Entrepreneurship On-Line Quiz

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Am I an Entrepreneur Quiz

 Entrepreneurs Quiz -- Self-assessment, test your entrepreneurial potential |


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Your results
General profile

Your motivations
Motivations are factors that determine behaviour. They are the underlying reasons that
induce someone to act.
Minimum score: 19
Average score: 62
Maximum score: 76
Your aptitudes
Aptitudes are natural inclinations, competencies, abilities. Certain aptitudes predispose
someone to be an entrepreneur.
Minimum score: 20
Average score: 67
Maximum score: 80
Your attitudes
Attitudes are made up of perceptions, our feelings about something. They are
judgements we make, ways we look at things.
Minimum score: 11
Average score: 37
Maximum score: 44

Your motivations
Motivations are factors that determine behaviour. They are the underlying reasons that
induce someone to act.
Minimum score: 19
Average score: 62
Maximum score: 76
Need for achievement / success
The need to achieve is demonstrated by a desire to progress, excel, perform. A person
who has this characteristic likes to set his own objectives and get feedback about what
he is doing to excel. Such people are often very competitive, especially with themselves.
Minimum score: 5
Average score: 17
Maximum score: 20
Power / control appeal
People who like power and control are often imbued with the desire to lead and
influence. In concrete terms, such people want to organize and coordinate actions and
mobilize resources. They also like to arouse admiration and acquire social status.
Minimum score: 5
Average score: 17
Maximum score: 20
Need for challenges / ambition
Challenge and ambition are closely related to the need to achieve. These people are
constantly looking for ways to take on difficult projects, achieve their dreams. They have
a constant need to learn.
Minimum score: 5
Average score: 16
Maximum score: 20
Self-sufficiency / freedom
People who are looking for independence and freedom want to be their own boss and
be able to make their own choices, set their own constraints - in short, make decisions
Minimum score: 4
Average score: 12
Maximum score: 16

Your aptitudes
Aptitudes are natural inclinations, competencies, abilities. Certain aptitudes predispose
someone to be an entrepreneur.
Minimum score: 20
Average score: 67
Maximum score: 80
Perseverance / determination
Perseverance is demonstrated by persisting in one's efforts, constant determination to
find solutions to problems. People who persevere and are determined will display
tenacity and are able to bounce back quickly.
Minimum score: 4
Average score: 14
Maximum score: 16
Self-confidence / enthusiasm
Self-confidence gives someone a belief in his own resources and abilities, makes him
proud of himself. Someone who has self-confidence knows his own value, and is
optimistic about his ability to achieve.
Minimum score: 4
Average score: 13
Maximum score: 16
Tolerance towards ambiguity / resistance to stress
This is an important characteristic in an entrepreneurial profile. People who can tolerate
ambiguity are able to handle and manage the stress created by uncertainty. They are
very adaptable.
Minimum score: 6
Average score: 19
Maximum score: 24
Creativity / imagination
Creativity often is evidence through someone who is curious, inquisitive, able to
anticipate things and to imagine various solutions to a problem.
Minimum score: 6
Average score: 21
Maximum score: 24

Your attitudes
Attitudes are made up of perceptions, our feelings about something. They are
judgements we make, ways we look at things.
Minimum score: 11
Average score: 37
Maximum score: 44
Perception to act upon one's destiny
Some people attribute their success to luck, others attribute it to their own efforts.
People with an entrepreneurial profile tend to believe they have the power to influence
events by the actions they take.
Minimum score: 6
Average score: 20
Maximum score: 24
Action oriented
One fundamental characteristic of the entrepreneur is being action-oriented. Eagerness
to take action and diligence are fairly common traits of entrepreneurs. They believe they
have to act to be successful.
Minimum score: 5
Average score: 17
Maximum score: 20

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