Task 03 Media Plan For Eywa

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................3
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................3
VISION FOR THE FUTURE...............................................................................................................4
BUSINESS GOALS/MISSION.............................................................................................................4
BUSINESS PHILOSOPY/IDENTITY.................................................................................................4
MAIN OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................5
BUSINESS OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................5
MARKETING OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................6
ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................................6
GEOGRAPHICAL MARKETS..........................................................................................................7
SITUATION ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................8
MARKETING ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................8
MARKETING STRATEGY................................................................................................................8
FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES...............................................................................................................8
CUSTOMER ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................9
PRIMARY TARGET MARKET.........................................................................................................9
PRODUCT BENEFIT AND UNIQUE SELLING PREPOSITION................................................10
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................11
SWOT ANALYSIS..............................................................................................................................15
LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS............................................................................................16
ADVERTISING ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................18
ADVERTISING STRATEGY............................................................................................................18
MIXED MEDIA AND PRODUCT AWARENESS GOALS............................................................18
MIXED MEDIA................................................................................................................................18
GOALS AND STRATEGIES............................................................................................................18
MEDIA STRATEGY..........................................................................................................................20

MARKETING ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................20
CREATIVE AND COMMUNICATION CONSIDERATION.........................................................21
MARKETING SCHEDULE...............................................................................................................23
MEDIA BUDGET...............................................................................................................................26
CAMPAIGN EVALUATION STRATEGY......................................................................................27



Eywa is an Australian-owned company which produces natural chemical-free skin and

body care products containing only organic ingredients, selected for their miraculous skin
rejuvenating properties. These ingredients are derived from over 70 different plant and
flower species including a few rare plants found in the Amazon rainforest.
Eywa has a main focus on a completely natural skin healing agent. Since most of the
today’s products are synthetic, they do not carry any positive long lasting effect. Their
effects are in most cases negative, especially in countries where there are less strict laws
that govern the production and marketing of cosmetics. Our product is, therefore, one of its
kind due to its natural ingredients since it is extracted from trees and without usage of any
synthetic material.
In the near future, Eywa will launch a new range of products known as Earthsprite. All
the new products will contain tamanu oil that is extracted from a tamanu tree, which is
indigenous in most parts of South East Asia. Natural products are known to have no
negative effects on the skin, and they are popular for their positive features. Earthsprite are
among the most effective natural products which have no negative effects on the skin.
This media plan will give a description of the product and the company in order to
familiarize the public with the new product on the market. It will also look into the
objectives of the whole idea of the media plan as well as that of the marketing strategy that
has been used in the plan. Further, the media plan will give the recommendations on how
the advertisement will be carried out, starting with the channels that will be employed. The
channels will be chosen based on the target group and the desired demographic bracket at
which the products will be aimed. The goal will be achieved with the help of a thorough
market survey, which will determine the most potential market population with regard to
skin treatments. The unique features of the products will be discussed, and their advantages
or superiority over the existing products in the market will be put forward.


Eywa will be the highest quality Australian skin-care products, supporting chemical-
free skin and body care campaign. Eywa will capitalize on the health benefits of containing
only organic ingredients, selected for miraculous skin rejuvenating properties. This will
make us unique and mean that Eywa is the company capable of satisfying the need of
environmental friendly and chemical-free skin and body care products in the national
Eywa’s inspired by this idea to create a network of authentic connections between
people and different cultures, enhancing the skills and knowledge of local communities,
learning from those who have always lived a certain territory how to benefit from natural
products in a sustainable way.


Eywa is committed to become the leader in the Australian market for premium quality
and chemical-free skin and body care products and maintaining a company culture which
fosters and encourages continuous improvement. Our mission is to provide Australian
consumers with the highest quality products maintaining the promise to trade fairly with
both local and overseas suppliers, promoting sustainable behavior and reducing our
ecological footprint.
On top of this business outlook, the Earthsprite related business is also geared towards
introducing better products to the market. Due to the lower inspection standards in
Australia, it is important that the companies in the country embrace the social corporate
responsibility and release products which would make the society better and not to the
contrary. The welfare as well as the well-being of consumers should be placed ahead of the
company profits, a feat that very few companies have accomplished. Most of the
companies check the sustainability of their profitability and the welfare of the consumer is
considered later in the planning phase.  


