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Projective Teachings
Spiritual Guidance

Sanat Khum Maat

Front page art by Leonardo Dolfini

This book is dedicated to
Love That Generates Life,
The Great Architect of the Universe,
The Supreme, The Absolute,
The Unknowable, The Ineffable,
The Father-Mother of All!
He / She, The Light of lights,
The Love of love, The Subtle of the
subtle,The Central Sun,
who animates all the suns.He / She,
THE ALL, who is in everything!

Peace and Light!

Wagner D´Eloi Borges.

Spiritual Travel in the Garden of Ananda.................................. 06

Introduction................................................................................ 08
Atman-Star................................................................................. 10
Spiritual Teachings..................................................................... 14
Spiritual Teachings II..................................................................21
Interview with Sanat Khum Maat.............................................. 26
Initiation and Spiritual Practices................................................ 30
Initiation, Consciousness and Service........................................ 35
Meditate..................................................................................... 38
Meditate II.................................................................................. 40
Love: The Great Magic.............................................................. 45
Steps and Trails:......................................................................... 47
Steps and Trails II:..................................................................... 51
Steps and Trails III:.................................................................... 54
Flying through Athor’s Sky with the Sage of the Stars............. 57
Spiritual Seeds........................................................................... 65
Path............................................................................................ 70
Inner Wealth Technique............................................................. 74
Conscientiousness Sowing........................................................ 76
Traveling on the Waves of Serene and Fraternal Support.......... 79
Maat........................................................................................... 84
The Paths of Peace..................................................................... 86

Appendix.................................................................................... 88
Chakras and Bija mantras...........................................................89
Hermes Trimegistus’ Emerald Tablet.........................................96
Traveling Spiritually in the Wings of Peace...............................98
In the Light of the All, Laughing and Thanking Life...............100
Author’s Contacts.....................................................................108
Author’s Works.........................................................................109
Extraphysical and Projective Teachings


Spiritual Travel in the Garden of Ananda

Beloved students of the arts of the spirit,

When the heart opens to the influx of the Divine
And bows down as a faithful servant of the higher dictates,
It becomes a Garden of Ananda1.
That’s why the masters walk through their flowering avenues.
They like to see the lotus bloom in the spring of love.
They like to see the chakras shining tenderly.
They walk admiring the lights of the awake of consciousness.
At the threshold of these extraphysical and projective studies,
We invite readers for a conscientious deep walk,
Based on the lights of the initiates of all times,
Which have become gardens of Ananda.
May your lotus be opened to the serious study of Spirituality.
May the masters stroll the groves of their garden-hearts.
May the conscientious notes contained here aerate your
vital airs.
May the soft chant of peace fulfill the space of your goals.
The wisdom is the guide, the heart is the witness.
The body is the vehicle, the spirit is the driver.
The fuel is love, on the endless road.
On the spiritual journey, wings of light; in the flight of the
spirit, maturity.

1. Ananda (from Sanskrit): Bliss; Spiritual Ecstasy.

Wagner Borges

To all readers and spiritual travelers, Peace and Joy!

May Brahman2 illuminate your studies and spiritual practices.
May the spiritual lotuses open themselves to the Eternal.
Om Tat Sat3.

2. Brahman: The Supreme; The All; The Great Architect of the Universe; God.
3. Om Tat Sat: Triple designation of Brahman, The Supreme, The Absolute.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings


This book presents several deep spiritual teachings, passed,

extraphysically, by master Sanat Khum Maat.
He is a helper connected to the initiations of the Ancient
Egypt and Ancient India. Therefore, his approach is a mix of these
two spiritualist lines.
His initiatic name shows the fusion between Hindu
teachings and hermetic teachings.
In fact, his name is a mantra, which evokes a deep esoteric
atmosphere, by the combination of three spiritual elevated
 Sanat (from Sanskrit): one of the names of Brahma, the
 Khum (Ancient Egypt): the same as “soul of the world” or
“primordial space where life comes from”. It is also one of
the names of the god Ammon.
 Maat (from Ancient Egypt): “the goddess of justice” in
Egyptian cosmogony.
Some people mistook him for Sanat Kumara. By the
previous exposed, the difference is very clear.
He is a helper specialized in the projection of the
consciousness (or astral travel, spiritual travel, out-of-body
experience), and spiritual assistance.
Usually presents himself in a navy blue tunic and turban,
inlaid with a beautiful blue-green jewel.
The way he expresses his ideas refers to that majestic
atmosphere of the sober spiritual temples of antiquity.

Wagner Borges

There are some messages from him in my book “Viagem

Espiritual - Vol. III ”.
Some of his texts presented here were written in partnership
with the extraphysical group of “Initiates”, evidencing, even
more, the universalistic and initiatory character of the ideas
contained in this work.
First of all, I would like to thank the Great Architect Of the
Universe for the opportunity to be a healthy collaborator in the
work of consciential clarification.
And I thank Sanat Khum Maat, for trusting my work as an
interdimensional carrier of the truths of the spirit.

To readers, incarnated and disembodied, terrestrial and

extraterrestrial, Peace and Light!

— Wagner Borges —

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings


My son, visualize that white flame in your heart.

At the same time, think of a circle of light floating above
your head.
Think of Brahman!4
Align your chakras in line with the brilliant devas5, who live
in the sky.
They will come, invisibly, to your aid and provide the
benefiting intuitions in your spiritual work.
Never forget your stellar nature.
You are more than you appear to be!
You are the impermanent atman6, dazzling star of Brahman!
Live the fullness of it in your being.
Meditate on it!
You are the son of Brahman, the radiant.
The stars are your sisters. Heaven is your brother. Devas
are your brothers.
But don’t forget: men are also your brothers.
Everything that lives is your neighbor.
Respect each being as the manifested Divine.
Respect yourself, for you are the Eternal inhabiting the body.
Respect the body, your journey brother and learning friend.
Thank the gift of life, your diligent teacher.
And walk with the dignity that your spiritual studies deserve.

4. Brahman (from Sanskrit): “The All”; “The Supreme”; “God”; “The Great Architect Of The
5. Devas (from Sanskrit): “Deities”; “Angels”; “Celestial Beings”
6. Atman (from Sanskrit): “The Spirit”; “The Spiritual Essence”; “The Eternal Spark”; “The Spiritual
Being, who is neither born nor dies, only enters and leaves perishable bodies”.

Wagner Borges

In all your procedures, stay with Brahman.

You are the atman, star of Brahman.
You are not born or die, you only enter and leave the
transitory flesh.
It is your fire that makes your heart beat.
It is your light that shines in your head.
It is your action that determines your destiny.
It is your tune that attracts your invisible companions.
Guide your heart in tune with the brilliant devas.
They will come to your aid, and your chakras will be blessed
by this action.
And in many places, Earth and Space, others brothers will benefit.
Ignite the flame in your heart, the light in your head and
think of Brahman!
You are the atman-star, the Eternal in human form.
But your true face is that of the Light.
Meditate on it!
And when some loved one leaves, remember the truth:
He is also an atman-star. And your brother. He is a brother
of heaven and stars.
You and him, and all of existence, are children of Brahman.
My son, lift the veil of your heart and tune in to love.
Whoever feels the Eternal in himself has great contentment.
Brahman is the breath of everything that breathes.
It is the life of life itself.
Meditate on it!
And in everything, at all times, never forget:
You are the imperishable spirit and avatar7 of Supreme Love.
7. Avatar (from Sanskrit): Divine Emissary; Divinity Channel.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Turn your flesh into light.

Pour the good by the look and the countenance.
Make your chakras suns of love.
Support the weak along the way and clarify them as possible.
Pray for them and thank Brahman for everything.

P.S.: At the end of these writings, one of the helpers of the

extraphysical group of “Initiates”8 told me the following:
“The masters bless the journey of those who work for the
good of humanity. The light recognizes them as carriers of dignity
in service.
Devas visit their chakras and play in their energies. Space
opens up before the spiritual eye and many spiritual beings
observe the terrestrial passage of these men and women, who
labor in the world of sad men, who do not recognize Brahman
and who forget that they are the atman-star.
Tell your companions in spiritual studies (who also often
forget that they are the atman-star), that their extraphysical
loved ones will be visiting them today and participating in the
wholesome activities together with the tune of their hearts.
The atmans-star, out of the flesh, with the atmans-star still
in the flesh.
Stellar brothers, sons of Brahman, gathered in the same
spiritual dream of learning the spiritual arts and radiating
goodness by all planes.
8. The Initiates: an extraphysical group of Eastern spirits that operates in the invisible planes of
the West, passing on spiritual information from ancient wisdom, adapted to modern times and
directed to the spiritual students of the present. Composed of Hindu, Chinese, Egyptian, Tibetan,
Japanese and some Greeks, they are committed to ventilating the ancient spiritual values of the
East in the modern ways of the West, making it a universalistic synthesis. They are linked to the
spirits of the Fraternity of the Cross and the Triangle. According to them, they are “initiated” in
doing good, without looking at whom

Wagner Borges

May your bodies, the chairs, the floor, the ceiling, the walls
and everything else within the range of your thoughts, at the
location of your spiritual gathering, be transformed into light. And
may the devas play into the place.
And may Brahman bless your spiritual and human journey.
Who wants more light, be the light!9”

— Sanat Khum Maat and the Initiates —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

9. Who wants more light, be the light! - This lesson has a strong correspondence with the classic
Hermetic teachings: “To change your mood or your mental state, change your vibration. To
destroy an unpleasant order of mental vibration, set in motion the principle of polarity and focus
on the opposite pole to the one you wish to suppress. This is the way to destroy the unpleasant
worldly its polarity ”. (Extract from the excellent hermetic work “The Kybalion”, authored by The
Three Initiates - Editora Pensamento)

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Spiritual Teachings
(Projection of Consciousness, Conscientious
Maturity and Psychophysical Tips)

1. Stormy days are not good or bad, they are just the
climatic game of nature in its atmospheric cleaning procedures.
However, those moody storms that plague the heart are ominous
and unnatural.
These are not of nature, they are from the ego, and they
do not clear the emotional atmosphere where they occur. On the
contrary, they overload the liver and leave the eyes congested
with confusion.
2. It is not in the dead of night that spiritual harassment
occurs. They happen, simply, in tune, in the dark silence of the
nefarious feelings that are hidden in the hearts that are not worthy.
There are people carrying dungeons full of hatred and
intrigue in their own hearts.
3. Anyone who uses their parapsychic abilities to gain
dominion over and manipulate others, or even to practice
interdimensional harassment, is a fool!
For, while practicing your misdeeds, you are already in direct
connection with the dark beings, who also like such negative
things. They have more experience in this and, inevitably, they
will end up manipulating the fool who gives them shelter for the
purpose of tuning.
Whoever sows confusion and mischief, especially in the
spiritual field, will reap, spiritually, the gall they project into
the world.

Wagner Borges

4. Helpers work from the perspective of Cosmoethics10.

Therefore, they do not judge anyone’s behavior. However, this
does not mean that they are not aware of what people do. They
know what is going on in the most intimate of each and try to
look at what is healthy, but do not usually agree with the levity
and the nonsense they perceive.
They always take advantage of what is positive, in attitudes
of people and leave their psychic garbage for time and the Law
of Karma11 get it right.
5. Visualize a column of bright white light descending from
the Above, over your head. Think of an ocean of spiritual serenity,
flowing over you.
Tune in to the “ethereal waters”, a source of healing and
inspiration. Through the luminous column, and connected to
the heart that works with dignity and compassion, the devas will
contribute the balsamic effluvia and healers of the soul. They are
the guardians of the healing temples, in the upper Astral and at
the levels of the mental plane.
Think about it: the ethereal waters full of that serenity that
is not of this world, but that is offered to all those who are in
tune with the highest values of consciousness.
The bright columns are interdimensional avenues for the devas.
6. Many people seek for the flashy parapsychic phenomena,
but the spiritual support is always subtle and according to the
merits of each one.

10. Cosmoethics: Code of spiritual ethics; Cosmic morals; Higher, cosmic code of ethics - It is the
set of high values, in force in advanced extraphysical plans, by which consciences are guided in
harmony with the laws of the interdimensional universe.
11. Karma (from Sanskrit): It is the universal Law of cause and effect

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

7. The conscious projector is not only the one who seeks

lucidity during his extraphysical approaches, but the one who
seeks to be useful with that lucidity.
8. Leaving the body is natural, but it is also natural that the
fear of the unknown appears in the most inopportune moments
of spiritual experiences. Reason recommends that, through
a thoughtful and loving study of spirituality, the unknown be
transformed into knowledge and fear into love. Soon, knowledge,
coupled with love, will raise the projector to the plans of wisdom.
9. Dignity is not in the proud posture of the body, but in the
glow that emanates from the heart and projects through the eyes.
This glow is portentous, although, on the physical plane,
there are few who notice it.
10. Serenity and modesty are the faithful companions of
the wise.
11. Exits from the body and mediumship need to be
tempered with high doses of maturity, love and a willingness to
evolve. These are not areas of study for people stuck with worldly
goals and pulsating attitudes.
Whoever travels through these areas without the spiritual
foundation compatible with the highest values will certainly
suffer from undesirable psychic intrusions.
However, may those who seriously study such themes feel
more and more stimulated in their studies and work, as they will
never lack the subtle just protection.
12. Dull minds do not support grand goals and are affected
by deep questions. As a defense of the lower ego, they usually
project strong layers of levity and caustic ironies to remain

Wagner Borges

impervious to the calls of higher awakening.

