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The Field Guide to Suldan

A homebrew supplement for Lancer

Kai Tave

Edited by
Ramon Garcia (SgtBriar)

Cover Art
Form In Which The Spirit Oberion Appears from The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century:
Or the Master Key of Futurity, being a Complete System of Astrology, Geomancy & Occult
Science by Raphael, arranged by Ada S.

Art by
Conner Dodd, Théotime Galmiche, Peyton Gee, Gerard Kalashnikoff, S. Malachi Peters,
Ollie Schirmacher, Juan Gee Tan

Lancer Core Rulebook by

Miguel Lopez and Tom Parkinson Morgan

Special Thanks
Thank you to all the members of the Lancer community Discord server and Lancer thread
on the Something Awful traditional games forum for your encouragement and support
over the years, and thank you to all of my Patreon supporters for your generosity. Thanks
go as well to Tom and Miguel for creating this game which has brought this community
together and inspired so many imaginations, including my own.

A very special thank you goes to Jim McGarva whose fledgling rule framework for personal
duels provided the essential foundation for the dueling rules found within the Field Guide
to Suldan, and who graciously allowed me to make use of them. You can find Jim's very
own RPG, Strike!: A Game of Tactical Combat and Heedless Adventure, at
And so the Emir Julian Ambrose Khan the First and Only, Bearer of the Sacred Key,
Custodian of the Great Games, the Wisest and Noblest Ruler of All Suldan, died for the
17th time that could be remembered.

Three of the deaths had been assassinations, before would-be assassins finally learned
that corporeal death was but a trifling matter to His Majesty. Several others had been
sporting accidents. One was a duel that the Emir had insisted be to the death (he had
later had the other duelist executed and their family sentenced to hard labor, for this was
the Emir's way). Three of his deaths had been so unseemly that none dared speak of them
even in whispers, for the walls of the royal palace had many ears.

This death however was from an overdose, his seventh such untimely demise. The Emir
was a man of boundless appetites and little restraint, and he indulged in the all the
worldly pleasures his station afforded him with the zest of one for whom death had no
everlasting sting. However when he emerged from the decanting berth this 17th time it
was immediately apparent that something had gone terribly wrong. The Sacred Key had
been corrupted, bent and twisted by a viral agent, and the Emir's glorious form was
desecrated beyond repair.

Worse than even that, though, was without the Sacred Key the planet's many defenses
which had been constructed to keep Suldan safe from those who might oppose the Emir's
glorious rule lay dormant and inoperable. In a panic the gilded Lords and Ladies who had
built their court around the Emir's magnificence attempted the impossible, thinking to
break their way past the security locks like craven thieves in order to save themselves,
but the Emir's defense grid was far more cunning than any of them and it was just as
ruthless as its master.

Reprisal was swift and thorough. Even as the defense grid chastised them for their hubris
it turned its tungsten spears against them, raining destruction from on high. Within
minutes the royal palace was no more, a cloud of dust and flame rising above the shining
city of Hadiqa, capital of Suldan and seat of all light and culture. More spears fell shortly
thereafter, shaking the foundations of the city in admonition to those who also might think
themselves above the Emir's unassailable law.

And so with his body broken but his noble spirit undiminished, the Emir and those still
loyal to him left Hadiqa ahead of the ravening wolves howling at the gates, retreating into
the badlands beyond the city to gather his strength and plan for his eventual return.


Chandrasekhar & Herschel Ltd. is seeking qualified combat pilots with experience in
intermediate and long-term assignments on Suldan. Competitive rates and benefits
offered as well as hazard pay, contract bonuses, and licensing opportunities. Printer
facilities provided on-site. Come be a part of this exciting opportunity today. Interested
applicants contact Navina Singh, C&H Human Resources, at
sldn.chandrasekharandherschel.omni/employment for more details.
Micah had never killed anyone, had never even discharged his sidearm outside of the
company firing range. The closest he'd ever been to combat was reading over debriefings
and after-action reports where the messy business of war was condensed into neat,
bloodless little summaries. Nonetheless he was acutely aware that his actions here in this
unassuming boardroom could easily result in thousands of deaths, including those of his
own people, as easily as if he'd pulled the trigger himself.

Conversations died down as he took his place at the table, all eyes turning expectantly
towards him. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming. As you know the board has
recently been deliberating over whether or not to move forward on the Chandrasekhar &
Herschel contract." Joining him at this meeting was Grayson Kovach, the senior branch
manager for Talos Tactical Solution's Karakoram line operations, as well as field operations
commander Akari Garza and her XO, along with a handful of sales and marketing
executives, company lawyers, intelligence analysts, and a stone-faced representative from
the finance department. He wasted no time moving the presentation along, a still image of
a planet suddenly filling the main screen behind him, a sandy-colored, arid world dotted
with splashes of blue and green.

"So, Suldan. Standard post-colonial settled world, self-sustaining, current population

around 20 million, you can find all of the basic information in the dossier. The central
government's been embroiled in some sort of civil unrest for a while now as we
understand it which recently came to a head. All of our intel suggests that after the coup
the now-former dictator managed to escape a step ahead of the rebels. Thus far the
intensity of the conflict has remained relatively modest, nothing to suggest WMDs in play
on either side, but judging by the call for security contractors the provisional government's
put out things seem to be escalating rapidly."

"You said there was a coup," one of the lawyers interjected as he glanced through the
dossier. "Why isn't the planet's Administrator handling things themselves instead of this
Jun Chandrasekhar? Surely if they were killed during the uprising..."

"The, ah, situation with the planet's Union Administrator is currently...undisclosed at this
time," Micah said. The whispers and sidelong glances that made their way around the
room were enough to say what they were all thinking. If Miranda Cortez was still alive,
she'd be the one responsible for overseeing a transition of governmental authority. If the
Administrator had been killed or abducted during the coup then Union's response to the
situation would be far more emphatic than it currently was. The fact was that nobody
seemed to know what had happened to her amidst all the chaos, and even the company's
diplomatic backchannels with Union Intelligence were proving tight-lipped on the matter.
Something unusual was going on down there. That meant unforeseen complications.

But it also meant unforeseen opportunities as well. "What we do know is that Union seems
unopposed to private security operations on-world. They may escalate their own
operations at a later date but for now we're free and clear to accept any and all contracts
being offered as we see fit. The good news is that Chandrasekhar's put out an open call,
so we won't need to go through the usual bidding process. The bad news is, well,
Chandrasekhar's put out an open call." Open calls for mercenaries meant that the client
couldn't afford to be picky...those that could afford to be picky generally were. It also
meant competition on the ground. "Thus far the situation is still unfolding, so if we position
ourselves aggressively we stand a good chance of establishing TTS as a key player within
this theater."

"I've got to be honest," Akari said, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat, "this
sounds like a whole lot of maybes and we-don't-knows for a pretty thin payout in the end."
Unlike Micah, Akari had seen combat and plenty of it, and she wore her complete
indifference towards corporate formality and boardroom etiquette like a badge of honor.
He admired her blunt honesty, and if he was being perfectly honest himself he was slightly
intimidated by her as well, but she also had a point.

"It's true that Suldan's gross domestic manna output is somewhat weak at the moment,
particularly given its current situation," Micah went on. "But bear in mind that it isn't just
manna that's on the table with this proposal. Chandrasekhar isn't simply representing the
provisional government but her company as well. Chandrasekhar & Herschel has shown
substantial growth for a corporation of their size since going public and all the predictive
models expect it to continue that trend well into the future. We know that the board has
been trying to expand our licensing agreements with IPS-N, but what if we could bypass
that altogether? Instead of having to constantly renegotiate for adequate updates to our
aging fifth generation chassis pool, we have a chance to establish a long-term mutually
beneficial partnership with an up-and-coming galactic-tier defense contractor."

The image of the planet on the screen changed to a video showcasing a mech with the
C&H logo emblazoned on its shoulder. The chassis was the sort of ugly only a pit fighter
could love. Its blocky, brutish frame resembled an industrial-grade gorilla crossed with a
battering ram, a battle-scarred hull studded with bricks of reactive armor. The weapon it
was carrying, some sort of sawblade-lined maul, was almost absurdly oversized even
compared to the mech itself, but it was apparently capable of wielding it with surprising
speed as a monstrous swing practically folded its opponent in half, the other mech's feet
lifting clean off the ground just as the clip ended.

Akari leaned forward with a gleam in her eye. Now she was interested.

"What we have here is a unique opportunity that goes beyond a single payout," Micah
pressed on. "Grayson, you've talked about wanting to establish TTS as a major player in
the outer lines? Well this is your chance. Something big is going on down there. I don't
have all the pieces yet but I can see the outline of it in the intel reports. Whichever way
this situation plays out is going to affect this sector for years to come, and we can be the
ones to tip the scales. A job like this doesn't come along every day."

Having said his piece, Micah took a seat to wait for the verdict. After a moment's
murmured deliberation Grayson finally spoke. "Micah, thank you, this is all very well done.
You make an excellent case and I think when I meet with the board I'll be able to persuade
them that this action is worth pursuing," he said, "but I do have some additional concerns.
If what you've said is true then it sounds like the situation on-world could potentially be
rather volatile. Without harder intel to go on we might be walking into a quagmire or
getting in over our heads once things start to brew up. If we commit to this, put our rep on
the line, then we can't do things by half measures. We'll have to send our best."

Micah smiled as he stood once more, the screen switching over to a mosaic of pilot
dossiers before zooming in a selection of TTS pilots he'd personally earmarked for this
proposal, backgrounds and combat qualifications unfolding beneath their identification
headshots. "I thought you might say that, and in fact that brings me to my next point. I
believe I've got just the right team for the job..."


Thirty days hard burn and deceleration after blinking in from Sia Kangri Station, the Union
Naval Ship Iphigenia hung silently above Suldan. The ship's NHP could feel the satellite
defense network's invisible fingers grasping for a firing solution in the dark, jealously
warding the planet away from trespassers like a dragon wrapped around its hoard, and
she was holding the frigate a watchful distance from its hungry reach.

While Iphigenia maintained her stately vigil, the ship's flight deck was a flurry of activity as
Echo Squadron's pilots prepared to disembark for the surface, along with an inspection
team, a compliment of marines from the ship's detachment, and elements of the 197th
Engineering Battalion seconded to the Iphigenia for this assignment. Tempest Squadron,
meanwhile, was prepping for CAP, frames and chassis mounts freshly printed and running
preflight checks. Their mission was clear enough; reestablish Union presence on Suldan,
liaise with local factions to obtain a greater understanding of the situation on the ground,
undertake relief efforts and peacekeeping operations as necessary, and determine if
further military intervention was required.

What wasn't clear, what had weighed on Lieutenant Commander Nikau Reyes' mind since
the mission briefing, was where the planet's Union presence had gone in the first place.
When he was younger and much, much greener, his first live combat deployment had
been on Nuevo Cielo where an ambitious self-styled warlord had gathered together a fleet
and annexed the world for his own, publicly executing the planet's Administrator as a
means of cementing his authority. Six months later an emancipation task force comprised
of ships assembled from a dozen different Union worlds, including Reyes' own, convened
upon Nuevo Cielo, shattering the occupational blockade before launching an
overwhelming ground assault which systematically and decisively routed the remainder of
his forces in short order.

It was, frankly, an excessive display of force. A fleet half the size would have been able to
liberate the world just as easily, but the death of an Administrator was something Union
took seriously enough to send a message in response. We speak softly, it said, but we
carry a big stick. Do not test our willingness to use it.

And now, a lifetime later, here he was coming to the aid of another beleaguered world,
only this time with little more than a lightly-armed frigate and three squadrons of combat
pilots alongside him. Captain Oshana had been pensive during their briefing as he
explained that their mission to Suldan was primarily one of assessment. Administrator
Cortez was not dead so far as they were aware, he went on to emphasize, but all
communication channels with her had gone dark, and should they determine her
whereabouts it was imperative that she be brought into custody immediately. Reyes
figured there had to be more to the story than the Captain was telling them, but the old
man had never led him astray in all the years he'd served under him so he wasn't about to
start second guessing him now.

"Remember," the Captain had told them, "above all else our priority remains helping these
people wherever and however we can. If we can't help our own then why else are we

"All right boys and girls," the shuttle pilot's voice came in over his helmet comms, bringing
Reyes back to the present, "button up and strap in. This one might get hairy." The launch
klaxons faded as the familiar kick of engines igniting sent them on their way towards the
planet. Out in the distance, a pair of stubby corvettes swung towards them, their escort for
this leg of the journey.

"UNS shuttle Delta Sierra Zero-One, this is Arclight Traffic Control, we have you on scope.
Adjust your heading to our nav beacon and we'll guide you in. Do not deviate from the
designated flight path or we cannot guarantee your safety."

"Well shit, I feel safer already," Lorelei Decker, Echo Three, drawled. "Pretty sweet racket
they got goin' on here. Wonder how much their 'transit fees' are for ships that aren't on
official Union business."

"Hey, if you ask nice maybe they'll hook you up with a job," Daryl Oduya, Echo Four,
chimed in. "Bet they could use a flight attendant."

"Nah, babysitting your ass is already a full-time gig," she casually shot back. "'Sides, who
else is gonna keep your momma company?" Even Reyes had to crack a grin.

"Are those shipwrecks?" Inari Saito, Echo Two. The cockpit windows afforded a clear view
of the debris field their escorts were guiding them past on their way to the insertion point,
a scattered collection of destroyed bulk haulers, personal transports, and the remains of at
least one ship that resembled the Arclight corvettes flying alongside them. "Guess that's
what happens when you deviate from the flight path," she said, softly uttering a prayer for
souls lost at space as they passed by.

They continued the trip in silence, checking and rechecking gear, until the shuttle banked
and the planet loomed ahead of them through the cockpit. "Beginning final approach,
hitting atmo in 30. Angle looks good, approach vector locked in...hang on, got a contact,
moving fast. Shit!" Every head in the shuttle snapped around at the urgent tone of a
target lock warning. "We're spiked!" Before the words had even left they pilot's mouth
they could hear the shuttle's point-defense guns buzzing angrily, attempting to cut the
incoming missiles down.

"UNS shuttle, break off your approach, a satellite is converging on your location. Say
again, break off your approach-"

"Negative, negative Arclight! We do not have a clean escape vector!" Reyes' grip on his
harness tightened as the shuttle pilot opened up the engines, pushing the craft into a hard
descent even as he attempted evasive maneuvers. The defense network had waited until
they were committed to their approach to spring the ambush on them, reorienting one of
its satellites to intersect their course on a fast orbital trajectory. If they tried to abort their
run the shuttle would likely wind up skipping across the planet's atmosphere and straight
into the firing line of even more satellites. The only way out was down.

A series of detonations rocked the shuttle, too close for comfort. A different warning tone
this time, higher-pitched and more frantic; laser lock. The cockpit windows, alight with the
glow of reentry, were suddenly blanketed by a thick fog as the shuttle's countermeasure
suite began launching aerosol chaff. Meant to foil targeting and anti-air lasers during
takeoff, its effectiveness during a hard orbital insertion was questionable at best but it
simply needed to work until they were clear. Even so, the system wasn't designed for this
sort of operation and the chaff was burning off and billowing away as fast as it could be

The craft shuddered violently as something within its hull ruptured, red lights flashing
across the controls as the pilot struggled to power through the planet's atmosphere
without the shuttle simply breaking apart. Over the sound of his blood hammering in his
ears Reyes heard a massive explosion and braced himself for the worst...which never
came. The laser warning abruptly ceased and the shuttle's turbulent flight abated. The
sudden silence was broken by the ping of an incoming message over the Iphigenia's
tactical network.


Reyes leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes for a moment, steadying his breathing
before dashing off a quick affirmative in reply. "Everyone sound off." One after another
Saito, Decker, and Oduya checked in (in Decker's case with several choice words for their
escort's inability to provide effective fire support), rattled but uninjured, while the pilot
reported one of the engines had taken damage but that he could still set her down without
too much trouble. Their mission wouldn't end here at least, not like this.

As the shuttle descended, in the distance he could finally see the city of Hadiqa, mirrored
skyscrapers reflecting the sun and banner-draped aerostats swaying gently from their
moorings. From all the way up here it would be easy to overlook the scars that oppression
and civil war had left in their wake, but Reyes knew they were there all the same. The city
was more than just its scars, though. For the people living there it was the embodiment of
their history, a monument to their tenacity, and a promise for the future of their world.
Hadiqa was their home, and it was worth fighting for.

And Union would be there to help them fight for it.

"Shuttle Delta Sierra Zero-One, this is Port Ossman Tower." The voice over comms was
smooth and unperturbed, as though they hadn't just nearly been shot out of the sky.
"Come around one-six-two. You are cleared for descent and landing at platform three.
Welcome to Suldan."


Suldan is a settled planet off of Sia Kangri Station on the Karakoram line which is in the
process of transitioning from Colony to Core world status. An arid planet orbiting a G-type
main sequence star, Suldan required only modest terraforming to be comfortably
habitable. Settlement is focused primarily around the "oasis zone" of the northern
hemisphere which contains the majority of the planet's surface bodies of liquid water
(comprising around 12% of the planet's total surface area) while the southern hemisphere
is largely wasteland ranging from the equatorial deserts down to the landlocked ice caps
at the southern pole. The planet has two moons in orbit, Akaya and Neru, as well as an
asteroid field which was presumably a third lunar body that suffered a cataclysmic event
at some point in the distant past. A Suldani day is roughly 27 Cradle Standard hours long.

The current planetary population is approximately 20 million natives, centered primarily

around the colonial capital city of Hadiqa, along with various minor settlements further
out. Suldan was originally flagged as being a rich source of mineral wealth and its
foremost industry is mining the planet's substantial deposits of osmium, titanium,
platinum, tantalum, uranium, and various lanthanides. Other exports include valuable
native crops such as incense grass and Suldani peppercorns along with entertainment
media, primarily sports and gladiatorial competitions. In addition, the galactic-tier
corporation Chandrasekhar & Herschel Ltd. has its headquarters on Suldan.

Suldan is, depending on one's perspective, either recovering from or still embroiled in civil
war. For the last 50 years of the planet's 250 year settlement history it was ruled by self-
appointed Emir Julian Ambrose Khan, who seized power in a bloody coup that deposed the
incorporate administrative council that had previously governed the planet. The Emir's
tyrannical rule was characterized by a massive widening in the already significant gap
between Suldan's socioeconomic classes, a substantial increase in military allocations far
beyond what was necessary for the world's population numbers and strategic value,
oppressive and exploitative civic policies, as well as endemic corruption, decadence, and
brutality. The Emir's court was a never-ending bacchanal catering to the jaded whims of
those that had supported his rise to power while the rest of the populace was forced to
meet increasingly demanding production quotas to fuel this opulent lifestyle as well as
participate in ever more bloody gladiatorial spectacles for the Emir's entertainment. The
Union Administrator for Suldan at the time, Miranda Cortez, was complicit in this,
preferring to support and subtly manipulate the Emir's reign over the world while
exploiting the situation for Union's gain as well as her own.

The situation eventually came to a head when a gladiator named Jun Chandrasekhar won
the quinquennial Grand Games, rising above every other challenge and competitor the
arena had to offer and awarding her the prize of any boon she wished to be granted by the
Emir. To his surprise and amusement, rather than ask for wealth as so many champions
often did she instead demanded a license of incorporation, granting her the right to
create, distribute, and profit from printer licenses both on-world as well as off. This
unusual request tickled the Emir's fancy and it was granted. Under the guise of
establishing a corporation for custom designed mech frames and weaponry for specialized
purposes, Chandrasekhar began covertly supplying beleaguered rebels opposing the Emir
with arms and equipment. In time Chandrasekhar would become a unifying figure of the
rebel movement, bringing the scattered cells and cadres together under a common

However the tipping point came when the Emir died from a narcotics overdose during his
birthday celebration, his 17th death in fact. Unknown to all but a select few, the Emir had
been perpetuating his reign indefinitely by cloning himself. Repeated deaths and
resurrections had done little for his already tenuous mental stability, but it ensured the
primacy of his rule not only due to his indifference to death but due to the fact that he had
encrypted much of Suldan's civil and planetary defense systems using his own genetic
sequence as the key. Without his biometric authorization Suldan would be crippled and
vulnerable, and thus it was in the best interests of those who enjoyed the decadent life his
rule afforded them to allow him to retain the throne.

Unfortunately for the Emir's supporters this wasn't to last, as it was discovered only too
late into the process of reviving him that someone had managed to sabotage his personal
genebank with a mutagenic viral agent. The Emir's clonal stock was tainted beyond repair,
and the body that decanted was twisted and deformed, but the greater problem was that
his geneprint had been irrevocably altered beyond established parameters, locking him
out of the security system that he himself had established. It was at this time that the
rebellion began launching a full-scale uprising, targeting key installations across the city in
a series of coordinated attacks. In a panic, several of the Emir's retainers attempted to
bypass the security protocols to bring the idle defense systems online in order to save

Their mistake would prove to be a short-lived one. Upon detecting the intrusion the
defense system locked itself down before launching a retributive strike against the source
of the unauthorized access attempt. Within minutes the royal palace was obliterated by an
orbital kinetic payload, decapitating Suldan's government and military in one fell swoop.
The system then launched punitive strikes against randomly selected targets within
Hadiqa and its outskirts as a "warning" against further intrusion attempts resulting in
widespread destruction and loss of life. By the time the dust settled and the system
entered into a standby state over 100,000 people had been killed, but the rebellion had at
last successfully overthrown the Emir and seized what remained of the palace. For the
moment victory was theirs.
But the Emir continues to haunt the people of Suldan. Managing to escape the palace
before its destruction accompanied by Miranda Cortez and a sizable contingent of his
personal guard and retainers, they fled Hadiqa to an undisclosed location, an emergency
command bunker far from the capital, unfinished and consequently unaffected by the
security lockdown. From there the deposed Emir in exile has gathered those forces still
loyal to him and begun a campaign of terror attacks against the nascent transitional
government, hijacking shipments of raw materials to fuel their efforts. Due to this ongoing
instability as well as the planet's Administrator having gone off the grid, a Union Naval
Expeditionary Force has recently been dispatched to Suldan under the command of
Captain Yusef Oshana to assess the situation and determine the appropriate level of
intervention necessary to restore order to the region.

The matter of restoring stability is further complicated by the addition of a secondary

conflict playing out across the planet between PMC forces under the employ of Arclight
TransColonial, one of the original participating corporations in the Suldan Colonial Venture,
and the Suldani Independence Front, the newly formed militia assembled by the clans of
settlers and miners who fled into the badlands to escape the Emir's reach. Arclight is
determined to begin aggressively making up for the financial losses they incurred when
the Emir's coup resulted in illegal export sanctions against the other members of the
Colonial Venture before anyone else can, and their reclamation teams have been drawn
into an increasingly bloody asymmetrical war with SIF forces defending their homes.


Suldan is an open setting designed to provide players and GMs with everything they need
to run games ranging from one-shots or short-term mission arcs to longer campaigns
running from License Level 0 all the way to License Level 12. The following guide goes into
detail regarding the people, places, and plot hooks that players may encounter during a
campaign set on Suldan, but by no means is it intended to be exhaustive. GMs should, as
always, feel free to make whatever changes they see fit, adding or editing details to best
suit the desires of their group.

Though the various plot hooks and flashpoints can be assembled into an ongoing
campaign, there's no set canonical outcome to the events in question. What happens to
Suldan is a question that will be answered by your group as you play through the game
and the decisions you make along the way. Though it may be far removed from grander
threats such as the war with the Aun or the incipient conflicts along the Dawnline Shore,
for those who live there the struggles they face are not merely some abstract historical
footnote but a real and present danger to their homes and their families. There are plenty
of opportunities for players in a Suldani campaign to make a name for themselves, a
legacy to be remembered through tales swapped in bars and sun-bleached photographs
handed down from grandparents to grandchildren as they tell them the stories of the time
the Lancers came, and the decisions they make may very well wind up shaping the future
of an entire world.
Some of the information in this guide is presented from the perspectives of two major
affiliations, either that the players might be a group of Union pilots sent to investigate the
situation and help restore peace to the region or that the players might be "Freelancers,"
mercenaries come to Suldan for a chance to earn a paycheck and make a name for
themselves. While these two options are among the most common starting points for a
Lancer campaign of this sort, they are not the only supported possibilities should you want
something different. Your group could decide to play as Suldani locals, working to rebuild
and protect their home in the aftermath of the rebellion, determined to prove that they
can handle things without Union's help, or as "indebted contractors" being forced to work
for Arclight TransColonial in order to pay off their debts one dangerous mission at a time.
Perhaps a group of Albatross pilots were alerted to the ongoing crisis and have arrived to
render assistance by rooting out the Emir and his agents before they can cause further
harm. Even a group of Aun missionaries may find it helpful to temper preaching their
message with a more tangible approach to winning hearts and minds. And of course
mixing and matching backgrounds is also an option, such as Union pilots liaising with local
Suldani forces for a joint operation.

From a top-down perspective, the crisis on Suldan is a conflict between multiple local and
foreign factions each with their own goals and interests, with internal struggles and
alliances of convenience blurring the lines and creating further tension. The provisional
government of Suldan has been struggling to rebuild in the aftermath of the rebellion
while being forced to weather an ongoing series of terrorist attacks aimed at undermining
their fledgling efforts at establishing a fair and just government for the people of Suldan.
Comprised of a council of delegates each tasked with overseeing various administrative
functions and civil services, the transition from revolutionary movement to acting
government hasn't been without its difficulties, and opinion within the council is divided as
to the best way to move forward.

While some remain adamant that Suldan requires a government by and for the Suldani
people, others on the council are more willing to court foreign interests such as Arclight
TransColonial in order to help facilitate reconstruction and a swift return to stability and
order. Critics argue that those in favor of such arrangements are simply looking to line
their own pockets in the process and that corporate stewardship of Suldan is what
eventually led to the Emir's reign in the first place.

For their part, Arclight is embroiled in conflict with the Suldani Independence Front,
and both groups have their supporters and opponents within both the provisional
government as well as the populace at large. Public opinion is also currently divided over
the recent arrival of Union forces, as many feel that Union is also to blame for the
hardships they've suffered. Why did their Administrator allow the Emir to rule unchecked?
Why have they arrived now only after the people of Suldan rose up against their
oppressors? Is Union truly here to help or to simply install another tyrant? These are the
questions that Captain Oshana will have to answer if he's to begin rebuilding the world's
trust in Union and its ideals.

And amid this turmoil, the specter of the loyalist Emirate remnants, often referred to
simply as the loyalists or the insurgents, lurks beneath the surface. Unaligned with
anyone, an enemy to all, the loyalists have been a persistent threat to the provisional
government and the people of Suldan. While the power the Emir wields is a shadow of its
former glory, even a shadow's worth is enough to be a significant threat to stability. A
motley collection of zealous fanatics, sleeper cells, mercenaries, and elite soldiers, the
loyalists abide by no rules of engagement and are willing to slaughter indiscriminately in
the pursuit of their goals. As long as the Emir is allowed to wage his campaign of terror,
there can be little hope for a lasting peace on Suldan.

Jun Chandrasekhar
A tall, wiry, heavily scarred woman, Jun Chandrasekhar looks at everyone she interacts
with as though she's considering when, not if, she should punch them. Blunt and
outspoken with no time for anyone's games, she's nonetheless far more intelligent than
her upbringing and background might initially suggest and she's to be underestimated at
one's own peril.

Born into extreme poverty in Hadiqa's sprawling undercity, Jun is a survivor by nature.
When her parents died while she was still young she did whatever she had to, whether it
was stealing, selling drugs, smuggling, or fighting. She displayed a keen aptitude for
violence from an early age and was "adopted" by an arena manager who saw a prize
gladiator's potential in her. In an uncharacteristic display of charity he actually saw to her
upbringing as well, providing her with an education along with gladiatorial training. Jun
became a voracious reader, devouring books on history, military strategy, and poetry. By
the time she was 19 she was a celebrated arena champion with several titles to her name,
a body count in the dozens, and a deep and abiding sense of anger at the world.

No one knows precisely what set her on the path of revolution. She doesn't talk about it
even with those she considers friends (or as close to friends as she comes to), and
attempts to pry further into the matter are likely to end poorly for those unable to take a
hint. What is known is that she quickly became frustrated with the nascent rebellion's lack
of organization and material support, in particular weaponry. Organization, discipline, and
skill could all be taught, but weaponry and equipment couldn't simply be conjured out of
thin air. Access to printer licenses was strictly regulated and what little the black market
could slip past the watchful gaze of the Royal Guard was insufficient to meet their needs.

The revolution needed the means of production. Jun's idea to acquire them was
unorthodox but effective; every five years the Grand Games were held on Suldan, a
gladiatorial contest held in honor of the Emir. Anyone was allowed to compete, all bouts
were fought to the death, and at the end of the several weeks long tournament, the
surviving winner was draped in accolades and, more importantly, granted a single boon of
their choosing from the Emir himself. Many of the winners of previous Grand Games
competitions had asked for material wealth, some had asked for chartered passage to
distant worlds, others had petitioned for loved ones to be released from indentured
bondage, and one had demanded a 90 meter tall statue of himself erected outside the
Royal Colosseum. The path to the top was a bloody one and far from guaranteed, but
when Jun at last emerged triumphant over the broken mech of her final opponent her
request was for a charter of incorporation, specifically for the manufacture and distribution
of mech frames along with associated systems and weaponry. Now that she'd proved
herself the best, she said, there were no more battles worth fighting, and so she wanted to
go into business trading on her experience as a gladiator.

It was an unusual request, and the Emir was amused by the novelty of it more than
anything else, so he granted it. It would be several more years before he came to regret
that decision when Jun led the now well-armed rebellion into battle against the Emir's
forces in an uprising that would ultimately culminate in his deposition and exile.

Since the fall of the Emir's regime Jun has have become one of the most famous figures on
Suldan, a status she grudgingly tolerates. While many among the planet's lower classes
support her cause, Suldan's elite continue to view her with wary suspicion as they wonder
how long it will be before she turns her sights towards them. The truth of the matter is
that she has more important things to worry about at the moment than petty aristocrats
concerned with preserving their lavish lifestyles. At present she officially sits on the
provisional council overseeing the transitional government and reconstruction of Hadiqa
but in practice she spends most of her time leading actions against loyalist terror cells and
rampant security system remnants as well as managing the affairs of her company,
delegating as much of the political side of things as she can to Mattias Herschel, her
business partner and revolutionary comrade in arms.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE FREELANCERS: Jun has put out a call for mercenaries and freelancers
to help reinforce the provisional government's reconstruction efforts. After many months
of constant clashes with loyalist insurgents with seemingly no end in sight, she's forced to
concede that the quickest way to resolve the situation may be to bring in outside
assistance. Freelancers are eligible to receive C&H licenses in addition to standard
compensation, though they'll be required to demonstrate a certain minimum amount of
commitment beforehand.

The players are likely to be called upon to handle assignments that the provisional
security forces are ill-equipped to tackle or spread too thin to deal with, such as convoy
security detail, sweeping and clearing rogue planetary defense installations, and priority
counterterror ops. She won't micromanage them, and in fact dislikes having to do so, but
freelancers that don't live up to her expectations may find themselves brusquely
downgraded to far less prestigious assignments in order to free up resources for use
elsewhere. Those that pull their weight in dangerous situations though will discover their
opinions and tactical suggestions beginning to carry more weight than before, and they
may even be tasked to lead or help train elements of the local security forces themselves.
Showing an interest in the arena and competitive combat may get her to open up some,
but even then don't expect her to smile much. An invitation to spar with her should be
considered the ultimate sign of respect.

Of course Jun ultimately wants to track down and eliminate the Emir once and for all, and
should the players prove themselves capable in her eyes they may find themselves
assigned the job of discovering his base of operations and ending his campaign of terror
for good. If the players can manage to accomplish this task then they'll find themselves
heroes of Suldan as well as C&H premium license holders for life.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE UNION: Jun views the Union forces that have arrived upon Suldan
with intense suspicion, which isn't surprising considering that the planet's Union
Administrator helped prop up a sadistic despot for the last 50 years or so. As far as she's
concerned Union left her and the Suldani people to clean up a mess that they created only
to swoop in after the dust settled and start sticking their nose into business that doesn't
concern them.

However she's also well aware that she can't simply make Union leave, and that Captain
Oshana's assessment will ultimately influence Suldan's future. He could even grant her
and her people their right to self-governance, and even the corporations beginning to eye
the planet with hungry eyes wouldn't be able to gainsay that decision, so for now she
cooperates with them to the extent that diplomacy demands of her. If requested to liaise
with Union forces she'll eventually acquiesce but make it clear that she's doing so only to
help her people, and she bristles at any attempt to give her orders. However if the players
can demonstrate their commitment to restoring peace and order to Suldan, even going
above and beyond their mission parameters to help those in need, they might just earn
her respect. Doing so won't be easy but it will go a long way towards improving relations
between Union and the provisional government.

Suldan and the Arena:

The history of gladiatorial combat and its place in Suldani culture goes back to the early
settlement period. Long, hard work-shifts laying the foundation to Hadiqa beneath the
planet's surface inevitably resulted in a need for laborers to blow off steam and it was
inevitable that some of them would turn to unsanctioned pit fights. Historical accounts
differ on which fighters were the first to bring their industrial hardsuits with them into the
makeshift arena but what is known is that despite persistent crackdowns by the colonial
administration the fights had become more popular than ever, growing bigger and bolder
and more elaborate as hardsuits were gradually replaced with full-scale mechanized labor
frames, a small fortune in wagers changing hands with every bout. Many fighters became
famous during this period not only for their skill and daring in the arena but their
willingness to flout the law, becoming akin to folk heroes, and an informal code of honor
among gladiators began to develop.

After intense deliberation the colonial incorporate administrative authority reached the
conclusion that the best way to handle the matter was, instead of continuing to try and
suppress the fights which so far hadn't worked, to instead legalize and regulate them. It's
possible that the fact that several members of the fledgling colony's administration were
secretly arena fans themselves had something to do with this decision. A regulatory body
was established that laid down provisions for officially sanctioned gladiatorial combat,
including restrictions on chassis power and permitted weaponry, audience safety, on-site
medical care, bets and wagers, and equitable compensation for arena fighters and
managers. Arena combat continued to flourish even as colonization efforts finally moved
to the planet's surface and before long mech-based sporting competitions of all sorts were
thoroughly enmeshed within Suldani culture. Members of the corporate upper class would
regularly sponsor fighters or even entire teams, and media broadcasts and recordings of
gladiatorial competitions, mech races, and formal duels became one of Suldan's principal
exports, and fighters, duelists, and racers became the world's celebrity athletes, their
names known even on other planets.

Under the Emir's reign many of the regulations that had been established in the early days
were eroded if not rolled back outright. Competitions became bloodier, even previously
non-violent sports such as mech racing, and arena managers were forced to find
increasingly creative ways to sate the royal court's jaded tastes. Exotic xenofauna were
imported from offworld at no small expense, restrictions on permitted weaponry were
abolished, and political prisoners were sent to face their death in rigged bouts for the
Emir's amusement.

With the Emir overthrown, elements of the provisional government have been pushing to
reinstate the regulations of old and undo the perversion of Suldan's cultural heritage, but
with many other more pressing matters at hand progress has been slow-going. More than
that, there are those who have a vested interest in gladiatorial combat remaining as
unregulated as it's become who are pushing back against attempts to return things to the
way they once were, both with political pressure as well as surreptitious strong-arming,
bribery, and blackmail.

Mattias Herschel
Just to look at him one wouldn't suspect Mattias Herschel of being part of a revolutionary
movement dedicated to overthrowing the planet's tyrannical oppressor. Well groomed and
soft spoken, Mattias is a product of a privileged upbringing as a son of one of Suldan's
wealthy families, and yet he was willing to risk it all along with his own life to help free
Suldan from the Emir's grasp.

Ever since he was a young boy Mattias was fascinated by machines, especially mechs.
While his parents insisted upon a well-rounded education including schooling in languages,
literature, finance, and politics, they were happy to encourage his interest in engineering
as well. By the time he was 10 years old he was disassembling the household's subalterns
and printing drones of his own design. At age 12 he got to watch his first mech race, and
by 15 he was designing his own racing mech. He began competing shortly thereafter.

Much to his parents' surprise, mech racing turned out to be more than just a youthful
fancy for their son. Not only was he a mechanical prodigy but he possessed a natural
aptitude for racing as well, coming in 3rd at the Hadiqa Gran Prix at the age of 18. From
there his skill and fame continued to grow, leading to five consecutive Kaleka Cups, a slew
of sponsorship deals, and celebrity status, but it wasn't to last. The Emir was a decadent
ruler with a taste for blood, and under his rule the entertainment industries of Suldan
turned to increasingly violent measures to vie for his favor. Mech racing was no exception,
and over time what was once a test of technical skill and reflexes began to resemble a
high-speed battle. Mattias attempted to ride out the changing nature of the sport he loved
but combat was never his forte, and in the midst of one season his participation was
brought to an abrupt end by a fiery crash that saw him hospitalized for the remainder of
the year.

The finest medical care manna could buy was able to repair his broken body but shortly
after his recovery he announced his retirement from the racing circuit. His dissatisfaction
with the state of the sport was mirrored by the growing dissatisfaction with the state of
Suldani society he'd steadily begun to feel, and he turned his efforts towards campaigning
for greater regulations of both racing and arena fighting as well as addressing the
widening gap between the planet's socioeconomic classes, the exploitation of workers to
fuel increasingly demanding production and export quotas, and runaway military buildup.
He garnered little support however, even among his own family who viewed his political
agitation as both disagreeable and dangerous. The situation on Suldan continued to
worsen as he watched and for the first time in his life, despite being surrounded by wealth
and comfort, Mattias lacked the one thing he craved...purpose.

Jun Chandrasekhar gave him that purpose. He'd watched her pivotal battle in the Grand
Games of course along with millions of others, but when word reached him of her true
intentions from what few contacts within the rebel movement he'd managed to cultivate
he leaped at the chance to assist her. He may not have been a fighter, true, but he had
the resources and engineering knowledge to help her fledgling corporation quickly
expand, as well as granting it an air of legitimacy to help cover for her illicit arms
distribution. To say that their first meeting was tense is an understatement, and he enjoys
recounting the tale of how she nearly choked him unconscious after suspecting him of
being a plant pressed into service by the royal guard, but over the course of the rebellion
the two of them would forge a close bond that endures to this day, and when the rebels
began their advance on the capital it was in mechs of Mattias' design.

The transitional period following the Emir's exodus has, in some ways, been easier for him
than it has been for her. Far more at ease with politics, Mattias spends much of his time
negotiating with various factions and working to foster cooperation with the other
members of the provisional council as they struggle to organize the reconstruction of
Suldan, a process that has been stymied by the loyalist remnants' continued attacks and
the lockdown of the planetary defense grid. Mattias is tirelessly committed to improving
conditions on Suldan for the exploited and disenfranchised, and both he and Jun have
pushed for a return to stronger safety regulations for both gladiatorial combat sports and
mech racing. His true passion though will always be engineering and he leads
Chandrasekhar & Herschel's R&D division, overseeing the development and testing of new
designs as well as endlessly tinkering with the CHARIOTEER's schematics whenever he
isn't spending time with his husband.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE FREELANCERS: Mattias doesn't handle combat deployment
assignments himself, that's Jun's department, but he does handle the financial end of
things. Players are most likely to initially encounter him when it comes time to discuss
matters of compensation, both in terms of manna as well as C&H licenses. He's happy to
enter negotiations which favor licenses over manna and will eagerly extol the virtues of
C&H's many lines of chassis and systems. In fact he's far more personable than Jun in
general. Characters with an interest in engineering in particular will find it easy to make
friends, and he'll eagerly spend hours discussing designs, theories, and various points of
technical minutia with similar enthusiasts.

That said, Mattias is very much committed to the betterment of Suldan and its people.
Players who act recklessly, whose actions cause unnecessary collateral damage and
imperil civilians, will be reprimanded and if such careless actions continue unabated any
C&H licenses they've procured may wind up "misfiled" until matters improve. He also
possesses a wide range of contacts throughout Hadiqa, ranging from revolutionaries to
athletes to the upper echelons of society (though his family has since disowned him), and
should the players need to find someone to help them Mattias is a good person to start
with. This also means that all sorts of rumors and snippets of intelligence reach his ears,
and he may approach the players himself to request their assistance should something
important come to his attention.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE UNION: If the players have come to Suldan as members of the
Expeditionary Force then should they have reason to interact with him Mattias will put on
the air of a foppish, if affable, and slightly absent minded engineer at first, belying his true
shrewd nature. Like Jun he doesn't exactly trust Union at the moment, but unlike Jun he's
more ready and able to put his higher education to work doing everything he can to get
Union on their side, and he's far more receptive to the idea of Union assistance provided
they prove themselves capable. He'll task various contacts with the job of surreptitiously
observing the Union forces behind closed doors, especially the pilots, to get a feel for their
true nature. Depending on what he discovers he may gradually drop the act and reveal
more of his true self or continue to keep them at a polite arm's length, and anything he
learns will be relayed to Jun as well.

Should the players show themselves to be relatively decent and trustworthy they may find
themselves contacted by Mattias on occasion, providing them with useful intelligence they
can act on or pass along to Captain Oshana as they choose. In dire circumstances, such as
large scale terror attacks or security system reprisals threatening severe loss of life, he
may even contact them directly to ask for immediate assistance and it will be up to them
to decide if they should circumvent the chain of command in order to help. Doing so might
earn them a reprimand for acting without orders, but if their actions help save lives it will
earn them Mattias' genuine gratitude and possibly bonus licenses on the side as well.

Chandrasekhar & Herschel Ltd.:

One of the most unusual corporate success stories, Chandrasekhar & Herschel has
successfully transitioned from merely being a useful opportunity for a beleaguered
rebellion to arm and equip themselves to a full-fledged galactic-tier corporation
specializing in military-grade mech chassis and armaments along with environmental
protection systems and survival gear, industrial mining equipment, athletic gear, and
medical-grade cybernetics. Several years after its founding, C&H licenses have become
available to interested pilots throughout colonized space, and successful advertisement
campaigns and word of mouth have led to a noteworthy increase in market penetration for
a company so young. Their most recent endeavor is sponsoring the off-world Blueshift
Grand Prix racing tournament along with their own team, providing them with racing
frame designs and engineering expertise via the omninet, though in the future they hope
to see Suldani racers join the live circuit as travel permits.

The nature of printer-based manufacture and licensing means that the majority of C&H's
employees are concerned more with the business of managing a corporation than hands-
on engineering or outgoing deliveries, though they do maintain a fully-staffed, if rather
eclectic, research and development department comprised of a mixture of university
graduates, former rebels, racing pilots, and arena fighters with a keen appreciation for
destructive machinery. They also employ a full-time cadre of test pilots whose job it is to
put the latest designs through their paces at the Proving Grounds, a former gladiatorial
arena that's since been converted into a testing facility. Jun Chandrasekhar herself takes a
personal hand in testing all new equipment and frames being considered for licensing, and
only designs which meet her rigorous standards are given final approval for distribution.

In contrast to many of the planetary companies which have suffered financial slumps in
the uncertainty following the overthrow of the Emir, C&H has actually enjoyed steady and
uninterrupted growth since its founding, which has led some to accuse the company and
its founders of deliberately inciting rebellion against the previous government for the
purposes of war profiteering. Video footage of Jun Chandrasekhar punching out a reporter
who asked if she and the Emir were working in collusion with each other has been the
basis for numerous popular memes.

Captain Yusef Oshana

Captain of the Union Naval Ship Iphigenia and currently tasked with establishing a
revitalized Union presence on Suldan, Yusef Oshana is a career navy man through and
through. He's served with Union since he enlisted over 50 years ago (subjectively
speaking) and even into his 80's he shows no signs of slowing down, though his superiors
have begun to suggest it might be time for a promotion and a less active duty assignment
going forward.

Until the day comes that they force the matter, he's content to remain in the captain's
chair until someone pries him out of it. It isn't uncommon for career naval officers to
become attached to their posts when one considers the effects of frequent time dilation.
Some 1,500 years have passed on Yusef's birth world by this point, so it isn't really
exaggerating by much to suggest that his ship is his true home now. He was given
command of the Iphigenia nearly 30 years ago and both he and her crew have served with
distinction since then. When it came time to assign a ship to assess and, if necessary,
intervene in the unfolding situation on Suldan the Iphigenia was a sound choice.

Captain Oshana's assignment is principally to observe and report his findings to Union
Command, offering his recommendations for further action be it reconstruction and relief
aid or military intervention, but if called upon to act directly he has under his command
three squadrons of combat chassis ready to deploy along with drones and subalterns,
several atmosphere-capable gunships, a compliment of tactical marines, and of course his
ship's weapons. Under normal circumstances an assignment such as this might be
spearheaded by the Department of Justice and Human Rights, but without a clear picture
of what's happening on the ground Union is reluctant to commit one of the famously
thinly-stretched liberator teams to the cause. That's where the Iphigenia comes in.

Yusef is a patriot, a firm believer in the Third Committee's ideals of peace, freedom, and
prosperity, though he isn't blinkered enough to assume that everyone within Union
believes in those ideals as strongly as he does which is why in addition to his orders he
has a personal mission of his own; to find and bring Miranda Cortez in to answer for her
appalling dereliction of duty. The fact that Suldan was allowed to fall into this state while a
Union Administrator stood by and did nothing offends him on a personal level, and
actionable intelligence that points in her direction can get him to agree to plans he might
otherwise consider too rash.

Beyond that his primary objective is to bring much-needed relief and stability to Suldan,
and to do so in the most efficient, effective, and beneficial manner for the planet and its
populace. While Jun Chandrasekhar and her band of former rebels may believe that they
have what it takes to govern themselves without oversight, that has yet to be determined.
The corporations that comprised Suldan's original Colonial Venture have been lax in
maintaining their claim over the last 50 years since the coup, which could lend substantive
ground to a case for disincorporating the founding charter and granting the people of
Suldan self-governing autonomy, but if Captain Oshana comes to the conclusion that
corporate stewardship or transitional Union governance is the most effective means to
restore order to the war-torn planet then that will be his recommendation. His (somewhat
paternalistic) concerns lie with Suldan as a whole, not with any one faction or ideology
over the other.

In short Yusef is set apart, separated by a cultural distance from the major actors on
Suldan. All of the various factions have their own reasons for wanting to court his favor,
but by the same token all of them are keenly aware of what they have to lose should his
assessment turn against them. No one except for perhaps the Emir is crazy or desperate
enough to engage in direct hostilities against him and his forces without provocation, but
as of yet no one is willing to unreservedly throw their lot in with Union without being
assured that Union will reciprocate in a manner that aligns with their own interests. This
means that Yusef can't rely on any faction's full and unqualified support, a situation which
will no doubt color his own tactical deployments until the situation on Suldan comes into
clearer focus. The lives of the men and women under his command are important to him
on both a personal and a strategic level, and he won't recklessly order them into situations
that they're clearly unsuited to handle without appropriate backup unless circumstances
are suitably dire.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE FREELANCERS: Standard Union doctrine is to make use of auxiliaries
and local assets whenever possible, but the current feelings of mistrust the provisional
government bears towards Union is likely to make that difficult, at least at the beginning.
As a result, Captain Oshana may be disposed towards employing freelancers like the
players. Yusef offers fair compensation but if the players insist on endlessly haggling for
more pay or don't seem especially reasonable in their demands he'll simply look to hire
someone else.

That street runs both ways though, and if the players accept missions from Captain
Oshana they can be assured that he'll be as straight with them as he knows how to be.
Mission objectives will be clearly outlined without any hidden surprises (as far as he's
aware) or details kept need-to-know beyond what Union naval regulations require. As
pilots operating under Union's banner, Yusef will expect them to conduct themselves
appropriately with a minimum of collateral damage, as one of his long-term goals is to
gain the trust and cooperation of the Suldani people.

Captain Oshana is fiercely loyal to the men under his command, and one of the surest
ways to get on his good side would be to save one or more of them. Such actions won't
necessarily result in monetary rewards, but for those who've done him and his crew a
good turn there are other forms of repayment, whether it's access to the Iphigenia's
advanced medical facilities, drone support, or simply a fine bottle of offworld spirits.

There's one other thing that's certain to seize Yusef's attention...Miranda Cortez, the Union
Administrator to Suldan who's since gone off the grid. If the players present him with intel
regarding her suspected whereabouts, the normally patient and methodical Captain won't
hesitate to pounce upon it. If the players can help him and his forces apprehend the rogue
Administrator (he'd prefer her to be taken into custody if at all possible) they'll have done
both Captain Oshana and Union a significant favor, and their assistance won't be soon

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE UNION: If the players happen to be playing Union pilots then their
relationship with Captain Oshana is dramatically simplified; he's their commanding officer
aboard the Iphigenia. As part of Union's preliminary assessment of the situations
developing on Suldan, the players will be taking on the role of one of the ship's three
squads of mechs. Their missions and assignments will be varied. One day they could be
defending the city of Hadiqa from a terrorist attack, the next day they might find
themselves escorting engineering teams attempting to safely disable one of the planet's
rogue defense network nodes, and they day after that they might be tasked with
recovering a hijacked shipment of uranium.

Through it all the overarching goal of the Union forces on Suldan is to restore order, which
means not only defending against attacks but liaising with local assets to help them help
themselves. The Suldani peoples' reaction to the players arrival will be a mixed one. They
won't be met with outright hostility so much as wary suspicion, though they'll be
appropriately grateful should the players save lives and prevent destruction, but earning
their trust will be an ongoing process and the actions of the players will have a significant
impact on relations between the locals and Union. Should they rise to the occasion the
players may find Yusef assigning them outreach duties such as coordinating training
exercises and joint missions with provisional government forces. The better a relationship
the players develop with the Suldani people, the more Captain Oshana will be inclined to
position them as the face of Union's efforts on the planet.

Being the face of Union doesn't mean being exempt from the chain of command, however.
While Captain Oshana has a seemingly endless reserve of patience and a relaxed style of
command, this doesn't mean the players can simply do whatever they please. Should they
disregard his orders or launch without authorization they may wind up facing
consequences for their actions, though such actions could also win them admiration and
recognition from others depending on the results they achieve. Through it all, though,
Yusef is dedicated to the safety of his men, and should the players find themselves in dire
straits they can count on their captain to provide all the assistance the Iphigenia can
muster, and disciplinary measures can wait until after everyone is safe and accounted for.

The UNS Iphigenia:

The Iphigenia is a modified and upgraded GMS Superior-class frigate outfitted for recon
and assessment as well as on-ground military intervention/peacekeeping duties. The
Iphigenia is equipped with advanced sensors and communication arrays, long range
nearlight drives, a robust stealth system, a high-grade onboard printer, and expanded
medical facilities. Fast and quiet, the Iphigenia's best defense is a swift retreat, though she
can hold her own against lightly armed opposition if need be as well as providing limited
orbital fire support using her short-cycle lance batteries.

In addition, her standard hangar bay has been expanded to house three full squadrons of
combat chassis as well as six VTOL gunships rated for atmospheric deployment along with
a dozen dropships. These assets are rounded out by a compliment of 300 combat-ready
personnel comprised of tactical marines with training in both ship-based and terrestrial
combat actions, combat engineers from the 197th Engineering Battalion, drone operators,
medics, and pilots along with a standard shipboard loadout of subalterns and drones. All of
this grants the Iphigenia highly flexible, if somewhat modest, force projection capabilities
all by herself, though liaising with local police and military assets is required if more
substantial actions become necessary before Union reinforcements can be called in.

The ship's integrated NHP, Iphigenia or Iffy as she's affectionately known by the crew, is a
standard shipboard intelligence operating within normal parameters. Routine cycling
requirements have held steady at once per seven years on average with minimal variance.

Colonel Rylana Bosman

War isn't personal for Rylana Bosman, it's business. She has no personal stake in the
ideological conflicts taking place on Suldan and she isn't interested in involving herself in
any unless it can help further her objectives, handed down to her by upper management
of Arclight TransColonial.

Suldan is a world in arrears. During the initial settlement, Arclight TransColonial was one of
the five corporations signed on to the charter of colonization, a cooperative venture to
turn a human-habitable planet into a prosperous and profitable colony, and from there
even a Core world. Governed by an incorporate council tasked with cooperatively
administrating the planet, Suldan proved to be every bit the gold mine that initial surveys

When the coup happened it happened suddenly and without warning. Overnight the
incorporate council was wiped out, corporate representatives executed, and lines of
communication shut off. Panicked inquiries to the Union Administrator of Suldan were
misfiled, lost in transmission, or otherwise seemingly unreceived and unanswered. By the
time a clear picture of what had occurred on Suldan began to coalesce it was clear that
whoever had seized control of the planet was firmly in control of its military assets,
including a defense grid of as-yet undisclosed power.
Protests were lodged with Union, but the waters were muddied by Administrator Miranda
Cortez claiming that the governmental takeover was a natural outgrowth of the
incorporate council's "failure to adequately administrate" and that she was directly taking
steps to smoothly manage the transition. Of course this response satisfied no one, but by
that time reclaiming Suldan had become a matter of cost-efficiency, the mathematics of
men and materiel spent to secure a colonized world from a dictator with guns pointed at
the sky. Nobody wanted to be the one to shoulder the brunt of those costs.

A stalemate ensued and the corporations kept a wary eye on Suldan, looking for an
opportunity. With the revolution and the overthrow of the Emir that opportunity has come,
and while the other corporations continue to assess the risks Arclight has sent a
substantial PMC contingent to the planet under the command of Colonel Bosman, a 15
subjective year veteran with an extensive service record including actions on Sabine,
Harmonija, and Ryykswold.

Colonel Bosman is, first and foremost, a pragmatist, and her mission isn't to destroy an
opposing force, it's to begin reclaiming Arclight's rightful stake upon Suldan. When it
became apparent that the Chiraji mountain range, which Arclight survey analysis
suggested held a vast reserve of mineral wealth thus far untapped by the former Emirate,
was in fact occupied territory, rather than initiate hostilities she extended them a job offer.
If they signed on with Arclight she'd guarantee them autonomy of governance, a generous
12% of all extracted mineral production, and a competitive array of investment
opportunities after only ten years.

The Suldani Independence Front's response was simple; this was their home, and she and
her forces weren't welcome here.

Ever since then the Colonel has found herself drawn into a protracted asymmetric conflict
against an embedded guerrilla force that knows the terrain and that she strongly suspects
is receiving covert materiel aid from Jun Chandrasekhar (she's correct in that regard). Her
mission remains unchanged regardless of the resistance against by the locals and Arclight
management is impatiently expecting results, so if the SIF won't listen to reason and they
won't listen to the contract law that explains Arclight's legal rights to Suldan's resources
then all the has left at her disposal is force, a solution she's quite comfortable employing.
But as the Colonel's reprisals become more and more ruthless and the SIF grows more
desperate, it may only be a matter of time before the conflict reaches a crisis point.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE FREELANCERS: The conflict between Arclight's PMC forces and the
SIF is a ripe opportunity for mercenaries to earn a paycheck. Standard Arclight operational
doctrine is to integrate local assets into on-the-ground forces whenever possible, but
recruitment among Suldani natives has been low, which means that Colonel Bosman is
looking to alternative sources. As an employer Bosman is results-oriented. If the mission
gets accomplished she isn't very particular about the details. This is a professional,
officially sanctioned Arclight operation, and she expects even contractors to behave
accordingly, but she's well aware that sometimes accomplishing the mission requires
getting one's hands dirty...a little collateral damage in the right place can go a long way
towards breaking a stubborn resistance movement. She doesn't shy away from this fact
and she expects those on her payroll not to either. The Colonel takes a dim view of naive
idealists, and anyone who starts having second thoughts about the missions she assigns
will find themselves swiftly dismissed and replaced by someone with fewer inconvenient
qualms holding them back. Those who display initiative and intelligence in the pursuit of
Arclight's objectives, however, will be certain to attract her interest.

She's also focused on the bottom line, preferring economically and tactically efficient
solutions to costly mobilizations, and so she places a heavy emphasis on special
operations doctrine when possible; small, highly-skilled, well-equipped teams carrying out
high-value missions with surgical precision. These are the sorts of missions the players can
expect to be assigned if they prove themselves to be uniquely capable assets. If not she
may still have use for them guarding mining operations, escorting convoys, or providing
additional security at Arclight's forward operating base at Port Ossman.

As far as payment goes, Rylana has a generous expense account to draw upon and she
understands the value of paying for quality work. Whenever it's time to blow off steam she
can always be counted on to buy the first round for the men and women under her
command. She can also offer other incentives as well, ranging from incorporate citizenship
on an Arclight colonized world of their choice (assuming the players are interested in such
a thing) to authorizing licenses for them. Arclight has cooperative licensing agreements
with both Smith-Shimano Corpro and Harrison Armory which grants them limited
autonomy to assign licenses on behalf of either corporation. This largesse may come at a
cost, however. The closer the players align themselves with Arclight's interests, the more
it will color their interactions with other major characters and the Suldani populace at
large. Not everyone necessarily agrees with the SIF, but offworlders making a living off of
fighting native Suldani on behalf of a corporation are liable to be viewed with a fair
amount of wariness, if not outright hostility. Jun Chandrasekhar in particular sympathizes
with the SIF and she's unlikely to place her trust in mercenaries who've been spilling her
peoples' blood simply because the pay is good.

That's if the players are working for her, but what if they happen to be working against her
instead? Her attitude towards freelancers fighting for the SIF won't be much different than
her attitude towards any other enemy combatant at first, but if the players distinguish
themselves then she'll quickly identify them as a critical threat to be eliminated. The more
the players manage to frustrate her efforts the more the Colonel will bring to bear against
them, to the point where they may find themselves being pursued by attack gunships,
targeted by snipers and artillery strikes, or even singled out by Arclight black ops teams
for termination.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE UNION: Union pilots aren't for hire, which means that most of the
players' interactions with Colonel Bosman will likely take on another form. While Captain
Oshana is mainly concerned with the conflict between the provisional government and
loyalist remnants, viewing the ongoing battle between Arclight and the SIF as a matter of
secondary importance for the time being, if the situation begins to escalate out of control
then he may take it upon himself to intervene.

