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for Grade 9 Garments

Unit of Competency: Apply Finishing Touches on Ladies’

Casual Apparel
Module no. 4 Module Title: Applying Finishing Touches on
Ladies’ Casual Apparel


Let us find out how much you already know about applying finishing
touches on ladies casual apparel.

I. Multiple Choice: Read and understand the items below. Choose the best
answer that will identify the item being described. Write the
letter of your answer in your quiz notebook.

1. The most commonly used type of fastener for upper garments is______.
a. button
b. hook-and-eye
c. snap
d. zipper
2. This is a way of attaching button with two holes.
a. arrow head
b. common way
c. cross
d. parallel
3. This is done to make horizontal buttonholes.
a. a fan in one end and bar on the other end
b. bars on both ends
c. fans on both ends
d. square on both edges
4. This is NOT a characteristic of a well-made buttonhole.
a. buttonholes are overcast
b. cut correctly and accurately
c. cut on the grain line
d. spared evenly
5. This is the most appropriate hem for a blouse.
a. catch stitch
b. lock stitch
c. over handing stitches
d. slip stitch
6. This is NOT a seam finish.
a. French seam
b. overcast seam
c. pinked seam
d. zigzag seam
7. This is a tool used to cut excess thread on a finished garment.
a. blade
b. cutter
c. cutter shears
d. trimming shears
8. This is a 4-5 inch cutting tool used to clip thread in the sewing machine.
a. pinking shears
b. shears
c. trimming scissors
d. trimming shears
9. This means to cut with short quick strokes using a pair of scissors.
a. to cut
b. to snip
c. to slash
d. to trim
10. This is the first step in trimming excess thread in a finished garment.
a. inspect hanging threads
b. invert the garment
c. cut excess thread
d. none of these
11. This is the effect of improper hanging of garment.
a. missing buttons
b. ripped stitches
c. ripped hems
d. wrinkles
12. This is the first step in the packaging procedure of finished garments.
a. folding
b. putting label tags
c. sealing
d. sorting
13. This phase is being referred to whenever you see the label tag “B with X”
over it on finished garment.
a. do not dry clean
b. do not hand wash
c. do not use bleach
d. do not starch
14. This phase is being referred to whenever you see the label tag “hand” sign of
a. can be hand wash
b. do not hand wash
c. dry clean
d. use hot iron
15. This is a device attached to a commodity stating the price which is offered
for sale
a. label tag
b. price tag
c. packaging tag
d. sealing tag
16. This is NOT included in sorting finished garment.
a. color
b. size
c. style
d. none of these
17. This phrase is being referred to whenever you see the label tag 160ºC on the
finished garment.
a. hot water with any soap on detergent
b. medium hot water with any soap on detergent
c. warm water with the mild soap on detergent
d. cold water with soap on detergent
18. This phrase is being referred to whenever you see DD on the label tag of a
a. don’t dry
b. door dry
c. drip dry
d. dry and dry

II. Sequencing: Arrange the steps in pressing finished garments using letters A
to G. Write the answers on your quiz notebook.

_____19. Sleeves and sash

_____20. Pockets, facing, seam
_____21. Yoke
_____22. Ruffle and gathers
_____23. Top part of garment
_____24. Hang the garment
_____25. Collar




This lesson deals on how to apply finishing touches on ladies casual



At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. apply an appliqué in a finished blouse;
2. identify the different kinds of button attachment;
3. follow the correct procedures in marking and making worked button
4. evaluate a well made hand-worked buttonholes;
5. perform different seam finishes and hemming; and
6. describe the characteristics of a well-sewn hem.


Words to Study

• Fastener – a device which permits the opening or closing

of garment
• Hem – made by folding the lower edge of skirts, blouses,
sleeves and various parts of garment with hemming
• Buttonhole – a finished opening in a garment with button
as fastener
• Seam – the stitching that joins two or more edges of
fabric to form a garment
• Ravelling – a yarn pulled away from fabric
• Accessory – an article that completes a costume like
shoes, gloves, hat, bag, jewelry, and belt
• Appliqué – a contrasting material applied in a flat
decorative manner like patch
Attaching Appliqué on Finished Garment

1. Position the design right side out on the outside of a piece of cloth.
2. Baste the design and machine stitch following the outline of the design.
3. Tear the paper away.
4. Cut the design close to the stitching leaving a raw edge.
5. Position the design on the right side up on the garment.
6. Baste.
7. Make a blanket stitch around the design until it is finished.

Kinds of Fastener

There are four types of fastener which are commonly used. They are
buttons, snaps, zippers and hook-and-eyes.

Buttons are the most common fastener used in different types of
garments. Buttons are those with shank and with 2 or four holes. they are used
as fastener or decorations.

Ways of attaching Buttons

1. Square
2. Parallel
3. Cross
4. Arrow head
5. Common way

When attaching buttons with holes, follow the

steps below:

1. Fasten thread on wrong side. Make a

small stitch under the button to be

2. Place a pin on a top of the button and

sew over it. A stem is placed so that
there will be space for the fabric under
the button when the garment is
buttoned. Bring needle up through the
button then to the other hole back to
the fabric. Make several stitches.

