328.4.2 End Preparation: ASME B31.3-2012

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Designer, welding electrodes and filler metals used shall 328.4.2 End Preparation
produce weld metal that complies with the following: (a) General
(a) The nominal tensile strength of the weld metal (1) End preparation is acceptable only if the surface
shall equal or exceed the minimum specified tensile is reasonably smooth and true, and slag from oxygen
strength of the base metals being joined, or the weaker or arc cutting is cleaned from thermally cut surfaces.
of the two if base metals of two different strengths are Discoloration remaining on a thermally cut surface is
being joined. not considered detrimental oxidation.
(b) The nominal chemical analysis of the weld metal (2) End preparation for groove welds specified in
shall be similar to the nominal chemical analysis of the ASME B16.25, or any other which meets the WPS, is
major alloying elements of the base metal (e.g., 21⁄4% Cr, acceptable. [For convenience, the basic bevel angles of
1% Mo steels should be joined using 21⁄4% Cr, 1% Mo ASME B16.25 and some additional J-bevel angles are
filler metals). shown in Fig. 328.4.2 sketches (a) and (b).]
(c) If base metals of different chemical analysis are (b) Circumferential Welds
being joined, the nominal chemical analysis of the weld
(1) If component ends are trimmed as shown in
metal shall be similar to either base metal or an interme-
Fig. 328.3.2 sketch (a) or (b) to fit backing rings or con-
diate composition, except as specified below for austen-
sumable inserts, or as shown in Fig. 328.4.3 sketch (a)
itic steels joined to ferritic steels.
or (b) to correct internal misalignment, such trimming
(d) When austenitic steels are joined to ferritic steels, shall not reduce the finished wall thickness below the
the weld metal shall have a predominantly austenitic required minimum wall thickness, tm.
(2) Component ends may be bored to allow for a
(e) For nonferrous metals, the weld metal shall be that completely recessed backing ring, provided the
recommended by the manufacturer of the nonferrous
remaining net thickness of the finished ends is not less
base metal or by industry associations for that metal.
than tm.
328.3.2 Weld Backing Material. When backing rings (3) It is permissible to size pipe ends of the same
are used, they shall conform to the following: nominal size to improve alignment if wall thickness
(a) Ferrous Metal Backing Rings. These shall be of requirements are maintained.
weldable quality. Sulfur content shall not exceed 0.05%. (4) Where necessary, weld metal may be deposited
(b) If two abutting surfaces are to be welded to a third inside or outside of the component to permit alignment
member used as a backing ring and one or two of the or provide for machining to ensure satisfactory seating
three members are ferritic and the other member or of rings or inserts.
members are austenitic, the satisfactory use of such (5) When a girth or miter groove weld joins compo-
materials shall be demonstrated by welding procedure nents of unequal wall thickness and one is more than
qualified as required by para. 328.2. 11⁄2 times the thickness of the other, end preparation and
Backing rings may be of the continuous machined or geometry shall be in accordance with acceptable designs
split-band type. Some commonly used types are shown for unequal wall thickness in ASME B16.25.
in Fig. 328.3.2. (6) Buttweld fittings manufactured in accordance
(c) Nonferrous and Nonmetallic Backing Rings. Backing with ASME B16.9 may be trimmed to produce an angular
rings of nonferrous or nonmetallic material may be used, joint offset in their connections to pipe or to other butt-
provided the designer approves their use and the weld- weld fittings without being subject to design qualifica-
ing procedure using them is qualified as required by tions in accordance with para. 304.7.2 provided the total
para. 328.2. angular offset produced between the two jointed parts
does not exceed 3 deg.
328.3.3 Consumable Inserts. Consumable inserts
may be used, provided they are of the same nominal 328.4.3 Alignment
composition as the filler metal, will not cause detrimen- (a) Circumferential Welds
tal alloying of the weld metal, and the welding procedure (1) Inside surfaces of components at ends to be
using them is qualified as required by para. 328.2. Some joined in girth or miter groove welds shall be aligned
commonly used types are shown in Fig. 328.3.2. within the dimensional limits in the WPS and the engi-
neering design.
328.4 Preparation for Welding
(2) If the external surfaces of the components are
328.4.1 Cleaning. Internal and external surfaces to not aligned, the weld shall be tapered between them.
be thermally cut or welded shall be clean and free from (b) Longitudinal Welds. Alignment of longitudinal
paint, oil, rust, scale, and other material that would be groove welds (not made in accordance with a standard
detrimental to either the weld or the base metal when listed in Table A-1 or Table 326.1) shall conform to the
heat is applied. requirements of para. 328.4.3(a).


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Petrochemical Industries Co./5965956001, User=subramanian, Siva
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 04/07/2013 05:08:13 MDT
ASME B31.3-2012

Fig. 328.3.2 Typical Backing Rings and Consumable Inserts

(1) Refer to ASME B16.25 for detailed dimensional information on welding ends.

Fig. 328.4.2 Typical Butt Weld End Preparation

Fig. 328.4.3 Trimming and Permitted Misalignment


Copyright ASME International
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Petrochemical Industries Co./5965956001, User=subramanian, Siva
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 04/07/2013 05:08:13 MDT

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