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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

Study Plan for Extended Period – Cold Region Session 2020-2021

Class: I
General Instructions:

· The session 2020-2021 has been extended till June 2021. The total calculated time for Junior School is 11 teaching
weeks, whereas, for the Middle school it is 9 teaching weeks. Therefore, a revised study plan has been prepared for the
extended period.
· Face-to face teaching will take place on alternate three days (as per Govt notice), & the rest of the time, students will
study at home. The teachers must ensure that this time is used very productively in terms of students’ engagement,
clarification of key concepts & written practice.
· Some topics / concepts already covered in Key Plan have been identified in the table below for reinforcement. It is
recommended that teacher may plan & add more topic during the coordination meeting as per their class needs.
· Teachers must refer to the key plans for detailed methodology – explanation of the concept, board work, and suggested
activities before assigning any written task.

Week # Unit / Chapter / Topic Pg No. / Q. No. / Ex. No Any Other Additional Material

1. Unit # 5: On the farm Learner’s Book: Topic related worksheets in the tear off
Pg 67 (Ex 3 & 4) pad or additional worksheets prepared
Present Continuous Tense Pgs 74-77 (Reading & identifying) by the teacher
Apostrophe Activity Book: Theme related words for dictation
Pgs 58, 60, 61 (All Exercises) Make 2 sentences with each subject
Subject Pronouns (He, she, it, they) Pronouns starting with:
He can _________
He is __________

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

2. Unit # 6: My five senses Learner’s Book: H.W:

Pg 86 (Ex 1, 2) Give 10 new words for making
Comparatives with ‘er’ Pgs 88-91 (Ex 1, 2 & 3) comparatives with ‘er’
Activity Book: Activity Book:
Five friends and the elephant Pg 70, 71 (Ex 1, 2, 3 & 4) Pg 73 (Ex 2)
Pg 72, 73 (Ex 1 & 3)

3. Writing skill Brainstorming, discussion, Independent Activity Book:

My School / My Class work in notebooks H.W:
Pg 68, 69 (Ex 1, 2 & 3)
Unseen Comprehension passage Select an unseen, age-appropriate
comprehension passage with some
recall-based & critical thinking Qs
Short /o/ sound words (Notebook work)
Learner’s Book:
Pg 84 (Ex 1, 2, 3 & 4)

4. Unit # 7: Let’s go! Learner’s Book: H.W:

Imperatives Pg 96, 97 Give a few general Students to select any 5 nouns from
instructions to follow (oral + written) their surroundings.
Describing Things Pg 100 (Ex 1, 2 & 3) Write the size word before the colour
Activity Book: word (Refer writing tip box AB pg 82)
Pg 78 (Ex 1)
Pg 82 (Ex 1, 2 & 3)

5. Travelling around Learner’s Book: Activity Book:

Pgs 102 – 105 (Ex 1, 2 & 3) H.W:
Pg 105 (Ex 4) Pg 85 (Ex 3 & Challenge)
Writing Skill Activity Book:
pgs 84, 85 (Ex 1, 2 & 3)

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

6. Unit # 8: Wonderful water Learner’s Book: H.W:

Pg 114 (Ex 1 & 2) Make sentences of:
Use of does /does not Pg 110 (Ex 2) Develop 5 water, land, plants, rain
comprehension- based Qs to be done
We all need water in notebooks.
Activity Book:
Pgs 94, 95 (Ex 1 & 2)

7. Unit # 9: City Places Write any 5 uses of water in notebooks Activity Book:
Writing skill Learner’s Book: H.W:
Pg 128 (Ex 1) Pg 104 (Ex 1 & Challenge)
Use of ‘this, that & these’ Pg 126 (Ex 1, 2, 3 & 4)
Activity Book:
-y ending Pgs 106, 107 (Ex 1 & 2)

8. I like living in a city Learner’s Book: H.W:

Pg 124 (Ex 1, 2 & 4) Give 10 new words to think of their
Words opposites Activity Book: opposites
Pg 102 (Ex 1 & Challenge)
Pg 105 (Ex 2)