Eywa wish to offer Australians the opportunity to enjoy a of the quality derived from
over 70 different plant and flower species including a few rare plants found in the Amazon
rainforest whilst feeling secure in the knowledge that Eywa is committed to upholding fair
trade practices and supporting sustainability both within Australia and internationally to
provide chemical-free skin and body care products. By combining innovation, creativity
and artisan expertise Eywa will achieve customer satisfaction levels which surpass its
rivals. Eywa’s corporate philosophies are reflected in our customer-oriented management
and operations, providing excellence and ensuring uncompromised quality in our products
and services.
The ongoing effort to expand our existing market and create new markets as well as our
continuous research and development, fosters positive growth through diversification. The
business will mainly focus on a completely natural skin healing agent. Since most of the
today’s products are synthetic, they do not carry any positive long lasting effect. Their
effects are in most cases negative, especially in countries where there are less strict laws
that govern the production and marketing of cosmetics. Eywa’s product, therefore, one of
its kind due to its natural ingredients since it is extracted from trees and without usage of
any synthetic material.



This media plan is directed towards the promotion of less harmful cosmetics. It’s
supporting for the use of purely natural products that come from natural sources. Synthetic
cosmetics are associated with many recurring problems that affect the skin of the user in a
negative way. Though they take a long time to show their negative effects, they have them
anyway, and their users rarely detect the negative effects in time. People need to be
enlightened on the issues and made aware of the dangers behind the use of synthetic
cosmetics. The success of this media plan with regard to enlightening the public on drugs
will be analyzed after six months of the advertisements, with the sales of the new products
of Earthsprite being the indicator.   
The media plan also aims at ensuring that people find a solution to their skin problems.
Since they will be aware of the negative changes of their skin, they will be as well

provided with a solution to the issue. A natural cosmetic is by far the best option due to its
eco-friendliness and positive effects on the user. Eywa also wants to create awareness to
the people that the product is not only used for beauty but also for curative purposes. Many
cosmetics are never directed towards curing the skin, but our new product is one of its

Earthsprite products are new to the market and need a place in the market segment to do
well in business. Entering a difficult market is usually accompanied by a lack of interest in
buying from customers. Therefore, it is important that new products enter the market in
high spirits to ensure that they get the best results in terms of sales and popularity. This
media plan will ensure that the marketing of the new product is carried out in the desired
and appropriate way for the product to remain viable in order to beat existing competitors.
The process will also provide the company's product and brand on the market. Eywa
products are made from extracts from real trees and flowers, a feature that no other
cosmetic company in the country has. Tamanu products will be a new brand for the Eywa
industry; they will be very different from all the other products that are on the market
Finally, the media plan will determine to define the focus groups, which will be the
target of the product. If the target population is a large population composition, then it is
easy to reach them and believe advertising will be greeted with a large margin. Therefore,
the people who are targeted are determined at this stage, where they are identified and
selected from the entire population; methods to reach them effectively will also be
identified. Failure to use complete judgment to reach the desired market will result in
failure of the overall marketing strategy.

