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Rev. 4 March 2012




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Rev. 0 Sheets 26
September 1994
Issued to comply with the EEC directives
Cancelling and replacing the following specification:
01794.EQP.ELE.SPC: General Specification - D.C Switchboards

Rev. 1 Sheets 32
June 2003
Issued to comply with the E.U. directives and normative references
This specification replaces and supersedes the following specification:
20055.EQP.STA.FUN : General Specification - Static Continuity Group for A.C. Power

Rev. 2 Sheets 32
October 2006

List of revised paragraphs in respect to previous issue:

Title Changing of the title

Paragraph 1.2 Priority order in Normative references;
Paragraph 1.2.2 Normative references;
Paragraph 2.2 Symbols and abbreviations;
Paragraph 2.4 Functional requirements;
Paragraph 2.7.3 Protection against indirect contacts;

Rev. 3 Sheets 30
March 2010
General Revision

Rev. 4 Sheets 31
March 2012
Added approval table
List of revised and / or added paragraphs in respect to previous issue:

Paragraph 1.2 General Revision Normative References

Paragraph 2.2.1 Added Voltage levels
Paragraph Reserve
Paragraph Instruments
Paragraph Updated table cables
Paragraph 2.6 Ergonomics
Paragraph 2.7 Safety
Paragraph 2.8 Quality assurance and management requirements
Paragraph 2.9 Inspection and Testing additional requirements
Paragraph 2.10 Documentation


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1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................ 4
CODES AND RULES .......................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Codes.................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2.2 Laws, Decrees, Directives ................................................................................................ 4
1.2.3 Internal standardization Documents ............................................................................... 4

2 FUNCTIONAL NORMATIVE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................ 5

2.1 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Voltage Levels ................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Prototype switchboard...................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Metal-enclosed switchboard ............................................................................................ 5
2.2 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... 5
2.3 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................ 6
2.4 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................ 6
2.4.1 Functional Characteristics of d.c. UPS ........................................................................... 6
2.4.2 Functional characteristics of a.c. UPS .......................................................................... 12
2.4.3 Construction Characteristics ......................................................................................... 18
2.4.4 Packing for transport ...................................................................................................... 26
2.5 BOUNDARIES, LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS .................................................................... 27
2.5.1 Limits and exclusions ..................................................................................................... 27
2.6 ERGONOMICS.................................................................................................................. 27
2.6.1 Noise Level....................................................................................................................... 27
2.6.2 Accessibility..................................................................................................................... 27
2.7 SAFETY............................................................................................................................. 27
2.7.1 General requirements ..................................................................................................... 27
2.7.2 Protection against indirect contacts ............................................................................. 27
2.7.3 Protection against direct contacts ................................................................................ 28
2.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS .................................. 28
2.9 ISPECTION AND TESTING ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 28
2.9.1 Type Test .......................................................................................................................... 28
2.9.2 Acceptance Test .............................................................................................................. 28
2.9.3 Special Test...................................................................................................................... 28
2.10 DOCUMENTATION........................................................................................................... 29
2.10.1 Bid Documentation.......................................................................................................... 29
2.10.2 Documentation to be approved ..................................................................................... 29
2.10.3 Documentation relevant to penalties application ........................................................ 29
2.10.4 Documentation for Company’s use............................................................................... 29
2.10.5 Testing Documentation................................................................................................... 29
2.10.6 Final Technical Documentation ..................................................................................... 29

3 METHOD OF COMPANY STANDARS REQUEST / INFORMATION ............................. 31


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This specification sets out the minimum requirements and the inspection plans for the supply of a.c.
& d.c. Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (a.c & d.c. UPS).
Any other additional information not covered by this specification will be specified in the rules and
publications in force and in the project technical documentation, particularly:

- Data Sheets (T.D.S)

- Inspection Data Sheets (I.D.S.)
- Required Documentation Data Sheets (D.D.S.)

The technical requirements of this functional specification are based upon considerations of
performances and functionality, therefore the instructions contained in this document are not meant
to be discriminatory.
Any alternative suggestions will be considered, provided that the compliance with what required in
this document is satisfied both from functional and performance points of view.


Materials and equipment shall fully comply with all requirement fixed by the following rules, laws,
decrees and internal standardization documents

1.2.1 Codes
All system, equipment and materials shall be in compliance with the rules valid in the country where
they shall be installed.
Rules applicable to Eni standard are listed in Company Specification:

- List of Rules applicable to electrical standards 20235.DOC.ELE.ELN.

Applying the above mentioned Company Specification Contractor / Supplier shall verify the validity of
every single standard (latest available version) and besides they shall verify new eventually issued
rules to be applied

1.2.2 Laws, Decrees, Directives

All Law, Act. Decree, issued by local Entities and Authorities under which equipment shall be
installed, shall be applied

1.2.3 Internal standardization Documents

Company Standard / ENI Standard are defined ENI E.&.P. internal Standardization Documents

All System, equipment and materials shall comply with documents detailed in the Company

- Electrical Standard List 20236.DOC.ELE.ELN

Contractor / Supplier shall verify the validity of every single specification (latest available issue) and
they shall verify new eventually issued regulations to be applied


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For definitions and terminology reference will be made to the rules in paragraph 1.2.

In accordance with CEI EN 60439-1 Code this specification is applied to UPS electric switchboards,
defined as protection and manoeuvre equipment in accordance with the following typologies:

In compliance with CEI EN 60439-1

Type Tested Assemblies

Partially Type Tested Assemblies

Moreover the following additional definitions are given:

2.1.1 Voltage Levels

In the present specification the traditional definitions regarding Low, Medium, High Voltage is applied.
Even if international IEC / EN standard simplify defining LV up to 1 kV AC and apply HV for level over
1kV AC, for clearness within Eni documents the following definitions are maintained:

- BT or LV for voltage up to 1 kV in AC (Low Voltage)

- MT or MV for voltage over 1 kV in AC and up to 52 kV in AC (Medium Voltage)
- AT or HV for voltage of and over 66 kV in AC (High Voltage)

2.1.2 Prototype switchboard

It is a switchboard which has passed successfully the type tests prescribed by CEI EN 60439-1
Normative References and has an established construction system, which the type tested
assemblies (TTA) are conforming to.

