitude, velocity and other information. The system requires an aircraft to be
fitted with systems such as a barometric encoder and global navigation satellite
system (GNSS) equipment. While ADS-B is required only for aircraft operating
under instrument flight rules (IFR), it also offers substantial benefits for visual
flight rules (VFR) pilots.
ADS-B ground stations comprise a receiver unit, an antenna and a site monitor.
Ground stations across Australia are connected to the Airservices Australia
digital communication infrastructure and, combined with radar, provide
continent-wide, line-of-sight surveillance coverage above 30,000 ft, as well as
significant coverage at lower levels.
ADS-B uses the same transponder as, but operates independently of, the
aircraft radar and traffic collision alerting and avoidance (TCAS) systems. Most
modern Mode S secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponders are capable
of transmitting SSR and ADS-B (also termed extended squitter) data. However
Mode A/C and some older Mode S transponders do not support ADS-B.
Australia, Europe, the US, and the rest of the world have implemented ADS-B
on the Mode S frequency band of 1090 MHz—most commonly called ten-ninety
ES (extended squitter). In the USA, the FAA has deployed a redundant ADS-B
system on 978 MHz called universal access transponder (UAT) for aircraft that
operate below 18,000 feet. This system is not deployed in Australia and the
avionics will not work—when importing an aircraft from the US, ensure it has the
correct ADS-B equipment on board.

Combined radar and ADS-B coverage with initial ADS-B rollout

Existing radar
coverage (10,000 ft)
Existing radar
coverage (30,000 ft)
ADS-B coverage (10,000 ft)
ADS-B coverage (30,000 ft)
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

ADS-B transmission and display

On-board ADS-B equipment can consist solely of a transmission system to
send ADS-B information (ADS-B OUT). Aircraft can also be equipped with
ADS-B IN—a cockpit display of traffic information (CDTI).

An ADS-B transmitter enables the identity, position and altitude of an aircraft to
be determined and displayed to an air traffic controller. The signal is broadcast
from the aircraft approximately every half second and, provided the aircraft is
within the coverage volume of an ADS-B ground station, the data can be fed to
the ATC facility and used to provide air traffic services.

ADS-B transmission
Information includes: position, altitude,
identity, velocity vector and vertical rate.
Typically broadcast twice per second.

ATC facility

ADS-B ground station

CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Aircraft may also be equipped with a cockpit display of traffic information
(CDTI) and associated receiver to display the broadcast positions of ADS-B
OUT aircraft. CDTI may be combined with other systems, such as moving
map navigation displays.

Aircraft fitted with

transmitter and
receiver. Information
displayed on display
panel-mounted CDTI

Aircraft fitted
with ADS-B
transmitter only
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Benefits of ADS-B
Australia’s adoption of ADS-B for air traffic surveillance across the continent
outside conventional radar coverage offers a range of benefits to commercial
and general aviation pilots flying using IFR. These are:

Position reports by voice no longer required for identified

ADS-B aircraft.

Ability to approve continuous rather than stepped climbs

and descents to and from cruising level.

Greater flexibility in allocating appropriate flight levels at the

request of pilots. (That is, to climb to optimum flight level, as
aircraft weight decreases with fuel burn.)

Airspace which previously had no radar, and only

procedural separation services, can now have an ATC
surveillance service.

Greater ability for ATC to grant clearances to fly requested

routes or levels.

Aircraft are easier to locate for search and rescue (SAR).

Giving priority to ADS-B equipped aircraft is Airservices’

policy (when doing so lowers the workload of ATC, thereby
improving safety).

Ability to replace radar.

CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

What the air traffic controller sees

The ongoing rollout of ADS-B ground stations significantly improves surveillance
coverage of aircraft across the continent, including at lower altitudes. By
allowing controllers to more precisely ‘see’ aircraft, rather than relying on
estimated position reports, ADS-B increases the level of service ATC can
provide while increasing safety for everyone in the sky.
The control panel provides controllers with an integrated air situation display,
showing positions from ADS-B and other sources on a single screen.

Assistance in-flight
Aircraft fitted with ADS-B experiencing any kind of in-flight incident or emergency
will have their location more accurately pinpointed, meaning search and rescue
operators will be able to respond more rapidly, particularly in remote areas.
Controllers routinely provide pilots with navigation assistance if they lose their
position due to instrument failure, weather, or if they become incapacitated.
This availability is enhanced by the precise accuracy of ADS-B.
There are many reasons to request altitude or flight level changes during flight,
including avoiding poor weather, and reducing fuel burn and carbon dioxide
emissions by improving the efficiency of your engine. Fitting ADS-B in your
aircraft will raise the likelihood of ATC granting altitude or flight level changes
during your flight, as they will more accurately ‘see’ your position in the air in
relation to other aircraft nearby.

Using ADS-B
Before you fly with ADS-B, find out what you have to do. In most cases, this
will be very little other than entering the correct fields in the flight plan, as the
ADS-B broadcast is automatic. However, safe flight relies on you understanding
what ATC might require of you, how to handle emergencies, and how to use the
cockpit interface effectively.
ADS-B systems typically broadcast two means of identifying the transmitting
• the aircraft address (also known as the 24-bit code), and
• the flight identification (FLTID)—the visual equivalent of a call sign—used to
identify targets on a display and link them to their flight plans.

Aircraft address
Each aircraft has a unique aircraft address, which consists of a 24-bit code
allocated by CASA. This code is usually entered into the unit by a licensed
aviation maintenance engineer (LAME) at installation and may be expressed
in either binary or hexadecimal format. The code is on the aircraft registration
letter sent to aircraft owners by CASA. If your aircraft is not registered by
CASA, you can get a code from the aircraft registry. See the CASA website for more information.
The 24-bit aircraft address is safety critical information, so ensure it is correct
before flying. An incorrect address could lead to traffic collision and avoidance
systems (TCAS) on your or other aircraft not functioning correctly, to ATC
confusing your aircraft with another, or not being able to ‘see’ it at all.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Flight identification
The FLTID is used in both ADS-B and Mode S secondary surveillance radar
(SSR) technology. Up to seven characters long, it is usually set in airline aircraft
by the flight crew via a cockpit interface. It enables air traffic controllers to
identify an aircraft on a display and to correlate a radar or ADS-B track with the
flight plan data.
Aircraft identification is critical information, so enter it carefully; punching in the
wrong characters could lead to ATC confusing your aircraft with another. It is
important that the identification exactly matches the aircraft identification (ACID)
entered in the flight notification.
Air traffic control might ask you to change your FLTID if possible, so you must
know if you can do so and how (see below). They might also ask you to stop
transmitting an ADS-B signal because they have detected an error, such as
altimeter failure, in your equipment. If you cannot do this, notify ATC immediately.
(See ADS-B phraseology on page 53 for more detail.)

If the ADS-B transmitter and SSR transponder are combined,

switching ADS-B off may also make the aircraft invisible to SSR
and TCAS.

Intuitive correlation between an aircraft’s flight identification and radio call sign
enhances situational awareness and communication. Airline aircraft will use the
three-letter ICAO airline code used in flight plans, not the two-letter IATA codes.

Check the manual

Procedures for use of ADS-B transponders are likely to be different from those
for older Mode C types. It is therefore important that pilots of ADS-B equipped
aircraft ensure that their transponders are switched to the correct mode.

Case study—Which button would you push?

The VFR pilot of an aircraft which had recently been fitted with an ADS-B
transponder selected the unit’s ON button (see illustration) before
undertaking some circuits in class C airspace. Once airborne, the pilot
was advised by air traffic control that the aircraft was not returning altitude
On the unit in question, a Garmin 335, the ON
button powers the transponder, but disables altitude


reporting. The pilot’s guide for the transponder says IDNT

that the unit should always be in ALT mode (altitude
reporting enabled) on the ground and in the air, OF R
unless instructed otherwise by ATC.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Setting the FLTID

Your call sign normally dictates the applicable option:
(a) the flight number using the ICAO three-letter designator for the aircraft
operator if a flight number call sign is being used (e.g. QFA1 for Qantas 1,
VOZ702 for Virgin 702)
(b) the nationality and registration mark (without a hyphen) of the aircraft if the
call sign is the full version of the registration (e.g. VHABC for international
(c) the registration mark alone of the aircraft if the call sign is the abbreviated
version of the registration (e.g. ABC for domestic operations)
(d) the designator corresponding to a particular call sign approved by
Airservices Australia or the Australian Defence Force (e.g. SPTR3 for
Firespotter 3, ROLR45 for Roller 45)
(e) the designator corresponding to a particular call sign in accordance with
the operations manual of the relevant recreational aircraft administrative
organisation (e.g. G123 for Gyroplane 123). Don’t add any leading zeros,
hyphens, dashes or spaces to the FLTID.
Sometimes an aircraft may need to use an aircraft identification and call sign
other than that corresponding to the FLTID. Air traffic control may approve or
direct the use of an alternative FLTID.

Correction of FLTID in flight

• If FLTID has been entered incorrectly, ATC will instruct you to re-enter ADS-B
aircraft identification.
• If you are able to, you must then re-set the FLTID to exactly match the aircraft
identification in the ATS flight notification.
• If you are unable to re-set the FLTID in flight (for example if the FlightID was
configured by LAME) advise ATC that you are unable to comply.
Failure to enter your FLTID correctly means information from your ATS flight plan
is not automatically linked to your ADS-B information. This causes:
• screen clutter on air traffic control displays­—two different labels are
displayed instead of one
• distraction
• increased controller and pilot workload to resolve FLTID error.
Incorrect FLTID entry by an air transport operator is a reportable event, and ATC
is required to raise a safety incident report.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Flight planning and ATC displays

The flight planning format requires pilots to indicate the surveillance equipment
carried and operated on the aircraft. Field 10b of the flight plan provides the
following options for ADS-B equipped aircraft:
• E: Mode S transponder with Flight ID, pressure altitude and extended
squitter (ADS-B) capability
• L: Mode S transponder with Flight ID, pressure altitude, extended squitter
(ADS-B), and enhanced surveillance capability.
And for ADS-B fitment one of:
• B1: ADS-B OUT using 1090MHz, or
• B2: ADS-B IN and OUT using 1090MHz.
There are also other codes for ADS-B installations complying with other
international standards, i.e. UAT.
Complete guidance on notifying surveillance equipment and capabilities in flight
plans can be found in AIP ENR 1.10.

A typical field 10b flight plan entry for an ADS-B equipped aircraft
will be: (Field 10a content)/EB1.

An aircraft address code is not usually needed on flight plans. However, if ATC
has approved the use of a FLTID different from the ACID, the aircraft address will
be needed to correlate the flight plan to the aircraft. Enter the aircraft address in
item 18 of the flight notification as hexadecimal code (e.g. CODE/7C81CB).
Hexadecimal code is complex and non-intuitive, and easy to enter incorrectly, so
use it only when necessary and check it carefully. If you lodge flight notification
by radio, tell air traffic services the aircraft FLTID if it differs from the call sign.

Common errors in FLTID entries

ABC_123 O ABC123 P 123 O ABC123 P

Added spaces ICAO airline
designator omitted

AB123 O ABC123 P ABC0123 O ABC123 P

IATA airline designator Additional zero
used inserted


Zero added and one DEP/DEST/Alternate
letter of ICAO airline details used instead of
designator dropped Flight ID
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

How the FLTID must exactly match aircraft in your ATS flight plan


2723 ON 15306.0E
75 WIND >
FL360 /-50˚ 34000

FLTID entered in FMS/MCDU must exactly match ACID in ATS flight plan


Flight plan procedures

Operators who meet the Australian requirements for ADS-B operations must
indicate ADS-B capability in the flight notification (ATS flight plan) of all approved
ADS-B equipped aircraft when planning to operate in Australian airspace.
-M077F370 DCT ENTRA Y245 BANDA H185 CG/NO452F360 Q69 ITIDE DCT
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

If you enter ACID or FLTID codes incorrectly, ATC might not be able to see
your aircraft, or might confuse it with another. You could also affect other
systems, such as TCAS. The codes are flight critical information, so enter
them carefully.
ADS-B transmitters must not send spurious information. If ATC instructs
you to stop transmitting, you must turn off your ADS-B transmitter* and
not turn it on again before it has been checked, and if necessary, repaired
or reset.
* Many ADS-B installations share controls with the SSR transponder, so you cannot
operate the two systems independently. If you cannot comply with a particular
instruction, advise ATC and ask for alternative instructions.

ADS-B performance requirements for ATC

Airservices uses a hierarchy system on The Australian advanced air traffic
system (TAAATS) displays. Radar is displayed first, followed by ADS-B, followed
by ADS-C and then the flight plan track of the aircraft if there is no surveillance
In the future, however, ADS-B will be displayed first, then radar.
Loss or degradation of GNSS integrity in the airborne receiver is transmitted to
air traffic control in the ADS-B messages. ADS-B services may be terminated if
GNSS integrity is inadequate.

