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Curse of Strahd: Reloaded

A Campaign Guide by /u/DragnaCarta

Chapter 1: Death House

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Chapter 1: Death House

❓ For Your Consideration - Low-Gear Beginnings
Rose and Thorn
Areas of the House
📜 Extra Credit - Death House Soundscape
1. Entrance
2. Main Hall
❓ For Your Consideration - Main Hall Haunting
3. Den of Wolves
❓ For Your Consideration - Den of Wolves Haunting
5. Dining Room
❓ For Your Consideration - Dining Room Haunting
6. Upper Hall
❓ For Your Consideration - Upper Hall Haunting
7. Servants’ Room
8. Library
❓ For Your Consideration - Library Haunting
9. Secret Room
10. Conservatory
11. Balcony
🧟 Know the Monsters: Animated Armor
12. Master Suite
15. Nursemaid’s Suite
18. Storage Room
20. Children’s Room
❓ For Your Consideration - Uncle Dimov
21. Secret Stairs
25. Well & Cultist Quarters
28. Larder
29. Ghoulish Encounter
30. Stairs Down
31. Darklord’s Shrine
33. Cult Leaders’ Den
34. Cult Leaders’ Quarters
35. Reliquary
37. Portcullis
38. Ritual Chamber
❓ For Your Consideration - Walter, the Flesh Mound
Flight from Death House
Skill Challenge Rules
Running the Skill Challenge
38. Ritual Chamber
26. Hidden Spiked Pit
25. Well & Cultist Quarters
27. Dining Hall
3. Den of Wolves
21. Secret Staircase
15. Nursemaid’s Suite

15C. Nursemaid’s Balcony
12. Master Suite
12C. Master Balcony
11. Balcony
6. Upper Hall
4. Kitchen & Pantry
1B. Entrance Foyer
1A. Entrance Gate
Aftermath of Escape
❓ For Your Consideration - The Death of Death House
❓ For Your Consideration - Welcome to Barovia

Chapter 1: Death House
Unlike most other locations in Barovia, which, while optional for the players, serve as concrete
areas within the Ravenloft setting, Death House is an entirely optional prequel module that
serves as an introduction to ​Curse of Strahd​’s setting, tone, and themes.

The choice to run Death House or not is entirely at the DM’s discretion. While surveys of
/r/CurseOfStrahd show that a large majority of DMs tend to run this dungeon, it is perfectly
permissible to run your PCs through another adventure that will take them from levels 1 to 3, or
to simply start them off in Barovia at level 3.

A few points to consider when choosing to run Death House or not:

● Simply starting the PCs in the village of Barovia as-written can serve as an anti-hook.
Unless you employ the Plea for Help or Mysterious Visitors hooks exactly as the book
describes them, the PCs will have no pressing action or intrigue to engage them until
they receive Madame Eva’s reading, encounter Morgantha peddling her wares, or
become embroiled in the politics of Vallaki.
● The malevolence and alien nature of Death House can serve as a marked contrast to
Ismark and Ireena’s warmth and humanity, driving the players to view them more
● Should you choose to run ​Curse of Strahd​ as-written, without any modifications
regarding lethality, Death House serves as an excellent introduction to the danger and
deadliness of Barovia.
● Several items within Death House, including Strahd’s note and the deed to Old
Bonegrinder, can foreshadow future locations and characters while planting the seeds
for future plot hooks.
● Throwing a group of level-one PCs into a dark and dangerous haunted house builds
both the suspense and fear that make ​Curse of Strahd’s​ creeping horror so effective.

● The mechanical tone of Death House can differ greatly from the rest of ​Curse of Strahd,​
building player familiarity with a linear dungeon crawl that contrasts with the open
sandbox nature of the rest of Barovia.
● Many experienced players prefer starting at a level when their characters become more
complex and their archetypes accessible. Level one characters can occasionally bore
veterans who may be more interested in mechanical aspects of D&D.
● Death House can easily be removed from a campaign without impacting the rest of the
adventure, which speaks to its uselessness in service to the overall plot.

Once you have chosen to run Death House, you must be prepared to structure the earliest
sessions of the campaign around it.

When the PCs arrive in the land of Barovia, Death House will be the first sign they see of
proper, established civilization. However, placing it within the borders of Barovia Village can
make it clear to your players that they are being railroaded inside, and possibly lead them to
mistrust Rose and Thorn from the get-go.

To play Death House as a more insular and immersive location, place it within a small hamlet on
the side of the road to the Village of Barovia. It is flanked by two abandoned structures on either
side: a dilapidated servants’ house; and a ruined stable. Both are largely empty, and contain
only a single room.1

If you would like to encourage the PCs to view Death House more favorably upon their initial
arrival, allow a thunderstorm to erupt as the characters are making their way down the Svalich
Road. While seeking shelter amidst the storm, they see a light in the distance - a lantern held by
the illusory Rose, who is standing beneath the awning of the house, sheltering her “brother”
from the rain and signalling for help to any victims nearby.

Once Death House has been completed, and the PCs have escaped its dungeon, the fog
recedes, allowing the characters to see the village in the distance.

❓ For Your Consideration - Low-Gear Beginnings

If you chose to use the ​Penniless and Weaponless​ story hook modification, Death House is
an excellent opportunity to make your players feel powerless while also providing them an
opportunity to improvise their self-defense and acquire low-level gear that they can build up
over time.

Survival horror is a genre that shines when characters are incentivized to run and hide, rather
than standing and fighting. This kind of theme is an excellent tone to strike in Death House,
both for the dungeon’s own atmosphere, and for the lesson it teaches players regarding the
rest of the sandbox-style module to come.

At this point, your PCs should retain, at most, their clothes, and a few choice items that they
have slept with, including a coin pouch, single dagger, or arcane focus. A player that has lost
their backpack, their heavy armor, or even their boots will feel much more vulnerable to the
horrors that Death House holds. As a result, they will become anxious enough to scavenge -
and more resourceful as a result.

While within Death House, your players will need to get creative with the weapons that they
can use. Fireplace pokers can serve as spears, and barrel covers can act as makeshift
shields. A bottle of wine, a tinderbox, and an old rag can easily create a Molotov cocktail. If
you keep track of the mundane and weaponized item within Death House, and add in a few
that your PCs might be able to use, your players will have a good array of options to choose

/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House

Do note that this can be regarded as a hardcore mode of gameplay, afforded only to veteran
roleplayers or experienced survivors of horror games. Encourage your players outside of
game to treat Death House as a kind of ​Amnesia​-like survival horror game, and allow them
the freedom to create their own solutions to monstrous, overwhelming problems.2

As-written, the legacy of the Durst family and its cult is a perfectly acceptable piece of Barovian
history for your PCs to confront. However, while the official version of the Dursts’ story can
provide a comfortably evil equivalent to Acerak, the Black Spider, or similarly evil D&D villains,
they can feel largely one-dimensional while compared to the emotional and mental depth of
Strahd himself.

Much of the modifications that this guide makes to the Death House appendix encourage
players to seek out more depth and characterization of potentially-rich characters such as Rose,
Walter, and the Durst family’s nursemaid. However, if you wish to go even deeper into
humanizing the struggles and darkness of the Durst household, you may consider using the
following family history, on which many of the following modifications are based:

When Strahd von Zarovich conquered Barovia, the Durst family was an upper-class household
of minor noble descent that managed to retain power under the new regime by cozying up to the
new lord in Castle Ravenloft. As time went on, however, Mr. and Mrs. Durst were affected by the
darkness that swept over Barovia. Mr. Durst became solemn and depressed, while Mrs. Durst
felt herself grow older and uglier.