9, 10, 11 Reinforcement of Nouns & Verbs Learner’s Book: Use of Nouns & Verbs in sentences
Pg 136-143 (oral work)

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

Study Plan for Extended Period - Cold Region Session 2020-2021

Class: II
General Instructions:

· The session 2020-2021 has been extended till June 2021. The total calculated time for Junior School is 11 teaching
weeks, whereas, for the Middle school it is 9 teaching weeks. Therefore, a revised study/revision plan has been prepared
for the extended period.
· Face-to face teaching will take place on alternate three days (as per Govt notice), & the rest of the time, students will
study at home. The teachers must ensure that this time is used very productively in terms of students’ engagement,
clarification and written practice of key concepts.
· Some topics / concepts already covered in Key Plan have been identified in the table below for reinforcement. It is
recommended that teachers may plan & add more topics during the coordination meeting as per their class needs.
· Teachers must refer to the key plans for detailed methodology – explanation of the concept, board work, suggested

Week # Chp / Topic Pg No. / Q. No. Any Other Additional Material

1 Unit 5 : Homophones L.B pg 66 + AB pg 56 Words/sentences in

Unit 5 : Countable + uncountable L.B pg 68 notebooks/worksheet
Nouns List down 5 countable and 5 Worksheet
uncountable nouns.
2 Unit 5 : Comprehension L.B pgs 70-72 + AB pgs 60-61/some
Unit 5: Preposition Qs to be done in notebooks
A.B pg 64 Syllabus Worksheet # 1
Make 5 sentences using different
prepositions(ref A.B pg 64)
3 Unit 6 : Writing Qs L.B pgs 82,83
, Subject Verb Agreement A.B pgs 79,71
Unit 6: Comprehension L.B pgs 84-86+ Q/A +Ex in notebooks,

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

A.B pgs 72-73

4 Creative Writing: Book review of my Notebook work

Favourite book
Unit 7:Comrehension L.B pgs 92,93+ A.B pgs 78,79
Critical thinking Qs to be done in

5 Letter Writing: Letter to a friend to tell L.B pgs 22,23(for ref)+ A.B pgs
about yourself 18,19(H.W)
Unit 7: Determiners L.B pgs 96,97+ A.B pgs 82,83 Practice worksheet

6 Unit 7 Comprehension: Autobiography L.B pgs 98-100, Q/A in Notebooks

of Wangri Mathai
C .Writing: Write biography of a Notebook work Research
National hero
7 Unit 8: Homes round the world L.B pgs 106,107+ A.B pgs 90,91
Topic: Simple Past Tense (Reg- L.B pgs 111+ (54,55 for ref) A.B pgs
irregular) 46,47 (for ref)

8 Picture story: Using Past Tense Notebook work Photocopy of picture

Unit 8:Read and respond L.B pgs 112-114+A.B pgs
9 Unit 9: Comparatives & L.B pg 125 Words/sentences of
words/opposites opposites, words with1-3 syllables to
Comprehension make sentences notebook work.
Select an unseen, age-appropriate
comprehension passage with some
recall-based & critical thinking Qs
(Notebook work).
10 Unit 9: Read and respond L.B pgs 126-129+ Q/A in notebooks
A.B 108-109(H.W)
C. Writing: Notebook work
Write 6 sentences about your
city.(Simple Present Tense)
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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

11 Revision Syllabus worksheets(2nd Term)

Eid Holidays

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

Study Plan for Extended Period - Cold Region Session 2020-2021

Class: III
General Instructions:

· The session 2020-2021 has been extended till June 2021. The total calculated time for Junior School is 11 teaching
weeks, whereas, for the Middle school it is 9 teaching weeks. Therefore, a revised study plan has been prepared for the
extended period.
· Face-to face teaching will take place on alternate three days (as per Govt notice), & the rest of the time, students will
study at home. The teachers must ensure that this time is used very productively in terms of students’ engagement,
clarification & written practice of key concepts.
· Some topics / concepts already covered in Key Plan have been identified in the table below for reinforcement. It is
recommended that teachers may plan & add more topic during the coordination meeting as per their class needs.
· Teachers must refer to the key plans for detailed methodology – explanation of the concept, board work, suggested