13. What is fair is fair! Each according to its procedures.
14. Visualize a bright bluish gem encrusted in the forehead
(frontal chakra). Project the blue rays of this gem downwards,
like a powerful bright beam that radiates into the body, from the
forehead to the feet.
Think of the ALL! Feel connected to the Supreme
Hierophant12, the master of all.
15. Groups of people who come together for spiritual
practices aimed at the good of humanity, regardless of their lines
of work, are very useful in the general context of humanity, as
they form luminous pockets (egregores)13, which are used by
the connected helpers to that job in its various invisible care
16. The virtue of a sage does not come from the blind
worship that disciples and sympathizers dedicate to him, but
from his ability to radiate love and serenity for the good of all
beings. A master does not belong to his group of disciples, nor to
any specific spiritual line, because he is like a conscientious sun
and his light is for everyone.
It is a pity that the blindness of the followers does not allow
them the discernment and the universalism to share the good
12. Hierophant: In the esoteric initiations of ancient Egypt, he was the master initiator who
subjected the neophytes to the initiatic tests that assessed the candidate’s real value
13. Egregore (from the Greek “Egregorien”, which means “to watch”, “to care”): It is the collective
atmosphere shaped, spiritually, in a certain environment, resulting from the sum of the thoughts,
feelings and energies of a group of people turned to the production of virtuous climates in the
world. It is the psychic atmosphere resulting from the gathering of groups focused on works and
studies based on LIGHT. It can be said that every gathering of people for the practice of Good and
Virtue (regardless of spiritual line), forms a specific egregore, a true luminous collective entity,
to which are added several other extraphysical consciences aligned with that spiritual tune for a
interdimensional work. That is probably why Jesus taught: “Where there are two or more, in my
name, there I will be”. Many say that egregores of different works should not be mixed, however,
when Love manifests, any doctrinal ideology disappears and only what matters is left: LIGHT.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

they received, with those who never had the same opportunity
for spiritual learning14.
17. A healthy projector is a jewel embedded in the skin of
the world. But he has the correct notion that most of his brilliance
comes from the silent contribution of helpers who assist him in
his work. He knows he is never alone and he knows he doesn’t
know everything. He is aware that spiritual projection is just
another parapsychic tool for his growth, but not the only one.
Therefore, he studies everything, with an open mind and
generous heart.
The healthy projector knows that it is just an ordinary
human being, with the same potential as all other human beings,
but it also knows that it carries a secret jewel within its heart. In
its brilliance is its greatest wealth.
18. Arrogance is disease! But time and Karma heal it all!
19. The eyes have the same nature as the sun: the glow.
20. The awakening of consciousness is similar to birth of a star.
21. Wise men are supernovae of love and serenity. From
Above, in the sky of consciousness, beyond the reach of frivolous
glances, they radiate that stellar glow in the center of hearts.
Happy are those who perceive that glow.

14. The blind worshiper suffers from a serious conscience problem: while he practices his
exaggerated worship, his devotion causes strange emotions to spring up in his vital centers, and
then his lucidity and capacity for discernment suffer a decline in quality. The result of this is
that, with the level of lucidity clogged with dense emotions, he no longer has the capacity to
understand the teachings passed on by his master, with such affection. Instead of learning and
evolving, as his master did with so much sacrifice, the blind disciple only develops the ability to
get emotionally bogged down. This is not healthy devotion, it is a psychic tangle! With a dirty
heart, what is the use of praying or chanting mantras? It is better to make your good deed your
prayer and your generous words your mantras.

Wagner Borges

22. The healthy projector is a conscious jewel. Wise men

are conscientious supernovae. How portentous it is when the
brilliance of the sage-stars is reflected in the jewel-heart of
the projector and radiates to the world the wonder of invisible
spiritual assistance.
23. The flaws of others are not the responsibility of a
conscious spiritualist, who knows that this only concerns time
and Karma. However, he knows that his own flaws are his full
responsibility and attention!
24. To safely walk the world’s thorny paths, how about
putting on the boots of common sense?
25. Only the Great Hierophant knows everything, for the
ALL is in everything!
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

P.S.: To complement these great teachings of Sanat Khum

Maat, I put in sequence some teachings from the extraphysical
group of “Initiates”:
 The man is a stellar being!
 Your heart is a sun.
 Humility makes the being shine more.
 Spirituality is eternal alchemy: the iron man (old man) is
transformed into the crucible of experience and then the
golden being (renewed), heir of the light, appears.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

 For the sage, the past does not bother and the future
does not torment. It flows naturally through the present,
always acting in the name of light.
 Stars shine, men too! They are brothers, children of the all.
 Men came from a star, are in a star and will go to another star.
 May men fly from one star to another with lightness and
wisdom, according to the will of the All.

Wagner Borges

Spiritual Teachings II
(More Projection of Consciousness, Conscientious
Maturity and Psychophysical Tips)

Brother of ideals, calm your mental and emotions.

Relax your senses of the flesh, as it is time to take off to the
great ethereal abodes. Meditate a little on the Light, to appease
your dense body.
Think of a star (five-pointed, silvery white), hovering over
your head. Soft energies flow from it, which interpenetrate your
head through the chakra of a thousand lights15.
Meditate on the Eternal and unite your thoughts in the
light of the star, spiritual symbol of the initiates. Open your mind
to the gentle psychic influx of the star ...
Brother, the masters call you in the ethereal temples,
spiritual homes of the righteous in mind and clean of heart.
They await you in the interdimensional atrium, in those
higher vibrations, where the insane intentions of the profane
never arrive, because the psychic emanations, poor in content,
cannot support the perennial heights of real Spirituality.
Conscious of your divine potential, lay your body on the bed
and thank the Supreme for the day that is gone (full of learning
and experiences necessary for your progress), and for the night
that opens in front of you (with other learnings and experiences
useful to you evolutionary asceticism).

15. Thousand lights chakra: Metaphor for the crown chakra, located on the top of the head,
through which the celestial energy enters. In Sanskrit, it is known as “Sahashara”, the lotus of the
thousand petals.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Inside and outside soma16, the ALL is your supreme master!

It is the Ineffable, invisible to your carnal eyes, but visible to your
intelligence and your initiated heart, that commands your steps
on Earth and your spiritual flights.
While your physical vessel rests, horizontally, put your spirit
upright, upright and dignified, serene and towering, towards
the High.
Brother, it is time to take off on your spiritual ship, from
the earthly base, to the subtle levels compatible with your vital
purposes. The fuel is your willpower; discernment is its pilot; and
love is what drives you …

The spiritual journey is a natural potential of all men, but

for the initiate it is something else: it is the gap through which
his spirit flies to the heavenly abodes, his place of origin. It is
the chance to learn and work in other fields of knowledge. It is
an opportunity to draw higher vibrations and deep inspirations,
which he will later spread among men, in their daily manifestation.
Getting out of the body is relatively easy: just relax the
body properly and quiet the psychic mechanism itself.
However, manifesting oneself, extraphysically, with dignity
and wisdom, integrated in the conscientious lucidity itself, is
not so easy. It is necessary to have depth of goals and luminous
Many projectors leave the body and volitate, extraphysically,
in a playful and relaxing way. Others dance in the astral currents,
enjoying freedom beyond the flesh. There is no harm in that; it is

16. Soma (from Greek): Physical body; Dense body

Wagner Borges

only a natural and instinctive condition of the psychosome17, an

appropriate astral vehicle for volitation18 and fruition of energies
free of density. However, over the course of other experiments,
the projector himself will notice that just volitating, for nothing,
will no longer fill him with contentment. A part, within himself,
will propel him towards other goals and he will aspire to other
consciential horizons.
Under these new conditions, your extraphysical mentors
will guide you, invisibly, on more creative astral journeys, to
deeper consciential activities, of work, study and progress on the
projective and human path.

When turning off the lights of this small projective essay,

we suggest to students and practitioners of spiritual journeys, a
conscious reflection on the following notes:
 Fear is the biggest enemy of projectors, because, in
addition to speeding up the heartbeat, it still unbalances
the psychosome’s energies. Therefore, fight tenaciously
the fear itself, which, in most cases, is a reflection of
conditioning instilled in the mind by different sources,
the main one being ignorance about the divine capacities
residing in the human being itself.

17. Psicosome (from the Greek: “Psique”: Soul; and “Soma”: Body): It literally means “body of the
soul” (Expression used initially by the spirit André Luiz in the psychographed works by Francisco
Cândido Xavier and Waldo Vieira, in the decades of 1950- 1960, which is currently most used by
students of Projectiology). Synonymies: “Spiritual body” (Christianity - 1 Cor., chap. 15, v. 44) -
“Astral body” (from the Latin “Astrum”: Starry - Expression used by the great alchemist initiate
Paracelsus, in the 16th century, in Europe , and by several occultists and theosophists later) -
“Perispirit” (Spiritism - Allan Kardec, 19th century, in France) - “Body of light” (Occultism)
18 Volitation: Extraphysical flight - Just as the nature of the physical body is to walk, due to its
density, the nature of the subtle body is to fly (to volitate)

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

 The specific reading of projective themes, constant and

disciplined, automatically connects the mind to the
extraphysical plans, by pure association of ideas. Reading,
close to bedtime, favors the projective processes.
 Regular meditation facilitates projections of consciousness
beyond the dense body.
 Recognizing yourself as an immortal spirit is essential!
 For the spiritual initiate, the notions of Good and Evil
are illusory, since it is based on Love, which is above any
transitory duality and far beyond limited human morals19.
Therefore, providing help to others does not constitute,
for him, an act of charity, but only the obvious, since his
own discernment tells him that it is the right thing to do.
He provides spiritual and human assistance (physical and
extraphysical), not out of obligation, but out of love and
conscience. He is based on Cosmo-ethics.
 Neither the physical body is an enemy, nor the astral body
is wonderful. Both are just vehicles for the manifestation
of consciousness, which can be used in a mediocre or
wonderful way. Meditate on it!
 The more arrogant the projector, the lower its brightness!
‹‹The projectors that provide spiritual assistance to the
sufferers of both worlds (earthly and astral), earn many
credits of sympathy among the helpers of all planes.
Wherever these projectors manifest themselves, many
invisible eyes will be watching over them.

19. Always remembering that men’s values are relative, and what is sacred to one culture, can
be immoral for another, depending on the level of conditioning of each one.

Wagner Borges

 We ask students and practitioners of spiritual travel to be

equitable and sincere in their vital purposes. Be worthy,
on Earth or in the Astral20.
 To dedicated spiritual travelers, pioneers of the spirit,
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

20. I finish these writings with an excerpt extracted from the magnificent work of Édouard Schuré:
“Os Grandes Iniciados” (Editora Ibrasa): “We have just reached, with Pythagoras, the heyday of
ancient initiation. From this height, the Earth seems to be flooded with shadow, like an agonizing
star. From there, the sidereal perspectives are unveiled, the top view unfolds, the epiphany of
the Universe. However, the purpose of this teaching was not to absorb man in contemplation
or ecstasy. The master had taken his disciples to stroll through the immeasurable regions of the
Cosmos, had plunged them into the depths of the invisible. From the frightening journey, the
true initiates should return to the land better, stronger and better prepared for the trials of life.”

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Interview with Sanat Khum Maat

Hello friends!
Here, beside me, the extraphysical helper Sanat Khum Maat.
Taking advantage of his presence, I asked him to answer
some questions.
He is very reserved and does not usually do anything
ostentatious. However, he agreed to make some points and told
me the following:
“My friend, we are brothers on an evolutionary journey.
Within the range of relative knowledge I have, I can answer some
questions. But the truth has many faces. Only the Great Architect
of the Universe knows them all. Only the ONE of all knows the
answers to the great mysteries of Creation.
If your questions refer to small mysteries, human and
spiritual, we can break the conventionalities of the common
senses and enter an interdimensional colloquium, from ‘golden
heart to golden heart’21, hand in hand, spiritually, in favor of
all, of consciences unified in one objective, light in the light of
vital purposes and feet on the spiritual path, with the dignity of
brothers who walk under the prism of peace. ”
I would have liked to ask more questions and make better
use of his presence, but I felt that he had other commitments.

21. “From golden heart to golden heart”: “Esoteric expression meaning that hearts are in
harmony with the spiritual Light”

Wagner Borges

1. From your extraphysical view, what are the biggest

obstacles to man’s spiritual evolution?
Answer - Fear, ignorance and lack of dignity in goals.
Fear blocks the individual’s internal capabilities, disrupts
the frequency of his vital centers (chakras), and disables his
subtle vibratory mechanisms. Ignorance leads him to consciential
inertia and interdimensional blindness, keeping him a prisoner of
the conditioning visors. The lack of dignity causes man to wallow
in the swamps of levity, making him susceptible to the illusory
powers of Maya (illusion).
My friend, there are few men who raise their conscience, in
thanks to the High, for the opportunities for growth. In addition,
the “I” and “Mine” postures form an invisible barrier, which
prevents a clearer perception of the different realities.
How many are on this spiritual journey, unaware of the
splinters of their own ego, spreading pain and suffering in the
footsteps of others? How many are loyal to the spiritual values
they espouse? How many allow the fibers of forgiveness to
spread through the heart in a beautiful opening? How many
allow themselves a real and genuine encounter with their best
potentials? And how many are willing to break the chains of
hatred and arrogance with these spiritual studies?
There are obstacles, both on the external trails and on
the internal paths, but there is an immense luminous potential
residing in the core of all travelers of the evolutionary trails.
However, this potential is only activated through the two initiatic
passwords, reflected in the daily life, the true temple of
initiation for all:

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

There is an initiatic teaching that says the following:
“Walk the trails of life, but with wings on your feet.
Realize the DEEP in the simplest.
See stars on the ground and human steps in the Cosmos.
Enter the atrium of cosmic consciousness with a humble heart.
Be a GIFT OF LIGHT for your journey brothers, for the ALL
is in them.
Remember the Son Horus, the bearer of light in darkness;
Mother Isis, the unveil of all veils and obscurantisms; and Father
Osiris22, the Sun of all.
Bathe in the waves of love and fill your heart with light.
And walk ... with dignity and love!
May your steps be coherent. ”
2. Can you please suggest some spiritual practice to pass
on to readers? It’s just that I’m noticing the gem of your turban
shining a lot. I know that this is the result of your concentration
on top of the frontal chakra and serves to stabilize it vibrationally.
Answer - This is a simple practice. It is enough to concentrate
in the center of the forehead (frontal chakra), and visualize,
internally, there, a mass of blue-white circular energy, pulsating
pleasantly. The effective result is great intimate contentment
and peaceful lucidity. However, guide your readers to practice,
at the same time, humility, a friend of silent and active patience,
and thanking the Supreme Donor of all opportunities23.
22. Osiris, Isis and Horus: in the cosmogony of Ancient Egypt, the Divine Father, the Divine Mother
and the Divine Son.