3. Remove pin. Insert needle in between

the thread and the fabric. Wind thread
around to make a stem or shrank.
Draw thread on wrong side and fasten.
4. A button with shank can be attached
like a flat button, except when the
needle is inserted under the hole in
the other side of the button. This
button should not be sewn too closely
to the garment if it is to be with

Worked Buttonholes

Ladies blouses are usually buttoned from right to left so the buttonholes
should be made on the right of the blouse. Holes through which buttons pass
through are called “buttonholes”. If the blouse is buttoned down at the front,
the buttonholes maybe placed horizontally or vertically. Horizontal buttonholes
are made ½ centimeter outside the centreline. While the vertical buttonholes
are made on the center line. The mark of the exact length of buttonholes should
be ¼ centimeter to ½ centimeter longer than the diameter of the button.
Buttonholes should be cut crosswise or lengthwise following are thread of the
material. Use sharp and pointed scissors when cutting the buttonholes.
Horizontal buttonholes are made by making a fan at one end and a bar at the
other end while vertical buttonholes are squared with buttonholes stitches at
both ends.

Worked buttonholes should be:

• spared evenly
• cut following the thread of the fabric
• made correctly according to the size of the buttons
• cut correctly and accurately
• made strong and even

Making Worked Buttonholes

The following are the steps in making worked buttonholes:

a. Mark the buttonholes.

b. Make machine stitching around the


c. Cut the holes with a pair of sharp scissors.

d. Make buttonholes from right to left. Start at

the side nearest you. Make a circle with the
thread at the point where next buttonholes
stitch is to be made. Hold the lower edge of the
circle with the thumb. Insert the needle under
the cloth and pull the needle upwards. Make
several buttonholes stitches up to the end.

e. When the other end is reached, start making

the fan make about 5-7 stitches to make the
rays of the fan.

f. Continue making the buttonhole stitches

up to the other end. Finish end of the
buttonhole by making 2 bar threads directly
across the end. Work blanket stitches closely
over them. Fasten thread at the back.


Snaps are used on flat surface where

there is a little stain. These are commonly
used for baby dresses.

Steps to Follow in Attaching Snap Fastener

1. Fasten thread by making two or three

stitches on the mark.

2. Make overhand or buttonhole stitch on

each hole.

3. Continue making stitches on the four
holes. Fasten on the wrong side.


Zipper, otherwise known as a slide fastener, is

used to close-openings in many different types of
garments. It is mostly used in skirts and pants. Zipper
are made with metal teeth or coils of nylon or polyester
that mesh together.


Hook-and-eye is used to fasten opening which

has considerable strain. Belts and neck openings
use hook-and-eyes. There are two kinds of eyes – the
round and straight. The round eye is used where the
edges of the opening just meet, while the straight eye
is used on edges laps. Sometimes a thread loop is
used on a straight eye if a very flat closing is desired.

Fourth Quarter Supplemental Activities

Quarter: Fourth Week no.: 2

Grade Level : 9 Specialization: Garment
Unit of Competencies/ Core Competencies: Apply Finishing Touches on
Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Module Title: Applying Finishing Touches on Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Learning Outcome : Kinds of Fastener
Activity Title: 1.1 Photo collage of Different kinds of Fastener

Objectives : At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the different kinds of fastener
2. Create an album of fastener sewn in pieces of fabric
3. Appreciate the importance of fasteners
Materials Needed :
• Different kinds of fasteners
• Pieces of fabric
• Laptop/Cellphone

Procedures :
1. Prepare the materials and device needed.
2. Sew the fastener in pieces of fabric, follow the procedures on page .
3. Create a photo collage of fasteners.
4. Label the different kinds of fasteners accurately.
5. Send your output on respective messenger group chat.

Assessment Method : Performance Assessment with Performance Criteria

Scoring Rubrics for Photo collage of Different kinds of Fastener
Check the column that corresponds to your evaluation.
Items to be evaluated Rating Scale
5 4 3 2 1 total
1. Content
The different kinds of fasteners
were labeled correctly.
2. Creativity
The photo collage shows
creativity by using different colors
and designs that suits on the
3. Neatness
Presents neat, clean and organize
work .
4. Speed
Submitted the photo collage on


Seam finishes are most determined by the fabrics and their uses on the
garments. Standard seam allowance on pattern is 5 / 8 or 1.5 centimeter wide.

Type of Seam Finishes

1. Pinked Seam is used for non-frayable fabrics

like wool, silk, velvet, etc. Use pinking
shears in trimming the edges.

2. Overcast open seam is used in over casting

the edges of seams. Blanket stitches are
used in this type of seams.

3. Edge turned and stitch seam is a stronger

finish than pinking and overcast seam
finishes. This is suitable for lightweight
fabrics. Trim the seams and turn raw edges.

Machine stitch or make running stitches on the edges.

4. Overcasting stitch is a slanting or diagonal

stitch over the new edge of seams to keep
the cloth from ravelling.