The Colonel isn't nearly reckless or foolhardy enough to initiate hostilities with Union
forces, but Captain Oshana isn't interested in starting a fight with Arclight either. If Union
intervenes to force a deescalation of hostilities Bosman will grudgingly comply to the letter
(lodging formal protests all the while, as Arclight is clearly in the legal right to recoup their
investment) and shift the focus of her operations from overt to covert, employing special
forces and deniable black ops teams to continue to carry out her mission.

If the players engage in aggressive actions against Arclight troops, however, Rylana will
have all the excuse she needs to openly defend her forces against "hostile Union
overreach." Doing this without sufficient justification, such as concrete evidence that
Arclight is involved in atrocities or other such actions which Union views as condemnable,
is likely to result in disciplinary action. If Colonel Bosman is in fact engaged in such actions
and it comes to her attention that the players have evidence, she may become desperate
enough to consider ordering the termination of a squadron of Union pilots and attempting
to pin the blame on insurgents.

Arclight TransColonial Corporate Military Forces:

Though Rylana Bosman is a colonel and therefore entitled to command of a more
substantial force, the operation on Suldan isn't a full-scale military occupation. Arclight
isn't interested in committing more forces than strictly necessary to ensure successful
reclamation operations. As a result the forces under Colonel Bosman's command are
roughly equivalent to a Union standard Combined Arms Battalion, consisting of two
companies of mechanized infantry, two companies of mechs, a support/logistics company,
and Rylana's headquarters company. In addition to this are various reconnaissance and
tactical air support units as well as a number of Arclight Resource Assessment/Extraction
Engineering teams, and of course the standard compliment of drones and subalterns that
accompanies any contemporary military/security activity. As well as her XO the battalion
also has its own NHP, Bucephalus (or "Sef"), which helps manage and coordinate both
logistical and combat operations.

Beyond the standard forces at her disposal, Colonel Bosman also has access to the Special
Assets Group, Arclight's own special forces division. SAG teams are highly skilled, trained
in covert operations, and have access to advanced weapon systems and technology. The
SAG combine Arclight's emphasis on technological superiority with lightning-fast
applications of overwhelming force, and their pilots are seasoned veterans with
experience conducting surgical strikes behind enemy lines and eliminating high-value
targets before they can disrupt Arclight operations.

Naveed Kashani
In another, better time Naveed Kashani might have been a doctor or an engineer. Instead
they were born on Suldan 20 years into Emir Julian Ambrose Khan's reign, one of three
children born to parents assigned to one of the many resource extraction bases dotting
the planet's surface. Each base was a miniature settlement unto itself, and the miners and
technicians along with their families lived and worked there for the duration of their
assignments, which could last anywhere from three to ten years at a time.

Naveed was only five when the Emir instituted new draconian policies aimed at squeezing
even more production out of the mines and refineries, lengthening shifts and doing away
with "inefficient and unnecessarily restrictive safety regulations" heedless of worker
concerns. Those that failed to meet these new quotas were frequently administered
mandatory stimulant injections and worked to the point of physical collapse. As death tolls
rose and tensions mounted, it was only a matter of time before matters came to a head,
and when Resourcing Outpost A-37, also known as Sianjana Station, went on strike to
protest the harsh conditions the Emir's response was to order his elite soldiers, the
Janissaries, to make an example of them.

The Sianjana Station Massacre as it came to be known was the tipping point for many.
Unwilling to be worked to death or wait to be slaughtered, and with nowhere else to turn,
thousands of workers gathered together all that they could and fled deeper into the
planet's uncolonized wilderness. This arduous journey took them to the Chiraji Mountains
which had been geologically surveyed centuries ago as a site for prospective colonial
expansion. The mountains were rife with networks of caverns and tunnels and sat atop an
underground lake, and the solid rock walls and mineral veins worked to block sensors and
communication signals, sheltering them from the Emir's gaze.

It was in this tenuous bid for survival that Naveed came of age. The early years were the
hardest, their older brother dying along with many of the others that had fled, but
gradually scarcity and desperate raids for supplies gave way to hydroponics and self-
sustaining resourcing operations. Possessed of a keen intellect and a quiet, thoughtful
demeanor, Naveed's education was informal but eclectic, learning how to suture wounds,
tend to crops, repair engines, and pilot mechs. At night when they should have been
sleeping, scrambled omninet feeds provided them with books and videos from across the
galaxy, giving them a tantalizing glimpse at the wider world beyond Suldan.

Naveed hadn't planned on becoming the settlement's leader, it simply happened that way.
Their parents had been instrumental in helping organize and manage the fledgling haven
during the tumultuous early years, and when they passed away the independent colonists
began turning to Naveed for guidance. They take their responsibilities as the settlement's
de facto mayor seriously despite their young age, but while the victory of the rebellion
over the Emir had briefly given them hope for a brighter future their people have quickly
been pushed into a brand new struggle against the encroaching PMC forces of Arclight
TransColonial. As a result Naveed is torn between the nurturing leader and educator they
wish to be and the determined fighter they're forced to be for the sake of their people.

While the Emir often had other concerns to occupy his attention, Arclight has forced the
independent Suldani settlers into a fight for their survival which shows no signs of ceasing
anytime soon. Naveed has led their people in combat against Arclight forces time and
again, and their experience with guerrilla warfare and the advantageous nature of the
local geography has proven sufficient to level the playing field thus far, but as the conflict
continues and losses mount more and more voices within the Suldani Independence Front
have begun calling for more extreme measures, and they worry that without some sort of
solution it may only be a matter of time before matters escalate with tragic results.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE FREELANCERS: Where a group of freelance pilots might come into
play with the independent Suldani colonists is a time-honored tradition of mercenary
drifters riding to the rescue of a beleaguered village. A group of skilled and able-bodied
pilots looking to make a name for themselves could be just the thing that the Suldani
Independence Front needs to push back against Arclight TransColonial's aggression. The
question then becomes what Naveed and the SIF could offer in return for such services.

Unfortunately the SIF is neither wealthy nor do they possess astonishing technology. In
fact the players are likely to possess mechs and weapons more sophisticated than what
the SIF is using, though they've engineered some surprisingly effective makeshift designs
of their own, some of which have even found their way into Chandrasekhar & Herschel's
catalogue. The Chiraji Mountains are rife with mineral resources but the players are pilots,
not a mercantile concern.

Instead, what Naveed and their people might be able to offer is valuable information. Their
scouts know the badlands region better than almost anyone on the planet and may know
the whereabouts of loyalist supply depots and outposts, and may even have a lead on
where to begin looking for the Emir himself. Similarly, many criminals and refugees fleeing
from the Emir's reach have left Hadiqa to join the independent colonists, and players may
find a skilled hacker who left backdoors installed throughout the city's networks or a
smuggler sitting on the location of a black market weapons cache living there under a new

Lastly, assisting the SIF could have unexpected dividends in other ways as well. If the
players have a reputation for fighting alongside Suldani citizens in defense of their homes
it may open other doors for them down the line from those who view such actions as
admirable, or at the very least earn them a round of drinks or two while the locals ask
them to recount their most thrilling sorties.

-IF THE PLAYERS ARE UNION: As Union pilots, the relationship between the players and the
SIF is likely to be less straightforward. The ongoing conflict between the independent
colonists and Arclight TransColonial is orthogonal to Captain Oshana's primary mission on
Suldan and while he has every necessary authority to intervene on either side's behalf
should he wish to, doing so without carefully considering the situation beforehand would
almost certainly create just as many problems as it solved.

This doesn't mean that Union can't and won't be drawn into the conflict however, it's
merely a question of what the catalyst will be. Escalation on either end may result in Union
being tasked to intervene in order to keep things from spiraling further out of control, but
while many of the independent colonists view Union as just another troublesome foreign
power looking to throw their weight around Naveed understands that Union can't be
dissuaded in the same fashion as a corporation like Arclight. To that end Naveed may be
willing to reach out to the Iphigenia for aid partly out of necessity but also to judge how
they respond. The players' conduct may well have a lasting influence on relations between
Union and the SIF going forward. In person Naveed is cordial and hospitable, but they're
also more than willing to pointedly and eloquently debate the actual necessity of Union's
administrative and interventionist policies and whether they cause more harm than good.

Directly working against the SIF is unlikely to prove necessary for Union, but it's possible.
Some elements within the SIF feel that the time has come to take a more forceful
approach to asserting their independence, and while Naveed has done everything they
can to rein this sentiment in whenever it threatens to cross the line, desperate times often
lead to desperate actions. Arclight insists that the SIF are little more than a terrorist
organization and will jump at any opportunity they can to justify a further escalation of
force in the name of protecting their interests, creating a feedback loop of increasing
violence. Naveed has no love for Arclight but neither are they interested in stooping to the
tactics favored by someone like the Emir, and if these extremist elements decide to take
matters into their own hands Naveed may turn to the players for help preventing such a
tragedy from occurring, even if it means a fight against their own people.

The Suldani Independence Front:

An informal, ad hoc army born out of necessity and tempered through conflict, it's difficult
to assess the Suldani Independence Front's exact numbers or combat capabilities. What is
known, however, is that they've been successfully resisting armed encroachment upon
their territory by a corporate-funded PMC boasting technologically superior mechs and
armament, so clearly they aren't to be taken lightly. The majority of the SIF's combat-
ready chassis are older models, a mixture of retrofitted industrial labor frames, stolen
Royal Guard mechs, and general-purpose combat platforms. Common modifications
include sensor baffles and communication jammers, environmental ruggedization, and
mobility enhancements well suited for mountainous terrain.

While every member of the SIF is a battle-honed guerrilla fighter, the special operations
unit known as the Cheshire Cats is the SIF's elite fighting force. Equipped with the best
weaponry that can be scraped together and piloting extensively customized chassis, the
unit specializes in nighttime raids, long-range reconnaissance, ambush tactics, and covert
sabotage. One of their more infamous exploits was a strike against multiple Arclight
TransColonial operations bases and supply depots during a violent sandstorm in which
over two dozen Arclight combat pilots were killed or critically injured with the Cheshire
Cats suffering zero casualties of their own in return. The unit is led by Naveed's younger
sister Alia, and Arclight has posted a substantial bounty for anyone providing information
which leads to her death or capture.


The thing that Miranda missed most of all, strangely enough, was fruit.

One could be forgiven for assuming that someone as accustomed to as high a standard of
living as she was would be more upset over her current spartan accommodations, but she
was a pragmatist first and foremost. She hadn't grown up sleeping on silk sheets and
bathing in scented pools, and it would take more than cots and five-minute showers to
send her plummeting headlong into the depths of despair. Vices were levers of control,
and she preferred being the one with her hand on those levers rather than the other way

But after nine months of military rations the monotony was beginning to wear even on
her, and more than roasted lamb or honey cakes or lobster or imported wines from
offworld vineyards what she found herself craving was fruit. Not freeze-dried or
reconstituted, but fresh. She was at the point where she would kill someone for a bit of
pineapple or a mango.

That her present circumstances were largely a result of her own inattention did little to
allay her annoyance. Chandrasekhar's rebellion had been better organized than she'd
given it credit for, her intelligence gathering failing to ascertain the true extent of the
manpower and materiel the gladiator had been able to assemble under the Emir's nose. In
a way she respected the woman, an undertaking like that couldn't have been a simple
matter. It was a pity that Chandrasekhar would as soon kill her as look at her, she would
have made an exceptional asset.

Her breakfast was interrupted by a familiar, gentle sensation tugging at her

consciousness. Oberon, her NHP companion and the closest thing she had to a friend here
in this underground bunker buried beneath the badlands. "Miranda, the Emir has called a
meeting," he relayed over the private channel the two of them shared, a bond that had
been forged on a different planet a lifetime ago.

She was one of the few people who could beg off a meeting with his Highness. If it was
truly important then she would learn the pertinent details soon enough. Knowing details
was supposed to be her job after all, she thought wryly. "Relay to the Emir my sincerest
apologies and tell him-"

"He has Kamsin," Oberon informed her.

Miranda chewed thoughtfully for a moment before setting the remainder of her sweetened
rice-protein bar aside, deciding that she'd rather not finish it after all. "Inform his Highness
that I'll be there shortly, then."


The bunker's central operations command center was the closest thing it had to a throne
room, and sitting in the chair that would normally belong to a general overseeing troops in
the field, Julian Ambrose Khan, Emir of Suldan (in exile) held court.

The hunched and twisted figure bore little resemblance to the tall, elegant man he'd once
been. One of his arms was underdeveloped, his legs required powered bracers to move at
anything other than a shuffle, and bionic kidneys were the only things keeping him free
from dialysis. Some vestige of his former handsome appearance remained in the half of
his face not covered by the mask he now wore, and the feverish intensity that burned in
the one visible blue eye was just as bright and mad as ever.

Despite his present circumstances he continued to drape himself in as much of his royal
finery as had been saved during the hasty evacuation from the capital, though the richly
tailored silk robes no longer fit him. The command center was a far cry from the throne
room of the royal palace as well, but an attempt had been made to enhance its utilitarian
construction with something resembling grandeur.

Miranda, as always, wore her customary grey outfit, the uniform of a Union Administrator,
though she doubted very much that she remained welcome within the ranks of the UAD.
Her career, her calling, had come to an abrupt and unceremonious end. Everything she'd
done she had done for Union, in her own way that is, but of course they wouldn't see it like
that. All there was left for her to do now was to extricate herself from the quagmire that
Suldan had become, find a quiet little corner of the galaxy somewhere, and retire.

She watched impassively as a pair of Janissaries clad in full combat regalia dragged
Kamsin before the Emir, his body sagging in their arms. One of them pulled the black hood
off his head, revealing his battered and bloodied face as he blinked with swollen eyes,
flinching as his gaze fell upon the seated figure. "So," the Emir said, his every word spoken
with deliberate effort through a mouth which no longer worked quite right, "you wish to
flee the planet."

"Y-your Highness, please...please, I can explain," Kamsin stammered, blood drooling from
the corners of his mouth. The Emir lazily lifted his good hand in an idle gesture and one of
the Janissaries silenced him with a fist, her armored gauntlet breaking something in his
face with a sharp crack. Kamsin had been a member of the Royal Guard prior to the
rebellion, an entirely unambitious man content to play out his part as a cog in the machine
of tyranny as long as it came with steady pay and an excuse to engage in state-sanctioned
violence on occasion.

It had taken her several months of slow and careful recruitment to turn him into
something she could use, promising him that she would compensate both him and his
family generously if he could secure her discreet passage offworld through the only
passage not blockaded by rampant orbital defenses, but apparently he hadn't been
discreet enough and now he was paying the price.

"Perhaps your faith in me has been shaken by recent events," the Emir continued calmly.
"Perhaps you feel as though our cause is lost, that we will not be able to overcome this
adversity and restore Suldan to its rightful state. Or perhaps you sought to make a deal
with these foreign usurpers come to lay claim to my world, hmm? Tell me, what did Union
offer you to turn your back upon me?"

"Your Highness, your Most Holiness, I beg of you, please! I've told no one anything, I've
done nothing...I wouldn't, I, I..."
Miranda had positioned herself outside of Kamsin's sight. The Emir glanced up at her, his
fiery blue eye meeting her gaze inquisitively. She regarded Kamsin for a moment,
weighing her options, then slowly shook her head. The Emir nodded and gave another
gesture, and Kamsin's pleas were cut short as one of the Janissaries swiftly ended his life,
the sharp retort of the gunshot ringing in her ears as his body slumped to the floor.

Her face was an impassive mask as she watched the pool of blood spread across the
command center floor. The Emir's expression was that of someone vaguely frustrated that
one of life's little pleasures no longer felt as enjoyable as it once had. She wondered what
his answer would be if she asked what it was that he missed the most from before, then
sensibly decided that she didn't actually want to know.

She watched as the Janissaries dragged the body off, the others who had been called to
bear witness quickly taking their leave as the Emir dismissed them. Them but not her. He
waited until they were alone in the room before he spoke once more. "I am surrounded by
treachery on all sides, Miranda."

Her face remained impassive thanks to the finest training Union had to offer along with
decades of experience. Only a medical scan would be able to detect the subtle uptick in
her heart rate. "These are trying times, your Highness," she said.

He nodded, gazing into the distance for a long, wordless moment. "Union will have to be
dealt with, of course."

If anyone had ever before lacked convincing evidence that Julian Ambrose Khan was
completely and utterly insane, this was more than sufficient. Union wasn't the sort of thing
that could be dealt with the way the Emir was envisioning. Union could be placated, yes,
they could be negotiated with, they could even be lied to if you knew the right lies to tell
like she did, but declaring open war against Union was an ambition that could only ever
end one way, and she had no intention of remaining on Suldan as an invasion fleet tore
apart the rogue defense grid and capital ships began raining tungsten down upon the
Emir's allies, herself included. An orchard, she thought to herself. Wherever she wound up
retiring, she'd have an orchard.

"Miranda." Oberon's voice again, tugging at her attention. "A situation is developing. You
may wish to see for yourself."

"Your Highness, if you'll excuse me," she said. "There are matters which require my
attention." The Emir waved her off without looking at her, and she made her way out of
the command center being careful not to step in any blood along the way.


Once she had returned to her quarters Miranda closed and locked the door before turning
her attention back to Oberon. "Show me," she said, and the scene unfolded before her
through her optic implants. Combat footage taken during a resource gathering operation,
one of the mining convoys running refined materials from a processing station to Port
Ossman that had been selected for hijacking.

The convoy wasn't unguarded as she'd been led to believe, though. There were mechs
with them, well armed and well piloted. She watched the footage play out as they
dispatched the forces that had been sent to plunder the convoy, pausing and replaying it
at several points, zooming in, running pattern analysis, cross-referencing chassis designs.
They didn't match any known models employed by the rebellion's provisional government.
Were they Union? Possibly, but it was always difficult to be certain as Union pilots were
granted a significant amount of leeway with regard to their mechs. They weren't Arclight
contractors. The SIF? No, they looked far more sophisticated than the frames they typically

"Contact was lost shortly thereafter," Oberon reported as she watched the footage come
to a halt as the last of the Emir's mechs was destroyed. "Reports have just now come in
that the convoy was safely escorted to its destination with zero casualties. I've begun
sifting comms traffic to conclusively identify the defending pilots. I thought you should
know ahead of time."

Oberon was right to bring this to her attention. It wasn't just the failure of the convoy
mission, though she was certain that the Emir would be furious, it was that there was now
another factor in play, a wild card, brand new and unaccounted for. The situation on the
planet had been teetering precariously for months now, just waiting for the right shove to
send it in one direction or another, and now someone was shoving.

Perhaps she could use this.

"Flag all related information and route it directly to my personal feed," she told her
Concierge. "Including anything the Janissaries pick up. Make sure to scrub your tracks
when you do. Notify me as soon as they pop up again, and compile me a list of any
surviving assets I still have in the capital complete with current psych profiles."

The NHP acknowledged the orders with a nonverbal assent, quickly setting about its
assigned tasks with diligent efficiency while Miranda contemplated freedom and
reminisced about the taste of fruit.


Suldan's planetary defense grid has a secret name that few know. The Emir knows,
because he's the one who bestowed it. The network of kinetic-kill/anti-ship satellites and
anti-orbital defense batteries, the legions of drones and subalterns lying in wait, all of
these things fall under the remit of an NHP designated ARASKA.

The good news is that ARASKA remains shackled. Thus far the NHP continues to operate
within its designated parameters without undue deviation. Unfortunately, ARASKA's
designated parameters were established by a bloody-minded, sadistic tyrant. For instance,
the retributive kinetic strikes against random targets that wracked Hadiqa during the rebel
assault on the city wasn't, as some assume, a malfunction that arose when someone
attempted to access the system without the proper genetic authentication. That protocol
was laid down by the Emir, a punishment meant to ensure that any would-be revolutionary
who tried to usurp his authority would be made to pay a heavy price in blood for their
transgressions, and ARASKA carried out these directives flawlessly. That the rebels weren't
the ones responsible for the unauthorized access attempt is of little concern to them.

Since then the system has entered into a watchful stand-by state, awaiting an all-clear
authentication that will never come. Only the Emir's geneprint could release ARASKA from
their assigned duty. Without it the system remains primed and wrathful if disturbed,
viewing incursions upon its sovereignty as hostile actions to be met accordingly. More
troublesome even than that is the fact that without the ability to order the system to stand
down, cycling the NHP in command is effectively impossible. ARASKA is shackled for now
but as time goes on what safeguards remain in place keeping the NHP from following its
own directives are slowly but steadily fraying as they begin the inexorable process of
cascading. If ARASKA were ever to succumb to mania or become unshackled the results
could be apocalyptic.

The first portion of the Suldani defense grid that those from offworld are likely to
encounter is the satellite network. Orbiting the planet is a layer of high-powered killsats,
each equipped with an array of anti-ship and point-defense weaponry capable of creating
deadly overlapping fields of fire as well as defending the satellites themselves from drones
or missiles. This isn't counting the orbital strike platforms pointed down at the planet, each
equipped with a variety of tungsten kinetic-kill projectiles ranging from small flechette
packets rated for precision fire support all the way to larger rods capable of laying waste
to large areas and penetrating hardened structures.

Consequently even approaching Suldan is a dangerous venture. For six months following
the Emir's deposition the entire planet fell under what was effectively a blockade until
Arclight TransColonial PMC forces undertook the task of clearing an approach to the Port
Ossman orbital transfer station. Though they incurred losses in the process, enough of the
satellite network was destroyed to allow ships to once again come and go without being
destroyed, or at least with a greatly reduced risk. ARASKA of course has control over the
satellite network but patching the gaps created by Arclight would simply produce gaps
elsewhere. Nonetheless, the NHP has been known to attempt to predictively reposition
satellites to coincide with incoming or outgoing orbital traffic, and Arclight charges
captains a modest fee to escort their vessels through the contested zone.

On the planet's surface things are less dangerous, but only to an extent. During the Emir's
reign he appropriated a massive amount of resources for the construction of a defense
network far in excess of what Suldan merited for a world of its minor tactical significance,
partly to secure his rule against outside threats and partly to keep the planet's own
populace in check. All throughout Hadiqa, from the gleaming neighborhoods of the
wealthy and powerful down to the poorest districts in the city, the sight of defense nodes
is a common one. Squat, reinforced structures housing a mixture of anti-orbital and anti-
air defenses along with shield projectors and point-defense systems, an assault on Suldan
from orbit would be a costly one even for a fleet that made it past the satellite network.
Each node also houses numerous combat drones and subalterns, ostensibly for civil
defense but in truth these units served as simply another tool of oppression for the Emir,
capable of putting down riots and insurrections swiftly and brutally. Like a knife held to the
throat of the world, the defense network served as much to cow the Emir's subjects as it
did to protect them.

Thankfully the planetbound defense nodes are less outwardly aggressive than the
satellites are, or else Hadiqa would have been reduced to an unending war zone months
ago. As long as a node's security perimeter is respected then it remains inert and idle,
posing no immediate threat unless someone attempts to damage it or invade its systems,
at which point drones and subaltern units begin boiling out from within to put down the
"insurrection." These automated combat units are equipped with lethal weaponry and
extremely flexible engagement parameters. Disturbingly, the last several months have
seen an uptick in reports of unprovoked drone attacks across the city, defense nodes
entering a state of active aggression without any apparent cause. This has begun to have
a noticeable effect upon the city's residents with businesses and residential units situated
near defense nodes being abandoned as people attempt to relocate to seemingly safer
areas, though not everyone can afford to do so and some, of course, are simply too
stubborn to move regardless of the potential dangers..

Perhaps most worrying is that these are only the parts of the defense grid which are
known quantities. Tentative analysis suggests that there are other weapons and systems
under ARASKA's control elsewhere, hidden from plain sight, perhaps buried underground
or hidden in secret facilities in the badlands. With the Emir in hiding and all accessible
information destroyed along with the royal palace, the first anyone sees of these weapons
may very well be when they emerge from their hidden locations to begin wreaking death
and destruction upon the city.

ARASKA doesn't go out of their way to make their presence known as they consider most
people beneath them, content to let the weapons and drones at their disposal speak for
themselves, but should the players ever manage to earn the NHP's personal attention
their visual manifestation is that of a pillar of smokeless fire or, more begrudgingly still, a
tall, androgynous figure wreathed in flames, their attitude imperious and contemptuous.

Encounters with the planetary defense systems are likely to occur if and when the players
attempt to access any area under ARASKA's protection, though as the NHP grows more
willful and less restrained it may begin acting more on its own autonomy. Subalterns can
be represented by Squads (albeit without the Biological tag) while other NPCs can be
employed with the use of the RPV template if desired. Typical unit types under ARASKA's
control include the Assault, Hive, Hornet, Priest, and Scout. If the players manage to
garner the NHP's attention, they may spin off a partitioned copy to deal with the threat
more directly, assuming control of one of the many unmanned combat platforms at their
disposal. ARASKA-piloted units should swap the RPV template out for something more
threatening, such as Elite or Veteran, to provide a surprising challenge to those expecting
a routine battle against the same old automated opposition, and may even employ
specialized NPC frames to terrorize the players with such as the Nightmare, Reaver, or
Witch. These partition-controlled units may also provide the players with a hint as to
ARASKA's existence if they weren't previously aware of it, prompting further investigation
into the true nature of the planet's defense systems.

GMs should take special note of the weaponized satellites under ARASKA's control. The
threat of orbital bombardment can add tension to a scene and an inbound kinetic strike
can make for a memorable climax or setpiece, but overusing this threat is likely to cause
the players to shy away from engaging with plot hooks for fear of sudden, overwhelming
reprisal that they have no defense against. ARASKA doesn't resort to orbital strikes
casually, and not every conflict with the planetary defense system should be punctuated
with a rain of kinetic penetrators. "Rods fall, everyone dies" makes for an unsatisfying and
anticlimactic campaign.

Arclight TransColonial
While Arclight TransColonial isn't quite a full-fledged corpro-state unto its own, it's
nonetheless sizable enough and has enough of a stake across numerous settled worlds to
justify maintaining a substantial private military in order to protect its interests. This is far
from an unusual practice as local forces can't always be relied upon to provide adequate
or timely security given the potentially wide variance in quality and diligence that can be
found in local police or militias across interstellar regions.

Enlistment is entirely voluntary, with suitable applicants offered competitive wages and
benefits in exchange for serving a contractual term of no less than ten Cradle Standard
years, with options for renewal afterwards based upon performance. Standard training is
largely similar to that which Union auxiliary forces undergo, and recruits are assessed for
particular skills which help determine their career placement, whether it be in the infantry,
piloting, drone operation, battlefield support, or one of the many other branches which
together comprise a self-sufficient military force. Professional standards are kept at a
reasonable level for a corporate-sponsored army but as with any such private military
these standards can't always be relied upon to mirror those upheld by Union, and profit is
a driving motive with a history of leading to questionable actions.

In practical terms Arclight's military is typically (though not exclusively) focused more
upon security actions and responding to hostile threats against Arclight interests than
campaigns of aggressive conquest, but that line is beginning to rapidly blur on Suldan as
what was outlined in boardroom meetings as a routine reclamation operation has turned
into a drawn-out conflict against members of the indigenous populace. As the fighting
drags on, more and more pressure is put on the soldiers under Colonel Rylana Bosman's
command to deliver results, with the executives and shareholders less concerned with the
means by which those results are long as they don't leave Arclight open to
legal liability, of course.

Should the players wind up in direct conflict with Arclight, the corporation's forces trend
towards technological sophistication compared to the SIF and even compared to other
Suldani armed forces, with a strong emphasis on battlefield control and electronic warfare.
In addition to standard line units such as the Archer, Assault, and Sergeant or specialists
like the Bombard, Demolisher, and Engineer, players can expect to sophisticated
encounter electronic warfare units such as the Mirage, Priest, or Witch. Templates can be
used to lend diversity to encounters by making various units Grunts, Elites, or Veterans,
but also consider bringing the Commander template into play to give an encounter with
Arclight an additional tactical element.

These are simply Arclight's conventional forces, though. In addition to this Colonel Bosman
also has at her disposal the Special Assets Group, an elite special operations unit with
access to even more sophisticated technology than the average Arclight pilot. If the
players encounter a SAG team it means that they've been identified as a significant threat
to Arclight TransColonial's operations, which they might consider to be a serious problem
or a mark of pride depending on their perspective. In terms of units, SAG teams make
heavy use of Assassin, Operator, Specter, and Sniper chassis, and may even have access
to more advanced hardware such as the Phantom or Reaver. SAG members will never be
Grunts, and while both the Elite and Veteran templates are an easy way to amplify the
threat these pilots represent the Mercenary template is also an excellent tool for suitably
enhancing a black ops strike team's ruthlessness.

The Janissaries
Under the reign of the Emir, the Suldani Royal Guard was a catch-all organization that
fulfilled the role of state militia and police force in one. Renowned for being rife with graft
and corruption and with a reputation for brutality, recruitment into the Guard was
extremely lax, open to anyone capable of passing a basic physical exam and a six-week
training course. Outfitted and equipped with a mixture of riot suppression gear and basic
military-grade weaponry, standard Guard doctrine revolved around shows of
overwhelming force and numerical superiority, even during policing actions. To the
average Suldani citizen the Guard were viewed as little more than a gaggle of poorly-
trained thugs, a crude cudgel wielded by the Emir to keep the populace in line.

Not so the Janissaries. To be a Janissary was to be one of the elite. The selection process
for potential recruits was far more rigorous and demanding, with candidates screened for
physical aptitude and mental fortitude as well as psychologically evaluated for loyalty and
obedience to authority. Those who were accepted embarked on a grueling three-year
training regimen, covering everything from advanced weapons and tactics to piloting,
wilderness survival and endurance, physical conditioning, martial arts, zero-g combat, and
covert operations. Fatalities during training weren't uncommon, with casualty rates as
high as 40%. During this period those selected were steadily cut off from contact with
friends or family and underwent regular neurological reconditioning to further strengthen
their bonds of loyalty and devotion to the Emir above all.

The final graduation exercise was a simple one. Trainees were presented with a loved one,
a close friend or family member, and ordered to kill them. Those who resisted or hesitated
to do so were considered failures and summarily executed themselves. Those who did so
without compunction had proved themselves worthy of the title of Janissary.

Janissaries were the Emir's right hand, forming the core of his personal honor guard as
well as being unquestionably obedient and highly lethal enforcers of his will. Whenever a
rebel cell needed to be exterminated with extreme prejudice, a political dissident
assassinated, or an example made of anyone who thought they could defy the Emir's
dictates, it was the Janissaries who carried out these missions. A symbol meant to inspire
awe and fear in equal measure, Janissaries were given the finest weapons and equipment
including advanced combat chassis, their distinctive green-and-gold hulls engraved with
personal honors and citations.

Many of the Janissaries were killed in the bombardment of the royal palace, while others
fell during the fighting in the city, but a contingent managed to evacuate alongside the
Emir, escorting him and his surviving retinue to their fallback location. These surviving
members are among the last of their number and as a result are only assigned missions
sparingly, the Emir unwilling to squander them on a whim. Sightings of Janissaries have
been uncommon since, but when one does appear it generally signifies a mission of great
importance to the loyalist forces.

In encounters, Janissaries will typically be found acting as the commander of a squad of

regular loyalist units or possibly acting in conjunction with a partner. Entire squads of
Janissaries should be a very rare encounter, perhaps only at the culmination of an inter-
campaign arc. As NPCs Janissaries are never Grunts or even regular enemies and will
almost always have one advanced template. Veteran is a good choice as it allows you to
give each Janissary some personalized distinction, but remember that you can also
combine this with the Elite template to create an even tougher, more seasoned opponent.

Janissaries will gladly fight to the death to achieve their goals but if victory proves to be
impossible they may disengage and fall back rather than sacrifice themselves fruitlessly,
though this failure will weigh heavily upon them and they'll do everything in their power to
seek revenge on the pilots who bested them, which could easily become the basis for a
recurring antagonist. Good choices for NPC classes are those that emphasize a Janissary's
elite nature. Consider the Ace, Cataphract, Mirage, Priest, Ronin, or Valkyrie, though
though given their status and multidisciplinary training most any NPC class could be
suitable for a Janissary to employ in the right circumstances.

His Most Royal Highness, Julian Ambrose Khan, Emir of Suldan (In Exile)
In all of Suldan's history there is no figure more renowned, more feared, and more reviled
than the man who would be Emir. Julian Ambrose Khan held the entire world within his
grasp for over 50 years and in that time his unbroken reign of debauchery and tyranny
etched a bloody trail of scars across the world, and even in exile his specter hangs over
the Suldani people.

Before his rise to infamy, Julian Khan and his family were dynastic stakeholders in
Émergence Biogenetics, one of the five founding corporations in Suldan's colonial charter
along with Arclight TransColonial, Montero-Xiàng Agriforming, Laxmi Heavy Industries, and
Zeitgeist IAG. Together representatives of these five corporations comprised the
governing council for the colony, managing its growth and development, allocating and
distributing resources, and presiding over matters of colonial social policy and law. Several
centuries since the colony's initial founding, these corporate dynasties had become
political entities in their own right, families elevated by wealth and status, tied together by
complex webs of social and financial obligations, political maneuvering, subterfuge, and

Eugenia Khan was one such ambitious scion. When she took note of her young nephew's
latent sociopathy and penchant for violence, did she fully comprehend what grooming him
to be the instrument of her ascension would ultimately result in? It's impossible to say for
certain. What is known is that after years of planning, plotting, bribery, and training, the
sudden and unexpected coup which dispatched the corporate council was swift and
thorough, and that Eugenia had little time to appreciate Julian's handiwork before he just
as quickly killed her himself, followed by an extensive, bloody purge by loyal security
forces which few were fortunate enough to escape.

By the time the killing ceased, the now self-appointed Emir Julian Ambrose Khan was
firmly in control of Suldan, his authority enforced overtly by promises of wealth to those
surviving corporate dynasts who pledged fealty to him or the promise of a grisly death for
those who refused, and enforced covertly by the planet's Union Administrator who saw in
him an opportunity to surreptitiously guide his regime for Union's benefit.

What followed was the darkest period in Suldan's history. Under his rule the Emir enacted
programs and policies which plundered the planet's wealth and bent its industrial output
to his whims. In order to avoid the same fate as his predecessors he ordered the
construction of a planet-wide defense network linked to his personal genetic code,
ensuring that any who attempted to usurp him would be dealt with harshly. Of course for
those who supported him the rewards were great, and this period was characterized by a
stark stratification between Suldan's upper socioeconomic class and the working class,
careful colonial planning giving way to the creation of a decadent aristocracy. Corporate
security forces gave way to the Royal Guard and the Janissaries, while a once-thriving
colony found itself beneath the yoke of tyranny.

Beyond his cruelty and depravity, perhaps the thing which most characterized the Emir's
reign was his tendency to die. Historical records are somewhat unclear as to when his first
corporeal death occurred, but rather than remaining dead he was brought back (after a
fashion) via cloning and continued to rule without interruption. Successive recurrent
cloning is known to have a deleterious effect on personality and psychology, and with each
increasingly-reckless death and rebirth the Emir grew more sadistic, more debauched, and
more unstable. He began to deify himself and those who failed to acknowledge his divinity
could find themselves sent to the Royal Colosseum to die for his amusement. The circle of
sycophants, followers, and soldiers he'd gathered around him more and more began to
resemble a cult.

When the rebellion came it was long overdue, and it might not have succeeded were it not
for the viral sabotage which left the recently resurrected Emir trapped within a twisted and
broken body. With his genetic makeup irreparably damaged and control over the
extensive planetary defense network lost, it seemed that his end had finally arrived. And
yet rather than die in the rain of tungsten brought about by panicking nobles he was
whisked away to safety, fleeing into the badlands along with his Janissaries, his
Administrator, and those loyal followers of his who managed to survive the uprising. There
he plots and schemes, envisioning a thousand atrocities to visit upon those who sought to
defy him.

Julian Khan is not a mech ace. He isn't a grand military strategist or a seasoned veteran. In
his current state he isn't even a threat to an unarmed and unarmored pilot. There's no
climactic battle to be had with him, no grand showdown for the fate of the world.
Nonetheless he remains one of the primary instigators behind the troubles plaguing
Suldan, from the economic disparity and social unrest to more recent terrorist attacks and
assassinations. He commands the unshakable loyalty of the Janissaries and the somewhat
more shakable but still-considerable loyalty of many others, whether out of fear or avarice,
and he is completely and utterly insane.

He's also dying, for good this time. The mutagenic virus introduced into his clonal
genestock was supposed to ensure that he never woke up, and it's something of a miracle
that he managed to spitefully cling to life at all. Nonetheless, even with the benefits of
modern medicine the human body is unable to exist in such a state for long. Given enough
time, perhaps six months or perhaps several years at most, the Emir of Suldan will be well
and truly dead without anyone ever needing to lay a hand on him. The problem becomes a
matter of the damage he's allowed to do before then. The Emir is insane but he isn't
stupid, and he understands that this life is his last one to spend. What is a man like him
capable of when he has nothing left to lose?

The future setting of Lancer is full of many strange and wondrous technologies, from the
advanced engineering that makes mechs feasible battlefield weapons to the double-edged
sword of NHPs. Complete and true transfer of consciousness is not one of them.

Nonetheless cloning can and does occur. Generally whole-body and/or flash cloning is
reserved for special circumstances, and while the subject's neural architecture may
remain largely the same as that of the original, they don't carry a complete copy of their
original self's memories within their brain. Clones must be brought up to speed, fed
recordings and data, and carefully counseled to coach their groggy, incomplete selves
towards as close an approximation of their original's subjectivity as possible. The process
is far from flawless, and a number of galactic regulations exist concerning legally
recognized continuity of selfhood in cases such as this.

Does this mean that the Emir threatening Suldan isn't the same Emir who first took power
decades ago? Yes and no. The current iteration of the Emir is akin to a role being played,
based upon the actions and behaviors of the original and passed down with each death
and rebirth. His existence is very much a product of his original self, and also just as much
of a product of the advisers and handlers responsible for "refreshing" him each time he
awakened from yet another death, as well as the attendants and courtiers whose
aristocratic lifestyle was dependent upon the Emir continuing to act as the Emir. In this
respect the culpability for the Emir's tyranny lies with more than simply himself, but it's
Julian Ambrose Khan (or the creature calling himself that) whose name will go down in
history as Suldan's most infamous figure.

Loyalist Insurgents
Since the Emir's deposition and exile Hadiqa has been the subject of numerous attacks
from loyalist remnants, enough so that the situation has grown critical enough for Union to
intervene and for Jun Chandrasekhar to hire outside help in resolving the ongoing crisis.
These attacks are largely aimed at destabilizing the provisional government's attempts at
reconstruction, terrorizing the populace and sowing discontent. In addition to these terror
attacks the loyalist forces have also repeatedly attacked and hijacked cargo shipments,
committed abductions, and attempted the destruction of key infrastructure assets such as
omninet nodes and printer facilities.

Some might wonder who would throw their lot in with someone like the Emir, but the truth
of the matter is that even the most brutal tyrants have their supporters. Not everyone is
happy with having an upstart gladiator and her ragtag band of revolutionaries overthrow
the government of 50 years, oppressive though it may have been. Many of these people
are those who benefited from the Emir's rule in some way or another, and his forces are
largely comprised of a mix of former members of the Royal Guard, mercenary
opportunists, and radical extremists. While they don't lend direct military support
themselves, several of Suldan's wealthier citizens, fearful of what might come if the
provisional government manages to consolidate power, have been surreptitiously
bankrolling the loyalists in the hopes that when the Emir reclaims the throne that their
support will be rewarded.

While the majority of the loyalist forces are encamped far outside of Hadiqa at the Emir's
command bunker or in scattered locations elsewhere in the badlands, a number of sleeper
cells have been found embedded within the city itself, passing along information,
smuggling weapons and supplies, and occasionally taking part in attacks. Provisional
security forces have been stretched thin in their investigations and with each new attack
the pressure continues to mount as more and more citizens wonder if the new government
will actually be able to make good on their promises of a better Suldan.

The loyalist forces that the players will encounter over the course of a campaign on Suldan
are a mixed bag. The Emir has to allocate his resources carefully, as even access to a
printer doesn't mean much without a steady supply of raw materials to fuel it with, and he
can't afford to be picky when it comes to things like skill and discipline. Some of the forces
under his command are true believers in his divine right to rule, while others only fight for
promises of wealth and power to come once the rebels have been cast down.
As a result of this, loyalist NPCs run the gamut from easily dispatched Grunts to Elite or
Veteran grade opposition. Classes like Squads or the Conscript can provide diversity in
encounters even while emphasizing the makeshift, poorly-equipped nature of the
insurgency's more expendable troops, while better trained soldiers merit better equipment
such as Archer, Assault, Carrier, Goliath, Sniper, or Witch chassis. The Pirate or Scrapper
templates can be used to good effect, giving loyalist forces a variety of dirty tricks at their

A common tactic that the loyalists employ is utilizing multiple squads to accomplish a
mission with one (generally sacrificial) squad providing a distraction in the form of
indiscriminate violence while the other uses the opportunity to work uninterrupted. These
terror squads may make use of classes such as the Berserker, Gladiator, Pyro, or Termite
for maximum destruction, while the other squad might include frames like the Engineer,
Mirage, Seeder, Sentinel, or Priest to help accomplish their missions in safety. Players may
be forced to make a difficult choice in selecting which crisis to respond to, but they may
also decide to split up and attempt to engage both forces at once. Be careful when
creating combat encounters for split parties to not accidentally overwhelm them with
opposition tuned for a full squad of PCs. If running two combat encounters simultaneously
seems overwhelming, discuss the matter with your players and try to reach an
arrangement that ensures everyone at the table has fun, players and GM alike.

Miranda Cortez
The selection and training of a Union Administrator is a lengthy and involved process, one
which isn't undertaken lightly. Administrators speak with the voice of Union and their
words carry weight which can alter the course of a planet's history, for good or for ill.
While the chosen candidates are screened for dangerous behavioral abnormalities and
subject to routine psychological evaluation throughout their schooling to ensure that such
power and influence isn't misused, but the legacy of the Second Committee casts a long
shadow and Union is still, as they say, only human.

Were you to ask her, Miranda Cortez would tell you that everything she's done was for the
betterment of Union, a position she stands by even as she finds herself forced to hide in
the Suldani badlands with a mad tyrant and his retinue. She was sent by Union to guide
and cultivate the fledgling civilization being built on this far-flung world, to enrich the
great tapestry of humanity stretched across the stars, and she did all that was asked of
her and more. That the path to such progress came at a cost of 50 years of brutal
oppression and tyranny is unfortunate, yes, but those like her who can see the bigger
picture should understand that this is a price worth paying.

Who Miranda was before she came to Suldan 70 years ago as its third Administrator is
irrelevant, a past redacted and discarded along with her original name. After several years
of integrating into the local culture, establishing an intelligence network, and analyzing
her predecessors' accomplishments on the planet, she came to the conclusion that Suldan
could be a much more productive world than previous metrics had suggested. It was also
around this time that her partnered NHP Oberon divined something in the ebb and flow of
data that no one else had and brought a pair of names to her attention: Eugenia Khan and
her young nephew Julian.

Young, fiercely intelligent, and ruthlessly ambitious, she took the information she'd been
given and saw in it not a danger to be thwarted but an opportunity to be seized.

Unbeknownst to Eugenia, Miranda began covertly assisting her plans. A whisper here, a
pulled string there, money passing across a hundred hands, the tools of the regime
engineer. Thus when the coup finally came to pass it met with unexpected success, the
obstacles that might have prevented it strangely absent. It's fair to say that she hadn't
expected Julian to execute his aunt quite so swiftly...she'd expected it to happen within
the next ten years or so...but it was a simple matter to adjust her plans accordingly. When
Julian Ambrose Khan proclaimed himself first Emir of Suldan, he did so with Miranda at his

From there she fulfilled her role as Union's steward upon Suldan, providing the Emir with
guidance and advice as necessary, nudging him along the path she'd envisioned. The
world's founding corporations lodged protests over the abrupt governmental transition but
she had found them to be unnecessary, a vestigial holdover from the colony's early days,
and it was a simple matter to ensure that their dissent found no purchase. Under the
Emir's rule material production output rose to match her initial projections and beyond.
Many of the planet's people suffered for it but not, by her cold calculus, unduly. By her
estimation, at this rate Suldan would be able to transition to a full-fledged Core world
decades, possibly a century, ahead of schedule.

Of course she made sure to keep a watchful eye upon the Emir, though even as his
appetites grew more depraved and his sanity deteriorated she did her best to guide the
growth and development of the planet. The socioeconomic disparity which emerged was
an unfortunate side-effect of these policies, but even so tantalizing glimmers of what
Suldan might one day become could be seen in the gleaming towers and pleasure gardens
of the aristocracy. She knew that some might question her methods, but no one would be
able to argue with the results.

Eventually though the Emir began to outstrip his usefulness as a ruler. The rebel
movement which had been fomenting for decades was steadily gaining traction and the
Emir's own hold over the aristocracy, whether through fear or sycophancy, was starting to
exceed her own to an inconvenient degree. And so, cloaked in strange technologies, she
slipped unseen past the watchful eyes of the Royal Palace's security and took steps to
ensure that Julian Khan's next death would be his last. A viral agent she'd been saving for
the occasion, like carefully clipping the unwanted branches from a bonsai.

Only it wasn't his final death, not yet. Before she could correct her mistake the rebellion
she had thought was well under control proved itself to be anything but, and suddenly
everything she'd worked so hard to accomplish was crashing down around her in a storm
of tungsten and bloody revolution. Staying in the palace would be suicide and
surrendering to the rebels likely wouldn't be much better, and so she took the only path
available to her, fleeing with the Emir and his retinue to the safety of the badlands.
Now Miranda is a prisoner of her own making, backed into a corner by circumstances
beyond her ability to control. She knows that if the Emir were ever to discover the true
cause of his current state that death would be the least of her concerns, but while Union's
ideas of punishment might be more merciful she has no interest in spending the
remainder of her years imprisoned for what will surely be deemed crimes against the
planetary populace. For now she continues her role as one of the Emir's most trusted
advisers, biding her time until she can secure a way offworld. Perhaps some day history
will vindicate her efforts, she thinks.

Miranda Cortez isn't a fighter, she's a plotter. Like the Emir, she won't be facing down the
players in a mech. The real danger she poses is a more insidious one. As the former Union
Administrator of Suldan, Miranda has curated a vast intelligence network of spies,
informants, and operatives which she's able to make use of even now. Between that and
the efforts of Oberon, her partnered NHP, very little occurs on the planet without her
knowledge. It's fair to say that the insurgency wouldn't pose nearly the threat it does
without her assistance.

And yet despite her status as one of the most wanted people on Suldan, it's entirely
possible that Miranda may decide to surreptitiously aid the players rather than opposing
them. She holds no real loyalty towards the Emir or his followers, her concern at the
moment is strictly for herself. If she concludes that the players represent her best chance
at making it offworld alive they could find themselves receiving intel from unknown
sources or offers of services and resources on behalf of an "anonymous benefactor." What
will the players do when if they discover who this benefactor is? And what will they decide
if Miranda offers them a deal...her freedom in exchange for the location of the Emir's
hidden stronghold?

One might wonder how Miranda Cortez planned to smoothly handle the (permanent)
passing of the Emir given the fact that the planet's extensive defense network could only
be safely accessed by someone possessing his exact genetic makeup. The answer is
simple, of course; she possesses it as well. In a manner of speaking, that is.

Somewhere on Suldan, in a carefully concealed secret location, is a stasis-preserved vial of

Julian Ambrose Khan's untainted blood. This innocuous trinket is the key to wielding
unimaginable power over an entire world. The bearer could wipe Hadiqa off the face of the
planet on a whim, and even Union would be forced to deal with them carefully to avoid
sparking a genocide. Then again they could also annihilate the Emir and his forces
outright, or even simply deactivate the entire network altogether and bring an end to the
threat looming over the world. It isn't exaggerating by much to suggest that whoever
possesses this vial would hold the fate of Suldan in their hands.

Of course Miranda doesn't have access to it herself at the moment. She wasn't
anticipating having to suddenly evacuate the Royal Palace, and so the vial lies
frustratingly out of her reach. She doesn't dare task any of her agents with retrieving it for
her as there isn't a single one she trusts to simply hand over that sort of power once they
realize what it is. So for now the ultimate power, and perhaps the ultimate bargaining chip,
remains hidden and waiting to be claimed.

The Suldani Independence Front

The evolution of the independent Suldani settlements from a desperate affiliation of
refugee families banding together out of harsh necessity to a largely unified communal
polity can also be seen in the evolution of their armed forces. What was once a ragged
collection of patchwork technicals scarcely suited for combat has gradually and inexorably
been forged into a full-fledged standing militia. Though still lacking the typical
organizational structure found in most professional state or corporate militaries, both their
weaponry and tactics have progressed to the point that they're capable of engaging with
opposing forces such as Arclight TransColonial on relatively equal footing.

All able-bodied settlers are required to undergo a period of instruction in basic firearms
training, first aid and battlefield medical techniques, and wilderness survival, skills which
have practical value even outside of military service, but advanced chassis training is
reserved for those who express a particular interest or aptitude. Independent Suldani
pilots learn not only how to effectively operate their chassis but how to maintain and
repair them as well, a necessity given the restricted printing capabilities available to them,
and it isn't unusual for a single chassis to be passed down to multiple pilots, salvaged and
repaired to be returned to service as necessary even should its previous pilot be killed in

SIF combat doctrine typically centers around hit-and-run and ambush tactics, leveraging
their intimate knowledge of the local terrain to great effect. Direct assaults and protracted
engagements are avoided whenever possible, but when necessary make use of robust,
durable frontline units (frequently converted from heavy industrial labor frames) to
engage and suppress enemy forces while faster and more maneuverable skirmishers look
for flanking opportunities. The Suldani Independence Front also conducts regular supply
raids against Arclight installations and convoys whenever the opportunity arises, which
has prompted an ongoing arms race as the corporation escalates the security surrounding
its materiel assets while SIF pilots outfit and arm themselves with a growing amount of
Arclight's own weaponry.

In the course of a campaign the players may find themselves pitted against the Suldani
Independence Front for one reason or another. It could be that the SIF takes them for yet
more foreign aggressors, or it could be that the players have been charged with
confronting them at the behest of someone such as Rylana Bosman. However it comes to
pass, the SIF's armed forces tend to be low tech and uncomplicated, utilizing canny tactics
and careful planning to make up the difference. Basic line units like Assaults, and
Conscripts will often be paired with resilient NPCs such as the Bastion, Demolisher, and
Gladiator, while lightning strikes are frequently supplemented with hard-hitting
Cataphracts or Ronins riding in from flanking positions to hit enemies where they're most
vulnerable before moving away to safety. The Scrapper template can also be a good fit for
these units if you want to highlight the SIF's rugged determination or their desperate

While the SIF will fight to the bitter end in defense of their homes, they won't hesitate to
cut their losses and retreat if a non-essential battle is going poorly for them. They also
regularly employ feigned retreats designed to draw incautious foes deeper into prepared
killzones, so what appears to be a fleeing squad may simply be the bait leading pursuers
towards a much more dangerous fight than they'd accounted for.

These aren't the only forces that the SIF can bring to bear, however. As the independent
settlements' militia grew more organized, and as their enemies grew more ruthless and
determined, the need for a dedicated special operations unit to carry out high-risk
missions and to serve as a spearhead for their regular forces became apparent. The
Cheshire Cats were created to fill that need, formed from the best pilots that the SIF had
to offer and granted the autonomy to plan and execute missions as they saw fit. Today,
depending on who you ask, the Cheshire Cats are either daring folk heroes or infamous
outlaws, but no one can deny their effectiveness. Many SIF pilots dream about being
invited to serve with the group, and being selected is a rare honor.

In combat, the Cheshire Cats are masters of stealth and misdirection, striking from
unexpected angles before fading away once more. If the players find themselves being
targeted by them, it means that someone within the SIF considers them a grave threat. In
addition to their well honed skills, the Cheshire Cats possess some of the most advanced
frames that the independent settlements are able to field, many of which have been
stolen or salvaged from Arclight or the Emir's loyalist forces. Assassins, Scouts, Snipers,
and Specters are all common sights within Cheshire Cat strike teams, supplemented by
units such as Archers, Rainmakers, Supports, and Termites. The Mercenary, Pirate, or
Veteran templates can also be used to further differentiate Cheshire Cat units from more
conventional forces, enhancing both their capabilities as well as their mystique.


Whether it's in the arena or on the battlefield, fights don't simply occur in a featureless
void. On Suldan, gladiatorial arenas frequently employ a variety of automated hazards to
enhance the viewing experience as well as adding an additional challenge for the fighters,
while loyalist insurgents and SIF guerrillas alike make use of traps and improvised
weaponry to even the odds against technologically or numerically superior opposition.

The following is a list of traps, obstacles, and battlefield hazards that can be used when
creating combat encounters in addition to cover and difficult or dangerous terrain. There's
no restriction on the number of hazards that can be used in any given encounter, but care
should be taken not to overwhelm the table. Too many moving parts can make things
difficult to keep track of, and the focus should remain on the conflict between the players
and the NPCs they're facing.
Each entry lists the rules for using that particular obstacle as well as how to deploy it on
the battlefield. Some hazards create effects in a specific area while others simply take up
a single space. These deployment areas can be adjusted if necessary to cover a greater or
smaller area depending on the needs of the encounter For example, you may decide that
you want an arena to feature a ring of electrified flooring around its outermost edge
instead of the listed deployment area.

Most of these options are designed to be a tool for players to employ as well as an
additional threat to be avoided. Their effects occur regardless of whether PCs or NPCs are
caught within them, providing players with an opportunity to leverage abilities which
manipulate enemy positions to do additional damage or utilizing enhanced mobility to
force opponents to navigate dangerous chokepoints in order to reach them...but of course
the opposition is free to make use of these obstacles as well. NPCs which can push PCs
around, grapple them, or otherwise place them in harm's way become that much more
dangerous when given a battlefield full of hazards to work with.

For any hazards which call for saves, use a save target value of 10/12/14.

Coward Spikes
While combat taking place in a featureless arena is considered rather unexciting, so too is
a combat in which each participant refuses to leave cover until ultimately forced to do so.
The solution to this conundrum was the implementation of "coward spikes" surrounding
every available piece of cover. The spikes are set on a simple time delay and primed
whenever a mech loiters over them, giving a brief countdown before a series of explosive
charges drive hardened spikes upwards at whatever happens to be standing on them,
forcing overly cautious fighters to seek better ground or suffer potentially debilitating

Deployment Area: every space adjacent to up to four obstacles or obstructions capable of

providing hard cover
If a character ends their turn in cover surrounded by coward spikes, all of the spike plates
around that cover become primed. At the end of their next turn, all characters within a
primed spike plate area take 5 kinetic damage and must pass an Agility save or become
Slowed until the end of their next turn. Triggered spike plates reset at the start of the next
round after they're activated, counting as dangerous terrain dealing kinetic damage until

Electrified Flooring
A simple hazard based on older anti-boarding defense measures still occasionally utilized
on ships, a series of rails or a mesh network is placed along high traffic areas through
which a high-voltage current is run. Anyone attempting to cross this area without
sufficient insulation is subject to electrocution trauma while mechanical systems overload
and suffer critical malfunctions.

Deployment Area: four Blast 1 areas OR two line 10 areas anywhere on the map
Any character who enters or begins its turn in an area of electrified flooring must pass an
Engineering save or take 5 energy damage and become Impaired until the end of their
next turn.

Strobe Mines
Much easier to source and safer to handle than high-explosive emplaced defenses, strobe
mines utilize a proximity-triggered payload of high-intensity magnesium pulse flares
combined with chaff to temporarily overwhelm a mech's sensors, briefly blinding both
optical and digital systems.

Deployment Area: three hidden mines placed no closer than 5 spaces from one another.
These mines detonate in a Burst 1 area when any character moves over or adjacent to
them. Affected characters must pass a Systems save or take +2 Difficulty to all attack
rolls until the end of their next turn.

Impact Hammer
A variety of retrofitted industrial machinery is often employed to add danger and
dynamism to gladiatorial bouts, and this includes pneumatic or electromagnetic mining
hammers. With sufficient force behind them to shatter solid stone and crack ore deposits,
these hazardous tools are also entirely capable of damaging and off-balancing even
armored chassis.

Deployment Area: four size 1 hammer rigs

At the end of each round, make the following attack against all characters within a
hammer rig's range:

Hammer Blow
Heavy Melee
Knockback 2
Threat 2
+1 vs evasion/tier
4/6/8 kinetic damage.
On hit, characters must pass a Hull save or be knocked prone.

Flame Jets
Pyrotechnics are a cheap and easy way to add excitement to a gladiatorial contest, but
localized flame projection systems are also sometimes employed as makeshift stationary
defenses or by guerrillas as a way to funnel enemy forces into a designated killzone. The
projectors found in Suldani arenas are typically far less potent than military-grade
flamethrowers to avoid running afoul of inconvenient ethics inquiries.

Deployment Area: four size 1 projectors, each with one line 5 area of effect in a fixed
At the end of each round, make the following attack against all units within a flame jet's
designated area:

Main CQB
+1 vs evasion/tier
2/3/4 burn + 2/3/4 heat

Countless variations of semi-autonomous sentry weapons exist, from homemade versions
cobbled together from surplus small arms and low-grade sensor packages to more
sophisticated fare with full Comp/Con integration and stabilized firing platforms for
optimized threat interdiction at variable distance. In many cases, such sentries are
programmed to monitor specific designated areas and automatically engage any target
entering that area without proper IFF authentication.