Wagner Borges

3. I know you have other extraphysical occupations and you

need to go now. But can you leave a final message to readers?
Answer - There are many paths and a single UNIT. There
is an imperishable and indivisible ESSENCE within each one. An
invisible, formless PRESENCE, full of a loving, perennial, infinite,
hierophant brilliance of all. It is the ALL, in everything, always,
Father-Mother of life, pure silent UNION.
WITH GREAT SKILL AND SWEETNESS, in the house of the heart.
My friend, may your journey on Earth be auspicious and
with steps of light.

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

P.S.: During a work of externalizing energies in favor of

humanity, Sanat Khum Maat told me spiritually the following:
“There is only one way for the initiate: peace!
There is only one way to go forward: to absolve all notions
of hurt in the inner courts of one’s conscience.
There is only one fundamental truth: We must grow!
There is only one sage: Brahman. ”

23. I suggest adding a mantra to this practice to avoid mental dispersion when doing it. Focus
mentally on the word “ATRI” inside your forehead amid bluish-white light. This word comes from
Sanskrit and is the name of one of the seven Maharishis (great sages) of ancient India. Used as a
mantra, it favors concentration, clairvoyance and spiritual perceptions. In fact, the names of the
seven maharishis are excellent initiation mantras for activating the chakras, each placed mentally
in a specific chakra. Sanat Khum Maat taught me which one is best for each chakra specifically
(his explanations are in the following text in this book: “Iniciação e Práticas Espirituais”). Do not
confuse these mantras, which have greater effects on the mental and spiritual bodies, with the
Sanskrit bija mantras of the chakras (lam, vam, ram, yam, ham and OM), with the most effective
effects on the endocrine glands, the etheric double (energetic body, holochakra, vital body) and
the running nisks (subtle conduits) along and inside the spine (ida, pingala and sushumna).

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Initiation and Spiritual Practices

(Ananda Letter to a Spiritualist Friend)

Howdy, my friend.
Even now, in the middle of the night, I remembered you.
It’s been a long time since you came, huh?
Right now, I’m working on the final review of another book.
Meanwhile, here on the stereo, a beautiful flute and guitar CD is
beating, with mantras evoking Shiva and the Divine Mother.
Dude, my heart chakra spontaneously turned into a big ball
of white fluorescent light. It looks like a sun inside the chest.
For a moment, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the
frontal, laryngeal and coronary chakras. They are also lit with the
same white light, but they don’t even compare to the glow of the
chest. I think that if I add the lights of these three upper chakras,
still, it would not reach half the pectoral glow.
You know, there is a wave of love so peaceful here with me.
It seems that “vital tenderness” is filling the atmosphere.
Ah, there is also the presence of the master Sanat Khum
Maat and some extraphysical Hindus (the group of “Initiates”)
here in the room. They are supervising the work I am doing and
also preparing myself, spiritually, for a projection out of the body,
in a little while, when I lay the “carcass” on the bed.
I am writing here, but my aura is super dilated (ballonemant)
and - I know you will laugh - inside of me, there is an intimate
contentment so soft, that it makes me want to bless everyone. It
is so simple and natural, it overflows through every pore of the
body and expands in the environment.

Wagner Borges

In addition to the invisible influence of the helpers, perhaps

what started this energetic expansion in the heart chakra is a
mantra that I concentrated on his posterior energetic mouth.
This is the “Viveka Chuda Mani”24. Last week I even taught this
ancestral technique of yogis to the staff of the IPPB study group.
I had never mentioned this to another class, but the name of
Shankara’s book is a fabulous mantra.
By the way, why don’t you take advantage and practice this
technique? It’s simple. Just close your eyes and shift your focus
to the point in your spine where the heart chakra root is. From
there, visualize the chakra vortex opening gently backwards.
Mentally concentrate the mantra within the backward expanding
vortex. Do this for a few minutes, but without any tension: work
While practicing, put on music that touches your heart
and reminds you of the Love that generates life. If possible, just
before starting, talk to your helpers mentally and ask them for
spiritual help in their development.
The ideal is to practice sitting, during meditation, or in a
work with the chakras. However, it can be done lying down, in
any position. It can even cause some conscious projections and a
better tuning with the helpers.
The cool thing about this is that you can open your
spirituality in a simple way.
24. Viveka Chuda Mani (from Sanskrit): Name of the famous book of Shankara (9th century AD),
and considered as one of the great works of Vedanta in India. Its literal translation is: Viveka:
“discernment”; Chuda: “Supreme”; Mani: “Jewel”. The Supreme Jewel of Discernment! Or, as
the word Mani also means the jewel hidden in the heart (the atman, the imperishable spiritual
essence), it can be translated as follows: The Supreme Discernment that lives in the Jewel of the
spiritual heart. In short: it is a powerful mantra evocative of the spiritual atmosphere of the rishis
(sages) who inspired “The Upanishads”, the work of Shankara and the high consciential values
of Vedanta.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Can you imagine if I kept thing to myself and only pass

on what I know through some spiritual initiation? It is a good
thing that spiritual friends instructed me, perfectly, to remove
the veil of things and put them in front of anyone who wants
to take advantage of the chance for spiritual growth, very frank
and open. If people don’t take the opportunity for open spiritual
growth, then that’s their problem, right?
My job is to convey free spirituality, in a simple way. In fact,
this is what I do best in life. My initiation degree is that ball of
light burning in my chest, a lot of cool ideas in my head and a
wonderful energy in my expanded aura, in addition to the always
inspiring company of these extraphysical colleagues.
Dude, have you ever imagined living without spiritual
horizons in this long journey across the sea of life? Just imagine
the conscientious misery of just living, working, eating, drinking,
sleeping and copulating, and one day dying, thinking that it
was all over. Try to imagine yourself, for a few minutes, in that
anesthetizing condition of living like a zombie, without something
bigger permeating your thoughts and feelings.
I’m not talking about belief, but about inner, unshakable
certainty in spirituality.
Can you imagine? To live just for the sake of life, without
comprehensive motivations and with a great void within
So, crossing this turbulent sea of existence without even
discovering the reason for the mystery of having come to live, is
consciential blindness, right? Living thinking that only material
life is real, makes hearts and minds miserable internally.

Wagner Borges

They say that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man
is king . Making a slight adaptation to this popular expression, I
can say that anyone who already has at least a quarter of an eye
open can already be a prince…
Look, do you remember that exercise I mentioned to you,
some time ago? The one of using the names of the rishis (sages)
of antiquity, as mantras that activate the chakras... As you already
know, the rishis of ancient India used mantras as initiation names.
I always knew that I could use the names of the great rishis for
certain spiritual practices, but I did not know how to proceed or
how to correlate the names with the respective chakras.
About two years ago, Sanat Khum Maat taught me how to make
that connection. He explained the process to me in detail and guided
me while I practiced. Later, I started teaching this practice to some
IPPB classes, and, if I’m not mistaken, I passed it on once in Salvador.
I don’t know why, but Sanat gave me a signal just now,
asking me to write this practice and pass it on to you. Before, to
facilitate the explanation, I will correlate each of the chakras with
their respective rishis:
1. Crown chakra (middle of the top of the head; also called
the coronary crown).
 Mantra (i.e. the name of a rishi): PULASTYA.
 Function: Expansion of consciousness.
2. Frontal chakra (inner center of the forehead).
 Mantra: ATRI.
 Function: Intuition and clairvoyance.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

3. Throat chakra (energetic center of the throat).

 Mantra: ANGIRA.
 Function: Communicability and creative expression.
4. Heart chakra (pectoral energy center).
 Mantra: PULAHA.
 Function: Love and contentment.
5. Umbilical chakra (belly energy center).
 Mantra: KRATU.
 Function: Vitality and healthy emotional expansion.
6. Sexual chakra (energy center of the lower abdomen).
 Mantra: MARICH.
 Function: Fluidity and energy release.
7. Basic chakra (energy center at the base of the spine).
 Function: Firmness on the way.
The exercise is simple: just concentrate on the name of the
rishi and repeat it, mentally, like a mantra, within the correlated
chakra. Ideally, you should initially choose three of these chakras
(work and practice, one by one, for a few days and check the
repercussions). Then, experiment with others and develop your
own exercise, according to your needs and personal characteristics.
You know how good it is to learn and work with freedom,
adapting what you learn in your own way and developing yourself
through effort and without imitating anyone’s way.
Well, that’s it. I’ll lie down and see what will happen...
And see if you take advantage of these practices, huh, lad?!!

— Wagner Borges —

Wagner Borges

Initiation, Consciousness and Service

There are days of initiation25.

In these days, the service of each one is measured by
everything that is found registered in your heart. So, what is
emphasized is the spiritual assistance performed. The priority is
the good that is done, without looking at whom, and not the
belief professed particularly.
Studying spiritual themes, in theory, is one thing; Practicing
what you learn is another. Therefore, there are days of vibrational
measurement of a group.
On these occasions, helpers measure the group’s egregore
and decide on new service arrangements. From what they
observe, they are pondering further developments and whether
the group in question is up to the deep consciential call.
They also observe the interest of each one and the use of
the study carried out. Such a procedure is necessary depending
on the level of knowledge to which the group is exposed. In some
cases, more than theoretical information, it is necessary to “get
your hands dirty!”
The priority objective of a spiritualist group is the
production of egregores that improve the consciences in diverse
plans of manifestation.
Make the group, and the space it occupies, into a bright
spot on Earth, in resonance with the various teams of helpers
who invisibly assist humanity.

25. This text was addressed to the 140 participants of the IPPB study and spiritual assistance
group. I am posting it openly for everyone, because it can also be useful for the reflection of other
spiritual groups.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Have the correct notion of the conscientious involvement

generated in such an activity between different planes. Have
the correct notion of the responsibility of being connected to
interconscious relationships of a progressive nature.
Realize that a spiritual meeting is not a common meeting,
as it evokes a series of vibrational conditions suitable for its full
Understand that helpers are no one’s “spiritual nannies”,
they are just partners in an interdimensional task. They provide
help in what is their responsibility, that is, spiritual activities and
what is connected to them. In some cases, they may even act in
another condition, but always respecting the free will of each
one, and without, therefore, altering the karmic procedures in
progress (something that each one must change by their own
way of being and acting in the world).
The initiation days are not a trial, they are only days of
exams and measurement to which mentors submit spiritual
workers and students. They are part of the vibrational adjustment
necessary for any process of spiritual ascension.
Climbing a step requires the effort to propel the step up.
No more, no less! To climb it is necessary to drop the weight that
pulls down. It is also necessary to want to go up and guide the
procedures for this ascending purpose.
More than a meeting of students and spiritual workers,
a group is the “LIVING SOUL” of the values, espoused by its
participants. When this “LIVING SOUL” resonates with the
“LIVING SOUL” from the Above, the result is the UNION of
progressive egregores in favor of the good of all.

Wagner Borges

Knowledge, by knowledge alone, already helps a lot,

because it removes the ignorance of the being. However,
knowledge combined with love and based on imperishable values,
raises consciousness to the realms of wisdom. Such knowledge
becomes a “LIVING FLAME”, which warms the weakest along the
way and projects clarifications of clarification in the midst of the
sensory turbulence that men undergo, in an unwary and harmful way.
Therefore, let initiation be the one that matters: that of
Love in action; that of the Light that works; that of Clarification
that clarifies, without attacking; that of Peace manifested, firstly,
in the very way of acting; and that of spiritual assistance practiced
with Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings


My friend, enter your heart and contemplate, in him,

the Eternal.
It is a perennial sun inside your chest. Meditate on it!
Look beyond the senses and give thanks to the One who
gives you life.
Meditate on the waves of gratitude.
You are immortal, oh son of Brahman!
You carry the imperishable in your chest, and the stars are
your sisters.
The sting of death has no power over you. You enter and
leave the transitory bodies, but you are none of them.
Prana comes in and out of your nadi, but you are bigger than it.
If evil surrounds you, fear not, for you are the son of Brahman.
However, be cautious in your steps and watch your
thoughts. Walk with confidence, but without arrogance.
Expand your light, but do not outshine anyone. Have your
spiritual certainty, but respect those who fail.
Enter and leave your body, as you wish, but always with
wisdom. Respect your mentors, as they know you deeply. You
are an apprentice in the arts of life. Respect it!
Your future depends on your present. Works!
Strive to increase your lucidity. Study!
Get rid of all evil. Forgive, forget and move on ...
You are the son of Great Love. Make yourself worthy of Him!
Sow the good, without looking at whom.
Acts correctly.

Wagner Borges

You are a flower of light. Open your petals with love and
patience. The divine dew is coming down. Accept it.
There is a lot of evidence in this world, but you are prepared.
You are the son of Brahman and brother to the stars.
And when some loved one leaves, remember the truth:
You are imperishable and so is he. Meditate on it and become
contentment within.
Thank spiritually, That Love that loves you, unconditionally.
Become worthy of Him.
Values the chance to live and learn.
My dear friend, reflect well on these writings and ponder
the lesson. Serene your emotions and be fair in all your actions.
Think of peace.
Peace and Light.

