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USJR-LAW SY: 2020-2021

SUBJECT: Constitutional Law 1

TOPIC: Veto Power
TITLE: Bolinao Electronics Corp. v. Valencia
CITATION: G.R. No. L-20740, 30 June 1964

This is an original petition for prohibition, mandatory injunction with
preliminary injunction filed by the Bolinao Electronics Corporation,
Chronicle Broadcasting Network, Inc. and Monserrat Broadcasting
System, Inc., owners and operators of radio and television stations
enumerated therein, against respondents Secretary of Public Works and
Communications and Acting Chief of the Radio Control Division. Later the
Republic of the Philippines, as operator of the Philippine Broadcasting
Service, sought and was allowed to intervene in this case, said
interveners having been granted a construction permit to install and
operate a television station in Manila.
Petitioners’ applications for renewal of their station licenses were denied
because it should be filed two month before the expiration of the
license. Pursuant to Section 3 of Act 3846, as amended by Republic Act
584, on the powers and duties of the Secretary of Public Works and
Communications (formerly Commerce And Communications), he may
approve or disapprove any application for renewal of station or operator
license, provided, however, That no application for renewal shall bed is
approved without giving the licensee a hearing.
Thus, the notices of hearing were sent by respondents to petitioners.
Clearly, the intention of the investigation is to find out whether there is
ground to disapprove the applications for renewal. According to
petitioner however, the violation has ceased to exist when the act of late
filing was condoned or pardoned by respondents by the issuance of the
circular dated July24, 1962.The lone reason given for the investigation of
petitioners' applications, i.e., late filing thereof, is therefore no longer
tenable. The violation, in legal effect, ceased to exist and, hence, there is
no reason nor need for the present investigation. They were summoned
by Valencia, then Secretary of Communications, for operating even after
their permit has expired. Valencia claimed that because of CBN’s
continued operation sans license and their continuing operation had
caused damage to his department.
Whether or not the President can veto a condition attached to an
appropriation in the appropriation bill.
Under the Constitution, the President has the power to veto any
particular item or items of an appropriation bill. However, when a
provision of an appropriation bill affects one or more items of the same,
the President cannot veto the provision without at the same time
vetoing the particular item or items to which it relates. (Art. VI, Sec. 20)
It may be observed from the wordings of the Appropriations Act that the
amount appropriated for the operation of the Philippine Broadcasting
Service was made subject to the condition that the same shall not be
used or expended for operation of television stations in Luzon where
there are already existing commercial television stations. This gives rise
to the question of whether the President may legally veto a condition
attached to an appropriation or item in the appropriation bill. But this is
not a novel question. A little effort to research on the subject would have
yielded enough authority to guide action on the matter. For, in the
leading case of State vs. Holder 2 it was already declared that such action
by the Chief Executive was illegal. This ruling, that the executive's veto
power does not carry with it the power to strike out conditions or
restrictions, has been adhered to in subsequent cases. If the veto is
unconstitutional, it follows that the same produced no effect
whatsoever, and the restriction imposed by the appropriation bill,
therefore, remains. Any expenditure made by the intervenor PBS, for the
purpose of installing or operating a television station in Manila, where
there are already television stations in operation, would be in violation of
the express condition for the release of the appropriation and,
consequently, null and void. It is not difficult to see that even if it were
able to prove its right to operate on Channel 9, said intervenor would not
have been entitled to reimbursement of its illegal expenditures.

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