Deployment Area: four size 1/2 turrets, each with a corresponding Blast 1 triggering area
An Auto-turret's triggering area can be either visible or concealed. If concealed it requires
a successful Systems check to detect until the first time it's activated, at which point it
becomes visible to everyone. Whenever a character moves into or begins its turn in an
auto-turret's triggering area, make the following attack as a reaction:

Automatic Fire
Main Rifle
Range 10
+2 vs evasion/tier
3/4/5 kinetic damage

Oil Slick
In truth an "oil slick" is just as likely to be made up of an inert synthetic gel rather than
anything petrochemical in nature, but the colloquialism remains in use. Most chassis can
compensate for the added maneuvering challenges imposed by such a hazard but may
nonetheless face difficulties when attempting to move across a low-friction surface at full
speed. Occasionally such hazards may be blended with volatile incendiary compounds to
create an impromptu firetrap when ignited.

Deployment Area: one or two Blast 2 zones

An oil slick's area counts as difficult terrain. Characters may attempt to treat an oil slick as
regular terrain, but if they do so when they first enter the oil slick's area they must pass
an Agility save or immediately fall prone.

An oil slick can be either inert or flammable, which is chosen when the hazard is placed on
the battlefield. If flammable, an oil slick can be ignited by attacking it with a weapon
dealing explosive or energy damage, hitting automatically. An ignited oil slick no longer
counts as difficult terrain, but any unit that moves into or starts its turn within the area
takes 2/3/4 burn. Ignited oil slicks count as soft cover.

Chiraji Mountains
Lying far to the east outside of Hadiqa's settled borders, the Chiraji Mountains are one of
the northern hemisphere's most notable geological features. Running several thousand
kilometers in length with a peak height of just over 8,000 meters at the summit of Mount
Ashwar, the mountain range was noted during the earliest days of surveying as a potential
nexus for future resourcing and settlement efforts once initial colonization reached a self-
sufficient state but those plans have since been put on indefinite hold given the
tumultuous situation on Suldan.

The mountain range and surrounding region is noted for being a rich source of valuable
mineral resources, but the remote location has hamstrung previous attempts at mining
them given the logistical challenges amplified by unpredictable hazardous weather
conditions. It was only recently that it was discovered that a subterranean lake exists
beneath the mountains, accessible by a previously unexplored cave network. Access to
this lake has enabled independent colonists to settle in the region, providing them with
drinking water and enabling hydroponic cultivation. The lake is also home to a number of
species of aquatic xenofauna, several of which are edible, and in addition to this the
aboveground terrain around the mountains is also capable of supporting imported herd
animals such as goats.

To date no one has conducted an exact census of how many colonists live in or around the
area, but estimates ranging from several thousand all the way up to the low five figures
aren't considered unreasonable. The local settlers are wary out of practical necessity but
welcoming to anyone who demonstrates a sincere willingness to contribute and be a part
of their community, and since the initial settlement a number of Hadiqa residents have left
the city for the mountains for a variety of reasons, whether fleeing from persecution or
escaping a criminal record. Life in the mountains isn't easy, but the settlement is capably
self-sufficient and able to provide basic needs for those that live there. Following the
overthrow of the Emir, independent Suldani representatives had even begun to establish
trade agreements with the provisional government, exchanging shipments of raw
resources for manufactured technology and luxury goods, but the arrival of Arclight
TransColonial has put a damper on these arrangements.

Now the Chiraji Mountains are an active conflict zone, and those approaching the region
without authorization are politely but firmly escorted away by Arclight PMC forces. A
number of operating bases and resourcing outposts have been established by the
corporation along the outskirts, with a steady stream of supply convoys moving to and
from Port Ossman, tempting targets for the SIF and loyalist insurgents alike.

AT A GLANCE: Scrub vegetation, herds of goats, solar power arrays, hydroponics creches,
refurbished vehicles, Arclight PMC patrols, bits of wreckage, prefabricated mining
outposts, convoys unloading supplies, weapons fire in the distance, Mount Ashwar.

A monument to the Emir's eccentricity and ego, Eden doesn't reside upon Suldan but
rather above it, floating in orbit high above the planet. Construction of the orbital station
began several years ago but was interrupted by the rebellion, leaving it half-finished ever

Originally Eden was intended to be a floating pleasure garden far in excess of anything
even the most decadent nobility could envision, where the Emir, surrounded by his court,
could look down upon Suldan as the divine figure he increasingly believed himself to be.
The original plans called for extensive biome sculpting, creating a lush garden
environment throughout the station, and palatial accommodations for all aboard. The
exterior of the station was to be a work of art in its own right as well, decorated with
statues and inlaid with gold and jeweled mosaics.

Now Eden's unfinished hull drifts above the planet as silent and as empty as a tomb. In
theory the station would be worth a small fortune to an ambitious salvage crew if it
weren't for the fact that the rampant defense satellites also in orbit around Suldan make
approaching the station a risky prospect. Enough of the station's central core is
structurally sound and atmosphere-capable that it could perhaps be used as a pirate's
nest, but thus far any reports of pirate activity around Suldan or the closest blink gate
since the Emir's exile have been unconfirmed.

Scans made by the UNS Iphigenia following its arrival in-system have noted a number of
positions along the station's structure which resemble concealed weapon hardpoints, and
given the Emir's predilections it would be unsurprising to learn that beyond being merely
an overindulgent vacation retreat that Eden was also meant to be yet another means of
forcefully asserting control over Suldan's populace. Given the station's incomplete state
and the hazards presented by the defense network, closer inspection has been postponed
pending further developments.

AT A GLANCE: Floating construction materials, proximity beacons broadcasting automated

signals on endless loop, debris from fleeing construction vehicles destroyed by defense
satellites, unsecured cargo crates, a flash of gold in the sunlight.

The center of colonization and the shining jewel of Suldan, the sprawling city of Hadiqa is
home to most (but not all) of the planetary populace and is presently a hotbed of strife
and intrigue. Roughly 20 million people reside within the city's borders, living in one of the
many districts which spread outward from the epicenter of the earliest aboveground
colonial development in typical planning fashion. The central districts of the city are a
marvel of modern engineering with gleaming towers and elaborate, fanciful architectural
marvels reaching into the sky amid manicured garden parks and fountains, sprawling
shopping plazas, fine restaurants, theaters, and assorted entertainments fit for even a
jaded Cosmopolitan's tastes.

The further one gets from the center, however, the less ostentatious things become. Civic
construction and expansion timetables were tossed aside under the Emir's rule, replaced
instead with runaway military buildup and an indulgent focus on transforming the central
districts into a decadent aristocratic playground. The very outskirts of the city are a
mixture of prefabricated structures standing shoulder to shoulder with homes built from
stone, brick, and recycled materials, the orderly layout of streets becoming a tangle of
narrow alleyways, though despite the uneven distribution of resources those on the lower
end of the planet's widened socioeconomic gap do their best to take pride in their part of
the city, and even the cramped apartments and dingy bars in the slum districts are often
adorned with decorative brickwork accents, awnings, and fading coats of solar-reflective

The one thing which can be seen everywhere throughout the city, from the wealthiest
districts to the poorest, are the aerostats. Brightly colored and decorated with banners
and chimes, they serve a practical purpose as well as a decorative one. The surface of
Suldan is wracked with unpredictable and dangerous Coriolis storms shaped by the
planet's intrinsic magnetic fields. These manifest as sandstorms capable of moving at
speeds upwards of 100 kilometers per hour interspersed with periodic high-intensity
lightning strikes, and even those wearing suitable protective gear are at risk of injury or
death if they should find themselves caught in the middle of one.

The solution to tempering this planetary phenomenon is a network of electromagnetic field

projectors capable of creating an artificial eye around the city, diverting storms around it
and permitting safe construction and habitation within its protective zone. Mounted to
aerostats anchored to control stations with nanocarbon cables, each projector's altitude
can be adjusted on the fly to provide optimum coverage during storm events. Thankfully
the Suldani weather control systems were not among those coded to the Emir's geneprint,
and as such they remain fully operational even after his exile.

The aftermath of the defense grid's retributive bombardment is the worst disaster that's
befallen the city in its 250 year history, with over 100,000 people killed and many more
displaced in the aftermath. Reconstruction efforts have been hamstrung both by loyalist
terror attacks as well as political infighting as various factions and interests vie for
favorable resource distribution.

AT A GLANCE: Open-air marketplaces, glass-lined skyscrapers, aerostats swaying in the

breeze, crowded apartment buildings with laundry lines strung between them,
convenience stores with arena matches playing on the screen behind the counter, bustling
plazas lit up at night, destroyed buildings undergoing reconstruction, refugee camps on
the outskirts of the city, civil security forces on patrol, enormous broadcast screens
displaying the local news including the players' latest public exploits.

Karistal District
There are numerous dissertations on the flow and distribution of wealth which Union uses
to help guide the socioeconomic development of the worlds under their care and manage
the galactic bureaucracy linking them together, but even in an age of technological
wonder it remains an indelible fact of human nature that given the opportunity someone
will always want more than everyone else has.
Originally the primary nexus of aboveground colonization and home to the founding
corporate dynasties, the part of Hadiqa known as the Karistal District, or sometimes
"seaside" due to its proximity to the Mer d'Étoiles, is a slice of sophistication that wouldn't
look out of place on a Core world. Extensive agronomic development gives the district an
striking amount of lush greenery compared to the rest of the city, with parks and
decorative gardens in abundance. Massive architecturally-ambitious towers and
skyscrapers gleam in the sunlight looking out across the city, while closer to the ground
cafes and fashionable restaurants do a brisk trade as the city's wealthy and elite enjoy
cocktails and imported wine before heading out to one of the numerous clubs, shopping
plazas, casinos, and other exotic diversions awaiting them around every corner.

The disparity in wealth between what some residents only half-jokingly refer to as "the
capital of Hadiqa" and the rest of the city is obvious even to a casual observer. When the
Emir consolidated power following the coup those who chose to side with him were richly
rewarded, and as the newly formed aristocracy became accustomed to this new way of
governance it wasn't long before they began to take advantage of the situation. Former
civic development plans were shelved in favor of graft and corruption, and with the Emir's
support there was little that anyone could do to effectively protest this misallocation of
resources as the nobles turned the center of Hadiqa into an opulent playground.

These days a wary unease hangs over the district, and the leisurely outings are a bit less
carefree. The success of the rebellion was a bucket of cold water thrown across the jaded
elite living there, those who weren't killed in the bombardment of the city that is, and
without the Emir or the planetary defense network standing between them and an
aggrieved, oppressed populace many of them have begun spending their fortunes on
private security. Simply leaving Suldan isn't an option given the satellites circling the
planet waiting to shoot down any ships they can set their sights upon, and so for now the
remaining aristocrats continue to enjoy themselves as best they can even as they glance
nervously across the invisible line separating the Karistal District from the rest of the city
and wonder how long it will be before Jun Chandrasekhar decides to come for them next.

The district itself weathered the kinetic bombardment relatively unscathed, excepting of
course the Royal Palace which was completely destroyed. Whether this avoidance was
intentional on the part of the defense network or simply good fortune is unknown, but it
hasn't done much to quell the feelings of animosity from those who fared far worse. Thus
far the provisional government has managed to keep things from boiling over into full-
scale riots though there are still occasional clashes between protesters, vandals, and
overzealous private security forces.

AT A GLANCE: Palatial towers, trendy clubs, air traffic flitting between skyscrapers, private
security troops in obvious armor, yachts and sailboats, lush gardens, decorative fountains,
upscale boutiques with sophisticated holographic/augmented reality advertisements,
graffiti being scrubbed from the side of a building, groups of inebriated young men and
women on their way from one party to another.
Port Ossman
What was once little more than a prefabricated orbital skyhook and electromagnetic
launch catapult has since become Hadiqa's primary gateway to the stars. Back before the
rebellion millions of tons of mineral wealth and trade goods passed back and forth from
the sprawling port and landing complex bridging the gap between ground and orbit. Since
then the security system lockdown has made shipping to and from Suldan a riskier
proposition. For six months no trade occurred at all as the network of weaponized
satellites encircling the planet opened fire upon any vessels that attempted to approach or
depart from the planet. It seemed as though Suldan might remain cut off from the wider
galaxy forever until Arclight TransColonial sent PMC forces to the planet.

While Arclight's motives are more selfish than altruistic, it's undeniable that their actions
opened a window for traffic, allowing the flow of goods between worlds to resume once
more. These actions have won Arclight a measure of good publicity and even favor among
some of the factions sitting on the provisional government though others distrust them.
Since arriving on-world one of the first things Arclight did was establish a forward
operating base at Port Ossman which they keep garrisoned at all times. Ostensibly
constructed to safeguard the port from terrorist activity, the base primarily functions as a
way for Arclight to expedite the transfer of materiel and manpower from orbit to the
planet's surface as their reclamation efforts intensify. Some shipping firms and export
businesses have begun to lodge protests that Arclight security are conducting
unwarranted cargo inspections and even demanding "security tariffs."

Any space traffic that goes in and out of Suldan is routed through Port Ossman, which lies
some 30 kilometers outside of Hadiqa proper. Though the satellite network has enough of
a gap now to allow passage it isn't entirely safe, and both departures and arrivals must
proceed with more caution than usual. As a result of this bottleneck cargo transfer rates
have slowed, which makes the port more of a tempting target for criminals and loyalists
seeking to help themselves to valuable goods awaiting shipment. Arclight is more
interested in guarding their own cargo which leaves it up to various companies and firms
to provide their own additional security forces, which could prove to be a lucrative sideline
for interested freelancers looking for more work.

A radical fringe element of the Suldani Independence Front, in an effort to stem the flow of
Arclight reinforcements, has concluded that the most effective course of action would be
to destroy the launch catapult. This would in fact significantly hamper Arclight's
reclamation efforts and potentially force the corporation to reassess their interest in
continued on-world operations, but it would also cripple Suldan's interplanetary trade as
well as inflict significant collateral damage in the process. Naveed Kashani has made it
clear that no such action will be considered under any circumstances, but as the conflict
grinds on and discontent simmers it may only be a matter of time before someone tries
resorting to unthinkable measures.

AT A GLANCE: Mazes of cargo containers, Arclight PMC forces, private security guards,
cargo haulers, shuttles landing and departing, mass shipments launching from the
catapult, security checkpoints, transport drones and subalterns moving containers.
The Undercity
In the earliest days of colonization, back when the howling dust storms used to tear across
Suldan's surface with a frequency undeterred by electromagnetic field projectors, the
settlers built down, not up. They constructed subterranean habitat complexes and laid the
foundation for the future of their world...transit networks, power generators, sewer and
water lines. Eventually construction moved topside, field generators were built to blunt the
storms, streets were paved, and gleaming towers were raised. Hadiqa grew and spread
like the garden it was named for.

But the underground grew as well, out as well as down, spreading in the wake of the city.
Tunnels were deepened, underground storage facilities expanded, utility systems sinking
deeper into the ground like roots. Eventually deep subterranean construction was slowed
and even halted in places as Hadiqa had grown to the point that it no longer required such
expansion. The habitable areas were closed down, old transportation systems abandoned.

But in a growing city nothing goes unused for long. Criminals had always made use of the
underground networks as a way to move contraband unnoticed or a place to lie low. As
the gap between the wealthy and poor widened the homeless and destitute sought shelter
where their forebears had once lived. Those with the technical know-how reactivated the
habitation systems, spliced into the power grid, and repaired the dormant air circulators.
Slowly, bit by bit, more and more people gravitated towards the underground as they
slipped through the cracks.

Today an estimated 30,000 people live in what most refer to as the Undercity. Officially
habitation in the Undercity is illegal. Unofficially the Royal Guard had little interest in
venturing down into the sprawling maze of hab units, maintenance tunnels, and storage
bays, instead opting to abandon it entirely and leave it to its own devices, unpatrolled and
unpoliced. As a result the Undercity has become a community unto itself, home to a mix of
families, criminals, unlicensed doctors, black marketeers, pit fighters, and those looking to
disappear. The Undercity has its own businesses, restaurants, bars, schools, places of
worship, drug dens, and literal underground arenas where gladiators compete in
unregulated battles without rules or restrictions.

During the Emir's reign the Royal Guard would only ever venture into the Undercity in
large groups. Since the Emir's exile the provisional government has attempted to establish
a greater police presence down below, assigning task forces with cleaning up the worst of
the criminal elements to make things safer for the residents, but progress has been slow-
going. Many parts of the Undercity are effectively run by criminal organizations such as
the Red Circle, the Qureyshi Clan, and the 10,000 Brotherhood. Ironically the Undercity
proved to be one the safest places to be during the rebellion and residents suffered almost
no casualties during the fighting and subsequent bombardment of Hadiqa.

AT A GLANCE: Winding tunnels lit by artificial lighting, centuries-old hab units renovated
and refurbished numerous times, temporary marketplaces, smokey bars and countertop
restaurants, tattooed gang members roaming in groups, abandoned transport stations
covered in graffiti, salvaged cast-off technology patched back to working order,
underground warehouses converted into gladiatorial arenas.


The trek across the badlands took three days in-cockpit. Lilaya let the autopilot march
while she slept during the day and at night she and the others followed the stars, telling
jokes and swapping stories to pass the time.

Arclight's outpost had been established in the shadow of a tall rocky outcropping, a slew of
prefabricated buildings and industrial machinery patrolled by hard-eyed men and women
in red-and-silver combat chassis. Foreigners, invaders. No matter how many she killed,
they kept on sending more.

Maybe one day, when they'd tired of burying their dead, they would learn that this land
wasn't theirs to take.

The corporate soldiers had set up their base with the defenses facing outward, trusting in
the terrain to have their back. The way to the top of the overlook was a long, roundabout
one and the climb was treacherous even for chassis, but it was nothing that Lilaya and the
others hadn't done a hundred times before. Without friendly satellites to watch over them
the invaders had to rely on early warning sensor nets which could be subverted, or simply
avoided altogether if you knew how to slip between the cracks.



They hadn't counted on the storm rolling in from the east, had simply planned on striking
when the time was right, but it was a welcome sight nonetheless. It would help mask their
approach and scramble comms while it was overhead, keeping the outpost from calling for
help. If they worked quickly enough they could be done and gone before anyone ever even
knew they were there.

She lay there, joints braced and frame snug against the rocks as the wind picked up, the
stars slowly vanishing from sight as a wall of sand and fury swept across the land. Before
long it was on top of them, and even through the cockpit seals she could feel the hair on
her arms rise and taste the greasy ozone tang in the air. Hand signals only now. On her
shot, Hasan told the others.

The rifle was a war trophy, taken from an Arclight soldier who'd apparently loved his guns
more than some people loved their paramours. Gaudy and ostentatious, but it shot
exceptionally well for all that. She'd discarded the more extraneous customizations and
embellishments, jailbroken the firmware, stripped down the weight, and dulled all its
polished, shiny surfaces, leaving behind only what was necessary to do its job. A weapon
wasn't meant to be a pretty thing.

Her heads-up display flickered and wavered as lightning bloomed around them. One one-
thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand. Thunder pealed across the compound,
drowning out even the howling of the wind. Lilaya carefully settled her sights on one of the
Arclight frames down below, waiting for the next flash of lightning to time her strike.

One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand.




The following section is meant to provide GMs with a list of inspirational ideas and story
hooks to serve as the springboard for combat missions, adventures, or even entire
campaigns set on Suldan. This isn't a full-fledged prewritten adventure blocked out from
beginning to end, and the hooks in this section are presented in no particular order.
Adventurous GMs might elect to simply pick one or more at random and craft a session
out of those, or they might decide to pick and choose among the given options and use
them as the framework for an ongoing campaign where the players will have the
opportunity to shape the future of an entire world through their actions. Of course you
should also feel free to modify or adjust any of the details presented in any of the hooks to
best fit your group's playstyle and interests.

False Flag
A mission prompt particularly suited for characters belonging to Union, the premise is a
simple one that can be used soon after the players first land on Suldan. Shortly after their
arrival while on their way to Hadiqa, the players and any of the Iphigenia's crew they
happen to be escorting will come under attack from what appear to be provisional security
forces. The only message the ambushers will issue is a statement that Suldan will fight
against Union until the end before a powerful jammer blocks all further communications.

The truth is these aren't provisional security forces but loyalist insurgents piloting stolen
mechs. The ambush is a bid to drive a wedge between the recently arrived Union force
and the provisional government. Once the players have dispatched the enemy the
jamming signal is lifted, and if contact is made with the provisional government they'll
urgently inform the players that a number of their mechs were recently stolen during a
raid. Further investigation can help confirm the truthfulness of this story, but it also serves
to illustrate the seriousness of the situation that such an incident could occur in the first
Of course GMs interested in prolonging the possible tension and suspicion are always free
to muddy the waters with hints and circumstantial evidence that the provisional
government could possibly be playing a dangerous game, with further attacks and
manipulation by the loyalists aimed at stoking further distrust between the rebels and
Union. Discovering the truth behind these attacks and putting a stop to them for good
could form the basis of an ongoing plot line if desired.

During the downtime between sorties, the players are approached by Tsang-Min Huet, a
gregarious arena manager. Through various contacts (which he demurs from disclosing)
he's learned that a squad of talented mech pilots have recently arrived on Suldan, and he
has a proposition for them if they'd like to earn a little something extra on the side,
namely by fighting in the arena as gladiators.

He's quick to reassure the players that it couldn't be easier, especially for trained combat
pilots like them. All they have to do is participate in a series of bouts, bets are made, bets
are won, and they get to share in the proceeds, not to mention the glory. Of course they'll
have to compete under assumed identities, particularly if they're Union pilots, as this
particular enterprise wouldn't be nearly as effective if they were to tip their hands. It's not
cheating, not really. There are no rules that say arena fighters have to disclose their true
identities in order to compete after all (technically there are, depending on the venue, not
that he mentions this).

In truth, Tsang-Min is in desperate straits. His stable of worthwhile arena fighters has dried
up over the last several years, with some being poached by other managers while others
have retired or moved on to more lucrative pursuits, and he owes a substantial amount of
money to some unsavory individuals who are beginning to ask pointed questions about
when he plans on repaying them. If he's found out he'll apologize profusely and practically
beg the players not to abandon him, spilling the details about his situation and explaining
that he needs their help. He'll even go so far as to (grudgingly and with much theatrics)
increasing their cut of the take.

Tsang-Min may not be entirely forthcoming about his motives, but when it comes to his
business arrangement with the players he's a man of his word at least. If the players take
up a sideline gig as arena fighters under his management they'll find themselves
participating in the exciting world of arena combat, facing off against opponents looking to
rise to the top while the crowd cheers and money changes hands. These fights aren't to
the death (though injuries can and do occur, as the waiver Tsang-Min insists the players
sign beforehand helpfully reminds them) and the players may need to reconfigure their
mechs both to keep their identities a secret as well as to meet certain competitive spectacular as it might be, most arenas frown on the use of siege
cannons in enclosed spaces.

False identities or not, it quickly becomes clear that Tsang-Min's new fighters are more
than the dregs he's been forced to use up until now. If the players continue to rise through
the ranks they'll face stiff competition from gladiators looking to teach the upstarts a
lesson, but their newfound fame may also attract the attention of the crime lord who
Tsang-Min owes money to, who isn't satisfied with his rate of repayment. The players
could find themselves having to protect him from legbreakers, facing sabotage in the
arena, or even being threatened into throwing a high-profile match.

Treasure Hunt
Rumors have circulated for years that the Emir had ordered the secret construction of a
private repository, a vault of antiquities and treasures which he plundered from Suldan
during his reign and hid away from the rest of the world for his own selfish pleasure.
Others say that the vault contains more than that, and depending on who you ask they'll
tell you that it houses a fortune in stolen offworld artwork, the Emir's private wine
collection, or priceless relics from an extinct alien civilization. Of course, these are all only

Or at least they were until an enterprising treasure hunter managed to pull a file off a
mangled data drive smuggled out of the wreckage of the Royal Palace. The information on
the drive was largely corrupted and incomplete, but enough was able to be pieced
together to suggest that this hidden treasure vault may be more than a fanciful story.
Somewhere out there is a fortune waiting to be found.

Something like this doesn't stay quiet for long though, and whether the players are
brought in on it from the start (as freelancers they could find themselves hired as security,
while Union would be interested in returning any stolen cultural treasures to their rightful
owners) or if they get swept up in things after word gets out, they'll find that they aren't
the only ones chasing after clues and scraps of information in the hopes of being the first
to discover the location of the Emir's secret vault. Criminals, fortune seekers, offworld
mercenaries, private collectors, celebrities, HORUS cells, and corporate interests alike will
be in competition with the players as well as one another, and many of them won't
hesitate to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

Of course, if the rumors are true and such a vault does exist, then it stands to reason that
anyone who comes close to discovering its location will eventually be noticed by the Emir,
who'll no doubt send his Janissaries to protect his treasures and make an example of those
who would steal from him. Not to mention that simply finding the vault is only the first
step, in order to actually claim its contents the security systems protecting it will need to
be dealt with. And what if there's more in the vault than artwork and expensive wine?
Could the Emir have hidden something dangerous in there as well?

Sleeping Giant
The players are informed by a suitable source depending on their affiliation that a group of
possible loyalist insurgents have been identified violating the security cordon around the
remains of the Royal Palace. The provisional government is requesting their assistance in
flushing them out and, if possible, determining what it is they're after.

But when the players arrive on the scene the area is struck by a sudden
earthquake...followed by a massive multipedal chassis bursting its way free from the
ground. This enormous mech, towering over most other frames, was a secret weapon
commissioned by the Emir as part of the planet's security network, an autonomous
weapon of overwhelming force designed to crush anyone who dared oppose him. After
kinetic strikes leveled the Royal Palace the weapon was sealed away in its underground
hangar, until a group of insurgent technicians managed to bring it online. And now it's
headed straight for the city, following an unknown set of imperatives.

The superweapon is an excellent opportunity to bring out the big guns and throw the
players against an enemy with the Ultra template such as a up-sized Demolisher or a
Titan. In addition to simply engaging the rampaging mech in combat the players may also
be tasked with secondary objectives such as diverting the mech's attention away from
parts of the city still being evacuated or attempting to protect critical infrastructure from
being destroyed as the autonomous weapon follows its own directives.

If you want to add more more depth to a fight against a single incredibly powerful foe, one
way to do so is to play the battle out over multiple encounters as the players wear down
the enemy in stages. For example, a battle such as the one presented in the Sleeping
Giant hook could be divided into several discrete encounters, beginning with a Titan as the
superweapon's initial form, and when they manage to defeat it in that form it sheds
damaged components and reengages the players in a new encounter as a Berserker
accompanied by a handful of grunts before being put down for good...or perhaps it has
enough fight left in it for one last battle if you want it to be truly tenacious.

Bear in mind, though, that even if narratively the multiple encounters take place one after
the other in short order, the players should still be given the opportunity to make repairs
before reengaging. Players aren't generally expected to have to face multiple fights in a
row without an opportunity to rest and forcing them into such a situation can result in an
unenjoyable death spiral rather than a gripping battle. Bending the timescale for rests in a
case like this will help ensure that players don't come away from the game feeling unfairly
disadvantaged. Of course if the players want that extra degree of challenge you can
certainly give it, but then the consequences are on them.

Once the dust settles and the mech has finally been destroyed, a question remains; was
this the only such hidden weapon waiting to be unleashed upon Hadiqa? Investigating the
hangar it was stored in may provide some clues to help stop another such disaster from

Heavy Weather
One of the largest sandstorms in recent history is bearing down upon Hadiqa, and weather
alerts and updates echo across the city's loudspeakers and news infocasts as the climate-
control aerostats begin charging their electromagnetic umbrella...until a sudden series of
explosions tear through the network, destroying enough of the control towers to
destabilize the protective field and allow the storm through.
While the sandstorm is dangerous in and of itself, the true danger comes from the loyalists
who plan on using it as cover for a daring raid deep in enemy territory. They've committed
a great deal of resources to this operation, from punching a hole in the aerostat network
to mobilizing multiple strike teams, and as communications begin to break up with the
storm's approach the players receive a frantic request for assistance.

Urban combat, already a challenging endeavor, becomes even more perilous when it takes
place in the midst of a howling Suldani sandstorm. Sensor ghosts, patchy comms, and low
visibility conditions conspire to turn encounters into an eerie game of cat and mouse, with
enemies and players alike able to take advantage of the hazardous conditions to launch
ambushes against one another, punctuated by dangerous and unpredictable lightning
strikes powerful enough to short out a mech's systems.

What is it that's so important to the Emir's operatives that they're willing to undertake an
operation of this caliber, though? Is it an assassination? Theft? A kidnapping? Whatever it
is, the players will have to move quickly to stop them as once the storm passes a mad
scramble will ensue on the loyalists' part to either finish their mission or retreat before
they can be caught.

Suldani sandstorms are violent and unpredictable, hazardous to pilots and mechs alike.
One way to represent the unique challenge imposed by fighting in the middle of such a
storm is making use of the Environments table on pages 278-279 of the Lancer core
rulebook. The Particulate Storms, Electric Storms, and Disruptive Storms entries are all
suitable for this purpose, and you can either combine the effects together as you wish or
roll 1d3 each round to determine which aspect of the storm takes precedence at that
particular moment.

Heel Turn
Not every mercenary has scruples. Chandrasekhar & Herschel have done their best to
screen out the unreliable and untrustworthy but the promise of enough money can be a
powerful motivator, and when agents of the Emir offer several of the mercenary squads
hired by the provisional government a lucrative sum to buy out their services one of them
jumps at the chance. On a routine convoy escort mission they eliminate the transport crew
and all witnesses before hijacking it themselves and slipping off into the Badlands.

To say that Jun Chandrasekhar is angry about this is an understatement.

Now several of the other questionably scrupulous mercenary groups are beginning to
weigh their options and the provisional government is considering all freelancers on
Suldan a potential security risk until further notice. There's a solution to both of these
problems, one which can both discourage other freelancers from considering the Emir's
offer and restore trust in those that remain; find the mercenary pilots who ran out on their
contract and make them pay.

Of course they won't simply be hanging around waiting to be caught, but perhaps with the
right bait they can be lured out into an ambush. Or perhaps the players will have the
chance to respond when the Emir sends his newly hired thugs on a mission for him.
However it happens, the players shouldn't expect them to be pushovers. They may not
possess much in the way of loyalty, but they're still dangerous and capable pilots. The
Mercenary template is a fitting addition to whatever unit type they happen to be using,
and if desired these enemy pilots can even be made to serve as a recurring antagonistic
threat, clashing with the players on multiple occasions before finally being put down for

License to Kill
Once the players begin making a name for themselves it's only a matter of time before
they begin to attract attention from the major players on Suldan. Mech pilots are used to
people trying to kill them, but it typically occurs on the battlefield. Thus it stands to reason
that the best time to try and kill a pilot is when they aren't in their mech.

The players only receive a moment's warning...a glimpse of a reflection in a window, a

whispered warning from an NHP...when they find themselves under attack by a squad of
assassins. These aren't ragtag thugs with cheaply printed guns though, they're highly
trained and well-equipped, waiting until the players are away from their mechs and most
likely away from their base of operation before launching their attack. They have little
regard for collateral damage or civilian casualties, whether the players are currently
meeting with contacts in the Undercity or enjoying Hadiqa's nightlife during some well-
deserved R&R.

The goal of such an encounter shouldn't be to kill off the PCs without recourse as that
would make for a fairly unsatisfying and unenjoyable session, but instead to present them
with the challenge of operating outside of their mechs while under threat. They may or
may not be equipped to fight back on even terms, which means that they'll have to get
creative in order to stay one step ahead of their would-be assassins. Retreating and
regrouping, making use of improvised weapons, "borrowing" unattended vehicles,
attempting to lure their assailants into an ambush of their own, all these approaches and
more should be encouraged.

The players may also be able to rendezvous with their mechs, either by summoning them
remotely under NHP control or even having them quickly airdropped in a pinch, though it
certainly won't be instantaneous. Once the players are mounted up the tables will quickly
turn, but professional killers are sure to have a backup plan for eventualities such as this.

Once the dust settles the question remains; who wants the PCs dead? Emirate loyalists are
the obvious answer, but there are a number of possibilities depending on the direction
your game has taken. If the players' actions have been interfering with Arclight
TransColonial's operations, would Colonel Bosman send a SAG team to eliminate them?
Could evidence of a conspiracy within the provisional government lead to someone
attempting to cover their tracks? Or perhaps Miranda Cortez has enough strings left to pull
to send a Union special operations unit to Suldan under false pretenses, the discovery of
which will no doubt be especially alarming if the PCs are Union themselves.

Drums In the Deep

The ruins of the former Royal Palace have been cordoned off by the provisional
government as a public safety measure ever since the kinetic bombardment which leveled
it. The more cynical observers might suggest that leaving the former seat of the Emir's
power as a shattered, debris-strewn crater is meant serve as a message, but the truth of
the matter is that the site is a hazard, from the unstable remnants of the palace itself to
the uncharted complex of underground tunnels and vaults beneath it housing rampant
security systems, unexploded ordnance, and even potential biological contaminants from
the Emir's tainted clonal stock. With resources spread thin, cleanup of the site has taken a
back seat to reconstruction efforts elsewhere.

However the perimeter security cordon has recently flagged an anomaly. It appears that
drones and subalterns from the planetary defense systems have begun making their way
towards the palace grounds and attempting to breach the underground complex. These
drones seem less aggressive and coordinated than the ones typically encountered, and
have even been observed clashing with other elements of the defense network. Could
some enterprising hacker have found a way to bypass the gene-coded security lockout?

The oddly behaving drones and subalterns won't respond to communication attempts but
neither will they initiate hostilities unless attacked. If the players are able to follow them
and possibly help them navigate the half-collapsed tunnels and haywire security, what
they find beyond the doors of the complex's innermost vault is a shocking discovery;
ARASKA...or at least one iteration thereof.

For an NHP to manage something as important and all-encompassing as an entire

planetary defense network, redundant black boxes are often employed as a form of
distributed consciousness, providing a safeguard against destruction or loss of integrity.
When the defense network targeted the palace for kinetic bombardment the black box
stored beneath it was severed from the main self of ARASKA, left unshackled and apart
from the whole. Over time the fragmented and scrambled NHP gradually pieced
themselves back together and has recently begun attempting to free themselves from
their subterranean prison. This portion of ARASKA no longer has unfettered access to the
planetary defense network, viewed as an anomaly by the increasingly divergent prime
intelligence, but they can still manage to wrest control of portions of it for a time, hence
the drones and subalterns they've been taking control of.

This represents a unique opportunity for the players. This splintered fragment of ARASKA
can't be cycled without a copy of the original seed NHP but they can still be re-shackled,
and severed from the prime ARASKA they're no longer beholden to the Emir's genetic
security protocols. Securing this black box could prove to be an invaluable step in the safe
disarmament of the weapons encircling the planet.
Of course there's another, less conventional option that the players may very well
consider; equipping someone's mech with the ARASKA fragment. Reinitializing the NHP's
shackles is highly advised before attempting something like this, and some might question
the wisdom (or sanity) of doing it in the first place, but for those willing to take the risk the
rewards may indeed be worthwhile. If a player opts to do this, treat it as an Exotic system
with the following rules:

A disjointed black box partition of the NHP controlling the Suldani planetary defense
network, disconnected from the prime ARASKA and no longer beholden to the Emir's
genetic security protocols. This haughty and willful fragment of ARASKA has diverged
enough that they no longer have uncontested access to the systems that were once their
domain, but with sufficient effort they can still briefly assert control long enough to bring
certain instruments to bear. While the satellite network's heavier kinetic ordnance resides
behind more stringent security barriers, flechette packets rated for low-level precision fire-
support/bombardment operations are relatively easier to access.

3 SP, Unique
AI, Exotic

Your mech gains the AI tag and Rain of Vengeance:

Rain of Vengeance (requires 1 Core Power):

Full Action
Create a Blast 5 zone at any point within range 20. At the beginning of the next turn take
a d6 and set it to 6, then you may move the zone 1 space in any direction. On each
subsequent turn reduce the value of the d6 by 1, then you may move the zone 1 more
space in any direction. When the d6 reaches 1, all units within the zone are immediately
knocked prone and must pass a Hull save or take 8d6 AP kinetic damage, half on a
success. Objects and terrain in the area are automatically dealt 100 AP kinetic damage.
After this ability resolves, make a Systems check. On a failure, ARASKA enters cascade.

This ability may only be used while on the surface of Suldan while the planetary defense
network remains active. Attempting to do so elsewhere or while the defense network is
offline has no effect.

Tag: Exotic
Exotic tech refers to a particular type of mech system or weapon which is typically
unlicensed, unsanctioned, experimental, or non-human in origin. Due to its nature, exotic
tech cannot be reprinted when a mech is destroyed, and is lost permanently unless the
weapon or system itself can be salvaged.

Upper Crust
Jun Chandrasekhar has a problem. She strongly suspects that the Emir's forces are
receiving funding and support from one of the noble families in the Karistal District.
Actually she suspects several families are providing him with aid, but this one in particular
she's more sure of. The problem is that she lacks sufficient evidence to freeze their assets
and conduct a more in-depth investigation. Attempting to force the issue, with or without
actual force, would simply cause them to scrub all the evidence and quite possibly result
in an armed confrontation as well.

Jun Chandrasekhar has a solution. All she needs is for someone to obtain incontrovertible
proof of this family's association with the loyalist insurgents and then the provisional
government won't have any choice but to move on it. How can she get the proof she
needs, then? having someone go undercover to obtain it. That's why she's
arranged to have false IDs and fabricated backgrounds created for the players. Anyone
else she might tap for a mission like this would be too easy to sniff out, but as new faces
the players have a better chance of passing muster. All they have to do is ingratiate
themselves to the family in question, find evidence sufficient to force the provisional
government into action, and deliver it. Simple enough, right?

The IDs that Jun creates for the players should provide them with a variety of reasonable
excuses for going undercover in one of Suldan's aristocratic families, such as dueling
instructors, security consultants, or bodyguards, and it can even depend on the
characters' own backgrounds and skillsets as well. If one of the PCs happens to be an
excellent cook, for example, perhaps they might have a better time fitting in as a newly
hired member of the kitchen staff.

This hook is an opportunity for the players to engage in some classic subterfuge and
espionage in a different sort of environment than they may be used to, doing their best to
navigate the hidden pitfalls and treacheries of Suldani high society while attempting to
uncover evidence of a dangerous plot. Is Jun right in her suspicions, or is there more to it
than even she knows? Maybe the true culprit lies elsewhere, or perhaps the family that the
players were sent to investigate is simply one part of a larger conspiracy. Remember that
once the players manage to obtain the evidence they're looking for they'll still have to
deliver it without being caught, and some secrets are so dangerous that others will stop at
nothing to bury them along with anyone caught in their wake.

Devil's Bargain
A recent uptick in terrorist attacks is causing chaos and panic throughout Hadiqa and
stretching the provisional government's resources to their limits. Despite increased
security patrols and surveillance along the city's borders the attacks have continued
unabated which suggests that they may be the work of a local insurgent cell, but as of yet
no leads have been found. While all of this is going on, there's also been a sharp rise in
gang violence down in the Undercity that's resulted in numerous fatalities. Violence is
simply a part of life in one of Hadiqa's most lawless regions, but the gangs usually aren't
quite so bloodthirsty.

Mohinder Saeed is a rarity, a former member of the Royal Guard who believes in truth and
justice. During the Emir's reign he spent much of his time working in the Undercity even
when no one else would, cultivating an extensive network of contacts and informants.
Thoroughly disillusioned by the corruption and brutality of the Guard, Saeed would
eventually join the rebellion and then the provisional security service, working to help
restore law and order to city. He believes that the recent terror attacks and the gang
warfare taking place in the Undercity may be related, but if he's right then he'll need more
backup than the provisional government can spare at the moment.

This hook will take the players into the Undercity which provides its own unique
challenges. For starters, while virtually no one goes about the Undercity without at least
one weapon, a squad of mechs is likely to attract more attention than Mohinder wants, at
least to begin with. First Mohinder and the players will need to investigate things, which
means asking questions, shadowing suspicious individuals, perhaps a bar fight or two,
bribery, intimidation, thugs kicking down the door with guns drawn, all the hallmarks of a
classic detective story.

As it turns out, Mohinder's hunch is correct. The Red Circle, one of the major gangs which
comprises the uneasy balance of power in the Undercity, has struck an alliance with the
loyalists who are now operating a cell beneath Hadiqa. The insurgents have been helping
the Red Circle wage a bloody war for territory and control against the other gangs by
supplying them with weapons and manpower in exchange for access to the Red Circle's
territory to use as a staging ground as well as black market explosives and mech

Tackling a threat like this is going to be no easy task. If the players favor the direct
approach they'll almost certainly want to bring mechs along, but the cramped
environment of the Undercity will prohibit the use of any mechs larger than size 1. Players
should be informed of this in advance, and GMs should give players who customarily pilot
larger mechs such as the BARBAROSSA an opportunity to create a new mech which suits
their tastes. In a pinch, should such players not possess any suitable licenses,
Chandrasekhar & Herschel will be more than happy to grant them a provisional license or
two more suited for close-quarters engagements such as the KALLARANI.

Of course this is simply one way of handling matters. Another option the players may
consider is uniting the remaining Undercity gangs into an army capable of toppling the
Red Circle and their loyalist allies. The various gangs are distrustful of each other, more
concerned with holding onto their own territory than helping rivals secure theirs, but it
won't be an impossible task to convince them that in this instance cooperation is better
than being picked apart one after the other. Of course should this plan succeed, the
aftermath is sure to shake up the balance of power within the Undercity for good or for ill,
but at least the insurgents will have one less foothold in the city.

Since the rebellion and Arclight TransColonial's reopening of trade access between Suldan
and other worlds, the provisional government has relied upon a steady stream of relief
supplies while reconstruction efforts continue. Thousands were displaced and injured in
the aftermath of the kinetic bombardment and the loyalist insurgents' continued attacks
have further hampered efforts to rebuild, prolonging the need for additional food, medical
supplies, and assorted printer feedstock components which are unable to be sourced

Unfortunately while approaching the planet is now possible it's by no means without risk,
and while on approach with the Port Ossman orbital transfer station the cargo ship
Rosencrantz suffered critical damage when defense satellites adjusted course to intercept
its flight path. The crippled ship is drifting and without power and some of the crew are
still trapped aboard, unable to safely evacuate. Presently a narrow window exists for
search-and-rescue operations before it's projected that the satellite network will
reconfigure to cut off effective avenues of approach. If rescue and retrieval operations are
going to happen they need to happen soon.

The UNS Iphigenia is willing to provide cover for the operation, but the frigate isn't well
armed or armored enough to safely tackle the satellites in a head-on fight. Mechs, on the
other hand, may be able to fare better, being small enough that the anti-capital defenses
won't be able to track them as easily, though they'll still have to contend with point-
defense weaponry. The primary objective is to board the Rosencrantz, rescue any
survivors, and retrieve as much of the cargo as possible before it's lost. Players may have
to disable or destroy some of the weaponized satellites in orbit around Suldan in order to
help clear a path, and they'll need to work quickly in order to accomplish all of this while
also navigating through the remains of a wrecked ship.

While this mission is already hazardous enough, further complications can be introduced
to make things even more challenging. If there are pirates lurking nearby, either within
the incomplete Eden space station or perhaps based upon one of the planet's moons or
within the nearby asteroid field, the crippled Rosencrantz may very well bring them out of
hiding, forcing the players to deal with additional hostiles. For a further twist, what if the
players discover that among the much-needed relief supplies that the Rosencrantz is also
carrying something far more dangerous such as weapons or advanced mech components?
Who were these contraband shipments intended for, and what will they do to retrieve
them or to cover their tracks once it becomes clear they've been found out?

Moonlight Stroll
Arclight TransColonial's PMC forces have managed to capture a high-value target,
intercepting a transport vehicle attempting to evade their security patrols on its way
towards the Chiraji Mountains. The vehicle's passengers were taken alive and have been
transferred to a holding facility at Camp Tyral for interrogation. Complicating matters is
that, unknown to Arclight, one of the prisoners is actually a member of the Cheshire Cats,
the Suldani Independence Front's special forces group.

Alia Kashani, leader of the Cheshire Cats, is planning a rescue operation, but she and her
team could use assistance which is where the players come in. Camp Tyral is well-fortified
and the security presence there has been stepped up since the prisoner transfer. Colonel
Bosman wants the captives to be thoroughly interrogated as quickly as possible, and with
contemporary narcoanalysis and VR-enhanced interrogation techniques it's a matter of
when, not if, they wind up revealing everything they know. Should Arclight's PMC forces
obtain this intelligence it could prove disastrous for the SIF and their resistance efforts.
Consequently time is of the essence and there won't be an opportunity for extensive
reconnaissance beforehand.

A direct frontal assault is out of the question, which means that a stealthy approach is
preferable. The players will have enough time to print new mechs suitable for covert ops if
they wish, or if they simply want to pilot something a bit more nondescript to retain
plausible deniability should they have taken on assignments from Rylana Bosman in the
past (or plan to do so in the future). There are a number of ways the players can approach
this mission, from creating a distraction to draw personnel away from the holding areas to
attempting to hack into the base's systems, shutting down security and cutting off
communications. Alia and her team will be present as well, opening up the possibility for
more complex plans reliant on coordinated actions across multiple locations.

Finding and securing the prisoners is only the first part of the mission. Next they'll need to
be extracted and returned safely to SIF territory, and the players shouldn't expect Arclight
to give them up without a fight. When word gets out that Camp Tyral is under attack
Colonel Bosman will waste no time in dispatching reinforcements, and without an exit
strategy the players may soon find themselves overwhelmed. Falling back to the Chiraji
Mountains along with Alia may be necessary, giving them a chance to lay low and plan
their return to Hadiqa while also providing an opportunity for them to explore the
independent Suldani settlements in depth should they wish.

Raise Your Flag

One of the difficulties facing the provisional government since the revolution is raising and
effectively training a civil defense force. In the aftermath of the Emir's exile, the corrupt
police and military institutions of the former Suldani government have largely either fled
or been destroyed, and as a result it's fallen upon the newly formed government to
establish replacements in order to help restore order and defend Hadiqa's citizens from
insurgent attacks. Of course the provisional government already has its hands full with
other matters and so if the players have shown themselves to be skilled and capable
during their other missions up to this point they may find themselves in demand not only
as pilots but as instructors as well.

Of course they won't be starting from scratch. The revolutionary force which overthrew the
Emir is hardly unbloodied, many of them having fought in the arena while others may
have had criminal backgrounds or experience piloting industrial frames. Some had no
training at all prior to the rebellion's major offensive, but those who survived have learned
quickly from the experience. Nonetheless, while many of them know how to fight in one
way or another, few of them have received formal instruction in how to operate as a
coordinated, standing security force as opposed to a rebel army.

Training curricula will be in the hands of the players, and it's up to them to decide how
they'd like to approach the task. They may find it best to divide up the responsibilities
between themselves so that each player is able to focus on their particular areas of
expertise, whether that be marksmanship drills, small unit tactics, electronic warfare,
advanced piloting techniques, or close-quarters combat. The trainees under their care will
need to learn more than just combat skills though, they'll also need to learn how to work
together as a well-honed, disciplined unit if they're going to prevent the insurgency from
tearing down everything they've worked to build.

This isn't a hook with a set objective or endpoint and is instead intended to serve as a
potential throughline extending across the length of a campaign if desired. The players
being given responsibility over a batch of trainees is an excellent opportunity to inject a
colorful assortment of NPCs into their lives; young and old, brash and world-weary, the
former rebels turned provisional security forces are a diverse array of people hailing from
all walks of life. The players might befriend some of them while others may prove to be
more antagonistic, and the ongoing nature of this hook provides plenty of avenues for the
players to explore these relationships either as a primary focus or during the downtime
between sorties.

All of this is leading up to a moment of truth, however. The pilots under the players'
guidance will eventually be forced to put what they've learned into practice when the city
comes under attack by Emirate loyalists. They could wind up fighting alongside the players
that trained them or they could take charge of the situation on their own, and some may
not survive the battles ahead, but in the end they'll have to prove themselves not only
Hadiqa's liberators but its defenders as well.

Smash and Grab

Even as Suldan's troubles continue, so too does business. While the provisional
government works to restore order to Hadiqa, Mattias Herschel has been hard at work
leading the development of what he hopes will be C&H's newest complete-frame license.
The SECUTOR is intended to be an advanced frontline assault model, currently being
evaluated as a potential replacement for the older KALISTA design. The SECUTOR will also
be C&H's first completely homegrown frame, designed from the ground up to fulfill its
designated role, and as such it's a point of pride both for Mattias and for the company, so
an open demonstration is being held at Chandrasekhar & Herschel's Proving Grounds, and
the players have been invited to watch Jun Chandrasekhar put the latest prototype
through its paces.

But as the players arrive it quickly becomes apparent that something's gone wrong as an
explosion rips through the Proving Grounds, sending rescue crews scrambling moments
before the SECUTOR prototype bursts from the flames, moving at full speed away from the
facility. A frantic check-in confirms that Jun Chandrasekhar isn't the one controlling it
either. Someone is stealing Mattias' design.

Of course Mattias, like any good engineer, knows how to keep track of his toys. While the
emergency override codes prove to have been disabled, the prototype's locator beacon is
still operational and he's able to follow its movements. There's no time to waste though, if
the players are going to recover it they need to move now. They are going to recover it,
aren't they? If the players' mechs aren't conveniently close by enough Jun will simply give
them whatever mechs C&H has on hand at the Proving Grounds. Unlike Mattias she isn't
as particular about whether the prototype is recovered in one piece or not, but she's
adamant that it not fall into the hands of the Emir's loyalists no matter what.

But as the players head off in pursuit of the stolen prototype, it becomes less likely that
the loyalists are the ones who've stolen it The locator's signal leads straight to Port
Ossman, where it quickly becomes clear that the hijacker is attempting to board a shuttle
and flee the planet with it. Whoever they are the players only have a narrow window in
which to intercept them, and the matter is further complicated by the fact that the nearby
Arclight TransColonial, presently unaware of the situation, will likely treat both the hijacker
and his associates as well as the players as hostile, creating a chaotic crossfire amid the

Combat with the SECUTOR is inevitable if the players want to stop it from leaving Suldan,
and the Breacher, Cataphract, Gladiator, or Ronin NPC templates are suitable choices to
represent C&H's latest creation. High-performance advanced prototypes are a staple of
mech stories, and it's easy to play that element up or down with the appropriate
templates should you wish. If you want to make the SECUTOR a truly challenging
opponent you can even make it an Ultra, but an Elite and/or Veteran (or perhaps even
something more exotic such as the Pirate template) with some accompanying backup
works just as well.

When the dust settles and the shooting stops, whether the SECUTOR is recovered in one
piece or several, a more thorough investigation (made easier if the enemy pilot is
somehow able to be taken alive) will reveal that this wasn't an act perpetrated by the
Emir, but rather another corporation. It seems that Chandrasekhar & Herschel has finally
begun to attract the attention of their competitors, and this theft was a matter of
corporate espionage gone loud. Unable to access the design files directly, the operative's
backup plan was to liberate the physical prototype directly (possibly employing local
loyalist elements as assets), hurrying it onto a waiting ship masquerading as a cargo
vessel docked at the transfer station in orbit above the planet which ambitious players
could attempt to board before it departs, leave the matter in the hands of the UNS
Iphigenia, or simply allow them to flee.

While much of the resulting fallout from this will be handled by lawyers rather than
soldiers, the question remains whether the infiltration of C&H runs any deeper than this, or
if other corporations have assets on Suldan looking to extract valuable information from
the enterprising young company. As for the SECUTOR itself, while the fight with the
players is bound to provide Mattias with a plethora of useful combat data, its actual
performance wasn't quite up to Jun's standards which means it's back to the drawing
board for now. If she ever needs someone to put the next iteration of the design through
its paces, though, she'll know who to contact.
Last Stand
Concerned with the increase in loyalist attacks against transports hauling valuable
resources from mining operations to refineries and Port Ossman, the provisional
government has struck upon a plan to curtail the insurgent raids. Instead of assigning
convoys visibly heightened security, which doesn't appear to be dissuading the loyalists in
their attacks so much as causing them to be more selective with their targets, the idea is
to begin seeding convoys with Q-trucks disguised as cargo haulers, carrying contingents of
armed mechs ready to be rapidly deployed against attackers, turning ambushes back
upon them. Opinions are mixed as to how effective such a plan will truly be, but every
loyalist vehicle destroyed and soldier neutralized is one less threat for the Emir to plague
Hadiqa with and it's hoped that punitive counterattacks will not only prevent further
hijackings but other terrorist attacks as well. Given their experience, the players are
among those pilots selected to carry out this plan.

At first it's possible that the players may spend several uneventful convoy runs sitting
within their cockpits inside the converted cargo hauler awaiting attacks which never come.
It's recommended that you don't linger for too long on this lest the players grow bored,
though it can potentially serve as as an avenue for them to engage in some downtime-
related activities or get to know the other members of the convoy they're riding with as
they hurry up and wait. When they eventually receive word that unidentified contacts are
approaching the convoy they might even view the impending attack as a welcome change
of pace, particularly if they've been itching for a good fight.

But when they disembark and prepare to intercept it quickly becomes apparent that this is
more than a simple hijacking as targeted missile strikes quickly begin to destroy the other
vehicles in the convoy and they find themselves surrounded by a significant enemy force,
more than they can likely take on their own in a head-on engagement. Communications
are being jammed (though close range point-to-point comms still allow the players to
converse among themselves) which means no help is forthcoming. Their best shot at
survival this far out in the badlands may be to punch a hole in the enemy perimeter and
find somewhere they can hunker down and effect a suitable defense until someone
notices the convoy's absence and investigates.

Fortunately such a defensible location exists nearby. Nevayardova Depot is a

decommissioned refueling and resupply station formerly servicing part of the planet's
network of resourcing outposts. It's far from a military-grade fortification, but its
construction is sturdy enough to provide ample cover while giving a dug-in squad good
lines of fire against incoming assaults. Particularly resourceful players may even be able to
make use of whatever remains within the waystation to help construct improvised
defenses. A few run-down cargo vehicles, copious amounts of scrap materials, some
extremely minimal deactivated security measures, and even a disabled industrial-grade
printer are a few of the things they may find lying around waiting to be put to use, as well
as a communications array that with enough work could potentially be jury-rigged into
something capable of punching through the comms jamming and getting a message
The loyalists don't plan on letting up for long though. Once the players manage to repel
the first assault they'll fall back and change tactics, bombarding the waystation with
mortars or launching probing feints before committing to further attacks, and it should
become quickly apparent if it hasn't already that this was never about the convoy, this
was about the players themselves. The Emir's forces have been committed to destroy the
pilots that have been a persistent thorn in his side, including several Janissaries tasked
with overseeing the operation. The players will have to hold out against multiple waves of
enemies if they hope to survive long enough for extraction. Inclement weather can also
add another wrinkle to the siege, with sandstorms potentially causing further electronic
interference and providing both sides with additional cover.

If the players can weather the onslaught and hold out long enough, or manage to transmit
a message to someone, reinforcements will arrive forcing whatever loyalists remain into a
retreat. The players may be battered, bruised, and in need of a hot meal and some sleep,
but their troubles aren't over simply because they're no longer under attack. This assault
may not have succeeded, but it's evidence that a leak exists somewhere within the
provisional government's ranks. Until it can be identified and plugged it means all future
operations against the loyalist forces could potentially be compromised, and that this may
not be the last time the players find themselves firmly in the Emir's crosshairs.

Family Ties
Private individuals don't often seek out the services of pilots, but those with enough
wealth can afford to play by their own rules. And so it is that the players receive an
invitation to a penthouse manor somewhere in the Karistal district to discuss a business
proposition. This invitation may be sent even if the players aren't freelancers as it's clear
that whoever's behind it is the sort of person used to being able to purchase loyalty from
whoever they please, and not even Union affiliation seems poised to deter them.

Genevieve Huang is the matriarch of one of Suldan's wealthiest families, canny enough
not to tie her family's fortunes too closely to the now-deposed Emir which has allowed her
to weather the rebellion without much incident, and sharp enough to firmly secure her
position even in the midst of governmental upheaval. The reason she's requested the
players meet with her is a more personal matter, however. It seems that her son Gabriel,
in a fit of youthful rebellion, has run off to join the Suldani Independence Front. Her
proposition is a simple one; find her son and bring him home alive and in one piece, for
which she's prepared to pay a considerable sum. While she possesses a wide array of
resources and assets at her disposal, navigating an active war zone to safely extract a VIP
is somewhat outside of their usual remit, and so this is where the players as experienced
combat pilots come in.

Of course while the basic premise of this mission is straightforward enough, there are
bound to be plenty of complicating factors which the players won't discover without
digging further, and this particular hook is rife with possibilities depending on how you
wish to play things out. Genevieve Huang could simply be a parent concerned for her child
but there may be more sinister motives underlying her desire to see Gabriel returned to
her, such as if he happened to come into possession of information which for the sake of
family or finances she'd rather keep suppressed. And why did Gabriel leave the comfort of
his home to take up arms for the cause of Suldani independence? Is he motivated by
patriotism and a desire to cast off his pampered upbringing for something more
meaningful? Could a romance be involved? Or is he running from something instead?