In search of the brightness that had escaped his life, Mr. Durst turned to his children’s
nursemaid, a young and single woman by the name of Margaret. Flattered by the older and
wealthier man’s charms, Margaret enjoyed a brief affair with him that accidentally ended with
her pregnancy.

As she watched Margaret’s belly swell with her husband’s bastard child, Mrs. Durst lost herself
to jealousy and hatred, convinced that her increasing age was responsible for her husband’s
adultery. Drawing on tales of Count Strahd von Zarovich’s eldritch power, Mrs. Durst founded a
cult dedicated to the secrets of immortality and youth. Mr. Durst soon found himself involved -
and complicit as well.

The cult would lure travelers, neighbors, and servants alike into the Durst household, murdering
them in ritual sacrifice on the altar in the basement in an effort to draw forth their life force.
However, nothing ever worked.

/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House

Each time Mr. and Mrs. Durst performed these sacrifices, they locked their children in their
rooms in a sincere attempt to protect them. However, soon after Margaret’s bastard son, Walter
was born, Mrs. Durst lost her patience completely.

One stormy night, Mrs. Durst murdered Margaret in her sleep, and took Walter down into the
basement. Standing alone before the altar, she chanted an unholy prayer and sacrificed the
infant upon its stone surface. This act of infanticide attracted the notice of a Dark Power -
Norganus, the Finger of Oblivion. Amused by the depravity and desperation of the Dursts,
Norganus granted the Dursts and their cultists the immortality they so craved - by turning them
into ghouls and ghasts.

Mr. Durst, upon seeing what his wife had done, was overcome with guilt, and hanged himself in
the basement. Mrs. Durst soon lost herself to madness, and lost herself in the catacombs of the
dungeon beneath. With no adults left to remember them, Rose and Thorne starved to death in
their room.

Mrs. Durst’s final sacrifice, so perverted and malignant in its nature, transformed Walter himself.
This act of betrayal twisted and broke the infant’s soul and body, morphing Walter’s spirit and
flesh into an enormous, horrible monster that anchored Norganus’ curse to the very foundations
of Death House.3

If made in aggregate, these changes have several notable effects:

● Though Mr. Durst retains his culpability for his involvement with the cult, the horrors that
he produced are the indirect result of the wickedness of Mrs. Durst. Even if the PCs
recognize Mr. Durst’s own evil, they may yet feel a certain level of pity and sympathy for
the creature that he became.
● The twisted, two-dimensional depravity of the cult, including its cannibalism and orgies,
is no longer necessary.

Rose and Thorn

If you wish your PCs to trust these children, avoid showing your players the illustration of Rose
and Thorn at all costs. The creepy imagery will immediately put the players on guard, and they
make ignore or attack the illusions instead of entering the house.4

While illusions, Rose and Thorn are sophisticated simulacra created by the house. They are
solid to the touch, and are indistinguishable from ordinary children.5

The children ask the PCs to check on their baby brother, Walter, who they say was left upstairs
when they fled the monster in the basement. They inform the party that their parents went down

/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
ElvenTower, ​Curse of Strahd intro – Running the Death House

to stop the monster some time ago, but have not returned since. Both children are too
frightened to enter the house, and Rose refuses to leave Thorn’s side, who fled in tears when
the monster began to roar.

The children refuse to venture into the fog in search of help because they know that “bad things”
lurk there. They inform the PCs that the fog appeared soon before the beast, and suggest that
the mists may clear up when the monster is killed. A PC with a sufficiently high passive
perception can hear a baby faintly crying from the upper levels of the house.6

Areas of the House

As your PCs explore the main floors of Death House, keep in mind that many of the rooms may
be empty, and that the story of the Durst family is told through forgotten trinkets, hidden secrets,
and personal affects. While this campaign guide has updated the first half of this dungeon to
create a more atmospheric and engaging tone, do make sure that you are keeping your players
engaged in the environment around them. The intensity of ​Curse of Strahd​ ramps slowly,
beginning mild, and spiking toward the end.7 Make sure you’re doing your part to build the slow,
creeping horror that is meant to define this module’s danger and darkness.

📜 Extra Credit - Death House Soundscape

When running your PCs through the interior of Death House, consider using ​this​ soundscape
created on AmbientMixer to enhance their immersion.

To this end, several of the rooms in this campaign guide have been updated to contain For Your
Consideration information boxes that build toward a creepier, more traditional haunted-house
feel. While these modifications can, individually, make Death House a more interesting
experience for your players, in aggregate they can downplay the mystery and ultimate reveal of
the house’s fate. This has the potential to transform a mystery-solving adventure into a more
straightforward dungeon escape, which may harm the narrative urgency that drives your players
to uncover the remnants of the Durst family’s legacy. Therefore, be cautious when considering
which, when, how, and how many of these spookier encounters you employ.

If you ultimately choose to leave one or several of the rooms empty, you run the risk of boring
your players. For this reason, be mindful of the pacing of your session, and do your best to keep
things moving if the story begins to drag. Don’t be afraid to tell your players that a room contains
nothing else to find, and ask them what they would like to do next.

Due to the small size of most rooms in Death House, there is very little room for tactical combat.
You may find it easier and more immersive to run combat scenarios using “theater of the mind,”

/u/endangerous, ​DM Tips Curse of Strahd - Part 1 - Intro & Death House
Power Score, ​Curse of Strahd - Death House

rather than an illustrated battlemap. As the floorplan of the house can be confusing, however, it
can’t hurt to encourage your players to sketch out a rough map of the rooms they’ve already
visited. Spend your time worrying about where your PCs are and what they can interact with,
rather than calculating the exact bounds of a Ray of Sickness.8

1. Entrance
If your PCs return to the front door after entering the house, they find it to be stuck in the
doorframe, unable to be opened.

2. Main Hall
If you wish to instill a sense of urgency in your players, allow them to hear a muffled scream
from the floor beneath, and the soft sobbing of an infant coming from an upper level. Keep in
mind that this may cause your PCs to skip many rooms as they race toward their ultimate goal.

❓ For Your Consideration - Main Hall Haunting

When a PC listens at the dining room doors, the sound of clinking glass, laughter, and muffled
conversation can be heard from beyond. When the door is opened, the PCs find the room to
be empty.

3. Den of Wolves
❓ For Your Consideration - Den of Wolves Haunting
The stuffed wolves move when not directly observed.9

5. Dining Room
❓ For Your Consideration - Dining Room Haunting
The dining table is laid with a magnificent feast. A PC that eats from it must succeed on a DC
15 Wisdom save, or else be compelled to stuff themselves with food. After the PC has filled
their gullet for a full minute, the glamor upon the banquet vanishes, revealing it to be rotted,
foul meats infested with maggots and stale breads stuffed with weevils. At this point, the
compulsion upon any affected PCs falls, leaving them poisoned for 1 hour.

6. Upper Hall
❓ For Your Consideration - Upper Hall Haunting
A character that listens at the door of the Servants’ Room can smell blood, and hear the sobs
and muffled gasps of a woman in pain.10

SlyFlourish, ​Running Death House
Los Vaqueros Press, ​Death House: Reworked Regions #1
Los Vaqueros Press, ​Death House: Reworked Regions #1

7. Servants’ Room
If your PCs decide to take a long or short rest while in Death House, the Servants’ Room is the
most likely location for them to do so. If they choose to hole up in this small chamber, you may
consider upping the difficulty of the House by giving the characters terrible nightmares,
removing any benefits they may gain by taking a long rest.