ADS-B phraseology
Specific and generic radio phraseology is used for ADS-B and radar services.
You should use specific phraseology when it is necessary to differentiate
between radar and ADS-B. The ADS-B equivalent of ‘squawk’ is ‘transmit’ and
ADS-B is pronounced ‘ay-dee-ess-bee’ over the radio.
Otherwise, you can use generic phraseology when it is not necessary to
differentiate between a service provided by radar and one provided by ADS-B.
In many of these cases, no change to existing phraseology is required. For
example, ‘identified’ and the various vectoring instructions apply to either
The following table lists some examples, but users should check the AIP for the
current terminology.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Circumstance Radar phraseology ADS-B phraseology

Termination of radar Identification terminated (due [reason])
and/or ADS-B service (instructions)
Radar or ADS-B Secondary radar ADS-B out of
ground equipment out of service or service (appropriate
unserviceability Primary radar out of information
service (appropriate as necessary)
information as
To request the aircraft’s Advise transponder Advise ADS-B
SSR or ADS-B capability capability capability
To advise the aircraft’s Transponder (Alpha, ADS-B transmitter/
SSR or ADS-B capability Charlie or Sierra as receiver (Ten Ninety
shown in the flight data link) or
plan) or Negative Negative ADS-B
To request reselection Re-enter Mode S Re-enter ADS-B
of FLTID* aircraft identification aircraft identification
To request the operation Squawk ([code]) Transmit ADS-B
of the IDENT feature* (and) Ident Ident
To request termination Stop squawk Stop ADS-B
of SSR transponder (transmit ADS-B only) transmission
or ADS-B transmitter (squawk [code] only)
To request transmission Squawk Charlie Transmit ADS-B altitude
of pressure altitude*
To request termination Stop squawk Charlie Stop ADS-B
of pressure altitude Wrong indication transmission ([wrong
transmission due to indication or reason])
faulty operation*

* Some older ADS-B installations may not provide for entry of FLTID, transmission of Ident,
or isolation of pressure altitude by the pilot. Such systems are no longer compliant with
CAOs. Some ADS-B installations may share controls with the SSR transponder, so that
you cannot operate the two systems independently. If you cannot comply with a particular
instruction, advise ATC and ask for other instructions.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Emergency codes
The method for notifying ATC of an emergency depends on the type of
equipment carried and the surveillance coverage available, so make sure you
know which equipment is on board. Does the aircraft have an ADS-B emergency
function? Or an on/off switch only? Is it linked to the transponder, so that
squawking 7600 also sends an ADS-B communications failure message?
Selection of an emergency transponder code, e.g. 7600, automatically
generates an emergency indication in the ADS-B message. However, many
transponders transmit only a generic ADS-B emergency indication. That means
the specific type of emergency, such as communications failure, may not
be conveyed to controllers in an ADS-B environment. Some general aviation
installations may not broadcast any form of ADS-B emergency indication.

Required emergency procedures

If an emergency indication is received from an aircraft in ADS-B airspace and
the flight crew does not verbally communicate the nature of the emergency, the
controller will initiate procedures for suspected unlawful interference.
If no response from the pilot is received within a reasonable time, the controller
will assume the possibility of unlawful interference.
Note: Some transponders cannot transmit an ADS-B ‘IDENT’ (SPI) while an
emergency transponder code is selected.

Does your transponder transmit discrete emergency codes, or does

it transmit a generic emergency code only?
In an emergency, use all available means to signal your status,
regardless of expected surveillance and communications coverage.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Traffic awareness with cockpit displays

Before flying, you must understand the capabilities of your cockpit display of
traffic information (CDTI) and how to best use it for traffic awareness.
CDTIs will help you spot other ADS-B traffic more easily by showing you where
to look. However:
• depending on the unit’s filtering capability, your CDTI might not show all
ADS-B traffic
• CDTIs will not display non-ADS-B traffic
• don’t try to second-guess ATC instructions with CDTI information
• do not attempt to take evasive action, or to separate your aircraft from other
traffic, using a CDTI. It is there to enhance situational awareness, not to
replace separation procedures.

Cockpit display of traffic information does not replace see-and-

avoid. You still have to look out the window for other traffic.

Radar or ADS-B?
You may not always know which surveillance system is being used and how
you are being controlled. You may be told only that you have been ‘identified’,
but it may not be clear whether you have been identified with radar, ADS-B or
both. Unless ATC uses specific phraseology, use both ADS-B and transponder
equipment to give the controller the best surveillance picture.

Surveillance coverage and controlled airspace often have

different boundaries.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Aircraft equipment
In Australia, ADS-B is transmitted on the 1090 MHz extended squitter datalink,
also known as ‘Ten Ninety’. Standards for the extended squitter avionics are
defined in Civil Aviation Order 20:18. CASA has also published Australian TSOs
C1004 and C1005.

What are the rules?

• Non-compliant ADS-B transmissions must be disabled.
• Operation at/above FL290 requires ADS-B.
• All aircraft flying IFR must be equipped for GNSS navigation and be fitted
with ADS-B.

GNSS provides the positioning information for ADS-B, so if you turn

the GNSS receiver off, your aircraft will become invisible to ADS-B

ADS-B equipment can have various pilot interfaces, ranging from a simple on/off
switch for the transmitter to a pilot control interface with advanced features, such
as a cockpit display of traffic information.
It may also be combined with other systems, such as a secondary surveillance
radar (SSR) transponder, traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) or
multifunction display (MFD). In most aircraft installations, the SSR transponder
control module in the cockpit also controls the ADS-B transmitter; operating the
SSR system will also operate the ADS-B system.

International variations
A number of states around the world are implementing ADS-B. While
harmonised as much as possible, there are some differences in equipment
requirements and fitment. For example, the USA requires either DO260B (also
accepted by Australia) or universal access transceiver (UAT) technology, which
is not used in Australia.
Anyone importing a GA category aircraft from the United States should make
sure the ADS-B fitted is the 1090MHz system, not the UAT system. Anyone who
has imported an IFR aircraft since February 2014 should make sure it is ADS-B
and Mode S capable.

What to do when something goes wrong?

Chapter 5 explores installation and recovery procedures for aircraft equipment.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Key points
• ADS-B avionics broadcast identification, position, altitude, velocity and
other data automatically about every half second, with air-to-ground
and air-to-air applications.
• Aircraft fitted with ADS-B experiencing any kind of in-flight incident
or emergency will have their location more accurately pinpointed,
meaning search and rescue operators will be able to respond more
rapidly, particularly in remote areas.
• Operators who meet the Australian requirements for ADS-B operations
must indicate ADS-B capability in the flight notification (ATS flight plan)
of all approved ADS-B equipped aircraft when planning to operate in
Australian airspace.
• If the ADS-B transmitter and SSR transponder are combined, switching
ADS-B off may also make the aircraft invisible to SSR and TCAS.
• GNSS provides the positioning information for ADS-B, so if you turn
the GNSS receiver off, your aircraft will become invisible to ADS-B
• In most aircraft installations, the SSR transponder control module in
the cockpit also controls the ADS-B transmitter; operating the SSR
system will also operate the ADS-B system.

When you are ready, please turn to page 13

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 4 Surveillance and ADS-B

Further reading
Australian Government (2014). Civil Aviation Order 20.18 Aircraft
equipment—basic operational requirements. Retrieved April 2017
CASA (2012). ADS-B. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2015). AC 21-45 Airworthiness approval of airborne automatic
dependent surveillance broadcast equipment. Retrieved April 2017
CASA (2015). Space-based ADS-B a step closer. Flight Safety
Australia, November–December. Retrieved April 2017 from:

Airservices Australia (2013). Automatic Dependent Surveillance
Broadcast (ADS-B) Flight Operations Information Package. Retrieved April
2017 from:
Air Transport Action Group (2016). Retrieved January 2017 from:
CASA (2014). Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast. Canberra.
CASA (2015). ATC notes—ADS-B benefits for general aviation.
Flight Safety Australia, September–October. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Integrated systems, training requirements and data
management are providing operators and pilots with a
more complex operating environment.

PBN requires not only that the pilot is suitably trained

and qualified, but also that the aircraft is appropriately

This chapter covers receiver standards, use of

avionics, navigational data, troubleshooting equipment
failures and recaps on the requirements checklists.
Aircraft equipment

• Receiver standards 62
• Safety first with avionics 63
• Navigational data 64
• Equipment failures 65
• Pre-flight requirements checklist 66
• Key points 67
• Resources 67
CNS/ATM | Chapter 5 Aircraft equipment

Receiver standards
Aircraft equipment certified for different operations is measured against a
technical standard. These standards are developed by regulators across the
globe including:
• US Federal Aviation Administration as a technical standard order (TSO)
• European Aviation Safety Agency as a European technical standard order
• CASA as an Australian technical standard order (ATSO).
Pilots can identify the TSO status of GPS equipment by referring to the
compliance stamp on the receiver, or by referring to the operating handbook in
the aircraft. Reference to a manufacturer’s model number is not a guarantee of
TSO certification.

Non-TSO GPS receivers do not have to meet any regulatory standards for power
supply, installation, lighting, database, integrity monitoring or performance. For
example, many hand-held units not identified as suitable for aviation purposes
are unable to operate when the aircraft groundspeed exceeds 99 knots.
Navigation information from non-TSO equipment should be treated with extra
care until verified by another source.

CASA does not prescribe any required equipment standards and both panel-
mount and hand-held equipment may be used for day VFR operations. Non-
TSO equipment can be used to supplement visual navigation under VFR.

Night VFR
For night VFR operations you can also use a non-TSO receiver to supplement
visual navigation, but such equipment cannot be used to meet alternate
aerodrome, mandatory aircraft equipment, or flight crew qualification

A non-TSO receiver does not meet any of the requirements for IFR navigation.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 5 Aircraft equipment

Safety first with avionics

To ensure safety, pilots must use GNSS properly. Here are some safety tips:

Advice Risk
P Use appropriate Hand-held and panel-mount VFR equipment
standard avionics does not ensure the integrity and reliability
equipment needed for IFR and some night VFR

P Use a database valid Many non-aviation databases lack accuracy,

for the operation and currency is critical for operations relying on
GNSS for navigation clear of terrain, obstacles
and airspace boundaries.

P Check that all Data storage limitations have resulted in some

procedures that could manufacturers omitting certain data, such as
be required are present small aerodromes, from the receiver database.
in the database

P Always carry and VFR receivers can be used to supplement

use current VFR map reading in visual conditions. Some VFR
charts, as they are the units show airspace boundaries and terrain,
primary reference for but there is no standard for this data and no
navigation guarantee that the depiction is correct.

P Portable receivers and Avoid the potential for electromagnetic

related cables should interference (EMI), and to avoid interfering
be positioned carefully with aircraft controls.
in the cockpit

O Don’t rest the GPS on This can create electromagnetic interference.

the glareshield near Be aware also of the potential for EMI from
the magnetic compass mobile phones and other personal electronic

O Do not be tempted Approach designers receive special training

to design your own and use specific tools. There are many
approach levels of validation before an approach
is commissioned.

O Never fly below Accidents have resulted from pilots placing

published minimum too much reliance on the accuracy and
altitudes while in integrity of GNSS.
instrument conditions

Don’t rely on a backup The backup battery may also fail, so additional
battery to give a redundancies should be employed. Pilots
navigation solution should continue to use and practise navigation
following an electrical skills by running a basic plot at all times.

O Resist the urge to fly The risk of becoming lost is small when using
into marginal weather GNSS, but the risk of controlled flight into
when navigating VFR terrain or obstacles increases in low visibility.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 5 Aircraft equipment

Directions for GNSS use

There are various requirements for the use of GNSS in an aircraft. Details are in
CAO 20.91 but in summary:
• If a GNSS database contains details of waypoints and navigation aids that
are published in maps and charts required to be carried in the aircraft, those
details must not be capable of modification by the aircraft operator or flight
crew. This does not prevent the storage of ‘user-defined data’ within the
• The database must also be current and provided by an approved supplier.
• The manufacturer’s operating instructions for the GNSS receiver must be
carried in the aircraft, in a place easily accessible to the pilot.
• If the aircraft is engaged in commercial operations, the operating instructions
must be incorporated in the aircraft’s operations manual.
• GNSS equipment must be operated in accordance with its operating
• Additional requirements relating to the operation of GNSS equipment may
be incorporated in an aircraft’s flight manual, if they are consistent with the
operating instructions.
• Manually-entered data must be cross-checked by at least two flight crew
members for accuracy.
• In the case of a single-pilot operation, manually entered data must be
checked against other aeronautical information, such as current maps
and charts.

Navigational data
Data integrity
A significant number of data errors in general applications occur as a result of
human error during manual data entry. Whenever possible, navaid and waypoint
positions should be derived from a commercially prepared aviation database
which cannot be modified by the operator or crew.
In some situations, it may be necessary to create ‘user’ waypoints by manual
entry. In this situation, pilots are responsible for the integrity of the data and must
follow CASA’s directions for cross-checking. Manually entered data must not be
used for navigation below the lowest safe altitude (LSALT) or minimum sector
altitude (MSA), unless specifically authorised by CASA.
Stored user waypoints and stored flight plans are considered manually entered
data and must be checked prior to use.

Database currency
Many VFR databases do not have an expiry date, as the VFR equipment
is intended only to supplement visual navigation using current charts and
CNS/ATM | Chapter 5 Aircraft equipment

All IFR databases have an expiry date, as data currency (integrity) is critical to
safe navigation without visual reference.
The principal requirements relating to GNSS navigation data are:
• GNSS navigation requires a current database appropriate to the operation
• only data from a current database should be used for IFR flight.

GNSS navigation database maintenance

Quality control of the navigation database includes the maintenance required
to update it. Some equipment may require a maintenance authority from CASA.
They can also provide advice for particular GNSS units.

WGS84 coordinate system

Waypoint coordinates, particularly those used for approach and landing, must
be based on the same geodetic reference system used by satellite positioning
systems. ICAO and Australia have adopted the coordinate system known as the
World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) as the common geodetic reference
datum for civil aviation.

Pilots and operators should ensure that WGS84 is selected as the

default geodetic reference in their GPS receivers.

Equipment failures
Potential operating failures for GNSS units
Although very unlikely to occur, potential errors include:
• GNSS constellation failure—pilots can revert to use of ground-based
• single satellite failure within a constellation failure—if FDE is functioning,
the GNSS unit should locate a new satellite. If no FDE is operating,
revert to ground-based navaids
• electrical failure or distortion in screen display—reboot device.
Commercial operators will have a second GNSS unit fitted, which will likely
still be operational.
Common installation problems for ADS-B transponders
Over the past years the following installation faults have repeatedly occurred.
It is strongly recommended that the LAME use an ADS-B capable transponder
test set.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 5 Aircraft equipment

Fault Advice
Incorrect setting of ‘SIL’ value Needs to be 2 (10E-5) or 3 (10E-7).
for DO260A/B transponders
Incorrect 24-bit address Ensure ICAO 24-bit address matches
the CASA-assigned code.
Incorrect Flight ID Domestic aircraft should not include
‘VH’ unless on international flight leg.
Not ‘N’ as can easily be entered for a
common GA transponder.
Incorrect software version in GPS Regularly update software and
or transponder navigation database.
NUC or NIC set to 0 NUC or NIC should not be 0, because
it indicates the data has no integrity.
Non-compliant ADS-B transponder It MUST be disabled.