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

P.S.: At the end of these writings, I cannot but thank these

spiritual helpers for their affection and patience in transmitting
these messages of encouragement and spirituality to the men of the
Earth. Sitting here, in front of the computer, in the cold of dawn, I
feel the serenity that emanates from these extraphysical friends and
I perceive their generosity. They are not gods, nor are they mental
forms. They are just serene friends who carry subtle touches in favor
of the reflection of men. I am honored and grateful to be able to
participate in the transmission of messages like this to people.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Meditate II

Friend, raise your head.

Brahman wants to speak to you.
Enter your heart,
And nourish your soul in the Light.
Think of That Immeasurable Love,
Source of your life, lord of your being.
Close your eyes and dive...
The answers are in yourself.
If someone hurt you, forget it and move on...
There is something greater in your being.
Something that nobody can explain to you.
Something eternal, your being, yourself.
Meditate. You are imperishable!
Feel a sun of love in your chest.
Immerse in the eternal that is in yourself.
Overcome dramas, they are transitory.
Please, and for love, raise your head.
Calm your thoughts and pray serenely.
If your mind is disturbed, fly with your heart.
Enter the secret path in yourself.
Discover your secret and smile fully.
Reveal yourself in the initiation hall of your heart.
Undress yourself before the masters who inhabit you, secretly.
Listen to their silent message.
You will be able to feel the invisible embrace of your brothers.
Only more mature brothers on the secret walk.

Wagner Borges

Luminous beings that accompany you from the Immanent

Spiritual beings who love you, unconditionally.
They, the brothers of the secret path, your imperishable
Those who know everything about you and love you,
without asking for anything.
They know your deepest mistakes, of many lives.
But they never stopped loving you.
Undress, internally, my friend.
The spiritual eyes see you, completely, and without restrictions.
They know your tears and your smiles.
In pain and joy, revolt and peace, they have always
accompanied you.
Why are you so sorry about?
Did you forget the teaching of the loving Jesus?: “A hair
does not fall that the Father does not know!”
Meditate! Everything passes. Everything changes.
Why did discouragement enter you?
Have you forgotten the teaching of the serene Buddha?:
“Below enlightenment, there is only pain!”
The Light is in yourself. Find it!
Friend, you are the Divine in the flesh.
Why do you forget that so easily?
Do not let the transitory deceive the eternal.
Awake! Now! Meditate!
Listen to the sound of the spiritual spheres in your chest.
Listen to the secret call.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Your spiritual brothers call you to awaken.

Please, and for love, sing with them.
There is no song more beautiful than that,
When brothers find themselves in the heart.
When Love speaks to Love secretly.
When silence sings the lesson.
Do you understand the inner wealth that Brahman gave you?
Do you know how many times Love has embraced you in
Even in those times when you disowned the Divine,
You were hugged, tenderly.
Who can explain this to you?
What love is this that loves you without you knowing it?
There is something greater within you.
Find yourself in the bosom of the secret brothers, in your heart.
In the inner, secret hall, walk with smooth steps.
Step lightly, without arrogance and without torments.
In fact, float serenely.
And you will find yourself in front of the spiritual atrium,
in yourself.
And the secret of the secret will be revealed to you.
And you will never again deny the Divine in your own flesh
and spirit.
And the pain of longing for Love will end.
And you will recognize the BEING!
Friend, never give up living.
If something hurt you, remember that everything passes...
If you have lost someone you love, don’t worry.

Wagner Borges

There is unconditional Love that travels with you.

Rejoice! You are not alone.
Dissolve ghosts created by your fear.
Feel the eternal in you!
Pray and work, and learn what is possible.
Do not fear death or the hereafter, mere transitions ...
However, beware of the fear that leads to inertia.
Take care of your living, with wisdom.
In your secret bosom is the greatest Love of all.
Do not fear life or the experiences inherent in living.
Take charge of your life, without fear.
You know that the price of freedom is the responsibility
To walk through your own choices and actions.
Never be overwhelmed by the ingratitude of others.
Cultivate the art of patience.
Step by step, grow in harmony.
In the face of unfair criticism, he responds with decent work.
When the tourniquets of agitation squeeze your mind,
Do not worry. Dive into the Light of the heart.
Nourish your soul inside ... Pray and meditate.
And, at the center of yourself, find spiritual peace.
Friend, raise your head and see the light.
Brahman wants to speak to you.
Enter the secret hall, gently.
Masters await you for the singing of the spiritual spheres.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

P.S.: Once, in the morning, the wise Hermes Trismegisto

looked at the rising sun and exclaimed, in awe, to his disciples:
“If this material light is so beautiful, imagine the spiritual
light that permeates all imperishable hearts. Imagine the Love
that keeps the light and life of all things and beings. Think of the
light of the ALL dwelling in your hearts.
If only one material sun is so beautiful, imagine the
spiritual sun that sustains all the suns in Creation. Imagine the
light of the ALL, invisible to the eyes of the flesh, but visible to
the intelligence and the heart. ”
To students of all spiritual currents in the Light, our respect
and admiration, for the Eternal lives in each one of you.
Work and study worthily on the spiritual path.
This is the greatest wealth with which the Lord of life has
presented you in the current carnal existence.
Thank the Supreme and walk with respect and love for the path.
Stay in the Imperishable Peace of Brahman.
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

Wagner Borges

Love: The Great Magic

It has never been said that a spiritual sage was the victim
of some dark magic. That’s because the masters dominate the
greatest magic of all: the art of being a sun of love and serenity.
They know that LOVE is the greatest magic that exists, and that
the Great Wizard is the ALL, for it is in everything!
May people who suffer from the fear of magic and “hex”
become aware that the true psychic defense is love in their hearts
and good attitudes as a shield. Let them free themselves from fear,
but lean on the Higher Lights, which govern existence and know
everything that goes on in the depths of all hearts, including the
harassers (obsessors), who are just spirits, extraphysical people,
entrenched in dense energies, but still people, and, as such, also
susceptible to growth and learning. May each one’s defense be
the good one does in life!
And when darkness comes upon you, let it not be a
cause for fear, but for healthy work of renewal and awareness.
Instead of dramas, let people radiate the light of love and undo
the obsessions that they themselves attract through fear and
ignorance. And that any dark magic directed at someone be
transformed by the action of LOVE, the greatest magic that exists!
Above all and everyone, there is a Great Mage working the
magic of love in hearts that strive to grow and follow the dictates
of a fair conscience26.

26. “The only weapons that a spiritualist can possess are light and knowledge. The light to face
the darkness. The knowledge to face ignorance. From the sum of light and knowledge, the good
spiritualist is born: - Bright because he loves; - Wise because he studies and works, always. ”
—Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov—

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

May all strange magic be transformed by Him, The Great

Architect of the Universe, the Light of lights, THE LOVE of love, to
which all spirits owe obedience and thanks for everything.
Peace and Light!

— Wagner Borges —

P.S.: These writings were inspired by master Sanat Khum Maat.

Wagner Borges

Steps and Trails:


Just now, during a meditation, I remembered an old yogic

expression: “PREMA-PADA”.
It means: “Footprints of Love”.
Throughout the history of the world, several masters have
walked human trails. Its luminous footprints are imprinted on
the planetary aura. These path marks, left by loving consciences,
are Prema-Pada27.
They walked all the way and only spread kindness. They
were not tied to the compulsory reincarnation circle28, but came
to the world to provide assistance and to convey the fraternity
without borders.
Wherever they passed, they awakened consciences,
transformed energies and deeply touched hearts that were
sensitive to the vibrations of peace.
They trod the paths of sad men and suffered several dark
attacks. Even so, they continued their work ...
Their steps broke through the darkness of ignorance and
their hands blessed many sufferers. Their luminous acts diluted
ancient crystallized magic in the name of millennial vengeance.
Their footsteps of love are marked, subtly in the spiritual paths of
the heart, home of conscience and abode of the eternal …
I kept thinking: in the universalistic and fraternal heart are
the loving footprints of all the masters. In its eclectic atmosphere,
there is no religious dispute or ignorant pleas.
27. Prema-Pada (from Sanskrit): Prema: divine love; Pada: steps, footprint, mark, sign.
28. Called in the East “Samsara” (from Sanskrit): compulsory reincarnation wheel.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

In it, all luminous steps are welcome. There is no fanaticism

in its home, nor is there a false notion that one master is superior
to another.
When love is perceived, all dispute disappears, only the
transformation remains, which brings awareness to the arts of peace.
Looking at the luminous footprints, with the eyes of the
heart and conscience integrated in the same harmony, I am
overcome by a sincere admiration, without mushy prayer,
without dramas, without blind adoration and without shame of
being happy in this fraternal trip and free of conscience bonds.
I think of those who only spread love, and my spiritual
heart flies contentedly, mad with love.
I remember Ramakrishna, to whom I owe so much, and my
crown chakra begins to shine. A stream of golden energy enters
it and descends to the heart chakra. It feels like a cascade of
liquid gold descending inside me. My conscience expands, and
I am overcome by a lucid love, which I cannot describe. At this
point, my frontal chakra is also lit and looks like a pulsating sun
of lucidity and serenity.
Without moving, I feel the vastness of the multidimensional
universe traveling in me. I am a part of it and all beings too. WE
ARE IT! We are the same divine essence, imperishable, learning
the steps of peace on planetary paths.
“We came from a star, we are on a star and we are going
to another star”.
We will walk through several orbs along the ascending
path. But it is on the paths of the heart that the marks of our
steps will always be present.

Wagner Borges

Still inspired by Ramakrishna’s smile and washed away

by the tears of admiration that spontaneously well up, while I
perceive myself as a small piece of an immense mechanism of
spiritual enlightenment, I write the following:
In the footsteps of Jesus, only love.
In the footsteps of Krishna, the light of joy and immortality.
In the footsteps of Gautama, the Buddha, the notions of
In the footsteps of Kwan-Yin, the jewels of compassion.
In the footsteps of Vyasa, stellar inspiration.
In the footsteps of Lao-Tzu, harmony.
In the footsteps of Francis of Assisi, peaceful simplicity.
In the footsteps of Babaji, firmness in spiritual goals.
In the footsteps of Ramatis, the spiritualist synthesis.
In the footsteps of Mataji, the gentle touch that came from
the stars.
In the footsteps of Ramana Maharishi, the look that
awakens consciousness.
In the footsteps of Ghandi, the wings of peace.
In the footsteps of Lahiri Mahasaya, only good mood and
In the footsteps of Paramahansa Ramakrishna, that smile
of someone who has been possessed by love and sails the seas
of cosmic consciousness.
In the footsteps of virtuous men and women, who operate,
anonymously, in the crust of the world and in the dense planes,
true SERENONS at the service of everyone’s evolution, only silent
emanations of lucid love.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

In the footsteps of the GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE,

the heart of life itself, the master of all!
In the footsteps of endless love, I write this all.
I do not expect understanding from those who still walk,
arrogantly, along the trails of the Earth. But I know that there are
many people who also travel in spiritual inspiration and try to
follow the luminous footprints, with discernment, love and joy.
These PREMA-PADA writings are dedicated to these hardworking
people, companions on the journey, who, even under the
inclement weather of the journey, still maintain the sparkle in
their eyes and the same creative hope.
May our steps be simple and may our footprints be filled
with love in the heart of life.
Peace and Light!

P.S.: I am grateful to the helper and extraphysical master

Sanat Khum Maat, who inspired me to write all this.

— Wagner Borges —
(Small piece of an immense spiritualist gear, admirer of someone
who does something cool, whoever and wherever, because he
knows that the master of all is love without borders).

Wagner Borges

Steps and Trails II


Brother, accept that the great answers are within yourself.

Just go to the secret temple of the heart and lift the
emotional veil that watches over wisdom. However, first, you
need to dispel the darkness that surrounds and oppresses the
fluency of love in your purposes.
Free yourself!
Take flight in the infinity of your soul.
Lift your head with humility and touch the Above with
your thoughts.
Give thanks, forgive and feel Heaven in yourself.
You do not walk alone, and your life touches everyone’s life.
You do not perceive it, but there is a vital element that
unites you with the All.
You and your brothers are not mere toys of destiny. You are
stellar travelers and immortals in essence.
Brother, you were not created for inertia.
Nor initiated by the darkness of the ego.
Your hierophant is the LIGHT.
Your initiation is in life, alongside everyone.
The time and nature of your trials belong to the All.
However, the effort with which you go through them and
the claw with which you support what needs to be endured
always belongs to you.
Silence is your friend, but so is music!

