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Guangyang Secondary School

Secondary 3 Science (Biology)

Enzymes Worksheet
Name: _________________________________ ( ) Date: ___________

Class: ___________



1. Which statement about enzymes is correct?

A. They are all proteins.

B. They are changed by the chemical reactions they control.
C. They are destroyed by temperatures below 10⁰C.
D. They are found only in the alimentary canal.
( )

2. 4 test tubes were set up as shown below.

What is the result?

Tube number
1 2 3 4
A. clear clear clear clear
B. clear cloudy cloudy clear
C. cloudy cloudy clear cloudy
D. cloudy clear cloudy clear
( )

3. Starch is digested to maltose by the enzyme amylase. According to the lock and key
hypothesis, which is the “key” and which is the “lock”?

key lock
A. amylase maltose
B. amylase starch
C. starch amylase
D. starch maltose

( )

4. Which graph shows how an enzyme catalysed reaction in the alimentary canal varies
with temperature?

( )

5. An experiment was set up to investigate the action of amylase on a 1.0g cube of potato.
The cube of potato was submerged in a test tube with an amylase solution. The potato
contains starch.
After 15 minutes at 20⁰C, 0.25g of starch was converted to sugar.
The experiment is then repeated at 30⁰C. How much starch would be converted to
sugar? (Hint: Activity of enzyme doubles for every 10⁰C increase in temperature)

A. 0.15g C. 0.50g
B. 0.25g D. 1.0g
( )


6. A student who had seen a cook place slices of fresh pineapple on top of meat before
cooking it, decided to carry out some experiments using fresh pineapple juice.

A fat-free milk agar was prepared and poured into a sterilized petri dish. After it had
cooled and set, five holes were made in the agar and each hole was filled with a
different substance as shown in Fig 2.1.


1 – distilled water Petri dish

1 2
2 – solution of lactase (enzyme that
digests milk sugar)
Cloudy milk agar
3 – solution of protease

4 - boiled pineapple juice

4 3
5 – fresh pineapple juice

Fig 2.1

The petri dish was then kept at 40⁰C for 2 hours. The results showed that holes 3 and 5 became
clear areas.

a) Explain why the petri dish was kept at 40⁰C. [2]



b) Explain the results obtained for each of the holes 1 – 5. [5]

Hole 1: __________________________________________________________________

Hole 2: __________________________________________________________________

Hole 3: __________________________________________________________________

Hole 4: __________________________________________________________________

Hole 5: __________________________________________________________________

c) Using the results of this experiment, suggest reasons why cooks place fresh pineapple
on meat before cooking it. [2]



7. The graph below (Fig2.2) shows the results of temperature on a chemical reaction which
is controlled by enzymes.

Fig. 2.2

a) What is the optimum temperature of this enzyme? [1]


b) Explain the shape of the graph after 40⁰C. [2]




c) It was later found out that the enzyme digests carbohydrates. Name this type of
enzyme. [1]


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