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ПРИЛОЗИ, Одд. мед.

науки, XXXV 2, 2014 МАНУ

CONTRIBUTIONS. Sec. Med. Sci., XXXV 2, 2014 MASA
DOI: 10.2478/prilozi-2014-0020
ISSN 1857-9345
UDC: 616.314-089.23:681.532.6.08



Vesna Trpevska1, Gordana Kovacevska2, Alberto Benedeti3, Bozidar Jordanov4

PHO Dental Clinical Center Sv. Pantelejmon, Clinic for Orthodontics, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Faculty of Dental Medicine, University Ss. Ciril and Metodius, Department of Prosthodontics,
Skopje, R. Macedonia
Faculty of Dental Medicine, University Ss. Ciril and Metodius, PHO Dental Clinical Centar for
Maxillofacial Surgery, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Facultu of Dental Medicine, Department for Prosthodontics, University of Dental Medicine,
Sofia, R. Bulgaria

Corresponding Author: Gordana Kovacevska, Faculty of Dental Medicine Prosthodontics Department, Vodnjanska
17, 1000 Skopje, R. Macedonia, Tel: + 389 (0)2 070 67 67 00, E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction: This systematic literature review was performed to establish the mechanism, metho-
dology, characteristics, clinical application and opportunities of the T-Scan III System as a diag-
nostic tool for digital occlusal analysis in different fields of dentistry, precisely in orthodontics.
Methods: Searching of electronic databases, using MEDLINE and PubMed, hand searching of relevant
key journals, and screening of reference lists of included studies with no language restriction was
performed. Publications providing statistically examined data were included for systematic review.
Results: Twenty potentially relevant Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) were identified. Only ten
met the inclusion criteria. The literature demonstrates that using digital occlusal analysis with T-Scan
III System in orthodontics has significant advantage with regard to the capability of measuring
occlusal parameters in static positions and during dynamic of the mandible.
Conclusion: Within the scope of this systematic review, there is evidence to support that T-Scan
system is rapid and accurate in identifying the distribution of the tooth contacts and it shows great pro-
mise as a clinical diagnostic screening device for occlusion and for improving the occlusion after various
dental treatments. Additional clinical studies are required to advance the indication filed of this system.
Importance of using digital occlusal T-Scan analysis in orthodontics deserves further investigation.

Key words: Orthodontic treatment, skeletal orofacial anomalies, T-Scan III system, digital occlusal analysis.

Introduction Proper orthodontic treatment of skeletal den-

Using occlusal analysis in orthodontics is cru- tofacial irregularities cannot be initiated until the
cial. The primary goal of any orthodontic treatment correct diagnosis is given. A very important factor
is to achieve the ideal alignment between the teeth in establishing the diagnosis in orthodontic anoma-
in the dental arch and the teeth antagonists [1–3], lies is detecting occlusal parameters. Numerous stu-
achieving Angel Class I occlusion between the cani- dies show that conventional methods do not quan-
nes and molars and neuromuscular balance as the final tify dimensional occlusal force. By contrast, digital
goal of the orthodontic treatment [1, 2]. During ortho- occlusal analysis in the diagnosis enables us to
dontic treatment for achieving normal (ideal) occlu- obtain information on the type of occlusal inter-
sion from an aesthetic and functional aspect and ference and its relationship to symptoms of TMJ
achieving satisfactory mastication, teeth movements disorders [4]. The purpose of this paper is to show
and changes in the growth of facial and cranial the importance of using digital occlusal T-Scan
structures can be performed. analysis in orthodontics.
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156 Vesna Trpevska, et al.

Occlusal analysis with the T-Scan system displays occlusal forces to minimize the possibility
of repeating mistakes when occlusion is examined
Relevance and state of the problem
by articulation paper and it depends on the subjec-
with reference to previous research
tive feelings of the patient. Studies show that for a
Despite the evolution of computer techno-
dentist using articulation paper it is very difficult to
logy and the era of modern dental materials, we still
accurately determine which occlusal contact rece-
come across a routine use of traditional methods in
ives more force. During intercuspidation, time and
cases of occlusion analysis. Although most dentists
force are the main occlusal factors measured with
stress the importance of occlusion, the highest per-
the T-Scan system. Thanks to the T-Scan system,
centage of occlusal contacts evaluation is still based
which displays all the measured numerous occlusal
on articulation paper, wax and silicone tables. The
contacts for further dynamic analysis, today we can
T-Scan III Computerized Occlusal Analysis System
successfully treat many occlusal problems and
(Tekscan Inc., South Boston, MA USA), (Fig. 1),
provide the patient with high quality occlusion at
exceeds the limitations of using articulation paper.
the end of the treatment [5].
It provides analysis of relative occlusal forces that
are recorded using the intraoral pressure sensor and

Figure 1 – T-Scan III handler connected directly through USB to the computer and sensor-100 microns thickness

