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Words Meaning

Abet (v) Assist, aid, help

Abeyance (n) Suspension
Arena (n) Stadium, theatre, coliseum
Abject (adj.) Wretched, miserable, hopeless
Ascent (v) Climb, rise
Accolade (n) Honor, Award, title
Assessment (n) Evaluation, judgement
Accord (n) Agree, treaty, corelate
Adamant (adj.) Hard, immovable, unshakable
Atrocity (n) Cruelty, horror, monstrosity, abomination
Adept (adj.) Expert, proficient, master, skillful
Audit (v) Inspect, examine, survey
Adhere (v) Stick, bond, attach
Augment (v) Increase, enlarge, raise, elevate
Adjuvant (adj.) Helpful, supportive
Admonish (v) Advise, recommend, reprimand
Adolescent (adj.) Teenaged, youthful, young, juvenile
Admonition (n) Reprimand, Rebuke, criticism
Autocratic (adj.) Oppressive, Tyrannical, ruler with an iron fist
Autonomous (adj.) Independent, sovereign, free
Autonomy (n) Independence, sovereignty, freedom
Adore (v) Love, cherish, treasure, prize
Avidity (n) Keenness, eagerness, passion, Zeal
Adroit (adj.) Skillful, adept, nimble
Akin (adj.) Similar, near, close,
Aggravate (v) Make something worse, magnify, worsen
Affluent (adj.) Wealthy, rich, prosperous
Affix (v) Attach, fix, bind, fasten
Adulterate (v) Make impure, Degrade, Spoil, Pollute
Amicable (adj.) Friendly, Good natured, Cordial, Courteous
Alter (v) Change, amend, modify, adjust
Altercation (n) Fight, argument, quarrel
Archaeology (n) The study of ancient things and history
Arbitrary (adj.) Random and unpredictable
Arbiter (n) Judge, the one who settles disputes
Ambush (n) (v) Surprise attack, trap
Appropriate (v) Suitable, proper, fitting
Apprise (v) Inform, tell, notify
Ambiguous (adj.) Unclear, debatable
Apprehend (v) Arrest, catch
Apportion (v) Allocate, distribute
Anarchy (n) Lawlessness, disorder
Amplify (v) Increase, boost, raise, magnify
Animation (n) Liveliness, High spirited,
Amnesty (n) Pardon (specially for political offenders.)
Banner (n) Sign, poster, notice
Bash (n) Strike, hit, beat, slap
Bash (v) To strike, to hit, to slap