Pre-flight requirements checklist

All pilots (VFR and IFR) must IFR requirements in addition to
have checked and completed those for all pilots include:
the following:
£ Approach
£ Battery appropriate instrument rating
power supply
£ Currency
£ Database 90 days
must be current
£ Receiver
£ Pilot operating handbook must be correct TSO for
(POH) the type of operations
£ NOTAMs £ Installation
check RAIM and planned IFR with baro-aiding if available
£ Manual
£ Flight review must be on the aircraft
check if current
£ EFB, maps and charts RAIM prediction service (RPS)
packed and accessible must be used for planning
in cockpit
£ Report
£ SARTIME any GNSS interference or
lodged database errors
£ Personal administration
up-to-date licences, medicals
and required memberships
CNS/ATM | Chapter 5 Aircraft equipment

Key points
• For day VFR operations, CASA does not prescribe any required
equipment standards and both ‘panel-mount’ and ‘hand-held’
equipment may be used. Non-TSO equipment can be used to
supplement visual navigation under VFR.
• For night VFR operations you can also use a non-TSO receiver to
supplement visual navigation, but such equipment cannot be used to
meet alternate aerodrome, mandatory aircraft equipment or flight crew
qualification requirements.
• Portable receivers and related cables should be positioned carefully in
the cockpit to avoid the potential for electromagnetic interference (EMI),
and to avoid interfering with aircraft controls.
• For IFR operations, GNSS navigation data must be drawn from a
current database appropriate to the operation and only data from
a current validated database may be used for navigation below the

Further reading
CASA (2012). QF32 and the black swan. Flight Safety Australia, September–
October. Retrieved April 2017 from:

CASA (2006). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 179A-1(1). Navigation
using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Canberra.
CASA (2014). GPS guides to distraction. Flight Safety Australia, November–
December. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2014). Performance-Based Navigation. Canberra.
CASA (2015). Advisory Circular 91.U-01 Navigation authorisations.
Retrieved April 2017 from:

When you are ready, please turn to page 16

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
The navigational component of CNS/ATM is
performance-based navigation or PBN, which is
becoming more common worldwide. For more than
15 years, Australian aviation has been adopting
GNSS-based area navigation in place of ground-
based navigation aids such as non-directional
beacons (NDB) and VHF omni-range (VOR) for the
en route, terminal and approach phases of flight.

This chapter will introduce PBN, discuss PBN-based

approach designs and look at deeming provisions
for GNSS-equipped aircraft.
Performance-based navigation

• What is PBN? 70
• What does performance mean? 70
• Specifications 70
• Benefits of PBN 72
• How PBN provides more flexibility
than conventional navigation 75
• Instrument approaches 75
• Enabling legislation 77
• Key points 78
• Resources 79
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

What is PBN?
Performance-based navigation (PBN) is the internationally recognised regulatory
framework for implementing area navigation, with an emphasis on GNSS as the
enabling technology.
PBN includes the definition of navigation specifications in terms of the
accuracy, integrity, continuity and functionality required for various types
of operations. It uses on-board equipment such as global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) receivers, stand-alone navigators, and integrated navigation
PBN is absolute navigation—the aircraft determines its current latitude and
longitude, and where it is in relation to the intended flight path. As long as the
aircraft has a means of determining its current position, it can operate anywhere
within coverage of the relevant GNSS system.
This contrasts with traditional relative navigation, based largely on fixed ground-
based navigation aids which guide aircraft along published routes via waypoints
defined by the aids.

What does performance mean?

Under PBN, airspace and route design take into account the aircraft operations
in the region, and the capability of aircraft flying in it.
Both aircraft and flight crew must meet performance standards for the route,
which may change with the flight phase (en route, approach etc.) and the class
of airspace in which the aircraft is flying.

PBN encompasses two types of navigation specifications:
• RNAV (area navigation), and
• RNP (required navigation performance).
The difference between the two specifications is that on-board performance
monitoring and alerting is required for RNP but not for RNAV. RNAV requires
independent performance monitoring of an aircraft’s position.
RNP has parallel lateral performance requirements and can be supported by a
variety of technologies. In Australia, RNP operations require GNSS but can be
supplemented by inertial systems.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

Transition from conventional navigation to RNP

Conventional RNAV RNP

Limited design Increased airspace Optimised use
flexibility efficiency of airspace

Current Waypoints areas

vertical path


The RNAV family of navigation specifications were created by ICAO to
consolidate the disparate approvals developed by countries around the world,
• US RNAV Type A & B
• European B-RNAV and P-RNAV
• Australian AUSEP and GPS OCEANIC
While it remains possible to operate using RNAV based on DME/DME, DME/
VOR or inertial navigation systems, Australia lacks the substantial infrastructure
required to do so. For this reason, GNSS will be the basis of navigation for
most aircraft.
RNAV defines fixes by name, latitude and longitude. These area navigation fixes
allow planning of routes which are less dependent on the location of navaids.

In an aircraft using a stand-alone GNSS, the functionality requirements of RNP
are achieved through the use of receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
Integrated area navigation systems employ several sources of information, such
as inertial and GNSS, to provide highly accurate navigation. They use aircraft
autonomous integrity monitoring that are equivalent to RAIM.
Further information on augmentation systems is available in Chapter 3.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

RNAV specifications, except oceanic and remote RNAV 10 (RNP 10), are not
implemented or used in Australian airspace.

Australia is implementing the following navigation specifications

Navigation specifications

RNP specifications RNAV specifications

(requires on-board (no requirement for
performance monitoring on-board performance
and alerting) monitoring and alerting)

En route and terminal

Oceanic and remote Oceanic and remote
specifications: specifications:
RNP 4 RNAV 10 (RNP 10)
RNP 0.3

Although RNP 10 is a commonly used specification, it actually belongs in the

RNAV family. This is a product of history.

Benefits of PBN
Performance-based navigation allows pilots, operators and air traffic control to
make the best use of advances in navigation technology and brings increased
safety, efficiency and environmental benefits.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) says that PBN helps
the aviation community by reducing congestion, helping to maintain reliable
all-weather operations at even the most challenging airports, conserving
fuel, protecting the environment, and reducing the impact of aircraft noise.
The benefits can be seen in the table below.

Benefit Development
Reduced separation As the skies become busier, PBN allows the
standards for all most efficient use of available airspace, through
phases of flight appropriately managed reductions in separation
standards during the en route, approach and landing
phases. Australia’s airways system can handle more
aircraft and do this more safely within time and
airspace constraints.
PBN and GNSS ICAO data shows that straight-in approaches are
allow straight-in 25 times safer than circling approaches. Adding
approaches vertical guidance to the approach brings a further
safety gain.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

Reduced reliance Most airports are served by satellite-based

on radio-navigation approaches. In many cases, these have replaced
aids through approaches using NDB and VOR radio-navigation
widespread use of aids. These ground-based aids are 70-year-old
GNSS-enabled PBN technology, which is becoming increasingly
expensive to install and maintain. About 180 ground-
based navaids were switched off from May 2016
as part of Airservices Australia’s navigation
rationalisation project. The remaining aids are
retained for contingency navigation only.
Reduced track PBN reduces unproductive flight time, unnecessary
miles/fuel burn/ delays and fuel burn, providing obvious economic
carbon dioxide benefits to operators and the environment. Advanced
emissions during PBN applications now under development will deliver
landing approaches further efficiencies through time-of-arrival control and
continuous descent arrivals (CDFA). Four dimensional
air traffic management will bring even more efficiency,
with aircraft operating on direct routes at optimum
altitudes, thus avoiding the congested arrival
holding pattern.
Global ICAO’s PBN navigation standards are being applied
harmonisation worldwide for use by any authorised operator from
any ICAO state. This means that certifying both
operators and aircraft will be much easier, and aircraft
will be operating to global standards.

The importance of accurate position estimates

Technologies such as ADS-B help overcome some of the limitations of
ground-based navigation aids in en route position finding. But they are not a
substitute for good communication practices.
A number of safety incident reports have involved pilots either not arriving
at a reporting point within two minutes of their estimate, or not updating
their estimate when it was outside the two minutes, as required in the
Aeronautical Information Package (AIP).
The majority of these reports involved aircraft in a climb, descent, regaining
track after a diversion, or around the Australian flight information region
In areas outside radar or ADS-B coverage, air traffic controllers use the
aircraft track, altitude and position estimates advised by the pilot to provide
separation from other aircraft or airspace. This means that if your tracking,
altitude or estimates provided to ATC are not accurate, it is possible that
your separation with other aircraft or airspace may also be compromised.
Further information is available from the Airservices Australia website:
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

Potential sources of error with area navigation

The RNAV and RNP specifications define the accuracy required in both the
cross-track (lateral) and along-track (longitudinal) dimensions.
Lateral navigation. Aircraft tracking and positioning errors may lead to
navigation being less accurate than required. Three errors in on-board
performance monitoring and alerting contribute to the total system error (TSE),
and are shown in the illustration below:
• path definition error (PDE). This occurs when the path defined in the RNAV
system does not correspond to the desired path i.e. the path expected to be
flown over the ground.
• flight technical error (FTE). This relates to the autopilot’s ability to follow the
defined path or track, including any display error.
• navigation system error (NSE). This refers to the difference between the
aircraft’s estimated position and its actual position.

Desired path

Path definition error (PDE)

Defined path
Total system error (TSE)

Flight technical error (FTE)

Estimated position

Navigation system error (NSE)

True position

Longitudinal navigation specifications define requirements for along-track

accuracy, which includes navigation system error (NSE) and path definition error
There is no flight technical error (FTE) in the longitudinal dimension, and PDE is
considered negligible.
The along-track accuracy affects position reporting (e.g. ‘10 nm to ABC’) and
procedure design (e.g. minimum segment altitudes, where the aircraft can begin
descent once crossing a fix).
The on-board performance monitoring and alerting requirements in the RNP
specifications are defined for the lateral dimension for the purpose of assessing
an aircraft’s compliance. However, NSE is considered as a radial error so that
on-board performance monitoring and alerting is provided in all directions.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

How PBN provides more flexibility than conventional

Standard instrument departure (SID) and standard terminal
arrival route (STAR)
SIDs are designated IFR departure routes linking an airport or runway with a
significant point, normally on a designated air route, at which the en route phase
of flight commences.
STARs are designated IFR arrival routes linking a significant point, normally on
an air route, with a point from which a published instrument approach procedure
can be commenced. Major airports typically have a ‘family’ of STARs which link
major air routes to instrument approach procedures.

Leg types
A leg type describes the desired path proceeding, following, or between
waypoints on a procedure. Tracks are intercepted to and from stations and
waypoints with reference to navigation aids/systems using ground-based and
satellite-based navigational systems.
Leg types are identified by a two-letter code that describes the path
(e.g. heading, course, track, etc.) and the termination point (e.g. the path
terminates at an altitude, distance, fix, etc.). Leg types used for procedure
design are included in the aircraft navigation database, but not normally
provided on the procedure chart. The path and terminator concept defines
that every leg of a procedure has a termination point and some kind of path
into that termination point.

Instrument approaches
ICAO has introduced a method of classifying instrument approaches—
Type A and Type B. Details are contained in ICAO Annex 6 Part 1 Chapter 4.
Approaches are then flown using either a two dimensional (2D) or a three
dimensional (3D) methodology.

Use of GNSS for instrument approaches

ICAO recognises GNSS and augmented GNSS signal in space (SIS), and
traditional ground-based aids, as suitable technologies to support a range of
2D and 3D approaches.
The official ICAO term for RNAV(GNSS) approaches (previously called GPS
APPROACH in Australia) is now RNP APCH, although RNAV(GNSS) will be
around for some time until charts and databases are updated to the new ICAO
charting standards.

2D approaches
Two dimensional approaches use lateral guidance only. Examples are NDB,
VOR, localiser (LLZ) or GNSS (required navigation performance—RNP).
With 2D approaches it is the pilot’s responsibility to adhere to all step-down
altitudes and use the minimum descent altitude (MDA) procedure.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

With the advent of GNSS, including its various augmentations, a range of

different 2D approaches are possible. These include:

Approach Description
RNP APCH–LNAV The superseded RNAV/GNSS approach (APCH) is
replaced by the new RNP APCH lateral navigation
(LNAV) approach definition.
The aircraft must be equipped with an appropriately
authorised TSO-C129 sensor or navigator, a TSO-C145
GNSS sensor, or a TSO-C146 stand-alone GNSS
system. This equipment must been installed correctly
as described in CASA Advisory Circular 21-36.
LP Localiser performance (LP) uses satellite-based
augmentation (SBAS)-provided lateral guidance to
tolerance similar to ILS LOC.
LNAV+V Modern GNSS receivers may have the capability
to present an ‘advisory’ vertical profile for the final
segment. These are often called LNAV+V. This profile
is generated by the receiver and is not based on an
underlying approach design. While using this form of
guidance, pilots are responsible for any step-down
altitudes and must use the MDA procedure.

3D approaches
Three dimensional approaches use both lateral and vertical guidance, with the
vertical profile provided by the guidance system. A decision altitude (DA)
minimum procedure is used.
Instrument landing systems (ILS), microwave landing systems (MLS) and
ground-based GNSS augmentation landing systems (GLS) can provide
Cat I, II or III level of minimums.
There are several types of RNP APCH with 3D vertical guidance, and they differ
in the way in which they source their vertical guidance information.

