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Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants

Series Editors: U. Eggli, H. E. K. Hartmann

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants
(Eggli / Hartmann Eds.)

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons

Ed. by Urs Eggli (2001)

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Dicotyledons

Ed. by Urs Eggli (2002)

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Aizoaceae A-E

Ed. by H.E.K. Hartmann (2001)

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Aizoaceae F-Z

Ed. by H.E.K. Hartmann (2001)

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Asclepiadaceae

Ed. by F. Albers and U. Meve (2002)

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Crassulaceae

Ed. by Urs Eggli (2003)
Focke Albers · Ulrich Meve (Eds.)

Illustrated Handbook
of Succulent Plants:

With 332 Colour Photos, Printed in 48 Colour Plates

Leiter des Botanischen Gartens Lehrstuhl fiir Pflanzensystematik
Institut ftir Botanik und Botanischer Garten Universitiit Bayreuth
Westfiilische Wilhelms-Universitiit 95440 Bayreuth
Schlossgarten 3 Germany
48149 Munster
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]

Compiled in cooperation with the International Organization for Succulent Plant Study (I OS)

With contributions by:

F. Albers, R. van Donkelaar, U. Eggli, Ch. Hoffmann, J. Kiel, S. Liede, U. Meve, B. Muller, K. Seidler,
P. Stegemann, B. Willke

Coordinating editor for this volume: Dr. Urs Eggli

The Library of Congress has cataloged an earlier printing as follows:

Illustrated handbook of succulent plants. Asclepiadaceae I Focke Albers, Ulrich Meve, (eds.).
Includes bibliographical references (p.).
ISBN 978-3-642-62628-9 ISBN 978-3-642-56370-6 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-56370-6
I. Asclepiadacea--Classification.l. Albers, Focke. II. Meve, Ulrich, 1958-
QK495.A815 I58 2002
583 '.93--cd21 2002070485

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004

Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 2004
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2004

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in
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Production: Colour plates by Biiro Stasch, Bayreuth, Germany ([email protected])

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Typesetting: Camera-ready by Urs Eggli
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With the constant flow of plant species that reached Europe in the times of the great expeditions
in the 18th and 19th century, the demand forf any form
f of cataloguing the steadily growing diver-
sity became unevitable. Succulent plants always fascinated plant-loving people above average,
and the first handbooks devoted to succulents were published in the 19th century. Initially, how-
ever, interest was focusse
f d on the Cactaceae
C . It was only in 1954/55 when Herman Jacobsen
(1898 - 1978), the fformer curator of the Botanic Garden of Kiel, made available a first handbook
devoted to succulents (excl. Cactaceae
C ), the "Handbuch der sukkulenten Pflanzen". An abridged
version of this handbook was published by Jacobsen as "Sukkulentenlexikon" in 1970. It included
descriptions, synonymies and numerous illustrations. The "Sukkulentenlexikon" represented the
long-awaited reference
f work supporting both Botanical Gardens as well as amateur or profes- f
sional growers in the navigation through succulent plant diversity. An English edition followed in
1975 as "Succulent Lexicon", and a revised German edition was published in 1981. This second
edition had been finished by Jacobsen’s successor in Kiel, Klaus Hesselbarth, who, with regard to
the Asclepiadaceae
d , was supported by the senior editor of the present publication.
Over twenty years have passed since then, and the knowlegde of succulent plants has increased
permanently. We saw monographs of fformerly little-known groups and many revisions and re-
revisions, which often
f change the taxonomy within single groups considerably. A large amount of
new taxa has been published on one hand, and on the other hand, many taxa have been sunk into
synonymy. Therefore, a new lexicon-like contribution covering the whole succulent plant world,
including the Cactacea
C e, was taken into consideration by various members of the International
Organization ffor Succulent Plant Study (IOS) more than 10 years ago. Gustav Fischer-Verlag
Jena, the publisher of both Backeberg’s "Kakteenlexikon" and Jacobsen’s "Sukkulentenlexikon",
encouraged the project, which was informally termed the "New IOS Succulent Plant Lexicon",
and later "Synopsis Plantarum Succulentarum". This new work was primarily planned to consist of
three volumes (Cactaceae,
C Aizoaceae, other Succulents), and after
f a consensus regarding style
and format had been found, the compilation of the Asclep e iadaceae taxa started in 1994. With the
disappearance of Gustav Fischer-Verlag, the project was adopted by Springer-Verlag for the En-
glish edition, and by Verlag Eugen Ulmer ffor the German edition, and finally changed its title to
"Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants". Also with regard to the enormous array of taxa of
other succulents finally found worth to be presented, the early concept was adapted. Accordingly,
the series in its English version now appears in six volumes altogether: Two volumes cover the
Aizoaceae (Hartmann 2001), one volume each treats the Monocotyledons (Eggli 2001), the As-
clepiadacea A cynaceae − Asclepiadoideae and − Periplocoideae; Albers &
e (respectively Apoc
Meve 2002, this volume), the Crassulaceae (Eggli, in preparation for 2003), and the remaining
Dicotyledons (Eggli 2002). The Cactaceae will not become available in time to be included in the
present handbook series.
Apart from
f doubling the number of Asclepiadaceae
d genera covered, and their presentation in
one volume solely dedicated to this plant group, this new handbook has many additional features
such as the vastly expanded descriptions including typification data for all accepted taxa, full
synonymy and literature references
f that lead to published illustrations. Keys to main groups and
genera are provided. Although desirable, we do not include keys to the species. This would have
made an excessive demand, especially in species-rich genera such as Ceropegia, which could not
be performed within the frame of this handbook.


It took us tremendous effortsf over the years of compilation to keep the taxonomy as current as
possible. Taxonomy means change − this is especially true with regard to the last years where
asclepiad systematic research saw a powerful renaissance. In 2000, we even lost "our family", the
e iadaceae, because of the formal transposition of the subfamilies Asclep e iadaceae −
Asclepiadoideae and Asclepiadacea d e − Periplocoideae to the Apocynaceae. For pragmatic
reasons (e.g. avoiding the clumsy new taxon names) we nevertheless stick to the Asclepiadacea d e
in the title of the present work.
Sometimes, publications like revisions or monographs that could serve as base for our
compilations do not exist. This is especially true ffor the two largest genera of the Asclepiadacead e
− Ceropegieae, Ceropegia (± 180 species) and Brachystelma (122 species), as well as fo f r Ho
H ya (±
200 species), the largest genus of the tribe Marsdenieae
M . While for Ceropegia the revison of H.
Huber (1957) is outdated, a complete generic treatment has never been produced for Brachystel-
ma. Own research and literature studies were unavoidable here. Although not all problems could
be solved, the Brachystelma treatment published in this volume is the first complete "critical"
presentation of this interesting genus at all. The last and only fu f ll generic treatments of Ho
H ya
originate from the 19th century (Decaisne 1844, Hooker 1885). Since then, due to the enormously
increased number of taxa described, further revisions of Ho H ya were restricted to a regional scale,
their sum being far away from representing a complete generic revision. The presentation of Ho H ya
in this handbook is therefore f restricted to the better known, mostly cultivated and predominantly
succulent taxa.
The core and most popular asclepiadaceous succulents are represented by the stem-succulent
stapeliads. Here, recent revisions often compete against each other, and made it difficult to decide
which should be followed. Usually, only one revison is followed, though sometimes a pragmatic
concept considering the differentf revisons available plus own assessments have been applied. For
the genus Cara
C lluma s.l., a conservative circumscription is presented despite the editors’ knowl-
edge of the necessary recircumscription of Caralluma
C and its division into a few smaller genera.
However, the new taxonomy was not available within the deadline of the present work. In parts,
this is also true ffor the recircumscription of Cynanchum.
Apart ffrom the classical succulents of the tribe Ceropegieae, several less well-known groups or
taxa are presented in this book. Inclusion has been mainly influenced by horticultural value.
Several persons helped during the production process, whether as compiler of texts (Anke
Brennecke, Christiane Hoffmann, f Janine Kiel, Rainer Kranz, Dr. Sigrid Liede, Birgit Müller,
Petra Stegemann, Beate Willke and Ruurd van Donkelaar) or as authors of additional illustrations
(Josef Bogner, Dr. Wiebe Bosma, Dr. Urs Eggli, Dr. David Goyder, Dr. Sigrid Liede, Ernst
Specks, Dr. Joachim Thiede and Ruurd van Donkelaar). The support of various journals and their
editors in publishing necessary new combinations or names is gratefu f lly acknowledged. Many of
the above named and further unnamed persons contributed with literature / photocopies, provided
us with additional specimens or living plants for study (namely the Sukkulenten-Sammlung
Zürich under its former
f director Dieter Supthut), or with a wide array of any kind of informat
f ion
on taxa, types, distribution etc. We gratefu f lly acknowledge their long-standing interest in the
We would like to thank Dr. Johanna Schlüter, Gustav Fischer-Verlag Jena, for fruitful
cooperation during the first years of the proj o ect. Finally, the endless patience and painstaking
accuracy of the series editor responsible ffor this volume, Dr. Urs Eggli, in transposing our texts
into the standard format, tracing the many nomenclatural problems, and composing the final
layout of text and colour plates is gratefully acknowledged.

Münster and Bayreuth, April 2002 F. ALBERS, U. MEVE


Note: ♦ = fam
f ily or genus completely covered; ◊ = ffamily or genus only partially covered;
∼ = family or genus only mentioned; numbers in brackets = numbers of species / infraspecific
taxa covered

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . 1
What is a Succulent ? . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . 1
How to Use This Handbook . .... . . . . . . . 1
Scope of Informat
f ion Presented ... . . . . . . . 1

Asclepiadaceae ◊ . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Absolmsia ♦ (1 / 0) . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Asclepias ◊ (1 / 0) . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Aspidoglossum ♦ (36 / 0) ... . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Aspidonepsis ♦ (5 / 0) . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Baynesia ♦ (1 / 0) . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Brachystelma ♦ (122 / 3) ... . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Caralluma ♦ (53 / 9) .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Ceropegia ◊ (160 / 18) . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Cibirhiza ♦ (2 / 0) . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Cynanchum ◊ (57 / 4) . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 108
×Dernia ♦ . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Dischidia ◊ (23 / 1) ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Dischidiopsis ◊ (1 / 0) . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Duvalia ♦ (18 / 3) . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Duvaliandra ♦ (1 / 0) . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 129
×Duvaliaranthus ♦ (1 / 0) ... . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Echidnopsis ♦ (32 / 4) . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Edithcolea ♦ (1 / 0) . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Fanninia ♦ (1 / 0) .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Fockea ♦ (6 / 0) ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Glossostelma ♦ (12 / 0) .... . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Hoodia ♦ (14 / 4) .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . 142
×Hoodialluma ♦ . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Hoya ◊ (55 / 6) . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 146
×Huernelia ♦ . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Huernia ♦ (67 / 16) . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 159
×Huernianthus ♦ . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Huerniopsis ♦ (2 / 0) . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Ischnolepis ♦ (1 / 0) .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Larryleachia ♦ (5 / 0) . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Lavrania ♦ (1 / 0) .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Madangia ♦ (1 / 0) ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Marsdenia ◊ (10 / 0) .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Matelea ◊ (9 / 0) . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Micholitzia ♦ (1 / 0) .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Miraglossum ♦ (7 / 0) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Notechidnopsis ♦ (2 / 0) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Odontostelma ♦ (2 / 0) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Ophionella ♦ (2 / 1) . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Orbea ♦ (54 / 14) .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Orbeanthus ♦ (2 / 0) .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
×Orbelia ♦ (1 / 0) .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Pachycarpus ∼ ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Pectinaria ♦ (3 / 3) ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Petopentia ♦ (1 / 0) . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Piaranthus ♦ (7 / 2) . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Pseudolithos ♦ (6 / 0) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Quaqua ♦ (29 / 0) . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Raphionacme ♦ (35 / 0) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Rhytidocaulon ♦ (10 / 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Riocreuxia ∼ ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Sarcorrhiza ♦ (1 / 0) .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Sarcostemma ♦ (15 / 7) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Schizoglossum ♦ (15 / 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Schlechterella ♦ (2 / 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
×Staparesia ♦ (1 / 0) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Stapelia ♦ (47 / 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Stapelianthus ♦ (8 / 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Stapeliopsis ♦ (6 / 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Stathmostelma ♦ (14 / 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Stenostelma ♦ (4 / 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Stomatostemma ¸ (1 /0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Tavaresia ♦ (3 / 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Trachycalymma ∼ .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Tridentea ♦ (8 / 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
×Tromostapelia ♦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Tromotriche ♦ (11 / 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
White-sloanea ♦ (1 / 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
×Whitesloaniopsis ♦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Xysmalobium ∼ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Taxonomic Cross-Reference Index . . . . . . . . . . . 283

List of Abbreviations and Symbols

∅ diameter Gl gland
± more or less, circa Gr. Greek
> greater than Gy gynostegium
≥ greater or equal than Ha hair(s)
< less than Herb. / herb. herbarium
≤ less or equal than holo holotype
× hybrid indicator Hort. / hort. of gardens
I illustration
ICBN International Code of
Anth anthers Botanical Nomenclature,
Ar areole T kyo Edition
Art. article (of ICBN) illeg. illegitimate
Ax axil in sched. "in schedis", i.e. in the
BG Botanical Garden herbarium
Bo body incl. including
BPH Botanico-Periodicorum- Inf inflorescence
Huntianum (1968) ING Index Nominorum
BPH/S idem., Supplementum (1991) Genericorum
Br branch Int internode
Bra bract inval. invalid
Bri bristles ITep inner tepals
C central KG, KGW Karoo Garden (Worcester,
Ca carpels RSA)
Cal calyx l.c. "loco citato", i.e. at the place
Cap capitulum cited
Ci interstaminal corona L leaf, leaves
Cl corolla lecto lectotype
Cn corona Lit literature
Cs staminal corona ms. manuscript
cv. cultivar Mt. / Mts. Mount / Mountains
Cy cyathium N North, northern
D distribution NBG National Botanical Garden
E East, eastern (RSA)
e.g. ffor example NE North-East, north-eastern
epi epitype Nec nectary
esp. especially neo neotype
Etym Etymology NGl nectar gland
excl. excluding nom. "nomen", i.e. botanical name
f. figure NSc nectar scale
fa. forma NW North-West, north-western
fig. figure OTep outer tepals
Fil filaments Ov ovary
Fl flower p. page
fl. "floruit", i.e. living p.a. "per annum", i.e. per year
Fr f t
frui p.p. "pro parte", i.e. partly

List of Abbreviations

Pc pericarpel Abbreviations for

f fre
f quently cited
Ped pedicel publications
Per perianth
pers. comm. personal comment BJS Botanische Jahrbücher für
Pet petals Systematik
Phy phyllaries BMI Bulletin of Miscellaneous
pl. plate Informat
f ion [Kew]
Poll pollinia BT Bothalia
pp. pages CBM Curtis’s Botanical Magazine
R roots CSJA Cactus and Succulent Journal (US)
Rec receptacle CUSNH Contributions of the US National
Ri ribs Herbarium
Ros rosette EJ Euphorbia Journal
RSA Republic of South Africa FC Flora Capensis (ed. Harvey & al.,
S South, southern 1860 - 1925)
s.a. "sine anno", i.e. without year FPA Flowering Plants of Africa
s.l. "sensu lato", i.e. in a wide FPSA Flowering Plants of South Afr f ica
sense FTA Flora of Tropical Afr f ica (ed. Oliver
s.n. "sine numero", i.e. without & al., 1868 - 1937)
(collection) numbm er HIP Hooker’s Icones Plantarum
s.str. "sensu stricto", i.e. in a strict JLSB Journal of the Linnean Society,
sense Botany
Sc scale JSAB Journal of South Afr f ican Botany
SE South-East, south-eastern KB Kew Bulletin
Se seeds KuaS Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten
Sect. section NPF2 Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien
SEM Scanning Electron Micrograph Ed. 2 (ed. Engler & Prantl, 1924 -
Sep sepals 1959)
Ser. series PSRV Prodromus Systematis Naturalis
Sp spines Regni Vegetabilis (De Candolle,
SpS spine shield 1824 - 1873)
ssp. subspecies RSN Repertorium Specierum Novarum
St stamens Regni Vegetabilis
Sti stigma SAJB South Afrf ican Journal of Botany
Sty style WDSE Succulent Euphorbieae (South
Subgen. subgenus Africa) (White & al., 1941)
Subsect. subsection
Subser. subseries
SUG Stellenbosch University
Gardens (RSA)
SW South-West, south-western
syn syntype
T (nomenclatural) type
t. plate
Te tepals
TL2 Taxonomic Literature, ed. 2
tt. plates
Tu tubercles
unpubl. unpublished
USA United States of America
var. variety
W West, western

List of Contributors

Albers, Prof. Dr. Focke; Institut ffür Botanik der Westfä

f lischen Wilhelms-Universität,
Schlossgarten 3, 48149 Münster, Germany
van Donkelaar, Ruurd van; Laantje 1, 4251 EL Werkendam, The Netherlands
Eggli, Dr. Urs; Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich, Mythenquai 88, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland
Hoffmann, Dipl.-Biol. Christiane: See address for F. Albers
Kiel, Dr. Janine: See address ffor F. Albers
Liede, Prof. Dr. Sigrid; Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Pflanzensystematik, 95440 Bayreuth,
Meve, Dr. Ulrich; Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Pflanzensystematik, 95440 Bayreuth,
Müller, Dipl.-Biol. Birgit: See address ffor F. Albers
Seidler, Dipl.-Biol. Klaus: See address for F. Albers
Stegemann, Petra: See address ffor F. Albers
Willke, Beate: See address for F. Albers

Translation Credits
The following texts have been translated from the German originals by:

F. Ditsch: Duvalia, Hoodia, Larryleachia.

U. Eggli: Asclepias, Aspidoglossum, Aspidonepsis, Brachystelma, Cibirhiza, Cynanchum, Dernia,
Dischidiopsis, Duvaliandra, Duvaliaranthus, Edithcolea, Fanninia, Fockea, Hoodialluma,
Huernelia, Huernianthus, Orbea p.p., Petopentia, Pseudolithos, Quaqua, Raphionacme,
Rhytidocaulon, Riocreuxia, Sarcorrhiza, Sarcostemma, Schizoglossum, Schlechterella,
Staparesia, Stapelia, Stapelianthus, Stapeliopsis, Stathmostelma, Stenostelma,
Stomatostemma, Tavaresia, Trachycalymma, Tridentea, Tromostapelia, Tromotriche, White-
sloanea, Whitesloaniopsis.
U. Meve: Baynesia, Lavrania, Piaranthus.
M. Struck: Asclepiadaceae, Dischidia, Echidnopsis, Hoya, Huernia, Ischnolepis, Marsdenia,
Matelea, Micholitzia, Miraglossum, Notechidnopsis, Odontostelma, Ophionella, Orbea p.p.,
Orbeanthus, Orbelia, Pachycarpus, Pectinaria.

Illustration Credits

F. Albers: VII.f, XIII.g, XIII.h, XXII.d, XXIII.a, XXIX.d, XXXII.d, XXXIV.b, XXXVI.g, XLIII.g,
J. Bogner: XXII.f
W. Bosma: X.e, XII.e, XXXIX.a, XXXIX.d, XL.a, XLII.a
R. van Donkelaar: I.a, XVII.a, XVII.d, XVIII.a, XVIII.d , XVIII.e, XVIII.f, XIX.a, XIX.b, XIX.d,
XIX.e, XXIV.b, XXIV.c, XXIV.d, XXIV.e, XXIV.f, XXV.a, XXV.b, XXV.c, XXV.d, XXV.e,
U. Eggli: II.b, VII.c, X.g, XIII.d, XVII.c, XIX.c, XXXIII.d, XXXIII.e, XXXV.a, XXXV.c,
D. Goyder: I.b
S. Liede: II.a
U. Meve: I.c, I.d, I.e, I.f, I.g, II.c, II.d, II.e, II.f, II.g, III.a, III.b, III.c, III.d, III.e, III.f, III.g, III.h,
IV.a, IV.b, IV.c, IV.d, IV.e, IV.f, IV.g, V.a, V.b, V.c, V.d, V.e, V.f, V.g, VI.a, VI.b, VI.c, VI.d,
VI.e, VI.f, VI.g, VI.h, VII.a, VII.b, VII.d, VII.e, VIII.a, VIII.b, VIII.c, VIII.d, VIII.e, VIII.f,
VIII.g, VIII.h, IX.a, IX.b, IX.c, IX.d, IX.e, IX.f, IX.g, IX.h, X.a, X.b, X.c, X.d, X.f, X.h, XI.a,
XI.b, XI.c, XI.d, XI.e, XI.f, XI.g, XI.h, XII.a, XII.b, XII.c, XII.d, XIII.a, XIII.b, XIII.c, XIII.e,
XIII.f, XIV.a, XIV.b, XIV.c, XIV.d, XIV.e, XV.a, XV.b, XV.c, XV.d, XV.e, XV.f, XVI.a,
XVI.b, XIV.c, XVI.d, XVI.e, XVII.b, XVII.e, XVII.f, XVIII.b, XVIII.c, XX.a, XX.b, XX.c,
XX.d, XX.e, XX.f, XX.g, XXI.a, XXI.b, XXI.c, XXI.d, XXI.e, XXI.f, XXII.b, XXIII.b,
XXIX.e, XXIX.f, XXIX.g, XXX.a, XXX.b, XXX.c, XXX.d, XXX.e, XXX.f, XXX.g, XXXI.a,
XXXIX.c, XXXIX.e, XXXIX.f, XL.b, XL.c, XL.d, XL.e, XL.f, XL.g, XL.h, XLI.a, XLI.b,
XLI.c, XLI.d, XLI.f, XLI.g, XLI.h, XLII.b, XLII.c, XLII.d, XLII.e, XLII.f, XLII.g, XLII.h,
XLIV.e, XLIV.f, XLV.a, XLV.b, XLV.c, XLV.d, XLV.e, XLV.f, XLV.g, XLV.h, XLVI.a,
E. Specks: XXII.a, XXII.c, XXII.e, XLVI.h
J. Thiede: XLI.e, XLVII.c


What is a succulent ? volume. This index contains all the names treated
in the volume and ffor accepted names indicates the
It is probably impossible to define what constitutes page where a treatment can be foun f d, or in the
a succulent plant − at least in view of the several case of synonyms gives the name of the accepted
competing definitions. For the purpose of this taxon and a page reference as above. For names
handbook, a pragmatic approach has been selected, merely mentioned in the text, the index gives the
and apart ffrom the multitude of unambiguous suc- page reference and the name under which informa-
culents, many borderline cases are included as tion can be foun
f d.
well, especially if the species in question are en- If a completely unknown plant is to be identi-
countered in cultivation together with other succu- fied, the handbook supplies keys to the genera
lents, and if they are native to more or less semi- with succulent representatives for each family.
arid regions and consequently show some degree Please note that these keys are designed to work
of xerophytic adaptation. This, then, includes most ffor the succulent taxa treated, and do not neces-
of the caudex and pachycaul plants now popular in sarily include the total variation encountered in a
cultivation. genus. If the fam
f ily is not known, the reader is re-
Other borderline cases included are a number of f
ferre d to general botanical books that include keys
bulbous and rhizomatous monocotyledons, where to plant families. Rowley (1980) and Eggli (1994)
examples from several genera are covered, as well provided keys for flowering and non-flowering
as several weakly developed leaf succulents fro f m succulents, and Geesink & al. (1981) produced a
the Gesneriaceae (e.g. Columnea). well-known book of keys to all flowering plants
On the other hand, purely halophytic succulents worldwide.
(such as Salicornia) are omitted from these pages
since they are as a whole neither adapted to clima-
Scope of information presented
tically dry conditions nor encountered in collec-
tions devoted to succulent plants.
Finally, some fam
f ilies with undoubted claim to F
Familie s
(xerophytic) succulence have been excluded ffrom
this set of volumes. This notably is the case for the The family names adopted are always conforming
Cactacea e, which will be treated elsewhere. In to the standard form (ending in -aceae); alterna-
addition, the families Bromeliaceae and Orchida- tive names (such as Compositae for Asteraceae)
ceae are also excluded. Both count with a consid- are not used.
erable number of mostly leaf succulents, but fo f r Within each fam
f ily, the genera are treated in al-
both, vast specialist literature and numerous spe- phabetical sequence, and the same applies to the
cialist societies are in existence, and this effor
f t sequence of species within genera. Some genera of
does not need to be duplicated here. For all these minimal importance or with borderline succulence
excluded families, however, a family description is are only mentioned or at the most described, but
included in the present volumes ffor the sake of no individual species are treated.
completeness. The fo
f llowing fam
f ilies are included as a whole,
i.e. with all their component species: Agavaceae,
How to use this handbook Aloaceae and Dory r anthaceae in the present vol-
ume covering the Monocotyledons, and the Didi-
Since all informat
f ion is presented in strictly alpha- ereaceae, Fouquieriaceae
Fo and No
N lanaceae in the
betical sequence of ffamilies, genera and species Dicotyledons volume. The Aizoaceae and Crassu-
(except that monocotyledons and dicotyledons are laceae are covered in their entirety in separate
treated separately, and that the fam
f ilies Aizoaceae, volumes within this series, and the succulent taxa
e iadaceae and Crassulaceae occupy their of the Asclepe iadaceae likewise occupy a separate
own volumes), it is easy to find the entry for a volume of the Handbook.
given species as long as its famf ily placement is The fam
f ily description characterizes the family
known. as a whole, which often
f includes much more varia-
An alternative way is to use the taxonomic tion than that observed amongst its succulent
f index supplied at the end of the representatives.


This is followed by notes on the distribution, with a species are enumerated first, i.e. between
classification and economic importance of the the generic entry and the first species. Cultivars
f ily, and the occurrence of succulence if this is
fam associated with a species name are included under
not a general feature of the family as a whole. that species, either as an entry of their own (and in
Also, a key to genera with succulents is included, the same fform as subspecies etc.), or, in the case of
and special terminology used for genera and cultivars of minor importance, in the fform of a
species descriptions is discussed. short mention in the species discussion. Cultivar
The fam
f ily concept adopted more or less fo f l- nomenclature follows the guidelines of the ICBN.
lows Mabberley (1987), except ffor the monocoty- Formally named hybrid genera are either in-
ledons, where Dahlgren & al. (1985) is used as a cluded as ‘genera’ of their own, or dealt with in the
base, with a number of small modifications. discussion of their parent genera. The same applies
to forma
f lly named hybrid species (incl. those
Genera and sp
s ecies named as cultivars). Hybrids only known with
their hybrid formula are either discussed in the
The entries for genera and species follow the same generic entry, or mentioned under one or the other
layout. Names of authors are given in fu f ll, with of their parent species. No attempt has been made,
initials added where necessary according to however, to include all the numerous forma f lly
Brummitt & Powell (1992). The literature ref- named hybrids.
erence of the original description or combination
is followed by information on typification (where Descrip
i tions
available, see below). In the case of genera, im-
portant literature is then cited. This is fo
f llowed by The descriptions are as compact, concise and
f ion on geographical distribution (includ- diagnostic as possible. Characters that do not vary
ing notes on ecology where available) and an ex- ffor the group concerned are not repeated from the
planation of the etymology ffor generic names. f
famil y or genus descriptions. In the case of genera
The main part of the entry is made up by the f her subdivided, informat
furt f ion already presented
diagnostic description of the taxon, followed by a in the group definitions is also not normally re-
discussion of its variability, circumscription and/or peated in the descriptions of individual taxa.
application where necessary. It should be noted
that these descriptions reflect maj a or variability Measurements
only, but do not include all the reported minor
variations. All measurements are given in metric units.
For larger genera, an outline of the accepted Measurements without furt f her qualifications
forma l or informa
f l classification is also given, always refefer to the long axis of the organ described
with individual taxa or groups numbered in se- (i.e. length, height etc.); two measurements united
quence. These sequence numbers are then given at with the ×-sign stand ffor length × width.
the start of each taxon description to indicate its
placement within the genus. T
Termino logy
If recent conflicting classifications are available
Special terms used in descriptions are explained
for a given group, this is shortly discussed and the
when first used; other botanical terminology is not
classification adopted is indicated.
f her explained, and the readers are referre
furt f d to
Minor spelling variants of epithets are not
the numerous botanical glossaries, of which Stearn
indicated; instead, the ‘corrected’ spelling is used
(1992) is cited by way of a most important and
throughout for accepted names and synonyms.
useful example.
Infraspeciific taxa
T ification
f ific taxa are given in strict alphabetic
order of rank and name (i.e. ranks in the sequence This informat
f ion is included for
f convenience when
cv., ffa., ssp., var.). This is due to the strict alphabe- readily available, but is lacking in numerous cases.
tical sorting used when the output ffor the hand- The type citations include the country and maj a or
book was generated from a computerized database. administrative unit where the type was collected,
It also means that the typical infraspecific taxon the collector and collection number, and the herba-
(i.e. the one repeating the species name) is not ria where material is said or known to be de-
treated first as in many handbooks, but in its posited. The herbarium acronyms conform f to
appropriate alphabetical sequence. I dex Herbariorum, Ed. 8 (Holmgren & al. 1990).
Where more than one herbarium acronym is given,
Cultivars, hybrids
d the first relates to the holotype, the others to
isotypes. Additional information on typification is
Cultivars (rank abbreviated as cv.) are not inclu- sometimes added, especially in the case of lecto-
ded on an exhaustive base. Cultivars not associated or neotypes.


Nomenclatural status of names part of Ethiopia). Full consistency in all these

cases cannot be guaranteed.
For all taxa treated, every attempt has been made In order to save space, geographical directions
to use only valid and legitimate names, but this such as North, South, etc., are always abbreviated
was not achievable in a small number of cases. In (N, S, etc.). Please note that SW A Affrica indicates
the synonym lists, the nomenclatural status (inva- ‘southwestern Afr f ica’ and not the former f
lid, illegitimate, rej
e ected) is indicated by citing the Southwest-Africa (now Namibia). Similarly, S
ICBN articles violated (fo f llowing the numbering Africa
f indicates ‘southern Africa’ and not the
in the "Tokyo" Code). Spelling variants are consi- Republic of South Afr f ica, ffor which the abbre-
dered as invalidly published according to ICBN viation RSA is always used.
Art. 61.
Literature ref
Synonymie s
Literature references are given for all accepted
names. Normally, the publication is cited with a
The synonymies given for genera and especially f ll abbreviation according to the standards
species are as exhaustive as possible and include defined in Eggli (1985) and Eggli (1998) for
all names recognized as synonyms. The first specialist succulent plant periodicals, or BPH
synonym(s) − if applicable − is / are the basionym (Lawrence & al. 1968) and BPH/S (Bridson &
and / or later combination(s) ffor the accepted name Smith 1991) for other periodicals, while TL2 of
of the entry. All combinations of the same basio- Stafleu & Cowan (1976-1988) and supplements
nym are given in sequence of publication and are (Stafleu & Mennega 1992-2000) are fo f llowed ffor
united with the ≡-sign to indicate that these are book abbreviations (in both causes with some
homotypic (nomenclatural) synonyms. Please note minor exceptions to conserve uniformity).
that the ≡-sign is only used fo
f r combinations based A number of frequently used titles of journals
on the same basionym and does not indicate other and books are further abbreviated to a short
homotypic synonyms (e.g. nomina nova). All other acronym, and a list of these acronyms fo f llows the
synonyms are headed with ‘incl.’ to indicate that list of Abbreviations and symbols (page XI).
they are, with the exception of nomina nova based In the running text, literature is cited in the
on the same type, taxonomic synonyms (= hetero- usual way (author and year, sometimes supple-
typic synonyms). Again, groups of combinations mented by a page reference), and full details can
based on the same basionym are united with ≡- be fou
f nd in the list of refe
f rences at the end of the
signs. Basionyms are given first and in chronologi- volume.
cal order.
Geographical names
An attempt has been made to cite one readily
Country names are listed roughly in a North to accessible illustration ffor each species or infra f -
South and West to East sequence. Every attempt specific taxon when no illustrations are included in
has been made to standardize geographical names the literature reference
f ffor the accepted name. If
(of countries, administrative units, regions, etc.) as the name used in the cited publication differs from
ffar as possible, but there is a surprising amount of the accepted name in the handbook, it is indicated
change relating to such names. This is specifically (genus name abbreviated to first letter if identical,
the case ffor the names of the RSA provinces, specific or infraspec
f ific epithet omitted if identical
which have changed considerably during 1995, to the accepted name).
especially affecting the former Cape Province, Illustrations in the illustration section of this
which has been split up into 4 units (North-West volume are given in bold print to distinguish them
P ince, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Eastern
Prov from other material cited.
Cape). We have tried as best as we could to
provide the modern names in the distribution Indication of authorships
f ion included in the handbook, but it has
been impossible to adj d ust all the data for type For families, authorship is indicated at the end of
localities, where the name "Cape Prov." is still the entry. For genera, authorship is given as a
used in some cases. This results in some inconsi- subheading after
f the genus heading. If more than
stencies, but it is hoped that these are tolerable one author has contributed species entries for f a
under the present circumstances. genus, each entry has its own indication of
Some difficulties were also encountered in a authorship as far as its authorship differs from the
ffew cases where countries have been amalgamated authorship given for the genus as a whole. It is
(as in the case of the former North Yemen and thus possible to identify
f the author(s) of any entry
South Yemen) or divided (e.g. Eritrea, former
f ly in the handbook.

F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae

Asclepiadaceae largely relies on morphological data, is based on the

classification of Brown (1810) and Schumann
Shrubs, woody or herbaceous left-twining climbers, (1895), to which the newly described tribe Focke-
perennials with deciduous herbaceous above- eae by Kunze & al. (1994) has to be added. The
ground parts or stem succulents, with watery or inclusion of the tribes Marsdenieae into the Stapeli -
milky sap; L decussate, rarely whorled, simple and eae by Swarupanandan & al. (1996) and Gonolo-
entire (rarely lobed or divided), sometimes much- beae into the Asclepiadeae by Liede (1997) still
reduced, absent or spinescent (in stem succulents); needs to be corroborated and are not adopted here.
Inf cymose (terminal thyrses), rarely racemose; Fl The technical terms used in the keys and descrip-
actinomorphic, bisexual; Sep 5, basally connate; tions that follow are explained in the longitudinal
Pet 5, usually connate; Cl occasionally forming flower sections and detail illustrations presented in
outgrowths on the upper face (® petaloid corona, Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
Fig. 1A); St 5, alternating with the Pet; Fil free, ba-
sally fused with the Cl, Anth coherent (® Periplo-
coideae) or all St postgenitally fused with the Sty
head into a column (= gynostegium, Gy) (® Seca-
monoideae, Asclepiadoideae); Gy mostly with a
simple (staminal) or double (staminal plus inter-
staminal) corona (Cn, Fig. 2A); Anth 4 -locular (®
Periplocoideae, Secamonoideae) or 2-locular (®
Asclepiadoideae), pollen in tetrads and freely pre-
sented on pollen-carriers (translators, Fig. 1B) (®
Periplocoideae) or pollen grains of each pollen sac
coherent into a pollinium (Poll) and adjacent Poll
united into a pollinarium by means of a translator
(® Secamonoideae, Asclepiadoideae) (Fig. 2B);
gynoeceum of 2 apically connate Ca, which are
united by means of the 5-angular Sty head; Fr
paired or single follicles, with few to many Se, not
fleshy, slender to inflated; Se usually flattened, with
or without wing, with a terminal silky tuft of Ha

Distribution: Worldwide, esp. subtropics and

Fig. 1: Raphionacme madiense: - Right: Longitudi -
Literature: Liede & Albers (1994); Sennblad & nal section through a flower (1 sepal (Sep); 2 corolla
Bremer (1996); Swarupanandan & al. (1996); Lie- tube; 3 corolla lobe; 4 (petaloid) corona; 5 filament
de (1997); Endress & Bruyns (2000). (Fil); 6 anther (Anth); 7 translator; 8 style head; 9
ovary). Left: Translator, left in top-view, right in
The family consists of some 240 genera with side-view (1 heaps of pollen tetrads; 2 scutellum; 3
3400 species. Of these, 61 genera can be referred to stipes [= stalk]; 4 adhesive disc [= viscidium])
as succulents in the widest sense.
In the present account, the Asclepiadaceae are
treated as a family, which according to Schumann The Asclepiadaceae constitute a derived family
(1895), Bruyns & Forster (1991) and Liede & Al- showing complex floral structures, which are dedi-
bers (1994) is subdivided into the 3 subfamilies Pe- cated to the service of a highly specialized pollina -
riplocoideae, Secamonoideae and Asclepiadoideae. tion biology (® Figs. 1 and 2). The presence of
This conservative taxonomic view has been taken, fascinating floral structures and colours in connec-
since this is the system still widely accepted among tion with facilities fostering deceit, trapping and at -
scientists and amateurs alike. However, as has al- tachment as well as the possession of pollen-masses
ready been implied by earlier morphological stu- (pollinia) warrant the Asclepiadaceae to be seen as
dies, progress in molecular research suggests to the ‘orchids’ among the dicotyledons. This, com-
include all 3 subfamilies into the Apocynaceae and bined with numerous forms of succulence, has made
to abandon the Asclepiadaceae, see Olmstead & al. members of this family attractive objects for the
(1993) or Sennblad & Bremer (1996). This concept plant lover - in particular ceropegias and stapeliads
has been formally transformed into taxonomy by with their pitfall and carrion flowers. Notwithstand -
Endress & Bruyns (2000). ing, they are often fairly difficult to cultivate in
The widely accepted suprageneric system of the comparison to cacti, which may occasionally dimin-
Asclepiadaceae by Bruyns & Forster (1991), which ish the pleasure taken in them. The question of suc-

Asclepiadaceae F. Albers & U. Meve

Key to the subfamilies and tribes with succulents

1 Anth 4 -locular, pollen tetrads loosely on a

shovel-shaped translator, translator basally with
an adhesive disc (viscidium): 2 (Periplocoideae)
- Anth 2-locular, pollen coherent in masses (pol-
linia, Poll), translator with a corpuscle:
4 (Asclepiadoideae)
2 Cl rotate with very short Cl tube, St arising
from the base of the Cl:
Periplocoideae - Periploceae
- Cl with conspicuous cylindrical to campanulate
Cl tube, St arising from within the Cl tube: 3
3 St and Cn originating from the upper margin of
Fig. 2: Caralluma adscendens: - Right: Longitudi- the Cl tube: Periplocoideae - Gymnanthereae
nal section through a flower (1 sepal (Sep); 2 corolla - St originating from the base to the middle of the
tube; 3 corolla lobe; 4a interstaminal corona (Ci); Cl tube, Cn arising from the base to the margin
4b staminal corona (Cs); 5 filament tube; 6 anther of the Cl tube:
(Anth); 6a guide rail; 7 pollinium (Poll); 8 style Periplocoideae - C ryptolepideae (Sto-
head; 9 ovary). Left: Pollinarium (1 pollinium matostemma )
(Poll); 2 germination crest; 3 caudicle; 4 corpuscle) 4 Poll with a ± asymmetrical marginal zone that is
not serving as germination zone for the pollen:
Asclepiadoideae - Gonolobeae (Matelea)
culence is one of definition on the one hand (e.g. - Poll without conspicuous marginal zone or with
whether root succulence constitutes genuine succu- ± symmetrical marginal zone serving for the
lence or not). On the other hand, in particular cases germination of pollen (germination crest): 5
it may proove difficult to delimitate succulents 5 Poll pendent: Asclepiadoideae - Asclepiadeae
against other xerophytic life forms. The term succu- - Poll erect: 6
lence is used here in a very broad sense, not least to 6 Anth without sterile (connective) appendage:
allow the inclusion of all taxa being worthy of cul- Asclepiadoideae - Ceropegieae
tivation or actually encountered in cultivation. - Anth with sterile (connective) appendage: 7
Nevertheless, as a rule all taxa treated have at least 7 Poll attached to the corpuscle by means of a
one fleshy-thickened organ, be it root, stem or translator arm: Asclepiadoideae - Marsdenieae
leaves. Thus, some 1000 succulent species, subspe- - Poll directly attached upon the corpuscle:
cies etc. of 61 genera from all tribes of the Asclepi- Asclepiadoideae - Fockeeae
adaceae (excl. Secamoneae) are included. Except
for a few species of the genera Asclepias, Marsde-
nia and Matelea , succulence in this family is Key to the succulent genera of the Periplocoideae
confined to the Old World. In the subfamily Peri-
plocoideae, succulence occurs almost exclusively in Tribe Periploceae
Africa and usually in the shape of huge storage tu- 1 Robust lianas with huge caudex, Cl lobes wi-
bers (e.g. Raphionacme). Succulence is likewise dely spreading, 12 - 15 mm long: Petopentia
made up by usually subterranean storage organs in - Shrubs, partly epiphytic, with several ovoid tu-
the tribes Fockeeae, Asclepiadeae and Gonolobeae bers, Cl lobes ascending, overlapping, ± 5 mm
of the subfamily Asclepiadoideae. In contrast, the long: Sarcorrhiza
tribe Marsdenieae is characterized by the large
number of leaf succulent members of the generally
epiphytic genera Dischidia and Hoya from Austra- Tribe Gymnanthereae
lasia. Finally, most succulents, esp. stem succulents, 1 Shrubs with many small tubers, L (seemingly)
belong to the tribe Ceropegieae with 34 genera of 3-partite, linear, Cn basally ± fused to the Fil:
almost exclusively African origin. Ischnolepis
Apart from their use as ornamentals and of the - Herbaceous perennials or lianas, (usually) with
seed-hairs as poor-quality floss, the family has no 1 tuber only, Cn only fused with the Cl: 2
economically important taxa. A few species are uti- 2 Fl robust, pollen loosely on the translator:
lized as natural remedies owing to their content of Raphionacme
alkaloids, cardenolides, pregnane esterglycosides - Fl delicate, short-lived, pollen in 2 pollen-
(Hegnauer 1989). masses (Poll) on each translator / Anth:

F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae

Key to the succulent genera of the Asclepiadoi- − Staminal Cn triangular, short (Madagascar):
deae Stapelianthus
7 L rudiments tough and becoming spiny, persist-
Tribe Fockeeae
ent: 8
1 Cl rotate, Cn red-brown: Cibirhiza
− L rudiments inconspicuous, caducous or ab-
− Cl with a cylindrical to campanulate tube, Cn
sent: 11
white: Fockea
8 Stems with parallel ribs, Sp prickly: 9
− Stems 4- to 5-angled, with short rigid Sp (if
Tribe Marsd
r enieae prickly then stems with irregular Ri): 10
1 Inf pedunculate for 15 - 20 cm, with 2 - 6 Fl: 9 Sp 3-partite: T resia
Absolmsia − Sp simple, plants erect and cactus-like, stems
− Inf sessile or with a peduncle to 13 cm long, 10- to many-angled: Hoodia
with 1 to many Fl: 2 10 Plants decumbent to erect (orthotropous), Fl
2 Cl globose: 3 small, lateral, sessile: Quaqua
− Cl not globose: 4 − Plants prostrate-creeping (plagiotropous), Fl
3 Fl hanging from long thin Ped: Madangia very large, single: Edithcolea
− Fl shortly stalked, form
f ing a globose inflores- 11 Cl with small projo ecting lobes in the sinuses be-
cence: Hoya heuschkeliana tween the Cl lobes (these occasionally also pre-
4 Cl outside hairy: Micholitzia sent in Tavaresia and Stapelianthus); Gy with
− Cl outside glabrous: 5 humps in ffront of entrance to the guiding rails:
5 Cn lobes (on the lower face) with a longitudinal Huernia
groove: Hoya − Cl without intermittent lobes in the sinuses; Gy
− Cn lobes without a longitudinal groove: 6 without humps in front of entrance to the
6 Non-epiphytic shrubs, lianas or twiners: guiding rails: 12
Marsdenia 12 Stems distinctly tessellated (with transverse ribs
− Epiphytic or epilithic subshrubs or herbs: 7 between the Tu): 13
7 Cn lobes leaf-like, apex ± divided: Dischidia − Stems not tessellated, 4- to 5- (to 6-) angled: 17
− Cn lobes shortly shovel-shaped, obtuse: 13 Tu
T irregularly arranged, polygonal, staminal Cn
Dischidiopsis linear-spatulate: Pseudolithos
− Tu
T regularly arranged, stems 4- to 6-angled,
Tribe Ceropegieae
T staminal Cn triangular to linear: 14
1 Stems herbaceous to fleshy, terete, erect to de- 14 L rudiments triangular to subulate, stems slen-
cumbent, scrambling or twining, usually with der (to 1 cm ∅), prostrate-creeping (E Afr f ica to
well-developed L (occasionally stems succu- Arabia): Echidnopsis
lent, ± without L and 4-angled: then with deli- − L rudiments ± absent, stems > 1 cm ∅, usually
cate pitfall Fl): 2 erect or ascending (S Africa): 15
− Stems succulent, (3-) 4- to many-angled, L none 15 Pet hairy on the upper fface with simple Ha:
or reduced (except fo f r Cara
C lluma frerei), caduc- Notechidnopsis
ous or form
f ing Sp: 4 (Stapeliads) − Pet glabrous or papillose on the upper face:
f 16
2 Plants with succulent or fibrous R, Cl tube 2× 16 Stems 10- to 12-angled, L rudiments short, ± ac-
or many times as long as broad (if shorter then ute, on flat Tu
T : Lavrania
plants with fibrous R), above an inflated base − Stems 12- to 20-angled, L rudiments thickish
usually narrowed into a tube (if open and cam- and sunken in a groove of the conical Tu:
panulate then plants with fibrous R): 3 Larryleachia
− Plants with succulent R, Cl tube < 2× as long as 17 Cn ± uniseriate (i.e. interstaminal Cn reduced
broad, not or only little narrowed:Brachystelma to a fr
f inge): 18
3 Ped fibrous-tou
f gh, Anth and Poll vertical: − Cn biseriate (interstaminal Cn present): 20
Riocreuxia 18 Stems 4-angled, L-less, pale brown-green, Cl
− Ped soft-f fleshy, Anth and Poll ± horizontal inside glossy: Duvaliandra
(rarely ± vertical, but then plants succulent): − Stems 4- to 5- (to 6-) angled, green or green-
Ceropegia brown, Cl inside dull or hairy: 19
4 Stems leafy: Caralluma frere
f i 19 Cn yellow, staminal Cn with dorsal crest:
− Stems with rudimentary L transfo f rmed into Sc Piaranthus
or Sp: 5 − Cn white to beige, staminal Cn without dorsal
5 Interstaminal Cn with free large erect lobes: 6 crest: Huerniopsis
− Interstaminal Cn differentf (if lobes large and 20 Stems ± rugulose and papillose: 21
erect then form
f ing basal pouches): 7 − Stems neither rugulose nor papillose: 22
6 Staminal Cn subulate and erect (Namibia and 21 L rudiments erect; Inf sunken: Rhytidocaulon
RSA): T omotriche p.p.

Asclepiadaceae F. Albers & U. Meve

− L rudiments spreading; Inf not sunken: Subtribe Asclepe iadinae

Baynesia 1 Cl ± urceolate, Cn lobes subulate, erect, ± as
22 Cl ± urceolate, Cl lobes at most 1⁄3 as long as the long as the Cl lobes: Stenostelma
Cl: 23 − Cl rotate to campanulate, Cn lobes shorter than
− Cl usually not urceolate, Cl lobes > 1⁄3 as long as the Cl lobes: 2
the Cl: 24 2 Cn lobes fleshy, rarely dorsally flattened: 3
23 Stems 4-angled, translator not winged: − Cn lobes not or weakly fleshy, flattened: 4
Stapeliopsis 3 Cn lobes almost as broad as long, appendages or
− Stems 5- to many-angled, translator winged: keels absent, caudicles not geniculate:
Huernia p.p. Xysmalobium
24 Stems 4 - 9 mm ∅, indistinctly 4-angled, − Cn lobes longer than broad, often f drawn out
creeping: 25 into a hooked tip, ± erect, caudicles geniculate,
− Stems > 8 mm ∅ (if less, then not creeping), 4- Cl ± campanulate: Glossostelma
to 6-angled: 26 4 Cn lobes dorsally flattened, caudicles united: 5
25 Cn glabrous, staminal Cn dorsally enlarged into − Cn lobes laterally flattened and ± involute, cau-
a globose or crest-like structure: Ophionella dicles united or 2-partite: 10
− Cn hairy, staminal Cn simple: Orbeanthus 5 Cn lobes at the base fuse
f d into a ring:
26 Stems 4-angled, TuT weakly bulging: 27 Odontostelma
− Stems 4- to 6-angled, Tu usually bulging: 30 − Cn lobes not fuse
f d into a ring: 6
29 Stems short and clumpy, subsquare to ovoid, 6 Cn lobes spreading horizontally to ascending,
unbranched, Inf arising ffrom the base, few f - mostly keeled on the inner face, plants robust:
flowered: White-sloanea Pachycarpus
− Stems less clumpy, branched: 28 − Cn lobes ± erect (at least at the base): 7
28 Inf mostly basal, stalked; Fl large, stellate to 7 Cl lobes white, strongly hairy, Cn lobes elong-
campanulate; Poll large, translator winged: 29 ate-linear: Fanninia
− Inf sessile, in the apical regions of the stems, la- − Cl lobes rarely white, Cn lobes ± spatulate to
teral or terminal, often
f as many-flowered pseu- lanceolate, usually keeled or inside with appen-
do-umbels; Fl rather small, of various shapes; dage: 8
Poll small, translator ± unwinged: Caralluma 8 Inf pedunculate: Schizoglossum
29 L rudiments well developped, ovate-triangular, − Inf sessile: 9
caducous: Stapelia 9 Poll with germination zone: Aspidoglossum
− L rudiments only slightly developped, deltoid − Poll without germination zone: Miraglossum
(or ± absent): T
Tromotr iche 10 Cn lobes papillose or shortly hairy:
30 Stems 6-angled, ovate to shortly cylindrical; L Trachycalymma
rudiments slightly developped, without stipular − Cn lobes glabrous: 11
Gl: Pectinaria 11 Caudicles united, not winged: Asclepias
− Stems 4- to 5-angled: 31 − Caudicles bipartite, ± winged: 12
31 Stems conspicuously 4-angled, cylindrical; L 12 Caudicles broadly winged and ± contorted:
rudiments subulate, stipules in the fform of a fe
f w Stathmostelma
multicellular Ha: Tridentea − Caudicles ± winged, not contorted:
− Stems 4- to 5-angled, cylindrical or clavate; L Aspidonepsis
rudiments triangular to subulate, usually with
stipular Gl: 32
32 Ci disc-like, guide rails oblique, embedded in Subtribe Metastelminae
gynostegial tissue: Duvalia 1 Geophytes or ± stem succulents, with L:
− Ci lobes at least apically ffree, guide rails ver- Cynanchum p.p.
tical and not embedded in gynostegial tissue: − Stem succulent twiners, climbers or shrubs with
Orbea rod-like stems, L ± absent: 2
2 Stems smooth, Cn biseriate (divided into stami-
nal lobes and a basal outer ring composed of the
Tribe Asclepiadeae
T fused staminal and interstaminal Cn):
1 Erect geophytic herbaceous perennials with Sarcostemma
usually tough foliage, Gy incl. Cn ± stipitate, − Stems smooth, striate or verrucose, Cn uniseri-
Cn usually uniseriate: Subtribe Asclepiadinae ate: Cynanchum
− Erect or twining stem succulent herbaceous per-
ennials (some Cynanc
C hum leafy
f geophytes), Gy [F. Albers & U. Meve]
sessile, rarely stipitate, Cn sessile and uni- or
biseriate, often
f f d to the Gy:
Subtribe Metastelminae

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Absolmsia

ABSOLMSIA Incl. Anantherix i Nuttall (1818). T: Acerates conni-

vens Decaisne.
U. Meve
Incl. Styt landra Nuttall (1818). T: Styt landra pumila
Absolmsia Kuntze (Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 417, 1891). T: Nuttall.
Astrostemma sp s artioides Bentham. − Lit: Green Incl. Otaria Kunth (1819) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1b).
(1994: with ill.). D: Malaysia (Borneo: Sabah). T: Asclepias auriculata Kunth.
Etym: For Prof. Hermann M. C. L. F. zu Graf Incl. Oligoron Rafinesque (1836) (nom. illeg., Art.
Solms-Laubach (1842 - 1915), German botanist. 52.1). T: Asclepias longif ifolia Michaux.
Incl. Astrostemma Bentham (1880) (nom. illeg., Incl. Otanema Rafinesque (1836). T: Otanema la-
Art. 53.1). T: Astrostemma spartioides Bentham. tif
ifolia Rafinesque.
Epiphytic subshrubs with white latex; R fibrous, Incl. Polyotus
l Nuttall (1837). T: Polyotus
l angusti-
rooting below the tree bark; Br horizontal to erect, folius Nuttall.
± 3 - 10 × 0.3 - 0.5 cm, glabrous, not twining, poor- Incl. Schizonotus A. Gray (1840) (nom. illeg., Art.
ly branched, perennial; L ffew, shortly petiolate, el- 53.1). T: Gomphocarpus purpurascens A. Gray.
liptic to ovate, glabrous, stiff, ± succulent, 1 - 4 × Incl. Asclepiodora A. Gray (1877). T: Anthonotis
0.5 - 2 cm; Inf lateral, extra-axillary, 2- to 6- viridis Rafinesque.
flowered, capitate at the tips of needle-like, green, Incl. Solanoa Greene (1890). T: Gomp m hocarp r us
perennial, 15 - 20 cm long peduncles; Ped short; purpr urascens A. Gray.
Sep triangular-ovate; Fl 9 - 12 mm ∅, stiffly Incl. Solanoana Kuntze (1891) (nom. inval., Art.
fleshy; Cl campanulate-urceolate with apically wi- 61.1). T: Gomphocarpus purpurascens A. Gray.
dening Cl tube, yellow-orange, glabrous; Cl tube ± Incl. Oxypteryx
O Greene (1897). T: Asclepias areni-
as long as the Cl lobes, these triangular, ± 3.5 mm, cola Nash.
horizontal or ascending; Cn uniseriate; Cs lobes Incl. Podostemma Greene (1897). T: Asclep e ias
stellate, fusiform, both ends acute, ± 2 mm, horizon- longicornu Bentham.
tal, resting on the Anth, with median longitudinal Incl. Asclep e iodella Small (1933). T: Acerates feayi
groove; Poll erect, ovoid-rectangular, ± 0.18 × 0.1 Chapman.
mm, germination mouth along the outside margins, Incl. Biventraria Small (1933). T: Asclepias varie-
corpuscles very voluminous; Gy sessile; Fr solitary, gatat Linné.
slender, 5 - 8 × 0.3 cm, ± terete. Sometimes geophytic perennials with deciduous
This monotypic genus belongs to tribe Marsd r eni- herbaceous above-ground parts, shrubs or subshrubs
eae. It is closely related to Ho
H ya and hardly distin- with white partly sticky latex; R ffibrous, irregularly
guishable on flower morphological grounds. The thickened or in the form of fusiform to turnip-
reduced stems with few leaves and the persistent shaped storage R; stems erect, sometimes decum-
and obviously assimilating peduncles resembling bent, normally unbranched, mostly annual, partly
needle leaves are characteristic. The attractive with underground rhizomes; L opposite, spiral or
plants are difficult in cultivation and flower only verticillate, sessile or petiolate, linear, elliptic, lan-
rarely. ceolate or ovate; Inf 1 or several terminal, subter-
minal or lateral extra-axillary pseudo-umbels; Cl
A. spartioides (Bentham) Kuntze (Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: rotate with valvate buds; Cl lobes ± ovate, ± free f ,
418, 1891). T: K. − D: Malaysia (Borneo: Sabah). erect to reflexed; Cn uniseriate; Cs ± double with ±
Fig. I.a pouch-like basally saccate lobes, which develop cri-
≡ Astrostemma sp s artioides Bentham (1880) (in- state or horn-like secondary structures inside, with
correct name, Art. 11.4) ≡ Hoya spartioides (Bent- nectar; Gy sessile or stipitate, Anth appendages
ham) Kloppenburg (2001). present, guide rails raised; Poll ± flat, pear-shaped,
Description as ffor the genus. pendent, large; Fr as a rule solitary, erect, narrowly
f iform
fus f to thick, sometimes inflated fus f iform
f ,
sometimes rostrate, smooth, hairy or soft f ly spiny.
ASCLEPIAS Most taxa are shrubs or deciduous herbaceous
perennials, and can possess various forms of root
U. Meve
succulence (often imperfectly known and here not
Asclepias Linné (Spec. Pl. [ed. 1], 214, 1753). T: further treated). Several species are cultivated
s riaca Linné. − Lit: Woodson
Asclepias sy W (1954). world-wide or have escaped as weeds, e.g. A. syria-
D: America, now worldwide as neophytes. Etym: ca ("Silk Plant", seed hairs used as a substitute fo f r
For Asklepios, the ancient Greek deity of medicine. silk) or A. curassavica (planted as ornamental). The
Incl. Acerates Elliott (1817). T: Asclepias longif
ifo - genus counts more than 100 species, esp. in sub-
lia Michaux. tropical North and South America. A modern and
Incl. Anthonotis Rafinesque (1817). T: Anthonotis complete treatment is lacking. Wo W
Woodson (1954)
procumbens Rafinesque. treats only the North American species and sug-
Incl. Podostigma Elliott (1817). T: Podostigma pu- gested a complicated infragener
f ic classification
bescens Elliott. with 9 subgenera (incl. 9 series). While Woodson

Aspidoglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

(1954) includes the closely related genus Gompho- zontally spreading, slightly reflexed, tips very ra-
carpus, modern authors such as Nicholas & Goyder rely remaining united, outside mostly softly hairy,
(1992) or Bruyns (1995c) prefer to separate the 2 rarely glabrous, inside soft f ly pubescent, margins
genera, with Asclep
e ias in the New World and Gom- hairy or glabrous; Cs lobes delicate or paper-like,
r us in the Old World. never fleshy, dorsiventrally compressed, appearing
2-parted, outer part of the lobes basally ± square,
The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica- erect, inside mostly with 2 shallow longitudinal
tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Asclepias nuttii ribs, either of type A: apically with an oblong ap-
N. E. Brown (1898) ≡ Stathmostelma nuttii (N. E. pendage, which is erect or falcate, and laterally of-
Brown) Bullock (1953). ten with horn- to wing-like appendages, or of type
B: apically drawn out into a short obtuse tip, inner
A. subulata Decaisne (PSRV 8: 571, 1844). T: part of the lobes as a slender ± cylindrical append-
(Herb. Pavón s.n. [FI]). − D: S USA (Nevada, Ari- age, much overtopping the Sty head and apically
zona, Californ
f ia), Mexico (Baj a a Californ
f ia). Fig. meeting or falcately bent outwards, sometimes with
II.a an additional ring of Cn elements, these lobes mi-
Perennial subsucculent twiggy subshrubs; R fi f br- nute and below the guide rails (only in Sect. 2);
ous; stems erect, 50 - 200 cm, 3 - 5 mm ∅, smooth, Anth ± rectangular, connective appendage mem-
glabrous, blue-green, with laxly placed opposite L; branous, incumbent on the Sty head; Poll reniform f ,
L ± sessile, linear-subulate, 2 - 8 cm × 1 - 2 mm, rarely pear-shaped, dorsiventrally slightly compres-
glabrous, blue-green, soon deciduous; Inf lateral sed, germination zone (when present) thin, mostly
near stem tips, shortly pedunculate, 5- to 12-flo- transparent, inserted subapically on the translators,
wered; Ped 1 - 1.5 cm, laxly tomentose; Sep lanceo- translator arms short, thin or sometimes flattened
late, 3 mm; Cl rotate, yellowish-white; Cl lobes and strap-shaped, corpuscle linear; Sty head con-
almost completely reflexed, lanceolate, 9 - 11 mm; cave; Fr mostly solitary, ± ffusiform, sometimes
Cn shortly stipitate, fleshy, cream; Cs lobes ± erect, softly prickly, pubescent; Se numerous, dark brown,
obovately fan-s
f haped, drawn together pouch-like, 9 compressed-ovate, apically with a cluster of white
- 10 mm, including and ± obscuring the short horn- Ha.
like secondary process; Fr ± pendent, fusiform, ± 1 Aspidoglossum is closely related to Schizoglos-
cm ∅; Se ovate, 6 mm, tuft of Ha 3 - 4 cm. sum, but the pollinia are inserted apically on the
This is the only ± stem-succulent species of the translator arms, instead of laterally as in Schizoglos-
genus. The dry season is survived as leafless twiggy sum.
m In addition, the corona lobes of Aspidoglossum
shrub. Vernacular name (USA): "Desert Milkweed". possess an apical and an adaxial appendage, while
in Schizoglossum, they have only an adaxial appen-
dage. The genus is divided as fo f llows according to
ASPIDOGLOSSUM Kupicha (1984):
[1] Sect. Aspidoglossum: Plants hairy, Ha transpa-
B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers
rent (glandular in A. breve); L opposite, lamina
Aspidoglossum E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr., narrowly linear, rarely elliptic, ovate or hastate;
200, 1838). T: Aspidoglossum bif iflorum Bullock Cs of type A; Poll narrow, usually with a de-
T pe according to Bullock, Kew Bull. 7: 417, fined germination zone, translator arms thin; Fr
1952.]. − Lit: Kupicha (1984). D: SE Africa. smooth.
Etym: Gr. ‘aspis, aspidos’, shield; and Gr. ‘glossa’, [2] Sect. Latibrac
r hium Kupicha 1984: Plants hairy,
tongue; ffor the segments of the corona. Ha brown, glandular; L opposite, narrowly lin-
Incl. Rhinolobium Arnott (1838). T: Rhinolobium ear; Cl inside mostly glabrous; Cs of type B, va-
tenue Arnott. riable in shape; Poll variable in shape and size,
Perennials with deciduous herbaceous above- germination zone sometimes present, translator
ground parts with latex and R tubers; stems erect, arms weak or flattened; Fr sometimes with a
rarely ascending or apically drooping, branched or few Bri.
not, hairy, Ha either transparent or brownish, short, [3] Sect. Verticillus
V Kupicha 1984: L verticillate or
apically globose, glandular, or then Ha brownish, arranged irregularly, lamina narrowly linear or
long, delicate and appressed (only in the Inf re- much broader (oblong, elliptic, (ob-) ovate); Cl
gion); stems evenly hairy or Ha in longitudinal hairy, Ha brown, thin; Cs of type A (type B in
rows; L decussate, rarely verticillate or alternate, A. dissimile), hairy, Ha brown, thin; translator
shortly petiolate or sessile, lamina entire, very nar- arms thin, Poll large, without defined germina-
rowly linear, rarely elliptic, circular, hastate or ob- tion zone; Fr with Bri.
ovate, margins revolute, hairy or glabrous; Inf [4] Sect. Vir
V rga Kupicha 1984: Plants hairy, Ha
sessile in upper stem parts; Bra inconspicuous; Ped transparent; L opposite, lamina narrowly linear;
softly hairy; Sep triangular, outside softly hairy, in- Cs mostly of type B; Poll narrow, with defined
side glabrous, margins ciliate; Cl ± campanulate to germination zone, translator arms thin; Fr glab-
shallow, lobes elliptic, vertical, ascending or hori- rous.

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Aspidoglossum

The following names are of unresolved applica- yellowish-brown, flat to inversely bowl-shaped,
tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Schizoglossum lobes 2.5 - 3.5 × 1 - 2 mm, spreading, margins
l e K. Schumann (1901); Schizoglossum asch- revolute, tips bent inwards, outside weakly glandu-
ersonianum Schlechter (1893); Schizoglossum asch- lar-hairy, Ha brown, soft; outer part of Cs lobes
r onianum var. longipes N. E. Brown (1907); Schi- basally ± 1 mm, erect, apically bifid, appendages
zoglossum aschersonianum var. radiatum N. E. long, linear, fa
f lcately bent inwards, inner append-
Brown (1907); Schizoglossum barbatum Britten & age similar but fa
f lcately bent outwards between the
Rendle (1894); Schizoglossum filiforme (Linné fi f l.) outer appendages; Poll 0.3 - 0.45 mm, falcate, tips
Druce (1917); Schizoglossum garcianum Schlech- bent, germination zone prominent, translators
ter (1905); Schizoglossum linif ifolium Schlechter flattened, corpuscle 0.1 - 0.28 mm; young Fr pubes-
(1894); Schizoglossum linififolium var. centrirostra- cent.
tum N. E. Brown (1907); Schizoglossum montanum
R. A. Dyer (1961); Schizoglossum peglerae N. E. A. bifloru
f m E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr., 201,
Brown (1907); Schizoglossum pygmaeum Schlech- 1838). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Drège r s.n. [K]). − D:
ter (1894) ≡ Schizoglossum aschersonianum var. Moçambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Mala-
pygmaeum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1907); Schi- wi, RSA (Northern Prov., Free State, KwaZulu-
zoglossum tenellum (Turczaninov) Druce (1917). Natal); grassland.
≡ Schizoglossum bifl f orum (E. Meyer) Schlechter
A. angustissimum (K. Schumann) Bullock (KB 7: (1895); incl. Schizoglossum excisum Schlechter
418, 1952). T: Zaïre (Schweinfurth 3879 [B]). − (1894); incl. Schizoglossum shirense N. E. Brown
D: Congo, Central Afr f ican Republic, Zaïre, Ugan- (1895); incl. Schizoglossum strictum Schlechter
da, Sudan, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, (1895); incl. Schizoglossum tubulosum Schlechter
Zambia, Zimbabwe; dry savanna, rarely in swamps. (1895); incl. Schizoglossum venustum Schlechter
≡ Schizoglossum angustissimum K. Schumann (1895); incl. Schizoglossum venustum var. concin-
(1893); incl. Schizoglossum elatum K. Schumann num Schlechter (1895) ≡ Schizoglossum bifl f orum
(1893); incl. Schizoglossum whytei
h N. E. Brown var. concinnum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1907);
(1907) ≡ Aspidoglossum whyteih (N. E. Brown) Bul- incl. Schizoglossum gwelense N. E. Brown (1904) ≡
lock (1952); incl. Schizoglossum ledermannii Schizoglossum venustum var. gwelense (N. E.
Schlechter (1913); incl. Schizoglossum zernyi Brown) N. E. Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum
Markgraf (1938). conrathii Schlechter (1905); incl. Schizoglossum bi-
[4] Stems (45-) 80 - 135 cm, normally branched; f orum var. integrum N. E. Brown (1907).
L mostly longer than the Int, lamina 4 - 13 × 0.2 - [1] Stems 20 - 70 cm, simple or hardly branched;
0.6 cm, upper face appressed-pubescent, lower face L 25 - 75 × 1 - 4 mm, upper face weakly to densely
glabrous, midvein pubescent; Inf with (2-) 4 Fl; hispid to pubescent, lower face glabrous, midvein
Ped 1 - 7 mm; Sep 0.5 - 3 × 0.75 - 1 mm, bent pubescent; Inf with 1 - 7 Fl; Ped ≤ 3 mm or none;
inwards, softly hairy; Cl cup-shaped, cream to Sep 2 - 3 × 1 - 1.5 mm, softly hairy; Cl green or
greenish-brown, lobes 3 - 4.5 × 1 - 2 mm, margins purple, ± flat, central depression ≤ 1.25 mm, lobes 3
revolute, tips bent inwards, outside porrectly soft- - 5 × 1.5 - 2 mm, outside glabrous, at least basal ⁄2
hairy, inside pubescent, margins hairy, Ha white, ≤ of the lobes densely pubescent, inside weakly soft-
2 mm; Cs white, pale yellow or greenish, oftenf dot- hairy; Cs white, yellowish or purple, 3 - 5.5 mm,
ted with purple, or violet to brown, 1 - 3 mm, of outer part of the lobes basally 1 - 1.5 mm, ± square,
type B, outer part of lobes 1 - 2 mm, ± square, apical appendage thin, erect, inner appendage simi-
shoulders rounded, rarely acute, inner appendage lar but only 1⁄2 as long; Poll 0.5 - 0.7 mm, germina-
mostly oblong-subulate, erectly bent; Poll 0.5 - 0.8 tion zone inconspicuous, corpuscle 0.3 - 0.5 mm; Fr
mm, corpuscle 0.2 - 0.33 mm; Fr 5 - 7 cm, narrowly 6 - 7 mm, densely pubescent.
f iform,
fus f strongly hairy, Ha long, acute, soft.
A. breve Kupicha (KB 38(4): 643, 1984). T: Mala-
A. araneifef rum (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): r & Burtt 4399 [E, K]). − D: SW Tanza-
wi (Hilliard
661, 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Schlechter nia, N Malawi; grassland, 2400 - 2780 m.
3428 [Z]). − D: C Moçambique, NW Zimbabwe, [1] Stems 11 - 32 cm, unbranched; L longer than
RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Mpumalanga, the Int, lamina 20 - 55 × 1 - 2 mm, both faces ±
Northern Prov.), Lesotho; scattered in grassland, strongly pubescent, Ha ± long; Inf with 2 - 7 Fl;
300 - 1770 m. Ped 5 - 8 mm; Sep 2 - 2.5 × 0.5 - 0.75 mm, weakly
≡ Schizoglossum araneif iferum Schlechter (1895); to densely glandular-hairy, Ha transparent or brow-
incl. Schizoglossum poly
l nema Schlechter (1905). nish, soft
f ; Cl dull greenish-brown, campanulate,
[2] Stems 30 - 60 cm, simple or little-branched; L lobes 3 - 4 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm, inside glabrous, outside
15 - 35 × 0.5 - 1.5 mm, vertical, both faces glabrous glandular-hairy, Ha transparent; Cs pale green or
or roughly glandular-hairy; Inf with 3 - 7 Fl; Ped 4 yellow, 1.5 - 2 mm, outer part of the lobes basally 1
- 7 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2 × 0.75 - 1 mm, weakly mm, ± square, shoulders ± acute, apical appendage
glandular-hairy, Ha brown, soft; Cl dull green or triangular, erect, inner appendage somewhat shor-

Aspidoglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

ter, triangular, bent slightly inwards; Poll 0.5 - 0.6 2 mm, upper fface pubescent or glabrous, lower face
mm, corpuscle 0.2 - 0.3 mm. glabrous, midvein pubescent; Inf with 4 - 10 Fl,
Very similar to A. bifl
V f orum. very dense; Ped ≤ 2 mm; Sep 2 - 2.5 × 1 mm, softly
hairy; Cl dark purple or brown, flat, lobes 3.5 - 4 ×
A. carinatum (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 1.5 - 2 mm, ascending, outside glabrous, inside den-
640, 1984). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Flanagan 1043 f hairy; Cs ± 2 mm, outer part of
sely and finely soft-
[BOL, GRA, NBG, NH, SAM]). − D: Namibia, the lobes basally 1 mm, shoulders acute, apical ap-
Zimbabwe, RSA (Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, pendage triangular to attenuate-acute, reclining, in-
KwaZulu-Natal); grassland and sandy flats near ner appendage longer, contorted; Poll 0.6 mm,
coast, to 1020 m. elongate-triangular, germination zone inconspicu-
≡ Schizoglossum carinatum Schlechter (1894); ous, corpuscle 0.2 mm; unripe Fr densely pubes-
incl. Schizoglossum tricuspidatu d m Schlechter cent.
(1895); incl. Schizoglossum pentheri Schlechter
(1903). A. delagoense (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4):
[1] Stems (15-) 30 - 60 cm; R tuber turnip- 663, 1984). T: Moçambique (JunodJ 484 [BR, Z]).
shaped; stems simple, rarely branched; L 1 - 3.5 (-6) − D: S Moçambique, RSA (NE KwaZulu-Natal);
cm × 0.5 - 4 mm, margins revolute, upper face glab- open grassland on sandy soils.
rous or (softly) pubescent, lower face glabrous, ≡ Schizoglossum delagoense Schlechter (1896);
midvein softf ly hairy, Ha of midrib and L margin incl. Schizoglossum biauriculatum Schlechter
thicker; Inf with 1 - 7 Fl; Ped 1 - 3 mm; Sep 1.5 - (1905).
2.5 × 0.5 - 1.25 mm, softly hairy; Cl cup-shaped, [2] Stems 20 - 45 cm, simple or branched; L
dull green, lobes 2 - 3.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm, spreading, sometimes clustered, lamina 25 - 70 × 0.25 - 4 mm,
outside weakly soft-hairy, inside densely pubescent, both ffaces glabrous or occasionally pubescent; Inf
Ha basally often longer, margins of lobes glabrous; with 2 - 7 Fl (rarely 9 - 13 Fl in terminal Inf);
ff)) Ped
Cs 1 - 1.7 mm, outer part of lobes 0.5 - 1 mm, ba- 5 - 8 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2.5 × 0.5 - 0.75 mm, softly
sally ± square, shoulders ± rounded, apical append- hairy; Cl brown, flat, lobes 4 - 5 × 1.5 - 2 mm, out-
age broadly triangular, erect, sometimes absent, side softly hairy, inside glabrous or pubescent; Cn
inner appendage ± 1.5 mm, basally broad, apically ± white, with 2 alternating circles, outer part of Cs
linear, overtopping the Sty head and meeting each lobes 1.5 - 2 mm, rounded-triangular, erect, margins
other; Poll 0.4 - 0.6 mm, reniform, germination bent inwards, inner appendage narrow, hood-
zone inconspicuous, corpuscle 0.2 - 0.4 mm; Fr 4 - shaped; alternating circle closer to the centre, lobes
6 cm, pubescent. minute, transversally rectangular, bulging horizon-
tally inwards; Poll ± 0.9 mm, linear, without germi-
A. connatum (N. E. Brown) Bullock (KB 7: 419, nation zone, translators short, flattened, corpuscle
1952). T: Zambia (Carson
C 17 [K]). − D: Sudan, 0.2 - 0.25 mm; Fr 4.5 - 5 cm, glabrous.
Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zaïre, Malawi; Closely related to A. rh
r odesicum.
swampy grassland. A. demissum Kupicha (KB 38(4): 644, 1984). T:
≡ Schizoglossum connatum N. E. Brown (1895); RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Devenish 781 [PRE]). − D:
incl. Schizoglossum vulcanorum Lebrun & Taton RSA (KwaZulu-Natal); only known ffrom the type
(1943). locality, mountain top on rocky ground.
[4] Stems 43 - 90 cm, simple or hardly branched; [1] Stems 5 - 6 cm, strongly branched, basally
L 17 - 90 × 0.25 - 2 (-8) mm, upper face glabrous or spreading; L somewhat longer than the Int, lamina
softly hairy, lower face glabrous, midvein pubes- 6 - 11 × 1 - 3 mm, linear or narrowly ovate, glabr-
cent; Inf with 3 - 7 Fl; Ped 1 - 6 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2.5 × ous; Inf with 1 - 2 Fl; Ped 6 - 10 mm; Sep 2 × 0.75
0.75 - 1 mm, softly hairy; Cl white, cream, yellow mm, outside crisped-pubescent; Cl green or brown,
or pale to dark purple, lantern-shaped from
f the api- flat, lobes 4 - 5 × 2 mm, margins revolute, glabrous;
cally united Cl lobes or lobes sometimes flatly Cs white, outside purple, 3.5 - 4 mm, outer part of
spreading, 5.5 - 9 × 1 - 2 mm, margins usually lobes basally 2 mm, shoulders oblique, apical ap-
strongly revolute, outside weakly soft-hairy, inside pendage erect, inner appendage 1⁄2 as long, erect or
densely pubescent, margins hairy, Ha long; Cs slightly reclining; Anth appendages 1 mm, elliptic,
greenish, cream or purple, 1 - 1.5 mm, outer part of erect; Poll 0.4 mm, translators bent forwards, cor-
the lobes square, inner appendage short, irregular, puscle ± 0.25 mm.
sometimes rudimentary; Poll 0.4 - 0.8 mm, corp- The placement in Aspidoglossum is uncertain due
uscle 0.2 - 0.4 mm; Fr 6.5 cm, pubescent. to the atypical anther appendages.
A. crebrum Kupicha (KB 38(4): 642, 1984). T: A. difficile Hilliard (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edin-
Zimbabwe (ChC ase 4228 [LISC, BM, BR, COI, K, burgh 45(2): 179, 1989). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal
SRGH]). − D: E Zimbabwe; grassland, 1050 - 1110 (Pooley 1921 [E]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal).
m. [2] Stems 45 cm, weakly branched, 1 mm ∅, uni-
[1] Stems 30 - 70 cm, unbranched; L 25 - 85 × 1 - seriately hairy, Ha short, bent; L few
f , sessile, lami-

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Aspidoglossum

na 30 - 40 × 1 mm, acute, glabrous, young L overtopping the Sty head; Poll 0.35 - 0.45 mm, cor-
margins weakly hairy; Inf with 4 - 5 pendent Fl puscle 0.25 - 0.4 mm, linear, laterally bow-like.
ffrom each node; Ped 5 - 7 mm, uniseriately pubes-
cent; Sep brown, 2 × 1 mm, lanceolate; Cl deep A. erubescens (Schlechter) Bullock (KB 9: 589,
purple, ± flat, incised almost to the base, lobes 9 × 2 1954). T: Malawi (Scott-Elliot 8671 [BM]). − D:
mm, oblong, flat, obtuse, inside weakly hairy, Ha ≤ Zimbabwe, S Malawi, N Moçambique; open grass-
1 mm; Cn of 2 alternating circles; Ci lobes ± 0.3 or woodland, 750 - 1470 m.
mm, almost circular; Cs red-brown, lobes 3.5 × 1.25 ≡ Schizoglossum erubescens Schlechter (1895);
mm, widely overtopping the Gy, almost paper-like, incl. Schizoglossum strictissimum S. Moore (1902).
without appendage, inside with 2 narrow fleshy [1] Stems 37 - 110 cm, simple or somewhat
keels; Anth appendages ± 0.4 mm, erect, just reach- branched; L 14 - 65 × 1 - 2.5 mm, both faces den-
ing the margin of the Gy; Gy 1.5 mm; Sty head ± sely crisped-pubescent, sometimes glabrescent; Inf
0.8 mm ∅, 5-lobed, truncate; Poll ± 0.6 mm, nar- with 2 - 6 ± sessile Fl; Sep 1.5 - 2 × 0.75 - 1 mm,
rowly pear-shaped, strongly flattened, suspended soft
f ly hairy; Cl dull mauve to greenish, lobes 2.5 -
subapically, corpuscle ± 0.3 mm. 3.5 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm, spreading to strongly revolute,
Closely related to A. delagoense, but the corona outside softly hairy, inside densely pubescent or
circle alternating with the Cs is placed outside like glabrous; Cs dark purple, 1 - 1.25 mm, outer part of
the Ci. The placement in Aspidoglossum is questio- the lobes ± square, apical and inner appendages
nable (Hilliard & Burtt 1989). very short, bent outwards; Poll 0.35 - 0.4 mm, corp-
uscle 0.3 - 0.33 mm, slender; Fr 6 - 8 cm, pubes-
A. dissimile (N. E. Brown) Kupicha (KB 38(4): cent; Se 4 mm, Ha ± 25 mm.
646, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Sim s.n. [BOL,
K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, E KwaZulu-Natal, A. eylesii (S. Moore) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 654,
Mpumalanga). 1984). T: Zimbabwe (Eyles 500 [BM, NBG, SAM,
≡ Schizoglossum dissimile N. E. Brown (1907); SRGH]). − D: Zimbabwe, S Malawi; forests f on
incl. Schizoglossum dissimile var. pubifl f orum N. E. rocks, 960 - 1800 m.
Brown (1907). ≡ Schizoglossum eylesii S. Moore (1914).
[3] Stems 6 - 20 cm, simple or hardly branched; [4] Stems 60 - 130 cm, simple or branched; L
L basally irregularly and densely arranged, verticil- longer than the Int, lamina (2.5-) 6 - 14 cm × 1 - 6
late within the Inf, lamina 18 - 30 × 2 - 8 mm, lin- mm, upper fface appressed-pubescent, lower face f
ear (-lanceolate), both faces softly hairy; Inf with 3 glabrous, midvein pubescent; Inf with 3 - 7 (-13) Fl;
- 5 Fl; Ped 6 - 12 mm; Sep 2 - 3.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm, Ped 2 - 7 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2.5 × 0.75 - 1 mm, softly
f ly hairy, Ha transparent or brownish; Cl flat, hairy; Cl greenish-red, outside sometimes brown, ±
lobes 4.5 - 5 × 2.5 mm, revolute, margins revolute, flat, lobes 3.5 - 5 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm, margins often rev-
outside soft
f ly hairy, Ha transparent, stiff, or brown, olute, tips bent inwards, outside softly hairy, inside
delicate, appressed; Cl lobes inside glabrous or den- normally glabrous, lobes sometimes basally or api-
sely pubescent; Cs 3.5 - 4 mm, outer parts of lobes cally pubescent; Cs green or white, 2 - 3 mm, outer
basally 1 - 2 mm, ± cordate, shoulders undulate, parts of lobes basally 1 - 1.5 mm, shoulders acute,
apical appendage (when present) very short, inner inner appendage triangular, erect, or inclined, divi-
appendage filiform,
f erect, hooked, bent outwards; ded ffrom the basal portion by a transversal crest;
Poll 0.5 - 0.9 mm, germination zone ± conspicuous, Poll 0.6 - 0.8 mm, germination zone inconspicuous,
corpuscle 0.25 - 0.4 mm. corpuscle 0.25 - 0.3 mm; Fr 4.5 - 6 cm, apically
attenuate into a long straight beak, densely soft-
A. elliotii (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 659, pubescent.
1984). T: (Scott-Elliot s.n. [BM]). − D: Ethiopia,
Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zaïre, Tanzania, Zam- A. fasc
f iculare E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr.,
bia, Zimbabwe; dry grassland. 200, 1838). T [lecto]: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drège r
≡ Schizoglossum elliotii Schlechter (1895); incl. s.n. [not located]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, Kwa-
Schizoglossum debile Schlechter (1895). Zulu-Natal); grassland.
[4] Stems (30-) 60 - 120 cm, simple or branched; ≡ Schizoglossum fasciculare (E. Meyer) Schlech-
L shorter than the Int, lamina 25 - 57 × 0.5 - 2 mm, ter (1894); incl. Schizoglossum ciliatum Schlechter
both faces
f weakly pubescent; Inf with 2 - 5 Fl; Ped (1895).
4 - 7 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2 × 0.5 - 0.75 mm, softly hairy; [1] Shrubs with unbranched stem; stem fleshy,
Cl greenish, purple or brownish, ± flat to bowl- hispid; L very variable in length and width, ovate-
shaped, lobes 3.5 - 4 × 1.5 - 2 mm, margins revolute, lanceolate, pubescent; Inf porrectly spreading, pe-
outside weakly hairy, inside delicately soft-hairy, dunculate, nutant, to 7-flowered; Cl ± flat, lobes 5 -
Ha longest at the lobe tips; Cs lobes penguin- 6 × 1.5 - 2 mm, green with mauve venation, slightly
shaped, outer parts basally 1.5 mm, erect, ± square, reflexed; Cs lobes basally broad, apically attenuate,
margins bulging hump-like, apical appendage bifid, appendages short, tooth-like; Sty head flat;
broadly triangular, incumbent over and slightly Anth appendages membranous; Poll pear-shaped.

Aspidoglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

A. flanagan
f ii (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): or erect; Poll 0.4 - 0.5 mm and without visible ger-
654, 1984). T [lecto]: RSA, Eastern Cape (Flana- mination zone, corpuscle 0.3 - 0.4 mm, translators
gan 1044 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape); grass- flattened, ± broadly strap-like; Fr 6 - 7.5 cm, slen-
land near coast, to 30 m. der, pubescent.
≡ Schizoglossum flanagani
f i Schlechter (1894). A. glabrescens shows pronounced variability in
[4] Stems 18 - 30 cm, branched; L longer than characters of the floral region, and this is correlated
the Int, lamina 2 - 8 cm × 0.5 - 6 mm, both faces with the geographical distribution.
glabrous but midvein pubescent; Inf with 3 - 8 Fl;
Ped 2 - 4 mm; Sep 2 - 2.5 × 1 mm, ± weakly soft- f A. glanduliferum
f (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4):
hairy; Cl inversely campanulate, lobes 5 × 2 mm, 662, 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Medley
margins strongly revolute, glabrous; Cs 3 mm, outer W d 4804 [Z, BOL, K]). − D: RSA (C KwaZulu-
part of lobes basally 1.5 - 2 mm, shoulders acute, in- Natal, Mpumalanga); grassland, (semi-) dry soils.
ner appendage erectly inclined; Poll 0.6 - 0.7 mm, ≡ Schizoglossum glanduliferum Schlechter
corpuscle 0.25 - 0.3 mm; Fr 6.5 cm, pubescent or (1894); incl. Schizoglossum commixtum N. E.
glabrous; Se 4 mm, Ha 25 mm. Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum parile N. E.
Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum auriculatum N.
A. glabellum Kupicha (KB 38(4): 643, 1984). T: E. Brown (1909).
Zimbabwe (Drummond 4952 [PRE, BR, K, SR- [2] Stems 26 - 50 cm, erect, unbranched; L most-
GH]). − D: E Zimbabwe; mountainous grassland, ly shorter than the Int, lamina 25 - 33 × 1 - 2 mm,
900 - 1950 m. vertically arranged, both ffaces glabrous or roughly
[1] Stems 35 - 60 cm, usually unbranched; L nor- glandular-hairy; Inf with 1 - 9 Fl; Ped 5 - 8 mm;
mally shorter than the Int, lamina 16 - 50 × 1 - 3 Sep 1.5 - 2 × 0.75 - 1 mm, outside glandular-hairy,
mm, both faces glabrous to softly hairy; Inf with 1 - Ha transparent and / or brown, soft; Cl pale green,
4 Fl; Ped 2 - 8 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2 × 0.75 mm, glabrous slightly lineate with chestnut-brown, flat or slightly
or soft
f ly hairy; Cl whitish or yellowish-green, flat, hood-shaped, lobes 2.5 - 4 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm, outside ±
lobes 4 × 2 mm, glabrous; Cs 3 - 4 mm, outer part densely glandular-hairy (rarely glabrous), Ha trans-
of lobes 1 mm, square-shouldered, apical and inner parent and / or brown, softf ; Cs pale green, outer part
appendage of equal length, acute, erect; Poll 0.3 - of lobes 1 - 1.5 mm, rounded-triangular, margins
0.4 mm, without visible germination zone, cor- bent inwards, inner appendage horizontally incum-
puscle 0.2 - 0.25 mm; Fr ± 4 cm, ± pubescent. bent over the Sty head; guide rails conspicuously
raised; Poll 0.25 - 0.45 mm, asymmetrically grain-
A. glabrescens (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): shaped, translators flattened in the middle, cor-
659, 1984). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Schlechter puscle 0.2 - 0.3 mm.
4051 [not located]). − D: RSA (Mpumalanga, Gau- Closely related to A. rrhodesicum.
teng, KwaZulu-Natal: Drakensberg); rocky grass-
land, 1290 - 2100 m. A. gracile (E. Meyer) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 654,
≡ Schizoglossum glabrescens Schlechter (1895); 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Drège 4978 [K]).
incl. Schizoglossum longirostre Schlechter (1895) − D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape, S KwaZu-
≡ Schizoglossum glabrescens var. longirostre lu-Natal); grassland near coast, to 1710 m.
(Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglos- ≡ Lagarinthus gracilis E. Meyer (1838); incl.
sum tenuissimum Schlechter (1895); incl. Schizo- Rhinolobium tenue Arnott (1838) ≡ Schizoglossum
glossum barbatum Schlechter (1895) (nom. illeg., tenue (Arnott) Druce (1917); incl. Lagarinthus exi-
Art. 53.1); incl. Schizoglossum loreum S. Moore lis Decaisne (1844) (nom. illeg., Art. 52.1) ≡ Schi-
(1903); incl. Schizoglossum schlechteri N. E. zoglossum exile (Decaisne) Schlechter (1896); incl.
Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum tridens N. E. Rhinolobium lineare Decaisne (1844) (nom. illeg.,
Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum unicum N. E. Art. 52.1); incl. Schizoglossum bolusii Schlechter
Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum hirtifl f orum N. (1893); incl. Schizoglossum guthriei Schlechter
E. Brown (1928). (1893); incl. Schizoglossum lunatum Schlechter
[2] Stems 35 - 60 cm, rarely branched; L 15 - 35 (1893); incl. Schizoglossum filif ifolium Schlechter
× 0.5 - 1 mm, both faces glabrous, midvein some- (1894); incl. Schizoglossum parvulum Schlechter
times pubescent; Inf with 2 - 7 Fl; Ped 4 - 8 mm; (1894); incl. Schizoglossum filipes Schlechter
Sep 1.5 - 3 × 1 mm, outside glandular-hairy, Ha (1895); incl. Schizoglossum monticola Schlechter
brown or transparent, soft
f ; Cl dull yellow to brown- (1905); incl. Schizoglossum addoense N. E. Brown
ish, campanulate or ± flat
f , lobes 2 - 4.5 × 1 - 2 mm, (1907); incl. Schizoglossum bowkerae N. E. Brown
outside weakly glandular-hairy, Ha brown, rarely (1907); incl. Schizoglossum buchananii N. E.
transparent, soft,
f inside densely downy or long- Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum burchellii N. E.
hairy (sometimes only the lobe margins), rarely Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum dregei N. E.
glabrous; Cs white or dull yellow, outer part of Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum parcum N. E.
lobes basally 1 - 3 mm, rounded, apically bifid or Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum parvulum var.
lanceolate, erect, inner appendage ± long, inclined sessile N. E. Brown (1907).

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Aspidoglossum

[4] Stems 12 - 100 cm, simple or branched; L 10 long in the apical 1⁄2, pubescent; Inf with < 6 Fl, pe-
- 80 × 0.5 - 3 mm, upper face glabrous or pubescent, dunculate (!); Cl flat, lobes 2.5 - 4.5 × 1 - 2 mm,
lower fface glabrous, midvein softf ly hairy; Inf with green; Cs lobes basally broad, apically attenuate,
2 - 13 Fl; Ped 2 - 6 mm; Sep 1 - 2 × 0.5 - 1 mm, untoothed; Anth appendage membranous; Poll
softly hairy, Ha sometimes brown, glandular; Cl pear-shaped.
brownish-green, campanulate to flat, lobes 2 - 4 × 1
- 2 mm, inside glabrous, outside ± densely soft- f A. hirundo Kupicha (KB 38(4): 642, 1984). T:
hairy, Ha sometimes brown, glandular; Cs whitish, Moçambique (Torre & Correia 16350 [LISC]). −
sometimes with purple, 1 - 3 mm, outer part of the D: Moçambique; Brachy h stegia woodland and inun-
lobes basally 0.5 - 1.5 mm, shoulders square or dated savanna, 30 - 500 m.
rounded, inner appendage erect or inclined, lobe [1] Stems 40 - 82 cm, simple or branched; L
sometimes 3-dentate, middle tooth longest; Poll 0.3 mostly only few, lamina 45 - 85 × 1 - 1.5 mm, both
- 0.6 mm, corpuscle 0.1 - 0.5 mm; Fr 4 - 5 cm, slen- ffaces glabrous or weakly pubescent-rough; Inf with
der, densely appressed-pubescent. 1 - 5 Fl; Ped 3 - 9 mm; Sep 2 × 0.75 mm; Cl green,
The position of the synonymized Schizoglossum fflat, lobes 4 - 5 × 2 mm, outside glabrous, inside pu-
filipes is problematical (type locality unknown). bescent; Cs yellowish-green, 3.5 - 4 mm, outer part
of the lobes basally ± 1 mm, without shoulders
A. grandiflorum (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): attenuating into the erect apical appendage, inner
647, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Schlechter appendage ± 1⁄2 as long, slightly inclined; Poll 0.55 -
2747 [K]). − D: RSA (C KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern 0.6 mm, corpuscle 0.2 mm, broader than long.
Cape); grassland.
≡ Schizoglossum grandifl i orum Schlechter (1894); A. interruptum (E. Meyer) Bullock (KB 7: 419,
incl. Schizoglossum macowanii N. E. Brown 1952). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Drège r s.n. [K, BM,
(1907); incl. Schizoglossum macowanii var. tuge- CGE, K, MO]). − D: T Tropical Africa from Ivory
lense N. E. Brown (1907). Coast to Cameroon and S-wards to Zimbabwe (excl.
[3] Stems 6 - 14 cm, 1 or occasionally 2; L in Angola, Kenya), frequent
f in RSA.
pairs or 3 - 5 in verticils, longer than the Int, lamina ≡ Lagarinthus interruptus E. Meyer (1838) ≡
18 - 45 × 4 - 14 mm, elliptic to obovate or linear, Schizoglossum interruptum (E. Meyer) Schlechter
upper face roughly downy, sometimes only along (1896); incl. Lagarinthus abyssinicus Hochstetter
the margins, lower face softly pubescent, esp. the ex Bentham (1876) (nom. illeg., Art. 52.1); incl.
venation; Inf with 4 - 7 Fl; Ped 8 - 15 mm; Sep 2.5 Schizoglossum barberae Schlechter (1894); incl.
- 5 × 0.75 - 1.5 mm, softly hairy, Ha transparent, Schizoglossum altissimum Schlechter (1895); incl.
porrect; Cl jade-green, flat, lobes 7.5 - 9 × 2 - 4 mm, Schizoglossum lasiopetalum Schlechter (1905);
margins revolute, outside appressed soft- f hairy, in- incl. Schizoglossum morumbenense Schlechter
side glabrous, basally sometimes weakly pubescent; (1905); incl. Schizoglossum togoense Schlechter
Cs outside reddish with chestnut-brown dots, inside (1905); incl. Schizoglossum garuanum Schlechter
and inner appendage white, 5.5 - 8 mm, outer part (1913); incl. Schizoglossum kamerunense Schlech-
of the lobes basally 2.5 - 4 mm, shoulders acute, ter (1913); incl. Schizoglossum gracile Weimarck
apical appendage erect, inner appendage apically (1935).
rounded, divided wrench-like, erect or slightly in- [4] Stems 50 - 140 cm, always branched within
clined, ± as long as the apical appendage; Poll 0.6 the Inf; L 2 - 75 × 0.5 - 2 mm, upper face pubescent
- 0.8 mm, reniform, translators stout, sometimes or glabrous, lower face glabrous, midvein some-
flattened, corpuscle 0.4 - 0.7 mm. times pubescent; Inf with (1-) 6 - 13 Fl; Ped 2 - 10
mm; Sep 1 - 2 × 0.5 - 1 mm, softly hairy; Cl outside
A. heterophyllum E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f dull purplish-red, inside cream or yellowish, inver-
Austr., 200, 1838). T [lecto]: RSA, Cape Prov. sely campanulate, lobes 2 - 3 × 1 - 1.5 mm, margins
r s.n. [not located]). − D: RSA (Western revolute, tips bent inwards, outside soft f ly hairy,
Cape, Eastern Cape); stony or sandy grassland near inside glabrous or in the middle pubescent, margins
the coast, 60 - 690 m. and sometimes the tips softly hairy, Ha ≤ 1 mm; Cs
≡ Schizoglossum heterophyllum (E. Meyer) whitish, sometimes with purple streaks, 1 - 2 mm,
Schlechter (1893); incl. Schizoglossum schinzianum outer part of the lobes basally 0.75 - 1 mm,
Schlechter (1893) ≡ Schizoglossum heterophyllum shoulders square or rounded, inner appendage ±
var. schinzianum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1907); long, triangular, beak-like, inclined, outside with or
incl. Schizoglossum villosum Schlechter (1894); without a faf int transversal crest, lobes 3-dentate,
incl. Schizoglossum consimile N. E. Brown (1907); erect, middle tooth longest; Poll 0.3 - 0.5 mm, cor-
incl. Schizoglossum harveyi N. E. Brown (1907); puscle 0.1 - 0.25 mm; Fr 5 - 6 cm, densely pubes-
incl. Schizoglossum heterophyllum var. majus N. E. cent.
Brown (1907). Closely related to A. angustissimum.
[3] Shrubs with procumbent-erect branched
stems; L lanceolate in the basal 1⁄2 of the stems, ob- A. lamellatum (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4):

Aspidoglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

664, 1984). T [lecto]: RSA, Cape Prov. (Schlechter [4] Stems (12-) 35 - 70 (-100) cm, normally
605 [BOL]). − D: RSA (North-West Prov., Gau- branched; L mostly shorter than the Int, lamina 1 -
teng, Mpumalanga, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, 6 cm × 0.25 - 3 mm, both faces glabrous or weakly
Eastern Cape), Lesotho; open grassland. pubescent; Inf with 2 - 8 Fl; Ped 1 - 5 mm; Sep 1.5
≡ Schizoglossum lamellatum Schlechter (1893); - 2 × 0.5 - 1 mm, glabrous to softly hairy; Cl yello-
incl. Schizoglossum bilamellatum Schlechter wish-green, dotted with rose or pale brownish-
(1895); incl. Schizoglossum bilamellatum var. purple, or white, ± flat, lobes 2.5 - 4.5 × 1 - 2 mm,
rdylogynoides Schlechter (1895); incl. Schizo- margins ± strongly revolute, tip bent inwards, out-
glossum propinquum S. Moore (1903). side softly hairy, rarely glabrous, inside glabrous or
[2] Stems 15 - 55 cm, unbranched; L mostly Fl centre weakly downy and / or apically with seve-
shorter than the Int, lamina 1.5 - 4.5 × 0.5 - 0.8 mm, ral stout Ha; Cs white, 1 - 2 mm, outer part of the
upper face glandular-hairy, sometimes glabrescent, lobes basally 1 mm, shoulders square or rounded,
lower fface glabrous, midvein softf ly hairy; Inf with apical appendage mostly ± triangular, erect or in-
3 - 6 Fl, sometimes terminal and many-flowered on clined, divided from
f the basal part by a transver-
long L-less peduncles; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Sep 1.5 - 3 × sally oriented crest; Sty head dark purple; Poll
0.75 - 1.5 mm, glandular-hairy, Ha transparent and (0.25-) 0.4 - 0.65 mm, corpuscle 0.2 - 0.3 mm; Fr 3
/ or brown, soft; Cl outside pale yellow, inside - 6 cm, very slender, ± densely pubescent.
green with purple, calyx-shaped, lobes 3 - 4 × 1 -
1.5 mm, erect, margins sometimes slightly revolute, A. nyasae (Britten & Rendle) Kupicha (KB 38(4):
inside basally sometimes delicately pubescent, out- 650, 1984). T: Malawi (Whyt h e s.n. [BM, K]). − D:
side weakly soft- f hairy, Ha transparent and / or Zimbabwe, S Malawi, C and N Moçambique;
brownish; Cs white, 2 - 2.5 mm, either lobes simple, mountainous grassland, often between rocks in
Sc-like, apically acute or emarginate, rarely trifid, scrub. Fig. I.b
inside with 2 conspicuous longitudinally arranged ≡ Schizoglossum nyasae Britten & Rendle
lobules fo
f lded in the direction of the Fl centre, or (1894); incl. Schizoglossum multifolium N. E.
lobes ovate-acute, inner appendage triangular, in- Brown (1895); incl. Schizoglossum leptoglossum
clined; Poll 0.35 - 0.5 mm, germination zone in- W
Weimarck (1935).
conspicuous, translators not flattened, corpuscle 0.3 [3] Stems (36-) 45 - 110 cm, simple or branched;
- 0.4 mm; Fr 4.5 - 7 cm, downy, without Bri. L arranged densely and ± irregularly, basally and
within the Inf ± verticillate, lamina 40 - 85 × 4 - 13
A. lanatum (Weimarck) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 652, mm, narrowly linear, linear, rarely broadly elliptic,
1984). T: Zimbabwe, Inyanga (Nor N lindh & Wei- upper fface glabrous or roughly downy, lower face f
marck 4183 [LD, BM]). − D: SE Tanzania, E Zim- glabrous, midvein pubescent; Inf with 3 - 16 Fl;
babwe; grass- and open woodland, 200 - 1700 m. Ped 7 - 16 mm; Sep 4 - 6 × 1 - 1.5 mm, appressed
≡ Schizoglossum lanatum Weimarck
W (1935). softly-hairy, Ha brownish; Cl green, flat or inver-
[4] Stems 48 - 75 cm, simple or branched; L 25 - sely bowl-shaped, lobes 6.5 - 9.5 × 2.5 - 4 mm,
40 × 1.5 mm, both faces glabrous, midvein ap- margins often revolute, outside glabrous or ap-
pressed-pubescent; Inf with 3 - 11 Fl; Ped 2 - 3 pressed-hairy; Cs white, dotted with rose, 4 - 9 mm,
mm; Sep ± 2.5 × 1 mm, soft f ly hairy; Cl greenish, outer part of the lobes basally 2 - 4 mm, shoulders
grey-brown or reddish-brown, flat, centre yellow, acute, apical appendage erect, apically tortuous, in-
lobes ± 3.5 × 1.5 mm, margins revolute, both sides ner appendage sometimes divided in 2 or 4, erect,
softly pubescent; Cs ± 2 mm, outer part of the lobes shorter than or as long as the apical appendage; Poll
basally ± 1.5 mm, inner appendage erect or inclined, 0.85 - 1 mm, corpuscle 0.45 - 0.55 mm; Fr 7.5 - 9
f ly hairy like the shoulders; Poll ± 0.5 mm, cor-
soft cm, fus
f iform
f , Bri ± 4 mm, appressed, in addition
puscle ± 0.25 mm. weakly pubescent.
Closely related to A. eylesii and A. angustissi-
m A. ovalifo
f lium (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4):
649, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Flanagan 1307
A. masaicum (N. E. Brown) Kupicha (KB 38(4): [BOL, GRA, K, NBG, NH, PRE, SAM]). − D: C
656, 1984). T: Kenya (Johnston s.n. [K, BM]). − Moçambique, RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal,
D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Namibia, Gauteng, Mpumalanga), Swaziland; grassland, at
Angola, Zambia, Malawi; grassland in seasonally times near water.
flooded regions. ≡ Schizoglossum ovalififolium Schlechter (1894);
≡ Schizoglossum masaicum N. E. Brown (1895); incl. Schizoglossum striatum Schlechter (1894);
incl. Schizoglossum fusco-purpureu
f m Schlechter & incl. Schizoglossum pumilum Schlechter (1895);
Rendle (1896); incl. Schizoglossum baumii incl. Schizoglossum robustum Schlechter (1895);
Schlechter ex N. E. Brown (1902); incl. Schizoglos- incl. Schizoglossum contracurvum N. E. Brown
sum altum N. E. Brown (1906); incl. Schizoglossum (1907); incl. Schizoglossum robustum var. inanden-
semlikense S. Moore (1912); incl. Aspidoglossum se N. E. Brown (1907); incl. Schizoglossum ro-
kulsii Cufodontis (1962). bustum var. pubif
iflorum N. E. Brown (1907).

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Aspidoglossum

[3] Stems 7 - 33 cm, unbranched; L basally irre- narrow, subtending the Cs; Poll ± 0.3 mm, broadly
gularly arranged, verticillate within the Inf, mostly triangular or square, germination zone conspicuous,
congested, sometimes shorter than the Int, lamina translators flattened, corpuscle 0.2 - 0.25 mm, Fr ±
14 - 35 × 0.5 - 12 mm, needle-like to oblong, broad- 2.5 cm, densely woolly-hairy, bristly.
ly elliptic or ± circular, upper face glabrous, rarely Closely related to A. delagoense.
roughly or softly hairy, lower face glabrous, mid-
vein sometimes soft f ly hairy, or both faces
f soft
f ly A. uncinatum (N. E. Brown) Kupicha (KB 38(4):
hairy; Inf with 2 - 3 Fl; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep 2 - 6 × 643, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Hutton s.n. [K,
0.5 - 2 mm, softly hairy, Ha transparent or brown- BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape); grassland.
ish; Cl green, lineate with brown or purple, flat, ≡ Schizoglossum uncinatum N. E. Brown (1907).
lobes 4 - 7 × 2 - 4 mm, margins sometimes revolute, [1] Stems 9 - 18 cm, simple or weakly branched;
outside softly hairy, Ha transparent or brownish, L mostly shorter than the Int, lamina 11 - 34 × 4 -
appressed, rarely stiff and porrect, inside glabrous 18 mm, linear, broadly lanceolate or hastate, upper
or pubescent, sometimes only the margins; Cs white f
face downy, lower fface softf ly hairy, esp. the vena-
with rose, (2-) 3 - 7 mm, outer part of the lobes ba- tion; Inf with 1 - 7 Fl; Ped 2 - 8 mm; Sep 2 - 3.5 × 1
sally 1 - 3 mm, shoulders acute, rarely rounded or mm, porrectly hairy; Cl greenish, flat, lobes 3 - 4 ×
sloping, apical appendage erect, inner appendage 1.5 mm, margins revolute, outside glabrous; Fl
rarely bifid, much shorter than the apical append- centre porrectly hairy, Ha stiff, inside glabrous; Cs
age, sometimes inclined; Poll 0.45 - 1 mm, cor- 2 mm, lobes erect, apically triangular, inner appen-
puscle 0.2 - 0.5 mm; Fr ± 4 cm, Bri ± 4 mm, dage somewhat longer than the outer part of the
appressed, otherwise crisply pubescent. lobe, inclined, tortuous, apically hooked; Poll 0.45 -
0.55 mm, without visible germination zone, corp-
A. restioides (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 665, uscle 0.35 - 0.4 mm.
1984). T: RSA, Western Cape (Schlechter 740
[BOL [icono]]). − D: RSA (North-West Prov.,
Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Western Cape, Eastern A. validum Kupicha (KB 38(4): 650, 1984). T:
Cape); mountainous grassland. RSA, Mpumalanga (Buitendag 1032 [NBG]). − D:
≡ Schizoglossum restioides Schlechter (1893); RSA (Mpumalanga: Drakensberge); grassland.
incl. Schizoglossum pallidum Schlechter (1895); [3] Stems 20 - 100 cm, branched or not; L basally
incl. Schizoglossum randii S. Moore (1903). dense and irregularly arranged, verticillate within
[2] Stems 50 - 70 cm, simple, rarely branched; L the Inf, lamina 18 - 40 × 1.5 - 9 mm, narrowly linear
shorter than the Int, lamina 10 - 30 × 0.5 - 1 mm, to oblong, broader L with undulate margins, upper
both faces
f glabrous or glandular-hairy; Inf with 2 - fface rough, lower face glabrous, midvein sometimes
5 Fl; Cl ± campanulate, lobes 2.5 - 3.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm, rough; Inf with 4 - 6 Fl; Ped 4 - 10 mm; Sep 3.5 - 5
coriaceous, margins strongly revolute, outside × 1.5 mm, softly hairy, Ha delicate, appressed; Cl
weakly glandular-hairy, Ha brown, soft; Cs 2 - 4 dark brown or dark purple, flat, lobes 8 - 9 × 3 - 4.5
mm, outer part of the lobes basally ovate or oblong, mm, outside glabrous or soft f ly hairy, inside hairy,
apically mostly bifid, inner appendage linear, in- Ha of the inside transparent, porrect; Cs white, 6.5 -
clined or reclined; Poll 0.45 - 0.6 mm, reniform, 7.5 mm, outer part of the lobes basally 3 mm,
without visible germination zone, translators not shoulders acute, apical appendage erect, apically
flattened, corpuscle 0.5 - 1 mm, glistening, con- tortuous, inner appendage ± 1⁄2 as long, bifid, erect;
spicuous, broader than the Poll; unripe Fr pubes- Poll 1 - 1.25 mm, corpuscle 0.4 - 0.85 mm.
cent, Ha dark brown.
A. virgatum (E. Meyer) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 641,
A. rhodesicum (Weimarck) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 1984). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal:
663, 1984). T: Zimbabwe (Fries & al. 3441 [LD, Loteni Reservation); grassland, often near water,
BM, BR, PRE, SRGH]). − D: E Zimbabwe, frontier 300 - 1650 m.
to Moçambique; open mountainous grassland. ≡ Lagarinthus virgatus E. Meyer (1838) ≡ Schi-
≡ Schizoglossum rhodesicum W Weimarck (1935). zoglossum virg
r atum (E. Meyer) Schlechter (1894).
[2] Stems 17 - 50 cm, unbranched; L mostly [1] Stems 35 - 78 cm, simple or branched; L lon-
shorter than the Int, lamina 25 - 55 × 1 - 2 mm, ger than the Int, often clustered, lamina 25 - 38 ×
upper fface roughly or soft
f ly hairy, lower fface glabr- 0.5 - 3 mm, upper face glabrous, downy or softly
ous, midvein softly hairy; Inf with 2 - 12 Fl; Ped 2 - hairy, lower fface glabrous, midvein pubescent; Inf
6 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2.5 × 1 mm, softly hairy, Ha trans- with 4 - 9 Fl; Ped 1 - 3 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2 × 0.5 mm,
parent; Cl yellowish- or brownish-green, ± flat, f ly hairy; Cl dark brown, lobes 2 - 2.5 × 1 mm,
lobes 3 × 2 mm, margins often f strongly revolute, outside softly hairy, inside pubescent; Cs chestnut-
outside weakly soft-
f hairy, Ha transparent; Cn con- brown, ± 1 mm, apical appendage of the lobe trian-
sisting of 2 alternating series; Cs lobes ± 1 mm, 3- gular, inner appendage somewhat broader, apically
lobed, inside continuing into a hood-like append- sometimes bifid, inclined; Poll 0.4 mm, corpuscle
age, alternating series of lobes more central, lobes 0.2 - 0.25 mm, narrow.

Aspidonepsis Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

A. woodii (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 651,

1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Tyso T n 2166 [BOL,
BM, K, NBG, SAM]). − D: RSA (C KwaZulu-
Natal); grassland.
≡ Schizoglossum woodii Schlechter (1895).
[4] Stems 56 - 140 cm, usually weakly branched;
L 4 - 10 cm × 1 - 2 mm, both facesf glabrous; Inf
with 1 - 7 Fl; Ped 1 - 5 mm; Sep 3 - 4 × 1.5 - 2 mm,
with long soft
f Ha; Cl brown with red and / or green,
cup-shaped, lobes 3 - 4 × 1.5 - 2 mm, margins revol-
ute, tips bent inwards, outside with long soft Ha, in-
side glabrous, margins of lobes softly hairy, Ha
B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Aspidonepsis

Anth 0.3 - 0.6 × 0.8 - 1.3 mm, reniform, apically Cl, 1 - 1.6 mm, broadened, bowl-shaped, marginally
shallowly emarginate, placed against the side of the like a boxing glove, sides bent inwards, each
Sty head, wings 0.8 - 1.4 × 0.4 - 0.6 mm; Sty head elongating into a short appendage, this 0.25 - 0.7
1.5 - 2.8 mm ∅; Poll 0.7 - 1 × 0.25 - 0.3 mm, trans- mm, subulate or arm-like, bent inwards and cross-
lator 0.3 - 0.6 mm, with hook-like wings, corpuscle ing in the centre, basally placed against the sides of
0.2 - 0.3 × 0.1 mm. the Sty head, pouch funne
f l-shaped, 0.4 - 0.7 mm,
inner appendage sausage-like, overtopping the
A. diploglossa (Turczaninov) Nicholas & Goyder pouch margins for 0.4 - 0.7 mm; Sty head 1.1 - 1.6
(BT 22(1): 26, ills. (p. 28), 1992). T: RSA, Eastern mm ∅; Anth 0.2 - 0.5 × 0.5 - 0.8 mm, reniform,
Cape (Ecklon 23 [KW, PRE]). − D: RSA (Eastern apically shallowly emarginate; Poll 0.5 - 0.7 × 0.15
Cape, KwaZulu-Natal: Drakensberge); mountain- - 0.25 mm, translators 0.2 - 0.3 mm, thickened at the
ous grassland in moist regions, 1500 - 2400 m. point of insertion, corpuscle 0.15 - 0.25 × 0.06 - 0.1
≡ Gomphocarpus diploglossus Turczan T inov mm, with hooks.
(1848) ≡ Asclepias diploglossa (Turczaninov) Druce
(1917); incl. Asclepias schizoglossoides Schlechter A. reenensis (N. E. Brown) Nicholas & Goyder (BT
(1894). 23(2): 237, 1993). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Woo W d
[1] R tubers 1 or several in a chain, each 9 - 35 × 8635 [K, GRA, NH, PRE, SAM]). − D: RSA (Kwa-
6 - 12 mm, turnip-shaped; stems 17 - 40 (-50) cm, Zulu-Natal: Drakensberge); dry montane grassland,
biseriately pubescent; L sessile or petiolate ffor up sandy soils.
to 4 mm, lamina narrowly lanceolate, sometimes ≡ Asclep
e ias reenensis N. E. Brown (1908).
ffalcate, rarely linear or narrowly elliptic, 0.5 - 8.4 [2] R tuber 17 - 25 (-41) × 7 - 14 mm, turnip-
(-13) cm × (0.3-) 0.5 - 7 mm, apically long-attenu - shaped; stem solitary, 24 - 52 (-62.5) cm, glabrous;
ate, basally sometimes cuneate; Inf 1 - 3, with 4 - f r ≤ 1 mm, lamina linear, 10 -
L sessile or petiolate fo
16 Fl; peduncle ≤ 9.5 mm; Ped 6 - 16 mm; Sep 2.5 56 × 0.7 - 2.5 (-4) mm, apically acute, basally cune-
- 4.6 × 1 - 1.5 mm, lanceolate, sometimes triangular ate; Inf 1 - 3 (-4), with (1-) 4 - 8 Fl; peduncle 0.9
or narrowly ovate, apically acute, ± densely pubes- - 7.5 cm; Bra 2.5 - 5.9 × 0.25 - 0.5 mm; Ped 9 - 15
cent; Cl yellow or yellow-brown, 4 - 9 × 6 - 13 mm, (-21) mm; Sep 2.7 - 4.5 × 1 - 1.7 (-2.5) mm, outside
shallowly bowl-shaped, incised to the base, lobes 4 hispid; Cl 4 - 7 × 7 - 11 mm, inversely bowl-shaped,
- 6 (-7) × 2.4 - 4.1 mm, ovate, sometimes elliptic, lobes narrowly elliptic to ovate, 5.5 - 6.5 × 2.5 - 3.8
outside weakly silky-hairy; Cn 0.5 mm stipitate; Cs mm, outside pubescent to hispid (esp. basally); Cn
(pale) yellow, Cs lobes 4 - 6 (-7) × 2.4 - 4.1 mm, 0.8 - 1 mm stipitate; Cs lobes (1.6-) 2.2 - 2.6 × 1.3 -
rectangular, apically obtuse or rounded, ± as tall as 1.8 mm, ± rectangular, apically with an appendage
the Sty head, sides bent inwards, apically rounded, ± 0.5 mm long, arm-like, bent into the pouch, sides
sometimes drawn out into short acute appendages bent inwards, tips drawn out into short appendages,
incumbent on or slightly overtopping the Sty head, these 0.4 - 1.3 × 0.4 - 1 mm, fa f lcate, arm-like, in-
pouch bag-like, inner appendage ± 3.5 × 0.2 - 0.8 cumbent on the Sty head; Sty head 1.8 - 2.4 mm ∅;
mm, lingulate or oblong-triangular; Sty head pale Anth white, 0.8 - 1.1 × 0.3 - 0.5 mm, rounded, wrin-
green to white, 1.1 - 2.1 mm ∅; Anth 0.3 - 0.6 × 0.6 kled or apically deeply cleft f ; Anth wings shaped
- 0.9 mm, rhomboid, apically cleft; f Poll 0.7 - 0.8 (- like an ear lobule; Poll 0.85 - 1 × 0.2 - 0.3 mm,
0.85) × 0.25 - 0.35 mm, translators 0.2 - 0.3 (-0.35) translators 0.45 - 0.65 mm, thin, transparent, cor-
mm, narrow, wings transparent, narrow, hook-like, puscle 0.3 - 0.35 (-0.4) × 0.1 - 0.2 mm.
corpuscle (0.2-) 0.3 × 0.1 - 0.15 mm.
A. shebae Nicholas & Goyder (BT 22(1): 33-34,
A. fl
f ava (N. E. Brown) Nicholas & Goyder (BT ills., 1992). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Forrester &
22(1): 27, ills. (p. 28), 1992). T: Transkei (Tyson
T Gooyer 216 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Mpumalanga);
1086 [K, BOL, SAM]). − D: Transkei, RSA (Eas- mountainous grassland.
tern Cape near Grahamstown, KwaZulu-Natal); [2] R tuber ± 15 × 7 mm, ± turnip-shaped; stems
mountainous grassland, (450-) 600 - 2000 m. solitary, 19 - 34 cm; L sessile or to 5 mm petiolate,
≡ Asclepias flava
f N. E. Brown (1908). lamina linear, occasionally lanceolate, 7 - 44 × 1 - 4
[1] R tuber globose, 6 - 10 × 4 - 9 mm, sometimes mm, apically acute; Inf 1 - 2, with (2-) 4 - 11 Fl;
several in a chain; stems solitary (rarely up to 3), peduncle (0.5-) 1.9 - 9 cm; Ped 1 - 1.5 cm, porrectly
slender, 18 - 47.5 cm; L lanceolate to narrowly el- short-hairy; Sep 3.4 - 3.6 × 1.1 - 1.3 mm; Cl inver-
liptic, 7 - 83 × 0.5 - 6 (-7) mm, apically acute, ba- sely campanulate, 4 - 6.5 × 6 - 8 mm, lobes 5.1 - 5.8
sally petiolate to cuneate; Inf 1 - 3 (-6), with 4 - 18 × 3 - 3.6 mm, ovate, rarely elliptic, outside pubes-
(-24) Fl; peduncle (0.4-) 1 - 17.5 cm; Bra 2.6 - 5.3 cent; Cs lobes 1.8 - 3 × 2 - 2.1 mm, ± rectangular,
(-7.5) × 0.2 - 0.5 mm; Ped 5 - 11 mm; Sep 2 - 3.6 (- apically obtuse, sides bent inwards, drawn out into
4) × 0.7 - 1.2 mm; Cl 3 - 5 (-6) × 5 - 8 mm, bowl- short appendages, these faf lcate or subulate, acute,
shaped, incised to the base, lobes 3.5 - 5 × 2 - 3.2 incumbent on the Sty head, pouch shallow,
mm, ovate, sometimes elliptic, margins sometimes groove-like, ± 0.9 mm; Sty head 1.6 - 1.8 mm ∅;
slightly revolute; Cs lobes 0.5 - 0.8 mm above the Anth ± 0.5 × 0.7 mm, rounded, apically deeply

Baynesia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

cleft, wings ± 0.7 × 0.4 - 0.45 mm, ear-like; Poll 0.7 Incl. Macropo etalum Burchell ex Decaisne (1844).
- 0.75 × 0.3 mm, translators 0.3 - 0.4 mm, narrow, T: Macropo etalum burchellii Decaisne.
corpuscle 0.2 - 0.25 × 0.1 - 0.12 mm. Incl. Decaceras Harvey (1863). T: Decaceras hut-
tonii Ha
H rvey.
Incl. Dichaelia Harvey (1868). T: Dichaelia ger-
BAYNESIA r rdii Harvey.
Incl. Micraster Harvey (1868). T: Micraster pul-
U. Meve
chellus Harvey.
Baynesia Bruyns (Novon 10: 354-356, ills., 2000). Incl. Lasiostelma Bentham (1876). T: Lasiostelma
T: Baynesia lophophora Bruyns. − D: Namibia. sandersonii Oliver.
Etym: For its occurrence in the Baynes Mts., NW Incl. Craterostemma K. Schumann (1893). T: Cra-
Namibia, which in turn are named ffor Maudsley terostemma schinzii Schumann.
Baynes, English explorer who first investigated the Incl. Tapeinostelma Schlechter (1893). T: Tapei-
area in 1911. nostelma caff
a frum Schlechter.
Clump-forming stem succulents with erect stems; Incl. Brachystelmaria Schlechter (1895). T: Dich-
stems 3 - 8 × 0.6 - 1.2 cm, 4-angled, green, soft, aelia natalense Schlechter [Ty T pification accord-
slightly papillate; Tu
T conical, laterally flattened; L ing to Liede & Albers, Taxon 43: 225, 1994.].
rudiments caducous, 1 - 1.5 mm, cordate, flattened- Incl. Aulostephanus Schlechter (1896). T: Aulo-
conical, acute; Inf near stem tips, sessile, bracteo- stephanus natalensis Schlechter.
late, 1- to 3- (to 5-) flowered; Ped ± 2 mm; Sep 1.5 Incl. Kinepeta
K lum Schlechter (1913). T: Ki K nepe-
mm, lanceolate; Cl outside greenish, inside deep ttalum schultzei Schlechter.
maroon, 3 - 4 × 6 - 8 mm, campanulate; Cl tube Incl. Blep
e haranthera Schlechter (1914). T: Ble-
bowl-shaped, ± 1 × 3 mm; Cl lobes deltoid, ± 2 × 2 pharanthera dinteri Schlechter [Ty T pification ac-
mm, erect, coarsely papillate along the sharply cording to Liede & Albers, Taxon 43: 225,
edged midrib; Cn biseriate, transparent to maroon, 1994.].
± 1 × 2 mm; Ci basally ffused to fform a shallow Incl. Siph
i onostelma Schlechter (1914). T: Siph i o-
bowl, Ci lobes deltoid, acute, ascending, fusing nostelma stenophyllum Schlechter.
with the wing-like extended base of the Cs; free Cs Perennial hairy summer-green geophytic herbs
lobes ± 0.5 mm, oblong, obtuse, decumbent on the with hypocotyl- or R-tubers or thickened fleshy R,
rectangular Anth; Poll yellow, ellipsoid, ± 0.17 × tubers often
f edible, with white or yellow tissue;
0.3 mm; Fr narrowly fusiform, 25 - 35 × 2.5 - 3.5 stems 1 to several, procumbent to erect, very rarely
mm; Se pale brown, 5 × 1.5 - 2 mm. twining, branched or not, mostly annual, 2 - 100
The nearest relatives of this most-recently de- cm; L petiolate or sessile, linear to ovate, entire,
scribed and monotypic stapeliad genus from NW- minute to large, stipular rudiments mostly present,
most Namibia are probably Caralluma
C peschii and flat or glandular; Inf extra-axillary, rarely terminal,
a. sessile, rarely shortly pedunculate, 1- to many-flo-
wered, ± pseudo-umbellate, often f in pairs or with
B. lophophora Bruyns (Novon 10: 354-356, ills., solitary successively appearing Fl; Ped 3 - 50 mm;
2000). T: Namibia (Bruyns 8000 [BOL, K, MO, Sep ovate-lanceolate to subulate; Cl ± 5 - 60 mm
PRE, WIND]). − D: NW Namibia. ∅, with flat, campanulate or cup-shaped tube; Cl
Description as for the genus. lobes mostly flat and rotately spreading, rarely re-
flexed or erect and coherent at the tips to form f a
cage-like structure; Cn biseriate but sometimes
BRACHYSTELMA uniseriate, sessile or stipitate; Ci developed into 5
lobes ffrom a bowl- to cup-like basally fusef d struc-
U. Meve
ture, lobes often bifid and hairy, rarely almost re-
Brachystelma Sims (CBM 49: t. 2343 + text, duced; Cs lobes mostly rectangular, incumbent on
1822). T: Stapelia tuberosa Meerburg. − Lit: Dyer the Anth, rarely long attenuate and erect; Anth
(1980); Walker (1982); Dyer (1983); Forster rectangular, placed on the Sty head (rarely erect);
(1985); Craib (1994); Meve & Liede (2001a). D: Poll subquadrate, ovoid or pear-shaped; Fr nar-
Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thai- rowly or thickly fus
f iform;
f Se brown to black, con-
land, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, N Australia. spicuously winged.
Etym: Gr. ‘brachys’, short; and Gr. ‘stelma’, crown, Apart from Ceropegia, this is the largest genus of
garland, wreath; ffor the nature of the corona. the Ceropegieae and counts some 120 species (all
Incl. Microstemma R. Brown (1810) (nomen reji e ci- succulent and here covered). Brachyste h lma pre-
endum, Art. 56.1). T: Microstemma tuberosum dominantly inhabits savannas, open fforests or
R. Brown. sand-filled pockets of azonal places such as rock
Incl. Eriop
o etalum Wight (1834). T: not typified. outcrops, inselbergs etc. They are in general dwarf
Incl. Tenaris E. Meyer (1837). T: Tenaris rubella with short, erect or decumbent growth, from season-
E. Meyer. ally very wet to very dry places. All species are

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

perennial geophytes with annual stems. (Sub-) suc- lobes linear-spatulate, placed on the Anth, dorsally
culent leaves are sometimes present. Brachystelma much thickened; Poll ± globose, ± 0.25 mm.
has a disj
s unct distribution with a centre in S Afrf ica. Consistently distinguished fro
f m B. petraeum (see
The genus is absent from Madagascar, N Africa and there) only in the different
f habit and the deeper U-
Arabia, but occurs with 12 species in India and Sri shaped emarginate interstaminal corona.
Lanka. Only few species are found in E Asia and a
single one occurs in N Australia and Papua New B. arenarium S. Moore (J. Bot. 50: 365-366, 1912).
Guinea. A generic revision was never produced and T: Angola (Gossweiler 2312 [BM]). − D: Angola.
no infragener
f ic taxa have been proposed. Local [2] R tuber ± globose; stems erect, to 20 cm; L
endemism is ffrequent. Recent molecular studies shortly petiolate, ± linear, 30 - 60 × 3 - 8 mm,
(Meve & Liede 2001a) support the inclusion (here slightly pubescent; Inf sessile, 3- to 5-flowered;
accepted) of Macro
M opetalum and TenariT s in Brachy
h - Ped 7 - 10 mm; Cl ± 7 mm ∅, outside pubescent,
stelma, as earlier advocated by Peckover (1996). inside black-brown; Cl tube campanulate, ± 6 × 6
An informal classification can be based on the 2 mm; Cl lobes triangular, ± 3 mm; Cn shortly stipit-
f f it fforms, narrowly and thickly fus
fru f iform,
f ate; Ci pouch-like, erect, 0.8 mm, bifid into triangu-
respectively. Often,
f indications of fru
f it shape are lar appendages; Cs lobes spatulate-lingulate, ± 3
lacking, and it is thus more practical here to use a mm, apically inflexed; Poll broadly ovoid, ± 0.4 ×
superficial classification dependent on the form of 0.2 mm
root succulence: Only known ffrom the type and perhaps belonging
[1] R fleshy, cylindrical to fus
f iform
f . to the B. decipi iens-complex. The long spatulate
[2] R tuberous. staminal corona is unusual.
B. arnotii Baker (Refug. Bot. 1869: t. 9 + text,
B. albipilosum A. Percy-Lancaster ex Peckover
1869). T: RSA ((Arnot
A s.n. [K]). − D: Botswana,
(CSJA 69(3): 154-156, ills., 1997). T: Zimbabwe
Namibia, RSA (North-West Prov.). I: Dyer (1983);
(Peckover 256 [PRE]). − D: E Zimbabwe. I: Per-
Bruyns (1984).
cy-Lancaster (1989: 74, as B. sp. No. 3).
≡ Decaceras arnotii (Baker) Schlechter (1894);
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 2.5 - 6 × 2 cm;
incl. Brachyste
h lma grossartii Dinter (1914).
stems erect or ascending, grass-like, 1 or several, to
[2] R tuber ± globose, 5 - 6 cm ∅; stems erect, 1
10 cm, laxly tomentose; L ± sessile, linear-lanceo-
or several, 7 - 20 cm, pubescent; L shortly petiolate,
late, 6 - 10 cm × 2 - 5 mm, glabrous; Inf ± sessile,
lamina linear, ovate to lanceolate, to 45 mm, lower
1-flowered; Ped 2 - 5 cm, ± horizontal, ± pubes-
face pubescent; Inf sessile or pedunculate, 2- to 6-
cent; Sep triangular, 1.5 mm; Cl ± 7 mm ∅, inside
flowered; Ped 1 - 4 cm, often bent downwards,
black-green to purple, outside grey-green, tomen-
hairy; Sep lanceolate, 1.5 mm, pubescent; Cl 6 - 10
tose; Cl tube short, ± 1.5 × 4 mm; Cl lobes triangu-
mm ∅, outside pubescent, inside glabrous, black to
lar-ovate, 3 - 3.5 mm, ascending, margins revolute,
red-brown; Cl tube shallow, ± 3.5 mm ∅; Cl lobes
inside shaggy whitish tomentose and papillose; Cn
triangular, 2 - 3 × 1.2 mm, strongly reflexed; Cn
± sessile, shallowly bowl-shaped, ± 3 mm ∅,
sessile, bowl-shaped, greenish; Ci basally pouch-
purple-red; Ci basally pouch-like, apically linear,
like, apically subquadrangular, erect, incised to
erect, deeply bifid into subulate, laterally divergent
deeply bifid into subulate laterally divergent appen-
appendages, 0.7 mm, ± papillose-pubescent; Cs
dages, ± hairy; Cs lobes short, pillow-like, laterally
lobes short, ± pillow-shaped; Fr erect, linear-subu-
f d with the Ci; Anth somewhat ascending, ±
late, 4.5 - 7.5 cm × 3 mm; Se 10 × 7 mm.
f ly visible.
Small grass-like plants, very closely related to B.
Very closely related to B. minimum and B. hutto-
nii, but equally to B. dinteri and other species from
S Africa.
B. alpinum R. A. Dyer (JSAB 43(1): 18, 1977). T:
Lesotho (Bayliss 819 [PRE]). − D: Lesotho. I: B. attenuatum (Wight) Hooker fi f l. (Fl. Brit. India
Dyer (1983). 4: 65, 1885). T: India (Royle s.n. [K]). − D: NW
[2] R tuber to 3 cm ∅; stems 1 - 2, decumbent- India.
ascending, scattered-pubescent; L 5 - 8 mm petio- ≡ Eriop
o etalum attenuatum Wight (1834).
late, lamina broadly ovate to narrowly lanceolate, [2?] R unknown; stems erect; Inf 1(?)-flowered;
10 - 20 × 5 - 8 mm, margin mostly papillate; Inf Cl ± 17 mm ∅; Cl lobes linear-filiform, 4 - 5× as
sessile, 1- (to 2-) flowered; Ped 1 cm, slender; Sep long as the Cl tube, long hairy; Cn lobes with short
lanceolate, 3 mm; Cl 12 - 15 mm ∅; Cl tube ffree teeth.
broadly campanulate, 2 mm deep, inside yellowish An insufficiently known taxon.
with purple stripes, outside slightly wrinkled; Cl
lobes 4 - 4.5 × 3 mm, inside ± purple and long- B. australe R. A. Dyer (JSAB 43(1): 12, 1977). T:
hairy, apical margins revolute; Cn ± sessile, ± 3 mm RSA, Eastern Cape (Leistner 3504 [PRE]). − D:
∅, fused to form a shallow cup; Ci lobes pouch- RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal). I: Dyer
like, broadly emarginate in U-shaped fashion; Cs (1983).

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

[2] R tuber irregularly globose to depressed- [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 3 - 5 cm ∅; stem

globose, 2 - 5 cm ∅; stems 1 to several, ascending- solitary, erect, to 50 cm, delicate, glabrous; L ses-
decumbent, 7 - 15 (-20) cm, scatteredly pubescent; sile, linear-lanceolate, 70 - 90 × 2 - 3 mm, pale
L shortly petiolate, elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, green; Inf 2- to 10-flowered, sessile, numerous near
10 - 30 (-40) × 3 - 8 mm, partly somewhat hairy; Inf the stem tip; Ped 2 - 3 cm, filiform
f ; Cl 3 cm ∅, pale
sessile, 1-flowered; Ped 5 - 10 mm, slender; Sep green or brownish; Cl tube campanulate, ± 1 × 3
lanceolate-subulate, 4 mm; Cl 15 - 22 mm ∅, some- mm, pale green with whitish papillae; Cl lobes lin-
what fleshy, inside glabrous or hairy; Cl tube ear-lanceolate, ± 13 × 1 mm, ascending, fof lded back
broadly campanulate to bowl-shaped, 2 - 3 × 5 - 7 along the midrib, basally with brownish papillae;
mm, inside yellowish, with broken circular purple Cn sessile, bowl-shaped, ± 1 × 3 mm, green; Ci
stripes; Cl lobes 7 - 11 mm, ± horizontally spread- lobes pouch-like, with a median V-shaped incision
ing, lanceolate from a triangular base, apically and divided into 2 triangular appendages, ± erect;
purple-brown, margins revolute; Cn ± sessile, Cs lobes 0.5 mm, linear, ± incumbent on the Anth;
purple, ± 2 × 3 mm, fuse
f d to fform a shallow cup; Ci Fr 40 - 75 × 2 mm; Se 6 - 7 × 1.5 mm, black.
lobes pouch-like, apically emarginate in U- to V-
shaped fas
f hion; Cs lobes linear-spatulate to lanceo- B. blepharanthera H. Huber (Mitt. Bot. Staats-
late, incumbent on the Anth or ascending; Poll samml. München 4: 33, 1961). T [syn]: Namibia
ovoid, ± 0.3 mm, germination mouth broad, subapi- (Dinter 410 [PRE]). − D: C Namibia. I: Bruyns
cal. (1995c).
A very variable complex in respect to size and e aranthera dinteri Schlechter (1913) ≡
Incl. Bleph
hairiness. Intermediate fforms to other microspecies Brachyh stelma dinteri (Schlechter) E. Phillips (1941)
such as B. remotum, B. modestum, B. alpinum, B. (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Blep
e haranthera edulis
petraeum, B. pulchellum etc. occur. B. australe is a Schlechter (1913).
characteristic species on sandstone. [2] Compact dwarf shrublets, 10 - 20 cm tall,
with elongate R tuber 3 - 6 × 1.5 - 4 cm; stems erect,
B. barberae Harvey ex Hooker fil. (CBM 1866: t. basal part mostly underground, above ground ba-
5607 + text, 1866). T: RSA, Transkei (Barber s.n. sally few-branched, delicately pubescent; L basally
[K [icono]]). − D: Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA tapering into short petiole, lamina oblong-spatulate,
(Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Nor- 20 - 30 × 5 mm, ± hairy, margins slightly undulate;
thern Prov., North-West Prov.). I: Dyer (1983). Inf sessile, 1- to few-
f flowered; Ped 1 cm, hairy;
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 7 - 20 cm ∅; Sep narrowly triangular, 2 mm, hairy; Cl yellow-
stem 1 to few
f , dwarf, erect to decumbent, clustered, green or green; Cl tube shallow, bowl-shaped or ur-
to 10 cm, roughly hairy; L oblong, obovate to lan- ceolate, 2.5 - 3.5 mm ∅; Cl lobes 3 - 4 × 1.5 mm,
ceolate, basally tapering into a short petiole, to 10 × triangular, semi-erect, margins revolute, basally pa-
2.5 cm, densely hairy; Inf subterminal in 2 opposite pillose or hairy; Cn greenish, sessile, basally fused
head-like umbels, with up to 25 simultaneously to form a shallow cup, ± 4 × 3 mm; Ci lobes shortly
opening intensely stinking Fl; Ped 1 - 2 cm, pubes- pouch-like and united with the Cs with broadened
cent; Sep subulate, to 1 cm, pubescent; Cl 2 - 4.5 lateral margins; Cs lobes ± 1.5 mm, linear-cylindri-
cm long, outside greenish, pubescent, inside red- cal, often
f clavate, erect-connivent or erect and api-
brown or yellowish with red-brown stripes, ± den- cal 1⁄2 recurved, ± horizontal; Anth apically mostly
sely hairy with short to long purple Ha; Cl tube ± long ciliate; Poll ovoid, ± 0.25 mm long.
campanulate, 4 - 5 × 5 - 7 mm, inside pale, glabr- One of the very ffew species which grow almost
ous; Cl lobes narrowly linear from a triangular exclusively on stony ground and because of this, the
base, apically united and fforming a broadly ovoid tubers are irregularly shaped. The ciliate anthers,
widely opening cage; Cn sessile, red-brown, ± 1.5 × otherwise typical e.g. for Sisy s ranthus (Ceropegi-
4 - 5 mm, shallowly cup-shaped to campanulate, eae), are uncommon.
glabrous; Ci lobes pouch-like, somewhat incised;
Cs lobes linear-lingulate, ± 1 mm, incumbent on the B. bracteolatum Meve (KB 52(3): 711-714, ills.,
Anth; Poll broadly ovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.3 mm; Fr 1997). T: Nigeria (Spec
S ks k 549 [K, MSUN]). − D:
thickly fus
f iform,
f thick-walled, ± 5 × 1 cm. Nigeria.
The stinking flower ball with the purple cage- [2] R tuber ± discoid, 5 - 12 cm ∅; stems decum-
like flowers makes B. barberae one of the best- bent-ascending, basally several times branched, to
known and showiest species of the genus (see also 25 cm, pale green-reddish, pubescent; L ± sessile,
B. chlorozonum). linear, acute, 30 - 60 × 1 mm, slightly fleshy, ±
glabrous; Inf first terminal, umbellate, then pushed
B. bikitaense Peckover (Aloe 32(3-4): 78-79, ills., into lateral position ffrom the shoot continuation, 8-
1995). T: Zimbabwe (Peckover 242 [PRE]). − D: flowered, Fl opening simultaneously; Bra to 2.5
Zimbabwe. I: Aloe 32: 78-79, 1995. mm; Sep triangular, 2 - 3 mm; Ped 4 - 6 mm, pubes-
≡ Tenaris bikitaensis (Peckover) J. Victor & Ni- cent; Fl 20 - 25 mm ∅, strongly foetid, inside ±
cholas (1998). wrinkled, glabrous; Cl tube bowl-shaped, mouth

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

somewhat narrowed, ± 3 × 4 - 5 mm, yellowish, lanceolate, ± 25 mm, flat, apically united to form a
banded with purple-brown; Cl lobes linear from f a cage; Cn ± sessile, cup-shaped; Ci lobes pouch-
triangular base, ± 14 × 2 mm, acute, ascending, la- like, erect, poorly differentiated; Cs lobes lingulate,
mina folded back along the midrib, purple-brown; incumbent on the Anth; Poll ovoid; Fr 10 - 13 ×
Cn ± sessile, purple, ± 3 × 2.2 mm, basally fused to 0.5 cm.
fform a short cup, glabrous; Ci lobes basally pouch- Apart from
f B. volubile (see there), B. brevitubu-
like, ffree part very short, triangular, ± 0.4 mm ∅, latum is the only twining species of the genus. The
ascending; Cs lobes linear, 2 mm, straight, ascend- cage-like flowers of B. brevitubulatum are compar-
ing, connivent above the Sty head, basally-dorsally able in shape with those of B. circinatum.
bulging; Poll subquadrangular, ± 0.4 mm ∅; Fr
thickly fusiform, ± 3 × 1 cm. B. brownianum (S. Moore) Meve (Pl. Syst. Evol.
The leaves and the corolla are typical for the B. 228: 103, 2001). T: Angola (Gossweiler 3062
lineare-complex, but the extremely short intersta- [BM]). − D: Angola.
minal and the very long ascending staminal corona ≡ Tenaris browniana S. Moore (1912).
are uncommon and notable. B. pellacibellum, B. [1] R flesh
f y, fusiform; stems 60 - 70 cm, single,
johnstonii and B. floribundum are also closely re- rarely branched, glabrous; L ± sessile, linear, ± 70 ×
lated. 5 mm, glabrous; Inf ± sessile, umbellate, with 6 - 9
pendent Fl; Ped 3 - 4 cm, filiform;
f Sep 1 mm; Cl
B. brevipedicellatum Turrill (BMI 1922: 29, black-purple, 3 - 4 mm ∅, rotate, stout; Cl tube 1
1922). T: RSA, Gauteng (Anonymus
A s.n. [K]). − mm; Cl lobes triangular-lanceolate, ± 1.2 × 0.8 mm,
D: RSA (Gauteng, Northern Prov., North-West marginally with scattered Ha; Cn sessile, bowl-
Prov. ). I: Dyer (1983); Asklepios 65: 26, 1995. shaped; Ci lobes ± 1 mm, lanceolate, ascending,
Incl. Brachy
h stelma ringens E. A. Bruce (1951). apically deeply bifid, upper face with few Ha; Cs
[2] R tuber flatttened, ± 3 × 6 cm; stems to 4, er- lobes 0.5 mm, subquadrate; Poll ± 0.2 mm.
ect, unbranched, 3 - 10 cm, delicately pubescent; L The minute flowers in predominantly terminal
shortly petiolate, semi-erect, lamina ovate to lance- position and pendulous with long filiform pedicels,
olate, to 15 - 50 × 10 - 20 mm, longitudinally are notable. This species is very similar to B.
ffolded, dark green, upper face glabrous, lower face elegantulum (also ffrom Angola) in habit and flower
and along margins densely covered with crinkled morphology (despite the corolla being 4× as large).
white Ha; Inf sessile, 2- to 7-flowered; Ped 3 - 4 The latter has to be regarded as sister species of B.
mm; Sep triangular-lanceolate, 1.5 mm, crisped- browniana.
hairy; Cl stellate, 8 - 9 mm ∅, outside pubescent,
inside pale to dark red-brown; Cl tube campanulate, B. bruceae R. A. Dyer (JSAB 43(1): 13, 1977). T:
± 2 × 2 mm, basally greenish; Cl lobes horizontal, RSA, Mpumalanga (Codd 5756 [PRE]). − D: RSA
triangular, ± 3 × 2 mm, ± flat, smooth or slightly (Northern Prov., Mpumalanga). I: Dyer (1983).
wrinkled; Cn sessile, completely filling out the Cl Incl. Brachy
h stelma bruceae ssp. hirsutum R. A.
tube, cup-shaped, emarginate, ± red-brown; Ci Dyer (1977).
lobes completely integrated into the margin of the [2] R tuber 5 - 7 cm ∅; stems several, prostrate,
cup, inside somewhat hairy; Cs dorsally thickened to 20 cm long, porrectly hispid, purple; L shortly
and fuse
f d with the inner base of the cup, lobes petiolate, ovate, somewhat fleshy, 10 - 15 × 5 - 10
subquadrangular, incumbent on the Anth, yellow- mm, upper fface and midrib hispid; Inf sessile, 1-
ish. flowered; Ped 7 - 15 mm, hispid; Sep lanceolate-
The crinkled hairy lower faces of the leaves are subulate, 3 mm, spreading, roughly hairy; Cl rotate,
diagnostic. The structure of the corona of B. cup u u- 10 - 16 mm ∅, purple to pale brown-red, smooth;
latum is almost identical, and similarities exist also Cl tube ± flat, short; Cl lobes 4 - 6 mm, triangular
in habit. This is equally true fo f r B. gymnopodum to ovate-lanceolate, margins somewhat revolute;
and B. stenophyh llum. Cn sessile, overtopping the Cl, purple to pale
brown-red, ± 3 mm ∅, basally united and cup-
B. brevitubulatum (Beddome) Gamble (Fl. Mad- shaped; Ci lobes pouch-like, outer margin emar-
ras, 599, 1921). T: India, Deccan (Beddome s.n. ginate; Cs lobes shortly linear, incumbent on the
[K]). − D: S India (Deccan). I: Beddome (1874). Anth.
≡ Ceropegia brevitubulata Beddome (1874); Habit and flower morphology are very similar as
incl. Brachystelma beddomei Hooker fi f l. (1885). in B. pulchellum.
[2] Stem perennial, twining, ± 50 - 100 cm, soli-
tary, glabrous; L ± sessile, lamina linear-lanceolate, B. buchananii N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 263, 1895).
7 - 10 cm × 3 - 5 mm; Inf pedunculate, 3-flowered; T: Malawi, Nyassaland (Buchanan 116 [K]). − D:
peduncle ± 5 mm, densely pubescent; Ped 6 mm, Kongo, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. I:
densely pubescent; Sep subulate, acute, 5 mm, pu- Asklepios 65: 26, pl. 4, 1995. Fig. I.c
bescent; Cl outside yellowish-green, inside purple, Incl. Brachyste
h lma magicum N. E. Brown
± glabrous; Cl tube short, shallow; Cl lobes linear- (1895); incl. Brachyste
h lma shirense Schlechter

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

(1895); incl. Brachystelma nauseosum De Wilde- monotypic genus Macropetalum ffor this species.
man (1904). Molecular investigations, however, demonstrated
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 5 - 10 cm ∅; that this taxon belongs to Brachy
h stelma, and that its
stems 1 to few, erect to decumbent, clustered, to 10 f ifolium and B. rubellum
closest relatives are B. fili
cm, hispid; L elongate, obovate to lanceolate, 3 - 12 (formerly classified as Tenari
T s) (Meve & Liede
× 2 - 4 cm, tomentose, ciliate, basally tapering into 2001a).
a short petiole; Inf ± terminal, sessile, 5 - to 30-
flowered umbels, most Fl opening simultaneously, B. burchellii var. burchellii − D: RSA (Free
cow-dung-scented; Ped 3 - 15 mm, pubescent; Sep State, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga).
lanceolate, 3 - 7 mm, pubescent; Cl bowl-shaped, Incl. Macropo etalum burchellii var. burchellii.
15 - 25 mm ∅, outside greenish, pubescent, inside [2] Ped glabrous, 5 - 8 mm; Cl lobes 2 - 3 cm,
wrinkled, cream with dark purple margin and strictly reflexed shortly above the base, whitish or
stripes, ± densely white-hairy; Cl tube ± bowl- greenish, ± glabrous, partly finely white-ciliate; Cs
shaped, 12 - 16 mm ∅; Cl lobes broadly triangular, lobes linear.
4 - 8 × 5 - 8 mm, flat; Cn sessile, red-brown, ± 2
× 4 mm, only basally shortly united and cup-like; B. burchellii var. grandiflorum (N. E. Brown) Me-
Ci lobes pouch-like but with deeply U-shaped ve (Pl. Syst. Evol. 228: 103, 2001). T: RSA,
emarginate outer margin, laterally elongating into North-West Prov. (Burk r e s.n. [K]). − D: Botswana,
subulate densely white-hairy appendages, united RSA (Free State, Gauteng, North-West Prov.).
dorsally with the Cs; Cs lobes broadly lingulate, ≡ Macro
M opetalum burchellii var. grandif iflorum N.
glabrous or hairy, apically emarginate to serrulate, E. Brown (1908).
incumbent on the Anth; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.5 × 0.4 [2] Differs from var. burchellii: Ped pubescent;
mm; Fr thickly fusiform. Cl lobes 3 - 5 cm, not reflexed, outside sparsely pu-
One of the commonest and most widespread of bescent, inside orange; Cs lobes apically emar-
all species, and certainly closely related to B. chlo- ginate.
rozonum.m.. In some regions, the sap of the plants is
m Found on rocky as well as sandy substrates. The
used to treat wounds ("B. magicum"). data about the geographical and morphological dis-
tinctions is insufficient.
B. burchellii (Decaisne) Peckover (Aloe 33(2-3):
43, 1996). T: RSA, North-West Prov. (Burc r hell B. caffrum
f (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (Gard.
2498 [K]). − Lit: Peckover (1993b: as Macro- Chron., ser. 3, 16: 62, 1894). T: RSA, Eastern Cape
petalum); Peckover (1996); Meve & Liede (2001a). (Sim 315 [K, BOL, NU, PRE]). − D: RSA (Eastern
D: Botswana, RSA. Fig. I.d Cape). I: FPA 47: t. 1843, 1982; Dyer (1983). Fig.
≡ Macropetalum burchellii Burchell ex Decaisne I.e
(1844). ≡ Tapeinostelma caffrum Schlechter (1893).
[2] Perennial herbaceous summer-green geo- [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 5 - 7 cm ∅; stems
phytes, glabrous or pubescent; with ± globose edi- several, decumbent-ascending, 5 - 12 cm, scatte-
ble R tubers of 3 - 5 cm ∅; stems erect, 30 - 100 redly hispid; L shortly petiolate, lamina variable,
cm, flowering stems unbranched, delicate; L lin- mostly ovate-lanceolate, to 15 mm, somewhat
early needle-shaped, ascending or pendent, 2 - 10 hispid; Inf sessile, 1- (to 2-) flowered; Ped 15 - 30
cm × 1 - 3 mm, midrib prominent; Inf extra-axil - mm, ascending, hispid; Sep lanceolate, 2 mm; Cl
lary, nearly terminal to lateral, sessile or shortly pe- stellate, 7 - 13 mm ∅, yellow, smooth, outside pa-
dunculate, 2- to 7-flowered; Ped filiform; Sep pillate, with intense cow-dung-scent; Cl tube shal-
lanceolate, 1 mm; Cl tube very short; Cl lobes lin- low, short; Cl lobes 3 - 5 mm, triangular-ovate,
f ; Cn ± 1-seriate (Ci reduced to a margins sometimes ciliate; Cn sessile, greenish-
f inge-like structure), sessile or shortly stalked; Cs
fr yellow, ± 2 × 3 mm, campanulate, united and al-
lobes erect, linear-subulate ffrom a broadened fleshy most urceolate; Ci lobes pouch-like, in the middle
base, ± 2 mm; falcately erect-connivent, far over- with a narrowly V-shaped incision, laterally fused
topping the Gy; Anth ± ovate, erect or ascending, with the broadened flattened back of the Cs; Cs
with short triangular connective appendages, ± 0.5 lobes linear-lingulate, appressed to the ascending
mm, laterally pressed against the huge Sty head; Anth; Poll D-shaped; Fr ± 4 cm; Se ± 6 × 2 mm.
Poll ± erect and slightly impressed into the sides of Habit and the morphology of the corona point to
the Sty head, ± ovoid, hardly 0.12 mm; Sty head B. decip
i iens as a relatively closely related species.
huge, as long as or longer than the Anth, ± globose,
flesh y; Fr in pairs, narrowly fusiform, glabrous, to B. campanulatum N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 838,
80 × 4 mm, erect; Se brown, winged. 1908). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Bowie s.n. [BM]).
The grass-like growth of these plants and the tiny − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983).
flowers reminiscent of beaks are notable. The ap- [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 5 - 7.5 cm ∅; stem
parently uniseriate corona is significant and was the mostly only 1, erect, ± 5 cm, pubescent; L ± 10 mm
reason for more than 150 years of acceptance of the petiolate, lamina elliptic to ovate, 15 - 35 × 10 - 15

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

mm, pubescent; Inf sessile, 1-flowered; Ped ± 7 subulate, 5 - 110 × 1 mm, ascending; Inf 1- to 2- (to
mm; Sep lanceolate, 4 mm, hispid; Cl ± 20 mm ∅, 3-) flowered, sessile or shortly pedunculate, often
tube campanulate, ± 10 × 10 mm, green-yellow clustered in terminal racemes; Ped 1 - 1.5 cm, hori-
with purple concentric stripes, papillose to shortly zontal to ascending; Cl greenish or yellowish with
hairy; Cl lobes greenish with purple longitudinal brown spots, often intensely speckled with purple, ±
stripes, ± 4 - 5 mm, broadly triangular, ± horizon- shortly papillose; Cl tube short, shallowly bowl-
tally spreading, ± ciliate; Cn sessile, spotted or- shaped to campanulate, ± 1.5 mm; Cl lobes nar-
ange-brown, basally united and shallowly bowl- rowly triangular to linear-subulate, 5 - 8 mm, ascen-
shaped; Ci lobes pouch-like, apical 1⁄2 divided into 2 ding-spreading, ± fo
f lded back along the midrib; Cn
obtusely triangular erect appendages; Cs lobes lin- ± sessile, bowl-shaped, ± 2 mm ∅, yellow speckled
gulate, incumbent on the Anth and overtopping with brown; Ci lobes pouch-like, subquadrangular-
these; Fr ± 8 cm. concave, 0.3 mm, horizontal; Cs lobes 0.5 mm, lin-
Hardly known locally endemic taxon from the ear-subulate, incumbent on the Anth; Poll ovoid, ±
coastal Grassveld near Bathurst; sister species of B. 0.2 mm; Fr 25 - 35 × 2 mm, grey-green.
r neri. Closely related to the more delicate B. christia-
neae, which has a very similar corona.
B. canum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(2): 254, 1977). T:
(A k 18774 [PRE]). −
RSA, North-West Prov. (Acocks B. chlorozonum E. A. Bruce (HIP 1938: t. 3370 +
D: RSA (North-West Prov.). I: Dyer (1983). text, 1938). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Thorncrof oft s.n.
[?] R tuber unknown; stems solitary, erect, ± 30 [K]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga,
cm, tomentose and hispid; L ± sessile, narrowly el- Northern Prov.). I: Dyer (1983).
liptic, 20 - 40 × 5 - 10 mm, tomentose; Inf sessile, [2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 7 cm ∅; stem
2-flowered; Cl tube short; Cl lobes linear-lanceo- mostly solitary, little-branched, halfway
f decumbent
late, ± 10 mm, inside glabrous, margins revolute; to ascending, 10 - 20 cm, densely pubescent, some-
Cn sessile, basally fused and campanulate, 2 mm ∅; what bristly; L shortly petiolate, lamina ovate-ellip -
Ci lobes pouch-like, margin entire; Cs lobes short, tic, 20 - 45 × 15 - 25 mm, densely pubescent to long
pillow-like along the inner Cn margin; Poll ± 0.25 hairy; Inf ± sessile to shortly pedunculate, 1-
mm. flowered; Ped 5 mm; Cl 10 - 30 mm ∅, outside
Little-known species, probably related to B. bre- yellowish-green, shortly hairy, tube campanulate to
m shallowly bowl-shaped, 3 - 6 × 7 - 13 mm, with
greenish to purple-brown concentric stripes on yel-
B. cathcartense R. A. Dyer (BT 10: 431, 1971). T: lowish background; Cl lobes 3.5 - 8 mm, broadly
RSA, Eastern Cape (Du Toit s.n. in P PR
RE 31309 triangular, often strongly reflexed, greenish-yellow,
[PRE, GRA]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape: near Cath- hairy; Cn sessile, red-brown, 1.5 × 4 mm, bowl-
cart); Grassveld. I: FPA 42: t. 1667, 1973; Dyer shaped; Ci lobes pouch-like, ± horizontally ovate-
(1983). subquadrangular, apically obtuse or somewhat
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 4 - 5 cm ∅; stems indented, margin sometimes pubescent; Cs lobes
ffew, erect, 5 - 8 (-15) cm, hispid; L shortly petio- linear-lingulate, placed against the Anth; Poll sub-
late, lamina linear-lanceolate, to 3 cm, ± hispid; Inf quadrangular, ± 0.4 × 0.25 mm; Fr thickly fus
f iform
f ,
sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped ± 10 mm; Sep lanceo- thick-walled, ± 40 × 12 mm; Se broadly ovate,
late, 5 mm, hispid; Cl ± 32 mm ∅, with intense broadly winged.
carrion-scent, tube shallowly bowl-shaped, ± 18 B. chlorozonum is typical for
f a group of species
mm ∅, ± red-brown, densely covered with purple with creeping to decumbent-ascending habit, broad,
Ha; Cl lobes greenish, ± 12 × 8 mm, broadly trian- almost sessile, strongly hairy leaves, robust broadly
gular, ± horizontally spreading, somewhat grooved, ovoid to D-shaped pollinia and thick or thick-
margins somewhat revolute, apically hairy; Cn walled fof llicles. Here belong e.g. B. barberae, B.
shortly stipitate, basally fuse
f d and shallowly bowl- bracteolatum, B. buchananii, B. fl f oribundum, B.
shaped; Ci lobes rectangularly pouch-like, 1 - 1.5 megasepalum and B. oianthum.
mm, erect, apical ⁄2 divided into 2 triangular appen-
dages; Cs lobes linear-spatulate, erect-connivent; B. christianeae Peckover (Aloe 29(3/4): 56-57,
Poll D-shaped, flattened, ± 0.25 mm; Fr 10 × 1 cm. ills., 30(1): 13 [erratum], 1993). T: RSA, KwaZu-
Rare locally endemic taxon from the Grassveld lu-Natal (Peckover 141 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Kwa-
near Cathcart. Fairly similar in habit to B. decipiens. Zulu-Natal). I: Aloe 29: 56-57, 1992 [publ. 1993].
Fig. I.f
B. chloranthum (Schlechter) Peckover (Aloe ≡ Tenaris christianeae (Peckover) J. Victor & Ni-
33(2-3): 43, 1996). T [syn]: RSA, Gauteng cholas (1998).
(Schlechter 4152 [K]). − D: RSA (Gauteng). [2] R tuber ± globose, 3 - 4 cm ∅, pale brown;
≡ Tenari
T s chlorantha Schlechter (1895). stems solitary to numerous, erect, apically often
[2] R tuber 3 - 5 cm ∅, pale brown; stem mostly drooping, to 15 - 25 cm, glabrous; L sessile, subu-
strictly erect, to 20 - 55 cm, glabrous; L sessile, late, 20 - 80 × 1 - 2 mm, ascending to erect; Inf

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

1- to 2-flowered, sessile, at the upper nodes; Ped B. coddii R. A. Dyer (FPA 30: t. 1181 + text, 1955).
0.5 - 1 cm, ± horizontal, reddish; Sep to 4 mm; Cl 3 T: Swaziland (Codd 7826 [PRE]). − D: Tanzania,
- 4.5 cm ∅, glabrous; Cl tube slightly urceolate, ± Swaziland, RSA (Northern Prov.). I: Dyer (1983).
2.5 × 4 mm ∅, outside whitish, inside reddish; Cl Fig. I.g
lobes linear-subulate, ± 16 - 22 × 0.6 mm, Incl. Brachystelma kituloense Goyder (1990).
spreading, folded back along the midrib, yellow- [2] R tuber 3 - 20 cm ∅; stems several, creeping,
green; Cn ± sessile, bowl-shaped, ± 1 × 3 mm, or- 5 - 30 cm (- 1 m), ± pubescent; L shortly petiolate,
ange-yellow speckled with red-brown; Ci lobes ± ovate, to 6 - 20 × 5 - 15 mm, esp. veins and mar-
pouch-like, subquadrangular-concave, horizontally gins hairy; Inf sessile, 1- (to 2-) flowered; Ped 5 -
ascending; Cs lobes 0.6 mm, triangular, incumbent 15 mm, ± glabrous; Sep subulate, 3 - 4 mm,
on the Anth; Fr 90 - 100 × 1.5 mm, reddish. porrectly hispid; Cl ± 20 mm ∅, tube bowl-shaped,
Closely related to B. chlora
r nthum. ± 7 mm ∅, inside yellowish, banded or spotted with
purple; Cl lobes 6 - 8 mm, lanceolate from a broad-
B. circinatum E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr., ly triangular base, mostly ± purple, glabrous or
196, 1837). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Drège r 3440 simply hairy, margins of upper 2⁄3 strongly revolute;
[K]). − D: Namibia, Botswana, RSA (all pro- Cn sessile, brown, ± 2 × 3 mm ∅, basally fused and
vinces). I: Dyer (1983). cup-shaped; Ci lobes pouch-like, divided ± 1 mm
≡ Dichaelia circinata (E. Meyer) Schlechter deep in V-shaped manner, tips inside bearded or
(s.a.); incl. Brachyste
h lma filiforme Harvey (1859) ≡ glabrous; Cs lobes shortly linear, incumbent on the
Dichaelia filiformis (Harvey) Schlechter (1894); Anth, dark brown; Poll D-shaped; Fr 35 - 65 mm.
incl. Brachyste
h lma ovatum Oliver (1870) ≡ Dichae- The Tanzanian taxon B. kituloense, here treated
lia ovata (Oliver) Schlechter (1894); incl. Dichae- as synonym, allegedly differs
f ffrom the glabrous B.
lia galpinii Schlechter (1894) ≡ Brachy h stelma gal- coddii primarily in the hairiness of corolla and in-
pinii (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Dich- terstaminal corona.
aelia undulata Schlechter (1894) ≡ Brachystelma
undulatum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1908); incl. B. codonanthum Bruyns (BT 25(2): 157-158, ills.,
Dichaelia pallida Schlechter (1895) ≡ Brachy h stel- 1995). T: Namibia (Bruyns 5518 [BOL]). − D: C
ma pallidum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Namibia.
Dichaelia microphy h lla S. Moore (1903); incl. Dich- [2] Dwarf perennials with deciduous herbaceous
aelia macra r Schlechter (1905); incl. Dichaelia above-ground parts, with depressed-globose R tu-
brachyh lepis Schlechter (1907); incl. Dichaelia cine- bers 2 - 3 cm ∅; stems erect, 2 - 15 cm, hairy; L la-
rea Schlechter (1907) ≡ Brachy h stelma cinereum mina basally tapering into a short petiole, broadly
(Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Dichaelia elliptic, 11 - 22 × 9 - 15 mm, ± hairy; Inf sessile,
zeyheri Schlechter (1907) ≡ Brachysteh lma zeyheri f
few-flowered ; Ped 2 - 3 mm, horizontal, hairy; Sep
(Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Brachysteh l- lanceolate, 2 mm, hairy; Cl outside pale green to
ma bolusii N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Brachystelma brownish, inside green to brown with greenish tips,
i N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Dichaelia wrinkled, glabrous; Cl tube short, bowl-shaped, 2.5
forcipata Schlechter (1913). × 4 mm; Cl lobes 3 - 4 × 3 mm, triangular, ascend-
[2] R tuber mostly thickly discoid, to 10 cm ∅, ing, margins revolute, marginally and outside api-
rarely oblong; stem mostly 1 richly ± porrectly cally hairy; Cn sessile, dark brown, cup-shaped, 1.5
branched main stem, erect, 7 - 30 cm ± pubescent; × 3 mm; Ci lobes subquadrangular, arising from the
L sessile to shortly petiolate, linear to ovate, 5 - 20 cup margins, short, ascending, obtusely triangular,
mm, often folded together and undulate, upper face apically incised; Cs lobes rectangular, incumbent
pubescent; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 2 - 5 on the Anth, basally-centrifuga
f lly thickened, pil-
mm, hispid; Sep lanceolate, 1.5 mm; Cl 5 - 25 mm low-like and united with the cup; Poll broadly
long, cage-like, white to red-brown, inside glabrous ovoid, ± 0.25 mm.
(rarely scatteredly pubescent), outside ± pubescent; Minute plants close to B. dinteri. They fform a
Cl tube short, shallow or bowl-shaped; Cl lobes lin- group of related species, together with B. brevip
i edi-
ear-subulate, apically united; Cn sessile, basally cellatum, B. cupu ulatum (?) and B. simplex.
fused and ± cup-shaped, ± 2.5 mm ∅; Ci lobes er-
ect, deeply divided into 2 triangular to subulate ap- B. comptum N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 854, 1908). T:
pendages, mostly hairy; Cs lobes oblong-lingulate, RSA, Eastern Cape (ZeyZ her 9 [K]). − D: RSA (Eas-
± incumbent on the Anth, sometimes ascending, tern Cape). I: FPA 47: t. 1844, 1982; Dyer (1983).
centrally apically overlapping; Poll obliquely [1] R flesh
f y, fusiform; stem solitary, erect, 7 - 15
ovoid, ± 0.35 - × 0.28 mm; Fr 7 - 10 mm. cm, reddish, pubescent; L in only 4 - 6 pairs, shortly
Probably one of the most ffrequent and polymor- petiolate, lamina ovate-elliptic to almost circular,
phic taxa in S Africa. B. circinatum is the sister 10 - 16 × 6 - 12 mm, densely long- and white-hairy,
species of B. dimorpr hum. It is distinguished prima- upper fface sometimes almost glabrous; Inf sessile,
rily by the corolla with glabrous inside and the 1-flowered, near stem tip; Ped 7 mm; Sep lanceo-
much longer bifid interstaminal corona. late, 3 mm; Cl divided almost to the base; Cl lobes

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

± 10 × 4 mm, erect, somewhat narrowed in the decipiens is closely related to B. meyerianum and
middle, bulging and densely covered with purple B. keniense. The species was still covered under the
vibratile Ha, upper 1⁄2 horizontally recurved, Cn name of B. tuberosum by Dyer (1980, 1983) and
shortly stipitate, stellate when seen ffrom above, was regarded as type of the genus (Forster 1986).
united only basally; Ci lobes triangular to linear-
lingulate, obtuse, apically hairy, ascending, con- B. delicatum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(1): 53-54, ill.,
cave, pale purple; Cs lobes linear, incumbent on the 1976). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Hardy d 2198 [PRE]).
Anth, dark purple, often
f hairy; Poll ± 0.25 mm. − D: RSA (Eastern Cape: surroundings of Grahams-
Most closely related to B. gerrardii.i.i town only). I: Bruyns (1982a); Dyer (1983).
[2] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 4 cm ∅; stems 1 - 2, er-
B. cupulatum R. A. Dyer (BT 10(2): 375, 1971). ect, to 6 cm; L ± sessile, lamina linear-elliptic, to 25
T: Namibia (Story r 6400 [PRE]). − D: Namibia, Bo- × 7 mm, somewhat fleshy, keeled, margin and keel
tswana, RSA (Northern Cape, Northern Prov.). I: papillose; Inf sessile, 4- to 7-flowered; Sep 1.5 mm;
Dyer (1983); Bruyns (1984). Ped to 5 mm; Cl 7 - 8 mm ∅, white, tube campanu-
[2] R tuber depressed, ± 3 × 6 cm; stem solitary late; Cl lobes 2 - 3 mm, oblong-ovate, tips brown or
or little-branched near the base, erect, 5 - 15 cm, de- green, often
f with stiff white Ha, somewhat fo f lded
licately pubescent; L shortly petiolate, lamina lin- backwards along the midrib; Cn sessile, green, with
ear to ovate, 30 - 80 × 4 - 15 mm, pubescent; Inf cylindrical base, ± 1 mm, above broadened cup-
sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 2 - 3 mm; Sep lanceo- like; Ci lobes shallowly pouch-like, marginally
late, 1.5 mm, scattered hairy; Cl 10 - 14 mm ∅, out- divided into 2 obtusely triangular appendages; Cs
side pubescent, inside glabrous, green, rarely lobes triangular-ovate, ± 0.5 mm, incumbent on the
purple; Cl tube campanulate, ± 2 × 2.5 mm; Cl Anth.
lobes ± horizontal, triangular, 4 - 6 mm, margins The contrasting coloration of the corolla and the
somewhat recurved; Cn sessile, fitting into the Cl cylindrical elongate filament tube are conspicuous
tube, conspicuously cup-shaped and emarginate, and uncommon.
yellow, glabrous; Ci lobes completely integrated
into the margin of the cup, inside sometimes hairy; B. dimorphum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(4): 627, 1979).
Cs dorsally thickened and united with the inner T: RSA, Northern Cape (Leistner 2935 [PRE]). −
base of the cup; Cs lobe very short or absent, ba- D: RSA (Free State, Northern Cape). I: Dyer
sally appressed to the Anth; Fr 6 - 8 cm. (1983).
The corona of B. cupu ulatum is conspicuously tal- Incl. Brachy
h stelma dimorphum ssp. gratum R. A.
ler than that of B. vahrmeij
i eri ffrom KwaZulu-Natal, Dyer (1979).
but otherwise, there are hardly any significant diffe-
f [2] R tuber cylindrical to globose, 5 - 7 cm ∅;
rences between the 2 species (see also B. brevipedi- mostly with 1 main stem, porrectly branched above,
cellatum and B. stenophyh llum). erect, 10 - 20 cm, pubescent; L shortly petiolate,
ovate-elliptic, 5 - 20 × 4 - 15 mm, often folded
B. decipiens N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 842, 1908). T: together and undulate, lower face hispid; Inf ses-
RSA, Eastern Cape (Bolton s.n. [K]). − D: RSA sile, 1- to few-flowered; Ped short, hispid; Sep
(Eastern Cape), Swaziland. I: Dyer (1983: as B. lanceolate, 1 mm; Cl 6 - 7 mm long, cage-like or
tuberosum). star-shaped, dirty cream-coloured to pale greenish-
Incl. Brachyste
h lma tuberosum R. A. Dyer (1980) yellow, inside hairy, outside glabrous; Cl tube very
(nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). short, shallow or bowl-shaped; Cl lobes linear-
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, ± 5 cm ∅; stems lanceolate, 4 - 5 mm, lamina erect and apically
few, erect, 8 - 15 cm tall, pubescent; L shortly peti- united or free and horizontally spreading; Cn ses-
olate, lamina linear-lanceolate or elliptic, to 3.5 × sile, basally hardly united, 1.5 - 2 × 0.75 - 1 mm; Ci
1.2 cm, ciliate, lower fface pubescent; Inf sessile, 2- lobes shortly pouch-like, erect, apically incised; Cs
to 4-flowered; Ped 4 - 6 mm; Sep lanceolate, 2 mm; oblong, subquadrangular, obtuse, ± incumbent on
Cl 2 cm ∅, tube campanulate, 4 - 5 mm, yellowish the Anth; Poll ovoid-pear-shaped; Fr 7 - 10 cm.
with purple-brown patterning; Cl lobes 6 - 8 mm, Related to B. pygmaeum and B. circinatum (see
linear-lanceolate, horizontally spreading, dark there for notes).
purple-brown, basally mostly hairy, margins ± rev-
olute, with long vibratile white Ha or Cl glabrous; B. dinteri Schlechter (BJS 51: 144, 1913). T [syn]:
Cn ± sessile, 2 × 3 mm, campanulate, almost urceo- Namibia (Dinter 1515 [SAM]). − D: Namibia, Bo-
late, united; Ci lobes pouch-like, ± triangular and tswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (North-West Prov.); grass-
with median incision, inside white-bearded; Cs land. I: Dyer (1983); Bruyns (1984).
lobes linear-spatulate, ascending, placed against the [2] R tuber flattened, 3 - 5 cm ∅; stem solitary,
thickish ovoid Anth; Poll 0.25 - 0.4 mm; Sty head unbranched, erect, 10 - 40 (-60) cm, delicately pu-
bulging; Fr fus
f iform,
f ± 6 cm × 4 mm. bescent; L shortly petiolate, lamina ovate-elliptic,
Somewhat atypical forf the genus in respect to the to 15 - 45 × 5 - 15 mm, ± shortly pubescent; Inf ses-
almost ovoid and somewhat ascending anthers. B. sile, 2- to 12-flowered; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Sep lanceo-

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

late, 2.5 mm, pubescent; Cl stellate, 7 - 10 mm ∅, − D: India (Deccan, Karnataka, Kolhapur), Myan-
outside pubescent, inside glabrous, green, often f mar, China (Guangxi, Yunnan); fforest and grass-
with black-brown spots; Cl tube bowl-shaped, ± 1 × lands.
2 mm, marginally bulging somewhat ring-like, Incl. Brachystelma elenaduense M. B. Char
flesh y; Cl lobes horizontal, triangular, ± 2.5 × 2 (1978).
mm, ± flat; Cn sessile, fitted into the Cl tube, shal- [2] R tuber ± globose, 1.5 - 2.5 cm ∅; stem 1, er-
lowly bowl-shaped; Ci subquadrangular, erect, api- ect, 5 - 15 cm, rarely branched, somewhat hairy or
cally incised, inflexed; Cs lobes linear, incumbent glabrous; L ± sessile, opposite, sometimes alternate,
on the Anth. linear-elliptic, 10 - 40 × 2 - 4 mm, ± glabrous; Inf ±
The flat star-shaped flowers are characteristic. B. sessile, lateral near the stem tips, 1- to 5-flowered;
dinteri is closely related to the tropical B. simplex.
x. Ped 3 - 5 mm, pubescent; Sep 1 - 3 mm, lanceolate,
pubescent; Cl inside dark purple, ± hairy, tube
B. discoideum R. A. Dyer (FPA 42: t. 1668 + text, short, shallow; Cl lobes triangular-lanceolate, 4 - 7
1973). T: RSA, Gauteng (Hard rdy 2440 [PRE]). − mm, ± spreading, lamina mostly fo f lded back along
D: Zimbabwe, RSA (Gauteng). I: Dyer (1983); the midrib, margins ± revolute, Cn ± sessile, ± 2
Boele (1989). mm ∅, purple, fusef d to fform a cup-like structure;
[2] R tuber strongly flattened, to 7 cm ∅; stems Ci lobes subquadrangularly pouch-like, ± erect,
ffew, hardly branched, erect, to 10 cm, pubescent; L crenate or incised; Cs lobes triangular, short, ba-
2 - 8 mm petiolate, lamina broadly ovate to almost sally placed against the Anth; Poll narrowly ovoid,
circular, to 5 - 25 × 5 - 15 (-20) mm, upper face 0.2 × 0.1 mm; Fr 8 - 11 cm × 3 - 4 mm; Se ± 8 ×
glabrous, lower facef hairy; Inf sessile, 1- to 2- 4 mm.
flowered; Ped 6 - 15 mm, bent downwards; Sep A species with a wide but scattered distribution
lanceolate, 2 mm; Cl 18 - 22 mm ∅, tube shallow, ± and a characteristic habit with rotate flowers. Easily
5 - 6 mm ∅, often whitish; Cl lobes slightly ascend- confused with the sister-species B. kerrii.i.i
ing, lanceolate, 8 - 10 mm, margins revolute, apical
⁄2 yellowish, basal 1⁄2 pale yellow to purple; Cn ses- B. elegantulum S. Moore (J. Bot. 50: 366, 1912).
sile, black-purple, fusef d to fform a thickly discoid T: Angola (Gossweiler 2944 [BM]). − D: Angola.
compact structure, deeply emarginate at Ci posi- [?] R unknown; stems erect, to 60 cm, glabrous;
tions; Cs lobes short, pillow-like at the inner margin L sessile, narrowly linear, 6 - 10 (-12) cm × 1 - 2
of the Cn; the whitish Anth and the Sty head mm; Inf terminal, 10-flowered; Ped 1 cm, filiform;
mostly free
f ; Poll 0.25 mm. Cl inside chocolate-brown; Cl tube campanulate, ±
A similarly compact corona is otherwise only 2 mm ∅; Cl lobes linear from a triangular base, 12 -
foun d in B. schinzii. 15 mm; Cn cup-like; Ci pouch-like, 0.6 mm; Cs
lobes linear, 0.2 mm, incumbent on the Anth; Poll
pear-shaped, ± 0.3 mm.
B. duplicatum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(4): 629, 1979). Only known from the type and probably forming
T: RSA, Free State (Van V Zyl 1025 [PRE]). − D: a complex together with B. brownianum.
RSA (Free State). I: Dyer (1983).
Incl. Brachystelma floribundum
f R. A. Dyer B. elongatum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1):
(1956) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). 862, 1908). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Schlechter
[2] R tuber globose to cylindrical, 8 - 9 × 8 cm; 2699 [K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, Northern
stem solitary, erect, to 15 cm, pubescent, partly Prov.). I: Dyer (1983).
underground; L shortly petiolate, lamina oblong- ≡ Dichaelia elongata Schlechter (1894); incl.
lanceolate, to 10 × 3 mm, ± delicately papillose to Brachyste
h lma distinctum N. E. Brown (1908); incl.
pubescent, somewhat undulate, blue-green; Inf ses- Brachyste
h lma gemmeum R. A. Dyer (1979).
sile, 2- to many-flowered; Ped short; Sep lanceo- [2] R tuber 5 - 9 cm ∅; stems 1 - 3, erect, 3 - 15
late, 2.5 mm; Cl 20 - 26 mm ∅, pale green, tube cm, pubescent, densely leafy;f L ± sessile, elliptic-
campanulate, 2 - 3 × 4 mm; Cl lobes 10 - 12 mm, ± linear, 7 - 30 × 3 - 8 mm, pubescent; Inf sessile,
recurved, apical 3⁄4 ± linear, almost completely fold- 2- to 5-flowered; Ped 2 - 5 mm; Sep narrowly lan-
ed back along the midrib, margins of the basal 1⁄4 ceolate, 2 - 4 mm; Cl 15 - 25 mm long, purple,
revolute; Cn ± sessile, fuse
f d to fform a broadly cam- cage-like; Cl tube ± cylindrical, ± 5 × 4 mm, inside
panulate structure; Ci lobes pouch-like, inside with glabrous, somewhat ciliate or with long purple vib-
long white Ha, margin denticulate; Cs lobes lin- ratile Ha; Cl lobes linear ffrom an ovate base, 12 -
ear-spatulate, incumbent on the Anth; Fr subcy- 20 mm, lamina apically united, margins somewhat
lindrical, ± 10 cm. revolute; Cn ± sessile, basally cup-like fuse
f d; Ci
A local endemic of uncertain affiliation but rem- lobes bifid into linear appendages for ≤ 1⁄2 of their
iniscent of B. circinatum in habit and fo
f liage. length, ± divergent, glabrous or apically hairy; Cs
lobes oblong, lingulate, incumbent on the Anth.
B. edule Collett & Hemsley (JLSB 28: 89, t. 14, B. elongatum fforms a group of closely related
1890). T: Myanmar (Collett & Hemsley s.n. [K]). species together with B. gracillimum, B. gracile, B.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

tenellum, and perhaps also with B. tenue as well as pedunculate, often

f clustered in branched terminal
with B. villosum and B. hirtellum. racemes, drooping; Ped 6 - 8 mm, filiform; Cl
greenish-purple, glabrous, sweetish-scented; Cl
B. exile Bullock (KB 17: 191-193, ills., 1963). T: tube campanulate, ± 1.5 mm; Cl lobes subulate from
Nigeria, Zaria Prov. (Kea
K y s.n. in FHI 25848 [K]). an oval base, 7 - 8 mm, erect-divergent, folded back
− D: Cameroon, Nigeria; grasslands. along the midrib; Cn ± sessile, shortly bowl-shaped,
[2] R tuber discoid, 3 - 5 cm ∅; stem solitary, ± 1 × 1.3 mm, outside ± shortly hairy; Ci lobes
delicate, erect, 30 - 40 cm; L sessile, base ± ample- pouch-like, oval, ascending; Cs lobes 0.5 mm, lin-
xicaul, lanceolate, to 70 × 9 - 12 mm, scatteredly ear, ascending; Poll ovoid, ± 0.18 mm.
hispid and tomentose; Inf lateral, 1-flowered; Inf- f-
f- P
Probabl y the most delicate of all species of Bra-
stems with reduced minute L; Ped 2 - 3 cm, fili- chy
h stelma. It has inconspicuous but intensely fra-
form, glabrous; Sep subulate, 2 mm; Fl 70 - 80 mm grant flowers.
∅, outside green, inside purple; Cl tube hardly 2
mm ∅, shallowly cup-shaped; Cl lobes linear-subu- B. flor
f ibundum Turrill (BMI 1922: 197, 1922). T:
late, 35 - 40 × 1 - 2 mm, ciliate with purple vibratile Zimbabwe (Hislop o s.n. [K]). − D: Zimbabwe, Mo-
clavate Ha to 4 mm; Cn sessile, ± 1 × 2 mm, green- çambique. I: Percy-Lancaster (1989).
ish-yellow; Ci lobes ovate, concave pouch-like, [2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 15 cm ∅; stem
hardly 0.5 mm ∅; Cs lobes linear-clavate, obtuse, solitary, often basally several times branched and
incumbent on the Anth, dorsally thickened, ending somewhat divaricately spreading, ± erect, to 10 cm
in the same plane as the Ci; Poll ovoid, ± 0.22 × tall, scatteredly hispid; L very shortly petiolate,
0.14 mm. narrowly elliptic, to 75 × 9 mm, densely pubescent;
The delicate, long-tailed flowers swing in the Inf sessile, 4- to 12-flowered; Sep triangular, pu-
wind. bescent; Ped 2 - 4 mm, hairy; Cl purple, to 22 mm
long, outside scatteredly pubescent, inside shortly
B. festuc
f ifol
f ium E. A. Bruce (HIP 34(3): t. 3369 + white-hairy; Cl tube campanulate, ± 6 × 9 mm; Cl
text, 1938). T: Tanzania, Tabora Distr. (Lloyd 68 lobes linear-lanceolate from a triangular base, to 25
[K]). − D: Tanzania. mm, ± spreading, bent backwards; Cn sessile, yello-
[?] Tuber not described; stems ascending, hardly wish, spotted with purple, ± 3.5 mm ∅, cup-shaped;
branched, ± 20 × 0.3 cm, pale green-brownish, Ci lobes pouch-like, margins emarginate U-like, la-
glabrous; L sessile, linear-subulate, acute, 40 - 80 × terally elongating into 2 densely white-hairy appen-
1 - 1.5 mm, very slightly succulent, glabrous; Inf dages; Cs lobes linear-lingulate, incumbent on the
terminal, 8-flowered; Ped 20 - 25 mm, scatteredly Anth.
hairy; Sep lanceolate, hairy; Cl black-purple, ± 3 Hairiness, corolla structure and the corona con-
cm ∅, outside glabrous, tube bowl-shaped with struction are typical for
f the B. lineare-complex. The
bulging margin, ± 5 mm ∅, inside pale yellow flowers of B. ffloribundum are very large and deep,
spotted with purple, glabrous; Cl lobes triangular, however, and the interstaminal corona is incised
spreading, 8 - 12 × 8 mm, densely hairy, ± bristly, U-like instead of V-like.
margins with purple long vibratile clavate Ha; Cn ±
sessile, purple, fuse
f d to fform a cup-like structure, B. foet
f idum Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51): 52,
glabrous; Ci segments pouch-like, bifid into nar- 1895). T [lecto]: RSA, Northern Prov. (Schlechter
rowly triangular appendages, laterally fusef d with 3547 [BOL]). − D: Botswana, RSA (Northern
the Cs, erect; Cs segments ± linear, obtuse, ± 1.5 Prov., Northern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal,
mm, incumbent on the Anth; Poll ovoid, ± 0.45 × Mpumalanga). I: Dyer (1983).
0.3 mm. Incl. Brachyste
h lma rehmannii Schlechter (1896).
Belonging to the B. lineare-complex. The grass- [2] R tuber 4 - 6 cm ∅, upper face f flattened;
like leaves, the terminal inflorescences and the stems 1 to several, erect-decumbent, 7 - 15 cm, ±
triangular corolla segments are characteristic. The hispid; L lamina basally acutely narrowed into the
interstaminal corona is glabrous and not bearded as petiole, linear-lanceolate to ovate or elliptic, 5 - 30
in B. lineare. × 3 - 10 mm, lower face and margins ± hairy; Inf
sessile, 2- to 6-flowered; Ped ± 1 cm, tomentose;
B. filifolium (Schlechter) Peckover (Aloe 33(2-3): Sep lanceolate, ± 5 mm, pubescent; Cl 25 - 50 mm
43, 1996). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Schlechter ∅, with intense scent of manure; Cl tube broadly
11733 [B †, G, HBG, K]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu- campanulate, 6 - 10 mm deep, inside whitish to yel-
Natal, Mpumalanga), Swaziland. lowish, spotted with purple; Cl lobes 10 - 25 mm,
≡ Macropetalum
M f ifolium Schlechter (1905) ≡
fili outside ± delicately pubescent, inside purple, ±
Tenaris fili
f ifolia (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1908). glabrous, ovate-lanceolate, margins basally revol-
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 3 - 4 cm ∅; stems ute, apical ⁄3 almost completely fof lded back along
filiform, erect but apically mostly drooping, to 75 the midrib, often
f greenish-purple; Cn sessile, dark
cm, glabrous; L sessile, subulate, 30 - 80 × 1 mm, purple, basally fused to form a cup-like structure;
ascending; Inf 1- to 2-flowered, sessile or shortly Ci lobes broadly triangular-ovate, concave, apically

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

incised, inside bearded or not; Cs lobes triangular- almost to the base, black-purple; Cl lobes broadly
lingulate, ± 1 mm, incumbent on the Anth; Poll lanceolate, ± 20 × 4 - 6 mm, lower 1⁄3 erect, then
somewhat pear-shaped; Fr slender fus f iform
f , 10 - 12 narrowed, bulging and densely beset with purple
cm × 5 - 6 mm, tomentose. vibratile Ha, apical 2⁄3 horizontally spreading, mar-
B. foetidu
f m is esp. variable in flower size. The gins ± ciliate; Cn sessile, united only basally; Ci
intense foetid scent is characteristic. It is related to lobes basally pouch-like, apically divided into 2 su-
B. megasepalum and B. petraeum. bulate parallel ± horizontal appendages, 2 - 5 mm,
pubescent; Cs lobes linear, to 6 mm, apically ob-
B. franks
f iae N. E. Brown (in J. M. Wood, Natal Pl. tuse, ± emarginate, erect-connivent, dark purple; Fr
6: t. 588, 1912). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Frank F s slender fusiform, to 10 cm.
s.n. in Wood
W 11721 [NH, NU, PRE]). − D: RSA Closely related to B. comptum and B. macropeta-
(KwaZulu-Natal). I: Dyer (1983). lum.
[1] R fleshy, long-fus
f iform;
f stem solitary, some-
what branched, erect, to 30 cm, glabrous or nodes B. glabriflorum (F. Mueller) Schlechter (BJS 50:
pubescent; L ± sessile, linear to narrowly elliptic, to 161, 1914). T: Australia, Queensland (Mueller s.n.
5 cm, margins and midrib of lower face hispid; Inf [K]). − D: Australia (Northern Territory, Western
sessile, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 6 - 10 mm; Sep lance- T itory), Indonesia, Myanmar, Papua New Gui-
olate, 2 mm; Cl 6 - 8 mm long, united only basally, nea, Philippines, Thailand. I: Forster (1990).
white flushed with pink; Cl tube shallowly bowl- ≡ Microstemma glabrifli orum F. Mueller (1858);
shaped; Cl lobes oblong, 6 - 7 mm, erect, somewhat incl. Microstemma tuberosum R. Brown (1810);
f lded back along the midrib, margins revolute and
fo incl. Brachy h stelma kerrii Craib (1911); incl. Bra
r -
somewhat papillose-pubescent; Cn ± sessile, ± 3.5 × chy
h stelma papuanum Schlechter (1914); incl. Bra r -
2.25 mm; Ci lobes erect, deeply divided into 2 lin- chyste
h lma microstemma Schlechter (1914) (nom. in-
ear-fusiform diverging appendages, papillose; Cs val., Art. 52.1); incl. Brachyste h lma merrillii
lobes linear, ± 2.25 mm, erect, somewhat connivent; Schlechter (1915).
Fr 1 or 2, narrowly fusiform, to 15 cm. [2] R tuber ovoid to depressed-globose, 1 - 8 cm
Probably related to B. macropetalum which has a ∅, edible; stem solitary, rarely branched, erect, 20 -
small but overall similar corona. 85 cm, glabrous; L ± sessile, often
f strongly reduced,
linear-lanceolate, 5 - 100 × 2 - 10 mm, glabrous; Inf
B. fu
f rcatum Boele (Excelsa 16: 29, ill. (p. 32), sessile, laterally near stem tips, 1- to 5-flowered;
1994). T: Zimbabwe, Matobo Distr. (Derb r yshire Ped 7 - 25 mm, filiform, ± scatteredly hairy; Sep
MRSH 3070 [SRGH]). − D: Zimbabwe. lanceolate, 2 mm, with greenish-yellow Ha; Cl 16 -
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, ± 4.5 cm ∅, stems 22 mm ∅, tube short, greenish; Cl lobes oblong-
± erect, divaricately branched, 10 - 12 cm, shortly ovate, 7 - 14 × 2 - 2.5 mm, ascending to horizontal,
pubescent; L sessile, lanceolate to linear, 9 - 17 × 2 lamina folded back along the midrib, glabrous or
- 3 mm, with few Ha; Inf sessile, 1-flowered; buds wrinkled, green and purple-spotted or purple, glabr-
obtuse; Ped 2 - 3 mm, pubescent; Cl tube campanu- ous or sparsely hairy, Ha slender, purple; Cn ± ses-
late, ± 3 × 3 mm; Cl lobes linear fr f om a triangular sile, ± 1 × 2.3 mm, fuse
f d to fform a bowl-shaped
base, ± 9 × 1 mm, basally pubescent and yellowish, structure, yellowish with purple margins; Ci lobes
apically purple; Cn ± sessile, basally hardly united; pouch-like, short, ascending to erect, with a median
Ci lobes subquadrangular, erect, ± 0.8 mm, apically notch, inside with few white Ha or glabrous; Cs
incised; Cs lobes linear, obtuse, 0.6 mm, incumbent lobes triangularly pillow-shaped, basally placed
on the Anth. against the Anth; Poll ovoid-ellipsoid, 0.27 × 0.2
Only insufficiently separated from B. tabularium mm; Fr slender-fusiform, 6 - 12 cm × 2 - 3 mm; Se
ffrom RSA by the short corolla tube and the shorter ± 8 × 2 mm.
corolla lobes; both are probably conspecific. B. lan- Forster (1990) compares B. glabrif
iflorum with the
casteri and B. tavalla appear to be relatively closely B. decip i iens complex. There are, however, several
related. similarities with B. chlora r nthum in habit and the
morphology of the glabrous corona, as well as with
B. gerrardii Harvey (Thes. Cap. 2: 61, t. 196, the complex around B. edule.
1863). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Gerrard r 1318
[TCD]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, B. glabrum Hooker fil f . (Fl. Brit. India 4: 65,
Northern Prov.), Swaziland. I: FPA 43: t. 1686, 1885). T: India, Deccan (Beddome s.n. [K]). − D:
1976; Onderstall (1996). India (Ghats, Deccan).
Incl. Brachy
h stelma nigrum R. A. Dyer (1937). [2?] R unknown; stem solitary, erect, short, ±
[1] R fleshy, long-fus
f iform;
f stem solitary, erect, glabrous; L ± sessile, linear-lanceolate, 25 - 70 × 3 -
7 - 35 cm, densely long-hairy; L shortly petiolate, 6 mm; Inf terminal, 1- to few-f flowered; Cl ± 15
lamina broad, to 4 cm, lower face
f densely long- mm ∅, pubescent; Cl lobes 3× as long as the short
hairy, upper face
f glabrous; Inf sessile, 1-flowered; Cl tube, obtusely linear; Cn sessile, very short; Ci
Ped 15 - 35 mm; Sep subulate, to 8 mm; Cl divided lobes very short.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

An insufficiently known taxon, and probably a B. gymnopodum (Schlechter) Bruyns (BT 25(2):
synonym of B. edule. 161, 1995). T: Namibia (Rautanen 82 [Z]). − D:
Angola, Botswana, N Namibia, Zimbabwe, NE
B. glenense R. A. Dyer (BT 12(1): 54, 1976). T: RSA; Kalahari Sandveld.
RSA, Free State (Moster
M t 219 [PRE]). − D: RSA ≡ Ceropegia gymnopoda Schlechter (1896); incl.
(Free State, Northern Prov.). I: Dyer (1983); Alp Ceropegia pygmaea Schinz (1888); incl. Ceropegia
(1998). pumila N. E. Brown (1898) ≡ Ceropegia pygmaea
Species rank for B. glenense is doubtful. The ta- var. pumila (N. E. Brown) H. Huber (1957).
xon is probably conspecific with B. tuberosum, [2] R tuber globose, 2.5 - 5 cm ∅; stems 1 - 3,
ffrom which it can be distinguished only by the al- compactly dwarf-shrubby, only 10 - 15 cm tall,
most glabrous stems and the ± hairy corona. erect, annual, hardly branched, ± pubescent; L as-
cending, ± shortly petiolate, lamina linear to spatu-
late-obovate, 2.5 - 10 cm, ± pubescent; Inf sessile,
B. gracile E. A. Bruce (FPA 27: t. 1077 + 2 pp. text, 1- to 3-flowered, pedunculate to 8 mm, slender; Ped
1949). T: Zimbabwe (Porter r s.n. [PRE 27227]). − 3 - 15 mm, pubescent; Sep narrowly triangular, 2
D: Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, mm, hairy; Cl outside greenish, pubescent, inside
Mpumalanga, Northern Prov.). I: Dyer (1983); Me- purple, glabrous or hairy; Cl tube 30 - 50 mm, ± cy-
ve (1993). Fig. III.a lindrical, basal 1⁄3 abruptly bent at right angle and
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 4 - 12 cm ∅; stem merging into the slightly flaring Cl mouth near
mostly solitary, erect, partly drooping apically, very ground-level, 7 - 10 mm ∅; Cl lobes broadly trian-
delicate, 15 - 75 cm, pubescent; L sessile or shortly gular, 2 - 3 mm, erect, somewhat fo f lded back along
petiolate, lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, 20 - 120 × 1.5 the midrib; Cn sessile, urceolate with the margins
- 7 mm, lower facf e ± hairy; Inf sessile, 1- to 4- pulled up, ± 2.5 - 3.5 × 3 mm; free Ci lobes shortly
flowered; Ped 2 - 10 mm, filiform,
f pubescent; Sep triangular, erect or reflexed, inside somewhat hairy;
lanceolate, 1 - 2 mm; Cl 7 - 20 mm long, cage-like, Cs lobes united with the base of the urn, ± obtuse,
green, brown-green or purple-green, inside glabr- placed on / against the Anth; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.3 ×
ous, outside pubescent; Cl tube very short, ± flat;
f Cl 0.22 mm.
lobes linear-lanceolate, 1 - 2 mm ∅, lamina apically The long bent corolla tube is very uncommon and
united, somewhat fo f lded back along the midrib, the species was therefore placed in Ceropegia for f
sometimes ciliate; Cn sessile, basally hardly fusef d, over 100 years. It is typically associated with the
3 - 5 × 3 - 4 mm, black-red, rarely greenish or "Kalahari Sandveld" (see also notes fo f r B. brevipe-
spotted; Ci lobes bifid into narrowly triangular sub- dicellatum).
ulate diverging appendages, with few thickish white
Ha; Cs lobes linear-spatulate, 2.5 - 3.5 mm, erect- B. hirtellum Weimarck
W (Bot. Not. 22: 406-408,
connivent, apically partly overlapping; Poll ± ills., 1935). T: Zimbabwe, Inyanga (Norlindh
N &
ovoid, ± 0.35 × 0.22 mm; Fr slender fus f iform
f ,8- W
Weimarck 4399 [LD]). − D: Zimbabwe, RSA (Nor-
13 cm × 3 - 4 mm; Se ± 8 - 10 × 4 mm. thern Prov.).
B. gracile has a wide distribution and is very va- Incl. Brachyste
h lma pilosum R. A. Dyer (1956).
riable; the delicate slender plantlets are difficult to [2] R tuber depressed-globose; stems solitary or
locate in grassland. several, basally 3 - 5 mm ∅, erect, robust, 20 - 30
cm, hispid; L ± sessile, obovate to oblong-elliptic,
B. gracillimum R. A. Dyer (JSAB 11: 112, 1945). 10 - 35 × 2 - 20 mm, ± hispid, margins undulate; Inf
T: RSA, North-West Prov. (Louw 811 [PRE]). − D: sessile, 2- to 3-flowered; Ped 2 - 6 mm, ± villous;
RSA (North-West Prov.). I: Dyer (1983). Sep lanceolate-subulate, 3 - 6 mm, often reflexed,
≡ Dichaelia gracillima (R. A. Dyer) Bullock hairy, ciliate; Cl 15 - 25 mm long, cage-like; Cl
(1953). tube shallowly bowl-shaped, basally urceolate; Cl
[2] R tuber 3 - 5 cm ∅; stems divaricately lobes filiform from a lanceolate base, apically
branched, erect, to 45 cm; L very shortly petiolate, united, inside glabrous, outside brownish-hairy; Cn
ovate to ovate-cordate, ± 15 × 7.5 mm, lower face ± sessile, basally fuse
f d to fform a bowl-shaped struc-
hairy; Inf sessile, 1-flowered; Ped 2 mm; Sep lan- ture, purple, glabrous; Ci lobes rectangular, apically
ceolate, 3 mm; Cl ± 45 mm long, cage-like, attenu- bifid into narrowly triangular subulate appendages,
ate into a beak, probably purple; Cl tube very short; 0.6 - 1.5 mm, ± erect; Cs lobes rectangular-lingulate
Cl lobes linear-filiform, ± 0.5 mm ∅, apically from a transversely ovate thickened back, incum-
united; Cn shortly stipitate, basally hardly fused; Ci bent on the Anth; Poll flatly ovoid-globose, ± 0.3 ×
lobes bifid into ± linear appendages with thickened 0.2 mm.
tip, erect, divergent, hairy; Cs lobes oblong elliptic, B. hirtellum fforms a complex with B. villosum
2.25 mm, erect-connivent, overlapping; Fr slender and B. tenue and takes an intermediate position be-
f iform
fus f , to 9 cm. tween these 2 taxa (see also under B. elongatum).
B. gracillimum is related to B. gracile but unfo
f r-
tunately only known from the type. B. huttonii (Harvey) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 845,

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

1908). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Hutton

H 3 [TCD, K]). [2] R tuber ± depressed-globose, 4 - 6 cm ∅;
− D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983). Fig. II.b stems basally branched, erect or decumbent-ascend-
≡ Decaceras huttonii Harvey (1863); incl. Bra- ing, 10 - 20 cm, pubescent; L ± sessile to shortly pe-
h stelma luteum Peckover (1993). tiolate, linear to elliptic, 30 - 50 × 1.5 - 13 mm,
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, ± 5 cm ∅; stem upper face glabrous, lower face ± pubescent; Inf
solitary, richly branched, erect, 5 - 12 cm, reddish, terminal, 4- to 10-flowered; Ped 2 - 5 mm, pubes-
pubescent; L ± sessile, linear, 12 - 30 × 1 - 5 mm, cent; Sep subulate, 5 - 8 mm, tomentose; Fl purple-
greenish-red, margins ± revolute; Inf sessile, mostly brown; Cl tube ± campanulate, ± 4 × 6 mm, inside
2 at the nodes, 1- to 10-flowered; Ped 5 - 10 mm, with concentric whitish spots, pubescent; Cl lobes
pubescent; Sep lanceolate, 1 - 2 mm, glabrous; Cl ± linear-subulate from a triangular base, 25 - 75 mm,
8 mm ∅, greenish, yellow or brownish, tube ± lamina fof lded back along the midrib, ± long white-
bowl-shaped, 0.5 - 1 × 2 - 3 mm; Cl lobes lanceo- hairy to pubescent; Cn ± sessile, purple, fused cup-
late, 3 - 5 mm, margins revolute; Cn sessile, basally shaped; Ci lobes pouch-like, bifid into narrowly tri-
f d to fform a cup-like structure, yellow, sunken
fuse angular appendages, erect, inside white-bearded,
into the Cl tube or exserted ffrom it; Ci basally f d with the Cs; Cs lobes linear, ± 1 mm,
laterally fuse
pouch-like, apically bifid into narrowly triangular incumbent on the Anth; Poll ovoid-subquadrangu-
erect appendages; Cs lobes short, subulate, placed lar, ± 0.45 × 0.3 mm; Fr thickly fus f iform,
f ± 30 ×
on the Anth; Poll ovoid. 8 mm.
Related most closely to B. arnotii and B. mini- As in B. lineare, there are forms with linear (Ma-
mum.m The colour of the flowers and the divaricately
m. li, Kenya, Uganda) and elliptic (Senegal, Tanzania)
branched habit is notable. leaves. Diagnostic characters fo f r B. johnstonii are
the terminal inflorescences and the long-tailed co-
B. incanum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(1): 54-55, 1976). rolla segments.
T: RSA, North-West Prov. ((Acocks
A k 12476 [PRE]).
− D: Zimbabwe, RSA (North-West Prov.). I: Dyer B. keniense Schweinfurth (in Höhnel, Rudolph-
(1983); FPA 53(1): t. 2090, 1994. Stephanie-See, 860, 1892). T: Kenya (Schwein-
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 5 cm ∅; stem furth s.n. [B?]). − D: Kenya.
mostly solitary, rarely branched, semi-decumbent to [2] R tuber ± globose; stems basally sparsely
ascending, 10 - 20 cm, densely pubescent, some- branched, delicate, decumbent-ascending, hardly 10
what bristly; L petiolate to 5 mm, lamina obovate to cm tall, pubescent; L ± sessile or shortly petiolate,
ovate-elliptic, 15 - 20 × 10 - 15 mm, densely pubes- elliptic-lanceolate, to 25 × 7 mm, somewhat hairy;
cent to long-hairy; Inf ± sessile, 1- to 4-flowered; Inf 1- to 3-flowered, lateral; Ped 4 - 15 mm; Sep
Ped 10 - 15 mm, pubescent; Sep narrowly triangu- lanceolate, pubescent; Fl outside greenish, inside ±
lar, 2 - 4 mm; Cl 9 - 11 mm ∅, outside hairy, tube dark purple, glabrous, tube campanulate; Cl lobes
short, shallow, ± 4 mm ∅, black-purple, basally triangular, ± 6 mm, acute, spreading, ± flat; Cn ±
whitish, with a broad ring of pale purplish long Ha, sessile, purple, ± 2 × 2 mm, funnel-shaped; Ci
partly extending to the basal Cl lobes, these ± 3.5 lobes pouch-like, erect, truncate and incised in the
mm, triangular, horizontal, wrinkled and black- middle into triangular appendages, inside glabrous
purple, apical 1⁄4 pale red-brown or greenish-yellow or white-barbate; Cs lobes linear to triangular, ± 0.5
and smooth; Cn shortly stipitate, yellowish with mm, incumbent on the Anth; Poll broadly ovoid, ±
purple margins, basally fuse
f d to fform a campanu - 0.3 × 0.24 mm.
late structure, ± 1 × 2.5 mm; Ci lobes shortly Best distinguished from
f B. lineare by the funne
f l-
pouch-like, ovate-subquadrangular, apically blunt shaped corona and the very much shorter triangular
or somewhat indented; Cs lobes short, pillow- corolla lobes, but also similar to B. decip
i iens.
shaped, basally placed against the Anth; Poll pear-
shaped, ± 0.25 mm; Fr ± 6 cm; Se ± 10 × 5 mm, B. kerzneri Peckover (Aloe 31(3-4): 84-85, ills.,
dull olive-green, coma 2 cm. 1995). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Peckover 1722
An attractive species distinctive by the contrast- [PRE]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
ing coloration of the corolla, the indumentum and [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 5 - 7 cm ∅; stem
the seed colour. See also comments under B. chlo- solitary, decumbent-ascending, to 15 cm × 4 mm,
m. pubescent; L 5 - 7 mm petiolate, lamina elliptic to
obovate, 2 - 6 × 1 - 3 cm, pubescent, pale green; Inf
B. johnstonii N. E. Brown (HIP 28: t. 2754 + text, sessile, 1-flowered; Ped 5 - 8 mm; Sep lanceolate, 4
1901). T: Uganda (Johnston s.n. [K]). − D: - 5 mm, hispid; Cl ± 20 mm ∅, tube campanulate, ±
Kenya, Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda. I: Agnew 6 × 9 mm, green-yellow with purple concentrically
& Agnew (1994). arranged spots and stripes, sparsely hairy; Cl lobes
Incl. Brachy
h stelma bagshawii S. Moore (1907); greenish with purple longitudinal stripes, ± 7 × 7
incl. Brachyste
h lma lanceolatum Turrill (1922); incl. mm, broadly triangular, ± horizontally spreading,
h lma medusanthemum J.-P. Lebrun & al. inside and marginally with reddish Ha; Cn sessile,
(1985). basally united with the Cl tube, ± 2 × 5 mm, purple,

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

appearing uniseriate; Ci lobes shortly pouch-like, short, shallow; Cl lobes triangular-lanceolate, ± 2 ×

sunken into the Cl tube, deeply U-shaped, emargi- 1 mm, spreading or bent backwards, greenish to
nate, margins laterally fuse
f d with the dorsally el- purple, apically with a tuft f of clavate Ha, pale
ongate Cs and overtopping the Cs with obtusely green to purple; Cn sessile, fused to form a cup-
wing-shaped appendages, inside each with a tuft of shaped structure, ± 1 × 2 mm; Ci lobes pouch-like,
whitish Ha; Cs lobes shortly lingulate, incumbent erect, apically incised to 2-toothed; Cs lobes trian-
on the Anth, dorsally winged, obtuse; Poll D- gular-oblong, covering the Anth halfway f ; Poll
shaped, 0.5 × 0.4 mm; Fr 12 cm × 7 mm; Se 8 × ovoid, ± 0.2 mm; Fr 5 - 9 cm; Se 7 × 2 mm.
3.5 mm. The nutant umbellate inflorescences are charac-
Indistinguishable from
f B. camp
m anulatum in habit, teristic for this species from the complex around B.
but the corona is unique in the genus by the con- edule. Further studies are needed to ascertain the sy-
spicuously dorsally winged staminal corona being nonymy with B. ciliatum.
f d with the margins of the interstaminal corona.
Moreover, both species appear to be close to B. de- B. lancasteri Boele (Excelsa 16: 30, ill., 1994). T:
i iens. Zimbabwe (Rogers r 5444 [BOL 42694]). − D: Zim-
B. kolarensis Arekal & Ramakrishna (Proc. Indian [2] R tuber depressed-globose or globose, 3 - 7
Acad. Sci., Pl. Sci. 90(3): 203-205, ills., 1981). T: cm ∅; stems ± erect, sparsely branched, 5 - 15 cm
Thailand (Kerr 1273 [CAL, K]). − D: India (Maha- tall, hispid; L 1 - 5 mm petiolate, lamina ± elliptic,
rashtra, Karnataka); often
f in rock fissures. I: Ya
Y dav 5 - 35 × 3 - 20 mm, densely pubescent; Inf sessile,
& al. (1993). 1- to 6-flowered; Ped 1 - 4 mm, pubescent; Sep tri-
Incl. Brachy
h stelma malwanense Yada Y v & N. P. angular, 2 - 3 mm; Cl outside green, ± papillose-
Singh (1993); incl. Brachystelma naoroj o ii P. Tetali hispid, inside dark purple; Cl tube campanulate, 2.5
& al. (1998). - 3 × 3 - 4 mm; Cl lobes narrowly triangular to lan-
[2] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 5 cm ∅; stems 1, rarely ceolate, ± 8 × 2 mm, ascending, apical 2⁄3 bent back-
branched, erect, 8 - 50 cm, somewhat hairy or glab- wards, strongly fo
f lded back along the midrib, inside
rous; L ± sessile, opposite, sometimes alternate, glabrous to pubescent; Cn sessile, ± bowl-shaped,
narrowly elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 20 - 90 × 5 - yellowish tinged ± purple or with purple margins;
25 mm, ± glabrous; Inf pedunculate, peduncle 4 - Ci lobes ascending, concave, ± 1.5 mm, apically
30 mm, pubescent, terminal or lateral near the stem with divergent triangular appendages; Cs lobes lin-
tips, ± umbellate, few-
f flowered; Ped 3 - 8 mm, pu- ear, ± 1 mm, incumbent on the Anth.
bescent; Sep 1 - 2 mm, lanceolate, pubescent; Cl Rare endemic ffrom Zimbabwe. See also B. ri-
outside glabrous, inside dark purple or spotted with chardrdsii.
green-purple, purple-hairy to pubescent; Cl tube
short, shallow; Cl lobes triangular-lanceolate, 4 - 10 B. lankanum Dassanayake & Jayasuriya (Ceylon J.
mm, ± spreading to erect, sometimes apically fused Sci. 11(1): 39-41, ills., 1974). T: Sri Lanka, Matale
and forming a cage, lamina folded back along the Distr. (Jayasuriyi a & Dassanayake 988 [PDA, E, K,
midrib and margins revolute; Cn ± sessile, ± 2 mm L, US]). − D: Sri Lanka.
∅, purple, fuse
f d to fform a cup-shaped structure; Ci [2] R tuber ± globose, 1 - 5 cm ∅; stem 1, rarely
lobes subquadrangularly pouch-like, ± erect, cren- branched, erect, 2 - 15 cm, glabrous; L ± sessile,
ate or incised, often
f somewhat reclining, hairy; Cs linear-elliptic, 7 - 65 × 1 - 7 mm, subsucculent, pale
lobes triangular, short, basally placed against the green, glabrous; Inf pedunculate to 18 mm, 1- to 3-
Anth; Poll ovoid, ± 0.25 × 0.15 mm; Fr 10 - 15 cm. f
flowered ; Ped to 1 cm, filiform; Sep 1 - 2 mm; Cl
campanulate, purple, somewhat leathery, tube cam-
B. laevigatum (Buchanan-Hamilton ex Wight) panulate, ± 3 mm ∅, glabrous; Cl lobes triangular,
Hooker fif l. (Fl. Brit. India 4: 65, 1885). T: India 2 mm, ascending, inside with long purple Ha; Cn ±
(Hamilton s.n. [K]). − D: India (Deccan, Karnata- sessile, ± 1.5 × 2 mm, cream-coloured, ± red-dotted,
ka). I: Arekal & Ramakrishna (1981: as B. cilia- basally cup-like, fused, Ci lobes deeply divided into
tum). 2 erect divergent subulate appendages, 0.3 mm, pur-
≡ Eriopetalum laevigatum Buchanan-Hamilton ple; Cs lobes bluntly triangular, incumbent on the
ex Wight (s.a.); incl. Gomphocarpus laevigatus Bu- Anth; Poll ovoid, 0.2 × 0.15 mm; Fr 8 - 11 cm × 3
chanan-Hamilton ms. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. mm; Se ± 6 × 2 mm.
32.1c); incl. Brachyh stelma ciliatum Arekal & Ra- The only species of the genus in Sri Lanka and
makrishna (1981). there endemic. The morphology of the corona is un-
[2] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 4 cm ∅, edible; stem common and is reminiscent of B. swazicum as well
solitary, rarely branched, erect, 5 - 40 cm, some- as several species of Caralluma
C .
what pubescent; L ± sessile, linear-subulate, 15 - 60
× 1 - 2 mm; Inf sessile nutant umbels, 2- to 5- B. letestui Pellegrin (Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat.
flowered ; Ped 5 - 20 mm, pubescent; Sep 1 mm; Cl T u 2352 [P]). −
32: 393, 1926). T: Gabon (Le Test
pendent, ± 6 - 8 mm ∅, outside pubescent; Cl tube D: Gabon. I: Lebrun & al. (1994).

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

[2] Hardly distinguishable from B. johnstonii [1] R fleshy, long-fusiform; stem solitary, erect,
except by the 20- to 30-flowered but equally ter- 25 - 60 cm, tomentose to hispid; L shortly petiolate,
minal Inf and the triangular, only 10 - 15 mm long ovate to somewhat cordate, 20 - 35 × 10 - 20 mm,
Cl segments. pubescent; Inf sessile, 1-flowered; Ped to 25 mm,
pubescent; Sep subulate, to 13 mm, reflexed; Cl
B. lineare A. Richard (Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 49, t. 72, united only basally, pale yellow to greenish-yellow,
1851). T: Ethiopia (Quartin Dillon s.n. [P]). − D: ± spotted green- or red-brown, with dull citrus-
Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan. Fig. III.b scent; Cl tube short, shallow; Cl lobes ± linear-
Incl. Brachyste
h lma ellipticum A. Richard (1851); lanceolate ffrom a triangular base, 20 - 30 mm,
incl. Brachystelma phyteumoides K. Schumann outside long-hairy, inside shortly pubescent, lower
(1893); incl. Brachyh stelma asmarense Chiovenda 1
⁄3 horizontal to ascending, apical 2⁄3 strongly re-
(1912); incl. Brachyh stelma constrictum J. B. Hall curved; Cn sessile, ± 5 × 3 mm, densely pubescent;
(1966). Ci lobes erect, ± 2 mm, deeply divided into 2 subu-
[2] R tuber ± depressed-globose, 4 - 12 cm ∅; late divergent appendages, dark green; Cs lobes
stems basally several times branched, decumbent- spatulate-obovate, ± 5 mm, erect, straight, touching
ascending, to 15 cm, glabrous or pubescent; L ± only apically, dark purple to black-green; Poll D-
sessile to shortly petiolate, linear to elliptic, 15 - 60 shaped to ovoid, ± 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr slender-fusi-
× 1 - 10 mm, ± glabrous; Inf 1- to 2-flowered, la- f
form , to 17 cm; Se to 10 mm, broadly winged.
teral; Ped 4 - 6 mm, glabrous or somewhat pu- Closely related to B. comptum and B. gerrard r ii
bescent; Sep triangular, 2 - 4 mm, pubescent or and with similarly attractive flowers.
glabrous; Fl inside ± wrinkled, tube slightly urceo-
late, ± 4.5 × 5 mm, yellowish, banded with purple, B. maculatum Hooker fil. f (Fl. Brit. India 4: 65,
pubescent or glabrous; Cl lobes linear from a trian- 1885). T: India, Deccan ? (Law s.n. [K]). − D: S
gular base, ± 9 - 12 × 1 - 2 mm, acute, spreading, India (Ghats, Karnataka, Madurai).
lamina folded back along the midrib, ± long white- Incl. Brachyste
h lma bourneae Gamble (1922);
hairy to pubescent or entirely glabrous, purple; Cn incl. Brachystelma rangacharii Gamble (1922).
± sessile, purple, ± 2.5 × 3 mm, basally cup-like [2] R tuber fusiform; stem solitary, erect, 25 - 50
f d; Ci lobes pouch-like, erect, truncate, incised
fuse (-100) cm, glabrous; L sessile, linear-filiform, deli-
in the middle into triangular appendages, inside cate, 70 - 100 × 2 mm; Inf sessile, umbellate, 2- to
white-barbate; Cs lobes linear, ± 1 mm, ascending, 3-flowered; Ped 5 - 15 mm, slender; Sep lanceolate,
acute or obtuse, placed first against the Anth and ± glabrous; Cl 16 - 20 mm ∅, tube whitish, spotted
then ascending freely, or placed entirely on the as- with green; Cl lobes triangular-lanceolate, ± 10
cending Anth; Poll ovoid-subquadrangular, ± 0.4 × mm, margins with scattered purple Ha; Cn short,
0.25 mm; Fr thickly fus
f iform
f , ± 30 × 8 mm. rounded; Cs lobes subulate, 1 mm, considerably
B. constrictum matches the type of B. lineare ex- overtopping the Anth; Poll ± globose.
cept in the hairiness of the corolla and cannot be The fus
f ifo
f rm tuber and the tall 1-stemmed habit
upheld as separate species. Within the complex, B. are good characters of B. maculatum.
pellacibellum, B. johnstonii and B. letestui as well
as B. keniense and B. festuci
f ifolium are closely re- B. mafek
f ingense N.E.Brown (FC 4(1): 854, 1908).
lated, and the same is the case ffor the complex T: RSA, North-West Prov. (Green 1683 [K, GRA]).
around B. decipiens in RSA. − D: Namibia, N RSA. I: Dyer (1983: as Cerop o e-
B. longifolium (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): gia).
853, 1908). T [lecto]: RSA, Mpumalanga (Schlech- ≡ Ceropegia maf afekingensis (N. E. Brown) R. A.
ter 3873 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Mpumalanga). I: Dyer (1977); incl. Ceropegia patriciae Rauh &
Dyer (1983). Buchloh (1964).
≡ Brachystelmaria longif
ifolia Schlechter (1895) ≡ [2] R tuber flattened, to 8 cm ∅; stems 1 or more,
Lasiostelma longififolium (Schlechter) Schlechter compact, of dwarf growth, only 1.5 - 6 cm, annual,
(1899). branched from the base, slightly hairy; L ± sessile,
A very poorly known species with conspicuous narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 7 - 30 × 5 - 8 mm,
leaves (30 - 70 × 4 mm). Schlechter compares it margins involute, upper face f hairy, lower fac
f e
with B. natalense and B. ramosissimum.m..
m glabrous; Inf sessile 10- to 20-flowered pseudo-
umbels, lateral, later also terminal; Ped 3 - 8 mm,
B. macropetalum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC hairy; Sep narrowly lanceolate, 2 - 4 mm; Cl 1 - 1.4
4(1): 852, 1908). T [lecto]: RSA, Mpumalanga cm, straight, erect, glabrous; Cl tube urceolate, 4 - 5
(Schlechter 3869 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Mpumalanga, × 3 - 4 mm, slightly 5-angled, outside greenish with
Northern Prov.), Swaziland. I: Dyer (1983). Fig. purple blotches, ± papillose, inside yellowish,
III.c stippled with purple, glabrous; Cl lobes 6 - 7 × 2
≡ Brachystelmaria macropetala Schlechter mm, narrowly obovate, semi-erect, margins and la-
(1895) ≡ Lasiostelma macropetalum (Schlechter) mina folded back along the midrib, tip involute,
Schlechter (1899). inside black-brown, verrucose; Cn purple, sessile,

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

basally fused into a bowl, ± 3 × 2 mm; Ci lobes sest relative of B. megasepalum is B. buchananii,
shallowly pouch-shaped with raised lateral margins and B. foetidum also appears to be close.
which join into short erect appendages in ffront of
the Cs base; Cs ± 2 mm, linear, erect-connivent, B. meyerianum Schlechter (BJS 21(Beiblatt 54):
apically occasionally papillose; Poll globosely 14, 1895). T [lecto]: RSA, Eastern Cape (Sims
pear-shaped, ± 0.25 mm. 1508 [K, BOL, GRA, NU, PRE]). − D: RSA (Eas-
The systematic position of this distinct species tern Cape). I: Dyer (1983). Fig. II.c
(Ceropegia or Brachstelma) remains unsettled. Incl. Brachystelma caff a frum Schlechter (1894)
Characters of the stems and the corolla point with (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1).
considerable certainty to Brachyste
h lma. [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 4 - 6 cm ∅; stems
few, erect, 10 - 15 cm, pubescent; L shortly petio-
B. maritae Peckover (CSJA 68(1): 3-5, ills., 1996). late, lamina linear-lanceolate to elliptic, to 30 × 10
T: Tanzania, Ruvuma Prov. (Sp S ecks & SpS ecks 419 mm, ± hispid; Inf sessile, 1- to 4-flowered; Ped ± 5
[PRE]). − D: Tanzania. mm; Sep lanceolate, 3 mm; Cl ± 15 - 18 mm ∅,
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 10 cm ∅; stem outside papillose, inside whitish, pink or greenish,
solitary, ± erect, to 5 cm, laxly hispid; L shortly pe- with cheese-like scent; Cl tube campanulate to ur-
tiolate, elliptic to obovate, 20 - 45 × 15 - 20 mm, ceolate, ± 6 × 3 mm, inside ± white-hairy; Cl lobes
densely pubescent; Inf sessile, lateral, 2- to 10- ± 7 × 2.5 mm, lanceolate, horizontally spreading,
flowered ; Sep lanceolate, 5 mm, hairy; Ped 3 - 4 margins somewhat revolute, with long white cilia;
mm, hairy; Cl outside ± pubescent, inside glabrous, Cn ± sessile, 2 × 3 mm, fused to form a campanu-
tube campanulate, 5 - 6 × 5 - 7 mm, inside yellow- late to nearly urceolate structure; Ci lobes pouch-
ish with purple spots; Cl lobes linear-lanceolate like, ± triangular and incised in the middle, apical
from a triangular base, 25 - 30 mm, ± erect, yellow; margins on the in- and outside broadly hairy; Cs
Cn sessile, yellowish, spotted with purple, ± 2 × 3.5 lobes linear-spatulate, ascending, placed against the
mm ∅, cup-shaped; Ci lobes pouch-like, margin Anth; Poll flattened-ovoid, ± 0.25 mm ∅; Sty head
incised in U-shaped fasf hion, laterally elongate into bulging; Fr fus
f iform
f , ± 60 × 4 mm.
2 white-barbate appendages and ffused with the dor- The ranges of all characters show great similari-
sally wing-like broadened Cs; Cs lobes linear- ties with B. decipi iens, ffrom which this species can
lingulate, incumbent on the Anth. be easily distinguished, however, by flower colour,
B. maritae is distinguished from the very closely degree of hairiness and details of corona structure.
related B. floribundum
f by the broader leaves, the
predominantly yellow corolla with glabrous inside
and the slightly different
f structure of the corona. B. micranthum E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr.,
196, 1837). T [syn]: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drège s.n.
B. megasepalum Peckover (KuaS 47(12): 249-252, [not located]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
ills., 1996). T: Tanzania, Ruvuma Prov. (Sp S ecks A taxon known only ffrom the protologue, which
385 [PRE]). − D: Zambia, Tanzania. Fig. III.d is based on 2 syntypes which have not been located
[2] R tuber 5 - 6 cm ∅, with yellow tissue; stems so ffar. It is probably synonymous with or closely re-
1 to several, decumbent-creeping to ascending, ± lated to B. nanum.
hispid, to 20 cm; L 10 - 15 mm petiolate, lamina
obovate, 20 - 30 × 12 - 18 mm, shortly hairy; Inf B. minimum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(3): 447, 1978). T:
sessile, from every other node, 4-flowered; Ped 20 - RSA, Eastern Cape (Bayer 341 [NBG]). − D: RSA
25 mm, laxly hairy; Sep triangular, 8 - 10 × 2 - 3 (Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983).
mm, flat and horizontally spreading, pubescent; Cl [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 3.5 cm ∅; stems
cage-like, rarely stellate, intensely dung-scented, 1 - 3, very delicate, erect, 4 - 7 cm, pubescent; L ±
inside glabrous, outside pubescent; Cl tube shallow sessile, linear, 10 - 20 × 1 - 2 mm, with ffew Ha; Inf
or somewhat convex, 10 - 12 mm ∅, inside brown- sessile, 1-flowered; Ped ± 12 mm, filiform, horizon-
violet, spotted with yellow-green; Cl lobes triangu- tal or slightly descending, glabrous; Sep triangular,
lar-linear, 25 - 30 mm, apically united and forming 1 mm, glabrous; Cl 4 - 6 mm ∅, black-brown, tube
a globose cage, or free,
f inside ± green-yellow, mar- bowl-shaped, 1 × 2 mm; Cl lobes broadly triangu-
gins revolute; Cn sessile, 3.5 × 2 mm, yellowish, lar, 1.5 - 2 × 1.5 mm, completely reflexed, ciliate;
mottled with red-brown, basally united bowl- Cn sessile, cup-shaped, 1.5 mm, pale yellow-trans-
shaped, glabrous; Ci lobes pouch-like, emarginate parent, spotted with purple; Ci pouch-like, integr-
in deeply U-shaped fashion, each laterally elongate ated in the coronal cup, inside hairy, apically emar-
into erectly divergent triangular-subulate append- ginate; Cs lobes short, pillow-like, laterally fused
ages; Cs lobes rectangular-lingulate, ± 1 mm, in- with the Ci; Anth ± free f ly visible; Poll 0.2 mm,
cumbent on the Anth; Poll almost globose, 0.4 × corpuscle minute.
0.3 mm; Fr thickly fus
f iform,
f ± 50 × 15 mm; Se ± 10 Very closely related to B. arnotii and B. huttonii.
× 7 mm. The last-named is also only known ffrom the region
Based on the morphology of the corona, the clo- around Grahamstown.

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

B. minor E. A. Bruce (FPA 28: t. 1096A + text, dish-shaped, ± 1 × 3 mm; Ci pouch-like, apically
1951). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Murray 28365 broadly U-shaped; Cs lobes linear-spatulate, de-
[PRE]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov.). I: Dyer cumbent on the back of the Anth, dorsally thi-
(1983). ckened; Fr erect, cylindrical, 20 - 30 × 3 mm; Se
[2] R tuber depressed, ± 5 cm ∅; stem solitary, dark brown, 5 × 3 mm, tuft of Ha 10 - 12 mm.
unbranched, erect, 3 - 5 cm, delicately tomentose; L Closely related to B. petraeum, but differentiated
8 - 16 mm petiolate, petiole semi-erect, grooved ab- by its solitary root tubers and a widely reduced co-
ove, lamina ± spatulate, to 20 mm, marginally rolla tube.
somewhat ciliate; Inf shortly pedunculate, 2- to 3-
flowered; Ped 4 - 5 mm; Sep triangular-lanceolate, B. montanum R. A. Dyer (BT 6(3): 540-541,
1.5 mm; Cl 8 - 9 mm ∅, outside greenish-cream- 1956). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Galpin 6278 [PRE,
coloured with reddish venation, inside purple, with K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983).
white bristly Ha; Cl tube distinctly campanulate, 4 [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 2 - 5 cm ∅; stems
- 5 mm ∅; Cl lobes triangular, ± 2.5 mm, lamina re- hardly branched, erect, ± 5 - 10 cm, ± hispid, partly
curved; Cn ± sessile, ± 1 × 1.8 mm, united only underground; L linear-elliptic, basally narrowing
basally, ± red-brown; Ci lobes ovate, pouch-like, and ± sessile, 15 - 25 × 2 - 4 mm, ± hispid; Inf ses-
outside shaggy-hairy, apically bifid into 2 ± erect sile, 2-flowered; Ped 10 - 35 mm, tomentose; Sep
triangular-subulate appendages; Cs lobes sub- lanceolate, 3 mm; Cl tube campanulate, ± 4.5 mm
quadrangular, 0.5 mm, incumbent on the Anth; Fr ∅; Cl lobes to 10 mm, ± linear ffrom a triangular
± 35 × 4 mm. base, margins revolute, hairy below the middle; Cn
Closely related to B. swazicum and B. parvulum, ± sessile, 2 mm long, cylindrical-campanulate; Ci
but easily recognizable because of the campanulate lobes pouch-like, apically emarginate in broadly
corolla with the remarkable bristly hairs. V-shaped fasf hion; Cs lobes linear, placed on the
B. modestum R. A. Dyer (FPA 30(1): t. 1165A + A hardly known taxon.
text, 1954). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Codd 6984 B. mortonii C. C. Walker (Asklepios 24: 66-67,
[PRE]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal). I: Dyer 1981). T: Ghana, Northern Region (Morto M n 7381
(1983). [K]). − D: Ghana, Ivory Coast. I: Meve & Po-
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 2 - 3 cm ∅; stems rembski (1993). Fig. II.d
1 or 2, erect, 2 - 4 cm, glabrous or tomentose; L in 3 Incl. Brachystelma parvif iflorum J. K. Morton
- 5 pairs, shortly petiolate, lamina oblong-elliptic, (1978) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1).
10 - 30 × 5 - 10 mm, sometimes somewhat hairy; [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 3 - 6 cm ∅; stems
Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Sep lanceolate, 3 mm; basally several times branched, decumbent-ascend-
Cl ± 15 mm ∅, tube broadly campanulate, ± 2.5 × ing, 4 - 20 cm, sparsely hairy; L ± sessile, pale
10 mm, inside pale brown, intermittently banded green, narrowly elliptic to linear, 20 - 80 × 2 - 5
concentrically with purple; Cl lobes ± 4 mm, ± mm, stiff, erectly divergent, midrib hairy below; Inf
horizontally bent backwards, broadly triangular, sessile, 3- to 4-flowered; Sep triangular-lanceolate,
apically purple-brown; Cn ± sessile, purple, ± 2 × 3 - 5 mm; Cl 7 - 16 mm ∅, opening only halfway f ,
3.5 mm, united cup-like; Ci lobes pouch-like, api- very coarse and fleshy, outside greenish, papillate,
cally emarginate or 2-toothed; Cs lobes lingulate, inside red-brown, wrinkled; Cl tube shallow, bowl-
incumbent on the Anth; Poll ± 0.25 mm, caudicles shaped; Cl lobes 3 - 9 × 3 - 5 mm, triangular-ovate,
very short. apical 1⁄2 thickened nose-like; Cn sessile, pale
A further micro-species from the complex around purple, 2 - 3 × 6 - 8 mm, united cup-like; Ci lobes
B. australe. basally pouch-like, inside hairy, bifid into 2 trian-
gular-subulate broadly diverging appendages ± 2.5
B. molaventi Peckover & A. E. van Wyk (Aloe mm long, ascending, several times bent; Cs lobes
36(2-3): 46-48, ills., 2000). T: RSA, KwaZulu- broadly triangular ffrom a pillow-like thickened
W 12483 [PRU, NH]). − D: RSA
Natal (van Wyk back, obtuse, 0.5 mm, incumbent on the orange
(KwaZulu-Natal: Ngele Nature Reserve). Anth, dorsally expanded wing-like and ffused with
[2] R tuberous, flattened, to 2 × 4 cm; stems nu- the Ci margins; Poll almost square, ± 0.3 mm, Fr 30
merous, ascending-procumbent, to 15 cm × 2 mm, ± - 50 × 10 - 15 mm; Se ± 10 × 6 mm.
hispid; L shortly petiolate, lamina lanceolate to cor- The fleshy bulges on the corolla tips are signifi-
date, 3 - 8 × 2 - 5 mm, sparingly hairy; Inf sessile, cant for B. mortonii. The species is very closely re-
1-flowered; Ped 35 × 0.5 mm, horizontal, sparingly lated to B. plocamoides, and when the fforms are
hairy; Sep red-brown, 1 - 2 mm, acute; Cl radiate, ± better known, the 2 will probably have to be inter-
25 mm ∅; Cl tube brown-green, ± 4 mm ∅, flat, preted as representing the same variable species.
short-hairy; Cl lobes brownish-green, lanceolate, to
12 × 1 mm, slightly recurved, bent back along the B. nanum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 848,
midrib, upper fface with purple Ha 0.1 mm long; Cn Z yher 509 [K]). − D:
1908). T: RSA, Free State (Ze
yellowish to purple-brownish, glabrous, sessile, RSA (Northern Prov., North-West Prov., Eastern

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

Cape, Mpumalanga); sand-filled pockets on rocks. ≡ Riocreuxia nepalensis Radcliffe-Smith (1967).

I: Craib (1994); Peckover (1994: as B. angustum). [1,2] R tubers small, 1 - 2.5 cm ∅, with numerous
Fig. II.f, II.g fleshy R; stem solitary, little-branched, erect, to 30
≡ Lasiostelma nanum Schlechter (1905); incl. cm, hispid; L in only 4 - 6 pairs, sessile or very
Brachyh stelma dy
d eri K. & M.-J. Balkwill & Cadman shortly petiolate, lamina broadly ovate to lanceo-
(1988); incl. Brachy h stelma angustum Peckover late, 10 - 30 × 5 - 20 mm, upper face entirely hairy,
(1995). lower face
f hairy only on the veins; Inf lateral, pe-
[2] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 5 cm ∅; stems 1 to sev- dunculate to 18 mm, 1- to 4-flowered; Ped to 17
eral, erect, glabrous or very sparsely hairy, 3 - 12 mm, tomentose; Sep lanceolate, 2 - 3 mm; Cl cam-
cm; L shortly petiolate, lamina linear-elliptic to ov- panulate, 7 - 10 mm long, horizontal to erect; Cl
ate, 10 - 25 × 3 - 7 mm, often somewhat ciliate; Inf tube 3 - 5 mm deep, white; Cl lobes triangular, ± 5
sessile, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 3 - 14 mm; Sep 1 - 3 mm, purple-brown; Cn 2 mm stipitate; Ci lobes ba-
mm; Cl 9 - 14 mm ∅ or 5 - 7 mm long, stellate or sally united to fform a short bowl-like structure,
cage-like, whitish to rose-coloured, partly with linear-lingulate, 2 mm, erect, placed against the in-
green dots; Cl tube bowl-shaped; Cl lobes 3.5 - 6.5 side of the Cl tube, ciliate, apically incised; Cs
mm, spreading or tips united, tips greenish, bent in- lobes subquadrangular-triangular, 0.3 mm, incum-
wards, margins ± revolute; Cn sessile, ± 2 × 2 mm, bent on the Anth; Fr glabrous.
white with red or green spots, basally united cup- An isolated species from the Nepalese Himalaya.
like; Ci lobes deeply divided into 2 erect triangular Similarities in vegetative and coronal characters in-
to subulate appendages, inside usually papillose, ra- dicate a closer relationship with the South Afr f ican
rely hairy; Cs lobes linear to slightly spatulate, in- B. comptum.
cumbent on the Anth or erect and with reflexed
tips; Poll ± globose, 0.2 - 0.3 mm ∅, corpuscle slen- B. ngomense R. A. Dyer (BT 12(2): 255, 1977). T:
der, ± 0.3 mm long; Fr 30 - 50 × 3 - 4 mm; Se ± 7 × RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Hilliard r & Burtt 8441 [PRE,
3 mm. P, S]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal: near Ngome).
The plants are generally glabrous with elegant, I: Dyer (1983).
partly stellate, partly cage-like flowers. B. dyeri
d is [2] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 3 cm ∅; stems 1 - 3,
only separable on the base of the corona with a delicate, hardly branched, decumbent, ± creeping,
hairy inside and the longer Cs segments. In general, 10 - 20 cm, glabrous or papillate to shortly hairy; L
the overlap in characters is such that B. dy
d eri can at shortly petiolate, lamina ovate-elliptic, 10 - 15 mm,
most be recognized as variety. glabrous or margins scatteredly hairy; Inf sessile,
1-flowered; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Cl purple or white and
B. natalense (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): spotted with purple, ± 12 mm ∅; Cl tube shallow;
850, 1908). T [lecto]: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Wood Cl lobes triangular, ± 5 mm, widely reflexed, mar-
176 [NH]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal). I: Ngwe- gins revolute; Cn ± 2.5 × 4 mm, united bowl-
nya & al. (1995). shaped; Ci lobes concavely pouch-like, outside
≡ Aulostephanus
epp natalensis Schlechter (1896); toothed and directed inwards; Cs lobes shortly
incl. Brachyste
h lma inandense E. Phillips (1941) pillow-like to lingulate, placed against or on the
(nom. illeg., Art. 52.1). Anth; Poll ± 0.25 mm; Fr ± 3 cm.
[1] R fleshy, fusf iform;
f stem solitary, rarely The species rank for
f this taxon is uncertain. It is
branched, erect, 20 - 60 cm, with rough erect Ha; L close to B. coddii and B. pulchellum in both vegeta-
± sessile or petiolate, lamina ovate-elliptic to al- tive and flower characters and perhaps only a syno-
most circular, 20 - 45 × 10 - 35 mm, densely long- nym of the last-named.
and white-hairy; Inf ± sessile, clustered near stem
tips, 2- to 5-flowered; Ped 15 - 30 mm, slender; Sep B. occidentale Schlechter (Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov.
lanceolate, 2 mm; Cl stellate, 3.5 - 5 mm ∅, outside Brandenburg 35: 53, 1893). T: RSA, Western Cape
green, inside yellow, tube shortly cup-shaped; Cl (Schlechter 666 [B†]). − D: RSA (Western Cape).
lobes triangular-ovate, ± 3 × 1.25 mm; Cn sessile, I: Dyer (1983). Fig. III.e
yellow, 1.5 × 4 mm, united only basally; Ci lobes ≡ Brachystelmaria occidentalis (Schlechter)
pouch-like, outer margin deeply incised, 2-pointed; Schlechter (1897) ≡ Lasiostelma occidentale
Cs lobes shortly strap-shaped, ascending; Poll ± (Schlechter) Schlechter (1905).
0.15 × 0.1 mm; Fr slender-fusiform, 10 - 15 cm, of- [2] R tuber oblong-globose, small; stems to 8 cm,
ten solitary. erect, hispid; L shortly petiolate, lamina linear, to
Within the small species group with fusiform 15 mm; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Cl 6 mm ∅,
roots, B. natalense is probably closest to B. comp
m - white with wine-red, tube campanulate; Cl lobes 2
tum. The mostly solitary fruits are unusual. mm; Cn sessile, basally united to fform a cup-like
structure; Ci lobes divided into 2 long linear appen-
B. nepalense (Radcliffe-Smith) Meve (KB 52(4): dages directed inwards; Cs lobes linear, incumbent
1012, 1997). T: Nepal (Stainton & al. 3327 [BM]). on the Anth.
− D: W Nepal. I: Radcliffe-Smith (1967). Poorly known only from the type.

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

B. oianthum Schlechter (BJS 20 (Beiblatt 51): 53, 40 mm, upper fface glabrous, margins and lower
1895). T [syn]: RSA, North-West Prov. (Schlechter face on the veins with few Ha; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-
3557 [B†]). − D: RSA (North-West Prov., Mpuma- flowered; Ped 5 - 15 mm, shortly tomentose; Sep
langa, Free State). I: Dyer (1983). lanceolate, 4 mm; Cl 20 - 25 mm long, cage-like,
Incl. Brachy
h stelma erianthum Schlechter ex K. pale green-yellow, inside ± glabrous, outside with
Schumann (1895) (nom. inval., Art. 32.1c). f w Ha; Cl tube campanulate, 5 × 8 mm; Cl lobes
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, ± 5 cm ∅; stems 1 linear-lanceolate, ± 17 mm, lamina apically united,
- 2, erect to decumbent, 20 - 80 cm tall, tomentose; somewhat fo f lded back along the midrib, margins
L shortly petiolate, lamina ovate-lanceolate, 10 - 60 undulate, basally auriculate and bent inwards; Cn
× 5 - 15 mm, lower face paler, hairy all over; Inf shortly stipitate, basally united to form a bowl-like
sessile, 1-flowered; Ped ± 5 mm, pubescent; Sep structure, outside hairy; Ci lobes bifid into nar-
narrowly triangular, 5 mm, hairy; Cl outside yello- rowly triangular-subulate erect appendages; Cs
wish, slightly spotted with purple, inside intensely lobes linear-lingulate, erect-connivent; Poll ± glob-
spotted with purple, papillose and long-hairy; Cl ose, ± 0.35 mm.
tube 15 - 25 mm long, ovoid-campanulate with Characters of flowers and corona of B. pachypo-
short erect triangular Cl lobes, ± 3 mm long and dium are reminiscent of Ceropegia.
broad, marginally with vibratile clavate Ha, purple
or rose-coloured; Cn sessile, basally united to form B. parvifloru
f m (Wight) Hooker fi f l. (Fl. Brit. India
a bowl-like structure, ± 2.5 × 3 mm; Ci lobes 4: 65, 1885). T: India (Royle s.n. [K]). − D: NW
pouch-like, subquadrangular, apically somewhat in- India.
cised, inside with a brush-like fr
f inge of Ha, fuse
f d ≡ Eriopetalum parviflorum Wight (1834).
without suture with the base of the Cs; Cs lobes lin- [2?] R unknown; stem solitary, erect, ± glabrous;
gulate, hardly 1 mm long, incumbent on the Anth; L ± sessile, linear-filiform
f , acute, ± 100 × 2.5 mm;
Poll somewhat pear-shaped. Inf 1-flowered; Ped 3 - 5 mm; Sep subulate; Cl ±
Very attractive because of the large campanulate
V 17 mm ∅, white with few purple spots; Cl lobes 4×
flowers. Vegetative characters and the construction as long as the Cl tube, long-hairy; Cs lobes overtop-
of the corona indicate a relationship to B. decipiens ping the Gy; Fr narrowly fusiform, ± 60 × 3 mm.
etc. Insufficiently known taxon, and probably a syno-
nym of B. attenuatum.
B. omissum Bullock (KB 17: 193-195, ills., 1963). B. parvulum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(3): 447-448,
T: Cameroon (Mait M land 1712 [K]). − D: Came- 1978). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Hard H dy 4090
roon. [PRE]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov.). I: Dyer
[2?] R tuber unknown; stem solitary, little- (1983).
branched, erect, to 30 cm, rather stout, hispid; L ± [2] R tuber ± globose and 2 cm ∅; stem solitary,
sessile, elliptic, ± 50 × 15 mm, tomentose; Inf ter- unbranched, erect, to 6 cm, delicately tomentose; L
minal sessile 8- to 12-flowered umbels, most Fl to 5 mm petiolate, lamina oblong-lanceolate, 25 × 4
opening simultaneously; Ped to 4 cm, delicate, to- mm, upper face somewhat tomentose; Inf sessile, 1-
mentose; Sep lanceolate, 4 mm, tomentose; Cl ± to to 2-flowered; Ped to 12 mm, tomentose; Sep ov-
25 mm ∅, outside tomentose, inside velvet-purple; ate-lanceolate, 1.5 mm; Cl 6 - 9 mm ∅, tube campa-
Cl tube broadly funne
f l-shaped; Cl lobes broadly tri- nulate, ± 2 × 2 mm, whitish; Cl lobes purple-brown,
angular, flatly spreading; Cn sessile, red-brown, ± 2 2.3 × 2 mm, lamina and margin somewhat revolute;
× 3.5 mm, united shortly cup-like; Ci lobes pouch- Cn sessile, united only basally; Ci lobes whitish,
like but outer margin with deeply U-shaped inci- purple-margined, basal 1⁄2 shallowly pouch-like, api-
sion, each with lateral erect connivent appendages, cal 1⁄2 divided into 2 erect laterally diverging subu-
subulate-acute, apically tomentose; Cs lobes broad- late appendages, apically white-hairy; Cs lobes
ly lingulate, obtuse, placed on the Anth. brown-red, ± 1.5 mm, incumbent on the Anth; Poll
The long pedicels and the purple flower colour globose, ± 0.2 mm.
represent the maj a or differences from B. togoense Closely related to B. swazicum and B. minor. r
and species rank for B. omissum is questionable.
The taxon is also related to B. johnstonii and B. B. pauciflorum Duthie (Fl. Gangetic Plain 2: 64,
letestui. 1911). T: India (Duthie s.n. [K]). − D: India (Ut-
tar Pradesch).
B. pachypodium R. A. Dyer (FPA 32: t. 1269 + [2] R tuber globose, small; stem solitary, erect,
text, 1958). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Codd d 9456 25 - 35 cm, glabrous; L sessile, linear-lanceolate, 5
[PRE, K]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov.). I: Dyer - 10 cm, sometimes falcate, lower face with bulging
(1983). midrib; Inf sessile, lateral, 1-flowered; Ped 2 - 3
[2] R tuber irregularly depressed-globose, ± 10 × mm, slender; Cl dark purple-brown; Cl lobes lance-
13 cm; stems several, semi-decumbent to ascending, olate, inside tomentose, margins revolute; Cn with
7 - 20 cm, shortly tomentose; L shortly petiolate, la- 5 conspicuous appendages, subulate, overtopping
mina broadly ovate to elliptic-ovate, 25 - 50 × 20 - the Anth considerably.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

A hardly known taxon and closely related to or T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Hilliard r 5601 [PRE,
conspecific with the insufficiently known B. parvi- NU]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal). I: Dyer (1983).
f orum.
fl [1,2] R tubers numerous, irregularly finger-
shaped, 4 - 6 cm ∅; stems numerous, erect-decum-
B. pellacibellum L. E. Newton (Bradleya 14: 97, bent, ± hispid, partly rhizomatous; L shortly petio-
ills. (p. 95), 1996). T: Kenya, Rift Valley Prov. late, lamina elliptic-ovate, 5 - 15 × 3 - 8 mm,
(Powys s.n. in Newto
N n 4230 [K, EA]). − D: Kenya normally somewhat hairy marginally; Inf sessile,
(highlands). 1-flowered; Ped 1 - 2 cm, tomentose; Sep lanceo-
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 10 cm ∅; stems late, 3 - 4 mm; Cl 12 - 20 mm ∅, tube broadly cam-
basally branched, ± erect, somewhat divaricately di- panulate, 3 - 5 mm ∅, inside mustard-coloured,
vergent, to 45 cm, tomentose; L ± sessile, linear, to red-spotted; Cl lobes 5 - 9 mm, basally margins re-
75 × 6 mm, upper face glabrous, lower face ± to- volute, apical 2⁄3 almost completely folded back
mentose, esp. on midrib and along margins; Inf ter- along the midrib, unspotted, red-brown, margins
minal, umbellate, to 8-flowered; Sep triangular, 2 with long soft Ha; Cn ± sessile, ± 3 mm ∅, shal-
mm, somewhat hairy; Ped 3 mm, tomentose; Fl lowly cup-shaped; Ci lobes pouch-like, broadly U-
strongly foetid; Cl tube bowl-shaped, ± 3 × 5 - 7 shaped emarginate, apically 2-toothed; Cs lobes
mm, inside whitish, yellowish or greenish, red- linear-spatulate, incumbent on the Anth, dorsally
spotted, tomentose; Cl lobes linear from a trian- conspicuously thickened; Poll somewhat pear-
gular base, 13 - 18 × 2 mm, acute, ± spreading to shaped, ± 0.3 mm; Fr cylindrical, ± 25 mm.
ascending, lamina almost completely fo f lded back The numerous tuberous roots and the torulose
along the midrib, purple or green-purple, glabrous rhizomes are notable fof r B. petraeum. Dyer (1980)
or tomentose; Cn sessile, yellow, basally united places it in the vicinity of B. alp
l inum and B. pul-
bowl-shaped; Ci lobes erect, ± 1 mm, bifid into tri- chellum, but corona and corolla are much more si-
angular ± divergent appendages, glabrous or milar esp. to B. foetidum
f .
white-barbate; Cs lobes linear, ± 1.5 mm, placed on
the Anth; Poll pear-shaped, ± 0.4 × 0.25 mm. B. plocamoides Oliver (Trans. Linn. Soc. London
Foliage and corolla are very similar to the B. lin- 29: 112, t. 77, 1875). T: Tanzania (Speke & Grant
eare-complex. However, the corolla tube and the s.n. [K]). − D: Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Zim-
corona are broader and more open, the corolla is babwe. I: Meve & Porembski (1993).
dotted or blotched instead of banded and the corona Incl. Brachystelma linearif
ifolium Turrill (1914).
is yellow instead of purple. B. johnstonii and B. fl
f o- [2] R tuber strongly depressed-globose, 5 - 12 cm
ribundum are also closely related. ∅, edible; stem basally several times branched, er-
ect or decumbent-ascending, 7 - 40 cm, sparsely
B. perditum R. A. Dyer (JSAB 43(1): 10, 1977). hairy; L shortly petiolate, lamina elliptic to linear,
T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Wylie s.n. in Medley 40 - 80 × 4 - 10 mm, ± erectly divergent, midrib thi-
W d 11229 [NH]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal),
Woo ckened below, ± hairy; Inf sessile, 1- (to 3-) flo-
Lesotho. I: Dyer (1983). wered; Sep triangular-lanceolate, 3 - 4 mm; Ped 10
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 4 - 6 cm ∅; stems - 15 mm; Cl 15 - 30 (-40) mm ∅, outside pale
1 to several, erect-decumbent, to 50 cm, delicately green, glabrous or papillate, wrinkled to pustulate;
tomentose; L shortly petiolate, lamina ovate-ellip - Cl tube very short; Cl lobes 7 - 15 (-20) × 2 - 5 mm,
tic, 15 - 20 × 5 - 8 mm, lower face and margins deli- triangular-ovate, slightly ascending, ± folded back
cately hairy; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped ± 1 along the midrib, inside red-brown, basally pale;
mm, tomentose; Sep lanceolate, ± 3 mm, hairy; Cl Cn sessile, pale purple, 2 × 5 - 7 mm, united bowl-
40 - 60 mm ∅, inside yellowish, densely purple- like; Ci lobes basally pouch-like, inside hairy, then
spotted, carrion-scented; Cl tube broadly campanu- divided into 2 narrowly triangular broadly diver-
late, ± 10 × 4 mm; Cl lobes 15 - 22 mm, ovate- gent appendages, ± 1.5 mm, ± horizontal; Cs lobes ±
lanceolate, wrinkled, finely papillose, basal margins pillow-shaped, placed against the orange Anth, dor-
revolute and ± hairy, apical 2⁄3 almost completely sally extended wing-like and fused with the margins
folded back along the midrib; Cn shortly stipitate, ± of the Cs; Poll almost square, ± 0.3 mm.
4 × 4.5 mm, purple-brown; Ci lobes pouch-like, ov- The rather thin-textured corolla lobes being
ate, apically somewhat incised, laterally fused with f lded longitudinally are of diagnostic value for
fo f B.
the back of the Cs; Cs lobes subquadrangular, ± 1 plocamoides (see also B. mortonii).
mm, basally with median groove, apically some-
what swollen, placed on the Anth and covering B. praelongum S. Moore (J. Bot. 40: 384, 1902).
them completely; Poll obtusely broadly elliptic, ± T: RSA, Free State (Burrett
r -Ha
H milton s.n. [BM]).
0.4 mm. − D: Lesotho, RSA.
A very large-flowered species, related to B. cod- Although the 2 subspecies have a disj
s unct distri-
dii and other species from
f high altitudes. bution, overlapping fforms seem to exist (Craib
1994) and the division into 2 taxa is perhaps arti-
B. petraeum R. A. Dyer (JSAB 43(1): 17, 1977). ficial.