In orthodontics, starting from the fact that good In addition to the possibility of occlusal dia-
occlusal contacts are essential in maintaining dental gnostics (Fig. 3), this system is helpful when it
health and ensuring stable long-term results, special comes to how the patient understands his occlusion
attention is paid to achieving normal occlusion [1]. situation from an aesthetic and functional aspect.
In agreement with our patients, we took photo- The subjects were seated in an upright position in a
graphs where we noticed the absence of the upper dental chair with the Frankfort plane parallel to the
left canine due to impaction. The absence of a tooth floor. All recordings were made by the same opera-
in the dental arch leads to the appearance of masti- tor to avoid possible variation. The T-Scan III sen-
cation disability, which if not followed by resto- sor was placed between the upper central incisors,
ration of teeth within a certain period of time leads parallel with the occlusal plane.
to displacement of teeth, loss of balance and conse- The graphic presentation of the T-Scan system
quently complete morphological, functional and aes- is not only easy for the therapist to understand, it is
thetic complications in the orofacial system (Fig. 2). also an auxiliary tool through which the patient’s
visualization is facilitated and it is easier to under-
stand the nature and extent of his occlusal dishar-
mony [6].
As an innovation on the market, the T-Scan
system goes back about 25 years. The first T-Scan I
system was designed in 1987 and since then, with spe-
cified contemporary technical advancements and whole
system revisions and their upgrades, the T-Scan III
system version 7.0 has been designed, the results of
which are independent from the operator.
Figure 2 – Patient E. T., intraoral view in central occlusion
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T-scan III system diagnostic… 157

Figure 3 – T-Scan III – the sensor is placed between central incisors, parallel with occlusal plane
The development of the T-Scan system

The T-Scan III system enables static and same colours (as the 3-dimensional bar graph win-
dynamic digital analysis of occlusion in unit time dow) the differing occlusal force levels.
and recording of the distribution of occlusal forces The two lower windows are the "Force vs.
in dental arches in different clinical situations [6]. Time" graphs. They illustrate changing occlusal force
In the left top corner analysis window, the percentages across time, in both the left arch half
amount of relative occlusal force is displayed in 3- (green line) and the right arch half (red line). The
dimensional coloured bar graphs. The colour and horizontal axis of the Force vs. Time graph indica-
height of each bar indicates the intensity of force tes elapsed time, while the vertical axis indicates the
per contact. The top right corner analysis window is changing percentage of occlusal forces in both sides
a 2-dimensional dental arch in which the occlusal of the arch. The total force of the combined left and
contact forces are surrounded by a yellow outline right arch halves is described in the Force vs. Time
that locates the contacts, while illustrating in the Graph by the non-vertical black line (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 – Patient E. T., T-Scan III- system evaluation in centric relation, % of Max Movie Force (MMF), F = 99.7%

More precise information about each element the oral cavity. It measures the length and sensit-
in the dental arch and the absence of an element is ivity of the recording presented as low, medium and
accurately recorded when the sensor is adapted to high sensitivity.
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158 Vesna Trpevska, et al.