If the PCs take a long rest in this or any other room of Death House, use one or all of the
following haunts while the characters sleep:
● A PC hears rats scrabbling up and down the spaces between the walls.11
● A PC hears footsteps descending from the attic and stopping outside of their door before
moving away to the library. Soon after, a grinding noise can be heard coming from the
library (the sound of the secret door).
● A PC hears maniacal laughter echoing from far below the House.
● A PC experiences a false awakening, wherein they wake to see that one of their friends
has been replaced by a ghast, which is slowly creeping toward another PC. If the PC
stays still, the ghast slices open its victim’s throat, and the PC watches their friend bleed
out before waking up.12
● A PC overhears a whispered argument about parentage. A pleading female voice in the
PC’s right ear swears that “it isn’t his.” A cold female voice in the PC’s left ear scoffs, and
says that it doesn’t care.13

If the PCs damage anything on the first or second floor in their search for traps or treasure and
return to any such chambers after a long rest, let them know that the rooms have been restored
to pristine condition.

8. Library
A tattered piece of sheet music lies on the desk. It is titled “Song for Elizabeth.” A handwritten,
partially burnt note sits beside it; it reads “Bulwarton’s words can open the way.” The
red-covered fake book that opens the secret door is titled “An Architect’s Art,” and is written by
Archibald Bulwarton.

A small rock collection sits upon one of the shelves; each of the stones are labelled with its
scientific name. This collection once belonged to Mr. Durst. Additionally, the top drawer of the
desk contains a number of receipts for candles, daggers, and incense.14

Power Score, ​Curse of Strahd - Death House
/u/ajcperei, ​Long Rests in the Death House
Los Vaqueros Press, ​Death House: Reworked Regions #1
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House

❓ For Your Consideration - Library Haunting
One of the books on the shelves is titled “The History of (PC’s Name).” If read, it provides a
narration of the PC’s entire life. The final page reads: “[He/She] pulled the book down off the
shelf and began to read, unaware of the creature that watched [him/her] from the shadows.
Slowly, the beast began to creep forward.” The next page is blank, save for a bloodstain
two-thirds down. A search of the room evidences no indication of any other creature.15

A PC that searches the room and passes a DC 15 Investigation check can see flickering
candlelight beneath the secret door.16

9. Secret Room
Change the text of Strahd’s letter in the secret room to refer to a “bastard” instead of a

If you are using Uncle Dimov as discussed in the For Your Consideration box of Area 20, you
may choose to include the following letter tucked away in the alcove alongside the deed to Old

My dear Dimov,

I must confess, my nights as of late have been sleepless. The child’s wails these past several
evenings have kept me awake , haunting these halls like a ghost. Margaret does her best, but
other clouds yet trouble my dreams.

My beloved Elisabeth, I am sure, feels it too, for she tosses and turns in our bed and awakes
with her forehead slick with sweat. O’er the past several congregations, I have become
suspicious of the ambitions of the others. Their dark murmurs worry me, and though I know
that a shadow ought not fear a blacker night, I cannot but fear for the extent of their plotting.

If anything happens, you are to be steward of our parents’ house, and caretaker of my
children. Keep Rose and Thorn safe, and dear Walter close to your breast. Should the worst
come to pass, you shall be all they have left.

Your loving brother,


The key to Rose and Thorn’s room is folded inside of this letter.18

/u/endangerous, ​DM Tips Curse of Strahd - Part 1 - Intro & Death House
Los Vaqueros Press, ​Death House: Reworked Regions #1
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House

10. Conservatory
If a PC plays the “Song of Elizabeth” found on the desk in the library on the harpsichord in this
chamber, the conservatory fills with ghosts that dance about the room to the tune of the melody.
The ghosts take no notice of the characters, save for two: Gustav and Elizabeth Durst, who
stand beside the fireplace, staring at the PCs. When noticed, the harpsichord’s strings are cut,
the ghosts vanish, and a grinding sound can be heard from above, signalling the opening of the
secret passage in the attic.19

If the PCs exit the room without playing the harpsichord, the sound of “Song of Elizabeth” can
be heard faintly through the doors until the room is re-entered.20

A PC that searches this room can find a small dog hiding under an armchair. A tag on his leash
identifies him as Lancelot, owned by Gertruda. As Mad Mary lost herself to grief, Lancelot left
his house in order to search for Getruda. He wandered into Death House, and was trapped in
the conservatory when the house shut the door behind him. He is rail-thin and starving, and
terrified of any character that approaches him. He can be coaxed out from his hiding spot,
however, with a DC 10 Animal Handling check, with advantage if offered food.

The cult of Death House considers Lancelot an acceptable sacrifice if killed on the altar.

11. Balcony
As the characters ascend the spiral stairs, remind them that they can see down the center of the
staircase all the way to the bottom floor.21 If the Animated Armor is thrown down to the first floor
and the PCs do not reveal their presence atop the balcony, it is unable to observe them with its
sixty feet of blindsight, and is too stupid to think to climb back up.

A creature that is pushed over the edge of the balcony falls two stories, or twenty feet, and
takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check or land prone.

Remember that there are two secret doors that can lead to the attic staircase. The first lies in
the upper left corner of the Nursemaid’s Suite. The second is directly opposite the first, at the
southern corner of the Balcony.

/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House
/u/endangerous, ​DM Tips Curse of Strahd - Part 1 - Intro & Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House

🧟 Know the Monsters: Animated Armor
The Armor will attempt to push PCs over the railing itself using a shove attack,22 or attempt to
grapple its nearest target before shoving them prone. Remember that, as the Armor has two
attacks per round, it is able to make two shove or grapple attempts each turn, or any mixture
of the two.23

12. Master Suite

Mrs. Durst’s jewelry box contains an unsent letter from Mrs. Durst to a fellow cult member. It

My Dear Mrs. Petrovna,

Your advice on dealing with the unwanted fiend in my home is quite good advice indeed.
Tonight's ceremony will proceed as planned when the moon is at its highest peak - without, of
course, the attendance of Mr. Durst. I must agree with you that, with the assistance of such a
remarkably innocent subject, the results of our proceedings may be far improved. “Innocent,"
of course, is not quite the term I would use.

If nothing else, I am relieved that I shall soon no longer have to suffer the harlot’s insufferable
presence each time we must pass through her quarters to our meeting-space. We shall be
well rid of her indeed.

My Thanks,
Mrs. Elisabeth Durst24

When the PCs enter this room, they find a male ​ghast​ dressed in fine clothes hanging from a
noose tied beside the bed. This body is Mr. Durst. He is dead, and does not attack the PCs
when disturbed.

A small piece of parchment is clutched in Mr. Durst’s right hand, held tight by rigor mortis.25 If
removed, it reads:

My Beloved Children,

I wish I could do what all fathers do and tell you that monsters aren’t real. But it wouldn’t be

/u/endangerous, ​DM Tips Curse of Strahd - Part 1 - Intro & Death House
The Monsters Know What They’re Doing, ​Animated Object Tactics
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House

Life can create things of exquisite beauty. But it can also twist them into hideous beings.
Selfish. Violent. Grotesque. Monstrous. It hurts me to say that your mother has turned into
one such monster, inside and out. And I’m afraid the disease that afflicted her mind has taken
hold of me as well.

It sickens me to think what we’ve put you through. There is no excuse. I only ask you, though
I know I have not the right to do so, to try and forgive us. I despise what your mother has
become, but I love and pity her all the same.