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

B. praelongum ssp. praelongum − D: Lesotho, ∅, tube flat to bowl-shaped, 5 - 6 mm ∅, inside yel-

RSA (Western Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal). lowish, banded with purple; Cl lobes 2.5 - 4.5 mm,
I: Dyer (1983); Boele (1989). ± purple, glabrous; Cn sessile, purple, ± 3 mm ∅,
[2] R tuber ± globose, 3 - 4 cm ∅; stems 1 - 2, er- basally united and shallowly bowl-shaped; Ci lobes
ect or decumbent-ascending, 5 - 15 cm, ± tomen- flatly pouch-like, outer margin U-shaped or biden-
tose; L shortly petiolate, lamina linear, to 30 mm, ± tate; free Cs lobes shortly linear, incumbent on the
tomentose; Inf sessile, 1- to 2- or many-flowered; Anth, dorsally strongly thickened; Poll D-shaped, ±
Ped 15 - 45 mm; Sep lanceolate, 3 mm; Cl ± 14 mm 0.25 mm; Sty head bulging; Fr 3 - 5 cm, green.
∅, greenish-yellow, tube campanulate, ± 4 mm ∅; This species is easily recognized from
f its creep-
Cl lobes ± 5 mm, margins revolute, apically darker; ing growth and the leaves diminishing in size to-
Cn ± sessile, united cup-like, Ci lobes pouch-like, wards the stem tips, as well as ffrom the rather small
deeply divided into 2 triangular-falcate appendages, flowers (see also B. petraeum).
finely pubescent; Cs lobes linear-spatulate, incum-
bent on the Anth; Fr subcylindrical, 70 × 5 mm. B. punctatum Boele (Excelsa 16: 31-32, ills.,
1994). T: Zimbabwe, Chegutu Distr. (Horn
H by 3334
B. praelongum ssp. thunbergii (N. E. Brown) Boe- [SRGH]). − D: Zimbabwe.
le (Asklepios No. 47: 3, ills., 1989). T: RSA, We- [2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 12 cm ∅; stems
stern Cape (Thunberg r s.n. [UPS [Herb. Thunberg irregularly branched, ± erect, to 30 cm, somewhat
6295]]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, Western Cape). tomentose; L 4 - 6 mm petiolate, lamina narrowly
I: Dyer (1983: as B. thunbergii). obovate, 20 - 40 × 10 - 16 mm, acute, tomentose;
≡ Brachyste
h lma thunbergii N. E. Brown (1908); Inf sessile, 2-flowered; Sep lanceolate, 3 mm; Ped
incl. Cy
C nanchum crispum Thunberg (1794). ± 2 mm; Cl 30 - 35 mm ∅, outside tomentose, in-
[2] Differs from ssp. praelongum: L linear to el- side wrinkled to pustulate, red-brown to pale green,
liptic, to 40 × 12 mm; Ped only 2 - 8 mm; Fl some- glabrous; Cl tube campanulate, ± 2 mm deep; Cl
what larger and Cn shorter, glabrous. lobes lanceolate, 15 × 4 mm, somewhat folded back
along the midrib; Cn sessile, purple, basally yello-
B. prostratum E. A. Bruce (KB 1948: 462-463, wish, apically purple, ± 5 mm ∅, united to form a
ills., 1948). T: Zambia (Milne-Redhead 3242 cup-like structure; Ci lobes rectangular, erect, 0.8
[K?]). − D: Zambia. mm, incised; Cs lobes ± pillow-shaped, inside
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, ± 3 cm ∅; stems united with the Ci.
basally branched, ± decumbent, sparsely tomentose; Closely related to B. lancasteri and B. tavalla,
L sessile to shortly petiolate, lamina narrowly ellip- probably also to B. brevipedicellatum.
tic to linear, 8 - 13 × 1 - 3 mm, strictly erect, acute,
margins somewhat undulate, ± glabrous; Inf sessile, B. pygmaeum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1):
1- (to 2-) flowered; Sep lanceolate, 4 - 5 mm; Ped 4 857, 1908). T: RSA, Transkei (Barber s.n. [B†]).
- 5 mm; Cl ± 9 mm ∅, outside glabrous, inside − D: Moçambique, Zimbabwe, RSA. I: Dyer
shortly white-hairy; Cl tube campanulate, ± 2 mm (1983).
∅; Cl lobes triangular-ovate, ± 3.5 mm, spreading, ≡ Dichaelia pygmaea Schlechter (1894).
± fo
f lded back along the midrib, inside red-brown,
basally pale; Cn sessile, purple-red, 2 × 5 - 7 mm, B. pygmaeum ssp. flav f idum (Schlechter) R. A.
united to fform a globose-urceolate structure; Ci Dyer (BT 12(4): 629, 1979). T: RSA, KwaZulu-
lobes inside hairy, apically elongate into 2 triangu- Natal (Rudatis
d 68 [K]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal,
lar lateral appendages; Cs lobes ± pillow-shaped, Mpumalanga). I: Dyer (1983).
incumbent on the orange Anth, dorsally extended ≡ Brachystelma flavidum
f Schlechter (1907).
and united with the margins of the Cs. [2] Differs
f ffrom ssp. pygmaeum: Cl stellate, yel-
Only known ffrom the type, this species could be low, basally incl. the tube mostly whitish with
f d with B. plocamoides from f its habit. It has reddish Ha, tube shallow, 3 - 4 mm ∅; Cl lobes tri-
smaller flowers, however, and the corona is not flat angular-lanceolate, lamina convex but not folded
and open, but almost urceolate. along the midrib.
The differences
f to ssp. pygmaeum are not only
B. pulchellum (Harvey) Schlechter (BJS 20 (Bei- the stellate instead of cage-like flowers, as ssp. fla
f -
blatt 51): 53, 1895). T: TCD. − D: RSA (KwaZu- vidum moreover has an obvious corolla tube and
lu-Natal, Northern Prov.). I: Dyer (1983). Fig. II.e broader corolla lobes which are not folded.
≡ Micraster pulchellus Harvey (1868).
[2] R tuber ± 5 cm ∅; stems several, creeping, to B. pygmaeum ssp. pygmaeum − D: Moçambique,
25 cm, porrectly hispid; L to 5 mm petiolate, lami- Zimbabwe, RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal,
na ovate to lanceolate, to 15 - 20 × 2 - 6 mm, dimin- Mpumalanga, Northern Prov.).
ishing in size towards stem tips, upper face hispid; iflora Schlechter (1895) ≡
Incl. Dichaelia brevif
Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 3 - 7 mm, hispid; Brachyste
h lma pygmaeum var. brevifl
f orum (Schlech-
Sep subulate, 4 mm, porrectly hispid; Cl 8 - 15 mm ter) N. E. Brown (1908).

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 4 - 10 cm ∅; sally thickened, in one line with the Ci; Poll broad-
stems ffew, somewhat divaricately branched, ± erect, ly ovoid, ± 0.25 mm.
partly somewhat divergent, ± tomentose; L shortly B. recurvatum shows some similarities with B.
petiolate, lamina ± linear to lanceolate or oblanceo- schultz
t ei, esp. because of the long corolla lobes, but
late, 5 - 20 × 3 - 7 mm, mostly somewhat hairy on it is most closely related to B. minimum.
the veins, margins ± hairy; Inf sessile, 1- to 3-
flowered; Ped 3 - 8 mm, somewhat tomentose; Sep B. remotum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(1): 55-56, ills.,
± lanceolate; Cl 6 - 10 mm long, cage-like, yellow, 1976). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Devenish 914
green to purple-brown, tube absent or very short, [PRE]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal).
sometimes somewhat hairy; Cl lobes linear-lanceo- [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 2.5 - 4 cm ∅;
late, apically united, lamina incompletely folded stems 1 to few, ascending-erect, 3 - 6 cm, glabrous
back along the midrib; Cn considerably stipitate, ± or tomentose; L to 15 mm petiolate, lamina lanceo-
1 × 2 mm, basally united, ciliate; Ci lobes short, late to broadly ovate, to 15 × 15 mm, partly some-
pouch-like, laterally united with the Cs base, the what hairy; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Sep lance-
ffree margin ± elongate, subquadrangular, emargin- olate, 3 mm; Cl ± 18 mm ∅, violet or spotted with
ate or incised; Cs lobes ± square to rectangular, ob- violet, tube campanulate, ± 3 × 6 - 7 mm; Cl lobes 4
tuse or crenate, incumbent on the Anth; Poll ± - 7 mm, ± horizontally bent backwards, triangular-
pear-shaped; Fr 50 - 60 × 4 - 5 mm. ovate, inside long white-barbate, apically recurved
along the midrib; Cn ± sessile, purple, ± 2 × 3.5
B. ramosissimum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC mm, united to fform a campanulate structure; Ci
4(1): 855, 1908). T [lecto]: RSA, Gauteng lobes pouch-like, apically emarginate; Cs lobes lin-
(Schlechter 3554 [BOL, GRA]). − D: RSA (Free gulate, incumbent on the Anth; Poll ± 0.3 mm, cau-
State, Gauteng, North-West Prov.). I: Dyer (1983). diculae very short.
≡ Brachystelmaria ramosissima Schlechter A micro-species out of the B. australe-complex.
(1895) ≡ Lasiostelma ramosissimum (Schlechter)
Schlechter (1899). B. richardsii Peckover (Excelsa 17: 32-34, ills.,
[1] R clustered, long-fus
f iform;
f main stems 1 - 2, 1997). T: Zimbabwe (Peckover 257 [PRE]). − D:
± grooved or angular, erect, richly branched, 10 - Zimbabwe, Tanzania?.
15 cm, rarely sparsely tomentose; L ± sessile, lin- [2] R tuber ± (depressed-) globose, 2.5 - 7.5 cm
ear-elliptic to lanceolate, 15 - 30 mm, sometimes ∅; stems erect, 15 - 30 cm tall, unbranched, hispid;
somewhat hairy; Inf sessile, 2- to 4-flowered, L 2 mm petiolate, lamina narrowly elliptic-lanceo-
clustered; Ped to 5 mm; Sep lanceolate, 2 mm; Cl 6 late, 1.5 - 10 × 0.5 - 2 cm, delicately tomentose; Inf
- 7 mm ∅, white to pale yellow or greenish; Cl tube ± sessile, 3- to 8-flowered; Ped 1 - 3 mm, tomen-
absent; Cl lobes oblong-ovate, reflexed, ± 3 mm, in- tose; Sep triangular, 2 - 3 mm; Cl ± 15 - 30 mm ∅,
side basally papillose to hairy; Cn sessile, basally outside green, inside purple, with ± delicate white
united bowl-like; Ci lobes deeply cleft into 2 subu- Ha; Cl tube campanulate, ± 3 × 4 mm; Cl lobes nar-
late erect appendages, tomentose; Cs lobes linear, rowly triangular to lanceolate, 6 - 15 mm, horizon-
sometimes apically incised, incumbent on the Anth; tal, often slightly contorted, lamina bent backwards
Fr very slender, ± 10 cm. along the midrib; Cn ± sessile, ± cup-shaped, ± 2 ×
B. ramosissimum fforms a species group together 3 mm, dark purple, inside basally spotted with yel-
with B. sandersonii and B. schizoglossoides, which lowish; Ci lobes rectangular, ± 1 mm, erect; Cs
is characterized by fleshy roots and a similar flower lobes narrowly triangular, ± 1 mm, incumbent on
morphology. the Anth.
Related to B. lancasteri. The collection from Tan-
B. recurvatum Bruyns (BT 25(2): 156-157, ills., zania placed with B. lancasteri by Newton (1996) is
1995). T: Namibia (Bruyns 5486 [BOL, K, probably B. richard rdsii as well, although the plants
WIND]). − D: N Namibia. are more roughly hispid, the corolla lobes are glabr-
[2] Delicate tomentose dwarf shrublets; R tuber ± ous and the corona is mostly white.
globose, to 8 cm ∅; stems erect, 6 - 30 cm; L ba-
sally tapering into a short petiole, lamina narrowly B. rubellum (E. Meyer) Peckover (Aloe 33(2-3):
lanceolate, 30 - 90 × 3 - 13 mm, tomentose; Inf ses- 43, 1996). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drège 2227
sile, 1- to 4-flowered; Ped 10 - 16 mm, horizontal; [K?]). − D: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, RSA (Eas-
Cl outside green, pubescent, inside greenish, spot- tern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga), Swazi-
ted with yellow, white-villous; Cl tube short and land. Fig. III.g
shallow; Cl lobes 7 - 9 mm, margins revolute, basal ≡TTenaris rubella E. Meyer (1839); incl. Tenaris
⁄4 triangular, ascending, apical 3⁄4 ± linear, bent rostrata N. E. Brown (1885); incl. Tenaris volkensii
backwards; Cn sessile, pale yellow with dark green K. Schumann (1895); incl. Tenaris simulans N. E.
spots, cup-shaped, 1.5 mm ∅; Ci lobes subquadran- Brown (1908).
gular, ascending, obtuse, apically incised; Cs lobes [2] R tuber 3 - 5 cm ∅, pale brown; stems erect,
narrowly triangular, incumbent on the Anth, dor- to 20 - 50 cm, glabrous; L sessile, subulate, 20 - 60

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

× 1 - 2 mm, ascending; Inf 1- to 2-flowered, sessile 4(1): 849, 1908). T [lecto]: RSA, Eastern Cape
or shortly pedunculate, often
f clustered in terminal (Bolus 6694 [K, BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape,
racemes; Ped 5 - 12 mm, filiform; Cl pink, glabr- Free State, Northern Cape). I: Bruyns (1982a);
ous; Cl tube cup-shaped, ± 2 mm; Cl lobes linear- Dyer (1983).
spatulate, 8 - 13 mm, erect-divergent, ± fo
f lded back ≡ Sisy s ranthus schizoglossoides Schlechter
along the midrib, with purple-red papillae; Cn ± (1894).
sessile, bowl-shaped, 2 mm ∅, glabrous; Ci lobes [1] R clustered, slender-fus
f iform;
f stem solitary,
pouch-like, triangular-ovate, horizontal to ascend- erect, little-branched, 10 - 25 cm tall, ± glabrous, ±
ing, apically ± hood-like, incised; Cs lobes 0.75 canaliculate; L sessile, linear-elliptic, 20 - 50 mm;
mm, linear to subulate, ± incumbent on the Anth; Inf shortly pedunculate, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 2 - 4
Poll ± 0.3 × 0.15 mm. mm; Sep lanceolate, 1.5 mm; Cl 4 - 5 mm ∅, yello-
A very pretty species by virtue of its pink- wish-cream-coloured, glabrous, tube short, bowl-
coloured flowers and the spatulate corolla seg- shaped to campanulate; Cl lobes broadly triangular,
ments, and of easy cultivation. ± 1.5 mm, lamina horizontal to slightly ascending,
apically bent inwards, sometimes somewhat hairy;
B. sandersonii (Oliver) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 850, Cn sessile, basally slightly united, ± 1.5 mm ∅; Ci
1908). T [lecto]: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Sanderson lobes deeply incised and with 2 lingulate erect ap-
436 [K, NH]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu- pendages, hairy; Cs lobes linear, ± 1 mm, obtuse,
Natal). I: Dyer (1983). ascending-connivent.
≡ Lasiostelma sandersonii Oliver (1883); incl. A rare and inconspicuous species of Eastern Cape
Dichaelia natalensis Schlechter (1894) ≡ Brachy- grasslands. See also B. ramosissimum.m..
stelmaria natalensis (Schlechter) Schlechter (1895);
incl. Lasiostelma benthamii K. Schumann (1895). B. schoenlandianum Schlechter (BJS 18 (Beiblatt
[1] R clustered, long-fusiform; stems 1 - 2 main 45): 35, 1894). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Schlechter
stems, erect, branched somewhat above the middle, 2585 [B†]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
15 - 45 cm, glabrous; L ± sessile, linear, elliptic to Insufficiently known taxon of the group of
ovate, 20 - 40 × 3 - 12 mm, mostly somewhat cili- small-flowered species ffrom the Eastern Cape.
ate; Inf sessile, 1- to 6-flowered, clustered; Ped 2 -
6 mm; Sep lanceolate, 2 mm; Cl 7 - 8 mm ∅, inside B. schultzei (Schlechter) Bruyns (BT 25(2): 162,
whitish-pink, pale purple or pale greenish-yellow, 1995). T [lecto]: Namibia (Dinter 2528 [SAM]). −
tube very short; Cl lobes oblong to ovate, semi- D: C Namibia. I: Bruyns (1984: 74, as TenarT is).
erect, ± folded back along the midrib, margins rev- ≡ Kinepeta
K lum schultzei Schlechter (1914) ≡ Te-
olute, ± 3.5 mm, inside papillose to hairy; Cn naris schultz
t ei (Schlechter) E. Phillips (1941).
sessile, almost ovoid in outline, basally united [2] R tuber ± globose, 3 - 5 cm ∅; stem mostly
bowl-like; Ci lobes deeply bifid into 2 lingulate er- solitary, erect, 15 - 50 cm, grey-green, often red-
ectly connivent appendages, tomentose; Cs lobes dish, densely tomentose; L ± sessile, linear, 20 - 60
linear, incumbent on the Anth; Poll ovoid; Fr very × 1.5 - 3 mm, densely tomentose, grey-green, often
slender, to 15 cm. reddish; Inf lateral, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 15 - 20
B. sandersonii is most closely related to B. schi- mm, mostly bent downwards, pubescent; Sep trian-
s See also B. ramosissimum.
s. m
m. gular, 2 - 3 mm; Cl 40 - 55 mm ∅, pubescent all
over, tube bowl-shaped, margins somewhat con-
B. schinzii (K. Schumann) N. E. Brown (FTA 4(1): nivent, ± 1 × 2.5 mm, cream-coloured; Cl lobes lin-
471, 1903). T: Namibia, Ovambo (Schinz s.n. [Z]). ear, ± 20 - 25 × 1.5 mm, basal 2 mm triangular,
− D: N Namibia. I: Dyer (1983). erect, cream-coloured with violet club-shaped Ha,
≡ Craterostemma schinzii K. Schumann (1893). above linear and spreading or ascending, lamina
[2] R tuber conically ovoid, ± 3 cm ∅; stems 1 to broadly fo
f lded back along the midrib; Cn sessile or
ffew, unbranched, erect, 8 - 15 cm, delicately tomen- to 0.5 mm stipitate, bowl-shaped, purple, ± 3.5 × 2
tose; L shortly petiolate, lamina linear, to 50 mm; mm; Ci lobes rectangular, obtuse, 0.5 × 0.4 mm, or
Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 12 - 16 mm, thin; divided into 2 broadly triangular appendages, as-
Cl stellate, to 10 mm ∅, purple-brown, centrally cending, glabrous or laxly ciliate; Cs lobes linear-
white, tube very short, shallow; Cl lobes triangu- cylindrical, ± 2.5 mm, straight, long ascending,
lar-lanceolate, ± 4 mm, long-hairy with whitish- meeting apically; Poll ovoid, ± 0.3 × 0.3 mm, ger-
violet Ha; Cn yellowish, margined with purple, mination mouth apical; Fr thickly fus f iform
f , ±3×
united to form a fleshy ring-like structure, some- 1 cm.
what indented at Ci-positions; Cs lobes shortly pil- The grass-like growth habit has obviously
low-shaped, basally placed against the Anth. evolved repeatedly in Brachyste
h lma, as shown by its
Only known ffrom the type collection, this species parallel occurrence in florally very divergent
is probably related to B. recurvatum. groups (B. lineare-complex, "Tenar
T is" group etc.).
B. schultzei does, however, not belong to either of
B. schizoglossoides (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC the groups mentioned.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

B. setosum Peckover (Aloe 31(3-4): 76-78, ills., [2] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 5 cm ∅; stems few,
1995). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Peckover 186 semi-erect, divergent, basally richly branched, 2 - 8
[PRE]). − D: RSA (Mpumalanga, Northern Prov.). cm, glabrous to glandular-pubescent; L shortly peti-
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, ± 5 - 9 cm ∅; olate, lamina broadly ovate, to 10 × 10 mm, scat-
stems erect, dwarf, 5 - 7 cm, hispid and villous, to 3 teredly glandular-pubescent; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-
mm ∅; L ± sessile, linear-elliptic, 50 - 70 × 4 - 6 flowered; Ped 15 - 20 mm; Sep lanceolate, 2 mm;
mm, both sides densely and long white-hairy; Inf Cl stellate, ± 10 mm ∅, cream-coloured, densely
sessile, 2-flowered; Ped 5 - 6 mm, villous; Sep lan- hairy, sweet-scented; Cl tube campanulate, ± 2.5
ceolate-subulate, 4 mm, densely hairy; Cl 10 - 13 mm, with purple Ha; Cl lobes ± 2 mm, triangular-
mm long, cage-like, outside yellowish-green, inside ovate, densely long and white hairy; Cn fitted into
purple-brown, outside hairy; Cl tube ± fflat, 5 - 6 the Cl tube, purple, ± 2.5 mm, united to form a cam-
mm ∅, inside with some long white Ha; Cl lobes panulate-cylindrical structure; Ci lobes pouch-like,
linear ffrom a triangular base, 10 - 13 mm, apically with V-shaped incision in the middle, laterally
united and fforming a cage, somewhat fo f lded back f d without interruption into the broadened and
along the midrib; Cn sessile, basally united bowl- flattened back of the Cs; Cs lobes linear-lingulate,
like, ± 1.5 × 2 mm, black-purple, glabrous; Ci lobes placed against the slightly ascending Anth; Poll D-
bifid into subulate erect and almost horizontally shaped.
spreading appendages; Cs lobes rectangular-lingu- Most closely related to B. caff
a frum.
late from a transversely ovate thickened back, com-
pletely covering the Anth; Fr slender fusiform, 6 B. stenophyllum (Schlechter) R. A. Dyer (BT
- 7 cm × 3 - 4 mm; Se grey-brown, 5 - 6 × 3 - 4 mm. 10(2): 376, 1971). T [lecto]: Namibia (Dinter 2361
B. setosum differs
f from
f B. tenue only in the more [SAM]). − D: Namibia, RSA (Northern Prov.,
compact habit, leaves that are hairy on both sides, North-West Prov.). I: Dyer (1983).
and the broader corolla tube. ≡ Sip i honostelma stenophy h llum Schlechter
B. simplex Schlechter (BJS 38: 40-41, ills., 1905). [2] R tuber cylindrical-ovoid, 3 - 6 cm ∅; stems
T: Moçambique (Schlechter 12121 [B†]). − D: densely divaricately branched, ascending to erect, 4
Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Moçambique, Nigeria, - 15 cm, almost glabrous to densely hispid; L ± ses-
Zambia. Fig. III.f sile, ± linear, acute, 15 - 50 × 1.5 - 5 mm, hairy,
Incl. Brachyh stelma simplex ssp. banf nforae J.-P. lower face with bulging midrib; Inf sessile, 1- to 3-
Lebrun & Stork (1989). flowered; Ped 3 - 8 mm, pubescent; Sep triangular,
[2] R tuber 3 - 12 cm ∅; stem solitary, un- ± 2 mm, pubescent; Cl 8 - 20 mm long, green to
branched, erect, 10 - 40 cm, long rough-hairy; L red-brown, inside glabrous, outside pubescent; Cl
shortly petiolate, lamina linear to narrowly elliptic, tube campanulate to funnel-shaped-cylindrical,
fu 4-
10 - 80 × 2 - 10 mm, upper face
f f h green, glossy,
fres 8 mm, to 7 mm ∅; Cl lobes linear ffrom a broadly
± glabrous, lower face long and roughly hairy; Inf triangular base, 4 - 14 mm, lamina apically united
sessile, 2- to 8-flowered; Ped short, hispid; Sep lan- and forming a cage, ± folded back along the midrib;
ceolate, 2 mm, hispid; Cl stellate, 4 - 6 mm ∅, out- Cn sessile, conspicuously cup-shaped to urceolate
side long hispid or tomentose, inside densely papil- from the united Ci, ± 1.5 × 2 mm, yellow, glabrous,
lose to shortly hairy, yellow to orange-yellow, ofte
f n upper margin emarginate, Gy only 1⁄2 as tall as the
speckled with reddish; Cl tube bowl-shaped, ± 1 × 2 cup; Cs dorsally thickened and fused with the inner
mm; Cl lobes broadly triangular, ± spreading, flat, base of the cup, Cs lobes ± obtusely triangular, den-
1.5 - 2 × 1.5 - 2 mm; Cn sessile, yellow, fitted into sely placed against the horizontal Anth; Poll 0.25
the Cl tube, bowl- to cup-shaped, ± 1 × 2 mm; Ci mm; Fr ± 70 × 5 mm, green, striate and spotted with
subquadrangular, erect, emarginate U-shaped, fusef d dark red.
in leaflet-like fas
f hion laterally and with the back of Among the cage-flowered taxa, B. stenophyllum
the Cs, inside scattered long-hairy or -pubescent, is the only species with a cup-like corona. This spe-
apical margin thickened, ± incised, slightly bent in- ciality of the corona could indicate a close relation-
wards; Cs lobes pillow-shaped, dorsally placed ship with B. cupulatum.
against the Anth; Poll ovoid, ± 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr
slender-fusiform, ± 10 cm. B. swarupa Kishore & Goyder (KB 56(1): 210-212,
The dense, narrowly elliptic fof liage and the la- ills., 2001). T: India, Kerala (Ki
K shore Kumar 18505
terally fuse
f d margins of the interstaminal corona [KFRI, K, MH]). − D: India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu).
that fform separate leaflets distinguish B. simplm ex [2] Plants erect, 30 - 60 cm tall; tuber flattened, 3
ffrom the very similar B. dinteri. - 8 cm, edible; stem 1, rarely branched, puberulent;
L ± sessile, narrowly lanceolate, 80 - 120 × 2 - 7
B. stellatum E. A. Bruce & R. A. Dyer (FPA 30(1): mm; Inf sessile, bracteolate, umbellate, with 24 - 28
t. 1165B + text, 1954). T: RSA, Northern Prov. pendent Fl; Ped 3 - 4 cm, filiform, puberulent; Sep
(Codd 5648 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov.). I: 1 mm; Cl ± 6 mm ∅, glabrous; Cl tube shallow,
Dyer (1983). Fig. III.h short, inner margin with 4 - 6 long Ha; Cl lobes

Brachystelma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

deltoid-lanceolate, ± 2.5 × 1 mm, recurved with the lobes broadly triangular, erect, ± 0.8 mm, apically
tips touching the Ped, striate or spotted purplish; bifid into triangular appendages; Cs lobes linear,
Cn sessile, cup-shaped, ± 1.2 × 1 mm, bright yel- obtuse, incumbent on the Anth.
low; Ci ffused at the base to form a shallow bowl, Very conspicuous through the extremely long
pouch-like, erect, apically indented, ciliate with pendent hairs in the corolla tube. See also notes for
long Ha, Cs lobes subquadrate, dark green, ciliate; B. furcatum and B. punctatum.
Poll broadly ovoid, ± 0.16 mm; Fr slender fus
f iform,
6 - 9 cm; Se 7 × 2 mm, coma 25 mm. B. tenellum R. A. Dyer (FPA 42: t. 1664 + text,
Closely related to B. laevigatum, but with glab- 1973). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Strey 10050
rous and patterned corollas, hairy coronas and [PRE, NH]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov., KwaZu-
many-flowered inflorescences. lu-Natal). I: Dyer (1983); Craib (1994).
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 4 - 6 cm ∅; stems
B. swazicum R. A. Dyer (BT 12(1): 56-57, ills., solitary or several, dwarf, semi-erect, 2 - 5 cm, al-
1976). T: Swaziland (Bayliss 3733 [PRE]). − D: most glabrous to pubescent; L ± sessile, narrowly
RSA (Mpumalanga), Swaziland. elliptic-lanceolate, 10 - 20 mm, margins and lower
[2] R tuber ± globose, ± 5 cm ∅; stems 2 - 3, de- fface scatteredly pubescent; Inf sessile, 1-flowered;
cumbent-creeping, to 25 cm, reddish; L 10 - 15 mm Ped very slender, 10 - 15 mm; Sep narrowly lance-
petiolate, petioles often
f erect, lamina ± cordate, to olate, 2 mm, recurved; Cl 3.5 - 4 mm long, purple,
20 mm, margins and lower fface somewhat hairy, cage-like, outside glabrous, inside long-hairy; Cl
dark green; Inf shortly pedunculate, 2- to 4- tube very short; Cl lobes lanceolate, hardly 3 mm,
flowered ; Ped 4 mm; Sep linear-lanceolate, 2 mm; lamina apically united, inside with long purple and
Cl 8 - 9 mm ∅, inside dark purple, tube bowl- whitish Ha; Cn shortly stipitate, basally hardly
shaped, 1.5 - 2 × 3 mm; Cl lobes triangular, ± 3 mm, united, purple; Ci lobes subquadrangular, bifid for
lamina somewhat fo f lded back; Cn sessile, ± 1 × 1.8 1
⁄2 into linear fa
f lcately spreading appendages, api-
mm, basally united to fform a cup-like structure, yel- cally hairy; Cs lobes oblong-lingulate, incumbent
lowish, margined with purple; Ci lobes basally ov- on the Anth; Poll obovoid, ± 0.2 mm.
ate pouch-like, apically bifid into linear-subulate B. tenellum is one of the smallest species of the
falcately divergent appendages; Cs lobes subquad- genus. It is not infrequently found in the area
rangular, 0.5 mm, incumbent on the Anth, dark around the Oribi. See also B. elongatum.
Very closely related to B. minor.
r. B. tenue R. A. Dyer (BT 10(2): 376-378, ills.,
B. tabularium R. A. Dyer (BT 12(4): 629, 1979). 1971). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Vahrmeij i er 1049
P rson s.n. [BOL]). − D:
T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Pater [PRE]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov., KwaZulu-
RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983). Natal). I: Dyer (1983); Craib (1994). Fig. IV. V.a
[?] R unknown; stems basally branched, ± erect, Incl. Brachyh stelma inconspicuum S. Venter
slender, to 20 cm, shortly pubescent; L shortly peti- (1989).
olate, lamina oblong, ± 10 × 5 mm, with few Ha, [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 2.5 - 5 cm ∅;
margins ± undulate; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; stem mostly solitary, erect, delicate, 10 - 30 cm,
buds cylindrical, obtuse; Cl 25 mm ∅, tube very hispid or villous or pubescent; L ± sessile or shortly
short; Cl lobes ± 12 mm, ± linear, apically acute, petiolate, lamina elliptic to ovate, 10 - 50 × 1.5 - 15
inflexed; Cn ± sessile, basally hardly united; Ci mm, margins and lower face mostly long-hairy; Inf
lobes subquadrangular, erect, ± 1 mm, deeply bifid sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 8 - 15 (-30) mm, fi-
into triangular appendages, Cs lobes short, placed liform
f , ± villous or pubescent; Sep lanceolate-
on the Anth. subulate, 2.5 - 4 mm, concave, ± reflexed, hispid;
This species, only known ffrom the type, is clo- Cl 10 - 25 mm long, cage-like, ± erect, yellowish-
sely related to the equally little-known B. furcatu
f m. green to brownish, basally also purple, inside glabr-
ous and smooth, outside somewhat hairy; Cl tube
B. tavalla K. Schumann (BJS 28: 459, 1901). T very short, ± flat; Cl lobes filiform
f ffrom an ovate
[neo]: Zimbabwe (Whellan
W 34949 [SRGH]). − D: base, 9 - 23 mm, lamina apically united, somewhat
Tanzania, NW Zimbabwe. I: Excelsa 13: 83, 1988. f lded back along the midrib; Cn sessile, basally
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 3 - 7 cm ∅; stems united to fform a bowl-like structure, ± 1.5 × 2 mm,
± erect, hardly branched, 20 - 30 cm, shortly pubes- purple, glabrous; Ci lobes bifid into triangular-sub-
cent; L shortly petiolate, lamina lanceolate to li- ulate erect appendages, ± 0.8 mm, ± divergent; Cs
near-lanceolate, 10 - 50 × 5 - 12 mm, pubescent; Inf lobes rectangular-lingulate ffrom a transversely ov-
sessile, 1- to 5-flowered; Ped 4 - 7 mm, pubescent; ate back, incumbent on the Anth; Poll depressed-
Cl stellate, to 20 mm ∅, pale yellow to purple; Cl ovoid, ± 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr slender-fus f iform,
f 4-8
tube bowl-shaped, 2 - 3 × 4 - 5 mm; Cl lobes lin- cm × 3 - 5 mm.
ear-lanceolate, ± 9 × 2 mm, inside completely or B. tenue is very closely related to B. setosum and
only in the apical 1⁄2 with vibratile ± 5 mm long B. villosum, but is also close to B. tenellum and B.
purple Ha; Cn shortly stipitate, bowl-shaped; Ci gracile. See B. elongatum as well.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Brachystelma

B. togoense Schlechter (BJS 38: 40-41, ills., 1905). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal). I: Dyer (1983); Craib
T: Togo (Schlechter 12961 [B†]). − D: Benin, Ca- (1994).
meroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia. I: [2] R tuber depressed, 5 - 10 cm ∅; stem solitary,
Asklepios 25: 117, 1982. or somewhat branched from the base, ± erect, 5 - 10
Incl. Brachy h stelma atacorense A. Chevalier cm, shortly hairy or glabrous; L sessile or shortly
(1917). petiolate, lamina elliptic-lanceolate, to 30 × 7 mm,
[2] R tuber depressed, 5 - 15 cm ∅; stems soli- ± glabrous; Inf sessile, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 5 - 10
tary or several, rarely branched, sturdy, erect, 15 mm; Sep lanceolate, 2.5 mm, scatteredly hairy; Cl ±
- 30 cm, hispid; L ± sessile or shortly petiolate, la- 13 mm ∅, ± glabrous, yellowish-green, lemon-
mina elliptic to lanceolate, 30 - 70 × 7 - 15 mm, to- yellow to brown-red; Cl tube funnel-shaped, ± 4
mentose, ± grey-green; Inf mostly only terminal, mm ∅; Cl lobes horizontal to ascending, ovate-
sessile, 4 - to 10-flowered umbels, most Fl opening triangular, 5 mm, margins somewhat revolute; Cn
simultaneously; Ped to 8 mm, pubescent; Sep lan- sessile, fitted into the Cl tube, ± 1.5 × 3 mm, cup-
ceolate, 4 mm, pubescent; Cl ± 15 - 20 mm ∅, in- like, emarginate, yellow, glabrous; Ci lobes com-
side and outside densely pubescent, outside pale pletely integrated into the cup; Cs dorsally thi-
green, inside yellowish to greenish-yellow or green, ckened and fused with the inner base of the cup; Cs
sometimes purple-spotted; Cl tube bowl- to cup- lobes linear, incumbent on the Anth; Fr 6 - 8 cm.
shaped, ± 8 mm ∅; Cl lobes broadly triangular, 6 - Sister-species of B. cup
u ulatum or probably even
8 mm, flatly spreading; Cl sessile, red-brown, ± 2 × conspecific (see there and under B. brevipedicella-
4 mm, united only basally shortly cup-like, glabr- tum).
ous; Ci lobes pouch-like but with deeply U-shaped
incised margin, each with lateral subulate-pointed B. villosum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1):
appendages, connivent, erect; Cs lobes broadly lin- 863, 1908). T [lecto]: RSA, Northern Prov. (Galp l in
gulate, obtuse, incumbent on the Anth; Poll D- 588 [PRE]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, Mpuma-
shaped; Fr thickly fus
f iform.
f langa, Northern Prov.), Swaziland. I: Dyer (1983).
Sturdy plants of wide distribution in Afrf ica and ≡ Dichaelia villosa Schlechter (1899).
closely related to B. omissum and perhaps also to B. [?] R unknown; stems solitary or several, erect,
buchananii. 10 - 30 cm, densely villous; L ± sessile, elliptic to
oblong-elliptic, 10 - 25 × 5 - 7 mm, marginally and
B. tuberosum (Meerburgh) R. Brown ex Sims lower face villous; Inf sessile, 2- to 3-flowered; Ped
(CBM 49: t. 2343, in adnot. excl. ill., 1822). T: 2 - 6 mm, ± villous; Sep lanceolate-subulate, 3 mm;
[lecto − icono]: Meerburgh, Pl. Rar. Depict., t. 54: Cl 20 - 30 mm long, cage-like, ± erect; Cl tube
fig. 1, 1789. − D: SW RSA. I: Dyer (1983: as B. shallowly campanulate, 4 - 5 mm deep, inside short-
d m). Fig. IV.V.b ly white-hairy, outside ± glabrous; Cl lobes filiform
≡ Stap
a elia tuberosa Meerburgh (1789); incl. Sta- ffrom a triangular base, 12 - 25 mm, lamina apically
pelia caudata Thunberg (1794) ≡ Brachystelma united, inside glabrous, outside ± pubescent; Cn
d m (Thunberg) N. E. Brown (1878); incl. sessile, basally fused to form a bowl-like structure,
Brachyh stelma spathulatum Lindley (1827); incl. ± 1.5 × 2 mm, purple, glabrous; Ci lobes bifid into
h lma crispum Graham (1830). narrowly triangular-subulate erect appendages, ±
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 6 - 15 cm ∅; divergent; Cs lobes rectangular-lingulate, incum-
stems 1 - 3, erect, 40 - 100 cm, ± hairy; L shortly bent on the Anth.
petiolate, lamina ± lanceolate, 15 - 30 × 7 - 10 mm, B. villosum is very closely related to B. tenue and
pubescent; Inf ± sessile, 2- to 8-flowered; Ped 10 - B. setosum or even conspecific. Habit and hairiness
25 mm, pubescent; Sep lanceolate, 4 mm, hairy; Cl are much more robust, however, and the corolla
45 - 95 mm ∅, outside pubescent, inside yellowish, tube is deeper and hairy inside.
purple-spotted; Cl tube cup-shaped, ± 5 × 4 mm; Cl
lobes 20 - 40 mm, ovate-lanceolate, apically long- B. volubile Hooker fif l. (Fl. Brit. India 4: 65, 1885).
attenuate, margins revolute, apically greenish, ± T: K. − D: India (Deccan, Ghats, Karnataka). I:
hairy; Cn sessile, basally fused to form a bowl-like Stevens (1976: 438).
structure, ± 2.5 × 3 mm, purple-brown; Ci lobes [?] R tuber unknown; stems perennial, twining,
pouch-like, subquadrangular, apically incised in tri- ± 50 - 100 cm, solitary, pubescent; L shortly petio-
angular to U-shaped manner, laterally fusef d with late, lamina linear-lanceolate, to 10 cm; Inf ± 8 mm
the base of the Cs; Cs lobes lingulate, hardly 1 mm long pedunculate, 2-flowered; Ped 7 - 10 mm; Sep
long, incumbent on the Anth. lanceolate, acute, 5 mm; Cl ± 30 mm ∅, pink,
An extremely large-flowered species, which is white-hairy; Cl tube short, shallow; Cl lobes ov-
still treated under the name of B. caudatu d m in ate-lanceolate, ± 13 mm, horizontally spreading;
Dyer’s publications (Forster 1986). Cn ± sessile, cup-like; Cs lobes placed against the
Anth; Poll ovoid with broad membranous germina-
B. vahrmeijeri R. A. Dyer (BT 10(2): 378, 1971). tion mouth.
T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Vahrmeijer 1050 [PRE]). B. volubile was incompletely described and is in-

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

sufficiently known. The twining habit is a rare glabrous; Ri continuous or divided into Tu T , these
exception within the genus and otherwise only normally laterally compressed, rarely rounded or
occurs with B. brevitubulatum, which is most clo- conical; L rudiments ± absent, Sc-like to lanceolate,
sely related. mostly short-lived; Inf 1-flowered to umbellate,
rachis cushion-like or much elongate, Ped terete,
glabrous, mostly bracteate; Sep short, deltoid to
CARALLUMA lanceolate, acute, mostly glabrous; Cl fl f at to cam-
panulate, partly ± deeply incised; Cl lobes ± trian-
B. Müller & F. Albers
gular to lanceolate; Cn stipitate or sessile, of the
Caralluma R. Brown (Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. C(is)+Cs-type, ± cup-shaped; Ci segments mostly
1: 14, 1810). T: Stap a elia adscendens Roxburg. − bifid, sometimes basally pouch-form f ing, rarely re-
Lit: Gravely & Mayuranathan (1931); Bruyns duced; Cs segments simple, mostly ± strap-shaped,
(1987a); Bruyns (1987b); Gilbert (1990); Bruyns & placed on the Anth, sometimes broadened where
Jonkers (1994); Plowes (1995). D: Dry regions of fused with the Ci; Anth rectangular, basally broa-
tropical Asia, S Mediterranean, Near East and in N, dened, rarely with apical processes; Poll oblong,
C and E Afr f ica. Etym: From Arabian ‘qarh al- broadly D-shaped or ovoid; Fr (narrowly) fus f iform
f ,
luhum’, wound in the flesh, abscess; for the floral glabrous, fof llicles of a pair spreading at acute to
odour of some taxa (Genaust 1996). right angles; Se brown and/or ochre, ovate, flatte-
Incl. Desmidorchis Ehrenberg (1829) (nom. illeg., ned, with voluminous convex-bulging margin, mar-
Art. 53.1). T: Desmidorchis retrospiciens Ehren- gin ± smooth, with a cluster of white Ha 2 - 3× as
berg. long as the Se.
Incl. Boucerosia Wight & Arnott (1834). T: Caral- According to Gilbert (1990) the genus can be di-
luma umbellata Haworth [Lectotype, designated vided into 4 subgenera on the base of stem and flo-
by M. G. Gilbert, Bradleya 8: 15, 1990.]. wer morphology. Plowes (1995) over-divides the
Incl. Hutc
H hinia Wight & Arnott (1834). T: Hutc H hi- genus on the base of an exaggeratingly differenciat -
nia indica Wight & Arnott. ing morphological concept and recognizes 17 gene-
Incl. Apteranthes Mikan (1835). T: Apteranthes ra and ± 70 species. Carallum
C a embraces a large
gussoneana Mikan. and diverse assemblage of species, but this diversity
Incl. Frere
F a Dalzell (1865). T: Frerea indica can be classified into ffew main groups, which could
Dalzell. be accepted as separate genera (Caralluma s.str.,
Incl. Sarcocodon N. E. Brown (1878). T: Sarcoco- Boucerosia, and Desmidorchis s.str.). Under
don speciosa N. E. Brown. the present circumstances, and awaiting a useful ge-
Incl. Spat
S hulopetalum Chiovenda (1912). T: Spa S - neric concept, the treatment by Gilbert (1990) is
thulopetalum dicapuae Chiovenda. here used as a base, recognizing that e.g. Subgen.
Incl. Australluma Plowes (1995). T: CaraC lluma pe- Urmalcala cannot be sufficiently distinguished
schii Nel. ffrom Subgen. Boucerosia and uniting both could be
Incl. Borealluma Plowes (1995). T: Boucerosia discussed because of overlapping characters. Of all
munbyana Decaisne. the mono- or bitypic genera separated by Plowes
Incl. Cau
C dant
d hera Plowes (1995). T: Boucerosia (1995), Australluma (for C. peschii) and Cau C dan-
sinaica Decaisne. r (fo
thera f r C. sinaica and C. mireillae) merit furt f her
Incl. Crenulluma Plowes (1995). T: Boucerosia considerations. Both are very distinct on the base of
awdeliana Deflers. the morphology of flowers and pollinaria as well as
Incl. Cry
ryptolluma Plowes (1995). T: Boucerosia phytogeographically.
edulis Edgeworth. Following Gilbert (1990) the genus can be div-
Incl. Cylindrilluma Plowes (1995). T: Carallum
C a ided as follows:
solenophora Lavranos. C lluma: Stems mostly ± erect, fre-
[1] Subgen. Cara f
Incl. Monolluma Plowes (1995). T: Stapelia quad- quently with paler coloured Ri or angles, 4-
rangula Forskål. ribbed or -angled, sometimes almost terete,
Incl. Sanguilluma Plowes (1995). T: Boucerosia apically ± strongly tapering; Br partly con-
socotrana Balfour
f f l.
fi spicuously heteromorphic, then basal parts ±
Incl. Saurolluma Plowes (1995). T: Caralluma fur- f stoutly robust, L rudiments conspicuous, mostly
ta P. R. O. Bally. oblong-lanceolate, apical floriferous
f part long,
Incl. Somalluma Plowes (1995). T: Cara C lluma ba- slender, mostly ± terete, whip-like, often f wi-
radii Lavranos. thering after
f flowering, scars of spent Ped
Incl. Spiralluma Plowes (1995). T: C Caralluma lon- distant and irregularly spaced; Inf few-flowered
gidens N. E. Brown. (2 or more Fl), opening in succession; Fl
Incl. Sulcolluma Plowes (1995). T: C Caralluma he- mostly pendent; Cl rather small, campanulate or
xagona Lavranos. mostly with completely free
f Cl lobes; Cn most-
Perennial stem succulents; stems 4-ribbed or 4- ly ± cup-like, oftenf stipitate; Ci segments ±
angled, often
f ± strongly tapering towards the tips, deeply bifid, processes oftenf horn-like, ± la-

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

terally diverging; Poll small, transversely rect- aucheriana (Decaisne) Plowes (1995); Cara C lluma
angular. cucullata hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1); Caral-
[2] Subgen. Urmalcala M. G. Gilbert 1990: Plants luma stap
a eliif
iformis hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art.
rather small, clustering; stems erect, green, un- 29.1); Lasiostelma somalense Schlechter (1899) ≡
spotted, 4-angled; Ri rounded; Tu T oblong, ± co- T
Tenari s somalensis (Schlechter) N. E. Brown
nical; L rudiments small, sessile, triangular to (1903); Stapelia ango A. Richard (1851) ≡ CaraC llu-
ovate, ± appressed, long-lived; Inf with several ma ango (A. Richard) N. E. Brown (1892).
± simultaneously opening Fl in small terminal
to subapical fa f lse umbels without conspicuous C. acutangula (Decaisne) N. E. Brown (Gard.
contortion of the Ri, appearing extra-axillary Chron., ser. 3, 12: 369, 1892). T [neo]: Mali (de
ffrom a slight lateral overtopping growth; Cl W lly 4872 [P]). − D: Afr
Wai f ica, Sahel region frof m
with conspicuous tube; Cn cup-shaped, shortly Mauritania to Ethiopia and Somalia, Kenya; Saudi
stipitate; Ci segments erect, basally pouch- Arabia, N Yemen. I: FPA t. 1062, 1949, as C.
form ing, apically bifid, processes horn-like, ± retrospi
s ciens; Plowes (1995). Fig. IV. V.c, IV.
horizontally diverging, ± spreading outwards; ≡ Desmidorchis acutangula Decaisne (1838) ≡
Poll ± broadly ovoid. Boucerosia acutangula (Decaisne) Decaisne (1844)
[3] Subgen. Boucerosia (Wight & Arnott) M. G. ≡ Cara
C lluma retrospiciens var. acutangula (Decais-
Gilbert 1990: Stems uniformly coloured, erect, ne) A. Chevalier (1934); incl. Stapelia desmidor-
4-ribbed; Ri or Tu frequently laterally ± chis Steudel (s.a.); incl. Desmidorchis retrospiciens
strongly compressed; L rudiments small, ovate- Ehrenberg (1832) (nom. inval.); incl. Boucerosia
deltoid, horizontally spreading or bent down- russelliana Courbon ex Brongniart (1860) ≡ Caral- C
wards; Inf mostly sessile many-flowered apical luma russelliana (Courbon ex Brongniart) Cufodon-
ffalse umbels, often appearing laterally between tis (1961); incl. Cara
C lluma hirtifl f ora
r N. E. Brown
the Ri through overtopping growth (then Ri (1895) ≡ Caralluma retrospiciens var. hirtifl f ora (N.
conspicuously contorted); Fl in a ± globose E. Brown) A. Berger (1910); incl. Boucerosia tom-
f lse umbel, ± simultaneously opening; Cl
fa buctuensis A. Chevalier (1900) ≡ Cara C lluma tom-
mostly flat to ± deeply campanulate, incised ffor buctuensis (A. Chevalier) N. E. Brown (1904) ≡ Ca C -
± 1⁄2; Cl lobes mostly triangular-ovate; Cn ± ses- r lluma retrospiciens ssp. tombuctuensis (A. Cheva-
sile, basally ± broadly cup-shaped; Ci segments lier) A. Chevalier (1934) ≡ Caralluma retrosp s iciens
mostly deeply bifid, processes mostly laterally var. tombuctuensis (A. Chevalier) A. C. White & B.
diverging, rarely absent; Cs segments mostly Sloane (1937); incl. C Caralluma retrosspiciens Eh-
linear-strap-shaped; Poll broadly D-shaped to renberg ex N. E. Brown (1904); incl. Cara C lluma re-
ovoid. trospiciens var. glabra N. E. Brown (1904); incl.
[4] Subgen. Desmidorchis (Ehrenberg) M. G. Gil- Caralluma retrosp s iciens var. laxifl i ora Maire
bert 1990: Plants of medium size; stems erect, (1939).
4-angled; Tu T flat, rounded; L rudiments very [3] Plants robust, densely branched, to 75 cm ∅;
delicate, ± erect, perennial; Inf terminal or sub- stems robust, 40 - 80 (- 150) × 2 - 5 cm, pale green
apically-axillary along the angles, 1- to 2- or whitish, 4-angled or with very concave sides; Tu T
flowered, successively opening, leaving con- acute, broadly triangular, bent downwards; L rudi-
spicuous scars; Cl of medium size with short ments 1 × 1 mm, persistent; Inf extremely many-
tube; Cn sessile, ± as broad as tall, cup- to flowered (up to > 100 open Fl at the same time),
bowl-shaped; Ci absent or segments divided ± globose umbel-like to 12 cm ∅; Ped 0.5 - 3.5 cm;
so deeply as to appear united with the Cs and Sep 2 mm, outside sometimes finely hairy; Cl
apparently form
f ing processes of the Cs; Poll ± ffunnel-shaped, ± 2 cm ∅; Cl
black-purple, flat or fu
D-shaped; Fr oftenf winged. lobes 8 × 8 mm, broadly ovate-triangular, acute, in-
side densely tuberculate, mostly papillate-pubes-
An intergeneric hybrid with Hoodia is covered cent, Ha long, purple, rims of the Cl lobes mostly
under ×Hoo
H dialluma. In addition, the following in- ciliate, Ha purple, vibratile, ± clavate; Cn brown-
trageneric hybrids are known: C. adscen
d dens var. ish-purple, ± 5 mm ∅, weakly pubescent; Ci lobes
attenuata × C. adscen
d dens var. gracilis, C. arabica deeply bifid, appendages falcately curved inwards,
× C. penicillata, C. diffusa × C. umbellata
t . basal-medium region broadened, sometimes with a
C. chlorantha Schlechter is poorly understood small appendage, ± ciliate; Cs lobes blunt, not sur-
and could belong either to Piaranthus or to Pectina- passing the Anth, rarely glabrous; Poll inversely
a. pear-shaped; Fr to 14 × 1 cm; Se brown, 11 ×
8 mm.
The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica- One of the mightiest stapeliads; closely related to
tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Boucerosia au- C. edithae and C. somalica.
cheriana Decaisne (1844) ≡ Desmidorchis aucheri-
ana (Decaisne) Kuntze (1891) ≡ C Caralluma auche- C. adenensis (Deflers) A. Berger (Stapel. & Klein.,
riana (Decaisne) N. E. Brown (1892) ≡ Crenulluma 79, 1910). T: P. − D: Yemen
Y . I: Deflers (1896).

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

≡ Boucerosia adenensis Deflers (1896) ≡ Crenul- green, finely dotted with purple, sometimes hori-
luma adenensis (Deflers) Plowes (1995); incl. Ca-C zontally striped with purple or chestnut-brown, ±
ralluma kalmbacheriana Lavranos (1965) ≡ Crenul- 2.3 cm ∅, ± flat to shortly campanulate (then tube
luma kalmbacheriana (Lavranos) Plowes (1995); 1.5 mm); Cl lobes 1 - 3 × 1.5 cm, lanceolate, bluntly
Caralluma rauhii Lavranos (1965) ≡ Crenullu-
incl. C acuminate, apically brownish, spreading outwards,
ma rau
r hii (Lavranos) Plowes (1995). margins slightly revolute, glabrous; Cn brownish to
[3] Massive richly branched perennials, 20 - 60 × dark purple, bowl-shaped; Ci basally pouch-shaped,
50 cm; stems upright or ascending, (greyish-, yello- lobes ≤ 1 mm, deeply divided, appendages filiform
ffii f ,
wish- or brownish-) green, ≤ 3.5 cm ∅, 4-ribbed, f lcate, bent towards each other; Cs lobes broadly
edges bluntish; TuT ≤ 2 (upper 1⁄2 of stem 1.2) cm, triangular, ± blunt; Poll ovoid.
edges between the Tu slightly crenate, sometimes ± Most closely related to the Afro-Arabian C. sub-
entire; L rudiments small, pointing upwards; Inf ulata, which has already been put into synonymy by
15- to 50-flowered, globose, with strong foetid Bruyns (1992).
odour; Bra 4 - 8 mm, linear or fusiform, numerous;
Ped (yellowish-) green, 7 - 20 × ≤ 2 mm; Sep ≤ 8 C. adscendens var. attenuata (Wight) Gravely &
mm, fusf iform-acum
f inate, apically bent outwards, Mayuranathan (Bull. Madras Gov. Mus. 4(1): 13,
outside finely papillate; Cl outside greenish or yel- 1931). T: [lecto − icono]: Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind.
lowish-cream, dotted with maroon, inside dark pur- Orient., t. 1268, 1848. − D: India.
ple or yellow dotted with orange-red, fleshy, 2 - 5 ≡CCaralluma attenuata Wight (1848).
cm ∅; Cl tube 6 - 10 mm deep, basally 7 - 15, api- [1] Differs from var. adscendens: Tu T less di-
cally (4 -) 5 - 7 mm ∅, campanulate or ± urceolate, stinctly set off, more strongly bent upwards; Fl not
basally flattened; Cl lobes 5 - 18 × 8 - 18 mm, hori- quite as drooping as in var. adscen
d dens and var.
zontally spreading or slightly ascending, inside fi- f briata; Ped ± horizontally spreading; Cl 1.5 cm
nely tuberculate, tip sometimes with a bunch of Ha, ∅, hairy.
Ha purple, 3 - 4 mm, clavate, vibratile; Cn pale The dominating variety on the Indian sub-
pink, dark maroon or shiny orange-red, 2 × 3.5 - 6 continent.
mm, ± broadly cylindrical, cup- or bowl-shaped, fi-
nely pubescent; Ci lobes 2.5 - ± 3.5 mm, apically el- C. adscendens var. carinata Gravely & Mayurana-
ongated, deeply divided, appendages linear, ± than (Bull. Madras Gov. Mus. 4(1): 16, t. 2: 6,
spreading or touching each other in one point, 1931). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 2: 6. − D: India.
upright or ascending at an angle, sometimes touch- [1] Differs from var. adscendens: ± unbranched;
ing the opening of the Cl tube; Cs lobes 1 - 3.5 mm, stem edges (at least basally) acute; Tu as in var. at-
blunt or acuminate; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.3 × 0.28 tenuata; Fl rarely ± erect; Ped horizontally spread-
mm; Fr grey-green, 10 - 20 × 0.5 - 1 cm. ing; Cl purple, Cl lobes light maroon banded with
According to Gilbert (1990) the species belongs yellow, otherwise like var. attenuatat ; Cn yellowish.
to the adenensis-speciosa-group and is very closely Intermediate between var. attenuata and var. fimf -
related to C. awdeliana and C. lavrani (see there). briata in habit.

C. adscendens (Roxburgh) R. Brown (Mem. Wern. C. adscendens var. fimbriata (Wallich) Gravely &
Nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 14, 1810). T: [lecto − icono]: Mayuranathan (Bull. Madras Gov. Mus. 4(1): 13,
Roxburgh, Pl. Coast Coromandel, t. 30, 1795. − D: 1931). T [lecto]: Burma (Wallich s.n. [[icono]:
India, Sri Lanka. Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar., t. 8, 1830]). − D: India, Sri
≡ Stap
a elia adscen
d dens Roxburgh (1795). Lanka.
This highly variable complex with a geographi- ≡ Caralluma fimbriat
f a Wallich (1830).
cally wide distribution needs a complete revision. [1] Differs from var. adscendens: Stems (at least
V . fimbriata
Var f and var. gracilis seem to be hardly close to the base) with rounded edges; Tu as in var.
discernible from
f var. adscendens (Meve, pers. attenuata; Cl rather small, similar to var. attenuata.
C. adscendens var. geniculata Gravely & Mayura-
C. adscendens var. adscendens − D: India. Fig. nathan (Bull. Madras Gov. Mus. 4(1): 16, t. 2: 7,
V.d 1931). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 2: 7. − D: S India.
[1] Stems basally procumbent, then upright, 30 - Fig. IV.
65 cm, basally ≤ 2 cm ∅, shrubby, branched, api- [1] Compact plants with ascending-erect stems,
cally ± strongly tapering and only ≤ 8 mm ∅, green, occasionally branched; stems green, 4-angled, slen-
f striped reddish, concavely 4-angled, edges der, apically tapering, Br apically more strongly ta-
rounded or sharp; Tu
T blunt, protruding, horizontally pering and branched, edges (at least basally) acute;
spreading; L rudiments ≤ 4 mm, lanceolate, ± acute; Tu indistinctly set off, bent upwards; L rudiments
Inf 1- to 2-flowered in the L axils, loosely scat- small, lanceolate, only on the growing tip of the
tered; Fl drooping; Ped 1 - 4 mm, thin, vertical or stems; Fl in upright position; Ped ascending or ±
bent downwards; Sep 2 - 3 mm, acute; Cl (pale) horizontally spreading; Cl yellow striped with dark

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

chestnut-brown, 1.1 cm ∅; Cl tube opening widely, C. arachnoidea var. arachnoidea − D: Ethiopia,

twisted upwards, with abrupt transition to the Ped; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania. Fig. IV. V.g
Cl lobes lanceolate, margins in the upper 1⁄2 strongly [1] Stems distinctly heteromorphic, basally 4-
revolute, inside ± very hairy (rim of the tube pro- ribbed, Ri acute, straight, oriented upwards, ± ser-
truding); Cn ± 2 mm ∅; Ci brownish, bifid, appen- rate, Fl-bearing apical region ± terete to 4-angled;
dages 2 mm, horn-like; Cs lobes black, margin Cl whitish, yellow, spotted with maroon to purple,
translucent-yellowish, apically undulate, not sur- deeply incised; Cl tube strongly reduced; Cl lobes
passing the Anth. stiff, horizontally spreading, almost completely re-
Probably better treated as a species of its own. fflexed along the midrib, upper face pubescent, cili-
This taxon is more closely related to C. bhupinderi- ate; Cn 3 mm ∅, low, ± bowl-shaped, short-stalked,
ana than to C. adscen
d dens. evenly broadened towards the bases of the Ci; Ci
lobes deeply bifid, appendages < 0.8 mm, horn-like
C. adscendens var. gracilis Gravely & Mayurana- or slender-fusiform, acute, erect; Cs lobes ribbon-
than (Bull. Madras Gov. Mus. 4(1): 14, t. 2: 5, like, ascending over the Sty head, coming together
1931). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 2: 5. − D: India. almost along their entire length, apically rounded,
[1] Differs
f ffrom var. attenuata: Stems very slen- slightly incised, ± hiding the Anth.
der and strongly branched in the upper 1⁄2, (at least
close to the base) with acute edges; Inf with 2 erect C. arachnoidea var. breviloba (P. R. O. Bally) M.
Fl; Ped long, slender, ascending; Cl ≤ 1 cm ∅, Cl G. Gilbert (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. 32(2): 29, ills. (pp.
lobes strongly revolute. 26-30), 1977). T: Kenya (Bally l 12267 [K, ZSS]).
C. arabica N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 318, 1895). T: − D: Ethiopia, Kenya.
Yemen r ch 28 [K]). − Lit: Bruyns & Jonkers
(Hirs ≡ Caralluma
C gracilipes ssp. breviloba P. R. O.
(1994: 60-62, ills.). D: N and S Yemen, N Oman. Bally (1969).
≡ Crenulluma arabica (N. E. Brown) Plowes [1] Differs from var. arachnoidea: Fl-bearing
(1995). apical parts of stems ± 4-angled; Cn 2.5 mm ∅; Ci
[3] Shrubby, 6 - 18 × 30 - 40 (-75) cm ∅; stems lobes bifurcate,
f appendages ≥ 1 mm, at first erect,
upright, green, often tinged purple, 35 × 1.5 - 2 cm, then curved inwards; Cs lobes shorter, not rising ab-
4-ribbed (similar to C. fl
f ava); Tu
T slightly projo ect- ove the Sty head, deltoid, acute, partly touching
ing, apically with a distinct furrow
f ; Inf 20- to 40- apically, as long as or shorter than the Anth.
f id odour; Ped ± 2 - 5 × ± 1 - 2
flowered; Fl with foet
mm; Sep ± 1.5 × ± 1 mm; Cl ± maroon, sometimes C. awdeliana (Deflers) A. Berger (Stapel. & Klein.,
spotted with yellow (Yemen), flat or slightly cam- 81, 1910). T: Yemen
Y (Defl r 485 [P]). − D: Ye
f ers Y-
panulate, ± 0.5 - 2 cm ∅; Cl lobes ± 3 - 5 × ± 3 mm, men. I: Deflers (1896).
triangular, acute, ± strongly spreading outwards, ≡ Boucerosia awdeliana Deflers (1896) ≡ Cre-
margins reflexed, horizontally wrinkled on the in- nulluma awdeliana (Deflers) Plowes (1995); incl.
side, apically often
f with purple clavate Ha (Oman); C
Caralluma petraea Lavranos (1983) ≡ Crenulluma
Cn red to purple, ± 2.8 - 3.5 mm ∅, ± circular, petraea (Lavranos) Plowes (1995).
bowl-shaped; Ci lobes ± 1.5 - 2 × ± 1 mm, erect, [3] Plants of medium size, growing in clumps;
deeply bifid, appendages short, narrow, straight or stems basally branching, ± 20 - 30 × 2 - 3 cm, green
laterally diverging, sometimes strongly reduced, ra- (older stems spotted with red), 4-ribbed or 4-
rely shortly hairy on the inside; Cs lobes apically ± angled; TuT blunt; L rudiments acute, basally with
0.5 - 0.7 × ± 0.5 mm, ± elongate-triangular, incum- stipular rudiments; Inf 5- to 15-flowered; Ped ± 5 -
bent on the Anth but not surpassing them, much 7 × ± 2.4 mm; Sep ± 1 - 1.5 × ± 0.8 - 1 mm, bluntly
broader where adnate to the short Cs lobes; Anth ± triangular; Cl outside reddish-green spotted with
0.4 - 0.5 mm broad, apically crenate, distinctly se- red, inside sulphur-yellow to ochre, densely spotted
parate from each other; Poll ± 0.6 × ± 0.25 mm, with brownish-purple, deeply campanulate or urce-
roundish; Fr 6.5 - 1.5 cm. olate, ± 1.2 cm ∅, tube ± 1 × ± 1 cm; Cl lobes ± 15
A widely distributed species. The populations × ± 5 - 8 mm, erect, glabrous, margins strongly rev-
now treated as C. arabica in part differ f strongly olute; Cn 2.5 - 3 mm ∅, bowl-shaped; Ci reddish-
ffrom the type material (Bruyns & Jonkers 1994). violet, apically violet, lobes 1.5 - 2 × ± 0.8 mm,
According to Gilbert (1990) the species belongs to apical 1⁄2 bifid, appendages narrowly linear; Cs dark
the europaea-hexagona-group. violet, lobes ± 0.3 - 0.5 × ± 0.3 mm, broadly trian-
gular, not surpassing the Anth; Anth ± 0.5 - 0.7 mm
C. arachnoidea (P. R. O. Bally) M. G. Gilbert (Na- broad, apically touching each other laterally.
tion. Cact. Succ. J. 32(2): 26-29, ills., 1977). T: Belonging to the adenensis-sp s eciosa-group (Gil-
Uganda (Egg
E eling 5692 in Ballyl 6294 [G]). − D: E bert 1990).
≡ Cara
C lluma gracilipes ssp. arachnoidea P. R. O. C. baradii Lavranos (CSJA 65(5): 246-247, ills.,
Bally (1969) ≡ Spat
S hulopetalum arachnoideum (P. 1993). T: Somalia (Lavranos & al. 23338 [UPS]).
R. O. Bally) Plowes (1995). − D: Somalia. Fig. V

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

≡ Somalluma baradii (Lavranos) Plowes (1995). ≡ Apteranthes burchardii (N. E. Brown) Plowes
[1] Plants with subterranean runners; stems pro- (1995).
cumbent to erect, clustered, olive-green to brown-
ish, 2 - 8 × ± 1 cm, tapering towards the base, C. burchardii ssp. burchardii − D: E Canary Is-
apically ± blunt, 4-angled, edges rounded; L rudi- lands (Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Gran Canaria).
ments 1 - 2 mm, drying and persistent; Inf fe f w- Fig. V
flowered, erect, with 1 - 2 peduncles, to 12 × 0.1 - Incl. CCaralluma burchardii var. purp r urascens
0.15 cm, filiform, drying after fruiting; Bra soli- Gattefossé & Maire (1945); incl. CaraC lluma bur-
tary, triangular; Ped ≤ 30 × 0.3 mm, wiry, horizon- chard
r ii var. sventenii E. & B. M. Lamb (1956).
tally spreading, apically abruptly thickened and as- [3] Forming clumps or heaps, to 60 cm ∅, with
cending; Sep ± 1 mm; Cl basally dark chestnut- slender subterranean runners; stems unbranched,
brown, then yellowish striped with chestnut-brown, green, sometimes weakly spotted with reddish, 15 -
upper 2⁄3 unicoloured yellowish, 0.8 - 1 cm ∅, divi- 30 (-50) × 1.5 - 2.5 cm ∅, acutely 4-angled, apically
ded ± to the bottom; Cl lobes linear, ascending, 4-ribbed, after
f flowering esp. increasing in diame-
curved inwards, apically linked with each other for- ter and thus extremely irregularly shaped; L ru-
ming a broad ellipsoid cage, basally strongly fo
f lded diments 1.5 mm ∅, curved downwards; Inf 3- to
inwards, apically tapering, both sides glabrous; Ci 9-flowered; Ped 1 - 3 mm; Sep 3 × 1 mm; Cl inside
wine-red, appendages bifid, ± 1.3 mm, fusf iform
f , as- olive-brown to ochre, 13 - 16 mm ∅, deeply divi-
cending, wrinkled, tip with solitary Ha, dark wine- ded, flat or weakly campanulate caused by the
red, 3 - 4 mm, simple, vibratile; Cs dark maroon, slightly erect lobes, tube containing the elongated
lobes ± 2 × 0.25 mm, touching each other in upright Cn; Cl lobes 4 × 3.5 mm, oblong-ovate, acute, mar-
position above the Sty head and together form
f ing a gin slightly revolute, inside densely pubescent, Ha
column, apically obtuse and slightly emarginate. whitish-translucent, thick, cylindrical, giving a
The relationships of this striking species are still shaggy appearance to the Fl, rarely ± glabrous; Cn
unclear. yellow, deeply tubular (similar to C. quadrangula
and C. cicatricosa); Ci lobes inserted at the rim of
C. bhupinderiana Sarkaria (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. the Cn, 1 mm, erect, 2-parted, appendages fus
f iform
f ,
35(3): 68-72, ills., 1980). T: India (Sark
r aria J93-78 blunt, nectar cavities deeply sunken into the Fil
[PAN]). − D: India (Tamil Nadu). tube; Cs lobes 1 - 1.25 mm, as long as the Anth,
[1] Plants compact, stems ascending to upright, linear, blunt; Anth 0.6 - 0.8 mm broad, distinctly
unbranched, light green spotted with brownish- separate from each other; Poll ± 0.5 × ± 0.4 mm,
purple, to 32 × 1.5 cm, gradually tapering towards translator wings 0.1 mm; Fr green striped with pur-
the tip, acutely 4-angled; L rudiments 3 × 1.5 mm, ple, 7 - 8 cm × 7 - 8 mm; Se pale brown, 6 × 3.5
lanceolate, mostly only on growing young stem mm, transversely oblong-ovate, flat, with a broad
tips; Inf in pairs; Bra 3, pale yellow, < 0.5 mm, rim.
very thin; Ped pale to brownish-yellow, 6 - 8 (-11) Belonging to the europaea-hexagona-group (Gil-
mm, ascending, sometimes horizontally spreading bert 1990), though rather isolated because of its un-
from the stems; Sep 1.5 mm; Cl inside pale green, usual corona and gynostegium.
1.5 - 1.6 cm ∅, flat, central depression < 0.5 × 3 mm
∅, rim finely ciliate; Cl lobes basally light yellow C. burchardii ssp. maura (Maire) Meve & F. Al-
to greenish, ± distinctly striped with light brown, bers (Nordic J. Bot. 15(5): 465, 1995). T: Morocco
apically pale yellowish to dark brown, curved out- M ire s.n. [MPU]). − D: Morocco.
wards, 6 × 3 mm, lanceolate, apically ending in a ≡ C Caralluma burchardii var. maura r Maire
tooth-like appendage, the latter translucent, ± 0.5 (1923); incl. C Caralluma burchardii faf . grandififlorra
mm, occasionally with a ciliate midrib, margins of Maire (1942); incl. Cara
C lluma burchard r ii fa
f . sord
r i-
the upper 1⁄2 strongly revolute, apically densely, ba- da Maire (1942); incl. Cara
C lluma burchard r ii fa
f . vi-
sally weakly hairy, Ha flat, acuminate, soft;
f Cn yel- ridis Gattefossé
f & Maire (1945).
lowish, 2 mm ∅; Ci translucent, deeply bifid, lobes [3] Differs
f ffrom ssp. burchardr ii: Plants ± 15 - 20
ascending, pale brown, 3 mm, form f ing loops; Cs cm tall; stems blue-green, ± 1.5 - 2 cm ∅, 4-ribbed,
translucent or weakly spotted with brown, lobes Ri laterally more compressed; Tu conical; L rudi-
spatulate, blunt, undulate, slightly recurved, not sur- ments inconspicuous, < 1 mm; Ped 5 - 9 mm; Sep ±
passing the Anth; Poll pale yellow, ovoid; Fr dark 2 - 2.5 mm; Cl inside dark olive-green, broadly
brown with purple markings, 8.5 cm. campanulate caused by the ascending lobes, 0.7 -
Forming a complex with C. adscen
d dens var. geni- 1.1 (-1.3) cm ∅; Cl lobes 4 - 5 × 3 - 4 mm; Cn gol-
t . den yellow, ± 4 - 6 mm ∅, pentagonal when viewed
ffrom above; Ci lobes ± 1 - 1.5 × ± 1 mm; Cs lobes ±
C. burchardii N. E. Brown (BMI 1913: 121, 1913). 1.5 mm, not surpassing the Anth; Poll ± 0.4 ×
T: Canary Islands, Fuerteventura (Burchard r 385 0.3 mm.
[K]). − Lit: Meve (1995: with ill.). D: Canary Is-
lands, Morocco. C. cicatricosa (Deflers) N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron.,

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

ser. 3, 12: 369, 1892). T: Yemen

Y (Deflers 435 [P]). 3 mm, lanceolate, margins reflexed, apically hairy
− Lit: Plowes (1990). D: Yemen. Y I: Gilbert with 2 - 5 clavate Ha, Ha purple, 4 mm; Cn yellow,
(1990). Fig. V.
V.a ± 2.5 × 3 mm, glabrous; Ci lobes 2 - 2.5 mm,
≡ Boucerosia cicatricosa Deflers (1889) ≡ Mo- M bluntly triangular, shortly bifid, appendages erect,
nolluma cicatricosa (Deflers) Plowes (1995). reaching far above the staminal column; Cs lobes
[4] Stems shrubbily branched, green, 50 - 60 × 1 - 1.5 - 2 mm, narrowly triangular, geniculate, hardly
2 cm, edges with white mostly round scars from f surpassing the Anth.
Ped that have faf llen off, with strong odour; Tu in- Closely related to C. priogonium.
distinct, callously toothed, ≤ 5 mm, oblong-linear;
Inf 1-flowered, close to the stem tips, seemingly C. crenulata Wallich
W (Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 6, t. 7,
axillary, sometimes opening in close sequence, Fl 1830). T [lecto]: Myanmar (WallicW h s.n. [icono:
with or without foetid odour; Bra 1 - 2, small, trian- l.c. t. 7]). − D: India, Myanmar. Fig. VV..d
gular, Sc-like; Ped thick, 2 - 3 × 2 mm; Sep ± 2 ≡ Boucerosia crenulata (Wallich) Wight & Ar-
mm, ascending; Cl outside light green, inside inten- nott (1834) ≡ Desmidorchis crenulata t (Wallich) De-
sively chestnut-brown or dark maroon to blackish- caisne (1838); incl. Caralluma truncatocorona hort.
purple, rim of the tube lemon-yellow or orange-red (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1); incl. Boucerosia
(colour variants: inside yellowish dotted with chest- truncato-coro r nata Sedgwick (1921) ≡ Carallum
C a
nut-brown, or rim of the tube red / pink or pale truncato-coro r nata (Sedgwick) Gravely & Mayura-
brick-red, or rim of the tube and Cl lobes pale yel- nathan (1931); incl. Cara
C lluma nilagiriana Kumari
low with brownish Tu); Cl ± flat to slightly bowl- & Subba Rao (1976) ≡ Boucerosia nilagiriana (Ku-
shaped, ± 1 cm ∅, tube (when present) ≤ 2 mm mari & Subba Rao) Plowes (1995).
deep, basally enclosing the Cn, rim almost annu- [3] Plants small, growing in clumps, with sub-
lus-like, inside smooth, margin with scattered pa- terranean runners; stems ± erect, laxly branched, ±
pillae; Cl lobes 8 mm, oblong-lanceolate, blunt, 12 - 15 × 0.6 cm, 4-ribbed, laterally furrowed; Tu T
flesh y, ± spreading upright or slightly curved in- oblong-conical, acutely tapering, horizontally
wards, margins ± reflexed, inside ± tuberculate- spreading; L rudiments ovate; Inf 8- to 10- (to 15-)
papillate, apically finely hairy; Cn (orange-) yel- flowered; buds 8.5 mm ∅, pentagonal, apically flat-
low, Cs finely spotted with ochre, long-stalked, tened; Bra 2.5 mm, linear; Ped ± 8 - 20 × ± 1.5 - 3
appearing to be composed of 5 narrowly rectangu- mm; Sep ± 2 - 4 × ± 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl outside green
lar lobes pointing towards the centre of the Fl with spotted with violet, inside white or yellowish with
a central ribbon-like appendage; Ci lobes basally broken concentrical yellow circles, ± 1.2 - 2.2 cm
pouch-like, ± deeply bifurcate, appendages nar- ∅, campanulate, tube 4 - 6 × 6 - 9 mm, cup-shaped,
rowly triangular, apically ± setose, laterally spread- enclosing the Cn; Cl lobes ± 5 - 8 × ± 5 - 9 mm, ov-
ing, connected to the backside of the Cs along their ate-triangular, horizontal to erect, brown, margins
entire length; Cs ribbon-like lanceolate, surpassing slightly revolute and weakly hairy, Ha clavate; Cn
the Anth; Fr 6 - 7 cm, 3-angled. white or yellowish dotted with reddish, or dark
Belonging to the C. quadrangula-complex (Plo- purple, ± 4.5 - 5.5 mm ∅; Ci lobes ± 1.5 - 2 × ± 1.3
wes 1990). mm, obtuse, slightly incised, appendages ± 0.4 - 0.6
mm, triangular, spreading outwards; Cs lobes ± 1.5 -
C. congestiflora
f P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 20: 13- 2 × ± 0.5 mm, ± triangular to ribbon-like, ± cover-
15, ills., 1965). T: Somalia, Northern Prov. (Bally ing the Anth, apically bluntly dentate or furrowe
f d;
11996 [K, G]). − D: Somalia. I: FPA t. 1715, 1976. Anth yellowish, ± 0.8 × ± 0.6 mm, rectangular,
≡SSpathulopetalum congestiiflorum (P. R. O. Bal- blunt, often touching each other laterally; Poll or-
ly) Plowes (1995); incl. CCaralluma pluriifasciculata ange, ± 0.4 × ± 0.5 mm, roundish, translator wings
P. R. O. Bally ex M. G. Gilbert (1990) (nom. inval., 1.5 mm, erect.
Art. 34.1(a)). Because of the great similarities, C. truncato-
[1] Basally strongly branched; stems 10 - 25, to coronata and C. nilagiriana are treated here as sy-
28 cm, occasionally with 2. order side-Br, distinctly nonyms. According to Gilbert (1990), this species
heteromorphic, lower part to 23 × 2 - 2.2 cm, 4- belongs to the umbellata-indica-group.
angled, then tapering, edges acute, sides with ±
deep longitudinal furrows;
f Tu 1 - 2 mm, ascending, C. dicapuae (Chiovenda) Chiovenda (in A. C.
8 - 10 mm apart ffrom each other; L rudiments deli- White & B. Sloane, Stapelieae, ed. 2, 1: 187, ills.,
cate, fus
f iform
f ; Fl-bearing upper part of the stems 7 1937). T: Eritrea (Terracciano
T & Pappi 498 [FT]).
- 11 × ± 0.4 cm; Inf 24- to 30-flowered, each node − D: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya. Fig. V
with 1 - 3 peduncles ≤ 3 mm, very fleshy, apically ≡ Spathulop
o etalum dicapa uae Chiovenda (1912);
rounded; Bra ≤ 5 mm, narrowly triangular, mucron- incl. Caralluma dicapa uae ssp. dicap
a uae; incl. Ca-
ate, occasionally weakly serrate at the base; Ped 7 - ralluma dicap
a uae ssp. seticorona P. R. O. Bally
13 × 1 - 1.5 mm, ascending; Sep 2.5 × 1 mm; Cl (1969).
outside green, inside yellow striped with green, ± [1] Dwarf shrubs; stems numerous, weakly
1.5 cm ∅, flat, divided to the base; Cl lobes ± 7 × ± branching, to 60 cm, grey-green, heteromorphic, lo-

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

wer part to 30 cm, robust, ± 4-angled, edges blunt; ate, apically acuminate; Cn like in C. quadrangula;
T 5 - 8 mm, distinctly conical, ascending, 2 - 3 cm
Tu Fr 16 - 18.5 × 0.3 - 0,5 cm, both ends blunt.
apart ffrom each other, ± short-lived; Fl-bearing up- Insufficiently known, perhaps closely related to
per part ± 20 cm, long-extended, ± terete, Int 2.5 - 4 C. cicatricosa.
cm; Inf 2-flowered; Fl buds basally clavate-cylind-
rical, apically with abruptly articulate tip, 8 - 10 × 2 C. edithae N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 219, 1895). T:
- 3 mm, tip 0.7 - 1 mm; Bra 2 - 3 × 0.5 mm; Ped 1 - Somalia (Cole s.n. [K]). − D: Ethiopia, Somalia.
1.6 cm, slender, curved downwards; Sep linear-fus f i- I: FPA 36: t. 1430, 1964; Gilbert (1990).
fform, very acute; Cl outside dark purple, inside ≡ Desmidorchis edithae (N. E. Brown) Plowes
light green finely dotted or horizontally striped (1995).
with chestnut-brown, 2.2 cm ∅, campanulate to [3] Branched in a spreading-shrubby fashion;
narrowly columnar, deeply divided, central depres- stems 10 - 30 cm, 4- (rarely 5-) ribbed; Tu conical-
sion 0.5 mm; Cl lobes 11 - 14 × 1 (base) - 3 (tip) triangular, distinctly proj
o ecting, with hardened L
mm, narrowly spoon-shaped to linear, mucronate, at scars; Inf 30- to 70-flowered, 5 - 7 cm ∅; Fl with
first spreading, then flexible, drooping, free f ly strong odour like manure; Ped 15 - 20 × 1.5 - 2 mm;
swinging, lamina fof lded back along midrib, outside Sep 3 - 5 × 1 - 1.5 mm, sometimes apically di-
often setose, inside densely hairy, Ha clavate, stinctly curved outwards; Cl ± purple, ± campanu-
spreading; Cn 2.4 × 3 mm; Ci lobes rectangular, late, ± 1.5 cm ∅; Cl tube 3 - 5 × 5 - 7 mm; Cl lobes
upright-spreading, shortly bifid, appendages bluntly oblong-triangular, apically slightly curved out-
deltoid, partly laterally spreading, rarely finely wards, upright, inside tuberculate, tips with a bunch
hairy on the outside, Ha 0.5 mm, stiff; Cs white of clavate Ha, Ha purple, ± 2 mm; Cn 3 - 4.5 mm
dotted with chestnut-brown, lobes 3 × 0.9 mm, ∅, glabrous; Ci lobes 1 - 1.5 × ± 1 mm, apically
ribbon-like, ± linear, apically bluntly triangular, far distinctly bifid, appendages apically rounded,
overtopping the Sty head, apically spreading, glabr- strongly spreading laterally; Cs lobes 1 - 1.2 × ± 0.3
ous; Fr 11 - 13 × 0.4 - 0.5 cm. mm, apically irregularly slightly crenate, not or
hardly surpassing the Anth; Anth ± 0.5 × 0.5 - 0.7
C. diffusa
f (Wight) N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. mm; Poll ± 0.3 × ± 0.35 mm, roundish to transver-
3, 12: 369, 1892). T [lecto]: India ((A(Anonymus
A s.n. sely ovate, translator wings very short.
[icono: Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., t. 1599, 1850]). − D: Closely related to C. penicillatat . According to
S India. I: Gravely & Mayuranathan (1931). Fig. Gilbert (1990), the species belongs to the adenen-
VI.a sis-speciosa-group.
≡ Boucerosia diffusa Wight (1850) ≡ Desmidor-
chis diffusa (Wight) Kuntze (1891). C. edulis (Edgeworth) Bentham & Hooker fil. f
[3] Stems in dense large clumps, ± 10 - 15 × 1.5 (Gen. Pl. 2: 782, 1876). T: India (EdEdgeworth 6035
f h green, concave acutely 4-angled; Tu ±
cm, fres [K]). − D: India (Punj n ab), Pakistan, Iran, Oman,
wing-like; Inf 12- to 30-flowered; Fl buds apically Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Maurita-
± acutely conical; Cl inside yellowish marked with nia, Dhalak Archipelago (Dalcos). I: Bruyns
dark purple stripes, 2.5 cm ∅, deeply campanulate, (1989). Fig. VI.b
deeply divided; Cl lobes (narrowly) triangular, ± ≡ Boucerosia edulis Edgeworth (1862) ≡ Cry ryp-
acute, purple stripes finely papillate, margins hairy, tolluma edulis (Edgeworth) Plowes (1995); incl.
Ha long, caducous; Cn bowl- or cup-shaped; Ci k iana Boissier (1879) ≡ Desmidor-
Boucerosia stocks
lobes strongly reduced, bifurcate for > 1⁄2; Cs lobes chis stocksiana
k (Boissier) Kuntze (1891); incl. Ca-
variable in shape, apically slightly undulate. r lluma longidens N. E. Brown (1892) ≡ Spiralluma
According to Gilbert (1990), the species belongs longidens (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1995); incl. Ca- C
to the umbellata-indica-group. rralluma vittata N. E. Brown (1904); incl. Carallu-
ma mouretii A. Chevalier (1934) ≡ Spiralluma mou-
C. dolichocarpa O. Schwartz (Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. retii (A. Chevalier) Plowes (1995); incl. Caralluma
Hamburg 10: 194, 1939). T: Yemen Y (von W
Wiss- edulis A. Chevalier (1934) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c).
mann 1225 [HBG]). − D: S Yemen (Hadhramaut). [1] Stems halfway
f climbing, ± 60 cm, with long
≡ Crenulluma dolichocarpar (O. Schwartz) Plo- subterranean runners, dull greenish-brown, 4-ang-
wes (1995). led to terete, Fl-bearing upper part of stems gradu-
[4] Plants low, form
f ing dense mats, strongly ally tapering; L rudiments ≤ 1.2 cm, unusually
branching; stems greenish, to 7 × 1.2 cm, edges ac- large, cuneate or elliptic; Inf 2-flowered, appearing
ute; Tu
T very small, thus edges of young shoots from the Ax; Bra 2, delicate, fusiform; Ped slender,
strongly undulate, Ped scars hardly visible; Inf 1- ± ascending; Sep acute, margins translucent; Cl
flowered, upright, growing from the stem tip or up- inside whitish or sand-coloured, 0.8 - 1.1 cm ∅; Cl
permost Ax; Ped 9 - 12 mm, strongly thickened at tube semiglobose-campanulate, inside purple-
Fr time, stout; Sep 3 × 1.8 mm, ovate; Cl outside striped, ± 2× as long as the Cl lobes; Cl lobes fuf -
greenish, inside dark maroon, ± 2 cm ∅, ± campa- siform, very narrow, curved outwards, glabrous,
f up to 3⁄5; Cl lobes 7 × 6 mm, ov-
nulate, divided for distinctly veined; Cn ± cup- to bowl-shaped, ochre,

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

with nectar; Ci lobes basally pouch-shaped, deeply ex A. Berger) Plowes (1995); incl. CCaralluma euro-
bifid, appendages faf lcate; Cs lobes oblong-lanceo- paea var. marmaricensis A. Berger (1910) ≡ Apter-
late to filiform,
f geniculate, reaching above the Sty anthes europaea var. marmaricensis (A. Berger)
head and joining there. Plowes (1995); incl. Caralluma confusa Font Quer
Easily confused in habit with C. sinaica. (1922) ≡ C Caralluma euroopaea var. conf nfusa (Font
Quer) Font Quer (1924) ≡ Apteranthes europ o aea
C. edwardsiae (M. G. Gilbert) M. G. Gilbert (Brad- var. conf
nfusa (Font Quer) Plowes (1995); incl. Ca- C
leya 8: 13, 1990). T: Ethiopia (Gilbert 1730 [K, ralluma europaea var. barrueliana Maire (1935) ≡
ETH]). − D: Ethiopia. I: Gilbert (1977: as C. A
Apterant hes europaea var. barrueliana (Maire) Plo-
gracilipes ssp.). wes (1995); incl. Caralluma europaea var. albotig-
≡ Caralluma gracilipes ssp. edw d ardsiae M. G. rina Maire (1936) ≡ ApA teranthes europ
o aea var. al-
Gilbert (1977) ≡ Spathulop o etalum edwd ardsiae (M. botigrina (Maire) Plowes (1995); incl. Carallum
C a
G. Gilbert) Plowes (1995). o aea var. gattef
europ efossei Maire (1936) ≡ Apteran-
[1] Stems heteromorphic, basally more slender thes europo aea var. gattefefossei (Maire) Plowes
than in C. gracilipes, bluntly 4-angled; Tu conical, (1995); incl. CCaralluma euroopaea var. decip i iens
ascending, distinctly articulate (as in C. dicap
a uae); Maire (1938) ≡ Ap A teranthes europ
o aea var. decip i i-
Fl-bearing upper part gradually tapering, few-flo- ens (Maire) Plowes (1995); incl. Cara
C lluma euro-
wered; Cl maroon, finely spotted with reddish- paea fa.
f parviflf ora Maire (1939); incl. Caralluma
brown or purple, 1.5 - 2 cm; Cl tube reduced to a europaea var. micrantha Maire (1941) ≡ Apteran-
rim; Cl lobes delicate but stiff, horizontally spread- thes europo aea var. micra r ntha (Maire) Plowes
ing, basally narrowing down nail-like, finely hairy (1995); incl. Caralluma europo aea var. tristis Maire
and ciliate inside; Cn thin, stalked ± 1.5 mm, 1.2 × 2 (1941) ≡ Apteranthes europ o aea var. tristis (Maire)
mm, Ci lobes basally pouch-like, apically triangu- Plowes (1995); incl. Caralluma europaea var.
larly extended, slightly folded within the transition- schmuckiana Gattefossé
f & Maire (1943) ≡ Apteran-
al region to the Cs; Cs lobes broadly spatulate, thes europaea var. schmuckiana (Gattefossé f &
apically bluntly dentate, hardly surpassing the Maire) Plowes (1995).
Anth. A difficult complex in which at least the 2 taxa
Closely related to C. peckii. here accepted are involved. Closely related to C.
C. europaea (Gussone) N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron.,
ser. 3, 12: 369, 1892). T: Italy, Lampedusa (Gus- C. europaea var. europaea − D: Italy (Lampedu-
sone s.n. [NAP]). − Lit: Bruyns (1987a: ills.). D: sa), Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libya,
Italy, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libya, Egypt. I: Asklepios 59: 14-21, 1993.
Egypt, Israel, Jordania. Fig. V.
Vf [3] Stems forming mats, 5 - 20 × 1 - 2 cm, green
≡ Stap o aea Gussone (1832) ≡ Boucero-
a elia europ or purplish-brown, distinctly 4-ribbed, concave be-
o aea (Gussone) Caruel (1886) ≡ Desmidor-
sia europ tween the Ri; Tu T oblong-conical, slightly porrect;
o aea (Gussone) Kuntze (1891) ≡ Ap
chis europ A teran- Inf 5- to 15-flowered; Ped 2 - 3 × ± 1.5 mm; Sep 1.5
thes europaea (Gussone) Plowes (1995); incl. Sta- - 2.5 × ± 1 mm; Cl outside greenish, inside yellow-
pelia italica Tenor
T e ex Salm-Dyck (s.a.); incl. Sta- ish, horizontally streaked with dark maroon to
pelia lampadosa Jacquin ex Salm-Dyck (s.a.); incl. purple, 1.5 - 2 cm ∅, funne
f l-shaped, campanulate or
Stapelia quadrangula Schousboe (s.a.) (nom. illeg., flat; Cl tube 1 - 5 mm deep, bowl-shaped to campa-
Art. 53.1); incl. Apteranthes gussoneana Mikan nulate, basally enclosing the Cn; Cl lobes 5 - 8 × ±
(1835) ≡ Stapelia gussoneana (Mikan) Lindley 5 mm, broadly triangular, ± horizontally spreading,
(1835) ≡ Boucerosia gussoneana (Mikan) Hooker often
f unicoloured purple, tips and margins ±
fil. (1874) ≡ Caralluma europaea ssp. gussoneana strongly curved outwards, inside glabrous to den-
(Mikan) Maire (1924) ≡ Apterant
A hes europaea ssp. sely covered with long Ha, Ha purple, ± 1 mm,
gussoneana (Mikan) Plowes (1995); incl. Boucero- simple; Cn 3.5 - 4 mm ∅; Ci dark purple, bifid,
f (1874) ≡ C
sia maroccana Hooker fil. Caralluma ma- appendages 1.2 - 2 × ± 1 mm, apically retuse to
f ) N. E. Brown (1892) ≡ Caral
roccana (Hooker fil. C - incised, mostly swollen and yellow; Cs dark brown,
luma europaea var. maroccana (Hooker fi f l.) A. apically lighter, lobes 1 - 1.3 × ± 0.6 (apically
Berger (1910) ≡ Cara
C lluma europaea ssp. marocca- 0.7) mm, shorter than the Anth, ± upright, api-
na (Hooker fil.) Maire (1924) ≡ Apterant
A hes euro- cally deeply retuse or 2-parted, blunt; Anth ± 0.8 ×
paea ssp. maroccana (Hooker fil.) Plowes (1995); 0.6 mm, laterally well separated from each other;
C lluma affinis De Wildeman (1904) ≡ Ca-
incl. Cara C Poll ± 0.4 × ± 0.4 mm, roundish, translator wings
ralluma europaea var. aff a finis (De Wildeman) A. 0.1 mm.
Berger (1910) ≡ Apteranthes europ o aea var. aff
a finis Belonging to the europaea-hexagona-group ac-
(De Wildeman) Plowes (1995); incl. CarallumC a cording to Gilbert (1990).
simonis hort. ex A. Berger (1904) ≡ C Caralluma eu-
o aea var. simonis (hort. ex A. Berger) A. Berger C. europaea var. judaica M. Zohary (Palestine J.
(1910) ≡ Apteranthes europaea var. simonis (hort. Bot., Jerusalem Ser., 2: 173, ills. (p. 176), 1941). T:

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

HUJ. − D: Israel, Jordania, Egypt?. I: Bruyns conspicuous; L rudiments subulate, 4 × 2 mm,

(1987b). ffolded along the midrib, acute, persistent; apical
≡ Apteranthes europaea var. judaica
d (Zohary) Fl-bearing stem part to 26 cm, ± terete; Inf usually
Plowes (1995); incl. Boucerosia aaronis Hart 1-flowered; Ped ± 1 cm, directed downwards; Sep 2
(1885) ≡ C Caralluma aaronis (Hart) Bruyns (1987) × 0.5 mm, triangular; Cl pale yellow-green, basally
(nom. inval., Art. 34.1); incl. C
Caralluma israelitica spotted with red, stellate; Cl lobes free, ± 8 × 1 mm,
M. Zohary & Chaouat (1976) (nom. inval., Art. basal 1 mm erect and with vibratile 1 mm long
37.1?); incl. Caralluma negevensis M. Zohary purple clavate Ha, then recurved horizontally, lin-
(1978) ≡ Apterant
A hes negevensis (Zohary) Plowes ear-lanceolate, rolled outwards, margins with
(1995). simple 1 mm long Ha; Cn 1 mm stipitate, stalk pale
[3] Stems procumbent, forming small mats with yellow; Ci lobes dark red, 0.75 mm, deeply bifid,
subterranean runners, 3 - 20 × ± 1.2 - 2.5 cm; Tu ac- spreading almost horizontally; Cs lobes pale red to
ute, without stipular rudiments; Inf 2- to 12- pink to dark red, 2 × 0.5 mm, linear, erect-conni -
flowered; Ped 1 - 1.5 mm; Sep 3 - 4 × 1 - 2 mm; Cl vent; Fr to 7.5 cm, apically obtuse; Se pale brown, 5
markings as in var. europaea; Cl tube basally nar- × 2 mm, tuftf of Ha 25 mm.
row, enclosing the Cn stalk; Cl lobes 4 - 6 × ± 3.5 Endemic to inselbergs and belonging to the group
mm, margins slightly revolute, inside almost glabr- around C. arachnoidea and C. gracilipes. − [U.
ous to covered with long Ha; Cn dark purple to red- Meve]
dish or yellowish-purple, apically often yellowish, 3
- 3.5 mm ∅, bowl-shaped, outside sometimes hairy, C. foet
f ida E. A. Bruce (HIP 34: t. 3371 + text,
stalk 0.25 - 1 mm, squat; Ci lobes ± 1 × ± 1 mm, ± 1938). T: Uganda (Eggeling 2955 [K]). − D: Ken-
f y bifid, appendages apically flattened, api- ya, Uganda. I: FPA t. 1714, 1976.
cally rounded, slightly spreading laterally, curved ≡ Desmidorchis foetid
f da (E. A. Bruce) Plowes
outwards; Cs lobes ± 1 × ± 0.5 mm, apically obtuse, (1995).
rounded or retuse; Anth yellow, < 1 mm, thick, api- [3] Stems 10 - 15 cm, growing in clumps, 2 - 3.5
cally obtuse; translator wings 0.05 mm; otherwise cm ∅, robust, 4-angled; TuT oblong to acutely trian-
like var. europ
o aea. gular; L rudiments short, acute, becoming thorny;
Inf 30- to 40-flowered, ± 4 cm ∅, with ffoetid od-
C. flava
f N. E. Brown (BMI 1894: 335, 1894). T: our; Ped 6 - 12 × 2 - 3 mm; Sep ± 4 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm,
Yemen, Hadhramaut (Lunt s.n. [K]). − Lit: Bruyns
Y apically curved outwards, inside tuberculate; Cl in-
& Jonkers (1994: 56, 59, ills.). D: S Yemen, Oman. side dark maroon, 1.3 - 1.8 cm ∅, campanulate; Cl
Fig. VI.c tube 5 - 7 mm, 1 - 1.3 cm ∅; Cl lobes ± 5 × ± 4 mm,
≡ Crenulluma fl f ava (N. E. Brown) Plowes ovoid-triangular, outside with distinct venation, in-
(1995). side tuberculate-papillate, margins densely hairy,
[3] Plants shrubbily branched, to 30 (-100) cm ∅; Ha ± 3 mm, clavate, vibratile; Cn 0.8 - 1 cm ∅; Ci
stems grey-green or purple-brown, 2.5 cm ∅, 4- lobes 2 - 3 mm, deeply bifid, appendages triangular,
ribbed, smooth, Ri winged; L rudiments flat; Inf blunt, often overlapping with neighbouring lobes,
20- to 100-flowered; Fl with musty-rancid odour; curved outwards; Cs lobes 1.2 - 1.5 × 0.8 - 1 mm,
Ped 10 - 30 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Sep ± 2 mm; Cl yellow, apically bluntly rounded, not surpassing the Anth;
sometimes white (coast of Dhofar), (10-) 15 - 30 (- Anth 1 - 1.2 mm broad, slightly touching each other
35) mm ∅, ± deeply divided, tube flat (N Oman) to laterally; Poll ± 0.5 × 0.4 mm, roundish, translator
± deep and narrow (coast of Dhofar); Cl lobes hori- wings short; Fr erect, follicles parallel, ± 12 ×
zontal, ovoid-lanceolate, margins ± strongly curved 0.8 cm.
outwards, inside wrinkled, papillate, papillae partly Belonging to the adenensis-sp
s eciosa-group (Gil-
with Bri, tips of lobes rarely with a bunch of car- bert 1990) and showing a very close relationship to
mine clavate Ha; Cn intensely yellow, glabrous, the aforement
f ioned species.
round or pentagonal; Ci lobes erect, bifid ± to the
base, appendages straight or faf lcate and curved to- C. frere
f i G. D. Rowley (Nation. Cact. Succ. J.
wards each other; Cs linear, shorter than the Anth; 13(4): 78, 1958). T: K. − D: NW India (Poona,
Poll D-shaped, ± 0.25 mm ∅; Fr 9 - 10 cm. Maharashtra). Fig. V V..g
The size of the flowers is very variable within Incl. Frerea indica Dalziel (1865).
this species. According to Gilbert (1990) it belongs [3] Stems with small roundish R tuber, ascending
to the adenensis-speciosa-group. There is a very or growing as a ground cover, shrubbily branched,
close relationship to C. arabica. ± 10 cm, green, tinged whitish, terete or indistinctly
4-angled, fleshy; L ± 2.5 × 1 cm, oblong-ovate,
C. flavovirens L. E. Newton (Asklepios No. 74: fleshy, short-stalked, crowded in the upper ⁄2 of the
24-25, ills., 1998). T: Kenya, Coast Prov. (Newton stems; Inf 1-flowered, lateral close to the stem tips;
5589 [K, EA]). − D: Kenya. Ped 2 - 4 × ± 1.5 mm; Sep 3 - 4 × 2 - 3 mm, triangu-
[2] Stems laxly and irregularly branched, 5 - 12 × lar-ovate, acuminate; Cl green, roughly streaked
± 0.7 cm, green, 4-ribbed with acute angles, Tu in- and spotted with purple, 2 - 3.5 cm ∅, flat with a

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

central depression enclosing the Cn, slightly con- Ost-Afr., Teil C, 328, 1895). T: Kenya, Kitui Distr.
vex around the Cn; Cl lobes centrally with irregular (Hildebrandt 2700 [B [†]]). − D: N Kenya, Tanza-
markings of small yellow dots, 0.6 - 1 × 1 - 1.3 cm, nia. I: Gilbert (1977).
broadly triangular, acute, finely hairy, margins ± ≡ Spathulopetalum gracilipes (K. Schumann)
densely covered with vibratile clavate Ha; Ha dark Plowes (1995).
purple, 1 - 2 mm; Cn dark purple, 4.5 - 5 mm ∅, [1] Stems 12 - 30 cm, distinctly heteromorphic,
cup- to bowl-shaped; Ci lobes 1.5 - 2 × 1.3 - 1.5 m, basally 8 - 15 mm ∅, ± sharply 4-angled, distantly
undulate, obtuse, ± erect, appendages ± triangular, dentate; L rudiments ± 5 mm, narrow, acute; apical
laterally (where fuse
f d with the Cs) with small ffusi- Fl-bearing stem region 3 - 4× as long as the basal
fform appendages; Cs lobes 1.4 - 1.6 × ± 0.5 mm, region, slender, ± terete; Inf with ± 15 laxly spread
ribbon-like, not surpassing the Anth, apically irre- Fl; Ped 7 - 8 mm; Cl whitish or yellow, spotted
gularly furrowed or crenate; Anth light ruby-red, with maroon or purple, 0.9 × ± 2.5 cm ∅, deeply
inner margins translucent gold- or amber-coloured, lobed; Cl tube reduced, inflated; Cl lobes 1 cm,
± 1 × 0.7 - 0.9 mm, inversely trapeziform,
f laterally stiff, ± horizontally spreading, margins revolute,
distinctly separated from
f each other; Poll ± 0.4 × hairy, basal 1⁄2 with clavate Ha, apically with simple
0.4 mm, roundish, translator wings short. Ha; Cn inserting high up on the staminal column, ±
This is the only leafy f stapeliad. Gilbert (1990) distinctly stalked, stalk narrowly cylindrical, ab-
continues to separate it as the monotypic genus ruptly broadened just under the bases of the lobes,
r rea
r , but this is not justified on account of its flo- surpassing the Cl at anthesis; Ci lobes basally
ral structure. It is classified as a member of Subgen. pouch-like, bluntly deltoid, sometimes shortly 2-
Boucerosia on account of its floral morphology. parted, or entirely lacking; Cs lobes oblong spoon-
shaped, apically rounded, erect, rising high above
C. fuf rta P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 18: 345-347, the Sty head, apically touching each other; Fr
ills., 1963). T: Somalia, Northern Prov. (Bally l round in cross-section.
7129 [K]). − D: Ethiopia, Somalia. I: FPA 37: t. Closely related to C. arachnoidea and C. priogo-
1457, 1965; Plowes (1995). Fig. VI.d nium.
≡ Saurolluma furta (P. R. O. Bally) Plowes
(1995). C. hexagona Lavranos (JSAB 29: 105-107, ills. (pl.
[1] Stems richly branched, small, in clumps, pale 14: 1-2), 1963). T: Yemen
Y (Lavranos 1829 [K,
greenish-grey (Ri matt greyish-purple), ± 7 × 1 cm, PRE]). − D: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman. I: FPA
Br 3 - 5 × 0.6 - 0.8 cm, apically tapering, bluntly 44: t. 1743, 1977, as C. shadhbana; Bruyns (1987a).
4-ribbed; Tu ≤ 2 mm, conical, ascending-pro- ≡ Sulcolluma hexagona (Lavranos) Plowes
truding, basally 10 - 15 mm apart, crowded towards (1995); incl. Caralluma fou f lcheri-delboscii Lav-
the apex (± 1 mm apart); L rudiments 0.6 mm, Sc- ranos (1964) ≡ Sulcolluma foulcheri-delboscii
like; apical Fl-bearing stem region ≤ 35 × 2 mm, (Lavranos) Plowes (1995); incl. Caralluma foul- f
flesh y, persistent, Ped scars densely and regularly cheri-delboscii var. greenbergr iana Lavranos (1967)
spread; Inf with 2 - 4 ± sessile Fl, erect, standing ≡ Sulcolluma foulcheri-delboscii var. greenbergia-
close together; Ped < 1 mm; Sep 2 × 0.5 mm, mar- na (Lavranos) Plowes (1995); incl. Cara C lluma
gins and tips purple; Cl 6 × 10 mm, inside pale shadhbana Lavranos (1977) ≡ Sulcolluma shadhba-
green finely dotted with purple, deeply divided; Cl na (Lavranos) Plowes (1995); incl. C Caralluma hex-
tube apically pale purple, 1 × 2.5 mm, cup-shaped, agona var. sepe tentrionalis Lavranos & L. E. New-
only basally enclosing the Cn; Cl lobes white in the ton (1979) ≡ Sulcolluma hexagona var. sep e ten-
basal 2⁄3, 5 × 2 mm, lower 1⁄2 ovate, upper 1⁄2 linear- trionalis (Lavranos & L. E. Newton) Plowes (1995);
spatulate, apically abruptly acuminate, erectly incl. Caralluma shadhbana var. barh r ana Lavranos
spreading, margins folded outwards, glabrous; Cn & L. E. Newton (1979) ≡ Sulcolluma shadhbana
whitish to light pink, 3 × 2 mm, short-stalked; Ci var. barhr ana (Lavranos & L. E. Newton) Plowes
lobes ± rectangular, erect, shortly bifid; Cs lobes (1995).
spatulate, blunt, dorsally with 2 erect horn-like ap- [3] Stems upright or ascending, ± strongly
pendages; Poll ovoid, 0.3 × 0.15 mm; Sty head branching, forming dense mats or clumps to 20 cm
green; Fr pale leather-brown sparsely striped with tall, with subterranean runners; stems (grey-) green,
red, ≤ 65 × 5 mm, upright; Se pale yellowish- 3 - 5 (-8) × 1.5 - 2 cm, bluntly 4-ribbed; Ri flatte-
brown, 5 × 3.2 mm, tuft of Ha > 2 cm. ned, undulate-dentate; TuT oblong, slightly spread-
There are vegetative similarities to C. adscendens ing, apically with hard scar-tissue; Inf 5- to 15- (to
p.p. and C. socotrana. However, inflorescence and 20-) flowered; peduncle short, long-tapering; Bra
coronal morphology as well as the more slender short, linear; Ped green, 4 - 10 × 1.5 - 3 mm; Sep fi-
f its identify
fru f this species as a true Cara
C lluma. The nely dotted with red, 1 - 3 × ± 1 mm, deltoid or nar-
monotypic genus Saurolluma set up by Plowes rowly lanceolate or linear, acute, keeled; Cl outside
(1995) for this species is therefore superfluous. greenish-white, densely dotted with red, dots small,
convex, inside (greenish-) cream-coloured, densely
C. gracilipes K. Schumann (in Engler, Pfl.-welt dotted with purplish-red, ≤ 2.2 cm ∅, flat or campa-

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

nulate; Cl tube ≤ 4 × 6 mm, enclosing or just wards, persistent when dry; Inf 5- to 12-flowered;
basally encircling the Cn; Cl lobes ± broadly trian- Ped 5 - 8 × 1.5 mm; Cl outside green, densely and
gular, ≤ 8 × 8 mm, margins slightly revolute, inside finely spotted with purple, inside cream-coloured
tuberculate, lobes apically hairy, Ha dark purple, ≤ spotted with dark purple, spots in interrupted con-
2 mm, simple, compressed, vibratile; Cn ± 6 mm ∅; centrical circles, 1.5 - 2 cm ∅, funnel-shaped; Cl
Ci pale red, brownish-purple to bluish, margins tube 3 - 6 mm, broadly campanulate, enclosing the
pink, basally ± white, lobes ± 1.5 × 1.5 mm, deeply Cn; Cl lobes purple, ≤ 8 × 5 mm, broadly triangu-
bifid, curved outwards, appendages of neighbouring lar, ascending, margins slightly curved outwards,
lobes sometimes overlapping, with distinct furrows
f inside roughly papillate; Cn ± 4 mm ∅; Ci dark
median and in the area where fuse
f d with the Cs; Cs red, lobes 1.5 × 1 mm, apically retuse or incised; Cs
pale red or pink, apically yellowish, lobes < 1 mm, light red to brownish, lobes ≤ 1.5 × 0.5 mm, apically
narrowly lanceolate to ribbon-like, apically taper- 0.7 mm, crenate; Poll yellow, roundish.
ing, obtuse, strongly broadened in the area where The hexaploid sister species of C. europaea.
f d with the Ci; Anth ± 0.5 mm broad, apically
ovoid. C. lavrani Rauh & Wertel (KuaS 16(4): 62-64, ills.,
An extremely variable species, which can 1965). T: Yemen
Y (Rauh 13300 [HEID]). − D: S
possibly be split up into several taxa (Gilbert 1990). Y
Yemen . Fig. VI.g
In the prologue it is placed in the europ
o aea-umbel- ≡ Crenulluma lavrani (Rauh & Wertel) Plowes
lata-group, by Gilbert (l.c.) in the europ
o aea-hexa- (1995).
gona-group. [3] Plants 30 - 40 × 30 cm, mat- to clump-form-f
ing, irregularly and densely branched like a coral
C. indica (Wight & Arnott) N. E. Brown (Gard. colony; stems grey to green, waxy, 5 - 30 × 1 - 3
Chron., ser. 3, 12: 369, 1892). T: India (Wight s.n. cm, 4-angled; Tu blunt, crenate (caused by hardly
[K]). − D: S India (Tamil Nadu). I: Gravely & Ma- protruding L cushions); Inf 1- to 2- (to 3-) flo-
yuranathan (1931). wered, at the stem tips; Ped 5 × 2 - 3 mm; Sep 1.5
≡ Hutc
H hinia indica Wight & Arnott (1834) ≡ - 2 mm; Cl outside grey-green, inside yellowish-
Desmidorchis indica (Wight & Arnott) Kuntze ochre, dotted and spotted with wine-red, 2 - 2.5 cm
(1891) ≡ Boucerosia indica (Wight & Arnott) Plo- ∅; Cl tube flatly bowl-shaped; Cl lobes basally
wes (1995); incl. Boucerosia hutchinia Decaisne pale green, apically yellow, with tiny red dots, ± 1 ×
(1844) (nom. illeg., Art. 52.1). 0.5 cm, acute, margins curved outwards, inside
[3] Stems ± upright, ≤ 10 cm (longer when partly finely wrinkled, tips of lobes hairy, Ha wine-red,
procumbent), loosely branched, with subterranean clavate, vibratile, in bunches; Cn dark wine-red, re-
runners; stems 10 - 15 × ± 0.3 cm, 4-ribbed; Ri latively large, ± 4 × 7 mm, hairy, Ha white, ± 0.7
rounded, L rudiments curved downwards; Inf with mm, Bri-like; Ci lobes reduced to a short basally
3 - 12 Fl with ffungus-like odour; Fl buds conical, dented edge, glabrous; Cs lobes in total 5 mm long,
apically with weak central depression; Cl inside for 1⁄2 of their length split into 2 outer, wing-like, 2
one-coloured light green, 2 cm ∅, flat; Cl lobes ra- mm long appendages and 1 inner cone-shaped, 2.5
ther narrow, triangular, apically very acute and ± mm long appendage, these erect or slightly bent
glabrous, basally hairy, Ha simple, dark purple; Ci over the Sty head; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.5 × 0.3 mm,
light yellow, outermost tips occasionally purple, germination mouth almost as long as the Poll.
lobes erect, pouch-like, apically sawtooth-like bifid, A compact, easily flowering species, placed by
appendages falcate, curved towards each other, ba- Gilbert (1990) in Subgen. Desmidorchis, although
sally widely separated, in-between sometimes with probably most closely related to C. adenensis (Sub-
small tooth-like appendage; Cs apically yellow, gen. Boucerosia).
lobes basally broadened, with transition to the Ci,
widely separated from
f each other; Poll D-shaped, C. longiflor
f a M. G. Gilbert (Bradleya 8: 12-14, ills.,
translator arms short. 1990). T: Somalia (ThT ulin & Warfa f 4604 [K]). −
Closely related to C. paucif
iflora and belonging to D: Somalia.
the umbellata-indica-group (Gilbert 1990). ≡ Spathulop
o etalum longififlorum (M. G. Gilbert)
Plowes (1995).
C. joannis Maire (Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr.
f Nord [1] Stems loosely branched in irregular clusters,
31: 27, 1940). T: Morocco (Pitault s.n. [not loca- green, distinctly heteromorphic, basally ≤ 35 × ±
ted]). − D: Morocco (plain of Soussa). I: Asklepi- 0.6 - 0.7 cm, ± 4-angled, edges weakly rounded,
os 59: 14-21, 1993. slightly paler; Tu
T indistinct, peg-like; L rudiments 2
≡ Apteranthes joannis (Maire) Plowes (1995). mm, narrowly triangular, lanceolate, acute, margins
[3] Stems ± erect or hanging depending on habi- hairy, Ha ± large, unicellular; upper Fl-bearing
tat, shrubbily branched, subterranean runners ≤ 70 stem area ≤ 40 cm, ± terete, usually curved and with
cm; stems green tinged reddish, ± 40 (hanging ≤ 90) horizontal tip, sometimes branched; Inf to 4-
× 1.5 cm, 4-angled (4-ribbed when young); Tu T co- flowered; tips of Fl buds clockwisely contorted;
nical; L rudiments 3 × 2 mm, cordate, curved down- Ped 0.8 - 1 cm, pointing downwards at anthesis, Fl

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

pendent; Sep 1.5 - 2 mm, curved outwards; Cl pale downwards and Fl pendent; Sep 1.2 × 0.4 mm,
ochre dotted with pale purple, 5.5 - 7.5 cm ∅, very acute; Cl outside grey-green dotted with chest-
deeply divided, central depression enclosing the Cn nut-brown, inside yellow to very dark maroon, ± 7
only basally; Cl lobes 25 - 35 × 1.5 - 1.8 mm, lin- × 3.5 mm, campanulate; Cl tube 1.3 × 2 mm, cup-
ear-lanceolate, curved outwards at ± 45°, margins shaped, basally enclosing the Cn; Cl lobes 6 × ±
revolute, finely ciliate; Cn narrowly stalked; Ci 2.5 mm, oblong triangular-fus f iform
f , erect, basally
yellow, apically dark, lobes horizontally concave, cordate, margins revolute, tips curved outwards, la-
apical 1⁄2 bilobed, appendages short, ± obtuse; Cs terally touching each other but not clinging to-
lobes pale yellow, ± 5 mm, basally ribbon-like, api- gether, with weakly protruding midrib, margins of
cally broadly lanceolate, geniculate, reaching far lobes densely hairy, Ha purple, 0.4 - 2 mm, stiff,
above the Sty head, acuminate, placed together spreading; Cn 3 × 2.2 mm, glabrous; Ci greenish-
column-like, partly twisted around each other. white, lobes 0.5 × 0.5 mm, broadly ovate to ob-
Closely related to C. gracilipes, C. edwar
d rdsiae long-triangular, erect or slightly curved inwards; Cs
and C. arachnoidea, but slightly isolated on account lobes 2.5 × 0.5 mm, narrowly rectangular, apically
of its unusual corona. blunt, reaching over the Sty head and touching each
other; Poll ovoid.
C. mireillae Lavranos (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. 24(4):
78-80, ills., 1969). T: D Djibouti (Lavranos 6842 C. munbyana (Decaisne) N. E. Brown (Gard.
[PRE]). − D: Djib
D outi; only known ffrom the type Chron., ser. 3, 12: 278, 1892). T: Algeria (Munby
collection. s.n. [G]). − D: S Spain, Algeria. I: Plowes (1995).
≡ Caudant
d hera mireillae (Lavranos) Plowes Fig. VI.h
(1995). ≡ Boucerosia munbyana Decaisne (1847) ≡ Bore-
[1] Dwarfish; stems richly branched, shrubby, alluma munbyana (Decaisne) Plowes (1995); incl.
grey-green, size not stated, dotted brownish esp. on Boucerosia munbyana var. hispanica de Coincy
the Ri, apically gradually tapering, 4-ribbed; Ri (1898) ≡ Boucerosia hisp s anica (de Coincy) de
blunt, rounded; L rudiments 2 - 3 mm, ovate-trian - Coincy (1899).
gular, acute; Inf few-
f flowered, laterally, close to [2] Stems 10 - 20 cm, often with subterranean
the stem tips; Ped 3 mm; Sep 2.5 × 1.5 mm; Cl pale runners, green, ± 4-ribbed; Tu
T slightly spreading; L
yellow, ± 1 cm ∅, campanulate; Cl tube 2 mm; Cl rudiments 2 × 2 mm, cordate, fleshy, curved up-
lobes basally dotted with dark red, 3.5 × 2 mm, wards, long-lived; Inf with 4 - 10 (-15) Fl with
deltoid, acute, ascending, margins slightly curved f id odour; Ped 1 - 1.5 × 1 mm; Sep 1.5
extremely foet
outwards, glabrous; Ci reddish, lobes oblong-trian - - 2 × 0.8 mm, oblong-triangular, apically rounded;
gular, running down the staminal column, tips re- Cl outside pale red, basally whitish, inside dark ma-
curved upwards; Cs yellowish, lobes 2.5 mm, roon, campanulate, 6 - 8 mm ∅; Cl tube ≤ 3 mm
basally with protruding dorsal appendage, this deep, basally enclosing the Cn, greenish spotted
horn-like, terete, curved outwards, basally linear, with dark maroon; Cl lobes ± 6 × ± 2 mm ∅; Ci
flattened, apically erect, filiform,
f reaching over the black-purple, lobes 0.3 - 0.5 mm, apically bifid, ap-
staminal column and touching each other, tips un- pendages narrowly triangular, enclosing the sides of
dulate, twisted around each other; Poll pear-shaped, the area of fusion towards the Cs; Cs reddish-
obtuse, with dorsal furrows. brown, lobes 0.7 × ± 0.4 mm, triangular-lanceolate
Closely related to C. sinaica, but with glabrous to rectangular, reddish-brown; Anth ± 0.3 × 0.5
corolla and entire interstaminal corona. mm, apically weakly crenate; Poll ± 0.3 × 0.4 mm,
C. moniliformf is P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 20: 17-
19, ills., 1965). T: Somalia, Northern Prov. (Bally C. pauciflora
f (Wight) N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron.,
11018 [G]). − D: N Somalia. I: FPA 45: t. 1766, ser. 3, 12: 370, 1892). T [lecto]: India, Tamil Nadu
1978. W ght 2429 [K]). − D: S India (Tamil Nadu). I:
≡ Sp
S athulopo etalum monilififorme (P. R. O. Bally) Gravely & Mayuranathan (1931).
Plowes (1995). ≡ Boucerosia paucifl r Wight (1837) ≡ Desmid-
f ora
[1] Stems erect, sparsely branched, grey-green, orchis paucifl
f ora
r (Wight) Decaisne (1838).
distinctly heteromorphic, 10 - 30 × basally 2 cm, la- [3] Stems ± erect or procumbent, loosely branch-
teral stems a little shorter, bluntly 4-ribbed; Ri ing, with subterranean runners, ± 6 (in cultivation
f y dotted with dark purple; Tu
finel T 2 - 4 mm, api- often much longer) × ± 0.3 cm, 4-ribbed; Ri roun-
cally blunt, curved upwards; L rudiments small, ded; L rudiments 1 × 1 mm, triangular, curved
Sc-like, on growing stem tips; upper Fl-bearing downwards; Inf at stem tips, with 1 - 3 Fl with un-
stem parts ≤ 15 × 0.4 cm, ± terete, with regular pleasant odour; buds conical, apically slightly con-
constrictions at intervals of 6 - 8 mm; Inf few- f vex; Ped short; Cl cupular, 2.5 cm ∅, pale yellow
flowered , Fl in groups of 2 - 3 at the constrictions with purple markings in concentrical circles, most
within the apical Inf region; Bra 1.6 mm, subulate; densely in the middle of the Fl; Cl lobes with broad
Ped 3 - 5 mm, very thin, apically thickened, curved horizontal stripes, triangular, ± strongly curved out-

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

wards, inside hairy, Ha purple, simple; Cn 7 mm ∅; ish-purple; Cn green or (rarely) reddish-brown, co-
Ci whitish with purple tips, lobes pouch-like, api- vered with nectar, ± 3.5 mm ∅, Ci inside and Cs
cally bifid, appendages short, fusef d along their apically pubescent, Ha white or light pink; Ci lobes
entire length with the Cs, sometimes with a basal- ± lacking or shortly bifid or bilobed, then ± 1.5 ×
median tooth-like appendage; Cs apically ± whit- 0.8 mm, appendages ± triangular, erect; Cs lobes
ish, obtuse, rounded or 2-parted, broadened within 0.5 - 0.8 × ± 0.5 mm, broadly triangular, apically
the fusion area to the Ci, reaching over the Anth or blunt, ≤ 1⁄2 as long as the Anth; Poll roundish, flat,
incumbent on them. pollinarium ± 0.3 × 0.6 mm, translator wings 0.1
Closely related to C. indica and belonging to the mm; Fr 5.5 - 7 cm.
umbellata-indica-group (Gilbert 1990). An isolated species with relationships to Subgen.
Desmidorchis (Gilbert 1990).
C. peckii P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 18: 14-15, ill.,
1962). T: Kenya, Northern Frontier Prov. (Peck s.n. C. peschii Nel (Jahrb. Deutsche Kakt.-Ges. 1: 41-
l S61 [K]). − D: Ethiopia, W Kenya, E Ug-
in Bally 42, ill., 1935). T: Namibia (Pesch s.n. in SUG 7082
anda. I: FPA 35: t. 1394, 1962. Fig. VII.b [BOL [holo ?]]). − D: Namibia. I: Bruyns (1982c).
≡ Sp
S athulop
o etalum peckii (P. R. O. Bally) Plowes Fig. VI.e
(1995). ≡ Australluma peschii (Nel) Plowes (1995).
[1] Stems small, ± shrubbily branched, green to [1] Stems branched and shrubby, form f ing loose
grey-green, finely spotted with purple between the mats to 30 cm tall with numerous subterranean
Ri, apically lighter green, distinctly heteromorphic, runners (≤ 12 cm), edible; stems grey-green, 2 - 5
± 8 × 0.8 cm, 4-ribbed, with strong odour; Tu coni- (runners ≤ 8) mm ∅, apically rounded, rounded 4-
cal-subulate; L rudiments ≤ 2 mm, lanceolate, ac- angled; L rudiments ≤ 1 mm, triangular; Inf with 1
ute, curved upwards; upper Fl-bearing stem region - 2 nodding Fl, spread in the upper stem regions;
± 3 mm ∅, weakly 4-angled, long-tapering; Bra ± 3 Ped 1 - 2 mm, curved downwards; Sep ± 4 × 2 mm;
mm, delicate, lanceolate; Ped often
f reddish, ± 10 × Cl both sides yellowish-green, 9 mm ∅, flat; Cl
0.5 mm, ± recurved and Fl pendent; Sep ± 3 × 1 lobes 4 - 5 × 2 - 3 mm, ovate, acute, apically curved
mm; Cl yellow, with fine red dots form
f ing horizon- outwards, inside densely papillate, papillae brown,
tal ribbon-like markings, ± 1.5 cm ∅, divided to the globose, apically hairy, Ha white to purple, stiff,
base, basally with swollen Rec; Cl lobes appearing giving the Fl a shaggy appearance; Cn 4 mm ∅, ba-
stalked basally, lanceolate, flexible, drooping, sally fuse
f d to fform a bowl-shaped structure; Ci yel-
middle folded outwards, appearing flatly double- lowish-green, apically dark brown, lobes 1 mm,
layered, both sides glabrous; Cn cream-coloured, bluntly triangular, tips bi- or trifid, inside with dis-
clavate ± 2 mm stalked; Ci dark purple, lobes re- tinct longitudinal furrows; Cs whitish edged brown,
duced to 2 Sc-like appendages; Cs apically spotted lobes triangular to subulate, sometimes apically
with dark purple, lobes short, ribbon-like or broadly touching each other; Poll 0.34 × 0.25 mm, bean-
triangular, erect, only basally attached to the white shaped.
Anth; Poll yellow, 0.2 × 0.2 mm, roundish. A morphologically and geographically isolated
species. The genus Australluma set up ffor this spe-
C. penicillata (Deflers) N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., cies by Plowes (1995) may have to be accepted.
ser. 3, 12: 370, 1892). T: Yemen (Defl f ers 597 [P]).
− D: Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia?, Yemen, Saudi Ara- C. priogonium K. Schumann (BJS 34: 327, 1905).
bia, Oman. I: Collenette (1985). T: Tanzania (Engler 1521/a [B†]). − D: Ethiopia,
≡ Boucerosia penicillata Deflers (1889) ≡ Desmi- Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania. I: Gilbert (1977).
dorchis penicillata (Deflers) Plowes (1995); incl. ≡ Sp
S athulop
o etalum priogonium (K. Schumann)
d golathii Schweinfurt
f h ex Deflers Plowes (1995); incl. Caralluma mogadoxensis Chi-
(1896) (nom. illeg., Art. 52.1); incl. Cara
C lluma ro- ovenda (1932) ≡ S Spathulopetalum mogadoxense
busta N. E. Brown (1904) ≡ Cara
C lluma penicillata (Chiovenda) Plowes (1995); incl. Cara C lluma elata
var. robusta (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B. Sloane Chiovenda (1939).
(1937). [1] Stems erect or ascending, shrubby, free f ly
[3] Stems erect, curved downwards when old, branched (similar to C. congestifl
i ora); stems 30 - 40
formin g clumps of 0.6 - 1 × ≤ 2 m; stems light cm, distinctly heteromorphic, basally ≤ 4 cm ∅, ac-
green, 3 - 6 cm ∅, 4-ribbed, flowering stems api- utely 4-angled; Ri distinctly serrate, L rudiments
cally tapering, with distinct Ped scars; Tu
T oblong- 3.5 - 4 mm, oblong-ovate, acuminate, basally roun-
triangular, wing-like; Inf with densely arranged Fl ded; upper Fl-bearing stem region 1 - 2 mm ∅, ±
with very weak odour; Ped 10 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Sep 4-angled, with 1 - 3 Fl per node; Fl buds 1.2 - 1.6
apically blunt; Cl outside pale green, inside green cm, grey-green finely dotted with purple; Ped 4 - 6
to yellow spotted ± with dark purple, 1 - 1.5 cm ∅, mm, slender, or absent; Sep 2 mm, acute, outside
flat; Cl lobes ± 4 × 2.5 - 3 mm, inside papillate, pa- weakly papillate; Cl outside silvery-green with
pillae irregularly rounded, with small Bri, tips of small purple dots, inside dark purple, sometimes
lobes with a dense bunch of Ha, Ha dark brown- tinged olive, 1.9 - 3.4 cm ∅, flat, deeply divided; Cl

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

lobes on the lower 1⁄3 distinctly marked with white coloured (material from Taizz incl. Cn white, then
stripes and dots, lanceolate, stiff, horizontally pinkish), 1.2 - 1.5 cm ∅, flat to slightly bowl-
spreading, apically mucronate, margins hairy, clav- shaped; Cl lobes ascending, recurved along the
ate Ha delicate, tip of lobes setose, Ha and clavate midrib ffor ± 1⁄2, glabrous, 6 - 10 mm; Cn darker yel-
Ha apically with vesicular thickening; Cn dark low than the Cl (Ci rarely red), long-stalked, sur-
purple to cream-coloured, glabrous or with fine passing the Cl tube; Ci lobes erect, basally pouch-
purple Ha; Ci lobes 0.5 mm, oblong-ovate, erect, shaped, deeply bifid, appendages inserted close to
bifid, appendages horn-like, subulate; Cs lobes spa- each other, apically rounded, margins folded back
tulate, apically blunt, shortly bifid, sometimes api- within the fusion area to the Cs, inside sometimes
cally touching each other, tips sometimes finely shortly hairy (material from Saudi Arabia); Cs
hairy; Fr flattened in cross-section, lozenge-shaped. lobes broadly triangular, apically blunt, ± 1⁄2 as long
A very variable species and closely related to C. as the Anth; Fr 5 - 8.5 (-18) cm (extremely variable
f ora
congestifl r and C. gracilipes. in length), 3-ridged (ribbed).
Closely related to C. cicatricosa. Both species
C. procumbens Gravely & Mayuranathan (Bull. have 1-flowered seemingly axillary inflorescences,
Madras Gov. Mus. 4(1): 26, fig. 4: 13-17, 1931). T extremely thick and short pedicels, a characteristic
[lecto]: India (Mayuranat
M han s.n. [icono: l.c. fig. 4: odour of the stems and 3-ridged fru f its.
13-17]). − D: S India (Travancore). I: Gravely &
Mayuranathan (1931). C. sarkariae Lavranos & R. Frandsen (CSJA 50(5):
≡ Boucerosia procumbens (Gravely & Mayurana- 211-213, ills., 1978). T: India (Sarkaria J64-77
than) Plowes (1995). [E]). − D: India (Tamil Nadu).
[3] Stems ascending, rampantly growing in cu- [1] Stems ascending, basally richly branched,
shions to 1.8 m ∅, weakly branched, rooting at soil green spotted with purple, ≤ 30 × 1.5 cm, 4-angled,
contact, 7 - 12 × 1.2 - 2 cm, acutely 4-angled; L tapering towards the tips, edges ± acute; L rudi-
scars indistinct; Inf few-
f flowered; Cl outside green ments 2 × 1 mm, lanceolate; Inf 2-flowered in the
with few
f purple spots on the lobes, inside whitish Ax of the slender upper stem region; Ped green
striped purple, 2.3 cm ∅, deeply campanulate, weakly marked with purple, ± 3 mm, ascending; Cl
flesh y; Cl tube 2 × 2 cm, sometimes weakly spotted outside green, inside pale yellow, sometimes hori-
with purple; Cl lobes densely dotted with purple, 1 zontally striped with darker yellow, 9 mm ∅, shal-
- 1.5 × 1 cm, bluntly triangular, ascending, margins lowly campanulate; Cl tube 1 mm; Cl lobes ± 3 × 2
recurved, hairy, clavate Ha purple, ≤ 4 mm, vibra- mm, oblong-triangular, basally ovate, ascending,
tile; Cn whitish tinged pale purple, bowl-shaped; Ci margins apically revolute, rarely hairy, Ha yellow-
lobes 5 × 2 mm, deeply bifid, lanceolate, append- ish, thin; Cn whitish; Ci basally shortly fused with
ages facing each other, closely adj d acent to the Cl the Cs, lobes ascending, deeply bifid, appendages
tube; Cs lobes 1.5 × 1 mm, triangular, sometimes horizontally spreading outwards; Cs lobes ribbon-
apically touching each other, blunt; Anth yellow- like, apically ± retuse, not surpassing the Anth; Fr
ish, margin partly undulate; Poll yellow, 0.3 × 0.2 pale purple with darker markings, ± 6 cm.
mm, roundish. Very closely related to C. stalagmif
V iferra and C. ad-
Closely related to C. diffi fusa and C. umbellata scendens.
and belonging to the umbellata-indica-group (Gil-
bert 1990). C. sinaica (Decaisne) Bentham & Hooker fi f l. (Gen.
Pl. 2: 782, 1876). T: Egypt (Aucher-Eloy
A 2850
C. quadrangula (Forsskål) N. E. Brown (Gard. [P]). − D: Israel, Egypt (Sinai Region), NW Saudi
Chron., ser. 3, 12: 370, 1892). T: [lecto − icono]: Arabia, Sudan. I: Bruyns (1987b). Fig. VI.f
Forsskål, Icones, t. 6, 1776. − D: Saudi Arabia, Ye- ≡ Boucerosia sinaica Decaisne (1844) ≡ Caudan d -
men, Oman (Dhofar). I: Gilbert (1990). thera sinaica (Decaisne) Plowes (1995); incl. Ca C -
≡ Stapelia quadrangula Forsskål (1775) ≡ Bouce- r
ralluma sinaica var. sinaica; incl. C
Caralluma ma-
rosia quadrangula (Forsskål) Decaisne (1844) ≡ ris-mortui Zohary (1941); incl. C Caralluma sinaica
d quadrangula (Forsskål) Deflers (1896) var. baradii Lavranos & L. E. Newton (1979).
≡ Desmidorchis quadrangula (Forsskål) M. G. Gil- [1] Stems ascending-erect, richly branched,
bert & Raynal (1980) ≡ Mo M nolluma quadrangula shrubby, forming mats or clumps (15 - 30 × 50 cm),
(Forsskål) Plowes (1995); incl. Stapelia quadrangu- grey- to pale green spotted with dark maroon, di-
la var. ramo
r sa Forsskål (1775); incl. Boucerosia stinctly heteromorphic, basally 1 cm ∅, bluntly 4-
forskaolii Decaisne (1844) (nom. illeg., Art. 52.1). ribbed; L rudiments 4 × 1.5 mm, ovoid-acute or
[4] Stems shrubbily branched in clumps ≤ 40 × linear-subulate, stipular rudiments minute; upper
75 cm, 2 cm ∅, green to brownish-green, with Fl-bearing stem region 2 - 5 mm ∅, terete; Inf with
strong odour; Tu
T indistinct; Inf sessile close to the 1 - 5 Fl ffrom the Ax; Ped 3 - 4 mm, recurved; Sep ≤
stem tips, 1-flowered, appearing axillary; Fl with 2.5 × 1 mm; Cl outside pale green, inside greenish,
f y-sweetish odour; Bra solitary, acute, delicate;
fruit yellow, sand-coloured to light pink, sometimes with
Ped thick, ≤ 6 × 3 mm; Cl greenish or lemon- scattered dark brownish-red dots, (7-) 12 - 16 mm

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

∅, campanulate to flat, deeply divided; Cl tube 1.5 - C. solenophora Lavranos (JSAB 29: 107-109, ill.
2 mm, broadly campanulate; Cl lobes 6 × 2 mm, ac- (pl. 13), 1963). T: Yemen
Y (Lavranos 1860 [K,
ute-ovate to lanceolate-subulate, spreading out- PRE]). − D: S Yemen. I: Plowes (1995).
wards, margins strongly revolute, inside strongly ≡ Cylindrilluma solenophora r (Lavranos) Plowes
hairy, Ha pale purple or white, ≤ 1.2 mm, cylindri- (1995).
cal, arising from a small papilla; Cn yellow to [3] Stems erect or ascending, densely branched,
white, basally often tinged reddish, stalk 0.5 - 1 × (brownish-) green, ≤ 20 × 2 cm, lateral stems < 8
2.2 - 2.7 mm; Ci basally purple-red, apically whit- cm, ± bluntly 4-ribbed; Tu tips pointing down-
ish, lobes ± 1 mm, basally fuse
f d with the Cs, there wards; Inf pseudo-umbels, close to the stem tips,
with clear nectar drops, deeply bifid, appendages f flowered; peduncle ≤ 5 mm, ascending; Bra 1 -
apically ± acute; Cs lobes 3 × 0.25 mm, triangular- 2 mm, linear, acute; Fl pendent; Ped ± 6 × 1.5 mm;
lanceolate, flattened, only basally touching the Sep 4 - 5 × 1 mm; Cl outside yellowish-brown with
Anth, apically blunt, basally with dorsal horn-like indistinct longitudinal lines or furrows,
f inside light
appendage; Anth appendage whitish to purple-red, green to yellowish, with narrow dark purple hori-
2 - 4.5 mm, subulate-linear, basally thickened, er- zontal stripes (confluent at the lobe tips with nar-
ect-connivent, margin crinkled and bent outwards, row dark purplish-brown lobe margin), very long
reaching far above the Sty head, apically spreading; tubular, ± 2.2 cm long; Cl tube basally dotted with
Poll ± pear-shaped; Fr grey-green spotted with dark purplish-brown, ± 1.9 × ± 9 (basally) or 6
purple, ≤ 6 cm. (median) or 8 (apically) mm ∅, globose, upper 1.1
This species is distinguished by the possession of cm cylindrical; Cl lobes 5 - 6 × 7 mm, broadly tri-
sterile connective appendages, a primitive feature
f angular, acute, ± horizontally spreading, ± curved
within the fam
f ily. Closely related to C. edulis. outwards, lobe tips with a bunch of Ha, Ha dark
purple, 1 - 2 mm, simple, laterally compressed, vib-
C. socotrana (Balfour fil f .) N. E. Brown (Gard. ratile; Cn outside greenish, inside ± purple, ± 3 × 5
Chron., ser. 3, 12: 370, 1892). T [lecto]: Socotra mm, shortly fuse
f d to fform a cup-like structure,
l s.n. [K]). − D: Socotra, Ethiopia, Soma- bluntly pentagonal in top-view; Ci lobes ovate-
lia, Kenya. I: FPA 41: t. 1607, 1970; Plowes triangular, erect, concave, laterally fused with the
(1995). back of the Cs lobes, the latter greenish, with ±
≡ Boucerosia socotrana Balfour f f . (1884) ≡
fil purple margins, 1 - 2 mm ∅, almost square to trian-
Sanguilluma socotrana (Balfour fil.f ) Plowes (1995); gular, ascending or incumbent on the Anth, bases of
incl. Caralluma rosengrenii Vierhapper (1905); the guide-rail extremely spreading.
incl. Cara
C lluma corrugata t N. E. Brown (1912); Belonging to the europaea-hexagona-group (Gil-
incl. Caralluma rivae Chiovenda (1929). bert 1990).
[4] Clump-form
f ing, apically irregularly branch-
ing; stems ± 15 × 0.8 - 1 cm (lateral stems apically 3 C. somalica N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 264, 1895).
- 5 mm ∅), with pungent odour, edges blunt; Tu ob- T: Somalia (Kirk r s.n. [K]). − D: Somalia. I: FPA
long-conical and stems undulate in outline; L rudi- 26: t. 1008, 1947.
ments small, deltoid, compressed, cartilaginous, ≡ Desmidorchis somalica (N. E. Brown) Plowes
apically brown, papillate; Inf 1-flowered, subter- (1995).
minally from
f Ax, or few-
f flowered pseudo-umbels; [3] Stems erect, robust, in clumps, to 30 cm, 4-
Ped 1 - 3 mm, ≤ 7 mm at Fr ripening; Sep 2 - 2.5 angled; Tu small, conical; L rudiments ± reduced;
mm, alternating with small Gl; Cl dark red, 2.5 - 3 Inf globose, ± 5 cm ∅; Fl with sweet odour; Ped
cm ∅, divided for ± 1⁄2; Cl tube 6 - 20 × 9 - 11 mm 6.5 - 8 × 2 - 3 mm; Sep 3 - 4.5 × ± 1.2 mm, outside
∅, campanulate, margins inside with distinct con- very weakly hairy; Cl yellow, campanulate, 1.5 - 2
centrical furrows; Cl lobes ± 5 × 5 mm, ovate-trian - cm ∅; Cl tube ± 4 mm, enclosing the Cn; Cl lobes
gular, shortly acuminate, ± horizontally spreading, ± 5 × 3 - 4 mm, oblong-triangular, apically acumin-
margins strongly recurved, basally weakly papil- ate, inside velvety; Cn 5 - 6 mm ∅; Ci lobes ± 2 × ±
late, towards the tips densely papillate; Cn ± 4.5 1 mm, apically 3-parted for ± 1⁄2, rarely 2-parted,
mm ∅; Ci lobes 1.5 - 2 × 1 mm, erect, deeply bifid outer appendages laterally spreading, curved out-
(± to the base), appendages 0.5 mm, narrowly trian- wards, margins slightly revolute, outside very
gular, acute, falcately curved towards each other, weakly hairy; Cs lobes 1 - 1.5 × ± 0.6 mm, oblong-
fused with the Cs along their entire length, apical triangular to ribbon-shaped, apically irregularly
margins densely white-ciliate; Cs lobes ± 1 × 0.5 crenate, not surpassing the Anth; Anth ± 0.8 × ±
(apically ± 0.2) mm, linear-lanceolate or narrowly 0.6 mm, apically slightly crenate; Poll ± 0.4 × ± 0.3
triangular, apically blunt, slightly overtopping the mm, roundish, flat, translator wings 0.1 mm.
Anth; Anth ± 0.8 × 0.5 mm; Poll ± 0.35 × 0.3 mm, Belonging to the adenensis-sps eciosa-group (Gil-
roundish-ovate, flat, translator wings 0.1 mm; Fr bert 1990). C. acutangula and C. speciosa are
pale green-yellow spotted with purple, ± 10 × 0.5 - closely related.
0.8 cm.
Closely related to C. cicatricosa. C. speciosa (N. E. Brown) N. E. Brown (Gard.

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Caralluma

Chron., ser. 3, 12: 370, 1892). T: Somalia (Ki

K rk
r s.n. 1925). T: India, Madras (Mayuranathan s.n. [K]).
[K]). − D: Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Ken- − D: India (Madras). I: Gravely & Mayuranathan
ya, Tanzania. I: FPA 38: t. 1485, 1967. Fig. VII.c (1931).
≡ Sarcocodon sp s eciosa N.E.Brown (1878) ≡ Des- [1] Stems few-branched, ± 60 cm, (grey-) green,
midorchis sps eciosa (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1995); mostly tinged reddish esp. along the edges, strongly
incl. C
Caralluma codonoides K. Schumann (1895); tapering towards the tips, basally 5 - 8 mm ∅,
incl. Caralluma oxydonta t Chiovenda (1932). 4-angled, edges rounded; L rudiments 2 - 3 mm,
[3] Stems 10 - 30 cm, in large clumps, rather soft,
f narrowly triangular, acute, ascending; upper Fl-
4-angled; Tu conical, acute; L rudiments spreading bearing stem region ± terete; Inf mostly only 1- to
laterally, thorn-like; Inf richly flowered pseudo- 2-flowered; Ped ± 5 mm, slender, spreading; Bra
umbels, globose; Bra ± 2 mm, subulate, weakly delicate, triangular-subulate; Sep 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl
hairy, Ha small, thick; Fl probably with foetid outside greenish, inside uniformly chestnut-brown
odour; Ped 4.5 - 6.5 × 2.5 - 3.5 mm, stout; Sep ± 3 × or dark purple, ± 1 cm ∅, shortly funnef l-shaped,
± 1.5 mm, acuminate, outside very weakly hairy, Ha fleshy; Cl tube cream-coloured; Cl lobes ovate-
thick; Cl 3.5 - 4.5 cm ∅; Cl tube inside yellow, lanceolate, margins curved outwards, inside with
campanulate, ± 2 × ± 2 cm; Cl lobes 1.2 - 1.5 × ± 1.3 silky gloss, margins apically hairy, Ha 2 mm,
cm, inside dark blackish-purple, broadly ovate- purple or white, fus
f iform,
f pendent like stalagmites,
triangular, apically acuminate, ± horizontally vibratile, margins of the Cl lobes basally sometimes
spreading, margins slightly revolute, hairy, clavate with simple Ha; Cn dark purple; Ci lobes basally
Ha short; Cn 4 - 4.5 mm ∅, flatly bowl-shaped; Ci bowl-shaped, with nectar, apically linear-lanceo-
lobes 4 - 5 × ± 1 mm, narrowly lanceolate-rectangu- late, erect, deeply bifid, appendages subulate, point-
lar, upper 1⁄3 bifid, appendages parallel, pressed ing outwards; Cs lobes triangular-lanceolate,
against the inside of the Cl tube; Cs lobes 1.5 - 2 × apically retuse or finely 3-toothed, sometimes over-
± 1 mm, apically with irregular furrows, bluntly ob- lapping, mostly pubescent; Poll 0.25 × 0.3 mm; Fr
tuse or retuse, not surpassing the Anth; Anth 1.5 - 2 green striped with purple.
× ± 1 mm, apically irregularly crenate, laterally Hybridizing with C. adscen
d dens var. gracilis and
slightly touching each other; Fr ± 12 cm; Se 12 × 9 belonging to this complex.
mm, broad-rimmed.
Belonging to the adenensis-sp s eciosa-group (Gil- C. subulata Forsskål ex Decaisne (Ann. Sci. Nat.
bert 1990). C. foetida
f and C. somalensis show a Bot., sér. 2, 9: 267-268, ills., 1838). T: [lecto − ico-
great resemblance in vegetative characters. no]: Forsskål, Icones, t. 7, 1776. − D: Saudi Arabia,
N and S Yemen, Afr f ica N of the equator.
C. staintonii H. Hara (J. Jap. Bot. 52(12): 357, Incl. Stapelia subulata Forsskål (1775) (nom. in-
1977). T: Nepal (Stainton 5410 [BM]). − D: W val., Art. 32.1c); incl. Caralluma da d lzielii N. E.
Nepal (Bheri River Valley). I: Bruyns (1989). Brown (1912).
≡ Borealluma staintonii (H. Hara) Plowes (1995). [1] Differs from C. adscendens: Stems 3 - 15 cm;
[2] Stems ± 15 × 0.5 - 1 cm, green, sometimes stipular rudiments as lateral small bunches of trans-
apically tinged reddish; L rudiments horizontally lucent thick minute Ha; Fl short-stalked; Cl inside
spreading; Inf 2- to 10-flowered; Fl mostly poin- whitish, horizontally striped with wine-red (Yemen)
ting a little downwards; Ped ± 2 - 3 × ± 1.5 mm; or dark purple (Saudi Arabia); Cl tube inside finely
Sep 1 - 1.5 × 1 mm, ovate-triangular, blunt; Cl out- hairy, Ha whitish, crinkled; Cl lobes wine-red or
side pale green, inside yellowish dotted with dark dark purple in the middle, partly ± strongly hairy,
maroon, dots fewer towards the centre, campanu- margin densely purple-ciliate, Ha dark pink, ≤ 5
late, ± 8 mm ∅; Cl tube ± 2 × 4 - 5 mm, basally en- mm, thick, spreading, Cl tips green, glabrous; ap-
closing the Cn; Cl lobes 2.5 - 4 × ± 3 mm, broadly pendages of the Ci lobes sometimes with a small tip
triangular, ascending, rugose-papillate, tip ± blunt, between them.
margins hairy, Ha 0.5 - 3 mm, ± flattened; Cn dark Closely related to or even conspecific with C. ad-
maroon, ± 3 mm ∅; Ci lobes 1 - 1.3 × ± 1 mm, api- scendens.
cally bifid, appendages ± 0.5 mm, narrow; Cs 1.2 -
1.5 × ± 0.6 (apically 0.3) mm, oblong-triangular, C. tuberculata N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. 3,
apically blunt or irregularly crenate, not surpassing 12: 370, 1892). T: Pakistan, Baluchistan (Stocks
the Anth; Anth yellow, 0.5 - 0.8 × ± 0.5 mm; Poll 596 [K]). − D: Jordania, Saudi Arabia, S Yemen,
± 0.3 × ± 0.3 mm, roundish, translator wings ± Pakistan, Afg
f hanistan, NW India. I: Ricánek &
0.05 mm. Hanácek (2001). Fig. VII.a
Endemic to Nepal with a very isolated distribu- ≡ Borealluma tuberculata (N. E. Brown) Plowes
tion at the southern border of the Himalayas. The (1995); incl. Caralluma plicatiloba Lavranos
closest relative is probably C. munbyana from
f SW (1962) ≡ Borealluma plicatiloba (Lavranos) Plowes
Europe and NW Africa. (1995).
[2] Stems 6 - 15 × 0.8 - 1.2 cm, basally branch-
C. stalagmifer
f a C. E. C. Fischer (BMI 1925: 430, ing; Ri acutely concave; Tu
T apically slightly curved

Caralluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

upwards; L rudiments fleshy, upwards-curved to- and L rudiments shorter; Cl lobes hairy; stalk of the
wards the stem; Inf of 3 - 8 terminal Fl; Ped 2 - 2.5 Cn clavate.
× ± 1.5 mm; Sep 1.5 - 1 × ± 1 mm, acuminate; Cl
sand-coloured yellowish ± spotted with dark ma- C. umbellata Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., 47,
roon or blackish-purple, campanulate, ± 1.6 cm ∅; 1812). − D: India (Tamil Nadu). I: Plowes (1995).
Cl tube 5 - 7 × 3 - 5 mm, opening pentagonal; Cl ≡ Stapelia umbellata t (Haworth) Roxburgh
lobes 6 - 8 × 3 - 4 mm, horizontally spreading, ba- (1819) ≡ Boucerosia umbellata (Haworth) Wight &
sally ovate, apically linear, inside strongly struc- Arnott (1834) ≡ Desmidorchis umbellata (Haworth)
tured by dark tuberculate spots and stripes; Cn 2.5 Decaisne (1838); incl. Boucerosia campanulata
- 3 mm ∅, deeply sunken into the Cl tube; Ci lobes Wight (1848) ≡ C Caralluma cam mpanulatat (Wight) N.
0.7 - 1 × 0.7 - 1 mm, apically bifid, appendages 0.2 E. Brown (1892); incl. Boucerosia lasiantha Wight
- 0.5 mm, sometimes tuberculate like the Cl; Cs (1848) ≡ Cara
C lluma lasiantha (Wight) N. E. Brown
lobes 0.8 - 1 × ± 0.4 mm, rectangular, apically (1892); incl. Stapelia callamulia Buchanan-Hamil-
rounded, surpassing the Anth; Anth ± 0.6 × ± 0.4 ton ex Hooker fil. (s.a.).
mm; Poll ± 0.3 × ± 0.3 mm, roundish-ovoid, transla- [3] Stems weakly branched, 30 - 60 cm, forming
tor wings short; Fr ≤ 10 cm. large dense clumps; stems 10 - 20 × 1 cm, concave
Ricánek & Hanácek (2001) understand the Asian 4-angled to -ribbed; Tu oblong-conical, wing-like,
C. plicatiloba as distinct species. sometimes apically slightly spreading horizontally;
L rudiments horizontally spreading or ascending;
C. turneri E. A. Bruce (HIP 34: t. 3339 + text, Inf 20- to 60-flowered, 6 - 10 cm ∅; buds apically
1937). T: Kenya ((Allen
A Turner s.n. in CM 3692 and basally flattened; Ped ± 7 × 2 - 4 mm; Sep 2 - 3
[K]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda. × 1 - 2 mm, apically acuminate; Cl outside pale
≡ Caralluma dicap
a uae ssp. turneri (E. A. Bruce) green, inside yellowish, finely dotted and striped
P. R. O. Bally (1969) ≡ Spathulop
o etalum turneri (E. with dark purple, sometimes one-coloured dark ma-
A. Bruce) Plowes (1995). roon, 2.5 - 3 cm ∅, flat to slightly funnel-sha
f ped,
weakly bulging around the Cn; Cl lobes 6 - 10 × 8
C. turneri ssp. turneri − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, E mm, broadly triangular, horizontally spreading, flat,
Uganda. Fig. VII.e only the margins slightly revolute, inside ± strongly
[1] Stems in clumps of ± 45 × 50 cm; stems 5 - 15 short-hairy, locally occasionally finely tubercu-
× 0.8 - 2 cm, grey-green to brown, distinctly late-papillate, Ha > 1 mm, very fine, dark, longer
heteromorphic, acutely 4-angled, apically tapering; Ha freel
f y swinging from their bases, highly ephem-
Ri serrate; Tu 8 - 14 mm; L rudiments 2 mm, lance- eral; Cn ± 4 mm ∅, purple to maroon; Ci lobes ± 1
olate or subulate, fleshy; upper Fl-bearing stem re- × ± 1.2 mm, apically ± strongly divided, appendages
gion ≤ 30 × 0.3 - 0.4 cm, ± 4-angled; Inf 1 - 4 cm short; Cs lobes ± 1.2 × ± 0.5 mm, apically strongly
apart ffrom each other, with 2 - 4 Fl; Ped 3 - 6 mm, f
furrowe d, surpassing the Anth; Anth ± 0.8 × ± 0.5
spreading; Sep ± 2 mm, long acuminate; Cl 8 - 12 mm; Poll ± 0.4 × ± 0.3 mm, roundish-ovoid, transla-
mm long, narrowly campanulate, divided almost to tor wings small; Fr 15 cm.
the centre; Cl lobes cream-coloured striped with The list of synonyms follows Gravely & Mayura-
blackish- to brownish-purple, rarely entirely dark, 8 nathan (1931); the status of some forms still has to
- 12 × 2 - 3 mm, oblong-lanceolate to spatulate, be clarified. The taxon belongs to the umbellata-
mobile, pendent, lamina ± completely fo f lded back indica-group (Gilbert 1990).
along the midrib, basally ciliate, apically rounded,
base claw-like, inside slightly pubescent, clavate C. vaduliae Lavranos (CSJA 63(4): 170-172, ills.,
Ha purple, vibratile; Cn 0.7 mm, ± short-stalked; 1991). T: Somalia (Lavranos & al. 23275 [UPS]).
Ci lobes 0.7 mm, rectangular or ± square, deeply bi- − D: Somalia.
fid, appendages fus
f iform;
f Cs lobes 1.5 mm, broadly ≡ Spathulopo etalum vaduliae (Lavranos) Plowes
ribbon-shaped, apically weakly irregularly dentate, (1995).
geniculate, apically reaching ffar over the Sty head, [1] Stems basally branched to form
f dense groups,
touching each other in the upper 1⁄2; Fr grey to (grey-) green, distinctly heteromorphic, basally ≤
straw-coloured, 8 × 0.5 cm. 20 × 1 cm, acutely 4-angled; Tu
T 2 - 3 mm, subulate,
Closely related to C. priogonium and C. gracili- proj
o ecting, ascending; L rudiments acute; upper
s An exquisite and distinct species.
s. Fl-bearing stem region 15 - 25 × 0.5 cm, ± 4-
angled, apically round, lasting ffor several years; Inf
C. turneri ssp. ukambensis (P. R. O. Bally) L. E. with 1 - 3 sessile Fl; Bra 1 - 3, 2 × 0.5 mm, subu-
Newton (Asklepios No. 72: 9, ills. (p. 10), 1998). late, fleshy; buds erect; Ped 4 × 0.5 mm; Sep 2.5 ×
T: Kenya, Southern Prov. (Mac
M cArthur s.n. in Bally
l 0.8 mm; Cl white to pink, 1 - 1.2 cm ∅; Cl tube
S135 [ZSS]). − D: Kenya. campanulate, white, 4 × ≤ 2.75 mm; Cl lobes api-
≡ Caralluma dicapuae ssp. ukambensis P. R. O. cally purple, both sides glabrous, 8 × 1 - 2 mm, stiff,
Bally (1969). f
flesh y, linear-spatulate from a triangular base, tips
[1] Smaller than ssp. turneri; Br almost terete tapering to subulate, ± 2 mm, curved, margins

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

weakly recurved; Cn 1.5 × 1.6 mm, glabrous; Ci angular, incumbent on the Sty head or slightly er-
lobes rectangular, deeply bifurcate,
f appendages lin- ect; Poll ovoid to pear-shaped, germination crests
ear, erect; Cs lobes ± 1 × 0.5 mm, ribbon-shaped, situated along the inner margins or near the apex;
apically weakly 2-parted; Poll pear-shaped. Fr usually long and narrowly fusf iform
f to filiform,
f 4
Closely related to C. gracilipes, C. priogonium - 40 cm; Se brown, distinctly winged.
and C. dicapa uae, and hardly discernible from the Boasting ± 180 species, Ceropegia is the largest
latter when in bud. This beautifuf l and distinct spe- genus of the Ceropegieae. Climbing herbs of tropi-
cies partly corresponds with C. edulis in coronal cal forests and scrubs are not dealt with here, since
structure. The sharply 4-angled stems, however, those are not succulent. Succulents showing the va-
clearly indicate that this species belongs to Subgen. rious fforms of root, stem and leaf succulence (or
Caralluma. combinations thereof) f are particularly represented
in Afr
f ica and Madagascar. The subdivision by Hu-
ber (1957) into 19 sections and 23 series appears to
be artificial to a large extent and a modern infrage-
CEROPEGIA neric concept is wanting. Therefore, the ± succulent
taxa as covered here are not assigned to sections.
U. Meve
Instead, the most closely related species or groups
Ceropegia Linné (Spec. Pl. [ed. 1], 1: 211, 1753). are given, as ffar as possible, and growth fforms are
T: Ceropegia candelabrum Linné. − Lit: Huber indicated (combinations are possible):
(1957); Dyer (1980); Dyer (1983). D: Africa,
[1] R fleshy, cylindrical to fus
f iform
f .
Arabia, Asia, N Australia. Etym: Gr. ‘keros’, wax,
[2] R tuberous.
wax candle; and Gr. ‘pegnynai’, assemble, unite;
[3] Stem succulents.
perhaps ffor the chandelier-like inflorescences of
[4] L succulents.
some species.
Incl. Ni
N otat Adanson (1763) (nom. illeg., Art. 52.1). The following names are of unresolved applica-
T: Ceropegia candelabrum Linné. tion but are referred to this genus: Brachystelma
Incl. Apegia Necker (1790). T: not typified. subaphyh llum K. Schumann (1898) ≡ TenariT s suba-
Incl. Systrepha Burchell (1822). T: Systrepha fili- phy
h lla (K. Schumann) N. E. Brown (1903); Cerope-
form e Burchell. gia aphy
h lla Haworth (1812); Ceropegia boerh r aavii-
Incl. Cinclia Hoffmannsegg
f (1833). T: not typi- folia Deflers (1896); Ceropegia candelabrum Lou-
fied. reiro (1793) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); Ceropegia cor-
Perennial herbs, geophytes, L and / or stem suc- d ta Loureiro (1790); Ceropegia def
dat eflersii Schwartz
culents with fibrous R, fleshy lateral R or tubers (1939) (nom. inval.); Ceropegia farrokhii McCann
arising ffrom the hypocotyl or the R; stems prostrate (1945); Ceropegia loureiroi G. Don (1838); Cero-
to erect, often
f twining, terete, compressed or 4- (to pegia obtusa Loureiro (1790).
6-) angled, 1 - 20 (-40) mm ∅, twining species to 10
m tall; L petiolate or sessile, triangular, linear to C. abyssinica Decaisne (PSRV 8: 644, 1844). T:
ovate, ± simple, minute to large, ± short- or long- Ethiopia (Schimper 1416 [G, BR, FT, K, S, W]). −
lived; stipular rudiments usually present, flat or D: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Zaïre, Zam-
glandular; Inf extra-axillary, usually shortly pedun- bia, Central Afr
f ican Republic, Zimbabwe, Angola.
culate, 1- to many-flowered, umbel-like, racemose I: Archer (1992: I).
or with successively developing Fl; Ped 1 - 20 × 1 - Incl. Ceropegia hirsuta
t Hochstetter ex Decaisne
2 mm, horizontally spreading or erect; Sep shortly (1844) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c); incl. Ceropegia
triangular to subulate; Cl ± 1 - 10 cm long, tube steudner
d i V Vatke (1876); incl. Ceropegia leucotae-
longer than the lobes, basally inflated (Cl inflation), nia K. Schumann (1893); incl. Ceropegia steud-
narrowed above (Cl tube), mouth in the area transi- neriana K. Schumann (1895); incl. Ceropegia gil-
tional to the Cl lobes usually widening again, Cl letii De Wildeman & Durand (1899); incl. Cerop o e-
lobes reflexed, pendulous or mostly erect and api- gia hispidipes S. Moore (1908); incl. Ceropegia be-
cally united into a cage-like structure, or with tips quaertii De Wildeman (1920); incl. Ceropegia fili- f
dilated in an umbrella-like fas
f hion and connate, tips caly
lyx Bullock (1933); incl. Ceropegia abyssinica
of lobes often conspicuously ciliate; Cl mostly var. songeensis H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia
multi-coloured, blotched or striped, outside glabr- bonafouxii var. linearifolia Stopp (1971).
ous, rarely hairy, Cl tube inside often with Ha [2] R tuber ± globose, 3 cm ∅, stems erect, only
reminiscent of a fish trap; Cn biseriate, sessile to rarely apically twining, ± shortly villose, ± 25 × 2.5
shortly stipitate; Ci ffrom a bowl- to cup-shaped mm, pale green; L 3 - 5 mm petiolate, lamina nar-
connate basal structure extending into 5 (respec- rowly elliptic, ovate to broadly lanceolate, usually
tively 2× 5) triangular to subulate spreading to erect bent-erect, 20 - 50 × 3 - 20 mm, delicate, hairy,
lobes, or merely forming a narrow rim, often hairy; margins occasionally undulate; Inf very shortly pe-
Cs lobes mostly extensively elongated and overtop- dunculate, 1- to 4-flowered; Ped 0.5 - 1 cm; Sep
ping the Ci, erect or with revolute tips; Anth rect- subulate, 6 - 12 mm; Cl 1.8 - 2.5 (-3) cm, bottle-

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

shaped, outside rarely hairy; Cl inflation 5 - 12 × 3 Ceropegia setif iferra Schlechter (1895) ≡ Ceropegia
- 5 mm, ellipsoid-barrel-shaped, outside whitish- r
racemo sa ssp. setif ifera (Schlechter) H. Huber
grey, with age purple with a grey stripe on the up- (1957); incl. Ceropegia biddumana K. Schumann
per part, inside whitish and purple, apically ± (1897); incl. Ceropegia ruspoliana K. Schumann
continuously constricted to ± 3 mm ∅; Cl tube 3 - 5 (1897); incl. Ceropegia setif iferra var. natalensis N.
mm long, apically 3 - 5 mm ∅, outside grey, occasi- E. Brown (1908); incl. Ceropegia hochstetteri Chi-
onally maculate with purple; Cl lobes 5 - 10 (-15) ovenda (1912); incl. Ceropegia secamonoides S.
mm, linear, apically fuse
f d to fform an ovoid to ellip- Moore (1912) ≡ Ceropegia racemosa ssp. secamo-
soid cage, lamina fo f lded back along the midrib or at noides (S. Moore) H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia
the margins only, also at the basal corners, outside cynanchoides Schlechter (1913); incl. Ceropegia
white, occasionally hairy, inside velvety-black; Cn kamerunensis Schlechter (1913); incl. Ceropegia
± purple, ± sessile, fused into a bowl; Ci lobes ± atacorensis A. Chevalier (1917); incl. Ceropegia
rectangular, semi-erect, obtuse, emarginate or api- gourmacea A. Chevalier (1917); incl. Ceropegia
cally bifid to 1⁄2, ± 1 mm, with short black Ha; Cs ± glabripedicellata De Wildeman (1920); incl. Cero-
2 mm, linear-spatulate, erect-connivent, apically pegia pedunculata Turrill (1921); incl. Ceropegia
inflexed, basally and apically often with blackish butaguensis De Wildeman (1928); incl. Ceropegia
Ha; Fr narrowly fusiform, ± 11 cm × 3 mm; Se 6 × r
racemo sa ssp. glabra H. Huber (1957).
2 mm. [1] R ffusiform-fleshy, in dense clusters; stems
See note under C. achtenii. persistent, slender, twining, 1 - 2 m, ± terete, 1 - 2
mm ∅, dark green, often f slightly villose; L 5 - 15
C. achtenii De Wildeman (Pl. Bequaert. 4: 356, mm petiolate, lamina narrowly ovate to broadly
1928). T: Zaïre ((Achten
A 589 [BR]). − D: Angola, lanceolate or obovate, weakly succulent, tough, ±
Zimbabwe, Togo, Zaïre. I: Malaisse & Schaijes glossy, 2.5 - 3.8 × 1 - 4.5 cm, acute or mucronate,
(1993). petiole, margins and occasionally the lamina with
Incl. Ceropegia adolfiil Schlechter ex WerW der- scattered Ha, margins sharp, mostly weakly un-
mann (1939) ≡ Ceropegia achtenii ssp. adolf lfii dulate; Inf 2- to many-flowered, only 1 Fl open at
(Werdermann) H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia a time, with mushroom-like odour; peduncle 0.5 - 2
lfii var. gracillima Werdermann
W (1939); incl. cm, slender; Ped 0.5 - 1 cm; Sep lanceolate,
Ceropegia achtenii ssp. togoensis H. Huber (1957). acute, 2 - 3 mm; Cl 2 - 3 (-4) cm, whitish-green,
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, ± 2.5 cm ∅; stems yellowish, orange to red-brown, blotched and
annual, erect, rarely twining, 5 - 10 cm, pilose, striped with red-brown, outside glabrous, rarely
unbranched; L shortly petiolate, lamina linear- hairy, inside ± purple, with scattered Ha; Cl infla-
lanceolate, 4 - 6 × 0.5 - 1.2 cm; Inf sessile, 1- to tion slender, ellipsoid, basally weakly constricted
many-flowered; Ped 0.5 - 1 cm; Sep narrowly lan- and white, ± 5 × 5 mm, scarcely broader than the
ceolate, ± 4 mm; Cl 2 - 3.5 cm, curved, greenish, ± curved or crooked Cl tube, tube gradually widening
blotched with brown-red, outside hairy or ± glabr- to 8 - 10 mm ∅; Cl lobes yellow or green-yellow
ous; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 4 × 3.5 mm; Cl tube nar- tipped with brown-red or green, 4 - 6 mm long,
rowing to ± 2 mm, apically scarcely widening; Cl f d only at the tips, triangular-lanceolate, ± erect,
lobes narrowly lanceolate-spatulate, 4 - 12 mm, api- f
form ing a subglobose to broadly ovoid cage, lamina
cally connate to fform a cylindrical cage, lamina f lded back along the midrib except ffor the broadly
folded back along the midrib and margins, inside triangular base, margins and / or keel simple, with
green to brownish, ± blotched with purple-brown, white or purple Ha; Cn white to yellowish, basally
margins mostly with projo ecting Ha; Cn sessile, red- connate with the Cl tube, shortly cup-shaped, ± 4.5
dish, only basally dish-like connate, ± 2 × 2 mm; Ci × 3 - 4 mm; Ci lobes triangular to nearly square-
lobes squarely pouch-like, ascending, apically ovate, 2 mm broad, deeply incised, terminating in
emarginate to incised; Cs linear to spatulate, erect- erect ± connivent triangular white-bearded append-
connivent; Fr 8 - 10 cm × 2.5 mm, erect. ages, 1 - 1.5 mm long, forming pouches at the
Huber (1957) recognizes 3 subspecies differing base, margins winged and trapezoidally fused with
only in the indumentum and the size of the corolla. the base of the Ci; Cs 2 - 3 mm, subulate, erect-
C. achtenii is closely allied to other tuberous, erect connivent, apically slightly spreading, glabrous;
and hairy species like C. abyssinica and C. umbrati- Poll ellipsoid, 0.3 × 0.2 mm, corpuscle api-
cola. cally widened into a hammer-like shape, 0.15 mm
broad; Fr very narrowly fusiform, 9 - 15 cm × 2 -
C. affinis Vatke (Linnaea 40: 218, 1876). T: Ethio- 3 mm.
m er 301 [K, G, P, S]). − D: Tro
pia (Schimp T pical and The species is widely distributed and common
subtropical Africa from Ethiopia to RSA and from and accordingly exhibits a corresponding variabili -
Guinea to Kenya, Madagascar. I: Dyer (1983: as C. ty; an infraspec
f ific subdivision does not seem feasf i-
racemosa). Fig. VII.d ble at present. C. affa finis is better known under the
Incl. Ceropegia angusta N. E. Brown (1895); synonymous name C. racemosa. a. See under C. car-
incl. Ceropegia racemosa N. E. Brown (1895); incl. nosa for further notes.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

C. afr
f icana R. Brown (Bot. Reg. 1822: t. 626 + ture, ± 6.5 mm ∅; Cn shortly stipitate, basally
text, 1822). T: [icono]: l.c. t. 626. − D: RSA. cup-shaped, ± 3.2 × 1.5 mm, with a tuft of Ha at
each Ci position, Ci form
f ing concave pouches, fre
f e
C. africana ssp. africana − D: RSA (Western Cape, lobes bifid, appendages erect, ± 0.7 mm, inside with
Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1980); Bruyns (1986a). long cilia; Cs lobes ± 2.5 × 0.3 mm, spatulate,
[2,4] R tuber flattened; stems creeping or erect-connivent, apically shortly pubescent; Poll el-
(weakly) twining, usually annual, 1 - 2 mm ∅, lipsoid, 0.3 × 0.15 mm.
partly form
f ing rhizomes, often
f with swollen nodes; This taxon, only known ffrom the type, is prob-
L 5 mm petiolate, lamina linear-lanceolate, acute, ably related to C. stenantha, although the latter has
15 - 25 × 10 mm, slightly fleshy, upper face con- wiry stems.
cave, lower face convex; Inf 2 - 15 mm peduncu-
late, few-
f flowered; Sep triangular to subulate, 3 - 4 C. albisepta Jumelle & H. Perrier (Ann. Inst. Bot.-
mm; Cl 2 - 2.5 (-3) cm, greenish-white, striped with Géol. Colon. Marseille, sér. 2, 16: 227-228, 1908).
purple, ± glabrous; Cl inflation globose, ± 4 mm ∅, T: Madagascar (Perrier 1726 [P]). − D: Madagas-
abruptly constricted to 1 - 2 mm ∅; upper Cl tube car, Kenya, Uganda, Zaïre. I: FPA 36(2): t. 1431,
ffunnel-shaped, widening to 4 - 5 mm ∅, inside with 1964, as C. succulenta; Malaisse & Schaij i es (1993).
purple Ha; Cl lobes linear and recurved in longitu- Fig. VIII.a
dinal direction along the middle, 6 - 12 mm, erect, Incl. Ceropegia decary r i Choux (1925); incl. Ce-
connivent in the lower 1⁄3, then curved outwards to ropegia helicoidea Choux (1925); incl. Ceropegia
fform an ovoid cage, inside purple, keel and margin verrucosa Choux (1925); incl. Ceropegia viridis
hairy; Cn cup-shaped, shortly stipitate, ± 2 × 2 mm; Choux (1925) ≡ Ceropegia albisepta t var. viridis
Ci lobes extended to form f deep ovoid pouches, (Choux) H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia robynsi-
margins often f crenate, shortly hairy, fuse
f d directly ana Werdermann (1938) ≡ Ceropegia albisepta var.
with the base of the Cs; Cs 1.5 - 2 mm, broadly robynsiana (Werdermann) H. Huber (1957); incl.
ffalcate, erect-connivent, strongly revolute from the Ceropegia succulenta E. A. Bruce (1941); incl. Ce-
middle; Poll ± 0.25 mm ∅. ropegia evelyna
l e E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally
(1950); incl. Ceropegia albisepta var. bruceana H.
C. afrf icana ssp. barklyi Bruyns (Bradleya 3: 35, Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia albisepta var. trun-
ill. (p. 34), 1985). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Bowker cata H. Huber (1957) ≡ Ceropegia viridis var. trun-
& Barkly l s.n. [K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). cata (H. Huber) H. Huber (1970) (nom. inval., Art.
Incl. Ceropegia barkleyi Hooker fil. f (1877); 33.2).
incl. Ceropegia barkl r eyi var. tugelensis N. E. [3,4] R fibrous; stems persistent, twining, to 6 m,
Brown (1908). ± terete, succulent, 4 - 7 mm ∅, partly even thicker
[2,4] Differs
f ffrom ssp. af
africana : L lanceolate, 1.5 at the base, green to glaucous-green, glabrous or
- 4 × 0.5 - 2 cm, upper face green, lower face f intly verrucose-uneven; L 5 - 15 mm petiolate, la-
purple; Sep subulate, ± 2.5 mm, Cal base swollen; mina linear to ovate, 1 - 8 × 1 - 6 cm, ± succulent,
Cl 2.5 - 5 cm; Cl inflation globose, slightly 5- obtuse to acute, partly acuminate, fresh green, shin-
angled and constricted in the lower 1⁄2, ± 3.5 mm ∅, ing, caducous; Inf with a fleshy peduncle 1 - 10 (-
inside purple, glabrous; Cl lobes green, basally 15) cm long, many-flowered, yet mostly with 1 Fl
purple, linear, 15 - 25 mm, partially twisted to- open at a time; Ped 0.5 - 3 cm; Sep narrowly lance-
gether, often
f meeting each other above the middle, olate, 0.5 - 1 cm; Cl 3.5 - 6 cm, outside glabrous,
basally and often also at the margins hairy; Cn ± either side whitish-green, greenish to yellowish,
sessile; Cs 1 - 1.5 mm, broader than the Ci. dotted or blotched with ± red-brown; Cl inflation 9
Based on C. barkleyi, but republished as a new - 13 × 7 - 11 mm, globose to cylindrical, apically
name in order to retain the customary spelling. conical to abruptly horizontally constricted; Cl tube
3 - 5 mm ∅, then gradually widening to 14 - 20 mm
C. ahmarensis Masinde (KB 55: 225-228, ills., ∅, inside fa
f intly hairy; Cl lobes 10 - 30 mm, ± tri-
2000). T: Somalia (Bailes 81 [K]). − D: Somalia angular, apex obtuse or with linear extensions that
(Ahmar Mts.). are ± connate, lamina folded back along the midrib,
[3] Stems succulent, scrambling, ± 3 mm ∅, broadly keeled, inside white to green, partly with
glabrous; L 3 - 4 mm petiolate, margins pubescent, green or red-brown reticulate markings, apically
lamina subsucculent, narrowly ovate, acute, 12 - 17 usually purple, green, brown, or yellow, glabrous or
× 5 - 6 mm, shortly ciliate; Inf shortly pedunculate, hairy, margins ± with white or purple Ha, partly
pseudo-umbellate, up to 4-flowered; Bra subulate, with purple clavate Ha; Cn sessile or shortly stip-
1 mm; Ped 3 mm, glabrous; Sep subulate, ± 2 × 0.5 itate, fused into a shallow bowl, 4 - 5 mm ∅,
mm, glabrous; Cl ± 24 mm, colour unknown, erect, greenish, very variable as to hairiness; Ci lobes as-
curved; Cl inflation narrowly ovoid, ± 17 × 4 mm, cending, bilobed into linear appendages, ± 2 mm,
narrowing gradually to 2 mm ∅, mouth widening to f d; Cs ± 2 - 3 mm, ± linear to spatulate,
apically fuse
3 mm ∅, glabrous; Cl lobes linear, 7 × 1.5 mm, api- erect-connivent; Poll ovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.28 mm; Fr
cally fused, forming an ellipsoid cage-like struc- parallel or only weakly divergent, 10 - 24 cm × 4 -

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

8 mm ∅, glaucous-green, glabrous; Se 10 - 15 × 2 - apically connate, free margins ± revolute, glabrous;

4 mm, Ha tuft 2.5 - 5.5 cm. Cn ± sessile, white, in total ± 8 - 10 × 6 - 7 mm,
A species exhibiting a complex variability. Dif- shallowly bowl-shaped; Ci lobes deeply bifid, with
fferences are found particularly in the size of the triangular spreading appendages oriented towards
leaves, the length of the corolla lobes, and the indu- the Cs, 0.7 - 1.5 mm, inside ± finely hairy; Cs fili-
mentum of the corona. The inclusion of African form, basally swollen, 4 - 7 × 0.2 mm, erect, conni-
taxa such as C. robynsiana / C. succulenta t is ques- vent; Poll narrowly ovoid, 0.5 - 0.6 × 0.3 mm,
tionable. They seem to be phylogenetically closer to corpuscle 0.4 mm.
the E Afrf ican C. ballyan
l a than the Madagascan C. This species shows an unsual disj s unct distribu-
e ta. tion. Its main area is situated in E South Africa
whereas a few populations are represented in SE
C. ambovombensis Rauh & Gerold (Succulentes Madagascar, but are morphologically inseparable.
20(2): 3-6, ills., 1997). T: Madagascar (Gerold s.n. C. ampliatat is an attractive and easily growing
[HEID 74872]). − D: S and W Madagascar. greenhouse plant, often
f flowering twice or even
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, to 7 cm ∅; stems more often
f in the year.
twining, delicate, ± annual, 1 - 2 mm ∅; L petiole 3
- 8 mm long, upper face canaliculate, lamina lance- C. antennife f ra Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51):
olate, acute, 3 - 30 × 5 - 10 mm, succulent, upper 46-47, 1895). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Schlechter
face dark green, shining; Inf with a peduncle 5 mm 3426 [Z, BOL]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal). I:
long, borne on leafy f short shoots, 2- to 3-flowered; Dyer (1983).
Ped short; Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl 25 - 35 mm long; Cl Incl. Ceropegia craibii Victor (2001).
inflation obtusely ovoid, 7 - 10 × 4 - 5.5 mm, whit- [2] R tuber flattened, 2 - 3.5 cm ∅; stems erect,
ish, inside striped with purple; Cl tube slightly bent, not twining, 15 - 20 cm, delicate, with short Int, ±
± 8 × 2 mm, whitish, purple-striped and -tinged, unbranched, glabrous; L sessile, linear-filiform, 20
apically widened to 5 - 7 mm, white; Cl lobes lin- - 30 × 1 - 2 mm, margins revolute; Inf sessile, 1-
ear-elliptic, ± 15 × 5 mm, fused at the tips to form a flowered, first terminal, later lateral; Ped erect, 2.5
cylindrical cage, outside whitish, inside dark - 3 cm; Sep subulate, ± 6 mm; Cl outside whitish,
purple, margins revolute in the middle, densely co- striped with purple, inside hairy, 7.5 - 9.5 cm,
vered with vibratile purple Ha 2 - 5 mm long; Cn straight; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 4 mm ∅, gradually
subsessile, fused into a shallow bowl, ± 2.5 mm ∅, merging into the Cl tube, 2 - 3 mm ∅, apically wi-
pale green and purple, ± hairy; Ci lobes ± bilobed dening to 3 - 4 mm ∅; Cl lobes inside whitish, 5 - 6
into erect linear appendages, ± 1.5 mm, apically cm, linear-lanceolate, apically free, erect-spreading,
connate; Cs ± 1.5 mm, linear-cylindrical, erect- lamina mostly fo f lded back along the midrib,
connivent. apically globose (similar to butterfly antennae),
A leaf succulent climber of the C. albisepe ta alli- slightly pendent, furrowed, with purple clavate Ha
ance; most closely related to C. hermannii. along the margin; Cn black-purple, cup-shaped, ±
sessile; Ci lobes forming ovoid pouches, denticu-
C. ampliata E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr., 194, late, hairy; Cs linear, acute, erect-connivent, tips
1837). T: W, K, P, MEL. − D: Trop T ical and sub- revolute.
tropical Afr f ica, RSA, Madagascar. I: Bruyns The recently described C. craibii differs
f only by
(1986a). Fig. VIII.b corolla lobes lacking a knobby tip. With regard to
Incl. Ceropegia ampliata t ssp. insulicola the often poor taxonomic value of corolla lobe mor-
Lavranos in schedis (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1); phology in Ceropegia because of considerable vari-
incl. Ceropegia triebneri Dinter ex Suessenguth & ability, differences in minor structure of the tips of
Merxmüller (1952) (nom. nud.); incl. Ceropegia the corolla lobes do not justify
f the acceptance of a
ampliata t var. oxyloba H. Huber (1957); incl. Cero- species of its own. The short distance of ± 100 km
pegia ampliata t ssp. mada d gascariensis Lavranos between the type localities of the two taxa in Kwa-
(1973). Zulu-Natal, as well as the lack of further popula-
[1,3] Stem succulents to 2 m, creeping or slightly tions, supports the idea that these are two relictual
twining, sparsely branched; R clustered, fleshy, fu f - populations of one and the same species.
f ; stems ± terete, 4 - 5 mm ∅, green, finely See C. dinteri for
f furt
f her comments.
striate, rough; L lanceolate, ± 5 - 10 × 2 - 3 mm, ra-
pidly caducous; Inf sessile, 1- to 4-flowered; Ped C. arabica H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 138,
0.5 - 2 cm; Sep triangular, acute, ± 3 mm; Cl 5 - 7 1957). T: Arabia (Ogilvie-Grant 75a [E]). − Lit:
cm, white or greenish-white, striped with green; Cl Bruyns (1988b). D: Arabian Peninsula. I: Colle-
inflation globose to ovoid, 1.5 - 2.5 × 2 - 3 cm, ofte
f n nette (1985).
weakly indented; Cl tube cylindrical in the middle, [1,3] Stem succulents to 2 m, twining, sparsely
12 - 15 mm ∅, entrance to the inflation lined with a branched; R clustered, fleshy, fus
f iform;
f stems ± ter-
purple band, hairy; Cl lobes inside green to yel- ete, 2 - 4 mm ∅, green, finely striate, rough; L lan-
low-green, narrowly triangular to linear, 0.6 - 2 cm, ceolate, acute, 4 - 8 mm, rapidly caducous; Inf

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

sessile, 1- to 15-flowered; Ped 4 - 8 mm; Sep subu- This higly variable taxon represents the African
late, acute, 2 - 4 mm; Cl 3 - 8 cm; Cl inflation ± form of C. arabica. In the S of Kenya, stout forms
rectangular in lateral view, ± 2 × 0.5 - 1 cm, outside are foun
f d with esp. long and erect corona lobes. C.
striate, inside papillose, upper margin hairy; Cl tube galeata is closely related. In the S part of the con-
cylindrical, 1.5 - 3 mm ∅, gradually widening into a tinent, C. arabica is replaced by the C. fimbriata
funnel-sha ped mouth; Cl lobes very variable in group.
length, apically fuse
f d, partially twisted together,
mostly fof lded back along the midrib; Cn sessile or C. arabica var. superba (D. V. Field & Collenette)
shortly stipitate, white with a red spot on the Ci, 3.5 Bruyns (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 45(2):
- 4 × 3 - 3.5 mm, cup-shaped; Ci lobes deeply bifid 317-318, ills., 1988). T: Saudi Arabia (Collenette
terminating in triangular erect or spreading append- 3159 [K, E]). − D: Yemen, Saudi Arabia.
ages, glabrous; Cs linear-cylindrical, erect, conni- ≡ Ceropegia superba D. V. Field & Collenette
vent; Poll ovoid, ± 0.4 - 0.5 × 0.2 mm. (1984).
[1,3] Sep 2.5 - 4 mm; Cl 4.5 - 8 cm, outside
C. arabica var. abbreviata Bruyns (Notes Roy. grey-white spotted with red; Cl inflation ± 7 - 22 ×
Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 45(2): 318-320, ills., 1988). 7 - 9 mm; Cl tube cylindrical, 2.5 - 3 mm ∅, upper
T: Yemen (WooW d 3295 [K]). − D: Y Yemen, Saudi margin gradually widening in a funne
f l-shaped man-
Arabia. ner, inside greenish striped with red-brown; Cl
[1,3] Sep 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl 3 - 4.5 cm, with faint lobes 17 - 32 mm, basally white, hairy, distinctly
musky odour; Cl inflation greenish-white, cylindri- keeled, keel blackish, hairy, above with a white
cal, ± 9 - 11 × 5 - 9 mm, with conical elongated patch, then merging into brown very acute tips,
base; Cl tube cylindrical, 2 - 3 mm ∅, upper rim margins glabrous; Ci and Cs lobes 1.5 - 2 mm.
striped with green or blotched with pale red; Cl
lobes marked with yellow-brown, 10 - 13 mm, lami- C. arenaria R. A. Dyer (BT 12(3): 444, 1978). T:
na fo
f lded back, keeled, keel and margins hairy; Ci RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Strey 5031 [PRE, NH]). −
lobes ± erect, appendages ± 1 mm; Cs lobes 1.5 - D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal); dune forest. I: Peckover
2 mm. (1993a).
[1,3,4] R ± fleshy and thickened, clustered; stems
C. arabica var. arabica − D: N Yemen, Saudi creeping and climbing, not twining, 3 - 4 mm ∅, te-
Arabia. Fig. VIII.c rete, succulent, marked with contrasting dark and
[1,3] Sep 2.5 - 4 mm; Cl 3.5 - 7.5 cm; Cl inflation pale green, dull; L ± 2 mm petiolate, lamina ± ovate
greenish-yellowish, ± 7 - 9 mm ∅; Cl tube 2 - 2.5 to lanceolate, rapidly caducous, to 4 × 2.5 cm,
mm ∅ in the middle, upper margin only slightly wi- weakly succulent; Inf 5 - 15 mm pedunculate, 1- to
dening, here striped with green or blotched with 3-flowered, Fl opening in succession; Ped 5 - 10
pale red on white background; Cl lobes whitish, mm; Sep lanceolate, 4 - 5 mm; Cl to 6 cm, whitish-
narrowly triangular, to 35 mm, often connivent in yellowish, blotched with purple; Cl inflation ba-
the upper 2⁄3, ffaintly keeled, keel blackish-greenish, sally narrowly ovoid, to 14 mm long, slightly bent
tips usually spirally intertwined, margins revolute, and narrowed, then widening again to a ± globose
hairy; Ci and Cs lobes ± 1.5 - 2 mm. section, 6 - 7 mm ∅, narrowed above to form the Cl
tube, gradually widening into a funnel-shaped
C. arabica var. powysii (D. V. Field) Meve & R. mouth of ± 15 mm ∅; Cl lobes linear-spatulate
Mangelsdorff (Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 137: 105, ill. (p. from a triangular base, 20 - 25 mm, lamina entirely
103), 2001). T: Kenya (Field & Powys 115 [K]). − folded back along the midrib, interior basal 1⁄2 pale
D: Kenya. I: Archer (1992: XVIII). Fig. VIII.d yellow with brown margins, ± hairy, broadly
(‘C. barbigera’) keeled, keels touching each other in the middle, up-
≡ Ceropegia powyw sii D. V. Field (1982); incl. Ce- per 1⁄2 divaricate, brown-red, margins with whitish-
ropegia barbigerar Bruyns (1989). purple vibratile Ha, these ± 6 mm; Cn ± sessile, ± 5
[1,3] Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl 28 - 47 mm, pale grey- × 4 mm, fusef d into a short cup; Ci to 3 mm, deeply
green with red-brown dots and spots; Cl inflation 3-partite, central appendage very short, lateral ap-
globose to ovoid, ± 7 (-11) × 9 (-11) mm, basally pendages triangular, erect; Cs linear, ± 3 mm, er-
constricted; Cl tube 1.5 - 3 mm ∅, gradually widen- ect-connivent.
ing towards the upper funnel-shaped margin to 6 - An unusual plant from an unusual habitat (dune
10 (-12) mm ∅, inside occasionally hairy; Cl lobes fforest) and possibly of hybrid origin − with C. den-
purple-brown inside, occasionally with a yellowish ticulata and C. cimiciodora
r as possible parents.
spot, deltoid or ovate, 9 - 12 mmm, fo f lded back
along the midrib, margins often
f undulate-serrate or C. aridicola W. W. Smith (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard.
revolute, keeled or not, on the keel or at the basal Edinburgh 12: 197, 1920). T: China, Yunnan (For-
margins with purple vibratile clavate Ha, ± 3 mm; rest s.n. [BM, K]). − D: China (Yunnan); grass-
Ci lobes ± erect, appendages ± 1.5 mm; Cs lobes 0.5 land. I: Tsiang (1939).
- 2 (-4) mm. [2] R tuber to 3 cm ∅, ovoid-globose, with thi-

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

ckened R; stems almost glabrous, single or in pairs, stolochioides ssp. albertina (S. Moore) H. Huber
branched; L to 6 mm petiolate, lamina triangular- (1957); incl. Ceropegia crassula Schlechter (1913);
ovate, 5 - 15 × 3 - 10 mm, acute, weakly fleshy, up- incl. Ceropegia aristolochioides var. wittei Staner
per face villose, lower face with pubescent veins; in Werdermann (1938); incl. Ceropegia seticorona
Inf sessile, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 3 - 10 mm; spar- E. A. Bruce (1941); incl. Ceropegia volubilis var.
sely pubescent; Sep lanceolate, 2 × 1 mm; Cl 1 - 1.5 crassicaulis H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia
cm, straight, outside sparsely hairy, inside glabrous; seticorona var. dilatiloba P. R. O. Bally (1965);
Cl tube 7 - 10 mm, Cl inflation broadly ovoid; Cl incl. Ceropegia maasaiorum Halda & Prokes
lobes broadly ovate to rhomboid, 3 - 5 mm, upper 1⁄2 (2000).
connate to fform a flat umbrella with an acute [3,4] Cl 5 - 15 mm, lobes broadened in the
central appendage; Cn sessile, fusef d into a cup, middle with truncate apex.
glabrous; Ci lobes triangular; Cs linear-spatulate;
Fr ± 5 cm; Se ± 5 mm. C. aristolochioides ssp. deflersiana Bruyns (Notes
Allied to C. pusilla. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 45(2): 296-299, ills.,
1988). T: Y Yemen, Ibb District (Woo
W d & Hepper
C. aristolochioides Decaisne (Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 5887 [K]). − D: N Yemen, Saudi Arabia. Fig.
sér. 2, 9: 263-264, 1838). T: Senegal (HeuH delot s.n. VIII.f
[G, P]). − D: Arabia, tropical Afr f ica. I: Asklepios [3,4] Differs from ssp. aristolochioides: Peduncle
53: 19-23, 1991. tending to be shorter; Fl oftef n more slender and
[3,4] Stem and L succulent climbers to 3 m; R delicate; Ca hairy.
fibrous; stems ± terete, robust, 3 - 6 mm ∅, glauc- The hairy carpels of this subspecies are highly
ous-green, slightly verrucose; L petiolate, cordate significant.
to ovate-lanceolate, 1 - 4 × 0.5 - 2.5 cm, weakly
succulent, acute, partly apiculate; Inf multi- C. armandii Rauh (Adansonia, n.s., 4: 419-425,
fflowered, drepanoid, usually with a single Fl open ills., 1964). T: Madagascar (Rauh 10564 [HEID]).
at a time; peduncle fleshy, 1 - 10 cm; Ped 5 - 15 − D: S Madagascar.
mm; Sep subulate, 2 - 5 mm; Cl 2.5 - 4.5 cm, out- [3] Stem succulents; stems creeping-decumbent,
side glabrous, rarely pubescent, either uniform f ly occasionally with tuberous hypocotyl, 4-angled,
yellowish or with red-brown dots or blotches on flattened, 2 - 3 cm thick, thickest at the nodes,
whitish-green background or uniform f ly red-brown; brown-grey-green, rough-verrucose, with persistent
Cl lobes often green-yellow; Cl inflation 7 - 10 × 6 short recurved bases of petioles; L narrowly ovate,
- 9 mm, globose to ovoid, basally weakly compres- acute, divaricate, dark green, succulent, 5 - 10 × 2 -
sed, inside red-purple with red-purple Ha at least on 4 mm, deciduous; Inf with fleshy peduncle 8 - 10
the upper margin, merging ± gradually into the Cl mm long, only on twining thin terete stems, 1- to
tube, tube 3 - 5 mm ∅ in the middle, then widening 4-flowered; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep narrowly lanceo-
gradually to ≤ 1 cm ∅, inside greenish with red- late, ± 2 mm; Cl 1.4 - 1.8 cm; Cl inflation inversely
brown stripes or uniformly red-brown, hairy, Ha bulbiform, ± 5 × 5 mm, outside grey-green with
ffine, red-purple; Cl lobes ± greenish-yellow with dark venation, inside white, mottled with black-
red-brown reticulate markings, broadly lanceolate purple, apically abruptly constricted, here inside
to narrowly linear, 5 - 11 mm, tips connivent, usu- hairy, and immediately merging into Cl lobes; Cl
ally obtuse, lamina fo f lded back, with fewf short lobes 10 - 12 mm, linear, apically fuse
f d to form
f a
simple Ha on apex and keel; Cn broadly bowl- globose widely opening cage, lamina completely
shaped, ± 4 - 5 mm, ± sessile; Ci lobes whitish- folded back along the midrib, inside yellowish-
pellucid to green-yellow, margins and appendages green, basally ± hairy; Cn shortly stipitate, purple-
with purple Ha, triangular-ovate, concave, apically yellowish, ± 3.5 mm ∅, basally fuse
f d into a shallow
bifid into 2 ± spreading obtuse to acute appendages; bowl; Ci lobes bilobed into narrow triangular ap-
Cs yellowish, 2 - 3 mm, linear, erect-connivent; pendages, ± 2 mm, erect, inside with short Ha, tips
Poll D-shaped, ± 0.35 × 0.25 mm, germination connivent; Cs ± 2 × 0.4 mm, linear-linguiform f ,
crests triangular, membranous, corpuscle ± 0.35 erect-connivent, tips partly overlapping; Poll ellip-
mm, basally with triangular processes. soid-ovoid; Fr narrowly fusiform, completely
Forming a widespread complex from Senegal to spreading, 10 - 15 cm, grey-green, warty.
East Africa and Arabia, and most closely related to A striking member of the ‘dimorphic’ Cerope-
C. rup
u icola. Characteristics are the robust, blue- gias, and closely allied to C. dimorpha.
green stems and the massive peduncles.
C. arnottiana Wight (Contr. Bot. India, 32, 1834).
C. aristolochioides ssp. aristolochioides − D: T: Myanmar (Wi W ght s.n. [K]). − D: Myanmar, In-
Tropical Africa, Senegal to Kenya. Fig. VIII.e
T dia, Thailand. I: Huber (1957).
Incl. Ceropegia beccariana Martelli (1896); incl. [2] Glabrous twining herbs with globose R tu-
Ceropegia perrottetii N. E. Brown (1903); incl. Ce- bers; L shortly petiolate, lamina narrowly lanceo-
ropegia albertina S. Moore (1907) ≡ Ceropegia ari- late to linear; Inf sessile or shortly pedunculate,

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

peduncle weakly hairy, 2- to 4-flowered; Cl 2.7 - nish, blotched with ± purple, glabrous; Ci lobes tri-
5.4 cm; Cl tube 1.2 - 2.2 cm, basal 1⁄3 to 1⁄4 ovoidly angular, ± 2 mm, horizontally spreading to ascend-
widened; Cl lobes narrowly linear, 1.5 - 3.2 cm, ac- ing, deeply bifid into acutely triangular appendages,
ute, apically connate to form an acutely ovoid cage, apically fused; Cs ± 3 mm, linear, erect-connivent;
lamina ± strongly folded back along the midrib, in- Poll broadly ovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.28 mm; Fr parallel, 10
side glabrous, margins revolute down to the base, - 20 × 0.8 - 1 cm, often
f one fo
f llicle shorter than the
ciliate; Cn sessile; Ci lobes triangular, bifid into tri- other, glaucous-green, glabrous; Se 10 - 15 × 3 - 5
angular processes; Cs linear, erect. mm; tuft f of Ha 2 - 6 cm.
Allied to C. pusilla and C. aridicola. The flower A splendid species closely related to C. albisepe ta
is also similar in shape to that of C. stenantha. ffrom which it also differs by its striking size. The
lower part of the stems may attain thumb’s width.
C. attenuata Hooker (Icon. Pl. ser. 2, 5: t. 867 +
text, 1852). T: India, Maharashtra (Dalzell s.n. C. bonafoux
f ii K. Schumann (BJS 33: 327, 1904).
[K]). − D: India (Maharashtra, Karnataka). I: An- T [neo]: Angola (Gossweiler 2439 [BM]). − D: An-
sari (1984). gola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe. I:
[2] Slender erect non-twining herbs with a R tu- Dyer (1983).
ber; stems delicate, ± hairy; L ± linear, 5 - 8 cm, ± Incl. Ceropegia saxatilis S. Moore (1908) (nom.
sessile; Inf 1-flowered, shortly pedunculate; Ped ± illeg., Art. 53.1).
5 mm; Sep subulate, 2 - 4 mm; Cl 5 - 7.5 cm, glabr- [2] R tuber flattened, 2 - 4 cm ∅, with fissured
ous; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 4 mm ∅, inside glabrous, bark; stems twining, 1 - 2 m, 1 - 3 mm ∅, annual,
merging gradually into the Cl tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅, with short Ha, some Ha longer; L 0.8 - 1 cm petio-
mouth widening to ± 6 mm ∅; Cl lobes to 37 mm, late, lamina elliptic to ovate, 3 - 4 (-7) × 1.4 - 2.5
linear, apically connate, lamina folded back along cm, hairy, lower face more densely so; Inf ± sessile,
the midrib, hairy; Cn bowl-shaped, sessile; Ci lobes 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 1 - 2 cm, villose; Sep subu-
f d, ± erect, crenate or
broadly triangular, largely fuse late, ± 4 mm, hairy; Cl 3 - 4 cm, bottle-shaped, out-
bifid into triangular processes, ciliate; Cs ± 2 mm, side hairy; Cl inflation 11 - 15 × 5 mm, ellipsoid,
linear-subulate, 2 - 3 mm, erect-connivent, tips outside whitish-greenish, striped a little with red-
weakly revolute. brown, faf irly abruptly constricted to 2 mm ∅; Cl
An attractive species allied to C. jainii and C. pu- tube inside purple, then gradually widening to 4
silla. mm; Cl lobes 5 - 8 mm, linear, lamina strongly
ffolded back along the midrib down to the basal
C. ballyana Bullock (KB 1955(4): 625, 1955). T: edges, apically connate to form an ovoid cage, in-
Kenya (Heudelot s.n. [G]). − D: Kenya. I: FPA side velvety green; Cn ± shortly stipitate, white,
41: t. 1614, 1970; Archer (1992: XXIX). Fig. IX.a f d into a shallow cup; Ci lobes form
fuse f ing pouches,
Incl. Ceropegia helicoides E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. ± 1 mm; Cs ± 2 mm, linear, erect-connivent, tips
Bally (1950) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). occasionally curved inwards, hairy; Fr narrowly fu-
[3,4] R ffibrous; stems persistent, succulent, to 3 siform, ± 10 cm × 3 mm.
m, twining, ± terete, 5 - 10 mm ∅, glaucous-green, Closely related to C. meyeri and C. abyssinica.
glabrous; L petiole 5 - 15 mm, upper face canalicu-
late, with Ha along margins, lamina ovate to elliptic C. bosseri Rauh & Buchloh (KuaS 16(12): 226-
to obovate, 3 - 9 × 2 - 6 cm, weakly succulent, ob- 229, ills., 1965). T: Madagascar (Bosser s.n. in BG
tuse to acute, partly acuminate, dark to pale green, H
Heidelber rg 10668 [HEID]). − D: S Madagascar.
shining, veins ± whitish; Inf with fleshy peduncle, 3 Incl. Ceropegia bosseri var. raza r afindratsirana
- 10 cm, many-flowered, but mostly only 1 Fl open Rauh & Buchloh (1989) ≡ Ceropegia razafindratsi-
at a time; Ped 1.5 - 3 cm; Sep narrowly lanceolate, rana (Rauh & Buchloh) Rauh (1993); incl. Cerope-
1 - 3 cm, spreading, ciliate; Cl 7 - 12 cm, outside gia adrienneae Rauh & Gerold (1998).
glabrous, inside and outside whitish-green to yello- [3] Stem succulents, creeping-decumbent; stems
wish, dotted or blotched with ± red-brown; Cl infla- acutely 4-angled, compressed, 1 - 4 cm thick,
tion 10 - 25 × 9 - 16 mm, ± cylindrical, often faintly thickest at the nodes, brown to grey-green, rough-
5-angled, inside apically short-hairy, abruptly hori- verrucose, furnished with Tu being horizontally
zontally constricted; Cl tube 2 - 4 mm ∅, then elongated to 10 - 15 mm; L sessile, dark green, suc-
widening gradually to 12 - 25 mm, inside with scat- culent, ovate to lanceolate, 8 - 12 × 7 - 10 mm,
tered Ha; Cl lobes ± green-yellow with red-brown mostly mucronate, margins occasionally crenulate,
reticulation, narrowly triangular, ± filifo
f rm and el- with hooked Ha, upper face canaliculate at the
ongated, 3 - 6 cm, tips fused, lamina strongly folded base, stipules present; Inf with a fleshy peduncle 7 -
back along the midrib, margins with white or purple 10 mm long, only on twining thin terete stems, 1- to
Ha, inner 1⁄2 of lamina white to greenish, partly dot- 6-flowered; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep subulate, 2 mm; Cl 3.2
ted with red, partly hairy, apical 1⁄2 ± spiralling, - 4 cm, pale green to yellowish, partly dotted and
green to dark purple, partly blotched, ± hairy; Cn striped with red; Cl inflation inversely bulbiform
f to
shortly stipitate, bowl-shaped, ± 5 × 5 mm ∅, gree- cylindrical, 9 - 12 × 8 - 10 mm ∅, apically ± hori-

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

zontally constricted, inside blotched ± with red, incl. Ceropegia vignaldiana A. Richard (1851);
most notably on the veins, often f weakly hairy, incl. Ceropegia tuberosa Dalziel & Gibson (1861)
changing abruptly into the Cl tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅, (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Ceropegia esculenta
mouth gradually widening to 12 - 15 mm ∅; Cl Edgeworth (1862) ≡ Ceropegia bulbosa var. escu-
lobes 12 - 22 mm, narrowly triangular, ± folded lenta (Edgeworth) Hooker fi f l. (1883); incl. Cero-
back along the midrib, basally keeled, extending a pegia brosima E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally (1951).
little into the Cl tube, apically sometimes lingui- [2] Delicate geophytes, strongly twining, little-
fform, tips connate to fform a cone-shaped to cylind- branched, 0.5 - 1 m, with ± fl f attened R tuber with
rical cage, basal 1⁄2 yellow, inside glabrous or ± rough bark; stems terete, 1 - 2 mm ∅, slightly hairy;
finely hairy, apical 1⁄2 purple-brown to greenish, L petiolate, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic to linear, 1 -
margins with vibratile purple clavate Ha, 2 - 3 mm; 10 × 0.3 - 1.2 cm, sparsely villose; Inf with a ped-
Cn ± sessile to shortly stipitate, greenish-white, ± 3 uncle 2 - 25 mm long, pseudo-umbellate, 2- to 8-
× 3 mm, shallowly bowl-shaped; Ci lobes deeply flowered; Ped 5 - 15 mm; Sep subulate, 2 - 4 mm;
bifid down to the limb of the Cn into appendages, ± Cl 1.2 - 3 cm, pale grey-green, usually striped or
2 mm, ± erect; Cs 2 × 0.3 mm, subulate, erect- blotched with red-brown; Cl inflation depressed-
connivent; Poll ovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.25 mm. globose, 3 - 4 × 4 - 5 mm, inside greenish-white,
Distinguished fro
f m C. petignatii only by the lon- merging gradually into the Cl tube, tube 1.5 - 2 mm
ger corolla lobes and the stipitate gynostegium. ∅, apically widening to 5 - 10 mm ∅, inside pale
Both belong probably to the same ‘bio-species’. purple, basally hairy; Cl lobes inside ± uniform f ly
purple, basally with a white blotch, apically often
C. bowkeri Harvey (Thes. Cap. 1: 9, t. 14, 1859). greenish, 4 - 10 × basally 3 - 6 mm, apically 0.5 - 1
T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Bowker s.n. [K]). − D: mm broad, lamina ± entirely folded back along the
RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983). midrib, erect, tips joined in a cage-like fashion,
Incl. Ceropegia sororia Harvey ex Hooker fi f l. sometimes spiralled, inside and laterally hairy; Cn
(1866) ≡ Ceropegia bowkeri ssp. sororia (Harvey ex sessile to shortly stipitate, shallowly bowl-shaped, 2
Hooker fil.
f ) R. A. Dyer (1980). - 3 × 2 - 3 mm; Ci lobes 0.5 - 0.8 × 0.8 - 1.1 mm,
[1] Erect non-twining herbs, 20 - 50 cm tall, with broadly 4-angled, channelled, with raised margins,
fleshy thickened R; stems annual, sparsely branch- horizontal; Cs 1.5 - 2 mm, ± cylindrical, erect, verti-
ing, ± glabrous; L ± sessile, linear to linear-lance - cal and free
f or meeting each other above the centre;
olate, acute, 4 - 13.5 cm × 2 - 3 mm; Inf sessile, Poll tear-shaped to ovoid, ± 0.25 × 0.2 mm with
1-flowered, lateral; Ped to 2 cm; Sep subulate, 4 - 8 very short germination crest near the tip, corpuscle
mm; Cl 3.5 - 6 cm, ascending, ± straight, outside small, elliptic; Fr grey-green, ± 10 × 3 mm.
greenish-white, inside greenish, often faintly This species is treated here in a broad sense to
marked with purple; Cl inflation globose to ovoid, form an extraordinarily variable and widespread ta-
5 - 8 mm ∅, merging ± gradually into the Cl tube, xon. A supraregional taxonomic re-assessment is
tube ± 2 - 3 mm ∅, apically widening to 3 - 4 mm needed, since several valid names are currently used
∅; Cl lobes free
f , ± drooping, linear to narrowly el- in Afr
f ica (C. vignaldiana , C. brosima) and Arabia
liptic ffrom a narrowed base, 18 - 22 mm, greenish, and India (C. bulbosa and C. lushii). The ovate (C.
marked with purple, in the middle with sculptured bulbosa s.str.) vs. linear leaves (C. vignaldiana , C.
surface, with white Ha, ± ffolded back along the lushii) have often been used for a subdivision. Due
midrib, laterally with yellowish or purple clavate to fairly frequent intermediates exhibiting ± elliptic
Ha; Cn ± sessile, basally fuse
f d into a cup; Ci lobes leaves, leaf characters are of little value and may at
triangular, ± erect, ± 1.5 mm, bilobed into acute nar- best be suggestive of 2 ecotypes (upland fform with
rowly triangular appendages, hairy; Cs ± 1.5 mm, linear leaves).
linear-lanceolate, erect-connivent; Fr ± 5 cm; Se
narrowly ovate, ± 3 × 1.75 mm. C. campanulata G. Don (Gen. Hist. 4: 112, 1838).
Hardly separable from C. dinteri except for the T: Ghana (Don s.n. [BM]). − D: Equatorial-Gui-
roots. In C. bowkeri these are numerous, thick and nea, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Togo.
T I:
fleshy, whereas C. dinteri possesses a tuber. There Bullock (1963: 101).
is also a close relation to C. tomentosa. Incl. Ceropegia kerstingii K. Schumann (1903);
incl. Ceropegia da
d lzie
l lii N. E. Brown (1913); incl.
C. bulbosa Roxburgh (Pl. Coast Coromandel 1: 11, Ceropegia abinsica N. E. Brown (1914) ≡ Cerop o e-
t. 7, 1795). T [lecto]: India, Coromandel Coast gia campanulata var. abinsica (N. E. Brown) H.
(Roxburgh s.n. [icono: l.c. t. 7]). − D: India, Bang- Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia tamalensis W. W.
ladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, N Yemen, Smith (1922); incl. Ceropegia hepburnii Hutchin-
Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania. I: Ali (1983); son & Dalziel (1931).
Ansari (1984); Bruyns (1988b). Fig. IX.b [2] Erect non-twining herbs, 10 - 25 cm tall, with
Incl. Ceropegia acuminata Roxburgh (1795); a flattened R tuber; stems annual, ± unbranched,
incl. Ceropegia lushii Graham (1834) ≡ Ceropegia with scattered Ha; L ± sessile, lanceolate to linear,
bulbosa var. lushii (Graham) Hooker fil. (1883); acute, ± 50 - 70 × 6 mm, upper face with scattered

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

Ha; Inf sessile, terminal or lateral, 1-flowered; Cl ± peduncle 3 cm long, pseudo-umbellate, 5- to 12-
brown-purple, 4 - 13 cm, straight, outside finely flowered; Ped 3 - 10 mm; Sep subulate, ± 4 mm;
hairy or glabrous; Cl inflation globose, inside Cl 2.5 - 4.5 cm, greenish-yellow, usually striped
purple-haired, 7 - 18 mm ∅, merging gradually into with red-brown; Cl inflation ± ovoid, merging
the Cl tube, tube 4 mm ∅, apically widening to gradually into the Cl tube, tube 3 - 4 mm ∅, straight
± 12 mm ∅, inside purple-haired; Cl lobes er- or bent, apically widening to ± 10 mm ∅, inside
ect and straight, joined at the tips, linear to filiform
ffii f , hairy in the middle; Cl lobes 4 - 15 mm, triangular-
1.5 - 6 cm, margins revolute, inside ± hairy; Cn ses- ovate to linear ffrom a triangular base, truncate or
sile, shallowly cup-shaped; Ci lobes horizontal- elongated and acute, lamina ± entirely fo f lded back
ascending, bilobed into narrowly triangular to along the midrib, basally keeled, erect, fused to
linear processes, finely hairy; Cs lobes linear, er- form a cage, inside purple-green, densely hairy; Cn
ect-connivent, tips revolute. stipitate; Ci lobes basally connate, a short rim only,
A variable species showing a scattered but wide ± 0.7 mm ∅, laterally raised and connate to the
distribution within the tropics. It is very closely re- Cs base, hairy; Cs 2 - 3 mm, linear-spatulate,
lated to C. insignis. erect-connivent; Poll broadly ovoid, ± 0.3 ×
0.23 mm.
C. cancellata Reichenbach (Iconogr. Bot. Exot. 3: V y much like C. intermedia and ofte
Ver f n confused
t. 207, 1830). T: W. − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: with it. The most striking attributes of C. candelab-
Dyer (1983); Bruyns (1985: 5, J-K). rum are the tubers and the hairy corona. Ansari
Incl. Ceropegia assimilis N. E. Brown (1908). (1984) separates var. bifl
f ora
r and places C. interme-
[2,4] R tuber dark brown, flat, 5 - 10 cm ∅; stems dia as a synonym, although the latter shows fibrous
annual, twining; L shortly petiolate, broadly ovate- roots.
cordate to lanceolate, to 25 mm, succulent, occa-
sionally pubescent, apiculate, upper face concave, C. carnosa E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr., 193,
lower fface convex; Inf pedunculate, 1- (to few-)f 1837). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drè r ge 4946 [W]). −
flowered; Cl 2.3 - 3.5 cm, whitish-yellowish, striped D: Kenya, RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal),
with brown-violet, Cl lobes outside brown-violet; Swaziland. I: Dyer (1983). Fig. VIII.g
Cl inflation globose to ovoid, ± 4 - 5 × 4 mm, inside [1,4] Climbers to 2 m; R fusiform-fleshy; stems ±
purple, glabrous, above Cl tube abruptly narrowed terete, twining, 1 - 2 mm ∅, dark green, slightly
to 1.3 - 2 mm ∅, apically widening to 4 - 5 mm ∅, succulent and rough; L 5 - 15 mm petiolate, lamina
inside hairy; Cl lobes linear, 10 - 15 mm, tips fused, narrowly ovate to lanceolate, slightly succulent, 2 -
lamina somewhat fo f lded back along the midrib, for-
f 3 × 1 - 2 cm, acute, petiole and margins often
f hairy;
ming an ovoid cage, inside pale yellow, glabrous; Inf with slender peduncle 5 - 20 mm long, 3- to 5-
Cn white, bowl-shaped, sessile or shortly stipitate, flowered, always only 1 Fl open at a time; Ped 5 -
± 2.5 - 3 mm ∅; Ci lobes forming tall oval pouches 10 mm; Sep subulate, acute, 2 - 4 mm; Cl 1.5 - 2.2
with horizontal margin, laterally fused with the cm, whitish-green blotched or striped with red-
base of the Cs; Cs lanceolate, falcate, ± 1.5 mm, brown, inside with ± scattered long Ha, with mush-
erect-connivent but strongly reflexed above the room-like odour; Cl inflation slender, inside purple,
middle. ± 4 × 4 mm ∅, scarcely broader than the curved Cl
A species closely related to C. af
africana and to the tube, tube occasionally laterally compressed, ba-
C. linearis alliance. sally slightly constricted, inside red-violet, mouth
gradually widening to 6 - 10 mm ∅; Cl lobes whit-
C. candelabrum Linné (Spec. Pl. [ed. 1], 211, ish with purple stripes or blotches, or greenish with
1753). T: [icono]: Rheede, Hort. Malab. 9: t. 16. − brown tip, narrowed in the middle, 4 - 6 mm long,
D: India, Sri Lanka. I: Matthew (1983). only tips joined to fform a cage, shortly triangular
i ora Linné (1753) ≡ Cerop
Incl. Ceropegia bifl o e- and horizontally constricted or lanceolate, erect, la-
gia candelabrum var. bif iflorra (Linné) M. Ansari mina fof lded back along the midrib, laterally only at
(1984); incl. Ceropegia tuberosa Roxburgh (1795) the base or over the entire length with simple white
≡ Ceropegia candelabrum ssp. tuberosa (Roxburgh) Ha; Cn white with purple margins, shallowly cup-
H. Huber (1983) ≡ Ceropegia candelabrum var. tu- shaped, 3.5 × 3.5 mm, basally connate to the Cl
berosa (Roxburgh) N. P. Singh (1988); incl. Cero- tube; Ci lobes deeply incised, with erect convergent
pegia mucronata t Roth (1821); incl. Ceropegia lon- triangular white-bearded appendages, basally formf -
iflora Poiret in Roemer & Schultes (1838); incl. ing pouches, margins fuse f d in a wing-like fashion
Ceropegia candelabrif iformis Saint-Lager (1880); with the base of the Cs; Cs 1.8 - 2.2 mm, subulate,
incl. Ceropegia elliotii Hooker fil f . (1883); incl. erect-connivent, tips usually divergent, basally
Ceropegia discreta N. E. Brown (1909). hairy; Poll ± rectangular, 0.4 - 0.2 mm.
[2] R tuber roundish; stems robust, twining, glab- Not always clearly separable (by its floral struc-
rous, ± 2 - 3 mm ∅; L with a 3 - 20 mm long peti- ture) ffrom C. aafffinis (syn. C. racemosa), which is
ole, lamina linear to roundish, usually elliptic, 2 - 7 often
f more robust in its fo
f liage. Both are presum-
× 0.8 - 3.5 cm, acute, weakly fleshy; Inf with a ably forming a single good species.

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

C. cataphyllaris Bullock (KB 1955(4): 625, 1955). side white, apically and laterally often red-violet,
T: Zambia (Milne-Redhead 3241 [K]). − D: Zam- greenish or brownish, broadly triangular, 6 × 14
bia. I: Bruce (1948: as C. filiformis). mm, apically connivent and ffolded back along the
Incl. Ceropegia fili
f iformis E. A. Bruce (1948) midrib, basal margins standing out (auriculate), thus
(nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). appearing star-like in top view, inside finely hairy,
[2] R tuber 1.5 - 2.5 cm ∅; stems erect, delicate Ha white; Cn shortly stipitate or sessile, whitish or
and inconspicuous, 15 - 30 cm, glabrous, 1 mm ∅, brownish, ± 6 × 4 mm, fused into a cup, margin
unbranched; L sessile, erect, narrowly lanceolate to slightly undulate, inside and outside ± ciliate; Ci
needle-shaped, increasing in length from
f the base to lobes very shortly triangular, abruptly proj o ecting
the top of the stem, 2 - 30 × 0.3 - 0.7 mm, margins ffrom the upper margin of the coronal bowl, ± erect,
reflexed; Inf sessile near the stem tip, 1-flowered; bifid into triangular appendages, ± 0.3 mm; Cs ± 4
Ped filiform, 1.5 - 2 cm; Sep linear-subulate, 2 mm, × 0.4 mm, subulate, erect-connivent with revolute
reddish; Cl 3 - 3.5 cm, ± straight, erect, whitish, papillose tips; Poll ovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.27 mm; Fr
glabrous; Cl inflation obovoid, ± 7 × 5 mm ∅; Cl grey-green, erect, thickly fus
f iform
f , ± 10 cm, finely
tube cylindrical, 2 - 3 mm ∅, apically scarcely wi- tuberculate.
dening; Cl lobes brownish, linear, 20 × 1 mm, A magnificent plant, together with other pro-
folded back along the midrib, apically connate and nounced succulents like C. stapeliififormis and C. va-
arching out to form an ellipsoid cage; Cn sessile, riegata representing a small group of closely allied
whitish-hyaline, fused into a shallow cup; Ci bi- species.
lobed into linear appendages, 1 mm, each tipped
with 1 - 2 whitish Ha; Cs linear-subulate, 1.5 - 2 C. claviloba Wer
W dermann (BJS 70: 221-222, 1939).
mm, erect-connivent, apically slightly revolute. T: Zimbabwe (Exe E ll & al. 147 [BM]). − D: Tanza-
In habit reminiscent of C. illegitima ffrom Zaïre, nia, Malawi, Zaïre, Zambia, Zimbabwe. I: Malaisse
but the latter shows fleshy roots instead of a tuber, (1984: 226, as C. floribunda
f ). Fig. IX.c
red flowers and a reduced interstaminal corona. [2] R tuber small, ± 2 cm ∅; stems sparsely
branched, delicate, twining, 0.5 - 1 (-2) m tall, 1.5
C. ciliata Wight (Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4: 15, t. mm ∅; L 2 - 4 cm petiolate, lamina cordate-lanceo-
1262, 1848). T: India, Tamil Nadu (WigW ht 1927 [K, late, acuminate, 2.5 - 4.5 (-7) × 2 - 3 cm, hairy,
G]). − D: India (Tamil Nadu). I: Huber (1957). margin basally ± lobed; Inf 5 - 30 mm pedunculate,
Incl. Ceropegia hirsuta
t Decaisne (1844) (nom. il- 1- to 10-flowered; Ped 3 - 8 mm, usually glabrous;
leg., Art. 53.1). Sep subulate, 2 - 4 mm, villose, rarely glabrous; Cl
[2] R tuber 3 - 4 cm; stems delicate, hairy, twin- bent, 1 - 1.8 cm, outside whitish-green; Cl inflation
ing; L ± sessile to shortly petiolate, lamina linear- globose, basally narrowed, 4 - 5 mm ∅, merging
lanceolate, acute; Inf many-flowered, peduncle and gradually into the Cl tube, tube 1.5 - 2 mm ∅,
Ped hairy; Cl 2.5 - 3 cm; Cl tube ± 18 mm, basally mouth widening to 3 - 4 mm ∅; Cl lobes 4 - 7 × 3
with an ovoid inflation 7 - 9 mm long, apically only mm, broadly spatulate ffrom a triangular base, lami-
a little widening; Cl lobes 6 - 10 mm, lamina folded na folded back along the midrib, apically joined
back along the midrib; Cn sessile; Ci lobes basally into a globose cage, inside velvety purple or green,
f d, ± triangular, apically emarginate or bifid,
fuse outside greenish; Cn sessile, ± 3 × 2.5 mm, white-
hairy; Cs spatulate, erect-spreading or tips only rev- hyaline, basally fuse
f d into a bowl or cup; Ci lobes
olute; Fr 8 × 0.4 cm. pouch-shaped, ± horizontal and ovate to rectangular
See note under C. ensif
ifolia. and erect, ± 1 mm, apically crenate, glabrous, papil-
lose or hairy; Cs 1.5 - 2 mm, cylindrical-spatulate,
C. cimiciodora Obermeyer (FPSA 13: t. 488 + 2 straight, erect, papillose; Poll globose, ± 0.1 mm;
pp. of text, 1933). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Ober- Fr narrowly fus
f iform,
f 7 - 8 cm × 2 - 3 mm.
meyer & al. 322 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Northern A species with very large leaves and small flo-
Prov., KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland. I: Dyer (1983).
P wers; very closely allied to C. papillata and C. mu-
[3] Scrambling stem succulents, occasionally zingana.
twining; R ffibrous; stems ± terete, 15 - 150 × 1 - 1.5
cm, grey and often spotted with olive-green, slight- C. conrathii Schlechter (BJS 38: 45, 1905). T:
ly shiny; L triangular to cordate, ± 2.5 × 3 mm, with RSA, Gauteng (Conrath 1008 [K]). − D: RSA
stipular Gl; Inf cymose; peduncle 1 - 20 mm, 1 to (KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, Northern Prov.). I:
several Fl on each of the twining peduncles of the Dyer (1983). Fig. IX.d
part-Inf, which often
f attain several 10 cm in length; [2] Herbaceous dwarf perennials with erect crow-
Ped 8 × 2.5 mm; Sep lanceolate, ± 2 mm; Cl ± 5 ded stems, not twining, with a large R tuber, 3 - 10
cm, robust, grey-white stippled and blotched with × 2 - 7 cm, flattened; stems perennial, terete, 6 - 12
red-brown; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 8 × 6 mm, with cm × 1 - 2 mm; L ± sessile, erect-spreading, faintly
whitish basal constriction, inside hairy, merging succulent, narrowly lanceolate to ovate, acute, to 30
gradually into the Cl tube, tube 15 × 3.5 mm, bent, × 12 mm, with undulate ± hairy margins; Inf ses-
apically widening into a short funne
f l; Cl lobes in- sile, lateral, 1- to 6-flowered, all Fl opening simul-

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

taneously; Ped 7 - 15 mm; Sep lanceolate, 2 mm; ≡ Ceropegia copleyae E. A. Bruce & P. R. O.
Cl ± 3.5 cm, weakly bent, cinnamon-coloured; Cl Bally (1950).
inflation ellipsoid, ± 8 - 10 × 3 - 4 mm, inside papil- [1,3,4] Differs from var. crassif
ifolia: L linear, 3 -
lose, papillae with Bri; Cl tube cylindrical, ± 2.5 5 mm broad, V-shaped in cross-section; Cl pale
mm ∅, inside with scattered Ha; Cl lobes to 8 mm, green-yellow; Cl lobes ± 5 × 2 mm, lamina half-
narrowly linear, flat, apically fused to form a bulbi- ways fof lded back along the midrib, white-ciliate
fform cage, suffuse
f d with purple; Cn shortly stipit- along the margins; Cn cup-shaped, as tall as the Gy;
ate, white, shallowly campanulate, glabrous; Ci of 5 Ci apically incised or emarginate; Cs shortly rect-
basal pouches with U-shaped upper margins, ± 0.5 angular, incumbent on the Anth; Poll ovoid, 0.28 ×
mm deep, laterally fuse
f d with the bulging Cs base; 0.2 mm.
Cs ± 1.5 × 0.3 mm, cylindrical, erect-connivent; Fr
± 10 cm × 4 mm. C. crassifolia var. crassifolia − D: Namibia, Ke-
C. conrathii is closely related to the twining C. nya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA, Swaziland. I:
f oribunda. The treatment of C. ffloribunda
fl d by Huber Dyer (1983). Fig. VII.f, IX.e
(1957) as a synonym of C. conrathii has been Incl. Ceropegia brachy h ceras Schlechter (1905);
dismissed by Dyer (1980) who recognized both as incl. Ceropegia crispata N. E. Brown (1908); incl.
separate species. Ceropegia thorncrof oftii N. E. Brown (1912); incl.
Ceropegia tuberculata Dinter (1923).
C. convolvuloides A. Richard (Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: [1,3,4] R clustered, fleshy, fus
f iform;
f stems erect,
47, 1851). T: Ethiopia (Quartin Dillon & Petit s.n. creeping or twining, to 2 m, usually annual, 2 - 5
[P]). − D: Ethiopia, Eritrea. I: Huber (1957). mm ∅, succulent, sulcate; L shortly petiolate, linear
Incl. Ceropegia ringens Vatke (1876) (nom. il- to broadly elliptic-lanceolate, 3 - 10 × 0.5 - 4.5 cm,
leg., Art. 53.1); incl. Ceropegia ellenbeckii K. ± succulent, lower face with a prominent midrib,
Schumann (1903). margins often
f undulate or serrulate and hairy; Inf 3
[1] R fleshy, fusf iform;
f stems hairy, sparsely - 30 mm pedunculate, 3- to 7-flowered, Fl opening
branching, twining, terete, sparsely hairy; petioles 1 successively; Ped 2 - 5 × 1 - 2 mm; Sep narrowly
- 3 cm, pubescent, lamina oval to lanceolate, acute, lanceolate, to 5 mm; Cl 2 - 5 cm, weakly bent, pale
basally cordate, 4 - 10 × 2 - 5 cm, pubescent; Inf green-yellow, blotched with ± purple; Cl inflation
pseudo-umbellate, 12- to 20-flowered, pedunculate; globose to ovoid, 6 - 9 mm ∅, usually abruptly nar-
peduncle 7 - 15 mm, hairy; Ped 7 - 15 mm, hairy; rowed into the Cl tube, tube basally 3 - 5 mm ∅, in-
Sep subulate, ± 2 mm, hairy; Cl 2.5 - 3 cm, outside side hairy, apically widening to 9 mm ∅; Cl lobes 4
setulose, inside glabrous; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 5 × 4 - 15 × 2 - 4 mm, narrowly ovate, fused into an ovoid
mm, narrowed abruptly into the bent Cl tube of 2 to subglobose cage, lamina ± fo f lded back to the
mm ∅, tube widening apically to 5 mm ∅, inside ± margins, glabrous; Cn white, ± sessile, basally
black-purple; Cl lobes 9 - 14 mm, linear-lanceolate f d into a bowl- to cup-like structure; Ci ± rect-
ffrom an ovate base, basally keeled, keel somewhat angular to ovate and forming pouches, almost hori-
tuberculate, lamina folded back along the midrib, zontal to erect, ± 1 mm, apically obtuse or incised,
erect, apically fused, basal margins projo ecting with usually hairy; Cs rectangular to linear-subulate, 0.5
auricles 3 - 4 mm long; Cn sessile, cup-shaped, - 1.5 mm, horizontally incumbent on the Anth to er-
glabrous or scattered-ciliate; Ci ± as long as the Cs, ect-connivent; Poll globose-ovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.25
Ci lobes triangular-ovate, concave, laterally fuse
f d mm; Fr ± 7 - 10 cm × 3 - 4 mm.
with one another and with the base of the Cs lobes, A very variable taxon, allied to C. nilotica and C.
erect, bilobed into ± 1 mm long triangular-linear stenantha.
appendages, tips spreading sidewards; Cs linear, ±
vertically ascending, 2.5 mm. C. cufodont
f ii Chiovenda (Miss. Biol. Borana, Racc.
A little-known species, but well characterized by Bot. Angiosp.-Gymnosp., 167, 1939). T: Ethiopia
the auriculate corolla lobes (similar to C. variegata) ufodontis 337 [FT]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Ug-
and the leaves being reminiscent of those of the anda. I: FPA 35: t. 1370, 1962; Archer (1992: XII).
bindweed. The Arabian C. sep e ium and C. foliosa
f are Fig. IX.f
probably most closely related. [1] R clustered, fleshy, fusiform; stems perennial,
twining, 1 - 2 m × 1 mm, hairy; L 1 - 3.5 cm petio-
C. crassifol
f ia Schlechter (J. Bot. 33: 273, 1895). late, lamina ovate to lanceolate, 4 - 15 × 2.2 - 5 cm,
T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Sim s.n. [BOL]). − D: Na- delicate, hairy; Inf 1 - 2 mm pedunculate, 4- to 10-
mibia, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA, Swazi- (to 20-) flowered; Ped 4 - 10 mm, hairy; Sep nar-
land. I: Dyer (1983). rowly lanceolate, 2 - 5 mm, hairy; Cl 2.8 - 4 cm,
weakly bent, greenish-white, ± longitudinally stri-
C. crassifol
f ia var. copleyae (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. ate with red-brown and sulcate; Cl inflation ±
Bally) H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 102, 1957). ovoid, 9 - 12 × 6 - 10 mm; Cl tube gradually nar-
T: Kenya (Armstrong
A s.n. [EA]). − D: Kenya. I: rowing to 2 mm ∅, apically widening to 6 - 12 mm,
Archer (1992: XIV). inside hairy; Cl lobes triangular-lanceolate, 8 - 13

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

mm, apically fused to form a slender ovoid cage, Incl. Ceropegia gracilis Beddome (1864); incl.
only the margins somewhat fo f lded back, weakly Ceropegia brevicollis Hooker filf . (1883) ≡ Cerop
o e-
keeled, inside yellow-green to brownish, hairy gia decaisneana var. brevicollis (Hooker fil. f ) H.
along the middle of the keel; Cn sessile, bowl- Huber (1957).
shaped, ± 3.5 × 3 mm, ± red-brown; Ci lobes [2] R tuber ± globose; stems twining, ± hairy (at
broadly ovate, ± obtuse, scarcely overtopping the least at the nodes); L narrowly elliptic to lanceolate
hairy Cn limb; Cs ± 3 × 0.3 mm, linear, connivent, or ovate, upper fface slightly hairy; Inf 3- to 8-
apically joining; Fr 4.5 - 9 cm × 2 - 4 mm. fflowered, peduncle longer than the Ped, hairy; Cl 4
Allied to C. meyeri-johannis, which also prefers
f - 7.7 cm, whitish-green, marked with red-brown,
shady habitats. outside occasionally faintly hairy; Cl inflation
ovoid, to 20 × 15 mm, inside with a ring of Ha near
C. cycniflora R. A. Dyer (BT 12(3): 444-445, ill., the upper end, merging abruptly into the Cl tube,
1978). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Cronwright 26 tube 3 - 4 mm ∅, apically widening to ± 15 mm ∅;
[PRE]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal). I: Dyer Cl lobes 2 - 4 cm, narrowly linear-spatulate from
(1983). a triangular base, acute, fused, lamina ± entirely
[1] R fleshy, fus
f iform,
f clustered; stems annual, folded back along the midrib, basally keeled, erect,
climbing and twining, to 3 m tall, weakly 4-angled, joined to fform a cage, inside dark or with dark ve-
slightly succulent, scattered-hairy; L with a hairy nation on pale background; Cn sessile, orange-
petiole 5 mm long, lamina ovate-lanceolate, basally yellowish; Ci lobes basally fuse
f d, triangular, erect,
cordate, ± 1 cm; Inf many-flowered; peduncle 1 - bifid into triangular appendages, hairy; Cs 2 - 3
2.5 cm, finely hairy; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep linear-lanceo- mm, linear-spatulate, erect, incompletely connivent.
late, ± 4 mm; Cl 3 - 4 cm, pale green, strongly bent; This species, newly circumscribed by Ansari
Cl inflation ellipsoid, 6 - 8 mm ∅; Cl tube narrow- (1984), is next of kin to C. metzt iana, a herbaceous
ing gradually to 2.5 mm ∅, apically widening to ± 7 climber ffrom India, the latter presumably lacking
mm; Cl lobes linear from a flat triangular-ovate tubers. C. decaisneana possesses large attractive
base, 12 - 15 mm, erect, apically fused, laterally flowers reminiscent of C. scabrar ffrom Madagascar.
only slightly divergent, margins slightly fo f lded
back along the midrib, slightly rolled inwards, basal C. decidua E. A. Bruce (BT 6(1): 213, ills., 1951).
⁄2 with purple vibratile clavate Ha; Cn ± sessile, T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Codd 47 [PRE]). − D:
only basally fuse
f d; Ci lobes bilobed into linear- RSA, Swaziland.
subulate appendages, ± 2.5 mm; Cs linear-subulate,
± 3 mm, erect-connivent, tips slightly revolute; Poll C. decidua ssp. decidua − D: RSA (Northern
ovoid; Fr ± 6 cm × 4 mm. Prov.), Swaziland. I: Bruyns (1980); Dyer (1983).
A rare species of unknown relationship. There [2,4] R tuber flattened, ± 3 - 6 cm ∅; stems
are at best similarities to C. zeyheri.i.i. slightly twining, to 20 (-40) cm, 1 - 2 mm ∅, spar-
C. damannii Stopp (BJS 83: 122-123, ills., 1964). sely villose; L shortly petiolate, ovate to lanceolate,
T: Angola (Damann 1222 [K]). − D: Angola. fleshy, to 2 × 1 cm, villose, rapidly caducous; Inf
[1] R fleshily thickened; stem annual, erect, with short peduncle, 2- to 4-flowered; Sep lanceo-
unbranched, not twining, 30 - 40 cm tall; L sessile, late, ± 2 mm; Cl 2.2 - 2.6 cm, erect, brownish; Cl
lanceolate-elliptic, acute, ± 8 × 3 cm; Inf sessile, 1- inflation ovoid, 5 - 7 × 3.5 mm ∅, inside greenish-
flowered, lateral; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep subulate, 8 - 12 purple, papillose; Cl tube basally narrowed to 2 mm
mm; Cl ± 12 cm, slightly bent and ascending, gree- ∅, apically hardly widening, inside hairy; Cl lobes
nish-yellow; Cl inflation ± globose, ± 8 mm ∅, linearly spoon-shaped, lamina only in the middle
merging gradually into the narrowed Cl tube, tube folded back along the midrib, 4 - 6 mm, erect, form-
± 4 mm ∅, apically widening to 5 - 6 mm ∅; Cl ing an ovoid cage with flattened tip, inside purple,
lobes ± 6 × (in the middle) 0.9 cm, narrowly lanceo- margins hairy, Ha purple; Cn sessile, cup-shaped,
late, basal angles slightly proj
o ecting, apically fuse
f d subcircular in top view, ± 2.5 × 2.5 mm; Ci lobes
to fform an ellipsoid cage, inside black-green, glabr- drawn out into deep ovoid pouches, apically obtu-
ous; Cn sessile, ± 5 × 3 mm, basally fused into a sely triangular, erect, overtopping the Gy, margins
bowl; Ci lobes triangular, ± erect, ± 2 mm, bilobed often
f f d with the Ci base; Cs ±
crenate, laterally fuse
into subulate appendages, hairy; Cs subulate, ± 3 2 mm, spoon-shaped, erect-connivent with tips rev-
mm, erect-connivent. olute; Poll ± 0.25 mm ∅; Fr narrowly fus f iform,
f ±5
Very closely allied to C. filipendula,
f yet entirely - 6 cm × 2 - 3 mm.
glabrous and with corolla lobes as long as the whole Easily confused with C. occultat due to the mor-
corolla tube. phology of the corolla.

C. decaisneana Wight (Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4: t. C. decidua ssp. pretoriensis R. A. Dyer (BT 12(4):
1259, 1848). T: India, Tamil Nadu (Wight s.n. 630, 1979). T: RSA, Gauteng (Codd 9565 [PRE]).
[BM, K]). − D: S India (Tamil Nadu). I: Ansari − D: RSA (Gauteng). I: Bruyns (1980); Dyer
(1984). (1983).

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

[2,4] Differs from ssp. decidua: Stems weakly nual, 3 - 6 mm ∅, often thicker at the base, terete,
twining, to 10 (-25) cm; L ovate to elliptic, acute, to succulent, glabrous, shiny; L 1.5 cm petiolate, lami-
1.5 × 1 cm; Inf 1- to 3-flowered; Sep acutely trian- na narrowly to broadly lanceolate, 2 - 8 × 1 - 4 cm,
gular, ± 2 mm; Cl 2 - 2.4 cm; Cl inflation globose succulent, acute, margins usually undulate, serrulate
to ovoid, ± 3.5 × 3.5 mm, inside coarsely papillose; or ciliate; Inf 5 - 25 mm pedunculate, 1- to many-
Cl tube narrowed to 1.5 mm ∅ in the middle; Cl flowered, Fl opening successively, scent unpleas-
lobes linear, lamina basally fo
f lded back along the ant, fruity; Ped 4 - 8 × 2 mm, fleshy; Sep subulate,
midrib, apically scarcely so, form
f ing an ovoid api- 2 - 5 mm, reflexed; Cl 2.5 - 5.5 cm, slightly bent,
cally globose cage, basally purple, apically green- outside ± glabrous, shining; Cl inflation obovoid to
ish, ± glabrous; Cn bowl-shaped, 5-angled in top cylindrical, without or at best with a fa
f int constric-
view, 2.5 × 2.5 mm; Ci lobes drawn out into flat tion, 6 - 15 × 5 - 10 mm, outside and inside green-
prominent pouches, ± as long as the Gy, margins ish, glabrous, gradually narrowed to 2.5 - 4 mm ∅
horizontal, glabrous; Cs ± 1.5 mm. in the middle of the Cl tube, tube widening into a
funne l-shaped mouth of 12 - 20 mm ∅, outside whi-
C. deightonii Hutchinson & Dalziel (Fl. West Trop. tish-green, blotched with purple; Cl lobes 10 - 24 ×
Afr. 2: 61-62, 1931). T: Sierra Leone (Deighton 4 - 6 mm, ovate-lanceolate from a broad base,
2075 [K]). − D: Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, striped with green-brown-purple-white or blotched,
Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Central Afri- lamina entirely folded back along the midrib, lower
can Republic. I: Berhaut (1971); Newton (1974). margins spreading ± horizontally, fused into a ±
Incl. Ceropegia deightonii ssp. conj
n uncta H. Hu- pyramid-shaped yet blunt structure, inside broadly
ber (1957); incl. Ceropegia deightonii ssp. tisseran- keeled, keels joining above the middle, apically
tii H. Huber (1957). slightly divaricate, usually with pale brown, white
[2] R tuber flattened, ± 2 - 3 × 1.5 - 2 cm; stems or purple Ha, apical margins with vibratile Ha 3 - 6
annual, erect, not twining, 10 - 70 cm tall, little- mm long, purple or rarely white; Cn yellowish, ±
branched, sparsely hairy; L sessile, linear, acute, 25 sessile, ± 4 × 3 mm, fused into a shallow cup, glabr-
- 70 × 1 - 3 mm, ± sparsely hairy, particularly along ous; Ci broadly ovate with undulate margin, con-
the margins; Inf sessile, terminal or lateral, 1- to 2- cave, basally form
f ing pouches, ± 0.5 × 1 mm, often
(to 3-) flowered; Ped ± 5 mm; Sep narrowly trian- purple, lateral margins connate to the Cs base; Cs
gular to subulate, 3 - 4 mm; Cl ± red-brown-purple, f lcate, ± 2.5 mm, erect-
linear-lanceolate, basally fa
3 - 4.5 cm, straight; Cl inflation basally greenish, connivent; Poll ellipsoid-ovoid, ± 0.35 × 0.2 mm;
ellipsoid to ovoid, 7 - 12 × 3 - 5 mm, merging gra- Fr ± 10 - 20 cm × 3 mm.
dually into the Cl tube, tube ± 2 mm ∅, mouth wi- This is the sister species of C. nilotica fr f om
dening to 3 - 4 mm ∅, inside glabrous or with which it is separable by the corolla inflation lacking
purple Ha; Cl lobes ± erect, apically ffree or fuse
f d, a median constriction, a shining exterior of the co-
f spiralled, narrowly linear to elliptic from
f a rolla, and long vibratile hairs at the tips of the
triangular base, 5 - 22 × 1 - 2 mm, margins folded corolla lobes.
back, usually with purple Ha; Cn sessile, cup-
shaped, ± 3 × 3 mm; Ci lobes pouch-like, erect, api- C. dichotoma Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., 13,
cally entire, dentate or bifid into appendages < 0.5 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Link & Otto, Ic. Pl. Se-
mm long, glabrous to long-hairy; Cs lobes 1.5 - 2 × lect. Hort. Berol., t. 18, 1821. − Lit: Bruyns
0.3 mm, linear-cylindrical, erect-connivent, glabr- (1986a). D: W Canary Islands.
ous; Poll ovoid, 0.28 × 0.17 mm; Fr narrowly fus f i-
fform, 10 - 12 cm × 3 mm. C. dichotoma ssp. dichotoma − D: Canary Islands
Closely related to C. camp
m anulata and to the spe- (Tenerife,
f La Palma, Hierro). I: Bruyns (1986a).
cies group around C. dinteri (see there for further Fig. VIII.h
notes). Incl. Ceropegia aphy h lla Link (1820) (nom. illeg.,
Art. 53.1); incl. Ceropegia hians Sventenius (1960);
C. denticulata K. Schumann (in Engler, Pfl.-welt incl. Ceropegia hians var. striata Sventenius
Ost-Afr., Teil C, 327, ill., 1895). T: Tanzania (1960).
(Holst 3583 [not located]). − D: Kenya, Tanzania, [3,4] Stem and L succulents growing to 1 m tall,
Uganda, RSA (KwaZulu-Natal). I: Archer (1992: usually erect, basally branching, partly prostrate-
XXI); Peckover (1993a); both as C. nilotica. Fig. decumbent; stems ± terete, 5 - 20 mm ∅, green
X.a respectively whitish-green due to a wax layer; L
Incl. Ceropegia brownii Ledger (1909) ≡ Cero- sessile, linear-elliptic, 2 - 120 × 3 - 8 mm, slightly
pegia denticulata var. brownii (Ledger) P. R. O. succulent, green, veins paler, margins revolute; Inf
Bally (1965) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1); incl. Cerop
o e- ± sessile pseudo-umbels, on upper stem sections, (1-
gia nilotica var. simp
m lex H. Huber (1957). to) 2- to 10 (to 15-) flowered; Ped 2 - 6 mm; Sep
[1,3,4] Climbing and twining, to 3 m tall, branch- triangular, 1 - 2 mm, acute; Cl 3 - 4 cm, yellow; Cl
ing, latex slightly milky; R partly ± fleshily tube 10 - 16 mm, inside basally ± hairy, ± as broad
thickened, cylindrical to fus
f iform;
f stems usually an- as the cylindrical to ovoid Cl inflation, inflation 4 -

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

5 mm ∅, apically scarcely widening; Cl lobes 8 - acuminate, erect-connivent; Poll broadly ellipsoid,

12 × 1 - 3 mm, yellow, narrowly triangular, apically ± 0.35 × 0.25 mm; Fr narrowly fus
f iform,
f ± 5 cm.
f d to fform a conical to ovoid cage, margins
fuse P bably most closely related to C. armandii, the
slightly folded back, basally proj
o ecting; Cn shortly stems of which are, however, 4-angled and the
stipitate, 3 - 4 × 2 mm, pale yellow, only at the base leaves decussate as found in all dimorphic Cerope-
fused into a cup; Ci lobes ± erect, deeply bifid into gias except C. dimorp
r ha.
appendages spreading laterally, hardly 0.5 mm; Cs
2 - 3 mm, linear-cylindrical, erect-connivent; Poll C. dinteri Schlechter (BJS 51: 153, 1913). T: Na-
narrowly ovoid, ± 0.3 × 0.18 mm; Fr fus f iform
f , ± 11 mibia (Dinter 2527 [SAM]). − D: Namibia; sum-
cm × 4 mm, erect. mer-rainfall regions. I: Dyer (1983).
C. dichotoma is the most succulent Ceropegia. It [2] Erect non-twining herbs, 10 - 35 cm tall; R
is related to C. fusc
f a and probably to C. rupu icola as tuber 1 - 4 cm ∅; stems delicate, with short Int, ±
well. unbranched, glabrous; L sessile, narrowly linear, 12
- 20 cm × 4 mm, margins revolute, midrib promin-
C. dichotoma ssp. krainzii (Sventenius) Bruyns ent on the lower face
f ; Inf sessile, 1-flowered, first
(Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 60(3): 454, ills. (pp. 454-457), terminal, later lateral; Ped 5 - 8 mm; Sep narrowly
1986). T: Canary Islands, Gomera (Sventenius s.n. lanceolate, 2 - 4 mm; Cl outside greenish-white, in-
[not located]). − D: Canary Islands (Gomera, Tene- side greenish, (3-) 4 - 10 cm, straight, glabrous; Cl
f . inflation ovoid, ± 5 mm ∅, merging gradually into
≡ Ceropegia krainzii Sventenius (1954); incl. Ce- the Cl tube, tube 3 - 4 mm ∅, apically widening to
ropegia krainziana hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 6 - 7 mm ∅; Cl lobes inside whitish, 9 - 13 mm, lin-
61.1); incl. Ceropegia ceratophora r Sventenius ear from a triangular base, apically free, erect, ±
(1960); incl. Ceropegia chry r santha Sventenius twisted together, lamina largely folded back along
(1960). the midrib, laterally with purple clavate Ha; Cn
[3,4] Differs
f ffrom ssp. dichotoma: More strongly shallowly cup-shaped, ± sessile; Ci lobes triangular,
growing with stems to 1.5 m × 3 cm; L smaller, ± erect, bifid into spreading triangular appendages,
nearly needle-shaped, 20 - 40 × 1.5 - 2 mm; Inf with hairy; Cs ± 2 mm, linear, erect-connivent; Poll
10 - 50 (-70) Fl ffrom gall-like thickened peduncles; ovoid, 0.35 × 0.25 mm.
Cl slender, 3 - 4 mm ∅, lobes apically brownish; C. dinteri is closely allied to, if not even conspe-
Cn stipitate. cific with, C. deightonii from W Africa. However,
C. antennififera , C. insignis, C. turricula, and C.
C. dimorpha Humbert (Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. ledermanni as well as the Indian C. attenuata t are
Nat., Sér. 2, 29(6): 503-507, 1957). T: Madagascar also very similar.
(Humbert 28763 [P]). − D: S Madagascar. I: FPA
36: t. 1437, 1964. C. distincta N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 262, 1895).
Incl. Ceropegia pseudodimorpha Rauh (1995). T: Tanzania, "Zanzibar" (Kirk r 28 [K]). − D: Kenya,
[3] Erect stem succulents, 8 - 20 cm tall; R fibr- Tanzania. I: Field (1981b). Fig. X.b
ous; stems sparsely branched, 1 - 2 cm ∅, ± terete- Incl. Ceropegia cyrtoidea WerW dermann (1939);
f iform,
fus f olive-green, tessellate by thickened Tu T incl. Ceropegia brevirostris P. R. O. Bally & D. V.
arranged in longitudinal rows, TuT 5 - 15 × 4 - 7 mm, Field (1981).
persistent, spreading, succulent; L linear-lanceolate, [3] Leafy stem succulent climbers to 3 m; R fibr-
acute, 20 - 30 × 2 - 5 mm, slightly succulent, caduc- ous; stems ± terete, 3 - 5 mm ∅, glaucous-green,
ous, upper face slightly canaliculate, lower face slightly verrucose; L petiolate, narrowly to broadly
with raised midrib, margin revolute, with curved ovate, to 7.5 × 3 cm, acute, partly acuminate, ba-
Ha; Inf a terminal, erect, branched and much thin- sally ± cordate, partly auriculate, slightly fleshy;
ner stem section, 1 - 2 mm ∅, slightly succulent, ± Inf pedunculate, ± umbellate, 3- to 8-flowered with
f part-Inf with 1 - 3 mm long peduncles, 2- (to only one Fl open at a time; peduncle 1 - 4 cm; Ped
3-) flowered; Ped 4 - 10 mm; Sep narrowly triangu- 4 - 15 mm; Sep subulate, acute, 3 - 8 mm, yellowish
lar, 2 - 4 mm; Cl 1 - 1.6 cm; Cl inflation globose, 7 - blotched with red, glabrous; Cl 2.5 - 4 cm, whitish-
10 × 5 - 8 mm ∅, whitish-green, veins red-brown, yellowish dotted or blotched with red-brown; Cl in-
inside rarely blotched with purple, apically nar- fflation outside often greenish, 4 - 5 mm ∅, laterally
rowed and proj o ecting directly into the Cl lobes; Cl flattended, basally slightly constricted, inside red-
lobes 8 - 10 (-18) mm, linear, apically connate to purple, (basally) hairy, merging abruptly into the
fform a globose or rarely ovoid broad cage, lamina narrowed Cl tube, tube widening into a fu f nnel-
entirely folded back along the midrib, inside dark shaped mouth of 12 - 17 mm ∅, inside often purple
brown, margins with red-brown Ha usually at the or striped, glabrous; Cl lobes yellowish / greenish
base only; Cn ± sessile, whitish-purple, ± 3 × 3 mm, marked with (red-) brown reticulation on the broa-
shallowly bowl-shaped, fuse f d at the base only; Ci dened base, apically red-brown or green, narrowed
lobes triangular, deeply bifid into triangular appen- in the middle, 9 - 16 mm long, entirely free and
dages, ± 0.5 mm, ciliate; Cs 2 × 0.3 mm, linear- fused with the tips only or joined for up to ⁄2 the

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

length to form a blunt tip, lamina folded back along late to ovate, 7 - 14 × 3 - 7 cm, scattered-hairy; Inf
the midrib, with white cilia towards the apex; Cn ffew-flowered, 4 cm pedunculate, villose; Ped 1 - 1.2
yellowish with purple, broadly cup-shaped, 4 - 4.5 × cm, glabrous; Cl 3 - 4 cm, whitish-green; Cl tube 2
4 mm, basally fused with the Cl tube; Ci lobes ov- - 2.8 cm, outside grey-white, basal 1⁄2 purple inside,
ate, forming pouches, incised in the middle, margin with globose Cl inflation, ± 7 mm ∅, gradually
with erect inwards-bent Ha; Cs 2.5 - 3.5 mm, linear, merging into the Cl tube, tube basally ± 3 mm ∅,
erect-connivent, apically slightly spreading, basally apically widening to ± 8 mm, outside blotched with
hairy; Poll ± 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr narrowly fus
f iform
f ,± purple; Cl lobes 8 - 12 × 8 mm, ovate, ± entirely
8 - 12 cm. ffolded back along the midrib, inside whitish, api-
Forming an exceptionally variable species com- cally lemon-yellow, ± pubescent, margin dark; Cn
plex together with C. haygarthii, C. lugardiae, C. sessile, basally fuse
f d into a cup; Ci lobes triangu-
verruculosa, and C. volubilis. The taxonomic posi- lar-ovate, bifid into triangular hairy appendages; Ci
tion of this group has remained ambiguous since linear, erect.
decades. See also note under C. media.

