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The following spelling effect appeared in "Lu=Brent's" Exclusive card Mysteries, 1934.
Lu-Brent credits Charles C. Slayton with the stack. Can anyone provide an earlier
date for this concept?

For the following ingenious spelling effect, I am indebted to Commander

Charles C. Slayton, U.S.N., for his unique set-up for accomplishing such a
wonderful and pleasing problem. I have, however, altered the presentation
somewhat, with the addition of using a short card [NOTE: A crimp will also
suffice - PD], also shortening the set-up from 24 cards to that of 18 cards as

10C - AS - 9H - QS - 4D - QD - 2C - 10H - 5S - 3H - KD - 7D - 6C - 2S - KH - 8S
- JD - 3D - rest of pack. The top card is the 10C.

The short card is positioned 9th from the bottom.


Approach your audience with the cards in case. Take out the pack and False
Shuffle without disturbing the entire arrangement as given. Fan out and show
the first six cards to one person with the request that he mentally select one
card. This done, place the packet cards in his breast pocket.

Show the next six cards to another person requesting them to think of one
card, the next six cards to a third person, placing the packets in their pockets.

Take back the packets and replace them on top of the pack which you are
holding, the packet last given out being returned first, the second next and the
packet first given out going on top of all.

Invite another spectator to give the pack one complete cut. Now cut the pack
yourself bringing the short card to the top. This adds 9 cards including the
short card on top of the 18 card stack.

Holding the pack face down in your own hands, ask the first person to spell
the name of their thought card (plural) out loud while you remove a card from
the top of the pack for each letter, including “OF.” The card that falls on the
final letter “S” is placed face down before the spectator. Now have him turn
over this card. The surprise comes when it proves to be the mentally selected

While everyone is watching this spectator turning over his card, pick up the
dealt cards from the table and place 5 of these on the bottom of the pack and
the rest on top.
Give the pack to the second spectator and ask him to spell the name of his
thought card aloud in exactly the same way you did. He deals the cards onto
your hand and he turns over the card that falls on the final letter revealing his
mental selection, which he shows to the audience.

In the meantime you note when you’ve received 5 cards and make a break.
When you take back the pack place these 5 cards on the bottom, the rest on
top. Now you are ready for the grand finale.

Hand the pack to the 3rd person and ask that he spell out his thought card
mentally to himself, without saying a word and exactly as illustrated by the
other two persons. The performer states and stresses the point that he, the
spectator, has thought of a card and that he had the privilege of changing his
mind during the time of selection. NOTE: This can be done with impunity. And
now he is to spell out his card mentally, placing the final card (letter “S”) aside.

Build up the climax and ask the spectator to announce the name of his card.
Finally ask him to turn over the card he laid aside to reveal the correct card.

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