Picaxe Manual1

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www.picaxe.co.uk GETTING STARTED
Section 1 2

About this manual ............................................................................................ 4
Software Overview ............................................................................................ 4
Software Comparison ........................................................................................ 5
Software Quick Choice Guide .............................................................................. 5
Third Party Software ......................................................................................... 5
Technical Support Forum ................................................................................... 5
Quick Start - Project Board PCB Preparation ......................................................... 6
Quick Start - Flashing an LED ............................................................................. 7
At a glance - specifications: .............................................................................. 8
At a glance - download circuit: .......................................................................... 8
At a glance - pinout diagrams (older parts): ........................................................ 9
At a glance - pinout diagrams (M2 parts): ......................................................... 10
At a glance - pinout diagrams (X2 parts): .......................................................... 11
What is a microcontroller? ............................................................................... 12
Microcontrollers, input and outputs .................................................................. 13
What is the PICAXE system? ............................................................................. 14
Building your own circuit / PCB ....................................................................... 14
What is a PICAXE microcontroller? .................................................................... 15
PICAXE chip labels ......................................................................................... 16
Superseded older PICAXE chips ......................................................................... 16
Which PICAXE chip? ........................................................................................ 17
Using the PICAXE system. ................................................................................ 19
PICAXE Starter Packs ....................................................................................... 20
PICAXE Project Boards .................................................................................... 21
Software Installation ...................................................................................... 22
Installation on RM CC3 networks ...................................................................... 22
Installing the AXE027 USB cable drivers ............................................................ 23
Downloading over a network using TCP/IP ......................................................... 24
PICAXE Power Supply ...................................................................................... 25
PICAXE-08M/08 Pinout and Circuit ................................................................... 27
PICAXE-14M2/14M Pinout and Circuit ............................................................... 28
PICAXE-20X2/20M2/20M Pinout and Circuit ....................................................... 30
PICAXE-18M2/18X/18M/18A/18 Pinout and Circuit ............................................ 32
PICAXE-28X2/28X1/28X/28A Pinout and Circuit ................................................. 34
PICAXE-28X2 Module (AXE200/AXE201) ............................................................. 36
PICAXE-40X2/40X1/40X Pinout and Circuit ........................................................ 38
USB Download Circuit ..................................................................................... 41
Serial Download Circuit ................................................................................... 42
Enhanced Serial Download Circuit ..................................................................... 43
Download Cables ............................................................................................ 43
Reset Circuit .................................................................................................. 44
Resonator ..................................................................................................... 44
Testing the System ......................................................................................... 46
Hard-reset procedure ...................................................................................... 47
Download Checklist ........................................................................................ 48
Understanding the PICAXE memory. .................................................................. 49
Parallel Task Processing ................................................................................... 59
Flowchart or BASIC? ....................................................................................... 63
BASIC Simulation ........................................................................................... 64
Interfacing Circuit Summary ............................................................................ 67
Tutorial 1 – Understanding and using the PICAXE System .................................... 68
Input / Output Pin Naming Conventions ........................................................... 69
Tutorial 2 - Using Symbols, Comments & White-space ......................................... 72
Tutorial 3 - For…Next Loops ........................................................................... 73
Tutorial 4 - Making Sounds .............................................................................. 74
Tutorial 5 – Using Digital Inputs ...................................................................... 75
Tutorial 6 – Using Analogue Sensors ................................................................. 76
Tutorial 7 - Using Debug ................................................................................. 77
Tutorial 8 - Using Serial Terminal with Sertxd ..................................................... 77
Tutorial 9 - Number Systems ............................................................................ 78
Tutorial 10 - Sub-procedures ............................................................................ 79
Tutorial 11 - Using Interrupts .......................................................................... 81
The next step - your own PICAXE project! .......................................................... 84

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Appendix A – BASIC Commands Summary .......................................................... 85

Appendix B – Over-clocking at higher frequencies .............................................. 89
Appendix C – Configuring the PICAXE-14M Input-Output Pins .............................. 91
Appendix D – Configuring PICAXE-08 / 08M Input-Output Pins ............................ 93
Appendix E – Configuring PICAXE-28X / 28X1 Input-Output Pins .......................... 95
Appendix F – Configuring PICAXE-40X / 40X1 Input-Output Pins .......................... 97
Appendix G - Using Flowcharts in Programming Editor ........................................ 99
Appendix H - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). .............................................. 103
Appendix I - Advanced Technical Information and FAQ ...................................... 107
Software Version .......................................................................................... 112
Contact Address ........................................................................................... 112
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................... 112

revolution (c) Revolution Education Ltd.

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Section 1 4

About this manual

The PICAXE manual is divided into three separate sections:

Section 1 - Getting Started (picaxe_manual1.pdf)

Section 2 - BASIC Commands (picaxe_manual2.pdf)
Section 3 - Microcontroller interfacing circuits (picaxe_manual3.pdf)

This first section provides general information for getting started with the PICAXE
system. No prior understanding of microcontrollers is required. A series of
tutorials introduce the main features of the system.

For more specific information, syntax and examples of each BASIC Command
please see section 2 ‘BASIC Commands’.

For microcontroller interfacing circuits, and example programs, for most

common input/output transducers, please see section 3

Software Overview
Revolution Education Ltd publish 4 software titles for use with the PICAXE
microcontroller chips. Two are free, the other two are low cost options.

PICAXE Programming Editor

The PICAXE Programming Editor is the main Windows application used for
programming PICAXE chips. This software is free of charge to PICAXE users.
The Programming Editor supports both textual (BASIC) and flowchart (graphical)
methods of developing programs. This manual was prepared using version 5.3.3
of the Programming Editor software.

AXEpad is a simpler, free version of the Programming Editor software for use on
the Linux and Mac operating systems. It supports the BASIC programming

Logicator for PIC micros

Logicator is a flowcharting application designed for educational use. Programs are
developed as graphical flowcharts on screen. These flowcharts are then
automatically converted into BASIC files for download into the PICAXE chips.

PICAXE VSM is a full Berkeley SPICE circuit simulator, which will simulate
complete electronic circuits using PICAXE chips. The BASIC program can be
stepped through line by line whilst watching the input/output peripheral react to
the program.

This manual focuses on the BASIC textual programming language, as used by

Programming Editor, AXEpad and PICAXE VSM.

Please see the separate Logicator manual for more details about the Logicator flowchart
programming method.

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Section 1 5

Software Comparison

Prog. Editor AXEpad Logicator PICAXE VSM

BASIC programming option X X (X) X

Flowchart programming option (X) X

Assembler code option X

Windows Version X (X) X X

Linux Version X

Mac OSX Version X

On Screen Simulation X X X

Berkeley SPICE Circuit Simulation X

Support of all PICAXE Types X X X X

Shareware Cost Option

Cost / Distribution Free Free
(£15) (£50)

X = Supported
(X) = Supported, but more suitable product also available,
e.g. for the flowchart method of programming ‘Logicator for PIC
micros’ is recommended, but the ‘PICAXE Programming Editor’
may also be used in the legacy flowchart mode.

Software Quick Choice Guide

Windows -> Textual BASIC programming -> Programming Editor
-> Flowchart programming -> Logicator for PIC
-> SPICE Circuit Simulation -> PICAXE VSM
Mac -> Textual BASIC programming -> AXEpad
Linux -> Textual BASIC programming -> AXEpad

Third Party Software

Revolution produce royalty free PICAXE drivers that can be used to add PICAXE
support to third party products. Current third party software products include:

Win/Mac/Linux -> Flowchart programming -> Yenka PICs

->Circuit Simulation -> Yenka Electronics
->PCB Artwork -> Yenka PCB
Win/Mac -> Flowchart programming -> Flowol

Technical Support Forum

If you have a question about any aspect of the PICAXE system please post a
question on the very active (and friendly!) support forum at this website

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Quick Start - Project Board PCB Preparation

Many Revolution Education project boards, as supplied in the starter packs, are
supplied with a protective ‘peelable’ layer over the user solder pads on the rear of
the PCB. This layer may be red or green in colour and can be easily peeled off
with your finger nail before soldering.

CHIO30 project board, as supplied

in the PICAXE-18 Starter Pack.

This peelable layer protects the user solderable pads during manufacture and
storage, to keep the pads clean and grease free.

Note also that the solder pads on our PCBs may now be a dull white “milky”
colour, not “shiny silver” as in the past. This is due to the more “environmentally
friendly” lead-free chemicals now used for plating RoHS compliant PCBs.

This is not a fault and the pad can still be hand soldered just as easily as the older
style ‘shiny’ solder pads. No cleaning is generally required prior to soldering.

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Quick Start - Flashing an LED

It is strongly recommended that you read the first few chapters of this manual
before using the PICAXE system. However if you cannot wait to get going, this
quick start guide provides a summary of the information explained in much
more detail later in this manual!

1. Install the Programming Editor software from the CDROM (or download
from www.picaxe.co.uk).
2. Insert either the AXE026 serial cable into the 9 pin serial COM socket at the
rear of the computer or the AXE027 USB cable into an available USB port
(and install the USB driver when prompted - see the AXE027 datasheet for
more details).
3. Start the Programming Editor software (click Start>Programs>Revolution
Education>Programming Editor). Then click View>Options menu to display
the Options panel (this may also automatically appear on startup). On the
‘Mode’ tab select the correct type of PICAXE chip. On the ‘Ports’ tab also
select the appropriate serial COM port (the port where you connected the
serial / USB cable).
4. Connect an LED and 330 ohm resistor to the output pin 4 of the PICAXE
chip. On ‘home-made’ or prototype circuits connect the LED/resistor between
the output pin and 0V. On project boards (which have a Darlington transistor
buffered output) connect the LED/resistor between V+ and the output pin.
Ensure correct polarity of the LED.
5. Connect the PICAXE cable to the hardware.
6. Connect the 4.5V (3xAA battery) or 5V regulated power supply to the project
board. Do NOT use a 9V PP3 battery.
7. Using the software, type in the following program:

main: high 4
pause 1000
low 4
pause 1000
goto main

8. Click the PICAXE>Program menu to download the program to the hardware.

After the download the output LED should flash on and off very second.

Congratulations! You have now programmed a microcontroller using the PICAXE


output pin 4



project board
output 4
0V connection

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At a glance - specifications:

Power Supply:
4.5V or 5V DC is recommended. Do not use 6V, 7.2V or 9V battery packs, these
could permanently damage the chip. For trouble-shooting use 3xAA cells only.

28X2/40X2 parts were also optionally available in special low power (1.8V to 3.3V)
variants called the 28X2-3V and 40X2-3V. Note that 4.5V or 5V will permanently
damage these special low power parts.

Each output can sink or source 20mA. This is enough to light an LED but will
not, for instance, drive a motor. Total maximum current per chip is 90mA.

An input should be above (0.8 x power supply voltage) to be high, below (0.2 x
power supply voltage) to be low. It is recommended, but not essential, to tie
unused inputs low via a 10k resistor.

The ADC range is the power supply voltage range. The maximum recommended
input impedance is 20k. Unconnected ADC will ‘float’ giving varying false
readings. However ‘touch sensor’ pins must float (no pullup/pulldown).

Serial download pin:

The serial download pin must never be left floating. This will give unreliable
operation. Always use the 10k/22k resistors as shown below, even if the chip was
programmed on a different board.

Reset pin:
The reset pin (if present) must never be left floating. This will give unreliable
operation. Always tie high (ie to the positive supply) via a 4k7 or 10k resistor.

At a glance - download circuit:

serial out
Above view
serial in
22k 0V
x x
x x a

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At a glance - pinout diagrams (older parts):

+V 1 8 0V
Serial In 2 7 Out 0 / Serial Out / Infraout
ADC 4 / Out 4 / In 4 3 6 In 1 / Out 1 / ADC 1
Infrain / In 3 4 5 In 2 / Out 2 / ADC 2 / pwm 2 / tune PICAXE-18X
ADC 2 / Input 2 1 18 Input 1 / ADC 1
PICAXE-14M Serial Out 2 17 Input 0 / ADC 0 / Infrain
Serial In 3 16 Input 7 / keyboard data
+V 1 14 0V Reset 4 15 Input 6 / keyboard clock
Serial In 2 13 Output 0 / Serial Out / Infraout 0V 5 14 +V
ADC 4 / Input 4 3 12 Output 1 Output 0 6 13 Output 7
Infrain / Input 3 4 11 Output 2 i2c sda / Output 1 7 12 Output 6
Input 2 5 10 Output 3 Output 2 8 11 Output 5
Input 1 6 9 Output 4 pwm 3 / Output 3 9 10 Output 4 / i2c scl
ADC 0 / Input 0 7 8 Output 5

ADC 2 / Input 2 1 18 Input 1 / ADC 1 Reset 1 28 Output 7
Serial Out 2 17 Input 0 / ADC 0 / Infrain ULPWU / ADC 0 / In a0 2 27 Output 6
Serial In 3 16 Input 7 / keyboard data ADC 1 / In a1 3 26 Output 5
Reset 4 15 Input 6 / keyboard clock ADC 2 / In a2 4 25 Output 4 / hpwm D
0V 5 14 +V ADC 3 / In a3 5 24 Output 3
Output 0 / infraout 6 13 Output 7 Serial In 6 23 Output 2 / hpwm B
Output 1 7 12 Output 6 Serial Out 7 22 Output 1 / hpwm C
Output 2 8 11 Output 5 0V 8 21 Output 0
Output 3 / pwm 3 9 10 Output 4 Resonator 9 20 +V
Resonator 10 19 0V
PICAXE-20M timer clk / Out c0 / In 0 11 18 In 7 / Out c7 / hserin / kb data
pwm 1 / Out c1 / In 1 12 17 In 6 / Out c6 / hserout / kb clk
+V 1 20 0V
hpwm A / pwm 2 / Out c2 / In 2 13 16 In 5 / Out c5 / spi sdo
Serial In 2 19 Serial Out
spi sck / i2c scl / Out c3 / In 3 14 15 In 4 / Out c4 / i2c sda / spi sdi
ADC 7 / Input 7 3 18 Output 0 / Infraout
Input 6 4 17 Output 1
Input 5 5 16 Output 2
Input 4 6 15 Output 3 PICAXE-40X1
ADC 3 / Input 3 7 14 Output 4
Reset 1 40 Output 7
ADC 2 / Input 2 8 13 Output 5
ULPWU / ADC 0 / In a0 2 39 Output 6
ADC 1 / Input 1 9 12 Output 6
ADC 1 / In a1 3 38 Output 5
Infrain / Input 0 10 11 Output 7
ADC 2 / In a2 4 37 Output 4
ADC 3 / In a3 5 36 Output 3
Serial In 6 35 Output 2
Serial Out 7 34 Output 1
(c) Revolution Education Ltd ADC 5 8 33 Output 0
www.picaxe.co.uk ADC 6 9 32 +V
ADC 7 10 31 0V
+V 11 30 Input 7 / kb data
0V 12 29 Input 6 / kb clk
Resonator 13 28 Input 5
Resonator 14 27 Input 4
timer clk / Out c0 / In c0 15 26 In c7 / Out c7 / hserin
pwm 1 / Out c1 / In c1 16 25 In c6 / Out c6 / hserout
pwm 2 / Out c2 / In c2 17 24 In c5 / Out c5 / spi sdo
i2c scl / spi sck / Out c3 / In c3 18 23 In c4 / Out c4 / i2c sda / spi sdi
Input 0 19 22 Input 3
Input 1 20 21 Input 2

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Section 1 10

At a glance - pinout diagrams (M2 parts):

+V 1 14 0V
(In) Serial In / C.5 2 13 B.0 / Serial Out (Out / hserout / DAC)
(Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.4 3 12 B.1 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / SRI / hserin)
(In) C.3 4 11 B.2 (In / Out/ ADC / Touch / pwm / SRQ)
(hpwm A / pwm / Out / In) C.2 5 10 B.3 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hi2c scl)
(hpwm B / Out / In) C.1 6 9 B.4 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / pwm / hi2c sda)
(hpwm C / pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.0 7 8 B.5 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hpwm D)

(DAC / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.2 1 18 C.1 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(SRQ / Out) Serial Out / C.3 2 17 C.0 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(In) Serial In / C.4 3 16 C.7 (In / Out)
(In) C.5 4 15 C.6 (In / Out)
0V 5 14 +V
(SRI / Out / In) B.0 6 13 B.7 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(i2c sda / Touch / ADC / Out / In) B.1 7 12 B.6 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / pwm)
(hserin / Touch / ADC / Out / In) B.2 8 11 B.5 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hserout)
(pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) B.3 9 10 B.4 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / i2c scl)

+V 1 20 0V
Serial In 2 19 Serial Out (DAC)
(Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.7 3 18 B.0 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / SRI)
(In) C.6 4 17 B.1 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / SRQ / pwm)
(hpwm A / pwm / Out / In) C.5 5 16 B.2 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(hpwm B / Out / In) C.4 6 15 B.3 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(hpwm C / pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.3 7 14 B.4 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hpwm D)
(kb clk / pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.2 8 13 B.5 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hi2c sda)
(kb data / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.1 9 12 B.6 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hserin)
(hserout / Out / In) C.0 10 11 B.7 (In / Out / hi2c scl)

(14M2 and 20M2 are future parts, check availability)

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Section 1 11

At a glance - pinout diagrams (X2 parts):

+V 1 20 0V
Serial In 2 19 A.0 / Serial Out (Out)
(ADC3 / Out / In) C.7 3 18 B.0 (In / Out / ADC1 / hint1)
(In) C.6 4 17 B.1 (In / Out / ADC2 / hint2 / SRQ)
(hpwm A / pwm C.5 / Out / In) C.5 5 16 B.2 (In / Out / ADC4 / Comp2+)
(hpwm B / SRNQ / Out / In) C.4 6 15 B.3 (In / Out / ADC5 / Comp2-)
(hpwm C / ADC7 / Out / In) C.3 7 14 B.4 (In / Out / ADC6 / hpwm D / Comp1-)
(kb clk / ADC8 / Out / In) C.2 8 13 B.5 (In / Out / ADC10 / hi2c sda / hspi sdi)
(hspi sdo / kb data / ADC9 / Out / In) C.1 9 12 B.6 (In / Out / ADC11 / hserin)
(hserout / Out / In) C.0 10 11 B.7 (In / Out / hi2c scl / hspi sck)

Reset 1 28 B.7 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp1- / ADC0 / Out / In) A.0 2 27 B.6 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp2- / ADC1 / Out / In) A.1 3 26 B.5 (In / Out) {ADC13 / touch / pwm}
{DAC / touch} (Comp2+ / ADC2 / Out / In) A.2 4 25 B.4 (In / Out / ADC11) {touch / hpwm D}
{touch} (Comp1+ / ADC3 / Out / In) A.3 5 24 B.3 (In / Out / ADC9) {touch}
Serial In 6 23 B.2 (In / Out / ADC8 / hint2) {touch / hpwm B}
{SRNQ} (Out) Serial Out / A.4 7 22 B.1 (In / Out / ADC10 / hint1) {touch / hpwm C}
0V 8 21 B.0 (In / Out / ADC12 / hint0) {touch / pwm / SRI}
Resonator 9 20 +V
Resonator 10 19 0V
(timer clk / Out / In) C.0 11 18 C.7 (In / Out / hserin / kb data) {ADC19 / touch}
(pwm / Out / In) C.1 12 17 C.6 (In / Out / hserout / kb clk) {ADC18 / touch}
{hpwm A / touch / ADC14} (pwm / Out / In) C.2 13 16 C.5 (In / Out / hspi sdo) {ADC17 / touch}
{touch / ADC4} (hi2c scl / hspi sck / Out / In) C.3 14 15 C.4 (In / Out / hi2c sda / hspi sdi) {ADC16 / touch}

Reset 1 40 B.7 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp1- / ADC0 / Out / In) A.0 2 39 B.6 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp2- / ADC1 / Out / In) A.1 3 38 B.5 (In / Out) {ADC13 / touch}
{DAC / touch} (Comp2+ / ADC2 / Out / In) A.2 4 37 B.4 (In / Out / ADC11) {touch}
{touch} (Comp1+ / ADC3 / Out / In) A.3 5 36 B.3 (In / Out / ADC9) {touch}
Serial In 6 35 B.2 (In / Out / ADC8 / hint2) {touch}
{SRNQ} (Out) Serial Out / A.4 7 34 B.1 (In / Out / ADC10 / hint1) {touch}
{touch} (ADC5 / Out / In) A.5 8 33 B.0 (In / Out / ADC12 / hint0) {touch / SRI}
{touch} (ADC6 / Out / In) A.6 9 32 +V
{touch} (ADC7 / Out / In) A.7 10 31 0V
+V 11 30 D.7 (In / Out / hpwm D / kb data) {ADC27 / touch}
0V 12 29 D.6 (In / Out / hpwm C / kb clk) {ADC26 / touch}
Resonator 13 28 D.5 (In / Out / hpwm B) {ADC25 / touch}
Resonator 14 27 D.4 (In / Out) {ADC24 / touch}
(timer clk / Out / In) C.0 15 26 C.7 (In / Out / hserin) {ADC19 / touch}
(pwm / Out / In) C.1 16 25 C.6 (In / Out / hserout) {ADC18 / touch}
{touch / ADC14} (hpwm A / pwm / Out / In) C.2 17 24 C.5 (In / Out / hspi sdo) {ADC17 / touch}
{touch / ADC4} (hi2c scl / hspi sck / Out / In) C.3 18 23 C.4 (In / Out / hi2c sda / hspi sdi) {ADC16 / touch}
{touch / ADC20} (Out / In) D.0 19 22 D.3 (In / Out) {ADC23 / touch}
{touch / ADC21} (Out / In) D.1 20 21 D.2 (In / Out) {ADC22 / touch}

Features shown in brackets { } are not

available in older -5V and -3V variants.

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Section 1 12

What is a microcontroller?
A microcontroller is often described as
a ‘computer-on-a-chip’.

It is a low-cost integrated circuit that

contains memory, processing units,
and input/output circuitry in a single
unit. Microcontrollers are purchased
‘blank’ and then programmed with a
specific control program.

Once programmed the microcontroller is build into a product to make the

product more intelligent and easier to use.

As an example, a microwave oven may use a single

microcontroller to process information from the MIC

keypad, display user information on the seven -1

segment display, and control the output devices


(turntable motor, light, bell and magnetron).

2 6
3 7
4 8
5 9
FU 10


One microcontroller can often replace a number of


separate parts, or even a complete electronic circuit.