2.1.3 Metal-enclosed switchboard

It is a switchboard enclosed on all sides (except for the openings for cables), fitted with metallic


For symbols and abbreviations reference is made to the Normative References listed in 1.2.
Moreover the following are defined:
- RT: Rectifier/Battery Charger
- INV: Inverter
- UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply


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The a.c. & d.c. UPS’s will be designed and built according to the environmental conditions of the
installation site, that will be described in the Data Sheet, and according to service conditions
prescribed in CEI EN 60439-1 Rule.

Switchboards and single components will not be subject to harmonic vibrations and violent shocks
that can occur during normal service.

When the presence of H2S in the atmosphere is anticipated, the following concentrations will be
assumed, if not otherwise specified:

- 0.10 ppm of H2S continuously;

- 5 ppm of H2S and 2 ppm of SO2 occasionally of short periods.

The Supplier shall adopt adequate protections and demonstrate the validity with test certificates on
the components.


2.4.1 Functional Characteristics of d.c. UPS D.C. UPS Configurations

The following configurations of UPS’s are normally used:

Type A: single rectifier/battery charger unit (1x100%), non-redundant batteries (1x100%) and
integrated distribution section
Type B: redundant rectifier/battery charger units (2x100%), non-redundant batteries (1x100%) and
integrated distribution section
Type C: redundant rectifier/battery charger units (2x100%), redundant batteries (2x100%) and
integrated distribution section

Deviation from the above configurations will be subjected to the Company approval. Operating conditions

The d.c. UPS, under normal operation, in all configurations, shall provide:

- the feeding of d.c. loads;

- the floating charge of batteries.

a) Type A configuration

Under normal condition, the power supply of the d.c. loads is guaranteed by the a.c. feeding network.
The d.c. loads shall be switched without discontinuity in the power supply, to the battery in case of:

- feeding network failure;

- rectifier failure;
- excessive decrease of d.c. voltage.


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b) Type B configuration

Under normal condition, the power supply of the d.c. loads is guaranteed by the a.c. feeding network
via incomer 1.
Both rectifiers (RT1, RT2) shall run in parallel at 50% duty. They will be connected to a common
batteries bank (sized at 100%).
In case of feeding network failure, the loads will be switched without discontinuity in the power
supply, to the batteries.
If the feeding network via incomer 2 is available and within allowed tolerances, then the incomers
automatic changeover shall switch the power supply of the UPS to the incomer 2.
The incomer 2 will guarantee the power supply of a.c. loads and the charging of batteries.
In case of one rectifier failure, the other one shall supply the total load without interruption.
In case of both rectifiers failure or excessive decrease of d.c. voltage, the d.c. loads shall be switched
without discontinuity in the power supply to the batteries.

Block diodes or other devices shall be installed to avoid, in case of failures, the transfer of energy
from a rectifier to the other.

c) Type C configuration

The operating conditions are as per Type B configuration, with following amendment: the rectifier
units shall run in parallel at 50% duty, but there are two batteries banks (2x100%), each one
connected to dedicated rectifier.

d) Common conditions to all the configurations

When the conditions that have determined the switching are restored, the system shall return to its
normal operating position as concerns the load feeding and provide automatically for the charge of
the battery, when necessary.
The switching system shall be able to prevent the batteries from feeding failures of rectifiers and/or
their auxiliaries. Performances
If not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet, the d.c. UPS shall be able to supply the rated
performances with the variations indicated here below, both single and combined of the a.c. feeding
frequency and voltage:

• voltage ± 10%
• frequency ± 5%

In the feeding conditions defined above and with a load varying from 0 to 100%, the output d.c.
voltage variation shall be within the following limits:

• ± 5% with rectifier under normal operations and a.c. feedings;

• +10% under emergency conditions and batteries completely charged;
• -15% under emergency conditions and with a battery at the end of discharge;

The peak-to-peak value of superimposed ripple current, with battery separated from the switchboard,
load between 0 and 100% and with the feeding conditions indicated above, it shall be lower than 5%
of C10 for Ni-Cd batteries and lower than 1% of C10 for VRLA batteries.


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Sheet 8 of 31 Stabilisation of d.c. voltage

The stabilisation of voltage on D.C. load side within stated values may be obtained with one of the
following systems:

- stabilisation of the batteries under discharge and/or recharge phase;

- d.c. stabilisers.

The stabilisation system through partialization of the batteries during the charge and discharge
phases shall be foreseen when the possible partial insertions are not more than two.
Whenever foreseen the stabiliser on the d.c. distribution shall be of the voltage drop diode type.
The use of d.c./d.c. controllers (chopper) shall be limited to the cases where voltage variation ≤5% is
required. Temperature compensation

When required in the data sheet, the charging voltage shall be automatically regulated according to
the ambient temperature. The temperature sensor (located on battery bank) shall adjust the rectifier
output voltage according to the battery Manufacturer recommendations. D.C. distribution

Unless otherwise indicated, the d.c. distributions shall be of the type with both poles isolated.
The single starters shall be provided with automatic circuit breakers or fuses and on-load
disconnecting switches, as defined in the Data Sheet.
The cut off and/or disconnecting devices shall be bipolar type; the protection against overloads
and/or short-circuits shall be installed on both poles.
If required, loads shall be divided on two or more bus bar sections in order to perform a load-
shedding of non-vital loads in case of operation with discharged storage batteries. Charge of batteries

The charge system shall provide:

- the floating charge;

- the full charge.
- the boost charge (when expressly required in the Data Sheet).

The charging methods shall be suitable for the type of batteries, in order to maintain their integrity
and life time. Therefore, they shall be implemented according to the battery Manufacturer
If not otherwise specified by battery Manufacturer, the charging methods shall be carried out as

a) Floating charge

The floating charge shall be carried out at a constant value of voltage, defined by the battery
Under the feeding conditions already defined, the value of the floating voltage shall:


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- be stabilised at ± 2%;
- be adjustable, with respect to the set point, by ± 5%.

b) Full charge

The full charge shall be obtained by the following cycle:

- 1st phase: constant current and voltage increasing up to the value stated by the battery
- 2nd phase: constant voltage at the value indicated above and decreasing current.

