Border Reiver Feud War Rules 7

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Border Reiver Feud War Rules

Items needed

1 pack of numbered cards from 1 to 10 which equates to the equivalent in inches marked as
follows : 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 a total of 18 cards

Several 25/28 mm individual figures put into clans plus individually based farm animals
Foot figures ,hounds based on 1” diameter bases Horsemen based on two 1” bases
Chickens pigs sheep and cow approiate base sizes to fit figures.
Six sided dice
40 event cards
4 cards marked with farm animals 1 saying 9 chickens 1 saying 7 pigs 1 saying 5 sheep and 1
saying 3 cows
Minimum 3 cards with 1 marked defender 2 marked attacker. Can be 1 against 4 etc.
1 direction dice arrows pointing on all 6 sides
Measuring ruler in inches

The aim of the game is for your clan either to capture all the farm animals and transport
them off the battlefield or to defend the farmstead and keep hold of the farm animals for a
set number of days. When returning to your starting point you must keep one clan member
there to look after your captured farm animals. There is no loyalty between clans, every
clan for itself.

1 Chicken is worth 1 point when taken off the battlefield or kept at the farmstead

1 Pig is worth 2 points when taken off the battlefield or kept at the farmstead

1 Sheep is worth 3 points when taken off the battlefield or kept at the farmstead

1 Cow is worth 4 points when taken off the battlefield or kept at the farmstead

You cannot kill any farm animals

Battlefield scenario of Debateable Land

Position farmstead in middle with

A Field of farm animals

Sequence of Play

Pick you troops from the lists provided

Throw 1xD6 dice 1234 Spring/Autumn 56 Summer
The days are split into hours of Twilight Spring/Autumn 5 Hours equals 10 turns
Summer 6 Hours equals 12 turns
Shuffle the minimum 3 cards marked 1 defender clan and 2 attacker clans if only 3 are playing and
distribute between the 3 players Whoever is the defender shuffles the 4 cards marked farm animals
and picks 1 card. He then sets up in the middle of the battlefield. He then has scenery to place any
where he wants to. This consists of 1 dense wood (max of 12” by 12”) 2 light woods (max 12” by
12”) 1 broken ground (max12”by12”) 2 hills (max12” by 12”) 1 river going from one table edge to
another table edge and then place 1 bridge and 2 fords anywhere on the river he can also place 4
walls up to 6” in length up to 6” around his farmstead and field he then places his figures and farm
animals then he can be prepared to be attacked. The Attacking Players throw 1xd6 and the highest
picks which side he wants to attack from and so on.

Each Turn (consists of 10 or 12)(A Clan in their turn can Move or Fire or Attack in Melee)
Each Clan Leader throws 1xD6 to determine who goes first on each day.(the highest wins) then
clockwise round the table .This also applies to the defending clan
Each Turn (This also applies to the defending clan except the clan does not pick an event card)
Each Clan Leader shuffles the 18 numbered cards each time and picks one. This is there movement
in inches. i.e A card with the number 6 on equals 6” for foot This becomes 12” for mounted
However if your foot figure or your horseman has 2 wounds, movement is halved at all times.

1 chicken has a maximum movement of 6”

1 pig has a maximum movement of 8”
1 sheep has a maximum movement of 10”
1 cow has a maximum movement of 12”

These movements will also apply if the animals get loose. If there are 5 players then the farm animal
which is loose if not contacted by a figure will then throw a direction dice and pick a movement card
each turn 5 times or more depending on capture. If however the loose farm animal leaves the
table area it is deem lost and does not return back onto the table area.

There is no deductions for moving through soft /hard cover dismounting and mounting and turning
to face opponents (see also melee).

Then each Clan Leader picks an Event Card pre shuffled .(After last event card picked reshuffle)
Read and take action before movement.

Where rivers are concerned you can cross at any point but you must throw 1xD6 if you do not cross
at a bridge or ford. Throw 1xD6 for each turn you spend in or crossing the river. Result 1,2 Drown
3,4 Turn back 5,6 ok to cross (this applies for both foot ,hounds and horse)

Farm Animals only cross at fords and bridges.

Horsemen may decide to take short cuts and jump over fences and hedges Throw 1x6D 12 horse
goes lame Move at Foot speed rest of game 3456 ok
Horsemen must go round walls .
Foot must go round walls and hedges.