5. Zigzag open seam is a seam finish for open

seam when there is only zigzagger

6. Overedged seam is seam finish if there is an

over edging machine.

Fourth Quarter Supplemental Activities

Quarter: Fourth Week no.: 3

Grade Level : 9 Specialization: Garment
Unit of Competencies/ Core Competencies: Apply Finishing Touches on
Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Module Title: Applying Finishing Touches on Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Learning Outcome : Types of Seam
Activity Title: 1.2 Sewing of Seams
Objectives : At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:
1. Enumerate the different types of seam finishes.
2. Sew the types of seam finishes
3. Give the importance of the different seam finishes.
Materials Needed :
• 6 pcs 4x4 fabric
• Needle and thread

Procedures :
1. Prepare the given device.
2. Sew the 6 types of seam finishes using the 4x4 fabrics.
3. Have a photo of your finished activity output and send it to your respect
group chat.

Assessment Method : Performance Assessment with Performance Criteria


Scoring Rubrics for Sewing of Seams
Check the column that corresponds to your evaluation.
Items to be evaluated Rating Scale
5 4 3 2 1 total
1. Content
The seam finishes were correctly sewn.
3. Neatness
Presents neat, clean and organize work .
4. Speed
Submitted sewn seam finishes on time.


Hemming is a kind of stitch that holds folded edge like hem and facings.

• Kinds of Hem

1. Blind or slip stitch is done under an edge or through a folded edge. It

does not hold hem rigidly to the skirt.
2. Slant hemming is the simplest among the hemming stitches. It is for
fastening bands, binding cuff etc.
3. Catch stitch is used to hold the raw edges of the interfacing and placed
along fold lines. It is done in between the hem and fabric. It can be
used when hemming heavy fabrics that stretch to prevent a ridge from
showing on the right side of the garment.
4. Lock stitch is a type of blanket stitch done between the hem and outer
5. Machine stitch may be used in garment in which hem is not advisable
to use.
• Hemming a Blouse

The blouse is usually hemmed by slip stitching. Slip made on the

hemlines should not be seen on the right side of the blouse. Neat and
invisible stitch on a blouse adds to the nice and neat appearance.

• Procedures in Hemming a Blouse

1. Turn up the hem on the hemline mark.
2. Pin and press the fold edge.
3. Mark the hem width and cut extra materials.
4. Finish the hem by turning the raw edge under ¼ inch and stitch on
the fold.
5. Make slip stitch by taking small stitches on the blouse. Then take
another stitch on the fold opposite where the thread comes out on the
hem garment. Repeat procedures until the hemline of blouse is

• Standards of a Well Sewn Hem

1. Stitches are flat.
2. They are even in width.
3. There are no bulk and wrinkles.
4. Stitches are even and distributed.


Knowing the knowledge, skills and

good attitudes in learning the different
kinds of hems, seams, and manners of
attaching of fasteners, accents and
accessories will help you a lot in the
construction of a well-made apparel.


Choose the correct answer from the options under each item. Write the
letter of your choice in your quiz notebook.

1. The most commonly used fastener in different types of garments

a. button
b. hook-and-eye
c. snap
d. zipper
2. Buttons are attached in many ways. Buttons with 2 holes are attached
a. arrow head
b. common way
c. cross
d. parallel
3. Horizontal buttons holes are made by making______________.
a. fan with one end and bar at other end
b. bars on both ends
c. fans on both ends
d. square on both edges
4. A well-made buttonhole should have the following characteristics
a. buttonholes are overcast
b. cut correctly and accurately
c. cut following thread of the fabric
d. spared evenly
5. The appropriate hem for a blouse is______________________.
a. catch stitch
b. lock stitch
c. over handing stitch
d. slip stitch

Fourth Quarter Supplemental Activities

Quarter: Fourth Week no.: 4

Grade Level : 9 Specialization: Garment
Unit of Competencies/ Core Competencies: Apply Finishing Touches on Ladies’
Casual Apparel
Module Title: Applying Finishing Touches on Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Learning Outcome : Kinds of Hemming Stitches
Activity Title: 1.2 Album of Hemming Stitches
Objectives : At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the kinds of hemming stitches
2. Sew the different kinds of hemming stitches
3. Create an album of the different kinds of hemming stitches
Materials Needed :
• 5 pcs 4x4 fabric
• Needle and thread
• Pencil
• scissors
Procedures :
1. Prepare all the materials.
2. Sew the 5 kinds of hemming stitches.
3. Compile all your hemming stitches and all the seam finishes and create
an album.
4. have a picture of your output and send it to your group chat before
submitting it to your barangay.

Assessment Method : Performance Assessment with Performance Criteria

Scoring Rubrics for Album of Stitches
Check the column that corresponds to your evaluation.
Items to be evaluated Rating Scale
5 4 3 2 1 total
1. Content
The album different kinds of hemming
2. Creativity
The album shows and creativity by
using different colors and designs that
suits on the content.
Uses recycled material and with the
things around them.
4. Neatness
Presents neat and clean work from
penmanship up to the content of the
5. Speed
Pass the album on time.