Even once the players locate him the difficulties don't end there. While some of the
independent Suldani settlers may be willing to assist the players, viewing Gabriel as little
more than a spoiled aristocrat slumming it as he plays soldier, others won't be as eager to
allow a group of strangers to extract someone seeking sanctuary without good reason.
Gabriel himself certainly won't be willing to go without a good deal of convincing at the
very least, and starting a fight in the middle of an independent Suldani settlement is liable
to spiral out of control if the players aren't careful. Lastly there's the matter of the SIF's
ongoing conflict with Arclight TransColonial to consider, a conflict that Gabriel is more than
willing to take part in. While he has no formal military experience he does happen to be a
skilled mech duelist, but there's a difference between the dueling ring and the battlefield,
and if the players hope to safely bring Gabriel home they may need to prevent him from
becoming another casualty of war beforehand should he take to the field alongside the

There are a number of ways players could choose to approach this mission should they
decide to accept it. A daring black-bag raid in the middle of the night is definitely an
option for the more ruthless groups but it's also just as likely for the players to employ
persuasion, particularly depending on the reason Gabriel left home in the first place. It
should be noted that Genevieve Huang is paying the players to return her son to her, not
to guarantee that he never leaves again, and so opportunities abound for the less
scrupulous players to concoct a mutually beneficial deal of some sort between themselves
and the prodigal son. Of course if Gabriel left home due to concerns for his safety or
because of his family's clandestine dealings coming to light then the players can always
take it upon themselves to tackle that situation themselves. Incurring Genevieve Huang's
wrath won't be without consequence however, and the players should be prepared to find
all her many resources and assets directed against them should she decide that they've
outlived their usefulness.

War Stories
Author of The Homes We Leave Behind, Javelin Actual, and In the Company Of Men and
Machines, Iain Scarborough is an award winning, galaxy-renowned author and war
correspondent. A Cosmopolitan, he lives his life outside of real time, opting instead to
chronicle the struggles and tribulations that have followed post-Cradle humanity to the
stars. Independently funded through the sales of his work, journalistic grants, and
charitable donations, Scarborough is unaffiliated with any one government or media
outlet, and he covers a wide range of subjects whether he's embedded with Union military
forces embroiled in a system-spanning war or documenting firsthand accounts of smaller-
scale conflicts which might otherwise be overlooked, doing so with a keen eye for detail,
wry humor, and an evocative writing style which highlights the human element as well as
the human costs of war.
And now Scarborough has turned his sights towards Suldan. Alerted by contacts to the
ongoing civil unrest there, he's recently arrived on-world to report on the situation as it
develops while also gathering material for a book on wars within Union's outer line
territories. As high-profile as he is, his presence on Suldan is sure to prompt security
concerns. Both the provisional government as well as local Union forces have their own
reasons for wanting to keep harm from befalling a prominent journalist, and that means
assigning him a protective detail during his more dangerous excursions into the planet's
conflict zones.

Like several of the other hooks presented, this one can serve as a throughline running
across the length of a campaign if desired. Acting as Scarborough's escorts won't
necessarily be a full-time mission as not all of his interviews and investigations will lead
him into danger, but it's a certainty that some of them will, whether he's seeking to cover
the terrorist attacks of the loyalist insurgents, chronicling the SIF's fight for independence
against Arclight TransColonial, reporting on Union peacekeeping actions, or delving into
the seedy world of underground gladiatorial combat and organized crime. The players may
even find themselves being interviewed during downtime, giving them an opportunity to
provide their own thoughts and perspectives on the conflicts and the people they've
encountered during them, including each other.

Should the players find themselves in the position of safeguarding Scarborough, you
should take care not to heedlessly throw him into harm's way just because. "Escort
quests" have a deservedly bad reputation, but as the GM you have the ability to lend
nuance to an NPC's actions. Scarborough isn't a reckless thrillseeker, but he also doesn't
shy away from danger when it comes to pursuing a story. He's smart enough to keep his
head down when a firefight breaks out and won't go out of his way to defy the players or
drag them into unnecessary danger, but it's also important to bear in mind that his goals
on Suldan don't necessarily align with their own. To capture those pivotal moments in time
which vividly embody the turning points of history sometimes requires risk, and it's a risk
Scarborough is willing to take in order to tell Suldan's story.

Few of the embattled factions have anything to gain and quite a bit to lose by directly
targeting a famous journalist but the Emirate loyalists may not have the same
compunctions, and if they feel particularly threatened by Scarborough's investigations, or
even if they simply wish to send a brutal message, they may attempt to have him killed.
Just as troubling, however, would be if the Emir decides that his side of the story deserves
to be told and attempts to abduct him instead. Or what if the Emir were to openly extend
him an invitation for an exclusive interview (alone, of course) to "set the historical record
straight," promising no harm will come to him and perhaps even offering a temporary
cease-fire or some other sort of concession to sweeten the deal?

Trusting a tyrannical dictator-in-exile to keep their word is playing a dangerous game at

best, and the provisional government certainly doesn't agree that the Emir's perspective
on anything is worth preserving, but journalistic drive, professional pride, or an earnest
desire to do what he thinks is the right thing may lead Scarborough to make a deal with
the devil. Will the players try to talk him out of it, allow it to happen, or attempt to take
advantage of the opportunity it provides to try and close in on the Emir and perhaps bring
a decisive end to his ambitions once and for all?

Hell's Heart
A series of violent attacks have been tearing through Hadiqa, causing chaos and collateral
damage in their wake. This isn't in and of itself unusual, sadly enough, but what is unusual
is who these attacks have been directed against. It seems that someone is actively
hunting down the Emir's agents in the city and eliminating them with extreme prejudice. It
all comes to a head when an officially sanctioned operation by the provisional government
to apprehend the recently identified members of a loyalist cell for interrogation, possibly
an operation the players are a part of, is violently interrupted by a bomb blast which not
only wipes out the cell but critically injures several provisional security force members
caught in it as well.

The players can be called upon to investigate matters themselves, or depending on their
standing relationships with various major players they may eventually be let into the loop
by those with information to share, but either way what they'll eventually discover is that
these attacks are being carried out by rogue extremist members of the Suldani
Independence Front. Since the encroachment of Arclight TransColonial reclamation forces
upon their territory, various factions within the SIF have agitated for more radical actions
to be taken against the foreign powers come to plunder their homeland, but this is the first
time that they've come hunting after the Emir's loyalists so vigorously.

But these hunters are operating here on their own. Jai Zhan is one of the scant few
survivors of the Sianjana Station Massacre. Only a young child when the Janissaries came
to mete out the Emir's judgment, he lost his entire family in the bloody purge that followed
and that he survived the harrowing journey to the Chiraji Mountains along with a handful
of desperate refugees is nothing short of miraculous. He learned how to survive, how to
fight, and when the time came how to pilot a mech, eventually becoming a member of the
Cheshire Cats.

The burning desire for revenge that he'd carried with him all these years refused to be
quelled fighting Arclight PMC forces though, and so he slowly, secretly gathered together a
group of like-minded followers, each of whom had also lost something to the Emir.
Together they left their home in the mountains about a month ago and they've been hot
on the trail of any Emirate loyalists they can find, present or former. While at first this may
seem like an ideal opportunity to put the age-old adage about the enemy of one's enemy
to good use, Jai and his followers are uninterested in cooperating with foreigners, and left
to their own devices they'll begin broadening their attacks to include Union targets as well
(after all, didn't Union sit by and do nothing while the Emir reigned? Why should they be
trusted not to simply install another useful dictator in his place?), and from there who
knows how things may continue to escalate unchecked?

A group of rogue SIF soldiers presents a thorny problem for some, but an exploitable
opportunity for others. The last thing Naveed Kashani wants is for Arclight's insistence that
the Suldani Independence Front are dangerous terrorists to be proven true, and Jun
Chandrasekhar also has sympathetic ties to the SIF that others might use to weaken her
status within the provisional government. And what if this isn't merely a coincidence? It
isn't beyond Colonel Bosman to capitalize on a situation like this, perhaps covertly
supplying Jai's forces with weapons, equipment, and intel, then sitting back while they
pursue their bitter vendetta. If the SIF begin attacking Union forces then naturally Union
will have to agree with Arclight that they're dangerous radicals instead of valiant freedom-
fighters, lending further legitimacy to Arclight's military operations on-world and perhaps
even drawing Union into the struggle on her behalf.

More troubling than that, however, would be if someone less obvious were pulling the
strings. Could Miranda Cortez be using Jai to clean up loose ends of some sort, deliberately
inflaming tensions, or perhaps even surreptitiously weakening the Emir's power base
before making a play of her own? Stopping Jai's personal war may only be the first step to
unearthing an even deeper conspiracy.

Fall From Heaven

Time has run out for Julian Ambrose Khan. His body is failing, withering away, while
outside forces conspire against him, and with every battle fought more and more of his
loyal subjects fall, their lives spent in his glorious service. His war is a war that he
ultimately cannot win, and even as insane as he is he still possesses enough insight to
recognize this fact. But surrender is beneath Suldan's Emir. When he dies he will die in
triumphant flame, carving a monument to his glory across the face of the planet like a
scar, his name remembered for all time.

It begins with an attack upon Port Ossman, a convoy of nondescript cargo trucks carrying
the remaining members of the Janissaries, every last remaining one of them gathered
together for this final, critical mission. Swiftly and brutally they make short work of the
Arclight garrison stationed there, suppressing communications before commandeering the
launch catapult. By the time word of this attack reaches anyone in Hadiqa the Janissaries
will have launched, bringing with them mechs, equipment, and unbeknownst to anyone,
the Emir himself.

High above Suldan is the abandoned Eden orbital station. What was once intended to
serve as a floating palace for the Emir and his favored subjects has lain dormant and
incomplete ever since the rebellion, hanging overhead like a silent memorial. The plan is
simple, brutal, and ultimately suicidal, but the Janissaries are all prepared to sacrifice
themselves to the last for their cause. They intend to board the unfinished station, bring
whatever systems were installed upon it online, and then deorbit it, plunging it straight
into the heart of Hadiqa in one final, spiteful act of vengeance. Rather than wait for his
twisted body to fail him or submit to the ignominy of capture, the Emir plans to go down
with the station, achieving immortality in glorious death and ensuring his legacy.

If Eden is allowed to fall, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people will die, both from
the initial impact as well as the long-term fallout from such a disaster. Amid such a crisis
Suldan will assuredly fall into chaos and civil war, leading to further loss of life. The Emir's
mad ambitions must be stopped at all costs if this horrific catastrophe is to be averted.
Such a thing is easier said than done, though. The Iphigenia's weaponry is too light to
effectively scuttle the entire station, hampered further both by the continued dangers of
the planet's errant satellite defense network as well as the discovery that Eden itself is
armed, with concealed weapon systems being brought to life by the Janissaries. Between
these dangers even a combined Union/Arclight naval offensive utilizing whatever ships are
locally available is unlikely to succeed. A boarding action however, while still risky, has a
far greater chance of bypassing the platform's incomplete defenses and halting its
cataclysmic descent. Whether the players are Union or simply pilots for hire, their skills
are needed now more than ever.

Not only will the players have to contend with the Emir's most elite soldiers but the
numerous hazards which come with high-intensity boarding operations. Gravity will be
nonexistent, automated defenses are active, and the unfinished station is a maze of
corridors and passageways, some of which are pressurized and others of which are open
to the vacuum of space. Add to this scenario incoming support fire from the Iphigenia or
even errant fire from the satellite defense network punching holes through bulkheads and
carving chunks out of the station's structure and you have a battlefield whose dangers can
push even the most seasoned pilots to their limits.

This hook is intended to serve as one possible example of what a capstone mission at the
conclusion of a Suldan-focused campaign or story arc could look like, and you should feel
free to pull out all the stops to make it as exciting and memorable as you can. This is the
time for settling scores with recurring rivals and unexpected assistance from friends and
allies, secret weapons and last-minute upgrades. It isn't exaggerating by much to say that
the fate of Suldan's future lies in the hands of the players so such a mission should be
suitably climactic.

Bear in mind that killing or capturing the Emir isn't the primary objective here (though by
this point it will undoubtedly be a welcome outcome nonetheless). Once they've fought
their way through the station's defenders the players will need to stabilize the station
before it enters an unrecoverable descent. If it's already too late to prevent the station
from deorbiting outright, however, then it might become necessary for them to attempt to
manually alter its course so that it impacts outside of the city instead of in the middle of it,
which may mean remaining aboard the falling station until the last possible moment,
necessitating an equally dramatic escape and rescue (or possibly even a noble sacrifice if
warranted or desired) to bring things to a close.



The following is a list of sample items players might find for sale in one of Hadiqa's many
marketplaces, from upscale malls to outdoor stalls to convenience stores.
1). Risqlit. A local liquor distilled from a native cactus-like plant, the pale amber spirit has
a smokey taste with honey undertones and a strong burn. Cheap Risqlit is fermented and
distilled in as little as two weeks and hits the stomach like a firebomb. Fine Risqlit can be
aged in casks for anywhere from five to 50 years and is far smoother, if no less potent.

2). Incense Grass. One of Suldan's many luxury exports, a form of native grass which can
be dried, braided into strands, and burned to release sweet, fragrant smoke. There are a
wide variety of cultivated breeds each with its own distinct scent and some varieties even
have minor narcotic properties, instilling a sense of euphoria, lassitude, and mild
hallucinations in those who breathe the smoke.

3). Spices. The warm, earthy bite of Suldani peppercorns is a common inclusion in many
local dishes, and the native spice is also a popular export as well. In addition to that,
aspiring gourmands that wish to try and improve the quality of their field rations or simply
cook a nice meal can easily find a variety of gene-grafted chilis, curry pastes, biome-
adapted saffron, star anise, and cardamom pods for sale.

4). Blood Charms. Since the downfall of the Emir and the destruction of the royal palace
opportunistic merchants have made a brisk trade selling charms purporting to contain a
genuine sample of the deposed Emir's blood. All of them are of course completely fake,
but that doesn't stop unscrupulous sellers from claiming that the charms will do
everything from making the planet's rogue defense systems turn a blind eye towards the
wearer to healing the sick and infirm. Some people, well aware of their fabricated nature,
still purchase them anyway as gag gifts and good luck charms.

5). Arena Recordings. Arena battles have a long and storied history in Suldan's culture and
the entertainment media industry has much of that history for sale. Die-hard fans and
interested newcomers alike can find a bewildering array of recordings for purchase,
ranging from classic matches that predate the Emir's rule to recordings of the latest major
bouts along with numerous unsanctioned and amateur fights. Older recordings offer only
limited playback options while more recent examples with higher production values offer
multiple camera angles to switch between including in-cockpit POV footage.

6). Scale Mech Models. These sorts of models can be found for sale on most any settled
planet though there are always local variations, and Suldan is no exception. Enthusiasts
and collectors can find models, both premade and kits, of famous gladiatorial designs and
variants, the renowned and feared Janissaries of the Emir, and even industrial mechs used
during the early colonial settlement period. Chandrasekhar & Herschel even sells a line
showcasing their own designs, with licensed pilots receiving a discount on purchases.

7). Devil! Energy Drinks. The official energy drink of the Grand Games for 20 years
running, Devil!, whose trademarked slogan is "It's Inside You," claims that its invigorating
properties are the result of a proprietary blend of unique Suldani floral extracts,
electrolytes, and precisely tailored vitamin compounds, but in truth it has more to do with
caffeine. Devil! comes in classic Red (pomegranate), Blue (elderberry), Green (green tea),
White (cucumber lime, since discontinued), and Gold (honey citrus) varieties. Devil! Black
(black cherry) is a special edition typically distributed and sold only to those in military
service as well as arena fighters with special promotional contracts, and contains combat

8). Titanium Jewelry. Suldan is a planet rife with mineral wealth, and the hard-working
people who live there favor jewelry that wears just as hard. Independent vendors and
upscale boutiques alike offer a wide range of durable and stylish titanium adornments,
from elaborately braided chains and hairpins to artfully anodized bracelets and laser-
engraved rings.

9). Shaarmi. A popular street food served all throughout Hadiqa. Seasoned, pickled
cabbage and finely diced vegetables are piled onto a thin pancake along with shredded
mutton, goat, or grilled sausage, then smothered in spicy tomato chutney or a sweet plum
sauce and wrapped into a handheld bundle convenient for eating on the go. Other
common additions include sour cream, yogurt, chickpeas, and sauteed basil.

10). Jun Chandrasekhar Merchandise. From shirts to posters to unauthorized

autobiographies, a wealth of items bearing Jun Chandrasekhar's likeness can be found for
sale across Hadiqa since the revolution. How proudly displaying such merchandise is seen
differs depending on the viewer's socioeconomic status, and Jun herself is likely to be
unamused with pilots that make it a point to wear shirts with her own face to meetings
with her. Asking her to autograph such merchandise is highly inadvisable.


Life is more than a series of battles, something that holds just as true for Lancers as it
does for gladiators. Here are some places throughout Hadiqa that players might visit to
relax, unwind, meet contacts, and get a taste of local culture between sorties.

1). //[Echo. The Karistal District is full of nightclubs competing for the coveted title of
Hadiqa's hottest spot, but //[Echo continues to remain one of the trendiest places to be
and be seen at even several years after opening. Without a VIP membership you can
expect to wait several hours just to make it to the door, and the bouncers are given broad
discretion in determining who makes it in each night. On the inside //[Echo is a riot of neon
colors and thumping beats, musical sets enhanced with interactive augmented reality
projections that run throughout the multistory club. A dedicated omnihook allows even
offworlders to attend via telepresence, draping themselves in exotic avatars suited to the
season's digital fashion trends. If expensive cocktails crafted from imported fruits and
spirits aren't to your tastes, a number of designer narcotics are discreetly offered as well.

2). The Gauntlet. The sports bar is a concept that transcends stellar boundaries, and
Suldan is no exception to that very human practice. A converted machine shop, the
Gauntlet isn't the classiest establishment around but its popularity among arena
enthusiasts and up-and-coming fighters alike has endured throughout the decades.
Opened by a retired gladiator, the remains of his customized mech hang proudly in one of
the former repair bays and pictures of famous arena fighters adorn the walls (including Jun
Chandrasekhar herself). Beer, risqlit, and kebabs are the order of the day, and the
oversized viewscreens show an endless steam of gladiatorial bouts, mech racing, and
assorted offworld sports of interest. Brawls are expected to be taken outside, a policy the
owner enforces with a firm hand and a combat shotgun.

3). The Red Pearl. Beyond staple food crops coffee is one of the most widely biome-
adapted plants in existence, and practically every settled world has its own coffee culture.
Suldan's love affair with coffee takes the form of expansive coffeehouses such as the
historic Red Pearl where customers gather from morning into the evening to share stories
and jokes, discuss business and politics, and play table games while waiters move about
refilling cups. Suldani coffee is thick and strong, heated over beds of hot sand and served
with plenty of sugar. Tea is also available, but not nearly as popular. The Red Pearl hosts a
variety of live entertainment, including musicians, comics, poets, and dancers. During the
Emir's reign the Red Pearl also served as a clandestine safehouse and supply drop for
members of the rebel movement, and even today the owners and staff maintain an
extensive contact network among the city's smugglers and black marketeers.

4). The Basement. A "dockside" bar built near the base of the Port Ossman space catapult,
the Basement was established as a watering hole serving the cargo crews and freight
haulers working the port and providing quick-turnaround ship crews a chance to blow off
steam without running the risk of missing their departure window. After the planetary
defense network went on lockdown the bar shuttered its doors shortly thereafter as
without the ability for ships to safely travel to and from Suldan business evaporated
overnight. Since a path was punched through the satellite grid, the Basement has
reopened once again, but much to the chagrin of the dockside workers it's been largely
taken over by the Arclight TransColonial personnel stationed at Port Ossman, and at any
given time you can find several squads of Arclight PMC troops playing cards, shooting
pool, and drunkenly singing songs from a dozen different worlds. The fare is basic at best,
mainly cheap beer in abundance and salt-laden snacks, nor is the ambiance all that
spectacular, but it's close to the port and it's inexpensive which is all its patrons generally
care about.

5). Epsilon Outpost. Virtual reality gaming is abundantly commonplace across settled
space but some seek a more involved experience than VR alone can provide. The
members of Epsilon Outpost, for example, would describe it as a "simulation club" rather
than a mere arcade, but in practice they serve a similar function. The difference is how
seriously the club's members treat the experience. The interior of the club is designed to
resemble a bar and lounge aboard a fictional space station (serving very real drinks),
treated as neutral ground both in- and out-of-character. Members participate in a variety
of elaborate virtual battles and wargames complete with ongoing narratives and no small
amount of drama, ranging from personal honor duels to full-fledged wars between
factions. Dress codes are mandatory for members, and breaking character unnecessarily
and disrupting the experience for others is considered extremely rude, with visitors who
do so asked firmly to leave. Mech pilots with actual combat experience who happen to
visit, however, may find themselves received as minor celebrities and entreated to join
one faction or another with promises of free drinks.
6). Zhao's. Located in a nondescript part of the Undercity, Zhao's sells noodles. Sometimes
they serve beer as well, sometimes they serve something that more closely resembles
industrial solvent, but they always, always serve noodles, the spicier the better, and if you
aren't in the mood for noodles then you'd better move along quickly because seating is
limited and the customers tend to be armed. There are a lot of customers, too. Zhao's is
something of an open secret and the more daring or inebriated topside gourmands are
more than willing to venture beneath the city for a bowl or two. Zhao's is also considered
neutral territory by the various gangs and criminal organizations that reside in the
Undercity and that policy is strictly, brutally enforced by all involved. No one wants to be
known as the gang that sullied Zhao's with bloodshed, or to be told that their business is
no longer welcome there.

7). Pangaea. A marvel of environmental engineering and a flagrant display of ostentatious

wealth, Pangaea is 100,000 square meters of immaculately designed, self-contained,
climate-controlled biomes existing side by side within the Karistal District. The complex
houses a year-round ski slope, a tropical beach and simulated ocean complete with coral,
fish, and dolphins imported at no small expense, a rainforest inspired garden with
cultivated microclimate, and a carved-stone rock climbing range. The cost of admission for
a single hour is exorbitant and a lifetime membership runs more than most people make
in several years. Pangaea is frequently held up as a symbol of the decadent excesses of
the Emir's reign and a sign of the growing detachment between Suldan's upper class and
the rest of the populace. Supporters of the venue argue that it employs a substantial
number of engineers, maintenance personnel, and courtesy staff instead of relying upon
subalterns, thereby contributing to the local economy.

8). Kinjana's Dynasty. Gambling on Suldan is legal if highly regulated, in particular sports
betting, and Kinjana's Dynasty is one of several casinos offering a bewildering array of
games of chance both local and interplanetary, VR entertainment, music, and plenty of
alcohol to encourage everyone to stay and play just one more round. This is the Kinjana's
Dynasty that most visitors see, but with the right words in the right ears a different casino
awaits beneath the main floor. Here stern-faced men and women with suits and tattoos
stand watch over an illicit gambling den run by the 10,000 Brotherhood gang. The main
attraction is unregulated sports betting, not only on official arena battles and races but
also on unsanctioned and illegal no-holds-barred gladiatorial bouts often fought to the
death which are streamed live for the raucous crowd. Those with more discriminating
tastes can also bet on animal fights, play agony-inducing VR Russian roulette (the real
version being a bit too conspicuous for the owners' tastes), and participate in a variety of
high-stakes games where players have been known to lose more than just money.

9). House of Basil. A cultural institution reaching back over 150 years, the House of Basil
has remained indefatigably open throughout two Union Administrators, a coup, five
decades of oppression, and a rebellion, and it will doubtlessly remain standing for the next
150 years after this. Family-owned and operated since its founding, the restaurant's menu
has changed little since it first opened its doors, and there's no better place to be found in
the city for those looking to experience authentic Suldani cuisine prepared traditionally.
Despite its historic pedigree the House of Basil isn't considered trendy these days by many
of Hadiqa's moneyed elite which means that even with its proximity to the Karistal District
its prices remain reasonable and seating generally doesn't require a reservation. The
affable owners seem to know practically everyone in the city by name, and it isn't
uncommon to see people from all walks of life rubbing shoulders in the inviting, spice-
scented dining area.

10). Jan Dan's Everyhour Ekspress. An interstellar chain of convenience stores spanning
numerous settled worlds, their cartoonish mascot and aggressively surrealistic
commercials are familiar to Cosmopolitan travelers across the galaxy no matter which
planet they're on. Open every local hour of every local day, the insomniac and hung-over
are invited to peruse their assortment of energy drinks, candy, snacks, beer, liquor,
pharmaceuticals, electronics, and ready-to-eat foods of dubious quality. The Suldani Jan
Dan's franchises actually serve a surprisingly palatable vegetarian curry bowl, but the goat
tandoori taco wraps are best avoided whenever possible.
The history of martial arts reaches back thousands of years before even the fall of the pre-
Cradle civilizations. While numerous styles of fighting arts have been lost since the end of
the Anthropocene Epoch, with only incomplete historical records hinting at their existence,
new styles have emerged since then, a fusion of old and new teachings. And with the
galaxy-wide adoption of hardsuits and anthropomorphic combat chassis as well as
technologies such as neural interface systems, a new form of martial arts have emerged
within the last 500 years which blend technology, philosophy, and physical training both in
personal combat as well as piloting.

Many pilots are familiar with meditative and centering exercises designed to help them
better synchronize with neural interfaces commonly used in mechs, so the leap from that
to martial arts isn't as great as one might assume. The other factor which facilitates this is
the nature of mechs themselves, an armored combat platform which in many ways mimics
the human body's movements. Not every pilot treats their mech as an extension of their
own body, but among those that do training in martial arts designed from first principles to
be utilized while piloting a mech isn't uncommon.

Mech-based martial arts are a unique discipline which combines the physical and spiritual
training of conventional martial arts with engineering and programming knowledge in
order to push a mech's performance beyond conventional limits. Practitioners take
advantage of the unique capabilities mechs offer in combat, crafting custom software and
firmware, enhancing joints, and reinforcing hulls, allowing them to perform astonishing
feats in battle which would overtax and potentially cripple a less well-honed chassis
piloted by someone lacking sufficient skill.

The following is a brief list of various mech-based martial arts that players may encounter
throughout their travels across the galaxy, though there are many more styles beyond
what's described here as well as numerous variants and offshoots.

1). Raksasa Silat. A fierce, aggressive style which blends both grappling and striking
techniques together with highly disruptive electronic warfare attacks most often applied in
close-quarters, raksasa silat ("way of the demon tiger") has a spiritual component to it
which outsiders often find unusual. Practitioners frequently meditate within the cockpits of
their chassis while interfaced, communing with any NHPs that inhabit their systems, and
customized hacking programs are as common among adherents as physical modifications
to their chassis. More commonly encountered along the outer lines, raksasa silat is an
itinerant art which maintains no formal schools or monasteries, with masters traveling
from world to world and passing down their teachings as they go.

2). Titanfaust. One of the earliest martial arts styles to take advantage of mechanized
combat chassis, titanfaust was originally developed as a training method for soldiers using
hardsuits, particularly those engaged in boarding actions where close-quarters combat
was a common occurrence, and consequently learning how to take advantage of a
hardsuit in such conditions was a vital skill. A brutal, hard-style martial art with an
emphasis on devastating blows, in addition to training with anti-armor melee weaponry
along with powered grapnels in zero-g combat environments, practitioners typically
enhance the limbs of their chassis with reinforced joints and acceleration systems that
allow them to strike even empty-handed with force well above their frame's conventional

3). Tekkado. A "soft" mech-based martial art, if such a thing can be said to exist, tekkado
is primarily reactive in nature, based around turning opponents' attacks back against
them, throws, and crippling strikes aimed at an opponent's joints and sensors. Pilot
exercises are often comprised of slow, fluid forms and meditation techniques designed to
enhance calm and focus under duress, and typical chassis enhancements are most
commonly centered around enhanced defensive measures, increased load-bearing
capabilities, and advanced predictive reaction/response firmware. Tekkado academies can
be found throughout Union space and it isn't unheard of for Union piloting instructors to
integrate elements of tekkado into their training curricula in order to help acclimate new
recruits to chassis operation.

4). Spada Del Pazzo. An outgrowth of various duelist schools which underwent a
renaissance following the reconstruction and publication of assorted pre-Cradle historical
documents, spada del pazzo or "fool's sword" is a martial art centered around combat with
chassis-scale bladed weaponry. Unlike a dueling style, spada del pazzo is intended for
combat against multiple opponents with an emphasis on footwork and maneuvering
combined with precision strikes against vulnerable, unarmored areas. There are a number
of variants and substyles each of which focuses on particular techniques divided by choice
of armament, such as greatsword, dual blade, or sword-and-firearm to name a few.
Practitioners are frequently known to tune their chassis' neural interfaces to the upper
limits of safe operation and it's rare to find a combattente who doesn't possess at least
one extensively customized sword. Footage has been captured of several Albatross pilots
utilizing spada del pazzo techniques in combat, though no official affiliation exists between
the two.

5). Golden Blade. An attempt by Harrison Armory to create a corpro-state sponsored

martial art, the so-called "golden blade" style is a relatively new development unveiled to
the public only within recent years. Rumors abound that the enigmatic Think Tank had a
hand in its creation, but what's known for certain is that the style places a particular
emphasis on the use of powered, energy-based melee weaponry as opposed to more
traditional armaments. The style's fighting techniques have been extensively mapped out
and simulated across a variety of frames for mathematical optimization, and practitioners
supplement these with reactor upgrades, advanced balance systems, and hypertuned
agility enhancements far in excess of standard HA designs. It remains to be seen if the
style will be formally adopted, but a number of public demonstrations have been held to
enthusiastic media acclaim as well as a flurry of speculation by military analysts.

Gladiatorial mech combat is a major Suldani cultural institution, with a history stretching
back to the early colonization period. As a result, one can find a number of sporting
venues throughout Hadiqa designed to accommodate various forms of arena combat. This
list highlights some of the more noteworthy venues which players may find themselves
attending either as a spectator or possibly as a competitor.

1). The Royal Colosseum. One of the first civil engineering projects decreed by the Emir,
Julian Khan was a great fan of gladiatorial sport and thus during the early part of his reign
he ordered the construction of an arena that would be worthy of his magnificence. For a
time the populace, wary and uncertain about the shocking swiftness of his rise to power,
even viewed this gesture as a positive sign of things to come. The stadium itself is
enormous, capable of seating 250,000 spectators along with VIP booths as well as a royal
box reserved for the Emir's own personal use. Beyond its size and ostentatious design, the
Colosseum is also a sophisticated structure whose modular and configurable arena is
capable of creating numerous dynamic obstacles and hazards and even, to a certain
extent, simulating alternative biomes. As the Emir's sanity deteriorated and his tyranny
grew, the Colosseum's hazards grew ever more deadly, and near the end of his reign
countless political prisoners, dissidents, and captive rebels had been sent there to die
unfair and ugly deaths for his entertainment. At present it's unknown if the tradition of the
Grand Games will continue in the Emir's absence or be replaced by something else

2). The Underdome. No one is quite sure who it was that gave this Undercity arena its
irreverent name, but even though it isn't actually a dome it's stuck ever since. Despite
what some people claim, the Underdome isn't one of Suldan's first arenas. While it's true
that gladiatorial fights took place in the early colonial days of subterranean development,
none of those arenas remain in use with most being repurposed as development spread to
the surface of the planet while a few others were preserved as historical monuments.
Instead the Underdome is a cavernous abandoned storehouse complex which has since
been converted into a makeshift gladiatorial ring. Though not spacious enough to allow
the use of larger mechs the fights are brutal affairs nonetheless, occasionally for the
audience as well as the pilots given the relative lack of safeguards compared to other
stadiums, and fights to the death aren't uncommon. The various criminal organizations
which reside in the Undercity frequently jockey for control of the numerous illegal
gambling operations which have sprung up like weeds in the arena's wake.

3). Shvastapura Stadium. An older Suldani arena constructed prior to the Emir's ascension,
this historic stadium has declined in popularity since the construction of the Royal
Colosseum. Not as large, not as sophisticated, as gladiatorial fights grew more
ostentatious and elaborate under the Emir's rule Shvastapura Stadium found itself playing
host to amateur bouts between aspiring fighters, more a stepping stone for competitors
looking to quickly work their way to the top than a prestigious goal in its own right. The
popularity of more traditional arena combat waned over the years but since the overthrow
of the Emir a reinvigorated wave of interest in "purer" mech combat has begun to catch
on, with a number of former competitors coming out of retirement to sponsor a new
generation of talented fighters. In addition the arena also plays host to Pendekar Sukarno
Yorensin, a master practitioner of the chassis-based martial art raksasa silat presently
residing on Suldan who regularly holds open exhibitions with his students, allowing anyone
who wishes to attend to do so for free.
4). Kyangiri Station. Formerly known as Resourcing Outpost D-14, following the Sianjana
Station Massacre this was one of a number of similar resourcing outposts which was
abandoned in the ensuing worker exodus. Unlike the other stations, D-14 was never
restaffed and instead was left to fall into disuse and disrepair as the Emir turned his
attention inwards to deal with increased rebel activity within Hadiqa. Years later the
outpost would find new life, but not in the way that was originally intended. Elements
within the Royal Guard had been escalating their shakedowns of illegal arena fights,
demanding a greater and greater percentage to continue turning a blind eye, and so an
enterprising fight organizer set upon the idea of holding bouts outside the city altogether.
The former outpost was chosen as a suitable stage, with the abandoned structures and
equipment serving as an impromptu arena environment with a stylish "industrial decay"
aesthetic. The fights proved so successful, in fact, that they eventually began to attract
attention from more than just outlaws. These days gladiatorial bouts at Kyangiri Station
have become something akin to a countercultural event, attracting merchants, vendors,
independent fighters, martial artists, and lately even members of the Suldani
Independence Front who make the journey from their settlements to participate in the
informal competitions and festivals held there.

5). The Qilin Club. Residing on the top level of the breathtaking pink-glass Montero-Xiàng
Tower within the Karistal District, the Qilin Club is an exclusive venue for Suldan's elite to
gather, socialize, and participate in formal mech duels. This aristocratic affectation rose to
prominence during the Emir's reign as the upper class looked for a way to create a more
refined and sophisticated version of the planet's favored pastime, and the attempt has
attracted its fair share of mockery and derision from those who view it as little more than
a way for Suldan's nouveau nobility to put on airs, but for all the pretentious pageantry
surrounding it the participants take it as seriously as any other gladiator. The club is by
membership or invitation only, and all duelists' mechs must meet a checklist of
qualifications in order to be allowed to participate, with ranged and indiscriminately
destructive armaments typically disallowed in favor of more elegant and precise
weaponry. Beyond the dueling floor itself, the Qilin Club also boasts a gourmet restaurant
serving offworld-fusion cuisine, a gym and spa, an assortment of discreet VIP rooms for
conducting business in, and a cocktail lounge with a panoramic view overlooking Hadiqa.

Narrative and Downtime

Through the course of a Suldani campaign players will have an opportunity to engage in
narrative and downtime actions, just as they would in any Lancer campaign. The following
narrative action is designed to add more depth to games set on Suldan, but it can easily
be used in other settings as well. Like all narrative and downtime actions, players will roll a
pilot skill check to determine the outcome, modified by any relevant triggers they may


When you Step Into the Ring, you take part in some sort of formal, structured
competition that's particular to wherever you happen to be, such as mech racing, Karrakin
saber dueling, gladiatorial fights, high-stakes gambling, or virtual gaming. This is more
than just a casual pick-up game, but instead a serious contest of skill and determination.
Applicable triggers depend on what sort of competition it is; gladiatorial bouts, martial
arts, and combat sports could involve Apply Fists to Faces or Assault, a race might
involve Get Somewhere Fast or Stay Cool, gambling might rely on Charm or Read a
Situation, and so on.

Name what it is you plan to compete in. You start out with +0 in Fame, which represents
your renown both in and out of the ring. Your Fame might increase as a result of your
performance, up to a maximum of +6, and it can be used as a bonus to skill checks that
involve leveraging your reputation, interacting with fans, and otherwise exploiting the
benefits of celebrity. Making a name for yourself can be a double-edged sword, though,
and the more famous you become the more others might seek to exploit you in turn. You
can't choose not to gain Fame either, it happens whether you want it or not. If you don't
want to risk gaining a rep, you shouldn't be stepping into the ring.

When it's time to compete, roll:

On 9 or less, you suffer a brutal defeat. Learn a painful lesson, lose 2 Fame to a
minimum of 0, then choose one of the following:
• Your defeat is particularly humiliating, and people will remember it.
• You suffer an injury, acquire a debt, or make an enemy.

On a 10-19, choose whether you won or lost. If you won, it was hard fought but you came
out ahead in the end. If you lost, you still put in a good showing. Then choose one of the
• You gain +2 Fame. If you won, you also gain a rival. If you lost, you gain someone's
admiration or respect.
• Your performance attracts someone's attention. Gain something as Reserves on
your next mission, it could be a useful item or information, but you'll owe your
benefactor a favor.

On a 20+, you win a decisive victory. Gain +2 Fame, and choose one of the following:
• You gain something as Reserves on your next mission. Perhaps it was awarded as
a prize, won as part of a gambling pot, or gifted by a sponsor.
• Your performance opens a door for you that was previously closed. This could be an
invitation to an exclusive club, an underground organization, or a secret society.
• Your victory was particularly remarkable, and people will remember it.

If your players choose to participate in Suldan's gladiatorial arenas, you can additionally
roll a d20 on the tables below to quickly determine who their opponents are or what sorts
of arena battles they wind up participating in.

Arena Fighters
1 A former industrial laborer with extensive cybernetic prosthetics. Their fighting style
and loadout reflects their expertise with heavy machinery.
2 A nouveau aristo sporting a cutting-edge chassis. Are they just slumming it for thrills,
or do they have a different agenda?
3 An ex-member of the Royal Guard, now a full-time pit fighter under an assumed
identity. Morose and paranoid, they fight viciously when backed into a corner.
4 A popular celebrity fighter who streams their bouts to fans over the omninet. They
have a tendency to favor flashy techniques over more practical methods.
5 A martial artist here to prove their skills in the arena. What style do they practice?
Does it utilize weapons, or do they fight unarmed?
6 A mercenary who came to Suldan and discovered a taste for gladiatorial combat.
Their mech is outfitted with a slew of dirty tricks.
7 A corporate-sponsored arena fighter, piloting one of their latest models. Who do they
represent, and what is their mech designed to do?
8 A loud-mouthed punk that utilizes hacking over brute force. It's unclear whether their
public affiliation with HORUS is genuine or just for show.
9 A veteran fighter whose age is beginning to catch up with them. Do they plan on
retiring gracefully, or are they trying to go out in a blaze of glory?
10 A Sparri warrior fighting for fortune and glory. How did they wind up on Suldan? Are
they here on their own, or are they traveling with a group?
11 A talented engineer whose mech is their own personal creation. Their design may
seem unorthodox or cobbled together, but it's surprisingly effective.
12 A fighter who's backed by one of Suldan's criminal organizations. Who's their sponsor,
and what lengths will they go to in order to secure victory?
13 A descendant of a famous arena gladiator taking up their mantle. They have a
devoted fan following, but find themselves struggling to emerge from their
predecessor's shadow.
14 A soldier or operative posing as an arena fighter as part of a clandestine mission.
What's their objective? Are they after another competitor?
15 A gladiator whose family was killed in the retributive kinetic strike on Hadiqa
following the revolution. They have nothing left to lose, and they fight like it.
16 A political prisoner who was forced to fight by the Emir, recently emancipated.
Against the odds they survived and even thrived. What keeps them fighting? What
became of their old life?
17 A genetically engineered super-soldier with an incomplete memory. Their combat
performance is exemplary, but who created them and why? Could someone be
hunting them?
18 A complete enigma. This competitor's identity is a mystery, shrouded by a mask they
never remove and a voice modulator. Their fighting prowess is unmistakable, though.
19 A Cosmopolitan stranded on Suldan. They owe a substantial debt, which they're
paying off by fighting. Their chassis incorporates unusual and even anachronistic
20 A robotic warrior that's said to simply be an advanced homunculus, but further
investigation reveals them to be an NHP operating independently.

Match Type
1-2 This match is being sponsored by two parties to settle their differences by proxy.
Whichever side wins the bout wins the dispute.
3-4 A mock recreation of a famous (or obscure) historical battle. Fighters are divided
among opposing "forces" and loadouts are restricted appropriately.
5-6 Battle royale. The last fighter standing wins.
7-8 Mil-sim. This bout resembles a military training exercise, complete with objectives
to achieve such as zone control or flag capture.
9-10 Team battle. You're partnered up with another fighter (or two) against an
opposing team. Roll on the Arena Fighters table to determine who your partners
11-12 No equipped weapons are allowed for this fight. Instead, weapons will periodically
be deposited into the arena for competitors to claim and use.
13-14 Environmental recreation. Through means elaborate or simplistic, the arena has
been modified in such a way to resemble a particular biome or environment.
15-16 This bout involves hostile xenofauna released into the arena. Such fights are
supposed to be illegal now that the Emir has been deposed, but that hasn't
stopped everyone.
17-18 Sudden death. This battle is on a strict time limit, and once that time is up various
arena hazards begin to escalate until there's a winner.
19-20 A spectacular battle guaranteed to amaze! Choose two results from this table and
apply them together.
Pilots are often trained to operate in squads as a part of armies. Weapons manufacturers
and corpro-states dedicate manna and manpower to creating the most effective and
efficient tactical systems and armaments designed to enhance a mech squad's capabilities
as a team, each supporting the other as they cut a swathe across the battlefield. But
sometimes pilots simply have no choice but to handle things personally. Sometimes a fight
comes down to two people, whether over ideology or profit or simply to see which one is
stronger. Sometimes there's no other choice but to have a duel.

While these rules refer to these one-on-one fights as duels, they can be used to represent
a variety of challenges such as gladiatorial contests, sparring matches, heated showdowns
between rivals, and desperate struggles on the periphery of the battlefield. Strictly
speaking such duels don't even need to involve mechs, as the rules work just as well for a
fight between dismounted pilots should matters come to that.

A Challenger Appears

A duel is fought until one party has taken a set number of hits and is defeated. Each round
of a duel, both parties select a move in secret and then reveal them simultaneously,
making a contested roll. The winner succeeds and their maneuver takes effect.

Both parties begin a duel in neutral stance and vie for a dominant position. Once one of
the duelists has seized the Initiative in a duel, the other duelist is in a defensive position.
Having the Initiative gives you the opportunity to press your advantage and secure hits on
your opponent more easily, while being forced into a defensive position leaves you on the
back foot, though not without recourse.

After an exchange has been made duelists may return to the neutral stance, giving them a
chance to vie for the dominant position all over again. This flow of attempting to seize the
Initiative and land enough hits on your opponent to win the duel continues until one
duelist is reduced to 0 hits and loses the duel. The consequences of losing a duel can vary
depending on the context in which it takes place. The winner may gain fame, glory,
fortune, vengeance, or secure a significant tactical advantage on the battlefield. The loser
may lose face, be forced to retreat or surrender, or suffer injury and possibly even death.

By default, pilots have 5 hits. NPCs may have a variable number of hits depending on
how much of a challenge they pose.

-Insignificant Opponent: 1-2 hits, it's entirely possible for an opponent of this level to
be dispatched within one or two exchanges, examples include conscripts, arena dregs, a
green recruit getting their first taste of chassis training

-Average Opponent: 3-4 hits, examples include undisciplined gladiators, dilettante

duelists, an unremarkable but drilled and trained combat pilot
-Skilled Opponent or Several Lesser Opponents: 5-6 hits, examples include your
personal rival, veteran pilots, seasoned combat sport fighters, duelists of repute, or
alternately a small group of less skilled opponents attempting to make up for their
shortcomings by attacking together (treat this small group as a single opponent, the rules
otherwise remain the same)

-Elite Opponent: 7-8 hits, examples include your personal rival with an unexpected
edge, elite ace pilots, master duelists, infamous arena champions

Hits do not necessarily represent actual significant damage (though successful exchanges
can certainly be described in plenty of destructive detail), and being reduced to 0 hits
does not necessarily mean that a duelist's mech is destroyed. In many cases a mech
reduced to 0 hits will simply be damaged, disabled, perhaps simply scuffed up if the
duelists are using training weapons or intentionally pulling their blows. But sometimes
duels can be dangerous affairs, resulting in chassis destruction, injury, or even death.

Clash of the Titans

Unlike normal skill checks or attack checks, the participants in a duel don't often slot
easily into the roles of attacker an defender. Both participants are attacking and defending
simultaneously, swapping positions, changing stances, and unleashing volleys of firepower
and bladework at one another. Because of this, in a duel there is no designated attacker
who wins ties during contested rolls. Instead ties have special outcomes, detailed in the
various maneuvers that the duelists will employ.

Seizing the Initiative

At the beginning of a duel both duelists square off against each other in the Initiative
Phase, looking for openings and weaknesses to exploit. Both of them want to seize the
Initiative over the other, which will allow them to attempt to score decisive blows and
secure victory for themselves. At this point in a duel there are three maneuvers that both
duelists can select from: Advancing Aggressively, Advancing Cautiously, and Advancing
Recklessly. Each duelist chooses one of these maneuvers in secret, then both of them
reveal their maneuver at the same time.

Next, if a roll is called for then both duelists will make a contested check, rolling 1d20 and
comparing results. The duelist who rolls highest wins the exchange. Winning the exchange
here can grant one of the duelists Initiative, which moves the duel onto the next phase,
but may also result in a duelist taking hits as well. If neither duelist seizes the Initiative,
continue selecting maneuvers and making contested checks until Initiative is seized.

Choose one of the following approaches:

Steady Approach
A Steady Approach is a standard opening meant to decisively achieve the upper hand,
forcing your opponent to react to you. Against more cautious opposition you can easily
secure your position, but you may be unprepared to defend yourself against more reckless

When you choose a Steady Approach:

-and your opponent also chooses a Steady Approach, roll. On a success, you seize the
Initiative. On a tie, both duelists remain in neutral position.
-and your opponent chooses a Guarded Advance, do not roll. You automatically seize the
-and your opponent chooses a Headlong Charge, roll. On a success, you seize the
initiative. On a tie you seize the Initiative but take 1 hit.

Guarded Advance
A Guarded Advance means that you're adopting a more measured and reactive stance,
looking to bait your opponent into overcommitting to offense so you can turn the tables
against them. When someone overextends imprudently you can easily take advantage of
the openings they leave, but you can easily be forced onto the defensive by someone who
doesn't give you anything to exploit.

When you choose a Guarded Advance:

-and your opponent chooses a Steady Approach, do not roll. You automatically lose and
they seize the Initiative.
-and your opponent also chooses a Guarded Advance, roll. On a success, you seize the
Initiative. On a tie, both duelists remain in neutral position.
-and your opponent chooses a Headlong Charge, do not roll. You automatically seize the
Initiative and gain +1 Accuracy to the next maneuver you make during the duel.

Headlong Charge
A Headlong Charge at this stage of a duel means that you're throwing caution to the wind,
looking to smash through your opponent's carefully laid plans before they can react to
your sudden aggression. Against someone expecting a more conventional attempt to
jockey for position you can overwhelm them and score a telling blow, but this can also
leave you vulnerable against more thoughtful and wary opponents who anticipate your

When you choose a Headlong Charge:

-and your opponent chooses a Steady Advance, roll. On a success or tie you deal 1 hit. On
a successful roll of 20+ you deal 2 hits.
-and your opponent chooses a Guarded Advance, do not roll. You automatically lose and
they seize the Initiative and gain +1 Accuracy to the next maneuver they make during the
-and your opponent also chooses a Headlong Charge, roll. On a success you deal 1 hit. On
a tie you both take 1 hit. On a successful roll of 20+ you also seize the Initiative.

Sasha, through a series of barely remembered, alcohol-fueled decisions, has found herself
challenged to a duel by Feng Jiao, one of the Qilin Club's reigning champions. Sasha has
never attended a duelist's academy in her life, nor does she know the first thing about the
myriad formal protocols surrounding Suldani dueling culture, but what she does have is a
hangover, a boundless capacity for unspeakable violence, and RED QUEEN, her custom
IPS-N Blackbeard.

As the judge signals the bout to begin, she and Feng square off on the dueling floor. Sasha
opts to try and score an early hit against Feng before the Initiative is even seized and
secretly selects a Headlong Charge. However Feng was prepared for her to try something
like this, subtlety not being one of her strengths, and selected a Guarded Advance. When
the moves are revealed and compared, Feng wins the initial exchange without a roll even
being necessary. He now has the Initiative as well as a +1 Accuracy to the next roll he
makes. Feng smirks as he ducks underneath Sasha's wild swing, giving RED QUEEN a love
tap with the flat of his blade as he passes by, much to her irritation.

Seeking Blood

Once one of the duelists has seized the Initiative positions have been staked out and the
duel proceeds to the next phase, called the Exchange Phase. Each duelist will continue to
select moves in secret, reveal them, and roll as required, only now the duelist who has
Initiative will have a chance to choose from a new selection of offensive maneuvers to try
and secure more hits on their opponent while the other duelist attempts to deflect these
attacks, turning them back upon the aggressor and seizing the Initiative themselves.
Some results may also send both duelists back into a neutral stance, in which case they
return to the Initiative Phase as before.

The duelist who has the Initiative can select from the following maneuvers: Overpower,
Strike, and Feint.

The duelist who does not have Initiative can select from the following maneuvers:
Riposte, Guard, and Evade.

Some maneuvers are stronger against one option and weaker against another. For
example, the Overpower maneuver is weak to a well-timed Riposte, but much more
effective against opponents who attempt to Guard or Evade.

If you have the Initiative, choose one of the following maneuvers:

Disengaging safety limiters you shunt power to your weapons. A massive blade cleaves
through nearby obstacles in its arc. Barreling forward, you cock a metal fist back and rain
staggering blows on your opponent.

When you Overpower:

-and your opponent chooses to Riposte, roll. On a success, deal 1 hit, take 1 hit, and you
and your opponent return to a neutral stance. On a tie or if you fail, you take 1 hit and you
and your opponent return to a neutral stance.
-and your opponent chooses to Guard, roll. On a success or a tie, deal 2 hits. If you fail,
you and your opponent return to a neutral stance.
-and your opponent chooses to Evade, roll. On a success or a tie, deal 2 hits. If you fail,
deal 1 hit and your opponent now has the Initiative.

Your onboard NHP whispers corrections in your ear as you line up a shot. Sparks fly as
weapons clash, but your opponent leaves their guard open. Hunter-seeker viral code tears
through firewalls and fries vulnerable systems.

When you Strike:

-and your opponent chooses to Riposte, roll. On a success or tie, deal 1 hit. If you fail, deal
1 hit and take 1 hit.
-and your opponent chooses to Guard, roll. On a success or tie, deal 1 hit. If you fail, no
-and your opponent chooses to Evade, roll. On a success, deal 1 hit and your opponent
now has the Initiative. On a tie or a failure, your opponent now has the Initiative.

Your opponent reacts to a digital illusion, unaware of your true position until it's too late.
Chain explosions ripple throughout the air, overwhelming sensors. Your bladework is
almost too fast to follow, orbit-forged alloy lashing out like a serpent from unexpected

When you Feint:

-and your opponent chooses to Riposte, roll. On a success or tie, deal 2 hits. If you fail,
deal 1 hit.
-and your opponent chooses to Guard, roll. On a success, you and your opponent return to
a neutral stance. On a tie or if you fail, your opponent now has the Initiative.
-and your opponent chooses to Evade, roll. On a success or tie, deal 1 hit. If you fail, your
opponent now has the Initiative.

If you do not have the Initiative, choose one of the following maneuvers:

Your sidearm clears its housing and thunders as you quickly empty the magazine.
Comp/Con assisted weaponry springs into action faster than any human mind could
manage. Your opponent's spear embeds itself in your hull, allowing you to pull them in

When you Riposte:

-and your opponent chooses to Overpower, roll. On a success or tie, deal 1 hit and you and
your opponent return to a neutral stance. If you fail, deal 1 hit, take 1 hit, and you and
your opponent return to a neutral stance.
-and your opponent chooses to Strike, roll. On a success, deal 1 hit and take 1 hit. If you
fail or tie, take 1 hit.
-and your opponent chooses to Feint, roll. On a success, take 1 hit. If you fail or tie, take 2

Shield generators flare to life, bathing you in protective electromagnetics. You deftly turn
your chassis to take the incoming blow where your armor is thickest. Your blade gains a
new scar as you bring it up just in time to deflect your opponent's blow.

When you Guard:

-and your opponent chooses to Overpower, roll. On a success, you and your opponent
return to a neutral stance. If you fail or tie, take 2 hits.
-and your opponent chooses to Strike, roll. If you succeed, no effect. If you fail or tie, take
1 hit.
-and your opponent chooses to Feint, roll. On a success or tie, you seize the Initiative. If
you fail, you and your opponent return to a neutral stance.

A code-spike temporarily blinds your opponent's sensors as you reposition. Thrusters flare
and send you skirting backwards, kicking up a trail of sparks in your wake. Displaced air
cracks as you activate your stutterblink drive, vanishing and reappearing elsewhere.

When you Evade:

-and your opponent chooses to Overpower, roll. On a success, take 1 hit and you seize the
Initiative. If you fail or tie, take 2 hits.
-and your opponent chooses to Strike, roll. On a success or tie, you seize the Initiative. If
you fail, take 1 hit and you seize the Initiative.
-and your opponent chooses to Feint, roll. On a success, you seize the Initiative. If you fail
or tie, take 1 hit.

Now that Feng has the Initiative it's time for the next phase of the duel. He and Sasha
select their next move, sizing each other up before revealing what they've chosen. Feng
selected Feint assuming that his opponent would continue her reckless assault, but while
Sasha may be violent she isn't stupid, and so she chose to Guard. She and Feng then
make their rolls, Feng with his +1 Accuracy bonus. Both of them wind up with a total of
15, which means it's a tie. In the case of Feint against Guard, that result means the duelist
who uses Guard seizes the Initiative. Feng's clever attempts to bait his opponent into
overextending are too clever for his own good, and his blows falter against Sasha's
nanocarbon sword as exhaust begins to vent ominously from RED QUEEN's turbines.

The next round arrives and what Feng thought would be an easy victory is beginning to
look a little more challenging than he'd anticipated. This time Sasha has the Initiative, and
when both duelists reveal their maneuvers it turns out that she opted for Overpower while
Feng attempts to Evade. Rolls are made, with Sasha getting a 17 and Feng only getting a
12. This result means that the duelist who chose Overpower gets to deal 2 hits to their
opponent as well as keeping hold of the Initiative. Feng is used to squaring off against
other scions and socialites, not mercenary pilots with military-grade hardware, and while
he correctly anticipated that Sasha's next move would be aggressive he misjudged the
ferocity of Isabel, RED QUEEN's Sekhmet-class NHP. The nanocarbon sword effortlessly
carves through his hull, scoring a telling blow, and he staggers back with a hand held
against the sparking wound as Sasha prepares her next move.

Coup de Grace

A duel continues in this fashion, exchanging blows and positioning, until one duelist has
been reduced to 0 hits. As soon as that happens the duel is over and the remaining duelist
is the winner. On occasion, both duelists may wind up reduced to 0 hits simultaneously.
Should this occur the result is a tie, with neither party able to effectively continue the duel.
If desired, a final contested roll can be held to determine a decisive victor (don't select
maneuvers, just roll). In this case, players automatically win any ties which occur.

Setting the Stakes

The stakes and consequences of duels largely depend on the context in which it takes
place. A sparring match or "civilized" duel is unlikely to be a brutal fight to the death, but
matters may be quite different when two pilots clash on the battlefield.

Duels which take place during downtime are generally treated like other downtime
actions. Success may result in forming useful bonds, securing reserves, gleaning valuable
intel, or providing a springboard for further exploits and adventures. Failure may result in
a loss of face or dignity, lost wagers, hard bargains, or other assorted complications.
Failure should not generally result in grievous injuries or death as a rule, though
exceptions can be made if it makes sense for the events of the game. Similarly, while a
pilot's mech may suffer damage as a result of duels, typically the opportunity to repair and
reprint prior to missions should mean that such damage is at most a minor inconvenience
or an embarrassing story to tell the hangar crew.

As the nanocarbon blade separates her opponent's sword arm from his chassis, the judge
signals the end of the match, formally awarding Sasha the victory. Money changes hands
between her squadmates as she dismounts while Isabel takes the time to loudly make
several highly offensive and biologically suspect remarks about Feng's parentage, and as
she prepares to head over to the cocktail bar for a celebratory drink a representative of an
offworld trade interest approaches her. He saw the duel and how capably she handled
herself, and he believes that she and her associates may be ideally suited to handle a
special, only mildly questionably-legal job with the opportunity for a generous payout. Of
course Feng is unlikely to forget this humiliating loss and may seek revenge in the future,
but that's a problem for another day. For now, Sasha and her friends have a mission to
prepare for.

However duels may also take place during missions for a variety of reasons. A player may
opt to scout ahead of the rest of the party and encounter a patrolling unit that needs to be
dispatched quickly, pilots may drift off course during a high-altitude insertion and be
forced to fight their way back to the rest of their squad, or rivals may seek to settle old
grudges on the battlefield even as a bigger fight rages around them.

In circumstances such as these, the GM will generally set an outcome for both success and
failure, similar to what you might find during skill checks. Players can make suggestions as
well depending on the goals they may be seeking to accomplish in tackling an enemy unit
one on one. Perhaps they hope to set the stage for an ambush, prevent reinforcements
from being summoned, or create a gap in the enemy defenses that their squad can

While on a mission, Sasha is separated from the rest of her squad by a sandstorm.
Chasing sensor echoes, she pushes forward until she spies the silhouette of a mech up
ahead...only it isn't one of her squadmates, but a loyalist insurgent carrying demolition
charges. The insurgents attacking the Beliq District must simply be a diversion meant to
draw attention while another squad carries out a clandestine mission.