The main objective of this advertising campaign is to successfully promote the launch
of the Earthsprite skin care range. This is a significant step in the entry of this new brand to
the market. As previously mentioned, it is very important for a brand to enter the market
with the highest possible popularity. The starting point determines the future performance

of new products on the market. If the market response is good, it will be easier for a
product to survive the tough business competition. People will be tempted to try new
products with the slightest idea of their effects. The more people try the product, the more
it enlarges its market segment, giving rise to competition with existing products from the
same line.
On the other hand, a bad launch, which means poor access to the market, limits the
opportunities for getting the desired publicity and popularity. If this were the case, people
probably would never like the product and very few of them would try it on their skin. It
will be considered a weak brand in the eyes of customers, which will damage its reputation
initially. Therefore, it is important for Earthsprite's product promotion team to ensure that
the product enters the market as well as possible and reaches as many people as possible
during the launch. People watching the launch should be tempted to try the product which
is the main goal of the entire media marketing process.
Another product advertising goal is to create brand awareness for Earthsprite products
and differentiate the brand from its many competitors. We want to position the Earthsprite
range as the only high-quality, 100% natural and highly beneficial skincare brand at an
affordable price. Unlike most cosmetic products or other skin applications, Eywa products
are supposed to display their unique characteristics, which include purity and extraction
from natural sources. Natural skin application products not only make skin look attractive
but also have significant healing and restoring qualities. This is a very unique feature that
no other skin application product can be proud of. Our Earthsprite product is unique in this
respect, and it ranks high above other competitors. The advertisement will ensure that there
will be a well communicated message which will ensure that customers are aware of the
excellence of our product line. This will be the biggest campaign success as people will
search for products based on their uniqueness and differences from other products in the
same industry. We believe that if these goals are achieved, our product line will be very
successful, and there will be product marketing that can easily be extended along the
product line that contains Tamanu.

There are many companies involved in the sale of cosmetic and skin care products.
Most of them are located in cities and towns, which provides them with better catchments
and stable markets. If the product does not find a stable market, they may lose potential
customers. Geographically, Eywa is well positioned and on par with other competitors. We
are located in an industrial area, and our geographic location will have very little impact on
our market entry. We are also located close to the source of our raw materials, which
ensures that there are minimal costs in the transportation and production of materials. This
is a very important issue because we will have good competitiveness in determining the
price of our new product.
We have also put in place the right distribution channels and are able to reach all retail
and wholesale outlets in the country. Therefore, it is no longer important to consider
location as vital in product distribution or performance. We will reach all of our customers
effectively and offer reasonable prices for our products. The primary market will be inner
city and suburban areas throughout Australia in order to capitalize on the shopping centers
and local hubs of the major Australian cities (Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and


Eywa is committed to being a leader in the Australian market to produce skin and body
care products that are safe and chemical-free so that they are of premium quality and
maintain a company culture that results in continuous improvement and is ready to grow.
The objectives of the Eywa’s advertising campaign are to successfully promote the launch
of the Earthsprite skin care range, create brand awareness for the Earthsprite products, and
differentiate the brand from its many competitors. We wish to position the Earthsprite
range as the only high-quality, 100% natural, highly beneficial skin care brand that is
reasonably priced.
Our goal is to become the national retailer of choice for healthy skin-care lovers who
are consistent in developing and campaigning for safe skin-care. Our mission is to provide

Australian consumers with the highest quality skin and body care products on the market
while maintaining consistency to trade fairly with local and overseas suppliers and promote
sustainable behavior along the supply chain and reduce the environmental impact caused
by our production and distribution processes.

1. A double-digit growth rate for each future year.
2. Continue to increase our gross profit margins.
3. Continue to decrease the variable costs associated with chocolate production.

We have positioned ourselves in the market as a market provider of skin-care and
cosmetic products - we provide superior quality skin and body care products that are
chemical-free so they are very safe to use for a very long period of time. Eywa is a
contemporary, innovative and customer-focused company that provides a wide variety and
choices, especially in healthy and eco-friendly alternatives. Eywa positioning leverages
these forces and pivots around two top priorities:

• Products: Cocoa Delights provides the highest quality cosmetic and skin care products
available in the Australian market. Eywa believes nature provides us with everything we
need to look and feel beautiful and healthy. Nature looks after us so we should look after
nature. Eywa products contain ingredients from plants which are grown organically and
ethically and are highly effective. We are the only company that is able to meet all the
unmet needs in the national market.