Some of the advantages of using microcontrollers in a product design are:

• increased reliability through a smaller part count
• reduced stock levels, as one microcontroller replaces several parts
• simplified product assembly and smaller end products
• greater product flexibility and adaptability since features are programmed into
the microcontroller and not built into the electronic hardware
• rapid product changes or development by changing the program and not the
electronic hardware

Applications that use microcontrollers include household appliances, alarm

systems, medical equipment, vehicle subsystems, and electronic instrumentation.
Some modern cars contain over thirty microcontrollers - used in a range of
subsystems from engine management to remote locking!

In industry microcontrollers are usually programmed using the assembler or ‘C’

programming languages. However the complexity of these languages means that
it is often not realistic for younger students in education, or many home
hobbyists without formal training, to use these programming methods.

The PICAXE system overcomes this problem by use of a much simpler, easy to
learn, BASIC programming language. Programs can also be created graphically by
use of the flowchart editor.

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Section 1 13

Microcontrollers, input and outputs

A popular children’s electronic toy is shown in the
diagram. This is a good example of a mechatronic
system, as it uses an electronic circuit to control a
number of mechanisms. It also contains a number of
sensors so that it can react to changes when it is
moved (for example being put in a dark place or
being turned upside down).

Input transducers are electronic devices that detect

changes in the ‘real world’ and send signals into the
process block of the electronic system.

Some of the input transducers for the electronic toy are:

• push switches on the front and back to detect when the toy is being ‘stroked’,
and a switch in the mouth to detect when the toy is being ‘fed’
• a light-dependent resistor (LDR) between the eyes to detect if it is light or
• a microphone to detect noises and speech
• a tilt switch to detect when the toy is being turned upside down
• an infrared detector to detect infrared signals from other toys

Output transducers are electronic devices that can be switched on and off by the
process block of the electronic system. Some of the output transducers of the
electronic toy are:
• a motor to make the eyes and mouth move
• a speaker to produce sounds
• an infrared LED (light-emitting diode) to send signals to other toys.



receiver motor

light infra-red
dependent microcontroller transmitter

tilt switch

press switch

The microcontroller uses information from the input transducers to make

decisions about how to control the output devices. These decisions are made by
the control program, which is downloaded into the microcontroller. To change
the ‘behaviour’ of the toy it is simply a process of changing and downloading a
new program into the microcontroller

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Section 1 14

What is the PICAXE system?

The PICAXE system exploits the unique characteristics of the
new generation of low-cost ‘FLASH’ memory based
microcontrollers. These microcontrollers can be programmed
over and over again (typically 100 000 times) without the need
for an expensive programmer.

The PICAXE uses a simple BASIC language (or graphical flowcharts) that younger
students can start generating programs with within an hour of first use. It is much
easier to learn and debug than industrial programming languages (C or assembler

Unlike other BASIC ‘module’ based systems, all PICAXE programming is at the
‘chip’ level. Therefore instead of buying an expensive pre-assembled (and difficult
to repair) surface mount module, with the PICAXE system you simply purchase a
standard chip and use it directly in your project board.

The power of the PICAXE system is its simplicity. No programmer, eraser or

complicated electronic system is required - the microcontroller is programmed
via a 3-wire connection to the computers serial port. The operational PICAXE
circuit uses from just 3 components and can be easily constructed on a
prototyping breadboard, strip-board or PCB design.

The PICAXE ‘Programming Editor’ software is free and so the only cost per
computer is the low-cost download cable. In the educational environment this
enables students to buy their own cable and for schools to equip every single
computer with a download cable. Other systems that require an expensive
programmer or ‘module’ are generally too expensive to implement in this way.

Finally as the PICAXE chip never leaves the project board, all leg damage (as can
occur when the chip is moved back and forth from a programmer) is eliminated.

Building your own circuit / PCB

The PICAXE system has been designed to allow students / hobbyists to build their
own PCB circuits for the PICAXE system. However if you do not wish to make
your own circuit a number of project board kits and PCBs are available - please
see the current PICAXE catalogue for more details.

If you wish to make your own PCB some reference designs are available at the
PCB section of the PICAXE website at www.picaxe.co.uk
PCB samples are available for educational use in the popular realPCB and PCB
Wizard formats.

If you wish to ‘bread-board’ a prototype

circuit the AXE091 Development kit is highly

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What is a PICAXE microcontroller?

A PICAXE microcontroller is a standard Microchip PICmicro™ microcontroller

that has been pre-programmed with the PICAXE bootstrap code. The bootstrap
code enables the PICAXE microcontroller to be re-programmed directly via a
simple serial connection. This eliminates the need for an (expensive)
conventional programmer, making the whole download system a very low-cost
simple serial cable!

The pre-programmed bootstrap code also contains common routines (such as

how to generate a pause delay or a sound output), so that each download does
not have to waste time downloading this commonly required data. This makes
the download time much quicker.

As the blank microcontrollers purchased to ‘make’ PICAXE microcontrollers are

purchased in large volumes, it is possible for the manufacturer to program the
bootstrap code and still sell the PICAXE microcontroller at prices close to
standard catalogue process for single un-programmed PIC microcontrollers. This
means the cost of the PICAXE microcontroller to the end user is very economical.

The PICAXE bootstrap code is not available for programming into blank
microcontrollers. You must purchase PICAXE microcontrollers (rather than
blank, un-programmed microcontrollers) for use in the PICAXE system.

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PICAXE chip labels

PICAXE chips are pre-programmed and tested Microchip PICmicro™

More recent M2 parts are custom parts ‘factory engraved’ with the full PICAXE
name. Other parts are simply ‘engraved’ with the Microchip part name.

PICAXE Type Engraving on top of chip

• PICAXE-08M PIC12F683
• PICAXE-14M PIC16F684
• PICAXE-14M2 PICAXE-14M2 (future part, check availability)
• PICAXE-20M PIC16F677
• PICAXE-20M2 PICAXE-20M2 (future part, check availability)
• PICAXE-20X2 PIC18F14K22
• PICAXE-28X1 PIC16F886
• PICAXE-28X2 PIC18F25K22
• PICAXE-40X1 PIC16F887
• PICAXE-40X2 PIC18F45K22

Superseded older PICAXE chips

PICAXE Type Engraving Replacement Type
• PICAXE-08 PIC12F629 Superseded by 08M
• PICAXE-18 PIC16F627(A) Superseded by 18M2
• PICAXE-18A PIC16F819 Superseded by 18M2
• PICAXE-18M PIC16F819 Superseded by 18M2
• PICAXE-18X PIC16F88 Superseded by 18M2

• PICAXE-28A PIC16F872 Superseded by 28X1

• PICAXE-28X PIC16F873A Superseded by 28X1
• PICAXE-28X2-5V PIC18F2520 Superseded by 28X2
• PICAXE-28X2-3V PIC18F25K20 Superseded by 28X2

• PICAXE-40X PIC16F874A Superseded by 40X1

• PICAXE-40X2-5V PIC18F4520 Superseded by 40X2
• PICAXE-40X2-3V PIC18F45K20 Superseded by 40X2

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Which PICAXE chip?

The PICAXE system can be used with different physical

sizes of PICAXE chip (8, 14, 18, 20, 28 and 40 pin). The
primary difference between the sizes of chips is the
number of input/output pins available – the larger chips
cost a bit more but have more available input/output pins.
The same BASIC language is common to all size chips.

Within a chip size there are also different

variants (e.g. for the 20 pin PICAXE the 20M PICAXE-08M
and 20X2 variants are available). The +V 1 8 0V
Serial In 2 7 Out0 / Serial Out
principal difference between the variants is In 4 / Out4 / ADC4 3 6 In1 / Out1 / ADC1
In3/Infrain 4 5 In2 / Out2 / ADC2
the amount of memory (ie how long a
program can be downloaded into the chip). PICAXE-14M
+V 1 14 0V
The higher specification variants also have Serial In 2 13 Out 0 / Serial Out
some increased functionality (e.g. high ADC 4 / Input 4 3 12 Output 1
Infrain / Input 3 4 11 Output 2
resolution analogue inputs and i2c Input 2 5 10 Output 3
Input 1 6 9 Output 4
compatibility, as described in the next ADC 0 / Input 0 7 8 Output 5

section). Any project can be upgraded to the

next level variant at any point (e.g. if your +V 1 20 0V
Serial In 2 19 Serial Out
program is too long for the variant of chip Input 7 3 18 Output 0 / Infraout
used) by simply replacing the Input 6 4 17 Output 1
Input 5 5 16 Output 2
microcontroller in your circuit with the Input 4 6 15 Output 3
ADC 3 / Input 3 7 14 Output 4
upgraded variant. All upgraded variants are ADC 2 / Input 2 8 13 Output 5
ADC 1 / Input 1 9 12 Output 6
pin and program compatible with the lower Infrain / Input 0 10 11 Output 7
specification device.

The recommended part for new designs is:

14 PICAXE-14M (14M2 when released in 2011)
18 PICAXE-18M2
20 PICAXE-20M (20M2 when released in 2011)

18 PICAXE-18M2
28 PICAXE-28X1
40 PICAXE-40X1

20 PICAXE-20X2
28 PICAXE-28X2
40 PICAXE-40X2

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The following table shows the primary functional differences between the
available PICAXE microcontrollers.

For general ‘hobbyist’ the M2 and X2 series are recommended.

Budget: (40 - 200 line memory)

08 5 inputs/outputs 1 low-res ADC 4MHz
08M 5 inputs/outputs 3 ADC 8MHz

Education: (800 - 1800 line memory)

14M2 11 configurable i/o 0-7 ADC 32MHz
18M2 16 configurable i/o 0-10 ADC 32MHz
20M2 16 configurable i/o 0-11 ADC 32MHz

Standard: (800 - 1800 line memory)

28X1 0-12 inputs 9-17 outputs 0-4 ADC 20MHz
40X1 8-20 inputs 9-17 outputs 3-7 ADC 20MHZ

Advanced: (2000 - 3200 line memory in up to 4 separate slots)

20X2 18 configurable i/o 0-8 ADC 64MHz
28X2 22 configurable i/o 0-16 ADC 64MHz
40X2 33 configurable i/o 0-27 ADC 64MHZ

All parts default to operation at 4MHz (8MHz for X2 parts). For use at higher
speeds please see the ‘setfreq’ command in part 2 of the manual.

* 14M2 and 20M2 are future products - please check availability!

The older 14, 18 and 20 pin ‘A’, ‘M’ and ‘X’ parts are no longer manufactured as they
have now been superseded by the M2 parts.
The older 28 and 40 pin ‘A’ and ‘X’ parts are no longer manufactured as they have now
been superseded by the X1 and X2 parts.

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Using the PICAXE system.

To use the PICAXE system you will require:
• A PICAXE microcontroller
• A PICAXE circuit board
• A power supply (e.g. 4 rechargeable AA
cells (4.8V) or 3 alkaline AA cells (4.5V))
• A download cable (USB or serial)
• The free ‘Programming Editor’ software or
‘AXEpad’ software.

All these items are included within all the PICAXE ‘starter’ packs.

To run the Programming Editor software you require a computer running

Windows XP or later. Any computer that runs the Windows operating system will
work in textual ‘BASIC’ mode, however a Pentium processor or later is
recommended for graphical flowchart work.

To run the AXEpad software you require a PC with a x386 Linux distribution or
Mac with OSX (10.2 or later).

The computer also requires a USB port (for AXE027 USB cable) or 9 pin serial
port for connecting the AXE026 serial download cable. See the USB/Serial Port
setup section for more details.

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PICAXE Starter Packs

To get started with the PICAXE system a starter pack is recommended. All 5 starter
packs contain the same CDROM (containing the manuals and free programming
software), USB (or serial) download cable and battery box. However the project
board and type of PICAXE chip varies in each starter pack as indicated below.
3 x AA batteries are also required (not included).

PICAXE-08M Starter Pack (AXE003U)

PICAXE-08 proto board, PICAXE-08M
chip, CDROM, USB download cable and
battery box. Self assembly kit.

PICAXE-14M Starter Pack (AXE004U)

PICAXE-20M Starter Pack (AXE005U)
PICAXE-14 project board, PICAXE-14M
chip, CDROM, USB download cable and
battery box. Self assembly kit.

PICAXE-18M2 Starter Pack (AXE002U)

PICAXE-18 standard project board,
download cable and battery box. Pre-
assembled (18M2 chip supplied).

PICAXE-28X1 Starter Pack (AXE001U)

PICAXE-28 project board, connector
cables, PICAXE-28X1 chip, CDROM,
USB download cable and battery box.
Pre-assembled (28X1 chip supplied).

Development Starter Pack (AXE091U)

Specifically designed for hobbyists with
large breadboarding area and inputs/
outputs for experimentation.
The development PCB can support all
sizes of PICAXE chips and is supplied
with a PICAXE-18M2 chip. Pre-

Tutorial Starter Pack (AXE050U)

The tutorial pack is designed for school
use to enable students to rapidly learn
the PICAXE language by a series of
structured tutorials (provided on the
CDROM). Pre-assembled board with
LDR, switches and output display.

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PICAXE Project Boards

Individual project boards/kits are also available for users who do not wish to
manufacture their own pcb. All boards have the serial download connector for
programming the PICAXE chip via the serial / USB download cable.

PICAXE-08 Proto Board (AXE021)

Small self-assembly board to allow rapid prototyping of
PICAXE-08 circuits. The board provides the basic circuit and
download connector, with a small prototyping area to allow
connection of input and output circuits.

PICAXE-08 Motor Driver (AXE023)

The motor driver board can be used to drive 4 individual on/
off outputs (e.g. buzzers), or the outputs can be used in pairs
to allow forward-reverse-stop control of two motors. Pre-
assembled with PICAXE-08 chip included.

PICAXE-14 Project Board (AXE117)

PICAXE-20 Project Board (AXE118)
The project board PCB is a professional quality PCB that
enables students to construct a project board that has 6
outputs and 5 inputs. The board provides space for the
PICAXE-14M2 chip, download socket and darlington driver.
Self assembly kit (including PCB).

PICAXE-18 Project Board (CHI030)

The PICAXE-18 standard interface board is a pre-assembled
board fitted with a darlington driver chip so that output
devices such as motors and buzzers can be connected directly
to the board. Supports 5 inputs and 8 outputs.

PICAXE-18 High Power Project Board (CHI035)

The pre-assembled high power interface board provides 4
FET drivers to drive high current output devices. By addition
of the optional L293D motor driver chip, an additional 2
motor control outputs can be added.

PICAXE-28 Project Board (AXE020)

A pre-assembled board fitted with a darlington driver chip
for 8 output devices. By addition of the optional motor
driver chip, an additional 2 motor control outputs can be
added to the board. Supplied with connector ribbon cables.

PICAXE-28/40 Proto Board (AXE022)

The PICAXE-28/40 proto board kit allows rapid
development of PICAXE-28X1/X2 and 40X1/X2 projects. The
board provides the basic circuit and download connector,
with connections for inputs & outputs. EEPROM socket

Each project board has it’s own datasheet containing connection

details, circuit diagram etc. These datasheets are accessed via the

‘Help’ menu of the software.
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Software Installation
Computer Requirements:
To install the software you require a computer running Windows 95 or later with
approximately 50MB free space. Any computer that runs the Windows operating
system will work in textual ‘BASIC’ mode, however a Pentium 4 processor or later
is recommended for graphical flowchart work.

1) Start up and log into your computer (some operating systems require that you
log in as ‘Administrator’ to install software).
2) Insert the CD, or download and run the installation file from the software
page at www.picaxe.co.uk
3) Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software. On older computers
you may be instructed to restart the computer after installation.
4) Insert the AXE026 cable into the 9 pin serial port at the back of the computer.,
or the AXE027 USB cable into the USB port. The AXE027 will require a
software driver when first used, a ‘New hardware found’ wizard will
automatically start (see the AXE027 datasheet for more details).
5) Click Start>Programs>Revolution Education>Programming Editor to start the
6) If the Options screen does not automatically appear, click the View>Options
menu. On the ‘Mode’ tab select the size and type of PICAXE microcontroller
you are using. On the ‘Port’ tab select the appropriate serial COM port then
click OK.

You are now ready to use the system.

Installation on RM CC3 networks

The software will run on all school networks, including RM CC3.
1) It is recommended you use the uncompressed MSI install provided on the
CDROM, rather than the internet download.
2) Log on as System Admin and use your preferred distribution software (e.g. RM
Application Wizard) to build a distribution package using the MSI install
found within the /progedit folder on the CDROM. If preferred you can also
manually copy the MSI files into the RMPackages\Applications area.
3) Update the package list of the appropriate workstations using the RM
Management Console and generate shortcuts as required.
4) XP users - note that you may have to create two Software Restrictions ‘hash’
rules - one to the progedit.exe executable and another to the shortcut. To do
this log on as System Admin on an XP workstation, click
Start>Programs>System Management>Software Restriction settings. Open
Computer Configuration>Windows Settings>Software Restriction
Policies>Additional Rules. From the Action menu select ‘New Hash Rule’ and
browse to the progedit.exe executable. Click OK.
5) The default save/open folder paths can be edited as required in the file called
network.ini found in the main installation folder.

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Installing the AXE027 USB cable drivers

Many desktop computers have a 9 pin serial connector for connection of the
PICAXE download cable. However some modern laptop computers do not have a
9 pin serial connector to save space, in this case the USB port must be used

The USB interface system is an intelligent system that requires the connected
device to automatically configure itself when connected to the computers USB
port. Although it is theoretically possible to build a USB version of the PICAXE,
the extra memory required would increase the cost of every single PICAXE chip by
almost £3 ($5).

Therefore an alternate system is used. The user purchases a one-off low-cost ‘USB
to serial’ cable (part AXE027), which is a special intelligent PICAXE cable that
allows chips to be programmed via the USB port.

USB Cable Installation procedure:

(Please see the USB Cable (AXE027.pdf) help file for more detailed instructions.
This is available on the software page at www.picaxe.co.uk or the \USB folder of
the CDROM).

1) Purchase the AXE027 USB cable.

2) Connect to the USB port of the computer
3) Insert the CDROM supplied with the USB adapter to install the latest driver
4) Note the serial port COM number allocated to the USB adapter.
5) Connect the standard PICAXE cable to the USB adapter.
6) Start up the Programming Editor software and select the appropriate COM
port from the View>Options>Port menu.
7) Click ‘Refresh’ to refresh the available port list.
8) Use the software and hardware as normal.

• Windows 95 and NT do not support USB devices.

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Downloading over a network using TCP/IP

The Programming Editor software supports COM port redirection over a TCP/IP
“ethernet” connection. This connection can be a local network or even the

To use this feature a ‘virtual’

COM port is created on the
local computer (the computer
that is running the
Programming Editor software)
and creates a TCP/IP
connection. At the remote
computer (where the download
cable is connected to the USB/
serial port) a small redirection
service application is installed
and then redirects the real COM
port to the TCP/IP connection.

This system allows the

Programming Editor software
to use the serial port on the
remote computer exactly as if it
was on the local computer -
new program downloads and
even serial data can be
transmitted seamlessly back
and forward over the TCP/IP

To setup this connection two steps are required:

1) Run the wizard (PICAXE>Wizards>COM to TCP/IP menu) on the local
computer to setup the local connection.
2) Install the SEC software on the remote computer and run it’s Wizard to select
the serial port to be used. This software runs as a service and so can be configured
to always start when the computer is powered up. This allows it to be installed on
unattended machines (e.g. in a museum).

For further details please see the Serial Ethernet Connection software datasheet.

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PICAXE Power Supply

All PICAXE chips will run programs at voltages between 3 and 5.5V DC.
The later generation parts (M2 and X2 parts) will also run down to 1.9V.

IMPORTANT NOTE - this manual describes use of the standard range (3-5.5V) parts.
The 28X2 and 40X2 parts are also optionally available in special low power (1.8V to
3.3V) variants. Use of a 5V supply on a 3.3V part will permanently damage it!

It is recommended that the power supply is provided in one of the 3 following

• 3 x AA alkaline AA cells (4.5V)
• 4 x rechargeable AA cells (4.8V)
• 5V regulated from a 9V DC regulated supply (5V)

Do not use a 9V PP3 battery, this is above the maximum rating of the PICAXE
chip and will cause permanent damage. Note that most 3xAA and 4xAA battery
boxes use the same ‘press-stud’ style connector and battery snap/clip as a PP3 9V
battery. Note the provision of this style of clip does not mean that a project board
should use a PP3 9V battery, it is just unfortunate that all battery boxes use the
same style connector.

PP3 9V batteries are designed for very low-current, long term applications (e.g. a
smoke alarm or multi-meter). Although a PP3 9V supply regulated to 5V will
work for short periods with a microcontroller, it will drain very quickly when an
output device (e.g. LED, motor or buzzer) is connected. Therefore always use AAA
or AA battery packs rather than 9V PP3 batteries in microcontroller projects (as
used with many portable consumer goods e.g. CD players, LED torches etc.) Take
care when inserting PICAXE chips into your circuit to ensure they are the correct
way around. Take extra care with 18 pin chips, as if inserted ‘upside-down’ the
power supply connections will be reversed causing permanent damage to the

AA Battery Packs
Alkaline AA cells have a nominal voltage of 1.5V, so 3 cells will give 4.5V. If you
wish to use 4 cells, also use a 1N4001 diode in series with the battery pack. The
diode provides voltage polarity protection, and as the diode has a 0.7V drop the
microcontroller voltage will be an acceptable 5.3V (6V-0.7V).
Rechargeable AA cells have a nominal voltage of 1.2V, so 4 cells will give 4.8V.
Take care not to short circuit any battery pack, as the large short circuit current
may cause considerable heat damage or start a fire.

Using battery snaps.

Battery packs are often connected to electronic printed circuit boards by battery
snaps. Always ensure you connect the red and black wires the correct
way around. It is also useful to thread the battery snap through holes
on the board before soldering it in place - this provides a much
stronger joint that is less likely to snap off.

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Regulated Power Supply.

Some users may wish to use a ‘wall adapter’ style power supply (e.g. part
PWR009). It is essential that a good quality regulated 9V DC device is used with a
5V regulator. Unregulated devices may give excessive voltages (under low load
conditions) that will damage the microcontroller. Old computer 12V/5V supplies
are not suitable for PICAXE microcontroller work.

The 9V DC supply must be regulated to 5V using a voltage regulator (e.g. 7805

(1A capability) or 78L05 (100mA capability)). The full regulation circuit is shown
below. The 1N4001 diode provides reverse connection protection, and the
capacitors help stabilise the 5V supply. Note that voltage regulators do not
generally function correctly unless the input supply in this circuit is
approximately 8V or higher. The capacitors shown are also essential.

Never try to use a 9V PP3 battery with this circuit. The PP3 battery has insufficient
current capability and is not recommended for any PICAXE project work.

>8V 78(L)05 +5V

+ +
In Out
100n 100u 100n 100u
0V 0V

input input
0V 0V
output output

IMPORTANT NOTE - this manual describes use of the standard range (3-5V) parts.
The X2 parts are also optionally available in special low power (1.8V to 3.3V) variants.
Use of a 5V supply on a 3.3V part will permanently damage it!