C. dolichophylla Schlechter (Notes Roy. Bot. C. exigua (H. Huber) M. G. Gilbert & P. T. Li (No-
Gard. Edinburgh 8: 17, 1913). T: China, Yunnan von 5(1): 3-4, 1995). T: China, Sichuan (Wilson
F t 4738 [N]). − D: China (Yunnan); dense 4112 [BM, K, P]). − D: China (Sichuan). I: Huber
forests . I: Tsiang (1939). (1957).
Incl. Ceropegia dolichophylla var. brachyloba ≡ Ceropegia longifolia var. exigua H. Huber
Handel-Mazzetti (s.a.); incl. Ceropegia dolicho- (1957).
h lla var. purpureobarbr ata W. W. Smith (1920); [?] A form of C. longif ifolia with particularly
incl. Ceropegia profundorum Handel-Mazzetii short Cl lobes; R unknown.
(1923); incl. Ceropegia longifolia ssp. sinensis H. See note under C. longif
Huber (1957).
[?] Twining; very similar to C. longif
ifolia , but C. fa
f ntastica Sedgwick (J. Indian Bot. 2: 124-125,
with glabrous and pale grey stems, narrower leaves 1921). T: India, Karnataka (Bell 4252 [K]). − D:
and narrowly triangular elongated Ci lobes. India (Karnataka). I: Ansari (1984).
The presence of root succulence needs to be cor- [2] R tuber depressed-globose; stems twining,
roborated. See also under C. exigua. glabrous; L petiolate, ovate to lanceolate, ciliate;
Inf 4- to 7-flowered, peduncles very long, ± hairy;
C. ensifol
f ia Beddome (Madras J. Lit. Sci., ser. 3, Ped ± 1 cm, glabrous; Sep subulate, 1.5 - 5 cm,
1(1): 52, 1864). T: India, Tamil Nadu (Beddome overtopping the Cl; Cl 2 - 4 cm, purple, partially
s.n. [K]). − D: S India (Tamil Nadu). I: Beddome blotched with yellow; Cl inflation asymmetrically
(1874: t. 173); Huber (1957). ovoid-cylindrical, 6 - 11 × 4 - 6 mm, inside glabr-
≡ Ceropegia ciliata ssp. ensif
ifolia (Beddome) H. ous, merging gradually into the ± cylindrical Cl
Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia albifl f ora Hooker fi
f l. tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅, apically scarcely widening,
(1883). upper 1⁄2 of the inside hairy; Cl lobes 5 - 10 × 3 - 4
[2] R tuber roundish; stems delicate, twining, mm, ovate, ± fo f lded back along the midrib, inside
branched, ± glabrous; L ovate-lanceolate to linear, hairy, margin ciliate; Cn sessile, basally connate,
nearly glabrous; Inf many-flowered, peduncle and glabrous; Ci lobes triangular-ovate, bifid into nar-
Ped hairy; Cl to 4 cm, white or whitish-green; Cl rowly triangular appendages; Cs linear, erect, tips ±
tube ± 2 cm, basally inflated; Cl lobes 1 - 2 cm, lin- revolute; Fr slender, 9 × 0.3 cm; Se 8 × 3 mm.
ear, erect, apically fuse
f d to fform an ovoid cage, The calyx of C. fantastic
f a is unique ffor the whole
lamina slightly fof lded back along the midrib; Cn genus: in no other species do the calyx lobes over-
sessile; Ci lobes basally connate, ± triangular and top the corolla.
hairy or scarcely differentiated; Cs linear-spatulate,
erect, straight; Fr 12 - 16 cm. C. filiformis (Burchell) Schlechter (BJS 21(Bei-
Treated as a subspecies of C. ciliata by Huber blatt 54): 13, 1896). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Bur-
(1957). In contrast to that taxon, C. ensifolia pos- chell 2092 [K]). − D: Namibia, RSA (Northern
sesses tubers, which is the reason why Ansari Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape). I: Bruyns
(1984) recognized it as a separate species again. (1985); Bruyns (1995c).
≡ Systrepha
S f iforme Burchell (1822); incl. Ce-
C. evansii McCann (J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 45: ropegia infundibu
fu lif
iformis E. Meyer (1837); incl.
209, 1945). T: India, Maharashtra (Anonymus
A s.n. Ceropegia barbata R. A. Dyer (1979).
[not located]). − D: C India (Maharashtra). I: An- [1] R fleshy, clustered, fus
f iform;
f stems inconspi-
sari (1984). cuous, erect-twining, 15 - 80 cm, annual, delicate,
[2] R tuber 2 - 6 × 1 - 3 cm; stems twining to 4 m, not or little branched, 1 - 2 mm ∅, glabrous; L
glabrous; L ± 2 cm petiolate, lamina ovate-lanceo - shortly petiolate, narrowly linear-lanceolate, to 7 ×

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

1 cm; Inf lateral, ± 7 mm pedunculate, 1- to 3- connivent; Fr 10 - 12 cm × 4 - 5 mm, ± erect,

flowered; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep narrowly triangular, 3 - spreading at 35°; Se ± 6 × 3 mm.
5 mm; Cl 5 - 6 cm, entirely glabrous; Cl inflation A complex of great variety within the C. umbra-
outside grey-green, striped with purple, globose to ticola group. Huber’s C. mirabilis deviates from
ellipsoid, with longitudinal furrows due to the pro- typical C. filipendula merely by the tips of the co-
minent veins on the inside, inside white, veins green rolla lobes form
f ing a "lantern" − a ffeature that does
or with green papillae, to 12 mm ∅, abruptly merg- not warrant taxonomic consideration in other spe-
ing into the Cl tube, tube 3 - 4 mm ∅, outside cies such as, e.g., C. somalensis.
grey-green, blotched with purple, apically widening
to 7 - 12 mm ∅; Cl lobes lanceolate, 15 - 20 mm, C. fimbriata E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr., 194,
erect, then abruptly bent inwards and upper 1 - 6 1837). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drège 4948 [K]). −
mm twisted together, entirely folded back along the D: RSA.
midrib, keeled, inside red-brown, white along the
middle of the keel, margins black-purple, exuding C. fimbriata ssp. connivens (R. A. Dyer) Bruyns
f d at the base only, ± 3
tiny droplets; Cn sessile, fuse (Bradleya 3: 25-26, ills., 1985). T: RSA, Western
mm ∅, yellowish-white, blotched with purple; Ci Cape (Stayner s.n. in KGK 59/490 [NBG, PRE]). −
lobes erect, outside hairy, bilobed into parallel cy- D: RSA (Western Cape). I: Dyer (1983); Bruyns
lindrical appendages, ± 2 mm, apically purple- (1985).
brown, swollen; Cs ± 2 mm, linear, erect-connivent; ≡ Ceropegia connivens R. A. Dyer (1979); incl.
Poll ovoid, 0.33 × 0.24 mm; Sty head elongated, Ceropegia connivens fa. angustata R. A. Dyer
overtopping the Anth. (1983).
A species of unknown relationship. Striking fea-
f [1,3] Differs from ssp. fimbriat
f ta : Cl 3 - 4 cm; Cl
tures are the droplets exuded along the margins of inflation globose, ± 7 mm ∅; Cl lobes apically with
the corolla lobes, which may be attractive to the less broad parachute-like projo ection, 10 - 12 mm ∅,
pollinators, and the elongated style head. The in- basal margin without ascending teeth, margins at
clusion of C. barbata is preliminary; Dyer separates the most narrow section of the Cl lobes with purple
it fro
f m C. filiformis in particular because of the vibratile clavate Ha; Cn ± sessile, ± 3.5 × 3 mm,
bearded corolla lobes. ffused into a shallow cup; Ci lobes ± 1.5 mm; Cs
2 mm.
C. filipendula K. Schumann (BJS 17: 150-151,
1893). T [neo]: Angola (Damann 1228 [K]). − D: C. fimbriata ssp. fimbriata − D: RSA (Eastern
Angola, Malawi, Moçambique, Tanzania, Zaïre, Cape). I: Dyer (1983); Bruyns (1985).
Zambia. I: Malaisse & Schaijes (1993). Incl. Ceropegia estelleana R. A. Dyer (1964).
Incl. Ceropegia medoensis N. E. Brown (1895); [1,3] Stem succulents, climbing and twining to 1
incl. Ceropegia dichroantha K. Schumann (1901); m, little-branched; R fleshf y, fusiform, clustered;
incl. Ceropegia peteri W Werdermann (1939); incl. stems terete, 2 - 4 mm ∅, grey-green, smooth, glab-
Ceropegia mirabilis H. Huber (1957); incl. Cerop o e- rous; L lanceolate to linear-subulate, to 5 × 1 mm,
gia renzii Stopp (1964). rapidly caducous; Inf sessile, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped
[1] R thickened and fleshy, to 15 × 0.7 cm; stems ± 1 cm; Sep lanceolate-subulate, 4 - 6 mm; Cl 5 - 6
erect, hairy, not twining, 25 - 45 cm, annual, un- cm, outside glabrous; Cl inflation globose to ovoid,
branched; L sessile or to 4 mm petiolate, lamina ov- 1 - 1.4 × ± 1 cm, outside pale green, often with lon-
ate to elliptic, ± 3 - 6 × 1 - 3 cm; Inf sessile, 1- (to gitudinal stripes, inside verrucose; Cl tube nar-
3-) flowered, lateral; Ped 7 - 10 mm; Sep subulate, rowed to ± 3 mm ∅, mouth gradually widening to
6 - 14 mm; Cl 2.5 - 15 cm, slightly bent and ascend- 15 mm with slightly involute margins, outside
ing, pale yellow, becoming brown after f 1 day; Cl marked with green-brown reticulations; Cl lobes
inflation ± globose-ovoid, 5 - 10 mm ∅, inside pur- broadly lanceolate, 10 - 12 × 9 mm, base narrowed
ple, merging gradually into the narrowed Cl tube, to ± 3 × 2 mm, erect with involute margins, basally
tube 3 - 4 mm ∅, gradually widening towards the divided into small ascending teeth and connate, api-
mouth to 6 - 8 mm ∅; Cl lobes 1 - 7 cm × 4 - 7 mm, cally conspicuously widening and fused into a pa-
ovate to lanceolate, basal sinus slightly projo ecting, rachute-like roof, 15 - 18 mm ∅, greenish, often f
apically connate, ususally fo f lded back along the reticulate, slightly depressed along the midrib, up-
midrib in the middle part only, thus form f ing a per ffree margins with purple vibratile clavate Ha ±
square to ovoid cage with a broad roof, rarely el- 2 mm; Cn shortly stipitate, purple, ± 5 × 4 mm, only
ongated into a linear shape above the roof and fused basally connate and 2.5 mm ∅; Ci lobes triangular,
into a stalk and diverging once more into another ± erect, bifid for ⁄4 into parallel subulate append-
small ovoid cage, inside bright yellow, glabrous ages, ± 3 mm; Cs 3 - 4 × 0.4 mm, subulate, erect-
or ciliate; Cn sessile, ± 5 × 3.5 mm, basally fused connivent, tips irregularly bent.
into a bowl; Ci lobes triangular, ± erect, 2.5 mm, Forming a complex of great variety together with
bilobed into subulate-triangular appendages, glabr- C. zeyheri.i C. galeata ffrom Kenya is also very simi-
ous, papillose or hairy; Cs subulate, ± 4 mm, erect- lar.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

C. fimbriata ssp. geniculata (R. A. Dyer) Bruyns 1.5 × 0.3 mm, linear-spatulate, erect-connivent; Fr
(Bradleya 3: 25-29, ills., 1985). T: RSA, Western ± 12 - 16 cm × 6 mm.
Cape (Joubert s.n. in KG K 46/1973 [NBG]). − D: The twining sister species of C. conrathii.
RSA (Western Cape). I: Dyer (1983).
≡ Ceropegia geniculata t R. A. Dyer (1979).
C. foliosa Bruyns (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edin-
[1,3] Differs from ssp. fimbriata
f : Cl 4 - 6 cm;
burgh 45(2): 293-294, ills., 1988). T: Yeme Y n
Cl inflation globose, 8 - 11 × 7 - 8 mm ∅, merg-
(Wood 1829 [K]). − D: Yemen.
ing fa
f irly gradually into the elongated Cl tube, tube
[1] R clustered, fleshy, fusiform; stems climbing,
apically widening to 5 - 6 mm; Cl lobes much
terete, 1 - 2 mm ∅, hairy, relatively short-lived; L
longer, 1.5 - 2.5 (-3) cm, basally triangular to linear,
petiolate, cordate-lanceolate, 3.5 - 9.5 × 1.5 - 5 cm,
flat, lower 1⁄3 abruptly bent and slightly keeled,
finely hairy; Inf appearing axillary, pedunculate,
apically widening to 3 - 7 mm, ± spatulate, inside
few-flowered; peduncle 1 - 3 cm; Ped 0.8 - 2 cm,
purple, often
f finely hairy, basal margins not divided
finely hairy; Sep lanceolate, ± 4 mm, finely hairy;
into ascending teeth, form
f ing deep acute slits, mar-
Cl 2.5 - 3.5 cm, pale green, white at the base,
gins of the slender middle part of the Cl lobes with
outside finely hairy; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 20 × 6
purple vibratile clavate Ha; Cn ± sessile, ± 3 × 3
mm, mouth lined with Ha on the inside, merging
mm; Ci lobes 0.5 - 2 mm; Cs 1.5 - 2 mm.
abruptly into the Cl tube, tube 3 mm ∅, apically wi-
dening to 15 mm ∅; Cl lobes green at the base, then
C. fimbriifer
f a Beddome (Madras J. Lit. Sci., n.s.,
whitish marked with pink reticulation and a black
3(1): 53, 1861). T: India, Tamil Nadu (Beddome
patch, apically yellow-green, 10 - 12 mm, ± fu f lly
s.n. [K]). − D: S India (Tamil Nadu). I: Beddome
reflexed above a triangular base and 5 mm broad,
(1874: t. 172).
partially hairy; Cn sessile, shallowly cup-shaped;
[2] R tuber depressed-globose; stems erect, 20 -
Ci lobes broadly triangular, ± 1.5 mm, bifid into
30 cm, hairy; L sessile, linear, pubescent on the up-
short erect triangular appendages, glabrous; Cs ±
per fface, with hairy veins on the lower face
f ; Inf 1-
cylindrical, ± 2.8 × 0.3 mm, erect, ventrally in con-
to 4-flowered; peduncle 1 - 2 cm, almost glabrous;
tact almost over the entire length.
Cl ± 4.5 cm, straight, greenish with purple lon-
This species seems to be close to the Afr f ican C.
gitudinal stripes; Cl tube ± cylindrical; Cl inflation
scarcely broader; Cl lobes ± 25 mm, linear-spatu -
late ffrom a triangular base, inside pale green-
purple, margins purple, glabrous, at the base la- C. fortuita R. A. Dyer (FPSA 24: t. 925 + text,
terally with purple clavate Ha 3 - 4 mm long; Cn 1944). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Carnegie s.n.
shortly stipitate, basally fused into a cup; Ci lobes [PRE 27134]). − D: SE RSA, Swaziland. I: Dyer
bilobed into triangular appendages, laterally (1983). Fig. X.c
spreading and fuse
f d with the Cs base; Cs lobes lin- ≡ Ceropegia afafricana ssp. fortuita
f (R. A. Dyer)
ear-spatulate, erect-connivent; Fr narrowly spatu- H. Huber (1957).
late, 7 - 10 cm. [2] R tuber ± 3 × 5 cm; stems delicate, twining,
C. fim
f briififera belongs to the group of species to 1 m, annual, 1.5 - 2 mm ∅; L 2 - 3 mm petiolate,
showing tubers, an erect short growth and linear lamina slightly succulent, ± ovate-lanceolate, partly
leaves. C. attenuata and C. noorj r ahaniae are most with a mucro, ± 25 × 12 - 15 mm, laterally and on
closely related. the midrib of the lower face hairy; Inf 3 - 4 mm pe-
dunculate, usually 2-flowered; Ped 3 mm; Sep
C. flor
f ibunda N. E. Brown (FTA 4(1): 460, 1903). lanceolate-subulate, 3 - 4 mm; Cl ± 3 cm, not or
T: Botswana (Lugard r 161 [K?]). − D: Botswana, slightly bent, outside pale brown-green, inside ±
Namibia. I: Dyer (1983). purple; Cl inflation ellipsoid, ± 6 × 4 mm, merging
[2] R tuber 2 - 3 cm ∅; stems twining, mostly an- gradually into the Cl tube, tube cylindrical, basally
nual, Int 3 - 6 cm × 1.5 - 2 mm; L 2 - 5 mm petio- 1.5 - 2 mm ∅, inside hairy, apically ± 3 mm ∅; Cl
late, lamina ± elliptic, partly with a mucro, 15 - 25 lobes 10 - 15 × 0.5 - 1 mm, linear-lanceolate, erect,
× 8 - 15 mm, lower face and margins slightly hairy; apically fuse
f d to fform a fus f iform
f cage, margins ±
Inf sessile dense globose pseudo-umbels, many- revolute, inside purple-brown, finely hairy; Cn ±
flowered, several Fl opening simultaneously; Ped 2 sessile; Ci completely connate to fform a cup-shaped
- 4 mm; Sep lanceolate-subulate, 2 - 3 mm; Cl 2.5 - C(is), ± 1 - 1.5 mm tall, margin denticulate; Cs con-
3 cm, not or slightly bent, green-yellowish tinged nate with the C(is) for 1⁄2 of its length, ± 2 × 0.3 mm,
with ± purple; Cl inflation globose, ± 6 mm ∅; Cl linear-spatulate, erect-connivent with revolute tips;
tube cylindrical, basally ± 2 mm ∅, inside scat- Poll broadly ovoid, apically strongly acuminate, 0.2
tered-hairy; Cl lobes ± 5 × 0.8 mm, linear, flat, api- × 0.12 mm.
cally fuse
f d to fform a bulbiform
f cage; Cn white, ± In habit and corolla structure similar to C. conra-
sessile, shallowly cup-shaped, glabrous; Ci forming thii, C. af
africana and C. linearis. The fusef d coronal
5 basal pouches with U-shaped margin, ± 0.5 mm cup of extraordinary hight opposes an unequivocal
deep, laterally fused with the bulging Cs base; Cs ± placement of C. fortuit
f ta.

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

C. fusca Bolle (Bonplandia 9: 51-52, 1861). T The ‘helmet’ forme

f d by the tips of the corolla
[lecto]: Canary Islands, Gran Canaria (Bolle s.n. lobes is significant. Otherwise, C. galeata
t is closely
[Z]). − D: Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Tenerife). f related to the very variable C. arabica and C. fimb
f -
I: Bruyns (1986a). Fig. X.d riata.
≡ Ceropegia dichotoma ssp. fusca
f (Bolle) G. D.
Rowley (1998). C. gikyi Rauh & Gerold (Succulentes 21(3): 3-4,
[3,4] Stem and L succulents growing to 1 m tall, 6-7, ills., 1998). T: Madagascar, Androy (Gerold &
usually erect, basally branched, partly decumbent; Robivelo s.n. in BG Heidelberg r 75007 [HEID]). −
stems ± terete, 8 - 15 mm ∅, brown-green to whit- D: SW Madagascar.
ish-green; L sessile, narrowly linear-elliptic, 25 - 50 [3] Stem succulents; stems decumbent-erect, 4-
× 2 - 4 mm, slightly succulent, reddish-green with angled, flattened, 7 - 20 mm thick, thickest around
paler midrib; Inf ± sessile pseudo-umbels from up- the nodes because of elongate downwards-curved
per stem sections, many-flowered; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Tu (L bases), brown-green, roughly papillose, stip-
Sep narrowly triangular, 2 - 3 mm, acute; Cl 2 - 3 ules minute, acute; L sessile to shortly petiolate, la-
cm, red-brown, with ± dark longitudinal stripes; Cl mina 4 - 20 × 1 - 4 mm, dark green, succulent,
tube 12 - 16 mm, basal 1⁄2 hairy inside, as broad as narrowly lanceolate, acute; Inf on elongate cylind-
the cylindrical to ovoid Cl inflation or only slightly rical twining stems 2 - 4 mm ∅, peduncles 5 - 20
less broad, gradually widening to 4 - 6 mm towards mm, succulent, with subulate Bra, part-Inf 2- to 4-
the apex; Cl lobes 6 - 11 mm, inside black-purple, flowered, cymose; Ped 8 - 12 mm; Sep subulate, ±
sometimes yellow in the middle, triangular, apically 3 mm; Cl 40 - 52 mm, with intensely sweet evil
connate to fform an ovoid to bulbiform
f cage, mar- scent; Cl inflation pale green, inflated-cylindrical,
gins slightly fo
f lded back, proj
o ecting at the base; Cn ± 10 × 8 mm, apically constricted horizontally and
pale yellow, ± 3 × 2.5 mm, ± sessile, fusef d into a merging abruptly into the Cl tube, tube inside
cup only at the very base; Ci lobes ± erect, bilobed spotted with red, basally 2.5 mm ∅, apically widen-
into triangular appendages spreading in lateral di- ing in a funne
f l-shaped manner to ± 10 mm ∅, out-
rections, 0.5 mm; Cs ± 3 - 4.5 mm, linear-cylindri- side papillose; Cl lobes inside yellow, basally
cal, erect-connivent; Poll narrowly ovate, ± 0.28 × brown-purple (spotted), 20 - 25 mm, apically fused
0.16 mm. and forming a narrowly ellipsoid cage, slightly con-
This is the more drought-resistant relative of the torted to the right, keel to 3 mm broad, inside with
similarly Canarian C. dichotoma. white Ha, somewhat decurrent into the Cl tube,
f lded back along the midrib, margins with purple
C. galeata H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 200-201, vibratile 4 mm long Ha; Cn whitish-green, sessile,
1957). T: Kenya (Bayliss 31 [K, G]). − D: SE ± 4 × 3 mm, bowl-shaped; Ci lobes deeply bifid to
Kenya. I: FPA 37: t. 1443, 1965; Archer (1992: the Cn margin into subulate appendages, tips glued
XVI). together, ± 3 × 0.2 mm, ± erect; Cs ± 2 × 0.3 mm,
[1,3] Stem succulents, 0.5 - 1 (-2) m, twining, subulate, erect-connivent; Poll ± ovoid, ± 0.35 ×
sparsely branched; R flesh
f y, fusiform, in clustered 0.25 mm.
groups; stems terete, 3 - 4.5 mm ∅, succulent, grey- The extremely strong overpoweringly evil scent
green, finely striate, rough; L narrowly subulate, 3 - is very uncommon ffor this species of Sect. Dimor-
5 mm, rapidly caducous; Inf 1 - 2 mm pedunculate, pha.
1- to 3-flowered; Ped 8 - 18 mm; Sep subulate, ± 6
mm; Cl 3.5 - 5.5 cm, straight or slightly bent; Cl in- C. gilgiana Werdermann (BJS 70: 205, ill., 1939).
flation broadly ovoid, ± 18 - 24 × 14 - 16 mm, out- T [neo]: Tanzania (Bullock 2363 [K]). − D: Tanza-
side pale grey-green, finely striate with red-brown, nia, Zambia; moist savannas. I: Asklepios 53: 25,
slightly rough; Cl tube abruptly narrowed to 3 - 4 1991.
mm ∅, towards the apex gradually widening to 12 - [1] R thickened and fleshy; stems erect, grass-
16 mm, margin slightly involute, whitish-green, like, 20 - 30 cm, annual, unbranched, glabrous or
apically with subdued green-brown-red patches; Cl shortly uniseriately hairy; L sessile, ascending, nar-
lobes 18 - 25 mm long from a triangular base, lower rowly linear-lanceolate, acute, 40 - 60 × 3 - 9 mm, ±
⁄4 narrowed to 1 - 2 mm, erect with involute mar- ciliate; Inf sessile, 1- (to 2-) flowered, lateral; Ped
gins, upper 3⁄4 much broadened and fuse f d into an thin, 5 - 10 mm; Cl 2.5 - 5 cm, very slender,
umbrella-like roof, this 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, depressed straight, green to yellow, outside glabrous or slight-
along the midribs, outside whitish-green, inside yel- ly hairy; Cl inflation globose to ovoid, 3 - 4 mm ∅,
lowish, margins slightly revolute, lower face dark merging ± gradually into the cylindrical Cl tube,
brown and white, hairy, upper face with purple vib- tube 10 - 22 × 1 - 2 mm, apically widening to 3 mm
ratile clavate Ha 3 mm long; Cn sessile, white, ± 4 ∅; Cl lobes linear-filiform ffrom a narrowly trian-
× 4 mm, cup-shaped; Ci lobes triangular, ± erect, ± gular base, folded back along the midrib, 2 - 3.5 cm,
2 × 1 mm, apically incised; Cs ± 2 - 3.5 × 0.4 mm, vertical, apically fuse
f d to fform a cylindrical oftenf
subulate, erect-connivent; Fr 10 - 20 × 0.6 - 0.9 cm; spiralling structure, ± ciliate; Cn ± sessile, whitish-
Se 7 - 9 × 4 mm, tuft of Ha 3 - 4.5 cm. hyaline, basally fused into a cup, glabrous; Ci lobes

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

triangular-ovate, concavely pouch-like, ± erect, 1 with Bra, 2- to 4- (to 7-) flowered, often 2 Fl si-
mm, apically incised or bifid into triangular appen- multaneously open; Ped 4 - 8 mm; Sep narrowly
dages spreading in lateral direction; Cs ± 2 mm, triangular, 2 - 5 mm; Cl 2 - 2.6 cm, inside and out-
linear-spatulate, erect. side whitish with fine red-brown blotches or stripes;
Related to C. filipendula
f and C. umbraticola. Cl inflation 4 - 6 × 4 - 5 mm, cylindrical, apically
abruptly horizontally narrowed, inside ± hairy; Cl
C. haygarthii Schlechter (BJS 38: 46, 1905). T tube 2 - 3 mm ∅, then gradually widening to 7 - 8
[neo]: RSA, Eastern Cape (Scully 196 [K]). − D: mm ∅, inside glabrous; Cl lobes 6 - 9 mm, triangu-
Angola, Moçambique, RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZu- lar-linear from a broadly triangular base, only
lu-Natal, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Northern Prov.). slightly divaricate, apically connate, lamina half-
≡ Ceropegia distincta ssp. haygarthii (Schlech- ways fof lded back along the midrib, basally broadly
ter) H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia tristis Hut- keeled and white, transition to the narrow section
chinson (1922). with a purple hairy belt, then green, or apically en-
[3] Leafy
f stem-succulent climbers to 3 m; R fibr- tirely black-purple, glabrous; Cn sessile, fused into
ous or fleshy; stems ± terete, 3 - 4 mm ∅, green, co- a short bowl, 4 × 4 mm, greenish, outside hairy; Ci
vered with a glaucous bloom, glabrous or slightly lobes ascending, ± bilobed into linear appendages,
verrucose; L petiolate, narrowly to broadly ovate, 3 ± 15 mm, apically fused, with long and scattered
- 7 × 2 - 5 cm, acute, partly apiculate; Inf with a ± Ha; Cs ± 2 mm, linear-spatulate, erect-connivent;
long peduncle, 1- to 3- (to few-) flowered with only Poll ovoid, 0.13 × 0.28 mm; Se 5 × 3 mm.
1 Fl open at a time; Ped 4 - 15 mm; Sep subulate, A species well-characterized by the tubers and
acute, 3 - 8 mm, yellowish, often
f blotched with red, the slender subsucculent stems. The slightly succu-
glabrous; Cl 3 - 5 cm, whitish-yellowish stippled or lent leaves, the fleshy and many-flowered inflores-
blotched with red-brown; Cl inflation outside often
f cences and white as the dominant colour of the
greenish, 4 - 5 mm ∅, basally slightly narrowed, in- corolla are suggestive of a relationship to the C. al-
side red-purple, (basally) hairy, merging abruptly bisepta
t complex.
into the Cl tube and at the point of merger narrowed
to 2 - 3 mm and ± rectangularly bent, tube gradually C. hirsuta Wight & Arnott (Contr. Bot. India, 30,
widening to 14 - 20 mm towards the mouth, inside 1834). T: India, Tamil Nadu (Wig W ht s.n. [K]). −
often purple or striped, glabrous; Cl lobes whitish D: India (Tamil Nadu). I: Ansari (1984). Fig. X.e
with fine (red-) brown reticulation at the broad Incl. Ceropegia jacquemontiana Decaisne (1844)
base, apically red-brown, narrowed in the middle, ≡ Ceropegia hirsuta var. jacquemontiana (Decais-
10 - 30 mm, above the broadenend base conspicu- ne) Hooker fil.f (1883); incl. Ceropegia ophioce-
ously narrowed and elongated into an erect thin phala Dalziel (1850) ≡ Ceropegia hirsuta var. op o hi-
stalk (5 - 20 mm), at the tip abruptly widening into ocephala (Dalziel) Hooker fil. (1883); incl. Cero-
a winged globose small head (1 - 5 mm ∅), head at pegia hirsutat var. stenophyh lla Hooker fi f l. (1883);
the tip ususally with simple white Ha at the margin; incl. Ceropegia hispida Blatter & McCann (1931).
Cn yellowish with purple, broadly cup-shaped, 4 - [2] R tubers flattened; stems twining, hispid; L ±
4.5 × 4 mm, basally connate with the Cl tube; Ci 1 cm petiolate, lamina linear-lanceolate to ovate, 4 -
lobes ovate, form
f ing pouches, incised in the middle, 7 × 2 - 3.5 cm, paper-thin, acute; Inf ffew- to many-
margin with erect-connivent Ha; Cs 2.5 - 3.5 mm, flowered, with a peduncle ± 2 cm long; Ped 5 - 10
linear, erect-connivent, apically usually divaricate, mm, hairy as the peduncle; Sep 6 - 8 × 2 mm; Cl 2.8
basally hairy; Poll ± 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr narrowly su- - 5.8 cm, yellowish to greenish with purple stripes
bulate, ± 8 - 12 cm. or blotches in the upper 1⁄2; Cl tube 2 - 4 cm, basal 1⁄4
P baby nothing more than a S variety of C. di-
Pro - 1⁄3 broadly conically inflated to 5 - 8 × 6 - 9 mm,
stincta (see note there). Furthermore, C. haygarthii inside with a ring of Ha in the middle part; Cl tube
is closely related to C. somalensis but is always gradually widening towards the mouth; Cl lobes 8 -
separable on account of the glabrous outside of the 18 mm, triangular-ovate to obovate with acute tips,
corolla. fused, lamina folded back along the midrib, inside
hairy, margins ± purple, hairy; Cn sessile, shallowly
C. hermannii Rauh & M. Teissier (Succulentes cup-shaped; Ci ± rectangular, emarginate in the
19(4): 22-25, ills., 1996). T: Madagascar, Toliara middle and each tapering laterally into triangular
(Petignat 455 [HEID]). − D: S Madagascar. hairy appendages; Cs linear-subulate, ± 2.5 mm, er-
[2,4] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 4 cm ∅, stems twin- ect-connivent, tips revolute; Poll ovoid, ± 0.4 mm
ing 3 - 4 m tall, annual, terete, 1.5 - 2 mm ∅ (hypo- long; Fr erect.
cotyl and nodes to 5 mm ∅), dark green, often f One of the more common and fairly variable spe-
slightly rough; L petiole 8 - 15 mm, upper face ca- cies in India. Presumably related to C. evansii and
naliculate, lamina broadly ovate, obtuse and muc- C. fantastica
f .
ronate to lanceolate, acute, 1 - 2 × 0.5 - 1 cm, ±
succulent, green, margin and petiole often reddish, C. hofs
f taetteri Rauh (Trop. subtrop. Pfl.-welt 85:
± hairy; Inf with fleshy peduncle 1 - 2 cm long, 17-20, ills., 1993). T: Madagascar, Mahaj a anga

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

(Hofstätter s.n. in BG Heidelberg 73340 [HEID]). C. humbertii H. Huber (Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml.
− D: S Madagascar. München 12: 72, 1955). T: Madagascar (Hum H bert r
[3] Stem-succulents, creeping-decumbent; stems 18542 [P]). − D: N Madagascar; moist and shady
4-angled, flattened, 1 - 2 cm ∅, thickest at the forests, rare. Fig. IX.h
nodes due to broadened Tu T , brown- to grey-green, [2] R tuber globose, 1 - 3 cm ∅; stems twining,
red-verrucose; L ± distinctly petiolate, dark green, to 1 m tall, delicate, annual, 1 - 2 mm ∅, pale green
succulent, narrowly ovate to spatulate, acuminate, 1 often
f suffuse
f d with red, prostrate stems sometimes
- 3 × 0.5 - 1 cm, usually mucronate, margin occasio- with stem tubers; L petiole 1 - 3 mm, upper fface ca-
nally undulate, with curved Ha, petiole canaliculate naliculate, sparsely villose, lamina ovate-lanceolate
on the upper face
f ; Inf with fleshy peduncles 0.8 - 1 to elliptic, base ± obtuse, 3 - 5 × 2 - 3.5 cm, glabr-
cm long, borne only on twining thin terete stems, 1- ous, faintly succulent, upper face fresh green, vena-
to 4-flowered; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep narrowly triangu- tion impressed, lower fface pale green, venation
lar, 3 mm; Cl ± 3 cm, pale yellow to grey-green, prominent; Inf 2 - 8 mm pedunculate, 1- to 4-
glabrous; Cl inflation depressed-globose, 5 - 6 × 5 - flowered; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep subulate, ± 1.5 mm;
7 mm, apically almost horizontally narrowed, merg- Cl 2.8 - 4 cm, slightly curved; Cl inflation glob-
ing abruptly into the Cl tube, tube 2 - 3 mm ∅, ose-ovoid, 6 - 10 × 5 - 7 mm, pale green; Cl tube
widening to ± 7 mm towards the mouth; Cl lobes 10 basally narrowed to 2 - 3 mm, inside finely hairy,
- 15 × 3 - 5 mm, narrowly triangular, basally keeled, mouth widening to ± 5 mm; Cl lobes basally pale
± folded back along the midrib, basal margins yellow blotched with red-brown, apically red-
proj o ecting, apically fuse
f d to fform an acute-tipped brown, 5 - 10 mm, with the tips joined, triangular-
ovoid cage, inside of lower 1⁄3 whitish-green, upper ovate, broadly keeled, erect, lamina completely
⁄3 yellow-green; Cn ± sessile, greenish-white, ± 2.5 folded back along the midrib, white-ciliate, lower 1⁄2
× 2.5 mm, shallowly bowl-shaped; Ci lobes bilobed pale green, upper 1⁄2 dark purple; Cn sessile, white,
into subulate appendages down to the margin of the ± 4 × 3.5 mm, basally fused into a shallow bowl; Ci
Cn, ± 1.5 mm, ± erect, apically connivent; Cs ± 2 × lobes bifid into narrow triangular appendages, 2
0.3 mm, erect-connivent. mm, ascending, tips glued togther; Cs ± 3 mm,
Within the group of dimorphic ceropegias (Sect. strap-shaped, basally cylindrical, erect, parallel-
Dimorpha) very close to the complex of C. bosseri connivent, apically papillose; Poll broadly ovoid,
and C. petignatii. The completely glabrous flowers 0.35 × 0.25 mm.
are a striking feature. Most readily separable by its distinct leaf mor-
phology, and presumably most closely related to C.
C. hookeri C. B. Clarke ex Hooker fi f l. (Fl. Brit. In- madagascariensis. s.
dia 4: 73, 1883). T: India, Sikkim (Hooker s.n. [K,
BM, FT, G, GH, W]). − D: India (Sikkim), Nepal, C. illegitima H. Huber (Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml.
Tibet, Bhutan; highland around ± 3000 m. I: Hart München 12: 72, 1955). T: Zaïre (Schmitz t 2116
(1988). [BR]). − D: Zaïre, Central Afr f ican Republic, Mala-
Incl. Ceropegia hookeri var. mollis H. Huber wi; grasslands. I: Malaisse & Schaijes (1993).
(1957). [1] R 6 - 9, fleshy, shortly fusiform, ± 9 × 0.6 cm;
[1] R fleshy, fus
f iform;
f stems erect, prostrate or stems erect, delicate and inconspicuous, to 60 cm, 1
twining, faf irly stiff, with Ha arranged in 1 or 2 - 2 mm ∅, glabrous, unbranched; L sessile, nar-
rows; L 1 - 15 mm petiolate, lamina ovate-acumin - rowly lanceolate to needle-shaped, 3 - 5 (-20) × ± 1
ate, rarely reniform, 1 - 10 cm, upper face hairy; Inf mm, acute, caducous; Inf pseudo-umbellate, on as-
sessile or with a short hairy peduncle, 1- to 7- cending peduncles 5 - 7 cm long; Ped 1 - 4 mm;
flowered; Ped 3 - 8 mm, ± glabrous; Sep lanceolate, Sep narrowly triangular, 2 mm, reddish; Cl 1.8 - 2.5
1.5 mm; Cl 1.5 - 3 cm, green or also ± purple, ± cm, ± straight, pink to salmon; Cl inflation inver-
straight; Cl tube elliptic in overall shape, 7 - 20 × 6 sely bulbous, ± 5 mm ∅, glabrous; Cl tube ± cylind-
mm, or gradually narrowed from the basal Cl infla- rical, 3 mm ∅, mouth a little broader; Cl lobes
tion (± 6 mm ∅) to 3 - 5 mm at the mouth, inside linear from a narrowly triangular base, 5 - 9 × 0.5
hairy; Cl lobes 3 - 15 mm, ovate to broadly lanceo- mm, flat, glabrous or whitish-ciliate, ± erect, api-
late-spatulate, only slightly folded back along the cally fused and inside yellowish-white, diverging
midrib, apically obtuse, fused into a depressed- into an ellipsoid to bulbous cage; Cn sessile, dish-
globose cage; Cn shortly stipitate, basally fuse f d shaped; Ci short, edged with 2 short teeth, some-
into a very shallow bowl; Ci lobes pouch-like, times inside slightly hairy; Cs linear, apically
short, concave, obtuse, laterally fusef d wing-like slightly spatulate, straight, ascending, only tips
with the Cs base, laterally hairy; Cs narrowly lin- meeting apically; Fr ± 5 cm × 3.5 mm; Se ± 11 × 3
ear-cylindrical, erect-connivent; Poll D-shaped, mm, tuftf of Ha 1.2 cm.
germination crest triangular. The needle-shaped leaves are a typical feature of
This species shows an erect or prostrate habit in this species, which is a native of grasslands. The
nature (compare the closely related C. meleagris), pink to salmon flowers render the plants unmis-
but is always erect in cultivation. takable.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

C. imbricata E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally (KB 0.25 - 0.5 mm; Cl 1.5 - 3.2 cm, greenish or green-
1950: 372, 1951). T: Kenya (Copley s.n. in Bally l ish-yellow / purple; Cl inflation globular, 4 - 9 × 3 -
S48 [K]). − D: Kenya. I: Bradleya 13: 35-37, 8 mm; Cl tube narrowing abruptly above the
1995, as C. intracolor. Fig. X.f inflation, 1 - 2.5 mm ∅, geniculate at 30° - 90°,
Incl. Ceropegia intracolor L. E. Newton (1995). then widening to 2 - 5 mm ∅, outside glabrous, in-
[2] R tuber globose to flattened, to 8 cm ∅; stems side with a few white Ha at the base; Cl lobes ± lin-
10 - 50 cm, usually twining, little-branched, 1 - 2 ear, 10 - 13 × 1 - 2 mm, apically connate to form an
mm ∅, short-lived, glabrous; L linear-lanceolate, 1 ellipsoid cage-like structure; Cn white, cup-shaped,
- 6.5 × 0.5 - 1.2 cm, ± sessile or with petioles to 3 ± 4 × 3 mm; Ci suberectly radiating to fform ovate
mm long, acute; Inf 1- to 4-flowered, peduncle 1 - concave pouches, ± 1 × 1 mm; Cs lobes ± 2 × 0.6
2 mm long, slightly pointing downwards; Ped 3 - 8 mm, strap-shaped, connivent-erect, apically spread-
mm; Sep ± 2 mm, straight but pointing downwards; ing; Poll ovoid, 0.27 × 0.2 mm; Fr 7 - 16 cm × 2 - 3
Cl 1.6 - 2.5 cm, pale green ± striped and blotched mm, light green, streaked with maroon; Se 6 × 1.5
with purple; Cl inflation 5 - 6 mm ∅, globose, in- mm, brown, tuftf of Ha 25 (-40) mm.
side basally yellowish, remainder purple, slightly
f ± 90° and merging into
verrucose, abruptly bent for C. insignis R. A. Dyer (FPSA 1943: t. 902 + text,
the ascending Cl tube, tube 2 - 3 mm ∅, towards the 1943). T: RSA, North-West Prov. (Louw 812
mouth gradually widening to 6 - 7 mm, inside [PRE]). − D: Uganda, RSA (North-West Prov.). I:
purple, with whitish Ha; Cl lobes outside greenish, Dyer (1983).
inside purple, basally also whitish with purple reti- Incl. Ceropegia campanulata var. pulchella H.
culate markings, 5 - 9 mm, lamina ± linear and Huber (1957).
f lded back along the midrib, with purple cilia; Cn
fo [2] R tuber flattened, 4 - 5 cm ∅; stems erect, not
cup-shaped, shortly stipitate; Ci lobes triangular, ± twining, herbaceous, 20 - 30 cm, annual, ± un-
erect, 1 - 2 × 2 - 3 mm, emarginate or bifid into tri- branched, scatteredly hairy; L ± sessile, linear, ac-
angular appendages; Ci 2.3 - 3 × 0.2 mm, linear- ute, 12 - 14 cm × 7 - 8 mm, scatteredly hairy, midrib
subulate, erect-connivent. prominent on the lower face; Inf sessile, terminal or
C. imbricata is closely related to C. bulbosa and lateral, 1-flowered; Ped ± 5 mm; Sep narrowly lan-
C. linearis, but readily separable by its curved co- ceolate, 6 mm; Cl ± red-brown, 10 - 13 cm, straight;
rolla and raised corona. Cl inflation ovoid, 9 - 11 × 7 - 9 mm, merging gra-
dually into the Cl tube, tube 4 mm ∅, widening api-
C. inflata Hochstetter ex Chiovenda (Ann. Bot. cally to 14 - 17 mm ∅, inside with purple Ha; Cl
(Roma) 10: 396, 1912). T: Ethiopia (Schimp m er lobes erect, apically fused, ± twisted together, linear
2053 [FT, P, S]). − D: Ethiopia; only known from f from a triangular base, 4 - 6 cm, margins folded
the type. back; Cn sessile, 5-rayed-bowl-shaped, ± 5 - 6 × 5
Incl. Ceropegia ventricosa Hochstetter ex Chio- mm; Ci horizontally ascending, triangular, ± 2 mm,
venda (1912) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c). apically deeply incised, upper face
f hairy; Cs lobes
[1] R fleshy, fusiform; stems twining, 1 - 2 mm ± 5 mm, linear-filiform, erect-connivent, apically
∅; L 5 - 12 × 1 - 2 cm, broadly lanceolate, acute, strongly revolute.
basally cuneate, hairy; Inf 1 - 3 cm pedunculate, 1- Closely related to C. camp
m anulata and the C. din-
to 3-flowered; Cl 4 - 5 cm, bottle-shaped, ± straight, teri species group.
greenish; Cl lobes 5 - 10 mm, linear, purple.
Insufficiently known and of dubious status but C. jainii Ansari & Kulkarni (Bull. Bot. Surv. India
presumably closely related to the very variable C. 22(1-4): 221-222, 1982). T: India, Maharashtra (Kulkarni 121885 [CAL, BLAT, BSI, K]). − D: C
India (Maharashtra). I: Ansari (1984).
C. inornata P. R. O. Bally ex Masinde (KB 53(4): Incl. Ceropegia prainii Repert. Pl. Succ. (1982)
949-953, ills., 1998). T: Kenya, Coast Prov. (Ma- M (nom. inval., Art. 61.1c).
sinde & al. 838 [EA, K, MSUN]). − D: Ethiopia, [2] R tuber flattened; stems erect, not twining,
Kenya, N Tanzania. only 6 - 10 cm tall, unbranched, scatteredly hairy,
[2,4] R tuber depressed-globose, 7 - 18 (-30) × 18 becoming glabrous with age; L elliptic, 2 - 4 cm, ±
- 25 (-80) mm, smooth, light brown; stems to 2 m, sessile, upper face and margins hairy, green, lower
sparsely branched, 1 - 2 mm ∅, wiry, glabrous or face pale green and glabrous except for the veins;
hairy, nodes often
f swollen to fform globose stem tu- Inf 1-flowered, with a short peduncle; Ped 4 - 6
bers; L stiffly succulent, lamina 2 - 6 × 0.5 - 2.3 (-4) mm, hairy; Sep 2.5 mm; Cl to 2 cm; Cl lobes nearly
cm, cordate to elliptic-ovate, acuminate, apiculate, as long as the Cl tube, purple except ffor the green
basally ± rounded, glabrous or whitish-pubescent, base of the Cl inflation, inflation ± 5 mm ∅, glabr-
petiole 2 - 6 × 0.5 - 1.25 mm; Inf pseudo-umbellate, ous, merging gradually into the Cl tube, tube ± 3
up to 4 Fl simultaneously open; peduncle 2 - 9 mm, mm ∅, gradually widening towards the mouth, in-
± glabrous, annual; Bra subulate, 1.5 × 0.5 mm; Ped side with red-violet longitudinal stripes on pale
2.5 - 8 (-15) × 0.4 - 1 mm; Sep subulate, 0.5 - 2.5 × green background; Cl lobes purple, 9 - 10 mm, ±

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

linear, forming a broadly ovoid cage, largely folded concave, ascending, pouch-like, ± 1.5 mm, apically
back, inside with white rigid Ha at the base; Cn incised, slightly ciliate; Cs linear-cylindrical, ± 4
cup-shaped, sessile; Ci lobes triangular, emerging mm, erect, tips involute or revolute, outside ± hairy
from the upper rim of the coronal cup, ± erect, 1.5 at the base; Poll ovoid.
mm, deeply bifid into triangular hairy appendages; On account of its nearly leafless succulent stems,
Cs ± 2.5 mm, linear to slightly spatulate, erect- C. juncea hardly differs from Cynanchum gerrardii
connivent. or C. insigne. The wide-ranging species makes an
A very delicate plant. Closely related to C. pu- attractive plant in cultivation.
C. keniensis Masinde (KB 54(2): 477-481, ills.,
C. johnsonii N. E. Brown (FTA 4(1): 451, 1903). 1999). T: Kenya, Rift Valley Prov. (HarveH y 1374
T: Ghana (Johnso
J n 768 [K]). − D: Ghana, Congo, [EA, K]). − D: Kenya.
Liberia, Uganda, Zaïre. I: Huber (1957). [1] R clustered, fusiform, fleshy; stems erect, to
Incl. Ceropegia lujai De Wildeman (1920). 40 cm, branched, 1 - 2 mm ∅, hairy; L sessile, lami-
[3] R fibrous; stems perennial, twining, terete, na narrowly elliptic-linear, 3 - 3.3 cm × 1.5 - 3 mm,
robust and slightly succulent, 2.5 - 4 mm ∅, glauc- upper fface glabrous, margins and midrib of the lo-
ous-green, glabrous; L petiole 1 - 2 cm, shortly pu- wer face with white Ha; Inf sessile, pseudo-umbel-
bescent, lamina 3 - 8 × 2 - 5 cm, ± ovate, obtuse or late, 1- to 2-flowered; Bra subulate, 1 mm; Ped 8
acute, mucronate, basally cordate, ± scatteredly pu- - 11 mm, glabrous; Sep subulate, 2 × 0.4 mm; Cl
bescent; Inf 3- to 6-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, greenish-purple, erect, slightly bent, 1.2 - 1.7 cm; Cl
peduncle 1 - 2.5 cm, shortly hairy; Ped 7 - 15 mm, inflation ovoid, 4.5 × 3.5 mm; Cl tube narrowing
shortly hairy; Sep subulate, 4 - 5 mm, slightly hairy, gradually to 1.5 mm ∅, mouth widening to 2.5 mm
tips revolute; Cl 3.5 - 5 cm, bent, outside slightly ∅, glabrous; Cl lobes greenish, linear, 6 × 4 mm, in-
pubescent; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 5 mm ∅, whitish, ner face hairy except the glabrous base, apically
inside ± purple and hairy at the base, Cl tube then connate to form an ellipsoid cage-like structure, ±
narrowed to ± 2 mm ∅, towards the mouth gradu- 3.5 mm ∅; Cn white, shortly stipitate, cup-shaped,
ally widening to 12 mm ∅, whitish blotched with ± 3 × 2 mm; Ci erectly radiating outwards to form
red-brown, inside greenish, pubescent; Cl lobes 1 - rectangular concave pockets, ± 1 × 0.5 mm, ciliate;
2 cm, ovate, lamina folded back along the midrib, Cs lobes 2 × 0.4 mm, spatulate, connivent-erect;
basal margins projo ecting, apically fused to form a Poll ovoid-subrectangular, 0.23 × 0.19 mm; Fr 8 - 9
broadly ovoid cage, whitish with a green base, api- × 0.3 cm; Se 6 - 7 × 3 mm, tuft of Ha 7 mm.
cally with purple venation; Cn sessile, ffused into a As to flower morphology, C. keniensis is similar
cup, ± 4 × 3 mm; Ci lobes triangular-ovate, con- to C. bulbosa, but the latter possesses root tubers.
cave, erect, apically slightly incised, margins cili-
ate; Cs ± 3 mm, linear-subulate, erect-connivent, C. kituloensis Masinde & F. Albers (BJS 122(2):
tips revolute; Fr 20 - 28 cm × 4 mm, beaked; Se 11 161-167, ills., 2000). T: Tanzania (Leeda d l 5293
× 4 mm. [K]). − D: S Tanzania.
Allied to C. aristolochioides.
s. [2] R tuber flattened-globose, ± 10 × 8 mm, bark
smooth; stems erect, 70 - 180 × 1.5 mm, rarely
C. juncea Roxburgh (Pl. Coast Coromandel 1: 12, t. branched, biseriately hairy; L 1 - 2 mm petiolate,
10, 1795). T: India (Roxburg r h s.n. [icono: l.c. t. ovate-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, acute, (8-) 12
10]). − D: C India, Sri Lanka. - 33 × 3 - 9 mm, ± pubescent; Inf 1-flowerred; Ped
[3] R fibrous or thickened; stems persistent, suc- 5 - 11 × 0.8 mm, pubescent; Sep narrowly lanceo-
culent, climbing and twining, to 6 m, glabrous, ter- late, ± 5 mm, pubescent; Cl greenish, 26 - 38 mm,
ete, 3 - 4 mm ∅, green, often
f suffuse
f d with reddish, erect, slightly bent, glabrous; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 7
glabrous but finely striate; L ± sessile or to 1 cm pe- × 6 mm; Cl tube narrowing gradually to 2.5 mm ∅,
tiolate, lamina lanceolate-elliptic, 4 - 10 × 1 - 2 mouth widening to 3.5 mm; Cl lobes greenish with
mm, acute, slightly succulent, caducous; Inf with a purplish tips, linear, 10 - 22 × 1 mm, margins re-
± short peduncle, few- to many-flowered; Ped 4 - curved, apically connate to form an ellipsoid cage-
10 mm; Sep ± 4 mm; Cl 4 - 5.5 cm, whitish-green like structure; Cn shortly stipitate, cup-shaped, ± 3
spotted with red-brown or ± brown-purple; Cl infla- × 3 mm, glabrous; Ci as horizontally radiating con-
tion ± 5 mm ∅, globose to ovoid, merging ± gradu- cave pouches, ± 1.4 × 1.4 mm; Cs lobes 2 × 0.3 mm,
ally into the Cl tube, tube ± 3 mm at the base, then spatulate, erect-connivent, apically diverging; Poll
gradually widening to 12 - 14 mm ∅, inside hairy at broadly elliptic, ± 0.28 × 0.2 mm.
the base; Cl lobes triangular, keeled, apically also C. kituloensis is the Tanzanian sister taxon of C.
linear, 15 - 25 mm, lamina entirely folded back achtenii, distinguished only by the biseriately hairy
along the midrib, apically joined to fform a cage be- stems and the glabrous corolla, hence rather repre-
ing triangular in side view, basal 1⁄2 white, upper 1⁄2 senting a variety.
greenish or purple, inside finely hairy; Cn sessile,
shallowly cup-shaped; Ci lobes ± lanceolate-ovate, C. konasita Masinde (CSJA 71(3): 146-149, ills.,

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

1999). T: Kenya, Coast Prov. (Ma M sinde 819 [EA, Incl. Ceropegia panchganiensis Blatter & Mc-
K, MSUN]). − D: S Kenya. Cann (1933); incl. Ceropegia rollae Hemadri
[2,3] R tubers globose to ovoid, often
f clustered, (1969); incl. Ceropegia sahy h adrica Ansari & Kul-
bark smooth; stems dark green, erect, twining, to 2 karni (1971); incl. Ceropegia maccannii Ansari
m, sparsely branched, 6-angled, 1.5 - 2.5 mm ∅, (1982).
smooth; L sessile, linear, acute, 10 - 25 × 1 - 2 mm, [2] R tuber ± globose, 2 - 3 cm ∅, edible; stems
subsucculent, glabrous, deciduous; Inf 4 - 25 mm erect, not twining, herbaceous, 25 - 100 cm, 1 - 3
pedunculate, pseudo-umbellate, 1- to 6-flowered; mm ∅, furnished with short globose Ha; L 0.3 - 2
Bra subulate, 1 mm; Ped (2-) 5 - 9 mm, glabrous; cm petiolate, lamina broadly ovate to lanceolate, ±
Sep subulate, 1 - 2 × 0.5 - 0.7 mm, glabrous; Cl 2.5 - 12 × 2 - 6 cm; Inf long-pedunculate, lateral
whitish to greenish with purple dots or longitudinal and terminal, many-flowered; Ped 4 - 15 mm; Sep
streaks, 25 - 32 mm, erect, bent at an angle of 45 - subulate, 3 - 6 mm; Cl 1.7 - 5.5 cm, ± straight, out-
85°; Cl inflation invertedly funnel-shaped,
fu ±7×6 side whitish to faf intly pink, turning to lilac-purple
mm; Cl tube narrowing gradually to ± 2 mm ∅, at the base; Cl inflation narrowly to broadly ovoid,
mouth widening to 3.5 - 6 mm, glabrous; Cl lobes in 5 - 10 × 4 - 7 mm, inside basally with white Ha,
the apical 2⁄3 ± dark purple, with purple vibratile 1 merging gradually into the ± narrowed Cl tube,
mm long Ha, lanceolate ffrom a triangular base, la- tube 2 - 4 mm ∅, apically widening to 3 - 8 mm, in-
mina in the middle ± ffolded back along the midrib, side greenish to purple, also striped; Cl lobes lin-
6.5 - 10 × 1 - 2 mm, apically connate to form a ear-elliptic to broadly lanceolate, 2 - 13 × 2 - 7 mm,
broadly ellipsoid cage; Cn white, glabrous, stipit- apically fuse
f d into a broadly ovoid scarcely opened
ate, dish-shaped, ± 3 × 3 mm; Ci horizontally radi- cage, lamina fo f lded back only marginally-basally,
ating rectangular concave pouches, ± 1 × 1 mm; Cs inside white, greenish or yellowish, glabrous; Cn ±
lobes 2 × 0.25 mm, cylindrical, erect-connivent; stipitate, 4 - 6 × 2.5 mm, basally fused into a bowl,
Poll ovoid, 0.26 × 0.15 mm; Fr 6 - 10 cm × 1 - 3 hairy; Ci lobes scarcely elaborated, yellowish with
mm; Se dark brown, 6 - 8 × 2.5 - 3 mm, tuft of Ha ± purple, ± entire or incised, hairy; Cs linear-spatu -
3 cm. late, 2 - 4 mm, erect-connivent, yellow tipped with
A member of the C. linearis complex. The succu- white, dorsally hairy, rarely glabrous; Poll ovoid, ±
lent 6-angled stems, the reduced leaves and the bul- 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr narrowly fus f iform,
f ± 6 - 15 cm ×
bous basal inflation of the corolla tube characterize 5 mm, divaricate; Se ± 6 × 2.5 mm.
this as one of the most easily recognizable species Ansari (1984) recognizes all 4 taxa of this com-
with great potential for cultivation. plex (here treated as synonyms) as separate species.
However, all known collections are native to Maha-
C. kundelunguensis Malaisse (Bull. Jard. Bot. rashtra, are flowering simultaneously ffrom July to
Belg. 54(1-2): 217-219, ills., 1984). T: Zaïre (Ma-
M September and show the same general floral mor-
laisse 11369 [BR]). − D: Zaïre. phology including the corona (though the quantita-
[1] R fleshy, thickened, irregularly fusiform, to 8 tive differences may be of great magnitude).
× 0.5 cm; stems erect, hairy, not twining, 20 - 25 Furthermore, all specimens exhibit the highly signi-
cm, probably annual, unbranched; L 3 - 5 mm peti- ficant ffeature of the inflation being basally hairy in-
olate, lamina ovate, ± 4 × 2 cm; Inf sessile, 1- side.
flowered, lateral; Ped 2 cm; Sep subulate, 6 mm; Cl
6 - 7 cm, erect, ± straight, outside yellowish-green, C. ledermannii Schlechter (BJS 51: 154, 1913). T:
shortly hairy; Cl inflation ± globose, ± 1 cm ∅, Cameroon (Ledermann 4237 [B?]). − D: Came-
purple, merging fairly abruptly into the Cl tube, roon, Nigeria. I: Hutchinson (1921).
tube ± 3 mm ∅ at the base, towards apex widening [2] R tuber flattened, 3 - 6 cm ∅; stems erect, not
to 5 mm ∅; Cl lobes narrowly triangular, ± 25 mm, twining, herbaceous, 20 - 30 cm, annual, with short
apically connate into an ovoid cage, base flat, re- Int, ± unbranched, scatteredly hairy; L sessile, nar-
mainder fof lded back along the midrib, greenish, up- rowly elliptic to linear, acute, 3 - 8.5 cm × 2 - 7
per 1⁄3 purple; Cn shortly stipitate, 6 mm ∅, basally mm, scatteredly hairy, margins revolute; Inf sessile,
fused into a shallow dish; Ci lobes triangularly lateral, 1-flowered; Ped 1 - 2 cm, hairy; Sep subu-
pouch-like, semi-erect, ± 3 mm, deeply bifid into late, 4 mm, hairy; Cl outside whitish, mottled with
subulate-triangular appendages; Cs linear, ± 4 mm, purple, 8 - 15 cm, straight; Cl inflation ellipsoid, 6 -
erect-connivent. 8 mm ∅, merging gradually into the Cl tube, tube 3
Separable fro
f m C. umbraticola merely on ac- - 4 mm ∅, towards the apex widening to ± 12 mm
count of the corona lacking hairs and the long lobes ∅; Cl lobes inside pale green, apically free, erect,
of the staminal corona, and resembling the S Afri- linear-filifo
f rm from a triangular base, 6 - 8 cm, rev-
can C. rudatisii in habit. olute, hairy, within each angle between the Cl lobes
f ished with an erect subulate tooth; Cn sessile,
C. lawii Hooker fil. (Fl. Brit. India 4: 67, 1883). T: cup-shaped-cylindrical, ± 6 × 3 mm; Ci lobes pro-
India, Maharashtra (Stocksk & Law s.n. [K, BM, FT, duced ffrom the upper margin of the Cn, bifid into
G, GH, P, W]). − D: C India. I: Ansari (1984). erect narrowly triangular appendages, 1 - 1.5 mm,

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

glabrous; Cs lobes 3 - 4 mm, linear, obtuse, erect; C. linearis E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr.f Austr., 194,
Poll obliquely ellipsoid. 1837). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Drèg r e 4947 [P]).
See note under C. dinteri. − D: Kenya, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Moçambique,
RSA, Swaziland.
C. leroyi Rauh & Marnier-Lapostolle (KuaS 15(9): A complex "collective" species comprising
178-181, ills., 1964). T: Madagascar (Rauh 10866 numerous local fforms within the subspecies pre-
[HEID, P]). − D: C Madagascar. sently accepted. Ssp. debilis appears to be a mere
[3] Stem succulents of creeping-decumbent ha- fform or variety of the particularly variable ssp.
bit; stems ± 4-angled, flattened, < 10 × 0.3 - 0.6 cm woodii.
∅, thickest at the nodes due to persistent triangular
Tu, grey- to reddish-green, with purple verrucose C. linearis ssp. debilis (N. E. Brown) H. Huber
stripes; L sessile, narrowly linear, acute, divaricate, (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 118, 1957). T: Malawi
dark green, slightly succulent, 15 - 25 × 2 mm, ca- (O’Brien s.n. [K ?]). − Lit: Huber (1957). D: Ma-
ducous, with raised midrib on the lower facef , mar- lawi, Zimbabwe. I: Werdermann (1939).
gins scatteredly hairy; Inf with fleshy peduncle 3 - ≡ Ceropegia debilis N. E. Brown (1895).
10 mm long, borne only on twining thin terete [2,4] Differs from ssp. woodii: L ± sessile,
stems of up to 50 cm, 1- to 2- (to 4-) flowered; Ped narrowly linear, succulent, semicircular in cross-
± 1 cm; Sep narrowly lanceolate, 3 - 5 mm; Cl 3 - section; Cl lobes narrowly spatulate, apically con-
4.5 cm, scarcely bent, grey-green; Cl inflation cy- nate, lamina fo
f lded back along the midrib, inside
lindrical to narrowly ovoid, 3 - 4 mm ∅, outside black-purple, with violet Ha; Cn glabrous.
grey-green, blotched with ± wine-red, inside basally
hairy, almost continuously narrowing into the slen- C. linearis ssp. linearis − Lit: Dyer (1980). D:
der Cl tube, tube 1.5 - 2.5 mm ∅, apically widening Moçambique, RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal).
to ± 3 mm; Cl lobes 6 - 12 mm, linear, apically I: Bruyns (1985). Fig. XI.a
mostly connate into an ovoid cage, occasionally Incl. Ceropegia caffa frorum Schlechter (1894);
f , lamina ± entirely fo
twisted or free f lded back along incl. Ceropegia caffa frorum var. dubia N. E. Brown
the midrib, inside grey-brown to olive-green, hairy, (1908).
margins basally with vibratile purple clavate Ha; [2,4] R tuber ± globose, bark rough; stems twin-
Cn shortly stipitate, ± 4 × 3 mm, basally fused into ing, creeping or pendent, terete, 1 - 2 mm ∅, nodes
a shallow bowl; Ci lobes bilobed into narrowly tri- often
f with globose stem tubers; L petiolate, ovate-
angular appendages, ± 1 mm, linear with slightly lanceolate, elliptic to linear, 1 - 5 × 0.4 - 1.2 cm,
swollen papillose tips, erect-connivent. slightly fleshy; Inf 6 - 12 mm pedunculate, few-
Very closely related to C. armandii and C. dimor-
V flowered; Sep subulate, 2 - 3 mm; Cl 2 - 2.5 cm,
pha. whitish-purple; Cl inflation globose, ± 4 × 4 mm,
inside (striped with) purple, merging gradually into
C. lindenii Lavranos (CSJA 63(4): 168-171, ills., the Cl tube, tube 2 mm ∅, apically widening to 3
1991). T: Somalia, Shebeellaha Dhexe Region mm ∅, inside hairy; Cl lobes lanceolate, lamina en-
(Lavranos 23222 [UPS, K, MO]). − D: Somalia. tirely fo
f lded back along the midrib, purple, erect, 3
[2,3] R tuberous, pear-shaped, to 2.5 × 2 cm; - 5 × 1 - 2 mm, usually glabrous, apically fuse
f d and
stems succulent, climbing and twining in scrub, often
f drawn out into a small tip; Cn white, sessile
little-branched, terete, 3 - 5 mm ∅, brown-green, or shortly stipitate, ± 2.5 - 3 × 2 mm; Ci lobes
blotched with purple; L minute, caducous; Inf ± drawn out into ovate concave pouches, lateral mar-
sessile or with a peduncle up to 5 mm long, 3- to 5- gins raised and fused shield-like with the bulging
flowered; Ped ± 5 mm; Cl 4 - 5 cm, pale golden- Cs base; Cs 1.5 - 2 mm, spatulate-lanceolate, acute,
yellow; Cl inflation ± ovoid, ± 10 × 4 mm, inside erect-connivent but above the middle strongly re-
longitudinally sulcate with roundish papillae, gra- curved; Poll ovoid, ± 0.15 × 0.12 mm, with very
dually narrowed to 2 mm ∅; Cl tube towards the short germination crest near the tip, corpuscle
mouth gradually widening to ± 6 mm ∅, inside small, elliptic; Fr grey-green, 4 - 7 × 2 - 3 mm; Se ±
hairy; Cl lobes 20 - 25 × 2 mm, horizontally spread- 5 mm, with broad wing.
ing, lamina slightly fof lded back along the midrib,
yellow with white base, glabrous; Cn shortly stipit- C. linearis ssp. tenuis (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Brad-
ate, white, ± 2.5 × 2 mm, shallowly cup-shaped, leya 3: 40, ills., 1985). T: RSA (Pegler 665 [K]). −
glabrous; Ci lobes obtusely triangular, basally ± 0.6 D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Bruyns (1985).
× 0.9 mm; Cs filiform, ± erect, at the base with 1 ≡ Ceropegia tenuis N. E. Brown (1908).
ventral and 2 lateral elongated to roundish append- [2,4] R tuber present; stems occasionally with
ages; Poll ± pear-shaped. small stem tubers at the nodes; L ± triangular to ov-
A species still insufficiently known. The thick ate, 10 - 25 × 7 - 17 mm, acuminate, slightly succu-
stems furn
f ished with purple blotches and the freef lent, upper fface slightly canaliculate, green, petiole
corolla lobes are suggestive of a relationship with 3 - 6 mm; Cl 2 - 2.4 cm; Cl inflation ± globose, ± 4
C. stapeliif
iformis and C. variegata. × 4 mm, inside pubescent, merging gradually into

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

the Cl tube, tube 2 mm ∅, apically scarcely widen- ute, 4 - 10 × 0.3 - 1 cm, slightly fleshy; Inf 1 - 2 cm
ing, inside hairy; Cl lobes dark violet, narrowly pedunculate, 2- to 3-flowered; Ped 4 - 6 mm; Sep
f d, ± fo
spatulate-linear, apically fuse f lded back along subulate, 3 mm; Cl ± erect and straight, 1.4 - 2.5 cm,
the midrib, erect and forming an ovoid cage, ± 4 whitish-greenish suffused with purple, inside glabr-
mm, inside rarely with few purple Ha along the ba- ous; Cl inflation globose-ovoid, 3 - 4 mm ∅, inside
sal keel; Cn glabrous; Cs ± 2 mm. ± hairy, merging gradually into the Cl tube, tube 2
mm ∅, apically widening to 3 mm ∅, purple; Cl
C. linearis ssp. woodii (Schlechter) H. Huber lobes 5 - 15 × 1 mm, linear to filiform
f ffrom a trian-
(Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 118, 1957). T: RSA, KwaZu- gular base, lamina strongly folded back along the
W d 1317 [K]). − D: Kenya, Zimbabwe,
lu-Natal (Woo midrib, apically connate to form an ellipsoid cage,
RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu- inside basally with purple Ha, apically greenish,
Natal), Swaziland. I: Bruyns (1985). Fig. IX.g, glabrous; Cn ± sessile, bowl-shaped; Ci lobes al-
X.g most square, concave, apically incised; Cs ± 2 mm,
≡ Ceropegia woodii Schlechter (1894); incl. Ce- narrowly lanceolate to slightly fa f lcate, erect, tips
ropegia eury r acme Schlechter (1905); incl. Cerop o e- revolute; Fr fus
f iform
f , ± 6 cm × 2.5 mm.
gia leptocarpa Schlechter (1905); incl. Ceropegia To be placed in the C. bulbosa alliance and with
barbertonensis N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Ceropegia its habit suggestive of the Asian form "C. lushii" (a
hastatat N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Ceropegia synonym of C. bulbosa).
schoenlandii N. E. Brown (1913); incl. Ceropegia
corallicorona Werdermann (1939). C. longifol
f ia Wallich (Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 56, t. 73,
[2,4] R tuber 2.5 - 5 (-10) cm ∅, often
f irregular 1830). T [lecto]: Nepal (Wallich s.n. [K]). − D:
with age; stems at numerous nodes usually with Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Myanmar, China.
globose stem tubers; L broadly cordate, ovate to I: Ansari (1984).
lanceolate, 6 - 18 × 3 - 16 mm, succulent, often acu- Incl. Ceropegia angustifolia Wight (1834); incl.
minate, upper face
f flat, marked with dark green or Ceropegia lanceolata Wight (1834); incl. Cerope-
whitish-dark-green, lower fface convex, pale green gia borii Raizada (1941).
f f d with red, petiole 3 - 10 mm; Cl 1.8 -
suffuse [1] R fibrous, some thickened and fusiform;
2.5 cm, pale green-white, whitish-rose, often
f striped stems robust, to 4 m, twining, ± 2 - 3 mm ∅, with
with dark violet; Cl lobes dark purple, rarely green- Ha arranged in 1 or 2 rows; L ± 1.2 cm petiolate,
ish; Cl inflation globose, ± 4 × 4 mm, inside pubescent, lamina linear-lanceolate, 5 - 15 × 1 - 3
(striped with) purple, merging ± gradually into the cm, acute, upper face
f finely hairy, lower face
f hairy
Cl tube, tube 2 mm ∅, widening to 3 mm ∅ on the midrib; Inf pseudo-umbellate, 2- to 8-
towards the mouth, basally (striped with) purple, flowered, 0.2 - 3 cm pedunculate, hairy; Ped 1 - 1.5
apically whitish, inside hairy; Cl lobes narrowly cm; Sep linear-lanceolate, 4 - 7 mm; Cl 2.2 - 4 cm,
spatulate (in Kenya also broadly spatulate), at least (whitish-) greenish and striped with ± brown-purple
basally folded back along the midrib, erect, 6 - 7 and blotched with brown-purple; Cl inflation glob-
mm, forming an elongated cage with a blunt (rarely ose to cylindrical, 5 - 7 mm ∅, basal 1⁄3 ± narrowed,
cone-shaped) tip, inside with purple Ha; Cn white, with a circle of Ha around the mouth, ± gradually
sessile or shortly stipitate, ± 2.5 - 3 × 2 mm; Ci merging into the Cl tube, tube 1.5 - 4 mm ∅, api-
lobes with upper margin often f setulose; Cs 2 - cally widening to 5 - 12 mm ∅; Cl lobes 7 - 15 mm,
2.5 mm. triangular-ovate, quite obtuse, lamina folded back
Presuma bly the most widely distributed taxon of along the midrib except for the lower 1⁄3, keeled, ob-
the genus in cultivation and very popular among be- liquely erect, tips joined into a broadly ovoid cage,
ginners (very decorative in hanging baskets, in inside whitish with ± brown-purple reticulate pat-
greenhouses occasionally used as ground cover). tern, tips green, centre line of keel and margins cili-
The stem tubers are used as stocks ffor graft
f ing diffi- ate or glabrous; Cn sessile, fuse
f d into a bowl; Ci
cult stem succulent stapeliads. There are ± white- lobes ovate, basally drawn out into pouches, api-
variegated forms
f in cultivation as well as a for
f m cally bifid into 2 obtusely triangular appendages, ±
with pink foliage. Vernacular name: "Chain of ciliate; Cs linear, 2 - 2.5 mm, erect, dorsal base
Hearts". usually hairy; Poll broadly ovoid; Fr slender, to
15 cm.
C. linophylla H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 115, Belonging to the highly variable complex com-
1957). T: Central Afr f ican Republic (TiT sserant prising C. mairei, C. christenseniana (not suc-
3166 [P]). − D: Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, culent), C. dolichophylla, C. stenophylla and C.
Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Central African Republic. exigua. The latter species has been described by Hu-
I: Berhaut (1971). ber (1957) as a variety of C. longififolia ssp. sinensis
Incl. Ceropegia senegalensis H. Huber (1957). (= C. dolichophylla) but has lately been proposed as
[2] R tuber ovoid, 2 - 4 mm ∅; stems delicate, separate species by Gilbert & al. (1995).
slightly twining, 5 - 10 cm, ± glabrous, annual, ± 1
mm ∅; L ± sessile, linear to narrowly elliptic, ac- C. loranthiflora K. Schumann (BJS 17: 150, 1893).

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

T [neo]: Ethiopia (Schimper 723 [P]). − D: Ethio- 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr narrowly fusiform, 10 - 25 cm × 4
pia. - 5 mm.
Incl. Ceropegia abyssinica Vatke (1876) (nom. C. lugard
r ii is extremely variable and widely dis-
illeg., Art. 53.1). tributed. Characteristic features include an often
[2] R tuber globose; stems delicate, slightly twin- pungent smell of the vegetative parts and even the
ing, ± 5 cm, hairy, annual, ± 1 mm ∅; L 5 - 7 mm flowers, the verrucose-rough stems, and the fleshy
petiolate, lamina 3 - 4 × 1 - 2 cm, V-shaped in roots by which it is separable from
f its next-of-kin
cross-section; Inf sessile, 2-flowered, with yellow- C. distincta. This variable taxon demands a broad
ish Ha; Ped 5 - 7 mm; Sep narrowly lanceolate, 7 taxonomic approach, however. The inclusion of C.
mm; Cl colour not recorded; Cl inflation cylindri- verruculosa is preliminary.
cal, 5 mm long, outside hairy; Cl lobes ± 18 mm,
linear, apically slightly widening, fused, diverging; C. macrantha Wight (Contr. Bot. India, 31, 1834).
Cn 1 mm stipitate; Ci lobes nearly square, short, T: India, Uttar Pradesh (Royle s.n. [K]). − D: In-
hairy; Cs ± 0.5 mm. dia, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan; forestsf . I: Hart
Insufficiently known and possibly merely a twin- (1988).
ing fform of C. abyssinica. Incl. Ceropegia thorelii Costantin (1912) ≡ Cero-
pegia macrantha var. thorelii (Costantin) H. Huber
C. lugardiae N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 30: (1957); incl. Ceropegia raizadiana Babu (1977).
302, 1901). T: Botswana (Lugard r 262 [K]). − D: [1] R fus
f iform,
f fleshy; stems robust, twining,
Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Moçambique, with Ha arranged in 1 - 2 rows; L petiolate, ovate
Zimbabwe, Namibia, RSA (Northern Prov.). I: to lanceolate, upper face hairy; Inf ffew- to many-
Dyer (1983); Bruyns (1984). Fig. XI.b flowered; peduncle short, with Ha arranged in 1 - 2
≡ Ceropegia distincta t ssp. lugardiae (N. E. rows; Ped ± 1 cm, glabrous; Sep subulate, 4 - 5 mm,
Brown) H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia apiculata ± revolute; Cl 5 - 6 cm, whitish to yellowish, often
Schlechter (1913); incl. Ceropegia distincta fa f . pu- with reddish longitudinal stripes; Cl inflation ± glo-
bescens H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia distincta bose, ± 6 - 8 × 6 mm, outside finely stippled with
ssp. verruculosa R. A. Dyer (1977) ≡ Ceropegia purple, inside with a circle of Ha around the mouth,
verruculosa (R. A. Dyer) D. V. Field (1981). abruptly narrowed into the Cl tube to ± 2 mm ∅,
[1,3] R fus
f iform-
f fleshy; stems robust, persistent, tube gradually widening to 10 - 13 mm towards the
climbing and twining, 1 - 10 m tall, glabrous, oftenf mouth, outside blotched with purple; Cl lobes 1.5 -
with an acrid smell, ± terete, 3 - 5 mm ∅, ± succu- 3 cm, linear ffrom a triangular-ovate base, keeled,
lent, glaucous-green, ± verrucose; L 0.4 - 4 cm basally flat, then fo
f lded back along the midrib, in-
petiolate, lamina narrowly ovate to broadly ovate- side basal 1⁄2 pale with reticulate markings, apical 1⁄2
elliptic, 1.5 - 5.5 × 0.6 - 2 cm, acute, usually acumi- darker; Cn shortly stipitate, whitish, ± 4 mm ∅; Ci
nate, basally cordate, often
f auriculate, ± caducous; lobes almost free to the base and deeply bifid into
Inf 0.5 - 5 cm pedunculate, almost umbellate, 2- to triangular-subulate appendages, ± 2 mm, erect, cili-
9-flowered, 1 - 2 Fl simultaneously open; Ped 1 - 2 ate; Cs subulate, 2 - 3 mm, erect-connivent, tips
cm; Sep subulate, acute, 3 - 6 mm, stippled with sometimes revolute; Poll narrowly ovoid.
reddish; Cl 4 - 6.5 cm, greenish-whitish-yellowish To be placed in the vicinity of C. longifolia.
stippled and blotched with red-brown, outside
sometimes pubescent; Cl inflation outside often f C. madagascariensis Decaisne (PSRV 8: 642,
greenish, blotched with ± purple, inside purple, ± 4 1844). T: Madagascar (Goudot s.n. [G]). − Lit:
- 7 (-15) × 4 - 6 mm, globose to ovoid, basally Meve & Liede (1994: with ill.). D: E Madagascar;
slightly constricted, inside hairy; Cl tube narrowed f
forest , rare. Fig. XI.c
to ± 3 mm, straight to bent, gradually widening to Incl. Ceropegia breviloba Jumelle & H. Perrier
12 - 16 mm ∅ towards the mouth, outside whitish (1908); incl. Ceropegia petiolata Jumelle & H. Per-
blotched with purple, inside green, striped with ± rier (1908); incl. Ceropegia perrieri Choux (1923).
purple; Cl lobes very variable, 8 - 35 mm, ± linear [2] R tuber globose, some 2 cm ∅, also forming
to ovate from a triangular keeled base, narrowed in subterranean stem tubers; stems very delicate, 0.5 -
the middle, lamina folded back along the midrib, 1.5 m tall, twining, glabrous, annual, 1 - 2 mm ∅,
apically fused, erect, straight, spreading or spiral- pale green suffuse
f d with reddish; L 7 - 20 mm peti-
ling (and often
f crowned by an additional cage-like olate, lamina ovate-lanceolate to slightly cordate,
structure), basally greenish (rarely even white), very thin, 1 - 4.5 × 0.8 - 2.5 cm, acute; Inf 2 - 10
partly with red-brown reticulate markings, apically mm pedunculate, delicate, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 4 -
red-brown or green-brown, margin with long Ha; 15 mm; Sep triangular-lanceolate, ± 1 mm; Cl 1.5 -
Cn whitish-green with purple, broadly cup-shaped, 3 cm; Cl inflation ovoid, pale green, 6 - 10 × 4 - 7
4 - 5 mm ∅, basally fused with the Cl tube; Ci mm; Cl tube bent, basally narrowed, inside finely
lobes ovate, forming pouches, ascending, 1.5 mm, hairy, apically widening to 4 mm, pale green,
incised in the middle, ciliate; Cs 3 - 4 mm, linear, blotched with red-brown; Cl lobes basally pale yel-
erect-connivent, usually with spreading tips; Poll ± low blotched with red-brown, apically red-brown, 6

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

- 9 mm, fused at the tips only, triangular-lanceolate erect with tips inflexed and joined, inside basally
with a keel 2 mm broad, erect, only the middle part light with dark reticulating markings, apically dark,
of the lamina fo
f lded back along the midrib, white- densely hairy; Cn sessile, fused into a bowl; Ci
ciliate; Cn shortly stipitate, whitish, ± 3 × 2.5 mm, lobes bifid into triangular appendages, hairy; Cs
basally fused into a shallow cup; Ci lobes triangu- linear, apically obtusely spatulate.
lar-ovate, 1 mm, ascending, bilobed into erect ± T be placed within the alliance around C. doli-
connivent triangular-subulate appendages, with chophy
h lla and C. longifolia , but most closely re-
long and scattered Ha; Cs 2 - 3 mm, linear-clavate, lated to C. sinoerecta.
2 - 2.5 mm, erect-connivent, apically papillose; Poll
broadly ovoid, 0.3 × 0.25 mm. C. maiuscula H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 116,
V gham 3123 [BM]). −
ill., 1957). T: Tanzania (Vau
C. mahabalei Hemadri & Ansari (Indian Forester D: Tanzania.
97(2): 105-108, ills., 1971). T: India, Maharashtra [2?] Leafy
f climbers, presumably tuberous; stems
(Hemadri 107266A [CAL, BSI, K, L, MO]). − D: S weakly succulent; L ± sessile, linear, 5 - 10 cm × 1
India (Maharashtra). - 5 mm, weakly succulent; Inf 2 - 2.5 cm pedun-
[2] R tuber ± 3.5 cm ∅, edible; stems persistent, culate; Sep 2 - 3 mm; Cl 3 - 4 cm, greenish; Cl in-
erect, not twining, herbaceous, unbranched, hairy; flation ovoid, ± 8 × 6 mm; Cl tube ± straight,
L ± sessile, linear-lanceolate, 3 - 15 × 0.3 - 1 cm; narrowed to 2 - 3 mm in the middle, inside finely
Inf 1-flowered, shortly pedunculate; Ped 0.5 - 1 hairy, widening to ± 5 mm towards the mouth; Cl
cm; Sep subulate, 1 - 1.5 cm; Cl 5.5 - 11 cm, only lobes linear, 12 - 15 mm, apically fused, inside den-
weakly bent or straight, basally green, remainder sely hairy; Cn ± sessile, bowl-shaped; Ci lobes al-
purple-brown, glabrous; Cl inflation ovoid-ellip - most square, concave, apically ± incised; Cs ± 2
soid, ± 20 × 14 mm, inside with purple longitudinal mm, narrowly lanceolate to slightly fa f lcate, erect,
stripes, glabrous, merging gradually into the Cl tips revolute.
tube, tube 3 - 4 mm ∅ in the middle, apically wi- Seemingly only represented by the type speci-
dening to ± 12 mm; Cl lobes 17 - 35 mm, narrowly men. Apparently allied to the complex comprising
triangular-linear ffrom a broadly triangular base, C. linophy
h lla and C. bulbosa and possibly merely a
apically joined into a beak-shaped cage, lamina large-flowered fform of the latter.
ffolded back along the midrib, inside dark green and
brown-yellow, finely hairy; Cn bowl-shaped, ses-
sile, ± 4 mm ∅, glabrous; Ci lobes broadly triangu- C. media (H. Huber) Ansari (Bull. Bot. Surv. India
lar, ± erect, bifid into triangular appendages; Cs 3 11(1/2): 199, 1971). T: India, Maharashtra (Irani
- 4 mm, linear, erect-connivent; Fr ± 4 cm; Se 5 × 1194 [BLAT]). − D: India (Maharashtra). I: Ansari
2.5 mm, tuft of Ha 6 mm. (1984).
A very attractive and large-flowered species. ≡ Ceropegia evansii var. media H. Huber (1957).
Closely related to C. fimbrii
f iferra and the other erect [2] R tuber present; stems delicate, twining, glab-
species with linear leaves. rous; L linear-lanceolate, upper fface pubescent; Inf
f flowered, peduncle and Ped hairy; Cl 2.5 - 3
C. mairei (Leveillé) H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: cm, ± cream-coloured; Cl inflation globose, ± 5 mm
43, 1957). T: China, Yunnan (Ma M ire 3536 [E]). − ∅, merging gradually into the 2 cm long Cl tube,
D: China (Yunnan). tube ± 3 mm ∅ in the middle, apically widening to
≡ Aristolochia mairei Leveillé (1912); incl. Aris- 7 mm ∅; Cl lobes 8 × 2.5 mm, ovate, ± completely
tolochia blinii Leveillé (1913); incl. Aristolochia f lded back along the midrib, inside whitish to api-
f ora Leveillé (1913); incl. Aristolochia viridi- cally purple-brown, glabrous; Cn stipitate, fuse f d
f ora
fl r var. occlusa Leveillé (1913); incl. Ceropegia into a cup; Ci lobes completely integrated into the
l a Schlechter (1913); incl. Ceropegia cup, pouch-shaped, crenate in the middle, ciliate;
mairei var. tenella H. Huber (1957). Cs basally integrated into the margin of the cup,
[1] R fusiform, fleshy, clustered; stems erect to linear, L-shaped (almost horizontally bent inwards,
decumbent, partly twining, ± 35 cm, with scattered upper 1⁄2 changing abruptly into erect position), api-
fine Ha; L 3 - 10 mm petiolate, petiole acutely cally parallel.
wing-like, lamina elliptic to lanceolate, 1 - 5 × 0.4 - In contrast to C. evansii, C. media is more hairy,
2 cm, margins slightly undulate, lower face
f hairy on has narrower leaves, smaller flowers, and a distinct
the midrib only, upper face ± scatteredly hairy; Inf cup-shaped corona with the staminal lobes bent into
with a short peduncle, 1- to 2- (to 5-) flowered; Ped an almost rectangular position.
4 - 17 mm; Sep triangular-linear, 7 - 9 mm, with
f w Ha; Cl (2.3-) 4 - 5 cm, yellow to green, stippled
fe C. meleagris H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 48,
with purple; Cl inflation 5 - 7 mm ∅, merging gra- 1957). T: Nepal (Stainton & al. 1548 [BM, UPS]).
dually into the Cl tube, tube 2 - 3.5 mm ∅, apically − D: Nepal (Bheri River). I: Asklepios 43: 71-74,
widening to (6-) 9 - 12 mm; Cl lobes (7-) 14 - 25 1988. Fig. X.h
mm, lamina folded back entirely along the midrib, [1] R forming an irregular cluster, fleshy, fusi-

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

form; stems decumbent-creeping, to ± 50 cm, terete, stripes and blotches, 25 - 40 × 7 - 9 mm, elliptic,
1 - 2 mm ∅, hairy, annual; L petiole 1 - 1.5 cm, up- apically gradually narrowed to 2 - 3 mm ∅ and ab-
per face f distinctly canaliculate, hairy, lamina ruptly widening to 6 - 8 mm; Cl lobes ± 10 × 3 mm,
broadly ovate (-cordate), 3.5 - 5 × 3.5 - 4 cm, linear, fo
f lded back along the midrib including the
slightly fleshy, upper face fresh green, sparsely basal margins, apically fuse
f d to fform a broadly
villose, lower face pale green, glabrous except for ovoid cage, inside velvety-black with greenish lon-
the veins, margins villose; Inf sessile or with a ped- gitudinal stripes, hairy; Cn ± shortly stipitate,
uncle a few mm long, 2- to 4- (to 6-) flowered; Ped white, basally fused into a cup; Ci lobes triangular,
3 - 6 mm, sparsely villose; Sep subulate, ± 3 mm, acute, ± 1 mm, ± erect; Cs ± 2 mm, linear-spatulate,
villose; Cl 1.2 - 1.7 cm, urceolate, pale green, out- erect-connivent, in the middle at times inwardly
side scatteredly villose at base and apex, scent bulging, basally black-purple; Fr narrowly fus f i-
sweet-sour; Cl tube globose without constrictions, ± f
form , 8 - 12 cm × 3 mm.
8 - 10 × 9 mm, inside with a circle of Ha near the Closely allied to C. bonaf
afouxii, less so to C. pari-
mouth, abruptly narrowed to 5 mm ∅ and directly c ma and C. stenoloba.
drawn out into the erect Cl lobes, these fuse
f d into a
cone, Cl tube inside whitish stippled with purple, C. meyeri-johannis Engler (Hochgebirgsfl. Afr f ika,
scattered with long Ha; Cl lobes inside purple- 343, 1892). T [neo]: Tanzania (Johnston s.n.
brown, velvety, tipped with few Ha, lanceolate, 5 - [BM]). − D: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaïre, Ma-
7 × 2.5 mm, margins joined with each other except lawi, Moçambique, Zambia, RSA (Eastern Cape).
ffor the lower 2 mm, there slightly fo f lded back to I: FPA 36: t. 1410, 1963; Archer (1992: XI). Fig.
fform an ovate opening; Cn whitish, dotted purple, 1 XI.d
mm stipitate, ± 3.5 × 3.5 mm, shallowly bowl- Incl. Ceropegia calcarata t N. E. Brown (1903);
shaped drawn out into widely spreading Ci lobes incl. Ceropegia verd r ickii De Wildeman (1903) ≡
and Cs bases, Ci lobes ± 1.2 × 1.5 mm, incised to 1⁄2, Ceropegia meyeri-johannis var. verd r ickii (De Wil-
margins joined with the base of the Cs in a wing- deman) H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia angiensis
like fas
f hion and ascending at an angle of 90°, with De Wildeman (1928) ≡ Ceropegia meyeri-j - ohannis
long white Ha; Cs basally vertically linear, apically var. angiensis (De Wildeman) H. Huber (1957);
subulate, ± 2 mm, ± erect-connivent; Poll broadly incl. Ceropegia criniticaulis Wer W dermann (1938);
ovoid, 0.3 × 0.22 mm; Fr 4 - 5 cm, fusiform, weakly incl. Ceropegia dubia R. A. Dyer (1980).
moniliform. [1] R clustered, fleshy, fus
f iform
f or cylindrical, to
With its decumbent stems as well as its urceolate 30 cm long; stems persistent, twining, to 3 m × 2
flowers, which are colourfuf l inside only and which mm, hairy; L 1.5 - 3.5 cm petiolate, basally obtuse
present but minute openings, C. meleagris makes a to cordate, lamina ovate to broadly lanceolate, 3 -
pretty plant for hanging baskets. Within the genus, 10 × 2.5 - 7 cm, delicate, hairy; Inf with a peduncle
it is isolated from the other species also in terms of 0.5 - 8 cm long, hairy, with several membranous
geographical distribution. Bra, richly flowering with 1 - 5 Fl concurrently
open; Ped 8 - 15 mm, hairy; Sep narrowly lanceo-
C. mendesii Stopp (BJS 90(4): 471-472, ills., late, 2 - 6 mm, hairy; Cl 2 - 3 cm, strongly bent,
1971). T: Angola, Benguela (MenM des 573 [LISC]). whitish, stippled or striped with ± red-brown; Cl in-
− D: Angola f
flation globose to bulbous, weakly narrowed at the
Merely known from the type specimen. The ta- base, 5 - 7 × 4 - 7 mm; Cl tube narrowed to 2 mm
xon appears to represent an aberrant fform of C. fili- ∅, towards the mouth gradually widening to 8 - 10
pendula or another closely related species. mm, inside white or purple; Cl lobes narrowly lan-
ceolate ffrom a triangular base, 4 - 10 mm, acute,
C. meyeri Decaisne (PSRV 8: 645, 1844). T: RSA, apically fused, widely divergent to form a globose
Eastern Cape (Drège 4945 [P]). − D: Malawi, Mo- to broadly cylindrical cage, lamina folded back
çambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, RSA. I: along the midrib, weakly keeled, keels widely pro-
Dyer (1983); Asklepios 55: 4, figs. 6-7, 1992. jecting down into the Cl tube, inside and on the
Incl. Ceropegia pubescens E. Meyer (1837) margins green to brownish, basally even whitish, in-
(nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). side ± hairy, ciliate, lower margins fo
f lded back; Cn
[2] R tuber flattened, 4 - 7 cm ∅, with fissured ± sessile to shortly stipitate, bowl-shaped, ± 3 × 3.5
bark; stems twining, 1 - 2 m, annual, 1 - 3 mm ∅, mm, white; Ci lobes broadly ovate to rectangular,
shortly hairy; L 0.8 - 3 cm petiolate, lamina elliptic, ascending to erect, concave, 1 - 1.5 mm, apically
ovate to broadly lanceolate, margins often f emar- emarginate to deeply sinuate, appendages triangu-
ginate, crenulate or lobed, 2 - 5 × 0.8 - 3 cm, deli- lar, papillose or hairy; Cs ± 2 mm, linear-spatulate,
cate, hairy; Inf sessile or with a short thickened erect-parallel, connivent, tips papillose; Poll ovoid,
peduncle, 2- to 4- (to 10-) flowered; Ped 0.5 - 2 cm, ± 0.2 × 0.12 mm; Fr 9 - 11 cm × 3 - 4 mm; Se ± 10
villose; Sep subulate, 0.7 - 1 cm, villose; Cl 4 - 6 × 2 mm, tuft of Ha 1 - 2.5 cm.
cm, bottle-shaped; Cl inflation outside whitish- The variability of this species is amazing. How-
greenish, upper 1⁄2 with longitudinal red-brown ever, the corolla lobes being deeply inserted in the

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

corolla tube are significant. The 3 varieties as still tenuate-ovoid, ± 0.25 × 0.2 mm; Fr narrowly fus
f i-
recognized by Huber (1957) can be found in Kenya form, to 16 cm.
alone. They would not nearly be sufficient to name See note under C. rendallii.
all known forms.
C. multiflora ssp. tentaculata (N. E. Brown) H.
C. muliensis W. W. Smith (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 122, 1957). T: Angola
Edinburgh 12: 199, 1920). T: China, Yunnan (For- (Welwitsch 4277 [BM, K, P]). − D: Angola, Nami-
rest 13117 [E]). − D: China (Sichuan, Yunnan). I: bia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (Northern Prov.).
Tsiang (1939). I: Dyer (1980); Dyer (1983); Bruyns (1984).
[1] R clustered, fusiform, fleshy; stems to 1 m, ≡ Ceropegia tentaculata t N. E. Brown (1895);
twining, delicate, densely curly-pubescent; L peti- incl. Ceropegia tentaculata var. puberula Hiern
ole ± 1 cm, pubescent, lamina lanceolate, 10 - 13 × (1898) ≡ Ceropegia multifl f ora fa
f . puberula (Hiern)
2 - 3 cm, acuminate, upper fface woolly-pubescent, H. Huber (1957).
lower fface on the midrib only; Inf with pendent pe- [2] Differs
f ffrom ssp. multifl f ora: Cl lobes ffree and
duncle, 1.5 - 4 cm, many-flowered; Ped to 12 mm; spreading, 7 - 12 mm; Ci lobes drawn out into short
Sep linear-lanceolate, 3 - 4 mm; Cl 2.5 - 3 cm, ± horizontal and open pouches, lateral margins ro-
green or blotched with green-purple, glabrous; Cl bust, raised, joined with the bulging Cs base.
inflation ellipsoid, ± 6 × 2.5 - 3.5 mm; Cl tube gra-
dually narrowed towards the mouth to ± 2 mm ∅; C. muzingana Malaisse (Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 54
Cl lobes 7 - 9 mm, linear-elliptic, lamina only (1-2): 227-228, ills., 1984). T: Zaïre (Malaisse
slightly fo
f lded back along the midrib, tips fuse
f d 8974 [BR]). − D: Zaïre.
into an ellipsoid cage; Cn basally connate; Ci lobes [2] R tuber small, ± 1 × 2 cm; stems sparsely
bifid into triangular appendages, ± hairy; Cs ± branched, glabrous, twining, to 1 m, 2 mm ∅; L 1 -
linear; Fr ± 9 cm. 4 cm petiolate, lamina cordate, acuminate, 4 - 5.5 ×
Endemic to China, yet presumably most closely 2.5 - 4.5 cm; Inf ± sessile, 1-flowered; Ped 5 - 15
related to C. ciliata
t ffrom India. mm; Sep subulate, 2 - 3 mm, villose; Cl straight or
slightly bent, 1.2 - 1.6 cm, whitish-green; Cl infla-
tion 4 - 5 × 3 - 4 mm, gradually narrowed into the
C. multiflor
f a Baker (Refug. f Bot. 1: t. 10 + text, cylindrical Cl tube, tube 2 mm ∅ at the mouth, out-
1869). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Arnott
(A s.n. [K]). − side suffused with purple; Cl lobes 5 - 8 mm, linear
D: Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, RSA. to narrowly lanceolate, lamina folded back along
Incl. Systrepha multififlorum Burchell ex Baker the midrib (including the basal angles), apically
(1869) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c). f d into an ovoid cage, inside velvety-purple, fi-
nely hairy, outside greenish; Cn sessile, basally
C. multiflora ssp. multiflora − D: RSA (Northern f d into a disc-like structure, ± stippled purple,
Prov., North-West Prov., Free State, Gauteng). I:
P remainder whitish-hyaline; Ci lobes merely a nar-
Dyer (1980); Dyer (1983). Fig. XI.g row entire fringe; Cs ± 2 mm, spatulate, erect, tips
Incl. Ceropegia multifl f ora var. latifolia N. E. inflexed, dorsal base hairy; Fr pendent, narrowly
Brown (1908); incl. Ceropegia multifl f ora
r fa.
f pubes- f iform,
fus f 7 - 8 cm × 2 - 3 mm.
cens H. Huber (1957). Closely related to C. claviloba and C. bonafouxii.
[2] R tuber slightly flattened, 1 - 2.5 cm ∅; stems An unusual feature
f is the shallow almost reduced
twining, 50 - 200 cm, terete, 1 - 2 mm ∅, glabrous outer corona.
or hairy, base perennial and each fforming 1 - 2 an-
nual stems; L to 8 mm petiolate, lamina broadly ov- C. nana Collett & Hemsley (JLSB 28: 89, t. 13,
ate, obtuse to sublinear, partly mucronate, 1 - 7 × 1890). T: Myanmar (Collett & Hemsley 809 [K]).
0.3 - 1.2 cm, slightly fleshy, glabrous or scatteredly − D: Myanmar; only known ffrom the type.
hairy, margin often undulate; Inf sessile, 1- to ma- [2] R tuber irregularly flattened; stems dwarf-
ny-flowered; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep lanceolate, 2 - 4 erect, slightly pubescent, herbaceous; L lanceolate;
mm; Cl 1.5 - 2.8 cm, greenish; Cl inflation globose, Inf sessile, 1- (to 2-) flowered; Cl 4 - 5 cm, erect-
± 3.5 - 5 × 3.5 - 5 mm, inside with purple papillae, straight, occasionally outside slightly hairy; Cl in-
merging gradually into the Cl tube, tube basally 2 flation 10 - 15 mm, narrowly ovoid, merging gra-
mm ∅, widening towards the mouth to 4 - 5 mm ∅, dually into the Cl tube and narrowed to ± 2 mm,
inside hairy; Cl lobes 5 - 7 mm, basally lanceolate, widening towards the mouth to 3 - 4 mm; Cl lobes
± horizontal, then abruptly bent inwards, filiform,
ffii linear-spatulate, 15 - 20 mm, lamina folded back
tips connate, upper face white, yellow or green, fi- along the midrib, acute, tips fused into an ovoid
nely hairy or papillose; Cn sessile, shallowly cup- cage, inside glabrous; Cn sessile, together with the
shaped, ± 2 × 2 mm, white, glabrous; Ci lobes Ci lobes fuse
f d into a bowl-shaped structure, inside
drawn out into deep ovoid pouches, laterally fuse f d shortly hairy.
to the Cs, margins denticulate, ± 1 mm; Cs lobes ± Presumably closely allied to C. arnottiana and C.
1.5 mm, linear to spatulate, erect-connivent; Poll at- pusilla.

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

C. nigra N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 261, 1895). T: often

f thickened; L to 1.5 cm petiolate, lamina
Nigeria (Baikie s.n. [K]). − D: Senegal, Ghana, narrowly to broadly lanceolate, 1.5 - 10 × 0.6 - 3
Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central Af- cm, ± succulent, acute, margins often undulate or
rican Republic, Sudan, Ethiopia. I: Berhaut (1971). sometimes serrulate or hairy; Inf 2 - 60 mm ped-
Incl. Ceropegia kroboensis N. E. Brown (1903); unculate, 1- to many-flowered, Fl opening conse-
incl. Ceropegia melanops H. Huber (1957). f ity scent; Ped 3 - 25 ×
cutively, with unpleasant fru
[2] R tuber globose, ± 2 - 3 cm ∅; stems annual, 2 mm, fleshy; Sep narrowly lanceolate, 1 - 4 mm;
twining, ± 5 - 20 cm × 2 mm, shortly hairy; L Cl 2.5 - 6 cm, slightly bent, outside slightly striate;
shortly hairy, 1 - 4 cm petiolate, lamina elliptic to Cl inflation 10 - 14 × 5 - 9 mm, base globose to
broadly triangular-ovate, basally ± cordate, margins ovoid, outside whitish, inside ± purple, papillose,
occasionally sinuate or crenulate, 2 - 8 × 1 - 4.5 cm, glabrous or scatteredly hairy, inflation constricted
delicate; Inf shortly pedunculate, many-flowered; above the middle to fform a ring-like, globose or cy-
Ped 5 - 25 mm, ± villose; Sep subulate, 2 - 6 mm, ± lindrical inflation, outside whitish, striped or
villose; Cl 8 - 20 mm long, outside whitish-green, blotched with purple, inside ridged, striped with
glabrous or slightly hairy; Cl inflation globose to purple, hairy at both ends, only slightly narrowed at
ellipsoid, 5 - 12 × 4 - 6 mm, inside glabrous, the transition to the Cl tube, 3 - 4.5 mm ∅, tube in-
merging ± gradually into the obliquely bent Cl side hairy at the base and the mouth, gradually wi-
tube, upper 1⁄2 of the tube inside blackish (-green) dening towards the mouth, outside whitish, blotched
with longitudinal stripes; Cl lobes triangular-ovate, with purple; Cl lobes 7 - 25 × 5 - 8 mm, broadly
2 - 6 mm, ± horizontally (stellately) spreading, ovate, triangular to lanceolate, lamina entirely
margins fo f lded back, inside black-red to black- folded back along the midrib, lower margins pro-
green, at the base (and continuing down the tube) jecting ± horizontally, tips fused into a ± pyramid-
with whitish central double stripes, ± pubescent or shaped, rarely apically concave structure, inside
glabrous or only margins or angles scatteredly hairy broadly keeled, keels ± coming into contact in the
to bearded; Cn sessile to shortly stipitate, base middle, striped with green-brown-purple-white, ra-
f d into a ± bowl-shaped structure; Ci lobes short
fuse rely blotched, with white or purple Ha; Cn white, ±
and roundish-entire to rectangular and ± 2-lobed, sessile, ± 5 × 3 mm, fused into a shallow cup, glabr-
0.5 - 2.5 mm, ± erect, margins mostly ciliate; Cs ± 2 ous; Ci broadly ovate with undulate margin, con-
mm, linear, slightly S-shaped, erect-connivent; Poll cave, basally widening into a pouch-like structure,
± globose-rectangular, 0.2 × 0.15 mm. ± 0.5 × 1 mm, lateral margins connate with the Cs
Closely related to C. abyssinica and C. meyeri. base; Cs linear-lanceolate, 2 - 3.5 mm, incumbent
The stellate ffree corolla with the basal double on the Anth, then erect in a parallel manner, obtuse,
stripes is unusual. This is another species that is va- often with a small hump at the base; Poll ellipsoid,
riable in leaf shape, size and indumentum of the flo- ± 0.4 × 0.25 mm; Fr ± 12 - 22 × 2 - 3 mm, spread-
wers and length of the outer corona lobes. The latter ing.
character was used by Huber (1957) to segregate C. A nearly pan-Afrf ican, very variable species, at
melanops, which could be ranked as a variety of C. present impossible to divide into infraspec
f ific taxa.
nigra. Closely related to C. denticulata (see there for dis-
C. nilotica Kotschy (Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad.
Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Cl., Abt. 1, 51: 356, 1865). C. noorj r ahaniae Ansari (J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.
T: Sudan (KnK oblecher 35 [W, G]). − D: Trop T ical 69(1): 249-253, ills., 1972). T: India, Maharashtra
and subtropical Afr f ica (from
f Senegal to RSA). I: ((Ansari
A 104880 [CAL, BSI, K, L, MO]). − D: C In-
Dyer (1983); Archer (1992: XX). Fig. XI.e dia (Maharashtra). I: Ansari (1984).
Incl. Ceropegia constricta N. E. Brown (1895); [2] R tuber present; stems erect, not twining, her-
incl. Ceropegia mozambicensis Schlechter (1895); baceous, only 5 - 10 cm tall, delicate, with short Int,
incl. Ceropegia gemmif iferra K. Schumann (1903); ± unbranched, ± hairy; L ± linear, 5 - 8 cm, ± ses-
incl. Ceropegia boussingaultif ifolia Dinter (1914); sile, upper face
f hairy; Inf 3-flowered, shortly pe-
incl. Ceropegia gossweileri S. Moore (1929); incl. dunculate; Ped 6 - 7 mm; Cl 2 - 2.8 cm, glabrous;
Ceropegia plicata E. A. Bruce (1937) ≡ Ceropegia Cl inflation ovoid, ± 5 mm ∅, inside glabrous, mer-
nilotica var. plicata (E. A. Bruce) H. Huber (1957); ging gradually into the Cl tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅,
incl. Ceropegia mozambicensis var. ulugurensis mouth widening to ± 6 mm ∅; Cl lobes 9 - 13 mm,
W dermann (1939); incl. Ceropegia grandis E. A.
Wer linear ffrom a triangular base, tips fuse
f d, lamina lar-
Bruce (1952); incl. Ceropegia decumbens P. R. O. gely fo
f lded back along the midrib, glabrous; Cn
Bally (1957). cup-shaped, sessile; Ci lobes narrowly triangular,
[1,3,4] R partially ± fleshy and thickened, cyl- borne on the upper margin of the coronal cup, ±
indrical to fus
f iform;
f stems climbing and twining to erect, 1.5 mm, incised or bifid into triangular appen-
2 m tall, with slightly milky latex, usually annual, 2 dages; Cs ± 2 mm, linear, slightly clavate, erect-
- 5 mm ∅, terete, angular to acutely 4-angled, connivent; Fr 9 cm × 4 mm; Se 4 × 2.5 mm, tuft of
succulent, ± glabrous or striate, dull, base of stems Ha 2 cm.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

Forming a group of closely related species to- Within the C. linearis complex, C. occulta
t is the
gether with C. attenuata, C. jainii, C. mahabalei, element native to the Little Karoo.
C. pusilla and C. spiralis.
ss.. All are tuberous and of
dwarf erect growth and possess linear leaves. C. oculata Hooker (CBM 1844: t. 4093 + text,
1844). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c., t. 4093. − D: C India
C. occidentalis R. A. Dyer (BT 12(3): 445, ills., (Maharashtra). I: Ansari (1984).
1978). T: RSA, Western Cape (Ha H ll 3679 [PRE, [2] R tuber depressed-globose; stems twining; L
NBG]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). I: Bruyns broadly to narrowly ovate, upper fface scatteredly
(1985). Fig. XI.f hairy; Inf few-
f flowered, with a short hairy
[2,4] R tuber ± globose; stems creeping, not peduncle; Ped 5 - 7 mm, glabrous; Cl ± 5 - 6.5 cm,
twining, olive-green, terete, 1 - 2 mm ∅, occasio- glabrous; Cl inflation ovoid to cylindrical, 10 - 15 ×
nally forming globose stem tubers at the nodes; L ± 8 - 9 mm, whitish-green, even becoming striped
sessile, fleshy, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, lower with purple in the upper 1⁄2, inside glabrous, merging
fface rounded, upper facef f
furrowe d along the mid- gradually or abruptly into the Cl tube, tube 3 - 4
rib, 1 - 2 × 0.2 - 0.5 cm; Inf shortly pedunculate, 1- mm ∅, mouth widening to 9 mm ∅; Cl lobes 15
to 2-flowered; Sep subulate, 2 mm; Cl 2.5 - 3 cm, mm, basally purple, then with a white patch, then
pale green striped and blotched with purple; Cl in- purple again and greenish at the tip, linear-
flation ovoid, ± 5 - 7 × 4 - 5 mm, inside (striped elongated, triangular-linear ffrom an ovate base,
with) purple, then narrowed to < 2 mm; Cl tube api- basally keeled, lamina ± ffolded back along the mid-
cally widening to 5 - 7 mm, inside scatteredly hairy; rib, glabrous; Cn cup-shaped, shortly stipitate; Ci
Cl lobes lanceolate, tips fuse f d, lamina ± fo f lded lobes narrowly triangular, from the upper margin of
back along the midrib, erect, 5 - 7 mm, lower 1⁄2 the coronal cup, becoming conspicuously narrow,
concolorous with the tube, upper ⁄2 purple and hairy ascending, apically incised, glabrous; Cs linear-
inside, midrib entirely purple; Cn bowl-shaped, clavate, erect-connivent.
whitish, shortly stipitate, ± 3 × 3 mm; Ci lobes With magnificent, yet slender flowers.
drawn out into ovate convex pouches, ciliate, la-
terally fused with the bulging Cs base; Cs 1.2 × 0.3 C. odorata Nimmo ex Hooker fil. f (Fl. Brit. India 4:
mm, linear-lanceolate, acute, erect-connivent, tips 75, 1883). T [lecto]: India, Maharashtra (Law s.n.
not or only slightly revolute; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.27 [K]). − D: C India. I: Ansari (1984).
× 0.2 mm. Incl. Ceropegia blatteri McCann (1945).
C. occidentalis is presumably better ranked as a [2] R tuber globose; stems delicate, twining, ±
western microspecies or subspecies of C. linearis, glabrous; L narrowly lanceolate to linear, hairy on
ffrom which it is distinguished merely by small dif- the upper face
f ; Inf ffew- to many-flowered, ped-
fferences in habit and corona structure. The species uncle hairy; Ped glabrous; Fl scented; Cl 3 - 4 cm,
is only known ffrom 2 collections and is thus obvi- pale yellow; Cl tube 1.8 - 2 cm, basally slightly
ously very rare. ovoid and inflated to ± 4 mm ∅, then narrowed to 2
mm ∅, mouth widening to ± 4 mm; Cl lobes 1 - 2
C. occulta R. A. Dyer (BT 7(1): 21-22, ills., 1958). cm, narrowly linear, with margins proj o ecting at the
T: RSA, Western Cape (Van V Bred da 85 [PRE]). − D: base, tips fused into a narrowly ovoid cage, lamina
RSA (Western Cape: Little Karoo). I: Dyer (1983); slightly fo
f lded back along the midrib, glabrous; Cn
Bruyns (1985). sessile, ffused with the short Ci lobes into a bowl-
[2,4] R tuber ± globose; stems annual, creeping shaped structure, ± glabrous; Cs narrowly triangular
and twining, subsucculent, ± 2 mm ∅, occasionally or linear, erect-connivent, tips slightly revolute.
formin g globose stem tubers at the nodes; L ± ses- The flower shape is reminiscent of that of C. atte-
sile, fleshy, ovate-lanceolate, lower face rounded, nuata as well as the African C. stenantha.
upper face
f f
furrowe d along the midrib, 1 - 2 × 0.3 - 1
cm; Inf ± sessile, 1- to 3-flowered; Sep lanceolate, C. pachystelma Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51):
± 3 mm; Cl 2 - 2.8 cm, outside finely blotched with 47, 1895). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Schlechter
brown on whitish background, outside glabrous; Cl 4511 [BOL]). − D: Moçambique, Namibia, Bo-
inflation ovoid, inside finely vertically ridged, ± 5 × tswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-
4 mm, then narrowed to 2.5 - 3 mm ∅, widening to- Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern Prov., North-West
wards the mouth to 5 - 6 mm ∅; Cl lobes 5 - 8 mm, Prov.), Swaziland. I: Dyer (1980); Bruyns (1984:
lanceolate, margins slightly hairy, scarcely fo f lded 52). Fig. XII.a
back, form
f ing a cage of nearly square shape and 4 Incl. Ceropegia undulata N. E. Brown (1908) ≡
mm ∅, inside with strong keel, ± purple; Cn stipit- Ceropegia pachyste
h lma ssp. undulata
t (N. E. Brown)
ate, shallowly bowl-shaped, ± 3 × 2 mm, whitish, H. Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia acacietorum
glabrous; Ci lobes drawn out into short entire Schlechter ex Dinter (1914); incl. Ceropegia boer-
pouches, laterally fused to the bulging Cs base; Cs haaviif
ifolia Schinz (1926) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1);
2 - 2.5 mm, elliptic-lanceolate, erect-connivent; incl. Ceropegia schinziana Bullock (1955).
Poll subglobose, ± 0.25 mm ∅. [2] R tuber flattened, 4 - 12 cm ∅, verrucose;

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

stems twining to several m tall, usually annual, 1 - 2 bia, Zimbabwe, Moçambique, Namibia, Malawi. I:
mm ∅, pubescent; L 2 - 6 mm petiolate, lamina lan- Bruyns (1984).
ceolate, ovate to narrowly elliptic, mucronate, 22 - Incl. Ceropegia dentata t N. E. Brown (1909);
50 × 8 - 15 mm, slightly fleshy, margin usually incl. Ceropegia mutabilis Werdermann (1939).
undulate, hairy; Inf 2- to many-flowered, with a [2] R tuber small, roundish, with fissured bark;
hairy peduncle 5 - 15 mm long; Sep triangular-lan- stems twining, 1 - 2 m tall, annual, ± 2 mm ∅; L 1 -
ceolate, ± 2 mm; Cl 2 - 3 cm, greenish, partially 2 cm petiolate, lamina elliptic, ovate to broadly lan-
with violet markings, outside hairy; Cl inflation ceolate, nearly triangular, ± 3 - 10 cm, delicate,
globose to ovoid, ± 4 - 5 × 4 mm, inside and outside glabrous or slightly hairy; Inf usually shortly pe-
pubescent, narrowed ± gradually to 1.5 mm ∅; Cl dunculate, usually in pairs, 2- to 6-flowered; Sep
tube slender, scarcely bent, 15 - 25 mm, mouth wi- narrowly triangular, ± 2 mm; Cl 1.5 - 2.5, cream-
dening to some 3 mm ∅; Cl lobes linear, 4 - 12 mm, coloured with purple; Cl inflation globose, ± 5 mm
± fflat, tips fused into an ovoid cage, 5 - 7 × 5 - 9 ∅, inside and outside pubescent, ± gradually nar-
mm; Cn shortly stipitate, shallowly bowl-shaped, ± rowed to 2 mm ∅; Cl tube slender, mouth not ex-
2 × 2 mm, glabrous; Ci lobes robust, ovate, form f ing panding; Cl lobes linear-spatulate, 4 - 12 mm, tips
± horizontal pouches, ± 0.7 mm, entire, laterally f d, lamina entirely fo
fuse f lded back along the midrib,
directly fused with the Cs base; Cs 1.5 - 2 mm, lan- basal margins revolute, inside dark green to black,
ceolate, with revolute tips; Poll attenuate-ovoid, hairy; Cn sessile, dish-shaped, ± 3 × 3 mm; Ci lobes
0.22 × 0.14 mm; Fr narrowly fusiform, 6 - 14 cm. triangular, ± 1 mm, bilobed into subulate spreading
C. pachyste
h lma is inconspicuous due to its green- appendages, shortly hairy on the upper face; Cs 2.5
ish hairy flowers. It belongs to the complex com- - 3 mm, subulate, erect-connivent with recurved
prising C. afafricana, C. linearis, C. renda
d llii etc. tips; Fr narrowly fusiform, ± 10 cm.
Remarkable by its large leaves and the roughly
C. papillata N. E. Brown (BMI 1898: 308, 1898). fissured surface
f of the tubers. Most closely related
T: Malawi (Wh Whyte s.n. [K]). − D: Tanzania, Zaïre, to C. sobolifera and C. papa illata.
Zambia, Malawi. I: FPA 43: t. 1716, 1976, as var.
cordr iloba. Fig. XI.h C. petignatii Rauh (Trop. subtrop. Pfl.-welt 85: 8-
Incl. Ceropegia cord W dermann (1939) ≡
r iloba Wer 17, ills., 1993). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Rauh
Ceropegia papillata t var. cordr iloba (Werdermann) 72226 [HEID]). − D: S Madagascar. Fig. XII.b
H. Huber (1957). Incl. Ceropegia armandii var. petignatii Rauh
[2] R tuber 2 - 3 cm ∅, with fissured bark; stems ms. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1).
sparsely branched, hairy, twining, 0.5 - 1 (-2) m, 1.5 [3] Stem succulents of creeping-decumbent habit,
mm ∅; L 12 - 25 mm petiolate, lamina cordate- occasionally with tuberous R; stems acutely 4-
lanceolate, ± distinctly acuminate, 2.5 - 6.5 × 1.3 - 3 angled, compressed and ± rectangular in cross-
cm; Inf ± sessile, 5- to 12-flowered; Ped 8 - 12 mm; section, 1 - 4 cm thick, thickest at the nodes, grey-
Sep narrowly triangular, 3 - 5 mm, villose; Cl green, rough-verrucose, with deflexed elongated L
slightly bent, 1.2 - 2.2 cm, outside whitish-green; Cl bases, L petiole canaliculate on the upper fface, with
inflation globose to bulbous, narrowed at the base, stipules, lamina dark green, succulent, obovate to
inside with stout papillae along the veins, ± 4 × 5 lanceolate, 1 - 4 × 0.7 - 2 cm, shortly mucronate,
mm, merging fa f irly abruptly into the nearly cylind- margins occasionally undulate, with hooked Ha,
rical Cl tube, tube ± 1.5 mm ∅, suffuse f d with caducous; Inf only on twining thin terete stems to
purple, mouth widening to 3.5 - 4 mm ∅, inside several m long; peduncle fleshy, 5 - 20 mm, hori-
glabrous; Cl lobes 4 - 7 × 2 mm, linear-spatulate zontally spreading, with subulate Bra; Inf cymose,
ffrom a triangular base, lamina folded back along 2- to 4-flowered; Ped 8 - 15 mm; Sep subulate, 3 -
the midrib, basal margins revolute, tips fuse
f d into a 5 mm; Cl 3.2 - 4 cm, pale yellow to yellow-green,
globose cage, inside velvety, with fine white Ha, partly stippled and striped with red; Cl inflation in-
upper ⁄2 and margins purple, keel white; Cn sessile, flated-cylindrical, 7 - 10 × 7 - 10 mm, transversely
white-hyaline, ± 2 × 2.2 mm, ± cup-shaped; Ci er- narrowed and merging abruptly into the Cl tube,
ect, linear to ovate, 1 - 1.5 mm, apically incised, ba- tube basally ± 3 mm ∅, towards the mouth gradu-
sal 1⁄2 often
f broadened, pouch-like, occasionally the ally widening to 9 - 12 mm ∅, inside scatteredly
entire Cn fuse
f d into a cup with emarginate margin; hairy; Cl lobes 6 - 9 mm, folded back along the
Cs 1.5 - 2 × 0.3 mm, linear, erect-connivent, tips midrib, keel pale yellow, to 4 mm broad, extending
slightly clavate, often revolute and papillose; Poll a little down the Cl tube, with fine white Ha, mouth
ovoid, ± 0.25 × 0.12 mm; Fr narrowly fusiform, 10 deep yellow with purple, with vibratile Ha 2 mm
- 12 cm × 2 - 3 mm. long, inside with fine white Ha; Cn sessile, green-
The coronal structure is extremely variable. C. ish-white, ± 3 × 3 mm, shallowly bowl-shaped; Ci
papillatat is closely related to C. claviloba. lobes bilobed down to the Cn margin into subulate
appendages, ± 2 × 0.2 mm, ± erect; Cs 3 × 0.3 mm,
C. paricyma N. E. Brown (BMI 1898: 309, 1898). subulate, erect-connivent with papillose tips; Poll
T: Malawi (Simons s.n. [K]). − D: Tanzania, Zam- broadly ovoid-rectangular, ± 0.3 mm ∅; Fr brown-

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

green, mottled, erect, narrowly fusiform, ± 12 cm × nia, n.s., 7: 307-309, ills., 1967). T: Senegal (Ray-
4 mm; Se dark brown, ± 7 × 3 mm. nal 6367 [ALF, P]). − D: Senegal, Tanzania.
Together with C. bosseri and C. hofstaetteri for-
f [2] R tuber flattened to beetroot-shaped, 3 - 6
ming a complex within the natural clade of ‘dimor- mm ∅; stems annual, delicate, strongly twining, to
phic’ Ceropegias (= Sect. Dimorpr ha). 10 - 25 cm, 1.5 mm ∅, little hairy; L 0.5 - 2 cm pe-
tiolate, lamina ovate-lanceolate with cordate base, 3
C. poluniniana Bruyns (KB 44: 723-726, ills., - 9 × 2 - 8 cm, slightly fleshy, shortly pointed, ±
1989). T: Nepal (Bruyns 2497 [K]). − D: Nepal. scatteredly hairy; Inf pseudo-umbels, 3- to 10-
[1] R fleshy, fus
f iform,
f in small clusters; stems flowered; peduncle 1 - 2 cm, hairy; Ped ± 1 cm,
unbranched, 25 (-60) cm, ± terete, ± 1 mm ∅, finely hairy; Sep subulate, 2 mm, hairy; Cl slightly bent,
hairy, short-lived; L linear, papery, 30 - 55 × 3 - 4 1.5 - 3 cm, whitish-greenish, weakly striped or
mm, margins revolute, midrib raised on the lower blotched with grey-green and red-brown, outside
fface, very finely hairy; Inf 8 - 11 mm pedunculate, glabrous or finely and scatteredly hairy, inside
1-flowered; Ped 5 - 7 mm, finely hairy; Sep fili- glabrous; Cl inflation depressed-globose, 3 - 5 mm
form , acute, ± 4 mm, finely hairy; Cl 2.7 - 3.6 cm, ∅, inside greenish-white, merging gradually into
greenish-white; Cl inflation little widened, 7 - 9 × 5 the Cl tube, tube 2 mm ∅, mouth widening hardly
- 6 mm; Cl tube gradually narrowed to 2.5 mm, to 5 mm ∅; Cl lobes inside purple at the base, green
mouth little expanding, ± 4 mm ∅, glabrous; Cl or white at the tip, 6 - 8 mm, linear, erect, lamina
lobes whitish at the base, then brown-violet, api- strongly fof lded back along the midrib, tips fuse
f d
cally becoming yellow-green, 14 - 17 mm, above a into a cage, sometimes slightly spiralling, ± hairy;
triangular base lamina ± entirely fo f lded back along Cn sessile, shallowly bowl-shaped, ± 3 × 2 mm; Ci
the midrib, basal 1⁄2 of the margins with 2 - 3 mm lobes broadly 4-angled, concave, with slightly
long Ha; Cn very shortly stipitate, shallowly cup- drawn-out tips and subulately drawn out erect la-
shaped, white, but Ci appendages and Cs base teral margins; Cs 2 - 2.5 mm, narrowly lanceolate,
blackish; Ci lobes broadly triangular, bifid into flat, erect, ± without coming into contact; Fr green-
short triangular appendages, with erect Ha; Cs ± ish, mottled with red-brown, 8 - 12 cm × 3 mm; Se
cylindrical, ± 3 × 0.3 mm, erect, ventrally coming obovate, 5.5 × 2.2 mm.
into contact almost ffor their entire length, tips scar- T gether with C. linophy
To h lla belonging to the C.
cely recurved; Poll ovoid, ± 0.27 × 0.21 mm. bulbosa-group. C. praetermissa is most notably dis-
A fairly isolated species. The flowers are, how- tinguished from C. bulbosa by the indumentum on
ever, reminiscent of those of the W and C African the exterior of the sepals and the corolla.
C. linophy
h lla.
C. pubescens Wallich (Pl. Asiat. Rar. 2: 81, t. 187,
C. porphyrotricha W. W. Smith (Notes Roy. Bot. 1831). T: Nepal (Wallich
W s.n. [K, W]). − D: India,
Gard. Edinburgh 13: 307-308, 1922). T: Ghana Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China; highlands. I: Hart
(Dalziel 60 p.p. [K]). − D: Equatorial Guinea, Be- (1988).
nin, Ghana, Nigeria. I: Bullock (1963). Incl. Ceropegia tsaiana Tsiang (1939).
≡ Ceropegia campanulata t var. porphyrotricha [1] R only very slightly thickened and fleshy;
(W. W. Smith) H. Huber (1957). stems robust, twining, to 1.5 m, ± glabrous; L peti-
[2] R tuber flattened; stems erect, not twining, ole 3 - 4.5 cm, villose or glabrous, lamina ovate, ± 3
herbaceous, 20 - 30 cm, annual, ± unbranched, scat- - 16 × 0.1 - 6 cm, with drip-tip, very delicate, some-
teredly hairy; L ± sessile, lanceolate to linear, ac- times hairy on the upper fac; Inf ffew- or many-
ute, ± 5 - 7 × 0.6 cm, scatteredly hairy on the upper flowered; peduncle 15 - 25 mm, usually with Ha
fface, one L pair conspicuously larger than the oth- arranged in 1 row; Ped ± 1 - 1.5 cm; Sep lanceolate,
ers; Inf sessile, terminal or lateral, 1-flowered; Cl 1.5 - 3 mm, ± spreading; Cl 4 - 6.5 cm, whitish-
greenish with dark purple, 6 - 14 cm, straight, out- yellow to greenish, often with longitudinal reddish
side hairy; Cl inflation ovoid, 4 - 8 mm ∅, merging stripes; Cl inflation ovoid, basally narrowed, ± 10 ×
very gradually into the Cl tube, tube 3 - 4 mm ∅; 6 mm; Cl tube gradually narrowed to ± 3 mm ∅,
Cl lobes erect and straight, tips joined, narrowly tri- mouth 3 - 5 mm ∅, inside with long Ha, outside oc-
angular to linear, 2.5 - 6 (-9) cm, margins revolute, casionally villose; Cl lobes 20 - 33 mm, basal 1⁄3
with purple Ha at the base; Cn sessile, shallowly triangular-ovate, margins revolute and basally pro-
cup-shaped; Ci lobes horizontal-ascending, bifid jecting, inside pale yellow, yellow, orange and / or
into narrowly triangular to linear appendages, fi- green, upper 2⁄3 linear, ± entirely folded back along
nely hairy; Cs lobes linear, erect-connivent, tips re- the midrib, inside purple-brown, tips fused into an
curved. ellipsoid cage, sometimes also spiralling; Cn
Another element from the C. dinteri-group, shortly stipitate, ± 4 × 3 mm, basally fuse
f d into a
which should be united into a single species to- very shallow cup; Ci lobes pouch-like, very short,
gether with C. campanulata t . concave, obtuse, ± setulose; Cs linear-spatulate to
cylindrical, to 3.5 mm, parallel-erect-connivent,
C. praetermissa J. Raynal & A. Raynal (Adanso- base dorsally slightly broadened, ± hairy; Poll D-

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

shaped; Fr very narrowly fusiform, 13 cm × 2 mm; C. radicans Schlechter (BJS 18(Beiblatt 45): 12,
Se lanceolate, 10 × 1 mm, tuft
f of Ha 35 mm. 1894). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Flanagan 348 [K,
A species of the highlands with conspicuous in- BOL, NH, SAM, PRE]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
tensely coloured flowers. Allied to C. hookeri and
C. meleagris. C. radicans ssp. radicans − D: RSA (Eastern
Cape); creeping in and below shrubs. I: Bruyns
C. purpurascens K. Schumann (BJS 17: 152, (1985).
1893). T: Angola (Mec M how 122 [Z]). − D: Tanza- [1,3,4] Creeping stem and L succulents, robust,
nia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola, Namibia. little branched, easily rooting at the nodes, glabr-
I: Bruyns (1984). Fig. XII.c ous; R fleshy, fusiform, clustered (also at the
Incl. Ceropegia kwebensis N. E. Brown (1903); nodes); stems terete, 3 - 5 mm ∅, dark green, slight-
incl. Ceropegia kassneri S. Moore (1910); incl. Ce- ly rough, striate; L 0.3 - 1 cm petiolate, lamina ov-
ropegia thyh sanotos W Werdermann (1939) ≡ Cerop o e- ate-elliptic to nearly orbicular, to 4 × 2.5 cm, acute,
gia purpurascens ssp. thysanoto
h s (Werdermann) H. f
flesh y, persistent; Inf peduncle 5 - 10 mm × 2 - 3
Huber (1957). mm, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped 1 - 3 cm × 2 mm; Sep
[2] R tuber flattened with soft delicate bark, 2 - 6 linear-lanceolate, 4 - 6 mm; Cl 5.5 - 8 cm; Cl infla-
cm ∅; stems twining, 1 - 2 m tall, annual, 2 - 3 mm tion cylindrical, weakly 5-angled, 12 - 17 × 5 - 7
∅, partly with underground stem tubers; L to 1 cm mm, whitish-green, inside hairy at the base; Cl tube
petiolate, elliptic to cordate-attenuate, 2 - 4 (-7) × basally narrowed to ± 3 mm ∅ and hairy inside, wi-
1.5 - 2.5 cm, slightly fleshy, rarely weakly hairy; Inf dening gradually to a funnel-shaped mouth of 15
ffew- to many-flowered; peduncle 1 - 2 cm, slightly mm, apically blotched with purple; Cl lobes obtu-
descending, pubescent (?); Ped 5 - 8 mm; Sep subu- sely lanceolate to triangular, 20 - 25 mm, broadly
late, ± 2 mm; Cl ± 2 cm, outside greenish, inside keeled, tips fuse
f d, fof lded back along the midrib, ba-
purple and scatteredly hairy; Cl inflation 4 - 5 mm sal angles projo ecting, inside basally purple-brown
∅, ovoid; Cl tube narrowed to ± 2 mm, bent almost with a white and then a black-purple transverse
at a right angle, towards the mouth gradually wi- stripe and hairy, upper 1⁄2 pale green, margins with
dening to 6 - 7 mm; Cl lobes ± linear, 5 - 9 mm, tips purple vibratile clavate Ha; Cn shortly stipitate,
f d into a widely opened cage, lamina fo
fuse f lded f d into a cup with the upper margin ± straight
back along the midrib, inside scatteredly hairy; Cn and slightly revolute; Ci lobes pouch-like; Cs ± 4 ×
cup-shaped; Ci lobes triangular, ± erect, 1 - 2 × 2 - 0.4 mm, linear, erect, ± connivent, tips sometimes
3 mm, bifid into glabrous or hairy appendages; Cs recurved.
lobes ± 2 mm, narrowly spatulate to falcate, erect- Most closely related to C. sandersonii and thus
connivent, tips rounded or denticulate, ± recurved; allied to C. fimbriata and C. zeyheri, all of which
Fr narrowly fus
f iform,
f ± 10 cm; Se ± 8 × 2 mm. are characterized by succulent stems, leaves, and
Within the C. af africana / C. linearis group, C. roots. The robust long-lived plants are easily cultiv-
r urascens is very closely allied to C. imbricatat , ated.
which can be separated from C. purp r urascens by its C. radicans ssp. smithii (M. R. Henderson) R. A.
linear leaves, the almost glabrous interior of the co- Dyer (in Leistner & al. (ed.), Fl. South Afr.
f 27(4):
rolla and the purple marginal hairs of the corolla 62, 1980). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Smith 5318
lobes. [NBG]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Bruyns
C. pusilla Wight & Arnott (Contr. Bot. India, 31, ≡ Ceropegia smithii M. R. Henderson (1945) ≡
1834). T: India, Tamil Nadu (Wight 1932 [CAL, Ceropegia radicans var. smithii (M. R. Henderson)
W]). − D: S India (Tamil Nadu). I: Ansari (1984). H. Huber (1957).
[2] R tuber 2 - 3 cm ∅; stems delicate, erect, not [1,3,4] Differs
f ffrom ssp. radicans: L smaller with
twining, merely 5 - 10 cm tall, with short Int, ± un- slightly sinuate-undulate margins; Cl lobes shorter
branched, ± hairy; L ± linear, 5 - 8 cm, ± sessile, and ± obtuse.
upper face hairy; Inf 1-flowered, shortly peduncu-
late; Ped 6 - 7 mm, hairy; Cl 2.5 - 2.8 cm, glabrous, C. rendallii N. E. Brown (BMI 1894: 100, 1894).
colour unknown; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 5 mm ∅, in- T: RSA (Rendald l s.n. [K]). − D: Zimbabwe, RSA
side glabrous, merging gradually into the Cl tube, (KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Prov.), Swaziland. I:
tube ± 3 mm ∅, apically widening to ± 6 mm ∅; Cl Dyer (1980); Dyer (1983). Fig. XIII.a
lobes 9 - 13 mm, linear ffrom a triangular base, Incl. Ceropegia galpini
l i Schlechter (1894).
largely reflexed, glabrous; Cn cup-shaped, sessile; [2,4] R tuber flattened, 2 - 7 cm ∅; stems to 1 m,
Ci lobes narrowly triangular, ffrom the upper margin twining, terete, 1 - 2 mm ∅, green, red with age; L
of the coronal cup, ± erect, 1.5 mm, incised or bifid short and narrowly petiolate, broadly ovate to cord-
into triangular appendages; Cs ± 2 mm, linear, ate, ± mucronate, 1 - 3 × 1 - 1.5 cm, upper face
slightly clavate, erect-connivent; Fr 4 × 0.5 cm; Se green, lower face grey-green, slightly fleshy; Inf
broadly ovate. shortly pedunculate, 1- to 5-flowered, long-lived;
See note under C. noorjahaniae. Ped 3 - 6 mm, Sep subulate, 2 - 3 mm; Cl 1.8 - 2.8

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

cm, whitish-greenish; Cl inflation ± 5 × 3 mm, ba- C. robivelonae Rauh & Gerold (Succulentes 21(4):
sally cylindrical and white, then constricted, upper 3-9, ills., SEM-ills., 1998). T: Madagascar (Robive-
⁄2 globose to 5-angled and greenish with 5 purple lo s.n. in BG Heidelberg r 74007 [HEID]). − D: S
stripes, inside purple, glabrous; Cl tube basally 1 Madagascar; Didiereaceae scrub.
mm ∅, straight or slightly bent, towards the mouth [2] R tuber depressed-globose, 3 - 6 (-10) cm ∅;
gradually widening to 4 - 6 mm, inside whitish with stems twining, delicate, ± glabrous, ± annual, 1 - 2
purple stripes, with white Ha; Cl lobes ± 3 mm, ba- mm ∅; L petiole 3 - 5 mm, canaliculate above, la-
sal 1⁄2 linear, erect, fo
f lded back along the midrib, in- mina ± 2 × 1 cm, broadly lanceolate to rounded-
side purple, upper 1⁄2 cordate, spreading horizontally triangular, cuspidate to acuminate, succulent; Inf ±
and fused into an umbrella-like structure, 6 - 12 mm 1 cm pedunculate, 2- to 4-flowered; Ped 15 mm;
∅, brown-green, all free margins with fine purple Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl 3 - 4 cm, outside whitish, for the
cilia; Cn sessile, cup-shaped, ± 2 × 2.5 mm, white; greater part dotted or blotched with red-brown, with
Ci lobes drawn out into deep ovoid pouches that are large papillae; Cl inflation shortly cylindrical-
directly connate with the Cs base, margins entire or ovoid, 6 mm ∅; Cl tube somewhat geniculate, ± 15
divided into short triangular appendages, usually × 2 - 3 mm, apically widening to ± 20 mm; Cl lobes
purple, hairy on either side; Cs lobes ± 2 × 2 mm, 6 - 7 mm, tips fused and forming a cylindrical cage,
broadly falcate, erect-connivent, strongly reflexed inside finely papillose, basally whitish, apical 2⁄3
ffrom the middle; Poll ovoid-attenuate, ± 0.2 × dark purple, margins recurved, with vibratile purple
0.14 mm. Ha; Cn subsessile, shortly fuse
f d into a bowl-shaped
C. renda
d llii belongs to the complex of C. africa- structure; Ci lobes erect, triangular, ± 1 mm, api-
na, C. multifl f ora
r and C. linearis, and is as easily cally shortly hairy; Cs narrowly lanceolate-cylind-
cultivated and rewarding as the latter. rical, erect-connivent, ± 2.5 mm.
A leaf-succulent twining taxon with conspicu-
C. ringens A. Richard (Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 47-48, ously papillose corolla; closely related to C. ambo-
1851). T: Ethiopia (Quartin Dillon & Petit s.n. vombensis.
[P]). − D: Ethiopia, Eritrea.
Incl. Ceropegia sinuata Decaisne ex A. Richard C. rudatisii Schlechter (BJS 40: 94, 1907). T [lec-
(1851). to]: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Rudati d s 372 [K]). − D:
Except for the apically free corolla lobes, the RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal). I: Dyer
protologue matches the later described C. stenolo- (1983).
ba, which thus would become a younger synonym [1] R fleshy and thickened, fus
f iform;
f stems erect,
of C. ringens. However, the type specimen has not glabrous, not twining, herbaceous, 10 - 50 cm × 2 -
been seen to corroborate this view. The synonymy 4 mm, annual, unbranched, robust; L ± sessile, ov-
of C. sinuata under C. ringens as accepted since ate to elliptic, obtuse, often mucronate, 4 - 6 × 2
Brown (1903) is questionable. cm; Inf sessile, 1-flowered, lateral; Ped to 5 cm;
Sep linear, acute, 1 - 1.5 cm; Cl 8 - 9 cm, erect,
C. ringoetii De Wildeman (Bull. Jard. Bot. État 4: straight, outside greenish; Cl inflation globose to
394, 1914). T: Zaïre (Ringoet s.n. in Hom H blé 553 ovoid, 5 - 7 mm ∅, merging very gradually into the
[BR]). − D: Tanzania, Zaïre. I: Malaisse & Schai- Cl tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅, mouth widening to 7 mm
jes (1993). ∅, inside veins papillose, purple; Cl lobes free, er-
Incl. Ceropegia schlechteriana Werdermann ect to divaricate, linear, 25 - 35 mm, folded back
(1939). along the midrib, inside greenish-yellow, hairy, at
[2] R tuber flat; stems with erect base, twining the base with tufts
f of vibratile purple clavate Ha;
above, hairy, 1 - 3 mm ∅; L 0.8 - 2 cm petiolate, Cn purple-brown, shortly stipitate, basally fuse f d
ovate to lanceolate, to 10 × 4 cm, acute; Inf ± ses- into a cup; Ci lobes triangularly pouch-like, erect,
sile, 3- to 12-flowered; Ped 4 - 12 mm; Sep subu- 1.5 - 2 mm, bilobed into subulate appendages, with
late, villose; Cl 1.5 - 3 cm, straight, outside hairy; white Ha; Cs ± 3 mm, erect-connivent; Fr narrowly
Cl inflation ovoid, 2 - 4 mm ∅, merging gradually fusiform, erect, ± 18 cm × 5 mm; Se ± 12 × 5 mm,
into the cylindrical Cl tube, tube apically 1 - 2 mm with broad margin.
∅, inside black-purple; Cl lobes 1 - 2 cm, whip- Plants of similar habit occur particularly in the
shaped from a narrowly triangular base, tips free, ± U braticola group native to C Afr
Um f ica, e.g. C. kun-
revolute, inside cream-coloured, glabrous; Cn delunguensis ffrom Zaïre.
shortly stipitate, fuse
f d into a shallow cup; Ci lobes
± rectangularly pouch-like, ± erect, obtuse or C. rupicola Deflers (Voy. Yemen, 2: 167-168,
slightly incised; Cs ± 1.2 mm, linear-spatulate, er- 1889). T: Yemen
Y eflerrs 405 [P]). − D: Yemen.
ect-connivent, tips involute, base and tips often I: FPA 47: t. 1847, 1982. Fig. XIII.b
hairy; Fr narrowly fusiform, ± 7 cm × 3 mm. [3,4] Stem and L succulents, stems basally
Related to C. abyssinica. The hairy exterior of the branched, ± terete with Int slightly compressed, 30
corolla and the flagellate ffree corolla lobes are sig- - 70 × 0.8 - 1.2 cm, grey-green; L shortly petiolate,
nificant characters. ovate-lanceolate, 1.5 - 6 × 1 - 4 cm, slightly succu-

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

lent, caducous; Inf shortly pedunculate pseudo- Incl. Ceropegia monteiroae Hooker fil f . (1887).
umbels, many-flowered, 2 - 4 Fl simultaneously [1,3,4] R fleshy, narrowly fusiform, clustered;
open; Ped ± 5 × 2 mm; Sep lanceolate-linear, 2 - 5 stems climbing and twining, to 2 m tall, robust,
mm, acute; Cl 3.5 - 6 cm, with red-brown blotches sparsely branched, glabrous, terete, 4 - 5 mm ∅,
on whitish-greenish background, base whitish with- dark green, rough; L 6 mm petiolate, lamina ovate-
out blotches; Cl inflation ovoid, 6 - 9 mm ∅, ba- lanceolate to cordate-ovate, 2 - 5 × 1.2 - 2.5 cm,
sally slightly compressed, enclosing the Gy; Cl tube acute, fleshy, persistent; Inf pedunculate, 5 - 10 × 2
± 25 × 3.5 - 4.5 mm ∅, inside hairy, towards the - 3 mm, 1- to 4-flowered; Ped ± 10 × 2 mm; Sep
mouth gradually widening to ± 12 mm; Cl lobes linear-lanceolate, ± 6 mm; Cl 4 - 7 cm, straight to
whitish, outside blotched with red-brown, inside slightly bent; Cl inflation ovoid-cylindrical, ± 6
marked with a fine reticulation, triangular, ± 7 mm, mm ∅, whitish-green, inside hairy at the base; Cl
tips fused into a pyramidal roof, openings slit- tube basally narrowed to ± 3 mm ∅ and inside
shaped to ovate; Cn pale pink, ± 5 × 4.5 mm, ± ses- hairy, towards the mouth gradually widening to 15 -
sile, fuse
f d into a cup, with long Ha on the margin; 25 mm, striped with greenish or whitish; Cl lobes
Ci lobes triangular, ± erect, bifid into triangular ap- lanceolate-cordate, first erect, then horizontal and
pendages, ± 1 × 0.5 mm, ciliate; Cs ± 3 - 4.5 × 0.4 fused into a broad umbrella of 2.5 - 5 cm ∅, um-
mm, linear, erect-connivent with recurved tips; Poll brella outside whitish, stippled with green, centrally
ovoid, slightly tapering at the base, ± 0.35 × 0.25 often
f depressed, outer margins slightly pointing
mm, germination crest triangular, membranous, cor- outwards and with purple vibratile clavate Ha; Cn
puscle ± 0.4 mm, apically expanding shield-like to shortly stipitate, fused into a shallow cup with ± en-
dome-shaped; Fr pale green, cylindrical, ± 12 cm × tire margin; Ci lobes pouch-like; Cs ± 3 × 0.3 mm,
4 mm; Se 8 - 10 × 3 - 3.5 mm. linear, erect, ± connivent, tips sometimes recurved;
Morphologically fairly isolated, but most closely Poll ovoid, 0.4 × 0.2 mm; fo f llicles spreading hori-
related to C. aristolochioides.
s. zontally, 7.5 - 13 cm × 7 - 8 mm, verrucose,
blotched with purple.
C. rupicola var. stictantha N. P. Taylor (Cact. See under C. radicans for a note. The thick verru-
Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 42(4): 111-112, ill., 1980). T: cose fruits are reminiscent of those of C. stapeliif
ifor -
Yemen (Radliffe-Smith & Henc
H hie 4437 [K]). mis.s.
Presuma bly the natural hybrid between C. rupi-
cola and C. aristolochioides (Bruyns 1988b). C. santapaui Wa W dhwa & Ansari (Bull. Bot. Surv.
India 10(1): 95-97, ills., 1968). T: India, Maharash-
C. salicifo
f lia H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 51-52, W wa 109640 [CAL, BSI, K]). − D: C India.
tra (Wadh
ill., 1957). T: China, Yunnan (Henry r 9729 [K]). − I: Ansari (1984).
D: China (Sichuan, Guangxi, Yunnan); mountain Incl. Ceropegia huberi Ansari (1969).
forests. [2] R tuber ovoid to globose, 2 - 4.5 × 1.5 - 4 cm;
[1] R fusiform, fleshy, clustered; stems twining, stems twining, herbaceous, to 1.5 m, nearly glabr-
to 1.5 m, glabrous; L petiole ± 1 cm, with soft f Ha ous; L petiole to 3.5 cm, glabrous, upper face cana-
arranged in 2 rows, lamina lanceolate, 6 - 15 × 1 - 2 liculate, lamina broadly to narrowly lanceolate, 5 -
cm, acuminate, delicate, upper fface scatteredly pu- 12 × 2 - 4 cm, somewhat robust, with basally
bescent, lower fface ciliate on the midrib; Inf 13- to thickened cilia; Inf 4- to 9-flowered, pseudo-
20-flowered; peduncle 3 - 10 mm, with soft Ha ar- umbellate, lateral or terminal; peduncle 2 - 10 cm,
ranged in 2 rows; Ped to 1.5 cm, pubescent; Sep with long Ha; Ped 5 - 15 mm, pubescent; Sep nar-
narrowly lanceolate, 5 mm, glabrous; Cl 3 - 4 cm, rowly triangular, 3 - 4 mm, lower fac f e ± hairy; Cl
whitish; Cl inflation 4 - 6 mm ∅; Cl tube narrowed white to pale pink, 1 - 1.5 cm, ± straight, outside
to 2 - 3.5 mm ∅, towards the mouth widening to 5 - with slightly villose veins, inside glabrous; Cl infla-
8.5 mm; Cl lobes 13 - 19 mm, broadly ovate, lamina tion ovoid, ± 5 mm ∅, basal 1⁄2 with purple inside,
f lded back along the midrib fo
fo f r ± 1⁄2, broadly merging very gradually into the ± narrowed Cl
keeled, apically fused into a depressed-globose tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅ at the mouth, scarcely or not
structure, inside with short Ha, ± ciliate; Cn fused widening; Cl lobes broadly ovate to cordate, 4 - 7 ×
into a cup; Ci lobes triangular with crenulate apex 4 - 10 mm, tips fuse
f d, acuminate, formf ing a depres-
to deeply bifid into triangular appendages, ± hairy; sed-globose and scarcely opened cage or widening
Cs linear, erect. into a broadly umbellate structure, lamina flat and
The relationships of this taxon are obscure. It is margins fof lded back only basally, glabrous; Cn ses-
presumably allied to C. longif ifolia , C. macrantha sile, pale yellow to cream-coloured, ± 2.5 × 2 mm;
etc. Ci lobes reduced to a frf inge hardly visible; Cs nar-
rowly triangular, 2 mm, erect-connivent, dorsally
C. sandersonii Decaisne ex Hooker fif l. (CBM hairy; Poll ellipsoid to almost square; Fr narrowly
1869: t. 5792, 1869). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal fusiform, 6 - 7 cm × 5 mm, nearly parallel; Se ± 6 ×
(Sanderson s.n. [K]). − D: E RSA, Swaziland. I: 3 mm, tuftf of Ha 10 - 15 mm.
Dyer (1983). A very exceptional species due to the indumen-

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

tum, the flower size and the reduction of the angular base, erect, very acute, tips fused into a
interstaminal corona. C. huberi appears distinct on large open ellipsoid-cylindrical cage, lamina en-
first glance but, nevertheless, is to be treated as a tirely fo
f lded back along the midrib, hairy; Cn
synonym characterized by broader corolla lobes and sessile, basally fuse
f d into a bowl; Cs bifid into tri-
less reduced interstaminal corona. In addition, both angular appendages, ± 1 mm, hairy; Cs ± 4 mm,
taxa are based on single specimens collected from linear, obtuse, erect-connivent, hairy at the base;
the same region. The extremely conical pollinium follicles parallel, 18 cm, slender.
and the narrowly elliptic corpuscle as shown by An- C. scabra is closely related to C. saxatilis and is
sari (1971) ffor C. huberi probably belong to a Pen- forming a group of its own with C. humbertii, C.
t sacme species. Furthermore, the flowers are remi-
ta madagascariensis
d and C. striata.
niscent of C. hookeri.
C. sepium Deflers (Voy. Yemen, 2: 167, 1889). T:
C. saxatilis Jumelle & H. Perrier (Ann. Inst. Bot.- Yemen (Def eflers 382 [P]). − D: N Yemen
Y . I: Bruyns
Géol. Colon. Marseille, sér. 2, 6: 223-224, 1908). (1988b).
T: Madagascar (Perrier 1688 [P]). − D: N Mada- [1] Primary R somewhat thickened, with a cluster
gascar. I: Huber (1957). Fig. XIII.c of fleshy fus
f iform
f lateral R; stems strongly twining,
Incl. Ceropegia contorta Jumelle & H. Perrier f branched, terete, 1 - 2 (-4) mm ∅, sparsely
(1908). hairy; L petiolate, ovate-lanceolate (to linear), 4 - 8
[2] R tuber small; stems twining, ± 0.5 - 1 (-2) m, × 1 - 3.5 cm, sparsely villose; Inf pedunculate, pseu-
± 2 mm ∅, green, glabrous, L petiole 0.5 - 2 cm, do-umbellate, many-flowered; peduncle 1 - 3 cm;
upper fface with Ha arranged in 2 rows, lamina ov- Ped 5 - 15 mm; Sep subulate, ± 4 mm, finely hairy;
ate-cordate, soft, 3 - 6 × 1.5 - 2.2 cm, acute, upper Cl 2 - 2.5 cm, outside white except the grey-green
face green, lower face pale green, veins slightly base, hairy; Cl inflation inside purple, widening
prominent; Inf 2- to 4-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, into an ovoid form, 10 - 15 × 3.5 - 4 mm, inside
shortly pedunculate; Ped 0.5 - 1 cm; Cl 2 - 3.8 cm, with a circle of Ha at the mouth, abruptly merging
slightly bent, green-white, coarsely blotched with into the straight Cl tube, tube 2 mm ∅, towards the
purple; Cl inflation with globose inflation, 5 - 9 mm mouth widening to 4 mm; Cl lobes yellow-green, 8
∅, basally weakly constricted; Cl tube in the - 12 mm, tips fuse f d, fo
f lded back along the midrib
middle narrowed to 2 - 3 mm, towards the mouth and then 1 - 1.5 mm wide, keel rounded; Cn sessile,
widening to 7 - 9 mm; Cl lobes 11 - 18 mm, ± trian- cup-shaped, ± 3 × 2.5 mm; Ci lobes triangular-
gular, upper 1⁄3 distinctly narrowed, acute or obtuse, ovate, concave, bifid into short erect triangular
tips fuse
f d, lamina largely fo f lded back along the round-tipped appendages, inside with erect Ha; Cs
midrib, upper 1⁄3 purple, ± pubescent; Cn sessile, 3 - ± cylindrical (-clavate), erect, 2 - 3 mm, ventrally
4 × 2 - 3 mm, basally bowl-shaped and fused to the coming into contact nearly over the entire length,
Cl, glabrous; Ci lobes bilobed into linear obtuse ap- apically papillose; Poll ovoid, ± 0.2 × 0.18 mm,
pendages, ± 1.5 mm, purple; Cs ± 2 - 3 mm, linear, with short germination crest near the tip, corpuscle
f slightly spatulate, obtuse, erect-connivent, apically widening.
purple at the base, otherwise white; Poll ovoid; Fr This species is somewhat isolated in Arabia and
narrowly fusiform, follicles spreading at ± 180°, ± presumably more closely related to the African C.
10 cm × 4 mm; Se ovate, ± 6 × 2.5 mm, dark brown, convolvuloides. ss..
margin denticulate.
The dense and coarse purple blotches covering C. simoneae Rauh (Trop. subtrop. Pfl.-welt 85: 20-
the entire corolla tube are particularly striking. In 25, ills., 1993). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Rauh
habit very similar to C. humbertii and C. scabra. aa.. 73113 [HEID]). − D: S Madagascar. Fig. XIII.d
[1,3] Stem succulents with a small tuber; stems
C. scabra Jumelle & H. Perrier (Ann. Inst. Bot.- creeping-decumbent, acutely 4-angled, compressed,
Géol. Colon. Marseille, sér. 2, 16: 220-223, 1908). < 1 cm thick, greatest width at the nodes because of
T: Madagascar (Perrier 11626 [P]). − D: W Mada- descending elongated L bases, grey-green or grey-
gascar. violet, verrucose; L shortly petiolate, dark green,
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, 3 - 4 cm ∅; stems succulent, narrowly ovate, acuminate, ± 5 × 3 mm,
persistent, twining, 1 - 2 mm ∅, dark; L 8 - 11 mm pointing downwards, margins with hooked Ha; Inf
petiolate, lamina ovate to lanceolate, 7 - 16 × 2 - 4 only ffrom twining cylindrical stems; peduncle
cm, acute, base round to ± obtuse; Inf shortly pe- fleshy, ± 1 (-7) cm; Inf cymose, few-
f flowered; Ped
dunculate, 2- to 3-flowered; Ped long; Cl 7 - 8 cm ± 1 cm; Sep narrowly triangular, 3 mm; Cl 6 - 7 cm,
(at times perhaps also shorter), strongly bent, pale grey-green, blotched ± with purple; Cl inflation in-
green with purple dots; Cl with an ovoid inflation, versely bulbous to obovoid, 8 - 10 × 6 - 7 mm, in-
± 30 × 12 mm, inside with papillose veins; Cl tube side dark wine-red; Cl tube narrowed ± abruptly to
10 mm long, narrowed to 3 - 4 mm in the middle, ± 3 mm ∅ in the middle, mouth widening again to ±
widening apically to ± 15 mm; Cl lobes 2.5 - 3 cm, 8 mm ∅; Cl lobes 2 - 2.5 mm, narrowly linear and
very narrowly triangular, nearly filiform
f ffrom a tri- f lded back along the midrib, with dense purple Ha,

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

tips free, ± spiralling and pendulous, from a broadly the base, outside yellow-green, inside dark red, with
triangular base and there broadly keeled, centre of ± white or purple cilia; Cn sessile, dish-shaped, ±
the keel with white rigid Ha, inside grey-green 3.5 × 3 mm, glabrous; Ci lobes triangular, ± 1.5 mm,
stippled with purple; Cn ± sessile, greenish-white, bilobed into subulate spreading appendages, hardly
blotched with purple, ± 3 × 3 mm, shallowly bowl- 1 mm, shortly hairy; Cs ± 3 × 0.3 mm, linear-
shaped, outside hairy; Ci lobes bilobed down to the subulate, acute, vertical, not or fa
f intly connivent,
margin of the Cn into subulate appendages, ± 2 tips hook-like inflexed, touching each other; Poll
mm, ± erect, tips glued together; Cs 2 × 0.3 mm, ovoid, 0.2 - 0.25 × 0.15 mm.
linear, erect-connivent; Poll ovoid, ± 0.3 × 0.2 mm. Closely allied to C. paricy
c ma and C. pap a illata.
A magnificient member of the group of stem suc- Valuable diagnostic characters include the broad
culent dimorphic Ceropegias. corolla lobes and the long strictly vertical staminal
C. sinoerecta M. G. Gilbert & P. T. Li (Novon 5(1):
4, 1995). T: China, Yunnan (Delavay 2625 [P]). − C. somalensis Chiovenda (Result. Sci. Miss. Stefa f -
D: China (Yunnan); on limestone. nini-Paoli Somalia Ital. 1: 116, 1916). T: Somalia
[1] R flesh
f y, fusiform, clustered; stems erect, to (Paoli 889 [FT]). − D: N Yemen, Somalia, Kenya.
20 cm, finely pubescent; L petiole 4 - 6 mm, weakly I: Bruyns (1988b). Fig. XII.d
winged, lamina elliptic, 2 - 5 × 0.6 - 1.6 cm, acute, Incl. Ceropegia somalensis fa f . erostrata H. Hu-
upper face
f densely pubescent, lower fface pale and ber (1957).
with Ha along the midrib; Inf 4 - 17 mm peduncu- [3] Stem and L succulents to 1.5 m, twining; R
late, pseudo-umbellate, 2- to 4-flowered; Ped 5 - 17 fibrous; stems terete, 3 - 4 mm ∅, grey-green, to 8
mm; Sep linear-lanceolate, 3 mm; Cl 3.6 - 4.3 cm, mm ∅ at the base and corky; L broadly lanceolate,
glabrous; Cl inflation ovoid-ellipsoid, 4 - 6 mm ∅, acute, 1 - 2 × 1.5 cm; Inf pedunculate, few-
lower 1⁄2 dark, upper 1⁄2 pale; Cl tube towards the flowered; peduncle ± 1 cm, glabrous; Ped 8 - 12
mouth narrowed gradually to 3.5 - 5.5 mm ∅; Cl mm, glabrous or hairy; Sep subulate, 5 - 8 mm; Cl 3
lobes 14 - 15 mm, linear, inside dark and sparsely - 4.5 cm, outside pale green, velvety-hairy; Cl infla-
pubescent, tips fuse
f d and abruptly bent inwards, tion inside white at the base, remainder purple, glo-
forming a cylindrical cage; Cn basally fused; Ci bose to ovoid, inside hairy at the base, lower 1⁄3
lobes bilobed into linear appendages, ± ciliate; Cs constricted, 4 - 5 × 5 - 6 mm, horizontally oriented
linear, ± 2.5 mm, erect. to descending and then merging into the ± vertical
Presumably most closely allied to C. mairei. Cl tube, tube inside purple at the base, then pale
green with fine dark green or violet blotches and
C. sobolife
f ra N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 261, 1895). scatteredly hairy, basally 3 mm ∅, towards the
m er 463 [K, G, P]). − D: Ethio-
T: Ethiopia (Schimp mouth widening to ± 12 mm, abruptly merging into
pia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. the Cl lobes; Cl lobes 2 - 3 cm, broadly triangular,
then linear-lanceolate, 1 - 5 mm broad, lower 5 - 12
C. sobolifera
f var. nephroloba H. Huber (Mem. mm free, then fused, above again diverging into a
Soc. Brot. 12: 201, 1957). T: Tanzania (Milne-Red- cage-like structure and apically fused again, lamina
head & Taylor 8863 [K, G]). − D: Tanzania, Zim- ± folded back along the midrib, with straight Ha on
babwe. the lower 1⁄3 of the keel, without (Arabia) or with
[2] Differs from var. sobolififerra : More delicate nose-like purple humps (= osmophores) (Africa);
and smaller; Cl lobes reniform
f , almost as broad as Cn ± 4 - 5 × 4 mm, sessile, bowl-shaped; Ci lobes
long, 3 - 4.5 × 3.5 - 4.5 mm. purple or yellowish with purple edges, highly con-
nate, bulging pouch-like, broadly triangular, ± er-
C. sobolife f ra − D: Ethiopia, Kenya.
f ra var. sobolife ect, ± 1.2 × 1.5 mm, bifid almost down to the middle
I: Werdermann (1939). Fig. XIII.e into triangular appendages, apically connivent, with
Incl. Ceropegia subtruncata N. E. Brown (1895). straight whitish Ha along the inner margins; Cs
[2] R tuber small, roundish; stems twining, an- white, ± 0.25 mm, linear-cylindrical, basally hairy,
nual, ± 1 mm ∅, with Ha arranged in 1 row; L erect-connivent, tips diverging; Poll ovoid (to al-
ovate to lanceolate, 1 - 5 cm, shortly petiolate, deli- most rectangular), ± 0.35 × 0.25 mm, germinating
cate, glabrous or sparsely hairy; Inf sessile, rarely crest membranous, triangular; corpuscle ± 0.35 mm
shortly pedunculate, 1- to 5-flowered; Ped 3 - 5 with broadly triangular lateral appendages.
mm, hairy; Sep lanceolate, 2 mm, scatteredly hairy; Belonging to the group of C. distincta t , C. hay-
Cl 1 - 2.5 cm, cream-coloured to greenish; Cl infla- garthii and C. lugardiae. The pale green and velvety
tion ± 1⁄2 as long as the Cl, ovoid, 4 - 6 × 3 - 4 mm, exterior of the flowers is remarkable, as well as the
mouth inside with white Ha; Cl tube very gradually (rarely absent) double cage structure of the corolla,
narrowed to apically 2 mm ∅, ± straight, abruptly which, in the African collections only, also bears
widening into a cage 5 - 7 mm wide; Cl lobes 7 - 12 purple osmophores on the inner keels.
× 3.5 mm, broadly ovate to cuneate, tips fused,
f lded back along the midrib, margins revolute at
fo C. sootepensis Craib (BMI 1911: 420, 1911). T:

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

Thailand (Kerr 695 [K]). − D: Thailand. I: Huber C. stapeliiform

f is Haworth (Philos. Mag. Ann.
(1957). Fig. XII.e Chem. 1827: 121, 1827). T: RSA, Eastern Cape
[2] R tuber globose; stems erect-twining, deli- (Bowie s.n. [not located]). − D: RSA, Swaziland.
cate, glabrous; L narrowly linear to lanceolate; Inf
± sessile, 1- (to 3-) flowered; Cl 3 - 4.5 cm, ± C. stapeliiformis ssp. serpentina (E. A. Bruce) R.
straight, outside glabrous; Cl inflation ovoid to A. Dyer (in Leistner & al. (ed.), Fl. South Afr.
globose, ± 12 × 7 - 12 mm, fa f irly abruptly merg- 27(4): 51, 1980). T: RSA, Gauteng (Erens & Phil-
ing into the Cl tube, tube narrowed to ± 3 mm, to- lips 2176 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov., Gau-
wards the mouth widening to 5 - 8 mm, yellowish teng, Mpumalanga), Swaziland. I: Dyer (1983).
with fine purple blotches; Cl lobes linear to lanceo- ≡ Ceropegia serpentina E. A. Bruce (1949) ≡ Ce-
late, 15 - 25 mm, tips fused into an ellipsoid cage, ropegia stapeliif
iformis var. serp
r entina (E. A. Bruce)
inside hairy, basally yellowish, apically brownish, H. Huber (1957).
lamina folded back along the midrib; Cn sessile, f ffrom ssp. stapeliiformis: Stem Tu
[3] Differs T with
basally fuse
f d; Ci lobes bifid into glabrous or hairy 2 golden-yellow stipular Gl accompanied by 2 Gl-
appendages which are overtopping the Gy append- like structures; peduncles usually twining; Cl lobes
ages. not or only a little spreading, usually connivent and
spiralling; Ci lobes ± 1mm.
C. speciosa H. Huber (Mem. Soc. Brot. 12: 144, ill.,
1957). T: Tanzania (Burtt 4632 [K]). − D: Tanza- C. stapeliiform
f is ssp. stapeliiform
f is − D: RSA
nia. (Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983). Fig. XIII.g
[3] Stems twining, glabrous, subsucculent; L 1 - [3] Stem succulents; stems creeping, scrambling
2.5 cm petiolate, lamina ovate, 5 - 10 × 2 - 5 cm, ac- or occasionally twining, ± terete, with prominent
ute, delicate; Inf 2 - 3 cm, with a slender peduncle, Tu, 1.5 - 15 × 1.2 - 1.8 cm, olive-green, often
f striped
few- to many-flowered; Sep subulate, 7 - 10 mm; or blotched with red-brown, slightly glossy; L trian-
Cl 4.5 - 6.9 cm, strongly bent, glabrous, outside gular to cordate, ± 3 × 3 mm, with robust milky-
whitish; Cl inflation ovoid-inflated, ± 2 × 1 cm; cloudy stipular Gl; Inf 0.2 - 2 cm pedunculate, with
bent Cl tube narrowed to ± 2 mm ∅, apically ab- 1 to many Fl on the peduncles of each part-Inf
ruptly widening to ± 15 mm ∅ and margins curved which reach several 10 cm length and scarcely
outwards; Cl lobes narrowly linear, 2 - 3 cm, lamina twine; Ped 6 - 10 × 2.5 mm; Sep lanceolate, ± 4
folded back along the midrib, inserted on the inner mm; Cl ± 7 cm, robust, greenish-white stippled and
margin of the Cl tube, vertical, inside brown- blotched with red-brown; Cl inflation slender,
purple, lower 3⁄4 stalk-like and villose, upper 1⁄4 merely ± 5 - 7 mm ∅, with a narrrow basal constric-
forming a small ellipsoid cage, tips fused; Cn ba- tion, inside hairy, merging gradually into the Cl
sally fused, glabrous; Ci lobes bilobed into 2 appen- tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅, mouth abruptly widening into
dages overtopping the Gy; Cs linear-spatulate, a funne
f l-like structure; Cl lobes inside white, api-
erect-connivent. cally and laterally often red-violet, greenish, or
Plants with delightfu
f l flowers, but unfortunate
f ly brownish, 20 - 35 mm, free, semi-erect, tips revol-
not in cultivation and practically unknown. ute, broadly triangular at the base, margins at the
base somewhat fo f lded back, apically fu
f lly fo
f lded
C. spiralis Wight (Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4: t. 1267, back along the midrib, inside with fine white Ha;
1848). T: India, Tamil Nadu (Wig W ht s.n. [K]). − Cn shortly stipitate or sessile, whitish or brownish,
D: S India (Tamil Nadu). ± 5 × 3.5 mm, fused into a cup; Ci lobes very
Incl. Ceropegia munronii Wight (1848). shortly triangular, abruptly inserted on the upper
[2] R tuber flattened; stems delicate, erect, rarely margin of the coronal cup, ± erect, bifid into trian-
twining, ± 10 cm, ± unbranched, ± glabrous; L gular appendages, ± 0.8 mm, inside ± hairy; Cs 3.5 -
sessile, linear, 7 - 10 × 2 - 3 mm; Inf 1-flowered, 4.5 × 0.4 mm, subulate, erect-connivent, tips papil-
shortly pedunculate; Ped 6 - 7 mm, glabrous; Cl 4 - lose, recurved; Poll reniformf , ±0.4 × 0.25 mm,
5 cm, glabrous, greenish-yellow with purple stripes corpuscle 0.25 × 0.2 mm with tips widening into a
on the lower 1⁄2; Cl tube 2 - 2.5 cm; Cl inflation in- shield; Fr grey-green, erect, broadly ffusiform,
f ± 10
side glabrous, merging gradually into the Cl tube, cm, verruculose.
tube hairy inside; Cl lobes 2 - 2.5 cm, linear-fili - The 2 subspecies show a disj s unct distribution,
fform from a triangular base, often spiralling, lamina with the typical subspecies native to the Eastern
largely fo
f lded back along the midrib, inside hairy; Cape (only S of 31° S) and ssp. serpentina to the
Cn cup-shaped, sessile; Ci lobes tringular, ± 0.7 NE of RSA and Swaziland (only N of 28° S).
mm, bifid into triangular appendages; Cs linear, er-
ect-connivent. C. stenantha K. Schumann (BJS 17: 152-153,
Forming a group of closely related species with 1893). T: Sudan (Schweinf nfurth 2104 [K]). − D: S
C. attenuata, C. jainii, C. mahabalei, C. noor- and E Afr
f ica (Sudan to RSA and Namibia). I: Dyer
johaniae and C. pusilla, sharing tubers, dwarf and (1983).
erect growth and with linear leaves. Incl. Riocreuxia longifl
f ora
r K. Schumann (1901);

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

incl. Ceropegia infausta N. E. Brown (1903); incl. cally occasionally incised, often ciliate, with purple
Ceropegia stenantha var. parvifl f ora N. E. Brown blotches, otherwise Cn white; Cs 1.5 - 3.5 mm,
(1903); incl. Ceropegia angustifolia De Wildeman linear, erect-connivent; Poll globose to nearly
(1903) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Ceropegia square, 0.2 mm ∅; Fr narrowly fus f iform,
f 9 - 13 cm
mazoensis S. Moore (1908); incl. Ceropegia quarrei × 3 mm; Se ± 9 × 2.5 mm.
De Wildeman (1927); incl. Ceropegia tenuissima S. A variable and diverse complex to which Huber’s
Moore (1939). varieties can only partially be assigned (see also C.
[1,3,4] R fleshy, fus
f iform;
f stems robust, much- ringens). C. stenoloba is allied to C. paricyma and
branched, twining, to several m tall, often
f only an- C. claviloba, which also exhibit similarly large and
nual, 2 - 5 mm ∅, ± succulent, striate; L 4 - 8 mm lobed leaves and tubers with a fissured bark.
petiolate, lamina linear to lanceolate, to 3 - 15 × 0.3
- 1 cm, subsucculent, rarely ciliate; Inf 3 - 12 mm C. stenophylla C. K. Schneider (Pl. Wilson. 3: 350,
pedunculate, pseudo-umbellate, 3- to 6-flowered; 1916). T: China, Sichuan (Wi W lson 2313 [K, BM,
Ped 1 - 5 mm; Sep subulate, 2 - 3 mm; Cl 2.5 - 3 GH]). − D: China (Sichuan).
cm, straight or slightly bent, green-yellowish to [1] R fus
f iform,
f fleshy, clustered; stems robust, to
pale yellow; Cl inflation globose-ovoid, 4 - 8 × 2 - 2 m, twining, ± 2 mm ∅, glabrous or scatteredly
3 mm, inside hairy at the base; Cl tube ± cylindri- hairy; L petiolate, linear or linear-lanceolate, 3.5 - 9
cal, 2 mm ∅, inside hairy at the base; Cl lobes 14 × 0.2 - 0.7 mm, ± scatteredly hairy; Inf 1 - 6 mm
- 20 × 1 mm, linear, tips fused into an ellipsoid to pedunculate, 1- to few-
f flowered; Ped to 1.5 cm; Sep
obovoid cage, lamina fo f lded back along the midrib, linear-lanceolate, 5 - 7 mm, with several Gl at the
slightly keeled at the base, with projo ecting margins, base; Cl 3 - 5 cm; Cl inflation 5.5 - 8 mm ∅, ab-
even in the basal angles (auriculate); Cn white, ± ruptly merging into the Cl tube, tube 3 mm ∅, api-
sessile, fuse
f d into a shallow cup, glabrous; Ci cally widening to 8 - 10 mm; Cl lobes 9 - 20 mm,
shortly pouch-like, lateral margins fused with the narrowly elliptic, tips fused into a cage of unknown
Cs base; Cs linear-lanceolate, ± 1.5 × 0.3 mm, erect, shape, lamina folded back along the midrib, inside
connivent up to the middle, then often recurved; Fr hairy, margins ciliate; Cn sessile, fused into a bowl;
± 6 - 10 cm × 3 mm; Se ± 6 × 2 mm. Ci lobes bilobed into triangular obtuse appendages,
Allied to C. crassifolia and C. nilotica. hairy; Cs linear, obtuse; Fr fusf iform
f , ± 9 cm × 3
mm, striate; Se ± 7 × 2.5 mm, tuft of Ha 2 mm.
C. stenoloba Hochstetter ex Chiovenda (Ann. Bot. Closely related to C. dolichophylla and C. longi-
(Roma) 10: 395-396, 1912). T: Ethiopia (Schimp m er f a.
2048 [BM, S]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda,
Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia. I: Dyer C. stentiae E. A. Bruce (BMI 1936: 490, 1936). T:
(1983); Archer (1992: VIII). RSA, Gauteng (Stent s.n. in P PR
RE 10179 [K, PRE]).
Incl. Ceropegia aberrans Schlechter (1913); incl. − D: RSA (Gauteng, North-West Prov.). I: Dyer
Ceropegia schliebenii Markgraf (1932); incl. Cero- (1983); Venter (1993). Fig. XIII.h
pegia chortophyh lla WWerdermann (1939); incl. Cero- [2] R tuber 3 - 6 × 2 - 3 cm, flattened; stems deli-
pegia stenoloba var. australis H. Huber (1957); cate, 7 - 12 cm, annual, terete, 1 - 2 mm ∅, with
incl. Ceropegia stenoloba var. moyalensis H. Huber short Int, hairy when young; L ± sessile, narrowly
(1957). linear, 4 - 6 cm × 2 - 3 mm, margins revolute; Inf
[2] R tuber globose, slightly flattened, ± 2.5 × 3 - sessile, lateral, 1-flowered; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep lanceo-
5 cm, with fissured bark; stems 0.5 - 2 m tall, twin- late, 2 mm; Cl 4.5 - 7 cm, brown-purple, partly
ing, annual, 1 - 3 mm ∅, shortly hairy; L to 15 mm striped with greenish, outside glabrous, rarely pu-
petiolate, elliptic, ovate to broadly lanceolate, mar- bescent, inside ± purple and scatteredly hairy; Cl
gins often crenulate, (1-) 2 - 7.5 × (0.5-) 1 - 4 cm, inflation ellipsoid-cylindrical, ± 6 × 4 mm, green-
delicate, ± hairy; Inf ± sessile, 1- to many-flowered; ish-white, with purple longitudinal stripes, merging
Ped 5 - 15 mm; Sep narrowly triangular, ± 3 mm; gradually into the Cl tube with its upper 1⁄3 bent at
Cl 1.2 - 3 cm, pale yellow; Cl inflation ± globose, 4 right angle, Cl tube 2 - 3 mm ∅ in the middle, wi-
- 6 mm ∅, outside blotched or striped with red- dening into a funnel-shaped mouth of 6 - 7 mm, in-
brown, inside red-brown, hairy, ± gradually nar- side scatteredly hairy; Cl lobes 2.5 - 4 cm, erect,
rowed to 3 mm ∅ and bent at 20 - 45° with the Cl lanceolate in the lower 1⁄5 and nearly flat, inside
tube slightly irregularly shaped, tube inside yellow- cream-coloured, margins usually with vibratile
ish, blotched with red-brown, hairy, towards the purple Ha, upper 4⁄5 narrowly linear, ± 1 mm broad,
mouth widening to 4 - 8 mm, with oblique margin; purple-brown, glabrous, tips slightly broadened and
Cl lobes linear, 6 - 10 mm, folded back along the joined to fform a narrow cage, lamina halfways f
midrib (incl. the margins at the basal angles), in- f lded back along the midrib; Cn white, cup-
side green to brown, ± hairy or glabrous, tips fused shaped, ± 3.5 × 2.5 mm; Ci lobes form f ing triangu-
into a ± globose cage; Cn shortly stipitate, at the lar-ovate pouches, 1.5 - 2 mm long, incised for 1
base fuse
f d into a dish-like structure; Ci lobes form- mm, with erect-parallel triangular white-bearded
ing transversely ovate pouches, < 0.5 mm ∅, api- appendages, margins winged and trapezoid, fused to

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

the base of the Cs; Cs ± 2.5 mm, subulate with ob- lamina ± fof lded back along the midrib, inside yello-
tuse tips, erect-connivent, apically slightly spread- wish-white with red-brown reticulate markings, ±
ing, glabrous; Poll ellipsoid, 0.4 × 0.23 mm; hairy, often with purple median band, apically
follicles erect-parallel, fusiform, ± 6 cm, pale green. brown, glabrous; Cn ± 4 × 3 mm, sessile, greenish-
This rare species is allied to C. dinteri and C. white/purple, cup-shaped; Ci lobes highly connate,
insignis. at the base pouch-like, triangular, ± erect, 1 - 1.5
mm, at least for 1⁄2 bifid into triangular appendages,
C. striata Meve & Masinde (Novon 8(1): 38-40, apically connivent; Cs ± 2 - 3 mm, linear-cylindri-
ills., 1998). T: Madagascar (Grubenmann s.n. cal, erect-connivent; Poll ovoid, ± 0.35 × 0.25 mm.
[ZSS, MO, MSUN]). − D: C Madagascar; granite An exquisite species; remarkable features
f include
inselbergs. Fig. XIII.f the sometimes elongate tuber and the usually geni-
[2] R tuber depressed-globose, hardly > 2 - 3 cm culate corolla. Allied to C. arabica var. powy
w sii.
∅; stems annual, 50 - 100 cm tall, twining, delicate, Ellenbeck collected 2 plants at the same site un-
glabrous, 1 - 2.5 mm ∅, green suffuse f d with red- der his no. 190, which Schumann choose as types
dish; L shortly petiolate, lamina lanceolate, acute, f C. subaphy
for h lla and C. botrys.s Following Huber
10 - 30 × 5 - 8 mm; Inf sessile to shortly peduncu- (1957) both are here treated as conspecific, though
late, usually 1-flowered; Ped 5 mm; Sep lanceo- this has been disputed by Field (1982).
late, ± 1 mm; Cl 2.5 - 3.5 cm, whitish-green, striped
with purple-red, inside glabrous except ffor the C. swaziorum D. V. Field (KB 37(2): 305-308,
circle of Ha around the upper margin of the Cl in- ills., 1982). T: Swaziland (KemK mp 1300 [K, PRE]).
flation, inflation ovoid, 7 × 6 mm; Cl tube bent, 12 - − D: Swaziland. I: Dyer (1983: 203).
15 mm, narrowed to 1 - 2 mm at the base, apically [2] R tuber 4 - 8 × 3 cm ∅, bark rough; stem
widening to 6 - 8 mm; Cl lobes linear, ± 10 × 0.7 sparsely branched, hairy, twining, 0.5 - 1 m, ± 1 mm
mm, tips fused into an elliptical cage with acute ∅; L 1 - 2 cm petiolate, lamina lanceolate, acute,
end, outside green, inside black-purple to dark base subcordate, 5 - 7 × 1.5 - 2.5 cm, margin often
green, margins slightly revolute, densely covered serrate or sinuate; Inf ± sessile, 2- to 4-flowered;
with purple Ha; Cn ± sessile, ± 3.5 mm ∅, ffused Ped 8 - 12 mm; Sep subulate, 5 - 7 mm, villose; Cl
into a cup, whitish, basally also purple, glabrous; Ci almost straight, 2.5 - 3 cm, greenish-cream-col-
lobes bifid into linear appendages, 1.5 × 0.3 mm, as- oured; Cl inflation globose, 6 - 8 × 3 - 4 mm, merg-
cending; Cs spatulate, ± 2.2 × 0.6 mm, slightly con- ing faf irly gradually into the Cl tube, tube 1 - 1.5
cave, erect-connivent; Poll broadly ellipsoid, 0.3 × mm ∅ at the base, towards the mouth widening to 2
0.15 mm. - 3 mm ∅, inside cream-coloured, striped with pur-
A delicate climber with exquisite flowers, allied ple, glabrous; Cl lobes 5 - 6 × 2 mm, linear-spatu -
to C. madagascariensis. s. late ffrom a triangular base, lamina weakly fo f lded
back along the midrib, basal margins revolute, tips
C. subaphylla K. Schumann (BJS 33: 329, 1903). f d into an ovoid cage, inside purple, with fine
T: Somalia (Ellenbeck 190 [K]). − D: Ethiopia, purple Ha; Cn sessile, white, ± 2 × 2 mm, basally
Kenya, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman. I: fused into a cup; Ci lobes ovate-triangular, ± erect,
Bruyns (1988b: 305, as C. botrys). Fig. XIV. V.a concave, ± 0.5 mm, glabrous, tips incised; Cs 1.5 ×
Incl. Ceropegia botrys K. Schumann (1903); 0.3 mm, linear-spatulate, hairy at the base, erect-
incl. Ceropegia nuda d Hutchinson & E. A. Bruce connivent, apically ± involute and papillose; Poll
(1941); incl. Ceropegia mansouriana Chaudhary & ovoid, ± 0.25 × 0.12 mm; Fr narrowly fus f iform,
f ±7
Lavranos (1985). cm × 2 mm.
[2,3] Stem succulents, to 2 m, twining; R a glob- V y close to C. pap
Ver a illata, but with ± serrate
ose-ovoid or also irregularly shaped tuber; stem ± leaves and larger flowers.
terete, 2 - 3 mm ∅, grey-green, faf intly rough; L lin-
ear-lanceolate, 4 - 10 mm, rapidly caducous; Inf 2 - C. taprobanica H. Huber (Revised Handb. Fl. Cey-
5 mm pedunculate, 1- to 4-flowered; Ped 8 - 12 lon 4: 116-117, 1983). T: Sri Lanka (Trimen s.n.
mm; Sep subulate, 4 - 8 mm; Cl 3 - 5 cm; Cl infla- [PDA]). − D: Sri Lanka.
tion greenish, ovoid, ± 7 × 5 mm, ± horizontally [1] R fusiform, fleshy, clustered; stems delicate,
oriented, inside slightly papillose, narrowed into the glabrous; L 1 - 3 cm petiolate, lamina ovate, elliptic
Cl tube, tube greenish-white, blotched with red- to lanceolate, 3 - 16 × 1 - 7 cm, acute; Inf 1- to 8-
brown, 2 mm ∅ at the base, inside with a circle of flowered; peduncle much longer than the Ped and
dense Ha, 8 - 12 mm long, at 1⁄2 of its length usually with Ha arranged in 1 row; Sep 3 - 7 mm, glabrous;
abruptly bent, above ascending ± vertically, api- Cl (3-) 5 - 8 cm, greenish-white, stippled with
cally widening to 4 - 5 mm ∅ and abruptly merging purple; Cl inflation large, ovoidly inflated; Cl tube
into the Cl lobes which are broadly triangular at abruptly constricted in the middle, widening into a
first; Cl lobes 1.5 - 3 cm, linear-spatulate, free for funnel-shaped mouth; Cl lobes 2 - 3.5 cm, linear
the lower 1.5 - 1.8 cm, then fused (if Cl lobes long: ffrom a triangular base, tips fuse
f d, inside with long
diverging above again into a cage-like structure), and purple Ha.

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

An insufficiently known endemic from Sri Lan- pendages; Cs ± 2 mm, linear-spatulate, erect-conni -
ka, which has been separated from
f C. decaisneana vent.
by Huber. Huber (1957) and Dyer (1980) separate C. scab-
iflorra fr
f om C. tomentosa. Dyer, however, points
C. tihamana Chaudhary & Lavranos (Notes Roy. out that C. scabrifl f ora is merely distinguishable
Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 42(2): 316, ill., 1985). T: f m C. tomentosa by the corolla being rough out-
Saudi Arabia (Ch C audhary 901A [RIY, E]). − D: side. Adjacent distribution areas in grasslands and,
SW Saudi Arabia. I: Collenette (1985). due to their rarity, an insufficiently known variabi-
[1,3] Twining stem succulents to 2 m; R tuber lity of these taxa, render the present treatment ade-
irregularly thickened and fleshy with finger-shaped quate. C. bowkeri (see note there) presumably fa f lls
appendages; stems ± terete, 2 - 3 mm ∅, grey-green, under this species as well.
slightly verrucose; L linear, 6 - 10 × 2 - 3 mm, mar-
gins slightly hairy, rapidly caducous; Inf almost C. trichantha Hemsley (J. Bot. 23: 286, 1885). T:
axillary, 3 - 5 mm pedunculate; Ped 8 - 12 mm; Sep Hongkong (For F rd s.n. [not located]). − D: Myan-
subulate, 3 - 4 mm; Cl 1.5 - 2.2 cm; Cl inflation mar, China, Hongkong, Malaysia, Thailand.
greenish, inside striped with red, ovoid, ± 5 × 3 mm, Incl. Ceropegia angustilimba Merrill (1932);
at the transition to the Cl tube thickened, densely incl. Ceropegia jucunda Kerr (1939).
hairy, Ha on purple papillae; Cl tube 1.5 mm ∅ at [1] R fusiform, fleshy, clustered; stems to 1.5 m
the base, greenish-whitish, occasionally striped with tall, twining, straw-yellow, hairy on the nodes; L
red-brown, densely hairy at the base, upper part wi- petiole to 2.8 cm, winged, ± pubescent, lamina nar-
dening to 2 mm and here slightly bent, greenish- rowly elliptic to lanceolate, ± 4.5 × 2.5 cm, delicate,
white with red blotches, inside laxly hairy, above upper face pubescent, lower face bluish and hairy
widening into a funnel-shaped mouth of 5 - 6 mm on the midrib; Inf 1.4 - 3.5 cm pedunculate, 1- to 2-
∅; Cl lobes 4 - 5 mm, lower 2 mm whitish with flowered; Ped 1 - 1.5 cm; Sep linear-lanceolate, 3 -
red-brown reticulation (at least at the base), nearly 4 (-6) mm; Cl 3 - 4.5 cm, white and green, glabrous;
horizontal, fo
f lded back along the midrib, margins Cl inflation oblique-ovoid, 3.5 - 4.5 mm ∅; Cl tube
and in the middle hairy, upper 2 - 3 mm grey, nearly at the base narrowed to ± 2 mm, apically gradually
vertical, not folded back, tips fused, inside finely widening to ± 5 mm ∅; Cl lobes 1.5 - 3 cm, ffi filifo
i f rm
hairy; Cn 2.5 - 3 × 2 mm, ± sessile, cup-shaped; Ci ffrom a triangular base, keeled at the base, apically
lobes erect, bulging pouch-like, ovate, ± 1.5 mm f d, lamina ± fo
spatulate, fuse f lded back along the
long, apically bifid into triangular appendages; Cs midrib; Cn shortly stipitate, ± 4 × 3 mm, basally
± 1.5 mm, linear-clavate, erect-connivent; Poll f d into a cup; Ci lobes triangular-ovate, bifid
ovoid, ± 0.32 × 0.23 mm; Fr 9 cm × 6 mm. into 2 triangular densely ciliate appendages; Cs
Vegetatively, C. tihamana shows great resem- linear-spatulate, to 3 mm, erect, villose; Fr ± 15 cm,
blance to C. subaphy h lla, and even the slender coro- slender.
na is very similar. Closely allied to (the non-succulent and thus here
not treated) C. lucida Wallich (incl. C. driophila C.
C. tomentosa Schlechter (BJS 18(Beiblatt 45): 33, K. Schneider sensu Gilbert & al. (1995)).
1894). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Barber 372 [K]). −
D: RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal); grassland. C. turricula E. A. Bruce (BMI 1936: 419, 1937).
I: Dyer (1983). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Galpi l n 697 [K, PRE]). −
Incl. Ceropegia scabrififlorra N. E. Brown (1908). D: RSA (Northern Prov.). I: Dyer (1983).
[1] R fleshy and thickened, to 10 cm; stems erect, [2] R tuber flattened, 3 - 5 cm ∅; stems erect, 35
not twining, 20 - 40 cm, annual, sparsely branched, - 45 cm, not twining, delicate, annual, with short
glabrous; L ± sessile and erect, linear, acute, 25 - Int, ± unbranched, ± pubescent; L ± sessile, nar-
100 × 1 - 3 mm; Inf sessile, lateral, 1- (to 2-) flo- rowly lanceolate-linear, ± 12 × 0.5 cm, midrib ±
wered; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep subulate, 5 - 8 mm; Cl raised on the lower face; Inf sessile, lateral, 1-
3.5 - 6.5 cm, ascending, ± straight, outside greenish flowered; Ped ± 17 mm; Sep linear, acute, to 1 cm;
to yellowish, partly marked with purple; Cl infla- Cl pale green, blotched with red-brown, to 6.5 cm,
tion globose to ovoid, outside glabrous or roughly buds 5-angled; Cl inflation ovoid, ± 7 mm ∅, inside
papillose, 5 - 8 mm ∅, merging gradually into the white at the base, merging gradually into the Cl
Cl tube, tube ± 3 mm ∅, apically widening to 4 - 5 tube, tube 3 - 4 mm ∅, inside purple and green, api-
mm, ± purple; Cl lobes free, erect to spreading, cally widening to ± 17 mm ∅; Cl lobes fused f into
linear from a narrowly triangular base or filifo
ffii f rm an ovoid cage, ± 17 × 6 mm, erect but slightly
when folded back along the midrib, 2.5 - 3.5 cm, contorted in the middle, fo
f lded back along the mid-
greenish, marked with purple, inside finely hairy, rib, strongly keeled, inside basally pale green, then
with a tuftf of purple clavate Ha just above the with transverse white bands, apically green-purple,
base; Cn ± sessile, white-yellowish, basally fuse f d with long purple cilia; Cn cup-shaped, sessile; Ci
into a cup; Ci lobes triangularly pouch-like, ± erect, lobes triangular, ± erect, laterally fused with the Cs
1 - 2 mm, bilobed into narrowly triangular ap- base, apically incised into subulate appendages, ± 1

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia

mm, ciliate; Cs ± 4 mm, linear-subulate, erect-con- linear to narrowly lanceolate, lamina fo f lded back
nivent. along the midrib (incl. the basal angles), tips fused
For a note see under C. dinteri. into a small ovoid cage, inside velvety-black, usu-
ally finely hairy, outside green; Cn sessile, purple
C. umbraticola K. Schumann (BJS 17: 153, 1893). at the base, otherwise whitish-hyaline, fuse
f d into a
T [neo]: Zaïre (Schmitz t 1055 [BR]). − D: Zaïre, short cup; Ci lobes erect, 0.5 - 1 mm, nearly square,
Zambia, Tanzania, Angola, Malawi. I: Malaisse & obtuse, denticulate and / or apically incised; Cs ± 2
Schaijes (1993). mm, linear-cylindrical, erect, apically involute,
Incl. Ceropegia wellmanii N. E. Brown (1908); hairy at the base.
incl. Ceropegia rostratat E. A. Bruce (1948); incl. Closely related to C. meyeri and C. abyssinica.
Ceropegia chipiaensis Stopp (1964); incl. Cerop o e-
gia schaij
i esiorum Malaisse (1986). C. variegata Decaisne (Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., sér. 2,
[1] R fleshy and thickened to 20 × 0.3 cm; stems 9: 262, ills., 1838). T: Yemen (Botta t s.n. [P]). −
erect, 10 - 30 cm, not twining, herbaceous, hairy, D: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya,
annual, unbranched; L sessile or with a petiole to 5 Tanzania. I: Collenette (1985: p.p. as C. devecchii).
mm, lamina broadly ovate to narrowly elliptic, ± 4 Fig. XIV.
× 2 cm; Inf sessile, lateral, 1- (to 2-) flowered; Ped Incl. Stapelia variegata Forsskål (1776) (nom. il-
15 mm; Sep subulate, 4 - 6 mm; Cl 5 - 8 cm, ± hori- leg., Art. 53.1); incl. Ceropegia tubulifera Deflers
zontal to ascending, straight or slightly bent, out- (1896); incl. Ceropegia devecchii Chiovenda
side whitish-green; Cl inflation cylindrical, globose (1932); incl. Ceropegia variegata var. cornigera H.
to ovoid, to 15 mm ∅, inside glabrous or hairy, out- Huber (1957); incl. Ceropegia devecchii var. ade-
side occasionally shortly pubescent, merging gradu- d P. R. O. Bally (1974) ≡ Ceropegia variegata
ally into the often slightly narrowed Cl tube, tube var. adelaidae
d (P. R. O. Bally) Cufo f dontis (s.a.);
apically often slightly constricted, suffused with incl. Stapelia sarmentosa Steudel (s.a.).
reddish; Cl lobes linear ffrom a triangular base, 1 - 4 [3] Stem succulents, scrambling or twining in
× 0.5 cm, tips fused into a tapering-ovoid cage, bushes to 3 m high; stems terete, with ± proj o ecting
f lded back along the midrib (incl. the basal mar-
fo T , 8 - 13 mm ∅, dark green to glaucous-green,
gins), inside greenish or brownish, often suffused or striped or blotched with red-brown, shining when
striped with purple, at the base occasionally whitish young; L triangular-attenuate, ± 2 × 2 mm, with
or red, ± glabrous; Cn sessile, 5 mm ∅, basally membranous hairy stipules; Inf shortly pedunculate,
dish-like fuse
f d; Ci lobes triangularly pouch-like, with 1 to several Fl opening successively, Ped 3 - 5
horizontal to nearly erect, 3 - 4 mm, bilobed into mm; Sep subulate, 3 - 5 mm, tips usually recurved;
subulate-triangular appendages, occasionally with a Cl ± 7 cm, robust, outside grey-white, finely
small appendage in between, with long Ha to glabr- stippled and blotched with violet, inside grey-white
ous; Cs narrowly lanceolate, hardly 1 mm, incum- striped with violet and green, ± unscented, short-
bent on the Anth to ascending; Fr 20 - 40 cm × 4 lived; Cl inflation constricted in the middle, 2 - 3
- 6 mm, erect, almost parallel; Se ± 8 × 4 mm, tuft mm ∅, basal part ovoid, 5 - 20 × 5 - 7 mm, inside
of Ha 3 cm. usually wrinkled, upper part of the inflation ofte f n
A variable complex, which remains insufficiently yellowish, striate, 4 - 5 × 5 - 7 mm, then gradually
known, due to lack of material. C. schaijesiorum, merging into the Cl tube, tube ± 3 mm, apically ab-
characterized by nearly white flowers with brown ruptly widening in a funnel-shap
fu ed manner into the
corolla lobes, is here treated as synonym, but this appendages of the Cl lobes, inside with white Ha;
placement needs corroboration. Cl lobes 5 - 18 mm, with green, red-brown and
green bands, erect, apically fuse
f d into a short tip,
C. vanderystii De Wildeman (Bull. Jard. Bot. État bases of adjacent lobes united into grooved ± hori-
4: 393, 1914). T: Zaïre (Vandery r st 3024 [BR]). − zontally spreading processes (auricles), lobes 5 - 35
D: Angola, Zaïre. I: Malaisse & Schaij i es (1993). mm, inside whitish and ± completely hairy; Cn
Incl. Ceropegia rara
r S. Moore (1929). shortly stipitate or sessile, pale yellow, 4 - 5 × 4 - 5
[1] R tuber small, basal Int of the stems under- mm, fused into a cup; Ci lobes narrowly triangular
ground, rhizome-like, with thickened lateral R; to linear-subulate, ± erect, bilobed into triangular
stems robust, unbranched, twining, 1 - 3 m, hairy, 2 appendages, 1 - 2 mm; Cs 2 - 3 × 0.4 mm, linear, er-
- 3 mm ∅; L 2 - 5 cm petiolate, lamina cordate, ac- ect-connivent; Poll ovoid to reniform
f , ± 0.45 × 0.25
cuminate, 5 - 7 × 2 - 4 cm; Inf with a short thi- mm; Fr 9 cm.
ckened peduncle, 3- to many-flowered; Ped 1 - 1.5 An extremely variable complex, which had been
cm; Sep subulate, 2 - 5 mm, blotched with red, vil- reduced to a single species by Bruyns (1988b). The
lose; Cl 1.2 - 2.5 cm, bottle-shaped, outside hairy or taxa here subsumed are uniformf as to the morpholo-
glabrous; Cl inflation 7 - 15 × 4 - 6 mm, outside gy of the stems, but the basal processes of the corol-
whitish, ± striped with red-brown, ovoid, occasio- la lobes in particular are very variable (few to 35
nally asymmetrical, merging gradually into the Cl mm long) thus giving the flowers of C. variegata
tube, tube apically 1 mm ∅; Cl lobes 5 - 8 mm, very different appearances.

Ceropegia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

C. verticillata Masinde (CSJA 72(3): 155-158, ills., cally mucronate; Inf pseudo-umbellate, 2- to 4-
2000). T: Kenya, Taita-Taveta Distr. (Bytebier flowered; Cl ± 2.5 - 4.5 cm, otherwise as C. di-
1160 [EA, BR]). − D: S Kenya. stincta, but Cl tube inside glabrous.
[1] R clustered, fusiform, fleshy; stems erect, to 2 A dubious taxon, presumably to be relegated into
m, sparsely branched, 1 - 1.5 mm ∅, hairy; L 9 - 20 the synonymy under C. distincta.
mm petiolate, in whorls of 3, lamina narrowly ov-
ate-lanceolate, 12 - 40 × 6 - 13 mm, pubescent, C. wallichii Wight (Contr. Bot. India, 32, 1834).
margins ciliate; Inf shortly pedunculate, pseudo- T: Nepal (Wallich
W s.n. [BM]). − D: Nepal. I: Hu-
umbellate, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 2 - 6 mm, ± glabr- ber (1957).
ous; Sep subulate, ± 2 - 2.5 mm, hairy; Cl whitish- Incl. Ceropegia erecta Wallich ex Wight (1834)
cream-coloured, in the middle with reddish dots and (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c).
streaks, 11 - 20 mm, erect, slightly bent; Cl infla- [1] R fusiform-c
f ylindrical, fleshy, in clusters;
tion ovoid, ± 3 × 3 mm; Cl tube narrowing gradu- stems erect, robust, firm, faintly pubescent; L ses-
ally to 1.5 mm ∅, mouth widening to 4 mm ∅, sile or shortly petiolate, lamina elliptic to ovate, up-
glabrous; Cl lobes in the apical 2⁄3 dark green, linear, per face
f densely pubescent, lower fface pale and
± 4 × 1.4 mm, lamina folded back along the midrib, midrib hairy; Inf sessile or shortly pedunculate, 1-
inner face hairy, apically connate to form an ellip- to many-flowered, developing together with the
soid cage-like structure with ± 4 mm ∅; Cn shortly sprouting stem; Sep subulate; Cl 3 - 5 cm, whitish-
stipitate, cup-shaped, ± 2.3 × 3 mm; Ci ± 1.4 × 1.2 green with purple longitudinal stripes; Cl inflation
mm, semi-erectly radiating out to fform rectangular globose-ovoid, 6 - 10 mm long, inside at the transi-
concave pouches, bifid into deltoid teeth, ± ciliate; tion to the Cl tube hairy; Cl tube basally narrowed
Cs lobes 2.8 × 0.4 mm, spatulate, ± erect-connivent; to ± 3 mm ∅, widening into a funnel-shaped mouth
Poll ovoid-ellipsoid, 0.2 × 0.12 mm; Fr 8.5 - 10 cm of 12 mm ∅; Cl lobes 12 - 17 mm, ovate from f a
× 3 mm; Se black, 12 × 2 mm, tuft f of Ha ± 24 mm. broadly triangular base, broadly keeled, lamina
This is the only Ceropegia with verticillate f lded back along the midrib except ffor the base,
leaves. It is closely related to C. meyeri-johannis.
s. margins with purple Ha, upper 1⁄2 purple, tips fused;
Cn shortly stipitate, ± 4 × 3 mm, at the base fuse f d
C. vincifof lia Hooker (CBM 1839: t. 3740 + text, into a cup; Ci lobes bilobed into triangular ciliate
1839). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 3740. − D: India. appendages; Cs linear-subulate, ± 3.5 mm, erect-
I: Ansari (1984). parallel.
≡ Ceropegia hirsuta t var. vincifolia (Hooker) Endemic to Nepal and most easily distinguish-
Hooker fil. (1883); incl. Ceropegia stocksii Hooker able by its robust erect stems.
f l. (1883); incl. Ceropegia polyantha Blatter &
McCann (1931); incl. Ceropegia oculata var. sub- C. yemenensis Meve & R. Mangelsdorff (Bot. J.
r uta H. Huber (1957). Linn. Soc. 137: 100, ills. (p. 101, 103), 2001). T:
[2] R tuber flattened; stem twining, glabrous; L Yemen (Mange
M r Y24 [B, FR, UBT]). − D: N
ovate with cordate base and acuminate tip, upper Yemen. Fig. XIV. Vb
face hairy; Inf many-flowered, peduncle hairy; Ped [1] R fusiform-flesh
f y, clustered; stems erect,
glabrous; Cl 3 - 8 cm, yellowish; Cl inflation occu- twining to 50 cm, sparsely branched, ≤ 1 mm ∅; L
pying the lower 1⁄4 or 1⁄3, 4 - 5 mm ∅, ovoid, merging shortly pedicellate, narrowly linear to lanceolate,
gradually into the Cl tube, tube with purple stripes acute, 15 - 90 × 1 - 2 mm, slightly subsucculent, ±
in the upper 1⁄2, widening in a funne
f l-shaped manner ciliate; Inf 3 - 10 mm pedunculate, pseudo-umbel-
towards the mouth; Cl lobes 1.5 - 3.5 cm, linear late, 1- to 2- (to 5-) flowered; Bra minute; Ped ± 10
from a triangular-ovate base, apically acute, fused mm, glabrous; Sep lanceolate-subulate, 1 - 2 × 0.5
into a narrowly ovoid cage, lamina folded back mm, glabrous; Cl pale yellow with pale greenish
along the midrib, inside pubescent, ciliate, basal 1⁄2 base, 25 - 35 mm, erect, slightly curved, with in-
pale green, upper 1⁄2 dark green; Cn shortly stipitate, tense scent like Lily of the Valley flowers; Cl infla-
fused into a bowl; Ci lobes nearly fully connate and tion ovoid, 6 - 9 × 3 - 4 mm, inside dark red, with a
entire or sinuate or slightly incised, concave, hairy; ring of white Ha; Cl tube narrowing gradually to
Cs linguiform-spatu
f late, erect, tips ± recurved. 1.5 mm ∅, mouth widening to 2 - 3 mm ∅, glabr-
Most closely related to C. hirsuta. ous; Cl lobes narrowly linear-lanceolate, lamina ±
bent back along the midrib, apically fuse
f d to form
C. volubilis N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 261, 1895). an ovoid cage-like structure, basally slightly auricu-
W witsch 4272 [BM, COI, K, P]). − D:
T: Angola (Wel late; Cn yellowish, sessile, cup-shaped, ± 3 × 3.5
Angola. I: Bally (1965). mm; Ci deltoid, ± 0.5 × 0.5 mm, bifid, marginally
Incl. Ceropegia scandens N. E. Brown (1895); reddish with long white Ha; Cs lobes 2.5 × 0.4 mm,
incl. Ceropegia dewevrei De Wildeman (1904). laterally compressed, erect-connivent, apically pa-
[3] R fibrous; stems glabrous, twining, 2 - 4 mm pillose; Poll ovoid-subrectangular, 0.3 × 0.2 mm.
∅, succulent, glaucous-green; L ovate to elliptic, 3 The relationships of this recently described spe-
- 7 × 1.5 - 3 cm, base usually strongly cordate, api- cies ffrom the Yemen remain unresolved. The flo-

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Cibirhiza

wers are superficially very similar to those of C. CIBIRHIZA

U. Meve
C. yorubana Schlechter (BJS 38: 47-48, ills., Cibirhiza Bruyns (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edin-
1905). T [neo]: Nigeria (Meikle 1256 [K, P]). − D: burgh 45(1): 51-54, ills., 1988). T: Cibirhiza dho-
Nigeria, Ghana. f
farensis Bruyns. − Lit: Kunze & al. (1994). D:
[3] R fibrous; stems perennial, weakly succulent, Oman, Tanzania, Zambia. Etym: Lat. ‘cibus’, nour-
2 - 3 m, twining, ± terete, ± 3 mm ∅; L petiolate, ishment, foo
f d; and Gr. ‘rhiza’, root; ffor the edible
broadly cordate, 2 - 3.5 × 1.5 - 2.5 cm, acute, ± glab- root tubers.
rous; Inf ± 2 cm pedunculate, 1- to 3-flowered; Ped Perennial geophytes with R tubers, becoming
5 mm; Sep narrowly lanceolate, 3 mm; Cl ± 2.5 cm, woody; latex white; stems erect, sometimes decum-
± straight, yellow-green, blotched with ± red- bent, mostly twining, perennial; L petiolate, elliptic
brown; Cl inflation ± 4 mm ∅, globose, inside scat- to oblong-ovate, large, coarse, basally with colle-
teredly hairy, merging ± gradually into the Cl tube, ters, hairy; Inf extra-axillary, lateral, sessile, ma-
tube ± 2 mm ∅, towards the mouth widening to 4 ny-flowered, pseudo-umbellately clustered; Ped
mm ∅; Cl lobes linear-spatulate, 8 mm, tips fused, short; Cl rotate with shallow to shallowly campanu-
lamina folded back along the midrib, inside apically late tube shorter than the Cl lobes; Cl lobes triangu-
with black-purple Ha; Cn cup-shaped, sessile; Ci lar, flatly spreading, inside papillose; Cn biseriate,
lobes shortly triangular, hardly 1 mm, concave, sessile, red-brown, glossy from nectar; Ci fused f
apex bifid into triangular acute hairy appendages; f inge- or disc-like, ± indented at intrastaminal po-
Cs ± 4 mm, linear with clavate tips curving out- sitions; Cs different
f iated into 2 or 3 processes ar-
wards, erect, ± connivent; Poll ± pear-shaped. ranged one behind the other, each ± subulate and
Well-separable by its broadly cordate leaves and
W erect; Gy sessile; Anth appendages broadly ovate,
the very long staminal corona. The species belongs whitish-transparent, lying on and obscuring the Sty
into the group of C. distincta
t . head; translator without caudicles; Poll broadly el-
lipsoid, ± 0.2 × 0.12 mm, flat; Fr solitary.
C. zeyheri Schlechter (BJS 38: 48-49, 1905). T: This small genus has an uncommonly disj s unct
RSA, Eastern Cape (Zeyher s.n. [G]). − D: RSA distribution with 1 species in Oman and 1 species in
(Eastern Cape). I: Dyer (1983); Bruyns (1985). Zambia and Tanzania. The lianas with massive root
Incl. Ceropegia patersoniae N. E. Brown (1913). tubers occupy a basal position within the Asclep e ia-
[1,3,4] Stem succulents, climbing and twining to doideae. Cibirhiza, together with Fockea, belongs to
1 m, few-branched; R flesh
f y, fusiform, clustered; tribe Fockeeae (Kunze & al. 1994).
stems terete, 2 - 4 mm ∅, green, smooth, glabrous; The two species of the genus are closely related.
L narrowly ovate, 5 - 10 mm, succulent, rapidly ca- Vegetative differences
f are in the leaf shape, florally
ducous; Inf sessile or with a peduncle 1 cm long, 1- there are differences
f in characters of the corona.
to 2- (to 3-) flowered; Ped ± 7 mm; Sep lanceolate,
acute, ± 4 mm; Cl 4.5 - 6 cm, ± erect, only slightly C. albersiana H. Kunze & al. (Taxon 43(3): 368-
bent, outside pale green; Cl inflation globose to 374, ills., 1994). T: Zambia (White 6969 [K]). −
ovoid, 5 - 8 mm ∅, inside blotched with red; Cl D: Tanzania, Zambia; esp. Mopane woodland.
tube gradually narrowed to ± 3 mm ∅, towards the Stems climbing and twining; R tubers partly ab-
mouth widening to 8 - 11 mm, inside whitish-green, ove-ground, globose to turnip-shaped or irregularly
f intly striped with red-brown, glabrous; Cl lobes
fa shaped, to 30 cm ∅; stems to 2 m, yellowish-brown,
linear, 3 - 4 cm × 1 mm, erect, forming a delicate somewhat hairy; L 4 - 7 cm petiolate, lamina ovate
cage, green, inside and outside ± hairy, margins ± to obovate, basally cuneate to somewhat cordate,
involute; Cl lobes abruptly ovate in the basal 1⁄3, apically ± acute, 6 - 14 × 4 - 9 cm, sparsely pubes-
with red-brown reticulate markings, tip spatulate cent; Inf 5- to 10- (to 20-) flowered; Ped hardly 1
and widening to 2 - 3 mm, glabrous, margins with mm, very sparsely pubescent; Sep ovate, obtuse, ±
purple vibratile Ha in the narrowed section; Cn ses- 1.5 mm, pubescent; Cl yellowish to greenish with
sile, ± 4.5 × 3 mm, only basally fused; Ci lobes nar- red-brown spots and dots, ± 1 cm ∅, outside ± glab-
rowly triangular, ± erect, for 3⁄4 bifid into parallel rous, inside papillose; Cl lobes triangular, ± 3.5 × 3
subulate appendages, ± 2 mm; Cs ± 3.5 × 0.4 - 0.6 mm; Cn purple-brown, ± 2.5 × 2 mm; Ci fr f inge-
mm, linear-subulate, erect-connivent, tips slightly like, erect; Cs different
f iated into 2 processes, outer
recurved, ± acute or truncate and denticulate; Poll process cuneate-subulate, ± 0.8 mm, basally em-
ellipsoid; Fr ± 9 cm. bracing the inner process, inner Cs process bifid
Very closely allied to C. fimbriata
V t s.str. The two into an outer segment, this triangular-subulate, ±
taxa occur in mixed populations. 0.7 mm, ascending, and an inner segment, this subu-
f , ± 1.5 mm, erect-connivent.

C. dhofarensis Bruyns (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard.

Edinburgh 45(1): 51-54, ills., 1988). T: Oman,

Cynanchum Asclepiadaceae S. Liede

Dhofar (Miller 7525 [E, K, KWT, ON, OXF, UPS]). flat, then petiolate or sessile, usually with 1 - 7 Gl,
− D: Oman (Dhofar);
f rocky places. Fig. XIV.
Vd linear or not, margins entire, basally often cordate
Stems decumbent or twining; R tuber globose to to reniform; Inf extra-axillary, ffew- to many-
turnip-shaped, > 15 cm ∅, edible; stems to 1.5 m, 3 fflowered, bostrychoid to pseudo-umbellate; Fl fre-
- 8 mm ∅, bark uneven; L 1 - 7 cm petiolate, lami- quently sweet-scented, with nectar; Cl white to
na ovate to oblong-ovate, basally obtuse to cordate, brown, sometimes rose-coloured, 3 - 20 mm ∅, stel-
apically ± obtuse, 4 - 15 × 1.5 - 10 cm, ± pubescent; late to tubular, rarely broadly campanulate (C. in-
Inf 15- to 25-flowered; Ped 2 - 3 mm, pubescent; signe); Cn white, rarely red, lower than or as tall as
Sep linear-subulate, ± 2.5 mm, hairy; Cl pale green or taller than the Gy, consisting of fused staminal
with red-brown spots and dots, 1.2 - 1.4 cm ∅, out- (Cs) and interstaminal (Ci) parts; Cs occasionally
side pubescent, inside papillose; Cl lobes triangu- with adaxial appendages (= ligule), or with addi-
lar-ovate, ± 4.5 × 4 mm; Cn purple, ± 3 mm ∅; Ci tional ffree Cs (C. insigne); Gy sessile or stipitate;
united disc-like; Cs different
f iated into 2 processes, Anth with apical appendage and conspicuously dif-
outer processes shortly hooked, inner ± 1.5 mm, su- f
ferent iated lateral Anth wings, these wings usually
bulate, erect with reflexed tip; Fr ± 7 × 1 cm, ffusi- consisting of a proximal and a distal rail, space be-
fform, acute, smooth, glabrous. tween the rails usually filled with upwards-directed
Bri, proximal rail curved; Poll pendent, rarely ± er-
ect; Sty head forming a conspicuous bulge above
CYNANCHUM the corpuscles, upper part flat, conical, drawn out or
tabular; Fr usually only 1 per Fl, thin-walled,
S. Liede
winged or not, smooth or tuberculate, glabrous,
Cynanchum Linné (Spec. Pl. [ed. 1], 212, 1753). weakly longitudinally ribbed; Se brown, pear-
T: Cynanchum acutum Linné. − Lit: Jumelle & shaped to ovoid, smooth, sculptured, papillose or
Perrier (1908); Jumelle & Perrier (1911); Choux with Ha, winged or not, with apical tuft of Ha.
(1914); Choux (1923); Descoings (1961); Liede The genus Cynanchum embraces some 300 spe-
(1993a); Liede (1993b); Liede (1996a); Liede & cies throughout the world, of which most are non-
Meve (2001); Liede & Täuber (2002). D: Tro T pics succulent climbers and twiners. All succulents
and subtropics worldwide, few species in temperate covered below belong to Sect. Cy C nanchum.
climates. Etym: Gr. ‘kynos’, dog; and Gr. ‘an- Karimbolea, Folotsia and Platy
K t keleba belong to
chein’, to choke; ffor the toxicity of the plants. the complex of succulent Madagascan Cy C nanchum
Incl. Cyat
C hella Decaisne (1838). T: not typified. as shown by molecular studies (Liede & Täuber
Incl. Cynoctonum
C E. Meyer (1838) (nom. illeg., Art. 2002). The necessary taxonomical changes were
53.1). T: not typified. published by Liede & Meve (2001). Sarcostemma
Incl. Decanema Decaisne (1838). T: Decanema his its roots here, too, and will have to be trans-
o erianum Decaisne. f rred to Cynanchum (see further comments for
Incl. Pycnoneurum Decaisne (1838). T: Pycnoneu- Sarcostemma).
rum juncififorme Decaisne.
Incl. Sarcocyphula Harvey (1863). T: Sarcocyphu- The fof llowing name is of unresolved application
la gerrard
r ii Harvey. but is referred to this genus: Cynanchum tuberosum
Incl. Vohemari
V a Buchenau (1889). T: Vohemaria
V hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1).
messeri Buchenau.
Incl. Flanagania Schlechter (1894). T: Flanagania C. aculeatum (Descoings) Liede & Meve (Novon
orangeana Schlechter. 6(1): 59, ills. (p. 60), 1996). T: Madagascar, Tolia-
Incl. Platykeleba N. E. Brown (1895). T: Platyke- ra (Descoings 1013 [P, TAN]). − D: S Madagascar
leba insignis N. E. Brown. (Toliara).
Incl. Folotsia Costantin & Bois (1908). T: Folotsia ≡ Prosop
o ostelma aculeatum Descoings (1957) ≡
sarcostemmoides Costantin & Bois. Folotsia aculeata (Descoings) Descoings (1961).
Incl. Voharan
V ga Costantin & Bois (1908). T: Vo- V Stems 30 - 40 cm, ascending, not twining, 1.5 - 2
haranga madagascariensis Costantin & Bois. mm ∅, delicately striate, inconspicuously wax-
Incl. Mahafalia Jumelle & H. Perrier (1911). T: covered, glabrous, latex yellow; L rudiments scaly,
M hafalia nodosa Jumelle & H. Perrier.
Ma early caducous; Inf with 1 - 5 sessile Fl, pseudo-
Incl. Nematostemm
N a Choux (1921). T: Nemato-
N umbellate; Fl buds elongate-conical; Cl yellow,
stemma perrieri Choux. trumpet-like; Cl lobes united for almost the whole
Incl. Ka
K rimbolea Descoings (1960). T: Karimbolea length, 6 - 7 mm, free lobes short, recurved; Cn 2.5
verrucosa Descoings. - 3 mm, surpassing the stipitate Gy (excl. append-
Erect scrambling or twining R or stem succulents ages of the Sty head), Cs and Ci fusef d ffor ± the
or mesophytic L plants without thickened R, with whole Cn length; Ci planar, oblong, tip bifid; Cs
milky, white to yellow latex; stems green, 1.5 - 15 placed against the back of the St, not different
f iated;
mm ∅, smooth, delicately ribbed or tuberculate, Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head cream-
wax-covered, glabrous or hairy; L reduced to Sc or coloured to yellow, long-elongate.

S. Liede Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum

Belongs to the species group of C. folotsioides, C. Colon. Marseille, sér. 4, 5(2): 31, 1928). T: Mada-
f uens, C. mahafalense and C. messeri.ii.. gascar, Antananarivo (Perrier 12937 [P]). − D: C
Madagascar (Antananarivo). Fig. XV. V.b
C. ambovombense (Liede) Liede & Meve (Adan- R tubers 10 - 15 × 2 - 3 cm; stems 30 - 70 cm, as-
sonia, sér. 3, 23(2): 350, 2001). T: Madagascar, To- cending, twining, 0.75 - 1.5 mm ∅, becoming glabr-
r 8374 [P]). − D: S Madagascar (Tolia-
liara (Decary ous; L petiole 2 - 7 mm, lamina 42 - 60 × 1 - 3.8
ra). I: Liede (1996b). mm, linear; Inf 4- to 8-flowered; Fl buds (oblong-)
≡ Fo
F lotsia ambovombensis Liede (1996). conical; Ped 8 - 17 mm; Cl greenish-brown; Cl
Stems 4 - 5 mm ∅, with conspicuous wax cover, lobes basally united, ± 3.5 mm, curved inwards to
glabrous; L rudiments ± 0.8 mm petiolate, lamina ± spreading; Cn ± 1.5 mm, as tall as the Gy, Cs and
1.6 × 1.2 mm, triangular, early deciduous; Inf 6- to Ci completely fuse
f d; Ci planar, triangular, keeled;
12-flowered, sessile; buds ovoid; Cl almost globose, Cs not different
f iated; Anth wings longer than the
f ± 2 mm, tips bent inwards;
lobes basally united for Anth; Sty head conical to capitate.
Cn ± 1.2 mm, shorter than the stipitate Gy, Cs and Belonging to the C. lineare species complex.
Ci basally united; Ci laminar, ovate, flat; Cs not
differentiated; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty C. ansamalense Liede (Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist.
head flatly conical; Fr ± 6 cm, inversely club- Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 18(1-2): 112-114, ills.,
shaped, apically obtuse. 1996). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Rauh 21850
[HEID]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara).
C. ampanihense Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. Gén. Stems ascending, twining, 1 - 1.5 mm ∅, delica-
Bot. 23: 258, 1911). T: Madagascar (Decary r 4534 tely striate, glabrous; L scaly, ovate, 0.8 - 1 × 0.8 - 1
[P]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara). Fig. XIV. V
V..e mm; Inf 1- to 4-flowered; Fl sessile, buds globose;
Incl. Cynanchum humbertii Choux (1926). Cl white, along the main veins purple; Cl lobes ba-
R torulose; stems 40 - 130 cm, ascending, twin- sally united, 1.8 - 2 mm, down-curved; Cn ± 1.2
ing, 2 - 2.5 mm ∅, delicately longitudinally striate, mm, shorter than the stipitate Gy, Cs and Ci com-
inconspicuously wax-covered, becoming glabrous, pletely fuse
f d; Ci thicker than the Cs, planar; Cs
latex ivory-coloured; L rudiments scaly, ± 0.5 × ± f d with the Fil, placed against the back of the St;
0.5 mm; Inf 2- to 5-flowered, pseudo-umbellate; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head shortly
peduncle persistent; Ped 1 - 4 mm; Fl unscented; inversely funnel-shaped.
buds cylindrical; Cl yellow to brown, basally Belonging to the C. gerrardii species complex.
united; Cl lobes 3 - 3.5 mm, horizontal to recurved;
Cn 2.5 - 3 mm, as tall as the sessile Gy; Cs and Ci
f r ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length, with a conspicuous
fused fo C. appendiculatopsis Liede (Bull. Mus. Nation.
constriction in the middle; Ci not differentiated; Cs Hist. Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 18(1-2): 114-116,
planar, pointed; Anth wings as long as the Anth; ills., 1996). T: Madagascar, Fianarantsoa (Bosser
Sty head white to cream-coloured, flatly conical; 16816 [P]). − D: E Madagascar (Fianarantsoa).
Fr 5 - 8 cm, obclavate, tip strongly beaked; Se ± 3 Stems 40 - 50 cm, erect to decumbent, not
mm, pear-shaped, densely hairy, without wings. twining, 1.5 - 3 mm ∅, finely striate, inconspicu-
Closely related to C. lecomtei. ously wax-covered, becoming glabrous; latex
ivory-coloured; L scaly, 1 - 1.2 × 0.6 - 0.8 mm; Inf
C. andringitrense Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. with 2 - 5 almost sessile Fl, pseudo-umbellate; Fl
Colon. Marseille, sér. 4, 1(2): 21, 1923). T: Mada- buds conical; Cl cream-coloured, along the main
gascar (Perrier 14477 [P]). − D: Madagascar (An- veins purple, campanulate; Cl lobes basally united,
tananarivo, Fianarantsoa). 2.5 - 4.5 mm, curved inwards to spreading; Cn pale
R tubers 1 - 3 × 0.5 - 1 cm; stems 0.3 - 1 (-2) m, greenish-yellow, ± 1 mm, a little shorter than the
ascending, twining, 0.7 - 1.3 mm ∅, becoming glab- stipitate Gy; Cs and Ci fused for more than 3⁄4 of the
rous; L petiole 13 - 22 mm, lamina 23 - 45 × 12 - 22 Cn length; Ci planar, rectangular, form
f ing a con-
mm, ovate, rarely elliptic; Inf 5- to 12-flowered, spicuous convex fof ld; Cs fuse
f d with the Fil, planar,
bostrychoid to pseudo-umbellate; Fl fa f intly honey- ovate; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head
scented, buds oblong-conical; Ped 16 - 31 mm; Cl furcate; Fr ± 5 cm, obclavate to oblong, tip strongly
green, along the main veins rose-coloured, cup- beaked.
shaped, united for ± 1⁄4; Cl lobes 4 - 4.7 mm, curved Forming part of the C. gerrardii species complex.
inwards; Cn ± 3 mm, surpassing the Gy and com-
pletely covering it; Cs and Ci fused for > 3⁄4 of the C. arenarium Jumelle & H. Perrier (Ann. Inst.
Cn length; Ci planar, triangular, keeled; Cs not dif- Bot.-Géol. Colon. Marseille, sér. 2, 6: 189-190,
ferentiated ; Anth wings shorter than the Anth; Sty 1908). T: Madagascar (Perrier 1316 [P]). − D:
head umbonate; Fr ± 6.5 cm, tip strongly beaked. Madagascar (Fianarantsoa, Mahaj
a anga, Toliara).
Belonging to the C. lineare species complex. Incl. Voharanga madagascariensis Costantin &
Bois (1908); incl. Mahaf
afalia nodosa Jumelle & H.
C. angavokeliense Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Perrier (1911) ≡ Cy
C nanchum nodosum (Jumelle &

Cynanchum Asclepiadaceae S. Liede

H. Perrier) Descoings (1961); incl. C

Cynanchum ma- C. compactum var. imerinense Descoings (Adan-
decassum Descoings (1961). sonia, n.s., 1(2): 321-325, ills. (p. 316), 1961). T:
Stems 2 - 3 m, ascending, twining, 4 - 10 mm ∅, Madagascar (Descoings 3228 [P]). − D: C Mada-
tuberculate, conspicuously wax-covered, glabrous; gascar (Antananarivo).
latex white, presumably poisonous; L scaly, 1.5 - 2 Differs
f ffrom ssp. compactum: Stems 2.5 - 3 mm
× 0.8 - 1 mm; Inf with 10 - 16 (-32) almost sessile ∅; Cl lobes ± 2 mm; Fr 4 - 5 cm, fusiform, tips
Fl, bostrychoid; Fl weakly sweet-scented, buds co- strongly beaked; Se ± 5 mm, ovate, winged, side of
nical; Cl yellowish-green; Cl lobes basally united, the raphe smooth, backside with Ha arranged in
± 3 mm, horizontal; Cn ± 2 mm, surpassing the ses- groups.
sile Gy, Cs and Ci fused for more than 3⁄4 of the Cn
length, divided into a lower and an upper part; Ci C. crassipedicellatum Meve & Liede (Novon 4(3):
planar, oblong when spread out, formf ing a con- 276-279, ills., 1994). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Har
H -
spicuous convex fold; Cs planar, triangular, ligule d 2852 [K, MSUN]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara).
shorter than the Ci; Anth wings as long as the Fig. XV.
Anth; Sty head white, tabular; Fr 5 - 9 cm, obclav- Stems 30 - 40 cm, erect, diverging, not twining, 4
ate, apically obtuse; Se ± 7 mm, pear-shaped, with - 5 mm ∅, tuberculate, with strong wax covering;
inconspicuous longitudinal ribs, winged. latex white; L scaly, early caducous, ± 1.2 × ± 0.5
Closely related to C. hard
rdyi. mm, ovate; Inf with 8 - 15 almost sessile Fl, bostry-
choid; Fl buds conical; Ped ± 10 × 3 (-5) mm,
C. bisinuatum Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. Gén. fleshy, persistent; Cl purple; Cl lobes basally
Bot. 23: 258, 1911). T: Madagascar (Decary 9003 united, 2.5 - 3.5 mm, twisted; Cn papillose, ± 2.2
[P]). − D: Madagascar (Fianarantsoa, Toliara). I: mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci only ba-
Asklepios No. 74: 18, 1998. sally fused; Ci not differentiated; Cs fused
f with the
Stems 2 - 3 m, creeping to ascending, rarely twin- Fil, planar, oblong, twisted; Anth wings as long as
ing, 4 - 6 mm ∅, weakly tuberculate, delicately stri- the Anth; Sty head green, capitate.
ate, strongly wax-covered, glabrous; L scaly, early The uncommon character of the twisted Cs is
caducous; Inf 6- to 11-flowered, bostrychoid; Ped otherwise only foun
f d in C. descoingsii.
slender, long, curved; Fl buds ovoid; Cl greenish-
yellow; Cl lobes united basally, ± 7 mm, down- C. cucullatum N. E. Brown (BMI 1897(128): 272,
curved; Cn ± 2.5 mm, shorter than the sessile Gy, 1897). T: Madagascar, Antananarivo (Baron 2036
Cs and Ci fused
f f ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length, with a
for [K, P]). − D: C Madagascar (Antananarivo). I:
conspicuous constriction and thus divided into a lo- Rauh (1995a).
wer and an upper part; Ci thinner than the Cs; Cs R turnip-like, 10 - 15 × 1.5 - 2 cm; stems 45 - 60
planar, bifid, ligule almost as long as the Ci; Anth cm, ascending, twining, 0.8 - 1 mm ∅; L petiole 2.5
wings longer than the Anth; Sty head green, flat. - 5 mm, lamina 5 - 10 cm × 1.7 - 8 mm, linear; Inf
Closely related to C. perrieri.i.i 20- to 25-flowered, bostrychoid; Fl sweet-scented,
C. compactum Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Co- buds depressed-globose; Ped 6.5 - 13.5 mm; Cl
lon. Marseille, sér. 3, 2: 310, 1914). T: Madagas- white, depressed-globose; Cl lobes basally united,
car, Fianarantsoa (Perrier 13175 [P]). − D: Mada- 2.8 - 3.9 mm, incurved; Cn red, 0.7 - 1 mm, as tall
gascar. as the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci completely fused; Cs
fused with the Fil, placed against the back of the St,
C. compactum var. compactum − D: E Madagas- fleshy, thicker than the Ci; Anth wings shorter than
car (Fianarantsoa). the Anth; Sty head green, flat (to conical); Fr ± 4
Stems 8 - 15 cm, erect to decumbent, not twining, cm, obclavate, tip strongly beaked; Se 4.5 - 5 mm,
3 - 5 mm ∅, inconspicuously wax-covered, glabr- ovate, longitudinally ribbed, winged.
ous; latex ivory-coloured; L scaly, 1 - 1.3 × 0.7 - 1 This is the only Cynanc
C hum species known to
mm; Inf with 5 - 15 (-27) almost sessile Fl, pseudo- have a fleshy staminal corona.
umbellate; Fl buds oblong-conical; Cl yellowish-
green, along the main veins purple, almost globose; C. descoingsii Rauh (Trop. subtrop. Pfl.-welt 85:
Cl lobes basally united, ± 4 mm, curved inwards to 37-41, ills., 1993). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Rauh
reflexed; Cn 1.5 - 2 mm, somewhat shorter than the 68639 [HEID]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara).
sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fuse f d fof r ± 1⁄2 of the Cn Stems 30 - 80 cm, erect, not twining, tuberculate,
length; Ci not different
f iated; Cs fuse
f d with the Fil, strongly wax-covered, 3.5 - 4 mm ∅; L scaly, 1.5 -
planar, oblong to triangular, with a basal bulge; 2.2 × ± 0.7 mm, oblong, early caducous; Inf 5- to
Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head white, 20-flowered, bostrychoid, Inf axis persistent, al-
flat (to conical); Fr 8 - 10 cm, fusiform, tip shortly most sessile; Fl buds conical; Cl brown to purple,
beaked; Se ovate. cup-shaped; Cl lobes basally united, ± 7 mm, re-
Closely related to C. nematostemma. Easily culti- curved, twisted; Cn 2.5 - 4 mm, surpassing the ses-
vated and floriferous,
f but the compact growth is lost sile Gy, papillose, Cs and Ci fused for > 1⁄2 of the
in cultivation. Cn length; Cs fuse
f d with the Fil, robust, twisted,

S. Liede Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum

with a ligule as long as the Ci; Anth wings shorter Meve (Adansonia, sér. 3, 23(2): 349, 2001). T: Ma-
than the Anth; Sty head yellow to brown, cylindri- dagascar (Perrier 11740 [P]). − D: Comoros, Ma-
cal, with a papillose conical cap. dagascar (Mahaj a anga).
Closely related to C. crassipedicellatum.
m ≡ Cynanchum bekinolense Choux (1914).
Differs from ssp. gerrardii: Stems 1 - 1.5 mm ∅,
C. fimbriatum Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Co- glabrous; L scaly, ± 1 × 1 mm; Inf 3- to 10-
lon. Marseille, sér. 4, 5(2): 32, 1928). T: Madagas- flowered; Fl buds conical; Cl yellow, along the
car, Antananarivo (Perrier 16756 [P]). − D: Mada- main veins purple, campanulate; Cl lobes basally
gascar (Antananarivo). united, 1.5 - 2 mm, horizontal or ± curved down-
R turnip-shaped, ± 10 × 1 - 1.5 cm; stems 35 - 40 wards; Cn ± 1.2 mm, as tall as the Gy, Cs and Ci
(-60) cm, erect to ascending, weakly twining, 1.5 - 2 f
fused f r ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length; Ci not differenti -
mm ∅, becoming glabrous; L petiole 1 - 2 mm, la- ated; Cs fuse
f d with the Fil, oblong; Sty head um-
mina 30 - 42 × 2 - 4 mm, linear; Inf 5- to 8- bonate to tabular; Fr ± 7 cm, obclavate, keeled; Se
flowered, pseudo-umb m ellate; Fl buds oblong-coni- ± 3 mm.
cal; Ped 3.5 - 4 mm; Cl brown, cup-shaped; Cl
lobes basally united, ± 5 mm, spreading; Cn ± 3 C. gerrardii ssp. gerrardii − D: Arabia, Comoros,
mm, surpassing the Gy, Cs and Ci fused for > 3⁄4 of Kenya, RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Nor-
the Cn length; Ci planar, triangular, form
f ing a con- thern Prov.), Madagascar (Antsiranana, Fianarant-
spicuous convex fo f ld; Cs not different
f iated; Anth soa, Toliara). Fig. XV.V.d
wings as long as the Anth; Sty head capitate. Incl. Cynanc
C hum sarcostemmatoides K. Schu-
Belonging to the C. lineare species complex. mann (1895); incl. Cynanchum edule Jumelle & H.
Perrier (1911).
C. flor
f iferum
f Liede & Meve (Adansonia, sér. 3, Stems 0.5 - 3 m, ascending, twining, delicately
23(2): 350, 2001). T: Madagascar (Perrier 12104 striate, 1.5 - 2.5 mm ∅, inconspicuously wax-
[P]). − D: N Madagascar (Antsiranana). covered, becoming glabrous; latex slightly ivory-
Incl. Prosop
o ostelma grandififlorum Choux (1914); coloured; L scaly, 0.8 - 1.2 × 0.5 - 0.8 mm; Inf 4- to
incl. Folotsia
F f
da Descoings (1961). 7-flowered, bostrychoid to pseudo-umbellate; Fl
Stems 1 - 1.3 cm ∅, with indistinct wax cover, sweet-scented, buds globose to ovoid; Ped ≤ 2.5
glabrous; L rudiments early deciduous; Inf 20- to mm; Cl green; Cl lobes 2 - 3 mm, united for ± 1⁄4 of
30-flowered, almost sessile; Fl with scent like their length, curved downwards; Cn ± 1.5 mm,
roses; Cl brown, lobes basally united forf ± 8 mm, slightly surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fuse
f d
reflexed; Cn ± 4.5 mm, overtopping the stipitate for > 1⁄4 of the Cn length; Ci thinner than the Cs; Cs
Gy, Cs and Ci united for f ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length, Cs ffused highly with the Fil, placed against the back of
not differentiated; Ci laminar, triangular; Anth the St, planar, triangular; Anth wings longer than
wings as long as the Anth; St head rose-coloured, the Anth; Sty head white, flat to flatly conical; Fr 8
flatly conical. - 12 cm, oblong, tip shortly beaked; Se 5 - 6 mm,
pear-shaped, densely hairy, without wings.
C. fo
f lotsioides Liede & Meve (Novon 6(1): 60-63, The only taxon of the genus that occurs in Mada-
ffig. 2, 1996). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Rauh 21847 gascar as well as on the African continent.
[K, MSUN]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara). Fig. C. grandidieri Liede & Meve (Adansonia, sér. 3,
V. 23(2): 350-351, 2001). T: Madagascar, Toliara
Stems ascending, twining, delicately striate, 5 - 8 (Perrier 1442 [P]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara). I:
mm ∅, becoming glabrous; latex yellow; L scaly, 2 Rauh (1998). Fig. XXII.f
- 2.4 × ± 1.2 mm; Inf 15- to 20-flowered, pseudo- Incl. Decanema grandifl f orum Jumelle & H. Per-
umbellate; Fl scented, buds cylindrical; Cl yellow, rier (1908) ≡ Fo
F lotsia grandiflf ora
r (Jumelle & H.
along the main veins purple; Cl lobes basally Perrier) Jumelle & H. Perrier (1911); incl. Folotsia
united, ± 4 mm, horizontal to recurved; Cn ± 4.5 sarcostemmoides Costantin & Bois (1908).
mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fuse
f d forf Stems 4 - 5 m, ascending, twining, 8 - 15 mm ∅,
> 3⁄4 of the Cn length; Ci longer and thinner than the with conspicuous wax cover, glabrous; L rudiments
Cs, planar, ovate; Cs ffused with the Fil, planar, with 3 - 4 mm long petiole, lamina 6 - 8 × ± 3.5 mm,
very shortly bifid; Anth wings longer than the soon deciduous; Inf 8- to 20-flowered, sessile; buds
Anth; Sty head white, flatly conical. oblong-conical; Cl white, lobes basally united for 6
Related to C. aculeatum. - 7 mm, spreading; Cn ± 5 mm, overtopping the ses-
f ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length,
sile Gy, Cs and Ci united for
C. gerrardii (Harvey) Liede (Taxon 40(1): 117, Ci 2× as long as the Cs, flattened, tapering filiform;
1991). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Gerrard r 1321 Cs placed against the back of the St, flat, tapering
[TCD]). − D: Arabia, S and E Africa, Madagascar. filiform;
f Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head
≡ Sarcocyphula gerrard
r ii Harvey (1863). rose-coloured, capitate; Fr ± 20 cm, oblong, api-
cally blunt; Se ± 7 mm, ovoid, indistinctly sculp-
C. gerrardii ssp. bekinolense (Choux) Liede & tured with longitudinal ribs, winged.

Cynanchum Asclepiadaceae S. Liede

C. hardyi Liede & Meve (Novon 6(1): 63, fig. 3 (p. Stems erect to prostrate, not twining, strongly
62), 1996). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Hard rdy & Ja- waxy, glabrous, 30 - 35 cm, 2.5 - 3.5 mm ∅; L rudi-
cobsen 3571 [K, MSUN, PRE]). − D: S Madagas- ments reduced to minute Sc, 0.6 × 0.7 mm; Inf 2- to
car; near coasts. 4-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, sessile; buds shortly
Scrambling to 4 m tall; stems not twining, to 12 conical; Cl white to green, veined with dark red,
mm ∅, tuberculate, strongly wax-covered; L scaly, broadly campanulate, 1.5 - 2 cm ∅; Pet almost
early caducous; Inf 12- to 20-flowered, bostry- completely united with somewhat recurved tips; Cn
choid, almost sessile; Fl buds ovoid; Cl basally yel- glabrous, ivory-coloured to yellow; Cs ± 1.5 mm,
low, apically brown, campanulate; Cl lobes ± 4 ffree, peg-like, shorter than the sessile Gy, surroun-
mm, united ffor ± 1⁄4 of their length, spreading, lobes ded by a ring of fused staminal and interstaminal
yellow or basally yellow and apically brown; Cn ± parts, the ring fused with the Cs; Anth wings as
2.5 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci com- long as the Anth, with distal rail only; Sty head
pletely fused, divided into a lower and an upper white, conical; Fr only 1 per Fl, erect, obclavate;
part; Ci planar, bifid when spread out, keeled; Cs Se ± 3.5 mm, ovate, longitudinally ribbed, winged.
with a ligule; Anth wings shorter than the Anth; The flowers are similar to those of Oxyste
O lma R.
Sty head white, umbonate. Brown and Philibertia Kunth (all species herbace-
Closely related to C. arenarium.m..
m ous).

C. humbert-capuronii Liede & Meve (Adansonia, C. juliani-marnieri Descoings (Bull. Soc. Bot.
sér. 3, 23(2): 351, 2001). T: Madagascar, Toliara France 118(1-2): 105-108, ills., 1971). T: Madagas-
(Humbert & Capuron 29382 [P]). − D: S Madagas- car, Toliara (Rauh 21989 [MPU]). − D: S Madagas-
car (Toliara). I: Liede (1996b). car (Toliara).
Incl. Fo
F lotsia humbertii Liede (1996). Stems 15 - 80 cm, ascending, twining, inconspi-
Stems ascending, twining, 4 - 8.5 mm ∅, with cuously striate, 1.5 - 2 mm ∅, strongly wax-
conspicuous wax cover, glabrous; L rudiments soon covered, glabrous; L scaly, 0.5 - 1.5 × ± 0.4 mm; Inf
deciduous; Inf 6- to 10-flowered, sessile; Cl cup- 3- to 5-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, almost sessile;
shaped, lobes basally united for 5 mm, tips bent buds globose; Cl cup-shaped; Cl lobes basally
backwards; Cn ± 4 mm, somewhat overtopping the united, ± 1.5 mm, ± horizontal; Cn ± 1.5 mm, sur-
sessile Gy, Cs and Ci united ffor ± 1⁄2 of the Cn passing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fused for > 1⁄2 of
length; Ci laminar, broadly triangular; Cs not diffe-
f the Cn length, with a conspicuous constriction and
rentiated; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head thus divided into a lower and an upper part; Ci not
bulging. differentiated; Cs planar, bifid, apically twisted;
Anth wings shorter than the Anth; Sty head capit-
C. implicatum (Jumelle & H. Perrier) Jumelle & H. ate.
Perrier (Rev. Gén. Bot. 23: 251, 1911). T: Mada- Belonging to the C. ampanihense species group.
gascar (Perrier 8994 [P]). − D: Madagascar (Antsi-
ranana, Mahaj a anga). C. jumellei Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Colon.
≡ Sarcostemma imp m licatum Jumelle & H. Perrier Marseille, sér. 4, 5(2): 29, 1928). T: Madagascar,
(1908) ≡ Vohemaria implicata (Jumelle & H. Per- Antananarivo (Perrier 11624 [P]). − D: Madagas-
rier) Jumelle & H. Perrier (1909); incl. Cynanchum car (Antananarivo).
aequilongum Choux (1914). R turnip-like, 9 - 12 × 1.5 - 3 cm; stems 20 - 60
Stems ascending, twining, delicately striate, 1.5 - cm, ascending, twining, 0.8 - 1 mm ∅, becoming
3 mm ∅, inconspicuously wax-covered, glabrous; L glabrous; L petiole 2.5 - 7 (-12) mm, lamina 2 - 6
scaly, ± 0.9 × ± 0.6 mm; Inf 3- to 9-flowered, cm × 1.5 - 3.8 (-5) mm, linear; Inf 3- to 7-flowered,
pseudo-umbellate; Fl buds cylindrical; Ped ± 2 pseudo-umbellate; Fl buds ovoid to globose; Ped
mm; Cl yellowish-green, along the main veins pur- 2.5 - 6 cm; Cl brown to purple, cup-shaped; Cl
ple; Cl lobes basally united, ± 12 mm, spreading to lobes basally united, ± 5 mm, curved inwards; Cn ±
reflexed; Cn ± 3.5 mm, as tall as the stipitate Gy, 2 mm, as tall as the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fuse
f d ffor
Cs and Ci fused
f f r ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length; Ci as
fo ± 3⁄4 of the Cn length; Cs basally planar, apically
long as the Cs, planar, weakly bifid; Cs widely drawn out into a subulate tip; Anth wings as long as
fused with the Fil, placed against the back of the St, the Anth; Sty head flatly conical.
planar, triangular; Anth wings as long as the Anth;
Sty head umbonate; Fr 8 - 9 cm; Se hairy. C. junciforme
f (Decaisne) Liede (Bull. Mus. Nati-
on. Hist. Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 14(3-4): 449,
C. insigne (N. E. Brown) Liede & Meve (Adanso- 1993). T: Madagascar (Boj o er s.n. [P]). − D: Ma-
nia, sér. 3, 23(2): 351, 2001). T: Madagascar, Anta- dagascar (Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa, Toliara).
nanarivo (Baron 973 [P]). − D: C Madagascar. ≡ Pycnoneurum juncif iforme Decaisne (1838);
Fig. XXXVIII.a incl. Cynanc
C hum rusillonii Hochreutiner (1908).
≡ Platykeleba insignis N. E. Brown (1895) ≡ Sar- R turnip-like, 20 - 25 × 1 - 2 cm; stems 30 - 60 (-
costemma insigne (N. E. Brown) Descoings (1961). 100) cm, erect, not twining; L petiole 0 - 2.5 mm,

S. Liede Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum

lamina 7 - 11 cm × 2 - 3 mm, linear; Inf 14- to 18- C. lineare ssp. lineare − D: Madagascar (Antana-
flowered, pseudo-umbm ellate, sessile; Fl buds elong- narivo, Fianarantsoa, Mahaja anga).
ate-conical; Cl white to rose-coloured, cup-shaped; R turnip-shaped, 12 - 15 × 2 - 2.5 cm; stems 25 -
Cl lobes united for > 1⁄2 of their length, ± 3.5 mm, 50 cm, ascending, twining, 1.5 - 2 mm ∅; L petiole
curved inwards, apically strongly twisted; Cn ± 2 1 - 5 mm, lamina 4 - 8 cm × 0.7 - 15 mm, linear, ra-
mm, as tall as the Gy, Cs and Ci completely fuse
f d; rely ovate-oblong; Inf 7- to 20-flowered, bostry-
Anth wings shorter than the Anth; Sty head flat; Fr choid to pseudo-umbellate; Fl buds conical; Ped 13
± 12 cm, obclavate, tip strongly beaked; Se ± 3.5 - 25 mm; Cl greenish-yellow, brown along the main
mm, pear-shaped, with Ha arranged in groups, veins; Cl lobes basally united, 2 - 5 mm, recurved;
winged. Cn 2 - 3.5 mm, surpassing or completely covering
Closely related to C. sessilifl
f orum and C. papil- the Gy, Cs and Ci fused for > 3⁄4 of the Cn length;
latum. Ci planar, triangular, keeled; Cs placed against the
back of the St, not different
f iated; Anth wings shor-
C. lecomtei Choux (Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. ter than the Anth; Sty head (flatly) conical; Fr ± 6
33: 196, 1927). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Decary r cm, obclavate, tip shortly beaked; Se 4 - 5 mm, ov-
3220 [P]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara). ate, longitudinally ribbed, winged.
R torulose; Stems 1.5 - 2 m, ascending, twining,
delicately striate, 1 - 2.5 mm ∅; L scaly, ± 2.5 × 0.6 C. luteifluen
f s (Jumelle & H. Perrier) Descoings
mm; Inf 2- to 4-flowered, pseudo-umbellate; Fl un- (Adansonia, n.s., 1(2): 314, 1961). T: Madagascar
scented, buds (oblong-) conical; Ped 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl o er s.n. [P]). − D: Madagascar, widespread in
green, lobes basally united, ± 4.5 mm; Cn ± 3.5 mm, all dry parts except the uppermost N and the E
surpassing the Gy, Cs and Ci fused
f f ± 1⁄2 of the
for coast. I: Rauh (1998: 250).
Cn length, divided into a lower and an upper part; ≡ Decanema luteifl f uens Jumelle & H. Perrier
Ci not differentiated; Cs tips filiform, twisted; (1911); incl. Cynanc
C hum decaisneanum Descoings
Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head white, (1961) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1).
flat to conspicuously conical; Fr ± 4 cm, obclavate,
tip shortly beaked; Se ± 3.5 mm, ovate, papillose, C. luteifluens var. longicoronae Liede (Bull. Mus.
densely hairy, wingless. Nation. Hist. Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 18(1-2):
Closely related to C. ampm anihense. 118-119, ills., 1996). T: Madagascar (Kerau
K dren
306 [P]). − D: Madagascar (Fianarantsoa, Toliara).
C. lenewtonii Liede (KB 49(1): 119-123, ills., Differs
f ffrom var. luteifl
i uens: Stems delicately
1994). T: Kenya, Northern Frontier Prov. (Gillett striate, often attacked by a black mould, 2.5 - 4 mm
14031 [K]). − D: Ethiopia (Bale), Kenya (Northern ∅, at least the terminal stem parts thicker than in
Front ier Prov.). the typical var.; Inf 2- to 7-flowered; Cl greenish-
Stems 2.5 m, ascending, twining, delicately stri- yellow, brown along the main veins; Cl lobes 4.5 -
ate, 1.5 - 2.5 mm ∅, inconspicuously wax-covered, 6 mm, down-curved; Cn 4.5 - 6.5 mm.
becoming glabrous; latex white; L scaly, 1.2 - 1.7 ×
± 0.7 mm; Inf 2- to 6-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, C. luteifluens var. luteifluens − D: Madagascar.
sessile; Fl buds ovoid to cylindrical; Cl green to Fig. XV.
yellow; Cl lobes united ffor ± 1⁄4 of their length, 2.5 - Incl. Sarcostemma mauritianum Boj o er (1837)
3.5 mm, down-curved; Cn ± 2.5 mm, surpassing the (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Decanema bojo erianum
sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fused for ± 3⁄4 of the Cn Decaisne (1838) ≡ Cynanchum boj o erianum (Decais-
length, Ci thinner than the Cs, planar, equal-sided ne) Choux (1927); incl. Asclepias aphy h lla Boj
o er ex
to very oblong-triangular; Cs widely fused with the Decaisne (1844) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c).
Fil, placed against the back of the St, apically fili- Stems 2 - 3 m, ascending, twining, 2 - 3 mm ∅,
form ; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head flat very conspicuously striate, inconspicuously wax-
to flatly conical; Fr ± 6 cm, obclavate. covered, glabrous; latex yellow; L scaly, 1.2 - 1.5 ×
Closely related to C. gerrardii.i.i 0.8 - 1 mm; Inf with 1 - 4 sessile Fl, pseudo-umbel-
late; Fl buds conical; Cl yellow, lobes basally
C. lineare N. E. Brown (BMI 1897: 273, 1897). T: united, 1.5 - 3 mm, horizontal; Cn 1.7 - 3 (-3.5) mm,
Madagascar (Baron 109 [K, P]). − D: Comoros, surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fuse f ± 1⁄2
f d for
Madagascar. of the Cn length; Ci thinner than and as long as or
longer than the Cs, apically filiform,
f twisted; Cs
C. lineare ssp. keraudreniae Liede (Bull. Mus. Na- f d with the Fil, placed against the back of the St,
tion. Hist. Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 18(1-2): 108, apically filiform;
f Anth wings as long as the Anth;
f g. 2 (p. 107), 1996). T: Madagascar, Nosy Be
fi Sty head white, flatly conical or umbonate; Fr 8 -
(Keraudren 1594 [P]). − D: Comoros, Madagascar 18 cm, oblong, apically obtuse; Se 3.5 - 5 mm,
(Antsiranana). pear-shaped, hairy, wingless.
f ffrom ssp. lineare: R unknown; L 5 - 9 × 2
Differs The most common and most variable species of
- 5 cm, ovate instead of linear; Ped 4.5 - 7 cm. C
Cynanc hum in Madagascar.