Basking (n) (v) Laze, lie, lounge, relax

Beneficiary (n) Heir, heiress, inheritor.
Bestow (v) Give, grant, present, confer
Blunder (n) Stupid or careless mistake
Bona fide (adj.) Authentic, genuine, real, true
Bonanza (n) A situation which creates a sudden increase in wealth, good
fortune, or profits
Bondage (n) Slavery, enslavement, servitude, subjugation,
Breach (n) An act of breaking or failing to observe a law
Brisk (adj.) Quick, rapid, fast, swift, speedy,
Browse (v) Scan, skim, glance, look
Buoyant (n) 1.cheerful, cheery, happy, light-hearted,
2. Able to keep afloat or rise to the top.
Benevolent (adj.) Kind, kindly, kind-hearted, warm-hearted,
Blitz (n) 1. Bombard, attack, pound, blast
2. Effort, exertion, endeavor,
Calamity (n) Disaster, catastrophe, tragedy, cataclysm
Candid (adj.) Frank, outspoken, blunt, honest, sincere
Candor (n) Frankness, openness, honesty,
Captious (adj.) Judgmental, overcritical,
Carnivorous (adj.) Meat-eating, flesh-eating, predatory
Censure (n) Condemnation, criticism
Cerebral (adj.) Intellectual, clever, related to the brain
Chaos (n) Disorder, disarray, confusion, madness,
Charisma (n) Charm, presence, aura, personality
Chicanery (n) Trickery, deception, deceit,
Chronic (adj.) Constant, continuing, continual, ceaseless,
Cite (v) Quote, reproduce, mention
Climax (n) Peak, pinnacle, height, high point
Clone (n) Double, duplicate, carbon copy, image
Cognate (adj.) Associated, related,
Coherent (adj.) Logical, reasoned, reasonable
Collaboration (n) Cooperation, alliance, partnership,
Collateral (adj.) Security, surety, guarantee
Commensurate (adj.) Equivalent, equal, corresponding,
Compatible (adj.) Suited, well matched, like-minded,
Compel (v) Pressure, impel, drive, press, push
Compendium (n) Collection, compilation,
Confiscate (v) Impound, seize, commandeer
Conflicting (adj.) (v) Contradictory, Differing, Clashing, Disagreeing
Confounded (adj.) Amaze, astonish, surprise, startle, stun
Connoisseur (adj.) Specialist, critic, adept
Conscription (n) Enlistment, recruitment,
Consortium (n) Association, council, fellowship, fraternity
Constitutional (adj.) Legal, lawful, legitimate, licit, authorize
Consummate (v) Complete, conclude, finish,
Constrain (v) Compel, force, coerce, drive
Contemporary (adj.) Modern, present-day, present, current
Contempt (n) Scorn, disdain, disrespect, dislike
Contemptuous (adj.) Scornful, disdainful, disrespectful
Convention (n) 1. Custom, usage, practice, tradition, norm
2. Conference, meeting,
Conventional (adj.) Normal, standard, regular, ordinary,
Conversant (adj.) Familiar with or knowledgeable about something
Converse (v) Talk, speak, chat
Credible (adj.) Acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable,
Crucial (adj.) Critical, key, climacteric, decisive, deciding, determining,
Crux (n) Heart, essence, core
Cubicle (n) A small partitioned-off area of a room
Culinary (adj.) Cookery, Related to food
Culminate (v) Reach a climax or point of highest development
Dearth (n) Scarcity, Shortage, Shortfall, Lack
Defalcation (n) Misappropriation,
Delegation (n) 1. deputation, delegacy, (diplomatic) mission
2. assignment, entrusting, giving,
Delusion (n) Deception, misleading, deluding, fooling, tricking,
Demur (v) Raise objections, Show reluctance, Protest
Demurrage (n) money that must be paid when a chartered ship is used
for longer than agreed,
Denounce (v) to criticize something or someone
Deploy (v) use, utilize, employ
Despair (n) hopelessness, desperation, distress,
Destiny (n) future, fate, fortune
Destitute (adj.) without money, food, a home, or possessions
Detention (n) custody, imprisonment, confinement
Detest (v) abhor, hate, loathe, despise, abominate,
Detonate (v) explode, go off, set off, blow up, burst
Detrimental (adj.) harmful, damaging, injurious
Devoid (adj.) entirely lacking, Empty, Barren, Empty
Dignity (n) nobility, majesty
Dilapidated (adj.) old and in poor condition
Dilemma (n) difficulty, problem, puzzle
Diligent (adj.) hard-working, careful and using a lot of effort
Discrepancy (n) inconsistency, difference, disparity, variance,
Disperse (v) to spread across or move away over a large area
Distress (n) suffering, pain, agony, ache,
Dogma (n) teaching, belief, conviction, tenet, principle
Dogmatic (adj.) adamant, authoritarian, authoritative,
(If you are dogmatic, you are certain that you are right and
that everyone else is wrong.)
Domain (n) kingdom, empire, dominion, province,
(an area over which a person has control)
Dormant (adj.) temporarily inactive.
Draconian (adj.) harsh, severe, strict, extreme,
Efficacy (n) the ability to produce a desired or intended result
Elevate (v) raise, lift, raise up/aloft, buoy up, upraise,
Elicit (v) obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke,
Elite (adj.) the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-
trained group in a society
Eloquent (adj.) persuasive, expressive, articulate, fluent
Elucidate (v) to explain something or make something clear
Eminent (adj.) famous, respected, or important
Empirical (adj.) observed, seen, factual, actual, real, verifiable
Equivocal (adj.) not clear, seeming to have two opposing meanings
Espionage (n) spying, undercover work,
Evade (v) elude, avoid, dodge, escape
Exasperate (v) incense, anger, annoy, irritate,
Exception (n) anomaly, irregularity, deviation
Excessive (adj.) an amount that is more than acceptable, expected, or
Exodus (n) mass departure, withdrawal, evacuation, leaving, exit
Exploit (v) to use something in a way that helps you
Exquisite (adj.) beautiful, lovely, elegant, graceful
Extinct (adj.) vanished, lost, died out, dead, defunct,
Extra-terrestrial (adj.) coming from) outside the planet Earth