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PICAXE-08M/08 Pinout and Circuit

The pinout diagrams for the 8 pin devices are as follows:
(0.3” DIL or 150mil SOIC)

+V 1 8 0V +V 1 8 0V
Serial In 2 7 Output 0 / Serial Out Serial In 2 7 Out 0 / Serial Out / Infraout
Out 4 / In 4 3 6 In 1 / Out 1 / ADC 1 ADC 4 / Out 4 / In 4 3 6 In 1 / Out 1 / ADC 1
In 3 4 5 In 2 / Out 2 Infrain / In 3 4 5 In 2 / Out 2 / ADC 2 / pwm 2 / tune

The minimum operating circuit for the 8 pin devices is:


1 8
serial in
2 7 out 0
serial out

in / out 4 3 6 in / out 1

in 3 4 5 in / out 2


See the Serial Download Circuit section of this manual for more details about the
download circuit.

1) The 10k/22k resistors must be included for reliable operation.
DO NOT leave the serial in pin floating as THE PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN!
2) Output pin 0 (leg 7) is used during the program download, but can also be
used as a general purpose output once the download is complete. On the
project boards a jumper link allows the microcontroller leg to either be
connected to the download socket (PROG position) or to the output (OUT
position). Remember to move the jumper into the correct position when
testing your program!

If you are making your own pcb you can include a similar jumper link or small
switch, or you may prefer to connect the microcontroller leg to both the output
device and the program socket at the same time. In this case you must remember
that your output device will rapidly switch on and off as the download takes
place (not a problem with simple outputs like LEDs, but could cause problems
with other devices such as motors).

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PICAXE-14M2/14M Pinout and Circuit

The pinout diagrams for the 14 pin devices are as follows:
(0.3” DIL or 150mil SOIC)

+V 1 14 0V
(In) Serial In / C.5 2 13 B.0 / Serial Out (Out / hserout / DAC)
(Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.4 3 12 B.1 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / SRI / hserin)
(In) C.3 4 11 B.2 (In / Out/ ADC / Touch / pwm / SRQ)
(hpwm A / pwm / Out / In) C.2 5 10 B.3 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hi2c scl)
(hpwm B / Out / In) C.1 6 9 B.4 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / pwm / hi2c sda)
(hpwm C / pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.0 7 8 B.5 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hpwm D)

+V 1 14 0V
Serial In 2 13 Output 0 / Serial Out / Infraout
ADC 4 / Input 4 3 12 Output 1
Infrain / Input 3 4 11 Output 2
Input 2 5 10 Output 3
Input 1 6 9 Output 4
ADC 0 / Input 0 7 8 Output 5

14M2 is a future part - check availability!

Please see appendix C for information on how the 14M i/o pins can be reconfigured
by advanced users.

The minimum operating circuit for the 14 pin devices is:


1 14
serial in
2 13 out 0
serial out
in 4 3 12 out 1

in 3 4 11 out 2

in 2 5 10 out 3

1 in 1 6 9 out 4
3 in 0 7 8 out 5


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See the USB / Serial Download Circuit section of this manual for more details
about the download circuit.

1) The 10k/22k resistors must be included for reliable operation.
DO NOT leave the serial in pin floating as THE PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN!
2) Output pin 0 (leg 7) is used during the program download, but can also be
used as a general purpose output once the download is complete. On the
project boards a jumper link allows the microcontroller leg to either be
connected to the download socket (PROG position) or to the output (OUT
position). Remember to move the jumper into the correct position when
testing your program!

If you are making your own pcb you can include a similar jumper link or small
switch, or you may prefer to connect the microcontroller leg to both the output
device and the program socket at the same time. In this case you must remember
that your output device will rapidly switch on and off as the download takes
place (not a problem with simple outputs like LEDs, but could cause problems
with other devices such as motors).

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PICAXE-20X2/20M2/20M Pinout and Circuit

The pinout diagrams for the 20 pin devices are as follows:
(0.3” DIL or 300mil SOIC)

+V 1 20 0V
Serial In 2 19 A.0 / Serial Out (Out)
(ADC3 / Out / In) C.7 3 18 B.0 (In / Out / ADC1 / hint1)
(In) C.6 4 17 B.1 (In / Out / ADC2 / hint2 / SRQ)
(hpwm A / pwm C.5 / Out / In) C.5 5 16 B.2 (In / Out / ADC4 / Comp2+)
(hpwm B / SRNQ / Out / In) C.4 6 15 B.3 (In / Out / ADC5 / Comp2-)
(hpwm C / ADC7 / Out / In) C.3 7 14 B.4 (In / Out / ADC6 / hpwm D / Comp1-)
(kb clk / ADC8 / Out / In) C.2 8 13 B.5 (In / Out / ADC10 / hi2c sda / hspi sdi)
(hspi sdo / kb data / ADC9 / Out / In) C.1 9 12 B.6 (In / Out / ADC11 / hserin)
(hserout / Out / In) C.0 10 11 B.7 (In / Out / hi2c scl / hspi sck)

+V 1 20 0V
Serial In 2 19 Serial Out (DAC)
(Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.7 3 18 B.0 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / SRI)
(In) C.6 4 17 B.1 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / SRQ / pwm)
(hpwm A / pwm / Out / In) C.5 5 16 B.2 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(hpwm B / Out / In) C.4 6 15 B.3 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(hpwm C / pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.3 7 14 B.4 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hpwm D)
(kb clk / pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.2 8 13 B.5 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hi2c sda)
(kb data / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.1 9 12 B.6 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hserin)
(hserout / Out / In) C.0 10 11 B.7 (In / Out / hi2c scl)

+V 1 20 0V
Serial In 2 19 Serial Out
ADC 7 / Input 7 3 18 Output 0 / Infraout
Input 6 4 17 Output 1
Input 5 5 16 Output 2
Input 4 6 15 Output 3
ADC 3 / Input 3 7 14 Output 4
ADC 2 / Input 2 8 13 Output 5
ADC 1 / Input 1 9 12 Output 6
Infrain / Input 0 10 11 Output 7

Note pin C.6 is input only on the 20M2 and 20X2 parts. This is due to the
internal silicon design of the chip and cannot be altered.

20M2 is a future part - check availability!

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The minimum operating circuit for the 20 pin devices is:


1 20
serial in
2 19
serial out
in 7 3 18 out 0

in 6 4 17 out 1
in 5 5 16 out 2

1 in 4 6 15 out 3
3 in 3 7 14 out 4

in 2 8 13 out 5

in 1 9 12 out 6

in 0 10 11 out 7


See the USB / Serial Download Circuit section of this manual for more details
about the download circuit.

1) The 10k/22k resistors must be included for reliable operation.
DO NOT leave the serial in pin floating as THE PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN!

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PICAXE-18M2/18X/18M/18A/18 Pinout and Circuit

The pinout diagrams for the 18 pin devices are as follows:
(0.3” DIL or 300mil SOIC)

(DAC / Touch / ADC / Out / In) C.2 1 18 C.1 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(SRQ / Out) Serial Out / C.3 2 17 C.0 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(In) Serial In / C.4 3 16 C.7 (In / Out)
(In) C.5 4 15 C.6 (In / Out)
0V 5 14 +V
(SRI / Out / In) B.0 6 13 B.7 (In / Out / ADC / Touch)
(i2c sda / Touch / ADC / Out / In) B.1 7 12 B.6 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / pwm)
(hserin / Touch / ADC / Out / In) B.2 8 11 B.5 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / hserout)
(pwm / Touch / ADC / Out / In) B.3 9 10 B.4 (In / Out / ADC / Touch / i2c scl)

ADC 2 / Input 2 1 18 Input 1 / ADC 1 ADC 2 / Input 2 1 18 Input 1 / ADC 1
Serial Out 2 17 Input 0 / ADC 0 Serial Out 2 17 Input 0 / ADC 0 / Infrain
Serial In 3 16 Input 7 Serial In 3 16 Input 7 / keyboard data
Reset 4 15 Input 6 Reset 4 15 Input 6 / keyboard clock
0V 5 14 +V 0V 5 14 +V
Output 0 6 13 Output 7 Output 0 6 13 Output 7
Output 1 7 12 Output 6 Output 1 7 12 Output 6
Output 2 8 11 Output 5 Output 2 8 11 Output 5
Output 3 9 10 Output 4 Output 3 9 10 Output 4

ADC 2 / Input 2 1 18 Input 1 / ADC 1 ADC 2 / Input 2 1 18 Input 1 / ADC 1
Serial Out 2 17 Input 0 / ADC 0 / Infrain Serial Out 2 17 Input 0 / ADC 0 / Infrain
Serial In 3 16 Input 7 / keyboard data Serial In 3 16 Input 7 / keyboard data
Reset 4 15 Input 6 / keyboard clock Reset 4 15 Input 6 / keyboard clock
0V 5 14 +V 0V 5 14 +V
Output 0 / infraout 6 13 Output 7 Output 0 6 13 Output 7
Output 1 7 12 Output 6 Output 1 / i2c sda 7 12 Output 6
Output 2 8 11 Output 5 Output 2 8 11 Output 5
Output 3 / pwm 3 9 10 Output 4 Output 3 / pwm 3 9 10 Output 4 / i2c scl

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The minimum operating circuit for the 18 pin devices is:



in 2 1 18 in 1
serial out
2 17 in 0
serial in
3 16 in 7

4 15 in 6

5 14
out 0 6 13 out 7
1 out 1 7 12 out 6
3 out 2 8 11 out 5

reset out 3 9 10 out 4


See the USB / Serial Download Circuit section of this manual for more details
about the download circuit.

1) The 10k/22k resistors must be included for reliable operation.
DO NOT leave the serial in pin floating as THE PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN!
2) The reset pin must be tied high with the 4k7 resistor to operate on non-M2
parts. On 18M2 parts there is no reset pin, this is a general purpose input.
3) No external resonator is required as the chips have an internal resonator.

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PICAXE-28X2/28X1/28X/28A Pinout and Circuit

The pinout diagrams for the 28 pin devices are as follows:
(0.3” DIL or 300mil SOIC)

Reset 1 28 B.7 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp1- / ADC0 / Out / In) A.0 2 27 B.6 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp2- / ADC1 / Out / In) A.1 3 26 B.5 (In / Out) {ADC13 / touch / pwm}
{DAC / touch} (Comp2+ / ADC2 / Out / In) A.2 4 25 B.4 (In / Out / ADC11) {touch / hpwm D}
{touch} (Comp1+ / ADC3 / Out / In) A.3 5 24 B.3 (In / Out / ADC9) {touch}
Serial In 6 23 B.2 (In / Out / ADC8 / hint2) {touch / hpwm B}
{SRNQ} (Out) Serial Out / A.4 7 22 B.1 (In / Out / ADC10 / hint1) {touch / hpwm C}
0V 8 21 B.0 (In / Out / ADC12 / hint0) {touch / pwm / SRI}
Resonator 9 20 +V
Resonator 10 19 0V
(timer clk / Out / In) C.0 11 18 C.7 (In / Out / hserin / kb data) {ADC19 / touch}
(pwm / Out / In) C.1 12 17 C.6 (In / Out / hserout / kb clk) {ADC18 / touch}
{hpwm A / touch / ADC14} (pwm / Out / In) C.2 13 16 C.5 (In / Out / hspi sdo) {ADC17 / touch}
{touch / ADC4} (hi2c scl / hspi sck / Out / In) C.3 14 15 C.4 (In / Out / hi2c sda / hspi sdi) {ADC16 / touch}

Features shown in brackets { } are not

available in older -5V and -3V parts.

Reset 1 28 Output 7
ULPWU / ADC 0 / In a0 2 27 Output 6
ADC 1 / In a1 3 26 Output 5
ADC 2 / In a2 4 25 Output 4 / hpwm D
ADC 3 / In a3 5 24 Output 3
Serial In 6 23 Output 2 / hpwm B
Serial Out 7 22 Output 1 / hpwm C
0V 8 21 Output 0
Resonator 9 20 +V
Resonator 10 19 0V
timer clk / Out c0 / In 0 11 18 In 7 / Out c7 / hserin / kb data
pwm 1 / Out c1 / In 1 12 17 In 6 / Out c6 / hserout / kb clk
hpwm A / pwm 2 / Out c2 / In 2 13 16 In 5 / Out c5 / spi sdo
spi sck / i2c scl / Out c3 / In 3 14 15 In 4 / Out c4 / i2c sda / spi sdi

Reset 1 28 Output 7 Reset 1 28 Output 7
ADC 0 2 27 Output 6 ADC 0 / In a0 2 27 Output 6
ADC 1 3 26 Output 5 ADC 1 / In a1 3 26 Output 5
ADC 2 4 25 Output 4 ADC 2 / In a2 4 25 Output 4
ADC 3 5 24 Output 3 ADC 3 / In a3 5 24 Output 3
Serial In 6 23 Output 2 Serial In 6 23 Output 2
Serial Out 7 22 Output 1 Serial Out 7 22 Output 1
0V 8 21 Output 0 0V 8 21 Output 0
Resonator 9 20 +V Resonator 9 20 +V
Resonator 10 19 0V Resonator 10 19 0V
Input 0 / Infrain 11 18 Input 7 / Keyboard data In0 / Out c0 / Infrain 11 18 In7 / Out c7 / keyboard data
Input 1 12 17 Input 6 / Keyboard clock In 1 / Out c1 / pwm 1 12 17 In6 / Out c6 / keyboard clock
Input 2 13 16 Input 5 In 2 / Out c2 / pwm 2 13 16 In 5 / Out c5
Input 3 14 15 Input 4 In 3 / Out c3 / i2c scl 14 15 In 4 / Out c4 / i2c sda

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The minimum operating circuit for the 28 pin devices is:



1 28 out 7
ADC 0 2 27 out 6
ADC 1 3 26 out 5
ADC 2 4 25 out 4
ADC 3 5 24 out 3
6 23 out 2

serial in
serial out 7 22 out 1
10k 8 21 out 0
9 20
1 10 19
3 in 0 11 18 in 7
in 1 12 17 in 6
in 2 13 16 in 5
in 3 14 15 in 4


See the USB / Serial Download Circuit section of this manual for more details
about the download circuit.

1) The 10k/22k resistors must be included for reliable operation.
DO NOT leave the serial in pin floating as THE PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN!
2) The reset pin must be tied high with the 4k7 resistor to operate.
3) Resonator:
28X2 (optional) 4 (16), 8(32), 10 (40) or 16(64) MHz
28X2-5V (optional) 4 (16), 8(32), or 10(40) MHz
28X2-3V (optional) 4 (16), 8(32), 10 (40) or 16(64) MHz
28X1 (optional) 16MHz
28X 4, 8 or 16MHz
28 / 28A 4MHz

The 28X1 and 28X2 have an internal resonator (4 or 8MHz) and so the external
resonator is optional. On 28A and 28X parts it is compulsory.
The 28X2 has an internal 4xPLL circuit. This multiplies the external clock speed
by 4. Therefore an external 8MHz resonator gives an actual internal operating
clock frequency of 4x8MHz=32MHz.

IMPORTANT NOTE - this manual describes use of the standard range (3-5V) parts.
The X2 parts are also available in special low power (1.8V to 3.3V) variants. Use of a
5V supply on a 3.3V part will permanently damage it!

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PICAXE-28X2 Module (AXE200/AXE201)

The 28X2 module is a complete PICAXE circuit in convenient 28 pin (0.6” wide)
DIL package. The module is designed to be placed in a ‘turned pin’ style IC
socket on the end user project board (e.g. socket part ICH028W).

{Out} Serial Out / A4 1 28 VIN (7-12V)
Serial In 2 27 0V
LED 3 26 Reset
0V 4 25 +5V
(timer clk/Out/In) C.0 5 24 B.7 (In/Out)
(pwm/Out/In) C.1 6 23 B.6 (In/Out)
{hpwm A/touch/ADC14} (pwm/Out/In) C.2 7 22 B.5 (In/Out) {ADC13/touch/pwm}
28X2-5V Module
{touch/ADC4} (hspi sck/hi2c scl/Out/In) C.3 8 21 B.4 (In/Out/ADC11) {touch/hpwm D}
part AXE200 {touch/ADC16} (hi2c sda / hspi sdi/Out/In) C.4 9 20 B.3 (In/Out/ADC9) {touch}
{touch/ADC17} (hspi sdo/Out/In) C.5 10 19 B.2 (In/Out/ADC8/hint2) {touch/hpwmB)
{touch/ADC18} (hserout / kb clk/Out/In) C.6 11 18 B.1 (In/Out/ADC10/hint1) {touch/hpwmC}
{touch/ADC19} (hserin / kb data/Out/In) C.7 12 17 B.0 (In/Out/ADC12 / hint0) {touch/pwm}
{touch} (C1- /ADC0/Out/In) A.0 13 16 A.2 (In/Out/ADC2/C2+) {touch/DAC}
{touch} (C2- /ADC1/Out/In) A.1 14 15 A.3 (In/Out/ADC3/C1+) {touch}

1 28 Connector for
2 27 AXE027 USB or
LED 3 26 AXE026 serial
4 25 download cable
5 24
6 23 5V 500mA low
32/64MHz 7 22 dropout regulator
Resonator 8 21
9 20
10 19 PICAXE-28X2
11 18
12 17
13 16 Reset switch
14 15

The module is supplied in a 28 pin carrier socket. It is highly recommended that
the module is left in this socket at all times - ie use a separate socket on the
project board. Then if a leg is accidentally snapped off the carrier socket it is
possible to very carefully remove and replace the low-cost carrier socket.

The AXE201 and AXE200 are physically identical apart from chip and resonator:
AXE201 AXE200
- PICAXE-28X2 - PICAXE-28X2-5V
- 16MHz resonator - 8MHz resonator
(=64MHz operation) (=32 MHz operation)

The AXE201 also supports the additional new PICAXE-28X2 silicon features such
as touch sensors and additional analogue / pwm channels. These are marked
within the { } brackets above.

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Power can be supplied at 7-12V DC via pin 28. This is then regulated on-board
via a 5V 500mA low drop out regulator. The 5V output is available at pin 25.
Alternately a 4.5V or 5V supply can be connected directly to pin 25, leaving pin
28 unconnected.

Reset Switch
There is an on -board reset switch (with 4k7 pull up included on -board). The
module can also be reset by connecting the reset pin (pin 26) to 0V.

Download can be made via the on-board socket (AXE027 USB or AXE026 serial
download cable) or via the Serial In / Serial Out pins.

The LED pin (pin 3) connects to an on-board LED/330R resistor which then
connects to 0V. If left unconnected the LED does not operate, and hence draws no
current (sometimes desirable in battery based systems). To use the LED as a
power indicator simply connect the LED pin (pin 3) to 5V (pin 25). Alternately
the LED pin can be connected to an output pin and hence controlled by high /
low commands within the user program.

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PICAXE-40X2/40X1/40X Pinout and Circuit

The pinout diagram for the 40 pin device is as follows:
(0.6” DIL or 44pin TQFP)

Reset 1 40 B.7 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp1- / ADC0 / Out / In) A.0 2 39 B.6 (In / Out)
{touch} (Comp2- / ADC1 / Out / In) A.1 3 38 B.5 (In / Out) {ADC13 / touch}
{DAC / touch} (Comp2+ / ADC2 / Out / In) A.2 4 37 B.4 (In / Out / ADC11) {touch}
{touch} (Comp1+ / ADC3 / Out / In) A.3 5 36 B.3 (In / Out / ADC9) {touch}
Serial In 6 35 B.2 (In / Out / ADC8 / hint2) {touch}
{SRNQ} (Out) Serial Out / A.4 7 34 B.1 (In / Out / ADC10 / hint1) {touch}
{touch} (ADC5 / Out / In) A.5 8 33 B.0 (In / Out / ADC12 / hint0) {touch / SRI}
{touch} (ADC6 / Out / In) A.6 9 32 +V
{touch} (ADC7 / Out / In) A.7 10 31 0V
+V 11 30 D.7 (In / Out / hpwm D / kb data) {ADC27 / touch}
0V 12 29 D.6 (In / Out / hpwm C / kb clk) {ADC26 / touch}
Resonator 13 28 D.5 (In / Out / hpwm B) {ADC25 / touch}
Resonator 14 27 D.4 (In / Out) {ADC24 / touch}
(timer clk / Out / In) C.0 15 26 C.7 (In / Out / hserin) {ADC19 / touch}
(pwm / Out / In) C.1 16 25 C.6 (In / Out / hserout) {ADC18 / touch}
{touch / ADC14} (hpwm A / pwm / Out / In) C.2 17 24 C.5 (In / Out / hspi sdo) {ADC17 / touch}
{touch / ADC4} (hi2c scl / hspi sck / Out / In) C.3 18 23 C.4 (In / Out / hi2c sda / hspi sdi) {ADC16 / touch}
{touch / ADC20} (Out / In) D.0 19 22 D.3 (In / Out) {ADC23 / touch}
{touch / ADC21} (Out / In) D.1 20 21 D.2 (In / Out) {ADC22 / touch}
Not Connected

C.7 1 33 Not Connected

D.4 2 32 C.0
D.5 3 31 Resonator
D.6 4 30 Resonator
D.7 5 PICAXE-40X2 29 0V
0V 6 (44 Pin TQFP) 28 V+
V+ 7 27 A.7
B.0 8 26 A.6
B.1 9 25 A.5
B.2 10 24 A.4 / Serial Out
B.3 11 23 Serial In

Not Connected
Not Connected

Please see DIL pinout for

individual pin functions.

Features shown in brackets { } are not

available in older -5V and -3V parts.