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

The initiatic palace is within your own heart. Enter it with

bare feet of ego and the will to eradicate all the evil that is in you.
Do not hesitate at the entrance or enter bearing the burden of
your fears and problems. Enter alone, but accompanied by the
love that moves your purposes. The masters are waiting for you
inside the luminous palace.
They have long awaited for you. The time has come for the
stellar reunion.
Friendly soul, you wandered in many directions and your
eyes shed the tears of the search and the incomprehension of
men, but now you know, inside your heart, that the masters
watched in silence and waited for your awakening.
Enter the initiatic palace of your heart and take your place
in the assembly of those who work for the good of all men.
Sing the song of peace with the masters and coat your
being with LIGHT and LOVE.
Fill your chest with compassion and light the beacon of
spiritual knowledge in your mind.
Collect the inspiration of the masters and return to the
terrestrial plane full of desire to do good and help your journey
You were initiated in the lights of the heart, and it is your
duty to share the inspirations of the masters with men. You have
no choice. Evil is not for you, and even if the sting of human
incomprehension hurts your chest, don’t let up on your journey.
You are the son of the Eternal! And your heart knows that.
Your body is flesh and bones, but your being is stellar and
divine. Coat your spirit of LOVE and your flesh with LIGHT. And

Wagner Borges

walk confidently, for your spiritual strength does not come from
this world.
Your heart belongs to the ALL. Get up and walk, stellar
brother... and do not stop until you reach the goal that the
masters indicated in the infinite, beyond the lights of the world...
in the house of the Ineffable, invisible to worldly eyes, but visible
to the eyes of the heart and the brilliance of intelligence.
The LIGHT of lights guides you, from the inside out, in the
initiation palace of the heart, home of the masters and temple of
perennial wisdom, which never depends on time or place, but on
conscience, patience, determination, work and love.
To walk healthily in the Earth’s crust, it is not enough
just to be dressed in a carnal body, it takes discernment and
understanding. It is necessary to put on the conscience of
spirituality, so as not to forget the very nature of heaven, nor
those who accompany and inspire the journey of the Invisible.
You have to be human to evolve. But one must also be spiritual,
so as not to forget one’s own stellar origin. Walking in the flesh
is a star. May the star and its body be balanced friends during
the earth journey. And may the ALL enlighten each brother who
reads these lines and inspire the fluency of love in their lives. May
each initiate carry out the work he has embraced and honor the
spiritual path with steps of light and love. May your footprints be
virtuous and luminous.
May your steps be happy.
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)
Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Steps and Trails III


Dear friend reader,

Take your attention to the LIGHT.
Visualize a sphere of golden light above your head.
Think of the unconditional backing of the helpers.
Tune your heart to the hosts of LIGHT.
Imagine that the luminous sphere spills energy balms...
They interpenetrate the top of your head, and your mind
lights up!
Then they go down to your chest, and your heart lights up!
And even more: they go down to the navel, and your belly
lights up!
Filled with golden light, you think of the Great Hierophant.
Yes, the One who is the Supreme Initiator of all consciences.
The Great Architect of the Universe, Lord of all LIGHT.
Amid the LIGHT, let go!
Meditate on the greatness of the Universe, admire Life.
Smile in LIGHT, thank Life.
Think that your hands are luminous too.
Feel that your feet are golden.
Yes, to produce healing touches and walk the Path,
It is necessary to have hands of light and creative steps.
Steps and trails, paths and destinations ...
Initiatory touches, choices and progress ...
In every thought, project the LIGHT!
Within the flesh, or on the spiritual journey, LIGHT!

Wagner Borges

P.S.: Right after I finished these writings, Sanat Khum Maat

appeared and dictated to me, spiritually, the following:
“When the initiate thinks about Christ,
His heart melts with love.
He knows what it means to think about LIGHT:
It means that his BEING becomes an avatar of Love,
And his chakras become luminous portals.
He learned that “in Father’s house there are many mansions”.
He knows that in the relativity of time and space,
The Love of the masters is the same.
He knows that he is guided by LIGHT, and draws strength
from it!
In his heart, he learned that “what is above is like what is
below, in the miracle of one thing”.
He perceives the ALL in everything.
Perceive the divine song in the spiritual spheres,
And thanks Pythagoras29 for the hints ...
Receive inspiration from the stars, his little sisters,
And thanks Hermes Trismegisto30 for the stellar lessons.
The initiate is an ordinary person and an apprentice in the
art of living.
But he has already learned the essentials to guarantee
himself on the path:
He always thanks the invisible masters, for everything.
And always meditate on the LIGHT!
And when he thinks of Christ embracing humanity,
In the silence of Love, his heart melts ...
29. Pythagoras: wonderful philosopher, mathematician and ancient Greek initiate.
30. Hermes Trismegisto: one of the great hermetic masters of Egyptian antiquity.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

May spiritual initiates walk with honor and grace,

Always fulfilling the superior dictates of LIGHT. ”

— Wagner Borges —

Wagner Borges

Flying through Athors Sky with the Sage of the Stars

He came from distant places and landed in the warm lands

of Ancient Egypt.
He looked like an angel, but he was a man, similar to those
on Earth.
Due to his wisdom, he was welcomed as a master. However,
what he liked most was the contact with the simple people of
the place.
He was always in a good mood and his face blazed when
he smiled.
His eyes shone like two stars.
He shared his stellar knowledge with those who were
already prepared for a clear understanding of the principles that
govern the Cosmos.
After the evening classes, taught within the initiatic
temples, he used to project himself out of the physical body,
along with some disciples.
Taking flight and singing the sky of Athor31, they looked
more like luminous angels, but they were just people initiated
in the spiritual arts, in full action. On the extraphysical level, he
deepened his explanations, applied the appropriate exercises
and continued to share his wisdom.
He used to say:
“Each being carries a light in his heart and has sublime
potential to be awakened.
However, before that, it needs to be tested in the crucible
of the experiences necessary for its refinement.
31. Athor (Hator): “The Goddess of the night, in Egyptian cosmogony”

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

He needs to open his heart and serve the Greater Plan.

Before accessing Cosmic Consciousness, the lessons of
humility, responsibility, respect for the laws of nature and the
desire to serve the evolution of humanity in anonymity.
To work, incessantly, without the arrogance of arrogance,
always aware of the excellent goals.
In the trails of spirituality there is no room for petty goals
and various sabotages.
Whoever wants the awakening of the starlight, in himself,
needs to harmonize with the objectives that he seeks, with
lucidity and love in his activities.
It is not easy to shine, only the strong in spirit can live
with the starlight lit in themselves, being, at the same time, just
normal human beings, with all the problems inherent to this
Every man has spiritual wings, but he must learn to open them.
It takes time for a man to become an angel, completely. It
requires lives and a lot of patience.
Rather, one must train the angel in the flesh, life after life.
Slowly, the wings of light will vibrate at the appropriate stellar
In due course, the ascension will occur. Not because of
mystical or religious motivations, but because of the level of
consciousness manifested.
Nobody is in the world by chance!
Only wins the reincarnation wheel the one who presents
a dignified service, without expecting any kind of reward or
recognition. Only those who operate with dignity, in harmony

Wagner Borges

with love and higher dictates, leave Earth for happy worlds or for
the planes of pure light.
And let no one be surprised: there is no way to deceive
the law of cause and effect! Each according to the spread and
vibration of its wings! ”
He explained the hermetic principles in the simplest way.
His teaching was perfect. He brought the knowledge of the stars
directly to the hearts of men.
In seven fundamental concepts, he summed up stellar science:
1. Principle of Mentalism: “The ALL is pure consciousness!”
(The ALL is in everything!).
2. Principle of Correspondence: “What is above is like what
is below. What is below is like what is above, in the miracle of
one thing! ”(The macrocosm and microcosm integrated in the
perception of those who know about the UNION!).
3. Principle of Vibration: “Everything vibrates, nothing rests
still!” (There is life in everything! Everything is energy!).
4. Polarity Principle: “Everything is double, everything has
two poles, opposites and equal!” (The game of chi - the vital force
- in its double natural manifestation: Yin and Yang; the analogy of
the opposite, generating the vital pulse!).
5. Principle of Rhythm: “Everything has ebb and flow;
everything has its tides; everything goes up and down; to the
right and to the left; the rhythm is the balance! ”(The wise
man commands the vital cycles, obeying them, never violating
them! He knows that everything in his time and that the balance
oscillates according to the specific weight of each action. He can
dance on the razor’s edge, without being corrupted!).

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

6. Cause and Effect Principle: “Every cause has its effect;

every effect has its cause; all things happen according to the
Law. Chance is the name given to an unrecognized law. There are
many plans of causality, but nothing escapes the Law! ”(THE ALL
is cause. In the cause, the effect! To each according to its works!).
7. Gender Principle: “Gender is in everything; everything
has its male and female poles; gender manifests itself in all
planes! ”(The generating principle is in everything. In the ALL,
the genesis of everything. In the nature of beings and things, the
vital manifestation of it. Every spirit is co-creator! THE FATHER-
MOTHER of the universe manifests itself in each being. Therefore,
the creative potential is within each one!).
The sage of the stars taught these hermetic laws to several
generations of initiates, who came from various places in the
ancient world, to drink from the source of their wisdom.
Endowed with divine perception, he opened interdimensional
portals and observed future times.
On one of those occasions, he saw someone writing on a
strange device with a clear screen.
Above that person, there was a ray of white light shining
directly into his crown chakra.
Beside him, a spirit of real mien, austere, projecting a ray
of bright navy blue light, from his frontal chakra to the frontal
chakra of the boy who wrote. Seeing that future scene, he
laughed because he knew the text was about him.
He knew that stellar teachings would pass, secretly, from
generation to generation, to the point of being understood,
exoterically32, by people of various levels and origins, to the point
32. Exoteric: “open”; “explicit”. Do not confuse with “Esoteric”: “closed”; “secret”; “Airtight”.

Wagner Borges

of being transmitted by strange devices, in their own homes.

The sage reflected on that vision and thought:
“Will future generations find their wings fluttering when
they become aware of the hermetic principles?
Will they be driven by the winds of maturity?
Will they feel the touch of the infinite in their hearts and minds?
Will they be calm in their spiritual research?
Are they equipped with due patience?
Will they be strong to face their fears and blockades head
on, as spiritual explorers of dimensional boundaries?
Are they embedded with real value in their studies?
Are people aware that they are stars of the ALL traveling
through their lives, in bodies adapted to their needs for learning
and understanding?
Will they be sure of their own immortality?
Will they be lucid, loving, cheerful, sensible, responsible
and equal in their purposes?
Will they sing the skies of Athor like angels outside their
fleshly bodies?
Will they consciously travel out of the Earth, towards the
elevated extraphysical planes, to other learnings, while their
bodies sleep?
Will they thank the Supreme Commander of life for the
opportunities for ascension that each human experience offers?
Will they understand the UNION? ”
Finished his mission in the hot lands of Ancient Egypt,
the sage ascended to the upper spheres, beyond the fleeting
earthly glows. He looked like an angel, but he was just someone

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

connected to Cosmic Consciousness. He was just a being

accomplished in the spiritual arts.
It was not just the initiate, it was the GREAT INITIATE!
It was not like many initiates today, full of esoteric degrees
mixed with arrogance and exaggerated selfishness. That star-
angel-man was simple conscience and love, always in a good
mood, full of hope for the future of men, the Earth and other orbs.
His teachings are marked, indelibly, on the spiritual skin of
the planet and in the hearts of responsible initiates of all times.
This sage of the stars has been known by several names,
throughout history: Thoth in Egypt; Hermes in Greece; Mercury
in Rome; Enoch among the Jews; Messenger of Osiris among
the initiates; Hermes Trismegisto (Trimegistus, Trimegistro), the
Three Times Great!
Here and now, using the “strange device” called a computer,
I register what Sanat Khum Maat, the blue ray helper in the
frontal chakra, spiritual director and inspirer of this text, wishes
to pass on:
- Oh, masters of light! Its luminous footprints guide our
paths. Inspire our journeys, human and spiritual. Guide our steps
on the trails of life and our flights in the skies of Athor.
May Father Osiris open lucidity in our consciences.
May Horus, the divine Son, bearer of the light, encourage
love in our hearts.
May Mother Isis, unveiling the veil of ignorance, quicken
our womb.
May Maat, the Lady of justice, be supportive of our actions
and choices.

Wagner Borges

May the teachings of the sage of the stars sink deep into us all!
Everyone’s TELESMA33 is here, and its strength is converted
to land, by the dignified presence of light workers, spreading
their wings in the crust of the world! With the tip of a spiritual
diamond, the stellar sage recorded his teachings in the soul of
the world and in the hearts of the just:
“Wake up !, remember that you are a man, who came
from a star, you are in a star and will go to another star. Land
gently! Masters are guiding! ”
Still using the “strange device” to write, I now remember
another of his secret teachings:
“Meditate: you wear the robe to go down and take off the
robe to go up!”
He left his teachings in the warm lands of Ancient Egypt.
And they have traveled through generations.
Today, they warm up other hearts that travel on the journey
of spiritual knowledge. They inspire the initiates now, no longer
within the initiatic temples, but within the urban agglomerations,
side by side with their walking brothers, on the “front” of modern
life, subjected to the harshest tests of their ascension walk: the
tests of relationships humans in practice!
Here and now, I wish that the spiritual wings of the readers
are vibrating a lot when reading these writings, because my
wings are vibrating a lot because I have registered them here on
the screen of the “strange device”.

33. Telesma: In the “Esmeralda Table by Hermes Trismegisto”, a famous esoteric text from
antiquity, it is solar energy converted into earth, that is: the light applied in the transformation!
It is about inner alchemy: the iron man, old, transformed by light into the golden man, renewed,
golden with love and understanding. For a better understanding of the readers, I put in the
appendix of this book a translation of the “Emerald Tablet”

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

P.S.: I wrote all this, but under the direct inspiration of

Sanat Khum Maat.
Peace and Light!

— Wagner Borges —

Wagner Borges

Spiritual Seeds

1. The knowledge of the BEING is the fire that burns the

dry weed of ignorance.
2. In the wings of balance, enter the spiritual heart and
perceive the effulgence of the BEING itself. Realize reality beyond
sensory references: Everything is one!
3. The great arcane is revealed only in the luminous atrium
of the secret chamber of the spiritual heart. The master resides
there. It is he who determines the moment of the encounter,
based on the work that the spiritual servant does in the world.
4. Meditate on the right side of the chest. Visualize inside it
a golden chamber covered, inside, by violet quartz crystals. Enter
the chamber and receive the shine of the crystals. Stay within it,
and rest your thoughts and emotions. Meditate on the BEING.
5. The ALL is in everything! Meditate on it.
6. The philosopher’s spirit stone is love. Through his action,
the old man, oxidized by the vile metal of his distorted emotions,
becomes the golden BEING that lives in the inner secret chamber.
7. Love is the father of all inner alchemy.
8. Initiates serve, spiritually, in the world, out of love. They
perceive the effulgent BEING in each man. They perceive the
wisdom of Osiris in the gleam of the eyes, the compassion of
Isis in the heart and the golden radiance of Horus in the aura.
Meditate on it.
9. Negative thoughts do not harm only on the mental
level. They also settle in the body and damage the organs. It is
for this reason that initiates, of all times, have always insisted

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

on combating the lower ego and its contiguous minions - pride,

fear, selfishness, evil. The only effective remedy is the synergy of
two vital elements in consciousness: discernment and love, in all
10. Muddy feet of arrogance cannot step in the atrium of
the initiatory temple of the heart.
11. People with pulsating intentions and slaves to petty
desires are refractory to the responsibility and conscientious
deepening that spiritual themes deserve. It seems that spiritual
maturity terrifies them intensely. It seems that they are afraid of
the Divine who lives within themselves.
12. Extraphysical helpers are not invisible projectors
servants. The opposite is also true. helpers and projectors are
just immortal spirits evolving and working together for the
good of all. Inside or outside the flesh, they are just spiritual
and human beings, working and learning in this immeasurable
interdimensional universe of the ALL.
13. How is it possible for someone to want to rise up
spiritually, carrying the energetic debris of hatred into the secret
chamber of the heart?
14. The shackles of hate are the slime of the soul. How is it
possible to fly like that?
15. Spiritual fanatics are not initiated. They are subjects
of ignorance, their master and diligent companion. They
are partners in violence, their walking companion. They are
conscientious diseased.
16. Remedies against depression and pessimism: study and
work, strength and perseverance,Peace and Light!