RNP APCH–LNAV/ Barometric vertical navigation (baro-VNAV) uses

VNAV (baro-VNAV) a combination of lateral guidance and a vertical profile
generated by on-board equipment from the instrument
approach design database. A suitable aircraft pitot
static and barometric system is required. The flight
management system (FMS) calculates the descent
path using this barometric information.
An important limitation of baro-VNAV is that the actual
path flown by the aircraft is dependent on the ambient
air density. A temperature higher than ISA will result in
a steeper approach path and temperatures lower than
ISA will result in a lower descent profile.
Baro-VNAV approaches may have published
temperature limits and will not be available should the
ambient temperature lie outside the permitted range.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

LPV Localiser performance with vertical guidance

(LPV) requires a satellite-based augmentation system
(SBAS) service and currently provides approaches
equivalent to an instrument landing system (ILS) Cat 1.
LPV can only be conducted in a defined SBAS service
area, such as the US wide area augmentation system
(WAAS), or the European geostationary navigation
overlay service (EGNOS).
RNP AR APCH Required navigation performance—authorisation
required (RNP-AR) is a type of RNP operation that
allows for defined curves in the flight path and uses
baro-VNAV for vertical guidance. Special authorisation
is required—see ICAO Doc 9905.
Overlay Some aircraft equipment is authorised to fly
approaches approaches for which the aircraft is not technically
fitted. For example, while in an SBAS service area,
the receiver may be able to be used to conduct (or
overlay) a baro-VNAV approach. However, without
SBAS, the aircraft may not be fitted to fly a stand-alone
baro-VNAV procedure.

Approach plates
A single instrument approach plate may contain a mix of 2D and 3D
approaches. Care must be taken to ensure that correct piloting procedure is
used including recognition of the type of minimums presented.

Enabling legislation
Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 20.18 (Aircraft equipment—basic operational
requirements), deals with the equipment required for PBN and ADS-B and
affects all IFR operators in Australia.
Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 20.91 (Instructions and Directions for Performance-
based Navigation) allows for this equipment to be used for PBN, both in
Australia and overseas.
CAO 20.91 contains deeming provisions which mean that:
• aircraft equipped with stand-alone GNSS systems with aircraft flight manual
entries for RNP 1, RNP 2, or RNP APCH-LNAV, or installed in accordance
with CASA advisory circular 21-36, and flown by suitably qualified pilots,
meet the equivalent PBN requirements
• aircraft equipped with integrated avionics systems using GNSS only for
area navigation are also covered by the deeming provisions.
Aircraft with flight management systems (FMS), such as some newer commuter/
regional aircraft, will need to obtain navigation authorisations from CASA.
The PBN standards also provide for IFR helicopter-specific operations, such
as in metropolitan areas and for offshore support.
CAO 20.91 and its associated advisory circular provide operating instructions
and airworthiness requirements for IFR pilots flying aircraft using PBN.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

Pilot and operator obligations

Pilots in command of IFR flights must only use RNAV or RNP if they are qualified
to do so.
The aircraft operator must also:
• hold, or be deemed to hold, a navigation authorisation for the relevant
PBN specification
• ensure that each member of the flight crew satisfies the requirements in
the relevant appendix (1–13)
• ensure that each member of the flight crew conducts the flight according
to the authorisation.

Navigation databases
Since navigation under PBN relies on area navigation, the aircraft navigation
system must carry a navigation database. Under the requirements of the CAO:
• the database must be valid for the current AIRAC cycle (refer to AIP GEN 3.1
for further information)
• all terminal routes (SIDs, STARs and approaches) must be loaded from the
database and may not be modified by the pilot except as provided for in
CAO 20.91.

Aircraft equipment
Information on aircraft equipment is available in Chapter 5.

Key points
• PBN has two requirements—the pilot must be suitably trained and
qualified and the aircraft must be appropriately equipped.
• The introduction of PBN allows pilots, operators and air traffic control
to make the best use of recent advances in navigation technology, and
brings increased safety, efficiency and environmental benefits.
• The difference between the RNAV and RNP navigation specifications is
that on-board performance monitoring and alerting is required for RNP
but not for RNAV operations.
• Area navigation operates by first determining the aircraft’s present
position in terms of latitude and longitude, and then where this position
is in relation to the intended flight path.
• In Australia, if you have a GNSS-equipped aircraft approved for IFR
operations, you do not need to make any changes.

When you are ready, please turn to page 18

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 6 Performance-based navigation

Further reading
CASA (2010). Harmonising navigation: Performance-based navigation—
global harmonisation. Flight Safety Australia, January–February. Retrieved
April 2017 from:
CASA (2011). Mixed Blessings: The dangers of GPS reliance. Flight Safety
Australia, January–February. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2011). Global harmony: Performance-based navigation standards
are being aligned across the world. Flight Safety Australia, September–
October. Retrieved April 2017 from:
ICAO (2013). Performance-based navigation manual.
ICAO (2016). PBN ikit. Retrieved April 2017 from:

Australian Government (2014). Civil Aviation Order 20.91 Instructions
and directions for performance-based navigation. Retrieved April 2017
CASA (2014) Advisory Circular 21-36—Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS) Equipment: Airworthiness Guidelines. Retrieved April 2017 from
CASA (2010). PBN Implementation Plan. Retrieved April 2017
CASA (2014). Performance-based navigation. Canberra.
FAA (2016). Section 2. Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation
Performance (RNP). Retrieved April 2017 from:
Metroplex Environmental (2017). Glossary. Retrieved April 2017 from:
NASA (2006). Human Factors Considerations for Performance-Based
Navigation. Retrieved April 2017 from:
An important aspect of any flight away from home
base is thorough flight planning. Having a well
thought-out plan before you get airborne will help you
enjoy the flight, arrive refreshed and return alive.

Even if you are going somewhere familiar, have some

key details worked out beforehand. Getting the most
up-to-date weather and NOTAMs is a must.

This chapter will cover the eight phases of flight,

use of electronic flight bags, GNSS operations and
requirements, applying RAIM predictions and use of
alternate routes.
Flight planning

• Eight phases of flight 82

• Electronic flight bags 82
• GNSS operations and requirements 84
• RAIM prediction and NOTAMs 87
• Alternate routes 88
• Key points 90
• Resources 91
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Eight phases of flight

There are eight phases in every flight for every aircraft. Each phase has its own
significance in flight planning and each must be managed successfully.
As Benjamin Franklin once said, ‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.’
As technology becomes more sophisticated, it becomes even more critical to
plan your flights carefully. Where will your flight go, what route will you follow,
what will the weather be like at your destination and along your route, how much
fuel will you carry, what potential diversions or delays might you encounter, and
are you fit to fly?
While technology needs to be considered in all phases of flight, remember that
technology is not a substitute for proper planning.
Complete a quick review of the eight phases of flight below.
1 Planning: make decisions and calculations about your route:
the weather; how much fuel to carry; your load; and any potential
diversions, delays or emergencies.
2 Pre-flight: inspect the aircraft: analyse any faults or conditions and if
these will affect the flight plan.
3 Pre-departure: check the operation of the aircraft: set systems for
take-off and climb, assess if you are fit to fly.
4 Post-departure: commence navigation procedures: configure the
aircraft for cruise flight, fly accurately on your outbound route.
5 En route: monitor navigation, weather, fuel management and
consumption, other traffic.
6 Pre-approach: fly a stable and accurate descent, obtain ATIS or
AWIB information.
7 Approach: sight the airport, communicate with ATC or other traffic,
assess airport and wind conditions.
8 Landing: land, exit the runway, taxi, shut down the aircraft.

Electronic flight bags

Electronic flight bags (EFBs) can store and retrieve documents required for
flight operations, such as maps, charts, the flight crew operations manual,
minimum equipment lists and other control documents.
Physical EFB displays may use various technologies, formats and forms of
communication. The capabilities of electronic flight bags increase, almost by
the month, but even their developers warn that these computer programs are
no substitute for basic flight-planning skills.
Australia has two major EFB providers for general aviation: OzRunways and
AvPlan EFB. Both are available for Apple iOS and Android tablets and both
offer the ability to plan a flight, get weather and NOTAMs and navigate,
with maps, En route supplement Australia (ERSA), Departure and approach
procedures (DAPs) and Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) at the pilot’s
fingertips. Both allow the pilot to fetch or enter winds, store aircraft profiles,
submit to National aeronautical processing system (NAIPS) and create
custom waypoints.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Some EFB products display nearby traffic, derived either from a portable
ADS-B IN receiver carried on board or uploaded from the provider’s ground
system, in which case the traffic displayed may be limited to aircraft that use the
same EFB provider. The ability of EFBs to provide a range of information to and
from aircraft is expected to continue to improve in future. Pilots should contact
their EFB service provider for information about specific current capabilities.

The screen size and resolution needs to display information in a manner
comparable with the paper aeronautical charts and data it is intended to
The recommended minimum size of the screen is about 200 mm measured
diagonally across the active viewing area.. If the intent of the installation is to
display charts and maps, the device should be suitably sized to display the
image without excessive scrolling.

The paperless cockpit is now a reality—screen size does matter

Minimum size of
screen approx


Mounting devices
EFBs which use temporary mounts that attach to the aircraft, such as suction
mounts and Velcro pads, are regarded as class 1 devices and must be stowed
during take-off and landing. They should also be stowed during periods of
Temporary mounts are not considered to be airworthy and may constitute
a hazard on the flight deck in certain circumstances. The equipment, when
mounted and/or installed, must not present a safety-related risk or associated
hazard to any flight crew member. EFBs attached to kneeboard holders do not
need to be stowed.
The mounted EFB must not obstruct:
• external vision
• physical access to aircraft displays or controls, or
• visual access to aircraft displays or controls.
The required cabling for an EFB should be a sufficient length to prevent damage
or hazards.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Pilots need to consider stowage for EFBs which are not mounted to the
aircraft or to a kneeboard. They must be designed and used in a way which
prevents the device from jamming flight controls, damaging flight compartment
equipment or injuring flight crew members.
All EFB mounts attached to the aircraft structure will require airworthiness
approval. See Subpart 21.M of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.

The operator should ensure the operating system and programs meet the
intended function. Unauthorised modification of any database or the loading of
any new or additional software is not permitted unless the software complies
with the manufacturer’s specifications.
Information provided to the pilot needs to be a true and accurate representation
of the charts or documents they replace.

GNSS operations and requirements

• Plan the route using charts.
• Enter the plan into the GNSS unit or retrieve a saved plan from
volatile memory.
• Check the information in the GNSS database and the user waypoint
information against charts or a flight plan containing waypoint names,
identifiers, latitude/longitude, tracks and distances.
• Cross check both latitude/longitude information and bearing/distance
information to prevent a charted error being carried over to the GNSS.
• Where available, get two crew members to check the inputs are accurate
and reasonable when entering data manually. If the information is suspect,
check it against appropriate documents.
• If you are flying single pilot, do your own cross-checking by comparing
GNSS computer tracks and distances against current chart data.
• Use ‘Flight plan mode’ to compare GNSS-derived distance and bearing
information with your own flight plan.
• Examine each route leg for track and distance as a double check for
input errors.
Check that manually entered and database-derived position tracking information
is reasonable in the following cases:
• before each compulsory reporting point
• at or before arrival at each en route waypoint
• every hour during area type operations when deviating from
established routes
• after insertion of new data, such as the creation of a new flight plan.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

And ensure that you:

• check GNSS NOTAMs and other warning information
• check that the data is current—this is often displayed at start-up
• carry the GNSS operating manual for the unit installed in your aircraft.

Don’t take off without it!

You must carry operating instructions for your GNSS unit on board, and,
if a commercial operator, incorporate them into your company operations
You must also follow the operating instructions and any additional
requirements specified in the approved aircraft flight manual or flight
manual supplement.
In addition to GNSS, the aircraft must be equipped with serviceable radio
navigation systems as required.

GNSS prediction
Before planning to use GNSS for IFR approaches, get a RAIM prediction from
the Airservices Australia briefing website. RAIM outages are predicted at
1400 UTC each day and when new satellite outage information is received.
RAIM predictions are based on satellite geometry, equipment RAIM capability
(fault detection or fault detection and exclusion) and certification status
(C129 or C146).

Selecting operational modes

TSO-specified GNSS equipment has several different modes used in flight
planning and in flight, including:
• ‘nav’ or ‘map’ mode—the primary navigation mode used in flight
• ‘waypoint’—enabling you to access waypoint information
• ‘flight plan’, in which flight plans can be created, edited, stored and recalled
• other modes that allow you to access information on equipment status, the
satellite constellation and other features, such as winds aloft.

Recalling categories of information from ‘nav’ database

GNSS navigation databases contain several waypoint types, including airports,
VORs, NDBs, intersections, SIDs, STARs and approaches. Take care to select
the correct waypoint.
You can usually customise the worldwide database within your receiver to
access information on the Australasian region only.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Predicting RAIM in flight

• Most TSO-specified GNSS equipment can predict the availability of RAIM at
the destination.
• You may use this function before commencing an RNAV GNSS approach.
• The prediction function typically indicates RAIM FD availability at the
destination 15 minutes either side of the specified time.
See RAIM prediction and NOTAMs later in this chapter for more information.

Entering and checking user-defined waypoints

You can create user waypoints and store them in the system, but you should
validate them against published information, such as ERSA and charts, or cross
check them using bearing and distance information from a known waypoint.

Entering, retrieving and checking flight plan data

When you enter or retrieve a flight plan from the GNSS database, cross check
each route segment for track and distance with your own flight plan and current

Interpreting typical GNSS nav displays lat/long, distance and bearing to

waypoint—course deviation indicator (CDI)
GNSS equipment can display navigation information in several formats,
including bearing and distance to known waypoints, and latitude and longitude
data. It also uses a CDI-style display, which represents a distance, not an
angular displacement, from track. For example, full-scale deflection on a GNSS
CDI might indicate 5 nm off track rather than 10° off track, as would be the case
for a VOR. You can select the sensitivity of the CDI to suit your requirements.
Learn how to access the settings to determine the display’s sensitivity and
change the scale if necessary.

