Business Research Methods Course Outline

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Addis Ababa University

College of Business and Economics

Module Title: Business Research Method
Module Code: ACFN 613
Credit Value of Module: 4.5 ECTS (135 credit Value)
Instructor: Takele Fufa, Ph.D
Business Research Methods is designed to provide students with a sound understanding of the
use of scientific approach in business research fields. It introduces students to the research
process and analytical skills with particular reference to business research. The objective of this
course is to equip students with mathematical and statistical skills for solving business problems
and help them understand the principles of scientific research methods and their application in
real world business environment. Moreover, students will be enriched with the techniques and
skills of developing a standard thesis proposal.
Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

1. Possess adequate skills in three methods of research, namely, the quantitative, qualitative
and mixed approaches;
2. Identify and develop a research problem and discuss its relevance;
3. Identify the purpose of a study and develop appropriate research questions/ hypotheses;
4. Describe the elements of a literature review and conduct an annotated bibliography on a
specific research topic;
5. Identify the combination of research skills which are relevant to a specific research topic;
6. Develop a research proposal; and
7. Analyze and report research findings.

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Research
1.1 Concept and definition of research
1.2. Nature and scope of Business research
1.3. Purposes of Research
1.4. Significance of Research
1.5. Types of Research
1.6. Research process
1.7. Ethics and Business Research

Chapter 2 - Study Background and Problem Definition

2.1. Research topic/question
2.2.Background of the study
2.3. Problem definition
2.4. Research goals and objectives
2.5. Scope and limitation of a study
2.6. Significance of a study

Chapter 3 - Literature Review and Hypothesis Formulation

3.1. Need for literature review
3.2. Sources of literatures
3.3. Methods of reviewing literatures
3.4. Hypothesis formulation
3.5. Relevance of hypothesis formulation

Chapter 4 - Research Design I: Sampling and Methods of Data Collection

4.1 Research design
4.2 Primary and secondary data
4.3 Sources of data
4.4 Population Vs. sample survey
4.5 Sampling techniques

4.6 Methods of data collection
4.7.Editing, coding and data entry

Chapter 5 - Research Design II: Analysis

5.1 Different research designs
5.2 Quantitative Vs. qualitative studies
5.3 Qualitative study
5.4 Quantitative study and statistical inference
5.5 Data analysis

Chapter 6 - Proposal write-up and Communicating Results of a Research

6.1 Research proposal writing
6.2 Research report writing

Mode of delivery: lecture and discussion, review of different research works and presentation of
research proposal.

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Proposals, term papers and final examination.

Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University
Press, USA.
Creswell, J.W. and Creswell, J.D., 2017. Research design: Qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
Kothari, C.R., 2004. Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A., 2007. Research Methods for Business
Students; 4ed; Prentice Hall.
Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R., 2016. Research methods for business: A skill building
approach. John Wiley & Sons.
Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013. Business research
methods. Cengage Learning.

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