Feeble (adj.) Weak, Frail, Delicate

Feign (v) Fake, Simulate, Assume, Pretend
Fervor (n) Dedication, Passion, Enthusiasm
Fiasco (n) Disaster, Humiliation, Failure
Fidelity (n) Loyalty, Faithfulness, Devotion
Finicky (adj.) Fussy, Fastidious, Picky, Choosy
Flair (n) Talent, Skill, Ability, Aptitude
Foe (n) Adversary, Enemy, Rival, Opponent
Folly (n) Foolishness, Madness, Idiocy, Stupidity.
Foremost (adj.) Leading, Primary, Chief, Principle, Main
Fortune (n) Wealth, Affluence, Treasure, Prosperity

Gadget (n) Device, Tool, Appliance, Apparatus

Generic (adj.) General, Broad, Common, Nonspecific
Germane (adj.) Relevant, Useful, Connected
Glamour (n) Charm, Allure, Attraction, Fascination
Glib (adj.) Superficial, Shallow, Casual, Simplistic
Gradual (adj.) Slow, Steady, Regular, Ongoing
Graphic (adj.) Explicit, Lifelike, Realistic, Vivid

Habitat (n) Home, Environment, Territory

Hazily (adv.) Vaguely, Dimly, Unclearly, Obscurely
Hazy (adj.) Misty, Foggy, Cloudy, Obscure,
Heroic (adj.) Daring, Stout, Valiant, Brave
Heterogeneous (adj.) Mixed, Diverse, Various, Dissimilar,
Hindrance (n) Interference, Interruption, Stoppage, Difficulty
Hoard (n) Store, Pile, Mass, Reserve, Stock
Hypothesis (n) Theory, Premise, Guess, Supposition, Assumption
Hypothetical (adj.) Theoretical, Imaginary, Supposed, Proposed, Assumed

Imminent (adj.) Pending, Forthcoming, Looming

Immunity (n) Protection, Resistance, Exception
Impeach (v) Accuse, Charge, Denunciate
Implement (v) Apply, Execute, Employ, Carry out
Impound (v) Confiscate, Seize, Possess, Hold
Impregnable (adj.) Secure, Invincible, Unconquerable, Indestructible
Imprudent (adj.) Foolish, Unwise, Careless, Irresponsible
In lieu (adv.) Instead, In-place, as a replacement for, to compensate for
Incapacitated (adj.) Disabled, Weakened, Undermined, Injured
Incessant (adj.) Nonstop, Ceaseless, Never-ending, Continuous
Incoherent (adj.) Illogical, Jumbled, Confused, Disjointed
Incredulous (adj.) Skeptical, Disbelieving, Doubtful, Suspicious
Indigenous (adj.) Native, Aboriginal, Original, Local, Ethnic
Indigent (adj.) Poor, Needy, Impoverished, Penniless
Inquisition (n) Enquiry, Investigation, Interrogation, Examination
Insanity (n) Foolishness, Irrationality, Senselessness, Stupidity
Insipid (adj.) Dull, Bland, Colorless, Boring, Lifeless
Institute (n) Foundation, Society, Association, Establishment
Integral (adj.) Essential, Vital, Important, Fundamental
Intimate (adj.) Close, Near, Friendly, Cherished, Familiar
Intrinsic (adj.) Basic, key, Core, Essential, Central
Invaluable (adj.) Priceless, Precious, Vital, Unique, Important
Irk (v) Displease, Vex, Annoy, Nag, Bother
Itinerary (n) Rout, Journey, Circuit, Schedule