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Reset 1 40 Output 7
ULPWU / ADC 0 / In a0 2 39 Output 6
ADC 1 / In a1 3 38 Output 5
ADC 2 / In a2 4 37 Output 4
ADC 3 / In a3 5 36 Output 3
Serial In 6 35 Output 2
Serial Out 7 34 Output 1
ADC 5 8 33 Output 0
ADC 6 9 32 +V
ADC 7 10 31 0V
+V 11 30 Input 7 / kb data
0V 12 29 Input 6 / kb clk
Resonator 13 28 Input 5
Resonator 14 27 Input 4
timer clk / Out c0 / In c0 15 26 In c7 / Out c7 / hserin
pwm 1 / Out c1 / In c1 16 25 In c6 / Out c6 / hserout
pwm 2 / Out c2 / In c2 17 24 In c5 / Out c5 / spi sdo
i2c scl / spi sck / Out c3 / In c3 18 23 In c4 / Out c4 / i2c sda / spi sdi
Input 0 19 22 Input 3
Input 1 20 21 Input 2
In c4 / Out c4 / i2c sda / spi sdi

In c3 / Out c3 / 2c scl / spi sck

In c6 / Out c6 / hserout
In c5 / Out c5 / spi sdo

In c2 / Out c2 / pwm 2
In c1 / Out c1 / pwm 1
Not Connected
Input 3
Input 2
Input 1
Input 0

In c7 / Out c7 / hserin 1 33 Not Connected

Input 4 2 32 In c0 / Out c0 / timer clk
Input 5 3 31 Resonator
Input 6 / kb clk 4 30 Resonator
Input 7 / kb data 5 PICAXE-40X1 29 0V
0V 6 (44 Pin TQFP) 28 V+
V+ 7 27 ADC 7
Output 0 8 26 ADC 6
Output 1 9 25 ADC 5
Output 2 10 24 Serial Out
Output 3 11 23 Serial In
ULPWU / ADC 0 / In a0
ADC 1 / In a1
ADC 2 / In a2
ADC 3 / In a3
Output 4
Output 5
Output 6
Output 7
Not Connected
Not Connected

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Reset 1 40 Output 7
ADC 0 / In a0 2 39 Output 6
ADC 1 / In a1 3 38 Output 5
ADC 2 / In a2 4 37 Output 4
ADC 3 / In a3 5 36 Output 3
Serial In 6 35 Output 2
Serial Out 7 34 Output 1
ADC 5 8 33 Output 0
ADC 6 9 32 +V
ADC 7 10 31 0V
+V 11 30 Input 7 / keyboard data
0V 12 29 Input 6 / keyboard clock
Resonator 13 28 Input 5
Resonator 14 27 Input 4
In c0 / Out c0 15 26 In c7 / Out c7
In c1 / Out c1 / pwm 1 16 25 In c6 / Out c6
In c2 / Out c2 / pwm 2 17 24 In c5 / Out c5
In c3 / Out c3 / i2c scl 18 23 In c4 / Out c4 / i2c sda
Input 0 / Infrain 19 22 Input 3
Input 1 20 21 Input 2

The minimum operating circuit for the 40 pin device is the same as the 28 pin
minimum circuit (altering the appropriate pin numbers as required).

See the USB / Serial Download Circuit section of this manual for more details
about the download circuit.

1) The 10k/22k resistors must be included for reliable operation.
DO NOT leave the serial in pin floating as THE PROGRAM WILL NOT RUN!
2) The reset pin must be tied high with the 4k7 resistor to operate.
3) Resonator:
40X2 (optional) 4 (16), 8(32), 10 (40) or 16(64) MHz
40X2-5V (optional) 4 (16), 8(32), or 10(40) MHz
40X2-3V (optional) 4 (16), 8(32), 10 (40) or 16(64) MHz
40X1 (optional) 16MHz
40X 4, 8 or 16MHz

The 40X1 and 40X2 have an internal resonator (4 or 8MHz) and so the external
resonator is optional. On 40X parts it is compulsory.
The 40X2 has an internal 4xPLL circuit. This multiplies the external clock speed
by 4. Therefore an external 4MHz resonator gives an actual internal operating
clock frequency of 4x4MHz=16MHz.

IMPORTANT NOTE - this manual describes use of the standard range (3-5V) parts.
The X2 parts are also available in special low power (1.8V to 3.3V) variants. Use of a
5V supply on a 3.3V part will permanently damage it!

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USB Download Circuit

The USB download circuit is identical for all PICAXE chips. It consists of 3 wires
from the PICAXE chip to the AXE027 USB cable. One wire sends data from the
computer to the serial input of the PICAXE, one wire transmits data from the
serial output of the PICAXE to the computer, and the third wire provides a
common ground.

Note this circuit can also be used for the AXE026 serial cable. Therefore the same
circuit can be used with either USB or serial cable.

The minimum download circuit is shown here.

serial out
Above view
serial in
22k 0V
x x
x x a

Note that the two resistors are not a potential divider. The 22k resistor works with
the internal microcontroller diodes to clamp the serial voltage to the PICAXE
supply voltage and to limit the download current to an acceptable limit. The 10k
resistor stops the serial input ‘floating’ whilst the download cable is not
connected. This is essential for reliable operation.

The two download resistors must be included on every PICAXE circuit (i.e. not
built into the cable). The serial input must never be left unconnected. If it is left
unconnected the serial input will ‘float’ high or low and will cause unreliable
operation, as the PICAXE chip will receive spurious floating signals which it may
interpret as a new download attempt.

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Serial Download Circuit

The serial download circuit is identical for all PICAXE chips. It consists of 3 wires
from the PICAXE chip to the AXE026 serial cable. One wire sends data from the
computer to the serial input of the PICAXE, one wire transmits data from the
serial output of the PICAXE to the computer, and the third wire provides a
common ground. See the USB adapter section for details on how to use the USB
port adapter.

The minimum download circuit is shown here. This circuit is appropriate for
most educational and hobbyist work.

serial out
Above view
serial in
22k 0V
x x
x x a

serial out
serial in
22k 0V

2. to PICAXE serial out
3. to PICAXE serial in
5. to PICAXE 0V

Computer 9 Way D female socket

Note that the two resistors are not a potential divider. The 22k resistor works with
the internal microcontroller diodes to clamp the serial voltage to the PICAXE
supply voltage and to limit the download current to an acceptable limit. The 10k
resistor stops the serial input ‘floating’ whilst the download cable is not
connected. This is essential for reliable operation.

The two download resistors must be included on every PICAXE circuit (i.e. not
built into the cable). The serial input must never be left unconnected. If it is left
unconnected the serial input will ‘float’ high or low and will cause unreliable
operation, as the PICAXE chip will receive spurious floating signals which it may
interpret as a new download attempt.

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Enhanced Serial Download Circuit

serial out
Above view
serial in
22k 0V
x x
x x

The BAT85 Shokkty diode operate at a lower device voltage than the internal
microcontroller diodes, providing a more accurate voltage reference. The
additional 180R resistor provides additional preventative short circuit and static
protection on the serial output pin.

Not required when the AXE027 USB cable is used.

Download Cables

The USB download cable (AXE027) is recommended for all modern computers.
It is compatible with any computer with a USB port.

The standard serial download cable (part AXE026) consists

of a 3.5mm stereo plug, which mates with a stereo socket
(part CON039) on the project board. This type of
connection is more robust and reliable than the Molex
header in the educational environment.

Individual hobbyists may prefer a standard 3 pin Molex

0.1" (2.54 mm) 3 pin header. A matching cable (part AXE025) is available. This
cable is not recommended for the educational environment.

All serial computer connection is via the serial port (9 pin D connector).If you
have a very old computer with a 25pin serial port, you require a 25-9 pin adapter
(part ADA010), which are also available from most high street computer stores.

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Reset Circuit
All 18 (excluding 18M2), 28 and 40 pin PICAXE have a ‘reset’ pin. This pin must
be in the high condition for the PICAXE microcontroller to function. If this pin is
left unconnected the microcontroller will not operate reliably. To tie this pin high
connect a 4.7k resistor between the reset pin and V+ supply rail (do not connect
the pin directly to V+, always use a resistor). A reset switch is optional, but highly
recommended. This should be a ‘push to make’ type and connected between the
reset pin and 0V.

All 8, 14 and 20 pin PICAXE do not have a reset pin. Therefore to reset the
microcontroller the power supply must be disconnected and then reconnected.
Note that, when using capacitors in your supply circuit, these capacitors may hold
enough charge to keep the microcontroller powered for several seconds after the
power supply is disconnected.

Different PICAXE chips have internal or external (or both) options:


08, 18 4 -
‘A’ parts 4,8 -
‘M’ parts 4,8 -
‘X’ parts 4,8 -
‘M2’ parts 4,8,16,32 -
20X2 4,8,16,32,64 -

28A - 4
28X - 4,8,16
28X1 4,8 4,8,16
28X2-5V 4,8 4 (=16), 8 (=32), 10 (=40)
28X2-3V 4,8,16 4 (=16), 8 (=32), 10 (=40), 16 (=64)
40X - 4,8,16
40X1 4,8 4,8,16
40X2-5V 4,8 4 (=16), 8 (=32), 10 (=40)
40X2-3V 4,8,16 4 (=16), 8 (=32), 10 (=40), 16 (=64)

All 28 and 40 pin PICAXE can use an external resonator (the resonator is internal
within the 08, 14, 20 and 18 pin PICAXE). Note that the internal resonator
within the 08,14,20 and 18 PICAXE is not quite as accurate as an external
resonator. Although this does not cause any issues with the majority of projects, if
a specialised project requires very high precision a 28 or 40pin PICAXE should be

An 3 pin ceramic resonator is recommended when required. This device consists

of a resonator and two loading capacitors in a single 3 pin package. The centre
pin is connected to 0V and the outer two pins to the two PICAXE resonator pins
(the resonator can be used either way around).

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All parts default to 4MHz internal operation, apart from the X2 parts which
default to 8MHz internal operation.

The 28X2 and 40X2 contain an internal 4xPLL circuit. This means that the
internal operating frequency is 4x the external resonator frequency. The
maximum speed of these devices is therefore 64MHz (using a 16MHz resonator).

If desired a 2 pin resonator, or 2 pin crystal, can be used with X, X1 or X2 parts. In

this case two appropriate loading capacitors must also be used with the
resonator/crystal. See the crystal manufacturer’s datasheet for more information.

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Testing the System

This first simple program can be used to test your system. It requires the
connection of an LED (and 330R resistor) to output pin 4. If connecting the LED
directly to a PICAXE chip on a proto (or home-made) board, connect the LED
between the output pin and 0V. When using the project boards (e.g. as supplied
within the 18 and 28 starter packs), connect the LED between V+ and the output
connector, as the output is buffered by the darlington driver chip on the project
board. (Make sure the LED is connected the correct way around!).

output pin 4



project board
output 4
0V connection

1. Connect the PICAXE cable to the computer USB/serial port. Note which port
it is connected to (e.g. COM1 or COM6).
2. Start the Programming Editor software.
3. Select View>Options to select the Options screen (this may automatically
4. Click on the ‘Mode’ tab and select the correct PICAXE type.
5. Click on the ‘Serial Port’ tab and select the serial port (virtual COM port for
USB cable) that the PICAXE cable is connected to.
6. Click ‘OK’
7. Type in the following program:

main: high 4
pause 1000
low 4
pause 1000
goto main

(NB note the colon (:) directly after the label ‘main’ and the spaces between
the commands and numbers)
8. Make sure the PICAXE circuit is connected to the serial cable, and that the
batteries are connected. Make sure the LED and 330R resistor are connected
to output 4.
9. Select PICAXE>Program
A download bar should appear as the program downloads. When the
download is complete the program should start running automatically – the
LED on output 4 should flash on and off every second.

If your program does not download use the check list and hard-reset procedure
described in the next two sections to isolate the mistake.

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Hard-reset procedure
The download process involves the PICAXE microcontroller regularly checking
the serial input line for a new download signal from the computer. This is
automatic and not noticed by the PICAXE user. However there can be rare
occasions when the PICAXE does not check the serial input line quickly enough
whilst running its program. These situations can include:

• Corrupt program in PICAXE (e.g. if power or cable removed part way through
a new download)
• Incorrect clock frequency (set by setfreq command)
• Pause or wait commands longer than 5 seconds used in program.
• Use of serin, infrain or keyin within program.

Fortunately it is very simple to resolve this issue, as the very first thing any
PICAXE chip does on power reset is check for a new computer download.
Therefore if you reset the PICAXE whilst a download is being started by the
computer, the new download will always be recognised. This process is called a

To perform a hard-reset using the reset switch (28, 40 pin PICAXE):

1) Press and hold down the reset switch.

2) Click the PICAXE>Program menu to start a download.
3) Wait until the progress-bar appears on screen.
4) Wait 1 second then release the reset switch.

To perform a hard reset using the power supply (all sizes):

1) Disconnect the power supply.

2) Wait until all power supply decoupling capacitors have discharged (can take
up to 30 seconds or more depending on circuit design).
3) Click the PICAXE>Program menu to start a download.
4) Wait until the progress-bar appears on screen.
5) Reconnect the power supply

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Download Checklist
If you cannot download your program, check the following items. Remember
that all new PICAXE are pre-programmed and tested, therefore if a new chip does
not download it is generally a hardware setup issue.

If the program fails part way through a download this is generally a power supply
issue (or loose cable connection). Try with 3 new alkaline cells giving exactly

PICAXE microcontroller
• Is the correct PICAXE chip correctly inserted in socket
• Is a PICAXE chip (not blank un-programmed PIC chip) being used.
• Is a damaged PICAXE chip being used (e.g. chip that has had over-voltage or
reverse power supply applied)
• Is a smooth 4.5V to 5.5V DC supply correctly connected. TEST ON ACTUAL
CHIP V+ and 0V pins with a multimeter!
• Is the reset pin connected to V+ via 4.7k resistor (18 / 28 / 40 pin chips)
• Is the correct 3 pin resonator connected if required (28 / 40 pin chips)
• Are the serial download 10k/22k resistors correctly connected.

• Latest version Programming Editor installed (v5.3.0 or later, see software page
at www.picaxe.co.uk for up to date information)
• Correct serial port selected (View>Options>Port menu).
• Correct resonator speed selected (if appropriate) (View>Options>Mode
• No conflicting serial port software running on computer (in particular PDA
type ‘hotsync’ software and interactive whiteboard software)

Serial Download Cable(part AXE026)

• Correctly wired download cable.
• Correctly wired download socket with 10k/22k resistors.
• All download socket pins correctly soldered to PCB.
• Download cable correctly connected between computer and microcontroller.
• Download cable inserted fully into socket.

USB Download Cable (part AXE027)

• USB cable configured to use correct serial port
• USB cable installed with correct driver (Vista / XP users - ensure you are using
the correct XP specific driver (also valid for Vista), available from the software
page at www.picaxe.co.uk)

USB adapter (part USB010)

• USB adapter configured to use correct serial port
• USB adapter installed with correct driver (XP users - ensure you are using the
correct XP specific driver, available from the software page at

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Understanding the PICAXE memory.

The PICAXE memory consists of three different areas. The amount of memory
varies between PICAXE types.

Program Memory.
Program memory is where the program is stored after a new download. This is
‘FLASH’ rewritable memory that can be reprogrammed up to (typically) 100,000
times. The program is not lost when power is removed, so the program will start
running again as soon as the power is reconnected.

It is not generally required to erase a program, as each download automatically

over-writes the whole of the last program. However if you want to stop a program
running you can use the PICAXE>Clear Hardware Memory menu to download an
‘empty’ program into the PICAXE.

On standard PICAXE chips (M2, X, X1) you can download around 600 to 1000
lines of BASIC code. On A or M revision parts you can download around 80 lines
and on educational parts around 40 lines. X2 parts support up to 4 programs of
1000 lines. Note these values are approximate as different commands require
different amounts of memory space. To check your memory usage use the
PICAXE>Check Syntax menu option.

On X1 and X2 parts 256 bytes of the program memory can also be ‘reserved’ as a
lookup table (e.g. for LCD messages). See the table / readtable commands in part
2 of the manual for more details.

Data Memory
Data memory is additional storage space within the microcontroller. The data is
also not lost when power is removed. Each download resets all data bytes to 0,
unless the EEPROM command has been used to ‘preload’ data into the data
memory. See the EEPROM, read and write command descriptions for more

On the PICAXE-08 / 08M / 14M / 20M / 18 / 18M / 18M2 the data memory is
‘shared’ with the program memory Therefore larger programs will result is a
smaller available data memory area.

On all other PICAXE chips the data and program memory are completely

RAM (Variables)
The RAM memory is used to store temporary data in variables as the program
runs. It loses all data when the power is removed. There are four types of variable
- general purpose, storage, scratchpad and special function.

Variables are memory locations within the PICAXE microcontroller that store
data whilst the program is running. All this information is lost when the
microcontroller is reset.

For information about variable mathematics see the ‘let’ command information
in part 2 of the manual.

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General Purpose Variables.

There are 14 or more general purpose byte variables. These byte variables are
labelled b0, b1 etc. Byte variables can store integer numbers between 0 and 255.
Byte variables cannot use negative numbers or fractions, and will ‘overflow’
without warning if you exceed the 0 or 255 boundary values (e.g. 254 + 3 = 1)
(2 - 3 = 255)

However for larger numbers two byte variables can be combined to create a word
variable, which is capable of storing integer numbers between 0 and 65535.
These word variables are labelled w0, w1 etc, and are constructed as follows:

w0 = b1 : b0
w1 = b3 : b2
w2 = b5 : b4
w3 = b7 : b6
w4 = b9 : b8
w5 = b11 : b10
w6 = b13 : b12 etc.

Therefore the most significant byte of w0 is b1, and the least significant byte of
w0 is b0.

In addition bytes b0 and b1 (w0) are broken down into individual bit variables.
These bit variables can be used where you just require a single bit (0 or 1) storage

b0 = bit7: bit6: bit5: bit4: bit3: bit2: bit1: bit0

b1 = bit15: bit14: bit13: bit12: bit11: bit10: bit9: bit8

M2, X1 and X2 parts also support bit16-bit31 (b2-b3)

You can use any word, byte or bit variable within any mathematical assignment
or command that supports variables. However take care that you do not
accidentally repeatedly use the same ‘byte’ or ‘bit’ variable that is being used as
part of a ‘word’ variable elsewhere.

All general purpose variables are reset to 0 upon a program reset.

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Storage Variables.
Storage variables are additional memory locations allocated for temporary storage
of byte data. They cannot be used in mathematical calculations, but can be used
to temporarily store byte values by use of the peek and poke commands.

The number of available storage locations varies depending on PICAXE type. The
following table gives the number of available byte variables with their addresses.
These addresses vary according to technical specifications of the microcontroller.
See the poke and peek command descriptions for more information.

‘M2’ parts 228 28 to 255 ($1C to $FF)

‘M’ parts 48 80 to 127 ($50 to $7F)
‘A’ parts 48 80 to 127 ($50 to $7F)
‘X’ parts 96 80 to 127 ($50 to $7F), 192 to 239 ($C0 to $EF)
PICAXE-20X2 72 56 to 127 ($38 to $7F)
PICAXE-28X1 95 80 to 126 ($50 to $7E), 192 to 239 ($C0 to $EF)
PICAXE-28X2 200 56 to 255 ($38 to $FF)
PICAXE-40X 112 80 to 127 ($50 to $7F), 192 to 255 ($C0 to $FF)
PICAXE-40X1 95 80 to 126 ($50 to $7E), 192 to 239 ($C0 to $EF)
PICAXE-40X2 200 56 to 255 ($38 to $FF)
PICAXE-08 none

PICAXE-20X2 128 0 to 127 ($00 to $7F)
PICAXE-28X1 128 0 to 127 ($00 to $7F)
PICAXE-28X2 1024 0 to 1023 ($00 to $3FF)
PICAXE-40X1 128 0 to 127 ($00 to $7F)
PICAXE-40X2 1024 0 to 1023 ($00 to $3FF)

Special Function Variables (SFR)

The special function variables available for use depend on the PICAXE type.


pins = the input / output port
dirs = the data direction register (sets whether pins are inputs or outputs)
infra = another term for variable b13, used within the infrain2 command

The variable pins is broken down into individual bit variables for reading from
individual inputs with an if...then command. Only valid input pins are

pins = x : x : x : pin4 : pin3 : pin2 : pin1 : x

The variable dirs is also broken down into individual bits.

Only valid bi-directional pin configuration bits are implemented.

dirs = x : x : x : dir4 : x : dir2 : dir1 : x

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PICAXE-14M2/18M2/20M2 SFR

pinsB - the portB input pins

outpinsB - the portB output pins
dirsB - the portB data direction register
pinsC - the portC input pins
outpinsC - the portC output pins
dirsC - the portC data direction register
bptr - the byte scratchpad pointer
@bptr - the byte scratchpad value pointed to by ptr
@bptrinc - the byte scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post increment)
@bptrdec - the byte scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post decrement)
time - the current time
task - the current task

When used on the left of an assignment ‘pins’ applies to the ‘output’ pins e.g.
let outpinsB = %11000000
will switch outputs 7,6 high and the others low.

When used on the right of an assignment ‘pins’ applies to the input pins e.g.
let b1 = pinsB
will load b1 with the current state of the input pin on portB.

The variable pinsX is broken down into individual bit variables for reading from
individual inputs with an if...then command. Only valid input pins are
implemented e.g.
pinsB = pinB.7 : pinB.6 : pinB.5 : pinB.4 :
pinB.3 : pinB.2 : pinB.1 : pinB.0

The variable outpinX is broken down into individual bit variables for writing
outputs directly. Only valid output pins are implemented. e.g.
outpinsB = outpinB.7 : outpinB.6 : outpinB.5 : outpinB.4 :
outpinB.3 : outpinB.2 : outpinB.1 : outpinB.0

The variable dirsX is broken down into individual bit variables for setting inputs/
outputs directly e.g.
dirsB = dirB.7 : dirB.6 : dirB.5 : dirB.4 :
dirB.3 : dirB.2 : dirB.1 : dirB.0

See the ‘Variables - General’ section in Part 2 of the manual for more information
about @bptr, @bptrinc, @bptrdec

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PICAXE-14M/20M SFR (Not M2 parts)

pins = the input port when reading from the port
(out)pins = the output port when writing to the port
infra = a separate variable used within the infrain command
keyvalue = another name for infra, used within the keyin command

Note that pins is a ‘pseudo’ variable that can apply to both the input and output

When used on the left of an assignment pins applies to the ‘output’ port e.g.
let pins = %11000011
will switch outputs 7,6,1,0 high and the others low.

When used on the right of an assignment pins applies to the input port e.g.
let b1 = pins
will load b1 with the current state of the input port.

Additionally, note that

let pins = pins
means ‘let the output port equal the input port’

To avoid this confusion it is recommended that the name ‘outpins’ is used is this
type of statement e.g.
let outpins = pins

The variable pins is broken down into individual bit variables for reading from
individual inputs with an if...then command. Only valid input pins are

pins = x : x : x : pin4 : pin3 : pin2 : pin1 : pin0 (14M)

pins = pin7 : pin6 : pin5 : pin4 : pin3 : pin2 : pin1 : pin0 (20M)

The variable outpins is broken down into individual bit variables for writing
outputs directly. Only valid output pins are implemented.

outpins = x : x : outpin5 : outpin4 :

outpin3 :out pin2 : outpin1 : outpin0 (14M)

outpins = outpin7 : outpin6 : outpin5 : outpin4 :

outpin3 :out pin2 : outpin1 : outpin0 (20M)

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PICAXE-18 / 18A / 18M / 18X SFR (not 18M2)

pins = the input port when reading from the port
(out)pins = the output port when writing to the port
infra = a separate variable used within the infrain command
keyvalue = another name for infra, used within the keyin command

Note that pins is a ‘pseudo’ variable that can apply to both the input and output

When used on the left of an assignment pins applies to the ‘output’ port e.g.
let pins = %11000011
will switch outputs 7,6,1,0 high and the others low.