Wagner Borges

17. Awakened beings love, unconditionally.

18. Anyone who hates becomes a mage of conscientious
darkness, as he allows dark beings to approach, by tune, and use
their energies against the world. Hatred is disease!
19. Look up and see the blue sky. Now, look down and see
the little plant full of red flowers, in the vase on the corner of
the balcony. You are between the azure blue and the red of the
earth. Think about it.
20. Visualize a sphere of azure light in the posterior mouth
of the heart chakra. Inside, an open red rose appears. Meditate on it.
21. The initiate does not fear death. As a disciple of Shiva,
the divine transformer, how could he fear any change?
22. The initiate does not fear the loss, even of his dense
body, because he knows that nothing belongs to him, in the
transitory world. For this reason, he relies only on the Ineffable,
invisible to the eyes of the flesh, but visible in the light of
intelligence and the love of the heart.
23. Meditate on the golden light of Horus, permeating
your body and aura. Feel connected to the higher dictates, which
govern the progress of the initiate on the spiritual path. Feel
attuned to the firmness of the “light bearer”.
24. When the initiate meditates on the ALL, tears naturally
come to the eyes, and his heart melts with unconditional
love. These are the signs that the heart chakra has become an
awakened avatar34 of cosmic consciousness.

34. Avatar (from Sanskrit): Celestial Emissary ; Divinity Channel

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

25. The initiate has already received his fair share of light.
Now it’s time to share it. For this reason, he prays in silence
for the good of all, and asks WHOLE to give him strength to
help humanity with the spiritual talents that he improved in
the initiation. He knows that only the ALL will understand his
purposes, because only the spirit understands the spirit.
26. Movement is born out of stillness; the sound comes from
the silence. Similarly, the golden man emerges from initiation.
In order to shine brightly, it was necessary to descend into the
abyss of himself and overcome the monsters engendered by his
ancient fears. From the dark pits of selfishness a “DWIDJA”35 emerged.
27. Sphinx consciential prerequisites:
 To discover new horizons: TO KNOW.
 To combat fear and inertia: TO DARE.
 To do good: TO WANT.
 To beat yourself: TO HUSH THE EGO.
28. The initiate never gives up his ability to discern. He
knows how to separate the wheat from the chaff. He was trained
spiritually for this. After so much time improving your reasoning
and your qualities, how could you allow yourself to follow any
strange idea or take negative actions, that shame your effort?
29. He who allows himself conscientious discredit and
enters the dense woods of radicalism, to the detriment of spiritual
discernment, was never really initiated. His heart was always
impervious to love, and the light of Horus never shone in his aura.

35. Dwidja (from Sanskrit): “The reborn”; “One who has two lives”; in the spiritual arcana, it is the
conscious projector that overcomes the fear of death barrier and knows the Invisible up close.

Wagner Borges

30. The wealth of the initiate is to feel the presence of the

effulgent BEING in oneself. His joy is to use the spiritual talents
that the ALL has entrusted to him, to help humanity. Its energy
comes from the Ineffable. And he does not aim to be a master at
any time, as he will always be a neophyte of the Great Architect
of the Universe. His joy comes from spiritual service. It makes
him rich. And he knows it.
31. PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUE: Visualize a blue indigo light in
the frontal chakra. Immerse your mind in blue. Breathe, gently,
the blue energy. After a few minutes of this, visualize a golden
energy at the base of the neck. Pay attention to the golden glow,
while remaining tuned to the blue of the frontal. Fall asleep
watching blue and gold. Persevere in it, night after night. Exit from
the body is natural and occurs during the rest period of the body.
It is a natural potential of every human being. However, spiritual
lucidity is the result of conscientious effort and improvement.
Activating energy centers and radiating energy in favor
of everyone’s good considerably expands the bioenergetic and
projective potential.
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings


Greetings, dear brother of spiritual labors.

Observe the following: many of the people, who have access to
spiritual knowledge, are still attached to the walls of their own ego.
Some of them build impermeable screens in the light of
clarification. Others close their eyes to avoid facing the necessary
renovation. They are still hampered by the fear of growing up
and run away from the encounter with themselves.
They move through spiritual studies and, apparently, are
hard workers. However, many work without honor and do not
dignify the objectives of the study itself.
They seem very excited, initially, with spirituality, but, in
contact with some obstacles inherent in their own purification,
they abandon the way , claiming various disappointments.
Few are honored in their spiritual commitments. This is
easily seen by the lack of sparkle in their eyes and the lack of
love and joy when they talk about spiritual things.
Honor is lacking, my dear!
How many are making offerings and sacrifices in the name
of supposedly spiritualized motivations? However, the Lord of life
is not enchanted by superficial offerings. He wants nothing more,
nothing less, for the spiritualist to offer the head of his own ego,
cut off by the sharp swords of discernment. He wants his heart
to be washed with sorrows and his soul to fight, tenaciously, for
the breaking of the shell of pride and fear.
How many are seriously committed to serving the dictates
of light?

Wagner Borges

Dear brother, who goes through spiritual studies has a

serious task to do: to take the reins of his own course and move
forward by his own ability to discern and feel!
Many prefer to hand over the command of their own lives
to consciences and situations outside themselves. However, how
to walk with the legs of others?
For this reason, it is common to find people without the
proper temperament for contact with the realities of the soul.
They are on the spiritual path, but they step without respect.
They have easy access to relevant information, but are disdained
by luck.
They make light approaches to deep themes. They speculate
and speak much more than they act.
How many of these people remember the ancient initiates,
who perished in the fires of religious intolerance, the daughter of
ignorance and ignominy of men?
Do they realize that many have sacrificed their lives to keep
the light of spirituality on Earth alive?
Heroes who were silent, even under heavy torture, to
preserve the lives of others who would continue to carry the
torch of spirituality forward.
Today, information on spiritual topics is widespread. Access
is easy, but how many are willing to take the evidence inherent
in this study?
How many are willing to enter the fire of discernment to
incinerate their own ego?
In the past, many died from these studies.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

They were murdered because they wanted to break the

veil of ignorance. They knew about the risks, but even so, they
willingly paid the price. They disincorporated consciously, as they
knew how to value spiritual goals.
On the subtle planes, the masters of light dignified them
by effort.
How sad irony: they had so little access, but for them it was
Today, many people have easy access and still find it little
and complain so much!
Dear brother, you already know this initiatic aphorism, but
it never hurts to quote it, for the knowledge of people: “Only the
strong in spirit can bear the torch of discernment, in their lives,
and love in their steps, into the world . Only they, in the name of
light, can raise the flags of spirituality on the highest peaks of Peace! ”
We wish you and your readers responsible and coherent
steps along the paths of life and spirituality!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

P.S.: These writings reminded me of the keen perception of

the Hindu sage Aurobindo:
“In addition to our eager reach, these peaks are located,
Too high for our mortal strength and height.
Hardly, in a tremendous ecstasy of labor,
36. OM TAT SAT (from Sanskrit): it is a triple designation of Brahman, the Absolute. It is also used
as an initiatory salutation or activation mantra for the chakras and nadi that run along the spine.

Wagner Borges

Scaled by the athletic and naked spirit will.

Stern, intolerant, they demand of us
Too long and too much effort for our deadly fiber.
Our hearts cannot persevere nor our flesh endure;
Only the strength of the Eternal in us can dare
Undertake the immense adventure of this climb
And the sacrifice of everything we cherish here. ”

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Inner Wealth Technique

“A beating heart in the forehead, a star in the lotus of the

heart and the golden light circulating the joy through the nadi37.
In doing so, who can say that is poor in conscience and
disinherited from the light?
In doing so, often and diligently, consciousness will break
through the barrier of inertia and reach the very core of divinity
Hari Om!38

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

P.S.: A clarification on this technique:

This exercise was passed on to a class of students in the
city of Salvador, during the “Energetic Steps” course.
It is a yogic visualization technique, and its final result is
psychophysical balance.
One can mentally vibrate in the frontal chakra, the mantra
HARI OM during the exercise.
The image of a beating heart on the forehead creates a
deep energetic relationship between the heart and frontal chakras.
The visualization of a six-pointed gold star is excellent
for balancing the heart chakra and improving the circulation of
energies through the system. In fact, the star is the symbol of the
37. Nadi (from Sanskrit): subtle conduits for transporting energy through the energy body. The
main nadis are those that run along the column: ida, pingala and sushumna.
38. Hari Om (from Sanskrit): is one of the evocative bijas mantra of Vishnu, the Divine Preserver
in Hinduist Cosmogony.

Wagner Borges

heart chakra and the air element in the classic Hindu yantra.
The golden light passing through the nadis means that
there is an energetic purification, which induces a vibrational state.
This practice, when done close to bedtime, can favor a
projection of consciousness and a certain energetic activation of
the chakras and the etheric double (also called “vital body”, in
Rosicrucian, and “holochakra”, in Projectiology).
Needless to say, the person must permeate the exercise
with joy, love, modesty and lucidity.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Conscientiousness Sowing

There is a time to plant and there is a time to reap. Sowing

is free, but harvesting is mandatory. The field is within the heart.
Discernment, will and patience are the tools of the being.
Fertile land is the will to grow and be useful. The main nutrient is
LOVE. Fertilizing the land of himself with it, it is certain that the
field will prosper.
It is also necessary to prevent the plagues of negative
thoughts. They are the ones who detonate the plantation.
Someone, one day, taught the crowd on the way, two basic
precepts of the initiates: Watch and Pray!
The prayer links the being to the source of light and love of
everything, To THE ALL, to cosmic consciousness. Everyone who
plants, prays to the heavens for the right time of the seasons, for
the rain and the sun in the right measure. The prayer links the
being to the Sun of Love and the Rain of Peace in his field.
However, in addition to praying, it is necessary to watch, as
there are plagues, and we must fight them. Watch and Pray!This
was Jesus’ advice to the multitude of paths. Yesterday, as today,
this is more than necessary.
Whoever wants to sow the planting of a fair conscience in
life and to balance the land of himself must work with patience
and sow peace and love in his field. Perhaps the suffering crowd
on the way does not understand the reasons for such planting.
However, initiates know.
They watch and pray... and sow with patience and wisdom.
They follow Jesus and all masters of conscience advice.

Wagner Borges

They always “pray to the Sun and thank the rain”.

And so they walk happily through the land of themselves.
May the fields flourish and all men evolve and make their way
back to the stars, to other crops in this immense universe of the

There is a time for everything.

Climbing the initiatory steps is no easy task. It is a human
and interdimensional ascent, at the same time, regardless of
limiting and castrating injunctions of the will.
It is a task for strong spirits and pioneers of themselves.
The initiate carries his own lamplight. However, despite being a
guide for himself on the journey, one of his skills is modesty.
Facing the initiatic arcana, he smiles calmly. He is prepared
for the times of the previous tests.
He watches and prays! He knows that the ALL is in
everything. And that LOVE is his supreme master.
He thanks and raises the torch of discernment over his
head. He will climb the steps wisely. The previous tests prepared
him very well.
There is a time for everything. He knows that the iron of his
evidence will be transformed into the gold of certainty that he
will journey with him through Eternity.
He is a human and interdimensional traveler. For this
reason, he travels wearing the sandals of common sense. He
works and studies, watches and prays!
For he knows that there is a time for everything. With the
torch lit, he will climb the steps with love and patience.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

And he will find the treasure of light in himself.

The initiate knows that he is the eternal apprentice of the
ALL. He is fair and sincere in his goals. He is an interdimensional
He watches and prays, because he knows that there is a
time for everything.

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

Wagner Borges

Traveling on the Waves of Serene and Fraternal Support

It is now 7:50 pm on December 31, 2003.