With batteries at the discharge minimum voltage, the complete cycle of the full charge shall allow the
recharge of the battery at 90% in a period of 8÷10 hours and the recharge at 100% in 12÷14 hours.
The passage from the first to the second phase will occur automatically.
The passage from the floating charge to full charge and vice versa shall be possible both
automatically and manually.
When in automatic, the batteries shall receive full charge after every period (even partial) of
Under the feeding conditions mentioned above, the full charge voltage and current shall be stabilised
and adjusted as follows:

- stabiliser of the constant current : ± 3%

- stabiliser of the constant voltage : ± 2%
- control of the constant current : ± 15%
- control of the constant voltage : ± 15%.

The battery room might be equipped with natural or forced ventilation with extracting fans depending
upon the quantity of hydrogen emitted by storage batteries, during the full charging operation, in
particular. When the battery room is equipped with forced ventilation, full charging shall be
conditioned by extracting fans operation. When the extractors fail to function, the operation shall be
inhibited or interrupted.

c) Boost charge

When requested in the Data Sheet, a boost charge system shall be installed.
It shall be of the constant current type with voltage increasing up to the maximum value specified by
the battery Manufacturer.
The charge system shall allow the recharge of the batteries completely discharged in a 5÷7 hours
The boost charge shall be carried out only manually.
Under the feeding conditions already indicated, the boost charge current shall be:

- stabilised ± 3%;
- adjustable with respect to the set point by + 10%, - 50%.

When the battery room is equipped with forced ventilation, rapid charging shall be conditioned by
extracting fans operation. When the extractors fail to function, the operation shall be inhibited or


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Sheet 10 of 31 Electric sizing

The switchboards in their whole, each single equipment and component will be sized in accordance
with the relevant codes, and assuming that:

- normal service conditions are as prescribed in Rule CEI EN 60439-1 or otherwise specified in the
Data Sheet
- the installed equipment and bars conform to the rated values prescribed in the Data Sheet,
considering the possible future loads

if not otherwise specified, the maximum virtual connection temperature for diodes and thyristors,
operating in the most severe conditions (including overloads, if any) shall not exceed 125 oC, even if
the utilised elements would allow higher temperatures.

The d.c. UPS shall be sized on the basis of the following parameters:

- the list of loads in the Data Sheet relevant to the distribution section
- loads absorbed power (kW)

The rectifiers (RT) shall be sized, in all configurations, to guarantee:

- power supply of the maximum d.c. expected load and the floating charge of the battery at the
same time;
- full and boost charging of the batteries in the specified time. Auxiliary Circuits

The auxiliary circuits provided in the switchboards shall have functional requirements in compliance
with the Normative References and as specified in the Data Sheet.
If not otherwise specified, the following minimum requirements shall be guaranteed:

a) Alarms

The alarm signals relevant to automatic reset protections shall be provided with memory, as per ISA-
S18.1, with sequence F2M-1-14 (fixed-flashing visual alarm, manual reset, acknowledgement push-
button and lamp test circuit).

The alarm signals to be indicated are the following:

- a.c. mains undervoltage

- rectifier(s) failure (for each rectifier unit)
- d.c. overvoltage
- d.c. undervoltage
- battery discharging
- cubicle fan failure (for rectifiers with forced air cooling only)
- cubicle high temperature
- battery room fan failure
- battery high temperature


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b) Signals

The colours utilised for the visual signals (lamps) shall be in compliance with the CEI EN 60073
Codes. The following minimum requirements shall be guaranteed:


Mains available WHITE
Battery under floating charge WHITE
Battery under full charge YELLOW
Battery under boost charge (if provided) YELLOW
Battery connected RED
d.c. loads fed from the network WHITE
fan(s) operating in the battery room WHITE

c) Measurements

The following measurements shall be provided:

- for switchboard:
• network voltage (for each feeding line);
• voltage on the d.c. loads;
• supplied current (d.c. side).
- for each battery:
• charge/discharge current;
• voltage of the whole battery.

d) Remote Alarms and Measurements

The switchboards shall be prearranged for remote repetition of the following:

- each alarm conditions listed in the above section with "a) Alarms" ;
- voltage on d.c. loads.

The above parameters shall be suitable for remote signalling via both hardwired using potential-free
contacts and serial link.
The type of serial link and communication protocol will be specified in the Data Sheet

e) Controls

The following adjustment and control facilities shall be provided:

- opening/closing of rectifier(s) control switch(s) (for each rectifier unit);

- incomers changeover manual/automatic selection (UPS type B and C);
- incomer selection (UPS type B and C);
- opening/closing of stabilizer isolating switches
- boost charge initiation switch (if provided);
- boost charge duration timer (if provided);
- d.c. output voltage adjustment;
- d.c. current limit adjustment;
- float charge control on battery temperature (if temperature compensation provided);
- opening/closing of d.c. UPS output isolation switch.


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Sheet 12 of 31 Possibility for extension

The compartments will be arranged to allow for extension of the d.c. distribution section.

Compartments or cells will be provided when specifically required, or to complete the arrangement of
the switchboard.
The arrangement as functional units will be described in more detail by the Company in the Data

2.4.2 Functional characteristics of a.c. UPS Electric sizing

The complete groups, each individual equipment and the components shall be sized in conformity
with the relevant Normative references, and assuming that the normal operating conditions shall be
as per EN 60439-1 or otherwise defined in the Data Sheet.

If not otherwise specified, the maximum virtual junction temperature of diodes and thirystors,
operating in the worst conditions (including any overload) shall not exceed 125oC even if the used
elements allow for larger temperatures.

The group shall be sized on the basis of the following parameters:

- the list of loads in the Data Sheet relevant to the distribution panel
- loads data, as:
• rated power (kVA)
• capacitive or inductive power factor (f.d.p)
• starting current (Is) (when applicable) A.C. UPS Configurations

The following configurations of UPS’s are normally used :

Type A: single rectifier/inverter unit (1x100%), non-redundant batteries (1x100%), emergency line,
manual by-pass and integrated distribution section

Type B: parallel redundant rectifier/inverter units (2x100%), redundant batteries (2x100%),

emergency line, manual by-pass and integrated distribution section

Other configurations may be defined in the Data Sheet.