Cynanchum Asclepiadaceae S. Liede

C. macranthum Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. Bot. the St; Anth wings shorter than the Anth; Sty head
23: 260, 1911). T [neo]: Madagascar, Toliara (De- umbonate; Fr obclavate, tip strongly beaked.
cary 9062 [P]). − Lit: Liede & Meve (1996: with Related to the C. pap
a illatum species group.
ill.). D: S Madagascar (Toliara: Ambovombe). Fig.
XXXI.f, f XXXI.g C. mahafa f lense Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. Gén.
≡ Ka
K rimbolea macra r ntha (Jumelle & H. Perrier) Bot. 23: 260, 1911). T: Madagascar (Perrier 14877
Liede & Meve (1996). [P]). − D: Madagascar (Antananarivo, Fianarant-
Stems ascending, twining, 4 - 7 mm ∅, tubercu- soa, Toliara). I: Rauh (1998: 253).
late, with strong wax cover, otherwise glabrous; L 1 Incl. Cynanchum ambositrense Choux (1914).
mm petiolate, lamina 3 × 1.5 mm, ovate; Inf 4- to Stems 2 - 3 m, ascending, twining, finely striate,
7-flowered, bostrychoid to pseudo-umbellate, al- 3 - 6 mm ∅, strongly wax-covered, glabrous to
most sessile; buds conical; Cl brown, cup-shaped; glabrescent; latex yellow; L scaly, 1.2 - 1.5 × 1.2 -
Pet united for ± 1⁄4, 8 - 10 mm, lobes bent inwards; 1.5 mm; Inf 3- to 10-flowered, bostrychoid, almost
Cn ± 3.5 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy; Cs and Ci sessile; Inf axis persistent; Fl buds cylindrical; Cl
united for > 1⁄2 of the Cn length; Ci shorter than the yellow, purple along the main veins, campanulate,
Cs, laminar, carinate; Cs laminar, ovate, with a f ± 1⁄2 of its length; Cl lobes 4 - 5 mm, den-
fused for
ligula of equal length; Anth wings as long as the sely short-hairy, horizontal; Cn 3 - 4 mm, as tall as
Anth; Sty head tabular; Fr ± 10 cm, tip shortly the stipitate Gy, Cs and Ci fused for > 1⁄2 of the Cn
beaked; Se ± 5 mm, ovoid, slightly papillate, length; Ci thinner than the Cs, planar, triangular to
winged. rectangular, rarely oblong; Cs widely fuse
f d with the
Fil, placed against the back of the St, planar, trian-
C. macrolobum Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. Gén. gular; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head
Bot. 23: 257, 1911). T: Madagascar (Perrier 11644 green, umbonate; Fr 5 - 8 cm, oblong, apically ob-
[P]). − D: Madagascar (Fianarantsoa, Toliara). I: tuse; Se 6 - 7 mm, ovate, winged, side of the raphe
Rauh (1998: 251-252). smooth, back with Ha arranged in groups.
Stems 20 - 40 cm, erect to ascending, weakly Closely related to C. messeri.i.i.
twining, 3.5 - 5 mm ∅, roughly but delicately tuber-
culate, rarely almost smooth, strongly wax-covered; C. mariense (Meve & Liede) Liede & Meve (Adan-
L scaly, early caducous; Inf 5- to 40-flowered, sonia, sér. 3, 23(2): 351, 2001). T: Madagascar, To-
pseudo-umbellate; Inf axis persistent, almost ses- liara (Liede & Conrad 2825 [K, MSUN, ULM]). −
sile; Fl buds globose; Cl yellowish-green to brown, D: S Madagascar (Toliara). I: Meve & Liede
purple along the main veins, urceolate; Cl lobes (1998).
united ffor ± 1⁄4 of their length, 4 - 5 mm, curved ≡ Karimbolea mariensis Meve & Liede (1998).
downwards; Cn 1.5 - 2 mm, as tall as the sessile Gy, R ffibrous; stems erect to ascending, not twining,
papillose, Cs and Ci fused for > 1⁄2 of the Cn length; sparsely branched, 5 - 15 × 0.3 - 0.7 cm (in cultiva-
Ci shorter than the Cs, planar, triangular; Cs planar, tion longer), blue-green, verrucose, glaucous; L ru-
rectangular, with a ligule; Anth wings as long as diments ovate, ± 1 mm; Inf shortly pedunculate, 3-
the Anth; Sty head white, flatly conical; Fr 4 - 7 to 7-flowered, Fl opening in succession; Ped 3 - 4 ×
cm, fus
f iform,
f tip strongly beaked; Se ± 4.5 mm, ov- 2 mm, fleshy; Sep 2 × 1 mm, triangular; Fl sweet-
ate, smooth, winged. scented; Cl cup-shaped, basally fused; Cl lobes 6 -
Closely related to C. rauhianum. 7 × 3 mm, stout and fleshy, outside yellowish-green,
warty, inside olive-green, with brown reticulation,
C. madagascariense (K. Schumann) K. Schumann ascending, apically twisted, with revolute margins
(in Engler & Prantl (eds.), Nat. Pfl.-fam. f [ed. 1], and strong median keel; Cn ± 3.5 × 4 mm, sessile,
4(2): 253, 1895). T: Madagascar (Scott-Elliot 2882 pure white, pentagonally barrel-shaped, Ci and Cs
[P]). − D: Madagascar (Antananarivo, Fianarant- fused high up, closed; Ci cucullate with involute
soa, Toliara). Fig. XVI.a margins; Cs ovate, concave, apically involute, ad-
≡ Vincetoxicum madagascariense K. Schumann axially with an appendage (ligule); Anth append-
(1893); incl. Cy C nanchum helicoideum Choux ages ± 1.25 × 1 mm, ovate, slightly apiculate; Poll
(1914). 0.35 × 0.27 mm, ovoid; Sty head rose, 2 × 1.5 mm,
R tubers 2 - 2.5 × 1.5 - 2 cm; stems 30 - 60 cm, pyramidal.
ascending, twining; L petiole 2 - 12 mm, lamina 1.5 Sister species of C. verrucosum and with similar
- 5 (-17) × 0.7 - 2 cm, linear, rarely elliptic or obov- stem morphology, but different
f iated through the
ate; Inf 25- to 35-flowered, bostrychoid; Fl buds green-brown flower colour, the massive pentago-
oblong-conical; Ped 2 - 5.8 cm; Cl brown, urceo- nally barrel-shaped corona and the rose-coloured
late, fused for > 1⁄2 of its length; Cl lobes 4 - 7.5 mm, stylar head. − [U. Meve]
recurved; Cn ± 2 mm, surpassing and completely
covering the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fused for > 1⁄2 of C. marnierianum Rauh (CSJA 42: 104-106, ills.,
the Cn length, both planar and each form f ing a con- 1970). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Rauh 9395
spicuous convex fo f ld; Cs placed against the back of [HEID]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara).

S. Liede Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum

Stems 20 - 40 (-50) cm, decumbent, rarely dagascar, Toliara (Liede & Conrad 2780 [MO,
creeping, not twining, 3.5 - 5 (-7) mm ∅, tubercu- MSUN, TAN]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara). Fig.
late-uneven; L scaly, ± 1.5 × ± 1.5 mm; Inf 3- to 6- XVI.d
flowered, pseudo-umbellate, sessile; Fl faintl
f y ho- Stems 0.8 - 1.5 m, ascending, twining, finely stri-
ney-scented, buds oblong-conical; Cl greenish- ate, 1 - 2 mm ∅, inconspicuously wax-covered, be-
yellow; Cl lobes free to the base, 5 - 6 mm, curved coming glabrous; L scaly, 2 - 2.5 × ± 0.6 mm; Inf 2-
inwards, with fuse
f d tips at the beginning of anthe- to 3-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, almost sessile; Fl
sis; Cn 1.2 - 2 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy buds conical; Cl greenish-yellow, urceolate, fused
(except the extremely long Sty head), Cs and Ci for ± 1⁄4 of its length; Cl lobes ± 5 mm, basally
fused for > 3⁄4 of the Cn length, Ci not different
f i- curved inwards, apically curved outwards; Cn 2 -
ated; Cs placed against the back of the St, planar, 2.5 mm, as tall as the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fused
triangular; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty ffor the whole length of the Cn (excl. the long fili-
head white, inversely funnel-shaped;
fu Fr ± 3.5 cm, fform appendages of the Cs), divided into a lower
obclavate, tip strongly beaked, unwinged; Se 4 mm, and an upper part; Ci shorter than the Cs, planar,
pear-shaped, smooth, winged. strongly keeled; Cs fuse f d with the Fil, placed
A very attractive easily cultivated and easily flo- against the back of the St, planar, conspicuously
wering species. pointed, filiform recurved; Anth wings as long as
the Anth; Sty head white, conical; Fr ± 7.5 cm, ob-
C. menarandrense Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. clavate, apically obtuse; Se ± 2.5 mm, pear-shaped,
Gén. Bot. 23: 257, 1911). T [neo]: Madagascar, To- strongly hairy, wingless.
liara (Rauh 10634 [MPU]). − D: S Madagascar Belonging to the C. gerrard
r ii species group.
(Toliara). I: Rauh (1998: 253-254).
Incl. Cynanchum antandroy Descoings (1971). C. moramangense Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol.
Stems 35 - 50 cm, erect, not twining, 7 mm ∅, tu- Colon. Marseille, sér. 4, 5(2): 34, 1928). T: Mada-
berculate, strongly wax-covered, glabrous; L scaly, gascar (Perrier 16887 [P]). − D: C Madagascar
early caducous; Inf 12- to 17-flowered, bostry- (Antananarivo, Toamasina).
choid; Inf axis persistent; Fl buds cylindrical; Ped 3 R turnip-shaped; stems 40 - 80 cm, ascending,
- 5 mm; Cl basally green, apically yellow to purple, twining; L petiole 2 - 4.5 mm, lamina 15 - 60 × 1 -
purple along the main veins, cup-shaped; Cl lobes ± 3.5 mm, linear; Inf 3- to 5-flowered, pseudo-umbel-
3.5 mm, basally united, horizontal to incurved; Cn late; Fl buds globose to ovoid; Ped 5 - 12 mm; Cl
2.5 mm, as tall as the sessile Gy, papillose, Cs and green or brown, cup-shaped; Cl lobes basally
Ci fused
f f ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length, divided into a lo-
for united, ± 3 mm, curved inwards; Cn ± 1.5 mm, as
wer and an upper part; Ci not differentiated; Cs tall as the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci completely fuse
f d;
fused with the Fil, planar, rectangular, with a ligule; Ci planar, form
f ing a conspicuous convex fo
f ld; Cs
Anth wings longer than the Anth; Sty head white, placed against the back of the St; Anth wings shor-
umbonate. ter than the Anth; Sty head capitate; Fr 3 - 5 cm,
Belonging to the C. macrolobum species group. obclavate, tip strongly beaked; Se ± 3.5 mm, pear-
C. messeri (Buchenau) Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. shaped, longitudinally ribbed, winged.
Gén. Bot. 11: 252, 1911). T: Madagascar (Ruten- Belonging to the C. lineare species group.
r s.n. [not traced]). − D: Madagascar (Antana-
narivo, Antsiranana, Toliara). Fig. XV. V.f C. napiferu
f m Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Colon.
≡V Vohemaria messeri Buchenau (1889). Marseille, sér. 3, 2: 353, 1914). T: Madagascar,
Stems 2 - 3 m, ascending, twining, finely striate, Antananarivo (Perrier 11689 [P]). − D: C Mada-
2 - 4 mm ∅, strongly wax-covered, glabrous to gascar (Antananarivo).
glabrescent; latex yellow; L scaly, ± 1.5 × ± 1.5 R turnip-shaped, 9 - 10 × 1.2 - 1.5 cm; stems 9 -
mm; Inf 3- to 10-flowered, bostrychoid, almost ses- 12 cm, erect, not twining; L petiole ± 1.8 mm, lami-
sile; Fl buds cylindrical; Cl yellow, purple along na 10 - 35 × 2.5 - 9.5 mm, ovate; Inf 5- to 7- (to
the main veins, campanulate, united for ± 1⁄4 of its 12-) flowered, pseudo-umbellate; Fl buds oblong-
length; Cl lobes 4 - 5 mm, densely short-hairy, hori- conical; Ped 10 - 25 mm; Cl cup-shaped; Cl lobes
zontal; Cn 3 - 3.5 mm, as tall as the long-stipitate basally united, ± 5 mm, tips spreading; Cn ± 2.5
Gy, Cs and Ci fused fof r ± 1⁄4 of the Cn length; Ci as mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci comple-
long as the Cs, planar, bifid; Cs planar, oblong; tely fuse
f d; Ci planar, keeled; Cs placed against the
Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head green, back of the St; Anth wings longer than the Anth;
flat to umbonate; Fr 8 - 10 cm, oblong, apically ob- Sty head conical.
tuse; Se ± 6.5 mm, ovate, winged, side of the raphe Belonging to the C. lineare species group.
smooth, back with Ha arranged in groups.
Closely related to C. mahafafalense. C. nematostemma Liede (Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist.
Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 18(1-2): 123, ills. (p. 124),
C. mevei Liede (Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Sect. 1996). T: Madagascar, Mahaj a anga (Perrier 13227
B, Adansonia 18(1-2): 120-123, ills., 1996). T: Ma- [P]). − D: E Madagascar (Mahaj a anga).

Cynanchum Asclepiadaceae S. Liede

Incl. N
Nematostemma perrieri Choux (1921). 40 cm, ascending, twining; L petiole 2 - 5 mm, la-
Stems 30 - 60 cm, erect or drooping, not twining, mina 4 - 7 cm × 1 - 4 mm, linear; Inf 11- to 15-
ffinely striate, 1.5 - 2 mm ∅, glabrous; L scaly, ± 1 × flowered, pseudo-umbellate; Fl buds ovoid; Ped 5 -
± 0.4 mm, triangular, early caducous; Inf 5- to 7- 15 mm; Cl white to rose-coloured, urceolate, united
flowered, pseudo-umbellate, sessile; Fl buds ob- for ± 1⁄2 of its length; Cl lobes ± 5 mm, outside pa-
long-conical; Cl white, purple along the main veins pillate, curved inwards; Cn red, ± 3 mm, surpassing
and in the centre, campanulate, fuse
f d fo f r ± 1⁄4 of its the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fused for > 3⁄4 of the Cn
length; Cl lobes 5 - 7 mm, spreading; Cn ± 4.5 mm, length; Ci planar, trifid; Cs not differentiated; Anth
surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fused only wings as long as the Anth; Sty head flatly conical.
basally; Ci not different
f iated; Cs fuse
f d basally with Closely related to C. junciforme and C. sessilifl
f o-
the Fil, basally planar, apically filiform, f not rum, but much more delicate and twining.
twisted; Anth wings shorter than the Anth; Sty
head flatly conical; Fr ± 6 cm, obclavate, tip C. perrieri Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Colon.
strongly beaked. Marseille, sér. 3, 3: 307, 1914). T: Madagascar
Closely related to C. comp
m actum. (Perrier 11742 [P]). − D: Madagascar (Antananari -
vo, Fianarantsoa, Toliara).
C. orangeanum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (FC Stems 80 - 120 cm, erect, not twining, 9 - 13 mm
4(1): 745, 1908). T: RSA, Free State (Flanagan ∅, blue-green, tuberculate, strongly wax-covered,
1502 [SAM, BOL]). − D: Botswana, Namibia, glabrous; L scaly, ± 5.5 × 1 mm, early caducous;
Zimbabwe, RSA (Northern Prov., North-West Inf 10- to 25-flowered, bostrychoid, almost sessile;
Prov., Eastern Cape, Free State).
P Inf axis persistent; Fl buds globose; Cl greenish-
≡ Flanagania orangeana Schlechter (1894). yellow, cup-shaped, fuse
f d forf ± 1⁄4 of its length; Cl
Rhizome 3 - 5 mm ∅; stems 10 - 20 cm, erect, lobes ± 8 mm, outside papillate, curved inwards; Cn
not twining; L 3 - 5 cm × 0.7 - 1.5 mm, linear; Inf ± 3.5 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, papillose, Cs
1- to 5-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, almost sessile; f ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length, divided into
and Ci fused for
Fl buds flatly conical; Cl brown; Cl lobes basally an upper and a lower part by a conspicuous con-
united, 4 - 6 mm, curved inwards; Cn 4 - 5 mm, striction; Ci as long as the Cs, thinner, planar,
slightly surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fused spreading, bifid, form
f ing a conspicuous concave
f ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length; Ci as long as the Cs, fili-
for fold; Cs fused with the Fil, fleshy, ligule shorter
form ; Cs placed against the back of the St, planar, than the Cs; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty
oblong; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head head rose-coloured to purple, capitate or inversely
capitate; Fr 4 - 7 cm, fusiform, tip strongly beaked; f
funne l-shaped; Fr 9 - 15 cm, fusiform, tip beaked;
Se 5 - 6 mm, papillate, winged. Se ± 7.5 mm, pear-shaped, longitudinally ribbed,
Closely related to C. praecox.
x. winged.
Closely related to C. bisinuatum.
C. pachycladon Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Co-
lon. Marseille, sér. 4, 5(2): 54, 1928). T: Madagas- C. petignatii Liede & Rauh (Bull. Mus. Nation.
car, Toliara (Perrier 16602 [P]). − D: S Madagas- Hist. Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 18(1-2): 126-128,
car (Toliara). I: Rauh (1998: 256). ills., 1996). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Decary r 9011
Stems 5 - 6 m, ascending, twining, ± 1.5 cm ∅, [P]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara).
pale grey-brown, tuberculate, becoming glabrous; L Stems ascending, diverging, delicately striate, 2 -
petiole 2 - 4 cm, lamina 5.5 - 8 × 4 - 6.5 cm, ovate, 3.5 mm ∅, roughly tuberculate, strongly wax-
basally lobed, with unpleasant scent; Inf 15- to 33- covered, glabrous or glabrescent; L scaly, ± 1.3 × ±
fflowered, bostrychoid; Fl buds oblong-conical; Ped 1 mm, triangular, early caducous; Inf 2- to 5-
4 - 7 mm; Cl basally greenish-yellow, apically flowered, pseudo-umbellate, almost sessile; Fl buds
brown; Cl lobes basally united, ± 4.5 mm, horizon- cylindrical; Cl green to white, cup-shaped; Cl lobes
tal to down-curved; Cn ± 3.5 mm, surpassing the basally united, ± 8 mm, curved inwards; Cn ± 5
very shortly stipitate Gy, Cs and Ci fuse f ± 3⁄4 of
f d for mm, surpassing the stipitate Gy, Cs and Ci fused for
the Cn length; Ci shorter than the Cs, planar, ovate; ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length; Ci longer than the Cs, planar,
Cs planar, elongate-triangular, ligule much shorter oblong-triangular, formin
f g a conspicuous convex
than the Cs; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty f
fold; Cs widely fused with the Fil, planar, triangu-
head flatly conical; Fr ± 12 cm, obclavate, tip lar; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head um-
shortly beaked, winged; Se ± 9 mm, pear-shaped, bonate.
papillose and with Ha arranged in groups, winged. Related to C. messeri.i

C. papillatum Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Colon. C. phillipsonianum Liede & Meve (Bull. Mus. Na-
Marseille, sér. 4, 1(2): 11, 1923). T: Madagascar tion. Hist. Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 18(1-2): 109-
(Perrier 17424 [P]). − D: Madagascar (Antananari - 111, ills., 1996). T: Madagascar, Antsiranana (Bar-
vo, Antsiranana, Fianarantsoa). Fig. XVI.e dot-Vaucou
V lon 40 [P]). − D: N Madagascar (Antsi-
R turnip-shaped, 10 - 12 × 1 - 1.5 cm; stems 10 - ranana).

S. Liede Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum

Stems erect, shrub-like, 3 - 4.5 mm ∅, glabrous; Cl lobes ± 3.5 mm, curved inwards to spreading; Cn
L petiole 1.1 - 2 cm, lamina 3 - 5 × 0.9 - 1.5 cm, ov- ± 2.5 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci
ate to elliptic, basally cordate; Inf 15- to 30- fused for > 3⁄4 of the Cn length, divided into a lower
flowered; Fl buds conical to ovoid; Ped 1.5 - 3 cm; and an upper part by a conspicuous constriction; Ci
Cl brown-purple with yellowish margins, 4 - 5 mm shorter than the Cs, planar, trifid, spreading, middle
∅, united for ± 1⁄4 of its length; Cl lobes slightly pa- lobe triangular and shorter than the ovate lateral
pillose, curved inwards; Cn pale yellowish-green, ± lobes, strongly keeled; Cs basally fused with the
2.5 mm, as tall as the stipitate Gy, Cs and Ci fused Fil, placed against the back of the St, planar, ob-
for > 1⁄2 of the Cn length; Ci planar, form
f ing a con- long; Anth wings longer than the Anth; Sty head
spicuous convex fo f ld; Cs not fuse
f d with the Fil; flatly conical.
Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head oblong- Belonging to the C. gerrardr ii species group.
conical and furcate; Fr ± 6 cm, obclavate, tip
strongly beaked; Se ± 6.5 mm, ovate, with a few C. rauhianum Descoings (Bull. Soc. Bot. France
scattered Ha, winged. 110(3-4): 155-157, ills., 1963). T: Madagascar, To-
The growth fform of this species is exceptional as liara (Rauh M986 [Herb. Descoings, HEID]). − D:
it possesses succulent stems and leaves. It represents S Madagascar (Toliara: Isalo Mts.).
a basal member of Madagascan Cynanchum. Stems 60 - 80 cm, erect, not twining, 4 - 8 mm ∅,
strongly wax-covered, glabrous; L scaly, early ca-
C. praecox Schlechter ex S. Moore (J. Bot. 40: 256, ducous; Inf 15- to 30-flowered, bostrychoid, almost
1902). T: Zimbabwe (Rund 512 [BM]). − D: Nige- sessile; Inf axis persistent; Fl buds globose; Cl
ria, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Malawi, Tanzania, brown, cup-shaped; Cl lobes basally united for f 3-
Zaïre, Zimbabwe. 4.5 mm, spreading, apically recurved; Cn ± 3 mm,
Incl. Cy
C nanchum pygmaeum Schlechter (1913). slightly surpassing the sessile Gy, papillose, Cs and
Rhizome 1.5 - 3 mm ∅; stems 3 - 10 cm, erect, Ci fused for > 3⁄4 of the Cn length, divided into a lo-
not twining; L 4 - 6 cm × 2 - 8 mm, linear, rarely el- wer and an upper part by a conspicuous constric-
liptic to ovate; Inf 5- to 15-flowered, bostrychoid; tion; Ci shorter than the Cs, planar and spreading,
Fl scented, buds oblong-conical; Ped 4 - 6 (-8) mm; pointed, form
f ing a conspicuous convex fo f ld; Cs
Cl yellow to brown; Cl lobes ± 6 mm, curved in- planar, rectangular, ligule shorter than the Cs; Anth
wards; Cn 2 - 4 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy; Cs wings as long as the Anth; Sty head rose-coloured
and Ci fused
f f ± 1⁄2 of the Cn length, planar; Ci as
for to purple, conical; Fr ± 5.5 cm, fusiform; Se ± 4
long as the Cs, oblong; Cs ovate; Anth wings lon- mm, pear-shaped, smooth, winged.
ger than the Anth; Sty head capitate. Closely related to C. macrolobum.
A species growing after fires and closely related
to C. orangeanum. C. rossii Rauh (CSJA 42(2): 68-72, ills., 1970).
Madagascar, Toliara (Rauh 21986 [HEID]). − D: S
C. pycnoneuroides Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Madagascar (Toliara: Cap Ste. Marie). Fig. XVI.c
Colon. Marseille, sér. 3, 2: 361, 1914). T: Mada- Stems 30 - 40 cm, decumbent, not twining, 4 - 6
gascar, Fianarantsoa (Perrier 11687 [P]). − D: E mm ∅, acutely 4-angled; L scaly, 1 - 1.5 mm, trian-
Madagascar (Fianarantsoa). gular, early caducous; Inf 1- to 2-flowered, almost
Rhizomes ± 1 cm ∅; stems 40 - 60 cm, creeping sessile; Fl buds oblong-conical; Cl dull olive-green,
to ascending, not twining, 1 - 2 cm ∅, glabrous, ba- margins white, later brown, cup-shaped; Cl lobes
sally with L scars; L only at the stem tips, 4.5 - 9 basally united, ± 4 mm, curved downwards; Cn ± 3
cm × ± 2.5 mm, linear; Inf 10- to 15-flowered, bost- mm, surpassing and completely hiding the sessile
rychoid; Fl buds ovoid; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Cl green to Gy, papillose, Cs and Ci fuse
f d fo f r ± 1⁄2 of the Cn
white, cup-shaped, united for ± 1⁄4 of its length; Cl length; Ci planar, rectangular, form
f ing a conspicu-
lobes ± 5 mm, spreading to recurved; Cn ± 2.5 mm, ous convex fo f ld; Cs planar, triangular; Anth wings
as tall as the stipitate Gy, Cs and Ci fuse f ± 1⁄2 of
f d for as long as the Anth; Sty head conical; Fr ± 6 cm,
the Cn length; Ci shorter than the Cs, planar, ovate; ffusiform, tip strongly beaked, without wing; Se ± 4
Cs planar, triangular, ligule as long as the Cs; Anth mm, pear-shaped, strongly hairy, without wing.
wings longer than the Anth; Sty head flatly conical. Related to C. descoingsii and C. crassipedicella-
C. radiatum Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. Gén. Bot.
23: 259, 1911). T [neo]: Madagascar, Toliara (Lie- C. sessiliflorum (Decaisne) Liede (Bull. Mus. Nati-
de & al. 2744 [P, TAN]). − D: S Madagascar (Toli- on. Hist. Nat., Sect. B, Adansonia 14(3-4): 449,
ara). 1993). T: Madagascar (Goudot s.n. [G-DEL]). −
Stems ascending, twining, finely striate, ± 3.5 D: Madagascar (Antananarivo, Antsiranana, Maha-
mm ∅, inconspicuously wax-covered, becoming janga). Fig. XVI.b
glabrous; L scaly, ± 1 × ± 0.6 mm; Inf 4- to 5- ≡ Pycnoneurum sessilifli orum Decaisne (1838).
flowered, pseudo-umbellate, sessile; Fl buds cylind- R tubers 5 - 15 × 1 - 1.5 cm; stems 40 - 60 cm, er-
rical; Cl black-green, united for ± 1⁄4 of its length; ect, not twining; L 12 - 16 × ± 0.6 cm, linear; Inf

Dernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

15- to 30-flowered, bostrychoid to pseudo-umbel- Ci laminar, ovate (with a cleft in the lower 1⁄2); Cs
late; basal 1⁄2 of the Fl buds cylindrical, apical 1⁄2 for-
f placed against the back of the St; Anth wings shor-
ming an appendage made up by the contorted Cl ter than the Anth; Sty head cream-coloured to yel-
lobes; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Cl white or rose-coloured, ob- low, flatly conical.
long-clavate, united in the lower 1⁄2; Cl lobes 9 - 11
mm; Cn ± 2.5 mm, shorter than the sessile Gy; Cs C. verrucosum (Descoings) Liede & Meve (Adan-
and Ci completely fuse f d to fform a cup-shaped sonia, sér. 3, 23(2): 351, 2001). T: Madagascar, To-
structure; Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head liara (Descoings 3999 [P]). − Lit: Liede & al.
flat to umbonate. (1993); Liede & Meve (1996). D: S Madagascar
Closely related to C. juncififorme. (Toliara: Cap Ste.-Marie). Fig. XXXI.e
≡ Karim
K bolea verrucosa Descoings (1960).
C. sigridiae Meve & M. Teissier (Bradleya 14: 10- Stems 15 cm, erect, not twining, 6 - 10 mm ∅,
13, ills., 1996). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Teissier strongly tuberculate, old with strong wax cover,
135 [K, MSUN]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara). otherwise glabrous; L 1 mm petiolate, lamina 3 - 4
Fig. XVII.b × 1 mm, ovate; Inf 2- to 3-flowered, pseudo-
R torulose; stems 1.5 - 2 m, twining, delicately umbellate; Fl with slight honey-like scent, buds co-
longitudinally striate, basally corky; L scaly, 3 - 5 × nical; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Cl rose-red to brown, cup-like;
0.6 mm; Inf 2- to 4-flowered, pseudo-umbellate, al- Pet basally united, 7 - 8 mm, tips bent inwards; Cn
most sessile; Fl buds conical; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Cl ± 4 mm, as tall as the sessile Gy; Cs and Ci united
green, purple along the main veins; Cl lobes basally for > 1⁄2 of the Cn length; Ci laminar, strongly cari-
united, 4 - 5 mm, very strongly rolled back, slightly nate, shorter than the Cs; Cs with a massive ligule;
twisted; Cn 4 - 5.5 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, Anth wings as long as the Anth; Sty head rose-red,
tubular, divided into an upper and a lower part, Cs tabular; Fr 5 - 6 cm, fusiform; Se ± 4.5 mm, pear-
and Ci fused for ± 2⁄3 of the Cn length, drawn out shaped, papillate, without wing.
into 0.5 - 2 mm long threads; Anth wings as long as The only CyC nanchum with ± erect pollinia.
the Anth; Sty head green, flatly conical.

C. subtile Liede (Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., ×DERNIA

Sect. B, Adansonia 14(3-4): 440-442, ill., 1993). T:
B. Müller & F. Albers
Madagascar, Toliara (Liede & Conrad 2827 [P, MO,
TAN]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara: Cap Ste.-Ma- ×Dernia Kimnach & al. (CSJA 65(2): 75, 1993).
rie). = Duvalia × Huernia. Apart from the combina-
R tubers 2 - 3 × 2 - 3 cm; stems 30 - 50 cm, as- s .×H
tion covered below, the hybrid D. sp H. clavigera
cending, twining; L petiole 3 - 5 mm, lamina 12 - is also reported (Leach 1988).
16 × ± 7 mm, obovate; Inf 25- to 35-flowered,
pseudo-umbellate; Fl unscented, buds oblong-coni - ×D. ‘Surprise’ Kimnach & al. (CSJA 65(2): 75,
cal; Ped ± 4 mm; Cl greenish-yellow, united fo f r± ill., 1993).
⁄4 of its length; Cl lobes ± 4 mm, spreading; Cn ± s . (probably D. reclinata) × H. nouhuysii.
= D. sp
3.5 mm, surpassing the sessile Gy, Cs and Ci fuse
f d
for > 3⁄4 of the Cn length; Ci planar, keeled; Cs not
differentiated; Anth wings shorter than the Anth; DISCHIDIA
Sty head flatly conical; Fr ± 5 cm, fusiform, tip
C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers
strongly beaked, keeled; Se ± 5 mm, ovate.
A member of the C. lineare species group. Dischidia R. Brown (Prodr., 461, 1810). T: Dischi-
dia nummularia R. Brown. − Lit: Rintz (1980);
C. toliari Liede & Meve (Adansonia, sér. 3, 23(2): Forster & Liddle (1988). D: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
351, 2001). T: Madagascar, Toliara (Grandidier India, Nepal, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Camboodia,
s.n. [P]). − D: S Madagascar (Toliara: Ambovom- Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore,
be, Ampanihy etc.). I: CSJA 64: 31, 1992. Philippines, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, Solo-
Incl. Prosopostelma madagascariens
d e Jumelle & mon-Islands, Australia. Etym: Gr. ‘dischides’, cleft
H. Perrier (1911) ≡ Folotsia madagascariensis (Ju- in two; ffor the apically bifid staminal Corona.
melle & H. Perrier) Descoings (1961). Incl. Colly
l ris Vahl (1810). T: not designated.
Stems 2 - 3 m, ascending, twining, 6 - 8 mm ∅, Incl. Conchophyllum Blume (1826). T: Concho-
glabrous; L rudiments petiolate ± 1.5 mm, lamina ± phy
h llum imbricatum Blume.
4 × 2.5 mm, early deciduous; Inf 8- to 15-flowered; Incl. Leptostemma Blume (1826). T: not design-
Fl scented; buds oblong-conical; Cl yellowish- ated.
brown, lobes united for ± 1⁄4 of their length, ± 3.5 Incl. Tripl
i osp
s erma G. Don (1837). T: Stap a elia
mm, tips bent backwards; Ci ± 3.5 mm, overtopping cochinchinensis Loureiro.
the stipitate Gy, Cs and Ci united for > 1⁄2 of the Cn Incl. Spathidolepe is Schlechter (1905). T: Spathido-
length, articulated into a lower and an upper part; lepis torricellensis Schlechter.

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Dischidia

Plants epiphytic, rarely epilithic, twining, latex Incl. Dischidia zollingeri Schlechter (1908); incl.
white; R at the nodes and / or adventitious; stems 1 - Dischidia brachyste
h le Schlechter (1915); incl. Di-
4 mm ∅, glabrous, tomentose or villose; L de- schidia hoyoides Schlechter (1916); incl. Dischidia
cussate, rarely alternate, shortly to very shortly pedunculata Schlechter (1916).
petiolate, lamina mesomorphic, leathery or succu- [3] R at the nodes and adventitious; stems glabr-
lent, either (a) narrowly elliptic to ovate or oblance- ous; L to 6 mm petiolate, lamina ovate or elliptic, 5
olate, flat or lenticular, entire, or (b) rounded and - 8 × 2 - 3.5 cm, flat, ± leathery, glabrous, acute,
shield-shaped, or (c) pitcher-shaped or tubular base acute; Inf 1- to 5-flowered; peduncle erect, 1 -
(pitcher L); Inf often
f with part-Inf, racemose, la- 3 cm; Ped ± 1 mm, glabrous; Sep ovate, ± 6 mm,
teral, rarely terminal, rachis ± conspicuous; Fl 5- acute, membranous; Cl pale yellow; Cl tube ± 2.5 ×
merous, actinomorphic; Ped short; Sep ovate, ± 2 mm; Cl lobes ± 1 mm, partially revolute, pink; Cs
acute; Cl narrowly or broadly urceolate, fleshy, out- lobes stipitate, apex reniform; Sty head pyramidal;
side smooth and glabrous, rarely verrucose or pu- Poll ± 0.25 mm, caudicles narrowly triangular, 0.35
bescent, inside glabrous or pubescent; petaloid Cn mm, corpuscle 0.25 mm; Fr 6 × 0.3 cm, terete, pale
absent, annular or 5-lobed and alternating with the green to pale yellow.
Cl lobes; Cn uniseriate, staminal, Cn lobes rarely
simple, usually tips bifid and involute; Gy sessile or D. acutifol
f ia ssp. klossii (Ridley) Rintz (Blumea
stipitate, usually conical; Sty head usually conical, 26: 101, ill., 1980). T: Thailand (Kloss 6721 [K]).
enclosed by the processes of the Anth; Poll erect, − D: Malaysia (Malaya), Thailand.
narrowly ovoid to clavate, caudicles broadly trian- ≡ Dischidia klossii Ridley (1951); incl. Dischidia
gular; Fr narrowly fus f iform,
f terete, flattened or re- lancif
ifolia Ridley (1918).
f in cross-section, tapering, glabrous and f ffrom ssp. acutifolia : L elliptic, 3 - 5 ×
[3] Differs
smooth; Se ovate, flat, brown, with a tuft of white 0.4 - 0.8 cm; Fr ± 3.5 × 0.2 cm.
Ha (coma) at the micropylar end.
Many Dischidas are living in symbiosis with ants D. albida Griffith (Not. Pl. Asiat. 4: 46, 1854). T:
(Zizka 1990). The ants are inhabiting hollows be- Malaysia, Malaya (Griff i fith 3781 [K]). − D: Indone-
tween the shield-shaped leaves and the wood or sia (Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia (Mala-
stones upon which they are resting like limpets, or ya), Singapore. I: Rintz (1980).
the ants are inhabiting pendent or ± spreading Incl. Dischidia kutchinensis Beccari (1886); incl.
pitcher leaves. Detritus collected by the ants accu- Dischidia kawengica Schlechter (1916); incl. Di-
mulates underneath or within the leaves (as does schidia semperf rflorens Schlechter (1916); incl. Di-
rainwater) and is thus made available to adventi- schidia lagenififera Ridley (1917); incl. Dischidia
tious roots. f
fultoni i Henderson (1927).
The maj a ority of the ± 40 species will be covered [2] R at the nodes and adventitious; stems very
here. A revision of the genus is urgently needed, thin, glabrous; L petiole 2.5 - 4 mm long, faintly
and the following account remains preliminary, and pubescent, lamina ovate, 1.5 - 2 × 1 cm, flat or len-
the genus Dischidiop o sis (see there) with its few spe- ticular, glabrous, acute, ± round at the base; Inf 1-
cies probably belongs here as synonym. In addition, to 5-flowered, often with part-Inf; peduncle 2 - 3
a number of apparently non-succulent species are mm; Ped ± 2 mm, glabrous; Sep ovate, 1 mm, ac-
omitted. ute; Cl tube belly-like, ± 4 × 2 mm, white; Cl lobes
Depending on the pubescence on the inside of the erect, ± 2 mm, pink; Cs lobes stipitate, 2-lobed, api-
corolla, the genus can be subdivided into 5 groups cally acute, basally with a pubescent hump; Poll el-
(Rintz 1980): ongate, ± flat, caudicles triangular; Fr terete, ± 6 ×
0.3 cm, pale green.
[1] Cl glabrous throughout.
[2] Only Cl lobes pubescent.
D. astephana Scortechini ex King & Gamble (J.
[3] Only Cl throat pubescent.
Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 74(2): 582, 1908). T: Ma-
[4] Both Cl lobes and the throat pubescent.
laysia, Malaya (Scortechini s.n. [not located]). −
[5] Cl throat with a double circle of pubescence.
D: Indonesia (Borneo), Malaysia (Malaya). I:
Rintz (1980); Zizka (1990: 93). Fig. XVII.c
D. acutifo
f lia Maingay & Hooker fil
f . (Fl. Brit. India Incl. Conchophyllum angulatum Schlechter
4: 51, 1883). T: Malaysia (Maingay 1122 [K]). − (1908).
D: Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra), [3] Epiphytic, creeping on dead wood and trunks;
Malaysia (Malaya), S Myanmar, Philippines, S R at the nodes below the L; stems thin, villose, ±
Thailand. glabrous with age; L basin-shaped and appressed to
the substrate, circular, ± 2.5 × 2.5 cm, acute, base
D. acutifo f lia − D: Indonesia (Bor-
f lia ssp. acutifo with a conical appendage 2 mm long, upper face f
neo, Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra), S Myanmar, Ma- brown, humped, lower face purple, villose, ± glabr-
laysia (Malaya), Philippines, Thailand. I: Rintz ous with age; Inf 1- to 4-flowered; peduncle ± 5
(1980). mm; Ped ± 2 mm, pubescent; Sep ± triangular, ob-

Dischidia Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

tuse, pink, pubescent; Cl extremely 5-angular- [B]). − D: Indonesia (Borneo, Sumatra), Malaysia
winged, angles yellow-orange to deep red, remain- (Malaya). I: Rintz (1980). Fig. XVII.e
der deep blue; Cl tube ± 5 × 7 mm; Cl lobes ± 2 Incl. Dischidia tubif
iflora King & Gamble (1908).
mm, revolute, yellow-orange to deeply red; Cs [4] R at the nodes and adventitious; stems glabr-
lobes horizontal, deeply divided, broadly spatulate, ous; L petiole 2 - 6 mm long, pubescent, lamina lan-
tips bifid; Anth red, white-angled, Anth appendage ceolate to ovate, 2 - 3 × 1 cm, acute to acuminate,
acuminate; Poll ± 0.7 mm, caudicles slender, ± 0.2 round, flat to lenticular, glabrous or fa
f intly villose;
mm, corpuscle ± 0.3 mm; Fr semiterete, ± 3 × 0.5 Inf 1- to 5-flowered; peduncle erect, 3 - 10 mm;
cm, red. Ped ± 3 mm; Sep ovate, pubescent; Cl pale pink or
white; Cl tube ± 12 × 3 mm, often inflated 2⁄3 above
D. bengalensis Colebrooke (Trans. Linn. Soc. Lon- the base; Cl lobes ovate, 3 - 4 mm, strongly revol-
don 12: 357, t. 15, 1817). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. ute; Cs lobes stipitate, apically broadly obtuse, 2-
15. − D: NE India, Nepal, S Myanmar, Camboodia, lobed, free lobes revolute; Anth appendage rising
Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Moluccas, high; Sty head acuminate; Poll slender, ± 0.65 mm,
Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia (Malaya), Philip- caudicles triangular, ± 0.5 mm, corpuscle ± 0.3 mm;
pines, Singapur, S Thailand. I: Rintz (1980). Fig. Fr ± 5 × 0.3 cm, terete; Se linear, minute.
Incl. Dischidia sp
s atulata Blume (1826); incl. Di- D. formosana
f Maximowicz (Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci.
schidia cuneifolia Wa W llich (1831); incl. Dischidia Saint-Pétersbourg 23: 385, 1877). T: Taiwan (Old-
loeseneriana Schlechter (1916). ham 332 [K]). − D: Taiwan. I: Lu & Kao (1978).
[3] R at the nodes and adventitious; stems spar- [3] Forming runners; stems thin, glabrous; L de-
f , to 4 mm ∅, pendent, partly weakly twin-
sely leafy cussate, 2 - 4 mm petiolate, lamina circular or
ing, fleshy, pale green to yellowish-green, glabrous; obcordate, 1 - 2 cm, fleshy, glabrous, base narrowed
L decussate, to 1.5 mm petiolate, lamina oblanceo- or cuneate; Inf 1- to 5-flowered; peduncle 2 - 3 cm;
late to spatulate, 2 - 3 × 0.4 - 0.6 cm, round to blunt, Sep ovate, 2.8 mm, membranous, glabrous; Cl
base attenuate, thickened and fleshy, glabrous; Inf small, white; Cl lobes revolute; Cs lobes hastate;
composed of part-Inf, 1- to 6-flowered; peduncle Anth appendage erect, membranous; Poll flat, cor-
short; Ped 2 - 3 mm, pubescent; Sep ± reddish, puscle elongate; Fr terete, 4 - 5 cm, slender, glabr-
nearly glabrous; Cl pale yellow, greenish-white or ous.
white; Cl tube ± 3 × 4 mm; Cl lobes ± 2 mm, partly
revolute; Cs lobes stipitate, apically obtuse, 2-
lobed, free lobes revolute; Poll ± 0.38 mm, caud- D. fruticulosa Ridley (J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat.
icles broadly triangular, ± 0.25 mm, corpuscle ± 0.2 Soc. 79: 96, 1918). T: Malaysia, Malaya (Robinson
mm; Fr 5 - 7 × 0.3 cm, terete, pale green to pale s.n. [K]). − D: Malaysia (Malaya). I: Rintz
brown. (1980). Fig. XVII.f
Apart from D. nummularia perhaps the species of [4] Epiphytic; R at the nodes and adventitious;
the genus most often seen in cultivation. It may be- stems robust, woody with age, glabrous; L alternate
come gigantic. and decussate, with a petiole 2.5 mm long, lamina
elliptic, 5 - 7 × 2 - 3 cm, acute, base cuneate, flat,
D. cochleata Blume (Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind., 1060, glabrous; Inf 1- to 6-flowered; peduncle 0.5 - 2 cm;
1826). T: Indonesia, Java (Blume 1692 [L]). − D: Ped ± 2 mm, glabrous; Sep elongate-ovate, obtuse;
Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sumatra), Malaysia (Ma- Cl pale yellow or white; Cl tube ± 3 × 2.5 mm, ±
laya). I: Rintz (1980). pear-shaped, throat deep red; Cl lobes erect, ± 1
Incl. Dischidia coccinea Griffith (1854). mm, acute, pink or deep red; Cs lobes stipitate, ha-
[1] R at the nodes; stems densely leafy,
f glabrous, state; Anth appendage obtuse; Gy stipitate; Poll cy-
f intly hairy when young; L circular and shield-
fa lindrical, ± 0.3 mm, caudicles narrowly triangular,
shaped, 1.5 - 4.5 × 2 - 5 cm, cordate to reniform at ± 0.2 mm, corpuscle linear-elongate, 0.25 mm; Fr
the base, with an appendage of 1 mm, upper face terete, ± 6 × 0.4 cm, pale green or red.
humped, lower face purple, glabrous; Inf 1- to 7-
flowered; peduncle ± 0.5 - 3 cm, glabrous; Ped 1.5 - D. hirsuta (Blume) Decaisne (PSRV 8: 632, 1844).
3 mm, glabrous; Sep minute, acute or obtuse; Cl T: Indonesia, Java (Blume s.n. [L]). − D: NE India,
red; Cl lobes triangular-ovate, involute, blue; petal- S Myanmar, Camboodia, Laos, Vietnam, Singapore,
oid Cn annular; Cs lobes stipitate, apically cordate, Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Moluccas, Sulawesi, Su-
2-lobed, free
f lobes involute; Sty head flat; Poll nar- matra), Philippines, S Thailand, Papua New Guinea.
rowly lanceolate, 0.75 mm, caudicles ± 0.1 mm, I: Rintz (1980). Fig. XVIII.b
thin, corpuscle ± 0.3 mm; Fr erect, fusiform, ± 0.25 ≡ Lep
e tostemma hirsutum Blume (1826); incl.
× 0.4 cm, semiterete, green; Se obovoid, ± 0.13 mm. Leptostemma fasciculatum
f Blume (1826) ≡ Dischi-
dia fasciculata
f (Blume) Decaisne (1844); incl. Di-
D. dolichantha Schlechter (BJS 40(Beiblatt 92): 8, schidia brunoniana Griffith (1854); incl. Dischidia
1908). T: Indonesia, Sumatra (Schlechter 13261 euryloma Schlechter (1905); incl. Dischidia sub-

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Dischidia

peltigera Schlechter (1905); incl. Dischidia pul- triangular; Fr linear-lanceolate, 8.5 - 10.5 cm, ac-
chella Schlechter (1916); incl. Dischidia verruculo- ute, glabrous.
sa Schlechter (1916).
[5] R at the nodes and adventitious; stems thin, D. latifol
f ia (Blume) Decaisne (PSRV 8: 631, 1844).
branched, ± sparsely leafy f , ± reddish-brown, den- T: Indonesia, Java (Blume s.n. [L?]). − D: Indone-
sely villose when young, ± glabrous with age; L sia (Java).
with a glabrous petiole ± 2 - 3 mm long, lamina ov- ≡ Leptostemma latif ifolium Blume (1826).
ate, 1.5 - 2.5 × 1 - 1.5 cm, acute, base broadly cune- [3] Stems twining, robust, ± 3 mm ∅; L decus-
ate to round, flat, leathery to fleshy, margins often
f ± sate, petiole glabrous, 0.75 - 1.5 mm long, lamina
revolute, villose when young; Inf 1- to 5-flowered; broadly elliptic or slightly rhombic, 3.5 - 10 × 2 - 5
peduncle ± erect, ± 8 mm; Ped 2 - 3 mm, glabrous, cm, thickly leathery to fleshy, tip triangular to ob-
reddish; Sep ± 1.3 mm, obtuse, reddish; Cl outside tuse, base cuneate; Inf 0.25 - 1 cm; peduncle ± 5
verrucose, angular at the base; Cl tube ± 6 × 5 mm, mm, thick, glabrous; Cl tube ± 2.5 mm; Cs lobes
urceolate, yellowish to deep red; Cl lobes ± 3 mm, minute, broadly triangular-ovate, entire, ± acumin-
ascending to revolute, fleshy, pink, alternating with ate; Poll narrowly ovoid, ± 0.3 mm, corpuscle ro-
5 small erect projections; Cs lobes stipitate, apically bust, 0.15 mm.
obtuse, 2-lobed, free lobes involute; Poll 0.7 mm, D. livida Elmer (Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 10: 3558-3560,
caudicles triangular, 0.5 mm, corpuscle 0.4 mm; Fr 1938). T: Philippines, Luzon (Elmer 16591 [not lo-
linear-lanceolate, ± 6 × 0.5 cm, reniform in cross- cated]). − D: Philippines. Fig. XIX.a
section, green. [1?] R at the nodes; stems very thin or ffi filiform
i f ,
green, smooth, glabrous; L decussate, petiole 5 mm,
D. imbricata (Blume) Steudel (Nomencl. Bot. ed. very thin, faintly canaliculate, glabrous or rarely
2, 1: 519, 1840). T: Indonesia, Java (Blume s.n. pubescent, lamina lanceolate, 4 × 1 cm, flat, thin,
[L]). − D: NE India, S Myanmar, Camboodia, Laos, dark green, slightly shining, glabrous, acuminate,
Vietnam, S Thailand, Malaysia (Malaya), Indonesia base broadly cuneate; peduncle 1 - 1.5 cm; Ped 1 - 2
(Borneo, Java, Sumatra). I: Rintz (1980). Fig. mm, pale purple, glabrous; Sep elongate, somewhat
XVII.d obtuse, glabrous; Cl 4 - 6 mm, bluish to violet, be-
≡ Conchophyllum imbricatum Blume (1826); coming paler towards the apex, outside verrucose;
incl. Dischidia depressa Clarke ex King & Gamble Cl lobes erect, acute, alternating with small trans-
(1908). lucent proj
o ections, inside whitish; Cs lobes trans-
[2] Growing on stones or bark; R at the nodes lucent, shortly stipitate, tips 2-lobed; Fr subterete, 5
and adventitious; L sessile, circular, resting upon cm, straight, glabrous; Se linear, flat, brown.
the substrate like limpets, partly overlapping ad-
joining L, ± 2 × 2.5 cm, outside green, inside deep D. maja or (Vahl) Merrill (Interpr. Herb. Amboin.,
red with green margin, glabrous; Inf with several 437, 1917). T: Malaysia, Malaya (Koeni
K g s.n. [C]).
part-Inf, 1- to 4-flowered; peduncle 1 - 2.5 cm, er- − D: NE India, Myanmar, Camboodia, Laos, Viet-
ect; Ped ± 2 mm, glabrous; Sep ± round, ± reddish, nam, Malaysia (Malaya), Indonesia (Borneo, Java,
glabrous; Cl white or pale yellow; Cl tube ± 3 × 4 Sulawesi, Sumatra, Timor), Singapore, Thailand,
mm; Cl lobes erect to involute, ± 2 mm, tips ± red- Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia (Queens-
dish when young; petaloid Cn 5-lobed; Cs lobes land). I: Rintz (1980); Forster & Liddle (1988).
bidentate; Poll cylindrical, ± 0.35 mm, caudicles Fig. XVIII.d, XVIII.e
slender, ± 0.2 mm, corpuscle ± 0.15 mm. ≡ Collyris
l major VaV hl (1810); incl. Dischidia
Ants are settling below the leaves (Kerr & Craib clavata Wa
W llich (1831); incl. Dischidia rafflesiana
1951). W
Wallich (1831); incl. Dischidia timorensis Decaisne
(1834); incl. Dischidia merg
r uiensis Beccari (1886);
D. lanceolata (Blume) Decaisne (PSRV 8: 631, incl. Dischidia bauerlenii Schlechter (1908); incl.
1844). T: Indonesia, Java (Blume s.n. [L?]). − D: Dischidia pubifl
f ora
r Schlechter (1916).
Indonesia (Java). I: Steenis (1972). Fig. XVIII.a [2] R at the nodes and adventitious, those of the
≡ Lep
e tostemma lanceolatum Blume (1826). nodes often
f growing into the pitcher L; stems thick,
[?] Stems 1 mm ∅, sparsely branched, glabrous; 3 - 4 mm ∅, glabrous; L of 2 shapes: either with a
L decussate, petiole glabrous, to 1 cm, lamina lan- petiole 2 - 3 × 1 mm, circular, 2.5 - 2.7 × 1.6 - 1.8
ceolate, 5 - 9 × 1.5 - 3 cm, thinly fleshy, glabrous, cm, acuminate, base cuneate, flat, glabrous or faint-
acute, acuminate or obtuse, base acute to obtuse; ly pubescent, or with a petiole 8 × 1.5 mm, pitcher-
peduncle 4 - 8 mm, glabrous; Ped 2 - 3 mm, faintly shaped or tubular, 8 - 10 × 3 - 4 cm, inside dark
pubescent; Sep ovate-elongate, glabrous; Cl ± 8 purple, tips obtuse, one side flattened; Inf 1- to 8-
mm, whitish-pink, pale violet, outside with pale flowered, often
f with part-Inf; peduncle 15 × 1.5
blotches; Cl tube basally belly-like; Cl lobes slen- mm; Ped 3.5 - 4 × 1 mm, glabrous or fa f intly pubes-
der, 1.75 - 2 mm, erect to revolute, outside violet, cent; Sep ovate, 1 - 1.5 × 1 mm, margins minutely
inside greenish; Anth appendage acute, white; Sty denticulate; Cl 3 - 4 × 2.5 - 3 mm, yellow-green or
head obtuse; Poll 0.5 - 0.6 mm, caudicles broadly striped with yellow and green; Cl lobes lanceolate,

Dischidia Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

1.5 × 0.5 mm, acuminate, revolute, tips reddish, out- cultivation despite its inconspicuous flowers. Ac-
side fa
f intly pubescent; petaloid Cn flat; Cs lobes cording to Rintz (1980) D. glaucescens Elmer and
stipitate, apically cordate, 2-lobed, lobes involute, 1 D. pubicaulis Schlechter should be included as
× 1 mm; Anth appendage ovate, 0.75 mm; Sty head f her synonyms.
obtuse, 0.25 mm; Poll 0.5 - 0.6 × 0.1 - 0.2 mm,
translator ± 0.3 × 0.1 mm, caudicles 0.3 × 0.1 mm; D. ovata Bentham (London J. Bot. 2: 226-227,
Fr ffusiform, 4.5 - 5 × 0.3 cm, reniform
f in cross-sec- 1843). T: Papua-New Guinea (Hinds s.n. [K]). −
tion, yellow-green, glabrous; Se 2 - 2.5 × 1 mm, tuft f D: Papua New Guinea, Australia (Queensland). I:
of Ha 1.3 - 1.5 cm. Forster & Liddle (1988). Fig. XVIII.c
Also known under the name D. raffl a esiana (Zizka Incl. Dischidia picta Blume (1849) ≡ Lepe tostem-
1990). D. maj a or is particularly characterized by its ma pictum (Blume) Zippel & Herbert (1849).
large pitcher leaves. [3] R at the nodes only; stems creeping, 1 mm ∅,
glabrous; L with a petiole 2 - 9 × 0.75 - 1 mm, lami-
D. nummularia R. Brown (Prodr., 461, 1810). T na broadly ovate, 2 - 5 × 0.5 - 3.5 cm, fleshy, pale
[lecto]: Australia, Queensland (Banks & Solander green to brown with paler venation, finely acumin-
s.n. [BM]). − D: NE India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, ate, base round or slightly cordate; Inf 1- to 8-
Myanmar, China (Hainan), Camboodia, Laos, S fflowered, often with part-Inf; peduncle to 15 × 1
Vietnam, Malaysia (Malaya), Indonesia (Borneo, mm; Ped 3 × 1 mm; Sep ovate, 1 × 0.75 mm, glabr-
Java, Moluccas, Sulawesi, Timor), Philippines, ous; Cl 6 × 4 mm, yellow, reddish, greenish,
Singapore, Thailand, Solomon Islands, Papua New striped; Cl tube gasteriform-urceolate, angled at the
Guinea, Australia (Queensland). I: Rintz (1980); base; Cl lobes ovate, 2 × 1 mm, erect, ± blotched
Forster & Liddle (1988). with white, outside minutely papillose, usually not
Incl. Colly V (1810) ≡ Dischidia mi-
l ris minor Vahl striped, yellow-red; Cs lobes stipitate, bilobed, fre
f e
nor (Vahl) Merrill (1939); incl. Dischidia gaudi- lobes involute, 1.75 × 1.5 mm; Anth appendage ov-
chaudii Decaisne (1844) ≡ Dischidia nummularia ate, 0.75 mm; Sty head conical, 0.25 mm; Poll ± 0.5
var. gaudichaudii (Decaisne) Beccari (1886); incl. × 0.2 mm, corpuscle ± 0.4 × 0.1 mm, caudicles ± 0.3
Dischidia orbicularis Decaisne (1844); incl. Dischi- × 0.1 mm; Fr fusiform, 5.5 - 6.5 × 0.8 - 1 cm, se-
dia nummularia var. gracilis Beccari (1884); incl. miterete; Se 3 - 4 × 1 - 1.5 mm, pale brown, tuft of
Dischidia beiningiana Schlechter (1905); incl. Di- Ha 8 - 12 mm.
schidia dirhiza Schlechter (1905); incl. Dischidia A pretty and easily recognized species that is of-
ridleyana Schlechter (1905); incl. Dischidia schu- ten cultivated.
manniana Schlechter (1905); incl. Dischidia cop o e-
landii Schlechter (1906); incl. Dischidia glabra r D. punctata (Blume) Decaisne (PSRV 8: 631,
Warburg (1907) ≡ Dischidia nummularia var. glab- 1844). T: Indonesia, Java (Blume s.n. [L]). − D: S
ra (Warburg) Bakhuizen van den Brink fil. & Myanmar, Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sumatra), Phi-
Backer (1950); incl. Dischidia microphy h lla lippines, S Thailand. I: Rintz (1980). Fig. XVIII.f
Schlechter (1908); incl. Dischidia aemula Schlech- ≡ Lep
e tostemma punctatum Blume (1826); incl.
ter (1913); incl. Dischidia sep e ikana Schlechter Dischidia joloensis Schlechter (1915); incl. Dischi-
(1913); incl. Dischidia actephila Schlechter (1916); dia viridif
iflora Ridley (1920); incl. Dischidia punc-
incl. Dischidia decipiens Schlechter (1916); incl. tatoides Bakhuizen van den Brink fi f l. & Backer
Dischidia immortalis Guillaumin (1937). (1950).
[3] R at the nodes and adventitious; stems fili- [3] R at the nodes and adventitious; stems glabr-
form, glabrous; L with a petiole 2 - 3 × 1 mm, la- ous but pubescent to fa f intly villose when young; L
mina circular to ovate, 7 - 14 × 7 - 10 mm, flat, decussate, rarely in whorls of 4, with a villose peti-
farinose-white, tips with a minute mucro, base ole ± 2 mm long, lamina ovate, 2 - 3 × 1.2 - 1.5 cm,
round or shortly cuneate; Inf 1- to 6-flowered; ped- ± flat
f , ± flesh
f y, glabrous, acute, cuneate at the base;
uncle 1 - 10 mm; Ped 3 - 5 × 1 mm, glabrous; Sep Inf 1- to 5-flowered; peduncle bent backwards, ± 5
ovate, 0.5 - 0.7 × 0.5 mm, glabrous; Cl 3 - 4 × 2 - 3 mm; Ped ± 3 mm, faintly villose; Sep ovate, 1 mm,
mm, white; Cl tube 2 - 3 × 2 - 3 mm, campanulate- obtuse; Cl violet or yellow-green, striped with dark
urceolate, white; Cl lobes ovate, 2 - 2.5 × 0.75 - 1 green, outside verrucose; Cl tube ± 7 × 4 mm; Cl
mm, acuminate, ± revolute; Cs lobes stipitate, tip lobes ± 2 mm, partially revolute; Cs lobes stipitate,
obtuse, 2-lobed, free lobes spatulate, 0.5 × 0.5 mm, tip smooth, obtuse, bilobed, free lobes revolute;
involute; Anth appendage ovate, 0.5 mm; Sty head Poll ± 0.6 mm, caudicles ± 0.4 mm, corpuscle 0.25
conical, 0.25 mm; Poll elongate, ± 0.2 × 0.1 mm, mm; Fr ffusiform, 6 - 7 × 0.4 cm, reniform in cross-
corpuscle elongate, 0.1 × 0.06 mm, brown, caud- section, very acute, green, glabrous; tuft f of Ha ±
icles broadly triangular, ± 0.3 × 0.1 mm; Fr fus f i- 2.5 cm.
form, semiterete, 2.5 - 4 × 0.5 - 0.8 cm, pale green
or yellow, glabrous; Se 2 - 2.5 × 1 mm, tuft of Ha D. rhombifo
f lia Blume (Bij
i dr. Fl. Ned. Ind., 1063,
1 cm. 1826). T: Indonesia, Java (Anonymus
A s.n. [L]). −
A widely distributed taxon that is often
f seen in D: Indonesia (Java).

C. Hoffmann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Dischidiopsis

≡ Dischidia nummularia var. rhombifoli

r a (Blu- smooth; L decussate, with a glabrous petiole 2 - 4
me) Bakhuizen van den Brink fi f l. & Backer (1950); mm long, lamina ovate, 1 - 2 × 0.7 - 1.5 cm, thinly
incl. Dischidia horsfieldiana Miquel (1856); incl. leathery to fleshy, glabrous, acute, base cuneate to
e tostemma truncatum Zollinger ex Miquel (1856) obtuse-rounded; Inf 1.5 - 6 cm; peduncle 0.5 - 5 cm,
(nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). glabrous; Ped very short; Sep ciliate; Cl 4.5 mm,
[3] Stems twining, thin, glabrous; L decussate, pale violet or white; Cl tube ± 3.5 mm; Cl lobes ob-
rarely in whorls of 4, ± shortly petiolate, lamina tuse, often
f reddish; Cs lobes obtusely hastate, mar-
rhombic or elliptic, to 1.3 cm, ± flat, glabrous, ± ac- gins dentate; Poll narrow, ± 0.6 mm, caudicles very
ute when young but obtuse whith age; peduncle slender, ± 0.6 mm.
short; Sep linear-lanceolate; Cl unknown; Cs lobes
linear, obtuse. D. vidalii Beccari (Malesia 2: 272, 1886). − D:
Lately treated as a variety of D. nummularia by Philippines. Fig. XIX.b
Bakhuizen van den Brink & Backer (1950). Incl. Dischidia lanceolata Fernández-Villar
(1880) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Dischidia pec-
D. ruscifol
f ia Decaisne ex Beccari (Malesia 2: 272, tenoides H. Pearson (1912).
1886). T: Philippines (Cuming 1086 [not located]). [4] Plants pendent; stems ± twining, glabrous; R
− D: Philippines. often growing into the pitcher L; L decussate, of 2
[?] Plants pendent; R sparse; stems terete, shapes: either shortly petiolate, elliptic-ovate to
branched, with very dense foliage, green to yellow- lanceolate, 1.5 - 2.5 cm, thick, fleshy, acuminate,
ish-green, finely verrucose, base woody, pubescent; base narrower, or very shortly petiolate, urceolate,
L broadly cordate to triangular, ± 1.5 cm, abruptly 4 - 6 × 4 - 5 cm, 2 cm high; Inf 3- to 8-flowered;
constricted into a terminal point, very fleshy to peduncle 1 - 2 cm; Ped ± 6 mm, glabrous; Sep ov-
succulent, yellowish-green, glabrous; Inf 1- to 2- ate, ± 4 mm, obtuse or round, green, margins ciliate;
flowered ; Ped thin, bent; Cl pure white; Fr semiter- Cl 8 mm, red; Cl lobes lanceolate, 1.25 mm, acute,
ete, pale green. erect or involute, inside keeled; petaloid Cn 5-
lobed, Cs lobes involute, bifid; Fr 5 - 7 cm, slender.
D. sagittata (Blume) Decaisne (PSRV 8: 631, A very attractive large-flowered species that is
1844). T: Indonesia, Java (Blume s.n. [L?]). − D: easily flowering in cultivation. It is often
f ffor sale in
Indonesia (Java). Fig. XIX.d flower shops, mostly under the name D. pectenoi-
≡ Leptostemma sagitattum Blume (1826). des.
s The pitcher leaves are inhabited by ants in na-
[1] Stems twining, thin, glabrous; L decussate or ture.
rarely in whorls of 3 - 4, shortly petiolate, lamina
narrowly lanceolate to obovate, leathery-fleshy,
glabrous, obtuse or acute, obtuse at the base; Inf 5 - DISCHIDIOPSIS
15 mm; peduncle short, very thick; Cl 2.5 - 3 mm,
C. Hoffmann & F. Albers
subglobose, whitish to yellowish; Cl lobes erect to
involute; Cs lobes hastate, acute to obtuse; Poll cy- Dischidiopsis Schlechter (in J. R. Perkins, Fragm.
lindrical, ± 0.2 mm, corpuscle ± 0.2 mm, caudicles Fl. Philipp., 128, 1904). T: not designated. − D:
thin; Fr narrowly ovate to fusiform, 3.5 - 5 cm, ± Philippines. Etym: Gr. ‘-opsis’, similar to; and for
f of Ha of the Se ± 2.5 cm.
acute, glabrous; tuft the genus Dischidia ((Asclepiadaceae
A ).
Pendent or climbing epiphytes, twining, with
D. singularis Craib (BMI 1911: 419, 1911). T white latex; stems ± fleshy, ± glabrous, 2 - 3 m, 2 -
[syn]: Thailand (Kerr 1294 [K]). − D: Thailand. 5 mm ∅, strongly branched; L opposite, shortly to
Fig. XIX.e very shortly petiolate, petiole almost as long as
[4] Stems thin; L linear or lanceolate, 2.5 - 6.5 × broad, lamina narrowly oblong to ovate, 4 - 10 × 1 -
0.3 - 2 cm, acute, base ± narrowed, margins ± revol- 3 cm, ± fleshy, acute to attenuate, entire, glabrous,
ute; Inf many-flowered; Ped ± 1 mm; Sep ovate- rarely pubescent, base acute; Inf racemose, lateral;
lanceolate, small, obtuse; Cl reddish- or greenish- peduncle with ± conspicuous short thick rachis; Fl
yellow; Cl tube with red blotches alternating with 5-merous, actinomorphic; Ped short, glabrous; Sep
the Cl lobes, lobes lanceolate, 1.5 mm, strongly rev- oblong-ovate, 1 mm, obtuse, glabrous; Cl urceolate,
olute, whitish; Cs lobes stipitate, erect, nearly basally ventricose to globose, fleshy, glabrous,
round, membranous; Fr 5 - 8.5 cm, smooth; Se glossy, inside whitish; Cl tube inside long-hairy, Ha
linear, 3 - 3.5 mm. erect; Cl lobes ovate-lanceolate to triangular, hard-
ly 1 mm; Cn petaloid, 5-lobed, short, uniseriate; Cs
D. truncata (Blume) Decaisne (PSRV 8: 632, lobes scoop-like, obtuse; Anth processes envelop-
1844). T: Indonesia, Java (Blume s.n. [L?]). − D: ing the Sty head, narrowly oblong, acute, transpar-
Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi). Fig. XIX.c ent; Poll cylindrical, erect, corpuscle narrowly
≡ Lep
e tostemma truncatum Blume (1826); incl. oblong; Fr fusiform
f .
Dischidia truncata
t var. celebica Miquel (1856). The oligotypic genus Dischidiopsis can only be
[3,4] Stems sparsely leafy
f , glabrous when young, distinguished fro
f m Dischidia on the base of the re-

Duvalia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

duced, slightly scoop-shaped staminal corona, and margins, wing-like enlarged at the base, with glan-
its status as a separate genus appears unj
n ustified. A dular Ha within; Anth lying on the whitish Sty
forma l transfer
f to Dischidia has not been published head; Poll mostly yellow, flattened-ovoid, 0.27 -
so far, however. Of the few described taxa, the 0.55 × 0.2 - 0.35 mm, at the apex of the inner side
following species is the only that is somewhat better with a massive broad germination mouth on top of a
known: translucent wall; caudicles 0.08 - 0.2 mm long, ter-
minally to subterminally connected to the Poll, cor-
D. parasitica (Blanco) Merrill (Sp. Blancoan., 317, puscle ellipsoid, wings of the translator up to 0.5
1918). T: Philippines, Batangas Prov. (Blanco s.n. mm long, whitish-translucent; Fr 5 - 18 × 0.4 - 1 (-
[not located]). − D: Philippines (Luzon, Lubang). 1.2) cm, green, partly spotted dark red, glabrous,
I: Asklepios 67: 12-13, 1996. Fig. XX.b with ± 40 - 120 Se, the latter flat, ellipsoid, 3 - 8 ×
≡ Marsdenia parasitica Blanco (1837) ≡ Dischi- 2.5 - 5 mm, their rim 0.2 - 1.2 mm broad, brown,
dia parasitica (Blanco) Hort. van Donkelaar (s.a.) with a tuft
f of Ha 10 - 18 mm long.
(nom. inval., Art. 29.1); incl. Dischidiopsis Duvalia is well defined by its disc-like corona
i inensis Schlechter (1904); incl. Dischidia (unique within the fam
f ily) and the stipitate gynoste-
merrillii Schlechter (1906) ≡ Conchophyllum gium. The genus is most closely related to Huernia
merrillii (Schlechter) Merrill (1912). (Meve 1997), with which hybrids are known (=
Inf subsessile; Cl slender urceolate-cylindrical, ×Dernia). For another intergeneric hybrid see under
purple, ± 4 mm; Cl tube 3.5 mm; Cl lobes 0.5 - 1 ×Duvaliaranthus. s.
mm, erect; Poll ± 0.4 × 0.11 mm; otherwise descrip- Meve & Albers (1990) divide Duvalia into 2 sec-
tion as ffor the genus. tions:
An attractive and in comparison with Dischidia [1] Sect. Duvalia: Stems globular to cylindrical, 4-
large-flowered species encountered rather fre- to 6-angled, green, L rudiments flattened, ± tri-
quently in cultivation. angular, mostly with stipular Gl. Distribution:
Botswana, Malawi, Moçambique, Namibia,
Zambia, Zimbabwe, RSA.
DUVALIA [2] Sect. Arabica Meve & F. Albers 1990: Stems ±
clavate (rarely compactly cylindrical), 4- to in-
U. Meve
distinctly 5-angled, greyish-green, L rudiments
Duvalia Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., 44, 1812). T: ± conical, acute, lacking stipular Gl. Distrib-
Stapelia elegans Masson. − Lit: Bayer (1984); Me- ution: Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Dj D ibouti,
ve & Albers (1990); Meve (1997). D: Disj s unct, Ethiopia, Somalia.
Arabian Peninsula and Horn of Afr f ica as well as S
f ica. Etym: For Henri Auguste Duval (1777 - D. anemoniflora (Deflers) R. A. Dyer & Lavranos
1814), French physician and botanist. (FPA 44: t. 1734, in adnot., 1976). T: Arabia [S
Small stem succulents with plagiotropic stems Yemen] (Def eflers 387 [lecto: Deflers, Ascl. Arab.
and mat-like growth, mostly in the shelter of Trop., t. 6, 1896]). − D: S Yemen.
shrubs; stems globular to cylindrical (or clavate, ≡ Stapelia anemonifl r Deflers (1896) ≡ Cara
f ora C l-
Sect. Arabica
r ), 4-, 5- or 6-angled, 1 - 10 cm long, luma anemonifl f ora (Deflers) A. Berger (1910).
green to greyish-green, sometimes spotted maroon, This is a ‘nomen dubium’. There is no original
glabrous; L rudiments triangular, caducous, with material and neither is the lectotype useful to estab-
stipular Gl (Sect. Duvalia), or L rudiments coni- lish the identity of this taxon. Meve & Albers
cal-acuminate and ± persistent, lacking stipular Gl (1990) exclude it from Duvalia, and Gilbert (1990)
(Sect. Arabica
r ); Inf mostly near stem bases with 1 f m Cara
excludes it fro C lluma.
to several Fl appearing successively over a longer
period of time; Ped 2 - 70 × 1 - 3 mm, (greyish-) D. angustiloba N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser.
green, terete, glabrous; Sep green, 1 - 6 × 1 - 2.5 nov. 20: 230, 1883). T: RSA, Western Cape (Dick-
mm, lanceolate, acute, glabrous; Fl actinomorphic, r ly 33 [K]). − D: RSA (Western
son s.n. in Barkl
1 - 5 cm ∅, mostly flat on the ground; Cl yellow, Cape, Estern Cape: C Great Karoo); on sand, 800 -
ochre, maroon, brown to very dark purple, mostly 1000 m. Fig. XX.c
with strong foetid odour; Cl tube raised to a ± [1] Stems 0.8 - 3 × 0.8 - 2 cm, 4- to 5-angled,
fleshy annulus, fre
f e Cl lobes flat, convex or bent ovoid-cylindrical, dark green (to greyish-green), L
backwards along the mid-vein; Cn biseriate, Ci and rudiments ± 2 mm, very sharply pointed; Inf dicha-
f d to a ± flat disc lying on the
dorsal parts of Cs fuse sia with 5 - 20 procumbent Fl; Ped 2 - 4 cm; Sep 2 -
upper or next to the inner surface of the annulus, 3 mm; Cl 1.5 - 2.2 cm ∅, very delicate, spider-like,
thus blocking the entrance of the Cl tube, Cs with chocolate-brown (rarely light green spotted brown),
short inner leaf-like appendages placed ± parallel scentless or with slight foet
f id odour; fre
f e Cl lobes 6
on the Anth, and outer ± ovoid to fus
f iform
f acumin- - 9 × 4 mm, lamina entirely reflexed, margins glabr-
ate appendages horizontally spreading to vertically ous or hairy (to papillate) at the base, Ha 0.05 - 0.1
erect; Gy stipitate, guide rails with cartilaginous mm; annulus round to 5-angled, 3.5 - 4.5 × 0.4 - 0.8

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Duvalia

mm, slightly constricted at the base, hairy (to papil- foetid odour; free Cl lobes 9 - 15 × 6 - 9 mm, lami-
late), Ha 0.03 - 0.06 mm; Cn white (spotted ma- na ± entirely reflexed, margins basally or ± entirely
roon), disc narrow, fringe-like, 5-angled, ± 3 mm hairy, Ha ± 0.2 - 0.4 mm (rarely longer) or clavate
∅, leaf-like Cs lobes 1.2 - 1.5 × 1.5 mm; Poll ± 0.27 Ha (0.2-) 0.6 - 2.6 mm; annulus circular to pentago-
× 0.18 mm, translator wings ± 0.22 mm long; Fr 8 - nal, sometimes constricted basally, 7 - 11 mm ∅, 2 -
10 cm; Se 4 - 5 × 2.5 - 3 mm. 5 mm high, often spotted, papillate or hairy, Ha
0.04 - 1 mm; Cn yellow to (reddish-) brown, disc
D. caespitosa (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. circular to pentagonal, 5 - 7 mm ∅; Cs lobes 1.5 -
Succ., 45, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, 2.2 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm; Poll 0.35 - 0.5 × 0.23 - 0.3 mm;
Stapel. Nov. t. 29, 1797. − D: RSA. Fr 6 - 17 cm; Se 4 - 6 × ± 3 mm.
≡ Stap
a elia caesp
s itosa Masson (1797); incl. Sta-
pelia fasciculata
f Thunberg (1794) ≡ Piaranthus D. caespitosa var. compacta (Haworth) Meve (Pl.
fasciculatus (Thunberg) Schultes (1820). Syst. Evol., Suppl. 10: 59, 1997). T: RSA, Cape
This very variable complex can easily be divided Prov. (Anonymus
A s.n. [OXF]). − D: RSA (Northern
into 2 varieties by morphological characters. Fur- Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape: Namaqualand,
thermore, D. caespi
s tosa var. compm acta
t is restricted Great Karoo).
to winter-rainfall areas of the Western Cape, and is ≡ Duvalia compacta t Haworth (1812) ≡ Stapelia
replaced by var. caesp
s itosa in summer-rainfall areas compacta (Haworth) Schultes (1820); incl. Stapelia
and transitional regions. mastodes Jacquin (1806) ≡ Duvalia mastodes (Jac-
quin) Sweet (1827).
D. caespitosa var. caespitosa − D: RSA (Northern [1] Differs from var. caespi
s tosa: Stems 1.5 - 7 (-
Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape: Great and Little 9) × 1 - 2.5 cm, 4- to 5-angled, compact; L rudi-
Karoo; Free State). ments 1.5 - 4 mm; Inf mostly close to the stem tip;
Incl. Stap
a elia barbata Hort. ex Salm-Dyck (s.a.); Cl 1.6 - 2.4 (-2.8) cm ∅; ffree Cl lobes 8 - 13 × 4 - 6
incl. Stapelia jacquinii Loudon (s.a.); incl. Duvalia mm, margins mostly glabrous or basally with
marlothii N. E. Brown in sched. (s.a.) (nom. inval.); simple 0.05 - 0.1 (-0.6) mm long Ha; annulus 5.5 - 8
incl. Duvalia propinqua A. Berger (s.a.) (nom. in- mm ∅, 1.2 - 2.5 mm high, margin glabrous or papil-
t Masson (1796) ≡ Du-
val.); incl. Stapelia reclinata late, Ha papillae 0.03 - 0.1 mm; Cn disc 3.5 - 6 mm
valia reclinata (Masson) Haworth (1812); incl. Sta- ∅; Fr 7 - 12 cm.
pelia radiata Sims (1803) ≡ Duvalia radiata t (Sims)
Haworth (1812); incl. Stap a elia caesps itosa var. hir- D. corderoyi (Hooker fi f l.) N. E. Brown (CBM 102:
tella Loudon (1805); incl. Stap a elia hirtella Jacquin t. 6245, in adnot., 1876). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Bur-
(1806) ≡ Duvalia hirtella (Jacquin) Sweet (1827) ≡ ke s.n. [K]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape: Great
Duvalia radiata t var. hirtella (Jacquin) A. C. White Karoo, Upper Karoo; Free State).
& B. Sloane (1937); incl. Stapelia replicata Jacquin ≡ Stapelia corderoyi Hooker filf . (1874).
(1806) ≡ Duvalia reple icata (Jacquin) Sweet (1827); [1] Stems 1.2 - 3 (-4.5) × 1.2 - 2.5 cm, 6-angled,
incl. Duvalia glomerata Haworth (1812) ≡ Stap a elia globular to ovate, dark green; L rudiments ± 1 × 1
glomerata (Haworth) Schultes (1820); incl. Duvalia mm; Inf with 1 to several Fl near the stem base;
laevigata Haworth (1812) ≡ Stapelia laevigata (Ha- Ped 1.5 - 2.5 cm; Sep ± 4 mm; Fl with strong foet
f id
worth) Schultes (1820); incl. Duvalia tuberculata odour; Cl 3 - 4.5 cm ∅, pale maroon to dark purple,
Haworth (1812) ≡ Stapelia tuberculata (Haworth) rarely pale greenish-brown; Cl lobes with longitu-
Schultes (1820); incl. Stapelia cy c mosa hort. ex dinal furrows, 12 - 16 × 9 - 12 mm, lamina widely
Schultes (1820); incl. Stap
a elia concolor Salm-Dyck but not entirely reflexed, margins with purple clav-
(1834) ≡ Duvalia concolor (Salm-Dyck) Schlechter ate Ha 2 - 4 mm long, angles between the Cl lobes
(s.a.); incl. Stap
a elia barbatat Salm-Dyck (1834) basally papillate to hairy, Ha 0.3 - 0.6 mm; annulus
(nom. nud.); incl. Duvalia hirtella var. minor N. E. fleshy, spotted, 10 - 15 mm ∅, 2.5 - 4 mm high,
Brown (1908) ≡ Duvalia radiata var. minor (N. E. flattened, densely pubescent, Ha simple, white to
Brown) A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Du- purple, 3 mm; Cn reddish-brown, disc 6.5 - 9 mm
valia hirtella var. obscura N. E. Brown (1908) ≡ ∅; Cs lobes cream to maroon, 2 - 3 × 2 - 3 mm; Poll
Duvalia radiata t var. obscura (N. E. Brown) A. C. 0.45 - 0.55 × 0.3 - 0.35 mm; Fr 10 - 15 cm; Se 5 - 6
White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Duvalia reclinata × 3 - 3.5 mm.
var. angulata N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Duvalia re- The species is easily discernible by its thick 6-
clinata var. bif
ifida N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Duva- angled stems and its fleshy and very hairy flowers.
lia emiliana A. C. White (1933).
[1] Stems 1.5 - 10 (-13) × 1 - 2.2 cm, 4- to 5- D. eilensis Lavranos (CSJA 44(6): 260-261, ills.,
angled, ± ovoid to cylindrical, dark green; L rudi- 1972). T: Somalia (Lavranos 7223 [FT]). − D: So-
ments ± 2 mm, stipular Gl distinct; Inf with 1 to malia (Basaso Region, near Eil).
several Fl near the stem base; Ped 1 - 2.5 cm; Sep 2 [2] Stems 2 - 4 × 1 - 1.5 cm, 4-angled, ovoid to
- 6 mm; Cl 2 - 3.5 cm ∅, (pale) maroon, chocolate- cylindrical, greyish- (to yellowish-) green spotted
brown, brownish-purple to dark purple, with strong dark green or dark maroon; L rudiments to 5 mm,

Duvalia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

conical, acute; Inf near the stem base with 1 to sev- mm ∅; Cs lobes ± 1.8 mm × 2 mm; Poll 0.45 × 0.28
eral procumbent Fl with ffoetid odour; Ped 2 - 5 cm; mm; Fr and Se unknown.
Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl 2 - 3 cm ∅, pale yellow to cream, This little-known species is closely related to the
spotted and speckled deep (reddish-) brown (some- D. sulcata-complex.
times entirely pale yellow or reddish-brown); Cl
lobes 6 - 8 × 7 mm, lamina reflexed to a large D. gracilis Meve (Pl. Syst. Evol., Suppl. 10: 75-77,
extent, apically with finer spots than basally, ba- ills., 1997). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Me M ve 346 [K,
sally papillate, Ha papillae 0.1 - 0.2 mm, apically MSUN, NBG]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). Fig.
with coarse Ha to 1.2 mm; annulus round, thick, 12 XX.d
- 15 mm ∅, 1.5 - 2 mm high, rim with smooth [1] Stems 1 - 3.5 × 0.7 - 2 cm, 4- to 5-angled,
transition into the Cl lobes, papillose, papillae 0.05 ovoid to cylindrical, dark green to greyish-green; L
mm; Cn cream to very dark brown, partly spotted, rudiments 2.5 - 4 mm, very acute; Inf with 1 to sev-
disc 5.5 - 6.5 mm ∅ with undulate cartilaginous eral procumbent Fl ffrom near the stem base, with
margin; Cs lobes ± 1.5 × 1.5 mm; Poll 0.4 × 0.27 slight foet
f id odour; Ped 1 - 2 cm; Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl
mm; Se pale brown, 5 × 3.5 mm. 1.6 - 2.2 cm ∅, (reddish-) brown tinged greenish; Cl
According to its stem morphology, D. eilensis lobes 7 - 9 × 4 - 5 mm, lamina reflexed to a large
clearly belongs to Sect. Arabica
r . Flower-morpholo- extent, basal 1⁄3 papillose to hairy, Ha papillae 0.2
gically however, it shows resemblance to the spe- mm, margins of the Cl lobes basally with Ha papil-
cies native to the Cape. lae 0.1 - 0.2 mm long; annulus pentagonal, flatte-
ned, 6 - 7 mm ∅, 0.6 - 0.8 mm high, ± spotted green
D. elegans (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., or greenish-brown and covered with Ha papillae
44, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov. 0.05 - 0.2 mm long; Cn greenish-yellow to green-
t. 27, 1797. − D: RSA (Western Cape: Little Karoo, ish-brown, disc ± 4 mm ∅; Cs lobes ± 1.5 × 1.6 mm,
Worcester-Robertson-Karoo) . compact; Poll ± 0.37 × 0.21 mm; Fr 10 - 16 cm; Se
≡ Stapelia elegans Masson (1797); incl. Stapelia 4.5 × 3 mm.
r diata Jacquin (1806); incl. Stapelia jacquiniana
ra This rare species has to be placed in the group of
Schultes (1820) ≡ Duvalia jacquiniana (Schultes) closely related species with small flowers and very
Sweet (1826); incl. Duvalia jacquinii Loudon acute leaf rudiments (D. angustiloba, D. maculata,
(1841); incl. Duvalia elegans var. seminuda N. E. D. modesta) ffrom the Eastern Cape.
Brown (1908); incl. Duvalia elegans faf . magnicoro-
na A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937). D. immaculata (C. A. Lückhoff) f M. B. Bayer ex L.
[1] Stems 2 - 6 × 0.8 -1.8 cm, bluntly 4- to 5- C. Leach (SAJB 55(2): 268, 1989). T: [lecto − ico-
angled, (ovoid to) cylindrical, dark green; L rudi- no]: White & Sloane, The Stap. ed. 2, 2: 766, fig.
ments 1 - 1.5 mm, stipular Gl minute, rarely absent; 769, 1937. − D: RSA (Western Cape); in relatively
Inf near stem base with several procumbent Fl with moist coastal Fynbos.
foetid odour; Ped 1.2 - 2.5 cm; Sep ± 3 × 1 mm; Cl ≡ Duvalia maculata var. immaculata C. A. Lück-
1.5 - 2.2 cm ∅, very dark purple, shiny, hairy, Ha hoff (1937).
simple, purple, ± curved, 1 - 3 mm; free Cl lobes [1] Stems 2 - 5 (-12) × 0.6 - 1.2 cm, oblong-ovoid
6.5 - 10 × 3.5 - 6 mm, lamina flat to convex, mar- to cylindrical, rhizomatous, green; L rudiments < 1
gins slightly reflexed; annulus weakly expressed, mm, obtuse, stipular rudiments minute, only mic-
circular, 6 - 8 mm ∅, 0.8 - 1.5 mm high, densly pu- roscopically discernible; Inf several in the lower 1⁄2
bescent; Cn reddish-brown to purple, disc ± 5 - 7 of the stems, with mostly erect Fl with slight foet
f id
mm ∅; Cs lobes 1.2 - 1.8 × 1.2 - 1.6 mm; Poll 0.28 - odour; Ped 0.5 - 2.5 cm; Sep ± 2 mm; Cl 2 - 3 cm
0.34 × 0.2 mm; Fr 8 - 13 cm; Se ± 5 × 3 mm. ∅, with dull surface, dark chocolate-brown; Cl
lobes 8 - 12 × 6 - 8 mm, lamina entirely reflexed;
D. galgallensis Lavranos (CSJA 46(4): 184-185, annulus pentagonal, 8 - 11 mm ∅, 2 - 3 mm high,
ill., 1974). T: Somalia, Bosaso Distr. (Lavranos & bowl-shaped, raised considerably above the disc,
Horw r ood 10260 [FT, ZSS]). − D: Somalia; known rim undulate; Cn straw-yellow, disc circular, 3.2 - 5
only from the type. mm ∅; Cs lobes compact, 1 - 1.8 × 2 mm, outer ap-
[2] Stems 0.8 - 2 × 0.7 - 1.2 cm, bluntly 4-angled, pendages ovoid, inner ones bluntly fusiform; Poll
pale (yellowish-) green; L rudiments 3 mm, acute, 0.45 × 0.2 mm; Fr 8 - 15 cm; Se 6 × 3.5 mm.
hard; Inf arising from
f lower stem regions with sev-
eral Fl, odour unknown; Ped 1.5 - 2 cm; Sep 4 - 5 D. maculata N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 1033, 1908).
mm; Cl 3 - 3.6 cm ∅, pale mahogany, shiny; Cl T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Pillans 31 [K]). − D: Namibia
lobes 10 - 13 × 6 - 7 mm, lamina slightly convex, (Karasberge), RSA (Northern Cape, Eastern Cape:
margins slightly bent outwards, hairy, Ha whitish or Great and Upper Karoo).
purple, to 3 mm; annulus ± circular, weak, 10 - 12 Incl. Duvalia minuta Nel (1937).
mm ∅, ± 1 mm high, densely pubescent, Ha ± 1 [1] Stems 1 - 4 (-6) × 0.8 - 1.8 cm, 4-angled, ±
mm; Cn cream (spotted maroon), disc ± 10-angled, ovoid to cylindrical, dark green to greyish-green; L
slightly emarginate, covering the annulus, 10 - 11 rudiments 2 - 3 mm, acute; Inf from the lower 1⁄2 of

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Duvalia

the stems, with 1 to several procumbent ± scentless ments ≤ 1 mm, stipular Gl very small, sometimes
Fl; Ped 1 - 2.5 cm; Sep 3 mm; Cl 1.5 - 2 cm ∅, ma- absent; Inf about midway on the stems with fe f w
roon; Cl lobes 5 - 7 × 5 - 6.5 mm, lamina almost en- slightly erect Fl with fa
f int foet
f id odour; Ped 7 - 15
tirely reflexed, basally with simple Ha, Ha 0.2 - 2.5 mm; Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl 2 - 3.5 cm ∅, red to brown-
mm, basal angles between the Cl lobes papillose; ish-purple; Cl lobes 7 - 14 × 8 mm, lamina glabr-
annulus ± pentagonal, white to cream, regularly ous, basally spreading, towards the tip increasingly
spotted and dotted maroon (at least) on its inner sur- reflexed, margins ciliate, Ha simple, curved, purple,
fface, bowl-shaped, basally constricted, 5 - 8 mm ∅, 2 - 3 mm; annulus circular to slightly pentagonal,
1.5 - 2 mm high, papillose, Ha papillae 0.05 - 0.25 margin with smooth transition into the Cl lobes, 7 -
mm; Cn canary-yellow, disc 3 - 3.6 mm ∅, fleshy, 10 mm ∅, 2 - 2.5 mm high, margin white to cream,
convex; Cs lobes 1 × 1.2 mm; Poll yellowish-green, papillose, Ha papillae 0.05 - 0.1 mm; Cn cream to
0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr 6 - 12 cm; Se ± 4 - 5 × 2.5 - 3 mm, straw-coloured, disc ± 5 mm ∅; Cs lobes 1 - 1.5 ×
wings slightly undulate, sometimes notched. 1.5 mm; Poll 0.35 × 0.24 mm; Fr 8 cm; Se 4.5 - 5.5
A species with a wide and partly disjs unct distri- × 3 mm, wings often
f emarginate.
D. polita N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. nov. 6:
D. modesta N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 1028, 1908). T: 130, 1876). T: K. − D: Botswana, Malawi, Mo-
RSA, Eastern Cape (Pillans 35 [K]). − D: RSA çambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, RSA. I:
(Eastern Cape). CBM 102: t. 6245, 1876. Fig. XX.f
[1] Stems delicate, 1 - 4 × 0.8 - 1.5 (-2) cm, 4- to Incl. Stap
a elia echinata hort. ex N. E. Brown
indistinctly 5-angled, ovoid (to cylindrical), dark (s.a.); incl. Duvalia dentata N. E. Brown (1895);
green; L rudiments 1.5 mm, stipular Gl small, some- incl. Duvalia transvaalensis Schlechter (1895) ≡
times absent; Inf about midway on the stems, with a Duvalia polita var. transvaalensis (Schlechter) A.
large number of procumbent Fl with slight foetid C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Duvalia trans-
odour; Ped 1 - 2 cm; Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl 1.5 - 2.5 cm vaalensis var. parvififlorra L. Bolus (1915); incl. Du-
∅, brown to brownish-purple; Cl lobes 7 - 9 × 3 - 6 valia polita fa. intermedia A. C. White & B. Sloane
mm, lamina basally spreading, apically ± comple- (1937); incl. Stapa elia polita hort. ex N. E. Brown
tely reflexed, margins basally ciliate, Ha thin, often
f (s.a.).
curved, purple, 1.5 - 2.5 mm; annulus circular or [1] Above-ground stems 2 - 10 × 0.7 - 1.5 cm, 6-
pentagonal, 5.5 - 8 mm ∅, 1 - 1.5 mm high, rim pa- angled, cylindrical, green; L rudiments narrow,
pillose, Ha papillae 0.05 - 0.1 mm; Cn ivory, ma- acute, 4 - 6 mm, stipular Gl ± 0.5 mm, oblong; sub-
roon, brown to dark purple, disc 4 - 5.5 mm ∅; Cs terranean stems 1 - 10 × 0.5 - 0.8 cm, cylindrical to
lobes 1 - 2 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Poll 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr 8 - pencil-like, ivory; Inf from the basal stem parts,
13 cm; Se 4 × 2.5 mm. with a large number of procumbent Fl with strong
f id odour; Ped 1.5 - 2.5 cm; Sep 4 - 5 mm; Cl 2 -
D. parviflora N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 1034, 1908). 3.5 cm ∅, maroon to very dark brown or deep
T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Pillans 621 [K]). − D: RSA purple or spotted this way on yellowish-green
(Western Cape, Eastern Cape: Little Karoo). Fig. ground; Cl lobes 10 - 15 × 7 - 10 mm, lamina only
XX.e slightly curved back along the mid-rib, apically ±
[1] Stems 1 - 2.5 × 1 - 1.5 cm, globular to ovoid, erect, shiny, glabrous but margins mostly ciliate be-
green to greyish-green; L rudiments < 1 mm; Inf tween the lobes, clavate Ha vibratile, purple, 0.5 -
near the stem base with 2 - 6 essentially scentless 2.5 mm; annulus with or without spots, circular,
Fl; Ped 3 - 8 mm; Sep 2 - 3 mm; Cl 1 - 1.5 cm ∅, margin with smooth transition to the Cl lobes, 8 -
cream, pale yellow to yellowish-olive; Cl lobes of- 12 mm ∅, 2.5 - 5 mm high, upper rim papillate, Ha
ten with tips tinged brownish, 3.5 - 6 × 1.5 - 2 mm, papillae 0.05 - 0.2 mm; Cn pale maroon, disc 4.5 -
lamina convex, not completely reflexed, with longi- 6.5 mm ∅; Cs lobes 1.5 - 2.5 × 2 mm, outer append-
tudinal ffurrows, glabrous; annulus slender, rounded ages spoon-shaped in top view; Poll 0.4 × 0.27 mm;
to pentagonal, 3.5 - 5 mm ∅, 1 - 2 mm high; Cn Fr to 20 cm; Se 5 - 7.5 × 4 - 5 mm.
ivory to straw-coloured, disc 3.5 - 4 mm ∅, to 1 mm This species is most unusual within Sect. Duvalia
high, ± pentagonal, convex, rising above the annu- not only because of its habitat requirements (savan-
lus; Cs lobes 1 - 1.4 × 1 - 1.5 mm, blunt; Poll ± 0.3 × nah, Acacia-thornscrub) and distribution area. D.
0.2 mm; Fr 8 - 12 cm; Se 3.5 × 2.5 mm. polita
t is also easily recognizable vegetatively on
account of its large leaf rudiments and the strong
D. pillansii N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 1026, 1908). T: tendency to produce rhizomes.
RSA, Eastern Cape (Pillans 42 [K, BM]). − D:
RSA (Eastern Cape). D. pubescens N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 1029, 1908).
Incl. Duvalia pillansii var. albanica N. E. Brown T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Ayres
A s.n. in Pillans 94 [K]).
(1908). − D: S Namibia, RSA (Northern Cape, Western
[1] Stems 1 - 3 × 0.7 - 1.4 cm, 4- (rarely 5-) Cape). Fig. XX.g
angled, ovoid-cylindrical, slender, green; L rudi- Incl. Duvalia elegans var. namaquana N. E.

Duvalia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

Brown (1908); incl. Duvalia pubescens var. major ≡ Duvalia somalensis Lavranos (1971).
N. E. Brown (1908). [2] Differs from ssp. seminuda: Stems 3 - 5 × 1 -
[1] Stems 1 - 5 × 0.7 - 2.2 cm, 4- to 5-angled, 1.5 cm; Fl with foetid odour; Ped 2.5 - 3 cm; Cl 3 -
ovoid to cylindrical, dark green; L rudiments 1 - 2 3.5 cm ∅, brown or yellowish and spotted, dotted
mm; Inf near the stem base with 1 to several pro- and striped maroon, glabrous, shiny; Cl lobes ± 15
cumbent to slightly erect Fl with foetid odour; Ped × 7 mm, lamina convex, half reflexed, apex pa-
1 - 2.5 cm; Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl 1.8 - 3.2 cm ∅, (pale) pillate; annulus ± circular, 10 - 11 mm ∅, 2 - 3 mm
maroon, brown or deep purple; Cl lobes 7 - 13 × 5 - high, robust, with fe f w Ha papillae; Cn cream-
7 mm, lamina reflexed to a large extent, upper sur- coloured, partly spotted maroon, 6.5 - 7.5 mm ∅; Cs
fface (in some cases only basally) finely hairy, Ha lobes 2.2 - 3 × 2 mm, outer appendages very acute;
simple, erect, white or purple, 0.5 - 1.4 mm; annulus Poll 0.4 - 0.45 × 0.25 - 0.3 mm.
circular to clearly pentagonal, occasionally spotted, This little-known taxon presumably has a wider
6.5 - 12 mm ∅, 1.5 - 3 mm high, finely hairy, Ha distribution at the Horn of Afr f ica than presently
0.3 - 1 mm; Cn pale orange-brown or maroon (also known.
white in Namibia), disc 4.5 - 6 mm ∅; Cs lobes 1 -
2.4 × 1.2 - 2 mm; Poll 0.35 - 0.45 × 0.25 - 0.3 mm; D. sulcata ssp. sulcata − D: S Yemen, Sudan. Fig.
Fr 8 - 14 cm; Se 4.5 - 5.5 × 3 mm. XXI.b
Regarded as a form of D. caesps itosa by some au- [2] Differs
f ffrom ssp. seminuda: Stems ± 2 - 10 ×
thors, D. pubescens is clearly distinguishable by its 1 - 2 cm; Fl with foet
f id odour; Ped 1 - 4 cm; Cl 3 -
unique indumentum of the corolla and its allopatric 4.5 cm ∅, (greenish-) ochre, pale maroon, reddish-
distribution within the N winter-rainfall area. brown or pale chestnut-brown, shiny; Cl lobes 10 -
18 × 7.5 - 12 mm, lamina ± flatl
f y spreading, with 5
D. sulcata N. E. Brown (BMI 1910: 193, 1910). T: longitudinal furrows on the upper surface, apex fi-
S Arabia (Yemen ?) (Bent s.n. [K]). − D: Saudi nely papillate, margins slightly reflexed, with vibra-
Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, D Djibouti, Somalia. tile clavate Ha, Ha 1.5 - 2.5 mm; annulus ± circular,
A very variable complex. 3 subspecies can be re- weak, 7 - 14 mm ∅, 1 - 1.5 (-2) mm high, densely
cognized as geographically and morphologically (to hairy, Ha white (pale pink), simple, 5 - 8 mm; Cn
a wide extent) clearly distinct entities. disc 6 - 8 mm ∅, round, 5- to 10-angled, covering
D. sulcata ssp. seminuda (Lavranos) Meve (Pl. the annulus almost entirely, Cs lobes white or
Syst. Evol., Suppl. 10: 116, 1997). T: Y Yemen, Su- cream, 2.2 - 4 × 1.4 - 2.2 mm, outer appendages
baihi Country (Rauh & Lavranos 3157 [K]). − D: very acute, erect (slightly curved inwards); Poll
N Yemen, Saudi Arabia. 0.35 - 0.5 × 0.3 mm; Fr 12 - 16 cm × 7 - 8 mm; Se 6
≡ Duvalia sulcata var. seminuda d Lavranos × 3 - 4 mm, greyish-brown.
(1967). This subspecies is characterized by the flat, den-
[2] Stems 2 - 6 × 1 - 2.2 cm, bluntly 4-angled, sely hairy annulus; it has a disj
s unct distribution in
clavate, greyish-green spotted dark green to ma- southern Yemen and in Sudan.
roon; L rudiments ± 5 - 8 mm; Inf with 1 to several
procumbent Fl, often long-lasting and producing a D. velutina Lavranos (CSJA 55(1): 24-26, ills.,
short rachis; Fl scentless or with ffoetid odour; Ped 1983). T: Saudi Arabia (Lavranos & Collenette
1.5 - 4 cm; Sep 3 - 6 mm; Cl 3 - 4.5 cm ∅, ochre, 18243 [E, MO]). − D: Saudi Arabia, N Yemen.
pale maroon, reddish- or dark brown; Cl lobes 10 - Fig. XXI.c
16 × 7 - 12 mm, lamina slightly convex, furrowed, [2] Stems 2.5 - 6 (-9) × 1 - 2 cm, bluntly 4- (to
glabrous, apex and basal angles between the lobes 5-) angled, clavate, greyish-green spotted dark-
finely tuberculate, papillate or tomentose, margins green to dark maroon; L rudiments 5 - 11 mm; Inf
with vibratile clavate Ha, these white or purple, 2 - with 1 to several procumbent Fl, appearing near the
3 mm; annulus 9 - 12 mm ∅, 2 - 4 mm high, mas- stem base, with up to 3 cm long rachis; Fl with foe-
sive, glabrous to slightly hairy; Cn cream to pale tid odour; Ped 3 - 7 cm; Sep ± 5 mm; Cl 2 - 4 cm
maroon, partly spotted reddish-brown, disc 6.5 - 10 ∅, green, pale maroon or (pale) reddish-brown; Cl
mm ∅, ± round, 5- to 10-angled; Cs lobes some- lobes 10 - 14 × 10 - 12 mm, lamina ± flatl
f y spread-
times white, 2.2 - 4 × 1.4 - 2.2 mm, outer append- ing, convex, upper surface with 5 - 7 longitudinal
ages obtuse to acuminate; Poll 0.35 - 0.5 × 0.25 ffurrows, velvety with Ha 0.1 - 0.15 mm (at the tip
- 0.3 mm. to 0.4 mm), margins of the lobes not more than
Ssp. seminuda
d is mainly foun
f d at medium alti- halfways reflexed, glabrous or hairy, Ha simple,
tudes in the W Asir and the Mountain-Tihama be- whitish, to 1 mm; annulus convex, with smooth
tween 250 and 700 m. transition to the Cl lobes, glabrous or papillate, pa-
pillae to 0.08 mm; Cn cream to pale maroon, ofte f n
D. sulcata ssp. somalensis (Lavranos) Meve (Pl. spotted with dark maroon, disc 7 - 8.5 mm ∅; Cs
Syst. Evol., Suppl. 10: 118, 1997). T: Somalia lobes mostly white, 2.5 - 5 × 1 - 2 mm, outer appen-
(Lavranos 6838 [FT]). − D: Ethiopia, Djib
D outi, N dages vertical, sometimes curved, very acute; Poll
Yemen, Somalia. 0.4 - 0.45 × 0.24 - 0.28 mm; Fr ± 10 × 1.2 cm.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Duvaliandra

Typical for the lower altitudes of the SW Arabian

T basally winged, ± 0.3 mm; Fr cylindrical, acute, 3 -
Peninsula (50 - 400 m). 6 cm.
The diagnosis of the genus reports the uniseriate
D. vestita Meve (KuaS 39(9): 194-197, ills., 1988). corona as characteristic. However, the corona in-
T: RSA, Western Cape (Me M ve & Liede 397 [K, deed consists of 2 series as in all members of the
MSUN]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). stapeliads, as there is a flat proj
o ecting band of tissue
[1] Stems 1.5 - 7 (-10) × 0.8 - 1.8 cm, 4-angled, at interstaminal position which unites the staminal
cylindrical, procumbent to almost erect, stolonifer-
f Cn lobes. This formation can be interpreted as in-
ous, dark green; L rudiments ≤ 1 mm, stipular Gl terstaminal corona.
minute or absent; Inf successively appearing near The morphology of pollinaria and ffruits indi-
the stem base; Fl 1 to several, procumbent to cates, as does the name, a relationship of Duva-
slightly ascending, with strong foet
f id odour; Ped 1 - liandra with Duvalia, while in stem morphology
2 cm; Sep 2 - 3 mm; Cl 2 - 3 cm ∅, dark maroon to and biogeography, White-sloanea appears to be
very dark purple, ± shiny; Cl lobes 7 - 13 × 5 - 8 much closer. On the other hand, corona, anthers and
mm, lamina reflexed to a great extent, upper surface style head indicate that this Socotran endemic occu-
basally, halfways or entirely covered with fine pies an isolated position.
purple Ha to 2.2 mm long; annulus flat and broad, 7
- 10 mm ∅, 1 - 3 mm high, with purple Ha 1.2 - 2 D. dioscoridis (Lavranos) M. G. Gilbert (Cact.
mm long; Cn maroon to purple, disc 6 - 7 mm ∅, Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 42(4): 101, ill. (p. 100), 1980). T:
slightly covering the rim of the annulus; Cs lobes Socotra (Radcliff
i fe-Smith & Lavranos 438 [K, PRE,
1.5 - 2 × 1.6 - 2.2 mm; Poll 0.4 × 0.27 mm; Fr to 16 Z]). − D: Socotra. Fig. XX.a
cm; Se 5 - 6 × 4 - 4.5 mm, with very broad margin. ≡ Cara
C lluma dioscoridis Lavranos (1971).
Most closely related to D. elegans and D. caesp
s i- Description as ffor the genus.

U. Meve
×Duvaliaranthus Bruyns (JSAB 42: 365, 1976).
U. Meve
= Duvalia × Piaranthus.
Duvaliandra M. G. Gilbert (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit.
42(4): 99-101, 1980). T: C Caralluma dioscoridis ×D. albostriatus Bruyns (JSAB 42: 365-367, ill.,
Lavranos. − D: Socotra. Etym: For the similarity 1976). − D: RSA (Western Cape: Little Karoo).
to the genus Duvalia ((Asclepiadaceae
A ). Naturally occurring intergeneric hybrid from the
Clustering stem succulents; stems decumbent to Little Karoo with intermediate characters between
ascending, 4-angled, quadrangular in cross-section, the putative parents Duvalia caespitosa and Piara
r n-
2 - 10 × 1 - 1.7 cm, pale grey-green, smooth; Tu T thus sp.
small, hardly protruding, L-less; Inf basal to almost
apical, sessile or shortly and broadly pedunculate,
with few minute Bra, 1- to 3-flowered, only 1 Fl ECHIDNOPSIS
open at a time, scent strong and ffoetid; Ped 5 - 30 ×
B. Müller & F. Albers
1.5 - 2.5 mm; Sep triangular, acute, 2 - 4 mm, glabr-
ous; Cl outside pale green, inside flesh-coloured to Echidnopsis Hooker fil. (CBM 97: t. 5930 + text,
red-brown, base of tube and tips of the lobes often
f 1871). T: Echidnopsis cereif iformis Hooker fi f l. −
yellowish to flesh-coloured; Cl rotate, 4 - 5 cm ∅, Lit: Bruyns (1988a); Plowes (1993). D: SW Oman,
flesh y, coarse, outside glabrous, inside glossy, with Yemen, Socotra, E Afr
Y f ica (Djib
D outi to Tanzania, N
red-brown Ha, these ± 2 mm, simple, erect; Cl tube Kenya). Etym: Gr. ‘echidna’, snake, adder; and Gr.
2 - 4 × 8 - 12 mm, bowl-shaped, basally Ha-less but ‘-opsis’, looking like; ffor the often
f creeping stems.
papillate; Cl lobes triangular, acute, 15 - 20 × 10 - Incl. Virchowia VatV ke ex K. Schumann (1893)
14 mm, ± reflexed, margin basally with purple clav- (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1).
ate 3 mm long Ha; Cn apparently uniseriate, Incl. Pseudopo ectinaria Lavranos (1971). T: Pseu-
sessile, purple, lentil-shaped, 6 - 8 mm ∅; Cs ± dop
o ectinaria malum Lavranos.
trapezoid, with short obtuse Ci lobes fr f om a thi- Stem succulents branching ffrom the base, with
ckened and broadened base, ascending at a 45° ffew to numerous prostrate or erect shoots, formf ing
angle, surrounding the Sty head; Anth small, trans- mats or clusters; stems 2 - 20 (-60) cm, 0.8 - 2.5 cm
versely reniform,
f placed almost vertically on the ∅, Tu ± hexagonal, arranged in (5-) 6 - 20 blunt Ri,
short Sty head; Poll ovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.3 mm, with apically with mostly short-lived small ± triangular
very strong germination mouths spreading at right L rudiment, lamina and midrib clearly distinct, sti-
angles, caudicles ± 0.1 mm, apically broadened pular Gl often
f present; Inf developing successively
disc-like, corpuscle ± rectangular, ± 0.2 × 0.15 mm, 1 or several Fl, without peduncle (rarely developing

Echidnopsis Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

again from the same synflorescence); Ped (0.5-) 1 - remain as white Sp; Ped < 1.5 mm; Sep to 2 mm,
5 (-15) mm, glabrous; Sep usually < 2 mm, ovoid or narrowly ovate-lanceolate, glabrous; Cl inside yel-
acutely triangular; Cl (0.3-) 0.6 - 1.5 (-2) cm ∅, low or reddish with yellow Cl lobes, 1 - 1.5 cm ∅,
campanulate to urceolate, or globose or cylindrical, shallow to almost campanulate, tube campanulate, ±
outside glabrous and smooth, inside glabrous or 2 mm ∅, 1 mm deep, Cl lobes 3 - 5 mm long,
scattered with Ha, rarely papillose; Cn biseriate; Ci ovoid-triangular at the base, tapering into a pointed
mostly cup-shaped of variable depth (rarely apex, margins of upper 2⁄3 strongly revolute, inside
consisting of 5 separate lobes); Cs lobes dorsiven- with scattered white Ha; Cn pale to bright yellow,
trally flattened, incumbent on the Anth, often f 2.3 - 2.8 mm ∅, bluntly pentagonal; Ci weakly to
meeting each other above the centre of the Fl, rising conspicuously dentate, inside rarely with a few f
up above the Sty head; Anth ± elongate-rectangu- short Ha; Cs lobes narrow, tip linear, base broad.
lar; Poll ± globose, very small, yellow (rarely or-
ange), 0.16 - 0.22 mm ∅, corpuscle very small, E. archeri P. R. O. Bally (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit.
caudicles simple; Fr as pairs of narrowly fus f ifor
f m 19: 59, 60, 63, 1957). T: Kenya ((Archer
A s.n. in Bal-
f llicles, uniform
fo f ly coloured; Se ± flattened pear- l S235 [K, ZSS]). − D: Kenya, Somalia.
shaped, ventrally ± concave, rim conspicuous, Incl. Echidno
d opsis similis Plowes (1993).
brittle, with a tuft of simple white Ha at one end. [4] Stems decumbent, to 5 cm, 1 - 1.5 cm ∅; Tu
There are 2 competing classification schemes arranged in 8 Ri; L rudiments 2 - 3 mm, deltoid;
available, namely Bruyns (1988a) and Plowes Ped 1 mm; Sep 1 - 2 mm, ovate-lanceolate, pointed,
(1993). Their concepts of delimitating species and apex recurved; Cl outside purple to purplish-red
subspecies differ
f widely and the authors represent 2 (sometimes pink), inside dark purple to crimson, 5 -
extreme positions as "lumper" and "splitter". A 6 mm ∅, 5 - 8 mm deep, cup-shaped, tube 3 - 4 mm
compromising approach is attempted here by using ∅, 3 - 4 mm deep, Cl lobes erect, with revolute
suggestions of both classifications. margins, sometimes finely ciliate, apex revolute,
The genus is divided into the following 4 sections pointed, outside sometimes with a small tuft f of Ha,
(Bruyns 1988a): 2 - 2.8 mm long, basally 3.6 - 4 mm broad, outside
sparsely papillate or smooth, inside sparsely hairy,
[1] Sect. Glabrar Bruyns 1988: Stem surface rugose velvety; Cn 2 - 2.2 mm ∅, pentagonal; Ci yellow at
(plaited); Fl never erect; Ci shallowly cup- the base, sometimes purple along the margin, some-
shaped. times dentate, inside with a few long Ha; Cs lobes
[2] Sect. Echidnopsi
d s: Stem surface
f rugose and pa- broad at the base, with a small tip, triangular, glabr-
pillose; Fl erect; Ci not cup-shaped. ous.
[3] Sect. Vadosicoron
V a Bruyns 1988: Stem surface
smooth; Fl never erect; Ci shallowly cup- E. ballyi (Marnier-Lapostolle) P. R. O. Bally (KuaS
shaped with dorsal appendages; Cs lobes longer 14(10): 190, ills., 1963). T: Somalia (Bally l 11854
than the Anth and ± rising up. [P, ZSS]). − D: N Somalia.
[4] Sect. Profundicorona Bruyns 1988: Stem sur- ≡ Stapeliopsis bally
l i Marnier-Lapostolle (1959).
fface smooth or in part hispid; Fl never erect; Ci [4] Stems decumbent, grey-green to green, 5 - 12
deeply cup-shaped without dorsal appendages, cm, 1.5 - 2.5 cm ∅; Tu T to 7 mm long, laterally
inside with long white Ha; Cs lobes shorter than slightly flattened, ± 4-angular, arranged in 6 - 8 Ri;
the Anth. L rudiments fleshy, broad at the base, pointed at the
apex; Ped 1 - 1.5 cm, Fl nodding; Sep 2 mm, lance-
As yet the following natural hybrids have been olate, apex recurved; Cl outside mostly dark purple,
recorded: E. dammannian
d a × E. virchowii, E. Cl lobes yellow, dotted with red, tube 1 - 1.5 cm
scutellata × E. sharpei (Gilbert 2293) and E. watso- long, pear-shaped to urceolate, inside dark purp-
nii × E. rubrolutea (Plowes 5434). In addition, E. lish-red, at the widest part 0.8 - 1 cm ∅, mouth only
iformis × E. dammanniana is known from culti-
cereif 2 mm ∅; Cl lobes erect or spreading, deltoid, with
vation. weak fof lds merging into the tube, margins and tip
revolute, outside shining, with few f longitudinal
The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica- f lds, inside glabrous, with longitudinal fo
fo f lds; Cn
tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Stapelia multan- 2.25 mm ∅, pentagonal; Ci deeply cup-shaped,
gula Forsskål (1775) ≡ Echidnopsisd multangula mouth slightly constricted, inconspicuously divided
(Forsskål) Chiovenda (1923). into 5 lobes, 2 mm deep, outside glabrous, inside
hairy, Ha stiff, translucent, purplish-red at the base
E. angustiloba E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally (CSJA of the Ci, yellow towards its mouth; Cs yellowish
13: 180, 1941). T [lecto]: Kenya (Copley s.n. in with purplish-red spots, lobes (spatulate-) pointed,
Bally S26 [K, ZSS]). − D: Kenya. I: Bruyns to 1 × basally 0.4 mm.
(1988a). Fig. XXI.e
[3] Stems 5 - 10 cm, 1 - 2 cm ∅; Tu
T conical, ar- E. bentii N. E. Brown ex Hooker fil
f . (CBM 127: t.
ranged in 10 - 11 Ri; L rudiments 2 - 3 mm, with a 7760 + text, 1901). T: YYemen, Socotra (Bent s.n.
broad base tapering towards the apex, withering to [K]). − Lit: Meve & Wolf (2001). D: Socotra.

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Echidnopsis

[4] Stems cylindrical, 7- to 8-ribbed, procumb- 2.5 mm, upper 1⁄2 with weak longitudinal fof lds, with
ent-ascending, 3 - 15 × 1 cm, soft,f brown-green or scattered Ha on both sides or inside glabrous, Ha
green, glabrous; TuT ovoid to rhomboid; L rudi- pointed, prickly; Cn light yellow; Ci lobes reduced
ments deltoid-lanceolate, ± 1 mm, acute, glabrous; to a linear to deltoid tooth; Cs apically often with a
Inf sessile, 2-flowered; Bra subulate, 1 mm; Ped 1.5 chestnut-brown edge, lobes broadly triangular, api-
mm; Sep ovate-lanceolate, ± 1.2 mm; Fl fleshy; Cl cally truncate, often
f steeply raising towards the Sty
rotate-campanulate, ± 1 cm ∅, outside pale green head, usually overtopping the Anth.
with red-brown dots, inner side dark purple, finely Closely related to E. nubica.
papillate; Cl tube campanulate, 3 × 4 - 5 mm; Cl
lobes deltoid, ± 3.5 × 3.5 mm, horizontally spread- E. chrysantha Lavranos (CSJA 43(2): 65-66,
ing, slightly convex, margins recurved; Cn biseri- 1971). T: Somalia (Lavranos 7325 [FI, K, ZSS]).
ate, (bright) purple, ± 2.5 × 3 mm, urceolate; Ci as 5 − D: Somalia.
flattened tips originating at the upper rim of the ur- This species belongs to the E. scutellata
t -complex
ceolate part; Cs lobes cylindrical-clavate, 3.5 × 1 and is closely related to E. planif
mm, ± erect, apically often
f yellowish; Poll ± ovoid,
± 0.3 × 0.2 mm; Fr slenderly fusiform, glabrous; Se E. chrysantha ssp. chrysantha
unknown. [3] Stems erect or decumbent in small groups,
Recently rediscovered on Socotra after more than with underground runners, dark green, 3 - 10 cm,
100 years of uncertainty regarding its status and 0.7 - 1.1 cm ∅; Tu
T arranged in 8 (-10) prominent Ri,
origin. (Meve & Wolf 2001). − [U. Meve] apically with L rudiments, these 1.5 - 2.5 mm, (nar-
rowly) triangular, acute, with finely dentate margin,
E. bihendulensis P. R. O. Bally (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. withering to remain as white scarred Bri; Inf with 2
Brit. 19: 58, 60, 1957). T: Somalia (Ballyl S125 [K, Fl arising ffrom the stem tips; Ped 2 mm, finely ru-
ZSS]). − D: Somalia. gose; Sep 1.8 mm, narrowly triangular, densely fi-
[4] Stems grey-green to green, to 12 cm, 1.5 - 2.5 nely rugose; Cl golden-yellow, sometimes with a
cm ∅; TuT 2 - 3 mm, conical, arranged in 16 Ri; L weak greenish tinge, 9 mm ∅, shallowly campanul-
rudiments ascending, 3 - 3.5 mm, subulate, ate, tube broadly campanulate, 2 mm long; Cl lobes
withering to persist as acute Sp; Ped < 1 mm; Sep ascending-spreading, broadly triangular, 3 mm, on
1.5 - 3 mm, lanceolate and pointed, finely papillose; both sides rather weakly rugose; Cn golden-yellow,
Cl outside pale green, inside yellow or reddish- 2 mm ∅; Ci cup-shaped, indistinctly pentagonal,
brown, 0.6 - 0.75 cm ∅, tube campanulate, 1 mm notched at the apex; Cs lobes broadly triangular at
deep; Cl lobes erect or spreading, 2.5 - 4 mm, delto- the base, thin at the apex, erect.
id, margins and apex revolute, inside scattered with
ascending Ha, margins often f ciliate with small E. chrysantha ssp. filipes (Lavranos) Plowes (Ha-
thick acute translucent Ha; Cn 1.5 - 3.3 mm ∅, 1 - seltonia 1: 75, 1993). T: Somalia (Lavranos & Ba-
1.5 mm high, bluntly pentagonal; Ci yellow with vazzano 8484 [FI, E, ZSS]).
brown margin, in the zone of connation with the Cs ≡ Echidnopsis
d chrysantha var. fi
f lipes Lavranos
outside deeply incised; Cs yellow with red margin, (1974).
basally broad, apically obtuse. [3] Differs from ssp. chry
r santha: Ped 1 cm, slen-
der; Cl lobes narrower.
E. cereiform
f is Hooker fil. (CBM 97: t. 5930 +
text, 1871). T: K. − D: Ethiopia, Sudan. Fig. E. dammanniana Sprenger (Cat. Dammann & Co.,
XXI.a 4, fig. 5, 1892). T [neo]: Ethiopia, Harerge Region
Incl. Piaranthus fascicularis
f hort. (s.a.) (nom. in- (Gilbert 2374 [K, ETH]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya,
val., Art. 29.1); incl. Stapelia cylindrica hort. (s.a.) Somalia. I: Plowes (1993).
(nom. inval., Art. 29.1); incl. Boucerosia cylindrica Incl. Echidnopo sis somalensis N. E. Brown
Brongniart (1860); incl. Apteranthes cylindrica De- (1903).
caisne (1871) ≡ Echidnopsis cy c lindrica (Decaisne) [2] Stems brownish-green, 5 - 15 (-60) cm, 1.2 - 2
K. Schumann (1895); incl. Apteranthes tessellata cm ∅, Tu 4- or 6-angled, arranged in 8 Ri, L rudi-
Decaisne (1871) ≡ Echidnop o sis tessellata (Decais- ments ascending, thick; Ped < 1 mm; Sep finely
ne) K. Schumann (1895); incl. Echidnopsisd cerei- papillose; Cl outside greenish-brown, inside purp-
formi s var. brunnea A. Berger (1902); incl. Echid- lish- or greenish-brown, dotted with dull greenish-
nopsis cereif r A. Berger (1902).
iformis var. obscura yellow, 0.7 - 1.1 cm ∅, curved outwards in an
[2] Stems green to brownish, 5 - 15 (-60) cm, 1.2 umbrella-like manner; Cl lobes ovate-deltoid or
- 2 cm ∅; Tu ± 6-angled, flat, arranged in 8 Ri, -lanceolate, considerably recurved and pressed ag-
initially with thick L rudiment; Ped < 1 mm; Sep ainst the stems, 2.5 - 3.2 × basally 2.3 - 2.5 mm, out-
f y papillose; Cl inside brownish-purple, red-
finel side scattered with Ha, inside with pointed Ha; Cn
dish-brown or bright yellow, 5 - 8 mm ∅, campanu- bright blackish-purple, sometimes mottled with yel-
late, tube saucer-shaped, 1 mm deep; Cl lobes erect low; Ci lobes 0.5 mm, ascending, lanceolate with
or slightly spreading, ± deltoid, 2 - 3 × basally 2 - longitudinal furrow;
f Cs lobes truncate-deltoid, cov-

Echidnopsis Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

ering the Anth, rising up slightly towards the Sty E. jacksonii P. R. O. Bally ex Plowes (Haseltonia 1:
head, outer dorsal-marginal zones form
f ing a small 78, 1993). T: Ethiopia, Bale Region (Jac J kson
k s.n.
limb together with the Ci. in Bally S112 [K]). − D: Ethiopia.
[3] Stems prostrate-decumbent, slender, ± 9 cm,
E. ericiflor
f a Lavranos (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. 27: ± 1.5 cm ∅; Tu arranged in 12 Ri; Cl campanulate,
70-71, ills., 1972). T: Kenya (Lavranos 9305 [EA, tube purple-chestnut-brown, shortly campanulate, 5
PRE, ZSS]). − D: SE Kenya. mm ∅, 4 mm deep; Cl lobes 3 mm, yellow, broadly
[3] Stems rooting over the whole length, to 20 triangular; Cn sessile, broadly cup-shaped; Ci api-
cm, 4 - 8 mm ∅; Tu arranged in 6 - 8 Ri; L rudi- cally ± fuse
f d to give a disc-like structure, margin
ments ovate-deltoid; Ped 1 - 1.5 mm; Sep 1.5 mm; slightly dentate or serrate; Cs rising above the Sty
Cl outside wine-red, inside reddish to dark red, ur- head for about 1⁄2 the hight of the Cl tube.
ceolate, 5 - 8 mm long; Cl lobes basally reddish, Closely related to E. urceolata.
apically yellowish, tube max. 4 - 4.5 mm ∅, mouth
only 2 mm ∅; Cl lobes erect, deltoid, 1 - 2 mm,
slightly spreading when fully expanded, bottom of E. leachii Lavranos (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. 27: 69-
the tube inside with scattered Ha; Cn 2.8 - 3 mm ∅, 70, ills., 1972). T: Tanzania (Leach & Brunton
pentagonal; Ci yellowish-reddish-black, basally 10143 [EA, K, ZSS [status ?]]). − D: Tanzania.
yellow with ± black margins, lobes slightly divided [1] Stems greyish-green, brownish with age, to
in the middle, enclosing the nectar cavity; Cs yel- 15 cm, 0.8 - 1 cm ∅; Tu rugose, arranged in 6 Ri; L
low at the base, purplish-red and papillose at the rudiments broadly deltoid, pointed; Ped < 1 mm;
apex. Sep to 1.5 mm, lanceolate, pointed; Cl outside dark
purple to pink, 4 - 5 mm ∅, 4 mm long, shortly
E. globosa Thulin & Hjertson (Nordic J. Bot. 15(3): campanulate, tube inside yellowish, shallowly cup-
261-262, ills., 1995). T: Y Yemen, Hadhramaut (ThT u- shaped, 1 - 2 mm deep; Cl lobes bright purple to
lin & al. 8248 [UPS, K]). − D: Yemen (Hadhra- pink, ovate-deltoid, ascending, tips slightly revol-
maut). ute, towards the apex laterally slightly 2-layered, 2
[3] Stems with R over the whole length, ≤ 16 × - 2.5 × basally 1.5 - 1.8 mm; Cn yellow, towards the
0.6 - 1.2 cm ∅; Tu 4- to 6-angled, arranged in 8 Ri; outside suffuse
f d with purple; Ci cup-shaped, mar-
L rudiments not persistent; Inf 1- to 2-flowered; gin strongly curved inwards, 2 - 2.5 mm ∅; Cs
Ped 1.5 - 2.5 × ± 1 mm; Sep 1.2 - 2 mm, lanceolate, lobes very short, apically rounded or triangular.
apex curved outwards; Cl globose, 5.5 - 8 × 5.5 - 7
mm, outside purplish-brown, spotted with dull yel- E. malum (Lavranos) Bruyns (Bradleya 6: 43, ills.
lowish-white towards the apex, inside dark purple; (p. 44), 1988). T: Somalia (Lavranos 6721 [FI]). −
Cl lobes dull yellowish-white, basally spotted with D: Somalia.
purple, 1.5 - 2.5 × 2 - 2.8 mm, triangular, covering ≡ Pseu
P dop o ectinaria malum Lavranos (1971).
the mouth of the tube and thus only the tips curved [4] Br cylindrical, 5- to 6-ribbed, procumbent-
outwards, inside glabrous; Cn dark purple, ± 2.2 - repent, 3 - 20 × 0.8 - 1 cm, dark grey-green, hispid;
2.4 mm ∅, pentagonal; Ci shallowly cup-shaped, T narrow, elongate; L rudiment broadly triangu-
margins of the lobes flat, ± entire; Cs lobes broad at lar-cordate, ± 1 - 1.5 mm, acute, hispid; Inf sessile,
the base, narrow at the apex. 1-flowered; Ped 10 - 15 mm, papillose; Sep lanceo-
To be placed in the E. scutellata-complex; clo- late, 2 - 3 mm, papillose; Fl erect, fleshy; Cl glob-
sely related to E. ericif
iflorra and E. squamulata. ose-urceolate, 14 - 25 × 18 - 22 mm, outer side
E. insularis Lavranos (CSJA 2: 136-138, ills., bright green with red streaks, papillose, inner side
1970). T: Socotra (Radcliff i fe-Smith & Lavranos dark purple, rugulose, with white to purple Ha, 1 -
310 [K]). − D: Socotra. 1.5 mm, Cl tube occupying the whole length of the
[3] Stems brown or brownish-green, 2 - 6 cm, ± 5 Cl, apically with a circular opening; Cl lobes delto-
mm ∅; Tu T arranged in 6 Ri, apically with minute L id, purple, pointing inwards, apically connate, ± 4 ×
rudiments; Ped 2.5 - 3 mm, ± 1 mm ∅; Sep green, 1 4 mm; Cn 2-seriate, red, ± 3.5 - 5 mm, globose-
- 1.5 mm, apex recurved, glabrous; Cl outside urceolate, with a circular opening and a recurved
greenish-yellow, urceolate, basally 4 mm ∅, very dentate margin, inside hairy; Ci lobes shortly delto-
fleshy, tube inside greenish-yellow, with fine id, yellow, developed from the base of the urn, de-
purple-coloured longitudinal lines, 7 - 8 mm deep, cumbent on the Anth base; Poll globose-ovoid, ±
mouth 3 mm ∅; Cl lobes erect, attenuate-deltoid, 3 0.3 × 0.25 mm.
× basally 1.75 mm; Cn yellow, 3 mm ∅, pentago- Because of its highly derived stem and flower
nal; Ci fleshy, each lobe deeply incised in the morphology, some authors prefer a classification of
middle, teeth slightly revolute; Cs lobes basally this species in the monotypic genus Pseudop o ectina-
broadly rectangular, tapering towards the apex, a.. − [U. Meve]
long, ± cylindrical, vertical, touching the Anth near
the base and distinctly overtopping them to rise ab- E. mariae Lavranos (CSJA 54(5): 215-216, ills.,
ove the centre without meeting each other. 1982). T: Kenya, Northern Prov. (Lavranos &

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Echidnopsis

Bleck 19527 [E, K, EA, ZSS [status ?]]). − D: N - 2 mm deep; Cl lobes first spreading, later slightly
Kenya. ascending, deltoid, 4 × basally 4 mm, outside and
Incl. Echidnopsis
d ethiopica Keller (1971) (nom. inside glabrous; Cn ± 4.5 mm ∅, pentagonal in top
inval., Art. 36.1, 37.1); incl. Echidnop
o sis scutellata view; Ci white, deeply lobed, cup-shaped in out-
ssp. australis Bruyns (1988). line, lobes ovate-deltoid, irregularly 3-dentate; Cs
[3] Stems prostrate, profusely branching, vividly white, apically pink, lobes filiform,
f 3 mm, in a col-
green or brownish-purple in full sunlight, 15 cm, ± umn rising above the Gy, apically divergent.
1.5 cm ∅; Tu conical, apically rounded, arranged in
(8-) 10 (-11) Ri, apically with green L rudiment, E. montana (R. A. Dyer & E. A. Bruce) P. R. O.
this thick, spatulate, 1.5 × basally 0.8 mm, slightly Bally (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 26: 89, ills., 1964).
papillose, after drying persistent for some time; Inf T: Ethiopia (McLoughlin 835 [PRE, K, ZSS]). − D:
1- to 2-flowered, arising from near the stem tips; Ethiopia.
Ped 1.5 mm, glabrous; Sep 1 mm, lanceolate; Cl ≡ Cara
C lluma montana R. A. Dyer & E. A. Bruce
outside pale green, inside pale yellowish-brown, ± (1947).
with reddish spots, 6 - 9 mm ∅, ± flat to campanu- [4] R suckers present; stems to 20 cm, 0.7 - 1.5
late; Cl lobes 1.5 - 2 × basally 2.5 - 3 mm, deltoid, cm ∅; Tu T prominent, 1 - 3 mm long, 4-angled,
margins and apex revolute, marginally sometimes pointed, arranged in 6 Ri; L rudiments to 1.5 mm,
with small cylindrical Ha, otherwise glabrous; Cn ovate-deltoid; Ped 1 - 2 mm; Sep 1 - 2 mm, ovate to
pale yellowish-brown, basally yellow, ± with red- lanceolate, finely papillose; Cl inside greenish-
dish spots, 2 - 2.5 mm ∅, ± pentagonal; Ci cup- yellow or purplish-brown with greenish-yellow,
shaped, bluntly 5-parted, lobes slightly dentate; Cs tube short, to 2 mm; Cl lobes 9 - 10 × basally 2 mm,
elongate-subulate, rising above the Sty head. linear, margins folded almost to the middle in 2
Bruyns places this species in the synonymy of E. layers, tips slightly thickened, glabrous; Cn ± 2.5
scutellata. mm ∅, indistinctly pentagonal or rotate; Ci cup-
shaped with crenate margin, apically triangular, en-
E. mijerteina Lavranos (CSJA 43(2): 64-65, ills., tire or dentate, inside ± hairy, Ha pointing inwards
1971). T: Somalia, Mijerteina Prov. (Lavranos or erect, whitish, dotted with purple; Cs lobes ba-
7268 [FI]). − D: N Somalia, SW Kenya. I: Bruyns sally broad, truncate to triangular, apically dorsally
(1988a). flattened, not overtopping the Anth.
Incl. Echidnopsis mij i erteina var. marchandii
Lavranos (1974).
[4] Stems creeping, rooting almost over their E. nubica N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 263, 1895). T:
whole length, tips usually ending just below the soil Sudan, "Nubia" (Schweinfurth 228 [K, NAP]). − D:
surface, dull green, to 20 cm, 0.8 - 1.5 cm ∅, sca- SE Sudan, Ethiopia. I: Plowes (1993).
brous; Tu indistinct, arranged in 8 - 10 Ri; L rudi- [2] Stems decumbent or erect, basally branching,
ments subulate, scabrous; Ped 3 - 6 mm, scabrous; to > 20 cm, 1.5 - 2.5 cm ∅; Tu
T 4- to 6-angled, sepa-
Sep 2 - 3 mm, lanceolate, scabrous; Cl outside rated by deep furrows, arranged in (6-) 8 (-10) Ri,
white to pale brownish, inside purplish-red, cylind- apically with L rudiment, this drying and rapidly
rical, curved, tube 1.5 - 2.5 cm long, basally 4 - 6 caducous; Inf 1- to 3-flowered; Ped ± 2 mm; Sep
mm ∅, constricted upwards, enlarged at the mouth, (ovate-) lanceolate, slightly scabrous; Cl outside
transversely furrowe
f d ± over its entire length; Cl dull purple, inside green marked with brownish-red
lobes erect to spreading, 1 - 2.5 × basally 3 - 3.5 spots, ± 3 mm ∅, flat or slightly campanulate; Cl
mm, outside scabrous, inside scattered with short lobes apically brownish-red, broadly ovate, pointed,
Ha; Cn yellow, 3 mm ∅, pentagonal; Ci fusedf into spreading outwards; Ci lobes reduced to a rounded
a deep tube, 2 - 2.5 mm, apically 5-lobed, margins deltoid tooth; Cs lobes broadly triangular, apically
spreading, sometimes weakly dentate, inside hairy, truncate, steeply rising up towards the Sty head,
Ha erect; Cs lobes rectangular, truncate, touching longer than the Anth; Fr reddish with dark spots, >
the Anth bases. 10 cm, 0.8 cm ∅, beaked, borne on Ped elongated
to 5 mm.
E. milleri Lavranos (CSJA 65(6): 294-295, ills., Closely related to E. cereif
1993). T: Socotra (Miller & al. 10145 [E]). − D:
Socotra. E. planiflora P. R. O. Bally (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit.
[3] Stems creeping or decumbent, ± blackish- 18: 109, 1956). T: Ethiopia (Mitftford-Barberton s.n.
green, 3 - 8 cm, 0.6 - 1 cm ∅; Tu
T longer than broad, l S105 [ZSS]). − D: Djibouti, Ethiopia, So-
in Bally
arranged in 6 Ri, apically with a narrow ovate- malia.
deltoid L rudiment which is curved outwards and ≡ Echidnopsis
d scutellata
t ssp. planifl
f ora
r (P. R. O.
fugac ious; Inf usually arising fromf lower stem Bally) Bruyns (1988); incl. Tric
T hocaulon somalien-
parts; Ped 0.5 - 1 mm; Sep basally fuse
f d, ffree parts se Guillaumin (1938); incl. Echidnopsis flavicorona
subulate, 1 mm; Cl outside greenish, inside flesh- Plowes (1993); incl. Echidnop o sis hirsuta Plowes
coloured, 1 - 1.2 cm ∅, flat to ± campanulate, tube 1 (1993).

Echidnopsis Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

[3] Stems ± erect; Tu

T arranged in 10 - 16 Ri, with gin purplish-red; Cs lobes rectangular-ovate, ±
L rudiments to 3× as long as broad, ± erect, persist- 0.7mm.
ent as dry Sp; Inf 2-flowered, arising ffrom apical Belonging to the E. sharp
r ei-complex.
stem parts; buds broadly conical; Ped ± 2 mm; Sep
lanceolate; Cl outside pale green, inside pale yello- E. rubrolutea Plowes (Haseltonia 1: 76, ill. (p. 73),
wish-green, margins tinged with reddish-brown or 1993). T: Somalia (Lavranos & Horw r ood 10421
completely reddish-brown, 0.7 - 1 cm ∅, ± flat to p.p. [SRGH, ZSS]). − D: Somalia.
saucer-shaped, sometimes with a bulging non- [3] Stems decumbent, 3 - 8 mm, ± 1 cm ∅; TuT ar-
thickened part around the Cn (‘annulus’), finely pa- ranged in 8 Ri, apically with L rudiment, this
pillose, papillae weakly rounded; Cl lobes 2.5 - 3.2 narrowly lanceolate, spreading, quickly caducous;
× basally 1.6 - 2.5 mm, triangular or ovate-lanceo - Inf 1- to 2-flowered, arising from upper stem parts;
late, margins and tip revolute, margins glabrous or Ped 2 mm; Sep narrowly triangular; Cl outside
± densely ciliate, towards the apex often
f with cy- purplish-red, inside greenish-yellow or dull brown-
lindrical Ha, these translucent, reddish- or green- ish-yellow, 8 mm ∅, campanulate, tube tapering
ish-white; Cn dark brick-red, reddish-yellow or towards the base; Cl lobes triangular, sometimes
light yellow, ± sessile, in top view rotate or bluntly longer than broad, margins glabrous, inside finely
pentagonal; Ci sometimes with a narrow shiny dark papillose, papillae arranged in longitudinal furrows
purple margin, ± cup-shaped, margin entire or towards the tube; Cn yellow, ± sessile, pentagonal
slightly serrate; Cs lobes apically less coloured, in top view; Ci form
f ing pouches between the Cs
meeting above the Sty head, ± column-like ascend- lobes; Cs lobes touching each other above the Sty
ing; Poll ± globose. head, sometimes ascending, apically rounded.
Belonging to the E. scutellata-complex. Belonging to the E. scutellata
t -complex, and clo-
sely related to E. chry
r santha.
E. radians Bleck (CSJA 49(6): 263-264, 1977). T:
Kenya (Powys s.n. in Lavranos 12554 [MO ?, E ?, E. scutellata (Deflers) A. Berger (Stapel. & Klein.,
EA ?, ZSS [status ?]]). − D: Kenya, Somalia. 26, 1910). T: Yemen
Y f ers 1167 [G]). − D: Om-
Incl. Echidno
d opsis adamsoni
d i P. R. O. Bally an, Yemen
Y .
(1956) (nom. inval., Art. 36.1); incl. Echidnop o sis ≡ Caralluma scutellatat Deflers (1896).
modesta P. R. O. Bally ex Plowes (1993).
[3] Stems prostrate, to 20 cm; Tu conical, ar- E. scutellata ssp. dhofarensis Bruyns (Bradleya 6:
ranged in 10 - 12 Ri, with L rudiments, 0.8 mm, 18-19, ills., 1988). T: Oman, Dhofar (Miller 2811
deltoid, fugacious without leaving a scar; Ped to 1 [E, ZSS [status ?]]). − D: Oman. Fig. XXI.d
mm; Sep 3 mm; Cl outside purple, inside yellowish [3] Differs
f ffrom ssp. scutellata: Tu
T arranged in 8
or white, ± campanulate, tube inversely pear- Ri, not papillose; L rudiments thick, ± as long as
shaped, 1.5 - 5 mm long, mouth 3 mm ∅; Cl lobes ± broad, glabrous, not papillose; Cl inside pale yel-
elongate-rectangular, 2 - 5 mm long, ± erect to low, 0.9 - 1 cm ∅, tube short, cup-shaped; Cl lobes
spreading or slightly curved downwards (outwards); deltoid-ovate, tip and margins revolute, margins not
Cn to 3 mm ∅, ± sessile; Ci cup-shaped, margin hairy; Cn yellow or red.
dentate, lobes hardly noticeably divided in the
middle; Cs basally broad, apically linear, rising ab- E. scutellata ssp. scutellata − D: N Yemen
Y .
ove the Sty head to fform a column. [3] Stems prostrate to erect, dark green, 3 - 10
Plowes (1993) segregates E. modesta as a sepa- cm, 0.6 - 2 cm ∅; TuT 6-angled to conical, arranged
rate species. in 8 Ri; L rudiments less than 2× as long as broad;
Ped 1 - 10 mm; Sep to 2 mm, lanceolate, finely pa-
E. repens R. A. Dyer & I. Verdoorn (CSJA 11: 68, pillose; Cl outside yellowish-green, spotted with
1939). T: Tanzania (Pole-Evans & Erens 1020 purplish-red, inside pale to bright yellow, > 10 mm
[PRE]). − D: N Tanzania, S Kenya. ∅, ± campanulate; Cl lobes (ovate-) deltoid, mar-
≡ Echidnop
o sis sharp
r ei ssp. rep
e ens (R. A. Dyer & gins and tips curved outwards, apically thickened,
Verdoorn) Bruyns (1988).
V outside and inside glabrous; Cn yellow or red, ± 2
[4] Stems creeping, rooting almost over their mm ∅, rotate to pentagonal, campanulate to very
whole length, 6 - 9 mm ∅; Tu flat, much longer shallow; Ci campanulate, lobes indistinctly divided
than broad, arranged in 8 - 10 Ri; L rudiments to in the middle, inside flattened, apex and margin
1.5 mm, lanceolate; Ped 2 mm; Cl outside green, in- dentate and crenulate, straight or curved outwards;
side deeply wine-red, 7 - 9 mm ∅, tube campanu- Cs lobes basally broad, apically narrowed, covering
late and touching the Gy; Cl lobes sometimes and overtopping the Anth, tips often meeting above
tipped yellow, ovate-deltoid or ovate, ascending- the Sty head; Poll of rather ovate shape.
spreading or spreading, occasionally recurved out-
wards, Cl tube and margin of the Cl lobes inside E. seibanica Lavranos (JSAB 30: 88, ill., 1964). T:
with scattered Ha; Cn ± 1 × 2.5 mm, cup-shaped, Yemen, Hadhramaut (Lavranos 1934 [K, ZSS]). −
prominently pentagonal; Ci basally light red, mar- D: S Yemen.

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Echidnopsis

[4] Stems prostrate or deflexed, sometimes with shaped, margins weakly dentate, outside sometimes,
R suckers, green to bluish-green, 3 - 15 cm, 6 - 9 inside always with long white Ha; Cs basally broad,
mm ∅; Tu T arranged in 6 - 8 Ri; L rudiments erect, apically narrowly triangular, not overtopping the
ovate, to 0.8 mm; Ped 1 mm, finely papillose; Sep 1 Anth, with some erect dorsal Ha.
mm, deltoid, appressed to the Cl; Cl outside
cream-coloured, inside sulphur-yellow, tube and lo- E. socotrana Lavranos (CSJA 65(6): 293-294, ills.,
wer 1⁄3 of the Cl lobes with tiny red dots, Cl 6 - 7 1993). T: Socotra (Miller & al. 10139 [E]). − D:
mm ∅, shallowly campanulate, tube 2 mm ∅, Socotra.
0.75 mm long; Cl lobes initially ascending, later [3] Stems usually decumbent, vividly green, 3 - 7
spreading, 2.5 × basally 1.5 mm, apically rounded, cm, 0.6 - 1 cm ∅; Tu arranged in 6 Ri, apically with
margins revolute, outside finely papillose, inside L rudiment, this ovate-deltoid, short, dark green,
scattered with Ha; Cn 1.5 mm ∅, rotate; Ci pink soon withering and caducous; Inf with 1 - 2 Fl suc-
dotted with purplish-red, apically reddish-purple, cessively arising ffrom apical stem parts; Ped 1 mm;
steeply rounded-cup-shaped, lobes weakly bipartite, Sep deltoid, 1.5 mm; Cl yellow, 5 mm ∅, campanu-
inside hairy, Ha translucent, stiff; Cs whitish with late, tube rather flat; Cl lobes ± erect, deltoid, 3 mm
numerous tiny purplish-red dots, lobes < 0.3 mm, long, basally > 3 mm broad, margins revolute, glab-
shorter than the Anth, basally broad, apically rous on both sides; Cn pentagonal, ± 3 mm ∅; Ci
narrow. dark reddish-brown, glossy, deeply 5-partite, ±
cup-shaped, lobes ascending, deltoid, apically blunt,
E. sharpei A. C. White & B. Sloane (CSJA 11: 67, in the middle with longitudinal furrow, margins la-
1939). T: Kenya (Sharp r e & Jex-Blake s.n. [K, ZSS terally bulging, glabrous; Cs yellow, lower part
[status ?]]). − D: Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya. covered by the Ci, lobes ribbon-shaped, apically
rounded, lying ± vertically on the Anth, not meet-
E. sharpei ssp. ciliata (P. R. O. Bally) Bruyns ing above the Sty head.
(Bradleya 6: 38-39, ills., 1988). T [lecto]: Somalia P bably better placed under E. scutellata as a
l 7167 [icono: Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit., 19: 59, f her subspecies.
top fig., 1957]). − D: Somalia.
≡ Echidnopsis
d ciliata P. R. O. Bally (1957); incl. E. squamulata (Decaisne) P. R. O. Bally (KuaS
d bavazzanoi Lavranos (1974); incl. 14(9): 173, 1963). T: Y Yemen (Botta s.n. [P]). − D:
d opsis lavraniana Plowes (1993). Yemen. I: Bruyns (1988a).
[4] Differs from ssp. sharpr ei: Stems creeping; Tu ≡ Ceropegia squamulata Decaisne (1838).
slightly longer than broad, arranged in 8 Ri; L rudi- [3] Stems creeping, rooting almost over their
ments to 1.2 mm, stout, lanceolate-deltoid; Ped 3 whole length, green to brownish-green, to 45 cm, 5
mm; Cl outside green, spotted with purple, inside - 8 mm ∅; Tu flat, arranged in 6 - 8 (-9) Ri; L rudi-
dark purple, 1 - 1.5 cm ∅, tube broadly campanu- ments ovate-deltoid, revolute; Ped 5 - 8 mm, ± 1
late, not touching the Gy; Cl lobes deltoid, 5 - 6 × 5 mm ∅, dotted with reddish-brown; Sep to 3 mm,
mm, inside ± densely hairy; Cn pentagonal; Ci ba- lanceolate, pointed, glabrous; Cl outside reddish-
sally white, reddish above, margins purplish-black; brown, margins sometimes with pale yellow spots,
Cs reddish. urceolate, pentagonal, 1.1 - 1.8 cm long, max. 5 - 8
Plowes (1993) separates E. bavazzanoi and E. mm ∅, mouth 2 - 3 mm ∅; Cl lobes deltoid, erect,
lavraniana and ssp. ciliata is likewise treated as a spotted with pale yellow, inside reddish-brown to
species of its own. dark purple or yellow spotted with red, tips abruptly
curved outwards, 1.5 - 2.5 × basally 1.25 - 2.5 mm,
E. sharpei ssp. sharpei − D: Ethiopia, Somalia, outside glabrous, inside velvety-papillose, papillae
Kenya. I: Bruyns (1988a). fine, acute, scattered, Cl tube margins finely papil-
[4] Stems creeping to decumbent, to 15 cm, 0.8 - lose, otherwise shiny; Cn 3.5 - 5 mm ∅, pentagonal;
1.5 cm ∅; TuT prominent, rounded, arranged in 8 - Ci red spotted with yellow or reddish-brown, cup-
10 Ri; L rudiments ± 2 mm, deltoid, curved down- or basin-shaped, margins irregularly dentate, often
wards, sometimes marcescent; Ped to 1 mm; Sep 1 inflexed, inside rugose, covered with nectar; Cs
- 1.5 mm, ovate-lanceolate; Cl outside green or pinkish-red, erect-connivent.
green mottled with purple, inside red, sometimes A very variable species, which may perhaps be
yellow or white, 0.6 - 1.2 cm ∅, slightly campanu- divided into 2 subspecies.
late, tube shortly campanulate, pentagonal, enclos-
ing and laterally touching the lower 1⁄2 of the Gy; Cl E. urceolata P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 18: 341-
lobes ± deltoid, 3 - 6 mm long, margins ± strongly 343, ills., 1963). T: Kenya, Northern Frontier Prov.
revolute, tips revolute and therefore blunt, outside W lliams s.n. in Bally B8008 [K, ZSS]). − D: Ethi-
glabrous, inside velvety-hairy, Ha to 1 mm, white opia, NE Kenya.
or red, sparse or ± dense; Cn 2 - 2.5 mm ∅, penta- Incl. Echidnopo sis urceolaris P.R.O.Bally (1956)
gonal, ± sessile; Ci yellow, sometimes pale yellow (nom. inval., Art. 36.1).
or white with red margins and reddish stripes, cup- [3] Stems prostrate-decumbent, to 9 cm, 2.5 cm

Edithcolea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

∅; Tu conical, densely arranged in 18 - 20 Ri; L [2] Stems creeping, creeping-prostrate or prost-

rudiments 3 - 3.5 mm, spreading, lanceolate, rapidly rate, to 20 cm; Tu depressed to conical, 4- to 6-
drying off to persist as sharp Sp; Ped 1 - 1.5 mm; angled, arranged in 8 - 12 Ri; L rudiments 0.8 - 2
Sep 1.5 - 3 × basally 0.7 - 1.5 mm, lanceolate with mm, deltoid to subulate, reflexed, very thick; Ped to
tips often curved downwards; Cl outside pale yel- 1 mm; Sep to 3 mm, lanceolate with ovate base; Cl
low, towards base purple, 1 - 1.8 cm long, tubular outside dark purplish-red, inside yellow to whitish,
to urceolate, tube distinctly pentagonal in cross- tube inversely pear-shaped, globose or very shortly
section, basally 4 - 7 mm ∅, mouth 3 - 4 mm ∅; Cl cup-shaped, to 11 mm long, mouth 2 mm ∅: Cl
lobes pale greenish-yellowish, inside dark purp- lobes subulate, to 11 mm, margins strongly re-
lish-red, 1.2 - 3 mm, deltoid, margins and tips flexed, spreading, outside glabrous, inside with
slightly reflexed; Cn 2.5 - 3 mm ∅, 1 - 2 mm high, scattered Ha; Cn dark purplish-red or dark yellow,
shortly cylindrical, pentagonal, sometimes shortly 1.8 mm ∅, ± sessile, circular or indistinctly penta-
stipitate; Ci large, cup-shaped, margins dentate, er- gonal; Ci cup-shaped, limb ± dentate, lobes slightly
ect, enclosing the nectar cavities; Cs lobes basally divided in the middle, inside flattened; Cs basally
broad, tapering towards the apex. broad, apically linear.
The corolla is very polymorphic and varies fro
f m
almost cylindrical-tubular to urceolate-globose. E. yemenensis Plowes (Haseltonia 1: 71, 1993). T:
Yemen (Plowes & Barad 7764 [SRGH]). − D: W
E. virchowii K. Schumann (Monatsschr. Kakt.- Y
kunde 3: 98-101, ill., 1893). T: Somalia [3] Stems cylindrical, prostrate, creeping, 5 - 12
(Hildebrandt s.n. [K]). − D: Somalia. cm, 5 - 8 mm ∅; Tu 6-angled, arranged in 8 Ri,
Incl. Virchowia af
africana Vatke ex K. Schumann with fugacious L rudiment; Inf 1- to 2-flowered;
(1893) (nom. nud.). Ped 2 - 3 mm; Cl reddish, yellowish or bicoloured,
> 1 cm ∅, campanulate, tube flat, broad; Cl lobes
E. virchowii var. stellata (Lavranos) Plowes (Ha-
erect, inflexed, (ovate-) deltoid, margins and tips
seltonia 1: 69, 1993). T: Somalia, Erigavo Distr.
slightly revolute, glabrous on both sides; Cn cup-
(Lavranos F342 [FI]). − D: Somalia.
shaped, ± sessile, not in contact with the wall of the
≡ Echidnopo sis stellata Lavranos (1974).
Cl tube; Ci united to form a flat serrate ring; Cs
[2] Differs from var. virchowii: Stems prostrate-
meeting each other above the Sty head and rising
decumbent, slender, to 15 cm, 1.5 cm ∅, stem sur-
up; Poll globose.
face finely papillose, Tu
T arranged in 6 Ri, apically
Belonging to the E. scutellata
t -complex.
with L rudiments, these triangular, papillose and fu-
gacious; buds pear-shaped or acutely pyramidal; Cl
1.3 cm ∅, stellate, yellow, densely spotted with
red-brown, spots merging at the tips of the Cl lobes,
these apically slightly reflexed, 5.5 × basally 2.5 B. Müller & F. Albers
mm, densely papillose on both sides; Cn whitish
Edithcolea N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 220, 1895).
with dense purple-brown markings, 2.75 mm ∅.
T: Edithcolea grandis N. E. Brown. − D: Ethiopia,
E. virchowii var. virchowii − D: N Somalia. Fig. Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Socotra.
XXI.f Etym: For Miss Edith Cole (1859 - 1940) who col-
[2] Stems prostrate, brownish-grey to green, 5 - lected plants during a botanical expedition led by E.
20 cm, 1.5 - 2 cm ∅; Tu
T 4-angled, arranged in 8 Ri; Lort-Phillips into N Somalia 1894 - 1895.
L rudiments (ovate-) triangular, thick, ascending; Perennial stem succulents; stems prostrate, richly
Inf 1- to 3-flowered; Ped < 1 mm; Sep 1 mm (ov- branched, ≥ 10 × 1 - 1.5 cm, brown-olive, bluntly 4-
ate-) triangular, acute, green, brown towards the to 5-angled, glabrous; Ri sometimes spirally
apex, finely papillose; Cl outside grey-green, inside twisted; Tu
T conical, apically with brown acute hard
purple-brown speckled with pale yellow-green, persisting Sp; Inf mostly 1-flowered, on upper stem
(0.6-) 0.8 - 1.1 cm ∅, tube steeply cup-shaped, < 1 parts; Ped 18 - 23 × 3.5 mm, glabrous; Sep 5 - 9 ×
mm deep; Cl lobes ovate- to lanceolate-triangular, 1.5 - 3 mm, ovate-lanceolate to subulate; Cl ± flatf ,
reflexed and appressed to the stem, 3 - 4.5 × basally incised to 1⁄2, 8 - 12.5 cm ∅, outside olive-green, in-
2 - 3 mm, outside scattered with Ha, inside densely side pale yellow with scattered to densely velvety
papillose, papillae globose, stalked, often
f transluc- purplish brown dots or spots, spots sometimes
ent-white; Cn purple-brown, towards the nectar raised; Cl tube saucer-shaped, 6 × 6 mm, mouth
cavities pale yellow; Ci basin-shaped, with crenu- raised slightly like an annulus, inside finely papil-
late or dentate limb; Cs ± deltoid, with the emar- late with narrow raised purplish-brown concentric
ginate back confluent with the Ci. rings; Cl lobes 3.5 - 5 × 2.5 - 3 cm, ovate-tailed, up-
per 1⁄2 dark brown to olive-green, smooth, glabrous,
E. watsonii P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 18: 343-345, margin of tube with 5 narrow radial bands with cla-
ills., 1963). T: Somalia, Northern Prov. (Bally
l & vate Ha, these purplish-brown, ≤ 1 cm, furt
f her clav-
Watson 9997 [K]). − D: N Somalia, Kenya. ate Ha arching from f margin to margin over the

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Fanninia

centre of the Cl lobes; Cn biseriate, of the FOCKEA

C(is)+Cs-type, yellowish; Ci segments ± square or
U. Meve
transversally rectangular, basally saccate, inside
scatteredly hairy; Cs segments lying on the Anth, Fockea Endlicher (in Endlicher & Fenzl, Nov.
apically broadened and triangular, marginally Stirp. Dec. 3: 17, 1839). T: Fockea cap a ensis Endli-
overlapping, dorsally densely spinulose or papil- cher. − Lit: Marloth (1913-1932); Court (1987).
late; Anth rectangular; Poll large in relation to the D: S Africa. Etym: For Charles Focke (1802 -
Cn, ± 0.5 × 0.2 mm, elongate-ovate, apically trans- 1856), Dutch botanist, collecting esp. in Surinam.
parent, caudicles short, broad, corpuscle black; Fr Incl. Ch
Chymocormus Harvey (1842). T: Pergularia
f iform,
fus f spreading; Se broadly ovate, broadly edulis Thunberg.
winged, pale brown, ± 6 × 4 mm; Ha crown 25 - Perennial slightly woody geophytes with R tu-
30 mm. bers, latex white; stems erect, sometimes decum-
A fa
f irly isolated genus with a single species only. bent, mostly twining, terete, 1 - 8 mm ∅ (to the
Its position within the Ceropegieae is difficult to thickness of an arm in F F. multifl
f ora
r ), normally per-
ascertain; similarities exist primarily with Cara
C llu- ennial; L sessile to shortly petiolate, linear-elliptic
ma socotrana. to broadly ovate, short-lived or perennial, stipular
rudiments mostly present, subulate, membranous;
E. grandis N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 220, 1895). T: Inf extra-axillary, lateral, sessile or shortly pedun-
Somalia (Cole s.n. [K ?]). − D: Ethiopia, Somalia, culate, several- to many-flowered, clustered in
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Socotra. pseudo-umbels; Ped short; Sep triangular to lanceo-
Incl. Edithcolea grandis var. baylissiana late; Cl contorted in bud, ± 5 - 15 mm long, with a
Lavranos & D. S. Hardy (1963); incl. Edithcolea cylindrical to campanulate Cl tube shorter than the
r ida N. E. Brown (1903). Cl lobes; Cl lobes ± contorted, inside densely papil-
Description as for the species. lose or pubescent, yellow or green, margins revol-
ute; Cn biseriate, sessile, ± cylindrically fused, with
copious nectar, longitudinally grooved or canalicu-
FANNINIA late; Ci united frf inge-like, margin ± toothed; Cs
f iated into a 3-lobed outer appendage ± en-
U. Meve
closing a more deeply inserted inner appendage (=
Fanninia Harvey (Gen. South Afr. Pl., ed. 2, 325, ligula); Gy sessile; Anth triangular to ovoid, erect,
1868). T: Fanninia caloglossa Harvey. − D: RSA. apically with an erect ovoid sterile appendage, ap-
Etym: For George Fannin, owner of the farm in pendages hyaline, inflated, considerably overtop-
RSA where the taxon was discovered. ping and covering the Sty head; pollinaria without
Incl. Panninia Baillon (1888) (nom. inval., Art. caudicles, Poll directly inserted at the corpuscle,
61.1). ovate to broadly ellipsoid, 0.2 - 0.3 mm long, flat;
Geophytic perennials with deciduous herbaceous Fr solitary, fusiform, rostrate, smooth, glabrous,
above-ground parts, villous; R tuberously thi- sometimes keeled; Se ellipsoid to ovate, wingless or
ckened; stems erect, sparsely leafy; f L decussate, ± rarely winged.
sessile, lanceolate-elliptic, 3 - 5 × 1 - 2 cm; Inf ter- Fockea and the closely related genus Cibirh r iza
minal extra-axillary pedunculate 4- to 8-flowered are isolated and basal groups within the Asclepia-
pseudo-umbels; Ped filiform
f ; Fl ± nutant; Cl rotate; doideae and belong to the separate tribe Foc F keeae
Cl lobes only slightly fused basally, oblong-elliptic, (Kunze & al. 1994). Both form root tubers or
10 - 12 mm, very delicate, whitish with purple or caudices, have a complicate corona structure (see
green midrib, inside and outside long white-hairy; generic description), large anther appendages and
Cn uniseriate; Cs lobes erect, 7 - 9 mm, reddish to pollinia directly inserted at the corpuscle. The last-
purple, flat, lingulate, apically ± crenate, midrib thi- mentioned character points to a narrow relationship
ckened, basally-laterally with erect subulate pro- with subfam
f ily Secamonoideae.
cesses; Gy stipitate; Anth appendages fimbriate. The 6 species of Fockea can be simply distin-
A monotypic genus from the broader relationship guished on the base of vegetative characters (tuber,
around Asclep e ias. The corolla lobes, which are leaves).
long-hairy on both faces, are characteristic, as well
as the long-stipitate gynostegium and the erect lin- F. angustifol
f ia K. Schumann (BJS 17: 146, 1893).
gulate corona segments. T: RSA, Northern Cape (Mar M loth 1008 [not loca-
ted]). − D: Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, Zambia, Bo-
F. caloglossa Harvey (Gen. South Afr. Pl., ed. 2, tswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (Free State, Northern
325, 1868). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal ((A(Anonymus
A Prov., North-West Prov., Northern Cape, KwaZulu-
s.n. [not located]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, Natal, Mpumalanga), Swaziland. I: FPA 43: t.
Eastern Cape); grasslands. I: Hilliard & Burtt 1711, 1976.
(1987: t. 24E). Incl. Focke
F a sessilif
iflora Schlechter (1895); incl.
Description as for the genus. F
Fockea lugardii N. E. Brown (1903); incl. Fockea

Fockea Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

dammaran a Schlechter (1905); incl. Fockea F †]). − D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape). I:
mildbraedii Schlechter (1908); incl. Foc F kea tuge- Rowley (1987: 70, 78, as Microloma).
lensis N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Fockea monroi S. ≡ Brachyste
h lma comaru E. Meyer (1837); incl.
Moore (1914); incl. Cynanchum omissum Bullock Fockea gracilis R. A. Dyer (1933).
(1956); incl. Fockea angustif ifolia var. volkii G. Stems erect to decumbent, hardly twining; R tu-
Court (1987) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c). ber mostly underground, turnip-shaped or irregu-
Stems erect to decumbent or twining, 30 - 150 larly shaped, 10 - 25 cm ∅; Br 10 - 30 cm, ± 2 - 5
cm; underground R tuber globose to turnip-shaped mm ∅, basally becoming woody, young pubescent;
or irregularly shaped, to 40 × 25 cm; Br 2 - 5 mm L ± sessile, linear-subulate, 20 - 30 × 1 - 2 mm,
∅, somewhat woody, bark somewhat rough, young margins revolute, delicately pubescent; Inf ± ses-
pubescent; L ± sessile, linear to elliptic, 1 - 10 × 0.4 sile, 2- to 6-flowered; Ped 1 - 2.5 mm, pubescent;
- 1.2 cm, ± pubescent; Inf 3- to 6-flowered; Ped 0.5 Sep narrowly lanceolate, ± 2 mm, pubescent; Cl
- 3 mm, pubescent; Sep triangular, ± 2 mm, pu- green-yellow, green-brown to brown, outside pu-
bescent; Cl greenish to brownish-yellow, outside bescent, inside mostly glabrous; Cl tube campanu-
tomentose, inside mostly glabrous; Cl tube campa- late, 3 - 4 mm; Cl lobes linear, 5 - 10 × 1 mm; Cn
nulate, 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl lobes linear-lanceolate, 7 - 15 white; Cn tube 4.5 - 5.5 mm, central appendage of
× 1.5 - 2.5 mm; Cn white to yellowish, Cn tube 3 - the outer Cs lobes reflexed, 1.5 - 2 mm, lanceolate,
4 mm, central appendage of the outer Cs lobes erect inner Cs lobes hardly 1 mm.
to reflexed, 2 - 2.5 mm, subulate, inner Cs lobes ± 1 Most closely related to F. angustififolia and per-
mm; Fr ± 8 × 0.8 cm; Se 10 × 3 mm. haps only representing the karroid ecotype within
A widespread and polymorphic taxon, esp. in res- this complex (Court 1987).
pect to leaf morphology. Its habit is always purely
geophytic, and the tubers are always placed un- F. edulis (Thunberg) K. Schumann (BJS 17: 146,
derground. Most closely related to F F. comaru (see 1893). T: RSA, Western Cape (Thunberg r 6227
also there). Material encountered in cultivation [UPS]). − D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape),
under the name F F. tugelensis (here treated as syno- Swaziland; almost exclusively near coasts. I: Eggli
nym) is normally identifiable as Petop o entia nata- (1994). Fig. XXII.b
lensis. ≡ Pergularia edulis Thunberg (1794) ≡ Chymo h -
cormus edulis (Thunberg) Harvey (1842); incl. Ce-
F. capensis Endlicher (in Endlicher & Fenzl, Nov. ropegia suberosa Spv. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art.
Stirp. Dec. 3: 17, t. 91, 1839). T: [icono]: l.c. t. 91. 29.1); incl. Brachy h stelma macrorrhizum E. Meyer
− D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape); Karoo. (1837); incl. Fockea glabra Decaisne (1844); incl.
≡ Fockea edulis var. capensis (Endlicher) G. D. F
Fockea c lindrica R. A. Dyer (1933).
Rowley (1998); incl. Cynanc
C hum crispum Jacquin Stems climbing and twining to 2 m, ± glabrous;
(1800) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1) ≡ Foc
F kea crispa (Jac- R tuber under- or halfwayf above-ground, massive,
quin) K. Schumann (1895); incl. Brachystelma turnip-shaped or irregularly shaped, to 1 × 0.5 (-1)
s um E. Meyer (1837) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). m, edible, bark grey-brown, scatteredly papillate-
Stems 20 - 60 cm, divaricately branched, hardly pustulate; Br 2 - 5 mm ∅, somewhat woody, young
twining; R tuber partly above-ground, turnip- pubescent; L ± sessile to shortly petiolate, often
shaped, to ± 50 × 30 cm, bark grey-brown, strongly densely clustered on short shoots, ovate-lanceolate
pustulate; Br 2 - 4 mm ∅, somewhat woody, pubes- or elliptic, obtuse or acute, 1 - 4 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm, cori-
f lty-hairy; L shortly petiolate, ± el-
cent to densely fe aceous, often
f slightly undulate, glabrous; Inf very
liptic and obtuse, 8 - 25 × 5 - 14 mm, coriaceous, shortly pedunculate, 2- to 6-flowered; Ped 2 - 6
strongly undulate, both faces ± densely pubescent; mm, pubescent; Sep lanceolate, ± 2 mm, pubescent;
Inf 3- to 5-flowered; Ped 2 - 5 mm, pubescent; Sep Cl pale to green-yellow, outside pubescent, inside
lanceolate, ± 2 mm, pubescent; Cl yellow-green, glabrous or velvety-hairy; Cl tube campanulate, 2 -
outside and inside pubescent; Cl tube campanulate, 4 mm; Cl lobes linear-lanceolate, 8 - 12 × 2 mm;
2 - 3 mm; Cl lobes linear-lanceolate, ± 7 - 11 × 2 Cn white; Cn tube ± 4 mm, outer Cs ± divergent
mm, lamina folded back along the midrib; Cn backwards, central appendage 2 - 3 mm, subulate,
white; Cn tube 3 - 4 (-5) mm, central appendage of inner Cs lobe ± 3 mm, subulate, erect.
the outer Cs 1 - 2 mm, subulate, inner Cs lobe ± 2 This species is widely cultivated. Cultivation is
mm, lanceolate-subulate. easy and the plants are floriferous.
F. crisp
s a is very similar to F. edulis. It can be
easily distinguished, however, on the base of the F. multiflora
f K. Schumann (BJS 17: 145-146,
dense hairiness and the undulate leaves. F F. crispa 1893). T: Tanzania (Stuhlmann 848 [B †?]). − D:
can be interpreted as the vicariant Karoo species Angola, Botswana, Moçambique, Kenya, Tanzania,
versus the coastal F. edulis. Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe. I: Schumann (1895:
F. comaru (E. Meyer) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 781- Incl. Fockea
F schinzii N. E. Brown (1895).
782, 1908). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drè
r ge s.n. [B Stems climbing and twining to 10 m tall, basally

F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Glossostelma

with massive R tuber, tuber irregularly shaped, short, often stout, vertical rhizome and several fusi-
partly above-ground, mostly tapering into ascend- f rm tuberous lateral R; stems usually solitary, un-
ing twining stems to the thickness of an arm, bark branched, uniseriately pubescent, rarely glabrous; L
brown, ± smooth; flowering Br 7 - 10 mm ∅, opposite, petiolate, slightly fleshy, lamina linear to
flesh y, becoming woody, young tomentose; L ovate or spatulate; Inf extra-axillary, terminal or
shortly petiolate, often densely clustered on short near the stem tips, umbellate, with or without ped-
shoots, ovate to elliptic, ± acute, 2 - 6 × 1 - 3 cm, ± uncle; Cl campanulate, deeply lobed; Cn uniseriate,
hairy, lower fface white-fef lted with raised midrib; staminal; Cs lobes often fleshy, sometimes dorsally
Inf 1 - 2 cm pedunculate, many-flowered; Ped 1 - 2 flattened, united shortly at the base and attached to
cm, densely hispid; Sep lanceolate, ± 2.5 mm, the Gy near the base of the Anth; Gy usually with a
hispid; Cl yellow to green, tube campanulate, 1.5 - conspicuous stalk; Anth with sterile appendages;
2.5 mm; Cl lobes oblong-ovate, ± 6 - 10 × 2 mm, Poll pendent, flattened, corpuscle ovoid, brown or
outside glabrous, inside pubescent; Cn white; Cn black, caudicles flattened, broadened and genicu-
tube ± 3 mm, central appendage of the outer Cs er- late near the attachment of the Poll, held ± at right
ect to reclining, ± 3 mm, narrowly triangular-subu- angles to the axis of the corpuscle; Fr erect, usually
late, inner Cs lobes ± 2 mm, subulate, erect. only 1 of a pair developing, lanceolate or ovate-lan-
A widespread and sometimes frequent species in ceolate, with an attenuate tip, smooth, glabrous or
Mopane or Brachy h stegia woodland. The tubers are pubescent; Se flattened, ovate to suborbicular.
extremely diverse in shape. The leaves with white- Glossostelma species often have large attractive
f lted lower ffaces are significant ffor this species.
fe flowers. The genus is closely related to Pachycar
P -
s. Glossostelma is generally shorter and less
F. sinuata (E. Meyer) Druce (Bot. Soc. Exch. Club robust in habit than Pachycarpus. s A subhispid
Brit. Isles 1916: 623, 1917). T: RSA, Eastern Cape indumentum is common on the leaves of Pac P hy-
(Drège s.n. [B †?]). − D: Namibia, RSA (Northern carp
r us but normally absent in Glossostelma.
Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Free State). I: Although the coronal structure is diverse in Glos-
Rowley (1987: 70). sostelma, the typical Pach
P ycarpus corona, consist-
≡ Brachystelma sinuatum E. Meyer (1837); incl. ing of a horizontal plate spreading out of the gynos-
Fockea undulatat N. E. Brown (1895). tegium, with or without appendages, is not known
Stems erect, not twining, few-branched; under- to occur in the fformer. All 12 species of the genus
ground R tuber turnip-shaped, 20 - 35 × 10 - 20 cm; are here treated.
stems 5 - 20 cm × 2 - 5 mm, basally becoming
woody, pubescent; L sessile, linear, 2 - 3.5 cm × 2 - The following names are of unresolved applica-
3 mm, longitudinally regularly undulate, upper face
f tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Schizoglossum
pubescent, lower fface glabrous except the midrib, lividifl
f orum K. Schumann (1900); Schizoglossum
margins mostly not revolute; Inf sessile, 3- to 6- macroglossum K. Schumann (1903); Schizoglossum
flowered ; Ped 1 - 2.5 mm, pubescent; Sep lanceo- violaceum K. Schumann (1893).
late, 2.5 mm, pubescent; Cl green-brown, outside
pubescent, inside glabrous; Cl tube campanulate, ± G. angolense Schlechter (J. Bot. 33: 322, t. 352B,
2.5 mm; Cl lobes linear-lanceolate, 4 - 6 × 2 mm, 1895). T: Angola (Welwitsch 4190 [BM]). − D:
ascending; Cn white; Cn tube ± 3 mm, central ap- Angola; known only ffrom the type.
pendage of the outer Cs lobes spreading backwards, Incl. Xysmalobium grande N. E. Brown (1902).
± 3 mm, lanceolate, inner Cs lobe subulate; Se Erect herbs to 1 m; L petiolate, petiole 12 - 15
without clear tuft of Ha but hairy along the entire mm, lamina ± 10 × 5.5 - 6.2 cm, broadly spatulate,
margin. glabrous, with closely parallel lateral veins at ± 90°
This is the smallest species of the genus, easily to the prominent midrib; Inf with 4 - 6 Fl; Ped 18 -
recognizable by the extremely undulate leaves, the 23 mm; Sep 6 - 7 × 4 - 5 mm, broadly ovate, obtuse
small flowers and the seeds which are hairy along or rounded; Cl green tinged with purple, lobes 15 -
the entire margin. 18 × 7 - 9 mm, ovate-oblong, rounded at the tip; Cs
lobes 0.5 × 2 - 3 mm, oblong with rounded tip, dor-
sally compressed but slightly fleshy, erect, almost
GLOSSOSTELMA reaching the top of the Anth; Anth appendages
conspicuous, 2 - 3 mm, broadly ovate; Fr not
F. Albers
Glossostelma Schlechter (BJS 33: 321, 1895). T: Closely related to G. sspathulatum. The most obvi-
Glossostelma angolense Schlechter. − Lit: Bullock ous difference is the form of the corona lobes,
(1952); Goyder (1995). D: S tropical Afr f ica from
f which are dorsally compressed in G. angolense ra-
Angola and Zaïre to Moçambique and S Tanzania. ther than subglobose.
Etym: Gr. ‘glossa’, tongue; and Gr. ‘stelma’, crown,
garland, wreath; for the structure of the corona. G. brevilobum Goyder (KB 50(3): 551-553, ills.,
Slender or robust erect perennial herbs with a 1995). T: Malawi (Pawek 5954 [K]). − D: Zaïre,

Glossostelma Asclepiadaceae F. Albers

Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi. Fig. XXII.a, XXII.c, Erect herbs to 25 - 85 cm; L linear or narrowly
XXII.e linear-lanceolate, lowest L 1 - 6 cm, upper L 5.5 -
Erect herbs to 12 - 40 cm; L sessile or petiolate, 20 cm, tip acute, glabrous; Inf with 3 - 5 (-9)
lower L 1.3 - 2 × 0.4 - 1 cm, upper L 3 - 7 × 1 - 3.6 spreading or erect Fl; Ped 10 - 20 mm, pubescent
cm, spatulate, obovate or narrowly oblong to ovate, on one side; Sep ovate-triangular, acute; Cl very
tip rounded, obtuse or subacute, apiculate, glabrous variable in colour, usually green or brown with
or sparsely hairy on the lower fface, midrib purple stippling, stippling denser on the outside, but
channelled on the upper face
f ; Inf with up to 9 Fl; sometimes entire Cl cream or maroon, campanulate,
Ped 8 - 13 mm, pubescent on one side; Sep 2 - 3 × 1 lobes 12 - 17 × 4.5 - 11 mm, obovate or obovate-
- 1.5 mm, ovate or triangular, acute; Cl green or oblong, tip subacute but appearing truncate because
brown, campanulate, lobes 5 - 8 × 4 - 5 mm, ovate, of the recurved apex, glabrous except the papillose
tip acute or subacute, glabrous; Cs lobes 0.5 × 1 apical region and margins; Cs lobes creamy-white,
mm, form
f ing fleshy outward-pointing pegs shortly orange-yellow or occasionally suffuse f d with purple,
united into an annulus at the base; Anth appendages dorsally compressed, thin, erect, oblong or obov-
± 1.5 × 2 mm, broadly ovate; Poll obtriangular, ± ate-oblong, tip rounded, subacute or variously
0.75 × 0.5 - 0.6 mm, corpuscle 0.5 - 0.8 mm, ovoid, toothed, apical portion erect or inflexed over the
brown, caudicles 0.4 - 0.7 mm; Fr not known. Sty head for up to 1⁄2 of its length, upper margins re-
flexed or not, basal portion of the lobes with
G. cabrae (De Wildeman) Goyder (KB 50(3): 541, incurved margins, glabrous or minutely verrucate-
ills. (pp. 548-549), 1995). T: Zaïre (CaC bra-Michel papillate; Anth appendages 1 - 2 mm, sometimes
52 [BR]). − D: Zaïre, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, toothed at the margin; Poll 1 × 0.3 mm, falcate, at-
Moçambique. tached on the caudiculum near the tip, corpuscle 0.3
≡ Asclepe ias cabrae De Wildeman (1904); incl. mm, caudicles 0.3 mm; Fr 11 - 13 × 1.1 cm, glabr-
X smalobium speciosum S. Moore (1909).
Xy ous or whitish-pubescent.
Erect herbs to 50 cm; L petiolate, lower L 1.5 × This is the most common and widespread species
0.2 cm, upper L 3.5 - 8 × 1.5 - 3.1 cm, oblong, obov- of the genus.
ate or rarely linear, tip obtuse, rounded or retuse,
glabrous or with short sparse Ha on the lower face, G. ceciliae (N. E. Brown) Goyder (KB 50(3): 541,
midrib channelled on the upper face; Inf with 2 - 4 ills. (pp. 547-548), 1995). T: Zimbabwe (Cecil 60
Fl; Ped 18 - 25 mm, pubescent on one side; Sep 5 - [K]). − D: Zaïre, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Zim-
6 × 1 - 1.5 mm, triangular, acute; Cl green or cream babwe.
with reddish-brown markings within, campanulate, ≡ Xysmalobium ceciliae N. E. Brown (1902).
lobes 23 - 26 × 9 - 14 mm, obovate, tip acute or ob- Robust erect herbs to 20 - 90 cm; L petiolate or
tuse, recurved, glabrous except on the margins; Cs sessile, lower L 2.5 - 3.5 × 0.7 - 0.9 cm, upper L 5 -
lobes green, 2 × 9 - 11 mm, lower 1⁄2 somewhat com- 8.5 × 0.9 - 2.1 cm, narrowly oblong or oblanceolate,
pressed laterally, falcate, arched over the Sty head tip acute, obtuse or rounded, glabrous, midrib chan-
and narrowed into the base of the erect, dorsally nelled on the upper face;
f Inf with (1-) 3 - 5 Fl; Ped
flattened, slightly fleshy, spatulate upper 1⁄2, tip 16 - 25 mm, pubescent on one side; Sep 6 - 10 × 2 -
rounded or truncate, with 1 to occasionally 2 nar- 4 mm, ovate or triangular, acute; Cl green or cream
rowly triangular downward-pointing flaps up to 2 within, outside tinged brown or reddish-brown,
mm long on the ventral fface; Anth appendages ± campanulate, lobes 23 - 28 × 9 - 19 mm, obovate,
1.5 × 2 mm, broadly ovate; Poll ± 1 × 0.25 mm, tip acute or obtuse, recurved, glabrous; Cs lobes
falcate-oblong, corpuscle ± 0.3 mm, caudicles ± 0.5 green or white, 7 - 10 mm, 3 - 4 mm wide at the
mm; Fr not known. slightly swollen base, laterally compressed but not
Closely related to both G. ceciliae and G. spathu- flattened above, falcate, upper 1⁄2 arching over the
latum but to be distinguished by the shape of the co- Sty head, dilated slightly at the truncate-clavate tip;
rona lobes. Anth appendages 2 - 3 × 2 - 3 mm, broadly ovate;
Poll 1.25 × 0.5 mm, falcate-oblong, corpuscle ± 0.3
G. carsonii (N. E. Brown) Bullock (KB 7: 415, mm, ovoid, translator arms ± 0.5 mm; Fr 11 - 24 × 1
1952). T: Zambia (Carson
C s.n. [K]). − D: Zaïre, - 1.3 cm, lanceolate to long-fusiform, attenuate at
Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Zim- both ends, puberulent; Se ± 5 × 4 mm, ovate.
babwe, Malawi, Moçambique. I: Plowes & Drum-
mond (1976); Goyder (1995). G. erectum (De Wildeman) Goyder (KB 50(3):
≡ Xysmalobium carsonii N. E. Brown (1895) ≡ 545, 1995). T: Zaïre (Gillet s.n. [BR]). − D: Zaïre;
Schizoglossum carsonii (N. E. Brown) N. E. Brown known from only 2 collections.
(1902) ≡ Asclep
e ias carsonii (N. E. Brown) Schlech- ≡ Asclep
e ias erecta De Wildeman (1904).
ter (1916); incl. Gomphocarpus chlorojodinus K. Erect herbs to 20 - 35 cm; L petiolate, lowest L 2
Schumann (1901) ≡ Schizoglossum chlorojodinum × 0.6 cm, upper L 3.5 - 5.5 × 0.7 - 1 cm, oblong or
(K. Schumann) N. E. Brown (1902); incl. Schizo- oblong-elliptic, tip acute or obtuse, glabrous except
glossum kassneri S. Moore (1912). the midrib; Inf subsessile, with 4 - 7 Fl; Ped 7 - 10

F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Glossostelma

mm, pubescent on one side; Sep 4 × 1 mm, nar- 0.7 × 0.5 mm, broadly oblong but distally rounded,
rowly triangular, acute; Cl green, campanulate, corpuscle ± 6 mm, ovoid, black, caudicles ± 0.8
lobes 6 - 8 × 3 mm, ovate, acute; Cs lobes 2.5 × 1 mm, slender, flattened, contorted distally; immature
mm, base ovoid but with flattened inner face, taper- Fr densely rufous-pu
f bescent, mature Fr not known.
ing above into an erect or inflexed fleshy tongue
which slightly overtops the staminal column, Cs G. nyikense Goyder (KB 50(3): 545-547, ills.,
lobes linked at the base by a minute pair of acute 1995). T: Malawi (Robson 452 [K, LISC, PRE, SR-
teeth; Poll ± 0.8 × 0.3 mm, falcate-oblong, cor- GH]). − D: Malawi, Zambia.
puscle ± 0.5 mm, ovoid, brown, caudicles 0.4 - 0.5 Erect herbs with 1 or 2 stems, 10 - 20 cm tall; L
mm, very slender near the corpuscle, broader and sessile, 2.5 - 7 × 0.2 - 0.3 cm, linear, tip acute,
contorted distally; Fr not known. slightly fleshy, lateral veins obscure; Inf with 4 - 10
Fl; Ped 5 - 12 mm, pubescent on one side; Sep 2 - 3
G. lisianthoides (Decaisne) Bullock (KB 7: 416, × 1 mm, triangular-ovate, tip attenuate; Cl greenish
1952). T: Angola ((A (Anonymus
A s.n. [P, K]). − D: or brown, lobes ± 5 × 2 mm, ovate-oblong, tip acute
Gabon, Zaïre, Angola, Zambia, Malawi. or subacute; Cs lobes ± 2 mm, ovoid, with no teeth
≡ Gomp
m hocarp r us lisianthoides Decaisne (1838) ≡ or projo ections on the inner fface, slightly exceeding
e ias lisianthoides (Decaisne) N. E. Brown the top of the head of the Anth; Poll 0.5 × 0.3 mm,
(1902); incl. Gompm hocarp r us chironioides Decaisne broadly oblong and basally rounded, corpuscle ±
(1844); incl. Xysmalobium dissolutum K. Schumann 0.4 mm, subcylindrical, brown, caudicles ± 0.3 mm,
(1893) ≡ Asclepias dissoluta t (K. Schumann) fflattened and contorted distally; very immature Fr
Schlechter (1900); incl. Xysmalobium fritillarioides densely rufous-pubescent, mature Fr not known.
Rendle (1894); incl. Asclepias congolensis De Wil-
deman (1904); incl. Asclep e ias nemorensis S. Moore G. rusapense Goyder (KB 50(3): 540-543, ills.,
(1909). 1995). T: Zimbabwe (Drummond 5069 [K, SR-
Slender erect herbs to 70 cm; L linear, tip acute, GH]). − D: Zimbabwe.
glabrous; Inf with 2 - 4 nodding Fl; Ped (10-) 16 - Erect herbs to 20 cm; L petiolate or subsessile,
24 (-28) mm, glabrous or pubescent on one side on- petiole to 2 mm, lamina 2.5 - 5 × 0.5 - 1 cm, lanceo-
ly; Sep narrowly triangular, acute; Cl greenish- late or oblong, tip acute, glabrous except ffor the
yellow or cream within, outside suffused with pink midrib and margins beneath; Inf with 2 - 4 Fl; Ped
or brown, spreading-campanulate, lobes 10 - 13 × 5 8 - 17 mm; Sep ± 4 × 1.5 mm, ovate or triangular;
- 7 mm, ovate-oblong, obtuse; Cs lobes 4 - 5 mm, Cl green speckled with reddish-brown markings
lower 1⁄2 of the lobes bulbous and ± orbicular when within, campanulate, lobes 13 × 5 - 7 mm, glabrous
f h (appearing channelled on the inner surface
fres f in except for the puberulous tip and margins; Cs lobes
dried material), upper 1⁄2 of the lobes narrowed ab- ± 2 × 5 mm, swollen and appearing slightly
ruptly into an oblong tongue, truncate or shortly bi- pouched at the base, with 2 short lateral teeth on the
ffid at the tip and inflexed over the Sty head; Anth inner surface,
f upper part narrowed gradually into a
appendages membranous, ovate; Poll 0.7 × 0.3 mm, dorsally flattened tongue arched over the Sty head;
apically attached on the caudicle, corpuscle 0.3 Anth appendages ± 1.5 × 2 mm, broadly ovate; Poll
mm, caudicles 0.3 mm, extremely slender; Fr 8 - 11 ± 1 × 0.5 mm, falcate-oblong, corpuscle ± 0.5 mm,
× 0.8 - 1.2 cm, glabrous or puberulent; Se ovate. ovoid, black, caudicles 0.5 cm, broadly flattened;
Closely related to G. carsonii. Dried material is Fr not known.
very difficult to distinguish. See Goyder (1995) for
nomenclatural notes. G. spathulatum (K. Schumann) Bullock (KB 7:
414, 1952). T [lecto]: Angola (Mec M how 539a [K]).
G. mbisiense Goyder (KB 50(3): 543-544, ills., − D: Zaïre, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
1995). T: Tanzania (Sanane 1426 [K]). − D: Tan- Malawi, Moçambique. I: Cribb & Leedal (1982);
zania (known only from the Mbisi Forest and Sum- Goyder (1995).
bawanga). ≡ Schizoglossum spathulatum K. Schumann
Erect herbs 15 - 35 cm tall; L petiolate or sub- (1893) ≡ Gomphocarpus spathulatus (K. Schu-
sessile, petiole to 6 mm, lamina (3.5-) 5 - 7 × 2.1 mann) Schlechter (1895) ≡ Xysmalobium spathula-
(-2.6) cm, lanceolate-oblong to ovate-oblong, tip tum (K. Schumann) N. E. Brown (1902); incl. Xys-
acute or subacute, slightly fleshy; Inf with 2 - 6 Fl; malobium bellum N. E. Brown (1895).
Ped 10 - 18 mm, pubescent; Sep 5 - 7 × 1.5 mm, ob- Erect herbs to 50 cm; L petiolate or occasionally
long or lanceolate to triangular; Cl green or cream, sessile, petiole 5 - 15 mm, lamina spatulate, obov-
lobes 13 - 20 × 4 - 7 mm, ovate or oblong, tips ate, oblanceolate, lanceolate or oblong, lowest L 2 -
sometimes recurved; Cs lobes 1.5 - 2 × 1 - 1.5 mm, 3.5 × 0.3 - 1.2 cm, upper L 2.5 - 8 × 2 - 4 cm, obtuse,
swollen at the base, with a slender horn at the top of round or retuse, glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath,
the inner face, proj
o ecting upwards or inwards for up midrib channelled on the upper face, lateral veins
to 1 mm, tip of the Cs ± at the same level as the tip clearly visible, parallel to each other and ± at 90° to
of the Anth or sometimes slightly shorter; Poll ± the midrib; Inf with 2 - 4 (-8) Fl; Bra often of 2

Hoodia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

types, one filiform, the other narrowly triangular ous; Cl 0.8 - 17 cm ∅, small and deeply divided
with ciliate margins; Ped 11 - 25 mm, pubescent on into single Cl lobes, or large and dish-like to shal-
one side; Sep 6 - 10 × 4 - 5 mm, ovate, acute or sub- lowly cup-shaped, outside glabrous and smooth, in-
acute; Cl green or maroon with reddish-brown, yel- side glabrous, papillate or soft f ly hairy, annulus
low or white markings within, campanulate, lobes absent, rudimentary or conspicuous; Cn biseriate,
13 - 20 × 8 - 14 mm, obovate, tip rounded or obtuse, mostly glabrous; Ci basally cup-shaped with api-
recurved, glabrous; Cs lobes white or yellowish, ± 3 cally retuse or ± deeply divided appendages; Cs of
× 2 mm, reaching the top of the staminal column or dorsiventrally flattened lobes, placed against the
exceeding it slightly, subglobose but with flattened back of the Anth, dorsally fused with the Ci; stami-
inner fface and 3 short inward-pointing teeth near nal column rising close to the base of the Cl tube;
the top (see Goyder (1995) for variation of the Anth incumbent on the Sty head, almost square;
teeth); Anth appendages ± 1.5 × 2 mm, broadly ov- Sty head not prolonged beyond the Anth, apically
ate; Poll 0.7 - 1 × 0.5 mm, falcate-oblong, corpuscle convexly compressed; Poll ± ascending-horizontal,
0.5 mm, caudicles 0.5 mm; Fr 7 × 2 cm, ovate- with short caudicles; Fr acutely tapering to fusi-
lanceolate, puberulent; Se suborbicular. form, slender, the 2 follicles of a pair spreading at
an angle of 30 - 60°, uniform
f ly reddish-green, glab-
G. xysmalobioides (S. Moore) Bullock (KB 7: 417, rous, smooth; Se round or pear-shaped, ventrally ±
1952). T: Angola (Gossweiler 4009 [BM]). − D: concave, winged, brittle, apically with a tuft f of
Angola; known only from the type. simple Ha.
≡ Asclepias xysmalobioides S. Moore (1912). Bruyns (1993) divides the genus into 2 sections:
Erect herbs to 30 cm, stem shortly pubescent with [1] Sect. Hoodia: Ped 2 - 4 mm ∅; Cl never dark
longer Ha in stripes; L petiolate, lamina ovate, ± maroon to purplish-black, (2-) 2.5 - 17 cm ∅,
3.5 - 4 × 2.5 - 3 cm, tip obtuse to subacute, glabrous; mostly dish-like to broadly and shallowly cup-
Inf with ± 4 Fl; Ped 7 - 8 mm; Sep 5 mm, lanceo- shaped, rarely funnel-shaped
fu (H. parvifl
f ora
r ),
late, acute; Cl probably green with red streaks, with a central depression just enclosing the Gy;
campanulate, lobes ± 14 × 6.5 mm, ovate-oblong, Cl lobes ovoid-deltoid, more than 2× as broad
obtuse; Cs lobes 8.5 mm, consisting of an erect as long (excl. the narrow tip) and shorter than
ligulate portion ± 6.5 mm long with an obtuse tip, the width of the fused Cl area outside the cen-
and a pair of rounded lateral lobes ± 2.5 mm long tral depression.
forming a cucullate basal pouch; Poll 1 mm, oblong [2] Sect. Trichocaulon (N. E. Brown) Bruyns 1993:
pear-shaped, corpuscle ± 1 mm, narrowly oblong- Ped to 1 mm ∅; Cl 0.8 - 2 cm ∅, or larger (2 - 4
ovate; Fr not known. cm ∅) and then dark maroon to purplish-black,
when dish-like without central depression; Cl
lobes < 2× as broad as long and much longer
HOODIA than the width of the fuse
f d Cl area outside the
central depression.
B. Müller & F. Albers
Hoodia Sweet ex Decaisne (PSRV 8: 664, 1844). Hybrids are known with Orbea (see ×Hoo H -
T: Stapelia gordonii Masson. − Lit: Plowes (1992); dialluma) and with Tro
r motriche (see there).
Bruyns (1993). D: SW Angola, NW Namibia (bor-
der regions of the Namib Desert), RSA, Botswana, The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica-
Zimbabwe. Etym: For a Mr. Hood, succulent plant tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Hoo
H dia similis
grower in England around 1830. Dinter (1928) (nom. inval.); Trichocaulon karas-
Incl. Monothylaceum G. Don (1838) (nom. inval., montanum Dinter (1927) (nom. inval.).
Art. 32).
Incl. Scy
c tanthus Hooker (1844). T: Scy c tanthus cur- H. alstonii (N. E. Brown) Plowes (Asklepios No.
rorii Hooker. 56: 7, 1992). T: RSA, Northern Cape ((Alston
A s.n. in
Incl. Trichocaulon N. E. Brown (1878). T: Tr T icho- MacOwan 2017 [K, SAM]). − D: S Namibia, RSA
caulon fflavum N. E. Brown [Lectotype, design- (Northern Cape); winter-rainfall regions. Fig.
ated by P. V. Bruyns, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 115(2): XXII.d
210, 1993.]. ≡ Trichocaulon alstonii N. E. Brown (1906); incl.
Basally branched and often lignified stem succu- Trichocaulon halenberg r ense Dinter (1931) (nom.
lents with few to many erect (rarely procumbent) inval., Art. 32).
cylindrical stems; stems 0.3 - 2.2 m tall, 2.5 - 6 (-11) [2] Stems 0.5 - 1 m tall, whitish-grey-green, 4 - 8
cm ∅; podaria in 11 - 31 blunt vertical Ri, apically cm ∅; Tu T arranged in 20 - 22 Ri, apically with a
tapering into a soft
f or hard Sp, glabrous; Inf of sin- stout acute pale brown Sp (6-) 8 - 10 mm long; Inf
gle or numerous Fl opening successively (rarely si- shortly pedunculate with groups of 1 - 8 Fl with
multaneously); Ped 0.05 mm to 6 cm, ± 1 - 4 mm very foetid odour; Ped 1 - 2 (-4) mm; Sep 2 - 2.5 ×
∅, glabrous; Sep 5, overlapping at the broadened basally ± 1 mm; Cl yellow becoming whitish to-
bases, ovoid-lanceolate to deltoid, tapering, glabr- wards the bottom of the tube, 10 - 18 mm ∅, tube

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoodia

campanulate to funnel-shaped, 2 - 3 (-4) mm deep, each from a small reddish conical papilla, annulus 5
slightly thickened near the Gy and touching its - 6 mm ∅; Cn sunken fo f r ± 4 mm, ± 2.5 × 4 mm,
sides; Cl lobes ovate and normally tapering very ac- outside usually weakly hairy; Ci not fusef d as ffar at
utely, (4-) 6 - 8 × basally 4 - 5 mm, inside glabrous the base; otherwise as ssp. currorii.i.i
and smooth; Cn pale yellow; Ci 1 - 1.5 mm, deeply
divided down to the level of the Cs into 2 erect H. dregei N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 897, 1909). T:
blunt teeth; Cs ± 0.75 mm, rectangular, blunt, sur- RSA, Cape Prov. (Drège 5616 [K]). − D: RSA
passing the Anth; Fr 3 - 4 cm. (Northern Cape, Western Cape: Great Karoo).
[1] Forming dense cushions; stems 20 (-50) × 2.5
H. currorii (Hooker) Decaisne (PSRV 8: 665, - 6 cm; Tu
T arranged in 16 - 24 Ri, laterally flatte-
1844). T: Angola (Curror s.n. [K]). − D: Namibia, ned, apically with a weak Sp, Sp dark purplish-
Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA. brown when young, 5 - 7 mm; Inf in groups of 1 - 5
≡ Scytanthus currorii Hooker (1844). Fl; Ped 0.7 - 1.2 cm, 2 - 3 mm ∅; Cl dark maroon or
greenish-yellow, 2.8 - 4.8 cm ∅, flat or dish-like, ±
H. currorii ssp. currorii − D: Namibia, Angola; se- distinctly 5-lobed; Cl lobes 4 - 7 mm, narrowed tip
mi-arid zones of the coastal Namib Desert (13° S - area 3 - 6 mm, basally 1.2 - 1.8 cm broad, inside
23° S). densely hairy with soft white Bri, Bri 1 - 2 mm, ori-
Incl. Scytanthus burkei Hooker (1844); incl. Ade- ginating from small red columnar papillae, annulus
nium namaquarium Henslow (1901); incl. Hoodia appearing as 5 pinkish slightly glossy swellings, 3.5
macrantha Dinter (1914); incl. HooH dia gibbosa Nel - 4 mm ∅; Cn sunken ffor 1 mm, dark purplish-
(1937); incl. Hoodia montana Nel (1937); incl. black, 3 - 4 mm ∅, surpassing the annulus; Ci
H dia currorii var. minor R. A. Dyer (1966).
Hoo basally cup-shaped, horizontally spreading, append-
[1] Stems 0.15 - 1 m tall, grey to brownish-green, ages transversally rectangular, bluntly retuse or ±
4 - 6 (-8) cm ∅; TuT arranged in 11 - 16 (-24) Ri, la- deeply divided, < 0.5 × basally 1 - 1.7 mm; Cs lobes
terally flattened, apically with an acute Sp 0.6 - 1 broadly linear, blunt, 1 mm, not surpassing the
cm long; Inf with groups of 1 - 4 Fl; Ped 1.2 - 5 (-6) Anth, dorsally connected to the Ci by a blunt ap-
cm, 4 - 6 mm ∅, elliptic in cross-section; Sep ap- pendage.
pressed to the Cl, 4 - 8 × basally 3 mm; Cl outside
pale maroon, centre usually marked with narrow H. flav
f a (N. E. Brown) Plowes (Asklepios No. 56:
(pale) reddish spots, inside dark red, light maroon 8, 1992). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Bain s.n. [K]).
or yellowish-pink, usually with darker veins, with a − D: Namibia (Karas Mts.); RSA (Northern Cape).
glossy pale orange area around the Gy and annulus, Fig. XXIII.c
with ± distinct central depression, Cl (5-) 6 - 17 (- ≡ Trichocaulon fl
f avum N. E. Brown (1878).
18) cm ∅, ± circular or distinctly 5-lobed; Cl lobes [2] Stems 0.2 - 0.5 m tall, 2 - 7 cm ∅; Tu
T arran-
± 1 - 2.5 cm, narrowed tip area 0.6 - 2 cm, basally ± ged in 18 - 31 Ri, apically with a brownish Sp 4 - 7
5.5 - 7.5 cm broad, inside with pink to purple Ha, mm long; Inf in groups of 1 - 3 Fl, scent reminis-
Ha 0.5 - 3.5 mm, each from a flattened-conical pa- cent of old fish; Ped 0.5 - 1 mm; Sep appressed to
pilla, annulus 6 - 9 mm ∅; Cn sunken for (2.8-) 3 - the Cl, 2.5 - 3 × basally 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl either gree-
6 mm, purple-red or brown, glossy, 2 - 3 × 3.8 - 5 nish-yellow or yellowish-green and Cl lobes with
mm, outside sometimes sparsely hairy; Ci form
f ing a brown tips, or entirely brown, 1.1 - 1.3 cm ∅, dish-
5-lobed cup, slightly higher than the Sty head or up to bowl-shaped; Cl lobes broadly ovate-deltoid, 2.5
to 2× as high, appendages split above the middle - 4 × 3.5 - 5 mm, occasionally with fusiform tip
into upright blunt or deltoid teeth, outer margin area, inside smooth or finely papillate, papillae se-
ffolded inwards; Cs linear, blunt, apically curved to- miglobose with fine apical Bri, Cl lobes glabrous;
wards each other; Fr 15 - 22 cm. Cn yellow; Ci 1.6 - 2.2 mm, divided from below the
middle into 2 broad weakly dorsiventrally flattened
H. currorii ssp. lugardii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns linear horn-like appendages (appendages strongly
(BJS 115(2): 205, 1993). T: Botswana (Lugard r 303 spreading, approaching and touching each other in
[K]). − D: C Botswana, S Zimbabwe, RSA (Nor- Cs position); Cs lobes linear, blunt, 0.6 - 1 mm, oc-
thern Prov.). casionally longer than the Anth and touching each
≡ Hoodia lugardr ii N. E. Brown (1903). other above the Sty head; Fr 7.5 - 18 cm.
[1] Plants like ssp. currorii; Ped 3 - 7 × 2 - 2.5
mm, green; Cl outside dark red, centre pale pinkish H. gordonii (Masson) Sweet ex Decaisne (PSRV 8:
or pale maroon, inside brick-red to pale maroon, 665, 1844). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel.
with pale red area around Gy and annulus, Cl 4 - 7.5 Nov. t. 40, 1797. − D: Namibia, RSA (Northern
cm ∅, either circular and with or without concave Cape); absent ffrom winter-rainfall regions. Fig.
indentations between the free Cl lobe areas, or XXIII.a, XXIII.b
broadly 5-lobed with a central depression; Cl lobes ≡ Stapelia gordonii Masson (1797) ≡ Gonoste-
0.5 - 1.1 cm, narrowed tip area 5 - 7 mm, basally 2 r onii (Masson) Sweet (1826) ≡ Monothy
mon gord h la-
cm broad, inside with erect Ha, Ha 0.5 - 2.5 mm, r onii (Masson) Don (1837) ≡ Scytanthus
ceum gord

Hoodia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

gordonii (Masson) Hooker (1844); incl. Hoo H dia H. longispina Plowes (Brit. Cact. Succ. J. 11(2):
r lyi Thiselton-Dyer (1876); incl. Hoodia bainii 56-58, ills., 1993). T: Namibia (Plowes 5321 [SR-
Thiselton-Dyer (1878); incl. Hoo
H dia albispina N. E. GH]). − D: Namibia.
Brown (1909); incl. H Hoodia burkei N. E. Brown [1] Plants with 10 - 12 stems, ± 50 cm tall; stems
(1909); incl. Hoodia
H pillansii N. E. Brown (1909); grey-green; TuT arranged in 14 - 16 Ri, apically with
incl. Hoo
H dia dinteri Schlechter ex Dinter (1922) a slender Sp 1.6 - 1.8 cm long; Inf groups of 5 Fl;
(nom. nud.); incl. Hoo
H dia rosea Obermeijer & Letty Ped 1.8 - 2 cm; Cl pale maroon, 7 - 8 cm ∅,
(1936); incl. Hoo
H dia husabensis Nel (1937); incl. saucer-shaped, hairy, with a weak central depres-
H dia langii Obermeijer & Letty (1937); incl.
Hoo sion, margin glossy, ascending, bulging; Cl lobes
H dia whitesloaneana Dinter (1937) (nom. nud.).
Hoo hardly distinguishable, 0.8 - 1 cm, margin reflexed,
[1] Stems 0.5 - 1 m tall, greyish-green or -brown, tip drawn out in a bristly manner; Cn glossy red; Ci
strictly cylindrical, 2.5 - 5 cm ∅; Tu protruding, 5-lobed, cup-shaped, appendages short, truncate, re-
blunt, arranged in 11 - 17 Ri, apically with an acute tuse; Cs lobes rectangular, blunt, weakly bulging
Sp 6 - 12 mm long; Inf sometimes very slightly pe- where meeting the Ci.
dunculate, with groups of 1 - 4 Fl with foet
f id odour; According to own observations, this taxon is only
Ped 0.8 - 3 cm, 2 - 3 mm ∅, elliptic in cross- a variation with hairy flowers of the polymorphic
section; Sep placed against the Cl, 5 - 6 × basally 2 H. gordonii.
- 4 mm; Cl outside pale maroon with darker vena-
tion, inside light maroon or purple-red, usually with H. mossamedensis (L. C. Leach) Plowes (Asklepi-
darker venation, (4-) 5 - 10 cm ∅, ± circular or di- os No. 56: 9, 1992). T: Angola, Moçamedes Distr.
stinctly 5-lobed, with a central depression; Cl lobes (Leach & C Cannell 14690 [LISC, SRGH]). − D: SW
to 1.5 mm, narrowed tip area 3 - 6 mm, basally 5 cm Angola.
broad, inside glabrous and smooth or finely papil- ≡ Tric
T hocaulon mossamedense L. C. Leach
late, papillae conical, apically with a 2 - 2.5 mm (1974).
long Bri, papillae partly coloured red along the [2] Stems green-grey, 30 × 4 - 5 cm ∅; TuT 4-7
margin of the Cl-depression; Cn sunken for 1 - 1.5 mm long, conically compressed, arranged in 16 - 20
mm, purplish-black, 1.5 - 2 × 4 - 6 mm, touching the Ri, apically with a brown Sp to 6 mm long; Inf
surrounding Cl depression along its margin; Ci ei- groups of 1 - 4 Fl, from
f button-like peduncles; Ped
ther undivided and apically blunt or divided fromf 1 - 1.8 cm, 1 mm ∅, spreading ffrom the stem or as-
the middle into 2 spreading-ascending blunt pro- cending parallel to the stem; Sep 2.5 - 3 × basally ±
cesses, < 1 mm; Cs lobes 1 mm, linear, with blunt 1 mm; Cl dark chestnut-brown, 0.9 - 1.8 cm ∅,
slightly compressed tips, touching each other, dor- campanulate, circular or 5-lobed, with a cup-shaped
sally attached to the Ci by a broad crest; Fr 9 - central depression; Cl lobes slightly recurved out-
11.5 cm. wards, often slightly thickened along their margins,
± 4 × basally 3.5 mm, margins slightly curved out-
H. juttae Dinter (Neue Pfl. Deutsch-SWA, 34, wards, inside glabrous, papillate, papillae small,
1914). T: Namibia (Dinter 3203 [SAM, S]). − D: with a horizontally spreading thick Bri; Cn sunken
Namibia (Karas Mts.). Fig. XXIV. V.a f ± 1.5 mm, chestnut-brown-black, slightly cup-
≡ Hoo
H dia bainii var. juttae (Dinter) H. Huber shaped, ± 1.5 × 3.5 mm; Ci spreading, apically
(1961). slightly curved outwards, ± 0.75 × 1.25 mm, ± bifid,
[1] Forming dense cushions, 30 - 50 cm; stems laterally attached to the Cs; Cs lobes rectangular,
pale green-grey, 3 - 5 cm ∅; Tu arranged in 15 - 17 blunt, almost as long as the Anth, attached to the Ci
Ri, apically with a 8 - 11 mm long hard Sp; Inf by a small blunt upright appendage.
with groups of 1 - 4 Fl; Ped 1 - 3 cm, 2.5 - 4 mm ∅,
slightly elliptic in cross-section; Cl outside pale
yellowish-brown, inside pale yellowish-brown or H. officinalis (N. E. Brown) Plowes (Asklepios No.
dark maroon with darker venation, 2 - 5.5 cm ∅, ± 56: 9, 1992). T: Botswana ? (Anonymus
A s.n. [K]).
flatly dish-like or ± distinctly 5-lobed, with a cen- − D: Namibia, RSA.
tral cup-shaped depression, the latter thickened an- ≡ Trichocaulon officinale N. E. Brown (1895).
nulus-like along its margin; Cl lobes 4 - 8 mm,
narrowed tip area 2 - 5 mm, basally 1.5 - 2.5 cm H. officinalis ssp. delaetiana (Dinter) Bruyns (BJS
broad, inside glabrous and smooth; Cn sunken ffor 1 115(2): 216, 1993). T [neo]: Namibia (Merx r müller
mm, dark purplish-black, 3 - 4.5 mm ∅; Ci spread- & Giess 32150 [WIND, M]). − D: SW Namibia
ing, transversally oblong-rectangular, bluntly retuse (Klinghardt Mts.).
or shortly bifid, to 1 × basally ± 1.5 mm, incumbent ≡ Tric
T hocaulon delaetianum Dinter (1923) ≡
on and slightly surpassing the annulus-like thicken- H dia delaetiana (Dinter) Plowes (1992).
ing; Cs lobes broadly linear, blunt, slightly surpas- [2] Stems green-grey, to 40 × 4 - 7 cm ∅; Tu ar-
sing the Anth, slightly overlapping with their tip ranged in 19 - 23 Ri, apically with an acute brown
area, attached to the Ci by a blunt dorsal append- Sp to 1.2 cm long; Ped 1 - 2 mm; Sep (1-) 2 - 2.5 ×
age; Fr to 14 cm. basally 1.5 mm; Cl outside reddish-brown, inside

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoodia

brownish-yellow to yellow, (1.2-) 1.4 - 2 cm ∅, H. pedicellata (Schinz) Plowes (Asklepios No. 56:
broadly campanulate with a broadly dish-shaped 2 - 9, 1992). T: Namibia (Stapff p s.n. [K]). − D: SW
3 mm deep depression; Cl lobes ovate, acuminate, 4 Angola, Namibia (80 km broad coastal fog belt of
- 6 × basally 5 - 7 mm, inside smooth or weakly pa- the Namib Desert). Fig. XXIII.e
pillate, papillae apically with a short Bri; Cn dark ≡ Trichocaulon pedicellatum Schinz (1888).
maroon to reddish, 3 - 3.5 mm ∅; Cs lobes ± 1⁄2 as [2] Plants with ± 20 stems; stems grey-green, 10 -
long as the Anth, blunt; otherwise as ssp. off o fi- 25 (-50) × 2.5 - 5 cm; Tu arranged in 11 - 20 Ri,
cinalis. apically with a delicate dark ± caducous Sp 1.5 - 3
mm long; Inf groups of 1 - 4 Fl curved downwards;
H. officinalis ssp. officinalis − D: S Namibia (excl. Ped 4 - 12 mm, pendent; Sep 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl inside
SW winter-rainfall regions and the Kalahari), RSA chestnut-brown to dark purplish-brown, 0.8 - 1.4 cm
(Free State). ∅, flat; Cl lobes lanceolate, acute, reflexed along
Incl. Trichocaulon rusticum N. E. Brown (1909) the margin, 3 - 6 × basally 2.5 - 3 mm, often broa-
≡ Hoo
H dia rustica (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1992); dened towards the middle, inside glabrous, finely
incl. Trichocaulon pubiflf orum Dinter (1932). papillate, with weak swellings within the fus f ion
[2] Plants to 0.3 × 0.5 m, often smaller; stems area of the Cl lobes; Cn only slightly sunken with
green-grey, 3.5 - 6.5 cm ∅; TuT arranged in (14-) 17 the base, purplish-brown or yellow, 3 - 3.5 mm ∅;
- 22 Ri, apically with a brown Sp 6 mm long; Inf Ci horizontally spreading starting from the middle
groups of 1 - 3 Fl; Ped mostly < 1 mm; Sep 2.5 - 3.5 of the Gy, almost halfway
f divided into 2 spreading
mm; Cl outside pale green with brownish venation, very short teeth, laterally attached to the dorsal side
inside maroon or yellowish-brown, tube paler, be- of the Cs; Cs lobes ascending ffrom the level of the
low the Cn yellowish, 1 - 1.4 cm ∅, flatly circular Ci, very variable in length, blunt, oftenf touching
or slightly campanulate with a broadly dish-shaped each other above the Sty head.
depression; Cl lobes ovate-deltoid, acuminate, 3 - 5
× basally 3.5 - 5.5 mm, tips curved outwards, inside H. pilifera
f (Linné fi f l.) Plowes (Asklepios No. 56:
papillate, papillae small, apically with a small Bri; 10, 1992). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Thunberg r 6332
Cn yellow, sometimes finely dotted with red (then [UPS]). − D: RSA.
Cs brownish), 1.5 - 2 × 4 mm, usually outside ≡ Stapelia pilif f (1781) ≡ Piaranthus
iferra Linné fil.
weakly pubescent; Ci forming pouches between the piliferus (Linné fif l.) Sweet (1830) ≡ Trichocaulon
Cs lobes, divided into 2 blunt upright teeth down to piliferum (Linné fif l.) N. E. Brown (1873).
the middle, teeth laterally fused with the Cs, not H. pilifer
f a ssp. annulata (N. E. Brown) Bruyns
surpassing the dorsal appendage of the Cs; Cs lobes (BJS 115(2): 235, 1993). T: RSA, Eastern Cape
mostly < 0.5 mm, shorter than the Anth, dorsally (Lee s.n. in Pillans 135 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern
with a broad blunt erect appendage; Fr 11.5 - Cape: Great Karoo).
12.5 cm. ≡ Trichocaulon annulatum N. E. Brown (1909) ≡
H dia annulata (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1992).
H. parviflora N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 265, 1895). [2] Plants to 2 m ∅; stems grey-green, to 45 × 3 -
T: Angola, Moçamedes Distr. (Wel W witsch 4265 [K, 5 cm; Tu
T conical, arranged in 20 - 22 (-30) Ri, api-
G]). − D: SW Angola, NW Namibia. cally with a strong brown Sp 3 - 5 (-6) mm long;
[1] Plants 0.3 - 1 m ∅; stems conspicuously dull Inf groups of 1 - 3 Fl; Ped < 1 mm; Sep 2 - 2.5 ×
bluish- or violet-green, 30 - 220 × 3.5 - 11 cm; Tu basally 1.5 mm; Cl reddish-purple, turning to green-
laterally flattened, arranged in 14 - 18 Ri, apically ish towards the Fl bottom, (1.5-) 2 - 3 cm ∅, circu-
with a strong Sp 0.6 - 1 cm long; Inf groups of 1 - 4 lar, with a prominent central annulus; Cl lobes
Fl; Ped 2 - 4 mm, 3 - 4 mm ∅, elliptic in cross- broadly deltoid, acuminate, appressed to the stem,
section; Sep appressed to the Cl for their lower 1⁄3, 5 marginally slightly curved towards the outside, 5 - 7
- 6 mm, 3 mm broad at the almost cordate base, × basally 8 - 9 mm, outside smooth except the
spreading, tips reflexed; Cl outside whitish with weakly prominent venation, inside glabrous and
darker venation, inside yellow or brownish-orange densely papillate, papillae conical, to 0.5 mm long,
with dark (reddish) veins, 3 - 5.5 cm ∅, conically apically with an erect or horizontal dark purplish-
campanulate, ± 5-lobed, with a broadly cup-shaped black Bri, annulus 5 mm high, cup-shaped, enclos-
central depression; Cl lobes ± 1 cm, narrowed tip ing the Gy; Cn dark purplish-black, 4 × 5 - 6 mm,
area 5 - 7 mm × basally 2 - 2.7 cm, inside papillate, cup-shaped; Ci basally erect, divided into 2 spread-
papillae conical, apically with a Ha-like Bri to 3.5 ing teeth down to the middle, ± lanceolate, 1.5 mm
mm, annulus of 5 bulges along the margin of the long, recurved, with a longitudinal furrow;
f Cs lobes
central depression, ± 7 mm ∅; Cn sunken for 3 - 4 linear, blunt, ± 1 mm, occasionally surpassing the
mm, purplish-black, 2 - 2.5 × 4 - 4.5 mm; Ci basally Anth.
cup-shaped, ascending, divided into 2 deltoid or
blunt teeth down to the middle, 1 mm; Cs linear, H. pilifer
f a ssp. pilifera
f − D: RSA (Western Cape,
blunt, shorter than the Anth, dorsally attached to Eastern Cape: Little and S Great Karoo). Fig.
the Ci by a flat tissue crest. XXIII.d

Hoodialluma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

[2] Stems dark green or pale grey-green, to 80 × Sep 2 - 4 × 1 - 2 mm; Cl outside pale green, reddish
3 - 6 cm; Tu laterally slightly flattened, arranged in towards the tube, inside maroon, 2 - 4 cm ∅,
21 - 34 Ri, apically with a strong grey or brown Sp broadly campanulate, tube broadly conical, 6 - 8
5 - 9 mm long; Inf groups of 1 - 3 Fl with strong mm deep, 0.8 - 1 cm ∅, slightly thickened around
ffoetid odour; Ped 0.5 - 1.5 mm; Sep 2 - 3 mm; Cl and laterally touching the Gy; Cl lobes deltoid-
outside reddish-green, inside dark purplish- or pink- acuminate, basally slightly ovate, with slightly out-
ish-brown, 1.6 - 2 cm ∅, campanulate, with an as- wards-curved tips, lobes 0.8 - 1.4 × basally 0.9 - 1.4
cending annulus around the central cup-shaped cm, inside glabrous and papillate, papillae with a
depression; Cl lobes broadly deltoid, acuminate, slender spreading Bri; Cn dark purplish-black, ± 1
marginally slightly curved outwards, 4 - 6 × basally × 2.2 mm; Ci divided ± ffrom the base into 2 upright
6 - 7 mm, inside glabrous and papillate, papillae lobes, blunt, along their entire length laterally fused
blunt, apically with an acutely prolonged horizon- with and not surpassing the Cs; Cs lobes blunt, rect-
tally spreading Bri, central depression ofte f n angular, ± 1⁄2 as long as the Anth.
smooth, annulus 5-angled, 4 - 5 mm ∅; Cn sunken
ffor 2 - 2.5 mm, dark purplish-brown, basally red- H. triebneri (Nel) Bruyns (BJS 115(2): 222, 1993).
dish, 4 - 5 mm ∅; Ci basally cup-shaped, below the T: Namibia (Triebner s.n. in SUG 6020 [BOL]). −
middle divided into 2 teeth, 1 - 1.5 mm, dorsiven- D: W Namibia.
trally flattened, curved outwards or ± erect, spread- ≡T Trichocaulon triebneri Nel (1935); incl. Hoo-
ing; Cs lobes straightly rectangular, 0.5 - 1.5 mm, dia foetida
f Plowes (1992).
partly ascending over the Sty head and touching [2] Plants to 45 cm ∅; stems grey-green, to 30 ×
each other. 2.5 - 4 cm; Tu conical, arranged in 12 - 14 (-16) Ri,
apically with a pale Sp 5 - 6 mm long; Inf groups of
H. pilifera ssp. pillansii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns 6 - 12 Fl, some simultaneously opening on button-
(BJS 115(2): 238, 1993). T: RSA, Western Cape like persistent peduncles; Ped 3 - 4 mm, ± 1 mm ∅;
(Pillans 9 [K, BOL]). − D: RSA (Western Cape: Sep 2.2 - 2.5 × basally ± 1 mm; Cl outside reddish-
Great Karoo). Fig. XXIII.f green, inside blackish to reddish-purple (paler at the
≡ Trichocaulon pillansii N. E. Brown (1904); rim of the tube), 1.1 - 1.5 cm ∅, campanulate, with a
incl. Trichocaulon pillansii var. maj
a or N. E. Brown conical tube 3.5 - 4 mm deep, tube slightly thi-
(1904); incl. Trichocaulon grande N. E. Brown ckened around the Gy and touching its sides; Cl
(1909) ≡ Hoodia
H grandis (N. E. Brown) Plowes lobes deltoid-acuminate, sometimes with fine erect
(1992); incl. Hoodia colei Plowes (1992). tips, lobes 3 - 4.5 × basally 4 - 5 mm, Cl inside
[2] Plants to 50 cm ∅; stems grey-green, 30 (-60) glabrous, covered with obconical papillae apically
× 3 - 6 cm; Tu laterally slightly flattened, arranged ending in a slender spreading Bri; Cn as in H. H ru-
in 25 - 34 Ri, apically with a grey Sp 5 - 6 mm schii; Fr 10.5 cm.
long; Inf groups of 1 - 3 Fl with unpleasant slightly
fish-like odour; Ped 1 - 1.5 mm, 1 - 1.5 mm ∅; Sep
1.5 - 2.5 mm; Cl outside pale reddish-green, inside
pale yellow, greenish-yellow or pale reddish, 0.8 - 2
cm ∅, with a cup-shaped central depression with B. Müller & F. Albers
3.5 - 5 mm ∅, with slightly thickened margin,
×Hoodialluma G. D. Rowley (Repert. Pl. Succ. 27:
sometimes with a weak annulus; Cl lobes broadly
4, 1976).
deltoid, very acute, marginally often strongly re-
Incl. Hoodiopo sis C. A. Lückhoff (1933). T: Hoodi-
flexed, 3.5 - 9 × basally 3 - 7 mm, inside glabrous
opsis triebneri C. A. Lückhoff.
and papillate, papillae blunt, columnar, apically
= Hoodia × Orbea (CaraC lluma). The only hybrid
with a small horizontally spreading Bri; Cn sunken
which was former
f ly placed here, ×H. triebneri (C.
ffor 2 - 3 mm, yellow (paler than the Cl), 3 - 4 mm
A. Lückhoff) f G. D. Rowley, represents the cross
∅; Ci 1 - 2 mm long, otherwise as ssp. piliferar ; Cs
Hoodia gordonii × Orbea (Orbeopo sis) lutea ssp. va-
lobes 0.5 - 1 (-1.5) mm long, otherwise as ssp. pili-
ga (Bruyns 1993: 265-266).
f ra (however, only rarely touching each other ab-
ove the Sty head and ascending over the middle).

H. ruschii Dinter (RSN 30: 192, 1932). T: Nami- HOYA

bia (Rusch jr. s.n. in Dinter 7976 [BOL, B, G, PRE, C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers
S, Z]). − D: Namibia (E flank of the Tiras Mts.).
[2] Stems brownish or grey-green, very stout, 45 Hoya R. Brown (Prodr., 459, 1810). T: Asclep e ias
- 50 × 4 - 6 cm; Tu conical, laterally flattened, ar- carnosa Linné. − Lit: Rintz (1978); Forster & Lid-
ranged in 22 - 28 Ri, apically with a stiff Sp 6 - 8 dle (1990); Forster & Liddle (1992); Forster & al.
mm long; Inf groups of 4 - 10 Fl with extremely (1998). D: Asia ffrom Pakistan, India, Bangladesh
f id odour, on button-like persistent peduncles,
foet and Bhutan to tropical SE Asia, Papua New Guinea,
opening simultaneously; Ped 2 - 4 mm, 2 mm ∅; Australia, Japan and numerous Pacific Islands.

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoya

Etym: For Thomas Hoy (†1821), gardener at Syon sector. Of the over 300 species described, not more
House, England. than 200 species may be recognized. A generic re-
Incl. Sperlingia Va V hl (1810). T: Sper
S lingia verti- vision has never been published. Typical of these
cillata Vahl.
V easily cultivated plants are their often large, leath-
Incl. Schollia J. Jacquin (1811). T: Schollia crassi- ery to succulent leaves with a shining surface, as
folia J. Jacquin. well as the large flowers in pseudo-umbellate inflo-
Incl. Physoste
h lma Wight (1834). T: Physostelma rescences, which make them popular among plant-
wallichii Wight. lovers. The available infragener
f ic concept with
Incl. Pterostelma Wight (1834). T: Pterostelma some 24 sections is insufficient and problematic,
acuminata t Wight. and a generic subdivision is therefore omitted here.
Incl. Centrostemma Decaisne (1838). T: Hoya In the following account, only those ± succulent
iflorra Blume. species are treated that are most worth cultivating.
Incl. Cyrtoceras Bennett (1838). T: C Cyrtoceras re-
f exum Bennett.
fl H. anulata Schlechter (Nachtr. Fl. Schutzgeb. Süd-
Incl. Cystidianthus Hasskarl (1842). T: H Hoya cam- see, 362, 1905). T: Papua New Guinea, Madang
panulata t Blume. Prov. (Schlechter 14185 [B ?, BM]). − D: Indone-
Incl. Plocostemma Blume (1849). T: Plocostemma sia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea, Australia
lasiantha Korthals ex Blume. (Queensland). I: White (1928); Forster & Liddle
Incl. Acanthostemma Blume (1850). T: Ho H ya rum- (1990). Fig. XXIV.V.b
phii Blume [Lectotype, designated by Pfe f iffer
f Incl. Hoya schlechteriana S. Moore (1916); incl.
1871-74 (cf. P. V. Heath, Calyx 2(4): 135, 1992, Hoya poolei C. T. White & Francis (1928); incl.
& l.c. 3(2): 50, 1993).]. Hoya pseudolittoralis C. Norman (1937); incl. Ho-
Incl. Cathetostemma Blume (1850). T: Hoya lauri- ya alata K. D. Hill (1988).
f a Decaisne.
foli Epiphytic, rarely epilithic; stems twining, terete,
Incl. Otostemma Blume (1850). T: Ho H ya lacunosa to 5 mm ∅, glabrous or rarely scatteredly hairy; L
Blume. petiole 2 - 12 × 2 - 4 mm, lamina ovate, obovate or
Incl. Eriostemma (Schlechter) Kloppenburg & Gil- rhombic, 3 - 9.5 × 2 - 5 cm, fleshy, pale green to
ding (2001). T: H Hoya coronaria Blume. bronze, glabrous, acuminate, base cordate to round,
Plants epiphytic, epilithic, rarely rooting in the margins revolute; Inf to 12-flowered, pendent, ped-
ground, creeping, climbing, pendent, left-tw f ining, uncle 4 - 9 × ± 0.2 cm, glabrous; Fl 3 - 4 × 12 - 13
rarely ± shrubby, latex white, rarely clear; R fi f br- mm ∅; Ped 16 - 25 × 1 mm, glabrous or sparsely
ous; stems terete, ± sparsely branched, glabrous to hairy; Sep triangular-ovate, 1 mm, acute; Cl star-
pubescent; L decussate or very rarely alternate, shaped and spreading, 1.5 cm ∅, pale pink to almost
with a ± long petiole, lamina lanceolate to obcord- white, basally ± reddish; Cl lobes triangular, 4 - 5 ×
ate, entire, leathery, fleshy to succulent; Inf race- 5 mm, acute, slightly revolute, outside glabrous, in-
mose, occasionally with part-Inf, lateral or rarely side densely pubescent; Cn 2 × 6 - 7 mm, yellow,
terminal, 1- to many-flowered, globose to flat, ra- pale pink to dark red; Cs lobes elongate-linear, 3 ×
rely with a peduncle > 10 cm long; Fl 5-merous, ac- 1 - 1.5 mm, outer appendage acute, inner appendage
tinomorphic; Ped all of equal size and ± straight or acuminate, ascending, oftenf darker than the outer
length variable within an Inf and ± bent; Cl star- appendage; Anth appendage ± 0.5 × 0.5 mm, acute;
shaped and spreading, campanulate to almost Sty head ± 1 mm ∅; Poll erect, elongate, 0.35 - 0.4
broadly urceolate, outside glabrous, inside rarely × ± 0.15 mm, corpuscle elongate, 0.13 - 0.14 × 0.06
glabrous; Cl lobes ± connate, often ± strongly re- - 0.1 mm, tan-coloured, caudicles winged, 0.1 - 0.13
fflexed, wax-like, fleshy; Cn uniseriate, staminal; Cs × 0.1 - 0.13 mm; Fr fus
f iform,
f 7 - 14 × 0.7 - 1.2 cm.
lobes ± horizontal, fleshy, canaliculate on the lower
fface, with outer and inner appendages, the latter ± H. archboldiana C. Norman (Brittonia 2: 328,
incumbent on the Anth; Gy sessile or stipitate; Sty 1937). T: Papua New Guinea, Central Prov. (Brass
head ± flat, covered by the Anth appendages; Poll 3621 [NY]). − D: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea.
erect, elongate to ovate, outer margin with or with- I: Forster & al. (1995).
out germination crest, caudicles not winged or Stems terete, up to several m long, corky with
broadly winged, corpuscle elongate or rhombic; Fr age, glabrous; L petiole 1.4 - 2 mm long, lower face
narrowly fusiform to ovoid, smooth or rough; Se canaliculate, glabrous, ± 4 mm ∅, lamina lanceo-
linear to ovate, flattened, with a tuftf of white Ha late-ovate to lanceolate-elliptic, 16 × 7 cm, ±
(coma). fleshy, upper face shining dark green, lower face
The genus Hoy H a is among the best-known as- pale green, glabrous, acute, with a cordate base; pe-
clepiads, owing to H H. lanceolata ssp. bella and H. duncle 2.5 - 3 × 3 mm, glabrous; Fl 1.8 - 2 × 4 - 4.7
carnosa ("Wax Flower", "Wax Plant"), both cultiv- cm ∅; Ped 4.5 - 5.5 × 1.8 - 2 mm, glabrous; Sep
ated all over the world. The distribution area of the lanceolate-ovate, 3 - 4.5 × 4 - 4.1 mm, glabrous; Cl
genus stretches ffrom Pakistan to New Caledonia lobes triangular, 13 - 14 × 18 - 19 mm, revolute,
and the Fiji Islands with a centre in the Malesian margin slightly involute; Cn 10 - 11 × 17 - 18 mm,

Hoya Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann,
m R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

pink; Cs lobes ± placed against the Cl, elongate- ≡HHoya rupicola K. D. Hill (1988).
lanceolate, 2.5 - 2.7 × 3.5 - 3.6 mm, outer appendage Differs
f ffrom ssp. australis: Stems not climbing;
± obtuse, inner appendage acute, ascending; Anth L very succulent, margin not strongly revolute, den-
appendage lanceolate, ± 2 × 1.5 mm; Sty head glob- sely hairy.
ose-depressed, 2.5 - 3 mm ∅; Poll narrowly elong-
ate, ± 1.6 × 0.4 mm, corpuscle ovate, ± 0.75 × 0.4 H. australis ssp. sanae (L. H. Bailey) K. D. Hill
mm, caudicles ± 0.4 × 0.2 mm, winged. (Telopea 3(2): 251, 1988). T: Australia, Queens-
Closely allied to H. macgillivrayi.i.i Both present land (Anonymus
A s.n. [BRI (holo ?)]). − D: Austra-
large red campanulate flowers and narrowly lanceo- lia (Queensland). I: Forster (1991).
late coronal lobes. ≡ Ho
H ya sanae L. H. Bailey (1897).
Differs from ssp. australis: L succulent, < 5 cm
H. australis R. Brown ex TTraill (Trans. Hort. Soc. long, margin strongly revolute, sparsely to densely
London 7: 28, 1830). T: Australia, Queensland hairy.
(Banksk & Solander s.n. [BM (Herb. R. Brown),
NSW]). − Lit: Forster (1991). D: Indonesia, Au- H. australis ssp. tenuipes (K. D. Hill) P. I. Forster
stralia, Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, & Liddle (Austrobaileya 3(3): 512, 1991). T: Au-
Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu. stralia, Queensland (Wallac
W e 83252 [NSW, BRI, K,
L]). − D: Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Gui-
H. australis ssp. australis − D: Australia (Queens- nea, Australia (Queensland), Fiji, Solomon Islands,
land, New South Wales), Samoa, Vanuatu. I: Fors- T
ter (1991). Fig. XXIV. V.d ≡ HHoya oligotricha ssp. tenuipes
i K. D. Hill
Incl. Ho
H ya dalry
r mpleana F. Mueller (1861); incl. (1988); incl. Gymnema recurvif ifolium Blume
H ya pilosa Seemann (1861); incl. Ho
Ho H ya keysii L. (1850); incl. Ho
H ya bicarinata A. Gray (1862); incl.
H. Bailey (1884); incl. Hoya pubescens Reinecke H ya barrackii Horne (1881); incl. Ho
Ho H ya papillan-
(1898); incl. Hoya oligotricha K. D. Hill (1988). tha K. Schumann (1898); incl. Hoya lactea S.
Plants climbing; stems twining, terete, succulent, Moore (1911).
± woody when old, glabrous or hairy when young; Differs
f ffrom ssp. australis: L leathery, margin
L 2 cm petiolate, lamina elliptic, narrowly ovate, not strongly revolute, glabrous or scatteredly to
elongate, ovate or rounded, to 15 × 12 cm, suc- sparsely hairy.
culent, fleshy to leathery, sparsely to densely hairy,
acute, shortly acuminate or acuminate, base H. benguetensis Schlechter (Philipp. J. Sci. 1: 301,
rounded, cordate, obtuse or cuneate, margin weakly 1906). T: Philippines, Luzon (Elmer 15979 [not lo-
revolute; Inf to 50-flowered, pendent; peduncle 1 - cated]). − D: Philippines. Fig. XXIV.V.c
3 cm, glabrous or hairy; Ped 2 - 4 cm; Sep ovate to Stems twining, filiform,
f terete, branched, spar-
triangular, 1 - 5 × 1 - 3 mm, sparsely to densely sely leafy,
f glabrous; L with a fleshy petiole 5 - 8
hairy; Cl 1 - 2.5 cm ∅, white to cream-coloured, mm long, lamina elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 6 - 10 ×
red at the base; Cl lobes ovate, 5 - 10 × 3 - 7 mm, 2.5 - 4 cm, thickly leathery, glabrous, acuminate;
acute, margin revolute; Cn cream-coloured; Cs Inf many-flowered, pendulous; peduncle either
lobes ovate, 1.2 - 3.5 × 1 - 2.5 mm, upper face con- short or to 7.5 cm; Ped filiform,
f 1 - 1.3 cm, thin,
cave, lower fface canaliculate, outer appendage ± glabrous; Sep ovate, ± 2 mm, obtuse, glabrous; Cl
rounded, inner appendage acute; Sty head conical; star-shaped and spreading, ± 1 cm ∅, yellowish or
Poll elongate, ± 0.7 × 0.3 mm, corpuscle ovate- reddish, outside glabrous, inside minutely mealy-
oblong, ± 0.35 × 0.2 mm, caudicles winged; Fr fusi- papillose; Cl lobes ovate, 3 mm, acute; Cs lobes
fform, 9 - 13.5 × 1 - 1.5 cm; Se elongate, 5 - 7 × 2 - 3 reddish, outer appendage obtuse, weakly ascending,
mm, tan-coloured, tuft of Ha 2.5 - 3 cm. inner appendage obtusely rostrate, upper fac f e
keeled in ± the upper 1⁄2; Poll obliquely clavate,
H. australis ssp. oramicola P. I. Forster & Liddle translator very small, corpuscle rhombic.
(Austrobaileya 3(3): 516, 1991). T: Australia, Nor-
thern Territory (Russell-Smith & Lucas 5812 H. bilobata Schlechter (Philipp. J. Sci. 1: 301-302,
[DNA]). − D: Australia (Northern Territory). I: 1906). T: Philippines, Mindanao (Cop o eland 420
Forster (1991). [B]). − D: Philippines.
f ffrom ssp. australis: L succulent, > 5 cm Stems branched, terete, densely leafy f , faintly pu-
long, margin strongly revolute, sparsely to densely bescent; L with a fleshy petiole ± 3 mm long, lami-
hairy. na broadly elliptic to subcircular, 1.7 - 2.2 × 1.3 - 1.8
cm, obtuse, leathery, glabrous; Inf ± 20-flowered,
H. australis ssp. rupicola (K. D. Hill) P. I. Forster pendent; peduncle 1 - 3 cm, terete, glabrous; Fl
& Liddle (Austrobaileya 3(3): 514, 1991). T: Au- very small; Ped to 8 mm, filiform, ± yellowish,
stralia, Northern Territory (Fox F 2548 [NSW, glabrous; Sep elongate, to 1 mm, obtuse, glabrous;
CANB, DNA, NT]). − D: Australia (Western Aust- Cl button-shaped, dark pink, outside glabrous, in-
ralia, Northern Territory). I: Forster (1991). side densely shortly papillose; Cl lobes ovate, ± 1.5

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoya

mm, obtuse, strongly revolute; outer appendage of the spreading corolla and ffrom HH. australis by the
the Cs lobes whitish, bifid, inner appendage obtuse, corolla being more or less glabrous inside.
weakly ascending, dark pink, depressed in the
middle; Poll cylindrical, elongate, translator very H. calycina ssp. glabrifolia P. I. Forster & Liddle
short, corpuscle minute, rhombic. (Austrobaileya 3(4): 633, 1992). T: Indonesia, Iri-
an Jaya (Brass 13465 [BRI, A, BO, L]). − D: Indo-
H. bordenii Schlechter (Philipp. J. Sci. 1: 302, nesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea.
1906). T: Philippines, Luzon (Bord r en 1213 [B]). − Differs
f ffrom ssp. calycina
l : L glabrous or scatte-
D: Philippines. Fig. XXIV.V.e redly hairy on the lower face; Sep and Cl outside
Stems twining, filiform, branched, sparsely leafy
f , glabrous or scatteredly hairy.
glabrous; L with a fleshy petiole 1.5 - 2 cm long, la-
mina flat, lanceolate-elongate or narrowly elliptic, H. carnosa (Linné fi f l.) R. Brown (Prodr., 459,
11 - 18 × 2.5 - 4.5 cm, acuminate, leathery, glabr- 1810). − D: India, S China, Japan, Taiwan, Austra-
ous; Inf pendent; peduncle 3 - 5 cm, terete, glabr- lia (Queensland), Fiji. I: Eggli (1994: 160).
ous; Ped filiform,
f 2.7 cm, very slender, glabrous; ≡ Asclep f . (1781) ≡ Schollia
e ias carnosa Linné fil
Sep ovate, ± 1.5 mm, obtuse, basally faintly pubes- f .) Schrank ex Steudel (s.a.) ≡ Cy-
carnosa (Linné fil C
cent; Cl star-shaped, ± 1 cm ∅, deeply red, outside nanchum carnosum (Linné fil.) hort. ex Decaisne
glabrous, inside sparsely minutely tuberculate- (1844) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c); incl. Hoya carnosa
papillose; Cl lobes ovate, acute, ± strongly revol- var. compactat hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 32.1c);
ute; Cs lobes narrowly elliptic, acute, flat, with an incl. Ho
H ya carnosa var. marmorata hort. (s.a.)
elongate hump along the middle; Anth appendage (nom. inval., Art. 32.1c); incl. Ho H ya carnosa var.
narrowly falcate, margin cartilaginous; Poll cylind- variegata de Vries (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 32.1c);
rical, obliquely elongate, translator very short, cor- a elia chinensis Loureiro (1790) ≡ Schollia
incl. Stap
puscle rhombic, minute. chinensis (Loureiro) Jacquin (1811) ≡ Hoya chinen-
sis (Loureiro) Traill (1830); incl. Schollia crassififo-
H. calycina Schlechter (BJS 50: 125, 1913). T: Pa- lia Jacquin (1811) ≡ H Hoya crassiifolia (Jacquin) Ha-
pua New Guinea, Madang Prov. (Schlechter 17510 worth (1812); incl. H Hoya rotundifolia Siebold
[B, BRI [photo]]). − D: Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Pa- (1840); incl. Hoya variegata Siebold ex Morren
pua New Guinea. (1846); incl. Hoya picta Hort (1853); incl. Hoy H a
motoskei Teiji smann & Binnendij i k (1855); incl. Ho-
H. calycina ssp. calycina − D: Papua New Guinea. ya carnosa var. japonica Siebold ex Maximowicz
I: Forster & Liddle (1992). (1870); incl. Hoya intermedia A. C. Smith (1942);
Stems climbing, twining, terete, several m long, 6 incl. Hoya carnosa var. gushanica W. Xu (1989).
mm ∅, little branched, corky when old, glabrous or Stems weakly succulent, pale grey, smooth, glab-
sparsely to densely hairy; L petiole 12 - 30 × 1.5 - rous; L 1 - 1.5 cm petiolate, lamina broadly ovate-
3.5 mm, lower face faintly grooved, lamina flat, el- cordate, ovate or ovate-elongate, 3.5 - 13 × 3 - 5 cm,
liptic to elliptic-ovate, 16 - 20 × 9 cm, ± finel f y thick, fleshy, obtuse or acuminate, base rounded to
acuminate, base rounded, cuneate or weakly cord- slightly cordate; Inf to 30-flowered, pendent or ±
ate, upper fface glabrous or sparsely pubescent, lo- erect; peduncle to 4 cm; Ped 2 - 4 cm, reddish, pu-
wer fface shortly tomentose to velvety; Inf ± 7 cm bescent; Sep elongate; Cl 1.5 - 2 cm ∅, fleshy, whi-
long, 10-flowered, erect; Bra triangular to lanceo- tish; Cl lobes broadly ovate or triangular, margin
late, 0.8 - 1 × 0.5 - 1 mm; peduncle 6 - 50 × 3 - 7 revolute, inside densely papillose; Cn white; Cs
mm, ± hairy; Fl 9 - 10 × 18 - 28 mm; Ped 24 - 44 × lobes ovate-lanceolate, upper face convex, outer ap-
1.6 - 2 mm, ± hairy; Sep lanceolate to lanceolate- pendage acute, inner appendage acute, reddish; Fr
ovate, 2.8 - 5 × 1.2 - 3 mm, outside sparsely to den- f
fusiform, 6 - 10 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm; Se narrow, tuft f of
sely hairy; Cl campanulate to spreading and star- Ha 2.5 cm.
shaped, white, basally ± red to purple, outside Widely cultivated. There are numerous named
sparsely to densely hairy; Cl lobes lanceolate-ovate, cultivars, e.g. showing leaves spotted with silver-
acute, 7 - 13 × 4 - 9 mm, along margin and outside grey or leaves variegated with gold, or irregularly
± hairy; Cl tube 3 - 5.4 × 8 - 14 mm, glabrous; Cn 4 undulate leaves (see Clark (1996) for a list).
- 4.3 × 7 - 13 mm; Cs lobes ovate, outer appendage
round, inner appendage acuminate, ascending; H. caudata Hooker fil. (Fl. Brit. India 4: 60, 1883).
Anth appendage lanceolate, ± 0.8 - 1.7 mm; Sty T: Malaysia (Maingay 1128 [K]). − D: Malaysia
head depressed-globose, 1.5 - 1.9 mm ∅; Poll ob- (Malacca), S Thailand. I: Rintz (1978). Fig.
long, ± 1.1 × 0.4 mm; caudicles cylindrical, XXIV.V.f
unwinged, ± 0.3 × 0.07 mm, corpuscle ovate, ± 0.6 Incl. Hoya crassif
ifolia Ridley (1912) (nom. illeg.,
× 0.4 mm. Art. 53.1); incl. Hoya
H f
flagellata Kerr (1940).
According to Forster & Liddle (1992) closely re- Stems twining, 0.25 - 0.5 mm ∅, deep red when
lated to H
H. albifl
i ora (here not treated) as well as to young and densely hairy; L with a thick petiole ±
H. australis. H
H H. callycina diffe
f rs from H. albif
iflora by 0.6 mm long, villose, becoming glabrous with age,

Hoya Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann,
m R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

lamina ovate to elongate-ovate, 4 - 15 × 2.5 - 7 cm, cm, slightly fleshy, ± acuminate, base obtuse; Inf 5-
thick, rigid, acuminate, base cordate, margin oftenf to 10-flowered; peduncle 1 - 4.5 cm, glabrous or
strongly wrinkled; Inf 1- to 10-flowered, concave, f
faintl y pubescent; Ped 0.8 - 2 cm, thin, glabrous or
pendent; peduncle bent, 2 - 3 cm, thin; Ped bent, 0.5 sparsely pale-pubescent; Sep triangular, ± 1 mm,
- 3 cm, thin, rigid, glabrous; Sep linear-lanceolate, membranous, margin ciliate; Cl 1.1 - 1.6 cm ∅,
0.13 - 0.19 mm, glabrous; Cl spreading, ± 1.3 cm ∅; yellowish-green, rarely reddish at the base, inside
Cl lobes ovate, caudate, pale pink, inside pubescent, densely velvety; Cl lobes triangular to ovate, 4 - 6 ×
with long fef lt-like marginal Ha; Cs lobes elliptic- 4 - 6 mm, acute, thin, margin often revolute; Cs
ovate, outer appendage ± rounded, deep or pale red, lobes elongate, 3 - 4.2 × 1.6 - 1.8 mm, upper face
inner appendage acute, white or deep red; Anth ap- flat, lower face rounded, outer appendage obtuse,
pendage long and whip-like, 4 - 5 mm, white; Poll inner appendage acuminate, ascending, dark pink;
cylindrical, elongate, ± 0.5 mm, caudicles broadly Poll 0.5 - 0.6 mm.
winged; Fr terete, 7.5 - 10 × ± 0.4 cm, apically
f intly striped, smooth; Se flat, ± 5 × 0.75
narrower, fa H. diversifol
f ia Blume (Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind., 1064,
mm, tuft
f of Ha white. 1826). T: Indonesia, Java (Zollin
Z ger 2581 [KW,
A striking ffeature are the very long appendages P]). − D: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, S Vietnam,
of the anthers (but see also H
H. imbricata). Malaysia, Singapore, S Thailand, Indonesia (Bor-
neo, Java, Sumatra). I: Rintz (1978). Fig. XXV. Vc
H. cinnamomifol f ia Hooker (CBM 1848: t. 4347 + Incl. Sussuela esculenta Rumphius (1747) ≡ Ho-
text, 1848). − D: Indonesia (Java). Fig. XXV.
V.b ya esculenta
t (Rumphius) Tsiang (1936); incl. Ho H ya
Stems twining, terete, to 3 m, glabrous; L rather orbiculata
t Wallich ex Wight (1834); incl. Ho H ya
shortly and thickly petiolate, lamina ovate or ov- crassip
i es Tu
T rczaninow (1848); incl. HoH ya zollinge-
ate-elongate, 5 - 7 × 3 cm, fleshy to leathery, riana Miquel (1856).
acuminate, margin slightly revolute; Inf many- Stems twining, robust, brown, smooth; L with a
flowered, semiglobose to globose; peduncle ± 3 cm; thick petiole 0.7 - 2 cm long, lamina elliptic to ob-
Cl thickly fleshy, yellow-green, glabrous; Cl lobes ovate, ± 13 × 5 cm, dull, very fleshy, glabrous, ac-
broadly ovate, acute, strongly revolute; Cn ± flat, ute or obtuse, base cuneate; Inf 1- to 20-flowered,
deep purple to dark red; Cs lobes ovate, acute, up- convex, erect; peduncle 3.5 cm, rigid; Ped ± 2 cm;
per face ± keeled along the middle. Sep elliptic, obtuse, usually ciliate at the tip; Cl ±
1.3 cm ∅, pale pink, inside densely pubescent; Cl
H. crassicaulis Elmer ex Kloppenburg (Fraterna lobes ovate, obtuse; Cn flat, dark pink; Cs lobes
1995(3): 10-13, ills., 1996). T: Philippines, Luzon broadly ovate, depressed in the middle, lower facef
(Elmer 14440 [BO, UC]). − D: Philippines. canaliculate, outer appendage rounded, inner ap-
Epiphytic; stems twining, terete, 5 mm ∅, robust, pendage acute; Anth appendage acute, membran-
branched, slightly woody, yellowish-brown, glabr- ous; Poll elongate, ± 0.75 mm, winged; Fr ± 14 ×
ous; L with a thick petiole 1.5 - 5 cm long, fleshy, 0.6 cm.
canaliculate on the lower face, brownish, glabrous,
lamina elliptic to ovate-elongate, 10 - 17 × 5 - 8 cm, H. eitapensis Schlechter (BJS 50: 109, 1913). T:
leathery, upper face
f ± shining, glabrous, acute to Papua New Guinea (Schlechter 19964 [B]). − D:
acuminate, strongly revolute at the tip, base broadly Papua New Guinea.
cuneate, rounded or weakly cordate, margin often f Stems twining, branched, filiform, sparsely leafy f ,
slightly revolute; Inf 60- to 125-flowered, globose; glabrous; L with a petiole ± 2 mm long, erect and
peduncle ascending, ± 5 cm, with minute papillae or flat, lamina elliptic, 3 - 5 × 1.2 - 2 cm, fleshy, glabr-
Gl, ochre-brown; Ped ffiliform, 1.5 - 2.5 cm, pale ous, ± obtuse, base cuneate; Inf 20- to 35-flowered;
yellowish-brown; Sep narrowly elongate, 1.5 mm, peduncle ± 5 cm; Ped to 2 cm, very thin, apically ±
acute, apically reddish-brown, outside sparsely cili- very shortly hairy; Sep ovate-triangular, 1.75 mm, ±
ate or glabrous; Cl ± 1 cm ∅, deep yellow; Cl lobes obtuse, ± shortly hairy; Cl disc-shaped, 8 mm ∅,
rhombic-ovate, acute, strongly revolute, reddish, yellowish-white; Cl lobes ovate, acute with revol-
glabrous; Cn ± 4 × 2 mm, flat, pale yellow; Cs ute tips, outside glabrous, inside ± very shortly pa-
lobes ovate-elongate, outer appendage acute, inner pillose to weakly pubescent; Cs lobes flat, elongate,
appendage acute, weakly keeled on the upper face f ; 2 mm, inner appendage slightly ascending, acumin-
Fr terete, elongate, 9 - 12 × 0.4 cm; Se flat
f , 3-5 ate, outer appendage ± obtuse; Poll cylindrical, ob-
mm, pale brown, tuftf of Ha dull white. long, apically weakly falcate, translator very short,
corpuscle rhombic, minute.
H. diptera Seemann (Bonplandia 9: 257, 1861). T:
i i Islands (Seemann 320 [BM, BU, GH]). − D:
Fij H. elliptica Hooker fil. (Fl. Brit. India 4: 58, 1885).
Fiji (Viti Levu, Taviuni). T: Malaysia, Malacca (Ma M ingay 3286 [K]). − D:
Stems thin, glabrous or ± fa
f intly hairy; L with a Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand. I: Rintz (1978).
rugose petiole 5 - 15 mm long, lamina elliptic, ov- Stems twining, terete, pale, glabrous; L petiole 5
ate-elliptic or narrowly elongate, 3.5 - 8 × 1 - 3.2 - 7 mm, flat, lamina elliptic, 4.5 - 10 × 2.5 - 4.5 cm,

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoya

± fleshy, pale, glabrous, obtuse, base obtuse, margin papillose when young, acute, base cuneate; Inf 1- to
firm, slightly revolute; Inf 1- to 30-flowered, con- 40-flowered, convex, erect; peduncle 2 - 3 cm; Ped
vex, erect; peduncle ± 2.5 cm, thick, pink; Ped 2.5 2.5 cm, very thin, rigid, ± blotched with red; Cl 6
- 5 cm, thin, pink, slightly pubescent; Sep ovate- mm ∅, white to yellow, lobes tipped deep red,
elongate, ± 2 mm, obtuse, pale pink, slightly pubes- inside finely pubescent; Cl lobes ovate, acute,
cent; Cl 1.5 - 2 cm ∅, white, outside glabrous, in- strongly revolute; Cn white; Cs lobes ovate, outer
side sparsely pubescent; Cl lobes obcordate, finely appendage ovate-acute, ascending, inner appendage
acuminate; Cs lobes very narrowly ovate-elongate, short, acute; Anth appendage rounded, short, mem-
obtuse, white, outer appendage bladder-like, ascen- branous; Poll elongately falcate, obtuse, winged,
ding, apically narrowly keeled, inner appendage caudicles very short, thick, corpuscle conical; Fr 12
shortly subulate; Anth appendage acute, membran- × 0.6 cm; Se cylindrical, 0.75 cm.
ous; Sty head flat, humped in the centre; Poll el-
ongate-falcate, winged, caudicles thick, corpuscle H. fuscomarg
f inata N. E. Brown (BMI 1910: 278,
very large, lower face
f flat, 2-winged; Fr 15 - 20 × 1910). − D: Only known ffrom cultivation. Fig.
0.5 cm, often pale pink. XXV.Va
Stems robust, ± woody with age; L petiole 2.5 -
H. engleriana Hosseus (Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. 4.5 × 0.7 cm, ash-grey, lamina ovate-lanceolate, 17
Berlin 4: 315, ill., 1907). T: Thailand (Hosseus s.n. - 22 × 7 - 8 cm, thickly fleshy, acute or abruptly
[not located]). − D: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, acuminate, base obtuse or slightly cuneate, green
Thailand. with darker margins, glabrous; Inf many-flowered;
Stems partially pendent, filiform,
f branched, ± peduncle 3.5 - 4.5 × 0.25 cm, sparsely minutely pu-
densely leafy, pubescent; L shortly or very shortly bescent; Sep ovate, 1 mm, acute, sparsely minutely
petiolate, petiole with a leaf cushion, lamina nar- pubescent; Cl star-shaped and spreading, 1.2 - 1.3
rowly ovate-lanceolate, 1.5 × 0.4 cm, convex, cm ∅, yellowish-brown, yellowish-green or pale
slightly fleshy, upper face waxy, dark green, pink, glabrous; Cl lobes ovate, 5 × 5 mm, acumin-
white-pubescent, margins recurved; Inf terminal, ate, apically revolute; Cs lobes narrowly ovate, 3.5
usually 4-flowered, shortly or very shortly pedun- mm, outer appendage narrowly acute, darker, inner
culate; Fl pleasantly perfume
f d; Ped ± 5 mm, hairy; appendage acute, ascending.
Cl star-shaped and spreading, 1.5 cm ∅, fleshy, A widely cultivated species of dubious origin.
white, outside glabrous, inside densely shortly tu-
berculate-pubescent; Cl lobes broadly ovate-trian - H. globulosa Hooker fi f l. (Gard. Chron., ser. nov. 7:
gular, ± acuminate, margin slightly revolute; Cn 732, fig. 115, 1882). T [lecto]: India, Sikkim (Hoo-
pink to violet; outer appendage of the Cs lobes ob- ker Hoya no. 32 [BM, K]). − D: India (Sikkim-
tuse, becoming darker towards the tips, inner ap- Himalaya). Fig. XXV. V.e
pendage acuminate, bent upwards, apically darker. Stems robust, woody, ± long-hairy; L 1.3 - 2.5 cm
Closely related to HH. linearis, which exhibits a si- petiolate, lamina elliptic or elongate, 12 - 17.5 × 5 -
milar white corolla and linear-lanceolate though 9 cm, leathery, hairy, acuminate, base rounded; Inf
longer leaves. globose, pendent; peduncle 7.5 - 10 cm; Ped 2.5 cm,
whitish, villose; Sep round; Cl 1.3 cm ∅, yellowish
H. erythrostemma Kerr (BMI 1939: 460, 1939). or cream-coloured; Cl lobes short, revolute, inside
T: Thailand, Surat (Kloss 6909 [K]). − D: Myan- glabrous; Cn basally pink; Cs lobes broadly ellip-
mar, Malaysia, S Thailand. I: Rintz (1978). tic, outer appendage round, inner appendage erect,
Stems twining; L elliptic, 8 - 9 × 2.5 - 3 cm, acute; Anth appendage large, broad; Fr cylindrical,
fleshy, acute, base cuneate; Inf 1- to 30-flowered, 30 - 40 cm, slender; Se ± 7 mm, thin.
convex, ± erect; peduncle horizontal, rigid, 3 - 4
cm; Ped rigid, ± 2 cm; Cl ± 1 cm ∅, white to pale H. heuschkeliana Kloppenburg (Hoyan 11(1: Part
pink, inside long-hairy, Ha long; Cl lobes strongly 2): i-iii, ills., 1989). T: Philippines, Luzon (Pancho
revolute; Cn fflat, deep red; Cs lobes very narrowly 2175 [CAHP, UC]). − Lit: Meve (2001). D: Phi-
elliptic, thin, outer and inner appendages acute; Poll lippines (Luzon). Fig. XXV. V.f
± 0.5 mm, winged, caudicles ± 0.13 mm, corpuscle Epiphytic, climbing on tree trunks, latex white;
ovoid, ± 0.2 mm; Fr ± 14 × 0.4 cm. stems procumbent-creeping, green, cylindrical,
wiry, 1 - 2 mm ∅, with scattered decumbent Ha,
H. finla
f ysonii Wight (Contr. Bot. India, 38, 1834). with adventitious R, richly branching; L 3 - 5 mm
T: Malaysia, Malacca (Wight s.n. [K]). − D: My- petiolate, broadly ovate to elliptic, 2 - 5 × 1 - 2.2
anmar, S Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia (Borneo, cm, upper facef dark green, lower fface paler, usually
Sumatra). I: Rintz (1978). slightly convex, base obtuse to cuneate, succulent to
Stems twining, robust, pale brown; L with a thick leathery, marginally with scattered Ha; Inf globose,
petiole 0.6 - 13 cm long, lamina elliptic, 21 × 6 cm, 2- to 7-flowered, inserted extra-axillary on the lo-
thick, rigid, venation conspicuously prominent, up- wer face of the stems; peduncle 2 - 3 mm, with
per face greenish-red, lower face dark red, minutely scattered appressed Ha; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Sep deltoid,

Hoya Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann,
m R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

± 1.2 mm; Fl with ample nectar, with dull-sweetish rounded to cordate; Inf many-flowered, erect, con-
scent esp. in late afternoon;
f Cl depressedly glob- cave; peduncle ± 10 cm, glabrous; Ped variable in
ose-urceolate, ± 3.5 - 4 × 5 - 7 mm, outside length, ± bent, green, glabrous; Sep narrowly ellip-
glabrous, inside finely papillose; Cl tube cream- tic, very acute, glabrous; Cl 8 - 10 mm ∅, cream-
coloured; Cl lobes triangular, ± 2.5 × 2.5 mm, coloured; Cl lobes thin, very finely acuminate,
acute, erect-connivent except for the completely re- strongly revolute, outside glabrous, inside very den-
curved pinkish tips, margins slightly recurved, sely and finely hairy; outer appendages of the Cs
pinkish; Cn yellowish; Cn lobes lanceolate, ± 3 × lobes narrowly rounded, ± flat, inner appendages el-
1.2 mm, ascending at 45°, lower fface canaliculate, liptic, steeply ascending, white; Anth appendage
basally winged, bifid, dorsal proj o ection apron- ffar overtopping the Cn, acuminate; Fr fus f iform
f ,
shaped, inner projo ection acute, erect, ± connivent straight to slightly bent, acute, glabrous; Se narrow,
above the conical Sty head; Poll rounded-rectangu- 7 mm, brown, tuft of Ha < 14 mm.
lar, ± 0.25 × 0.14 mm, corpuscle rhomboid, ± 0.25 × See note under H. caudata
d .
0.1 mm, caudicles short, ± cylindrical; Fr and Se
not known. H. inconspicua Hemsley (BMI 1894: 213, 1894).
This small-leaved Ho H ya possesses an urceolate T: Solomon Islands ((A (Anonymus
A s.n. [K]). − D: Au-
corolla that is otherwise typical for the genus Di- stralia (Queensland), Solomon Islands, Papua New
schidia. Because of the corona, which has the typi- Guinea. I: Forster & Liddle (1990). Fig. XXVI.b
cal morphology of Ho H ya species, it cannot be Incl. Hoya
H litoralis Schlechter (1905); incl. Hoya
f d with that genus. − [U. Meve]
confuse dodecatheiflf ora
r Fosberg (1940).
Epiphytic; stems ± twining, to 4 mm ∅, glabrous
H. hypolasia Schlechter (BJS 50: 123-124, ills., to finely hairy; L with a cylindrical curved petiole 6
1913). T: Papua New Guinea (Schlechter 18075 - 15 × 1.5 mm, lamina ovate, broadly or narrowly
[B]). − D: Papua New Guinea. Fig. XXVI.a lanceolate, 3 - 10 × 1.5 - 3 cm, thickly leathery to
Stems twining, sparsely branched, narrowly fili- fleshy, finely hairy, acute to acuminate, base cune-
fform, sparsely leafy,
f with numerous verrucose lenti- ate to rounded; Inf to 20-flowered, pendent; ped-
cels, minutely soft f ly pubescent, ± glabrous with uncle 7 cm × 1 - 2 mm, red-brown, finely hairy; Sep
age; L petiole ± 1 cm long, canaliculate on the up- ± 1 × 1 mm, acute, pale pink, outside finely hairy;
per fface, very shortly pubescent, lamina flat, lance- Cl button-shaped; Cl lobes ovate, ± 4 × 4 mm ∅,
olate, 12 - 20 × 3.3 - 5.3 cm, leathery, upper face strongly revolute, pale pink, outside glabrous, in-
shining, glabrous, lower face very shortly and side very densely hairy, Ha to 0.5 mm; Cn ± 2.5 × 5
faintly pubescent, acuminate, base slightly cordate; - 7 mm, pale pink; Cs lobes ± 3 × 1 mm, outer ap-
Inf ± 10-flowered; peduncle 5 cm, shortly and pendage bifid, ± 1 × 0.5 mm, inner appendage subu-
f intly pubescent; Ped ± 5 cm, thin, glabrous; Sep
fa late; Anth appendage ovate, ± 1 × 0.75 mm, margin
ovate, ± 2 mm, obtuse, margin shortly hairy; Cl ± translucent; Sty head ± 1.5 mm; Poll elongate, ± 0.4
2.1 cm ∅, yellowish-white, outside faintly suffused × 0.17 mm, corpuscle elongate, ± 0.15 × 0.1 mm,
with red, glabrous, inside with minute papillae; Cl caudicles ± 0.16 × 0.13 mm, winged; Fr fusiform,
f ±
lobes broadly rhombic-ovate, acute; Cs lobes 10 × 0.6 cm, glabrous.
obliquely 4-angled in lateral view, 3 × 3.5 mm; Forster & Liddle (1992) treat H H. inconspicua , H.
Anth small; Poll obovoid-oblong, translator very litoralis and H. dodecatheifl f ora
r as synonyms of H.
small, corpuscle minute, oblong. revoluta
t .