I’m on vacation at a farm in Jundiaí, with a group of friends.
While they are watching a movie in the living room of the
main house, I am in the back house, sitting in front of the pool.
I feel like writing and turn on the laptop. I make a clean
copy of an old text and keep looking for nothing, at a fine mist
that is coming down here. I turn on the sound and put on a
beautiful Italian progressive rock CD39, to listen and enjoy the
beauty of the magical moment of twilight, the moment of the
day that I appreciate the most, even with the thin rain that now
falls, mixed with the tenuous mist.
As I enjoy the music and the environment, I feel a discharge
of bluish energy rising from the base of the column to the inner
region of the neck.
Immediately, I feel the aura expand, notably in the area of
the shoulders and head.
I close my eyes and notice, on my right, the helper Sanat
Khum Maat. He nods his head, and then I realize that he is the
cause of the energetic groove in progress. Through his silent gaze,
I feel his level of consciousness. It is pure silent contentment.
From his majestic figure, a certain bluish softness emanates,
common to the initiated into inner peace. I feel his affection
involving me like a beloved son, and I think:
“How many lives and experiences has this guy gone through
to show such a high level of consciousness? How many times has
he endured the bitterness of loneliness and incomprehension of
39. Cd. “Canto Di Primavera”, by Banco, one of the main groups of Italian progressive rock.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

his disciples on their initiatic journey? How much time and effort
did he dedicate to deep dives in consciential questioning? ”
I call my friend Vítor to sit here near me and to focus to
catch a ride in the presence of this helper, but without telling him
who he is and what’s going on.
It seems that Sanat did not come to pass something
specifically, but only to visit me and share his affection with me,
in silence.
I take advantage that the laptop is on and ask, mentally, if I
can ask him some questions and write down his answers, in sequence.
He agrees, but raises his right hand and says:
“The only one who knows everything is the ALL! What I can
answer is just what I know within the relative degree of knowledge
I have at the moment. And yet, consider carefully the relativity
of your understanding for each answer presented. Within the
parameters of common sense and appropriate initiatory dignity,
a serene and quality spiritual conversation is possible.
Under the inspiration of Above and in accordance with the
equal principles of love and light, we will unite our consciences
in the flow of higher inspiration. ”
Then, immediately, two columns of blue light descend
on us, one for each one. I feel another greater presence,
interpenetrating the two of us. I noticed that Sanat himself is
in an altered state of consciousness, as if linked to other higher
spiritual levels, somewhere ...
I feel great, but I think:
“Damn it! This thing is bigger than I imagined. I thought it was
just a spiritual chat and now a big groove like that comes on the track. ”

Wagner Borges

Inside my head, there is now a soft blue light and, in the

middle of it, a small bluish triangle appears interpenetrating the
pituitary and pineal glands, the nape and the frontal and top of
the head chakras.
I look at Vitor, sitting outside, in front of the window and
the pool, and it seems to me that there is a golden energy around
him, with a lot of blue inside.
At the same time, I notice a large mass of golden oval
energy, hovering in front of the main house, where the other
people are.
I’m very focused and serene, mentally, but with the feeling
of being the last to know about things here in the groove. I think
about asking Sanat something and recording his answer, but I
don’t even remember what I wanted to know anymore. And I also
feel that any question is now ridiculous, and that the groove that
is going on, spiritually, and that I don’t see, is so “out of my league!”
I get up and go outside, to sit next to Vitor. I explain to him
that there is a bidding with Sanat and I tell him about the colors
that I saw around him. He happily confirms to me that he was
just feeling interpenetrated by blue and gold energies.
I call the other friends, who are in the other house, to catch a
ride on the groove. The group sits with us and, in a circle, concentrates.
I pick up the stereo and put a beautiful CD of Hindu
mantras to play.
Above us, a powerful emanation of light appears,
something non-physical, shining in the sky, like an immense
luminous covering, spreading through the celestial immensity.
That is pure serene contentment in the form of light.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

I feel that high consciousnesses, based on other planes, are

pouring creative energies into humanity right now. Serene love
bathing the world, invisibly.
On the neighbor’s estate, someone puts on loud music and
starts the noise of people drinking and talking loudly, waiting
for the new year. Here, I turn up the sound and don’t even care
about the noise of the crowd.
Up there, that light; down here, we, gathered and wrapped by
a feeling of serene contentment, bathing our consciences and bodies.
Now I know why Sanat had that special look. As I know, too,
that he didn’t need to say anything at all. This serene wave says
it all, without saying anything! This unconditional love, entering
the chest, already communicates everything, beyond words.
This soft peace, descending in us, already expresses the spiritual
greatness that is not perceived with the senses of the flesh,
but only in the perennial tuning of the attributes of the spirit
itself, divine spark plowing in the earthly land, the experiences
necessary for its full awakening.
On the ride of these higher vibrations, we hold hands and
think about sharing this good thing with humanity, in silence.
There is no need to say anything to the assembled group, as I
know that they are thinking and feeling the same things, and
also thanking for the chance to travel, subtly, in the serene waves
of enrichment of consciences embedded in the struggles of the
spirit and the flesh.
We stayed there for a while, until a thin rain descends. So,
we ran into the house and talked happily about the groove and
what each one felt. The feeling is that we have received a gift
from Spirituality.
Wagner Borges

I don’t notice Sanat now, but I thank him for starting this
special spiritual ride. May we be able to take advantage of this gift
in the form of healthy thoughts, feelings and actions in existence.
Let us be happy, even if no one understands.
Let us do good, within our means, even if they criticize us for it.
Let us be loyal to the spiritual values we aspire to, always
remembering and that there are other consciences watching us
and cheering for us unconditionally.
Serene consciences that are not given to flashy phenomena,
that love us without asking anything, never judge us, only support
in silence, even if no one believes.
Yes, let us be happy, and may our eyes have the shining of
Peace and Light!

— Wagner Borges —

P.S.: “Before the ear can hear, it must have lost touch.
Before the eyes can see, they must be incapable of tears.
Before the voice can speak in the presence of the masters,
it is necessary that your feet have been washed in the blood of
the heart ”.
(Excerpt from the inspired book “Luz no Caminho”,
authored by Mabel Collins - Editora Pensamento).

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings


For Hindu initiates, spiritual work is the highest achievement

of the incarnate soul; for the Chinese, it is the pure balance of
the CHI waves in human manifestation; for Tibetans, it is pure
devotion and discipline; for the Greeks, it is the manifestation of
spiritual art on Earth; for western spiritualists, it is the spiritual
ascent through dynamism and modernity. However, for the
Egyptian initiates (both now and long ago), the option of spiritual
work is in the hands of MAAT40, the goddess of justice. For it is she
who subtly operates in the spiritual field of the heart, SWEETLY,
with GREAT SKILL, the vibratory dispositions that guide the soul
in its evolutionary route. It is she who moves the winds of cosmic
justice in the depths of the soul, taking it to the necessary spiritual
flights of growth. It is by her action, fair and unassuming, that
the soul, involved in earthly trials, is attracted, invisibly, to the
people and to the “spiritual circles” appropriate for its progress.
It is MAAT who gives spiritual wings to the disciple, so that he
undertakes the great flights of knowledge.
We ask spiritualist workers to be fair and unassuming in
their goals and attitudes, as they will thus attract the vibrations of
MAAT and, therefore, with patience and dexterity, the dissolution
of opaque climates that shadow the beautiful horizons of the
spiritualist walk of soul on Earth.
To overcome harmful vibrations (internal or external),
proceed as follows:
Focus (objectively, lucidly, without fantasies or emotional
subterfuges), mentally on the name of MAAT.
40. Maat: the Goddess of Justice in Egyptian cosmogony.

Wagner Borges

At the same time, visualize a bird41 feather (luminous,

energetic) floating in front of you. Imagine, firmly, that it was
sent by MAAT, to your aid, to stabilize your energies.
Operate like this for a few minutes and turn the negative
into positive, as it should be.

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

41. Sometimes the mental figure of the feather can turn into a small flame or even the entire
figure of a bird.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

The Paths of Peace

I have a dream of PEACE. This dream has traveled with me,

for many millennia.
I dream of seeing people hand in hand, with hearts in tune
and twin consciences in the goal of PEACE.
I want to share this dream with all spiritual travelers, inside
and outside the body. This is the most beautiful dream, the
healthiest goal, the brightest light ...
In the spiritual schools, the greeting “PEACE AND JOY” is
always taught, as this is where all the creative potential of the soul
itself resides: peace in emotions and light in goals. The goal of
peace begins within each one, fighting, tenaciously, against their
own internal wars, fighting, day by day, against the negativities
of their own ego.
There is no spirituality, without peace in the soul.
Honor your aspirations, dignify your spiritual study. Never
falter. It is necessary to always maintain confidence in what you
do. It is necessary to have firmness in the objectives, absolute
Try to focus, firmly, on the word PEACE, within your chakras,
repeating it as many thousands of times as necessary, mentally,
within the various energy centers:
PEACE ... PEACE ... PEACE ... PEACE ..., as many times as
necessary! This is the invitation I come to make: share my dream
with you and the world, share the dream of world peace.
Wake up thinking about it and fall asleep thinking about it.
There is a trip inside the body, daily, and there is a trip

Wagner Borges

outside the body, every night. Both in the daily trip and in the
extra-corporeal trip, the objective is the same: peace between
all beings.
Peace does not begin with the other, it begins with you.
No matter the aggressions made: PEACE BEGINS IN YOU!
I am SANAT KHUM MAAT, friendly, serious conscience,
walking the spiritual paths.
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

Wagner Borges

Chakras and Bija Mantras

Here are the main chakras and their respective activation

bija mantras.
It is just a small summary, to give a basic idea. There is much
more to consider, both in the theoretical and in the practical part
of chakra activating exercises, its vital functions, in short, there is
much to study in this area …
 CORONARY - from the Sanskrit “Sahashara”, which means
“the lotus of a thousand petals”.
It is located at the top of the head and is connected to the
pineal gland (epiphysis).
His Bija mantra is “Brahmarandra” or “OM”.
 FRONT - from the Sanskrit “Ajna”, which means “command”.
Located on the forehead, it is connected to the pituitary
(pituitary) gland.
His bija mantra is “OM”.
 LARGEON - from the Sanskrit “Vishudda”, which means
“the purifier”.
It is located in the throat and connects to the thyroid (and
parathyroid) gland.
His bija mantra is “HAM”.
 HEART - from the Sanskrit “Anahata”, which means
“undefeated”; “inviolate”.
It is located in the center of the chest and connects to the
thymus gland.
His bija mantra is “YAM”.

 UMBILICAL - from the Sanskrit “Manipura”, which means
“city of jewels”.
It is located about two centimeters above the navel and
controls the entire solar plexus region. It is connected to
the pancreas gland.
His bija mantra is “RAM”.
 SACRO - from the Sanskrit “Swadhistana”, which means
“abode of pleasure”, “abode of self” or “abode of the sun”.
It is located in the lower abdomen. Due to its own location
in the body, it would be better known as “urinary genito”.
It is connected to the gonad glands.
His bija mantra is “VAM”.
 BASIC - from Sanskrit: “Muladhara”, which means “base”,
“foundation” or “support”.
It is located at the base of the spine and connects to the
adrenal glands.
His bija mantra is “LAM”.
Here are some considerations about the confusion people
make between the spleen chakra and the lower belly chakra:
 The genito-urinary chakra is known by several names,
depending on the doctrine or spiritualist movement
that mentions it. In Hinduism, in Sanskrit, his name is
“swadhistana”, which means “abode of pleasure”. In
Chinese Taoism, it is called “ching”, the vital essence that
lives in the lower tan tien, or “the sphere of the inner
elixir”, in the lower abdomen. In Japanese it is called “hara”,
which means “lower belly”. And in the West it is known as
“sacred” or “sexual chakra”.
Wagner Borges

 In fact, the function of this chakra far exceeds the genital

function. It also controls the urinary tract and the gonads
(endocrine glands: testicles in men; ovaries in women), and
is responsible for vitalizing the developing fetus, a function
that it shares with the basic chakra). In fact, the connection
of these two chakras is quite close. This is due to the fact
that part of the kundalini energy is transmitted from the
basics into the sacred chakra. That is why some Tibetans
regard these two chakras as a single center.
 Due to its intense energetic activity in the genital area, the
sacred chakra is normally suppressed by several Western
spiritualist doctrines, very attached to ancient conditioning
regarding sexuality. Some of them put the spleen chakra
in its place. The reason is simply the taboo on the sexual
issue. It is absurd, but some authors even change the name
of the two chakras, calling spleen by sacrum or the sacral
chakra by spleen. Some even transfer the bija mantra
from the sacrum to the spleen, which doesn’t even have a
Sanskrit bija mantra.
 Orientals did not suffer the sexual repression imposed
by Christianity here in the West. Hence, they have not
hesitated to classify the sexual chakra as one of the main
strength centers of the energy field. And they considered
the spleen chakra only as a secondary force center. That
is why they cite seven main chakras. Here in the West,
seven main chakras are also spoken of, but they usually
exonerate the sexual chakra from the classification, putting
the spleen chakra in its place.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

 The spleen chakra is important in the process of absorbing

vitality into the body, but it is not one of the main centers.
It is just an energy replenisher, which helps the heart
chakra to distribute energy through the blood circulation.
Therefore, it is not even mentioned as an important center
by yogic tradition.
 In the physical body, the spleen is a viscera located on the
left side of the stomach, just below the ribs, and its function
is to retain and destroy dead blood cells, in addition to
producing red and white blood cells and transport nutrients
to the cells, via the current. blood. In Chinese medicine, it is
considered a single organ in conjunction with the stomach,
which is associated with the earth element.
 Here in the West, who most publicized this version of the
spleen chakra was Charles Webster Leadbeater, a disciple
of Blavatsky, a colleague of Annie Wood Besant and his
direct collaborator in the conduct of the Theosophical
Society in the first three decades of the twentieth century.
He was a respectable and very competent clairvoyant and,
because of what he saw in extraphysical plans, he wrote
dozens of books, such as “Clairvoyance”, “The Other Side
of Death”, “The Hidden Side of Things”, “The Chakras “, etc.
But he had several problems in relation to sexuality, perhaps
because he was a reverend and, for this reason, he suppressed
the study of the sexual chakra, which he said was dangerous for
people’s spiritual development, and put, in its place, the spleen
chakra. After him, other Western authors have taken the same
stance, forgetting that the lower belly chakra is not merely

Wagner Borges

a center of sexual energy activation, but also a generator and

plasma chakra of life, since it is by its action, coupled with the
action of the basic chakra, that the fetus energizes and develops.
In addition, it is the controller of the urinary tract, which shows
why, in the yogic tradition, it is related to the water element).
In short: the sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen.
The spleen chakra is in the spleen. They are different chakras.
There are many other chakras besides the main seven.
There are secondary chakras in the palms, soles, lungs, liver,
stomach, ears, jaws, shoulders, knees, between the shoulder
blades, and spread throughout the body. And, on a smaller scale,
it can be said that, for each pore of the skin, there is a small
chakra in direct correlation in the corresponding vibratory field.
Peace and Light!