Movement with Farm Animals

To move a farm animal you must be in base to base contact. (1 figure to 1 farm animal) This means it
will move with you at all times. A Clan may have Sleuth Hounds ( 1 hound per 1 farm animal for
movement) which can if in base to base contact with a farm Animal move the farm animal without a
foot or mounted figure. However if the foot or mounted moves more than 6”away from the Sleuth
Hound the farm animal will escape.The hound will return back to the nearest clan figure i.e within
6” If a farm animal escapes throw a direction dice and then pick one of the 18 numbered cards.
Move the farm animal in that direction, if the farm animal contacts another foot or mounted figure it
is then attached to that clan. You can still fight and defend in melee whilst still in base to base with a
farm animal. Whoever is not killed holds onto the farm animal. However if a melee is in progress and
another figure gets in base to base (and is not in melee) contact with the farm animal he is entitled
to take it. Farm Animals cannot be taken with you if an event card states that you must return to
your starting point they become loose. Farm Animals then throw a direction dice and pick a
movement card.

TROOPS and there cost.(You can only use weapons that you have paid for in points, you cannot use
other clans weapons,horses and hounds, they are taken off the battlefield when killed)
If a clan horseman is killed none of your figures may claim that horse it is deem lost with the

Each Clan has a total of a 100 points to spend which is divided as follows:
A Clan Leader cost no points but his weapons and armour will.
1Revier/Soldier costs 5 points
1 Horse costs 5 points
1 Sleuth Hound costs 5 points
No armour costs 0 points
Light armour costs 2 points
Heavy armour costs 5 points

Each Weapon costs:

Sword costs 2 points
Bill/Jeddart axe costs 3 points
Small Crossbow costs 4 points (latch mainly used by the Scots)
Spear /lance costs 5 points
Bow costs 5 points
Pistol/Dagg costs 7 points
Arquebus costs 10 points ( refered to as a hackbut)
Carbine costs 10 points ( refered to as a calver used in late 16 th cent by mounted)
A clan leader and soldier cannot have more than 2 weapons( In melee can only fight with 1)
FIRING (All troops have 360 degrees vision and turn to face)
No pre measurement
Line of sight only
Small Crossbow close up to 9” long up to 18”
Pistol close up to 5” long up to 10”
Arquebus close up to 9” long up to 18”
Bow close up to 12” long up to 24”
Carbine close up to 9” long up to 18”
Cannot move and fire
Cannot fire from horseback unless Pistol, Carbine.
Fire once per turn.
Pistols and carbines and Arquebus (each) fire 1 turn load 1 turn fire 1 turn load 1 turn etc.
No movement when loading.

Firing table Throw 2xD6 per Shot.

X is a miss
+1 to dice score if firing at close range
-1 firing with 2 wounds

Dice Throw 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No Armour X X X X 1wound 1wound 1wound 1wound killed killed killed
Light Armour X X X X X 1 wound 1 wound 1wound killed killed killed
Heavy Armour X X X X X X 1 wound 1wound killed killed killed

Behind soft cover

Dice Throw 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No Armour X X X X X 1wound 1wound 1wound killed killed killed
Light Armour X X X X X X 1wound 1wound killed killed killed
HeavyArmour X X X X X X X X 1wound killed killed

Behind hard cover

Dice Throw 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No Armour X X X X X X X 1wound 1 wound killed killed killed
Light Armour X X X X X X X X 1wound killed killed
HeavyArmour X X X X X X X X X X killed

If you receive 3 wounds then you are classed as killed.

If fired upon by Pistol, Carbine or Arquebus change 1 Wound in the charts to 2 Wounds
A figure has 360 degrees vision and can turn to face opponent without penalty If he is attacked by 2
figures and a 3rd figure attacks he cannot turn to the rear to face.
A figure can only attack in melee in their own turn sequence(an opponent defends in your turn
sequence). An attacking figure can only throw once in melee.
A figure can only use 1 weapon in an attack he may use his fists if he has no weapon.
Must be in Base to Base contact ( the exception is when a i.e wall is inbetween figures ie soft cover)
Up to 3 figures may attack 1 figure(this is classed as surrounded and the defender cannot escape)
Each figure throws 2xD6 then adds and subtract modifiers. The defender may have to throw up to 3
times if attacked by more than 1 figure in a turn.
The highest score wins the melee , check the difference and consult the chart to see the result of
the losing figure.