Intercepting and maintaining GNSS-defined tracks

The navigation display includes the current track made good to help you
maintain the desired track. Some GNSS displays have a track error graphic to
help you intercept the desired GNSS track. Track made good, ground speed,
ETA, time and distance to waypoint are in the ‘nav’ or ‘map’ fields.
If an air data computer is connected to the unit, wind velocity in-flight is
calculated automatically. If you don’t have an air data computer, you will have
to enter TAS and present heading manually to enable the unit to compute
winds aloft.

Indications of waypoint passage

The GNSS display indicates arrival at a waypoint. Monitor it when approaching
a waypoint as the indication might be brief. You can change the duration of the
indication through the set-up function.

Use of ‘direct to’ function

You can use the ‘direct to’ or ‘go to’ function to navigate directly from your
current position to a nominated waypoint. This function is most useful when
ATC instructs to ‘track direct’ from present position or that a weather diversion
is required.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Be aware of the new track’s possible proximity to controlled airspace and

restricted area boundaries when using this function, and cross check against
current maps, charts and NOTAM information. The ‘direct to’ function will
usually take you off a published en route chart (ERC) track and you will need to
reassess lowest safe altitude along the revised track.

‘Nearest airport’ function

GNSS equipment can give you a list of the nearest airports, VORs, NDBs,
intersections and approaches. The nearest airport function can be useful in
finding a safe haven in an in-flight emergency.

Use of GNSS, and GNSS or DME arrival procedures

When using GNSS for IFR navigation:
• the GNSS database must be current and endorsed by the receiver
manufacturer and must be immune to modification by crew
• RAIM must be available below the LSALT/MSA when conducting operations
in IMC
• if there is a contradiction between any sources of information, climb to the
LSALT/MSA as soon as possible.

RAIM prediction and NOTAMs

There are three sources of RAIM prediction generally available to civil
aviation users.
1 Receiver: TSO receivers have a built-in approach RAIM prediction
function available to the pilot. This is useful for in-flight use. However,
these systems are usually not capable of FDE prediction and use the
last issue of the constellation almanac to predict RAIM. The resulting
prediction therefore becomes progressively less accurate over time
and is thus unsuitable for flight planning purposes.
2 Software: GPS oceanic and remote area approval requires an
appropriate en route RAIM prediction, using the software provided by
the receiver manufacturer, to be conducted prior to flight. This analysis
takes into account the required navigation performance for the route
or centreline spacing. Australian operators must retain a record of the
GPS prediction analysis.
3 NOTAM: Having the latest NOTAMs is very important. Read the NOTAMs
carefully, highlighting the ones that will affect your flight.

GPS Status reports

Airservices Australia makes GPS status reports available via the AVFAX
system. These reports are issued by the US Coast Guard and contain details
of the satellites in orbit, notice advisory to NavStar users (NANU) and other
general remarks.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

RAIM prediction service

The Airservices Australia RAIM prediction service (RPS) uses NANU and the
current almanac to provide GPS NOTAMs for flight planning purposes.
Approach RAIM outages are given for 72 hours from the UTC prediction time
shown in the first line of the prediction message. RPS has been upgraded to
facilitate the differences between TSO-C129 and TSO-C146 equipment.
Sample text of the RAIM prediction output is:

03080610 TIL 03080615
03090606 TIL 03090611
03100602 TIL 03100607

Alternate routes
While in the preliminary flight-planning phase, you should make provision for at
least one other safe alternate route—a plan B. In planning this route, take the
same level of care as you do with your primary route. Having a well-researched
plan B takes a lot of pressure off if the weather deteriorates and you have to
use it.

The approvals for use of GPS under IFR in the AIP specify that GPS may
be used to satisfy any of the IFR requirements for provision of an alternate
aerodrome provided that it is certified to TSO-C145a or C146a, and a valid
prediction of approach FDE availability is used. This applies to the requirements
for navaids at both the destination and the alternate aerodrome.
When using a TSO-C129 receiver, or a C146a receiver with a prediction that FDE
will not be available, and the forecast weather is below the alternate weather
minimums, the alternate must be suitable for visual approach or an instrument
approach using ground-based navigation aids.
The following table gives examples of alternate requirements for aircraft fitted
with TSO GNSS receivers with and without fault detection and exclusion (FDE).
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Operation: CHTR/AWK/PVT
Onboard Weather at Approaches Alternate Alternate
navaids destination at destination required? requirements
1 TSO Above RNP APCH No None
C146 or alternate LNAV
later GPS minimums VOR
available) NDB

Operation: AWK/PVT
Onboard Weather at Approaches Alternate Alternate
navaids destination at destination required? requirements
1 TSO Above RNP APCH Yes­—due Must have an
GPS alternate LNAV navaids NDB and/or
(no FDE minimums VOR IAL and
available) forecast weather
1 ADF above alternate
minimums, or
By day only,
have no IAL
and forecast
weather better
than LSALT +
500 ft and
8 km visibility

Night VFR
When both pilot and aircraft meet the AIP requirements, a pilot may not need to
provide for an alternate aerodrome to a ‘no-aid’ destination under night VFR.
AIP requires that the pilot provides for an alternate within one hour’s flight time of
the destination unless:
• the destination is served by a radio navigation aid (NDB or VOR) and the
aircraft is fitted with the appropriate radio navigation system capable of
using the aid, or
• the aircraft is fitted with a GNSS receiver appropriate for an aircraft operated
at night under VFR and the pilot is appropriately qualified.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Key points
• If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. As technology becomes more
and more sophisticated, it is critical to plan your flights carefully.
• The roll of CNS technology needs to be considered in all phases of
flight. When assisted by technology—seen with the adoption of GNSS
and ADS-B—even experienced pilots can forget important steps.
• Establish key details beforehand, then get the most up-to-date weather
and NOTAMs.
• Electronic flight bags (EFBs) can electronically store and retrieve
documents required for flight operations, such as maps, charts, the
flight crew operations manual, minimum equipment lists and other
control documents.
• There are generally three sources of RAIM prediction available to civil
aviation users: TSO receivers, the NAIPS website and NOTAMs.
• While in the preliminary flight-planning phase, you should make
provision for at least one other safe alternative route—a plan B.

When you are ready, please turn to page 20

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 7 Flight planning

Further reading
Airservices Australia (2016). OneSKY Australia program. Retrieved April
2017 from:
CASA (2016). What does an EFB do? Retrieved April 2017 from: https://

CASA (2006). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 179A-1(1). Navigation
using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Canberra.
CASA (2009). Focus on flight planning. Flight Safety Australia, March–April.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2010). Flight planning kit.
CASA (2014). Dry but not high. Flight Safety Australia, September–October.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2014). Global aviation growth and safety. Flight Safety Australia,
November–December. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2015). Tablets of wisdom. Flight Safety Australia, November–
December. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2017). What you need to know about EFBs. Retrieved April 2017
The original goals of human factors (HF) were
to optimise human and system efficiency and
effectiveness. As such, the term human factors,
refers to the many issues whether personal, social,
environment or organisational that affect how
people perform tasks in their work and non-work
environments. Within aviation, HF has been focused
predominantly on error reduction, either through
engineering in safety and efficiencies or through
training and monitoring (checklists).

The intention of this chapter is to highlight some of

the HFs that may impact those operating a GNSS,
explore situational awareness, managing errors and
discuss the human-machine interface. Pilots and
engineers may also wish to read the human factors
resource kits produced by CASA.
Human factors

• Don’t be led astray 94

• Influences on people 94
• Situational awareness 98
• Cockpit ergonomics 100
• Airmanship tips 101
• Key points 102
• Resources 103
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

Don’t be led astray

Many of us have heard stories about people ending up in the wrong suburb,
town or even country because they tried to follow directions from a GPS in their
car or mobile phone mapping application.
• March 2015: A group of Belgian tourists are sent on a detour of close
to 1200 km (750 miles) after a GPS navigation error by their bus driver
saw them arrive at La Plagne in the Pyrenees rather than La Plagne in the
Tarentaise Valley.
• June 2013: A woman follows her GPS right into the path of an oncoming
train in Belmont, US.
• January 2013: A woman leaves her home in Belgium intending to pick up
a friend in Brussels, 144 km (90 miles) away. After switching on her GPS,
she ends up in Zagreb, Croatia.
• March 2012: Japanese tourists drive a rental car into the Pacific Ocean
as they follow GPS instructions down a road toward Australia’s North
Stradbroke Island.
Pilots have also had accidents to which their GPS units have contributed.
Cockpit recordings indicate that a lack of familiarity with the GPS units’
functions, distraction and over-reliance were some of the error-producing
influences on the pilots. These potential threats to performance from technology
make clear the importance of understanding your strengths and shortcomings,
and of the technology you are using.
An awareness of the limitations in the design, controls, displays and software
logic of GPS units can avoid potentially dangerous errors such as:
• incorrect data entries
• incorrect interpretation of data
• inadequate cross-checking from alternative sources
• inappropriate decisions based on GPS output.

Influences on people
A number of factors influence the way that people interact with technology
associated with CMS/ATM, such as GPS receivers, ADS-B transponders and
cockpit display of traffic information (CDTI) units.
The ‘dirty dozen’ concept, originally designed in the 1990s to improve human
performance in maintenance, refers to the most common factors which influence
people to make mistakes. In the CNS/ATM context some of the ‘dirty dozen’
provide guidance on how to get the best of from the technology while avoiding
the pitfalls.

Most human communication is obtained visually, with 55 per cent from body
language, 38 per cent through tone and pitch and only seven per cent the actual
words. People normally remember about 20 per cent of what they hear if all
they have is sound, which is why aviation radio procedures require readback of
essential information such as frequencies, turning instructions and radar codes.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

Listening to directions from your GPS tends to be less effective than a

passenger giving you the same information, since the passenger provides cues
such as tone of voice and possibly gestures.
While technology can reduce pilot workload, the examples above show that
interactive systems have limited means of communication with the human
interface—so it’s not a matter of ‘set and forget’.
For example, ADS-B surveillance reduces the need for air-ground voice
communications for position reports, reducing some pilot and controller
workloads. When out of range of an ADS-B ground station, ADS-B IN receiver
capability provides the pilot with local airspace information and thus a real time
air traffic picture. This additional information should significantly enhance a
pilot’s situational awareness.
However, the additional information being presented creates workload for the
pilots because it has to be:
• observed in a timely manner, thus increased scanning
• interpreted correctly and
• used to contribute to the pilot’s decision-making process.
For example, instead of being instructed to change course or altitude by
the ATC, the onus is on the pilots to come to a consensus. And there is an
assumption the other aircraft in the vicinity are ADS-B OUT equipped and that
the equipment is operating.

Just as using cruise control in a car doesn’t mean that you can travel at a
constant speed regardless of other traffic, so there is no such thing as a routine
flight. Your GPS may have worked well last time—but what if there’s an in-flight
power failure, or it’s a different model this time?
As noted previously, ADS-B assists pilots through providing information, but
what if there is more information than the system can provide? An over-reliance
on the system to inform may lead to complacency with visual scans. Remember,
if you only look for one thing, you may miss important signals because your
perception is biased by your expectations and information filtering.
Furthermore, the displays of many GPS units are quite small, with the potential
for display reading errors. Warnings such as RAIM are often indicated by small
symbols or lights and if the screen is being dimmed by bright light the washout
can limit what is actually seen.
A last comment on over-reliance is the old adage ‘use it or lose it’. Drivers in a
simulator who follow satellite navigation instructions find it more difficult to work
out where they have been than those who use maps. Instructed drivers also fail
to notice that they have been led past the same point twice.
Roger McKinlay, the former president of the Royal Institute of Navigation in the
UK suggests that our natural sense of navigation diminishes over time if we
constantly outsource the responsibility to machines.
And skills need be practised. For example, flight planning and map-reading
skills are likely to deteriorate for VFR pilots who routinely rely on the direct-to
function on a GPS as their primary means of navigation.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

Current knowledge
If dependency increases on ‘outsourced’ knowledge systems, than there is
potential for any changes to the systems and procedures to be left to the device
to update, rather than on the operator to keep current. The good practice of
asking others, rather than assuming the automation is up-to-date, may lapse.
To ensure correct procedures are followed, always use checklists and avoid
working from memory.
For IFR pilots familiar with ground-based navigation aids, there will be some
significant differences in an RNAV environment. These include the display of
distance to the next waypoint, cross-track error measured in distance rather than
degrees, and absence of slant range. This means that some old rules of thumb
and situational awareness techniques may no longer apply. Be absolutely clear
about the minimum descent requirements for the approach segment you are in.
A lack of equipment standardisation may cause problems when pilots move
between aircraft. For example some CDTIs allow traffic on the ground to be
filtered out while others don’t.
An ADS-B OUT interface in the cockpit will not display traffic or terrain, but may
let the pilot enter the FLTID.
GNSS units have different modes of operation, including ‘go-to direct’, ‘nav’,
‘waypoint’, ‘alerts’ and ‘system status’, and the function inputs mean different
things in different modes. Some equipment does not display the mode, which
means pilots need to remember which one they are in.

Distraction is anything which draws a person’s attention away from the task at
hand. It’s also the main cause of forgetting things. There is a tendency, when
returning to a task after being distracted, to think we are further ahead than we
actually are.
Concentrating on only one thing while flying can be dangerous, leading to loss
of situational awareness and control. Using interactive equipment can capture
your attention for longer than you think.
For example, it’s easy to become fixated trying to find a function hidden deep in
the menu structure of a GPS. Familiarise yourself with the technology and do as
much preparation as possible, such as entering the waypoints for alternates on
the ground to cut the in-flight workload.
GNSS can distract pilots from other tasks, such as monitoring other instruments
and scanning for traffic. It can also lull pilots into a false sense of security.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

This is particularly, but not only, applicable to multi-crew operations. For
example, it’s important to make sure that the information which goes into the
GPS and ADS-B units is checked and double-checked, both for accuracy and
for common sense. Accidents have happened because crews faithfully input
data which was incorrect or ambiguous.