Rose, I wish I could see you blossom into a strong, beautiful woman. Thorn and Walter, I wish
I could be there for you. But I can’t. This is the only way.


A DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals that Mr. Durst has been dead for no more than a few
hours. This is another manifestation of the house’s curse, and not actually correct.

15. Nursemaid’s Suite

A small table beside the bed holds a cobwebbed copy of a raunchy romance novel on its
surface, hidden clumsily beneath a mildew-covered towel. The novel is titled “Blue-Blooded
Lips,” and tells the story of a wealthy duke who enjoys an affair with his female cupbearer.26

When any character inspects the mirror, they find the secret door automatically without any
checks required. It makes little sense for such a mundane door to be concealed so expertly, and
a DC 15 Perception barrier can create undue frustration in your players, given that finding this
door is necessary to continue forward.

There are three ways to run the encounter with the nursemaid, each varying with her emotional
and spiritual state: Hostile, Alien, and Friendly.

A ​hostile​ encounter maintains the antagonism of the nursemaid’s specter. While it is ill-advised
to run this encounter as an immediate combat, due to the severe mismatch between a specter’s
CR and your PCs’ expected level, a lack of care by your players can lead to a dangerous
situation. When the PCs open the door to the nursery, they see the back of a young woman
wearing a homely dress and a bonnet. If disturbed, the specter slowly turns toward the PCs,
revealing the face of a terrified, skeletal young woman whose flesh falls off in chunks to reveal
the specter beneath.27 If the PCs approach, she warns in a whisper: “Don’t wake the baby. The

/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House
/u/I_BLAME_YOUR_MOTHER, ​What I have learned from running Curse of Strahd twice Death House
to Vallaki

baby is sleeping.” If a PC threatens or approaches the bundle containing the “baby,” the specter
attacks, relenting only when all PCs have fled her chambers, or when the character that
disturbed her “baby” has been killed or knocked unconscious.

An ​alien​ encounter preserves the emotional distance between the PCs and the nursemaid’s
ghost. While the spirit is not actively antagonistic, she cannot be communicated with directly.
When the door is opened, she holds a finger to her lips and whispers, “Hush. The baby is
sleeping.”28 If a PC approaches the crib in the nursery and opens the bundle inside, the
nursemaid’s specter vanishes. A PC that then views the mirror sees the image of the nursemaid
looking back at them.29 The reflection perfectly follows the PC’s movements; however, the
nursemaid’s eyes can still blink on their own. If a PC asks her for help in locating Walter or the
basement, she smiles and steps aside, leaving the mirror blank. Alternatively, when the crib is
approached, the nursemaid scoops up the bundle in the crib and exits the nursery, passing
through the mirror and the closed secret door there.

A ​friendly​ encounter allows the PCs to communicate directly with the spirit of the nursemaid. If
approached with hostility, the specter vanishes in fright. If approached with kindness or respect,
however, the nursemaid’s specter introduces herself as Margaret. She is withdrawn and shy,
and does not fully understand how or why she died. She is confused, and frequently jumps
between awareness and ignorance of her own state of undeath, sometimes in the same

She speaks fondly of Mr. Durst, but avoids mentioning their affair out of a sense of propriety. If a
PC asks her about her relationship with Mr. Durst or her parentage of Walter, she smiles sadly
and informs the party that it is “not her place to speak of such things.” She adores Rose, Thorn,
and Walter. While she does not speak ill of Mrs. Durst if asked, she is clearly uncomfortable and
fearful of the lady of the house.30 When the PCs finish their conversation, she scoops up the
“baby” in her arms and informs the PCs that she’s taking him to play with his older brother and
sister. Margaret then walks through the mirror into the attic; a moment later, the secret door
clicks open, revealing the hidden passageway.31 Margaret does not appear again.

18. Storage Room

If the players find the nursemaid’s body, and you chose to run her specter as an ​alien​ or
friendly​ encounter, her ghost does not reappear.

The nursemaid’s corpse appears curled up in the trunk. If the PCs investigate, they see that the
front of Margaret’s dress has multiple stab holes, indicating her murder.32

/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/endangerous, ​DM Tips Curse of Strahd - Part 1 - Intro & Death House
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House

20. Children’s Room
Take care to play the encounter with Rose and Thorn’s ghosts as humanizing and sympathetic,
rather than alien and frightening. Despite their nature as centuries-old spirits, Rose and Thorn
are fundamentally children - lost, scared, yet innocent children. As such, when Rose or Thorn
attempt to possess a PC, attempt to present it in such a manner that the character willingly
allows the spirit to enter their body. If you describe it as “a child’s tiny hand, desperately seeking
the warm embrace of another soul,” your players may even decline to roll a saving throw against
possession.33 A PC that is possessed by Rose or Thorn can continue to communicate with the
child’s spirit as a voice in their head.

If you would like to deepen Rose’s characterization, you may make her a child prodigy who is
quite aware of the dynamics in her house (though not the specific details). She is also a budding
wizard who discovered a small spellbook in her father’s library, and took great care in copying
the Mending, Light, and Shocking Grasp cantrips into her diary. To demonstrate this, you may
choose to have the ghostly Thorn accidentally break one of his toys, which Rose swiftly Mends.
Should she possess a PC, she is able to cast those cantrips through her host’s body.

Rose shyly shares her diary with the party if her use of magic is remarked upon. Rose’s diary
contains entries regarding her studies, her friends, her younger brother (who she is fiercely
protective of), and elementary (yet insightful) observations on the nature of magic.34

❓ For Your Consideration - Uncle Dimov

If you wish to include a darker undercurrent to Rose’s wizardry, you may choose to include
the following entry in Rose’s diary, just below her notes on Shocking Grasp:

It worked! Uncle Dimov snuck into our room again, but this time I was ready. I hope he
never comes back!

If the PCs attempt to discuss this incident or an Uncle Dimov with Rose, she instantly clams
up. If Thorn is asked about his uncle, he shrinks in on himself and falls silent, Rose hugging
him while glaring daggers at the PC responsible.35

If you would prefer to avoid the implication of child abuse, you may have Rose instead explain
that Uncle Dimov would break Thorn’s toys and taunt him for his timid nature and weak

/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House

Once the PCs have made friends or allies of Rose and Thorn, if the PCs appear wounded or
tired, the ghostly children offer the use of their room as a sanctuary for a rest, and promise to
stand guard against the “monsters” that they’ve heard below.36

While ignorant to the true nature of the cult, Rose remembers hearing her mother bringing
Walter to the basement before she died. She asks the PCs to save their baby brother and
parents, and defeat the monster below once and for all.

Rose knows the way down to the basement, but “isn’t supposed to go down there” and “doesn’t
want to get in trouble.”37 If the party convinces her to show them the way, she points them
toward the dollhouse, revealing the secret entry. In exchange, she asks the PCs to deliver her
and Thorn’s bones to their resting places in the crypts below.38

The dollhouse contains small dolls that depict tiny, twisted molds of any characters and
creatures currently visible in the house. The dolls are made of painted resin. Any character
looking inside the dollhouse while in Rose and Thorn’s room can see the appropriately-placed
dolls of all living creatures within the manor.39

21. Secret Stairs

Make sure to remind your players to prepare to reach level two before the session that you
expect them to find this area.