Week # Chp / Topic Pg No. / Q. No. Any Other Additional Material

1 Unit 5 : Comprehension L.B pgs 64-65 Q/A in notebooks Words/sentences in notebooks

Writing Skills: Topic(teacher’s own (Use of Simple past Tense in C.
discretion) Writing)

2 Unit 5 : Lesson 3 L.B pgs 66-67, A.B pg 56,57 some Qs to be done in notebooks
Unit 5: Lesson 4 L.B pgs 68-69, A.B pg 58,59

3 Unit 6: Use of Can and could L.B pgs 78,79-A.B pgs 66,67
Unit : Writing Skills(Book Review in Notebook work
Past Tense)

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

4 Unit 6: Similes L.B pg 80,A.B pg 68+Syllabus (Use similes in sentences notebook

Unit 6: Lesson 4 worksheet 2 work)
L.B 82,83, A.B 70,71
5 Comprehension: L.B pgs 84-86 Q/A notebook
Apostrophe Syllabus Worksheet # 3 for ref
C. Writing Select an unseen, age-appropriate
topic for paragraph writing(Notebook
6 Unit 7:Comprehension + L.B pgs 98,100,A.B pgs 84,85 Q/A in Notebooks
Adjectives Notebook
Unit 7: Lesson 3 L.B pg 94, 95 A.B pgs 80, 81

7 Unit 7: Present Perfect Tense L.B pgs 96,97,A.B 82,83

Unit 8:Comprehension L.B pgs104,105
8 Unit 8: Writing skills Using I will(Write your plan for the
Reading Comprehension weekend 5 sentences) Q/A in notebooks
L.B pgs 112-114, A.B pgs 96,97
9 Unit 9:Lesson 2 L.B pg 120,121, A.B pgs 102-103
Unit 9:Lesson 3 L.B pg 122,123, A.B pgs 104,105
10 Unit 9: Comparatives L.B pgs 124,125, A.B pgs 106,107 Syllabus worksheet # 4
Read and respond L.B pgs 126-128 Q/A in notebooks
11 Revision Syllabus worksheets(2nd Term)
Eid Holidays

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

Study Plan for Extended Period - Cold Region Session 2020-2021

Class: IV
General Instructions:

· The session 2020-2021 has been extended till June 2021. The total calculated time for Junior School is 11 teaching
weeks, whereas, for the Middle school it is 9 teaching weeks. Therefore, a revised study plan has been prepared for the
extended period.
· Face-to face teaching will take place on alternate three days (as per Govt notice), & the rest of the time, students will
study at home. The teachers must ensure that this time is used very productively in terms of students’ engagement &
clarification of key concepts.
· Some topics / concepts already covered in Key Plan have been identified in the table below for reinforcement. It is
recommended that teacher may plan & add more topic during the coordination meeting as per their class needs.
· Teachers must refer to the key plans for detailed methodology – explanation of the concept, board work, and suggested
activities before assigning any written task.

Week # Chp / Topic Pg No. / Q. No. Any Other Additional Material

1 Unit 6: School lunch L.B pgs 80-81-A.B pg 64

Use of some and any L.B pg 81, A.B pg 65 H.W
Unit 6: Lesson 3 L.B pgs 84-85,A.B 68,69 Reading : pgs 88-90

2 Unit 7 : Austraila L.B pgs 96,97-A.B pg 76 Write 5 sentences using each tense
Simple Past Tense & Past continuous Syllabus Worksheet # 3
Unit 7 : Comprehension A.B pg 77Critical Thinking Qs notebook

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

3 Unit 7: Lesson 3 L.B pgs 100-101, A.B 80,81 H.W: Research work find names of
Unit 7: Infinitives of Purpose L.B pg 101, A.B pg 81 endangered animals in Pakistan