Each rectifier/inverter unit shall contain the following equipment:

- Rectifier/battery charger power supplied by the electric network

- Electric batteries;
- Inverter;
- Static switch;
- Manual by-pass switch;


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Sheet 13 of 31 Operating conditions

a) Type A configuration

In the normal operating conditions, the load shall be supplied by normal mains through the inverter
and the static switch.

The battery charger, therefore, shall supply at the same time the power to the inverter and the power
necessary to charge the batteries (float charging mode).
In one of the following conditions:

- any drop of voltage in the normal mains,

- battery charger out-of-service,

the power to the inverter shall be supplied temporarily by the batteries with no discontinuity in the
power supply.
If the emergency mains available and within allowed tolerances, the static switch shall check the
synchronization between output voltage of the inverter and the voltage of emergency mains. After the
voltages have been synchronized, the static switch will transfer the loads from batteries to the
emergency mains, in the commutation time indicated in the Data Sheet.

In case of voltage drop in the normal mains or battery charger out-of-service and emergency mains
not available the power to the inverter shall be supplied by the batteries for all the period specified in
the Data Sheet, with no discontinuity in the power supply.
When the normal conditions are reset, the battery charger shall supply the power to the inverter and
shall charge the batteries in the time specified in the Data Sheet.

If the inverter is out-of-service, or when the load cannot be accepted by the system, the static switch
shall transfer automatically the load from normal mains to the emergency mains, in the commutation
time indicated in the Data Sheet.

When the normal conditions are reset, for a pre-set period of time and when the synchronism with
the electric network is reached, the static switch shall transfer the load to the inverter again, in the
commutation time indicated in the Data Sheet. At the same time the battery charger will provide
power supply to charge the batteries.

b) Type B configuration

Each rectifier/inverter unit (RT1/INV1, RT2/INV2) shall be designed for the overall power and for the
required autonomy. In normal operating conditions the load shall be supplied by both rectifier/inverter
units in parallel, connected to the normal mains.
Each rectifier/inverter unit shall run at 50% duty. In case of one unit failure or in abnormal condition,
the other rectifier/inverter unit shall supply the total load without interruption.
Each rectifier (RT1, RT2) shall supply the power to the associated inverter (INV1, INV2) and shall
charge its batteries bank.
Normally the rectifier/inverter units are supplied by normal mains.

In the condition of any drop of voltage in the normal mains, the loads will be supplied by the batteries
banks, without interruption. If the emergency mains available and within the allowed tolerances, the
automatic changeover of the incomers will transfer the UPS from normal mains to the emergency


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Therefore, the loads will be power supplied by rectifier/inverter units in parallel, connected to
emergency mains and the batteries banks will pass in floating charge mode.

In the presence of excessive loads, or failure/abnormal operating of both inverters, the static
switches will transfer automatically the loads to the emergency mains via by pass.

When the normal conditions are reset, for a pre-set period of time and when the synchronism with
the electric network is reached, the static switches shall transfer the load to the inverters again, in the
commutation time indicated in the Data Sheet. At the same time the battery chargers will provide
power supply to charge the batteries banks.

If neither normal nor emergency mains are available, the power to the inverters shall be supplied by
the batteries banks for all the period specified in the Data Sheet, with no discontinuity in the power

c) Common conditions to all the configurations

When the cooling of the UPS is obtained with forced ventilation systems, the out-of-service
conditions of one fan will not affect the operation of the assembly.

The UPS shall be put in automatic shut off if affected by overtemperatures. The reset of the initial
conditions shall be obtained only with a manual intervention.

Each inverter shall be able to operate even if the batteries are disconnected and the power is fed
only by the relevant rectifier/battery charger.

The outlet static switch shall be able to operate with temporary overloads, as specified in the Data

The UPS shall not be damaged by any accidental short circuit on the output units. Performances
If not otherwise specified in the Data Sheet, the a.c. UPS shall be able to supply the rated
performances with the variations indicated here below, both single and combined of the a.c. feeding
frequency and voltage:

- voltage ± 10%
- frequency ± 5%

The superimposed ripple current on batteries terminals, with battery separated from the switchboard,
load between 0 and 100% and with the feeding conditions indicated above shall be lower than 5% of
C10 (peak- to-peak) for NiCd batteries and lower than 1% of C10 for VRLA batteries.
For other performance requirements make reference to the dedicated Data Sheet. Charge of batteries

As per point above.


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Sheet 15 of 31 Operating conditions of the single equipment

a) Rectifier/battery charger

They shall be in conformity with the Functional Specification and the Data Sheet relevant to the "D.C.

b) Electrical batteries

Type and capacity shall be as indicated in the Data Sheet and in conformity with the relevant
Functional Specification.

They can be installed inside the UPS boards, if sealed.

c) A.c. distribution section

It shall be in conformity with the Functional Specification relevant to the low voltage electric
switchgears and with the dedicated section of UPS Data Sheet.

d) Inverter

The single or three phases inverter, as specified in the Data Sheet, shall provide to the load a
stabilised alternate voltage, with frequency synchronized with the electric network and harmonics
content as indicated in the Data Sheet. All these variables shall be independent from the changes in
the inlet voltage.

The required performances shall be obtained both in the normal operating conditions and during the
batteries recharge and capacity reset phases. The same performances shall be obtained during the
supply of power by the batteries up to the end voltage conditions.

If the supply electric network is not available or its frequency overcome the acceptable tolerance
limits, an internal oscillator shall be utilised to generate the outlet frequency.

The inverter shall be in a new synchronism with the electric network, as soon as the supply voltage is
reset, or, however, as soon as its frequency is back within the acceptance limits.

e) Static switch

The static switch has the scope to perform the automatic selection among the available alternate
voltage sources and to apply the selected one to the external load without any gap.