25. Well & Cultist Quarters

The footlocker containing the eyepatch contains a cultist’s logbook, bound in grimy black
leather. This journal maintains a list of names, physical descriptions, and details of some sort of
event. One of the head cultists maintained this logbook as a record of the cult’s victims. The
second column maintains the physical description of each victim named in the first column,
while the third column bears gruesome details describing the sacrifice, such as “Struggled
profusely” and “No sedative given.”40

28. Larder
The grick in this alcove is coiled on the ceiling, and drops onto its victim when they enter. A DC
17 Wisdom (Perception) check allows a PC to determine its presence before entering.41 Rather
than reptilian, the grick’s skin has been flayed away, rendering its species unrecognizable and
its body a pink, fleshy substrate with tendon-like tentacles.

SlyFlourish, ​Running Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House
ElvenTower, ​Curse of Strahd intro – Running the Death House
/u/endangerous, ​DM Tips Curse of Strahd - Part 1 - Intro & Death House
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House

29. Ghoulish Encounter
As-written, this encounter can be far beyond Deadly. To give your PCs a better chance of
survival, you may choose to tailor the number of ghouls to the size and level of your party using
a tool like ​Kobold Fight Club​.42 You may also choose to make the ghouls spend their first turn
digging their way out from their shallow graves, removing the element of surprise.

While the narrow corridors of this basement should allow your PCs to bottleneck these ghouls
quite easily, you may also wish to encourage your party to avoid this hallway entirely by
describing it as holding “an overpowering stench of death and decay.” If nothing else, this alerts
your players that something dangerous lies down this hall, and potentially prepares them for

As the ghouls are the undead forms of the former cultists, they retain some vestige of their
former selves. They mindlessly repeat any or all of the following phrases as they attack the PCs:
“Beautiful. We’re so beautiful”; “Nothing can hurt us”; “We are perfect. We are immortal”; and
“Help us live forever.”

30. Stairs Down

Similar to the house above, it is quite possible for your PCs to beeline a path directly to the ritual
chamber, thus skipping many of the other rooms and encounters. If you want to ensure that the
PCs get to see most of the dungeon, you may place a locked door at the bottom of these stairs.
The key to unlock this door can be found hanging from the neck of Mr. Durst, who can be found
in Area 34.43

31. Darklord’s Shrine

This is an incredibly lethal encounter, especially given the Strength Drain ability each shadow
has, which can easily snowball into a TPK. You can ease the difficulty by allowing the shadows
to emerge in waves, with two new shadows attacking each round.44

You can also foreshadow the danger in this room by telling the PCs that they can see five ashen
shadows burned into the walls, with soot marks stretching across the floor toward the Darklord’s
statue. If the orb is disturbed, the shadows begin swooping across the walls, and attack the
party a round later. While the shadows prepare to attack, the PCs can hear their murmured
moans, including phrases such as “Begone from this place!”; and “Look not upon us.”

A character that approaches the orb can hear many voices whispering: “His gaze burns upon
us”; “the Darklord’s eyes are always watching”; and “He is the Ancient; He is the Land.”

StarwalkerStudios, ​How to Run Death House Without Killing All the PCs
SlyFlourish, ​Running Death House
ElvenTower, ​Curse of Strahd intro – Running the Death House

If you wish to remove the combat aspect of this area altogether, you can remove the shadows
from this chamber, and simply inform any PC that touches the orb that they suddenly feel “a
dark, ancient evil turning its eye upon them.” Strahd then becomes aware of the PCs’ presence
in Death House.45

33. Cult Leaders’ Den

If the ​mimic​ is attacked at range by a wary or alerted PC, it flees, vanishing around the corner
and reappearing as a door, chest, or longsword elsewhere in the dungeon.

34. Cult Leaders’ Quarters

​ nd several ​potions of
Don’t forget that the lockbox in this room contains a ​cloak of protection a
healing.​ These will be invaluable in keeping your PCs alive as they progress deeper into the
dungeon. There’s also a spellbook containing a number of staple spells that any wizard would
be grateful for.

When a character removes the items from the chest or inspects either of the portraits. Mrs.
Durst, a ghast, bursts from behind her portrait and attacks.46

Unlike the ghouls, Mrs. Durst retains the ability of speech. She has retained her memory, but
has completely succumbed to her own dark whims. She wears a tattered, once-beautiful red
dress, and she wears gold earrings and a golden necklace around her neck. Her lips and gums
have gone black with rot, and her smile shines with madness. At this point, she bears only a
vague resemblance to her own portrait.

Mrs. Durst has gone completely insane. She is arrogant to an extreme, and shuns her dead
husband, calling him a lecherous traitor who deserved his death. She speaks unkindly of Walter
and the nursemaid, and writes off Rose and Thorn as “bothersome nuisances.” She is vulgar to
a fault, and speaks in a hissing, gurgling voice.

Should the players ask her what she did to Walter, she invites them to descend further into the
basement and “see for themselves.”

If reduced to half hitpoints, Mrs. Durst commands the PCs to leave, and defensively backs
herself into the corner.

/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House

35. Reliquary
To foreshadow some of the future locations and characters, you may replace some of the items
in this chamber with trinkets or omens reflecting other events in Barovia.47 They include:
● an angelic feather
● a wooden figurine of a black knight bearing the emblem of a rose
● severed raven talons
● a small chunk of amber resin that exudes an evil aura
● a cracked egg containing the remains of a skeletal infant dragon

37. Portcullis
The wooden wheel that opens the portcullis is located on the eastern side of the gate, rather
than the western side. When the Mound is summoned, the portcullis crashes to the ground,
sealing shut.

38. Ritual Chamber

When the PCs enter this chamber, you can inform them that they can see a blanket of mist
rolling off of the top of the dais beneath the altar, and specifically draw their attention to its
resemblance to the fog outside. This will suggest to them that something about the altar is
causing the fog outside. When the ritual is completed, the fog disappears, signalling that the
PCs can now escape.

A small, white bundle is visible atop the altar. When approached, it resembles the size and
shape of an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes. It instead contains a rusted, serrated dagger
painted red with dried blood.

When the Mound is summoned, the cultists chant instead: “Come, demon! We awaken thee!”48
A small earthquake shakes the foundations of the house above, sifting dirt and dust from the
ceiling above.49

To better situate the Mound (a plant creature) within Death House’s dungeon, use the following
reflavored description as it emerges:

Before you, coming out of the westernmost alcove is a rolling mass of decay and rot. Thick
tendrils of waste wriggle from it, reaching for nearby surfaces. You can see the tendrils’ grip

/u/endangerous, ​DM Tips Curse of Strahd - Part 1 - Intro & Death House
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House
/u/NobbynobLittlun, ​Notes from running Death House

on the walls tighten with crushing force. As the enormous thing crawls towards you, you see
bodily remains of humans buried in its putrid body.50

When Lorgoth begins to move, the ghosts of Rose and Thorn (if on friendly terms with the PCs)
appear, interposing their spirits between the Mound and the characters, and shout for the party
to flee.

❓ For Your Consideration - Walter, the Flesh Mound

For a darker, more personal, and more grotesque take on this encounter, consider replacing
the Shambling Mound with a Flesh Mound, as described below.

When the Dark Power accepted Mrs. Durst’s final sacrifice, Walter was transformed into a
terrible monster: a vessel for the cult’s hatred, arrogance, and depravity bound within an
innocent babe. If the PCs refuse to make the requested sacrifice, the cult is angered, and
summons Walter. If the PCs make the requested sacrifice, the cult chants victoriously, and
summons Walter anyway. Either way, your players should feel as though they have just made
a grave error.

When the Flesh Mound is summoned, the dirty water filling the chamber ripples as something
moves beneath the surface. A host of bones, flesh, and disparate body parts come together
from the water, collecting into a massive, shifting heap of gore.

