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Demand for Arbitration Before JAMS

Instructions for Submittal of Arbitration to JAMS

Demand for Arbitration Based on Pre-Dispute Provision

If you wish to proceed with an arbitration by executing and serving a Demand for Arbitration on the
appropriate party, please submit the following items to JAMS:
A. Two (2) copies of the Demand for Arbitration
B. Proof of service of the Demand on the appropriate party
E.g., copy of certified mail receipt signed by recipient or sworn statement of service by a non-party
over 18 years of age.
C. Two (2) copies of the entire contract containing the arbitration clause
D. Initial non-refundable $400 Case Management Fee (CMF) per party
Each party may submit its own CMF, or to expedite the commencement of the proceedings one party
may elect to submit both or all CMFs. In lengthier, more complex cases additional CMF may be billed.
For cases involving consumers, see JAMS Policy on Consumer Arbitrations Pursuant to Pre-Dispute

Arbitration Based on Post-Dispute Fully Executed Arbitration Agreement, Oral Stipulation or Court
Order Compelling Arbitration
Whether or not a certain arbitrator has been designated, if the parties have agreed to arbitrate at JAMS or
the court has ordered that the parties arbitrate at JAMS, kindly forward the following items:
A. Two (2) copies of Executed Arbitration Agreement OR Court Order appointing arbitrator/JAMS
Please contact JAMS to obtain the appropriate form (e.g., Arbitration Agreement)
B. Two (2) copies of the entire contract, if any, containing an applicable arbitration clause
C. Initial non-refundable $400 Case Management Fee (CMF) per party
Each party may submit its own CMF, or to expedite the commencement of the proceedings one party
may elect to submit both or all CMFs. In lengthier, more complex cases additional CMF may be billed.
For cases involving consumers, see JAMS Policy on Consumer Arbitrations Pursuant to Pre-Dispute

Please submit to your local JAMS Resolution Center.

Once the above items are received, JAMS will contact all parties to commence the arbitration process,
including the appointment of an arbitrator and scheduling of a hearing date.

Effective 10/01/2010
Resolution Centers Nationwide • 1.800.352.5267 •
(c) copyright 2010 JAMS. All rights reserved.
Demand for Arbitration Before JAMS
(Name of the Party on whom Demand for Arbitration is made)

(City) (State) (Zip)

(Telephone) (Fax) (E-Mail)

Representative/Attorney (if known):

(Name of the Representative/Attorney of the Party on whom Demand for Arbitration is made)


(City) (State) (Zip)

(Telephone) (Fax) (E-Mail)



(City) (State) (Zip)

(Telephone) (Fax) (E-Mail)

Representative/Attorney of Claimant (if known):

(Name of the Representative/Attorney for the Party Demanding Arbitration)


(City) (State) (Zip)

(Telephone) (Fax) (E-Mail)

Claimant hereby demands that you submit the following dispute to final and binding arbitration (a more
detailed statement of the claim(s) may be attached):

This demand is made pursuant to the arbitration agreement which the parties made as follows (cite
location of arbitration provision & attach two (2) copies of entire agreement).

Effective 10/01/2010
Resolution Centers Nationwide • 1.800.352.5267 •
(c) copyright 2010 JAMS. All rights reserved.
Demand for Arbitration Before JAMS
Claimant asserts the following claim and seeks the following relief (include amount in controversy, if

Respondent may file a response and counter-claim to the above-stated claim according to the applicable
arbitration rules. Send the original response and counter-claim to the claimant at the address stated
above with two (2) copies to JAMS.


JAMS is requested to set this matter for hearing at:
(Preferred Hearing Location)


RULE 16.1)
By checking this box Claimant requests that the Expedited Procedures described in JAMS
Comprehensive Rules 16.1 and 16.2 be applied in this matter. Respondent shall indicate not later than 7
days from the date this Demand is served whether it agrees to the Expedited Procedure.

Signed (Claimant): Date:

(may be signed by an attorney)

Print Name:

Please include a check payable to JAMS for the required initial, non-refundable $400 per party
deposit to be applied toward your Case Management Fee and submit to your local JAMS
Resolution Center.

Effective 10/01/2010
Resolution Centers Nationwide • 1.800.352.5267 •
(c) copyright 2010 JAMS. All rights reserved.
Demand for Arbitration Before JAMS

A. Please check here if this IS or IS NOT a CONSUMER ARBITRATION as defined by California Rules of
Court Ethics Standards for Neutral Arbitrators, Standard 2(d) and (e):

“Consumer arbitration” means an arbitration conducted under a pre-dispute arbitration provision contained in a contract that
meets the criteria listed in paragraphs (1) through (3) below. “Consumer arbitration” excludes arbitration proceedings
conducted under or arising out of public or private sector labor-relations laws, regulations, charter provisions, ordinances,
statutes, or agreements.

1) The contract is with a consumer party, as defined in these standards;

2) The contract was drafted by or on behalf of the non-consumer party; and
3) The consumer party was required to accept the arbitration provision in the contract.

“Consumer party” is a party to an arbitration agreement who, in the context of that arbitration agreement, is any of the

1) An individual who seeks or acquires, including by lease, any goods or services primarily for personal, family,
or household purposes including, but not limited to, financial services, insurance, and other goods and
services as defined in section 1761 of the Civil Code;
2) An individual who is an enrollee, a subscriber, or insured in a health-care service plan within the meaning of
section 1345 of the Health and Safety Code or health-care insurance plan within the meaning of section 106
of the Insurance Code;
3) An individual with a medical malpractice claim that is subject to the arbitration agreement; or
4) An employee or an applicant for employment in a dispute arising out of or relating to the employee’s
employment or the applicant’s prospective employment that is subject to the arbitration agreement.

If Respondent disagrees with the assertion of Claimant regarding whether this IS or IS NOT a CONSUMER
ARBITRATION, Respondent should communicate this objection in writing to the JAMS Case Manager and Claimant
within seven (7) calendar days of service of the Demand for Arbitration.

B. If this is an EMPLOYMENT matter, Claimant must complete the following information:

Effective January 1, 2003, private arbitration companies are required to collect and publish certain information at least
quarterly, and make it available to the public in a computer-searchable format. In employment cases, this includes the
amount of the employee’s annual wage. The employee’s name will not appear in the database, but the employer’s name will
be published. Please check the applicable box below:

Annual Salary:

Less than $100,000 More than $250,000

$100,000 to $250,000 Decline to State

C. In California, consumers (as defined above) with a gross monthly income of less than 300% of the federal poverty
guidelines are entitled to a waiver of the arbitration fees. In those cases, the respondent must pay 100% of the fees.
Consumers must submit a declaration under oath stating the consumer’s monthly income and the number of persons living in
his or her household. Please contact JAMS at 1-800-352-5267 for further information.

Effective 10/01/2010
Resolution Centers Nationwide • 1.800.352.5267 •
(c) copyright 2010 JAMS. All rights reserved.

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