When used on the right of an assignment pins applies to the input port e.g.
let b1 = pins
will load b1 with the current state of the input port.

Additionally, note that

let pins = pins
means ‘let the output port equal the input port’

To avoid this confusion it is recommended that the name ‘outpins’ is used is this
type of statement e.g.
let outpins = pins

The variable pins is broken down into individual bit variables for reading from
individual inputs with an if...then command. Only valid input pins are

pins = pin7 : pin6 : x : x : x : pin2 : pin1 : pin0

The variable outpins is broken down into individual bit variables for writing
outputs directly. Only valid output pins are implemented.

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PICAXE-28 / 28A / 28X SFR

pins = the input port when reading from the port

(out)pins = the output port when writing to the port
infra = a separate variable used within the infrain command
keyvalue = another name for infra, used within the keyin command

Note that pins is a ‘pseudo’ variable that can apply to both the input and output

When used on the left of an assignment pins applies to the ‘output’ port e.g.
let pins = %11000011
will switch outputs 7,6,1,0 high and the others low.

When used on the right of an assignment pins applies to the input port e.g.
let b1 = pins
will load b1 with the current state of the input port.

Additionally, note that

let pins = pins
means ‘let the output port equal the input port’

To avoid this confusion it is recommended that the name ‘outpins’ is used is this
type of statement e.g.
let outpins = pins

The variable pins is broken down into individual bit variables for reading from
individual inputs with an if...then command. Only valid input pins are

pins = pin7 : pin6 : pin5 : pin4 : pin3 : pin2 : pin1 : pin0

The variable outpins is broken down into individual bit variables for writing
outputs directly. Only valid output pins are implemented.

outpins = outpin7 : outpin6 : outpin5 : outpin4 :

outpin3 : out pin2 : outpin1 : outpin0

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PICAXE-28X1 / 40X1 SFR

pins = the input port when reading from the port

outpins = the output port when writing to the port
ptr = the scratchpad pointer
@ptr = the scratchpad value pointed to by ptr
@ptrinc = the scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post increment)
@ptrdec = the scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post decrement)
flags = system flags

When used on the left of an assignment ‘outpins’ applies to the ‘output’ port e.g.
let outpins = %11000011
will switch outputs 7,6,1,0 high and the others low.

When used on the right of an assignment ‘pins’ applies to the input port e.g.
let b1 = pins
will load b1 with the current state of the input port.

The variable pins is broken down into individual bit variables for reading from
individual inputs with an if...then command. Only valid input pins are
pins = pin7 : pin6 : pin5 : pin4 : pin3 : pin2 : pin1 : pin0

The variable outpins is broken down into individual bit variables for writing
outputs directly. Only valid output pins are implemented.
outpins = outpin7 : outpin6 : outpin5 : outpin4 :
outpin3 : out pin2 : outpin1 : outpin0

The scratchpad pointer variable is broken down into individual bit variables:
ptr = ptr7 : ptr6 : ptr5 : ptr4 : ptr3 : ptr2 : ptr1 : ptr0

See the ‘Variables - Scratchpad’ section for more information about

@ptr, @ptrinc, @ptrdec

The system ‘flags’ byte is broken down into individual bit variables. If the special
hardware feature of the flag is not used in a program the individual flag may be
freely used as a user defined bit flag.

Name Special Special function

flag0 - reserved for future use
flag1 - reserved for future use
flag2 - reserved for future use
flag3 - reserved for future use
flag4 - reserved for future use
flag5 hserflag hserial background receive has occurred
flag6 hi2cflag hi2c write has occurred (slave mode)
flag7 toflag timer overflow flag

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PICAXE-20X2 / 28X2 / 40X2 SFR

pinsA -the portA input pins

dirsA - the portA data direction register
pinsB - the portB input pins
dirsB - the portB data direction register
pinsC - the portC input pins
dirsC - the portC data direction register
pinsD - the portD input pins
dirsD - the portD data direction register
bptr - the byte scratchpad pointer
@bptr - the byte scratchpad value pointed to by ptr
@bptrinc - the byte scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post increment)
@bptrdec - the byte scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post decrement)
ptr - the scratchpad pointer (ptrh : ptrl)
@ptr - the scratchpad value pointed to by ptr
@ptrinc - the scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post increment)
@ptrdec - the scratchpad value pointed to by ptr (post decrement)
flags - system flags

When used on the left of an assignment ‘pins’ applies to the ‘output’ pins e.g.
let pinsB = %11000000
will switch outputs 7,6 high and the others low.

When used on the right of an assignment ‘pins’ applies to the input pins e.g.
let b1 = pinsB
will load b1 with the current state of the input pin on portB.

The variable pinsX is broken down into individual bit variables for reading from
individual inputs with an if...then command. Only valid input pins are
implemented e.g.
pinsB = pinB.7 : pinB.6 : pinB.5 : pinB.4 :
pinB.3 : pinB.2 : pinB.1 : pinB.0

The variable outpinX is broken down into individual bit variables for writing
outputs directly. Only valid output pins are implemented. e.g.
outpinsB = outpinB.7 : outpinB.6 : outpinB.5 : outpinB.4 :
outpinB.3 : outpinB.2 : outpinB.1 : outpinB.0

The variable dirsX is broken down into individual bit variables for setting inputs/
outputs directly e.g.
dirsB = dirB.7 : dirB.6 : dirB.5 : dirB.4 :
dirB.3 : dirB.2 : dirB.1 : dirB.0

The byte scratchpad pointer variable is broken down into individual bit variables:
bptrl = bptr7 : bptr6 : bptr5 : bptr4 : bptr3 : bptr2 : bptr1 : bptr0

See the ‘Variables - General’ section (manual part 2) for more information about
@bptr, @bptrinc, @bptrdec

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The scratchpad pointer variable is broken down into individual bit variables:
ptrl = ptr7 : ptr6 : ptr5 : ptr4 : ptr3 : ptr2 : ptr1 : ptr0
ptrh = xxxx : xxxx : xxxx : xxxx : xxxx : xxxx : ptr9 : ptr8

See the ‘Variables - Scratchpad’ section (manual part 2) for more information
@ptr, @ptrinc, @ptrdec

The system ‘flags’ byte is broken down into individual bit variables. If the special
hardware feature of the flag is not used in a program the individual flag may be
freely used as a user defined bit flag.

Name Special Special function

flag0 hint0flag hardware interrupt on pin INT0
flag1 hint1flag hardware interrupt on pin INT1
flag2 hint2flag hardware interrupt on pin INT2
flag3 hintflag hardware interrupt on any pin 0,1,2
flag4 compflag hardware interrupt on comparator
flag5 hserflag hserial background receive has occurred
flag6 hi2cflag hi2c write has occurred (slave mode)
flag7 toflag timer overflow flag

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Parallel Task Processing

The M2 educational PICAXE chips support parallel task processing.

A PICAXE microcontroller is a single core controller and can therefore only

process one instruction at any one time. The only exception to this rule is where
the chip also contains a separate on-chip peripheral which runs independently of
the main core. The main example of a separate peripheral is the pwm peripheral,
which is activated via the pwmout command. This generates pulses completely
separately to the main processing task, and so requires none of the core
processing time to keep working in the background.

However the new PICAXE microcontroller educational range (M2 parts) can now
simulate ‘parallel processing’ by repeatedly switching between a number of tasks
at very high speed. This is made possible by the increased operating speeds of the
newer parts - for instance running 4 tasks at 16MHz is approximately equal to
running one task at 4MHz. All tasks therefore ‘appear’ to be processed in parallel.
Parallel tasks are designed for educational use to simplify programming by
younger students. This is best demonstrated by example.

A student wants to build a bicycle alarm. Every 5 seconds an LED briefly flashes
to indicate the alarm is active. However when the chain (wire) is cut a buzzer
must immediately sound.

pause 5000
if pinC.2 = 1 then alarm
high B.1
pause 500
low B.1
goto start0
high B.3
goto alarm

The student’s first attempt at programming is shown in flowchart 1 above. This is

the obvious solution, but does not work as expected. This is because the alarm
does not sound immediately when the wire is cut - as the input is only checked
once every 5 second there can be up to 5 seconds ‘lag’ before the alarm sounds.

The correct single task solution is to break the large 5 second delay into much
smaller ‘chunks’ e.g. 50 loops of 0.1s (100ms) as shown in flowchart 2 overleaf.
Therefore the input is checked much more frequently and the alarm sounds
almost instantaneously. However this solution is not so easy to understand and
most students will not initially reach this solution without teacher guidance.

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for b4 = 1 to 50
pause 100
if pinC.2 = 1 then alarm
next b4
high B.1
pause 500
low B.1
goto start0
high B.3
goto alarm

Flowchart 3 below shows a simpler way to achieve the correct outcome using
parallel tasks. Task 1 simply flashes the LED whilst task 2 checks the switch. In
this solution the input is detected even faster than with the single task solution
above. This parallel task solution is also generally easier for students to
understand than flowchart 2.

pause 5000
high B.1
pause 500
low B.1
goto start0

if pinC.2 = 1 then alarm
goto start1
high B.3
goto alarm

How Parallel Tasks Operate.

All M2 parts can operate in single task mode or parallel task mode. In single task
mode the M2 part operates as a traditional PICAXE part and follows the program
sequentially (line by line) as expected.

By inclusion of additional ‘start’ labels within the user flowchart/BASIC program

the compiler automatically switches the downloaded program into parallel task
mode instead. In parallel task mode there are two (or more) program start
positions and the PICAXE chip starts all tasks after a reset.

The commands are processed in a circular manner, for example with two tasks the
first command in task 0 is processed, then the first command in task 1 is
processed, then the second command in task 0 is processed and so on. Therefore

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the processing core ‘cycles’ between the different tasks. During task ‘dead’
processing time (e.g. during delays such as within a pause command) the core
automatically realises that there is no current processing to be carried out within
that task and moves immediately onto the next task. Therefore the response of
another task is not affected by a pause delay.

All variables/user RAM/EEPROM are shared between all tasks. Therefore, if

required, tasks can interact and influence each other’s behaviour by transferring
data in particular bytes.

Multi task mode labels

Each task can be any length. The only restriction is that all tasks must fit in the
total program memory area of that M2 chip.

The start (“top”) of the program is always task 0. This is the first task that is
started when the chip is reset. If desired an optional ‘start0:’ label may be used,
but this is also implied by default if not used. If used, ‘start0:’ must always be on
the very first line of program code.

Within BASIC programs the second task, task 1, is indicated by use of the ‘start1:’
label. Likewise task 2 is indicated by ‘start2:’ and so on. Within Logicator
flowcharts a new ‘start’ cell is simply dragged onto the flowchart to indicate the
new start positions.

The compiler automatically recognises the extra ‘start’ labels and therefore
switches the part into multi-task mode upon the new program download.
Each task has its own program counter and stack. Therefore sub-procedures can
be shared between different tasks if required, however this is not generally
recommended. There is one interrupt (setint command) which will interrupt all
current tasks.

Suspending tasks
It is possible to disable tasks during the program by use of the ‘suspend’
command. A suspended task can later be resumed by a ‘resume’ command within
a different task.

The task currently being processed is stored in a special user variable called ‘task’.
The ‘task’ variable is updated very time the core switches to a new task. Therefore
the command ‘suspend task’ will always suspend the current task. To have a
particular task suspended at reset simply make sure that ‘suspend task’ is the first
command within that task.

Take care not to suspend all tasks at the same time, or no processing will take
place! A particular task can also be restarted by using the ‘restart’ command. Note
that ‘restart’ does not reset the entire chip (use the ‘reset’ command to do this), so
variables etc. are not cleared by the ‘restart’ command.

‘Sleep’ and ‘nap’ commands switch off the core and place the chip into low power
mode. Therefore a nap or sleep command within any task will suspend all of the

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BASIC simulation
When simulating BASIC program the ‘Programming Editor’ software process all
tasks in parallel as expected, but only normally ‘traces’ (highlights on screen) the
BASIC code for one task at a time to avoid confusion. Task 0 is traced by default,
however a different task can be traced by including a ‘#simtask X’ directive within
the program. This directs the software to trace task X instead. ‘#simtask all’ is also
accepted and will rapidly highlight the line being processed in each task, which
can be confusing to watch!

Parallel tasking is primarily designed for simpler educational projects. It works
very well using simple input/output commands and programs that contain pause
commands within the tasks. This covers the vast majority of school educational

Parallel tasking is not designed for complex parallel tasks with each task trying to
use different advanced features simultaneously e.g. trying to use serial / infra-red /
1-wire communication protocols simultaneously in 3 different tasks! In this
situation the end user should use a single core program to process each advanced
feature in turn.

Commands that require total core processing to maintain critical timing integrity
(e.g. readtemp, sertxd, debug, serin, irin etc.) will ‘block’ the parallel tasking until
that command has finished/timed out. Therefore the other tasks will appear to
momentarily ‘hang’ during the processing of that command.

Due to the task cycling the timing between each command in a particular task
cannot be guaranteed, because different length commands within the other tasks
will be processed in the interval. This also means that the accuracy of pause
commands will be slightly decreased. If a program specifically requires high
timing accuracy a single task should be used instead.

The ‘setfreq’ command is not available in parallel task programs, as the core will
automatically switch the frequency as required to maintain a high parallel task
processing speed. However most commands will ‘appear’ to be operating at
4MHz, so commands such as pulsout/pulsin, serout/serin, count etc. should be
calibrated as for 4MHz operation. Background servo pulsing will continue to
operate, but may have a decreased accuracy with occasional ‘twitches’. The change
in background frequency may also affect background pwm pulse generation, so it
is recommended that single task mode is used for programs containing pwmout

Processing multiple tasks is much more complex than a single task and so in
parallel task mode the core requires use of additional dedicated RAM memory.
Therefore, on the 18M2 in parallel task mode only, bytes 128 to 255 of the user
RAM are reserved as additional RAM for use by the core. Bytes 0-127 are still
available to the end user via peek/poke commands. In parallel task mode the byte
pointer (bptr) on the 18M2 will therefore overflow back to 0 after 127 (it
overflows at 255 in single task mode). This does not apply to other M2 chips (e.g.
14M2, 20M2) as the silicon of these later developed chips was designed to
include more RAM for this purpose.

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Flowchart or BASIC?
The Programming Editor and AXEpad software support textual BASIC
programming. Programming Editor also has a legacy simple flowcharting
interface, but this is no longer developed as it has been superseded by the more
user friendly Logicator flowcharting software.

The Logicator for PIC micros software provides a graphical flowchart method of
programming. It is widely used within schools.

All programming methods use the same BASIC commands and syntax. The
flowchart method simply provides a graphical way of joining the BASIC
commands together, to save typing in programs. Flowcharting uses a smaller sub-
set of the BASIC commands, and is generally used by younger students in the
educational environment.

One advantage of flowchart programming is the very graphical on-screen

simulation. This allows students to ‘see’ their program in operation before
downloading to the PICAXE.

Most hobbyist and experienced educational users prefer the textual BASIC
method of programming. It is much more powerful than flowcharts, which can
become very complicated for large programs.

All flowcharts are automatically converted into BASIC programs prior to

download to the PICAXE microcontroller. Therefore the main focus of this
manual is on textual BASIC programming.

Logicator has its own, separate, instruction manual. For further information on
the (now discontinued) simple flowchart programming method within
Programming Editor, please see the flowchart appendix at the end of this manual.

low 1
high 3
pause 500
high 1
low 3
pause 500
goto main

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BASIC Simulation

Simulations are available when using the ‘colour syntax’ mode. This option is
selected from the View>Options>Editor menu.

When a BASIC program has been entered, the simulation is started by clicking the
Simulate >Run menu (or pressing <Ctrl> + <F5>)

The main simulation panel is always displayed during a simulation, but varies in
appearance to match the current PICAXE chip mode (View > Options menu).
However similar functions apply in each case.

Outputs are shown as numbered LED indicators. LED on indicates a logic

level 1 .

Inputs are shown as buttons with LED indicator. To change condition simply
click on the button. LED on indicates a logic level 1.

Analogue input values are shown in a grid and can be altered by the scroll up/
down buttons or by typing over the value directly (0-255). These are the
values used by the ‘readadc’ command.

The ‘generic’ value operates in a similar manner (0-65535) and is used by the
following commands as the input value: count, pulsin, readadc10,
readtemp, readtemp12 etc.

The reset (RST) button resets the simulation (program flow starts again from
top of the program and all variables are reset).

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Program Flow Control and Breakpoints

Three buttons on the main simulation panel are shortcut buttons for the
Simulation menu functions.
> start / stop the simulation
} single step through the simulation
|| pause the simulation at the current line

Breakpoints can be placed in (removed from) the program by simply clicking

over the line number in the margin. Alternatively the Simulation > Toggle
breakpoint menu may be used to insert/remove a breakpoint at the current cursor
position. Breakpoints are indicated by a red bar in the margin.

To single step a program place a breakpoint on the first line you want to study
and then click Run. From that point on use } to step through the program.

Display of the other available panels (upon simulation start) is determined by the
Simulate > Simulation Panels options.

To change an input value click on the

‘switch’ beside the pin layout. To change
an analogue value use the slider to alter
the analogue value.

The ‘generic’ value is used to enter data

for commands such as count, pulsin etc.

Variables Panel
The variables panel shows the current
byte (b0, b1 etc) or word (w0, w1 etc)
variable values. To change a variable value
double click over the variable whilst the
program is paused. You can then enter a new

Memory Panel
The memory panel displays the current
values of the data EEPROM or SFR or
scratchpad memory areas. For PICAXE chips
that also store the user program in the data
EEPROM the memory locations currently
used by the program are indicated with a ‘P’.

Serial Output Panel

The serial output panel displays output from
the serout and sertxd commands. Debug
commands are not simulated because the
variable values are always available in the
‘variables’ panel.

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Simulation Options

Use View>Options>Simulation menu to select the various simulation options.

Simulation Delay
This slider sets the time delay over each line as the program is simulated.

Highlight Labels
This option highlights and delays over labels that are on a line by themselves.
This slows down the simulation but enables the user to clearly see which label
has been jumped to.

Automatically Hide Panels

This option hides the panels as soon as the simulation ends. If unchecked the
panels will remain on screen until program editing commences.

This option simulates sounds with a beep instead of a sound. This is only for use
on older computers without a soundcard fitted.

Simulate LCD
Serout commands on the selected output will display a simulated LCD panel.
This simulation matches the standard AXE033 or FRM010 serial LCD commands
(custom characters, AXE033 clock and AXE033 alarm functions are not

Simulate EEPROM
Adds a simulated 24LC16B or 24LC256 EEPROM for i2c commands.

Simulate DS1307 RTC

Adds a simulated DS1307 real time clock for i2c commands. Time and date
register reads use the values from the computers internal clock. Writes to change
these time/date registers are ignored under simulation.

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Interfacing Circuit Summary

This section provides a very brief overview of input/output interfacing to the
PICAXE microcontroller. For more detailed explanations see section 3 of the
manual - Interfacing Circuits. Section 3 provides detailed connection diagrams
and sample programs for most common input / output transducers.

output pin 4

Digital Outputs 330R

The microcontroller can sink or
source 20ma on each output pin,
maximum 90mA per chip. Therefore
low current devices such as LEDs can
be interfaced directly to the output 0V
pin. Higher current devices can be
interfaced via a transistor, FET or
darlington driver array. 5V



Digital Inputs 5V
Digital input switches can be
interfaced with a 10k pull down
resistor. The resistor is essential as it
prevents the input ‘floating’ when the
switch is in the open position. This
input pin
would give unreliable operation.

Note the 10k resistor is pre-fitted to
the project board inputs.


Analogue Inputs
Analogue inputs can be connected in a
potential divider arrangement between V+
and 0V. The analogue reference is the
analogue ADC pin
supply voltage, and the analogue signal input
must not exceed the supply voltage.


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Tutorial 1 – Understanding and using the PICAXE System

The PICAXE chip, the ‘brain’ of the PICAXE system, when supplied new without a
control program, does not do anything! The user must write a control program
on the computer, and then download this program into the PICAXE chip.
Therefore the PICAXE system consists of three main components:

The ‘Programming Editor’ software

This software runs on a computer and allows you to use the computer keyboard
to type in programs in a simple BASIC language. Programs can also be generated
by drawing flowcharts. Alternately third party software applications may be used
(e.g. ‘PIC-Logicator’ or ‘Crocodile Technology’ software may be used to simulate
complete PICAXE electronic circuits, programmed via flowcharts).

The Serial / USB Download Cable

This is the cable that connects the computer to the PICAXE system. The cable
only needs to be connected when downloading programs. It does not have to be
connected when the PICAXE is running because the program is permanently
stored on the PICAXE chip – even when the power supply is removed!

The PICAXE chip and board

The PICAXE microcontroller chip ‘runs’ program that have been downloaded to
it. However the chip needs to be mounted on an electronic board that provide
connection to the microcontroller chip.

The electronic board can be designed by the user on a piece of stripboard or

printed circuit board, or a pre-made interface or tutorial board may be used for
speed and convenience.

Summary - Programming Procedure

1. Write the program on the computer using the Programming Editor software.
2. Connect the download cable from the computer to the PICAXE.
3. Connect the power supply to the PICAXE board.
4. Use the Programming Editor software to download the program. The
download cable can then be removed after the download.

The program will start running on the PICAXE automatically. However the
program can also be restarted at any time by pressing the reset switch (if
available) or by cycling the power off and back on.

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Input / Output Pin Naming Conventions

The first PICAXE chips had a maximum of 8 input and 8 output pins, so there
was no need for a port naming scheme, as there was only one default input port
and one default output port for each chip.

Therefore input and outputs pins were just referred to by their pin number

e.g. Output commands Input Commands

high 1 count 2, 100, w1
sound 2, (50,50) pulsin 1, 1, w1
serout 3, N2400, (b1) serin 0, N2400, b3

However on later M2 and X2 PICAXE parts more flexibility was added by

allowing almost all of the pins to be configured as inputs or outputs as desired.
This creates more than 8 inputs or outputs and an amended naming scheme is
therefore required. Therefore the pins on these parts are referred to by the new
PORT.PIN notation. Up to 4 ports (A, B, C, D) are available, depending on chip
pin count.

e.g. Output commands Input Commands

high B.1 count A.2, 100, w1
sound C.2, (50,50) pulsin B.1, 1, w1
serout A.3, N2400, (b1) serin C.0, N2400, b3

In the case of if...then statements which check the status of the input pin variable,
the naming convention of these input pin variables have changed in a similar
style from
if pin1 =1 then...
if pinC.1 = 1 then...