During this battle, you may use the modified stat block for the Flesh Mound, which can be
found below.51

ElvenTower, ​Curse of Strahd intro – Running the Death House
/u/MandyMod, ​Fleshing out Curse of Strahd, Part 2: Entering Barovia and Streamlining Death House

If you wish to force the PCs to engage with the Mound, consider allowing the cult to shut and
lock the portcullis that serves as the room’s main entryway.

Once a PC has seen or learned of Walter’s existence, if that PC is aware of the

circumstances of Walter’s birth and death, that PC may make a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
or DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check to learn the source of the curse upon Death House. A
PC that succeeds on this check learns that the spirit of a murdered infant, unwanted by a
parent, can incite a powerful curse upon its household, tormenting its killers and chaining their
souls to the place of its death. The only way to remove the curse upon Death House, this PC
learns, is to bury Walter’s corpse at sunrise beneath the threshold of the dwelling.

Flight from Death House
When the PCs defeat or flee from the Shambling Mound, the house responds in kind. The floor
begins to quake, and the ceiling shudders and cracks as debris and dust begin to sift into the
air. As the structure groans above the PCs’ heads, make it clear that they must flee - before
Death House collapses atop them.

To successfully escape from Death House, the PCs must succeed on a skill challenge.52 A
holdover from 4th edition, a skill challenge requires the PCs to face a number of obstacles that
cannot be solved solely by combat.

Wyatt Trull, ​Curse of Strahd: Escaping Death House Skill Challenge

Note that the following section is largely copied wholesale from Wyatt Trull’s ​Curse of Strahd:
Escaping Death House Skill Challenge​. If you find it interesting or helpful, we heavily
recommend donating a small amount using the Dungeon Masters Guild link above to support
their work.

For more information on how to run a skill challenge, see ​Appendix F: How to Run Skill

Running the Skill Challenge

The PCs must accrue 4 successes before 3 failures to escape Death House successfully.

Once the challenge begins, swarms of maggots begin to bleed from the walls, floor, and ceiling
of any room that the PCs take refuge in, filling the room completely within 3d4 rounds. Note that
only the doorways to Areas 12 and 15 have the scythes mentioned in the module.

Roll initiative upon beginning the skill challenge; on 3 failures, the slowest adventurer is left
behind. On 5 failures, the slowest two adventurers are trapped while their companions make it
to safety. If the characters achieved 4 successes before 3 failures, all make it out—worse for
wear, and forced to carry in their hearts this hellish night forevermore.

The skill challenge begins as soon as the party defeats or decides to flee the Mound in the
basement. The rooms of the house are modified in the following ways:

38. Ritual Chamber

As the PCs move to flee, the portcullis slams shut. On a failure, the adventurers wallow in
indecision or struggle to force it open, eventually escaping at the cost of 1 failed check.

The following skills are suggested for surmounting this obstacle:

● Athletics ​can be used to force open the portcullis or unjam the wheel. (Moderate DC)
● Thieves'-, or Tinker's tools​ can be used to assess the damage to the wheel and
manipulate its gears to unjam the portcullis. (Moderate DC)
● Insight ​or ​Investigation ​can be used to recall or rationalize that the nearby corridor to
Area 36, the Prison, might have a secret door. (Hard DC)
● Perception ​can be used to spot the hidden door to Area 36, the prison, providing
another means of escape from the chamber. (Moderate DC)

26. Hidden Spiked Pit

There is no mandatory obstacle here, but a trap that might not have been previously
encountered by the adventurers. Run it as-is in the Death House module: a DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check is necessary to notice the trap. The first character to step on the trapped
section falls prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage, plus 2d10 piercing damage from the
spikes. The pit is 10-feet deep.

At your discretion, this can serve as an obstacle. A player might request—scream out, even—for
the chance to stop a character from falling into the pit. If so, it counts as a success or failure for
the skill challenge; otherwise, treat this area as a non-obstacle. Some skill checks suggested by
the players might include:

● Carpenter's- ​or ​Woodcarver's tools ​can be used to notice how rotted the planks are
and understand it to be unsafe before all is lost. (Moderate DC)
● Sleight of Hand ​can be used to snatch at the falling character's belt, or snatch at the
edge, preventing their own fall. (Easy DC)
● Acrobatics​ may allow a character to divert their momentum into a leap, landing safely
on the opposite side. (Moderate DC)

25. Well & Cultist Quarters

The room has become heavily obscured by an unnatural black fog. In the well, a skeleton has
been roused from its slumber, and grapples the last character that moves through this chamber.

● Acrobatics ​or ​Athletics ​can be used to break the grapple. (Easy DC)
● Insight ​can be used to recall one's steps, if the characters explored this room
beforehand. (Easy DC)
● Perception ​can be used to navigate the darkness, hear the skeleton before it strikes, or
find its victim. (Moderate DC)

On a failure, the adventurer is nearly pulled into the well where they struggle against the
skeleton that seeks to drown them; ultimately, the victim escapes, but not worse for wear.

27. Dining Hall

Screams rend the darkened depths. Screams for mercy, for help, for a quick end. You come
across a man chained to the wooden table, thrashing, screaming. A gash runs the length of
his belly, from which blood pulses out to the beat of his heart! How or where he came from
doesn't matter, but in the distance, you hear them: the cultists, chanting, hungering! Can you
silence him before those ravenous cannibals come upon you?

A ghost of Death House's red past has been made flesh once again, and mad babbling
threatens to draw the ghostly cultists upon the adventurers. He has the statistics of a restrained
commoner ​with 1 hit point remaining and is bound by chains.

If the characters linger here, five cultists (​shadows​) arrive in 2 rounds and descend upon the
man if he yet remains. If freed, he stumbles down the darkened corridors, babbling madly before
fading from being. If slain, he does not die quietly.

● Athletics ​can be used with a weapon to break the man's chains, while ​thieves' tools
can unlock them. (Hard/Moderate DC)
● Deception ​or ​Persuasion ​can be used to deceive the man into calm. (Moderate DC)
● Medicine ​can be used to dress his wounds, if the character has a healing kit with 1
action. (Moderate DC)
● Spells ​that restore hit points (healing word, cure wounds) can be used to heal the
screaming man. (Automatic Success)

A success here means that this lone spirit, weak as he may be, devotes all his unearthly power
to aiding the adventurers.

3. Den of Wolves
Death House has animated the stuffed wolves in the den and flooded the room with blinding
smoke. The wolves have the statistics of a ​wolf ​but with vulnerability to slashing, piercing, and
fire damage; their Bite attack deals 1 piercing damage; and they do not need to breathe.

● Animal Handling ​can be used to subdue the wolves; the long-lost spirits of the beasts
still obey such primal laws of nature. (Moderate DC)
● Stealth ​can be used to slip past the wolves undetected. (Easy DC)
● Levelled Spells​ (Automatic Success) or ​cantrips​ (DC 13 - Moderate) such as ​minor
illusion​ or ​animal friendship ​can be used to distract or subdue the wolves .

21. Secret Staircase

The mortared walls of this staircase have been covered with swarms of infant spiders. As the
PCs flee up the steps, an enormous ​giant spider​ climbs up from the depths, seeking to drag
them below. A PC that fails here loses time struggling against the spider.

● Animal Handling ​or ​Intimidation ​can be used to scare off the spider, especially if fire is
used or an attack is made. (Moderate DC)
● Athletics ​can be used to wrench the character out of the web or to keep the spider from
dragging the character away. (Moderate DC)
● Levelled Spells ​(Automatic Success) or ​cantrips​ ( DC 8 - Easy) can be cast to subdue
the spider or burn the web (e.g., ​animal friendship, produce flame​, and ​firebolt)​ .