The a.c. sources applied to the static converter are respectively the outlet of the inverter no. 1 or the
one of the inverter no. 2 and the emergency electric network, for the redundant configuration, or the
outlet of the single inverter and the emergency electric network for the single configuration.
For the redundant configuration, one static switch shall be provided for each inverter.

In the normal operating conditions, the static switch shall apply to the load the voltage supplied by
the inverter.

f) By-pass manual switch

The by-pass manual switch shall allow the connection of both the inverter and the emergency electric
network to the load and to isolate the UPS, to permit the maintenance and/or repair operations
leaving the power supply to the users.


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Sheet 16 of 31 Auxiliary circuits

The auxiliary circuits in the panels for continuity groups shall have the functional requirements
specified in the normative references and in the Data Sheet.
When not otherwise indicated, the following minimum requirements shall be guaranteed:

a) Alarms

The alarm signals relevant to protections with automatic reset shall be provided with memory as per
ISA-S18.1, with sequence F2M-1-14 (flashing-fixed optical alarm, manual reset, acknowledgement
push-button and lamps test circuit).
The following alarm signals shall be provided as minimum:.

- a.c. mains undervoltage

- rectifier(s) failure (for each rectifier unit)
- d.c. overvoltage
- d.c. undervoltage
- battery discharging
- battery disconnected
- inverter(s) failure (for each inverter unit)
- inverter overcurrent
- inverter output voltage deviation
- inverter/bypass not synchronised
- cubicle fan failure
- cubicle/inverter temperature high
- battery room fan failure
- battery high temperature

b) Signals

The colours utilised for the optical signals (lamps) shall be in conformity with CEI EN 60073 Rules.
The following facilities shall be provided as minimum:


A.C. mains available WHITE
Battery under floating charge WHITE
Battery under full charge YELLOW
Battery under boost charge (if provided) YELLOW
Battery on RED
a.c. loads fed from inverter WHITE
a.c. loads fed from by pass WHITE
Inverter/bypass synchronised WHITE
fan(s) operating in the battery room WHITE


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c) Measurements

The following measurements shall be provided:

- for switchboard:
• network voltage (for each feeding line);
• UPS output voltage per phase
• UPS output current per phase
• UPS output frequency
- for each battery:
• charge/discharge current;
• voltage of the whole battery.

d) Remote alarms and measurements

The switchboards shall be prearranged for remote repetition of the following:

- each alarm conditions listed in the above section with "a) Alarms" ;
- voltage on a.c. loads;
- voltage on d.c. circuit.

The above parameters shall be suitable for remote signalling via both hardwired using potential-free
contacts and serial link.
The type of serial link and communication protocol will be specified in the Data Sheet

e) Controls

The following adjustment and control facilities shall be provided:

- opening/closing of rectifier(s) control switch(s) (for each rectifier unit);
- incomers changeover manual/automatic selection (UPS type B);
- incomer selection (UPS type B) ;
- opening/closing of stabilizers isolating switches;
- boost charge initiation switch (if provided);
- boost charge duration timer (if provided);
- d.c. output voltage adjustment;
- d.c. current limit adjustment;
- float charge control on battery temperature (if temperature compensation provided);
- opening/closing of a.c. UPS output isolation switch Possibility of extension

The arrangement of the sections shall be such that the future extension of the a.c. distribution section
shall be possible.

Sections, or available units, shall be provided when specifically required, or as completion of the
panel arrangement.
The arrangement with the provision of these future functional units shall be specified by the
Company in the Data Sheet.


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Sheet 18 of 31 Reserve
If not otherwise required in relevant TDS switchboard shall be equipped with 20% of circuits breaker
for users

2.4.3 Construction Characteristics General prescriptions on materials

Materials will be suitable for the installation site, service and transport conditions.

The use of series and standard materials available on the market will be recommended.
Boxes, windows and other plastic parts belonging to the external cover will be resilient to mechanical
shocks not lower than a 7 J friction energy. Type of Switchboard

The switchboard shall be of the closed type, and with the following sections:

- section with rectifiers and inverters;

- section for the a.c./d.c. distribution;
- section for the storage batteries (when requested). Segregation
Switchboards will be built with internal subdivisions through barriers or diaphragms in accordance
with Rule CEI EN 60439-1, and identified in the typical form of segregation specified in the Data

The equipment in each section of the switchboard shall be installed in separated compartment or
compartment fractions.
In details, the separation limits between the rectifiers/inverters and a.c./d.c. distribution sections and
the storage batteries section (if any), shall be obtained taking into account the sealing against the
vapours of the batteries and the potential leaks of liquid from the accumulators.
The compartments for the storage batteries, if any, shall have, in their upper sections, proper louvers
complete with gaskets and closing plat for the potential connection with a discharge conduit for the
acid vapours of the batteries. Structure and enclosure

Switchboards will be built according to a mechanical design, with enclosure and protection level in
accordance with the provisions of Rule CEI EN 60439-1.

If not otherwise indicated in the Data Sheet, the following protection degrees will be guaranteed:

- IP 2XC: air openings

- IP 3X: horizontal and vertical surfaces
- IP 2X: internal diaphragms

The height of UPS enclosure shall be of 2250 mm. Different height shall be subjected to Company


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- The structure will be self supporting with reinforcements where needed and that can be easily
fitted as indicated in the Data Sheet; the enclosure will be made with steel sheets adequately
treated and protected.
- Cables can be inserted in the switchboard from below or above as indicated in the Data Sheet.
This can be achieved through removable plates, or when required, with cable glands or other
sealing systems.
- Plates for single core cables (i.e. for power supply) will be of non-magnetic material. Fire resistance

The materials characteristics will be so that when subjected to fire or heating, they will not catch fire,
burn, keep combustion and emit fumes.
Especially for plastic materials, the self-extinguishing requirements will be guaranteed in accordance
with one of the following test methods:

- ANSI UL 94, Class V

- CEI EN 60707, Class FV
- CEI EN 60695

The Manufacturer of switchboards will therefore provide test certificates of reaction to fire by an
officially recognised laboratory. Ventilation
a) Battery room

When forced ventilation system will be installed in the battery room, interlock to AC&DC UPS system
shall be provided to stop (or inhibit) the boost charging when the ventilation system is not running.

b) Switchboard

When it is requested by cooling necessities, the Supplier, at his judgement, shall provide a ventilation
system fed from the switchboard itself, as per the fans in the storage battery room. Bus bar systems

The bus bar system, including shunted bars, will be capable of withstanding electric and mechanical
stresses due to short circuit currents, for the time specified in the reference codes.
Bars will be hinged taking into account expansions and possible vibrations.

