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• Is a one-unit course (18 hours) composed of

personal, moral, spiritual, social development
module given to freshmen students during the
second semester. It focuses on the SELF with
the formation of self-concept its dimensions as
well as identifying one’s values and meaning in
• This will be achieved through the framework
anchored on cognitive behavior therapy, an
intervention for enhancing self development of
the students.
Course Content
1. Me, as Person:
16 Personality Factors, Personality Test and Emotions
Profile Index
• Knowing myself
• Understanding the dimension of self-concept: self-image,
self-confidence and self-esteem:
•Emotions and their associated thoughts, body reactions and
•Thinking habits: My unhelpful thinking habits, Worry Tree
and finding alternative thoughts
2. Social Self
3. Winning Attitudes:
Activity (Personal Mask)
4. Personal Values:
5. Meaning in Life:

Final Examination
• Self-esteem is a set of attitudes and beliefs that a
person brings with him- or herself when facing
the world.

• It includes beliefs as to whether he or she can

expect success or failure, how much effort should
be put forth, whether failure at a task will “hurt,”
and whether he or she will become more capable
as a result of different experiences.
• "In psychological terms, self-esteem provides
a mental set that prepares the person to
respond according to expectations of success,
acceptance, and personal strength.

-- Stanley Coopersmith, Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventories Manual

• The self-concept is the accumulation of
knowledge about the self, such as beliefs
regarding personality traits, physical
characteristics, abilities, values, goals, and roles.

• Beginning in infancy, children acquire and

organize information about themselves as a way
to enable them to understand the relation
between the self and their social world.
• Self-confidence is essentially an attitude which
allows us to have a positive and realistic
perception of ourselves and our abilities.

• It is characterized by personal attributes such

as assertiveness, optimism, enthusiasm,
affection, pride, independence, trust, the
ability to handle criticism and emotional
• Confidence is learned, it is not inherited. If
you lack confidence, it probably means that,
as a child, you were criticized, undermined, or
suffered an inexplicable tragic loss, for which
you either blamed yourself or were blamed by
Why does thinking that you are ugly bad for

Why do you have to “kiss-the-mirror”?