The name of the input pins byte for each port is changed from
pinsA, pinsB, pinsC, pinsD

The name of the output pins byte for each port is changed from
outpinsA, outpinsB, outpinsC, outpinsD

The name of the data direction register for each port is changed from
dirsA, dirsB, dirsC, dirsD

This manual generally uses the newer PORT.PIN format in the examples unless an
example is specifically for an older part.

Please see the pinout diagrams for the chip you are using. Note that input /
output pin numbers used within commands are not the same as the physical leg

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Downloading a BASIC program

The following program switches output 4 on and off every second. When you
download this program the LED should flash on and off every second.
high B.4
pause 500
low B.4 +
pause 500
goto main

This program uses the high and low commands to control output pin 4, and uses
the pause command to make a delay (1000 ms = 1 second).

The last goto main command makes the program ‘jump’ back to the label main:
at the start of the program. This means the program loops forever. Note that the
first time the label is used it must be followed by the colon (:) symbol. This tells
the computer the word is a new label.

Detailed instructions: output pin 4

1. Connect the PICAXE cable to the computer
serial / USB port. Note which COM port it is 330R
connected to.
1. Start the Programming Editor software.
2. Select View>Options to select the Options
screen (this may automatically appear).
3. Click on the ‘Mode’ tab and select the 0V
appropriate PICAXE chip.
4. Click on the ‘Serial Port’ tab and select the serial
port that the PICAXE cable is connected to. Click
5. Type in the following program:
high B.4 330R
pause 1000
low B.4 project board
pause 1000 output 4
goto main

(NB note the colon (:) directly after the label ‘main’ and the spaces between
the commands and numbers)
6. Connect an LED (and 330R resistor) to output pin 4. If connecting the LED
directly to a PICAXE chip on a proto (or home-made) board, connect the
LED between the output pin and 0V. When using the project boards (as
supplied within the 14, 18 and 28 starter packs), connect the LED between
V+ and the output connector, as the output is buffered by the darlington
driver chip on the project board. (Make sure the LED is connected the correct
way around!).
7. Make sure the PICAXE circuit is connected to the serial cable, and that the
batteries are connected.
8. Select PICAXE>Run. A download bar should appear as the program
downloads. When the download is complete the program will start running
automatically – the LED should flash on and off every second.

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Simulating a BASIC program

To simulate the program simply click the Simulate>Run menu. Each line of the
BASIC code will be highlighted as it is processed, and an on-screen graphic shows
the status of all input and output pins.

To change the status of an input simply click on the input button which is beside
the corresponding leg of the chip on the graphic.

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Tutorial 2 - Using Symbols, Comments & White-space

Sometimes it can be hard to remember which pins are connected to which
devices. The ‘symbol’ command can then be used at the start of a program to
rename the inputs and outputs.

symbol LED = B.4 ; rename output4 ‘LED’

symbol buzzer = B.2 ; rename output2 ‘buzzer’

main: ; make a label called ‘main’

high LED ; LED on
low buzzer ; buzzer off
pause 1000 ; wait 1 second (1000 ms)
low LED ; LED off
high buzzer ; buzzer on
wait 1 ; wait 1 second
goto main ; jump back to the start

Remember that comments (an explanation after the ; symbol) can make each
line of a program much easier to understand. These comments are ignored by the
computer when it downloads a program to the PICAXE

A label (e.g. main: in the program above) can be any word (apart from keywords
such as ‘switch’), but must begin with a letter. When the label is first defined it
must end with a colon (:). The colon ‘tells’ the computer that the word is a new

This program uses the wait command. The commands wait and pause both
create time delays. However wait can only be used with whole seconds, pause can
be used for shorter time delays (measured in milliseconds (1000th of a second)).

Wait can be followed by a number between 1 and 65.

Pause can be followed by a number between 1 and 65535.

It is also a good programming technique to use tabs (or spaces) at the start of
lines without labels so that all the commands are neatly aligned. The term ‘white-
space’ is used by programmers to define tabs, spaces and blank lines, and the
correct use of white-space can make the program listing much easier to read and
understand. See the example program on the next page, where code between the
for...next commands is also indented with a tab for clarity.

Some early BASIC languages used ‘line numbers’ rather than labels for ‘goto’
commands. Unfortunately this line number system can be inconvenient to use,
because if you modify your program by later adding, or removing, lines of code
you then have to modify all the line numbers within the ‘goto’ commands
accordingly. The label system, as used in most modern BASIC languages,
overcomes this problem automatically.

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Tutorial 3 - For…Next Loops

It is often useful to repeat the same part of a program a number of times, for
instance when flashing a LED. In these cases a for…next loop can be used.

This program flashes the LED connected to output pin 1 on and off 15 times. The
number of times the code has been repeated is stored in the general purpose
RAM memory of the PICAXE chip using variable b1 (the PICAXE contains 14
general purpose byte variables labelled b0 to b13). These variables can also be
renamed using the symbol command to make them easier to remember.

symbol counter = b1 ; define the variable b1 as “counter”

symbol LED = B.4 ; define pin 4 with the name “LED”

for counter = 1 to 15 ; start a for...next loop
high LED ; switch pin 4 high
pause 500 ; wait for 0.5 second
low LED ; switch pin 4 low
pause 500 ; wait for 0.5 second
next counter ; end of for...next loop

end ‘ end program

Note again how white-space (extra spaces) has been used to clearly show all the
commands that are contained between the for and next commands.

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Tutorial 4 - Making Sounds

Buzzers will make a fixed frequency noise when switched on.
However the PICAXE system can automatically create noises of
different frequencies by use of the sound, play and tune
commands with a piezo sounder. All PICAXE chips support the
sound command, which is designed to make warning ‘beeps’ etc.
This is recommended instead of using buzzers.

To play musical tunes, the sound command is not

recommended. Some PICAXE chips support the play and tune pin
commands, specifically designed for playing musical tunes.
Refer to the ‘Tune’ command in part 2 of the manual for more

Example sound program:

sound B.2,(50,100) ; freq 50, length 100
sound B.2,(100,100) ; freq 100, length 100
sound B.2,(120,100) ; freq 120, length 100
pause 1000 ; wait 1 second
goto main ; loop back to start

To test this program you must add a piezo sounder between the output pin (in
this case output 2) and 0V. Note that on the project boards (supplied in the
PICAXE-14, 18 and 28 starter packs) fitted with a Darlington driver the piezo
must be connected directly to the PICAXE output pin (not the buffered output

The first number provides the pin number (in this case output 2). The next
number (in brackets) is the tone, followed by the duration. The higher the tone
number the higher pitch the sound (note that only valid tones are 0 to 127).

The following program uses a for…next loop to produce 120 different sounds.
for b0 = 1 to 120 ; start a for...next loop
sound B.2,(b0,50) ; make a sound, freq from b0
next b0 ; next loop

The number stored in variable b0 increase by 1 in every loop (1-2-3 etc.)

Therefore by using the variable name b0 in the tone position, the note can be
changed on each loop.

The following program does the same task but backwards, by using step value of -
1 (rather than the default of +1 as above).
for b0 = 120 to 1 step -1 ; count down in loop
sound B.2,(b0,50) ; make a sound. freq from b0
next b0 ; next loop

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Tutorial 5 – Using Digital Inputs

A digital sensor is a simple ‘switch’ type sensor that can only be
‘on’ or ‘off’.

Common examples of a digital sensor are:

• microswitches
• push and rocker switches
• reed switches

This program below shows how to react to switch pushes. In this program output
pin 4 flashes every time the push switch on input pin 3 is pushed. Note that if
using an 18 pin chip you should select a different input pin (e.g. pin0, as pin3
does not exist on this size chip).

main: ; make a label called ‘main’

if pinC.3 = 1 then flash ; jump if the input is on
goto main ; else loop back around

flash: ; make a label called ‘flash’

high B.4 ; switch output 4 on
pause 2000 ; wait 2 seconds
low B.4 ; switch output 4 off
goto main ; jump back to start

In this program the first three lines make up a continuous loop. If the input is off
(=0) the program just loops around time and time again. If the switch is on (=1)
the program jumps to the label called ‘flash’. The program then flashes output 4
on for two seconds before returning to the main loop.

Note carefully the spelling in the if…then line – pin3 is all one word (without a
space). This is because pin3 is the name of a variable that contains the data from
the input pin. Note also that only the label is placed after the command then.

Two switches (or more) can be combined by the AND or OR key words.

A 2-input AND gate is programmed as

if pinC.2 = 1 and pinC.3 = 1 then flash

A 3-input OR gate is programmed as

if pinC.1 = 1 or pinC.2 = 1 or pinC.3 = 1 then flash

To read the whole input port use the following command

let b1 = pinsC

To isolate individual pins (e.g. 6 and 7) within the port, mask the pins variable
with an & (logical AND) statement
let b1 = pinsC & %11000000

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Tutorial 6 – Using Analogue Sensors

An analogue sensor
measures a continuous
signal such as light, light
temperature or position. The
analogue sensor provides a

varying voltage signal. This
voltage signal can be
represented by a number in dark

the range 0 and 255 (e.g.

dark = 0, light = 255). 0V

Common examples of analogue sensors are:

• LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)

• Thermistor
• Variable Resistor (potentiometer)

Using a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

The LDR is an example of an analogue sensor. It is
connected to the PICAXE ADC input in a potential divider
arrangement (e.g. input 1). Note that not all inputs have
ADC capabilities - see the pinout diagrams for more

The value of an analogue input can be easily copied into a

variable by use of the ‘readadc’ command. The variable
value (0 to 255) can then be tested. The following program
switches on one LED if the value is greater than 120 and a
different LED if the value is less than 70. If the value is
between 70 and 120 both LEDS are switched off.

main: ; make a label called ‚main

readadc C.1,b0 ; read ADC1 into variable b0
if b0 > 120 then top ; if b0 > 120 then do top
if b0 < 70 then bot ; if b0 < 70 then do bot
low B.0 ; else switch off 0
low B.4 ; and switch off 4
goto main ; jump back to the start

top: ; make a label

high B.0 ; switch on 0
low B.4 ; switch off 4
goto main ; jump back to start

bot: ; make a label

high B.4 ; switch on 4
low B.0 ; switch off 0
goto main ; jump back to start

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Tutorial 7 - Using Debug

When using analogue sensors it is often necessary to calculate the ‘threshold’
value necessary for the program (ie the values 70 and 120 in the tutorial 6
program). The debug command provides an easy way to see the ‘real-time’ value
of a sensor, so that the threshold value can be calculated by experimentation.

main: ; make a label called main

readadc C.1,b0 ; read channel 1 into variable b0
debug b0 ; transmit value to computer screen
pause 500 ; short delay
goto main ; jump back to the start

After this program is run a ‘debug’ window showing the

value of variable b0 will appear on the computer screen.
As the Light falling on the LDR sensor is altered, the
variable value will show the current sensor reading.

The debug window opens automatically after a

download, but can also be opened manually at any time
via the PICAXE>Debug menu.

Tutorial 8 - Using Serial Terminal with Sertxd

All PICAXE variants support the debug command.
However the M and X parts also support more complex serial debug messages by
use of the sertxd command, which sends a user defined serial string to the
computer (at baud rate 4800). This can be displayed by the included Serial
Terminal function (PICAXE>Terminal menu). The Serial Terminal can also be
automatically opened every time a download takes place by the
View>Options>Options menu.

main: ; make a label called main

readtemp C.1,b0 ; read input 1 into variable b0
sertxd (“The value is “,#b0,cr,lf)
pause 500 ; short delay
goto main ; jump back to the start

The sertxd command transmits the string “The value is”

followed by the ASCII string of the current 5V

value of the variable b1 (the # prefix to the 4k7

variable indicates an ASCII string V+


DS18B20 input
representing the correct value is to be pin

transmitted). The CR and LF constants are temperature

pre-defined values (13 and 10) that cause
the serial terminal to display a newline for
NB: most project boards
are pre-fitted with a pull-
each value so that the display updates V+ down resistor on the input
pin. This must be removed
data to use the temp. sensor.
correctly. 0V

This program uses the readtemp

command to read the temperature from a DS18B20 digital temperature sensor
connected to input 1.

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Tutorial 9 - Number Systems

A microcontroller operates by performing a large number of commands in a very
short space of time by processing electronic signals. These signals are coded in the
binary system – the signal either being high (1) and low (0)

The counting system used in everyday activities is the decimal system. This
number system uses the ten familiar digits 0 to 9 to explain how big or small the
number is.

However when working with microcontrollers it is sometimes easier to work in

binary. This is especially true when trying to control multiple outputs at the same

A single binary digit is referred to a bit (binary digit). The PICAXE systems use 8
bits (1 byte), with the least significant bit (LSB), bit 0, on the right hand side and
the most significant bit (MSB), bit 7, on the left hand side.

Therefore the binary number %11001000 means set bits 7,6,3 high (1) and the
others low (0). The % sign tells the computer you are working in binary instead
of decimal.

This means that all 8 outputs can be controlled at the same time, instead of
multiple high and low commands. The following program demonstrates how to
make the seven segment display on the AXE050 tutorial board count from 0 to 9.

let pinsB = %00111111 ; digit 0
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %00000110 ; digit 1
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %01011011 ; digit 2
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %01001111 ; digit 3
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %01100110 ; digit 4
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %01101101 ; digit 5
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %01111101 ; digit 6
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %00000111 ; digit 7
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %01111111 ; digit 8
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
let pinsB = %01101111 ; digit 9
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
goto main

Each ‘let pins=’ line changes the number of bars that are lit on the seven segment
display on the tutorial board. This is quicker, and more memory efficient, than
using lots of ‘high’ and ‘low’ commands.

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Tutorial 10 - Sub-procedures
A sub-procedure is a separate ‘mini-program’ that can be called from the main
program. Once the sub-procedure has been carried out the main program

Sub-procedures are often used to separate the program into small sections to
make it easier to understand. Sub-procedures that complete common tasks can
also be copied from program to program to save time.

The X part PICAXE microcontrollers support 255 sub-procedures. All other parts
support 15 sub-procedures.

The following program uses two sub-procedures to separate the two main
sections of the program( ‘flash’ and ‘noise’).

symbol LED = B.4 ; rename output4 ‘LED’

symbol buzzer = B.2 ; rename output2 ‘buzzer’
symbol counter = b1 ; define a counter using variable b1

main: ; make a label called ‘main’

gosub flash ; call the sub-procedure flash
gosub noise ; call the sub-procedure noise
goto main ; loop back

end ; end of the main program

flash: ; make a sub-procedure called flash

for counter = 1 to 25 ; start a for…next loop
high LED ; LED on
pause 50 ; wait 0.05 second
low LED ; LED off
pause 50 ; wait 0.05 second
next counter ; next loop
return ; return from the sub-procedure

high buzzer ; buzzer on
pause 2000 ; wait 2 seconds
low buzzer ; buzzer off
return ; return from the sub-procedure

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This second program shows how a variable can be used to transfer information
into a sub-procedure. In this case variable b2 is used to tell the microcontroller to
flash 5, and then 15, times.

symbol LED = B.4 ; rename output4 ‘LED’

symbol counter = b1 ; define a counter using variable b1

main: ; make a label called ‘main’

let b2 = 5 ; preload b2 with 5
gosub flash ; call the sub-procedure flash
pause 500 ; wait a while
let b2 = 15 ; preload b2 with 15
gosub flash ; call the sub-procedure flash
pause 500 ; wait a while
goto main ; loop back

end ; end of the main program

flash: ; make a sub-procedure called flash

for counter = 1 to b2 ; start a for…next loop
high LED ; LED on
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
low LED ; LED off
pause 250 ; wait 0.25 second
next counter ; next loop
return ; return from the sub-procedure

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Tutorial 11 - Using Interrupts

An interrupt is a special case of a sub-procedure. The sub-procedure immediately
occurs when a particular input (or combination of inputs) is activated.

A polled interrupt is a quicker way of reacting to a particular input combination.

It is the only type of interrupt available in the PICAXE system. The inputs port is
checked between execution of each command line in the program, between each
note of a tune command, and continuously during any pause command. If the
particular inputs condition is true, a ‘gosub’ to the interrupt sub-procedure is
executed immediately. When the sub-procedure has been carried out, program
execution continues from the main program.

The interrupt inputs condition is any pattern of ‘0’s and ‘1’s on the input port,
masked by the byte ‘mask’. Therefore any bits masked by a ‘0’ in byte mask will be

to interrupt on input1 high only
setint %00000010,%00000010
to interrupt on input1 low only
setint %00000000,%00000010
to interrupt on input0 high, input1 high and input 2 low
setint %00000011,%00000111

Only one input pattern is allowed at any time. To disable the interrupt execute a
SETINT command with the value 0 as the mask byte.

1) Every program which uses the SETINT command must have a corresponding
interrupt: sub-procedure (terminated with a return command) at the bottom
of the program.
2) When the interrupt occurs, the interrupt is permanently disabled. Therefore to
re-enable the interrupt (if desired) a SETINT command must be used within
the interrupt: sub-procedure itself. The interrupt will not be enabled until the
‘return’ command is executed.
3) If the interrupt is re-enabled and the interrupt condition is not cleared within
the sub-procedure, a second interrupt may occur immediately upon the return
4) After the interrupt code has executed, program execution continues at the
next program line in the main program. In the case of the interrupted pause,
wait, play or tune command, any remaining time delay is ignored and the
program continues with the next program line.

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More detailed SETINT explanation.

The SETINT must be followed by two numbers - a ‘compare with value’ (input)
and an ‘input mask’ (mask) in that order. It is normal to display these numbers in
binary format, as it makes it more clear which pins are ‘active’. In binary format
input7 is on the left and input0 is on the right.

The second number, the ‘input mask’, defines which pins are to be checked to see
if an interrupt is to be generated ...
- %00000001 will check input pin 0
- %00000010 will check input pin 1
- %01000000 will check input pin 6
- %10000000 will check input pin 7
- etc

These can also be combined to check a number of input pins at the same time...
- %00000011 will check input pins 1 and 0
- %10000100 will check input pins 7 and 2

Having decided which pins you want to use for the interrupt, the first number
(inputs value) states whether you want the interrupt to occur when those
particular inputs are on (1) or off (0).

Once a SETINT is active, the PICAXE monitors the pins you have specified in
‘input mask’ where a ‘1’ is present, ignoring the other pins.

An input mask of %10000100 will check pins 7 and 2 and create a value of
%a0000b00 where bit ‘a’ will be 1 if pin 7 is high and 0 if low, and bit ‘b’ will be
1 if pin 2 is high and 0 if low.

The ‘compare with value’, the first argument of the SETINT command, is what
this created value is compared with, and if the two match, then the interrupt will
occur, if they don’t match then the interrupt won’t occur.

If the ‘input mask’ is %10000100, pins 7 and 2, then the valid ‘compare with
value’ can be one of the following ...

- %00000000 Pin 7 = 0 and pin 2 = 0

- %00000100 Pin 7 = 0 and pin 2 = 1
- %10000000 Pin 7 = 1 and pin 2 = 0
- %10000100 Pin 7 = 1 and pin 2 = 1

So, if you want to generate an interrupt whenever Pin 7 is high and Pin 2 is low,
the ‘input mask’ is %10000100 and the ‘compare with value’ is %10000000,
giving a SETINT command of ...

- SETINT %10000000,%10000100

The interrupt will then occur when, and only when, pin 7 is high and pin 2 is
low. If pin 7 is low or pin 2 is high the interrupt will not happen as two pins are
‘looked at’ in the mask.

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setint %10000000,%10000000
‘ activate interrupt when pinC.7 only goes high

low B.1 ; switch output 1 off
pause 2000 ; wait 2 seconds
goto main ; loop back to start

high B.1 ; switch output 1 on
if pinC.7 = 1 then interrupt ; loop here until the
; interrupt cleared
pause 2000 ; wait 2 seconds
setint %10000000,%10000000 ; re-activate interrupt
return ; return from sub

In this example an LED on output 1 will light immediately the input is switched
high. With a standard if pin7 =1 then.... type statement the program could take
up to two seconds to light the LED as the if statement is not processed during the
pause 2000 delay time in the main program loop (standard program shown
below for comparison).

low B.1 ; switch output 1 off
pause 2000 ; wait 2 seconds
if pinC.7 = 1 then sw_on
goto main ; loop back to start

high B.1 ; switch output 1 on
if pinC.7 = 1 then sw_on
; loop here until the condition is cleared
pause 2000 ; wait 2 seconds
goto main ; back to main loop

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The next step - your own PICAXE project!

You should now have a good idea about how the PICAXE system works and
should be able to start designing your own project.

Make sure you also study sections 2 (BASIC Commands) and 3 (Microcontroller
Interfacing Circuits) of the manual for additional information.

There are a large range of project ideas and examples within the Help files of the
Programming Editor software. Studying these exemplar projects will provide
further ideas, as will looking at the very active forum within the technical support
section of the main PICAXE website (www.picaxe.forumco.uk). The forum has a
very large community of helpful PICAXE enthusiasts who can always lend a hand
if you are struggling with a project!

There is no limit to how creative PICAXE users can be! Have a go at your own
project, you might be surprised how quickly you can start developing exciting
microcontroller based electronic projects!