4 Creative Writing (Teacher’s own discretion) Notebook

Unit 7: Lesson 4 work H.W: Ex 7 notebook work
L.B 102, 103 , A.B pg 81

5 Unit 7: Present and Present actions L.B pg 103, A.B pg 82-83 H.W: Reading pgs 104-106
Unit 8: Lesson 1 L.B pgs 110-111, A.B pg 89
Unit 8: Quantative Pronouns L.B pgs 114-115.A.B pg 92-93

6 Letter Writing Notebook work(Topic Teacher’s own

Unit 9: Lesson 3 L.B pgs 126-127,Ex 5 in notebooks
Comprehension Select an unseen, age-appropriate
comprehension passage with some
recall-based & critical thinking Qs
(Notebook work).

7 Unit 9:Lesson 1 Ex 8 in notebooks -

Unit 9:Future Prediction L.B pg 129, A.B pg 102,103 Syllabus worksheet # 4
Unit 9:Lesson 4(Use of going to + verb) Pg 132-133,A.B pg 106,107 -

8 Past tense, Past Continuous Tense Syllabus worksheet # 3

Paragraph Writing (Simple past Tense)
Connectives Worksheet # 2

9 Writing skills: email writing Write an email to your friend (L.B pg

Revision of Syllabus Worksheets 2nd 132 for ref)(Use of going to)

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

Study Plan for Extended Period - Cold Region Session 2020-2021

Class: V
General Instructions:

· The session 2020-2021 has been extended till June 2021. The total calculated time for Junior School is 11 teaching
weeks, whereas, for the Middle school it is 9 teaching weeks. Therefore, a revised study plan has been prepared for the
extended period.
· Face-to face teaching will take place on alternate three days (as per Govt notice), & the rest of the time, students will
study at home. The teachers must ensure that this time is used very productively in terms of students’ engagement &
clarification of key concepts.
· Some topics / concepts already covered in Key Plan have been identified in the table below for reinforcement. It is
recommended that teacher may plan & add more topic during the coordination meeting as per their class needs.
· Teachers must refer to the key plans for detailed methodology – explanation of the concept, board work, and suggested
activities before assigning any written task.

Week # Chp / Topic Pg No. / Q. No. Any Other Additional Material

1 Unit 6: Lesson 1 L.B pgs 80-81-A.B pg 64,65

Conjunctions L.B pg 81, A.B pg 65
Unit 6: Past Simple Tense & Past L.B pgs 85, A.B 69 H.W
Continuous Write 5 sentences in each Tense

2 Unit 6: Write a short story L.B pg 87(Past Simple Tense) -

The Apostrophe Syllabus worksheet # 2

3 Unit 7: Lesson 4 L.B pgs 102,103 H.W: Research- find some basic
Unit 7:Lesson 3 L.B pg 101, A.B pg 80(Use of information about Egyptian Pyramids.
whereas, too, both)

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Subject: English Lang Session (2020-2021) Classes I - V

4 Subordinate Clause L.B pg 97,A.B pg 76 Syllabus

Creative Writing worksheet # 3
Select an age-appropriate Topic
(Notebook work).
5 Unit 8: Lesson 1 L.B 110,111-A.B pgs 88
Comprehension Select an unseen, age-appropriate
comprehension passage with some
recall-based & critical thinking Qs
(Notebook work).
6 Unit 8:Lesson 2 L.B pg 112,113
Adverbs of Degree L.B Pg 114-115, A.B pg 93 (Practice Worksheet)
Creative Writing Selection of topic: (Teacher’s own
7 Poem/;A visit with Mr Tree Frog L.B pg 115, A.B pg 118-119
Creative Writing: Telling an Anecdote Use of Past Simple and Past
Continuous Tense.(Notebook work)
8 Unit 9:Reading L.B pg 132 A.B pg 106
Use of its and it’s L.B pg 129- A.B pg 103
9 Writing skills: Writing a leaflet L.B pg 133
Similes Syllabus worksheet # 4
Revision: Syllabus worksheets(2nd

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