15. Nursemaid’s Suite

When the PCs enter this room while fleeing the house, read the following:

As you rush towards the door, you hear woman shout out, "Tell me to push, one more time,
Inala! One more time, I swear to the Morninglord!" but her curses are quickly consumed by
cries of pain.

You perk into the room: women crowd around a young girl laying in the bed, her feet up. Her
face twists with pain while a midwife says, "The baby's coming, but - Gods, it's ankles first!"

The balcony—the only way out of this accursed manor—lies nearby, and with frustrated
horror, you see that the door has been replaced with bloodied scythe blades that seem to spin
even quicker whenever the girl's contractions rage.

The memories of the past have come alive: while Elisabeth fumes with mute disdain in the
Master Suite, the nursemaid is giving birth to the bastard Walter. Several assistants crowd the
room while the baby is crowning—but he's coming out ankles-first. The scythe-blades spin so
long as the nursemaid is in labor, spinning faster and faster during her contractions. To escape
the manor, the adventurers must make it through that doorway.

If the party does not make an ability check for this obstacle, they accrue a failure, and each
creature that passes through the doorway must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
take 2d10 slashing damage. Regardless, they pass through the doorway and onto Area 15C,
the Nursemaid's Balcony.

If the party attempts an ability check but fails, no Dexterity saving throws are necessary.

● Acrobatics ​or ​Investigation ​can be used to make it through the doorway unscathed;
the adventurer making the check takes a leadership role in guiding his or her
companions through the blades. This check is made only once for all characters present.
(Moderate DC)
● Insight ​can be used to gauge when the nursemaid's contractions are about to begin or
end. (Moderate DC)
● Medicine ​can be used to assist in the birth: Walter is coming out ankles-first, posing
significant risk to the him and the mother. The scythe-blades stop spinning altogether if
this ability check succeeds. (Hard DC)

15C. Nursemaid’s Balcony

Death House has put all its remaining energy to afflict its prey with a powerful phantasmal force
spell (no saving throws required). The balcony has grown into a cliff that drops to a thousand
feet below (an eerily accurate representation of the Tser Falls of Barovia). Only with courage,
skill, or acuity can the adventurers conquer the illusory cliff without destroying their minds in the

If no skills or spells are applied, the characters accrue a failure and each creature that simply
leaped must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d6 psychic damage and wakes to
find itself mewling at the foot of the Durst Manor an unknown amount of time later. On a
success, a creature takes half damage. No matter the check made, scaling the cliffs takes less
than a minute, but feels as if it took an hour.

● Acrobatics​, ​Athletics ​or ​Survival c​ an be combined with tools such as rope or a
climbing kit to scale the cliff, leading others down. (Moderate DC)
● Arcana ​can be used to understand the powerful phantasmal force spell at work, that
their psyches stand to be torn apart if caution is thrown to the wind; that perhaps the
best way to survive is to play along. (Moderate DC)
● Investigation ​can be used to shatter the illusion by harnessing the strength of the mind.
(Hard DC)
● Spells ​that slow or affect flying, such as feather fall; or that would imbue creatures with
courage, such as heroism can be used to conquer the illusion; both put the characters'
psyches at rest, tricking their subconsciousness believing all will be well. (Automatic

12. Master Suite

The memories of the past have come alive; on the eve of Walter's birth, the Dursts are engaged
in a cold war. The suite is as cold and unforgiving as their marriage; while Gustav paces the
room, Elisabeth fumes in mute disdain at her vanity. Every so often the two burst into a new
round of arguments—and the scythes spin ever faster.

Not quite ghosts, yet not quite illusions, the Dursts are representative of the emotional carnage
of the manor. The scythes on the doorway are connected to the two's temperament. And to
escape, the party must make it through those scythes.

Read the following:

The master suite has grown deadly cold: a well-dressed man paces the room while a woman
stares at herself in the vanity, her eyes scornful as if to wonder why she wasn't enough for her
husband. You recognize the Dursts alive and in the flesh—how or why doesn't matter. The
two fall between bouts of silence and explosive rage, arguing over Gustav's infidelity.

You look to the corner of the room, to the balcony, that sweet, sweet balcony, the gate to
getting the hell out of this accursed manor—and in the doorway spin rusted scythe-blades.
You look back: Elisabeth is glaring at you, and she snarls, "Servant! Get out! Get out! Come
back only when the bastard's been born!"

You notice with mounting frustration that while Elisabeth snarls at you, the scythe-blades spin
pick up speed, spinning ever quicker.

If the party does not make an ability check for this obstacle, they accrue a failure, and each
creature that passes through the doorway must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
take 2d10 slashing damage. Regardless, they pass through the doorway and onto Area 12C,
the Master Balcony.

If the party attempts an ability check but fails, no Dexterity saving throws are necessary.

● Acrobatics ​or ​Investigation ​can be used to make it through the doorway unscathed;
the adventurer making the check takes a leadership role in guiding his or her
companions through the blades. This check is made only once for all characters present.
(Moderate DC)
● Insight ​can be used to gauge Elisabeth or Gustav's emotions, finding the best possible
moment to make the leap. (Easy DC)
● Persuasion ​can be used to calm the Dursts, even if for a moment. (Moderate DC)

12C. Master Balcony

Death House has put all its remaining energy to afflict its prey with a powerful phantasmal force
spell (no saving throws required). The balcony has grown into a cliff that drops to a thousand
feet below (an eerily accurate representation of the Tser Falls of Barovia). Only with courage,
skill, or acuity can the adventurers conquer the illusory cliff without destroying their minds in the

If no skills or spells are applied, the characters accrue a failure and each creature that simply
leaped must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d6 psychic damage and wakes to
find itself mewling at the foot of the Durst Manor an unknown amount of time later. On a
success, a creature takes half damage. No matter the check made, scaling the cliffs takes less
than a minute, but feels as if it took an hour.

● Acrobatics​, ​Athletics ​or ​Survival c​ an be combined with tools such as rope or a

climbing kit to scale the cliff, leading others down. (Moderate DC)
● Arcana ​can be used to understand the powerful phantasmal force spell at work, that
their psyches stand to be torn apart if caution is thrown to the wind; that perhaps the
best way to survive is to play along. (Moderate DC)
● Investigation ​can be used to shatter the illusion by harnessing the strength of the mind.
(Hard DC)
● Spells ​that slow or affect flying, such as feather fall; or that would imbue creatures with
courage, such as heroism can be used to conquer the illusion; both put the characters'
psyches at rest, tricking their subconsciousness believing all will be well. (Automatic

11. Balcony
The door to the bathroom bulges outward, and then explodes into splinters. A flood of filthy
water crashes out, threatening to push the PCs away from the stairs.

● Athletics ​can be used to stand one's ground and resist the flood; other adventurers can
brace themselves against the character or angle themselves so that he or she takes the
brunt of the flood. (Moderate DC)

● Nature ​or ​Survival ​can be used to call on past experiences or knowledge of flash floods,
allowing a character in that split second to take necessary precautions (hang on the
other side of the balcony, leap for a nearby door, et cetera). Characters with the
Outlander background have advantage on such a check. (Moderate DC)
● Sleight of Hand​ can be used to snatch at the balcony or the oil lamps mounted on the
wall before being swept away. (Easy DC)

6. Upper Hall
The suits of armor have been animated by Death House but are not true suits of animated
armor. For the purposes of potential combat, they have an AC of 12, 5 hit points each, immunity
to poison and psychic damage, and -1 to Strength. Each suit can make a spear attack (+2 to hit,
1 piercing damage) against targets within 5 feet; these attacks might be made with advantage
(and melee attacks made against with disadvantage) depending on if any attackers are below
them on the staircase.