Quiz no. 1
A. Read the statements carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and
False if not.
______1. Fasteners are devices which permits the opening or closing of
______2. Hem is a finished opening in a garment with a button as
______3. Fasteners have 6 types.
______4. Seam is the stitching that joins two or more edges of a fabric to
form a garment.
______5. Buttonholes are holes which buttons pass through.

B. Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is used on flat surface where there is a little strain and is commonly
used for baby dresses.
a. Snaps c. zipper
b. Buttons d. hook-and-eye
2. It is known as slide fastener.
a. Snaps c. zipper
b. Buttons d. hook-and-eye
3. A type of seam that is used for non-frayable fabrics.
a. Pinked seam c. overcasting
b. Over-cast open seam d. overedged seam
4. A seam finish used if there is an over edging machine.
a. Pinked seam c. overcasting
b. Over-cast open seam d. overedged seam
5. A kind of hemming stitch that is used for fastening bands, binding
cuffs, etc.
a. Blind stitch c. catch stitch
b. Slant hemming d. lock stitch
6. A type of blanket stitch done between the hem and outer fabric.
a. Blind stitch c. catch stitch
b. Slant hemming d. lock stitch
7. It is the stitching that joins 2 or more edges of fabric to form a
a. Fastener c. seam
b. Accessory d. hem
8. It is a kind of stitch that holds folded edge like hem and facing.
a. Fastener c. seam
b. Accessory d. hem
9. A stitch that id done under an edge or through a folded edge.
a. Blind stitch c. catch stitch
b. Slant hemming d. machine stitch
10. A slanting or diagonal stitch over the new edges of seam to keep the
cloth from ravelling.
a. Pinked seam c. overcasting
b. Over-cast open seam d. zigzag open seam




This lesson deals with trimming excess threads on finished garment of

ladies casual apparel.


At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

1. manipulate trimming tools skilfully;
2. apply trimming techniques in removing excess threads on finished
garment; and
3. hang finished garment properly.

Trimming Tools and Their Uses

Words to Study

• Trim - to make neat by cutting away excess parts and to

make it even
• Trimming - a technique applied to make edges even
• Technique - a method of accomplishing desired aim
• Snip - to cut with short quick stroke with a scissor
• Twine - a strong thread of 2 or 3 strands twisted together

Trimmings scissors are cutting tools with blade under 6 inches in length
and with identical handle.

Sharp scissors make clean cut and well defined notches. Dull scissors
make the cutting process slow and make your hem and wrist tire easily.
Trimming scissors should not be used for other household task such as cutting
papers or twine. Remember that trimming scissors last longer if you
occasionally put a drop of oil on the screw assembly.
Scissors handles have the same size, while shears has one handle larger
than the other. Sharp shears make clean cuts and well-define notches. They do
not damage fabrics. Dull shears slow the cutting processes and make your hand
and wrist tire easily. Cutting shears should not be used for other household
task such as cutting papers or twine. Scissors and shears last longer if you
occasionally put a drop of oil on the screw assembly.

1. Trimming scissors - with10 – 15

centimeter and 4 – 5 inches long are
convenient to use at the machine for
they clip threads to hold in the ease of
the seam close to the presser foot or to
snip slashes.

2. Light trimmers are ideal for repairs,
alterations, trimming seams small cutting

Procedure in Trimming Excess Threads on Finished Ladies’ Apparel

Finished Blouse

1. Invert the garment.

2. Inspect for hanging/excess threads on the different parts.
3. Cut excess threads starting from top to bottom.
• neckline, facing, collars
• shoulder seams and paddings
• armhole seams and seam finished
• sleeve hems
• front darts/back darts
• blouse bottom hems
4. Invert blouse right out. Trim excess thread on:
• plackets
• button attachment
• other trimmings/accents

Finished Skirt

1. Invert skirt.
2. Inspect hanging excess thread
3. Cut excess threads from top to bottom:
• waist band
• hook- and eye attachment
• side seams
• slit
• hemline
4. Turn skirt right side out. Trim excess threads on:
• plackets
• pockets if any
• trimming/accents

Long Pants

1. Turn the pants garment wrong side out.

2. Inspect for hanging excess threads.
3. Cut excess thread from top to bottom.
• waistline
• hook and eye
• ply
• pockets
• inseams
• out seams
• bottom hem
4. Turn pants right side out trim excess threads on:
• waist band

• placket
• pocket mouth
• side seams
• bottom hem

Points to Remember in Hanging Finished Garment

Hanging garments is an easy task. Hang garments of the same kind.

Provide spaces in between hanged garments to preserve its professional look.
• Reverse and hang finished garment in an airy place.
• Use clothes hangers in hanging.
• Don’t hang garments under the sun. Exposure to sunlight will make the
garment fade easily.
• Press garment before hanging.
• Avoid over crowding in hanging to avoid too much wrinkles on the
different parts.


Trimmed excess thread in finished garment means neat,

orderly and well-constructed garment.


Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What specific tools are used in trimming exceeds threads on finished

2. How is trimming threads done systematically?
3. Where do you hang a finished garments? Why?


Singer Sewing . Reference Library. Sewing Essentials Creative Publishing,

A Division of Cowles Enthusiast Media, Inc. Minnetorka, Minnesota,
Carmelita Bildan Hilario, Clothing Technology Made Easy Philippine
Copyright, 2001

Fourth Quarter Supplemental Activities

Quarter: Fourth Week no.: 5

Grade Level : 9 Specialization: Garment Trades
Unit of Competencies/ Core Competencies: Apply Finishing Touches on Ladies’
Casual Apparel
Module Title: Preparing and Cutting Materials For Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Learning Outcome : Prepare and Cut Materials For Ladies Casual Apparel
Activity Title: Activity 1.1 Video-Demonstration in Trimming Excess
Objectives : At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:
1. Manipulate trimming tools
2. Apply trimming techniques in removing excess threads on finished
3. Appreciate trimming techniques in cleaning finished garments.
Materials Needed :
• Trimming tools
• garments
Procedures :
1. Decide what finished garment will you trim: blouse, skirt, or long pants.
2. Record a demo-video in trimming excess thread in the garments that you
have chosen.(See the procedure in trimming excess threads)
3. Recite the steps while doing trimming excess threads.
4. Tell something about the advantages of trimming excess before packing
Scoring Rubrics for Fashion Show
Check the column that corresponds to your evaluation.
Items to be evaluated Rating Scale
5 4 3 2 1 total
1. Demonstration (trimming excess
• The steps in trimming excess
threads were demonstrated
according to procedure.
2. Speech Content
• The steps were accurately delivered.
3. Speech Delivery
• The students show confidence and
is knowledgable about what he/she
is speaking.
4. Over-all Appearance

35 points- 100% 20 points- 85%
30 points- 95% 15 points- 80%
25 points- 90% 10 points- 75%
Assessment Method : Performance Assessment with Performance Criteria
Quiz no. 2:
A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer from each of the
following item below and write it in your quiz notebook.
_____1. It is ideal for repairs, alteration, trimming seams small cut jobs.
a. Shears b. seam ripper c. clippers d.
light trimmers
_____2. It make clean cut and well defined notches.
a. Scissors b. shears c. dull scissors
d. sharp scissors
_____3. It make the cutting process slow and make your hem and wrist tire
a. Scissors b. shears c. dull scissors
d. sharp scissors
_____4. These are the cutting tools with blade under 6 inches in length with
identical handle
a. Scissors b. clippers c. trimming
scissors d. shears
_____5. Which of the following is not part of the blouse?
a. placket b. armhole c. sleeve hem
d. slit
_____6. Which of the following is not part of skirt?
a. neckline b. hemline c. pocket
d. slit

B. Sequencing. Arrange the following procedure in trimming excess threads by

writing a, b, c and d.
_____7. Invert blouse right out. Trim excess threads on placket, button
attachment, other trimmings/accents
_____8. Invert the garment.
_____9. Cut excess threads starting from top to bottom.
_____10. Inspect for the hanging/excess threads on the different parts.




This lesson deals with pressing finished garment on ladies casual



At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. identify the pressing tools and their uses;
2. execute the general techniques in pressing garment;
3. follow the procedure in pressing finished garment;
4. discuss the methods of removing stain from fabrics; and
5. appreciate the beauty of well finished garments.


Words to Study

• Cuff – band on hems of sleeves encircling arms for short sleeves or long
• Lapel – part front coat that folds back when the collar is being worn
• Ruffle – strip or piece of fabric attached to hems or ends of any garment
article where it is applicable
• Scorch – to iron dry on the surface
• Stain - a small soil or disclosed area
• Yoke – a fitted portion on the upper part of the bodice, blouse or skirt is


Pressing is important in garment construction for it shapes and set

stitched lines. It is done on the seam and darts to lay flat the point pieces.
Before beginning to press; remember these following points
• Be sure that iron is clean.
• Care should be taken when pressing silk, wool, and rayon.
• Iron is not being too hot for wool and silk will be yellowed and scorched
at a comparatively high temperature.
• A hot iron will melt rayon fibers.
• Press wool and silk on the wrong side.
• Pressing on the right side produces an undesirable shine.
• Cotton and linen may be pressed on either sides.
• Vegetables fibers stand a hotter iron than those of animal origin. They
are easier to press when slightly damp.

Pressing Tools and Equipment and Their Uses

1. An electric iron is used in straightening

wrinkle on finished garment for a neat

2. An ironing board is padded, smooth and

adjustable in height. The cover should be
kept clean and smooth for ready use.

3. Ironing board sheet cover should be made

of cotton or linen with light colors and it is
used in covering the ironing board.

4. Bowls and sponges are used to dampen

fabrics for easy ironing.

5. Press cloth is used to prevent iron shine and is always used when
applying fusible interfacing.

How to Use an Iron

• Do not let the iron cord drag over your work.

