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Design and Implementation of Hospital Management System Using Java

Article · April 2019

DOI: 10.9790/0050-0213236


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1 author:

Olamide Omolara Olusanya

Bells University of Technolgy, Nigeria, Ota


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IOSR Journal of Mobile Computing & Application (IOSR-JMCA)
e-ISSN: 2394-0050, P-ISSN: 2394-0042.Volume 2, Issue 1. (Mar. - Apr. 2015), PP 32-36

Design and Implementation of Hospital Management System

Using Java
Olusanya Olamide.O1, Elegbede Adedayo. W2, and Ogunseye Abiodun. A3.
Department of Electrical / Electronic and Computer Engineering,
College of Engineering, Bells University of Technology, P.M.B.1015, Ota, Ogun State. Nigeria

Abstract: This research work is on design and construction of Hospital Management System (HMS). The
system provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration & control, superior patient
care, strict cost control and improved profitability. The system uses JAVA as the front-end software which is an
Object Oriented Programming language and has connectivity with the back-end software.
Keywords: HMS- Hospital Management System.

I. Introduction
Before computerized Hospital Management System came into practice, it was difficult to keep proper
records of the daily activities of hospitals, patient information, maintenance schedule of equipments in the
hospital, and how funds are being allocated and used. This resulted in waste of money, time and manpower.
Hospital Management System is an information management system designed to help manage the various
aspects of a hospital (administrative, clinical and financial). It helps in monitoring and controlling the hospital’s
daily transactions, as well as the hospital’s performance. It also helps to address the critical requirements of the
hospital. Hospital Management System enables access to the right information and automation of complex task,
thereby allowing staff to spend more time caring for patients. Hospital Management System is custom built to
meet the specific requirements of the medium and large size hospitals across the globe.

Current Management System

Most hospitals face several challenges with Hospital Management System because some of them are
still using manual processes, while the ones that use the computerized method are also faced with the challenge
of adjusting to it. Such problems include:
 High cost of software development, deployment and improvement.
 Difficulty in migrating from manual processes, because both staff and patients are used to the manual
processes and so are unable to speedily cope with the new system.
 Lack of IT friendly medical personnel is also presenting several challenges.
 Huge influx of patients visiting government hospitals makes the process of migrating to automated
processes highly difficult. They do not have the patience to wait for registration and data entry and often
fail to understand the functioning of automated processes.

Considering the above, there is need for the improvement of computerized hospital management
system to such hospitals as it would help provide and customize clinical data, enable faster diagnosis with
ready-made templates, allow doctors to follow advanced medical prescription patterns, and so on.

Hospital Management System

Management has been defined as the process, comprised of social and technical functions and
activities, occurring within organizations for the purpose of accomplishing predetermined objectives through
humans and other resources (Longest, Rakich & Darr, 2000). Healthcare quality and patient safety are the
common mantra of all primary and secondary health care providers. In hospitals, over the years, a variety of
models and schemes for hospital interventions and development have been deployed (Friesner, 2009). Hospital
Management System provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration & control,
superior patient care, strict cost control and improved profitability. There are different modules in the process of
Hospital Management System. These include:
 Patient management
 Services management
 Appointment scheduling
 Store management
 Pharmacy management

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Design and Implementation of Hospital Management System using Java

 Admission management
 Ambulatory
 Laboratory
 Account management
 Payroll and Human Resource Management

II. Literature Review

Hospitals can also be regarded as organizations based on high technology and information intensive
processes. According to Lawrence and Dyer (1982), such organizations are not hierarchically structured
bureaucracies, but are often based on democratic control mechanisms with institutionalized stakeholder
influence in decision processes. A survey under 2752 European hospital managers indicates that technology can
substantially influence hospital activities and services (Anderson, 1993). It is also expected that health care
budgets and funding will depend significantly on sophisticated patient and diagnosis classifications. The use of
IT in diagnostic and treatment processes will add to the development of networks of clinical, hospital and health
care processes (Smith and Gert van der Pijl, 1999).
Healthcare management is a growing profession with increasing opportunities in both direct and non-
direct care settings. As defined by Buchbinder and Thompson (2010), direct care settings are those organizations
that provide care directly to a patient, resident or client who seeks services from the organization. Non-direct
care settings are not directly involved in providing care to persons needing health services, but rather support the
care of individuals through products and services made available to direct care settings.
The construction of medical information is important to improve the hospital medical care capability,
the management decision-making level of health and the hospital operational efficiency. Nowadays,
comprehensive hospital information services and management platform have been established, centering on
electronic medical records and clinical pathway. The establishment and use of these information systems played
an important role in improving the degree of patient satisfaction, enhancing hospital efficiency and healthcare
quality, protecting the safety of healthcare, and reducing healthcare costs.
Hospital Management System (computerized) is increasingly becoming an emerging tool in health care
arena to efficiently enable delivery of high quality health services. These systems have large computerized data
bases intended primarily for communication and storing health and administrative information. HMS has
different components and includes broad scope and level of systems from departmental (a system limited to a
specific clinical or financial domain) to knowledge based systems that provide diagnostic support and
intervention for patient care activities. It is believed that HMS implementation is an organizational process
conducted toward information technology within user community. User community in health care arena consists
of many different user groups (physicians, nurses, administrators, managers, researchers, etc.). Neglect of any of
these parties imply to missing related expertise, skills, knowledge, requirements and expectations. Expectation
and requirement arise from what users see and hear about the system and interpret the ways the system will
work for them. Studies indicated that addressing user expectation is a distinct element to ensure the successful
adoption of the HMS (Farzandipour, Sadoughi and Meidani, 2010).
In health care organizations, many different user groups (physicians, nurses, administrators, managers,
radiologists, pharmacists, etc) with variety of backgrounds and conflicting interest exist. Implementation of a
hospital information system could not happen without an analysis of the feelings and perceptions of individuals
who make use of it (Ndira, Rosenberger, and Wetter, 2008).

III. Methodology
This HMS is based on the database, object-oriented programming language and networking techniques.
My SQL (Structure Query Language) is used in areas where keeping the records in the database is necessary,
this system uses JAVA as the front-end software which is an object-oriented programming technique and has
connectivity with My SQL, the back-end software.

IV. Results And Discussion

The study indicates that maximum user's expectations were supported. The Hospital Management
System software meets user requirement relating to entering patient data (figure 1). It shows the number of
patients registered in the hospital database (figure 2). The system also was able to show patients past medical
records such as diagnosis, drug prescription and dosage (figures 3 and 4). The system also gives the number of
in-patients in the hospital at that particular time and what they are being treated for (figure 5). A drug database
was also established, where the pharmacy can input the particular type of drug available at that particular time
so that doctors can know which drugs are readily available to be prescribed to patients (figure 6).

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Design and Implementation of Hospital Management System using Java

Figure 1: Registration page

Figure 2: Patient’s database

Figure 3: Patient’s record

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Design and Implementation of Hospital Management System using Java

Figure 4: Diagnosis form

Figure 5: In-Patient Database

Figure 6: Drug Database

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Design and Implementation of Hospital Management System using Java

V. Conclusion
Hospital Management System not only provides an opportunity to the hospital to enhance their patient
care, but also can increase the profitability of the organization. Hospital administrators would be able to
significantly improve the operational control and thus streamline operations. This would improve the response
time to the demands of patient care because it automates the process of collecting, collating and retrieving
patient information.

VI. Recommendation
It is recommended that hospitals currently practicing the manual system Hospital Management should
switch to the electronic system because it is more efficient and easier to use. Also, since the use of computers is
growing fast globally, introducing the electronic system will enable hospitals fit into the current global trend.

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