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Vocabulary and Grammar Test Unit 1 Test B

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the text with the words below. Some words are used twice.
walk have meet use get do read start

Before school
On school days I 1____________ up early (at 6 o’clock!). I 2_________ a shower and then I
_________ breakfast.
Every morning I 4____________ my friends and we 5____________ to school together. We
____________ school at 8 o’clock.
After school
When I 7____________ home from school, I 8____________ my homework and then I relax. Some
days I 9____________ a book or listen to music, but usually I go on my computer and
____________ the internet.
Mark: ___ / 20

2 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions: at, in or on.

1 I have dinner ____________ 6 o’clock and then I do my homework.
2 I visit my grandparents ____________ Sundays.
3 We usually go for a walk in the park ____________ the afternoon.
4 We go on holiday ____________ July or August.
5 My brother and I play basketball ____________ Saturday mornings.
6 I have my piano lessons ____________ the weekend.
7 ____________ Saturday evenings, I meet my friends.
8 I have maths and science ____________ the morning and English and ICT in the afternoon.

Mark: ___ / 8

3 Complete the sentences with the school subjects.
1 You study Michelangelo and Van Gogh in ____________ .
9 You study different countries in ____________ .
10 You use computers in ____________ .
11 You learn to sing and act in ____________ .
12 You play an instrument in ____________ .
13 You do sport and exercise in ____________ .
14 You study biology and physics in ____________ .
15 You learn to count and do geometry in ____________ .

Mark: ___ / 8

4 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the words in brackets.
1 I ____________ (not watch) much TV at weekends.
2 Our lessons ____________ (start) at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 4.30 p.m.
3 My mum ____________ (not like) sad films.
4 Polly ____________ (go) swimming twice a week.
5 We ____________ (not use) dictionaries every day – only about once a week.
6 I ____________ (speak) two languages: English and German.
7 Pete ____________ (not study) a lot and he doesn’t pass many tests. He ____________ (not
be) a very good student.
8 Our teacher ____________ (ask) us to write in English for homework.
9 The journey to school ____________ (take) about half an hour.

Mark: ___ / 10

5 Complete the text with the correct form of the words below.
not stay up play have not have train get like

I 1____________ dinner with my family on Mondays because I 2____________ ice-hockey in the

evening. My brother Jason 3____________ with me in the same hockey team. We 4____________
dinner after we 5____________ home from hockey training. I 6____________ for very long after
dinner, but Jason 7____________ to watch films all evening.
Mark: ___ / 7

6 Complete the questions with the correct question words.
1 ‘____________ you do sport at the weekend?’ ‘Yes, I do. I do karate.’
2 ‘____________ do you buy your clothes?’ ‘On the internet.’
3 ‘____________ do you do your homework?’ ‘In the evenings.’
4 ‘____________ sport do you play?’ ‘Football.’
5 ‘____________ is your brother?’ ‘He’s eighteen.’
6 ‘____________ helps you with your English homework?’ ‘My sister. She’s good at English.’
7 ‘____________ your father watch the news in the evening?’ ‘Yes, he does.’

Mark: ___ / 7
TOTAL MARKS: ___ / 60

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