• To avoid scorching the iron board cover, tilt the iron back on its heel
when not in use.
• If starch or sizing is stuck to the iron, let it cool, and then scour it with
soap and non scratching scouring powder or baking soda.
• Turn off the iron when it is not in use.
• It is safe to use distilled water on steam iron.
General Pressing Techniques

• Regulate the iron temperature as directed on the permanent care label,

or on the dial setting for the fabric. If you are unsure about the fiber
content, begin by testing it with low temperature setting.
• If you are working on the thin fabrics or doing slow work, as in shrinking
or pressing gathers, keep the iron temperature slightly lower than for
heavier fabrics.
• Line and cotton require considerable moisture or eliminating wrinkle and
should be pressed until dry for smooth finish.

• Wool requires moisture in pressing to prevent damage to the fibers – dry
heat maker them brittle.
• Thick materials need more pressure.
• Thermoplastic, man made-fibers are heat sensitive for they tend to melt
and glaze. These fabrics often press better dry.
• Use the tips or edge of the iron on seams, hold the iron above the fabric
and apply it light by easily damaged texture.
• Press with grain.
• Avoid pressing over basting or pins.
• Press embroidery, brand buttons, and such rough textures from the
wrong side over the soft pad.
• Press collars, lapels, cuff, belts, and pocket first on the wrong side. Then
finish them on the right side very lightly over a press cloth.
• Avoid lengthwise creases in sleeves or lapels.
• Remove any stains or soil before pressing, as heat would probably set the

Procedure in Pressing Finished Garments

1. Press interior parts, such as pocket facings, seams, linings, and shoulder
2. Press dangling parts, such as sleeves and sashes.
3. Press ruffles and gathers before the other parts.
4. Press yoke and shoulder seams before the lower blouse.
5. Press the top parts of long garment before the lower part, blouse before
skirt, skirt top before lower part of the skirt.
6. Collar is usually the last because its position next to the face is so
7. Hang the garment on a well padded hanger to dry completely, without

Characteristics of Well Pressed Garments

Pressing can be added to a garment’s attractiveness. How will you know

if you have pressed carefully? There are some signs that indicate a well-
done job.
• The garment is free of wrinkles.
• The original texture has been preserved.
• The original shape of the garment has been maintained.
• No outline on the inside details slows on the outside.
• Inside long seams have been pressed open if they were pressed open

Methods of Removing Stains from Fabrics

Stain Cotton and Linen Rayon, Silk and Wool

Blood • New stain: Soak in cold or • Cover with paste of
lukewarm water for several raw starch and
hours in soapy water. water. Let dry and
• Old stain: Soak in warm brush.
water and ammonia. Use 2 • Sponge in cold or
tablespoon of ammonia to lukewarm water.
1 gallon of water. Remove grease spot
with solvent.

Coffee • Wash in ordinary washing. • Sponge the stain
• Lay garment with stain with cold or
over a vessel. Pour boiling lukewarm water.
water from length of 2 or 3
feet through the stain.
Fruit • Stretch the stain and • Use warm water
material over a basin. Pour and sponge the
boiling water on the spot stain. Add a few
from a length of 3 to 4 drops of ammonia
inches. to hydrogen
peroxide, and then
lightly sponge the
Grease • 1. Wash as in ordinary • Sponge with alcohol
laundering. Naptha soap is
especially good.
Iron rust • Sprinkle the stain with salt • Use the same
moisture and with lemon methods usually for
juice and place in the sum. cotton and linen.
Repeat process if
• 2. For white material use
few drops of oxalic acid.
Wash the acid out
thoroughly with water.


The achievement of professional appearance in

pressing requires understanding and careful attention to
fabric construction, fiber content and finishing touches.



1. What are the characteristics of a well-pressed garment?

2. How does one judge a well-fitted garment?
3. How are stains, spots and marks removed from a garment?


There are several kinds of fabric satin with blood. Select one and
remove the stained spots carefully. You will be rated using the following criteria.

Stain is totally removed - 5

Stain is light brown - 4
Stain is medium brown - 3
Stain is dark brown - 1

Quiz no. 3: True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if its
____1. To avoid scorching the iron board cover, tilt the iron back on its heel
when not in use.
____2. Thick materials need more pressure.
____3. Avoid pressing over basting or pins.
____4. Remove any stains or soil before pressing.
____5. Avoid lengthwise creases in sleeves or lapels.
____6. Press embroidery in right side.
____7. Use the tips or edge of the iron on seams.
____8. Do not let the iron cord drag over your work.
____9. Cotton and linen may be pressed on either sides.
____10. A hot iron will melt rayon fibers.