• Price: Many skin and body care products may have the same campaign, namely to increase
the productivity of safe skin-care without chemical ingredients. However, this makes the
resulting products have a high enough price compared to normal skin care products. Eywa
wish to position the Earthsprite range as the only high-quality, 100% natural, highly
beneficial skin care brand that is reasonably priced.




 Mostly female

 aged 25-54

 young and middle-aged professionals who work or live in inner city or suburban

 families, couples and singles

Lifestyle: Beauty conscious and interested in looking after their well-being using holistic-
approach to health. They consider taking care of their skin a major priority.
Geographic: They live and work in inner city or suburban areas of Sydney, Melbourne,
Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth
Social and Cultural Factors: The target audiences come from various racial backgrounds.
Values or Attitude Factors: They live an active life, occupying themselves with any
combination of work, study, raising children, staying fit and healthy, and socializing. They
are becoming increasingly aware of the adverse effects of chemical-based skin care
products. They are searching for a skin care regime based on natural products which won’t
harm their body or the environment
Existing Product Usage: They are looking for natural skin care products which are good
value for money and will leave their skin looking radiant and help fight aging.


Our products are very unique and have well-researched and proven advantages over
other products of the same type. While most of the available products similar to our
Earthsprite products are synthetic, our new product line is pure natural, effective,
affordable and innovative as well. This is a very important characteristic because very few
products have a natural taste. Synthetic products are known to react with the bodies of
different people, leading to a violation of the US Food and Drug Administration, which
requires cosmetics to be used to change the desired appearance, smell, and other

appearance without altering bodily functions. In Australia, the laws are not as strict and
people continue to use cosmetics which in turn change their physiology.
All Earthsprite products contain tamanu oil which has "the unique capacity to promote
new tissue formation, promote healing and growth of healthy skin". While other cosmetics
add a layer of detachable ingredients to the user's body, our new product will add even
more value to the skin. They will speed up wound healing and give the skin a tougher yet
smoother texture. Therefore, it is difficult for users of the product to experience lasting
wounds. Our product is much more positive because, while other cosmetics improve the
wound, it ensures that healing is accelerated and the user gets tougher skin.
Eywa producers believe that nature provides us with everything we need to look and
feel beautiful and healthy. Nature takes care of us so we have to take care of nature. Eywa
products contain ingredients from plants that are grown organically and ethically and are
very effective. These products are not obtained from materials developed in the laboratory,
but from a beautiful and friendly nature. Users of our products will have a natural feeling
of peace within them and are not afraid that their cosmetics will turn against them.
Eywa is 100% Australian owned. Hence, it is one product that Australian citizens and
patriots are proud of. They can easily identify it, and by using the product, they will
promote their local industry and their ecosystem. We should also note that most cosmetic
dealers are foreign and having superior, more effective and affordable products will be a
very important economic step Australia will take. Earthsprite produces Eywa products
from hoe trees and herbs, ensuring that all extracts used to produce exemplary products are
produced, produced and ultimately sold locally. Anyone who is proud to be Australian
should be proud of this extraordinary product.
Eywa products are excellent value for money as they are more reasonably priced than
their competitors' products. This is due to the close understanding between local producers
and the needs and economic status of the Australian community. Products are made from
locally sourced products, giving Eywa a great opportunity to provide products at affordable


Competitive Strength < ----------------------------------------------- > Weakness

Customer base 
Facilities 
Reputation 

Accessibility 
Client proximity 
Parking 
Visibility/signs 

Product mix
Selection 
Price/quality 
Benefits 

Interior 
Exterior 

Communications 
Coverage 
Consistency 

Operating Hours 
Speed and 

Friendliness 

Eywa has a strong competitive position with relatively few weaknesses. We will focus on
increasing our marketing efforts. We have a smaller marketing budget compared to
international brands competing in the same market.