H. imbricata Decaisne (PSRV 8: 637, 1844). − D: H. kerrii Craib (BMI 1911: 418, 1911). T: Thai-
Indonesia (Sulawesi), Philippines. I: Koorders K rr 1810 [BM]). − D: China, Cambodia, La-
land (Ke
(1919). Fig. XXV. V.d os, S Vietnam, NW Thailand, Indonesia (Java). I:
Incl. Hoya imbricata fa f . typica De Candolle Costantin (1912); Pham-Hoang (1972). Fig.
(1846) (nom. inval., Art. 24.3); incl. HHoya maxima XXVI.c
T ijsmann & Binnendij
Tei i k (1863); incl. Colly
l ris ma- ≡ Hoya obovata t var. kerrii (Craib) Costantin
jor Neves (1877) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Con- (1912).
h llum maximum H. Karsten (1895) ≡ Dischi-
chophy Stems climbing, to 1 m, ± 7 mm ∅, pale, glabr-
dia maxima (H. Karsten) Koorders (1898) ≡ Hoya ous; L with a thick petiole 0.5 - 2 cm long, lamina
maxima (H. Karsten) Warburg (1907) (nom. illeg., obcordate, 4 - 12 × 5 - 9.5 cm, thickly fleshy, ±
Art. 53.1); incl. H
Hoya imbricatat var. basi-subcordrda- glabrous, tip deeply 2-lobed to 1 - 1.75 cm, base
t Koorders (1919); incl. Hoya pseudomaxima
ta rounded or broadly cuneate, margin revolute; Inf
Koorders (1919). many-flowered, 4 - 5 cm ∅; peduncle 2 - 6 cm, 3
Stems climbing, rooting at the nodes, stems and mm ∅, glabrous; Ped 1.3 - 1.8 cm, thin, pubescent;
L densely appressed to the bark; L imbricate, very Sep ovate-elongate, 2.5 mm, obtuse, outside pubes-
shortly petiolate, lamina circular, 8 - 10 cm ∅, cent; Cl 9 - 13 mm ∅, whitish, inside papillose to
raised like a watch-glass, lower fface purple, spar- densely pubescent; Cl lobes ovate-triangular, 4 - 5
sely ciliate or glabrous, tip obtuse to rounded, base × 5 mm, acute, basally connate, strongly revolute;

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoya

Cn pink to purple; Cs lobes broadly ovate, 2.5 mm, f h scent; Ped ± 1.5 cm; Sep
cent; Fl with a strong fres
upper face
f depressed in the middle, outer append- oblong-lanceolate, pubescent; Cl 1.3 cm ∅, pure
age broadly rounded, inner appendage acute; Poll white; Cl lobes star-shaped and spreading, 6 × 4
1 mm. mm, obtuse, inside pubescent; Cn pink to dark pur-
Closely allied to HH. obovatat (see there for a ple; Cs lobes ± cylindrical, outer appendage ± ac-
note). ute, inner appendage ± obtuse, slightly ascending,
upper fface convex; Fr 12 - 15 cm, very slender; Se
H. lacunosa Blume (Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind., 1063, f of Ha ± 2.5 cm.
2 mm, tuft
1826). T: Indonesia, Java (Horsfie
H ld s.n. [K]). −
D: India, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, In- H. latifol
f ia G. Don (Gen. Hist. 4: 127, 1838). T:
donesia (Borneo, Java, Sumatra). I: Rintz (1978). Malaysia (WaW llich s.n. [K ?]). − D: Myanmar, Ma-
≡ Otostemma lacunosum (Blume) Blume (1848); laysia, S Thailand, Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sumat-
incl. Hoya suaveolens Miquel (1856); incl. Hoya H ra). I: Rintz (1978).
lacunosa var. pallidifl
f ora Hooker fil. (1861). Incl. Ho
H ya macrophy h lla Wight (1834) (nom. il-
Stems thin, glabrous, rooting at the nodes; L peti- leg., Art. 53.1); incl. H Hoya polystac
l h a Blume
ole 4 mm long, thick, nearly glabrous, lamina ovate (1849); incl. Hoya
H latifolia ssp. kinabaluensis C. M.
or lanceolate, 3 - 7 × 2.5 - 3 cm, fleshy, shining, Burton (1991); incl. Hoya loyceandrewsiana T.
glabrous, ± acuminate, base rounded or narrow, sec- Green (1995).
tions between the veins slightly sunken; Inf 1- to Stems deep red when young; L with a robust pe-
30-flowered, convex, pendent; peduncle < 5 cm, ri- tiole 6 - 12 mm long, lamina ovate, 10 - 25 × 7 - 17
gid; Fl scented; Ped ± 0.4 - 2.5 cm, ± bent, rigid; cm, fleshy, upper face bright green, lower face deep
Sep minute, obtuse; Cl button-shaped, ± 8 mm ∅, red, acute to acuminate, base rounded to cordate;
whitish, inside pubescent, Ha long, thick; Cl lobes Inf 1- to 40-flowered, convex, erect, part-Inf
triangular, strongly revolute; Cn whitish; Cs lobes paired, 3 - 4 cm; peduncle ± 5 cm, very thick, rigid,
elliptic, outer appendage obtuse, slightly ascending, rachis thick; Ped ± 2 cm, thin, shortly pubescent;
inner appendage acute, ascending; Sty head coni- Sep ovate, minute, acute; Cl 8 mm ∅, white to pale
cal; Anth appendage very thinly membranous, ac- brownish-yellow, inside finely pubescent; Cl lobes
ute; Poll elongate-falcate, caudicles calycinate, ovate, acute; Cn white; Cs lobes ovate, outer
thick, broadly winged; Fr 5 - 6 × 0.5 cm, smooth. appendage acute, ± flat, inner appendage acute,
slightly ascending; Poll winged, ± 0.35 mm, cor-
H. lanceolata Wallich
W ex D. Don (Prodr. Fl. Nepal., puscle angled, ± 0.15 mm; Fr 7.5 × 0.5 cm, weakly
130, 1825). T: Nepal (WaW llich s.n. [BM]). − D: pubescent.
Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal. V getatively very similar to H.
Ve H verticillata var.
citrina (Rintz 1978).
H. lanceolata ssp. bella (Hooker) D. H. Kent (Ask- H. limoniaca S. Moore (JLSB 45: 368, 1921). T:
lepios No. 23: 27, 1981). − D: India, Nepal, S My- New Caledonia, Isle of Pines (Comp m ton 2253
anmar. [BM]). − D: New Caledonia. Fig. XXVI.e
≡ Hoya
H bella Hooker (1848); incl. H
Hoya paxtonii Stems twining, subterete, thickened at the nodes,
hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1). subglabrous; L to 15 mm petiolate, lamina ovate, 7
f ffrom ssp. lanceolata: Stems curved, den- - 8 × 3 - 3.5 cm, thickly leathery, apically narrower,
sely pubescent; L ovate-lanceolate or elongate- obtuse, base rounded-obtuse; Inf few-flowered;
f pe-
trapeziform, base rounded, dark green, paler on the duncle subterete, sparsely hairy; Fl faintly scented;
lower face, becoming purple under strong light, Ped filiform, 12 - 15 mm, glabrous; Sep ovate, 1.5
midrib prominent; Inf 8- to 11-flowered; Fl with a mm, obtuse, outside papillose, glabrous; Cl 1 cm ∅,
strong sweet scent; Cl 1.8 cm ∅, whitish; Cl lobes 7 white to pale yellow; Cl lobes ovate, obtuse, inside
× 7 mm, acuminate; Cs lobes ovate to narrowly ov- glabrous or finely minutely papillose; Cn nearly
ate, inner appendage ± acute, slightly ascending, flat; Cs lobes ovate, 4 mm, acute, outer appendage
upper face concave, lower face paler. white, inner appendage reddish; Anth appendage
ovate-lanceolate, obtuse; Poll elongate and pear-
H. lanceolata ssp. lanceolata − D: India (Assam, shaped, 0.6 mm.
W Himalaya, Sikkim), Bhutan, Nepal, S Myanmar. Forming a species complex together with H H. ni-
Incl. Hoya sikkimensis hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., cholsoniae.
Art. 29.1).
Stems pendent, limp, densely leafy f , shortly pu- H. linearis Wallic
W h ex D. Don (Prodr. Fl. Nepal.,
bescent; L 2.5 mm petiolate, lamina lanceolate to 130, 1825). T: Nepal (Wallich
W s.n. [BM]). − D:
rhombic-lanceolate or narrowly trapeziform, 2 - 5 India (Sikkim), Nepal, China (Yunnan). I: CBM
cm, ± fleshy, glabrous, acuminate, base narrowly 1883: t. 6682. Fig. XXVI.d
rounded to acute, green becoming pale yellow in Incl. Hoya linearis var. nep
e alensis Hooker fil.
strong light; Inf 3- to 10-flowered, flat, pendent, of- (1883); incl. Hoya linearis var. sikkimensis Hooker
ten terminal; peduncle 0.5 - 2 cm, sparsely pubes- f l. (1883).

Hoya Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann,
m R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

Epiphytic; stems pendent, to 1.5 m, thin, soft, The corona of H. macgillivrayi is rather variable
greyish-green, ± villose; L 2 mm petiolate, lamina (Forster & Liddle 1990). The species is closely al-
linear, 2.5 - 5 × 0.5 cm, fleshy, dark green, ± villose, lied to H
H. archboldiana.
acute, base cuneate, lower face canaliculate; Inf
many-flowered, terminal; Ped 2.5 cm; Sep linear- H. macrophylla Blume (Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind., 1063,
lanceolate, villose; Cl ± 1 cm ∅, ± white, inside 1826). T: Indonesia, Java (Anonymus
A s.n. [L, P]).
glabrous or papillose, margin ciliate; Cl lobes ac- − D: Indonesia (Borneo, Java). I: Pham-Hoang
ute, revolute; Cs lobes nearly cylindrical, very pale (1972).
pink or yellow, outer appendage incised, furrowe
f d, Incl. Hoya clandestina Blume (1848); incl. Hoya
inner appendage slightly darker, acute; Fr fusf iform
f , browniana Koorders (1911).
6.5 × 0.5 cm; Se 3 mm, tuft of Ha 2 cm, white. Stems subterete; L with a thick petiole to 2.5 cm
See also under H. engleriana. long, lamina ovate or ovate-elongate, 14 - 25 × 4.5 -
11 cm, fleshy, pale green, glabrous, acute to acumi-
H. longifolf ia Wallich ex Wight (Contr. Bot. India, nate, base acute, rarely nearly rounded-obtuse; Inf
36, 1834). T: Nepal (Wallich s.n. [K, E]). − D: In- many-flowered, ± globose; peduncle 6 - 10 cm, ±
dia, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, China, Singapore, violet, glabrous; Ped 1 - 3 cm, purple, glabrous or
Thailand. Fig. XXVI.f very sparsely hairy; Sep triangular, ± 0.6 mm, red,
Epiphytic or epilithic; stems pendent to twining, outside very sparsely hairy; Cl reddish-white to vi-
to 1 m, glabrous or pubescent; L with a thick peti- olet; Cl lobes ovate, acute, revolute, fleshy, outside
ole 8 - 13 mm long, lamina narrowly lanceolate, 5 - glabrous, inside densely white-papillose; Cn ± 3.5
10 × 1.2 - 2.6 cm, lower face canaliculate, upper mm ∅, white, centre white or pink; Cs lobes keeled
fface convex, thickly fleshy, dull green, ± acumin- on the upper fface, outer appendage acute, ascend-
ate, base narrowly acute or rounded; Inf many- ing, inner appendage acute; Poll linear-lanceolate.
fflowered; peduncle 1.2 - 5 cm, stout, glabrous; Ped
1.2 - 2.6 cm; Sep ovate, 1 - 1.5 mm, acute, glabrous; H. magnifica P. I. Forster & Liddle (Austrobaileya
Cl star-shaped and spreading, 1 cm ∅, white; Cl 3(4): 629-630, fig. 1, 1992). T: Papua New Guinea,
lobes nearly triangular, acute, inside glabrous or pu- Morobe Prov. (Streimann & Kairo NGF39381
bescent, margin ciliate; Cn white or pink; Cs lobes [CANB, A, BO, BRI, K, L, LAE]). − D: Papua New
broadly ovate, depressed in the middle, lower face Guinea. Fig. XXVII.d
convex, outer appendage broadly rounded, slightly Stems climbing, twining, terete, several m long, 5
ascending, inner appendage acute, ascending; Fr te- mm ∅, densely hairy, becoming sparsely hairy with
rete, 10 - 30 × 0.5 - 0.8 cm, smooth; Se ovoid, 1 - 3 age; L petiole 14 - 43 × 2.3 - 2.5 mm, densely hairy,
mm, tuftf of Ha 1.2 - 1.5 cm. erect, lamina elliptic-ovate to narrowly ovate, 19 ×
According to Hara (1971), the leaves of H.H longi- 10 cm, sparsely hairy on the upper face, densely
f lia are very variable in shape and size (see also H.
fo hairy on the lower face f , ± finely acuminate, base
e herdii), and its flowers resemble those of H. cordate to rounded; Inf horizontal to pendent, ± 9
thomsonii. cm ∅; Bra triangular, 1.4 - 1.5 × 1.2 - 1.3 mm, ±
hairy; peduncle 9 - 10 × 5 - 6 mm, densely hairy; Fl
H. macgillivrayi F. M. Bailey (Queensland Agric. 1 - 1.5 × 4 - 4.5 cm; Ped 2 - 5 cm, densely hairy;
J., n.s. 1: 190, fig. 14, 1914). T: Australia, Queens- Sep lanceolate-ovate, 13 - 16 × 7 - 10 mm, outside
land (Macgillivray s.n. [BRI AQ333104]). − D: hairy; Cl campanulate, white; Cl lobes spreading or
Australia (Queensland). I: Forster & Liddle (1990). revolute, triangular, 15 - 18 × 15 - 18 mm, glabrous;
Fig. XXVII.a Cl tube 10 - 14 × 22 - 25 mm, glabrous; Cn white, 4
Epiphytic, rarely on rocks; stems twining, terete, - 5 × 10 - 16 mm; Cn lobes rising high, outer appen-
to 5 mm ∅, glabrous; L 2 - 3.5 × 0.2 - 0.5 cm petio- dage round, bent upwards, inner appendage lanceo-
late, lamina ovate to lanceolate, 15 - 20 × 2.5 - 8 late; Anth appendage lanceolate, 1.7 - 2 × 1.3 - 1.7
cm, copper-coloured when young, dark green with mm; Sty head depressed-globose, 4.5 - 5 mm ∅;
age, glabrous, acute, base cordate; Inf to 12- Poll elongate, 1.1 × 0.4 mm, corpuscle ovate, ± 0.8
flowered; peduncle 4 - 20 × 0.1 - 0.2 cm, green to × 0.5 mm, caudicles cylindrical, 0.3 × 0.1 mm, not
yellowish; Fl 5.5 - 8 cm ∅; Ped 5.4 - 8.5 mm, winged; Fr fusiform, ± 19 × 1.2 cm, glabrous.
green, glabrous; Sep 3 - 4 × ± 2 mm, acute; Cl cup- According to the protologue closely related to H.
shaped, uniform
f ly dark red or with a white centre; albif
iflorra , but distinguishable by the larger flowers.
Cl lobes 2 - 2.5 × 1.9 - 2.3 cm, acute, margins ex-
tremly recurved; Cn ± 1 × 1.8 - 2.4 cm, dark red,
glabrous; Cs lobes linear, 10 - 12 × 2 - 3 mm, inner H. meliflu
f a (Blanco) Merrill (Sp. Blancoan., 318,
appendage acute, 5 - 10 mm, ascending, outer ap- 1918). − D: Philippines. Fig. XXVII.b
pendage broadly ovate or acute, slightly ascending; ≡ Stapelia melifl
f ua Blanco (1837); incl. Hoy
H a
Anth appendage ± 2.5 mm, acute; Sty head ± 3 mm carnosa Blanco (1845) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl.
∅; Poll elongate, ± 1.4 × 0.45 mm, corpuscle ± 0.8 Hoya diversif
ifolia Fernández-Villar (1880) (nom. il-
× 0.5 mm; caudicles ± 0.4 × 0.2 mm. leg., Art. 53.1); incl. Ho
H ya parasitica Fernández-

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoya

Villar (1880) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Hoya

H rounded, inner appendage more narrowly acute,
luzonica Schlechter (1904). concolorous with the Cl or paler; Anth appendage
Stems terete, 3 - 4 m, slightly fleshy, branched, triangular, ± 1 mm; Sty head ± 1.5 mm ∅; Poll er-
glabrous; L with a slightly fleshy petiole 1.5 - 2.5 ect, elongate, ± 0.7 × 0.23 mm, caudicles ± 0.19
cm long, glabrous, lamina elongate-ovate, 9 - 13 × 5 mm, winged, corpuscle elongate, ± 0.25 × 0.15 mm;
- 6 cm, slightly obtuse or acute, leathery to fleshy, Fr ffusiform, 8 - 15 × 0.7 - 1.2 cm; Se 6 - 7 × 3 - 4
glabrous on both faces
f ; Inf many-flowered; ped- mm, tuft of Ha white, 2 - 2.5 cm.
uncle terete, 6 - 8 cm, fleshy, glabrous; Ped 1 - 2.5 The SE Asian H. nicholsoniae is rather variable
cm, thin; Sep broadly ovate-elongate or nearly cir- in relation to size and shape of the leaves and col-
cular, 3 mm, glabrous; Cl button-shaped, ± 15 mm our of the corolla and corona (Forster & Liddle
∅, lilac to purple, below the Cs lobes dark red; Cl 1990). Forster & Liddle (1992) treat H. nicholso-
lobes broadly triangular, 6 mm, inside densely pa- niae as a synonym of H. H pottsii from continental
pillose to densely velvety; Cn ± 0.75 mm ∅, glabr- Asia.
ous; Cs lobes broadly elliptic to triangular, outer
appendage ± broadly ovate, depressed in the H. nummularioides Costantin (in Lecomte, Fl.
middle, white, inner appendage slightly ascending, Indo-Chine 4: 129-130, ills., 1912). T [syn]: Cam-
acute, dark purple; Sty head conical; Poll keeled, bodia (Geoffo fray s.n. [not located]). − D: Cambo-
translator minute, corpuscle acute; Fr ± 12 × 0.7 dia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand. Fig. XXVII.f
cm; Se lanceolate in top view, 6 × 1.5 mm, flat, tuft
f Stems pubescent; L petiole 2 - 5 mm long, thick,
of Ha 1.5 mm. weakly pubescent, lamina rounded to ovate, 12 - 25
× 9 - 16 m, fleshy, acute, weakly pubescent; Inf 12-
H. meredithii T. Green (Phytologia 64(4): 304- to 18-flowered; peduncle 1.5 - 3 cm, weakly pubes-
306, ills., 1988). T: Malaysia, Sarawak (Meredith cent; Fl 4 mm ∅, fragrant
f ; Ped 6 - 10 mm, thin,
s.n. in Green 80-05 [BISH, NY]). − D: E Malaysia. weakly pubescent; Sep ovate, obtuse, weakly pu-
Fig. XXVII.c bescent; Cl white to pink; Cl lobes triangular, tips
Epiphytic or rooting in the ground; stems twin- strongly revolute, inside weakly pubescent; Cn dark
ing, filiform,
f sparsely leafy
f and rooting; L petiole pink; Cs lobes ovate, outer appendage ± acute,
2.5 - 3 × 0.8 cm, stout, twisted, lamina ovate, 12 - paler, inner appendage acuminate, tips white; Anth
30 × 7.5 - 18 cm, acuminate, base obtuse, margin appendage very short; Sty head conical, minute;
undulate; Inf many-flowered, semiglobose; ped- Poll rather flat, caudicles small; Fr cylindrical, ac-
uncle 10 × 0.2 cm; Fl 1 cm ∅, pale yellow to yel- ute, slightly bent.
low-green; Ped erect; Sep triangular, 1.5 mm, acute,
glabrous; Cl dark yellow; Cl lobes ovate, acute, H. obovata Decaisne (PSRV 8: 635, 1844). T: In-
strongly revolute; Cn 5 mm ∅, flat, fleshy, white to donesia, Sulawesi (Labillard r ière s.n. [not located]).
greenish-white; Cs lobes elliptic, outer appendage − D: India, Indonesia, Thailand, Fiji. Fig.
acute, inner appendage acute; Poll elongately flat- XXVIII.b
tened, translator very short, bent, corpuscle minute. Stems twining, robust, green; L ± 1 cm petiolate,
lamina obovate to obcordate, 15 × 8 - 10 cm, very
H. nicholsoniae F. Mueller (Fragm. Phytogr. Aus- thickly leathery, glabrous, tip 2-lobed, base narrow,
tral. 5: 159, 1866). T: Australia, Queensland (Dal- margin revolute; Inf ± flat f , 1.5 cm ∅; peduncle
lachy s.n. [MEL]). − D: Australia (Queensland), short; Cl 1.5 cm ∅, cream-coloured, yellowish-
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands. I: Forster & orange to pink or dark pink, inside densely papil-
Liddle (1990). Fig. XXVII.e lose; Cl lobes ovate, apically revolute; Cn purple-
Incl. Hoya hellwigii Warburg ex K. Schumann & red, centre ± darker; Cs lobes broadly ovate,
Lauterbach (1901); incl. Hoya
H hellwigiana War
W - depressed in the middle, 4 mm, outer appendage ±
burg (1907); incl. H Hoya sogerensis S. Moore rounded, inner appendage acute.
(1911). H. obovatat differs
f f
from H. kerrii by a larger co-
Epiphytic or rarely on rocks; stems twining, ± 5 rona, indeed by an overall larger flower, as well as
mm ∅, glabrous; L petiole 2 - 3 × 0.3 - 0.8 cm, la- by a slightly different leaf shape and the general ab-
mina narrowly ovate to ovate, 4.5 - 21 × 4.5 - 10 sence of any pubescence.
cm, leathery to fleshy, (brown-) green to purple, ac-
ute, base rounded, cuneate or slightly cordate; Inf H. pachyclada Kerr (BMI 1939: 462, 1939). T:
to 40-flowered; peduncle ± 12 × 0.2 cm, green to ± Thailand (Kerr
K 20007 [not located]). − D: Thai-
purple, glabrous; Ped ± 18 - 30 mm, pink to cream- land. Fig. XXVIII.c
coloured, glabrous; Sep triangular, ± 1.5 - 3 × 2 Epiphytic; stems robust, slightly succulent, 6 - 8
mm; Cl 10 - 18 mm ∅, pale yellow, cream- mm ∅, dark when young, weakly pubescent; L peti-
coloured, green or pale pink, minutely sparsely pu- ole 6 - 12 mm long, thick, canaliculate on the upper
bescent; Cl lobes ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 6 - 7 × face, minutely weakly pubescent, lamina obovate,
4.5 - 6 mm, revolute; Cn 2 - 3 × 7 - 8 mm; Cs lobes 7.8 - 10.5 × 5.2 - 6 cm, thickly leathery, sparsely
ovate-lanceolate, outer appendage acute, rarely and shortly hairy, shortly obtuse, base cuneate or

Hoya Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann,
m R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

slightly rounded; Inf many-flowered; peduncle 1.5 - H. pauciflor

f a Wight (Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. t. 1269,
3.5 cm, minutely weakly pubescent; Ped 2 - 3 cm, 1848). T: Sri Lanka (Wight 511 [K]). − D: India
thin, weakly pubescent; Sep ovate, ± 2 mm, obtuse, (Malabar, Kerala), Sri Lanka. Fig. XXVIII.d
outside minutely weakly pubescent; Cl ± 17 mm ∅, Incl. Hoya wightiana Thwaites (1860).
yellowish-white, inside glabrous; Cl lobes ovate, 7 Often
f epiphytic; R adventitious; stems terete,
× 5 mm, acute, strongly revolute; Cn flat, white; Cs thin, slightly twining when young, glabrous; L 2 - 6
lobes elliptic, ± 4 mm, depressed in the middle, mm petiolate, lamina oblong-lanceolate or oblong-
outer appendage acute, inner appendage acuminate, linear, 2 - 5.5 × 0.5 - 1 cm, thickly fleshy, shining,
upper face
f keeled along the middle; Anth append- lower face often blotched with red, glabrous, tip ac-
age membranous, finely pointed, tip slightly split; ute to rounded, base acute or rounded, margin often
Poll very short, corpuscle with subulate tip. revolute; Inf 2- to 12-flowered; peduncle very
According to the protologue most closely allied short; Ped thin, glabrous; Sep lanceolate, small,
to H. diversifolia, which differs
f by smaller leaves glabrous; Cl 2 cm ∅, white; Cl lobes broadly ob-
and flowers as well as blunter corona lobes. tuse or weakly acute, inside glabrous or minutely
densely pubescent; Cn pink to dark purple; Cs
H. parviflora Wight (Contr. Bot. India, 37, 1834). lobes ovate, fleshy, depressed in the middle, outer
T: Myanmar (Wallich
W 8156A [K]). − D: India, My- appendage rounded, inner appendage spur-like as-
anmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand. I: Rintz cending; Fr fus
f iform
f , ± 10 cm, very slender.
(1978). See note under H. retusa.
Stems twining, terete, thin, young often
f red; L
with a thick petiole 4 mm long, lamina lanceolate, H. pottsii Traill (Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7: 25,
6 - 11.5 × 1 - 2.2 cm, fleshy, glabrous, acute, base fig. 1, 1827). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. fig. 1. − D:
acute, margins slightly revolute; Inf 1- to 40- China. I: CBM 62: t. 3425, 1835; Tsiang & Li
fflowered, concave, pendent; peduncle recurved, 4.4 (1977).
- 5.1 cm, thick; Ped 0.3 - 3 cm, thin, ± bent; Sep ov- Incl. Hoya angustifolia Tra T ill (1830) ≡ Hoya
ate, very small, membranous; Cl button-shaped, 5 pottsii var. angustifolia (Traill) Tsiang & P. T. Li
mm ∅, white to pink, inside villose at the base; Cl (1974); incl. Ho
H ya trinervis Traill (1830); incl. Ho-
lobes triangular, revolute; Cn broadly conical; Cs ya obscurinerva Merrill (1923).
lobes obovate or obcordate, longitudinally folded, Stems twining, terete, 3 - 4 mm ∅, branched; L
outer appendage 3-fid, inner appendage acute; petiole 2 - 2.5 cm long, terete, very thick, lamina 5 -
Anth appendage very thin, membranous; Sty head 20 × 5 - 10 cm, ovate or ovate-cordate, leathery to
conical; Poll elongately truncate, minute, flat, fleshy, upper fface pale green, lower face f dark
winged, caudicles minutely cup-shaped, winged; green, tip acute to acuminate, base acute, margin
corpuscle triangular; Fr 11.5 - 16 × 0.6 cm, smooth; slightly revolute; Inf to 25-flowered, ± globose; pe-
Se elongate, ± 7 mm, pale brown, tuft of Ha 2.5 cm, duncle 5 - 8 cm; Ped 2 - 2.5 cm, thin, glabrous; Sep
white. broadly ovate, short; Cl 1 cm ∅, ffaintly yellowish-
green to white; Cl lobes broadly ovate, acute, revol-
H. parvifol
f ia Schlechter (BJS 40(Beiblatt 92): 15, ute, inside minutely weakly pubescent; Cn flat,
1908). T: Indonesia, Sumatra (Schlechter 13307 white, with a ± yellowish centre; Cs lobes ovate,
[B]). − D: Indonesia (Sumatra). depressed in the middle, outer appendage ± acumin-
Stems twining, filiform, thin, sparsely leafy,f ± ate, inner appendage acute; Fr fusiform, acute; Se
densely and shortly villose, with aerial R; L with a linear-lanceolate in top-view.
villose petiole 3 mm long, lamina elongate to el- This species is extremely variable with regard to
ongate-elliptic, 1.2 - 1.7 × 0.8 - 1 cm, rather obtuse, flower colour as well as size and shape of the
densely and shortly villose; Inf 15- to 20-flowered; leaves, depending on the habitat and origin (Forster
peduncle 4 - 5 cm, thin, villose; Ped 0.7 - 1.2 cm, & Liddle 1990). See also the note under H. nichol-
glabrous; Sep ovate, 2 mm, obtuse, revolute, margin soniae.
minutely hairy, otherwise glabrous; Cl 7 mm ∅,
pale yellow; Cl lobes ovate, acute, tips revolute, H. purpureofusc
f a Hooker (CBM 76: t. 4520 + text,
outside glabrous, inside densely white-villose; outer 1850). T: Indonesia, Java (Loob s.n. [K?]). − D:
appendage of the Cs lobes elliptic, inner appendage Indonesia (Java). Fig. XXVIII.a
ascending, acuminate, depressed in the middle; ≡ HHoya cinnamomiifolia var. purpureof ofusca
Anth trapeziform, Anth appendage triangular, (Hooker) Kloppenburg (2001).
translucent; St head conical; Poll erect, obliquely Stems terete, glabrous; L petiole ± 15 mm long,
elongate, outside basally with a horn-shaped pro- very thick, brownish, lamina ovate, ± 10 - 12.5 × 7.5
cess, translator minute, corpuscle elliptic, ± 5× - 10 cm, fleshy, acute to ± acuminate, base rounded;
smaller than the Poll. Inf many-flowered, semiglobose; peduncle to ± 8
Flower colour and shape are reminiscent of H. H la- cm; Ped thin; Sep usually subulate; Cl ± 1.5 cm ∅,
cunosa, but vegetatively, the taxon rather resembles dark pink to dark purple, inside glabrous or pubes-
Dischidia. cent to villose; Cl lobes revolute, margins slightly

C. Hoffmann, R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Hoya

involute; Cn flat;
f Cs lobes ovate, acute, dark pink sparsely hairy; L petiole ± 4 × 1 mm, cylindrical,
to strongly purple-brown, upper face
f keeled and de- lamina nearly circular, ± 15 × 12 mm, upper face
pressed in the middle, lower fface convex. dull green, lower face paler, ± sparsely hairy; Inf
Closely allied to H. cinnamomifolia. a The 2 spe- pendent, to 8-flowered; peduncle 28 - 35 × ± 1 mm;
cies are hardly separable vegetatively. Ped 19 - 20 mm, glabrous or very sparsely hairy;
Sep broadly ovate, ± 1.5 mm, outside sparsely
H. retusa Dalzell (Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. hairy; Cl ± 15 mm ∅, white; Cl lobes 5 × 3 mm, ac-
Misc. 4: 294, 1852). T: India (Dalzell s.n. [K]). − ute, margins revolute, inside densely white-hairy;
D: India (Assam, Bombay Presidency), Indonesia Cn ± 3 - 7 mm, white; Cs lobes elliptic, 3.5 × 2 mm,
(Sulawesi). I: Talbot (1909-1911). outer appendage ovate, acuminate, ascending, inner
Epiphytic, pendent; stems terete, thin, green appendage acute, dark pink; Anth appendage trian-
when young, blotched with purple, grey with age, gular, 0.5 mm; Sty head ± 1 mm ∅; Poll ± 0.7 ×
nodes sparsely pubescent, otherwise glabrous; L pe- 0.25 mm, apically narrowly winged, corpuscle ±
tiole 5 mm long, terete, green, blotched with purple, 0.35 × 0.15 mm, tan-coloured, caudicles ± 0.17 ×
± glabrous, lamina linear, 4.5 × 0.5 cm, thickly 0.07 mm.
fleshy, pale green, lower face canaliculate, sparsely In Australia only a single locality is known. Ac-
blotched with purple, glabrous, apically obcordate, cording to Forster & Liddle (1990) the taxon has
base acute; Inf 1- to 3-flowered; Bra triangular, mi- probably been introduced.
nute, obtuse, margin ciliate; Ped terete, 7 - 8 mm, ±
glabrous; Sep elliptic-oblong, 1.5 × 1 mm, weakly H. shepherdii Hooker (CBM 87: t. 5269 + text,
acute, lower fface weakly pubescent, upper face f 1861). T: India, Sikkim (Hoo H ker & Th T omson s.n.
glandular; Cl star-shaped and spreading, 1.2 - 1.4 [K?]). − D: India, SW China.
cm ∅, white; Cl lobes triangular, 5 mm, acute, vel- Lithophytic; stems terete, to 1 m, papillose; L
vety-pubescent; Cn 5 mm ∅, pink to dark purple; shortly teretly petiolate, lamina linear-lanceolate, ±
Cs lobes ovate-elongate, outer appendage ± broadly 15 × 1 cm, ± acuminate, revolute to pendent, fleshy
acute, ascending, inner appendage acute; Sty head to leathery, dark green, upper face very dark and
flattened; Poll elongate. canaliculate, lower face paler, semicircular in trans-
Closely allied to H. paucififlora , which likewise verse view; Inf 5 cm ∅, with several Fl; peduncle 1
exhibits a purple corona contrasting with a white - 4 cm, clavate; Fl white and pink; Ped clavate; Sep
corolla. However, both are well-separable by the broadly triangular; Cl ± 1.3 cm ∅; Cl lobes broadly
leaf characters. triangular, acute, tips weakly revolute, basally
ffused, white, densely villose; Cn white; Cs lobes
H. revoluta Wight ex Hooker fi f l. (Fl. Brit. India 4: broadly ovate, outer appendage acuminate, ascend-
55, 1883). T [lecto]: Malaysia, Malacca (Maingay ing, inner appendage acute, dark violet.
1127 [K]). − D: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indone- Hara (1971) places H. shepherd r ii in the syno-
sia (Borneo, Java, Sumatra), Malaysia (Malacca), S nymy of H.H longifolia , yet it is separable by longer,
Thailand. I: Rintz (1978). narrower and succulent leaves, smaller inflorescen-
Incl. Hoya ovalifolia Wallich (s.a.) (nom. inval., ces, a shorter peduncle, and by the flat corona.
Art. 32.1c). H. siamica Craib (BMI 1911: 419, 1911). T: Thai-
Stems twining, terete, thin, glabrous; L petiole K r 724 [K?]). − D: India, Cambodia, Laos,
land (Ker
thick, 4 mm long, lamina elliptic, 8 × 4 cm, glabr- Vietnam, NW Thailand.
ous, acuminate, base acuminate, margin strongly Epiphytic; stems to 1.5 m, glabrous; L with a
revolute; Inf 1- to 30-flowered, concave, pendent; glabrous petiole 5 - 15 mm long, lamina lanceolate,
peduncle to 5 cm, rigid; Ped 0.2 - 5 cm, ± strongly elongate-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 3.5 - 9.5 ×
bent; Sep elongate, very small, obtuse; Cl ± 5 mm 1.5 - 2.2 cm, fleshy, glabrous, somewhat acute, base
∅, pale pink, inside finely weakly pubescent; Cl obtuse, margin slightly revolute; Inf 10- to 14-
lobes triangular, weakly keeled towards the base; flowered; peduncle 1 - 5 cm, glabrous; Ped 2 cm,
Cs lobes elliptic, outer appendage bifid, white or glabrous; Sep small, ovate-lanceolate, acute, out-
pale pink, inner appendage acuminate, ascending, side ± hairy; Cl 1.5 cm ∅, white; Cl lobes ovate-
deep red, whitish or pale pink; Anth appendage triangular, outside glabrous, tip and margin inside
membranous, acuminate; Sty head conical-acute; weakly pubescent; Cs lobes somewhat erect,
Poll elongate, obtuse, winged, caudicles short, broadly ovate, 3 - 3.5 mm, margin convex and
thick, corpuscle small; Fr ± 25 × 0.2 cm. depressed in the middle.
See note under H
H. inconsspicua. According to the protologue closely allied to H.
H. serpens Hooker fi
f l. (Fl. Brit. India 4: 55, 1883).
T: India, Sikkim (Griffith s.n. [K]). − D: India (E H. thailandica Thaithong (Nordic J. Bot. 21(2):
Himalaya), Nepal, Australia (Queensland). Fig. 143-145, ills., 2001). T: Thailand, Chiang Mai
XXVIII.e (Thaithon
T g 1488 [BK, AAU]). − D: Thailand (Chi-
Stems twining, nodes rooting, terete, to 1 mm ∅, ang Mai).

Hoya Asclepiadaceae C. Hoffmann,
m R. van Donkelaar & F. Albers

Plants scrambling, twining; stems cylindrical, ± ted]). − D: E India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos,
succulent, glabrous; L 4 - 6 cm petiolate, lamina Vietnam, Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, Su-
ovate to elliptic, 8 - 12 × 6 - 8 cm, finely acuminate, matra), Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore. I:
coriaceous, base rounded cuneate, glabrous; Inf 10- Rintz (1978).
to 15-flowered, peduncle 4 - 6 cm, glabrous; Ped ≡ Sperlingia verticillata
t V Vahl (1810); incl. Ascle-
2.5 - 4 cm; Sep boat- to hood-shaped, 6 - 8 × 6 - 7 pias parasitica Wa
W llich ex Hornemann (1819); incl.
mm, ciliate; Cl ± 2 cm ∅, white, upper fface pubes- Hoya acuta Haworth (1821); incl. Asclepias parasi-
cent; Cl lobes broadly ovate, ± 5 × 6 mm, abruptly tica Roxburgh (1832) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1) ≡ Ho- H
acuminate, margins recurved; Cn purple-red; Ci ya parasitica (Roxburgh) Wallich ex Wight (1834);
lobes ovate, ± 3 × 2.5 mm, horizontal, concave incl. Ho
H ya hookeriana Wight (1834); incl. Ho H ya
above, grooved below, outer appendage ± rounded, pallida Lindley (1839); incl. Ho H ya albens Miller ex
inner appendage acuminate, ascending; Sty head Steudel (1841); incl. Ho
H ya ridleyi King & Gamble
conical; Poll oblong, ± 1 × 0.3 mm, caudicles (1903); incl. H
Hoya parasitica var. geoffo frayi Costan-
winged. tin (1912); incl. H
Hoya parasitica var. spirei Costan-
Belonging to the H H. australis complex and most tin (1912); incl. Hoya globififerra Ridley (1915); incl.
closely related to the similarly little-succulent ssp. H ya citrina Ridley (1922) ≡ Ho
Ho H ya acuta var. citri-
tenuis. The long peduncles and the large boat- to na (Ridley) D. H. Kent (1989) ≡ Ho H ya verticillata
hood-shaped sepals are significant for H H. thailandi- var. citrina (Ridley) Veldkamp (1996); incl. Hoya
ca. − [U. Meve] amoena Bakhuizen van den Brink fi f l. & Backer
(1950); incl. H Hoya parasitica var. citrina Rintz
H. thomsonii Hooker fil. f (Fl. Brit. India 4: 61, (1978); incl. Ho
H ya parasitica var. henders r onii Kiew
1883). T: India, Assam (Hooker
H & Thomson s.n. (1995) ≡ HHoya verticillata var. hendersonii (Ridley)
[K?]). − D: India (Assam), Tibet, China (Xizang). Veldkamp (1996).
Fig. XXVIII.f Epiphytic; stems creeping, twining, robust and
Stems twining, to 2 m, thin; L 5 - 13 mm petio- fleshy, pale, glabrous; L petiole very thick, 5 - 25
late, lamina elongate or obovate-oblong, 5 - 7.5 × mm long, lamina ovate-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, ±
1.5 - 3.8 cm, ± flesh
f y, lower face sparsely pubes- 10 × 4 cm, fleshy, glabrous, acute to acuminate,
cent, tips acuminate, base obtuse or rounded; Inf base cuneate; Inf 1- to 40-flowered, convex, erect;
pendent; peduncle 1.3 - 2.5 cm, weakly pubescent or peduncle 3 - 5 cm, rigid; Ped ± 3 cm, thin, glabrous;
± glabrous; Ped sparsely weakly pubescent to glabr- Sep elongate-obtuse; Cl ± 1.5 cm ∅, white, inside
ous; Sep ovate, acute, glabrous; Cl ± 1.3 cm ∅, glabrous or weakly pubescent; Cl lobes ovate,
white; Cl lobes acute, margin ciliate, inside weakly acute, revolute; Cs lobes ovate, acute, outer appen-
pubescent or glabrous; Cn white; Cs lobes obovate, dage white, inner appendage deep pink; Anth ap-
outer appendage broad and rounded, inner append- pendage membranous, acute; Sty head conical-
age spur-like ascending, depressed in the middle. acute; Poll elongate, obtuse, winged, caudicles
Another species from the complex around H H. lon- short, thick, corpuscle conical; Fr ± 12 × 0.4 cm,
gifolia. often numerous.
H. tsangii C. M. Burton (Hoyan 13(1: Part 2): 5, In contrast to the meaning of the epithet, the
1991). T: Philippines, Mindanao (Elmer 13372 leaves are not arranged in whorls.
[US]). − D: China, Philippines.
Incl. Hoya angustif ifolia Elmer (1938) (nom. il- H. vitellina Blume (Mus. Bot. 1: 45, 1849). T: In-
leg., Art. 53.1). donesia, Java ((A(Anonymus
A s.n. [not located]). − D:
Stems terete, to 3 mm ∅, branched, smooth, glab- Indonesia (Java). Fig. XXVIII.g
rous; L petiole ± 1 cm, thick, canaliculate, lamina Stems twining, glabrous; L shortly petiolate, ov-
narrowly lanceolate, 5 - 12 × 1 - 1.5 cm, acute, base ate, obovate or oblong, ± 15 cm, thickly fleshy,
narrowly cuneate, margin revolute, papillose; Inf glabrous, acute or rounded, base rounded or obtuse;
pendent, concave to flat; peduncle terete, 3 - 5 cm, Inf many-flowered; peduncle like the petioles; Cl <
glabrous, rachis very thick; Ped filiform,
f 1 - 2 cm, 1 cm ∅, yolk-coloured, shining, glabrous; Cl lobes
strongly bent; Cl button-shaped, ± 1 cm ∅, dark ovate-oblong, acute, revolute; Cs lobes narrowly el-
pink to deep red; Cl lobes elongate-ovate, 2 - 3.5 liptic, flat, outer appendage acute, inner appendage
mm, acute, strongly revolute, inside densely grey- acute, upper face keeled.
ish-pubescent; Cn dark pink to red; Cs lobes
narrowly elliptic, outer appendage bifid, inner ap-
pendage acute, highly ascending, often
f with a yel- ×HUERNELIA
low centre; translator winged; Fr 1 cm pedicellate, B. Müller & F. Albers
subterete, 8 - 14 cm, acute, bent; Se in top view lin-
ear, 6 mm, flat, brown. ×Huernelia Barad (CSJA 67(4): 255, 1995).
= Huernia × Stap H. zebrina × S.
a elia. The hybrid H
H. verticillata (Vahl) G. Don (Gen. Hist. 4: 128, glandulif
iflora was created in cultivation by G. Ba-
1837). T: India, Assam (Anonymus
A s.n. [not loca- rad.

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

HUERNIA bomaculata A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); Huer-

s a Haworth (1812) ≡ Huernia
nia crisp H barbata var.
B. Müller & F. Albers
s (Haworth) Loudon (1830); H Huernia transmu-
Huernia R. Brown (Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1: tata White & Sloane (1937); Huernia venusta (Mas-
22, 1810). T: Stap a elia campm anulata Masson. − son) Haworth (1812); Stapelia venusta Masson
Lit: Leach (1988). D: Arabian Peninsula, Africa. (1796).
Etym: For Justus Heurnius [van Heurne] (1577 -
1652), Dutch missionary and first European to H. andreaeana (Rauh) L. C. Leach (JSAB 40(1):
collect plants at the Cape of Good Hope, RSA. 21, ills., 1974). T: Kenya (Rauh Ke867 [HEID,
Dwarf perennial stem succulents; stems mat- PRE [photos]]). − D: Kenya.
forming or creeping, rarely pendulous; Tu arranged ≡ Duvalia andreaeana Rauh (1961).
in 4 - 5 (rarely 6 or more) Ri, apically with acute [2] Stems creeping, few-branched, mat-forming,
small L rudiment, becoming hard and persistent rooting over the whole length, dark green, 4- to 5-
(sometimes as a soft Bri), without stipular Gl, glab- angled; Tu
T small, obtuse; L rudiments marcescent;
rous; Inf developing successively several (rarely 1) Inf 1-flowered, ± decumbent, upwards-directed;
Fl mostly at or near the base of the stems; peduncle Ped ± 2 cm, rarely with basal additional bud; Sep ±
short, strong, mostly bracteate; Ped ± short, glabr- 10 × 3 mm, protruding between the Cl lobes; Cl in-
ous; Sep 5, rather variable in size, usually (nar- side and outside pale ochre, 2.5 - 2.7 cm ∅, annulus
rowly) ovoid to elongate-acuminate, glabrous; Cl pale wine-red; Cl lobes shiny, ± 10 × 6 mm, nar-
rarely > 5 cm ∅, tubular, campanulate, bicampanu- rowly triangular, acute, with apical longitudinal
late or ± flat, with or without annulus, with 5 Cl ffurrow, margins inflexed, irregularly dentate, teeth
lobes and 5 intermediate lobes; Cl lobes spreading black-purple, inside scattered with weak black-
or concave in longitudinal direction, apically some- purple tubercles, ± 1 mm, sturdy; Ci lobes fusedf
times with a longitudinal furrow, outside glabrous into a thickened disc; Cs yellowish, lobes as long as
or slightly scabrous, inside ± papillate or verrucose the Anth, dorsal hump ± erect, conspicuously en-
(rarely smooth), sometimes with reticulate fo f lds, larged, blunt, reaching above the annulus (similar to
more rarely irregularly transversely plaited, often f H. tanganyikensis).
with simple Bri, clavate and / or more strongly in-
flated Ha; Cn biseriate, sessile; Ci 5-lobed, some- H. archeri L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 4: 88-90,
times fused
f into a flattened or ± conical or convex ills., 1988). T: Kenya (Archer
(A s.n. in Leach 15561
disc, in front of the guide rails with small fleshy [PRE]). − D: Kenya (only known ffrom the type lo-
humps, papillose; Cs 5 simple lobes incumbent on cality).
the backs of the Anth, glabrous, usually with a war- [1] Stems deflexed, mat-form
f ing, to 32 × ± 0.4 -
ty transverse hump at the base, apically often f finely 0.7 cm; Tu blunt, arranged in numerous Ri; L rudi-
verrucose; Anth incumbent on the Sty head, ± ments ± 2 mm, narrowly triangular, erectly spread-
quadrangular; Poll elongate-elliptic, with short cau- ing; Inf 1-flowered, buds with long beak; Bra ± 4
dicles; Fr 8 - 9 × 1 cm, (narrowly) fusiform, the fol- mm; Ped ≤ 1.8 cm, basally with small additional
licles of a pair ± erect, glabrous; Se ± ovate, ± flat, bud; Sep ± 9 mm, protruding between the Cl lobes;
winged, with apical tuft f of Ha. Cl inside yellow, mottled with maroon, ± 3.6 cm ∅,
The genus is divided into 3 sections: tube with fine concentric streaks or spots, ± flat, 8 -
[1] Sect. Huern
H ia: Cs overtopping the Anth by far, f 9 mm ∅, outside finely scabrous, inside densely pa-
erect, with a ± slight hump at the back. pillose, papillae narrowly conical, ± 0.5 - 2 mm,
[2] Sect. Plagiostelma K. Schumann 1897: Cs not limb of the tube finely verrucose, warts dark, coni-
or slightly overtopping the Anth, with a distinct cal; Cl lobes ± 14 × 6 mm, elongate-triangular,
hump at the back, broad, sometimes erect, often f pointed, ± caudate, margins dark; Ci black, lobes ±
transversely furrowe
f d and of contrasting colour. 2.5 × 2 mm, apically slightly crenate, spreading wi-
[3] Sect. FaF llacistelma L. C. Leach 1988: Cs di- dely; Cs cream-coloured with maroon patterning,
stinctly overtopping the Anth, within one and 2.5 × ± 0.75 mm, erect, ± capitate, 1 mm ∅, verru-
the same species variable in length, with a ± dis- culose, warts small, acute; Poll yellow.
tinct hump at the back.
In addition to hybrids with Duvalia (see ×Der- H. aspera N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 2: 364,
nia), Stapelia (see ×Huernelia), and Stapelianthus 1887). T: Tanzania (KirK rk s.n. [K]). − D: Kenya,
(see ×Huernianthus), the intrageneric combinations Tanzania, Malawi.
H. hislop o ii × H
o ii ssp. hislop H. verekeri and H H. hislo- [2] Stems prostrate or sometimes decumbent, in-
pii ssp. robusta × H. H verekeri have been confirmed tertwined, rooting, to 20 × 1 - 1.5 cm, 5- to 6-angu-
(Leach 1969: 52). A further hybrid has formally lar; Tu
T small, blunt, spreading; L rudiments acute,
been named (see H. ×distincta). often
f recurved; peduncle very short; Bra 2 - 3.5
mm, acute; Fl solitary, slightly nodding; Ped 0.5 -
The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica- 1.2 cm; Sep ≤ 7 × 1.5 mm; Cl inside and outside
tion but are referred to this genus: Hue
H rnia al- red-brown to black-purple, ± 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, broadly

Huernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

campanulate or bowl-shaped; Cl lobes spreading, truncate, apically with a Ha, Ha colourless or

densely papillose on either side, papillae ± conical; white, ≤ 2 mm, slender, linear; intermediate lobes
Ci pale yellow, lobes transversely rectangular; Cs protruding particularly in the bud; Cn black-purple,
yellowish, apically blunt, slightly erect; Poll yel- 4 × ± 4.5 - 5 mm; Ci lobes ± 1 × 1.5 mm, bifid; Cs
low-brown. lobes ± 3 mm, subulate, finely pointed, meeting
each other above the Anth, above divaricate, ba-
H. barbata (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., sally with a prominent verrucose hump; Poll brow-
31, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov. nish.
t. 7, 1796. − D: RSA (Northern Cape, Free State,
Eastern Cape), Lesotho. H. boleana M. G. Gilbert (CSJA 47(1): 9-11, ills.,
≡ Stap
a elia barbatat Masson (1796); incl. Stapa elia 1975). T: Ethiopia (Gilbert & Gilbert 2431 [K,
tubulosa hort. ex Steudel (s.a.); incl. Stap
a elia duo- ADAB, NBG]). − D: Ethiopia.
decimfida Jacquin (1806) ≡ Huernia duodecimfida d [1] Stems erect or occasionally creeping or pen-
(Jacquin) Sweet (1830); incl. Stapelia tubata Jac- dulous, to 9 (pendulous stems to 35) × 1.2 cm,
quin (1806) ≡ Huernia tubata t (Jacquin) Haworth distinctly 5-angular; Tu ± 6 mm, conically com-
(1812) ≡ Huernia barbata var. tubata (Jacquin) N. pressed, subulate; peduncle very short, humped;
E. Brown (1909); incl. Huernia barbata var. gri- Bra ≤ 5 mm; Ped ≤ 1.2 mm; Sep 16 × 0.75 mm; Cl
quensis N. E. Brown (1909); incl. Stapa elia crisp
s ata outside white, inside pale cream-coloured, dotted
hort. ex Haworth (s.a.). with red, narrowly campanulate, tube 1.2 × 1.25 cm,
[1] Stems forming clumps, 4- to 5-angular; Tu T ± cylindrical, basally rounded, ± glabrous; Cl lobes
triangular, pointed; peduncle short and thick, 15 × 7 mm, tapering to a long narrow point, spread-
pointed; Fl facing outwards or upwards; Ped ≤ 1 ing, margins dark, outside glabrous or finely sca-
cm, ± S-shaped; Sep ≤ 8 mm; Cl outside whitish, brous, inside densely papillose, papillae weakly
greenish-creamy or pale yellowish, base and above dotted with red, 1 - 2.5 mm, cylindrical or slightly
the veins rarely finely dotted with maroon, inside compressed, ± obtuse, Cl lobes verrucose, warts
whitish to pale yellow, 2 - 6 cm ∅, margin of tube dark, ± 0.25 mm, ± acute; intermediate lobes ± 3
and lobes dotted with reddish; Cl tube basally red, mm, spreading; Cn black, ± 6 × 8.5 mm; Ci lobes ±
glabrous or with short prickles, with maroon or ovate or ± square, ± truncate, irregularly crenate, at
cream-coloured concentric lines, 1.7 - 5.5 × 1.5 - 6 the base of the Anth with a verrucose-conical
cm, broadly tubular-campanulate; Cl lobes mostly hump; Cs 3.5 - 4 mm, basally convergent, just be-
longer than broad, narrowly triangular, pointed, low the middle slightly diverging, apically ± trunc-
spreading widely or curved inwards, inside ± den- ate, verruculose; Poll yellowish.
sely papillose, papillae dark maroon, bluntly ±
dome-shaped, with a short Ha at the tip, Ha reddish H. brevirostris N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser.
to black, long, stiff, simple or clavate, often
f infla- nov. 7: 780, 1877). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Bolus
ted, globose and pointed, particularly in the upper 575 [K]). − D: SE RSA (Eastern Cape).
part of the tube; Ci lobes ofte
f n fused
f into a crenate
disc, or deeply bifid; Cs black, rarely brown, H. brevirostris ssp. baviaana L. C. Leach (Excelsa
cream-coloured or pink, then with darker dots, tips Tax. Ser. 4: 166-168, ills., 1988). T: RSA, Eastern
black, lobes narrowly subulate, erect, tips vertically Cape (Bruyns 1605 [NBG, GRA, K, M, MO, PRE]).
rising; Poll brownish-yellow, germination mouth − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
region brown. [3] Differs from ssp. brevirostris: Cl darker, mar-
kings denser, inside more densely papillose, papil-
H. bayeri L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 4: 187- lae of the tube apically with a short stiff acute Bri;
190, ills., 1988). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Leach & Cs whitish or cream-coloured, rarely light yellow or
Bayliss 15662 [NBG, PRE]). − D: RSA (Eastern brown, margin dark maroon, basally with maroon
Cape). markings, lobes longer, ± curved, divaricate, sub-
[3] Stems 3 - 6 cm, tufted, distinctly 4- to 5- ulate.
angular; Tu triangular; peduncle erect; Fl facin
f g
outwards; Ped ≤ 3.5 cm, erect, often overtopping H. brevirostris ssp. brevirostris
the stems; Sep 6 - 7 × 2 mm, keeled; Cl outside [3] Stems erect or decumbent, compact, form
f ing
greenish-creamy, inside cream-coloured, pale clumps, occasionally creeping, dull to dark grey-
greenish or brightly pink-brownish, rarely weakly green, partly suffused with purple, to ± 5 × 1.5 - 2
lined with reddish towards the apex, 2.5 - 3 cm ∅, cm, distinctly 4- to 5-angular; Tu
T triangular-coni-
campanulate, mouth of the tube occasionally annu- cal; L rudiments deciduous; Fl fac
f ing outwards, of-
lus-like, glabrous; Cl lobes 5 - 7 × 6 - 9 mm, tri- ten bent upwards; Bra very acute; Ped 1 - 2.5 cm;
angular, erect or ascending, sometimes revolute, Sep ± 5 mm; Cl outside greenish, brownish-creamy
outside partly finely scabrous, inside finely sca- or light yellow, often finely stippled with red,
brous, scabrous parts elevated, often
f with short stiff inside cream-coloured to yellowish, ± densely
Ha, inside ± densely papillose, papillae conical- mottled with brown-red or maroon, 2.5 - 4 (-4.5) cm

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

∅, ± flat; Cl tube often paler, mottled or streaked, low, 2.5 - 4.5 cm ∅, variably bicampanulate, mouth
sometimes without markings, shallowly bowl- of the tube and Cl lobes ± coarsely spotted with
shaped, with a pentagonal mouth, margin abruptly crimson, tube basally black, above with irregular
reflexed, sometimes raised in an annulus-like man- concentric lines of dark crimson, margin abruptly
ner, base of tube glabrous, sometimes with some curved away ffrom the mouth; Cl lobes a little broa-
Bri around the Cn, Bri basally crimson or maroon, der than long, acutely triangular, ± erect or spread-
short, straight; Cl lobes a little broader than long, ing, ± revolute, inside ± densely papillose, papillae
acutely triangular, spreading or slightly revolute, dark crimson, small, ± blunt, apically pubescent, Ha
f weakly convex in longitudinal direction, in- ± large, translucent, globosely inflated, Ha within
side ± densely papillose, papillae apically often the upper part of the Cl tube reddish to black, long,
crimson to black, blunt to ± broadly conical, api- stiff, clavate, pointing inwards; Ci dark crimson to
cally sometimes pointed or with a short Ha; Ci dark black, lobes transversely rectangular or ± quadran-
crimson, black or whitish to light yellow to brown, gular, emarginate, crenate or deeply lobed; Cs very
with maroon markings, lobes elongate, ± deeply bi- variable, lobes subulate, apically divaricate; Poll
fid; Cs mostly brownish, tips darker, lobes narrowly yellow, corpuscle sometimes malformed.
triangular, 1.5 - 3.25 mm, mostly dorsiventrally
compressed, meeting each other above the Anth, ra- H. clavigera (Jacquin) Haworth (Suppl. Pl. Succ.,
rely decumbent on the Anth, apical part erect, tips 10, 1819). T: [lecto − icono]: Jacquin, Stapel. Hort.
slightly divergent or subulately acute, apex ± ob- Vindob. Cult., t. 5. − D: RSA (Northern Cape, We-
tuse; Poll brownish-yellow. stern Cape).
≡ Stapelia clavigerar Jacquin (1806); incl. Huer-
H. brevirostris ssp. intermedia (N. E. Brown) L. nia clavigerar var. maritima N. E. Brown (1909);
C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 4: 164, 1988). T: RSA, incl. Huernia decemdentata t N. E. Brown (1909);
Eastern Cape (Pillans 72 [BOL, K]). − D: RSA incl. Huernia ingeae Lavranos (1982).
(Eastern Cape). [1] Stems erect or decumbent, occasionally ±
≡ Huernia brevirostris var. intermedia N. E. creeping, form
f ing loose clumps, dull to dark green,
Brown (1909); incl. H Huernia scabra
r N. E. Brown sometimes suffused with purple, 5 - 6 × 2 cm, 4- to
(1909) ≡ Huernia brevirostris var. scabra (N. E. 5-angular; Tu acutely deltoid, ± curved downwards;
Brown) A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Hu- Fl facing upwards; peduncle very short, acute; Ped
r var. immaculata N. E. Brown (1909) ≡
ernia scabra ≤ 1.5 cm, ± S-shaped; Cl outside greenish-creamy
Huernia brevirostris var. immaculata (N. E. Brown) or pale brown (tube spotted with maroon), inside
A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Huern H ia greenish-creamy or pale yellow, ± narrowly bicam-
r var. longula N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Huernia
scabra panulate, to 5 cm ∅, mouth of the tube and Cl lobes
brevirostris var. longula (N. E. Brown) A. C. White ± densely stippled with red or maroon; Cl tube dark
& B. Sloane (1937); incl. Huernia scabrar var. palli- maroon to black, rarely with concentric white or
da N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ H Huernia brevirostris var. yellow lines, 1.8 - 3.5 × 1.5 - 3 cm ∅, margin of tube
d (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B. Sloane abruptly spreading, ± annulus-like; Cl lobes ± erect
(1937); incl. Huernia brevirostris var. histrionica or flat, sometimes revolute, inside densely finely
A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Huernia
H bre- papillose, papillae dark purple, apically pubescent,
virostris var. parvipunct
i ta A. C. White & B. Sloane Ha ± globose or narrowly elliptic, finely pointed,
(1937). inflated, rarely simple, Ha of the upper part of the
[3] Differs from ssp. brevirostris: Cl darker, ra- tube dark flesh-coloured, long, clavate, stiff, erect;
rely with a low annulus, markings less prominent, Ci very variable, crimson to black, rarely with a
sometimes plainly cream-coloured to yellowish. white band circling the Gy; Cs brown to black, oc-
casionally reddish with cream-coloured spots, api-
H. campanulata (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. cally black, lobes narrowly subulate, tips ± erect;
Succ., 28, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Sta- Poll brownish-yellow.
pel. Nov. t. 6, 1796. − D: RSA (Western Cape, Eas-
tern Cape). H. concinna N. E. Brown (FTA 4(1): 497, 1903).
≡ Stapelia campanulata t Masson (1796); incl. T: Somalia (Lort-Phillips s.n. [K]). − D: Somalia.
Huernia campanulata
H t var. denticoronata N. E. ≡ Huern
H ia macrocarpa ssp. concinna (N. E.
Brown (1909). Brown) M. G. Gilbert (1975).
[1] Plants forming clumps; stems dull green, oc- [2] Stems tufted, to 4 (-6) × 1 cm, prominently
casionally with reddish spots, usually ± 6 × 1 - 1.5 T ± 6 mm, conical-subulate, spreading;
5-angular; Tu
cm, prominently 4- to 5-angled; TuT pointed, late- Inf few-flowered; Ped ± 5 mm; Sep 6 - 8 mm, thin
rally compressed, spreading; Fl facf ing upwards; towards the tip; Cl outside whitish, inside pale sul-
Ped ≤ 1.5 cm, curved upwards; Sep conspicuously phur-yellow, spotted with brownish-crimson, ± 2.5
furrowe d along the middle; Cl outside greenish- to cm ∅; Cl tube broadly campanulate, ± 6 × 14 mm;
brownish-creamy, towards the limb oftenf spotted Cl lobes 8 × 9 mm, acuminate, slightly spreading,
with crimson to reddish, inside whitish to pale yel- margins dark purple-brown, inside papillose, papil-

Huernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

lae slender; Ci purple-brown, lobes 0.5 × ± 1.5 mm, lar, bluntly notched or slightly bifid; Cs cream-
transversely rectangular, emarginate; Cs yellow coloured with blood-red markings, apically dark,
with purple-brown markings, lobes ± 1 × 0.66 mm, lobes ± 4 mm, subulate, mucronate, rising up above
broadly ovate or ± triangular, ± blunt, borne in a the Anth and meeting each other, then revolute, ba-
cone above the Anth and meeting each other with sally weakly bulging; Poll greenish-brown, germi-
their tips, ± covering the Gy. nation mouth region darker.

H. ×distincta N. E. Brown (pro

(pp sp.) (FC 4(1): 910, H. erinacea P. R. O. Bally (FPA 31: t. 1206 + text,
1909). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Pillans 83 [K, BOL]). 1956). T: Kenya, Northern Frontier Prov. (Gillett
=H r × H. pillansii.
H. clavigera 12629 [K, PRE]). − D: Kenya, border to Ethiopia.
Fig. XXIX.b
H. echidnopsioides (L. C. Leach) L. C. Leach (Ex- [1] Stems prostrate (rarely decumbent), to 6 × 1
celsa Tax. Ser. 4: 51, ill. (p. 52), 1988). T: RSA, cm, 5-angular; Tu blunt; Fl upright; Ped 0.7 - 2 cm;
Eastern Cape (Leach & Bayliss 13612 [PRE, K, SR- Sep ± 6 × 1.75 mm; Cl outside dull yellow, inside
GH]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). yellow, lined or spotted with red-brown, 4 - 5 cm
≡ Huernia
H pillansii ssp. echidnop
o sioides L. C. ∅, flat; Cl tube ± fflat, basally glabrous, mouth 1.2 -
Leach (1968) ≡ Huernia longii ssp. echidnop o sioides 1.5 cm ∅, slightly constricted; Cl lobes to 2 cm,
(L. C. Leach) Bruyns (1984). narrowly triangular, margins purple-red and irregu-
[1] Stems ± cylindrical, rhizome-like runners of larly dentate-papillose, inside ± densely papillose,
up to 3 m form
f ing single stems at intervals (rarely papillae stippled with purple, ≤ 1.5 mm, ± obtusely
forming clumps), stems 4 - 6 × ± 1 cm, sides deeply conical, glabrous; Cn ± 9 mm ∅; Ci black-purple,
furrowed; Tu 1 - 2 mm, arranged densely in (6-) 7 - lobes ± transversely rectangular, centrally with a
9 (-10) vertical or spiral Ri; L rudiments acute, short appendix or ± broadly quadrangular, deeply
spreading or curved, eventually drying; peduncle ≤ emarginate; Cs whitish, basally purple, apically
7 mm; Ped 4 - 7 mm; Sep 5 - 7 mm; Cl inside (pale) weakly spotted, lobes 3.5 mm, ± cylindrical, blunt,
yellowish, labyrinth-like markings composed of slightly divergent; Poll yellowish, caudicles very
small red to brown spots, 2 - 3 (-3.5) cm ∅; Cl tube short.
9 × 9 mm, campanulate, basally glabrous; Cl lobes
diverging, revolute, inside densely papillose, papil- H. fo
f rmosa L. C. Leach (Excelsa 12: 95-97, ills.,
lae narrowly cylindrical, blunt, rarely very slightly 1986). T: Somalia (Lavranos 9330 [NBG]). − D:
clavate, often tipped with Bri, Ha irregularly N Somalia.
marked red, ≤ 1 mm, delicate; Ci lobes fused
f into a [2] Stems tufted, to 4.5 × 1.5 mm, prominently
± round crenate disc, or ffree and ± quadrangular, 5-angular; Tu ≤ 6 mm, conical-subulate; Inf few f -
blunt, variably emarginate or bifid; Cs lobes erect, flowered, Fl bent upwards; Bra ≤ 5 mm, pointed;
ribbon-like, tips swollen, meeting each other, acu- Ped 1 - 1.25 cm; Sep ± 8 × 2 mm; Cl outside green-
tely warty, basally with a prominent hump; Poll ish, inside cream-coloured, spotted with brown-red,
yellow to greenish-brown. 3.5 - 4 cm ∅, shallowly saucer-shaped; Cl tube 3 - 4
× 15 mm, bowl-shaped, basally glabrous, limb of
H. erectiloba L. C. Leach & Lavranos (Kirkia 3: the tube and tips of the Cl lobes spreading out-
38-40, ills., 1963). T: Moçambique (Leach & Ru- wards, lobes 1 × 1.4 cm, acutely triangular, with
r -Smith 10914 [SRGH, MO, PRE]). − D: N
therford dark margins, outside finely roughened in part, in-
Moçambique. side densely papillose, papillae ± 1 mm, narrowly
[1] Stems prostrate to decumbent, forming lax conical, ± finel
f y pointed, inconspicuous towards the
clumps, to 20 cm, prominently 4- to 5-angular; Tu T tip; intermediate lobes inconspicuous; Cn 4 × 9 - 10
≤ 5 mm, acute, spreading; Fl facf ing upwards; Ped ≤ mm, dome-shaped; Ci dark brown, lobes ± 4.5 × 1
2 cm; Sep 5 - 7 mm; Cl outside cream-coloured mm, broadly bidentate; Cs red-brown, whitish to-
with fine red spots, inside cream-coloured with wards the tip, lobes ± 3 × 3 mm, ovate or obtusely
blood-red spots and broken or basally confluent triangular, usually not meeting each other, ± cover-
concentric lines, 2.5 cm ∅, bicampanulate, basally ing the Gy; Anth truncate, notched; Poll brown,
rounded; Cl tube ± 10 × 7 - 8 mm, usually with a corpuscle reddish.
weak edge just above the base, mouth slightly con-
stricted, lateral walls thickened, annulus low, slight- H. guttata (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ.,
ly shining, limb of the tube abruptly rising or slight- 30, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov.
ly revolute; Cl lobes ± 7 - 8 × < 9 mm, broadly t. 4, 1796. − D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern
triangular, acuminate, erect or tips revolute, la- Cape).
terally ± fringed, crisped, outside slightly rugose, ≡ Stapelia guttata Masson (1796); incl. Stap
a elia
basally sometimes pubescent, Ha straight, stiff, in- lentiginosa Sims (1801) ≡ Huernia lentiginosa
side pustulate-papillate, ± pubescent, Ha ≤ 2 mm, (Sims) Haworth (1812); incl. Stapelia ocellata
t Jac-
simple, stiff, erect; Cn ± 5 × 6 mm; Ci cream- quin (1806) ≡ Huernia ocellata (Jacquin) Schultes
coloured, margins and tips dark, lobes ± quadrangu- (1820); incl. Stapelia venusta var. minor Jacquin

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

(1806) (incorrect name, Art. 11.4); incl. Stapelia outside greenish-creamy, inside cream-coloured,
t Jacquin (1806) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). occasionally ± bright pink, marked with maroon to
brown-red spots and ± entire concentric lines, to ± 3
H. guttata ssp. calitzdorpensis L. C. Leach (Excel- cm ∅, campanulate, tube basally glabrous, mouth
sa Tax. Ser. 4: 38-39, 1988). T: RSA, Western not or hardly constricted, margin spreading; Cl
Cape (Leach & Roussouw 16147 [NBG, STE]). − lobes acuminate, triangular, erect or widely spread-
D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape). ing and reflexed, margins maroon, inside papillose,
[1] Differs
f ffrom ssp. gutta
t ta: Cl darker, to 7 cm papillae ± 0.2 mm, ± conical, finely pointed, occasi-
∅, tube dark maroon, occasionally marked with onally larger, blunt; Cn 2.5 - 3.5 × 4.5 mm; Ci
some vague yellowish lines, Ha within the tube cream-coloured marked with red and crimson, fused
much longer and more strongly clavate. into a ± circular disc showing 10 notches, ±
strongly convex; Cs yellow marked with maroon,
H. guttata ssp. guttata − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). lobes ± as long as the Anth, if longer then meeting
[1] Stems deflexed or ± creeping to erect, form
f - each other, ± erect, ± obtuse, basally obtusely thi-
ing clumps, to 7 × 1.5 cm, 4- to 5-angular; Tu trian- ckened, with a conspicuous transverse furrow;
f Anth
gular, acute; Fl facin
f g upwards; Ped 1 - 3 cm; Sep yellow, ± acute, with weak dorsal concave notch;
≤ 7 mm; Cl outside greenish, inside white to yel- Poll yellowish.
low, stippled with maroon to crimson (becoming
confluent on the annulus), 2 - 3 cm ∅; Cl tube H. hislopii Turrill (BMI 1922: 30, 1922). T: Zim-
marked with transverse lines, campanulate, basally babwe (Hislop s.n. [K]). − D: Zimbabwe.
slightly rugose around the Cn, annulus broad, dull,
pointing into the tube, mouth of the tube hairy (Ha H. hislopii ssp. hislopii − D: Zimbabwe, Moçambi-
stiff, sometimes ± clavate); Cl lobes broadly trian- que. Fig. XXIX.d
gular, acuminate, ascending, above widely spread- [1] Stems erect, tuftef d, occasionally form
f ing
ing, ± pustulate-papillate; Cn 4.5 - 5.5 × 6 - 8 mm; large clumps, to 5 × 0.8 cm, prominently 5-angular;
Ci with variable colours, lobes ± square, notched to f ing upwards, rarely prostrate; peduncle ± ru-
Fl fac
incised or elongate and deeply bifid; Cs mostly dimentary; Ped ≤ 2.5 cm; Sep 6 - 10 × ± 2 mm; Cl
cream-coloured with maroon markings, apically outside cream-coloured, inside ± cream-coloured,
dark, lobes subulate, basally geniculate, narrowed, stippled and mottled with red-brown, 4 - 5 (-6) cm
meeting each other above the Anth, apically erect, ∅, campanulate, tube ± globose, marked with trans-
diverging, often with nectar droplets; Poll yellow, verse red-brown lines, mouth abruptly reflexed; Cl
germination mouth region brown. lobes ≤ 2.2 × 1.8 cm, acuminate-triangular, some-
times ± caudate, often
f reflexed, inside ± densely
H. hadhramautica Lavranos (JSAB 29: 99-101, papillose, papillae cream-coloured, spotted with
ills. (pl. 10: 1-2), 1963). T: Yemen
Y , Hadhramaut red-brown, ≤ 1 mm, obtuse, ± compressed, basally
(Lavranos 1935 [K]). − D: S Yemen. broadened, mucronate; Cn ± 5.5 mm; Ci dark ma-
[2] Stems erect, tufted, ± 7 × 0.8 cm, 5-angular; roon to black, lobes rectangular; Cs cream-coloured
T ≤ 1.2 mm, basally triangularly compressed, api-
Tu with red-brown markings, lobes ± 4 - 4.5 mm, ob-
cally subulate, widely spreading; Fl fac f ing out- tuse, divergent, rarely erect and only slightly diver-
wards; Ped ± 5 mm; Sep 7 - 9 mm; Cl outside gent; Poll yellow.
pinkish-creamy, inside dark maroon, ± 2.5 cm ∅, H kirk
H. r ii in the sense of White & Sloane (1937)
broadly campanulate, tube prominent, basally pink, belongs here.
glabrous; Cl lobes broader than long, outside den-
sely finely papillose, inside finely papillose, papil- H. hislopii ssp. robusta L. C. Leach & Plowes
lae maroon, conical; Cn ± 5 mm ∅, disc-shaped; Ci (JSAB 32(1): 53, ill., 1966). T: Zimbabwe, Lupani
lobes convex, apically rounded; Cs lobes simple, Distr. (Leach 11628 [SRGH, BM, G, K, LISC,
meeting each other above the Sty head. PRE]). − D: NW Zimbabwe.
[1] Differs from ssp. hislop
o ii: Stems more robust;
H. hallii E. & B. M. Lamb (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. Tu arranged in 5 - 7 Ri; Cl tube longer, weakly in-
13(3): 57, ills., 1958). T [neo]: Namibia (Hall s.n. fflated, basally without or with weak concentric
[NBG]). − D: S Namibia. Fig. XXIX.c lines; Cl lobes shorter, rarely acuminate.
≡ Huern
H ia namaquensis ssp. hallii (E. & B. M.
Lamb) Bruyns (1982). H. humilis (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ.,
[3] Stems prostrate to decumbent, clump-form- 30, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov.
ing, pale green, 1.5 - 2.5 (-3) × 0.6 - 1.2 (-1.5) cm, t. 5, 1796. − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). Fig. XXIX.a
prominently 4- to 5-angular; TuT 0.5 - 1.5 (-2) mm; ≡ Stap
a elia humilis Masson (1796); incl. Hue
H rnia
Inf with or without peduncle, nodding or pointing simplex N. E. Brown (1909).
outwards, borne at the base or middle of the stems [2] Stems stout, ± pyramid-shaped or ± globose,
or irregularly; Bra ± 4 mm, acute; Ped tipped with f
form ing clumps, green to greyish, marked with ma-
5 wart-like convexities, glabrous; Sep 4 - 7 mm; Cl roon, 2.5 × 2.5 cm, 4-angular; Tu
T ≤ 2 mm, triangu-

Huernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

lar; Inf few- or 1-flowered, pointing outwards; Ped Zeit. 1928(7): 79, 1928). T [neo]: RSA ((Anonymus
± 1 cm, ascending; Sep 2.5 - 4 × ± 2 mm; Cl outside s.n. [K]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov., Mpumalan-
bright green, inside pale yellow, with evenly ar- ga).
ranged maroon dots, 2.5 - 3 cm ∅; Cl tube ± 6 mm Incl. Huernia confusa E. Phillips (1932).
∅, basally bright maroon, above and on the annulus [2] Stems basally branching, erect, form
f ing small
spotted with reddish; Cl lobes broadly triangular, clumps, grey-green, ± quadrangular in cross section,
divergent, inside finely papillose, papillae maroon, 4- (rarely 5-) angular; TuT small, disappearing on
very variable in size, acute; Ci dark maroon to older stems; Inf ffew-flowered, pointing outwards;
black, lobes ± shortly bifid; Cs lobes slender, Ped ± 1 cm; Sep ± 6 mm; Cl outside light green, in-
pointed, ± as long as the Anth; Poll yellowish. side greenish-white, ivory-coloured or light yellow,
H. venusta
t in the sense of Retief 1980 (Flow. Pl. at times pink, 2.5 - 3.5 cm ∅, tube and the glabrous
Afr. 46: t. 1812) belongs here. annulus crimson to dark purple or brown, tube ± 7 ×
6 mm; Cl lobes triangular, shortly pointed, divaric-
H. hystrix (Hooker fil.) N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ate, irregularly transversely streaked with light red
ser. nov. 5: 795, 1876). T: [icono]: Curtis’s Bot. or purple, outside partly finely roughened, inside
Mag. 95: t. 5751, 1869. − D: Zimbabwe, Moçambi- puberulous, Ha maroon or streaked with reddish,
que, RSA, Swaziland. short, acute, basally sometimes swollen; Ci cream-
≡ Stapelia hhystrix Hooker fil.
f (1869); incl. Hue
H r- coloured to light yellow, rarely black-purple, some-
nia appendiculata A. Berger (1910) ≡ Huernia hyst-
h times with maroon markings, lobes ± shortly lobed,
i var. appen
a diculata (A. Berger) A. C. White & B. f d into a disc, margin sometimes with 10
Sloane (1937). notches; Cs yellowish with dark maroon margin,
black or rarely dark maroon, basal hump ivory to
H. hystrix var. hystrix − D: SE Zimbabwe, W Mo- orange, lobes acute, as long as the Anth or exceed-
çambique, RSA (Northern Prov., Mpumalanga, ing them; Poll yellow to dark greenish, ± elliptic to
KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape), Swaziland. Fig. elongate-elliptic.
XXIX.e H humilis in the sense of Schlechter (1895a: 54)
[1] Stems decumbent-erect, spreading, sometimes belongs here.
creeping, ± 6 - 7 cm, prominently 5-angular, late-
rally deeply furrowed; L rudiments persistent as H. keniensis R. E. Fries (Acta Horti Berg. 9(3):
hard Sp; Fl lying flat on the ground; Ped ≤ 6 cm; 79-80, t. 2, 1929). T: Kenya (Fries
F 1024 [UPS [not
Sep 7 - 10 mm, obtusely keeled; Cl outside green- preserved?]]). − D: Kenya, Tanzania.
ish, inside cream-coloured dotted and streaked with
brown-red, flat, 3 - 5 cm ∅; Cl tube short, broad, ± H. keniensis var. globosa L. E. Newton (Asklepios
cup-shaped, basally often
f only weakly roughened, No. 74: 23-24, ills., 1998). T: Kenya, Rift Valley
mouth of the tube and Cl lobes abruptly divaricate; P N wton 2927 [K, EA, MSUN]). − D: Kenya.
Prov. (Ne
Cl lobes broadly triangular, occasionally shortly [2] Differs
f ffrom var. keniensis: Cl globose-urceo-
pointed, outside slightly roughened, inside densely late, ± 20 × 25 mm, inside deep purple with minute
papillose, papillae 3.5 - 5 (-5.5) mm, fleshy, subu- papillae of uniform size. − [U. Meve]
late, sometimes finely pointed, flattened, basally
broadened; Ci very variable in shape and colour, H. keniensis var. grandiflora
f P. R. O. Bally (FPA
sometimes much reduced or absent; Cs lobes erect, 38: t. 1511B + text, 1967). T: Kenya, Samburu
dorsiventrally strongly compressed, with ± parallel Distr. (Hennings s.n. in Bally S204 [G, EA]). − D:
sides, terminating in a fleshy process, ± invertedly Kenya.
foot-shaped, glabrous or scattered with fine Ha, [2] Differs
f ffrom var. keniensis: Cl outside parch-
outside flat, glabrous, tuberculate-rugose and / or ment-white or dark with pale venation, ± 5 cm ∅,
furrowe d, basally with a broad wart-like convexity; lobes prominently 3-veined with 2 inconspicuous
Poll yellowish with darker germination mouth re- additional veins, outside ± glabrous, inside densely
gion. papillose.

H. hystrix var. parvula L. C. Leach (JSAB 42(4): H. keniensis var. keniensis − D: Kenya, N Tanza-
450, 1976). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Strey 9730 nia. Fig. XXX.a
[PRE, K, MO, SRGH]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu- Incl. Huernia keniensis var. quintitia Leach
Natal). (1988) (nom. inval., Art. 36.1, 37.1).
[1] Plants smaller than in var. hy
h strix
i ; stems ra- [2] Stems prostrate-decumbent or erect, irregu-
rely > 3 cm; Ped ≤ 1.75 cm; Cl 3 - 4.5 cm ∅, bud larly branching, ± 12 × 1 cm, 5-angular; Tu
T small,
longer conically pointed, papillae rarely > 2.5 mm; acute or larger and more prominent; Ped ≥ 5 mm;
Cs lobes apically hoof-f like, obtusely clavate, more Sep ± 6 mm; Cl outside rarely cream-coloured, in-
densely puberulous and tuberculate-furrowe
f d. side dark purple, 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, deeply campanulate;
Cl lobes broadly triangular with revolute tips, 5-
H. insigniflora Maass (Möllers Deutsche Gärtn.- veined, outside papillose-roughened, inside densely

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

papillose, papillae ± conical or ± cylindrical, at the clumps, ± 8 cm, distinctly 4- to 5-angular; Tu 5

mouth of the tube and on the lobes obtuse, in the mm, laterally compressed; L rudiments acute, har-
tube more delicate; Cn dark, often
f black-purple; Ci dened; Fl facing upwards, Inf ffirst without ped-
lobes fused into a ± crenate disc; Cs lobes apically uncle, later rudimentary; Bra ≤ 5 mm; Ped ≤ 3 cm;
slightly pointing upwards, narrow, with obtuse tips; Sep ± 8 × 1.5 mm; Cl outside pale yellow, inside
Gy tuberculate-papillose below the basal convexity. cream-coloured, with irregular reddish or maroon
stipples and spots, 3 - 5 cm ∅; Cl tube black-
H. keniensis var. molonyae A. C. White & B. maroon, bicampanulate, basally glabrous; Cl lobes
Sloane (Stapelieae, ed. 2, 3: 832-833, 1144, ills., 8 - 10 × 11 - 13 mm, triangular, acuminate, erect to
1937). T: Kenya (Molony s.n. [not preserved]). − divaricate, outside sometimes very weakly rou-
D: Kenya. ghened, inside ± densely papillose, papillae dark
[2] As var. keniensis, but Cl ± glabrous inside maroon, ≤ 2 mm, ± cylindrical to conical, apically
and outside, inside with few
f scattered Ha. with short a acute Bri; Cn black-maroon, ± 6 × 7.5
Possibly an abnormal fform. mm; Ci lobes narrowly transversely rectangular or
± square, crenate, dentate or bifid; Cs lobes erect,
H. keniensis var. nairobiensis A. C. White & B.
meeting each other, apically clavate, reflexed-diva-
Sloane (Stapelieae, ed. 2, 3: 837, 1937). T: Kenya
ricate; Poll brownish-yellow, germination mouth
(Molony s.n. [K alc 6754]). − D: Kenya, Tanzania.
region darker.
[2] As var. keniensis, but stems erect, more robust
(specimens from Tanzania prostrate, to 18 cm); Tu
H. laevis J. R. Wood (KB 39(1): 128-130, ills.,
more distinct; Cl larger, indistinctly bicampanulate,
1984). T: Yemen
Y (Wood
W 3037 [K]). − D: N Ye-
broadly funnel-shaped, tube broad, bowl-shaped; Cl
lobes 3-veined, outside papillose-roughened, inside
[2] Stems robust, prostrate-decumbent, form
f ing
densely papillose, papillae small; Cn erect ffor more
clumps, to 4 cm, prominently 5-angular; Tu 5 - 6
than 1⁄2 of its height; Cs lobes ± 1.3 mm, apically ob-
mm; Fl facing upwards; Bra ± 5 mm, linear; Sep 1
tuse, shortly rising up, slightly overlapping above
- 1.2 cm; Cl outside dotted with white-red, inside
the Sty head.
shining with markings composed of irregular, often
H. kennedyana Lavranos (JSAB 31(4): 313-315, elongate maroon stipples and spots, ± 3 cm ∅; Cl
ills., 1965). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Kennedy d s.n. in tube broadly funne
f l-shaped, ± 5 × 6 - 7 mm, margin
Lavranos 2356 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). weakly bulging like an annulus; Cl lobes ± 10 × 8
Fig. XXIX.f mm, long-triangular with a long point, weakly rev-
[1] Stems erect, dwarf, in densely caespitose olute, inside glabrous, smooth; intermediate lobes
mats, green, in part suffuse
f d with purple; Tu T short, inconspicuous; Cn black-brown, ± 5-angular; Ci
compact, ± globose, arranged in (6-) 7 - 9 (-10) Ri; lobes shortly bluntly bifid; Cs lobes ± 1.6 mm, api-
L rudiments ± 0.75 mm, soft, occasionally decidu- cally ± acute, slightly overtopping the Anth but not
ous; Fl facin
f g upwards, peduncle compact; Bra ≤ 2 meeting each other.
mm, distinctly keeled; Ped 4 - 9 (-15) mm; Sep 3 - 4
mm, finely tuberculate; Cl outside pale yellow, ba- H. lavrani L. C. Leach (Excelsa 12: 94, 96-97, ills.,
sally pink, inside cream-coloured to dull yellow, 2 - 1986). T: Somalia (Lavranos & Bavazzano 8534
2.5 cm ∅; Cl tube with red-brown to dark maroon [NBG, K]). − D: N Somalia. Fig. XXIX.g
sometimes elongate spots, basally dotted, above f d, to 4 × 1.25 cm, promi-
[2] Stems erect, tufte
streaked, campanulate or semiglobose, 5.5 × ± 10 nently 5-angular; Tu T ≤ 6 mm, conical, subulate,
mm; Cl lobes 6 - 7 × 6 - 6.5 mm, triangular, acumi- spreading; Fl fac
f ing outwards, bent upwards; ped-
nate, outside slightly roughened, inside densely pa- uncle rudimentary; Bra 3 mm, pointed, distinctly
pillose, papillae whitish or pale yellow, ± 3 mm, keeled; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep 5 - 7 × 1.5 mm; Cl in-
cylindrical, ± obtuse, often
f ± clavate, sometimes fi- side cream-coloured, 1.5 × ± 2 cm, deeply bowl-
nely acute, margin of lobes finely crenate-papillose; shaped, ± glabrous; Cl tube basally with irregular
Ci pale pink, lobes transversely rectangular, shortly concentric red-brown streaks; Cl lobes mottled or
bifid or finely crenate; Cs yellow, tipped whitish, stippled, lower 2⁄3 with dark margin, 8 mm, triangu-
lobes ± 2 mm, subulate, dorsiventrally compressed, lar, (very shortly) pointed, erect or spreading, out-
basally broad, apically blunt, often
f slightly clavate, side partly finely roughened, inside finely acutely
sometimes shortly reflexed, basal convexity much tuberculose; intermediate lobes 1.5 mm, divaricate;
reduced; Poll yellow. Cn 4 × ± 8 mm, dome-shaped; Ci dark purple-
brown, lobes ± 3 × 1 mm, rather broadly bidentate
H. kirkii N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 920, 1909). T: or finely crenate; Cs basally dark to red-brown,
RSA, Transvaal (Kirkr s.n. [K]). − D: SE Zimbab- lobes ± 3 × 2.5 mm, ± oval, basally truncate, meet-
we, W Moçambique, RSA (Northern Prov., Mpuma- ing each other above the Sty head to slightly over-
langa, E KwaZulu-Natal). I: Leach (1988). lapping, ± covering the Gy; Anth sometimes
Incl. Huernia bicamp
m anulata I. Verdoorn (1932). shortly obtusely bifid; Poll brown, germination
[1] Stems erect, tufted, often forming large mouth region darker, corpuscle red-orange.

Huernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

H. leachii Lavranos (JSAB 25: 311-313, pl. 29-30, base thickened annulus-like, base of the tube often
1959). T: Moçambique, Manica e Sofa f la (Leach smooth; Cl lobes yellowish dotted with brownish-
5641 [PRE]). − D: Moçambique, Malawi. Fig. red, ± 5 × 5 (-8) mm, triangular, shortly pointed,
XXX.b spreading, revolute, outside roughened, inside ±
[2] Stems creeping or prostrate, ± cylindrical, to densely papillose, papillae dark maroon, ≤ 1.25 mm,
150 × 0.5 - 0.8 cm; Tu T ± 2 mm, acute, fleshy, elongate conical-cylindrical, obtuse, often tipped
strongly spreading, irregularly arranged (sometimes with an erect Bri of 2 mm; Cn 4 - 5 mm; Ci black-
arranged in 4 indistinct Ri); Inf ffew- to many- f d into a ± circular disc; Cs brow-
maroon, lobes fuse
flowered, peduncle ± persistent; Fl nodding; Ped ≤ nish, lobes ≤ 3.5 × 1 mm, erect or rising up and
8 mm; Sep ± 5 mm; Cl outside cream-coloured, in- meeting each other, strong, obtuse, dorsiventrally
side cream-coloured to brownish, bowl-shaped, ± compressed; Poll yellowish; Fr yellow-brown,
1.7 × ± 2.5 cm ∅, tube pink at the base, above with streaked with purple, 15 cm, Ped 3 - 4 mm ∅,
fine concentric (partly broken) purple lines; Cl strong, ± woody.
lobes ± erect or slightly spreading, slightly reflexed,
papillose-roughened, inside densely papillose, mar- H. lodarensis Lavranos (JSAB 30(2): 87, 1964). T:
gin dark purple, finely papillose, papillae ≤ 0.4 mm, Saudi Arabia (Lavranos 1900 [K]). − D: Saudi Ar-
semiglobose at the ground of the tube, above cy- abia.
lindrical, blunt, rarely finely pointed; Ci purple, [1] Stems erect, compact, form
f ing clumps, 3 - 4
lobes 0.5 - 1.5 mm, fused into a crenate disc, 3.5 mm cm, 5-angular; Tu
T 4 mm, basally compact-conical,
∅, round or emarginate; Cs yellow, margin dark apically finely subulate, divaricate; Bra ≤ 6 mm,
purple, lobes as long as the Anth, ± 1.5 mm broad, ± acute; Ped ≤ 1.2 cm; Sep 8 - 10 × 10 - 15 mm; Cl
subulate, apically obtuse; Poll dark greenish-brown, inside and outside cream-coloured, inside irregu-
germination mouth region ± black, ± elliptic, very larly spotted and streaked with purple-brown, ± 3.6
compact. cm ∅; Cl lobes ± as long as broad, triangular,
strongly revolute, apically caudate, outside slightly
H. lenewtonii Plowes (Asklepios No. 64: 21-22, pl. roughened, margins erect, dark purple-brown, in-
5-6, 1995). T: Kenya, Eastern Prov. (Newton & Po- side ± densely papillose, papillae stippled and
wys 3703 [K, EA]). − D: N Kenya. Fig. XXX.c streaked with purple-brown, ≤ 1.5 (-1.75) mm,
[2] Stems prostrate-decumbent, green, often f strong, ± conical, compressed; Ci dark purple, lobes
mottled with purple, 10 × 1.5 cm, 5-angular; Tu 3 - as long as broad, tips appressed to the base of the
4 mm, spreading; Inf with 2 - 3 Fl near the base of tube; Cs whitish, finely dotted with purple, lobes ±
the plant, nodding; Bra light pink, 2 × 1 mm, 3 mm, erect-divaricate, dorsally flattened, basally
broadly triangular, acute; Ped 15 - 25 mm, ± erect; widened, apically finely roughened, obtuse.
Sep pale green, 4 - 5 × 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl outside gree- H. loeseneriana Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51):
nish-yellow, inside ruby-red, 3.5 cm ∅, broadly 55, 1895). T [neo]: RSA, Transvaal (Rossouw 92
funnel-sha ped, tube slightly darker, 1 × 1 cm; Cl [NBG]). − D: N RSA (North-West Prov., Gauteng,
lobes 1 × 1.5 cm, triangular, pointed, margins some- Free State). I: White & Sloane (1937).
times greenish-yellow, outside scattered with papil- [1] Stems erect, tufte
f d, often
f f
form ing mats, ± 3.5
lae being round or slightly pointed, inside densely (-8) cm, compact, 4-angular; Tu acute; Inf 1- or
velvety-papillose; Ci ruby-red, lobes 2 × 2 mm, ± few-flowered, pointing outwards; Bra ± 3 mm,
rectangular, borne tightly together, form
f ing a cren- straight, subulate; Ped ± 7 mm, basally sometimes
ate circle; Cs basally ruby-red, yellowish above, thickened (then with several Bra), oftenf with an
tipped dark red, lobes 1.5 mm, basally hump- additional bud; Sep ≤ 7 mm; Cl outside pale yellow
backed, apically obtuse, covered with fine blisters; to brownish, inside densely marked with brown to
Poll pale brown, corpuscle dark reddish-brown. dark crimson concentric lines or stipples, ± 2 - 2.6
According to the protologue closely related to H. cm ∅, campanulate; Cl tube 7 - 9 × ± 10 mm, ±
keniensis var. nairobiensis and H H. penzigii (= H. cup-shaped, mouth a little wider, mouth of the tube
macrocarpa) and belonging to the H. H keniensis and Cl lobes ± erect or divaricate; Cl lobes ± 6 × >
complex. 6 mm, triangular, outside slightly roughened, inside
± papillose, papillae ≤ 1 mm, bluntly conical, com-
H. levyi Obermeyer (FPSA 16: t. 616 + text, 1936). pressed, basally broadened, often finely pointed;
T: Zimbabwe (Levy v s.n. [PRE, NH]). − D: Botswa- Cn 3.5 × ± 5 mm; Ci lobes ± square; Cs lobes 1.5 - 2
na, Zambia, Zimbabwe. mm, ± erect, dorsiventrally compressed, tips
[1] Stems erect or prostrate-decumbent, form
f ing knobby, meeting each other above the Anth or
clumps, to 10 × ≤ 1.5 cm, 4- to 5-angular; TuT ≤8 slightly divergent; Poll yellowish, germination
mm, triangular, often wing-like compressed; ped- mouth region darker.
uncle (if present) with many acute Bra, these ≤ 3 ×
0.75 mm; Ped ≤ 8 mm; Sep ≤ 6 × 2 mm; Cl outside H. longii Pillans (JSAB 5: 65, 1939). T: RSA, Eas-
greenish-brown, inside basally dark maroon, tubular tern Cape (Long 1154 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern
to campanulate, to 4 × 3 cm ∅, 3 - 5 mm above the Cape: Uitenhage Distr.). I: Leach (1988).

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

[1] Stems ± erect, tufted, ± 4 × ≤ 0.8 cm; Tu ob- (N. E. Brown) A. Berger (1910) ≡ Hue H rnia macro-
tuse, indistinct, arranged in 6 - 8 Ri or borne in a carpa var. arabica (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B.
weak spiral; L rudiments soon becoming a Sp, Sloane (1937); incl. Huern
H ia penzigii var. schimperi
small, acute, ± spreading; Fl facin
f g upwards; Ped 2 A. Berger (1910) ≡ Huernia macrocarp r a fa.
f schim-
- 5 mm; Sep ≤ 5 mm; Cl both sides cream-coloured, peri (A. Berger) S. Brodie (1998); incl. Hue H rnia
inside densely stippled with brown-red, 2 - 3 (-3.5) penzigii var. schweinfnfurthii A. Berger (1910) ≡ Hu-
cm ∅, campanulate; Cl tube 9 × ≤ 10 mm, glabrous; ernia macrocarp r a var. schweinf nfurthii (A. Berger)
Cl lobes 5.5 - 10.5 × 6 - 7.5 mm, ± triangular, diver- A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Huernia
gent, revolute, inside densely papillose, papillae macrocarpa var. cerasina A. C. White & B. Sloane
marked with red-brown, cylindrical or weakly clav- (1937) (nom. inval., Art. 37.1); incl. Huern
H ia mac-
ate, obtuse, apically often finely hairy; Cn dark rocarpa var. flavicoronata
f A. C. White & B. Sloane
brown; Ci lobes ± square or ± triangular; Cs lobes 2 (1937) (nom. inval., Art. 37.1); incl. Stapa elia mac-
- 2.5 mm, subulate, basally dorsiventrally com- rocarp
r a Martelli (s.a.).
pressed, apically ± cylindrical, tip sometimes [2] Stems erect or shortly prostrate and then ris-
slightly clavate, convergent above the Anth, api- f d, to 9 × 1.5 cm, 4- to 5-angular; Tu
ing, tufte T ≤1
cally revolute-divergent, basally with a pointed cm, conical-subulate, divaricate; Fl fac
f ing outwards
convexity; Poll yellow. or nodding; peduncle short, very robust; Bra ≤ 6
mm; Ped 0.5 - 1 cm; Sep 6 - 10 (-12) × 0.75 - 1.5
H. longituba N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 912, 1909). T: mm; Cl inside brownish-red or black-purple, with
RSA, Cape Prov. (Pillans 609 [BOL, GRA]). − D: purple transverse striping on yellowish ground, ±
Zimbabwe, Botswana, RSA. 1.5 - 2 cm ∅, campanulate; Cl lobes 5 - 7 mm, trian-
gular, erect or slightly spreading, outside sometimes
H. longituba ssp. cashelensis L. C. Leach & Plowes finely roughened, inside weakly papillose, papillae
(JSAB 32(1): 49, ill., 1966). T: Zimbabwe, Melset- small, obtuse, rarely slightly pointed; Cn brown or
ter Distr. (Leach 5405 [PRE, K, SRGH]). − D: black-purple; Ci lobes transversely rectangular to
Zimbabwe. square, shallowly emarginate or shortly broadly bi-
[1] Differs
f ffrom ssp. longituba: Stems 5- to 6- dentate, at the Anth bases with a prominent conical
angular; Fl smaller, base of the tube often slightly convexity; Cs basally sometimes bright yellow, dar-
widened, papillae Bri-tipped. ker towards the tip, tip ± black, lobes ± 1.4 × ≥ 0.5
mm, apically obtuse; Poll yellowish; Fr cream-
H. longituba ssp. longituba − D: Botswana, RSA coloured, striped black-purple, 4 - 17 × 0.4 - 1 cm,
(Northern Prov., North-West Prov., Free State, Nor- erect with woody Ped to 6.5 cm.
thern Cape). Size and colouring of the corolla are variable in
f d, ± 5 × 0.6 cm, prominently
[1] Stems erect, tufte this complex.
f ing upwards or ±
4- to 5-angular; Tu acute; Fl fac
erect; Bra ≤ 6 mm; Ped ± 1 (-1.8) cm; Sep ≤ 1 cm; H. marnieriana Lavranos (JSAB 29: 97-99, ills.
Cl inside cream-coloured, ± 2.8 × 4 cm, tubular or (pl. 9: 1-2), 1963). T: Yemen
Y (Lavranos 1958 [K]).
campanulate; Cl tube basally with concentric red- − D: S Yemen.
brown or maroon lines, streaked above, then dotted, [2] Stems erect, tufted, 5 × ± 0.8 cm, 5-angular;
≤ 2 × 1.5 cm, basally flat and glabrous; Cl lobes 8 - T ≤ 8 mm, basally compressed into a deltoid
10 × 8 - 10 mm, acutely triangular, erect or divaric- shape, apically acutely subulate, much spreading;
ate, rarely revolute, outside sometimes partly finely f ing outwards; Bra ≤ 5 mm; Ped ≤ 1 cm; Sep
Fl fac
roughened, inside papillose, papillae stippled with ≤ 8 mm; Cl outside cream-coloured to brownish, in-
reddish, ≤ 1.5 mm, slender, conical, often finely side whitish, basally pink, ± 3 cm ∅, ± flat, mouth
mucronate; Cn 5 × ± 8 mm; Ci black-maroon, lobes of the tube and lobes divaricate; Cl lobes ≤ 1 × > 1
± square, lobed, dentate, crenate or emarginate; Cs cm, broadly triangular, inside ± densely finely pa-
lobes ± 1 mm, erect and touching each other, dorsi- pillose, papillae red, ≤ 1 mm, obtusely conical; in-
ventrally ± compressed, apically clavate, revolute; termediate lobes indistinct or absent; Cn ± 5 mm ∅;
Poll yellow, germination mouth region brown. Ci whitish, apically pink, lobes ± transversely rect-
angular; Cs pale pink, lobes 1.25 × 0.75 mm, attenu-
H. macrocarpa (A. Richard) Sprenger (Cat. Dam- ate, basally with a dorsal hump, apically ± obtuse.
mann & Co., 59: 4, 7, fig. 6, 1892). T: Ethiopia
(Penzig s.n. [K [epi]]). − Lit: Brodie (1998). D: H. namaquensis Pillans (J. Bot. 68: 102, 1930). T:
Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen. I: RSA, Northern Cape (Pillans 5155 [BOL]). − D: S
Leach (1988: 108, as H
H. penzigii). Fig. XXX.d Namibia, RSA (Northern Cape).
≡ Stapelia macrocarpa A. Richard (1851); incl. Incl. Huernia
H herrei A. C. White & B. Sloane
Huern ia penzigii N. E. Brown (1892) ≡ Hue H rnia (1937); incl. Hue
H rnia herrei var. immaculata A. C.
r var. penzigii (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. HHuernia owambo-
White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Huernia arabica
r N. ensis R. A. Dyer (1980).
E. Brown (1895) ≡ Huern
H ia penzigii var. arabica [3] Stems prostrate-decumbent, with sympodial

Huernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

branching near the base, attenuate, often slightly tips slightly revolute; Cl inside greenish, dotted and
twisted, tufte
f d, (dark) green, sometimes suffuse f d streaked in concentric circles with brown-red, cam-
with purple, to 4 (-6) × 1.5 - 2 cm, 4- to 6-angular; panulate, 3 cm ∅; Cl tube ± 5 × 10 - 13 mm, basally
T ± 4 mm, triangular, ± compressed, spreading,
Tu glabrous; Cl lobes 5 - 6 mm, triangular, spreading,
usually reflexed; L rudiments fine, acute, ± hard, indistinctly revolute, inside ± densely papillose, pa-
persistent; Fl ± nodding; peduncle 1.2 (-2) cm; Bra pillae obtuse or ± acutely conical, larger papillae
± 3 mm; Ped brownish or purple, 1.5 (-2.5) cm; Sep terminated by a fine red Sp or by a small reddish
3 - 5 (-6) × 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl outside yellowish to point; Cn 3 - 4 × 5 - 6 mm; Ci lobes ± square or
brown, inside whitish-creamy to pale yellow, fused into a disc showing 10 notches of ± even dist-
stippled with reddish or purple or irregularly ribution, erect, obtuse, compressed; Cs lobes 2 - 2.5
marked with ± concentric lines (lines short, broken, mm, ± attenuate, obtuse, on the back of the Anth
occasionally without markings), (1.6-) 2 - 2.5 (-3.5) slightly reflexed, towards the apex connivent-erect;
cm ∅; Cl tube ± flat, basally rounded and glabrous, Poll brownish.
sometimes ± obtuse, mouth constricted, margin
spreading; Cl lobes triangular, weakly acuminate, H. occulta L. C. Leach & Plowes (JSAB 32(1): 56-
slightly revolute, inside ± densely papillose, papil- 58, ills., 1966). T: Zimbabwe (Leach 11661 [SR-
lae mostly obtuse, semiglobose, obtusely cylindrical GH, K, PRE]). − D: Zimbabwe.
or ± conical, apically shortly pointed or Bri-tipped; [1] Stems slender, prostrate, to 30 × 0.5 cm, 5-
intermediate lobes ± 2 mm; Ci crimson or purple, angular, sides deeply furrowed; Tu small, acute,
lobes deeply bifid, weakly 2-notched, irregularly f ing upwards; Ped ≤ 2.5 cm; Sep 6 -
spreading; Fl fac
dentate or fuse
f d into a disc (specimens ffrom the 8 × 1.5 mm; Cl inside cream-coloured, stippled and
Hellskloof); Cs yellow with crimson markings, mottled with brownish-red, 3 cm ∅; Cl tube shin-
lobes swollen, attenuate, tip obtuse, at least as long ing, black-maroon, bicampanulate, ± 0.75 × 10 mm,
as the Anth, meeting each other above the Sty head, basally glabrous, margin of the tube abruptly diva-
rarely with the tips shortly bent upwards, sometimes ricate, dish- or shallowly bowl-shaped; Cl lobes ±
± erect, rarely basally with a prominent transverse as long as broad, triangular, ± erect or divergent,
furrow ; Poll yellowish. sometimes apically weakly revolute, inside ± den-
sely papillose, papillae ≤ 1.25 mm, conical, often
H. nigeriana Lavranos (JSAB 27: 233, ills., 1961). terminated by a short point; Cn black-maroon, ± 8
T: Nigeria (Lavranos 1058 [PRE]). − D: Nigeria. mm ∅; Ci lobes ± square, emarginate, 2-lobed or
≡ Huernia volkartii var. nigeriana (Lavranos) shortly toothed; Cs lobes ± 3.5 mm, ± cylindrical,
Lavranos (1964). touching each other, basally with indistinct blunt
[1] Stems erect or prostrate-decumbent, tufte
f d or convexity, tapering off towards the tip, tip obtuse,
± creeping, to 8 × 1 cm, 5-angular; Tu
T small, acute finely obtusely tuberculate or plaited, tips slightly
and spreading; Ped 0.8 - 1 cm; Sep 6 - 7 mm; Cl divergent; Poll yellow, elongate-ovoid, pollinarium
outside cream-coloured, inside cream-coloured with ± 0.375 × 0.25 mm.
blood-red spots and broken lines, 2 - 2.5 cm ∅; Cl A close ally of H.
H hislopii.
tube ± deeply cup-shaped, 7 - 9 × 9 - 10 mm; Cl
lobes 6.5 - 7 × 5.5 - 6.5 mm, triangular, spreading, H. oculata Hooker fil. (CBM 108: t. 6658 + text,
margin dark red, denticulate, outside finely rou- 1882). T: Namibia, Damaraland (Een s.n. [K]). −
ghened, sometimes ± glabrous, inside papillose, pa- D: Angola, Namibia.
pillae 1 - 1.5 mm, ± slender, ± conical, sometimes Incl. Huernia rogersii R. A. Dyer (1927).
f y mucronate; Ci reddish-brown, lobes as long
finel [2] Stems erect, compact, forming clumps, to 10
as broad; Cs lobes 2.5 - 3 mm, meeting each other × 0.8 cm, prominently 5-angular; Tu T acute, wing-
above the Sty head, above upper 1⁄2 spreading, ba- like compressed; Inf many-flowered, pointing out-
sally broadened, rarely humped, apex small, obtuse, wards; peduncle compact; Bra 7 - 8 mm; Ped 4 - 5
finely papillose. mm; Sep ≤ 1.5 cm, apically very acute; Cl outside
Nigerian collections cited under HH. volkartii by greenish with purple, basally paler, inside basally
various authors belong here. white, sometimes slightly suffused with pink, ± 2
cm ∅, shallowly bowl-shaped, lobes and margin of
H. nouhuysii I. Verdoorn (FPSA 11: t. 412 + text, the tube black-purple; Cl lobes rarely green, 4 × ± 7
1931). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Van Nouhuys s.n. - 8 mm, broadly triangular, ± acuminate, spreading,
[lecto: l.c. t. 412]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov.). slightly revolute, both sides roughened-papillose,
Fig. XXX.e papillae of the inside terminated by fine acute Ha;
[3] Stems erect, forming clumps, to 9 (-20) × 1 - Cn pale yellow, red or purple, 3.5 × 4.5 mm; Ci re-
1.5 cm, 4- to 6-angular or spirally twisted; Tu acute, duced, with variable margins; Cs lobes ± 2 × 1.25
spreading, often curved; L rudiments whitish, acute, mm, meeting each other above the Anth, straight,
hardening; Inf few-
f flowered, often
f 2 Fl open at the often
f curved, then partly with overlapping tips, at-
same time; peduncle very short, compact; Bra ± 2 tenuate, tip obtuse; Poll brownish or greenish-
mm; Ped 0.5 - 1.5 cm, ± erect; Sep ± 4 × 1.5 mm, brown.

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

H. pendula E. A. Bruce (FPA 28: t. 1108 + text, (at times cup-shaped), 5 - 9 mm; Cl lobes 1.2 - 2.2 ×
1951). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Phillips 1 [PRE]). − 0.5 - 1 cm, triangular, spreading or revolute, inside
D: RSA (Eastern Cape). densely papillose, papillae ± 1 mm, cylindrical, ob-
[2] Stems ± cylindrical, pendulous from rock tuse, apically partly hairy, Ha streaked red, deli-
faces, on level ground first erect, then curved, cate, sometimes slightly clavate; intermediate lobes
rooting when in contact with soil, to 90 (-150) × 0.5 1.5 mm, subulate, spreading to revolute; Ci lobes ±
- 0.8 cm, indistinctly 4-angular; Tu small, acute; trapeziform; Cs lobes 2 - 2.5 mm, erect, dorsivent-
base of L rudiments sterile, tuberculate; Fl nodding, rally compressed and flattened, slowly attenuate,
borne on basal short lateral Br, occasionally spread apex prominent, acutely verrucose, knobby, basally
along the stems; Ped ≤ 8 mm; Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl with a ± prominent hump; Poll yellowish to green-
outside purple, inside dark maroon, 1.4 × ≤ 2 cm, ish, germination mouth region darker.
bowl-shaped; Cl lobes ± erect or slightly spreading,
revolute, inside densely papillose, papillae dark H. plowesii L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 4: 134-
maroon, ± 0.2 mm ∅, mucronate; Cn ± 3 mm; 136, ills., 1988). T: Namibia (Plowes 6761 [NBG,
Ci black-maroon, disc-shaped, 3 - 3.5 mm ∅, K, PRE]). − D: SW Namibia.
crenate, weakly conical; Cs dark maroon, lobes ± [2] Stems erect or decumbent, ± pyramid-shaped,
1.5 mm, ± tongue-shaped, apically obtuse; Poll yel- forming small clumps, to 3 cm, 4-angular; Tu
T acute;
lowish. Fl pointing outwards; Ped ≤ 1 cm; Sep 5 - 6 × 2
mm; Cl inside dark purple-brown, 2.5 - 3.5 cm ∅,
H. piersii N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 909, 1909). T: tube ± 6 mm ∅, inside 5-angular, mouth thickened,
RSA, Eastern Cape (Piers s.n. in Pillans 622 [K, annulus sometimes magenta, ± 5 mm ∅; Cl lobes
BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Leach (1988). cream-coloured, irregularly spotted with maroon,
[1] Stems erect, compact, crowded, dull green, somewhat broader than long, triangular, acuminate,
dotted with purple, to 4.5 (-5) × 1 - 1.5 cm, 4-angu- divaricate, inside basally glabrous, scattered with
lar, Ri ± distant ffrom each other; Tu T 1 - 2 mm, Ha above, Ha ≤ 3 mm, simple, rigid, borne at the
f ing outwards or upwards; Ped to
spreading; Fl fac apex of small tubercles, lobes finely pubescent, Ha
2.5 (-4) cm; Sep 2.5 - 5 × 1.5 mm, very variable; Cl ≤ 0.25 mm, acute; Ci lobes ± 5 × 2 mm, ± bifid; Cs
outside greenish-creamy to pale yellow, inside ± black, rarely brownish, lobes narrowly triangular,
cream-coloured to yellowish, ≤ 3.5 cm ∅, ± bicam- more elongate fforms more pointed and meeting
panulate; Cl tube basally bright red-brown, above each other above the Sty head, with a basal dorsal
with concentric narrow red-brown lines, otherwise hump; Anth orange; Poll yellow, germination
stippled with red-brown, cylindrical or broadly mouth region paler, caudicles orange.
bowl-shaped, ≥ 1.2 × ≤ 1.2 cm, margin abruptly Belongs to H. guttata in the sense of Huber
spreading; Cl lobes ≤ 1 × 1 cm, triangular, acumin- (1967: 59).
ate, ± erect or revolute, inside densely papillose,
papillae columnar, apically oftenf hairy, Ha dark H. praestans N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 914, 1909). T:
crimson (rarely white), long, erect, mostly ± clav- RSA, Western Cape (Pillans 667 [K, BOL]). − D:
ate, rigid, Ha of the lobes inflated, globose or glob- RSA (Western Cape). I: Leach (1988).
ose-acute; intermediate lobes 1.5 mm, prominent, [1] Stems ± erect (rarely creeping), form f ing
acute; Cn ≤ 4.5 mm; Ci dark crimson to black, small clumps, green, spotted purple, to 5 × 1.5 cm,
lobes ± square or rectangular, ± deeply bifid; Cs 4- to 5-angular; Tu ≤ 5mm, elongate and trian-
brownish, apically darker, lobes subulate, meeting gularly pointed; Fl pointing outwards; Ped ≤ 1.2
each other above the Anth, divergent, apically ± cm; Sep 3 - 6 × ± 1.5 mm; Cl outside cream-
obtuse, ± verruculose, first moist with ample nectar; coloured, weakly stippled with reddish, inside
Poll brownish-yellow. cream-coloured or pale greenish-yellow, to 4.5 (-
5.5) cm ∅, shallowly bowl-shaped, margin of the
H. pillansii N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 35: tube and lobes irregularly stippled with red to ma-
50, 1904). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Pillans 23 [K, roon, base of the tube bright maroon, above with
BOL, GRA]). − D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern concentric lines, sometimes coarsely spotted; Cl
Cape). Fig. XXXI.c tube bowl-shaped, basally usually ± obtuse, inside
Incl. Huernia
H pillansii ssp. pillansii. slightly constricted, mouth 5-angular, margin bulg-
[1] Stems ± cylindrical or narrowly ovate, erect, ing annulus-like, abruptly divaricate; Cl lobes
f d, to 18 cm (in cultivation); Tu small, crowded, shorter than broad, oblong-triangular, erect to ±
arranged in (9-) 10 - 16 (-24) Ri or spirally organ- horizontally spreading, radially often strongly con-
ized; L rudiments 2 - 8 mm, as soft f Bri, ± diva- vex, inside ± densely papillose, papillae ± column-
ricate, usually marcescent; Fl ± facing upwards; shaped, apically hairy, Ha dark purple, ± clavate or
Ped 2 - 8 mm; Sep 8.5 - 12.5 mm; Cl outside yellow ± globose to globose-acute; Cn cream-coloured;
or brownish, inside cream-coloured or yellowish, Ci lobes with maroon spots and edges, ≤ 2 mm, ±
stippled with reddish, 3 - 5 cm ∅, campanulate, square to transversely rectangular, emarginate,
tube with labyrinth-like reddish dots, ± cylindrical finely crenate or bifid; Cs apically dark, lobes ± 3

Huernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

mm, subulate, meeting each other above the Anth fused into a flat or convex disc; Ci lobes very short,
or connivent with divergent tips; Poll yellow. emarginate or sometimes crenate; Cs lobes ± 1 mm
broad, tapering to an obtuse tip, furn
f ished with very
H. procumbens (R. A. Dyer) L. C. Leach (BT fine and obtuse warts, meeting each other above the
10(1): 54, 1969). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (VanV der Sty head, conical, basally with a transverse furrow;
i 3618 [PRE]). − D: Zimbabwe, RSA (Nor-
Schiiff Poll brownish, germination mouth region darker.
thern Prov.).
≡ Duvalia procumbens R. A. Dyer (1956). H. recondita M. G. Gilbert (CSJA 47(1): 6-13, ills.,
[2] Stems creeping, sometimes pendulous fro f m 1975). T: Ethiopia (Gilbert & Gilbert 1729 [K,
rock faces, or semi-underground, to ± 30 × 1 - 1.5 ADAB, EA, NBG [ex cult.]]). − D: W Ethiopia,
cm, 5-angular, sides deeply furrowed; Tu obtuse; L NW Kenya.
rudiments ± 3 mm, very acute, dry persistent as a [1] Stems prostrate, ± cylindrical, to 50 × 1 - 1.25
curved white point; Inf few-
f flowered, upright; ped- cm, 4- (rarely 5- to 7-) angular; Tu obtuse; L rudi-
uncle rudimentary, emerging ffrom the base of the 1. ments deciduous; peduncle (if present) compact;
Ped; Ped ≤ 1.5 cm; Sep ≤ 1 cm, prominent between Ped 15 - 30 × ± 2 mm; Sep 7 - 10 × 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl
the Cl lobes; Cl inside cream- or putty-coloured, 4 - inside yellowish, irregularly dotted with red, 3.5 -
5 cm ∅, shallow, annulus maroon, prominent, glab- 4.5 cm ∅; Cl tube basally red-brown, above with
rous or weakly rugose; Cl lobes edged with red, 15 concentric lines, ± 8 × 10 - 12.5 mm, shallowly
- 24 × 4 - 5 mm, narrowly triangular, acuminate, of- campanulate, mouth weakly constricted, margin
ten ± revolute, convex towards the tip, inside api- spreading; Cl lobes 12 - 15 × 9 - 12 mm, triangular,
cally hairy, Ha reddish, short, acute; Cn 3 × 3.5 shortly pointed, weakly revolute, margins thi-
mm; Ci lobes fused into a thickened obtusely penta- ckened, dark red, outside ± densely and finely
gonal disc; Cs lobes ± 1.5 × 0.75 mm, shorter than roughened, inside ± densely papillose, papillae
the Anth, dorsal hump erect (rarely spreading), streaked with red, ± 0.75 - 2.8 mm, either narrow
strongly enlarged, triangular in cross-section, end- and acute or cylindrical and slightly clavate; inter-
ing ± bluntly in the lower part; Poll greenish- mediate lobes ± 2 - 3 mm, acute, spreading; Cn ± 5
brown. mm; Ci black, lobes ± 2 mm broad, apically a little
narrower, ± square, irregularly obtusely bidentate,
H. quinta (E. Phillips) A. C. White & B. Sloane basally with a small ± conical hump; Cs dark red,
(Stapelieae, ed. 2, 3: 885, 1937). T: RSA (Anony-
A the middle paler, lobes 3 - 3.5 mm, attenuate, api-
mus s.n. [PRE 10134]). − D: RSA. cally ± elongate, abruptly revolute, finely papillose,
≡ Huernia
H scabra var. quinta E. Phillips (1932). obtuse, erectly connivent above the Anth, meeting
each other below the tips, basally with a ± rectangu-
H. quinta var. blyderiverensis L. C. Leach (Excel- lar dorsal hump; Poll yellowish.
sa Tax. Ser. 4: 178-179, 1988). T: RSA, Mpumalan-
ga (Percy-Lancaster 466 [NBG]). − D: RSA (Mpu- H. reticulata (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ.,
malanga). 28, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov.
[3] Differs
f ffrom var. quinta
t : Cl larger, with t. 2, 1796. − D: RSA (Western Cape).
transverse lines and dots, margin of the tube and ≡ Stapelia reticulata Masson (1796); incl. Stape-
lobes spreading, mouth of the tube conspicuously lia crassa Donn ex Haworth (1812); incl. Stapelia
constricted; Bri ± 0.25 mm or absent. reticulata var. def
eformis Jacquin (s.a.).
[1] Stems robust, decumbent-erect, forming loose
H. quinta var. quinta − D: RSA (Northern Prov., clumps, prominently 5-angular; Tu ± 5 mm, acute;
Mpumalanga). Ped 0.5 - 1.5 cm; Sep ± 6 mm; Cl outside greenish-
[3] Stems erect, robust, weakly twisted, form
f ing creamy with pale purple-red dots, tube inside dark
clumps, to 7 × 2 cm, distinctly 4- to 5-angular; Tu
T ≤ reddish-maroon, annulus red-black, broad, shining,
4 mm; L rudiments white, hard and persistent; Fl sometimes pale yellow dotted with maroon, margin
facin g upwards, sometimes 2 - 3 flowering simulta- of the tube and lobes cream-coloured to pale yel-
neously; peduncle sometimes branching; Bra ± 2 low, with irregular dense maroon dots and spots,
mm; Ped < 1 cm; Sep 5 × ± 1.5 mm; Cl inside white spots large, ± square, arranged in a net-like pattern;
to whitish-creamy, (2-) 2.5 - 3 (-3.5) cm ∅; Cl tube Cl 2.5 - 5 cm ∅, tube campanulate, 0.8 - 1 (-1.2) × 1
stippled with reddish, mouth with few f concentric - 1.2 cm, with a broad spreading margin; Cl lobes ≤
partly broken red lines, 0.7 - 1 cm ∅, bowl-shaped, 1.5 × ≥ 1.5 cm, broadly triangular, steeply ascending
mouth pentagonal, margin of the tube and Cl lobes or revolute, inside ± densely papillose, papillae
spreading, often slightly revolute; Cl lobes triangu- delicate, conical, apically hairy, Ha purple, 1.5 - 4
lar, slightly acuminate, inside ± densely papillose, mm, short with a rigid point or longer, robust, clav-
papillae ± prominent, ± conically compressed or ± ate, glass-like, Cl lobes ± granular, wrinkled,
semiglobose, sometimes tipped with a rigid Bri up wrinkles flat, irregular; intermediate lobes pointing
to ± 1 mm; Cn cream-coloured or pale brown, ra- outwards or revolute; Cn 5.5 - 6 × 0.5 - 0.75 mm;
rely with maroon markings, 3 - 4 × ± 4.5 - 5.5 mm, Ci black-crimson, lobes ± 2.5 mm, ± square; Cs

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

whitish with crimson markings, sometimes crimson, yellow, apically dark, ≤ 1.5 mm, ± columnar, ob-
more rarely brownish, lobes ± 4 mm, subulate, ba- tuse, often ± compressed; Cn 5.5 - 6 mm; Ci black-
sally geniculate, apically finely pointed, meeting purple, lobes ± 2 mm, ± square, apically ± dentate,
each other above the Anth, tips divaricate (some- ± finely crenate; Cs lobes 4 - 4.5 mm, slightly con-
times erect); Anth alternating with humps; Poll yel- nivent, upper 1⁄2 divergent, apically ± glabrous, sub-
low or pale brown. ulate; Poll yellow.

H. rosea L. E. Newton & Lavranos (CSJA 65(6): H. schneideriana A. Berger (Monatsschr. Kakt.-
279-280, ills., 1993). T: Y
Yemen (Lavranos & New- kunde 23: 177, 1913). T: Tanzania, Rungwe Distr.
ton 13071 [E, ZSS]). − D: Yemen.
Y (Stolz 1407 [B †]). − D: Tanzania. I: Leach (1988).
[2] Stems erect, tufted, 3 - 6.5 cm, distinctly 5- [2] Stems erect, creeping or pendulous, to 40 ×
angular; Inf 3-flowered; Ped pink, 7 × 1.5 mm; Sep 1.2 - 1.4 cm, (6- to) 7-angular; Tu
T small, obtuse; Inf
pink, 10 × 2 mm; Cl either side pink, 2.5 - 3 cm ∅, many-flowered, Fl facin
f g outwards, sometimes 2
campanulate, tube 1 × 1 cm, fleshy, mouth 2 mm f
flowerin g simultaneously; peduncle very strong, ±
across; Cl lobes paler, 1 × 1 cm, triangular, spread- persistent; Ped ≤ 1 cm; Sep ± 5 × 2 mm; Cl inside
ing, very finely acuminate, outside verruculose, in- and outside pale brown, 2.6 - 3 cm ∅, tube deep
side densely verrucose, warts pale pink, ≤ 0.5 mm; dark brown, ± 5 × ± 9 mm, ± semiglobose, margin
intermediate lobes very short; Ci pink, lobes 2.5 × 2 of the tube and lobes horizontally spreading; Cl
mm, sides ± parallel, bifid, rounded, hairy, Ha red, lobes ± 8 × 8 mm, triangular, acute, inside partly
f ; Cs ± pink, dorsal hump yellow, lobes 1.5 × 1.5
fine very finely papillose, margin of the tube and lobes
mm, erect, basally flattened, spreading in a slightly densely pubescent, Ha dark brown; intermediate
oblique direction above the dorsal hump, apically lobes small, revolute, not visible in top-view; Cn ±
connivent, tip delicately papillose. Otherwise as H. 2.5 × 5 mm, basally broadly ± conical; Ci brown,
hadhramautica. lobes short, very slightly and irregularly crenate,
basally with a deep furrow; Cs yellowish, lobes as
H. rubra Plowes (Asklepios No. 64: 20-21, pl. 1-3, long as the Anth, tapering to an obtuse point,
1995). T: Yemen (Plowes & Barad 7797 [K, SR- slightly raised, basally with an obtuse dorsal hump;
GH]). − D: N Yemen
Y . Anth obtuse, fleshy; Poll brownish, germination
[2] Stems erect, forming compact clumps, ± 5 - 7 mouth region distinct.
cm, 5-angular; TuT ± 7 mm, tapering, horizontally
spreading; Inf 3-flowered, horizontal or slightly H. similis N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 265, 1895). T:
nodding; Bra 8 mm, very narrow; Ped 5 mm; Sep Angola, Luanda Distr. (WeW lwitsch 4264 [K, LISU]).
14 mm, very narrow; Cl outside pale greenish- − D: Angola. I: Leach (1988).
white, inside deeply maroon or ruby-red, glabrous, [2] Stems prostrate or ± erect, branching freely, ±
3 cm ∅; Cl tube 3 mm, annulus shallow; Cl lobes rampant, to 7 × 1.2 cm, 4-angular; Tu T ± 2 mm, ob-
occasionally slightly paler, ± strongly revolute, tuse, spreading; Fl nodding; peduncle 6 - 8 mm;
lobes and annulus weakly papillose, papillae cush- Sep ± 2 × 1.25 - 1.5 mm; Cl outside dull purple, in-
ion-shaped, deciduous; Cn ivory, 3 × 5.5 mm; Ci side basally white, 9 mm ∅, broadly bowl-shaped,
f d into a ± circular
lobes very short and broad, fuse towards the tips and margins of the lobes dark
disc; Cs lobes acuminate, basally weakly humped, purple, tube 5 mm deep; Cl lobes ± 3 × 5 mm, ac-
apically meeting each other; Poll rusty brown, cor- ute, slightly spreading and revolute, inside densely
puscle dark reddish-brown. whitish-papillose, papillae of the Cl tube and the
Closely related to H. hadhramautica.
a. lobes dark purple, ≤ 0.15 mm, ± semiglobose or ±
cylindrical, ± acuminate to mucronate; Cn 2 - 2.5 ×
H. saudi-arabica D. V. Field (KB 35(4): 754, ill., ± 3.5 mm; Ci lobes apically obtuse, emarginate,
1981). T: Saudi Arabia (Collenette 549 [K, NBG]). f d into an obtusely angled pentagon; Cs lobes ±
− D: S Saudi Arabia. Fig. XXX.f 1 × 0.6 mm, attenuate, with obtuse apex; Poll yel-
[1] Stems prostrate-decumbent or erect, tufte
f d, 3 low-brown, germination mouth region brown.
- 6 × ± 1 cm, 5-angular; Tu ± 8 mm, triangular-
subulate; Ped 0.8 - 1.6 cm; Sep 8 - 13 × 1.5 mm; Cl H. somalica N. E. Brown (BMI 1898: 309, 1898).
inside dark purple, campanulate, ± 4 cm ∅, some- i s.n. [K]). − D: E
T [lecto]: Somalia (Lort-Phillips
times with few small whitish spots or basally with Ethiopia, NW Somalia. I: Leach (1988).
fine golden lines, margin of the tube and lobes oc- [2] Stems very compact, forming clumps, ± 4.5 ×
casionally weakly spotted with white, margins of ± 1 cm, prominently 5-angular; Tu ≤ 8 mm, very
lobes darker; Cl tube broad, ± bowl-shaped, basally f ing outwards; peduncle compact; Ped ±
acute; Fl fac
rounded; Cl lobes triangular, acuminate, strongly 5 mm; Sep ± 7 × 2 mm; Cl outside cream-coloured,
revolute, outside rarely finely roughened, inside inside dark purple-brown, ± 4 cm ∅, margin of the
glabrous, rarely with fine acute tubercles; Cl tube tube ± shining, lobes dull yellowish; Cl tube ± 1.5
inside densely papillose, papillae basally whitish- cm ∅, ± bowl-shaped, outside sometimes weakly

Huernia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

roughened, margin revolute, convex and annulus- [2] Stems erect, with age ± pyramid-shaped,
like, glabrous or with weak pustules; Cl lobes 7 × ± fforming clumps, to 4 × 1.5 cm; Tu
T arranged in 4 - 5
5 - 8 mm, acute or oblong-triangular, spreading or Ri, sometimes disappearing; Inf few-
f flowered; ped-
revolute, strongly papillose, papillae apically dark uncle knobby, persistent; Ped ≤ 1.5 cm; Sep 4 × 2
red or purple, ≤ 0.5 mm, cylindrical, obtuse; Cn 4.5 mm; Cl inside ivory, often with pale orange, some-
× 5 mm; Ci dark maroon, margin sometimes yellow, times with greenish, tube basally pink, lobes partly
lobes obtusely and shortly bifid, longitudinal fur-
f indistinctly stippled with pale pink, (3.5-) 4 (-4.5)
row reaching ffrom the point of insertion of the Ci to cm ∅, margins maroon; Cl tube shallow, sides
the base of the Cs; Cs yellow or dark purple, dorsal sometimes rugose, annulus prominent; Cl lobes
hump yellow, lobes ± 2 mm, tapering to a blunt tip, broadly triangular, acute or shortly tapered, ± trans-
meeting each other above the Anth; Poll brown, versely convex, slightly curved outwards, finely pa-
germination mouth region dark. pillose, papillae maroon, ± inflated, semiglobose,
obtuse or rather acute; Ci brown-red or dark crim-
H. stapelioides Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51): son, lobes short, irregularly emarginate, with flat ir-
55, 1895). T: RSA, Transvaal (Schlechter 4487 [B regular notches, 2-crenate, sometimes fusef d into a
†]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov., Mpumalanga, Gau- 10-notched or ± circular disc; Cs orange-red, lobes
teng, North-West Prov.), Swaziland. ovate, obtuse, very fleshy, attenuate, apex ± acute,
Incl. Huernia vogtsii E. Phillips (1932). sometimes meeting each other above the Sty head,
[1] Stems short, square, mat-form
f ing, or longer ± 1⁄2 as long as the Anth, sometimes overtopping
and ± tufte
f d, 3 - 10 × ≤ 1.5 cm, 4- (to 5-) angular; L these, without conspicuous dorsal edge or basally
rudiments sometimes as hard Sp; Fl fac f ing out- with a prominent obtuse convexity; Poll yellow or
wards; Ped ± 1 (-1.8) cm; Sep 0.8 - 1 cm; Cl inside orange, germination mouth region darker, com-
and outside (pale) yellow, inside dotted and pressed.
streaked with maroon or brown-red, 3 - 4.2 cm ∅,
tube ± cup-shaped, glabrous; Cl lobes 1.5× as long H. thuretii Cels (Hort. Franç., sér. 3, 73: t. 3 + text,
as broad, oblong-triangular, sometimes ± caudate, 1866). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 3. − D: RSA, Na-
outside weakly roughened, inside densely papillose, mibia.
papillae ≤ 2.5 mm, narrowly conical, strongly ≡ Stapelia thuretii (Cels) Croucher (1877); incl.
compressed, flattened; Ci lobes ± square; Cs lobes Huernia inornata Obermeyer (1937); incl. Huern H ia
2.5 - 3 mm, erect, clavate, convex, apically ± foot
f - striata Obermeyer (1937).
shaped, setaceous-verrucose, basally with a hump,
broad, obtuse, verrucose; Poll yellow, germination H. thuretii var. primulina (N. E. Brown) L. C.
mouth region darker. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 4: 185, 1988). T [lecto]:
RSA, Eastern Cape (Barkly r 13 [K]). − D: RSA
H. tanganyikensis (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally) (Eastern Cape).
L. C. Leach (BT 10(1): 54, 1969). T: Tanzania, ≡ Huernia primulina N. E. Brown (1890); incl.
Arusha Distr. (Ballyl S19 [K, PRE [photos]]). − D: Huernia primulina var. rugosa N. E. Brown (1909);
NE Tanzania. Fig. XXX.g incl. Huernia thuretii var. rugosa N. E. Brown
≡ Duvalia tanganyikensis E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. (1909).
Bally (1941). [3] Differs
f ffrom var. thuretii: Stems longer; Cl
[2] Stems creeping, poorly branching, ± cylindri- uniform
f ly pale yellow, a little larger, often
f with a
cal, forming dense mats, 20 (-85) × 1 - 1.8 cm, low annulus, margin of the tube and lobes more pa-
obtusely 5-angular; TuT 1 - 2 cm, acute; Inf fe f w- pillose, papillae sometimes rather dense, prominent.
fflowered, pointing upwards; peduncle partly persis-
tent, curved when elongate, knobby; Ped ≤ 2 cm; H. thuretii var. thuretii − D: Namibia, RSA (Eas-
Sep ± 1.2 cm; Cl outside greenish-creamy, inside tern Cape).
pink, 3 - 3.5 cm ∅, shallow, annulus bright dark ma- [3] Stems erect, crowded in ± large clumps, ± 5 ×
roon, ± 1 cm ∅, prominent; Cl lobes ± 12 × 8 mm, 0.8 - 1 cm, 4- (to 5- to 6-) angular; Fl facing up-
triangular, acuminate, smooth, glabrous; intermedi- wards or outwards, opening in rapid succession,
ate lobes delicate; Cn ± 3 mm; Ci 3.5 mm ∅, lobes sometimes ± irregularly borne along the stems, of-
fused into a thickended ± circular or obtusely pen- ten with several Inf on single stems; peduncle (if
tagonal disc; Cs yellow, lobes ± acute or bidentate, present) long, slender, erect; Ped ≤ 2.5 cm, basally
± as long as the Anth, dorsal hump 1 - 2 × 0.75 mm, thickened; Sep ± 5 mm; Cl outside cream-coloured
± ovate, obtuse, ± erect; Poll brownish-orange, ger- or greenish pale yellow, oftenf dotted with red-
mination mouth region amber, ± quadrangular- brown, inside cream-coloured to (pale) yellowish or
elliptic. rarely brown, to 2.5 cm ∅, with concentric pink to
dark brown transverse lines, lines broken, partly
H. thudichumii L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 4: composed of dots, tube basally bright maroon, glob-
132-134, ills., 1988). T: RSA, Western Cape (Thu- ose (in very small Fl rarely tubular), mouth slightly
dichum 214A [NBG]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). constricted, margin abruptly spreading; Cl lobes tri-

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Huernia

angular, acute or weakly acuminate, often longitu- Zimbabwe, Malawi, Moçambique, Botswana, Na-
dinally convex, ± erect to divaricate, sometimes mibia.
revolute, outside sometimes weakly roughened, in- Incl. Huernia
H verekeri var. stevensonii A. C.
side sometimes very weakly papillose, apex often ± White & B. Sloane (1937).
densely furnished with fine acute tubercles to papil-
lae; Ci dark crimson to black, lobes narrowly 3- or H. verekeri var. angolensis L. C. Leach (JSAB
4-angular, emarginate, bifid or deeply lobed; Cs 40(1): 18-20, ills., 1974). T: Angola, Huila (Leach
orange-brown to ± black, lobes 1.5 - 2 mm, conni- & Cannell 14650 [LISC, BM, LUAI, PRE, SRGH]).
vent-erect, ± ribbon-like, acuminate, often
f with − D: Angola.
nectar droplets; Poll brownish-yellow. [2] Differs from var. verekeri: Stems deflexed; Ri
blunt; Tu small; Cl tube light red; Cn reddish.
H. transvaalensis Stent (BMI 1914: 249, 1914). T:
RSA, Transvaal (Pole Ev E ans s.n. [PRE]). − D: H. verekeri var. pauciflor
f a L. C. Leach (BT 10(1):
RSA (Northern Prov., North-West Prov., Gauteng). 49, 51, ills., 1969). T: Moçambique (Leach & Bay-
I: Leach (1988). liss 11899 [SRGH, K, LISC, NBG, PRE]). − D:
[1] Stems prostrate to decumbent, compact, form- Moçambique.
ing loose clumps, to > 10 × ± 1.1 cm, prominently [2] Differs
f ffrom var. verekeri: Stems prostrate,
4- to 5-angular; Tu
T often wing-like compressed; Fl much longer; Ri blunt; Tu smaller, more distant;
f ing ± upwards; Ped ≤ 2.5 cm; Sep ± 1 cm; Cl 4.5
fac Inf few-
f flowered or Fl solitary.
- 5.5 cm ∅, outside greenish-creamy with maroon,
tube and annulus inside dark maroon, margin of the H. verekeri var. verekeri − D: Zambia, Zimbabwe,
tube and lobes cream-coloured to yellowish, with S Malawi, Moçambique, Botswana, Namibia. Fig.
irregular zebra-like markings; Cl tube short, basally XXXI.d
7 - 8 mm ∅, to 3 mm above the ground smooth and [2] Stems erect, mat-form
f ing, ± 7 cm, distinctly
glabrous, above with (± scattered) papillae, these (5- to) 6- (to 7-) angular; Tu ≤ 1.5 cm, strongly
conical or obtuse, apically hairy, Ha 1.5 - 4 mm, compressed; Inf profusely flowering, pointing out-
rigid, needle-like, sometimes cylindrical, obtuse; wards; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep 5 - 8 mm, usually promin-
annulus prominent, shining; Cl lobes as broad as or ent between the Cl lobes; Cl ± 3.5 cm ∅, inside
broader than long, triangular, acuminate, divergent, basally white, mouth of the tube dark maroon,
finely pubescent, Ha short, acute; Cn 4.5 - 5 mm; otherwise pale greenish-creamy or yellow; Cl tube
Ci lobes cream-coloured, margin maroon, 1.5 × ± 3 ± 3 × 6.5 - 8 mm, ± semiglobose, circular or obtu-
mm, shortly obtusely bilobed; Cs lobes ± 3 mm, er- sely pentagonal in top-view; Cl lobes ≤ 1.4 cm,
ect, acuminate, apically narrow, convergent, meet- acute, horizontally spreading, convex, both sides
ing each other or slightly divergent; Poll yellow, glabrous, margin of the tube and lobes hairy, Ha
germination mouth region darker. maroon, short, acute; intermediate lobes small,
strongly revolute; Ci ivory, lobes reduced or fused
H. urceolata L. C. Leach (FPA 39: t. 1550 + 4 pp. into a disc ± 3 mm ∅; Cs lobes ± acute, shorter than
text, 1969). T: Angola, Moçamedes Distr. (Leach the Anth, dorsal hump much enlarged, horizontally
& Cannell 14025 [PRE, K, LISC]). − D: Angola, spreading, ± round; Poll yellow-brown.
[2] Stems erect, very robust, forming clumps, H. volkartii Peitscher ex Werdermann (Gartenflora
grey-green, 14 × ≤ 2.5 cm, prominently 5-angular; 85: 78, 1936). T: Angola (Gossweiler s.n. [not
T ≤ 1.5 cm, oblong-triangularly pointed; Inf
Tu conserved]). − D: Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe,
many-flowered, Fl nodding, peduncle (if present) Moçambique
knobby; Ped 0.8 - 1 cm; Sep ≤ 1 cm; Cl outside Incl. Huernia montana Kers (1969).
purple, inside darker, 1 - 1.4 cm ∅, globose-urceo-
late, mouth of the tube 6 - 8 mm ∅, bulging annu- H. volkartii var. repens (Lavranos) Lavranos
lus-like; Cl lobes narrowly acuminate, spreading (JSAB 38: 43, 1972). T: Moçambique, Manica e
and revolute, inside glabrous and smooth; Cn dark Sofa r 3469 [PRE, SRGH]). − D: E
f la (Schweickerdt
crimson; Ci much reduced or absent, ± 6 mm ∅, Zimbabwe, W Moçambique.
f d into a finely crenate or ± entire disc; Cs with
fuse ≡ Huernia repe ens Lavranos (1961).
a dark apical margin, lobes ± ovate, very fleshy and [1] Differs from var. volkartii: Stems long, creep-
swollen, dorsal hump shorter than the Anth; Anth ing; L rudiments ± deciduous.
yellow with brownish margins, ascending and
curved, meeting each other ± above the centre, for- H. volkartii var. volkartii − D: Angola, Namibia,
ming a small dome above the Cs; Poll ± elliptic or Zimbabwe, Moçambique. I: Leach (1988).
f n ± ovate.
ofte [1] Stems (shortly decumbent to) erect, tufte
f d,
sometimes forming mats, 3 - 5 cm, (4- to) 5-angu-
H. verekeri Stent (BMI 1933: 145, 1933). T: Zim- lar; Fl facin
f g outwards or upwards; Ped to > 1 cm;
babwe (Vereke
V r 5427 [K, PRE]). − D: Zambia, Sep 5.5 - 8 mm; Cl outside cream-coloured to

Huernianthus Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

brownish, inside cream-coloured, streaked irregu- H. zebrina ssp. magniflor f a (E. Phillips) L. C.
larly with dull crimson, ± 2 - 3 cm ∅, campanulate; Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 4: 139, 1988). T: RSA,
Cl tube ± 5 × ± 1 cm, glabrous, mouth sometimes Northern Prov. (Ralston s.n. [PRE 2058]). − D:
weakly constricted; Cl lobes 4.5 - 9 × 7 - 9.5 mm, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (Northern
triangular, divergent and revolute, outside rou- Prov.). Fig. XXXI.a
ghened, inside ± densely papillose, papillae ≤ 2.5 ≡ Huernia
H zebrina var. magnififlora E. Phillips
mm, ± compressed, basally slightly broadened, api- (1936); incl. Huernia
H blackbeard
r iae R. A. Dyer ex
cally sometimes finely mucronate; intermediate H. Jacobsen (1933).
lobes 2 - 2.5 mm; Cn 3.5 × ≤ 7 mm; Ci very vari- [2] Differs
f ffrom ssp. zebrina: Stems frequent
f ly
able in shape and length; Cs lobes ± 2.5 mm, dorsi- f
formin g clumps, longer, more robust, usually 4-
ventrally ± strongly compressed, tips meeting each angled; Cl ≤ 8.5 cm ∅, more variable in size, colour
other, apex obtuse, short or abruptly revolute, occa- and markings.
sionally slightly foot-
f like, ventrally finely tubercul-
ate, at the base of the Anth with a conical wart-like H. zebrina ssp. zebrina − D: Zimbabwe, Moçambi-
convexity; Poll yellow. que, RSA (Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal), Swazi-
H. whitesloaneana Nel (CSJA 8: 9, 1936). T: Incl. Huernia zebrina var. zebrina.
RSA, Northern Prov. (Nel N s.n. [STE]). − D: RSA [2] Stems deflexed-decumbent and irregularly
(Northern Prov.). branching, ± creeping, occasionally form
f ing mats, ±
[1] Stems erect, tufted, to 5 cm; Tu arranged in 4 5 × 1.2 cm, ± prominently 5- (to 6-) angled; Inf
- 5 prominent Ri; Ped 4 - 8 mm; Sep 5 - 7 mm; Cl f flowered; Ped 1.2 - 1.4 cm; Sep 6 - 8 mm; Cl
outside spotted with deep purple, inside cream- inside yellowish-creamy, (2.5-) 3.5 - 4.5 (-5) cm
coloured, basally with irregular concentric purple- ∅, both sides glabrous, annulus shining, densely
red lines, above broken, otherwise mottled or stippled with red to purple-brown, stipples often
dotted, 1.2 - 2.2 cm ∅, campanulate or ± tubular; Cl merging, otherwise yellowish, with irregular ‘zebra’
tube 6 - 8 mm ∅, basally glabrous; Cl lobes 6 - 8 markings of reddish to red-brown or purple trans-
mm broad, triangular, erect to divaricate, ± strongly verse stripes; Cl tube ± 7 × 6 mm; Cl lobes triangu-
revolute, inside ± densely papillose, papillae ≤ 1.25 lar, shortly tapering, divaricate, pubescent, Ha
mm, conical or compressed, obtuse, often with a purple; Ci cream-coloured or light yellow, margin
short mucro; Cn 5 × 4 mm; Ci fused with the base dark purple, very variable in shape; Cs dark, basal
of the Cl tube, lobes broadly triangular, obtusely hump cream-coloured to yellow, lobes attenuate,
emarginate or bidentate, margin thickened; Cs apex ± obtuse, not meeting above the Sty head,
lobes ± 3 mm, ± cylindrical-truncate, basally broa- shorter than the Anth or overtopping them a little.
dened, apex sometimes weakly clavate, dorsivent-
rally compressed, connivent above the Anth, above
± 1.5 mm divergent, towards the tip finely rugose, ×HUERNIANTHUS
basally with a blunt hump; Poll yellowish.
B. Müller & F. Albers
H. witzenbergensis C. A. Lückhoff (in A. C. White ×Huernianthus Barad (CSJA 67(4): 255, 1995).
& B. Sloane, Stapelieae, ed. 2, 3: 890, fig. 934, = Huern
H ia × Stapelianthus.
1937). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. fig. 934. − D: RSA
(Western Cape). ×H. ‘Alexis’ Barad (CSJA 67(4): 255, ill., 1995).
[3] Stems erect, tufted, 7 × 2 cm, prominently 4- H longituba × S. keraudreniae.
= H.
to 5-angular; Tu 5 - 6 mm, acute, compressed-
triangular; Fl fac
f ing outwards; Ped 1.5 - 2 cm; Sep
± 6 mm; Cl inside bright sulphur-yellow, ± 4 cm ∅; HUERNIOPSIS
Cl tube ± 6 × 12 mm, ± glabrous, mouth thickened,
U. Meve, B. Müller & F. Albers
weakly constricted, margin abruptly spreading; Cl
lobes ± 1.3 × ≥ 1.3 cm, dull black, triangular, Huerniopsis N. E. Brown (JLSB 17: 171, 1878). T:
weakly revolute, inside ± densely papillose, papil- H
Huernio i iens N. E. Brown. − Lit: Land
opsis decip
lae conical, acute, terminated by a short Ha; Ci dull (1992). D: Botswana, Namibia, RSA (Northern
crimson, lobes 2 mm, ± square, shortly bidentate; Cape, North-West Prov.). Etym: For the genus Hu-
Cs lobes 2.5 mm, attenuate, apex ± obtuse, meeting ernia (Asclepiadaceae
( ); and Gr. ‘-opsis’, like.
each other above the Anth, apically slightly diver- Mat-form
f ing perennials; stems clavate, 3 - 7 × 1 -
gent. 1.5 cm, apically ascending, basally branched,
coarse, dull green, flushed or spotted with purple,
H. zebrina N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 921, 1909). T: bluntly 4- (to 5-) angled; Tu
T conical, raised, L rudi-
RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Saundersr s.n. [K]). − D: ments subulate, ± 2 mm, basally with large stipular
Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Moçambique, Gl, deciduous; Inf in the upper 1⁄2 of the stems,
RSA, Swaziland. few-flowered, Fl opening only once in succession

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Ischnolepis

during late afternoon, with ample nectar and strong mibia, RSA (Northern Cape). I: Asklepios No. 57:
f id odour; Ped short, thick; Sep (ovate-) lanceo-
foet 18, figs. 4-5.
late, glabrous, spreading; Cl reddish-brown to dark ≡ Piaranthus decip i iens (N. E. Brown) Bruyns
carmine, sometimes spotted with yellow, slightly (1999); incl. Piaranthus grivanus N. E. Brown
rugose, 1 - 4.5 cm ∅, coarse; Cl tube shortly cup- (1890) ≡ Caralluma
C grivana (N. E. Brown) Schlech-
like or deeply campanulate, 5-angled; Cl lobes ov- ter (1898).
ate-deltoid, basally depressed, sometimes centrally Stems 2 - 7 × 0.8 - 1.5 cm; Inf 2- to 4-flowered;
furrowe d, outside greenish, glabrous, inside vel- Ped 3 - 6 × 2 mm; Sep 5 - 8 mm, subulate; Cl out-
vety; Cn biseriate with ample nectar; Ci frf inge-like, side pale green-grey, oftenf patterned with purple,
strongly reduced or absent; Cs massive, lanceolate inside brown to red-brown, mostly spotted or
to linear, basally incumbent on the Anth and fa f r banded with yellowish, 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, odour inten-
surpassing the Sty head; Sty head small, 5-angled, sely sweetish-foetid; Cl tube ± 5 × 8 mm, shallow to
truncate; Anth ± rectangular, surpassing the Sty deeply campanulate, 5-angled; Cl lobes 9 - 12 × 6 -
head or incumbent on the top of the Sty head; Poll 8 mm, triangular, acute, basally depressed, basally
± ovoid, caudicles short, apically broadened and almost erect, then increasingly reflexed, inside vel-
discoid, basally united with the corpuscle by an vety, margins basally with coarse purple vibratile
oval broadened part; Fr narrowly fusiform, 10 - clavate Ha 1 - 2.5 mm long; Cn cream to pale
18 cm. brown, sometimes spotted with red-brown, conical,
Bruyns (1999a) included Huerniopsi
H s in Piaran- fleshy; Ci fr
f inge-like, raised, shallowly emarginate
thus, a concept that is not applied here. Huerniopsis to incised in the middle, rarely almost completely
is in sister-group position to Piaranthus (Meve absent; Cs lobes 5 - 6 × 2 - 3 mm, basally rectan-
1994). The 2 groups are each monophyletic, and gular, towards the tip lanceolate, raised at 45°,
there is no cogent reason to subsume them in a apically subulate, slightly spreading outwards, pa-
single genus. pillate; Gy ± 4 × 4 mm, guide rails raised, ± 1.5 mm
In cultivation, a hybrid with White-sloanea has long; Poll 0.8 × 0.5 mm, translator with ± semiglob-
been produced (see ×WhW itesloaniopsis). ose proj
o ections at the base of the massive corpuscle;
Fr 12 - 18 × 0.5 - 0.6 cm; Se ± 6 × 4 mm, pale
H. atrosanguinea (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B. brown.
Sloane (Stapelieae, ed. 2, 3: 967, 1937). T: Bo-
tswana (Lugard r 263 [K]). − D: SE Botswana, RSA
(Northern Cape, North-West Prov.). I: Asklepios ISCHNOLEPIS
No. 57: 18, fig. 3. Fig. XXXI.b
U. Meve
≡ Stapelia atrosanguinea N. E. Brown (1901) ≡
Caralluma atrosanguinea (N. E. Brown) N. E. Ischnolepis Jumelle & H. Perrier (Rev. Gén. Bot.
Brown (1904) ≡ Piaranthus atrosanguineus (N. E. 21: 53, 1909). T: Isc I hnolepis tuberosa Jumelle &
Brown) Bruyns (1999); incl. Huerniopsis gibbosa H. Perrier. − D: Madagascar. Etym: Gr. ‘ischnos’,
Nel (1937) ≡ Huernio
H opsis atrosanguinea var. dry; and Gr. ‘lepis’, scale; perhaps for the ffi filifo
i f rm
gibbosa (Nel) hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1); slender corona segments.
incl. H
Huerniopsis papillatat Nel (1937). Glabrous geophytic shrubs with white viscous la-
Stems 3 - 7.5 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm; Inf 1- to 3-flowered, tex; R tuberous, numerous, ± 5 cm ∅, with a total
Bra ± 2 mm, subulate; Ped 3 × 2 mm; Sep 4 × 2 weight of 50 - 100 kg; stems 5 - 100 (-150) cm tall,
mm, acute; Cl outside grey-green, dotted with pur- erect, usually single and little branched, perennial,
ple, inside dark blood-red, sometimes spotted with woody, bark red-brown, glabrous, smooth, shining,
greenish-yellow, 3 - 4.5 cm ∅, odour strongly foe f - nodes thickened, often several clustered because of
tid; Cl tube shallow, ± 8 × 3 mm, 5-angled; Cl lobes lost Int; L nearly sessile, in whorls of 3, linear to
15 - 20 × 8 - 12 mm, radiating stellately, with 1 (-3) very narrowly elliptic, ± pendent, 2 - 20 cm × 1.5 - 4
longitudinal ffurrows, basally with 2 semiglobose mm, acute, glabrous, midrib prominent on the lower
swellings, margins slightly bent outwards, very fi- f ; Inf lateral, 1 - 2 cm pedunculate, 1- to 4-
nely papillate, sometimes hairy towards the tip, Ha f
flowered ; Bra 2 - 3 mm; Ped 1 - 2 cm; Sep freef ,2-
white, short, stiff; Cn white to cream, 5-angled, 3 mm, acute; Fl buds conical; Fl rotate, 1.5 - 2.5 cm
massive; Ci ± 1 × 1 mm, ovate-deltoid, apically ∅, glabrous; Cl tube 1 - 2 mm; Cl lobes spreading,
sometimes emarginate, upper fface canaliculate, triangular-lanceolate, 6 - 10 × 3 mm, acute, yellow;
horizontally spreading, compact; Cs lobes ± 6 - 9 × Cn petaloid; Cn lobes arising ffrom the Cl tube in
1 - 3 mm, lanceolate to linear, blunt, erect with tips ffront of the Fil, yellow, ffi
i 4 - 5 mm,
bent inwards or outwards; Gy ± 3 × 5 mm, guide erect-connivent; Fil basally connate with the Cl
rails shortly triangular, 0.5 mm long; Poll ± 0.7 × lobes; Anth white, lanceolate, arranged into a cone,
0.4 mm, translator shortly winged. connective triangular-lanceolate, apically free, ±
clavate; translator spoon ovate, ± 1 mm, tip incised,
H. decipiens N. E. Brown (JLSB 17: 171, 1878). yellowish-brown, stalk none, adhesive disc convex,
M Owan 2246 [K]). − D: Botswana, Na-
T: RSA (Mac 3-lobed with 1 apical and 2 lateral concave ad-

Larryleachia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, F. Albers & U. Meve

hesive areas; Sty head short, bulging; Fr in pairs, bicular or pear-shaped, ventrally ± concave,
narrowly fus
f iform,
f 10 - 14 × 0.3 - 0.4 cm; Se green, winged, brittle, with a crown of Ha on one side.
ovate, ± 6 × 2 mm, glabrous, tuft f of Ha whitish, ± The species classified here correspond to the
15 mm. smooth-stemmed species of the former genus Tr T i-
This monotypic genus is a member of subfamily chocaulon (= Lavrania Sect. Cactoi
C dea in the sense
i locoideae and is possibly closely related to of Bruyns (1993)). Recent molecular studies (Meve
Petopentia and Pentopetia. aa.. A striking feature are & Liede 2001b) have shown that Larryl r eachia has
the leaves arranged in whorls of 3. When 1 or 2 to be separated from Lavrania. The generic treat-
internodes are lost, up to 9 leaves may be counted ment by Plowes (1997) is therefore adopted, but the
per condensed "node". species treatments are predominantly based on
Bruyns (1993).
I. graminifol
f ia (Costantin & Gallaud) Klackenberg
(Candollea 54(2): 332, 1999). T: Madagascar The following names are of unresolved applica-
(Deans Cowan s.n. [P, BM]). − D: C and NE Ma- tion but are referred to this genus: Stap
a elia clavata
dagascar. Willdenow (1798) ≡ Trichocaulon clavatum (Will-
≡ Pentopetia graminif ifolia Costantin & Gallaud denow) H. Huber (1961); TricT hocaulon sociarum A.
(1907); incl. Ischnole
I epis tuberosa Jumelle & H. C. White & B. Sloane (1937) ≡ Leachia sociarum
Perrier (1909). (A. C. White & B. Sloane) Plowes (1992) (incorrect
Description as ffor the genus. name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Leachiella sociarum (A. C.
White & B. Sloane) Plowes (1992) (incorrect name,
Art. 11.3) ≡ Larry
r leachia sociarum (A. C. White &
LARRYLEACHIA B. Sloane) Plowes (1997) ≡ Hoodia sociarum (A. C.
White & B. Sloane) Halda (1998).
B. Müller, F. Albers & U. Meve
Larryleachia Plowes (Excelsa 17: 5, 1997). T: L. cactiformis (Hooker) Plowes (Excelsa 17: 5,
Stapelia cactififormis Hooker. − Lit: Bruyns (1993: 1997). T: [lecto − icono]: Curtis’s Bot. Mag., t.
as Lavrania); Plowes (1997). D: Namibia, RSA, 4127, 1845. − D: Namibia. Fig. XXXII.b
Botswana. Etym: For Leslie (Larry) C. Leach ≡ Stapelia cactiformis Hooker (1845) ≡ Tricho-
(1909 - 1996), English-born electrical engineer and caulon cactiforme (Hooker) N. E. Brown (1890) ≡
f ht botanist in Zimbabwe and later in RSA, Leachia cactiformis (Hooker) Plowes (1992) (in-
specialist of succulent Asclepiads and Euphorbias. correct name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Leachiella cactif iformis
Incl. Leachia Plowes (1992) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). (Hooker) Plowes (1992) (incorrect name, Art. 11.3)
T: Stapelia cactif
iformis Hooker. ≡ Lavrania cactif iformis (Hooker) Bruyns (1993) ≡
Incl. Leachiella Plowes (1992) (nom. illeg., Art. Hoodia cactif iformis (Hooker) Halda (1998); incl.
53.1). T: Stapelia cactiformis Hooker. Trichocaulon simile N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Leachia
Basally branched and often
f lignified small stem similis (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1992) (incorrect
succulents with ffew to numerous, erect or procumb- name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Leachiella similis (N. E. Brown)
ent unarmed stems to 15 (rarely 30) cm; stems usu- Plowes (1992) (incorrect name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Larry- r
ally grey-green, 2 - 6 cm ∅, cylindrical or clavate, leachia similis (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1997) ≡ Hoo-
glabrous; TuT fflat, rounded, polygonal, arranged in dia similis (N. E. Brown) Halda (1998); incl. Tr T i-
12 - 20 Ri; L rudiments < 1 mm, thickish, conical, chocaulon felinum D. T. Cole (1985) ≡ Leachia feli-
in a depression near the TuT tip, persistent; Inf con- na (D. T. Cole) Plowes (1992) (incorrect name, Art.
centrated near the stem tips, with solitary or numer- 11.3) ≡ Leachiella felina (D. T. Cole) Plowes (1992)
ous successively (rarely simultaneously) opening (incorrect name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Larryleachia fe f lina
Fl; Ped 0.5 - 3 × 1 mm, glabrous; Sep 5, slightly (D. T. Cole) Plowes (1997) ≡ Hoodia felinf a (D. T.
overlapping at the broadened bases, acuminate, oc- Cole) Halda (1998).
casionally ciliate; Cl (0.5-) 0.7 - 1.6 cm ∅, flatly Stems often single, to 15 (rarely 20) cm, whit-
campanulate or deeply divided; Cl lobes flatly ish-green, 3 - 6 cm ∅, ± 12- to 16-ribbed; Inf 1- to
spreading, ovate-deltoid, ± acuminate, strongly 5-flowered; Ped 1 mm; Sep 1.5 mm, margin occasi-
curved outwards, outside smooth, glabrous, inside onally hairy; Cl inside white or pale yellow striped
papillate or glabrous; Cn 2-seriate, of the C(is) with purple, rarely spotted, or ± uniformly purple or
+ Cs-type, glabrous; Ci basally fused cup-like, wine-red, 0.6 - 1.5 cm ∅, tube flat or deeply cup-
lobes apically retuse or ± deeply divided; Cs of 5 shaped, enclosing the Cn; Cl lobes 2 - 3.5 × 2.5 -
lobes, dorsiventrally flattened, lying on the dorsal 5.5 mm, tips curved outwards, inside papillate, api-
side of the Anth, often dorsally fused with the Ci cally with a small Bri; Cn yellow, spotted or striped
via an appendage; Anth ± square; Sty head trunc- with red, 3 - 4.5 mm ∅; Ci lobes bifid to more than
ate-depressed; Poll ± horizontal, caudicles short; Fr 1
⁄2, appendages horn-like, blunt, spreading-ascend-
2 - 9 × 0.5 - 1 cm, acutely tapering to fusiform, ing; Cs margin occasionally red, lobes acuminate or
glabrous, smooth, follicles of a pair diverging at an truncately retuse, shorter than the Anth, sometimes
angle of 30 - 180°; Se brown or grey, 3 - 7 mm, or- slightly overlapping above the Sty head, dorsal ap-

B. Müller, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Larryleachia

pendage ± deltoid, upright or slightly spreading, la- margins hairy, Ha translucent, thick; Cl outside yel-
terally fuse
f d with the Ci; Fr 2 - 3 cm, diverging at lowish-green, inside greenish-white dotted with red,
an angle of 180°. − [B. Müller & F. Albers] or dark red, (0.5-) 0.7 - 1 cm ∅, central depression
± 1 mm, shallowly cup-shaped, basally enclosing
L. marlothii (N. E. Brown) Plowes (Excelsa 17: 7, the Cn; Cl lobes 3 - 4.5 × 2 - 2.5 mm, strongly
1997). T: [neo − icono]: Flow. Pl. South Afr. 18: t. curved outwards and pressed against the Ped, mar-
681, 1938. − D: Namibia, Angola?, RSA (Northern gins strongly curved outwards, fused Cl area thi-
Cape). Fig. XXXII.c ckened in an annulus-like manner, inside densely
≡ Tric
T hocaulon marlothii N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ papillate, papillae blunt, with horizontally spread-
Leachia marlothii (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1992) (in- ing appendage, cylindrical; Cn yellow or white,
correct name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Leachiella marlothii (N. irregularly dotted with red or chestnut-brown, 2 -
E. Brown) Plowes (1992) (incorrect name, Art. 3.5 mm ∅; Ci lobes either bifid for 1⁄2, appendages
11.3) ≡ Lavrania marlothii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns 0.5 mm, dorsiventrally flattened, diverging, or re-
(1993) ≡ Hoo
H dia marlothii (N. E. Brown) Halda tuse, truncate; Cs lobes broadly rectangular, trunc-
(1998); incl. Tric
T hocaulon dinteri A. Berger (1910) ate, often
f retuse, sometimes surpassing the Anth,
≡ Leachia dinteri (A. Berger) Plowes (1992) (incor- tips sometimes erect, dorsal appendage broadly
rect name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Leachiella dinteri (A. Ber- truncate, ± upright; Fr ± 6 cm, follicles diverging at
ger) Plowes (1992) (incorrect name, Art. 11.3) ≡ an angle of 180°. − [B. Müller & F. Albers]
Larryleachia dinteri (A. Berger) Plowes (1997) ≡
H dia dinteri (A. Berger) Halda (1998); incl. Tri-
Hoo L. picta (N. E. Brown) Plowes (Excelsa 17: 9,
chocaulon keetmanshoopense Dinter (1914); incl. 1997). T: [neo − icono]: Flow. Pl. South Afr. 16: t.
Trichocaulon sinus-luederitzii Dinter (1914).
T 620, 1936. − D: SW Namibia (E margin of the win-
Plants to 15 cm; stems 2 - 5.5 (-6.5) cm ∅, ± 12- ter-rainfall region) to C Botswana. Fig. XXXII.d
to 19-ribbed; Inf 1- to 5-flowered, predominantly ≡ Trichocaulon
T pictum N. E. Brown (1909) ≡
apical; Ped to 1 mm; Sep 1.5 - 2 × 1 mm; Cl outside Leachia picta (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1992) (incor-
reddish spotted with green, inside cream-coloured, rect name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Leachiella picta t (N. E.
irregularly speckled with red or dark maroon, occa- Brown) Plowes (1992) (incorrect name, Art. 11.3) ≡
sionally ± uniformly dark purple, 0.8 - 1.6 cm ∅, ± Lavrania picta t (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (1993) ≡
campanulate, central depression 1 - 3 mm, ± shal- Hoodia picta t (N. E. Brown) Halda (1998); incl.
lowly saucer- or cup-shaped, margins not or only Lavrania picta t ssp. picta; incl. Tr
T ichocaulon melo-
slightly thickened; Cl lobes 2 - 5 × 3 - 5 mm, tips forme Marloth (1912) ≡ Leachia meloformis (Mar-
curved outwards, margins more weakly curved; Cn loth) Plowes (1992) (incorrect name, Art. 11.3) ≡
cream-coloured, irregularly marked with pinkish or Leachiella meloformis (Marloth) Plowes (1992) (in-
chestnut-brown, 3.5 - 4.5 mm ∅, oftenf with nectar correct name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Larryleachia melof oformis
droplets; Ci basally cup-shaped, lobes bifid ffor (Marloth) Plowes (1997) ≡ H Hoodia melooformis
more than 1⁄2, appendages 1 - 1.5 mm, ± cylindrical, (Marloth) Halda (1998); incl. Trichocaulon engleri
blunt, erect or strongly diverging; Cs lobes ± 2 mm, Dinter (1914).
linear, blunt, erectly meeting above the Sty head, Stems mostly single, 3 - 6 × 2 - 5 cm, 12- to 16-
basally sometimes with a blunt dorsal appendage; ribbed; Ped 0.5 - 1 × 1 mm; Sep pale green with
Fr 5 - 9.5 cm, follicles diverging at an angle of 30 - reddish hue, 2 × 1 mm, apically keeled; Cl outside
60°. − [B. Müller & F. Albers] green dotted with red, inside yellow marked with ±
orbicular purplish-brown spots, (8-) 12 - 16 mm ∅,
L. perlata (Dinter) Plowes (Excelsa 17: 9, 1997). central depression cup-shaped, pentagonal, with 5
T: Namibia (Dinter s.n. [B]). − D: Namibia, RSA local swellings; Cl lobes apically strongly reflexed,
(Northern Cape), both sides of the Orange River. inside papillate, papillae weakly rounded, rarely
Fig. XXXI.h with an apical Bri; Cn purplish-black speckled with
≡ Trichocaulon perlatum Dinter (1923) ≡ Lea- whitish; Ci lobes ≤ 2 mm, deeply bifid, appendages
chia perlatat (Dinter) Plowes (1992) (incorrect horn-like, widely diverging; Cs lobes erectly meet-
name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Leachiella perlata (Dinter) Plo- ing above the Sty head, ascending column-like,
wes (1992) (incorrect name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Lavrania column 2 mm, tips often diverging, dorsal append-
perlata (Dinter) Bruyns (1993) ≡ Hoodia
H perlata age < 1 mm, conical, spreading; Fr 4.5 cm, follicles
(Dinter) Halda (1998); incl. Tr
T ichocaulon cinereum
r diverging at an angle of 30 - 60°; otherwise like L.
Pillans (1928); incl. Trichocaulon kubusense Nel iformis. − [B. Müller & F. Albers]
(1933); incl. Trichocaulon truncatum Pillans
(1937). L. tirasmontana (Plowes) Plowes (Excelsa 17: 15,
Plants to 30 cm; stems 2.5 - 6 cm ∅, 12- to 14- 1997). T: Namibia (Plowes 4306 [SRGH]). − D:
ribbed; L rudiments later ± median on the Tu; Inf Namibia.
3- to 6- (to 12-) flowered; Fl with strong foetid ≡ Leachiella tirasmontana Plowes (1993) (incor-
odour, often
f several simultaneously open; peduncle rect name, Art. 11.4) ≡ Hoo
H dia tirasmontana (Plo-
short; Ped 0.5 - 2 mm; Sep 1 - 1.5 × 0.5 - 1 mm, wes) Halda (1998); incl. Leachia tirasmontana Plo-

Lavrania Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

wes (1992) (nom. inval., Art. 32.1, 36.1); incl. Lav- MADANGIA
rania picta ssp. parvipunctata Bruyns (1993).
F. Albers
f f m L. picta
fro t : Cl inside cream-coloured,
f y dotted with red, 8 - 9 mm ∅, central depres-
finel Madangia P. I. Forster & al. (Austrobaileya 5(1):
sion ± 2 mm, shallowly cup-shaped; Cl lobes 2 × 3 53, 1997). T: Madangia inf nflata P. I. Forster & al. −
mm, tips darker, inside papillate, papillae apically D: Papua New Guinea. Etym: For its occurrence in
with a fine Bri; Cn pale yellow, densely dotted Madang Prov., Papua New Guinea.
with red; Ci ± 1.5 mm; Cs ± 2 mm, linear, apically Wiry twiners; stems to several m long; L petio-
rounded, apically meeting, column ≤ 0.5 mm; Fr late, lamina elliptic to elliptic-ovate, fleshy, to 12 ×
5.5 cm. 6 cm, base cordate with overlapping lobes; Inf to
Closely related to L. picta and treated as subspe- 9-flowered, pendent; peduncle 8 - 22 mm, with
cies by Bruyns (1993). − [B. Müller & F. Albers] scattered Ha; Ped 3.2 - 4.5 cm; Sep triangular, 1 × 2
mm, glabrous; Cl globose, 17 - 18 mm ∅, white; Cl
lobes 4 - 6 × 6 - 7 mm, completely fused except the
A ANIA slightly recurved tips, inside papillate; Cn 1-seriate,
staminal, 10 mm ∅; Cs lobes membranous, contigu-
U. Meve
ous to each other ffor almost their entire length, lo-
Lavrania Plowes (CSJA 58(3): 122-123, 1986). T: wer edge of Cs lobes strongly recurved forming a
Lavrania haagnerae Plowes. − Lit: Bruyns (1993); membranous frill; Poll 0.77 - 0.78 × 0.29 - 0.31
Meve & Liede (2001b). D: Namibia. Etym: For mm, corpuscle 0.38 - 0.43 × 0.21 - 0.24 mm; Fr not
John J. Lavranos (*1926), Greek-born well-known known.
collector of succulents throughout S and E Afr f ica. This monotypic genus is closely allied to Hoya H .
Branched stem succulents, stems procumbent- The species differs markedly by the globose corolla
ascending, stems pale green, cylindrical, 10 - 25 × 2 and the staminal corona. Omlor (1998) is uncertain
- 3 cm, with 10 - 12 regular rows of flat Tu; L rudi- about the generic rank.
ments very short, conical, acute; Inf ± sessile, brac-
teate, from basal stem parts, 3- to 15-flowered; Ped M. inflat
f a P. I. Forster & al. (Austrobaileya 5(1):
2 - 3 mm; Fl strongly urine-scented; Sep 2.5 mm; 54, ills. (p. 56), 1997). T: Papua New Guinea, Ma-
Cl yellowish with coarse red-brown spots, 13 - 16 dang Prov. (Liddle 1076 [BRI]). − D: Papua New
mm ∅, rotate, densely papillose with coarse obtuse Guinea (Madang Prov.); only known from the type
papillae; Cl tube shallowly cup-shaped, ± 1 mm locality.
deep; Cl lobes broadly triangular, 3 × 6 mm, Description as ffor the genus.
spreading horizontally, margins slightly recurved;
Cn 2-seriate, pink-red, ± 2 × 5 mm, with ample nec-
tar; Ci basally shortly fuse
f d to fform a shallow cup,
Ci lobes rectangular, obtuse or ± fuse f d with the MARSDENIA
wing-like extended Cs base, ascending; fre f e Cs
U. Meve
lobes hardly 1 mm, rectangular, obtuse, decumbent
on the rectangular Anth; Sty head white; Poll yel- Marsdenia R. Brown (Prodr., 460, 1810). T: Mars M -
low, broadly drop-shaped, ± 0.3 × 0.22 mm, cor- denia tinctoria R. Brown. − Lit: Rothe (1915);
puscle rectangular-fus
f iform
f , translator wings > 1 Forster (1995); Omlor (1998). D: Worldwide in all
mm, acuminate; Fr slenderly fusiform, 6 - 7 cm × 3 largely frost-free regions. Etym: For William
- 4 mm, divergent at an angle of 30 - 60°. Marsden (1754 - 1836), Irish orientalist and travel-
Whether Lavrania, here treated as monotypic ge- ler in Sumatra, secretary to the British Admirality.
nus, should be merged with Larry r leachia or not, Incl. Stephanotis Thouars (1806) (nomen rejicien-
was controversially discussed for many years (see dum, Art. 56.1). T: Stephanotis thouarsii Brong-
Meve & Liede (2001b) and comments fo f r Larry
r lea- niart.
chia). Incl. Harrisonia Hooker (1826) (nom. illeg., Art.
53.1). T: Harrisonia loniceroides Hooker.
L. haagnerae Plowes (CSJA 58(3): 123, 119 (ill.), Incl. Baxtera
r Reichenbach (1828). T: Harrisonia
1986). T: Namibia (Haagner s.n. in Plowes 5046 loniceroides Hooker.
[PRE]). − D: NW Namibia. Fig. XXXII.e Incl. Dregea E. Meyer (1838). T: Dregea fl f oribun-
≡ Hoo
H dia haagnerae (Plowes) Halda (1998). d E. Meyer.
Description as ffor the genus. Incl. Pterop
o hora Harvey (1838). T: Pterop o hora
dregei Harvey [nom. illeg., ≡ Dregea floribund
f da
E. Meyer].
Incl. Pterygocarpus Hochstetter (1843). T: Ptery-
gocarpus abyssinicus Hochstetter.
Incl. Leichardr tia R. Brown (1849). T: Marsdenia
r tiana F. Mueller.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Marsdenia

Incl. Jasminanthe
J s Blume (1850). T: Jasminanthes
J ≡ Leichard
r tia australis R. Brown (1845).
suaveolens Blume. Delicate twining plants with ± globose R tubers
Incl. Ruehssia H. Karsten ex Schleidel (1853). T: lined up in a row; stems to 3 mm ∅, densely hairy;
Ruehssia purp r urea Schleidel. L petiolate, linear to lanceolate, to 12 × 3 cm,
Incl. Tetra
T gonocarpus Hasskarl (1857). T: Tetra- r grey-green; Inf pedunculate, umbellate, many-
gonocarpus teysmannii Hasskarl. flowered; Ped 5 - 9 mm; Sep ovate-lanceolate, ± 3
Incl. Chlorochlamys Miquel (1869). T: Chloro- × 2.5 mm; Cl urceolate, 5 - 9 × 4 - 6 mm, white to
chlamys celebica Miquel. pale yellow, glabrous; Cl tube 4 - 6 × 3.5 - 6 mm;
Incl. Stephanotella E. Fournier (1885). T: Ste- Cl lobes ± ovate, erect, concave, 2 - 4 × 1.5 - 2 mm;
phanotella glaziovii E. Fournier. Cn 1 - 3 × 2.5 - 3 mm; Cs lobes erect, 1 - 2 mm,
Incl. Verlotia
V E. Fournier (1885). T: not typified. acuminate, dorsally-laterally ± winged; Anth ap-
Incl. Ps
P eudomarsd r enia Baillon (1890). T: Pseudo- pendages lanceolate, 1 - 1.5 mm; Poll elongate, ±
marsdenia bourgeana Baillon. 0.95 × 0.25 mm, erect; Fr 4 - 10 × 2 - 3 cm.
Incl. Trauni
T a K. Schumann (1895). T: Traunia This species is suggestive of the S Afr
f ican genus
f ora
r K. Schumann. Microloma.
Incl. Dalzie
l lia Turrill
T (1916). T: Dalzie
l lia oblan-
ceolata Turrill. M. brevis P. I. Forster (Austral. Syst. Bot. 8: 781-
Incl. Loniceroides Bullock (1964) (nom. illeg., Art. 782, 1995). T: Australia, Queensland (Lockyer
k s.n.
52.1). T: Harri
H sonia loniceroides Hooker. [BRI]). − D: Australia (Queensland).
Geophytes, lianas, subshrubs or shrubs with Differs
f f
from M. coronatta : Cl tube urceolate; Cn
white, in part viscous latex; R fibrous, irregularly lobes very much shorter, crenulate.
thickened or formf ing water-storing tubers; stems er- Closely allied to M. coronata.
ect, occasionally decumbent, usually twining, per-
ennial; L ± sessile or petiolate, linear, elliptic, M. coronata Bentham (Fl. Austral. 4: 341-342,
lanceolate or ovate, usually leathery; Inf extra- 1869). T: Australia, Queensland (Mueller s.n.
axillary, lateral, ± sessile, 1- to many-flowered; Ped [MEL]). − D: Australia (SE Queensland); in open
short; Cl usually campanulate or urceolate or rotate, Eucaly
lyptus forests. I: Forster (1995: 880).
Cl tube oftenf longer than the Cl lobes; Cl lobes tri- Delicate twining plants with ± globose R tubers
angular, ovate or lanceolate, usually robustly lined up in a row; stems 1 - 2 mm ∅, biseriately
fleshy, inside oftenf hairy; Cn uniseriate; Cs simple, hairy; L petiolate, linear-lanceolate, to 5.5 × 1 cm,
± incumbent on the back of the Anth, partly auricu- upper face bright green, lower face pale green; Inf
late or winged, or ± reduced; Gy sessile or shortly pedunculate, umbellate, many-flowered; Ped 6 - 8
stipitate, Anth appendages acuminate or obtuse; mm; Sep ovate-lanceolate, ± 2.5 × 1.5 mm; Cl shal-
Poll erect, cylindrical, ellipsoid or ovoid, corpuscle lowly campanulate, yellow to yellow-green, glabr-
f f irly massive; Fr single, usually beaked,
fa ous; Cl tube 2.5 - 3 × 3 mm; Cl lobes triangular,
sometimes striate, keeled or winged; Se usually revolute, ± 1.8 × 1.7 mm; Cn ± 1.5 × 1.3 mm; Cs
slightly winged. lobes erect, 1 mm, shield-shaped, auriculate, acumi-
This large genus (> 200 species) is widely distri- nate; Anth appendages triangular-ovate, ± 0.7 mm
buted throughout the warmer regions of the world. ∅; Poll narrowly reniform,
f ± 0.25 × 0.25 mm; Fr ±
M rsdenia species are usually woody; some species
Mar 10 × 1.5 cm.
additionally show subsucculent stems and leaves as Forming a group of closely allied species to-
well as various types of root succulence. More or gether with M. brevis, M. rar ra
r and M. microlepe is.
less woody tuberous roots are occasionally found
(so-called xylopodia), particularly in Australia M. gillespieae Morillo (Ernstia, ser. 2, 1(3): 111-
("group 4" of Forster (1995)). The delimitation of 112, ills. (p. 118), 1991). T: Guyana (Gillespie
genera like Dregea, Watta W kaka or Gymnem
G a is still 1782a [US, VEN]). − D: Guyana; in rock fissures
in debate, even though Forster (1995) united all re- close to rivers in rainforest.
levant taxa into a (now rather variable) collective Perennial woody geophytic twining lianas with
genus Marsdenia
M , which even includes the famous white latex; R tuber (xylopodium) 40 - 60 × 3 - 5
ornamental Step e hanotis ("Madagascar Jasmine"). cm (young plants); stems twining to 2 m tall, thi-
Omlor (1998) has recently again recognized most of ckened to 2 cm ∅ above the tuber, branched, glabr-
these genera as separate taxa. A division of Mars r- ous, rapidly becoming corky, bark brown, finely
denia s.str. into sections was published by Rothe fissured, ± pimpled; L 1 - 2 cm petiolate, lamina el-
(1915). liptic, basally cuneate, apically cuspidate, ± 4 - 16 ×
2 - 8 cm, soft,f elastic, subsucculent, glabrous; Inf
M. australis (R. Brown) Druce (Bot. Soc. Exch. lateral, 8 - 12 mm pedunculate, pseudo-umbellate,
Club Brit. Isles 1916: 634, 1917). T: Australia, many-flowered; Ped 4 - 5 mm; Sep ovate, ± 2 mm,
New South Wales (Sturt s.n. [BM]). − D: Austra- ciliate; Cl campanulate, ± 10 - 13 mm ∅,
lia, esp. C Australia; usually in open Acacia wood- purple-brown; Cl tube ± 2.5 mm deep, inside with 2
land. I: Forster (1995). stripes of Ha; Cl lobes narrowly ovate, 3 - 4 × ± 2

Marsdenia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

mm, inside with scattered delicate Ha; Cn ± sessile, attaining an unusual size for Mar
M rsdenia; readily flo-
1.2 - 1.4 × 0.9 - 1.1 mm; Cs lobes ± 1.3 mm, erect, wering in cultivation. Vegetatively similar species
elliptic, basal 1⁄2 winged, dorsally depressed, api- are restricted to S America (see M. guanchezii); less
cally convex, cuspidate; Poll narrowly ovoid, 0.22 fleshy taxa are foun
f d in the Old World Sect. Dre-
× 0.1 mm, erect on upwardly bent caudiculae; Fr gea (e.g. D. arabica (Decaisne) Omlor).
fusiform, ± 15 cm × 1.5 - 2 mm, glabrous; Se ± el-
lipsoid, 12 × 6 mm, broadly winged, dark brown, M. microlepis Bentham (Fl. Austral. 4: 342, 1869).
coma ± 5 cm. T: Australia, Queensland (Dallachy h s.n. [K,
The delicate small flowers attractively constrast MEL]). − D: Australia (Queensland); forests
f . I:
the imposing growth of these easily cultivated Forster (1995: 881).
plants. Differs
f f
from M. coronata : L broader; Fl urceo-
late; segments of the Cn peltate-ovate.
M. guanchezii Morillo (Ernstia 37: 10-12, ills., Closely related to M. coronata.
1986). T: V Venezuela (Guanchez & Melgueiro 4130
[TFA, F, VEN]). − D: VenezueV la (Amazonas Re- M. pumila P. I. Forster (Austral. Syst. Bot. 8: 780-
gion); fissures of granite rocks. 781, ills. (p. 879), 1995). T: Australia, Queensland
Robust twining lianas with a massive R tuber (Forste
F r 14880 [BRI, QRS]). − D: Australia
(xylopodium), tubers 50 - 90 × 2 - 10 cm; stems (Queensland).
twining to 3 m high, basally to 1 cm ∅, thickened, Delicate twining plants with ± globose R tubers
branched, glabrous; L 3 - 10 mm petiolate, lamina lined up in a row; stems to 1 mm ∅, sparsely hairy;
narrowly to broadly elliptic, robust, subsucculent, L petiolate, linear to lanceolate, to 9.5 × 3 cm, up-
acute, basally cuneate, 3.2 - 5.5 × 1 - 2 cm, upper per face
f bright green, lower fface pale green; Inf pe-
f e ± hairy; Inf 5 - 9 mm pe-
fface glabrous, lower fac dunculate, umbellate, few-
f flowered; Ped 3 - 4 mm;
dunculate, many-flowered; Ped 4 - 6 mm; Sep ov- Sep lanceolate, ± 2 × 1 mm; Cl funnel-shaped, ± 6
ate, ± 1.3 mm, ciliate; Cl campanulate, ± 6 mm ∅, × 2 mm, pale green; Cl tube ± 4 × 2 mm, inside with
olive-green; Cl tube ± 1 × 2 mm; Cl lobes ovate, ± tufts of Ha below the sinuses of the Cl lobes, these
2 × 1.75 mm, inside slightly papillose; Cn sessile, ± ovate, erect or slightly revolute, ± 1.4 × 1.4 mm;
1.5 × 1.2 mm; Cs triangular, ± 1.75 mm long, acute, Cn 1.5 mm long; Cs lobes erect, ± 1.5 × 0.8 mm,
erect, flat, fleshy; Poll ± ovoid, ± 0.2 × 0.14 mm, er- acuminate, basally widening into a subsquare
ect on upwards-bent caudicles; Fr ovoid-fus f iform
f , shape; Anth appendages lanceolate, 0.5 mm; Poll
9 - 10 × 1.5 - 2 mm, glabrous. obovoid, ± 0.2 × 0.11 mm, on long upcurving caud-
In habit similar to M. megalantha, yet with very icles.
small inconspicuous flowers. Quite similar to M. australis.

M. megalantha Goyder & Morillo (Asklepios No. M. rara P. I. Forster (Austral. Syst. Bot. 8: 782-
63: 18-22, ills., pl. 1-2, 1994). T: Brazil, Bahia 783, 1995). T: Australia, Queensland (LyonsL 149
(Taylor, Zappi & Eggli
E 1557 [CEPEC, K, MO, [BRI]). − D: Australia (NE Queensland: neigh-
MSUN, NY, RB, SPF, VEN, ZSS]). − D: NE Brazil bourhood of Cairns); Eucalylyptus forests
f .
(Bahia); in humus-filled rock fissures. Fig. Diffe
f rs from M. brevis: Inf with longer peduncle;
XXXIII.a Cl tube narrower.
Perennial subsucculent subshrubs to 60 cm; R M ra
M. r ra
r is given as sister species of M. brevis.s.
irregularly thickened, fleshy; stems erect, apically Both possess a crenulate staminal corona and are re-
twining, basally thickened, 5 - 10 (basally to 15) lated to M
M. coronata.
mm ∅, bark silver-grey; L shortly petiolate, ovate-
elliptic to broadly ovate, basally cuneate, 1 - 5 × 0.5 M. viridiflora R. Brown (Prodr., 461, 1810). T:
- 2.5 cm, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, robust, Australia, Queensland (Brown s.n. [BM, CANB]).
subsucculent, often
f crowded on short shoots; Inf 1- − D: Australia (Northern Territory, Western Austra-
flowered; Ped 5 - 10 mm, sparsely hairy; Sep ovate, lia, Queensland), W Papua New Guinea; in open
4 - 5 × 2 - 3 mm, pubescent; Cl flatly rotate to shal- woodland. I: Forster (1995: 882-883).
lowly campanulate, 3 - 3.5 cm ∅, outside pale Incl. Bidaria leptophy h lla F. Mueller (1859) ≡
green, inside yellow to green or brown, margins Marsdenia leptophy h lla (F. Mueller) Bentham
paler; Cl tube 15 - 17 mm ∅; Cl lobes ± ovate, 10 - (1869); incl. Marsdenia viridif iflora ssp. trop
o ica P. I.
13 × 11 - 14 mm, ciliate; Cn robust-fleshy, ± 9 × 6 Forster (1995).
mm, pale green; Cs terminating with 5 erect-conni - Delicate twining plants with ± globose R tubers
vent ellipsoid lobes of ± 5 mm length, each with lined up in a row; stems to 4 mm ∅, sparsely hairy;
wing-like appendages at the base, these incumbent L petiolate, linear, lanceolate or ovate, to 7 × 2 cm,
on the Cl; Anth appendages semicircular, ± 0.5 × 1 slightly hairy, upper face
f dark green, lower face
mm; Poll broadly obovoid, 0.35 × 0.25 mm, Sty pale green; Inf pedunculate, umbellate, ffew- to
head conical, pale green, overtopping the Cn. many-flowered; Ped 5 - 9 mm; Sep ovate-lanceo -
P y and magnificent plants with flowers
Prett late; Cl campanulate, 3 - 5 × 5 - 8 mm, green to yel-

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Matelea

low, glabrous or with dense tufts of Ha around the synonyms of the genus or of infrageneric units. A
entrance; Cl tube 2 - 4 × 3 - 5 mm; Cl lobes ovate to revision would be needed to elaborate a correct and
triangular, ± revolute, glabrous, 2 - 3 mm ∅; Cn up usable list of synonyms as well as an infragener
f ic
to 1.5 × 3 mm, greenish-yellow; Cs lobes erect, 1 - classification, which is presently wanting.
1.5 mm, acuminate, triangular-ovoid, slightly
auriculate; Anth appendages ovate, 0.5 - 1 mm; M. cyclophylla (Standley) R. F. Woodson (Ann.
Poll oblong, ± 0.33 × 0.16 mm, obliquely erect; Fr Missouri Bot. Gard. 28: 233, 1941). T: Mexico,
± 9 × 2.5 - 3 cm. Guerrero (Rose & al. 9355 [US]). − D: Mexico. I:
Very variable species, which has been subdivided Rowley (1987: 79); CSJA 67: 48, 1995, both as
by Forster (1995) into the narrow-leaved and Gonolobus. Fig. XXXIII.d, XXXIII.e, XXXIII.f
small-flowered typical subspecies and the broad- ≡ Vincetoxicum ccyclophy h llum Standley (1924) ≡
leaved and large-flowered ssp. trop
o ica. Gonolobus cy c clophy
h llus (Standley) hort. (s.a.)
(nom. inval., Art. 29.1).
Robust twining climbers with globose to turnip-
A A shaped mostly underground caudex with coarsely
fissured corky bark; stems to 3 - 8 mm ∅ (often f
U. Meve
thicker at the base), glabrous; L long-petiolate, re-
Matelea Aublet (Hist. Pl. Guiane, 277, 1775). T: niform to cordate, 6 - 12 × 5 - 10 cm, upper face
M lea palustris Aublet. − Lit: Stevens (1988).
Mate green, lower face pale green, glabrous or sparsely
D: Tro
T pical and subtropical America. Etym: Not pubescent; Inf ± sessile, few-
f flowered; Ped short,
explained. robust, ± pubescent; Sep linear-lanceolate, acute, 1
Incl. Dictyanthus Decaisne (1844). T: Dictyanthus - 1.5 cm, glabrous or pubescent; Cl shallowly rotate,
pavonii Decaisne. 2 - 3 cm ∅, green or purple, ± hairy; Cl tube ± 1⁄2 as
Geophytes, subshrubs, shrubs, lianas or herbace- long as the Cl; Cl lobes triangular-ovate, ± 1 cm;
ous twining plants with white latex; R fibrous, Cn biseriate, ± 3 × 7 mm, flat, lentiformf with thi-
occasionally forming underground or halfways ab- ckened and raised margin, yellow-green or purple
ove-ground ± woody tubers (caudices), which in- (-red); Ci fused into a disc, connate to the broa-
clude the hypocotyl; stems usually twining, rarely dened base of the Cs; free
f Cs lobes obliquely erect,
decumbent or erect, occasionally form
f ing rhizomes; barely 1 mm, acuminate; Anth appendages fr f inge-
L petiolate, elliptic, lanceolate, ovate or subcircu- like, white; Fr broadly fus
f iform,
f 12 - 20 × 3 - 4 cm.
lar; Inf extra-axillary, lateral, ± shortly peduncu- A ffairly vigorous plant with striking caudices and
late, 1- to many-flowered; Cl rotate to campanulate, conspicuous flowers, more frequently seen in culti-
Cl tube well-developed, Cl lobes narrowly lanceo- vation.
late, triangular to ovate; Cn very sophisticated and
variable, uni- to biseriate, often
f connate to the Cl, M. decumbens W. D. Stevens (Phytologia 53:
partially also petaloid; Gy ± sessile or stipitate; 403-404, 1983). T: Mexico, Hidalgo (Rzedowski
Anth appendages ± absent; Poll horizontal to pen- 24011 [MSC, ENCB, F, WIS]). − D: Mexico, Gua-
dent, variable, with cartilaginous margin where temala, El Salvador.
attached to the caudicle; Sty head ± 5-angled, api- Closely related to MM. hemsleyana, but stems de-
cally flat; Fr single, usually beaked, slender to cumbent; Inf few-
f flowered; Fl only half as large,
thickly fus
f iform,
f offten very large, striate, keeled, greenish; Cl lobes erect.
winged, hairy, verrucose or hispid; Se usually
winged. M. dictyantha R. F. Woodson (Ann. Missouri Bot.
Matelea is currently defined in a very broad Gard. 28: 236, 1941). T: Mexico, Oaxaca (Jürg r en-
sense, thus with ± 250 species constituting the larg- sen 692 [KW, K]). − D: Mexico (Guerrero, Puebla,
est genus within the Asclep e iadeae − Gonolobinae. Jalisco, Oaxaca); mountain regions, 1500 - 2500 m.
F hermore, it is poorly delimited against Gonolo-
Furt I: Stevens (1988).
bus (± 110 species). The absence of anther append- Incl. RyRytidoloma reticulatum Turczaninow
ages is regarded as an important character defining (1852) ≡ Dicty t anthus reticulatus (Turczaninow)
the genus Matele
M a. Leaf or stem succulence is ab- Bentham & Hooker ex Hemsley (1882).
sent, the occurence of forms showing root succu- Erect, creeping or climbing-twining herbaceous
lence seems to be restricted to Matelea s.str. Not all perennials; caudex irregularly turnip-shaped, to 5 ×
of these species will be covered here (for
f many spe- 3 cm, with corky bark, partly with additional rhiz-
cies the subterranean organs are unknown anyway), omes; stems 15 - 70 (-150) cm, glandular-hairy, be-
but rather a choice of particularly attractive taxa. coming woody at the base; L 1 - 6 cm petiolate,
These mainly belong to Subgen. Dicty t anthus (De- lamina broadly ovate with cordate base, 2.5 - 6 (-10)
caisne) R. E. Woodson (1941), which is again clas- × 2.5 - 5 (-7.5) cm, ± hairy, often also glandular; Inf
sified at generic rank by Stevens (2000). sessile or to 1 cm pedunculate, 1-flowered; Ped 5
The list of synonyms (here omitted) of Matelea
M - 15 mm; Sep narrowly ovate, 6 - 11 mm; Cl shal-
contains more than 30 names that either represent lowly campanulate, 3 - 4 cm ∅, inside with

Matelea Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

purple-brown reticulate markings; Cl tube 7 - 15 × placed against the bulging Cl tube, 6 - 10 mm; Poll
15 - 25 mm, inside with ridges becoming broader 1.45 - 1.65 × 0.47 mm; Fr broadly fusiform, slightly
towards the base; Cl lobes 8 - 15 mm, margins rev- flattened, ± 8.5 × 2 cm, softly prickly.
olute; Cn uniseriate, shortly stipitate, ± 4 × 10 mm; In terms of floral morphology most similar to M.
Cs lobes linear, 5 - 8 mm, semi-erect, tips slightly standleyana.
narrowed, 1 - 1.5 mm, dorsally placed against the
bulging Cl tube; Poll narrowly drop-shaped, 1.2 - M. pavonii (Decaisne) R. F. Woodson (Ann. Mis-
1.45 × 0.3 - 0.38 mm; Fr broadly fusiform, 4.5 - 7 × souri Bot. Gard. 28: 237, 1941). T: Mexico (Sessé
1 - 2 cm, shortly glandular-hairy, soft
f ly prickly. & al. s.n. [FT, P]). − D: Mexico (Sinaloa to Oaxa-
A spectacular plant whose flowers are only ca); mountain regions. I: Stevens (1988).
surpassed in size by those of M. standleyana. ≡ Dictyt anthus pavonii Decaisne (1844); incl.
Tympananthe suberosa Hasskarl (1847); incl. Dic-
M. hemsleyana R. F. Woodson (Ann. Missouri Bot. tyanthus campanulatus Reichenbach (1850); incl.
Gard. 28: 237, 1941). T: Mexico, Chiapas Dictyanthus stapeliifl f orus Reichenbach (1850) ≡
(Ghiesbreght 663 [K, GH, MO, NY]). − D: Mexico, Matelea stape
a liif
iflorra (Reichenbach) R. F. Woodson
Guatemala, El Salvador; mostly in grassland. I: (1941); incl. Stap
a elia campm anulata Pavón ex Sessé
Stevens (1988). & Moçiño (1888) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1).
Incl. Dicty
t anthus prostratus Brandegee (1920); Stems twining, herbaceous, sparsely hairy, be-
incl. Dictyanthus parvifl f orus Hemsley (1924); incl. coming woody and corky at the base, often f f
M lea diffusa R. F. Woodson (1941).
Mate rhizomes; L 2 - 8 cm petiolate, lamina ovate with ±
Erect herbaceous perennials, rarely slightly twin- cordate base, 5 - 12 × 3 - 10 cm, ± ciliate; Inf 1 - 6
ing; caudex irregularly turnip-shaped, ± 4 × 2 cm, (-9) cm pedunculate, 1-flowered; Ped 7 - 30 mm;
with thick corky bark; stems 20 - 90 cm, glandular- Sep narrowly ovate, 9 - 18 mm; Cl campanulate, 6 -
hairy, becoming woody at the base; L 0.7 - 2.5 cm 7 cm ∅, pale grey-green with concentric purple-
petiolate, lamina ovate to broadly ovate with cord- brown lines; Cl tube ± 1.5 × 3.5 cm, basal 2⁄3 inside
ate base, 1.5 - 3.5 × 1.3 - 3.5 cm, ± hairy, often
f glan- bulging in Cs position; Cl lobes triangular, 11 - 25
dular; Inf 1 - 4 mm pedunculate, 1-flowered; Ped 3 mm, acute, ± fof lded, margins revolute; Cn uniseri-
- 5 mm; Sep ovate-lanceolate, 4 - 6 mm; Cl shal- ate, shortly stipitate, ± 10 mm ∅; Cs lobes linear-
lowly campanulate, 1 - 1.8 cm ∅, inside purple- falcate, 8 - 13 mm, ascending, dorsally placed
brown, with reticulate markings; Cl tube 3 - 6 × 5 - against the bulging Cl tube; Poll narrowly drop-
8 mm, inside with prominent ridges in Cs position; shaped, 1.5 - 1.6 × 0.4 - 0.5 mm; Fr broadly fusi-
Cl lobes broadly triangular, 3 - 6 mm; Cn uniseri- f
form, ± 7 - 10.5 × 2.2 cm, shortly hairy, soft f ly
ate, ± 2.5 × 3 mm; Cs lobes broadly triangular- prickly.
spatulate, 1 - 1.5 mm, dorsally placed against the The most common Mate M lea species with Stape-
bulging Cl tube; Poll drop-shaped, 0.6 - 0.9 × 0.25 - lia-like flowers. Closely allied to M. standleyana.
0.35 mm; Fr broadly fusiform, 5 - 7 × 1 - 1.8 cm,
softly prickly. M. sepicola W. D. Stevens (Phytologia 32: 387-
392, ills., 1975). T: Mexico, Jalisco (Stevens 1436
M. macvaughiana W. D. Stevens (Ann. Missouri [MSC, ENCB, F, MO]). − D: Mexico (Sinaloa, Na-
Bot. Gard. 75: 1545-1548, ills., 1988). T: Mexico, yarit, Jalisco); roadsides, scrub.
Jalisco (Pringle 8629 [MSC, ENCB, F, G, GH, L, ≡ Dictyt anthus sepicola (W. D. Stevens) W. D.
MEXU, MO, NY, P, PH, POM, UC, US, VT, W]). − Stevens (2000).
D: Mexico (Jalisco); in (temporarily) moist grass- Herbaceous climbers; caudex irregularly shaped,
land. with coarsely fissured corky bark; stems to 2 - 3
≡ Dictyanthus macvaughianus (W. D. Stevens) mm ∅ (thicker at the base), weakly hairy; L 3 - 8
W. D. Stevens (2000). cm petiolate, lamina broadly ovate, 3.5 - 10 × 2.5 -
Erect herbaceous perennials, occasionally twin- 8.5 cm, ± verrucose and hairy; Inf shortly peduncu-
ing; caudex ± ffusiform, 4 × 2 cm, with slightly late, few-flowered, ± globose; Ped 1.5 - 3.5 mm,
corky bark; stems 20 - 85 cm, densely hairy; L 1 - 5 hairy; Sep acute, 3 - 5 mm; Cl rotate with urceolate
cm petiolate, lamina narrowly to broadly ovate, Cl tube, 9 - 12 mm ∅, inside green to green-brown
base cordate (auriculate), 3 - 9.5 × 2 - 7 cm, ± hairy, with red-brown stripes, glabrous; Cl tube ± 4 mm
f glandular; Inf sessile or to 16 mm peduncu- ∅; Cl lobes triangular-ovate, slightly revolute, 2.5 -
late, usually 1-flowered; Ped 5 - 20 mm; Sep ov- 4.5 mm; Cn uniseriate, subglobose, completely fil-
ate-lanceolate, 8 - 12 mm; Cl campanulate, 3 - 4 cm ling the Cl tube; Cs lobes ± erect, 1.5 - 3 mm,
∅; Cl tube ± 5 × 12 mm, inside with weakly promi- acuminate; Poll obliquely ovoid-triangular, ± 0.65
nent ridges in Cs position, with purple-brown cen- × 0.37 mm; Fr broadly fusiform, 5 - 7.5 × 1.2 - 2
f l linear markings; Cl lobes triangular, acute, cm, shortly hairy, softly prickly.
9 - 17 mm, margins revolute, inside with purple-
brown reticulate markings; Cn uniseriate, stipitate; M. standleyana R. F. Woodson (Ann. Missouri Bot.
Cs lobes linear-spatulate, semi-erect, dorsally Gard. 28: 236, 1941). T: Mexico, Oaxaca (Conzatti

U. Meve & C. Hoffmann Asclepiadaceae Micholitzia

3760 [US, GH]). − D: Mexico (Oaxaca, Chiapas, Incl. Antiostelma (Tsiang & P. T. Li) P. T. Li
Veracruz). I: Stevens (1988). (1992). T: Hoya
H lantsangensis Tsiang & P. T. Li.
Incl. Dictyanthus tigrinus Conzatti & Standley Erect, prostrate or ± pendent epiphytes with
(1924). white latex; stems ± 30 cm, terete, branched, green
Twinin g, herbaceous, often forming rhizomes; L and weakly pubescent when young, becoming grey
petiolate, ovate with cordate base, 5 - 10 × 3.5 - 10 and glabrous with age; L decussate, 3 - 4 mm petio-
cm, ± glabrous; Inf ± 2 cm pedunculate, 1- late, lamina obcordate to obovate, 1.8 - 3.2 × 1.4 -
flowered; Ped 7 - 15 mm; Sep narrowly ovate, 9 2.3 cm, pale grey or dark green, weakly pubescent,
- 18 mm; Fl with faf int revolting smell; Cl campanu- ± truncate to obtuse with a minute mucro, cuneate
late, 6 - 7 cm ∅, pale grey-green with concentric to ± attenuate at the base; Inf racemose, lateral or
purple-brown lines; Cl tube ± 12 × 30 mm, basal 1⁄2 terminal, 4- to 9-flowered; peduncle ± 2 × 1 mm ∅;
inside bulging in Cs position; Cl lobes triangular, Ped 1 - 2 mm, weakly pubescent; Sep ovate, 1 mm,
17 - 28 mm, acute, margins revolute; Cn uniseriate, green, becoming brownish towards the tip, weakly
shortly stipitate, ± 8 mm ∅; Cs lobes linear-fa f lcate, pubescent; Cl narrowly urceolate, basally with 5
9 - 13 mm, ascending, dorsally placed against the humps, olive-green, outside weakly pubescent; Cl
bulging Cl tube; Poll squarely drop-shaped, 1.5 - 1.9 tube ± 6 × basally 3 mm ∅, pale green, inside
× 0.45 - 0.63 mm; Fr broadly fusiform, ± 8.5 × 3 bearded; Cl lobes spreading, triangular-ovate, 1.5 ×
cm, shortly hairy, softly prickly. 1 mm, acute, inside reddish-brown to yellowish, vil-
This species apparently possesses the largest flo- lose; Cn uniseriate, staminal, orange; Cs lobes
wers among the New World Asclepiadacea d e being fleshy, apically obtuse, lower face f dorsally-
pollinated by flies (presumably like all species of medianly with a vertical groove, upper face
f broadly
Subgen. Dicty t anthus). It is therefore very similar to humped; Gy pyramidal, guiding rails protruding;
African Stap
a elia or Brachyh stelma flowers. Sty head acutely conical, covered by the Anth ap-
pendages; Anth appendages lanceolate, acute, pale
M. tuberosa (Robinson) R. F. Woodson (Ann. Mis- orange; Poll broadly D-shaped, 0.25 × 0.25 mm,
souri Bot. Gard. 28: 237, 1941). T: Mexico, Jalisco germination crest lateral on the outside, but becom-
(Pringle 3568 [GH, F, VT]). − D: Mexico (S Sono- ing horizontally oriented by an outwards-twist of
ra to Jalisco); open fforests, grassland. I: Stevens the Poll; Fr single, narrowly ellipsoid, erect.
(1988). This monotypic genus of the Marsd r enieae be-
≡ Dicty
t anthus tuberosus Robinson (1892). longs to the alliance of Dischidia and Hoya. Al-
Erect herbaceous perennials, caudex irregularly though very similar in habit to Dischidia, it is
turnip-shaped, ± 5 × 3 cm, with thick corky bark; presumably most closely related to Hoya, as parti-
stems 10 - 70 (-100) cm, glandular, hairy, becoming cularly suggested by the similar morphology of the
woody at the base; L 0.7 - 3 cm petiolate, lamina corona (fleshy, dorsally grooved).
ovate to broadly ovate, base cordate, 1.5 - 4.5 × 1.5 -
4 cm, ± hairy, often
f glandular; Inf 1 - 9 mm ped- M. obcordata N. E. Brown (BMI 1909: 358, 1909).
unculate, 1- to 2-flowered; Ped 4 - 5 mm; Sep T: Myanmar (Micholitz t s.n. [K]). − D: China, In-
ovate-lanceolate, 5 - 9 mm, hairy; Cl deeply campa- dia, Myanmar, Thailand. I: Goyder & Kent (1994).
nulately funnel-shaped, 1 - 1.8 cm ∅, inside marked Fig. XXXIII.b
with purple-brown streaks and reticulations; Cl ≡ Dischidia obcordata (N. E. Brown) J. F. Max-
tube 6 - 8 × 5 - 7 mm, inside with ridges becoming well & R. van Donkelaar (1991); incl. Hoya yunna-
broader towards the base; Cl lobes triangular, 3 - 6 nensis hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1); incl. Ho
H -
mm, margins revolute; Cn uniseriate, stipitate, ± 2.5 ya manipurensis Deb (1955) ≡ Antiostelma manipu-
× 3 mm; Cs lobes arrow-headed, semi-erect, 1 - 1.5 rense (Deb) P. T. Li (1992); incl. Hoya lantsangen-
mm, dorsally placed against the bulging Cl tube; sis Tsiang & P. T. Li (1974) ≡ Antiostelma lantsan-
Poll drop-shaped, 0.65 - 0.85 × 0.35 mm; Fr gense (Tsiang & P. T. Li) P. T. Li (1992).
broadly fusiform, 5.5 - 6.5 × 1.1 - 1.9 cm, soft f ly Description as for the genus.
B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers
Miraglossum Kupicha (KB 38(4): 625, 1984). T:
U. Meve & C. Hoffmann
Schizoglossum pulchellum Schlechter. − Lit: Kupi-
Micholitzia N. E. Brown (BMI 1909: 358, 1909). cha (1984). D: E RSA. Etym: Lat. ‘mirus’, won-
t ia obcordata N. E. Brown. − Lit:
T: Micholitz derful, remarkable; and Gr. ‘glossa’, tongue; for the
Maxwell (1991); Li (1992); Goyder & Kent (1994). conspicuous corona segments.
D: China, India, Myanmar, Thailand. Etym: For Erect herbaceous perennials with deciduous ab-
Wilhelm Micholitz (1854 - 1932), plant collector ove-ground parts and tuberous R; stems 17 - 60 cm,
for Sander & Co., England. unbranched, with soft Ha evenly distributed or ra-

Miraglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

rely distichous; L irregularly arranged, within the ± flat

f ; Cl lobes ± 14 × 7.5 mm, ovate-lanceolate,
Inf usually whorled, shortly petiolate, lamina outside soft-hairy, Ha transparent, erect, or brown
simple, entire, linear to narrowly triangular, mar- and appressed; Cs ± 5 mm, lobes square at the base
gins revolute, usually hairy; Inf sessile, from nodes with bifid tips, appendages triangular, fleshy, la-
in upper stem sections (terminal in species with terally spreading at 180°, inner appendage triangu-
reduced upper L); Bra filiform, inconspicuous; Ped lar at the base, pointing towards the centre of the Fl,
f ly hairy; Sep triangular, usually hairy on both apically filiform,
f bent outwards into a horizontal
ffaces, margins ciliate; Cl campanulate or inversely position; Anth 1 mm, ± flat; Poll 1.1 - 1.15 mm,
campanulate or bowl-shaped; Cl lobes elliptic, usu- corpuscles 0.9 mm; Fr 6 - 7 cm, prickles 6 - 8 mm;
ally revolute, outside variously hairy, margins in- Se 2 mm, tuft of Ha white, ± 15 mm.
side densely soft-hairy on the left side, ciliate on the
right side; Cs lobes thickly fleshy, variable in M. laeve Kupicha (KB 38(4): 630, 1984). T: RSA,
shape; Sty head flat or shield-shaped; Anth ± flat to A k 21011 [PRE]). − D: RSA
Mpumalanga ((Acocks
undulate, fof lded-compressed, incumbent on the Sty (Mpumalanga); scrub, ± 1500 m.
head; Poll sausage-shaped, dorsiventrally slightly Plants 17 - 25 cm; stems with curly Ha, Int ≤ 2
compressed, without distinct germination crest, cm; L densely arranged, not reduced within the Inf,
translators ribbon-like, flattened, subapically at- lamina 30 - 37 × 1 - 3 mm, glabrous; Inf 6 - 8, with
tached to the Poll; Fr usually with prickles, these 3 - 4 Fl; Ped ≤ 8 mm; Sep 4 - 4.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm, out-
somewhat appressed, woolly, Ha usually white; Se side soft-
f hairy, inside glabrous; Cl green, inversely
numerous, dark brown, narrowly ovate, rugose, bowl-shaped; Cl lobes 6 - 6.5 × 3 mm, margins rev-
tipped with a tuft
f of Ha. olute, outside pubescent, Ha brownish, appressed;
Closely related to Schizoglossum, yet distinguish- Cs 4.5 - 5 mm, lobes basally transversely rectangu-
able by the sessile clustered inflorescences as well lar, shoulders rounded, lobes rolled inwards and
as by the pollinia lacking a distinct germination thus form
f ing ear-conch-shaped vaults, apical ap-
crest. pendage ± 3 mm, filiform,
f bent and ascending ab-
ove the Sty head; Anth 0.8 mm, ± flat; Poll 0.85
M. anomalum (N. E. Brown) Kupicha (KB 38(4): mm, corpuscles 0.35 - 0.43 mm; Fr bristly when
629, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Flanagan 396 young, Ha yellowish.
[K, BOL, GRA, K, NBG, SAM, PRE]). − D: RSA Closely allied to M.
M verticillare.
(Eastern Cape, SW KwaZulu-Natal); grassland,
rocky slopes, 450 - 1560 m. M. pilosum (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 631,
≡ Schizoglossum anomalum N. E. Brown (1907). 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Schlechter 3238
Plants 20 - 35 cm; Int ≤ 2 cm, Ha long, soft; f L [not located]). − D: RSA (S KwaZulu-Natal);
clustered or lax, not reduced within the Inf, lamina grassland, 900 - 1740 m.
25 - 47 × 2 - 9 mm, linear to triangular, obtuse at ≡ Schizoglossum pilosum Schlechter (1895).
the base, hairy, Ha long, soft; Inf 3- to 9-flowered; Plants 12 - 36 cm; stems with long Ha; Int 3.5 -
Ped ≤ 12 mm; Sep 4 - 4.5 × 1.5 mm, outside densely 10 cm; L decussate, usually small and inconspicu-
f hairy, inside glabrous or apically soft-
f hairy; Cl ous within the Inf, petiole 1 - 5 mm, lamina 15 - 37
green, inversely campanulate; Cl lobes 4 - 5 × 2 - 3 × 2 - 14 mm, linear to linear-ovate, basally obtuse,
mm, linear to lanceolate, laterally overlapping, soft-
f hairy, Ha long; Inf terminal, sometimes also
margins revolute, inside ± densely soft-hairy to- from 1 - 2 nodes below, with 6 - 8 Fl; Ped ≤ 8 mm;
wards the tip; Cs green, apically white, 1 - 1.5 mm, Sep 3.5 - 4 × 1 - 2 mm, outer face densely hairy, Ha
lobes simple, ± narrowly ovate, tips acute, sides soft, erect, inner face glabrous, apically with a
weakly bulging outwards; Sty head greenish-beige; single Ha; Cl green, inversely campanulate; Cl
Anth 0.8 mm, flat; Poll 0.63 - 0.75 mm, corpuscles lobes 5 - 6 × 3 mm, ± ovate, margins revolute, out-
0.33 - 0.43 mm; Fr ± 5 cm, prickles 2 mm; Se side hairy, Ha softf , erect; Cs white at the base, ap-
2 mm. pendages purple or greenish-brown, lobes 4.5 mm,
square at the base, shoulders rounded, apical appen-
M. davyi (N. E. Brown) Kupicha (KB 38(4): 632, dage slender, horn-like, ± falcately inflexed, inner
1984). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Burtt Davy v 964 [K, appendage simple or bifid, tongue-shaped, flat, in-
NH]). − D: RSA (Mpumalanga); grassland, sandy cumbent on the Anth; Sty head white; Anth 0.7 -
ground or black loam, ± 1700 m. 1.2 mm, undulate; Poll 0.55 - 0.6 mm, corpuscles
≡ Schizoglossum davyi
v N. E. Brown (1907). 0.2 - 0.28 mm; Fr without prickles.
Plants 30 - 60 cm; Int 2 - 3 cm; L densely arran-
ged, not reduced within the Inf, petiole 1 - 2 mm, M. pulchellum (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4):
lamina 24 - 47 × 2 - 6 mm, linear, acute, basally ob- 627, 1984). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Galpi l n 1089
tuse, both ffaces woolly, particularly on the midrib [PRE, K]). − D: RSA (E Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-
f ; Inf 3 - 4; Ped ≤ 2 cm; Sep ± 11 ×
of the lower face Natal, esp. front
f ier to Lesotho and Free State), Swa-
3.5 mm, both faces densely woolly, Ha either trans- ziland; grassland, 600 - 2340 m.
parent, very fine, erect, or brown and appressed; Cl ≡ Schizoglossum pulchellum Schlechter (1894).

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Notechidnopsis

Plants 20 - 25 cm; Int within the Inf 8 - 70 mm; green, lobes basally 1.5 mm, transversely rectangu-
L dense or lax, decussate or irregular, lamina 20 - lar, involute, apical appendage long, filiform,
f bent
50 × 1.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, pubescent; Inf ter- clockwise to fform a loose crown above the white
minal or from 1 - 2 nodes below, indistinctly offset, Sty head; Anth 1 mm, undulate; Poll 0.85 - 1.1 mm,
with 3 - 5 Fl; Sep 4 - 6 × 1.5 - 2 mm, outer face den- corpuscles 0.28 - 0.35 mm.
sely hairy, Ha transparent, rigid, erect, or Ha
brown, thin, appressed, Ha of the inner fface api-
cally brown, appressed; Cl brownish-green, inver- NOTECHIDNOPSIS
sely campanulate; Cl lobes 7 - 8 × 4 - 4.5 mm,
U. Meve
narrowly ovate, margins revolute, outside densely
hairy, Ha transparent, thin, rigid, erect, or Ha Notechidnopsis Lavranos & M. B. Bleck (CSJA
brown, accumbent; Cs (white-) green at the base, 57(6): 255-256, ills., 1985). T: CaraC lluma tessella-
appendages purple or brown, lobes erect, ± ta Pillans. − Lit: Bruyns (1999d); Meve & Liede
rounded, 2.5 - 4 mm, inner appendage subulate, (2001b). D: RSA. Etym: Gr. ‘notos’, South, and
stout, basal 1⁄2 erect, upper 1⁄2 bent outwards into a ffor the genus Echidnopsis
d (A
A ); ffor the
horizontal position; Anth 1.25 - 1.7 mm, undulate; similarity to that genus and the more southern dist-
Poll 0.63 - 0.93 mm, corpuscles 0.3 - 0.38 mm; Fr ribution.
3.5 - 7 cm, prickles ± 2 mm; Se ± 2.5 mm, tuft of Ha Sparsely branched stem succulents form
f ing loose
creamy-white, ± 25 mm. cushions, stoloniferous; stems ± erect or decumbent
and creeping underground, respectively, 6- to 10-
M. superbum Kupicha (KB 38(4): 631, 1984). T: angled, 2 - 20 × 0.8 - 3 cm, cylindrical, (blue-)
RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Hilliard & Burtt 7848 [E, K, green, Ri consisting of ± rectangular convex Tu in a
NU, PRE]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, frontier to regular pattern; Tu 2 - 5 × 2 - 8 mm, conical and
Lesotho); grassland, black soil of the valley bot- terminating in a minute apiculus or convex with a
toms, 1500 - 2100 m. minute central elevation (Tu T of old stems becoming
Plants 25 - 50 cm; stems pubescent; Int 1 - 4 cm; more and more flat); L rudiments absent; Inf 1- to
L densely arranged in the vegetative stem parts, but 10- (to 15-) flowered fascicles, laterally arising near
lax and usually small and inconspicuous within the the stem tips, partly on persistent cushion-shaped
Inf, lamina 15 - 40 × 0.5 - 2 mm, glabrous or pseudopeduncles; Fl with copious nectar and strong
weakly soft-hairy; Inf terminal, sometimes also f id odours; Ped 2 - 4 × 1 mm, glabrous;
sweet foet
from 1 - 2 nodes below, with 3 - 5 Fl; Ped ≤ 13 mm; Sep subulate-lanceolate, 1 - 2 mm, glabrous; Cl yel-
Sep 4 - 6 × 1.5 - 2 mm, outside soft-hairy, upper 1⁄2 lowish-green blotched with red or blood-red with
of the inside pubescent; Cl dull green, streaked with yellowish blotches, 4 - 11 (-15) mm ∅, rotate, out-
dull purple, inversely bowl-shaped; Cl lobes 6 - 9 × side glabrous; Cl tube short, shallow, 3 - 5.5 mm ∅;
4 mm, narrowly ovate, margins revolute, outside Cl lobes triangular, 2 - 5 × 2 - 4 mm, fu f lly expand-
glabrous; Cs basally yellow-green, apical append- ing, inside densely short-haired, Ha ± 0.1 mm; Cn
age (dark) brown, inner appendage brownish- biseriate, 2 - 3 × 3 - 4 mm; Ci ffused dish-like or to
purple, 6 - 7 mm, lobes basally transversely rectan- fform a shallow cup, free Ci lobes < 1 mm, triangu-
gular, erect, apical appendage cross-shaped, inner lar or rectangular with an apical notch; Cs ± 1mm,
appendage trifid, lateral segments filiform, bent to- linear-lanceolate, incumbent on the Anth or erect;
wards each other, central segment like a shark’s fin, Anth ± rectangular; Poll D-shaped, caudicles short,
joined with the apical appendage; Sty head white; corpuscle fus
f iform,
f basally shortly winged; Sty
Anth white, ± 2 mm, papery, conspicuous; Poll head convex; Fr narrowly fus f iform,
f 3 - 4 cm; Se
0.68 - 0.78 mm, corpuscles 0.45 - 0.5 mm, sagittate. brown, ± 4 × 2.5 mm, tuft of Ha ± 14 mm.
Notechidno opsis − if at all a good genus − is re-
M. verticillare (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB 38(4): lated to the genus Lavrania, which is likewise of S
630, 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Schlechter Afr
f ican origin. Both are characterized by a combi-
3242 [BOL, Z]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, S Kwa- nation of multi-angled stems tessellated by small ±
Zulu-Natal); rocky grassland, 900 - 1800 m. leafless tubercles and with small rotate flowers with
≡ Schizoglossum verticillare Schlechter (1895). shallowly cup-shaped coronas.
Plants 10 - 35 cm; stems pubescent with porrect
or curly Ha; Int 8 - 18 mm; L clustered, rarely N. columnaris (Nel) Lavranos & M. B. Bleck
laxly arranged, lamina 17 - 45 × 1 - 2 mm, ± linear, (CSJA 57(6): 256-257, ills., 1985). T: RSA, Nor-
hairy, Ha softf , accumbent; Inf 3 - 5, with 2 - 6 Fl; thern Cape (Herre
H s.n. in SUG 6023 [BOL]). − D:
Ped ≥ 10 mm; Sep 3 - 5 × 1 - 2 mm, hairy on both RSA (Northern Cape: Richtersveld). Fig. XXXII.a,
faces , Ha transparent, soft, erect, or brown and ac- XXXII.g (left)
cumbent; Cl green, bowl-shaped; Cl lobes 4.5 - 6.5 ≡ Trichocaulon columnare Nel (1933) ≡ Echid-
× 2.5 - 3.5 mm, narrowly ovate, tips involute, out- nopsis columnaris (Nel) R. A. Dyer & D. S. Hardy
side soft-
f hairy, Ha transparent, erect or brownish (1968).
and accumbent; Cs white, base and margins dark Stems 8-angled, erect, rarely prostrate-decum-

Notechidnopsis Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

bent, 12 - 20 × 2 - 3 cm, sparsely branched, glauc- Geophytic herbaceous perennials to 15 cm tall; R

ous-green, regularly tessellated with always rectan- ± fus
f iform
f , tuberous; L decussate, ± sessile, nar-
T , these ± 4 × 8 mm, conical with a short
gular Tu rowly linear; Inf terminal or lateral, borne near the
rigid tip, proj
o ecting horizontally or slightly curved stem tips, axillary, pedunculate, few- f flowered,
downwards; Inf near the stem tips, 1- to 10- (to 15-) pseudo-umbellate; Cl shallowly campanulate; Cl
flowered, on cushion-shaped pseudopeduncles; Ped lobes elongate-spatulate; Cn 1- (to 2-) seriate; Cs
2 - 4 mm; Fl opening in succession, with copious lobes erect, flat, small, basally fuse
f d into a ring-like
nectar and a foet
f id-fru
f ity scent; Cl rotate, outside structure; Gy sessile, basally fuse
f d to the Cl; appen-
pale green, inside yellowish-green (-ochre) finely dages of the Anth hyaline, bent inwards; Poll nar-
spotted with red-brown, 5 - 11 (-15) mm ∅, inside rowly ellipsoid; Fr very slenderly fusiform, to 9
densely short-haired; Cl tube 4 - 5 mm ∅; Cl lobes cm, acute.
triangular, 2 - 5 × 2 - 4 mm, fully expanding; Cn A bitypic genus from the group around Xysmalo-
pale yellow blotched with purple, ± 2.5 × 2.5 - 4 bium. A striking feature
f is the corona, which is ba-
f d into a dish, lobes triangular, ± 0.7 ×
mm; Ci fuse sally fuse
f d into a ring.
0.7 mm, tips slightly erect; Cs linear to lanceolate
(spoon-shaped), apically ± notched, 1 - 1.5 mm, O. minus S. Moore (J. Bot. 50: 363, 1912). T: An-
connivent above the Sty head; Poll D-shaped, ± gola (Gossweiler 2332 [BM]). − D: Angola.
0.35 × 0.25 mm; Fr 4 - 5 cm. Habit as O. welwitschii, but Fl very much smal-
A fairly rare species, which is solely known from ler.
the Richtersveld in the NW corner of RSA.
O. welwitschii Rendle (J. Bot. 32: 161-162, t. 344,
N. tessellata (Pillans) Lavranos & M. B. Bleck 1894). − D: Angola, Zimbabwe; bushland and sa-
(CSJA 57(6): 256, ill., 1985). T: RSA, Western vanna.
Cape (Ross-Frames s.n. in NBG 198/31 [BOL, K]). ≡ Schizoglossum welwitschii (Rendle) N. E.
− D: RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape). I: Eggli Brown (1902).
(1994: 166). Fig. XXXII.f, f XXXII.g (right) Description as ffor the genus.
≡ Caralluma tessellata t Pillans (1933); incl. Ca-
ralluma serpentina Nel (1935) ≡ Echidnopsis
d ser-
pentina (Nel) A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. OPHIONELLA
d f
framesii A. C. White & B. Sloane
U. Meve
Stems (6- to) 10-angled, creeping to prostrate- Ophionella Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 43(2/3):
decumbent, 2 - 20 × 0.8 - 1.8 cm, sparsely branched, 70-73, ills., 1981). T: Pectinaria arcuata N. E.
green, regularly tessellated with always rectangular Brown. − Lit: Bruyns (1999c). D: RSA. Etym:
(sometimes irregular owing to interspersed Inf) f Tu,
f) Diminutive of Gr. ‘ophis’, snake, serpent; referring
these ± 2 × 4 mm, convex with a minute central to the snake-like sinuous stems.
elevation; Inf near the stem tips, 1- to 8- (to 15-) Stems rounded 4-angled, creeping, with the tips
flowered , Fl opening in succession (rarely simulta- always ending underground, 4 - 25 cm × 3 - 8 mm;
neously), with ffoetid-fru
f ity scent; Ped 3 - 5 mm; Cl Tu flatly ellipsoidal; L minute, deltoid, slightly re-
rotate, outside pale green, inside red (-brown), ofte
f n f
flexed; Cl bud-like to campanulate, somethwat thi-
blotched with yellow, 6 - 10 mm ∅, (densely) ckened at the mouth; Cl tube narrowly to broadly
short-haired; Cl tube 3 - 4.5 mm ∅; Cl lobes trian- cup-shaped, 3 - 6 × 2 - 7 mm; Cl lobes deltoid to
gular, 3 - 4 × 2 - 3 mm, fully expanding; Cn yolk- lanceolate, ascending and apically joined to spread-
yellow, 1.5 - 2 × 2.5 - 3 mm; Ci basally fused into a ing, 3.5 - 9 × 2 - 4.8 mm; Cn biseriate, shortly stipit-
cup, lobes rectangular, apically emarginate, ± 0.7 × ate, shallowly bowl-shaped, 1 - 1.5 × 2 - 4 mm; Ci
0.7 mm, placed against the Cl tube or slightly erect; lobes spreading, somewhat ascending, truncate with
Cs lanceolate to triangular, entire, < 1 mm, incum- a thickened tooth, 0.5 mm; Cs lobes ± 0.25 mm,
bent on the back of the Anth or (almost) upright; deltoid to subquadrate, with a dorsal projo ection, ap-
Poll narrowly D-shaped, ± 0.38 × 0.20 mm; Fr ± pressed to the backs of the Anth; Poll ellipsoidal,
3 cm. translator wings minute; Fr terete-fus
f iform
f , ± 3 cm.