Fourth Quarter Supplemental Activity

Quarter: Fourth Week no.: 6

Grade Level: 9 Specialization: Garments
Unit of Competencies/ Core Competencies: Apply Finishing Touches on Ladies’
Casual Apparel
Module Title: : Apply Finishing Touches on Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Learning Outcome: Pressing finished garments
Activity Title: Pressing finished garments
1. Identify the steps in pressing the finished garments
2. Follow the techniques in pressing the finished garments
3. Observe safety measures when pressing the finished garments

Materials Needed:

• Iron
• Iron board
• Clothes/Finished Garment
• Spray Bottle

1. Prepare the tools and materials needed.
2. Do the following:
Pressing the underside
Pressing the collar
Pressing the center front placket and hem
Pressing the sleeve

3. While doing the pressing take a picture on how you press the finished
garments and compile it in Powerpoint presentation with brief

Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Fairly Needs Score

(5) Satisfactory (3) Satisfactory Improvement
(4) (2) (1)
Knowledge Procedure Some of the Few of the Most of the Did not follow
were procedures procedures procedures any of the
followed were were were not procedures.
properly. omitted. omitted. followed.

Speed Finished Finished on Finished but Finished but Did not

ahead of time. late by three late by more finish.
time. minutes. than three

Safety The The The The Did not

equipment equipment equipment equipment observe safety
are are properly are properly are not measures
properly used sometimes properly
used with sometimes used but did used and
care. and kept not kept did not kept
after using . after using after using


Pressing Equipment
Model Garments
Different Fabric Swatches


Mabel D. Erwin, Lilia A. Kinchen, Kathleen A. Peters, Clothing for Moderns

Sixth Edition
Carmelita Bildan Hilario, Clothing Technology Made Easy, Philippine Copyright,
Margarita J. Fernandez, Modern Dressmaking and Methods, Preliminary Edition



At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. prepare packaging materials of finished garment;
2. practice the packaging procedures of finished garment; and
3. observe sanitary health procedures in packaging finished garments.


Words to Study

• Sorting is a process of separating pieces of work according

to kind, class or nature.
• Label is a slip attached to something for identification or
• Price tag is a piece of material attached to a commodity
stating the price.
• Packaging to make into or enclose in a package the process
of enclosing a finished apparel into a appropriate packaging
material, pressed, folded and labelled


Product packaging has assumed a great importance in modern

marketing. Packaging is not only an important means of protecting the
content, but also a powerful means of pre-selling the consumer and
assisting in-store selection.
The package that gives the consumer an advantage and greater
satisfaction in some manner comes from sale promotion like a pouring spout
or cellophane tops for easy opening.

Packaging Materials of Finished Garments

The following information should be
included in the label of finished garments.
• Brand name or trade mark
• Country origin
• Physical and chemical composition

Care Label Symbols

Symbols Used in Washing, Dry Cleaning and Ironing Clothes.

Recommended Wash Temperature

160° hot water any soap or detergent

120° medium hot water with any soap or detergent
105° warm water with a mild soap or mild detergent
CW use cold water; it lessens the danger or staining and shrinkage
WS wash separately; it lessens the danger of staining and shrinkage

Recommended Heat Temperature in Ironing

H hot iron

M medium-hot iron

C cool iron

S steaming iron

L little or no ironing

Symbols for Correct Washing Method

DD drip-dry
TD you may tumble-dry
DR dry rapidly (for example remove excess moisture between towels)

SD spin-dry
DF dry flat
LD hang on line towel

Here are how these symbols might look on labels; what they tell you

• Wash by machine or by
hand ion hot water with
any soap or detergent.
Use bleach carefully.
Tumble-dry. Do not dry-
clean. Iron with hot iron.

• Wash by hand in warm

water with any soap or
detergent. Do not
bleach. Dry-clean. Little
or no ironing.

• Wash by hand by
lukewarm water mild
soap or detergent. Do
not bleach. Dry rapidly.
Dry-clean. Do not iron.

Price Tag
A price tag is a devise attached to a commodity which states a
price. A price tag should be visible, clearly written, no alteration or erasures of
any sort.
A. Cellophane
Appearance of packing cellophane
• clean
• free from wrinkles
• with flap
• fitted to the size of garment

B. Characteristics of Packing Tape

• adhesive
• transparent
• clean
C. Marking Pen
Marking pen should be black, permanent, and does not blot.

Packaging Procedure for Finished Garment

1. Sorting of garments according to:

• Style
Example: Blouses with sleeve and with sports collar should be
• Color

Example: Blouses of the same style and same color must be
• Size
Example: XXL - Extra Extra large
XL – Extra Large
L – Large
M – Medium
S – Small
XS – Extra small

3. Putting label and price tags

4. Folding finished garment
5. Packing finished garment in cellophane
6. Sealing the packed garment


Remember to look for care labels when you buy ready-to-

wear garments. They may have special message for you on how
to give care to your garments.