What are the 10 things that you admire about
yourself? (that even if you are someone else,
you will be jealous)
Share what you have written in a group and
share the story behind it. Other members can
add more to your list, have them write it
down… respond with a “Thank you”.
Reminisce one experience that added to your
life during the holidays.
• Based on the six core themes, what changes
will you make in your life to increase your self-
Family, Friends and Ex. Spending time Ex. Devote time to Ex. Celebrate
Relationships with people who people who inspire relationships
are pessimistic me -greet friends who
are celebrating
their birthdays
Teasing and
Talking about
Media and
Celebrity Culture
Competing and
Comparing Looks
Respecting and
Looking after
16 PF
• Represents Dr. Raymond Cattell’s endeavor to
identify the primary components of
personality factor analyzing all English-
language adjectives describing human
• It contains 185 items that comprise the 16
primary personality factor scales as well as an
Impression Management (IM) which assess
the social desirability.
Emotions Profile Index (EPI)
• Is a personality test designed to yield
information about certain basic personality
traits and conflicts in an individual’s life.
• A circular profile is used to display the relative
strength of the basic personality traits. This
profile allows the examiner to compare these
traits, to see their relative importance for the
individual, and to identify major conflicts
between traits.
Emotion Profile Index
Interpretation of the Emotion
• Gregarious dimension
High score: This person tends • Low Score: this person
to be sociable, friendly, tends to be unsociable,
affectionate and somewhat unfriendly, unaffectionate
extroverted. He enjoys and introverted. He tends
being with people and likes to be isolated and
to have warm, friendly, withdrawn.
Trustful Dimension
High Score Low Score
• This person tends to be • This person tends to be
accepting, trustful, obedient unaccepting, distrustful,
and gullible. He tends to disobedient and not very
take things at their face gullible. He does not take
value. He would probably things at face value
be described as a
dependent person, or who
is suggestible.
Dyscontrol Dimension
High score Low score
• This person tends to be • This person tends to be
impulsive. He likes to try unadventurous. He is
new things and have new reluctant to try new things
experiences. He likes or have new experiences.
surprises. He might also be He is not impulsive and
described as adventurous or tends to withdraw from
curious social contact.
Timid Dimension
High score Low score
• This person tends to be • This person is less cautious
cautious, careful and and fearful than the average
anxious. He worries about person. He tends to take
getting into trouble. He also risks and can easily get into
worries about what people trouble. He will do things
think of him and say about that are dangerous and not
him. in his own best interest.
Extremely low scores may
indicate impaired reality
Depressed dimension
High Score Low Score
• This person is depressed, • This person is satisfied with
sad, and gloomy. He is his style of life.
dissatisfied with aspects of
his life. He feels deprived • Extremely low scores may
and is probably pessimistic. reflect the operation of
strong denial
Distrustful Dimension
High Score Low Score
• This person tends to be • This person tends to be
stubborn, resentful and uncritical and not rejecting
sarcastic. He is overly
critical and tends to be
rejecting of people and of
ideas. He is most likely
perceived by others as a
hostile person.
• Another description of him
might be”passive-aggressive
or guarded.
Control Dimension
High Score Low Score
• This person wants to know his • This person tends to live his
environment and wants to life on a day-to-day basis.
learn to deal with it. He has a
tendency to organize his life He does not plan for the
and put things in their proper future. He tends to be
pigeon holes. He has a needs disorganized in his thinking
for order and like being well and in his activities. He has
organized. He exhibits a good very little need for
deal of self-control. He would
be perceived by others as orderliness. He tends to
compulsive, meticulous or well have little self-control
Aggressive Dimension
High Score Low Score
• This person tends to be • This person is unaggressive
quarrelsome and and not quarrelsome. He
aggressive. He tends to say has very little anger and is
whatever is on his mind. He reluctant to express it
has a lot of anger and overtly. He is somewhat
expresses it overly. He passive.
tends to blow off steam
with people around. People
might describe him as
Common Combination
• High Gregarious + High • High Gregarious + Low
Timid timid
Implies a strong conscience Implies a person who likes to
and a tendency to feel guilty be with people but who has
rather easily. This implies a a lack of conscience. He is
responsible, cautious not too responsible.
person who has strong
needs for social approval
Common Combination
• High Gregarious + High • Low Gregarious + High
Dyscontrol Dyscontrol
Likes people and likes Seeks adventures and novelty
adventures. He likes to through things rather
meet new people and through people; that is, by
enjoys having many friends doing dangerous things and
and contact. His socializing taking risks.
has an impulsive quality and
may be insensitive
Common Combination
• High Gregarious +Low • High Trustful + Low
Trustful Timid
Likes to be with people This person tends to exercise
but he is somewhat poor judgment and does
risky things
distrustful. He is a good
socializer but does not
take people at face
value. He tends to be
suspicious of people’s
Common Combination
• High Timid + High Control • Bias
Represents a definite High bias scores indicate a
anxiety pattern with tendency to pick the
strong likelihood of more socially desirable of
phobic and obsessive- the two items in a pair.
compulsive behavior0 However, this may also be
a correct description of
the person
Low bias scores indicate a
tendency of the subject
to describe himself in
socially undesirable ways.
Self Description
• High Scores

• Low Scores
What are your current
stresses/difficult situations?
✓Stop and breathe, I can do this
✓This will pass
✓I can be anxious/angry/sad and still deal with
✓I have done this before and I can do this
✓This feels bad, it’s a normal body reaction – it
will pass
✓This feels bad and feelings are often wrong
✓These are just feelings, they will go away
✓This wont last forever
✓Short term pain for long term gain
✓I can feel bad and still choose to take a new
and healthy direction
✓I don’t need to rush, I can take things slowly
✓I have survived before, I will survive now
✓I feel this way because of my past experiences,
but I am safe right now
✓Its okay to feel this way it’s a normal reaction
✓Right now, I am not in danger. Right now, I am
✓My mind is not always my friend
✓Thoughts are just thoughts, they are not
necessarily true or factual
✓This is difficult and uncomfortable, but its only
✓I can use my coping skills and get through this
✓I can learn from this and it will easier next
✓Keep calm and carry on
Create a
Bring your
mask next

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