Jeopardize (v) Risk, Endanger, Threaten, Put in danger

Jettison (v) Abandon, Discard, Ditch, Dump, Throw away

Keep in suspension
Abeyance abeyance is a temporary halt to something

Latent (Adj.) Dormant, Hidden, Covert, Buried,

Laudable (Adj.) Worthy, Impressive, Courageous, Heroic
Lax (Adj.) Sloppy, Careless, Negligent
Lean (Adj.) Thin, Slender, Slim
Rest, Support, Place
Legacy (n) Inheritance, Birth Right, Heritage
Lethal (Adj.) Deadly, Fatal, Toxic, Harmful, Dangerous
Liaison (n) Link, Connection, Cooperation, Relationship, Association
Lineage (n) Family, Line, Ancestry, Family Tree
Literally (Adv.) Factually, Accurately, Exactly, Factually
Lynch (v) Hang, Murder, Mob, Kill, Assassinate

Magnanimous (Adj.) Noble, Generous, Noble, Considerate, Upright

Makeshift (Adj.) Temporary, Improvised, Crude
Manifold (Adj.) Various, Diverse, Multiple
Manipulate (v) Deploy, Operate, Work, Use, Handle
Manipulation (n) Use, Operation, Handling, Management
Manipulative (adj.) Scheming, Controlling, Devious, Cunning
Meritorious (adj.) Commendable, Worthy, Admirable
Metamorphosis (n) Transformation, Conversion, Alteration, Mutation
Meticulous (adj.) Careful, Thorough, Particular
Mitigate (v) Alleviate, Lessen, Ease, Allay
Monopoly (n) Control, Domination, Cartel
Mortality (n) Humanity, Death, Impermanence
Mutation (n) Change, Transformation, Metamorphosis, Modification
Myriad (adj.) Countless, Many, Numerous, Innumerable

Naive (adj.) Simple, Trusting, Innocent, Childlike

Narcissism (n) Vanity, Self-love, Self-centeredness
Native (adj.) Natural, Inborn, Inherent
Navigate (v) Pilot, Steer, Route, Direct
Nebula (n) An immense cloud of gas
Nebulous (adj.) Unclear, Vague, Hazy, Imprecise
Nexus (n) Link, Relationship, Connection
Nostalgia (n) Homesickness, Longing, Melancholy
Nostalgic (adj.) Sentimental, Regretful, Yearning
Notable (adj.) Distinguished, Famous, Prominent, Remarkable
Nutshell (n) Casing, Shell, Bottom-line, Gist

Oasis (n) Sanctuary, Haven, Retreat, Refuge, Escape

Obligation (n) Duty, Responsibility, Compulsion, Onus, Commitment
Oblivious (adj.) Unaware, Ignorant, Insensible
Obnoxious (adj.) Hateful, Loathsome, Horrible
Obscure (adj.) Ambiguous, Doubtful, Unclear, Vague
Obsolete (adj.) Out-dated, Archaic, Superseded.
Obviate (v) Remove, Avoid,
Octogenarian (n) Someone whose age is in the eighties
Onus (n) Responsibility, Burden, Obligation, Duty
Opponent (n) Adversary, Enemy, Foe, Rival
Opportune (adj.) Fitting, Appropriate, Right, Favorable
Opt (v) Choose, Elect, Select, Pick
Option (n) Choice, Selection, Decision
Orbital (adj.) Repeated, Recurring, Regular, Periodical
Ordnance (n) Mounted guns; Artillery.
Ostentatious Flashy, Showy, Affected
Ozone (n) a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and
powerful oxidizing properties