Customer base   
Facilities   
Reputation   

Product mix
Selection   
Price/quality   
Benefits   
Interior   
Exterior   

Overall quality   
Consistency   
Materials   
Presentation   


Accessibility   
Parking   
Proximity to customers   
Visibility/signs   

Operating hours   
Speed and quality   
Friendliness   

Very competitive

Mildly competitive


The Body Shop is a British skincare, perfume, and cosmetics company and was founded in
the year 1976 by Dame Anita Roddick. According to the Body’s Shop website, their
“business is about engaging and inspiring customers around their individual needs for skin
care and hair care… this relies on attracting and retaining the skills, knowledge and
creative talent to deliver excellent products with exceptional service to their millions of
customers worldwide”. The company has a presence in over 51 countries, conducts
business in 21 languages, operates nearly 2000 stores (about 70% are franchised).The
company produces premium quality skincare product and has a socially responsible brand
image. Their marketing strategy promotes ethical, fair trade and organic principles. Until
now The Body Shophas been marketed more effectively than Eywa. These factors pose a
significant threat to our business.

However as competition picked up The Body Shop struggled with high prices and lost a lot
of business to competitors. To compete with The Body shop, we need to run a successful
advertising campaign that engages our target audience and informs them of the benefits
using our products that are equivalent to, or exceed, The Body Shop products with more
affordable prices. We also have to strongly promote the fact that we belong to Australia,
because this is the main advantage we have over The Body Shop.
Cetaphil has a very strong reputation as one of the most innovative and creative companies
making premium skin care products. Another threat to Eywa is Cetaphil's huge
international advertising budget. Cetaphil's products are sold in more supermarkets and
department stores than Eywa. Cetaphil has products with a strong dermatologic
recommended, with the same focus as Eywa's to produce natural and healthy skin care with
far more affordable price in the market.
To compete with Cetaphil, we need to promote the following selling points:
• More attractive packaging (Cetaphil has a plain looks like a type of medicine)
• Reasonable price for high quality products
• The image of chemical-free products has to strongly be concerned in marketing strategy
Other competitors in the fair trade skin and body care market include:
• L'Ooccitane
• Sukin
• Jarlique
• Aesop
• Clinique
These competitors are currently not a big threat for Eywa. There are other skin and body
care producers in the market, but due to their marketing strategy and product range they do
not pose a serious threat to our business.


Strengths are defined as what each business does best in its gamut of operations which can
give it an upper hand over its competitors. The following are the strengths of Eywa:
 Australian made and owned

 high quality ingredients
 extensive product range
 socially responsible
 competitive prices
 innovation and creativity
 economic manufacturing technology

Weaknesses are used to refer to areas where the business or the
brand needs improvement.   Some of the key weaknesses of Eywa are:

 smaller marketing budget compared to international brands

 Not as strong a reputation as other older brands products sold in less sales outlets than
the two main competitors

Opportunities refer to those avenues in the environment that surrounds the business on
which it can capitalize to increase its returns. Some of the opportunities include:
 Growing anxiety on health: With the internet creating phobic on the usage of
chemicals in products, customers are going natural in most of their daily wear items.
This can be a huge opportunity for Eywa which promoting the natural ingredient skin
and body care products.

Threats are those factors in the environment which can be detrimental to the growth of the
business. Some of the threats include:
 Competition: The main competitors of Eywa are The Body Shop and Cetaphil
 Difficulty to attract customers: The market for beauty is huge but the competition is
profuse with the result that it has become increasingly difficult to attract as well as
engage customers. The result is that as time progresses only top brands will survive
and all others are at threat of acquisitions.


The following legislation, regulations or codes of practice directly affect the ‘Get in touch
with your dark side’ campaign:

 Competition and Consumer Act 2010

 Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code

 The Code of Practice on Nutrient Claims in Food Labels and in Advertisements 1995

 Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) Food and Beverages

Advertising and Marketing Communications Code

 Internet Advertising Networks of Australia (IANA) Code of Conduct

 Broadcasting Services Act 1992.