Explain briefly your answer for the following questions:

1. Why is labelling garment needed or important?

2. How are finished garments packed?

Fourth Quarter Supplemental Activities

Quarter: Fourth Week no.: 7

Grade Level : Grade 9 Specialization:
Unit of Competencies/ Core Competencies: Apply Finishing Touches on Ladies’
Casual Apparel
Module Title: Applying Finishing Touches on Ladies’ Casual Apparel
Activity Title: Drawing (Care Label Symbols)
Objectives : At the end of this activity, students should be able to :
1. Identify the kinds of care label symbols
2. Draw and label the different kinds of care label symbols
3. Appreciate skills in drawing of care label symbols
Materials Needed :
• Bond Paper A4 size
• Pencil
• Coloring Materials
Procedures :
1. Prepare all the materials needed.
2. Draw and label the different kinds of care label symbols
3. Color your work
Assessment Method : Performance Assessment with Performance Criteria
Scoring Rubrics for Draw and Identify the kinds of care label symbols
Check the column corresponds to your evaluation
Rating Scale
Items To Be Evaluated
5 4 3 2 1 Total
1. The different kinds of care label symbols
were given.
2. different care label symbols were named
3. It was drawn properly and with
4. It shows appropriate color.

Quiz no. 4

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer and write it in your quiz notebook.

1. It is a piece of material attached to a commodity stating the price.

a. Sorting b. Label c. Price Tag d. Packaging
2. Which of the following is not included in the label of a finished garment?
a. Brand name b. price c. country origin d. physical
and chemical composition
3. Recommended wash temperature for hot water, any soap or detergent.
a. 160° b. 120° c. 105° d. 110°
4. The following information should be included in the label of a garment
a. brand name b. country origin

c. expiration date d. physical and chemical composition
5. B with X over in the labels of finished garment means:
a. do not use bleach b. do not hand wash
c. do not dry clean d. don’t dry
6. A hand sign placed on the label tag of the garment.
a. use hot iron b. dry clean c. do not hand wash d. can be
hand wash
7. It is to make into or enclose in a package the process of enclosing a
finished apparel into an appropriate packaging material, pressed, folded
and labelled
a. Sorting b. Label c. Price Tag d. Packaging
8. It is a slip attached to something for identification or description.
a. Sorting b. Label c. Price Tag d. Packaging
9. It is a process of separating pieces of work according to kind, class or
a. Sorting b. Label c. Price Tag d. Packaging
10. A price tag should be ______.
a. visible, clearly written with no alteration.
b. beautiful and creative
c. has an updated information.
d. all the above


Read and understand the questions below. Choose the best answer by
writing the letter of your answer in your quiz notebook.

I. Multiple Choice: Read and understand the items below. Choose the best
answer that will identify the item being described. Write the
letter of your answer in your quiz notebook.

1. There are four types of fastener. Which of the following is the most commonly
a. button
b. hook-and-eye
c. snap
d. zipper
2. This is a way of attaching button with two holes.
a. arrow head
b. common way
c. cross
d. parallel
3. Horizontal buttonholes are made by making what?
a. a fan with one end and bar at the other hand
b. bars on both ends
c. fans on both ends
d. square on both edges
4. Which is not a characteristic of a well-made buttonhole?
a. buttonholes are overcast
b. cut correctly and accurately
c. cut following the thread of the fabric
d. spared evenly

5. Which of the following is the appropriate hem for blouse?
a. catch stitch
b. lock stitch
c. over handing stitches
d. slip stitch
6. Which of these is not a seam finish?
a. French seam
b. overcast seam
c. pinked seam
d. zigzag seam
7. What tool is used to cut excess thread on a finished garment?
a. blade
b. cutter
c. cutter shears
d. trimming shears
8. What cutting tool has 4-5 inches long and is used to clip thread in the sewing
a. pinking shears
b. shears
c. trimming scissors
d. trimming shears
9. This means to cut with short quick strokes using a pair of scissors
a. to cut
b. to snip
c. to slash
d. to trim
10. What is the first step in trimming excess thread in a finished garment?
a. inspect hanging threads
b. invert the garment
c. cut excess thread
d. none of these
11. What is the effect if garments are not properly hung?
a. missing buttons
b. ripped stitches
c. ripped hems
d. wrinkles
12. What is the first procedure in packaging a finished garment mean?
a. folding
b. putting label tags
c. sealing
d. sorting
13. What does “B with X” in the labels of finished garment mean?
a. Do not dry clean
b. Do not hand wash
c. Do not use bleach
d. Do not starch
14. What does a “hand” sign placed on the label tag of garment mean? a. can
be hand washed
b. do not hand wash
c. dry clean
d. use hot iron
15. What do you call a packaging material attached to a commodity stating the
price offered for sale?
a. label tag
b. price tag

c. packaging tag
d. sealing tag
16. Which is not included in sorting finished garments?
a. color
b. size
c. style
d. none of these
17. What does “160ºC” on the tag of the finished garment mean?
a. hot water with any soap or detergent
b. medium hot water with any soap or detergent
c. warm water with the mild soap or detergent
d. cold water with soap or detergent
18. What does “DD” on the label tag of garment mean?
a. don’t dry
b. door dry
c. drip dry
d. dry and dry

II. Sequencing: Arrange the steps in pressing finished garments using letters A
to G. Write your answers on your quiz notebook.
_____19. Sleeves and sash
_____20. Pockets, facing, seam
_____21. Yoke
_____22. Ruffle and gathers
_____23. Top part of garment
_____24. Hang the garment
_____25. Collar


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