O. arcuata (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J.

ODONTOSTELMA Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 72, ills., 1981). T: RSA, Eastern
Cape (Pillans 182 [K, BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern
U. Meve
Odontostelma Rendle (J. Bot. 32: 161, 1894). T: ≡ Pectinaria arcuata N. E. Brown (1909).
Odontostelma welwitschii Rendle. − D: Angola, Stems forming densely interwoven mats of up to
Zimbabwe. Etym: Gr. ‘odous, odontos’, tooth; and 30 cm ∅, grey to green-brown, 4 - 25 × 0.4 - 0.8
Gr. ‘stelma’, crown, garland, wreath; ffor the nature cm, slightly 4-angled, glabrous, papillose, papillae
of the corona. dome-shaped; Tu obtuse, broad, flattened, on young

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

stems at the base with dark drop-like markings; L an regions; Cl tube shallowly bowl-shaped, 4 - 6
rudiments minute, Sc-like; Inf with 1 - 4 Fl opening mm ∅; Cl lobes deltoid to lanceolate, ascending,
in succession, borne basally on the sides of the often
f becoming descending towards the tips, api-
stems, pedunculate or with a rudimentary peduncle; cally fused, 3 - 5 × 2 - 3.5 mm; Cn shortly stipitate,
Ped 1 - 4 mm, glabrous; Sep 0.8 - 2 mm, (ovate-) pale yellow, shallowly bowl-shaped, ± 1.2 - 2 mm
lanceolate, glabrous; Cl outside pale flesh-coloured, ∅; Ci lobes spreading, somewhat ascending, del-
inside creamy-white, tube purple-red at the base, toid-lanceolate, acute, ± 0.5 mm; Cs lobes ± 0.25
short and ovoid or broadly cup-shaped, ± 4 × 3 - 7 mm, deltoid to subquadrate, emarginate, flat; Poll
mm, mouth and base of the Cl lobes, respectively, 0.18 × 0.09 mm, translator wings ellipsoid.
slightly bulging; Cl lobes elongate, bent upwards A distinct tiny species endemic to sandstone slabs
and tips often joined, 3.5 - 8 × 2 - 3.5 mm, at the of the Witteberge in the SE Eastern Cape.
base usually with a distinct appendage, this pointing
outwards, pleated, inside densely and finely prickly;
Cn pale yellow, dorsal process of the Cs occasio- ORBEA
nally blotched with reddish-purple, ≤ 1.5 × 2 - 3
B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve
mm; Ci lobes < 0.5 mm, trapeziform, truncate, ± at
the base joined to the dorsal process of the Cs; Cs Orbea Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., 37, 1812). T:
lobes broad at the base, dorsal process conspicuous, Stapelia variegata Linné [Lectotype, designated by
≤ 1 mm, fleshy, often verrucose, ± clavate, horizon- L. C. Leach, Trans. Rhodesia Sci. Assoc. 59(1): 2,
tal to ascending, apical section ≤ 0.5 mm, narrower, 1978.]. − Lit: Leach (1975); Leach (1978a); Plo-
incumbent on the Anth and usually overtopping wes (1994b); Bruyns (2001). D: Arabien, Afr f ika.
them; Anth rectangular, ± covered by the Cs; Poll Etym: Lat. ‘orbis’, circle; for
f the thickened corolla
± 0.25 × 0.16 mm, ovoid-elliptic. − [B. Müller & F. part (annulus) surrounding the flower centre.
Albers] Incl. Podanthe
d s Haworth (1812). T: Podanthe d s
pulchra Haworth [Lectotype, designated by Reh-
O. arcuata ssp. arcuata − D: RSA (Eastern Cape: der & al., Bull. Misc. Inform. (Kew) 1935: 451.].
between Somerset East and Bedfor f d). Fig. Incl. Diplocyatha N. E. Brown (1878). T: Stapelia
XXXIII.c ciliata
t Thunberg.
Cl long; Cl lobes 5 - 8 × 2 - 2.5 mm, lanceolate, Incl. Stap
a eliop
o sis E. Phillips (1932) (nom. illeg.,
bent upwards and inwards, tips joined (occasionally Art. 53.1). T: Stap
a elia coop
o eri N. E. Brown.
divergent); Cl tube ± 4 × 3 mm, ± ovoid; Cs lobes Incl. Stultitia E. Phillips (1933). T: Stapa elia coo-
apically ± triangular, dorsal process pointing up- peri N. E. Brown.
wards. − [B. Müller & F. Albers] Incl. Orbeopsis L. C. Leach (1978). T: Cara C lluma
lutea N. E. Brown.
O. arcuata ssp. mirkinii (Pillans) Bruyns (Bot. J. Incl. Pachycymbium L. C. Leach (1978). T: Caral-
Linn. Soc. 131(4): 395-396, ills., 1999). T: RSA, luma keithii R. A. Dyer.
Eastern Cape (Mirkin r s.n. [BOL 22432]). − D: Incl. Angolluma Munster (1990). T: Boucerosia
RSA (Eastern Cape: between Willowmore and decaisneana Lemaire.
Addo). Incl. Ballyant
l hus Bruyns (2001). T: Stapelia prog-
≡ Pectinaria mirkr inii Pillans (1939) ≡ Ophionella natha P. R. O. Bally.
arcuata var. mirkr inii (Pillans) Bruyns (1981). Basally branched stem succulents with erect or
Cl shorter than in ssp. arcuata, tube ≤ 4 × 5 - 7 ascending stems, clump-forming to caespitose, of-
mm, broadly cup-shaped; Cl lobes ≤ 4 × 3 - 3.5 mm, ten with subterranean runners, latex clear, colour-
triangular, bent upwards and inwards, tips free
f ; Cn less or yellowish; stems 4-angled or 4- to 5-angled,
1 - 1.2 × 2.8 - 3.2 mm; Cs lobes apically ± rectangu- 2 - 25 × 1 - 2 (-3) cm, green or grey-green, almost
lar, truncate or tips slightly concave, dorsal process always spotted with red, glabrous; Tu conical,
rather horizontal. − [B. Müller & F. Albers] spreading, decussate, ± tapering without different
f ia -
tion into the acute L rudiment, usually with stipular
O. willowmorensis Bruyns (Bot. J. Linn. Soc. Gl; Inf (sub-) sessile to pedunculate, basal, lateral
131(4): 396-397, ills., 1999). T: RSA, Eastern to subapical, 1- to many-flowered; Fl opening in
Cape (Bruyns 4966 [BOL]). − D: RSA (SE Eastern succession or simultaneously; Ped 0.1 - 30 (-90)
Cape). mm, apicall usually narrowing, glabrous; Sep
Stems often subterranean, 3 - 15 cm × 3 - 5 mm; green, acute, glabrous; Cl inside whitish, cream-
Inf subsessile, 1- (to 4-) flowered; Bra subulate, 1 coloured, yellow, red or brown, often f spotted or
mm; Ped 1.5 - 6 × 0.6 mm, glabrous, ascending; Sep banded in 2 contrasting colours, ± rotate, 1 - 7 cm
ovate-acuminate, ± 1 × 0.4 mm; Cl bud-like, ∅, smooth, verrucose or transversely rugose, glabr-
broadly ellipsoid to nearly (depressed-) globose, 3.5 ous, papillate or hairy; Cl tube flat, cup-shaped or
- 7 × 4 - 6 mm, outer face white, sometimes spotted campanulate, oftenf bulging ring-like with a thi-
pale red, papillate, inner fface coarsely red-spotted, ckened and / or fleshy disc (annulus) enclosing the
glabrous except ffor 1 mm long stiff Ha in the medi- Cn; Cl lobes broadly triangular (-ovate) to lanceo-

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

late, flatly spreading or margins recurved; Cn bise- 2001). T: Namibia (Marloth 5110 [PRE]). − D:
riate, the 2 series usually distinctly differenc
f iated Namibia. I: White & Sloane (1937).
(rarely fuse
f d to a ring-like structure, or with the ≡ Stapelia albocastanea Marloth (1913) ≡ Cara
C l-
interstaminal series reduced), but never completely luma albocastanea (Marloth) L. C. Leach (1970) ≡
separated on the staminal column, occasionally ur- Orbeopsis albocastanea (Marloth) L. C. Leach
ceolate, often stalked, glabrous; Ci lobes entire, 2- (1978); incl. Stapelia caroli-schmidtii Dinter & A.
dentate to 2-lobed, flat and spreading to erect and Berger (1914).
f ing; Cs lobes polymorphic, often f with Stems decumbent, rooting when touching the
additional apical or basal appendages, erect or ground, dull green, stippled with dull red, 6 - 8 × ±
decumbent on the Anth; Anth whitish, linear, rect- 1 cm, ± 4-angled; Ri separated up to 1.4 cm; TuT 3-
angular or trapezoid; guide rails ± erect, not 5 mm; Inf 3- to 6-flowered, Fl opening in succes-
embedded in gynostegial tissue; Poll bean- or D- sion, peduncle short; Ped 4 - 6 cm, bent upwards;
shaped or ellipsoid, germination crests bent on the Cl ± white, cream-coloured, blotched or stippled
dorsal (upper) fface of the Poll, translator ± winged; with pale grey or dull green, purple-brown, reddish
Fr fusiform
f , 4 - 16 × 0.6 - 1.5 cm, erect, arranged at or ± black-purple, 2.5 cm ∅, central depression 8
an acute angle, oftenf spotted with red; Se brown, el- mm ∅, shallowly cup-shaped; Cl lobes ± 11 × 5
liptic, margins ± voluminous. mm, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, margins
The separation of the "Ango-Group" from Caral- C and tips revolute, outside glabrous, inside coarsely
luma and its classification under Pachycymbium by rugose, margins hairy with vibratile clavate Ha; Cn
Gilbert (1990) was replaced by splitting the com- dark brown; Ci lobes 2 × 1.5 mm, rectangular, tips
plex into Pachycymbium s.str. and Angolluma (Plo- deeply crenate, convex, divaricate, revolute, closely
wes 1994b). The change of Angolluma miscella to appressed to the Cl; Cs apically sometimes whitish,
Orbea (Meve 2000b) was fo f llowed by Bruyns lobes 4 - 5 mm, complex, apical appendage ± 3 mm,
(2001) with a taxonomical round-up. He subsumed subulate-filiform,
f erect-connivent, tips ± revolute,
the closely related genera Angolluma, Orbeanthus, basal appendage ± 2.5 mm, acute, ± erect, divaric-
Orbeopo sis and Pachycymbium completely under ate; Poll 0.3 × 0.4 mm, broadly D-shaped, widely
Orbea.a.. Apart, Bruyns (2001) created the new genus
a distant.
l hus for
f Orbea prognatha, which is marked A member of the O. lutea-complex and closely
by an atypical pollinia structure. In contrast to this related to O. knobelii. − [B. Müller & F. Albers]
concept, Bally l anthus is not accepted here as an in-
dependent taxon, and the bitypic genus Orbeanthus O. araysiana (Lavranos & Bilaidi) Bruyns (Aloe
continues to be maintained as a separate genus (see 37(4): 73, 2001). T: Yemen
Y (Lavranos & al. 8602
there). [FT]). − D: S Yemen.
≡ Stultitia araysiana Lavranos & Bilaidi (1971) ≡
O. abayensis (M. G. Gilbert) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): Pachycymbium araysianum (Lavranos & Bilaidi)
73, 2001). T: Ethiopia, Shewa Region (Gilbert M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma araysiana (Lav-
3891 [K, ETH]). − D: C Ethiopia. I: Gilbert ranos & Bilaidi) Plowes (1994).
(1978). Fig. XXXIV. Va Stems ascending, in dense clusters, grey-green,
≡ Cara
C lluma abayensis M. G. Gilbert (1978) ≡ spotted with brown, 3 - 8 cm; Tu ± 0.5 - 1 cm, hori-
P hycymbium abayense (M. G. Gilbert) M. G. Gil-
Pac zontally spreading, sometimes slightly bent up-
bert (1990) ≡ Angolluma abayensis (M. G. Gilbert) wards; Inf with 1 - 2 erect Fl at the stem tips; Bra 2
Plowes (1994); incl. Angolluma gilbertii Plowes - 4, ± 0.5 × 0.25 mm, triangular, acute; Ped ± 7 × ≤
(1994). 2 mm, terete; Sep 3 - 4 × ± 2 mm, sometimes
Stems erect, in compact clumps, to 14 cm; Tu 1.5 keeled, alternating with colleters; Cl outside grey-
- 2 cm, robust, spreading-ascending, stipular rudi- green, spotted with brown, inside pale red-brown,
ments rare; Inf with up to 3 erect Fl; Ped 8.5 - 9 × glossy, 2 - 4 cm ∅, flat, deeply incised, fleshy, tube
2.5 mm, conspicuously bent outwards; Sep 4.5 - 5 × very short, surrounding the Cn basally, annulus
2.5 - 3 mm; Cl inside pale brown, ± 4 cm ∅, flat, low; Cl lobes ± 15 × 6 - 9 mm, ovate-triangular, ac-
annulus 1 × 1 mm, minutely tomentose, basally clo- ute, margins slightly revolute, outside minutely
sely surrounding the Cn; Cl lobes ± 15 × 9 mm, bumpy-papillate, inside papillate, densely hairy, Ha
ovate-triangular, apically bent outwards, inside mi- white, short, bristly; Cn glossy black, 6 - 7 mm ∅;
nutely velvety-papillate, glabrous; Cn 2.5 × 8 - 9 Ci open and cup-like, lobes form
f ing wide pouches,
mm; Ci bowl-shaped, lobes forming 5 shallow ± rectangular when seen from above, apically bulg-
pouches, apically thickly fleshy, slightly incised in ing; Cs lobes ± 4.5 mm, linear-triangular with 2
the middle; Cs lobes ovate-lanceolate, surpassing shallow depressions, geniculate, basally erect, api-
the Anth, region where united with the Ci with 2 cal portion ± horizontal or erect, ± 2 mm, linear, ob-
flat dorsal bulges; Poll 0.5 × 0.4 mm, D-shaped. tuse, overlapping, ± strongly surpassing the Sty
Closely related to O. laticorona. head, with longitudinal grooves where united with
the Ci; Poll bright orange, 0.45 × ± 0.35 mm, D-
O. albocastanea (Marloth) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 73, shaped.

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

O. baldratii (A. C. White & B. Sloane) Bruyns mm, annulus cushion-shaped, conspicuously
(Aloe 37(4): 73, 2001). T: [lecto − icono]: A. C. grooved; Cl lobes 3 - 5 × ± 5 mm, inside wrinkled,
White & B. Sloane, Stapelieae, ed. 2, 1: figs. 200- densely tuberculate-papillose, hairy, Ha ± 0.6 ×
201, 1937. − D: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, 0.15 mm, blunt, margins of the Cl lobes delicately
Tanzania. hairy, clavate Ha 0.5 - 1 mm; Cn cream-coloured,
≡C Caralluma baldratii A. C. White & B. Sloane purple-spotted; Ci basally fused into an urn- or
(1937) ≡ Pac
P hycymbium baldratii (A. C. White & cup-like structure, 3 × 3.5 - 4.5 mm, free part of the
B. Sloane) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma bald- lobes 1.4 mm, deeply bidentate, teeth lanceolate,
ratii (A. C. White & B. Sloane) Plowes (1994). obtuse, ± erect, basally fuse
f d with the Cs; Cs some-
times purple along the margin, lobes 1 mm, strap-
O. baldratii ssp. baldratii − D: Ethiopia, Eritrea, like, dorsally bulging, not surpassing the Anth; Poll
Kenya, N Tanzania. ± 0.45 - 0.6 × ± 0.45 mm. − [B. Müller, J. Kiel & F.
Incl. Pachycymbium baldratii ssp. baldratii. Albers]
Stems mostly solitary, erect, 5 - 10 cm, green
spotted with red, sides shallowly grooved; under- O. caudata (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 73,
ground runners short; Tu ± 1 cm, conically trian- 2001). T: Malawi (Cameron
C 25 [K]). − D: Tanza-
gular, horizontally spreading; L rudiments bent nia, Zambia, Malawi, Moçambique, Zimbabwe, Bo-
slightly upwards, with stipular rudiments; Inf with tswana.
1 - 3 sessile Fl; Sep ± 2.5 × 1 mm, alternating with ≡ Caralluma caudata
d N. E. Brown (1903) ≡ Or-
colleters; Cl inside pale mahogany- or cream- beopsis caudat
d ta (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (1978).
coloured, minutely spotted with red, 2.8 cm ∅,
deeply incised; Cl lobes ± 12 × 2 mm, narrowly tri- O. caudata ssp. caudata − D: S Tanzania, Zambia,
angular or ovate-lanceolate, long attenuate, hori- Malawi, Moçambique, Zimbabwe.
zontally spreading, apically darker, margin revol- Incl. Cara
C lluma caudatad d ta ≡ Orbeop-
ssp. caudat
ute, inside densely downy-tomentose, Ha white, sis caudata
d ssp. caudata
d ; incl. Caralluma longecor-
short, stiff, acute; Cn ± 5 mm ∅; Ci black-purple, nuta Croizat ex Gomes e Sousa (1935) (nom. nud.);
cup-shaped, lobes 0.5 mm, forming ovate pouches, incl. Caralluma caudata
d var. fusca
f C. A. Lückhoff
apically sinuately notched; Cs cherry-red, lobes ± (1937); incl. Caralluma praegracilis Obermeyer
1.5 × 1 mm, apically variously toothed, with short (1937).
basal appendage where united with the Ci, also with Stems erect or ascending, forming ± lax mats 10 -
2 dorsal appendages, 1.5 mm, narrow; Poll 0.45 × 20 cm ∅, brownish-green or dark olive-green or
0.25 mm, ovoid. grey-green, sometimes ± densely blotched with
brownish or purple, ± shining, 8 - 10 × 0.65 cm; Tu
O. baldratii ssp. somalensis Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 9 - 13 × 5 - 8 mm, Sp-like, ± widely apart, ± hori-
73, ill., 2001). T: Somalia (Ballyl 16017 [ZSS]). − zontally spreading; Inf sessile pseudo-umbels with
D: Somalia. 3 - 6 Fl opening ± simultaneously, with strongly
Differs from ssp. baldratii: Ci lobes much smal- ffoetid odour; Fl buds 3.8 cm, 5-angled, acuminate,
ler; Cs lobes square, basally slightly emarginate. − terminating in a slight spiral; Bra ± 2.5 mm, acute;
[U. Meve] Ped 5 - 20 × 2.5 - 3 mm, terete, erect; Sep 4 - 9 ×
1.5 - 2 mm, projecting from between the bases of
O. carnosa (Stent) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 73, 2001). the Cl lobes; Cl outside whitish, finely stippled
T: RSA, Gauteng (Pole-Evans 11020 [PRE]). − D: with red, inside pale or dark yellow, stippled or
RSA (Northern Prov., Gauteng). Fig. XXXIV. V.b blotched with purple or crimson (rarely completely
≡ Cara
C lluma carnosa Stent (1916) ≡ Pachycym- dark purple), 5.5 - 9 cm ∅, deeply incised, central
bium carnosum (Stent) L. C. Leach (1978); incl. depression purple, ± saucer-shaped, embracing the
C lluma keithii R. A. Dyer (1935) ≡ Pachycymbi-
Cara Cn; Cl lobes 22 - 40 × 6 - 9 mm, acuminate to caud-
um keithii (R. A. Dyer) L. C. Leach (1978); incl. ate, horizontally spreading, margins of the upper 1⁄2
Caralluma f
fosteri Pillans (1937); incl. Caralluma
C revolute, inside velvety, finely papillose, papillae
schweickerdtii Obermeyer (1937); incl. Pach
P ycym- dark purple with fine transversal excrescences, cen-
bium lancasteri Lavranos (1984). tral depression basally weakly setulose, margins of
Stems apically slightly tapering, basally branch- the Cl lobes slightly hairy, clavate Ha purple to
ing, grey-green, blotched with reddish-brown, 6 - dark violet, long, vibratile; Cn ± yellowish-red, 4.5
20 × 1 - 2 cm; Tu ≤ 1.5 cm, conical; L rudiments - 7 mm ∅; Ci apically paler, bowl-shaped, lobes 1.5
acute; Fl buds ± globose, laterally at the bases of - 3 × ± 1.6 mm, bidentate, segments short, divergent,
the Cl with 5 tooth-like protrusions; Ped 1 - 3 mm, sometimes slightly undulate or ± truncate, basally
conical; Sep greenish-yellow with pale purple, 2.5 - partly with verrucose excrescences; Cs lobes 2 - 2.5
7 mm, margin membranous; Cl outside greenish- × 0.5 - 0.8 mm, narrowly to broadly ribbon-shaped,
purple, weakly marbled with purple or stippled with apically tapering or obtusely lobed, occasionally
reddish, inside cream-coloured and spotted with joining or laterally overlapping, sometimes revolute
dark carmine, 7 - 10 × 8 - 15 mm, tube 4.5 × 5.5 and slightly raised above the Sty head, at the base

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

fused with the Ci by hump-like excrescences; Poll 291, 1975). T: RSA, Western Cape (Th T unbergr 6327
0.5 × ± 0.35 mm, bean- or D-shaped. − [B. Müller [UPS]). − D: RSA (Western Cape, S of 31° S). Fig.
& F. Albers] XXXIV. Vg
≡ Stap
a elia ciliata Thunberg (1794) ≡ Podanthes
O. caudata ssp. rhodesiaca (L. C. Leach) Bruyns ciliata (Thunberg) Haworth (1812) ≡ Tro r motriche
(Aloe 37(4): 74, 2001). T: Zimbabwe, Belingwe ciliata (Thunberg) Sweet (1830) ≡ Diplocy c atha ci-
Distr. (Leach & Bullock 13145 [SRGH, BM, BOL, liata (Thunberg) N. E. Brown (1878).
BR, K, LISC, PRE, ZSS]). − D: Angola, Namibia, Stems short, decumbent-erect, to ± 6 × ± 1.5 cm
Zimbabwe, Botswana. Fig. XXXIV. V.f ∅, distinctly 4-angled; Tu T ≤ 8 mm, acute, strongly
≡CCaralluma caudatta ssp. rhodesiaca L. C. Leach divergent; L rudiments acute, hard; Inf 1-flowered,
(1973) ≡ Orbeop o sis caudata ssp. rhodesiaca (L. C. rarely with an additional bud at the Ped base; Ped
Leach) L. C. Leach (1978); incl. C Caralluma chiben- 10 - 12.5 × ± 2 mm; Sep 6 - 8 × 3 mm, convex; Cl
sis C. A. Lückhoff (1935) ≡ Cara
C lluma caudata
d var. outside pale green, finely stippled with reddish-
chibensis (C. A. Lückhoff) f C. A. Lückhoff (1937); purple, inside pale greenish-yellow, uniformf ly dark
incl. Caralluma caudat d ta var. milleri Nel (1937); purple at the base, 7 - 8 cm ∅, bowl-shaped; Cl tube
incl. C
Caralluma caudatta var. stevensonii Oberme- basally flattened, densely hairy, Ha purple, short,
yer (1937). acute, rigid; annulus ± 8 mm high, solid, ± broadly
Differs from ssp. caudat
d a: Tu
T 1 - 2.2 cm, very ac- ffunnel-shaped, limb thickened, spreading, revolute,
ute, strongly compressed, acuminate, tips bent sometimes indistinctly obtusely 5-angled; Cl lobes
upwards; Fl opening simultaneously or with long 3 - 3.2 × 1.4 - 1.7 cm, divergent, (strongly) revolute,
intervals, often
f only 2 open at any time, buds coni- outside glabrous, inside ± densely verrucose-papil-
cal, attenuate; Cl paler, occasionally dark yellow as lose, papillae with purple tips, margins of the Cl
in ssp. caudat
d ta , blotches pale brownish-red, purple, lobes hairy, Ha white, to 3 mm, simple or flat-
violet, ± ovate, of variable size, central depression tened-clavate, strongly vibratile; Cn 1.5 × ± 4 mm
shallowly bowl-shaped or broadly cup-shaped, ± 4 ∅, base faintly 5-angled; Ci pale yellow, weakly
× 8 - 12 mm, 5-angled, finely pubescent, Ha white; stippled with purple, deeply bowl-shaped, lobes ± 2
Ci crimson or reddish, margins paler, apically × 2 mm, ± square, tips irregularly obtusely emar-
slightly undulate or truncate, inside with a ± distinct ginate, sometimes bidentate, divaricate-ascending;
median longitudinal furrow; Cs crimson, tips white, Cs leather-coloured, stippled with purple, lobes
plaited at the transition towards the Ci. − [B. Mül- shorter than the Anth, ± acute, dorsally ± humped,
ler & F. Albers] erect at the base and then geniculate; nectar slit
large, shallow, drop-shaped; Poll ± 0.8 × 0.5 mm,
O. chrysostephana (Deflers) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): very broadly bean- or ± D-shaped.
74, 2001). T: Yemen (Defl f ers 1071 [P]). − D: S Formerly placed in the separate genus Diplocya-
Yemen . I: Deflers (1896). tha, this species belongs to the O. variegata t -com-
≡ Stapelia chry e hana Deflers (1896) ≡ Ca-
r sostep C plex. − [B. Müller, K. Seidler & F. Albers]
ralluma chry r sostephana (Deflers) A. Berger (1910)
≡ Pachycymbium chrysostephanum (Deflers) M. G. O. commutata (A. Berger) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 74,
Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma chrysostephana (Def- 2001). T: [lecto − icono]: A. Berger, Stapel. &
lers) Plowes (1994). Klein., fig. 23. − D: Y Yemen, Ethiopia, Uganda,
Stems erect, 8 - 10 cm, in clusters, grey- to Kenya.
green-blue, delicately marbled with dark green; TuT ≡CCaralluma commutatta A. Berger (1910) ≡ Pa-
1 cm, thickly fleshy, horizontally spreading; Inf chy
h cy
c mbium commutatum (A. Berger) M. G. Gilbert
with 1 - 2 erect scentless Fl; Ped green, minutely (1990) ≡ Angolluma commutata (A. Berger) Plowes
dotted or lineate with red, 15 × 4 mm; Sep 2 - 3 (1994); incl. Angolluma commutata t ssp. commuta-
mm; Cl outside grey-green, lineate with red, inside t ; incl. Caralluma commutata ssp. eu-commutata
dark purple, 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, flat, deeply incised, Maire (1934) (nom. illeg., Art. 26.1); incl. Angollu-
fleshy, tube 2.5 × 2.5 mm, cup-shaped; Cl lobes 1.2 ma commutata ssp. sheilae Plowes (1994).
- 1.5 cm, ovate-elliptic, acute, ascending, margins Stems erect, coarsely branched, in open tufts,
reflexed and meeting on the backside, inside hairy pale green, glossy, with reddish spots and streaks,
(only the tip glabrous), Ha clavate, white, long; Cn 10 - 11 cm; Tu
T 5 - 7 mm, conical-subulate, spread-
golden yellow, 3 - 3.5 × ± 1.5 mm ∅, with copious ing horizontally, apically turned upwards; Inf with
nectar; Ci cup-shaped, lobes form f ing ± tubular 1 - 2 erect Fl; buds spreading, broad, pointed; Ped 3
pouches, apically bulging, slightly spreading; Cs - 4 × 2 - 2.5 mm; Sep 2.5 × 2 - 2.5 mm; Cl inside
basally purple, lobes 1 mm, linear, surpassing the brown, 2.3 cm ∅, flat, ± divided for ⁄2, fleshy, glab-
Anth, apically obtuse, erect or slightly bent out- rous; tube 1 mm, closely surrounding the base of the
wards; Poll 0.45 × 0.25 mm, ovoid; Fr green, line- Cn; Cl lobes 6 - 10 (-18) × 7 - 9 mm, triangular-
ate with red, 8 - 10 × 0.8 cm. ovate, horizontally spreading, apically pointed, of-
ten slightly reflexed, inside finely pitted-papillate,
O. ciliata (Thunberg) L. C. Leach (Kirkia 10(1): glabrous; Cn dark brown, glossy, 4.5 × 7 mm ∅; Ci

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

basin- or bowl-shaped, lobes forming deep saccate subulate, horizontal to ascending; Inf with 1 - 3 ±
pouches, apically somewhat emarginate in the erect Fl; peduncle cushion-like, 1- to 20-flowered,
middle; Cs lobes 1.5 mm, spatulate, apically biden- sometimes with 1 mm long filifor f m Bra; Ped 1 - 5
tate, narrowing, not touching, dorsally with a deep mm, ± conical; Sep 4 - 5 mm; Cl dark purple or
longitudinal furrow, where united with the Ci la- reddish-brown, 1.5 - 2.5 cm ∅, flat, tube 4 (-6) × 8
terally with obtuse appendages; Poll 0.5 × 0.35 mm, mm ∅, campanulate, embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 7
D-shaped. - 12 × 5 - 8 mm, elongate-ovate, acute, horizontally
spreading, inside glabrous to finely papillate, papil-
O. cooperi (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Kirkia lae whitish, surface
f appearing froste
f d, apically
10(1): 291, 1975). − D: RSA (Northern Cape, Eas- sometimes with a short white Ha, margins at times
tern Cape). Fig. XXXV. V.b with purple clavate Ha; Cn fl f esh-coloured to
≡ Stap o eri N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Stap
a elia coop a eli- purple, ± 5-angled; Ci narrowly cup-shaped, lobes
oopsis cooperi (N. E. Brown) E. Phillips (1932) (in- f
form ing pouches, apically oftenf emarginate; Cs
correct name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Stultitia cooperi (N. E. lobes triangular to broadly lanceolate, 1 mm broad,
Brown) E. Phillips (1933). ± surpassing the Sty head; Poll ovoid, 0.5 × ± 0.3
Stems squat, in lax clumps, rhizome-like runners mm, large in relation to Fl size.
f n ≥ 2× as long as the aerial stems; stems 2 - 3 (-
ofte A widely distributed and variable complex.
5) × ± 1 cm ∅, distinctly 4-angled; TuT 1 cm; Ped ±
2.5 cm; Sep ± 3 mm; Cl sand-coloured, finely O. deflers
f iana (Lavranos) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 74,
striped with purple, 3.2 - 3.5 cm ∅, flat; annulus 2001). T: Yemen
Y (Lavranos 1788 [K, PRE]). − D:
cream-coloured, 8 mm ∅, verrucose-papillose, S Yemen. Fig. XXXV. V.a
cushion-like, depressed in the centre; Cl lobes 11 - ≡ Cara
C lluma defl e ersiana Lavranos (1963) ≡ Pa P -
14 × 8 - 9 mm, horizontally spreading, inside trans- chycymbium def eflersianum (Lavranos) M. G. Gilbert
versely rugose, margins revolute, basally hairy, (1990) ≡ Angolluma def eflersiana (Lavranos) Plowes
clavate Ha purple-violet, ≤ 1 mm, vibratile; Cn (1994).
sand-coloured or brown, ± 4.5 mm ∅, sessile, over- Stems ascending-erect, densely clustered or in
topping the Cl; Ci bowl-shaped, lobes 0.9 × ≤ 0.8 cushions, grey-green, conspicuously brownish
mm, ± square, obtusely bidentate, margins plaited; spotted, 5 - 7 × 1.2 - 1.5 cm; Tu 0.8 - 1.2 cm, strong,
Cs lobes 3.5 × 0.9 mm, broadly or narrowly ovate, horizontally spreading, apically slightly upturned;
apically tapering, weakly clavate, with fine parallel Inf 1-flowered; Fl erect; Bra 2 mm, triangular, ac-
longitudinal folds, raised above the Sty head, tip ute; Ped grey-green, 10 × 3 mm; Sep 5 - 7 × 2 mm,
revolute, dorsally at the intersection to the Ci with apically slightly bent outwards; Cl outside grey-
numerous humps; nectar slit ± triangular; Poll ± 0.6 green, densely brownish spotted, inside dark brown-
× ± 0.4 mm, bean-shaped. ish-purple, ± 1.5 - 3 cm ∅, campanulate, thickly
Closely allied to O. tapscottii. − [B. Müller, K. fleshy; Cl tube basally rose-coloured, 1.3 × 0.8 - 1
Seidler & F. Albers] cm ∅, cylindrical, basally rounded and glabrous,
embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 18 × 9 mm, ovate-
O. decaisneana (Lemaire) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 74, lanceolate, weakly ascending, margins slightly rev-
2001). T: [lecto − icono]: Herb. Gén. Amateur, sér. olute, inside densely minutely warty-papillate,
2, 4: t. 21, 1844. − D: Algeria, Morocco, Maure- densely short-tomentose; Cn ± 8 × 6 - 8 mm ∅; Ci
tania, Senegal, Sudan. rose, margins dark purplish-brown, cup-shaped,
≡ Boucerosia decaisneana Lemaire (1844) ≡ lobes form
f ing concave pouches, apically depressed
Desmidorchis decaisneana (Lemaire) Kuntze in the middle, towards the margins ascending,
(1891) ≡ C Caralluma decaisneana (Lemaire) N. E. rounded, margin entire; Cs dark purplish-brown,
Brown (1892) ≡ Stapelia decaisneana (Lemaire) A. lobes 3 - 4 × 0.75 mm, linear, apically rounded or
Chevalier (1934) ≡ PacP hycymbium decaisneanum emarginate, thickened, touching each other, basally
(Lemaire) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma de- with a transverse groove, bulging where united with
caisneana (Lemaire) Munster ex L. E. Newton the Ci, laterally bordered by 2 longitudinal grooves;
(1993); incl. Caralluma hesps eridum Maire (1922) ≡ Poll ± 0.75 × 0.45 mm, ovoid.
Caralluma commutatta var. hesp
C s eridum (Maire)
Font Quer (1924) ≡ Cara
C lluma commutata ssp. hes- O. denboefii (Lavranos) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 74,
peridum (Maire) Maire (1934) ≡ Caralluma decais- 2001). T [neo]: Kenya, Rift f Valley Prov. (Foresti
neana ssp. hesperidum (Maire) Raynaud (1991) ≡ 824 [K]). − D: S Kenya, N Tanzania. I: Meve
Angolluma hesperidum (Maire) Plowes (1994); (1999).
incl. Caralluma
C venenosa Maire (1931) ≡ Angollu- ≡ Caralluma denboefefii Lavranos (1983) ≡ Pachy-
ma venenosa (Maire) Plowes (1994). ccymbium denboeefii (Lavranos) M. G. Gilbert (1990)
Stems erect, ± cylindrical, slender, apically taper- ≡ Angolluma denboefii (Lavranos) Plowes (1994).
ing, whitish green, marbled or spotted with brown, Stems unbranched, pistachio-green, spotted with
10 - 40 × 1.5 cm ∅, 3- to 6-ribbed, sides conspicu- dark or brownish-green, to > 20 × 0.8 - 1.2 (-1.5) cm
ously furrowe
f d; Tu
T 0.7 - 1.5 cm, strong, conical- ∅; Tu
T ≤ 1.5 cm, ascending, apically turned slightly

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

upwards; Fl solitary, occasionally ± nutant; Ped ± spreading; Inf with 1 - 4 (-6) Fl; peduncle 1.5 mm;
12 × 1.7 mm; Sep 8 mm, ascending; Cl outside yel- Bra ± 1.8 mm, lanceolate-triangular, pointed; Ped 8
lowish-cream with short brown longitudinal streaks, - 12 × ± 1.5 mm ∅; Sep 4 - 5 × 2 mm; Cl inside
inside bright golden-yellow, ± 3.5 cm ∅, campanu- yellow-green to olive-green, 2.5 - 4 cm ∅, campa-
late, tube 10 - 12 × 8 mm ∅, cylindrical, basally nulate, deeply incised, tube 4 - 5 × 8 - 9 mm, cup-
rounded, embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 11 × 7 mm, shaped, embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 13 - 15 × 4 mm,
narrowly triangular, weakly ascending, margins triangular, long attenuate, horizontally spreading or
strongly revolute, inside smooth, glabrous; Cn erect, convex, inside papillate, papillae cylindrical,
bright or golden-yellow, ± 6 mm ∅; Ci ± semiglob- ≤ 0.5 mm, apically with white 1 - 1.5 mm long
ose, lobes form
f ing pouches, apically somewhat bristly Ha; Cn white or yellowish, 4.5 × 4.3 mm ∅;
emarginate and crenate; Cs lobes narrowly triangu- Ci tubular, lobes ± 1.5 mm, forming deep pouches,
lar, apically overlapping; Poll ± 0.6 × 0.4 mm, rectangular when seen from above, apically with 2
ovoid. lateral teeth, sometimes with additional small
tooth-like appendages; Cs lobes 1.7 - 2 × ± 1.3 mm,
O. distincta (E. A. Bruce) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 74, rectangular, apically 2- to 3-toothed, central tooth
2001). T: Tanzania (Greenway 4260 [K]). − D: E elongate, apically overlapping; Poll 0.5 × 0.3 mm,
Tanzania, E Kenya. ovoid.
≡CCaralluma distincta E. A. Bruce (1940) ≡ PaP -
h bium distinctum (E. A. Bruce) M. G. Gilbert O. gemugofana (M. G. Gilbert) Bruyns (Aloe
(1990) ≡ Angolluma distincta (E. A. Bruce) Plowes 37(4): 74, 2001). T: Ethiopia, Gemu Gofa f Region
(1994). (Gilbert 1731 [K, EA, ETH]). − D: Ethiopia,
Stems prostrate, ± cylindrical, basally tapering, Kenya, Uganda. Fig. XXXV. V.c
(grey-) olive (-green), streaked with brownish, 5 - 8 ≡ Caralluma gemugof ofana M. G. Gilbert (1978) ≡
mm ∅; Tu T 3 - 5 × 1 mm, subulate; Inf with 1 - 2 er- Pachycymbium gemugof ofanum (M. G. Gilbert) M. G.
ect Fl; Ped ± 9 × 3 mm; Sep 5 - 6 × 2 - 3 mm, Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma gemugof ofana (M. G.
spreading; Cl outside cream-coloured or whitish Gilbert) Plowes (1994).
with dark brownish longitudinal streaks, inside Stems ± erect, rarely decumbent, never rhizomat-
cream-coloured, 3.5 - 4 cm ∅, campanulate, tube 1.5 ous, 10 - 20 × 0.5 - 1 cm ∅; Tu ≤ 2.2 cm, narrow,
- 1.7 × 1 cm ∅, embracing the Cn, mouth somewhat long attenuate, ascending; Inf with ≤ 3 erect Fl near
narrower, 5 mm above the base hairy, Ha 1.5 - 1.7 stem tips, unscented; Bra ± 1.5 × 1 mm, lanceolate,
mm; Cl lobes intensely carmine to dark flesh- acute, ± caducous; buds erect, acute; Ped (2-) 3.5 - 5
coloured, 1.6 × 1 cm, elongate-ovate, apically × ± 2 mm; Sep 3 - 5 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl inside bright
shortly attenuate, erect or horizontally spreading, yellow, greenish-yellow or brown-yellow (tube and
margins strongly revolute, inside wrinkled and with lobes basally sometimes brighter), 2 cm ∅, campa-
folds, with 5 longitudinal depressions from base to nulate or flat, fleshy, without annulus, tube (1-) 2 -
tip, inside glabrous; Cn ± 2 × 1.7 mm; Ci cup- 3.5 × 8 - 8.5 mm ∅, embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 8
shaped, lobes forming shallow ovate to reniform or - 9 × 4 - 5 mm, ovate-triangular, convex, horizon-
cordate pouches, apically thickened, incised in the tally spreading or slightly reflexed, inside glabrous,
middle; Cs lobes basally triangular, apically linear smooth; Cn ± 2.5 × 5 - 6 mm ∅; Ci dull rose, brown
and laterally compressed, with conical dorsal ap- or shiny dark red, flatly bowl- or disc-shaped, obtu-
pendage, with small bulges where united with the sely 5-angled, strongly reduced, apical margin over-
Ci; Poll ± 0.5 × 0.45 mm, broadly D-shaped. topping, thin, indented, somewhat depressed below
the guiding rails, glandular-tomentose; Cs dark red,
O. dummeri (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): lobes ± 1.2 mm, elliptic, rarely narrowly triangular,
74, 2001). T: Uganda (Dummer s.n. [K]). − D: S convex, apically irregularly toothed, surpassing the
Uganda, S Kenya, N Tanzania, E Zaïre. Anth, apically sometimes overlapping; Poll yellow,
≡ Stapelia dummeri N. E. Brown (1917) ≡ Cara
C l- 0.55 × 0.3 mm, ovoid to D-shaped; Fr grey, spotted,
luma dummeri (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B. 11 - 16 × 1 - 1.5 cm.
Sloane (1940) ≡ Pach
P ycymbium dummeri (N. E. The characters of the corona are intermediate be-
Brown) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma dummeri tween O. sprengeri and O. schweinfurthii.i.i
(N. E. Brown) Plowes (1994); incl. Carallum
C a O. gerstneri (Letty) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 74, 2001).
circes M. G. Gilbert (1978) ≡ Pachycymbium circes T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Gerstner 740 [PRE]). −
(M. G. Gilbert) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma D: RSA.
circes (M. G. Gilbert) Plowes (1994) ≡ Orbea dum- ≡ Caralluma
C gerstneri Letty (1936) ≡ Orbeop
o sis
meri ssp. circes (M. G. Gilbert) Bruyns (2001); incl. gerstneri (Letty) L. C. Leach (1978).
Caralluma dummeri fa
C f . colorata
r Lodé (1992).
Stems prostrate-ascending, ± cylindrical or indis- O. gerstneri ssp. elongata (R. A. Dyer) Bruyns
tinctly 4-ribbed, 6 - 9 cm, in small lax mats, pale (Aloe 37(4): 74, 2001). T: RSA, Mpumalanga
grey-green with purple spots and stripes; Tu 8 - 15 (Phillips s.n. [PRE 30367]). − D: RSA (Mpuma-
× 3 mm, conical-subulate, ± slender, horizontally langa, KwaZulu-Natal). Fig. XXXV.

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

≡C Caralluma gerstneri ssp. elongata R. A. Dyer O. halipedicola ssp. halipedicola − D: Moçambi-

(1969) ≡ Orbeopsis gerstneri ssp. elongata (R. A. que.
Dyer) L. C. Leach (1978). Stems slender, ± prostrate, sometimes creeping,
Rhizom-like runners absent; stems to 10 cm, nar- partially with subterranean runners; stems to 15 × ±
rowly rectangular; Tu T ≤ 0.5 cm, stipular rudiments 0.5 cm ∅; Ri 4, ± widely spaced, sides furrowe
f d;
none; Fl opening simultaneously, with strongly foe- Tu ± 1 cm, narrow, attenuate, usually ± bent up-
tid odour; Sep 4 mm; Cl red-brown, blotched with wards or erect; Inf few-f flowered; buds broadly
yellowish, campanulate; Cl tube deeper and nar- ovoid-pentagonal, apically acute, basally truncate;
rower than in ssp. gerstneri, 4.6 - 4.8 mm ∅, mouth Bra 1.5 - 2 × 1 - 1.5 mm, ovate, acute, concave; Ped
bulging annulus-like; Cl lobes 18 × 7 mm, inside 2 - 3 × ± 0.2 cm ∅, horizontally spreading; Sep 5 -
with excrescences arranged in transverse and longi- 6 × 2.5 mm, alternating with Gl, these ≤ 2 mm, sub-
tudinal lines; Cn 7 mm ∅; Ci lobes 6.5 × 1.5 ulate or filiform,
f fleshy; Cl purple-brown, striped or
(apically 0.5) mm, erect, at the base broadly rectan- blotched with shades of yellow or white, 3.7 - 4 cm
gular, lateral margins fleshily bulging, upper 1⁄2 nar- ∅, flat; annulus 1.5 - 2.5 × 8 - 9 mm ∅, ± rounded,
row, ribbon-like, bidentate, bent outwards above depressed in the centre, sunken in the middle, limb
the limb of the Cl tube; Cs lobes 5 × 0.75 mm, very spreading, obtuse, sometimes slightly revolute, ±
thickly fleshy, complex, with 3 filiform append- convex, with concentric rings; Cl lobes 14 - 16 × 9 -
ages, apical appendage longest, basal appendage 10 mm, spreading, outside glabrous, along the
shortest, first ± vertically raised above the Sty head, middle partly ± conspicuously furrowef d, inside
then revolute, laterally with some coarsely hump- glabrous, very shortly pubescent, margins slightly
shaped excrescences; Anth yellow; Poll broadly revolute, hairy, clavate Ha purple, 2 mm; Cn yello-
D-shaped. wish-purple, 6 - 6.5 mm ∅; Ci inversely shallowly
This taxon should possibly better be treated as a bowl-shaped, lobes ± 1.5 × 2 mm, ± transversely
separate species. rectangular, apically truncate, irregularly dentate,
central margin distinctly raising, narrowly triangu-
O. gerstneri ssp. gerstneri − D: RSA (KwaZulu- lar, apically with a fleshy appendage reaching be-
Natal). yond the margin of the lobes, divaricate, slightly
Incl. Caralluma
C gerstneri ssp. gerstneri ≡ Orbe- revolute; Cs 3.5 - 4 × ± 1 mm, narrowly ovoid, er-
opsis gerstneri ssp. gerstneri.i.i ect, apical appendage ± filiform, erect, tip obtuse,
Stems slender, in dense clumps, with stout rhiz- slightly revolute, sometimes faintly clavate or indi-
ome-like runners, bluish-green, partially stippled stinctly rugose or weakly irregularly dentate, ba-
with purple, to 7 × 0.5 - 1 cm, distinctly 4-angled; sally with 2 fleshy ± acute teeth, dorsally humped,
T ≤ 1.3 cm, conical, divaricate; Inf 2- to 6-
Tu much overtopping the Anth, occasionally meeting
flowered , Fl opening in succession, sometimes 2 - 3 each other above the Sty head; nectar slit ± triangu-
Fl open at the same time, with faint foetid odour; lar, deeply sunken; Poll ± 0.6 × 0.6 mm, ± D-
peduncle 2 mm, stout; Fl buds conical, obtuse, base shaped, caudicles apically much broadened.
of the Cl lobes with 5 small teeth; Ped 10 × 2 mm; Closely allied to O. umbracula. − [B. Müller, K.
Sep apically brownish, 8 × 1.5 mm; Cl outside pale Seidler & F. Albers]
cobalt-green, inside dark purple-red, 3.5 cm ∅; Cl
tube cup-shaped, 5-angled, embracing the Cn, in- O. halipedicola ssp. septentrionalis L. C. Leach
side densely velvety-papillose, papillae fine, below (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 1: 43-44, 1978). T: Moçambique
the Cn white; Cl lobes parchment-coloured api- (Tinley s.n. [SRGH]). − D: Moçambique.
cally, densely stippled and blotched with purple, 15 Differs
f ffrom ssp. halipedicola : Stems erect, more
× 8 mm, narrowly triangular, horizontally spread- compact, TuT shorter, straight; annulus lower; Ci
ing, rugose-velvety, crystal-like, margins hairy in lobes ± flat, only fa
f intly ribbed. − [B. Müller, K.
the lower 1⁄3, clavate Ha purple, 1.5 mm, vibratile, Seidler & F. Albers]
occasionally terminating in a Bri; Cn darker red,
basin-shaped or shallowly cup-shaped, 4 × 9 mm, O. huernioides (P. R. O. Bally) Bruyns (Aloe
stalk slender; Ci lobes 2 × 2 mm, 2-keeled, tips 3- 37(4): 74, 2001). T: Somalia, Northern Prov. (Bal-
dentate, middle tooth pale yellow, elongate-ovate, ± ly 11166 [G [alc], K, ZSS]). − D: NE Somalia.
acute, lateral teeth narrower; Cs lobes complex, ≡ Cara
C lluma huernioides P. R. O. Bally (1965) ≡
apical appendage ± cylindrical, filiform, tip clavate, Pachycymbium huernioides (P. R. O. Bally) M. G.
overtopping the Anth, apically revolute, basal ap- Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma huernioides (P. R. O.
pendage subulate, lower 2⁄3 incumbent on the lobe, Bally) Plowes (1994).
then spreading, rugose, basally crested; Poll ± 0.5 × Stems decumbent or ascending, pale green, some-
0.4 mm broad, D-shaped. times spotted dark green or brownish-violet, ± 12 ×
T ≤ 10 × 4 mm, spaced 0.5 -
1.4 cm, thickly fleshy; Tu
O. halipedicola L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 1: 2.5 cm from each other, fleshy, narrowly subulate,
40-43, ills., 1978). T: Moçambique (Leach 12396 apically spreading or ascending; L rudiments Sc-
[SRGH]). − D: Moçambique. like, early caducous; Inf with 3 - 7 nutant Fl; Bra 2

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

- 2.5 mm, delicate, subulate; Ped pale green, spotted cave, ascending-divergent; Cs lobes ± 3.5 × ± 1
with brown, 1.8 × 2.5 mm, bent outwards; Sep mm, ± cylindrical, attenuate, tips obtuse, base
green, ± 4 × 7 mm, apically filiform,f sometimes sometimes weakly humped, geniculate, first very
bent outwards; Cl outside pale green with few shortly erect, then bent inwards, meeting above the
green or brown longitudinal stripes, inside yellow, Sty head, apically ± revolute; Poll 0.6 × 0.5 mm,
spotted reddish-brown, 3.5 cm ∅, campanulate, tube D-shaped.
1.5 × 1.6 cm ∅, embracing the Cn, dots at the mouth d . − [B. Müller & F.
Closely related to O. valida
of the tube confluent and form
f ing a stellate pattern; Albers]
Cl lobes 8.5 - 9 × 8 mm, broadly triangular, ascend-
ing-erect, alternating with 1 mm long intermediate O. knobelii (E. Phillips) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 75,
lobes, acute, reflexed, inside warty-papillate, ± den- 2001). T: Botswana (Knobel s.n. [PRE 8308]). −
sely hairy, Ha reddish-brown, 0.1 - 0.15 mm, coni- D: Botswana, RSA (Northern Cape, North-West
cal, apically thickened; Cn glossy, ± 5.5 × 6.5 mm, Prov., Free State).
± 5-angular; Ci dark carmine, lobes pouch-like, 2 × ≡ Stapelia kno
k belii E. Phillips (1930) ≡ Carallu-
2 mm, inversely triangular, obtuse, thick, entire; Cs k belii (E. Phillips) E. Phillips (1935) ≡ Orbe-
ma kno
lobes 3.5 - 4 × 1.3 - 1.8 mm, ovate-lanceolate, o sis knobelii (E. Phillips) L. C. Leach (1978); incl.
flesh y, basally erect, apically ± meeting; Poll 0.5 × Caralluma kalaharica Nel (1937); incl. Carallum
C C a
± 0.4 mm, ellipsoid. langii A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937) ≡ Carallum
C a
k obelii var. langii (A. C. White & B. Sloane) A. C.
O. huillensis (Hiern) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 74, White & B. Sloane (1937).
2001). T: Angola (WeW lwitsch 4266 [BM, LISU]). − Stems erect or shortly decumbent at the base,
D: Angola, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswa- with long rhizome-like runners, green or grey-
na. green, blotched with purple, either to 10 × ± 0.8 cm
≡ Cara
C lluma huillensis Hiern (1898) ≡ Orb r eopsis and Tu ≤ 1 cm or ± 6 cm, stumpy and Tu T ≤ 6 mm;
huillensis (Hiern) L. C. Leach (1978); incl. Cara
C llu- Tu stout, (shortly) conical, acute, ± horizontally
ma gossweileri S. Moore (1912) ≡ Orbeopsis goss- spreading; L rudiments whitish, acute; Inf with 6 -
weileri (S. Moore) L. C. Leach (1978). 11 Fl, on young stems near the apex, Fl opening ±
simultaneously; Bra 1 - 2 mm, lanceolate; Ped 0.5 -
3.5 cm; Sep ≤ 5 mm; Cl outside pale green, inside
O. huillensis ssp. flav
f a Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 75, ill. white, 2.5 - 3.5 cm ∅, flat, central depression 1 cm
(p. 73), 2001). T: Namibia (Bruyns 5522 [BOL]). ∅, 5-angled; Cl lobes in the upper 1⁄3 yellowish-
− D: Namibia. green, blotched with black-purple, or pale yellow,
Differs from ssp. huillensis: Br more slender; Fl irregularly blotched with brown-purple, to 1.5 × ≤ 1
yellow. − [U. Meve] cm, horizontally spreading, margins revolute, tips
revolute in older Fl, inside rugose, ± granulate, at
O. huillensis ssp. huillensis − D: Angola, Zambia, the base with ± concentric foldings around the Cn,
Zimbabwe, Botswana. margins weakly hairy, clavate Ha brown-purple,
Stems stumpy, ± prostrate, bright green, faintly long, vibratile; Cn 8 mm ∅; Ci black-purple, mar-
mottled with purple, to 10 × 1.5 cm, sides distinctly gins flesh- to rose-coloured, pentagonally basin- or
furrowe d; Tu ≤ 2 × 0.75 cm, conical-triangular, bowl-shaped, lobes 3 × ± 2.5 mm, ± square, tips ±
acute, stout, spreading; L rudiments ± 5 mm, some- truncate, obtusely denticulate, in the middle with a
times with a single stipular rudiment only; Inf pseu- broad strip of longitudinal furrows; Cs lobes 4 mm,
do-umbellate, occasionally 2 together, with 6 - 15 apical appendage ± 2.5 mm, filiform, apically
Fl with revolting foetf id odour; peduncle short, humped, connivent-erect, sometimes with an addi-
stout; Bra numerous, 3 - 8 × 2 mm, lanceolate, acu- tional conical appendage, incumbent on the Sty
minate, tips narrowed, base with 1 - 2 lateral teeth; head, basal appendage 1.5 mm, ± horizontally
Ped 15 - 45 × 3.5 mm; Sep 5.5 - 9 × ± 3 mm, spreading, sometimes bidentate, ± square or subu-
alternating with minute Gl; Cl maroon or dark late; Poll 0.3 × 0.4 mm, broadly D-shaped, densely
brown, ± 10 cm ∅, deeply bowl-shaped, deeply grouped.
incised; Cl lobes alternating with short obtuse ap- Closely related to O. albocastanea and to the O.
pendages; Cl tube 7 × 8 - 12 mm, broadly tubular or lutea-complex. − [B. Müller & F. Albers]
campanulate, mouth bulging annulus-like; Cl lobes
to 4.5 × 1.25 cm, lanceolate, divaricate, margins O. laikipiensis (M. G. Gilbert) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4):
slightly revolute, outside glabrous, inside some- 75, 2001). T: Kenya (Bally l 12376 [K]). − D:
times very finely pubescent, at the base with coarse Kenya. Fig. XXXIV. V.c
f ldings (sometimes ± down to the base
transverse fo ≡ Pac
P hycymbium laikipiense M. G. Gilbert
of the tube), towards the tip coarsely granular and (1990) ≡ Angolluma laikipiensis (M. G. Gilbert)
f lded; Cn darker than the Cl, ± 8 mm
transversely fo Plowes (1994).
∅; Ci shallowly bowl-shaped, lobes ± 2.5 × 1.5 mm, Stems ascending, to 6 cm, in small clumps or
tips 4-dentate, 3-keeled, convex, at the base ± con- clusters, with short rhizomatous runners; Tu ≤ 9

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

mm, broad, horizontally spreading; L rudiments ± 3 glabrous, often finely pubescent at the tip, margins
mm, sometimes with stipular rudiments; Inf to 3- hairy, clavate Ha ≤ 2.5 mm, very slender; Cn ± 3 ×
flowered, sometimes with rudimentary peduncle; 4.5 - 5 mm; Ci lobes ± rectangular, fleshy, bent
Ped 3 - 3.5 mm; Sep ± 2.5 × 1.5 mm; Cl inside pale dome-like; Cs lobes with tips indistinctly erect, ±
wine-red, rarely pale yellow, ± 2.5 cm ∅, incised ± subulate, dorsally sometimes slightly humped, irre-
to the base; Cl lobes 11 - 12 × 3 - 3.5 mm, linear- gularly obtusely verrucose; nectar slit ± narrowly
lancoleate, ascending, margins and tip revolute, in- triangular, beneath the Anth wings, partially co-
side velvety; Cn bright yellow, ± 1.5 × 4.5 mm; Ci vered by the Ci; Poll 0.6 - 0.75 × ± 0.5 mm, ±
cup-shaped, lobes pouch-like; Cs lobes 1 × ± 0.5 broadly D-shaped.
mm, apically slightly toothed, meeting, basally with Closely allied to O. sspeciosa. − [B. Müller, K.
short erect appendages where united with the Ci, Seidler & F. Albers]
apically acute or obtuse and then shallowly toothed;
Poll 0.45 × ± 0.25 mm, ovoid. O. lugardii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 75,
Very similar to O. wissmannii ffrom the Yemen. 2001). T: Botswana (Lugard r 74 [K]). − D: Nami-
Here also belongs O. baldratii. bia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (Northern Cape).
Fig. XXXIV. V.d
O. laticorona (M. G. Gilbert) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): ≡C Caralluma lugardii N. E. Brown (1904) ≡ Pa- P
75, 2001). T: Ethiopia, Shewa Region (Gilbert chy
h cy
c mbium lugardii (N. E. Brown) M. G. Gilbert
1383 [K, ETH]). − D: Ethiopia, E Sudan, NW (1990) ≡ Angolluma lugardii (N. E. Brown) Plowes
Kenya. Fig. XXXV. Ve (1994); incl. Caralluma longicuspis N. E. Brown
≡ Caralluma sprengeri ssp. laticorona M. G. Gil- (1909).
bert (1978) ≡ Pachycymbium laticoronum (M. G. Stems erect or decumbent, 5 - 7.5 (-15) × 0.6 -
Gilbert) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma latico- 1.9 cm ∅, densely clustered, grey-green or -blue,
rona (M. G. Gilbert) Plowes (1994). spotted with brown; Tu T 3 - 5 mm, strong, conical-
Stems ascending, to 10 × 0.8 cm ∅, never rhizo- subulate, upper face flattened, horizontally spread-
matous; Tu ± 5 mm, horizontally spreading; L rudi- ing; Inf with 3 - 10 erect Fl; Bra 1 - 2 mm, broadly
ments slightly ascending, with stipular rudiments; ovate, acute; Ped 3 - 6 × 1.6 mm; Sep (2-) 4 - 5 × 1 -
Inf to 6-flowered, erect; buds horizontal to nutant, 1.4 mm; Cl outside grey-green, inside wine-red or
apically mostly blunt; Ped ± 3 × 2 mm; Sep ± 5 × 2 dark brown (lobes sometimes olive, or reciprocal),
mm; Cl inside pale to medium brown or orange, ± 3 3.8 - 4.5 cm ∅, deeply incised, tube 4 - 6 × ± 8 mm
cm ∅, flat, deeply incised, tube very short, basally ∅, campanulate, basally embracing the Cn; Cl
embracing the Cn, annulus rose, narrow, covered lobes 20 - 25 × 3 - 5 mm, linear, acute, erect, ascen-
with glossy mucilaginous nectar; Cl lobes 11 - 16 × ding or horizontally spreading, margins strongly re-
7 - 9 mm, ovate, horizontally spreading or more volute, inside warty-papillate, minutely tomentose;
strongly bent outwards, tip and margins slightly Cn ± 5 mm ∅; Ci black-purple, basal parts of Ci
revolute, inside warty-papillate, papillae conical- and Cs united cup-shaped, ± 3 mm, free lobes 1.5
cylindrical; Cn dark brown, 6.5 - 8 mm ∅, flatly mm, bifid to the base, segments triangular, apically
bowl-shaped, covered with glossy mucilaginous elongate, obtuse, diverging at 90°; Cs reddish-
nectar during anthesis; Ci bulging ring-like, ± 1.4 yellow or dull orange, apically brown, lobes 4.5 -
mm broad; Cs lobes ± 1.8 mm, ± rectangular, over- 5.2 mm, basally erect, triangular-subulate with 2
topping the Anth, very smooth, basally sometimes lateral wings each, ± closely touching the guide
with short lateral appendages, apically obtuse or rails, central part lanceolate, apically filiform
f and
toothed, apically partly overlapping; Poll greenish much surpassing the Sty head, touching each other,
or (orange-) yellow, ± 0.4 × 0.3 mm, ovoid. sometimes intertwined, or apically slightly bent
Closely related to O. sprengeri.i. The corolla is si- outwards, basally with triangular appendages point-
milar esp. to O. sprengeri ssp. foeti
f da. ing outwards where united with and obscured by the
Ci; Poll 0.75 × 0.3 mm, ovoid-ellipsoid.
O. longidens (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Kirkia 10 This aberrant species is probably better placed in
(1): 290, 1975). T: Moçambique (Tillett
T s.n. [K]). Tridentea according to Gilbert (1990).
− D: S Moçambique, neighbouring RSA.
≡ Stapelia longidens N. E. Brown (1895). O. luntii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 75,
Stems 2 - 8 (-15) cm, sometimes ± decumbent- 2001). T: Yemen
Y (Lunt 209 [K]). − D: S Yemen.
f d; Tu ± 1.5 cm, tapering; Inf 1- to 3-
erect, tufte I: Plowes (1994b).
flowered, occasionally ± prostrate; Ped ± 2 cm; Sep C lluma luntii N. E. Brown (1894) ≡ Pac
≡ Cara P hy-
± 8 × 3 mm; Cl cream-coloured or yellowish, 3 - 5 c mbium luntii (N. E. Brown) M. G. Gilbert (1990)
cm ∅, ± shallow, deeply divided into separate ≡ Angolluma luntii (N. E. Brown) Plowes (1994).
lobes; Cl tube densely stippled with maroon, broad- Stems ascending, to 15 - 20 × 1.2 - 1.8 cm, pale
ly campanulate, 5 × 10 mm ∅, basally with an an- green, marbled with purple, thickly fleshy; TuT 1-
nulus, this 2 × ± 6 mm ∅, shallowly dome-shaped, 1.1 cm, horizontally spreading, apically Sp-like; Inf
sometimes indistinctly clump-like; Cl lobes inside with 1 - 3 Fl; Ped 1 - 2.5 × ± 0.6 mm; Sep 2.5 mm,

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

recurved; Cl inside yellowish-green, ± 2.5 cm ∅, white; Poll 0.4 × 0.45 mm, broadly D-shaped; Fr ±
deeply incised; Cl lobes ± 20 × 1.5 mm, linear, slen- 9 cm. − [B. Müller & F. Albers]
der, ± erect, margins and towards the tip purplish,
tips bent inwards and sometimes meeting each O. lutea ssp. vaga (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe
other, margins revolute, inside very minutely to- 37(4): 75, 2001). T: Namibia (Schinz 2047 [Z, K]).
mentose; Cn purple, ± 3.8 mm ∅; Ci cylindrical, − D: Namibia, Angola, RSA (Northern Cape).
lobes form
f ing small pouches; Cs lobes ± 0.7 mm, ≡ Stapelia vaga N. E. Brown (1895) ≡ Cara
C lluma
oblong-linear, acute, dentate, slightly overtopping vaga (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937)
the Anth; Poll 0.4 × 0.25 mm, ovoid-triangular. ≡ CCaralluma lutea ssp. vaga (N. E. Brown) L. E.
Leach (1970) ≡ Orbeop o sis lutea ssp. vaga (N. E.
O. lutea (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 75, Brown) L. C. Leach (1978); incl. Caralluma ne-
2001). T [lecto]: RSA, Northern Cape (Tuck s.n. in brownii A. Berger (1906); incl. Cara
C lluma brownii
M Owan 2240 [K]). − D: Namibia, Angola, Mo-
Mac Dinter & A. Berger (1909); incl. Caralluma pseu-
çambique, Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA. donebrownii Dinter (1914) ≡ C Caralluma nebrownii
≡C Caralluma lutea N. E. Brown (1891) ≡ Orbeop-
o var. pseudonebrownii (Dinter) A. C. White & B.
sis lutea (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (1978). Sloane (1937); incl. CCaralluma hahnii Nel (1937);
incl. Cara
C lluma nebrownii var. discolor Nel (1937).
O. lutea ssp. lutea − D: Namibia, Moçambique, Differs T 1.5 - 2 (-3) × 3 cm, on
f ffrom ssp. lutea: Tu
Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA (Northern Cape, older stems shorter; Bra 2 - 3 mm; Ped 3 - 9 × ± 0.5
North-West Prov., Northern Prov., Gauteng, Mpu- cm; Cl ± dark flesh-coloured, wrinkles sometimes
malanga, Free State). Fig. XXXV. V.f stippled with yellow; Cl tube broadly campanulate,
Incl. CCaralluma lutea ssp. lutea ≡ Orbeop o sis ± 8 × ≤ 15 mm; Cl lobes much broader, upper 1⁄3
lutea ssp. lutea; incl. C Caralluma lateritia N. E. ffurrowed, margins less revolute, less hairy, clavate
Brown (1903) ≡ Cara
C lluma lutea var. lateritia (N. Ha sometimes black-red, to 7 mm; Cn brown or
E. Brown) Nel (1937); incl. Caralluma
C vansonii reddish, more robust; Ci sometimes reddish or yel-
Bremekamp & Obermeyer (1935) ≡ Carallum C a lowish in the middle, bowl-shaped, lobes 4 (apically
lutea var. vansonii (Bremekamp & Obermeyer) C. 5) mm broad, margins ± furrowe
f d; Cs lobes com-
A. Lückhoff (1952); incl. Caralluma lateritia var. plex, with 3 filiform appendages, 4 mm, falcate,
stevensonii A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937). revolute, dorsal tooth present, 1.5 - 2 mm, erect, ac-
Stems erect or decumbent, (pale) green, with dull ute, forming a connection to the Ci; Anth yellow.
purple blotches, either 8 - 20 × 1 - 2 cm, slender, di- − [B. Müller & F. Albers]
stinctly 4-angled, or 4 - 10 × 1 - 2 cm, stumpy, ±
4-angled; Tu 1 - 1.5 cm, conical, partly acuminate,
occasionally tips slightly curved upwards, laterally O. macloughlinii (I. Verdoorn) L. C. Leach (Kirkia
compressed, ± horizontally spreading; L rudiments 10(1): 291, 1975). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Mc- M
acute, hardened, with or without stipular rudiments; Loughlin s.n. [PRE 26384]). − D: RSA (Eastern
Inf with 3 - 26 Fl; peduncle to 20 × 8 mm; Bra 5 - 7 Cape).
mm, filiform; Ped 1 - 4 × ≤ 0.3 cm; Sep 4 - 10 × 2 ≡ Stapelia macloughlinii I. Verdoorn (1941).
mm, sometimes proj o ecting between the bases of the Stems to 10 × 0.8 cm ∅, broadly 4-angled; Tu T ≤
Cl lobes; Cl yellow, sometimes mustard-coloured, 2 cm, fa
f lcately bent towards the stem axis; Inf 1- to
brownish, greenish, rarely orange or ± black, red or 3-flowered; Ped ± 2 cm; Sep 6 mm; Cl dark red,
maroon, sometimes in shaded hues, 3 - 13 cm ∅; Cl irregularly finely white-mottled, ± 5.5 cm ∅, inver-
tube 7 - 10 mm, shallowly bowl-shaped, embracing sely shallowly bowl-shaped; annulus ± 1 cm ∅,
the Cn; Cl lobes ≤ 5 × ± 1 cm, divaricate, margins f y inconspicuous; Cl lobes 1.7 × 1.1 cm, spread-
revolute, outside glabrous, inside transversely fi- ing, revolute, glabrous on both sides, margins den-
nely verrucose-papillose, rugose or furrowe
f d, mar- sely hairy, clavate Ha purple, ≤ 1.2 mm, vibratile;
gins ± densely hairy, clavate Ha purple, ≤ 3 mm, ± Cn reddish-yellow, 5 mm ∅, overtopping the Cl; Ci
strongly vibratile; Cn yellow to pale brown, ofte f n inversely bowl-shaped, lobes 1.9 × 1.8 mm, ±
streaked, to 1.5 cm ∅, stalk slender or broad; Ci square, in the middle crenulate, basally continuing
sometimes red in the middle, bowl-shaped or cam- in a longitudinal furrow, laterally bulging; Cs dor-
panulate, apically revolute, lobes to 5 × 4 mm, tips sally with an ovate red spot, 2.5 × 1 mm, broadly
finely crenulate or obtusely dentate, with a ± broad ovate, overtopping the Anth, apically not joined,
strip of transverse fo
f ldings in the middle; Cs lobes connected to the Ci by a stipe-like basal section;
to 7 × 0.3 mm, complex, laterally strongly com- Anth ± shortly bifid or apically emarginate, hardly
pressed, apical appendage filiform,
f extending far
f touching each other; nectar slit ± triangular; Poll ±
above the Anth, sometimes meeting, ascending, 0.7 × 0.6 mm, bean-shaped.
partially with a small subulate proj o ection, incum- Closely allied to O. sspeciosa. − [B. Müller, K.
bent on the Sty head, basal appendage subulate, 1⁄3 Seidler & F. Albers]
as long, appendage falcate, bent outwards, brown-
flowered variant more robust; Sty head yellowish- O. maculata (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Excelsa

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

Tax. Ser. 1: 49, 1978). T: Botswana (Lugard 297 brownish-red cross bands and spots, ± 5.5 cm ∅,
[K]). − D: Botswana, Zimbabwe, N RSA, Namibia. clavate Ha purple, ± 2 mm; Cn ± 2 × 7 mm, red-
≡ Caralluma maculata N. E. Brown (1904). dish; Cs lobes 2 - 2.5 × ± 3 mm; Anth apically
shortly bifid or emarginate, Nec cavity triangular to
O. maculata ssp. kaokoensis Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): drop-shaped, inserted high up, ± hidden by the
75, ill. (p. 73), 2001). T: Namibia (Bruyns 4083 Anth.
[BOL]). − D: Namibia (Kaokoveld). Easily distinguished from the other 2 subspecies
Br 4 - 10 × 0.8 - 1.5 cm; Tu 0.8 - 2 cm, broadly on account of the cross-banded rather than spotted
triangular; Cl upper fface pale cream-yellow with or blotched corolla. − [U. Meve]
red-brown spots, 5 - 6.5 cm ∅, margins of the lobes
with white clavate Ha; Cn reddish to yellow, 6 - 7 O. melanantha (Schlechter) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4):
mm ∅, pentagonal, 1.5 - 2 mm stipitate; Cs lobes 76, 2001). T: RSA, Transvaal (Schlechter 4694
short, extending to below the guide rails. [not located]). − D: Moçambique, Zimbabwe, RSA
Like the typical subspecies, but differing by (Northern Prov., Mpumalanga).
stronger tubercles and the short interstaminal coro- ≡ Stapelia melanantha Schlechter (1905) ≡ Ca- C
na that expands into the areas below the guide rails. ralluma melanantha (Schlechter) N. E. Brown
− [U. Meve] (1909) ≡ Orbeop o sis melanantha (Schlechter) L. C.
Leach (1978); incl. C Caralluma leendertziae N. E.
Brown (1909); incl. Stapelia furcata N. E. Brown
O. maculata ssp. maculata − D: S and SW Bo- (1909); incl. Cara
C lluma rubiginosa Werdermann
tswana, SW Zimbabwe, N RSA (Northern Prov.). (1932) ≡ Caralluma melanantha fa f . rubiginosa
Incl. Caralluma grandidens I. Verdoorn (1933) ≡ (Werdermann) A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937)
Stapelia grandidens (I. Verdoorn) P. V. Heath (nom. inval., Art. 34.1a); incl. C
Caralluma melanan-
(1992). tha var. sousae Gomes e Sousa (1935); incl. Caral
C -
Stems squat, to 7 cm, distinctly 4-angled, tufted, luma australis Nel (1937).
rarely forming large mats, rhizome-like runners Stems stumpy, 6 - 10 × 1.5 - 2 cm, distinctly 4-
T ≤ 1.5 cm, tapering into a conical-
long, fleshy; Tu angled; Tu
T 0.6 - 1 cm, acute; Inf with 3 - 5 Fl; ped-
acute point or flattened-triangular, acute, widely di- uncle 10 - 15 × 5 - 8 mm; Ped 20 - 45 × ≤ 3.5 m,
varicate; peduncle short, fleshy; buds ± 5-angled, erect; Sep reddish at the base, 4 - 9 × ≤ 3.5 mm; Cl
elongate, narrowed towards the tip, basally trunc- dark black-purple or very dark purple-red, ± lilac in
ate, sides concave; Ped ± 5 × ± 0.2 cm; Sep ± 6 × ± the middle, 3.5 - 5 cm ∅, conically tapering-bowl-
1.5 mm; Cl greenish-yellow, ± densely stippled with shaped, with or without a tube, tube at the base ±
reddish-brown, ± 6 cm ∅, flat, deeply divided into distinctly bulging annulus-like when present, em-
lobes; annulus very small, thickened, abruptly bracing the Cn; Cl lobes 1.1 - 1.8 × 1.1 - 1.4 cm, tri-
raised; Cl lobes to 25 × 9 mm, elongate, ± acute, oc- angular-ovate, acute, outside smooth and glabrous,
casionally with a small mucro, revolute, inside inside densely rugose, fa
f intly hairy, Ha black, < 2
slightly rugose, margins revolute, hairy, clavate Ha mm, erect, margins ± densely hairy, clavate Ha
whitish, ± 3 mm, apically elongate, spreading, vib- purple, to 2 mm, vibratile; Cn brownish-purple, 7.5
ratile; Cn 5.5 - 6.6 mm ∅, ± round, dome-shaped, ± mm ∅; Ci with a yellow blotch in the middle, shal-
flesh y, ± sunken, shortly and broadly stipitate, outer lowly bowl-shaped, lobes 3 - 5 × ≤ 3 mm, weakly
margin resting on the annulus and only raised above 2-keeled, spreading, tips coarsely 3-lobed, central
f r ± 2 mm; Ci absent; Cs lobes ± 3 × (in the
it fo lobe dome-shaped or acute, lateral lobes ± acumin-
middle) ± 1.5 mm, apically abruptly narrowed, of- ate and divergent; Cs lobes ≤ 4 × 0.75 (at the base
ten irregularly forme
f d, dorsally slightly verrucose- 3) mm, ovate-lanceolate, laterally compressed, api-
rugose, slightly longer than the Anth; nectar slit ± cally bifid, with a longitudinal furrow
f in the
elliptic; Poll ± 0.5 × 0.5 mm, ± D-shaped. − [B. middle, partially with hump-shaped excrescences, ±
Müller, K. Seidler & F. Albers] ascending, sometimes meeting above the Sty head;
Poll 0.55 × 0.45 mm, D-shaped.
O. maculata ssp. rangeana (Dinter & A. Berger) An extremely variable species, in particular re-
Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76, 2001). T: Namibia (Dinter garding its staminal corona. − [B. Müller & F. Al-
1226 [not located]). − D: Namibia. Fig. XXXV.V.g bers]
≡ Cara
C lluma rangeana Dinter & A. Berger
(1914) ≡ Orbea rangeana (Dinter & A. Berger) L. O. miscella (N. E. Brown) Meve (KuaS 51(7): 186,
C. Leach (1978) ≡ Stapelia rangeana (Dinter & A. ill. (p. 183), 2000). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Pillans
Berger) P. V. Heath (1992); incl. C
Caralluma rangei 657 [K]). − D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape).
Dinter & A. Berger (1914); incl. Piaranthus Fig. XXXIV. Ve
streyianus Nel (1949); incl. CCaralluma maculata ≡ Stap
a elia miscella N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Stulti-
var. brevidens H. Huber (1961). tia miscella (N. E. Brown) C. A. Lückhoff (1938) ≡
Br squat, ± 5 × ± 1 cm; Tu 4 - 7 mm, triangular- Pachycymbium miscellum (N. E. Brown) M. G. Gil-
compressed, acuminate; Cl greenish-yellow, with bert (1990) ≡ Angolluma miscella (N. E. Brown)

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

Plowes (1994); incl. C Caralluma bredae R. A. Dyer van der Merw r e 403 [PRE]). − D: S Moçambique,
(1964); incl. Cara
C lluma bredae d var. thomallae R. RSA (KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland. Fig. XXXVI.b
A. Dyer (1964). ≡ Stultitia paradoxa I. Verdoorn (1937) ≡ Stape-
Stems erect, apically tapering, 4 - 6.5 × 0.4 - 0.85 lia paradoxa (I. Verdoorn) P. V. Heath (1992).
cm ∅, green, rhizomatous runners ≤ 6 - 7 × 0.7 - 0.8 Stems slender, 6 - 8 cm, obtusely 4-angled, rhiz-
cm ∅; Tu 1 - 1.5 mm, triangular, upper face flat- ome-like runners fleshy; Tu prominent, pointed,
tened, horizontally spreading; Inf with 1 - 4 Fl, ± with 1 - 3 pairs of (flattened) stipular rudiments; Inf
erect, basal or ffrom the middle of young Br; Ped 4 - f flowered, Fl usually fac
few- f ing upwards; Ped to ±
15 × ± 1 mm; Sep 1 - 1.5 × ± 1 mm; Cl inside dark 1 cm; Sep ± 4 × 1.5 mm; Cl greenish-white,
red-brown, sometimes slightly glossy, centre some- blotched with pink, purple or dark red, ± 2 cm ∅,
what paler, 1.3 - 1.5 cm ∅, flat, deeply incised, tube campanulate, stiffly fleshy; Cl tube at the base and
very short, basally embracing the Cn, with an annu- the annulus dark red to violet, tube 6.5 × 9 mm ∅, ±
lus, 5 mm ∅, thickly pillow-shaped; Cl lobes 3.5 - 5 semi-orbicular, inside weakly (sometimes densely)
× ± 3 mm, ovate-lanceolate or ovate-triangular, ac- hairy, Ha 0.75 mm, acute, rigid, erect; annulus 9
ute, horizontally spreading or somewhat reflexed, mm ∅, prominent, fleshy; Cl lobes ± 6 × 6 mm, ±
margins revolute, inside wrinkled, glabrous; Cn triangular, divaricate, alternating with acute spine-
brownish-purple or ± black, ± 4 mm ∅, with abun- like processes, tips very shortly pubescent, Ha
dant nectar; Ci disc-shaped, lobes spreading, ± 1 white, margins densely hairy, clavate Ha purple, 1.5
mm broad, transversely rectangular, apically mm, vibratile; Cn 2.5 × ± 5 mm, sessile or slightly
shallowly emarginate, horizontally spreading; Cs raised; Ci dark red, campanulate, lobes 1.5 - 2 mm,
darker than the Ci, lobes ± 1 × 0.4 mm, elliptic- ± broadly ovate or ± triangular, below the Anth
lanceolate, erect, shorter than the Anth, obtuse; wings deeply concave and forming 5 distinct inden-
Poll 0.3 × ± 0.15 mm, ellipsoid-rectangular. tations or pouches; Cs yellowish, lobes 1.5 - 2 mm,
A miniature Orbea. a. simple, ± ribbon-like, geniculate, tip not ascending,
dorsally sometimes weakly humped; nectar slit nar-
O. namaquensis (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Kirkia rowly drop-shaped; Poll 0.5 × 0.3 mm, elongate-
10(1): 290, 1975). − D: RSA (Northern Cape: elliptic.
Little Namaqualand). Stapelia conjuncta in the sense of Lückhoff
≡ Stapelia namaquensis N. E. Brown (1882); (1952) belongs here. − [B. Müller, K. Seidler & F.
incl. Stap
a elia ciliolata Rüst (s.a.); incl. Stap
a elia na- Albers]
maquensis var. minor N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl. Sta-
pelia tridentata Rüst (s.a.); incl. Stap a elia nama- O. prognatha (P. R. O. Bally) L. C. Leach (Kirkia
quensis var. ciliolata N. E. Brown (1882); incl. Sta- 10(1): 290, 1975). T: Somalia, Northern Prov.
pelia namaquensis var. tridentata t N. E. Brown (Glover s.n. in Bally S147 [K]). − D: Somalia.
(1882); incl. Stapelia namaquensis var. bidens N. E. ≡ Stapelia prognatha P. R. O. Bally (1963) ≡
Brown (1909). Ballyant
l hus prognathus (P. R. O. Bally) Bruyns
Stems ± 6 × 1.5 cm ∅, squat, shortly prostrate and (2001).
then decumbent, distinctly 4-angular; Tu 1 cm, Stems to 6 × ± 1 cm, squat, shortly prostrate-
stout, acute; L rudiments hardened; Inf 1- to 4- erect, prominently 4-angled; Tu short; L rudiments
flowered; Ped purple, ± 2 × 0.5 mm; Sep 4 - 6 × ± 1 cm, hardened; Inf few-
f flowered; Ped ± 2 × 0.3
2.5 mm; Cl pale greenish-yellow, vertically broadly mm; Sep 4 mm; Cl red-brown or yellow-green, 1.8
streaked with dark red-brown, partly marked with cm ∅, inversely bowl-shaped; annulus red-brown,
confluent spots or reticulate, 7.5 - 10 cm ∅, basin- pedestal-like; Cl lobes ± 5 × 4 mm, ± triangular, di-
shaped, tube embracing the Cn, shortly hairy at the varicate, strongly revolute, margins revolute, hairy
base, Ha red-brown, erect; annulus large, fleshy, at the base, clavate Ha purple, ± 1 mm, vibratile;
margin extremely recurved or revolute; Cl lobes 3 × Cn red-brown, ± 4 mm ∅, ffar overtopping the Cl,
2.5 cm, divaricate, revolute, inside plicate-rugose or sessile; Ci ± inversely bowl-shaped, lobes 1 × 1
papillose, papillae reddish; Cn yellow with red- mm, square, fleshy, tips slightly lobed, not joined
brown spots; Ci elongate-rectangular, lobes 6 × 1.5 with the Cs; Cs lobes 3 × 0.5 mm, narrowly
mm, ribbon-like, ascending, attenuate; Cs lobes 3.5 ribbon-shaped, apical appendage filiform,
f basally
× 1 mm, narrowly ovate, apical appendage filiform,
ffii extended into an awn, in the middle with deep lon-
clavate, overtopping the Sty head, sometimes tips gitudinal furrows, margins forming prominent
revolute, partly with a dorsal hump; nectar slit ledges and divergent at the base, apical appendages
drop-shaped; Poll 0.8 × 0.5 mm, bean-shaped; Fr to joined above the Sty head; nectar slit ± triangular
15 cm. or narrowly drop-shaped; Poll ± 0.4 × ± 0.2 mm, ±
Belonging to the O. variegata-complex. − [B. elongate-elliptic, germination crests parallel to the
Müller, K. Seidler & F. Albers] Poll margins, not outwards-curving.
An atypical species that could probably have
O. paradoxa (I. Verdoorn) L. C. Leach (Excelsa originated from hybridization with a taxon of Du-
Tax. Ser. 1: 55, 1978). T: Moçambique (Blignaut & valia.

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

O. pulchella (Masson) L. C. Leach (Kirkia 10(1): basal appendage ≤ 5 mm, filiform, erect, inter-
290, 1975). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. twined with itself; Poll 0.6 × 0.45 mm, broadly D-
Nov. t. 36, 1797. − D: RSA (Eastern Cape: near shaped.
Port Elizabeth).
≡ Stap
a elia pulchella Masson (1797) ≡ Podanthe
d s O. sacculata (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76,
pulchellus (Masson) Haworth (1812). 2001). T: Ethiopia, Shewa Region (Drake r -
Stems (prostrate-) erect, 5 - 10 × ± 1 cm, green; k an 129 [K]). − D: Ethiopia, D
Brockm Djibouti, NE
T acute, stout; Inf with 3 and more Fl; Ped 2.5 - 3
Tu Somalia.
cm; Sep 3 - 6 mm; Cl sulphur-yellow, 3.1 - 6 cm ∅, ≡ Cara
C lluma sacculata N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Pa- P
slightly saucer-shaped; Cl tube usually pale purple chycy
c mbium sacculatum (N. E. Brown) M. G. Gil-
at the base, densely stippled and blotched with bert (1990) ≡ Angolluma sacculata (N. E. Brown)
purple-brown; annulus pale purple at the base, to 2 Plowes (1994); incl. C Caralluma kochii Lavranos
× 10 - 18 mm ∅, ± 5-angled; Cl lobes 1 - 2.6 × 1 - 2 (1971) ≡ Pac
P hycymbium kochii (Lavranos) M. G.
cm, ovoid or triangular-ovoid, very acute or acumi- Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma kochii (Lavranos) Plo-
nate, divaricate or revolute, margins revolute, wes (1994).
sometimes purple-brown, inside ± densely finely Stems erect or basally decumbent, often
f strongly
verrucose-rugose; Cn 6 mm ∅; Ci dark purple- rhizomatous, 4 - 10 cm; Tu T 0.8 - 1.1 cm, subulate,
brown, below the tip with a pale yellowish dot or ± very acute, firm; L rudiments ± 5 mm, caducous;
A-shaped marking, margins occasionally yellowish, Inf with 2 - 4 erect Fl; Ped grey-green-blue, 2 - 8 ×
weakly inversely bowl-shaped, lobes 3 - 4 × 1.5 2 mm; Sep 3 - 6 mm; Cl outside grey-green-blue,
mm, (narrowly) rectangular, obtuse, truncate, emar- striped with purple or brown, inside red or yellow-
ginate or apically finely 3-dentate, divergent; Cs ish-green, spotted with purple, 1.5 - 3 cm ∅, campa-
pale yellow, stippled with dark maroon or vice ver- nulate or tubular, tube 7 - 12 × 6 - 9 mm ∅, apically
sa, apical appendage 2 - 3 mm, filiform, erect- narrower, embracing the Cn; Cl lobes (5-) 7 - 12 ×
joining or tips revolute, ± clavate or not thickened, 3 - 5 mm, triangular-ovate, purple, ± horizontally
dorsal appendage 0.6 - 1 mm, conical or conical- spreading, margins revolute, densely minutely to-
subulate, obtuse; nectar slit ± drop-shaped; Poll 0.6 mentose, upper fface of the lamina scatteredly tuber-
× 0.5 mm, D-shaped. − [B. Müller, K. Seidler & F. culate-papillate, papillae with a short white apical
Albers] Bri; Cn 5 - 6 mm ∅; Ci cup-shaped, 3.5 - 5 mm,
lobes 3.5 mm, forming pouches, apically elongating
O. rogersii (L. Bolus) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76, into 2 short tips; Cs lobes 1 - 3 mm, triangular-
2001). T: Botswana (Rogers r 6298 [BOL]). − D: lanceolate or linear, obtuse, apically sometimes
Botswana, RSA. erect, basally united with the Ci; Poll yellow, 0.6 -
≡ Stapelia rogersii L. Bolus (1915) ≡ Caralluma 0.7 × 0.4 - 0.5 mm, ovoid to D-shaped.
rogersii (L. Bolus) E. A. Bruce & R. A. Dyer (1934)
≡ Pach
P ycy c mbium rogersii (L. Bolus) M. G. Gilbert O. schweinfu f rthii (A. Berger) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4):
(1990) ≡ Angolluma rogersii (L. Bolus) Plowes W e 1023 [BR]). −
76, 2001). T [neo]: Zaïre (De Witt
(1994). D: Zaïre, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Rwanda.
Stems erect or ascending, to 10 × 0.8 cm, sides Fig. XXXVI.c
grooved; TuT 1 - 1.8 × ≤ 0.5 cm, subulate, very acute, ≡ Caralluma schweinfurthii A. Berger (1910) ≡
ascending or horizontally spreading, with stipular Pachycymbium schweinfurthii (A. Berger) M. G.
rudiments; Inf 3 - 4 per stem, several-flowered, Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma schweinf nfurthii (A. Ber-
f n 2 Fl of the same Inf open simultaneously; Ped ger) Plowes (1994); incl. Caralluma
C piaranthoides
1.3 - 15 × 1.5 mm; Sep 3 - 4 × ± 1 mm; Cl out- Obermeyer (1935).
side and inside pale yellow, 3 - 3.5 cm ∅, flat, Stems mostly decumbent, basally slightly taper-
deeply incised, united part 5 - 6 mm ∅; Cl lobes ± ing, in flat mats, 8 - 10 cm, 4- to 5-ribbed; Tu 0.8 -
14 × 4 mm, linear, acute, bent inwards or ascending, 1.5 cm, spreading-ascending; L rudiments slightly
rarely horizontally spreading, margins in the upper bent upwards, with stipular rudiments; Inf with 2 -
⁄2 revolute, inside basally ciliate, club-shaped 5 erect Fl at the stem tips; buds rounded, obtuse;
Ha transparent ≤ 1.7 mm, directed inwards, other- Bra ± 2.5 × 1.5 mm, lanceolate-triangular, obtuse;
wise glabrous, minutely papillose, papillae trans- Ped 3 - 4 × ± 1.5 mm, pointed; Sep 2 - 3 × 1 - 1.2
parent, short, globose; Cn yellowish, ± 3.5 mm ∅, mm; Cl outside green with few f red blotches, inside
margins purple, Ci and Cs only basally shortly yellow to brown, spotted with wine-red, beige or
united; Ci lobes ± 2 × 0.7 mm, rectangular, inside purple, 1 - 1.5 cm ∅, flat, incised ffor ± 1⁄2, tube very
with longitudinal groove, apically toothed, basally shallow, embracing the Cn basally, surrounded by a
spreading horizontally, apically bent upwards; Cs thickly fleshy annulus; Cl lobes 6 - 12 × ≤ 10 mm,
lobes broadly triangular when seen from above, triangular-ovate, acute, ± horizontally spreading,
divided into 2 filiform appendages ± to the base, convex, apically somewhat bent outwards, inside
apical appendage ≤ 7 mm, erect, basally ovate, papillate-warty; Cn 4 - 5.5 mm ∅; Ci cream-
ascending over the Sty head and intertwined, coloured, minutely red-dotted, ± 1 mm, shallowly

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

bowl-shaped; Cs lobes ± 1 × 0.7 mm, triangular, nectar slit ± triangular or drop-shaped; Poll ± 0.6 ×
overtopping the Anth, apically obtuse or 2-toothed, ± 0.4 mm, D-shaped.
dorsally depressed, margin strongly toothed, free
f Cs Closely related to O. woodii. − [B. Müller, K.
parts sometimes with 2 shallow lateral depressions; Seidler & F. Albers]
Poll 0.3 × 0.3 mm, D-shaped.
O. speciosa L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 1: 33-
O. semitubiflora
f (L. E. Newton) Bruyns (Aloe 36, ills., 1978). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Lubbers r
37(4): 76, ill. (p. 72), 2001). T: Tanzania, Arusha s.n. in Leach 14742 [PRE]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-
Prov. (Newto
N n 3419 [K, EA]). − D: N Tanzania. I: Natal). Fig. XXXVI.a
Meve (1999). Fig. XXXVI.d Stems shortly postrate-erect, ± 9 × 0.6 - 0.8 cm
≡ Angolluma semitubiflora
f L. E. Newton (1993). ∅; Tu ≤ 1 cm, acute; Inf 1- to 3-flowered, some-
Stems erect-ascending, in ± dense clusters to 50 times prostrate; Fl buds very broadly 5-angular-
cm ∅ with rhizomatous runners to 14 cm; stems ovoid, ± acute, basally truncate; Bra ± 6 × 1.5 mm,
pale green, spotted with brown, 5 × 0.8 cm ∅; Tu
T 4 narrowly ovate, acute, fleshy, strongly concave;
- 8 × 2 - 4 mm, ± spreading horizontally; L rudi- Ped purple, finely blotched with white, (15-) 20 -
ments ± 1 mm; Inf with 2 - 3 (-8) erect Fl and 2 - 5 25 × ± 2 mm, ± horizontally spreading; Sep 5 - 12 ×
caducous buds; Ped pale rose, 5 mm; Sep pale 2 - 3 mm, alternating with delicate fleshy Gl; Cl
green, 4 × 1.5 mm; Cl outside pale green with few outside green, with fine lines consisting of magenta
brown stripes, inside golden-yellow or dark purple, dots, inside pale yellow spotted and dotted with ma-
Cl lobes apically pale yellow, with fa f int maroon genta, 3.5 - 5 cm ∅; annulus ± 1.5 × ± 7 mm ∅, ob-
stripes, or Cl uniform
f ly maroon, 2 cm ∅, campanu- tusely 5-angled; Cl lobes 1.25 - 2 × 0.9 - 1.35 cm,
late, tube 4 × 7 mm ∅, embracing the Cn; Cl lobes divaricate, revolute, outside glabrous, inside finely
7 × 4 mm, erect-ascending, margins revolute, minu- verrucose, indistinctly obtusely rugose, furrowe
f d
tely tomentose; Cn bright yellow or chestnut- along the midrib, margins densely hairy, clavate Ha
brown; Ci cup-shaped, 3 - 4 × centrally 1 mm, lobes dark magenta, ± 2.5 mm, vibratile; Cn 3 × ± 7 mm
forming shallow pouches, 3 - 4 mm broad where ∅, stalk 1.5 × ± 2.5 mm, obtusely 5-angled; Ci in-
united with the Cs; Cs lobes triangular, short, api- versely shallowly bowl-shaped, lobes ± 2 × ± 1.9
cally rounded, not touching each other; Poll dark mm, ± square, apically obtusely 3- to 4-dentate,
red, 0.5 × ± 0.3 mm, ovoid. longitudinally 2-ribbed, laterally bulging; Cs pale
yellow, finely stippled with red, lobes ± 2.5 × 1
O. semota (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Kirkia 10(1): mm, ± ovate, obtusely ± tapering, straightly bent
290, 1975). T: Tanzania (Burtt 1450 [K]). − D: inwards, slightly overtopping the Anth but not join-
Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania. Fig. XXXVI.e ing each other, dorsally weakly rugose, occasio-
≡ Stapelia semota N. E. Brown (1933); incl. Sta- nally fa
f intly humped, margins irregularly weakly
pelia discoidea Obermeyer (1937); incl. Stapelia dentate; Anth completely hiding the Poll; nectar
molonyae A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. slit very narrowly triangular, partially covered by
Stapelia kagerensis Lebrun & Taton (1948). the base of the Ci; Poll ± 0.7 × 0.6 mm, ± D-shaped,
Stems single or sometimes branched to form caudicles short, strongly broadened at the Poll, ±
compact cushions, prostrate-decumbent, squat, 5 - 8 0.3 mm, winged.
× ± 1 cm ∅, grey-green or dark green, sometimes Closely allied to O. longidens and O. maclough-
blotched with dark reddish-brown, distinctly 4- linii. − [B. Müller, K. Seidler & F. Albers]
angled; Tu 5 - 10 mm, conically triangular, acumin-
ate; Inf 1- to 3-flowered; Bra ± 1 mm, lanceolate; O. sprengeri (Schweinfurtf h) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4):
Ped 2 - 3.5 × 0.2 - 0.3 cm; Sep 4 - 7 × ± 3 mm, diva- 76, 2001). T: [lecto − icono]: Berger, Stapelien &
ricate, reaching the bases of the Cl lobes, alternat- Kleinien, fig. 22: 1-4, 1910. − D: Ethiopia, Eritrea,
ing with small Gl; Cl dark reddish-brown (then Somalia, Sudan, Yemen.
lobe tips stippled with yellow) or yellow, 3.5 - 5 cm ≡ Huernia sprengeri Schweinfurth (1893) ≡ Ca C -
∅, shallow, deeply incised; annulus 0.9 - 1 cm ∅, ralluma sprengeri (Schweinfurt f h) N. E. Brown
cushion-like, 5-angled; Cl lobes 1.5 - 1.9 × 0.9 - 1 (1895) ≡ Pachycymbium sprengeri (Schweinfurt f h)
cm, divaricate or slightly revolute, inside transver- M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma sprengeri
sely ± rugose, margins hairy, Ha red or silvery- (Schweinfurth) Plowes (1994).
white, ≤ 3 mm, simple, fusiform or clavate, vibra-
tile; Cn ± 7.5 mm ∅, overtopping the Cl; Ci dark O. sprengeri ssp. foetida (M. G. Gilbert) Bruyns
brown or maroon, inversely bowl-shaped, lobes 2 - (Aloe 37(4): 76, 2001). T: Ethiopia, Harerge Re-
2.5 × 2 mm, ± square, obtusely bidentate, ventrally gion (Gilbert 2297 [K, ETH]). − D: Ethiopia.
with few
f plaited outgrowths; Cs yellowish, lobes ≡ Caralluma sprengeri ssp. foetida
f M. G. Gilbert
1.7 × 1 mm, spatulate, slightly overtopping the (1978) ≡ Pachycy c mbium sprengeri ssp. foetidu
f m
Anth, tips shortly bifid, in the middle broadly fur- (M. G. Gilbert) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma
rowed in longitudinal direction, transitional section foetida (M. G. Gilbert) Plowes (1994).
to the Ci dorsally protruding and coarsely fo f lded; Differs
f ffrom ssp. sprengeri: Stems prostrate-

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

ascending, to 7 cm; Inf to 5-flowered; Fl with Bally (1941) ≡ Pac

P hycymbium baldratii ssp. subter-
strong evil scent; buds truncate or broadly pointed, r neum (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally) M. G. Gil-
horizontally spreading or bent towards the stems; bert (1990) ≡ Angolluma subterranea (E. A. Bruce
Cl inside pale or dark brown, ± 3 cm ∅, annulus & P. R. O. Bally) Plowes (1994); incl. Angolluma
sometimes with a narrow paler ring, flat, deeply lenewtonii Lavranos (1998).
incised, tube very short, embracing the Cn basally, Plants 2 - 10 cm tall, rhizomatous runners to 15
annulus narrow; Cl lobes 11 - 13.5 × 6 - 7 mm, ov- cm, branched; stems green or grey-green, some-
ate, ± strongly reflexed, inside finely roughened, times spotted with dark brown; Tu T 0.5 - 1 cm,
papillose, papillae delicate, conical; Cn dark thickly fleshy, spreading-ascending; Inf with 1 - 3
brown, 4.5 - 6 mm; Poll orange, ± 0.45 × 0.4 mm, Fl; Bra 1 mm, linear-lanceolate; Ped 1 (-5) × 1.7
broadly ovoid. mm; Cl black-carmine, reddish-orange or pale yel-
The corolla has the same characteristics as O. low, 1.5 - 2 cm, flat, hairy, tube 2 mm, basally
laticorona. embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 5 - 7 × ± 3 mm, hori-
zontally spreading, margins near tip revolute; Cn
O. sprengeri ssp. ogadensis (M. G. Gilbert) Bruyns brown (-reddish), ± 1.5 × 4 - 4.5 mm ∅; Ci lobes
(Aloe 37(4): 76, 2001). T: Ethiopia, Harerge Re- united with the Cs for ± 3⁄4 of their length, apically
gion (de Wilde
W & Gilbert 6481 [WAG, ETH]). − D: smooth, entire or strongly crenate; Cs lobes ob-
Ethiopia. long-rectangular, sometimes with a dorsal append-
≡ Caralluma sprengeri ssp. ogadensis M. G. Gil- age lying on the back of the segment, apically blunt
bert (1978) ≡ Pac
P hycymbium sprengeri ssp. ogaden- or dentate; Poll ± 0.5 × 0.25 mm, ovoid.
se (M. G. Gilbert) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angollu- Stout plants, frequent
f ly seen throughout its
ma ogadensis (M. G. Gilbert) Plowes (1994). range. Angolluma lenewtonii is preliminarily sub-
Differs from ssp. spren
s geri: Stems decumbent, sumed here. However, its more intensely hairy co-
sometimes solitary and erect, 5 - 10 cm, rhizomat- rolla makes varietal status for it more appropriate.
ous runners to 20 cm; buds ascending, ± acute; Cl
inside leather-brown, to 2 cm ∅, with a conspicuous O. tapscottii (I. Verdoorn) L. C. Leach (Kirkia
white ring in the annulus; Cl lobes 9.5 - 11 × 5 - 10(1): 291, 1975). T: Botswana (Tapscot
T t s.n. [K,
5.5 mm, lanceolate, horizontally spreading to ascen- KMG]). − D: S Botswana, N RSA (North-West
ding, margins revolute, inside conspicuously Prov., Northern Prov.).
wrinkled, glabrous; Cn 4.5 - 9 mm ∅; Cs yellowish, ≡ Stap a scottii I. Verdoorn (1927) ≡ Stulti-
a elia tap
apically dark rose. tia tap
a scottii (I. Verdoorn) E. Phillips (1933).
Stems slender, forming ± lax mats, to 12 × 0.8 cm
O. sprengeri ssp. sprengeri − D: Ethiopia, Eritrea, ∅, with 4 proj T ≤ 2 cm, strongly
o ecting Ri; Tu
E Sudan, N Yemen, W Somalia. porrect, faf lcately curved towards the stem; Ped ±
Stems ascending-erect, ± strongly branched, ro- 2.5 cm; Sep 1 cm; Cl red-brown, 6 cm ∅, flat;
bust, to 15 cm, green, spotted with reddish-purple or annulus ± 1 cm ∅, cushion-like, with a central de-
dark green, sometimes 5-ribbed, rhizomatous run- pression, verrucose-papillose; Cl lobes 2 × 1.5 cm,
ners short; Tu
T 0.7 - 1.25 cm, strong, spreading- inside transversely rugose, margins slightly revol-
ascending; Inf with 5 - 6 Fl; buds ± nutant, very ute, ± hairy at the base, clavate Ha purple-violet, ≤
acute; Ped green, striped with reddish, 3 mm, ro- 1 mm, vibratile; Cn pale brown, ± 5 mm ∅, raised
bust; Sep 3 - 4 mm; Cl outside pale green with pale above the Cl, sessile; Ci bowl-shaped, lobes 2.5 × 2
brown spots and stripes, inside grey-brown to tan- mm, ± rectangular, bidentate, margins plaited; Cs
coloured, 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, flat, deeply incised, tube lobes 3.2 × 0.9 mm, ovate-lanceolate, apical appen-
very shallow, basally embracing the Cn, mouth dage filiform, conspicuously raised above the Sty
with narrow slightly ascending annulus, which is head, meeting each other, tips clavate, revolute, la-
covered by the Cn; Cl lobes 13 - 20 × 5.7 - 7 mm, ± terally each with an ascending subulate appendage,
narrowly lanceolate, horizontally spreading, mar- transitional section towards the Ci bulging; nectar
gins slightly revolute, inside velvety-papillate, pa- slit ± triangular; Poll ± 0.6 × 0.5 mm, D-shaped.
pillae with apical white ± short Ha; Cn (reddish-) Closely related to O. coop o eri. − [B. Müller, K.
yellow, 4.3 - 5.2 mm ∅; Ci yellow, ± 1.5 mm, ring- Seidler & F. Albers]
like, not conspicuously thickened; Cs lobes ob-
long-elliptic or rectangular, at least as long as the O. tubiformis (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally)
Anth, apically obtuse, lobed or toothed; Poll yel- Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76, 2001). T: Kenya (Copley
low, 0.3 × 0.25 mm, ovoid. l S33 [K]). − D: Kenya. Fig. XXXVI.f
s.n. in Bally
≡ Cara
C lluma tubif iformis E. A. Bruce & P. R. O.
O. subterranea (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally) Bally (1941) ≡ P Pachycymbium tubiiforme (E. A.
Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76, 2001). T: Kenya (Boy Jo
J - Bruce & P. R. O. Bally) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ An-
l S4 [K]). − D: Kenya, N Tanza-
anna s.n. in Bally golluma tubif iformis (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally)
nia; savannas. Plowes (1994).
≡CCaralluma subterranea E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Stems unbranched, ascending-erect, 12 - 15 × 1.5

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

- 2 cm, pale green, blotched with red-green or dark terete, stumpy, erect; Fl buds 5-angled-ovoid, ± ac-
brown; TuT 1.5 - 1.8 cm, basally conical-triangular, ute, sides concave; Ped 3 - 4 × ± 0.2 cm, rarely
very long attenuate-pointed, ascending; Inf 1- spreading; Sep ± 6 × 2 mm; Cl outside yellow-
flowered, erect, subterminal or lateral; Ped pale green, inside dull maroon, ± 5 cm ∅, inversely
green, striped with brown, 5 - 8 × 2.5 mm; Sep ± 5 campanulate; annulus 4 × 7.5 mm ∅, abruptly as-
× 1.5 mm; Cl outside green, inside dark flesh- cending, glabrous, inside finely pubescent, Ha
coloured, tube ± 1.2 × 1 cm ∅, embracing the Cn; white, stout, simple, rigid; Cl lobes blotched with
Cl lobes ± 10 × 6 mm, triangular, acute, erect or yellow, ± 16 × 9 mm, strongly revolute and with the
horizontally spreading, margins revolute, inside ± tips embracing the Ped, inside slightly transversely
strongly hairy, Ha whitish, ≤ 3 mm, apically capit- rugose, margins cartilaginous, Ha stiff, white; Cn ±
ate; Cn dark red, cup-shaped, ± 6 mm ∅; Ci ± 2 7.5 mm ∅, convex, stalk 2 - 3 mm; Ci dull maroon,
mm, lobes forming widely protruding deep sides darker, lobes ± 2 × 1.5 - 2 mm, ± square,
pouches; Cs lobes 1.5 - 2 mm, ± as long as the f
fleshy, apically irregularly crenulate, lateral mar-
Anth, basally obtriangular, laterally with large gins bulging in a rib-like manner; Cs yellow with
wing-like appendages closely pressed to the guide reddish markings, lobes 4 - 5 × ± 1 mm, elongate,
rails, middle part ± rectangular, apically acute or ovate, apical appendage filiform,
f erect, meeting
slightly rounded, slightly bent upwards; Poll 0.7 × each other above the Sty head, tips clavate, verru-
0.35 mm, ellipsoid. cose-rugose, basally with 2 divergent edges merg-
t and O. kochii. −
Closely related to O. sacculata ing into the Ci; nectar slit narrowly triangular,
[B. Müller, J. Kiel & F. Albers] below the Anth wings, basally with a small hump;
Poll ± 0.6 × 0.6 mm, ± D-shaped.
O. ubomboensis (I. Verdoorn) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): Closely allied to O. halipedicola. − [B. Müller,
76, 2001). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Pole-Evans K. Seidler & F. Albers]
s.n. [PRE 8764]). − D: E Zimbabwe, RSA (Kwa-
Zulu-Natal), Swaziland. O. valida (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76,
≡ Cara
C lluma ubomboensis I. Verdoorn (1932) ≡ 2001). T: Botswana ? (Holub
H s.n. [K]). − D: Na-
Pachycymbium ubomboense (I. Verdoorn) M. G. mibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana.
Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma ubomboensis (I. Ver- ≡ Cara
C lluma valida d N. E. Brown (1895) ≡ Orbe-
doorn) Plowes (1994). opsis valida (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (1978).
Stems ascending, ± 4 cm, dull green; Tu T ascend-
ing, apically erect; Inf with 2 - 3 erect Fl at or near O. valida ssp. occidentalis Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76,
the stem tips; peduncle short, cylindrical; Bra ± 1 × ill. (p. 74), 2001). T: Botswana (Bruyns 6465
0.5 mm, linear, acute; buds ± 4 × 4 mm, basally [BOL]). − D: S Botswana.
rounded, apically bluntly conical; Ped 3 - 5 × ± 0.8 Stems 4 - 15 × 1.5 - 2 cm, with subterranean
mm; Sep 1.5 - 2 × 1 mm; Cl inside black- or dark runners to 20 cm long; TuT 5 - 15 mm; Cl upper fac
f e
purple, 0.9 - 1.2 cm ∅, flat, deeply incised, tube pinkish-red, 4 - 4.5 cm ∅; Cl tube 2 - 3 mm, con-
shallow, ± 4.5 mm ∅, basally embracing the Cn; Cl taining > 1⁄2 of the Cn; margins of the Cl tips with
lobes 3 - 5 × ≤ 3.5 mm, ovate, horizontally spread- dark red Ha; Ci lobes spreading.
ing or more strongly recurved, slightly concave, in- Like the typical subspecies with the exception of
side wrinkly-velvety, glabrous; Cn dark purple, ± 4 the pale-coloured corolla and the deep corolla tube.
mm ∅; Ci flatly disc-like, lobes flat, broad, apically − [U. Meve]
deeply bifid with diverging appendages; Cs lobes
0.5 - 1 mm, linear-elliptic, basally with 2 wing-like O. valida ssp. valida − D: N Namibia, S Zambia,
lateral appendages, overtopping the Anth, apically Zimbabwe, Botswana.
rounded, basally united with the Ci for a short dis- Incl. Caralluma tsumebensis Obermeyer (1937)
tance; Poll 0.25 × 0.2 mm, ± D-shaped. ≡ Orbeopo sis tsumebensis (Obermeyer) L. C. Leach
O. umbracula (M. D. Henderson) L. C. Leach (Kir- Stems prostrate, apically ascending, stumpy,
kia 10(1): 291, 1975). T: Zimbabwe, Bikita Distr. rooting when touching the ground, green, mottled
(Leach & Pienaar 5584 [PRE]). − D: SW Zimbab- with purple, to 10 (rarely to 50) × ± 1.5 cm, promin-
we. ently 4-angled; Tu ≤ 1.5 × 0.5 cm, robust, triangu-
≡ Stultitia umbracula M. D. Henderson (1962) ≡ lar; L rudiments ± 5 mm; Inf with 20 - 40 Fl with
Stapelia umbracula (M. D. Henderson) P. V. Heath revoltingly foetid odour; Ped 10 - 15 × 3 mm; Sep 8
(1992). - 9 mm, tips spreading or bent ± outwards, alternat-
Stems squat, branched 2 cm above the ground ing with tiny Gl; Cl dark flesh-coloured to ± black,
and forming small lax mats, to ± 7.5 × 0.8 cm ∅, di- ± 6 cm ∅; Cl tube ± 7 × 10 - 12 mm, campanulate,
stinctly 4-angled, sides ± deeply furrowed; TuT ≤2 embracing the Cn, margin of the tube abruptly
cm, acute, ascending; L rudiments acute; Inf 1- to spreading; Cl lobes 15 - 25 × 5 - 9 mm, lanceolate,
8-flowered, usually erect, rarely oblique or pointing divaricate, margins slightly revolute, at the base al-
f n ± as thick as the stems, ±
outwards; peduncle ofte ternating with small fleshy obtuse appendages, in-

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

side strongly rugose, very finely pubescent, Ha 0.4 incl. Orbea quinquenervia Haworth (1812); incl.
mm, rigid, margins ± densely hairy, clavate Ha Orbea retusa Haworth (1812); incl. Orbea woodf dfor-
pale, to 3 mm, vibratile; Cn ± 3.5 × ± 5.5 mm; Ci diana Haworth (1812) (nom. nud.) ≡ Stapelia
conically bowl-shaped, lobes 3.5 × 1.75 mm, thickly d rdiana (Haworth) Schultes (s.a.); incl. Or-
fleshy, slightly spreading or ± erect, inside weakly bea inodora r Haworth (1819); incl. Stap a elia atro-
± irregularly keeled, apically rectangular-acute, purpurea Salm-Dyck (1834) ≡ Stapelia variegata
sometimes truncate, dentate or acutely 4-lobed; Cs var. atropurpurea (Salm-Dyck) N. E. Brown (s.a.);
lobes ± 4 × ± 1 mm, broadly rectangular, very incl. Stapelia limosa Salm-Dyck (1834); incl. Sta-
thickly fleshy, at the base with a pair of prominent pelia horizontalis N. E. Brown (1890); incl. Stap a e-
dorsal humps, apically flattened, erect, or the tip ± lia orbicularis Loddiges (s.a.) ≡ Orbea orbicularis
cylindrical, acuminate, or ± bifid (occasionally all 3 (Loddiges) Haworth (1812); incl. Stapelia planif iflo-
fforms represented in a single Cn), slightly raised r Jacquin (s.a.) ≡ Stapelia variegata var. planifl
ra f o-
above the Sty head, meeting, tips revolute; Poll ± ra (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (s.a.) ≡ Orbea planifl f ora
0.5 × 0.5 mm, D-shaped. (Jacquin) Haworth (1819); incl. Stapelia retusa
Schultes (s.a.) ≡ Stapelia variegata t var. rer tusa
O. variegata (Linné) Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., (Schultes) N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl. Stapelia buf ufonia
40, 1812). T: South Africa (Anonymus
((AA s.n. [LINN Sims (s.a.) ≡ Stapelia variegatat var. bufufonia (Sims)
311/1]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). Fig. XXXVI.g N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl. Stapelia rugosa Donn ex
≡ Stapelia variegata t Linné (1753); incl. Orbea Jacquin (s.a.) ≡ Stapelia variegata var. rugosa (J.
trisulca hort. (s.a.); incl. Stapelia anguinea Jacquin Donn ex Jacquin) N. E. Brown (s.a.) ≡ Tri T dentea
(s.a.); incl. Stapelia bufonia Sims (s.a.) ≡ Orbea rugosa (Jacquin) G. Don (s.a.); incl. Stap a elia hori-
ufonia (Sims) Haworth (1812); incl. Stapelia buf ufo- zontalis N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Stapelia variegata
niana Jacquin (s.a.); incl. Stapa elia ciliolata TodaT ro var. horizontalis (N. E. Brown) N. E. Brown (s.a.);
(s.a.); incl. Stap
a elia consp s urcata Willdenow (s.a.) incl. Stapelia atrata t Todaro (s.a.); incl. Stapelia
≡ Stapelia variegata var. consp s urcata (Willdenow) beff
e foniana Schultes (s.a.); incl. Stapa elia bidentata
N. E. Brown (s.a.) ≡ Orbea consp s urcata (Willde- Hort. ex Salm-Dyck (s.a.); incl. Stap a elia bisulca
now) Sweet (1827); incl. Stapelia hispida d Horn. ex Schultes (s.a.); incl. Stapelia buffoniana G. Don
Rüst (s.a.); incl. Stapelia inodora r Decaisne (s.a.); (s.a.); incl. Stapelia buffonis Loddiges (s.a.); incl.
incl. Stapelia marginata Willdenow (s.a.) ≡ Stape- Stapelia obliqua Willdenow (s.a.); incl. Stapelia or-
lia variegata var. margi r natat (Willdenow) N. E. bicularis Loddiges (s.a.); incl. Stap a elia planififlora
Brown (s.a.) ≡ Orbea marg r inatat (Willdenow) G. Jacquin (s.a.); incl. Stapelia planififlora var. marg r i-
Don (1837) ≡ Orbea planif iflora var. marg r inata nata Willdenow (s.a.); incl. Stapelia quinquenervis
(Willdenow) G. Don (1837); incl. Stap a elia marmo- Schultes (s.a.); incl. Stapelia retusa Schultes (s.a.);
rata Jacquin (s.a.) ≡ Stapelia variegata var. mar- incl. Stapelia scutellata To
T daro (s.a.); incl. Stapelia
morata (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (s.a.) ≡ Orbea mar- scylla Sprenger (s.a.); incl. Stapelia variegata t var.
morata (Jacquin) G. Don (1837); incl. Stap a elia asparagensis Jacob. (s.a.); incl. Stapelia variegata
monstrosa Hort. ex Steudel (s.a.); incl. Stap a elia nor- var. brevicornis N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl. Stap a elia
malis Jacquin (s.a.) ≡ Stapelia variegata var. nor- variegatat var. laeta N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl. Stapa e-
malis (Jacquin) A. Berger (s.a.) ≡ Orbea normalis lia variegata var. pallida N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl.
(Jacquin) G. Don (1837); incl. Stapelia ophiuncula Stapelia variegatat var. prometheus Rüst (s.a.); incl.
Haworth (s.a.); incl. Stapelia picta N. E. Brown Stapelia bifolia Schultes (s.a.) (nom. nud.); incl.
(s.a.) ≡ Stapelia variegata t var. picta (N. E. Brown) a elia trisulca J. Donn (s.a.) (nom. nud.) ≡ Stape-
N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl. Stapelia rugosa Donn ex lia variegata var. trisulca (J. Donn) N. E. Brown
Jacquin (s.a.) ≡ Orbea rugosa (Donn ex Jacquin) (s.a.) (nom. nud.).
Sweet (1826); incl. Stapelia variegata t var. atrata Stems slender or squat, basally decumbent or
(Todaro) N. E. Brown (s.a.); incl. Stap a elia orbicula- mostly erect, green, blotched with purple, slender
ta Donn (s.a.) (nom. nud.); incl. Stap a elia mixta stems to 15 × ≤ 1 cm, squat stems 4 - 5 × ≤ 1 cm,
Masson (1797) ≡ Stapelia variegata t var. mixta obtuse or conspicuously 4-angled; Tu T ≤ 1.5 cm,
(Masson) N. E. Brown (s.a.) ≡ Orbea mixta (Mas- strongly spreading, stipular rudiments sometimes
son) Haworth (1812); incl. Stapelia clypeat l ta J. absent; Inf 1- to 5-flowered; Fl buds apically atte-
Donn (1804) ≡ Orbea variegata t var. clypeat
l ta (J. nuate-pointed to pointed, flattish or rounded; Ped 2
Donn) hort. (s.a.) ≡ Orbea cly lypeatta (J. Donn) Ha- - 6 × 0.2 - 0.3 mm; Sep ≤ 9 mm; Cl 5 - 9 cm
worth (1819) ≡ Stapelia variegata var. cly lypeata (J. ∅, basin-shaped, outside green, lobes and venation
Donn) N. E. Brown (1909); incl. Stap a elia lepe ida suffused with reddish, inside pale greenish-yellow
Jacquin (1806) ≡ Podant d hes lepida (Jacquin) Ha- or pale lemon-yellow, variably marked with ± large
worth (1812) ≡ Orb r ea lepidad (Jacquin) Haworth black-purple, crimson- or purple-brown dots, an-
(1819); incl. Orbea anguinea Haworth (1812); incl. nulus usually paler yellow, more finely dotted,
Orbea bisulca Haworth (1812); incl. Orbea curtisii fleshy-rounded or 5-angled, margin revolute, acu-
Haworth (1812) ≡ Stap a elia curtisii (Haworth) tely edged, verrucose-granular; Cl tube embracing
Schultes (s.a.); incl. Orbea picta Haworth (1812); the Cn; Cl lobes to ± 2.5 × ± 2.3 cm, widely spread-

Orbea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

ing or slightly revolute, inside densely transversely danthes pulchra var. verrucosa G. Don (1837); incl.
rugose; Cn pale yellow, dark violet or stippled with Stap
a elia verrucosa var. consp s icua N. E. Brown
dark violet, 6 - 7 mm ∅; Ci deeply bowl-shaped, (1909); incl. Stapa elia verrucosa var. pallescens N.
lobes 2.3 × 2 mm, elongate-rectangular, bifid down E. Brown (1909); incl. Stap a elia verrucosa var.
to 1⁄2 or bidentate, ascending-divaricate; Cs lobes 3 punctif
ifera N. E. Brown (1909); incl. Stap
a elia verru-
× 1.2 mm, ovate-lanceolate, tips and base with fili- cosa var. robustat N. E. Brown (1909).
fform or subulate ± equally sized appendages, apical Stems prostrate-decumbent, slender, growing in
appendage raised above the Sty head, tips clavate, f d mats, to 8 cm, distinctly 4-angled; Tu ≤
laxly tufte
finely verrucose, both appendages revolute; nectar 1.3 cm; L rudiments hardened; Ped ± 2 × 0.5 cm;
slit drop-shaped; Poll 0.8 × 0.5 mm, ± narrowly D- Sep 3.5 × ± 1.2 mm; Cl pale yellow, ± regularly fi-
shaped. nely stippled with dark red (dots partly becoming
O. variegatat is among the most widely cultivated confluent), 3 - 4 cm ∅, basin- or tube-shaped or
stapeliads and has as neophyte become part of the campanulate, tube (if present) embracing the Cn,
flora of subtropical countries worldwide. It has basally form
f ing an annulus of 8 - 9 mm ∅; Cl lobes
been known as Stapelia variegata for f long. For no- 1.6 × 1.3 - 1.6 cm, ± triangular, revolute, inside ver-
menclatural reasons (the species is the generic type rucose-papillose, partly with pairs of transverse
of Orbea) it has to be placed in Orbea. aa.. With time a f
folds; Cn 4.5 - 6.6 mm ∅; Ci dark brown, bowl-
plethora of minor colour variants and artifical shaped, lobes 1.8 × 1.7 mm, ± square, shortly bi-
hybrids have been described as separate species, dentate, along the middle distinctly plicate; Cs
which is reflected in the (incomplete) list of syno- yellow, margins dark brown, lobes 1.7 × 0.7 mm,
nyms given above. − [B. Müller, K. Seidler & F. broadly ovate, slightly overtopping the Anth, at the
Albers] base forming a hump; Poll 0.43 × 0.35 mm, D-
shaped; Fr 10 - 12 × 1.3 cm. − [B. Müller, K.
O. verrucosa (Masson) L. C. Leach (Kirkia 10(1): Seidler & F. Albers]
290, 1975). T: (Masson s.n. [BM, SRGH [photo]]).
− D: RSA. O. vibratilis (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally) Bruyns
≡ Stap
a elia verrucosa Masson (1797) ≡ Podant d hes (Aloe 37(4): 76, 2001). T: Kenya (Ritchie s.n. in
verrucosa (Masson) Haworth (1812); incl. Stap a elia l S35 [K]). − D: Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya,
r Loddiges (s.a.) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Tanzania.
Stapelia rugosa Wendland (s.a.). ≡ Caralluma
C vibratilis E. A. Bruce & P. R. O.
Bally (1941) ≡ Pach P ycy c mbium vibratile (E. A.
O. verrucosa var. fucosa
f (N. E. Brown) L. C. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally) M. G. Gilbert (1990) ≡ An-
Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 1: 25, 1978). T: RSA, golluma vibratilis (E. A. Bruce & P. R. O. Bally)
Eastern Cape (Pillans 173 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Eas- Plowes (1994).
tern Cape). Stems erect, solitary or rarely clustering, ± 6 ×
≡ Stapelia fucosa N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Stapelia 1.5 cm, (grey-) green, spotted with reddish-brown,
verrucosa var. fucos
f a (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath rhizomatous runners to 75 cm; Tu T ± 5 × 2 mm,
(1992); incl. Stapelia irrorata Masson (1796) ≡ Po- spreading-ascending; L rudiments ± 1 mm, spatu-
danthe t (Masson) Haworth (1812) ≡ Orbea
s irrorata late, conspicuously articulated, with stipular rudi-
irrorata (Masson) L. C. Leach (1978). ments; Inf with several nodding Fl; peduncle very
Differs from var. verrucosa: Stems with com- short; Ped 5 - 6 × ± 2 mm; Sep ± 5 × 1.2 mm; Cl
paratively small and weak Tu T ; Cl smaller, with outside green, inside dark flesh-coloured to black-
red-brown much denser markings, less basin- purple, partly paler transversally striped, ± 2 cm ∅,
shaped; Cl lobes divaricate or slightly revolute; an- campanulate, tube ± 8 × 7 mm; Cl lobes ± 8 × 7
nulus more solid and more distinctly set off. − [B. mm, outside apically purple, horizontally spreading,
Müller, K. Seidler & F. Albers] tips long attenuate and curved outwards, inside
wrinkled, margins of the lower 1⁄2 with vibratile cla-
O. verrucosa var. verrucosa − D: RSA (Western vate Ha; Cn dark purple, ± 5 mm ∅; Ci cup-
Cape, Eastern Cape). shaped, ± 2 mm, lobes form f ing pouches, apically
≡ Stapelia verrucosa var. verrucosa; incl. Stape- 2-toothed; Cs lobes ± 4 × 1 mm, linear, acute, meet-
f ua Jacquin (1806) ≡ Podant
lia rorifl d hes rorifl f ua ing apically; Poll ± 0.5 × 0.4 mm, ovate.
(Jacquin) Sweet (1827) ≡ Piaranthus roriflf uus (Jac-
quin) Decaisne (1844) ≡ Stap a elia verrucosa var. O. wilsonii (P. R. O. Bally) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76,
iflua (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (1909); incl. Podan
d - 2001). T: Uganda, Toro Distr. (WilsonW 13 [K
thes pulchra Haworth (1812) ≡ Stap a elia pulchra [alc]]). − D: SW Uganda.
(Haworth) Schultes (1820) ≡ Stapelia verrucosa ≡ Caralluma wilsonii P. R. O. Bally (1966) ≡ Pa-
var. pulchra
r (Haworth) N. E. Brown (1909); incl. chycy
c mbium wilsonii (P. R. O. Bally) M. G. Gilbert
Stapelia wendlandiana Schultes (1820) ≡ Orbea (1990) ≡ Angolluma wilsonii (P. R. O. Bally) Plo-
wendlandiana (Schultes) Schultes (1820); incl. Po- wes (1994).
danthes pulchra var. maj
a or Sweet (1827); incl. Po- Stems decumbent-ascending, grey-green and

B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Orbea

blotched with brown, 5 - 6 cm, fleshy, sides O. wissmannii var. wissmannii − D: S Saudi Ara-
T ≤ 6 mm, slender, spreading-ascending;
grooved; Tu bia, N and S Yemen.
L rudiments 4 mm, subulate-lanceolate, caducous; Incl. Caralluma meintjesiana Lavranos (1962) ≡
Inf with 2 - 6 Fl; peduncle 2 × 2 mm; Bra 0.5 - 1 P hycymbium meintjesianum (Lavranos) M. G.
mm, linear; Ped 2 - 3 mm; Sep 2.75 - 3 mm; Cl Gilbert (1990).
outside greenish-yellow, inside lemon-yellow, with Stems ascending-erect, densely clustered, (grey-)
inconspicuous violet irregular spots, ± 2 cm ∅, green, spotted with dark green or brownish-violet,
campanulate, tube shallow, 2 - 2.5 × 6 mm ∅, to 8 cm; Tu ± 5 mm, robust, horizontally spreading,
embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 3.5 × 3.2 mm, triangu- apically slightly bent upwards; Inf with 1 - 3 erect
lar, acute, horizontally spreading, apically slightly Fl; Bra 1 - 3 × 0.6 mm, triangular-linear, acute;
bent outwards, inside with scattered Ha, Ha purple, buds conical; Ped green, marbled with brownish, to
0.2 - 0.8 mm, bristly, acute, stiff; Cn dark purple- 10 × 2 mm; Sep 3 - 4 × ± 1 mm, sometimes bent
maroon, 3 - 4 mm ∅; Ci cup-shaped, 2 mm, lobes outwards; Cl outside grey-green, densely and deli-
form ing pouches, apically with a central notch; Cs cately red-dotted except upper 1⁄2 of lobes, ± 2 - 3.5
lobes 1.7 mm, narrowly triangular, with a dorsal cm ∅, incised ± to the base; Cl lobes 12 - 15 × 1 - 2
crest, apically obtuse or 2-toothed, basally erect; mm, narrowly linear, ascending-erect, apically ob-
Poll ≤ 0.8 × 0.45 mm, D- or bean-shaped. tuse or pointed, bent outwards, margins ± strongly
revolute, blood-red, inside of Cl lobes basally den-
O. wissmannii (O. Schwartz) Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): sely papillose with small conical papillae, inside
76, 2001). T: Yemen (von Wissmann 1207 [HBG]). sometimes very minutely tomentose, basal 1⁄2 glossy
− D: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman. from abundant nectar; Cn yellow or white, partly
≡ Caralluma
C wissmannii O. Schwartz (1939) ≡ dotted with dark red, 3.5 - 5 mm ∅, cup-shaped,
Pachycymbium wissmannii (O. Schwartz) M. G. glossy ffrom nectar; Ci 2 - 2.5 mm, lobes forming ±
Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma wissmannii (O. shallow concave pouches, apically broad, somewhat
Schwartz) Plowes (1994). outcurved, inside glandular-hairy; Cs lobes 1 - 1.7 ×
The varieties introduced by Bruyns (2001) are ± 0.6 mm, oblong-rectangular, geniculate, basally
quite constant in their character states, which sug- erect, ± as long as the Anth, apically triangular, in-
gests that a higher rank (subspecies, species) could dented, lobed or emarginate, with horn-like append-
be more appropriate. ages where united with the Ci, these appendages 1
O. wissmannii var. eremastrum (O. Schwartz) mm, robust, apically truncate, emarginate, erect or
Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): 76, 2001). T: YemenY (Rath- spreading outwards; Poll 0.4 × 0.25 mm, ovoid to
jens 103 [HBG]). − D: N Yemen, Saudi Arabia. D-shaped; Fr grey-green, spotted with purple, ± 5.5
≡ C
Caralluma eremastrum O. Schwartz (1939) ≡ × 0.7 cm.
P ycymbium eremastrum (O. Schwartz) M. G.
Gilbert (1990) ≡ Angolluma eremastrum (O. O. woodii (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Kirkia 10(1):
Schwartz) Plowes (1994). 290, 1975). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Medley-
f ffrom var. wissmannii: Ped 6 × ± 2.5 mm,
Differs Wood 4119 [K]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal).
± curved downwards; Cl both faces
f pale yellow, ± ≡ Stap
a elia woodii N. E. Brown (1892); incl. Sta-
2.4 cm ∅, rotate, incised for ± 1⁄2; Cl lobes ascend- pelia woodii var. westii R. A. Dyer (1941).
ing, sometimes remaining united at the tips, margins Stems shortly prostrate-erect to erect, to 6 × 0.6 -
in the upper 1⁄2 rolled outwards, apically tubercu- 0.8 cm ∅, form
f ing tufte T ± 1 (-1.5) cm, ac-
f d mats; Tu
late-papillose, ± hairy; Cn ≤ 5 mm ∅, pale yellow; ute, ascending; Inf 1- to 3-flowered (rarely more);
Ci cup-shaped, lobes 2.8 × 1.6 mm. peduncle (if present) stout, persistent form
f ing seve-
The morphological differences between var. ral Inf; Fl buds 5-angled, broadly ovoid, sides
eremastrum and var. wissmannii are considerably slightly concave, base truncate, apically shortly tap-
more pronounced than those between var. wissman- ering; Ped 2 - 5.5 × 0.15 - 0.25 cm; Sep 5.5 - 7 × 1.5
nii and var. parviloba. Moreover, no intermediate - 2 mm; Cl pale reddish-brown, black-brown or ma-
forms between var. eremastrum and var. wissmannii roon, 3 - 4.5 cm ∅, inversely bowl-shaped; annulus
are known, and the two do not differ in their range. ± 2.5 × ± 8 - 9 mm ∅, very abruptly ascending,
For these reasons, var. eremastrum should more cushion- or dome-shaped, with a central depression,
appropriately be regarded as a good biological spe- ± glabrous, inside very finely pubescent; Cl lobes to
cies. − [U. Meve] 1.8 × 1 cm, margins ± strongly revolute, inside
weakly to strongly rugose, hairy, clavate Ha ≤ 1.75
O. wissmannii var. parviloba Bruyns (Aloe 37(4): mm, vibratile; Cn dark brown, sometimes black, 6 -
76, 2001). T: Yemen
Y (Miller & King 5336 [E]). − 7 mm ∅, columnar foot short, robust, obtusely 5-
D: S Jemen, Oman. I: Miller & Morris (1988: as angled; Ci inversely saucer-shaped, lobes ± 2 × 1.5
Caralluma luntii). mm, apically ± truncate, irregularly obtusely den-
Differs from var. wissmannii: Fl much smaller, tate or crenulate, lateral margins raised, fleshily thi-
often with scatteredly hairy Cl lobes and white Cn. ckened; Cs lobes ± broadly ovate, attenuate-acute,
− [U. Meve] apical appendage ± narrowly subulate, very vari-

Orbeanthus Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, J. Kiel, F. Albers & U. Meve

able in length, sometimes longer than the Anth, cm apart; Inf 2-flowered; Fl buds brownish-green,
shortly erect above the Anth and meeting each 4 × 2 mm, ovoid, glabrous; Ped brown-green, 10 ×
other, lateral margin often
f bent upwards, occasio- 3 mm; Sep 5 mm; Cl 5 - 5.2 cm ∅, ± semiglobose
nally with 1 - 2 teeth at the sides below the apical or campanulate, outside whitish-cream with pink,
appendages, sometimes with a small dorsal hump; base of the lobes laterally with triangular yellowish
Anth exposed, not meeting each other; nectar slit ± areas, inside pale maroon, tube 5 × 14 mm, mouth
triangular; Poll ± 0.6 × 0.5 mm, ± D-shaped. partly cream-coloured, narrowed by the annulus, 8
Closely related to O. semota. − [B. Müller, K. mm ∅, 5-angled, fleshy, cup-shaped, outside of the
Seidler & F. Albers] Cl lobes furrowed for ± 6 mm at the base; Cl lobes
3 × ± 10 mm; Cn ± 8 mm ∅; Ci dark maroon,
stippled with white, deeply bowl-shaped, lobes 3
ORBEANTHUS mm, elongate-rectangular, ± erect, bifid down to 1⁄2,
tips divergent, flattened, velvety and densely finely
B. Müller & F. Albers
pubescent or finely setulose, Ha shining, usually
Orbeanthus L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 1: 71, translucent, uncoloured, very short, nearly spine-
1978). T: Stultitia conjuncta A. C. White & B. like, attenuate; Cs upper 1⁄2 purple, lower 1⁄2 white,
Sloane. − Lit: Leach (1978a). D: RSA (Northern blotched with purple, lobes ± ovate, flat, rarely as-
Prov., Mpumalanga). Etym: For the genus Orbea cending above the Sty head, dorsally humped, vel-
A ); and Gr. ‘anthos’, flower; ffor the vety densely finely pubescent, the longest Ha dark
Orbea-like flowers. purple; Anth pale yellow; Poll yellow, ± transluc-
Dwarf branched stem succulents; stems creeping, ent, 0.5 - 0.7 × 0.45 - 0.6 mm.
rooting along the whole length and form f ing lax
cushions, subterranean runners short; stems dark O. hardyi (R. A. Dyer) L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax.
green or reddish, partially blotched, to 30 × ± 0.9 Ser. 1: 74, 1978). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Hardy d
cm, obtusely 4-angled, glabrous; Tu rarely ≥ 3 mm, & al. s.n. [PRE 29028]). − D: RSA (Northern
acute, revolute; L rudiments small, ± triangular, ac- Prov., Mpumalanga). I: FPA 36: t. 1403, 1963; As-
ute, flattened, becoming hard, without stipular rudi- klepios 57: 18: figs. 6-9, 1992. Fig. XXXVII.b
ments; Inf with 1 - 2 Fl at the the stem tips; Fl ≡ Stultitia hard
rdyi R. A. Dyer (1963) ≡ Orb
r ea har-
opening in succession, odour only slighty foet f id; d (R. A. Dyer) Bruyns (2001).
Ped greenish, glabrous; Sep pale green, ± triangu- Stems green, blotched with purple, to 30 × 0.6 -
lar, glabrous; Cl broadly bowl-shaped, ± 6 cm ∅, 0.9 cm, young distinctly (with age indistinctly)
annulus broad, stout; Cl lobes triangular, ± connate, obtusely 4-angled, sides furrowed; Tu ± 1 mm,
± revolute, outside smooth, glabrous, inside ± conical, acute, prominent, spreading or slightly in-
smooth and glabrous; Cn biseriate, of the C(is)+Cs flexed towards the stem; Inf 1- to 2-flowered, slow-
type, shortly stipitate, ± deeply sunken, hairy; Ci ly developing; peduncle ± 2 mm; Fl buds apically
lobes elongately rectangular, ± deeply bifid, ± er- acute, abruptly broadening above the middle; Ped ±
ect, basally fuse
f d with the Cs; Cs lobes simple, in- 5 mm; Sep 1.5 - 3 mm; Cl 6.5 - 7 cm ∅, cream-
cumbent on the Anth, overtopping these by far, coloured, irregularly blotched with dark maroon,
dorsally fused with the Ci; Anth yellow, ± rectan- annulus paler, tube margin and annulus outside ma-
gular, without apical appendages; Poll D-shaped; roon, tube 5 - 6 mm, bowl-shaped, embracing the
Fr narrowly fus
f iform,
f glabrous, fo
f llicles of a pair at annulus, this to 4 × ± 18 - 20 mm ∅, cushion-
an acute angle; Se not described. shaped around the central depression, which
Orbeanthus is closely related to Orbea but shows comprises the Cn; Cl lobes 2 - 2.5 × 1.3 - 1.8 cm,
also affinities with the Madagascan genus Stape- ovate, acuminate, outside glabrous, inside finely
lianthus (Leach 1978a). Bruyns (2001) includes f
furrowe d, finely papillose, tips ± glabrous, other-
Orbeanthus in Orbea. a. On the base of the consider-
a. wise hairy, Ha translucent, coloured like the back-
able differences in vegetative architecture (creeping ground, small, globose, bladder- or balloon-like or
stems, minute leaf rudiments) and in the corona ± cylindrical (then finely taper-pointed); Cn ± 8
(hairy), Orbeanthus is better kept separate. mm ∅; Ci deeply bowl-shaped, at the base cream-
coloured, blotched with brown-carmine, margins
O. conj
n unctus (A. C. White & B. Sloane) L. C. apically dark carmine, lobes 3 mm, narrowly rect-
Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 1: 73, 1978). T: RSA, angular, deeply bifid, weakly blotched, hairy, Ha
Northern Prov. (Crundall s.n. [PRE]). − D: RSA brown or colourless, fine, acute; Cs basal 1⁄2 cream-
(Northern Prov.). I: Asklepios 57: 18, figs. 1-2, coloured, margins and upper 1⁄2 dark carmine, lobes
1992. 4 mm, linear, geniculate, apically attenuate, clavate,
≡ Stultitia conjuncta
t A. C. White & B. Sloane divergent above the Sty head, dorsally humped,
(1938) ≡ Orbea conj n uncta (A. C. White & B. hairy, Ha dark purple, to 0.5 mm, acuminate or ±
Sloane) Bruyns (2001). cylindrical; Anth yellowish; Poll 0.5 × 0.4 mm.
Stems grey-green, blotched with dark brownish-
green, to 15 × 0.8 cm; Tu
T 1 - 2 mm, conical, to 1.6

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae ×Orbelia

B. Müller & F. Albers B. Müller & F. Albers
×Orbelia G. D. Rowley (Name that Succulent, 95, Pectinaria Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., 14, 1819).
1980). T: Stapa elia articulata Aiton. − Lit: Bruyns (1981).
Incl. ×Orbeopo elia G. D. Rowley (1980). D: RSA. Etym: Lat. ‘pectinarius’, comb- (from
Incl. ×Orbeostemon P. V. Heath (1992). Lat. ‘pecten’, comb); for the comb-like processes of
= Orbea × Stapelia. Apart ffrom the fo f llowing the corona.
forma lly named hybrid, the combinations O. tap- Perennials, mostly decumbent, form f ing mats;
scottii × S. gettliffei and O. maculata
t × S. kwebensis stems 2 - 8 cm, 6-ribbed, glabrous; Tu conspicuous,
have also been reported (Plowes, pers. comm.). L rudiments minute, triangular; Inf 1- (rarely 2-)
The cross O. caudata × S. gigantea was named fflowered, apically from the sides of young stems,
a elia ×tarantuloides R. A. Dyer (p
Stap (pro
p ssp.) (≡ successively opening, without peduncle; Ped to 1
C lia tarantuloides (R. A. Dyer) G. D. Row- (rarely 2.5) cm, terete; Sep green, ± 2 mm, lanceo-
ley ≡ ×Orbeostemon tarantuloides (R. A. Dyer) P. late, acute; Cl either flat with shallow tube (hardly
V. Heath). embracing the Cn), or Cl lobes apically united with
each other and then tube deeply conical; Cl lobes
×O. barklyi (N. E. Brown pro sp s .) G. D. Rowley deltoid, ± long-attenuate, margins often conspicu-
(Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 44(1): 2, 1982). T: RSA, ously folded, inside ± densely papillose; Cn bi-
Cape Prov. (Morris s.n. in Barkl
r ly 31 [K?]). seriate, of the (Cis-)+Cs-type; Ci lobes bifid, seg-
≡ Stapelia ×barkl
r lyi N. E. Brown (pro
(pp sp.) (1890) ments cylindrically horn-like, erect or ascending, ±
≡ ×Gonostapelia barkly
r i (N. E. Brown pro sp.) P. V. laterally diverging, each ffused with the dorsal ap-
Heath (1992). pendage of the Cs; Cs lobes apically ± deltoid,
= O. namaquensis × S. pulvinata. sometimes reduced to a small swelling, incumbent
on the Anth, dorsal appendage divided into numer-
ous ascending finger-like processes, which fform a
PACHYCARPUS crest-like ring together with the lobes of the Ci;
Anth rectangular, laterally-apically without appen-
U. Meve
dage, frequent
f ly ± hidden by the Cs; Poll 0.22 ×
Pachycarpus E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr., 0.15 mm, usually ovoid-ellipsoid; Fr fusiform,f
209, 1837). T: Asclepias grandif iflorra Linné fil.
f those of a pair arranged at an acute angle; Se brow-
[Lectotype, designated by N. E. Brown 1908.]. − nish-ochre, ± 3 mm, flat, ovate, with narrow mar-
Lit: Smith (1988); Goyder (1998a). D: Africa S of gin, apically with a tuft
f of simple Ha.
the Sahara. Etym: Gr. ‘pachys’, thick; and Gr. Bruyns (1981) divided the genus as fo f llows into
‘karpos’, fru
f it; ffor the mostly very large fru
f its. 2 sections:
Geophytic shrubs with deciduous above-ground
[1] Sect. Pectinaria: Stems ± globose; Ped short,
parts with white latex; R tuberously thickened, usu-
robust, closely pressed to the stems; Cl lobes
ally fusiform; stems erect, unbranched; L decussate,
apically united with each other; Cl tube deeply
petiolate, coriaceous; Inf terminal or laterally near
conical, outside and inside densely papillose,
the stem tips, axillary, pedunculate, pseudo-umbel-
papillae prominent, papillae of the inside api-
late; Cl rotate or campanulate; Cn uniseriate; Cs
cally spine-tipped.
lobes dorsiventrally flattened, linear, lanceolate or
[2] Sect. Erectifl
f ora
r Bruyns 1981: Stems more rect-
weakly 3-parted, often f with a pair of fleshy rails;
angular; Ped usually elongate, slender, erect; Cl
Gy ± stipitate; Anth appendages membranous, usu-
flatly spreading; Cl lobes horizontally spread-
ally surpassing the Sty head; Poll flat, ± drop-
ing; Cl tube shallow, hardly embracing the Cn,
shaped, pendent; Fr usually solitary, erect, ellipsoid
outside and inside delicately papillate with
to thickly ovoid, coriaceous, conspicuously winged
spine-tipped papillae.
or keeled.
Usually very large and attractively flowering Bruyns (l.c.) reports the natural hybrid P. articu-
members of the Asclep e iadinae ffrom the grasslands lata ssp. articulata × P. longipes.
of E and S Africa. Closely related to Glossostelma,
Xysma lobium and Gomphocarpus as well as Ascle- P. articulata (Aiton) Haworth (Suppl. Pl. Succ., 14,
s. Rap
s. a hionacme is often
f similar in habit. Of the ± 1819). T: [neo − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov., t.
37 species, 24 are native to S Afrf ica. 30, 1796. − D: RSA (Northern Cape, Western
The following names are of unresolved applica- ≡ Stapelia articulata Aiton (1789).
tion but are referred to this genus: Schizoglossum
r De Wildeman (1903); Schizoglossum goss- P. articulata ssp. articulata − D: RSA (Northern
weileri S. Moore (1912); Schizoglossum theileri S. Cape: NW Sutherland). I: Bruyns (1981: 65). Fig.
Moore (1921). XXXVII.c

Petopentia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

[1] Stems in dense fascicles, to 6 × 2 cm; Tu T ± dorsal Cs appendage ± horizontally pointing out-
dome-shaped; L rudiments minute, soft f ; Fl erect; wards.
Ped 5 - 15 mm; Cl outside purple-brown, inside
dark purple or pale yellow, 5 - 8 mm ∅, ± bowl- P. longipes (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J.
shaped, truncate, apically flattened, tube 2.5 - 3.5 Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 69, ill. (p. 68), 1981). T: RSA,
mm deep and ∅, bowl-shaped to weakly conical; Cl Northern Cape (Marloth 3799 [BOL, PRE]). − D:
lobes 2.5 - 3.5 × 3 - 3.5 mm, margins very weakly RSA (Northern Cape: Sutherland Distr.).
f lded outwards, apically fuse
fo f d with each other ≡ Cara
C lluma longipes N. E. Brown (1909); incl.
already within the Cl tube, papillae of the outside Caralluma longipes var. villettii C. A. Lückhoff
rounded, those of the inside crystal-like, 0.25 - 0.3 (1938).
mm, columnar, spine-tip transparent, rounded; Cn [2] Stems brownish-green, to 6 × 1 - 1.5 cm; TuT
dark purple or pale yellow, ± 2 mm ∅; Ci lobe seg- conical; L rudiments acute, rarely hardening; Fl
ments 0.3 - 0.4 mm, erect to ascending, laterally horizontal; Ped 10 - 35 × 1.2 mm, slender, erect,
slightly diverging, fuse f r ± 1⁄2 of their
f d with the Cs fo apically curved outwards; Cl yellow, 8 - 12 mm ∅;
length; Cs lobes apically 0.4 mm, deltoid, tip Cl lobes 2.5 - 3 × 2.5 - 3 mm, deltoid to broadly ov-
rounded, processes of the dorsal appendage ± 0.4 ate-deltoid, margins folded outwards, papillae
mm; Poll 0.2 - 0.22 × 0.14 mm. spine-tipped, transparent; Cn yellowish-orange, ± 2
mm ∅, basally shortly cup-shaped; Ci lobes ±
P. articulata ssp. asperiflor f a (N. E. Brown) strongly bifid, segments ascending, 0.3 - 0.4 mm, ±
Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 65, 1981). cylindrical, near the tips fuse
f d with the dorsal ap-
T: RSA, Western Cape (Pillans 70 [BOL]). − D: pendage of the Cs; Cs lobes absent or present,
RSA (Western Cape: E margin of the Great Karoo broadly rectangular, tip concave, appendages nu-
to the Little Karoo S of Laingsburg). I: Bruyns merous, small, rounded, or rather ± emarginate.
(1981: 66). Fig. XXXVII.d C lluma longipes var. villetii is only insuffi-
≡ Pectinaria asperifl
f ora N. E. Brown (1909). ciently known and thus provisionally treated as sy-
[1] Differs from ssp. articulata t : Fl pointing nonym.
downwards; Ped down-curved; Cl 6 - 8 mm ∅, co-
nical, tube 2.3 - 3.2 mm deep, conical; Cl lobes 3.6 - P. maughanii (R. A. Dyer) Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J.
6 × ± 3.5 mm, margins sometimes conspicuously Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 69, 1981). T: RSA, Western Cape
strongly fo
f lded outwards, apically fuse
f d with each (Maughan-Brown 20 [GRA]). − D: RSA (Western
other 5 mm above the tube mouth; Cs lobes apically Cape: Vanrhynsdorp Distr.). I: Bruyns (1981: 70).
0.3 - 0.4 mm, tip truncate, variably incised, some- ≡ Caralluma maughanii R. A. Dyer (1931).
times deltoid, processes of the dorsal appendage er- [2] Stems procumbent to ascending, (brownish-)
ect to ascending, often with fleshy parts between green, to 8 × 1 - 1.5 cm ∅; Tu T dome-shaped; L rudi-
the processes and the margins. ments hardened; Fl erect; Ped 5 - 25 mm, slender,
erect; Cl reddish-purple, 1.2 - 1.6 cm ∅; Cl lobes
P. articulata ssp. borealis Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. apically or sometimes entirely dark yellow, 5 - 7 ×
Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 67, ills., 1981). T: RSA, Northern ± 2.5 mm, lanceolate, margins conspicuously folded
Cape (Bayer 1506 [NBG]). − D: RSA (Northern outwards; Cn dark purple-black; Ci lobes ≤ 1 mm,
Cape: Richtersveld). Fig. XXXVII.e slender, for ± 3⁄4 of their length fused with the dorsal
[1] Differs
f ffrom ssp. articulata: Cl dark purple- appendage of the Cs; Cs lobes frequently very
brown, tube 3.5 × 7 mm ∅, inside more weakly pa- broad, overlapping in the Fl centre or deltoid and
pillose; Ci lobes form
f ing rather large conspicuously not overlapping, apically usually irregularly emar-
separate pouches between the dorsal appendages of ginate, dorsal appendage usually trifid, appendages
the Cs. ± 1 mm, horizontally porrect (more slender if more
numerous); Poll 0.22 mm ∅, ± circular.
P. articulata ssp. namaquensis (N. E. Brown)
Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 66, 1981).
T: RSA, Northern Cape (Templeman s.n. in Pillans PETOPENTIA
22 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape: Little Na-
U. Meve
maqualand). I: Bruyns (1981: 67).
≡ Pectinaria articulata var. namaquensis N. E. Petopentia Bullock (KB 10: 362, 1954). T: Pento-
Brown (1909). petia natalensis Schlechter. − D: RSA. Etym:
[1] Differs from ssp. articulata: Stems 8 - 12 mm Anagram of the genus name Pentop o etia ((Asclepia-
∅; Fl usually horizontal; Ped 2 - 10 mm; Cl pale d
dacea e), where the taxon was previously classified.
greenish-yellow or purple-red, ± 5 mm ∅, shortly Lianas with white latex; R tuber ± globose, large,
conical; Cl lobes ± 4 × 2.5 mm, triangular, margins to 40 cm ∅ (or more?), sometimes several lined up
esp. apically strongly folded outwards, leaving only in a row, bark red-brown, finely fissured; stems
a small opening into the Cl inside, papillae of the twining to 15 m tall, becoming woody, often red-
inside 0.15 - 0.2 mm, dome-shaped; processes of the dish or with red-brown bark, glabrous; L 5 - 15 mm

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Piaranthus

robustly petiolate, petiole canaliculate on the upper Masson [Lectotype, designated by Farr & al. in
face, lamina broadly oblong, 5 - 13 × 1 - 6 cm, ba- ING.].
sally cordate, rounded or obtuse, apically rounded, Stem succulents with plagiotropic growth, mat-
often mucronate or with drip-tip, ± leathery, glabr- forming under host plants; stems 1 - 6 × 0.8 - 2 cm,
ous, upper face dark green and glossy, lower face subglobose to cylindrical, ± distinctly 4- (to 5-)
usually violet; Inf lateral, 2 - 15 mm pedunculate, ribbed, green to grey-green; L deltoid, ± 1 mm ∅,
branched, several-flowered; Ped 5 - 12 mm; Fl buds deciduous, stipular glands very small; Inf extra-
acutely conical; Sep free
f , 1 - 2 mm, ovate, acute, axillary, close to the stem tips, in reduced cymes (1-
glabrous; Cl rotate, only basally shortly united; Cl to few-
f flowered), drepanoid, rarely scorpioid, Fl ±
lobes spreading, narrowly triangular-lanceolate, 12 simultaneously opening; Ped 2 - 25 × 1 - 2 mm,
- 14 × 4 mm, acute, pale yellow or pale green, smooth, erect; Sep 1 - 4 mm, acute, green, smooth;
sometimes with strong purple tinge, coarse, glabr- Cl with ± sweetish odour of excrements (radiate
ous; Cn petaloid, basally arising ffrom the sinuses of group), honey-scented or ± scentless (campanulate
the Cl lobes and alternating with them, Cn lobes group); Cl 6 - 42 mm ∅, Cl lobes ± completely free f
greenish, erect, filiform-su
f f bulate; Anth lanceolate, (radiate group), or with campanulate Cl tube and
acute, whitish, conically arranged; Fil basally fuse
f d short free lobes (campanulate group); Cl lobes delt-
with the Cl lobes, filiform from a broadened base; oid, outside green, glabrous, inside hairy with in-
pollen in tetrads, rhomboid to T-shaped, pollen creasing density from base to apex (radiate group),
spoon broadly obovate; translator 1.5 × 1 mm, yel- or papillose to shortly hairy (campanulate group);
low-brown; Fr in pairs, divergent, flattened ffusi- Cn yellow, simple, but Cs double with ventral lan-
form , 6 - 11 × 1.2 - 1.7 cm, shortly beaked; Se ceolate lobes plus dorsal crest-like projo ections (Cs
oblong, black-brown, dorsally with a median keel, ± crest), Cs crest compact, rounded or protruding in a
smooth. wing-like manner, ± tuberculate to deeply fur-
A monotypic genus of the Perip i locoideae. Si- rowed, Ci reduced to a basal rim; guide-rails pro-
milar character states otherwise only occur in the truding, short, convex; Anth yellow, oblong; Sty
Madagascan genus Ischnolepis, but this appears to head pentagonal, white; Poll flattened-ovate
f , 0.25 -
be predominantly the result of parallel develop- 0.8 × 0.15 - 0.4 mm, yellow, inner sides apically
ments. A direct phylogenetical relationship between with nail-like rectangularly bent germination
the 2 genera does certainly not exist. Accordingly, mouth; corpuscle 0.18 - 0.4 mm; Fr paired, raised
the synonymization of Petop o entia with Ischnole
I epis vertically, only slightly spreading, 6 - 14 × 0.4 - 0.8
(Venter & Verhoeven 2001) is here not supported. cm, smooth, with 40 - 130 Se; Se ellipsoid, flat,
The handsome large-leaved lianas have a con- brown, 3 - 7 × 2 - 4 mm, tuftf of Ha 10 - 16 mm.
spicuous halfways
f above-ground caudex. It is wide- V
Vegetat ively, Piaranthus is almost indistinguish-
spread in cultivation and in the trade under the able ffrom the genus Duvalia. However, these simi-
misapplied name Fockea
F tugelensis. larities are obviously due to convergence because
of the same habitat preferences. On the contrary,
P. natalensis (Schlechter) Bullock (KB 10: 362, Piaranthus is closely related to Huerniop o sis (see
1954). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Wood s.n. [K]). − comments there) according to Meve (1994) and
D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape). I: Row- Bruyns (1999a).
ley (1987: 70, as Fockea tugelensis); Venter & al. Piaranthus can be informaf lly divided into 2
(1990). Fig. XXXVII.a groups (Meve 1994).
≡ Pentop
o etia natalensis Schlechter (1894) ≡ Ta-
T [1] "radiate group": Cl star-shaped.
cazzea natalensis (Schlechter) N. E. Brown (1907) [2] "campanulate group": Cl campanulate.
≡ Isc
I hnolepis natalensis (Schlechter) Venter Intrageneric natural hybrids are rare, but the oc-
(2001); incl. Foc
F kea natalensis hort. (s.a.) (nom. currence of the hybrids P. punctatus × P. framesii,
inval., Art. 29.1). P. punctatus × P. decorus ssp. cornutus and P.
Description as for the genus. punctat tus × P. decorus ssp. decorus are sufficiently
well-documented (Meve 1994).
In addition to the names enumerated above, Pod-
PIARANTHUS anthes in the sense of Bentham and Hooker as well
as Stapelia Sect. Caruncularia (Haworth) Decaisne
U. Meve
1844 p.p. are furt
f her synonyms of Piaranthus.
Piaranthus R. Brown (Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. See ×Duvaliaranthus ffor an intergeneric hybrid
1: 23, 1810). T: Stapelia punctatat Masson [Lecto- between Duvalia and Piaranthus.
type, proposed by N. E. Brown 1909, designated by
White & Sloane 1937.]. − Lit: Meve (1994). D: P. barrydalensis Meve (Bradleya 12: 68-71, ills., t.
Namibia, RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape, Eas- 1 (p. 97), 1994). T: RSA, Western Cape (Meve &
tern Cape). Etym: Gr. ‘piar’, ffat; and Gr. ‘anthos’, al. 128 [K, MSUN]). − D: RSA (Western Cape:
flower; referr
f ing to the fleshy corolla. Little Karoo).
Incl. Obesia Haworth (1812). T: Stapelia geminata [1] Stems subglobose-ovoid, 1 - 3 (-5) × 0.8 - 2

Piaranthus Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

cm; L rudiments minute, < 0.5 mm; Inf 1- to 2- (1908); incl. Piaranthus nebrownii Dinter (1914) ≡
flowered; Ped 7 - 12 mm; Sep 2 - 3 × 0.8 - 1.2 mm; Piaranthus pulcher var. nebrownii (Dinter) A. C.
Cl with strong sweetish scent of decaying fruf its; Cl White & B. Sloane (1937); incl. Piaranthus men-
20 - 26 mm ∅, stout; Cl lobes 5 - 6 mm broad, nellii C. A. Lückhoff (1935); incl. Piaranthus pal-
white to ivory-coloured banded red-brown, hairy, lidus C. A. Lückhoff (1935); incl. Piaranthus ru-
Ha 0.1 - 0.4 mm, acute-conical; Cn spotted red- schii Nel (1937).
brown, ± 2.5 × 5 mm; Cs lobes ± 1.5 × 0.7 - 1 mm, [1] Stems 1 - 4 (-8) × 1 - 2 cm, ovoid to cylindri-
linear, incumbent on the Anth, Sty head ffreely cal, slightly rough; Inf 1- to several-flowered; Ped
visible; Cs crest ± 1.2 - 1.5 mm broad; Poll 0.45 - 4 - 12 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Sep 2 - 4 mm; Fl ± scentless or
0.55 × 0.28 - 0.35 mm; Fr 8 - 12 × 0.6 cm; Se 4 × with sweetish odour of decaying fru f its; Cl 15 - 28
2.5 mm. mm ∅; Cl lobes 4 - 5 mm broad, ± free f , often
f some-
White & Sloane (1937: 811) erroneously treated what ascending (at an angle of ± 30°), tips often
f re-
plants of this species as P. decorus.
s. P. barryda
d lensis curved, whitish to brownish-yellow with reddish to
is closely allied to the P. geminatus / P. foetidus brown dots, patches or tranverse bands (rarely with-
complex. out pattern), densely hairy, Ha conical, white to
purple-brown, 0.1 - 1 mm; Cn 2.5 - 3 (-3.5) × 3.5 -
P. comptus N. E. Brown (HIP 21(1): t. 1924B + 4.7 mm; Cs lobes 1.2 - 2 × 0.5 - 0.8 mm, linear,
text, 1890). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Barkly l 58 [K]). − blunt to acute, tips entire or irregularly serrate,
D: RSA (Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Northern mostly ascending to erect with recurved tip; Cs
Cape: Great Karoo). Fig. XXXVIII.b crest delicate, 0.8 - 1.5 mm broad; Poll 0.45 - 0.6 ×
≡ Caralluma compta t (N. E. Brown) Schlechter 0.28 - 0.35 mm; Fr ± 10 cm; Se ± 5 × 3 mm.
(1898); incl. Piaranthus compm tus var. ciliatus N. E. This subspecies is typically confined to more arid
Brown (1908). localities as the typical subspecies.
[1] Stems 1 - 5 (-7) × 1 - 2.2 cm, globose to cy-
lindrical, slightly rough; Inf 1- to several-flowered; P. decorus ssp. decorus − D: RSA (Northern Cape,
Ped 5 - 15 × 1 - 2 mm; Sep 1 - 3 × 1 mm; Fl with Western Cape); Western Mountain Karoo, to 1300
intensive odour of horse sweat mixed with rotten m.
f its; Cl 14 - 24 mm ∅ (usually ± 17 mm), radiate;
fru a elia serrulata Jacquin (1806) ≡ Obesia
Incl. Stap
Cl lobes 3.5 - 5 mm broad, delicate, sometimes ba- serrulata (Jacquin) Sweet (1827) ≡ Duvalia serrula-
sally slightly fuse
f d, whitish with red or red-brown t (Jacquin) Loudon (1841) ≡ Piaranthus serrulatus
dots, patches or tranverse bands, usually densely (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (1878) ≡ Cara
C lluma serrula-
hairy, Ha slightly conical, 0.4 - 1 mm, whitish to ta (Jacquin) Schlechter (1898).
brownish purple, basal 1⁄4 of the Cl margins often [1] Differs from ssp. cornutus: Stems 1.5 - 5 × 1 -
with clavate Ha; Cn 2.6 - 3.2 × 3.5 - 4.8 mm; Cs 2 cm; Ped 5 - 20 × 1 - 2 mm; Sep ± 3 × 1 - 1.5 mm;
lobes 1 - 1.5 × 0.6 mm, ± linear, acute; Cs crest Fl with sweetish odour of decaying fruits; Cl 15 -
nearly unfurrowed, 0.8 - 1.5 mm broad; Poll ± 0.5 × 30 mm ∅; Cl lobes 4 - 5 mm broad, usually hori-
0.3 - 0.35 mm; Fr 6 - 11 cm; Se 3.5 - 5.5 × 2 - 3 zontally expanded, apically often
f recurved, ivory-
mm. coloured, cream-yellow or green-yellow with bright
to dark red-brown or brown dots, patches or trans-
P. decorus (Masson) N. E. Brown (JLSB 17: 163, verse bands, densely hairy, Ha 0.1 - 0.5 mm, co-
1878). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov., t. nical, white to bright purple; Cn 2.5 - 3 (-3.5) × 4.2
26, 1797. − D: S Namibia, NW RSA. - 5 mm; Cs lobes 1.2 -1.5 (-2) × 0.5 - 1 mm, ± in-
≡ Stapelia decora Masson (1797) ≡ Obesia deco- cumbent on the Anth (apex sometimes slightly er-
ra (Masson) Haworth (1812) ≡ C Caralluma decora ect); Cs crest ± rectangular in top view, 1.4 - 2 mm
(Masson) Schlechter (1898). broad, robust, raised and usually deeply furrowe
f d;
The 2 subspecies are easily separated by charac- Poll 0.5 - 0.6 × 0.3 - 0.35 mm; Fr ± 8 × 0.5 cm; Se ±
ters of the corona. The ssp. decorus possesses extre- 4.5 × 2.5 mm.
mely large and deeply furrowe
f d Cs crests and Cs
lobes being incumbent on the anthers. In ssp. cor- P. frames
f ii Pillans (South Afr. Gard. 18: 62, ill.,
nutus, in contrast, the Cs crests are rather delicate 1928). T: RSA, Cape Prov. (Frame F s s.n. in NB
and the Cs lobes erect. 1283/26 [BOL, NBG]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape,
Western Cape); Karoo, 500 - 1100 m.
P. decorus ssp. cornutus (N. E. Brown) Meve [2] Stems 1 - 5 (-9) × 1 - 2 (-2.5) cm, ± ovoid to
(Bradleya 12: 76, ills., t. 2 (p. 100), 1994). T: RSA, cylindrical, compact, slightly rough; Inf 1- to seve-
r 25 p.p. [K]). − D: S Nami-
Northern Cape (Barkly ral-flowered; Ped 8 - 20 × 1.5 - 2 mm; Sep 2 - 4
bia, NW RSA (Northern Cape); Namaqualand Bro- mm; Fl scentless or honey-scented; Cl 17 - 23 mm
ken Veld
V . Fig. XXXVII.f, f XXXVII.g ∅, fused in the central 1⁄2; Cl tube campanulate, 5 -
≡ Piaranthus cornutus N. E. Brown (1908); incl. 8 mm ∅, 4 - 7 mm high, ± pentagonal; Cl lobes 6.5
Piaranthus cornutus var. grandis N. E. Brown - 9 × 4 - 6 mm, basally depressed, white to ivory-
(1908); incl. Piaranthus pulcher N. E. Brown coloured with reddish patches or transverse bands,

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Piaranthus

papillose, papillae globose, ± 0.1 mm; Cn 4 - 5.5 × Piaranthus pillansii var. fuscatu
f s N. E. Brown
4.5 - 5.5 mm, ± barrel-shaped, winged in staminal (1908); incl. Piaranthus pillansii var. inconstans N.
position; Cs lobes 0.5 - 1.5 × ± 0.5 mm, linear-subu- E. Brown (1908); incl. Piaranthus disp s arilis var.
late, entire, crooking over the backs of the Anth; Cs immaculatus C. A. Lückhoff (1937); incl. Piaran-
crest absent; Sty head free; Poll 0.6 - 0.7 × ± 0.35 thus globosus A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937).
mm; Fr ± 10 cm; Se ± 5 × 2.5 mm. [1] Stems 1 - 6 (-15) × 0.8 - 2 (-2.5) cm, sub-
P. framesii is a characteristic species of Western globose to cylindrical, smooth or slightly rough; Inf
Karoo mountains (500 - 1100 m). In contrast, the 1- to 3-flowered (rarely with more Fl); Ped 2 - 20 ×
closely related P. punctatus prefers
f the lower areas 1 - 2 mm; Sep 2 - 4 mm; Fl usually valerian-scented
of the Namaqualand Succulent Karoo. Both species with fruity components; Cl 15 - 42 mm ∅; Cl lobes
are easily confused, but the papillae on the corolla ± 5 mm (3.2 - 6.5) broad, ± ffree, spreading horizon-
(instead of hairs) and the winged corona typically tally, yellowish, bright brown or brown-red, with-
characterize P. framesii. Recent collections are also out pattern or with (red-) brown dots or transverse
indicative of the presence of hybrid populations. bands (sometimes condensed to a ± plain col-
ouration), ± strongly hairy, Ha 0.1 - 0.9 mm, coni-
P. geminatus (Masson) N. E. Brown (JLSB 17: cal, white, brown-red or purple, basal margins of
163, 1878). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. the Cl lobes very rarely with clavate Ha; Cn 2.5 -
Nov., t. 25, 1797. − D: S RSA (Western Cape, Eas- 3.2 × 3.2 - 6.5 mm, usually yellow and unspotted;
tern Cape). Cs lobes 1 - 2 × 0.5 - 1.2 mm, linear or lanceolate,
≡ Stapelia geminatat Masson (1797) ≡ Obesia ge- acute or blunt, apically mostly dentate, parallel-
minatat (Masson) Haworth (1812) ≡ Podant
d hes ge- incumbent on the Anth; Cs crest 1.2 - 2.2 mm
minata (Masson) G. Nicholson (1886) ≡ Carallum
C a broad, furrowe
f d or rounded and knotty-warty; Poll
geminata (Masson) Schlechter (1898). 0.4 - 0.65 × 0.25 - 0.4 mm; Fr 6 - 13 cm; Se 3.5 - 4.5
P. geminatus is an extremely variable species × 2 - 3 mm.
(see Meve (1994)), which fforms a taxonomically
difficult complex. Characters of the corolla serve P. parvulus N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 1023, 1908). T:
best to identify
f the taxa involved. RSA, Western Cape (Pillans 130 [K, BOL]). − D:
RSA (Western Cape); Great Karoo, Little Karoo. I:
Meve (1994: 90, 100).
P. geminatus var. foetf idus (N. E. Brown) Meve [1] Stems 1.5 - 5 (-9) × 1 - 2 cm, subglobose (-
(Bradleya 12: 84, ills., t. 1 (p. 97), 1994). T: RSA, ovoid); Inf many-flowered (1 - 10 Fl); Ped 4 - 25
Eastern Cape (Pillans 165 [K, BOL]). − D: RSA mm; Sep 1 - 2 mm; Fl indistinctly valerian-scented;
(Eastern Cape); Great Karoo, Little Karoo. Fig. Cl 6 - 13 mm ∅; Cl lobes ± 2 mm broad, ffree, usu-
XXXVIII.e ally ascending (at an angle of 15 - 40°) with re-
≡ Piaranthus foetidus N. E. Brown (1908); incl. curved tips, bright yellow, densely hairy, Ha 0.05
Piaranthus foetidus var. diversus N. E. Brown - 0.2 mm, conical, white; Cn 2 - 3.2 × 2 - 3.5 mm;
(1908); incl. Piaranthus foetidus var. multipunc- free Cs lobes 1 - 1.8 × 0.3 - 0.6 mm, linear to acute
t tus N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Piaranthus foetidu
ta f s or subulate, sometimes several times curved, erect;
var. pallidus N. E. Brown (1908); incl. Piaranthus f ly visible; Cs crest ± 1 mm broad, ±
Anth free
foetidus var. purp
r ureus N. E. Brown (1908). rounded and slightly warty or furrowe
f d; Poll 0.23 -
[1] Differs
f ffrom var. geminatus: Stems 1 - 5 (- 0.35 × 0.15 - 0.23 mm; Fr ± 7 cm; Se 4.5 - 5 ×
12) × 7 - 2 cm, often
f clavate; Fl with strong swee- 2.5 mm.
tish odour of excrement; Cl 18 - 30 mm ∅; Cl lobes
5 - 7 mm broad, sometimes basally fused, stout and P. punctatus (Masson) Schultes (Syst. Veg. 6: 9,
flesh y, ivory- to sand-coloured, centrifugally in- 1820). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov., t.
creasingly patterned with (red-) brown transverse 24, 1797. − D: RSA (Northern Cape, Western
streaks or bands (rarely plain red-brown), densely Cape). Fig. XXXVIII.d
hairy, Ha 0.1 - 0.75 mm, white; Cn 2.5 - 3.5 × 5 - 6 ≡ Stapa elia punctata Masson (1797) ≡ Obesia
mm, spotted red-brown; Cs lobes 1.5 - 2 × 1 mm, punctat ta (Masson) Haworth (1812) ≡ Carallum
C a
partly overlapping; Cs crest 1.3 - 2 mm broad; Poll punctatat (Masson) Schlechter (1898).
0.55 - 0.7 × 0.3 - 0.4 mm; Fr 6 - 9 cm; Se 4 - 5 × 2.5 [2] Stems 1 - 6 (-15, in cultivation) × 0.8 - 2 cm,
- 3 mm. ovoid to cylindrical, slightly rough; Inf 1- to seve-
This taxon shows a wide ecological amplitude, ral-flowered; Ped 5 - 15 × 1.5 - 2 mm; Sep 2 - 3
and it is probably the most common representative mm; Fl unscented or honey-scented; Cl 18 - 28 mm
of Piaranthus. ∅, central ⁄2 fuse
f d; Cl tube 6 - 9 mm ∅, cup-shaped
to campanulate, round, 4 - 6 mm high; Cl lobes 6 -
P. geminatus var. geminatus − D: S RSA (Western 9 × 5 - 7 mm broad, white to ivory-coloured with
Cape, Eastern Cape). Fig. XXXVIII.c reddish or brown patches or transverse bands, papil-
Incl. Piaranthus disp
s arilis N. E. Brown (1908); lose, Ha-papillae blunt to acute, conical, 0.1 - 0.2
incl. Piaranthus pillansii N. E. Brown (1908); incl. mm; Cn 3 - 4.5 × 3.5 - 5 mm, ± barrel-shaped; Cs

Pseudolithos Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

lobes 1 - 2 × 0.5 - 1 mm, linear, incumbent on the sections polygonal, irregular in size, convex, en-
Anth or erect; Cs crest ± 1 mm broad, fr f inge-like; larged to conspicuous cordate TuT along the Ri; L
Poll 0.5 - 0.7 × 0.3 - 0.4 mm; Fr ± 10 cm; Se 5 - 6.5 rudiments shortly pyramidal, ± 0.3 mm ∅, erect; Inf
× 2.5 - 3.5 mm. umbellate, near the stem tips, or also laterally on
short shooots, to 25-flowered; Ped 2 - 3 mm; Cl
pale green, outside glabrous; Cl tube urceolate, 2.5
PSEUDOLITHOS × 2.5 mm; Cl lobes triangular, erect or somewhat
spreading, 0.5 × 0.5 mm, inside with short Ha-
U. Meve
papillae; Cn purple, ± 1.5 - 2 mm; Ci fused in an ur-
Pseudolithos P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 20: 41, ceolate manner in the basal 1⁄2, free
f lobes slightly
1965). T: Lithocaulon sp s haericum P. R. O. Bally. incurved, medianly incised for 1⁄2, inside with down-
− Lit: Bruyns (1990a). D: Somalia, Oman. Etym: wards-directed Ha; Cs linear, ± 0.5 mm; Poll nar-
Gr. ‘pseudo-’, fa
f lse; and Gr. ‘lithos’, stone; ffor the rowly D-shaped, ± 0.3 × 0.14 mm, corpuscle
appearance of the stems. narrowly ellipsoid; Fr ± 3 cm; Se dark brown.
Incl. Lithocaulon P. R. O. Bally (1959) (nom. illeg., P. cap
a ut-viperae and P. dodsonianus, although
Art. 53.1). T: Lithocaulon sph s aericum P. R. O. very different as to flower morphology, are the only
Bally. two species of the genus that still show conspicu-
Incl. Anomalluma Plowes (1993). T: Carallum C a ously different
f iated leaf rudiments and (richly)
dodsoniana Lavranos. branched stems (Bruyns & Meve 1995).
Compact low-growing stem succulents, 1- to sev-
eral-stemmed, rarely form
f ing clumps or cushions; P. cubifo
f rmis (P. R. O. Bally) P. R. O. Bally (Can-
stems ± erect (to decumbent), 4-ribbed, globose, dollea 20: 41, 1965). T: Somalia (Bally l & Daniels
cube-like or clavate, 1.5 - 6.5 × 1 - 6 cm, pale brown 11785 [K]). − D: Somalia.
or (grey-) green, tessellate, sections polygonal, 0.2 - ≡ Lithocaulon cubiforme P. R. O. Bally (1959)
6 mm ∅, irregularly arranged, convex, Tu 0.5 - 8 (incorrect name, Art. 11.3); incl. Pseudolithos cubi-
mm ∅, flatly shield-like (cordate) to cylindrical, of- f
formi s var. viridifl
i orus Horwood (1975).
ten with a median groove; L rudiments absent or to Stems solitary, cube-like, 3 - 5 × 4 - 6 cm, pale
1 mm, obtusely triangular (pyramidal); Inf basal to green, tessellate, sections 3- to 6-angled, flat, en-
apical, sessile at the main stem or on short shoots, larged along the Ri, cordate, often with a median
partly shortly pedunculate; Fl with nectar, usually groove; L rudiments ± absent; Inf umbellate, sessile
with strong scent of excrements; Ped 2 - 12 × 1 - 2 on short shoots, to 30-flowered; Ped 6 - 12 mm; Cl
mm; Sep lanceolate, glabrous; Cl yellowish, rose, outside pale (grey-) green, glabrous; Cl tube cup-
(red-) brown to purple, 5 - 12 mm ∅; Cl tube very shaped, 3 × 4 - 5 mm, inside dull yellow; Cl lobes
short or cup-shaped to urceolate, to 3 × 5 mm; Cl linear-lanceolate, erectly spreading, 7 - 9 × 2 - 2.5
lobes broadly triangular to almost linear, 0.5 - 9 × mm, margins recurved, flesh-coloured to greenish,
0.5 - 2.5 mm, spreading or with recurved margins, densely beset with stiff Ha-papillae, apically with 2
glabrous or with Ha-papillae; Cn biseriate, 1.5 - 2.2 - 4 vibratile ± 2 mm long clavate Ha; Cn dark
× 2 - 4 mm; Ci united flatly bowl- or cup-shaped or purple, ± 2 - 2.5 × 4 mm; Ci fusef d in cup-shaped
urceolate, margin entire or deeply incised; Cs deli- manner, with median incisions; Cs narrowly
cate, 1 - 2 mm, linearly spoon-shaped, incumbent spoon-shaped, ± 1.5 mm; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.3 × 0.2
on the Anth; Anth ± rectangular to spoon-shaped, mm, corpuscle obovate.
horizontally incumbent on the concave or convex These large plants are close to P. migiurtinus.
Sty head or slightly ascending; Poll D-shaped or
ovoid, caudicles short, attached to the corpuscle P. dodsonianus (Lavranos) Bruyns & Meve (Edin-
with basal shortly triangular broadenings; Fr slen- burgh J. Bot. 52(2): 202, 1995). T: Somalia, Nor-
der-fusiform, 3 - 6 cm × 4 - 6 mm, diverging at ± thern Region (Lavranos 7326 [FT]). − D: Somalia,
180°, glabrous; Se (black-) brown. Oman. Fig. XXXIX.b
The tessellation of the stem surfaces is esp. cha- ≡CCaralluma dodsoniana Lavranos (1971) ≡ Ano-
racteristic for this genus. Some of the most succu- malluma dodsoniana (Lavranos) Plowes (1993).
lent stapeliads are found among these "living Many-stemmed, irregularly branched; stems erect
rocks". The species are rare in nature, and the culti- to decumbent, globose to clavate, 1 - 6 × 0.7 - 1.2
vation is delicate and usually only graftsf on Cero- cm, green, irregularly tessellate, sections strongly
pegia linearis are successfu
f l. convex, Tu cylindrical, uneven, upper face with
median incision; L rudiments hardly 1 mm ∅, pyra-
P. caput-viperae Lavranos (CSJA 46(3): 125-130, midal, concave, at a slight angle; Inf near stem tips,
ills., 1974). T: Somalia (Lavranos & Horw r ood 1- to 3-flowered; peduncle ± 1 mm, caducous; Ped
10155 [PRE, K]). − D: Somalia. Fig. XXXVIII.f, f ± 2 mm; Fl opening in succession, with ample nec-
XXXVIII.g tar, with fres
f hly acid scent; Cl rotate, outside pale
Stems 3 - 12, erect to decumbent, globose to cla- green, inside purple-brown, ± 6 mm ∅, glabrous; Cl
vate, 1.5 - 4 × 0.8 - 1.5 cm, brown-green, tessellate, tube hardly 1 mm; Cl lobes triangular, ± 2 × 2 mm,

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Quaqua

flatly spreading; Cn purple, ± 2.5 - 3.5 × 1 mm; Ci ments flatly scaly, minute or absent; Inf umbellate,
basally fused into a dish-like structure, lobes 0.5 - sessile on short shoots, successively with up to 4
0.7 mm, ± placed against the Cl tube, ± rectangular, pseudo-umbels with 8 to 10 Fl; Ped 4 - 10 mm; Fl
with a median incision extending over the whole with ample nectar and strong excrement-scent; Cl
length (Somalia) or ± straightly truncate (Oman); outside pale green, glabrous; Cl tube cup-shaped, 3
Cs spoon-shaped, ± 1 mm; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.28 × - 4 × 4 - 5 mm, inside pale green; Cl lobes brown-
0.19 mm, obovate; Fr ± 3 cm. violet, triangular, horizontally spreading to semi-
The generic placement of this species was in erect, 3 × 1.8 - 2.8 mm, margins revolute, densely
dispute since the original description as Caralluma. beset with stiff Ha-papillae, apically with a bunch
Apart from
f general morphological and biogeogra- of ± 2 mm long vibratile clavate Ha; Cn dark pur-
phical aspects, esp. SEM analyses of the epidermis ple, ± 2.5 - 4 × 3.5 - 4.5 mm; Ci fused to form a
of both stem and corolla furnished the important cup-shaped structure, basally conspicuously taper-
clues ffor a placement of this species in Pseudolithos ing, emarginate; Cs slenderly spoon-shaped, ± 1.5
(Bruyns & Meve 1995). mm; Poll D-shaped, ± 0.3 × 0.2 mm, corpuscle ob-
ovate; Fr narrowly fusiform, 3.5 - 5.5 cm; Se black,
P. horwoodii P. R. O. Bally & Lavranos (CSJA ± 5 × 4.5 mm, margin finely crenate.
46(5): 220-222, ills., 1974). T: Somalia (Lavranos
& Horwr ood 10152 [FT]). − D: Somalia.
Stems solitary, ± erect, cube-shaped, ± 4.5 cm ∅,
(grey-) green, tessellate; TuT shield-like, slightly QUAQUA
prominent, with a median groove; L rudiments ±
B. Müller & F. Albers
absent; Inf umbellate, 4- to 6-flowered, usually
apically, sessile, on the main stem or on short Quaqua N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. nov. 12: 8,
shoots; Fl with ample nectar; Ped 5 - 7 × 1.25 mm; 1879). T: Quaqua hottentotorum N. E. Brown. −
Cl yellowish with purple spots, ± 7.5 mm ∅, openly Lit: Bruyns (1983); Plowes (1994a); Bruyns
campanulate (to rotate); Cl lobes triangular, 2.5 × 2 (1999b). D: SW Namibia, RSA (Northern Cape:
mm, greenish-purple towards the tips, with slightly Namaqualand; Western Cape: Great Karoo to
recurved margins, glabrous; Cn ± 2 × 1.2 mm; Ci Beaufort
f West). Etym: F From the name "Qua-Qua",
yellow-green, shallowly bowl-shaped, margin ± en- resp. "Kam-qua-qua" for Q. hottentottorum in the
tire, 10-angled; Cs yellow, ± 1 mm, linear; Poll Nama language.
ovoid, ± 0.5 × 0.38 mm, corpuscle ellipsoid. Incl. Sarcophagophilus Dinter (1923). T: Sarco-
Apart from P. horwr oodii, P. dodsonianus is the phagophilus winklerianus Dinter.
only other species with rotate and almost ffree corol- Perennial semi-shrubby stem succulents; stems
la lobes. The pronounced similarity in the corona f her up, usually in clumps ≤
branched basally or furt
structure likewise points to a close relationship be- 90 cm ∅, without subterranean runners; Br grey to
tween the two taxa. purple, 10 - 45 × 1.5 - 2.5 cm, rarely apically taper-
ing, 4- to 6-ribbed, glabrous; Ri rounded, sides with
P. mccoyi Lavranos & Mies (Asklepios No. 82: longitudinal grooves; Tu T robust, horizontally
28-30, ills., 2001). T: Oman, Dhofar f (McM Coy 2305 spreading or pointing downwards, apically with a L
[MO]). − D: Oman, Yemen. rudiment, this yellow-brown, Sp-like, conical, hori-
Stems clump-form
f ing, ± erect, rounded 4-angled, zontally spreading or upcurved, laterally usually
1.2 - 4 (-7) × 0.4 - 0.8 cm, greyish-brown; Cl rotate, with small stipular rudiments; Inf solitary or in
± 7 mm ∅, with shallow Cltube, dark olive-green groups from the lateral grooves; peduncle very
with purple-brown spots or dark red-brown; Ci short, cushion-like; Ped 1.5 - 5 (-15) × 1 - 2 mm, of-
lobes ± 1 mm; Fr fusf iform,
f ± 2 - 3 cm × 3.5 mm, ac- ten elongate at Fr time, glabrous; Sep 1 - 3 mm,
ute, erect, diverging at an angle of 30°; otherwise deltoid to lanceolate, acute, glabrous; Cl opening
like the closely related P. dodsonianu
d s. variously (depending on the number of Fl per
stem), 7 - 25 mm ∅, usually much smaller than the
P. migiurtinus (Chiovenda) P. R. O. Bally (Nation. stem ∅; Cl tube ≤ 5 mm, bowl-shaped or campanu-
Cact. Succ. J. 30: 31-32, 1975). T: Somalia (Bally l late to conical, partly only centrally depressed; Cl
10924 [K]). − D: Somalia. I: Bally (1959: 54, 57). lobes 3 - 15 mm, ovate-lanceolate to linear-acute,
Fig. XXXIX.c, XXXIX.e margins usually conspicuously curved outwards,
≡ White-sloanea migiurtina Chiovenda (1937); outside smooth and glabrous, inside occasionally
incl. Lithocaulon ssphaericum P. R. O. Bally (1959) papillose or with Ha-tipped emergences, rarely
(incorrect name, Art. 11.3) ≡ Pseudolithos sphaeri- hairy, lobe margins rarely with clavate Ha; Cn of
cus (P. R. O. Bally) P. R. O. Bally (1965). the C(is)+Cs-type, lobes of the Ci basally usually
Stems solitary, cube-shaped, 3 - 6 × 4 - 6.5 cm, f d in a cup-like manner with the dorsal regions
pale (grey-) green, tessellate, sections polygonal, 2 - of the Cs, ± sessile, occasionally ffree (then broadly
8 mm ∅, flat, enlarged to large shield-shaped Tu T stipitate); Ci lobes shortly to deeply bifid, ascend-
along the Ri, with a slight median groove; L rudi- ing from near the Cs base; Cs lobes simple, incum-

Quaqua Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

bent on the Anth but usually not overtopping them, lobes ± 1 mm, linear-rectangular, apically pointed,
occasionally surpassing the Sty head, dorsally often
f not touching each other in the middle; Poll 0.4 × 0.3
flattened, usually with ± strongly visible dorsal mm, broadly ovoid to roundish, translators attached
bulge or dorsal appendage; Anth simple, rectan- basally.
gular, without apical appendage; Poll ± ovoid to This species does not show particularly close re-
rounded, translators short, point of attachment vari- lationships to other taxa of the genus; at the most it
able, corpuscle variably shaped; Fr fof llicles 10 × ≤ appears distantly related to members of Sect.
0.8 cm, glabrous, paired, erect, diverging at an ac- Pauciflora.
ute angle, ± parallel to each other; Se brown, 5 - 8 ×
3 - 5 mm, numerous, ovate, flattened, margin thi- Q. albersii Plowes (Excelsa 16: 94, ill. (p. 101),
ckened, delicately papillose, apically with a tuft of 1994). T: RSA, Western Cape (Albers (A 2252
white Ha. [MSUN]). − D: RSA (Western Cape: Vredendal).
Quaqua does not exhibit a close relationship to [2] Stems erect, lateral stems ascending-erect and
any other genus of the stapeliads. This can be the shrub-like; stems 25 - 30 × ≤ 2 cm, irregularly 4-
result of an independent development, or may be T 5 × 4 mm, rather roundish, horizon-
(5-) ribbed; Tu
interpreted as an evolutive level between soft- tally oriented; Sp acute, robust, porrect; Inf 2- to
stemmed and spiny-stemmed forms (e.g. Caral- C 4-flowered, near the stem tips; buds ovoid; Ped 2 -
luma / Hoodia). 3 mm, porrect; Sep ± 2 mm, lanceolate; Cl outside
The genus can be divided in 3 sections according greenish, spotted with pale purple, inside dark le-
to Bruyns (1999b): mon-yellow, with purple short stripes or dots arran-
ged in 3 - 4 concentric circles, ± 1.5 cm ∅, central
[1] Sect. Pseu
P dorh r ytidocaulon Bruyns 1999: Stems
depression ± 2.5 mm, broadly bowl-shaped, pale
tapering to the tip; Cl surface
f slightly rugulose,
yellow; Cl lobes oblong-linear, slightly ascending,
covered with fine crinkly Ha.
tips abruptly rounded, acute, slightly curved out-
[2] Sect. Quaqua: Stems not tapering apically; Ped
wards, central depression in the direction of the Cl
> 1.5 mm ∅; Cl delicately papillate or with
lobes on the inside with a thin ring of Ha, Ha pur-
rigid Ha; Cl lobes folded along the midrib.
ple, ≤ 3 mm, margins of the Cl lobes weakly clav-
[3] Sect. Paucif
P flora
r Bruyns 1999: Stems not taper-
ately hairy; Ci dark purple, lobes ascending-erect,
ing apically; Ped at most 1 mm ∅; Cl delicately
narrow, tips emarginate or slightly bifid; Cs red-
papillate or with rigid Ha; Cl lobes not fof lded
dish-brown, lobes as long as the Anth, rectangular,
along the midrib.
apically weakly toothed.
Natural hybrids appear to be rare, and so ffar, only Closely related to Q. pulchrar , possibly of hybrid
the combinations Q. cincta t × Q. swanep e oelii and origin.
(with a question mark) Q. cincta t × Q. acutiloba
have been mentioned. Hybrids with other genera Q. arenicola (N. E. Brown) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 98,
are not known. ill. (p. 101), 1994). T: RSA, Western Cape (Pillans
44 [BOL, K]). − D: RSA (Western Cape: S Great
The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica- Karoo).
tion but are referred to this genus: Stap
a elia inter- ≡ CCaralluma arenicola N. E. Brown (1909) ≡
media N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Caralluma intermedia Quaqua armata t ssp. arenicola (N. E. Brown)
(N. E. Brown) Schlechter (1898). Bruyns (1983).
[3] Stems basally decumbent, then erect, lateral
Q. acutiloba (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: stems free
f ly branching, form
f ing mats ≤ 60 cm ∅;
44, ills. (p. 45), 1983). T: RSA, Northern Cape stems green to grey-purple, ≤ 15 × 2 - 3 cm, regu-
T mpleman s.n. in Pillans 8 [BOL, K]). − D: S Na-
(Tem larly 4- (to 5-) ribbed; Tu ≤ 1.5 cm, conical; Inf 2-
mibia, RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape). Fig. to 12-flowered; Fl usually simultaneously opening,
XXXIX.a buds basally rounded, apically conical; Sep 1 × 0.5
≡ Cara
C lluma acutiloba N. E. Brown (1909); incl. mm, ovate-lanceolate; Cl inside purple-black, tube
C lluma wilfrie
Cara l dii Dinter (1923); incl. Cara
C lluma ffor the greater part cream-coloured, 4 × 4.5 mm,
ortholoba Lavranos (1972). campanulate to V-shaped; Cl lobes 5.5 × 1.5 mm,
[2] Stems 15 - 20 × ≤ 2 cm, 4-ribbed, sides ascending to erect, basally bulging, margins for 3⁄4
deeply grooved; Tu T 4 - 5 mm, conical, spreading of their length strongly fo
f lded outwards, mouth of
horizontally; Inf 1- to 3-flowered; buds elongate- the Cl tube inside papillose, papillae apically with a
conical; Ped 1.5 mm; Sep 2 - 3 mm; Cl outside pale short Ha; Cn purple-brown; Ci lobes bifid, append-
green-purple, inside uniform
f ly black or yellow, or ages rounded to broadly triangular, ± laterally di-
yellow with purple-black patterning, basally paler, verging; Cs lobes rectangular, surpassing the Anth;
central depression ≤ 2 mm, embracing the Cn ba- Poll 0.3 × 0.25 mm, rounded-ovoid, translators at-
sally; Cl lobes 3 - 6 × 2 - 3.5 mm, usually deltoid, tached basally; Fr 13 - 15 × 0.6 cm.
f y spreading; Cn purple-black, rarely yellow; Ci
lobes < 1 mm, bifid, appendages deltoid, erect; Cs Q. arida (Masson) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 96, 1994).

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Quaqua

T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov. t. 33, 1797. ≡ Caralluma aurea C. A. Lückhoff (1938) ≡
− D: RSA (Western Cape). Quaqua incarnata t ssp. aurea (C. A. Lückhoff)
≡ Stapelia arida
d Masson (1797) ≡ Orb r ea arida
d Bruyns (1983).
(Masson) Sweet (1827) ≡ Obesia arida d (Masson) [3] Plants 50 × 50 cm; stems grey-green, 1.5 - 2
Sweet (1830) ≡ Piaranthus aridus (Masson) G. Don cm ∅, 4- to 5-ribbed; Tu
T robust; Sp acute; Inf with
(1838) ≡ C Caralluma arida (Masson) N. E. Brown 1 - 6 simultaneously opening Fl in the apical 1⁄2 of
(1890); incl. Cara
C lluma marlothii N. E. Brown the stems; Cl outside whitish, spotted with pale rose
(1903) ≡ Quaqua marlothii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (to purple-brown), inside yellow, 2 - 2.2 cm ∅; Cl
(1983); incl. Cara
C lluma simulans N. E. Brown tube whitish, 2.5 × ≤ 2 mm, V-shaped; Cl lobes 6 - 9
(1909); incl. Caralluma marlothii var. viridis E. & × 2.5 - 3 mm, (ovate-) lanceolate, ascending, mar-
B. M. Lamb (1956). gins folded outwards, inside delicately hairy; Cn 2
[2] Stems densly turf-like, green, spotted with × 3 mm; Ci yellow, lobes bifid, segments deltoid;
purple, ≤ 9 × 2 - 2.5 cm, 4- (to 5-) ribbed; Tu 3 - 5 Cs lobes rectangular, apically rounded, somewhat
mm, conical, acute, porrect; Sp hard; Inf with 1 - 3 longer than the Anth, occasionally overlapping;
erect Fl near the stem tips; Fl buds rounded-ovoid; Poll 0.35 × 0.3 mm, roundish, translators attached
Ped reddish, 9 - 15 × ± 1 mm, elongating at in the middle, corpuscle oblong-rectangular.
Fr time; Sep ≤ 2 mm, lanceolate, acute; Cl outside
pale green, inside whitish-y - ellow, sometimes Q. bayeriana (Bruyns) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 93,
spotted with purple, 7 - 10 mm ∅, ± flat, central de- 1994). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Bruyns 1464
pression embracing the Cn only basally; Cl lobes [NBG]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape: near Spring-
basally dotted with red (purple-brown), ± 5 × 2 mm, bok).
ovate-lanceolate, apically acute and slightly thi- ≡ Quaqua parvifl f ora
r ssp. bayeriana Bruyns
ckened, sometimes strongly curved outwards and (1983).
toching the Ped, inside delicately pubescent- / [2] Stems grey to purple, 10 - 30 × 1 - 2 cm, 4-
bristly-hairy, central depression at the margin with ribbed; Tu ≤ 5 mm; Sp yellow, hard; Inf with 1 - 3
a ring of erect purple Ha; Cn yellow, Cs occasio- slightly nodding Fl; peduncular cushion very small;
nally brown-speckled; Ci lobes ± 1.5 mm, erect, bi- Ped 2 - 4 mm; Cl inside pale yellow-green, irregu-
fid, appendages narrow, horn-like, laterally strongly larly spotted with pale purple, 6 - 7 mm ∅, central
diverging; Cs lobes not surpassing the Anth, api- depression 1 mm, embracing the lower 1⁄4 of the Cn,
cally rounded to crenate, dorsal bulge broad, trunc- apically weakly thickened; Cl lobes 2.5 × 2 mm,
ate to emarginate; Poll 0.25 × 0.25 mm, obliquely ovate-deltoid, inside densely hairy, Ha pale purple,
ovoid, translators attached in the middle. ≤ 0.7 mm, wavy, lobe margins hairy, clavate Ha
transparent, spotted and lineate with purple; Cn
Q. armata (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 65, purple-black, Cs somewhat paler, ≤ 2 × 2.5 mm; Ci
ill. (p. 67), 1983). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Barklr ly lobes ± erect, shortly or up to 1⁄2 bifid, appendages
47 [K]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape). deltoid to horn-like, laterally diverging up to 180°;
≡CCaralluma armata N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Sar- Cs lobes dorsally flattened, as long as the Anth,
cophagophilus armatus (N.E.Brown) Dinter (1928). apically narrowed, dorsal appendage truncate-emar-
[3] Stems basally decumbent, then erect, free
f ly ginate; Poll 0.2 × 0.15 mm, roundish.
f ly rooting, plants ≤ 10
branching, lateral stems free
(-20) × 60 cm; stems spotted with grey-purple, ≤ 15 Q. cincta (C. A. Lückhoff) Plowes ex Bruyns (Ask-
× 2 - 3 cm, irregularly 4- to 6-ribbed; Tu ≤ 1.5 cm, lepios No. 65: 17, 1995). T: RSA, Western Cape
very broadly triangular, slightly down-curved; Inf (Primos s.n. in Lückhoff o 161 [Herb. Lückhoff [†],
2- to 12-flowered, Fl often opening simultaneously, BOL]). − D: RSA (Western Cape).
buds ovoid; Ped 3 mm; Sep 2 - 3 × 2 mm, ovate- ≡ Caralluma cincta t C. A. Lückhoff (1935) ≡
lanceolate; Cl inside pale yellow; tube 3 - 4 × ± 3 - Quaqua inversa var. cincta (C. A. Lückhoff)
4 mm; Cl lobes brownish towards the tips, 8 - 15 × Bruyns (1983).
4 mm, ovate-lanceolate, acute, margins of the lower [2] Stems regularly 4-ribbed; Tu 5 mm; Sp 1
⁄2 curved outwards, inside smooth, glabrous; Cn mm, hard, horizontal; Inf 1-flowered in the upper 1⁄2
purple-brown, ± 2 × 2 mm; Ci lobes ± 0.5 mm, bi- of the stems; Fl buds roundish-ovoid; Ped 3 - 4 mm,
fid, appendages deltoid; Cs lobes ± 1 mm, broadly erect; Cl whitish with concentric stripes or lines; Cl
linear, apically usually crenate, usually surpassing tube 3 × 15 mm; Cl lobes dark purple- or reddish-
the Anth, (almost) touching each other in the brown, basally sometimes spotted or elongate-
centre; Poll 0.3 × 0.25 mm, roundish-ovoid, transla- striate, 5 - 8 × 2 - 4 mm, oblong-deltoid, margins in
tors attached basally. the middle part clavately hairy; Cn dark purple-
brown, centrally yellowish; Ci lobes rectangular,
Q. aurea (C. A. Lückhoff) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 90, with a conspicuous longitudinal groove, bifid, ap-
ill. (p. 101), 1994). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Vi
V llet pendages deltoid to horn-like, ± widely diverging;
s.n. in Lückhofff 269 [Herb. Lückhoff [†], BOL]). − Cs lobes irregularly dentate, basally with a dorsal
D: RSA (Northern Cape). appendage, this large, flat, ascending-erect, some-

Quaqua Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

times the extreme tip emarginate-crenate; Poll 6-ribbed; Tu

T hard, slightly curved upwards; Sp yel-
obliquely ovoid, translators attached in the middle, lowish, acute; Inf with 2 - 10 simultaneously open-
corpuscle oblong, basally acute; Fr 7 × 0.5 cm. ing Fl, usually in the upper stem parts; peduncular
Closely related to Q. inversa. cushions flattened; Fl buds obovoid; Cl outside yel-
low-green, occasionally with slight rosy hue, inside
Q. confusa
f Plowes (Excelsa 16: 92, ill. (p. 101), yellowish, ≤ 1.8 cm ∅; Cl tube 3 × 3 mm, cup-
1994). T: RSA, Western Cape (Plowes 3234 [SR- shaped; Cl lobes ≤ 8 × 2 mm, broadly ensiform,
GH]). − D: RSA (Western Cape: Vanrhynsdorp usually ascending, tips obtuse, often incurved, mar-
Distr.). gins folded outwards; Cl tube in the upper part in-
≡ Quaqua parvifl f ora ssp. conf
nfusa (Plowes) side and basis of the Cl lobes hairy, Ha transparent,
Bruyns (1999). ≤ 0.5 mm, cylindrical, stiff, ascending; Cn pentago-
[2] Forming clumps with ≤ 20 stems and Br, ± 20 nal in top-view, angles forme
f d by dorsal bulges of
- 30 cm; stems 4-ribbed; Sp yellow, hard, slightly the Cs; Ci lobes very small, apically bifid, basally
curved downwards; Ped 4 - 5 mm, slightly curved forming pouches; Cs lobes broadly rectangular, tip
downwards; Cl inside cream-coloured, 1 - 1.2 cm broad, truncate, frequently crenate; Anth apically
∅, lobes or lobe margins occasionally purple (- with a short deltoid appendage; Poll 0.3 × 0.2 mm,
brown); Cl tube basally dotted with red-brown, hy- ± obliquely ovoid, arms of the translator inserted in
f Cl lobes in the upper 1⁄2 dark purple the middle, corpuscle 0.25 mm, fusiform.
to purple- or reddish-brown, basally dotted, some-
what longer than broad, ovate-triangular, lobe mar- Q. gracilis (C. A. Lückhoff) f Plowes (Excelsa 16:
gins ± strongly clavate-hairy; Cn purple-black, Cs 91, ill. (p. 102), 1994). T: RSA, Northern Cape
also reddish-brown; Ci lobes ± short, bifid to the (Ville
V t s.n. in Lückhoff o 264 [lecto − icono: S.A.G.
base; Cs lobes slightly surpassing the Anth, basally 28: 227, ill., 1938]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape).
with irregularly toothed edge or dorsal bulge. ≡ Cara
C lluma gracilis C. A. Lückhoff (1938) ≡
Closely related to Q. dep
e endens and Q. swane- Quaqua parvifl f ora
r ssp. gracilis (C. A. Lückhoff)
poelii. Bruyns (1983); incl. Cara
C lluma ericeta Nel (1943).
[2] Stems 10 - 30 × ± 1.5 cm; Tu T rounded, api-
cally curved outwards; Sp deltoid, hard; Inf 1- to
Q. dependens (N. E. Brown) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 2-flowered; Fl buds with conspicuous constriction
91, ill. (p. 101), 1994). T: RSA, Western Cape in the middle; Ped 4 - 5 mm, ascending to erect; Cl
r 78 [K]). − D: RSA (Western Cape: Clan- inside whitish, scatteredly brownish-dotted, lobes
william Distr.). Fig. XXXIX.d apically changing to brown or yellow, usually flat,
≡ Caralluma dep e endens N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ rarely with connate tips; Cl lobes 5 - 7 × ≤ 2 mm,
Quaqua parviflora r ssp. depe endens (N. E. Brown) ovate-lanceolate, usually in the middle slightly con-
Bruyns (1983); incl. C Caralluma reeflexa C. A. Lück- stricted, apically somewhat thickened, margins very
hoff (1938). delicately hairy; Cn darke purple-brown; Ci lobes
f iculate, ≤ 20 × 1.5 - 2 cm,
[2] Stems densely fasc rectangular, erect, only shortly bifid, appendages
4-ribbed; Tu
T roundish, curved downwards; Inf with horn-like, laterally diverging; Cs lobes broadly
1 - 2 downwards-directed Fl; Fl buds ovoid; Ped 3 - rectangular, apically undulate-emarginate, dorsally
5 mm, strongly curved downwards; Cl pale yellow, somewhat flattened, surpassing the Anth, some-
striped with purple, 7 - 11 mm ∅, centrally weakly times touching each other in the centre; Poll ± 0.35
depressed, embracing the Cn only at the very base, × 0.25 mm, roundish, translator arms inserted in the
usually 4 Cl lobes slightly curved outwards, at least middle.
1 lobe appressed to the stem; Cl lobes apically
purple, 4 × 1.5 mm, equally wide to the middle, api- Q. hottentotorum N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser.
cally attenuate into a broad tip, margins slightly nov. 12: 8-9, 1879). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Bark r -
curved outwards, hairy, clavate Ha soft; Cn dark l 50 [K]). − D: RSA (W Northern Cape: Nama-
purple; Ci lobes bifid, appendages horn-like, widely qualand).
diverging (45 - 180°); Cs lobes linear, dorsally ≡ Cara
C lluma hottentotorum (N. E. Brown) N. E.
slightly flattened, apically ± rounded, narrowed, ra- Brown (1890) ≡ Quaqua incarnata ssp. hottentoto -
rely overtopping the Anth; Poll 0.3 × 0.2 mm, rum (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (1999); incl. Caralluma
ovoid, translators attached in the middle. hottentotorum var. maja or N. E. Brown (1909); incl.
Similar to Q. inversa. Caralluma ausana Dinter & A. Berger (1918); incl.
Caralluma hottentotorum var. minor C. A. Lückhoff
Q. fr
f amesii (Pillans) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 43, ills. (1937); incl. C
Caralluma hottentotorum var. tubata
(p. 44), 1983). T: RSA, Western Cape (Ross- C. A. Lückhoff (1937).
Frames s.n. [BOL, K]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). [3] Stems in mats, grey-green, often
f flushed with
≡ Caralluma framesii
f Pillans (1928). reddish, 10 - 15 × 2.5 cm, bluntly 4-ribbed, sides
[3] Stems densely arranged, grey-green, flushed grooved; Tu roundish-conical, acute, horizontal or
with purple, ≤ 40 × 2 cm, irregularly spiralling 4- to slightly upcurved; Sp brown, hard; Inf 6- to > 10-

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Quaqua

flowered, Fl successively opening (sometimes 2 si- Ped 3 - 5 mm, curved downwards; Sep ≤ 3 mm, lan-
multaneously), unscented; Ped ≤ 2.6 mm, 1 - 1.5 cm ceolate; Cl outside pale green, 1.2 - 2.1 cm ∅, lobes
at Fr time; Sep triangular-ovate; Cl pale yellow- in the middle with a purple stripe, inside yellowish
ish-green, 0.5 - 1.2 cm ∅, campanulate; Cl tube 1.25 to whitish, sometimes striped and dotted with
- 2.6 × ≤ 2.5 mm; Cl lobes 3.5 - 5.2 × ≤ 2.5 mm, tri- purple or reddish; Cl tube 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl lobes
angular-ovate, acute, upper face slightly keeled, purple-brown to red in the lower 1⁄2, apically green,
spreading, inside basally weakly hairy, Ha in part 3 - 8 × 2 - 4 mm, broadly ovate-lanceolate, horizon-
as delicate papillae; Cn pale yellow, ≤ 2.25 mm ∅, tally spreading, margins curved outwards, hairy,
stipitate; Ci lobes very small, spreading, or larger, ± apically slightly thickened, clavate Ha flattened;
square, emarginate or bifid, with 2 median grooves, Cn purple-brown to very dark purple; Ci lobes very
basally pouch-like; Cs lobes basally semicircular, slender, linear, shortly bifid, basally with a longitu-
fleshy, towards the tips broadly linear, truncate, (1⁄2 dinal groove; Cs lobes broadly rectangular, some-
or) as long as the Anth; Poll clavate, apically fused times surpassing the Anth, tip truncate and incised,
with a transparent margin, translators inserted in the dorsal bulge truncate; Poll 0.3 × 0.3 mm, rounded-
middle; Fr grey-green, lineate with red-brown, 6 - ovoid, translators attached in the middle; Fr ± 8 ×
8 cm. 0.5 cm.
Belonging to the Q. incarnata-complex. Similar to Q. dep
e endens.

Q. incarnata (Linné filf .) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 39, Q. linearis (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 71,
ills. (pp. 40-41), 1983). T: RSA, Northern Cape ills. (p. 73), 1983). T: RSA, Western Cape (Bain 8
(Thunberg 6330 [UPS, K [fragment]]).
f − D: S Na- [K]). − D: RSA (Western Cape: Witteberg Region).
mibia; N RSA (Northern Cape). I: Eggli (1994: Fig. XL.g
173). Fig. XL.a, XL.b ≡C Caralluma linearis N. E. Brown (1890).
≡ Stap
a elia incarnata
t Linné fif l. (1782) ≡ Podan
d - [3] Stems grey to dark purple-black, 6 - 15 × 1 -
f .) Sweet (1830) ≡ Piara
thes incarnata (Linné fil r n- 2.5 cm, 4-ribbed; Ri very regular; TuT rounded, ob-
f ) G. Don (1838) ≡ Bouce-
thus incarnatus (Linné fil. tuse; Sp 1 - 3 mm; Inf usually with 2 - 4 Fl; Fl buds
f ) N. E. Brown (1878) ≡
rosia incarnata (Linné fil. oblong finger-like, basally broadened; Ped 1 - 3
C lluma incarnata (Linné fi
Cara f l.) N. E. Brown mm, ≤ 8 mm at Fr time; Sep ± 2 mm, acutely ovate;
(1892); incl. Piaranthus incarnatus var. albus G. Cl inside white, sometimes flushed with purple; Cl
Don (1837) ≡ Caralluma incarnata var. alba (G. tube 3 - 4 mm; Cl lobes dark purple-brown, 8 - 10 ×
Don) N. E. Brown (1909). (basally) 2 - 3 mm, broadly ovate-lanceolate, ascen-
[3] Stems grey- to purple-green, 10 - 30 × 1.5 - ding-spreading, tips usually slightly incurved, mar-
2.5 cm, 4-ribbed; Tu
T robust, conical, spreading, api- gins folded outwards for 3⁄4 of their length, inside
cally hardened; Inf usually with 1 - 4 often
f simulta- glabrous; Ci white flushed with purple, lobes 1 mm,
neously opening Fl, mostly near the stem tips; Fl bi- or sometimes trifid, appendages deltoid; Cs
buds oblong-ovoid, somewhat constricted in the purple, lobes 2 mm, rectangular-filiform,
f dorsally
middle; Cl outside pale rose to whitish, inside flattened, ascending over the Anth, curved out-
cream-white to pale yellow; Cl tube 2 mm, deeply wards; Poll 0.3 × 0.2 mm, ovoid, translators at-
cup-shaped to campanulate, mouth slightly thi- tached basally; Fr 4 cm.
ckened; Cl lobes 5 - 8 × 2 mm, oblong-deltoid to
lanceolate, ascending to spreading, margins (weak- Q. mammillaris (Linné) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 63,
ly) fo
f lded outwards; mouth of the Cl tube and Cl ills. (p. 64), 1983). T: [lecto − icono]: Burman,
lobes (partly only basally) hairy on the inside, Ha Rar. Afrf ic. Pl. 27: t. 11, 1738. − D: Namibia, RSA
stiff, cylindrical; Cn (pale) yellow; Ci lobes ± (Northern Cape).
deeply bifid, appendages spreading, deltoid to lin- ≡ Stap
a elia mammillaris Linné (1771) ≡ Pectina-
ear; Cs lobes ± rectangular, shortly pointed; Poll ria mammillaris (Linné) Sweet (1830) ≡ Piaranthus
0.3 × 0.2 mm, ± roundish transversely elliptic, mammillaris (Linné) G. Don (1838) ≡ Boucerosia
translators attached in the middle; Fr 6 - 9 × 0.5 - mammillaris (Linné) N. E. Brown (1878) ≡ Carallu-
0.7 cm. ma mammillaris (Linné) N. E. Brown (1902); incl.
Closely related to Q. radiata
t . a elia pulla Masson (1797) ≡ Piaranthus pullus
(Masson) R. Brown (1811); incl. Sarcophagophilus
Q. inversa (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 53, winklerianus Dinter (1923) ≡ Caralluma
C winkleria-
ills. (p. 54), 1983). T: RSA, Western Cape (Ayres
A na (Dinter) A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937); incl.
s.n. in Pillans 92 [BOL, K]). − D: RSA (Western Sarcophagophilus winkleri Dinter (1923) (nom. in-
Cape). Fig. XXXIX.f val., Art. 61.1) ≡ Cara
C lluma winkleri (Dinter) A. C.
≡ Cara
C lluma inversa N. E. Brown (1903); incl. White & B. Sloane (1937) (nom. inval., Art. 61.1).
Caralluma villetii C. A. Lückhoff (1935). [3] Stems in dense shrubby patches 12 - 50 × 50
[2] Stems grey-green to purple, ≤ 25 × 1.5 - 2.5 (70) cm, individual stems 2.5 cm ∅, very variable:
cm, 4-ribbed; TuT 1 cm, curved downwards; Sp ≤ 1 short and very compact, sometimes with robust Tu T ,
mm, robust, acute; Inf 1-flowered; Fl buds ± ovoid; or slender-stemmed, irrregularly 4- to 5- (to 6-)

Quaqua Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

ribbed; Tu 1 - 2 cm, conical, robustly spined; Inf 4- circle of teeth); Poll 0.32 × 0.25 mm, ovoid, transla-
to 15-flowered, usually near the stem tips; Fl buds tors attached in the middle.
oblong-triangular, basally rounded; Ped ± 2 mm; Closely related to Q. armatat .
Sep ± 4 mm, acutely ovate; Cl outside pale green,
inside pale yellow dotted with purple-black; Cl Q. pallens Bruyns (BJS 121(3): 355-356, ills.,
tube 3 - 4 mm; Cl lobes purple to reddish-black, 12 1999). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Bruyns 6767
- 20 × 5 - 7 mm, lanceolate, tapering into a con- [BOL]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape: Namaqualand).
spicuously acute tip, erect to spreading, margins [3] Stems 4-angled, erect, oftenf scandent in
strongly fo
f lded outwards, inside usually papillose, bushes, 6 - 30 × 0.6 - 1 cm, grey-green, often
papillae with an apical horizontally curved thick mottled purplish; L thorny, yellow, 2 - 3 (-5) mm;
Ha; Cn dark purple-brown; Ci lobes bi- or trifid, Inf several towards the stem tips, sessile, 1- to 3-
appendages deltoid; Cs lobes narrowly rectangu- flowered; Ped 2 - 5 mm, ascending, holding the Fl
lar-linear, dorsal bulge short, truncate, apically upwards; Sep ovate-lanceolate, ± 2 × 0.8 mm; Cl
meeting and ascending in a curved manner over the rotate, 4 - 8 mm ∅, glabrous, inner fface pale green,
Sty head; Poll 0.35 × 0.25 mm, ovoid, translators rest of the Cl white; Cl tube shallow around the
basally attached, corpuscle oblong. base of the Gy; Cl lobes linear-lanceolate, spread-
ing to reflexed, ± 3 × 1.5 mm; Cn sessile, yellow-
Q. maritima (Bruyns) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 97, green to white, cup-shaped, ± 1.2 - 2 mm; Ci lobes
1994). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Bruyns 1457 ascending, bifid into widely diverging appendages,
[NBG]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape: coastal regions ± 0.6 mm; Cs lobes rectangular, swollen at the base,
of Namaqualand). truncate, ± 0.7 mm, appressed to the backs of the
≡ Quaqua armata ssp. maritima Bruyns (1983). Anth; Poll globose-rectangular, 0.25 × 0.19 mm,
[3] Stems basally decumbent, then erect, lateral translator wings minute, deltoid.
stems freely rooting, forming wide mats of ≤ 60 cm An unpretentious species endemic to the Nama-
∅; stems ≤ 15 × 2 - 3 cm, 4- to 5- (to 6-) ribbed; Tu qualand Broken Veld, differentiated from Q. parvi-
≤ 1.5 cm, triangular to conical; Inf usually with 2 - f
flora by the slender, more greyish and purplish
12 often
f simultaneously opening Fl; Sep ovate- stems, the lack of corolla hairs and any colour pat-
lanceolate; Cl inside purple-black, ± 1 cm ∅; Cl tern, and a sessile corona. − [U. Meve]
tube whitish, 3 - 4 × 3 - 4 mm, mouth slightly thi-
ckened; Cl lobes 6 - 8 × 4 mm, margins folded out- Q. parviflora (Masson) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 46,
wards ± along the whole length; Cl tube and base of ills. (p. 47), 1983). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Sta-
the Cl lobes inside densely papillose, papillae api- pel. Nov. t. 35, 1797. − D: RSA (W Northern Cape,
cally with a Ha; Cn dark purple-brown; Ci lobes < N Western Cape).
0.5 mm, bifid, appendages deltoid, tips rounded; Cs ≡ Stapelia parvifl f ora Masson (1797) ≡ Piaran-
lobes ± 1 mm, broadly linear, surpassing the Anth, thus parvifl f orus (Masson) Sweet (1826) ≡ Cara
C llu-
usually touching each other in the centre, dorsal ma parvif iflorra (Masson) N. E. Brown (1892); incl.
bulge rounded. C
Caralluma virescens C. A. Lückhoff (1938).
Closely related to Q. armata. [2] Stems in part ascending, otherwise lateral
stems erect, fascf iculate, grey to purple, 10 - 30 × 1 -
Q. multiflora
f (R. A. Dyer) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 68, 2 cm, 4-ribbed; Tu 2 - 3 (≤ 5) mm, horizontal or
ills. (p. 71), 1983). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Hane-
H curved downwards; Sp yellow, hard; Inf with 1 - 3
kom 2475 [PRE, K]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape). Fl; peduncular cushions small; Ped 4 - 10 mm,
≡ Caralluma multif iflora R. A. Dyer (1977). curved slightly up- or downwards; Sep deltoid to
[3] Stems basally decumbent, then erect, lateral lanceolate; Cl inside green to yellow-whitish,
stems ascending, freef ly rooting, form
f ing mats or striped with purple, 8 - 10 mm ∅, central depres-
shrubbily divergent; stems 10 × 2 cm, irregularly 4- sion embracing less than 1⁄4 of the Cn; Cl lobes 3 - 5
(to 5-) ribbed, sides deeply furrowed; TuT 5 × 5 mm, × ≤ 3 mm, lanceolate, margins at the most slightly
laterally compressed, horizontally spreading; Sp curved outwards, finely hairy, clavate Ha flattened;
brownish, ≤ 1 mm, acute; Inf in the upper 1⁄2 of the Ci dark purple, basally white, lobes basally some-
stems; Cl ± 1 cm ∅, purple, basally white; Cl tube 3 times pouch-like, apically oblong-rectangular (lin-
- 4 × 3 - 4 mm, mouth thickened: Cl lobes ovate- ear), ascending-erect, spreading, bifid for up to 1⁄2,
lanceolate, margins folded outwards, erect, tips in- appendages horn-like, diverging at an angle of 90 -
curved; Cl tube inside papillose, papillae apically 180°, form
f ing a ± continuous ring; Cs whitish, lobes
with a Ha, these Ha transparent, thick, oriented at simple, apically cylindrical, rounded or attenuate,
right angles to the papilla axis and thus appearing usually much shorter than the Anth, without dorsal
undulate; Cn purple; Ci lobes bifid, appendages bulge; Poll 0.2 × 0.15 mm, ovoid, translator at-
deltoid, ascending; Cs lobes oblong-rectangular, tached in the middle.
apically rounded, meeting above the Sty head and
ascending, dorsal appendage undulately crenate, as Q. pilifera (Bruyns) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 98, 1994).
long as the Ci and equally ascending (resulting in a T: RSA, Northern Cape (Bayer & Bruyns 826

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Quaqua

[NBG]). − D: RSA (S Northern Cape, N Western - 13 mm ∅, central depression embracing ± the

Cape: W Great Karoo). basal 1⁄3 of the Cn; Cl lobes 4 - 5 × 3 mm, ovate-
≡ Quaqua armata ssp. pilifera r Bruyns (1983) ≡ deltoid to deltoid-lanceolate, tip acute, inside ±
Quaqua arenicola ssp. pilif ifera (Bruyns) Bruyns wrinkled and finely hairy, Ha white, simple,
(1999). crisped; Cn black; Ci lobes bifid, appendages small,
[3] Stems greenish-purple, ≤ 10 (-15?) cm, 4- (to deltoid to horn-like; Cs lobes 1 mm, linear-rectan-
5-) ribbed; Inf with 2 - 12 usually simultaneously gular, apically crenate or rounded, usually overlap-
opening Fl; Sep ovate-lanceolate; Cl outside green- ping in the middle (but sometimes much shorter),
ish, inside dark purple-brown; Cl tube 2 - 3 × ≤ 4 dorsal bulge short, comb-like; Poll 0.3 × 0.2 mm,
mm, mouth weakly thickened; Cl lobes ≤ 8 × 4 mm, obliquely ovoid, translators attached in the middle.
ovate-lanceolate, margins slightly folded outwards, Not very typical for Quaqua. The stems are rem-
inside papillose, papillae small, usually L-shaped, iniscent of Rhytidocaulon (Bruyns 1983).
apically with a thick slightly curved Ha; Cn dark
purple; Ci lobes ± shortly bifid, appendages ± 0.5 Q. pulchra (Bruyns) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 93, ill. (p.
mm, deltoid; Cs lobes ± 1 mm, broadly rectangular 102), 1994). T: RSA, Western Cape (Bruyns 1397
(linear), apically crenate, overtopping the Anth, [NBG]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). Fig. XL.c
raising above the Sty head, dorsal bulge rounded; ≡ Quaqua parviflora ssp. pulchra Bruyns (1983).
Poll 0.3 × 0.2 mm, roundish-elliptic. [2] Stems green to purple, 10 - 30 × 1 - 2.5 cm,
4-ribbed; Tu ≤ 5 (usually 2 - 3) × 5 mm, down-
Q. pillansii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 69, curved; Sp yellow, hard; Inf with 1 - 3 down-
ills. (p. 72), 1983). T: RSA, Western Cape (Pillans wards-directed Fl; peduncular cushions small; Fl
678 [BOL, K]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). buds ovoid; Ped 2 - 4 mm; Sep deltoid; Cl inside
≡ Caralluma pillansii N. E. Brown (1909). dark red to pale reddish, 10 - 16 mm ∅, central de-
[3] Bushy, 40 × ≤ 40 cm; stems grey-green, spot- pression apically with a white ring, rarely entirely
ted purple-brown, 20 - 45 × 2 - 3 cm, 4-ribbed; Ri white, embracing 1⁄4 of the Cn; Cl lobes pale yellow,
T ≤ 1.5 cm, broadly ± triangular, slightly
flattened; Tu basally reddish, 4 - 8 × ≤ 2 mm, ovate-lanceolate,
down-curved; Sp yellowish to black, short; Inf with apically ± thickened, towards the tips slowly attenu-
4 - 20 Fl, densely massed in the upper 1⁄2 of the ate and then suddenly pointed, margins slightly
stems, opening in succession; Fl buds obovoid; Ped curved outwards, laxly hairy on the reddish-
robust; Sep 2 - 3 mm, acute-ovate; Cl outside gree- coloured parts, Ha contorted, Cl lobe margins clav-
nish dotted with purple, inside purple-brown; Cl ately hairy; Cn purple-red to reddish; Ci lobes
tube ≤ 6 mm; Cl lobes greyish, dotted with purple- deeply bifid, appendages curved horn-like, up to
brown, 6 - 10 × 6 mm, erect to ascending, oblong- 180° diverging, ± form
f ing a ring; Cs lobes broadly
ovate, apically very shortly pointed, margins curved rectangular, ± dorsally flattened, basally broadly
outwards, inside papillose, tube papillose, papillae rounded, sometimes overtopping the Anth, apically
tipped by a purple slender acute Ha 0.5 - 0.9 mm crenate; Poll 0.28 × 0.25 mm, ± ovoid, translators
long; Cn dark purple-brown; Ci lobes bifid to inserted in the middle of the long side.
emarginate; Cs lobes ± 1 mm, broadly rectangular, Closely related to Q. parvifl
f ora
r .
apically rounded, erect to ascending (at an angle of
45°) or horizontal; Poll 0.2 × 0.3 mm, ± transver- Q. radiata Plowes (Excelsa 16: 89, ill. (p. 102),
sely ovoid, translators attached at the narrow side. 1994). T: RSA, Western Cape (Plowes 7526 [SR-
Probabl y most closely related to Q. mammillaris. GH]). − D: RSA (N Western Cape).
[3] Stems with a waxy-grey cover, 20 - 30 × 1.5 -
Q. pruinosa (Masson) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 74, ills. 2 cm, 4-ribbed; Tu conical, porrect or slightly
(p. 76), 1983). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. down-curved; Sp yellowish, small, hard, usually
Nov. t. 41, 1797. − D: RSA (Northern Cape). Fig. without stipular rudiments; Inf 1- to 5-flowered in
XL.d the upper 1⁄2 of the stems; Fl buds conical; Cl out-
≡ Stap
a elia pruinosa Masson (1797) ≡ Tro r motri- side dark rose-coloured or pale purple-red, inside
che pruinosa (Masson) Haworth (1812) ≡ Cara C llu- cream-coloured, 8 - 10 mm ∅; Cl tube shallow; Cl
ma pruinosa (Masson) N. E. Brown (1892); incl. lobes apically white, sometimes strongly flushed
Caralluma pruinosa var. nigra C. A. Lückhoff with rose, flatly spreading, 2× as long as the basal
(1937). width, apical 2⁄3 of the margins curved outwards,
[1] Stems in large mats, lateral stems apically ± mouth of the tube and Cl lobes basally inside den-
tapering, first erect, then horizontal; stems greyish- sely hairy, Ha white, very short; Cn yellow; Ci
green to dark purple-grey, ≤ 50 × 1.5 cm, 4-ribbed; lobes short, deeply bifid, ascending-erect; Cs lobes
T rounded; Sp < 2 mm, delicate; Inf with 1 - 3
Tu ± 1⁄2 as long as the Anth, linear, apically rounded.
successively opening Fl in upper stem parts; Fl Closely related to Q. incarnata and most prob-
buds broadly rounded-deltoid; Ped 4 - 6 mm; Sep ≤ ably only a variety of it.
2 mm, acutely ovate; Cl outside grey-green,
blotched with purple-brown, inside dark brown, 10 Q. ramosa (Masson) Bruyns (Bradleya 1: 74, ills.

Raphionacme Asclepiadaceae U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers

(p. 73), 1983). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. RAPHIONACME

Nov. t. 32, 1797. − D: RSA (Western Cape: Little
U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers
≡ Stap
a elia ramosa Masson (1797) ≡ Piaranthus Raphionacme Harvey (London J. Bot. 1: 22-23,
ramosus (Masson) Sweet (1830) ≡ C Caralluma ramo- 1842). T: Rap a hionacme divaricata t Harvey. − Lit:
sa (Masson) N. E. Brown (1890). Verhoeven & Venter (1997). D: Tro
V T pical and sub-
[3] Densely shrubby; stems purple to greyish- tropical Africa, Oman. Etym: Gr. ‘r[h]apys, r[h]a-
green, 12 - 30 × 1.5 - 2.5 cm, 4-ribbed; Ri obtuse, phys’, beet-root; and Gr. ‘akme’, sharpness, cutting
roundish; Tu < 3 mm, only on young tips, older edge; application obscure.
stem parts very round; Inf with 2 - 10 Fl; Sep 2 - 3 Incl. Apoxant
A hera Hochstetter (1843). T: Apoxan
A -
mm, lanceolate; Cl inside black-purple, basally thera pubescens Hochstetter.
white; Cl tube 3 - 4 mm; Cl lobes 10 × 4 mm, lance- Incl. Zucchellia Decaisne (1844). T: Zucchellia
olate, erect, curved outwards, apically very acute, angolensis Decaisne.
margins conspicuously curved outwards; Cl tube Incl. Rhaphionacme C. Mueller (1846) (nom. inval.,
around the mouth papillose, papillae small, tipped Art. 61.1).
with a white stiff Ha 0.5 mm long; Cn dark purple- Incl. Chl
C orocyathus Oliver (1887). T: Chlorocya-
black; Ci lobes bifid, appendages short, deltoid; Cs thus monteiroae Oliver.
lobes ± 1 mm, laterally flattened, broadly linear, Incl. Zaczatea
Z Baillon (1889). T: Zaczatea ango-
completely hiding the Anth, dorsal bulge rounded; lensis Baillon.
Poll 0.2 × 0.15 mm, ovoid. Incl. Rap a hiacme K. Schumann (1895) (nom. inval.,
Art. 61.1).
Q. swanepoelii (Lavranos) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 91, Erect or twining perennial geophytes with white
ill. (p. 102), 1994). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Swa- latex; R tuber turnip-shaped to globose or discoid,
e oel s.n. in Lavranos 8371 [PRE]). − D: RSA
nep sometimes woody; stems ± woody; L decussate,
(Northern Cape). Fig. XL.e with stipules, petiolate or sessile, linear to broadly
≡ Cara
C lluma swanepoelii Lavranos (1972) ≡ ovate or obovate, ± hairy; Inf terminal and / or late-
Quaqua parvifl f ora
r ssp. swanepoelii (Lavranos) ral, ffew- to many-flowered, ± dense; Sep ffree or ba-
Bruyns (1983). sally shortly united; Cl rotate to campanulate; Cl
[3] Stems densely arranged, 10 - 30 × ≤ 1.5 cm; tube present, often
f campanulate, inside with longi-
T roundish; Sp pointed, hard; Inf 1-flowered; Fl
Tu tudinal grooves, basally saccate and nectariferous;
buds broadly deltoid; Ped ≤ 2 mm, Fl oriented at Cl lobes oblong to ovate or obovate, white, yellow,
right angles to the stem; Sep ± 2 mm; Cl whitish, green, purple or blue, outside ± hairy, inside glabr-
dotted purple to reddish-brown, 1 - 1.2 cm ∅, flat; ous or papillose; Cn petaloid; Cn lobes originating
Cl lobes 3 - 4 × 2 - 3 mm, ovate-deltoid to ovate- each in the zone where 2 Cl lobes are fuse f d, erect,
lanceolate, margins only slightly curved outwards, simple or 3-parted, ovate, filiform
f to subulate or di-
clavately hairy; Cn dark purple-black; Ci lobes vided into irregular appendages; Gy proj o ecting
usually deeply bifid, appendages horn-like, diverg- f om the Cl tube; Fil originating from the inner
ing at 90 - 145°; Cs lobes dorsally flattened, fre- base of the Cn lobes; Anth oblong, ovoid or tri-
quently with a truncate emarginate dorsal bulge; angular, apically connivent; pollen in tetrads, ar-
Poll 0.3 × 0.25 mm, obliquely ovoid, translators in- ranged tetragonally or rhomboidally, translator
serted quite apically on the long side. lanceolately spoon-shaped to spatulate; Sty terete,
Closely related to Q. gracilis. apically broadened into a conical to plug-like Sty
head; Fr solitary or in pairs, erect to divergent or
Q. tentaculata (Bruyns) Plowes (Excelsa 16: 89, pendent, slender to thickly fusiform; Se hairy at the
1994). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Bruyns 1666A micropylar end or with a fr f inge of hairs along the
[NBG]). − D: RSA (S Northern Cape). margins.
≡ Quaqua incarnata t var. tentaculata Bruyns These small-growing erect and only rarely high-
(1983) ≡ Quaqua incarnata ssp. tentaculata climbing geophytes ffrom subfam f ily Peripli ocoideae
(Bruyns) Bruyns (1999). enj
n oy increasing popularity amongst growers. A
[1] Stems greyish to purple-green, 10 - 30 × 1.5 - complete treatment of the ± 35 species of the genus
2.5 cm, 4-ribbed; Tu porrect, robust, conical; Sp is not yet existing but is awaited for some time. The
hard; Inf with 4 - 10 often
f simultaneously opening species concept here adopted is only a ± prelim-
Fl, usually close to the stem tips; Fl buds oblong; inary summary.
Cl usually cream-coloured; Cl tube 2.5 × 4 mm, The 2 species of Schlechterella are closely re-
campanulate, inside glabrous; Cl lobes 8 × 2 mm, lated and similar in gross morphology but have pol-
narrowly (ovate-) lanceolate, ascending, margins len united into packets (pollinia).
curved outwards, mouth of the tube finely papillose, The non-succulent taxon Rap a hionacme volubilis
papillae conical; Cn yellowish, basally quite bowl- Schlechter 1895 belongs to the genus Buckollia.
shaped; Ci lobes shortly bifid, appendages broadly
deltoid; Cs lobes deltoid. The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica-

U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Raphionacme

tion but are referred to this genus: Raphionacme mm, appendage of the connective acute; translator
baguirmiensis A. Chevalier (1913); Raphionacme ± 0.8 mm; Fr in pairs, narrowly fus
f iform.
engleriana Schlechter (1926) (nom. inval., Art. R. brownii is the most-closely related taxon
32.1c); Rap
a hionacme seineri Schlechter ex Dinter according to the protologue but differs esp. in the
(1926) (nom. inval., Art. 32.1c); Rap a hionacme longer corolla tube and the almost horizontal an-
d A. Chevalier (1920). thers.

R. angolensis (Baillon) N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: R. borenensis V Venter & M. G. Gilbert (Bot. J. Linn.
248, 1895). T: Angola (Welwitsch 4202 [BM, G]). Soc. 99: 401-405, ills., 1989). T: Ethiopia, Bale
− D: Angola, Tanzania. J s 66 [K]). − D: Ethiopia,
Region (Gilbert & Jone
≡ZZaczatea angolensis Baillon (1889); incl. Zuc- Kenya, Somalia; usually in poorly vegetated and of-
chellia angolensis Decaisne (1844); incl. Raphion- ten stony regions.
acme kubangensis S. Moore (1912). Incl. Rap
a hionacme moyalica V Venter & Verhoe-
R tuber globose to turnip-shaped; stems shrubby, ven (1997).
20 - 60 cm tall, erect to decumbent, ± branched, R tuber turnip-shaped, usually broader than long,
flesh y, nodes swollen, basally woody, pubescent; L voluminous; stems erect, to 10 cm, weakly pubes-
petiolate for 4 - 15 mm, lamina elliptic to oblong- cent to hispid; L ± sessile, ± lanceolate, 2.5 - 7.5 ×
elliptic, 2.5 - 7 × 1.3 - 4.5 cm, obtuse, base obtuse or 1.5 - 3 cm, acutely to bluntish aristate, base cuneate
acutish, subsucculent, grey-green; Inf terminal, 3.8 to obtuse, margins undulate, upper fface green,
- 5 cm ∅, many-flowered; Ped 4 - 13 mm; Sep lan- glossy, ± glabrous, lower face
f dull green, weakly
ceolate, 3 - 4 mm; Cl violet-purple, basally yellow- hairy; Inf ± terminal, pedunculate for 2 - 20 mm, 2-
ish; Cl tube campanulate, 4 mm; Cl lobes oblong or to 5-flowered; Ped 3 - 5 mm, ± pubescent; Sep free,
oblong-lanceolate, 8 mm, acute, outside and along triangular-ovate, 1 - 2 mm, weakly pubescent; Cl 14
the margins pubescent with short bent Ha; Cn lobes - 20 mm ∅; Cl tube campanulate, 3 - 4 mm, outside
purple-red, 3-parted, middle appendage erect, subu- weakly pubescent; Cl lobes spreading, ovate, 4 - 7 ×
late, 5 mm, sometimes apically incised, ventrally 2 - 4 mm, longitudinally canaliculate, purple; Cn
keeled, hardly overtopping the Anth, lateral appen- lobes filifo
f rm from a broadened semi-ellipsoid
dages short, ± triangular; Fil broadly linear, 2.5 base, 5 - 12 mm, whitish, apically contorted; Fil
mm; Anth narrowly lanceolate, ± 2.5 mm, glued to- short, thin; translator spatulate, ± 2 mm, spoon
gether at the margins; (unripe) Fr tomentose-hairy. subcordate, obtuse; Fr narrowly fusf iform,
f in pairs,
The species has somewhat viscid stems and spreading at an angle of 180°.
leaves according to Hiern (1898: 678-680) and is The undulate leaf margins and the longitudinally
thus probably ± glandular. R. procumbens is so si- canaliculate corolla lobes are significant. Details of
milar in flower morphology that the 2 taxa are the corona and the translators indicate a close rela-
probably conspecific. tionship to R. monteiroae.