If not otherwise indicated, bars will be made of electrolytic copper,bars of different material can be
considered only if a technical documentation on thermal and electro-dynamic calculations is given
beside the normal required prescriptions.

Bus bars shall be insulated if required in the Data Sheet or if provided as typical by the Supplier.
The type of insulating material and protection and its thickness will be defined by the Supplier in
relationship to the service conditions in the Data Sheet.
Sheaths and resins will be of a flame retardant type in accordance with the CEI EN 50266-2, and
resistant to superficial discharges.


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In bar-bar joints and bar-cable joints, bars shall be adequately protected against oxidation.
Bolts and clamps will be provided with anti-loosening systems.
Supports of bars can be obtained by insulators or printed or banded insulating supports; they will be
of non hygroscopic and non flammable material and designed so that they can avoid superficial
charges in case of dust or condense.

Bars and insulated power conductors will be labelled as indicated by the Normative Reference.

a) Neutral bar (N)

In three-phase systems with neutral, the neutral bar shall extend for the whole length of the phase
bars and will be:

- of a section equal to phase bars up to 200 mm2, if copper;

- if and with larger section, of a section half of the phase bars with a minimum of 200 mm2, except
for more restrictive prescriptions due to fault currents.

b) Protection bar (PE)

A protection bar (PE) shall extend for the whole length of the switchboard and shall be provided with
connection bolts at both ends, and anywhere the connection of a cable is expected.

The sizing of a protection bar (PE) will be in accordance with the provisions of Rule CEI EN 60439-1
for protection conductors. Main Circuit

Power equipment shall have electric and construction characteristics as defined in the Data Sheet,
and in accordance with the Normative References.
If not otherwise specified, they shall have a main circuit with insulation rated voltage equal at least to
the one of the switchboard, and breaking capacity higher than the maximum acceptable value of the
short circuit current. The intervention value of direct current magnetic protection rates equal to about
1,5 -1,6 times of the corresponding alternate current value.

It not otherwise indicated, maximum overtemperatures accepted will be as provided in Rule CEI EN

a) Automatic circuit breakers

Automatic circuit breakers will conform to Rule CEI EN 60947-2.

If not otherwise indicated in the Data Sheet, they will be provided with a service breaking capacity
(Ics) higher than the maximum value accepted of the assumed short circuit current.

Circuit breakers will be proved for the "A" or "B" category of utilisation, as specified in the Data Sheet;
if not otherwise indicated, "A" category switches will be used.

b) Contactors

Contactors will be made according to Rule CEI EN 60947-4-1.


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Contactors will be air-break and compact type; other types of contactors may be considered time by
time. The release voltage of the a.c and d.c. coil will be as specified in the relevant Rule.

c) Protection relays

Protection relays will comply with Rule CEI EN 60255 and the prescription specified in the Data
Sheet, whereas those integrated with automatic circuit breakers will respond to the rules of switches.

d) Diodes and thyristors

Diodes and Thyristors shall be silicon based.

e) Current and voltage transformers (CT, VT)

Current transformers (CT) will comply with Rule CEI EN 60044-1 whereas voltage transformers (VT)
will conform to Rule CEI EN 60044-2.

They will have a standard insulation voltage (Ui) and rated operation voltage (Ue) equal to the one of
the switchboard; they will be enclosed type with air or resin insulation.
Current transformers will be able to withstand thermal and dynamic stresses related to the
switchboard short-circuit.

For rated performances much higher than the actual loads, additional loads, as resistors, shall be

f) Motor starters

When requested in the Data Sheet, the starters, that are devices to start, stop and protect against
overloads, consisting of contactors and direct thermal relays, they will be made in accordance with
Rule CEI EN 60947-4-1.

If not otherwise specified, the protection against short circuits shall be obtained through automatic
switches co-ordinated with the starters, in such a way to obtain type "2" co-ordinations in compliance
with CEI EN 60947-4-1 Code.
The automatic switches for the co-ordination of the starter shall be of the "A" category, in compliance
with the CEI EN 60947-2 Codes.

The employment category for the starters shall be A-C-3, in compliance with the CEI EN 60947-4-1

Direct protection devices will be with manual reset.

When required by Company, the co-ordination of electric motor starters will be indicated in the Data
Sheet, and referred to in the relevant tables.

g) EEx-d box for batteries cut-off

When requested in the Data Sheet, the outdoor junction box for the cut-off of the batteries shall be in
explosion-proof execution (EEx-d), in compliance with the CEI EN 60079-14, and shall be equipped
as specified in the Data Sheet.


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Sheet 22 of 31 Auxiliary circuits

All auxiliary equipment will conform to Rule CEI EN 60947-5, suitable for continuous service and with
the following use groups:

- a.c.: AC-14 or AC-15

- d.c.: DC-13 or DC-14

Auxiliary connections between compartments will be made with cable trays to facilitate the insertion
or removal in safety conditions of single conductors.
In crossings points of metal walls, the conductors will be protected with brushings or insulating

When connections must be removed for deliveries they will be connected to terminal boards.
Conductors terminations shall have compression type cable terminals and shall be identified in
accordance with Rule CEI EN 60445.

Auxiliary equipment shall have an insulation rated voltage equal to the one of the electric system
where they are inserted; equipment which comes directly from the electric power system, will have
an insulation rated voltage equal to the one of the switchboard.
If not otherwise indicated in the Data Sheet, the following minimum characteristics will be

- rated currents (Ie) : 5A 230 V a.c..; 1A 110 V d.c.