Paltry (adj.) Worthless, Trivial, Miserable, Insignificant

Panacea Cure, Solution, Answer, Remedy
Panorama View, Scene, Scenery
Panoramic (adj.) (of a view or picture) with a wide view surrounding the
observer; sweeping.
Paradox (n) Puzzle, Impossibility, Illogicality
Paragon (n) Model, Ideal, Exemplary
Paranoia (n) Fear, Terror, Obsession
Pecuniary (adj.) Relating to money, Financial, Monetary
Penalty (n) Consequence, Drawback
Penetrate (v) Enter, Breech, Stab, Infiltrate
Perennial (adj.) Recurrent, Perpetual, Constant, Persistent
Peripheral (adj.) Marginal, Outlying, Exterior
Perpetual (adj.) Continuous, Everlasting, Lasting
Perplexity (n) Puzzlement, Confusion, Blankness
Persecution (n) Oppression, Pursuit, Torture
Pertinent (adj.) Relevant, Related, Applicable
Pessimism (n) Doubt, Distrust, Hopelessness
Plebiscite (n) Survey, Vote, Ballot
Plight (n) Difficulty, Dilemma, Trouble
Ponder (v) Consider, Contemplate, Deliberate
Predicament Difficulty, Mess, Problematic situation,
Pre-empt (v) Anticipate, Forestall, Proact
Premonition (n) Forewarning, Feeling
Prevalent (adj.) Predominant, Dominant, Established
Profound (adj.) Deep, Thoughtful, Reflective, Insightful
Prohibit (v) Forbid, Ban, Exclude
Proliferation (n) Propagation, Explosion, Spread
Prolific (adj.) Productive, Creative, Fertile
Promulgate (v) Propagate, Spread, Broadcast
Prone (adj.) Susceptible, Vulnerable, Liable
Propensity (n) Tendency, Inclination, Partiality
Protracted (n) Continued, Enduring, Extensive, Lengthy
Puerile (adj.) Childish, Foolish, Trivial, Silly
Pundit (n) Expert, Specialist, Authority, Analyst
Purge (n) Removal, Expulsion, Ejection, Exclusion

Rampant (adj.) Lush, Widespread, Extensive, Rambling

Reckless (adj.) Irresponsible, Wild, Thoughtless, Hasty, Careless
Rectify (v) Correct, Remedy, Cure, Repair
Redemption (n) Retrieval, Recovery, Reclamation, Repossession
Redundant (n) Unnecessary, Not Required, Inessential, Unessential
Refurbish (v) Renovate, Recondition, Rehabilitate
Relentless (adj.) Harsh, Grim, Fierce, Cruel, Severe
Remedy (n) Treatment, Cure, Medicine, Medication
Render (v) Give, Provide, Supply, Furnish
Rendezvous (n) Meeting, Appointment, Engagement, Assignation
Renounce (v) Reject, Relinquish, Abandon, Forsake, Leave
Repatriate (v) Deport, Banish, Exile, Expel
Replica (n) Copy, Imitation, Model, Duplication
Repugnance (n) Revulsion, Disgust, Abhorrence, Repulsion
Rescinded (v) Revoked, Repealed, Cancelled, Reversed, Withdrew
Rescue (n), (v) Save, Release, Salvage,
Residue (n) Remainder, Rest, Deposit
Resilient (adj.) Strong, Tough, Hardy
Resolve (n) Settle, Sort out, Solve
Retort (n) Answer, Reply, Respond
Retrieval (n) Recovery, Repossession, Rescue
Revamp (v) Renovate, Redecorate, Refurbish
Revoke (v) Cancel, Repeal, Rescind, Reverse
Ruin (n) Decay, Devastation, Destruction, Collapse
Rustic (adj.) Plain, Simple, Homely, Unsophisticated