R. arabica A. G. Miller & Biagi (Notes Roy. Bot. R. brownii Scott-Elliot (JLSB 30: 91, 1895). T:
Gard. Edinburgh 45: 61-63, ills., 1988). T: Oman, Sierra Leone (Scott-Elliot 5179 [K, BM]). − D: Se-
f (McLeis
M h 480 [E]). − D: Oman (Dhofar); negal, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Mali, Ivory Coast,
open stony regions on limestone, steep slopes and Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Chad, Central African
on mountains. Republic, Congo, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Mala-
R tuber globose to ellipsoid, 3 - 10 × 2 - 6 cm, wi, Moçambique; esp. in dry fforests and rocky
brownish-white, edible, sweet-tasting; stems an- places. I: Berhaut (1971).
nual, simple or few-branched, erect, to 20 cm, red- Incl. Rap
a hionacme jurensis N. E. Brown (1902);
dish-brown, whitish-hairy; L 4 - 10 mm petiolate, incl. Raphionacme
a bagshawei S. Moore (1907);
f first in verticils of 4, elliptic to obovate or ob- incl. Raphionacme brownii var. longif ifolia A. Che-
long-ovate, 2.5 - 4.5 × 1.3 - 3.5 cm, basally ± acute, valier (1920); incl. Raphionacme wilczekiana R.
upper face green, lower face paler, veins reddish- Germain (1952).
brown, both faces pubescent, ciliate; Inf terminal, R tuber ± woody, turnip-shaped to ovoid, 5 - 8 (-
ffar overtopping the upper L, dichotomously branch- 10) × 3 - 7 (-15) cm; stems erect, branched, 15 - 45
ing, apically dense-flowered; Ped 1.5 - 2.5 mm; Sep (-70) × 0.2 cm, annual, laxly hispid; L sessile or
oblong-ovate, 1 - 1.8 × 0.6 - 1 mm, pubescent; Cl shortly petiolate, mostly ascending, linear to oblong
tube 1 mm; Cl lobes erect to spreading, oblong- (or oblanceolate), fresh green, 1.5 - 11 cm × 2 - 7
obovate, 5 - 8.5 × 1.6 - 2.5 mm, obtuse, apically mm, obtuse to acute, basally tapering; Inf terminal
white with pale purple midrib, basally green, out- or laterally-axillary, mostly with 2 - 3 part-Inf with
side brownish-purple and ± pubescent; Cn lobes li- 4 - 6 Fl each; Ped 6 - 20 (-25) mm, papillate or
near from a thickened base, 4 - 6 mm, connivent sparsely pubescent; Cal campanulate; Sep triangu-
over the Sty head, apically often f incised, brown- lar-ovate, 1 - 3 mm, acute; Cl 10 - 20 mm ∅, cream,
ish-purple, apically green; Gy 2 × 1 mm; Sty head rose to reddish-purple, often with greenish tinge; Cl
plug-like; Fil ± 0.3 mm; Anth ovate, ± 1.4 × 0.6 tube campanulate to cylindrical, 2 - 4 mm; Cl lobes

Raphionacme Asclepiadaceae U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers

± ascending, oblong-spatulate, obtuse, 5 - 9 × 2 - part-Inf, these 2- to 3-flowered, sessile; Ped 1 - 5

2.5 mm, twisted, margins revolute, outside ± pubes- cm; Sep lanceolate to lanceolate-triangular, 5 - 11
cent; Cn lobes cream, erect, filiformf to subulate, mm, acute, basally united and with finger-like col-
originating dorsally from centripetally raised roun- leters, ciliate; Cl 1.5 - 2.5 cm long; Cl tube broadly
dish Cn bulges, 5 - 7 mm, apically ± bent, papillose; campanulate, 2 - 4 × 4 mm, pale violet to blue; Cl
Fil subulate, inserted on the Cn bulges; Anth dark lobes ± ascending to horizontal, oblong-lanceolate,
brown, ovoid-lanceolate, 1 mm, margins undulate; 15 - 21 × 7 mm, acute, margins recurved, outside
translator 1 mm, spoon short, broadly elliptic, glabrous or weakly pubescent; Cn lobes erect,
suddenly contracted into a robust stalk; Fr erect, 10 white, 6 - 10 mm, basally 2.7 mm broad and ovate,
- 30 × 0.4 - 0.7 cm, rostrate, laxly shortly pubescent; then narrowed and acutely tapering or again broa-
Se narrowly ellipsoid, to 10 mm, Ha tuft 12 mm, dened, apart from the subulate tip with additional
white. lateral denticles; Fil 1 - 4 mm; Anth sagittate, 3 - 6
A widespread and vegetatively rather variable ta- mm; translator oblanceolate, 4 - 5 mm; Sty 6 - 8.5
xon, which is very easily recognizable ffrom the mm, Sty head 2.5 mm.
characteristic corona, the flat gynostegium and the
short polliniferous
f part of the translators. R. dyeri Retief & Venter (SAJB 2(4): 326-328,
ills., 1983). T: RSA, Free State (Rawlinson s.n.
R. burkei N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 537, 1907). T: [PRE 57731, BLFU]). − D: RSA (Free State). I:
RSA, Gauteng (Burk r e 64 [not located]). − D: Na- Rowley (1987: 73, erroneously as Brachyste
h lma).
mibia, Botswana, N RSA. I: Bruyns (1982b); Row- Suffrut
f icose, erect or decumbent; R tuber ovoid;
ley (1987: 83, als R. sp
s .). stems dichotomously branched, reddish-green, his-
Incl. Rap
a hionacme dinteri Schlechter (1910); pid; L (1-) 5 - 15 mm petiolate, lamina ± ovate, 2 -
incl. Raphionacme
a pachhyodon K.Schumann (1910); 3.5 (-6.5) × 0.5 - 1.5 cm, spreading, often folded
incl. Brachystelma viridififlorum Turrill (1924). along the midrib, acute or obtusely spine-tipped,
R tuber not seen; stems erect, 7 - 20 (-40) cm, er- basally cuneate to obtuse, margins undulate, dull
ect, basally rather richly branched, sparsely pubes- green to blue-green, lower fface somewhat hispid;
cent; L 2 - 3 mm petiolate, linear-lanceolate to Inf terminal, rarely axillary, shortly pedunculate, 3-
obovate, 1.3 - 5 × 0.2 - 1.5 cm, acutish, basally tap- to 5-flowered; Ped 2 - 8 mm; Sep basally united, 1.5
ering, margins ± ciliate, lower face sparsely pubes- - 2 × 1 mm, purple-green, outside hispid; Cl 6 - 11
cent; Inf lateral, ± sessile, almost from each node mm long; Cl tube campanulate, 2.5 - 4 mm; Cl
along the stems, many-flowered, ± globose; Ped 1 - lobes ± ovate, 4 - 8 × 2 - 3.5 mm, apical 1⁄2 with pale
2 mm, pubescent; Sep lanceolate, 1.2 - 1.5 × 0.5 - purple to magenta-red inverted V-shaped pattern on
0.7 mm, pubescent; Cl ± 9 mm ∅, green, outside whitish-green background; Cn lobes purple-brown
pubescent, inside ± papillose; Cl tube (1.2-) 2 - 2.5 to green-brown, 3-parted, middle appendage terete,
mm; Cl lobes spreading with reflexed tips, triangu- filiform, 9 - 12 mm, placed one above the other, la-
lar-ovate, 2.5 - 3.5 × 2 mm, obtuse; Cn lobes 3- terally flattened, ± 1.5 mm, bent horn-like, fleshy;
parted, middle appendage narrowly triangular to Anth narrowly ovoid, apically sticking together,
subulate, 0.5 - 2 mm, purple, sometimes ciliate, la- greenish-white to pale violet; Fr narrowly ovoid, 5
teral appendages triangular to subulate, 0.5 - 0.8 - 8 × 0.8 - 1.4 cm; Se 8 × 3 mm, Ha tuft 2 - 2.5 cm.
mm, (yellow-) green; Anth narrowly ovoid, acute, The V-shaped pattern on the corolla lobes as well
flat, ± imbricate; Fr erect, solitary, thickly fusf i- as the morphology of the corona distinguish this
form, glabrous. species from all others.
Appears to form a complex of very closely re-
lated taxa together with R. zeyheri, R. galpinii and R. elsana Venter & Verhoeven (SAJB 53(2): 177-
R. velutina. The contrastingly bicoloured corona is 179, ills., 1987). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Vente
V r
significant fo
f r R. burk
r ei. 9085 [BFLU, K, PRE]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-
R. caerulea E. A. Bruce (BMI 1935: 279, 1935). R tuber turnip-shaped, to 20 cm ∅; stems erect, ±
T: Sierra Leone (Deighton 1246 [K]). − D: Guinea, divaricately branched, to 40 × 0.2 cm, weakly pu-
Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Angola; mostly in sea- bescent; L 3 mm petiolate, lamina obovate to ellip-
sonally very wet and sometimes moor-like places. tic, 3 - 3.5 × 1 cm, obtuse-aristate, basally obtuse,
≡ Pentagonanthus caeruleus (E. A. Bruce) Bul- upper face olive-green, glabrous, lower face grey-
lock (1962). green, ± hairy; Inf axillary, 2 mm pedunculate, lax,
R tuber cylindrical to globose, 5 - 15 × few cm, 2 - to 3-flowered; Ped 3 mm; Sep ffree, triangular, 2
flesh y; stems solitary, erect, 40 - 100 cm, basally mm; Cl 7 - 9 mm ∅, green with violet tinge; Cl
woody, glabrous or weakly pubescent; L ± sessile, tube campanulate, 2 mm; Cl lobes ovate, 4 × 2 mm,
linear, (1-) 9 - 12 (-14) cm, 3 - 5 mm thick, attenu- obtuse, outside weakly pubescent; Cn lobes 3-
ate-pointed, basally obtuse, dull green, upper face
f parted, erect, middle appendage terete-subulate, 5
rough, margin revolute, midvein robust, prominent mm, basally broadened, deep violet, lateral append-
on the lower face; Inf terminal, lax, with 5 - 10 ages subulate, 2 mm, green; Fil 1 mm; Anth nar-

U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Raphionacme

rowly lanceolate, 2 mm; translator 1.5 mm, spoon pubescent; Sep linear to lanceolate, 2 - 4.5 mm,
ellipsoid; Fr solitary, porrect, thickly cuneate, 3.5 × hairy; Cl 10 - 12 mm ∅; bright green, outside pu-
1 cm, grey with rosy tinge, weakly pubescent; Se bescent, inside glabrous; Cl tube campanulate to
spatulate, 7 × 4 mm, Ha tuft 1 - 1.5 cm, silvery- cylindrical, 2 - 4 mm; Cl lobes oblong to ovate, 3.5
white. - 5.5 × 1.5 - 3 mm, obtuse; Cn lobes 3-parted ffrom a
Very thick solitary fruits are otherwise only rectangular base, greenish-brown to lilac-red,
known fro
f m R. madiensis and R. namibiana. middle appendage erect, ± inclined, subulate-fili-fi
fform, 3.5 - 4 mm, acute, lateral appendages ± erect,
R. flanagan
f ii Schlechter (BJS 18(Beiblatt 45): 2, subulate or triangular, 1 - 2 mm, often laterally
1894). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Flanagan 118 [not fused; Sty head whitish with violet angles; spoon
located]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu- ovate-lanceolate.
Natal, Mpumalanga). I: FPA 40: t. 1599, 1970; Most closely related to R. velutina and probably
Eggli (1994). conspecific with the flower-morphologically simi-
Incl. Rap
a hionacme scandens N. E. Brown (1895). lar but vegetatively much more delicate R. globosa.
R tuber to 20 cm ∅, ± turnip-shaped; stems usu-
ally perennial, becoming woody, twining, young R. globosa K. Schumann (BJS 27: 118-119, 1893).
weakly pubescent; L spreading, 3 - 13 mm petio- T: Angola (Mechow 327 [not located]). − D: An-
late, ovate-elliptic to oblong-obovate, 4 - 9 × 1.3 gola, Zaïre, Tanzania, NW Zambia, N Zimbabwe, N
- 1.8 cm, basally ± cuneate, pubescent, margins un- and E RSA, Swaziland. I: Bruyns (1982b: as R.
dulate, upper face
f dark green, lower fface paler elata). Fig. XL.f, XL.h
green; Inf terminal and lateral, ± long pedunculate, Incl. Rap
a hionacme elata N. E. Brown (1907);
numerous, 10- to 20-flowered; Ped 2 - 4 mm, to- incl. Rap
a hionacme lucens V Venter & Verhoeven
mentose-hairy; Sep basally fused, ovate to lanceo- (1988).
late, ± 1.5 mm, hairy; Cl ± 12 mm ∅, outside R tuber turnip-shaped, 5 - 10 cm, to 10 cm ∅;
pubescent; Cl tube campanulate, 2 mm; Cl lobes stems erect, 15 - 30 (-90) cm, solitary or basally
oblong to lanceolate, 5 - 8 × 1.5 - 4 mm, obtuse, ± laxly branched, terete, Int sometimes very long, ±
reflexed, margins revolute, green, basally purple- pubescent; L sessile or 2 - 4 (-8) mm petiolate, la-
red; Cn lobes whitish, ± tinged with purple, 3- mina very variable, linear to ovate-elliptic, 3 - 14 ×
parted, middle appendage subulate-filiform
ffii f om a
fr 0.4 - 1.5 (-5) cm, upper face grey-green to dark
ventrally roundish-thickened base, 4 - 7 mm, erect, green, sometimes glossy, lower fface paler, both
apically incumbent, lateral appendages subulate, 0.5 f
faces ± pubescent; Inf terminal and lateral, almost
- 2 mm, acute, spreading centrifugally; Anth appen- sessile or to 4 cm pedunculate, globose, many-
dage acute, triangular; translator 2 mm, spoon ov- flowered; Ped 2 - 4 mm, pubescent; Sep triangular,
ate, 1 mm; Fr mostly in pairs, divaricate, ± 4 - 5 × 1 2 - 4 mm, outside pubescent, sometimes ciliate; Cl
cm, fus
f iform,
f weakly pubescent. 12 - 16 mm ∅, cream to pale green, white to purple,
A vegetatively somewhat isolated species be- sometimes bicoloured, outside pubescent to tomen-
cause of the very large tubers and the woody stems. tose; Cl tube campanulate, 2.5 - 5 mm, inside ba-
The intensity of flower colour and indumentum sally with conspicuous V-shaped nectar pouches; Cl
varies geographically according to Bayer (1976) lobes spreading, ± reclined, oblong to ovate-oblong,
(dark green flowers and weakly pubescent in the 5 - 7 × 2 - 3.5 mm, ± obtuse; Cn lobes whitish to
Eastern Cape, pale green flowers and more densely greenish-cream, sometimes purple-tinged, 3-parted,
pubescent in KwaZulu-Natal). ± erect, middle appendage 4 - 5.5 mm, acute, lateral
appendages subulate to filiform,
f 1 - 2 (-3) mm, ac-
R. galpinii Schlechter (BJS 18(Beiblatt 45): 14-15, ute; Fil 0.5 mm; translator spoon-shaped, spoon ov-
1894). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Galpi l n 613 [not lo- ate-lanceolate; Sty head apically plug-like.
cated]). − D: Angola, RSA (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, A taxon variable in habit and best recognized
KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland. I: Bruyns (1982b); from the globose inflorescences and the 15 long and
Fabian & Germishuizen (1982: 207). acute appendages of the corona.
Incl. Rapa hionacme macrorrhiza Schlechter
(1895); incl. Raphionacme virg r ultorum S. Moore R. grandiflora
f N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 111,
(1912). 1895). T [lecto]: Zambia, Northern Prov. (Carso
C n5
R tuber top- to turnip-shaped, 25 × 12 cm, bark [K]). − D: Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe,
pale ochre; stems 5 - 25 cm, erect, unbranched, den- Moçambique; in dry forests and on rocks. Fig.
sely leafyf towards the tips, coarse, apically to- XLI.c
mentose to velvety; L 3 - 6 mm petiolate, spreading, ≡ Pentagonanthus grandifl f orus (N. E. Brown)
linear-lanceolate to narrowly obovate, coarse, 2.5 - Bullock (1962); incl. Raphionacme grandifl f ora
r ssp.
7.5 × 0.5 - 2 cm, ± acute, basally attenuate, lower glabrescens Bullock (1953) ≡ Pentagonanthus
fface paler, midvein raised, both ffaces velvety- grandif
iflorus ssp. glabrescens (Bullock) Bullock
tomentose; Inf extra-axillary laterally and terminal, (1962).
± pedunculate, many-flowered; Ped very short, R tuber turnip-shaped, ± depressed, to 7.5 - 12 cm

Raphionacme Asclepiadaceae U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers

∅; stems erect, solitary, rarely apically branching, R. hirsuta (E. Meyer) R. A. Dyer (FPSA 22: t. 853
herbaceous, hairy or glabrous; L shortly petiolate, + text, 1942). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Drège s.n.
lamina linear-lanceolate to obovate, 2 - 12 × 0.5 - [not located]). − D: Namibia, Botswana, RSA,
2.5 (-5) cm, acute, basally cuneate-attenuate, rather Swaziland. I: Bruyns (1982b); Fabian & Germis-
limp, rough, venation prominent on the lower face, huizen (1982: 206h, as R. divaricatat ).
margin undulate, green, lower face paler and glossy, ≡ Brachyste
h lma hirsutum E. Meyer (1837); incl.
both faces
f hairy, hairy only along the margin and Apoxanthera pubescens Hochstetter (1843) ≡ Ra-
on the veins or glabrous; Inf terminal, 1.2 - 3.8 cm phionacme pubescens (Hochstetter) Hochstetter
pedunculate, weakly branched, 2- to 7-flowered; (1844); incl. Rap a hionacme divaricata Harvey
Ped 8 - 16 mm, hairy; Sep narrowly lanceolate to (1843); incl. Rapa hionacme obovata t Turczaninow
ovate-lanceolate, 5 - 9 mm, hairy; Cl ± 3 cm ∅, (1848); incl. Rap a hionacme purp r urea Harvey
glabrous; Cl tube campanulate, pentagonal, ± 6 (1859); incl. Raphionacme divaricata var. glabra
mm, outside green or violet-blue, spurred, spurs 3 - N. E. Brown (1907).
4 mm, keeled in between, keels apically 2-toothed, R tuber to 30 cm ∅, variable in shape and size;
papillose, yellow; Cl lobes ascending to erect, ob- stems 5 - 30 cm, basally richly dichotomously
long to ovate-oblong, 14 - 20 × 6 - 10 mm, ± obtuse, branched, divaricate, glabrous to densely pubes-
basally with 2 parallel fleshy keels, outside yellow- cent; L 1 - 6 mm petiolate, lamina oblong-ovate,
green to green, inside deep violet, margins ± re- broadly elliptic, circular or obovate, 1 - 3 (-5) × 0.7
curved; Cn whitish, with delicate blue tinge; Cn - 1.3 (-2.6) cm, acute or obtuse, basally rounded or
lobes ascending, ± 11 mm, shovel-shaped, trifid, cuneate, conspicuously veined, dark green, upper
middle appendage linear-subulate, ± 5 mm, lateral face glabrous, lower face glabrous or pubescent; Inf
appendages shortly triangular; Anth ± 5 mm, trian- terminal in the bifu f rcations of the stems and la-
gular, acute, arranged conically; Fil short, broa- terally, pedunculate to 2.5 cm, ± pubescent, 5- to
dened, robust; Sty head plug-like conical, whitish, many-flowered; Ped 2 - 12 mm, pubescent; Sep ov-
± 7 mm ∅; translator 5 mm, stalk falcately curved, ate-lanceolate, 2 - 4 mm, acute, ± pubescent; Cl
adhesive disc differentiated in 1 down-curved and 2 campanulate, 10 - 18 mm ∅, lilac-purple; Cl tube 2
upcurved triangular denticles, pollen white; Fr - 3.5 mm; Cl lobes erect to spreading-reclined,
f iform
f , erect, 17 × 1 cm, glabrous. elliptic to oblong, 3 - 8 × 1.5 - 3 mm, obtuse; Cn
The large blue flowers are spectacular. lobes mostly white, undivided or 2-parted, or lobes
clearly 3-parted or irregularly divided and drawn
R. haeneliae Venter & Verhoeven (SAJB 62(6): out into filiform
f appendages, variable in size and
316-320, ills., 1996). T: Namibia (Haenel s.n. shape (even within a Fl), oblong-lanceolate to ob-
[K]). − D: Namibia; in pure sand or gravel on flats ovate, 1.4 - 4 × 0.7 - 2 mm, margin ± denticulate,
almost devoid of vegetation. covering the Sty head, ± imbricate; Fil short; Fr
R tubers few to numerous, cylindrical-fusiform, solitary, porrect, fusiform, 2.5 - 6 × 0.7 - 1 cm,
sometimes heavy up to 1 kg; stems subterranean to smooth, slightly pubescent; Se oblong, ± 8 mm, ob-
25 cm, above-ground to 40 × 0.4 - 0.7 cm, erect, an- tuse, glabrous, raphe bulging keel-like, Ha tuft f re-
nual, glabrous, branched, fleshy; L 1 - 3 mm petio- flexed.
late, lamina ovate, 4 - 6 × 1 - 4 cm, succulent, The species shows considerable variation as to
basally roundish, bluish-green to dark green, cuticle indumentum, leaf morphology, peduncle length and
thick, wax-like, glabrous; Inf appearing ± befo f re shape of the corona. The species is widespread in S
the L, terminal, with ± 5 part-Inf, each ± 3- Africa as well as worldwide in cultivation and is
flowered, peduncle 3 - 5 mm; Ped 2 - 3 mm; Sep recognized by the broadly elliptic, almost glabrous
free, broadly ovate, 2 × 1.5 mm; Cl 10 mm ∅; Cl leaves, the almost leaf- f like corona lobes and the
tube campanulate, ± 2 mm; Cl lobes spreading, ob- seeds which are keeled along the underside (but see
long-ovate, 4 × 2 mm, obtuse, outside greenish, in- also R. palustris).
side cream-greenish with central purple zone; Cn
lobes undivided, filiform from a thickened base, 4 - R. inconspicua H. Huber (Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml.
5 mm, inclined, tips tortuous, yellowish-whitish; Gy München 12: 73-74, 1955). T: Namibia, Damara-
protruding ffrom the Cl tube; Fil 1 mm; Anth ellip- V lk 2718 [M, WIND?]). − D: Namibia (Da-
land (Vo
tic, 1.5 × 1.5 mm; translator spatulate, 2 mm, spoon maraland).
broadly ovate, stalk very thin; Sty head broadly R tuber unknown; stems erect, basally woody, ±
plug-like, greenish; Fr in pairs, widely divergent, 25 cm; L obovate, 3 - 5 × 0.7 - 1.2 cm, basally
slender-fusiform, flattened, 6.5 - 7 cm × 5 - 6 mm, long-cuneate, upper face dark green, both faces
rostrate; Se narrowly ellipsoid, 10 × 4 mm, surface weakly pubescent; Inf terminal or laterally-axillary,
lineate-papillate, brown, Ha tuft 12 - 15 mm, whit- 7 - 15 mm pedunculate, 12- to 15-flowered; Ped 2 -
ish. 10 mm, pubescent; Sep basally shortly united and
The unusually large and sometimes numerous urceolate, ± 1 mm; Cl ± 15 mm ∅; Cl tube 1 mm;
root tubers and the succulent leaves are adaptations Cl lobes spreading, 5 - 6 × 1 - 2 mm, obtuse, outside
to the extremely dry habitat in the Namib Desert. softly hairy; Cn lobes 3-parted, middle appendage

U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Raphionacme

filiform, 7 mm, tips bent inwards, lateral append- Afr. Pl. 3: 679-680, 1898). T: Angola, Luanda
ages shortly subulate, 0.7 mm. W witsch 4274 [BM]). − D: Angola; dry hilly
Insufficiently known only ffrom the type, and of places.
uncertain relationships. R tuber unknown; stems low-growing, branched,
decumbent, > 45 cm, slender, densely shortly pu-
R. keayi Bullock (KB 8: 63-64, 1953). T: Nigeria, bescent; L to 4 mm petiolate, lamina lanceolate to
Zaria Prov. (Keay 25990 [K]). − D: Ivory Coast, elliptic or obovate, 1.3 - 4 cm × 3 - 9 mm, very
Nigeria, Cameroon. slightly succulent, deep green, both faces shortly
R tuber large, woody; stems erect, to 1 m tall, pubescent, basally cuneate, margins undulate, hairy;
numerous, ribbed, ± densely crisply hairy; L almost Inf axillary, 2 - 4 mm pedunculate, alternating near
sessile, oblong-lanceolate, to 12 × 2 cm, acute, ba- the stem tips, pendent, 3- to 6-flowered; Ped 3 - 5
sally attenuate, both faces crisply pubescent; Inf la- mm, pubescent; Cal broadly campanulate, deeply
terally-axillary, near the stem tips, many-flowered; divided, Sep ovate-lanceolate, 2.5 - 4 mm, acute,
Ped 4 - 6 mm; Cal divided almost to the base, Sep outside densely short-tomentose, Ha curved, pale;
triangular, 2 mm; Cl aestivation valvate; Cl tube Cl green, reflexed, 6 - 8 mm long; Cl tube 4 mm; Cl
cylindrical, 2 mm; Cl lobes spreading or finally re- lobes ovate, 4 - 6 mm, contorted in the bud stage,
fflexed, triangular, 5 - 6 × 3.5 - 4 mm, acute, green outside pubescent; Cn lobes 3-parted, purple,
with deep red basal zone, inside delicately papil- middle appendage subulate, 2× as long as the trian-
lose, outside papillose to pubescent; Cn lobes un- gular lateral appendages.
divided (to 3-parted), erect ffrom a 1 × 2.5 mm large Insufficiently known taxon, probably related to
rectangular laterally toothed base, middle append- R. procumbens, but the latter has a very much shor-
age linearly whip-like, 4.5 mm, greenish, connivent ter corolla tube.
over the Gy, papillose; Fil subulate, decurrent in
the Cl tube, 1 mm, basally thickened and fleshy; R. lobulata Venter & Verhoeven (SAJB 54(6):
Anth triangular, 2 mm; translator spatulate, with 603-606, ills., 1988). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Dyer
large elliptic spoon; Sty 6 mm; Sty head plug-like, 3381 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
3 mm. A woody climber without prooven root suc-
Handsome plants from W Africa. culence. This species is incompatible with the gen-
eric diagnosis of Raphionacme due to the coriace-
R. lanceolata Schinz (Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. ous leaves, the corolla lobes with hairy insides and
Brandenburg 30: 263-264, 1888). T [syn]: Namibia the bipartite semiglobose tips of the corona lobes.
(Schinz 167 [not located]). − D: Namibia, Botswa- Maf
afekingia or Stomatostemma are more similar,
na, Zimbabwe, Moçambique, RSA (Northern Cape). Buckollia is probably most-similar.
Incl. Raphionacme lanceolata var. latif ifolia N. E.
Brown (1902). R. longifol
f ia N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 110-111,
R tuber head-sized, with copious resinous latex, 1895). T: Moçambique (Kirk r s.n. [not located]). −
neck-like portion > 8.5 mm ∅, persistent; stems an- D: Ivory Coast, Zambia, Malawi, Moçambique,
nual, branched, terete, (10-) 22 - 40 (-90) cm, pu- Zimbabwe.
bescent; L 2 - 6 mm petiolate, petiole canaliculate R tuber turbinate to broadly turnip-shaped (as faf r
above, lamina narrowly oblong or lanceolate to el- as known), 5 - 8 cm ∅; stems 10 - 25 cm, erect, un-
liptic, 1.9 - 5 × 0.3 - 3.2 cm, basally rounded or cu- branched, pubescent with scattered curved Ha; L 1
neate, both faces scattered-hispid; Inf axillary, - 9 mm petiolate, lamina linear to narrowly lanceo-
shortly pedunculate, 3- to 7-flowered; Ped 3 - 9 late, 3 - 19 × 0.4 - 1.3 cm, ± hairy; Inf 2 - 5 mm pe-
mm, hispid; Sep lanceolate, 3 mm; Cl tube 3 mm, dunculate, alternating from upper nodes, dense- and
slightly constricted below the throat; Cl lobes ob- many-flowered; Ped 2 - 6 mm; Sep ovate, 1.5 mm,
long, 6 × 2 - 3 mm, obtuse, contorted fromf right to acute; Cl tube campanulate, ± 9 mm ∅; Cl lobes
f in the bud stage, greenish-spotted with pale vio- oblong-lanceolate, 4 - 5.5 mm, acutish, yellowish to
let tips, outside ± pubescent, inside glabrous; Cn green, outside pubescent, inside glabrous; Cn lobes
lobes lanceolate-subulate, 4 - 7.5 mm, basally 1 - 1.5 3-parted, middle appendage erectly incumbent,
mm broad, apically acute, mostly shortly bifid, yel- subulate to filiform, 3 - 5 mm, lateral appendages
low-green; Fil basally shortly broadened and triangular-lanceolate to subulate, 0.5 - 2.5 mm; Fil
shortly pouch-like ffrom the laterally fuse
f d margins, subulate, basally broadened; Anth oblong, acute,
1 mm; Anth overtopping the mouth of the Cl tube apically united.
f ≤ 2 mm; translator shortly stalked; Sty 1 mm;
unripe Fr hispid. R. longituba E. A. Bruce (BMI 1937: 419-420,
Rather closely related to R. brownii from
f which it 1937). T: Tanzania, Tabora Distr. (Lloyd 45 [not
f by the larger root tubers and characters of located]). − D: Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, N Zim-
the gynostegium. babwe; in grassland and Miombo format
f ions. I:
Meve (2000a: as R. ernstiana).
R. loandae Schlechter & Rendle (in Hiern, Cat. Incl. Raphionacme ernstiana Meve (2000).

Raphionacme Asclepiadaceae U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers

Plants pubescent; R tuber beetroot-like discoid to weakly pubescent; Sep ovate-lanceolate, ± 3 mm,
globose, ± 20 cm ∅; stems green, divaricately acute, pubescent, ciliate; Cl tube almost absent; Cl
branching, ± 30 cm × 5 mm ∅; L subsessile, ± 3 - 6 lobes spreading, 13 - 20 × 4 - 5 mm, ± obtuse, rose
× 2 cm, ovate (to obovate), green, apically obtuse, to violet, outside laxly pubescent, inside glabrous;
basally truncate, margins undulate; Inf terminal, di- Cn lobes erect, filiform from a triangular base, ± 20
chasially 3-flowered; peduncle 15 - 25 × 1 - 2.5 mm, overtopping the Gy, apically somewhat con-
mm; Ped 6 - 12 × 1.5 mm, bracteate; Sep narrowly torted; Anth lanceolate-ovate.
lanceolate, 4 - 7 mm, acute; Cl campanulate; Cl These compact dwarf shrublets are probably most
tube 7 - 10 × 3 - 3.5 mm, inside ridged, greenish; Cl closely related to R. spl
s endens ffrom which they
lobes ovate, horizontally spreading, 10 - 12 × 4 - 6 differ among other characters by the style head,
mm, margins recurved, upper face white to green- which is only shortly stipitate. − [U. Meve]
ish-white, partly tinged with rose or (purplish-)
pink, basally often
f greenish; Cn white to greenish- R. monteiroae (Oliver) N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 533,
white; Cn lobes broadly ovate to rectangularly 1907). T: Moçambique (Monte M iro 424 [K]). − D:
ovate, 7 - 8 × 3 - 4 mm, apically often f incised- Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe,
bidentate, erect-connivent, form
f ing a ± closed S Moçambique. I: Rowley (1987: 83).
dome; translator boat-shaped with rounded tip, ± ≡ Chlorocyathus monteiroae Oliver (1887).
2.5 × 0.6 mm, without explicit stalk, adhesive disc R tuber not seen; stems slender, twining, with
deltoid, ± 0.7 × 0.5 mm, pollen in decussate sub- long Int, scattered-pubescent; L 2 - 7 mm petiolate,
globose tetrads, ± 0.35 mm ∅; Fr ovoid. spreading, lamina oblong-ovate to obovate, 2 - 3.5
The deep corolla tube and the very broad corona (-6.5) × 0.7 - 1.5 cm, ± pubescent; Inf axillary, 4 - 6
tips, which obscure the gynostegium considerably, mm pedunculate, few-flowered; Ped 3 - 4 mm, pu-
are notable. More closely related with R. hirs t . −
r uta bescent; Sep ovate, 2 mm, acute, pubescent; Cl ±
[U. Meve] 2.5 cm ∅, olive-green, outside sparsely pubescent;
Cl tube campanulate, ± 6 × 6 mm, inside with 5
R. madiensis S. Moore (J. Bot. 46: 293-294, 1908). decurrent 2-winged nectar pouches; Cl lobes ascen-
T: Uganda (Bagshawe 1611 [BM]). − D: Uganda, ding, ovate-oblong, 8 - 13 × 5 - 6 mm, obtuse,
Kenya, Tanzania; wood- and grasslands. I: Agnew margins ± widely reflexed and undulate, inside ±
& Agnew (1994). Fig. XLI.a, XLI.d papillose; Cn lobes basally very broad, 3-partite,
R tuber broadly turnip-shaped, 7 - 14 cm ∅, bark middle appendage subulate, 2 - 4 mm, red-brown,
silvery-grey, smooth; stems 5 - 40 × 0.2 - 0.4 cm, lateral appendages subulate, 1 mm, pale yellow, tips
erect, weakly and ± divaricately branched, pubes- curved over or below the middle appendage; Fil 1.5
cent or glabrous; L 5 - 10 mm petiolate, overtop- mm, translator 2 mm, spoon broadly ovate or obtu-
ping the Inf, lamina oblong, obovate or elliptic, 5 - sely cordate, stalk rather broad.
12 × 1.5 - 4 cm, ± obtuse, basally attenuate, dark A very large-flowered species and easily recog-
green, both faces hairy or glabrous; Inf lateral and nized from the olive-green corolla and the red-
terminal, axillary, shortly pedunculate, ± laxly 3- to brown / pale yellow corona. It is related to the non-
10-flowered; Ped ± 5 mm, pubescent; Sep ffree, lan- twining R. borenensis.
ceolate, 2 - 3 mm, acute, mostly somewhat spread-
ing, outside pubescent; Cl green, violet or brown- R. namibiana Venter & Verhoeven (SAJB 52(4):
violet, 15 - 18 mm ∅, outside pubescent; Cl tube 332-334, ills., 1986). T: Namibia (Marloth 5017
campanulate, 2 - 3 × 3 - 4 mm; Cl lobes spreading, [PRE]). − D: Namibia. I: Bruyns (1995a).
triangular-oblong, 6 - 7.5 mm, obtuse; Cn lobes Suffrut
f icose with rather clear latex; R tuber
purple-brown, (1- to) 3-parted, subulate to almost ovoid to turnip-shaped, to 50 × 15 cm; stems erect,
linear, 6 - 8 mm, basally broadened and laterally underground 25 - 50 × 1 cm, above-ground 6 - 10 ×
with 2 small obtusely triangular appendages; Fil 0.3 - 0.5 cm, glabrous; L to 2 cm petiolate, lamina
rectangular ffrom a broadened base, 1 mm; transla- lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 4 - 15 × 1 - 3 cm, ac-
tor spatulate-saccate, 1.5 mm. ute, grey-green with purple venation, densely pu-
This species with large tubers and attractive flo- bescent, later glabrescent, midrib prominent below;
wers is esp. worthy of cultivation. Inf terminal, few-
f flowered; peduncle 1 - 2 mm,
weakly pubescent; Ped 6 - 8 mm, ± pubescent; Sep
R. michelii De Wildeman (Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, free, triangular to ovate, 5 × 1.5 mm, weakly pubes-
Bot., sér. 5, 1: 181, 1904). T: Zaïre (De Wildeman cent; Cl 21 × 28 - 30 mm; Cl tube 10 - 11 mm long,
47 [BR, BM]). − D: Congo, Zaïre, Kenya. inside dark green, outside weakly pubescent; Cl
R tuber flattened; stems erect, 7 - 20 cm, some- lobes obovate, 10 × 3 mm, obtuse, purple-blue to
what branched, pubescent; primary L Sc-like, other rose-purple, basally pale yellow, glabrous; Cn lobes
L elliptic to obovate, 1.5 - 7 × 0.7 - 2 cm, both ffaces basally broadened, laterally fuse
f d with each other
(roughly) hairy, venation prominent on the lower and fforming pouches, apically 3-parted, middle ap-
f ; Inf mostly terminal, extra-axillary, shortly pe-
face pendage filiform, 6 - 7 mm, lateral appendages 1
dunculate, 1- to many-flowered; Ped 1 - 2 cm, mm, curved, horn-like, rose-purple; Gy narrowly

U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Raphionacme

oblong-ovoid, 7 × 3 mm; Fil 2 mm, terete; Anth with 1 - 4 part-Inf, each to 10-flowered; Ped 3 - 5
narrowly ovoid, 5 × 3 mm; translator narrowly spa- mm, densely pubescent; Sep free f , ± ovate, 2 - 4
tulate; Fr normally solitary, free
f ly pendulous, cune- mm, brownish, pubescent; Cl 6 - 9 mm ∅; Cl tube
ate, 4 - 6 × 2 cm, acute, mostly terete in cross- campanulate, 1 - 2 mm ∅; Cl lobes ovate to broadly
section, green to brown, glabrous; Se flatl
f y ovoid, ovate, 3 - 4 × 1.5 - 2 mm, purple, glabrous; Cn lobes
each end ± pointed, 15 × 4 mm, without a tuft of Ha 3-parted, middle appendage subulate, 3 - 4 mm, api-
at the micropylar end, but instead with a crown of cally spiralled, lateral appendages curved horn-like,
Ha along the Se margin. ± 1 mm; Fil ± 0.6 mm, massive; translator spatu-
The crown-like frf inge of hairs along the seed late-saccate, ± 1 mm.
margin (instead of the usual tuftf of hairs at the mic-
ropylar end) is unique in the whole complex. R. splendens Schlechter (J. Bot. 33: 301-302,
1895). T: Uganda (Scott-Elliot s.n. [BM]). − D:
R. palustris V Venter & Verhoeven (SAJB 52(2): Senegal, Sierra Leone, Mali, Niger, Ivory Coast,
149-152, ills., 1986). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African
V r 9005 [BLFU, K, PRE]). − D: RSA (Kwa- Republic, Congo, Sudan, Burundi, Ethiopia, Zaïre,
Zulu-Natal); in swamps and wet meadows. Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Angola. I: Newton
Identical to R. hirs
r uta, but stems longer, to 50 (1974: 59); Rowley (1987: 37, 82); both as R.
cm; Inf 3-flowered; Cn lobes more slender; Fr er- d
daronii. Fig. XLI.b
ect, narrowly fus
f iform,
f 18 - 27 × 0.8 - 1 cm. Incl. Raphiacme macrostemon K. Schumann in
f ing only quantitatively in some characters sched. (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1); incl. Rap
a hion-
f m R. hirsuta and probably only representing an
fro acme excisa Schlechter (1895); incl. Brachystelma
ecotype (from wet habitats) of this taxon. bingeri A. Chevalier (1901) ≡ Raphionacme
a bingeri
(A. Chevalier) J.-P. Lebrun & Stork (1984); incl.
R. procumbens Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51): Rapa hionacme gossweileri S.Moore (1908); incl.
11, 1895). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Schlechter 3867 Rapa hionacme daroni
d i Berhaut (1954); incl. Raphio-
[BOL]). − D: Zimbabwe, RSA (Mpumalanga), nacme chimanimaniana Venter & Verhoeven
Swaziland. I: Bruyns (1995a). Fig. XLI.e (1989).
R tuber not seen; stems 15 - 30 cm, basally R tuber often flattened turnip-shaped, 5 - 15 × 2 -
branched, decumbent (in cultivation also twining), 25 cm, edible raw; stems erect, 15 - 20 (-30) × 0.2 -
long and softly pubescent; L 2 - 9 mm petiolate, la- 0.3 cm, unbranched, terete, young weakly pubes-
mina elliptic to lanceolate, 2.5 - 6.5 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm, cent; L erect, linear, lanceolate, elliptic or obovate,
basally attenuate, both ffaces velvety-hairy, Ha 5 - 12 × 0.2 - 4 cm (primary L smaller), almost
long, soft,
f denser on the lower face; f Inf extra- glabrous or variably short-hairy; Inf terminal or
axillary, ± many-flowered, globose, conspicuously subterminal, extra-axillary, ± shortly pedunculate,
pedunculate, somewhat pendent; Ped 2.5 - 3 mm, f w-flowered with 2 - 4 Fl; Ped 7 - 25 mm, weakly
softly hairy; Sep ovate-lanceolate, 2 - 3 mm, acute, pubescent; Sep ovate, 2 - 3 × 1.5 - 2 mm, acute, out-
shortly soft-hairy; Cl campanulate, ± 10 mm ∅, side pubescent to hispid; Cl 20 - 50 mm ∅; Cl tube
outside soft
f ly hairy, inside glabrous; Cl tube 1 mm; 1.5 - 5 mm; Cl lobes completely spreading, oblong,
Cl lobes oblong-lanceolate to ovate, 2.5 - 4 × 1.3 10 - 25 × 6 - 7 mm, obtuse, white, rose to purple,
mm, inside pale green, basally purple; Cn lobes 3- outside scattered weakly pubescent, inside glabr-
parted from
f a ± square base, middle appendage er- ous; Cn lobes erect, filiform from a broadened base
ect or slightly inclined, triangular-lanceolate, 1 mm, with 2-keeled inside, 5 - 25 mm, far overtopping the
acute, lateral appendages erect, triangular, acute, Gy, apically often
f incised and contorted; Fil 5 mm,
slightly shorter to 1⁄4 as long as the middle append- conical; Anth ± linear; Gy completely protruding
age; Anth fuse
f d to fform an acute cone; translator ffrom the Cl tube; translator spatulate, ± 3.5 mm,
hardly 1 mm, spoon broadly ovate, stalk linear, 0.6 spoon apically incised; Fr erect, linearly ffusiform
f ,
mm. 8 - 10 cm × 4 - 5 mm.
V y similar to R. angolensis in flower morpho-
Ver An exceptionally beautiful and large-flowered
logy, esp. because of the red and acutely toothed species. The W Afr f ican "R. daronii
d " is a smaller-
corona. flowered variant of this extremely widespread
complex characterized by the long-stipitate stylar
R. pulchella Venter & Verhoeven (SAJB 54(1): head, which surpasses the corolla considerably.
72-74, ills., 1988). T: Moçambique, Manica e Sofa-
la Distr. (William
W s RSES89 [SRGH]). − D: Mo- R. sylvicola Venter & Verhoeven (Novon 10(2):
çambique, Zimbabwe; grassland. 170-172, ills., 2000). T: Zambia, Kaputa Region
f icose; R unknown; stems to 25 cm, erect, M llo & al. 962 [MO, K]). − D: Zambia; forests
(Mere f ;
reddish-brown, laxly pubescent; L sessile, lamina only known ffrom the type collection.
linear, 5 - 10 cm × 3 - 4 mm, acute, basally cuneate, Pubescent lianas; R tuber unknown; stems usu-
± laxly pubescent, midrib prominent below; Inf ally perennial, becoming woody, twining, pubes-
ffrom upper L axils, 8 - 15 mm pedunculate, erect, cent when young, nodes with dentate interpetiolar

Raphionacme Asclepiadaceae U. Meve, B. Willke & F. Albers

stipules; L spreading, 2 - 3 cm petiolate, lamina ov- mm, cylindrical; Cl lobes almost erect, ovate-
ate-elliptic, (9-) 11 - 13 × 4.5 - 6.5 cm, basally cu- oblong or oblong, 2 - 4 × 2 mm, obtuse, outside vel-
neate, pubescent, upper fface green, lower face f vety-pubescent, inside glabrous; Cn lobes 3-parted,
slightly paler; Inf subterminal, pedunculate, 5- to appendages filiform or subulate, middle appendage
8-flowered; Ped 8 - 12 mm; Sep ffree, ovate to lan- erect, 2 - 3 mm, lateral appendages subacute, ± 1.5
ceolate, 1.5 mm; Cl outside slightly pubescent; Cl mm; Anth ovoid or lanceolate, margin somewhat
tube campanulate, ± 7 × 3.5 mm; Cl lobes oblong- undulate; translator spatulate, spoon lanceolate, ba-
ovate, 4 - 5 × 1.5 - 2 mm, obtuse; petaloid Cn 3- sally abruptly constricted into the linear stalk; Fr
partite, median segment subulate-filiform,
ffii 8 mm, narrowly ovoid, apically slowly attenuate and ac-
erect, deeply bilobed, lateral segments triangular- ute, usually 5 - 9 cm × 4 - 6 mm.
subulate, 1 mm, acute, spreading; Anth appendage Certainly closely related to R. galpini
l i and pro-
ovate, 1 mm; translator spatulate, viscidium ± bably even conspecific.
Very closely related to R. fl
V f anaganii with almost R. vignei E. A. Bruce (BMI 1936: 477, 1936). T:
identical habit, ffrom which it differs
f esp. by the Ghana (Vigne 3823 [FH]). − D: Ivory Coast, Gui-
large soft
f leaves and the bilobed inner segment of nea Bissau, Guinea, Ghana, Chad; grassland, savan-
the corona. − [U. Meve] nas. I: Rowley (1987: 37).
R tuber discoid, turnip-shaped or globose, 3 - 8
R. utilis N. E. Brown & Stapf (BMI 1908: 214-215, cm ∅, fleshy; stems erect, 5 - 20 cm, weakly pubes-
ills., 1908). − D: Angola, Zimbabwe. I: CBM 134: cent, the basal cm often underground and woody; L
t. 8221, 1908. shortly petiolate, lamina narrowly lanceolate to ob-
R tuber turnip-shaped, 10 × 5 - 14 cm, bark dark ovate, 4 - 10 × 0.5 - 4 cm, basally cuneate, even the
brown, scaly; stems ± erect, solitary, rarely branch- lateral veins raised below, upper facf e ± glabrous,
ing, 2 - 10 cm, brown-pubescent; L 4 - 17 mm lower fface weakly hispid; Inf terminal, congested,
petiolate, lamina spreading, ± circular, elliptic or sessile, 5- to 6-flowered; Ped 1 - 2 mm; Cal divided
oblong-ovate, 3 - 8.5 × 3 - 4.5 cm, basally cuneate, almost to the base, Sep imbricate, ovate, 1.5 mm,
rounded to cordate, upper fface green, lower face f outside pubescent; Fl with citrus-like scent; Cl pale
pale purple to purple, both faces scatteredly pubes- green to lemon-yellow; Cl tube cylindrical-campa-
cent; Inf sessile, terminal and lateral, axillary, nulate to campanulate, 2 mm; Cl lobes ovate-lance -
many-flowered, congested; Ped 3 - 7 mm, brown- olate, 3 - 4 mm; Cn lobes simple, erect, compressed,
pubescent; Sep lanceolate, 3 - 5 mm, acute, pubes- filiform
f ffrom a rectangularly broadened base, ± 5
cent; Cl 12 - 15 mm ∅, deeply 5-parted, pale mm, yellowish, tinged ± purple-red.
purple, outside laxly weakly pubescent, inside glab- A conspicuous plant with slender spicate inflo-
rous; Cl tube broadly campanulate, short; Cl lobes rescences.
oblong, 5 - 6 mm, margins revolute; Cn lobes 3-
parted, middle appendage erect, subulate, 3 - 5 mm, R. welwitschii Schlechter & Rendle (J. Bot. 34: 97,
acute, completely erect or inclined, dark purple, la- 1896). T: Angola (We W lwitsch 4234 [BM]). − D:
teral appendages oblong, 1.5 - 2 mm, neighbouring Angola, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya. I: Cribb & Lee-
appendages basally fuse
f d, tips purple; Fr fus
f iform
f , dal (1982: 102).
± 10 cm; Se 4 mm, tuftf of Ha 8 mm. ≡ Chlorocyathus welwitschii (Schlechter & Rend-
The authors of the protologue interpret R. welwit- le) Bullock (1959); incl. Raphionacme denticulata
schii as the most closely related taxon, but this dif- N. E. Brown (1902); incl. Raphionacme verd r ickii
ffers in growth habit and flower structure. De Wildeman (1904).
R tuber to 15 cm ∅; stems 50 - 120 cm tall, twin-
R. velutina Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51): 12, ing, velvety-pubescent; L spreading, 0.5 - 5 cm pe-
1895). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Schlechter 3509 [not tiolate, petiole rather thick, lamina obovate to
located]). − D: Namibia, RSA (Gauteng, Eastern oblong, 3 - 15 × 2 - 8 cm, obtuse, basally rounded or
Cape). I: Fabian & Germishuizen (1982: 219). cuneate, upper face
f dark green, lower fface pale
R tuber not seen; stems 7 - 12 cm, erect, basally green, both faces
f velvety-pubescent; Inf axillary,
dichotomously branched and divaricate, basally shortly pedunculate, 2- to 16-flowered; Ped 2 - 5
woody, densely leafy,
f velvety-pubescent; L 2 - 6 mm; Sep broadly ovate, 1.5 - 3 mm; Cl whitish,
mm petiolate, spreading or ascending, lamina lin- mostly green, sometimes also purple; Cl tube cam-
ear, 2 - 4.5 cm × 5 - 9 mm, V-shaped in cross- panulate, 2 - 3 × 2.5 - 4 mm, glabrous; Cl lobes ov-
section, obtuse or acute, basally attenuate, upper ate or oblong, 4 - 6 × 3 - 5 mm, obtuse, fleshy,
face grey-green, lower face darker, both faces vel- curved outwards, margin revolute, outside weakly
vety-pubescent; Inf 4 - 8.5 mm pedunculate, extra- pubescent; Cn lobes basally 1 mm broad, 3-parted,
axillary, lateral and terminal, densely 10- to 25- middle appendage ascending, oblong, ventrally
flowered; Ped 2 - 3.5 mm, velvety-pubescent; Sep with 2 thick keels, tip abruptly elongate and subu-
lanceolate-triangular, 2 - 2.5 × 1 mm, acute, vel- late, lateral appendages small, subulate, acute, ra-
vety-hairy; Fl green; Cl campanulate; Cl tube 2 - 3 rely 2-toothed, purple or apically olive-green and

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Rhytidocaulon

basally purple; Fil dull purple, linear, 1 mm; trans- coloured in the same colour as the flecks, Cl 4 - 18
lator thinly stipitate, spoon broadly elliptic. mm ∅, rotate (tips of the lobes fusef d or contorted
A large-leaved and in addition twining species in R. fuller
f i and R. tortum), inside smooth or
and in habit somewhat reminiscent of Fockea multi- wrinkled, glabrous or papillose, outside papillose;
f ra. R. procumbens is rather close but has a very
flor Cl tube short, 2.5 - 4 mm ∅, bowl- to cup-shaped;
short corolla tube and is generally much more deli- Cl lobes broadly triangular to narrowly lanceolate,
cate. 1.5 - 7 × 0.7 - 2 mm, flatly spreading or margins
revolute; Cn biseriate, 1 - 2 × 1.2 - 3.5 mm; Ci ba-
R. zeyheri Harvey (London J. Bot. 1: 23, 1842). T: sally fused into a plate-like to shortly cup-shaped
RSA, Eastern Cape (Ecklon & Zeyher s.n. [S]). − structure, lobes rectangular, apically indented or
D: RSA (Eastern Cape). I: Bayer (1976). deeply divided, obtuse to acutely subulate, or al-
Incl. Raphionacme decolor Schlechter (1916). most completely fusef d and form
f ing a serrate rim;
R tuber massively turnip-shaped; stems 5 - 13 cm Cs 0.3 - 1 mm, broadly rectangular or linear-lance -
tall, basally branched and woody, ± erect, terete, olate, densely incumbent on the Anth; Sty head
striate-angular, very laxly weakly pubescent; L ses- whitish to greenish, slightly convex; Anth ± rectan-
sile or very shortly petiolate, stiffly erect, lamina gular; Poll yellow, pear-shaped to ovoid, attached
linear to lanceolate, 2.5 - 3.2 cm × 2 - 9 mm, basally slightly obliquely to the short caudicles, corpuscle
attenuate; Inf axillary, 1 - 2 mm pedunculate, 5- to narrowly fus
f iform
f ; Fr fus
f iform,
f 4 - 7 cm, erect,
10-flowered, small; Ped 1 - 1.5 mm; Sep ovate to grey-green, green or green-brown, sometimes red-
oblong-ovate, 1.5 mm, weakly pubescent; Cl cam- spotted; Se pale brown, 4 - 6.5 × 2.5 - 3 mm, wing
panulate; Cl tube 1.5 - 2 mm; Cl lobes oblong, ± 3.5 thick, undulate, cork-like, tuft of Ha ± 15 mm.
× 1.5 mm, obtuse, outside almost glabrous to weakly Rhytidocaulon is to be placed in the relationship
pubescent; Cn lobes 3-parted, basally obliquely around the genus Cara
C lluma on the base of the very
rectangular, middle appendage filiform, 3 - 4 mm, similar corona structures, and this is supported by
lateral appendages subulate or reduced to minute the distribution range, which entirely fa f lls within
obtuse teeth, 1 mm, sparsely pubescent; Anth the centre of distribution of Cara
C lluma. Rhytidocau-
ovoid, with acute appendage; translator spatulate, lon differs from all other stapeliads, however, by
1.2 mm, spoon elliptic to circular. the wrinkled rough irregularly sculptured stem sur-
Hairy corona lobes are occasionally also encoun- faces and the inflorescences, which are sunken into
tered in the closely related R. burkei
r . the stems. The plants are difficult in cultivation, and
permanent success is perhaps only possible by
f ing.
R. ciliatum Hanácek & Ricánek (Asklepios No. 80:
U. Meve
19-21, ills., 2000). T: YYemen (Ricánek & Hanácek
Rhytidocaulon P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 18: 335- 265 [BRNM]). − D: Yemen
Y .
339, 1963). T: Rhytidocaulon subscandens P. R. O. Stems rounded 4-angled, erect to procumbent-
Bally. − Lit: Field (1981a); Bruyns (1986b). D: ascending, to 15 - 30 × 1 (-1.5) cm, rigid, grey-
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Ye- green, surface ± rugose-tessellate, papillose; L
men. Etym: Gr. ‘rhytidos’, wrinkle, fo f ld; and Gr. rudiments triangular-lanceolate, 2.5 - 3 × 1 mm,
‘kaulos’, stem; ffor the sculptured stems. fleshy, papillose; Inf 1- to 3- (to 4-) flowered; Fl
Little-branched perennial stem succulents, main unscented; Ped 2.5 - 3 mm, ± glabrous; Sep triangu-
stem first erect, with short decumbent to ascending lar-subulate, 1.5 mm, papillose; Cl rotate, 12 - 15
Br, whole plant finely papillose and covered with a mm ∅, outside grey-brown with delicate red-brown
conspicuous wax layer and thus appearing ± grey; dots, ± papillose; Cl tube shallowly fuffunnel-shaped,
latex slightly milky; stems indistinctly 4- (to 6-) ± 0.7 mm, upper face basally yellowish, sometimes
ribbed, cylindrical, 2 - 50 × 0.7 - 2.5 cm, brown- or spotted purple or bright to dark purple-brown or
olive-green, surface rough and wrinkled from irre- greenish-purple like the Cl lobes; Cl lobes triangu-
gular furrowings and tessellations; Tu T hardly lar-linear, ± 6 × 2 mm, horizontally spreading to
raised; L rudiments lanceolate, elliptic or triangu- slightly recurved, glabrous, apically and down for 1⁄2
lar, erect, ± appressed to the stems, subsessile, ra- of their length marginally ciliate, Ha 2 - 3.5 mm;
pidly caducous, basally with stipular Gl, midrib Cn 2-seriate, ± 2.3 mm ∅, fusef d to a shortly bowl-
raised on the lower facef ; Inf appearing oftenf al- shaped structure, yellowish to purple; Ci lobes er-
ready on the young main stem, laterally sunken into ect, ± 0.35 mm ∅, rectangular, ± 2-bilobed into
the stems, 1- to 3-flowered, opening in succession, lanceolate teeth 0.6 mm long; Cs lobes deltoid-
numerous, often
f several Inf active at a time and subquadrate, basally slightly winged, ± 1 × 1.2 mm,
scattered over the whole plant; Ped 0.5 - 2 mm, pa- ± overlapping, incumbent on the Anth, apically
pillose; Sep triangular, 1 - 2 mm, outside papillose; subobtuse; Poll ± ovoid, ± 0.35 × 0.18 mm; Fr slen-
Cl ± cream-coloured with red, red-brown or purple derly fusiform, erect, 5 - 6 cm × 3.5 mm, grey, glab-
fflecks or bands, tips of the Cl lobes often uniformly rous.

Rhytidocaulon Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

This species is closely related with R. piliferum per 1⁄2 black-purple, 5 - 9 × 1.5 - 2 mm, lanceolate to
ffrom Somalia, but differs
f in the non-papillose and narrowly triangular, lower 1⁄2 ascending at an angle
larger corolla and the name-giving marginal hairs of 30°, densely papillose, outer 1⁄2 spreading hori-
of the corolla lobes. zontally, glabrous but apically with a tuft
f of Ha, Ha
purple, fus
f iform,
f vibratile; Cn 2 - 2.5 mm ∅, penta-
R. fulleri Lavranos & Mortimer (Nation. Cact. gonal, shortly fused to form a cup-shaped structure;
Succ. J. 25(1): 2-4, ills., 1970). T: Oman (Lavranos Ci lobes purple, red-brown or red, erect, ± 0.5 mm,
& Mortimer 7133 [PRE]). − D: Oman. Fig. XLI.f broadly triangular at the base, apically bifid into di-
Stems indistinctly 4-ribbed, main stem 10 - 35 × vergent subulate appendages, 0.1 - 1 mm; Cs purple
1.5 - 2.5 cm, Br shorter and more slender, grey- to to pale reddish, 0.5 - 2 mm, rectangular to shortly
brown-green, surface very rough, strongly furrowed triangular, just as long as the Anth; Poll ovoid to
and tessellated; Tu raised, rounded; L rudiments tri- reniform, ± 0.2 × 0.14 mm, Fr grey-green, erect, 5 -
angular-ovate, 1.5 - 3 mm; Inf 1- to 3-flowered, 7 cm × 5 - 6 mm; Se pale brown, 5 - 6 × 3 mm.
long-lived but clustered on young Br; Fl rich in
nectar, unscented; Ped 0.5 - 2 mm, papillose; Sep R. macrolobum ssp. minimum Meve & Collenette
triangular, 1 - 2 mm, papillose; Cl inside greenish (Edinburgh J. Bot. 56(1): 80-83, ills., 1999). T:
to cream-coloured, cross-banded with red-brown, Saudi Arabia (Collenette 7565 [K]). − D: Saudi
glabrous, outside flecked with red-brown, papillose, Arabia, Yemen. I: Collenette (1985: 72, as aff.
8 - 10 × 4 - 5 mm, cage-like from the fused lobe macrolobum).
tips; Cl tube shallow, very short; Cl lobes acutely V
Vegetat ively like ssp. macrolobum, but Fl un-
triangular, narrowest near the middle, 4 - 9 × 1.5 - 2 scented; Cl only 4.5 - 6 mm ∅; Cl tube ± 1.5 mm
mm, erect, strongly folded back along the midrib, ∅; basal ⁄5 of the Cl lobes white and delicately

tips inside sometimes red; Cn ± 1 × 3 mm; Ci fused banded with pale purple to black-brown, apical 2⁄5
bowl-like, lobes red (-brown), broadly bifid with er- purple to black-brown, 2 - 2.5 × 1.2 - 1.4 mm, trian-
ect inclined triangular appendages, those in stami- gular-lanceolate, straight, horizontally spreading or
nal position fuse
f d with the laterally neighbouring slightly ascending, ± glabrous or slightly papillose,
appendages to fform a proojecting triangular beak, margins subapically each with a tuft f of Ha, Ha
beak bent downwards, canaliculate, wedged be- purple, flattened, vibratile, ± 1 mm; Cn whitish to
tween the free bases of the Cl lobes; Cs yellow, 1 - pale yellowish, ± 1 × 2.5 mm; Ci lobes ± 0.5 mm,
1.5 mm, rectangular; Poll (ovoid to) pear-shaped; erect, subquadrangular at the base, apically bifid
Fr green-brown, banded with purple, 3 - 4 cm; Se ± into short cylindrical slightly tuberculate append-
6 × 3 mm. ages; Cs sometimes pale red, 0.5 mm, triangular-
subquadrangular, emarginate.
R. macrolobum Lavranos (CSJA 39(1): 3-5, ills., Inconspicuous plants with very small and un-
1967). T: Yemen (Lavranos 4366 [K, G, PRE, P]). scented flowers and a very pale corona.
− D: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia.
The numerous and rather large flowers make R. R. mccoyi Lavranos & Mies (CSJA 73(6): 299-303,
macrolobum esp. attractive ffor greenhouse cultiva- ills., 2001). T: Yemen
Y (Lavranos & al. 31332 [MO,
tion. It is very closely related to the Afr
f ican R. pili- P, UPS]). − D: S Yemen.
m. Main stem rounded 4-angled, ± erect, little
branched, to 40 × 2 cm (lateral stems thinner, shor-
R. macrolobum ssp. macrolobum − D: Saudi ter), stiff, grey-green, surface
f rugose-papillose; L
Arabia, Yemen, Somalia. I: Collenette (1985: 71). rudiments ovate-deltoid, to 5 mm, fleshy, papillate;
Stems indistinctly 4- (to 5-) ribbed, main stem 15 Inf 1- to 3-flowered, sessile, most ffrequent on
- 30 × 1 - 2 cm, Br shorter and more slender, grey- young lateral stems; Ped erect, 15 - 18 mm, ± pu-
to brown-green, surface
f rough, finely furrowe
f d and bescent; Sep deltoid-lanceolate, 1 mm, papillate; Cl
tessellated, rather scattered-papillose; Tu near the pyramidal, cage-like, 2.5 - 4.5 mm ∅, inside and
stem tips ± semiglobose, less raised on older stem outside pale yellowish-green, margins lime-green,
parts, rounded; L rudiments lanceolate to narrowly inside glabrous, outside with scattered thickish
triangular, 2 - 3 × 1 mm; Inf 1- to 2- (to 3-) white Ha; Cl tube shallow, short; Cl lobes narrowly
flowered, massed on young Br; Fl with dull citrus- triangular-lanceolate, 6 - 8 × 1.5 - 2 mm, ascending,
like scent; Ped 0.5 - 2 mm, papillose; Sep triangu- apically fused, margins revolute, basally auriculate,
lar, ± 1 × 0.5 mm, outside papillose; Cl rotate, 8 prominent; Cn ± 1 × 1.8 - 3.5 mm, fused to form a
- 20 mm ∅, outside pale grey-brown with fine red- short bowl-shaped structure, white; Ci deeply bi-
brown spots, papillose; Cl tube basally cream- lobed, erect, the filiform
f appendages ± 0.35 mm
coloured or whitish, banded with purple at the long, horizontally spreading, tips crossing each
transition to the lobes, shortly funne
f l-shaped, penta- other at the base of the Cs; Cs ± 0.5 mm, broadly
gonal, 1 × 2 - 3.5 mm, bulging to 1⁄2 the height of the linear-obovoid, decumbent on the Anth, apically
Cn and fframing the Cn; Cl lobes inside basally rounded, dorsally papillate.
cream-coloured, cross-banded with red-brown, up- R. mccoyi does not only show greatest affinity to

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Rhytidocaulon

R. fulleri with regard to geography, but also in habit gular appendages; Cs triangular-strap-shaped, ± 0.8
and flower structure. The long pedicels, the flower mm, imbricate, incumbent on the Anth, apically
colours, and the peculiarities of the corona un- bluntish, rarely bifid; Poll ± ovoid, ± 0.33 × 0.25
derline the very independent status of R. mccoyi. mm, translators very short; Fr very narrowly fusi-
form, ± 5 cm, glabrous.
R. paradoxum P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 18: 339, R. pilif
iferum is the sister species of R. macrolo-
ills. (p. 336), 1963). T: Ethiopia, Ogaden (Ellis 405 bum.
[K, ZSS]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia. I:
Bruyns (1986b). R. richardianum Lavranos (CSJA 63(4): 167-169,
Stems indistinctly 4- (to 5-) ribbed, main stem 2 - ills., 1991). T: Somalia (Lavranos & al. 24895
11 × 1.2 - 1.5 cm, Br shorter, grey-olive-green, sur- [UPS]). − D: Somalia.
face rough and wrinkled, furrowed and tessellated; Stems indistinctly 4- (to 5-) ribbed, main stem 50
T at the stem tips ± regularly semiglobose, less
Tu - 80 × 1.5 - 2 cm, lateral Br somewhat thinner, first
raised on older stems, rounded; L rudiments nar- erect, then ± horizontally decumbent, weakly re-
rowly triangular, ± 2 × 1 mm, acute; Inf 1-flowered, branched, grey-green, with purple tinge in fu f ll sun,
scattered over the whole plant; Fl sessile, rich in surface rough, wrinkled; L rudiments minute; Inf 1-
nectar, scent not described; Sep triangular-lanceo- to 2-flowered, predominantly near the stem tips;
late, ± 1.5 × 1.3 mm, outside papillose; Cl rotate, ± 9 Ped ± 1.5 mm, papillose; Sep triangular, ± 1.2 mm,
mm ∅, outside grey-reddish, somewhat papillose; outside papillose; Cl yellow-green, rotate, ± 10 mm
Cl tube cream-coloured, red-dotted and -flecked, ± ∅, outside papillose; Cl tube shortly funne
f l-shaped,
1 × 5 mm, openly bowl-shaped; Cl lobes basally ± 1 × 2 mm, slightly bulging around the Cn; Cl
green to yellowish, flecked and dotted with red (- lobes ± 4.5 × 2 mm, narrowly triangular, narrowed
brown), triangular, broader than long, ± 3 × 3.5 mm, in the middle part, then broadening into a thickened
± horizontally spreading, glabrous; Cn ± 1 × 4 mm, lanceolate tip, ascending at an angle of 30°, basally
f d into a bowl-shaped structure; Ci lobes green-
fuse glabrous, upper 1⁄2 with tufts of villous Ha, Ha pale
ish, broadly rectangular, ± 0.3 × 2 mm, fuse
f d into a purple, very delicate, long, curved; Cn ± 1 × 1.5
belt-like structure, only shortly incised at staminal mm, fuse
f d into a shortly bowl-shaped structure, out-
positions, ± erect, margin serrate, inside glabrous, side with purple Ha-papillae; Ci lobes dark purple,
outside papillose; Cs yellowish-green, 0.3 - 1 × 0.5 deeply incised, the narrowly triangular appendages
- 0.8 mm, rectangular, apically straightly truncate, ± 0.4 × 0.3 mm, erect, slightly inclined, densely co-
serrate. vered with Ha-papillae; Cs dark purple, ± 1 × 0.2
A very rare and uncommon species known only mm, narrowly triangular, apically blunt, slightly
from 3 collections. serrate; Poll slenderly pear-shaped, ± 0.12 ×
0.05 mm.
R. piliferum Lavranos (CSJA 43(2): 62-64, ills., R. richardianum is only known from a single col-
1971). T: Somalia, Northern Prov. (Lavranos 7365 lection and is characterized predominantly by the
[FT]). − D: Somalia. Fig. XLI.g conspicuous tomentum of corolla and corona.
Stems ± regularly 4- (to 5-) angled, erect to de-
cumbent-ascending, to 40 × 0.5 - 1.2 cm, stiff, grey- R. sheilae D. V. Field (KB 36(1): 51-54, ills.,
to brown-green, surface f ± strongly grooved and 1981). T: Saudi Arabia (Collenette 1304 [K]). −
tessellated, very sparingly to densely papillose; Tu T D: Saudi Arabia. I: Collenette (1985: 72). Fig.
weakly prominent, rounded; L rudiments ovate- XLI.h, XLII.a
triangular to lanceolate, 1 - 3 × 1 mm, erectly ap- Stems indistinctly 4-ribbed, main stem 0.2 - 20 ×
pressed to spreading at an angle of 45°, papillose; 0.7 - 1.5 cm, lateral Br to 17 cm, olive-green,
Inf 1- to 2- (to 4-) flowered, massed on young la- appearing often
f almost grey-white due to the cover-
teral Br; Fl unscented; Ped ± 2 mm, glabrous or pa- ing by papillae and wax, surface
f rough, delicately
pillose; Sep triangular-subulate, 1 - 2 mm, glabrous grooved and tessellated; Tu near the stem tips ± re-
or papillose; Cl rotate, 10 - 15 mm ∅, outside pale gularly semiglobose, weakly prominent on older
grey-brown with ± ffine red-brown spots, ± papil- stems, rounded; L rudiments narrowly triangular,
lose; Cl tube shallowly funnel-shaped,
fu ± 3 mm ∅, 1.5 - 3 × 0.7 - 1 mm, acute; Inf 1- to 2-flowered,
white to cream and banded with purple, similar to scattered over the whole plant; Fl mostly pointing
1 3
the basal ⁄4 to ⁄4 of the Cl lobes, lobe tips purple; Cl downwards, with little nectar, with dull citrus scent;
lobes narrowly triangular-linear, 4 - 7 × 0.8 - 1.4 Ped 1 - 2 mm, papillose; Sep triangular, ± 1 × 0.5
mm, horizontally spreading or slightly reflexed, la- mm, outside papillose; Cl rotate, 8 - 12 mm ∅, out-
mina ± fof lded back along the midrib, papillose or side pale green-brown with delicate red-brown
glabrous, apically with purple Ha, these 1 - 2 mm spots, papillose; Cl tube basally cream-coloured,
long, fusiform, vibratile; Cn ± 2 mm ∅, fused to banded with purple at the transition to the Cl lobes,
fform a shallowly bowl-shaped structure, purple or shortly funne
f l-shaped, pentagonal, ± 1 × 2.5 mm,
red-brown; Ci lobes ascending to erect, ± 0.35 mm slightly bulging around the Cn; Cl lobes inside
∅, rectangular, ± divided into 2 short bluntly trian- green, cross-banded with red-brown, apically some-

Riocreuxia Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

times cream-coloured, narrowly triangular, acute, 3 Ci fuse

f d into a bowl-shaped structure, lobes
- 5 × 1.25 - 1.5 mm, lower 1⁄2 ascending at an angle purple-brown, apically yellowish, broadly bifid
of 30°, upper 1⁄2 bent outwards, glabrous, apically with inclined triangular appendages, those in stami-
with 1 to few
f Ha, Ha greenish-purple, thin; Cn ± nal position united with the laterally neighbouring
lentil-shaped, basally united into a shortly bowl- appendages into a prominent fringe; Cs red-brown-
shaped structure, 1.25 - 2 × 0.7 - 1 mm; Ci lobes purple, ± 1.5 mm, rectangular, blunt.
red-brown, ± erect, broadly triangular, ± 0.2 × 0.25 This species is without doubt very closely related
mm, apically shortly incised, appendages triangular, to R. fulleri and R. mccoyi but differs
f by the api-
mostly bent inwards; Cs reddish, 0.5 - 1.5 mm, rect- cally column-like corolla forme
f d by the long con-
angular, apically blunt, sometimes somewhat ser- torted lobes. R. tortum has been recollected for the
rate; Poll ovoid to pear-shaped, ± 0.11 × 0.06 mm; first time more than 100 years after the type collec-
Fr grey-green, erect, ± 5 × 0.5 cm; Se ± 4.5 × tion was made (Ricánek & Hanácek 1999).
2.5 mm.
R. sheilae is closely related to R. macrolobum. Its
status as separate species is warranted by diffe- f RIOCREUXIA
rences in habit, coloration and indumentum of the
U. Meve
corolla as well as in the corona morphology.
Riocreuxia Decaisne (PSRV 8: 640, 1844). T: Rio-
R. subscandens P. R. O. Bally (Candollea 18: 336- creuxia torulosa Decaisne. − Lit: Dyer (1980);
339, ills., map, 1963). T: Somalia (Bally l & Peck Dyer (1983). D: Tropical and subtropical E Africa,
S111 [G, K, ZSS]). − D: Ethiopia, Somalia. RSA, Lesotho, Swaziland. Etym: For Alfred Rio-
Stems indistinctly 4- (to 5-) ribbed, main stem 2 - creux (1820 - 1912), French botanical artist.
11 × 1.2 - 1.5 cm, lateral Br shorter, grey-olive- The corolla in Riocreuxia is cage-like as in Cero-
green, surface rough and wrinkled, grooved and pegia, and therefore
f it was classified as a section of
tessellated; Tu at the stem tips ± regularly semiglo- the latter by Huber (1957). However, this character
bose, hardly prominent on older stems, rounded; L is a parallel development, and other characters
rudiments narrowly triangular, ± 2 × 1 mm, acute; point in the direction of tribe Marsd
r enieae: R fi f br-
Inf 1-flowered, scattered over the whole plant; Ped ous, sometimes woody; stems annual, herbaceous or
± 0.5 mm, papillose; Sep triangular-lanceolate, ± 2 basally becoming woody; Cn biseriate but Ci some-
× 1 mm, outside papillose; Cl rotate, ± 9 mm ∅, times strongly reduced; Anth erect, fleshy; Poll ±
outside green, papillose; Cl tube whitish, broadly erect; Sty head fleshy.
banded with red-brown at the transition to the Cl The genus has no succulent members.
lobes, shortly cup-shaped, ± 1 × 2 mm; Cl lobes
whitish, broadly banded with red-brown, broadly
triangular, acute, 3 - 5 × 1.25 - 1.5 mm, horizontally SARCORRHIZA
spreading, glabrous; Cn ± lentil-shaped, basally
U. Meve
f d into a bowl-shaped structure, ± 2 × 3
shortly fuse
mm; Ci lobes red-brown, ± erect, ± rectangular, ± Sarcorrhiza Bullock (HIP t. 3585, in adnot., 1962).
0.4 × 0.4 mm, incised for 1⁄2, appendages triangular; T: Sarcorrh h a Bullock. − D: Tanzania,
r iza epiphytic
Cs red-brown, ± 0.5 mm, bluntly triangular. Zaïre. Etym: Gr. ‘sarx, sarkos’, flesh; and Gr. ‘rhi-
The coronas of R. subscandens and R. sheilae are za’, root; for the root tubers.
very similar to each other, but the smaller corolla Lianas or shrubs with white latex; R tubers very
lobes of the latter do not allow confus
f ion. ffleshy, ovoid-cylindrical, 5 - 10 × 3 - 5 cm, up to 5
together; stems perennial, weakly fleshy, twining or
R. tortum (N. E. Brown) M. G. Gilbert (Bradleya creeping, bark red, glossy; L decussate, 2 - 4 mm
8: 29, 1990). T: Arabia / Socotra ? (Bent s.n. [K]). petiolate, lamina oblong-elliptic, ± 8 × 2 cm,
− D: S Yemen. I: Ricánek & Hanácek (1999). basally cuneate to ± obtuse, apically ± acute, glabr-
≡ Caralluma torta N. E. Brown (1901). ous; Inf axillary, to 2 mm pedunculate, few-
Stems indistinctly 4-ribbed, main stem 10 - 20 × flowered, with triangular imbricate Bra; Ped ± 3
1 - 1.6 cm, lateral Br shorter and thinner, grey- mm, pubescent; Sep free f , ± 1 mm, pubescent; Cl
green, surface wrinkled; Tu weakly prominent; L small, stellate with short tube, glabrous, outside
rudiments lanceolate, acute, 2 - 3 mm; Inf 1- cream-coloured; Cl tube 1 mm; Cl lobes ± ascend-
flowered, massed on young lateral Br; Ped 1 - 3.5 ing, tortuous, basally strongly overlapping, ± ovate,
mm, papillose; Sep triangular, 2 mm, papillose; Cl ± 5 mm, inside spotted blood-red, midvein red-
greenish, inside basally and outside spotted with brown, margins greenish or yellowish; Cn petaloid,
red-brown, outside papillose, 12 - 20 × 4 mm, erect, lobes cream-coloured, filiform
f ffrom a fleshy base,
cage-like; Cl tube shallow, hardly present; Cl lobes originating ffrom a common tissue bulge behind the
subulate, ± 15 × 0.7 mm, glabrous, erect, contorted Fil, erect, ± 3 mm; Sty head ovoid-conical, fleshy;
column-like above the basal cage, apically some- Anth broadly ovoid, apically with conspicuously
what clavately thickened, reflexed; Cn ± 1 × 3 mm; off-set triangular appendages, these arranged coni-

S. Liede Asclepiadaceae Sarcostemma

cally; translator ± 1.5 mm, spoon ovate; Fr in pairs, can taxa of Sarcostemma in Cy C nanchum. The re-
divaricate, ± 15 × 5 mm, linear-subulate. maining taxa will also have to be placed in Cynan-
A monotypic genus of the Periplocoideae, and chum once a modified infraspec
f ific concept is
probably closely related to Periploca.a. The flowers
a. available. As long as the new taxonomoy of the
are rather inconspicuous. The cluster of cylindri- group is not complete, their coverage under the
cal-ovoid root tubers is notable (similar to name Sarcostemma is to be preferred.
Dactylorhr iza, Orchidacea
d e), as well as the at least
f ltatively epiphytic habit, comparable with that
facu The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica-
of the E Asian genera Hoya
H or Dischidia. The plants tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Asclepias acida
are also found creeping on rocks. Roxburgh (1814) ≡ Sarcostemma acidum (Rox-
burgh) Voigt (1845); Decanemopsis aphy h lla Cos-
S. epiphytica Bullock (HIP t. 3585 + text, 1962). tantin & Gallaud (1906); Eup u horbia pendula Bois-
T: Tanzania (Verdr courtr 1725 [K]). − D: Tanzania, sier (s.a.); Sarcostemma andongense Hiern (1898);
Zaïre. Sarcostemma brachystigm
h a Wight (1834); Sarco-
Description as for the genus. stemma brevistigma Wight & Arnott (1834); Sarco-
stemma intermedium Decaisne (1844); Sarcostem-
ma madagascariense Descoings (1961).
SARCOSTEMMA S. antsiranense Meve & Liede (KB 52(2): 491-493,
S. Liede ills., 1997). T: Madagascar, Antsiranana (Lavranos
& al. 28772 [K, MSUN]). − D: N Madagascar (An-
Sarcostemma R. Brown (Prodr., 462-463, 1810).
tsiranana). Fig. XLII.b
T: Euphorbia viminalis Linné. − Lit: Adams &
≡ Cynanchum antsiranense (Meve & Liede) Lie-
Holland (1978); Ali (1983); Forster (1992); Liede
de & Meve (2001).
& Meve (1995); Meve & Liede (1996). D: Tropical
Stems twining to 3 m, 2.5 - 4 mm ∅, usually re-
and subtropical regions of the Old World. Etym:
gularly dichotomously branched, fres
f h green, glabr-
Gr. ‘sarx, sarkos’, flesh; and Gr. ‘stemma’, garland,
ous, smooth; Inf extra-axillary, numerous, often
f 2
wreath; for the fleshy tangling stems.
per node, 2- to 10-flowered, from horizontal 1 - 5 ×
Incl. Monostemma Turczaninow (1848). T: not de-
2 - 3 mm large Br; Ped 6 - 8 mm; Fl pointing
downwards, with sweet vanilla-scent; Pet cream-
Incl. Decanemopsis Costantin & Gallaud (1906).
coloured, basally flushed with pink, 4 - 4.5 × 3 - 3.5
T: Decanemopsis aphylla Costantin & Gallaud.
mm, broadly ovate, horizontally spreading, basal 1⁄5
Incl. Drep
e anostemma Jumelle & H. Perrier (1911).
united; Cn white, ± 2.2 × 2.5 mm, outer C(is) ring-
T: Drep
e anostemma luteum Jumelle & H. Perrier.
like, ± 0.5 mm tall; Cs triangular, ± 1.5 mm, shorter
Perennial climbing or twining stem succulents;
than the Gy; Sty head 0.7 × 0.8 mm, conical, api-
stems strongly and often
f dichotomously branched,
cally incised.
green, ≤ 6 mm ∅, basally oftenf corky, then ≤ 5 cm
S. antsiranense flowers rather easily in cultiva-
∅, smooth, towards the tips often ± densely hairy; L
tion, and the attractive flowers are extremely plea-
rudiments reduced to sessile triangular persistent Sc
santly scented.
(early caducous in S. membranaceum); Inf 1 (rarely
2) per node, extra-axillary, many-flowered, pseudo- S. arabicum Bruyns & P. I. Forster (Edinburgh J.
-umbellate; Cl rotate, Pet basally slightly fuse
f d; Cn Bot. 48(3): 333-335, 1991). T: Saudi Arabia
biseriate, consisting of inner ffree staminal parts N her IH137 [E]). − D: Saudi Arabia, Yemen.
(Cs) and an outer ring forme
f d by fuse
f d staminal and Fig. XLII.c
interstaminal parts (C(is)); Gy sessile; Anth with Stems to 3 m, richly branched, erect, straggling
apical appendage and conspicuously differentiated and drooping, rarely twining, grey-green, 4 - 8 mm
Anth wings, which consist of a single distal rail; ∅, young hairy; Inf 2- to 10-flowered, terminal or
Poll pendent, characteristically golf-club-shaped; extra-axillary; Fl sweet-scented; Cl pale yellow to
Sty head with bulges at the upper end of the cor- cream-coloured, pink towards the centre; Pet 3 - 3.5
puscle, upper part umbonate to conical; Fr inver- mm, triangular, obtuse, spreading; Cn white, outer
sely clavate or oblong; Se testa glabrous or with Ci clinging to the inner Cs; Cs ± 2.5 mm, overtop-
1-celled Ha, with an apical tuft of Ha. ping the Gy and incumbent above; Fr 5 - 10 cm, fu-
Molecular analyses (Liede & Täuber 2002) have siform.
shown that Sarcostemma has its roots in the com- Closely related to S. socotranum, but with a hid-
plex of stem succulent Cynanc
C hum species in Ma- den style head.
dagascar, ffrom where it has − probably along the
coast lines − extended its range to West Afr f ica and S. brevipedicellatum P. I. Forster (Austral. Syst.
Australasia / Polynesia. During this radiation, nu- Bot. 5(1): 59-62, ills., 1992). T: Australia, Queens-
merous species and subspecies have arisen whose land (Fors
r ter 1420 [BRI, AD, CANB, CBG, DNA,
morphological differences are often only slight. K, MEL, PERTH, PRE, QRS]). − D: Australia
Liede & Meve (2001) have placed the Madagas- (Northern Territory, Queensland). Fig. XLIII.c

Sarcostemma Asclepiadaceae S. Liede

Stems 1.5 - 3 m, twining, 1.5 - 3 mm ∅, glabrous; cent to glabrous; Sc-like L rudiments 1 × 0.8 mm,
Inf few-
f flowered, extra-axillary; Ped < 3 mm; Cl triangular, early caducous; Inf 10- to 15-flowered,
cream-coloured or pale yellow; Pet 3 - 4 mm, ovate, sessile, extra-axillary, often
f 2 Inf per node; Cl
spreading; Cn white; outer C(is) ± 0.5 mm; inner white to very pale yellow; Pet 6 - 7 mm, membran-
Cs ± 1.5 mm, slightly shorter than the Gy; Fr 5 - 9 ous and thin-textured, spreading; C(is) white, ± 2
cm, fusiform; Se 6 - 9 mm. mm, ring-like; Cs ± 1.5 mm, shorter than the Gy,
Similar to S. viminale, but differ
f ing by short ro- claw-like; Gy small in comparison to the Cl; Sty
bust pedicels and small flowers. head conical; Fr ± 17 cm, oblong.

S. decorsei Costantin & Gallaud (Bull. Mus. Hist. S. mulanjn ense Liede & Meve (Novon 2: 223-226,
Nat. (Paris) 12: 418, 1906). T: Madagascar (De- ills., map, 1992). T: Malawi (ChaC apman & Chap- a
r s.n. [P [not traced]]). − D: S Madagascar
corse man 6892 [MO]). − D: S Malawi. Fig. XLII.d
(Toliara). I: Liede & Meve (1995). Stems erect, most shortly creeping, some to 1.5
≡ Cynanchum decorsei (Costantin & Gallaud) m, pale green, 3 - 5 mm ∅, glabrous; Inf 5- to 7-
Liede & Meve (2001); incl. Drep e anostemma luteum flowered, terminal or sessile, extra-axillary; Fl
Jumelle & H. Perrier (1911). sweet-scented; Cl pale cream-coloured, flushed
Stems 1.5 - 3 m, ascending, twining, 1.5 - 3 mm with reddish; Pet 4.5 - 6 mm, ± 3× as long as broad,
∅, glabrous; Inf 7- to 12-flowered, extra-axillary; thin-textured, slightly undulate; C(is) white, ± 1.5
Cl yellow; Pet ± 3 mm; outer C(is) ± 0.2 mm; inner mm, ring-like; Cs ± 3 mm, shorter than the Gy,
Cs ± 0.5 mm, shorter than the Gy, lingulate; Sty spoon-shaped, glabrous; Gy taller than broad; Sty
head conical; Fr ± 15 cm, oblong, obtuse; Se ± 6 head conical.
mm, ovoid, papillose, winged.
A very delicate and insufficiently known species. S. pearsonii N. E. Brown (BMI 1913: 301, 1913).
T: Namibia (Pearson 8640 [BOL, K]). − D: S Na-
S. elachistemmoides Liede & Meve (Bot. J. Linn. mibia, RSA (Northern Cape). I: Liede & Meve
Soc. 118: 41-43, ills., 1995). T: Madagascar (Deca- (1989).
ry 7890 [P]). − D: S Madagascar (Mahaj a anga, Toli- Stems to 50 cm, erect, shrubby, grey-green, 3 - 4
ara). mm ∅, young hairy, old becoming woody; Inf 3- to
≡ Cynanchum elachistemmoides (Liede & Meve) 6-flowered, terminal or extra-axillary, sessile; Cl
Liede & Meve (2001). bright yellow; Pet ± 5 mm, strongly twisted; Ci
Stems erect, delicately longitudinally striate, 2.5 clinging to the Cs; Cs ± 3 mm, shorter than the Gy;
- 4 mm ∅, glabrous; Inf 4- to 8-flowered, extra- Poll ellipsoid; Sty head conical; Fr 5 - 7 cm, obcla-
axillary; Pet ± 1.4 mm, spreading, colour not known vate; Se ovoid, winged, with papillose Ha.
with certainty; Cn reduced to Sc on the back of the
Anth, ± 0.2 mm; Sty head flatly conical. S. resiliens B. R. Adams & R. W. Holland (CSJA
Rarely flowering and rarely collected; related to 50(4): 166-167, ills., 1978). T: Kenya, Taita Distr.
S. decorsei. ((Adams
A 147 [EA]). − D: Kenya, Zimbabwe. Fig.
S. forskaol
f ianum Schultes (Syst. Veg. 6: 117, Stems to 50 cm, most shorter, some long, droop-
1820). T [neo]: Saudi Arabia (Collenette 1977 ing and rooting when in contact with the ground, 3
[K]). − D: Saudi Arabia, Yemen. I: Meve & Liede - 5 mm ∅, young delicately hairy; Inf 2- to 7-
(1996). flowered, ffrom 2 - 3 cm long Br; Fl sweet-scented;
Incl. Asclepias aphyh lla Forsskål (1775). Cl dirty yellow-brown-purple; Pet ± 5 mm, ascend-
Stems to 4 m, twining, blue-green, 1.5 - 3 mm ∅, ing-spreading; C(is) white, ring-like; Cs bent in-
strongly wax-covered, slightly rough, glabrescent; wards, as tall as the Gy; Sty head conical; Fr ± 7
Inf 3- to 10-flowered, terminal or ffrom 1 - 12 mm cm, fusiform; Se winged.
long Br; Fl sweet-scented; Cl cream-white to pink;
Pet ± 3 mm, ovate-deltoid, ascending-spreading; S. socotranum Lavranos (Nation. Cact. Succ. J.
Cn white; outer C(is) ± 1 mm; inner Cs ± 1.5 mm, 27(2): 37-38, ills., 1972). T: Socotra (Smith & Lav-
claw-like, as tall as the Gy; Sty head flatly conical; ranos 309 [K]). − D: Socotra. Fig. XLII.f
Fr 5 - 7 cm, fusiform; Se ± 5 mm, glabrous. Stems shrubby, grey-green, to 1.5 m, decumbent,
2 - 5 mm ∅, young hairy; Inf 2- to 8-flowered, ter-
S. membranaceum Liede & Meve (Bot. J. Linn. minal or sessile extra-axillary; Cl greenish-yellow;
Soc. 18: 43-45, ills., 1995). T: Madagascar (Liede Pet 3.5 mm, ascending-spreading; Ci clinging to the
& Conrad 2765 [P, TAN]). − D: S Madagascar Cs; Cs ± 3 mm, slightly shorter than the Gy; Sty
(Antsiranana, Mahaja anga, Toliara). head conical.
≡ Cy
C nanchum membranaceum (Liede & Meve) Closely related to S. arabicum, but the style head
Liede & Meve (2001). surpasses the Cs-parts of the corona.
Stems 3 - 4 (-15) m, erect, twining, 4 - 6 mm ∅
(vegetatively) or 1 - 2 mm ∅ (flowering), glabres- S. stocksii Hooker fil. (Fl. Brit. India 4: 27, 1883).

S. Liede Asclepiadaceae Sarcostemma

T: Pakistan (Stocks 509 [K]). − D: Arabian Penin- Stems erect or twining, with or without a main
sula, Pakistan. stem; Fl at least slightly scented; Cl cream-col-
≡ Sarcostemma viminale ssp. stocksii
k (J. D. Hoo- oured to yellow; Pet 4 - 6 mm; C(is) cream-white,
ker) Ali (1983). ring-like, ± as tall as the Gy; Cs as broad as the
Stems to 1.5 m, erect, 3 - 7 mm ∅, glabrous; Inf Anth.
many-flowered, from lateral Br, these thinner than This extremely variable and widespread species
the vegetative Br and often
f in chains; Cl greenish- can be divided into a series of subspecies. The
white; Pet ± 5 mm, spreading; C(is) ring-like; Cs names S. aphy h llum and Cynanc
C hum aphy h llum in
bent inwards, as tall as the Gy; Sty head conical; Fr their horticultural application belong to Cynanc
C hum
± 7 cm, cylindrical, woody; Se dark brown, ovoid to gerrardii.i.i
oblong, rugulose, wingless.
This species is characterized by the robust and S. viminale ssp. australe (R. Brown) P. I. Forster
slightly woody fru
f its and the dark brown rugulose (Austral. Syst. Bot. 5(1): 64, ills., 1992). T: Austra-
and wingless seeds. lia (Brown 2872 [BM]). − D: Australia. Fig.
S. stoloniferum B. R. Adams & R. W. Holland ≡ Sarcostemma australe R. Brown (1810).
(CSJA 50(3): 110-111, ills., 1978). T: Kenya, Rift Plants without main stem, forming untidy shrubs;
(Ad s 138 [EA]). − D: Kenya, N
Valley Prov. (Adam stems blue-green; Inf sessile, extra-axillary; Cl yel-
Tanzania. Fig. XLII.g low; Fr 8 - 12 cm, fus
f iform.
Stems to 30 cm, erect (or some to 40 cm, decum-
bent and rooting ffrom the nodes), dark green, S. viminale ssp. brunonianum (Wight & Arnott) P.
flushed purple in the sun, 4 - 9 mm ∅, slowly taper- I. Forster (Austral. Syst. Bot. 5(1): 63, ills., 1992).
ing towards the tips, stiff, young hairy; Int very T: sine loco (WiW ght 1557 [G-DC]). − D: N coast
regular, usually short; Inf 7- to 9-flowered, terminal and coastal regions of Australia, China, India, Phi-
or at the tips of short lateral Br, which consist of a 2 lippines, Thailand, New Caledonia.
- 7 mm long Int; Fl sweet-scented; Cl greenish- ≡ Sarcostemma brunonianum Wight & Arnott
brown to green; Pet ± 5 mm; C(is) white, cup- (1834).
shaped, ± 1⁄2 as tall as the whole Cn; Cs a little Stems to 5 m, twining, with distinct main stem,
shorter than the Gy; Sty head flatly conical; Fr 4 - glabrous; Sc-like L rudiments very short, obtuse;
6 cm, inversely clavate; Se winged, glabrous, wings Inf sessile, extra-axillary; Fl sweet-scented; Cl yel-
with papillose Ha. low-green.
Easily recognized on account of the regular short Closely related to ssp. odontolepis, but differ
f ing
internodes. by the sessile inflorescences and the shorter C(is)-
parts of the corona.
S. vanlessenii Lavranos (Nation. Cact. Succ. J.
29(2): 35, ills., 1974). T: Yemen (Lavranos & van S. viminale ssp. odontolepis (Balfour fil.
f ) Meve &
Lessen 1832 [K, PRE]). − D: Y Yemen, Ethiopia, Liede (Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 120(1): 31, ills. (p. 26),
Kenya, Tanzania. I: Eggli (1994: 175). Fig. 1996). T: Mauritius, Rodriguez Island (Balfour
l s.n.
XLII.h [E]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius (Rodriguez),
Incl. Sarcostemma subterraneum B. R. Adams & Tanzania. Fig. XLIII.d
R. W. Holland (1978). ≡ Sarcostemma odontolepe is Balfour
f f (1877).
Stems decumbent, to 1 m, 3 - 4 mm ∅; Inf 4- to Stems to 5 (-10) m, twining, often charac-
8-flowered, extra-axillary, or from very short la- teristically dichotomously branched, dark green,
teral Br; Fl unscented; Cl pale to dark purple; Pet 3 young glossy, glabrous; Inf ffrom 2 - 30 mm long la-
- 4 mm, ascending-spreading; Cn cream to pink; teral Br, which occasionally fform chains; Ped to 15
C(is) ring-like; Cs claw-like, overtopping the Gy; mm, filiform
f ; Cl whitish, yellowish or greenish; Fr
Sty head conical; Fr 3 - 4 cm, obclavate; Se ≤ 8 mm, fusiform.
A rather compact and free
f ly flowering species. S. viminale ssp. orangeanum Liede & Meve (Bot.
J. Linn. Soc. 112: 7-10, ills., 1993). T: RSA, Free
S. viminale (Linné) R. Brown (Prodr., 464, 1810). State (Liede & Meve 579 [K, MSUN]). − D: Nami-
T: [icono]: Alpinus, Pl. Aegypt., 190, t. 190. − D: bia, RSA (Northern Cape, Free State). Fig. XLIII.b
Africa, India, SE Asia, Australia. Stems erect, rarely straggling in shrubs, stoloni-
≡ Eup
u horbia viminalis Linné (1753); incl. Ascle- ferous at or just below ground-level, young hairy;
h lla Thunberg (1794) ≡ Cynanc
pias aphy C hum aphy
h l- Fl somewhat smaller than in the other ssp.; Cl le-
lum (Thunberg) Schlechter (s.a.) ≡ Sarcostemma a- mon-yellow; C(is) ± 1⁄2 as tall as the Gy; Cs claw-
h llum (Thunberg) R. Brown (1810); incl. Sarco- like, acute; Fr 6 - 8 cm, fusiform, slender.
stemma tetrapterum TuT rczaninow (1848) ≡ Cynan
C -
chum tetrapterum (Turczaninow) R. A. Dyer ex S. viminale ssp. stipitaceum (Forsskål) Meve &
Bullock (1955). Liede (Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 120(1): 32, ills. (p. 33),

Schizoglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

1996). T: Yemen (For F rsskål s.n. [C]). − D: Saudi tex; L decussate, sometimes verticillate or irregu-
Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, larly arranged, shortly petiolate, lamina simple, va-
Tanzania. Fig. XLIII.e riable in shape (oblong, triangular, elliptic, cordate,
≡ Asclep i itacea Forsskål (1775) ≡ Sarco-
e ias stip ovate, linear, lanceolate), tip acute or obtuse, mar-
stemma stipitaceum (Forsskål) Schultes (1820). gins rolled backwards, upper facf e ± glabrous, vena-
Stems to 2 m, shrubby, erect or drooping, green tion soft
f ly hairy, lower face
f hispid, Ha appressed;
to blue-green, with dense hairiness present forf a Inf extra-axillary ffew- to many-flowered pseudo-
considerable time; Inf ffrom 1 - 25 mm long lateral umbels, with few to many Inf per stem; Bra fi-
Br, which originate only ffrom erect stems and occa- liform, inconspicuous; peduncle pubescent; Ped
sionally fform chains; Cl cream- to ivory-coloured softly hairy; Sep triangular, outside softly ap-
or yellow; Fr 5 - 8 cm, fusiform. pressed-hairy, inside glabrous, margins ciliate; Cl
green, brown, yellow, partly with purple, lobes in
S. viminale ssp. suberosum Meve & Liede (Bot. J. bud contorted, overlapping to the left, f elliptic, flat,
Linn. Soc. 120(1): 35-36, ills., 1996). T: RSA, weakly cucullate or margins bent outwards, glabr-
r 97 [K]). − D: Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Transvaal (Kirk ous or softly hairy, margins ciliate; Ci sometimes
Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Na- present, lobes minute, below the guide rail; Cs
mibia, RSA; probably more widespread. Fig. green, beige, white, rarely dark red, variable in
XLIII.f shape, Cs lobes basally flattened, narrow, oblong,
Stems to 3 m, twining, main stem distinctly elliptic, broadly ovate, isodiametric, triangular or
corky, to 5 cm ∅; Inf sessile, extra-axillary, ped- square, apically frequent
f ly cleft,
f usually with an in-
uncle frequent
f ly persistent; Fl sweet-scented; Cl ner appendage, often incised, sometimes longitudi-
pale greenish-yellow. nally and transversally keeled; Sty head white or
green, rarely reddish-brown, flat or scutate; Anth
S. viminale ssp. thunbergii (G. Don) Liede & Me- ovate, reniform
f or triangular, with basal append-
ve (Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 112: 10, ills., 1993). T [neo]: ages, laterally placed against or incumbent on the
RSA, Cape Prov. (Bayer 68 [NBG]). − D: Cape Sty head; Poll elliptic, ovate, reniform or obtrian-
Verde Islands, Namibia, RSA (Western Cape). gular, attached in the middle to the translator arms,
≡ Sarcostemma thunberg r ii G. Don (1838); incl. germination zone always visibly present, translators
Sarcostemma daltonii Decaisne (1849); incl. Sarco- thin, slender, sometimes flattened, corpuscle with or
stemma nudum C. Smith ex Decaisne (1849). without wing; Fr solitary, 4 - 7 cm, with soft f ap-
Stems erect to drooping, without main stem, pressed prickles, pubescent; Se dark brown, com-
(blue-) green, robust, strongly wax-covered; Inf pressedly ovoid, wrinkled, apically with a tuft f of
sessile, extra-axillary; Cl lemon-yellow, sometimes Ha.
with reddish tinge; Fr 4.5 - 8.5 cm, obclavate. Closely related to Aspidoglossum (see there).

S. viminale ssp. viminale − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, The fo

f llowing names are of unresolved applica-
Madagascar, Aldabra. I: Liede & Meve (1995). tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Schizoglossum
Stems 1 - 3 m, ascending, not twining (straggling, angolense Schlechter & Rendle (1896); Schizoglos-
rarely contorted screw-like), 3 - 5 mm ∅, strongly sum cap
a itatum Schlechter (1895); Schizoglossum
wax-covered, glabrous; Inf 10- to 25-flowered, glanvillei Hutchinson & Dalziel (1937); Schizoglos-
pseudo-umbellate, from 4 - 6 cm long lateral Br; Fl sum graminifolium Norman (1929); Schizoglossum
strongly sweet-scented; Cl greenish-yellow; Pet 4 huttoniae S. Moore (1902); Schizoglossum pedun-
mm, spreading to incumbent; C(is) ± 2.5 mm; Cs culatum Schlechter (1893); Schizoglossum tricorni-
1.5 mm, shorter than the Gy; Sty head (flatly) coni- culatum K. Schumann (1893); Schizoglossum trun-
cal; Fr ≤ 18 cm, oblong; Se 4 - 5 mm, oblong-ovate, catulum K. Schumann (1895); Schizoglossum viri-
smooth, winged. dulum K. Schumann (1900); Xysmalobium heudelo-
tianum Decaisne (1844) ≡ Schizoglossum heudelo-
tianum (Decaisne) Roberty (1953).
S. amatolicum Hilliard (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard.
B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers
Edinburgh 45(2): 182, 1989). T: RSA, Eastern
Schizoglossum E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. f Austr., r & Burtt 18876 [E]). − D: RSA (Eas-
Cape (Hilliard
218, 1838). T: Schizoglossum atropurpureum E. tern Cape: Amatola Mts.).
Meyer. − Lit: Kupicha (1984); Hilliard & Burtt Stems 25 cm, unbranched, 2 mm ∅, biseriately
(1989); Bruyns (1995c). D: Lesotho, RSA (Eastern hairy; L 2 mm petiolate, lamina 18 - 34 × 8 - 14
Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga), mm, oblong-deltoid, acute, basally ± truncate, mar-
Swaziland. Etym: Gr. ‘schizein’, to split; and Gr. gins and midrib of the lower fface slightly hairy; Inf
‘glossa’, tongue; ffor the often
f bifid corona lobes. ffrom upper nodes, with ± 6 Fl, lowermost peduncle
Erect shrubs with a R tuber; stems 7 - 130 cm, 3.6 cm; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep 4 × 1.5 mm, lanceolate; Cl
not or weakly branched, biseriately hairy, with la- blackish-green, ± flat, incised ± to the base, lobes 9

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Schizoglossum

× 5 mm, curved outwards, margins and base with ≡ Schizoglossum virens E. Meyer (1838); incl.
ffew small Ha; Cs green, Cs lobes 2 × 1.5 mm, much Schizoglossum eup u horb
r ioides E. Meyer (1838);
shorter than the Gy, ± square, very fleshy, retuse, incl. Schizoglossum oblongum Schlechter (1894).
margins ± crenate, inner appendage minute, erect; Differs
f ffrom ssp. atrop
o urp
r ureum: Stems 16 - 70
Gy green, 4 mm; Sty head 2 mm ∅; Anth ± 1 × 1 cm; L 1 - 5 mm petiolate, lamina 20 - 40 × 6 - 30
mm, ovoid, hiding the Gy; Poll ± 0.8 mm, compres- mm, variable in shape (oblong (-elliptic), triangu-
sedly oblong-triangular, subterminally attached, lar, cordate, ovate or narrowly linear); Inf 5 - 13,
corpuscle ± 0.3 mm. with 5 - 15 Fl; peduncle 20 - 60 mm; Ped 10 - 15
Closely related to S. hamatum. mm; Sep 2.5 - 4.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl outside green,
inside yellowish-green, purple-striate, ± flat
f , lobes
S. atropurpureum E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. 4.5 - 7 × 2.5 - 4 mm, sometimes slightly bulging and
Austr., 219, 1838). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drège convex; Cs greenish, 2 - 3 mm, inner groove simple,
s.n. [K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, W and S Kwa- inner appendage ≤ 2 mm; Sty head white; Poll 0.65
Zulu-Natal, Free State, Mpumalanga). - 0.87 mm, compressedly ovoid.
Closely related to S. hamatum. The subspecies are
probably better recognized as separate species. S. bidens E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr., 220,
1838). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drège s.n. [K, BM,
S. atropurpureum ssp. atropurpureum − D: RSA
CGE, PRE]). − D: E RSA, Lesotho, NW Swazi-
(Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga); tall grass or scrub
along forest margins or near rivers, 1200 - 2040 m.
Fig. XLIII.g
S. bidens ssp. atrorubens (Schlechter) Kupicha
Stems 30 - 130 cm, massive, rarely branched; L ≤
(KB 38(4): 613, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape
7 mm petiolate, lamina 29 - 50 × 8 - 21 mm, oblong
(Baur 767 [K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, border to
(-triangular); Inf 5 - 9, with 8 - 15 Fl, sometimes
KwaZulu-Natal and Lesotho); grassland close to
branched; peduncle 6 - 30 mm; Ped 8 - 12 mm; Sep
rivers, 1350 - 2220 m.
3 - 4 × 1 mm; Cl cucullate, outside green, striped
≡ Schizoglossum atrorubens Schlechter (1894) ≡
with brown, inside dark brown, lobes 5.5 - 6 × 3.5 -
Lagarinthus atrorubens (Schlechter) Bullock
4 mm, cucullate, glabrous; Cs green, ± 4 mm, Cs
lobes apically recurved, bordered by a 3-lobed
Differs from ssp. bidens: Stems 21 - 66 cm, rarely
groove on the inside, inner appendage ± 1 mm,
branched; L 1 - 5 mm petiolate, lamina 30 - 63 × 2 -
erect, bi- or trifid, flanked by wing-like erect mar-
5 mm, linear or narrowly triangular; Inf 4 - 10, with
ginal appendages; Sty head white with brownish-
4 - 13 Fl; peduncle 14 - 46 mm; Ped 3 - 14 mm;
purple; Anth 0.75 mm, triangularly ovoid, laterally
Sep 2.5 - 3 × 1 mm; Cl brown, cup-shaped, margins
placed against the Sty head; Poll 0.7 - 0.82 mm,
curved outwards, lobes 4 - 4.5 × 2 - 2.5 mm; Cs
compressedly elliptic, apically with a crest (formed
white with rose or purple, Cs lobes (1.5-) 2 (-3) mm,
by the germination crest), corpuscle 0.27 - 0.42 mm,
± broadly ovate, apically ± strongly bifid, inner ap-
winged, transparent; Fr ± 4.5 cm; Se 3 mm, Ha tuft
pendage sometimes weakly bifid; Anth 0.5 × 0.75 -
± 3 cm.
1 mm; Poll 0.58 - 0.8 × 0.1 - 0.15 mm, corpuscle
S. atropurpureum ssp. tridentatum (Schlechter) 0.15 - 0.23 mm; Fr 7.3 cm; Se 4.5 mm.
Kupicha (KB 38(4): 606, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern
Cape (Flanagan 1040 [BOL, GRA, K, PRE]). − D: S. bidens ssp. bidens − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, Free
RSA (Eastern Cape); rocky grassy slopes, 450 - State), Lesotho; grassland, muddy or rocky ground,
1500 m. 1320 - 2600 m.
≡ Schizoglossum tridentatum Schlechter (1894). Incl. Schizoglossum truncatum Schlechter
Differs from ssp. atrop
o urp
r ureum: Stems 16 - 55 (1894).
cm; L 2 - 4 mm petiolate, lamina 21 - 36 × 6 - 22 Stems 9 - 22 cm, often
f branched; L verticillate or
mm, oblong or triangular; Inf 4 - 11 per node, with irregularly arranged, petiole 2 - 3.5 mm, lamina 34 -
4 - 7 Fl; peduncle 6 - 20 mm; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep 60 × 2.5 - 7 mm, linear; Inf 3 - 7 per stem, with 5 -
2.5 - 3.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl outside greenish, red- 8 Fl; peduncle 8 - 33 mm; Ped 3 - 8 mm; Sep 2 - 3
striate, inside dark red, lobes 5.5 - 6 × 3 - 4 mm; Cs × 0.75 - 1 mm; Cl green or brown, lobes 3.5 - 5 × 2 -
white, ± 2 mm, inner groove simple; Sty head white 3 mm, margins revolute, outside glabrous or weakly
with pale green centre; Poll 0.6 - 0.7 mm, corpuscle soft-
f hairy, inside glabrous or lobes basally pubes-
0.22 - 0.3 mm; Fr 4.5 - 5.5 cm. cent; Cs white, 2 - 2.5 mm, Cs lobes oblong or
narrowly ovate, apically bifid, inner appendage lin-
S. atropurpureum ssp. virens (E. Meyer) Kupicha gulate, apically bifid, curved inwards with the tip
(KB 38(4): 606, 1984). T [neo]: RSA, KwaZulu- pointing outwards; Sty head white, conspicuously
r 1302 p.p. [K]). − D: RSA (Eastern
Natal (Gerrard swollen above the Anth; Anth 0.5 × 0.75 - 1 mm,
Cape, KwaZulu-Natal); coastal scrub margins on reniform,
f placed laterally against the Sty head; Poll
disturbed ground, grassland on sandy or rocky soil, 0.55 - 0.76 mm, sausage-shaped, slightly com-
30 - 900 m. pressed, germination crest apical, attached in the

Schizoglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

middle, corpuscle 0.15 - 0.27 mm; Fr 4.5 - 5.6 cm; sionally branched; L very numerous, densely ar-
Se 3 mm, Ha tuft
f 24 mm. ranged, petiole 2 - 3 mm, lamina 27 - 45 × 1.5 - 9
mm, linear; Inf 9 - 13, with ≥ 7 Fl; peduncle 0 - 3
S. bidens ssp. galpinii (Schlechter) Kupicha (KB cm; Ped 3 - 7 mm; Sep 2 - 3 × 0.75 - 1 mm; Cl yel-
38(4): 617, 1984). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Galp l in lowish-green, lobes 2.5 - 4 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm, outside
1326 [PRE, K]). − D: RSA (SE Mpumalanga: near glabrous or softly hairy; Cs lobes 1 - 1.5 mm, api-
Barberton); rocky grassland, 960 - 1500 m. cally weakly bifid, inner appendage bifid; Sty head
≡ Schizoglossum galpini
l i Schlechter (1894) ≡ white; Anth 0.5 × 1 mm; Poll 0.41 - 0.58 mm, cor-
Lagarinthus galpini
l i (Schlechter) Bullock (1952). puscle 0.18 - 0.28 mm; Fr 4.7 - 6 cm.
Differs from ssp. bidens: Stems 30 - 66 cm, un- This subspecies shows pronounced variability.
branched; L 1 - 2 mm petiolate, lamina 25 - 38 × 1 -
4 mm, linear; Inf 5 - 8, with 3 - 10 Fl; peduncle 1 S. bidens ssp. productum (N. E. Brown) Kupicha
- 3.6 cm; Ped 12 - 15 mm; Sep 2 - 3 × 1 mm; Cl (KB 38(4): 617, 1984). T: RSA, Transvaal (Reh-
pale green, lobes 3.5 - 4.5 × 2 - 2.5 mm; Cs lobes 2 mann 5867 [K, BM, Z]). − D: RSA (Northern
mm, inner appendage simple, apically recurved; Prov., Mpumalanga); mountainous grassland, cleft fs
Anth 0.5 × 0.75 - 1 mm; Poll 0.56 - 0.68 mm, cor- in quartzite, 1230 - 1950 m.
puscle 0.23 - 0.3 mm. ≡ Schizoglossum pachygh lossum var. productum
N. E. Brown (1907).
S. bidens ssp. gracile Kupicha (KB 38(4): 612, Differs
f ffrom ssp. bidens: Stems (19-) 30 - 52 cm,
1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Hilner 427 [GRA]). unbranched; L numerous, densely arranged, petiole
− D: RSA (Eastern Cape); coast, grassland, 45 - 360 1 - 3 mm, lamina 15 - 43 × 5 - 9 mm, oblong or tri-
m. angular; Inf 5 - 9, with 5 - 9 Fl; peduncle 5 - 18
Incl. Schizoglossum umbellatum Schlechter mm; Ped 7 - 14 mm; Sep 2.5 - 3 × 1 mm; Cl olive-
(1894); incl. Schizoglossum diversum N. E. Brown green, venation darker or pale purple, lobes 5 - 6 ×
(1907) ≡ Lagarinthus diversus (N. E. Brown) Bul- 2 - 3.5 mm; Cs lobes 2 - 2.5 mm, inner appendage
lock (1952). simple, apically curved outwards; Anth 0.5 × 1
f ffrom ssp. bidens: Stems 30 - 80 cm, slen- mm; Poll 0.64 - 0.75 mm, corpuscle 0.23 - 0.28 mm;
der, occasionally weakly branched; L 0 - 1 mm pe- Fr ± 6 cm.
tiolate, lamina 20 - 60 × 1 - 2 mm, needle-like; Inf
6 - 9, with 3 - 10 Fl; peduncle 7 - 21 mm; Ped 4 - 7 S. cordifo
f lium E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr.,
mm; Sep 2 - 2.5 × 0.5 - 1 mm; Cl green or yellow, 219, 1838). T [neo]: RSA, Eastern Cape (Mac M -
lobes 2.5 - 3 × 1 - 2 mm, glabrous; Cs lobes 1.5 mm, Owan 662 [K, BOL, GRA, Z]). − D: RSA (S Eas-
inner appendage apically bifid; Anth 0.5 - 0.75 tern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga); open
mm; Poll 0.45 - 0.49 × 0.15 - 0.25 mm, corpuscle grassland, to 1200 m.
0.17 mm. Incl. Schizoglossum hirsutum Turczan T inow
(1848); incl. Schizoglossum aemulum Schlechter
S. bidens ssp. hirtum Kupicha (KB 38(4): 615, (1894); incl. Schizoglossum atropurpureum var. li-
1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Moll 1329 [NU]). neatum Schlechter (1894); incl. Schizoglossum hol-
− D: RSA (border KwaZulu-Natal / Eastern Cape); landiae Schlechter ex Harvey (1894); incl. Schizo-
grassland, 1050 - 1500 m. glossum cord r ifolium var. centralis N. E. Brown
f ffrom ssp. bidens: Stems ± 30 cm, un- (1907); incl. Schizoglossum divaricatum N. E.
branched; L decussate, 1 - 2 mm petiolate, lamina Brown (1928).
30 - 70 × 1.5 - 2 mm, linear; Inf 3 - 5, with 2 - 4 Fl; Stems 15 - 60 cm, very rarely branched; L 1 - 4
peduncle 15 - 28 mm; Ped 6 - 13 mm; Sep 3.5 - 4.5 mm petiolate, lamina 20 - 42 × 2 - 30 mm, (oblong
× 1 mm; Cl brown, lobes 4.5 - 5.5 × 2.5 mm, outside or ovately) triangular, rarely elliptic or narrowly
glabrous, inside very densely pubescent, right-hand linear; Inf 2 - 6, with 2 - 8 Fl; peduncle 7 - 30 mm;
margins of the Cl lobes weakly ciliate; Cs lobes 2 - Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep 2.5 - 5 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl green,
2.5 mm, inner appendage apically strongly bifid; striped with brown or yellow, cup-like, lobes 5 - 7 ×
Anth 0.5 × 1 mm; Poll 0.63 - 0.73 mm, corpuscle 3 - 4.5 mm, inside basally pubescent, margins
0.2 - 0.25 mm. curved outwards; Cs white, beige or pale green, Cs
lobes 2 - 2.5 mm, broadly ± ovate, curved inwards,
S. bidens ssp. pachyglossum (Schlechter) Kupicha inner appendage ± 1 mm deep bifid, finger-like,
(KB 38(4): 615, 1984). T: RSA, Free State (Flana- parallel or divergent, curved over the Sty head;
gan 1881 [PRE, GRA, NBG, SAM]). − D: RSA Anth 0.5 - 1 × 1 - 2 mm, reniform f , incumbent on
(SW KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape); grassland, of- the Sty head; Poll 0.52 - 0.8 mm, reniform-ellip-
ten in rocky soil, 300 - 2500 m. soid, germination crest in the upper 1⁄2, corpuscle
≡ Schizoglossum pachyg h lossum Schlechter 0.25 - 0.45 mm; Fr 5.8 - 7 cm; Se 3.5 mm, Ha tuft ±
(1894); incl. Schizoglossum pachyg
h lossum var. ab- 22 mm.
breviatum N. E. Brown (1907).
f ffrom ssp. bidens: Stems 20 - 90 cm, occa- S. elingue N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 149, 1895). T:

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Schizoglossum

E ans 358 [K]). − D: RSA

RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Ev hamatum var. elegans N. E. Brown (1907); incl.
(Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, border to Lesotho). Schizoglossum hamatum var. pallidum N. E. Brown
S. elingue ssp. elingue − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, Stems 25 - 60 cm, stout, sometimes weakly
border to Lesotho); subalpine grassland, 1950 - branching; L 2 - 4 mm petiolate, lamina 22 - 44 × 8
2400 m. - 25 mm, (narrowly) oblong to triangular; Inf 3 - 7
Stems 10 - 28 cm, rarely branched; L decussate, (-15), with 4 - 10 Fl; peduncle 1 - 4 cm; Ped 8 - 10
petiole 2 - 15 mm, lamina 37 - 47 × 7 - 15 mm, ob- mm, shortly hairy; Sep 4 - 6 × 1 - 1.5 mm, outside ±
long (-elliptic) to oblanceolate; Inf 1 - 5, with 4 - 6 shortly hairy; Cl outside greenish-brown or purple,
Fl; peduncle 1 - 2 cm; Ped 5 - 9 mm; Sep 4.5 - 6 × inside green, with reddish-brown or purple stripes,
1.5 - 2 mm, outside densely soft-hairy; Cl white, cu- bowl-shaped, lobes 8 - 11 × 4 - 7 mm, outside api-
cullate, lobes 8 - 10 × 3.5 - 4 mm, apical 1⁄2 of the cally occasionally tomentose, inside glabrous, mar-
lobes outside densely soft-
f hairy, inside densely pu- gins ciliate; Cs green, 3.5 - 4 mm, Cs lobes apically
bescent, margins ciliate; Cs white, 4 - 5 mm, by far curved outwards, bordered by a flat simple margin,
surpassing the Sty head, Cs lobes oblong, flat, erect, inner appendage bifid, segments 2.5 - 3 mm, fin-
apically weakly bi- or trifid, inside with 2 inconspi- ger-like, erect, parallel, apically bent outwards, la-
cuous longitudinally oriented fleshy crests; Sty terally flanked by vertical wing-like processes;
head white; Anth white, ± 1 mm, square, incumbent Anth triangular-ovate, appendages 1 - 2 mm, la-
on the Sty head; Poll 0.73 - 0.78 mm, compressedly terally at the Sty head; Sty head reddish-brown or
oblong-ovoid, germination crest apical, attached purple; Poll 0.7 - 0.82 mm, compressed, obtriangu-
subapically, corpuscle 0.38 - 0.43 mm. lar, attached subterminally, corpuscle 0.4 - 0.52
mm; Fr ± 6 cm; Ha tuft f of the Se 25 mm.
S. elingue ssp. purpureum Kupicha (KB 38(4): Closely related to S. amatolicum and S. rubigi-
618, 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Killick & nosum.
Vahrmeijer 3988 [PRE, K]). − D: RSA (Eastern
Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, border region to Lesotho); S. hilliardiae Kupicha (KB 38(4): 620, 1984). T:
rocky grassland on steep slopes, 2300 - 2700 m. RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Hilliard & Burtt 11244 [E,
Differs from ssp. elingue: Peduncle 1.5 - 6.5 cm; NU]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, border to Leso-
Cl purple, lobes often curved outwards; Poll 0.58 - tho); subalpine grassland, 1800 - 2670 m.
0.63 mm. Incl. Schizoglossum cord r ifolium J. Ross (1972)
(nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Schizoglossum hama-
S. flavum
f Schlechter (J. Bot. 33: 355, 1895). T: tum J. Ross (1972) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1).
RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Medley Wood 5358 [K, BM, Stems 9 - 34 cm, branched only basally; L 2 - 8
SAM]). − D: RSA (SE KwaZulu-Natal); stony (-13) mm petiolate, lamina 27 - 46 × 6 - 26 mm,
grassland, (60-) 900 - 2250 m. (oblong-) triangular or linear; Inf 3 - 8 per node,
Incl. Schizoglossum fl f avum var. lineare N. E. with 3 - 9 Fl; peduncle 12 - 50 mm; Ped 6 - 11 mm,
Brown (1907). hairy; Sep 2.5 - 4 × 1 - 1.5 mm, outside hairy; Cl
Stems 7 - 27 cm, unbranched; L 3 - 5 mm petio- flat, outside green with brown or purple pattern, in-
late, lamina 3 - 7 × 1 - 2 cm, oblong or ovoid- side brownish-purple, venation white, lobes 5.5 -
triangular or lanceolate; Inf 3 - 5 per node, with 5 7.5 × 2.5 - 3.25 mm, outside glabrous or pubescent,
- 9 Fl; peduncle 1 - 5 cm; Ped 5 - 9 mm, hairy; Sep inside glabrous, margins weakly ciliate; Cs cream-
4 - 5.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm, outside hairy; Cl yellow-green, coloured to pale yellow-green, Cs lobes 2 - 3 mm, ±
campanulate, lobes 7 - 9 × 3 - 4 mm, ascending, out- square, inner appendage short, simple or deeply bi-
side rarely weakly soft-
f hairy, inside glabrous, mar- fid, basal 1⁄2 united with the staminal column; Sty
gins ciliate or glabrous; Cs yellow-green, Cs lobes head pale green; Anth dull purple, margin white,
3 - 4 mm, by far surpassing the Sty head, narrowly 0.5 - 0.75 mm, round, ± incumbent on the Sty head;
elliptic to broadly sagittate, apically acute, erect, in- Poll compressedly pear-shaped, corpuscle 0.21 -
side with median longitudinal groove; Sty head 0.31 mm; Fr ± 6.5 cm.
white; Anth white, ± 0.5 mm, round, incumbent on
the Sty head; Poll 0.55 - 0.65 mm, compressedly S. ingomense N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 602, 1907).
pear-shaped, attached subapically, corpuscle 0.23 - T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Gerrard r 1302 p.p. [K,
0.28 mm. BM]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal); grassland near
water, forest margins, 1200 - 1500 m.
S. hamatum E. Meyer (Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr., 220, Stems 60 - 90 cm, robust, unbranched; L esp. api-
1838). T [neo]: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Fa F nnin 63 cally in ternate verticils or irregularly arranged, pe-
[K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape and neighbouring tiole 1 - 3 mm, lamina 29 - 34 × 4 - 15 mm,
KwaZulu-Natal); grassland, dry slopes, 540 - 2100 oblong-triangular; Inf 3 - 8 per node, with 4 - 7 Fl;
m. peduncle 0 - 1 cm; Ped 5 - 10 mm, hairy; Sep 4 ×
Incl. Schizoglossum atropurpureum Schlechter 1.5 mm; Cl campanulate, green, venation purple,
(1894) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Schizoglossum lobes 8 - 10 × 5.5 mm, margins bent outwards, out-

Schizoglossum Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

side glabrous, inside basally pubescent; Cs ± 5 mm, R tuber ± 20 × 8 mm, carrot-like; stems 60 cm,
surpassing the Sty head, Cs lobes basally obtriangu- 2.5 mm ∅, biseriately hairy, basally glabrous, api-
lar, apically shortly bent horizontally outwards, f L ± 25 - 48 × 2 (-3) mm, linear;
cally densely leafy;
comb-like, inner appendage 3 mm, narrowly ob- Inf ffrom apical nodes, with ± 6 Fl; peduncle 1 - 1.2
long, erect, inside with a longitudinal groove, api- cm; Ped 7 - 10 mm; Sep 4 - 5 × 1.25 - 2 mm, lance-
cally bifid; Anth ± 1.5 mm, triangular, ± incumbent olate; Cl chestnut-brown-red, ± fflat, incised ± to the
on the Sty head; Poll 0.95 - 1.03 mm, reniform, at- base, lobes 10 × 6 mm, broadly elliptic, very obtuse,
tached subapically, corpuscle 0.4 - 0.52 mm. glabrous; Cs cream-coloured, lobes 1 × 1 mm, much
shorter than the Gy, transversely rectangular, with 2
S. nitidum Schlechter (BJS 20(Beiblatt 51): 18, marginal lobes, which fform a pouch, inner append-
1895). T: RSA, Mpumalanga (Schlechter 3519 age bifid, segments < 1 mm, subulate, erect; Anth
[BOL, K, Z]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape, W KwaZu- appendages 0.6 × 1 mm, transversely elliptic, just
lu-Natal, E Free State, Mpumalanga); moist grass- curved over the margin of the Sty head; Gy cream-
land, swamps or near rivers, 1200 - 1920 m. coloured, 3 mm; Sty head 2 mm ∅; Poll ± 0.8 mm,
Incl. Schizoglossum wallacei Schlechter (1895). compressedly oblong-triangular, attached subter-
Stems 7 - 30 cm, rarely branched; L 1 - 6 mm pe- minally, corpuscle ± 0.4 mm.
tiolate, lamina 23 - 85 × 4 - 31 mm, linear, elliptic, Closely related to S. hamatum.
lanceolate or triangular; Inf 2 - 5 per node, with 3 -
7 Fl; peduncle (0-) 8 - 45 mm; Ped 3 - 12 mm, S. saccatum Bruyns (BT 25(2): 169, 1995). T: Na-
shortly hairy; Sep 2.5 - 3.5 × 1 mm, outside hairy; mibia (Bruyns 5558 [BOL, K, WIND]). − D: N Na-
Cl cucullate, yellow, green, greenish-brown or mibia.
white with brown or rose stripes, lobes 6 - 10 × 3 - Stems 7 - 20 cm, 1.5 - 2 mm ∅, basally strongly
4.5 mm, arcuate, margins usually strongly curved branched, ascending, hairy, Int 7 - 25 mm; L ses-
outwards, glabrous; Cs yellow or white, lobes 1.5 - sile, lamina 20 - 70 × 2.5 - 4 mm, narrowly linear,
2.5 mm, ± square, apically entire or bifid, inner ap- margins rolled outwards, upper face softly hairy, lo-
pendage short, bifid, segments linguiform, several wer face glabrous, midrib softly hairy; Inf ± 4-
times dentate, bordered by lateral processes, these flowered from
f all nodes except the most basal ones;
wing-like, flat, united with the staminal column; Bra ≤ 3 mm, filiform;
f peduncle 7 - 20 mm, uniseri-
Anth 0.5 × 1 mm, broadly reniform,
f laterally ± hid- ately soft-
f hairy; Ped 7 - 9 mm, soft f ly hairy; Sep
den partly under the apical bulge of the Sty head; green, 4 - 5 × 1 mm, lanceolate, mostly curved out-
Sty head white or pink; Poll 0.55 - 0.8 mm, com- wards towards the apex, outside softly hairy, inside
pressedly oblong-obtriangular or ovoid, attached in glabrous; Cl green, with weak purple longitudinal
the middle, germination crest apical, crest-like, cor- stripes, ± bowl-shaped, incised to the base, lobes 6 ×
puscle 0.23 - 0.4 mm; Fr 5.4 - 6.5 cm. 2.5 mm, ovate-lanceolate, ascending-spreading,
S. quadridens N. E. Brown (BMI 1895: 252, 1895). margins and tips curved outwards, outside glabrous,
T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Haygard s.n. in Medley inside densely hairy, Ha white, soft, at the lobe tip
W d 4189 [K]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal); only
Woo ≤ 1.5 mm; Ci lobes delicate, truncate-emarginate;
known ffrom the type locality. Cs lobes fleshy, ± ovate, incurved, apical append-
Stems 10 - 15 cm, branched only basally; L 2 - 4 age broad, rounded, inner appendage short, placed
mm petiolate, lamina 28 - 50 × 6 - 13 mm, linear, on the Anth; Gy 2 × 5.5 mm; Sty head white, api-
elliptic or lanceolate; Inf 2 - 3 per node, with ± 6 cally purple to pink; Anth apically slightly incised;
Fl, hardly surpassing the L; peduncle 11 - 32 mm; Poll oblong-ovoid, attached apically on the inside.
Ped 5 - 10 mm, hairy; Sep ± 4 × 1.25 mm, outside According to Bruyns only provisionally placed in
hairy, margins ciliate; Cl white, ± campanulate, Schizoglossum.
lobes ± 6 × 3 mm, ascending, apical 1⁄2 outside softly
hairy, inside densely tomentose, margins ciliate; Cs S. singulare Kupicha (KB 38(4): 623, 1984). T:
lobes ± 2.5 mm, ovoid-triangular, apically bifid, RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Hilliard r & Burtt 5816 [NU,
basally cordate, erect, inside with 2 raised longitu- NH]). − D: RSA (KwaZulu-Natal: Alfred Distr.).
dinal combs, apically merging into 2 short append- Stems ± 9 cm, unbranched; L 2 - 4 mm petiolate,
ages, these tooth-like, curved over the Anth; Anth lamina 28 - 34 × 6 - 13 mm, oblong (-elliptic); Inf ±
1 mm, triangular, incumbent on the Sty head; Poll 3 per node, with 4 Fl; peduncle 15 - 19 mm; Ped 8 -
0.55 - 0.57 mm, ellipsoid, attached in the middle, 10 mm, hairy; Sep 3 × 1 mm, outside hairy; Cl blu-
germination crest apical, crest-like, corpuscle 0.37 ish, venation red, ± flat, lobes ± 7 × 3 mm, some-
mm. times weakly curved outwards, glabrous, margins
weakly ciliate; Cs dark red, Cs lobes 4.5 mm, erect,
S. rubiginosum Hilliard (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. basally square, apically trifid, middle appendage
Edinburgh 45(2): 182, 1989). T: RSA, KwaZulu- long-triangular, far surpassing the Sty head, api-
Natal (Hilliard & Burtt 16723 [E]). − D: RSA cally curved inwards, lateral appendages tooth-like,
(KwaZulu-Natal); only known from the type lo- inner appendage deeply bifid, segments linear,
cality. oriented parallel, incumbent on the Anth; Sty head

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Schlechterella

white; Anth ± 1 mm, triangular-ovoid, incumbent Cl dark to purple-brown, cup-shaped, lobes 6 - 9 ×

on the Sty head; Poll 0.5 mm, compressedly pear- 2.5 - 3.5 mm, outside rarely weakly pubescent, in-
shaped, attached subapically, corpuscle 1.3 mm. side margins sometimes weakly ciliate; Cs green or
yellow, dotted with purple, Cs lobes 2 - 3 mm, sur-
S. stenoglossum Schlechter (BJS 18(Beiblatt 45): passing the Sty head, narrowly triangular, erect, in-
28, 1894). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Schlechter side in the middle with a longitudinal groove; Anth
3228 [PRE, BOL, GRA, K, PRE, Z]). − D: RSA 1 - 1.5 mm, triangular-ovoid, not very closely in-
(Eastern Cape, S KwaZulu-Natal, borders to Free cumbent on the Sty head; Poll 0.45 - 0.57 mm,
State and Mpumalanga). compressedly obtriangular, attached subapically,
germination crest apical, conspicuously swollen,
S. stenoglossum ssp. fl f avum (N. E. Brown) Kupi- corpuscle 0.3 - 0.35 mm; Fr 4.5 - 5.5 cm; Se 3 - 3.5
cha (KB 38(4): 623, 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu- mm, Ha tuft 15 - 17 mm.
Natal (Medley Wood 4395 [K, NH]). − D: RSA
(KwaZulu-Natal, border to Lesotho); grassland,
1500 - 2100 m. SCHLECHTERELLA
≡ Schizoglossum decipiens var. flavum
f N. E.
U. Meve
Brown (1909); incl. Schizoglossum decipiens N. E.
Brown (1907). Schlechterella K. Schumann (in Engler & Prantl
f ffrom ssp. stenoglossum: Stems 18 - 48 (eds.), Nat. Pfl.-fam.
f [ed. 1], Register: 462, 1899).
cm; L 1 - 3 mm petiolate, lamina 54 - 83 × 4 - 15 T: Pleurostelma af africana Schlechter. − D: E Afri-
mm; Inf ± 3, with 2 - 5 Fl; peduncle 10 - 27 mm; ca; sandy ground. Etym: For Dr. [Friedrich Ri-
Ped 3 - 9 mm; Sep 4 - 5.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl green- chard] Rudolf Schlechter (1872 - 1925), German
ish-yellow striped with brown, rarely brown, lobes traveller, collector and botanist in Berlin and speci-
(7.5) 9 - 10 × (3-) 3.5 - 5 mm, inside glabrous to alist (amongst many other groups) ffor orchids.
densely pubescent, margins ciliate; Cs greenish- Incl. Pleurostelma Schlechter (1895) (nom. illeg.,
yellow, Cs lobes 3 mm, triangular to ovate-attenu - Art. 53.1). T: Pleurostelma af africana Schlechter.
ate, incumbent over the Anth, apical appendage on Incl. Triodoglossum Bullock (1962). T: Raphion-
the outside separated by a transversally oriented acme abyssinica Chiovenda.
crest, tip sometimes bi- or trifid; Anth 1.5 mm; Poll Erect or twining geophytic subshrubs, latex
0.65 - 0.75 mm, rhombic, attached in the middle to white; R tuber carrot-like; stems basally ± woody;
subapically, germination crest apical, ± semicircu- L shortly petiolate to almost sessile, linear to obov-
lar, corpuscle 0.43 - 0.45 mm. ate; Inf lateral, lax and delicate, cymose (appearing
racemose), many-flowered; Sep basally shortly
S. stenoglossum ssp. latifo f lium Kupicha (KB united; Fl short-lived, open only 1 day; Cl rotate,
38(4): 622, 1984). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Sidey basally somewhat united; Cl tube inside keeled, ba-
1990 [PRE]). − D: RSA (borders between KwaZu- sally with pouch-like outgrowths; Cl lobes ovate-
lu-Natal and Free State as well as Mpumalanga); lanceolate to broadly elliptic-obovate, delicate,
mountainous grassland, 1050 - 2700 m. glabrous; Cn petaloid, with ± lacerate white erect
f ffrom ssp. stenoglossum: Stems 16 - 51 lobes originating from a basal circular bulge; Anth
cm; L 1 - 3 (-10) mm petiolate, lamina 45 - 58 × (3-) rectangular-ovate, obtuse, basally auriculate, in-
6 - 15 mm; Inf 3 - 4, with 5 - 8 Fl; peduncle 13 - 40 cumbent on the conical Sty head; pollen in tetrads
mm; Ped 2 - 5 mm; Sep 4 - 5 × 1 - 1.5 mm; Cl dark or polyads, glued together to fform 2 ellipsoid Poll
or chestnut-brown, rarely yellow-green with brown in each theca; Fr solitary or paired, fus
f iform
f .
stripes, lobes 8 - 9 × 3 - 3.5 mm, margins ciliate, This is a genus belonging to the Perip i locoideae
outside sometimes weakly hairy; Cs lobes 3 mm, from among the group around Raphionacme. Re-
surpassing the Gy, narrowly linear, erect or apically cently it has been united with Triodoglossum (Ven-
outcurved; Anth white, 1.5 mm; Poll 0.63 - 0.75 ter & Verhoeven 1999). A number of characters
mm, rhombic, attached in the middle to subapically, (delicate growth, short-lived flowers, the corona
germination crest apical, ± semicircular, corpuscle f d into a ring-like structure, auriculate anthers,
0.35 - 0.45 mm; Fr ± 4.5 cm. pollinia instead of free pollen tetrads) justify f the
status of a good genus for these handsome geo-
S. stenoglossum ssp. stenoglossum − D: RSA (Eas- phytes.
tern Cape, S and E KwaZulu-Natal); grassland, 300
- 1500 m. S. abyssinica (Chiovenda) Venter & Verhoeven
Incl. Schizoglossum stenoglossum var. longipes (SAJB 64(6): 353, ills., 1999). T: Ethiopia (Riva
Schlechter (1894). 1086 [FT]). − D: Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya. I: Ask-
Stems 25 - 45 cm, unbranched; L 1 - 3 mm petio- lepios 68: 28, 1996, as Rap
a hionacme. Fig. XLIV.
late, lamina 40 - 70 × 2 - 9 mm, linear to lanceolate; ≡ Raphionacme abyssinica Chiovenda (1939) ≡
Inf 2 - 5, with 3 - 6 Fl; peduncle 7 - 48 mm; Ped 3 - T doglossum abyssinicum (Chiovenda) Bullock
8 mm, hairy; Sep 3 - 4.5 × 1 - 1.5 mm, outside hairy; (1962).

Staparesia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

Stems erect or weakly twining, 10 - 30 cm × 1 - 2 ssp.) G. D. Rowley (1958) ≡ ×Tavastemon

T meinttjesii
mm, basally woody, hairy; L 1 - 4 mm petiolate, la- (R. A. Dyer pro sp.s ) P. V. Heath (1992).
mina 2 - 5 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm, basally cuneate-attenuate, = S. gettliffei × T.
T barkl
r lyi.
upper face dark green, lower face usually purple-
red, ± glabrous; Inf 10 - 30 × 1 mm pedunculate,
several times branched; Ped 2 - 6 × 0.5 mm, pubes- STAPELIA
cent; Sep ffree almost to the base, ovate-triangular
B. Müller & F. Albers
or elliptic, ± obtuse, 1 - 1.2 mm, ciliate, hairy; Cl
tube ± 1 × 1.75 mm; Cl lobes spreading, broadly el- Stapelia Linné (Spec. Pl. [ed. 1], 217, 1753). T:
liptic to ovate-lanceolate, 1 - 4 × 1 - 1.5 mm, ma- Stap
a elia hirsutat Linné [Lectotype, proposed by N.
genta-red to violet, basally sometimes yellowish; E. Brown 1909 and again by L. C. Leach, Trans.
Cn whitish, lobes linguiform, spatulate or ovate, 0.7 Rhodesia Sci. Assoc. 59(1): 2, 1978, and proposed
- 1.5 × 0.8 mm, apically irregularly lacerate or up- ffor conservation by Jarvis in Taxon 41: 570, 1992,
per 1⁄2 divided cross-like; translator 1.5 - 2 mm, rect- cf. l.c. 44(4): 612, 1995.]. − Lit: Leach (1985). D:
angular-ovate, stalk very short, adhesive disc very Tanzania, Zambia, Angola, Namibia, Moçambique,
long; Fr 40 - 60 × 5 mm. Botswana, Zimbabwe, RSA. Etym: For Jan Bode
van Stapel († 1636), Dutch physician (Genaust
S. afr
f icana (Schlechter) K. Schumann (in Engler & 1983).
Prantl (eds.), Nat. Pfl.-fam. [ed. 1], Nachträge 2: 60,
P Incl. Stisseria Heister ex Fabricius (1759) (nom. il-
1900). T: Tanzania (Scott-Elliot s.n. [BM]). − D: leg., Art. 52.1). T: Stap
a elia hirsuta Linné.
Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania. I: Schlechter Incl. Gonostemon Haworth (1812). T: Stap a elia di-
(1895b: 332). varicata
t Masson [Lectotype, according to L. C.
≡ Pleurostelma africana Schlechter (1895) (in- Leach, Excelsa Tax. Ser. 3: 4, 1985.].
correct name, Art. 11.4). Perennial, usually basally sympodially branched
Stems erect or weakly twining, 2 - 100 cm × 2 small stem succulents, sometimes with rhizomatous
mm, basally woody, ± glabrous; L 0.5 - 3 mm petio- runners; stems not numerous, erect (rarely decum-
late, lamina 2 - 6 × 0.2 - 1.5 cm, basally cuneate- bent), ± long cylindrical or slightly tapering to-
attenuate, upper face dark green, with whitish vena- wards the tips, unarmed, 6 - 30 × ± 0.5 - 3 cm ∅,
tion, glabrous, margins ± revolute and undulate; Inf 4- (rarely spirally 5- to 6-) ribbed, pubescent (rarely
long-pedunculate, several times branched; Ped ± 1 glabrous), sides neither patterned mosaic-like nor
cm, glabrous; Sep ovate-triangular or elliptic, glab- conspicuously grooved, flat to concave; Tu T ± con-
rous; Cl tube ± 1 × 2 mm; Cl lobes spreading, spicuously raised; L rudiments acute, fleshy, pubes-
broadly elliptic to obovate, 4 - 6 × 1 - 2 mm, pale cent, erect, caducous or persistent in the dry state,
greenish-cream (rarely violet), ± rolled back along basally usually with a pair of small glandular per-
the midrib, basally ± rugose, apically broadly lob- sistent stipular rudiments; Inf consisting of solitary
ate, undulate; Cn whitish, lobes 3 - 4 mm, basal 1⁄3 or ffew successively (rarely simultaneously) opening
cylindrical, ascending, incurved, apical 2⁄3 conni- Fl, near the stem bases or occasionally scattered
vent, filiform,
f twisted, basally on both sides with a along the length of the stems; peduncle short, acu-
triangular minute tooth; translator ± 3.5 mm, ellip- tely tapering, pubescent; Fl in their maj a ority with
tic, stalk very short, adhesive disc elliptic, attached extreme carrion-scent (rarely pleasantly sweetish
at right angles; Poll flat, elliptic, ± 3 × 0.5 mm. perfumed); Ped ± 0.5 - 7 (-12) × ≤ 0.5 cm, pubes-
Closely related to S. abyssinica, and distingu- cent; Sep ovate to lanceolate, long-attenuate, pu-
ished by the large undulate corolla lobes and its col- bescent; Cl yellowish, purple or pinkish-flesh-
our as well as by the 3-parted corona lobes. coloured, 0.8 - 40 cm ∅, very variable in size (even
within a taxon), flat, rarely campanulate (to glob-
ose) or shallowly cup- or funnel-shaped, usually
×STAPARESIA deeply dissected into lobes; annulus absent or vesti-
gially present; Cl lobes usually ± ovate and attenu-
B. Müller & F. Albers
ate, oftef n ± strongly convex in the longitudinal
×Staparesia G. D. Rowley (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. direction, partly strongly curved outwards, inside ±
37(3): 79, 1982). densely transversally wrinkled, ± densely hairy; Cn
Incl. ×Tavastemon P. V. Heath (1992). biseriate, of the Ci+Cs type, usually shortly stipit-
= Stapelia × Tavaresia.
aa.. ate, stalk columnar, 5-ribbed, ± bluntly 5-angled; Ci
5 simple, rarely bifid, lobes, often concavely bulg-
×S. meintj
t esii (R. A. Dyer pro sp.) G. D. Rowley ing in the longitudinal direction; Cs 5 dorsiven-
(Nation. Cact. Succ. J. 37(3): 79, 1982). T: RSA, trally flattened lobes, densely incumbent on the
Northern Prov. (MyM burgh
r s.n. in Meintj t es 663 Anth, apically ± simple or with a ± filif
f form or sub-
[PRE]). ulate appendage, dorsally in addition frequently
≡ Tavaresia ×meintjesii R. A. Dyer (pro (pp sps .) with a raised wing, an additional appendage or ba-
(1954) ≡ Decabelone ×meintj t esii (R. A. Dyer pro sally bulging; Anth ± square, without apical appen-

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stapelia

dage; Poll solitary, horizontal in each theca, ± quin (1809); Stap t Sims (1819) ≡ Gono-
a elia stricta
obliquely ovate, compressed; Fr 10 - 12 × 1 - 2 cm, stemon strictus (Sims) Haworth (1819); Stapelia
f iform
fus f , ± pubescent (rarely completely glabrous), uncinata Jacquin fil. (s.a.); Stapelia vittata
t Sicken-
ffollicles of a pair arranged at an acute angle; Se berger (s.a.) (nom. inval.).
brown and / or ochre-coloured, ovate, flat, margin ±
smooth, one end with a tuft of simple white Ha. S. acuminata Masson (Stapel. Nov., 15, t. 17,
Historically, Stapelia embraced numerous spe- 1797). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Masson s.n. [lecto
cies which are today placed in separate genera. − icono: l.c. t. 17, 1797]). − D: RSA (Northern
This is esp. true fo
f r Orbea, whose type species (O. Cape). Fig. XLIV.Vb
variegata) was regrettably for a long time errone- ≡ Gonostemon acuminatus (Masson) P. V. Heath
ously interpreted as the type species of Stap a elia. (1992); incl. Stap
a elia acuminata var. brevicusps is N.
The situation was only clarified by Leach (1978b). E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon acuminatus var.
In his revision, Leach (1985) desists from a sys- brevicuspis (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); incl.
tematic break-down of the genus (in sections etc.), Stapelia indocta Nel (1948).
as the genus cannot be divided in natural groups. Stems bluish-green, flushed with purple, ± 10 ×
Hybrids are known with Huern
H ia (= ×Huerneli
H a), 1.5 cm, bluntly 4-ribbed, softly white-pubescent; Tu
with Orbea (= ×Orbelia), with Ta T varesia (= ± robust; L rudiments ± 1.5 × 1.5 mm, caducous, sti-
×Stap Tromotriche (= ×Tromo
a aresia), and with Tr T sta- pular rudiments yellow-brown, caducous with age;
pelia). In addition, the hybrid Stapelia schinzii × S. Inf scattered along the length of the stems; Fl buds
kwebensis is also reported (Leach 1985: 75), and the compressedly ovoid or ovoid-pointed; Ped to 5 mm;
name Stapelia ×bijliae refersf to the combination Sep pale green, tips purple, ≤ 5 × 2 mm; Cl outside
a elia × Tridentea.
Stap aa.. pale yellow-green or purple, inside pale to dark
flesh-coloured, 1.7 - 4 cm ∅, wrinkles white,
The following names are of unresolved applica- cream-coloured or yellow; Cl lobes ± 0.4 - 1.5 cm,
tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Stapelia anony- ovate-triangular, outside ± densely pubescent, in-
mos Poiret (s.a.); Stapelia brevirostris Willdenow side occasionally weakly delicately pubescent, mar-
(1814) (nom. inval.); Stap a elia canescens hort. ex gins ± hairy, Ha white, long, simple; stalk of the Cn
Haworth (1812) (nom. inval.); Stap a elia concinna ± 2 × 3 mm; Ci brownish-red or purple, basally yel-
Masson (1797) ≡ Gonostemon concinnus (Masson) low, lobes ± 2 - 3 mm, rectangular, apically ± ob-
P. V. Heath (1992); Stapelia congestif iflorra Delile tuse, truncate, irregularly dentate or emarginate,
(s.a.); Stap
a elia cordata hort. ex Haworth (1812) rarely deeply bifid; Cs cream-coloured or yellow-
(nom. inval.); Stapelia cucullata Graessner (s.a.) ish, basal portion and dorsal wings dotted with
(nom. inval.); Stapelia defl f exa Jacquin (1809) ≡ brown or purple, inner filiform appendages erectly
Duvalia defl f exa (Jacquin) Loudon (1841) ≡ Gono- meeting, often
f column-like surpassing the Sty head,
stemon defle exus (Jacquin) P. V. Heath (1992); Sta- apically ± strongly curved outwards, dorsal wing ±
pelia def
eflexa var. atrop
o urp
r urea Hort. ex A. Berger horizontally spreading, very variable in shape;
(1910) ≡ Stapelia def eflexa cv. Atropo urpr urea (Hort. Anth deeply inserted, opening of the nectar cavity
ex A. Berger) H. Jacobsen (1974) ≡ Gonostemon de- exceptionally large and ± round; Poll orange to or-
flexus var. atropurpureus (A. Berger) P. V. Heath ange-brown, ± 0.5 - 0.6 × 0.3 - 0.4 mm, ovoid or ±
(1993); Stapelia dentata Forsskål (s.a.); Stapelia D-shaped.
emarginata t Breit. (s.a.) (nom. inval.); Stapelia eri- Closely related to S. arenosa and S. kougaber-
vacaria Roxburgh (s.a.) (nom. inval.); Stapelia fla f - gensis.
vicomata Haworth (1812); Stapelia fusc f opurp r urea
N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Gonostemon fuscopurpureus
f S. arenosa C. A. Lückhoff (South Afr. Gard. 25: 96,
(N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); Stapelia juvencu- 1935). T: South Africa, Cape Prov. (Beukm k an s.n.
la Jacquin (1806) ≡ Tri T dentea juvencula (Jacquin) in Herb. Lückhoff 224 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Nor-
Sweet (1830) ≡ Stapelia vetula var. juvencula (Jac- thern Cape, Western Cape).
quin) A. Berger (1910); Stap a elia lunata t Sweet ≡ Gonostemon arenosus (C. A. Lückhoff) P. V.
(s.a.); Stap
a elia maccabeanae A. C. White & B. Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia beukmani
k i C. A. Lück-
Sloane (1933) ≡ Gonostemon maccabeanae (A. C. hoff (1935) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Stap
a elia
White & B. Sloane) P. V. Heath (1993); Stapelia stultitioides C. A. Lückhofff (1937).
mastodis St. Lager (s.a.) (nom. inval.); Stapelia Stems ± squat, ± 7.5 × 1 cm, dull green, shortly
mermilis Graessner (s.a.) (nom. inval.); Stapelia no- hairy, sides ± deeply grooved; TuT rounded; L rudi-
penackyi Graessner (s.a.) (nom. inval.); Stapelia ments ± 1.5 mm, caducous, stipular rudiments yello-
plantii hort. ex Hooker fi f l. (1868) ≡ Gonostemon wish, obtuse; Inf scattered along the length of the
×plantii (hort. ex Hooker) P. V. Heath (1993); Sta- stems, frequent
f ly 2 Fl simultaneously open; Fl buds
pelia ref
eflexa Haworth (1812); Stapelia ref eflexa var. broadly ovoid, long-attenuate; Ped ± 5 mm; Sep ± 5
brownii Schinz (1901); Stap a elia sororia Masson mm; Cl outside dull green or purple, inside black-
(1797) ≡ Gonostemon grandifl f orus var. sororius purple, to 4 cm ∅, basally often thickened annulus-
(Masson) P. V. Heath (1993); Stapelia stellaris Jac- like, united part whitish, blotched with purple; Cl

Stapelia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

lobes ≤ 1.5 cm, inside pubescent, margins shortly Cn black-purple, extremely variable; Ci lobes ± 5
hairy, Ha white; stalk of the Cn ± 1 mm; Ci yellow mm, oblong, apically ± 3-dentate or with a longer
or orange-brown, lobes ± 1.5 mm, ± square or acu- middle and 2 shorter lateral tips; Cs lobes 6 - 7 mm,
tely tapering, weakly concave, spreading outwards, erect, apical appendage ± broadly subulate, dorsal
apically truncate, emarginate or ± acute, weakly wing ± broad, free or partly or completely fused
pubescent; Cs purple, sometimes bicoloured, lobes with the apical appendage; Poll brown, occasio-
± 3 mm, narrowly ovate, long-attenuate, erect, dor- nally yellowish, 0.8 - 1 × 0.5 - 0.6 mm, ± D-shaped;
sal wing ± horizontally spreading, ± triangular, Fr pale brown.
apically dentate or irregularly crenate; Poll or- Closely related to S. gariepensis.
ange-yellow to yellow-brown, germination crest
transparently yellow, 0.4 × 0.3 mm, ± ovoid. S. baylissii L. C. Leach (SAJB 3(3): 172-173, ill.,
Closely related to S. rubiginosa. There are also si- 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Bayliss 2786 [PRE,
milarities with S. acuminatat and S. rufa
f . K, NBG]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
≡ Gonostemon baylissii (L. C. Leach) P. V. Heath
S. arnotii N. E. Brown (HIP 20: t. 1915 + text, (1992).
1890). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Arnot(A s.n. in Barkly
l Plants to ± 15 cm, compact; stems greenish, often
70 [K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape). weakly glossy, ± 1.5 cm ∅, sides slightly concave,
≡ Gonostemon grandiflorus var. arnotii (N. E. glabrous, sometimes slightly roughened; Tu with a
Brown) P. V. Heath (1993). conspicuous scar left f by the L rudiment, this erect
Stems to 2.5 cm ∅; Cl inside glossy wine-red, ± or slightly spreading; peduncle robust, long-atte-
10 cm ∅; Cl lobes with ± black tips, strongly nuate, sometimes branched, persistent, contorted
curved outwards, inside apically weakly transver- and button-like, with scars left by Ped; Fl buds
sally wrinkled, inside softly hairy, Ha pale purple, ovoid, acute or long-attenuate, angles acute, ±
upper 1⁄2 of the lobes glabrous; Ci lobes ± 6 mm, lin- winged; Ped sometimes roughened; Sep ± 6 mm,
ear, acute, apically curved outwards; Cs lobes ± 7 sometimes roughened; Cl dark purple, ± glossy, 3 -
mm, erectly spreading, apical appendage squatly 3- 6 cm ∅, tube short, broadly pentagonal, margin
angled, acute, dorsal wing broadly triangular, fuse
f d slightly thickened, at the level of the opening with 5
for more than 1⁄2 with the apical appendage. centrally confluent bulges; Cl lobes 1.2 - 2.3 cm,
This taxon is insufficiently known and is only long-pointedly triangular, diverging outwards, out-
provisionally accepted (Leach 1985: 132). side glabrous, midrib and lobe tips inside sometimes
delicately pubescent, margins strongly curved out-
S. asterias Masson (Stapel. Nov., 14, t. 14, 1797). wards, weakly hairy, clavate Ha whitish; Cn ± ses-
T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 14, 1797. − D: RSA (We- sile; Ci lobes 3 - 4 mm, rectangular, obtuse or
stern Cape). truncate, apically with an obtuse median mucro or
≡ Gonostemon asterias (Masson) P. V. Heath irregularly crenate; Cs lobes subulate or curved and
(1992); incl. Stap
a elia stellaris hort. ex Haworth ffiliform, dorsal wing broad, erect; Poll yellow, ±
d De Candolle (1813) ≡
(1812); incl. Stapelia lucida 0.7 × 0.4 mm, ± D-shaped.
Stapelia asterias var. lucidad (De Candolle) N. E. Closely related to S. praetermissa, but also show-
Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon asterias var. lucidus ing numerous similarities with S.
(De Candolle) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stap
a elia as-
terias var. gibba N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon S. ×bij
i liae Pillans (in A. C. White & B. Sloane, Sta-
asterias var. gibbus (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath pelieae, ed. 2, 2: 674, 1937). T: RSA, Eastern
(1993). Cape (van der Bijl 6 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Eastern
Stems ± long cylindrical, ± 15 × 1.5 cm, compact, Cape).
green to grey-green, ± bluntly 4-ribbed; L rudi- ≡ ×Gonodentea bijliae (Pillans) P. V. Heath
ments ≤ 5 mm, mostly persisting in the dry state, (1993); incl. Stapelia bijl
i ii hort. (s.a.) (nom. inval.,
stipular rudiments more pronounced with age; Fl Art. 61.1).
frequently decumbent, sometimes peduncle with Insufficiently known taxon, which is in addition
several consecutive Inf; buds broadly ovoid, ± ac- obviously based on a natural hybrid (Stap a elia (Go-
ute; Ped to 6.5 cm; Sep green, apically purple, to 10 nostemon) pillansii × TriT dentea gemmifl f ora
r ) (Leach
× 3 mm, margins often f weakly hairy; Cl outside 1985: 132-133). − [B. Müller]
pale green, inside rose-red, brownish or dark purple,
to 11 cm ∅, usually glossy, wrinkles sometimes S. cedrimontana Frandsen
F (CSJA 47(6): 260-263,
whitish or yellowish; Cl tube short, 5-angled, mar- ills., 1975). T: RSA, Western Cape (Fran
F dsen 59
gin ± radially grooved; Cl lobes to 4.5 × ± 2.8 cm, [BOL, PRE]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). Fig.
inside smooth or weakly papillose, rarely also short- XLIV. Vc
ly hairy, Ha slightly crisped, tips of the lobes out- Plants to 25 cm, forming compact clumps; stems
side ± pubescent, margins of the lobes sometimes ± 1 cm ∅, bluntly 4-ribbed; L rudiments 2 - 2.5
curved outwards, ± hairy, Ha white or purple, ± 6 mm; Inf sometimes scattered over the length of the
mm, straight, robust, in between a ffew clavate Ha; stems, Fl pointing outwards or upwards; peduncle

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stapelia

sometimes persistent (then contorted and button- ously open; Ped ≤ 2 cm; Sep ≤ 4.5 mm; Cl yellow-
like); Ped ± 2.5 (-4) cm, spreading; Sep ≤ 6 (-8) ish or purple, 4 - 5 cm ∅, flat or curved outwards;
mm; Cl inside chestnut-brown or reddish-purple, 3 - Cl tube short, narrow, 5-angled, only embracing the
5 (-6) cm ∅, wrinkles white or yellowish; Cl tube stalk of the Cn, tube margin often
f thickened annu-
short, pentagonal; Cl lobes 1 - 2 (-2.4) cm, upper 1⁄2 lus-like; Cl lobes ± 1.5 - 1.9 cm, spreading or revol-
reddish-purple, outside shortly pubescent, inside in ute, outside delicately pubescent, inside weakly
part weakly short-pubescent, margins esp. basally wrinkled, densely delicately pubescent, margins
strongly fo
f lded outwards, weakly hairy, clavate Ha curved outwards, hairy, Ha white, simple; Ci lobes
whitish to pale lilac; Cn dark purple with irregular ± 3 × 1.5 - 2 mm, rectangular, weakly concave,
pale brown patterning, shortly stipitate; Ci lobes 3.5 curved outwards, apically widened, obtusely muc-
- 4 mm, rectangular, slightly concave, spreading, ronate, sometimes emarginate; Cs lobes 2 - 3 mm,
apically weakly curved outwards, irregularly acutely ovate, keeled, basally wing-like, ± erect,
bluntly dentate or mucronate, ± truncate, obtuse, ra- slightly surpassing the Anth; Poll deep orange or
rely emarginate; Cs lobes 3.5 - 4 × ± 1 mm, nar- dark brown, 0.96 × 0.5 mm, broadly D-shaped.
rowly subulate, long-attenuate, ventrally flattened,
dorsally weakly keeled, meeting each other, tips S. engleriana Schlechter (BJS 38: 49, fig. 8, 1905).
curved outwards, with a weak dorsal bulge or a T [lecto]: RSA, Western Cape (Pillans 60 [BOL]).
small dorsal wing; Poll yellowish to brownish, 0.7 - − D: RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape). I:
0.8 × 0.5 - 0.6 mm, ± D-shaped. Leach (1984: as Tromotric
T he). Fig. XLIV.V.d
Closely related to S. villetiae. ≡ Tromotriche engleriana (Schlechter) L. C.
Leach (1982).
S. clavicorona I. Verdoorn (FPSA 31: t. 407 + text, Stems halfways above-ground, ascending to
1931). T: RSA, Northern Prov. (Van V Nouhuys s.n. erect, creeping halfways
f underground, 4-ribbed,
in P
PRRE 9756 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Northern Prov.). aerial stems ± 5 - 12 × 1.5 - 2.2 cm, few-branched,
≡ Gonostemon clavicoronus (I. Verdoorn) P. V. bluish-grey-green, pubescent, underground stems
Heath (1992). longer and thinner, whitish; L rudiments minute,
Plants to 25 cm, forming compact clumps; stem caducous; Inf 1- to few-flowered, pubescent,
sides deeply grooved; Tu T wing-like compressed; L shortly pedunculate; Ped 1 - 3 cm, pubescent, usu-
rudiments ≤ 2 mm, without stipular rudiments; ped- ally ± curved downwards; Sep ovate, acute, 4 - 6
uncle robust; Ped ≤ 6 × 3.5 mm; Sep ± 5 × 2.5 mm; mm, pubescent; Cl button-like by the completely
Cl yellow to yellowish-brown, wrinkles red-brown, reflexed Cl lobes, ± 2 cm ∅, inside with tubercu-
5 - 6 cm ∅, thickened in the centre; Cl tube ± 2 late-papillate centrifuga
f l ridges, purple-brown, out-
mm, narrow, basally embracing the Cn; Cl lobes ± side cream-coloured, somewhat spotted with purple,
1.5 - 1.8 × 1.55 cm, ± shortly pointed, outside shortly pubescent; Cl tube ± 2 cm ∅, funnel-shaped, inside
delicately pubescent, inside narrowly wrinkled, pu- pentagonal; Cl lobes ± 2 cm; Cn yellowish and
bescent, Ha white, curly, margins delicately hairy, purplish-speckled, shortly stipitate, stalk 5-angled;
Ha white, short, simple, in between with delicate Ci lobes erectly spreading, 3 - 4 mm, obtusely al-
clavate Ha; Cn ± black, stalk basally slightly broa- most square, apically ± 2-toothed; Cs lobes bifid,
dened; Ci lobes ± 2.5 × 1.25 mm, fleshy, with a inner appendages filiform,
f ± 8 mm, erect-connivent,
deep furrow
f , ± erect, apically ± acute, spreading, apically recurved and swollen, papillose, outer ap-
basally with a slit-like Nec; Cs lobes with 2 appen- pendages divaricate, linear, ± 5 mm; Poll D-shaped,
dages, apically weakly netlike-foveo
f late, apical ap- ± 0.75 × 0.5 mm; Fr ± 10 × 1 cm, pubescent.
pendage ± 3 × 0.8 (apically 0.5) mm, ± clavate, This exceptional species of Stapelia was oftenf
dorsiventrally compressed, erect-connivent, dorsal misinterpreted as a close ally of Tromotric
T he revo-
appendage ± 3.5 × 1.5 mm, ± 1 mm ∅, clavate, com- luta on the base of its rhizomatous growth and the
pressed, erectly spreading; Poll brownish-yellow, ± completely reflexed corolla lobes.
0.6 × 0.4 mm, ± hidden by the Cs.

S. divaricata Masson (Stapel. Nov., 17, t. 22, S. erectiflora N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 6:
1797). T: BM [alc]. − D: RSA (Western Cape). 650, 1889). T: RSA, Western Cape (Bain s.n. in
≡ Gonostemon divaricatus (Masson) Haworth l 80 [K]). − D: RSA.
(1812); incl. Stapelia pallida d H. C. Wendland ≡ Gonostemon erectiflf orus (N. E. Brown) P. V.
(1809) ≡ Gonostemon pallidus (H. C. Wendland) Heath (1992).
Sweet (1827); incl. Stapa elia pallens hort. ex Steudel
(1841). S. erectiflora var. erectiflora − D: RSA (Northern
Stems freely branched, tapering, to 10 cm, ba- Cape, Western Cape). Fig. XLIV. V.e
sally ≤ 8 to apically ± 4.5 mm ∅, 4-ribbed; Tu T Stems shortly decumbent-erect, to 15 cm, form-
obtuse, inconspicuous with age; L rudiments persis- ing clumps, ± bluntly 4-ribbed, densely white-
tent in the dry state, stipular rudiments delicate; Inf pubescent; Tu small; L rudiments caducous; Inf
flowering in quick succession, often
f 2 Fl simultane- scattered over the length of the stems, often several

Stapelia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

simultaneously on the same stem; peduncle robust; base; Poll ± 0.7 × 0.3 mm, ± narrowly D-shaped,
Ped brownish, to 12 cm, erect; Sep reaching the difficult to reach.
bases of the Cl lobes; Cl outside pale green, inside More closely related to S. olivacea.
brownish-green or purple, transversally striped, ± 1
- 1.5 cm ∅; Cl tube short, narrow, pentagonal, ba- S. gariepensis Pillans (South Afr. Gard. 18: 62,
sally embracing the Cn; Cl lobes strongly recurved 1928). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Pillans 5771
and rolled towards the Ped (Fl therefore
f as a whole [BOL]). − D: Namibia, RSA (Northern Cape). Fig.
± button-like), outside very weakly pubescent, lo- XLIV.Vg
wer ⁄2 inside softf ly hairy, Ha white, short, ap- ≡ Gonostemon gariepensis (Pillans) P. V. Heath
pressed, directed towards the tip, margins hairy (1992).
with porrect clavate Ha; Ci lobes rectangular, emar- Stems decumbent to shortly decumbent-erect, to
ginate, ± acute, sometimes ± bifid; Cs lobes 3- 12.5 cm, oftten purple; stipular rudiments cream-
angled-subulate or filiform, erectly outcurved; coloured; Fl procumbent-spreading, buds purple,
Anth yellow, apically strongly broadened; Poll yel- apically attenuate; Ped 2 - 7 cm; Cl outside often ±
low to brownish, ± 0.5 × 0.4 mm, broadly D-shaped. white or very pale green, ± flushed with purple, in-
Closely related to S. paniculata
t and S. glanduli- side ± (pale) yellow with red-purple, glossy, to 10
f ra.
flor cm ∅, centrally depressed; Cl lobes to 4 × 1.5 cm,
red, sometimes weakly cross-banded with cream or
S. erectiflora var. prostratiflora L. C. Leach yellow, spreading and curved outwards, tips pale
(SAJB 3(3): 178, ill., 1984). T: RSA, Cape Prov. yellow, margins curved outwards, midvein outside
(Stayner s.n. in Leach 15724 [PRE, NBG]). − D: sometimes weakly pubescent, inside glabrous, cen-
RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape). tral depression apically ± densely hairy, Ha purple,
Incl. Gonostemon erectififlorus fa. aberrans P. V. sometimes white, long, soft;f Cn cream-coloured to
Heath (1992). yellow-brown, spotted with purple, stalk short; Ci
Differs from var. erectif
iflora : Fl resting on the lobes ± 4.5 × 1.25 mm, narrowly rectangular, ± spa-
ground; Cl pale violet; Cl lobes less strongly re- tulate, with a median mucro, erect-spreading, api-
flexed; Cs lobes shorter, dorsal wing erect. cally recurved, inside with a longitudinal groove;
apical appendage of the Cs ≤ 9 mm, subulate, erect
S. flavo
f purpurea Marloth (Trans. South Afr. Phi- or ± curved, dorsal appendage ± 5.5 × 1 mm,
los. Soc. 18: 48, t. 5: fig. 1, 1907). T: RSA, Nor- wing-like, narrowly rectangular, porrectly spread-
thern Cape (MaM rloth 4227 [not located]). − D: Na- ing, free to the base; Anth yellowish, strongly pro-
mibia, Botswana, RSA (Northern Cape). Fig. minent; Poll brownish, 0.9 - 1 × 0.55 - 0.6 mm, ±
V. narrowly D-shaped, caudicles rather long; Fr erect,
≡ Gonostemon flavopurpureus (Marloth) P. V. to 10 cm.
Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia fleckii
f A. Berger & Closely related to S. asterias.
Schlechter (1909) ≡ Stapelia fla f vopurp
r urea var.
fleckii (A. Berger & Schlechter) A. C. White & B. S. gettliffei Pott (Ann. Transvaal Mus. 3: 226, t. 13,
Sloane (1937) ≡ Gonostemon flavopurpureus
f var. 1913). T: RSA, Transvaal (Gettliffe f s.n. [PRE]). −
flecki i (A. Berger & Schlechter) P. V. Heath (1993). D: Moçambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, RSA (Nor-
Plants to 10 cm, form
f ing low clumps; stems ± 1 thern Prov., North-West Prov., Gauteng, Mpumalan-
cm ∅, 4-ribbed, sides flat or slightly concave; Tu ga).
inconspicuous; L rudiments caducous, stipular rudi- ≡ Gonostemon gettliff
i fei (Pott) P. V. Heath (1992).
ments pale, obtuse; Inf few-flowered, ± scattered Stems decumbent-erect, basally tapering, often
along the length of the stems, Fl pointing outwards; limp and creeping, (greyish-) green, ± 1.2 - 1.5 cm
peduncle robust; Ped 3 cm (rarely longer), erect; Cl ∅; Tu
T sometimes > 1 cm, narrowly pointed; L rudi-
outside pale green, inside yellow, brown or red, ra- ments erect or slightly incurved; Fl decumbent,
rely green, wrinkles often
f contrasting in colour, ± 3 buds ovoid-acute, basally truncate; Ped 5 - 8 cm;
- 4 cm ∅, central depression shortly funne
f l-shaped; Sep ≤ 1.5 cm; Cl cream-coloured, 9 - 12 cm ∅,
Cl lobes ± 1.3 - 1.6 cm, ± lanceolate, outside glabr- lobes purple, wrinkles cream-coloured to yellowish,
ous or weakly pubescent, inside strongly wrinkled, rarely uniform
f ly cream-coloured; Cl lobes 3.6 - 4.8
wrinkles often delicately roughened, around the cm, narrowly elliptic, acute, inside delicately pu-
central depression hairy, clavate Ha white to dark bescent, margins curved outwards, outside weakly
purple, lobe margins strongly recurved outwards; pubescent, inside of the central part and margins of
Cn whitish; Ci lobes ± 3 mm, rectangular, con- the lobes densely hairy, Ha pale purple, long, weak;
spicuously mucronate or apically crenate-truncate, Cn dark purple; Ci lobes ± 5 mm, in the middle
± erect, margins curved inwards; Cs lobes ± 6 mm, with a deep longitudinal groove, delicately pointed,
basally ovate, apically subulate or ± filiform, erect, erectly spreading, apically with few
f robust Ha; api-
meeting each other and then recurved, tips ± clav- cal appendage of the Cs 12 mm, triangular, weakly
ate, dorsal wing ± 4 mm, laterally compressed, very curved, erect, ventrally deeply V-shaped, dorsal
narrowly triangular, ± erectly spreading ffrom the wing ≤ 8 × 5 - 6 mm, ± ffused with the apical appen-

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stapelia

dage over the whole length; Poll greenish-brown, ± redly weakly hairy; Sep ± 7 mm, margins some-
1 × 0.5 mm, ± D-shaped. times weakly hairy; Cl purple-brown (tips of the
Closely related to S. hirsuta. lobes darker), 5 - 7 (-10) cm ∅; Cl lobes 1.75 - 2.5
(-3.5) cm, slightly recurved outwards, often con-
S. gigantea N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. nov. 7: vexely wavy near the tips, outside glabrous, ±
684, 1877). T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Gerrard r 717 smooth, central part and base of the lobe margins on
[K]). − D: Tanzania, Zambia, Moçambique, Bo- the inside densely hairy, Ha pale purple or grey-
tswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, RSA (KwaZulu-Natal), white, straight, ± depressed, directed outwards, lobe
Swaziland. Fig. XLIV. V
V..h margins hairy, Ha whitish, simple or clavate, stiff;
≡ Gonostemon giganteus (N. E. Brown) P. V. Cn black-purple; Ci lobes sometimes obtusely rect-
Heath (1992); incl. Stap a elia nobilis N. E. Brown ex angular, ± spatulate or irregularly 3-dentate, rarely
Hooker (1901) ≡ Gonostemon giganteus var. nobilis long-pointed, spreading, curved; Cs lobes erect,
(Hooker) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia marlo- apical appendage ± filiform, falcately curved, dor-
thii N. E. Brown (1908) ≡ Gonostemon giganteus sal wing broad, rarely narrowly triangular, ± acute,
var. marlothii (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); for 1⁄2 or completely united with the apical append-
incl. Stapelia gigantea var. pallida d E. Phillips age or free, rarely divergent; Poll brown, germina-
(1925) ≡ Gonostemon giganteus nvar. pallidus (E. tion crest yellow, 0.9 - 1 × 0.52 - 0.57 mm, ±
Phillips) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia youngii D-shaped.
N. E. Brown (1931) ≡ Gonostemon giganteus var. Belonging to the complex around S. hirsuta t , and
youngii (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Sta- closely related to S. obducta
t .
pelia cyl
c istat C. A. Lückhoff (1933).
Compact plants with shortly down-curved-erect S. glanduliflora Masson (Stapel. Nov., 16, t. 19,
stems, stems ± 15 (-25) × ± 2 cm; Tu T inconspicuous; 1797). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 19, 1797. − D:
L rudiments 2 - 3 mm; Ped ≤ 6 cm; Sep ≤ 1.6 cm; RSA (Western Cape). Fig. XLV. V.a
Cl pale yellow, reddish or purple, 12.5 - 40 cm ∅, ≡ Gonostemon glandulifl f orus (Masson) P. V.
wrinkles red-brown or purple, central part ± flat to Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia glandulifera Willde-
slightly ± campanulate; Cl lobes 4 - 16 cm, outside now (1798); incl. Stap a elia hisp s idula Hornemann
delicately pubescent, inside ± weakly hairy, Ha (1813); incl. Stapelia glandulif iflorra var. emargi
r nata
whitish to purple, often
f ± curly, ± robust; Cn dark N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon glandulif iflorus
purple, rarely ± sessile; Ci lobes 5 - 6 × 1.5 - 2.5 var. emarg
r inatus (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993);
mm, rectangular, sometimes ± spatulate, erectly di- incl. Stapelia glanduliflf ora
r var. haworthii A. Ber-
verging, apically crenate, with an obtuse median ger (1910); incl. Stapelia glandulifl f ora var. masso-
mucro, sometimes long-attenuate, rarely 3-toothed; nii A. Berger (1910).
Cs lobes 8 - 12 × 1 - 2 mm, basally broadened, Plants to 20 cm tall, forming small clumps; Br
sometimes hiding the Anth, apical appendage subu- bluntly 4-ribbed; stipular rudiments more conspicu-
late, ± triangular, ± cylindrical, acutely tapering or ous with age; Inf decumbent, opening in quick suc-
dorsiventrally compressed, biconvex or ± flattened, cession; peduncle robust, usually button-like, some-
in part keeled, dorsal wing broad, oblong, basally times persistent (then woody); Ped rosy-brown, ≤ 5
ffree or rarely united with the apical appendage, er- cm, decumbent; Sep reaching the bases of the Cl
ect or diverging outwards; Poll brown, ± 1 × 0.7 lobes; Cl outside pale yellow-green, venation
mm, ± obliquely D-shaped; Fr pale yellow. brown, inside leather-coloured or yellow, some-
Closely related to S. unicornis. The flowers of S. times greenish, to 3.5 cm ∅, wrinkles intermittently
gigantea are amongst the largest in the family. red-lineate; Cl tube short, narrow, pentagonal, em-
Commonly encountered in cultivation and world- bracing the Cn; Cl lobes ± 1.2 cm, sometimes ±
wide introduced to many tropical countries. curved outwards, outside glabrous or very weakly
pubescent, inside weakly wrinkled, densely hairy
S. glabricaulis N. E. Brown (HIP 20: t. 1917 + text, (centre of the upper 1⁄3 ± glabrous), clavate Ha
1890). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Barkly r 52 [K]). − white, transparent; Ci yellow or orange, tips brown-
D: RSA (Eastern Cape). ish, lobes ≤ 2 mm, ± acute; Cs reddish to dark
≡ Gonostemon glabricaulis (N. E. Brown) P. V. purple, lobes narrowly subulate to filiform, f erect,
Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia forcipi
f s E. Phillips & apically meeting each other, dorsally sometimes
Letty (1932) ≡ Gonostemon glabricaulis var. forci-
f slightly keeled, basally rarely with a small dorsal
pis (E. Phillips & Letty) P. V. Heath (1993). bulge; Poll dull orange, 0.4 × 0.6 mm, ± D-shaped.
Stems basally frequent
f ly shortly down-curved, to Closely related to S. erectif
20 × 1.5 - 2 (-2.5) cm, crenately 4-ribbed, glabrous;
L rudiments ± 2 mm, sometimes weakly pubescent; S. grandiflora
f Masson (Stapel. Nov., 13, t. 11,
Inf opening in ± quick succession, sometimes 2 Fl 1797). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 11, 1797. − D:
simultaneously open; peduncle apically weakly pu- RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape,
bescent; Fl buds ± globose, apically sometimes Free State). Fig. XLIII.h
delicately pubescent; Ped ≤ 6 cm, sometimes scatte- ≡ Gonostemon grandif iflorus (Masson) P. V. Heath

Stapelia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

(1992); incl. Stapelia ambigua Masson (1797) ≡ hirs

r uta var. depressa (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (1908)
Gonostemon grandifl f orus var. ambiguus (Masson) ≡ Stapelia hirsuta subvar. depressa (Jacquin) A.
P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia spectabilis Ha- Berger (1910) ≡ Gonostemon hirsutus var. depres-
worth (1812); incl. Stapelia ambigua var. fulva f sus (Jacquin) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapa elia pa-
Sweet (1830) ≡ Gonostemon grandif iflorus var. ful-
f tula Willdenow (1809) ≡ Stap a elia hirsuta var. patu-
vus (Sweet) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia gran- la (Willdenow) N. E. Brown (1909); incl. Stap a elia
f ora var. lineata N. E. Brown (1877) ≡ Gonoste-
difl lanif
iferra Haworth (1819); incl. Stapa elia hirsuta
t var.
mon grandifl f orus var. lineatus (N. E. Brown) P. V. atra Lindley (1823); incl. Stapelia elongata Sweet
Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia obscura r N. E. Brown (1830); incl. Stapelia lanigera Loudon (1830); incl.
(1877); incl. Stap a elia desmetiana N. E. Brown Stapelia patentirostris N. E. Brown (1877); incl.
(1889) ≡ Gonostemon grandif iflorus var. desmetianus Stapelia unguipetala N. E. Brown (1877) ≡ Stapelia
(N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stap a elia de- hirsuta var. unguipetala (N. E. Brown) N. E. Brown
smetiana var. apica
a lis N. E. Brown (1889) ≡ Gono- a finis N. E. Brown (1890) ≡
(1908); incl. Stapelia aff
stemon grandifl f orus var. apica
a lis (N. E. Brown) P. Stap
a elia hirsutat var. affinis
f (N. E. Brown) N. E.
V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia fl f avirostris N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon hirsutus var. aff a finis
Brown (1908); incl. Stap a elia desmetiana var. palli- (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia pa-
d N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon grandif
da iflorus tula var. longirostris N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Stapelia
var. pallidus (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. hirsuta var. longirostris (N. E. Brown) N. E. Brown
a elia senilis N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon
Stap (1909) ≡ Stap
a elia hirsuta
t subvar. longirostris (N. E.
grandiflf orus var. senilis (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath Brown) A. Berger (1910) ≡ Gonostemon hirsutus
(1993); incl. Stap a elia desmetiana var. fergusoniae
f var. longirostris (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993);
R. A. Dyer (1931) ≡ Gonostemon grandifl f orus var. incl. Stapelia villosa N. E. Brown (1890); incl. Sta-
fergusoniae (R. A. Dyer) P. V. Heath (1993) ≡ Sta- pelia hirsuta var. grata N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Go-
pelia fergusoniae (R. A. Dyer) P. V. Heath (1993) nostemon hirsutus var. gratus (N. E. Brown) P. V.
(nom. inval., Art. 34.1). Heath (1993); incl. Stap
a elia hirsuta var. lutea N. E.
Plants to 30 cm, forming compact clumps; stems Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon hirsutus var. luteus
2 - 3 cm ∅; peduncle lump-like; Ped ± 25 (rarely (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stap a elia
70) × 4 - 5 mm, ± robust, gradually tapering to- r arita B. Sloane (1933) ≡ Stap
marg a elia pulvinata fa
f .
wards the tip; Sep 0.4 - 1.5 cm; Cl ± brownish, 8 - margarita (B. Sloane) G. D. Rowley (1973).
22 cm ∅, flat to broadly ± funne f l-shaped, narrow Stems erect or down-curved-erect, creeping or
wrinkles purple-brown; Cl tube short, narrow, ba- f
form ing compact clumps (to 30 × 100 cm), rarely >
sally embracing the Cn; Cl lobes 2.8 - 8.8 cm, tips 12 cm, ± slender, ± 1 (-1.5) cm ∅; L rudiments
darker, rectangular-pointed, elliptic-acute to ovoid small, sometimes persistent in the dry state; ped-
and long-attenuate, strongly curved outwards, out- uncle robust; Fl procumbent; Ped (2-) 6 (-11.5) cm,
side delicately pubescent, inside ± soft f ly hairy (lobe porrectly spreading or resting on the ground; Sep
tips usually glabrous), Ha white, erect (if ± decum- 0.5 - 1.3 cm; Cl yellowish or cream-coloured, 5 - 14
bent then directed to the lobe tips), margins hairy, cm ∅, margins and tips of the lobes purple, central
Ha basally often papillose; Cn shortly stipitate; Ci part around the Cn thickened; Cl lobes 1.6 - 5.6 cm,
lobes 7 - 9 mm, rectangular, apically occasionally outside rarely ± glabrous, inside of the central re-
slightly broadened, concave, ascending, ± erect, gion and lobe bases densely hairy, Ha ± slightly
apically weakly outcurved, irregularly dentate, cre- curly, marginal Ha longer, straight, porrectly
nate or delicately pointed, rarely acute; Cs purple spreading, base often papillose, tips of the Cl lobes
or brown, apically often yellow, lobes 6 - 11 mm, glabrous or finely roughened (rarely Cl completely
erect, apical appendage acute, narrowly or broadly glabrous); Cn basally yellowish, apically black-
triangular, rarely strongly reduced, dorsal wing purple, ± sessile; Ci lobes concave, ascending, api-
broad, erect, fused for 2⁄3 of its length with the apical cally with a median mucro or dentate, curved
appendage; Poll orange or brownish, 1 - 1.25 × 0.6 - outwards; apical appendage of the Cs variable in
0.75 mm, ± obliquely ovoid or D-shaped. length, (3-angled-) subulate, dorsal wing variable in
length and width, variously united with the apical
S. hirsuta Linné (Spec. Pl. [ed. 1], 217, 1753). T: appendage or ffree, erect or widely spreading; Poll ±
BM [Herb. Clifford 77, Stapelia 2]. − D: RSA (We- 0.9 - 1 × 0.5 - 0.6 mm, ± obliquely ovate; Fr yello-
stern Cape); winter-rainfall region. wish-brown, brown-striped, 15 - 20 cm.
≡ Gonostemon hirsutus (Linné) P. V. Heath Closely related to S. pulvinata. Apart from S. gi-
(1992); incl. Stapelia comatat Jacquin (1806) ≡ Sta- gantea and Orbea variegata t perhaps the most fre-
pelia hirsuta var. comatat (Jacquin) N. E. Brown quently cultivated species of Stapeliads.
(1909) ≡ Gonostemon hirsutus var. comatus (Jac-
quin) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stap a elia dep
e ressa S. immelmaniae Pillans (South Afr. Gard. 18: 62,
Jacquin (1806) ≡ Tridentea dep e ressa (Jacquin) 1928). T: RSA, Western Cape (ImmI elman s.n. in
Schultes ex G. Don (1838) ≡ Stapelia patula var. N G 581/26 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Western Cape).
depressa (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Stapelia Plants to 20 cm, forming compact clumps; stems

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stapelia

to 1.5 cm ∅; L rudiments ± 2 mm, caducous, stipu- clumps, grey-green; L rudiments ≤ 7 mm, stipular
lar rudiments yellowish; Inf with 1 to numerous Fl, rudiments pale; Inf irregularly scattered, ± sessile,
occasionally 2 Fl simultaneously open, erect; ped- Fl pointing outwards; Ped very short; Cl yellow- to
uncles scattered ± irregularly, often numerous, but- black-brown, sometimes tinged greenish, with paler
ton-like, ± erect, persistent; Ped ≤ 1.5 cm, erectly wrinkles, 1.5 - 3 (-4.5) cm ∅, flat or the centre de-
spreading; Sep ≤ 6 mm; Cl pinkish-brown, to 4.5 pressed cup-like, margin of the depression thi-
cm ∅, ± bulging, central part and tips of the lobes ckened like an annulus; Cl lobes ± curved outwards,
often yellowish or greenish, wrinkles ± yellowish; outside ± pubescent, inside apically ± pubescent,
Cl lobes ≤ 1.9 cm, outside smooth, weakly pubes- margins slightly curved outwards; Cn shortly stipit-
cent, inside hairy, Ha apically narrower, erect ate; Ci lobes transversely rectangular, sometimes
(spreading), ± weak; Cn dark purple; Ci lobes ± 3 semicircular, margin ± broadly acute, entire, shortly
mm, rectangular, weakly concave, obtuse, mucron- crenate or dentate, rarely emarginate; Cs lobes ± as
ate, erectly spreading, rarely bidentate, appendages long as the Anth, ± oblong, apically narrower, ± ac-
widely diverging; Cs lobes ± 2 mm, narrowly ovate, ute, obtuse, rarely emarginate, basally often
f dor-
apically ± filiform,
f acute, 3-angled, slightly curved sally weakly bulging; Poll ± 0.625 × 0.4 mm, ±
outwards, not meeting each other, dorsal wing or obliquely ovoid.
bulge variable, often crenate; Anth white, apically Closely related to S. longipedicellata, S. parvula
broadened, closely spaced, sometimes slightly and S. similis.
overlapping; Poll brownish-orange, 0.6 × 0.45 mm,
± broadly ovoid, germination crest and translators S. leendertziae N. E. Brown (Ann. Transvaal Mus.
yellow; Fr 10 cm. 2: 168, 1910). T: RSA, Gauteng (Leendertz t 2464
Belonging to the S. scitula / S. montana complex [K, PRE, SAM]). − D: RSA (Gauteng, Mpumalan-
and more closely related to S. glanduliflora.
a. ga, KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland.
≡ Gonostemon leendertz t iae (N. E. Brown) P. V.
S. kougabergensis L. C. Leach (SAJB 3(3): 176- Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia wilmaniae C. A. Lück-
177, ill., 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Leach & hoff (1933).
Bayliss 15659 [PRE, K, NBG]). − D: RSA (Eastern Stems shortly down-curved-erect, ± clump-form- f
Cape). ing, dull green, slightly glossy, ± slender, sides con-
≡ Gonostemon kougaberg r ensis (L. C. Leach) P. cave; Tu inconspicuous; L rudiments ± 2.5 mm,
V. Heath (1992). caducous, stipular rudiments small; Fl buds purple,
Stems apically tapering, to 20 cm, grey-green, ± globose or ± ovoid, abruptly long-attenuate, bases
basally 1.2 cm ∅; Tu inconspicuous; L rudiments of the Cl lobes acutely prominent, weakly pubes-
persistent when dry, stipular rudiments yellowish; cent; Ped 2 - 3 cm; Sep 0.6 - 1.2 cm; Cl dark purple,
Inf often
f many-flowered; Fl buds dull purple, ± 5 cm ∅, deeply campanulate; Cl lobes at least 1 ×
broadly ovoid, compressed, rarely weakly pointed; 1 cm, often
f broader than long, ± triangular and
Ped ≤ 2 cm, robust, erectly spreading; Sep ≤ 5 mm; long-attenuate, spreading and curved outwards,
Cl dull purple with yellowish-purple wrinkles (or margin of the Cl tube inside densely hairy, Ha
vice versa), 1.6 - 3 cm ∅, ± flatf ; Cl tube short, purple, long; margins of the Cl lobes in part ±
bowl-like; Cl lobes broadly triangular, outwardly weakly hairy; Ci brown, lobes deeply bifid, apically
recurved and Fl ± globose in overall view, outside attenuate, erect, diverging; Cs dark purple, lobes ±
pubescent, inside glabrous, margins sometimes 9 mm, apical appendage filiform, f erect, slightly
weakly pubescent; Cn dark red or ± black, robustly curved, dorsiventrally compressed, dorsally flat, ba-
stipitate; Ci lobes ± 1.5 mm, ± square, truncate or sally with a dorsal wing, rectangular, thin, erect, at
obtuse, with a small mucro, sometimes longer, nar- least as long as the apical appendage, free; Poll ±
rower, more pointed; Cs lobes ± 2.5 mm, robustly 0.8 × 0.6 mm, broadly ovoid; Fr to 15 cm.
3-angled-subulate, keeled, erect, basally sometimes
weakly bulging; Anth orange-yellow; Poll pale S. longipedicellata (A. Berger) N. E. Brown (BMI
orange-brown to dark brown, 0.5 × 0.4 mm, ± 1913: 303, 1913). T: K. − D: Namibia.
broadly ovoid, far distant from each other, sitting ≡ Stapa elia kwebensis var. longipedicellata A.
rather laxly in the thecae. Berger (1910) ≡ Gonostemon longipedicellatus (A.
Closely allied to S. acuminata. Berger) P. V. Heath (1992).
Habit and stems like S. kwebensis, but somewhat
S. kwebensis N. E. Brown (FTA
T 4(1): 501, 1904). more delicate; L rudiments smaller, often
f persisting
T [lecto]: Bechuanaland Protectorate, Ngamiland as white Sp; Inf irregularly scattered, Fl pointing
(Lugard 29 [K]). − D: Moçambique, Zimbabwe, upwards and overtopping the stems; peduncle ±
Botswana, Namibia, RSA (North-West Prov., Nor- long, robust, erect; Ped 4 cm, erect; Cl 1.5 - 4.5 cm
thern Prov.). Fig. XLVI.c ∅, otherwise incl. the Cn like S. kwebensis; Poll
≡ Gonostemon kwek bensis (N. E. Brown) P. V. 0.5 - 0.7 × 0.35 - 0.55 mm.
Heath (1992). Closely related to S. kwe
k bensis, S. parvula and S.
Stems ± tapering, to 15 cm, forming compact similis.

Stapelia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

S. macowanii N. E. Brown (HIP 20: t. 1920 + text, Differs from var. montana: Stems more squat, to
1890). T [lecto]: RSA, Eastern Cape (Mac
M Owan 7.5 cm; Tu fleshy, stipular rudiments always pre-
909 [K]). − D: RSA. sent; Fl in quicker succession, frequent
f ly 2 simulta-
≡ Gonostemon macowanii (N. E. Brown) P. V. neously open; Ped weakly pubescent; Cl larger,
Heath (1992). reddish, marginal Ha whitish.
S. macowanii var. confo f rmis (N. E. Brown) L. C. S. montana var. montana − D: RSA (Western
Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 3: 66-67, ill., 1985). T Cape).
[lecto]: RSA (Anonymus
A s.n. [K]). − D: RSA (Eas- Stems to 6 × 0.5 - 0.6 cm, glabrous or very
tern Cape). weakly pubescent; L rudiments ± 2 mm, usually
≡ Stapelia conf nformis N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Go- without stipular rudiments; peduncle lump-like; Fl
nostemon macowanii var. conf nformis (N. E. Brown) buds ovoid, long-attenuate or ± acute, ribbed at the
P. V. Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia conformis var. angles; Ped 1 - 2.5 cm, glabrous, erect (-spreading);
abrasa N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon macowa- Sep 5 mm, glabrous; Cl ± black (-purple), ± 3 cm
nii var. abrasus (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993). ∅, wrinkles often
f yellowish; Cl lobes ± 0.9 - 1.2
f ffrom var. macowanii: Ped ≤ 3 cm; Sep cm, often strongly recurved, twisted, inside softly
1.25 cm, narrower; Cl to 15.5 cm ∅, markings con- hairy, Ha purple, along the margins ± 2 mm; Ci
spicuous, tips in part with darker margins; Cl lobes whitish, purple-spotted, lobes ± 2.5 × 1.5 mm, ±
4.3 - 6.2 cm, variable in shape, conspicuously hairy, rectangular, concave; Cs dark purple, lobes 3.5 ×
clavate Ha variably long; Ci lobes longer, ± rectan- 0.5 mm, narrowly ovate, apical appendage filiform
ffii f ,
gular; apical appendage of the Cs ± slender, oblong, erect, ± fa
f lcately outcurved, dorsal wing ± large;
acutely tapering, erect, dorsal wing ffree to the base. Poll brown-orange, ± 0.75 × 0.45 mm, ± D-shaped.
Closely related to S. scitula and S. immelmaniae.
S. macowanii var. macowanii − D: RSA (Eastern
Cape). S. obducta L. C. Leach (SAJB 3(3): 169-171, ills.,
Plants to 30 cm, clump-form f ing; stems grey- 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Mullens 78 [PRE,
green, ± 2 cm ∅, squat; Tu T sometimes wing-like; L NBG]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape: Steytlerville
rudiments 2 - 3 mm, stipular rudiments pale; Ped ≤ Distr.). Fig. XLV.
1 cm, densely white-pubescent; Sep 4 - 5 mm, den- ≡ Gonostemon obductus (L. C. Leach) P. V.
sely white-pubescent; Cl greenish-white, brownish Heath (1992).
or yellowish with darker delicate wrinkles, 5 - 6 cm Plants ± 15 cm, clump-forming; stems ± 1.5 cm
∅, centrally slightly depressed; Cl lobes 1.6 - 2.1 (- ∅, glabrous; L rudiments caducous; Ped ± 3 cm;
2.6) × 1.25 - 1.5 (-1.9) cm, ovate-acute or ± triangu- Sep ± 5 × 2 mm, basally gibbose, ± glabrous, mar-
lar, outside densely pubescent, Ha brownish, inside gins sometimes ± hairy; Cl ± dark purple-brown
centrally weakly pubescent, lobes rarely with ffew (tips of the lobes and margins paler), ± 4.8 cm ∅;
whitish Ha; Ci lobes 4 - 5 × 1.5 - 2.2 mm, ± elliptic, Cl lobes ± 1.4 cm, strongly revolute, outside glabr-
concave, obtuse, erectly spreading, apically with or ous, inside inconspicuously transversally wrinkled,
without a small median mucro; Cs lobes broadly densely hairy, Ha red-brown, long, soft, directed to-
wing-like, erect, inner margin sometimes ± triangu- wards the tip, margins not or hardly inrolled; Ci
lar, lobes rarely with acutely tapering apical appen- yellow with purple-brown markings, lobes ± 5.5 × 2
dage and spreading ± triangular dorsal wing; Poll ± mm, rectangular to spatulate, strongly diverging,
1 × 0.6 mm, ± obliquely ovoid. apically with obtuse median mucro; Cs dark purple,
S. ×meintjt esii I. Verdoor
V n pro sp
s . (FPSA 23: t. 917 lobes ± 6 mm, apical appendage ± oblong-triangu-
+ text, 1943). T: RSA (Meint
M tjes s.n. in PPRRE 27144 lar, converging above the Anth, apically slightly
[PRE]). diverging, dorsal wings broad, triangular, erect-
≡ Gonostemon ×meintjesii (I. Verdoorn pro sp. s ) spreading; Poll dull orange, 0.75 × 0.5 mm, ± D-
P. V. Heath (1992). shaped.
= S. gigantea × S. gettliffei. Belonging to the S. hirsuta
t -complex and closely
related to S. tsomoensis and S. glabricaulis.
S. montana L. C. Leach (SAJB 3(3): 175-176, ills.,
1984). T: RSA, Western Cape (Bayer 1602 [NBG, S. olivacea N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. nov. 3:
K, MO, PRE, SRGH]). − D: RSA. 136, 1875). T: K. − D: Namibia, RSA (Northern
≡ Gonostemon montanus (L. C. Leach) P. V. Cape, Western Cape, Eastern Cape).
Heath (1992). ≡ Gonostemon olivaceus (N. E. Brown) P. V.
Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia eruciformis hort. ex N.
S. montana var. grossa L. C. Leach (SAJB 3(3): E. Brown (1875) (nom. inval., Art. 29.1).
176, 1984). T: RSA, Western Cape (Bruyns 1436 Stems apically tapering, to 10 cm, forming com-
[NBG]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). pact clumps, grey-green, basally ± 1 cm ∅, bluntly
≡ Gonostemon montanus var. grossus (L. C. 4-ribbed, with longitudinal grooves; L rudiments ±
Leach) P. V. Heath (1992). 1.5 mm, caducous, stipular rudiments small; Inf

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stapelia

few-flowered; Fl buds compressed-ovoid, obtusely decumbent on the ground; Ped ≤ 2.5 cm, decum-
5-angled; Fl evil-scented; Ped ± 5 mm; Sep ± 4 × bent, erect at Fr ripening; Sep ≤ 2 mm, prominent
1.5 mm; Cl greenish-yellow, black, sometimes between the Cl lobes; Cl outside pale green, inside
olive-green, 2 - 4 cm ∅ and more, sometimes 5- brownish, to 7.5 mm ∅, tube very short, apically
angled, campanulate, wrinkles red-brown, laby- thickened annulus-like, outside delicately pubes-
rinth-like, margin of the Cl tube spreading; Cl lobes cent; margins of the Cl lobes and tips inside pubes-
long-attenuate-triangular, recurved, outside weakly cent; Cn black, ± sessile; Ci lobes ± 0.5 mm, ±
pubescent, inside glabrous, margins ± densely hairy, square, weakly furrowe
f d, spreading, sometimes
Ha white, weak, curled; Cn dark purple; Ci ± 2.5 curved outwards, apically ± strongly crenate; Cs
mm, ± narrowly triangular, weakly concave, erect- lobes as long as the Anth, ± narrowly rectangular,
spreading, opening to the Nec ± circular, ± trans- apically narrow, obtuse or ± acute, basally some-
versal; Cs ± 4 mm, apical appendage filiform,ffii times broadened and fused with the Ci; Poll ± 0.2 ×
apically shortly subulate, connivent over the Anth, 0.125 mm, ± D-shaped; Fr ± 2 × 0.25 cm, apically
apically diverging, dorsal wing or appendage ± tri- obtuse.
angular, laterally compressed, spreading; Poll 0.5 - Closely related to S. kwe
k bensis, S. longipedicella-
0.7 × 0.4 - 0.55 mm; Fr pale olive-brown, to 10 cm. ta and S. similis.
Closely related to S. pearsonii.
S. pearsonii N. E. Brown (BMI 1913: 304, 1913).
S. paniculata Willdenow (Enum. Pl. Hort. Reg. T: Namibia (Pearson 8539 [BOL, PRE]). − D: Na-
Berol. Suppl., 13, 1814). T: B. − D: RSA (Western mibia.
Cape). ≡ Gonostemon pearsonii (N. E. Brown) P. V.
≡ Tridentea
T paniculata
t (Willdenow) G. Don Heath (1992).
(1838) ≡ Stapa elia concinna var. paniculata (Will- Stems slightly tapering, to 12 × basally 1.2 cm,
denow) N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon panicu- bluntly 4-ribbed, sides ± fflat or concave; Tu incon-
latus (Willdenow) P. V. Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia spicuous; L rudiments erect or curved towards the
nouhuysii E. Phillips (1929). stems, stipular rudiments yellow or orange, some-
Stems often in large divergent clumps, 6 - 8 × 0.6 times absent; Inf frequent
f ly 1-flowered; Ped ≤ 4
- 0.7 cm, bluntly 4-ribbed; L rudiments white, per- cm, erectly spreading; Sep ± 3.5 × 0.5 - 0.7 mm; Cl
sistent in the dry state, stipular rudiments cream- outside greenish, inside dark brown, 3.5 - 5 cm ∅;
coloured; Inf many-flowered, sometims 2 Fl simul- Cl lobes ± 1.2 - 1.75 cm, long-attenuate-triangular,
taneously open; peduncle clump-like; Ped ≤ 3.5 cm, longitudinally grooved, outside pubescent, inside
± erect; Sep ≤ 5 mm, convex; Cl pale lilac to glabrous, margins slightly curved outwards; Cn
purple-brown, to 3 cm ∅, shallowly bowl-shaped; dark purple-brown; Ci lobes ≤ 4 mm, narrowly tri-
Cl lobes ± 9 - 11 mm, spreading, slightly curved angular, with a longitudinal groove, laying flat on
outwards, outside delicately pubescent, inside den- the Cl, slightly curved upwards; apical appendage
sely hairy, Ha white, ± 1 mm, straight, soft, ± flatl
f y of the Cs ± 4 mm, filiform, upper 1⁄2 strongly out-
appressed, directed towards the lobe tips, margins curved, dorsal appendage ± 2.5 mm, laterally
of the Cl lobes densely hairy, clavate Ha white, ra- strongly compressed in a wing-like manner, broadly
rely brown, ≤ 3 mm, ± acute; Cn black-brown, api- spreading; Poll 0.6 × 0.4 mm, ± obliquely ovoid.
cal appendage paler, basally with 5 prominent Closely related to S. olivacea.
bulges, stalk short; Ci 2 - 2.5 × 0.75 - 1 mm, rectan-
gular, spreading, slightly curved outwards, apically S. peglerae N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 953, 1909). T:
somewhat broadened, obtuse, with a short mucro, RSA, Eastern Cape (Pegler 760 [K]). − D: RSA
sometimes 3-dentate, rarely acutely spatulate; Cs (Eastern Cape).
lobes ± 3 × 0.75 mm, subulate, ± erect, slightly ≡ Gonostemon peglerae (N. E. Brown) P. V.
curved outwards, weakly keeled, dorsal wings Heath (1992).
raised, ± erect; Anth orange-yellow; Poll orange or Stems erect or creeping, both ends tapering, to
brownish, 0.5 × 0.35 mm, ± broadly ovoid. 17.5 × 1.5 cm, obscurely 4-ribbed; L rudiments ≤
Closely related to S. erectif
iflora and S. glanduli- 1.5 mm; peduncle acutely tapering, usually glabr-
f ra.
flor ous; Ped 2 - 4 cm, usually glabrous; Sep ± 6 mm, ±
glabrous; Cl glossy dark purple-brown, to 7.5 cm ∅,
S. parvula Kers (Bot. Not. 122: 173-176, 1969). T: outside ± glabrous, inside shortly pubescent and
Angola, Moçamedes Distr. (Kers K 3458 [S]). − D: with weak whitish or yellowish wrinkles; Cl lobes
Angola. to 3 cm, margins hairy, Ha whitish or pale lilac, ±
≡ Gonostemon parvulus (Kers) P. V. Heath depressed, ± curved towards the tip or incurved, in-
(1992). termixed with some purple clavate Ha; Cn black-
Stems in clusters or lax clumps, 5 mm ∅, bluntly purple; Ci lobes ± 4 mm, narrowly rectangular, ±
T to ± 3 cm; Inf scattered over the
4-ribbed; Tu 3-dentate, with median mucro and attenuate into an
length of the stems; peduncle sometimes persistent, acute point; Cs lobes ± 8 mm, apical appendage fili-
elongated and contorted, with scars of the Ped; Fl fform, strongly falcate-spreading, dorsal wing long,

Stapelia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

narrowly triangular, free, widely spreading; Poll S. praetermissa var. praetermissa − D: RSA (Eas-
yellow, ± 0.5 × 0.7 mm, ± D-shaped. tern Cape).
Erroneously identified as S. tsomoensis by Dyer Stems to > 12 × ± 1 cm, in compact clumps, ±
(1941). weakly glossy, slender, ± glabrous; Tu T obscure; L
rudiments ± 2 mm, weakly pubescent, basally some-
S. pillansii N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 35: times without stipular rudiments; Inf scattered over
242, fig. 100, 1904). T: RSA, Western Cape the length of the stems, sometimes 2 - 3 per stem;
(Pillans 38 [BOL, GRA]). − D: RSA. peduncle robust, acutely tapering, sometimes per-
≡ Gonostemon pillansii (N. E. Brown) P. V. sistent and button-like; Fl directed upwards, buds
Heath (1992). reddish-purple to dark chestnut-brown, narrowly
ovate, angles weakly pubescent; Ped ≤ 6 mm; Sep ±
S. pillansii var. fontinalis Nel (in A. C. White & B. 8 mm; Cl glossy, reddish-purple to dark red-brown,
Sloane, Stapelieae, ed. 2, 2: 576, 3: 1145, 1937). T 3 - 5 cm ∅, tube short, funnel-shaped, obtusely 5-
[neo]: RSA, Western Cape (Austin(A s.n. in P
PRRE angled; Cl lobes ≤ 2 cm, outside ± glabrous, inside
50789 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Western Cape). esp. near the tube margin whitish-hairy, margins
≡ Gonostemon pillansii var. fontinalis
f (Nel) P. V. slightly curved outwards, hairy, Ha whitish, rarely
Heath (1992). purple, long, delicate, in part clavate, usually di-
Differs from var. pillansii: Cl lemon-coloured, rected inwards, Cl tube and lobes apically in addi-
clavate Ha white. tion delicately pubescent; Cn black; Ci lobes ± 5.5
mm, narrowly rectangular, weakly concave, spread-
S. pillansii var. pillansii − D: RSA (Western Cape). ing, slightly curved outwards, apically obtuse or
Incl. Stap
a elia pillansii var. attenuata N. E. truncate, with a median mucro; Cs lobes ± erect,
Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon pillansii var. attenua- apical appendage ± long-subulate, curved, inside
tus (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath (1993). longitudinally strongly concave, dorsally keeled,
Stems to 20 × 1 - 1.5 cm, in compact clumps, ob- dorsal wings small, spreading; Poll brownish-
scurely 4-ribbed; L rudiments 3 mm; Inf frequent
f ly yellow, 0.6 - 0.65 × 0.4 - 0.45 mm, ± D-shaped.
1-flowered, sometimes 2 - 3 Fl simultaneously Closely related to S. baylissi, but also similar to
open; Ped ≤ 5 cm; Sep ≤1 cm; Cl dark purple, to 20 S. asterias.
cm ∅, centrally ± depressed; Cl lobes to 8.5 cm,
often caudate, tips sometimes twisted and com- S. pulvinata Masson (Stapel. Nov., 13, t. 13, 1797).
pressed, outside weakly pubescent, inside smooth or T: RSA, Northern Cape (Masson s.n. [lecto − ico-
weakly wrinkled, otherwise glabrous, margins api- no: l.c. t. 13, 1797]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape,
cally strongly curved outwards, hairy, clavate Ha Western Cape).
pale purple or ± colourless; Cn black-purple; Ci ≡ Gonostemon pulvinatus (Masson) P. V. Heath
lobes 4 - 5 × 1.5 - 2.5 mm, rectangular, erect-spread - (1992).
ing, apically obtuse, with a small mucro; Cs lobes 6 Stems down-curved-erect or creeping, irregularly
- 8 mm, apical appendage 3-angled, erectly re- branched, sometimes in large mats, ± 10 (-30) × 1 -
curved, dorsal wing broad, in part fused with the 1.7 cm; L rudiments occasionally persistent as
apical appendage, shorter than the apical append- white tips, stipular rudiments yellow-brown; Inf 1-
age, basally often
f with ± broadly subulate or several flowered; peduncle persistent in the dry state, weak-
tooth-like dorsal appendages, in part form
f ing a ± ly bracteate, sometimes with a dead bud; Fl
toothed ring by ffusion with the Ci; Poll yellow, frequently decumbent, Ped 3.5 - 10.5 (-15) cm; Sep
0.75 × 0.5 mm, ± D-shaped. ≤ 9 × 4.5 mm; Cl purple with cream-coloured
Closely related to S. schinzii, and with similarly wrinkles, 9 - 13 cm ∅, strongly curved outwards,
stinking flowers. thickened cushion-like around the Cn; Cl lobes 2.5
- 4.3 cm, abruptly short-attenuate, outside delicately
S. praetermissa L. C. Leach (SAJB 3(3): 170-172, pubescent, inside with the exception of the glabrous
ills., 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Leach & Bay- dark purple tips densely long-hairy, Ha rose to
liss 15651 [PRE, K, MO, Z]). − D: RSA. purple, delicate, soft, curly, interwoven, margins
≡ Gonostemon praetermissus (L. C. Leach) P. V. delicately hairy; Cn purple-brown, apically fre f -
Heath (1992). quently paler; Ci lobes 5 - 6 mm, narrowly spatu-
late, concave, erect-spreading, apically with a medi-
S. praetermissa var. luteola L. C. Leach (SAJB an mucro; Cs lobes ≤ 1.3 cm, irregularly 3-winged,
3(3): 172, 1984). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Stayner erectly diverging, apical appendage apically ± 3-
s.n. in KGW 272/70 [NBG]). − D: RSA (Eastern angled, dorsal wing ≤ 4 mm broad, in part or en-
Cape). tirely fuse
f d with the apical appendage, ventral
≡ Gonostemon praetermissus var. luteolus (L. C. wings in pairs, narrower, acutely tapering into the
Leach) P. V. Heath (1992). apical appendage; Poll greenish-brown, 1 - 1.25 ×
f ffrom var. praetermissa: Cl pale yellow, 0.65 mm, ± D-shaped.
Cl lobes apically rose-brown; Cn pale yellow. Closely related to S. hirsuta.

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stapelia

S. remota R. A. Dyer (BT 12(4): 632-633, ill., S. rufa Masson (Stapel. Nov., 16, t. 20, 1797). T:
1979). T: Namibia, Kaokoland (Steenkamp s.n. in [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 20, 1797. − D: RSA (Nor-
P RE 57257 [PRE]). − D: N Namibia. thern Cape, Western Cape).
≡ Gonostemon remotus (R. A. Dyer) P. V. Heath ≡ Gonostemon ruf ufus (Masson) P. V. Heath
(1992). (1992); incl. Stapelia fissirostri
f s Jacquin (1806) ≡
Stems to 15 × 1 - 1.5 cm, in compact clumps, 4- Stapelia rufa var. fissirostris
f (Jacquin) A. C. White
(rarely 6-) ribbed; L rudiments ± 1 mm, without sti- & B. Sloane (1937) ≡ Gonostemon ruf ufus var. fis-
pular rudiments; peduncle bracteate, persistent; Bra sirostris (Jacquin) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia
≤ 2 mm, pubescent, near the Ped base or irregularly ruf
ufescens Salm-Dyck (1834); incl. Stapelia ruf ufa
scattered; Ped ≤ 1.2 cm; Sep green-brownish, ≤ 4 var. attenuata N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Gonostemon
mm, basally glabrous; Cl outside pale green, inside ruf
ufus var. attenuatus (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath
dark chestnut-brown, ± 2 cm ∅; Cl tube yellowish, (1993).
bluntly 5-angled-grooved, grooves densely papil- Stems tapering towards both ends, rarely
lose, papillae dark purple, clavate, forming a 5- slenderly cylindrical, 12 × 1 - 2.5 cm, in small di-
stellate pattern, tube margin weakly irregularly pus- verging clumps, green, flushed with purple, 4- to
tulate, inside glabrous; Cl lobes strongly revolute, 6-ribbed, pubescent; L rudiments 2.5 × 2 mm, per-
tips yellowish, delicately pubescent, margins den- sistent as white tips, stipular rudiments sometimes
sely hairy, Ha purple, ≤ 3 mm, simple, stiff, some- absent; Inf ffew- to many-flowered, irregularly scat-
times button-like; Cn dark red-brown; Ci basally tered, ± sessile; Ped to 6 mm; Sep 4 × 2.5 mm; Cl
yellow, lobes 3 mm, rectangular, concave, erect- red-brown or purple, ± 3.6 cm ∅; Cl tube 1 - 1.2 × 1
spreading, apically somewhat broadened, irregu- - 1.2 cm, broadly campanulate; Cl lobes ± 1.2 cm,
larly 3-dentate; Cs lobes 4.5 mm, apical appendage often caudate, spreading, outside white-pubescent,
obtusely 3-angled, weakly keeled, neighbouring inside glabrous, apically pubescent, margins curved
each other in the Fl centre, abruptly diverging, dor- outwards, delicately hairy; Cn weakly delicately
sal appendage basally 0.75 mm broad, wing-like, pubescent, stalk ± 2 × 3.5 mm, apically broader; Ci
erectly spreading, laterally compressed, apically ob- orange (-brown), lobes ± 1.5 mm, ± square, ± acute
tuse, longer than the apical appendages; entrance to or ± truncate, horizontally spreading, irregularly
the Nec cavity small, narrowly elliptic; Poll red- dentate, sometimes upcurved; Cs red-brown or ±
brown, 0.8 × 0.5 mm, ± D-shaped. black, lobes 1.5 - 2 mm, narrowly rectangular, dor-
siventrally compressed, erect, apically shortly 2-
S. rubiginosa Nel (Jahrb. Deutsche Kakt.-Ges. parted or elongate, slightly curved outwards, dorsal
1935(3): 20-21, ills., 1935). T [neo]: RSA, Nor- bulge small, wing-like; Anth pale yellow; Poll yel-
H ll s.n. in NBG 422/54 [NBG]). − D:
thern Cape (Ha low, 0.5 × 0.25 - 0.3 mm, ± ovate.
RSA (Northern Cape: Richtersveld). Closely related to S. rubiginosa, but also with si-
≡ Gonostemon rubiginosus (Nel) P. V. Heath milarities to S. arenosa.
Stems to 12 cm, clump-forming, purple, densely S. schinzii A. Berger & Schlechter (Viertelj l ahres-
white-pubescent, bluntly 4- to 6-ribbed, sides schr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich 53(4): 491, 1909). T [lec-
weakly grooved; L rudiments ± 1.5 mm, stipular to]: Namibia, Hereroland (Dinter 450 [Z, PRE
rudiments yellow or orange-brown; Inf scattered [photo]]). − D: Angola, Botswana, Namibia.
over the length of the stems, Fl solitary or fasc
f icu- ≡ Gonostemon schinzii (A. Berger & Schlechter)
late; Ped ≤ 6 mm; Sep ± 3 × 2 mm, keeled; Cl P. V. Heath (1992).
cream-coloured or greenish, 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, central
depression 5-angled, apically thickened annulus- S. schinzii var. angolensis Kers (Bot. Not. 122:
like; Cl lobes dark purple-brown, ± 5 - 7 mm, 176-177, 1969). T: Angola, Moçamedes Distr.
shortly pointed, spreading or recurved, with K 3441 [S]). − D: S Angola, Namibia.
labyrinth-like wrinkles, outside weakly pubescent, ≡ Gonostemon schinzii var. angolensis (Kers) P.
inside glabrous, only the tips sometimes delicately V. Heath (1992).
pubescent, margins curving outwards, hairy, Ha Differs
f f
from var. schinzii: Stems creeping, smal-
white, ≤ 1 mm, simple; Cn brown, stalk short, ± ler, more slender;Tu
T more obscure; Cl smaller.
hairy, Ha white, short, stiff; Ci lobes ± 2.5 mm, 3-
angled, spreading, slightly curved outwards, deeply S. schinzii var. bergeriana (Dinter) L. C. Leach
grooved in the middle, basally often
f hairy; Cs lobes (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 3: 74, 1985). T [lecto]: Namibia,
as long as the Anth, ± circular or broadly elliptic, Namaland (Dinter 2697 [SAM]). − D: Namibia.
apically truncate, obtuse, emarginate or shortly ≡ Stapelia bergeriana Dinter (1914) ≡ Gonoste-
obtusely 2-lobed, often irregularly toothed; Anth mon schinzii var. bergerianus (Dinter) P. V. Heath
pale yellow, entrance to the Nec ± circular, deeply (1992).
sunken; Poll pale yellow, ± 0.45 × 0.3 mm, ± ovate. Differs
f ffrom var. schinzii: Cl smaller, without
Closely related to S. arenosa and S. rufa
u . transverse wrinkles; Cl lobes conspicuously short-

Stapelia Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

S. schinzii var. schinzii − D: Namibia, Botswana. (1993); incl. Stap

a elia noachabibensis C. A. Lück-
Incl. Stapelia johni-lavrani Halda (1998). hoff (1938).
Stems ± 7.5 × 1.5 - 2 cm, in small ± lax clumps, Stems tapering, to 12 × basal 1 - 1.5 cm, in com-
green, often purple-spotted, young delicately rou- pact clumps, grey-green, often
f flushed with purple,
ghened, later more smooth; L rudiments ± 5 mm, bluntly 4-ribbed; L rudiments delicate, persistent as
ovate, long-attenuate, delicately roughened, stipular white Sp; Fl from flowering stems to ≤ 2 × 0.5 cm,
rudiments yellowish; Inf 1-flowered (a second bud opening in sequence, flatly spread on the ground;
aborting); peduncle robust, glabrous; Ped ≤ 6 cm, Ped 3 - 5.5 (-8) cm, spreading or decumbent; Cl
delicately roughened; Sep ≤ 8 mm, ± glabrous; Cl ± yellow-brown or ± black, 1.5 - 2.2 cm ∅, flat, rarely
greenish- or reddish-brown, ± 10 - 22 cm ∅, with ± campanulate, centrally with a flat cup-shaped or
delicate wrinkles; Cl lobes ± 3.75 - 8.8 cm, often tubular depression, opening thickened annulus-like;
caudate, outside ± glabrous, inside glabrous, mar- Cl lobes shortly pointed, outside delicately pubes-
gins densely hairy, clavate Ha purple, vibratile; Cn cent, inside glabrous; Cn brown to black; Ci lobes
dark red or ± black; Ci lobes oblong ± pointed, transversally rectangular, truncate, at times broadly
sometimes ovate and mucronate, diverging; Cs pointed or rounded, diverging or extremely ffar out-
lobes ± 8 mm, apical appendage 3-angled, erect, curved; Cs lobes oblong or ovate, acutely pointed,
dorsal wings ± as long as the apical appendage, apically obtuse or ± acute, to as long as the Anth,
broad, narrowly ovate-pointed or rectangular, ob- dorsally sometimes bulging; Poll orange, rarely
tuse, irregularly dentate, free; Poll brownish, ± 1 × brown, ± 0.45 × 0.3 mm, ± D-shaped.
0.5 - 0.6 mm, obliquely ± D-shaped; Fr glabrous. Closely related to S. kwe
k bensis, S. longipedicella-
Closely related to S. pillansii. t and S. parvula.

S. scitula L. C. Leach (SAJB 3(3): 174-175, 1984). S. surrecta N. E. Brown (FC 4(1): 970, 1909). T
T: RSA, Western Cape (Leach & Bayer 15845 [neo]: RSA, Western Cape (Leach & Bayer 16070
[PRE, B, K, NBG, SRGH]). − D: RSA (Western [PRE, BOL, K, SRGH, Z]). − D: RSA (Northern
Cape). Cape, Western Cape).
≡ Gonostemon scitulus (L. C. Leach) P. V. Heath ≡ Gonostemon surrectus (N. E. Brown) P. V.
(1992). Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia surrecta t var. primosii
Stems young with ± flat sides, older ± slenderly C. A. Lückhoff (1937) ≡ Gonostemon surrectus var.
cylindrical, to 7.5 × 0.5 cm, apically branching and primosii (C. A. Lückhoff) f P. V. Heath (1993).
forming small orderly clumps, pale green, later Stems in small diverging clumps, green, flushed
purple; Tu
T rounded, obscure with age; L rudiments with purple, ± 1.2 cm ∅, bluntly 4-ribbed, young
1 - 1.5 mm, acutely ovate, caducous, stipular rudi- stems with purple axillary buds, later aborting; L
ments cream-coloured; peduncle ± clump-like; Fl rudiments 2.5 × 2 mm, erectly spreading, persistent
buds broadly ovate, ± acute; Ped 0.9 - 1.5 cm; Sep 5 as whitish points, stipular rudiments cream-
× 1.35 mm, sometimes visible between the Cl lobes; coloured or brownish; Inf apical; peduncle some-
Cl outside pale green, venation darker, inside ma- times persistent, spirally twisted; Fl erect; Ped ≤ 3.5
genta or dark chestnut-brown, (1.5-) 1.9 - 2.5 cm ∅, cm, usually ± erect, at times pendent; Sep very vari-
± strongly curved outwards; Cl lobes (5-) 7 - 9 × ± able in length even within a Fl; Cl yellowish to
5 mm, outside delicately pubescent, basis inside in- chestnut-brown, 3 - 4 cm ∅, ± funne f l-shaped; Cl
conspicuously broadly wrinkled, yellow, tips green- tube paler, short, narrow, 5-angled; Cl lobes ± 0.9 -
ish-yellow, inner face
f densely hairy, Ha purple, 1.2 cm, spreading, outside ± glabrous or delicately
long-pointed, ± appressed; Ci pale brown, lobes ± 1 pubescent, inside glabrous, smooth or obscurely
mm, ± square, concave, spreading; Cs black-purple, wrinkled; stalk of the Cn ± 3 mm ∅ at the base; Ci
lobes narrowly ovate, long-attenuate, erect, slightly lobes ± 2 mm, ± rectangular, concave, fleshy, api-
recurved, dorsal wings prominent, erectly spread- cally long-pointed on both sides, sometimes bifid,
ing, broadly 3-angled; Poll yellowish, 0.6 × 0.4 mm, spreading, deeply longitudinally grooved; Cs lobes
± D-shaped. ± 3.5 mm, apical appendage subulate, recurved, dor-
Closely related to S. immelmaniae. sal wings ≥ apical appendage, variable in shape;
Poll ± 0.5 × 0.35 - 0.4 mm, ± ovoid; Fr 8 × 0.8 cm.
S. similis N. E. Brown (BMI 1911: 358, 1911). T:
Namibia (Pearson 6134 [K]). − D: Namibia, RSA S. tsomoensis N. E. Brown (Gard. Chron., ser. nov.
(Northern Cape). Fig. XLV. V.c 18: 168, 1882). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Barkly r 32
≡ Tridentea similis (N. E. Brown) hort. (s.a.) [K]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape).
(nom. inval., Art. 29.1) ≡ Gonostemon similis (N. E. ≡ Gonostemon tsomoensis (N. E. Brown) P. V.
Brown) P. V. Heath (1992); incl. Stapelia juttae Heath (1992); incl. Stap
a elia tomentosa hort. ex A.
Dinter (1914) ≡ Gonostemon similis var. juttae C. White & B. Sloane (1933).
(Dinter) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stap
a elia portae- Stems to 15 × ± 1 cm; Ri 4, slightly curved, glab-
taurinae Dinter & A. Berger (1914) ≡ Gonostemon rous or weakly pubescent; Tu
T inconspicuous; L ru-
similis var. portae-taurinae (Dinter) P. V. Heath diments ± 2 mm, erect, weakly pubescent; peduncle

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Stapelianthus

weakly pubescent; Ped ≤ 3 cm; Sep 6 - 7 mm, ± pu- pubescent; Cl red or black-purple, 3 - 6 cm ∅,
bescent; Cl ± yellowish, to 7 cm ∅; Cl lobes purple, sometimes with obscure pattern consisting of weak
≤ 2.6 cm, oblong or broadly ovate, ± long-attenuate, yellowish broadly spaced wrinkles, centre slightly
strongly curved outwards, with weak whitish or depressed, frequently strongly curved outwards; Cl
yellowish (rarely greenish) wrinkles, tips darker, lobes 1 - 2.3 cm, outside glabrous, venation and the
margins not or hardly rolled inwards, venation and ± outwardly curved margins sometimes softly hairy,
outside of the margins of the Cl lobes thinly pubes- inside ± glabrous; Cn shortly stipitate; Ci lobes 3.5
cent, margins of the Cl tube and Cl lobes basally - 6 × 1.5 - 4.5 mm, rectangular or ± spatulate,
hairy, Ha reddish, long, ± depressed, directed to- spreading, apically obtuse or truncate, with a me-
wards the tip, margins of the Cl lobes hairy, Ha dian mucro, crenate or toothed; apical appendage of
whitish, clavate or simple, long, robust, ± flattened;
f the Cs 6 - 8 mm, filiform, slightly recurved, dorsal
Cn black-purple, stalk short; Ci lobes 4 - 5 mm, ob- wings 1 - 4.5 mm broad, erect or spreading; Poll 0.7
long, obtuse, ± spatulate, mucronate, rarely apically - 0.8 × 0.45 - 0.5 mm, D-shaped, apically ± acute;
attenuate; Cs lobes ± 8 mm, apical appendage subu- Fr glossy, glabrous.
late, 3-angled, fa
f lcately spreading, dorsal wings 4 -
5 mm, narrow, 3-angled, free, widely spreading; S. villetiae C. A. Lückhoff (S.A.G. 28: 228, 1938).
Poll greenish-brown, 0.8 - 0.9 × 0.5 mm, ± D- T [neo]: RSA, Northern Cape (Stay a ner s.n. [NBG]).
shaped. − D: RSA (Northern Cape).
Belonging to the S. hirsutat -complex and closely ≡ Gonostemon villetiae (C. A. Lückhoff) f P. V.
related to S. glabricaulis and S. peglerae. Heath (1992).
Stems shortly decumbent-erect, squat, to 16 × ±
S. unicornis C. A. Lückhoff (S.A.G. 28: 225-228, 1.5 cm, dark green, sometimes purple, often weakly
1938). T [neo]: Swaziland (Lückhoff o s.n. [BOL]). glossy, bluntly 4-ribbed, hairy; L rudiments slightly
− D: Moçambique, RSA (KwaZulu-Natal), Swazi- spreading; Inf 1- or few-flowered, directed up-
land. wards; Ped densely white-blotched, ≤ 6.5 × 0.4 cm,
≡ Gonostemon unicornis (C. A. Lückhoff) f P. V. ± robust; Sep 6 - 8 mm; Cl outside pale green, fi-
Heath (1992). nely stippled with purple, lobes brown, Cl inside
Stems creeping, decumbent-ascending, forming dark flesh-coloured, to 6.5 cm ∅, shallowly campa-
clumps or sometimes freely creeping, pale green, to nulate, wrinkles whitish or (lemon-) yellow; Cl tube
15 × 1 - 1.5 cm, 4-ribbed, glabrous; L rudiments 2.5 shortly ± bowl-shaped; Cl lobes apically ± black,
mm, persistent as white wrinkled tips; Ped ≤ 3 cm; rarely greenish, 1.6 - 2.3 cm, shortly pointed,
Sep 5 - 9 × 2 - 2.5 mm; Cl ochre-yellow, 8 - 13 cm spreading, curved outwards, outside weakly pubes-
∅, wrinkles delicately red-brown or ± purple, fuse
f d cent, inside glabrous, apically and marginally at
part hypocrateriform
f or sometimes ± semiglobose; times delicately roughened, margins hairy, Ha red-
Cl lobes 2.8 - ± 4.8 cm, spreading, curved outwards, dish or magenta, simple; Cn black- or reddish-
outside shortly pubescent, inside ± densely hairy, purple; Ci lobes 3.5 × 2 mm, rectangular-spatulate,
(clavate) Ha pale purple, long, silk-like, margins of spreading, slightly recurved, with flat longitudinal
the Cl lobes hairy, clavate Ha purple; Cn ± dark groove, apically obtuse or truncate, with short mu-
purple, ± sessile; Ci lobes 5 - 6 mm, linearly long- cro or delicately crenate, placed on the Cl; Cs lobes
attenuate, concave, erectly diverging, revolute; Cs ± 5 mm, apical appendage slightly falcate, ± 3-
lobes 8 - 9 mm, erect, touching each other, dorsal angled, erect, touching each other, dorsal wings ± 2
wings 3 - 4 mm broad, fused with the apical appen- mm, ± 3-angled, spreading; opening to the nectar
dage, ± equally long; opening to the nectar cavity cavity ± elliptic, basally truncate; Poll glossy chest-
transversely elliptic; Poll yellowish, 0.8 × 0.6 mm, nut-brown or usually orange, ± 0.7 × 0.5 mm, ±
± D-shaped. compressed-ovate.
Closely related to S. gigantea. Closely related to S. cedrimontana.

S. vetula Masson (Stapel. Nov., 15, t. 16, 1797). T:

K. − D: RSA (Western Cape). Fig. XLV. V.d STAPELIANTHUS
≡ Tri
T dentea vetula (Masson) Haworth (1812) ≡
U. Meve
Gonostemon vetulus (Masson) P. V. Heath (1992);
incl. Tridentea simsii Haworth (1812) ≡ Stapelia Stapelianthus Choux ex A. C. White & B. Sloane
simsii (Haworth) Schultes (1820) ≡ Stapa elia vetula (Stapelieae [ed. 1], 71, 1933). T: Stapa eliop
o sis ma-
var. simsii (Haworth) N. E. Brown (1909); incl. Sta- d gascariensis Choux. − Lit: Morat (1994); Morat
pelia nudif
iflorra Pillans (1928). (1995). D: Madagascar. Etym: For the genus Sta-
Stems to 20 × 1 - 1.5 cm, clump-forming, green, pelia ((Asclepiadaceae
A ); and Gr. ‘anthos’, flower.
flushed with purple, glabrous, 4-ribbed; L rudi- Incl. Stapeliopsis Choux (1931) (nom. illeg., Art.
ments caducous, leaving a conspicuous whitish scar, 53.1). T: Stapeliopsis madagascariensis
d Choux.
stipular rudiments quickly caducous; peduncle very Perennials forming lax to dense groups or
short, robust; Ped 1 - 2 cm; Sep 4 - 8 mm, weakly clumps; stems cylindrical, 2 - 30 × 0.5 - 1.2 cm, de-

Stapelianthus Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

cumbent to ascending, basally branched, surface Marseille 42(3): 13-14, t. 1-5, 1934). T: Madagas-
f tessellated or grooved; Tu
T in 4 - 8 Ri or scat- car (Decaryr s.n. [P]). − D: S Madagascar. Fig.
tered in large numbers over the whole stem; L rudi- XLV.V.e
ments obtusely triangular to subulate, caducous; Inf Clump-form
f ing, usually on rocks; stems decum-
near the stem bases, few-flowered; Fl opening in bent-erect, 2.5 - 10 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm, grey-green spot-
succession; Ped 2 - 12 × 1 - 2 mm, glabrous; Sep ted with red-brown, smooth, 6-ribbed; Tu T flattened
triangular to subulate, glabrous; Cl reddish-brown conical, suddenly constricted into the subulate
to purple, sometimes spotted with yellow, 1 - 3.5 cm spreading L rudiments, these 2 - 4 mm, persistent as
∅, often
f campanulate, cylindrical or urceolate, dry whitish Sp; Inf 1- to 4-flowered; Ped 6 - 8 × 2
sometimes with a glossy annulus, coarse and fleshy, mm; Sep 4 - 7 mm, lanceolate, subulate, acute; Cl
variably covered with papillae or thick Ha; Cl tube outside pale brown spotted with red-brown, inside
round or pentagonal; Cl lobes (broadly) triangular, cream-coloured with purple flecks, 12 - 16 mm ∅,
with short intermediate lobes; Cn biseriate, dark red upper 1⁄2 with elongate spine-tipped papillae; Cl
or purple; Ci large, ± free (united for 1⁄2 only in S. tube ± 10 - 15 × 7 - 9 mm, cylindrical; Cl lobes 7 -
pilosus), lobes ± erect, ovate, apically incised; Cs 8 × 6 - 8 mm, triangular, acute, reflexed, intermedi-
small, triangular, decumbent on and normally shor- ate lobes strongly developed; Cn dark purple, 5 - 6
ter than the Anth; Sty head small, concave; Anth × 3 - 4 mm, fleshy, stipitate (± 1 mm); Ci ± erect, 4
narrowly rectangular, incumbent on the Sty head; - 5 mm, lobes deeply divided into 2 erect or divaric-
Poll ± ovoid, ± 0.4 - 0.7 × 0.25 - 0.45 mm, caudicles ate small teeth; Cs lobes triangular, obtuse, short;
apically broadened, basally connected to the ellip- Poll ± 0.5 × 0.33 mm, wings of the translator ± 0.2
tic-ovate corpuscle with short wing-like proj o ec- mm long, narrow, obtuse; Fr ± 10 × 0.8 cm, nar-
tions; Fr (narrowly) fusiform. rowly fus
f iform,
f acute.
Characters of stem and flower morphology indi-
cate the close relationship to Hue
H rnia, and an inter- S. hardyi Lavranos (Nation. Cact. Succ. J. 26(3):
generic hybrid is also known (see ×Huernianthus). 67-68, ills., 1971). T: Madagascar (HardH dy & Ja-
As to flower morphology, Tavares
T ia agrees best cobsen 3569 [P, FT, K, PRE]). − D: SW Madagas-
with Stapelianthus. s. car. Fig. XLV.V.f
Stems 2 - 7.5 × 0.6 - 0.8 cm, procumbent,
S. arenarius Bosser & P. Morat (Adansonia, n.s., creeping, greenish-red-brown, surfacef tessellated,
11(2): 340-341, ills., 1971). T: Madagascar (Bosser uneven, 4- (to 6-) ribbed with spreading Tu; L rudi-
& Morat 20392 [P]). − D: SE Madagascar. ments lanceolate, reflexed, 1 - 2 mm; Inf 1- to 3-
Incl. Stap
a elianthus calcaroph o ilus P. Morat flowered; Bra ± 2 mm, lanceolate; Ped 4 - 10 × 1
(1990). - 2 mm; Sep 3 - 4 mm, triangular, acute; Cl outside
Stems 5 - 15 × 0.5 - 1 cm, decumbent-creeping, red-brown with green to red-brown spots, inside
green-brown tinged with purple, surface tessellated, dark purple, basally also yellow, ± 1.3 cm ∅, very
rough, 4-ribbed with spreading Tu; L rudiments coarse and fleshy, upper 1⁄2 densely hairy, Ha dark
lanceolate, reflexed, 1 - 2 mm; Inf 1- to 3-flowered; purple, to 3 mm, conical, coarse, stiff, rough; Cl
Bra 1 - 2 mm, triangular; Ped 5 - 10 mm; Sep 3 - 4 tube campanulate, 5 - 10 × 9 - 15 mm; Cl lobes 7 - 9
× 1.5 mm, acute; Cl outside grey-green spotted with × 8 - 9 mm, triangular, acute, erect to halfway re-
purple, inside white to ivory spotted with red- flexed; Cn dark purple, 5 × 5 mm, very shortly sti-
brown, centre 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, rotate, delicately papil- pitate; Ci erect, ovate, ± 5 × 3 mm, outside concave,
lose, papillae white, short, stiff; Cl tube broadly inside convex, apically divided into 2 triangular
funne l-shaped, ± 8 mm ∅; Cl lobes 10 - 12 × 4.5 - 5 small teeth, centrally often
f with a short third small
mm, triangular, acute, horizontally spreading or tooth; Cs lobes narrowly triangular, ≤ 1 mm; Anth
completely reflexed (S. calcarop o hilus); Cn red- slender-rectangular, incumbent on the concave Sty
brown, pentagonal; Ci ± erect, deeply divided into head; Poll ± 0.7 × 0.5 mm, wings of the translator
2 divergent subulate small teeth ± 2 mm long; Cs slender, acute, ± 0.3 mm.
lobes narrowly triangular, ± 1 mm, decumbent on S. hard
rdyi fforms together with S. madagascarien
d -
the Anth; Poll ± 0.7 × 0.4 mm. sis and S. montagnacii a complex, which is difficult
The large white flowers are only rarely seen as to resolve.
the species is rather shy-flowering under green-
house conditions. S. insignis Descoings (Naturaliste Malgache 9(2):
Morat distinguishes S. calcaropo hilus from S. are- 179-182, pl. 7A, 1957). T: Madagascar, Toliara
narius on the base of the strongly reflexed corolla (Descoings 2751 [TAN]). − D: SW Madagascar.
lobes and the somewhat more delicate growth. True Incl. Stapelianthus insignis ssp. tongobory
r ensis
morphological differences
f are absent, however, and Rauh (1993).
S. calcarophilus (on limestone) can at best be re- Stems 3 - 10 × 0.5 - 1.2 cm, procumbent-creep-
garded as an ecotype of S. arenarius (on sand). ing, grey-green mottled with red-brown, surface
tessellated, uneven, 4- (to 5-) ribbed with broad
S. decaryi Choux (Ann. Inst. Bot.-Géol. Colon. flattened Tu
T ; L rudiments lanceolate, reflexed, 1 - 2

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae Stapelianthus

mm; Inf 1- to 3-flowered; Ped ± 5 × 1.5 mm; Sep 5 Tu; L rudiments narrowly lanceolate, reflexed, 1 - 2
- 6 mm, lanceolate-subulate; Cl outside pale green, mm; Inf 1- to 5-flowered; Bra triangular, acute, 1
spotted with red-brown, inside yellowish, spotted mm; Ped ± 5 × 1.5 mm; Sep 2 - 5 mm, triangular (-
with purple, ± 2 cm ∅; Cl tube doubly campanu- subulate), acute; Cl outside pale green, often dotted
late, lower part cup-shaped, pentagonal, ± 5 mm with red-brown, inside cream-coloured with large
deep, upper part broad and shallowly urceolate, cir- wine-red spots, centripetally becoming paler, 1.4 -
cular, sometimes pentagonal, 5 - 7 × 15 - 20 mm, 2.2 cm ∅, delicate, hairy, Ha white, to 2 mm, cy-
apically suddenly contracted and fforming a circular lindrical, coarse, rough, apically thickened and
opening 8 - 12 mm ∅; Cl lobes 2 × 3 - 5 mm, trian- spine-tipped, purple; Cl tube campanulate, 3 - 5 × 6
gular, acute, ± reflexed, papillose; Cn dark red- - 8 mm, basally white; Cl lobes 6 - 9 × 5 - 6 mm;
brown, pentagonal, ± 6 × 5 mm, sessile or shortly Cn dark purple, 3 - 3.5 × 2 - 3 mm, sessile; Ci erect
stipitate; Ci erect to slightly divergent, ovate, ± 5 × to slightly spreading, ± 3 × 2 mm, ovate, apical 1⁄2
3 mm, outside concave, inside convex, apically di- divided into 2 small teeth; Cs lobes narrowly trian-
vided into 2 obtuse triangular small teeth; Cs lobes gular, ± 1 mm; Poll 0.4 - 0.5 × 0.35 mm, wings of
narrowly triangular, ≤ 1 mm; Anth narrowly rect- the translators ovate, ± 0.25 mm.
angular, incumbent over the concave Sty head; Poll See S. montagnacii ffor a comment.
± 0.6 × 0.35 mm, wings of the translators slender, ±
0.35 mm long. S. montagnacii (Boiteau) Boiteau & Bertrand
A very distinct but variable species. Rauh’s ssp. (Cactus (Paris) No. 26: 116, 1950). − D: SW Mada-
tongoboryensis is not differ f ing significantly from
f gascar.
Descoings’s type. Each individual has its own ≡ Stapelia montagnacii Boiteau (1941).
distinct shape and colour of the corolla tube. Similar to S. madagascariensi
d s, but stems to 1.2
cm ∅; Cl inside (spotted) brick-red on withish
S. keraudreniae Bosser & P. Morat (Adansonia, background, centrally white, 18 - 25 mm ∅, hairy,
n.s., 11(2): 337, 1971). T: Madagascar, Betioky Ha to 3 mm; Cl tube campanulate, ± 5 - 6 × 8 - 11
Distr. (Bosser & Morat 19413 [P]). − D: SW Mada- mm ∅; Cl lobes 8 - 11 × 5 - 6 mm; Cn ± 4 × 4 mm;
gascar. Fig. XLV. V.g Ci lobes ± 4 × 2.5 mm.
Stems 2 - 12 × 0.4 - 1 cm, procumbent-creeping, S. montagnacii is very closely related to or even
grey-green patterned with red-brown, surface tes- conspecific with S. madagascariensis. s The some-
sellated, uneven, 4- (to 6-) ribbed with spreading what larger stems and flower parts, the deeper co-
Tu which are abruptly changing into L rudiments, rolla tube and the predominantly red flower colour
these narrowly lanceolate, reflexed, 1 - 2 mm; Inf suggest that this taxon could represent the natural
1- to 3-flowered; Bra triangular, acute, ± 1 mm; hybrid S. madagascariensi
d s × S. hard
Ped 3 - 6 × 1.5 mm; Sep 2 - 5 mm, lanceolate, ac-
ute; Cl outside greenish, often
f speckled with red- S. pilosus Lavranos & D. S. Hardy (JSAB 27: 237-
brown, 2.2 - 3.2 cm ∅, papillose; Cl tube inside pale 239, ills., 1961). T: Madagascar (Decary r 4549 [P]).
red to purple, centrally openly campanulate, penta- − D: S Madagascar. Fig. XLVI L .d
gonal, 2 - 3 × 4 - 7 mm, then merging into a Incl. T
Trichocaulon decarryi Choux (1932).
massively bulging glossy annulus of 10 - 16 mm ∅; Stems 2.5 - 20 × 0.8 - 1.2 cm, procumbent, only
Cl lobes yellowish-green with red-brown spots, 7 - slightly ascending, fresh green, smooth, densely co-
11 × 8 - 12 mm, margins occasionally shortly hairy, vered with conical Tu, which pass into subulate-
intermediate lobes conspicuous; Cn dark purple, 3 - filifor
f m L rudiments, these 2 - 4 mm, persistent as
4.5 × 4 mm, sessile or very shortly stipitate, Ci ± er- dry whitish Sp; Inf 1- to 4-flowered; Ped 5 - 7 × 1.5
ect, ovate, ± 3 - 4 × 2 mm, slightly convex, apically mm; Sep 4 - 5 mm, lanceolate-subulate; Cl campa-
divided for max. 1⁄2 into 2 small teeth; Cs lobes nar- nulate, 1 - 1.8 cm ∅, both sides yellowish, spotted
rowly triangular, ± 1 mm; Poll ± 0.5 × 0.4 mm, with red-brown, inside densely short-hairy, Ha
wings of the translators narrowly triangular, ≤ cream-coloured or purple, cylindrical, rough,
0.2 mm. spine-tipped, 0.4 - 0.8 mm; Cl tube ± 4 × 4 mm; Cl
A conspicuous species. The flowers with the mas- lobes 4 - 7 × 4 - 7 mm, triangular, acute, reflexed,
sive annulus are reminiscent of those of certain intermediate lobes hardly conspicuous; Cn dark
huernias, e.g. H.
H zebrina. red-brown, ± 4 × 3.5 mm, sessile or shortly stipitate;
Ci ± erect with reflexed tips, basally fused into a
S. madagascariensis (Choux) Choux (Ann. Inst. cup-like structure, free parts of the Ci lobes ±
Bot.-Géol. Colon. Marseille 42(3): 6-7, 1934). T: deeply divided into 2 parallel small teeth; Cs lobes
Madagascar (Decary r s.n. [P ?]). − D: S Madagas- triangular, short; Poll ± 0.37 × 0.23 mm, wings of
car. Fig. XLV.V.h the translators ≤ 0.1 mm, triangular, obtuse.
≡ Stapeliopsis madagascariensis
d Choux (1931). The striking stems of S. pilosus with the numer-
Stems 2 - 10 × 0.3 - 0.8 cm, procumbent-creep- ous irregular tubercles and the long-attenuate leaf
ing, green-grey patterned with red-brown, surface rudiments are very reminiscent of Huernia
H pillansii
tessellated, uneven, 4- (to 6-) ribbed with spreading ffrom RSA.

Stapeliopsis Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

STAPELIOPSIS (Breda 183 [PRE]). − D: RSA (Western Cape).