- reference charge service : 120 cycles / hour (each relay)
- mechanical duration class : 1 (in millions of operation cycles)

Each connection to single auxiliary users will be protected as indicated in the Data Sheet.

a) Auxiliary relays

They will comply with CEI EN 61810 Rules and the prescriptions of the Data Sheet.
They will be provided with the necessary auxiliary contacts for the specified schemes, and with 1NO
+ 1NC additional free contacts.
Lock-out relays (86) will be in continuous service with manual reset and the lock-out position clearly
The auxiliary relays shall be suitable to be permanently excited without any resistance.

b) Transducers

Transducers will comply with Rule CEI EN 60688 and will have characteristics as indicated in the
Data Sheet.

c) Push-buttons and manipulators

Push-buttons, when provided, will be positioned and coloured with regard to their function according
to the provisions of Rule CEI EN 60073.

d) Signalling lamps

The lamps shall be preferably of LEDS type. In alternative, incandescent type lamps with a dropping
resistance in series might be used.


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e) Supply transformers

Supply transformers for control circuits will be provided only if expressly required and indicated in the
Data Sheet.

When provided, they will have the characteristics specified in Rule CEI EN 61558 for "insulation
Supply transformers of more circuits, will be sized in such a way that:

- the highest rated contactor or breaker is closed;

- all other contactors or breakers are closed and the relevant signal lamps are on;
- the available voltage on the secondary is not lower than 95% of the rated voltage. Instruments
All instruments will have accuracy class equal to 1.5 or higher.

All the instruments to be assembled on the front panel of the switchboard will be flush-mounted with
rear connections; the case will have preferably square or rectangular case and with the possibility of
applying seals where necessary.
Generally, ammeters and voltmeters will have a deviation at the rated value of about 75% of the full-
scale value.
Blank zero instruments will have a doubled scale around the rated value.

All switchboard instrumentation shall be analogical, with a 240° scale with sectors highlighted in
different colours, if required.
Use of multifunctional electronic relays partially or totally replacing even instrument functions, shall
be preliminary approved by Company. Conductors
Conductors, except those of control electronic logic, will have the main following requirements:

a) Technical characteristics:

N07G9-K -1x
Standard CEI 20-38, CEI 20-22, CEI 20-35, CEI 20-37
Table CEI - UNEL 35368
Standard Non-flame propagation.
IEC 60502, IEC 60332, IEC 60754, IEC 61034 Non-fire propagation.
IEC 60092-351 Low emission of toxic and corrosive
Low emission of opaque smoke.
Rated Voltage Uo/U 450/750 V
Conductor Stranded flexible bare copper conductor
Elastomeric cross-linked compound
Insulation (CEI Standard)
G9 quality
Cross-linked polyethylene compound
Insulation (IEC Standard)


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b) Specific Characteristics

For more details refer to the functional specification 20169.EQP.ELE.FUN: “POWER AND

The section of conductors used for connections will be sized in accordance with the minimum and
maximum values prescribed in Rule CEI EN 60439-1 and considering the following minimum
sections allowed:

- 2.5 mm2 : power and ammeters circuits

- 1.0 mm2 : auxiliary connections within the equipment
- ≤ 1 mm2 : interconnections of the control electronic logics
- 1.5 mm2 : other conductors

The sizing of protection conductors will be made according to the systems prescribed by the above
Rule Terminal strips

Terminal strips, both main and auxiliary, will be suitable for the type and material of the prescribed
conductors, and in accordance with Rule CEI EN 60947-1-1.
Terminals not belonging to single equipment, will be with the components assembled on
standardised strips and grouped in identified terminal blocks with a code reported on an adequate

Terminals with the same function will be close to one another and connected with connecting links or
similar method, thus avoiding the use of wire connection as much as possible.

The terminal insulator will be made of melanin or other high density plastic.
Spare terminals will be provided in the terminal blocks for external connections, of at least 10%.

Terminals of amperometric circuits between CT, protection and control devices, and all amperometric
terminals of strips for external connections, will be short-circuitable, disconnectable and with a socket
for portable instrument prods.
Unused CT secondary circuits and additional connection sockets will be connected to the exit
terminal blocks.
Unused amperometric terminals will be short circuited.
Terminals of voltmetric circuits between VT, protection and control devices, and all terminal blocks
for external connections, will be sectionable.
All the terminals relevant to control and signalling circuits will be numbered with progressive
numbers; power, voltmetric and amperometric terminals will be labelled as indicated in the reference

In metal enclosed switchboards, both power and auxiliary terminal blocks will be positioned with
regard to the incoming for external connections.
In cell type switchboards, power and auxiliary terminal blocks can be placed in the single


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Sheet 25 of 31 Accessories and auxiliaries

a) Nameplates

Beside the safety name plates defined by the Supplier, and in accordance with Rule CEI EN 60439-
1, the following nameplates made with plastic material sheets fastened with bolts and with the below
inscriptions will be provided.

General data
Giving the identification data of the Supplier, and other data prescribed by Rule CEI EN 60439-1.

Switchboard tag
External installed in front.

Circuit or user tag

External installed in front for each circuit or user

Equipment tag
Internal or on view for each main and auxiliary equipment.

Relevant tags will be specified in the Data Sheet.

b) Anti condensation heater

In accordance with the requirements provided by Rule CEI EN 60439-1, for the prevention of
dangerous condensation inside the switchboard, anti condensation heaters controlled by a
thermostat will be provided . Assembly accessories and equipment

a) Assembly accessories

For each switchboard at least the following accessories will be supplied:

- lift pad eyes or similar devices;

- supporting section irons and accessories for the switchboard clamping;
- materials necessary for mechanic and electric assembly of the switchboard;
- any other accessories that may be indicated in the Data Sheet

b) Tools

For each switchboard a set of keys and special tools will be supplied in such a quantity and type to
allow complete installation and maintenance of the switchboard. Spare parts for the precommisssioning, commissioning and start-up

For each switchboard the material indicated below will be supplied.

The Supplier may suggest other materials on the basis of his experience and types used.