Eywa in ‘Reconnect with the nature’ advertising campaign will be compliant with the
above legislation and Codes of practice in the following ways:

 Eywa will not engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or

 Eywa will not make any false health claims regarding food content or the ingredients in
its products

 Eywa will ensure that the label on the packaging of all the products referred to in its
advertisement applies include a nutrition information panel

 Eywa microsite those types of content forbidden by the IANA Code of Conduct

 Eywa will not knowingly violate any applicable laws or regulations with regards to its
website or advertising campaign microsite

 Eywa will respect the licence conditions stipulated by the Broadcasting Services Act
regarding the number, type and content of ads in C periods, bans advertising in P
periods, and C and P programs.



We hope to continue our growth in the advertising needs of Eywa's products by:

 Exceeded the company's growth target in the next 12 months

 Reached 1 million clicks to the 'Reconnect with the nature' micro site on Eywa by the end
of the campaign

 To receive at least 500,000 responses to our campaign emails by the end of the campaign.

 The campaign is projected to generate more than 50 million gross impressions from
January 1 to December 31, 2011. Gross impressions can be calculated by multiplying the
campaign's net reach by the average frequency:

Gross impressions = net reach x average frequency

 The Campaign microsite will have over 3 million visits, while we envision 100,000 email
registrations. The $ 5 million campaign covers all media, internet, and ad serving costs
driving a targeted cost per lead to less than $ 50. Eywa's promotional plans are diverse
and cover a wide range of marketing communications.

1. Print (magazine / newspaper): 15%

2. TV: 30%

3. Radio: 15%

4. Digital / internet: 30%

5. Marketing guarantee: 10%

6. In-store promotion: 5%

Exceeding the company's growth target in the next 12 months by:

 Direct email marketing - per customer group and per product type

 Regional advertising campaigns and to reach out to early users (radio, newspapers, etc.)

 Market products online

 Use a two-minute mini-movie ad on TV

 Encourage repeat customers to spread the word about our brand

 Provide information to the press.

Reach 1 million hits to Eywa 'Reconnect with the nature' via:

 bi-monthly communication with regular customers (via email)

 Advertising on company websites directing the target audience to micro sites

 Facebook and Twitter ads that direct target audiences to micro sites.

 To receive at least 500,000 responses to our campaign emails by encouraging

responses through campaign competitions (a year's supply of Black Decadence

Optimally target customer groups and markets as defined by:

 Specifically targeting skin care lovers with natural ingredients by advertising on TV

 Specifically targeting health conscious / environmentally conscious professionals by

advertising in health magazines, eg. Women's Health, Women's Weekly and Women's
Day, etc.

 Increase brand awareness for the campaign about the importance of using skin care
with natural ingredients and free from chemicals by 10% among the target audience in
one year by:

 Provide information to the press

 Enable the industry to embrace the brand

 Set up in-store promotions

 Use a two-minute mini-movie commercial on TV to build awareness.

 Inform loyal existing buyers of Eywa products about changes to the product range, by:

 Distribute flyers about Eywa products, especially Earthspirite

 Set up in-store promotions

 Showcases the wide range of Eywa products in TV commercials

 Discuss the entire Eyo range during radio commercials.

Persuade at least 15% of our main competitor's customer base to switch brands by:

 Focus on the target market

 Direct email marketing: per customer group and per product type

 Regional advertising campaigns and to reach early users (radio, newspapers).


Media vehicles to reach target audiences
1. Marketing materials. Brand new and new packaging designs (promotional packages,
flyers, and material charts). This media platform will inform target audiences about the
range of Eywa products available and communicate the quality of the skin and body
care products to the customers.
2. The 'Reconnect with the Nature' email campaign and microsite. Some people in our
target audience may not have access to the marketing materials provided in-store and
they may prefer online media to newspapers or other traditional media. This tactic will
ensure that the media preferences of everyone in this target market are addressed.
3. Online social media communications such as Twitter and Facebook and Instagram.
This is for a younger segment of our target audience who uses social networking tools a
lot. Research has shown us that this segment covers about 60% of our target audience.
Many of these people may not be overly exposed to other media vehicles. The Internet
will add an interactive aspect to our media mix. Using this type of interactive media
will help to target 25’s above women. The internet sources will give current and
potential customers a chance to receive our product knowledge.