Sadden (v) Depress, Distress, Upset, Pain, Dismay

Sagacious (adj.) Wise, Learnt, Sage, Clever, Shrewd, Astute
Sage (n) Advisor, Mentor, Elder, Thinker
Sanctuary (n) Preserve, Nature Preserve, Shelter, Haven, Safety
Satire (n) Mockery, Irony, Sarcasm, Wit, Parody
Sceptic (adj.) Cynic, Doubter, Doubting Thomas
Scintillating (adj.) Sparkling, Dazzling, Bright, Glittering
Sedimentation Residue, Remains, Accumulation
Segment (n) Section, Part, Piece, Slice, Sector, Portion
Shrewd (adj.) Astute, Sharp, Smart, Insightful, Wise
Shrink (v) Contract, Shrivel, Wither, Telescope
Shrink (n) (informal) Psychiatrist, Therapist, Counsellor
Siphon (v) Tap, Draw off
Sleazy (adj.) Corrupt, Immoral, Crooked, Shady, Untrustworthy
Solvent (adj.) Creditworthy, Of good financial standing, Solid, Secure
Spineless (adj.) Gutless, Sad, Cowardly, Weak, Timid
Splendid (adj.) Fine, Grand, Superb, Impressive, wonderful
Spurious (adj.) False, Bogus, Fake, Forged, Imitation
Stable (adj.) Steady. Unchanging, Even, Firm, Unwavering
Stagnant (adj.) Still, Motionless, Quiet, Stationary, Immobile
Stalemate (n) Deadlock, Draw, Tie, Standoff
Stigma (n) Shame, Disgrace, Dishonor, Humiliation
Stimulate (v) Rouse, Arouse, Kindle, Excite, Motivate
Stipulation (n) Condition, Provision, Clause
Stultify (v) Numb, Dull, Bore,
Subsequently (adv.) Then, Next, Later, After
Substantiate (v) Validate, Verify, Prove, Confirm
Succulent (adj.) Juicy, Moist, Tender, Tasty
Succumb (v) Yield, Submit, Surrender, Capitulate
Suffrage (n) The right to vote in political elections
Superfluous (adj.) Extra, Surplus, Redundant, Unnecessary, Spare
Supersede (v) Succeed, Replace, Surpass, Overtake
Surge (n) Flow, Rush, Heave, Swell, Stream
Sustain (v) Withstand, Bear, Tolerate, Endure, Weather
Swallow (n) Gulp, Sip, Swig, Mouthful, Bite, Nip
Swallow (v) Believe, Accept, Buy, Allow
Sweat (n) Perspiration, Fluid
Sweat (v) Perspire, Perspired, Swelter
Swift (Adj.) Summary, Rapid, Instant, Sudden
Syndrome (n) Condition, Disease, Pattern, Disorder
Synopsis (n) Outline, Rundown, Precis, Summary

Tangle (n) Mass, Jumble, Knot, Complication, Maze

Tedious (adj.) Boring, Dull, Deadly, Uninteresting, Tiresome, Monotonous
Tenacity (n) Stubbornness, Resolve, Firmness
Theocracy a system of government in which priests rule in the
name of God or a god.
To appraise (v) Assess, Evaluate, Judge, Value
To exaggerate (v) Overstate, Overstress, Amplify
To forsake (v) Abandon, Desert, Leave, Quit, Ditch
To pilfer (v) Steal, Rob, Take
Torso (n) Trunk, Chest, Upper body
Tortuous (adj.) Twisting, Complex, Winding
Toxin (n) Poison, Venom, Pollutant
Transcript (n) Record, Copy, Text
Trigger (v) Activate, Cause, Start, Spark
Tycoon (n) Magnate, Business Person, Industrialist

Ultrasonic (adj.) Involving sound waves with a frequency above the

upper limit of human hearing.
Prompt, Rapid, Fast, Quick
Uncanny (adj.) Weird, Strange, Mysterious, Supernatural
Undermine (v) Weaken, Dent, Challenge, Demoralize
Urban (Adj.) City, Town, Built-up, Metropolitan

Vertigo (n) Dizziness, Unsteadiness, Light-Headedness

Viable (adj.) Feasible, Practical, Workable, Doable
Vigilance (n) Care, Watchfulness, Caution, Alertness
Vigilant (adj.) Watchful, Attentive, Alert, Cautious
Vintage (n) 1. Period, era, time
Vintage (adj.) 2. High-quality, quality, prime,
Vitriolic (adj.) Venomous, poisonous, acrimonious,
Voyage (n) Journey, trip, expedition, excursion, tour

Warranty (n) Guarantee, assurance, promise,

Weigh (v) 1. Assess, consider
2. Find out how heavy something is.

Yearn (v) Long, pine, crave, desire, want, wish

Zealous (adj.) Passionate, impassioned, devoted

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