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( note 1 )
Fuses of different types and rated currents 10 %
according to quantities installed (note 2)
Signalling lamps 10 %
(note 2)
Lamp holders with dropping resistance and cap 5%
(note 2)
Coloured caps for indicating lamps of different 10 %
colours (note 2)

Conductor connecting terminals of different 5%

types and sections (note 2)
Auxiliary relays of the type and Supplier as those
6 No. 2
installed and with 4 NC + 4 NO contacts
Push buttons of the two types most used in the
7 No. 2
Selector manipulators of the two types most
8 No. 2
used in the switchboard
1 kg
9 Finishing paint
for each type and colour
Lubricant for contacts, only for switchboards
containing circuit breakers and power contactors 1 kg
Silicon grease for Eex-d execution battery cut-off
11 1 kg
Measuring instruments of the two types most
12 No. 2
used in the switchboard


1) Adjust to the highest number if the decimal is higher than 5.

2) Percentage quantity referred to the total number of components of the same type installed in the
switchboard, with a minimum quantity of 2. Protective treatments

a) Painting

Painting and the relevant protective treatments will be done in accordance with the requirements
contained in the Data Sheet.

b) Tropicalization

When required in the Data Sheet, equipment and materials will be subjected to tropicalization
treatments in accordance with the relevant reference specification.

2.4.4 Packing for transport

Transport arrangements will be defined by the Supplier according to the Company modalities.


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If any, switchboards will be sectioned in units suitable for transport and their reassemble will be as
simple and safe as possible.

The switchboard components and equipment will be fitted and fastened so as to withstand vibrations
and frictions due to transport (road, train, sea) and the necessary loading, unloading and installation
operations carried out with lifting equipment.

Accelerations will be particularly considered, such as:

- axial, critical in train transport

- transversal, critical in road transport
- vertical, critical in sea transport


2.5.1 Limits and exclusions

Particular limits and exclusions, if any, are indicated in the Data Sheet.

Equipment shall be designed according to ergonomics principles in order to improve system
Main issues to be evaluated shall be safety, being user friendly and environmental conditions such
as making access easier, lighting, noise level, vibrations, chemicals presence

2.6.1 Noise Level

System Overall noise level shall not exceed values fixed by applicable laws

2.6.2 Accessibility
Components accessibility during installation, erection, operation and maintenance shall be fully in
compliance with to relevant laws and standard. Moreover accessibility will be granted to authorized
personnel only according to relevant codes. Appropriate measures shall be provide to prevent
unauthorized people have access to the equipment


2.7.1 General requirements

Supplier shall assure that all equipment / materials subject of this specification shall be manufactured
according to the best practice and shall comply with all safety requirements fixed by laws, regulations
and reference codes applicable in the country and place of installation

2.7.2 Protection against indirect contacts

Earthing bars/plates and protective wrapping shall be installed on all equipment according to
applicable laws and codes.


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2.7.3 Protection against direct contacts

Electrical circuit live parts shall be placed and protected in such a way that skilled and authorized
personnel only shall be able, with energized switchboard, to carry out the following operations
without direct contact danger:

- visual inspection of movement equipment

- Regulation and restoration relays and disconnecting switch, inspection of instruments and
signaling devices
- replacement of lamps, auxiliary fuses etc…
- Voltage, current measures and faults localization carried out with properly isolated and
- Removal, for maintenance purpose, of parts of each de-energized circuit.


Quality Assurance and/or Management additional requirements will be included in the management
specification attached to contractual documentation


Inspection & Testing required by Company are listed in the Inspection Data Sheet (I.D.S.) and are
classified as follows:

• type test
• acceptance test
• special test

Supplier / Contractor shall submit its inspection & testing plan, including available equipment
description, for approval.

2.9.1 Type Test

Type testing scope is to verify equipment conformity to reference codes and to original project.
Type testing will be carried out inspecting and testing a prototype at Supplier full charge

2.9.2 Acceptance Test

All testing shall be fully in compliance with attached IDS and reference codes.

2.9.3 Special Test

All inspection and testing not included in type and acceptance ones, but if required case by case at
Company sole judgment, are defined as special tests.
Whenever required they shall be included within project documentation.


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Supplier shall transmit to Company, according to project requirements and schedule, all
documentation listed in required technical documentation data sheet (D.D.S.).
Documentation will be issued in the official language defined in relevant data sheet, adopting
symbols fixed by codes

2.10.1 Bid Documentation

Supplier shall include in its offer all information and documentation required by Data Sheet; if not
otherwise stated in the ITT (Invitation To Tender).

2.10.2 Documentation to be approved

Documentation requiring Company’s approval shall be listed in the ITT (Invitation To Tender). If not
listed, requirements include in relevant attached DDS shall be applied

2.10.3 Documentation relevant to penalties application

Documentation relevant to penalties application, if any, shall be listed in the ITT (Invitation To

2.10.4 Documentation for Company’s use

All Documentation for equipment erection and connecting in field shall be supplied according to the
project schedule

2.10.5 Testing Documentation

Supplier shall submit to Company according to ITT (Invitation To Tender) requirements and schedule
all documentation relevant to type, acceptance, special test. If not otherwise stated, requirements
included in the attached DDS are applicable

2.10.6 Final Technical Documentation

If not otherwise specified in the project documentation, Final Technical Documentation, with the sole
exception of Supplier’s / Sub Supplier’s catalogues and publications, shall include the following

• Supplier’s name
• Company’s name
• Unit identification tags, as defined by Company
• Document title
• Company’s job order references

and shall include the following as a minimum:

a) Erection Project and manuals

b) OperativeManuals
c) Maintenance Manuals
d) Two years operation spare parts list


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Description and Drawings might be included in Supplier’s catalogues or brochure, subject to the
following requirements:

• Including all data and information required as final.

• If relevant to supplied types and if materials to be supplied are clearly defined among the
ones described in the document

Documentation to be approved by Company shall be duly included in the final documentation as

approved by Company


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For employees of Eni Exploration & Production Division:

• All documentation Company Standards, for ENI employees, is available
on follow ENI intranet:

• To request technical information on this document write to

Community of Pratics Electrical / Automation / Instrumentation:

[email protected]

For the outside Companies:

• The outside Companies that in a contract with the contractor must use the
Company standards, they may request a copy of the Company standard
at the Development manager of the contract.


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