Fig. XLVI.e
B. Müller & F. Albers
≡ Pectinaria breviloba R. A. Dyer (1954); incl.
Stapeliopsis Pillans (South Afr. f Gard. 18: 32, Pectinaria villetii C. A. Lückhoff (1952) (nom. in-
1928). T: Stap o sis neronis Pillans. − Lit:
a eliop val., Art. 32.1c).
Bruyns (1981: 73-83); Bruyns (1990b). D: Nami- [2] Stems erect, densely clustered, to 5 cm on sto-
bia, RSA. Etym: Gr. ‘-opsis’, similar to; and for ny ground, to 10 cm on sandy ground and then with
the genus Stapelia ((Asclepiadaceae
A ). subterranean runners; stems grey-brownish, 5 - 7 (-
Perennials; stems erect or creeping, usually with 9) mm ∅, angles obtuse, ± prominent; Tu T 1.5 - 2
numerous subterranean runners (more slender than mm, acute; L rudiments delicate, ovate; Inf 1- to
aerial stems and without distinct angles), richly 2- (rarely to 4-) flowered, often partly immersed
branched, blue-green, spotted with purple, or grey- into the ground, sometimes with underground ori-
green, rarely brownish, conspicuously 4-angled, gin; Ped 3 - 7 mm; Sep ± 2.5 mm; Cl outside
glabrous (sometimes papillose); Tu T rounded, grey-brown, transparently and densely delicately
dome-shaped; L rudiments triangular, acute, hard; longitudinally veined, inside dark purple-red to
Inf 1- to 3-flowered from f near the stem base, Fl chestnut-brown, 1 - 3 × 0.5 - 0.6 cm, tubular to el-
opening successively; peduncle 2.5 cm, irregularly lipsoid-globose; Cl tube 8 - 10 mm, cylindrical, lo-
shaped; Ped 3 - 7 (-10) mm, slender, usually glabr- wer 1⁄2 weakly hairy with long Ha; Cl lobes yellow,
ous; Fl normally erect; Sep 2 - 4 × ± 1 mm, (ovate-) 2.5 - 4 × 2.5 mm, triangular, tips united, outside
lanceolate, acute, usually glabrous; Cl urceolate or glabrous, smooth, inside basally sometimes delica-
± semiglobose to cylindrical, length and ∅ variable; tely tuberculate-papillose, papillae weakly promin-
Cl lobes often
f very small in comparison to the tube, ent, densely and delicately mucronate; Cn shortly
sometimes tips united, outside normally glabrous stipitate; Ci chestnut-brown, lobes 0.8 × 1 mm, for-
and smooth, inside densely papillose, papillae pro- ming shallow pouches, tips emarginate; Cs lobes 3
minent, smaller at the base of the tube and there × 1 mm, wing-like or with a dorsal bulge, inclined;
with apical stiff Ha, or without papillae and then Poll 0.3 × 0.2 mm, bean-shaped.
stiffly hairy with mucronate Ha; Cn of the
C(is)+Cs-type, sometimes shortly stipitate; Ci lobes S. exasperata (Bruyns) Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. Gr.
either small, truncate, sometimes bifid, just hiding Brit. 43(2/3): 82-83, ills., 1981). T: RSA, Northern
the Nec entrance at the base of the Cs lobes, or Cape (Bruyns 1345 [NBG]). − D: RSA (Northern
fused into a tubular structure, enveloping the basal Cape: Calvinia Distr.). Fig. XLV L I.a
⁄2 of the Gy, free parts as small indentations or teeth ≡ Pectinaria exasperata Bruyns (1978).
at the tube mouth; Cs lobes laterally flattened, tips [2] Stems erect, often
f tapering towards the tips, ±
rounded, either fusef d laterally with the Ci or fused pyramidal, sometimes in dense clumps or with un-
dorsally to the base of the Ci tube, incumbent on derground runners, dull grey-green, 1 - 4 × 0.5 - 1.5
the Anth, apically ascending, usually meeting in the cm; Tu
T shortly conical; L rudiments small, broad;
centre; Anth simple, rectangular, apically acute; Inf originating partly or completely underground;
Poll 0.25 - 0.32 × 0.2 - 0.25 mm, ovoid-elliptic, peduncle ≤ 1 cm; Ped 2 - 5 (-10) mm, elongating to
rounded or bean-shaped; Fr narrowly fusiform, di- 5 cm at Fr time; Sep 3 × 1 mm; Cl pale rose-grey,
varicate at an acute angle; Se brownish, ovate, flat, 1.8 - 2 cm; Cl tube basally deep purple-red, 10 - 12
margin papillate, with an apical Ha tuft f. × 4 - 7 mm, cylindrical-ovoid; Cl lobes 7 - 8 × 3
f f
from Pectinaria are to be foun
f d in mm, lanceolate, basally with 1 mm long intermedi-
the urceolate corolla as well as in the presence of ate lobes, reclining, base of the tips weakly papil-
stiff hairs. The genus is divided into sections as fol- lose on the inside, Cl tube densely papillose, papil-
lows: lae large, mucronate, mucro semiglobose, papillae
of the tube base hairy, Ha ≤ 1 mm; Cn dark
[1] Sect. Stap
a eliop
o sis: Stems blue-green, spotted
purple-red; Ci lobes small, bifid; Cs lobes 2 mm,
with purple, papillose, papillae transparent, cy-
dorsal bulge 1 mm; Poll 0.26 × 0.2 mm, very
lindrical, rounded; Ci lobes forming a tube
weakly bean-shaped, germination mouth long; Fr
encircling the Gy (S Namibia, N RSA [Rich-
pale yellow, purple-striped, 10 - 12 cm; Se 4 × 2
[2] Sect. Cageliorona Bruyns 1981: Stems grey-
green or brownish, not papillose; Ci lobes not
S. neronis Pillans (South Afr.
f Gard. 18: 32, 1928).
formin g a tube, small, ascending, sometimes bi-
T: RSA, Northern Cape (Pillans 5728 [BOL]). −
f just hiding the Nec entrance (RSA: Western
D: S Namibia, RSA (Northern Cape). Fig. XLVI L .f
Cape, esp. near Laingsburg, Worcester and
[1] Stems erect or ascending, in dense clusters to
± 30 cm ∅, usually without underground runners;
stems ≤ 7 × 3.5 cm, very delicately papillose, angles
S. breviloba (R. A. Dyer) Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. blunt, hardly compressed, sides slightly convex
Brit. 43(2/3): 81-82, 1981). T: RSA, Western Cape (young concave); L rudiments 2 - 3 mm, broad; Inf

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stapeliopsis

1- to 3-flowered; Ped 5 - 7 mm, erectly spreading, quently subterranean (young mostly above-ground),
velvety; Sep 4 mm, delicately velvety; Cl outside blue- to dull green to grey, sometimes indistinctly
and inside dark purple, 1.7 - 2 × ≤ 1.3 cm, fleshy; Cl purple-spotted, 3.5 - 10 × 0.8 - 2.5 cm, sides flat or
tube 1.5 - 1.75 cm ∅, cylindrical to globose, mouth slightly concave, angles slightly flattened, acute; L
distinctly thickened, basally with 5 longitudinal rudiments ≤ 8 mm, ± broad, horizontally spreading,
grooves; Cl lobes inside white or pale purple, 4 - 5 becoming hard-spiny; Inf 2- to 8-flowered, erect;
× 3.5 - 4 mm, ovate-deltoid, acute, stiff, erect, Ped ≤ 1 cm; Sep tips curved outwards; Cl dark
alternating with outwards-directed ffolds, outside purple to pale rose or reddish, ≤ 1.6 × 1 cm, shortly
papillose, papillae acutely tapering and resulting in ovoid to oblong-ellipsoid or weakly conical (then
a velvet-like appearance of the Fl, inside densely tips of the lobes free);
f Cl tube deeply ovoid to cup-
papillose, papillae apically hairy, Ha purple, ± shaped, sometimes conical, wall < 0.5 mm thick; Cl
short, simple; Cn sometimes with a short massive lobes 4 - 8 × 5 mm, ovate-lanceolate to acute, mar-
base; Ci purple, lobes united to fform an erect tube, gins sometimes revolute, tips usually united, basally
≤ 1 × 1.75 mm, apically with small segments, obtuse rarely alternating with delicate teeth, outside glabr-
or acute, reclining, outside ± smooth, basal 1⁄2 deli- ous, inside mucronately hairy resulting in a froste
f d
cately hairy, Ha purple, simple, inside basally appearance of the Fl, Ha white, straight, rarely
papillose; Cs lobes 5 mm, ascending, slightly ffrom small ± conical papillae; Cn pale yellow to
curved, entire, laterally compressed, subulate, ac- dark purple; Ci lobes very small, 0.5 mm, broadly
ute, reaching the tips of the Ci, united with the Ci ovate or triangular, truncate, porrect; Cs dark
for 1⁄3 with a wing; Poll pale, 0.15 × 0.1 mm, ovoid, purple-brown or yellow, lobes 2 - 3.5 mm, linear to
with short translator arms, ascending, delicately bluntly acute, laterally flattened, dorsal bulge
furro wed. rounded (occasionally gladiate), comb-like; Anth
apically with ffew transparent stiff Ha; Poll ± 0.25
S. pillansii (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. mm ∅, round to weakly bean-shaped.
Brit. 43(2/3): 80-81, ills., 1981). T: RSA, Eastern
Cape (Pillans 180 [BOL, K]). − D: RSA (Eastern S. saxatilis ssp. stayneri (M. B. Bayer) Bruyns
Cape). (Cact. Succ. J. Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 79-80, ills., 1981).
≡ Pectinaria pillansii N. E. Brown (1909). T: RSA, Western Cape (Stayner s.n. [NBG]). − D:
[2] Stems decumbent, sometimes underground, RSA (Western Cape).
only very rarely form
f ing colonies, dark green spot- ≡ Pectinaria stayneri M. B. Bayer (1975).
ted with reddish, glossy, to 15 × 1.5 - 2 cm, acutely [2] Differs from ssp. saxatilis: Stems 1 cm ∅; Cl
4-angled; Tu rather conical and curved downwards; pale pink, whitish near the base, 6 mm ∅, ± campa-
L rudiments 3 - 4 mm; Inf with ≥ 3 Fl, originating nulate; Cl tube 4 - 6 × 4 mm, inside basally with
ffrom the lateral furrows,
f sometimes underground, small straight Ha; Cl lobes 4 - 6 mm; Cn pale yel-
oriented parallel to the ground or weakly bent low; Cs 2.8 - 3 × 0.5 mm, dorsal bulge rounded;
downwards; Ped 2 - 3 mm; Sep ± 2 mm, ovate; Cl Poll 0.26 × 0.18 mm, bean-shaped.
inside pale purple, 7 mm ∅, ± ovoid or slightly co-
nical, fleshy, stiff; Cl tube 3 mm, cup-shaped, walls S. urniflora Lavranos (JSAB 32: 195, 1966). T:
> 1 mm thick; Cl lobes 4 - 5 × 4 - 5 mm, deltoid, Namibia (Lofty-Eaton s.n. in Lavranos 2536
tips sometimes united and Fl then pear-shaped, or [PRE]). − D: S Namibia.
tips spreading; Cl lobes basally alternating with 2 - [1] Stems ascending or erect, partly subterranean,
2.5 mm broad folds, outside smooth, glabrous, in- to 7 × 2 cm, delicately papillose; TuT obtuse, late-
side hairy, Ha sometimes apically thickened, rally compressed, L rudiments delicate, rapidly ca-
spine-tips ± globose; Ci lobes ± 0.5 mm, broadly ducous; Inf 2- to 4-flowered; peduncle mostly
ovate, obtuse, spreading; Cs lobes 2.5 mm, dorsal parallel to the ground; Bra < 1 mm, deltoid; Cl out-
bulge rounded, margin acute, apically erect, raised side and inside wine-red, 1 - 1.5 × ≤ 1 (basally, api-
ffar above the Anth; Poll 0.26 × 0.16 mm, bean- cally 0.5) cm; Cl tube ≤ 12 mm, urceolate, mouth
shaped. not thickened, inside esp. near the base densely pa-
pillose, papillae apically with a long stiff simple
S. saxatilis (N. E. Brown) Bruyns (Cact. Succ. J. Ha; Cl lobes 3 × 3 mm, triangular, erect, outside
Gr. Brit. 43(2/3): 77, ills. (p. 79), 1981). T: RSA, smooth, glossy, both sides glabrous; Cn sometimes
Western Cape (Pillans 115 [BOL]). − D: RSA. I: with a short massive base; Ci 3 mm ∅, cup-shaped,
Eggli (1994: 178). lower 1⁄2 enveloping the Gy, lobes bifid, segments
≡ Pectinaria saxatilis N. E. Brown (1909). short, deltoid, acute, erect or curved outwards; Cs
lobes 2 mm, ascending-erect, tips rounded, not al-
S. saxatilis ssp. saxatilis − D: RSA (Western Cape, ways meeting in the centre; Poll ± 0.25 mm ∅,
Eastern Cape). Fig. XLVIL .b round to weakly bean-shaped.
Incl. Pectinaria tulipif iflora C. A. Lückhofff
[2] Stems in large colonies, decumbent, fre f -

Stathmostelma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

STATHMOSTELMA of the sides broad, triangular, lobes papillose, inside

and outside below the appendages weakly pubes-
B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers
cent; Fr 12 - 14 × 0.5 - 1 cm, lanceolate, apically
Stathmostelma K. Schumann (BJS 17: 129, 1893). beaked; Se brown, 4.2 × 3.1 mm, ovate.
T: Stathmostelma gigantif iflorum K. Schumann. −
Lit: Bullock (1953); Goyder (1998b). D: Tropical S. angustatum ssp. vomeriforme
f (S. Moore) Goy-
Africa. Etym: Gr. ‘stathmos’, plumb-line; and Gr. der (KB 53(3): 603, 1998). T: Uganda (Bagshawe
‘stelma’, crown, garland, wreath; ffor the straight ap- 1612 [BM]). − D: Uganda.
pendages of the inner corona segments. ≡ Asclepias vomerif
iformis S. Moore (1908); incl.
Erect shrubs with R tubers; stems simple or Stathmostelma thomasii Bullock (1953).
branched, mostly hairy, with latex; L decussate, Differs
f ffrom ssp. angustatum: Cl green or
shortly petiolate, rarely sessile, lamina oblong, purple-brown; Cl lobes reflexed. − [U. Meve]
linear or lanceolate, apically usually acute, midrib
f conspicuous, margins often
f rolled back, glabr- S. diversifo
f lium Goyder (KB 53(3): 604-607, ills.,
ous or pubescent; Inf extra-axillary or terminal, 1998). T: Ethiopia (Gilbert & Jefford r 4554 [K,
sometimes with Bra, these linear or subulate, usu- ETH]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania; open
ally hairy; peduncle usually pubescent; Ped glabr- grassland.
ous or pubescent; Sep lanceolate, acute or attenu- Stems solitary, only basally branching, 6 - 30 cm,
ate, hairy, rarely glabrous, basally alternating with erect or ascending, pubescent; L 0.1 - 10 cm petio-
colleters; Cl white, yellow, purple, (orange-) red, late, lamina 4 - 10 × 0.1 - 3 cm, linear to oblong,
f extremely large, flat, campanulate, sometimes pubescent; Inf extra-axillary, to 4-flowered; ped-
inversely campanulate, tube only very short; Cl uncle 0.5 - 2 (-6) cm, pubescent; Ped 1 - 3 cm, pu-
lobes oblong (-ovate), apically acute or obtuse, bescent; Sep triangular, 2 - 7 × 1 - 2 mm, densely
hairy or glabrous; Cn clearly stipitate; Cs lobes cu- pubescent; Cl dull yellow-green to white or pink;
cullate, margins curved inwards, forming a narrow Cl lobes recurved, 7 - 15 × 3 - 4 mm, ovate, acute;
pouch, margins apically each with a tooth-like ap- Cn whitish, spotted with purple; Cs lobes erect,
pendage, sometimes with an inner appendage, this concave-cucullate, 4 - 7 × 3 - 6 mm, inner apical
finger-like or hooked, protruding ffrom the pouch; margins drawn out into a pair of acute teeth, with an
Sty head conspicuously grooved; Anth ovate or additional medianly sunken flattened 2-tipped
round, acute or obtuse, placed in the grooves of the minute tooth; Gy 1 - 3 mm stipitate; Poll reniform
f ,
Sty head; Poll reniform, flattened, translators large, 1 - 1.6 × 0.3 - 0.5 mm; Fr ovoid, 5 - 7 × 1.5 - 2 cm,
broad, variable in shape, symmetrically hollowed, dorsally with 1 or several rows of delicate obtuse
inside steeply erect, basally filiform,
f weak, then ob- protuberances, densely pubescent; Se medium
long or triangularly broadened; Fr solitary, erect, ± brown, ovate, 4 × 2.5 mm. − [U. Meve]
10 cm, narrowly fus f iform,
f apically beaked; Se
brown, ovate or elliptic, papillate, margins inflated, S. forn
f icatum (N. E. Brown) Bullock (KB 8: 55,
wrinkled, apically with a tuft of Ha. 1953). T: Malawi (McCM lounie 81 [K]). − D: Mala-
Closely related to Asclepias and Gomphocarpus, wi, Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe.
but distinguished by the conspicuously broad trans- ≡ Asclepias fornicat
f ta N. E. Brown (1906).
S. forn
f f icatum − D: Malawi, Zam-
icatum ssp. forn
S. angustatum K. Schumann (BJS 17: 132, 1893). bia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe.
T: Ethiopia (Schimp m er 1589 [not located]). − D: Stems apically curved, weakly uniseriately pu-
Ethiopia, Uganda. bescent; L petiolate, lamina 8 - 20 × 0.3 - 1.3 cm,
≡ Asclepias angustata t (K. Schumann) N. E. linear, acute, sometimes weakly pubescent; Inf with
Brown (1902); incl. Gomphocarpus angustatus 3 - 4 Fl; peduncle 5 - 15 cm; Ped 3 - 4 cm; Sep 5 - 6
Hochstetter (s.a.) (nom. inval., Art. 32.1c). × 3 mm, glabrous; Cl flat to bowl-shaped, lobes 14 -
20 × 4 - 8 mm, oblong-elliptic, ± acute, glabrous;
S. angustatum ssp. angustatum − D: Ethiopia. Cs lobes 7 mm, outside bulging and keeled, apical-
Stems 10.4 - 20.8 cm, basally weakly branched, marginal appendages oblong-falcate, overtopping
biseriately pubescent; L 4 - 5 pairs, ascending, peti- the Anth, inside delicately papillose; Poll oblong, ±
ole 2.1 - 4.2 mm, lamina 4 - 18 × 0.1 - 0.9 cm, linear 1.1 × 0.35 mm; Fr fusiform, 11 × 0.6 cm; Se 5 × 3
(-lanceolate), attenuate, basally narrower, margins mm, ovate.
fflat or rolled back, glabrous, midrib sometimes very
weakly rough-hairy; Inf 1 (-2), terminal; Bra pre- S. fornicatum ssp. tridentatum Goyder (KB 53(3):
sumably caducous; peduncle 1.5 - 8 cm, uniseriately 593-595, ills., 1998). T: Tanzania (Brummitt &
hairy; Ped 1.5 - 3.5 cm, at Fr maturity 3.25 - 3.9 cm, Polhill 13667C [K, EA]). − D: Tanzania, between
pubescent; Sep 8.4 × 4.2 mm, ovate, glabrous; Cl grasses in Brachystegia woodland.
f , white, lobes 13 × 6.5 mm, oblong-ovate, acute;
flat Differs from ssp. fornicatum
f : Cn with a ± 2 mm
Cs lobes 8.4 mm, erect, oblong, apical appendages long tooth-like inner appendage. − [U. Meve]

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stathmostelma

S. gigantiflorum
f K. Schumann (BJS 17: 129, minal, 3- to 4-flowered; peduncle 5 - 25 mm, pu-
1893). T: Tanzania (Böhm 24 [lecto − icono: l.c. bescent; Ped 0.7 - 4 cm, pubescent; Sep lanceolate,
17: t. 6: fig. A-C]). − D: Tanzania; seasonally inun- 3 - 9 × 1 - 3 mm, densely pubescent; Cl red, rotate,
dated meadows. inside delicately papillose; Cl lobes 10 - 20 × 3 - 6
≡ Asclepias gigantif iflorra (K. Schumann) N. E. mm, oblong-lanceolate, acute, folded back along
Brown (1902); incl. Stathmostelma gigantif iflorum the midrib; Cn red to orange, sessile; Cs lobes er-
Schlechter (1895) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. ect, concave-cucullate, 14 - 20 × 3 mm, inner mar-
Stathmostelma bicolor K. Schumann (1900); incl. gins of the lower 1⁄2 drawn out into a pair of falcate
Asclepias mihundensis N. E. Brown (1902); incl. 3 - 4 mm long erect-connivent minute teeth, upper
Stathmostelma nomadacrid dum Bullock (1953); incl. ⁄2 with an erect flat appendage with an attenuate
Stathmostelma praetermissum Bullock (1953). twisted tip; Poll oblong, flat, 0.8 × 0.3 mm. − [U.
Stems 30 - 100 cm, basally branching, com- Meve]
pressed, glabrous, apically weakly pubescent; L
obscurely petiolate, lamina 15 - 25 × 1 cm, S. odoratum K. Schumann (BJS 28: 457, 1900). T:
oblong-lanceolate or linear, acute, margins and Tanzania (Goetz t e 498 [B†]). − D: Tanzania.
midvein pubescent; Inf terminal, 2-flowered; ped- ≡ Asclepias odoratat (K. Schumann) N. E. Brown
uncle 2.5 - 18 cm; Bra 1.5 cm, linear, pointed, mar- (1902).
gins ciliate; Ped 2 - 5 cm; Sep 1.6 cm, ovate, acute, Stems 50 cm, simple, ≤ 5 mm ∅, ± robust, api-
basally rounded, glabrous; Cl mauve-coloured, ≤ 6 cally tomentose; L petiole 3 - 15 mm, canaliculate
cm ∅, flat, lobes ± 2.8 × 1 cm, lanceolate, acute, and pubescent, lamina 8 - 19 × 2 - 5.5 cm, oblong
glabrous; Cn broadly and robustly stipitate; Cs (-lanceolate), acute, basally broadly cuneate or
lobes 1.6 cm, ± rectangular, apical-marginal appen- rounded, very weakly pubescent and hispid; Inf
dages tooth-like, incumbent on the Anth; Gy 11 - ffew- to many-flowered, extra-axillary; peduncle 1 -
12 mm; Anth 4 - 5 mm, in the grooves of the Sty 3.5 cm, weakly hairy; Ped 3 - 3.5 cm, weakly to-
head; Poll bean-shaped, translator arms 4.5 mm, mentose; Sep 7 mm, outside tomentose; Cl flat,
appendages tapering to a thin filiformf portion; Fr orange-red, lobes 16 mm, oblong, acute, weakly pa-
narrowly fusiform, 10 - 16 × 0.5 - 0.8 cm; Se 3 × pillose; Cn shortly stipitate; Cs lobes 9 mm, hood-
2 mm. shaped, apical-marginal appendages acute, smallish
tooth-like, inside with 2 decurrent papillose lines;
S. incarnatum K. Schumann (BJS 17: 130, 1893). Gy 3 mm; Anth broad; Fr brown, 9.5 - 11 cm, fusi-
W witsch 4176 [K]). − D: An-
T [lecto]: Angola (Wel f
form, papillose.
gola; seasonally inundated grassland. Probably a synonym of S. sp s ectabile (Goyder
Incl. Asclepias coccinea N. E. Brown (1902). 1998b).
Stems 10 - 35 (-40) cm, solitary, slender, basally
sometimes branched, basal 1⁄2 leafy,
f pubescent; L as- S. pauciflorum
f K. Schumann (BJS 17: 132, 1893).
cending, petiole 2 mm (only in the broader L), la- T: Moçambique (Petas s.n. [K [iso]]). − D: Kenya,
mina (4-) 6 - 8 (-9) cm × 2 - 3 (-5) mm, narrow, Tanzania, Zaïre, Zambia, Moçambique, Malawi,
rarely linear-lanceolate, acute, glabrous; Inf 1, ter- Zimbabwe; sandy partly inundated grassland, to
minal, with 5 - 10 Fl; peduncle 5 - 12 cm, weakly or 1500 m.
uniseriately pubescent; Bra ± 3 mm, linear; Ped 2 - ≡ Asclepias paucifl f ora
r (K. Schumann) E. A.
2.5 cm, delicate, short-hairy; Sep 3 - 4 mm, outside Bruce (1940); incl. Gomphocarpus paucifl f orus
pubescent; Cl blood-red, flat or convexly bulging, Klotzsch (1861) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1); incl. Stath-
lobes 7 - 8 × 2.5 - 3 mm, oblong, acute, outside pa- mostelma refeflexum Britten & Rendle (1894) ≡ Asc-
pillose; Cs lobes orange-red, 3 - 5 mm, far surpas- lepias ref
eflexa (Britten & Rendle) N. E. Brown
sing the Sty head, basally ± cordate, unguiculate, (1902).
apical-marginal appendages subulate, tooth-like, Stems 30 - 100 cm, biseriately pubescent; L 3 - 6
sometimes with an inner appendage; Gy 2 mm; pairs, petiole 1 - 6 mm, lamina 2.6 - 16 cm × 1.5 -
Anth elliptic, obtuse; Poll flattened
f , 0.8 × 0.3 mm, 8.4 mm, longer than the Int, (lanceolate-) linear,
translators long, appendages tapering to a ffifilifo
i f rm pointed, basally acute or rounded, glabrous, rarely
part. weakly pubescent; Inf 1 - 3, terminal, with 4 - 6 Fl;
peduncle 4.5 - 28 cm, uniseriately hairy; Bra small
S. katangense (De Wildeman) Goyder (KB 53(3): or none; Ped 0.8 - 4 cm, pubescent; Sep 4.2 mm,
612-613, 1998). T: Zaïre (Verd r ick s.n. [BR]). − D: strongly recurved; Cl curved outwards, red or
E Zaïre; seasonally inundated grassland. purple, lobes 6.3 - 8.4 × 3 - 4 mm, oblong-ovate, ob-
≡ Asclepias katangensis De Wildeman (1904); tuse, apically curved inwards, glabrous; Cs lobes
incl. Asclepias dewewrei De Wildeman (1904); incl. 8.4 - 9.4 mm, erect, oblong-linear or linear-lanceo-
Asclepias extensa S. Moore (1912). late, acute or obtuse, grooved, apical-marginal ap-
Stems solitary, 2 - 6 cm, erect, pubescent; L 0 - 5 pendages subulate, tooth-like, incumbent on the
mm petiolate, lamina 7 - 14 × 0.2 - 0.9 cm, narrowly Anth, sometimes with an inner appendage; Anth
linear to lanceolate, acute, laxly pubescent; Inf ter- broad, ovate or round, acute or obtuse; Poll oblong,

Stathmostelma Asclepiadaceae B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers

flat, 0.8 × 0.3 mm; Fr 7.5 - 8.5 × 0.8 - 1 cm, apically basally narrowly obtuse, margins undulate, glabr-
beaked. ous, midrib hispid; Inf with 2 - 4 Fl, extra-axillary
and terminal; peduncle 0.6 - 15 cm, uniseriately
S. pedunculatum (Decaisne) K. Schumann (BJS hairy; Bra 3 mm, filiform; Ped 2 - 3.5 cm, pubes-
17: 132, 1893). T [lecto]: Ethiopia (Quartin-Dillon cent; Sep 4 × 2 mm, lanceolate, acute, outside pu-
s.n. [P]). − D: Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, bescent or glabrous; Cl outside greenish, red and
Zaïre, Tanzania, Moçambique; seasonally flooded yellow, inside scarlet-red, inversely bowl-shaped,
grassland. lobes ± 12 × 4.5 mm, oblong-lanceolate, acute,
≡ Gomphocarpus pedunculatus Decaisne (1844) glabrous; Cn 2 mm stipitate; Cs basally reddish-
≡ Asclep
e ias pedunculatat (Decaisne) Dandy (1952); yellow, appendages yellow, lobes ≤ 9 mm, fleshy,
incl. Asclepe ias macrantha Hochstetter ex Oliver erect, outside convexely bulging, keeled, apical-
(1844) ≡ Stathmostelma macranthum (Hochstetter marginal appendages erect, falcate-ovate, with an
ex Oliver) Schlechter (1924); incl. Pachycarpus inner appendage; Gy 3.5 - 4 mm; Sty head strongly
corniculatus Hochstetter (1844); incl. Gomphocar- fissured; Anth round, apically obtuse; Poll oblong-
pus longipes Oliver (1875); incl. Stathmostelma reniform
f , ± 0.8 × 0.3 mm, translators tapering to a
iflorum K. Schumann (1895); incl. Asclepe ias thin thread; Fr fus
f iform
f , ± 11 × 0.5 cm; Se 8 ×
uvirensis S. Moore (1908). 4 mm.
Stems 22 - 45 cm, simple, biseriately or comple- Closely related to S. pedunculatum.
tely pubescent; L sessile or to 5 mm petiolate,
lamina 4.5 - 26 × 0.35 - 1 cm, linear-lanceolate, S. spectabile (N. E. Brown) Schlechter (BJS 51:
long-attenuate, ± pubescent; Inf with 3 - 6 Fl, 138, 1913). T [lecto]: Malawi (Buchanan 553 [K]).
extra-axillary and terminal; peduncle 7.5 - 28 cm; − D: Tanzania, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe, Malawi.
Bra 4 - 6 mm; Ped 2.1 - 7.1 cm, uniseriately pu- ≡ Asclep
e ias sp
s ectabilis N. E. Brown (1895); incl.
bescent; Sep 5 - 6 mm; Cl flat or recurved, 2.1 - 2.8 Stathmostelma pachyh cladum K. Schumann (1900)
cm ∅, pink, scarlet-red or yellow, lobes oblong (- ≡ Asclepias pachyh clada
d (K. Schumann) N. E.
ovate), acute, outside weakly pubescent; Cs lobes Brown (1902); incl. Stathmostelma macropetalum
erect, basally bulging outwards, apical-marginal ap- Schlechter & K. Schumann (1903) ≡ Asclepias mac-
pendages broad, falcate (-oblong), obtuse or acute, ropetala (Schlechter & K. Schumann) N. E. Brown
with an inner appendage; Anth broad, ± round; Poll (1904).
± 1 × 0.4 mm; Fr solitary, 7.5 - 10 × 1.2 cm, fusi-
form; Se dark brown, ovate, 5 × 3 mm. S. spectabile ssp. frommii (Schlechter) Goyder
Closely related to S. rhacodes. (KB 53(3): 585, 1998). T: Malawi (Fr Fromm 89
[ST]). − D: Malawi.
S. propinquum (N. E. Brown) Schlechter (BJS 51: ≡ Stathmostelma frommii Schlechter (1913).
138, 1913). T: Tanzania (Smith s.n. [K]). − D: Differs
f ffrom ssp. spectabile: Bra ovate, 4 mm
Tanzania (Kilimandsharo). broad; Cl lobes spreading, yellow to red; Fr 8 × 3
≡ Asclepias propinqua N. E. Brown (1895). cm. − [U. Meve]
Stems low, pubescent, Ha small and curved; L
sessile, lamina 19.5 - 32.5 × 1 - 2.1 mm, linear S. spectabile ssp. spectabile − D: Tanzania, Zam-
f pubescent or tomentose; Inf with 3 - 4 bia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe, Malawi.
Fl, terminal; peduncle 2.6 - 4.55 cm; Bra ± small; Stems 1 - 1.3 m, robust, pubescent; L ascending,
Ped 1.63 - 2.6 cm, pubescent; Sep 5.25 - 6.3 mm; Cl petiole 2.1 - 12.6 mm, lamina 9.1 - 18.2 × 2.6 - 5.2
yellowish-green, 2.6 cm ∅, flat, lobes 10.5 × 6.3 cm, lanceolate, acute, basally ± rounded, pubescent;
mm, oblong-ovate, ± obtuse, glabrous; Cs lobes 6.3 Inf with 5 - 6 Fl, extra-axillary and terminal; ped-
- 7.35 mm, far surpassing the Sty head, apical- uncle 2 - 10 cm; Bra 4.2 - 5.25 mm, subulate; Ped 2
marginal appendages fa f lcate, curved upwards, inner - 5 cm, uniseriately pubescent; Sep 4 - 16 × 1 - 2
appendage oblong, obtuse; Anth ovate. mm; Cl carmine to scarlet-red, 3.25 cm ∅, flat to
A doubtfu f l taxon and presumably synonymous campanulate, lobes 15 - 20 × 6 - 10 mm, oblong, ob-
with S. welwitschii (Goyder 1998b). tuse, apically ± recurved, outside weakly tomentose
towards the tips, lobe margins inside pubescent;
S. rhacodes K. Schumann (BJS 17: 131, t. 6: D-F, Cs yellow, Cs lobes ± 10 mm, erect, oblong-ovate,
1893). T: [lecto − icono]: l.c. t. 6D-F. − D: Kenya; apical-marginal appendages fa f lcate, acute or
swampy grassland, 900 - 2250 m. linear-oblong, truncate, basally on both sides with a
≡ Asclep
e ias rhacodes (K. Schumann) N. E. gibbosity, inner appendage subulate or oblong;
Brown (1902); incl. Stathmostelma pedunculatum Anth round, obtuse; Poll oblong, flat, ± 1.5 × 0.4
Schlechter (1895) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). mm; Fr 10 - 14 × 1.5 - 2 cm, fusiform, oblong, er-
Stems 10 - 50 cm, simple, sometimes branched in ect; Se ovate with papillate margin, 5 × 3 mm.
the Inf region, terete, basally conspicuously com-
pressed, weakly tomentose; L shortly petiolate, la- S. welwitschii Britten & Rendle (Trans. Linn. Soc.
mina 5 - 15 × 0.1 - 1 cm, narrowly linear, pointed, London, Bot. 4: 28, 1894). T: Angola (Welwitsch

B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Stenostelma

4168 [BM, K]). − D: Angola, Sudan, Uganda, STENOSTELMA

Zaïre, Tanzania, Zambia.
B. Müller, P. Stegemann & F. Albers
≡ Asclepias welwitschii (Britten & Rendle) N. E.
Brown (1902); incl. Stathmostelma laurentianum Stenostelma Schlechter (BJS 18(Beiblatt 45): 6,
Dewèvre (1895) ≡ Asclep
e ias laurentiana (Dewèvre) 1894). T: Stenostelma cap a ense Schlechter. − D: S
N. E. Brown (1902); incl. Stathmostelma chironioi- Zimbabwe, RSA (Northern Prov., Gauteng, Mpu-
des K. Schumann ex De Wildeman & T. Durand malanga, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free
(1906). State). Etym: Gr. ‘stenos’, narrow, slender; and Gr.
‘stelma’, crown, garland, wreath; application ob-
S. welwitschii var. bagshawei (S. Moore) Goyder scure.
(KB 53(3): 599, 1998). T: Sudan (Bagshawe 1640 Incl. Krebsia Harvey (1868) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1).
[BM, K]). − D: Sudan, Uganda, Zaïre, Tanzania. T: Lagarinthus corniculatus E. Meyer.
≡ Asclepias bagshawei S. Moore (1908). Erect or decumbent shrubs, basally branched,
f ffrom var. welwitschii: Cn lobes with a with R tuber; stems hairy or glabrous; L opposite,
short rounded inner appendage. − [U. Meve] shortly petiolate, erect, lamina narrowly linear,
margins often
f rolled back; Inf extra-axillary, la-
S. welwitschii var. welwitschii − D: Angola, Zaïre, terally and terminally, globose, pedunculate; Bra
S Sudan, Uganda, N and SW Tanzania, N Zambia; subulate or filiform; Ped short, pubescent; Sep lan-
in seasonally inundated grassland. ceolate, pointed, ± strongly softly hairy; Cl (inver-
Stems 20 - 120 cm, terete, branched or simple, sely) campanulate, lobes lanceolate, triangular to
biseriately or only the apical stem parts pubescent, elliptic, pointed, sometimes curved back only api-
sometimes glabrous; L petiole 2.1 × 4.2 mm, lamina cally; Ci only partly forme
f d, lobes minute, below
blue-green, 7.5 - 17.5 cm × 2 - 8.4 mm, linear-lance - the guide rail; Cs lobes erect, basally bulging out-
olate, apically pointed, basally cuneate or abruptly wards, apically bulging inwards, completely cover-
narrowed, upper fface, margins and midrib of the lo- ing the Sty head, basally with small lateral wings,
wer face
f hispidly pubescent; Inf with 2 - 6 Fl, fleshy; Sty head conical; Anth ± square, membran-
extra-axillary or terminal; peduncle 1.2 - 7.5 cm; ous, triangular or rounded, erect, incumbent on and
Bra 3 - 4 mm, subulate; Ped 1.5 - 3.25 cm, uniseria- covering the Sty head; Poll ovate, partly curved in-
tely pubescent; Sep 6.3 × 2.1 mm, weakly hairy; Cl wards, compressed, apically obtuse without defined
intensely orange, flat or convex, lobes 10.5 × 4.1 germination crest, translators long, flattened, con-
mm, ovate, acute, glabrous; Cs lobes 5.25 mm, far spicuously geniculate and variously thickened,
surpassing the Sty head, basally ± cordate, apical- broadly attached at the corpuscle, pollinia attached
marginal appendages surpassing the Anth, with an apically at the translator arms, corpuscle ovoid; Fr
acute inner appendage; Poll 1 × 0.3 mm, translators commonly solitary, erect, basally slightly thi-
oblong, curved at the end, abruptly thin and fili- ckened, apically beaked, glabrous; Se unknown.
form, then broadened again in the triangular Poll- Closely related to Gomp m hocarpr us. Stenostelma is
bearing part; Fr 5 - 10 × 0.5 - 1 cm; Se ovate with distinguished by the conical shape of the style head,
papillate margin, 5 × 3 mm. which is covered by conspicuous connective appen-
dages. Additional differences
f f m Gomphocarpus
S. wildemanianum T. Durand (Syll. Fl. Congol., are the presence of root tubers and the lobes of the
361, 1909). T: Zaïre (Verdick
V 1899 [BR]). − D: staminal corona, which are cucullate or hood-
Zaïre. shaped in Gompm hocarp r us, but form small hollows in
Incl. Asclep
e ias verdickii De Wildeman (1906); Stenostelma.
incl. Stathmostelma verdr ickii De Wildeman (1906)
(nom. inval., Art. 34.1b). The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica-
Stems glabrous or weakly hairy; L sessile, 14 cm tion but are referre
f d to this genus: Lagarinthus eu-
× 7 - 8 mm, lanceolate, apically acute, basally stegioides E. Meyer (1837) ≡ Schizoglossum euste-
rounded, midrib on the lower face weakly hairy, up- gioides (E. Meyer) Druce (1917); Schizoglossum
per face glabrous, margins hispid; Inf terminal, 5- crassipes S. Moore (1902); Schizoglossum orbicu-
flowered; Ped 8 - 9 cm, slender, weakly hairy; Sep lare Schlechter (1895); Schizoglossum periglos-
50 - 60 × 2.5 mm, glabrous, margins ciliate; Cl con- soides Schlechter (1895); Schizoglossum umbelli-
vex, colour unknown, lobes 18 × 9 mm, glabrous, f
ferum Schlechter (1895).
inside sometimes tomentose; Cs lobes 1 cm, api-
cal-marginal appendages surpassing the Sty head; S. capense Schlechter (BJS 18(Beiblatt 45): 6,
Poll ± 1.3 × 0.25 mm. 1894). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Schlechter 1693 [B
?]). − D: Botswana, RSA (Northern Cape, Northern
Prov.). Fig. XLVI.g
≡ Schizoglossum capense (Schlechter) H. Huber
(1967); incl. Gomphocarpus stenoglossus Schlech-
ter (1894) ≡ Krebsia stenoglossa (Schlechter)

Stomatostemma Asclepiadaceae U. Meve

Schlechter (1894); incl. Schizoglossum aciculare N. ≡ Gomph

m ocarp r us eminens Harvey (1863) ≡ Asc-
E. Brown (1902). lep
e ias eminens (Harvey) Schlechter (1896).
Erect, 16 - 20 cm, basally branched; R tuber Stems prostrate or ascending, branched, biseri-
pear-shaped; stems greenish-red, compressed, softly ately hairy; L conspicuously petiolate, lamina much
uniseriately hairy (the side with the Ha changes shorter than the Int, hastate-linear, margins curved
after each node), sometimes glabrous; L longer than outwards, basally obtuse, apically pointed, glabr-
the Int, lamina ≤ 40 × 5 mm, margins curved out- ous; Inf terminal, with ≥ 5 Fl; Bra small, acute; Sep
wards, upper fface shortly soft-f hairy, lower face
f ± as long as the Cl lobes; Cl flat, somewhat recurved,
glabrous, midrib hairy; Inf 5 - 6, with 8 - 12 Fl, ± greenish, lobes elliptic, margins curved outwards;
globose; peduncle ≤ 1 cm, erect, pubescent; Ped ± 3 Cn stipitate; sides of the Cs lobes folded inwards,
mm, Ha white, short; Sep 1.5 × ± 1 mm; Cl calyx- apically rounded, outside keeled, keel apically
like, outside greenish, lobes apically reddish, inside elongated in a spine-like tip; Anth ± circular, api-
cream-greenish, 3 × 2 mm, narrowly triangular, cally curved inwards; translators of the Poll con-
fleshy, erect, margins inwards ± undulate, tips re- spicuously geniculate.
curved and thus faf lcate, papillose; Ci lobes minute,
tooth-like, erect; Cs lobes white, 8 mm, basally
stalk-like, abruptly triangularly broadened, apically
long-attenuate, narrow, erect, far elongated over the STOMATOSTEMMA
conical Sty head, tips sometimes keeled on the out-
U. Meve
side; Anth triangular, emarginate, appendages mar-
ginally touching the Sty head and ascending to Stomatostemma N. E. Brown (FTA 4(1:2): 252,
meet in the centre; Poll curved inwards, translators 1902). T: Cryptolepis monteiroae Oliver. − Lit:
broad. Venter & Verhoeven (1993). D: SE Afr
V f ica. Etym:
Gr. ‘stoma’, mouth; and Gr. ‘stemma’, garland,
S. carinatum (Schlechter) Bullock (KB 11: 521, wreath; for the coronal outgrowths at the mouth of
1956). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Tyso T n 1439 [not lo- the corolla tube.
cated]). − D: RSA (Eastern Cape); moist grassland. Lianas or shrubs with white latex, partly with R
≡KKrebsia carinata Schlechter (1895) ≡ Gomp m ho- tubers; stems perennial, woody; Inf terminal or ax-
r us carinatus (Schlechter) Schlechter (1904) ≡
carp illary; Sep free
f ; Cl campanulate; Cn petaloid, clav-
X smalobium carinatum (Schlechter) N. E. Brown
Xy ate, originating in the sinuses between the Cl lobes
(1907). and alternating with the Cl lobes; Anth lanceolate,
Stems 20 - 35 cm, thin, biseriately pubescent; L acute, whitish, arranged pyramidally; pollen in
numerous, 2 - 9 × 0.2 - 0.5 cm, glabrous or very de- tetrads.
licately hairy; Inf with 7 - 10 Fl, extra-axillary; Ped The genus, belonging to the Perip i locoideae,
5 mm, filiform; Sep ± 2 mm, acute, erect or some- numbers only 2 species. The type species S. mon-
what diverging; Cl lobes 4 × ≤ 2 mm, elliptic, api- teiroae is a root-succulent liana differ
f ing in all re-
cally thickened, margins curved outwards, glabrous, spects except similarities in corona morphology
tips inside velvety; Cs lobes falcate, obtuse; Anth ffrom the shrubby and non-succulent S. pendulina.
triangular, incumbent on the convex Sty head, ba- The placement of the 2 species in a single genus
sally with triangular wings; Poll compressed, api- (Venter & Verhoeven 1993) appears improbable.
cally obtuse, translators filiform,
f basally thickened.
The placement in this genus is uncertain. S. monteiroae (Oliver) N. E. Brown (FTA 4(1:2):
253, 1902). T: Moçambique (Monteiro s.n. [K, P]).
S. corniculatum (E. Meyer) Bullock (KB 7: 417, − D: Moçambique, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
1952). T: RSA, Eastern Cape (Drè r ge s.n. [not lo- RSA (KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, North-West
cated]). − D: RSA (North-West Prov., Northern Prov.), Swaziland. I: Venter & Verhoeven (1993).
Cape, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape). Fig. XLVII.a
≡ Lagarinthus corniculatus E. Meyer (1837) ≡ ≡ Cryptolepis monteiroae Oliver (1887).
m hocarpr us corniculatus (E. Meyer) Dietrich R tuber globose or irregularly shaped, ± 5 - 20
(1840) ≡ Kre
K bsia corniculata
t (E. Meyer) Schlechter cm ∅, sometimes several; stems to 10 m, twining,
(1895) ≡ Schizoglossum corniculatum (E. Meyer) R. becoming woody, bark brown, glabrous, somewhat
A. Dyer (1971). tuberculate; L decussate but arranged ± bifarious,
V y similar to S. cap
Ver a ense, but Ped shorter; Cl 0.1 - 1 (-3) cm petiolate, lamina ovate, elliptic or
whitish, glabrous; Cs lobes to 10 mm. − [U. Meve] obovate, 3 - 10 × 0.5 - 2 (-3) cm, basally ± cuneate,
apically ± acute, hardly coriaceous, glabrous; Inf 5
S. eminens (Harvey) Bullock (KB 8: 342, 1953). - 25 mm pedunculate, few- to many-flowered; Ped
T: RSA, KwaZulu-Natal (Gerrardr & M’Ken 1291 4 - 13 mm, glabrous, glossy; Sep 2 - 3 mm; Cl hori-
[not located]). − D: Zimbabwe, RSA (KwaZulu- zontally oriented, campanulate, large, glabrous, out-
Natal, Northern Prov., Mpumalanga); moist loamy side cream-coloured; Cl tube 5 - 6 mm, inside green
ground. and purple; Cl lobes ascending, tips revolute and

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae T
Tavares ia

slightly obliquely twisted, ± ovate, 12 - 16 × 5 - 6 stems and the large funne

f l-shaped flowers, but T.
mm, cream-coloured, basally tinged purple, margins barklyi
r also has one of the largest distribution
revolute; Cs lobes clavate-ovoid, 2 - 3 mm, erect, ranges of all stapeliads.
glossy; Anth greenish-white, translator 2 mm, The flowers of the 2 species are almost identical
spoon rhomboid, stalk very short; Fr in pairs, (leaving apart the dubious T. thomp
m soniorum), and
thickly fusiform, grooved or slightly winged, 6 - 9 × the fo
f llowing descriptions are limited to the diag-
1.5 - 2.5 cm. nostic vegetative characters.
An attractive large-flowered and rather weakly a elia see ×Stap
For a natural hybrid with Stap a are-
twining liana, which flowers in cultivation when sia.
only some 10 cm tall.
T angolensis Welwitsch (Bol. Ann. Cons. Ultra-
mar. no. 7: 79, 1854). T: Angola, Luanda Distr.
TAVARESIA W lwitsch 4262 [BM, G, K]). − D: Angola, Nami-
bia. Fig. XLVII.b
U. Meve
Incl. HHuernia tavaresii Welwitsch (1856); incl.
T resia Welwitsch
Tava W (Bol. Ann. Cons. Ultramar. Decabelone elegans Decaisne (1871); incl. Stap a elia
No. 7: 79, 1854). T: T Tavaresia angolensis Wel-
W digitalif
iflorra Pfef rsdorf ex Decaisne (1871) (nom. in-
witsch. − Lit: White & Sloane (1937). D: Angola, val., Art. 34.1c); incl. Decabelone sieberi Pfe f rsdorf
Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, RSA. Etym: For ex Hooker fi f l. (1874) (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c).
José Tavares de Macedo (fl. ± 1850), superior Stems 5- to 6-ribbed, the 3-parted Sp ± horizon-
official in the Portuguese Ministry of Marine and tally spreading, lateral Sp somewhat ascending,
the Colonies, and amateur botanist. conspicuously shorter than the central Sp.
Incl. Decabelone Decaisne (1871). T: Decabelone
elegans Decaisne. T barklyi (Dyer) N. E. Brown (FTA 4(1): 494,
Compact basally branching perennial stem succu- 1903). − D: Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, RSA
lents, few- to many-stemmed, forming clusters, 5 - (widespread). Fig. XLVII.c
100 cm ∅, spiny; stems ± erect, 5- to 14-ribbed, ≡ Decabelone barkly
r i Dyer (1875); incl. Euph u or-
cylindrical, 2 - 30 × 1.5 - 2.5 cm, green; Ri promin- bia antunesii Pax (1904); incl. Decabelone grandi-
ent; Tu
T conical, with a 3-partite Sp derived from f ra Dinter (1909) ≡ T
flor Tavaresia grandiiflora (Din-
the L rudiments; Inf basal, ± sessile, few-flowered, ter) A. Berger (1910); incl. Hoo
H dia senilis H. Jacob-
only 1 Fl open at a time, carrion-scented; Ped 5 - 15 sen (1933); incl. Hoo
H dia genilis Jacobsen ex Bruyns
× 1.5 - 2.5 mm; Sep lanceolate-subulate, acute, 5 (1993) (nom. inval., Art. 61.1).
- 15 × ± 2 mm, glabrous; Cl yellowish with red- Stems 5- to 14-ribbed, with 3-parted very acute
brown spots and flecks, deeply tubular to funnel- Sp, central Sp horizontal to erect, lateral Sp shorter,
shaped, 3 - 15 × 1.5 - 3.5 cm, outside ± glabrous, oriented downwards and ± parallel to the stem sur-
inside densely beset with Ha (-papillae), these ± cy- f .
lindrical or clavate, 0.02 - 0.2 mm, longer towards
the Fl centre, apically mostly with an acute Bri; Cl T thompsoniorum van Jaarsveld & Nagel (Askle-
tube 3 - 14 × 2 - 5 cm; Cl lobes triangular, acute, 1 - pios No. 76: 9-10, ills., 1999). T: Angola (Bell s.n.
1.5 × 1 - 2 cm, ± spreading horizontally; Cn biseri- [NBI]). − D: S Angola.
ate, shortly stipitate, 12 - 18 × 4 - 7 mm, basally Stems to 12-ribbed, spination like T T. angolensis;
whitish, inside towards the tips more and more Cl tube bowl-shaped, ± 15 mm, Cs lobes spreading
striped brown-orange / red-brown; Ci fused to fo f rm star-like, similar to those of Stap
a elia.
a (bowl-shaped to) cup-shaped structure, basally The taxon was described on the base of a solitary
somewhat saccate; Ci lobes ± erect, bifid, all 10 ap- collection ffrom the region where the ranges of T. T
pendages ± 8 - 12 mm, drawn out filiform f and angolensis, T. barkl
r lyi and Stapelia similis overlap,
crowned by a drop-shaped purple mobile finely pa- and presumably represents the hybrid between the 2
pillose structure; Cs 1 - 2 mm, linear, incumbent on last-named taxa.
the Anth; Anth ± triangular (to spoon-shaped),
densely incumbent on the flat and concave Sty
head; Poll obovoid, ± 0.4 × 0.2 mm, caudicles ± TRACHYCALYMMA
0.12 mm, ± erect, corpuscle ± 0.15 mm, basally
U. Meve
with narrow wing-like broadenings; Fr coarse, fus f i-
form, divergent at an angle of 30°, glabrous; Se pale Trachycalymma (K. Schumann) Bullock (KB 8:
brown, ± 4 - 6 × 3 - 4 mm, margin thick, undulate, 348, 1953). T: Gomphocarpus cristatus Decaisne.
cork-like. − D: Tro
T pical Afr f ica. Etym: Gr. ‘trachys’, rough;
The genus shares the characteristic indumentum and Gr. ‘calymma’, covering; perhaps for the ±
of the corolla as well as the morphology of the pa- coarse hairiness of the plants.
pillae with Huernia, and the 2 are probably closely ≡ Gomp
m hocarpr us Subsect. Trach
T ycaly
l mma K. Schu-
related. Tavares
T ia is notable not only for the spiny mann (1895).

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Tridentea

Medium-tall perennials with annual herbaceous several stipular Ha (incumbent on the L rudiment
stems and white latex; R tuberous and / or with fus f i- surface); Inf mostly few-flowered, from the sides of
form fleshy lateral R; stems erect, usually solitary the basal 1⁄2 of the stems (sometimes scattered over
and unbranched, densely pubescent; L sessile or pe- the stem length), successively opening; peduncle
tiolate, lamina linear or lanceolate, oblong or ovate, (when present) gradually elongating, glabrous; Ped
mostly with recurved margins, ± pubescent; Inf 25 - 80 × ± 2 mm, spreading to decurved, glabrous;
extra-axillary, pedunculate; Fl petiolate, ± nodding; Sep mostly ovate, acute, glabrous or with few
Sep ± lanceolate, acute, hairy; Cl rotate or campa- marginal Ha; Cl outside pale green, inside pale
nulate; Cl lobes occasionally recurved, tips usually with darker patterning, 2 - 10 cm ∅, mostly flat,
curved inwards, outside pubescent, inside glabrous; rarely campanulate, incised for max. 1⁄2, central hol-
Cn 1-seriate; Cs lobes various in shape, always very lowing shallowly funnel-shaped
fu , frequent
f ly thi-
fleshy and fused with the base of the Gy, weakly to ckened annulus-like at the level of the Ci lobes; Cl
strongly cucullate, ± pouch-like, cavity mostly pa- lobes usually ± broadly triangular with ovate base,
pillose, inside with or without a flattened small horizontally spreading to ascending, margins some-
tooth; Anth appendages membranous, roundish to times abruptly folded upwards, outside glabrous
rectangular, incumbent on the Sty head; Poll flat- and smooth, inside glabrous, smooth to slightly
tened obovate, reniform oder drop-shaped, caudicu- wrinkled or papillose, papillae columnar, usually
lae flattened, geniculate; Fr usually solitary, erect, basally confluent, frequent
f ly apically with a Ha or
fusiform to ovoid, smooth or softly spiny, pubes- Bri, lobe margins usually hairy; Cn of 2 series, of
cent, Ped contorted or not; Se ovate. the C(is) + Cs type, shortly stipitate, foot pentago-
Goyder (2001) recognizes 10 species of these nal, stubby, glabrous; Ci lobes ascending to erect,
geophytic Asclep e ias relatives ffrom tropical Afr
f ican flattened, simple to bifid or 3-parted, only basally
grasslands and deciduous forests in this genus. connected with the Cs; Cs lobes incumbent on the
Apart from the erect solitary stems, Trachycaly l mma Anth, mostly much longer than the Anth, basally
is characterized by its gynostegium. The fleshy co- flattened, apically ffrequently cylindrical, in the
rona lobes are usually bearded inside and dorsally middle raised column-like over the Sty head, then
rounded, not fof lded or compressed, and are basally diverging, in the lower 1⁄2 with a dorsal appendage,
adnate to the gynostegium or, respectively, the these ± deltoid, flattened, fin-like; entry to the nec-
guide rails. As species of this genus are hardly culti- tar cavity large, ± round or broadly transversely el-
vated, no individual taxa are covered here, though liptic; Anth ± square, incumbent on the Sty head;
T. cristatum is figured (Fig. XLV
L I.h). Poll D-shaped, ± horizontally in each theca, caud-
icles short, corpuscle ± as long as broad, winged;
Sty head not surpassing the Anth, truncate-
compressed; Fr purple-spotted, cylindrical-fusi-
form, glabrous, smooth, diverging at an angle of 30°
- 60°; Se flat, ovate, margins mostly ± flat, rarely
B. Müller & F. Albers
Tridentea Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., 34, 1812). While Leach (1980) supposes a closer relation to
T: Stapelia gemmif iflorra Masson [Lectotype, design- Stap
a elia, Bruyns (1995b) postulates a close rela-
ated by L. C. Leach, Trans. Rhodesia Sci. Assoc. tionship to Hoo
H dia and Lavrania. Orbea is similar
59(1): 2, 1978.]. − Lit: Leach (1980); Bruyns as to stem morphology. The genus is divided as fol-
(1995b). D: Namibia, Botswana, RSA. Etym: Lat. lows:
‘tri-’, three-; and Lat. ‘dens, dentis’, tooth; referr
f ing
[1] Sect. Tridentea: Tu
T of the stems not conspicu-
to the frequent
f ly 3-toothed intrastaminal corona
ously thickened; L rudiments ≤ 1 (-1.5) cm; Cl
unicoloured or inconspicuously blotched, inside
Small perennial stem succulents; stems procumb-
rough and roughly papillose; Ci lobes deeply
ent-erect, basally freely branched (rarely from fur-
3-parted; Cs lobes with a dorsal appendage;
ther up), clustered and fforming compact clumps,
Poll often much longer than broad.
rarely weakly rhizomatous, (2-) 5 - 15 (-20) × (0.7-)
[2] Sect. Parvip
i unctia L. C. Leach 1980: Tu
T of the
1 - 2 (-2.5) cm, softly fleshy, obtusely 4-angled,
stems conspicuously thickened, stems often
f in-
sides flat or slightly convex, conspicuously longitu-
conspicuously divided into oblong sections; L
dinally grooved, glabrous (rarely young weakly
rudiments ≤ 5 mm; Cl blotched, sometimes with
roughened to delicately hairy), glossy, edible (taste
dark margins, inside papillose to ± smooth; Ci
lettuce-like); Tu large, obtuse, rectangular, acutely
lobes simple, bifid or 3-parted; Cs lobes often
tapering, those of young stems with 1.5 - 10 mm
without a dorsal appendage; Poll broadly D-
long L rudiments, these subulate, horizontally
spreading, glabrous, rapidly caducous, leaving a
conspicuous slightly raised whitish scar, basally
(sometimes also scattered along the margins of the T dwequensis (C. A. Lückhoff)
T. f L. C. Leach (Ex-
L rudiments towards the tip) with clusters of 1 to celsa Tax. Ser. 2: 35-37, ills., 1980). T [neo]: RSA,

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Tridentea

Northern Cape (Hardy d 738 [PRE]). − D: S and SW the tube), densely papillose, papillae apically ±
Namibia, RSA (Northern Cape). I: Bruyns (1995b: without Bri, margins of the Cl lobes ± densely
197, 199). Fig. XLVII.d hairy, Ha white to dark purple, ± 3 mm, ± clavate or
≡ Stapelia dwequensis C. A. Lückhoff (1937). simple, vibratile, weak, straight or slightly undulate,
[2] Stems rarely branched towards the tips, in often
f mixed; Cn yellow, with strong dark purple
cultivation with weak rhizomatose tendency, grey- pattern; Ci lobes ± 8 × 2.5 mm, basally ± square,
green, ± robust, to 7.5 × basally 1.5 cm; L rudiments longitudinally grooved, deeply 3-parted, middle ap-
≤ 2.5 mm, without stipular rudiments; peduncle pendage ± 5 mm, ± narrowly triangular, apically ac-
short; Ped 3 cm; Sep ± 4 × 1.5 mm; Cl inside pale utely tapering, frequent
f ly variably toothed, ofte
f n
yellow or cream-coloured, dotted to blotched with also asymmetrically bifid, lateral appendages ± 2.5
purple, ± 3.5 cm ∅, campanulate; Cl tube ± 1.4 cm, mm, subulate, widely diverging; Cs lobes ± 6 mm,
completely embracing the Cn, margin with 5 dorsal appendage ± 2 mm, often wing-like, laterally
grooves that start at the base of the Cl lobes, with- fflattened, erectly spreading, apically truncate or
out annulus-like thickening; Cl lobes ± 1.1 × 1.2 cm, irrgularly toothed; Anth touching each other api-
slightly curved outwards, inside densely wrinkled- cally-marginally, wings rather long; Poll orange-
papillose (esp. towards the tips, confluent towards brown, ± 0.65 - 0.7 × 0.35 - 0.4 mm, germination
the tube), papilla-Ha delicate, rather short, margins crest ± 0.35 mm.
of the Cl lobes basally sometimes with few small Closely related to T
T. pachyrrh
r iza.
clavate Ha; Cn black; Ci lobes 6 - 6.5 (-8) mm,
linear-lanceolate, lower parts of the margins broa- T jucunda (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Trans. Rho-
dened wing-like, fof lded upwards; Cs lobes ≤ 1 cm, desia Sci. Assoc. 59(1): 3, 1978). T [lecto]: RSA,
basally 1.25 mm broad, slender towards the tips, tips Northern Cape (Pillans 644 [BOL]). − D: Namibia,
transparent, obtuse or clavate, without dorsal ap- RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape, Free State). I:
pendage; Poll ± 0.6 × 0.4 mm. Meve (1988); Bruyns (1995b: 196). Fig. XLVII.e
Closely related to T.
T jucunda
d . ≡ Stapelia jucunda
d N. E. Brown (1909); incl. Tri-
dentea jucunda var. jucunda d ; incl. Stapelia jucunda
T gemmiflora
T. f (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. eficiens N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Tridentea
var. def T ju-
Succ., 34, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Sta- cunda
d var. deficiens (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath
pel. Nov. t. 15, 1797. − D: RSA (Mpumalanga?, (1993); incl. Stapelia cincta Marloth (1913) ≡ Tri-
Free State, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape). I:
F dentea jucunda var. cincta (Marloth) L. C. Leach
Bruyns (1995b: 193, 195). (1980); incl. Stapa elia dinteri A. Berger (1914) ≡
≡ Stapelia gemmififlora Masson (1797); incl. Sta- T
Tridentea jucunda var. dinteri (A. Berger) L. C.
pelia hircosa Jacquin (1806) ≡ Stapelia gemmifl f ora Leach (1980); incl. Stap a elia ausana Dinter & A.
var. hircosa (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Triden- Berger (1928); incl. Stapelia dinteri var. capensis
tea gemmiflf ora
r var. hircosa (Jacquin) P. V. Heath C. A. Lückhoff (1938) (nom. inval., Art. 36.1); incl.
t ia Haworth (1812) ≡
(1993); incl. Tridentea styg Stapelia dinteri var. pseudocapensis C. A. Lückhoff
Stapelia styg
t ia (Haworth) Schultes (1820); incl. (1938) (nom. inval., Art. 36.1).
a elia hircola Poiret (1817); incl. Tri
T dentea mo- [2] Stems rarely branched towards the tips, grey-
schata hort. ex Haworth (1819) (nom. inval., Art. green, rather stout, to 7.5 × basally 1.5 cm; L rudi-
32.1c) ≡ Stapelia moschata (hort ex Haworth) ments ± 5 mm; peduncle erect or spreading; Ped ≤ 3
Schultes (1820) (nom. nud.); incl. Stapelia hircosa cm; Sep ± 2.5 × 1.75 mm, or ± 4 × 2 mm, then
var. densa N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Stapelia gemmifl i o- narrowly triangular; Cl outside sometimes spotted
ra var. densa (N. E. Brown) N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ with dark purple, inside cream-coloured, ± densely
Tridentea gemmiiflorra var. densa (N. E. Brown) P.
T spotted with purple-brown, 2 - 3.5 cm ∅, lobes with
V. Heath (1993). broad purple-brown margins, sometimes curved
[1] Stems in large clumps, pale green to green- outwards, intermediate lobes obtuse, inside ±
ish-grey, ± 7 × ± 1.5 cm, stubby; Tu
T porrect; L rudi- smooth, rarely weakly papillose, margins of the
ments ≤ 1 cm, stipular rudiments ≤ 2.5 mm; Fl of lobes ciliate, with vibratile clavate purple Ha; Ci
each Inf usually opening in quick succession; ped- lobes ± 2.5 - 3 × 1 mm, simple, ± narrowly triangu-
uncle 1 - 2 (-4) cm, robust, long-tappering, some- lar, weakly longitudinally grooved, rarely ± rectan-
times sessile; Ped < 5 cm, ascending or spreading; gular or ± deeply bifid; Cs lobes 4 - 5 mm, apically
Sep ± 5 - 6 × 2.5 - 3 mm, sometimes with few short long-attenuate, filiform
f , sometimes with weak dor-
stout colourless Ha; Cl outside dotted with purple sal bulge; Poll ± 0.5 - 0.6 × 0.3 - 0.4 mm.
around the Sep, lobes apically brownish, inside pale Closely related to TT. dwequensis.
yellow, irregularly spotted with purple, 4.5 - 10 cm
∅, Cn sunken for 3⁄4; Cl lobes broadly dark- T. marientalensis (Nel) L. C. Leach (Trans. Rhode-
margined, 3.5 × ± 3 cm, margins crenate, abruptly sia Sci. Assoc. 59(1): 3, 1978). T [neo]: Namibia
folded upwards and inwards, basally transitional (Leistner 1819 [PRE, KMG]). − D: Namibia, RSA.
into intermediate lobes, inside grooved, ± strongly I: Bruyns (1995b: 193-195).
wrinkled labyrinth-like (± concentrically around ≡ Stapelia marientalensis Nel (1935).

Tridentea Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

T. marientalensis ssp. albipilosa (Giess) L. C. low, densely blotched with reddish to ± black, ≤ 7.5
Leach (Excelsa Tax. Ser. 2: 22, ill., 1980). T: Na- cm ∅, convexly bulging, without annulus-like
mibia (Giess 10262 [WIND, M, PRE]). − D: S Na- thickening; Cl lobes ± 2.5 × 2.5 cm, curved out-
mibia (Karasberge). Fig. XLVII.f wards, margins ≤ 1.5 mm abruptly folded upwards,
≡ Stap
a elia albipi ilosa Giess (1974) ≡ Tridentea fleshy, crenate, curly, inside densely wrinkled-
marientalensis var. albip i ilosa (Giess) P. V. Heath papillose, papillae ± without apical Bri, margins of
(1993). the Cl lobes densely hairy, clavate Ha dark purple,
[1] Differs
f ffrom ssp. marientalensis: Cl yellow- ± 3 mm, vibratile; Ci lobes 4 mm, 3-parted, middle
ish to cream-coloured, campanulate to bowl-shaped, appendage ± 2 mm, margins thickened, strongly in-
± the upper ⁄2 of the lobes reddish to blackish; Cl
curved and form
f ing a groove, lateral appendages ±
tube ± asymmetrically cup-shaped with the side to- 0.5 mm, basal part ± square, slightly concave; Cs
wards the ground longer, inside densely hairy, Ha lobes ≤ 7 mm, dorsal appendage ± 2 mm, laterally
white, long. fflattened, wing-like, erectly spreading, apically nar-
Specimens from SE of the Karasberge are ± in- rower; Poll 0.5 - 0.55 × 0.3 mm; Se 9 × 6 mm (ex-
termediate between the two subspecies, and the tremely large).
complex is perhaps better treated as a single vari- Closely related to T
T. gemmifflora
r .
able species. (Bruyns 1995b).
T parvipuncta (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Trans.
T marientalensis ssp. marientalensis − D: S and
T. Rhodesia Sci. Assoc. 59(1): 3, 1978). T: RSA, Nor-
SE Namibia, Botswana, RSA (Northern Cape). r s.n. [K]). − D: RSA. I: Bruyns
thern Cape (Barkly
Incl. Stapelia auobensis Nel (1937) ≡ Tri T dentea (1995b: 194, 197).
marientalensis var. auobensis (Nel) P. V. Heath ≡ Stap
a elia parvipi uncta
t N. E. Brown (1890); incl.
(1993). Stap
a elia parvip i unctata K. Schumann (s.a.) (nom.
[1] Stems apically tapering to 15 cm; L rudi- inval., Art. 32.1c).
ments ± 1.2 cm; Inf sometimes 1-flowered, near the
stem base; peduncle ≤ 10 cm, long-attenuate, Fl
frequently decumbent, with horse-like scent; Ped T parvipuncta ssp. parvipuncta − D: RSA (Nor-
usually > 7 (10 - 13) cm, sometimes delicately rou- thern Cape, Western Cape).
ghened; Sep 6 - 7 × ± 2 mm; Cl inside centrally Incl. Stapelia parvipuncta
t var. parvipunct
i ta ; incl.
weakly yellowish, otherwise reddish to blackish, ± T dentea parvip
Tri i uncta var. parvipuncta
t .
5 - 7.5 cm ∅, lobes 1.8 - 2.5 × ± 1.25 cm, frequently [2] Stems rarely branched towards the tips, grey-
widely recurved, inside ± densely papillose, papil- green, rather robust, to 7.5 × basally 1.5 cm; L rudi-
lae apically with a Ha or long Bri, white, slightly ments ± 3 (-5) mm; peduncle spreading; Fl fr f e-
clavate, Bri ± 5× as long as the papillae, margins of quently decumbent; Ped ± 6 cm; Sep ± 3 × 1.25
the Cl lobes hairy, clavate Ha white, pink, purple mm, ± narrowly triangular; Cl outside dotted with
(sometimes colours mixed), very long, vibratile; Ci purple-brown, inside pale cream-coloured to green-
lobes ± 6 × 1.5 mm, deeply 3-parted (sometimes bi- ish, with raised purple-brown dots, central depres-
fid), middle appendage ± 5 mm, usually ± truncate, sion embracing the Cn; Cl lobes sometimes with
apically irregularly bluntly dentate, lateral append- narrow purple-brown margin, ≤ 1 × ± 1.2 cm,
ages ± 3.5 mm, acutely pointed, ascending, weakly slightly bulging outwards, intermediate lobes small,
longitudinally canaliculate, basally ± square, mar- tooth-like, inside weakly and irregularly wrinkled,
gins basally incurved; Cs lobes ± 3.5 mm, apically ± not papillose, margins of the Cl lobes hairy, Ha
f lcate, dorsal appendage 1 × 0.6 mm, laterally flat-
fa purple, simple or ± clavate; Ci lobes 2 - 3 mm, usu-
tened, wing-like, erectly spreading, acutely taper- ally deeply bifid, appendages subulate, widely di-
ing, tip irregularly dentate; Poll ± 0.6 × 0.3 mm. verging and curved outwards; Cs lobes ± pointed,
usually not surpassing the Anth, sometimes meeting
T pachyrrhiza (Dinter) L. C. Leach (Excelsa Tax.
T. in the centre, at times dorsally weakly bulging; Poll
Ser. 2: 14, ills. (p. 15), 1980). T [neo]: Namibia ± 0.5 × 0.3 mm.
(Dinter 6491 [SAM, BOL, G, GRA, KMG, M,
PRE]). − D: S Namibia (Namib Desert); RSA T. parvipuncta ssp. truncata (C. A. Lückhoff) f
(Northern Cape: Richtersveld; North-West Prov.). Bruyns (SAJB 61(4): 194, fig. 18 (p. 197), 1995).
I: Bruyns (1995b: 193). T: RSA, Northern Cape (HallH s.n. in NBG 229/56
≡ Stapelia pachyrr
h rhiza Dinter (1923); incl. Sta- [NBG]). − D: RSA (Northern Cape, Western
pelia umbonata Pillans (1928). Cape).
[1] Plants ± 50 cm ∅; stems stubby, ± 1.5 cm ∅; ≡ Stap
a elia parvip
i uncta
t var. truncata
t C. A. Lück-
T raised, obtuse; L rudiments < 2 mm; Fl of each
Tu hoff (1937) ≡ Tridentea parvip i uncta
t var. truncata
Inf opening in quick succession (sometimes 2 or 3 (C. A. Lückhoff)f L. C. Leach (1980); incl. Triden-
simultaneously open); peduncle short, robust, poin- tea pusilla R. Frandsen (1993).
ted; Ped usually < 5 × ± 0.5 cm; Sep ± 7 × 4 mm, [2] Differs
f ffrom ssp. parvipuncta: Margins of the
ovate-lanceolate; Cl outside brown-red, inside yel- Cl lobes glabrous; Ci lobes rectangular, ± truncate.

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Tromostapelia

T peculiaris (C. A. Lückhoff) L. C. Leach (Trans.

Rhodesia Sci. Assoc. 59(1): 4, 1978). T [neo]:
B. Müller & F. Albers
RSA, Western Cape (Lückhoff f 280 [BOL]). − D:
RSA (Western Cape: Little Namaqualand, Kners- ×Tromostapelia P. V. Heath (Calyx 1(1): 21,
vlakte). I: Bruyns (1995b: 196-197, 199). 1992).
≡ Stap
a elia peculiaris C. A. Lückhoff
f (1938). Incl. ×Gonotriche P. V. Heath (1992).
[2] Stems tapering towards the tips, rhizomatous, r motriche × Stap
= Tro a elia.
grey-green, basally 2 cm ∅; L rudiments ≤ 3 mm;
Inf sometimes 1-flowered; peduncle short; Ped ≤ The fo
f llowing names are of unresolved applica-
2.5 cm; Sep ± 3 mm; Cl reddish-brown, sometimes tion but are referre
f a elia ×bella
d to this genus: Stap
spotted with greenish, brown or dull purple, 3 - 4 A. Berger (pro
p sp. s ) (1902) ≡ ×Gonotriche bella (A.
cm ∅, with ± thick and usually paler annulus ar- Berger) P. V. Heath (1992); Stap a elia ×cup
u ularis N.
ound the Cn; Cl lobes ± 1.25 × 1.4 cm, margins in E. Brown (p p sp.) (1897) ≡ ×Tromostapelia muta-
part basally fof lded inwards, inside densely papil- bilis var. cupularis (N. E. Brown) P. V. Heath
lose, papillae in part or completely confluent, api- (1992); Stapelia ×maculosa Donn (p (pro
p sp.) (1804)
cally ffree, apical Bri dark, small (esp. at the lobe ≡ Orbea ×maculosa (Donn pro sp.) Haworth (1812)
tips and in the Fl centre), margins of the Cl lobes ≡ ×Gonostap a elia maculosa (Donn) P. V. Heath
hairy, clavate Ha purple, ± 1.5 mm, vibratile; Cn (1992).
f y bowl-shaped; Ci lobes ± 2 × 2 mm, conspicu-
ously 3-parted, margins of the middle appendage
thickened, slightly incurved and fforming a longitu- TROMOTRICHE
dinal groove, apically obtuse or irregularly crenate,
B. Müller & F. Albers
lateral appendages ± 1 mm, ± laterally diverging;
Cs lobes (narrowly) ovate-acute, not surpassing the Tromotriche Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ., 36,
Anth, with ± weak dorsal bulge; Anth apically ob- 1812). T: Stapa elia revoluta
t Masson [Lectotype, de-
tusely broadened, not overlapping; Poll ± 0.6 × signated by L. C. Leach, J. South Afr. Bot. 48: 425-
0.4 mm. 426, 1982.]. − Lit: Leach (1984); Bruyns (1995b).
D: S Namibia, NW and SW RSA. Etym: Gr. ‘tro-
T virescens (N. E. Brown) L. C. Leach (Trans.
T. mos’, trembling; and Gr. ‘thrix, trichos’, hair; refer
f -
Rhodesia Sci. Assoc. 59(1): 3, 1978). − D: S Nami- ring to the vibratile corolla hairs of some taxa.
bia, N RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape). I: Incl. Caruncularia Haworth (1812). T: Stap a elia
Eggli (1994: 182); Bruyns (1995b: 194, 196). Fig. pedunculatat Masson [Lectotype, designated by L.
XLVL II.g C. Leach, Excelsa Tax. Ser. 2: 4, 1980].
≡ Stapelia virescens N. E. Brown (1890); incl. Stems decumbent-erect to ascending, ± clustered
a elia aurea Dinter (1928). and basally branched, sometimes in compact tufts, f
[1] Stems with rounded Ri; L rudiments ≤ 1 cm, sometimes rhizomatous with distant aerial Br, ra-
without stipular rudiments; Inf usually many- rely stems pendent or creeping, ± 5 - 300 × 0.6 - 2.5
fflowered, flowering several times; peduncle (when cm, obtusely 4- (to 6-) ribbed; Tu T inconspicuous
present) ≤ 4.5 cm, robust, erect; Fl strongly excre- and stems therefore sometimes with ± mosaic-like
ment-scented; Ped ≤ 8 cm; Sep 2.5 - 4 × ± 1.25 mm, surface, ± cylindrical, old Tu apically mostly with a
sometimes weakly ciliate, Ha weakly clavate; Cl yellow-brown cork layer, mostly without L and sti-
uniformly pale greenish-yellow or yellow, 2.5 - 3 pular rudiments, or L rudiments when present
cm ∅, deeply incised, Cn sunken for 1⁄2; Cl lobes ± small, deltoid, with lateral stipular rudiments; Inf 1-
0.8 - 1.2 × 0.7 - 0.8 cm, broadly lanceolate, margins to few-flowered with successive development,
outcurved, apically obtuse, inside densely papillose mostly scattered along the stems from the lateral
and wrinkled, papillae conspicuously raised, only f
furrows; peduncle short, stout, tapered, ± lump-like,
apically free, apical Bri minute, margins of the Cl elongating with time; Ped (0.6-) 1 - 19 cm, spread-
lobes very rarely hairy, Ha white, simple, some- ing to ascending, glabrous; Sep 5, acute, thickly
times very weak; Cn very shallowly bowl-shaped; fleshy, glabrous; Cl (1.2-) 1.5 - 7 cm ∅, inverted
Ci lobes ± 3 mm, deeply 3-parted, middle append- saucer-shaped, flat or tubular-campanulate, deeply
age much larger and longer than the widely diver- (rarely shallowly) incised, ± 5-angular, thickened
gent lateral appendages, apically entire or ± near the tube base, mostly ascending into an
toothed, inside concave; Cs lobes ± 3.5 mm, fili- inwards-directed annulus; Cl lobes ± ovate, acute,
form, dorsal appendage ± 2 mm, laterally flattened, mostly widely spreading, sometimes with interme-
wing-like, ± narrowly triangular; nectar cavity ± diate lobes as in Huern
H ia, inside frequent
f ly rugose,
obtusely triangular; Poll ± 0.53 × 0.33 mm. mostly ± densely papillose, margins often with cla-
vate Ha; Cn biseriate, glabrous, ± conspicuously
stipitate, foot 5-angled; Ci lobes ascending or hori-
zontally spreading, fuse
f d basally or laterally with
the Cs lobes to fform a cup-shaped structure; Cs

Tromotriche Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

lobes incumbent on the Anth, commonly much [2] Stems spreading to ascending, sometimes ho-
overtopping the Anth, basally flattened, apical ap- rizontal, conical, 5 - 7.5 × (basally) 1 cm, young
pendage frequent
f ly cylindrical or clavate, ascend- parts commonly ± distinctly finely roughened; Inf
ing above the Sty head, tip often ± papillate, lower 1-flowered near the stem base, opening in long in-
⁄2 often with a dorsal appendage, this often laterally tervals; Ped ≤ 14 cm, slender, normally rather weak
compressed, deltoid to clavate or horn- or wing- and ± creeping; Sep ≤ ± 5 mm, sometimes finely
like, mostly shorter than the apical appendage; roughened; Cl outside pale green, dotted chestnut-
Anth short, ± rectangular, without apical append- brown, inside normally brown or green (often red
age, incumbent on the Sty head, partly thickened, around the Cn, sometimes white or pink), to ± 4 cm
laterally broadened towards the tip, apically ∅, ± conical; Cl tube small, cup-shaped, completely
meeting one another; entry to the nectar cavity enclosing the Cn, wrinkles on the tube margin and
mostly small, narrowly oblong-elliptic; Poll ± 0.3 - basal 1⁄2 of Cl lobes commonly whitish, apically dar-
0.5 (-0.7) × 0.15 - 0.5 mm, ± round to ellipsoid or ker; Cl lobes (often
f widely) spreading, inside finely
D-shaped, corpuscle ± 2× as long as broad, transla- pubescent, outside sometimes indistinctly rou-
tors ± long, slender, apically ± acute, wings short, ghened; Ci lobes with deep pouches, laterally ±
broad; Fr ± 6 - 10 cm, fusiform, paired, glabrous, strongly fusef d with the dorsal sides of the Cs to
smooth, widely divergent; Se > 2× as long as broad, fform a cup-like structure, inside wrinkled, apically
strongly convex, ± narrowly ovate, margins papillose, strongly crenate, margins dentate, some-
strongly thickened, bent inwards. times apically with a dentate appendage bent out-
Bruyns (1995b) postulates a close relationship to wards; Cs lobes very variable in length, simple,
T dentea and Stap
Tri a elia. The genus can be divided as apically clavate or clavate-spatulate, erectly conni-
follows: vent, apically papillate, dorsally with a broad irre-
gularly papillose crest, rarely with a dorsal bulge,
[1] Sect. Tromotric
T he: Stems pendent, creeping or
sometimes as appendage; entry to the nectar cavity
rhizomatous; L rudiments (when present) deli-
f large, broadly transversely elliptic; Poll ± 0.3
cate, deltoid, with stipular rudiments; Cl in-
- 0.4 mm, ± broadly D-shaped.
verted saucer-shaped, tube flatly bowl-shaped,
Closely related to T. umdausensis.
or tubular-campanulate; Ci lobes longer than
the Cs lobes, simple or bifid, tips strongly thi-
T baylissii (L. C. Leach) Bruyns (SAJB 61(4): 206,
ckened; apical appendage of the Cs lobes cy-
fig. 28 (p. 203), 1995). T: RSA, Eastern Cape
lindrical, tips often thickened, mostly with a
(Leach & Bayliss 13617 [PRE, K, NBG, SRGH]). −
dorsal appendage; Anth not broadened and not
D: RSA (Eastern Cape). Fig. XLVIII.a
meeting one another.
≡ Stapelianthus baylissii L. C. Leach (1968) ≡
[2] Sect. Caruncu
C laria (Haworth) Bruyns 1995:
T dentea baylissii (L. C. Leach) L. C. Leach
Stems ± clustered, erect (sometimes creeping),
(1978); incl. T Tridentea baylissii var. baylissii; incl.
without L and stipular rudiments; Cl flat to
Tridentea baylissii var. ciliata L. C. Leach (1980).
doubly campanulate; Ci lobes much shorter
[1] Stems pendent ffrom rocks, to 3 m, in cultiva-
than the Cs lobes, simple, spreading or laterally
tion rhizomatous, rarely branching over the whole
fused with the Cs to form a cup, margins esp.
length, ≤ 1.5 cm ∅, very rarely 6-ribbed, sides ±
near the tips frequently crenate, tips not thi-
flat, furrows insignificant with age; Inf 1-flowered;
ckened; Cs lobes short, simple or with an apical
peduncle 2.5 - 3 mm; Ped ≤ 1.3 cm; Sep 2.5 - 3 mm;
appendage, this cylindrical, elongating over the
Cl outside purple-rose, inside red-purple, campanu-
Sty head, tips clavate, mostly with a dorsal
late, 1.2 - 1.5 × 1.2 - 1.3 cm; Cl lobes apically dar-
appendage; Anth laterally broadened, tips
ker, ± 5 × 7.5 mm, ascending to widely spreading,
meeting one another, sometimes imbricate.
outside sometimes indistinctly roughened; Cl tube
Natural hybrids have been reported with species inside ± strongly transversely wrinkled, lobes reti-
of the genus Stap a elia (= ×Tromostap
a elia) as well as culately wrinkled, mouth of tube sometimes papil-
the combination Tromotric
T he ruschiana × Hoodia lose, margins of the Cl lobes basally sometimes
officina lis ssp. delaetiana. hairy; Cn dark purple, ≤ 7.5 mm; Ci lobes large and
broad, conspicuously spreading-ascending, inside
T aperta (Masson) Bruyns (SAJB 61: 208, 1995).
T. doubly keeled, apically 3-dentate, middle tooth
T: RSA, Northern Cape (Masson s.n. [lecto − ico- smaller or larger than the lateral teeth; Cs lobes ±
no: Masson, Stapel. Nov. t. 37, 1797]). − D: S Na- 5.5 mm, apically cylindrical, slightly thickened and
mibia, RSA (NW Northern Cape). I: Bruyns papillate, ascending over the Sty head, then diver-
(1995b: 205, 208). Fig. XLVII.h gent-spreading, dorsal appendage to ± 3 mm, la-
≡ Stap
a elia ap t Masson (1797) ≡ Orbea aaperta
a erta terally strongly flattened, horn- or wing-like; Poll ±
(Masson) Sweet (1827) ≡ Caruncularia ap a erta 0.5 mm, narrowly ellipsoid (to triangular); Fr ≤
(Masson) Sweet (1830) ≡ Caralluma ap a erta
t (Mas- 6 cm.
son) N. E. Brown (1890) ≡ Tri
T dentea aperta
t (Mas- Closely related to TT. choanantha.
son) L. C. Leach (1978).

B. Müller & F. Albers Asclepiadaceae Tromotriche

T choanantha (Lavranos & Hall) Bruyns (SAJB

T. tips spreading, crenate; Cs glossy purple-black, ra-
61(4): 204, fig. 27 (p. 202), 1995). T: RSA, We- rely paler, lobes ± 4.5 mm, apically cylindrical,
H ll 2579 [BOL]). − D: RSA (Western
stern Cape (Ha very strongly thickened (inflated), ± 1.75 mm ∅,
Cape: Little Karoo). I: FPA 37: t. 1459, 1965, as tips smooth, meeting one another and erect, then di-
a elianthus . Fig. XLV
L III.b vergent, dorsal appendage laterally flattened, horn-
≡ Stap
a elia choanantha Lavranos & Hall (1964) ≡ like, apically thickened; Anth lemon-yellow; Poll
Stapelianthus choananthus (Lavranos & Hall) R. A. orange, ± 0.6 - 0.7 × 0.4 - 0.5 mm, germination
Dyer (1965) ≡ TriT dentea choanantha (Lavranos & mouth conspicuously raised but short.
Hall) L. C. Leach (1978).
[1] Stems often
f pendent ffrom rocks or rarely in T longii (C. A. Lückhoff) Bruyns (SAJB 61(4):
part underground between gravel, poorly branched, 204, fig. 26 (p. 201), 1995). T: RSA, Eastern Cape
to 3 m, ≤ 1.5 cm ∅; Inf 1-flowered, mostly near the (Leach & Bayliss 15680 [SRGH, K, PRE]). − D:
stem base; Ped ± 1 cm; Sep ± 3.5 mm, sometimes RSA (Eastern Cape). Fig. XLVIII.c
very slightly roughened like the Ped; Cl outside ba- ≡ Stapelia longii C. A. Lückhoff (1935) ≡ Tri
T den-
sally rose-coloured, towards the tips and inside tea longii (C. A. Lückhoff) L. C. Leach (1978).
red-purple, tubular-campanulate, tube ± 1.5 × 1.1 [1] Stems pendent from rocks, to 30 × 0.6 - 0.7
cm; Cl lobes ± 6 × 7 mm, erect to widely spreading, cm, young finely roughened; Tu T young with an ac-
sometimes slightly curved, inside ± smooth, ute tooth to ± 1 mm, spreading, sometimes con-
velvet-like glossy; Cn red-brown; Ci lobes ± 2 - 3 torted; Inf 1-flowered; peduncle short, ffrom the Tu
mm, distinctly spreading-ascending, inside longitu- side (not ffrom the furrows
f ); Bra 1.5 mm, acute,
dinally canaliculate, apically 3-dentate, middle canaliculate; Ped ± 1 - 4 × 0.15 cm, sometimes
tooth smaller and shorter than the lateral teeth; Cs slightly roughened; Sep ± 3 mm; Cl outside dull
lobes ± 5 mm, apically cylindrical and filiform, er- green, inside yellowish- to reddish-brown (centrally
ect, apically indistinctly wrinkled, sometimes clo- paler), 2 - 2.5 cm ∅, occasionally shallowly bowl-
sely meeting and forming a slender column above shaped, central sunken area ± 0.75 mm; Cl lobes 7 -
the Sty head, dorsal appendage laterally flattened, 8 × 7 - 8 mm, like the margins slightly revolute,
horn-like, ± erect; Poll 0.45 - 0.5 × 0.15 - 0.2 mm, ± intermediate lobes strongly reduced, sometimes
erect, somewhat covered by the Ci; Fr to ± 10 cm. more prominent, outside sometimes slightly finely
Closely related to T. baylissii. roughened, inside ± smooth or very indistinctly
concentrically wrinkled, basal 1⁄2 of the margins of
T herrei (Nel) Bruyns (SAJB 61(4): 208, fig. 34
T. the lobes hairy, clavate Ha dark purple, ± 2 mm,
(p. 207), 1995). T [neo]: RSA, Northern Cape vibratile; Ci lobes ± 2.5 mm, spreading-ascending,
(Herre s.n. [STE 1571]). − D: RSA (Northern oblong-rectangular, basally with thickened lateral
Cape). ribs, apically divided with obtuse papillate globose
≡ Stap
a elia herrei Nel (1933) ≡ TriT dentea herrei tips; Cs lobes ± 2 mm, cylindrical, apically strongly
(Nel) L. C. Leach (1978); incl. Stapelia tigrina Nel thickened, papillate, meeting one another and erect,
(1933) (nom. illeg., Art. 52.1); incl. Stap
a elia nelia- dorsal appendage laterally flattened, horn-like, api-
na A. C. White & B. Sloane (1937) ≡ Tri T dentea her- cally thickened, spreading outwards; Anth obtusely
rei var. neliana (A. C. White & B. Sloane) P. V. emarginate, dorsally winged; Poll ± 0.5 × 0.35 mm,
Heath (1993). oblong-ellipsoid, ascending.
[2] Stems compact, apically tapering and rarely
branched, basally shortly decumbent-erect, pale T longipes (C. A. Lückhoff) Bruyns (SAJB 61(4):
grey-green, 7 - 12 × (basally) ≤ 1.6 cm, very bluntly 208, fig. 33: B-D,F (p. 206), 1995). T: Namibia
ribbed, rarely distinctly 6-ribbed, sometimes finely (Rusch s.n. [BOL 31684]). − D: S Namibia, RSA
roughened; Inf 1- to few-
f flowered, normally fro
f m (Northern Cape). Fig. XLV L III.d
young stem parts (sometimes along the whole stem ≡ Stapelia longipes C. A. Lückhoff (1934) ≡ Tri-
length); peduncle persistent, often
f lacking; Ped to ± dentea longipes (C. A. Lückhoff) f L. C. Leach
3 (-4.5) cm, erect or ascending, often finely (1980); incl. Stapelia longipes var. namaquensis C.
roughened; Sep ± 4 × 1.25 mm, ± narrowly triangu- A. Lückhoff (1937) ≡ Tridentea longipes var. nama-
lar; Cl outside pale green with darker venation, quensis (C. A. Lückhoff)f P. V. Heath (1993).
lobes brownish, inside brownish, purple, green or [2] Forming clusters to 40 cm ∅; stems apically
red-brown, shallowly doubly campanulate, wrinkles tapering, spreading to ascending (rarely horizontal),
white or cream-coloured; Cl tube basally oftenf red rooting when touching the ground, ± 5 - 12 × (ba-
or cream-coloured, to ± 2.5 cm ∅, short, bowl- sally) ≤ 2 cm, ± finely roughened; L rudiments
shaped or basally urceolate, closely embracing the (when present) very delicate; Inf several-flowered,
Cn; Cl lobes ± 2.5 × 1.5 cm, convex, margins Fl opening in succession; peduncle very short; Ped
strongly bulging outwards, sometimes with interme- 3 - 19 cm, first erect, then elongating and decum-
diate lobes like Huerni
H a, outside sometimes finely bent, apically often ± bumpy; Sep 3 - 4 × 1.5 mm,
roughened; Ci orange-brown, lobes ± 2.5 × 2 mm, narrowly triangular; Cl outside pale green, irregu-
oblong, obtuse, ascending, apically canaliculate, larly spotted with purple, inside purple, with broad

Tromotriche Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

whitish wrinkles, ± 3 - 7 cm ∅, ± fflat, deeply lobes ± 2 mm, ± rectangular, ascending, inside lon-
incised; Cl tube ± 2 mm, shallowly funne
f l-shaped, gitudinally canaliculate, apically obtuse, retuse or ±
closely embracing the Cn; Cl lobes apically red or acute, often crenate; Cs glossy black or often brown
(dark) brown, margins somewhat revolute, outside (or bicoloured), lobes apically cylindrical (clavate
sometimes finely roughened, tube inside basally to spatulate), strongly thickened, papillate, meeting
smooth, margins of the Cl lobes basally densely one another and erect, dorsal appendage laterally
f , Ha ± 2.5 mm, fusiform or slender-
hairy in tufts flattened, horn-like, apically thickened; Poll ± 0.6 ×
clavate, usually acute; Ci (pale) brown, lobes small, 0.4 mm, ± ovoid, germination mouth ± 0.3 mm.
ascending, apically shortly spreading, emarginate or Closely related to T. longipes and T
T. ruschiana. T.
sometimes ± bifid, crenate or sometimes irregularly pedunculatat in the sense of Dyer (1962) is T T. lon-
bumpy, inside longitudinally canaliculate; Cs gipes according to Bruyns (1995b).
glossy black, red-brown or yellow-brown, dorsal
appendage sometimes differently coloured, lobes T revoluta (Masson) Haworth (Synops. Pl. Succ.,
apically cylindrical (spatulate), strongly thickened, 36, 1812). T: [lecto − icono]: Masson, Stapel. Nov.
papillate, erect and meeting one another, dorsal ap- t. 10, 1796. − D: RSA (Western Cape). I: Bruyns
pendage laterally flattened, horn-like, apically thi- (1995b: 200, 203). Fig. XLV L III.f
ckened and papillate; Poll 0.55 - 0.6 × 0.45 mm, ≡ Stap
a elia revoluta
t Masson (1796); incl. Stapa elia
germination mouth ± 0.3 mm, ± erect, translator ≤ f
fuscatta Jacquin (1806) ≡ Tromotric
T he fuscata (Jac-
0.4 mm. quin) Haworth (1819) ≡ Stapelia revoluta var. fus f -
Closely related to T. pedunculata t and T. T ru- t (Jacquin) N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Tromotriche
schiana. revoluta
t var. fuscata
f (Jacquin) P. V. Heath (1993);
incl. Stapelia glauca Jacquin (1809) ≡ Tromotriche
T pedunculata (Masson) Haworth (SAJB 61: 208,
T. glauca (Jacquin) Haworth (1812); incl. Stap a elia po-
1995). T: RSA, Western Cape (Masson s.n. [lecto tensa Hornemann (1819); incl. Stap a elia protensa
− icono: Masson, Stapel. Nov. t. 21, 1797]). − D: Hornemann (1819); incl. Stapelia tigrida Decaisne
RSA (Northern Cape, Western Cape). I: Bruyns (1844) ≡ Stap a elia revoluta
t var. tigrida (Decaisne)
(1995b: 206, 208). Fig. XLVIII.e N. E. Brown (1909) ≡ Tromotriche revoluta var.
≡ Stap
a elia pedunculata Masson (1797) ≡ Carun-
C tigrida
d (Decaisne) P. V. Heath (1993); incl. Stapelia
cularia pedunculata (Masson) Haworth (1812) ≡ revoluta
t var. glaucescens Rüst ex A. Berger (1910);
Duvalia pedunculata (Masson) Loudon (1841) ≡ incl. Stapelia glaucescens Rüst ex A. Berger (1910)
Tridentea pedunculata
t (Masson) L. C. Leach (nom. inval., Art. 34.1c).
(1978); incl. Caruncularia jacquinii Sweet (1830); [1] Stems few, erect, sometimes scattered over
incl. Caruncu
C laria massonii Sweet (1830); incl. large areas, rarely in clumps, rhizomatous stolons
Caruncularia pendulifl r Sweet (1830) ≡ Stapelia
f ora slender, ± cylindrical, horizontal; stems 15 - 35 cm,
i ora (Sweet) Steudel (1840); incl. Carun-
C sometimes poorly segmented; Tu small, prominent
cularia simsii Sweet (1830); incl. Stap a elia laevis and stems conspicuously 4-angled; L rudiments
Decaisne (1844). minute, ± conical, stipular rudiments conical, per-
[2] Stems apically slightly tapering, spreading to sistent, corky with age, yellow-brown; Inf 1- to 2-
ascending (rarely horizontal), laxly branched, at flowered, sessile; Ped ≤ 1.5 cm; Sep ≤ 8 mm; Cl in-
times form
f ing compact clusters, pale green (later side yellow to red-brown (centrally paler), very va-
grey-green), ± 5 - 12 × (basally) ± 1.5 cm, very riable in size, sometimes spreading to 6.8 cm ∅,
bluntly ribbed; L rudiments (when present) very incised to ± 1⁄2 and lobes completely revolute; Cl
delicate; Inf often 1-flowered, additional buds ca- tube wide, embracing the Cn partly (rarely comple-
ducous, over a long period of time; peduncle very tely), annulus strongly thickened, inside smooth,
short; Ped 4.5 - 19 cm, first erect, then elongating base of the tube papillose, margins of the Cl lobes
and often
f creeping; Sep brownish, ± 4 × 1.5 mm, ± hairy, clavate Ha purple, vibratile; Cn sometimes ±
narrowly triangular, sometimes like the Ped finely sessile; Ci brown, lobes ± rectangular, ascending or
roughened; Cl outside pale green, venation darker, horizontally spreading, bluntly bifid or usually 3-
inside dark purple-brown, ± densely spotted or toothed, sometimes ± retuse; Cs yellow, speckled
blotched with white or dark purple, ± 7 cm ∅, ± with purple, lobes apically cylindrical, tips thi-
flat, deeply incised; Cl tube ± 2 mm, shallowly ckened and papillate, meeting one another and api-
funne l-shaped, basally embracing the Cn, margin of cally reclining, dorsal appendage ≤ 4 mm, horn-
the tube and Cl lobes basally whitish (ash- like, laterally flattened, narrowly triangular, obtuse,
coloured), sometimes with faint rosy or yellowish spreading, mostly reduced to a ± small bulge; Poll
hue, usually dotted with red-brown, upper 2⁄3 of the 0.8 × 0.5 mm, broadly D-shaped.
Cl lobes olive-green, greenish-yellow, yellow- Closely related to T. thudichumii.
brown or (purple-) brown, to ± 3 × 1.6 cm, margins
strongly revolute and thus lobes appearing conical, T ruschiana (Dinter) Bruyns (SAJB 61(4): 208,
margins basally densely hairy in tufts,
f clavate Ha 1995). T [neo]: Namibia (Plowes 4988 [PRE]). −
dark purple, ≤ 2.5 mm, vibratile; Ci purple-black, D: S Namibia.

U. Meve Asclepiadaceae White-Sloanea

≡ Stapelia ruschiana Dinter (1923) ≡ Tridentea fig. 30 (p. 204), 1995). T: RSA, Northern Cape
ruschiana (Dinter) L. C. Leach (1978). H e s.n. in Stellenbosch 7068 [STE]). − D: S
[2] Forming clumps to 20 cm ∅; stems apically Namibia, NW RSA (Northern Cape).
tapering, sometimes laxly branched, basally 2 cm ≡C Caralluma umdausensis Nel (1935) ≡ Tridentea
∅, young sometimes finely roughened; Inf usually umdau
d sensis (Nel) L. C. Leach (1978).
rather close to the stem base; peduncle ≤ 4 × 0.6 cm, [2] Stems apically slightly tapering, basally
sometimes persistent and repeatedly flowering, shortly decumbent, otherwise erect, ≤ 9 × ± 1 cm;
morphologically variable; Ped irregularly longitu- Inf frequent
f ly 1-flowered; peduncle very short; Ped
dinally ribbed; Sep ± 5 × 1.5 mm, margins fre- usually rather weak and thus Fl pendent, sometimes
quently with fewf short obtuse transparent Ha; Cl slightly roughened; Sep ± 3 × 1.5 mm; Cl ± red,
4.5 cm ∅, campanulate with spreading or some- mostly radially white-lineate, campanulate with
times revolute apically darker lobes; Cl tube ± 8 - spreading ± revolute lobes; Cl tube embracing the
10 × 10 - 12 mm, cream- to sand-coloured, spotted Cn completely; Cl lobes basally mostly whitish or
with purple, elongately bowl-shaped; Cl lobes ≤ 2.5 yellowish, apically greenish-yellow or brown, ≤ 1 ×
× 1 cm, red-brown with greenish-purple, inside 0.5 cm, papillae dark purple, pink or white (some-
partly with 20 radial furrows,
f sometimes very deli- times colours mixed), outside sometimes very finely
cately pubescent, Ha ± 0.25 mm, clavate or simple, roughened; Cn purple-black to pale brown, mar-
erect, stout, margins of the lobes revolute, basally gin variably crenate-dentate; Ci lobes laterally ±
densely hairy, clavate Ha dark purple-red, ≤ 1.5 strongly united with the dorsal side of the Cs lobes;
mm, sometimes fus f iform
f ; Cn ± 8 mm; Ci yellow (- Cs short, ± ovate, apically obtuse, rarely acute, not
brown), lobes ± 3 × 1.5 mm, ascending, inside bulg- overtopping the Anth, with a dorsal appendage or
ing and concave, apically obtuse, variably crenate bulge; Anth apically emarginate, partly imbricate
or bluntly toothed; Cs glossy purple-black, lobes ± and overlapping; nectar cavity large, shallow; Poll
5 mm, apically cylindrical, strongly thickened, orange-yellow, ± 0.5 × 0.4 mm, ± broadly D-
papillate, meeting one another and erect, then di- shaped, germination mouth ± 0.3 mm, conspicu-
vergent, dorsal appendage laterally flattened, horn- ously prominent.
like, apically thickened, basally ± triangular; Poll ± Closely related to T
T. apertta.
0.6 × 0.45 mm, ± broadly elliptic, germination
mouth 0.3 mm, distinctly prominent.
Closely related to T. longipes and T. pedunculata. WHITE-SLOANEA
U. Meve
T thudichumii (Pillans) L. C. Leach (JSAB 48(3):
426, 1982). T: RSA, Northern Cape (Th T udichum White-sloanea Chiovenda (Malpighia 34: 541,
K 583/54 [BOL 26740]). − D: RSA (Nor-
s.n. in KG 1937). T: Caralluma crassa N. E. Brown. − Lit:
thern Cape: W Great Karoo). I: Bruyns (1995b: Bally & al. (1975). D: Somalia. Etym: For Alain
201, 204). Fig. XLVL III.g C. White (1880 - 1951) and Boyd L. Sloane (1886 -
≡ Stap
a elia thudichumii Pillans (1959). 1955), US-American authors of important books on
[1] Stems solitary or few together, scattered, rhi- euphorbias and asclepiads.
zomatous stolons slender, ± cylindrical, horizontal; Incl. Drakebrockmania A. C. White & B. Sloane
stems ± 10 × ≤ 1.5 cm, minutely papillose; L rudi- (1937) (nom. illeg., Art. 53.1). T: CaraC lluma
ments minute, conical, stipular rudiments conical, crassa N. E. Brown.
persistent, corky with age, yellow-brown; Inf 1- Compact 1-stemmed stem succulents; stem as-
flowered, sessile; Ped ≤ 1 cm, sometimes like the cending to erect, 4-ribbed, rectangular, 3 - 13 × 4.5
Sep finely roughened; Cl inside greenish-purple, ≤ - 5.5 cm, grey-green to pale brown, with conspicu-
3 cm ∅ (when spread out), incised for 1⁄2; Cl tube ous wax covering; Tu T small, hardly porrect, later-
shallowly bowl-shaped, inside finely pubescent, an- ally compressed, without L rudiment; Inf basal, pe-
nulus conspicuous; Cl lobes strongly revolute, duncle short, with numerous Bra, many-flowered
sometimes broader than long, margins ± transpa- but only 1 Fl open at a time; Ped 5 - 15 × 1.5 - 2
rent, flat, hairy, clavate Ha dark purple, vibratile; mm, horizontally spreading or somewhat ascending;
Ci dark brown, lobes ≤ 2.5 mm, ± rectangular, Sep lanceolate, acute, 2 - 3 mm, glabrous; Cl out-
slightly ascending, with slight longitudinal furrow, side grey, delicately spotted with reddish, inside
apically bifid; Cs pale brown, lobes apically cylind- cream-coloured, dotted and spotted with red, deeply
rical, meeting and crossing each other in the centre, f
funne l-shaped, ± 2 × 2 cm, outside glabrous, inside
or sometimes shortly ascending, tips thickened and densely covered with Ha-papilla, these semiglobose
papillate, dorsal appendage laterally flattened, to conical, apically sometimes with a Bri, Bri very
horn-like; Poll brown, D-shaped, germination acute, short and straight to long and geniculate; Cl
mouth yellow, ± 0.5 × 0.375 mm. tube 10 - 12 × 7 - 9 mm; Cl lobes triangular, acute,
Closely related to T. revoluta. 12 - 14 × 5 - 8 mm, ± spreading at an angle of 45°,
margins basally with purple clavate Ha 1.5 - 2 mm
T umdausensis (Nel) Bruyns (SAJB 61(4): 207,
T. long; Cn biseriate, shortly stipitate, deeply divided

Whitesloaniopsis Asclepiadaceae B. Müller & F. Albers

into 10 free lobes, ± 6 - 7 × 6 mm, basally whitish, XYSMALOBIUM

inside towards the tips more and more striped with
U. Meve
brown-orange and red-brown; Ci lobes red-brown,
inserted at the Gy base, ascending-erect, apically Xysmalobium R. Brown (Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist.
somewhat inflexed, 5.5 - 6.5 mm, flattened and in- Soc. 1810: 38, 1810). T: Asclepe ias undulata Linné.
ner face somewhat canaliculate, bifid to the middle, − D: Tro
T pical Africa. Etym: Gr. ‘xysma’, cleft or
appendages 2.5 - 3.5 mm, subulate; Cs lobes pale scraped place; and Gr. ‘lobion’, small lobe; for the
red with red-brown stripes and blotches, 3 - 4 mm, often
f cleft
f corona lobes.
inserted high up on the Anth back, erect, broadened Incl. Xyomalobium Weale (1873) (nom. inval., Art.
from the narrow base in an elongate-trapezoid 61.1).
shape, lobes united to form a funnel-shaped struc- Geophytic perennials, above-ground parts deci-
ture, margins slightly revolute, apically truncate but duous, with white latex; R tuberous or with subu-
deep and irregularly toothed; guide rails short, late fleshy lateral R; stems erect, ± unbranched,
vertical and inserted high up on the elongate Gy; basally often
f becoming woody; L decussate, ± ses-
Anth ± ovoid, somewhat pointed, closely incum- sile; Inf terminal or lateral near the stem tips, ses-
bent on the slightly convex Sty head; Poll ± cylind- sile or pedunculate, pseudo-umbellate; Cl stellate or
rical, ± 0.55 × 0.25 mm, germination mouths campanulate; Cn uniseriate; Cs lobes variably
reaching almost to the base of the Poll along the in- shaped, always very fleshy, apically sometimes
ner margins, ± 0.3 mm, caudicles ± 0.1 mm, ± erect, once or doubly incised, insides with or without
with apical disc-like broadening, corpuscle broadly keels or teeth; Gy sessile; Anth appendages mem-
obovate, compact, ± 0.2 × 0.15 mm, basally with branous, ± ovate; Poll flat, ovoid to drop-shaped,
narrow tringular wing-like extensions; Fr coarse, pendent; Fr mostly solitary, usually erect, fus
f ifor
f m
shortly fusiform; Se pale brown, ± 5 × 3.5 mm, mar- to ovoid, smooth or softly prickly.
gin flat. The genus belongs to the Asclepe iadinae of tropi-
This monotypic genus is − despite the similarity cal grasslands, esp. in E Africa. Storage roots are
to various 4-ribbed species of Caralluma − closely present in most taxa. 18 of the ± 45 species occur in
related to Duvaliandra r , with which it shares the RSA. Xysmalobium is closely related to Pachycar-
compact leafless stems and the winged pollinaria. pus and Gomphocarpus as well as Asclepias.
Such winged pollinaria are also characteristic for
Duvalia and HueH rnia, and this is the place where
the evolutionary lines probably evenutally lead to.
W. crassa is one of the rarest stapeliads and has
been collected only 2 or 3 times. A hybrid with HuH -
o sis has been obtained in cultivation (see
W opsis).

W. crassa (N. E. Brown) Chiovenda (Malpighia 34:

541, 1937). T: Somalia (Drake-Brockman 1132 [K
[lecto − icono]]). − D: Somalia; very local and ex-
ceedingly rare. I: Aloe 23: 11, 1986. Fig.
≡CCaralluma crassa N. E. Brown (1935) ≡ Drake
r -
k crassa (N. E. Brown) A. C. White & B.
Sloane (1937).
Description as ffor the genus.

B. Müller & F. Albers
×Whitesloaniopsis Barad (CSJA 67(4): 255,
= White-sloanea
W × Huerniop
o sis.

×W. ‘Gray Ghost’ Barad (CSJA 67(4): 254-255,

ill., 1995).
=WW. crassa × H. decip
i iens.



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Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

Taxonomic Cross-Reference Index
Absolmsia : 9 Apoxanthera → Raphionacme: 220
− spartioides: 9 − pubescens → Raphionacme hirsuta: 224
Acanthostemma → Hoya: 147 Apteranthes → Caralluma: 46
Acerates → Asclepias: 9 − burchardii → Caralluma burchardii: 50
Adenium namaquarium → Hoodia currorii ssp. − cylindrica → Echidnopsis cereiform
f is: 131
currorii: 143 − europaea → Caralluma europaea: 53
Anantherix → Asclepias: 9 − − ssp. gussoneana → Caralluma europaea: 53
Angolluma → Orbea: 187 − − − maroccana → Caralluma europaea: 53
− abayensis → Orbea abayensis: 188 − − var. affinis → Caralluma europaea: 53
− araysiana → Orbea araysiana: 188 − − − albotigrina → Caralluma europaea: 53
− baldratii → Orbea baldratii: 189 − − − barrueliana → Caralluma europaea: 53
− chrysostephana → Orbea chrysostephana: 190 − − − confusa
f → Caralluma europaea: 53
− circes → Orbea dummeri: 192 − − − decipiens → Caralluma europaea: 53
− commutata → Orbea commutata: 190 − − − gattefosse
f i → Caralluma europaea: 53
− − ssp. commutata → Orbea commutata: 190 − − − judaica → Caralluma europaea var. judaica:
− − − sheilae → Orbea commutata: 190 54
− decaisneana → Orbea decaisneana: 191 − − − marmaricensis → Caralluma europaea: 53
− deflersiana → Orbea deflersiana: 191 − − − micrantha → Caralluma europaea: 53
− denboefii → Orbea denboefii: 191 − − − schmuckiana → Caralluma europaea: 53
− distincta → Orbea distincta: 192 − − − simonis → Caralluma europaea: 53
− dummeri → Orbea dummeri: 192 − − − tristis → Caralluma europaea: 53
− eremastrum → Orbea wissmannii var. − gussoneana → Caralluma europaea: 53
eremastrum: 205 − joannis → Caralluma joannis: 56
− foet
f ida → Orbea sprengeri ssp. foetf ida: 200 − negevensis → Caralluma europaea var. judaica:
− gemugofana → Orbea gemugofana: 192 54
− gilbertii → Orbea abayensis: 188 − tessellata → Echidnopsis cereiformis: 131
− hesperidum → Orbea decaisneana: 191 Aristolochia blinii → Ceropegia mairei: 89
− huernioides → Orbea huernioides: 193 − mairei → Ceropegia mairei: 89
− kochii → Orbea sacculata: 199 − viridiflora → Ceropegia mairei: 89
− laikipiensis → Orbea laikipiensis: 194 − − var. occlusa → Ceropegia mairei: 89
− laticorona → Orbea laticorona: 195 Asclepiadaceae : 5
− lenewtonii → Orbea subterranea: 201 Asclepias : 9
− lugardii → Orbea lugardii: 195 − acida → Sarcostemma sp.: 233
− luntii → Orbea luntii: 195 − angustata → Stathmostelma angustatum: 260
− miscella → Orbea miscella: 197 − aphylla → Cynanchum luteifluens var.
− ogadensis → Orbea sprengeri ssp. ogadensis: luteifluens: 113
201 − − → Sarcostemma fors
f kaolianum: 234
− rogersii → Orbea rogersii: 199 − − → Sarcostemma viminale: 235
− sacculata → Orbea sacculata: 199 − bagshawei → Stathmostelma welwitschii var.
− schweinfurthii → Orbea schweinfurthii: 199 bagshawei: 263
− semitubiflora → Orbea semitubiflora: 200 − cabrae → Glossostelma cabrae: 140
− sprengeri → Orbea sprengeri: 200 − carnosa → Hoya carnosa: 149
− subterranea → Orbea subterranea: 201 − carsonii → Glossostelma carsonii: 140
− tubifo
f rmis → Orbea tubiformis: 201 − coccinea → Stathmostelma incarnatum: 261
− ubomboensis → Orbea ubomboensis: 202 − cognata → Aspidonepsis cognata: 18
− venenosa → Orbea decaisneana: 191 − congolensis → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141
− vibratilis → Orbea vibratilis: 204 − dewewrei → Stathmostelma katangense: 261
− wilsonii → Orbea wilsonii: 204 − diploglossa → Aspidonepsis diploglossa: 19
− wissmannii → Orbea wissmannii: 205 − dissoluta → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141
Anomalluma → Pseudolithos: 212 − eminens → Stenostelma eminens: 264
− dodsoniana → Pseudolithos dodsonianus: 212 − erecta → Glossostelma erectum: 140
Anthonotis → Asclepias: 9 − extensa → Stathmostelma katangense: 261
Antiostelma → Micholitzia: 183 − flava → Aspidonepsis flava: 19
− lantsangense → Micholitzia obcordata: 183 − forn
f icata → Stathmostelma fornicatum: 260
− manipurense → Micholitzia obcordata: 183 − gigantiflora → Stathmostelma gigantiflorum:
Apegia → Ceropegia: 63 261

Asclepias katangensis Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Asclepias] [Aspidoglossum]
− katangensis → Stathmostelma katangense: 261 − hirundo: 15
− laurentiana → Stathmostelma welwitschii: 263 − interruptum : 15
− lisianthoides → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141 − kulsii → A. masaicum: 16
− macrantha → Stathmostelma pedunculatum: 262 − lamellatum : 15
− macropetala → Stathmostelma spectabile: 262 − lanatum: 16
− mihundensis → Stathmostelma gigantiflorum: − masaicum: 16
261 − nyasae: 16
− nemorensis → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141 − ovalifo
f lium : 16
− nuttii → A. sp.: 10 − restioides: 17
− odorata → Stathmostelma odoratum: 261 − rhodesicum: 17
− pachyclada → Stathmostelma spectabile: 262 − uncinatum: 17
− parasitica → Hoya verticillata: 158 − validum: 17
− pauciflora → Stathmostelma pauciflorum: 261 − virgatum: 17
− pedunculata → Stathmostelma pedunculatum: − whytei → A. angustissimum: 11
262 − woodii: 18
− propinqua → Stathmostelma propinquum: 262 − xanthosphaerum: 18
− reenensis → Aspidonepsis reenensis: 19 Aspidonepsis : 18
− reflexa → Stathmostelma pauciflorum: 261 − cognata: 18
− rhacodes → Stathmostelma rhacodes: 262 − diploglossa: 19
− schizoglossoides → Aspidonepsis diploglossa: − fl
f ava: 19
19 − reenensis: 19
− spectabilis → Stathmostelma spectabile: 262 − shebae: 19
− stipitacea → Sarcostemma viminale ssp. Astrostemma → Absolmsia: 9
stipitaceum: 236 − spartioides → Absolmsia spartioides: 9
− subulata: 10 Aulostephanus → Brachystelma: 20
− uvirensis → Stathmostelma pedunculatum: 262 − natalensis → Brachystelma natalense: 37
− verdickii → Stathmostelma wildemanianum: Australluma → Caralluma: 46
263 − peschii → Caralluma peschii: 58
− vomeriformis → Stathmostelma angustatum ssp. Ballyanthus → Orbea: 187
vomeriforme: 260 − prognathus → Orbea prognatha: 198
− welwitschii → Stathmostelma welwitschii: 263 Baxtera → Marsdenia: 178
− xysmalobioides → Glossostelma Baynesia : 20
xysmalobioides: 142 − lophophora: 20
Asclepiodella → Asclepias: 9 Bidaria leptophylla → Marsdenia viridiflora: 180
Asclepiodora → Asclepias: 9 Biventraria → Asclepias: 9
Aspidoglossum : 10 Blepharanthera → Brachystelma: 20
− angustissimum: 11 − dinteri → Brachystelma blepharanthera: 22
− araneiferum
f : 11 − edulis → Brachystelma blepharanthera: 22
− biflorum
f : 11 Borealluma → Caralluma: 46
− breve: 11 − munbyana → Caralluma munbyana: 57
− carinatum: 12 − plicatiloba → Caralluma tuberculata: 61
− connatum: 12 − staintonii → Caralluma staintonii: 61
− crebrum: 12 − tuberculata → Caralluma tuberculata: 61
− delagoense: 12 Boucerosia → Caralluma: 46
− demissum: 12 − aaronis → Caralluma europaea var. judaica: 54
− difficile : 12 − acutangula → Caralluma acutangula: 47
− dissimile: 13 − adenensis → Caralluma adenensis: 48
− elliotii : 13 − aucheriana → Caralluma sp.: 47
− erubescens: 13 − awdeliana → Caralluma awdeliana: 49
− eylesii: 13 − campanulata → Caralluma umbellata: 62
− fasc
f iculare: 13 − cicatricosa → Caralluma cicatricosa: 51
− flanagan
f ii: 14 − crenulata → Caralluma crenulata: 51
− glabellum: 14 − cylindrica → Echidnopsis cereiformis: 131
− glabrescens: 14 − decaisneana → Orbea decaisneana: 191
− glanduliferum: 14 − diffus
f a → Caralluma diffusa: 52
− gracile: 14 − edulis → Caralluma edulis: 52
− grandifloru
f m : 15 − europaea → Caralluma europaea: 53
− heterophyllum: 15 − forskaolii → Caralluma quadrangula: 59

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Boucerosia gussoneana

[Boucerosia] [Brachystelma]
− gussoneana → Caralluma europaea: 53 − christianeae: 25
− hispanica → Caralluma munbyana: 57 − ciliatum → B. laevigatum: 33
− hutchinia → Caralluma indica: 56 − cinereum → B. circinatum: 26
− incarnata → Quaqua incarnata: 217 − circinatum : 26
− indica → Caralluma indica: 56 − coddii: 26
− lasiantha → Caralluma umbellata: 62 − codonanthum: 26
− mammillaris → Quaqua mammillaris: 217 − comaru → Fockea comaru: 138
− maroccana → Caralluma europaea: 53 − commixtum → B. circinatum: 26
− munbyana → Caralluma munbyana: 57 − comptum: 26
− − var. hispanica → Caralluma munbyana: 57 − constrictum → B. lineare: 34
− nilagiriana → Caralluma crenulata: 51 − crispum → B. tuberosum: 45
− pauciflora → Caralluma pauciflora: 57 − − → Fockea capensis: 138
− penicillata → Caralluma penicillata: 58 − cupulatum: 27
− procumbens → Caralluma procumbens: 59 − decipiens: 27
− quadrangula → Caralluma quadrangula: 59 − delicatum: 27
− russelliana → Caralluma acutangula: 47 − dimorphum: 27
− sinaica → Caralluma sinaica: 59 − − ssp. gratum → B. dimorphum: 27
− socotrana → Caralluma socotrana: 60 − dinteri: 27
− stocksiana → Caralluma edulis: 52 − − → B. blepharanthera: 22
− tombuctuensis → Caralluma acutangula: 47 − discoideum: 28
− truncato-coronata → Caralluma crenulata: 51 − distinctum → B. elongatum: 28
− umbellata → Caralluma umbellata: 62 − duplicatum: 28
Brachystelma : 20 − dyeri → B. nanum: 37
− albipilosum: 21 − edule: 28
− alpinum: 21 − elegantulum : 28
− angustum → B. nanum: 37 − elenaduense → B. edule: 28
− arenarium: 21 − ellipticum → B. lineare: 34
− arnotii: 21 − elongatum: 28
− asmarense → B. lineare: 34 − erianthum → B. oianthum: 38
− atacorense → B. togoense: 45 − exile: 29
− attenuatum: 21 − fes
f tucifof lium: 29
− australe: 21 − filifol
f ium : 29
− bagshawii → B. johnstonii: 32 − filiform
f e → B. circinatum: 26
− barberae: 22 − flavidum → B. pygmaeum ssp. flavidum: 40
− beddomei → B. brevitubulatum: 23 − fl
f oribundum : 29
− bikitaense: 22 − − → B. duplicatum: 28
− bingeri → Raphionacme splendens: 227 − foetidum: 29
− blepharanthera: 22 − fr
f anksiae: 30
− bolusii → B. circinatum: 26 − furcatu
f m: 30
− bourneae → B. maculatum: 34 − galpinii → B. circinatum: 26
− bracteolatum : 22 − gemmeum → B. elongatum: 28
− brevipedicellatum: 23 − gerrardii: 30
− brevitubulatum: 23 − glabriflorum : 30
− brownianum: 23 − glabrum: 30
− bruceae: 23 − glenense: 31
− − ssp. hirsutum → B. bruceae: 23 − gracile: 31
− buchananii: 23 − gracillimum : 31
− burchellii : 24 − grossartii → B. arnotii: 21
− − var. burchellii : 24 − gymnopodum: 31
− − − grandiflorum : 24 − hirsutum → Raphionacme hirsuta: 224
− caffrum
f : 24 − hirtellum : 31
− − → B. meyerianum: 35 − huttonii: 31
− campanulatum : 24 − inandense → B. natalense: 37
− canum: 25 − incanum: 32
− cathcartense: 25 − inconspicuum → B. tenue: 44
− caudatum → B. tuberosum: 45 − johnstonii: 32
− chloranthum: 25 − keniense: 32
− chlorozonum: 25 − kerrii → B. glabriflorum: 30

Brachystelma kerzneri Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Brachystelma] [Brachystelma]
− kerzneri: 32 − prostratum: 40
− kituloense → B. coddii: 26 − pulchellum : 40
− kolarensis: 33 − punctatum: 40
− laevigatum : 33 − pygmaeum: 40
− lancasteri: 33 − − ssp. fl
f avidum: 40
− lanceolatum → B. johnstonii: 32 − − − pygmaeum: 40
− lankanum: 33 − − var. breviflorum → B. pygmaeum ssp.
− letestui: 33 pygmaeum: 40
− lineare: 34 − ramosissimum: 41
− linearifo
f lium → B. plocamoides: 39 − rangacharii → B. maculatum: 34
− longifolium : 34 − recurvatum: 41
− luteum → B. huttonii: 32 − rehmannii → B. foet f idum: 29
− macropetalum : 34 − remotum: 41
− macrorrhizum → Fockea edulis: 138 − richardsii: 41
− maculatum : 34 − ringens → B. brevipedicellatum: 23
− mafekingense: 34 − rubellum: 41
− magicum → B. buchananii: 23 − sandersonii: 42
− malwanense → B. kolarensis: 33 − schinzii: 42
− maritae: 35 − schizoglossoides: 42
− medusanthemum → B. johnstonii: 32 − schoenlandianum: 42
− megasepalum: 35 − schultzei: 42
− merrillii → B. glabriflorum: 30 − setosum: 43
− meyerianum : 35 − shirense → B. buchananii: 23
− micranthum : 35 − simplex: 43
− microstemma → B. glabriflorum: 30 − − ssp. banfora
f e → B. simplex: 43
− minimum : 35 − sinuatum → Fockea sinuata: 139
− minor: 36 − spathulatum → B. tuberosum: 45
− modestum: 36 − stellatum: 43
− molaventi : 36 − stenophyllum: 43
− montanum: 36 − subaphyllum → Ceropegia sp.: 63
− mortonii: 36 − swarupa: 43
− nanum: 36 − swazicum: 44
− naorojii
o → B. kolarensis: 33 − tabularium: 44
− natalense: 37 − tavalla: 44
− nauseosum → B. buchananii: 24 − tenellum: 44
− nepalense: 37 − tenue: 44
− ngomense: 37 − thunbergii → B. praelongum ssp. thunbergii: 40
− nigrum → B. gerrardii: 30 − togoense: 45
− occidentale : 37 − tuberosum: 45
− oianthum: 38 − − → B. decipiens: 27
− omissum: 38 − undulatum → B. circinatum: 26
− ovatum → B. circinatum: 26 − vahrmeij i eri : 45
− pachypodium: 38 − villosum: 45
− pallidum → B. circinatum: 26 − viridiflorum → Raphionacme burkei: 222
− papuanum → B. glabriflorum: 30 − volubile: 45
− parviflorum
f : 38 − zeyheri → B. circinatum: 26
− − → B. mortonii: 36 Brachystelmaria → Brachystelma: 20
− parvulum: 38 − longifolia → Brachystelma longifolium: 34
− pauciflorum : 38 − macropetala → Brachystelma macropetalum: 34
− pellacibellum: 39 − natalensis → Brachystelma sandersonii: 42
− perditum: 39 − occidentalis → Brachystelma occidentale: 37
− petraeum: 39 − ramosissima → Brachystelma ramosissimum: 41
− phyteumoides → B. lineare: 34 Caralluma : 46
− pilosum → B. hirtellum: 31 − aaronis → C. europaea var. judaica: 54
− plocamoides: 39 − abayensis → Orbea abayensis: 188
− praelongum: 39 − acutangula: 47
− − ssp. praelongum: 40 − acutiloba → Quaqua acutiloba: 214
− − − thunbergii: 40 − adenensis: 47

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Caralluma adscendens

[Caralluma] [Caralluma]
− adscendens: 48 − chibensis → Orbea caudata ssp. rhodesiaca: 190
− − var. adscendens: 48 − chlorantha → C. sp.: 47
− − − attenuata: 48 − chrysostephana → Orbea chrysostephana: 190
− − − carinata: 48 − cicatricosa: 50
− − − fim
f briata : 48 − cincta → Quaqua cincta: 215
− − − geniculata: 48 − circes → Orbea dummeri: 192
− − − gracilis: 49 − codonoides → C. speciosa: 61
− affinis → C. europaea: 53 − commutata → Orbea commutata: 190
− albocastanea → Orbea albocastanea: 188 − − ssp. eu-commutata → Orbea commutata: 190
− anemoniflora → Duvalia anemoniflora: 124 − − − hesperidum → Orbea decaisneana: 191
− ango → C. sp.: 47 − − var. hesperidum → Orbea decaisneana: 191
− aperta → Tromotr
T iche aperta: 270 − compta → Piaranthus comptus: 210
− arabica: 49 − confus
f a → C. europaea: 53
− arachnoidea: 49 − congestiflora
f : 51
− − var. arachnoidea: 49 − corrugata → C. socotrana: 60
− − − breviloba: 49 − crassa → White-sloanea crassa: 274
− arenicola → Quaqua arenicola: 214 − crenulata: 51
− arida → Quaqua arida: 215 − cucullata → C. sp.: 47
− armata → Quaqua armata: 215 − dalzielii → C. subulata: 61
− atrosanguinea → Huerniopsis atrosanguinea: − decaisneana → Orbea decaisneana: 191
175 − − ssp. hesperidum → Orbea decaisneana: 191
− attenuata → C. adscendens var. attenuata: 48 − decora → Piaranthus decorus: 210
− aucheriana → C. sp.: 47 − deflersiana → Orbea deflersiana: 191
− aurea → Quaqua aurea: 215 − denboefii → Orbea denboefii: 191
− ausana → Quaqua hottentotorum: 216 − dependens → Quaqua dependens: 216
− australis → Orbea melanantha: 197 − dicapuae: 51
− awdeliana: 49 − − ssp. dicapuae → C. dicapuae: 51
− baldratii → Orbea baldratii: 189 − − − seticorona → C. dicapuae: 51
− baradii: 49 − − − turneri → C. turneri: 62
− bhupinderiana: 50 − − − ukambensis → C. turneri ssp. ukambensis:
− bredae → Orbea miscella: 198 62
− − var. thomallae → Orbea miscella: 198 − diffusa
f : 52
− brownii → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196 − dioscoridis → Duvaliandra dioscoridis: 129
− burchardii: 50 − distincta → Orbea distincta: 192
− − fa.
f grandiflora → C. burchardii ssp. maura: 50 − dodsoniana → Pseudolithos dodsonianus: 212
− − − sordida → C. burchardii ssp. maura: 50 − dolichocarpa: 52
− − − viridis → C. burchardii ssp. maura: 50 − dummeri → Orbea dummeri: 192
− − ssp. burchardii: 50 − − fa
f . colorata → Orbea dummeri: 192
− − − maura: 50 − edithae: 52
− − var. maura → C. burchardii ssp. maura: 50 − edulis: 52
− − − purpurascens → C. burchardii ssp. − − → C. edulis: 52
burchardii: 50 − edwardsiae: 53
− − − sventenii → C. burchardii ssp. burchardii: − elata → C. priogonium: 58
50 − eremastrum → Orbea wissmannii var.
− campanulata → C. umbellata: 62 eremastrum: 205
− carnosa → Orbea carnosa: 189 − ericeta → Quaqua gracilis: 216
− caudata → Orbea caudata: 189 − europaea: 53
− − ssp. caudata → Orbea caudata ssp. caudata: − − fa. parviflora → C. europaea: 53
189 − − ssp. gussoneana → C. europaea: 53
− − − rhodesiaca → Orbea caudata ssp. − − − maroccana → C. europaea: 53
rhodesiaca: 190 − − var. affinis → C. europaea: 53
− − var. chibensis → Orbea caudata ssp. − − − albotigrina → C. europaea: 53
rhodesiaca: 190 − − − barrueliana → C. europaea: 53
− − − fusca → Orbea caudata ssp. caudata: 189 − − − confusa
f → C. europaea: 53
− − − milleri → Orbea caudata ssp. rhodesiaca: − − − decipiens → C. europaea: 53
190 − − − europaea: 53
− − − stevensonii → Orbea caudata ssp. − − − gattefosse
f i → C. europaea: 53
rhodesiaca: 190 − − − judaica: 53

Caralluma europaea var. marmaricensis Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Caralluma europaea var.] [Caralluma]

− − − marmaricensis → C. europaea: 53 − lasiantha → C. umbellata: 62
− − − maroccana → C. europaea: 53 − lateritia → Orbea lutea ssp. lutea: 196
− − − micrantha → C. europaea: 53 − − var. stevensonii → Orbea lutea ssp. lutea: 196
− − − schmuckiana → C. europaea: 53 − lavrani: 56
− − − simonis → C. europaea: 53 − leendertziae → Orbea melanantha: 197
− − − tristis → C. europaea: 53 − linearis → Quaqua linearis: 217
− fimbriata → C. adscendens var. fimbriata: 48 − longecornuta → Orbea caudata ssp. caudata: 189
− flav
f a: 54 − longicuspis → Orbea lugardii: 195
− flavovirens: 54 − longidens → C. edulis: 52
− foe
f tida: 54 − longiflora : 56
− foste
f ri → Orbea carnosa: 189 − longipes → Pectinaria longipes: 208
− foulcheri-delboscii → C. hexagona: 55 − − var. villettii → Pectinaria longipes: 208
− − var. greenbergiana → C. hexagona: 55 − lugardii → Orbea lugardii: 195
− frames
f ii → Quaqua framesii: 216 − luntii → Orbea luntii: 195
− frere
f i: 54 − lutea → Orbea lutea: 196
− furta: 55 − − ssp. lutea → Orbea lutea ssp. lutea: 196
− geminata → Piaranthus geminatus: 211 − − − vaga → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196
− gemugofana → Orbea gemugofana: 192 − − var. lateritia → Orbea lutea ssp. lutea: 196
− gerstneri → Orbea gerstneri: 192 − − − vansonii → Orbea lutea ssp. lutea: 196
− − ssp. elongata → Orbea gerstneri ssp. elongata: − maculata → Orbea maculata: 197
193 − − var. brevidens → Orbea maculata ssp.
− − − gerstneri → Orbea gerstneri ssp. gerstneri: rangeana: 197
193 − mammillaris → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
− gossweileri → Orbea huillensis: 194 − maris-mortui → C. sinaica: 59
− gracilipes: 55 − marlothii → Quaqua arida: 215
− − ssp. arachnoidea → C. arachnoidea: 49 − − var. viridis → Quaqua arida: 215
− − − breviloba → C. arachnoidea var. breviloba: − maroccana → C. europaea: 53
49 − maughanii → Pectinaria maughanii: 208
− − − edwardsiae → C. edwardsiae: 53 − meintj t esiana → Orbea wissmannii var.
− gracilis → Quaqua gracilis: 216 wissmannii: 205
− grandidens → Orbea maculata ssp. maculata: − melanantha → Orbea melanantha: 197
197 − − ffa. rubiginosa → Orbea melanantha: 197
− grivana → Huerniopsis decipiens: 175 − − var. sousae → Orbea melanantha: 197
− hahnii → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196 − mireillae : 57
− hesperidum → Orbea decaisneana: 191 − mogadoxensis → C. priogonium: 58
− hexagona: 55 − monilifo f rmis : 57
− − var. septentrionalis → C. hexagona: 55 − montana → Echidnopsis montana: 133
− hirtiflora → C. acutangula: 47 − mouretii → C. edulis: 52
− hottentotorum → Quaqua hottentotorum: 216 − multiflora → Quaqua multiflora: 218
− − var. maj a or → Quaqua hottentotorum: 216 − munbyana: 57
− − − minor → Quaqua hottentotorum: 216 − nebrownii → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196
− − − tubata → Quaqua hottentotorum: 216 − − var. discolor → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196
− huernioides → Orbea huernioides: 193 − − − pseudonebrownii → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga:
− huillensis → Orbea huillensis: 194 196
− incarnata → Quaqua incarnata: 217 − negevensis → C. europaea var. judaica: 54
− − var. alba → Quaqua incarnata: 217 − nilagiriana → C. crenulata: 51
− indica: 56 − ortholoba → Quaqua acutiloba: 214
− intermedia → Quaqua sp.: 214 − oxydonta → C. speciosa: 61
− inversa → Quaqua inversa: 217 − parviflora → Quaqua parviflora: 218
− israelitica → C. europaea var. judaica: 54 − pauciflora: 57
− joannis: 56 − peckii: 58
− kalaharica → Orbea knobelii: 194 − penicillata : 58
− kalmbacheriana → C. adenensis: 48 − − var. robusta → C. penicillata: 58
− keithii → Orbea carnosa: 189 − peschii: 58
− knobelii → Orbea knobelii: 194 − petraea → C. awdeliana: 49
− − var. langii → Orbea knobelii: 194 − piaranthoides → Orbea schweinfurthii: 199
− kochii → Orbea sacculata: 199 − pillansii → Quaqua pillansii: 219
− langii → Orbea knobelii: 194 − plicatiloba → C. tuberculata: 61

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Caralluma plurifasciculata

[Caralluma] [Caralluma]
− plurifasc
f iculata → C. congestiflora: 51 − tombuctuensis → C. acutangula: 47
− praegracilis → Orbea caudata ssp. caudata: 189 − torta → Rhytidocaulon tortum: 232
− priogonium: 58 − truncato-coronata → C. crenulata: 51
− procumbens: 59 − truncatocorona → C. crenulata: 51
− pruinosa → Quaqua pruinosa: 219 − tsumebensis → Orbea valida ssp. valida: 202
− − var. nigra → Quaqua pruinosa: 219 − tuberculata: 61
− pseudonebrownii → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196 − tubiform
f is → Orbea tubiform
f is: 201
− punctata → Piaranthus punctatus: 211 − turneri: 62
− quadrangula: 59 − − ssp. turneri: 62
− ramosa → Quaqua ramosa: 220 − − − ukambensis: 62
− rangeana → Orbea maculata ssp. rangeana: 197 − ubomboensis → Orbea ubomboensis: 202
− rangei → Orbea maculata ssp. rangeana: 197 − umbellata: 62
− rauhii → C. adenensis: 48 − umdausensis → Tromotriche umdausensis: 273
− reflexa → Quaqua dependens: 216 − vaduliae: 62
− retrospiciens → C. acutangula: 47 − vaga → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196
− − ssp. tombuctuensis → C. acutangula: 47 − valida → Orbea valida: 202
− − var. acutangula → C. acutangula: 47 − vansonii → Orbea lutea ssp. lutea: 196
− − − glabra → C. acutangula: 47 − venenosa → Orbea decaisneana: 191
− − − hirtiflora → C. acutangula: 47 − vibratilis → Orbea vibratilis: 204
− − − laxiflora → C. acutangula: 47 − villetii → Quaqua inversa: 217
− − − tombuctuensis → C. acutangula: 47 − virescens → Quaqua parviflora: 218
− rivae → C. socotrana: 60 − vittata → C. edulis: 52
− robusta → C. penicillata: 58 − wilfriedii → Quaqua acutiloba: 214
− rogersii → Orbea rogersii: 199 − wilsonii → Orbea wilsonii: 204
− rosengrenii → C. socotrana: 60 − winkleri → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
− rubiginosa → Orbea melanantha: 197 − winkleriana → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
− russelliana → C. acutangula: 47 − wissmannii → Orbea wissmannii: 205
− sacculata → Orbea sacculata: 199 Carapelia tarantuloides → Orbelia sp.: 207
− sarkariae: 59 Caruncularia → Tromotriche: 269
− schweickerdtii → Orbea carnosa: 189 − aperta → Tromotriche aperta: 270
− schweinfurthii → Orbea schweinfurthii: 199 − jacquinii → Tromotriche pedunculata: 272
− scutellata → Echidnopsis scutellata: 134 − massonii → Tromotriche
T pedunculata: 272
− serpentina → Notechidnopsis tessellata: 186 − pedunculata → Tromotr
T iche pedunculata: 272
− serrulata → Piaranthus decorus ssp. decorus: 210 − penduliflora → Tromotr
T iche pedunculata: 272
− shadhbana → C. hexagona: 55 − simsii → Tromotriche pedunculata: 272
− − var. barhana → C. hexagona: 55 Cathetostemma → Hoya: 147
− simonis → C. europaea: 53 Caudanthera → Caralluma: 46
− simulans → Quaqua arida: 215 − mireillae → Caralluma mireillae: 57
− sinaica: 59 − sinaica → Caralluma sinaica: 59
− − var. baradii → C. sinaica: 59 Centrostemma → Hoya: 147
− − − sinaica → C. sinaica: 59 Ceropegia : 63
− socotrana: 60 − aberrans → C. stenoloba: 102
− solenophora: 60 − abinsica → C. campanulata: 70
− somalica: 60 − abyssinica: 63
− speciosa: 60 − − → C. loranthiflora: 88
− sprengeri → Orbea sprengeri: 200 − − var. songeensis → C. abyssinica: 63
− − ssp. foet
f ida → Orbea sprengeri ssp. foet
f ida: − acacietorum → C. pachystelma: 93
200 − achtenii: 64
− − − laticorona → Orbea laticorona: 195 − − ssp. adolfii → C. achtenii: 64
− − − ogadensis → Orbea sprengeri ssp. − − − togoensis → C. achtenii: 64
ogadensis: 201 − acuminata → C. bulbosa: 70
− staintonii: 61 − adolfii → C. achtenii: 64
− stalagmifera
f : 61 − − var. gracillima → C. achtenii: 64
− stapeliiformis → C. sp.: 47 − adrienneae → C. bosseri: 69
− subterranea → Orbea subterranea: 201 − affinis: 64
− subulata: 61 − africana: 65
− swanepoelii → Quaqua swanepoelii: 220 − − ssp. africana: 65
− tessellata → Notechidnopsis tessellata: 186 − − − barklyi: 65

Ceropegia africana ssp. fortuita Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Ceropegia africana ssp.] [Ceropegia boerhaaviifo f lia ]

− − − fortu
f ita → C. fortu
f ita: 79 − − → C. sp.: 63
− ahmarensis: 65 − bonafouxii: 69
− albertina → C. aristolochioides ssp. − − var. linearifolia → C. abyssinica: 63
aristolochioides: 68 − borii → C. longifolia: 87
− albiflora → C. ensifolia: 77 − bosseri: 69
− albisepta: 65 − − var. razafindratsirana → C. bosseri: 69
− − var. bruceana → C. albisepta: 65 − botrys → C. subaphylla: 103
− − − robynsiana → C. albisepta: 65 − boussingaultifof lia → C. nilotica: 92
− − − truncata → C. albisepta: 65 − bowkeri: 70
− − − viridis → C. albisepta: 65 − − ssp. sororia → C. bowkeri: 70
− ambovombensis: 66 − brachyceras → C. crassifolia var. crassifolia: 73
− ampliata: 66 − brevicollis → C. decaisneana: 74
− − ssp. insulicola → C. ampliata: 66 − breviloba → C. madagascariensis: 88
− − − madagascariensis → C. ampliata: 66 − brevirostris → C. distincta: 76
− − var. oxyloba → C. ampliata: 66 − brevitubulata → Brachystelma brevitubulatum:
− angiensis → C. meyeri-j - ohannis: 90 23
− angusta → C. affinis: 64 − brosima → C. bulbosa: 70
− angustifolia → C. longifolia: 87 − brownii → C. denticulata: 75
− − → C. stenantha: 102 − bulbosa: 70
− angustilimba → C. trichantha: 104 − − var. esculenta → C. bulbosa: 70
− antennifera
f : 66 − − − lushii → C. bulbosa: 70
− aphylla → C. dichotoma ssp. dichotoma: 75 − butaguensis → C. affinis: 64
− − → C. sp.: 63 − caffrorum → C. linearis ssp. linearis: 86
− apiculata → C. lugardiae: 88 − − var. dubia → C. linearis ssp. linearis: 86
− arabica: 66 − calcarata → C. meyeri-j - ohannis: 90
− − var. abbreviata: 67 − campanulata: 70
− − − arabica: 67 − − var. abinsica → C. campanulata: 70
− − − powysii: 67 − − − porphyrotricha → C. porphyrotricha: 95
− − − superba: 67 − − − pulchella → C. insignis: 83
− arenaria: 67 − cancellata: 71
− aridicola: 67 − candelabrifof rmis → C. candelabrum: 71
− aristolochioides: 68 − candelabrum: 71
− − ssp. albertina → C. aristolochioides ssp. − − → C. sp.: 63
aristolochioides: 68 − − ssp. tuberosa → C. candelabrum: 71
− − − aristolochioides: 68 − − var. biflora → C. candelabrum: 71
− − − deflersiana: 68 − − − tuberosa → C. candelabrum: 71
− − var. wittei → C. aristolochioides ssp. − carnosa: 71
aristolochioides: 68 − cataphyllaris: 72
− armandii: 68 − ceratophora → C. dichotoma ssp. krainzii: 76
− − var. petignatii → C. petignatii: 94 − chipiaensis → C. umbraticola: 105
− arnottiana: 68 − chortophylla → C. stenoloba: 102
− assimilis → C. cancellata: 71 − chrysantha → C. dichotoma ssp. krainzii: 76
− atacorensis → C. affinis: 64 − ciliata: 72
− attenuata: 69 − − ssp. ensifo
f lia → C. ensifof lia: 77
− balfour
f iana → C. mairei: 89 − cimiciodora : 72
− ballyana: 69 − claviloba: 72
− barbata → C. filiform
f is: 77 − connivens → C. fimbriata ssp. connivens: 78
− barbertonensis → C. linearis ssp. woodii: 87 − − fa. angustata → C. fimbriata ssp. connivens:
− barbigera → C. arabica var. powysii: 67 78
− barkleyi → C. africana ssp. barklyi: 65 − conrathii: 72
− − var. tugelensis → C. africana ssp. barklyi: 65 − constricta → C. nilotica: 92
− beccariana → C. aristolochioides ssp. − contorta → C. saxatilis: 99
aristolochioides: 68 − convolvuloides: 73
− bequaertii → C. abyssinica: 63 − copleyae → C. crassifolia var. copleyae: 73
− biddumana → C. affinis: 64 − corallicorona → C. linearis ssp. woodii: 87
− biflora → C. candelabrum: 71 − cordata → C. sp.: 63
− blatteri → C. odorata: 93 − cordiloba → C. papillata: 94
− boerhaaviifo f lia → C. pachystelma: 93 − craibii → C. antennifera: 66

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Ceropegia crassifolia

[Ceropegia] [Ceropegia]
− crassifol
f ia: 73 − evelynae → C. albisepta: 65
− − var. copleyae: 73 − exigua: 77
− − − crassifolia: 73 − fantastic
f a: 77
− crassula → C. aristolochioides ssp. − farrokhii → C. sp.: 63
aristolochioides: 68 − filical
f yx → C. abyssinica: 63
− criniticaulis → C. meyeri-j - ohannis: 90 − filiformis : 77
− crispata → C. crassifof lia var. crassifo
f lia: 73 − − → C. cataphyllaris: 72
− cufodont
f ii: 73 − filipendula : 78
− cycniflora: 74 − fimbriata : 78
− cynanchoides → C. affinis: 64 − − ssp. connivens: 78
− cyrtoidea → C. distincta: 76 − − − fimbriata : 78
− dalzielii → C. campanulata: 70 − − − geniculata: 79
− damannii: 74 − fimbriiferf a : 79
− debilis → C. linearis ssp. debilis: 86 − flor
f ibunda: 79
− decaisneana: 74 − foliosa: 79
− − var. brevicollis → C. decaisneana: 74 − fo
f rtuita: 79
− decaryi → C. albisepta: 65 − fusca
f : 80
− decidua: 74 − galeata: 80
− − ssp. decidua: 74 − galpinii → C. rendallii: 96
− − − pretoriensis: 74 − gemmiferaf → C. nilotica: 92
− decumbens → C. nilotica: 92 − geniculata → C. fimbriata ssp. geniculata: 79
− deflersii → C. sp.: 63 − gikyi: 80
− deightonii: 75 − gilgiana: 80
− − ssp. conj
n uncta → C. deightonii: 75 − gilletii → C. abyssinica: 63
− − − tisserantii → C. deightonii: 75 − glabripedicellata → C. affinis: 64
− dentata → C. paricyma: 94 − gossweileri → C. nilotica: 92
− denticulata : 75 − gourmacea → C. affinis: 64
− − var. brownii → C. denticulata: 75 − gracilis → C. decaisneana: 74
− devecchii → C. variegata: 105 − grandis → C. nilotica: 92
− − var. adelaidae → C. variegata: 105 − gymnopoda → Brachystelma gymnopodum: 31
− dewevrei → C. volubilis: 106 − hastata → C. linearis ssp. woodii: 87
− dichotoma: 75 − haygarthii: 81
− − ssp. dichotoma: 75 − helicoidea → C. albisepta: 65
− − − fusca
f → C. ffusca: 80 − helicoides → C. ballyana: 69
− − − krainzii: 76 − hepburnii → C. campanulata: 70
− dichroantha → C. filipendula: 78 − hermannii: 81
− dimorpha: 76 − hians → C. dichotoma ssp. dichotoma: 75
− dinteri: 76 − − var. striata → C. dichotoma ssp. dichotoma:
− discreta → C. candelabrum: 71 75
− distincta: 76 − hirsuta: 81
− − fa.
f pubescens → C. lugardiae: 88 − − → C. abyssinica: 63
− − ssp. haygarthii → C. haygarthii: 81 − − → C. ciliata: 72
− − − lugardiae → C. lugardiae: 88 − − var. jacquemontiana → C. hirsuta: 81
− − − verruculosa → C. lugardiae: 88 − − − ophiocephala → C. hirsuta: 81
− dolichophylla: 77 − − − stenophylla → C. hirsuta: 81
− − var. brachyloba → C. dolichophylla: 77 − − − vincifof lia → C. vincifolia: 106
− − − purpureobarbata → C. dolichophylla: 77 − hispida → C. hirsuta: 81
− driophila → Ceropegia trichantha: 104 − hispidipes → C. abyssinica: 63
− dubia → C. meyeri-j - ohannis: 90 − hochstetteri → C. affinis: 64
− ellenbeckii → C. convolvuloides: 73 − hofstaetteri: 81
− elliotii → C. candelabrum: 71 − hookeri: 82
− ensifol
f ia: 77 − − var. mollis → C. hookeri: 82
− erecta → C. wallichii: 106 − huberi → C. santapaui: 98
− esculenta → C. bulbosa: 70 − humbertii: 82
− estelleana → C. fimbriata ssp. fimbriata: 78 − illegitima : 82
− euryacme → C. linearis ssp. woodii: 87 − imbricata : 83
− evansii: 77 − infausta → C. stenantha: 102
− − var. media → C. media: 89 − inflat
f a: 83

Ceropegia infundibuliformis Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Ceropegia] [Ceropegia]
− infun
f dibuliform
f is → C. filiform
f is: 77 − medoensis → C. filipendula: 78
− inornata: 83 − melanops → C. nigra: 92
− insignis: 83 − meleagris: 89
− intracolor → C. imbricata: 83 − mendesii: 90
− jacquemontiana → C. hirsuta: 81 − meyeri: 90
− jainii: 83 − meyeri-johannis: 90
− johnsonii: 84 − − var. angiensis → C. meyeri-j - ohannis: 90
− jucunda → C. trichantha: 104 − − − verdickii → C. meyeri-j - ohannis: 90
− juncea: 84 − mirabilis → C. filipendula: 78
− kamerunensis → C. affinis: 64 − monteiroae → C. sandersonii: 98
− kassneri → C. purpurascens: 96 − mozambicensis → C. nilotica: 92
− keniensis: 84 − − var. ulugurensis → C. nilotica: 92
− kerstingii → C. campanulata: 70 − mucronata → C. candelabrum: 71
− kituloensis: 84 − muliensis: 91
− konasita: 84 − multiflora : 91
− krainziana → C. dichotoma ssp. krainzii: 76 − − fa.
f puberula → C. multiflora ssp. tentaculata:
− kr
k ainzii → C. dichotoma ssp. krainzii: 76 91
− kroboensis → C. nigra: 92 − − − pubescens → C. multiflora ssp. multiflora:
− kundelunguensis: 85 91
− kwebensis → C. purpurascens: 96 − − ssp. multiflor
f a : 91
− lanceolata → C. longifof lia: 87 − − − tentaculata : 91
− lawii: 85 − − var. latifolia → C. multiflora ssp. multiflora:
− ledermannii : 85 91
− leptocarpa → C. linearis ssp. woodii: 87 − munronii → C. spiralis: 101
− leroyi: 86 − mutabilis → C. paricyma: 94
− leucotaenia → C. abyssinica: 63 − muzingana: 91
− lindenii: 86 − nana: 91
− linearis: 86 − nigra: 92
− − ssp. debilis: 86 − nilotica: 92
− − − linearis: 86 − − var. plicata → C. nilotica: 92
− − − tenuis: 86 − − − simplex → C. denticulata: 75
− − − woodii: 87 − noorj
r ahaniae: 92
− linophylla: 87 − nuda → C. subaphylla: 103
− longiflora → C. candelabrum: 71 − obtusa → C. sp.: 63
− longifolia : 87 − occidentalis: 93
− − ssp. sinensis → C. dolichophylla: 77 − occulta: 93
− − var. exigua → C. exigua: 77 − oculata: 93
− loranthiflor
f a: 87 − − var. subhirsuta → C. vincifolia: 106
− loureiroi → C. sp.: 63 − odorata: 93
− lucida → Ceropegia trichantha: 104 − ophiocephala → C. hirsuta: 81
− lugardiae: 88 − pachystelma: 93
− luj
u ai → C. johnsonii: 84 − − ssp. undulata → C. pachystelma: 93
− lushii → C. bulbosa: 70 − panchganiensis → C. lawii: 85
− maasaiorum → C. aristolochioides ssp. − papillata: 94
aristolochioides: 68 − − var. cordiloba → C. papillata: 94
− maccannii → C. lawii: 85 − paricyma: 94
− macrantha: 88 − patersoniae → C. zeyheri: 107
− − var. thorelii → C. macrantha: 88 − patriciae → Brachystelma mafekingense: 34
− madagascariensis: 88 − pedunculata → C. affinis: 64
− mafef kingensis → Brachystelma mafe f kingense: − perrieri → C. madagascariensis: 88
34 − perrottetii → C. aristolochioides ssp.
− mahabalei: 89 aristolochioides: 68
− mairei: 89 − peteri → C. filipendula: 78
− − var. tenella → C. mairei: 89 − petignatii : 94
− maiuscula: 89 − petiolata → C. madagascariensis: 88
− mansouriana → C. subaphylla: 103 − plicata → C. nilotica: 92
− mazoensis → C. stenantha: 102 − poluniniana: 95
− media: 89 − polyantha → C. vincifolia: 106

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Ceropegia porphyrotricha

[Ceropegia] [Ceropegia]
− porphyrotricha: 95 − seticorona → C. aristolochioides ssp.
− powysii → C. arabica var. powysii: 67 aristolochioides: 68
− praetermissa: 95 − − var. dilatiloba → C. aristolochioides ssp.
− prainii → C. jainii: 83 aristolochioides: 68
− profundorum → C. dolichophylla: 77 − setife
f ra → C. affinis: 64
− pseudodimorpha → C. dimorpha: 76 − − var. natalensis → C. affinis: 64
− pubescens: 95 − simoneae: 99
− − → C. meyeri: 90 − sinoerecta: 100
− pumila → Brachystelma gymnopodum: 31 − sinuata → C. ringens: 97
− purpurascens: 96 − − → Ceropegia ringens: 97
− − ssp. thysanotos → C. purpurascens: 96 − smithii → C. radicans ssp. smithii: 96
− pusilla: 96 − sobolifera: 100
− pygmaea → Brachystelma gymnopodum: 31 − − var. nephroloba: 100
− − var. pumila → Brachystelma gymnopodum: − − − sobolifera
f : 100
31 − somalensis: 100
− quarrei → C. stenantha: 102 − − fa
f . erostrata → C. somalensis: 100
− racemosa → C. affinis: 64 − sootepensis: 100
− − ssp. glabra → C. affinis: 64 − sororia → C. bowkeri: 70
− − − secamonoides → C. affinis: 64 − speciosa: 101
− − − setifera
f → C. affinis: 64 − spiralis: 101
− radicans: 96 − squamulata → Echidnopsis squamulata: 135
− − ssp. radicans: 96 − stapeliiformis: 101
− − − smithii: 96 − − ssp. serpentina: 101
− − var. smithii → C. radicans ssp. smithii: 96 − − − stapeliiformis: 101
− raizadiana → C. macrantha: 88 − − var. serpentina → C. stapeliiform
f is ssp.
− rara → C. vanderystii: 105 serpentina: 101
− razafindratsirana → C. bosseri: 69 − stenantha: 101
− rendallii: 96 − − var. parviflora → C. stenantha: 102
− renzii → C. filipendula: 78 − stenoloba: 102
− ringens: 97 − − var. australis → C. stenoloba: 102
− − → C. convolvuloides: 73 − − − moyalensis → C. stenoloba: 102
− ringoetii: 97 − stenophylla: 102
− robivelonae: 97 − stentiae: 102
− robynsiana → C. albisepta: 65 − steudneri → C. abyssinica: 63
− rollae → C. lawii: 85 − steudneriana → C. abyssinica: 63
− rostrata → C. umbraticola: 105 − stocksii → C. vincifolia: 106
− rudatisii: 97 − striata: 103
− rupicola: 97 − subaphylla: 103
− − var. stictantha: 98 − suberosa → Fockea edulis: 138
− ruspoliana → C. affinis: 64 − subtruncata → C. soboliferaf var. sobolifera:
f 100
− sahyadrica → C. lawii: 85 − succulenta → C. albisepta: 65
− salicifo
f lia : 98 − superba → C. arabica var. superba: 67
− sandersonii: 98 − swaziorum: 103
− santapaui: 98 − tamalensis → C. campanulata: 70
− saxatilis: 99 − taprobanica: 103
− − → C. bonafouxii: 69 − tentaculata → C. multiflora ssp. tentaculata: 91
− scabra: 99 − − var. puberula → C. multiflora ssp. tentaculata:
− scabriflora → C. tomentosa: 104 91
− scandens → C. volubilis: 106 − tenuis → C. linearis ssp. tenuis: 86
− schaij
i esiorum → C. umbraticola: 105 − tenuissima → C. stenantha: 102
− schinziana → C. pachystelma: 93 − thorelii → C. macrantha: 88
− schlechteriana → C. ringoetii: 97 − thorncroftf ii → C. crassifo
f lia var. crassifo
f lia: 73
− schliebenii → C. stenoloba: 102 − thysanotos → C. purpurascens: 96
− schoenlandii → C. linearis ssp. woodii: 87 − tihamana: 104
− secamonoides → C. affinis: 64 − tomentosa: 104
− senegalensis → C. linophylla: 87 − trichantha: 104
− sepium: 99 − triebneri → C. ampliata: 66
− serpentina → C. stapeliiform
f is ssp. serpentina: − tristis → C. haygarthii: 81

Ceropegia tsaiana Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Ceropegia] [Crenulluma]
− tsaiana → C. pubescens: 95 − kalmbacheriana → Caralluma adenensis: 48
− tuberculata → C. crassifof lia var. crassifo
f lia: 73 − lavrani → Caralluma lavrani: 56
− tuberosa → C. bulbosa: 70 − petraea → Caralluma awdeliana: 49
− − → C. candelabrum: 71 − rauhii → Caralluma adenensis: 48
− tubulifef ra → C. variegata: 105 Cryptolepis monteiroae → Stomatostemma
− turricula: 104 monteiroae: 264
− umbraticola : 105 Cryptolluma → Caralluma: 46
− undulata → C. pachystelma: 93 − edulis → Caralluma edulis: 52
− vanderystii: 105 Cyathella → Cynanchum: 108
− variegata: 105 Cylindrilluma → Caralluma: 46
− − var. adelaidae → C. variegata: 105 − solenophora → Caralluma solenophora: 60
− − − cornigera → C. variegata: 105 Cynanchum : 108
− ventricosa → C. inflata: 83 − aculeatum: 108
− verdickii → C. meyeri-j - ohannis: 90 − aequilongum → C. implicatum: 112
− verrucosa → C. albisepta: 65 − ambositrense → C. mahafalense: 114
− verruculosa → C. lugardiae: 88 − ambovombense: 109
− verticillata : 106 − ampanihense: 109
− vignaldiana → C. bulbosa: 70 − andringitrense: 109
− vincifol
f ia : 106 − angavokeliense: 109
− viridis → C. albisepta: 65 − ansamalense: 109
− − var. truncata → C. albisepta: 65 − antandroy → C. menarandrense: 115
− volubilis: 106 − antsiranense → Sarcostemma antsiranense: 233
− − var. crassicaulis → C. aristolochioides ssp. − aphyllum → Sarcostemma viminale: 235
aristolochioides: 68 − appendiculatopsis: 109
− wallichii: 106 − arenarium: 109
− wellmanii → C. umbraticola: 105 − bekinolense → C. gerrardii ssp. bekinolense: 111
− woodii → C. linearis ssp. woodii: 87 − bisinuatum: 110
− yemenensis: 106 − boj
o erianum → C. luteifluens var. luteifluens:
− yorubana: 107 113
− zeyheri: 107 − carnosum → Hoya carnosa: 149
Chlorochlamys → Marsdenia: 179 − compactum: 110
Chlorocyathus → Raphionacme: 220 − − var. compactum: 110
− monteiroae → Raphionacme monteiroae: 226 − − − imerinense: 110
− welwitschii → Raphionacme welwitschii: 228 − crassipedicellatum: 110
Chymocormus → Fockea: 137 − crispum → Brachystelma praelongum ssp.
− edulis → Fockea edulis: 138 thunbergii: 40
Cibirhiza : 107 − − → Fockea capensis: 138
− albersiana: 107 − cucullatum : 110
− dhofarens
f is: 107 − decaisneanum → C. luteifluens: 113
Cinclia → Ceropegia: 63 − decorsei → Sarcostemma decorsei: 234
Collyris → Dischidia: 118 − descoingsii: 110
− maj
a or → Dischidia maj a or: 121 − edule → C. gerrardii ssp. gerrardii: 111
− − → Hoya imbricata: 152 − elachistemmoides → Sarcostemma
− minor → Dischidia nummularia: 122 elachistemmoides: 234
Conchophyllum → Dischidia: 118 − fimbriatum : 111
− angulatum → Dischidia astephana: 119 − flor
f iferum
f : 111
− imbricatum → Dischidia imbricata: 121 − fo
f lotsioides: 111
− maximum → Hoya imbricata: 152 − gerrardii: 111
− merrillii → Dischidiopsis parasitica: 124 − − ssp. bekinolense: 111
Craterostemma → Brachystelma: 20 − − − gerrardii: 111
− schinzii → Brachystelma schinzii: 42 − grandidieri: 111
Crenulluma → Caralluma: 46 − hardyi: 112
− adenensis → Caralluma adenensis: 48 − helicoideum → C. madagascariense: 114
− arabica → Caralluma arabica: 49 − humbert-capuronii: 112
− aucheriana → Caralluma sp.: 47 − humbertii → C. ampanihense: 109
− awdeliana → Caralluma awdeliana: 49 − implicatum : 112
− dolichocarpa → Caralluma dolichocarpa: 52 − insigne: 112
− flava → Caralluma flava: 54 − juliani-marnieri: 112

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Cynanchum jumellei

[Cynanchum] [Decabelone]
− jumellei : 112 − sieberi → Tavaresia angolensis: 265
− junciform
f e : 112 Decaceras → Brachystelma: 20
− lecomtei: 113 − arnotii → Brachystelma arnotii: 21
− lenewtonii: 113 − huttonii → Brachystelma huttonii: 32
− lineare: 113 Decanema → Cynanchum: 108
− − ssp. keraudreniae: 113 − boj
o erianum → Cynanchum luteifluens var.
− − − lineare: 113 luteifluens: 113
− luteifluens
f : 113 − grandiflorum → Cynanchum grandidieri: 111
− − var. longicoronae : 113 − luteifluens → Cynanchum luteifluens: 113
− − − luteifluens: 113 Decanemopsis → Sarcostemma: 233
− macranthum: 114 − aphylla → Sarcostemma sp.: 233
− macrolobum : 114 Dernia : 118
− madagascariense: 114 − − Surprise : 118
− madecassum → C. arenarium: 110 Desmidorchis → Caralluma: 46
− mahafalense
f : 114 − acutangula → Caralluma acutangula: 47
− mariense: 114 − aucheriana → Caralluma sp.: 47
− marnierianum : 114 − crenulata → Caralluma crenulata: 51
− membranaceum → Sarcostemma − decaisneana → Orbea decaisneana: 191
membranaceum: 234 − diffusa
f → Caralluma diffusa: 52
− menarandrense: 115 − edithae → Caralluma edithae: 52
− messeri: 115 − europaea → Caralluma europaea: 53
− mevei: 115 − foetida → Caralluma foetida: 54
− moramangense: 115 − indica → Caralluma indica: 56
− napiferum: 115 − pauciflora → Caralluma pauciflora: 57
− nematostemma : 115 − penicillata → Caralluma penicillata: 58
− nodosum → C. arenarium: 109 − quadrangula → Caralluma quadrangula: 59
− omissum → Fockea angustifo f lia: 138 − retrospiciens → Caralluma acutangula: 47
− orangeanum: 116 − somalica → Caralluma somalica: 60
− pachycladon: 116 − speciosa → Caralluma speciosa: 61
− papillatum : 116 − stocksiana → Caralluma edulis: 52
− perrieri: 116 − umbellata → Caralluma umbellata: 62
− petignatii : 116 Dichaelia → Brachystelma: 20
− phillipsonianum: 116 − brachylepis → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− praecox: 117 − breviflora → Brachystelma pygmaeum ssp.
− pycnoneuroides: 117 pygmaeum: 40
− pygmaeum → C. praecox: 117 − cinerea → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− radiatum: 117 − circinata → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− rauhianum: 117 − elongata → Brachystelma elongatum: 28
− rossii: 117 − filiform
f is → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− rusillonii → C. junciforme:
f 112 − forci
f pata → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− sarcostemmatoides → C. gerrardii ssp. gerrardii: − galpinii → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
111 − gracillima → Brachystelma gracillimum: 31
− sessiliflorum: 117 − macra → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− sigridiae: 118 − microphylla → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− subtile: 118 − natalensis → Brachystelma sandersonii: 42
− tetrapterum → Sarcostemma viminale: 235 − ovata → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− toliari: 118 − pallida → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
− tuberosum → C. sp.: 108 − pygmaea → Brachystelma pygmaeum: 40
− verrucosum: 118 − undulata → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
Cynoctonum → Cynanchum: 108 − villosa → Brachystelma villosum: 45
Cyrtoceras → Hoya: 147 − zeyheri → Brachystelma circinatum: 26
Cystidianthus → Hoya: 147 Dictyanthus → Matelea: 181
Dalzielia → Marsdenia: 179 − − → Matelea: 181
Decabelone → Tavaresia: 265 − campanulatus → Matelea pavonii: 182
− barklyi → Tavaresia barklyi: 265 − macvaughianus → Matelea macvaughiana: 182
− elegans → Tavaresia angolensis: 265 − parviflorus → Matelea hemsleyana: 182
− grandiflora → Tavaresia barklyi: 265 − pavonii → Matelea pavonii: 182
− meintjt esii → Staparesia meintj
t esii: 242 − prostratus → Matelea hemsleyana: 182

Dictyanthus reticulatus Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Dictyanthus] [Dischidia]
− reticulatus → Matelea dictyantha: 181 − minor → D. nummularia: 122
− sepicola → Matelea sepicola: 182 − nummularia : 122
− stapeliiflorus → Matelea pavonii: 182 − − var. gaudichaudii → D. nummularia: 122
− tigrinus → Matelea standleyana: 183 − − − glabra → D. nummularia: 122
− tuberosus → Matelea tuberosa: 183 − − − gracilis → D. nummularia: 122
Diplocyatha → Orbea: 187 − − − rhombifolia → D. rhombifo f lia: 123
− ciliata → Orbea ciliata: 190 − obcordata → Micholitzia obcordata: 183
Dischidia : 118 − orbicularis → D. nummularia: 122
− actephila → D. nummularia: 122 − ovata: 122
− acutifo
f lia : 119 − parasitica → Dischidiopsis parasitica: 124
− − ssp. acutifof lia : 119 − pectenoides → D. vidalii: 123
− − − klossii: 119 − pedunculata → D. acutifo f lia ssp. acutifo
f lia: 119
− aemula → D. nummularia: 122 − picta → D. ovata: 122
− albida: 119 − pubicaulis → Dischidia nummularia: 122
− astephana: 119 − pubiflora → D. maj a or: 121
− bauerlenii → D. maj a or: 121 − pulchella → D. hirsuta: 121
− beiningiana → D. nummularia: 122 − punctata: 122
− bengalensis: 120 − punctatoides → D. punctata: 122
− brachystele → D. acutifo f lia ssp. acutifo
f lia: 119 − rafflesiana → D. maja or: 121
− brunoniana → D. hirsuta: 120 − rhombifolf ia : 122
− clavata → D. maj a or: 121 − ridleyana → D. nummularia: 122
− coccinea → D. cochleata: 120 − ruscifo
f lia: 123
− cochleata: 120 − sagittata: 123
− copelandii → D. nummularia: 122 − schumanniana → D. nummularia: 122
− cuneifolia → D. bengalensis: 120 − semperflorens → D. albida: 119
− decipiens → D. nummularia: 122 − sepikana → D. nummularia: 122
− depressa → D. imbricata: 121 − singularis: 123
− dirhiza → D. nummularia: 122 − spatulata → D. bengalensis: 120
− dolichantha: 120 − subpeltigera → D. hirsuta: 121
− euryloma → D. hirsuta: 120 − timorensis → D. maj a or: 121
− fasc
f iculata → D. hirsuta: 120 − truncata: 123
− formosana: 120 − − var. celebica → D. truncata: 123
− frut
f iculosa: 120 − tubiflora → D. dolichantha: 120
− fu
f ltonii → D. albida: 119 − verruculosa → D. hirsuta: 121
− gaudichaudii → D. nummularia: 122 − vidalii: 123
− glabra → D. nummularia: 122 − viridiflora → D. punctata: 122
− glaucescens → Dischidia nummularia: 122 − zollingeri → D. acutifolia ssp. acutifolia: 119
− hirsuta: 120 Dischidiopsis : 123
− horsfieldiana → D. rhombifo f lia: 123 − parasitica: 124
− hoyoides → D. acutifo f lia ssp. acutifo
f lia: 119 − philippinensis → D. parasitica: 124
− imbricata : 121 Drakebrockmania → White-sloanea: 273
− immortalis → D. nummularia: 122 − crassa → White-sloanea crassa: 274
− joloensis → D. punctata: 122 Dregea → Marsdenia: 178
− kawengica → D. albida: 119 Drepanostemma → Sarcostemma: 233
− klossii → D. acutifo f lia ssp. klossii: 119 − luteum → Sarcostemma decorsei: 234
− kutchinensis → D. albida: 119 Duvalia : 124
− lagenifer
f a → D. albida: 119 − andreaeana → Huernia andreaeana: 159
− lanceolata: 121 − anemoniflora : 124
− − → D. vidalii: 123 − angustiloba: 124
− lancifo
f lia → D. acutifolia ssp. klossii: 119 − caespitosa: 125
− latifol
f ia : 121 − − var. caespitosa: 125
− livida: 121 − − − compacta: 125
− loeseneriana → D. bengalensis: 120 − compacta → D. caespitosa var. compacta: 125
− maja or: 121 − concolor → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125
− maxima → Hoya imbricata: 152 − corderoyi: 125
− merguiensis → D. maj a or: 121 − deflexa → Stapelia sp.: 243
− merrillii → Dischidiopsis parasitica: 124 − dentata → D. polita: 127
− microphylla → D. nummularia: 122 − eilensis: 125

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Duvalia elegans

[Duvalia] [Duvalia]
− elegans: 126 − vestita: 129
− − ffa. magnicorona → D. elegans: 126 Duvaliandra : 129
− − var. namaquana → D. pubescens: 127 − dioscoridis: 129
− − − seminuda → D. elegans: 126 Duvaliaranthus : 129
− emiliana → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − albostriatus: 129
− galgallensis: 126 Echidnopsis : 129
− glomerata → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − adamsonii → E. radians: 134
− gracilis: 126 − angustiloba: 130
− hirtella → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − archeri: 130
− − var. minor → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: − ballyi: 130
125 − bavazzanoi → E. sharpei ssp. ciliata: 135
− − − obscura → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: − bentii: 130
125 − bihendulensis: 131
− immaculata : 126 − cereiform
f is : 131
− jacquiniana → D. elegans: 126 − − var. brunnea → E. cereiformis: 131
− jacquinii → D. elegans: 126 − − − obscura → E. cereiformis: 131
− laevigata → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − chrysantha: 131
− maculata: 126 − − ssp. chrysantha: 131
− − var. immaculata → D. immaculata: 126 − − − filipes: 131
− marlothii → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − − var. filipes → E. chrysantha ssp. filipes: 131
− mastodes → D. caespitosa var. compacta: 125 − ciliata → E. sharpei ssp. ciliata: 135
− minuta → D. maculata: 126 − columnaris → Notechidnopsis columnaris: 185
− modesta: 127 − cylindrica → E. cereiformis: 131
− parviflora: 127 − dammanniana: 131
− pedunculata → Tromotr
T iche pedunculata: 272 − ericiflor
f a : 132
− pillansii: 127 − ethiopica → E. mariae: 133
− − var. albanica → D. pillansii: 127 − flavicorona → E. planiflora: 133
− polita: 127 − framesii → Notechidnopsis tessellata: 186
− − fa. intermedia → D. polita: 127 − globosa: 132
− − var. transvaalensis → D. polita: 127 − golathii → Caralluma penicillata: 58
− procumbens → Huernia procumbens: 170 − hirsuta → E. planiflora: 133
− propinqua → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − insularis: 132
− pubescens: 127 − jacksonii: 132
− − var. maja or → D. pubescens: 128 − lavraniana → E. sharpei ssp. ciliata: 135
− radiata → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − leachii: 132
− − var. hirtella → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: − malum: 132
125 − mariae: 132
− − − minor → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − mijerteina : 133
− − − obscura → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: − − var. marchandii → E. mijerteina: 133
125 − milleri : 133
− reclinata → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − modesta → E. radians: 134
− − var. angulata → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: − montana: 133
125 − multangula → E. sp.: 130
− − − bifida → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − nubica: 133
− replicata → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − planiflor
f a: 133
− serrulata → Piaranthus decorus ssp. decorus: 210 − quadrangula → Caralluma quadrangula: 59
− somalensis → D. sulcata ssp. somalensis: 128 − radians: 134
− sulcata: 128 − repens: 134
− − ssp. seminuda: 128 − rubrolutea: 134
− − − somalensis: 128 − scutellata: 134
− − − sulcata: 128 − − ssp. australis → E. mariae: 133
− − var. seminuda → D. sulcata ssp. seminuda: − − − dhofarens
f is: 134
128 − − − planiflora → E. planiflora: 133
− tanganyikensis → Huernia tanganyikensis: 172 − − − scutellata: 134
− transvaalensis → D. polita: 127 − seibanica: 134
− − var. parviflora → D. polita: 127 − serpentina → Notechidnopsis tessellata: 186
− tuberculata → D. caespitosa var. caespitosa: 125 − sharpei: 135
− velutina: 128 − − ssp. ciliata: 135

Echidnopsis sharpei ssp. repens Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Echidnopsis sharpei ssp.] [Folotsia]

− − − repens → E. repens: 134 − floribunda → Cynanchum floriferum:
f 111
− − − sharpei: 135 − grandiflora → Cynanchum grandidieri: 111
− similis → E. archeri: 130 − humbertii → Cynanchum humbert-capuronii:
− socotrana: 135 112
− somalensis → E. dammanniana: 131 − madagascariensis → Cynanchum toliari: 118
− squamulata: 135 − sarcostemmoides → Cynanchum grandidieri:
− stellata → E. virchowii var. stellata: 136 111
− tessellata → E. cereiform
f is: 131 F
Frerea → Caralluma: 46
− urceolaris → E. urceolata: 135 − indica → Caralluma frerei: 54
− urceolata: 135 Glossostelma : 139
− virchowii: 136 − angolense: 139
− − var. stellata: 136 − brevilobum: 139
− − − virchowii: 136 − cabrae: 140
− watsonii: 136 − carsonii: 140
− yemenensis: 136 − ceciliae: 140
Edithcolea : 136 − erectum: 140
− grandis: 137 − lisianthoides: 141
− − var. baylissiana → E. grandis: 137 − mbisiense: 141
− sordida → E. grandis: 137 − nyikense: 141
Eriopetalum → Brachystelma: 20 − rusapense: 141
− attenuatum → Brachystelma attenuatum: 21 − spathulatum: 141
− laevigatum → Brachystelma laevigatum: 33 − xysmalobioides: 142
− parviflorum → Brachystelma parviflorum: 38 Gomphocarpus → Asclepias: 10
Eriostemma → Hoya: 147 − angustatus → Stathmostelma angustatum: 260
Euphorbia antunesii → Tavaresia barklyi: 265 − carinatus → Stenostelma carinatum: 264
− pendula → Sarcostemma sp.: 233 − chironioides → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141
− viminalis → Sarcostemma viminale: 235 − chlorojo odinus → Glossostelma carsonii: 140
Fanninia : 137 − corniculatus → Stenostelma corniculatum: 264
− caloglossa: 137 − diploglossus → Aspidonepsis diploglossa: 19
Flanagania → Cynanchum: 108 − eminens → Stenostelma eminens: 264
− orangeana → Cynanchum orangeanum: 116 − laevigatus → Brachystelma laevigatum: 33
Fockea : 137 − lisianthoides → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141
− angustifol
f ia: 137 − longipes → Stathmostelma pedunculatum: 262
− − var. volkii → F. angustifof lia: 138 − pauciflorus → Stathmostelma pauciflorum: 261
− capensis: 138 − pedunculatus → Stathmostelma pedunculatum:
− comaru: 138 262
− crispa → F. capensis: 138 − spathulatus → Glossostelma spathulatum: 141
− cylindrica → F. edulis: 138 − stenoglossus → Stenostelma capense: 263
− dammarana → F. angustifo f lia: 138 Gonodentea bijliae → Stapelia bijliae: 244
− edulis: 138 Gonolobus cyclophyllus → Matelea cyclophylla:
− − var. capensis → F. capensis: 138 181
− glabra → F. edulis: 138 Gonostapelia barklyi → Orbelia barklyi: 207
− gracilis → F. comaru: 138 − maculosa → Tromostapelia sp.: 269
− lugardii → F. angustifof lia: 137 Gonostemon → Stapelia: 242
− mildbraedii → F. angustifo f lia: 138 − acuminatus → Stapelia acuminata: 243
− monroi → F. angustifof lia: 138 − − var. brevicuspis → Stapelia acuminata: 243
− multiflora : 138 − arenosus → Stapelia arenosa: 243
− natalensis → Petopentia natalensis: 209 − asterias → Stapelia asterias: 244
− schinzii → F. multiflora: 138 − − var. gibbus → Stapelia asterias: 244
− sessiliflora → F. angustifo
f lia: 137 − − − lucidus → Stapelia asterias: 244
− sinuata: 139 − baylissii → Stapelia baylissii: 244
− tugelensis → F. angustifof lia: 138 − clavicoronus → Stapelia clavicorona: 245
− − → Petopentia natalensis: 209 − concinnus → Stapelia sp.: 243
− undulata → F. sinuata: 139 − deflexus → Stapelia sp.: 243
Folotsia → Cynanchum: 108 − − var. atropurpureus → Stapelia sp.: 243
− aculeata → Cynanchum aculeatum: 108 − divaricatus → Stapelia divaricata: 245
− ambovombensis → Cynanchum ambovombense: − erectiflorus → Stapelia erectiflora: 245
109 − − ffa. aberrans → Stapelia erectiflora var.
prostratiflora: 246

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Gonostemon erectiflorus fa. aberrans

[Gonostemon] [Gonostemon pillansii var.]

− flavopurpureus → Stapelia flavopurpurea: 246 − − − font
f inalis → Stapelia pillansii var.
− − var. fleckii → Stapelia flavopurpurea: 246 fontinalis: 252
− fusco
f purpureus → Stapelia sp.: 243 − plantii → Stapelia sp.: 243
− gariepensis → Stapelia gariepensis: 246 − praetermissus → Stapelia praetermissa: 252
− gettliffei → Stapelia gettliffei: 246 − − var. luteolus → Stapelia praetermissa var.
− giganteus → Stapelia gigantea: 247 luteola: 252
− − nvar. pallidus → Stapelia gigantea: 247 − pulvinatus → Stapelia pulvinata: 252
− − var. marlothii → Stapelia gigantea: 247 − remotus → Stapelia remota: 253
− − − nobilis → Stapelia gigantea: 247 − rubiginosus → Stapelia rubiginosa: 253
− − − youngii → Stapelia gigantea: 247 − rufus → Stapelia rufa: 253
− glabricaulis → Stapelia glabricaulis: 247 − − var. attenuatus → Stapelia rufa: 253
− − var. forc
f ipis → Stapelia glabricaulis: 247 − − − fi
f ssirostris → Stapelia rufa: 253
− glanduliflorus → Stapelia glanduliflora: 247 − schinzii → Stapelia schinzii: 253
− − var. emarginatus → Stapelia glanduliflora: − − var. angolensis → Stapelia schinzii var.
247 angolensis: 253
− gordonii → Hoodia gordonii: 143 − − − bergerianus → Stapelia schinzii var.
− grandiflorus → Stapelia grandiflora: 247 bergeriana: 253
− − var. ambiguus → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − scitulus → Stapelia scitula: 254
− − − apicalis → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − similis → Stapelia similis: 254
− − − arnotii → Stapelia arnotii: 244 − − var. juttae → Stapelia similis: 254
− − − desmetianus → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − − − portae-taurinae → Stapelia similis: 254
− − − fer
f gusoniae → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − strictus → Stapelia sp.: 243
− − − ful
f vus → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − surrectus → Stapelia surrecta: 254
− − − lineatus → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − − var. primosii → Stapelia surrecta: 254
− − − pallidus → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − tsomoensis → Stapelia tsomoensis: 254
− − − senilis → Stapelia grandiflora: 248 − unicornis → Stapelia unicornis: 255
− − − sororius → Stapelia sp.: 243 − vetulus → Stapelia vetula: 255
− hirsutus → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 − villetiae → Stapelia villetiae: 255
− − var. affinis → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 Gonotriche → Tromostapelia: 269
− − − comatus → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 − bella → Tromostapelia sp.: 269
− − − depressus → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 Gymnema recurvifolium → Hoya australis ssp.
− − − gratus → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 tenuipes: 148
− − − longirostris → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 Harrisonia → Marsdenia: 178
− − − luteus → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 Hoodia : 142
− kougabergensis → Stapelia kougabergensis: 249 − albispina → H. gordonii: 144
− kwebensis → Stapelia kwebensis: 249 − alstonii: 142
− leendertziae → Stapelia leendertziae: 249 − annulata → H. pilifera ssp. annulata: 145
− longipedicellatus → Stapelia longipedicellata: − bainii → H. gordonii: 144
249 − − var. juttae → H. juttae: 144
− maccabeanae → Stapelia sp.: 243 − barklyi → H. gordonii: 144
− macowanii → Stapelia macowanii: 250 − burkei → H. gordonii: 144
− − var. abrasus → Stapelia macowanii var. − cactifo
f rmis → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
conformis: 250 − colei → H. pilifera ssp. pillansii: 146
− − − confof rmis → Stapelia macowanii var. − currorii: 143
conformis: 250 − − ssp. currorii: 143
− meintjt esii → Stapelia meintjesii: 250 − − − lugardii: 143
− montanus → Stapelia montana: 250 − − var. minor → H. currorii ssp. currorii: 143
− − var. grossus → Stapelia montana var. grossa: − delaetiana → H. officinalis ssp. delaetiana: 144
250 − dinteri → H. gordonii: 144
− obductus → Stapelia obducta: 250 − − → Larryleachia marlothii: 177
− olivaceus → Stapelia olivacea: 250 − dregei: 143
− pallidus → Stapelia divaricata: 245 − fe
f lina → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
− paniculatus → Stapelia paniculata: 251 − flav
f a: 143
− parvulus → Stapelia parvula: 251 − foet
f ida → H. triebneri: 146
− pearsonii → Stapelia pearsonii: 251 − genilis → Tavaresia barklyi: 265
− peglerae → Stapelia peglerae: 251 − gibbosa → H. currorii ssp. currorii: 143
− pillansii → Stapelia pillansii: 252 − gordonii: 143
− − var. attenuatus → Stapelia pillansii var. − grandis → H. pilifera ssp. pillansii: 146
pillansii: 252

Hoodia haagnerae Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Hoodia] [Hoya]
− haagnerae → Lavrania haagnerae: 178 − calycina: 149
− husabensis → H. gordonii: 144 − − ssp. calycina: 149
− juttae: 144 − − − glabrifolia : 149
− langii → H. gordonii: 144 − carnosa: 149
− longispina: 144 − − → H. meliflua: 154
− lugardii → H. currorii ssp. lugardii: 143 − − var. compacta → H. carnosa: 149
− macrantha → H. currorii ssp. currorii: 143 − − − gushanica → H. carnosa: 149
− marlothii → Larryleachia marlothii: 177 − − − japonica → H. carnosa: 149
− meloform
f is → Larryleachia picta: 177 − − − marmorata → H. carnosa: 149
− montana → H. currorii ssp. currorii: 143 − − − variegata → H. carnosa: 149
− mossamedensis: 144 − caudata: 149
− officinalis : 144 − chinensis → H. carnosa: 149
− − ssp. delaetiana: 144 − cinnamomifol f ia: 150
− − − officinalis : 145 − − var. purpureofuscaf → H. purpureofusca: 156
− parviflor
f a: 145 − citrina → H. verticillata: 158
− pedicellata : 145 − clandestina → H. macrophylla: 154
− perlata → Larryleachia perlata: 177 − crassicaulis: 150
− picta → Larryleachia picta: 177 − crassifof lia → H. carnosa: 149
− pilifera
f : 145 − − → H. caudata: 149
− − ssp. annulata: 145 − crassipes → H. diversifolia: 150
− − − pilifera
f : 145 − dalrympleana → H. australis ssp. australis: 148
− − − pillansii: 146 − diptera: 150
− pillansii → H. gordonii: 144 − diversifo f lia : 150
− rosea → H. gordonii: 144 − − → H. meliflua: 154
− ruschii: 146 − dodecatheiflora → H. inconspicua: 152
− rustica → H. officinalis ssp. officinalis: 145 − eitapensis: 150
− senilis → Tavaresia barklyi: 265 − elliptica : 150
− similis → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176 − engleriana: 151
− − → H. sp.: 142 − erythrostemma: 151
− sociarum → Larryleachia sp.: 176 − esculenta → H. diversifolia: 150
− tirasmontana → Larryleachia tirasmontana: 177 − finlaysonii: 151
− triebneri: 146 − flagellata → H. caudata: 149
− whitesloaneana → H. gordonii: 144 − fuscomarg
f inata: 151
Hoodialluma : 146 − globifera → H. verticillata: 158
Hoodiopsis → Hoodialluma: 146 − globulosa: 151
Hoya : 146 − hellwigiana → H. nicholsoniae: 155
− acuta → H. verticillata: 158 − hellwigii → H. nicholsoniae: 155
− − var. citrina → H. verticillata: 158 − heuschkeliana: 151
− alata → H. anulata: 147 − hookeriana → H. verticillata: 158
− albens → H. verticillata: 158 − hypolasia: 152
− amoena → H. verticillata: 158 − imbricata : 152
− angustifolia → H. pottsii: 156 − − ffa. typica → H. imbricata: 152
− − → H. tsangii: 158 − − var. basi-subcordata → H. imbricata: 152
− anulata: 147 − inconspicua: 152
− archboldiana: 147 − intermedia → H. carnosa: 149
− australis: 148 − kerrii: 152
− − ssp. australis: 148 − keysii → H. australis ssp. australis: 148
− − − oramicola: 148 − lactea → H. australis ssp. tenuipes: 148
− − − rupicola: 148 − lacunosa: 153
− − − sanae: 148 − − var. pallidiflora → H. lacunosa: 153
− − − tenuipes: 148 − lanceolata: 153
− barrackii → H. australis ssp. tenuipes: 148 − − ssp. bella: 153
− bella → H. lanceolata ssp. bella: 153 − − − lanceolata: 153
− benguetensis: 148 − lantsangensis → Micholitzia obcordata: 183
− bicarinata → H. australis ssp. tenuipes: 148 − latifolia : 153
− bilobata: 148 − − ssp. kinabaluensis → H. latifolia: 153
− bordenii: 149 − limoniaca: 153
− browniana → H. macrophylla: 154 − linearis: 153

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Hoya linearis var. nepalensis

[Hoya linearis] [Hoya]

− − var. nepalensis → H. linearis: 153 − sogerensis → H. nicholsoniae: 155
− − − sikkimensis → H. linearis: 153 − spartioides → Absolmsia spartioides: 9
− litoralis → H. inconspicua: 152 − suaveolens → H. lacunosa: 153
− longifolia : 154 − thailandica : 157
− loyceandrewsiana → H. latifolia: 153 − thomsonii: 158
− luzonica → H. meliflua: 155 − trinervis → H. pottsii: 156
− macgillivrayi: 154 − tsangii: 158
− macrophylla : 154 − variegata → H. carnosa: 149
− − → H. latifolia: 153 − verticillata : 158
− magnifica: 154 − − var. citrina → H. verticillata: 158
− manipurensis → Micholitzia obcordata: 183 − − − hendersonii → H. verticillata: 158
− maxima → H. imbricata: 152 − vitellina : 158
− meliflu
f a : 154 − wightiana → H. pauciflora: 156
− meredithii : 155 − yunnanensis → Micholitzia obcordata: 183
− motoskei → H. carnosa: 149 − zollingeriana → H. diversifolia: 150
− nicholsoniae: 155 Huernelia : 158
− nummularioides: 155 Huernia : 159
− obovata: 155 − albomaculata → H. sp.: 159
− − var. kerrii → H. kerrii: 152 − andreaeana: 159
− obscurinerva → H. pottsii: 156 − appendiculata → H. hystrix: 164
− oligotricha → H. australis ssp. australis: 148 − arabica → H. macrocarpa: 167
− − ssp. tenuipes → H. australis ssp. tenuipes: 148 − archeri: 159
− orbiculata → H. diversifolia: 150 − aspera: 159
− ovalifolia → H. revoluta: 157 − barbata: 160
− pachyclada: 155 − − var. crispa → H. sp.: 159
− pallida → H. verticillata: 158 − − − griquensis → H. barbata: 160
− papillantha → H. australis ssp. tenuipes: 148 − − − tubata → H. barbata: 160
− parasitica → H. meliflua: 154 − bayeri: 160
− − → H. verticillata: 158 − bicampanulata → H. kirkii: 165
− − var. citrina → H. verticillata: 158 − blackbeardiae → H. zebrina ssp. magniflora: 174
− − − geoffrayi → H. verticillata: 158 − boleana: 160
− − − hendersonii → H. verticillata: 158 − brevirostris: 160
− − − spirei → H. verticillata: 158 − − ssp. baviaana: 160
− parviflor
f a: 156 − − − brevirostris: 160
− parvifolia : 156 − − − intermedia : 161
− pauciflora: 156 − − var. histrionica → H. brevirostris ssp.
− paxtonii → H. lanceolata ssp. bella: 153 intermedia: 161
− picta → H. carnosa: 149 − − − immaculata → H. brevirostris ssp.
− pilosa → H. australis ssp. australis: 148 intermedia: 161
− polystachya → H. latifolia: 153 − − − intermedia → H. brevirostris ssp.
− poolei → H. anulata: 147 intermedia: 161
− pottsii: 156 − − − longula → H. brevirostris ssp. intermedia:
− − var. angustifolia → H. pottsii: 156 161
− pseudolittoralis → H. anulata: 147 − − − pallida → H. brevirostris ssp. intermedia:
− pseudomaxima → H. imbricata: 152 161
− pubescens → H. australis ssp. australis: 148 − − − parvipuncta → H. brevirostris ssp.
− purpureofusca: 156 intermedia: 161
− retusa: 157 − − − scabra → H. brevirostris ssp. intermedia:
− revoluta: 157 161
− ridleyi → H. verticillata: 158 − campanulata: 161
− rotundifof lia → H. carnosa: 149 − − var. denticoronata → H. campanulata: 161
− rupicola → H. australis ssp. rupicola: 148 − clavigera: 161
− sanae → H. australis ssp. sanae: 148 − − var. maritima → H. clavigera: 161
− schlechteriana → H. anulata: 147 − concinna: 161
− serpens: 157 − confusa
f → H. insigniflora: 164
− shepherdii: 157 − crispa → H. sp.: 159
− siamica: 157 − decemdentata → H. clavigera: 161
− sikkimensis → H. lanceolata ssp. lanceolata: 153 − distincta: 162

Huernia duodecimfida Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Huernia] [Huernia]
− duodecimfida → H. barbata: 160 − nigeriana: 168
− echidnopsioides: 162 − nouhuysii: 168
− erectiloba: 162 − occulta: 168
− erinacea: 162 − ocellata → H. guttata: 162
− fo
f rmosa: 162 − oculata: 168
− guttata: 162 − owamboensis → H. namaquensis: 167
− − ssp. calitzdorpensis: 163 − pendula: 169
− − − guttata: 163 − penzigii → H. macrocarpa: 167
− hadhramautica: 163 − − var. arabica → H. macrocarpa: 167
− hallii: 163 − − − schimperi → H. macrocarpa: 167
− herrei → H. namaquensis: 167 − − − schweinfurthii → H. macrocarpa: 167
− − var. immaculata → H. namaquensis: 167 − piersii: 169
− hislopii: 163 − pillansii: 169
− − ssp. hislopii: 163 − − ssp. echidnopsioides → H. echidnopsioides:
− − − robusta: 163 162
− humilis: 163 − − − pillansii → H. pillansii: 169
− hystrix: 164 − plowesii: 169
− − var. appendiculata → H. hystrix: 164 − praestans: 169
− − − hystrix: 164 − primulina → H. thuretii var. primulina: 172
− − − parvula: 164 − − var. rugosa → H. thuretii var. primulina: 172
− ingeae → H. clavigera: 161 − procumbens: 170
− inornata → H. thuretii: 172 − quinta: 170
− insigniflora: 164 − − var. blyderiverensis: 170
− keniensis: 164 − − − quinta: 170
− − var. globosa: 164 − recondita: 170
− − − grandiflor
f a: 164 − repens → H. volkartii var. repens: 173
− − − keniensis: 164 − reticulata : 170
− − − molonyae: 165 − rogersii → H. oculata: 168
− − − nairobiensis: 165 − rosea: 171
− − − quintitia → H. keniensis var. keniensis: 164 − rubra: 171
− kennedyana: 165 − saudi-arabica: 171
− kirkii: 165 − scabra → H. brevirostris ssp. intermedia: 161
− laevis: 165 − − var. immaculata → H. brevirostris ssp.
− lavrani: 165 intermedia: 161
− leachii: 166 − − − longula → H. brevirostris ssp. intermedia:
− lenewtonii: 166 161
− lentiginosa → H. guttata: 162 − − − pallida → H. brevirostris ssp. intermedia:
− levyi: 166 161
− lodarensis: 166 − − − quinta → H. quinta: 170
− loeseneriana: 166 − schneideriana: 171
− longii: 166 − similis: 171
− − ssp. echidnopsioides → H. echidnopsioides: − simplex → H. humilis: 163
162 − somalica: 171
− longituba: 167 − sprengeri → Orbea sprengeri: 200
− − ssp. cashelensis: 167 − stapelioides: 172
− − − longituba: 167 − striata → H. thuretii: 172
− macrocarpa: 167 − tanganyikensis: 172
− − ffa. schimperi → H. macrocarpa: 167 − tavaresii → Tavaresia angolensis: 265
− − ssp. concinna → H. concinna: 161 − thudichumii : 172
− − var. arabica → H. macrocarpa: 167 − thuretii: 172
− − − cerasina → H. macrocarpa: 167 − − var. primulina: 172
− − − flavicoronata → H. macrocarpa: 167 − − − rugosa → H. thuretii var. primulina: 172
− − − penzigii → H. macrocarpa: 167 − − − thuretii: 172
− − − schweinfurthii → H. macrocarpa: 167 − transmutata → H. sp.: 159
− marnieriana : 167 − transvaalensis: 173
− montana → H. volkartii: 173 − tubata → H. barbata: 160
− namaquensis: 167 − urceolata: 173
− − ssp. hallii → H. hallii: 163 − venusta → H. sp.: 159

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Huernia verekeri

[Huernia] [Larryleachia]
− verekeri: 173 − cactiform
f is : 176
− − var. angolensis: 173 − dinteri → L. marlothii: 177
− − − pauciflora: 173 − fe
f lina → L. cactiformis: 176
− − − stevensonii → H. verekeri: 173 − marlothii : 177
− − − verekeri: 173 − meloformis → L. picta: 177
− vogtsii → H. stapelioides: 172 − perlata: 177
− volkartii: 173 − picta: 177
− − var. nigeriana → H. nigeriana: 168 − similis → L. cactiformis: 176
− − − repens: 173 − sociarum → L. sp.: 176
− − − volkartii: 173 − tirasmontana: 177
− whitesloaneana: 174 Lasiostelma → Brachystelma: 20
− witzenbergensis: 174 − benthamii → Brachystelma sandersonii: 42
− zebrina: 174 − longifo
f lium → Brachystelma longifo f lium: 34
− − ssp. magniflor
f a : 174 − macropetalum → Brachystelma macropetalum:
− − − zebrina: 174 34
− − var. magniflora → H. zebrina ssp. magniflora: − nanum → Brachystelma nanum: 37
174 − occidentale → Brachystelma occidentale: 37
− − − zebrina → H. zebrina ssp. zebrina: 174 − ramosissimum → Brachystelma ramosissimum:
Huernianthus : 174 41
− − Alexis : 174 − sandersonii → Brachystelma sandersonii: 42
Huerniopsis : 174 − somalense → Caralluma sp.: 47
− atrosanguinea: 175 Lavrania : 178
− − var. gibbosa → H. atrosanguinea: 175 − cactifo
f rmis → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
− decipiens: 175 − haagnerae: 178
− gibbosa → H. atrosanguinea: 175 − marlothii → Larryleachia marlothii: 177
− papillata → H. atrosanguinea: 175 − perlata → Larryleachia perlata: 177
Hutchinia → Caralluma: 46 − picta → Larryleachia picta: 177
− indica → Caralluma indica: 56 − − ssp. parvipunctata → Larryleachia
Ischnolepis : 175 tirasmontana: 178
− graminifolia : 176 − − − picta → Larryleachia picta: 177
− natalensis → Petopentia natalensis: 209 Leachia → Larryleachia: 176
− tuberosa → I. graminifolia: 176 − cactiform
f is → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
Jasminanthes → Marsdenia: 179 − dinteri → Larryleachia marlothii: 177
Karimbolea → Cynanchum: 108 − fe
f lina → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
− macrantha → Cynanchum macranthum: 114 − marlothii → Larryleachia marlothii: 177
− mariensis → Cynanchum mariense: 114 − melofof rmis → Larryleachia picta: 177
− verrucosa → Cynanchum verrucosum: 118 − perlata → Larryleachia perlata: 177
Kinepetalum → Brachystelma: 20 − picta → Larryleachia picta: 177
− schultzei → Brachystelma schultzei: 42 − similis → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
Krebsia → Stenostelma: 263 − sociarum → Larryleachia sp.: 176
− carinata → Stenostelma carinatum: 264 − tirasmontana → Larryleachia tirasmontana: 177
− corniculata → Stenostelma corniculatum: 264 Leachiella → Larryleachia: 176
− stenoglossa → Stenostelma capense: 263 − cactiformis → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
Lagarinthus abyssinicus → Aspidoglossum − dinteri → Larryleachia marlothii: 177
interruptum: 15 − fe
f lina → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
− atrorubens → Schizoglossum bidens ssp. − marlothii → Larryleachia marlothii: 177
atrorubens: 237 − melofof rmis → Larryleachia picta: 177
− corniculatus → Stenostelma corniculatum: 264 − perlata → Larryleachia perlata: 177
− diversus → Schizoglossum bidens ssp. gracile: − picta → Larryleachia picta: 177
238 − similis → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
− eustegioides → Stenostelma sp.: 263 − sociarum → Larryleachia sp.: 176
− exilis → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − tirasmontana → Larryleachia tirasmontana: 177
− galpinii → Schizoglossum bidens ssp. galpinii: Leichardtia → Marsdenia: 178
238 − australis → Marsdenia australis: 179
− gracilis → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 Leptostemma → Dischidia: 118
− interruptus → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15 − fasc
f iculatum → Dischidia hirsuta: 120
− virgatus → Aspidoglossum virgatum: 17 − hirsutum → Dischidia hirsuta: 120
Larryleachia : 176 − lanceolatum → Dischidia lanceolata: 121

Leptostemma latifolium Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Leptostemma] [Miraglossum]
− latifo
f lium → Dischidia latifo
f lia: 121 − pilosum: 184
− pictum → Dischidia ovata: 122 − pulchellum : 184
− punctatum → Dischidia punctata: 122 − superbum: 185
− sagitattum → Dischidia sagittata: 123 − verticillare : 185
− truncatum → Dischidia rhombifolia: 123 Monolluma → Caralluma: 46
− − → Dischidia truncata: 123 − cicatricosa → Caralluma cicatricosa: 51
Lithocaulon → Pseudolithos: 212 − quadrangula → Caralluma quadrangula: 59
− cubiform
f e → Pseudolithos cubiform
f is: 212 Monostemma → Sarcostemma: 233
− sphaericum → Pseudolithos migiurtinus: 213 Monothylaceum → Hoodia: 142
Loniceroides → Marsdenia: 179 − gordonii → Hoodia gordonii: 143
Macropetalum → Brachystelma: 20 Nematostemma → Cynanchum: 108
− burchellii → Brachystelma burchellii: 24 − perrieri → Cynanchum nematostemma: 116
− − var. burchellii → Brachystelma burchellii var. Niota → Ceropegia: 63
burchellii: 24 Notechidnopsis : 185
− − − grandiflorum → Brachystelma burchellii − columnaris: 185
var. grandiflorum: 24 − tessellata: 186
− filifo
f lium → Brachystelma filifolium: 29 Obesia → Piaranthus: 209
Madangia : 178 − arida → Quaqua arida: 215
− inflat
f a: 178 − decora → Piaranthus decorus: 210
Mahafa f lia → Cynanchum: 108 − geminata → Piaranthus geminatus: 211
− nodosa → Cynanchum arenarium: 109 − punctata → Piaranthus punctatus: 211
Marsdenia : 178 − serrulata → Piaranthus decorus ssp. decorus: 210
− australis: 179 Odontostelma : 186
− brevis: 179 − minus: 186
− coronata: 179 − welwitschii: 186
− gillespieae: 179 Oligoron → Asclepias: 9
− guanchezii: 180 Ophionella : 186
− leptophylla → M. viridiflora: 180 − arcuata: 186
− megalantha: 180 − − ssp. arcuata: 187
− microlepis: 180 − − − mirkinii: 187
− parasitica → Dischidiopsis parasitica: 124 − − var. mirkinii → O. arcuata ssp. mirkinii: 187
− pumila: 180 − willowmorensis: 187
− rara: 180 Orbea : 187
− viridiflora
f : 180 − abayensis: 188
− − ssp. tropica → M. viridiflora: 180 − albocastanea: 188
Matelea : 181 − anguinea → O. variegata: 203
− cyclophylla: 181 − aperta → Tromotr
T iche aperta: 270
− decumbens: 181 − araysiana: 188
− dictyantha: 181 − arida → Quaqua arida: 215
− diffus
f a → M. hemsleyana: 182 − baldratii: 189
− hemsleyana: 182 − − ssp. baldratii: 189
− macvaughiana: 182 − − − somalensis: 189
− pavonii: 182 − bisulca → O. variegata: 203
− sepicola: 182 − bufon
f ia → O. variegata: 203
− standleyana: 182 − carnosa: 189
− stapeliiflora → M. pavonii: 182 − caudata: 189
− tuberosa: 183 − − ssp. caudata: 189
Micholitzia : 183 − − − rhodesiaca: 190
− obcordata: 183 − chrysostephana: 190
Micraster → Brachystelma: 20 − ciliata: 190
− pulchellus → Brachystelma pulchellum: 40 − clypeata → O. variegata: 203
Microstemma → Brachystelma: 20 − commutata : 190
− glabriflorum → Brachystelma glabriflorum: 30 − conj
n uncta → Orbeanthus conj n unctus: 206
− tuberosum → Brachystelma glabriflorum: 30 − conspurcata → O. variegata: 203
Miraglossum : 183 − cooperi: 191
− anomalum: 184 − curtisii → O. variegata: 203
− davyi: 184 − decaisneana: 191
− laeve: 184 − deflersiana: 191

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Orbea denboefii

[Orbea] [Orbea]
− denboefii: 191 − sprengeri: 200
− distincta: 192 − − ssp. foetida: 200
− dummeri: 192 − − − ogadensis: 201
− − ssp. circes → O. dummeri: 192 − − − sprengeri: 201
− gemugofana: 192 − subterranea: 201
− gerstneri: 192 − tapscottii: 201
− − ssp. elongata: 192 − trisulca → O. variegata: 203
− − − gerstneri: 193 − tubiformis: 201
− halipedicola : 193 − ubomboensis: 202
− − ssp. halipedicola : 193 − umbracula: 202
− − − septentrionalis: 193 − valida: 202
− hardyi → Orbeanthus hardyi: 206 − − ssp. occidentalis: 202
− huernioides: 193 − − − valida: 202
− huillensis: 194 − variegata: 203
− − ssp. flava
f : 194 − − var. clypeata → O. variegata: 203
− − − huillensis: 194 − verrucosa: 204
− inodora → O. variegata: 203 − − var. fucosa
f : 204
− irrorata → O. verrucosa var. fucosa: 204 − − − verrucosa: 204
− knobelii: 194 − vibratilis: 204
− laikipiensis: 194 − wendlandiana → O. verrucosa var. verrucosa:
− laticorona: 195 204
− lepida → O. variegata: 203 − wilsonii: 204
− longidens: 195 − wissmannii: 205
− lugardii: 195 − − var. eremastrum: 205
− luntii: 195 − − − parviloba: 205
− lutea: 196 − − − wissmannii: 205
− − ssp. lutea: 196 − woodfordiana → O. variegata: 203
− − − vaga: 196 − woodii: 205
− macloughlinii: 196 Orbeanthus : 206
− maculata: 196 − conj
n unctus: 206
− − ssp. kaokoensis: 197 − hardyi: 206
− − − maculata: 197 Orbelia : 207
− − − rangeana: 197 − barklyi: 207
− maculosa → T Tromostapelia sp.: 269 Orbeopelia → Orbelia: 207
− marginata → O. variegata: 203 Orbeopsis → Orbea: 187
− marmorata → O. variegata: 203 − albocastanea → Orbea albocastanea: 188
− melanantha: 197 − caudata → Orbea caudata: 189
− miscella: 197 − − ssp. caudata → Orbea caudata ssp. caudata:
− mixta → O. variegata: 203 189
− namaquensis: 198 − − − rhodesiaca → Orbea caudata ssp.
− normalis → O. variegata: 203 rhodesiaca: 190
− orbicularis → O. variegata: 203 − gerstneri → Orbea gerstneri: 192
− paradoxa: 198 − − ssp. elongata → Orbea gerstneri ssp. elongata:
− picta → O. variegata: 203 193
− planiflora → O. variegata: 203 − − − gerstneri → Orbea gerstneri ssp. gerstneri:
− − var. marginata → O. variegata: 203 193
− prognatha: 198 − gossweileri → Orbea huillensis: 194
− pulchella: 199 − huillensis → Orbea huillensis: 194
− quinquenervia → O. variegata: 203 − knobelii → Orbea knobelii: 194
− rangeana → O. maculata ssp. rangeana: 197 − lutea → Orbea lutea: 196
− retusa → O. variegata: 203 − − ssp. lutea → Orbea lutea ssp. lutea: 196
− rogersii: 199 − − − vaga → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196
− rugosa → O. variegata: 203 − melanantha → Orbea melanantha: 197
− sacculata: 199 − tsumebensis → Orbea valida ssp. valida: 202
− schweinfu f rthii: 199 − valida → Orbea valida: 202
− semitubifl f ora: 200 Orbeostemon → Orbelia: 207
− semota: 200 − tarantuloides → Orbelia sp.: 207
− speciosa: 200 Otanema → Asclepias: 9

Otaria Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[] [Pectinaria articulata]
Otaria → Asclepias: 9 − − var. namaquensis → P. articulata ssp.
Otostemma → Hoya: 147 namaquensis: 208
− lacunosum → Hoya lacunosa: 153 − asperiflora → P. articulata ssp. asperiflora: 208
Oxypteryx → Asclepias: 9 − breviloba → Stapeliopsis breviloba: 258
Pachycarpus : 207 − exasperata → Stapeliopsis exasperata: 258
− corniculatus → Stathmostelma pedunculatum: − longipes: 208
262 − mammillaris → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
Pachycymbium → Orbea: 187 − maughanii: 208
− abayense → Orbea abayensis: 188 − mirkinii → Ophionella arcuata ssp. mirkinii: 187
− araysianum → Orbea araysiana: 188 − pillansii → Stapeliopsis pillansii: 259
− baldratii → Orbea baldratii: 189 − saxatilis → Stapeliopsis saxatilis: 259
− − ssp. baldratii → Orbea baldratii ssp. baldratii: − stayneri → Stapeliopsis saxatilis ssp. stayneri:
189 259
− − − subterraneum → Orbea subterranea: 201 − tulipiflora → Stapeliopsis saxatilis ssp. saxatilis:
− carnosum → Orbea carnosa: 189 259
− chrysostephanum → Orbea chrysostephana: 190 − villetii → Stapeliopsis breviloba: 258
− circes → Orbea dummeri: 192 Pentagonanthus caeruleus → Raphionacme
− commutatum → Orbea commutata: 190 caerulea: 222
− decaisneanum → Orbea decaisneana: 191 − grandiflorus → Raphionacme grandiflora: 223
− deflersianum → Orbea deflersiana: 191 − − ssp. glabrescens → Raphionacme grandiflora:
− denboefii → Orbea denboefii: 191 223
− distinctum → Orbea distincta: 192 Pentopetia graminifolia → Ischnolepis
− dummeri → Orbea dummeri: 192 graminifolia: 176
− eremastrum → Orbea wissmannii var. − natalensis → Petopentia natalensis: 209
eremastrum: 205 Pergularia edulis → Fockea edulis: 138
− gemugofanum
f → Orbea gemugofana:
f 192 Petopentia : 208
− huernioides → Orbea huernioides: 193 − natalensis: 209
− keithii → Orbea carnosa: 189 Physostelma → Hoya: 147
− kochii → Orbea sacculata: 199 Piaranthus : 209
− laikipiense → Orbea laikipiensis: 194 − aridus → Quaqua arida: 215
− lancasteri → Orbea carnosa: 189 − atrosanguineus → Huerniopsis atrosanguinea:
− laticoronum → Orbea laticorona: 195 175
− lugardii → Orbea lugardii: 195 − barrydalensis: 209
− luntii → Orbea luntii: 195 − comptus: 210
− meintj t esianum → Orbea wissmannii var. − − var. ciliatus → P. comptus: 210
wissmannii: 205 − cornutus → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: 210
− miscellum → Orbea miscella: 197 − − var. grandis → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: 210
− rogersii → Orbea rogersii: 199 − decipiens → Huerniopsis decipiens: 175
− sacculatum → Orbea sacculata: 199 − decorus: 210
− schweinfurtf hii → Orbea schweinfurt
f hii: 199 − − ssp. cornutus: 210
− sprengeri → Orbea sprengeri: 200 − − − decorus: 210
− − ssp. foetidum → Orbea sprengeri ssp. foetida: − disparilis → P. geminatus var. geminatus: 211
200 − − var. immaculatus → P. geminatus var.
− − − ogadense → Orbea sprengeri ssp. ogadensis: geminatus: 211
201 − fasc
f icularis → Echidnopsis cereiformf is: 131
− tubiforme
f → Orbea tubiform
f is: 201 − fasc
f iculatus → Duvalia caespitosa: 125
− ubomboense → Orbea ubomboensis: 202 − foetidus → P. geminatus var. foetidus: 211
− vibratile → Orbea vibratilis: 204 − − var. diversus → P. geminatus var. foetidus:
− wilsonii → Orbea wilsonii: 204 211
− wissmannii → Orbea wissmannii: 205 − − − multipunctatus → P. geminatus var.
Panninia → Fanninia: 137 f idus: 211
Pectinaria : 207 − − − pallidus → P. geminatus var. foet
f idus: 211
− arcuata → Ophionella arcuata: 186 − − − purpureus → P. geminatus var. foetidus: 211
− articulata : 207 − fr
f amesii: 210
− − ssp. articulata : 207 − geminatus: 211
− − − asperiflora
f : 208 − − var. foet
f idus: 211
− − − borealis: 208 − − − geminatus: 211
− − − namaquensis: 208 − globosus → P. geminatus var. geminatus: 211

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Piaranthus grivanus

[Piaranthus] [Pseudolithos]
− grivanus → Huerniopsis decipiens: 175 − migiurtinus: 213
− incarnatus → Quaqua incarnata: 217 − sphaericus → P. migiurtinus: 213
− − var. albus → Quaqua incarnata: 217 Pseudomarsdenia → Marsdenia: 179
− mammillaris → Quaqua mammillaris: 217 Pseudopectinaria → Echidnopsis: 129
− mennellii → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: 210 − malum → Echidnopsis malum: 132
− nebrownii → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: 210 Pterophora → Marsdenia: 178
− pallidus → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: 210 Pterostelma → Hoya: 147
− parviflorus → Quaqua parviflora: 218 Pterygocarpus → Marsdenia: 178
− parvulus: 211 Pycnoneurum → Cynanchum: 108
− piliferus → Hoodia pilifera: 145 − junciforme → Cynanchum junciforme: 112
− pillansii → P. geminatus var. geminatus: 211 − sessiliflorum → Cynanchum sessiliflorum: 117
− − var. fuscatus
f → P. geminatus var. geminatus: Quaqua : 213
211 − acutiloba: 214
− − − inconstans → P. geminatus var. geminatus: − albersii: 214
211 − arenicola: 214
− pulcher → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: 210 − − ssp. pilifera → Q. pilifera: 219
− − var. nebrownii → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: − arida: 214
210 − armata: 215
− pullus → Quaqua mammillaris: 217 − − ssp. arenicola → Q. arenicola: 214
− punctatus: 211 − − − maritima → Q. maritima: 218
− ramosus → Quaqua ramosa: 220 − − − pilifera → Q. pilifera: 219
− rorifluus → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa: 204 − aurea: 215
− ruschii → P. decorus ssp. cornutus: 210 − bayeriana: 215
− serrulatus → P. decorus ssp. decorus: 210 − cincta: 215
− streyianus → Orbea maculata ssp. rangeana: 197 − confusa
f : 216
Platykeleba → Cynanchum: 108 − dependens: 216
− insignis → Cynanchum insigne: 112 − framesii: 216
Pleurostelma → Schlechterella: 241 − gracilis: 216
− africana → Schlechterella africana: 242 − hottentotorum: 216
Plocostemma → Hoya: 147 − incarnata: 217
Podanthes → Orbea: 187 − − ssp. aurea → Q. aurea: 215
− ciliata → Orbea ciliata: 190 − − − hottentotorum → Q. hottentotorum: 216
− geminata → Piaranthus geminatus: 211 − − − tentaculata → Q. tentaculata: 220
− incarnata → Quaqua incarnata: 217 − − var. tentaculata → Q. tentaculata: 220
− irrorata → Orbea verrucosa var. fucosa: 204 − inversa: 217
− lepida → Orbea variegata: 203 − − var. cincta → Q. cincta: 215
− pulchellus → Orbea pulchella: 199 − linearis: 217
− pulchra → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa: 204 − mammillaris : 217
− − var. maj
a or → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa: − maritima : 218
204 − marlothii → Q. arida: 215
− − − verrucosa → Orbea verrucosa var. − multiflora : 218
verrucosa: 204 − pallens: 218
− roriflua → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa: 204 − parviflora
f : 218
− verrucosa → Orbea verrucosa: 204 − − ssp. bayeriana → Q. bayeriana: 215
Podostemma → Asclepias: 9 − − − confusa
f → Q. confusa: 216
Podostigma → Asclepias: 9 − − − dependens → Q. dependens: 216
Polyotus → Asclepias: 9 − − − gracilis → Q. gracilis: 216
Prosopostelma aculeatum → Cynanchum − − − pulchra → Q. pulchra: 219
aculeatum: 108 − − − swanepoelii → Q. swanepoelii: 220
− grandiflorum → Cynanchum floriferum: 111 − pilifer
f a: 218
− madagascariense → Cynanchum toliari: 118 − pillansii: 219
Pseudolithos : 212 − pruinosa: 219
− caput-viperae: 212 − pulchra: 219
− cubifo
f rmis: 212 − radiata: 219
− − var. viridiflorus → P. cubiformis: 212 − ramosa: 219
− dodsonianus: 212 − swanepoelii: 220
− horwoodii: 213 − tentaculata : 220
− mccoyi: 213 Raphiacme → Raphionacme: 220

Raphiacme macrostemon Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Raphiacme] [Raphionacme]
− macrostemon → Raphionacme splendens: 227 − scandens → R. flanaganii: 223
Raphionacme : 220 − seineri → R. sp.: 221
− abyssinica → Schlechterella abyssinica: 241 − splendens: 227
− angolensis: 221 − sudanica → R. sp.: 221
− arabica: 221 − sylvicola: 227
− bagshawei → R. brownii: 221 − utilis: 228
− baguirmiensis → R. sp.: 221 − velutina: 228
− bingeri → R. splendens: 227 − verdickii → R. welwitschii: 228
− borenensis: 221 − vignei: 228
− brownii: 221 − virgultorum → R. galpinii: 223
− − var. longifolia → R. brownii: 221 − volubilis → Raphionacme: 220
− burkei: 222 − welwitschii: 228
− caerulea: 222 − wilczekiana → R. brownii: 221
− chimanimaniana → R. splendens: 227 − zeyheri: 229
− daronii → R. splendens: 227 Rhaphionacme → Raphionacme: 220
− decolor → R. zeyheri: 229 Rhinolobium → Aspidoglossum: 10
− denticulata → R. welwitschii: 228 − lineare → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− dinteri → R. burkei: 222 − tenue → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− divaricata → R. hirsuta: 224 Rhytidocaulon : 229
− − var. glabra → R. hirsuta: 224 − ciliatum : 229
− dyeri: 222 − fuller
f i: 230
− elata → R. globosa: 223 − macrolobum : 230
− elsana: 222 − − ssp. macrolobum : 230
− engleriana → R. sp.: 221 − − − minimum : 230
− ernstiana → R. longituba: 225 − mccoyi: 230
− excisa → R. splendens: 227 − paradoxum: 231
− flana
f ganii: 223 − piliferum : 231
− galpinii: 223 − richardianum : 231
− globosa: 223 − sheilae: 231
− gossweileri → R. splendens: 227 − subscandens: 232
− grandiflora: 223 − tortum: 232
− − ssp. glabrescens → R. grandiflora: 223 Riocreuxia : 232
− haeneliae: 224 − longiflora → Ceropegia stenantha: 101
− hirsuta: 224 − nepalensis → Brachystelma nepalense: 37
− inconspicua: 224 Ruehssia → Marsdenia: 179
− jurensis → R. brownii: 221 Rytidoloma reticulatum → Matelea dictyantha:
− keayi: 225 181
− kubangensis → R. angolensis: 221 Sanguilluma → Caralluma: 46
− lanceolata: 225 − socotrana → Caralluma socotrana: 60
− − var. latifo
f lia → R. lanceolata: 225 Sarcocodon → Caralluma: 46
− loandae: 225 − speciosa → Caralluma speciosa: 61
− lobulata: 225 Sarcocyphula → Cynanchum: 108
− longifolia : 225 − gerrardii → Cynanchum gerrardii: 111
− longituba: 225 Sarcophagophilus → Quaqua: 213
− lucens → R. globosa: 223 − armatus → Quaqua armata: 215
− macrorrhiza → R. galpinii: 223 − winkleri → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
− madiensis: 226 − winklerianus → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
− michelii : 226 Sarcorrhiza : 232
− monteiroae : 226 − epiphytica: 233
− moyalica → R. borenensis: 221 Sarcostemma : 233
− namibiana: 226 − acidum → S. sp.: 233
− obovata → R. hirsuta: 224 − andongense → S. sp.: 233
− pachyodon → R. burkei: 222 − antsiranense: 233
− palustris: 227 − aphyllum → S. viminale: 235
− procumbens: 227 − arabicum: 233
− pubescens → R. hirsuta: 224 − australe → S. viminale ssp. australe: 235
− pulchella: 227 − brachystigma → S. sp.: 233
− purpurea → R. hirsuta: 224 − brevipedicellatum: 233

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Sarcostemma brevistigma

[Sarcostemma] [Schizoglossum atropurpureum]

− brevistigma → S. sp.: 233 − − ssp. atropurpureum: 237
− brunonianum → S. viminale ssp. brunonianum: − − − tridentatum : 237
235 − − − virens: 237
− daltonii → S. viminale ssp. thunbergii: 236 − − var. lineatum → S. cordifolium: 238
− decorsei: 234 − atrorubens → S. bidens ssp. atrorubens: 237
− elachistemmoides: 234 − auriculatum → Aspidoglossum glanduliferum:
− forskaol
f ianum: 234 14
− implicatum → Cynanchum implicatum: 112 − barbatum → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14
− insigne → Cynanchum insigne: 112 − − → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11
− intermedium → S. sp.: 233 − barberae → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15
− madagascariense → S. sp.: 233 − baumii → Aspidoglossum masaicum: 16
− mauritianum → Cynanchum luteifluens var. − biauriculatum → Aspidoglossum delagoense: 12
luteifluens: 113 − bidens: 237
− membranaceum : 234 − − ssp. atrorubens: 237
− mulanj n ense: 234 − − − bidens: 237
− nudum → S. viminale ssp. thunbergii: 236 − − − galpinii: 238
− odontolepis → S. viminale ssp. odontolepis: 235 − − − gracile: 238
− pearsonii: 234 − − − hirtum: 238
− resiliens: 234 − − − pachyglossum: 238
− socotranum: 234 − − − productum: 238
− stipitaceum → S. viminale ssp. stipitaceum: 236 − biflorum → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11
− stocksii: 234 − − var. concinnum → Aspidoglossum biflorum:
− stolonifef rum : 235 11
− subterraneum → S. vanlessenii: 235 − − − integrum → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11
− tetrapterum → S. viminale: 235 − bilamellatum → Aspidoglossum lamellatum: 16
− thunbergii → S. viminale ssp. thunbergii: 236 − − var. cordylogynoides → Aspidoglossum
− vanlessenii: 235 lamellatum: 16
− viminale: 235 − bolusii → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− − ssp. australe: 235 − bowkerae → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− − − brunonianum: 235 − buchananii → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− − − odontolepis: 235 − burchellii → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− − − orangeanum: 235 − cabrae → Pachycarpus sp.: 207
− − − stipitaceum: 235 − capense → Stenostelma capense: 263
− − − stocksii → S. stocksii: 235 − capitatum → S. sp.: 236
− − − suberosum: 236 − carinatum → Aspidoglossum carinatum: 12
− − − thunbergii: 236 − carsonii → Glossostelma carsonii: 140
− − − viminale: 236 − chloroj
o odinum → Glossostelma carsonii: 140
Saurolluma → Caralluma: 46 − ciliatum → Aspidoglossum fasc
f iculare: 13
− furta
f → Caralluma furta: 55 − commixtum → Aspidoglossum glanduliferum f :
Schizoglossum : 236 14
− aciculare → Stenostelma capense: 264 − connatum → Aspidoglossum connatum: 12
− addoense → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − conrathii → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11
− aemulum → S. cordifolium: 238 − consimile → Aspidoglossum heterophyllum: 15
− alpestre → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 − contracurvum → Aspidoglossum ovalifolium: 16
− altissimum → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15 − cordifol
f ium : 238
− altum → Aspidoglossum masaicum: 16 − − → S. hilliardiae: 239
− amatolicum : 236 − − var. centralis → S. cordifolium: 238
− angolense → S. sp.: 236 − corniculatum → Stenostelma corniculatum: 264
− angustissimum → Aspidoglossum − crassipes → Stenostelma sp.: 263
angustissimum: 11 − davyi → Miraglossum davyi: 184
− anomalum → Miraglossum anomalum: 184 − debile → Aspidoglossum elliotii: 13
− araneiferum
f → Aspidoglossum araneiferum:
f 11 − decipiens → S. stenoglossum ssp. flavum: 241
− aschersonianum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 − − var. flavum → S. stenoglossum ssp. flavum:
− − var. longipes → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 241
− − − pygmaeum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 − delagoense → Aspidoglossum delagoense: 12
− − − radiatum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 − dissimile → Aspidoglossum dissimile: 13
− atropurpureum: 237 − − var. pubiflorum → Aspidoglossum dissimile:
− − → S. hamatum: 239 13

Schizoglossum divaricatum Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Schizoglossum] [Schizoglossum]
− divaricatum → S. cordifo f lium: 238 − interruptum → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15
− diversum → S. bidens ssp. gracile: 238 − kamerunense → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15
− dregei → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − kassneri → Glossostelma carsonii: 140
− elatum → Aspidoglossum angustissimum: 11 − lamellatum → Aspidoglossum lamellatum: 16
− elingue: 238 − lanatum → Aspidoglossum lanatum: 16
− − ssp. elingue: 239 − lasiopetalum → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15
− − − purpureum: 239 − ledermannii → Aspidoglossum angustissimum:
− elliotii → Aspidoglossum elliotii: 13 11
− erubescens → Aspidoglossum erubescens: 13 − leptoglossum → Aspidoglossum nyasae: 16
− euphorbioides → S. atropurpureum ssp. virens: − linifo
f lium → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11
237 − − var. centrirostratum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11
− eustegioides → Stenostelma sp.: 263 − lividiflorum → Glossostelma sp.: 139
− excisum → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11 − longirostre → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14
− exile → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − loreum → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14
− eylesii → Aspidoglossum eylesii: 13 − lunatum → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− fasciculare → Aspidoglossum fasciculare: 13 − macowanii → Aspidoglossum grandiflorum: 15
− filif
f folium → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − − var. tugelense → Aspidoglossum
− filif
f forme → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 grandiflorum: 15
− filipes → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − macroglossum → Glossostelma sp.: 139
− flanaganii → Aspidoglossum flanaganii: 14 − masaicum → Aspidoglossum masaicum: 16
− flavu
f m: 239 − montanum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11
− − var. lineare → S. flavum: 239 − monticola → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− fusco-purpureum → Aspidoglossum masaicum: − morumbenense → Aspidoglossum interruptum:
16 15
− galpinii → S. bidens ssp. galpinii: 238 − multifo
f lium → Aspidoglossum nyasae: 16
− garcianum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 − nitidum: 240
− garuanum → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15 − nyasae → Aspidoglossum nyasae: 16
− glabrescens → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14 − oblongum → S. atropurpureum ssp. virens: 237
− − var. longirostre → Aspidoglossum − orbiculare → Stenostelma sp.: 263
glabrescens: 14 − ovalifolium → Aspidoglossum ovalifolium: 16
− glanduliferum → Aspidoglossum glanduliferum: − pachyglossum → S. bidens ssp. pachyglossum:
14 238
− glanvillei → S. sp.: 236 − − var. abbreviatum → S. bidens ssp.
− gossweileri → Pachycarpus sp.: 207 pachyglossum: 238
− gracile → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15 − − − productum → S. bidens ssp. productum: 238
− graminifolium → S. sp.: 236 − pallidum → Aspidoglossum restioides: 17
− grandiflorum → Aspidoglossum grandiflorum: − parcum → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
15 − parile → Aspidoglossum glanduliferum: 14
− guthriei → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − parvulum → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− gwelense → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11 − − var. sessile → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14
− hamatum: 239 − pedunculatum → S. sp.: 236
− − → S. hilliardiae: 239 − peglerae → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11
− − var. elegans → S. hamatum: 239 − pentheri → Aspidoglossum carinatum: 12
− − − pallidum → S. hamatum: 239 − periglossoides → Stenostelma sp.: 263
− harveyi → Aspidoglossum heterophyllum: 15 − pilosum → Miraglossum pilosum: 184
− heterophyllum → Aspidoglossum − polynema → Aspidoglossum araneiferum: 11
heterophyllum: 15 − propinquum → Aspidoglossum lamellatum: 16
− − var. maja us → Aspidoglossum heterophyllum: − pulchellum → Miraglossum pulchellum: 184
15 − pumilum → Aspidoglossum ovalifolium: 16
− − − schinzianum → Aspidoglossum − pygmaeum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11
heterophyllum: 15 − quadridens: 240
− heudelotianum → S. sp.: 236 − randii → Aspidoglossum restioides: 17
− hilliardiae : 239 − restioides → Aspidoglossum restioides: 17
− hirsutum → S. cordifof lium: 238 − rhodesicum → Aspidoglossum rhodesicum: 17
− hirtiflorum → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14 − robustum → Aspidoglossum ovalifolium: 16
− hollandiae → S. cordifolium: 238 − − var. inandense → Aspidoglossum ovalifof lium:
− huttoniae → S. sp.: 236 16
− ingomense: 239 − − − pubiflorum → Aspidoglossum ovalifolium:

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Schizoglossum robustum var. pubiflorum

[Schizoglossum] [Schollia]
− rubiginosum: 240 − crassifo
f lia → Hoya carnosa: 149
− saccatum: 240 Scytanthus → Hoodia: 142
− schinzianum → Aspidoglossum heterophyllum: − burkei → Hoodia currorii ssp. currorii: 143
15 − currorii → Hoodia currorii: 143
− schlechteri → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14 − gordonii → Hoodia gordonii: 144
− semlikense → Aspidoglossum masaicum: 16 Siphonostelma → Brachystelma: 20
− shirense → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11 − stenophyllum → Brachystelma stenophyllum: 43
− singulare: 240 Sisyranthus schizoglossoides → Brachystelma
− spathulatum → Glossostelma spathulatum: 141 schizoglossoides: 42
− stenoglossum: 241 Solanoa → Asclepias: 9
− − ssp. flavum: 241 Solanoana → Asclepias: 9
− − − latifolium : 241 Somalluma → Caralluma: 46
− − − stenoglossum: 241 − baradii → Caralluma baradii: 50
− − var. longipes → S. stenoglossum ssp. Spathidolepis → Dischidia: 118
stenoglossum: 241 Spathulopetalum → Caralluma: 46
− striatum → Aspidoglossum ovalifolium: 16 − arachnoideum → Caralluma arachnoidea: 49
− strictissimum → Aspidoglossum erubescens: 13 − congestiflorum → Caralluma congestiflora: 51
− strictum → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11 − dicapuae → Caralluma dicapuae: 51
− tenellum → Aspidoglossum sp.: 11 − edwardsiae → Caralluma edwardsiae: 53
− tenue → Aspidoglossum gracile: 14 − gracilipes → Caralluma gracilipes: 55
− tenuissimum → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14 − longiflorum → Caralluma longiflora: 56
− theileri → Pachycarpus sp.: 207 − mogadoxense → Caralluma priogonium: 58
− togoense → Aspidoglossum interruptum: 15 − moniliforme
f → Caralluma moniliformis: 57
− tricorniculatum → S. sp.: 236 − peckii → Caralluma peckii: 58
− tricuspidatum → Aspidoglossum carinatum: 12 − priogonium → Caralluma priogonium: 58
− tridens → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14 − turneri → Caralluma turneri: 62
− tridentatum → S. atropurpureum ssp. − vaduliae → Caralluma vaduliae: 62
tridentatum: 237 Sperlingia → Hoya: 147
− truncatulum → S. sp.: 236 − verticillata → Hoya verticillata: 158
− truncatum → S. bidens ssp. bidens: 237 Spiralluma → Caralluma: 46
− tubulosum → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11 − longidens → Caralluma edulis: 52
− umbellatum → S. bidens ssp. gracile: 238 − mouretii → Caralluma edulis: 52
− umbelliferum
f → Stenostelma sp.: 263 Staparesia : 242
− uncinatum → Aspidoglossum uncinatum: 17 − meintjt esii : 242
− unicum → Aspidoglossum glabrescens: 14 Stapelia : 242
− venustum → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11 − acuminata: 243
− − var. concinnum → Aspidoglossum biflorum: − − var. brevicuspis → S. acuminata: 243
11 − adscendens → Caralluma adscendens: 48
− − − gwelense → Aspidoglossum biflorum: 11 − affinis → S. hirsuta: 248
− verticillare → Miraglossum verticillare: 185 − albipilosa → Tridentea marientalensis ssp.
− villosum → Aspidoglossum heterophyllum: 15 albipilosa: 268
− violaceum → Glossostelma sp.: 139 − albocastanea → Orbea albocastanea: 188
− virens → S. atropurpureum ssp. virens: 237 − ambigua → S. grandiflora: 248
− virgatum → Aspidoglossum virgatum: 17 − − var. fulva → S. grandiflora: 248
− viridulum → S. sp.: 236 − anemoniflora → Duvalia anemoniflora: 124
− vulcanorum → Aspidoglossum connatum: 12 − ango → Caralluma sp.: 47
− wallacei → S. nitidum: 240 − anguinea → Orbea variegata: 203
− welwitschii → Odontostelma welwitschii: 186 − anonymos → S. sp.: 243
− whytei → Aspidoglossum angustissimum: 11 − aperta → Tromotr
T iche aperta: 270
− woodii → Aspidoglossum woodii: 18 − arenosa: 243
− zernyi → Aspidoglossum angustissimum: 11 − arida → Quaqua arida: 215
Schizonotus → Asclepias: 9 − arnotii: 244
Schlechterella : 241 − articulata → Pectinaria articulata: 207
− abyssinica: 241 − asterias: 244
− afr
f icana: 242 − − var. gibba → S. asterias: 244
Schollia → Hoya: 147 − − − lucida → S. asterias: 244
− carnosa → Hoya carnosa: 149 − atrata → Orbea variegata: 203
− chinensis → Hoya carnosa: 149 − atropurpurea → Orbea variegata: 203

Stapelia atrosanguinea Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Stapelia] [Stapelia]
− atrosanguinea → Huerniopsis atrosanguinea: − conj
n uncta → Orbea paradoxa: 198
175 − conspurcata → Orbea variegata: 203
− auobensis → Tridentea marientalensis ssp. − cooperi → Orbea cooperi: 191
marientalensis: 268 − cordata → S. sp.: 243
− aurea → Tridentea virescens: 269 − corderoyi → Duvalia corderoyi: 125
− ausana → T Tridentea jucunda: 267 − crassa → Huernia reticulata: 170
− barbata → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa: − crispata → Huernia barbata: 160
125 − cucullata → S. sp.: 243
− − → Huernia barbata: 160 − cupularis → Tromosta
T pelia sp.: 269
− barklyi → Orbelia barklyi: 207 − curtisii → Orbea variegata: 203
− baylissii: 244 − cylindrica → Echidnopsis cereiformis: 131
− beffoniana → Orbea variegata: 203 − cylista → S. gigantea: 247
− bella → Tromostapelia sp.: 269 − cymosa → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa:
− bergeriana → S. schinzii var. bergeriana: 253 125
− beukmanii → S. arenosa: 243 − decaisneana → Orbea decaisneana: 191
− bidentata → Orbea variegata: 203 − decora → Piaranthus decorus: 210
− bifo
f lia → Orbea variegata: 203 − deflexa → S. sp.: 243
− bij
i liae: 244 − − cv. Atropurpurea → S. sp.: 243
− bijlii → S. bijliae: 244 − − var. atropurpurea → S. sp.: 243
− bisulca → Orbea variegata: 203 − dentata → S. sp.: 243
− brevirostris → S. sp.: 243 − depressa → S. hirsuta: 248
− buffo
f niana → Orbea variegata: 203 − desmetiana → S. grandiflora: 248
− buffo
f nis → Orbea variegata: 203 − − var. apicalis → S. grandiflora: 248
− bufo
f nia → Orbea variegata: 203 − − − ferguson
f iae → S. grandiflora: 248
− bufoniana → Orbea variegata: 203 − − − pallida → S. grandiflora: 248
− cactiform
f is → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176 − desmidorchis → Caralluma acutangula: 47
− caespitosa → Duvalia caespitosa: 125 − digitaliflora → Tavaresia angolensis: 265
− − var. hirtella → Duvalia caespitosa var. − dinteri → Tridentea jucunda: 267
caespitosa: 125 − − var. capensis → Tridentea
T jucunda: 267
− callamulia → Caralluma umbellata: 62 − − − pseudocapensis → Tridentea jucunda: 267
− campanulata → Huernia campanulata: 161 − discoidea → Orbea semota: 200
− − → Matelea pavonii: 182 − divaricata: 245
− canescens → S. sp.: 243 − dummeri → Orbea dummeri: 192
− caroli-schmidtii → Orbea albocastanea: 188 − duodecimfida → Huernia barbata: 160
− caudata → Brachystelma tuberosum: 45 − dwequensis → Tridentea dwequensis: 267
− cedrimontana : 244 − echinata → Duvalia polita: 127
− chinensis → Hoya carnosa: 149 − elegans → Duvalia elegans: 126
− choanantha → Tromotr
T iche choanantha: 271 − elongata → S. hirsuta: 248
− chrysostephana → Orbea chrysostephana: 190 − emarginata → S. sp.: 243
− ciliata → Orbea ciliata: 190 − engleriana: 245
− ciliolata → Orbea namaquensis: 198 − erectiflora : 245
− − → Orbea variegata: 203 − − var. erectiflora : 245
− cincta → Tridentea
T jucunda: 267 − − − prostratiflora: 246
− clavata → Larryleachia sp.: 176 − erivacaria → S. sp.: 243
− clavicorona: 245 − eruciform
f is → S. olivacea: 250
− clavigera → Huernia clavigera: 161 − europaea → Caralluma europaea: 53
− clypeata → Orbea variegata: 203 − fasc
f iculata → Duvalia caespitosa: 125
− comata → S. hirsuta: 248 − fergusoniae → S. grandiflora: 248
− compacta → Duvalia caespitosa var. compacta: − fissirostris → S. rufa: 253
125 − flavicomata → S. sp.: 243
− concinna → S. sp.: 243 − flavirostris → S. grandiflora: 248
− − var. paniculata → S. paniculata: 251 − flavopurpurea
f : 246
− concolor → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa: − − var. fleckii → S. flavopurpurea: 246
125 − fleckii → S. flavopurpurea: 246
− confo
f rmis → S. macowanii var. conformis: 250 − forcipis → S. glabricaulis: 247
− − var. abrasa → S. macowanii var. conform
f is: − fucosa → Orbea verrucosa var. fucosa: 204
250 − furcata → Orbea melanantha: 197
− congestiflora → S. sp.: 243 − fuscata → Tromotr
T iche revoluta: 272

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Stapelia fuscopurpurea

[Stapelia] [Stapelia]
− fuscopurpurea
f → S. sp.: 243 − jacquinii → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa:
− gariepensis: 246 125
− geminata → Piaranthus geminatus: 211 − johni-lavrani → S. schinzii var. schinzii: 254
− gemmiflora → Tridentea
T gemmiflora: 267 − jucunda → Tridentea
T jucunda: 267
− − var. densa → Tridentea gemmiflora: 267 − − var. deficiens → Tridentea
T jucunda: 267
− − − hircosa → T Tridentea gemmiflora: 267 − juttae → S. similis: 254
− gettliffe
f i : 246 − juvencula → S. sp.: 243
− gigantea: 247 − kagerensis → Orbea semota: 200
− − var. pallida → S. gigantea: 247 − knobelii → Orbea knobelii: 194
− glabricaulis: 247 − kougabergensis: 249
− glandulifera → S. glanduliflora: 247 − kwebensis: 249
− glanduliflora
f : 247 − − var. longipedicellata → S. longipedicellata:
− − var. emarginata → S. glanduliflora: 247 249
− − − haworthii → S. glanduliflora: 247 − laevigata → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa:
− − − massonii → S. glanduliflora: 247 125
− glauca → Tromotriche revoluta: 272 − laevis → Tromotriche pedunculata: 272
− glaucescens → Tromotriche revoluta: 272 − lampadosa → Caralluma europaea: 53
− glomerata → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa: − lanife
f ra → S. hirsuta: 248
125 − lanigera → S. hirsuta: 248
− gordonii → Hoodia gordonii: 143 − leendertziae : 249
− grandidens → Orbea maculata ssp. maculata: − lentiginosa → Huernia guttata: 162
197 − lepida → Orbea variegata: 203
− grandiflora: 247 − limosa → Orbea variegata: 203
− − var. lineata → S. grandiflora: 248 − longidens → Orbea longidens: 195
− gussoneana → Caralluma europaea: 53 − longii → Tromotriche longii: 271
− guttata → Huernia guttata: 162 − longipedicellata: 249
− herrei → Tromotr
T iche herrei: 271 − longipes → Tromotr
T iche longipes: 271
− hircola → T Tridentea gemmiflora: 267 − − var. namaquensis → Tromotr
T iche longipes:
− hircosa → Tridentea
T gemmiflora: 267 271
− − var. densa → Tridentea gemmiflora: 267 − lucida → S. asterias: 244
− hirsuta: 248 − lunata → S. sp.: 243
− − subvar. depressa → S. hirsuta: 248 − maccabeanae → S. sp.: 243
− − − longirostris → S. hirsuta: 248 − macloughlinii → Orbea macloughlinii: 196
− − var. affinis → S. hirsuta: 248 − macowanii: 250
− − − atra → S. hirsuta: 248 − − var. conformis: 250
− − − comata → S. hirsuta: 248 − − − macowanii: 250
− − − depressa → S. hirsuta: 248 − macrocarpa → Huernia macrocarpa: 167
− − − grata → S. hirsuta: 248 − maculosa → Tromosta
T pelia sp.: 269
− − − longirostris → S. hirsuta: 248 − mammillaris → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
− − − lutea → S. hirsuta: 248 − margarita → S. hirsuta: 248
− − − patula → S. hirsuta: 248 − marginata → Orbea variegata: 203
− − − unguipetala → S. hirsuta: 248 − marientalensis → Tridentea marientalensis: 267
− hirtella → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa: − marlothii → S. gigantea: 247
125 − marmorata → Orbea variegata: 203
− hispida → Orbea variegata: 203 − mastodes → Duvalia caespitosa var. compacta:
− hispidula → S. glanduliflora: 247 125
− horizontalis → Orbea variegata: 203 − mastodis → S. sp.: 243
− humilis → Huernia humilis: 163 − meintjt esii : 250
− hystrix → Huernia hystrix: 164 − melanantha → Orbea melanantha: 197
− immelmaniae : 248 − meliflua → Hoya meliflua: 154
− incarnata → Quaqua incarnata: 217 − mermilis → S. sp.: 243
− indocta → S. acuminata: 243 − miscella → Orbea miscella: 197
− inodora → Orbea variegata: 203 − mixta → Orbea variegata: 203
− intermedia → Quaqua sp.: 214 − molonyae → Orbea semota: 200
− irrorata → Orbea verrucosa: 204 − monstrosa → Orbea variegata: 203
− − → Orbea verrucosa var. fucosa: 204 − montagnacii → Stapelianthus montagnacii: 257
− italica → Caralluma europaea: 53 − montana: 250
− jacquiniana → Duvalia elegans: 126 − − var. grossa: 250

Stapelia montana var. montana Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Stapelia montana var.] [Stapelia praetermissa]

− − − montana: 250 − − var. luteola: 252
− moschata → T Tridentea gemmiflora: 267 − − − praetermissa: 252
− multangula → Echidnopsis sp.: 130 − prognatha → Orbea prognatha: 198
− namaquensis → Orbea namaquensis: 198 − protensa → Tromotriche revoluta: 272
− − var. bidens → Orbea namaquensis: 198 − pruinosa → Quaqua pruinosa: 219
− − − ciliolata → Orbea namaquensis: 198 − pulchella → Orbea pulchella: 199
− − − minor → Orbea namaquensis: 198 − pulchra → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa: 204
− − − tridentata → Orbea namaquensis: 198 − pulla → Quaqua mammillaris: 217
− neliana → Tromotr
T iche herrei: 271 − pulvinata: 252
− noachabibensis → S. similis: 254 − − ffa. margarita → S. hirsuta: 248
− nobilis → S. gigantea: 247 − punctata → Piaranthus punctatus: 211
− nopenackyi → S. sp.: 243 − quadrangula → Caralluma europaea: 53
− normalis → Orbea variegata: 203 − − → Caralluma quadrangula: 59
− nouhuysii → S. paniculata: 251 − − var. ramosa → Caralluma quadrangula: 59
− nudiflora → S. vetula: 255 − quinquenervis → Orbea variegata: 203
− obducta: 250 − radiata → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa:
− obliqua → Orbea variegata: 203 125
− obscura → S. grandiflora: 248 − − → Duvalia elegans: 126
− ocellata → Huernia guttata: 162 − ramosa → Quaqua ramosa: 220
− olivacea: 250 − rangeana → Orbea maculata ssp. rangeana: 197
− ophiuncula → Orbea variegata: 203 − reclinata → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa:
− orbicularis → Orbea variegata: 203 125
− orbiculata → Orbea variegata: 203 − reflexa → S. sp.: 243
− pachyrrhiza → T Tridentea pachyrrhiza: 268 − − var. brownii → S. sp.: 243
− pallens → S. divaricata: 245 − remota: 253
− pallida → S. divaricata: 245 − replicata → Duvalia caespitosa var. caespitosa:
− paniculata: 251 125
− paradoxa → Orbea paradoxa: 198 − reticulata → Huernia reticulata: 170
− parviflora → Quaqua parviflora: 218 − − var. deformis → Huernia reticulata: 170
− parvipuncta → Tridentea
T parvipuncta: 268 − retusa → Orbea variegata: 203
− − var. parvipuncta → Tridentea parvipuncta ssp. − revoluta → Tromotriche revoluta: 272
parvipuncta: 268 − − var. fuscata
f → Tromotriche revoluta: 272
− − − truncata → Tridentea parvipuncta ssp. − − − glaucescens → Tromotr
T iche revoluta: 272
truncata: 268 − − − tigrida → Tromotriche revoluta: 272
− parvipunctata → Tridentea parvipuncta: 268 − rogersii → Orbea rogersii: 199
− parvula: 251 − roriflua → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa: 204
− patentirostris → S. hirsuta: 248 − rubiginosa: 253
− patula → S. hirsuta: 248 − rufaf : 253
− − var. depressa → S. hirsuta: 248 − − var. attenuata → S. rufa: 253
− − − longirostris → S. hirsuta: 248 − − − fissirostris → S. rufa: 253
− pearsonii: 251 − rufescens → S. rufa: 253
− peculiaris → Tridentea
T peculiaris: 269 − rugosa → Orbea variegata: 203
− pedunculata → Tromotriche
T pedunculata: 272 − − → Orbea verrucosa: 204
− peglerae: 251 − ruschiana → Tromotr
T iche ruschiana: 273
− penduliflora → Tromotriche pedunculata: 272 − sarmentosa → Ceropegia variegata: 105
− picta → Orbea variegata: 203 − schinzii: 253
− pilifer
f a → Hoodia pilifera: 145 − − var. angolensis: 253
− pillansii: 252 − − − bergeriana: 253
− − var. attenuata → S. pillansii var. pillansii: 252 − − − schinzii: 254
− − − fontinalis: 252 − scitula: 254
− − − pillansii: 252 − scutellata → Orbea variegata: 203
− planiflora → Orbea variegata: 203 − scylla → Orbea variegata: 203
− − var. marginata → Orbea variegata: 203 − semota → Orbea semota: 200
− plantii → S. sp.: 243 − senilis → S. grandiflora: 248
− polita → Duvalia polita: 127 − serrulata → Piaranthus decorus ssp. decorus: 210
− portae-taurinae → S. similis: 254 − similis: 254
− potensa → Tromotriche revoluta: 272 − simsii → S. vetula: 255
− praetermissa: 252 − sororia → S. sp.: 243

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Stapelia spectabilis

[Stapelia] [Stapelia verrucosa]

− spectabilis → S. grandiflora: 248 − − var. conspicua → Orbea verrucosa var.
− stellaris → S. asterias: 244 verrucosa: 204
− − → S. sp.: 243 − − − fucosa
f → Orbea verrucosa var. ffucosa: 204
− stricta → S. sp.: 243 − − − pallescens → Orbea verrucosa var.
− stultitioides → S. arenosa: 243 verrucosa: 204
− stygia → T Tridentea gemmiflora: 267 − − − pulchra → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa:
− subulata → Caralluma subulata: 61 204
− surrecta: 254 − − − punctifera
f → Orbea verrucosa var.
− − var. primosii → S. surrecta: 254 verrucosa: 204
− tapscottii → Orbea tapscottii: 201 − − − robusta → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa:
− tarantuloides → Orbelia sp.: 207 204
− thudichumii → Tromotriche thudichumii: 273 − − − roriflua → Orbea verrucosa var. verrucosa:
− thuretii → Huernia thuretii: 172 204
− tigrida → Tromotriche revoluta: 272 − − − verrucosa → Orbea verrucosa var.
− tigrina → Tromotr
T iche herrei: 271 verrucosa: 204
− tomentosa → S. tsomoensis: 254 − vetula: 255
− tridentata → Orbea namaquensis: 198 − − var. juvencula → S. sp.: 243
− trisulca → Orbea variegata: 203 − − − simsii → S. vetula: 255
− tsomoensis: 254 − villetiae : 255
− − → S. peglerae: 252 − villosa → S. hirsuta: 248
− tubata → Huernia barbata: 160 − virescens → T Tridentea virescens: 269
− tuberculata → Duvalia caespitosa var. − vittata → S. sp.: 243
caespitosa: 125 − wendlandiana → Orbea verrucosa var.
− tuberosa → Brachystelma tuberosum: 45 verrucosa: 204
− tubulosa → Huernia barbata: 160 − wilmaniae → S. leendertziae: 249
− umbellata → Caralluma umbellata: 62 − woodfor f diana → Orbea variegata: 203
− umbonata → T Tridentea pachyrrhiza: 268 − woodii → Orbea woodii: 205
− umbracula → Orbea umbracula: 202 − − var. westii → Orbea woodii: 205
− uncinata → S. sp.: 243 − youngii → S. gigantea: 247
− unguipetala → S. hirsuta: 248 Stapelianthus : 255
− unicornis: 255 − arenarius: 256
− vaga → Orbea lutea ssp. vaga: 196 − baylissii → Tromotriche baylissii: 270
− variegata → Ceropegia variegata: 105 − calcarophilus → S. arenarius: 256
− − → Orbea variegata: 203 − choananthus → Tromotr
T iche choanantha: 271
− − var. asparagensis → Orbea variegata: 203 − decaryi: 256
− − − atrata → Orbea variegata: 203 − hardyi: 256
− − − atropurpurea → Orbea variegata: 203 − insignis: 256
− − − brevicornis → Orbea variegata: 203 − − ssp. tongoboryensis → S. insignis: 256
− − − bufon
f ia → Orbea variegata: 203 − keraudreniae: 257
− − − clypeata → Orbea variegata: 203 − madagascariensis: 257
− − − conspurcata → Orbea variegata: 203 − montagnacii : 257
− − − horizontalis → Orbea variegata: 203 − pilosus: 257
− − − laeta → Orbea variegata: 203 Stapeliopsis → Orbea: 187
− − − marginata → Orbea variegata: 203 − − → Stapelianthus: 255
− − − marmorata → Orbea variegata: 203 − −: 258
− − − mixta → Orbea variegata: 203 − ballyi → Echidnopsis ballyi: 130
− − − normalis → Orbea variegata: 203 − breviloba: 258
− − − pallida → Orbea variegata: 203 − cooperi → Orbea cooperi: 191
− − − picta → Orbea variegata: 203 − exasperata: 258
− − − planiflora → Orbea variegata: 203 − madagascariensis → Stapelianthus
− − − prometheus → Orbea variegata: 203 madagascariensis: 257
− − − retusa → Orbea variegata: 203 − neronis: 258
− − − rugosa → Orbea variegata: 203 − pillansii: 259
− − − trisulca → Orbea variegata: 203 − saxatilis: 259
− venusta → Huernia guttata: 163 − − ssp. saxatilis: 259
− − → Huernia sp.: 159 − − − stayneri: 259
− − var. minor → Huernia guttata: 162 − urniflora
f : 259
− verrucosa → Orbea verrucosa: 204 Stathmostelma : 260

Stathmostelma angustatum Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

[Stathmostelma] []
− angustatum: 260 Stylandra → Asclepias: 9
− − ssp. angustatum: 260 Sulcolluma → Caralluma: 46
− − − vomeriforme : 260 − fou
f lcheri-delboscii → Caralluma hexagona: 55
− bicolor → S. gigantiflorum: 261 − − var. greenbergiana → Caralluma hexagona:
− chironioides → S. welwitschii: 263 55
− diversifolium: 260 − hexagona → Caralluma hexagona: 55
− forn
f icatum : 260 − − var. septentrionalis → Caralluma hexagona:
− − ssp. forn
f icatum : 260 55
− − − tridentatum : 260 − shadhbana → Caralluma hexagona: 55
− frommii → S. spectabile ssp. frommii: 262 − − var. barhana → Caralluma hexagona: 55
− gigantiflorum: 261 Sussuela esculenta → Hoya diversifolia: 150
− − → S. gigantiflorum: 261 Systrepha → Ceropegia: 63
− globuliflorum → S. pedunculatum: 262 − filiforme
f → Ceropegia filiform
f is: 77
− incarnatum: 261 − multiflorum → Ceropegia multiflora: 91
− katangense: 261 Tacazzea natalensis → Petopentia natalensis: 209
− laurentianum → S. welwitschii: 263 Tapeinostelma → Brachystelma: 20
− macranthum → S. pedunculatum: 262 − caffrum → Brachystelma caffrum: 24
− macropetalum → S. spectabile: 262 Tavaresia : 265
− nomadacridum → S. gigantiflorum: 261 − angolensis: 265
− nuttii → Asclepias sp.: 10 − barklyi: 265
− odoratum: 261 − grandiflora → T. barklyi: 265
− pachycladum → S. spectabile: 262 − meintjt esii → Staparesia meintj
t esii: 242
− pauciflorum : 261 − thompsoniorum: 265
− pedunculatum: 262 Tavastemon → Staparesia: 242
− − → S. rhacodes: 262 − meintjt esii → Staparesia meintj
t esii: 242
− praetermissum → S. gigantiflorum: 261 Tenaris → Brachystelma: 20
− propinquum: 262 − bikitaensis → Brachystelma bikitaense: 22
− reflexum → S. pauciflorum: 261 − browniana → Brachystelma brownianum: 23
− rhacodes: 262 − chlorantha → Brachystelma chloranthum: 25
− spectabile: 262 − christianeae → Brachystelma christianeae: 25
− − ssp. fr
f ommii : 262 − filifo
f lia → Brachystelma filifo
f lium: 29
− − − spectabile: 262 − rostrata → Brachystelma rubellum: 41
− thomasii → S. angustatum ssp. vomeriforme:
f − rubella → Brachystelma rubellum: 41
260 − schultzei → Brachystelma schultzei: 42
− verdickii → S. wildemanianum: 263 − simulans → Brachystelma rubellum: 41
− welwitschii: 262 − somalensis → Caralluma sp.: 47
− − var. bagshawei: 263 − subaphylla → Ceropegia sp.: 63
− − − welwitschii: 263 − volkensii → Brachystelma rubellum: 41
− wildemanianum: 263 T
Tetragonocarpus → Marsdenia: 179
Stenostelma : 263 T hycalymma : 265
− capense: 263 Traunia → Marsdenia: 179
− carinatum: 264 Trichocaulon → Hoodia: 142
− corniculatum : 264 − alstonii → Hoodia alstonii: 142
− eminens: 264 − annulatum → Hoodia pilifera ssp. annulata: 145
Stephanotella → Marsdenia: 179 − cactiform
f e → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
Stephanotis → Marsdenia: 178 − cinereum → Larryleachia perlata: 177
Stisseria → Stapelia: 242 − clavatum → Larryleachia sp.: 176
Stomatostemma : 264 − columnare → Notechidnopsis columnaris: 185
− monteiroae : 264 − decaryi → Stapelianthus pilosus: 257
Stultitia → Orbea: 187 − delaetianum → Hoodia officinalis ssp.
− araysiana → Orbea araysiana: 188 delaetiana: 144
− conj
n uncta → Orbeanthus conjunctus: 206 − dinteri → Larryleachia marlothii: 177
− cooperi → Orbea cooperi: 191 − engleri → Larryleachia picta: 177
− hardyi → Orbeanthus hardyi: 206 − felinum → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176
− miscella → Orbea miscella: 197 − flavum → Hoodia flava: 143
− paradoxa → Orbea paradoxa: 198 − grande → Hoodia pilifera ssp. pillansii: 146
− tapscottii → Orbea tapscottii: 201 − halenbergense → Hoodia alstonii: 142
− umbracula → Orbea umbracula: 202 − karasmontanum → Hoodia sp.: 142

Taxonomic Cross Reference Index Trichocaulon keetmanshoopense

[Trichocaulon] [Tridentea parvipuncta]

− keetmanshoopense → Larryleachia marlothii: − − ssp. parvipuncta: 268
177 − − − truncata: 268
− kubusense → Larryleachia perlata: 177 − − var. parvipuncta → T. parvipuncta ssp.
− marlothii → Larryleachia marlothii: 177 parvipuncta: 268
− melofof rme → Larryleachia picta: 177 − − − truncata → T. parvipuncta ssp. truncata: 268
− mossamedense → Hoodia mossamedensis: 144 − peculiaris: 269
− officinale → Hoodia officinalis: 144 − pedunculata → Tromotriche pedunculata: 272
− pedicellatum → Hoodia pedicellata: 145 − pusilla → T. parvipuncta ssp. truncata: 268
− perlatum → Larryleachia perlata: 177 − rugosa → Orbea variegata: 203
− pictum → Larryleachia picta: 177 − ruschiana → T Tromotriche ruschiana: 273
− piliferum → Hoodia pilifera: 145 − similis → Stapelia similis: 254
− pillansii → Hoodia pilifera ssp. pillansii: 146 − simsii → Stapelia vetula: 255
− − var. maj
a or → Hoodia pilifera
f ssp. pillansii: − stygia → T. gemmiflora: 267
146 − umdausensis → Tromotr
T iche umdausensis: 273
− pubiflorum → Hoodia officinalis ssp. officinalis: − vetula → Stapelia vetula: 255
145 − virescens: 269
− rusticum → Hoodia officinalis ssp. officinalis: Triodoglossum → Schlechterella: 241
145 − abyssinicum → Schlechterella abyssinica: 241
− simile → Larryleachia cactiformis: 176 Triplosperma → Dischidia: 118
− sinus-luederitzii → Larryleachia marlothii: 177 Tromostapelia : 269
− sociarum → Larryleachia sp.: 176 − mutabilis var. cupularis → T. sp.: 269
− somaliense → Echidnopsis planiflora: 133 Tromotriche : 269
− triebneri → Hoodia triebneri: 146 − aperta: 270
− truncatum → Larryleachia perlata: 177 − baylissii: 270
T identea : 266
Tr − choanantha: 271
− aperta → Tromotr
T iche aperta: 270 − ciliata → Orbea ciliata: 190
− baylissii → Tromotr
T iche baylissii: 270 − engleriana → Stapelia engleriana: 245
− − var. baylissii → Tromotriche baylissii: 270 − fuscata
f → T. revoluta: 272
− − − ciliata → Tromotriche baylissii: 270 − glauca → T. revoluta: 272
− choanantha → Tromotriche choanantha: 271 − herrei: 271
− depressa → Stapelia hirsuta: 248 − longii: 271
− dwequensis: 266 − longipes: 271
− gemmiflor
f a : 267 − pedunculata: 272
− − var. densa → T. gemmiflora: 267 − pruinosa → Quaqua pruinosa: 219
− − − hircosa → T. gemmiflora: 267 − revoluta: 272
− herrei → T Tromotriche herrei: 271 − − var. fuscata → T. revoluta: 272
− − var. neliana → Tromotriche herrei: 271 − − − tigrida → T. revoluta: 272
− jucunda: 267 − ruschiana: 272
− − var. cincta → T. jucunda: 267 − thudichumii : 273
− − − deficiens → T. jucunda: 267 − umdausensis: 273
− − − dinteri → T. jucunda: 267 T mpananthe suberosa → Matelea pavonii: 182
− − − jucunda → T. jucunda: 267 V
Verloti a → Marsdenia: 179
− juvencula → Stapelia sp.: 243 Vincetoxicum cyclophyllum → Matelea
− longii → Tromotr
T iche longii: 271 cyclophylla: 181
− longipes → Tromotriche longipes: 271 − madagascariense → Cynanchum
− − var. namaquensis → Tromotriche longipes: madagascariense: 114
271 Virchowia → Echidnopsis: 129
− marientalensis: 267 − africana → Echidnopsis virchowii: 136
− − ssp. albipilosa: 268 V
Voharan ga → Cynanchum: 108
− − − marientalensis: 268 − madagascariensis → Cynanchum arenarium: 109
− − var. albipilosa → T. marientalensis ssp. V hemaria → Cynanchum: 108
albipilosa: 268 − implicata → Cynanchum implicatum: 112
− − − auobensis → T. marientalensis ssp. − messeri → Cynanchum messeri: 115
marientalensis: 268 White-sloanea : 273
− moschata → T. gemmiflora: 267 − crassa: 274
− pachyrrhiza: 268 − migiurtina → Pseudolithos migiurtinus: 213
− paniculata → Stapelia paniculata: 251 Whitesloaniopsis : 274
− parvipuncta: 268 − − Gray Ghost : 274

Xyomalobium Taxonomic Cross Reference Index

Xyomalobium → Xysmalobium: 274
Xysmalobium : 274
− bellum → Glossostelma spathulatum: 141
− carinatum → Stenostelma carinatum: 264
− carsonii → Glossostelma carsonii: 140
− ceciliae → Glossostelma ceciliae: 140
− dissolutum → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141
− fr
f itillarioides → Glossostelma lisianthoides: 141
− grande → Glossostelma angolense: 139
− heudelotianum → Schizoglossum sp.: 236
− spathulatum → Glossostelma spathulatum: 141
− speciosum → Glossostelma cabrae: 140
Zaczatea → Raphionacme: 220
− angolensis → Raphionacme angolensis: 221
Zucchellia → Raphionacme: 220
− angolensis → Raphionacme angolensis: 221

Corrections Added in the Second Printing

A. subulata (p. 10): The first sentence of the last paragraph should read: “This is the most
ffrequent of four more or less stem succulent species of the genus.”

B. occidentale (p. 37): Delete “Fig. III.e”.
B. praelongum ssp. praelongum (p. 40): Add “Fig. III.e”.

C. adscendens var. adscendens (p. 48): Delete “Fig. IV.d”.
C. stalagmi
C l ifera (p. 61): Add
d “Fig. IV.d”.

C. crassiifolia var. copley
C e ae (p. 73): Add d “Fig. IX.e”.
C. crassiifolia var. crassif
C ifolia (p. 73): Delete “Fig. IX.e”.

Etymology of the generic name (p. 137): Replace existing etymological explanation by “Etym:
For Gustav W. Focke (fl
f . 1840), physician from Bremen, Germany”.

G. brevilobum (p. 139-140): Delete “Fig. XXII.a”.
G. spathulatum (p. 141): Add “Fig. XXII.a”.

r leachia
L. cactiformis (p. 176): Fig. XXXII.c (instead of XXXII.b)
L. marlothii (p. 177): Fig. XXXII.d (instead of XXXII.c)
L. picta (p. 177): Fig. XXXII.b (instead of XXXII.d)

P. decorus ssp. cornutus (p. 210): Delete “XXXVII.g”.
P. decorus ssp. decorus (p. 210): Add “Fig. XXXVII.g”.
Colour Plates
Absolmsia, Aspidoglossum, B,achystelma

8,ac~",,"ma <~"""''''''''
" A~lepjas. Brachystelma
IV Bf~(; hy~ telm a. Carailuma
Cerelluma v
VI Caralluma

9 (>folium<> I<nffani
( a[alluma,(efOpegia V"

• C~;" OI/>'"pIO b C''''Pf9''' ompl""" C~'" ",ab<ca ••,.ara/1i(..

d ('"""9"_ .... _ r'-""'"'9"" ) • ' - _ _ ISP- _ _ I (tfllI'<'1"I _ _ ISP- _ _

Ceropegia IX

g Ceroptgio linearis ssp. woodii h Ceropegia hum~rtii

x Ceropeqia
Ceropegia XI

h Ceropegio popifloro
xu Ceropegia
Ceropeqra Xlii
Ceropeqia. Cibirbize,CYfl ilflchum
Cyna nchum XV

d Cynanchum gtrrordii vaf. geffordii f Cynonchum messeri

XV1 Cyn<lrKhum

< (yn<lnchum "'''"

Cyn~nchum. DiKh idi~ x~,

<I Disch.... imt>ri<Q'Q
XVIII Dischtdra
Dischidia XIX

. .11-..1'
xx DischidiopSis, Duvalia, Duvahandra
ncvana, Echidnopsis XXI

f fc--"'''''_ ...._ _
XXII Cyn~ llch u m, Focke~, GlosSQstelm~. Hcodra
Hoodia XXIII

d Hood•o pilllero ssp. plflfero

XX IV Hoodi... Hoy..
Hoya XXV

d Hoyo 1mbncoto
>OM Hoy.

,-- '- -
Hoy- XlM'

,- -

f i'Ioya rn"",<on"
Hueeraa XXIX
xxx Huemla
Cyfl~n,hum, H lIE'rn i~. Huerniopsjs.l.aJryle~,hj~ XXXI
XXX II Larryleacha.Lavranie,Notechldnopsts
M~rsdeo iil. M~tele3. Micho lit zkt.Ophiooe lkJ XXXlII
XXX IV or bea
Orbea xxxv
XXXVI or bea
Orbea nt hus. Pe<tinilria, Petopeotia. Piaranthus XXXVI I
XXXVI II Cyo<lrKhum. Piaranthus. Pseudolrtbos
Pseudojthos. Qu~qu~ XXX IX
XL Ouaque. Raphionacrre

QuaqU<l ,r"",,,,,,,,, b Ou<IqU<l HI<<lma,,,

R~phioJ)~cme. Rhytidoc~ uloJ) xu

I Rllytldo«>;llon Mltri
XUI RhytidocaulOfl. Sarcostemm"
Sarcos temm e. Schtzoqlcssem, Stepeha XLIII

W<" ..""""" .op. ,""""""'" 9 S<hlZo~lo..u", """'PU'PU'''''''' ~ s,"~.., f}'tMd,lIo<"

.sp. "''''9'''J'Urru m
XLIV Schlechterell".S t" pe lia
St~peh, Stil pel i~n thus XLV
XLVI St<lpelia. Stapeliaflthus. Stapeliopsts.Steflostelm<l. TlachycalymJThl
Stcmatostemma. Tav~resia. Tridente~. Tromotriche XLVII

• T~'''' J'''undo

9 rOOM'." .'rne....'


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