Fatigue is a natural physiological reaction to prolonged physical and/or mental
stress. After 17 hours of wakefulness, you are functioning as if you had an
equivalent blood alcohol level of 0.05 per cent. After 24 hours the level increases
to 0.1 per cent. The more fatigued you are, the lower your cognitive processing
speed and memory capacity, which detract from your ability to concentrate and
make you more easily distracted.
An area near the front of the brain responsible for logical reasoning and complex
thought seems particularly vulnerable to sleep deprivation. This may be why
people typically have such a hard time recognising their own fatigue and level of
impairment. We tend to underestimate our level of fatigue and overestimate our
ability to cope with it. Don’t be pressured into flying if you are fatigued.

Stress can have many causes, and can result in a pilot being less attentive,
or making a decision without considering all the information available. It can
cause a narrowing of attention, or tunnel vision, making information-gathering
(scanning) scattered and poorly organised.
Acute stress from too much work (overload) can be bad for situational
awareness. But so can too little stress, or underload.
If a lot of information needs to be prioritised quickly, situational awareness
will ultimately suffer. Real-time demands, such as dealing with an in-flight
emergency, can cause acute stress to our senses, mental processing and body.
Conversely, during periods of low workload such as in long-haul flying, reduced
vigilance may affect your motivation to actively find out what is going on around
you. Automation in the cockpit can leave a pilot with little to do, and the lack of
stimulation can lead to complacency.
Chronic stress is cumulative, and the result of life events such as family
relations, finances, illness, bereavement or divorce can mean our threshold
of reaction to demands and pressure at work is lowered. We may over-react
inappropriately, too often and too easily.

Norms are unwritten rules or behaviors, dictated and followed by the majority of
a group. They can be positive or negative, but most have not been designed to
meet all circumstances. Don’t feel pressured into doing something a particular
way just because ‘that’s the way it’s done around here’.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

The following extracts from reports of occurrences around the world show
the potential for human error in the use of GNSS equipment is.
• ‘Due to a discrepancy between the flight plan stored in the GPS unit
and the submitted flight plan, the aircraft tracked via a waypoint that
was not on the flight plan.’
• ‘The accident report of a collision between two aircraft stated that the
pilot of one of the aircraft became preoccupied with programming
his GPS unit and ran into the other aircraft, the pilot of which was
practising ground reference manoeuvres at the time.’
• ‘The pilot of an aircraft, which was destroyed when it struck trees on
departure from an airport, told the investigator that his hand-held GPS
receiver had fallen from the instrument panel during the take-off roll
and jammed the flight controls.’
• ‘The pilot was using a GPS receiver to navigate when, about
10 minutes before arrival, the receiver batteries failed. Becoming
disoriented, the pilot then used up the remaining fuel trying to locate
the airport, eventually making a forced landing into a parking lot.’

Situational awareness
The complexity of aviation operations means that there is potential for even
small errors to cause serious problems. A key to avoiding them is to understand
the consequences of particular actions.
Safe use of GPS in aviation requires:
• sound theoretical knowledge
• operational proficiency with the equipment
• awareness of both system and human vulnerabilities
• standardisation of systems and procedures wherever possible.

Ten clues to loss of situational awareness

These clues can warn of an error chain in progress—a series of events that may
lead to an accident. Most accidents involving human error include at least four
of these clues.
1 Ambiguity: information from two or more sources that doesn’t agree.
2 Fixation: focusing on any one thing to the exclusion of everything else.
3 Confusion: uncertainty about a situation (often accompanied by anxiety
or psychological discomfort).
4 Failure to fly the plane: you are focused on non-flying activities.
5 Failure to look outside: you are looking down.
6 Failure to meet an expected checkpoint on flight plan or profile.
7 Failure to adhere to standard operating procedures.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

8 Failure to comply with limitations, minimums, regulations etc.

9 Failure to resolve discrepancies: contradictory data or personal
10 Failure to communicate fully and effectively: vague or incomplete

How to maintain and improve situational awareness

Here are some simple tips to help maintain an adequate level of situational
awareness in your flying activities.
• Learn and recognise the symptoms that indicate you are losing
situational awareness. For instance, you may be losing situational
awareness if you are struggling with GNSS technology in flight, such as
flicking through manuals or cycling through control menus.
• Be well informed. Learn everything you can about the situation. In order
to make sound decisions as a pilot, it is vital that you have appropriate
and current information available and that it is used as much as is
operationally useful.
• Plan well in advance. ‘Know before you go’ by properly researching flight
plans and obtaining the timeliest data possible. Pre-flight planning can start
days before a flight and includes knowing everything you can about the
aircraft’s capabilities, the weather and the airports at which you will operate.
• Brief yourself and others on the plan. Take a few minutes to review your
flight plan and to brief yourself and your passengers and/or crew on each
phase of the upcoming flight. Cover the necessities such as airports, fuel
planning, emergencies and anything else that might be useful for that flight.
• Fly to your plan. Continually monitor the flight’s progress against the
original plan that you briefed prior to departure. Always know exactly where
you are and be prepared for the tasks that are required next.
• Use an easily repeatable scanning technique. Make sure that it takes in
engine instrument indications, flight instrument indications, aircraft heading,
flight path, time, charts and the ground. Develop a scan that covers key
items without distracting you too much. The scan should be well-rehearsed
and second nature; be careful not to fixate on any one item.
• Think ahead and rehearse your actions at key points. For example,
rehearse your actions should the engine fail in cruise flight, or immediately
after take-off.
• Communicate clearly when operating at, or in the vicinity of, airports.
Listen for key words that indicate the positions and intentions of other
aircraft. Be aware that not all aircraft will be radio equipped, and even those
which are, may not be listening on the appropriate frequency. Think ahead
and have a plan for safe and orderly traffic separation.
• Fly the plane within your limits and the aircraft’s performance limits.
• Avoid locking on to a problem or task for too long—for instance, your
intended landing point. Don’t keep looking only in one direction: keep
the scan going, be aware of the relative position and movement of other
traffic. Hold the heading and fly at a safe airspeed appropriate to current
atmospheric conditions, maintaining your height above the surface.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

Cockpit ergonomics
Many aircraft have been fitted with GNSS receivers some years after the aircraft
was designed and built. As a result, displays are not necessarily in the ideal
location in the cockpit, although IFR installations require the displays to be in
the pilot’s field of view. Reflected sunlight can cause problems with both screen
displays and annunciator lights and pilots should ensure familiarity with the
illumination of the particular receiver installation before night flight.
Many GNSS receivers are coupled to the horizontal situation indicator (HSI)
or the primary navigation display. Mode awareness is critical with these
installations as different switching and logic arrangements are used to display
data from GNSS, VOR, ILS and other sources. Pilots should also be aware of the
attentional dominance of the HSI when navigating by a system not displayed on
the HSI, and avoid this configuration where possible.

Where does my coffee cup go?

Donald Norman in The Design of Everyday Things (1988, revised 2013)
‘Even the comfort of the flight crew is ignored. Only recently have decent
places to hold coffee cups emerged. In older planes, the flight engineer
has a small desk for writing and for holding manuals, but the pilots don’t.
In modern planes, there are still no places for the pilots to put their charts,
their maps, or in some planes, their coffee cups. Where can the crew
stretch their legs or do the equivalent of putting the feet up on the desk?
And when it is mealtime, how does one eat without risking spilling food and
liquids over the cockpit? The lighting and design of the panels seem like an
afterthought, so much so that a standard item of equipment for a flight crew
is a flashlight.’
Norman says the cramped, inconsiderate design of cockpits is a symptom
of a more serious problem. ‘If comfort is ignored, think how badly mental
functioning must be treated.
‘Why hasn’t this need been recognised? The need for mental, cognitive
assistance should be recognised during the design of the cockpit. Why
don’t we build in devices to help the crew? Instead, we force them to
improvise, to tape notes here and there, or even to wedge pieces of paper
at the desired locations, all to act as memory aids. The crew needs external
information, knowledge in the world, to aid them in their tasks. Surely we
can develop better aids than empty coffee cups?’
Norman’s proposed solution is user-centred design, meaning it puts the
needs of the user before other considerations.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

Design should:
• make it easy to determine what actions are possible at any moment
• make things visible, including the conceptual model of the system, the
alternative actions, and the results of actions
• make it easy to evaluate the current state of the system
• follow natural mappings between intentions and the required actions;
between actions and the resulting effect; and between the information
that is visible and the interpretation of the system state.

Data entry in GNSS units

Both manually entered and database-derived information should be checked
for reasonableness with a confidence check in the following cases:
• prior to each compulsory reporting point
• prior to or at arrival at each en route waypoint
• at hourly intervals during area type operations when operating off
established routes
• after insertion of new data; for example, creation or amendment of a
flight plan.
Many similar or identical waypoint names exist in a database and it is possible
for pilots or software producers to load the wrong waypoint into a sequence
inadvertently. Confidence checks should compare tracks and distances
against charted information rather than simply scroll through a list of waypoints.
Pilots should refer to their company operations manual and to CAO 20.18 for
additional information regarding data entry.

Airmanship tips
A lack of mode awareness is a common hazard in computerised flight systems.
You must be able to recognise the correct mode of operation for each phase of
flight, particularly during instrument approach.
• Ensure you are familiar with the operating procedures before using the GPS
in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).
• Check the receiver operation, the database validity and your approach chart
before flight.
• Make sure the receiver is set up with the required navigation settings—
distances in nautical miles, QNH in hectopascals etc. Also check the CDI
scaling for en route operation.
• Ensure the GPS is included in your instrument scan but avoid fixating on
the receiver.
• Review the functions of the GPS receiver before each flight by entering the
complete flight plan, including the instrument approach procedure to your
• Do a confidence check of all tracks and distances.
• As you become more familiar with the unit, guard against complacency, and
use all navigation information available to cross-check GPS information.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

Key points
• GPS can deliver gains in reliability, accuracy and system monitoring
ability, but training and system familiarity is essential.
• The lack of standardisation of equipment can cause problems when
pilots move between aircraft with different displays.
• You might lose situational awareness if you are struggling with a GPS
in flight, such as flicking through manuals or cycling through controls.
• The amount of information humans can deal with at any one time
is limited and at times, particularly in the IFR environment during
high workload phases of flight, it is possible to exceed individual
processing capacity.
• Modern challenges in the human machine interface include cockpit
design, which covers how to present information to the pilot; and
automation design, covering the question of who should do what, in
dividing the task of flying between humans and computers.
• A lack of mode awareness is a common hazard in computerised flight
systems. You must be able to recognise the correct mode of operation
for each phase of flight, particularly during instrument approach.

When you are ready, please turn to page 22

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 8 Human factors

Further reading
CASA (1998). Situation awareness. Flight Safety Australia, November–
December. Retrieved May 2016 from:
CASA (2015). Design for living—why human machine interface matters.
Flight Safety Australia, May–June. Retrieved May 2016 from:
CASA (2015). HMI +ATC: A grounded understanding. Flight
Safety Australia, May–June. Retrieved May 2016 from:

CASA (2006). A dark side to GPS? Flight Safety Australia, November–
December. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2006). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 179A-1(1). Navigation
using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Canberra.
CASA (2006). Overview. Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Canberra.
CASA (2006). Instructor notes. Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
CASA (2014). The error of our ways. Flight Safety Australia, September–
October. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Dockrill, P. (2016). Over-Reliance on GPS Could See Us Lose Our Sense
of Navigation, Expert Warns, Science Alert. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Harvard University Get Sleep website retrieved April 2017 from
Schwartz, D. (2008). ‘10 clues to loss of Situational Awareness’.
Flight Safety International. Retrieved April 2017 from:
In February 2016, GNSS became mandatory for all
aircraft flying IFR. This chapter explores the transition
to performance-based navigation and how GNSS
is used in IFR operations through a number of area
navigation (RNAV) applications, providing guidance
on operating safely and addressing common issues.
GNSS may also be used in VFR operations—see
Chapter 10.

Pilots flying IFR must hold the applicable instrument

rating aircraft endorsements.
Instrument flight rules operations

• Transition to performance-based navigation 106

• IFR RNAV 108
• RNAV (GNSS) non-precision approach 109
• Oceanic RNAV 113
• Key points 114
• Resources 115
CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

CASA approves the use of GNSS for a variety of IFR applications.

These include:
• DR substitute
• en route RNAV
• required navigation performance (RNP) approach (also known as
RNAV[GNSS] non-precision approach)
• oceanic RNAV
• GNSS landing system (GLS).

Transition to performance-based navigation

The number associated with an RNP or RNAV specification includes the
navigational accuracy required (in nautical miles).
While both RNAV and RNP specify accuracy, RNP also specifies integrity.
Australian operational navigation specifications include:
• RNP 1—for standard instrument departures (SIDs) and standard terminal
arrival routes (STARs)
• RNP 2—en route
• RNP–APCH—LNAV approach.
Under GNSS-RNAV, these types of operations were previously known as
terminal, en route and non-precision approach.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

Navigation authorisations for typical IFR operations

The table below shows how operations have transitioned under advisory circular
(AC) 91.U-01 Navigation authorisations.