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Appendix A – BASIC Commands Summary

This appendix provides an overview of available commands. Refer to section 2 of
the manual for more specific information and examples for each BASIC

PICAXE-08 / 08M/14M/20M Commands

Output high, low, toggle, pulsout, let pins =
ADC readadc
I/O Config. input, output, reverse, let dirs =
PWM pwm
Sound sound
Input if...then, readadc, pulsin, button
Serial serin, serout
Program Flow goto, gosub, return, branch
Loops for...next
Mathematics let (+, -, *, **, /, //, max, min, &, |, ^, &/, |/, ^/ )
Variables if...then, random, lookdown, lookup
Data memory eeprom, write, read
Delays pause, wait, nap, sleep, end
Miscellaneous symbol, debug

PICAXE-08M/14M/18M Additional Commands:

Input count
ADC readadc10
Interrupt setint
PWM pwmout
Music play, tune
RAM peek, poke
Servo Control servo
Infrared infrain2, infraout
Temperature readtemp, readtemp12
1-wire Serial No readowsn
Clock Frequency setfreq

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PICAXE-18 / 18A / 18M / 18X Commands

Output high, low, toggle, pulsout, let pins =
Input if...then, readadc, pulsin, button
ADC readadc
RAM peek, poke
Sound sound
Serial serin, serout
Program Flow goto, gosub, return, branch
Loops for...next
Mathematics let (+, -, *, **, /, //, max, min, &, |, ^, &/, |/, ^/ )
Variables if...then, random, lookdown, lookup
Data memory eeprom, write, read
Delays pause, wait, nap, sleep, end
Miscellaneous symbol, debug

PICAXE-18A / 18M / 18X Additional Commands:

Interrupt setint
Servo Control servo
Infrared infrain
Temperature readtemp
1-wire Serial No readowsn
1-wire Clock readowclk, resetowclk (18A only)
Keyboard keyin, keyled
Clock Frequency setfreq

PICAXE-18M Additional Commands:

Input count
ADC readadc10
Music play / tune
Temperature readtemp12
PWM pwmout
Infrared infrain2 / infraout

PICAXE-18X Additional Commands:

Input count
ADC readadc10
I2C readi2c, writei2c, i2cslave
Temperature readtemp12
PWM pwmout

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PICAXE-28A / 28X / 28X1 / 28X2 Commands

Output high, low, toggle, pulsout, let pins =
Input if...then, pulsin, button
ADC readadc
RAM peek, poke
Sound sound
Serial serin, serout
Program Flow goto, gosub, return, branch
Loops for...next
Mathematics let (+, -, *, **, /, //, max, min, &, |, ^, &/, |/, ^/ )
Variables if...then, random, lookdown, lookup
Data memory eeprom, write, read
Delays pause, wait, nap, sleep, end
Miscellaneous symbol, debug
Interrupt setint
Servo Control servo
Infrared infrain
Temperature readtemp
1-wire Serial No readowsn
Keyboard keyin, keyled

PICAXE-28X Additional Commands:

Input count, if portA….then
ADC readadc10
Portc config. let dirsc =
Portc output high portC, low portC, let pinsc =
I2C readi2c, writei2c, i2cslave
Temperature readtemp12
PWM pwmout

PICAXE-28X1 Additional Commands:

Scratchpad put, get, @ptr, @ptrinc, @ptrdec
ADC calibadc, calibadc10
Serial hsersetup, hserout, hserin, serrxd
SPI spiin, spiout, hspisetup, hspiin, hpsiout
I2C hi2csetup, hi2cin, hi2cout
One-wire owin, owout
PWM hpwm
Timer settimer
Power control hibernate, enablebod, disablebod

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PICAXE-40X/40X1/40X2 Commands
Output high, low, toggle, pulsout, let pins = ,
Input if...then, if portA…then, if portC then…, pulsin, button,
Counting count
ADC readadc, readadc10
Portc config. let dirsc =
Portc output high portc, low portc, let pinsc =
PWM pwmout
RAM peek, poke
Sound sound
Serial serin, serout
Program Flow goto, gosub, return, branch
Loops for...next
Mathematics let (+, -, *, **, /, //, max, min, &, |, ^, &/, |/, ^/ )
Variables if...then, random, lookdown, lookup
Data memory eeprom, write, read
Delays pause, wait, nap, sleep, end
Miscellaneous symbol, debug
Interrupt setint
Servo Control servo
Infrared infrain
Temperature readtemp, readtemp12
1-wire Serial No readowsn
Keyboard keyin, keyled

PICAXE-40X1 Additional Commands:

Scratchpad put, get, @ptr, @ptrinc, @ptrdec
ADC calibadc, calibadc10
Serial hsersetup, hserout, hserin, serrxd
SPI spiin, spiout, hspisetup, hspiin, hpsiout
I2C hi2csetup, hi2cin, hi2cout
One-wire owin, owout
PWM hpwm
Timer settimer
Power control hibernate, enablebod, disablebod

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Appendix B – Over-clocking at higher frequencies

All main PICAXE functions are based upon a 4MHz resonator frequency (8MHz
on X2 parts). However the user may choose to ‘overclock’ some of the PICAXE
parts to achieve faster operation

With the -08, -18 the internal resonator is fixed at 4MHz and cannot be altered.

With the -08M, -14M, -18A, -18M, -18X the internal resonator has a default value
of 4MHz. However it can be increased by the user to 8MHz via use of the ‘setfreq
m8’ command.

With the -28 and -28A an external 4MHz resonator must be used.

With the -28X / -40X an external 4MHz 3 pin ceramic resonator is normally
used, but it is also possible to use a faster resonator (8 or 16Mhz), although this
will affect the operation of some of the commands.

With the -28X1 / -40X1 the internal resonator has a default value of 4MHz.
However it can be increased by the user to 8MHz via use of the ‘setfreq m8’
command or to an external 16/20MHz 3 pin ceramic resonator via use of the
‘setfreq em16 (em20)’ command.

The Programming Editor software supports resonator frequencies of 4, 8, 16MHz

only. No other frequencies are recommended. If any other frequency is used it
may not be possible to download a new program into the PICAXE

To change the frequency:

All 8, 14, 18 and 20 pin chips

Download a program containing the command setfreq m4 (for 4 MHz) or
setfreq m8 (for 8Mhz). If no setfreq command is used in a program the
frequency will default to 4MHz (8MHz on X2 parts). Note the new frequency
occurs immediately after the command is run. When downloading new
programs, you must ensure the correct frequency (View>Options>Mode) is used
to match the last program running in the PICAXE chip. If in doubt perform a
‘hard-reset’ at 4Hz.


Solder the appropriate external 3 pin ceramic resonator into the project board.

PICAXE-28X1/28X2 and PICAXE-40X1/40X2

Solder the appropriate external 3 pin ceramic resonator into the project board.
Use the setfreq command to switch between internal 4 or 8 or external frequency.

Downloading programs at 4, 8, 16MHz

After changing frequency you must select the correct frequency via the
View>Options>Mode software menu. If the wrong frequency is selected the
program will not download. This is not required on M2, X1 and X2 parts as they
default back to the internal resonator for the download.

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Commands affected by resonator frequency.

Many of the commands are affected by a change in resonator frequency. A
summary of the commands affected are given below (see section 2 of the manual
- BASIC Commands for detailed command syntax and information).

When using devices with an internal resonator, remember that it is sometimes

possible to change back to 4MHz to run the command dependent on this speed
setfreq m4
readtemp 1,b1
setfreq m8
This is not possible with devices with an external resonator. This process is
automatic on M2, X1 and X2 parts.

Commands for which operation is affected by change in resonator speed:

• count
• debug
• readi2c, writei2c, i2cin, i2cout
• pause, wait
• pulsin, pulsout
• pwm. pwmout
• serin, serout, sertxd, serrxd, hsersetup, hserin, hserout
• sound

Note that nap, doze and sleep are not affected by resonator speed as they use
their own, separate, internal timer.

The following commands will not work at 8 or 16MHz due to timing issues with
the external device listed. Note that M2, X1 and X2 parts automatically switch to
internal 4MHz operation to process these commands, so the external frequency
can be higher.

• irin, infrain, infrain2, irout, infraout (infrared receiver)

• kbin, keyin (keyboard)
• kbled, keyled (keyboard)
• readtemp / readtemp12 (DS18B20 temperature sensor)
• readowsn, owin, owout (1-wire device)
• servo (servo)
• play, tune (music)

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Appendix C – Configuring the PICAXE-14M Input-Output Pins

PICAXE-14M (advanced use)

+V 1 14 0V
Serial In 2 13 Output 0 / Serial Out / Infraout
ADC4 / Input 4 3 12 Output 1
Infrain / Input 3 4 11 Output 2
PWM 2 / hpwm A / Out C5 / In C5 / Input 2 5 10 Output 3 / Out C0 / In C0 / ADC1
hpwm B / Out C4 / In C4 / Input 1 6 9 Output 4 / Out C1 / In C1 / ADC2
ADC0 / hpwm C / Out C3 / In C3 / Input 0 7 8 Output 5 / Out C2 / In C2 / ADC3 / hpwm D

The PICAXE-14M is a very versatile device. In it’s default state, which is designed
primarily for educational use, it has a simple, clean ‘inputs on left’ - ‘outputs on
right’ layout.

However more advanced users can re-configure the bottom 3 pins on each side to
be either inputs or outputs. This has added advantages as follows:
- more flexible quantity of inputs and outputs
- more ADC channels become available
- the option to use pwmout via the pwmout and hpwm commands

The diagram above shows the advanced function of each pin. The 6 pins are
arranged in a ‘port’ (portC) with bits labelled C0-C5. Note that the portC bit
numbers do not correspond to the normal input/output numbers (or even the leg
numbers!). Study the pinout diagram very carefully!

Using portc pins as outputs

Any portc pin can be configured to be used as a digital output.

To convert the pin C3 to output and make it high

high portc 3
To convert the pin C3 to output and make it low
low portc 3

To convert all the pins to outputs

let dirsc = %00111111
To convert all the pins to inputs
let dirsc = %00000000

It is not possible to access the portc pins C3-C5 with any other ‘output’ type
commands (serout, pulsout etc). Therefore when used as outputs these pins
should be reserved as simple on/off outputs. Remember that C0-C2 are normal
outputs (3-5) anyway, and so can be used with any output command.

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Using portc as digital inputs

The portc pins C0, C1, C2 are, by default, configured as outputs. They can
however be reconfigured as inputs, but you must ensure your hardware design
allows for the fact that the pin will be an output upon powerup. A simple 1k
resistor in series with the pin will normally resolve this issue.

To make the pin an input you must use ‘let dirsc = ‘ as described above.

The following syntax is used to test the input condition:

if portC pin0 = 1 then jump
i.e. the additional keyword ‘portC’ is inserted after the ‘if’ command.

to test if two (or more) portc inputs are on

if portC pin0 = 1 AND pin1 = 1 then jump
to test if either of two (or more) portc inputs are on
if portC pin0 = 1 OR pin1 = 1 then jump
Note the portc command is only required once after the ‘if’ command.
It is not possible to test inputs on two different ports within the same if…then

It is not possible to access the portc pins with any other ‘input’ type commands
(count, pulsin etc). Therefore these pins should be reserved as simple on/off

Note that ‘dirsc’ uses the common BASIC notation 0 for input and 1 for output.

Using portc as analogue inputs

Three additional ADC pins, ADC1,2,3, are available AFTER the corresponding pin
has been converted to an input. You must ensure your hardware design allows for
the fact that the pin will be an output upon powerup. A simple 1k resistor in
series with the pin will normally resolve this issue.

Using portc as pwm outputs

C5 can be used with the pwmout command, but will make this pin an output.
Pins C2-5 (hpwm A-D) can all be used with the hpwm command, but will also
make the corresponding pins outputs.

Special Note - Output Pin 0

Pin 0 (leg 13) is used during the program download, but can also be used as a
normal output once the download is complete. Therefore you must remember
that your output device will rapidly switch on and off as the download takes
place (not a problem with simple outputs like LEDs, but could cause problems
with other devices such as motors).

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Appendix D – Configuring PICAXE-08 / 08M Input-Output Pins

The PICAXE-08 microcontroller has 5 input/output pins. Unlike the larger
PICAXE microcontroller (where the pins are pre-defined) the user can select
whether some of the pins are used as input or as outputs.

Pin 0 must always be an output, and pin 3 must always be an input (this is due to
the internal construction of the microcontroller). The other 3 pins can be selected
to be inputs or outputs, and so the user can select any input/output combination
between the limits of 1 input-4 outputs and 4 inputs-1 output.

In addition pin 1 also contains a low-resolution analogue to digital converter and

so can be used as an analogue input pin if required.

Important - Don’t Get Confused!

The input/output pin numbers are NOT the same as the external ‘leg’ numbers, as
the input/output pin numbering follows the microcontrollers manufacturers port
allocation. To avoid confusion this manual always talks about ‘legs’ where
referring to the external physical location of the input/output pin.

Leg Description Notes

1 Positive Supply, V Use a 3V to 5V battery pack/supply
2 Serial In Used for the program download
3 Pin 4 Input or output
4 Pin 3 Input only
5 Pin 2 Input or output
6 Pin 1 Input or output
7 Pin 0 / Serial Out Output only. Also used for download
8 Ground, G Connect to the power supply (0V)

Special Note - Output Pin 0

Pin 0 (leg 7) is used during the program download, but can also be used as a
normal output once the download is complete. On the project boards a jumper
link allows the microcontroller leg to either be connected to the download socket
(PROG position) or to the output (OUT position). Remember to move the
jumper into the correct position when testing your program!

If you are making your own pcb you can include a similar jumper link or small
switch, or you may prefer to connect the microcontroller leg to both the output
device and the program socket at the same time. In this case you must remember
that your output device will rapidly switch on and off as the download takes
place (not a problem with simple outputs like LEDs, but could cause problems
with other devices such as motors).

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Selecting Inputs or Outputs.

When the PICAXE-08 first powers up, all pins are configured as input pins (except
pin0, which is always an output). There are three methods of setting the other
pins to be outputs (if required)

Method 1 – use a command that requires the pin to be an output.

This is the simplest method, used by most educational users. As soon as a
command that involves an output pin (such as high, low, toggle, serout or sound)
is used, the PICAXE-08 microcontroller automatically converts the pin to an
output (and leaves the pin as an output).

Therefore the simplest way to setup outputs is just to put a ‘low’ command at the
start of the program for each output pin. This tells the microcontroller to make
the pin an output, and to make sure the output is condition low (off).

Method 2 – use the input and output command.

The command ‘output ?’ (where ? is the pin number) can also be used to tell the
pin to be an output at the start of a program. Likewise the ‘input ?’ command
can be used to set the pin as an input, although this is not normally necessary as
most of the pins are set as inputs by default. Note that the output command does
not set the pin into a known high or low state, so it is often preferable to use the
‘low’ command instead.

The input and output commands have no effect on pin 0 (output) and pin 3
(input), which cannot be altered.

Method 3 – (advanced) use the let dirs = command

The ‘let dirs = %000100111’ command can be used to simultaneously set all the
pins at the same time. This is quicker than using multiple input/output
commands but requires an understanding of binary bits (explained in tutorial 9).
Placing a 0 for the pin number bit will make the corresponding pin an input, a 1
will make the pin an output. The value of bits 0,3,5,6,7 can be either 0s or 1s as
they have no effect on the microcontroller and are simply ignored.

Selecting pins to be an analogue input.

Use of the readadc command will automatically configure the pin to be an
analogue input. Therefore use the command ‘readadc 1,b2’ whenever you wish to
take an analogue reading (presuming use of variable b2 to store the analogue

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Appendix E – Configuring PICAXE-28X / 28X1 Input-Output Pins

To provide greater flexibility, the input / PICAXE-28X2
output pin configuration of the PICAXE-28X
Reset 1 28 B.7
can be varied by the user.
C1- / ADC0 / A.0 2 27 B.6
The default power up settings are the same as C2- / ADC1 / A.1 3 26 B.5
the other PICAXE-28 parts (8 in, 8 out, 4 C2+ / ADC2 / A.2 4 25 B.4 / ADC11 / (hpwm D)
analogue). C1+ / ADC3 / A.3 5 24 B.3 / ADC9
Serial In 6 23 B.2 / ADC8 / INT2 / (hpwm B)
PORTA (legs 2 to 5) provide 4 analogue Serial Out / A.4 7 22 B.1 / ADC10 / INT1 / (hpwm C)
0V 8 21 B.0 / ADC12 / INT0
inputs (default) or up to 4 digital inputs.
Resonator 9 20 +V
PORTB (leg 21 to 28) provide 8 fixed
Resonator 10 19 0V
outputs. timer clk / C.0 11 18 C.7 / hserin / kb data
PORTC (leg 11 to 18) provide 8 digital pwm 1 / C.1 12 17 C.6 / hserout / kb clk
inputs (default) or up to 8 outputs. (hpwm A) / pwm 2 / C.2 13 16 C.5 / spi sdo
i2c scl / spi sck / C.3 14 15 C.4 / i2c sda / spi sdi
This gives a maximum of 12 digital inputs, 16 outputs and 4 analogue inputs

PORTA Functions
Leg Default Function Second Function
2 analogue 0 porta input 0
3 analogue 1 porta input 1
4 analogue 2 porta input 2
5 analogue porta input 3

PORTB Functions
PORTB pins are fixed as outputs and cannot be altered.

PORTC Functions
Leg Default Second Function Special Function
11 input 0 output portc 0infrared (input)
12 input 1 output portc 1pwm 1 (output)
13 input 2 output portc 2pwm 2 (output)
14 input 3 output portc 3i2c scl clock (input)
15 input 4 output portc 4i2c sda data (input)
16 input 5 output portc 5
17 input 6 output portc 6keyboard clock (input)
18 input 7 output portc 7keyboard data (input)

The portC pins can be used as the default inputs, changed to outputs, or used
with their special function via use of the infrain, keyin, i2cslave, or pwmout
command as appropriate.

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Using porta as digital inputs

The porta pins 0 to 3 (legs 2 to 5) are, by default, configured as analogue inputs.
However they can also be used as simple digital inputs.

The following syntax is used to test the input condition:

if portA pin0 = 1 then jump
i.e. the additional keyword ‘portA’ is inserted after the ‘if’ command.

to test if two (or more) porta inputs are on

if portA pin0 = 1 AND pin1 = 1 then jump
to test if either of two (or more) porta inputs are on
if portA pin0 = 1 OR pin1 = 1 then jump
Note the portA command is only required once after the ‘if’ command.
It is not possible to test inputs on two different ports within the same if…then

It is not possible to access the portA pins with any other ‘input’ type commands
(count, pulsin etc). Therefore these pins should be reserved as simple on/off

Using portc as outputs

The portc pins are, by default, digital input pins.
However they can also be configured to be used as digital outputs.

To convert the pin to output and make it high

high portc 1
To convert the pin to output and make it low
low portc 1

To convert all the pins to outputs

let dirsc = %11111111
To convert all the pins to inputs
let dirsc = %00000000

Note that ‘dirsc’ uses the common BASIC notation 0 for input and 1 for output.

(Advanced - If you are more familiar with assembler code programming you may
prefer to use the command ‘let trisc =’ instead, as this uses the inverted assembler
notation - 1 for input and 0 for output. Do not attempt to directly
poke the trisc register (poke command) as the PICAXE bootstrap refreshes the
register setting regularly).

To switch all the outputs on portc high

let pinsc = %11111111
(or) let portc = %11111111

To switch all the outputs on portc low

let pinsc = %00000000
(or) let portc = %00000000

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Appendix F – Configuring PICAXE-40X / 40X1 Input-Output Pins

To provide greater flexibility, the input/output pin PICAXE-40X
configuration of the PICAXE-40X can be varied by Reset 1 40 Output 7
the user. ADC 0 / In a0 2 39 Output 6
ADC 1 / In a1 3 38 Output 5
ADC 2 / In a2 4 37 Output 4
PORTA (legs 2 to 5) provide 4 analogue inputs ADC 3 / In a3 5 36 Output 3
(default) or up to 4 digital inputs. Serial In 6 35 Output 2
PORTB (leg 33 to 40) provide 8 fixed outputs. Serial Out 7 34 Output 1
ADC 5 8 33 Output 0
PORTC (leg 15-18. 23-26) provide 8 digital ADC 6 9 32 +V
inputs (default) or up to 8 outputs. ADC 7 10 31 0V
PORTD (leg 19-22, 27-30) provide 8 digital +V 11 30 Input 7 / keyboard data
0V 12 29 Input 6 / keyboard clock
inputs Resonator 13 28 Input 5
PORTE (leg 8 to 10) provide 3 analogue inputs Resonator 14 27 Input 4
In c0 / Out c0 15 26 In c7 / Out c7
In c1 / Out c1 / pwm 1 16 25 In c6 / Out c6
This gives a maximum of 20 digital inputs, In c2 / Out c2 / pwm 2 17 24 In c5 / Out c5
16 outputs, 7 analogue inputs In c3 / Out c3 / i2c scl 18 23 In c4 / Out c4 / i2c sda
Input 0 / Infrain 19 22 Input 3
Input 1 20 21 Input 2
PORTA Functions
Leg Default Function Second Function
2 analogue 0 porta input 0
3 analogue 1 porta input 1
4 analogue 2 porta input 2
5 analogue porta input 3

PORTB / PORTE Functions

PORTB pins are fixed as outputs and cannot be altered.
PORTE pins are fixed as analogue inputs and cannot be altered.

PORTC Functions
Leg Default Second Function Special Function
15 input portc 0 output portc 0
16 input portc 1 output portc 1pwm 1 (output)
17 input portc 2 output portc 2pwm 2 (output)
18 input portc 3 output portc 3i2c scl clock (input)
23 input portc 4 output portc 4i2c sda data (input)
24 input portc 5 output portc 5
25 input portc 6 output portc 6
26 input portc 7 output portc 7
The portC pins can be used as the default inputs, changed to outputs, or used
with their special function via use of the i2cslave or pwmout command

PORTD Functions
Leg Default Function Special Function
19 input 0 infrared (input)
20 input 1
21 input 2
22 input 3
27 input 4
28 input 5
29 input 6 keyboard clock (input)
30 input 7 keyboard data (input)

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Using porta as digital inputs

The porta pins 0 to 3 (legs 2 to 5) are, by default, configured as analogue inputs.
However they can also be used as simple digital inputs.
The following syntax is used to test the input condition:
if porta pin0 = 1 then jump
i.e. the additional keyword ‘portA’ is inserted after the ‘if’ command.

to test if two (or more) porta inputs are on

if porta pin0 = 1 AND pin1 = 1 then jump
to test if either of two (or more) porta inputs are on
if porta pin0 = 1 OR pin1 = 1 then jump
Note the portA command is only required once after the ‘if’ command.
It is not possible to test inputs on two different ports within the same if…then

It is not possible to access the portA pins with any other ‘input’ type commands
(count, pulsin etc). Therefore these pins should be reserved as simple on/off

Using portc as digital inputs

On the PICAXE-40X portD are the standard inputs, and hence use the standard
if pin0 = command. Therefore for portC inputs the extra keyword portC must
be used (as in the if portA pin0 = example above).

Using portc as outputs

The portc pins are, by default, digital input pins.
However they can also be configured to be used as digital outputs.
To convert the pin to output and make it high
high portc 1
To convert the pin to output and make it low
low portc 1

To convert all the pins to outputs

let dirsc = %11111111
To convert all the pins to inputs
let dirsc = %00000000
Note that ‘dirsc’ uses the common BASIC notation 0 for input and 1 for output.

(Advanced - If you are more familiar with assembler code programming you may
prefer to use the command ‘let trisc =’ instead, as this uses the inverted assembler
notation - 1 for input and 0 for output. Do not attempt to directly
poke the trisc register (poke command) as the PICAXE bootstrap refreshes the
register setting regularly).