● Athletics ​can be used by a character wielding a shield or similar protection to charge the
ranks, hoping to topple the statues. On a failure, they may be speared up to four times.
(Moderate DC)
● Acrobatics ​can be used to leap to the other end of the spiraling staircase. (Moderate
● Blacksmith's tools​ or ​Investigation ​can be used to ascertain the formation's
weaknesses, for without men behind the armor, they have significantly less strength.
Characters with the Soldier background have advantage on such a check. (Moderate

4. Kitchen & Pantry

As a character makes their way in or out of the dumbwaiter, the oven spits a column of fire. Any
characters in the room must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to clamber into the
dumbwaiter, working the rope-and-pulley before being scorched. On a failure, a creature takes
1d6 fire damage, but continues upward. The explosion shakes the entirety of the manor.

1B. Entrance Foyer

To their horror, the characters discover that the front doors are slowly becoming bricked
up—and behind them, the doors to the Main Hall begin to swing shut. Characters can make a
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to hurl themselves into the Main Hall before the doors swing shut.
Otherwise, read the following:

The mahogany hall doors behind you slam shut with ominous thunder. You look about the
room, desperate to escape—and when you look toward the exit, you see the bottom third of
the front door has been replaced by brick. Defying all logic, the wood has melded into the
rows of moldy brick. You blink—and to your mounting horror, in that span of a second, more
of the door has been converted. You keep your eyes wide open so as not cast away your

chance at breaking down the door... That's when a fetid cloud of filth rolls in, stinging your
eyes and drawing tears. The walls are brittle now, rotten. The wallpaper hangs in slivers, and
from behind the plaster, a flood of rats bursts onto the floor, crawling across your feet and
scratching at your flesh.

A PC that attempts a skill check in this room must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
throw, or the rats’ stench causes them to falter, giving them disadvantage on their check.

● Athletics​ or combat ​spells ​can be used to break through the rotten, brittle walls (Easy
DC); the bricked-up front door (Hard DC); or the stuck hallway doors. (Moderate DC)
● Nature, Intimidation​, or ​Animal Handling​ can be used to keep the rats away.
(Moderate DC)
● Perception ​or ​Investigation​ can allow a PC to see a weak point where the bricks have
become weak and crumbling. (Moderate DC)

1A. Entrance Gate

This challenge takes place only if one or more of the PCs are still possessed by the spirits of
Rose and Thorn. As the PCs approach the iron gate, the ghosts struggle with the PCs for
control of their bodies, and beg and plead for the PCs to stay behind.

● Athletics​ can be used by an unpossessed character to force a possessed PC over the

threshold. The possessed PC must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or take
1d4 psychic damage as the spirit is violently torn from their body. (Hard DC)
● Persuasion ​or ​Intimidation​ can be used to coax the spirits from their unwilling hosts.
(Easy DC)
● Arcana​ or ​Religion​ may allow a character to draw on their reserves of magic or faith,
respectively, forcefully dispelling the intrusive soul. (Moderate DC)

Aftermath of Escape
If any PCs were trapped inside Death House, Norganus, the Finger of Oblivion appears to them
as if in a dream. The trapped PCs find themselves dragged through the front doors of Death
House, their legs and ankles seized by shrieking spirits and hissing ghouls. Just before they
cross the threshold, Norganus appears to them: a tall, dark shadow with indistinguishable
features. In a soft, hissing voice, he asks them to take his hand - an inky black void dripping a
foul, ichorous ooze from its fingertips. He mourns their wasted potential, and promises to free
them from these “unquiet dead.”

If the PCs take his hand and accept Norganus’ dark gift, they awaken in the tall grass in front of
the house. PCs that have been resurrected this way gain the Touched By the Mists Trait, which
leaves them tainted by Norganus’ evil touch.53 Cats hiss and milk sours at their approach, and

​Adventurer's League: Curse of Strahd Edition: March 4, 2016, to August 25, 2016

they detect as evil-aligned undead to divination magic. These traits remain until the character
receives a ​remove curse​ spell. Moreover, any such PCs marked by Norganus specifically gain
one of the following Dark Gifts:

● The character’s eyes melt away, leaving empty sockets. He or she has disadvantage on
Charisma (Persuasion) checks, but gains blindsight out to a range of 60 feet. The
character is blind beyond this distance.
● The character’s skin is cold and clammy to the touch. The character gains resistance to
cold damage and vulnerability to fire damage.
● At night, the character can spend 1 hit die to move through solid objects as though they
were difficult terrain. A character who ends his or her turn inside an object takes 5 (1d10)
force damage. The character counts as an undead creature for the purpose of spells and
effects such as turn undead.

Regardless of the ultimate outcome of the ritual, Strahd is aware of the events beneath Death
House, and may taunt the PCs for their decisions in the dungeon below.54

If you choose to use the ​Walter, the Flesh Mound​ encounter discussed above, Death House
will reset (and, if destroyed, reform) soon after the PCs leave it, once more awaiting new
travellers that it can ensnare. The only way to remove its curse permanently is to remove
Walter’s body from the remnants of the Mound below, and to bury it at the threshold of the
House outside.

❓ For Your Consideration - The Death of Death House

When all PCs have escaped the house, you may play out any, all, or none of the following
● Death House swallows itself up, vanishing into the ground below.
● The PCs notice a sign pointing in the wrong direction that reads: “Death House - Don’t
Talk to the Children!”
● The spirit of the nursemaid lifts a hand in thanks from atop the ruins of the accursed

❓ For Your Consideration - Welcome to Barovia

When the PCs escape Death House, you may believe that a congratulations or welcome from
Strahd is in order. Feel free to use one of the following scenes:
● A coffin is left on the road outside of Death House. When opened, the corpse inside
matches one of the PCs. The PC then reveals themselves to be Strahd von Zarovich,
or else vanishes into a cloud of bats or mist.

ElvenTower, ​Curse of Strahd intro – Running the Death House
SlyFlourish, ​Running Death House

● Count Strahd von Zarovich verbally congratulates the party, either after emerging from
his black carriage or from the roof of a nearby house.
● As the PCs leave Death House, they find a note of congratulations enchanted to
provide a “slow clap” sound effect when opened, courtesy of Strahd.56
● When the PCs escape Death House, they find a small wooden box at the entrance
containing a number of healing potions equal to the number of surviving party
members. The box also contains a message written by Strahd, reading: “Thank you for
cleaning this vermin off of my domain. Your efforts are appreciated, even if for just one
night. Please accept this small gift to help your recovery. Welcome to Barovia. -S”57
● The party finds a small gift basket in the street outside of Death House. Inside is a
note bearing the words “Welcome to Barovia,” signed with a cursive letter S; a bottle of
Purple Dragon Crush; and a taunting letter bearing the words: “Deliver To: Master
Ismark Kolyanovich.” It reads as follows:

Master Kolyanovich,

I regret your loss, I truly do. But surely now you must see the futility of your efforts. I offer
you a simple trade:

Release Tatyana to me, and I will see that you are left in peace.

Your dread lord and master,

Strahd von Zarovich

Morallygreypirate, ​CoS Discord Recap: Week of 6/24
kornelord, ​CoS Discord Recap: Week of 6/24


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