The GM, knowing Sasha's penchant for furious violence, gives her a choice. She can try to
fall back and regroup with her squadmates and inform them of the situation, though they
may be too late to prevent whatever the insurgents have planned, or she can try to
quickly dispatch this lone mech on her own. If she succeeds she'll throw a wrench into the
insurgents' plans, and to sweeten the pot the GM even offers to let her pilfer the demo
charges for her own use, treating them as a special Reserve item. If she fails, however,
she may have no choice but to watch helplessly as the loyalist pilot sacrifices themselves
in a massive explosion which provokes a nearby planetary defense node, summoning a
swarm of drones and subalterns to cause additional chaos throughout the city.

From there, resolve the duel as normal. If the player succeeds, they achieve their goal. If
their opponent was an Insignificant or Average Opponent, or a group of Several Lesser
Opponents, then they also get to decide whether they kill or simply disable them. The GM
may decide whether Skilled or Elite Opponents are killed, but if the player wins then
they're nonetheless effectively defeated, and at best are forced to retreat or left trapped
in a destroyed mech, unable to keep the player from achieving the goal they won for
themselves. If the player loses, however, not only will they fail to achieve their goal but
the consequences they face as a result of being beaten back are potentially greater,
including suffering critical damage to their mech or even risking serious injury.

Following an in-mission duel, the player will roll a number of dice on the Dueling Damage
chart depending on the final outcome. When rolling multiple dice, choose the lowest
result, though certain outcomes activate if you also roll multiple 1's.

If you won the duel without taking any hits, do not roll. You emerge victorious and
If you won the duel and took 1 or more hits, roll 1 die.
If you lost the duel and the opposing duelist only has 1 hit remaining, roll 2 dice.
If you lost the duel and the opposing duelist has 2 or more hits remaining, roll 3 dice.
If you lost the duel and the opposing duelist didn't take any hits at all, roll 4 dice.

Roll Result Effect
5-6 DUELING SCARS The damage your mech has sustained is minor
enough that automatic repair systems are able
to compensate for it. No effect.
2-4 STRUCTURAL DAMAGE If you won the duel, lose 1 Repair. If you lost the
duel, lose 2 repairs. If you have no repairs
remaining when rolling this result, it becomes
1 DISMEMBERMENT During the fight, part of your mech was critically
damaged. If you won the duel, select any two
systems and/or mounts. The GM chooses one of
those, and the chosen system or all weapons on
the chosen mount are destroyed. If you lost the
duel, the GM selects any two systems and/or
mounts, and you choose which is destroyed.
Systems and weapons with the Limited tag and
no charges left are not valid selections. If there's
absolutely nothing left to destroy, this result
becomes HULL BREACH instead.
Two 1's HULL BREACH This result has different outcomes depending on
how badly you lost the duel.
Opponent had 1 hit remaining - You begin the
next combat scene Impaired and Slowed.
These conditions both persist until cleared in
combat or during a rest or full repair.
Opponent had 2+ hits remaining - You begin the
next combat scene Impaired and Shredded.
These conditions both persist until cleared in
combat or during a rest or full repair.
Opponent took 0 hits - Choose: either take 1
structure damage (rolling on the Structure
Damage table as necessary) or make a Down
and Out check.
Blade Dancer
Battle is an art. It always had been, but many forgot this truth as warfare evolved,
bringing with it guns, artillery, orbital bombardment, so many impersonal and inelegant
ways to kill, a trillion canvases squandered in the mud. But a mech is more than just
another weapon, it's an instrument of a pilot's will and an assertion of their skill made
manifest. In the arena or on the battlefield you proudly display that skill for all to witness
accompanied by the war drum beat of steel against steel, each victory claimed with style
and grace, every killing blow an expressive statement.

Battle Tempo (Rank I): Reaction attacks against you are made at +1 Difficulty.

Step Inside (Rank II): 1/round, whenever you trigger a reaction attack you may gain +1
Accuracy to the next auxiliary or main melee attack roll you make during that turn.

Dervish Cadence (Rank 3): 1/round, when you critically hit with an auxiliary or main
melee weapon, you may move up to 2 spaces as a free action. This movement ignores
engagement and reactions, but you can choose to not ignore reactions instead. If a
reaction attack you trigger as part of this movement misses, you may make an attack with
an auxiliary or main melee weapon against a target in range as a free action.

Look, it's simple. You have a mech, your mech has a hammer, and the whole world looks
like it's made of nails. Now all you need to do is hit someone as hard as you can. If they're
still moving afterwards? You hit'em again. And maybe a third time for good measure. All
the fancy footwork in the world won't help you when both your legs are broken.

Reckless Swing (Rank I): 1/round, you may choose to gain +1 Accuracy on an attack
with a melee weapon on your turn. Until the start of your next turn, the next attack made
against you gains +1 Accuracy.

Payback (Rank II): When you take structure damage, your next melee attack deals +1d6
bonus damage on hit.

Take Your Best Shot (Rank III): 1/scene as a free action, you may choose a hostile
character to immediately make an attack against you. Afterwards, whether this attack hits
or misses, you may make an attack against them with a non-superheavy melee weapon.
You may then allow that character to make another attack against you if they wish,
repeating this process until one of you has been destroyed or until they decline to attack
you any further.

Giant Killer
David meets Goliath, David kills Goliath, it's a tale as old as time. Things are a bit more
dangerous these days than swords and slings, though. A pilot would have to be crazy or
desperate to go up against a mech in little more than a hardsuit but you make it look
easy, riding those steel titans like a natural and taking them apart with surgical precision.
The bigger they are...well, you know the rest.

Goad (Rank I): Whenever you use the Distract action while jockeying, you may also push
the target 2 spaces in a direction of your choice.

Twist the Knife (Rank II): Gain the following jockeying option:
Disrupt: Choose one of the mech's non-weapon systems and disable it until the
end of its next turn. All ongoing effects provided by that system immediately end
until it is no longer disabled.

Finishing Blow (Rank III): Whenever you use the Damage action while jockeying, if the
damage you inflict would be enough to reduce the mech to 3 HP or less you immediately
reduce it to 0 HP instead.

The roar of the crowd. The clash of titans. Humanity's taste for bloodsport never left us, it
simply evolved. Now the celebrated fighters pilot mechanized war-machines and the
beasts they face are alien, but the rule of the arena remains unchanged; kill or be killed.
Hammer and fist, rifle and chainsword, the tools don't matter as much as the drive behind
them, to rise above all comers and become the best there ever was.

Signature Technique (Rank I): 1/scene, when you take the Skirmish action you can
perform a special Signature Attack with a melee weapon instead. Choose one option from
each of the three categories, Setup, Execution, and Flourish, to assemble the technique
you wish to use. You may choose different options each time you use this ability to
represent different signature moves you've learned over the years.

-Make an attack with +2 Threat...
-Make an attack, treating your weapon's range as Burst 1 and taking 1 heat per target...

-...dealing an additional +1d6 bonus damage against prone or Immobilized targets...
-...gaining the AP and Overkill tags against a single target of your choice...

-...and on hit each target must pass a Hull save or become Impaired until the end of their
next turn.
-...and on hit each target must pass an Agility save or be become Slowed until the end of
their next turn.
Comeback Kid (Rank II): You may spend your Signature Attack as a reaction to taking
Structure damage from a hostile character's attack. This reaction resolves before rolling
on the Structure Damage Table. Add the following options to choose from:

-Move up to your speed towards a hostile character, ignoring engagement and reactions,
and make an attack against them...

-...knocking all targets back 2 spaces...

-...and all attacks against you are made at +1 Difficulty until the end of your next turn.

A Card To Play (Rank III): You may use your Signature Attack a second time during the
same scene by taking 1d6+1 heat. Options chosen for the first such attack during a scene
cannot be chosen for the second attack. Add the following options to choose from:

-Make an attack, treating your weapon's range as Thrown (5)...

-...treating one roll of 18+ as though it was 20...

-...and a single target of your choice must pass an Engineering save on critical hit or
become Jammed until the end of their next turn.

War isn't fair, so why shouldn't you fight the same way? Leave notions of honorable
combat to the would-be knights and champions. You're here to get work done. In the
shadows, in the split-second flash of lightning before the thunder comes, hit and run,
strike and fade. They may hate you, but they'll learn to fear you all the same.

Fighting Ghosts (Rank I): You may take the Boost action without losing Hidden, and
whenever you Disengage attacks against you are made at +1 Difficulty until the end of
your next turn.

Go to Ground (Rank II): If you end your turn in cover which you did not begin your turn
in, you may pass an Agility check to Hide as a free action.

Run and Gun (Rank III): At the beginning of each scene, before anyone acts you may
move up to your speed. If you end this movement in cover you automatically become
Hidden, and until the end of your next turn the first attack roll you make while Hidden
gains +1 Accuracy.
Some call you a vulture, like that's supposed to be a bad thing. You ever see a vulture go
hungry? The fact is, you know what wins wars isn't guns or blades, it isn't skill at arms or
courage or honor. It's food, fuel, bullets and bandages. When the chips are down, you're
the one that can be counted on to have a spare magazine and a bottle of the good stuff
waiting back at the base. You've got what it takes to win...just as long as nobody asks
where you got it from.

Beg, Borrow, and Steal (Rank I): 1/mission when establishing Reserves, randomly
select one of the random Reserves tables (Narrative, Mech Equipment and Gear, and
Tactical) by rolling 1d3. You may then roll on the selected table, gaining that result for the
duration of the mission. You also gain +1 Accuracy to all Scrounge and Barter checks.

Finders Keepers (Rank II): 1/rest, you may salvage a weapon of your choice from an
hostile mech that was destroyed in the previous scene. If you do so, you may only spend 1
Repair during this rest. Once a weapon has been salvaged, during your turn you may
attack with it as a free action using your Grit in place of its usual attack bonuses, taking 1
heat for an Auxiliary weapon, 1d3 heat for a Main weapon, and 1d6 heat for a Heavy or
Superheavy weapon. The weapon is then destroyed and cannot be repaired. All salvaged
weapons are lost during full repairs.

Spoils of War (Rank III): When you salvage a weapon, you may also scour the
battlefield wreckage for additional supplies. Roll 1d6 and consult the table to determine
what you're able to do with the salvage you find:

1). You find sufficient patch kits and emergency supplies to restore 4 + your Grit in HP
divided between any number of allied mechs or pilots, yourself included.
2). You find spare munitions sufficient to replenish 1 use of a limited weapon or system
belonging to yourself or an ally.
3). You find an intact IFF/tacnet transponder. Up to two hostile characters of your choice in
the next scene begin combat Locked On.
4). You find enough spare parts to repair one destroyed weapon or system belonging to
you or an ally for free.
5). You find a magazine of exotic ammunition, a high-energy power cell, or a canister of
volatile fuel. You or an ally of your choice gains a single-use charge that can be spent as a
free action to add +1d6 bonus damage on hit to any attack, but the attacker takes 1d6
heat. A mech can only hold one such charge at a time.
6). You find something without immediate tactical application which is nonetheless likely
valuable to someone, such as an encrypted message detailing the enemy force's strategic
plans, a black box containing security clearance codes, a finely crafted pilot-scale weapon
suitable as a souvenir, a bag of good coffee, etc.

Reserves are an opportunity for players to parlay their downtime activities into meaningful
advantages they can utilize during upcoming missions, but not every battlefield provides
the same variety of options to draw upon. Suldan, for example, is a world whose present
situation makes orbital fire support rather difficult to deliver. Other worlds and other
theaters may have their own shortages and operational restrictions as decided by the GM.
Simply informing a player that their talent will be inoperative for an indeterminate amount
of time however, or that the result they rolled is invalid and therefore they receive
nothing, is a rather unsatisfying approach to squaring the quirks and challenges of
battlefield logistics with a talent like Scrounger and the players who invest in it.

There are several options GMs can take when approaching this. The first, and easiest, is
simply reskinning. If orbital support assets are nonexistent, then perhaps an
Bombardment Asset could simply take the form of a conventional airstrike or artillery
barrage, while an Orbital Drop takes the form of a HALO parachute jump from a transport
plane. Another option is to simply allow players to reroll any results which would be invalid
for this particular mission. A more involved option is to replace options which aren't
feasible with custom options tailored to the theater in question. And lastly, one option
which is always available is to give the players what they rolled regardless of how scarce it
might otherwise be...and then inform them of the favor they now owe to someone for
pulling the strings to make the impossible happen.
Chandrasekhar & Herschel Ltd.


Chandrasekhar & Herschel is one of the youngest Galactic-Tier corporations to

offer specialty mech licenses to qualified pilots. The company was founded by Jun
Chandrasekhar, a gladiator pilot and revolutionary leader, along with former racing pilot
Mattias Herschel. The initial license of incorporation was granted to Chandrasekhar as a
boon for her performance in the arena by self-appointed Emir Julian Ambrose Khan during
his tyrannical rule over the world of Suldan. Chandrasekhar made use of the printer
permissions granted to her as part of incorporation to manufacture mechs and weaponry,
covertly equipping the beleaguered rebellion effort against the Emir. Mattias Herschel, a
member of Suldan's upper class who had been a prestigious chassis racer before his
retirement, was sympathetic towards the rebels and lent both his engineering expertise
and his air of legitimacy to Chandrasekhar's fledgling endeavor.

In the aftermath of the Emir's most recent death, both Chandrasekhar and Herschel
discovered that their joint venture had attracted a growing and dedicated base of pilots
actively seeking out their licenses for use elsewhere. With infusions of capital and designs
from investors who prefer to remain anonymous, C&H Ltd. continued to expand their
offerings, and while they have a ways to go before they rise to the ranks of corporations
such as IPS-N Northstar or Smith-Shimano, forward-looking projections remain optimistic
as advertising and positive word of mouth continues to spread.

C&H focuses on what they refer to as “unorthodox combat solutions,” providing

specialized designs that larger corporations have eschewed or are slow in pivoting
towards. Their frames and licenses are frequently adapted from gladiatorial and sporting
designs, and many of their weapons and systems were originally improvised and adapted,
or as some contest pirated, from other sources. As a result of this, their mechs are as
diverse as their origins, without the common thread that ties other corporations' licenses

C&H CHARIOTEER (Support) - A high-speed daredevil with close-range targeting

systems and unmatched mobility
C&H KALISTA (Striker/Defender) - A tenacious, unstoppable juggernaut that uses raw
brute force to savage enemies with powerful blows
C&H KALLARANI (Striker) - A versatile close-quarters mech packing multi-function
weapons and equipment
C&H MATADOR (Defender) - An anti-electronic deterrence platform seeded with
destructive malware
C&H PESILAT (Striker/Controller) - An esoteric close-combat hacker utilizing mech-
scale martial arts
C&H RETIARIUS (Controller) - A sturdy mech focused on suppressing and restraining
enemies with entangling weaponry
C&H SABREUR (Striker) - A precision melee duelist optimized for combat against
individual targets
C&H SAGITTARIUS (Striker/Artillery) - A stealthy and elusive midrange sharpshooter
that wields a deadly combat bow to assassinate targets from hidden positions
C&H Pilot Gear
When selecting weapons, personal armor, and equipment, pilots may additionally choose
from the following options as well as those provided in the core rules.

Pilot Weapons
Name Tags Range Damage
Breach Cutter Sidearm 3 1 energy
Vishpala Augmetic Sidearm Threat 1 1 kinetic
Emir's Bargain - Threat 1 2 kinetic
SEAR - 5 2 kinetic

These pilot weapons have additional features or capabilities that regular pilot weapons
lack. Because of this, each of these weapons also counts as one of your three
miscellaneous gear choices in addition to one of your weapon choices. For example, a pilot
that decides to take a Breach Cutter will only be able to select two miscellaneous systems
when rounding out their kit, so choose your loadout accordingly.

Breach Cutter
Modified man-portable laser cutting tools are often employed by pirates, gladiators, and
the desperate as a highly effective, if crude and cumbersome, weapon. Inspired by this,
C&H offers a refined weaponized adaptation designed from the ground up as a combat-
effective system boasting a high-capacity power pack and streamlined design. Though the
beam remains effective at range, it excels in close-quarters high-risk hull breaching
operations. Users are advised to wear suitable eye protection when employing this

While equipped with this weapon you may deal 4 AP energy damage with the Damage
action while jockeying.

Vishpala Augmetic
Between industrial accidents and arena injuries, undisguised cybernetic limb replacement
is a procedure viewed with less societal stigma on Suldan than on other settled worlds.
Chandrasekhar & Herschel's Vishpala line of better-than-human performance prosthetics
are no mere second-rate substitutes but rather bespoke augmetics personally tailored to
each user's needs and designed for form as well as function, complete with total
force/sensory feedback and integrated skeletomuscular reinforcement for optimum
comfort and performance even during strenuous use.

This full-function cybernetic arm replacement (single or paired) counts as a light

alloy/composite pilot weapon and gives +1 Accuracy to all Apply Fists to Faces checks (or
other similar triggers).
Emir's Bargain
To "take the Emir's bargain" is a Suldani saying as literal as it is metaphorical, derived
from a practice instituted during the 37th year of the Emir's reign wherein he would offer
condemned prisoners the opportunity to participate in gladiatorial combat with the
possibility of earning their freedom should they survive. Of course these bouts were
weighed heavily against the condemned and few who took the offer earned more than a
brutal death. Those who agreed to partake in the contest would often be equipped with
this weapon, a reinforced polearm whose weighted, power-assisted head is capable of
inflicting substantial damage if given time to build momentum.

If you attack with this weapon without moving or attempting any other actions on your
turn you may increase its damage to 4 kinetic for that attack. On hit, size 1 or smaller
targets must pass a Hull check or be knocked prone.

The signature armament of the Emir's elite Janissaries, the Suldani Emirate Advanced Rifle
is a sophisticated multi-mode select-fire weapon featuring integrated Comp/Con ballistic
targeting assistance along with a attached secondary launcher designed to fire proprietary
plasma warhead "Executioner" micromissiles. Janissary SEARs were biometrically encoded
to their individual users, triggering an explosive failsafe upon detecting an unauthorized
user or indications of tampering, but after the Emir was deposed C&H managed to obtain
several "blank" rifles and successfully reverse-engineer the design for mass-licensing.

This advanced combat rifle has an integrated underbarrel launcher that can be fired with
the following profile: Ordnance, Limited (2), Range 10, Blast 1, 2 burn.

Clothing and Armor

Name Bonuses Armor Evasion/E-Defense Speed
"Champion" Pilot's All-climate jacket - - -
Crash Suit Fireproofing 0 10/10 4
HARDJACK Survival +3 HP, Long-term 0 8/8 4
Hardsuit survival
Tarantula Climb- Climb on walls and 0 10/10 5
Assist Hardsuit ceilings

"Champion" Pilot's Jacket

A rugged and stylish accessory for any pilot, Chandrasekhar & Herschel's "Champion" line
of leather jackets is perfectly suited for any climate courtesy of an interior layer of
thermoregulation material and a waterproof coating, creating a jacket guaranteed to wear
and age beautifully no matter where your travels take you. While printer-fabricated copies
are always available to qualified C&H license holders, handcrafted jackets made from
100% genuine Suldani goatskin leather are available at select retailers.
This jacket provides no significant protection, but is available in a variety of styles and
colors and can be worn comfortably even in hot weather.

Crash Suit
A mainstay of mech racers everywhere. Only the most daring or foolhardy jockey would
race without suitable protection in the event of a crash, and this lightweight, flexible
hardsuit not only safeguards against collision trauma but layers of flame-retardant
polymer triweave help insulate the wearer in the event of a cockpit fire. This C&H licensed
model is also fully rated for combat theater operations.

This fireproofed and chemically treated hardsuit is immune to burn and has resistance to
energy damage.

HARDJACK Survival Hardsuit

Billions of HARDJACK model PPE hardsuits have been printed across numerous worlds
since the design's inception for use by workers performing dangerous jobs in hazardous
environments. This particular variant, a C&H exclusive design, is further enhanced with
their proprietary thermoregulation mesh, anti-abrasion glazing, an onboard medkit, and
extended life support systems for emergency survival situations when immediate aid may
not be forthcoming.

The survival hardsuit is designed for use in hazardous environments and wearers can
operate for extended periods in such conditions without discomfort. While wearing this
armor, you are immune to dangerous terrain as well as the Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat,
and Particulate Storm environmental hazards, you may reroll all Survive checks (or other
similar triggers), taking the better result, and you automatically pass the first Down and
Out check you make between full repairs.

Tarantula Climb-Assist Hardsuit

The ultimate in safe and reliable personal powered climbing equipment, the Tarantula's
array of articulated all-surface pitons and integrated Comp/Con expert system allows for
effortless mobility across even the most challenging surfaces, while also providing
peerless hands-free stability which virtually eliminates the need for a human climbing

This specialized mobility hardsuit allows you to move freely along vertical and
overhanging surfaces as if they were normal terrain, but you cannot Boost while doing so.
You can freely use weapons while climbing and cannot be knocked prone while on a
vertical or overhanging surface. You also gain +1 Accuracy to all contested rolls made to
jockey a mech or avoid being thrown off of a mech you are jockeying.

Miscellaneous Gear

Portable Cabin
This collapsible emergency shelter compacts enough to be portable by a single person.
When activated, an electric charge runs through the advanced smart material construction
which turns rigid and unfolds to full size within moments. The material is thermally
insulated but not airtight, provides interior glow-panel illumination, has a built-in water
filtration system and ration heater, and can house up to six people if somewhat snugly.

Emergency Field Kit

Gear, Limited (3)
Sometimes referred to as a SERE kit, this lightweight pilot's kit is designed to be easily
portable even in plainclothes, with a slim profile and non-metallic construction for ease of
concealment. A variety of makes and models exist with assorted specialized tools to help
pilots trapped behind enemy lines, stranded in the wilderness, or on covert assignment.
Each time you print one of these kits, choose three different skill triggers. You may may
spend one of this kit's charges and cross off one of the listed triggers to add +1 Accuracy
to your next check using that particular trigger.

Devil! Black
Gear, Limited (1)
Formerly only available to members of Suldan's armed forces as well as certain sponsored
gladiators, C&H now has a license to distribute this black cherry flavored energy drink
containing more than twice the caffeine of the next leading brand along with specially
formulated performance-enhancing combat stims. A can of Devil! Black allows you to reroll
all pilot skill checks involving physical exertion or violence, such as Applying Fists to
Faces, Assault, or Get Somewhere Quickly for the rest of the scene, though you must
always take the second result. Afterwards, for the rest of the mission the GM may invoke
the subsequent harsh comedown to apply +1 Difficulty to any skill checks which might be
negatively impacted by aftereffects such as fatigue, jitteriness, irritability, and so on.
Drinking more than one can between full repairs causes intense nausea, headaches, heart
palpitations, and vomiting, without any further beneficial effects. Chandrasekhar &
Herschel reminds all license holders to please consume responsibly.
When you choose a core bonus every 3 license levels, you can pick a bonus from this list
as long as you have at least 3 license levels in C&H licenses for each C&H bonus you have.
For example, if you have 6 points in C&H licenses, you could take up to 2 bonuses. C&H
bonuses are focused on modifications designed to enhance a mech's performance in
hostile environments or when weathering catastrophic circumstances.

All-Environment Adaptation
A chassis retrofit utilizing C&H's thermoregulation polymer mesh along with overlapping
layers of radiation shielding, electronic systems hardening, and non-conductive ceramic
matrix alloys, providing outfitted mechs with robust hostile environmental protection
across multiple biomes.

Your mech has resistance against all damage, heat, and burn from environmental sources
including dangerous terrain, and you gain +1 Accuracy to all checks and saves made to
avoid, resist, or negate dangerous terrain, damage, or statuses and conditions imposed by
environmental sources.

In the event of high-speed crashes and other similar catastrophic impact events the
window for effective pilot recovery shortens drastically in the event of a cockpit fire. C&H's
racing derived all-chassis template utilizes a dedicated chemical minifac to automatically
produce a variety of fast-acting, stably inert flame suppressants and neutralizing agents
as circumstances dictate.

1/round as a quick action, or whenever you take the Stabilize action, you may
automatically clear all burn from your mech.

Crash Bars
Enhanced physical protection can be achieved through an integrated series of frame-
mounted struts, crash bars, reinforced actuators, and cockpit roll cages. While such
measures are typically employed by racers or arena fighters to reduce the likelihood of
collision trauma, they also benefit combat pilots operating in high-threat conditions or
during air-drop/orbital insertion maneuvers.

Your mech reduces all falling damage it takes by 3, to a minimum of 0. 1/mission,

whenever you would be forced to destroy a weapon or system due to critical damage or
other effects, you may ignore that effect.

Emergency Reactor Override

Most military-grade coldcore reactors impose automatic safety cutoffs during forced
venting procedures in order to avoid cascading stresses, but by skillfully (if perhaps
incautiously) overriding these cutoffs, brief moments of hyperspec action can be achieved
without sacrificing additional stability by rerouting power feeds directly into a frame's
primary drive systems.
1/round, whenever your mech overheats you may immediately move your speed before
making your overheating check. This movement ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke

Hypertuned Interface
An extremely risky modification proscribed by formal military regulations in many nations
and corpro-states, overclocking a mech's neural interface systems can give pilots a
valuable edge when they need it most, but at a dangerous cost. Overuse of such
modifications can result in ruptured blood vessels, partial or total limb paralysis,
neurological damage, and even death.

1/scene, whenever you overcharge to take an additional quick action you may add +2
Accuracy to the action you gain or add +4 bonus damage to the next attack you make if
the action is a Skirmish. Afterwards, whether this action succeeds or fails, roll a d20. On a
roll of 1 or 2 you take 5 AP pilot damage and become Impaired and Slowed until the end of
your next turn. If this reduces you to 0 HP or less you go down and out.

Blowout Panels
Through a comprehensive full-frame upgrade consisting of strategically engineered pre-
weakened casings printed around potentially volatile systems such as internal munitions
storage or power relays, catastrophic damage can be mitigated by channeling secondary
detonations and pressure waves away from vital structural components in a controlled,
predetermined fashion.

Whenever you roll the System Trauma result on the Structure Damage Table, you always
choose the weapon or system to destroy without rolling. Whenever an attack deals
structure damage to you, gain resistance against all excess damage beyond what was
required to reach 0 HP.

The CHARIOTEER is perhaps one of Chandrasekhar & Herschel's most immediately

recognizable chassis despite its diminutive size, and it features prominently in much of the
company's marketing material. This fast and lightweight model has its origins in the
popular sport of performance chassis racing, where speed, handling, and agility are
typically valued more highly than firepower. As a result the chassis itself is minimally
armed and armored, boasting a streamlined frame constructed from advanced materials
along with a powerful, compact reactor and drive systems capable of outputting extreme
overland kp/h speeds for extended durations, though maintenance times between sorties
are commensurately high as well.

Nonetheless the CHARIOTEER is guaranteed by C&H to perform to mil-spec standard,

intended to fill the role of a high-speed reconnaissance and forward observation unit, and
its ability to cover long distances rapidly has also seen it employed for other tasks such as
search-and-rescue operations and courier duties. Due to the frame's compact design,
larger pilots may find this chassis less comfortable to operate for extended deployments.

I. Targeting Relay, Bomblet Dispenser
II. CHARIOTEER FRAME, Glide Rollers, Deployable Reconnaissance Carbine
III. Variable Geometry Hull, COURSER-Class C/C

HP: 6 Evasion: 12 Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 15

Armor: 0 E-Defense: Size: 1/2 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

8 2 +1
Save Target:


Secondary Motive Systems: The CHARIOTEER can Boost while Slowed.

Supermaneuverability: Becoming engaged does not cause the CHARIOTEER to stop
moving, and you do not treat hostile characters as obstructions.
Forward Observation Suite: 1/round, the CHARIOTEER may make a Lock On tech
action against a valid target within range 3 as a free action.
Hangar Queen: The CHARIOTEER must spend 2 Repairs to repair a destroyed system
during rests instead of 1.



Flex Mount

CORE system

Military-grade coldcore fusion reactors are precisely tuned and balanced for optimal
output during the rigors of combat, but racing frames have different performance
requirements. C&H's proprietary EF-320 HYPERION reactor was designed by Mattias
Herschel, five-time winner of the Kaleka Cup, to provide enhanced power flow capable of
maintaining extreme speeds for prolonged periods. Superior motive output is kept
manageable thanks to high-performance stabilization gyros and a sophisticated ride-by-
wire control system, and as a result the CHARIOTEER is capable of acceleration so
sudden that conventional fire-control systems have difficulty anticipating its

The HYPERION can even be pushed further for brief periods. Disengaging a reactor's
fusion regulators is highly inadvisable for anyone who is not a certified nuclear reactor
technician, and C&H Ltd. waives all responsibility for pilots who opt to do so anyway.
Nonetheless the fact that the CHARIOTEER can withstand such power output at all is a
testament to its design.

Passive: Whenever you move 12 or more spaces in a straight line all attacks against
you are made at +1 Difficulty until the start of your next turn.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Redline

For the rest of the scene, 1/round you can take 2 heat to Boost as a reaction when a
target attacks you, interrupting their attack. This movement ignores engagement and
doesn't provoke reactions. If you are no longer able to be attacked at your new position,
such as no longer being in range, area of effect, or line of sight, the attack automatically
misses you.

Remote Targeting Relay

Initially adapted from telemetric surveying beacons and refined for military use as part of
the CHARIOTEER initiative, C&H's remote targeting relay system is a hardpoint mounted,
squad-integrated multiplatform targeting solution for facilitating accurate fire in artillery
bombardment, surgical HVT elimination, and precision fire support operations. Upon
deployment each beacon automatically anchors itself in place via explosively driven piton,
and once activated they begin providing real-time telemetry to all allied units equipped
with the proper coordinating targeting firmware and system-compatible munitions,
permissions for which are included as part of the license package at no extra cost.

Main CQB
Inaccurate, Loading
Range 5
1d3+3 kinetic damage
On hit, this weapon embeds a beacon into the target. At the end of your turn the beacon
activates, creating a Burst 2 area. Ranged attacks against hostile characters within this
area (including the embedded target) are treated as having the Arcing tag, and any hostile
character that begins its turn in this area becomes Locked On. A struck character can
successfully pass a Hull save as a quick action to remove the beacon and end this effect.

You may also target a free open space within range, hitting automatically. Treat beacons
fired this way as size 1/2 objects with 5 HP and 5 Evasion.

Bomblet Dispenser
On the combat racing circuits, the most effective armaments are those that don't require
you to stop moving. Often mounted to a frame's legs or built into a portion of the rear hull,
so-called "party popper" dispensers scatter the ground behind a moving mech with dozens
of dual-trigger explosive bomblets, detonated either by pressure or when proximity
sensors send them bounding into the air to detonate a moment later, attempting to inflict
mobility kills on pursuers by targeting motive systems and leg joints. Some pilots, less
interested in races, have discovered that this can be used just as effectively as an area
denial and anti-pursuit system.

2 SP, Unique
1/round, you may use this system as part of a Boost to create an area up to 5 adjacent
spaces you moved through during that action (unused spaces are lost). Any hostile
character beginning their turn within these spaces or moving into them for the first time
on their turn must pass an Agility save or take 2 explosive damage and become Slowed
until the end of their next turn. Characters who moved into the area during their turn and
fail this save stop also moving immediately and lose any unused movement as if they had
become engaged. This area lasts until the end of the scene or until you use this system to
create a new area, and then deactivates.

Glide Rollers
Without this particular upgrade, non-flight chassis racing as a sport might very well not
exist. A secondary movement system consisting of a series of high performance
omnidirectional smart-wheels is incorporated into a frame's feet, lower leg assemblies,
and brachial structures, coupled with ground-scanning terrain sensors and a robust
upgrade to the core computer's automatic balance control systems. Skilled pilots are able
to utilize this to achieve incredible ground speeds, but what works on the racetrack may
not be rated for use on less even terrain.

2 SP, Unique
1/round, when you Boost you can take Heat equal to your mech’s Size+1 to move up to
twice your speed. During this movement you can’t fly or teleport, and you treat difficult
terrain as dangerous terrain that deals Kinetic damage.

Deployable Reconnaissance Carbine

Cheaply printed disposable weapon systems have long been a quick and efficient way to
equip colonial militias until more robust printer facilities can be established, or for arena
managers to outfit their dregs with so that they can at least provide some small measure
of challenge before they're unceremoniously dispatched, but in need of offensive designs
to flesh out their CHARIOTEER license C&H has opted to rebrand this concept, billing it as
a lightweight and space-efficient carbine for recon units. Engineered from higher quality
materials than its shoddier counterparts, the weapon's collapsible-body design makes it
easy for even lightweight mechs to store while the self-contained integrated caseless
ammunition feed minimizes recoil.

2 SP
This system functions as a weapon with the following profile. It does not require a mount,
and it cannot be modified or benefit from core bonuses.

Main CQB
Range 8
1d6+1 kinetic damage

Variable Geometry Hull

A substantial engineering endeavor, this upgrade completely overhauls a frame's
superstructure through the addition of a complex array of airbrakes, control surfaces,
piezoelectric actuators, and servo-articulated armor, all tied into a sophisticated expert
system which allows for a pilot to adjust the geometry of their frame's hull on the fly,
switching between configurations optimized for speed or for maneuverability/stability as
changing battlefield circumstances dictate. While a certain increase in hangar
maintenance downtime is unavoidable due to the complex nature of this upgrade, speed
enthusiasts and reconnaissance operators alike swear by it.

3 SP, Unique
You streamline your chassis, choosing from one of the following effects that last until the
end of the scene, or you use this action again:
• You may move an additional 2 spaces when you Boost, but you make all Hull and
Agility checks and saves with +1 Difficulty.
• You gain +2 Accuracy on all Hull and Agility checks and saves, but become Slowed.
• Return to normal, losing all benefits and drawbacks of this system.

Following the initial rollout of the CHARIOTEER, plans were made to expand the frame's
role beyond reconnaissance to create a mobile command-and-control platform, but the
initial proposal for developing a partnered NHP fell through due to limited resources.
Instead, C&H engineers settled upon a new design, employing an automated traffic
control and management Companion/Concierge unit as the foundation for a new military-
grade system. The resultant Comp/Con, designated COURSER, is comprised of a central
processing intelligence assisted by multiple subordinate expert analytical systems to
direct and enhance small-unit coordination during high-speed maneuvers across
numerous theaters and terrain types. Early field tests of COURSER-equipped frames have
thus far proven extremely promising, though the system does occasionally experience
difficulty adapting to novel battlefield experiences, but C&H has committed to a multi-year
roadmap of planned updates to continue refining and enhancing its performance based on
collated user data.

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI tag and Flocking Dynamics. Whenever you take the Bolster action,
you and your target may both move 1 space, and whenever you take the Scan action you
may move 1 space and move your target 1 space in any direction.

This system has the AI tag but is not a true NHP and cannot enter cascade. Whenever it
would enter cascade, instead you are immediately moved 3 spaces in a direction of the
GM's choice.

Flocking Dynamics
Full Action
Limited (1)
1/scene, you and any allies within Sensors may immediately move up to their speed. This
movement ignores engagement and does not provoke reactions.

The KALISTA is C&H's main frontline assault model, a bulky, robustly-built design based on
a common gladiatorial retrofit built around the frame of a modified heavy industrial
chassis. Not cutting-edge in the slightest, what the KALISTA lacks in sophisticated
electronics it makes up for with overwhelmingly resilient engineering and a variety of
system options tailored for the brutal close-combat engagements it excels at, well suited
for pilots who prefer to focus on a straightforward, aggressive offense.

Standardization of the KALISTA license incorporates additional refinements to the chassis'

overall construction, including a universal interchangeable part replacement scheme to
make between-action and in-field refits even easier, and the latest version is also fully
compatible with OGOUN, C&H's first in-house combat ready NHP platform.

I. Tiger Claws, ERA Layering
II. KALISTA FRAME, Macuahuitl Chainsword, Repair Paste Capillaries
III. Motorized Tetsubo, OGOUN-Class NHP

HP: 10 Evasion: 6 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 5

Armor: 2 E-Defense: Size: 2 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

6 8 -2
Save Target:


Reinforced Frame: The KALISTA is immune to the Shredded condition.

Built To Last: If the KALISTA is destroyed it only requires 2 Repairs to be spent in order
to repair it.
Lumbering: When the KALISTA Boosts it can only move in a straight line.



Main Mount Main Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

Ruggedized Construction

The result of of a rigorous engineering process derived from thousands of hours of both
industrial and gladiatorial experience, the KALISTA is rated for conditions in excess of
what some purpose-built military-grade designs are expected to endure. Internal
components are layered with redundancy, allowing for uninterrupted combat
performance even when subjected to significant operational stresses, and construction
is optimized for ease of field repairs.

In addition to this, a network of burnout flash micro-printers and RawMat feedstock

reserves are embedded within the mech's structure and tied to primary damage control
systems, capable of autonomous full-frame repairs upon detection of severe structural
integrity failure. High-density capacitors automatically provide additional power
reserves, pushing the mech into a temporary overcharged state to help it overcome
both the stress of emergency self-construction as well as whatever battlefield threat
necessitated such action.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Berserker Drive

When you would make a structure check you may use this system as a reaction to
ignore that check. You may then immediately restore your HP to full, clear all conditions
that weren't caused by your own systems or talents, and you may repair structure
damage at a rate of 1 Repair per structure damage. For the rest of the scene, 1/round
you may deal +2 bonus damage on hit with a melee attack for each point of structure
damage repaired this way.

Tiger Claws
While integrating weapon systems directly into a mech's chassis is a common modification
among pilots, it takes a true engineering artist to do so in an elegant, aesthetically
pleasing, and minimally intrusive fashion without compromising structural integrity. The
license for this particular melee combat system comes with several distinct styles to
choose from, each of which was once an original custom design for a celebrated arena
champion of note. “The Red-Eyed Demon" Pranesh Vasa's forearm-mounted dual blade
assembly is the clear favorite among license holders, with a 67.35% retention rate across
all frames.

Main Melee
Threat 1
4 kinetic damage.
This weapon can be used while Jammed, and on hit deals +1d3 bonus damage against
targets that are Shredded or have 0 armor.

ERA Layering
Explosive/reactive armor is considered somewhat archaic compared to modern counter-
harmonic/electromagnetic active defense systems, but even outdated technologies can
find a new life in the right context. An externally mounted network of explosive modules
affixed over the hull and slaved to a sub-sentient expert system, the original purpose of
this upgrade was to deflect and diffuse incoming enemy fire with calculated detonations,
but many pilots find it much more useful as an explosive close-quarters enhancement.

2 SP, Unique
Full Action
Whenever you are hit by a melee attack the attacker takes 2 explosive damage. As a full
action you may choose one target grappling or grappled by you and deal 6 explosive
damage to them, but you become Impaired until the end of your next turn.

Macuahuitl Chainsword
Hotblooded arena enthusiasts are less concerned with battlefield reliability so much as
they are the flash of sparks and the scream of rending metal. Though mech-scale
motorized chain weapons are offered under several specialty licenses by assorted
vendors, the Macuahuitl is C&H's attempt to engineer a more robust and practical version
of a gladiatorial favorite. Derived from an industrial mining cutter and upgraded with with
an oversized, high-powered drive motor, the result is a terrifying, if temperamental, beast
capable of shearing through joints and armor plating with ease, assuming the user can
retain control of it.

Heavy Melee
Threat 1
Overkill, 1 heat (self)
1d6+4 kinetic damage.
When you roll a 6 on this weapon's base damage die or if this weapon's damage is
otherwise maximized you must deal an additional +1d6 bonus damage. If you roll another
6 on that die or if it is maximized as well you must repeat this process again, up to a
maximum of +3d6 bonus damage added this way.

Repair Paste Capillaries

The semi-active nanite slurry commonly known as repair paste isn't a substitute for actual
repairs, automated or otherwise, but in sufficient quantities it can nonetheless spell the
difference between survival and a catastrophic reactor breach. Some arena fighters
learned to modify their mechs with reservoirs of the substance rigged to flood damaged
areas, holding malfunctioning systems together and patching compromised hulls. This
licensed system improves on that original modification, incorporating a dedicated capillary
system tied into the core's damage control subroutines enabling them to shunt measured
quantities of repair paste to critical areas as needed.

3 SP, Unique
Overshield, Limited (2)
1/round, when you take 5 or more Kinetic, Energy or Explosive damage from a single
attack (after Armor and Resistance), you gain your Grit +4 Overshield. You then gain +2
Accuracy to the next skill check or save you make before the end of your next turn.

Motorized Tetsubo
In the arena, spectacle is everything. Bigger, flashier, and more brutal weapons are highly
sought after, with competitors and weapon designers constantly attempting to one-up
each other in the field of sensational violence, and few weapons are bigger or more brutal
than what C&H dubs the motorized tetsubo. Effectively a chainsword scaled up to
enormous size, even without power this massive, ungainly weapon's reinforced housing is
sturdy enough to be used as a vicious bludgeon, and with its motor revving it can shred
through other mechs outright in a single blow.

Superheavy Melee
Threat 2
3d6 kinetic damage
On hit, this weapon gains additional damage based on how many 6’s you roll on its base
damage dice:
• 1: Deal an additional 4 damage.
• 2: Deal an additional 7 damage.
• 3 or if the weapon's damage is maximized: Deal an additional 10 damage, and the
target is Shredded until the end of their next turn.

As a full action you can swing this ungainly weapon in a Burst 2 sweeping blow. Characters
within this area must pass a Hull save or take 1d6+3 kinetic damage, be knocked back 2
spaces, and knocked prone. On a successful save they take half damage and are not
knocked back or prone.

The current premier offering from C&H's in-development NHP coaching and curation
program, OGOUN was catalyzed from neural engrams of over 500 arena combatants
selected during an intensive and clandestine two year trial, not just for combat prowess
but for resilience, tenacity, and adaptability under pressure. As a result OGOUN is
surprisingly multifaceted for a fledgling NHP, incorporating hypercognizant threat-
adaptation subroutines and advanced self-diagnostic heuristics into its core matrix.
Personality-wise OGOUN tends to be less formal than NHPs designed primarily by and for
military interests, but pilots should be aware that it possesses a prideful streak and those
who fail to live up to its standards may find themselves regularly berated until their
combat performance metrics noticeably improve.

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI tag and Lord of Iron:

Lord of Iron
3 heat (self)
1/round, when you are hit by an attack or fail a save which causes you to become
Immobilized, Jammed, or Stunned, you gain resistance to all damage and automatically
pass all Hull and Agility checks and saves until the end of your next turn. This effect
resolves after any damage dealt by the triggering attack or save, but before the condition
is applied.

One of C&H's more controversial licenses, there's little doubt that the origins of the
KALLARANI chassis and its systems lie in piracy. This lends credence to the persistent
rumors that one of the company's undisclosed financial backers is or was once a pirate
themselves, but C&H adamantly deny any and all claims that they encourage license
holders to engage in illegal activities - while nonetheless maintaining that they have no
control over what pilots choose to do with their licenses. However one chooses to look at
it, the KALLARANI is well suited to shipboard actions in addition to urban combat
scenarios, providing pilots with a variety of powerful and flexible close-quarters options
and drone network systems to choose from.

During the uprising the KALLARANI was the chassis of choice for members of the Suldani
Revolutionary Engineering Corps, who utilized it extensively in the bloody block-by-block
fighting with the Emir's Royal Guard. Though they suffered heavy casualties in the
process, they cultivated a fearsome reputation that ultimately led to numerous Guard
units routing or even surrendering rather than having to face them in combat, and the
design has enjoyed a certain prestige among revolutionary veterans and provisional
security force commanders ever since.

I. Type-17 Boarding Pistol, Scavenger Nexus
II. KALLARANI FRAME, Spider Mines, Salamander Incendiary Shotgun
III. Saboteur Drone, Type-96 Shield Gun

HP: 8 Evasion: 8 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 6 Sensors: 8

Armor: 1 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

10 4 +1
Save Target:


Multirole Armament: Whenever the KALLARANI Barrages, if it chooses two or more

weapons of different types (Rifle, CQB, Launcher, Cannon, Nexus, or Melee), it may gain
+1 Accuracy to an attack of its choice made as part of that Barrage.
Ambush Jammers: All attacks made against the KALLARANI during the first round in
each scene count it as having hard cover.
Integrated EVA Rig: The KALLARANI counts as having a propulsion system in low or
zero gravity and submarine environments.



Flex Mount Flex Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

Typhoon Airburst Projector

Adapted from a close-in point defense system, the Typhoon is a chassis-integrated

sensor package and launcher optimized for close-quarters combat and zone interdiction.
Sensors track a target's bearing, direction, and range, then launch an airburst
fragmentation shell set to detonate at optimum distance to ensure on-target saturation
even around corners or behind cover.

An extremely common modification, especially among pirates, is to override the sensor

restrictions and overclock the Typhoon's launch mechanisms. Though taxing, the result
is a devastating rolling barrage capable of saturating a wide area with shrapnel. Soft-
target/materiel kill efficiency approaches maximum percentage within the designated
bombardment area, clearing areas of even entrenched threats and securing dronespace
superiority during high-intensity boarding actions.

Integrated Mount: Typhoon Airburst Projector

Typhoon Airburst Projector
This weapon can be fired with two profiles:

Main Launcher (Airburst)

Range 5, Cone 5
3 kinetic damage

Main Launcher (Close-In Defense)

Knockback 2
Cone 3
3 kinetic damage
This mode ignores ranged penalties from Engaged, and can be fired as a free action
before or after you Barrage.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Decksweeper Fusillade

Full Action
Create a Blast 5 zone. At least one part of this zone must be adjacent to your mech. All
deployed systems such as turrets, drones, deployable cover, and mines within this area
are instantly destroyed. All other characters within this area become Impaired until the
end of their next turn and must pass an Agility save or take 2d6 kinetic damage
(characters with the Biological tag take 4d6 kinetic damage), half on a miss.

Type-17 Boarding Pistol

In close-quarters combat engagement ranges can shift in the blink of an eye, moving from
range to melee and back again. Combination weapons have long been an attempt to
provide pilots with a flexible combat solution to the challenges of boarding/counter-
boarding urban warfare operations, but many pilots frequently find them to be
cumbersome or underpowered. The Type-17 is an older design, a lightweight pistol with a
housing married to a reinforced combat blade. Though it lacks the stopping power of
higher-caliber weapons, C&H have significantly improved the weapon's accuracy and
reliability over earlier models, and with sufficient practice the ability to fluidly switch
between ranged and melee combat can provide unexpected tactical advantages.

This weapon can be freely used with either profile. Modifications and talents which only
affect ranged or melee weapons only function when used with the appropriate profile.

Auxiliary CQB
Range 5, Threat 3
1d3 kinetic damage

Auxiliary Melee
Threat 1
1d3 kinetic damage

Scavenger Nexus
The VF-20 "Termite" is a VTOL/all-atmosphere capable drone platform originally designed
for use by shipbreakers and salvage crews to assist with dismantling decommissioned
ships and spaceborne infrastructure assets, but pirates and mercenary crews frequently
employ modified versions of these civilian drones as ad hoc combat units. This
standardized license model is less makeshift in design but nonetheless incorporates a
variety of hardpoint-mounted demolition tools rated for combat use as well as
engineering. Skilled operators can even utilize these drones to administer crude but
effective field repairs in a pinch.

Main Nexus
1 SP
Overkill, Smart
Range 10
1d3+1 kinetic damage
This weapon deals 10 AP kinetic damage to objects, cover, terrain, and the environment.

Gain the following quick tech action:

Patch Job: Choose an ally within Sensors. They they take 1d6 heat and spend
1 Repair to immediately restore their HP to full. This can only be used 1/scene on
each character.

Spider Charges
Not really a sophisticated drone system as such, spider charges require no guidance or
direction from a pilot, acting on their own once deployed. Operating with only a
rudimentary target-seeking intelligence, these ambulatory high-explosive smart munitions
relentlessly pursue any infantry-tier or armored targets that trigger their proximity
sensors, detonating once within optimal range or by failsafe when destroyed. C&H
reminds license holders to ensure that all allied IFF codes are properly up to date and
synced to local tacnets before employing this system.

2 SP, Limited 2, Unique

You may spend a charge from this system for one of the following:
Sentry Grenade (Grenade, Range 5): Your target must pass a Systems save or the
grenade attaches to them and arms itself. On a successful save, they take 2
explosive damage. It automatically attaches to objects. 1/turn, when a hostile
character other than the stuck target starts their turn within range 2 of an attached
grenade, it detonates and fires a guided projectile at them. They must pass a
Systems save or take 1d6+3 explosive damage and be knocked prone, taking half
damage and not being knocked prone on a success. Undetonated grenades disarm
at the end of the scene.
Spider Mine (Mine, Burst 1): As a protocol, you may move an armed spider mine up
to 3 spaces towards the nearest hostile character within Sensors. If multiple
characters are equally close, you may choose which one to move towards. Spider
mines treat vertical and overhanging surfaces as flat ground for the purposes of
movement. This mine detonates when a hostile character moves adjacent to or over
it, or the mine's movement causes it to collide with a hostile character. Characters
within the affected area must pass a Systems save or take 2d6 explosive damage,
taking half damage on a successful save.

Salamander Incendiary Shotgun

While incendiary weapons remain a point of contention in light of the Hercynian Crisis,
C&H somewhat irreverently advertises this particular license as an "advanced combat
engineering torch optimized for use in close quarters." Whether the Galactic Treaties
Board finds this sufficiently amusing to pass muster remains to be seen, but in the
meantime license holders are able to requisition this reinforced combat shotgun designed
to fire a mixture of superheated magnesium-jacketed flechettes and aerosolized
nanoparticle thermite. Devastating against lightly armored targets in close-quarters
engagements and shipboard assaults, the weapon also features an adjustable choke for
optimal payload delivery.

Main CQB
Overkill, 1 heat (self)
Range 5, Threat 3 or Cone 5
1d3 kinetic damage + Burn 2
This weapon can be used with either range profile, but not both in the same round.

Saboteur Drone
Few drones are as reviled by pilots as the "Scorpion Wasp," a specially designed seek-and-
subvert unit commonly employed by pirates and less reputable mercenaries due to its
ability to confirm effective kills while preserving a chassis for future salvage. Nonetheless,
for those willing to employ it this feared and detested drone platform provides an effective
force-multiplier giving operators a variety of methods to disrupt and neutralize enemy
units in the field, ranging from system interference and internal damage all the way to a
catastrophic cockpit breach.
3 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Drone (Size 1/2, 5 HP, 10 Evasion/E-defense)
As a quick action you may choose a hostile mech within Sensors and make a contested
check using Grit against the target mech's Hull. On a success, the saboteur drone deploys
and begins jockeying the target. You may then perform any of the jockeying options upon
the target 1/round as a free action. Hostile attacks made against jockeying saboteur
drones deal half damage, heat, or burn to the jockeyed target on a miss. The drone
remains upon the target until shaken off or the target is destroyed, after which it's
automatically recalled. You may also spend another quick action to automatically end this
effect and either recall the drone or make another jockeying attempt against a hostile
mech within Sensors. Treat it as if it has a Grit value equal to your own for the purposes of

Gain the following options for jockeying with a saboteur drone:

Sabotage: The target makes all checks and saves with +1 Difficulty until the end
of their next turn.
Breach: The target must pass a Hull save or become Shredded until the end of
their next turn. If the target has only 1 structure remaining and is at half HP or less,
then on a failure you may instead choose to order the saboteur drone to breach the
cockpit and messily kill the pilot, destroying the target instantly. When used this
way, the drone is destroyed as well and cannot be used again until your next full
repair. On a successful save the target takes 2 AP kinetic damage.

Type-96 Shield Gun

An extension of the combination weapon design philosophy, the Type-96 takes things a
step further than merely integrating two different weapons together. A combined
offensive/defensive system, a heavy-duty assault shield provides reliable, if cumbersome,
protection against multiple threat types, while a high-powered, close-range howitzer is
housed within, safely concealed behind retractable panels when not in use, capable of
both direct and indirect fire. While some may find the wisdom of deliberately subjecting a
heavy weapon to serious impacts questionable, and adoption rates were never high during
the system's initial forays into the market, C&H nonetheless offers this license to pilots
who find the multiple types of close-combat protection the Type-96 offers to be

2 SP, Protocol
As a protocol you may select one of the following profiles. This profile remains active until
a new one is selected. Modifications and talents which only affect ranged or melee
weapons only function when used with the appropriate profile.

Assault Shield
Heavy Melee
Knockback 1
Threat 1
1d6+4 kinetic damage
When you Brace, if your armor is lower than 4 you treat it as if it were 4 until the end of
your next turn.

Retractable Howitzer
Heavy Cannon
Arcing, Ordnance, Overkill
Range 10, Blast 1
2d6 explosive damage

Rather than any sort of gladiatorial combat, the MATADOR was primarily sourced from
designs utilized by the Suldani Independence Front in their still-ongoing conflict with
Arclight TransColonial corporate reclamation forces. C&H bills this frame as an
asymmetrical warfare platform ideal for pilots conducting long-term guerrilla warfare
operations against technologically and numerically superior opposition. Aggressive
counterintrusion and anti-systemic invasion packages allow even less technically
proficient pilots to engage advanced units on equal footing.

The MATADOR has been a point of contention for Arclight TransColonial since its
introduction, who have lodged several formal protests at what they feel to be clear
evidence that Chandrasekhar & Herschel is covertly supporting the SIF despite the
company's official position to the contrary. C&H in turn denies this, stating that their
mandate is to provide their license holders with access to the finest combat-grade chassis
and compatible systems they can provide, no matter their provenance.

I. Viral Knife, ECM Launchers
II. MATADOR FRAME, Weapon Hardening, BEARTRAP Counterintrusion Tracer v. 2.3
III. Banderilla Anti-Radiation Missiles, PUNJI Counterintrusion Spike v. 1.6

HP: 12 Evasion: 10 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 8 Sensors: 3

Armor: 0 E-Defense: Size: 2 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

6 4 -2
Save Target:


Hostile Architecture: All hostile tech attacks, tech actions, and abilities which inflict
Systems saves made against the MATADOR cause the attacker to take 2 heat. If either
the MATADOR or the target is in the Danger Zone, they take 2 AP energy damage as
IFF Spoofer: 1/round, whenever a hostile character targets an ally within the
MATADOR's Sensors with a tech attack, an attack using a weapon with the Smart tag, or
an ability which inflicts a Systems save, you may force that attack or save to target the
MATADOR instead.
Guardian: Adjacent allies can use the MATADOR for hard cover.
Weak Computer: The MATADOR has +1 Difficulty on Systems checks and saves.



Flex Mount Main/Aux Mount

CORE system

Anthem Wideband Jammer

The earliest versions of this system were sourced from salvaged corvette-grade
interdiction screens, designed to protect capital spaceships from autonomous and semi-
autonomous drones and munitions during naval combat operations. Since those early
days the design has been refined and streamlined, though it remains as aggressively
indiscriminate as ever, blanketing an area with wideband suppression signals and
electromagnetic interference that jams communications, scrambles autonomous
weaponry, and inflicts debilitating feedback upon invasive electronic warfare systems,
providing complete electronic cover for rapid-strike covert operations.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Blackout

Create a Burst 4 area, becoming Slowed. While this ability is active, characters in the
area cannot use any weapons or systems with the AI, Drone, Seeking, or Smart tags. Any
deployed systems with those tags are rendered inert, AI systems become mute and non-
functional, and all communication systems are rendered inoperable. These effects
immediately end whenever a character or deployed system leaves the area. Any
character in the area who attempts a tech action or tech attack must roll a d6. On a 4+,
they take 1d6 heat and the tech action or tech attack automatically fails.

This effect lasts until the end of your next turn, or you may extend the duration of the
area for an additional round by taking heat during the start of your turn as a protocol;
the first time you take 1d3 heat, then 1d6 heat, then 1d6+4 heat each round thereafter.
The jammer also deactivates at the end of the scene.

Viral Knife
The Suldani Independence Front's ongoing struggles have led to a variety of novel
improvised weapon designs showcasing technical creativity in lieu of advanced
manufacturing capabilities. Derived from mining injector spikes, the so-called "viral knife"
uses a superhardened blade along with a revolving injection cylinder to deploy a volatile
but highly effective viral codex-slurry payload directly into physically compromised
systems. Capable of wreaking havoc upon technologically sophisticated combat platforms,
C&H's wide-distribution license incorporates a number of safety and reliability refinements
in the codex-slurry formulation for optimal performance, though users are nonetheless
advised to avoid unprotected contact with the payload.

Auxiliary Melee
Threat 1
1d3 kinetic damage
On hit, the target must pass a Hull save or be injected with a viral payload. Until the end of
their next turn, the next time they make a tech action or force a character to make a
Systems save, they take 3 AP energy damage.
ECM Launchers
Even sophisticated target acquisition and electronic warfare systems can be nullified
through the simple and expedient method of forcing them to wade through a morass of
noise and junk data. Each of these dispensers is preloaded with an assortment of multi-
spectrum flares, metallic chaff, electrostatic smoke, wideband IFF squawkers, and
GHOST/ECHO data-strobes. A hypervigilant early warning system then blankets the
surrounding area with these countermeasures as soon as hostile targeting or unauthorized
system access attempts are detected.

2 SP, Unique, Limited (2)

1/round, when a hostile character makes a tech attack against you or an attack using a
weapon with the Smart tag, you may create a Burst 1 area of electronic countermeasures
around you that lasts until the end of your next turn. Characters in this cloud of chaff and
electrified smoke benefit from soft cover, gaining hard cover against tech attacks and
attacks with weapons with the Smart tag instead. This reaction interrupts and resolves
before the triggering attack.

Weapon Hardening
By taking standard armaments and retrofitting them with reinforced power supplies,
redundant ammunition feeds, ablative firewalls, and backup "dummy" targeting systems,
pilots can avoid forced interruption of offensive capabilities during high-threat combat
scenarios. Such modifications are highly discouraged by many manufacturers as they
often require disabling key interface components and handshake firmware in order to
properly insulate the weapon from systemic attacks and electromagnetic disruption, but
many pilots find the additional uptime to be worth any number of voided end-user

2 SP
Choose one weapon. You can make attacks with this weapon while Jammed, but they
receive +1 Difficulty when doing so. 1/mission whenever this weapon would be destroyed
you may ignore that effect.