The sensor is placed between the central inci- and in correlation with their antagonistic dental
sors, parallel with the occlusal plane. Because the contact points. They assessed 190 masticatory cyc-
sensor is more rigid than paper, for easier adapta- les of 38 subjects with 5 repetitions each, analysing
tion before starting recording some acts of mastica- the first 0.15 s after the first recorded antagonistic
tion are done. Recorded forces are kept in the hard- tooth contact.
drives and are available for analysis [7]. Analysing the occlusion over time they con-
T-Scan III analyses the occlusion contacts cluded that it is the central incisors that usually tend
simultaneously, from the moment of the first occlu- to come into initial contact, perhaps as the result of
sal contacts until the maximum intercuspidation, a guiding function. Over time, the force distribution
giving us a view of initial occlusal contacts, the shifts to the posterior. At t1, 44% of the subjects
order in which they appear and the amount of rela- occluded first in the molar area, surprisingly, while
tive occlusal forces, which allows us to identify and another 40% occluded first on the anterior teeth.
locate any traumatic occlusal contacts [5]. Simultaneous initial antagonistic tooth contact occur-
red in the lateral and anterior teeth in only 16%. At
Clinical application of computerized
t10 (after 0.1 s); the predominant contact was in the
occlusal analysis with the T-Scan III system
molar and premolar region. The relative mastica-
Considering the fact that the determination of
tory force distribution also changed over time, star-
occlusal forces has a major role in the protocol of
ting with a relatively large initial force on the cen-
dental and facial rehabilitation, in this literature re-
tral incisors towards the posterior at the conclusion
view we summarize the possibilities and ways of
of recording. In the lateral comparison (right/left), the
testing occlusal forces and present achievements of
force relationships likewise changed over time (t2
the modern use of the T-Scan III system.
on the left 42.6% of the relative masticatory force,
So, in 2011, An W, Wang B and Bai Y. [8],
57.4% on the right). By t10, this lateral difference
using the T-Scan II, examined occlusal contacts du-
was significantly reduced (47.4% on the left, 52.6%
ring protrusion and lateral movements of the man-
on the right). The lateral difference, thus, decreased
dible in adolescent patients divided into two groups,
by 9.6% from t2 to t10.
subjects who achieved normal dentition after ortho-
Koos B, Godt A, Schille C and Goz G. [11],
dontic treatment as an experimental group and sub-
in their study, tested the accuracy and reliability of
jects with normal occlusion as a control group. The
an instrumentation-based method of analysing occlu-
prevalence of occlusal interferences in the posterior
sion and its resulting distribution of forces in the
segment in the experimental group was high and
dental arch. They concluded that the measuring
most of them were on the second molars. The value
technique studied is superior to the usual methods.
of disclusion time during left lateral movements,
A combination of this method with marking foils
right lateral movements and protrusion in the expe-
would be ideal because the pressure-sensitive foils
rimental group were longer than those in healthy
in this system do not produce any contact markings
adolescents and young adults with normal occlusion.
intraorally. This combination enables the contacts
Studies of the dental system are an integral
depicted on the computer to be assigned intraorally
part of scientific disciplines that study the functional
with even greater precision.
anatomy of the orofacial system. Considering the
fact that overall dynamic occlusion affects the sto- Today there is an extensive literature descry-
matognatic system, more emphasis is placed on the bing the dental bone-muscular system. In this area,
evaluation of functional occlusion details before the data on the dental occlusal forces system occupy a
completion of the orthodontic treatment. The pre- relatively small place. Therefore, Kerstein RB and
sence of occlusal interferences increases the chance Radke J. investigated the correlation between muscle
of disorders in the dental system. activity and the disclusion time. Forty-five sympto-
For this purpose, He SZ, Li S, Gao XN and matic, fully informed subjects (29 female, 16 male)
An WW [9]. performed evaluation of the occlusal had their right and left disclusion times recorded
contact characteristics changes with the T-Scan II with T-Scan III, while the bilateral masseter and ante-
system in participants divided into two groups, a rior temporalis muscle activity was simultaneously
non-occlusal interference group and an occlusal inter- recorded electromyographically with BioEMG III
ference group. They concluded that absence of occlu- (n = 180 muscles) [12]. They concluded that there is
sal interference and decreasing the disclusion time high significant activity reduction in all four muscles
significantly improves overall dynamic occlusion. after shortening the pretreatment prolonged disclusion
Koos B, Höller J, Schille C and Godt A. [1], time to less than 0.4 seconds. Excursive muscle
using the T-Scan III; Cumdente, Tübingen, Ger- hyperactivity can be a source of lactic acid accumu-
many appliance, performed an analysis of force lation, muscular ischaemia, and chronic myalgic tem-
relations in the dental arch over the course of time poromandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) symptoms.
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T-scan III system diagnostic… 159

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tionship, lateral guidance, and nonworking side con- Методи: Беше направено пребарување на
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electromyographic activity of individuals with canine
guidance and group function occlusion. J Oral Reha- на референтни листи на студиите што беа вклу-
bil. 1995; 22(1): 73–7. чени во пребарувањето без рестрикција на упо-
требениот јазик. Публикациите што нудеа ста-
тистички обработени податоци беа вклучени во
Резиме овој систематски ревиски труд.
Резултати: Дваесет потенцијални рандо-
АЛАТКА ЗА ДИГИТАЛНА ОКЛУЗАЛНА мизирани контролирани студии беа идентифи-
АНАЛИЗА ВО ОРТОДОНЦИЈАТА кувани. Само десет ги исполнуваа инклузионите
– МОДЕРЕН ПРИСТАП критериуми. Литературата покажа дека употре-
бата на дигитална оклузална анализа со T-Scan
Vesna Trpevska1, Gордана Kovaчevska2, III систем во ортодонцијата има сигнифи-
Alberto Benedeti3, Bo`idar Jordanov4
кантни предности во поглед на нејзината спо-
Клиника за ортодонција, ЈЗУ УСКЦ собност за мерење на оклузалните параметри
„Свети Пантелејмон“, Стоматолошки факултет, во статичка и динамичка позиција на манди-
Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, булата.
Скопје, Р. Македонија Заклучок: Може да се заклучи дека пос-
Клиника за стоматолошка протетика, ЈЗУ УСКЦ тојат докази што ја поддржуваат идејата дека
„Св. Пантелејмон“, Стоматолошки факултет, T-Scan III систем е брза и точна алатка во иден-
Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, тификување на дистрибуцијата на оклузалните
Скопје, Р. Македонија
3 контакти и ветува како клиничко дијагностичко
ЈЗУ УК за максилофацијална хирургија,
Стоматолошки факултет, Универзитет скрининг-средство за оклузија и подобрување
„Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје, Р. Македонија на оклузијата по различни дентални третмани.
Факултет за дентална медицина, Медицински Дополнителни клинички студии се потребни за
универзитет, Софија, Катедра за стоматолошка да се унапреди полето на индикации на овој
протетика, Софија, Р. Бугарија систем. Важноста од неговата употреба во орто-
донцијата заслужува понатамошни испитувања.
Вовед: Овој систематски ревиски труд е Клучни зборови: ортодонтска терапија, скелетни
со цел да се утврди механизмот, методологијата, дентофацијални неправилности, T-Scan III систем,
карактеристиките, клиничката апликација и мож- дигитална оклузална анализа.

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