Operation Applicable navigation

Australian continental operations not • RNP 2
entering oceanic airspace that include • RNP 1
en route, terminal and:
• RNAV (GNSS) approach • baro-VNAV
• RNAV (GNSS) approach with Baro-VNAV
Operations entering oceanic airspace • RNAV 10 (RNP 10)
as well as continental operations that • RNP 2
include en route, terminal and RNAV
• RNP 1
(GNSS) approach.
Operations entering oceanic airspace as • RNAV 10 (RNP 10)
well as continental operations that include • RNP 2
en route, terminal and RNAV (GNSS)
• RNP 1
approach that will also be operating in
airspace with use of a satellite-based • RNP APCH-LNAV
augmentation system (SBAS). • RNP APCH-LP and LPV
Operations entering oceanic airspace • RNAV 10 (RNP 10)
with reduced separation (30 nm lateral • RNP 4
and longitudinal separation) as well as
• RNP 2
continental operations that include en route,
terminal and RNAV (GNSS) approach. • RNP 1
Note: There are likely to be additional • RNP APCH-LNAV
requirements for aircraft to be equipped
with CPDLC and ADS-C to support reduced
separation operations in oceanic airspace.
Aircraft that operate in B-RNAV airspace • RNAV 5
in Europe.
Aircraft that operate in North Atlantic high • NAT MNPS
level airspace (NATHLA). • NAT HLA MNPS
Aircraft that operate in European • RNAV 1
P-RNAV airspace or US RNAV Type A • RNAV 2
or Type B airspace.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

Pilots flying IFR in Australian domestic airspace may use GPS for position
fixing and long-range navigation in accordance with Airservices Australia’s
Aeronautical Information Package (AIP). This applies to operations on
designated RNAV routes, application of RNAV-based LSALT, deriving distance
information for en route navigation, traffic information and air traffic control
(ATC) separation. ATC may apply RNAV-based separation standards to aircraft
meeting the requirement for IFR RNAV.
Position fix (PF) is determined with reference to navigation aid and systems
using ground-based and/or satellite-based navigational systems.
GPS may also be used as a navigation aid to determine distance information for
standard instrument departures (SIDs), standard terminal arrival routes (STARs)
and instrument approach procedures where the use of GPS is specified on the
instrument approach and landing (IAL) chart. GPS may be used to meet the IFR
requirements for radio navigation systems specified in Airservices Australia’s AIP
Part 1-General (GEN) 1.5.
If your GNSS performance degrades to the point at which an alert is raised, or
you have any other cause to doubt GNSS information integrity, you should stop
using GNSS and carry out appropriate navaid failure procedures.

Common Australian operational navigation specifications under PBN

Metering Final
Take-off Departure Cruise descent approach Landing


CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

GNSS arrivals
Although classed as instrument approach procedures, GNSS arrivals and DME
or GNSS arrivals (DGA) are included in the RNP 1 application and approval.
Additional competency and recent qualifications apply to flying DGA.
For these procedures, the destination navaid (VOR or NDB) nominated on the
approach chart must be used to provide primary track guidance during the
arrival procedure and the distance information must be based on the ‘reference
waypoint’ navaid nominated on the chart.

Lowest safe altitude (LSALT)

AIP GEN 3.3 permits IFR LSALT to be determined by GNSS capability. LSALT
printed on terminal area and en route charts assumes RNP 2 capability and
takes into accont an area of 5 nm surrounding and including the departure
point, destination and nominal track. (see diagram).

5 nm radius 5 nm WPT

WPT 5 nm 5 nm radius

For other routes and route segments, the obstacle clearance to be considered
must be within an area of 5 nm surrounding, and including, an area defined
by lines drawn from the departure point not less than 15 degrees each side of
the nominal track to a maximum of 7 nm, thence paralleling track to abeam the
destination and converging by a semicircle of 7 nm centred on the destination.

RNAV (GNSS) non-precision approach

Pilots operating under IFR may use GPS as an approach navigation aid to
determine distance and track information for RNAV(GNSS), also known as
RNP APCH-LNAV, non-precision approach procedures. As with other IFR
applications, TSO-C129 is the minimum standard of approved receiver.
Overlay and T-pattern GNSS approaches are used in some other countries.
Pilots should familiarise themselves with the design, procedures and naming
conventions used before flying these approaches under IFR.
There are no published overlay approaches in Australian domestic airspace,
as the TSO-C129 receiver is unable to accurately fly the base turn reversal
procedure of the teardrop design commonly used in Australia.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

Australian approach design

The Australian-developed Y-pattern runway aligned design has been adopted
by ICAO and is published in PANS-OPS. The approaches are essentially
‘straight-in’ to the runway and can usually be joined at any of three initial
approach waypoints without the need for a reversal or base turn manoeuvre.

Naming conventions
The approach name is based on airport identification and the runway used
for alignment, or in some cases the direction of the approach in relation to
the airport.
In general, waypoint names use the first three letters to identify the aerodrome,
the next letter to identify the compass quadrant from which the approach is
flown, and the final letter for the approach waypoint.
For example, the Runway 24 GNSS approach for Paraburdoo, WA (YPBO) uses
‘PBO’ as the first three letters, and ‘E’ as the fourth letter, of all waypoints.

Runway 24 GNSS approach for Paraburdoo

CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

GPS non-precision approaches

The missed approach
• You must manually select
the missed approach mode
if required.
• If not visual at the MDA,
track to the missed
approach point before
T selecting the missed
H approach.
• If RAIM is available, the
system can be used for
guidance through the
missed approach.
During the final approach • If RAIM is unavailable,
segment or a warning is displayed,
• CDI full-scale deflection M another means of
and the RAIM protected guidance (including DR)
area are each 0.3 nm. must be used.
• Should a RAIM
warning or loss of On the intermediate
RAIM message appear, segment
the pilot must execute • The CDI begins transition
a missed approach.
F to 0.3 nm full-scale
deflection 2 nm from the
final approach waypoint.
• If the system fails to
transition to approach
mode by the final approach
waypoint, a missed
approach must be flown.
Enable approach
when ready.
Select desired
approach and
initial approach
Waypoint designators
H Missed approach holding
T Missed approach turning
waypoint (where required). The system will
M Missed approach waypoint enter terminal
F Final approach waypoint mode within 30 nm
I Intermediate approach of the aerodrome.
waypoint You may be prompted to
A Initial approach waypoint enter the aerodrome QNH.
C Initial approach waypoint
D Initial approach waypoint
CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

Vertical navigation
GNSS does not provide accurate altitude guidance and all altitudes must be
obtained from the aircraft altimeter. At runways where visual approach slope
indicators are not provided, pilots should take extra care to maintain the correct
approach angle at runways where visual slope indicators are not provided.
A distance altitude scale is usually provided on the approach plate to give a 3°
approach profile, and a corresponding altitude may be included on the profile
view at selected points.

Flying the approaches

GNSS receivers are essentially navigation management computers and require
more pilot attention than ILS, VOR and ADF receivers, particularly during
approach. Pilots should take advantage of receiver simulation modes and
ground training prior to undertaking airborne training.
Prior to flight, the receiver should be set to the required aviation parameters—
nautical miles, knots, altitude in feet, pressure in hectopascals and WGS84
reference system. The nominal en route CDI scaling is 5 nm full-scale deflection.
The database must be current and contain the relevant approach. The approach
should first be retrieved from the database and then selected along with the
desired initial approach waypoint. The intermediate, final and missed approach
segments must be flown only in that sequence. Select the desired approach
and the initial approach waypoint and add this to the flight plan. Check waypoint
sequence, tracks and distances against the approach chart.

Approach design

Initial approach Missed approach

waypoint holding point

Intermediate approach

5 nm 5 nm 5 nm
Initial approach Final Missed Missed
waypoint approach approach approach
waypoint point turning point
(if required)

Initial approach waypoint

CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

Pilot identification of each waypoint is essential for situational awareness during

the approach, and to ensure compliance with limiting altitudes. The distance
provided by the receiver is to the next approach waypoint (not to the airport)
and the receiver will adjust the CDI scaling through the approach. The tracking
tolerance is half of full-scale deflection regardless of the CDI scale.
An aircraft that is not required to hold or to lose height in a holding pattern may
commence the approach without entering the holding pattern for procedures
using GPS, provided the aircraft is tracking to an initial approach waypoint from
within the capture region for that waypoint. Capture regions ensure that the
radius of turn will permit interception of the approach segment prior to the next
Should a missed approach be required, the missed approach mode must be
manually selected. This expands the CDI scale to the terminal mode of 1.0 nm.

Oceanic RNAV
CASA may issue an approval for an operator to use GNSS as an en-route
navigation aid in oceanic and remote areas outside the boundaries of Australian
domestic airspace. The oceanic RNAV approval is based on FAA Notice 8110.60
and designed for operations over the high seas and in remote areas such as

Equipment requirements
The GPS equipment requirements include dual installations of FDE-capable
receivers to ensure adequate redundancy and navigation performance.
Installations in Australian registered aircraft must be approved and equipment
capable of carrying out an appropriate en route RAIM prediction analysis for the
route to be flown must use avionics manufacturer-specified software.

Operational requirements
You must operate GPS navigation equipment in accordance with the operating
instructions and any additional requirements specified in the approved aircraft
flight manual or flight manual supplement. These instructions must be carried
on-board the aircraft.
In addition to GPS, aircraft must also be equipped with serviceable radio
navigation systems as specified at GEN1.5 Section 2, or the operator’s minimum
equipment list.
Before each flight, you must do an appropriate en route GPS prediction analysis,
using the software provided by the GPS manufacturer. For this analysis, you
must use the following parameters or equivalents:
• the route or airspace RNP, where published, or
• a centreline space of 20 nm for flight in classes A, C, D & E airspace or
50 nm for flight in OCA, and
• for Australian operators, a record of the GPS prediction analysis must be
retained as required by the instrument of approval.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

Oceanic lateral offsets

ICAO has analysed the technical safety issues associated with the use of lateral
offsets when flying in oceanic areas. Parallel offset tracking is only approved for
oceanic operations. The current separation standards, safety height calculations
and tracking requirements for IFR aircraft are based on the requirement that
the pilot will attempt to maintain track as closely as possible. Offsets are not
approved for non-oceanic IFR aircraft.
Authorisation from AIP ENR 2.2 states that aircraft operating in oceanic
controlled airspace in the Australian flight information region (FIR) are authorised
to use lateral offsets in accordance with certain requirements. This approval is
no longer specific to operations with GNSS and full details of the requirements
are listed in AIP. Contact your local CASA field office to apply for an oceanic

Key points
• GNSS must not be used as navigation reference for flight below the
lowest safe altitude (LSALT) or minimum safe altitude (MSA), except as
specified in IFR applications or as authorised by CASA.
• Pilots operating under IFR may use GPS in lieu of dead reckoning (DR)
navigation techniques for that part of the flight that is outside the rated
coverage of terrestrial navigation aids.
• Pilots operating in Australian domestic airspace under IFR may
use GPS for RNAV—position fixing and long range navigation—
in accordance with Airservices Australia’s AIP en route (ENR)
• Pilots operating under IFR may use GPS as an approach navigation
aid to determine distance and track information for RNAV(GNSS) non-
precision approach procedures.
• CASA may issue an approval for an operator to use GNSS as an
en-route navigation aid in oceanic and remote areas outside the
boundaries of Australian domestic airspace.

When you are ready, please turn to page 27

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 9 Instrument flight rules operations

Further reading
Airservices Australia (2014). AIP Australia Part 1 General (GEN). Retrieved
April 2017 from:
Airservices Australia (2016). AIP Australia Part 2 En route (ENR). Retrieved
April 2017 from:
CASA (2000). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication Private IFR rating.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2015). Instrument ratings. Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2016). The Part 61 Manual of Standards. Retrieved April 2017

Airservices Australia (2015). What is an instrument landing system?
Retrieved April 2017 from:
Australian Government (2014). Instrument number CASA 80/14
Instructions—use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Retrieved
April 2017 from:
CASA (2006). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 179A-1(1). Navigation
using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Canberra.
CASA (2015). Advisory Circular 91.U-01 Navigation authorisations.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2016). Flight Crew Licensing Procedures Manual. Retrieved April
2017 from:
Skybrary (2014) Instrument Landing System. Retrieved April 2017 from:
Not sure whether you’re ready to apply for the
instrument rating exam but still want to use GNSS
and ADS-B when you fly? The good news is GNSS
may be used in visual flight rules (VFR) operations for
visual navigation and night VFR—you will just need to
demonstrate competency in GNSS use in night VFR

Installation of an ADS-B unit is the responsibility of an

aircraft operator, but pilots need to be aware of how
to operate a unit and respond to air traffic controller
instructions. You can review ADS-B operations in
Chapter 4 and also make sure you are ready to fly
with thorough flight planning—see Chapter 7 on
flight planning. You can also order a copy of the flight
planning kit from the CASA online store—go to
Visual flight rules operations

• Visual navigation 118

• Night VFR 119
• VFR qualifications 120
• Key points 120
• Resources 121
CNS/ATM | Chapter 10 Visual flight rules operations

GNSS can be used under visual flight rules for:

• visual navigation
• night VFR RNAV.

Visual navigation
VFR pilots may use GNSS to supplement map reading and other visual
navigation techniques. This is not an approval to replace visual navigation
techniques with GNSS.
Blind faith in GNSS has been blamed for a sharp rise in the number of violations
of controlled and restricted airspace by VFR aircraft. You should also be aware
of the human factors and technical standards issues associated with different
types of receivers and installations.

At night
As well as using GNSS to supplement visual navigation, you can train and
obtain qualifications to use GNSS equipment for night VFR navigation in
Australian domestic airspace.
If your GNSS performance degrades to the point at which an alert is raised, or
you have any other cause to doubt GNSS information integrity, you should stop
using GNSS and carry out appropriate navaid failure procedures.