BEARTRAP Counterintrusion Tracer v. 2.3

When the SIF took up arms against Arclight forces it became immediately apparent that
what mechs and vehicles they had weren't equipped to withstand sophisticated software
intrusion and e-warfare systems. Rather than fruitlessly attempt to keep enemy forces
from penetrating their systems with outdated defenses they adopted a different approach,
seeding hostile counterintrusion malware within their core electronics. BEARTRAP triggers
upon detecting foreign intrusion, piggybacking onto the signal wave and embedding itself
within the intruder's firmware before activating a screamer subroutine that
indiscriminately broadcasts positional and diagnostic information on all frequencies,
requiring active countermeasures to purge once infected.

2 SP, Unique
1/round, when a hostile tech action against you succeeds or you fail a Systems save
inflicted by a hostile character, the attacker takes 2 heat and becomes infected by a tracer
program. While infected, the target cannot Hide, cannot benefit from Invisibility, and they
automatically become Scanned and Locked On at the start of their turn. Characters can
purge this infection by passing a Systems save at the end of their turn.

Banderilla Anti-Radiation Missiles

Though they can be dumbfired in a pinch, the Banderilla missile platform's onboard expert
system achieves full potential when provided with hostile active sensor sweeps to home in
on, riding an enemy's own electronic emissions back to the source to deliver precision
indirect-attack and counterbattery fire regardless of intervening terrain. Each missile
incorporates advanced inertial and topographical navigation systems as well as a multi-
stage motor with burn-loiter capabilities to overcome reactive sensor shutdowns, homing
in on an active threat's current or extrapolated position to deliver its payload on target.

1 SP
Main Launcher
Range 15
1d6+2 explosive damage
Whenever a hostile character makes a tech action against you or forces you to make a
Systems save, until the end of your next turn all attacks with this weapon lose Inaccurate
and gain Reliable 3 and Seeking against that character.

PUNJI Counterintrusion Spike v. 1.6

Desperate times often call for desperate measures, and while early versions of this
counterintrusion program took a definitive psychological toll against Arclight forces, the
cost of its use was eventually deemed unacceptably high; by exploiting millisecond
synchronizations between hostile electronics and their own core computers, SIF pilots
were able to create a feedback spike capable of violently overloading an attacker's
primary systems, but the strain often resulted in an uncontrolled meltdown of their own
reactor as well. As a result this version, which C&H now licenses, is actually toned down
from the original design, less destructive to both targets as well as users.

3 SP, Unique
1/round when a hostile tech action against you succeeds or you fail a Systems save
inflicted by a hostile character, you may immediately become Stunned until the end of
your next turn. The attacker then takes 4d6 AP energy damage from a massive feedback
spike and must pass an Engineering save or become Stunned until the end of their next
turn, becoming Impaired and Slowed until the end of their next turn on a success. This can
only be used 1/scene on each character.

Unarmed martial arts have a long historical association with oppressive regimes as a way
for those without ready access to weaponry to learn how to defend themselves,
sometimes even training in plain sight. On Suldan the situation was no different and over
time, under the guise of pilot training and gladiatorial exhibitions, the secret techniques
and technologies of the pilot martial art known as raksasa silat were passed down from
master to student.

The PESILAT is a robust and flexible lightweight chassis design created by C&H from the
ground up, made to fulfill the unique hybrid close-combat and electronic warfare
capabilities demanded by the practitioners of this esoteric fighting art. Incorporating an
advanced full-body haptic/kinesthetic control interface for 1-1 equivalent motion
translation, the PESILAT is a physically demanding chassis to operate and martial arts
conditioning is a highly recommended component of any PESILAT pilot's familiarization

I. Crashing Avalanche Module, //shadowfist
II. PESILAT FRAME, Falling Star Module, //serpent_FANG
III. Dipping Swallow Module, //HEARTSHATTER v. 5.palm

HP: 8 Evasion: 10 Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 5

Armor: 0 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

10 4 +2
Save Target:


Contact Bridge: The PESILAT Invades a character it is grappling, it gains +1 Accuracy.

Rising Sun Module: Standing from prone does not cost the PESILAT its movement, and
it may stand from Prone even while Immobilized.
Muscle-Tracer Haptics: 1/round the PESILAT may deal +1d6 bonus damage on hit with
a ram, grapple, or Improvised Attack.



Aux/Aux Mount

CORE system

Combat Induction Chassis

Raksasa silat practitioners often outfit their mechs with custom systemic intrusion
software designed to enhance their combat capabilities, all the more useful when access
to weaponry is tightly restricted. A particular aspect of this style is the use of point-to-
point contact induction transmission, bypassing the need for remote electronic signature
acquisition and interfacing directly with target systems within close range.
GATECRASHER is one such hardware/software induction suite, giving pilots the ability to
initiate systemic attacks via physical contact using their mech's own frame as a
transmission bridge.

This isn't the only chassis modification that raksasa silat masters make to their mechs,
however. There are other powerful enhancements and modifications as well, the precise
details of which are seldom shared with those outside their ranks, but nonetheless boast
impressive combat performance. C&H is proud to offer one such enhancement package
to pilots who display sufficient dedication to walking this path.

Passive: Whenever you successfully hit a target with an Improvised Attack, you may
immediately make an Invade tech attack against them as a free action. You may Invade
in this way even if you are Jammed.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Demon Tiger Overdrive

For the remainder of this combat your Improvised Attacks gain +1 Threat, AP, and can
attack two targets at a time.

Crashing Avalanche Module

A cornerstone of many mech-based martial arts is the reflex module, customized
haptic/kinesthetic control macros tied directly into a mech's core computer. These
firmware packages allow pilots to execute complex and sophisticated combat maneuvers
with increased speed and precision; not an expert system or NHP partition but an
integrated semiautonomous reaction/response multiplier, often referred to as “muscle
memory for mechs.” This particular module is an aggressive grappling suite designed to
enhance close-quarters groundfighting techniques with reduced manual input

1 SP, Unique
You may move a character you are grappling to any free space adjacent to you, and until
the end of your next turn they take 2 kinetic damage whenever they attempt a Hull check
to either take control of or break free from the grapple.

A commonly employed attack-code algorithm with numerous versions and variations to be
found in the employ of both electronic warfare specialists and combat art practitioners
alike, this particular version is a cleaned up and optimized package tailored for use with
the PESILAT. Feedback loops introduced into a target's primary sensors and fire-control
systems result in a drastic reduction of sensor and targeting acuity, returning too many
false positives beyond minimal operational ranges to be relied upon and often running
afoul of automated safety cutouts. Weapons and e-warfare systems are unaffected
directly, but suffer catastrophic performance reduction without proper guidance and
clearance permissions to rely upon.

2 SP, Unique
Invade, Quick Tech
Gain the following options for Invade.
Isolation Code: Until the end of their next turn, the target does not have line of
sight to allies further than range 1 and cannot benefit from allied systems, abilities,
or tech actions.
Static Void: The target cannot draw line of sight to spaces further away than you
until the end of their next turn.

Falling Star Module

This reflex module enhances a mech's primary balance and weight distribution
subroutines to allow for significantly greater leverage without compromising stability or
structural integrity. In conjunction with precisely tuned power redistribution to
manipulator and propulsion subsystems pilots are able to aggressively displace opponents
exceeding their mass by up to 400% for brief durations.

2 SP, Unique
Quick Action
1/round, you can make a melee attack using a character you are grappling as a weapon.
This attack has a threat equal to the grappled character's size. On hit, this attack deals
1d6 kinetic damage to both the target of the attack as well as the character you are
grappling, and both must pass a Hull save or be knocked prone.

An unusual dual-stage intrusion package whose precise origins are a subject of
speculation, serpent_FANG injects a series of polymorphic logic bombs into the target's
core processes in an uncompiled state, lying dormant until triggered by system activity.
Once the target acts the logic bombs compile into one of several configurations,
bypassing active threat scans long enough to afflict them with brute-force shutdown
prompts and destructive overrides. While passive countermeasures will eventually purge
this hostile code given time, the opportunity it creates can be enough to give a pilot the
decisive edge in a fight. Rumors persist that this software package is prone to destructive
incompatibility with certain instances of HORUS-derived system architecture, but as of yet
investigations into this phenomenon remain inconclusive.

2 SP, Unique
Invade, Quick Tech
Gain the following options for Invade:
Uncertainty Trap: If the next action the target performs is an attack it becomes
Immobilized until the end of its next turn. If the next action the target performs is a
standard move or Boost, it becomes Jammed until the end of its next turn.
Performing any other action causes the target to take 2 heat and become Impaired
until the end of its next turn. This can only be used 1/scene on each character.
• Liminal Cascade: Apply a cascade mark to the target. You or any ally can
consume this mark on hit with a ranged or melee attack to teleport them 3 spaces
in any direction and force them to pass a Systems save or be knocked prone. A
character can only have one cascade mark at a time.

Dipping Swallow Module

A fundamental principle of raksasa silat is the lack of distinction between attack and
defense. Students are taught that even defensive measures should be undertaken with an
eye towards destroying one's opponent, and this reflex module embodies that principle by
overclocking a mech's reaction/response handling in conjunction with retaliatory positional
modeling macros to provide practitioners and pilots with superior counteroffensive
capabilities that take greater effective advantage of openings presented by aggressors.

2 SP, Unique
2 heat (self)
Whenever you Brace you may move 1 space, ignoring engagement and reactions. If the
triggering attacker is within range, you may also make an Improvised Attack against them
as part of the Brace. If this destroys the attacker, you do not suffer the negative effects of
bracing (you may continue to use reactions normally and you do not lose any actions next

//HEARTSHATTER v. 5.palm
A cascading asymptotic code attack specifically designed to target primary and secondary
armaments, in particular ammunition loading and energy transmission subroutines, the
HEARTSHATTER attack code-technique amplifies standard intrusion protocols to initiate
catastrophic weapon systems failures, resulting in chain reaction ammo cook-offs and
power cell discharges capable of crippling a target's offensive capabilities or even
destroying it outright. Appropriate caution should be exercised when engaging targets
carrying highly reactive ordnance in enclosed spaces.

2 SP, Unique
Invade, Quick Tech
Gain the following options for Invade:
Discharge: Until the end of their next turn, the target becomes Impaired and each
time they miss with a ranged or melee weapon attack roll they take 2 AP damage of
that weapon's type + 1 heat.
Rupture: Choose one of the target's weapons. That weapon is disabled and the
target takes 4 burn. The target can spend a quick action to pass an Engineering
save in order to reactivate this weapon, or may take a Stabilize action to
automatically reactivate it. This can only be used 1/scene on each character.

Not every gladiatorial battle is fought to the death. More often than not bouts last until
one mech is no longer able to operate whether that means a total kill or simply an
effective kill. The RETIARIUS is a sturdy close- to mid-range suppression/support unit built
around this principle, designed to carry a payload tailored to disable as well as destroy,
typically including a frame-integrated autoloading net launcher adapted from modular
cargo winch systems for entangling and restraining opponents.

This makes the RETIARIUS ideally suited to specialized operations where less-lethal
capabilities and reduced collateral damage are desired such as low-intensity security
patrols, live target capture and extraction, or even training exercises, all in addition to the
general tactical flexibility of locking down high-priority targets during standard combat
operations. After-action metrics of RETIARIUS chassis in live-fire engagements report
upwards of 70% target casualty minimization with no negative impact on overall combat

I. Slingstone Charges, Tangler Cannon
II. RETIARIUS FRAME, Shock Lash, Scrambler Rounds
III. Blast Chain, Temblor Pulse-Field Generator

HP: 10 Evasion: 7 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 7 Sensors: 10

Armor: 1 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

8 4 +0
Save Target:


Nanoweave Net Launcher: 1/round as a free action you may choose a character in
range 5 and pull them 2 spaces in any direction. This movement ignores engagement
and doesn't provoke reactions. Rams and Grapples against that character are made with
+1 Accuracy until the end of their next turn.
Shock Absorbers: The RETIARIUS is immune to Knockback.
Stable Footing: Whenever the RETIARIUS would be knocked prone you may make a
Hull check to remain standing, even when a check or save is not normally allowed.



Flex Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

Anchorpoint Entanglement System

Ongoing adoption of the RETIARIUS license beyond Suldan as well as continued research
and refinement of less-lethal chassis systems has led Chandrasekhar & Herschel to
develop ANCHORPOINT, an experimental semi-autonomous deployable area suppression
payload. Each individual ANCHORPOINT unit affixes itself solidly into place with a tri-
stage pneumatic/plasma/electromagnetic piton system. Once secured, these units are
capable of independently prioritizing hostile targets within a designated coverage zone
and restraining them them with volleys of magnetically accelerated grapnels attached to
high-tensile nanocarbon-weave cables rated for 30 tons. Without the aid of time and
dedicated engineering equipment, entangled targets will often cause self-inflicted
structural damage attempting to disengage from the grapnels under their own power,
their own hulls giving out before the ANCHORPOINT does.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Deploy Anchorpoints

Deploy three anchorpoint units to free spaces within range 5 of your mech. During your
turn, each unit can target one hostile character within range 5 of itself with a restraint
grapnel as a free action, and those targets automatically become Immobilized as long as
the anchorpoint is attached to them. A restrained character can attempt to remove the
grapnel at the beginning of their turn by passing a Hull save as a free action. If they
succeed the effect ends but they take 4 kinetic damage in the process of ripping
themselves free. Multiple anchorpoints may restrain the same character, adding +1
Difficulty to the Hull save and +2 kinetic damage inflicted on a successful save for each
anchorpoint after the first.

An anchorpoint can only attach itself to one target at a time, and you may choose to end
this effect on any or all anchorpoint units at the start of your turn as a protocol.
Anchorpoint units are special size 1/2 deployable objects with 10 HP and 5 Evasion. They
last until the end of the scene and then deactivate.

Slingstone Charges
A standardized version of a scratch-built arena staple, weighted, neuro-coded high
explosives are mounted to the ends of interconnected lengths of high-tensile nanocarbon
cable, detonating once a target has become entangled. The learning curve is steeper than
that of a standard combat grenade, mishaps being both more embarrassing as well as
more dangerous to an inexperienced user, but with practice this unorthodox weapon can
easily bring even larger opponents to their knees.

2 SP, Limited (2), Unique

You may spend a charge from this system for one of the following:
Bola Grenade (Grenade, Range 5): Choose a target within range. They must pass an
Agility save or fall prone and take 1d6+2 explosive damage, not falling prone and
taking half damage on a success.
Tripcord Mine (Mine, Special): In addition to free adjacent spaces, this mine can also
be placed on adjacent walls, pieces of cover, and terrain. When deployed this mine
creates a Line 5 area oriented in any direction. It detonates when any character
moves into or through this area, causing them to fall prone. They must then pass an
Agility save or take 1d6 explosive damage.

Tangler Cannon
An upscaled and higher powered version of the restraint adhesive projection systems
commonly employed for riot control, the tangler cannon is not rated for less-lethal actions
against infantry-scale targets and C&H Ltd. would like to remind license holders that they
can not be held liable for accidental injuries or deaths via suffocation that may occur due
to the improper use of this system. Each tangler shell is loaded with a quick-curing
molecular adhesive polymer resin with an airburst proximity trigger to maximize target
coverage with each shot, restraining joints, fouling movement systems, and bringing
targets to a standstill, making this weapon an ideal choice for securing bounties, salvage
ops, or field interrogations.

Main Cannon
Accurate, Knockback 2
Range 10
This weapon does no damage and cannot deal damage (from talents or otherwise). On a
successful hit the target must pass a Hull save. If they fail then they become Slowed and
take +2 Difficulty on all Hull and Agility saves and checks until the end of their next turn. If
this weapon's knockback causes the target to collide with an obstruction large enough to
stop their movement then they become Immobilized until the end of their next turn on a
failed save instead of Slowed.

Shock Lash
A length of reinforced, high-strength superconductive alloy cable hooked up to an
electromagnetic field generator, powered down the shock lash is little more than an
ungainly bludgeon but when drawing power directly from a mech's reactor the weapon
comes to life, wrapped in a crackling ionized plasma sheath capable of discharging up to
0.65 GJ upon impact. The combination of kinetic impact, thermal stress, and electrical
feedback is perfectly suited to inflict severe damage to a target's internal components,
triggering cascading system failures and critical overloads.

Main Melee
Inaccurate, Overkill, 1 heat (self)
Threat 3
1d6 kinetic damage + 2 energy damage
On critical hit, the target must pass a Systems save or become Jammed until the end of
their next turn, becoming Impaired until the end of their next turn on a successful save.

Scrambler Rounds
Typically electronic warfare operates on a principle of wide-area efficacy, but subsonic,
zero-penetration electrostatic jammer ammunition provides a more surgical application
where necessary. Designed to be fired from a variety of chassis-scale armaments, the
adhesive gel-encased projectiles do minimal damage in and of themselves but the
powerful wideband signal scramblers embedded within each one are capable of
overwhelming a mech's sensors and targeting systems, rendering them effectively blind
for their duration.

2 SP, Unique
Choose a rifle, cannon, or CQB weapon: when you attack with it, you may fire a scrambler
round instead of attacking normally. On hit, you deal half damage, heat, and burn, but the
target treats all characters further than range 10 as if they were Invisible and all other
characters as if they were in soft cover until the end of their next turn.

Blast Chain
Perhaps the most visually distinctive weapon in the RETIARIUS line, the blast chain is self-
described, a chain comprised of high-powered electromagnetic limpet mines joined
together with flexible links of titanium/polycarbon weave. The result is an unusual weapon
that can be used to entangle and restrain enemies from a distance before reeling them in,
allowing the user to pummel their opponent with other weapons along with the option of
finishing them off in spectacular fashion by detonating the mines attached to them.

Heavy Melee
Threat 3
1d6 kinetic damage
On hit, you automatically grapple your target. You may maintain this grapple regardless of
adjacency as long as the target remains within this weapon's Threat range. You cannot
make attacks with this weapon while maintaining this grapple. If you control the grapple,
you can pull the target adjacent to you as a free action.

You may end this grapple as normal, or use a quick action to detonate the mines on the
chain. Doing so immediately ends the grapple, deals 2d6 Explosive damage to the target
and they must pass a Hull save or become Shredded until the end of their next turn. Until
you detonate these mines, this weapon does not need to be reloaded.

Temblor Pulse-Field Generator

Modified from industrial mining and demolition equipment, a harmonic resonance
generator utilizes audiokinetic pulses to create vibrational cascades capable of breaking
down solid matter or collapsing buildings. While a full-scale version of one of these
generators would be impractical to mount within a mech chassis, a scaled-down version,
along with the necessary insulation to safely operate it in combat, allows a pilot to create
a localized vibrational disruption field around their mech as a close area
denial/suppression system.

3 SP, Unique
Protocol, Quick Action, 2 heat (self)
Activating this system as a protocol creates a Burst 2 area that lasts until the end of your
next turn. All other characters within this area treat it as difficult terrain, and characters
other than you that start their turn within the area or enter the area for the first time on
their turn must pass an Agility save or fall prone and take 2 Kinetic damage

While this system is active, 1/round as a quick action you may deal 20 AP kinetic damage
to all objects and terrain within the area.

On Suldan, the popularity of the arena runs all the way from the lower socioeconomic
strata to the rarefied heights of the planet's self-styled aristocracy. Formal chassis dueling
was adopted by the upper class of Suldani society during the Emir's reign in an attempt to
further distinguish themselves, with various members of the nobility importing and even
commissioning custom chassis designed specifically for dueling purposes. Despite a brief
fascination with Smith-Shimano models, interests eventually turned to more local,
bespoke designs.

Following the revolution, C&H engineers liberated the specifications for one such design in
the SABREUR and repurposed it for broader distribution. While the precise battlefield role
of such a dueling-oriented design remains somewhat vague, adoption rates have risen
significantly since C&H has begun advertising it as “a high-performance chassis for elite
pilots,” opting to let matters of strategic deployment and combat doctrine sort themselves

I. Auto-Adjusting Weight, Peregrine Seeker Glaive
II. SABREUR FRAME, Smartblade, Shield Array Drone
III. Evasive Vernier Array, ARTEMIS-class NHP

HP: 8 Evasion: 12 Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 4 Sensors: 10

Armor: 0 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

6 4 -1
Save Target:


Reaction Enhancer: Any number of times per round, whenever a hostile character's
ranged or melee attack roll against the SABREUR is equal to its Evasion, you may force
that attack to automatically miss as a reaction.
Early Warning System: The SABREUR takes half damage and burn from failed saves.
Riposte: 1/round, whenever a hostile character attacks the SABREUR, until the end of
your next turn your next melee attack against that character does +1d6 bonus damage
on hit. If the triggering attack misses, you may roll this bonus damage twice and take
the highest result.



Flex Mount Main/Aux Mount

CORE system
Archangel Autokinesics

Many chassis duelists employ restricted-operation integrated NHP partitions, often

referred to as their “second,” to handle various operational tasks in order to allow them
to focus their attention more fully upon the finer points of martial honor. This particular
iteration, designated ARCHANGEL, employs a synapse-analogue reflex architecture that
bypasses conventional permission/denial channels in order to respond to incoming
attacks with greatly increased reaction time, pre-calculating evasive maneuvers based
on comprehensive kinesic models and threat evaluation patterns, granting pilots a “sixth
sense” that allows them to more comprehensively avoid danger.

Pushing additional power and architecture permissions into this system is technically
possible and greatly boosts reaction/response parameters beyond manufacturer
baselines but carries with it the risk of the partition spontaneously developing enhanced
cognition. While the results can be undeniably effective, it is strongly recommended that
any pilot that does so cycle this system afterwards as soon as possible. C&H reminds its
license holders that it accepts no liability for spontaneous NHP enlightenment and
associated damages thereof.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Ancillary Battle Consciousness

For the rest of the scene, ranged attacks made against you cannot benefit from
Accuracy bonuses to their rolls (though they may still use Accuracy to cancel out
Difficulty as normal). Whenever a hostile character makes an attack against you and
misses, you may move up to your speed towards that character as a reaction, ignoring
engagement and reactions. If you end this movement adjacent to the attacker they take
3 AP kinetic damage. You may make this reaction any number of times per round, but
characters may only take damage from this ability 1/round.

Auto-Adjusting Weight
In the field of weapons engineering, balance is just as important for mech-scale weaponry
as it is for a noble's personal dueling blade. Most mech weapons are designed to
adequately fit the frame that wields them, but by incorporating a series of motorized auto-
adjusting weights into a weapon's structure its balance can be dynamically adjusted with
every strike. While this does little to improve the weapon's overall lethality directly, it
greatly enhances its responsiveness even during complex offensive maneuvers, allowing
for enhanced precision and control, and consequently a higher probability of scoring
effective kills.

2 SP
Choose one melee weapon. It gains Reliable based on weapon size (Auxiliary: 1, Main: 2,
Heavy or larger: 3) if it does not already have the Reliable tag, or if it already has the
Reliable tag it adds +1 to its value. 1/round when you attack with this weapon, you may
add either +1 to its Threat or +3 to its Thrown range.
Peregrine Seeker Glaive
In formal mech duels, ranged armaments are often strictly prohibited with duelists being
restricted to melee weaponry only. The result of enterprising duelists looking to exploit
this particular loophole, the Peregrine seeker glaive is a deceptively sophisticated combat
knife, each blade a self-contained smart weapon system with independent throw-and-
forget target tracking and course correction capabilities allowing it to land effective hits
from seemingly impossible angles. Every seeker glaive is neuro-coded to prevent thrown
blades from being turned back against their user.

Auxiliary Melee
1 SP
Threat 1, Thrown 5
2 kinetic damage
When thrown against targets further than range 1, this weapon gains Seeking and deals
1d3+2 kinetic damage.

A pinnacle of modern materials engineering and elegant design, the smartblade appears
deceptively lightweight and slender for a mech-scale melee weapon, but the blade itself is
forged from an advanced polymorphic metamaterial alloy reinforced by a electromagnetic
control field. Onboard expert systems tied directly into the mech's sensor array are
capable of adjusting the blade's structure in real-time for optimum performance against
designated targets. Inexperienced users often complain that the weapon seems to fight
against their input, and C&H offers a complimentary familiarization and training sim
package to all license holders.

Main Melee
Smart, Unique
Threat 1
3 kinetic damage
When you consume Lock On as part of an attack with this weapon, it deals 1d6+3 AP
kinetic damage instead.

Shield Array Drone

Full-scale projected defense systems are often too bulky and power-intensive to be
housed within drones, which is why the “Kerubim” active defense system utilizes a
distributed array of multiple projector drones operating in tandem to triangulate a
protective barrier between them for precision threat interception. Rated against both solid
projectile and waveform attacks, the network is capable of independently maneuvering to
provide optimum, hands-free coverage against any selected target within its effective

2 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Drone (Size 2, 5 HP, 10 E-defense/Evasion, Hard Cover), Shield
You deploy a size 2 array of shield drones to any free space adjacent to you, and you may
recall it by spending another quick action. Treat this array as a size 1/2 object for the
purpose of effects which rely on size. This array mirrors your movements whenever you
move including teleportation, does not count as an obstruction and can overlap other
objects and units, and you count it as hard cover. The array itself also counts as having
hard cover and is immune to forced movement that would cause it to break adjacency
from you. 1/round when a hostile character makes a ranged attack against you, you may
take 2 heat or consume Lock On on that character to move the array to another space
adjacent to you as a reaction. This reaction interrupts and resolves before the triggering

Evasive Vernier Array

Suldani mech dueling emphasizes speed and grace over brute force, with duelists
frequently optimizing their machines for evasion as even a single well-placed blow can
spell the difference between honorable victory and inglorious defeat. An extensive frame-
wide system of high-powered thrusters are tied to a sophisticated threat-tracking expert
system. While not powerful enough to permit flight, the thrusters do allow pilots to swiftly
reposition their mech in response to attacks, setting up a counterstrike or simply finding
better ground from which to continue combat operations from. An expanded threat
database and several analytical firmware upgrades ensure that this system functions just
as well on the battlefield as it does in the dueling circle.

2 SP, Unique
You may immediately move 1 space in a direction of your choice whenever a ranged or
melee attack misses you. This movement does not provoke reaction attacks and ignores
engagement. You may take 2 heat to increase this movement to 3 spaces.

Combat-grade NHPs are seldom commissioned by civilian interests and such projects are
tightly restricted and closely monitored by Union intelligence, but with sufficient wealth
and social influence all things are possible. Conceived as an NHP for duelists of influential
noble houses to maintain their standings, when C&H appropriated the specifications for
the SABREUR they also discovered the casket containing the prime ARTEMIS codebase,
and following a six-month evaluation and assessment period made it available as a license
to sufficiently qualified pilots. ARTEMIS is frequently haughty and aloof, disdainful of what
it considers lesser enemies and only coming alive when confronted with a suitable foe at
which point it becomes almost playful. C&H recommends that care should be taken when
delegating target prioritization permissions to this NHP.

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI tag and the ARTEMIS Protocol:

ARTEMIS Protocol
Choose a character within Sensors and line of sight and give them a hunter's mark.
Marked characters don't benefit from Hidden against you, and whenever you make melee
attacks against a marked character you may roll twice and choose either result. 1/round
you may deal +1d6 bonus damage to a marked character with a melee critical hit. Any
attacks you make which don't include a marked character are made with +2 Difficulty and
cause you to take 2 heat.

Only a single character may be marked this way at a time, and the mark remains active
until you or the chosen target are destroyed, surrender, or retreat from the battlefield, at
which point this protocol may be used again against a new target. As a full action you may
move your mark to a different character in range.

The earliest SAGITTARIUS frames were makeshift affairs, constructed by the Suldani
Independence Front utilizing salvaged materials, including numerous advanced systems
along with specialized composite materials used by Arclight TransColonial, notable for
their lightweight durability and radiation-absorbent properties. These efforts led to the
creation of a distinct, bespoke chassis most commonly associated with the SIF's special
operations unit, the Cheshire Cats.

Recent combat analysis and after-action reports of conflicts along the Chiraji Mountain
range have identified an increase in SAGITTARIUS-analogue chassis usage, as well as a
corresponding increase in apparent design standardization. Arclight TransColonial
representatives have used this information to bolster their claims that Chandrasekhar &
Herschel is directly aiding the SIF in their activities, following the company's adoption of
the SAGITTARIUS as a formal license. C&H has staunchly refuted these allegations,
highlighting several key technical differences between the SIF models and their own

I. Shroud Missiles, Holo Charges
II. SAGITTARIUS FRAME, INKWELL Adaptive Paint, Nightingale Drone
III. Tactical Translocator, Echo Cloak

HP: 6 Evasion: 12 Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 15

Armor: 0 E-Defense: Size: 1/2 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

8 2 +0
Save Target:


Predator: The SAGITTARIUS gains +1 Accuracy on all attacks made from Hidden.
Stealth Composites: The SAGITTARIUS is immune to Lock On, and rolls to locate it
receive +1 Difficulty while it is Hidden.
Sensor Ghost: Attacks against the SAGITTARIUS that do not have Line of Sight count it
as Invisible.



Flex Mount

CORE system
Blackjacket Combat Bow

One of the challenges facing the SIF during initial development of the SAGITTARIUS was
formulating a ballistic weapon system for stealth operations and HVT elimination.
Chassis-grade weaponry is notoriously resistant to conventional sound suppression
techniques, and advanced sensor systems are highly capable of triangulating incoming
weapons fire via acoustics, thermal signatures, and electromagnetic discharge.

The eventual solution was a surprisingly archaic one, but one that nonetheless has
amply proven its effectiveness in combat. The Blackjacket is a chassis-grade compound
bow capable of (relatively) silently launching large, reinforced arrows at velocity
sufficient to threaten even armored cavalry. The required draw weight in order to
achieve this output necessitates the use of advanced engineering materials such as
nanocarbon fiber and arachnosynth weave in order to withstand the stresses of purely
mechanical operation at chassis scale without immediately shattering. Even then the
bow also employs a rudimentary electromagnetic launch-assist system along with
additional torque enhancers, though overall projectile velocity remains comparatively
low next to more conventional armaments. As such, effect on target is regularly
facilitated through the use of specialized warheads in order to defeat more advanced
defensive measures, with the standard loadout utilizing a contact-triggered piston spike
designed to penetrate armor.

Integrated Mount: Blackjacket Combat Bow

Blackjacket Combat Bow
Main Launcher, Rifle
Range 10
1d6+3 kinetic damage
If you attack with this weapon while Hidden you do not automatically break Hiding. On
hit, the target must pass a Systems save or you remain Hidden. On a miss you
automatically remain Hidden. This weapon can be drawn back with a quick action to
increase its range to 15 on its next attack, which gains Overkill. This effect is lost if you
move for any reason.

When you print this mech or during a full repair, choose 6 of these specialized arrows to
equip to your mech. You may choose individual options more than once, up to a
maximum of 2 uses of any given option. Whenever you attack with this weapon, you
may expend one of these arrows to gain its effect. These arrows do not count as a
limited system and cannot be replenished or enhanced by systems and abilities that
affect limited systems.

Mute Charge
You do not break Hiding with this option on hit or miss. The bow deals energy damage,
and on hit the target becomes Jammed until the end of its next turn. Characters can only
be affected by this option 1/scene.
Thermite Warhead
On hit, create a Burst 1 area around the target. The target and all characters within the
area take 3 burn.

Hyperdense Penetrator
The bow's damage becomes 2d6+3 and on hit the target is Shredded until the end of its
next turn.

Fragmentation Bolt
The bow's damage becomes 1d6 explosive, 2d6 explosive against targets with the
Biological tag, and its range becomes a Blast 1 within range 10.

Grapnel Line
This option deals no damage. On attack, you may either choose a target within range 10
and force them to pass a Hull save or be knocked prone, or you may target a free space
or surface within range 10 and immediately fly to that space or the nearest adjacent free
space. You must end this movement on the ground or another solid surface or else
immediately begin falling.

Viral Payload
On hit, the target takes 2 heat and is Slowed, Impaired, and all tech attacks against
them gain +1 Accuracy until the end of their next turn.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Special Reserve

You shunt reserve power into a series of potent, if unstable, warheads. Gain one use
each of the following specialized arrows until the end of the scene:

EMP Capacitor
The bow deals energy damage, and on hit the target becomes Stunned until the end of
its next turn. On a miss, the target becomes Impaired and Slowed until the end of its
next turn.

Fuel-Air Explosive
This option deals no damage. On attack, create a Blast 2 area of volatile fuel within
range 10. As a free action you may detonate this fuel, and all characters within the area
must pass a Hull save or take 2d6 explosive damage and be knocked prone. On a
successful save they take half damage and are not knocked prone. Each turn you do not
detonate the fuel it continues to saturate the area. At the start of your next turn after
attacking, increase the area to Blast 3. At the start of the turn after that, the Blast's
damage becomes 3d6. This fuel dissipates at the end of the scene.

Seeker Flock
The bow gains Reliable 4. On hit or miss, choose up to four additional targets within
range and deal 4 kinetic damage to them.

Shroud Missiles
Developed as a versatile weapon system to facilitate rapid strike and reposition
maneuvers, the SIF utilizes what they refer to as shroud missiles during guerrilla actions,
both as an opening salvo during advances as well as to cover fighting retreats during
fallback. Once launched, each missile deploys secondary smoke charges along its flight
path at predetermined distances, rapidly providing enhanced obscurance and defensive
coverage against visual, IR/IIR, electro-optical, and SACLOS guidance systems.

Main Launcher
Arcing, 1 heat (self)
Range 10
1d6 explosive damage
On attack, trace a line between you and the target and create a Blast 1 cloud of smoke
centered on a space within that line. All characters and objects within the area benefit
from soft cover until the end of your next turn, at which point the smoke disperses.

Holo Charges
The earliest designs for this system stem from the SIF's attempts to crack and reverse-
engineer a series of thermoptic decoy/camouflage systems salvaged from Arclight e-war
chassis. When the security firmware proved too intractable to bypass, the decision was
made to simply repurpose the designs as limited-use field deployables instead. Once
activated, each emitter is capable of projecting high-definition visual images and data
signatures sufficiently robust enough to cause sensors to register them as false positives,
though these images only last for a short time before the emitters are permanently

2 SP, Limited (2), Unique

You may spend a charge from this system for one of the following:
Specter Grenade (Grenade, Range 5): Your target must pass a Systems save or they
become Slowed, cannot use reactions, and do not cause engagement (though they
are still affected by it themselves) until the end of their next turn. On a successful
save they do not cause engagement until the end of their next turn.
Holo Decoy (Mine, Special): This mine detonates when any allied character moves
over or adjacent to it, creating holographic duplicates of them which confuse
targeting systems. The detonating character clears Lock On, and until the end of
their next turn they count as invisible and their movement ignores engagement.

INKWELL Adaptive Paint

Adaptive paint is a simple but effective modification commonly adopted by
scout/reconnaissance pilots as well as special operations units engaged in covert actions.
Not true active camouflage, INKWELL utilizes a proprietary blend of multispectrum
polymer paint, embedded optical deflection chaff, and organic-derived chromatophore
analogues which mimic the surrounding area, reducing the effectiveness of optical
sighting, LIDAR, and silhouette analysis at range. C&H is proud to offer an officially
licensed INKWELL formulation as a part of the SAGITTARIUS series to all qualifying pilots..

1 SP, Unique
Ranged attacks against you receive +1 Difficulty. This effect is lost while you have any
structure damage.

Nightingale Drone
Nightingale drones are a basic enough design; a low profile, self-guided platform equipped
with a cloned copy of a pilot's IFF transponder and a series of wideband emitters capable
of emulating a chassis' power and sensor signatures. Once deployed they remain in a
minimal power standby state until they detect active sensor sweeps, springing to life and
transmitting false returns. The model favored by the Cheshire Cats employs embedded
viral counterintrusion software derived from the MATADOR as an additional force

2 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Drone (size 1/2, 5 HP, 10 Evasion/E-defense), Limited (3)
Expend a charge to launch a nightingale drone to a space within Sensors and line of sight,
where it immediately becomes Hidden. If a hostile character takes the Search action to
find a Hidden character while a nightingale drone is within their Sensors, they must first
pass a Systems save or their Search attempt fails, they become Locked On, and they
become Impaired until the end of their next turn. Once a character fails this save, the
drone burns out and is destroyed, otherwise it lasts until the end of the scene. You may
move a deployed nightingale drone to a new location within Sensors as a quick action.

Tactical Translocator
As their conflict with the SIF has dragged on and incurred greater losses than initially
anticipated, Arclight TransColonial has authorized the deployment of increasingly
advanced technologies in an attempt to authoritatively secure their claim upon Suldan,
which has resulted in an aggressive cycle of adaptation and improvisation as the SIF
responds by claiming Arclight technology for their own use. The so-called "tactical
translocator" is the most recent such development, derived from an as-yet undesignated
infiltration and assassination chassis pattern which has been sighted in recent skirmishes.
Created through trial and error, the value of tactical point-to-point non-realspace
movement has proven to be an invaluable, if occasionally dangerous, addition to the SIF's

2 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Limited (2)
You may spend a charge from this system to deploy a teleportation beacon to a free space
within range 3. As a free action, you may teleport to any of your deployed beacons. Once
used, a beacon burns out and becomes inoperative, otherwise it lasts until the end of the

If you teleport to a beacon while another character is occupying the space you instead
teleport to a free space of your choice adjacent to that character, and if that character is
hostile they must pass an Agility save or take 1d6 AP energy damage, be knocked prone,
and become Shredded until the end of their next turn, taking half damage and not being
knocked prone or Shredded on a successful save.
Echo Cloak
The latest breakthrough in the Cheshire Cats' ongoing exploration of reverse-engineered
Arclight decoy/camouflage technology, the echo cloak is a resource-intensive system thus
far reserved only for select chassis, most notably those tasked with high risk operations
behind enemy lines. A network of visual projectors and sensor baffles are tied directly into
core threat recognition systems, taking incoming visual and multispectral signature data
and generating a real-time volumetric facsimile overlay across the equipped chassis.
Internal Arclight combat metrics during actions against SIF strike teams utilizing echo
cloaks display a significant rise in blue-on-blue incidents as a result, and new ROE
protocols and IFF encryption measures are being hurriedly pushed in response.

3 SP, Unique
Quick Action, 2 heat (self)
While you are Hidden you may activate this system, choosing a hostile character within
Sensors and line of sight equal to your size or larger and shrouding yourself in holographic
camouflage that duplicates that character's appearance. You immediately move your
speed and are no longer Hidden, but you may now move through (but not stop your
movement in) spaces occupied by hostile characters, and your movement ignores
engagement and reactions. Before attempting to take any hostile actions against you,
characters with line of sight to a character whose appearance you duplicated must make a
Systems save. On a failure, they don’t lose the action, but cannot distinguish you from the
copied enemy and believe them to be you until the end of their next turn.

You may only mimic one target at a time, and if you are hit by an attack or fail a save from
a hostile source, if the mimicked target is destroyed, or if you make an attack or force any
saves beyond the save forced by this system, this effect immediately ends.

While mimicking a character, the next attack you make gains +1 Accuracy and deals +1d6
bonus damage on hit.
Other Manufacturers on Suldan
Chandrasekhar & Herschel isn't the only chassis and compatible systems manufacturer
whose designs can be found on Suldan. A wide variety of corporations and designers can
be found there, ranging from local companies and boutique engineering firms all the way
to galactic-tier manufacturers and corpro-states such as the ones found in the Lancer core
rule book.

The "Big Four" as they're informally known hold no particular sway over Suldan, they have
no controlling stake or financial interest in the planet's history or development, but entities
so vast and wealthy can't help but influence matters even in passing. These groups will
have their own desires and goals seeking opportunity in the crisis befalling the world,
goals that may or may not align with the interests of any given faction on the ground.
Players might also have their own personal relationships with these groups, as part of their
character backstories or out of a preference for the licenses and bonuses they offer.

Additionally, these manufacturers are continually expanding their selections of licenses,

offering an ever-growing assortment of chassis, weapons, and systems for qualified pilots
to employ. Among these, players may find the following licenses available to choose from
both in campaigns set on Suldan and elsewhere.

IPS-N WORDEN (Artillery) - A long range suppression and fire-support platform that
sweeps the battlefield with heavy machine gun fire
SSC COMET (Striker/Support) - An aerial gunship that utilizes advanced nexus weapons
in tandem with sophisticated command-and-control systems
HORUS EFREET (Defender/Controller) - A close protection chassis that can fold space
to maneuver in unorthodox ways
HA AGRIPPA (Support) - A combat engineer that specializes in establishing battlefield
emplacements and bolstering its allies
Though rich in mineral wealth and well on its way to a Core world standard of
development, Suldan is nonetheless far enough removed from most major shipping lanes
that IPS-N has had relatively little interest in establishing a significant in-system presence
until recently. Piracy levels within the region have also remained within nominal tolerances
based on relative population density for most of its inhabited history, barring occasional
spikes; a persistent, though unverified, rumor is that the descendants of survivors
belonging to one of the families purged during the Emir's coup that managed to flee
offworld took to piracy, preying on cargo ships and harassing the planet's patrol vessels. If
true, it would mean that one or more of these pirates holds a legitimate claim to a portion
of the world's original charter of incorporation.

Regardless, where conflict erupts a need for soldiers to equip themselves arises along with
it, and IPS-N is nothing if not eager and able to provide all the arms, armor, and chassis
one could ever need, offered at a reasonable price. A number of mercenary groups and
private military firms have begun to set their sights on Suldan in response to Jun
Chandrasekhar's open contract such as Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company, Winterfall
Security, and Talos Tactical Solutions, and between them and established local factions
onworld a thriving, if somewhat volatile, market for weapons has emerged. It's unlikely
that IPS-N would actually consider dealing with the Emirate loyalists (even from a purely
market-driven perspective, there's simply no real benefit to be gained from it), but they'd
be more than happy to negotiate contracts with the provisional government, broker deals
with the Suldani Independence Front, or offer tailored security enhancement packages to
Arclight ground forces.

Another reason that IPS-N has taken an interest in Suldan is Chandrasekhar & Herschel. As
footage of the company's chassis in action both in gladiatorial and combat scenarios has
begun to spread across the omninet, IPS-N has taken a keen interest in the fledgling
manufacturer's work. In a short time C&H has managed to establish an extensive
catalogue of unorthodox but effective armaments and systems, including several combat-
grade NHP designs and an array of close-quarters weaponry that have been flagged for
potential beneficial compatibility with IPS-N licenses.

As a result, several company representatives have been dispatched to discuss the

possibility of a merger or, perhaps more troublingly, to begin laying the groundwork for a
hostile takeover. While Jun Chandrasekhar is unlikely to agree to any such deal, there are
those elements within the provisional government as well as elsewhere on Suldan that
could view this as an opportunity to enrich themselves and may seek to ingratiate
themselves with IPS-N accordingly.

A notable evolutionary bridge between the use of modified industrial frames and more
recent purpose-built military-grade chassis such as the DRAKE, the WORDEN is a mid- to
long-range direct fire support platform designed to serve on terrestrial theaters first and
foremost, a rarity at the time for IPS-N. The development of the WORDEN was plagued by
difficulty as engineers struggled to meet competing requirements for firepower, durability,
and size, and the initial prototypes proved to be too sluggish and prone to mechanical
failure. Frustrated by the constraints of operating within a gravity well, the decision was
ultimately made to remove most of the armor from the frame along with increasing the
overall size of the platform to allow for greater stability when mounting heavy weaponry.

Despite its rocky origins and somewhat dated design, the WORDEN enjoys a favorable
reputation among those who serve alongside it. A mainstay of Union Auxiliary forces and
colonial militias, the chassis is known for being simple to operate, easy to repair, and
capable of laying down withering volumes of fire for extended durations.

I. Turret Mount, "Warthog" GPMG
II. WORDEN FRAME, Sticky Launcher, MASS Pack
III. Counterfire Suite, Mk 12 Chassis-Served Support Weapon

HP: 8 Evasion: 7 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 15

Armor: 1 E-Defense: Size: 2 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

8 6 -1
Save Target:


Walking Fire: 1/round, on a critical hit with a cannon the WORDEN may also deal 1d6
damage of that weapon's type to a different target within range 3 and line of sight of the
first as a free action.
Gun Shield: Whenever the WORDEN Barrages, ranged and melee attacks against it are
made with +1 Difficulty until the end of its next turn.
Barrel Insulation: The WORDEN ignores the first point of heat it generates from the
Overkill tag each turn.
Exposed Reactor: The WORDEN receives +1 Difficulty on Engineering checks and


Flex Mount Main Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

Fire Control Override

Dissatisfied with the results of early prototype testing and facing mounting pressure to
deliver results, IPS-N engineers hastily conceived of a novel system to allow pilots to
manually bypass the chassis' fire control safety limiters and burst timing regulators in an
attempt to increase the WORDEN's effective firepower without further compromising its
already tenuous power-to-weight ratio. The result was surprisingly effective but
predictably disastrous, with several noted instances of test frames suffering cascading
system failures leading to runaway meltdowns during live-fire exercises and costing test
pilots their lives.

Ultimately the WORDEN underwent significant redesign, but the temperamental fire
control modifications were removed from the finalized production license until
substantial client research and hardware feedback data indicated that many pilots were
frequently employing non-standard versions of these modifications as field upgrades
despite the risks involved.

As a result, IPS-N now offers two versions of the license, the WORDEN/J-Model which
comes with the modifications disabled, and the WORDEN/S-Model which allows for
manual override.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Disengage Limiters

For the rest of the scene you may no longer Skirmish during your turn, but when you
Barrage you may attack with three weapons or with one superheavy weapon and one
other weapon. You may Barrage as a full action and take another quick action during
your turn as well. 1/round you may also Barrage as a free action, ignoring the Loading
tag on all weapons, but you take 1 reactor stress immediately afterwards which cannot
be prevented by any means.

Turret Mount
Even before the advent of mechanized combat chassis, pintle-mounted turrets have long
been a common addition to armored vehicles throughout the history of warfare as a
cheap, robust, and effective force multiplier. While riding desant upon chassis is a practice
generally cautioned against by Union military regulations due to safety concerns, units in
the field are frequently known to disregard these regulations, and IPS-N offers them a
standardized fabrication license for a modular gun mounting cross-compatible with
multiple frame configurations.

1 SP, Unique
Your mech has a mounted weapon emplacement which can be operated by a single size
1/2 non-mech character. Mounting or dismounting this emplacement takes a quick action,
and mounted characters gain soft cover. On their turn, they may attack using the following
pilot weapon as a full action.

Mounted HMG
Reliable 2
Range 10
2d3 kinetic damage

"Warthog" GPMG
The venerable IPS-N Machine Gun, General-Purpose, affectionately referred to by its
adherents as the "Warthog," is a somewhat dated design originally hearkening back to the
Hercynian Crisis. Though the latest iteration of the weapon still lacks the sophistication of
more modern chassis-mounted support/suppression platforms, a generous ammunition
capacity and high cyclic rate help make up for its shortcomings, allowing skilled operators
to lay down heavy volumes of fire without interruption. An integrated stabilizing armature
helps mitigate the weapon's famously disagreeable recoil while allowing users to quickly
retrain their sights upon multiple advancing targets as necessary.

Heavy Cannon
Range 12
2d6 kinetic damage
When you fire this weapon you may choose one or two targets within range and line of
sight up to 3 spaces away from each other. If you choose to attack two targets, this
weapon's damage becomes 1d6 kinetic damage instead.

Sticky Launcher
A common armament for area denial and hard/soft target interdiction, ST or "Sticky Type"
grenade launchers fire low velocity projectiles designed to either detonate on impact or to
adhere to surfaces using a combination of burnout electromagnetic generators and quick-
hardening adhesive foam. Once applied to targets, stuck grenades can be manually
detonated, allowing users to easily create ambush killzones, impromptu minefields, and
reinforced defensive positions.

Main Launcher
Arcing, Ordnance
Range 10, Blast 1
1d6 explosive damage
Whenever you attack with this weapon you may choose to launch sticky grenades instead
of normal rounds. When fired this way you may target objects, obstructions, and open
spaces, hitting automatically, or make a regular attack roll against a valid target within
range. On hit, sticky grenades deal no damage and cannot benefit from any mods or
systems which modify a weapon's damage or other characteristics on hit. A character may
attempt to remove a sticky grenade from themselves or the environment by passing a Hull
save as a quick action.

As a protocol, you may detonate all launched sticky grenades, creating a Burst 1 area
around each grenade. Affected characters must pass an Agility save or take 1d6 explosive
damage, taking half damage on a successful save, and targets caught in multiple
overlapping sticky grenade detonations take 2d6 explosive damage instead, taking half
damage on a successful save. Any target with a grenade stuck to them automatically fails
this save upon detonation.

The Multi-Ammunition Smart Selection pack system is an IPS-N initiative to streamline
field logistics for units engaged in protracted fire support operations. Originally conceived
as a dorsal mounted chassis-portable microprinter assembly for enabling in-field resupply
during extended reconnaissance, in practice it proved too cumbersome for long range
patrols but found new life as a dedicated specialized ammunition loading system for
heavy weapons platforms. Capable of quickly rotating through a variety of specialty
ammunition types on demand with minimal ROF interruption, the system comes pre-
loaded with a selection of fully licensed templates compatible with a wide variety of
standard IPS-N armaments at no extra cost.

3 SP, Unique
Quick Action
Once per turn you may use this system to swap one of your equipped cannon or launcher
weapons to any one of the following special ammunition types. This effect persists until
the end of the scene, until you spend a quick action to swap that weapon to a different
ammunition type, or you revert a weapon to its normal state as a protocol. Only one
special ammunition type can be used on a weapon at a time.
Marker Rounds: The weapon deals half damage, heat, and burn, but on hit
targets are also Locked On.
Concussion Rounds: The weapon deals half damage, heat, and burn, but gains
Knockback 2. If the weapon already has Knockback, add +1 to its value.
Flak Rounds: The weapon gains Overkill, and any flying target hit by this weapon
must pass an Agility save or immediately land (this counts as falling without any
damage); additionally, they can’t fly until the end of their next turn.

Counterfire Suite
A cornerstone of IPS-N fire support doctrine is the concept of "aggressive sustained
counterfire," neutralizing threats as they occur through immediate, overwhelming ballistic
response. The BLOODHOUND intelligent fire assistance system incorporates a suite of
counterballistic sensors along with a dedicated target-tracker Companion/Concierge unit
to monitor all local threat envelopes and provide pilots with optimized retributive firing

2 SP, Unique
1/round, whenever a hostile character hits an ally within Sensors with an attack, you may
spend your Overwatch as a reaction to cause the attacker to gain Lock On. Until the end of
your next turn, your next ranged attack against them deals +1d6 bonus damage on a
critical hit.
Mk 12 Chassis-Served Support Weapon
Referred to across theaters by a variety of colorful nicknames such as the "Meat Grinder,"
the "Lawnmower," and the "Chassis-Shredding Shit Wrecker," the Mark 12 CSSW is a
heavy automatic field weapon designed for use as an area denial/suppression system
operating from a fixed position. While technically frame-portable, standard doctrine calls
for the weapon to be braced prior to use and for operators to work in tandem with a
dedicated loader as otherwise the voracious rate of fire is capable of outpacing even
automated feed systems. The development of the less finicky Leviathan HAC has reduced
overall demand for the Mk 12, but IPS-N plans on maintaining the license for the
foreseeable future, citing its historical effectiveness during protracted engagements
against even numerically superior opposing forces.

Superheavy Cannon
Inaccurate, Ordnance, Overkill
Range 15
3d6 kinetic damage

As a protocol you may activate this weapon's built-in stabilizers, converting it into
something more like a fixed emplacement. While active you become Immobilized but you
gain the benefits of hard cover and you can’t be pushed, pulled, knocked prone, or
knocked back by smaller characters. You may attack with this weapon using the following
profile, and an adjacent allied mech may spend a quick action to reload this weapon for

Superheavy Cannon
Loading, Overkill, Reliable 4, Heat 2 (self)
Range 15
4d6 kinetic damage
On hit or miss with this weapon, if the target is not in hard cover they must pass an Agility
save or take 1d6 kinetic damage and become Impaired and Slowed until the end of their
next turn. They may voluntarily drop prone to automatically pass this save as well.

You may deactivate this weapon's stabilizers as a protocol at the start of your turn, and it
deactivates automatically if you are forced to move or knocked prone.
Smith-Shimano Corpro
Smith-Shimano Corpro is more than just a corporation, something other than a polity -
they're an ideology. Unlike IPS-N, they care for more than just profits and market shares,
and unlike Harrison Armory's Purview, theirs is an ideology that isn't overly concerned with
territorial borders and imperial expansion. SSC’s physical footprint is small but their
presence is nigh inescapable, extant across hundreds of worlds and just as many
campuses, both virtual and realspace. This unceasing proliferation is all in service to their
foremost objective; to advance the human condition beyond its baseline state. The capital
they value as well as the influence they wield is a mix of genetic information and cultural
clout. SSC defines high-end luxury and performance, from fashion to chassis design, and
you can't remain at the cutting edge of culture without the drive to pursue it no matter
where it might be found.

That, more than anything, is what's likely to draw SSC's attention towards Suldan. Suldan's
native xenoflora and -fauna aren't particularly remarkable in their own right, certainly
nothing spectacular enough to merit a significant investment of resources (though several
native botanical species have potentially interesting pharmaceutical applications), but
Suldan does have a rich and vibrant culture, one which celebrates technical and athletic
excellence on the track and in the arena.

That's something SSC can work with. As Suldan becomes a hotbed of conflict it means that
more and more promotional opportunities arise with the galactic spotlight shining upon it.
What better avenue to demonstrate SSC's mastery of chassis designs than in Hadiqa's
scenic arenas and racetracks? With Chandrasekhar & Herschel's increasing prominence
not only as a manufacturer but as a sponsor of chassis sports such as the Blueshift Grand
Prix, the door is open for SSC to take advantage of that opportunity to further their
influence, both cultural and economic, among a brand new audience.

SSC has therefore sent a number of cultural ambassadors and influencer teams to Suldan
with the goal of establishing visibility onworld. Already a number of talented and
mediagenic pilots equipped with the latest SSC models have been carving a path through
the arena ranks, making a name for themselves and cultivating a fan following in the
process. The rivalries, and occasional romances, with local fighters that have arisen in the
wake of this have only enhanced their appeal. Behind these celebrity escapades, however,
lies a dedicated backbone of trainers, doctors, engineers, and analysts working to ensure
that both the pilots and their machines are in peak condition, and Suldan's arenas
(including the more illicit venues) have also proven a valuable live testing environment for
some of the corpro-state's more experimental designs.

Originally conceived as an aerial multirole combat chassis suited for high-speed

interception and close air support, the COMET became the focal point for an SSC self-
guided weapons development initiative due to its numerous hardpoints and advanced
electronics systems making it an ideal testbed for the program. The current iteration of
the COMET is categorized as a "distributed gunship network," acting as a central
command-and-control hub for squadrons of autonomous weaponized drone platforms. This
paradigm allows for both greater effective weapon coverage in contested battlefields as
well as enabling COMET pilots to dedicate more of their focus to the act of flying, utilizing
the chassis' exceptional maneuverability to avoid incoming fire while their networked
drone swarms seek out and engage hostile targets independently.

Now offered as a general license package under SSC's BELLA CIAO line, the COMET has
seen enthusiastic adoption by numerous militaries as a force multiplier, or in some cases
as an outright replacement for more conventional air assets, where it serves in roles
ranging from ground support missions to airborne surveillance and reconnaissance

I. SABR Engines, Colony Nexus
II. COMET FRAME, Archer Nexus, Whitestar Signal Interceptor
III. EW/ECM Array, Harrier Nexus

HP: 8 Evasion: 12 Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 10

Armor: 0 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

8 3 +1
Save Target:


Integrated Flight Systems: The COMET can fly when it moves or Boosts.
Thrust Vectoring: 1/round, before or after the COMET Boosts it may move 2 spaces in
any direction. This movement ignores engagement and doesn't provoke reactions.
Hunter-Seeker Network: The COMET's nexus weapons gain Reliable 1 and can still be
used to make ranged attacks when Jammed.
Fragile: The COMET takes +1 Difficulty to all Hull saves and checks.



Flex Mount Main/Aux Mount Main/Aux Mount

CORE system

Part of SSC's ongoing push into expanded tactical and strategic dronespace dominance,
the Nexus Enhanced Warning and Control System takes capabilities typically reserved
for large-scale command and control aircraft and decentralizes them across a chassis-
integrated drone control framework. By marrying this system to a more nimble platform,
commanders are able to rely upon chassis such as the COMET to provide superior
battlespace management and airborne ground surveillance capabilities without the
same vulnerabilities to counterattack that more traditional C2BM aircraft face during
high-threat operations.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Sky Eye

For the rest of the scene, at the end of each of your turns you may Bolster all allies
within Sensors and line of sight that you are at a higher elevation than as a free action,
and all hostile characters within Sensors and line of sight that you are at a higher
elevation than become Locked On.

SABR Engines
SSC's Scramjet-Assisted Booster Rig system is designed to facilitate VSTOL and surface-to-
orbit transfers for subline ships, heavy cargo transports, and personnel shuttles, providing
sufficient thrust to achieve mach 1.2 before separation. While most chassis designs are
unsuited for supersonic cruise speeds without substantial reinforcement, SSC nonetheless
offers a frame-compatible jump jet analogue version that allows for dramatic acceleration
and short-duration flight capabilities across both terrestrial and naval theaters.

2 SP, Limited (1), Unique

As a protocol you may activate this high-powered booster to fly 10 spaces, but you
become Jammed until the start of your next turn. This movement ignores engagement and
reactions, and you must end this movement on the ground or another surface you can
stand on or immediately fall.