To switch all the outputs on portc high

let pinsc = %11111111
(or) let portc = %11111111

To switch all the outputs on portc low

let pinsc = %00000000
(or) let portc = %00000000

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Appendix G - Using Flowcharts in Programming Editor

This flowcharting method is no longer supported or developed, please
consider using the much more powerful and user friendly Logicator
flowcharting software instead. Logicator can be downloaded from the
software pages at www.picaxe.co.uk

The Flowchart Editor allows

flowcharts to be drawn and
simulated on-screen. The flowchart
can then be automatically
converted into a BASIC program for
downloading into the
microcontroller. Click File>New
Flowchart to start a
new flowchart.

Flowchart Tools

Select Tool
Use this to select and move shapes. When a single shape is selected it’s BASIC
code can be edited in the edit bar at the bottom of the window.

Select Area
Use to select a particular area.

Use to zoom in to an area of the graph. Right click to zoom out.

Zoom In/Out
To zoom in click and move the mouse up. To zoom out click and move the
mouse down.

Use this tool to move around the flowchart.

Line Tool
Use this tool to draw lines between shapes. Corners can be added by clicking
once. When the line is near to a shape it will ‘snap’ to the shape.

Connection Points
Use instead of a long complicated line. This gives two ‘connection points’ that
can be placed at different points within the flowchart.

Label Tool
Use this tool to add descriptive labels or titles to the flowchart.

Out / If / Delay / Sub / Other

Click on these buttons to move to the command sub-menu to select commands.

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Drawing Flowcharts
To draw a flowchart click on one of the command menu buttons (out / if / delay /
sub / other) on the toolbar to move to the appropriate command sub-menu.
Select the appropriate command and then click on the screen where the shape is
required. Do not try to locate the shape precisely at first – just drop it in the
general area and then use the select tool to move the shape to the correct

After dropping a shape the cursor will remain in that shape mode until either:
1) the select tool is selected
2) the right hand mouse button is clicked to move back to select mode

Once the shape is in position click on it so that it is highlighted. The BASIC code
for the shape will then appear in the edit bar at the bottom of the screen. Edit the
code as required.

For further information about each command see section 2 of the manual -
‘BASIC Commands’. Any BASIC Command not supported by the simulation can
be added via the ‘generic’ shape, indicated by three dots.

Joining Shapes
Shapes are joined by moving them close together until they ‘snap’ together.
Alternately lines can be drawn between the shapes using the ‘line tool’ from the
main toolbar. Note that it is only possible to join the bottom (side) of shapes to
the top of other shapes (you cannot connect lines to lines). Only one line is
allowed out of the bottom of each shape.

To enable neat diagrams, corners to the lines can be added by clicking with the
mouse. When a line moves close to a connection point it will snap into position
and then a click will finish the line.

Lines cannot be moved. If you try to move a line it will be deleted and a new line
must be created.


high 0

wait 1

low 0

wait 1

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On Screen Simulation
To simulate the flowchart, click ‘Simulate’ from the Flowchart menu. The
program will then start to run on-screen.

As the program runs each cell is highlighted red as it is carried out. The ‘Inputs/
Outputs’ and ‘Variables’ windows also appear when a simulation is being carried
out. To adjust the input values click the on-screen switch (shown beneath the
output LED) or slide the analogue input slider.

The time delay between shapes can be adjusted via the Flowchart options
(View>Options>Flowchart menu).

Note that certain commands have no on-screen simulation equivalent feature. In

this case the command is simply ignored as the flowchart runs.

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Downloading Flowcharts
Flowcharts can be directly downloaded to the microcontroller. Alternately the
flowchart can be converted into a BASIC program, which is then downloaded.

To convert a program select ‘Convert’ from the Flowchart menu. The BASIC
program for downloading will then be created.

Shapes that are not connected to the ‘start’ or ‘sub’ shapes in the flowchart are
ignored when the conversion takes place. The conversion will stop if an
unconnected shape is found. Therefore always use a ‘stop’ shape or line to
complete the flowchart before simulation or conversion.

Note that it is possible to quickly convert and then download a flowchart by

pressing the shortcut key <F5> twice.

To zoom in and out you can use the two toolbar zoom features, or the rapid
zoom button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Left click this button
to zoom-in and right click to zoom-out.

Using Symbols
Inputs, Outputs and Variables can all be renamed using the ‘Symbol Table’ from
the Flowchart menu. When a symbol is renamed the new name appears in the
drop-down menus on the edit bar. Note that you should not use commands (e.g.
switch or sound) as a symbol as this will generate errors in your converted BASIC

Saving and Printing Flowcharts

Flowcharts can be saved, printed and exported as graphic files (for adding to word
processor documents) via the File menu. Flowcharts can also be copied to the
Windows clipboard (for pasting into other applications) via the Edit menu.

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Appendix H - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Where can I purchase PICAXE microcontrollers?
All microcontrollers can be purchased from within the PICAXE section of the
online store at www.tech-supplies.co.uk or from our distributors (see

Which cable - serial or USB?

Many modern computers do not have a 9 pin legacy serial port and so we always
recommend the USB download cable part AXE027. However the AXE026 serial
cable is a more economical option for multiple computers that still have serial
ports - e.g. in a school IT room.

There appears to be two PICAXE serial download cables - which should I use?
The standard serial PICAXE cable (part AXE026) ends with a stereo style 3.5mm
plug. If making your own board we recommend this stereo cable cheaper as it is
cheaper, better quality, and our sample PCB files use this connector (part
CON039). The original PICAXE-28 cable (part AXE025) ended with a 3 pin in-
line connector, but this cable is no longer used on any of our project boards or
sample pcbs.

I've built a second pcb (without the download circuit) and the PICAXE program will not
If you program a PICAXE chip in a different board, and then move the chip to a
board without the download circuit, you must ensure that the 'serial in' pin is
tied to ground (0V) on the second board for reliable operation.

I’ve bought some blank PICs and they don’t work in the PICAXE system!
The PICAXE microcontroller is not a blank PICmicro! It is a microcontroller that
has been pre-programmed with a ‘bootstrap’ program that enables the download
via the direct cable link (the bootstrap program tells the microcontroller how to
interpret the direct cable programming commands). Therefore you must buy
‘PICAXE’ microcontrollers, rather than blank microcontrollers, to use with the
PICAXE system. However we sell PICAXE microcontrollers at approx. the same
price as blank devices, so there is very little price difference for the end user,
particularly if you purchase the multi-packs.

I’ve programmed a PICAXE microcontroller using a conventional programmer and it will

now not work in the PICAXE system!
You have overwritten, and hence deleted, the PICAXE bootstrap program (see
above). The microcontroller can no longer be used as a PICAXE microcontroller,
but you can naturally continue using it with your conventional programmer.

Can you reprogram microcontrollers (that I have accidentally erased) with the bootstrap
No. We do not accept microcontrollers from unknown sources due to the correct
storage/handling procedures required by these devices. We use gang programmers
costing several thousand pounds to program the bootstrap code into the blank
microcontrollers, and so must protect this expensive equipment from damage. It
is also likely that if we did offer this service the handling cost would end up more
expensive than new PICAXE microcontrollers anyway!

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Can you supply the bootstrap program so that I can make my own PICAXE?
No. The small royalty made on each PICAXE chip sold is the only financial
benefit to our company to support the PICAXE system - the software is free and
the cables/development kits are sold at very low cost. Therefore we do not allow
anyone else to manufacture PICAXE microcontrollers.

Can I see the assembler code that is downloaded into the PICAXE?
If you own a Revolution Serial PIC Programmer, you can convert PICAXE BASIC
programs into assembler code, to program blank PICs or to just learn how
assembler code works by 'disassembly'. However some of the more complex
commands (e.g. serin) are not supported, and the assembler code program
generated is optimised for sequential learning (not optimised for compactness as
with the PICAXE system) and so the code is not 100% identical to that
downloaded to the PICAXE.

Can you alter the input/output pin arrangement of the PICAXE microcontroller?
The PICAXE-08/08M, all M2 and all X2 parts have configurable pins. The other
parts have mainly fixed i/o, although some pins can be changed - see the
appendices at the end of Manual part 1 for more details.

How long a program can I download into the PICAXE microcontroller?

This varies on the commands used, as not all commands use the same amount of
memory. As a general rule you can download about
40-110 lines of code into PICAXE-08/18
80-220 lines of code into PICAXE-08M/14M/20M/18A/18M/28/28A
600-1800 lines of code into PICAXE-14M2/18M2/20M2/18X/28X/40X
2000-3200 lines of code into PICAXE-20X2/28X1/28X2/40X1/40X2
However some commands, such as sound and serout use more memory and so
will reduce this count. In our experience most educational programs that are too
long to download are generally badly composed, and can be greatly reduced in
size by use of sub-procedures etc.

Do I need to erase the device?

How do I stop a program in the PICAXE microcontroller running?
Each download automatically overwrites the whole of the previous program.
There is generally no need to erase the memory at any point. However if you want
to stop a program running you can select the ‘Clear Hardware Memory’ menu to
download an ‘empty’ program into the PICAXE memory.

How often can the PICAXE microcontroller be reprogrammed?

PICAXE chips can be reprogrammed at least 100,000 times. Note these are
minimum values and the actual values may be much greater.

How vulnerable to damage are the microcontrollers?

The microcontrollers have a high level of static protection built into each pin and
so handling them without any personal static protection in an educational
environment is perfectly acceptable.

Can I control servos using the PICAXE?

Yes, many parts have a ‘servo’ command that allows control of up to 8 servos (one
on each output).

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Can I control an LCD display?

Yes, the PICAXE supports serial LCD modules (like the Serial LCD/Clock Module
AXE033) via the serout command. Note that the AXE033 module can also be pre-
programmed with up to 8 messages to reduce the memory usage of the PICAXE

How fast does the PICAXE operate?

The PICAXE-08/18 microcontrollers have an internal 4MHz resonator, and the
PICAXE-28/40 uses an external 4MHz ceramic resonator. This means the
microcontroller processes 1 million assembler commands a second, which
equates to roughly about 1,000 BASIC commands per second.
The M and X parts can be overclocked to 8 or 16MHz (multiplies speed by x2 or

Does the PICAXE support interrupts?

Yes. Many parts support a polled interrupt on the input port. Use the ‘setint’ or
‘setintflags’ command to setup the desired interrupt port setting.

How do I create time delays longer than 65 seconds?

The best way of creating long delays is to do minute delays with a loop, e.g. to
wait an hour (60 minutes)
for b2 = 1 to 60 ‘start a for..next loop
pause 60000 ‘wait 1 minute
next b2 ‘next loop
The PICAXE microcontroller works at a nominal 4MHz, but due to device
manufacturing tolerances there is likely to be a drift of a few seconds over long
time periods (e.g. a day). Note that the Serial LCD/Clock module (AXE033) has a
precision clock and ‘alarm clock’ function that can be used to trigger the PICAXE
at predefined interval or at certain time/dates with much greater precision. The X
parts can also be linked to the i2c DS13097 real time clock.

My program is too long! What can I do?

Tips for reducing program length (see BASIC Commands help file for more
1) Use ‘let pins =’ instead of multiple high/low commands
2) Use sub-procedures for repeated code
3) Try to reduce the use of sound and serout commands, which use a lot of
4) If using an LCD, store the messages in the AXE033 Serial LCD Module, rather
than in the program
5) Use eeprom and read commands to store messages in data memory (see next
6) Restructure your program to reduce the number of ‘goto’ commands
7) Use a PICAXE chip with the largest memory (X1 or X2 parts)

You can use the ‘PICAXE>Check Syntax’ menu to test the length of your program
without a download.

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Do symbols increase the program length?

No, all symbols are converted back to ‘numbers’ by the computer software prior
to download and so have no effect on program length. You can use as many
symbol commands as you wish.

What notes are generated by the sound command?

The sound command generates different ‘beep’ sounds for the values 1-127.
The tune and play commands on the PICAXE-08M are specifically designed to
play tunes. See the tune command in section 2 of the manual for more details.

I need more outputs - what can I do?

Use the PICAXE-28X/28X1 or 40X/40X1 which can have up to 16 outputs. Or
connect a single output (e.g. output7) from a first PICAXE chip to input0 of a
second PICAXE-18 chip. Program the second PICAXE-18 chip with this simple
main: serin 0,N2400,b1
let pins = b1
goto main
The eight outputs of the second chip can now be controlled with a serout
7,N2400,(b2) command by the first chip, where b2 contains the ‘pins’ value (0 to
255) desired on the second chip. This gives you a total of 15 useable outputs.

I need more inputs - what can I do?

Use a PICAXE-28X1 or 40X1, which can be configured to have a large number of
inputs. Remember that analogue inputs can also be used as digital inputs if
required, just see if the ‘readadc’ value is greater or less than 100. In many
applications switches can also be connected in parallel on a single input pin.

How do I test more than one input at once?

Use the following command to test two inputs together
if pin0 = 1 and pin1 = 1 then...
or either of two inputs
if pin0 = 1 or pin1 = 1 then...

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Appendix I - Advanced Technical Information and FAQ

This appendix provides advanced technical data for users who wish to understand
more advanced technical data about the PICAXE microcontrollers. This
information is not required for normal PICAXE use.

These notes presume the user is familiar with PIC microcontrollers, their
configuration fuse settings and programming in assembler code.

What is a PICAXE microcontroller?

A PICAXE microcontroller is a Microchip PIC microcontroller that has been pre-
programmed with the PICAXE bootstrap code. The bootstrap code enables the
microcontroller to be reprogrammed without the need for an (expensive)
conventional programmer, making the whole download system a very low-cost
simple serial cable!

The bootstrap code also contains common routines (such as how to generate a
pause delay or a sound output), so that each download does not have to waste
time downloading this commonly required data. This makes the download time
much quicker.

Why use the PICAXE instead of assembler / C?

The PICAXE uses a simple BASIC language (or flowcharts) that younger students
can start generating programs with within an hour of first use. It is much easier to
learn and debug than either C or assembler code.

The second advantage is the direct cable download method. The software is free
and so the only cost per computer is a low-cost download cable. This enables
students to buy their own cable and for schools to equip every single computer
with a download cable. Other systems that require an expensive programmer are
generally too expensive to implement in this way.

Finally as the PICAXE chip never leaves the board, all leg damage (as can occur
when the chip is moved back and forth from a programmer) is eliminated.

How is the program stored within the microcontroller?

The program is stored in either data or program memory depending on the
microcontroller type. The following table shows how program, read/write/
eeprom data and readmem/writemem data is stored.
Program Read/Write Readmem/Writemem
PICAXE-08M Data Data N/A
PICAXE-14M2Program Data (256) N/A (use i2c)
PICAXE-18M2Program/Data Data (256) N/A (use i2c)
PICAXE-20M2Program Data (256) N/A (use i2c)
PICAXE-18X Program Data (256) N/A (use i2c)
PICAXE-28X Program Data (128) N/A (use i2c)
PICAXE-28X1 Program Data (256) N/A (use readtable or i2c)
PICAXE-28X2 Program Data (256) N/A (use readtable or i2c)
PICAXE-40X Program Data (128) N/A (use i2c)
PICAXE-40X2 Program Data (256) N/A (use readtable or i2c)

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The program and read/write memory is overwritten with every download. Use the
eeprom command to preload data (within the program) for the read/write
commands. The readmem/writemem memory is not changed during a download.

How many times can the microcontroller be reprogrammed?

PICAXE chips can be reprogrammed at least 100,000 times. Note these are
minimum values and the actual values may be much greater.

How is a download started?

When the computer starts a download an interrupt is generated on the serial
input pin on the PICAXE. This interrupts the main program and puts the PICAXE
into a state for a new download to be received. Therefore you must ensure that
the 'serial in' pin is tied to ground (0V) via the 22k/10k resistors on ALL project
boards for reliable operation of the microcontroller (to prevent unwanted
‘floating pin’ interrupt signals).

What are the electrical characteristics of the PICAXE (e.g. operating voltage range etc.)?
The electrical characteristics of the PICAXE microcontroller is dependent upon
the base PIC microcontroller that is programmed with the PICAXE bootstrap
code to create the PICAXE microcontroller. Therefore see the Microchip datasheet
(from www.microchip.com) for the appropriate microcontroller characteristics.
The lowest recommended operating voltage from these datasheets is 3V (Note
this is the ‘operating voltage’ only. You may require a higher voltage (minimum
4.5V recommended) whilst doing the actual serial download from the computer
to ensure accurate memory programming of the chip). X2 parts are also available
in special 1.8V to 3.3V variants.

Does the PICAXE set the watchdog timer fuse?

Yes, the watchdog timer is set and used within a number of commands such as
sleep and nap. The user cannot alter it’s settings.

Does the PICAXE set the power-up timer fuse?


Does the PICAXE set the brown-out fuse?

Yes for the M, M2, X1 and X2 parts, no for other parts. An unfortunate side effect
of the brown-out fuse on the other parts is that it restricts the lowest operating
voltage of the micro-controller to about 4.2V. As many users wish to use 3V
battery packs, the brown-out fuse is not set on the PIC microcontrollers with a
4.2V brown-out.
The enablebod/disabledbod command can enable/disable the brown out
function on M, M2, X1 and X2 parts.

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How does the PICAXE do ADC (analogue-to-digital) conversions?

The (discontinued) PICAXE-08 and PICAXE-18 used the internal comparator to
do a low resolution ADC step comparison, providing 16 discrete analogue
values. The other PICAXE microcontrollers all use the internal ADC to do a full
256 step (8 bit) conversion. Although the microcontrollers are technically
capable of 10 bit conversions, this is converted by the readadc command into
byte (8 bit) values for ease of use via the byte (b1 etc.) variables, which makes the
maths easier for students. This gives a resolution of about 0.02V (at 5V supply)
which is adequate for almost all educational projects. Most parts also have a
separate 10 bit adc read option (1024 steps), via the readadc10 command.

Can you supply the bootstrap program so that I can make my own PICAXE?
No. The small royalty made on each PICAXE chip sold is the only financial
benefit to our company to support the PICAXE system - the software is free and
the cables/development kits are sold at very low cost. Therefore we do not allow
anyone else to manufacture PICAXE microcontrollers.

Can I mix assembler in with the BASIC code?

No. The program and bootstrap code cannot be ‘mixed’ with assembler code, this
is not good programming practice. However you can achieve the same goal by
converting your BASIC into assembler code using the automatic conversion
feature, and then editing the converted assembler code program (see below).

Can I see the assembler code that is downloaded into the PICAXE?
If you own a Revolution Serial PIC Programmer (part BAS800), you can convert
PICAXE BASIC programs into assembler code, to program blank PICs or to just
learn how assembler code works by 'disassembly'. However some of the more
complex commands (e.g. serin) are not supported, and the assembler code
program generated is optimised for sequential learning (not optimised for
compactness as with the PICAXE system) and so the code is not identical to that
downloaded to the PICAXE.

Can you alter the input/output pin arrangement of the PICAXE microcontroller?
The PICAXE-08 has 5 pins that can be configured as desired. The 28 and 40 pin
PICAXE can also be altered to give more inputs or outputs. The 18 pin input/
output pin arrangements are fixed and cannot be altered.

How long a program can I download into the PICAXE microcontroller?

This varies on the commands used, as not all commands use the same amount of

There is no fixed ‘byte’ formula as to memory usage e.g. pause 5, pause 50 and
pause 500 will all take different amounts of memory space! To calculate memory
usage use the ‘Check Syntax’ option from the PICAXE menu. This will report the
amount of memory used.

Do symbols increase the program length?

No, all symbols are converted back to ‘numbers’ by the computer software prior
to download and so have no effect on program length. You can use as many
symbol commands as you wish.

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Do I need to erase the device?

How do I stop a program in the PICAXE microcontroller running?
Each download automatically overwrites the whole of the previous program.
There is generally no need to erase the memory at any point. However if you want
to stop a program running you can select the ‘Clear Hardware Memory’ menu to
download an ‘empty’ program into the PICAXE memory.

Why is an ‘empty’ program not 0 bytes long?

Each downloaded program contains some configuration data, and an ‘end’
command is always added automatically to the end of each downloaded
program. Therefore an ‘empty’ program on screen will not generate a zero byte
program. To prevent the automatic end use the #no_end directive.

How vulnerable to damage are the microcontrollers?

The microcontrollers have a high level of static protection built into each pin and
so generally handling them without any personal static protection in an
educational (non-production) environment is acceptable.

Can I use i2c EEPROMs with the PICAXE?

The M2, X, X1 and X2 parts support all i2c parts via the hi2cin and hi2cout

Can the PICAXE count pulses?

The M, M2, X, X1 and X2 parts support the count command which can count the
number of pulses in a defined period. All parts support the pulsin command to
measure the length of a pulse.

Can I control servos using the PICAXE?

Can I do PWM control of a motor using the PICAXE?
The M, M2, X, X1 and X2 parts have a dedicated pwmout command which acts
on one or two of the pins for full pwm control.
These parts also have a ‘servo’ command that allows control of up to 8 servos
(one on each output). The servo command users the internal timer and an
interrupt, so that the pulses are maintained ‘in the background’ all the time that
the PICAXE is running the main program.
The servo command produces a pulse of length 0.01ms to 2.55 ms approximately
every 20ms. Therefore it can also be used as a simple background PWM output
with PWM mark:space ratios between 1:2000 and 1:8 (approx).

How fast does the PICAXE operate?

Can I overclock the PICAXE?
All parts have an internal 4MHz/8MHz resonator, and the PICAXE-28/40 family
can optionally also use an external ceramic resonator. This means the
microcontroller processes 1 million assembler commands a second, which
equates to roughly about 1000 BASIC commands per second. Different
commands take different times to execute depending on how complex their
‘assembler code’ is.
All parts can be overclocked up to 64MHz (see the Over-clocking Appendix for

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Why does the PICAXE only support up to 4800 baud rate on serout/serin commands?
Can I send and receive serial data via the download cable?
The maximum baud rates were originally selected for reliable operation with
microcontrollers with internal resonator. The early internal resonators were not
as accurate as an external device, and a slower baud rate ensures reliable
operation. The M2, X1 and X2 parts support much higher baud rates via the
hardware EUSART using the hserout command.
Many parts can send data via the download cable via a ‘sertxd’ command and
receive data via the ‘serrxd’ command.

Does the PICAXE support interrupts?

The PICAXE uses the internal microcontroller interrupts for some of it’s BASIC
commands (e.g. servo). Therefore the internal interrupts are not available for
general use. However the A, M and X parts all support a single ‘polled’ interrupt
on the input port. Use the ‘setint’ BASIC command to setup the desired interrupt
port setting to enable the polled interrupt. The polled interrupt scans the input
port between every BASIC command (and constantly during pause commands),
and so activates very quickly.

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Software Version
The latest version of the Programming Editor and all other titles can be
downloaded from the following website:


A very active forum for the discussion of PICAXE projects, and for technical
support, also exists at


Contact Address
Revolution Education Ltd

Revolution Education would like to thank the following:
Clive Seager
John Bown
Higher Still Development Unit

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