178 seconds to live—VFR into IMC

Flights operating under VFR flying into IMC remains a prominent safety
issue, with the Australian Transport Safety Bureau recording an average of
11 occurrences a year, including serious incidents and accidents.
In 1999, a pilot was conducting a VFR flight from Walgett to an airstrip near
Merriwa. The Piper Archer had departed from Walgett earlier in the day,
but returned a short time later when it was reported that weather at the
destination was not suitable for VFR flight.
However, the pilot felt under pressure to complete the flight that day. He
continued to monitor the weather by telephoning for weather reports from an
automatic Bureau of Meteorology outlet and by contacting a friend near the
destination airfield.
The aircraft departed again at 1415, but the pilot never reached Merriwa.
Read the full story and watch the ‘178 seconds to live’ safety video
on the Flight Safety Australia website:
CNS/ATM | Chapter 10 Visual flight rules operations

VFR parallel offsets

International and Australian studies indicate there is some increased risk of
head-to-head collision because of the increased navigation accuracy provided
to aircraft using GNSS equipment. The following provides guidance to pilots
using GNSS for VFR navigation in class E and class G airspace.
• Pilots should use known waypoints to determine tracks and, when
broadcasting, give position information in relation to those waypoints
to provide meaningful alerted ‘see and avoid’ positions to any possibly
conflicting traffic.
• When operating clear of class C and class D, pilots flying VFR using a GNSS
navigation source may offset 1.0 nm RIGHT of track. The offsets must not be
used in proximity to controlled or restricted airspace because their use could
infringe aircraft segregation.
• Prior to entering class C, class D or when changing to IFR, this offset must
be cancelled. Offsets should not be included in default receiver settings and
pilots should ensure that they are removed from the CDI settings after use.
• Pilots using the offset procedure while operating under VFR at night must
ensure that LSALT calculations are based on the offset track.

GNSS as a supplement to visual navigation techniques

Continuing improvements to the accuracy, affordability and usability of GNSS
and its flying-related applications have led to an increasing number of VFR pilots
using it as a navigation aid. As with most new technologies, some safety issues
have arisen and improper use of, or overreliance on, GNSS have been identified
as contributing to a number of safety occurrences discussed in Chapter 8.

Night VFR
In addition to the use of GNSS to supplement visual navigation, pilots may
undertake training and become qualified to use GNSS equipment as a night
VFR navigation aid in Australian domestic airspace.
The following descriptions provide a general summary for educational purposes.
Refer to AIP for full details of the approvals.

RNAV approval
GNSS may be used under VFR at night as a navigation aid and RNAV system
for the following purposes:
• position fixing
• operations on designated RNAV routes and application of RNAV-
based LSALT
• deriving distance information for en route navigation, traffic information
and ATC separation
• meeting the night VFR requirements for carriage of radio navigation
systems and alternate aerodromes.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 10 Visual flight rules operations

Lowest safe altitude

Night VFR LSALT can be determined by a number of different methods,
including on the basis of GNSS RNAV capability.

Mandatory navigation equipment

GNSS systems used by appropriately qualified pilots may satisfy the night VFR
requirements for serviceable radio navigation systems.

Alternate aerodromes
GNSS equipment may be used to satisfy the navigation aid aspects of night VFR
alternate aerodrome requirements.

VFR qualifications
Day VFR operations
There are no GNSS qualifications issued for the use of GPS as a supplement to
visual navigation. Pilots should review the competency requirements of the day
VFR syllabus in regard to the use of navigation aids.

Night VFR operations

Pilots must be competent to use their GNSS unit and comply with a licensing
requirements of CASR Part 61.

Key points
• GPS may be used in visual flight rules (VFR) operations for visual
navigation and night VFR—you will just need to demonstrate
competency in GNSS use in night VFR operations.
• Under VFR you cannot fly in cloud and must also stay a specified
distance away from cloud, regardless of supplementary GNSS
guidance available.
• ‘Blind’ faith in GNSS is often blamed for a sharp rise in the number of
violations of controlled and restricted airspace by VFR aircraft.

When you are ready, please turn to page 29

of the workbook and complete the exercises.
CNS/ATM | Chapter 10 Visual flight rules operations

Further reading
CASA (2016). 178 seconds to live—VFR into IMC. Retrieved April 2017

Airservices Australia (2016). Mode S transponders, ADS-B and VFR aircraft.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
Australian National Airline College (2014). VFR Versus IFR Explained.
Retrieved April 2017 from:
CASA (2006). Civil Aviation Advisory Publication 179A-1(1). Navigation
using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Canberra.
Skybrary (2015). Using GNSS as a VFR Navigation Tool. Retrieved April
2017 from:

• Abbreviations 124
• Definitions 126
• Rules and information 128
CNS/ATM | Appendices

AAIM Aircraft autonomous integrity CDI Course deviation indicator
monitor CDTI Cockpit display of traffic
ABAS Aircraft-based augmentation information
system CPDLC Controller to pilot data link
ACID Aircraft identification communication
ADC Air data computer DA Decision altitude
ADS Automatic dependent DB Database or data block
surveillance DME Distance measuring
ADS-B Automatic dependent equipment
surveillance-broadcast DOD US Department of Defense
ADS-C Automatic dependent EGNOS European geostationary
surveillance-contract navigation overlay service
AFCS Automatic flight control system ERSA En route supplement Australia
AFM Aircraft flight manual ESIR Electronic safety incident
AFMS Aircraft flight manual report
supplement FAA Federal Aviation
AIP Aeronautical Information Administration
Package FAR Federal aviation regulation
AIRAC Aeronautical information FD Fault detection
regulation and control FDE Fault detection and exclusion
AIS Aeronautical information FDR Flight data record
FIR Flight information region
AMM Aircraft maintenance manual
FLTID Flight identification
AP Autopilot
FMS Flight management system
APCH Approach
FTE Flight technical error
AR Authorisation required
GBAS Ground-based augmentation
ASECNA Agency for security of aerial system
navigation in Africa
GEO Geostationary Earth orbit
ATC Air traffic control
GLONASS Global orbiting navigation
ATIS Automatic terminal information satellite system
GNSS Global navigation satellite
ATS Air traffic services system
AWIB Aerodrome weather GPS Global positioning system
information broadcast
GRAS Ground-based regional
BARO Barometric augmentation systems
Baro-VNAV Barometric vertical navigation IATA International Air Transport
BNN Backup navigation network Association
B-RNAV Basic area navigation ICAO International Civil Aviation
CAAP Civil Aviation Advisory Organization
Publication IFR Instrument flight rules
CAO Civil Aviation Order ILS Instrument landing system
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority IMC Instrument meteorological
CDFA Continuous descent final conditions
CNS/ATM | Appendices

INS Inertial navigation system RNP Required navigation

IREX Instrument rating exam performance
IRS Inertial reference system RNP APCH RNP approach
ISA International standard RNP AR RNP AR approach
atmosphere APCH
LAME Licensed aircraft maintenance RNP AR RNP AR departure
engineer DEP
LNAV Lateral navigation RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force
LNAV/ Lateral navigation with vertical RPS RAIM prediction service
VNAV navigation RVSM Reduced vertical separation
LOC ILS localiser minimum
LOI Loss of integrity SA Selective availability
LP Localiser performance SARPS Standards and recommended
LPV Localiser performance with practices
vertical guidance SATCOM Satellite communications
LSALT Lowest safe altitude SBAS Satellite-based augmentation
MNPS Minimum navigation system
performance specification SDCM Refers to the Russian system
NAIPS National aeronautical of differential correction
information processing system and monitoring
NATHLA North Atlantic high level SID Standard instrument departure
airspace SIS Signal-in-space
ND Navigation display SMS Safety management system
NDB Non-directional beacon SSR Secondary surveillance radar
NPA Non-precision approach STAR Standard terminal arrival route
NRP Navigation rationalisation TCAS Traffic collision alerting and
project avoidance system
NSE/PEE Navigation system error/ TF Track to a fix
position estimation error TOAC Time of arrival control
NVFR Night visual flight rules TSE Total system error
OEM Original equipment TSO Technical standard order
manufacturer VFR Visual flight rules
PBN Performance-based navigation VHF Very high frequency
PDE Path definition error VMC Visual meteorological
PIC Pilot-in-command conditions
P-RNAV Precision area navigation VNAV Vertical navigation
QZSS Quasi-zenith satellite system VOR VHF omnidirectional range
RAIM Receiver autonomous integrity WAAS Wide area augmentation
monitoring system
RF Constant radius to a fix WGS World geodetic survey
RNAV Area navigation WILCO ‘will comply’
CNS/ATM | Appendices

Airspace: an area, route or procedure (the designated environment) in respect
of which all, or any, of the following requirements must be satisfied, before an
aircraft to which an order applies, is able to use it:
• navigation specifications (RNAV or RNP) applicable in the designated
environment, for which the aircraft must hold an authorisation or approval
• aircraft navigation equipment requirements that the aircraft must satisfy
• aircraft navigation system functional and performance requirements that the
aircraft must satisfy
• aircraft navigation equipment installation requirements that the aircraft must
Almanac: a crude set of parameters used to approximate the orbits of satellites
in the GNSS constellation.
Alternate means of navigation: the use of information from an area navigation
system in lieu of that from conventional navigation aids and navigation
equipment that is installed, operational and compatible with conventional
navigation aids.
Augmentation systems: GNSS supplemental systems used to augment
core satellite constellation signals to meet safety and reliability requirements.
These systems may include ranging, integrity or differential elements in any
combination. There are three categories of augmentation systems:
• aircraft-based augmentation systems (ABAS)
• ground-based augmentation systems (GBAS)
• satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS).
Automatic direction finder (ADF): equipment on the aircraft that detects a
non-directional beacon’s (NDB) signal and the NDB transmitter.
Availability: the proportion of time the system is to be used for navigation
during which the aircraft gets reliable navigation information.
CNS/ATM: airspace capacity is determined by the combined capabilities of the
communications, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management systems
(CNS/ATM) in place. These include ground- and aircraft-based systems and
requirements vary according to the airspace being considered.
Coarse/acquisition code (C/A code): a satellite-unique sequence of binary
pulses transmitted by a GPS satellite and available to all users of the system.
Also known as the civilian code.
Continuity of service: the capability of the system to perform its function
without unscheduled interruptions during the intended operation.
Continuous descent final approach (CDFA): a technique, consistent with
stabilised approach procedures, for flying the final approach segment of a
non-precision approach (NPA) procedure as a constant descent, without
level-off, from an altitude at, or above, the final approach fix altitude to a point
approximately 15 m (50 ft) height above the landing runway threshold or the
point where the flare manoeuvre should begin for the type of aircraft flown.
CNS/ATM | Appendices

Ephemeris: software which generates the position of planets and their

satellites, asteroids or comets.
ETSO: European technical standard order and/or FAA technical standard order.
GAGAN: refers to the Indian global positioning system (GPS) aided
geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) augmented navigation.
Instrument landing system localiser (LOC): a system of horizontal guidance
in the instrument landing system, which is used to guide aircraft along the axis
of the runway.
Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC): an aviation flight category that
describes weather conditions that require pilots to fly primarily by reference to
Integrity: the ability of a system to provide timely warnings to users when it
should not be used for navigation.
Localiser performance with vertical guidance (LPV) approach: similar to
an instrument landing system (ILS) approach, it requires an SBAS-enabled
GPS receiver.
Long range navigation system: a navigation system comprising an INS, an
IRS or a GNSS capable of use in oceanic or remote airspace.
MSAS: multi-function transport satellite (MTSAT)—a satellite-based
augmentation system.
Navigation specification: a set of aircraft and aircrew requirements needed to
support PBN operations within a defined airspace.
Operator: the individual or entity responsible for flight operation of the aircraft.
This may or may not be the registered operator for maintenance purposes.
Path terminator: a specific type of flight path along a segment of a route
or a procedure along with a specific type of termination of that flight path, as
assigned to all area navigation routes, SIDs, STARs and approach procedure
segments in an aircraft navigation database.
Performance-based navigation: area navigation based on performance
requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on an instrument
approach procedure, or in a designated airspace.
Positional dilution of precision (PDOP): a measure of how satellite geometry
affects navigation and time accuracy. PDOP multiplies range errors and
increases position errors.
Receiver autonomous integrity monitor: a form of ABAS whereby a GNSS
receiver processor determines the integrity of the GNSS navigation signals using
only GPS signals or GPS signals augmented with altitude (baro-aiding). This
determination is achieved by a consistency check among redundant pseudo-
range measurements. For the receiver to perform the RAIM function, at least
one additional satellite needs to be available with the correct geometry, over and
above the requisite GNSS satellites needed for the position estimation.
Reliability: the probability of performing a specified function without failure
under given conditions for a specified time.
CNS/ATM | Appendices

Restricted aerodrome: an aerodrome for which an operator restricts

operations to aircraft with certain equipment, or flight crew with a certain
combination of training, qualifications and experience, as set out in the
operations manual.
RNAV specification: a navigation specification based on area navigation that
does not include the requirement for on-board performance monitoring and
alerting, designated by the prefix RNAV, e.g. RNAV 5, RNAV 1.
RNP specification: a navigation specification based on area navigation that
includes the requirement for on-board performance monitoring and alerting,
designated by the prefix RNP, e.g. RNP 4, RNP APCH.
Standard instrument arrival (STAR): a designated instrument flight rule (IFR)
arrival route linking a significant point, normally on an ATS route, with a point
from which a published instrument approach procedure can be commenced.
Standard instrument departure (SID): a designated instrument flight rule
(IFR) departure route linking the aerodrome or a specified runway of the
aerodrome with a specified significant point, normally on a designated ATS
route, at which the en route phase of a flight commences.
Visual meteorological conditions (VMC): an aviation flight category in which
visual flight rules (VFR) flight is permitted—that is, conditions in which pilots
have sufficient visibility to fly the aircraft maintaining visual separation from
terrain and other aircraft.

Rules and information

Please go to the CASA and Airservices Australia websites for current rules and
further information on the topics covered in this Resource guide.

Aviation safety rules are contained in the:
• Civil Aviation Act 1988
• Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR)
• Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) and associated legislative
Links to the act and regulations are available at

Airservices Australia
The Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) can be downloaded from the
Airservices Australia website at
It includes:
• The AIP book
• AIP supplements and aeronautical information circulars (AIC)
• Departure and approach procedures (DAP)
• Designated airspace handbook (DAH)
• En route supplement Australia (ERSA)
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
GPO Box 2005
Canberra ACT 2601
p. 131 757 (local call)
e. [email protected]

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