+0 using weapon as a club
+1 sword
+2 bill/axe
+3 spear/lance
+1 light armour
+2 heavy armour
+2 clan leader fighting
+1 attacking foot figure moving 6” and over +2 cavalry 12” and over
+1 defending soft cover (defender only)
+2 defending hard cover (defender only)
+2 Attacking defender in the rear( 1 attacking figure permitted when defending figure surrounded)
+2 Second Attacking figure against 1 figure
+4 Third Attacking figure against 1 figure
-1 no armour
-1 using fists no weapon
-2 fighting horseman (this does not apply to second or third figures attacking)
-1 for each wound

Difference between figure melee scores

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+
X X X 1wound 1wound 1wound 2wounds 2wounds 2wounds killed killed killed killed

X = no wound

If an opponent is not killed, in their turn sequence they can continue fighting or can move away,
unless blocked in by 3 figures (they must continue fighting.) Farm animals cannot block figures in
melee, they have just to be moved to one side while the melee is finished. If you are blocked in by 3
figures and you have a farm animal the animal becomes loose .it will move next turn If not captured
You cannot pass through any figure even if friendly you must pass round and not through.

If a Clan Leader is killed Clan members receive -2 on melee attack and all movement is halved.
Clan Leaders tell Clan members what to do (you are basically that person) and wil lead them in
movement and firing and melee see above if he is killed. (you will still control the Clan).

The defending clan takes its turn in movement,firing and melee but not in taking event cards.
The defending clan can leave the clans settlement to recapture farm animals but must weigh up the
options when leaving farm animals in the field. The defending clan cannot take farm animals with
them to recapture other farm animals taken by attacking clans.
The defending clan cannot take out the farm animals from their farm field.
All recaptured farm animals must be returned to the farm field.
The defending clan can place his figures up to 6” from the edge of the field and farmstead but
cannot venture forth unless to recapture farm animals or loose farm animals

The attacking clans must mark their initial starting point for event card purposes

The Defending Clan gets +1 point for every attacking clan figure he kills and +3points for every clan

The Defending Clan can call for the March Warden once a farm animal is taken from the field. When
it is the Defending Clans turn he throws 1xd6 12 beacon not lit 3456 beacon lights and informs
the March Warden. If successful on the Defending Clans next turn he throws 2xD6 a score of 9
10 11 12 the March Warden and his Hot Trodd appears on any table side the Defending Clans wants
The Defending Clan has 100points to spend on the March Warden and the Hot Trodd. The March
Warden(the Defending Clan) picks a movement card straight after the defending clans go but does
not pick an event card.

You can decide to add more scenery i.e. hedges ,fortifications and hills etc. but you must all agree
to it.



Write on cards

You challenge a rival clan to a football match pick a rival clan No movement or firing this
turn for both clans can only fight in melee if attacked
You challenge a rival clan to a drinking competition pick a rival clan no movement or firing
this turn for both clans can only fight in melee if attacked

March Warden’s wife is accidently killed by one of your clan members you must hang him
immediately (take a figure off the battlefield of your choice) does not apply to clan leader
can only apply once to the same clan

Local farm girl needs punishing you do not know whether to drown or burn her No
movement this turn while you deliberate

Your wife has been rumoured to have been kidnapped all clan members turn back towards
your starting point this movement turn .

Blackmail is demanded send 1 figure of your clan back to your starting point to pay ransom
and then he can return

Sudden border shower No firing this turn

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Sudden Border showers no firing this turn

You find a barrel of beer no movement this turn

One of your clan has been drinking accidently shoots or stabs one of your own clan
members Pick one clan member and he receives 1 wound

If you have a horseman move 2 moves at foot speed horse has gone lame.

Truce Day your clan decides to get merry no movement this turn.

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

A heavy shower blows over the borders no firing this turn

A drunken clan member picks a fight with a fellow clan member 1 member receives 1
wound your choice
All your horsemen move through bogey ground move at foot rate this turn

All your foot move through bogey ground move at half rate this turn

You are lost in a grim little valley turn back towards your starting point this movement turn

You are lost in a grim little valley turn back towards your starting point this movement turn

One clan member has a dispute with the local priest and gets stabbed for his trouble he
receives 1 wound your figure choice

Gavelkind has happened to one of your clan members one figure must return to your
starting point before he can return to the clan

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Marches are quiet no penalties

Hills You must state whether you are behind a hill or not. If you are behind a hill you
cannot be seen or fired upon. If you intend to fire you can be seen, there will be no bonus
for cover.

Soft Cover

Broken ground

Light woods

Walls after a turn of firing(inclusive of stone bridges)



Wooden Bridges

Hard Cover

Walls after no turn of firing (inclusive of stone Bridges)

Stone Houses

Wooden Houses

Fortifications(inclusive of earthworks and Parapits)

Dense Woods (impassable)

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