— Wagner Borges —

P.S.: For a better understanding of the readers, I put below

explanations referring to several terms inserted in the text:
 Bija mantra (from Sanskrit): “energetic core of a mantra”;
“seed mantra”.
 The crown chakra has 972 petals (or rays), 960 in the
peripheral part and 12 more in its central nucleus (960 +
12 = 972). For esoteric reasons, the yogis rounded off to
1000 petals.
 Brahmarandra (from Sanskrit): “gate of Brahman”; “God’s
gate”. It is an esoteric definition of the central orifice of the
coronary chakra, with its 12 petals in close relation to the

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

heart chakra. That is why several yogis narrate projections

of consciousness through the top of the head. They make
the kundalini ascend through the nadi sushumna, the main
subtle conduit, which rises through the energetic center of
the column, and “squirt” through the top of the head. This
is the conscious exit by Brahmarandra. In some cases, there
is also the activation of the pineal gland in the process.
 RAM (from Sanskrit): “bija mantra of manipura chakra”.
In addition to being the bija mantra of the umbilical
chakra, it is also the abbreviation for the name of Vishnu’s
seventh avatar, “Rama” (Ramachandra). It is a mantra of
considerable power. It also means “Virtue”.
 Kundalini (from Sanskrit): “tangled”; “serpentine fire”;
“shakti”. It is the energy that enters the energy field
through the basic chakra. It is also called, generically, here
in the West, tellurian energy (earth energy), or geoenergy.
However, this definition is very poor. The Orientals, notably
the Hindus and the ancient Taoist Chinese, deepened their
study of this energy. There is a lot of mystery regarding this
theme, mainly on the part of Gnostics and yogis. There is
also a lot of levity and ignorance of people when they talk
about him. Some think it’s just “lighting a rocket on the
butt” and taking off spiritually. Others want the awakening
of the kundalini without even knowing the mechanism
of the chakras and nadis. But, the worst are those who
want to deal with the matter without any love or spiritual
growth, compatible with such a conscientious endeavor.

Wagner Borges

 Many retrograde authors often say that studying and

activating the chakras is dangerous, just as they do with the
projection of consciousness. In fact, it is dangerous to omit
and keep the information and to lock it up in a closed group,
because, thus, the rest of humanity remains in ignorance,
which is the real danger. More dangerous is wanting to
be involved in these matters selfishly or lightly. However,
those who want to grow and feel, in their hearts, the call of
spirituality, towards consciential maturity, must go deep,
without fear or repression of doctrines, people, institutes
or moldy schemes of blocking information. The potential is
within us, asleep, waiting for our conscientious resolution.
Enough inertia! That’s Maya! (from Sanskrit: “illusion”).

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Hermes Trimegistus’ Emerald Tablet

“This is the expression of the truth.

What is above is like what is below, and what is below, like
that which is above, in the miracle of the one thing.
And as all things were made from contemplation of one, so
all things were born from one adaptation.
Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, the wind
carried it in its womb, the earth breast fed it, Telesma from all
over the world is here; its strength is preserved if it is turned into earth.
Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from
the gross, suavely, and with great ability. Whatever results from
this will ascend from Earth to Heaven and descend again to Earth,
and will receive the power of the superiors and of the inferiors.
So thou hast the glory of the whole world and all obscurity will
flee from thee.
This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every
subtle and penetrating every solid thing.
Thus was the world created.
Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the
three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. And complete
is what I had to say about the work of the Sun.”
This is true.
Without falsehood.
True, the true only.

— Hermes Trismegisto —

Wagner Borges

P.S.: Here are some hermetic teachings, (extracted from

the classic book “The Kybalion”, authored by the Three Initiates):
 When the disciple is ready, the master appears.
 The lips of wisdom are closed, except for the ears of
 The principles of truth are seven; the one who knows them
perfectly, has the magic key with which all the doors of the
temple can be opened complacently ”.
 The mind, as well as metals and elements, can be transmuted
from state to state, from degree to degree, from condition
to condition, from pole to pole, from vibration to vibration.
True hermetic transmutation is a mental art.
 The universe is mental: it is within the mind of the All.
 The infinite mind of the All is the matrix of universes.
 Within the Father-Mother mind, the son is in his home.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Traveling Spiritually in the Wings of Peace

In the energetic currents from above, the wonderful

vibrations of universal love travel. They travel towards peace-
sensitive hearts.
They are subtle, vital and serene emanations. They arise
from the heartbeat of the All. They carry life in their belly! They
quicken the hearts that operate on the path of unconditional peace.
The ineffable is pure peace! Is pulsating serenity!
He, the Supreme Hierophant, the commander of all,
invisible to the eyes, but visible to the intelligence and the heart.
He, the lord of immanent peace!
May spiritual students be inspired by this ineffable peace.
This peace, which is not of this world, but which enlightens
hearts and inspires just work.
The peace of those initiated in the path of the cosmic
arcana, born of deep meditation on the highest values of full
The peace of initiation, which arises from initiation to
unconditional peace, in favor of all.
The intimate peace of someone who has already cried a lot
while the scales of his ego fell on the initiation journey.
Yes, every initiated in the peace cries the pain of the world,
in silence, in his own heart. However, his crying is luminous, as it
is supported by the ineffable, which pulsates in his heart.
His tears become light and, collected by the devas, are
used as spiritual balms taken to the sufferers aof the ways.

Wagner Borges

In the silence, where the levity and blindness of men say

that there is nothing, the initiate finds the Ineffable.
He feels, then, that the All is in everything! He feels the
peace that is not of this world.
The same peace that the master Jesus so advocated.
The same serenity that master Buddha taught.
The same divine light taught by Rama and Krishna.
The same sun of immortality admired by the hermetic
masters of all times.
The same song of the times and initiations sung by the
initiates of all ages.
The golden light of Horus, the stellar wisdom of Toth, the
winds of the mother night, where consciences fly, emancipated
from the yoke of the flesh, and the lights of the imperishable
future, in those higher planes of life, where everyone sings the
same peace .
Yes, that peace that is not of this world, but that lives in
the hearts that are fair and sensitive to the highest values of
This peace that tenderly embraces the readers of this book,
in the name of the Ineffable, invisible to the eyes of the flesh, but
visible to the intelligence and the heart.
Peace and Light!

— Sanat Khum Maat and the Initiates —

(Spiritually received by Wagner Borges)

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

In the Light of the All,

Laughing and Thanking Life
Before our world existed, countless suns were already
burning in many points of infinite space.
Under the command of the Great Architect of the Universe,
the Light was made!
And the blackness of the outer fabric was filled with life in
the various luminous points.
Then, the Ancient of Days laughed, Himself enchanted by
the Light manifested.
And so, He continued the expansion of the Light of life
through infinity.
We are the result of His enchantment!
The many humanities scattered around the various orbs
that revolve in space are also so! And everything else, on Earth
or on other planes of universal life.
As the old initiates said, EVERYTHING IS LIGHT! THE ALL IS
And He continues to laugh among the stars ... and to
generate new lights, our little star siblings.
Before we existed here, the Unknowable had already
invented the smile and marveled at the brightness of the stars
and the infinite richness and variety of immeasurable existence.
May we learn this lesson from Him: be enchanted with life
and fill the Light with laughter full of admiration and gratitude,
for everything.
Yes, for God’s sake, let’s laugh more and value life!

Wagner Borges

We are brothers of the stars and children of the same Light.

We will not do for less: Light and laughter, thanks and
admiration, because the ALL IS IN EVERYTHING!
Peace and Light!

— Wagner Borges —

Wagner Borges

Helper - Extraphysical and positive entity that helps the
projector in his extra corporeal experiences; extraphysical
mentor; extraphysical master; spiritual companion; astral
protector; invisible assistant; astral guardian; spiritual guide.

Aura (Latin: aura, breath of air) - Luminous halo of

different colors, which involves the physical body and reflects,
energetically, what the individual thinks, feels and experiences,
in his intimate world.

Karma (from Sanskrit “karma”, “action”) - It is the Universal

Law of Cause and Effect.

Chakras - Centers of force, located in the energy body,

whose main function is the absorption of energy (prana), from
the environment into the energy field and the physical body.
In addition, they serve as an energetic bridge between the
extraphysical body (astral body, psychosome), and the physical body.

Clairvoyance (Latin: clarus, clearly; videre, see) - Perceptual

faculty that allows the individual to acquire information
about objects, psychic events, scenes and things, physical or
extraphysical, through the parapsychic perception of images or
mental pictures.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

Cosmic Consciousness - Condition or inner perception, by

which consciousness feels the living presence of the Universe
and becomes one with it, in an indivisible unity; Satori (Zen
Buddhism); Samadhi (Yoga).

Astral body - It is the name by which occultists and

theosophists call the spiritual body; psychosome; perispirit.

Mental body - Vehicle of manifestation through which

consciousness manifests itself using the attributes of intelligence
(intellect, intuition, memory, imagination, etc.); mind; body of

Pre-reincarnation course - Extraphysical course, to which

disincorporated spirits who intend to carry out specific works,
mainly in the spiritual or parapsychic field, undergo future

Etheric double - Very densified energy field, with which the

psychosome joins the physical body. It is an intermediate zone
through which the energy currents that keep the human body
alive pass. Without this intermediate zone, consciousness could
not use the cells of its physical brain, because the emanations
of thought, coming from its mental body, and the emotional
emanations, coming from its psychosome, would not have access
to physical matter.

Wagner Borges

Egregore - Energy field that reflects the sum total of mental,

emotional and energetic environments, objects, people and
situations. It is the environmental aura, shaped, spiritually, in a
certain fixed context of ideas, emotions and actions. We can say
that human activities, individualized and repeated frequently, in a
certain environment, generate a spiritual climate, a personalized
aura, which is the extraphysical reflection of the level of these
manifested activities. This extraphysical environment, the real
energetic subconscious of the place, the ancient occultists called
Egregore or Astral Field.

Expansion of Consciousness - Same as cosmic consciousness.

Thought-forms - Mental formations modeled and organized

by thought and imagination.

Inter-dimensional - which refers to the various dimensions.

Maya (from Sanskrit) - Illusion; everything that is

changeable, that is subject to transformation by decay and

Medium - Individual who has the supernormal ability

to perceive extraphysical beings and to serve as inter-planar
channels for them to communicate with the densest levels.

Mediumship - Set of parapsychic phenomena manifested

by the medium, under the influence of extraphysical beings.

Extraphysical and Projective Teachings

The Initiates - an extraphysical group of Eastern spirits that

operates in the invisible planes of the West, passing on spiritual
information from ancient wisdom, adapted to modern times and
directed to the spiritual students of the present. Composed of
Hindu, Chinese, Egyptian, Tibetan, Japanese and some Greek
helpers, they are committed to ventilating the ancient spiritual
values of the East in the modern ways of the West, making this
a universalistic synthesis. They are linked to the spirits of the
Fraternity of the Cross and the Triangle. According to them, they
are “initiated” in doing good, without looking at whom.

Perispirit - Name by which spiritists call the spiritual body;

psychosome; astral body.

Extraphysical plane - The same as the astral plane.

Projection - The act of projecting out of the physical body.

Consciousness projection - Parapsychical capacity (inherent

to all creatures) that consists of the projection of consciousness
out of your physical body; astral travel (Occult); astral projection
(Theosophy); projection of the psychic body (Rosicrucian Order);
out-of-body experience (Parapsychology); unfolding, spiritual
detachment or emancipation of the soul (Spiritism); soul journey

Wagner Borges

Projection of the mental body - Projection of the isolated

mental body, without the humanoid form of the psychosome;
projection of the mind.
Projectiology - Neologism created by Dr. Waldo Vieira to
designate the sub-discipline of Parapsychology that deals with
projections of consciousness outside the human body.

Projectability - The individual’s ability to project himself

out of his human body; projective capacity; projective potential;
astral power.

Projector - One that projects out of the physical body;

astral traveler; soul traveler; astral projector.

Psychosoma - Vehicle of manifestation by which

consciousness manifests itself on the extraphysical plane; astral
body; perispirit; spiritual body; astrosome; desire body; psychic
body; emotional body; fluidic body; subtle body.

Umbral - Dense astral plane; Gehenna; Hades; hell.

Vehicles for the manifestation of consciousness - Human

energy bodies; conscientious vehicles; energetic covers.

Author’s Contacts:
IPPB - Instituto de Pesquisas
Projeciológicas e Bioenergéticas
Rua Gomes Nogueira, 168 - Ipiranga - São Paulo /SP
(11) 6163-5381/6915-7351
e-mail: [email protected]
Author’s Works
(Wagner D. Borges)

 Viagem Espiritual - Editora Universalista - 1993.

 Viagem Espiritual II - Editora Universalista - 1995.
 Viagem Espiritual III - Editora Universalista - 1998.
 Falando de Espiritualidade - Editora Pensamento - 2002.
 Companhia do Amor I - Edição do Autor - 2003.
 Ensinamentos Extrafìsicos e Projetivos - Editora Madras - 2005
 Uma Lição Extraterrestre -Editora Madras - 2005.
 Companhia do Amor II - Edição do Autor - 2006.
 Na Luz de Krishna - Edição do Autor - 2007
 Flama Espiritual - Edição do Autor - 2008.
 Há Algo Mais... Um Amor, Uma Luz - Edição do Autor - 2015.
 Viagem Espiritual - A Projeção da Consciência - Editora Luz da
Serra - 2017.
 Florilégio Consciencial - Edição do Autor - 2020.
 Falando de Vida Após a Morte - Editora Luz da Serra - 2020.
Author’s Works
Author’s Works

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