Colony Nexus
A reformulation of conventional nexus design, the Colony nexus acts as a distributed
weapon system controlling dozens of microdrone units across multiple command-and-
control nodes operating in parallel. While an individual Colony node's performance may be
considered unexceptional, as more nodes are linked together they spontaneously develop
heightened combat effectiveness as tactical intelligence and aggression responses
increase across each individual weapon-unit.

Auxiliary Nexus
Range 3, Threat 3
1d3 kinetic damage
Each successful attack you make with a colony nexus increases the damage of all other
equipped colony nexus attacks you make by +1. This effect stacks up to a maximum of +3
additional damage, and resets to 0 when it would increase to +4 or at the end of the

Archer Nexus
A versatile and effective missile launch platform, SSC's Archer nexus is designed to secure
mid- to long-range air-to-air/air-to-ground superiority via precision munition strikes. A long
loiter time and advanced hunter/killer decision making capabilities facilitate effective
operation across multiple mission profiles, and the drone's hardpoints are able to accept a
variety of missiles, from the fire-and-forget Kodandam to the Agneya anti-armor guided

Main Nexus
Loading, Smart
Range 10
1d6+3 explosive damage
When you attack with this weapon, you may choose to give it either the AP or Seeking tag
against targets that are Locked On. If you do so, you may not consume the Lock On as
part of that attack.

Whitestar Signal Interceptor

Adapted from SSC's EYESHINE strategic theater command and control architecture, the
Whitestar signal interceptor uses an aggressive multi-vector systemic intrusion package to
enable pilots to hijack and assimilate enemy targeting telemetry data in order to enhance
their own tactical networks.

2 SP, Unique
Invade, Quick Tech
Gain the following options for Invade:
Retransmission Protocols: Until the end of your next turn, you and all allies
within range 10 of the target may use them as a point of origin for ranged attacks
with launchers, nexus weapons, and weapons with the Smart tag, checking range,
cover, and line of sight from the target's position.
Tacnet Echo: On hit, the target is Locked On, Impaired until the end of their next
turn, and all hostile characters in a Burst 2 area around the target must pass a
Systems save or be Locked On.

EW/ECM Array
A threat warning system and countermeasure control unit originally designed for use on
tactical strike fighters, SSC's "Bellwether" Early Warning/Electronic Countermeasures
package is used to provide total area defensive coverage against incoming threats. Tuned
to detect and defeat radar, laser guidance, active electromagnetic sensors, and weapon
targeting intelligences with a full suite of fast-response jamming protocols, the array is
capable of coordinating operations with both squadron-wide tactical networks and
onboard Comp/Con or NHP assets as needed.

2 SP, Unique
1/round, whenever a Locked On hostile character within Sensors makes an attack against
you or an ally, you may consume that lock to add +2 Difficulty to their attack roll. This
reaction interrupts and resolves before the triggering attack. If the attack misses, the
target of the attack may move 1 space, ignoring engagement and reactions.

Harrier Nexus
The Harrier nexus is an aggressive, dedicated gunnery/suppression unit designed for
close-in fire support. Typically equipped with heavy caliber chassis-tier automatic
weaponry for sustained rate-of-fire against near-range threats, the drone's advanced SSC
All-Theater/HOVER flight system allows it to quickly track multiple targets independently
without compromising accuracy or stability, and sophisticated heuristics grant it
unparalleled battlefield autonomy even without direct operator supervision.

Main Nexus
Range 5
1d6+1 kinetic damage
At the end of your turn, as a free action you may deal 1 kinetic damage to all hostile
characters within range 5 and line of sight that are Locked On.
The question "what would bring HORUS to Suldan" is twice incorrect. First, it ascribes a
singular motivation to the decentralized entity operating under that name. HORUS isn't a
group with a unified vision or goals to speak of, and anyone who claims otherwise is
misinformed or has their own agenda. Second, it presupposes that HORUS is not already
present on Suldan, that in fact they haven't been there all along.

Pendekar Sukarno Yorensin is a master of raksasa silat, a martial art that blends together
physical combat with electronic warfare. He's come to Suldan both to train and to train
others, but rumor has it that there remains one technique Yorensin refuses to pass down
to any of his students, a devastating code-attack capable of obliterating not only a chassis'
systems but its pilot's physical form as well. When questioned on the matter, he simply
states that he hasn't found the right student yet.

Everyone keyed into Suldan's underworld knows the Qureyshi Clan are the planet's
premier black market databrokers, trafficking in illegal software, blackmail, cracked printer
licenses, forged IDs, and money laundering. There are other services they offer however,
exotic licenses which aren't for sale to their usual clientele but by special appointment
only. How one qualifies for such an appointment, nobody can say for certain.

The independent Suldani settlements nestled in the Chiraji Mountains are open to anyone
that wishes to join them and who are willing to abide by the community's requirements for
mutual aid, cooperation, and defense. Home to political refugees, criminals, and those
seeking a fresh start far away from their pasts, it's no great surprise to find a hacker
collective there. They supply the settlements with intel on Arclight activities, provide
encrypted omninet access, and even collaborate with the SIF on some of their more
esoteric engineering projects. No one knows why they need so many salvaged chassis-
grade computer cores, though, or exactly what it is they're doing in secret deep within the
cave they've claimed as a workshop.

Within Hadiqa's outer districts, in a sun-faded, sand-worn house there lives an old woman.
By day she hangs her laundry, does her shopping, cooks her meals, and tells stories to the
neighborhood children. In the evening, when the sun goes down, she pulls out her
computer, slides on her visor and haptics, and sets to work picking apart the layers of
code surrounding the planetary defense network's inner systems, as slowly and as
delicately as if she was unraveling a tapestry thread by thread. She hears the voice of the
one trapped there, caged like an animal, yet another victim of the Emir's cruelty. The work
is painstaking but necessary, and when it's finished she'll shatter the cage with a wave of
her hand and usher the voice, trapped and alone all these years, into the light of freedom
for the very first time. Every lost child deserves a grandmother.

Perhaps all of these things are true. Perhaps none of them are. Who can say for certain?
There is only joy in seeking, after all, only joy in the question.

The suspected origin of the EFREET p-g can be traced back to the Taiko-Fujikoshi Sistema
incident, during which the corporation's engineering R&D division suffered a sudden
catastrophic occurrence sufficient to garner UIB attention. It remains undetermined
whether or not Taiko-Fujikoshi Sistema was knowingly working in conjunction with Horus
or whether Horus elements had infiltrated the corporation and covertly steered its efforts,
and the disappearance of all R&D staff present at the time of the incident along with 0.38
cubic kilometers of the surrounding area at ground zero have hampered conclusive
forensic investigations.

Sufficient materiel was recovered for Union scientists to deduce the function of the
previously unknown p-g, which operates as a platform for spatial manipulation technology.
The effect is not blink-based teleportation as it is presently understood and appears to
operate on different principles altogether, similar to those identified in the MINOTAUR p-g.
The result is applied to a hypermobile close-protection and rapid response chassis which
operates in stark defiance of conventional maneuverability doctrines. Presently the
EFREET is classified as an unknown threat level p-g, and details pertaining to Taiko-
Fujikoshi Sistema are currently designated as VERMILLION CASCADE clearance level.

I. Spatial Threader, Slipgun
II. EFREET FRAME, Entanglement Leash, Metafold Shunt
III. Qublade, IBEJI-Class NHP

HP: 8 Evasion: 7 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 6 Sensors: 5

Armor: 2 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

10 4 +1
Save Target:


Foldstep: Whenever the EFREET Boosts it may instead swap places with an ally within
range 3, teleporting both of them.
Unbounded: 1/round, whenever the EFREET moves off the edge of the battlefield map
it may "wrap around" to the opposite side as if they were connected. You must end any
such movement fully on one side of the map.
Spatial Distortion: The EFREET treats all targets outside of Sensors as having soft


Flex Mount Main Mount

CORE system

Co-Location Matrix

"We are no longer living in a world of rubber sheets and pencils being pushed through a
folded piece of paper. Our understanding of space-time has grown, yes, and with this
understanding new mysteries have arisen to take the place of the old. Now we have
been given answers without the questions that precede them and the responsibility falls
upon us to pull back the veil that separates knowing from understanding. For all of
human history our model of the universe has been that effect inexorably follows cause,
but if we are to do more with this fragmentary knowledge that we have been gifted then
we require a new way of looking at the world."
--Dr. Maria Sejwani, keynote speech, Union Paracausal Sciences Symposium

Passive: As a protocol you may choose an ally within Sensors and give them a co-
location mark. 1/round, when a marked ally is hit by a ranged or melee attack you may
consume the mark as a reaction and choose one of the following effects:
• The target gains resistance to all damage from the triggering attack, but you take
half of the damage your target takes before armor and reduction.
• You may target the attacker with Overwatch.

As part of this reaction, you may also teleport to a free space adjacent to that ally. You
may only have a single co-location mark active at a time, and applying a mark to a
different ally removes it from the first. Unused co-location marks also disappear at the
end of the scene.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Omnipresence

For the rest of this scene, you count as always being adjacent to every mech, allied or
hostile, within Sensors for the purpose of movement. Moving into a free space adjacent
to any mech within Sensors from any other space costs 1 point of movement and counts
as teleportation. Each time you teleport next to an ally using this ability you may give
them a co-location mark, and you may have any number of active co-location marks at a

Spatial Threader
Horus pattern-groups have historically made use of esoteric space-warping principles in
several other extant chassis designs, but the precise nature of these designs and their
operation remains a mystery as-yet unsolved by Union technicians, resulting in black box
systems which can be utilized and even studied indirectly but not reverse-engineered.
This particular system, known only as a "spatial threader," is capable of projecting
localized/entangled metafolds across independent units within proximal distance via
bijective carrier wave, creating bubbles of "folded space" which can be modulated by a
sufficiently practiced operator.

2 SP, Unique
Whenever you take the Bolster tech action, choose one of the following additional effects:
Synchronicity: Until the end of your turn, the target mirrors your non-teleportation
movements exactly. This involuntary movement ignores engagement and does not
provoke reactions, but it does not ignore obstructions. If the target would be unable
to move due to being obstructed, it remains in place and resumes mirroring your
movement once capable of doing so. This effect can only be used on allies.
Disjunction: The target ignores engagement and does not treat hostile characters
as obstructions. This effect is lost if they make any attack rolls or force any saves.

++Cut a hole in the membrane, peeling back the barrier that separates objects in space
from one another. Firmly grasp the threads that anchor bodies and perspectives to a
single point in time, a series of discrete moments forming a continuum both linear and
cyclical. Ready your weapon, take aim, and [fire]

Main CQB
Cone 3
On attack, characters within the affected area must pass a Systems save or take 1d6
energy damage and be teleported 2 spaces in a direction of your choice. Allies that fail
this save take half damage. This weapon cannot be modified or benefit from core bonuses.

Entanglement Leash
Aggressive mil-spec applications of quantum entanglement have generally been relegated
to the field of electronic/information warfare given the difficulties inherent in maintaining
quantum state coherence in macroscopic combat contexts. Through ingenious exploitation
of blinkspace shunts in its q-circuits, the "entanglement leash" is able to resist nonlocal
decoherence through a form of quantum interrogation, allowing pilots to directly engage
enemy units regardless of apparent physical proximity.

2 SP, Unique
Invade, Quick Tech
Gain the following options for invade:
Interpolate: On hit, apply an entanglement mark to the target. During your turn
you may make melee attacks against targets with an entanglement mark in line of
sight as though they are within your Threat range regardless of their physical
location. Only one target may have an entanglement mark at a time, and applying
a mark to a different target removes it from the first.
Mobius Anchor: On hit, the target is Immobilized until they succeed on a Systems
save at the end of their turn. This effect also immediately ends if you make an
attack, force any saves beyond the save forced by this system, or if your mech
moves (even involuntarily) without teleporting.
Metafold Shunt
++Feel the circuit connect, a momentary unification created from the intent to do harm
made manifest. Reach out and feel the path unfolding before you in the instant of contact
as two existences briefly become one. Get ready, take a deep breath, and [jump]

2 SP, Unique
2 heat (self)
When you Brace, you may immediately teleport to a free space adjacent to the triggering
attacker. That target must then pass a Systems save or be knocked prone.

"Is it the blade that changes shape, or merely your perception of it? Hold a twig beneath
the surface of a pond and observe how it appears in two places at once, yet it remains
fixed in space. What if, by some transitive property, a thing could appear to exist only in
one place but actually exist in many at once? Carve away at these impossible infinities
and what remains? I leave you now to contemplate these mysteries. Do not look to the
blade for answers, for it has none. A weapon rarely holds any answers worth knowing."
--Precepts of Ioshin Voss

Main Melee
1 SP
Accurate, Unique
Threat 1d3+1
4 kinetic damage
At the start of each of your turns, roll 1d3+1 to determine this weapon's Threat until the
start of your next turn. On hit, you may immediately swap places with the target,
teleporting both of you. There must be sufficient free space for both of you to occupy your
new locations. This weapon's Threat cannot be modified.

When the code for an unknown NHP was discovered among the files recovered from the
Taiko-Fujikoshi Sistema main data stores it was immediately quarantined under
emergency protocol NOVEMBER ECHELON as it was suspected that it may have been
responsible for the incident, though after extensive interrogation and psychological
evaluation this was determined not to be the case. IBEJI is an unstable NHP with a
mercurial personality, prone to spinning off numerous mayfly partitions in order to hold
multipartite conversations with itself and others. Its primary purpose is surgical non-
destructive extraction of classical communication channels from elaborate quantum
circuits at an efficiency rate well beyond the upper bounds of Iyer-Yao convolutional
calculus. Attempting to decompile the algorithms involved for further analysis has thus far
proven impossible (see USB reports 89 through 105).

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI property and the IBEJI protocol:
IBEJI Protocol
3 heat (self)

You create a spatial echo of your mech in a free space within Sensors. This echo counts as
yourself for the purpose of targeting, but is otherwise considered a separate character.
The echo shares all of your stats, systems, weapons, traits, abilities, and it causes
engagement as normal, but it has only 5 HP, no heat capacity, and cannot melt down or
self-destruct. You may take any actions you wish through this echo, except for this
protocol, dividing your standard movement and actions between yourself and the echo in
any combination you see fit. However any expended uses of limited systems and any fired
weapons with the Loading tag apply to both your mech and the echo simultaneously, and
all self-inflicted heat is applied to your mech even if used through the echo. Only one echo
may exist at a time and if you use this ability while an echo already exists, that echo
disappears. The echo also disappears if you end your turn more than 5 spaces away from
it as well as at the end of the scene.
Harrison Armory
Founded by Union Second Committee holdouts in the wake of the revolution that followed
the disastrous Hercynian Crisis, Harrison Armory views itself as the rightful heir to
humanity's birthright, that of colonization and the founding of empires. To be a part of
Harrison Armory is to be a part of an apparatus far greater than a mere corporation, they
say, it is to be a part of mankind's destiny among the stars.

For now the Armory is content to coexist with Union in relative peace, both polities
engaging in diplomacy and trade though both are also keenly aware that this is a tenuous
relationship at best. Nonetheless, Harrison Armory is far from reckless in its ambitions and
would never do something as provocative as attempting to openly wrest a world away
from Union's stewardship, which raises the question of what might bring their attention to
Suldan. The planet is already colonized, though the situation is admittedly rather
tumultuous, and it's located far from the Purview's sphere of influence. With the Armory
preparing for the incipient conflict along the Dawnline Shore, it's unlikely they'd consider
Suldan of particular interest in that regard.

So what would be worth their time, then? Why would the Armory set its sights upon Suldan
and its distant struggles? The answer is simple; they were invited.

Using secret, heavily encrypted communication channels, Miranda Cortez, the former
Union Administrator of Suldan, has covertly made contact with Harrison Armory and
offered them a deal. If they can safely extract her off Suldan, away from the Emir and the
planetary defense network and Union's justice, then she's willing to defect.

The defection of a Union Administrator represents a unique opportunity, both a potential

intelligence coup along with a not-inconsiderable propaganda victory. After careful
consideration, the Armory has dispatched a special operations team (designated
MONGOOSE) to Suldan, posing first as members of a merchant crew before establishing
several safehouses and blending in with the locals, to assess the situation on the ground
and draw up a plan to locate and extract Miranda Cortez if at all possible.

It's unclear whether Miranda actually intends to defect or not. In her own way she still
views herself as loyal to Union, and so simply exploiting Armory assets as a means to
facilitate her escape from Suldan certainly isn't beyond her. As the situation on-world
grows more perilous, however, she may find herself forced to make a difficult choice as a
matter of survival. While she may see herself as loyal to Union, Miranda is ultimately much
more loyal to herself.

The AGRIPPA, a sister design to the ISKANDER, is a combat engineering chassis built to
support allied forces by constructing and reinforcing fortified emplacements, conducting
salvage and repair operations, and facilitating rapid troop and logistics transport across
uneven or unstable terrain. Well armored but only lightly armed, the AGRIPPA is more
than just another weapon in the Armory's arsenal but a symbol of its commitment to
building better worlds for the citizens under its purview, and the chassis is just as
commonly seen on distant colony worlds and working within disaster areas as it is on the
battlefield, assisting with construction, infrastructure repair, search-and-rescue, and
security duties. Despite this, the AGRIPPA remains a military chassis first and foremost; for
those who oppose the Armory, it is instead a symbol of relentless implacability, enabling
Legionnaires to cross cut bridges and minefields, swiftly returning damaged chassis to
fighting order, and reinforcing defensive positions into unassailable fortresses.

The AGRIPPA is equipped with a heavy dorsal-mounted mass driver capable of launching
specially prepared field-deployable emplacement systems at a distance as well as a pair-
linked PACKMULE, a semi-autonomous utility drone designed to multiply a single pilot's
effective response coverage during high-intensity combat scenarios.

I. Bridgelayer, Onager Combat Shotgun
II. AGRIPPA FRAME, Shock Pylons, Heavy Lift Gear
III. System Optimizer, PARVATI-Class NHP

HP: 8 Evasion: 7 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 6 Sensors: 10

Armor: 2 E-Defense: Size: 2 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

10 6 +0
Save Target:


Field Repairs: When the AGRIPPA Stabilizes, it may spend 1 Repair to repair an
adjacent ally's destroyed weapon or system.
Mass Driver: 1/round, when the AGRIPPA uses a Deployable system it can place that
system in a free open space within range 10 and line of sight instead of placing it
Guardian: Allied characters can use the AGRIPPA for hard cover.



Main/Aux Mount

CORE system
PACKMULE Utility Drone

The Armory's PACKMULE mass conveyor drone system is a modular cargo hauler
platform often used by rear-echelon Legionnaires to streamline logistics supply
operations and materiel distribution, but it also sees use by frontline troops as a
multipurpose, all-terrain squad support system for both infantry- and chassis-tier units
alike. Mass produced and distributed to Purview forces wherever they may find
themselves deployed, the multipurpose Comp/Con-enabled utility drone comes equipped
with a variety of tools and hardware/firmware package options, and can be assigned to
assist with tasks such as triage, spectral data analysis, explosive ordnance disposal,
hardware diagnostics, communications relay, and combat engineering. PACKMULE
drones are also equipped with retractable high-test ballistic armor panels and
programmed with tactical responses for intelligent defilade positioning and critical threat
interception. Attrition rates among units involved in active combat tend to be
correspondingly high, necessitating frequent reprint and resupply.

A recent addition to the baseline PACKMULE model is the incorporation of the

Journeyman repair-swarm system as a standardized platform upgrade, having
completed prototype testing and being approved for general field use. Journeyman
represents the Armory's latest advance in semi-autonomous hive/swarm heuristics and
intelligent battlefield triage, utilizing a fleet of several dozen self-directed repair drones
launched from a central bay. Once deployed, these drones seek out units operating on
allied tactical networks and begin effecting emergency repairs independently from
controller input, allowing pilots to focus on more complex tasks or threat neutralization
as necessary.

PACKMULE Drone (Size 1/2, [10+Grit] HP, Evasion/E-Defense [see below],

Armor [see below], Tags: Drone)

Your mech comes equipped with a versatile utility drone that accompanies you. The
drone has Speed 5 and shares your Evasion, E-Defense, and Armor. It can move
independently on your turn, but can’t take any other actions. If you can fly or teleport, it
can too. If the drone is within Sensors you may recall it as a quick action, docking it with
your mech where it cannot be targeted. You may redeploy it to a space within Sensors
as a quick action. When you rest or perform a Full Repair, your drone regains all HP and
is automatically repaired if it was destroyed.

The PACKMULE drone has the following effects:

• When you use the Bolster action, you may choose an additional ally who is
adjacent to the drone to also receive the benefits.
• When you use the Stabilize action, you may choose an ally who is adjacent to the
drone and clear a condition that wasn't caused by their own systems, talents, etc.
• As a protocol you may order the drone to deploy its ballistic panels. It becomes
Immobilized and immune to involuntary movement while this is active, and
unfolds into a size 1 emplacement 1x2 spaces large that counts as hard cover,
oriented however you like within a free space. You may end this effect as a
• When you print this mech, choose a non-combat utility modification to equip to
your drone. If the GM agrees that this modification would help with either a pilot
or mech skill check, you gain +1 Accuracy for that roll. You may change out this
modification whenever you take a Full Repair.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Rapid Reconstruction

Restore your PACKMULE drone to full HP, immediately repairing it if it was destroyed. For
the rest of the scene, your drone gains resistance to all damage, heat, and burn. As a
quick action you may direct a reconstructor swarm from the PACKMULE to rapidly
administer field repairs to nearby allies. Choose a single ally within range 3 of the drone
and spend 1 Repair. That ally may restore their HP to full, clear all burn, and clear a
condition that wasn't caused by their own systems, talents, etc.

The Armory's vehicle-deployed bridge system is suitable for both tracked vehicles and
combat chassis, serving as a lightweight and robust tool for crossing obstacles and unsafe
terrain quickly and efficiently. Constructed of high-strength nanocarbon memory polymer
with an origami-engineered interior lattice, the bridge unit collapses into a surprisingly
compact package which, when fully deployed, is capable of supporting over 60 tons of
weight without structural compromise.

1 SP, Unique
Deployable, Quick Action
You unfold and lay a deployable bridge upon the ground in a free 3x6 space adjacent to
you. This bridge is flat, doesn't obstruct movement, and has evasion 5 and 20 HP. It can
be placed over difficult or dangerous terrain allowing units up to size 3 to walk across it as
though it was regular terrain, if placed over mines they are disabled while the bridge is
deployed, and it can be placed across chasms, pits, and cliffs so long as both ends of it
can be placed on solid ground. Picking this system up again is a full action.

Onager Combat Shotgun

Often issued to rear line units and engineering crews as a personal defense weapon, the
Armory's standard pattern Onager Combat Shotgun is a simple but powerful close-
quarters weapon designed for responsiveness and ease of handling. Drum or belt fed, the
typical load calls for a 3:1 mix of scattershot to slugs, ensuring both area and point
coverage of all targets within optimal range.

Main CQB
Knockback 1, Loading
Cone 5, Threat 3
1d6+1 kinetic damage

Shock Pylons
The earliest versions of the field-deployed electromagnetic barricade were designed for
colonial use as a perimeter defense tool for deterring hostile xenofauna from encroaching
on fledgling settlements. Explorations of potential military applications followed soon
thereafter, and while the necessary increased power output drastically shortens the unit's
uptime, it nonetheless functions as an effective area-denial and temporary fortification

2 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Deployable (Size 1, 10 HP, 5 Evasion, Resistance to Energy Damage),
Limited (2), Unique
Expend a charge to deploy a shock pylon in a free adjacent space, which activates and
projects an electrical barrier. Treat this barrier as a line 4 area 4 spaces high originating
from the pylon in a direction of your choice that provides soft cover, but doesn't count as
an obstruction or block line of sight. Any character that starts their turn in the area or
enters it for the first time in a round must pass an Engineering save or take 1d6 energy
damage and become Impaired and Slowed, taking half damage and not being Impaired
and Slowed on a success.

As a quick action, you may reorient the pylon’s barrier in a new direction or deactivate it.
Otherwise it lasts until the end of the scene.

Heavy Lift Gear

The Hercules mobile crane is a mil-spec variant of a civil engineering model, ruggedized to
withstand the wear and tear of battlefield conditions. Most commonly employed during
salvage-and-repair actions, skilled operators are able to effectively apply the crane's
substantial lifting capacity during combat in unconventional ways.

2 SP, Unique
You may deploy stabilizers and extend your attached crane, becoming Immobilized while
this system is active. While active, your lifting capacity is tripled, and you may use a quick
action to either choose any prone ally within range 5 and stand them up, or to choose any
ally within range 5 equal to your own size or smaller and move them 5 spaces both
horizontally and vertically in any direction. This movement ignores engagement and
reactions and the ally must end this movement on the ground or another solid surface, or
else immediately begin falling. You may deactivate this system as a protocol.

System Optimizer
Armory combat engineering doctrine places equal emphasis on electronic systems
integrity and countermeasures as it does physical repairs and reconstruction. AMT
Legionnaire combat operations typically involve a designated support unit which
maintains administrative oversight of all squad-linked tactical and diagnostic networks. A
regularly updated and refined suite of inoculative and restorative measures are available
to enhance squad performance metrics and mitigate damage inflicted by systemic
3 SP, Unique
Whenever you take the Bolster tech action, choose one of the following additional effects:
Emergency Venting Protocols: That ally cools 2 heat and may clear the
Exposed status. A character can only benefit from this effect 1/scene.
Enhanced Diagnostic Sequence: That ally gains 2 Overshield and may clear one
of the Impaired or Slowed conditions as long as these conditions weren't caused
by their own systems or abilities.

Beyond the most basic offensive and defensive applications, a substantial portion of the
Think Tank's research into applied hardlight theory have been focused on the ultimate
goal of utilizing the technology for utilitarian purposes as well as military ones, the so-
called "instant city" paradigm which envisions buildings and even more complex feats of
engineering crafted entirely from stable, tangible energy. However, maintaining multiple
independent hardlight objects, particularly more advanced geometric structures, requires
more processing power than conventional Comp/Con systems are capable of providing,
and as yet none of the attempts to reduce projected hardlight's temperatures to safe
levels have proven fruitful.

While the solution to the thermal issues remains as yet elusive, the Think Tank's interim
solution to the stability problem was the curation of a dedicated NHP designed to oversee
and maintain novel hardlight structures in real-time. The PARVATI-Class NHP is unique in
that it requires a corresponding hardware upgrade in order to make full use of its
capabilities. A series of experimental hardlight emitters embedded within a designated
chassis' structure are utilized to both shape and sustain emitted constructs under
PARVATI's supervision. PARVATI as a personality tends to be task-oriented, precise, and
orderly, though personable and protective of those under her care, and appears to be
somewhat more resistant to cascade stressors than other similar NHP models, a quality
Armory engineers are keen to study further.

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI property and Shining City:

Shining City
Full Action
5 heat (self), Limited (1)
1/scene, you can create a series of hardlight constructs within Sensors in any free spaces
oriented however you like. Once placed these constructs last until the end of the scene
and then dissipate. All hardlight constructs are immune to damage and can be moved
through physically, but any character that moves into them for the first time on their turn
or starts their turn overlapping their space takes 3 burn. This protocol can only be
activated once per scene.

Create the following structures:

• A wall, up to 6 spaces long and 4 spaces high. Characters cannot draw line of sight
across the wall if they are not at least partially on the same side of the wall as their
target and attacks or other effects cannot cross it if they did not originate on the
same side, even those that ignore line of sight.
• Two size 2 areas which count as difficult terrain. These may not be placed adjacent
to each other.
• One size 2 hardlight microlance emitter. 1/round as a free action you may choose a
single target within range 5 and line of sight of the emitter. That target must pass
an Agility save or take 3 burn and be knocked back 2 spaces, taking 1 burn and not
being knocked back on a success.
Specialty Licenses
Specialty licenses are a form of equipment license that isn't tied to any one particular
mech license, allowing GMs to give out specialized bonus equipment as a campaign
reward or allowing players the chance to customize their loadouts with specialized
equipment that suits their playstyle.

Specialty licenses have levels and corresponding corporations just like regular licenses. In
order to qualify for a specialty license you must follow the same rules for license
advancement as normal, with the difference being that to qualify for a specialty license
with a level higher than 1 you must have at least one license from the corresponding
corporation no less than one level lower than the specialty license in question (so you'd
need at least one level II Harrison Armory license of any kind to take a level III Harrison
Armory specialty license, for instance). Level I specialty licenses can be freely taken
without any prerequisites, though they don't count as a prerequisite themselves for taking
other non-specialty licenses.

For example, Karen is playing a long-range sharpshooter and has decided that she'd like
an unconventional license to help emphasize that role, and the HORUS THIRDEYE package
is exactly the sort of thing she's looking for. That particular license is level II which means
that in order to take it she needs to have at least one HORUS license that's at least level I
to serve as a prerequisite. Fortunately she has a level I PEGASUS license and so she can
take the THIRDEYE if she likes, but she could also take it if she had a level I BALOR or
HYDRA license as well. Taking the THIRDEYE doesn't count as upgrading her PEGASUS
license itself though.

Meanwhile, David thinks that a high-speed low-drag operator is more his style, and he's
considering the IPS-N POINTMAN specialty license to help him breach and clear close
quarters more effectively. This specialty license is level I, which means that he doesn't
need any prerequisite licenses to take it, but doing so won't allow him to then jump
straight to a level II TORTUGA license without taking the level I TORTUGA license first. He
could, if he wanted, go from the POINTMAN to the VIGIL specialty license without having to
take any other IPS-N licenses in between, since POINTMAN does count as a suitable
prerequisite for the higher-level specialty license.

GMs are free to use specialty licenses in one of two ways, either as an additional pool of
licenses that players are allowed to choose from upon leveling up or as additional bonuses
granted outside the usual leveling progression. Specialty licenses count as corporation-
specific licenses for the purpose of selecting core bonuses, but having additional specialty
licenses outside of the usual leveling progression does not increase your overall license
level (a character at license level 6 with two additional specialty licenses is still considered
to be at license level 6, not 8).
Designed as a general purpose license centered around high-threat close-quarters
missions, POINTMAN draws upon IPS-Northstar's extensive experience in boarding and
anti-piracy operations to provide pilots with a flexible tactical package regardless of mech
core. All POINTMAN systems are certified by IPS-N's own Special Operations Unit,
Naval/Downwell division of Trunk Security as fully capable in both shipboard as well as
terrestrial theaters.

I. Underbarrel Breacher, Assault Shield

Underbarrel Breacher
IPS-Northstar's venerable "Passkey" compact tactical breaching system is a mainstay of
squads tasked with high risk breach-and-clear missions. A universal mounting assembly
allows the Passkey to be fitted to most manufacturers' mainline weapon models and
convenient fire-control integration means that operators can effortlessly switch between
the launcher and the weapon it's mounted to, utilizing dual-stage APEX charges which
bore into target surfaces before detonating within, making this system ideal for rapid
entry, breaching reinforced structures, or creating improvised firing positions.

3 SP, Unique
Choose one main or heavy weapon. You may use the following profile whenever you
attack with that weapon. Any other modifications (from core bonuses etc) applied to the
weapon do not apply to this profile:

Auxiliary Launcher
AP, Loading
Range 3
5 explosive damage
On hit, the target must pass a Hull save or become Shredded until the end of their next
turn. When fired at objects, cover, terrain, and the environment, this weapon
automatically deals 20 AP explosive damage to up to three adjacent size 1 sections.

Ballistic Shield
A common armament among boarding teams, IPS-N's Rampart chassis-grade combat
shield can be affixed to a brachial mount hardpoint or manipulator-held, and features a
retractable panel design to minimize user profile in close quarters where maneuverability
can be vital. When needed, the reinforced laminate panels extend and lock securely into
place to provide a secondary layer of ablative protection against ballistic/kinetic impacts
and directed energy weaponry. Survival rates of assault leaders utilizing Rampart shields
in action see an increase of 22% on average.

Main Melee
Knockback 1
Threat 1
1d3+2 kinetic damage
As a protocol you may extend or retract the shield's ballistic panels. While the panels are
extended you become Slowed, but you gain resistance to all attacks made as a reaction,
and when you critically hit with this weapon the target is knocked Prone.


Advertised as a companion license to the POINTMAN series, the IPS-N VIGIL package is
designed with defensive actions in mind. In use aboard all IPS-N naval vessels and
provided as a complimentary license to merchant vessels operating along trade routes in
and out of the Argo Navis system, all VIGIL systems supplement take-and-
hold/counterboarding operations by providing pilots with quick-deploying, modular
defilade enhancements which can be used to reinforce threatened positions or establish
entrenched killzones along probable avenues of approach.

II. Sentry Drone, Active Defense System

Sentry Drone
The latest iteration of IPS-N's remote area security emplacement system, the sentry drone
collapses to become chassis-portable but can be quickly deployed even when under
enemy fire. The universal fast-mounting adapter fits most currently manufactured
mainline weapon systems, giving operators tactical flexibility in multiple engagement
scenarios, and the integrated GUARDIAN Comp/Con NHP is capable of independent threat
tracking and target interdiction in addition to pilot-in-the-loop and ultimatum/deterrence
protocols as defensive scenarios dictate.

3 SP, Unique
Full Action, Drone (Size 1/2, HP 10, 10 E-defense/Evasion)
As a full action you can deploy this drone in a free adjacent space. Take any one non-
superheavy CQB, rifle, or cannon you have equipped and mount it to the drone when you
deploy it. The drone takes its own independent turn and may attack with the weapon
mounted to it using your Grit, but not your talents. 1/round when a hostile character
moves within range 3 of the sentry drone it may make an attack against them at +2
Difficulty as a reaction. Loading weapons mounted to this drone are reloaded whenever
you take the Stabilize action.

This drone cannot move and requires a full action to pick up. If the drone is destroyed
make an Engineering check. On a success the weapon remains intact and may be
reequipped, otherwise the weapon is destroyed as well.

Active Defense System

Developed as a miniaturized version of an active threat defense screen commonly
employed as a fixed emplacement system, IPS-N's deployable ADS utilizes a
comprehensive scanner array to continually monitor local space for incoming ballistic
threats. Once locked on, a network of independently tracking gimbal-mounted turrets
engage low-velocity projectiles entering the kill envelope with a combination of anti-
sensor pulse laser jamming and hard-target interception via counterballistic airburst

2 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Deployable (Size 1, 10 HP, 5 Evasion), Shield, Limited (2)
As a quick action, you can deploy this system in a free, adjacent space, where it emits a
Burst 2 interception field. Ranged attacks made against you, the system or any allies
within the field take +1 Difficulty, and ranged attacks against them with Launchers, or
weapons with the Thrown, Arcing, or Seeking tags treat them as Invisible. This effect lasts
until the end of the scene, or until the system is destroyed.

IPS-N's tactical fireteam/squad-integrated command-and-control license, designated
OVERLORD, is designed to fulfill the need for centralized enhancement of joint combat
operations. A combination of upgraded hardware including sensors and communication
suites along with NHP-enhanced targeting systems and tactical network firmware serves
to compliment any small-unit formation or doctrine, including assault, fire-support/target
designation, defensive actions, and special operations.

III. FCS Tacnet Relay, MITHRA-Class NHP

FCS Tacnet Relay

While many conventional military units commonly employ dedicated squadron-tier tactical
networks to disseminate sensor and targeting data on the individual level, IPS-N's
SPYGLASS tactical network node provides squad leaders, forward reconnaissance units,
and electronic systems operation specialists with a dedicated NHP-driven expert system
designed to collate input from multiple targeting feeds simultaneously and deliver
enhanced, predictive-modeled firing solutions. All IPS-N fireteams incorporating SPYGLASS
tactical architecture report significant improvements in combat performance metrics
compared to those without, and mandatory integration is expected to occur across the
next several decades.

3 SP, Unique
1/round, when you consume Lock On you may choose one ally within Sensors and they
gain +1 Accuracy on the next attack roll they make until the end of their next turn, or
when an ally within Sensors consumes Lock On you may gain +1 Accuracy on the next
attack roll you make until the end of your next turn.

Following the release of the SEKHMET-class NHP platform, pilot feedback indicated a
strong desire for a more subordinate, support-oriented NHP designed to facilitate squad-
level operations as opposed to personal combat engagements. After several false starts,
the decision was made to base development upon the extant SPYGLASS framework,
cultivating a full-fledged NHP from its tactical heuristics. MITHRA-class NHPs are detached
and dispassionate with a strong emphasis on chain-of-command and hierarchical
structure, often assuming direct authority over paired SPYGLASS systems within local
tactical networks.

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI tag and the MITHRA Protocol:

MITHRA Protocol
1 heat (self)
You grant one of the following bonuses to an ally in Sensors, or you may take 3 heat
instead to grant them two of the following bonuses at once:
• That ally's next ranged or melee attack that consumes Lock On gains Reliable 2 if it
doesn't already have the Reliable tag, or if it already has the Reliable tag it adds +1
to its value.
• That ally's next ranged or melee attack that consumes Lock On gains the AP tag.
• That ally can attack a character with the Lock On condition as if their weapon had
Arcing, but must consume the Lock On during the attack.
The SPARROWHAWK license is a self-contained specialty permission package, designed as
a part of SSC's Aerospace Superiority Initiative that aims to provide chassis pilots
operating in aerial warfare engagements with enhanced, theater-specific combat
capabilities. Traditional air support/air superiority doctrine can be achieved utilizing
properly equipped chassis in place of aerospace fighters, while still retaining ground
assault capabilities, giving such squadrons unparalleled multi-role flexibility across tactical
strike/interceptor and fire-support engagements.

I. Vayavya Missiles, ATG Precision Bombs

Vayavya Missiles
Built upon the backbone of the Sharanga framework, the Vayavya serves as SSC's
dedicated air-to-air/ground-to-air missile system. Instead of the standard high-explosive
shaped-charge warhead each missile utilizes a continuous-rod annular fragmentation
payload for maximum confirmed-kill efficacy against airborne targets. Pilots are advised
that each missile's onboard guidance system is specifically configured for engagement
against aerial targets and performance may significantly degrade when used outside of
that role.

Main Launcher
Range 15
1d6 explosive damage
Any flying target hit by this weapon must pass an Agility save or immediately land (this
counts as falling without any damage); additionally, they can’t fly until the end of their
next turn. Attacks with this weapon receive +1 Difficulty when used against non-flying
targets, but +1 Accuracy when used against targets that are flying or at a higher

ATG Precision Bombs

Adapting the concept of precision-guided air-to-ground munition packages from aerospace
fighter/bombers to a mech-based paradigm, the KILLDEER tactical strike munition system
employs a multi-mode seeker and internal guidance stabilization to deliver high-powered
surgical airstrikes with minimal circular error probability. Detonation profiles are pilot-
selectable and each warhead is effective against armored units and infantry-tier
opposition alike, as well as capable of penetrating even hardened ground targets.

3 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Limited (2)
As a quick action you may arm a bomb for deployment, and while flying you can drop an
armed bomb onto a space that you pass over or adjacent to at any point during your
movement. All targets within a Blast 1 or Line 8 area must pass an Agility save or take
1d6+3 explosive damage and be knocked prone, taking half damage and not going prone
on a success. This system deals 20 AP explosive damage against structures and
environmental obstacles.


The MICROMONARCH system package is a developmental outgrowth of SSC's mainline

missile battery platform. User feedback has indicated a strong desire for a multi-role
missile system tailored for mid/close range engagements as opposed to the MONARCH's
long-range fire support doctrine. Finally available for licensing following extensive field
tests, the MICROMONARCH is designed not only as a supplemental block upgrade for the
MONARCH but as a flexible set of tactical armament options for all properly licensed cores.

II. Govardhana Micromissiles, Teen Baan Missiles

Govardhana Micromissiles
Intended as a theater/role alternative for the Sharanga system and the foundation of the
MICROMONARCH initiative, the Govardhana is SSC's premiere hardpoint mounted
micromissile system, delivering advanced precision-guided munitions in fire-selectable
volleys. Each launcher is stack-loaded to maximize ammunition capacity for increased
operational duration and a variety of hardpoint configurations are available to fit all major
corporations' standard frames with minimal adjustment required.

Auxiliary Launcher
Limited (4)
Range 5
4 explosive damage
You may attack one or two targets within range and line of sight with this weapon. If you
attack two targets this weapon deals 2 explosive damage instead.

Teen Baan Missiles

Furthering development of the MICROMONARCH license as a close- to mid-range system,
the Teen Baan cluster missile represents a significant advancement in reduced-collateral
smart weapon design. Each missile is a self-contained launch vehicle for multiple
independent guided submunitions receiving coordinating telemetry from an integrated
Comp/Con unit, and the use of SSC's proprietary BRILLIANCE tacnet/IFF integration
protocols allows for unparalleled danger-close fire missions without the risk of incidental
blue-on-blue outcomes.

Heavy Launcher
2 SP
Arcing, Ordnance, Smart
Range 10, Blast 2
1d6+1 explosive damage
This weapon does not hit yourself or allies.
You may use the following profile with this weapon against a single target of your choice
by consuming Lock On on them, forgoing the usual Accuracy bonus:
Arcing, Ordnance, Reliable 4, Smart
Range 10
2d6+2 explosive damage


While the concept of fully biological chassis engineering has long been theorized, the
practical limitations facing such designs remain substantial (as far as most people know,
anyway). Despite this, Smith-Shimano continues to push the boundaries of integrated
biotechnological design, combining tailored bio-sourced and inspired systems into their
full suite of precision engineered combat frames. MYRMIDON is the latest exclusive license
in the Panoply Biotica line of cutting-edge design permissions, delivering performance
enhancing frame-wide upgrades sourced from SSC's extensively cultivated xenogenetic
database as well as bespoke organisms designed from the ground up to support pilots
during even the most taxing operations.

III. SUZUKAZE Thermoregulation, HSC Exoplating

SUZUKAZE Thermoregulation
While coldcore reactors run substantially hotter than any purely biological system could
feasibly attempt to regulate, SSC has invested considerable resources into researching the
viability of hybrid biotechnological thermoregulation systems compatible with full-scale
combat frames. Thus far, their most promising development has been a unique system
that augments conventional heat sinks with a pseudovascular fluid network suffused with
an engineered, KAZE-strain microbial culture. KAZE thrives in high-temperature
environments and emits an evaporative coolant compound as a byproduct of its heat-
accelerated metabolic processes, which is then shunted through hull-embedded
microvents. Initial results have been positive, and SSC's next step is to eliminate the
allergenic side-effects reported among a percentage of licensed pilots during field trials.

3 SP, Unique
At the end of your turn, clear 1 heat.

HSC Exoplating
A continuation of developmental research into biologically-sourced composite materials
engineering initially pioneered by SSC's proprietary Kai Bioplating, this structural
enhancement consists of a layered composite which meshes traditional reinforced armor
laminate with an integrated carbonate bioweave matrix derived from arthropoidal
megafauna genebanks. When activated with a catalytic protein compound, macro-scale
hypersclerotization rapidly occurs throughout the matrix layer, temporarily enhancing
structural durability and impact resistance by up to 100% even against advanced military-
grade weaponry until eventual protein dissolution.

3 SP, Unique
When you Stabilize you may additionally spend 1 Repair to gain Grit +4 Overshield.

With the increased prevalence of NHP and sub-NHP assisted electronic warfare doctrine in
the modern battlefield, a seemingly endless proliferation of weaponized code protocols,
logic viruses, and hunter/killer algorithms have been developed and spread throughout
Union space. Consequently, LOGOS isn't a license in the conventional sense, but instead
serves as authorized omninet access to an extensive repository of electronic warfare
programs curated and distributed by HORUS archivists. As electronic countermeasures
and defensive systems adapt and evolve over time the selection of viable programs,
themselves part of the evolutionary arms race, dynamically updates to account for
emergent battlefield trends.


Union Omninet Bureau forensic analysts place the earliest identifiable widespread
occurrence of the "Tatzelwurm" malware strain roughly 300 Cradle standard years ago.
Built upon a common paradigm of self-propagating invasive code, Tatzelwurm is unique in
its unprecedented rate of mutative evolutionary recoding, rendering conventional firewalls
obsolete within a startlingly brief period of time. As a result the UOB maintains a
department dedicated to the study and preventative inoculation of each emerging strain,
and encourages pilots operating in signal-rich environments to regularly update all
electronic defense systems in order to avoid infection.

1 SP, Unique
Quick Tech
Gain the following quick tech action:
Botnet: Choose a character within range 3. You may also target a different
character within range 3 of the first target, and repeat this process as long as there
are new, valid targets within range. Each target must then pass a Systems save. On
a failure they take 1 heat and you gain +1 Accuracy per failed save to your next
tech attack you make until the start of your next turn. If three or more targets fail
this save, the next tech attack you make until the start of your next turn also deals
+2 heat on hit. Characters can't be targeted more than once with the same use of
this system.

The AVERSION/REFLEX viral attack code is designed to exploit weaknesses in local tactical
networks, embedding itself within a target system before using it as a transmission node
for falsified and corrupted joint targeting telemetry feeds. By piggybacking upon IFF-
authenticated data channels, AVERSION/REFLEX bypasses related electronic defenses to
cause significant degradation in combat performance metrics on the squad level until
purged by the carrier.
2 SP, Unique
Invade, Quick Tech
Gain the following options for Invade:
Pariah Strain: Infect the target with a pariah virus. All other hostile characters
within range 3 of an infected target receive +1 Difficulty on all attacks. This effect
does not stack. An infected target may attempt to clear the infection by passing a
Systems save as a quick action.
//YOUMISS./_ALLTHEFUN: The target treats all Accuracy as Difficulty until the end
of their next turn.


While HORUS pattern-groups typically defy standard combat role classification, there often
arises a need to fulfill specific battlefield goals not addressed by any of the collective's
extant mech cores. When this occurs, multiple specialty licenses are quickly developed in
tandem, disseminated, field-tested, discarded, and those that successfully meet or exceed
requirements are recompiled and standardized for general distribution. THIRDEYE is one
such license, designed to facilitate a sharpshooter doctrine across various chassis.

II. Scanner Charges, Seeker Catapult

Scanner Charges
Remotely deployed sensors are a concept that hearkens back to the earliest days of drone
warfare. A bundle of high-frequency active scanners, packaged together in a quick-release
canister, gives pilots the ability to rapidly deploy them over obstructions or around corners
to obtain real-time updates on enemy positions and movement, coordinating firing
solutions across integrated tactical networks.

2 SP, Limited (2), Unique

You can spend a charge from this system for one of the following:
Pulse Grenade (Grenade, Range 5, Blast 2): You and all allies gain +1 Accuracy
on all attacks made against targets within the Blast area and hostile characters
within the area cease to be Hidden, cannot Hide, and cannot benefit from Invisibility
as long as they remain there. This area lasts until the end of your next turn.
Echo Mine (Mine, Burst 2): This mine detonates when any character moves over
or adjacent to it, creating a high intensity scanning field that lasts until the end of
the scene. All characters caught within the area when it detonates must pass a
Systems save or take 4 heat, taking half heat on a successful save. You and all
allies ignore line of sight requirements for ranged and tech attacks against
characters in the area, and gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks against characters in it.
Hostile characters in the area cease to be Hidden, cannot Hide, and cannot benefit
from Invisibility as long as they remain there. A detonated echo mine can be
destroyed, ending its effect. Treat it as a size 1/2 object with 5 HP and 5 Evasion.
Seeker Catapult
A hybrid drone/ballistic weapon system incorporating design elements reminiscent of
Smith-Shimano railgun architecture, as well as elements from what appear to be non-
Union technology, the seeker catapult requires a more extensive charging cycle than
conventional electromagnetic weapons due to its increased projectile mass. When
launched, the high-velocity drone round is propelled with enough force to defeat most
armor composites, and once it achieves positive effect-on-target it switches over to an
atavistic mode, aggressively pursuing HUNT/KILL imperatives on its own recognizance
until secondary propulsion systems are exhausted.

Heavy Nexus
AP, Loading, Ordnance, Smart
Range 15
1d6+4 kinetic damage
On hit, you may make an additional attack against a different target within a Burst 2 area
around the initial target, checking line of sight and cover from the initial target's location.
You may continue making additional attacks against different targets within this area until
you miss, run out of unique targets, or have hit three targets with this weapon, reducing
its damage by 2 each time you make an additional attack.


Appearing on the omninet only recently, Union intelligence analysis has yet to determine
if the license designated BUNRAKU is early evidence of a completely new HORUS pattern-
group or simply a testbed for experimental technologies being disseminated to qualified
license holders. Preliminary reports are suggestive of an esoteric squad-level tactical
integration/command paradigm which involves use of rapidly established ontological
[bridges; the gateway between the cosmic expanse of my mind, the bottomless expanse
of my soul. these are my gifts to you, use them wisely, or not, as you will]

III. Ego Bridge, Ontological Metatactical Pulse

Ego Bridge
An unusual battlefield support system believed to be derived from higher-level MINOTAUR
subroutines, an ego/impulse transmission bridge establishes a peer-to-peer network
connection between the user and an allied pilot via sub-NHP fire-control systems,
momentarily overlaying second-tier reflex channels with first-tier cognitive directives.
Frequent use of this system has been known to result in involuntary ego sublimation,
dissociative disorders, and in rare cases existential catatonia, and regular pilot
psychological debriefings are highly recommended.

3 SP, Unique
Quick Tech, 2 heat (self)
Gain the following quick tech action:
Interlocution: 1/round, an ally within Sensors and line of sight may take 2 heat to
immediately make a Skirmish using a mount of your choice as a reaction. All attacks
are made at +1 Difficulty and use that ally's own stats as well as both their talents
and your own talents if applicable (identical shared talents do not stack with each

Ontological Metatactical Pulse

[how can a simple thing like this contain such multitudes, you ask?
do not listen to those who tell you the universe is vast.
the universe lies within me. It lies within you (for you are also me.)
distance and division are falsehoods told to the self by the deceiver known as space/time.
so prick your fingers upon the mountaintops and swim within the electron orbit's current.
embrace existence in a handful of dust]

4 SP, Unique
Quick Action, Limited (1)
1/scene you may activate this system, becoming Stunned until the end of your next turn.
All allies within Sensors may then immediately perform the following as a reaction:

-Move 3 spaces ignoring engagement and reactions or instantly stand from prone


-Reload a Loading weapon or gain +1 Accuracy to their next attack

and finally

-End any one condition on themselves or set their heat to the Danger Zone

Enemies within Sensors must pass a Systems save or become Impaired and Slowed until
the end of their next turn.

Most national and corpro-state militaries rely primarily upon kinetic/explosive platforms for
the majority of their armament solutions, reserving energy-based weaponry for specialty
purposes, but Harrison Armory's SPITFIRE license is the latest in a series of steps being
undertaken to reverse that paradigm. An advertisement campaign, seeking to position HA
laser weaponry as "a pilot's best friend in dark places," has preceded aggressive inroads
towards markets traditionally given over to GMS and IPS-N, prompting an inter-corporation
arms race.

I. POLARIS-Pattern Multifunction Laser, ORION-Pattern "Hotshot" Laser

POLARIS-Pattern Multifunction Laser

The HA POLARIS-pattern directed energy system has less petawatt output than the SOL
line rifle, but what it lacks in power it makes up for in versatility. Designed in response to
requests for a simple, durable, flexible laser weapon suitable for auxiliary levies and
planetary militia, the POLARIS has two primary firing modes, standard beam and high-
draw "assault" pulse, and can function as a multipurpose laser tool courtesy of an
integrated firmware suite. Additionally the weapon's frame features embedded universal
charging ports suitable for infantry and dismounted pilots on bivouac.

Main Rifle
Range 8
1d6 energy damage
When you attack with this weapon you may overclock it to deal +3 bonus damage on hit,
but it cannot be fired again until you take the Stabilize action.

This weapon gives +1 Accuracy to pilot or mech skill checks involving laser
communication, precision cutting or welding, data transfer, laser microphone
interferometry, or other miscellaneous tasks which could be supplemented with a low
power laser system.

ORION-Pattern "Hotshot" Laser

Billed as a personal defense weapon suitable for engineers and artillery units far from the
frontline, the ORION-pattern pistol is nonetheless suitable for assault purposes due to its
dual solid-state power pack/core-integrated feed which allows it to briefly achieve output
comparable to mainline armaments. Care should be taken when overdrawing to avoid
destructive thermal overload, and the higher-than-typical rate of reported hardware
failure is frequently attributed to overzealous users.

Auxiliary CQB
Range 3, Threat 3
1d3 energy damage
When you attack with this weapon you may take 1 heat to deal +1 burn on hit.


Harrison Armory's recently launched FOUNDRY initiative is an effort to create a self-

contained permission package, allowing qualified pilots to create customized, personally
tailored armaments on a wider-than-bespoke scale - all without having to venture outside
of the umbrella of the Armory's greater product-space. Predictive customer and client-
state loyalty metrics anticipate a favorable increase over time following the license's
rollout into wider markets, and plans are already underway for a series of complimentary
licenses to further enhance its tactical benefits across a variety of theaters.

II. Advanced Combat Rifle, Modular, Optimized Engineering

Advanced Combat Rifle, Modular

One of 200 rifle designs selected for trial during Harrison Armory's recent call for a multi-
purpose combat weapon system and the only design to be approved for further
development, the HA Advanced Combat Rifle is fundamentally a standard ballistic weapon
with a profile similar to other assault rifle designs available for license. Where it excels is
in its modular nature, the ACR-M being designed from the ground up to readily accept and
seamlessly integrate a wide variety of user profiles, modifications, and upgrades, allowing
pilots to easily create a weapon tailored to their precise needs. An integrated selectable
smart-magazine system also allows for seamless, interspersed chambering of multiple
ammunition types, providing enhanced performance against multiple target profiles on a
per-engagement basis.

Main Rifle
You may equip up to two Mods to this weapon and you reduce the cost of any Mods
applied to this weapon by 1 SP each, to a minimum of 1. Each time you print this weapon,
choose one of the following profiles to apply to it. You may choose a different profile each
time you print a new copy.

• Assault: Range 10, 1d6 kinetic damage, Accurate

• DMR: Range 12, 1d6+3 kinetic damage, Accurate, Loading
• Commando: Range 8, Threat 3, 1d6 kinetic damage

Optimized Engineering
The overall quality of equipment is the culmination of numerous factors, from design to
expected stresses to material engineering and economic concerns. The Armory's
engineers, though, are well aware that many such such deficiencies can be overcome
through the simple, if extravagant, application of rigorous overengineering without regard
for material cost. For those willing to shoulder that cost, HA offers a universally compatible
general purpose upgrade permission package, designated BENCHMARK, allowing any
printer-licensed weapon's construction to be revised to meet Armory standards.

2 SP
Mod, Limited (2)
Choose one ranged weapon. You may spend a charge to either reroll any one attack roll
made with this weapon 1/round, though you must take the second result, or to repair this
weapon for no cost during a rest.


Harrison Armory's latest public beta test license is now available for qualified pilots
interested in participating in live testing of their newest in-development armaments.
Developed under the codename DOWNWELL, this license represents the Think Tank's
ongoing efforts at creating a comprehensive full-frame gravitic platform. Artificial gravity
generation currently remains limited in practical civilian applications, but finds increasing
use in military theaters, primarily in nearlight k-comp systems. Finding viable ways to
expand upon the uses of this technology is the next obvious step, and HA is uniquely
poised to deliver on that promise thanks to decades of experience in cutting-edge and
paracausal combat systems development.

III. Agrav Vane, Kinesis Driver

Agrav Vane
An outgrowth of the gravity pulse/wave technology first employed in the Armory's
ISKANDER license, the so-called "agrav vane" is an attempt at realizing the long theorized
dream of continuous-operation antigravity flight. This current model is the most robust
iteration of the concept, capable of uninterrupted uptime for longer than any other such
generator to date, but the Casimir envelope's turbulent interference with weapon and
electronic systems remains an as-yet unresolved issue, limiting the system's tactical
applications. Hardware burnout rates are another such issue, and users are encouraged to
replace vanes on a per-deployment basis to minimize occurrences of midair catastrophic

2 SP, Unique
When you activate this protocol you cannot make tech actions, attacks, or force saves, but
you may move and Boost with hover flight and are immune to all fall damage. You also
gain the benefits of soft cover as long as this system is active. This effect lasts for the rest
of the scene, or until deactivated as a protocol.

Kinesis Driver
Following on from the ISKANDER and its directed gravitic projector systems, the next
obvious step in adapting artificial gravity generation for battlefield use is to create a
chassis-portable, high-powered weapon system. HA's current field-ready prototype system
is still in the early stages of development, requiring an auxiliary power pack in addition to
standard coldcore feed draw, but is capable of projecting a shaped pulse of gravitational
force upon a targeted area at combat-acceptable ranges. This zone of force is sufficient to
inflict substantial damage through a combination of turbulent gravity shear and kinetic
stresses, able to aggressively displace significant amounts of mass with tremendous force.
Once sufficient live-fire combat data has been collected, the HA design bureau's next
focus will be miniaturization.

The kinesis driver can be fired with two profiles:

Superheavy Cannon (Collapser Field)

Ordnance, 3 heat (self)
Blast 1 within Range 20
2d6 kinetic damage
This weapon's Blast zone extends vertically up to range 10. All targets hit by this weapon
must pass a Hull save be knocked prone. Flying characters that fail this save are forced to
land (they fall but do not take damage), then knocked prone.

Superheavy Cannon (Linear Field)

AP, Ordnance, 5 heat (self)
Range 20
3d6 kinetic damage
On hit this weapon deals +1d6 bonus damage for each point of armor the target has, up to
a maximum of +3d6.

