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Creating a new investigation case

The FTK allows you to manage your investigations by assigning a case for each of them. The case information
is stored in a database.

To create a new case, perform the following steps:

1. Click on New… and select New Case. The New Case Options dialog opens,
as shown in the following screenshot:

2. Fill in the fields that appear in the following manner:

°° Case Name: In this field, enter the name of the case.

°° Description: This field is optional and text free.
°° Reference: This field is also optional and text free.
°° Description File: In this field, you can attach a file to the case.
°° Case Folder Directory: This holds the path where case files will be stored.
°° Database Directory: This is the path where case database will be stored. Select the In the case folder
checkbox to set the same folder of the case.

°° Processing Profile: Configure the default processing options for the case by either using a processing
profile or custom settings. This item will be detailed in the next topic.
°° Open the case: Check this option if you wish to open the case as soon as it is created. After the fields are
filled, click on OK to create the new case.
3. The next step is to add the evidence file, as shown in the
following screenshot:

4. Click on Add and select one of the following evidence types:

°° Acquired Image(s): Select this type to add an image file (dd, e01, AD1,and so on)
°° All Images in Directory: Select this to add all images in a specific folder
°° Contents of a Directory: Select this type to add all files in a specific folder
°° Individual File(s): Select this to add a single file (docx, pdf, jpg, and so on)
°° Physical Drive: Select this to add a physical device (a full hard disk)
°° Logical Drive: Select this to add a logical volume or partition, for example, the C or D drive

5. Click on OK set the following items:

°° Time Zone: Select the correct time zone of the location where the evidence was collected.
°° Refinement Options: Select which items will be processed in evidence. This item will be detailed in the next
°° Language Settings: Select the correct language that corresponds to the alphabet used in the collected evidence.

6. Once all the parameters are configured, click on OK and wait for the evidence processing.

[Incorrect use of the Time Zone option can produce inconsistent results because it changes all MAC time values of
evidence. If you do not know the Time Zone option of the evidence, use the FTK registry viewer tool to identify it]

6. Once all the parameters are configured, click on OK and wait for the evidence processing.

[Incorrect use of the Time Zone option can produce inconsistent results because it changes all MAC time values of
evidence. If you do not know the Time Zone option of the evidence, use the FTK registry viewer tool
to identify it.
The FTK interface
The main feature of the FTK interface is the location, organization, and exportation of data. The interface
contains tabs, each with a specific focus, and also contains a common toolbar and file list with customizable
columns. New tabs can be added to help the localization of information as shown in the following screenshot:

The tabs can be categorized as follows:

• Menus/Toolbar: In this option, all the functionalities and settings of the tools can be accessed. Use filters to
find relevant evidence.
• Tabs: Each tab will display the data in different structures as follows:
°° Explorer: This tab lists the evidence in a directory structure, similar to the Windows explorer. Evidence can
be viewed in physical or logical drives.
Adding and previewing an evidence item
You can either add a single evidence item or several items at one time. The following screenshot shows the
procedure in a step-by-step format:

1. Click on the Add Evidence Item button on the toolbar.

2. Select the source type you want to preview and then click on Next.

3. Select the drive or browse to the source you want to preview and then click on Finish:
4. The evidence item appears in the Evidence Tree pane:
Creating forensic images
Once the item is added to the evidence, you can perform the process of creating a forensic image. FTK Imager
allows you to make several different types of forensic images. In addition, drive content and hash lists can be

To create the image, perform the following steps:

1. Click on the Export Disk Image button on the toolbar.
2. Click on the Add… button.
3. Select the image type and click on Next:

4. Fill the evidence item information and click on Next:

5. Select the destination folder, filename, fragment size, and compression options, and then click on

Mounting the image

With the feature of mounting, the forensic images will be allowed to be mounted as a drive or physical device
with a read-only viewing option. This opens the image as a drive and allows you to browse the content in
Windows and other applications.
The types supported are RAW/dd images, E01, S01, AFF, AD1, and L01. Full disk images are RAW/dd, E01,
and S01, and these can be mounted physically, simulating a physical disk connected to the computer. This
feature allows you to add the emulated physical disk to a virtual machine, as shown in the following

The Capture Memory feature

Volatile data, such as memory contents, has important evidence that must be analyzed. Through the collection
in the memory, you can extract information such as running processes, documents in use, websites accessed,
username and password, and a lot more. To execute the acquisition, perform the following steps:
1. Click on the Memory Capture button on the toolbar.
2. Select the destination path for the collected file.
3. As an optional step, you can include a Pagefile.sys file and create an AD1 evidence file format.
4. Click on Capture Memory to start the process as shown in the following screenshot
Obtaining the protected files
The Windows operating system does not allow you to copy or save live Registry files. You can acquire
these protected registers running FTK Imager on the machine, which contains the records you want to copy as
1. Click on the Obtain Protected Files button on the toolbar.
2. Select the destination folder for the obtained files.
3. Choose between the options of acquisition that are either needed to recover the password or the entire
4. Click on OK, as shown in the following screenshot:
Detecting the EFS encryption
You can check for encrypted data on a physical drive or an image with FTK Imager just by clicking on the
Detect Encryption button on the toolbar. The program scans the evidence and notifies you if the
encrypted files have been located:
This chapter covered the main features of FTK Imager. FTK Imager is a very important tool to produce
Forensic images and can support almost all evidence file formats. You can preview the evidence before the
image. This is important because you can do a triage and collect only important information, considerably
reducing the collection and time. You are able to understand the importance of using a write block device
along with analysis FTK Imager. In this way, it is possible to assure the integrity of a piece of evidence. You
have learned about the interface in the solution and the main features of FTK Imager, as Add and Preview
Evidence Item, Creating Forensic Images, Image Mounting, Capture Memory, Obtain Protected Files,
and Detect EFS Encryption. To summarize, FTK Imager is an essential tool for all experts and examiners.
The best part of it is that it is free!

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