4. Newspapers, including The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Brisbane Times,
The Advertiser and The West Australian. This media vehicle is excellent for reaching
local markets. Using the newspapers listed above, we will be able to focus specifically
on our target market as we have ensured that the majority of the audience lives in
Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.
5. Online advertising on the above newspaper website and, of course, the Eywa website,
as well as the Google, Adsense and AdWords optimization tools. The majority of our
target audience has daily exposure to online advertising. This media vehicle will enable
us to expand our reach in this target market.
6. Ads on TV.
7. Advertisements on major radio stations including Fox FM, 2DayFM, B105, SAFM,
92.9. Using the radio stations listed above, we will be able to focus specifically on our
target market as we have ensured that the majority of our viewers live in Melbourne,
Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.
8. In-store promotion. Our research found that 30% of the target audience makes the
decision to buy our products after they are in the store.


The objectives of the advertising campaign are to successfully promote the launch of the
Earthsprite skin care range, create brand awareness for the Earthsprite products,
and  differentiate the brand from its many competitors. We wish to position the Earthsprite
range as the only high-quality, 100% natural, highly beneficial skin care brand that is
reasonably priced.

Communication about the key points of the advertising campaign must be designed to
strengthen Eywa's position as a healthy and prestigious producer of natural skin and body
care, build existing customer loyalty, create awareness among the target audience for
Eywa's products, and promote Eywa as a company owned. Australian, innovative and
socially responsible and one that produces products of exceptional quality.

Advertising on television and digital advertising allows us to use our campaign mini-
film entitled 'Reconnect with the nature'. We believe this is a very interesting media tool

and the most successful element of this advertising campaign. Print ads will allow us to
display several of the same images that are contained in the thumbnail ad.
Radio advertisements will allow us to promote our catchy slogan 'Reconnect with the
Nature, use audio recordings from the mini-films and list the product benefits. Social
media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will also be very attractive and their
interactive potential will increase the strength of our advertising messages to be affordable
to target customers.



5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 27


L 10




direct e-
banner ads
g online



Channel 7 350,000

Channel 9 280,000

Channel 10 250,000


Women’s Day 150,000

Women’s Weekly 150,000

Women’s Health 220,000


Facebook 80,000

You-Tube 120,000

Instagram 180,000


Campaign Microsite

In-Store Promotion 250,000

Direct E-Mail 50,000

Facebook/Twitter Banner Ads 250,000

Other Online Advertising 250,000

TOTAL 2,800,000


To exceed company growth targets in Examining sales results on a monthly
the next 12 months basis
To achieve 1 million hits to the Checking the hit counter on the website
Earthsprite ‘Reconnect with the nature at the end of each month
microsite by the end of the campaign
To receive at least 500,000 responses to Checking the number of email responses
our campaign emails by the end of the at the end of each month
To optimize the penetration of target Conducting surveys and focus groups
customer groups and markets with a focus group of our target market
at the beginning and end of our
To increase brand awareness of Ewya’s Conducting monthly customer surveys
product by 15% amongst the target to measure incremental increases in
market within one year brand awareness over the 12 month
Inform existing Eywa’s Product Conducting in-store surveys to measure
customers of new additions to the the increasing product awareness
product range amongst existing customers.
Persuade at least 35% of potential Asking customers at the point sale where
customers emailed to make Eywa’s they found out about the Dark
product purchase Decadence range of products.
Persuade at least 20% of our main Conducting in-store surveys to establish
competitor’s customer base to switch to how many customers have switched
our brand brands

The media plan will be reviewed at the end of each month in accordance to the
measurement specified above. The media plan will be adjusted accordingly throughout the
campaign period.


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