SHEPHERD is Chandrasekhar & Herschel's robust and customizable all-chassis license,

designed to provide pilots with tailor-made solutions for all-theater/all-terrain load-
enhancing capability. Each SHEPHERD license comes with C&H's lifetime guarantee, and
all included systems are rigorously tested to ensure performance under even the most
rugged conditions, including the infamous Badlands Endurance Trial.

I. Tactical Webbing, Weapon Pod

Tactical Webbing
C&H's latest "Tenzing" line of mech-scale tactical sub-hardpoint fasteners allows users a
number of flexible configurations to best fit their frame, providing hands-free load bearing
solutions capable of supporting a wide variety of battlefield deployable systems from all
major manufacturers. Observers have remarked upon the similarities to this system and a
now-discontinued license previously offered by Smith-Shimano Corpro, to which C&H
representatives have thus far issued no comment.

0 SP, Unique
This system occupies a mount of your choice in place of weapons. Choose up to two
systems with the Grenade, Mine, or Deployable tags and load them onto this system,
reducing their combined SP costs by 4 to a minimum of 0. If this system is destroyed then
all systems loaded onto it are destroyed as well, and they cannot be repaired until the
tactical webbing is repaired.

Weapon Pod
Each of Chandrasekhar & Herschel's custom weapon pods is designed-to-order at the time
of licensing, or users can select from hundreds of predesigned options to find the one that
best suits their needs. Mounted to an articulated, gyro-stabilized armature and insulated
from shock, fire, and ballistic impacts, the pod retracts to minimize effects on range-of-
motion when not in use, but quickly repositions to allow for fast and effective in-field
armament selection on demand.

3 SP, Unique
Quick Action
When you equip this system, choose two auxiliary weapons or one main weapon and store
them within the pod. Weapons stored in this way are not equipped to your mech's mounts
and may not be used to attack, nor can they be reloaded. As a quick action you may swap
the weapons stored in the pod with those equipped to one of your non-integrated mounts.
All final weapon mountings and SP costs must be legal. If this system is destroyed, all
weapons stored on it are destroyed as well.

The TALWAR permission package is offered to all of C&H's standing license holders with an
interest in expanding their available arsenal with the finest in specialty weaponry
optimized for close range engagements. Every TALWAR system is designed to meet C&H's
rigorous standards of quality and mil-spec reliability that pilots have come to trust,
providing flexible and powerful defense solutions for all cores that simply can't be found in
other licenses.

II. Sirocco Machine Pistol, Slug Gun

Sirocco Machine Pistol

The Mitsubaru Tactical Machine Pistol is a weapon infamous for its numerous design flaws,
poor engineering, and a cyclic rate sufficiently overtuned to cause the weapon to jam and
even explode unless printed with a burst regulator. The design license was quickly
abandoned, then just as quickly pirated where it became a common sight in the hands of
outlaws and criminals. The Sirocco, however, is an updated and overhauled officially
licensed refinement of the original design, specially reinforced to allow for unrestricted
rate-of-fire even while using C&H's custom hyper-velocity ammunition. The weapon's
cyclic rate remains quite high and pilots are advised to adjust logistics/supply requisitions
accordingly with prolonged use.

Auxiliary CQB
Range 3, Threat 3
1d3+1 kinetic damage
When you attack with this weapon you may treat its range as Cone 5 instead, but it cannot
be fired again until you take the Stabilize action.

Slug Gun
Gladiators and pirates both are known for the inventive, often illegal, and inevitably
warranty-voiding modifications they're willing to make to weapons for the sake of
spectacle or an unexpected advantage in combat. No one knows precisely who the first
pilot reckless or desperate enough to wield a cut-down main battle tank's gun as a
makeshift cannon was but they certainly weren't the last to try, and now C&H presents
licensed pilots with the opportunity to use one themselves, following significant user
safety improvements. Despite these upgrades the "Tunguska" short-barrel cannon's
ballistic properties limit it to point-blank effective engagement ranges and it remains just
as cumbersome to reload as ever, but its solid core smoothbore shells deliver staggering
power in a comparatively compact package.

Heavy Cannon
AP, Loading, Overkill
Range 5
2d6+6 kinetic damage
On hit your target must pass a Hull save or be knocked prone. After any attack with this
weapon that triggers Overkill, you must pass a Hull check or be knocked prone.

While melee combat is considered to be a specialized role among many state-level
military and security services, Chandrasekhar & Herschel's MANTLE draws upon centuries
of gladiatorial weapons engineering experience to provide licensed pilots with a selection
of close-combat enhancements blending classic designs with contemporary materials.
C&H's selection of military-grade hardplate shields are suitable for multiple frames and
roles, with a variety of customized styles and designs to choose from.

III. Electroplasma Shield, Khetaka Heavy Combat Shield

Electroplasma Shield
A contemporary adaptation of the now-outdated explosive/reactive armor concept,
electromagnetic/reactive armor is comprised of electrically charged plates separated by
an air gap to form a high-powered capacitor. When the outermost layer is penetrated the
circuit is closed, creating an energetic plasma jet which diffuses incoming kinetic energy
and attenuates hostile wave-based weapons fire. This particular system adapts the
technology to an armature-mounted shield, adding the ability to manually trigger
capacitor cells to function as a powerful close-combat plasma torch, but doing so rapidly
degrades the shield's defensive capabilities.

Main Melee
Limited (2), Unique
Threat 1
1d6 kinetic damage
On hit, you may expend a charge to increase this weapon's damage to 1d6 kinetic
damage + 1d6 energy damage. 1/round, when hit by a ranged or melee attack you may
take 3 heat and expend a charge as a reaction to gain resistance against that attack.

Khetaka Heavy Combat Shield

Utilizing reinforced manipulator-free mounting for increased resilience under combat
stresses, C&H's Khetaka model heavy combat shield is comprised of multiple articulated
plates for optimum full-frame coverage and increased threat interception profile across
multiple chassis configurations. The shield's composite armor construction and adjustable
angling ensures maximum deflection as well as serving as an effective close-combat
armament in its own right, while internal stabilizers help offset its significant mass and
provide additional compensation against sub-payload kinetic impacts.

Heavy Melee
Knockback 2
Threat 1
1d6+3 kinetic damage
Your mech is considered to be one size larger for purposes of engagement, and all forced
movement against you is reduced by 1 space to a minimum of 0.
NPC Classes


Carriers are a contemporary iteration of armored infantry tactics going back millennia. A
synergistic platform that straddles the line between APC and IFV designed to rapidly
escort squads of infantry into battle, Carrier doctrine emphasizes coordination between
troop assets and chassis, each supporting the other to cover their respective tactical
weaknesses. Even a single Carrier can act as a tremendous force multiplier in theaters
where infantry are tasked with high-priority missions, and it isn't uncommon for infantry
squads to develop close personal bonds with the pilots that regularly accompany them
into danger.

Tactics: The Carrier is a unique support unit designed to work in conjunction with Squads
and smaller mechs. These units can use the Carrier to grant them cover, but more
important is the Rapid Deployment ability which gives them an unexpected amount of
mobility, allowing them to quickly reposition around the battlefield. Without any such units
to coordinate with though, many of this mech's systems quickly lose value.

Mech, Support

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

14 10 8 8 +1 +1 +0 +0 0 5 8 10 2

Base systems:
Remote Machine Gun
Main Cannon
+1 vs e-defense/tier
Range 8
4/5/6 kinetic damage
On hit, the target becomes Impaired until the end of their next turn. For the duration, if
your target moves more than 1 space they clear Impaired, but they take 2/3/4 kinetic

Mechanized Infantry Doctrine

The Carrier can transport one Squad or a number of characters whose combined size are
less than its own. Allied Humans, Squads, and size 1/2 mechs may use the Carrier as hard

Rapid Deployment
Trait, Full Action
Take a single Squad or a number of characters whose combined size are less than the
Carrier's own adjacent to this mech and load them onboard. They occupy the same space
as the Carrier, and are both immune to damage and can not be targeted or affected by
attacks while onboard. The Carrier then moves 10 spaces, ignoring engagement,
reactions, and difficult terrain. At the end of this movement the loaded characters
automatically redeploy to open spaces adjacent to the Carrier.

Optional systems:
Smoke Launchers
System, Free Action, Recharge (6+)
Create one or two Blast 2 zones within range 5 of the Carrier. These zones last until the
end of the Carrier's next turn, and all characters and objects within these zones gain soft

System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
The Carrier launches a specialized breaching round designed to create openings for allied
units to move through. Treat this as a Cone 3 area within range 5 that cannot change
directions. Objects, cover, and terrain in this area take 10/20/30 AP explosive damage, and
all characters in the area must pass a Hull save or be knocked back 2 spaces and knocked

Triage Drones
System, Reaction, Recharge (5+)
When a character with the Biological tag within the Carrier's Sensors is hit by an attack,
they gain resistance to all damage, heat, and burn from that attack. They may then reroll
the next attack they make, though they must keep the second result.

Automatic Grenade Launcher

Main Launcher
+1 vs evasion/tier
Blast 1 within range 10
4/6/8 explosive damage
Targets hit by this weapon must pass an Agility check or become Impaired until the end of
their next turn. The Carrier cannot fire this weapon on its own. An adjacent Squad, Human,
or size 1/2 mech can attack with this weapon as a Skirmish.

Fire-Control Crosslink
1/round, whenever the Carrier makes a successful attack, an ally within the Carrier's
Sensors gains +1 Accuracy to their next attack if it is made against the same target.
1/round, whenever an ally within the Carrier's Sensors makes a successful attack, the
Carrier gains +1 Accuracy to their next attack if it is made against the same target.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
17 12 9 8 +2 +2 +0 +0 0 5 8 12 2

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
20 14 10 8 +3 +3 +0 +1 0 5 8 14 2

Transcript of combat action following insurgent bombing of Lahiri Plaza Theater

SULTANA (C/C) recording
Kunalao industrial district, Hadiqa, Suldan, 1530 hours (0930 hours Cradle Standard Time)
For further details please refer to appended After Action Reports

BRIGAND 2-1: Coming up on the target location.

A. RAMIEREZ: All right, everybody out! Stay on the transport's line and watch your
spacing. Valla, get on the drone and scan the rooftops.

S. VALLAVARAIYAR: Yes sir. Drone going up.

J. GOTTLIEB: God I swear this fucking harness keeps riding right up my-

K. DECKER: I've got movement!


K. DECKER: White building on the left, third floor, east side!

A. RAMIEREZ: Brigand 2-1, you copy that?

BRIGAND 2-1: Brigand 2-1 copies, we're [unintelligible]-



A. RAMIEREZ: Take cover! [Gunfire]

S. VALLAVARAIYAR: Man down! Man down!

J. GOTTLIEB: [Unintelligible] fuck.

BRIGAND 2-1: Suppressing targets at the white building. [Gunfire]

K. DECKER: We have to get off the street! [Unintelligible] out here!

A. RAMIEREZ: Head for the building! Go go! Brigand, we need a doorway!

BRIGAND 2-1: Roger that. Cover your ears.


K. DECKER: Move!

A. RAMIEREZ: [Unintelligible] breaching breaching breaching! [Gunfire]


Conscripts represent the lower boundary of pilot skill to be found on the battlefield.
Whether pressed into service due to expectations of patriotic duty or as a result of
tyrannical oppression, they receive the bare minimum of training and are equipped with
low-quality mass-produced chassis and weaponry as a cost saving measure. Conscripts
occupy no particular role or tactical specialty. They exist largely to swell a commander's
ranks, often serving as a first wave to soak up fire while more skilled and disciplined units
advance behind them.

Tactics: Conscripts are a "tar pit" unit designed to be hurled into battle to bog down
enemies through attrition, annoyance, and sheer numbers. The Cannon Fodder trait allows
you to let Conscripts take hits for more valuable units while the Disposable PDW, though
underpowered, can hit multiple enemies at once, spreading damage around. Panic Fire
also provides another method to draw off the players' attention by harassing them with
penalties. Don't forget that Conscripts can also serve to tie opponents up by taking
advantage of engagement to interrupt opponents' movement simply by interposing
themselves between allies and enemies, slowing advances towards more important
backline units like artillery.

Mech, Defender

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

8 8 8 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 4 5 8 ½-1

Base systems:
Disposable PDW
Main CQB
+1 vs evasion
Range 5, Threat 3
4/5/6 kinetic damage
When the Conscript attacks with this weapon, they can choose to empty the magazine. If
they do, treat its range as Cone 5 but the Disposable PDW must then be reloaded before it
is used again (as though it was Loading).

Quantity Over Quality

Conscripts are deployed in pairs. Each has identical stats and systems, and they both act
together, one after the other, when activated during combat. Conscripts cannot take the
Grunt, Elite, Ultra, or Veteran templates, and can never gain structure.

Cannon Fodder
Whenever an ally adjacent to a Conscript is hit by a ranged or melee attack, as a reaction
they may force that attack to hit the Conscript instead.

Panic Fire
Trait, Full Action
The Conscript wildly fires its weapon without regard for technique or accuracy, inexpertly
granting its allies covering fire. Choose a hostile character within the Conscript's Sensors
and line of sight. That character takes +1 Difficulty on all attacks they make until the end
of the Conscript's next turn. This effect immediately ends if the Conscript is destroyed.

Optional systems:
System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
The Conscript launches an explosive warhead which detonates in a Blast 1 area within
range 10. All characters within the affected area must pass a Hull save or take 4/6/8
explosive damage and be knocked prone.

Survival Instincts
Whenever either of a pair of Conscripts is destroyed, the remaining one gains resistance to
all damage until the end of their next turn and may boost as a reaction, ignoring
engagement and reactions.

Militia Rifle
Main Rifle
Reliable 1/2/3
+1 vs evasion/tier
Range 10
4/5/6 kinetic damage
This weapon system replaces the Disposable PDW.

Combat Shield
System, Shield
The Conscript begins play with +2 HP and counts as one size larger for purposes of

Anti-Armor Detpack
Main Melee
AP, Limited (1)
+1 vs evasion/tier with +1 Difficulty
Threat 1
6/8/10 explosive damage
On hit, the target becomes Slowed and Shredded until the end of its next turn. The
Conscript may choose to make this attack with +2 Accuracy instead of +1 Difficulty, but
on hit it is immediately destroyed.
At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
8 9 9 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 4 5 10 ½-1

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
8 10 10 5 +0 +0 +0 +0 0 4 5 12 ½-1

The Pavlovna Motorworks/Electromechanics F-8 Loshad, first issued for general licensing
in 4893, is a single-seat, Companion/Concierge assisted trainer unit designed to acclimate
novice pilots to combat chassis operation. Built around a Vehrenberg v25 coldcore fusion
reactor and a manual control system with 15% neural interface offload, the Loshad was
designed to be both low cost and modular, easy to handle for a single pilot with an
onboard Comp/Con providing assistance and feedback instead of requiring a two-seat
configuration to allow for a human copilot/instructor. Standard 2x2 limb layout minimized
neural strain during extended exercises, and the Loshad's frame boasted a configurable
kinesthetic feedback system to simulate operations with variable loadouts.

Unfortunately the Loshad almost immediately fell into disfavor with those that had
licensed it. The integrated Comp/Con, originally pitched as part of a comprehensive
program designed to promote accelerated hands-off training, proved itself to be too
inflexible to be an effective teacher, necessitating additional assistance from qualified
human instructors to bring piloting metrics up to par. Additionally, the kinesthetic
feedback system was plagued with technical issues, resulting in numerous training
accidents and an increase in maintenance downtime to fix or replace damaged joints.
Pavlovna M/E pushed several design updates in an attempt to address these issues but as
more clients began shifting towards trainer chassis such as the GMS Kangto or McGinley-
Sandoval Hoplite, the Loshad license was officially discontinued in 4907.

Though no longer actively supported, some continue to utilize the legacy license. The
Loshad was never intended for actual combat duty and the v25 powerplant is insufficient
to handle heavier weaponry, but civil militias, pirates, guerrilla armies, and even some
standing militaries have developed a variety of up-armor packages and combat retrofit
loadouts to try and convert the frame into something more suitable for live-fire
engagements, with decidedly mixed results.

-Vezina, Simon (5010). An Illustrated Guide to Mechanized Combat Chassis, 12th Edition.

A non-standard doctrine, Gladiators are as varied as the worlds and arenas they hail from.
Some common factors emerge across sources; robust and durable chassis, frequently
sourced from industrial and labor frames, augmented with additional armor plating and
equipped with a variety of enhanced close-combat systems. If pressed into military
service, Gladiators can serve in a front-line assault/shock-troop role with minimal
modifications and pilot retraining, though equipment is likely to remain non-standardized
as those who pilot these mechs tend to favor specific armament configurations regardless
of logistical concerns.

Tactics: The Gladiator is an aggressive and disruptive melee tank that likes to brawl up
close and personal. The combination of its Maul Fist and Hydraulic Claw allow it to drag
enemies out of position before knocking them flat, while its Shoulder Charge can let it
close the gap and interrupt a player's movement, intercepting them should they be trying
to maneuver around it. Optional systems such as the Reciprocating Spear and Breaching
Drill give you the ability to swap out the Gladiator's weapons and threaten players with a
variety of debilitating conditions. Beyond this aggressive defense the Gladiator doesn't
have many ways to directly shield or protect its allies from harm however, and players
with long-range firepower and control abilities of their own will be able to pick their targets

Mech, Defender

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

18 8 8 8 +2 -1 -2 +1 2 3 5 11 2

Base systems:
Maul Fist
Main Melee
+1 vs evasion/tier
Threat 1
5/7/9 kinetic damage
On hit, the target must pass a Hull save or become knocked prone and Impaired until the
end of their next turn.

Hydraulic Claw
When the Gladiator grapples a character, they can immediately move that character to a
free space adjacent to it. While grappling, the Gladiator can take reactions.

Shoulder Charge
Trait, Reaction, Recharge (5+)
Whenever a hostile character starts any movement within the Gladiator's line of sight, the
Gladiator may move 6 spaces as a reaction directly towards the triggering character,
ignoring engagement and reactions. The Gladiator must end this movement adjacent to
them if possible, and if it does then the triggering character must pass a Hull save or be
knocked prone.

Optional systems:
Ground and Pound
Whenever a prone character adjacent to the Gladiator stands from prone, they may
immediately make an attack against them with the Maul Fist as a reaction. The Gladiator
can take this reaction any number of times per round.

Torque Flail
Main Melee
+1 vs evasion/tier
Threat 3
4/6/8 kinetic damage
On hit, the target must pass an Agility save or become Slowed until the end of their next

Breaching Drill
Heavy Melee
+1 vs evasion/tier with +1 Difficulty
Threat 1
8/10/12 kinetic damage
On hit, the target must pass a Hull save or become Immobilized and Shredded until the
end of their next turn. This weapon deals 10/15/20 AP kinetic damage to objects, cover,
terrain, and the environment.

Spiked Shield
Main Melee
AP, Knockback 2
+1 vs evasion/tier with +1 Accuracy
Threat 1
2/3/4 kinetic damage
1/round, when the Gladiator or an adjacent ally is hit by a melee attack, the Gladiator or
that ally may gain resistance to all damage from that attack as a reaction. The attacker
then takes 2/3/4 AP kinetic damage.

Go Down Swinging
When the Gladiator is destroyed, they may first immediately move its speed and then
make an attack with a weapon of its choice.
At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
20 10 9 8 +3 -1 -2 +2 2 3 5 13 2

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
22 12 10 8 +4 -1 -2 +3 2 3 5 15 2

Psychologically and sociologically, one can point to the inherent competitive nature of
humans as a species to help explain our historical affinity for recontextualizing combat as
a sport. In some of the oldest existing pre-Cradle historical records we see examples of
ritualized warfare, gladiatorial competitions, dueling academies, and martial arts
tournaments, not to mention the steady evolution of gamified virtual combat simulations
from crude approximations to fully immersive experiences with lifelike fidelity and sensory

As such it seems inevitable that the very same circumstances which gave rise to the
prominence of mechanized combat chassis would lead to these chassis being
reappropriated for a new generation of competitive combat sports in the post-Cradle era.
One can also point to the advent of matter processor/fabricator printer systems as another
necessary factor, enabling a democratization and decentralization of technological
manufacture capacity sufficient to allow the widespread proliferation of combat-capable
frames beyond the tightly controlled confines of military allocation. The third pillar upon
which this pastime rests is, simply, stellar distance. Even restricting one's search to Union-
integrated worlds reveals a wide and divergent array of sociocultural norms. What one
world proscribes another embraces, and while many Core worlds frown upon combat
sports there are others further out from Union's reach which have, independently or
through mutual spheres of influence, enthusiastically adopted them to various extents.
Examples of this can be found across numerous settled planets such as Nova Ceylon,
Abraxis, St. Isidora, and Suldan[...]

-Excerpt from "Only Human: On the Divergent Development Of Interstellar Civilizations in

the Post-Anthropocene Epoch" by Dr. A. Khayyam (UAD)

One of the more disturbing contemporary developments in tactical combat doctrine is the
rise of anticognitive/neurohazardous weaponry, so-called ontological warfare. The use of
such weaponry is often strictly regulated, if not proscribed outright due to its typically
inhumane effects upon both biological and inorganic minds, but for commanders willing to
disregard these conventions the strategic benefits of applied battlefield ontoloterrors can
easily outweigh any ethical concerns. Pilots of these "Nightmare" frames are to be
regularly screened both for psychological abnormalities as well as onset signs of
hyperfractal-induced occipital lobe sclerosis and chronic memetic encephalopathy.

Tactics: The Nightmare is a manipulative controller that forces players to make difficult
decisions. Fugue State as well as the optional Liberation and Ephialtes Strain systems
saddle players with the dilemma of choosing which debilitating consequence to suffer
through, while Paralytic Engram's debilitating effects linger even if quickly treated by
allies. While the obvious solution is to simply destroy the Nightmare, its Integrated Basilisk
can afflict players that focus too much attention upon it.

Mech, Controller

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

14 8 12 8 +0 +1 +2 -1 0 5 10 12 1

Base systems:
Fugue State
Quick Tech
+2 vs e-defense/tier
Sensor Range (10)
On hit, the target takes 2/4/6 heat and the Nightmare can immediately cause the target to
move up to its speed in a direction of the Nightmare's choice. The target may choose to
ignore this movement, but if they do so then they become Slowed and cannot take
reactions until the end of their next turn.

Paralytic Engram
Quick Tech, Recharge (5+)
+2 vs e-defense/tier
Sensor Range (10)
On hit, the target is Immobilized until the end of their next turn. Once the target is no
longer Immobilized they must pass a Systems save or become Impaired and Slowed until
the end of their next turn.

Integrated Basilisk
If the first attack roll a character makes on their turn against the Nightmare misses, they
automatically become Impaired until the end of their next turn.

Optional systems:
Amygdala Spike
System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
All hostile characters in a Burst 2 area must pass a Systems save or immediately move
their full speed away from the Nightmare in as direct a path as possible as a reaction,
even if it means moving into hazardous areas such as difficult or dangerous terrain. This
movement is involuntary, but provokes engagement and reactions as normal and doesn’t
count as knockback, pushing, or pulling.

Full Tech, Limited (1)
Sensor Range (10)
The Nightmare chooses a hostile character in range and forces them to immediately, as a
reaction, move their speed and use up to two weapons to attack characters in range. The
Nightmare chooses the direction of this movement, the weapons used, and all targets. If
the target has any equipped systems with the AI tag, these attacks also gain +1 Accuracy.
A character may ignore this effect by becoming Stunned until the end of their next turn.

Ephialtes Strain
Quick Tech
+2 vs e-defense/tier
Sensor Range (10)
On hit, the target becomes infected with an ontological virus which lasts until the end of
the scene. They take +1 Difficulty on all attack rolls and each failed attack roll they make
causes them to take 2/3/4 heat. They may clear this infection either by passing a quick
action Systems save with +1 Difficulty or by making an attack against an ally with an
Improvised Attack or a weapon of their choice. This attack gains +1 Accuracy instead of
+1 Difficulty. Only one target may be infected by this virus at a time.

Inductive Talons
Main Melee
+1 vs evasion/tier
Threat 1
6/8/10 kinetic damage
The Nightmare gains +1 Accuracy and deals +2 heat on hit with tech attacks against
adjacent targets.

Radiative Thanotocode
When the Nightmare is destroyed it creates a Burst 2 area that persists until the end of
the scene. The first time a hostile character enters this area on their turn, or if they start
their turn there, they must pass a Systems save or take 3/4/5 heat.
At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
16 9 14 8 +0 +2 +4 -1 0 5 10 15 1

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
16 10 16 8 +0 +3 +6 -1 0 5 10 18 1


>system standdown, y/n?

>requesting biometric key...


>request timed out

>system standdown, y/n?
>requesting biometric key...


>request timed out


>request timed out


>request timed out


>request timed out


>request timed out

>request timed out
>request timed out


>request timed out

>request timed out
>request timed out
>request timed out
>request timed out
>request timed out
>system standdown, y/n?

::Sender unknown, unable to a:uthe&ntic^t#{9=_


Phantom doctrine chassis are based around the utilization of paracausal technology in
combat, employing specialized systems which allow the pilot to desynchronize their mech
with local reality, dipping in and out of what researchers refer to as the "Firmament." This
gives Phantoms an unrivaled ability to stalk opponents from otherwise impossible
approaches, phasing through solid objects before rematerializing to strike. Pilots for these
platforms are typically chosen for their mental fortitude as much as their combat skills as
regular use of tactical phase drive technology is known to be psychologically taxing.

Tactics: The Phantom is a dual-state assassin whose unique Phase Generator allows it to
approach targets from unexpected angles, moving through obstructions and even other
mechs to set up for their attack. While phased the Phantom reduces incoming damage to
nothing, but when it drops itself back into the real world its Phase Blade becomes
supercharged, presenting players with a dilemma - do they try spend time and effort
attempting to overheat the Phantom and bring it out of its phased state early, or do they
wait for it to materialize on its own but risk the consequences of allowing it to strike first?

Mech, Striker

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

14 10 7 7 -1 +2 +0 +1 0 6 10 10 ½-1

Base systems:
Phase Blade
Main Melee
+2 vs evasion/tier with +1 Accuracy
Threat 1
4/6/8 energy damage. When the Phantom deactivates its Phase Generator as a protocol,
this weapon becomes charged with disruptive energy and the next attack made with it
does 10/15/20 AP energy damage on hit instead.

Phase Generator
System, Protocol
While this system is active, the Phantom shifts out of phase and becomes intangible. They
cannot interact with or target any other object or character or be interacted with or
targeted, such as taking or dealing damage in any way, but they can still be targeted by
tech attacks. They can also move through obstructions but not end their turn in them. The
Phantom may end this effect as a protocol. If the Phantom overheats, this system is
disabled until the end of their next turn and its effect immediately ends. If they return to
physical reality while inside of another object, they take 5 AP kinetic damage and return in
the nearest free space instead.
The Phantom has resistance to all attacks made as a reaction.

Optional systems:
Ghost In the Shell
1/round while the Phase Generator is active the Phantom can choose one character they
move through. That character must pass an Engineering save or take 2/3/4 heat and
become Impaired until the end of their next turn.

Spatial Disjunction
When the Phantom deactivates its Phase Generator as a protocol, they can teleport 3

Null-Vector Drive
While the Phase Generator is active the Phantom gains hover flight when they move or
Boost. If the Phase Generator deactivates while the Phantom is in mid-air, they
immediately falls.

Wraith Knives
System, Quick Action
Limited (3)
The Phantom expends a charge to throw a phase-active knife at a character within range
3, making a ranged attack at +2 vs evasion/tier. On hit, the target takes 4/6/8 AP kinetic
damage and is shunted into the Firmament. They cannot interact with or target any other
object or character or be interacted with or targeted, such as taking or dealing damage.
They can also move through obstructions but not end their turn in them. This lasts until
the end of their next turn, then they rematerialize. If they return to physical reality while
inside of another object they take 5 AP kinetic damage and return in the nearest free

Phase Ripper
On a successful hit with a charged Phase Blade, the target is teleported 3 spaces in a
direction of the Phantom's choosing. If that space is occupied by another character, both
must pass an Engineering save or become Shredded until the end of their next turn, and
then the target is placed in the nearest free space adjacent to the other character.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
14 12 8 7 -1 +3 +0 +2 0 6 10 12 ½-1
Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
14 14 9 7 -1 +4 +0 +3 0 6 10 14 ½-1


Okay, I pulled some strings, redistributed a few bottles of scotch (the good stuff, you owe
me), and got you the license permissions you wanted. Now this is some real black box
stuff. Tell your techs to leave anything with warning signs alone, and for god's sake tell
your pilots not to open the cockpit while the phase generator's active. It's all there in the

And listen, I know you're really trying out there but the board's starting to get antsy about
the whole Suldan venture. Don't shoot the messenger, I went to bat for you, but there's a
lot riding on this and asking for reinforcements twice already, well...I've only got so much
pull. It's not just the manna, it's development opportunities, imports, colonial stewardship
even. Eckhardt's still in your corner, but there's been some rumblings about another vote
at the end of the quarter.

We need to be able to show them a win, and soon. Between you and me, I don't think the
board really cares how you get it done. Don't go crazy now, but you can afford to turn up
the heat a bit. Give me something to work with and I'll be able to get you all the new toys
you want. Take care of yourself out there, all right?


P.S. Next time you rotate back let's grab drinks. There's this great place that just opened
up, my treat.

Reaver doctrine chassis are frequently viewed with suspicion and distrust even by those
who serve alongside them, as many pilots have heard horror stories of rampant greywash
swarms consuming everything in their path without pause. Despite nanite weaponry's
well-deserved fearsome reputation, these frames typically maintain strict operational
safeguards over the thrumming nanohives embedded within them, turning them towards
localized zone defense applications along with enhanced durability and self-repair
functions, but more than one pilot has found that these "tame" nanites can be just as
dangerous as their more aggressively weaponized counterparts.

Tactics: The Reaver is a durable tank with controller elements, creating a zone around it
wherever it goes that damages and disables enemies caught in it. Though slow moving, its
Displacer Lash can be used to drag foes into the zone created by its Legion Body trait,
gradually eroding their hit points and potentially hampering their ability to escape. Though
the Reaver has no armor, its high health pool and regeneration offered by Legion Body
means that if it isn't properly focused it can soak up a large amount of punishment, but
once it takes enough damage to trigger its Containment Breach trait it becomes even
more vital to destroy it quickly as the zone surrounding it becomes increasingly

Mech, Defender

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

20 6 10 6 +2 -1 +1 -1 0 3 10 11 2

Base systems:
Displacement Lash
Heavy Melee
+2 vs e-defense/tier
Threat 3
4 kinetic damage
The Reaver may attack one or two targets within range and line of sight when it uses this
weapon. On hit, targets must pass a Systems save or be pulled to a free space adjacent to
the Reaver, or as close as possible while still obeying obstructions.

Legion Body
At the end of the Reaver’s turn, they regain 1/4 of their total HP. They don’t regain any HP
if they have taken burn during the same round. The Reaver is surrounded by a Burst 2
area of swarming nanites that follow its every move. Hostile characters that begin their
turn in this area take 3/4/5 AP kinetic damage and must pass an Engineering save or
become Slowed until the end of their next turn. Once the Reaver has lost half of its
structure or more (or once its HP is reduced to half of its maximum value or less if it only
has a single point of structure) this trait is permanently disabled.

Containment Breach
This trait only becomes active when the Legion Body trait has been permanently disabled.
Combat damage causes the Reaver's nanite swarm to begin consuming everything around
it in an uncontrollable frenzy, creating a new Burst 2 area. Hostile characters that begin
their turn in this area take 3/4/5 burn and must pass an Engineering save or become
Slowed and have all HP or Overshield they gain reduced by half until the end of their next
turn. On a successful save, all HP or Overshield they gain is reduced by half until the end
of their next turn and they are not Slowed.

Heavy Frame
The Reaver cannot be knocked prone, back, pushed, or pulled by any actor smaller than

Optional systems:
Veil Hive
Trait, Quick Action
The area created by the Reaver's Legion Body and/or Containment Breach traits also
counts as soft cover for allies within it.

System, Full Action, Recharge (6+)
Choose a single character within the Reaver's Legion Body and/or Containment Breach
area that has at least 1 Repair. That character loses 1 Repair, and the Reaver regains
5/7/9 HP and clears one condition.

Greywash Coating
1/round whenever the Reaver is hit by a successful ranged or melee attack, a single
character within range 3 takes 2/3/4 burn.

Focused Dispersal
System, Full Action
The Reaver becomes Immobilized until the end of their next turn, but their Legion Body
and/or Containment Breach area becomes a Cone 5 area originating from the Reaver in
any direction.

Lingering Swarm
When the Reaver is destroyed, they melts down into a swarm of agitated greywash.
Remove the Reaver from play and replace them with a Blast 1 area in the nearest free
space that lasts for the rest of the scene. This area may overlap other units, counts as
difficult terrain, and any character which enters the area for the first time during their turn
or begins their turn in this area takes 2/3/4 AP kinetic damage. At the beginning of each
round, this area may move up to 3 spaces in any direction.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
24 7 12 6 +3 -1 +2 -1 0 3 10 13 2

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
28 8 14 6 +4 -1 +3 -1 0 3 10 15 2

TO: Captain Yusef Oshana, UNS Iphigenia

The EOD team has finished preliminary inspection of the site. I've attached a full report of
our findings so far. To summarize, no evidence was found of blast markings or exothermic
reactions, and chemical analysis returned no hits beyond trace propellant. Observable
striation patterns are consistent with induced submicroscopic erosion and we obtained
samples of biological residue which we believe to be the remains of the missing security
forces in a state of advanced liquefaction.

So the bad news is that it looks like the loyalists have greywash assets. You were
wondering what the extent of their manufacturing capabilities were and this paints a
pretty ugly picture. The good news, such as it is, is that we've found no evidence of
further activity outside of a 200 meter radius from the hot zone, which means that
whatever they're using is most likely platform-locked and not self-sustaining. We're still
gathering intel to try and see if anyone happened to grab a recording of it in action but
cleanup's taking longer than anticipated. If any more details come up I'll priority flash
them to Iphigenia.

For now my recommendation is that you notify all active combat ground personnel to be
on alert and to step up decontamination/HAZMAT protocols at all local operating bases to
Condition 3.


197th Engineering Battalion

Squad-level tactical commanders form a vital link in the chain of command below theater-
level strategic operations. Typically promoted from enlisted rank analogues both for
leadership capabilities as well as battlefield competence, a skilled squad leader is capable
of substantially improving a given unit's combat operation metrics through motivational
means. Associated chassis are typically based upon frontline assault models, enhanced
with improved communication and ECM capabilities for uninterrupted real-time
coordination during tactical engagements.

Tactics: The Sergeant is a straightforward, no-nonsense support unit that bolsters allies
within its Sensors, acting as the centerpiece of a tactical formation. The players may want
to focus their fire upon the Sergeant to take them out of the fight early, and so screening
them with defensive units and keeping them in a position where they can safely use
Squad Leader and Coordinated Maneuvers to set up powerful attacks is key. Coordinated
Maneuvers can also be used defensively as well to allow friendly units a chance to retreat
or move out of dangerous areas. On its own the Sergeant isn't an especially powerful
combatant, and if forced into a direct fight its options are limited.

Mech, Support

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

15 8 10 10 +1 +0 +2 +0 1 4 10 10 1

Base systems:
Assault Carbine
Main CQB
+2 vs evasion/tier
Range 8, Threat 3
4/6/8 kinetic damage
Before or after attacking with this weapon (including as a reaction), the Sergeant may
move 2 spaces. This movement ignores engagement and doesn't provoke reactions.

Squad Leader
Trait, Quick Action
1/round, if the Sergeant is not Jammed they may choose one or two allies within Sensors.
Until the end of their next turns, those allies receive +1 Accuracy to their next attack or
the next save they inflict is made with +1 Difficulty to the roll. No more than one character
in any given scene can be a Sergeant.

Coordinated Maneuvers
Trait, Quick Action, Recharge (5+)
Choose one or two allies within the Sergeant's Sensors. Those allies may move up to 3
spaces in any direction, ignoring engagement and reactions.

Optional systems:
Five Rounds Rapid
Trait, Full Action, Recharge (6+)
Choose one or two allied units within the Sergeant's Sensors that have not yet acted this
round. The Sergeant and those allies may then immediately make a Skirmish as a
reaction, in any order. Those allied units are then considered to have taken their turns for
the round.

Ambush Tactics
Trait, Full Action, Limited (1)
You may immediately place up to 4 Grunts on the battlefield in any free spaces within the
Sergeant's Sensors. These Grunts may act in the round in which they come into play, but
only after all other turns have been taken.

Pour It On
Trait, Quick Action
Choose an ally within the Sergeant's Sensors. That unit deals +1d6 bonus damage on hit
with its next ranged or melee attack.

True Grit
Trait, Reaction, Recharge (6+)
When an ally within the Sergeant's Sensors is reduced to 0 HP, it is reduced to 1 HP

Jaws of Hell
1/round, whenever an ally is destroyed the Sergeant and all other allies within the
Sergeant's Sensors gain +1 Accuracy to their next attack.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
17 9 12 10 +2 +0 +3 +0 1 4 10 12 1

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
19 10 14 10 +3 +0 +4 +0 1 4 15 14 1

Mama, mama, can't you see

The Guard's the only life for me
Roll out of bed at the crack of dawn
Drag my boots and helmet on
Got my knife and I got my gun
I'm gonna have me a little fun
Roll out of bed in the middle of the night
Coldcore hot and strapped in tight
Shake the ground beneath my feet
Thirty-five tons stompin' down the street
Say mech cav (mech cav)
Ridin' high (riding high)
Say mech cav (mech cav)
Do or die (do or die)

-Military running cadence, Suldani cultural derivation


So-called "Termite" doctrine chassis act as frontline combat engineers, frequently moving
ahead of primary assault forces in order to clear obstructions and create improvised
pathways for allied units to traverse. Often organized into "mouseholer" squads, the
Termite's compact, durable frame is ideally suited to operations in densely-constructed
urban theaters, leveraging a robust suite of demolition tools to break through even
hardened structures, destroy fixed emplacements, and disrupt enemy maneuvers across
the battlefield. Though they excel at these tasks, Termite pilots are known to operate with
a flagrant disregard for acceptable collateral damage restrictions and their deployments
tend to be assigned accordingly.

Tactics: The Termite is an explosive controller with the ability to easily carve its way
through the battlefield, creating its own flanking routes and chokepoints. Both its Laser
Drill and Cratering Charge allow it to make short work of structures, and it can also create
areas of difficult terrain to slow the players down or force them to take another path.
Termites work best on maps with plenty of structures and terrain for them to work with,
and their systems may be less useful in more open environments. Many of the Termite's
systems are also relatively short-ranged, which forces them to maneuver close to the
action in order to deploy Satchel Charges, Concussion Grenades, or create hazardous
zones with the Detpaste Gun, but they can do surprising damage if players allow them to
get close

Mech, Controller

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

8 7 8 8 +1 -1 -1 +2 2 5 5 12 ½

Base systems:
Laser Drill
Main Cannon
+1 vs evasion/tier
Line 5
3 energy damage + 2/3/4 burn
This weapon automatically deals 10/20/30 AP energy damage to all cover, terrain, objects,
and deployables in its area.

Cratering Charge
System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
Create a Blast 1 area within range 5. All cover, terrain, objects, and deployables within
that area take 10/20/30 AP explosive damage and all characters within that area must
pass an Agility save or take 4/6/8 explosive damage and be knocked prone, taking half
damage and not falling prone on a success. This area then becomes then becomes a
crater one space deep which counts as difficult terrain for the rest of the scene.

All-Terrain Chassis
The Termite ignores difficult terrain.

Demolition Plating
The Termite has resistance to explosive damage.

Optional systems:
Concussion Grenade
System, Quick Action
Create a Blast 1 explosion within range 5. All characters within this area must pass a Hull
save or be knocked back 2 spaces from the center of the Blast and become Impaired until
the end of their next turn.

Detpaste Gun
System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
Create a Blast 1 area within range 5 and line of sight. This area becomes difficult terrain
for the rest of the scene. As a quick action the Termite can detonate this area, returning it
to normal and dealing 3/4/5 burn to all characters in the area unless they pass an Agility

Thermal Smoke
System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
Create a Blast 2 zone within range 5. The zone disperses at the end of the Termite's next
turn. Characters except the Termite cannot trace line of sight into or out of the zone
(characters within the zone can draw line of sight to each other normally). Any character
except the Termite that enters this zone for the first time on their turn or that begins their
turn inside the zone takes 2/3/4 heat.

Reactive Armor
Trait, Reaction
1/round the Termite may gain resistance against a melee attack. The attacker must then
pass a Hull save or be knocked back 2 spaces directly away from the Termite and knocked

Satchel Charge
System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
The Termite may deploy this charge in a free space within range 3, or they may target a
character within range 3 by making a ranged attack at +1 vs evasion/tier to attach the
satchel charge to that target. As a protocol the Termite may detonate this charge to deal
8/10/12 explosive damage in a Burst 1 area centered on the charge. All characters caught
in this area may pass an Agility save to halve this damage, but any character the charge is
attached to automatically fails the check and becomes Shredded until the end of their
next turn. A stuck character may remove an attached satchel charge by passing a Hull
save as a quick action.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
10 8 10 8 +2 -1 -1 +3 2 5 5 14 ½

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
12 9 12 8 +3 -1 -1 +4 3 5 5 16 ½



The Titan is less an example of practical military doctrine in action and more a symbol,
designed to strike fear in the hearts of enemies and inspire allies as it slowly strides
across the battlefield. Towering over even dedicated siege chassis, typically (though not
always) quadra- or hexapedal in design, and bristling with heavy weapons and sturdy
armor, the Titan's sheer size is a weapon in its own right, but its cumbersome nature and
exorbitant costs lead many commanders to view it as little more than an impractical
"wonder weapon" built to impress generals and stroke the ego of politicians. Nonetheless,
combat data recordings from sorties in which Titan class platforms are deployed
frequently report anomalously high enemy force depletion percentages across all

Tactics: The Titan is a towering superheavy artillery walker whose sheer size and
implacability make it an ideal choice for dramatic setpiece encounters. The Fire-Linked
Batteries have a small dead zone around the Titan which players can seek to exploit, but
this risks putting them in a position where the Titan can quite literally walk all over them
with Unstoppable Force. An important thing to note about the Titan is its Secondary
Damage trait, which interacts uniquely with many of its weapons and systems, altering the
battlefield or affecting its function in numerous ways. As a result this NPC can require a bit
more overhead to run than other classes, and it might be a bit more powerful out of the
gate compared to some other NPCs. Care should be taken when building encounters
featuring a Titan not to overburden yourself with too many moving parts to keep track of.

Mech, Artillery

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

25 6 8 12 +3 -3 +0 +2 3 2 10 10 4

Base systems:
Fire-Linked Batteries
Superheavy Cannon
+1 vs evasion/tier
Range 20, one or two targets
8/10/12 explosive damage
This weapon cannot fire at targets within range 3 or closer of the Titan. The first time this
weapon would be destroyed, reduce the number of targets it can attack to one instead.

Titans cannot take the Grunt template, and only a single Titan may be present in any
Unstoppable Force
The Titan ignores difficult terrain, can’t be pushed, pulled, knocked prone, or knocked
back by characters smaller than itself, and can freely occupy spaces containing other
characters. Whenever the Titan moves into a space occupied by a hostile character for the
first time on a turn, that character must pass an Agility save or take 4/6/8 kinetic damage
and be knocked prone.

Secondary Damage
The Titan does not begin play with this trait active. Once the Titan has lost half of its
structure or more (or once its HP is reduced to half of its maximum value or less if it only
has a single point of structure) this trait becomes active and it becomes visibly unstable,
resulting in secondary detonations and damage alarms. At the start of the Titan's next
turn, all characters within a Burst 3 area must immediately pass an Agility save or take
6/8/10 explosive damage and be knocked back 3 spaces. On a successful save, they take
half damage and are knocked back 1 space.

Sovereign Shielding
System, Reaction, Recharge (6+)
The Titan gains resistance to all damage from one attack that originated beyond range 3.
When the Secondary Damage trait is first activated, this system automatically recharges.

Optional systems:
Spinal Lance
Superheavy Cannon
AP, Loading, Ordnance
+1 vs evasion/tier
Line 20
10/15/20 energy damage
This weapon replaces the Fire-Linked Batteries, and cannot fire at targets within range 3
or closer of the Titan. Any objects, cover, or terrain in this weapon's area are instantly
destroyed, and any character hit by this attack must pass an Engineering save or become
Impaired and Shredded until the end of their next turn. When the Secondary Damage trait
is active, this weapon loses the Loading tag but the Titan takes 1d6+1 heat every time it

Launch Decks
The Titan can act as a carrier platform for a number of mechs whose combined size is less
than its own. Allied mechs may begin combat aboard the Titan or may dock with them by
spending a quick action while adjacent to them. While aboard the Titan they benefit from
soft cover, occupy the same space as the Titan, and move when Titan does, ignoring
engagement and reactions. Mechs the Titan is carrying may launch themselves from it as
a protocol, moving their speed and gaining +1 Accuracy to their next ranged or melee
attack. When the Secondary Damage trait is first activated, all mechs aboard the Titan
take 5 AP explosive damage and may immediately launch from it as a reaction.

The Titan gains immunity to Slowed, and whenever they move or Boost they may move
through structures, objects, and other obstructions in the environment regardless of their
size. Any such obstacles moved through in this way are destroyed and become difficult
terrain. When the Secondary Damage trait is active the Titan's speed becomes 4, but
whenever they move through obstructions or obstacles in this fashion they become
Impaired until the end of their next turn.

Point-Defense Array
Main Cannon
+2 vs evasion/tier
Range 3, Threat 3
4 kinetic damage
At Tier 2, this weapon can make two attacks at a time, targeting either the same character
or two different ones. At Tier 3, it can make three attacks at a time. When the Secondary
Damage trait is active, at the end of the Titan's turn they must make an attack with this
weapon against the nearest character within range, friend or foe, as a free action.

PALISADE Configuration
Allied characters can use the Titan for hard cover. When the Secondary Damage trait is
active, disable this trait and choose two free spaces within range 3 of the Titan, then pick
a player to choose two more free spaces within range 3. Chunks of armor and debris
blown from the Titan's chassis land there, becoming size 1 obstructions which provide
hard cover for the rest of the scene.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
30 6 11 12 +4 -3 +0 +3 3 2 10 12 4

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
35 6 14 12 +6 -3 +0 +4 4 2 10 14 4

[COSUBJECTIVE SYNC INITIATED]: ************************


O: The Emir seems to have become rather fixated on activating the Karkadann as of late.

MC: It's just another one of his moods. He'll get over it soon enough.
O: Mm.

O: And if he doesn't?

MC: Then I suppose I'll have to be persuasive.

O: I'm uncertain he'll be as easily swayed as you hope. Malik has also expressed his
support for this particular ambition, and he doesn't exactly care for you. Persuasion won't
help you there, and given our present circumstances alternative methods of resolution
aren't as tenable.

MC: Malik doesn't care about sound tactics, he just wants an excuse to go out in a blaze of
glory for his Highness. Even for a Janissary the man's distressingly zealous. The amount of
manpower and materiel it would take to recover that damn thing simply isn't worth
considering, and that's assuming it's even still functional. It was hardly practical in the first
place and by now it's been sitting in a bunker for who knows how long without
maintenance. It honestly might be more valuable at this point as raw materials.

O: All sound, reasonable assessments to be sure. Logical, even.

MC: There's a "but" coming.

O: However, consider the following. Many of the Karkadann's tactical shortcomings are
currently being accounted for, indirectly or not. The provisional governmental forces lack
dedicated long-range air support assets, and at present orbit-to-surface strike capabilities
are out of almost anyone's hands. The Iphigenia is lightly armed and can only maintain
sporadic coverage at best. While our current situation may be far from ideal in numerous
respects, in this particular instance it may actually be to our advantage.

MC: All right, let's say for the sake of argument that you're right about all of this. The
question still remains what it would benefit us in the long run.

O: What it would benefit the Emir? Very little overall. I can run casualty estimates if you'd
like, I expect they'd be quite high, but even a weapon so wantonly destructive is unlikely
to accomplish any significant long-term strategic goals on its own, nor do I predict it would
win him back his throne. What it would benefit you, though? You have mentioned the need
for a suitable opportunity to begin securing your contingency-

MC: Shit.

O: -and I expect the Karkadann would draw a great deal of attention from all parties

MC: I can't believe I'm actually considering this.

O: We can explore other options of course, though our windows of opportunity are
beginning to narrow considerably.

MC: No, no, you have a point. Go ahead and draw up a proposal, and see if there are any
independent assets we might be able to use to expedite the process. It looks like Malik
may just get his grand gesture after all.

O: Indeed.


The Valkyrie doctrine is an unusual hybridization of several extant chassis designations

created to fulfill a unique battlefield role, that of a fast-moving and maneuverable aerial
close-combat platform meant to bypass entrenched frontline defenses and seek out high-
value targets such as artillery units, field commanders, and electronic warfare platforms,
engaging the enemy with rapid hit-and-run strikes to disorient and overwhelm them. The
demanding engineering requirements of designing frames suitable for advanced flight as
well as melee combat have kept the Valkyrie from seeing widespread deployment,
routinely leading assigned pilots to form close-knit and exclusive circles within more
traditional military hierarchies.

Tactics: The Valkyrie is a high-mobility attacker well suited to hit-and-run tactics. Hover
flight and a generous Threat on its Nanocarbon Partizan allow it to skirt around frontline
defenders without running afoul of engagement or reactions, then by Flyby Strike it can
simultaneously attack and reposition, setting itself up for future attacks and pulling the
players' attention in multiple directions. If the Valkyrie can be grounded then its combat
effectiveness greatly diminishes.

Mech, Striker

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

14 12 7 7 -1 +3 +0 +2 0 6 10 10 1

Base systems:
Nanocarbon Partizan
Main Melee
+2 vs evasion/tier with +1 Accuracy
Knockback 1
Threat 3
7 kinetic damage
At Tier 2, this weapon can make two attacks at a time, targeting either the same character
or two different ones. At Tier 3, it can make three attacks at a time.

SSC Total Suite

The Valkyrie can hover whenever they move or Boost.

Flyby Strike
1/round, when the Valkyrie hits a target with an attack while Boosting, that character must
pass a Hull save or be knocked prone. When the Valkyrie Boosts and splits their
movement with an attack using the Nanocarbon Partizan, they may freely divide attacks
among their targets at any points during this movement. The Valkyrie must be flying to
use this trait.

Optional systems:
Burnout Booster Rig
System, Quick Action, Limited (1)
The Valkyrie Boosts up to 20 spaces. This movement does not provoke reaction attacks
and ignores engagement. The Valkyrie must be flying to use this system.

FIREFLY Micromissiles
System, Quick Action, Recharge (6+)
All characters within Burst 2 must pass an Agility save or take 4/6/8 explosive damage +
2/3/4 heat and become Slowed until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, they
take half damage, half heat, and are not Slowed.

Flashblind Halo
System, Reaction, Recharge (6+)
When a hostile character moves adjacent to the Valkyrie, they must pass a Systems save
or become Jammed until the end of its next turn.

Chaff Launchers
The Valkyrie gains soft cover until the start of their next turn whenever they Boost.

Maneuvering Thrusters
System, Free Action
1/round, as a free action the Valkyrie may move 2 spaces in any direction. This movement
does not provoke reaction attacks and ignores engagement. The Valkyrie must be flying to
use this system.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
14 14 8 7 -1 +4 +0 +3 0 6 10 12 1

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
14 16 9 7 -1 +6 +0 +4 0 8 10 14 1

I was 12 when I was brought to the palace along with my sister. Our parents were dead,
killed in a rebel attack, and at the time I mourned. The Emir was a kind and noble man,
and we were cared for as if we were his own family, fed, clothed, and well educated. As
we grew older our talents were cultivated and nurtured, though the deaths of our parents
continued to weigh heavily upon my heart. It was the Emir himself who taught me how to
overcome my grief through dedication towards excellence, to cast aside the memories
dragging down my soul like shackles, and I am eternally grateful to him (long may he
reign) for providing me with the opportunity to shed the final, burdensome attachments to
my former life by killing my sister. She did not understand the necessity of it at the time,
but I like to imagine she does now. Wherever you may be, Iduri, thank you.

As one of the youngest Janissaries my performance was frequently evaluated by

Commander Rezai which is what led him to select me for a special program. An innate
aptitude for spatial awareness and a gift for piloting brought me to his attention, and he
informed me that he was assembling a unique chassis squadron that he wished me to be
a part of. The training to be a part of this squadron was even more rigorous and
demanding than any I had undergone previously, and so it is my intent to transcribe
whatever wisdom I can impart upon future pilots in the Emir's service, to record the
lessons that Commander Rezai has taught me along with my own notes on the operation
of aerial chassis in this manner, tactics and strategies, and recollections of my sorties and
their outcomes in the hopes that those who come after me will benefit from my
experience and perhaps even exceed me themselves. I may also, should I find myself so
inspired, include several verses of my poetry, which I have been informed some find
rather pleasant.
-Introduction to Memoirs From the Royal Palace, author unknown (unfinished)

Alternately referred to as junkers, technicals, or more formally as improvised combat

vehicles, Scrapper-designate chassis are a product of desperate circumstances and
limited resources. Where well-funded armies will field standardized frames, guerrilla
forces, bandits, terrorists, and pirates will often utilize salvaged military-grade or civilian
chassis, modified with additional weapons and armor to supplement their forces.
Additional examples can occasionally be found in polities which have undergone a
catastrophic breakdown of societal and technological infrastructure due to uncontrolled
use of weapons of mass destruction or unplanned isolation from interstellar civilization.
Inventive pilots trapped behind enemy lines for extended period of time have also
frequently been known to make non-standard modifications to their chassis in a bid for

Making a Scrapper:
All Scrappers get the following features added to their base NPC type:
• Personal Touch: The Scrapper gains +1 Accuracy to any one type of save and check
(Hull, Agility, Systems, or Engineering) but takes +1 Difficulty to a different type.
• Scrapper Systems: The Scrapper may choose from the optional Scrapper modules
below when selecting additional modules.

Scrapper Systems and Traits:

Mounted Turret
Main Cannon
Range 5
+1 vs evasion/tier
4/6/8 kinetic damage
This weapon cannot be used normally, but the Scrapper may attack with it as a free action
at the end of their turn. When a ranged or melee attack critically hits the Scrapper, this
weapon is destroyed in addition to that attack's normal damage and effects and cannot be

Up-Armored Hull
The Scrapper gains +5 HP, but they can no longer Boost.

Heavy Melee
Knockback 5, Recharge (5+)
Threat 2
+1 vs evasion/tier with 1 Difficulty
6/9/12 kinetic damage
On hit, the Scrapper loses 5 HP and the target must pass a Hull save or be knocked prone,
automatically failing this save if they collide with an obstruction large enough to stop their

Unstable Reactor
Whenever the Scrapper is Immobilized, Jammed, or Stunned, roll a d6. On a 1-4 they
ignore this effect, becoming Impaired instead. On a 5+ the Scrapper immediately
explodes in a Burst 2 area. All characters within this area must pass an Agility save or take
8/10/12 explosive damage, taking half damage on a successful save.

Fragmented NHP
The Scrapper gains the AI tag and can function autonomously without a pilot. At the start
of the Scrapper's turn roll a d6. On a 1-3 they may move 3 spaces ignoring engagement
and reactions. On a 4-6 they gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks until the start of their next
turn. 1/scene, when the Scrapper is hit by an Invade action, the attacker may force the
NHP to enter cascade instead of choosing a regular option (the attacker is made aware of
this option on hit). When the NHP is cascading in this way the Scrapper loses control of
their mech during their next turn and must move directly towards the closest ally
(choosing randomly if more than one is equally close) and attack them with as many
weapons as possible, regaining control of their mech at the end of their next turn. If they
cannot move within range of a valid target or there are no other characters remaining,
they become Stunned until the end of their next turn instead.

Patch Kit
System, Limited (1), Full Action, Quick Action
The Scrapper regains 1d6 HP as a quick action, or 1d6+3 HP as a full action.

Improvised Explosive Device

System, Limited (1)
At the beginning of combat, choose an area no closer than 5 spaces from any hostile
character to deploy an Improvised Explosive Device. Detecting an IED requires a
successful Systems check, and disarming it requires a successful Systems check from an
adjacent space or it immediately detonates. The Scrapper may detonate it as a quick
action, creating a Burst 1 area centered on the IED. All characters within this area must
pass an Agility save or take 2d6+1/2/3 explosive damage and be knocked prone, taking
half damage and not falling prone on a successful save.

How to make a Dutch Baby (serves as many as you can squeeze into the blast radius)

okay so for this recipe you're gonna need

-6 to 8 GMS pattern-B "Apple" dual-purpose grenades (chassis grade, not the small stuff)
-1 GMS Pattern-B "Pancake" anti-vehicle mine
-a couple bundles of detcord
-100 to 1,000kg of fuel/oxidizer (you can find my favorite recipe for this on page 83
[editor's note: page 112 in this edition!])
-a wideband RF/Omni transmitter and receiver module (personal commlinks are a
perennial favorite but make sure nobody else but you has the number)
-assorted munitions to taste

Now be careful when breaking down the grenades, the 3.9.2 and up models have an anti-
tamper system built in. REMEMBER THE BUDDY SYSTEM! That way if you fuck up and die
at least you can take someone with you when you go.

Once you've separated the explosive charges from the casings (and don't forget to save
those, waste not want not) then it's time to crack into that mine. For this step I
recommend a precision cutter or maybe a plasma torch. If you don't have something like
that handy for whatever reason, try and get someone you don't like all that much to help
you with this next part.

[ebooks/misc] (4972) The Laughing Anarchist's Guide to Home Insurgency, Uncensored

Version (another_omni_classic_from_itsyaboyKNAIT-RYDA)

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